Loren Webster| 8/12/20
C opyrig ht © CO RR IGO . 2020. All Rig ht s R es erv ed
Quick Reference Guide
The purpose of this document is to cover the CorrigoPro Desktop Homepage and inform
Service Providers of the purpose for each tile and how to navigate the CorrigoPro Desktop
Login to CorrigoPro Desktop ............................................................................................................2
Updating User Information ..............................................................................................................2
Switching Between CorrigoPro Accounts .........................................................................................2
Changing the Language ....................................................................................................................3
Settings & Email Notifications for Administrator Users ....................................................................3
Marketing Tile..................................................................................................................................6
Company Profile Tile ........................................................................................................................6
General Icon ....................................................................................................................................7
Branches Icon ..................................................................................................................................7
Contacts Icon .................................................................................................................................10
Documents Icon .............................................................................................................................12
My Corrigo Billing Account Tile ......................................................................................................14
Corrigo Learning Center Tile ..........................................................................................................15
Corrigo Assure Tile .........................................................................................................................16
Scoring Tile ....................................................................................................................................18
CorrigoPro Direct Tile.....................................................................................................................21
CorrigoPro Tile ...............................................................................................................................22
Need additional assistance? .......................................................................................................22
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Manage your CorrigoPro Desktop Homepage
Login to CorrigoPro Desktop
1. Go to https://www.corrigopro.com within your web browser.
2. Next select the appropriate country flag to be directed to the login page for your region.
3. Enter the email address and password you used to register for CorrigoPro then click “Login”.
4. If needed, you can click the “Forgot Your Password link for assistance resetting your
Updating User Information
Click on the drop-down arrow next to your name at the top of the screen and select My Account.
Here you can update your name, contact information and password.
Note We advise against changing “Your Name” to another user’s name. Your “Cru” name will
not update. If you need to setup an additional user or replacement user, please follow steps in
the “Manage your Team within CorrigoPro” reference document
Switching Between CorrigoPro Accounts
Click on the Service Provider name at the top of the page, then select the name of the Service
Provider you wish to manage.
Note You will only have this option if you are a user on more than one CorrigoPro account
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Changing the Language
Click the flag/language icon in the top right corner of the screen to update your country and
language preference while using CorrigoPro.
Settings & Email Notifications for Administrator Users
Administrators can set language preferences and email notification alerts for all desktop users
1. Click on the icon from the top right corner of the desktop screen
2. You will be brought to the “General” tab to make changes to language preferences for your
company and branches.
3. Click the “Alerts” tab to make changes to user email alerts
Company alertsare used for Providers enrolled in the Corrigo Assure program.
Note - Service Providers not enrolled in Corrigo Assure can leave these disabled
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“Branch alerts” will used for work order, invoicing and SLA alerts. You can also modify alerts for
multiple branches. You can use the scroll bar at the top or bottom of the section to view all alerts.
To enable alerts, click to “check the box next to the user(s) to receive the email notification. To
disable a notification, simply “uncheck” the box for the user.
Additional alerts options can be found within the menu. You can subscribe, unsubscribe
recipients for alerts and edit Advanced Alert Settings based on Service Level Agreement (SLA).
Within the “Subscribe” and “Unsubscribe” menus, you can click to select multiple branches &
users to apply alert notifications to. You can also add alerts to other email addresses not
associated with CorrigoPro.
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Advanced Alerts settings will allow you to set how far in advance to receive email notifications for
SLA’s. The following are email alerts driven by SLA:
WO is Waiting for Acceptance
WO Overdue Warning
On Site By Warning
Invoice Overdue Warning
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Marketing Tile
The Marketing Tile is used to notify Providers of updates from the Corrigo Marketing team. It can
contain information about recent product updates and announcements from Corrigo. You can click
within the tile to access specific details.
Company Profile Tile
The Company Profile tile is used to maintain your company identity within the CorrigoPro
Network. You can also add details to allow your business to stand out to Customers within the
CorrigoPro Network.
Note You will see a % indicator within the tile. This percentage does not affect your ability to
receive work orders from your connected customers.
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General Icon
This allows you to add and maintain details listed below. Details listed below will be visible to
Customers within the CorrigoPro Network. Additional details will be shared and visible in the
Company Logo
Company Name
Business Overview
Doing Business As (DBA)
Taxpayer ID Number only visible to connected Customers
Diversity Attributes for your business
Click “Save” to update any changes made.
Branches Icon
This allows you to add and maintain additional company details. Details listed below will be
visible to Customers within the CorrigoPro network. Additional details will be shared and
visible in the future.
Company Name
Phone Number
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Smart Zones
Click the Services menu to display a list of available services. You can select as many services as
you would like but only select services applicable to your company. The services you select will be
visible to Customer searching for providers within the CorrigoPro network.
Smart Zones” are pre-defined geographical areas in which your company will be visible for
dispatches within the CorrigoPro Network. Be sure to only select Smart Zones matching your
areas of service. To edit your Smart Zones, follow the steps below.
1. Click the “Edit” icon
2. Click “Next” on the Selecting Your Corrigo Smart Zones” page.
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3. You can select your Smart Zone by clicking the checkbox next to it. Smart Zones can
also be filtered down to specific counties/townships and city levels.
4. Click “I Agree” to update your selections.
Note Your primary Smart Zone is included with no additional cost as a part of your
CorrigoPro subscription. Each additional Smart Zone is billed at $2.50 per zone on a
monthly basis
The menu with allow you to add multiple branches within your company. Please visit
“Managing Branches in CorrigoPro” within the CorrigoPro Support Center for assistance
with creating and managing Branches.
Note- Some Providers will not see the “Add a branch” option. These Providers were
migrated to CorrigoPro from the Worktrack system. They will need to reach out to the
CorrigoPro Connection Team by email at [email protected] for assistance with
creating branches
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Contacts Icon
This allows you to add and manage contacts within your Company Profile. You will have
the option to share these with customers in the future. To add a contact, please follow
the steps below
1. Click the menu in the top right corner of the window
2. Select “Add a Contact”
3. Enter the details for the contact you wish to create.
4. You can assign the contact to more than one branch if needed and the
contact can be marked for multiple roles by selecting the “Type” category.
5. Click “Add” to finish the creation of your contact.
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6. If needed, you can follow steps 1 thru 5 to create additional contacts.
You can edit or delete a contact if needed by following the steps below.
1. Click the “Edit” icon in the top left corner of the contact you wish to update.
2. Update the details for the contact.
3. Click “Save.
4. Clicking the “Trash can” icon will delete the contact.
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Documents Icon
This allows you to add and manage documents such as Customer Agreements,
Certificates, Insurance and others within CorrigoPro. You will have the option to share
documents with your customers in the future. To add a document, please follow the
steps below.
Note- We recommend for you to confirm whether your customer wants the
document to be sent directly versus uploading to CorrigoPro.
Click the menu
Select “Add Document
Choose the category you want to add the document to
If there are multiple branches, you can indicate whether the document is company-
wide or specific to individual branch(s)
Click the Folder icon to select the document from your computer
Enter the document name in the “Display Document As section
If the document has start and expiration dates, you can enter them in the field or
select the date by clicking the Calendar icon
Select who you want the document to be shared with. You can choose not to share
the document, share with only Specific Customers, all Connected Customers or with
any customer within the Corrigo network
Once you have made all your selections, click “Add” to complete
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Once the document is listed, you can click the name to view a copy of the document or
click the “Edit” icon to make any updates or changes or click the “Share” icon to update
visibility preferences for the document.
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My Corrigo Billing Account Tile
Within the “My Corrigo Billing Account” tile, you can manage your
company’s CorrigoPro subscription details:
Change your Membership Level
Update the payment method on file for your subscription
Choose if you want your monthly CorrigoPro billing invoices emailed
Choose whether you want notifications sent when your billing credit
card is to expire and needs to be updated
You can also view your CorrigoPro billing invoices going back the last 12 months
Note - If you need to update the email address that your Corrigo billing invoices are sent to or
cancel your CorrigoPro account, please email probill[email protected]. Cancellations can only be
processed by one of the Administrators on your company’s CorrigoPro account. Please include
the name of your company as it appears on your CorrigoPro account and the email address used
to login to your CorrigoPro account.
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Corrigo Learning Center Tile
The Corrigo Learning Center is our online self-help portal for
CorrigoPro. We provide helpful Tutorial, FAQ, Quick Reference guides
and training videos. You can also register for upcoming online webinar
training sessions to learn more about CorrigoPro.
Click on the Support Center App on the Desktop Home Page to open a new window specific
to CorrigoPro Service Provider support
This page has self-help videos and downloadable PDF’s to aide Service Providers FAQ’s and
help you along the way to become as proficient as possible
There is a side bar with training material and platform updates as well as an FAQ section
There is also a search option at the top right for service providers to try and search for a
specific issue
You can also access this site by clicking on this link
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Corrigo Assure Tile
Corrigo Assure is an automated vendor screening, insurance
tracking and document management solution built in to the
CorrigoPro desktop. You can use the Assure functionality to be
screened and labeled as Assure Complaint within the Service
Provider directory which is visible to all Corrigo customers and
allows you to stand out to prospective customers for work
opportunities. Corrigo Assure is already included in your CorrigoPro
subscription at no additional cost to you! The screening elements
include the following:
Tax ID (TIN) & W9 Verification
Bankruptcy screening going back to the last 5 years
Verification from the Global Watchlist
OSHA Inspections
Note The Corrigo Assure program can only be used by US Service Providers/vendors at this
To enroll in the Corrigo Assure program, please follow the following steps:
1. Click the “Corrigo Assure” tile
2. Click on “Enroll”
3. Enter the details on the “Enrollment – Company Information” page then click “Next
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Note You must upload a copy of your W-9 form to complete the screening process
4. Review the company information you provided to ensure it is accurate
5. Click the checkbox “I agree to CORRIGO ASSURE TERMS OF USE” then click “Enroll”
Once you click Enroll, the screening process will begin verifying your company information by
reaching out to the appropriate resources. You will be notified within the CorrigoPro desktop of
the screening progress.
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Scoring Tile
The Scoring tile will display your average score with your connected
Corrigo customers and show you how many customers are connected
to you. By clicking on the tile, you will be able to view additional
scoring details.
You will see the following details within Customer Scoring:
Your Connected Customer(s) names
Your Score with each customer
Number of Completed WOs
Amount Invoiced to date
To review additional details, click a customer name shown in orange for additional information
Now you can view additional scoring details for an individual customer. You can also see how each
score is calculated:
SLA (Service Level Agreement) Score
Based on “Accepting/Rejecting”, “Check In, “Check Out” and invoicing your work orders.
You can also click to review additional SLA score details
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Customer Feedback Score
Rated based on the following criteria Positive, Negative, Neutral or Not Complete
Average Score
This is your SLA and Feedback Score combined
Average Score for all vendors
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CorrigoPro Direct Tile
The CorrigoPro Direct is the easiest way for medium and large
providers to connect your in-house systems to CorrigoPro thru
integration! With CorrigoPro Direct, you can use your existing
work order software and still enjoy all benefits of CorrigoPro.
Automate routine data entry
Eliminate multiple entries of data into multiple systems
Save time and money
Respond faster to customer requests and feedback
Eliminate data entry errors
To further inquire about CorrigoPro Direct, you can follow this link to schedule a call with our
CorrigoPro Direct team
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CorrigoPro Tile
The CorrigoPro tile is where your work orders are located. You can
see a bit of real-time work order detail within the tile:
WOs Awaiting Acceptance
WOs Overdue
Open Reactive WOs
Open PM/RM WOs
Any WO requiring Completion Details
You can click the to open the work order view to display work
orders meeting specific criteria
A pie chart showing “WOs By Status (Last 90 days) is displayed
within the tile for a quick reference to the status of all your work
Click anywhere within the tile to access your work order view
Need additional assistance?
Contact CorrigoPro Support at 1-800-517-2629
or support@corrigopro.com
VERSION CONTROL: Revision: 1.0 | Loren Webster | 8/12/20| First Release