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Gentrification and Student Achievement: A Quantitative Analysis of Student
Performance on Standardized Tests in Portland’s Gentrifying Neighborhoods
Justin Joseph Ward
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the degree of
Master of Urban Studies
Urban Studies
Thesis Committee
Lisa Bates, Chair
Michael Smith
Liming Wang
Portland State University
Across the United States one would be hard pressed to find an urban center that has been
unaffected by the phenomenon known as gentrification. From substantial economic
growth to the displacement of long-term residents, the benefits and criticisms of the
process of gentrification are wide ranging and extend over a thorough body of literature.
Commonly associated with increasing levels of education and higher resident incomes,
gentrification should be a boon to struggling public schools that are continually plagued
by generational poverty. Unfortunately, the continued widening of the education gap and
increasing racial segregation in our public schools (G. J. Duncan & Murnane, 2014)
suggest that any benefits of gentrification are not translating to equity in our public
schools. By looking at the city of Portland, this paper attempts to quantitatively explore
the complicated relationship among gentrifying neighborhoods, school performance on
the 3
grade standardized Math and Reading tests, and racial demographics of the
students. This paper will follow the methods established by Keels et al. in their work on
gentrification and school achievement in Chicago (2013). By using 2000 Census and the
2015 ACS data and spatial analysis and mapping in GIS, gentrifying school
neighborhoods in Portland will be identified and analysis of student test performance and
racial demographics will be conducted to determine if any relationship exists. By
exploring how these schools have changed both academically and racially we can expand
educational and urban theory around the process of gentrification.
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... i
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................ iii
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. iv
INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 1
Defining and Measuring Gentrification ....................................................................................... 4
Setting the Stage for Gentrification ............................................................................................. 5
Gentrification and Academic Capital ........................................................................................... 9
School Choice ............................................................................................................................. 11
No Child Left Behind and Standardized Testing ......................................................................... 13
Conceptual Model ...................................................................................................................... 15
METHODS ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2: Method Flow Chart ..................................................................................................... 17
Spatial Analysis........................................................................................................................... 18
Data Sources and Indicators of Gentrifying School Neighborhoods ................................... 18
Spatial Data and Maps .......................................................................................................... 19
Statistical Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 21
Data Sources and variables ................................................................................................... 21
FINDINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 22
CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................. 29
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 31
APPENDIX A: Geographic Boundary Changes ................................................................................ 35
APPENDIX B: Census and School Change Data .............................................................................. 37
Table 1: Portland Indicators of Neighborhood Change ................................................................. 23
Table 2: Performance on Standardized Tests by Neighborhood Type (2000-15) .......................... 27
Table 3: Change in Performance on OAKS: Gentrifying vs. Stable Neighborhoods ....................... 28
Figure 1: Conceptual Model ........................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2: Method Flow Chart ......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3: Gentrifying Neighborhoods and Landing Zones ............................................................. 25
Figure 4: Stable/constant Schools vs. Gentrifying School - Math .................................................. 26
Figure 3: Stable/constant Schools vs. Gentrifying School - Reading ............................................. 26
In the last half-century, urban revitalization efforts in city centers have attracted suburban
middle-class residents back to the city with the cost of displacing low-income, and often
minority, residents to the fringes. This “urban revitalization” or “urban redevelopment” is
a rebranding of gentrification, in order to allow planners and city developers to distance
themselves from the negative impacts that are historically synonymous with gentrification
(Slater, 2013). Despite the displacement and cultural dispossession associated with
gentrification (Harding & Blokland, 2014), advocates for gentrification cite the
development of local services and amenities as a result of the influx of social, cultural, and
economic capital that follows gentrifiers (Freeman & Braconi, 2004; McKinnish, Walsh,
& Kirk White, 2010; Vigdor, 2002). As resources and economic capital relocate to
traditionally disinvested regions of a city a question arises, what effect if any does this have
on our local public schools? The focus of this research aims to answer whether
gentrification has influenced student academic outcomes in Portland’s public elementary
schools? If so, in what ways?
Nationwide, our urban K-12 public schools are plagued with low attendance and graduation
rates (Balfanz, Herzog, & Mac Iver, 2007; Catterall, 1987; Rumberger, 2001), high levels
of crime and student dropout rates (Chen, 2008), and a long history of unsatisfactory test
scores amongst students from low-income families and students of color (Coleman, 1988;
EOGOAC, 2015; Farkas, 2008; Sandy, Duncan, & Cede, 2010). The stark disparity
between our suburban and urban schools, high-income and low-income students, and white
and black students has raised questions of systemic inequity in our current education
system. While the relationship between social class and education attainment has been well
understood and documented, the status quo appears to continuously be reinforcing this
divide. In a society that is increasingly mobile, it is necessary for city planners, policy
makers, and education specialists to understand how these instances of neighborhood
change can transform our public schools.
By using the city of Portland as a unit of analysis, this research will investigate the
measurable effects of gentrification on student academic outcomes. Only a few notable and
similar studies, like the one conducted by Keels et al. (2013) in Chicago, have been done
to quantitatively measure this relationship. While many researchers have theorized about
this relationship and academics like DeSena (2006 & 2009), Cucchiara (2008), and
Silverman (2014) have written extensively on this subject, there still seems to be a gap in
the available research that documents a quantitative correlation between these changing
neighborhoods and public schools. This study aims to add some understanding to that gap
With the growing awareness of the phenomenon of gentrification, it is important that we
expand our understanding about the effect gentrification has on education outcomes. The
dualism of gentrification as a process of displacement, disruption of social capital, and
cultural dispossession as well as a process of investment, improving safety, and economic
growth have been well documented (Slater, 2006), and critiques or challenges on all of
these claims have been made numerous times.
Although research on gentrification has been extensive, especially in the past couple
decades, there is a surprising lack of research on its effect on local public schools (Jordan
& Gallagher, 2014; Silverman, 2014; Warren, 2005). A better understanding of this
relationship is important for city planners and education policy makers to anticipate any
influence gentrification might have on community public schools. While at one time it has
been argued that, community builders and school reformers act as if urban schools and
communities are not linked (Warren, 2005), the growing work of local organizations like
SUN community schools, STAND for children, and the Multnomah Youth Commission
serve as examples that this is not necessarily the case in Portland. However, what is still
missing is an understanding of the measurable effects that communities have on schools.
While a complete understanding of this relationship is incredibly complex, this paper will
attempt to uncover the quantitative and measurable change the process of gentrification has
on school demographics and performance on standardized tests by 3
grade students. If we
are to continue to think of education as one of the great indicators of social mobility it is
necessary for community builders, policy makers, and education reformers to understand
the direct effect that the process of gentrification has on local public schools.
Defining and Measuring Gentrification
Gentrification can be understood as an influx of residential and commercial investments in
previously disinvested urban neighborhoods, followed by the arrival of higher
socioeconomic households with the cost of displacing low-income households from the
neighborhood. As explained by Smith, “It is this combination of social, physical, and
economic change that distinguishes gentrification as an identifiable process” (1987, pg.
463). However, to apply this universally is not particularly easy. As pointed out by many,
the discussion on this topic is long and conflicted (Bates, 2013; Redfern, 2003; N. Smith,
1987). The interpretation and definition of gentrification is continually amended and
redefined throughout the expansive literature on this topic. This is largely due to
gentrification not being a discreet event or observation, but rather a process that extends
over time and transforms based on the context of the city or communities it is manifesting
in. According to Tom Slater we need to get away from the obsession of redefining
gentrification and instead place greater efforts on understanding the underlying causes and
theories that explain gentrification as a process (2013). In the years since Slater aired this
grievance, it seems that the literature on gentrification as indeed come a long way.
Instead of wading into the murky process of defining gentrification this study relies on
established literature to identify instances of gentrification across the city of Portland.
Spatially, gentrification can be identified by increasing rental prices or home values,
increased income through a substantial shift to white collar employment, and an increase
in the population of residents that hold a four year degree or higher, improve local
amenities, and racial demographic change (Ley, 1986; Patrick Heidkamp & Lucas, 2006;
Wyly & Hammel, 1998). For the purposes of this study I will be using the four variables
for measuring and identifying gentrification: (a) Household Income—Perhaps the most
notable variable associated with gentrification is the arrival of new wealth into a gentrifying
neighborhood. In a 1990-2000 study, national census data determined that gentrifying
neighborhoods experienced an average median household income increase of over $10,000
(McKinnish et al., 2010; Zuk et al., 2015). (b) Home Value—Because revitalization of
housing and creation of mixed income developments are typically the most outwardly
noticeable characteristics of a gentrifying neighborhood (Slater, 2013; Sullivan, 2007). (c)
Higher Levels of Education—Because of its close correlation with social class, levels of
education is commonly used to identify areas that are becoming more affluent (Freeman &
Braconi, 2004; Ley, 1986; Sullivan, 2007; Zuk et al., 2015). (d) Change in Racial
Demographics—deeming displacement a necessary part of gentrification it is imperative
that this study look at the change in racial demographics in neighborhoods to create a robust
method of identifying gentrification.
Setting the Stage for Gentrification
Gentrification is not an accidental process that manifests in random neighborhoods or
cities. Instead, like most urban phenomena it was created through practices facilitated by
urban politics and structural systems. Things like: Neighborhood ghettoization, redlining,
discriminatory housing practices, and predatory banking are a few are of the more
prominent causes that create conditions ripe for gentrification.
Ghettoization: Deep rooted racism and a strong desire of the affluent to protect their
property values, ghettos were formally and informally created through local housing
policies to centralize poverty and minorities in order to geographically maintain a class
divide. Black and minority communities in Portland were further marginalized and
stigmatized by the crime and vice that was purposefully ignored by law enforcement and
allowed to prosper in neighborhoods like Albina (Serbulo & Gibson, 2013). This
stigmatization can have destabilizing effects on these communities that further marginalize
the occupants and subject them to further discriminatory actions and justify purposeful
neglection and divestment through redlining (Wacquant, 2007). By centralizing poverty in
urban ghettos and once severe spatial stigmatization was accomplished, urban society and
outsiders could use them as dens of vice without fear of the negative externalities
associated with such behavior rolling over into their own communities. If this kind of illicit
behavior could be eradicated it was simply easier to gain control by encouraging it in the
ghettos so that it was contained, without care to the way this pathway to control negatively
disrupted health, education, safety, and general livelihood of those trapped in the ghetto.
Redlining: Motivated by capitalistic interests, redlining is the process in which investors
and banks adopt guidelines that deny funding in the form of loans for investment in urban
areas that are experiencing economic decline (Byrne, 2003). Because economic capital and
ethnicity are so closely related, redlining was as much a deprivation of resources for the
poor as it was for minority communities. In their study on Portland, Serbulo and Gibson
determined that redlining was not merely motivated by invisible motivators, but was
intentional and an established guideline for lenders and investors to follow (2013). The
withholding of public and private funds from impoverished neighborhoods magnified
problems of education, violence, and drug use that are typically found in areas of extreme
poverty. Redlining, especially in Portland’s Albina, Alberta, and Chinatown
neighborhoods formally separated residents in these areas from economic capital and social
Discriminatory Housing in Portland: A history of overt and institutionalized racism
permeated Portland so thoroughly that until 1956 Portland realtors followed a National
Realtors Code which stated, “A Realtor should never be instrumental in introducing into a
neighborhood a character of property or occupancy, members of any race or nationality, or
any individuals whose presence will clearly be detrimental to property values in that
neighborhood.” Even into the 1960’s it was generally understood that 90% of realtors still
would not sell a home to a black individual or family in a white neighborhood (Gibson,
2007). Historically minority residents of Portland have not only faced difficulties acquiring
fair loans, but they were restricted from living in certain many neighborhoods, thus creating
city sponsored segregation and further intensifying the concentration of poverty.
Predatory banking practices: Although banking institutions have been guilty of predatory
practices for generations (and many would argue since their inception), we saw in the 2007
market crash how these practices are targeted toward low-income communities and
communities of color (Davidson & Martin, 2014). Amongst many other dishonest policies,
substandard loans were disproportionately extended to low-income borrowers that had
much higher chances of defaulting on the loans. As we saw this had a devastating effect on
our global economy as well as those that were victimized by these practices. Relaxed
regulation of banking under neoliberal reforms allowed for private banking institutions to
take advantage of and profit from the already precarious financial positions of many of
these communities.
While many of these practices are restricted by the 1968 Fair Housing Act, an inability or
unwillingness to enforce these laws prevented that state from effectively regulating these
kinds of behaviors (Lipsitz, 1994). These practices have helped set the stage for
gentrification in urban centers like Portland across the country by collectively contributing
to the further depreciation of land value in areas of concentrated poverty. This depreciation
of value, especially of land that is centrally located creates what is known as a bid rent gap,
which is a difference between the lands current value and its potential value (Anas, Arnott,
& Small, 1998). It is this gap between the actual and potential value of land, that creates a
market ripe for gentrification. In his theory of gentrification, Neil Smith argues that
gentrification is primarily motivated by capital gains, through investment in the housing
market (1979). When a large rent gap appears gentry and other outside investors are
motivated by capital gains to move into the area. This ultimately serves two ends, first it
transforms these areas into a neighborhood that meets the wants of those with the capital
(the gentry), second it quickly drives up the land value which can force long term residents
from their homes and neighborhoods. The cost of redevelopment and revitalization in
gentrifying neighborhoods is felt disproportionately on the lower income and minority
residents as they are often priced out of these neighborhoods(Defilippis & Fraser, 2010;
Slater, 2013; A. Smith & Timar, 2010; N. Smith, 1979), and those that are able to remain
often lack the social capital to participate in the changing community the way they once
might have (Lees, 2008).
Gentrification and Academic Capital
There is a rich base of research that connects high academic achievement to many of the
characteristics of families that participate as gentry. In this way gentry bring a kind of
academic capital to their new neighborhoods. This academic capital is a combination of
economic, human, and social capital that all have positive relationships with student
academic achievement and performance on standardized tests.
Perhaps the most commonly understood connection, is the overwhelming influence that
family income plays on a student’s academic achievement. From Early childhood
education to higher education, several scholars give a thorough overview of the many ways
in which socio-economic background can dictate their academic success (Coleman et al.,
1966; G. Duncan & Murnane, 2011). Education and income are so closely linked that it
comes as no surprise that the widening education gap is closely mirroring that of the income
gap. The education gap has been growing for the past fifty years and it was found that,
“The achievement gap between children from high- and low-income families is roughly 30
to 40 percent larger among children born in 2001 than among those born twenty-five years
earlier” (Reardon, 2011). Given an understanding of this relationship, some have argued
that the promise of a mixed or higher-income neighborhood would be a boon for struggling
and traditionally low-income school (Byrne, 2003).
Literature also argues for the direct connection between academic pedigree and student
achievement. Higher levels of parental education is directly connected to lower student
dropout rates (Rumberger, 2001), as well as child hood brain development, early skills
development, and educational attainment (Davis-Kean, 2005; G. Duncan & Murnane,
2011). In his study of the widening education gap, Sean Reardon found that parental
education was a much more powerful indicator of student academic achievement than
income (2011).
When controlling for both socio-economic and educational backgrounds, there still seems
to be yet another indicator of student success: ethnicity. Biased tests, white cultural norms,
and systemic racism further disadvantage minority students in our educational system.
Even when controlling for things like income, it has been argued by some that minority
students still tend to perform worse academically and are disciplined more frequently than
their white peers (Gregory, Skiba, & Noguera, 2010). This suggests that as neighborhoods
become whiter and we might expect to see an increase in standardized test performance
because teaching styles and tests are carried out and written with a white bias.
With education theory supporting the claim that the human, social, and economic capital
associated with the gentry should have a net benefit to our local public school, what I plan
on investigating is how great are these benefits? The displacement and loss of social control
that low-income and minority residents face is too great a cost. This research is proposing
to understand if those residents that do stay in these changing neighborhoods are benefitting
from improved public school? Unfortunately, according to education scholars and school
choice scholars this may not be the case where public education is concerned (Davis &
Oakley, 2013; Desena, 2006; Desena & Ansalone, 2009; Jordan & Gallagher, 2014;
Lipman, 2008). If high academic achievement has long been associated with the higher
income and levels of education why might gentrification be failing our public schools?
School Choice
Good Schools are real estate anchors in gentrifying communities (Lipman, 2004). The
promise of a great education is a strong motivation for medium and high-income parents
to relocate and stay in gentrifying neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the investments in
schools seem to be made largely in charter and private schools rather than our public
schools. While top performing schools have been theorized to be agents of gentrification,
these schools are rarely public and oftentimes don’t serve a population that is representative
of the larger neighborhood. In her analysis of school attendance behavior Judith Desena,
examines the many ways in which gentry families participate with the education system
and matriculate their students (Desena, 2006). Perhaps most importantly she argues that
local schools are often rejected by gentry (2006, pg. 248). Instead of participating in local
schools Desena, reports that the wealthier families take advantage of their mobility and
send students out of district to a better school, or enroll their students in private schools.
This kind of attendance behavior can be incredibly important in Portland because of the
freedom of inter-district and school transfer afforded by Oregon law (HB 3681, 2012). One
problem that struggling public school face as a result of this attendance flexibility is the
loss of revenue, “Every student who leaves, takes along at least $5,000 in state funding
(Owen, 2011).
Amongst gentry parents that do participate with local public schools, Desena reports that
they are able to use their social or economic capital to leverage the schools to serve their
needs (2006). While this may be ultimately beneficial to the school and not directly harm
long term residents, there is a worry that this behavior further distances minority and
low-income families from having a voice in school decisions. This research does not
seek to make an argument for or against school choice, rather it simply intends to discuss
and investigate the possible challenges that school choice presents for neighborhood
public schools and the possible role they may play in spurring gentrification.
No Child Left Behind and Standardized Testing
While testing has been established as the standard for measuring student academic
performance of scale, it has also been criticized for a number of limitations and inherent
biases (Vargyas & Connor, 2013). The cultural, gender, and language bias in these tests
have been well documented, and research suggests an inherent disadvantage for those that
speak English as a second language or those that don’t easily identify with mainstream
white culture. In his discussion on alternatives to traditional testing, Howard Gardner
argues that we have moved away from apprenticeship style assessment and fully embraced
and completely validated the more formal style of testing that we have become so familiar
with in our schools (Gardner, 1992). While always a standard of evaluation in our
education system, testing took on an entirely more substantial role in our education with
the passage with No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act of 2001.
NCLB is widely considered to be the most far reaching education policy since the 1970’s
(Dee & Jacob, 2010). NCLB’s most drastic feature was connecting testing performance
and yearly progress of students to federal and state dollars. It required States to conduct
annual assessments that measured a student’s yearly progress and grant rewards or
implement sanctions on districts based on the yearly progress of tested students. If testing
had been a substantial part of our education system before, it was placed squarely at the
heart of it with the passage of NCLB. By threatening funding and potential resources,
NCLB forced schools to prioritize testing in a way that was never previously done. With
the passage of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) our schools might see a shift away
from this prioritization of testing, but for the time being testing continues to be the standard
by which we measure student growth.
Other measures, such as GPA, attendance, discipline, and graduation rate are less reliable
because they are not all measured consistently across class rooms or schools. Standardized
testing is a uniform test that allows for a more normative comparison of student
performance across schools, cities, and counties. Because testing has, and will most likely
continue to be, the standard by which we measure student success, this paper will rely on
the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) as the best metric for student
Conceptual Model
The purpose of this thesis is to conduct a Quantitative exploration of the
relationship between changing school neighborhoods and school test
performance and racial demographics. Below is a conceptual model used to
connect established urban and education theory to my research design.
Figure 1: Conceptual Model
Gentrification – neighborhood change
Variables for identification
Δ Median Household Income
Δ Median home value
Δ % population with bachelor degree
Δ % population that identify as white
Public School Change
↑ Increase in test
= no significant
change on test
↓decrease in test
Applied Urban and Education Theory
The relationship between the different forms of capital
(economic, human, and social) and student test performance.
Concentration of poverty (ghettoization)
Commodification of the housing market.
Location as a good for consumption.
Gentry school choice behavior
Improved public amenities associated with gentrification
Schools as initiators of gentrification
The research necessary for the completion of this thesis was broken into two distinct parts.
The first part is a spatial analysis component that identified gentrifying school
neighborhoods in the city of Portland. The second part was a quantitative analysis of
student test scores in the identified gentrifying neighborhoods.
Because this thesis is meant to add to the limited but growing amount of literature on this
topic, rather than reinvent the wheel, this research will be relying heavily on research
methods that have come before. The methods in this study will closely mirror those used
by Keels et al. in their paper “The Effects of Gentrification of Neighborhood Public
Schools” (2013). Because this paper will be using Portland neighborhoods as the unit of
analysis rather than Chicago, there will be adjustments made to the methods to account for
these very different contexts. Refer to fig.1 for a flow chart that outlines the steps intended
for this study.
Figure 2: Method Flow Chart
Use Portland as a baseline by establishing percent
change between 2000-2015 in the following indicators:
Median household income
Median house value
Population 25 years and over with a Bachelor’s
Using ArcGIS find the mean of the percent change of the
census tracts in each school catchment zone. This will
give me an approximate percent change in the indicators
of gentrification by school neighborhood.
Note: School catchment zones
that have changed dramatically
and have completely changed the
geographic area they serve will
be excluded from this analysis.
Compare school catchment area change to the baseline
change. Catchment areas with variables that demonstrate
a percent change greater than the baseline change are
treated as indicators of possible gentrification
School catchment areas that exceed the baseline change in
all 4 of the indicators of gentrification will be labeled as
“likely gentrifying.”
Note: “likely gentrifying” areas
are places that demonstrate
characteristics that suggest they
might have gentrified or were
likely gentrifying during the
2000-2015 period, these areas
will denote the schools of
interest for this study
After establishing schools that reside in
neighborhoods that are “likely
gentrifying,” determine academic
growth or decline in student
performance on the 3
grade standardized
reading and math tests
Note: Pre-data will come from the
2000 Census and post-data will
come from 2015 5-year ACS
Note: Data will come from the
Oregon Department of Education
After establishing schools that reside in
neighborhoods that are “likely
gentrifying,” determine racial
demographic change in the student body
of the school.
Note: Data PPS enrollment
Statistical analyses: To be determined upon review of
preliminary findings.
Establish percent change, in same variable as above,
between 2000
2015 by census tract
Spatial Analysis
First, a spatial analysis was conducted using census data to interpolate census tract data
onto Portland’s public-school attendance areas. To do this, a comparison between 2000
and 2015 census tract data was used to determine gentrifying neighborhoods around
Portland elementary public schools. For the purposes of this research, education, housing
value, income, and racial demographic change were used as the variables to identify
gentrifying communities. The variation in changes of these four indicators indicated
varying degrees of gentrifying school neighborhoods. The changes in these variables were
then mapped to school catchment areas to give us an idea of the change in the school
Data Sources and Indicators of Gentrifying School Neighborhoods
1. 2000 Decennial Census tract data
2. 2015 ACS Census tract data
Indicator 1: Change in Median household income
Indicator 2: Change in Median house value
Indicator 3: Change in Population 25 years and over with a Bachelor’s degree
Indicator 4: Change in Percent of population identified as non-Hispanic white
To establish a baseline, percent change between these variables from 2000 through 2015
will be done on Portland citywide. Portland served as the baseline score to be used in
comparison to the change between the variables on the census tract level. Possible
gentrification will be indicated if the percent change in the indicators on the school
neighborhood level is greater than the city baseline. Once percent change from 2000-2015
in each census tract was established, the change in each school catchment zone was be
aggregated by finding the average amount of change in the census tracts that fall within a
shared catchment zone. School catchment zones that demonstrate a greater change than the
city of Portland in three or four of the independent variables were identified as “likely
Using ArcGIS these likely gentrifying school neighborhoods were identified, and all
schools that are indicated as existing in gentrifying neighborhoods will be used as the
experimental group which was been influenced by gentrification. While those schools that
are identified as existing in neighborhoods that are not gentrifying act as a control group
that are not influenced by the independent variable. School neighborhoods with
dramatically shifted catchment zones, recently opened schools, or recently closed schools
will be excluded from the study.
Spatial Data and Maps
Data was collected from the U.S. Census and the American Community Survey (ACS) on
the census tract level. A comparison of the 2000 and 2015 census tracts (appendix A:
Geographic Boundary Changes) reveals new and changed geographical boundaries
amongst various tracts. In cases of tract changes data from the 2000 census was split and
merged in order to create appropriate comparison groups to the 2015 census tracts.
To identify gentrifying school neighborhoods, school catchment zones (also known as
attendance areas) were used to define a school neighborhood. Using areal interpolation
data from the census tract level were mapped to the catchment zones.
Census tracts and school catchment zones can be found in appendix A: Geographic
Boundary Changes. A complete list of census tract and school changes and mergers can
be found in the appendix B: Census and School Change Data).
Statistical Analysis
The second part of the analysis in this paper uses data on the public school within Portland
to investigate the relationship between school neighborhood change and student
performance on standardized tests. Student-level data on standardized test scores obtained
from the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) during the 2000-2001 school year
through the 2015-2016 school year were analyzed for change over time. Longitudinal data
through that period was then used to perform an analysis of the effects of gentrification on
the local schools over time.
Data Sources and variables
1. PPS Enrollment Profiles
Independent Variable: Gentrifying (Yes or No?)
Dependent Variable: Percent of enrolled white students
2. Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
Independent Variable: Gentrifying (Yes or No?)
Dependent Variable A: 3
grade math proficiency on the Oregon assessment
of knowledge and skills (OAKS)
Dependent Variable B: 3
grade reading proficiency on the OAKS
Because the effects of gentrification on schooling will first become evident in younger
children (G. Duncan & Murnane, 2011; Keels, Burdick-Will, & Keene, 2013), and because
parents are more involved in the younger children’s daily routines (Joseph & Feldman,
2009), this analysis relies on data from 3
grade standardized assessments. In addition to
these reasons, in contrast to older students, the younger students are also a better indication
of how the neighborhood is changing.
Fifteen school catchment zones were identified as likely gentrifying because they
demonstrated uncharacteristically quick growth in median income, median home value,
percent of white residents, and percent of residents over 25 years old with a bachelor’s
degree. Further longitudinal analysis of student performance on the standardized
assessments in these schools revealed that there was no statistically significant difference
between the outcome between gentrifying and non-gentrifying school neighborhoods.
These findings in Portland pushes against many leading theories that gentrification results
in positive academic outcomes in local public schools. While these neighborhoods might
be benefiting one of the many externalities associated with gentrification, it is not clear that
the gentrification of these neighborhoods has any effect on student performance of state
standardized assessments.
Like findings by local scholars such as Bates (2013) and Gibson (2017), this study
identified that gentrifying schools were typically found in the North-East and South-East
neighborhoods of the city. In review of 2000-2015 census data 18.2 percent (26) of the 143
census tracts within Portland were identified as having a growth significantly higher than
Portland in the following four criteria: Median Household income, median house value,
population 25 and over with a bachelor’s degree, percent of population that identifies as
white. These census tracts were largely found centralized in the North East, Albina and
Alberta neighborhoods.
To measure change on a school neighborhood level, a baseline for comparison needed to
be created. To create a baseline, Portland city averages on the four indicators were used as
the comparison tool for determining census tract change. As seen in Table 1, it was
discovered that of the four variables of interest in this study, levels of higher education
grew at a much faster rate than the other three variables. While incomes stayed stagnant,
the boom in the housing market can be seen across the city. We can see widespread trends
in the city level data, but by breaking it down to the census level we get a more refined
picture of what is happening on a neighborhood level.
Table 1. Portland Indicators of Neighborhood Change
Indicator 2000 2015
Percent Change
with MoE
Median income* 55,141 55,003 -0.3% (+/-) 1.5%
Median home value* 212,480 295,100 +39.1% (+/-) 1.4%
Percent of population that is white 77.1% 77.6% +0.5% (+/-) 0.4%
Percent of population with bachelor’s
degree 32.6% 45.5% +12.9% (+/-) 0.9%
Data Source: 2000 Census and 2015 ACS Survey.
*adjusted to 2015 dollars
Using aerial interpolation, census tract data was aggregated by school catchment zones to
find the change across the four indicators in each school neighborhood. Once a percent
change for each indicator was determined for every public-school neighborhood in
Portland, a direct comparison could be made between the school neighborhood and city
level. School neighborhoods were given a score based on whether their average for each
indicator fell below the baseline margin of error, within the baseline margin of error, or
above the baseline margin of error. Each neighborhood could have a score within the range
of -4 to +4 based on how they compared to the city baseline.
For example, The Bridger elementary school neighborhood demonstrated the following
key neighborhood changes:
1. Percent Change in Median Income: -1.3%
2. Percent change in median home value: +49.5%
3. Percent change in population that is white: +1.9%
4. Percent change in population with bachelor’s degree : +25%
Because three of the four criteria are above the city average (median home value,
population that is white, and population with a bachelor’s degree) and 1 of the four criteria
(median income) is not significantly different from the city average, Bridger Elementary
school neighborhood was identified with a gentrification score of 3.
Figure 3: Gentrifying Neighborhoods and Landing Zones
Using this method, it was determined that 17 (25%) of the 68 public K-12 schools in
Portland reside in neighborhoods that have a gentrification score of 4 indicating that they
have very likely experiencing gentrification. In Figure 1. we see a tendency for gentrifying
school neighborhoods to be clustered in the near-eastside regions of the city. Not
surprisingly, the historically black neighborhood of Albina and nearby neighborhoods such
as Alberta, which have rich histories of redlining and disinvestment, have showed strong
indicators of gentrification. Further East we see neighborhoods with scores of -4, indicating
Stable Neighborhoods
Likely gentrifying
Possible landing zone
that they are likely landing zones for those residents that have been displaced from the
gentrifying communities.
This clustering of gentrifying school neighborhoods leads naturally to the question at the
root of this paper; what effect if any does this concentration of neighborhood change have
on the academic performance of students that attend the local public schools?
Regression analysis of the change in test performance in gentrifying neighborhoods when
compared to those that show little to no evidence of gentrification, reveals no significant
difference. In Figure 3 and Figure 4, regression lines for both the constant and gentrifying
Figure 4: Stable/constant schools vs.
gentrifying schools – math
Figure 5: Stable/constant schools vs.
gentrifying schools – reading
Gentrifying School Neighborhoods
Stable/Constant School Neighborhoods
neighborhoods shows a negative relationship between time and student performance on the
math and reading state standardized tests.
Table 2: Performance on Standardized test by Neighborhood Type (2000-15)
Math Reading
Neighborhood Type Slope (b) P-value Slope (b) P-value
-3.33 0.0001 -3.09 0.0001
-2.70 0.0002 -2.39 0.007
Data Source: 2000 Census and 2015 ACS Survey.
As seen in table 2, the negative trends of performance on the standardized test are
significant findings. The trend lines show that each year results in an approximate decrease
of 2.39-3.33 points on the standardized tests depending on neighborhood and content area.
One can speculate as to why this trend is being experienced in Portland. Could it simply be
that students are not exiting the third grade as prepared and competent as they have in
previous years, or could it be more easily explained by an increased rigor in the assessments
each year? The introduction of common core standard in 2014-15 suggests that increased
rigor has at least something to do with the quick drop in test scores for the 2014-15 year,
this outlier year fails to account for the negative trend before these years. While finding the
explanation to the negative trend in data might be considered nearly impossible, an
investigation into the difference between gentrifying school neighborhoods and stable or
constant school neighborhoods can be quantitatively explored.
Table 3: Change in Performance on the OAKS: Gentrifying vs. Stable
Data Source: 2000 Census and 2015 ACS Survey
In a two sample T-test (Table 2), the average performance over time of gentrifying school
neighborhoods and stable neighborhoods was compared to investigate if the changing
neighborhoods have had any significant effect on the state standardized math and reading
test. Although the regression lines in figure 2 and figure 3 illustrate a possible trend. A T-
test analyzing the difference of means left us with P-values of 0.776 and 0.734 and a
conclusion that the difference in means between gentrifying and non-gentrifying
neighborhoods is not statistically significant. These results prohibit us from drawing any
correlation between the performance on the OAKS standardized test and neighborhood
While gentrification could have a very dramatic effect on community and school dynamics,
statistical analysis has failed to show any correlation between the gentrifying communities
and school performance on the state standardized test. The influx of a higher educated
population and higher incomes reveals a marginal and statistically insignificant difference
in academic outcomes for local public schools.
Subject Pair
Paired Differences
t df
p-val Mean
(x)Gentrifying neighborhoods-
(y)Stable neighborhoods
(x) -2.29
(y) -3.30 0.288 20 0.776
(x)Gentrifying neighborhoods-
(y)Stable neighborhoods
(x) -2.14
(y) -3.13 0.344 20 0.734
When considering the findings in this study it is important to keep in mind that this analysis
only considers averages across neighborhoods. By trying to capture the larger community
trends in the data, finer detailed analysis of students and schools was lost. The data gathered
at this level did not allow us to explain a wider range of school outcomes and limited this
study to general claims and observations.
The findings confirm that while, we might see measurable change in demographics,
income, or home value in specific school neighborhoods, the change we see in academic
performance on the OAKS is negligible. Expected benefits associated with gentrification
fail to materialize in the test scores of local schools. While changing neighborhoods do
undoubtedly have drastic effects on the schools within them, we cannot definitively say the
performance of the students within these schools are changed in any statistically relevant
With the introduction of common core standards, the growing popularity of charter schools,
and the continued presence of private schools in Portland it is hard to definitively say
gentrification is having no effect on our education system. While the effects may not be
witnessed in our public schools, this anomaly could be hidden by funneling of high
performing students to nearby charter and private schools. Meaning the effects might be
felt in gentrifying neighborhoods, but they are simply not spilling over into our public
The growth of middle- and upper-income households and families in gentrifying
neighborhoods is not connected to any meaningful change in student outcomes. It is only
through neighborhood effects and the associated externalities, that come with increased
economic capital in a community, that low-income children attending public schools in
gentrifying neighborhoods will see any benefits. In this analysis it appears that the variables
associated with gentrification and neighborhood change are not the panacea for our
struggling public-school system.
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APPENDIX A: Geographic Boundary Changes
Figure 1A: 2000 Census Tracts
Pictured below is the geography of the census tracts during 2000, for more detail on how
the census tracts changed over the course of the study please refer to Table 1B in
Appendix B: Tables
Figure 2A: 2015 Census Tracts
2000 Census Tracts
2015 Census Tracts
Figure #A: School Catchment Zone
Because census tracts do not map neatly over school catchment zones, a method of aerial
interpolation was used to aggregate census tract data to the school boundary areas
throughout the study area.
2015 School Catchment
APPENDIX B: Census and School Change Data
Table 1B: Census Tract Changes and Mergers
Due to the change in geography of certain census tracks throughout the study area,
several census tracts in the 2000 data set had to be merged or split in order for a direct
comparison to 2015 census tract data.
2000 Tracts Action 2015 Tracts
44 renamed 9800
22.01 & 23.01 merged 22.03
22.01 & 23.02 merged 23.02
53 & 54 merged 106
64.01 split 64.03 & 64.04
Table 2B: School Name Change and Mergers
Over the 2000-2015 school years there were several changes made to the schools in the
study area. The table below details the year a change occurred, the name of the school
and the action that was taken.
Year School Action
2005 Ball Elm Was closed (removed from
2007 Clarendon-Portmouth Reopened as César Chávez
2007 Clark Reopened as Harrison Park
2007 Hoolyrood & Fernwood Merged into Beverly Cleary
2007 Humboldt Merged with Boise-Eliot
2007 Rose City Reopened as Roseway heights
2013 Ockley Green Merged with Chief Joseph
Table 3B: Portland 2000-2015 Indicators of Change
Below are the key variables of neighborhood change used in this study. These values
were used to create a baseline for neighborhood comparison.
Percent Change
with MoE
Median income*
-0.3% (+/-) 1.5%
Median home value*
+39.1% (+/-) 1.4%
Percent of population that is white
+0.5% (+/-) 0.4%
Percent of population with
bachelor’s degree
+12.9% (+/-) 0.9%
Data collected from the 2000 Census and 2015 ACS survey
*Median Income and Median home values adjusted to 2015 dollars
Table 4B: Indicators of Neighborhood Change by School Neighborhood
School Name
of White
in Median
Elementary 20.7% 1.2% 10.0% 56.6% 32.0% 4
Elementary 14.9% -7.0% 8.0% 16.5% 39.7% 0
Elementary 8.5% 2.4% 15.5% 59.4% 35.8% 4
Elementary -0.5% 0.2% -2.1% 37.6% 26.8% -1
Elementary 24.5% -1.4% -0.7% 58.4% 21.4% 1
Elementary 0.9% 3.0% 3.3% 54.0% 29.5% 4
Elementary 7.0% 13.5% -65.2% -37.7% 32.9% 0
Cleary 11.2% 2.2% 8.0% 56.0% 35.5% 4
Elementary 32.3% 26.4% 27.8% 68.3% 35.0% 4
Elementary 0.7% 1.9% -1.3% 49.5% 25.0% 3
Elementary 11.5% -2.7% 9.6% 31.4% 37.7% 0
Elementary 6.8% 3.5% 8.2% 52.5% 29.6% 4
Capitol Hill
Elementary 33.4% -2.4% -2.7% 30.9% 33.4% -2
César Chávez
K-8 36.9% 4.5% -12.1% 32.0% 13.3% -1
Elementary 37.3% -2.1% 4.7% 17.6% 34.6% 0
Cherry Park
Elementary 21.4% -11.8% -32.6% 8.0% 11.0% -4
Chief Joseph
Elementary 11.9% 9.0% 5.5% 60.7% 31.7% 4
Elementary -0.3% 5.2% 6.2% 41.2% 30.5% 4
Elementary 7.6% -0.6% 17.1% 45.3% 36.5% 2
Earl Boyles
Elementary 17.5% -9.1% -24.7% 5.9% 8.4% -4
Elementary 9.9% 4.9% -14.1% 25.3% 19.9% 0
School Name
of White
in Median
Forest Park
Elementary 66.3% -11.3% -8.3% 10.1% 34.2% -2
Elementary 38.7% -12.5% -23.4% -1.6% 9.3% -4
Gilbert Park
Elementary 50.0% -14.2% -12.5% 4.7% 10.8% -4
Elementary 10.2% 0.1% 3.0% 51.9% 28.0% 2
Elementary 36.9% -6.5% 1.0% 0.6% 7.0% -3
Elementary 11.1% 1.9% -2.5% 53.6% 23.4% 2
Harrison Park 33.7% -20.0% -24.5% 18.3% 9.9% -4
Elementary 12.9% -4.3% 0.7% 35.2% 26.6% -1
Elementary -0.2% 11.7% 15.2% 58.9% 35.1% 4
James John
Elementary 12.5% 4.7% 0.1% 37.4% 25.4% 1
Elementary 17.3% -4.6% -10.9% 3.5% 9.3% -4
Elementary 6.1% 35.6% 56.6% 91.9% 41.1% 4
Elementary 8.4% 1.0% 4.9% 62.4% 35.0% 4
Elementary 12.3% -5.0% -17.2% 22.1% 22.2% -2
Elementary 15.9% -1.1% -11.4% 7.9% 11.7% -4
Elementary 12.8% -0.1% 13.5% 32.4% 28.0% 0
Lincoln Park
Elementary 27.3% -13.1% -25.9% -6.6% 6.0% -4
Elementary 13.5% -1.1% 7.8% 56.4% 27.0% 2
Elementary 16.3% 3.4% 7.8% 42.3% 30.3% 4
School 12.2% -3.3% -3.2% 26.0% 21.0% -2
Elementary 7.7% -1.1% -6.6% 27.4% 18.6% -2
School Name
of White
in Median
Menlo Park
Elementary 19.3% -9.8% -21.6% -6.1% 6.0% -4
Mill Park
Elementary 43.1% -14.3% -24.2% 2.8% 8.3% -4
Elementary 16.8% -10.1% -25.2% -4.5% 5.7% -4
Elementary 12.7% 8.8% 3.3% 42.4% 21.9% 4
Elementary 41.3% -10.6% -16.1% 2.7% 8.4% -4
Elementary 5.6% -9.5% -15.5% 6.0% 15.4% -2
Elementary 9.8% -2.0% 7.8% 30.7% 33.4% 0
Elementary 12.0% 3.2% -24.5% 27.5% 20.3% 0
Rosa Parks
Elementary 21.2% 7.8% 1.2% 38.6% 17.6% 2
Heights -4.3% 7.0% -2.4% 49.6% 26.6% 2
Academy 12.9% -9.3% -17.9% 5.6% 11.1% -4
Elementary 8.4% 21.2% 30.9% 80.5% 35.6% 4
Elementary 4.7% -4.5% -6.2% 5.1% 9.3% -4
Elementary -1.2% 6.0% -1.9% 38.9% 20.1% 1
Shaver School 1.6% -5.8% -29.0% 8.0% 9.8% -4
Elementary 3.5% 11.4% 6.4% 32.1% 26.5% 2
Elementary 51.6% -10.0% 4.0% 13.0% 32.4% 0
l 10.8% 0.0% 11.4% 52.4% 31.4% 2
Ventura Park
Elementary 29.4% -16.1% -21.6% 6.4% 10.1% -4
Elementary 6.1% 15.0% 20.2% 66.9% 34.2% 4
Elementary 4.6% -2.3% 8.3% 35.6% 25.9% 0
School Name
of White
in Median
Elementary 31.0% -10.5% -31.2% -1.3% 1.6% -4
Elementary 24.5% 6.1% 1.0% 17.4% 11.9% -1
Elementary 5.7% 21.4% 5.5% 54.0% 34.3% 4
Elementary 12.8% 0.4% -2.2% 23.9% 19.1% -1
Elementary 7.4% 2.8% 15.5% 46.3% 29.6% 4