Document Type: Request for Information Notice
Reference Number: RFI-72060821-0001-Local Evaluation Capacity
Issuance Date: April 29, 2021
Comments Due: June 4, 2021
Closing time: 4:00 pm Rabat, Morocco Time
Subject: Local Capacities in Conducting Evaluations and Analytic Research
The United States Agency for International Development in Morocco (USAID/Morocco) is
exploring the landscape of local actors with evaluation and analytical research capacity in
Morocco. This research will create a repository of local evaluation organizations and individual
consultants for USAID/Morocco and inform planning for a potential locally led evaluation of
USAID/Morocco’s Local Works program.
The USAID/Morocco Local Works program is designed to advance locally led development and
enhance the Agency’s ability to empower local people to take the lead in addressing their
development challenges. Since 2015, USAID/Morocco’s Local Works program has worked with
civil society organizations to strengthen their ability to serve as intermediary support
organizations (ISOs) for their extensive networks of local organizations. The ISOs serve as
capacity development “go-to” centers, strengthening the ability of their entire network to
advocate for change, listen to their constituents, mobilize resources, and have a collective
This Request for Information (RFI) seeks information on the availability, interest, and diverse
capacities of local entities to support prospective USAID/Morocco evaluation and analytic
research efforts for Local Works and other initiatives. A “local entity” includes but is not limited
to individuals, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, and private sector
organizations that meet all four of the following criteria:
1. Are legally organized under the laws of Morocco;
2. Have as its principal place of business or operations in Morocco;
3. Are majority owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of
Morocco; and
4. Are managed by a governing body, the majority of who are citizens or lawful permanent
residents of Morocco.
This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes. It is NOT a Request for
Proposal (RFP) and in no way obligates the US Government to issue an RFP and/or award a
contract or pay for any information submitted as a result of this request. If a solicitation is issued,
all necessary information will be supplied at the time it is posted at tanmia.ma.
Questions/requests for information will not be responded to until RFP issuance. Interested parties
are advised to periodically monitor the above website and RFI number for updates concerning a
potential procurement.
USAID/Morocco encourages responses to this RFI from local individuals and organizations with
experience working in Morocco that possess ANY of the evaluation and sectoral capabilities and
expertise listed below. Individuals and organizations DO NOT need to have all the
capabilities and experience listed to respond.
USAID seeks information on individuals and organizations who possess capacities including:
1. Conducting evaluations and analytic research, including experience:
a. Designing performance or impact evaluations, mobilizing and managing
evaluation teams, and conducting evaluations of development programs;
b. Conducting desk reviews and literature reviews of socio-economic development
c. Conducting applied research of socio-economic development activities;
d. Conducting political economy analysis;
e. Conducting focus group discussions, key informant interviews, or other relevant
intervention approaches; and/or
f. Employing innovative or cutting-edge methodologies such as outcome harvesting,
most significant change or complexity-aware monitoring and evaluation
2. Providing subject matter expertise for measurement and assessment tools on topics
a. Civil society engagement;
b. Democracy, human rights, and governance;
c. Inclusion of women, youth, and persons with disabilities; and/or
d. Socio-economic development.
3. Providing other Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning technical assistance, including:
a. Setting up monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems; Conducting monitoring
of activities;
b. Facilitating learning events and workshops for stakeholders (including the use of
virtual platforms for remote meetings); and/or
c. Conducting data quality assessments.
4. Possessing language skills, including reading, writing, and speaking proficiency in one or
more of the following languages:
a. English;
b. French; and/or
c. Arabic (Moroccan dialects preferred, but not required).
5. Providing briefings and producing reports to share evaluation findings and conclusions,
including past experience producing evaluation and research deliverables for
a. USAID or State Department;
b. Other donors or UN agencies; and/or
c. The Government of Morocco.
USAID/Morocco asks that interested respondents submit short written responses to the questions
outlined below. Respondents are encouraged to review the questions and respond to only those
that are relevant to their experience and capabilities. Responses to all questions are not required
but encouraged as applicable. Please also provide your name, title, organization, and contact
information in your response.
Respondents can reply using the response template (Attachment 1) or via Google form at
1. Are you a local entity in accordance with the four criteria listed above (Page 1)?
a. Yes / No
2. What is your status in Morocco?
a. Independent consultant/self-employed
b. Private sector firm/Limited Liability Company
c. Non-governmental organization/civil society organization
d. Academic institution/university professor
e. Other [please describe]
3. Please describe your ability to speak, read, and write in English, French, and Arabic using
the following levels:
Level I Basic Knowledge
Level II Limited Knowledge
Level III Good Working Knowledge
Level IV Fluent
Level V Professional Translator/Interpreter
4. Please speak to your (or your organization’s) past experience and technical capacities to
conduct evaluations and/or analytic research, including a.) designing performance or
impact evaluations, mobilizing and managing evaluation teams, and conducting
evaluations of development programs; b.) conducting desk reviews and literature reviews
of socio-economic development activities; c.) conducting applied research of socio-
economic development activities; d.) conducting political economy analysis; e.)
Conducting focus group discussions, key informant interviews, or other relevant
intervention approaches; and/or f.) Employing innovative or cutting-edge methodologies
such as outcome harvesting, most significant change or complexity-aware monitoring and
evaluation techniques.
5. Please speak to your (or your organization’s) past experience and technical capacities to
provide subject matter expertise for measurement and assessment tools on subjects
including a.) civil society engagement; b.) democracy, human rights, and governance; c.)
inclusion of women, youth, and persons with disabilities; and/or d.) socio-economic
6. Please speak to your (or your organization’s) past experience and technical capacities to
provide other monitoring, evaluation, and learning technical assistance, including a.)
setting up monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems; b.) conducting monitoring of
activities; c.) facilitating learning events and workshops for stakeholders (including the
use of virtual platforms for remote meetings); and/or d.) conducting data quality
7. Please speak to your (or your organization’s) past experience and technical capacities to
provide briefings and produce reports to share evaluation findings and conclusions for
audiences including a.) USAID, b.) other donors or multilateral institutions, and/or c.) the
Government of Morocco.
Submission Instructions
Submissions must use the response template or Google Form. They must be in English, French,
or Arabic. Templates must be submitted in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format, and must not
exceed three (3) pages in length in single-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12.
Responses will be held confidential unless otherwise specified, but respondents are advised to
refrain from sending proprietary information. USAID/Morocco reserves the right, but is not
obligated, to incorporate any, some, or none of the comments received into any subsequent
Request for Proposals (RFP).
Responses to this RFI must be submitted either by email or Google Form no later than June 4,
2021 by 4:00pm, Rabat, Morocco time.
For those submitting by email, send your template to Leila Belahcen at
[email protected] and [email protected] with the email subject line
and file name: “RFI Response: Local Evaluation Capacity.”
For those submitting by Google Form, submit your form to
Please DO NOT provide your submission via both an email and a Google Form. Please choose
only ONE submission option. If USAID receives multiple submissions from an
individual/organization, we will only review the most recent submission.
Responses received after this deadline will not be read or considered. Submission via email or
Google Form is required; phone calls or hard copy delivery will not be accepted. You may
receive an electronic confirmation acknowledging receipt of your response.
USAID/Morocco values input from our potential partners, and we thank you for your interest
and assistance in developing potential future programs.
Zachary Clarke
Regional Contracting Officer
Zachary C
Clarke (affiliate)
Digitally signed by Zachary C
Clarke (affiliate)
Date: 2021.04.28 16:48:59