Unbundling Large Contracts to Advance
Vendor Diversity
Procurement Excellence Network (PEN) Training
August 9, 2023
Welcome! Please
post in the chat:
Your name & what
government you
1. Has your government ever broken up a large contract
into smaller ones to give small and diverse firms a better
chance to compete?
a) Yes, we've done this multiple times
b) Yes, but only once or twice
c) No, we haven’t tried this
d) Unsure
2. Who is leading the push for equity in procurement and
contracting in your government?
a) Elected leaders
b) City staff
c) Vendors
d) Community-based orgs
e) Changes in law
f) Media or press
Take 2-3 minutes to
complete the Zoom
poll on your screen
Introduction & Icebreaker
Strategies for Unbundling
Government Case Study: City of Phoenix, AZ
Small Group Discussions
Feedback Poll & Wrap-Up
Small and diverse businesses face significant barriers
to contracting with government
Common Challenges:
1. Difficulty navigating confusing websites to
find opportunities
2. Long RFPs with unclear submission
instructions and complicated requirements
3. Insurance and bonding requirements that
require significant financial capital
4. Lack of targeted outreach
5. Vendors aren’t paid on time
6. Size and scope of solicitations that are too
large to take on, or with requirements that are
too hard to meet
Small and diverse firms have a much
harder time bidding on and
winning government contracts. As a
result, these firms receive far fewer
contract dollars than expected based on
their availability.
I dont believe that small businesses have much of a
chance on most bid opportunities
Scenario #2: Connect with Every Home in
With the county council's commitment to
transparent communication, Countyville seeks
a vendor to spearhead a door notification
project. This initiative involves graphic design,
printing, and widespread distribution of mailers
to every doorstep across the county's diverse
Scenario #1: Transform the Streets of
Are you ready to be part of history? Citylandia,
a thriving metropolis known for its vibrancy, is
seeking a skilled contractor to lead a
repavement project spanning across its four
distinctive downtown quadrants.
The sheer size and
scale of this project
is too big for one
small vendor.
A lot of complexity in the
project for one small vendor
to comprehensively address
all of these areas of
The Opportunity: Unbundle Large Contracts to Advance
Vendor Diversity
Encourage more businesses especially small and diverse firms to compete
on contracts previously out of reach.
Keep tax dollars from a public contract in the local economy and invest in
historically disadvantaged businesses.
Create an opportunity for businesses to explore working with the government
and to scale up their business if they want to grow.
Reduce risk by spreading responsibilities across multiple vendors.
Foster competition and innovation by increasing the number of bids.
Group Discussion: What potential barriers or
challenges do you see with unbundling?
Please post in the chat or come off mute:
1. Do these barriers/concerns resonate? What other thought do
you have?
2. How have you addressed these challenges? Or how might you
address these challenges?
Administrative complexity: need to manage multiple contracts, potentially
monitor different timelines, and manage multiple contractor relationships.
Increased costs: prices could go up if the government is unable to take
advantage of economies of scale.
Strategies for Unbundling
Criteria for Candidates for Unbundling
When starting a new solicitation or contract renewal, ask the following questions answering "yes" is an
indicator that your contract might be a good fit to unbundle into smaller opportunities
Contract Size
Is this one of your largest
Performance History
Have you had issues with this
service, good, or product?
Contract History
Has this contract been awarded
to the same vendor year after
Contract Interest
Has this contract previously had
a lot of interest and
Contract Subcontractors
Could the contract include
Available Vendors
Do many qualified vendors exist
for this contract or service type?
Best Practices for Unbundling Contracts
Use the Right Method
Decide the best way to break up the
scope of work - this may be by
location if the contract spans a large
geographic area or by responsibility if
the contract contains different
activities or scopes.
Build Internal Buy-In
Bring key stakeholders on board
before you get started, especially
if unbundling will impact their
services or workload.
Build Vendor Capacity
Invest heavily in support for new
vendors so they are prepared to
respond to and win unbundled
opportunities when they arise.
Subcontracting and benches as
When might you want to use
subcontracting versus a bench?
Subcontract: Large project with a
defined scope and want a single
vendor to oversee all work, like
constructing a new building.
Vendor Bench: Project with
anticipated need but undefined
scope or timeline, like standing
repairs to a building that might
arise at any point.
Conduct Vendor Outreach
Allocate resources to targeted
outreach efforts,ensuring vendors
that might not have worked with
the government before are well-
informed about the
unbundled opportunities.
Charleston unbundled its existing contract for
janitorial services for City buildings into two
separate RFPs
Reduced size and scope for each RFP
All locations requiring special requirements like
background checks contained in one RFP
Creating two distinct RFPs allowed the City to
have separate evaluations, dates to submit
questions, and dates to submit proposals
Approach resulted in more opportunities for
small and diverse firms
o Both RFPs awarded to an MBE
o General Locations RFP awarded to a new
Government Example - RFP in Charleston, SC
RFP #1 for General Locations
RFP #2 for Special Locations
Government Example Unbundled Janitorial Services
This City unbundled location options within
its upcoming RFP for janitorial services for
City buildings
Developed nine subgroupings of locations
based on geography, square footage, and
special requirements
Respondents will be able to bid on one or
multiple location groups
Incentivized local respondents by including
workforce goal of hiring local staff in
evaluation criteria
Location Groups Will Be Included in RFP
Government Case Studies
Phoenix, AZ unbundled landscaping contract that
provided services across 400 locations
Prior to 2021, the City had been giving the vast majority of those sites to just two vendors (one of whom
earned $19M out of $24M contract). After unbundling, the City received 2x as many responses and two
contracts were awarded to small, local businesses.
Phoenix Landscape Solicitation Interactive Map
Small Break-out Group Discussions
We’ll now take 10 minutes in break-out rooms to discuss
how your government might begin to (or continue to)
unbundle large contracts:
1. What is a specific contract your government could
unbundle to advance vendor diversity?
2. How would you split that contract up? (e.g., by
geography, by activity, or by scope)
3. What is one challenge you anticipate? How might you
address that challenge?
4. Which stakeholders would you need to get on board?
Discussion Questions
There will be a GPL facilitator in each room.
Feedback Poll
Unbundling Large
Contracts to Diversity
Your Vendor Pool
Additional Resources on Equity in Contracting
In this quick read, we talk about the
basics of unbundling, how to prioritize
contracts for unbundling, and additional
best practices.
Using Government
Procurement to
Advance Racial Equity
This how-to guide highlights innovative
procurement strategies that can help
governments increase investments in
historically marginalized communities and
deliver services more equitably.
Surveying Your Vendor
Community to Assess
Satisfaction and Identify
Pain Points
This how-to guide explores how to design
and implement a vendor survey and
highlights concrete examples and promising
practices in survey implementation across
different governments.
Post a question on our Community Conversations
board or answer someone elses
Have additional questions? Sign up for 1:1 office
hours with a GPL expert to discuss how to begin
unbundling in your government
Continue the Conversation on PEN
I could use additional
support designing a
strategy to unbundle
selected contracts.
How can I scan citywide
contracts to look for
unbundling opportunities?
Sign-up at
or send us an e-mail at
Upcoming Events
September 19,
1-2pm ET
October 11,
1-2pm ET
Adopting Your Optimal
Purchasing Threshold
Moving Procurement from
Administration to Activation:
Unlocking Procurement's
Potential as a Strategic Tool
In this roundtable, you'll hear from Chief Procurement
Officers and other government leaders about how they
elevated their procurement function to be more strategic and
innovative. You'll also learn about how to communicate the
importance of what you do within your government so that
senior leaders and customer departments take note.
Join us for a training breaking down what you need to know
about effective purchasing thresholds including when to
modify them and when to leave them be. Well help you
evaluate if your purchasing thresholds are right for your
jurisdiction, provide strategies for creating purchasing
thresholds that maximize efficiency, and share examples of
governments that have modified their purchasing thresholds
to better fit their needs. And if you do decide to adjust your
purchasing thresholds, we’ll cover best practices for making
the case to your governing authority.