The Spoken British National Corpus 2014
Design, compilation and analysis
ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science
Department of Linguistics and English Language
Lancaster University
A thesis submitted to Lancaster University
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
September 2017
Contents ............................................................................................................. i
Abstract ............................................................................................................. v
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................... vi
List of tables .................................................................................................. viii
List of figures .................................................................................................... x
1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research aims & structure ....................................................................................................... 3
2 Literature review ........................................................................................ 6
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 The Spoken British National Corpus 1994 & other spoken corpora ............................... 7
2.2.1 The Spoken BNC1994 ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Other British English corpora containing spoken data ................................................ 9
2.2.3 Summary and justification for the Spoken BNC2014 ................................................ 11
2.3 Review of research based on spoken English corpora ...................................................... 12
2.3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Corpus linguistics journals .............................................................................................. 13
2.3.3 Grammars ......................................................................................................................... 18
2.4 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 20
3 Corpus design .......................................................................................... 22
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 22
3.2 Design & speaker recruitment .............................................................................................. 22
3.2.1 ‘Demographic’ corpus data ............................................................................................. 22
3.2.2 Design of the Spoken BNC1994DS ............................................................................. 23
3.2.3 Speaker recruitment in the Spoken BNC1994 ............................................................. 27
3.2.4 Design & recruitment in other spoken corpora .......................................................... 29
3.2.5 General approach to design in the Spoken BNC2014 ............................................... 31
3.2.6 Speaker recruitment in the Spoken BNC2014 ............................................................. 33
3.3 Speaker and text metadata ..................................................................................................... 37
3.3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 37
3.3.2 Metadata in the Spoken BNC1994 ................................................................................ 38
3.3.3 Metadata collection in the Spoken BNC2014: procedure and ethics ....................... 41
3.3.4 Speaker & text metadata collection procedures in the Spoken BNC2014 .............. 46
3.3.5 Age, linguistic region & socio-economic status: discussion ...................................... 48
3.4 Collection of audio data ......................................................................................................... 70
3.4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 70
3.4.2 Audio recording in the Spoken BNC1994 ................................................................... 70
3.4.3 Audio recording in the Spoken BNC2014 ................................................................... 70
3.5 Chapter summary .................................................................................................................... 76
4 Transcription ........................................................................................... 77
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 77
4.2 Transcription: human vs. machine ....................................................................................... 77
4.3 Approach to human transcription ........................................................................................ 83
4.4 The Spoken BNC1994 transcription scheme ..................................................................... 87
4.5 The Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme: main features ........................................... 88
4.6 The Spoken BNC2014 transcription process ..................................................................... 98
4.7 Chapter summary .................................................................................................................. 100
5 Speaker identification ............................................................................. 102
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 102
5.2 Speaker identification ........................................................................................................... 102
5.3 Pilot study .............................................................................................................................. 106
5.3.1 Pilot study (A): Certainty (pilot study recordings) .................................................... 106
5.3.2 Pilot study (B): Certainty (Spoken BNC2014 recording) ......................................... 107
5.3.3 Pilot study (C): Inter-rater agreement (Spoken BNC2014 recording) ................... 107
5.4 Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 108
5.5 Methodological approach .................................................................................................... 109
5.5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 109
5.5.2 Main study (A): a Spoken BNC2014 recording ......................................................... 110
5.5.3 Main study (B): the gold standard recording.............................................................. 111
5.6 Results .................................................................................................................................... 113
5.6.1 Main study (A1): Certainty in a Spoken BNC2014 recording ................................. 113
5.6.2 Main study (A2): Inter-rater agreement in a Spoken BNC2014 recording............ 114
5.6.3 Main study (B1): Certainty in the gold standard recording ...................................... 115
5.6.4 Main study (B2): Inter-rater agreement in the gold standard recording ................ 116
5.6.5 Main study (B3): Accuracy in the gold standard recording ...................................... 118
5.7 Discussion: what does this mean for the Spoken BNC2014? ........................................ 119
5.7.1 Individual transcriber variation .................................................................................... 120
5.7.2 Automated speaker identification ................................................................................ 120
5.7.3 The use of phonetic expertise ...................................................................................... 122
5.8 Affected texts and solutions implemented ........................................................................ 123
5.9 Chapter summary .................................................................................................................. 125
6 Corpus processing and dissemination ................................................... 128
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 128
6.2 XML conversion ................................................................................................................... 128
6.3 Annotation ............................................................................................................................. 133
6.4 Corpus dissemination ........................................................................................................... 136
6.5 Chapter summary .................................................................................................................. 141
7 Analysing the Spoken BNC2014 ............................................................. 142
7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 142
7.2 Swearing in linguistics .......................................................................................................... 143
7.2.1 Swearing as an object of study ..................................................................................... 143
7.2.2 Defining swearing .......................................................................................................... 144
7.2.3 McEnery’s approach to bad language ......................................................................... 146
7.3 Method ................................................................................................................................... 148
7.3.1 Methodological procedure ............................................................................................ 148
7.3.2 Data .................................................................................................................................. 151
7.4 Results .................................................................................................................................... 154
7.4.1 Frequency comparison .................................................................................................. 154
7.4.2 Strength ........................................................................................................................... 155
7.4.3 Change and stability in frequency ................................................................................ 161
7.4.4 High-frequency BLWs: sociolinguistic distribution .................................................. 165
7.4.5 Sociolinguistic distribution ........................................................................................... 166
7.4.6 Case study: linguistic annotation of FUCK ............................................................... 173
7.5 Chapter summary .................................................................................................................. 178
8 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 181
8.1 Overview of the thesis ......................................................................................................... 181
8.2 Successes, limitations & recommended future work ....................................................... 185
8.3 Summary ................................................................................................................................ 188
References ..................................................................................................... 189
List of Appendices ........................................................................................ 207
Appendices ................................................................................................... 208
The ESRC-funded Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science at Lancaster
University (CASS) and the English Language Teaching group at Cambridge University Press
(CUP) have compiled a new, publicly-accessible corpus of spoken British English from the
2010s, known as the Spoken British National Corpus 2014 (Spoken BNC2014). The 11.5
million-word corpus, gathered solely in informal contexts, is the first freely-accessible corpus of
its kind since the spoken component of the original British National Corpus (the Spoken
BNC1994), which, despite its age, is still used as a proxy for present-day English in research
This thesis presents a detailed account of each stage of the Spoken BNC2014’s
construction, including its conception, design, transcription, processing and dissemination. It
also demonstrates the research potential of the corpus, by presenting a diachronic analysis of
bad language in spoken British English, comparing the 1990s to the 2010s. The thesis shows
how the research team struck a delicate balance between backwards compatibility with the
Spoken BNC1994 and optimal practice in the context of compiling a new corpus. Although
comparable with its predecessor, the Spoken BNC2014 is shown to represent innovation in
approaches to the compilation of spoken corpora.
This thesis makes several useful contributions to the linguistic research community. The
Spoken BNC2014 itself should be of use to many researchers, educators and students in the
corpus linguistics and English language communities and beyond. In addition, the thesis
represents an example of good practice with regards to academic collaboration with a
commercial stakeholder. Thirdly, although not a ‘user guide’, the methodological discussions and
analysis presented in this thesis are intended to help the Spoken BNC2014 to be as useful to as
many people, and for as many purposes, as possible.
This work would not have been possible without the help, support and generosity of
many people around me. First and foremost, I have been very lucky to have had as my
supervisor Tony McEnery. He pushed me to break through the many mental barriers I inflicted
upon myself, and I will take with me many of the wisdoms he has imparted on me. I must also
single out Andrew Hardie, who in many ways was my unofficial second supervisor. I am grateful
for all the support and guidance he has given me throughout my studies. Together, it was Tony
and Andrew who recruited me to work on this project, and I am extremely grateful for this and
all other opportunities they have afforded me.
I am also very grateful to the rest of the Spoken BNC2014 research team. Claire Dembry
at Cambridge University Press has been a brilliant colleague and friend, providing inspiration and
support throughout the project. Her team at CUP, including Olivia Goodman, Imogen Dickens,
Sarah Grieves and Laura Grimes, did much of the front-line work on the project and I am truly
grateful for their cooperation and expertise. Vaclav Brezina at Lancaster University has also
helped me greatly over the last four years as a collaborator on this and several other projects.
I have many reasons to thank both the ESRC-funded Centre for Corpus Approaches to
Social Science (CASS) and the Department of Linguistics and English Language (LAEL) at
Lancaster University. Many at CASS have had a hand in my professional and personal
development during the course of this work, including: Jennifer Hughes, Amelia Joulain-Jay,
Amanda Potts, Mark McGlashan, Ruth Avon, Sheryl Prentice and Paul Baker. I am grateful to
many of the academic staff at LAEL, including: Jonathan Culpeper, who as my confirmation
panellist provided very useful feedback; Sam Kirkham, who provided insights from phonetics so
readily; and the department’s administrative staff, who provided excellent support. My thanks
also extend to Matty Robinson and Gavin Brookes, who proofread much of this thesis.
As I approached the final months of writing up this thesis, I moved to Cambridge to
start working at Cambridge Assessment English. I am grateful to colleagues there who supported
me while I balanced my new role with my remaining PhD work.
One of my favourite hobbies is performing at the theatre. I am grateful to the members
of several theatre groups Lancaster University Theatre Group, Lancaster Amateur Dramatic
and Operatic Society, About Theatre, the Morecambe Warblers and, most recent, Cambridge
Operatic Society who welcomed me and allowed me to blow off steam in some glitzy musical.
I am also indebted to friends who have shown an interest in my work, argued with me
about language, and most importantly motivated me to keep going thank you most of all to
Matthew Bosley, Gavin Brookes, Mathew Gillings and Niall Curry.
Finally, I must thank my parents Janet and Geoff for providing love and support
during difficult periods of this work, and always being there to listen. I am also grateful to the
rest of my family for their enduring enthusiasm, interest and pride in my work. This thesis is
dedicated to my family, with love.
Robbie Love
Cambridge, UK
September 2017
List of tables
Table 1. Proportion of selected articles relative to the total number of articles published by each journal between 1994 and 2016. .................................. 14
Table 2. Proportions of words in Spoken BNC1994 assigned across each of the three selection criteria (adapted from Burnard 2000: 13). .................... 25
Table 3. Approach to corpus design taken by the compilers of a variety of spoken corpora. .................................................................................................... 30
Table 4. Number of words categorised as ‘unknown’ or ‘info missing’ for the three main demographic categories in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the
Spoken BNC2014. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
Table 5. National Readership Survey Social Grade classifications (NRS 2014). ........................................................................................................................... 63
Table 6. Social Class based on Occupation (SC) (Stuchbury 2013b). ............................................................................................................................................. 64
Table 7. Socio-economic group (SEG) (Stuchbury 2013a). ............................................................................................................................................................. 65
Table 8. The nine major analytic classes of the NS-SEC (ONS 2010c). ........................................................................................................................................ 66
Table 9. Mapping between the NS-SEC and Social Grade assumed for Spoken BNC2014 speaker metadata. ...................................................................... 69
Table 10. List of permissible filled pauses in the Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme. ....................................................................................................... 95
Table 11. Speaker metadata for the gold standard recording. ........................................................................................................................................................ 112
Table 12. Distribution of code types in the Spoken BNC2014 transcripts. ................................................................................................................................. 114
Table 13. Total distribution of code types for the eight Spoken BNC2014 transcripts. ............................................................................................................ 115
Table 14. Distribution of code types in the gold standard transcripts. ......................................................................................................................................... 116
Table 15. Total distribution of code types for the eight gold standard test transcripts. ............................................................................................................. 117
Table 16. Categories of speaker ID code for which agreement between the gold standard and test transcripts could occur. ............................................ 118
Table 17. Inter-rater agreement (i.e. accuracy) of speaker identification between the test transcripts and the gold standard transcript. .......................... 119
Table 18. Accuracy of the phonetician’s transcript compared to the gold standard test transcript extracts. .......................................................................... 123
Table 19. Frequency of corpus texts per number of speakers per recording in the Spoken BNC2014. ................................................................................. 124
Table 20. LCA annotation scheme (McEnery 2005: 27); modifications are italicised. ............................................................................................................... 147
Table 21. Categories of insult in the LCA annotation scheme (McEnery 2005: 27). ................................................................................................................. 147
Table 22. Token counts for the groups within demographic categories gender, age and socio-economic status in the Spoken BNC1994DS and Spoken
BNC2014S. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 152
Table 23. A scale of offence (McEnery 2005: 30). ........................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Table 24. Scale of offence for bad language (Ofcom 2016: 3). ...................................................................................................................................................... 157
Table 25. BLWs in the Ofcom (2016) report, which are given unambiguous ratings in the scale of offence. ....................................................................... 157
Table 26. BLWs which have decreased in use significantly (p<0.0001) between the 1990s and 2010s, ranked by effect size. ........................................... 163
Table 27. BLWs which have increased in use significantly (p<0.0001) between the 1990s and 2010s, ranked by effect size. ............................................ 164
Table 28. BLWs which have not changed in frequency significantly (p>0.05) between the 1990s and 2010s, and which have a minimum raw frequency
of 100 in both corpora, ranked alphabetically. ................................................................................................................................................................................. 165
Table 29. Annotation of FUCK in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S, using the bad language categorization scheme. ................... 175
Table 30. Information about the recordings used in the speaker identification investigations. ................................................................................................ 258
List of figures
Figure 1. Comparison of gender distribution between the Spoken BNC1994 speakers (Burnard 2000: 13) and the UK (England, Wales and Scotland)
population of “present residents: in households” in 1991 (NOMIS wizard query)...................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2. Comparison of age distribution between the Spoken BNC1994DS speakers (Burnard 2000: 13) and the UK (England and Wales only)
population in 1991 (NOMIS wizard query). ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 3. The Spoken BNC1994DS’s geographic regions (reproduced from Crowdy 1993: 260). ............................................................................................ 28
Figure 4. Example of an online news article reporting on early findings from the Spoken BNC2014. .................................................................................... 34
Figure 5. The relationship between researcher, contributor and speaker when compiling a spoken corpus (double-headed arrows indicate contact
between the linked parties; dotted lines indicate that n is a theoretically unknown number that is only known in practice). ............................................... 36
Figure 6. Example of conversation log given to contributors in the Spoken BNC1994DS (reproduced from Crowdy 1993: 260). ................................... 40
Figure 7. The Speaker Information Sheet/consent form used in the Spoken BNC2014. ........................................................................................................... 42
Figure 8. Recording Information Sheet used in the Spoken BNC2014. ........................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 9. Dialect categories used in the Spoken BNC1994DS. ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 10. Birthplace and dialect categories used in the Spoken BNC2014. ................................................................................................................................. 61
Figure 11. Guidelines for Data Collection document which was provided to Spoken BNC2014 contributors. ..................................................................... 75
Figure 12. Concordance plot of ‘[quot=’ tags in the pilot corpus (displayed in AntConc, Anthony 2014). ............................................................................. 98
Figure 13. Proportion of indeterminable speaker identification in the pilot study corpus according to the number of speakers per recording. ............. 107
Figure 14. Transcript excerpt, pre- and post-XML conversion. .................................................................................................................................................... 130
Figure 15. Vocalisation checking functions in the XML conversion PHP script. ...................................................................................................................... 131
Figure 16. Standard query menu for the Spoken BNC2014 in CQPweb (Hardie 2012). .......................................................................................................... 137
Figure 17. Concordance lines for the simple query ‘love’ in the Spoken BNC2014. ................................................................................................................. 138
Figure 18. Relative frequency comparison of BLWs categorised according to the Ofcom (2016) scale of offence. ............................................................ 158
Figure 19. Gender and socio-economic status. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 160
Figure 20. Gender and age. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 161
Figure 21. Age and socio-economic status. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 161
Figure 22. Distribution of relative frequencies for the 12 BLWs by gender in the Spoken BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S. .................................. 167
Figure 23. Distribution of relative frequencies for the 12 BLWs by age in the Spoken BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S. ........................................ 169
Figure 24. Distribution of relative frequencies for the 12 BLWs by socio-economic status in the Spoken BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S. ....... 171
Figure 25. Distribution of the 12 BLWs in the Spoken BNC2014S according to NS-SEC. ..................................................................................................... 172
Figure 26. Separating the turns from their corresponding speaker ID codes (invented data). ................................................................................................. 251
Figure 27. Viewing each transcript of the same recording alongside each other (invented data). ............................................................................................ 251
Figure 28. The speaker ID codes from each transcript after their corresponding turns have been removed (invented data). ............................................ 252
Figure 29. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1. ............................................................................................................................. 253
Figure 30. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1. ................................................................................................................................. 253
Figure 31. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #8. ............................................................................................................................. 254
Figure 32. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #8. ................................................................................................................................. 254
Figure 33. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1. ............................................................................................................................. 254
Figure 34. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1. ................................................................................................................................. 255
Figure 35. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #6. ................................................................................................................................. 256
Figure 36. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #6. ............................................................................................................................. 256
Figure 37. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #6. ................................................................................................................................. 257
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The ESRC-funded Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS)
at Lancaster
University and the English Language Teaching group at Cambridge University Press (CUP) have
compiled a new, publicly-accessible corpus of present-day spoken British English, gathered in
informal contexts, known as the Spoken British National Corpus 2014 (Spoken BNC2014). This
is the first publicly-accessible corpus of its kind since the spoken component of the original
British National Corpus, which was completed in 1994, and which, despite its age, is still used as
a proxy for present-day English in research today (e.g. Hadikin 2014; Rühlemann & Gries 2015).
The new corpus contains data gathered in the years 2012 to 2016. As of September 2017 it is
available publicly via Lancaster University’s CQPweb server (Hardie 2012), with the underlying
XML files downloadable from late 2018. It will subsequently form the spoken component of the
larger British National Corpus 2014, the written component of which is also under development.
The Spoken BNC2014 contains 11,422,617 million words of transcribed content, featuring 668
speakers in 1,251 recordings.
The BNC2014’s predecessor, the British National Corpus (henceforth BNC1994), is one
of the most widely known and used corpora. No orthographically transcribed spoken corpus
compiled since the release of 10-million-word spoken component of the BNC (henceforth
Spoken BNC1994) has matched it in either its size or availability. Unsurprisingly, the corpus
linguistics community has, for some time, used the Spoken BNC1994 as a proxy for ‘present-
day’ spoken British English. That this ‘go-to’ dataset is over twenty years old at the time of
writing is a problem for current and future research that needed to be addressed with increasing
The collaboration between CASS and CUP to build the Spoken BNC2014 came about
after some years of both centres working individually on the idea of addressing this situation by
compiling a new corpus of spoken British English which could, in some way, match up to the
Spoken BNC1994.
Claire Dembry at CUP had collected two million words of new spoken data
The research presented in this thesis was supported by the ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science,
ESRC grant reference ES/K002155/1.
for the Cambridge English Corpus
in 2012, trialling the public participation method which was
used, along with the data itself, in the Spoken BNC2014 (see Section 3.2.5, p. 31). Meanwhile,
Tony McEnery and Andrew Hardie at Lancaster had been planning to compile a new version of
the British National Corpus and, by 2013, had recruited (a) me, to start investigating
methodological issues in compiling spoken corpora, and (b) Vaclav Brezina, to bring insights to
the project based on his use of the Spoken BNC1994 to explore sociolinguistic research
questions. Early in 2014, both CASS and CUP agreed, upon learning of each other’s work, to
pool resources and work together to build the ‘Lancaster/Cambridge Corpus of Speech’ (LCCS)
which, within a few months and with the blessing of Martin Wynne at the University of Oxford,
was renamed the Spoken British National Corpus 2014 (Spoken BNC2014). The Spoken
BNC2014 will become the spoken subcorpus of the planned British National Corpus 2014 the
written component is being compiled by Abi Hawtin with the support of CASS and CUP, and is
due for release in 2018.
The aim of this thesis is to present an account of the design, compilation and analysis of
the Spoken BNC2014, making clear the most important decisions the research team made as we
collected, transcribed and processed the data, as well as to demonstrate the research potential of
the corpus. The underlying theme of this thesis is the maximisation of the efficiency of spoken
corpus creation in view of practical constraints, with a focus on principles of design as well as
data and metadata collection, transcription and processing. As is not unusual in corpus
construction, compromises had to be made throughout the compilation of this corpus; these are
laid out transparently. Furthermore, this thesis describes the innovative aspects of the Spoken
BNC2014 project notably including the use of PPSR (public participation in scientific research,
Shirk et al. 2012), the introduction of new speaker metadata categorisation schemes, and
consideration of the difficulty of speaker identification at the transcription stage among others.
While the thesis does not function as a Spoken BNC2014 user guide,
it is a thorough account
of the careful decisions that were made at each stage of development, and should be read by
users of the corpus.
The compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 was, as stated, a collaborative research project
undertaken by CASS and CUP. It was a group effort, and, in addition to my own work, this
thesis accounts for decisions made and work completed in collaboration with a team of
researchers of which I was a member. Other members of the main research team those who,
pedagogy/cambridge-english-corpus (last accessed September 2017).
See Love et al. (2017b) for the BNC2014 user manual and reference guide.
Several of the major themes of the thesis are captured in the Spoken BNC2014 citation paper (Love et al. 2017a),
which serves as a summary of the project.
aside from myself, made decisions which shaped the course of the compilation process were
Vaclav Brezina, Andrew Hardie and Tony McEnery (from Lancaster), and Claire Dembry and
Laura Grimes (from Cambridge). In this thesis, I use singular and plural pronouns systematically:
first person singular pronouns are used when discussing work which was conducted solely by
me, while first person plural pronouns and third person reference to “the Spoken BNC2014
research team” are used when reporting on decisions I made with the research team.
1.2 Research aims & structure
The aims of the Spoken BNC2014 project are:
(1) to compile a corpus of informal British English conversation from the 2010s which is
comparable to the Spoken BNC1994’s demographic component;
(2) to compile the corpus in a manner which reflects, as much as possible, the state of the art
with regards to methodological approach; and, in achieving steps (2) and (3);
(3) to provide a fresh data source for a new series of wide-ranging studies in linguistics and
the social sciences.
The structure of this thesis is perhaps different to most, as its focus is expressly methodological
it comprises a series of methodological explorations, followed by one chapter which contains
linguistic analysis. Because of this, the standard approach to a thesis, where one reviews all
relevant literature at the beginning and subsequently outlines a methodological approach that
accounts for the entire project, does not fit my purpose. Accordingly, I decided to adopt a
thematic approach, addressing each stage of the compilation of the corpus in the chronological
order in which they occurred. Following a general and over-arching Literature Review (Chapter
2), which reviews the use of the Spoken BNC1994 and other relevant corpora for linguistic
research, the thesis is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 3: Corpus design
This chapter covers general principles of spoken corpus design including recruitment, metadata
and audio data. A major theme of this chapter is the extent to which the Spoken BNC1994 and
other relevant corpora have been compiled using a principled as opposed to opportunistic
approach, and our decision to embrace opportunism (supplemented by targeted interventions) in
the compilation of the Spoken BNC2014.
Chapter 4: Transcription
This chapter discusses the development of a bespoke transcription scheme for the Spoken
BNC2014. It justifies the rejection of automated transcription before describing how the Spoken
BNC2014 transcription scheme elaborates and improves upon that of its predecessor. It also
demonstrates the interactivity between stages of corpus compilation; the transcription scheme
was designed to be mapped automatically and unambiguously into XML at a later stage in the
construction of the corpus.
Chapter 5: Speaker identification
This chapter reflects upon the transcription stage of the project, investigating the accuracy with
which transcribers were able to assign speaker ID codes to the utterances transcribed in the
Spoken BNC2014 i.e. ‘speaker identification’. Its aim is to draw attention to the difficulty of
this task for recordings which contain several speakers, and to propose ways in which users can
avoid having potentially inaccurately assigned speaker ID codes affect their research.
Chapter 6: Corpus processing and dissemination
This chapter discusses the final stages of the compilation of the Spoken BNC2014, describing
the conversion of transcripts into XML; the annotation of the corpus texts for part-of-speech,
lemma and semantic category; and the public dissemination of the corpus.
Chapter 7: Analysing the Spoken BNC2014
This chapter aims to demonstrate the research potential of the Spoken BNC2014 by comparing
(a sample of) it to the Spoken BNC1994 in a study of bad language. This study aims to reveal
indications that the frequency, strength and social distribution of bad language may have
changed or remained stable between the 1990s and 2010s in spoken British English. Adopting
the approach to bad language proposed by McEnery (2005), I analyse a large set of bad language
words (BLWs) and demonstrate the comparability of the Spoken BNC2014 with its predecessor.
Finally, Chapter 8 (the conclusion) summarises the thesis and discusses the major successes and
limitations of my work on the project, before suggesting future work which could extend the
research capability of the corpus.
Before discussing how the Spoken BNC2014 was built, I will contextualise the use and
popularity of the original British National Corpus, and argue how no corpus since its spoken
component has matched the Spoken BNC1994 in terms of several key strengths which appear to
have made it as widely used as it has been. This is the aim of the next chapter.
2 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
This Literature Review aims to contextualise the situation which has arisen whereby the
collection of a second Spoken British National Corpus is necessary. It introduces the Spoken
British National Corpus 1994 and discusses its uses in the field of linguistics. It also presents the
case for compiling a second edition now. What it does not do is discuss existing corpora in terms
of design, data collection, transcription or any other feature of corpus construction which has
informed the methods for the compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 relevant literature on these
topics will be introduced, where appropriate, in each of the methodological chapters which
follow the Literature Review.
Corpus linguistics is “a relatively new approach in linguistics that has to do with the
empirical study of ‘real life’ language use with the help of computers and electronic corpora”
(Lüdeling & Kytö 2008: v). A well-known problem afflicting corpus linguistics as a field is its
tendency to prioritise written forms of language over spoken forms, in consequence of the
drastically greater difficulty, high cost and slower speed of collecting spoken text:
A rough guess suggests that the cost of collecting and transcribing in electronic form one
million words of naturally occurring speech is at least 10 times higher than the cost of
adding another million words of newspaper text. (Burnard 2002: 6)
Contemporary online access to newspaper material means that this disparity is likely to be even
greater today than in 2002. The resulting bias in corpus linguistics towards a “very much written-
biased view” (Lüdeling & Ky2008: vi) of language is problematic if one takes the view that
speech is the primary medium of communication (Čermák 2009: 113), containing linguistic
variables that are important for the accurate description of language, and yet inaccessible through
the analysis of corpora composed solely of written texts (Adolphs & Carter 2013: 1). Projects
devoted to the compilation of spoken corpora are thus relatively few and far between (Adolphs
& Carter 2013: 1).
In the next section I introduce one of the few widely accessible spoken corpora of British
English, the spoken section of the British National Corpus (henceforth the Spoken BNC1994).
This is, to this day, heavily relied upon in spoken English corpus research. I show that this is due
to the scarcity and lack of accessibility of spoken English corpora that have been developed
since; the Spoken BNC1994 is still relied upon today as the best available corpus of its kind,
despite its age. This, as I will show in Section 2.2, is a problem for current and future research,
and, along with the other problems outlined, it is presented as the main justification for
producing a new spoken corpus the Spoken BNC2014. I then consider the types of research
for which the Spoken BNC2014 will likely be used by summarising the most prominent areas of
spoken corpus research that have arisen over the last two decades (Section 2.3). I also show that
there are limitations in such previous research that provide evidence of the problems outlined
above, and that the publicly-accessible Spoken BNC2014 aims to considerably improve the
ability of researchers to study spoken British English. I conclude by outlining the main research
aims of the thesis (Section 2.4).
2.2 The Spoken British National Corpus 1994 & other spoken corpora
2.2.1 The Spoken BNC1994
The compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 is informed largely by the BNC1994’s spoken
component (see Crowdy 1993, 1994, 1995), which is “one of the biggest available corpora of
spoken British English” (Nesselhauf & Römer 2007: 297). The goal of the BNC1994’s creators
was “to make it possible to say something about language in general” (Nesselhauf & Römer
2007: 5). Thus its spoken component was designed to function as a representative sample of
spoken British English (Burnard 2007). It was created between 1991 and 1994, and was designed
in two parts: the demographically-sampled part (c. 40%) and the context-governed part (c. 60%)
(Aston & Burnard 1998).
The demographically-sampled part
henceforth the Spoken BNC1994DS contains
informal, “everyday spontaneous interactions” (Leech et al. 2001: 2). Its contributors (the
volunteers who made the recordings of their interactions with other speakers) were “selected by
age group, sex, social class and geographic region” (Aston & Burnard 1998: 31). 124 adult
contributors made recordings using portable tape recorders (Aston & Burnard 1998: 32), and in
most cases only the contributor was aware of the recording taking place. Contributors wore the
recorders at all times and were instructed to record all of their interactions within a period of
between two and seven days. The Spoken BNC1994DS also incorporates the Bergen Corpus of
London Teenage Language (COLT), a half-million-word sample of spontaneous conversations
among teenagers between the ages of 13-17, collected in a variety of boroughs and school
Also known as the ‘conversational part’ (Leech et al. 2001: 2).
districts in London in 1993 (Stenström et al. 2002). In the XML edition of the BNC1994 hosted
by Lancaster University’s CQPweb server (Hardie 2012), the Spoken BNC1994DS contains five
million words of transcribed conversation produced by 1,408 speakers and distributed across 153
The context-governed part
henceforth the Spoken BNC1994CG contains formal
encounters from institutional settings, which were categorised by topic and type of interaction”
(Aston & Burnard 1998: 31). Unlike the Spoken BNC1994DS, the Spoken BNC1994CG’s text
types were “selected according to a priori linguistically motivated categories” (Burnard 2000: 14):
namely educational and informative, business, public or institutional and leisure (Burnard 2000: 15).
Because of the variety of text types and settings involved, the data collection procedure varied;
some conversations were recorded using the same procedure as the DS, while recordings of
some conversations (e.g. broadcast media) already existed. The Spoken BNC1994CG contains
seven million words produced by 3,986 speakers and distributed across 755 texts.
Despite certain weaknesses in design and metadata, which I discuss in Section 3.2.2 (p.
23), the Spoken BNC1994 has proven a highly productive resource for linguistic research over
the last two decades. It has been influential in the areas of grammar (e.g. Rühlemann 2006,
Gabrielatos 2011, Smith 2014), sociolinguistics (e.g. McEnery 2006, Saily 2006, Xiao & Tao
2007), conversation analysis (e.g. Rühlemann & Gries 2015), pragmatics (e.g. Wang 2005,
Cappelle et al. 2015, Hatice 2015), and language teaching (e.g. Alderson 2007, Flowerdew 2009),
among others, which are discussed in further detail in Section 2.3.2. Part of the reason for the
widespread use of the BNC1994 is that it is an open-access corpus; researchers from around the
world can access the corpus at zero cost, either by downloading the full text from the Oxford
Text Archive,
or using the online interfaces provided by various institutions including Brigham
Young University (BNC-BYU,
Davies 2004) and Lancaster University (BNCweb,
Hoffmann et
al. 2008). Yet it is undoubtedly the unique access that the Spoken BNC1994 has provided to
large-scale orthographic transcriptions of spontaneous speech that has been the key to its
success. Such resources are needed by linguists, but are expensive and time consuming to
produce and hence are rarely accessible as openly and easily as is the BNC1994.
Also known as the ‘task-oriented part’ (Leech et al. 2001: 2).
Accessible at: (last accessed September 2017).
Accessible at: (last accessed September 2017).
Accessible at: (last accessed September 2017).
2.2.2 Other British English corpora containing spoken data
Other corpora of spoken British English exist which are similarly conversational and
non-specialized in terms of context. Although they have the potential to be just as influential as
the Spoken BNC1994DS, they are much harder to access for several reasons. Some have simply
not been made available to the public for commercial reasons. The Cambridge and Nottingham
Corpus of Discourse in English (CANCODE), for example, forms part of the Cambridge
English Corpus, which is a commercial resource belonging to Cambridge University Press and is
not accessible to the wider research community (Carter 1998: 55). Other corpora are available
only after payment of a license fee, which makes them generally less accessible. For instance,
Collins publishers’ WordBanks Online (Collins 2017) offers paid access to a 57-million-word
subcorpus of the Bank of English
(containing data from British English and American English
sources, 61 million words of which is spoken); the charges range, at the time of writing, from a
minimum of £695 up to £3,000 per year of access. Likewise, the British component of the
International Corpus of English (ICE-GB), containing one million words of written and spoken
data from the 1990s (Nelson et al. 2002: 3), costs over £400 for a single, non-student license.
Some other corpora are generally available, but sample a more narrowly defined regional
variety of English than ‘British English’. For instance, the Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech
(SCOTS) (Douglas 2003), while free to use, contains only Scottish English and no other regional
varieties of English from the British Isles. Its spoken section, mostly collected after the year
2000, is over one million words in length and contains a mixture of what could be considered
both conversational and task-oriented data. It serves as an example of a corpus project that aimed to
produce “a publicly available resource, mounted on and searchable via the Internet” (Douglas
2003: 24); the SCOTS website
allows users immediate and free access to the corpus. It appears
to be the first project since the Spoken BNC1994 to encourage use of the data not only by
linguists but by researchers from other disciplines too:
It is envisaged that SCOTS will be a useful resource, not only for language researchers,
but also for those working in education, government, the creative arts, media, and
tourism, who have a more general interest in Scottish culture and identity. (Douglas
2003: 24)
10 (last accessed September 2017).
11 (last accessed September 2017).
12 (last accessed September 2017).
This suggests that some work has taken place since the compilation of the BNC1994 that has, at
least in part, been able to bridge the gap of open-access, spoken, British English corpus data
between the early 1990s and the present-day.
More recently, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) undertook a language
compilation project that rivalled the Spoken BNC1994 both in size and range of speakers the
BBC Voices project (Robinson 2012). BBC Voices is “the most significant popular survey of
regional English ever undertaken around the UK” (BBC Voices 2007), and was recorded in 2004
and 2005 by fifty BBC radio journalists in locations all over the UK. All together over 1,200
speakers produced a total of 283 recordings. The only public access to the data (hosted by the
British Library’s National Sound Archive)
is to the recordings themselves. Users can freely
listen to the BBC Voices recordings online, but no transcripts exist. Since this project seems
similar to the Spoken BNC1994, it could be said that the most convenient way of producing a
successor would simply be to transcribe the BBC Voices recordings and release them as a
corpus. However, there are several differences between the Spoken BNC1994 and the BBC
Voices project which make this solution inadequate. Firstly, the BBC Voices project is a dialect
survey and not a corpus project (Robinson 2012: 23); the aim of its compilers was to search for
varieties of British English that were influenced by the widest range of geographic backgrounds
as possible, including other countries (BBC Voices 2007). Furthermore, the aim of BBC Voices
was not only to record samples of the many regional dialects of spoken English, but also to
capture discourses about language itself. The radio journalists achieved this by gathering the
recordings via informal interviews with groups of friends or colleagues, and asking specific
questions (BBC Voices 2007). This, then, is not naturally occurring language in the same sense as
the Spoken BNC1994DS, and so these conversations are not comparable. Finally, even if a
corpus of BBC Voices transcripts did exist, it would already be a decade old.
In this section I have introduced several spoken corpora of British English which have
been compiled since the release of the Spoken BNC1994, and discussed restrictions with regards
to the accessibility, appropriateness or availability of the data. These restrictions appear to have
translated into a much lower level of research output using these datasets. As a crude proxy for
the academic impact of these corpora, I searched in Lancaster University’s online library system
for publications which mention them. At the time of writing, a search for CANCODE retrieves
54 publications; WordBanks Online only 45; ICE-GB 300; SCOTS 34; and BBC Voices 101. By
contrast searching for the BNC1994 identifies 3,000 publications. While an admittedly rough rule
of thumb, this quick search shows that even though conversational, non-specialized spoken
13 (last accessed September 2017).
corpora that may be just as useful as the Spoken BNC1994DS have been compiled since 1994,
their limited availability, and/or the expense of accessing them, has meant that the Spoken
BNC1994 remains the most widely used spoken corpus of British English to date.
2.2.3 Summary and justification for the Spoken BNC2014
It is clearly problematic that research into spoken British English is still using a corpus
from the early 1990s to explore ‘present-day’ English. The reason why no spoken corpus since
the Spoken BNC1994 has equalled its utility for research seems to be that no other corpus has
matched all four of its key strengths:
i. orthographically transcribed data
ii. large size
iii. general coverage of spoken British English
iv. (low or no cost) public access
Each of the other projects mentioned above fails to fulfil one or more of these criteria. For
example, CANCODE is large and general in coverage of varieties of spoken British English, but
has no public access; while the SCOTS corpus is publicly-accessible, but contains only Scottish
English. The BBC Voices project, while general in coverage, is not transcribed. The Spoken
BNC2014 is the first corpus since the original that matches all four of the key criteria.
The point has been made that the age of the Spoken BNC1994 is a problem. The
problem of the Spoken BNC1994’s continued use would be lessened if it were not still treated as
a proxy for present-day English i.e. if its use were mainly historical but this is not the case.
For researchers interested in spoken British English who do not have access to privately held
spoken corpora this is unavoidable; the Spoken BNC1994 is still clearly the best publicly-
accessible resource for spoken British English for the reasons outlined. Yet, as time has passed,
the corpus has been used for purposes for which it is becoming increasingly less suitable. For
example, a recent study by Hadikin (2014), which investigates the behaviour of articles in spoken
Korean English, uses the Spoken BNC1994 as a reference corpus of present-day English.
Appropriately, Hadikin (2014: 7) gives the following warning:
With notably older recordings [than the Korean corpora he compiled] […] one has to be
cautious about any language structures that may have changed, or may be changing, in
the period since then.
In this respect, Hadikin’s (2014) work typifies a range of recent research which, in the absence of
a suitable alternative, uses the Spoken BNC1994 as a sample of present-day English. The dated
nature of the Spoken BNC1994 is demonstrated by the presence in the corpus of references to
public figures, technology, and television shows that were contemporary in the early 1990s:
(1) Oh alright then, so if John Major gets elected then I’ll still [unclear]
(BNC1994 KCF)
(2) Why not just put a video on?
(BNC1994 KBC)
(3) Did you see The Generation Game?
(BNC1994 KCT)
It is clear, then, that there is a need for a new corpus of conversational British English to allow
researchers to continue the kinds of research that the Spoken BNC1994 has fostered over the
past two decades. This new corpus will also make it possible to turn the ageing of the Spoken
BNC1994 into an advantage if it can be compared to a comparable contemporary corpus, it
can become a useful resource for exploring recent change in spoken English. The Spoken
BNC2014 project enables scholars to realise these research opportunities as well as, importantly,
allowing gratis public access to the resulting corpus.
2.3 Review of research based on spoken English corpora
2.3.1 Introduction
In this section I discuss the types of linguistic research that will likely benefit from the
compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 by reviewing the most common trends in relevant
published research between 1994 when the Spoken BNC1994 was first released and 2016. In
section 2.3.2, I review research published in five of the most prominent journals in the field of
corpus linguistics research that mainly required open-access spoken corpora, or at least spoken
corpora with affordable licences, in order to be completed. In section 2.3.3, I assess the role of
spoken corpora in the development of English grammars, a process in which the question of
availability to the public is irrelevant in some cases as the publisher allows the authors access to
spoken resources they possess. I conclude that there are limitations in the research, caused by the
John Major was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 1990 and 1997.
The VHS tape cassette, or ‘video’, was a popular medium for home video consumption in the 1980s and 1990s
before the introduction of the DVD in the late 1990s.
The Generation Game was a popular British television gameshow which was broadcast between 1971 and 2002.
problems outlined in the previous section, which could be addressed by the compilation of the
Spoken BNC2014.
2.3.2 Corpus linguistics journals
The aim of this section is to critically discuss a wide-ranging selection of published
research based on spoken corpora (of conversational British English and other language
varieties). The purpose of this is to discuss the extent to which:
(a) spoken corpora have been found to be crucial to the advancement of knowledge in a
range of areas of research;
(b) there are avenues of research that could be ‘updated’ by new spoken data; and,
(c) there is reason to compile a new corpus of modern-day British English conversation.
In the case of the Spoken BNC1994, Leech (1993: 10) predicted that the corpus would be
particularly useful for “linguistic research, reference publishing, natural language processing by
computer, and language education”. This section aims to assess how this corpus, and other
corpora containing spoken data, has actually been put to use in published research. To do this I
searched the archives of five of the most popular journals which publish research in corpus
(the dates in parentheses refer to the year in which the journals were established):
International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME) Journal (1979-)
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH) Journal (formerly Literary and Linguistic
Computing) (1986-)
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (IJCL) (1996-)
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (CLLT) Journal (2005-)
Corpora Journal (2006-)
For the ICAME and DSH journals, I considered only the volumes that were published from the
year 1994 and onwards; for the other three journals I searched all volumes. I chose 1994 as the
starting point because it is year that the BNC1994 was completed and began to be made publicly
By selecting only the output of five journals from the years 1994-2016, I am ignoring the many other outlets,
including monographs, edited collections and conference proceedings, that contain original spoken corpus research.
The purpose of this choice is simply to illustrate the ways in which existing spoken corpora have been used, and to
attempt to predict the types of research for which the Spoken BNC2014 may be used.
available for research (Burnard 2002: 10). Since the Spoken BNC1994 was “the first corpus of its
size to be made widely available” (Burnard 2002: 4), corpus research into spoken language prior
to the BNC1994’s publication used smaller bodies of data that were harder to access from
outside their host institution. Such research, therefore, is harder to verify and compare to more
recent spoken corpus studies, and so 1994 was the most appropriate place to start my search.
I retrieved papers that draw upon spoken corpora containing conversational data,
omitting those that drew upon data which would be considered exclusively task-oriented (in
Section 3.1, p. 22, I explain the rationale behind our choice to gather only conversational data for
the Spoken BNC2014). However, articles that draw upon corpora containing both types (e.g. the
Spoken BNC1994) were included. Likewise, I included research that used a mixture of spoken
and written corpora; the findings from the spoken data were considered relevant to my aim (I
found that many articles use corpora of written and spoken data together as a whole). The
following review is based upon the research of a total of 140 papers, published by the five
journals between the years 1994-2016. As shown in Table 1, this represents 14.23% of all articles
(excluding editorials and book reviews) published by these journals in this period, and the
highest relative frequency of articles selected for this review was generated by Corpus Linguistics
and Linguistic Theory (20.93%).
Table 1. Proportion of selected articles relative to the total number of articles published by each
journal between 1994 and 2016.
Freq. articles
% of all articles
Firstly, it is evident that spoken data has been relied upon in a considerable proportion of
(corpus) linguistic research; based on the research articles retrieved in my search, much appears
to have been said about the nature of spoken language. Secondly, it appears that research is
dominated by the English language; 117 out of the 140 studies use at least one corpus containing
some variety of English. Of these, 77% use British English data. It is not clear whether this
reflects in part the early domination of British English in the field of English Corpus Linguistics
(ECL) (McEnery & Hardie 2012: 72), or whether these journals happen to favour publishing
research which includes British English data, or both. Despite this, there has been considerable
research on spoken corpora of other languages, including:
Belgian Dutch (Grondelaers & Speelman 2007)
Brazilian Portuguese (Berber Sardinha et al. 2014)
Columbian Spanish (Brown et al. 2014)
Danish (Henrichsen & Allwood 2005, Gregersen & Barner-Rasmussen 2011)
Dutch (Mortier & Degand 2009, Defranq & de Sutter 2010, van Bergen & de Swart
2010, Tummers et al. 2014, Rys & de Cuypere 2014, Hanique et al. 2015)
Finnish (Karlsson 2010, Helasvuo & Kyröläinen 2016)
French (Mortier & Degand 2009, Defranq & de Sutter 2010)
German (Karlsson 2010, Schmidt 2016)
Korean (Kang 2001, Oh 2005, Kim 2009, Hadikin 2014)
Mandarin Chinese (Tseng 2005, Xiao & McEnery 2006, Wong 2006)
Māori (King et al. 2011)
Nepali (Hardie 2008)
Norwegian (Drange et al. 2014)
Russian (Janda et al. 2010)
Slovene (Verdonik 2015)
Spanish (Sanchez & Cantos-Gomez 1997, Butler 1998, Trillo & García 2001, de la Cruz
2003, Biber et al. 2006, Santamaría-García 2011, Drange et al. 2014)
Swedish (Henrichsen & Allwood 2005, Karlsson 2010)
Overall, the studies can be categorised into several general areas of linguistic research,
including, most prominently (numbers in brackets indicate frequency):
cognitive linguistics (6),
discourse analysis/conversation analysis (15),
grammar (59),
language teaching/language acquisition (9),
lexical semantics (17),
sociolinguistics (17).
Other less frequently occurring linguistic sub-disciplines include pragmatics (e.g. Ronan 2015),
morphology (e.g. Moon 2011) and emerging only recently (since 2014) phonetics (e.g.
Fromont & Watson 2016), as well as methodological papers about corpus/tool construction (e.g.
Andersen 2016, Jacquin 2016, Schmidt 2016). Together, these areas seem to generally match with
the predictions of Leech (1993). However, it is apparent that the findings of some groups of
papers work together coherently towards some shared goal, whereas others appear to select one
aspect of language and report on its use, filling gaps in knowledge as they are identified. Starting
with those which do appear to have achieved coherence, I will describe this difference with
The first area which does appear to produce sets of research that link clearly between one
another is the application of corpus data in cognitive/psycho-linguistic research. Interestingly
this is an area for which Leech (1993) did not predict spoken corpora such as the Spoken
BNC1994 would be of use. Articles reporting in this area of research did not become prominent
in the journals considered here until the second half of the 2000s. Typically, these studies present
comparisons of traditionally-elicited data with frequency information from large representative
corpora. For example, Mollin (2009) found little comparability between word association
responses from psycholinguistic elicitation tests and collocations of the same node words in the
BNC1994. She concluded that despite the value of elicitation data, it can say “little about
language production apart from the fact that it is a different type of task” (Mollin 2009: 196).
Likewise, McGee (2009) carried out a contrastive analysis of adjective-noun collocations using
the BNC1994 and the intuitions of English language lecturers, generating similar results. It seems
that the shared goal of investigating the relationship between elicitation and corpus data is the
driving motivation for both pieces of research, irrespective of domain or topic.
A similar claim can be made of language teaching. It seems that the overarching effort is
to assess the extent to which corpus data can be used in the teaching of language. Because of this
clearly defined aim, it is not difficult to see how individual studies relate to one another. Grant
(2005) investigated the relationship between a set of widely attested so-called ‘core idioms’ and
their frequency in the BNC1994, finding that none of the idioms occurred within the top 5,000
most frequent words in the BNC1994. She concluded, however, that corpus examples of idioms
would be useful in pedagogy to better equip learners for encountering idiomatic multi-word units
and the common contexts in which they occur (Grant 2005: 448). Likewise Shortall (2007)
compared the representation of the present perfect in ELT textbooks with its occurrence in the
spoken component of the Bank of English. He found that textbooks did not adequately
represent the actual use of the present perfect (based on corpus frequency), but that “pedagogic
considerations may sometimes override” this reality for the purpose of avoiding over-
complication in teaching (Shortall 2007: 179). Though these studies do select individual features,
both investigations appear to contribute convincingly towards a shared goal.
Other streams of research do not appear to have such explicitly stated shared
applications; however, the broader value of the research is implicitly understood by the research
community. For example, it seems that the study of spoken grammar is very popular (42% of the
articles in my review). These articles tend to produce findings about a variety of seemingly
unrelated features, filling gaps in knowledge about grammar. There is less of an explicitly stated
shared purpose than the previous areas described. For example, research papers based on the
BNC1994 have analysed features such as adjective order (Wulff 2003), -wise viewpoint adverbs
(Cowie 2006), pre-verbal gerund pronouns (Lyne 2006), the get-passive (Rühlemann 2007),
embedded clauses (Karlsson 2007), future progressives (Nesselhauf & Römer 2007), progressive
passives (Smith & Rayson 2007), quotative I goes (Rühlemann 2008), linking adverbials (Liu
2008), catenative constructions (Gesuato & Facchinetti 2011), dative alternation (Theijssen et al.
2013), satellite placement (Rys & de Cuypere 2014) and pronouns (Timmis 2015, Tamaredo &
Fanego 2016).
Likewise, research papers that address sociolinguistic variation seem to report on a wide
range of features. For example, using the Spoken BNC1994’s own domain classifications,
Nokkonen (2010) analysed the sociolinguistic variation of need to. Säily (2011) considered
variation in terms of morphological productivity, while the filled pauses uh and um were
investigated in both the BNC1994 and the London-Lund Corpus (Tottie 2011). Evidently there
is little relation between studies such as these, at least in terms of their results.
The motivation behind choosing a particular feature appears to be that of gap-filling;
finding some feature of language that has yet to be investigated in a certain way and laying claim
to the ‘gap’ at the beginning of the article. Take, for example, the opening paragraph of
Nesselhauf and Römer (2007: 297, emphasis added):
While the lexical-grammatical patterns of the future time expressions will, shall and going to
have received a considerable amount of attention, particularly in recent years […] the
patterns of the progressive with future time reference (as in He’s arriving tomorrow) have
hardly been empirically investigated to date. […] In this paper, we would like to
contribute to filling this gap by providing a comprehensive corpus-driven analysis of
lexical-grammatical patterns of the progressive with future time reference in spoken
British English.
Here the justification for the study is simply that the future progressive has been the subject of
little research thus far. Although there is no explicit discussion of how the investigation of the
future progressive would contribute valuably to some body of knowledge about grammar, it is
clear in this and the other studies considered that a broader understanding of language is being
contributed to by this work.
2.3.3 Grammars
A limitation of my study of journal articles is that I only considered research articles from
five journals, published since 1994. It could be that my observation of largely isolated pieces of
grammatical research, for example, is more a characteristic of journal publication rather than the
state of affairs for research on spoken grammar. In this respect, it is important to consider how
larger, potentially more comprehensive bodies of grammatical research have used spoken corpus
data as evidence. In this section I take three recently published English language grammars and
discuss their use of spoken corpora.
The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (Huddleston & Pullum 2002)
This is a “synchronic, descriptive grammar of general-purpose, present-day, international
Standard English” (Huddleston & Pullum 2002: 2). It drew upon the intuitions of its
contributors, consultations with other native speakers of English, dictionary data, academic
research on grammar and, most relevantly, corpus data (Huddleston & Pullum 2002: 11).
However, according to Huddleston and Pullum (2002: 13), it used:
The Brown corpus (American English),
The LOB corpus (British English),
The Australian Corpus of English (ACE), and
The Wall Street Journal Corpus.
None of these corpora contain spoken data. Aside from the lack of availability of spoken
resources (the BNC1994 had not been released to scholars outside of the UK until after the
grammar was in final draft), Huddleston and Pullum (2002: 12) justify their bias towards written
data by claiming that speech is prone to error, and thus “what speakers actually come out with
reflects only imperfectly the system that defines the spoken version of the language”. For them,
producing an accurate description of English is problematized by attempting to screen out the
“slips and failures of execution” of spoken language (Huddleston & Pullum 2002: 12). In their
view, written data, with its “slow rate of composition” (Huddleston & Pullum 2002: 12) is
superior for the description of grammatical facts because it represents the intended message of
the writer more directly.
This “written-biased view” (Lüdeling & Kytö 2008: vi) of corpus data is not only
grounded in the dearth of available spoken corpora, but more prominently in judgements about
the superiority of writing as a source of corpus evidence. Despite this, Huddleston and Pullum
(2002: 13) claim to have provided a description “that is neutral between spoken and written
English”. Such a stance on the inferiority of spoken language data is reminiscent of the
grammars of the 1970s and 1980s which, according to McEnery and Hardie (2012: 84), viewed
speech as “a debased form of language, mired in hesitations, slips of the tongue and
The Cambridge Grammar of English (Carter & McCarthy 2006)
The view of some that a spoken grammar “is only present in some bastardised form” (as
reported by McEnery & Hardie 2012: 85) sharply contrasts with that of Brazil (1995), whose
“courageous and innovative” book, A Grammar of Speech, presented a grammar that placed speech
“in central position” (John Sinclair, foreword, in Brazil 1995: xiv). Not only was spoken grammar
said to be entirely distinct from existing grammars of written English, but it did away with the
notion of the sentence and framed spoken language within the context of “pursuing some useful
communicative purpose” (Brazil 1995: 2).
Though Brazil’s view has since been described as an “opposite extreme” (McEnery &
Hardie 2012: 85) of that of Huddleston and Pullum (2002), the Cambridge Grammar of English
(Carter & McCarthy 2006) did ensure that spoken English was given fair consideration. Not only
did it recognise the importance of spoken corpus data as evidence of language use, but it
provided a “useful characterisation…of the distinctive features of spoken grammar” (McEnery
& Hardie 2012: 86). To do this Carter and McCarthy (2006) used the five-million-word
Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of Discourse in English (CANCODE), which, as described
in Section 2.2.2, is hosted privately by Cambridge University Press, their publishers. They
acknowledged that:
grammar…varies markedly according to context…whether [speakers] are at a dinner
party, in a classroom, doing a physical task, in a service transaction in a shop, or telling a
story. (Carter & McCarthy 2006: 3b)
This reflects an approach that, while still separating written grammar from spoken grammar,
ensures that the latter’s pervasiveness in life is not ignored. In this light it may be viewed as a
compromise between the approaches of Huddleston and Pullum (2002) and Brazil (1995).
Perhaps more importantly, it may be viewed as an illustrative example of a comprehensive,
coherent selection of observations about English that is based on spoken corpus data and which
contrasts to the research published in corpus linguistics journals.
The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (LGSWE) (Biber et al. 1999)
Biber et al. (1999) used the 40-million-word Longman Spoken and Written English corpus to
inform their grammar of English. This is another example of work undertaken by authors who
had access to privately hosted material. Their corpus contains nearly four million words of
British English conversation as well as 2.5 million words of American English conversation and
six million words of non-conversational speech (Biber et al. 1999: 25). The LGSWE claimed that
grammatical differences between speech and writing “are largely a matter of degree rather than
absolute distinctions” (McEnery & Hardie 2012: 87):
The extensive linguistic differences between the conversational extracts and the science
extract reflect the fundamental influence of register on grammatical choice. When
speakers switch between registers, they are doing very different things with language. The
present grammar therefore places a great deal of emphasis on register differences. (Biber
et al. 1999: 24)
Rather than posing speech and writing as separate domains, Biber et al. (1999) sought to present
grammar as a continuum of registers, among which there are speech-like and writing-like
grammatical features. According to McEnery and Hardie (2012: 88), the LGSWE and Carter and
McCarthy (2006) helped to achieve a shift from debates about a separate spoken grammar
towards a description of English grammar that is “both flexible and dynamic” in respect to its
use in both written and spoken contexts, though the views of Huddleston and Pullum (2002) still
stand in opposition to this view.
2.4 Summary
I have described the state of affairs in terms of recently published research that uses
spoken corpus data. The purpose of this is to identify the areas where I and the rest of the
Spoken BNC2014 research team aim for the corpus to be most productive, and it seems that
there are many. Many of the papers in my study of journal articles relied on access to corpora
that was either free or affordable according to the researchers’ budgets. Given the scarcity of
data and lack of accessibility of spoken corpora and that research into British English, that often
uses the outdated Spoken BNC1994 as a proxy for present-day English, appears to dominate, the
production of the Spoken BNC2014 is a justifiable task for the improvement of such streams of
research. Furthermore, it seems that spoken corpora have had success in the production of
English grammars both in terms of informing comprehensive collections of research as well as
helping to shape the theoretical direction of enquiry with regards to the nature of spoken
language. The compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 has the potential to contribute to this very
productively by providing a resource with which a new, up to date grammar of English can be
I have made the case that the Spoken BNC2014 a new, publicly available, spoken
corpus of conversational British English is a resource that is in high demand and will likely
help to improve several areas of linguistic research. What follows in this thesis is a critical
discussion of the methodological decisions made with regards to the compilation of the Spoken
BNC2014, followed by an analysis of the corpus, which aims to demonstrate its research
potential. The first stage in the compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 was to make several
decisions with regards to its design, and this is the focus of the next chapter.
3 Corpus design
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, I focus on methodological issues of spoken corpus compilation with
relation to corpus design, including general principles of design, recruitment, metadata and audio
data. I consider them together because in this context, as I will show in the sections that follow,
each of these areas of decision are governed by and in turn govern each other. Section 3.2
addresses design and speaker recruitment, assessing the extent to which the Spoken BNC1994
and related corpora have been compiled using a principled as opposed to opportunistic
approach, and discussing our decision to embrace opportunism. Section 3.3 discusses metadata,
showing how the approach to metadata collection taken by the Spoken BNC2014 has
substantially improved the richness of speaker and text metadata available to users when
compared to the Spoken BNC1994. It also discusses the new schemes for categorising age,
linguistic region and socio-economic status which I have introduced for the Spoken BNC2014
metadata. Section 3.4 addresses audio data, justifying our decision to have contributors make
recordings using their own smartphones rather than audio recording equipment provided by the
research team an innovation in spoken corpus compilation. By doing so we could facilitate the
aforementioned opportunistic approach to data collection which required no training for
contributors prior to recording.
3.2 Design & speaker recruitment
3.2.1 ‘Demographic’ corpus data
In terms of corpus design, a key decision we made early on in the creation of the Spoken
BNC2014 was to collect data which occurred only in informal contexts i.e. data which would
be comparable to the Spoken BNC1994DS. The rationale for gathering recordings from this
single type of situational context is simply that I have noted there to exist greater use of, and
demand for, conversational data. Researchers who wish to study spoken British English
occurring in specific contexts, especially relatively public contexts, are able to collect their own,
specialized corpora. Moreover, some such specialized corpora have been released publicly by
their creators and are available to researchers with an interest in the defined context in question;
examples include:
the British Academic Spoken English Corpus (BASE), which contains university lectures
and seminars (Thompson & Nesi 2001);
the Cambridge and Nottingham Business English Corpus (CANBEC; Handford 2007);
the Characterizing Individual Speakers (CHAINS) corpus, which represents a variety of
speech styles (Cummins et al. 2006);
the Nottingham Health Communication Corpus (Adolphs et al. 2004); and,
the Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English (VOICE), which comprises face to
face interactions between speakers of English as a lingua franca (Seidlhofer et al. 2013).
So, researchers with an interest in context-governed English speech already have options open to
them. However, a general corpus of informal speech, in private contexts, is harder to collect due
to the requirements of size and demographic spread, and the difficulty of the context to access
and therefore, in consequence, it is much more in demand in the research community.
Another corpus design decision we faced was what we should do about the known
shortcomings of the Spoken BNC1994DS. Most importantly, certain issues exist in the Spoken
BNC1994DS in terms of its speaker metadata; it has been criticised for the “often unhelpful”
and inconsistent availability of speaker metadata (Lam 2009: 176). Indeed, Burnard (2002: 7)
admits that the classifications used to categorise speakers are sometimes “poorly defined” and
“partially or unreliably populated”. The sections that follow are dedicated to the Spoken
BNC2014 research team’s attempts to improve upon this situation.
3.2.2 Design of the Spoken BNC1994DS
As mentioned, there are known issues with regards to the design of the Spoken
BNC1994DS. In this section, I explore these by discussing the three main categories of speaker
metadata (gender, age and socio-economic status) that were gathered for the Spoken
BNC1994DS, and the conflict between the aim for representativeness of design on the one hand
and the practical constraints of what it is possible to achieve in reality on the other. This includes
comparing the proportion of Spoken BNC1994 data collected for each of these demographic
categories with the distribution of those categories in the 1991 UK census.
Every corpus compilation project is, by definition, a sampling project (Biber 1993: 243).
The appropriateness of the sample depends on factors including the purpose of the research and
the domain within which the data is being collected. In the case of the Spoken BNC1994DS, the
demographic categories were divided into two types: “selection criteria and “descriptive
criteria” (Burnard 2002: 6). The selection criteria are the gender, age, socio-economic status and
region of the speakers. The descriptive criteria were those which were not controlled during the
collection of the data but which were recorded for information; these included the domain and
type of speech recorded (Burnard 2002: 6).
The aim of the compilers of the Spoken BNC1994 was to enable research “for a wide
variety of linguistic interests” (Wichmann 2008: 189). Part of this aim was to assemble a corpus
that was as representative as possible of the language variety under investigation, i.e. “the
language production of the population of British English speakers in the United Kingdom”
(Crowdy 1993: 259). Hunston (2008: 60) defines representativeness as:
the relationship between the corpus and the body of language it is being used to
This implies that the compiler(s) of a representative corpus must have a good idea of the make-
up of the body of language in the first place. This is a point acknowledged earlier by Biber (1993:
243), who claims that “a thorough definition of the target population” is one of the most
important considerations when selecting a representative sample. Otherwise, a faithful
relationship between the sample and the target population (i.e. representativeness) cannot be
formed. The ease of this varies depending on the size of the population from which the sample
is to be taken. For investigations of well-defined, specific domains of language (e.g. a small set of
parliamentary speeches about a particular topic; see Love & Baker 2015), it is sometimes possible
to collect all instances of the language used, and thus the corpus comprises the whole target
population and is fully representative. On the other hand, the Spoken BNC1994 was sampled
from a much larger domain of language. This presents a problem for those who doubt whether it
is possible to identify the features of a domain sufficiently for a corpus to be able to claim
representativeness of the whole (e.g. Nevalainen 2001; see also Crowdy 1993: 259). How can a
corpus be ‘representative’ of ‘the spoken British English language’ if one cannot accurately say
what does and does not constitute ‘the spoken British English language’? This is a problem
which, I argue, means that true representativeness is best thought of solely as an ideal (see
Čermák 2009: 119), towards which corpus compilers should orient their designs, but not expect
to reach in practice especially not in the case of large national corpora.
Before the Spoken BNC1994 was completed, Crowdy (1993: 257) claimed that:
representativeness is achieved by sampling a spread of language producers in terms of
age, gender, social group, and region, and recording their language output over a set
period of time. (emphasis added)
However, a compromise was clearly made between what would maximize representativeness and
what was possible in practice. As Burnard (2002: 5) points out, “no-one could reasonably claim
that the corpus was statistically representative of the whole language”, although he is clear that
the combination of criteria for selection and description would at least encourage proportionality
between, and variability within, the demographic groups (Burnard 2002: 6) the component
groups of each selection criterion were predetermined, and target proportions were assigned for
Table 2 shows how each demographic group from the Spoken BNC1994’s selection
criteria were populated, according to the proportion of words produced by speakers.
Table 2. Proportions of words in Spoken BNC1994 assigned across each of the three selection
criteria (adapted from Burnard 2000: 13).
Selection criterion
Demographic group
% words
Without knowing how these groups were populated by all British English speakers in the early
1990s, it is difficult to tell how representative the distributions in Table 2 are. Comparing these
proportions against population data from the 1991 UK census (the closest census to the time of
the Spoken BNC1994’s compilation), the census data appears at least to indicate the state of the
whole at the time.
The census data, as compared to the distribution of the selection criteria from Table 2,
are shown in Figure 1 for gender and Figure 2 (overleaf) for age.
There is a fairly sizable gender
imbalance favouring females in the BNC1994 data (58.5% female to 41.1% male). In terms of
balance, this is problematic; however, Figure 1 shows that in the census data this imbalance does
occur, albeit to a lesser extent (51.6% female to 48.4% male). So, while the design of the Spoken
BNC1994DS is skewed in favour of females, a completely equal word count for both genders
would have also failed to represent the UK population at the time.
Figure 1. Comparison of gender distribution between the Spoken BNC1994 speakers (Burnard
2000: 13) and the UK (England, Wales and Scotland) population of “present residents: in
households” in 1991 (NOMIS wizard query).
Moving to age (Figure 2, overleaf), the difference between that of the Spoken BNC1994
and the census data appears to be much greater than that of gender. While the highest
proportion of speech is contained in the 45-59 category, the peaks in the census data occur at the
youngest (0-14) and highest (60+) age categories. The largest disparity falls within the 0-14
category, whereby access to children and young teenagers as speakers was limited.
Comparable socio-economic status data was unavailable so only gender and age comparisons were possible.
% (words collected by BNC respondents) % (UK population 1991)
Figure 2. Comparison of age distribution between the Spoken BNC1994DS speakers (Burnard
2000: 13) and the UK (England and Wales only) population in 1991 (NOMIS wizard query).
In summary, males, children, and the elderly appear to have been underrepresented at the
time. Despite creating a sampling frame for the selection criteria, the priority in practice seems to
have been to collect as much data as possible and to accept the consequent imbalances in the
corpus across the demographic groups. This may sound like a careless strategy, but I argue that
this was the only reasonable approach given the costs associated with collecting spoken data.
Furthermore, some researchers would go on to craft smaller subcorpora of the data, which were
more balanced according to given metadata categories (e.g. BNC 64, Brezina & Meyerhoff 2014).
This means that, despite imbalances across the corpus as a whole, it was still possible to analyse
demographic groups of equal size if one was able and willing to work with a smaller data set.
Making use of a geological metaphor, the Spoken BNC1994 can be viewed as containing a small
core of data with evenly balanced demographic categories, and a larger mantle of additional
data which, when combined with the core, produces a large but not balanced corpus.
3.2.3 Speaker recruitment in the Spoken BNC1994
For the Spoken BNC1994, the ACORN market research group was enlisted to recruit
speakers (Crowdy 1993: 260). 38 locations (in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland,
Rayson et al. 1997) were selected using “random location sampling procedures” (Crowdy 1995:
225). These were grouped into 12 regions as illustrated in Figure 3 (overleaf). According to
Crowdy (1993: 260), the 12 sampling points (spread across three “supra-regions” – North,
Midlands and South), were assigned as follows:
0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+
% (words collected by BNC
% (UK population 1991)
1. North
2. Yorkshire and Humberside
3. East Midlands
4. East Anglia
5. South East
6. Greater London
7. South West
8. Wales
9. West Midlands
10. Lancashire
11. Northern Ireland
12. Scotland
Figure 3. The Spoken BNC1994DS’s geographic regions (reproduced from Crowdy 1993: 260).
Furthermore, the contributors (124 in total) were recruited in “equal numbers of men and
women, equal numbers from each of the six age groups, and equal numbers from each of the
four social classes” (Burnard 2000: 12). These contributors went on to make recordings
containing a total of 1,408 speakers (including the contributors themselves). The demographic
balance of the majority of speakers those who were not recording the conversations was not
controlled. This approach is therefore largely opportunistic; beyond a small, balanced core of
contributors, the Spoken BNC1994 research team accepted the recordings as they came, and in
doing so accepted any associated imbalances in the demographic make-up of the speaker word
3.2.4 Design & recruitment in other spoken corpora
Although it was clearly of interest for the Spoken BNC2014 research team to pay most
attention to the approach to design taken by the compilers of the Spoken BNC1994, I want to
touch upon what is known about the design of some other relevant spoken corpora. Table 3
(overleaf) summarises eight other spoken corpus compilation projects, focussing on whether a
principled or an opportunistic approach to data collection was used. This shows that a variety of
approaches have been taken with regards to spoken corpus design. Most of the corpora (CASE,
CorCenCC, FOLK, ICE-GB, SCOTS and Wordbanks Online) have been designed using a
principled approach, with a strict sampling frame established before data collection began. At
least two (CorCenCC and SCOTS), however, appear to have supplemented this approach with
opportunistic data collection, although explicit discussion of this is hard to come by in the
available documentation for the corpora under review in Table 3. The only explicit discussion of
opportunism I could find was by Douglas (2003: 34): “opportunism, although often a necessary
evil, is not necessarily indefensible so long as the collection method itself is transparent”.
Examples of opportunism which are more obvious, but not explicitly framed as such,
can be found. BBC Voices took a similar approach to the Spoken BNC1994 with regards to
recruiting a balanced selection of contributors who would go on to produce recordings with
anyone of their choosing. Furthermore, the SBCSAE attempted to capture a representative
sample of American English from across the entire country, but its small size (250,000 words)
makes it seem unlikely that a representative sampling frame could have been adopted; given the
great linguistic diversity of English in the United States, a quarter of a million words does not
appear to afford sufficient opportunity to capture that diversity.
Table 3. Approach to corpus design taken by the compilers of a variety of spoken corpora.
Spoken corpus
Approach to corpus design
BBC Voices
British English,
casual group
interviews, 2000s
Balance according to the region of the BBC
journalists making the recordings. No
sampling frame for representativeness of
speakers thereafter, according to any
features. “Decisions about whom to record
did, however, take into account a desire to
capture well establish local varieties
(Robinson 2012: 24).
Corpus of
Spoken English
English as a Lingua
Franca, academic
Skype conversations,
Pre-determined sampling frame established.
Students of the project researchers
conducted and participated in the
recordings with their academic peers.
Diemer et al.
National Corpus
Welsh, variety of
interaction types,
Carefully designed sampling frame.
However, a mixture of targeted recruitment
of volunteers and public crowdsourcing via
a smartphone app (see Section 3.2.6).
Knight et al.
Research and
Corpus of
Spoken German
German, variety of
interaction types,
Strict sampling frame. Priority is variety of
interaction types. FOLK also attempts to
control for some secondary variables, like
regional variation, sex and age of speakers,
in order to achieve a balanced corpus.
(Schmidt 2016: 398)
Corpus of
English - Great
British English,
variety of interaction
types, 1990s
Strict sampling frame. The small size of the
corpus (one million words) implies that
contributors were recruited directly rather
than via a public participation campaign.
Nelson et al.
(2002); UCL
Survey of
English Usage
Santa Barbara
Corpus of
American English,
variety of interaction
types (primarily
casual conversation),
Clear attempt to sample according to a
variety of regions, but it seems unlikely that
a strict sampling frame for other speaker
metadata categories was used.
Du Bois et al.
Scottish Corpus
of Texts and
Scots and Scottish
English, variety of
interaction types,
2000s (mostly)
Sampling frame, supplemented by
opportunistic approaches. Although
opportunistic corpus building has often
been dismissed, and in some cases with
justification, as being unscientific and
unrepresentative, it can be a pragmatic, and
if treated cautiously, an illuminating point
of entry. (Douglas 2003: 34)
Bank of English
Mostly British
English, variety of
interaction types,
2000s (mostly)
Balanced subset of the COBUILD (Collins
Birmingham University International
Language Database) corpus retrospective
sampling of an existing corpus.
Collins (2017)
3.2.5 General approach to design in the Spoken BNC2014
It seems, then, that the pragmatic approach taken by the Spoken BNC1994 research
team has had to be followed by some others too, though they have followed the approach by
default rather than in an explicit fashion. In this section, it is my aim to make explicit our
decision to take an approach which is almost entirely opportunistic in nature, and to explain why
it is not, in the case of the Spoken BNC2014, a “necessary evil” (Douglas 2003: 34), but rather
an optimum approach to contemporary spoken corpus compilation.
Reflecting on the Spoken BNC1994’s approach to design and representativeness
described above, it was clear to us that using the corpus as a template sampling frame for the
sake of comparability was an unreasonable aim. Even if we had taken this approach carefully
selecting speaker and recording types which matched with those in the Spoken BNC1994DS it
is known that two or more corpora collected using the same sampling frame are not guaranteed
to be entirely comparable (Miller & Biber 2015). Instead, we set out to collect a corpus under
conditions which would not constrain us to perfectly match the Spoken BNC1994DS. A new
corpus of conversational L1 British English was to be collected, but it was not to be a
contemporary carbon copy of the original. However, we did adopt similar principles to those of
the BNC1994, including acceptance of the data that became available, while monitoring the
levels of the demographic categories to be alerted to any imbalances that were severe. This is
what I call an ‘opportunistic approach’ to data collection. If any such holes in the data began to
appear, we attempted to address these by targeting those specific groups of people variously
through Facebook and Twitter advertisement campaigns, student recruitment campaigns at
universities, and press releases which targeted speakers of a particular age, or from a certain
geographical region (see Section 3.2.6). The resulting data set (see Love et al. 2017b) represents
an improvement in balance when compared to the Spoken BNC1994 some categories are well
balanced (e.g. northern vs. southern speakers) and some categories are better populated than
they would have been had we not monitored the numbers and targeted specific social groups
(e.g. elderly speakers). However, there are some effective interventions and some less effective
interventions one intervention we made to address an issue had no appreciable impact, hence
there is a major trough being the dearth of speakers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
in the corpus. Yet this lack is acceptable as spoken corpora of English spoken by people from
these countries have been collected and made available since the release of the Spoken
BNC1994. The previously mentioned SCOTS (Douglas 2003) contains approximately one
million words of Scottish English speech most of which was collected in the 2000s. The
Bangor Siarad corpus (Deuchar et al. 2014) contains 450,000 words of bilingual Welsh-English
spontaneous speech collected between 2005 and 2008. ICE-Ireland (Kallen & Kirk 2008)
comprises approximately 300,000 words of spoken data collected from speakers of Northern
Irish English in the mid-1990s to early 2000s. Hence much as the COLT corpus helped to
balance off the data in the BNC1994, so these corpora could be used with the same function
with the BNC2014. What is important is the production of an ‘English English’ spoken corpus.
As discussed in Section 2.2 (p. 7), no comparable corpus containing ‘English English’ has been
made publicly available since the Spoken BNC1994DS; and so we prioritized collecting data for
England, as that is where the greatest need lay.
This prioritization of England does mean that the Spoken BNC2014 is not a properly
balanced corpus if taken as a whole. Yet, as noted, it was no more designed to be so than the
Spoken BNC1994 was. Our resolution is to explicitly facilitate the analysis of the Spoken
BNC2014 both as a full, unbalanced version (maximising the virtue of size), and also as the
“core” on its own (a smaller, balanced subcorpus derived from the whole corpus). The core
subcorpus, developed initially for the BNC SDA (secondary data analysis) project (Reichelt
2017), contains an approximately equal number of tokens within each category for each of the
following criteria: gender, age, socio-economic status, and English region. Users of the corpus in
Lancaster University’s CQPweb server are able to move between the entirety of the corpus and
the core subcorpus as they wish, so that they can select whichever fits better with the purpose at
hand. The core/non-core status of different segments of the corpus will also be coded as
metadata in the XML-format release of the data (see Chapter 6, p. 128). Similarly, users
interested in varieties of English spoken on the Celtic fringes of the UK can use other corpora to
supplement the Spoken BNC2014 for this purpose.
The alternative, principled approach drawing up a sampling frame and actively seeking
out recordings from particular groups of speakers might well have produced a more
representative or balanced corpus, but would, at the very least, have undoubtedly taken much
longer to produce.
That would have worked against our aim to produce a corpus that can for
a while be plausibly accepted as a proxy for present-day British English. It would also have
been prohibitively time consuming and expensive to do this, which with a fixed level of resource
available would necessarily lead to the end-result corpus being smaller by perhaps an order of
We found that that certain groups (e.g. NS-SEC groups 6 and 7, see Section 3.3.5) were less forthcoming with
data than others, despite contributors being paid for providing us with recordings. Therefore, it is not guaranteed
that a principled approach would produce a more balanced corpus, if some groups of the population are largely
unwilling to contribute, even with the offer of payment.
3.2.6 Speaker recruitment in the Spoken BNC2014
Section 3.2.2 clearly shows that the Spoken BNC1994’s careful demographic balancing of
only the contributors (in lieu of balancing all of the speakers) does not produce a balanced
corpus. Nor was it ever likely to; the 124 contributors would have encountered any combination
of speakers during their recording slots, and had the total number of speakers distributed equally
across age, gender, socio-economic status and region it would have been miraculous. With this in
mind, the Spoken BNC2014’s opportunistic approach to data collection (the merits of which
have already been established in Section 3.2.5) went a step further than the Spoken BNC1994DS
by applying no controlling mechanism to the demographic spread of contributors in the first
place. Rather than recruit a market research company to carefully select a balanced core of
contributors, one of the most innovative features of the Spoken BNC2014 is the use of PPSR
(public participation in scientific research) for data collection (see Shirk et al. 2012). Anyone who
was interested in contributing recordings to the Spoken BNC2014 was directed to a website
which described the aims of the project and included a contact form to allow them to register
their interest in contributing data. People who registered interest were contacted by the
Cambridge team via email with further instructions. The primary method of capturing public
attention was a series of national media campaigns in 2014 and 2015 (see e.g. Figure 4, overleaf).
Using an initial two-million-word subcorpus collected by Cambridge University Press in 2012, I
produced lists of words which had increased (e.g. awesome) and decreased (e.g. marvellous) in
relative frequency to the greatest extent between the Spoken BNC1994DS and the 2012 data.
These lists were written into press releases which proved very popular in the national UK press,
and provided the most substantial intake of new contributors that the Cambridge team received.
In addition to the national media campaigns, we also participated in public engagement
events such as the Cambridge University Festival of Ideas (Dembry & Love 2014) and the UK
Economic and Social Research Council’s Festival of Social Sciences (McEnery et al. 2014, Love
2015), where we shared early findings from a subset of the corpus and encouraged audiences to
Figure 4. Example of an online news article reporting on early findings from the Spoken
This does not mean that attempts to boost the number of speakers of a given
demographic group were not made later on in the data collection stage. As mentioned in Section
3.2.5, some supplementary targeted recruitment was conducted when the research team
identified holes in the data. Methods included using targeted social media advertisements (e.g.
targeting Facebook users from Cardiff), press releases specific to a particular social group (e.g.
“Mum’s the word…both then and now”)
or by contacting colleagues from universities in
both-then-and-now (last accessed September 2017).
sought after locations and asking them to spread word of the project. For example, the following
email was circulated among linguistics students at the University of Glasgow in January 2016:
Dear students
Imagine yourself sitting around with your friends or family, having a chat. You probably
do this quite a lot, and it probably doesn’t take that much effort.
Now, imagine being paid to do just that!
I am writing on behalf of Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press to offer
you the opportunity to earn money by recording the audio of conversations between
yourself and your friends or family.
The idea is very simple use your phone to record yourself chatting with whoever you
choose, send the recordings to us, and earn up to £500 (at a rate of £18 per hour of
The recordings will be transcribed and included in the Spoken British National Corpus
2014, which is a massive corpus of conversations from across the UK. While we have so
far gathered lots of recordings from England, Scotland is lacking so this is your chance!
To register, and for more information, click the above link and follow the instructions.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact [email protected]
Many thanks, and best wishes
Robbie Love
Another recruitment method was designed to encourage eligible students from the Department
of Linguistics and English Language (LAEL) at Lancaster University to make recordings while
they were visiting home during the 2015 Christmas holiday. To do this I set up a bespoke LAEL
Spoken Language Ambassadors webpage with Cambridge University Press
and circulated a
link to the webpage among students. This allowed us to specify types of speakers in whom we
were most interested at the time (e.g. “We are particularly interested in employing Spoken
Language Ambassadors who can make recordings with elderly people perhaps a grandparent or
other family member”).
The recruitment of speakers for the Spoken BNC2014 can be characterised as a process
of two stages. The first stage was, as described above, the recruitment of participants who would
I am grateful to Professor Marc Alexander of the University of Glasgow for circulating this message among his
record their conversations the contributors. The second stage was for the contributors to
choose people to record conversations with speakers.
While the Cambridge team maintained
direct contact with the contributors, it was not the case that they had direct contact with the
speakers themselves. Instead, speakers were to receive all sufficient information about the
project from the contributors. The design of this collection process (see Figure 5) is such that it
placed great responsibility on the contributors, who were to mediate between both the researcher
and the speakers. As described in the next two sections, this included:
obtaining informed consent and gathering demographic metadata from the speakers;
sending all data and recordings to the researcher at the end of the collection period; and
in very few cases,
being available for a post-data collection interview with the researcher (see below).
Figure 5. The relationship between researcher, contributor and speaker when compiling a
spoken corpus (double-headed arrows indicate contact between the linked parties; dotted lines
indicate that n is a theoretically unknown number that is only known in practice).
Because of the importance of the contributors to the success of the project, we incentivized
participation in the Spoken BNC2014 by offering payment of £18 for every hour of recording of
a sufficient quality for corpus transcription, and, importantly, submission of all associated
consent forms and full speaker metadata (see Section 3.3.4). All speakers were required to give
informed consent prior to recording, and contributors took responsibility for making recordings
and for gathering consent and metadata from all speakers they recorded. We used this
opportunity to gather metadata from each individual speaker directly, via the contributors, since
In most cases contributors were also speakers in the recordings.
no contact was made between the research team and the speakers with whom the contributors
chose to converse. To ensure that all information and consent was captured, no payments were
made to contributors until all metadata, consent forms and related documentation was fully
completed for each recording.
For almost all contributors, participation in the project ended upon receipt of payment.
However, to learn more about the experience of making recordings for the Spoken BNC2014, I
invited three of the contributors (close family members of mine) to take part in interviews which
were conducted after their participation in the data collection process was complete.
As an indication of the modern-day utility of PPSR as a methodological approach to
linguistic research, it is relevant to note two other research projects which have adopted this
method. The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh (Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes,
led by Dawn Knight at Cardiff University, has developed a smartphone
application for the crowdsourcing of Welsh language conversational recordings which will be
included in the corpus. The second project is English Dialects,
led by Adrian Leemann at the
University of Cambridge, which in 2017 launched a smartphone app, prompting users to select
how they pronounce certain words, contributing to a national database of contemporary dialect
3.3 Speaker and text metadata
3.3.1 Introduction
As discussed in Sections 3.2.5 and 3.2.6, the Spoken BNC2014 research team opted for
an opportunistic approach to corpus design and the recruitment of speakers. A further decision
we had to make concerned the metadata we were to collect about (a) the speakers and (b) the
recordings themselves. The collection of metadata is an extremely important step in the
compilation of a spoken corpus, as it affords the creation of subcorpora which can be defined
according to different features of the speakers (e.g. age) or conditions of the recordings
themselves (e.g. number of speakers in the conversation). I henceforth refer to the former type
as ‘speaker metadata’ and the latter as ‘text metadata’. For the latter, I use the word ‘text’ rather
than ‘recording’ because the process of transcription does produce text representations of the
All data is stored and analysed in compliance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
These contributor interviews were recorded and transcribed for later reference (see Appendix A, p. 207 and
Appendix B, p. 210). The guide sheet I used in these interviews can be found in Appendix C (p. 213). Excerpts from
these interviews are used in Section 3.3.5 of this chapter and in Section 7.3.2 (p. 155).
26 (last accessed September 2017).
guess-your-regional-accent (last accessed September 2017).
original spoken discourse (see Chapter 4, p. 77). Users of the corpus encounter the data in text
form, and so it is logical to conceive of the data as such.
3.3.2 Metadata in the Spoken BNC1994
Turning again to the Spoken BNC1994, it is useful to consider the lessons learnt with
regards to the practicalities of collecting the speaker and text metadata. Before the full corpus
was compiled, Crowdy (1993) ran a small pilot study, using only 14 recruits, and investigated a
series of issues that would inform decisions made in the compilation of the Spoken BNC1994.
The speaker metadata categories that Crowdy (1993: 265) collected in his pilot study are:
Age (exact age for contributors and approximation for speakers)
Race (only for contributors)
First language or language variety (for other speakers; all contributors were native British
English speakers)
Occupation (for contributors and for speakers where known)
Education (only for contributors)
Social group (based on interview)
Relationship to person recording
Other (only for contributors, based on interview)
Dialect (exact for contributors and estimation for speakers)
The text metadata categories are:
Location of recording (this was then classified into a region for analytical use)
Contributors were evidently interviewed at some stage of the data collection process
presumably at the point at which they would return the recording equipment and tapes to the
research team (see Section 3.4.2) allowing further collection of speaker metadata.
Importantly, the responsibility to record the metadata was placed solely on contributors
the participants who recorded the conversations. Rather than asking speakers to provide their
own information, the contributors were asked to note metadata about the people they recorded,
based on their own knowledge. This was done using the conversation log (Figure 6, overleaf),
which shows that the information was expected to be provided by contributors on behalf of
speakers. This approach meant that if categories like age, education or occupation were not known to
the contributors, then they either guessed (e.g. by writing 30+’ or 50+’, Crowdy 1993: 265), or
simply omitted this information. Other categories, like race, for example, were only recorded for
the contributors, because “it was felt that the person recording could not be expected to make
judgements about the race of other participants” (Crowdy 1993: 265). Therefore, information
about the race of all speakers other than the contributors was not collected.
It is my presumption that the reason for not asking speakers to provide metadata
themselves was to avoid intrusiveness. Bearing in mind the surreptitious approach adopted in
Spoken BNC1994DS, whereby “in many cases the only person aware that the conversation is
being taped is the person carrying the recorder” (Crowdy 1993: 260), the benefit of this was that
speakers were not inconvenienced further by having to provide personal information. The
disadvantage of this approach, and perhaps one of the main explanations for the holes in the
Spoken BNC1994’s demographic metadata (Burnard 2002: 7), is that there was too much
opportunity for linguistically useful speaker metadata simply not to be recorded. Even though
the approach of Crowdy (1993) was to ask recruits to record data without informing speakers
until afterwards, the speakers still had to give (retrospective) consent (Crowdy 1993: 261), and so
there does seem to have been an opportunity for speakers to provide their own personal
information. In terms of ethics, the surreptitious approach to data (and metadata) collection is no
longer acceptable in UK social science research; the ethics procedures adopted by the Spoken
BNC2014 research team are discussed in the next section.
It is my belief that relying on the contributors’ knowledge of speakers in the way
described above contributed to the attested gaps in the demographic categories in the Spoken
BNC1994 (Burnard 2002). This could have occurred if the contributor did not know all of the
information about each speaker they encountered, or if the contributor failed to collect
information about some of the speakers they encountered in the first place.
Figure 6. Example of conversation log given to contributors in the Spoken BNC1994DS
(reproduced from Crowdy 1993: 260).
3.3.3 Metadata collection in the Spoken BNC2014: procedure and ethics
In the Spoken BNC2014, we aimed to improve on the yield and precision of BNC1994
metadata by having all speakers who were recorded provide their own metadata instead.
Contributors were provided with copies of the Speaker Information Sheet (Figure 7 overleaf),
and were instructed to have each speaker fill out a copy and return it to the contributor. The
opportunity for this arose since all speakers had to individually sign a consent form anyway; and
so the speaker metadata form was incorporated into the giving of consent, according to the
ethics procedures of the Lancaster-CUP collaboration. This ties into the ethical issue of
informed consent (Adolphs & Carter 2013: 10); as mentioned, the Spoken BNC1994DS was
collected surreptitiously; the people who spoke with the contributors were (mostly) unaware that
they were being recorded until they were informed afterwards, and asked to give consent
(Burnard 2007). Nowadays, ethical principles in academic research dictate that all speakers must
give informed consent before data collection commences (Adolphs & Carter 2013: 10), and that
such consent includes “how recordings are to take place, how data is presented and outlines the
research purposes for which it is used” (Adolphs & Carter 2013: 10). This corresponds with the
British Association for Applied Linguistics recommendations for good practice (BAAL 2000: 2),
which state clearly that “deception is unacceptable”, as well as Lancaster University’s Faculty of
Arts and Social Science (FASS) code of practice, which requires “appropriate informed consent”
(FASS 2009: 6). This situation is reflected in non-academic practice too; CUP, a publishing body
and therefore a commercial stakeholder of the project, must abide by similar procedures and has
a legal team which advises for example on compliance with the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
We decided that the easiest approach was to have Cambridge draft the consent form with their
legal team, and for the consent of the speakers to be given directly to Cambridge. Cambridge
then drafted a memorandum of understanding with Lancaster for the provision of the corpus
Figure 7. The Speaker Information Sheet/consent form used in the Spoken BNC2014.
The gathering of metadata directly from speakers appears to have achieved its intended
goal. Comparing the number of words which populate the ‘unknown’ groups of the main
demographic categories in the Spoken BNC1994DS with the Spoken BNC2014 (Table 4),
has been a considerable improvement as evidenced by the reduction in the percentage of words
in these groups in the new corpus.
Table 4. Number of words categorised as ‘unknown’ or ‘info missing’ for the three main
demographic categories in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014.
Group: 'unknown'/
‘info missing’
% of corpus
% of corpus
% of corpus
This substantial improvement is an indication of the success of the new approach to data
collection; the speakers are accounted for with metadata much more richly in the Spoken
BNC2014. This new approach does, however, mean that there exists an unavoidable and yet
unignorable difference in the data collection procedures of the two Spoken British National
Corpora: speakers in the new corpus were aware that they were being recorded, while their
predecessors were mostly not. Clearly, this does affect the kind of interaction it was possible to
collect in the Spoken BNC2014 when compared to its predecessor; the conversations we
recorded were conducted as pre-arranged ‘recording sessions’, where the activity of holding a
conversation was, at least to begin with, the focus. The surreptitious approach of the Spoken
BNC1994 produced recordings of conversations which were much more likely to be incidental
encounters. The effect of this difference on the discourse itself is difficult to predict, but my
study of bad language (Chapter 7, p. 142) does go some way towards allaying fears that this
difference renders the corpora incomparable. Research into the effect(s) that this methodological
difference may have had on the discourse gathered in both corpora would be welcome.
Another ethical issue which is addressed in the consent form is anonymity. Burnard
(2002: 4) describes difficulty in finding the best way to anonymize data without compromising its
“linguistic usefulness”. Like informed consent, anonymity must be promised to participants, and
Hasund’s (1998) account of anonymization procedures in the compilation of the COLT corpus
See Love et al. (2017b) for a full set of word count tables for the Spoken BNC2014.
proves useful in this context. She notes that “anonymization of names has been especially
important in research involving sensitive information” (Hasund 1998: 15), and that the difficulty
of anonymization is that there is “no unified approach to the issue”, but that complete
anonymization appears to be the norm (Hasund 1998: 14). Thus, the data most definitely
required modification, but in a way that did not affect the findings of subsequent corpus
analyses. Such modifications included changing “references to people or places” (Baker 2010:
49), and are described in the next chapter. In sum, the ethical approach of the Spoken BNC2014
research team was to ensure that informed consent was gained and anonymity assured, without
compromising the naturalness of the subsequent recordings beyond what was out of our control.
These are important considerations to make in ensuring that the recorded speech is as “genuinely
naturally occurring” (Adolphs & Carter 2013: 11) as reasonable.
The second form we provided to contributors was the Recording Information Sheet
(Figure 8, overleaf). This asked for information which would go on to be used as text metadata
in the corpus, as well as a table which asked contributors to write the first turn that each speaker
spoke in each recording they made. The purpose of this was to aid transcription; it allowed
transcribers to find an example of each speaker’s voice in the recording as identified by someone
who was present for the recording and likely to be familiar with each of the speakers voices (see
Chapter 4, p. 77, for more information on transcription). This was a method which I had devised
with transcribers at Lancaster in the early pilot stage of the project. The Recording Information
Sheet also shows that we collected much more text metadata than the Spoken BNC1994 team
did; the speaker and text metadata categories are summarized in the next section.
Figure 8. Recording Information Sheet used in the Spoken BNC2014.
3.3.4 Speaker & text metadata collection procedures in the Spoken BNC2014
As mentioned, unlike in the Spoken BNC1994, speakers in the Spoken BNC2014
provided their own metadata. This gave us the flexibility to collect a larger set of metadata than
was collected in the earlier corpus. The following sections introduce the items of metadata that
are recorded for each speaker in the corpus. Following this is a discussion section which covers
the methodological approach taken with regards to three of the speaker metadata categories: age,
linguistic region and socio-economic status.
This was retained only for the purpose of communication between the team at
Cambridge and the contributors. All names were converted into unique speaker ID codes to
maintain de-identification (the removal or coding of identifiable information for public use,
while retaining such information privately, Ribaric et al. 2016) before the transcripts were sent to
Lancaster for processing (see Chapter 6, p. 128). The term ‘de-identification’ refers to the same
process that has hereforeto often been labelled ‘anonymization’.
A free-text box prompting speakers to provide their age. See Section 3.3.5 for discussion
of age categorization.
Gender was collected in a similar way to Crowdy (1993), but with the omission of the ‘M
or F’ prompt, which was replaced by a free-text box. In light of “the complexity and fluidity of
sex and gender categories” (Bradley 2013: 22), I wanted to avoid presupposing that all
participants would willingly describe their gender in this binary fashion. However, all speakers
did report their gender as either “female” or “male”, which we code as F or M respectively. A
third classification, ‘n/a (multiple)’, is used only for groups of multiple speakers (e.g. in
attributing vocalisations such as laughter when produced by several speakers at once).
A free-text box prompting speakers to provide their nationality. Although useful, this
was not used to exclude ineligible speakers from the corpus; we chose to define “British” as
speakers whose L1 (or one of their L1s in the case of multi-lingualism) is British English, rather
than speaker nationality.
A free-text box prompting speakers to provide their birthplace.
A free-text box prompting speakers to provide their L1. Only ten speakers feature in the
corpus who reported an L1 other than (British) English. The recordings in which they featured
were not excluded from the corpus, because these speakers interacted with speakers of L1
British English, and the contribution of the non-L1 British English speakers was not substantial.
A free-text box prompting speakers to report the country/countries that they believe
have been most influential on their L1 use.
A free-text box prompting speakers to report their own accent/dialect. See Section 3.3.5
for details on how the answers were converted into linguistic region categories.
Free-text boxes prompting speakers to provide the town and country in which they
currently live, followed by the number of years/months that they have lived there.
Speakers were prompted to list any languages spoken in addition to British English.
Tick-boxes prompting speakers to select their highest level of education.
A free-text box prompting speakers to report their current occupation. See Section 3.3.5
for details on how the answers were converted into socio-economic status categories.
The metadata categories pertaining to the texts were established using information
provided in the Recording Information Sheet:
This was established by counting the number of speakers listed by the contributor on the
Recording Information Sheet.
A free-text box prompting contributors to report the location in which the recording was
made. Unlike the Spoken BNC1994, where contributors kept recording over the length of a
whole day and so gathered data in several locations per recording session, the recording
procedure for the Spoken BNC2014 (see Section 3.4.3) assumed that each recording would take
place in only one location.
A tick-box list prompting contributors to characterise how well the speakers know each
other. Although the options provided represented a range of social relationships (see Figure 8, p.
45), the design of the corpus was explicitly geared towards family and friends i.e. conversations
between speakers who already knew each other quite well. Overall, 1,209 recordings (96.6% of
all recordings in the Spoken BNC2014) were conducted between close family, friends or
colleagues. By contrast, only seven recordings were conducted between speakers who were
indicated by the contributor to be strangers.
A free-text box prompting contributors to list each topic covered in the conversation.
A free-text box prompting contributors to give the recording a short title, characterising
the setting and purpose of the conversation.
A tick-box list prompting contributors to identify the conversational acts which have
taken place in the recording.
3.3.5 Age, linguistic region & socio-economic status: discussion
Many of the speaker and text metadata categories collected required no further
categorisation once keyed into a metadata spreadsheet from the Speaker Information Sheet.
These items of speaker and text metadata are entirely self-reported; the wording in which the
speakers provided this information is reproduced verbatim in the corpus metadata and
documentation without attempts to schematize or standardize. However, three of the groups
which are of particular sociolinguistic interest (age, linguistic region and socio-economic status)
required further work to prepare the metadata for the creation of relevant subcorpora. In the
case of age, this was an issue of the form of the metadata and corpus comparability. In the case
of linguistic region and socio-economic status, this information could not be collected from
speakers directly but had to be inferred from the available speaker metadata.
Speaker age in the Spoken BNC1994 is categorized according to the following brackets:
For the sake of corpus comparability, I endeavoured to categorize as many of the
BNC2014 speakers in the same way. For most of the speakers in the Spoken BNC2014
(10,129,083 words of the corpus) the exact age is available as freeform speaker metadata (e.g.
‘27’), meaning that categorization according to the BNC1994 scheme was possible for those
speakers. However, 133 speakers in the Spoken BNC2014 did not provide exact age; they were
part of a 2012 pilot study which, rather than recording the exact age of these speakers, recorded
age according to the following brackets:
It was only after the 2012 pilot collection that we decided to start collecting the exact age of
speakers. This meant that the reclassification of this pilot data according to the BNC1994
scheme is difficult. Nonetheless, I endeavoured to ensure that as many of these speakers as
possible could be categorized into the older scheme for the sake of comparability. For those in
the 50-59 category and above, the Spoken BNC1994DS 45-49 and 60+ categories can subsume
them, which accounts for 26 speakers.
The remaining 107 speakers cannot be recategorized
into the old groupings, because of overlaps between the categories. The modern 19-29 category,
for example, straddles the boundary between the older 15-24 and 25-34 categories, and so the
19-29-year-old speakers who were not instructed to provide their exact age cannot be placed in
either with certainty. One workaround, proposed by Laws et al. (2017), is to place half of the
sum of tokens from each of the straddling categories (11-18 / 19-29 / 30-39 / 40-49) into the
relevant categories from the older scheme. So, the frequency of instances of a given query as
produced by, for example, the 30-39 group in the Spoken BNC2014 would be divided equally
between the 25-34 and 35-44 groups for comparison with the 1990s data. The limitation of this
is that it is, in essence, guesswork; the contribution of a 39-year-old speaker has a 50% chance of
being analysed into the 25-34 category, and the resulting research risks losing validity.
An alternative workaround, which I have adopted for the final CQPweb release, is to
facilitate a restricted query option which places the 107 affected speakers into the ‘Unknown’
group of the older age scheme. The limitation of this approach is that over one million words of
Spoken BNC2014 data are excluded from age comparisons with the Spoken BNC1994, but the
benefit is that the remaining data does represent the age of speakers accurately. The older age
scheme is thus available in the final release of the BNC2014, along with the newer categorization
scheme, which itself facilitates more sophisticated apparent-time analysis of the new data; the
revised scheme starts with a primary division at 18/19 (18 being the latest age of school-leaving
in the UK) and then subdivides the resulting juvenile/adult sections into decades (as closely as
Likewise, speakers in the modern 0-10 category without exact age could have been added to the older 0-14
category; however none of the 0-10 speakers were in the pilot study and so exact age records are available for them
Linguistic region
As described in Section 3.2.3, the compilers of the Spoken BNC1994 collected
recordings from three supra-regions: North, Midlands and South. In the BNC (XML edition) on
Lancaster University’s CQPweb server, it is possible to search for transcripts of recordings that
were collected in these supra-regions. The only other affordance for filtering according to
regional variation is by way of the Dialect/Accent category, the metadata for which was collected
by the contributors on behalf of other speakers in the corpus, but unreliably; looking at the
metadata in the spoken restrictions section of BNCweb, only 1,763 out of 5,352 speakers
(32.9%) have been assigned to an accent/dialect category. I attempted to improve upon this by
inviting speakers to provide their own assessment of accent/dialect.
This section describes the
decisions made with regards to the geographical categorization of the speakers’ region in the
Spoken BNC2014. It should be noted that the provision of such a categorisation, which is based
solely on the metadata, is not intended to replace or prevent work which aims to classify the
geography of speakers based upon the linguistic evidence contained in the corpus. On the
contrary, such investigations are welcomed, and would help to describe the current state of
affairs of dialectal variation in the UK. The categorisation scheme described in this section
should be viewed as my way of facilitating the immediate sociolinguistic analysis of the corpus
through the lens of dialect, in much the same way as the other categories I have already
discussed (e.g. gender and age). In other words, the aim of this is to allow users of the Spoken
BNC2014 to search the corpus according to the speaker metadata category of dialect, making
comparisons between the language use of, for example, northerners and southerners.
To approach this topic, it should be acknowledged that analysing a corpus according to
regional metadata is an exercise in imperfect sampling (see Section 3.2.2) that is further
problematized by reliance upon an imperfect approximation of the truth (regional
categorisation). According to Kortmann and Upton (2008: 25), “the concept of ‘dialect area’ as a
fixed, tidy entity is ultimately a myth”. Even though the categorisation of region is “convenient
in terms of structure, and…helpful to the user who wishes to understand regional differences”
(Kortmann & Upton 2008: 24), it assumes that dialectal varieties are spoken by a geographically
fixed set of people who are socially homogeneous and, furthermore, consistent in their speech.
This, of course, is not true, and the term that Kortmann and Upton (2008: 25) prefer is a
Though I would usually consider it bad form to conflate the terms accent and dialect’, I felt this was necessary
for the task of eliciting from speakers their self-assessment of linguistic regional identity.
Despite this, the analysis of regional variation in spoken corpora is popular (e.g. Clopper
& Pisoni 2006, Wong & Peters 2007, Grant 2010, Grieve et al. 2011, Szmrecsanyi 2011, 2013,
Dembry 2011, Grieve 2014, Levin 2014). It is clear, then, that there is a motivation to allow users
of the Spoken BNC2014 to be able to analyse the data according to the geographical identity of
the speakers. Because of this, we chose to collect metadata for this information, and the
functionality to be able to analyse the corpus based on this metadata.
In Section 3.3.4 I listed the speaker metadata we collected which includes objective
geographical information: birthplace and current location. One option in terms of using this data for
the creation of regional subcorpora is simply to make either or both of these available for
restricted query in CQPweb. The problem with this approach relates to the treatment of
geographic classification as a linguistically relevant feature, as was the case with the original
Spoken BNC1994: is it true that the birthplace of every speaker in the corpus is related to the
variety of English that they use? By the same token, is it true of the speakers’ current location?
Using birthplace as a linguistically relevant category of comparison is problematic because some
speakers may not associate their linguistic identity with the place in which they were born. They
may not have lived in that place at all. One of the contributors who I interviewed was born in
County Durham, but grew up in Yorkshire and then moved to Newcastle later in life. She said
my place of birth bears absolutely no relation to how I speak because I wasn’t brought
up there; I was transported immediately somewhere else and brought up in a completely
different place. (Appendix B, p. 211)
Without this sort of knowledge, it is reasonable to expect that analysis could be undertaken that
would erroneously consider this speaker to exemplify the speech of County Durham.
Likewise, current location is problematic because the extent to which it influences dialect
likely depends upon many variables, including the length of time the speaker has lived there, and
where they have come from in the first place (see Chambers 1992). Even with recording the
duration of stay at current location it is difficult to estimate how long a speaker needs to have lived in
a particular place before their speech can be considered part of that linguistic community.
Chambers (1992: 680) poses that “dialect acquirers make most of the lexical replacements they
will make in the first two years”, but this appears to be a fairly crude yardstick.
Generally speaking, then, the problem here relates to linguistic application; which
birthplace or current location is to be taken as a proxy for the linguistic region of the speaker,
if the pretence for analysing speakers according to region is a sociolinguistic one? What is a
linguistic region? It seems that even though collecting birthplace and current location provides
the means of making a good guess, it does not necessarily provide the best way of describing the
dialect of all speakers. This means that splitting the corpus by speaker region, based solely upon
this metadata, would be a difficult task. In the next section, I discuss possible solutions to this
problem before describing the approach that was subsequently taken in the Spoken BNC2014.
Self-reported dialect
The obvious solution is to use the responses to the accent/dialect prompt instead, allowing
speakers to self-report their own linguistic variety. This takes inspiration from the British
Library’s Evolving English WordBank,
which contains recordings of speakers from all over the
world who visited a British Library exhibition. Speakers were asked to “give details as to what
they felt their voice reflected about their geographic and educational background” (Robinson
Even though this project did also use evidence from the audio recordings themselves to
help identify the accent of speakers, it does seem that in some cases this use of perceptual data
alone was sufficient. For example, a speaker who was born in the north-east, lived in the north-
east at the time of recording, and described her accent/dialect as “Geordie” would be well-served
by this approach; the term “Geordie” can be understood, without controversy, to refer to
speakers from an area in the north-east of England centred by Newcastle-upon-Tyne. However,
some responses in my early pilot study for this project did make this task more difficult. Either:
(a) speakers did not respond to the accent/dialect prompt; or,
(b) they provided geographically vague answers such as “Northern”, or “Southern”; or;
(c) they provided a contradictory answer (e.g. “Mixed Northern/Somerset/RP”).
Similar responses were found in the Evolving English WordBank. While many speakers used
popular terms like “Scouse”, others used terms like “neutral” or “posh” (Robinson 2015);
the case of the Evolving English WordBank project, some non-geographical terms could,
however, be attributed to the prompt that asked speakers to describe their voice based on both
geographical and educational factors.
So, based upon the British Library’s Evolving English VoiceBank, the option of relying
upon self-identification of regional dialect does not appear to be perfect due to the “mismatch
31 (last accessed 23 December 2015).
Personal communication, 23
January 2015.
Personal communication, 23
January 2015.
between what…respondents are going to report and the dialect areas that linguists have defined”
(Montgomery 2015).
Despite the above limitations, the advantage of this approach over using
birthplace/current location as a proxy for linguistic region is that the speakers themselves have
the opportunity to define their dialect; therefore, it may be the most reliable way of representing
this category.
Location data (do not attempt to categorise dialect)
Another option would simply be to avoid classifying the speakers according to linguistic
region altogether, and rather allow such classifications to arise from analysis of the corpus rather
than the metadata. (Montgomery 2015)
adopted this view:
Might it just be better to use the location data you have (if you have it), and simply group
the speakers according to larger official geographies such as region? This might be a
better plan than using perceptual boundaries, for example, as these are impacted on by
many non-linguistic factors […]. Rather than pre-judging where speakers might fit onto a
dialect map, it might just be best to state where your recordings are from and let
dialectologists assess regions based on them, rather than claiming that your speakers are
from these dialect areas in the first place.
Though this method minimizes potential for inaccurate interpretation of speaker metadata, it
would reduce the functionality of the Spoken BNC2014 when released in CQPweb, since, as
discussed above, previous research has shown that the pre-determined regional classification of
speakers as a searchable feature is valuable to users of spoken corpora. Furthermore, the
provision of this metadata would not prevent dialectologists from creating their own categories,
based upon the linguistic evidence in the data. Montgomery suggests using the location data
instead; this could either mean current location (i.e. where the speaker resides) or location of recording.
The problem with the former is explained above, and the problem with the latter is that
contributors made recordings in a variety of locations including while abroad on holiday; there is
no necessary relationship between the location of recording and linguistic identity in the Spoken
Personal communication, 29
January 2015.
Personal communication, 29
January 2015.
Location during acquisition of L1 British English
Another solution is to use the place where the speaker lived when they acquired English
as a child. This would have aimed to fill a gap in the metadata collected in the Spoken BNC2014;
if, for some, birthplace is too early to capture the best description of speaker region, and current
location is too late for others, then perhaps the location where L1 British English was acquired
would be more informative. Even though childhood language acquisition takes place “in the
midst of a highly variable input” (Stanford 2008: 567), it is the time where a “coherent linguistic
identity” is formed. It seems that, in addition to birthplace and current location, verifying the L1
variety of the speakers, by asking them for the place where they grew up, would at least provide
an account of dialect influence that is applicable to a higher proportion of speakers than what
was achieved in the pilot study. The problem with this approach, however, is that it suffers from
the same limitation as the other location based descriptors; a lot of people move around
throughout their lives, and some speakers may have lived in several places throughout childhood.
Ultimately, this information was not collected from the Spoken BNC2014 speakers.
Upon reviewing the options available to us, I recommended to the Spoken BNC2014
research team that we offer self-reported dialect as the regional classification scheme in the
corpus, facilitating regional comparison as an in-built feature of the Spoken BNC2014. I have
shown how none of the objective metadata categories give a convincing sense of speaker
identity, whereas the self-reported dialect metadata, although subjective, do exactly that, in
addition to facilitating work on perceptual dialectology.
Having decided this, the next step was to decide how to categorise self-reported dialect
according to geographical regions in the UK, so that users of the corpus can group speakers
together. As described in Section 3.3.2, the Spoken BNC1994DS does contain metadata about
the accent/dialect of speakers, but unreliably so (only a third of speakers were assigned to a
dialect category). For those speakers about which this metadata does exist, the categorisation
scheme in the BNC (XML edition) is listed in Figure 9 (overleaf):
Central Midlands
Lower south-west England
East Anglia
Central south-west England
North-east Midlands
Upper south-west England
Home Counties
South Midlands
American (US)
North-west Midlands
Indian subcontinent
Central northern England
West Indian
North-east England
Other or unidentifiable
Northern England
Figure 9. Dialect categories used in the Spoken BNC1994DS.
These categories present several issues:
Some geographic areas contain too many distinctions while others do not appear to
contain enough or any at all. For example, there are three variant categories of “south
west England” but “Lancashire” and “Merseyside” appear to be the only categories that
account for any region in the north-west of England.
Likewise, there is no way of making a generalisation based on speaker dialect descriptions
which are too general. For example, if a speaker had reported their dialect as “northern”,
the category in which they would have been placed is unclear (“Northern England” and
“Central northern England” are hard to distinguish).
There appear to be many categories for non-British English varieties, which seem
unnecessary given the aim for the corpus to contain British English speakers only.
In reflection of this, it seemed necessary to produce a new classification scheme for the
categorisation of birthplace and dialect in the Spoken BNC2014, which improves upon the
original by assigning divisions more evenly across the UK and ensuring that as many speakers as
possible are assigned to the highest level of specificity as possible. I approached this task by
reviewing a range of relevant literature. These sources informed the decisions made when
creating the new categorisation scheme which, like many other features of the Spoken BNC2014,
strike a balance between comparability with, and improvement upon, the original corpus.
One approach would be to use the Office for National Statistics’ categorisation scheme
for the Government Office regions, which includes twenty categories and has been in use in the
Labour Force Survey since 1992:
(1) Tyne & Wear
(2) Rest of North East
(3) Greater Manchester
(4) Merseyside
(5) Rest of North West
(6) South Yorkshire
(7) West Yorkshire
(8) Rest of Yorkshire & Humberside
(9) East Midlands
(10) West Midlands Metropolitan County
(11) Rest of West Midlands
(12) East of England
(13) Inner London
(14) Outer London
(15) South East
(16) South West
(17) Wales
(18) Strathclyde
(19) Rest of Scotland
(20) Northern Ireland. (ONS 2014: 41)
More recently, the Office for National Statistics adopted a simplified scheme, the Nomenclature of
Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) statistical regions of the UK. These were created in 1994 and,
while Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland were taken as entire regions, England was divided
into several regions by the John Major government and which were, until 2011, used to define
the Government Offices for the English Regions. Despite being abolished in 2011, the regions
have been used for statistical analysis by the Office for National Statistics in national surveys
such as the Labour Force Survey and the Annual Population Survey since the year 2000, and
continue to be used now (ONS 2013, 2014). The regions are:
(1) North East
(2) North West
Despite appearing in the list, “Merseyside is generally included in the North West region in published data” (ONS
2014: 41), meaning that only twelve categories are used in most surveys.
(3) Merseyside
(4) Yorkshire & Humberside
(5) East Midlands
(6) West Midlands
(7) Eastern
(8) London
(9) South East
(10) South West
(11) Wales
(12) Scotland
(13) Northern Ireland. (ONS 2014: 41)
The advantage of the NUTS scheme over its predecessor is that it would open the door for
possible alignment between the corpus data and contemporary UK population data which is
collected by the Office for National Statistics. Furthermore it is simple and easy for the end-user
to interpret.
Other available schemes include that of the British Library’s Sound and Moving Image
which categorises the Survey of English Dialects by using county names to
categorise speaker dialect. According to Robinson (2015),
this is “appropriate given the
network of that survey”, but problematic for the end-user since, for example, they are unlikely to
use the term “Lancashire” to search for speakers from Liverpool.
The British Library’s more
recent Evolving English WordBank project (mentioned above) used different layers of category
detail depending upon the clarity of the metadata. Robinson (2015)
states that “popular
descriptors” such as Scouse were mapped onto a Liverpool category, but less clear cases were
assigned to a broader North West category. Such broad categories were adopted from the English
regions of the NUTS categorisation scheme. The benefit of this approach is that even if, for
whatever reason, there is ambiguity in the metadata, every speaker is categorised to the highest
level of accuracy as possible; this maximises the proportion of speakers in the corpus that can be
used for the kinds of sociolinguistic investigations that dialect categorisation aims to facilitate.
The same caveat applies as previous.
38 (last accessed 23 December 2015).
Personal communication, 23
January 2015.
Liverpool was a part of the county of Lancashire when the Survey of English Dialects was compiled. The county
of Merseyside was later established in 1972.
Personal communication, 23
January 2015.
Turning to dialectology, Trudgill (2000: 152) presents a map of “modern English dialect
areas” in England, which contains the following regions:
Central North
Central Lancashire
North-west Midlands
Central Midlands
North-east Midlands
West Midlands
East Midlands
South Midlands
East Anglia
Upper South-west
Central South-west
Lower South-west
Home Counties
These are said to represent “the main dialect and accent areas of modern English” (Trudgill
2000: 151). Trudgill (2000: 151) adds that:
a number of the regions are basically the areas dominated demographically, and therefore
culturally and linguistically, by certain large cities and conurbations:
North-east: Newcastle
Merseyside: Liverpool
North-west Midlands: Manchester
West Midlands: Birmingham
Central South-west: Bristol
Home Counties: London
Some other areas also have smaller cities as their focal points:
Central Lancashire: Blackburn
Humberside: Hull
North-east Midlands: Lincoln
Upper South-west: Gloucester
Lower South-west: Plymouth
East Anglia: Norwich. (Trudgill 2000: 151)
These examples help to show how Trudgill forms this categorisation scheme; however, it is not
clear to what extent accent as opposed to dialect is taken into account to inform these
distinctions, and vice versa. Furthermore, the north-west of England appears to have been
shared between the “Central North” and “North-west Midlands” categories, as evidenced by
Manchester’s membership in the latter. This seems to deviate from the NUTS scheme, which
does at least contain a “North West” category, and even the original Spoken BNC1994’s
inclusion of “Lancashire”.
Overall, I recommended to the Spoken BNC2014 research team a multi-layered use of
the NUTS categorisation scheme. This combines the benefit of potential government data
alignment, as described above, with the British Library’s approach, which appears to have
successfully dealt with a variety of inputs. Taking this into account, Figure 10 (overleaf) shows
the categories used to represent self-reported dialect in the Spoken BNC2014.
Based on speakers’ free-text answers to the question of what variety of English they
speak, each speaker is assigned to a category in each of the four levels in Figure 10, overleaf
(“global”, country”, “supraregion” and “region”). The assignments depend upon how much
could be inferred from their self-reported response. I wrote a PHP
script to recognise the
variant and colloquial names for British dialects,
and assign them to the relevant categories,
with the aim of maximizing specificity (in other words, to ‘get as much out of’ the metadata as
possible, while allowing speakers to describe themselves in their own words). For example, a
speaker who entered Geordie would be assigned to: (Level 1 UK; Level 2 English; Level 3
North; Level 4 North-East). A speaker who entered Northern would be assigned to: (Level 1
UK; Level 2 English; Level 3 North; Level 4 Unspecified). Thus, a level 4 analysis would
exclude a self-reported northern speaker and place them in the unspecified category, because
the specific region of the north to which they refer (if any) is not known. It should also be noted
I am grateful to Andrew Hardie of Lancaster University for his guidance and support with PHP scripts.
that analysing the data at the third level (“supra-region”) facilitates comparison with the regional
classification in the Spoken BNC1994 although, as mentioned, the latter is itself not
(1) Global
(2) Country
(3) Supra-region
(4) Region
Yorkshire & Humberside
North West (not Merseyside)
East Midlands
West Midlands
South-East (not London)
Northern Irish
Northern Irish
Northern Irish
Figure 10. Birthplace and dialect categories used in the Spoken BNC2014.
Other self-reported dialect descriptions proved harder to classify, since they could not be
clearly assigned to a particular geographical region. For example, some speakers provided the
term posh. According to Montgomery (2015),
for ‘Posh’, it is clear that most people think of the South East, but not everyone does, so
it’s not possible to simply link the two.
Likewise, even the term Received Pronunciation cannot be said to necessarily refer to the
south-east of England, since it is a “supra-regional accent model” which “plays only a very minor
part in the analysis of regional varieties” (Kortmann & Upton 2008: 24). The only thing that
Personal communication, 29
January 2015.
could be done with such non-geographically referential dialect terms was to assign them to one
of the Unspecified categories.
In summary, speakers used a free-text box in the Speaker Information Sheet to enter a
description of their own dialect (e.g. “Geordie”, “Northern”, etc.). The self-reported dialect of
speakers has then been coded according to a four-level classification scheme (Figure 10), the
fourth level of which is drawn from the UK government’s Nomenclature of Territorial Units for
Statistics (NUTS). The scheme therefore does not arise from considerations of linguistic
classifications of the UK (cf. Trudgill 2000) but rather geopolitical ones. This choice of scheme
reflects our principle that the pre-selection of categories for sociolinguistic analysis should not
impose assumptions of linguistic patterns upon the corpus but ought rather to allow the data to
reveal such patterns. While it might have been preferable for us to develop a categorization and
then train the speakers to use it, this would clearly have been infeasibly time-consuming. But
self-reported dialect data is not without its own virtues: it is, for instance, of great value to
researchers interested in perceptual dialectology (e.g. Montgomery 2012). Moreover, it will be
possible (in principle at least) to assign regional-dialect classifications to the recorded speakers
according to objective, linguistic criteria at some later point. But it is generally not possible to
facilitate perceptual dialectology research other than by asking the speakers what variety of
English they believe they speak. So, while one driver for my decision to gather self-report data
on dialect was practical, another was principled I wanted to gather from the speakers
information that could not be easily inferred, or inferred at all, from their data at a later date: the
variety of British English they believed themselves to speak.
Socio-economic status
The final speaker metadata category that required inference from the information
provided is socio-economic status. In the Spoken BNC1994, socio-economic status was
estimated from occupation, based on the categories of the National Readership Survey’s Social
Grade demographic classification system (Table 5, overleaf), which has been used to produce an
accepted source of UK demographic data in the market research industry for over half a century
(Collis 2009: 2). Although this classification system is based solely on the occupation of the Chief
Income Earner (CIE) of the household, there is, according to the NRS (2014), “a strong
correlation between income and social grade” which appears to exemplify the system’s
“discriminatory power” as an indicator of status. As a result it has been used by Ipsos MediaCT,
one of the UK’s largest market research companies, since the 1970s (Collis 2009: 2).
Table 5. National Readership Survey Social Grade classifications (NRS 2014).
Higher managerial, administrative and professional
Intermediate managerial, administrative and professional
Supervisory, clerical and junior managerial, administrative and professional
Skilled manual workers
Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers
State pensioners, casual and lowest grade workers, unemployed with state
benefits only
In the National Readership Survey, Social Grade is established based on the answers to a
set of “detailed questions” about the occupation of the respondent (NRS 2014). The same is true
of Ipsos MORI, where market research questions concern:
the occupation of the CIE,
the type of organisation he or she works for,
job actually done,
job title/rank/grade,
whether the CIE is self-employed,
the number of people working at the place of employment, and;
whether the CIE is responsible for anyone, together with confirmation of qualifications.
(Collis 2009: 3)
This is interesting given that, of these, only the occupation of the speakers in the Spoken
BNC1994 was collected in the metadata. It seems, then, that Social Grade in the Spoken
BNC1994 was estimated based only on the name of the occupation of speakers, without taking
into account any of the other details.
The system that was used to classify speakers in the Spoken BNC1994 was thus neither
of the government socio-economic classifications (SECs) that were used at the time by the
Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The first of these standards, in use since 1913, was the
Social Class based on Occupation (SC) (Stuchbury 2013b). Outside the ONS, it was used by the
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the government agency responsible for carrying out, among other
research projects, the periodic census of the UK population (Rose & O’Reilly 1998: ii).
Departments of Health; Work and Pensions; Education and Skills; and Environment and the
Regions, and the Northern Ireland Office’s Policy Planning and Research Unit, as well as
academic studies largely based in health and mortality (Rose & Pevalin 2005: 9).
Table 6. Social Class based on Occupation (SC) (Stuchbury 2013b).
Social classes
Professional occupations
Managerial and technical occupations
Skilled non-manual occupations
Skilled manual occupations
Partly-skilled occupations
Unskilled occupations
The SC system (Table 6) presents “a hierarchy in relation to social standing or occupational skill”
(Rose & Pevalin 2005: 10), which appears similar to how Social Grade favours “professional
status and qualifications rather than purchasing power” (Collis 2009: 4). This seems, then, to
match the conception of classification desired in the Spoken BNC1994. However, unlike Social
Grade, it can only be applied to the working population (Collis 2009: 4); there is no equivalent to
the unemployed section of Social Grade category E.
The second government classification in use at the time (since 1951) was the Socio-
economic group (SEG) (Stuchbury: 2013a). The SEG system (Table 7, overleaf), offers much
more detail, and is viewed as “a better measure than Social Class for social scientific purposes”
(Stuchbury 2013a). It was used by academics, who preferred SEG to SC because “they perceived
it as closer to a sociological conception of class than SC” (Rose & Pevalin 2005: 9). However,
unlike SC, “SEG is not ordinally ranked” (Stuchbury: 2013a), meaning that it does not claim to
evaluate the population based on hierarchical social standing. Conceptually, this does not match
the aims of the Spoken BNC1994, as described in Section 3.3.2, given that the aim of classifying
speaker occupation was to make an evaluation based on a hierarchy of socio-economic status. It
is perhaps, then, understandable that the market research approach to social stratification, which
accounts for both of these things, was favoured over both the SC and SEG at the time.
Table 7. Socio-economic group (SEG) (Stuchbury 2013a).
Employers in industry, commerce, etc. - large establishments
Managers in central and local government, industry, commerce, etc. - large
Employers in industry, commerce, etc. - small establishments
Managers in industry, commerce, etc. - small establishments
Professional workers - self-employed
Professional workers - employees
Ancillary workers and artists
Foremen and supervisors - non-manual
Junior non-manual workers
Personal service workers
Foremen and supervisors - manual
Skilled manual workers
Semi-skilled manual workers
Unskilled manual workers
Own account workers (other than professional)
Famers - employers and managers
Farmers - own account
Agricultural workers
Members of armed forces
Inadequately described and not stated occupations
In 2001, an ESRC review of the existing Office for National Statistics social
classifications (Rose & O’Reilly 1998) prompted the SC and the SEG to be replaced by the single
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC), due to “conceptual and operational
deficiencies” (Rose & O’Reilly 1998: 3) in the SC and SEG. SC was criticised on the grounds that
its hierarchical conceptual basis “in fact reflected an outmoded 19
century view of social
structure, which can be traced directly to eugenicist ideas” (Rose & Pevalin 2005: 10). SEG, in
turn, was said to rely on “outmoded distinctions skill and the manual/non-manual divide”
which “reflected women’s positions in the social structure very inadequately” (Rose & Pevalin
2005: 11).
The NS-SEC attempts to address these deficiencies. The nine main categories of
classification are described in Table 8.
Table 8. The nine major analytic classes of the NS-SEC (ONS 2010c).
Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations:
Large employers and higher managerial and administrative occupations
Higher professional occupations
Lower managerial, administrative and professional occupations
Intermediate occupations
Small employers and own account workers
Lower supervisory and technical occupations
Semi-routine occupations
Routine occupations
Never worked and long-term unemployed
The NS-SEC, which is now the government standard (it was used for the 2001 and 2011
censuses as well as the Labour Force Survey, ONS 2015: 125), appears to combine the analytic
simplicity of SC with the inclusivity of SEG; it is said to have high rates of continuity with its
predecessors (91% and 88% respectively; Rose & O’Reilly 1998: 7). Furthermore, addressing the
moral criticisms of its predecessors, Rose & O’Reilly (1998: 4) are clear that the NS-SEC is “a
nominal measure […]. Ordinality…should not be assumed and analyses should be performed by
assuming nominality”. Users are encouraged to allow the relationships observed in the data to be
used for such interpretations, rather than the classification of the metadata itself. Compared in
turn to Social Grade, the full version of the NS-SEC (from which the analytic version is derived)
is much more detailed and, therefore, may allow for a more sensitive analysis of the relationship
between socio-economic categories and language use. In addition, since this is the present-day
government standard for the Office for National Statistics, it has the potential to add value to
the Spoken BNC2014 for corpus linguists due to its compatibility with a range of government
Category 1 is not in and of itself an analytic category; rather it comprises analytic categories 1.1 and 1.2,
which can be merged to form category 1.
datasets. Because of this, the NS-SEC appears to be much more worthy of consideration for use
in spoken British English corpora than SC and SEG were in the 1990s.
Based on this, I recommended to the Spoken BNC2014 research team that we code
speakers for socio-economic status using both the National Readership Survey’s Social Grade
and the Office for National Statistics’ NS-SEC; this facilitates the comparison of speakers
between the Spoken BNC2014 and the Spoken BNC1994DS using Social Grade, and affords the
benefits of the NS-SEC described above.
After deciding to provide coding of speakers for both schemes, a method for doing so
had to be set in place. Methodologically, Social Grade and NS-SEC differ in terms of how
estimations of socio-economic status are made. Turning first to the NS-SEC, this scheme does
not make classifications directly from the name of occupations. Instead, it is fed by the Standard
Occupational Classification (SOC),
which is “a multi-purpose common classification of
occupations” in the UK, and which classifies jobs according to “skill level and skill content”
(ONS 2010d). It is used, for example, by the Health and Safety Executive, for the Reporting of
Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) in the workplace (HSE
2011). As such, SOC is derived from occupation, but does not in and of itself evaluate job titles
according to status. SOC simply groups them into categories such as “Design Occupations”
(ONS 2010d: 118) and “Information Technology and Telecommunications Professionals” (ONS
2010d: 61), for example, and assigns each job a code according to its category. The function of
NS-SEC is to further categorise the SOC codes according to the groups presented in Table 8
above. The advantage of using the ‘analytic’ layer of NS-SEC, as opposed to its other more
detailed layers, is that all that is required to assign a speaker to a socio-economic status category
is a SOC code (ONS 2015: 125) (ergo the title of the speakers’ occupation). At this level alone,
the Office for National Statistics claims an 88% rate of accuracy (ONS 2010b: 20).
Furthermore, this conversion of (a) occupation into SOC code and (b) SOC code into NS-SEC
analytic group can be achieved using online tools, the Occupation Coding Tool (ONS 2010a) and
NS-SEC Coding Tool (ONS 2010e), hosted by the Office for National Statistics.
With regards to Social Grade, in Section 3.3.2 I noted that the Spoken BNC1994 used
only the name of the occupation to estimate socio-economic status under this system. Although
this seems inadequate compared to the approach of the National Readership Survey (2014), I do
think that probing for further details about the employment status and workplace relations of
speakers in the Spoken BNC2014 would be an undesirable intrusion. This is especially true when
The most recent version of SOC was published in 2010 and is referred to as SOC2010 (ONS 2010).
Adding more information (namely employment status and size of organisation) increases this to 99% (ONS 2010b: 20);
however, in the same light as Social Grade, asking for information beyond occupation seems intrusive.
it is considered that such information would have to have been collected using a questionnaire
(the Speaker Information Sheet), whereas the NRS and Ipsos MORI collect this data using
interviews. As a result, and in keeping with the approach of the Spoken BNC1994, we agreed
that Social Grade in the Spoken BNC2014 should also be estimated based on the title of the
occupation alone. Rather than separately categorising the Spoken BNC2014 speakers
occupations into Social Grade, I proposed that the Social Grade codes should be automatically
derived from the speakers’ NS-SEC codes the reason for this being that there is no objective
tool available for the classification of occupations according to Social Grade; in terms of
consistency of judgement it was better to automate the Social Grade classification process by
mapping the NS-SEC codes onto the Social Grade codes. No formal standard has been
established for translating either of these schemes to the other, but in the interests of
comparability I have proposed an automatic mapping from NS-SEC to Social Grade so that
both schemes can be analysed in the Spoken BNC2014 (Table 9, overleaf). The result is that
each speaker in the Spoken BNC2014 has been assigned both an NS-SEC and Social Grade
socio-economic status code.
Table 9. Mapping between the NS-SEC and Social Grade assumed for Spoken BNC2014 speaker metadata.
Social Grade
Higher managerial, administrative and professional occupations:
Higher managerial, administrative and professional
Large employers and higher managerial and
administrative occupations
Higher professional occupations
Lower managerial, administrative and professional
Intermediate managerial, administrative and
Intermediate occupations
Supervisory, clerical and junior managerial,
administrative and professional
Small employers and own account workers
Lower supervisory and technical occupations
Skilled manual workers
Semi-routine occupations
Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers
Routine occupations
Never worked and long-term unemployed
State pensioners, casual and lowest grade workers,
unemployed with state benefits only
3.4 Collection of audio data
3.4.1 Introduction
As mentioned in Section 3.2.6, one of the most innovative features of the Spoken
BNC2014 is the use of PPSR (public participation in scientific research) for data collection (see
Shirk et al. 2012). The design, recruitment and metadata collection procedures have been shown
to contribute towards a public participation model, and the audio recording procedure is no
exception. This section discusses the Spoken BNC2014 research team’s decision to ask
contributors to make recordings using the in-built audio recording feature of their smartphones.
3.4.2 Audio recording in the Spoken BNC1994
Crowdy (1993) conducted a set of investigations about the process of recording the data
in the Spoken BNC1994DS. These included estimating the average number of words of
conversation that is spoken per hour; addressing practical problems that might be encountered
during collection; and assessing whether the recordings would be of good enough quality for
accurate transcription (Crowdy 1993: 261). Crowdy (1993: 261) reported that audio recording
was unproblematic and that contributors “were able to carry out the task successfully”.
Contributors to the Spoken BNC1994 used analogue recording devices, the recordings from
which were subsequently digitised (Crowdy 1994: 15). For the pilot study, contributors collected
over 100 hours of recordings; however, Crowdy (1993: 261) estimated that only 60 hours of
those recordings were actually of sufficient quality for transcription, due to poor recording
conditions or “quite lengthy periods when no conversations are taking place”. He did not
indicate if he intended to improve on this percentage in the compilation of the full corpus.
Regardless, it seems that for approximately 40% of recordings to be unusable is a reducible waste
of time for participants and researchers alike. Turning to the good quality recordings, Crowdy
estimated that the pilot gathered a total of 400,000 words, with an average yield of 7,000 words
per hour (Crowdy 1993: 262). This went on to inform the predictions that were made about the
number of speakers required to gather enough data for the full corpus.
3.4.3 Audio recording in the Spoken BNC2014
Selecting the recording equipment
In this section, I describe the selection of the audio recording equipment which
contributors were instructed to use for the Spoken BNC2014. The first decision of the team was
that recordings would be made in audio format only. Although there is an increasing desire for
spoken corpora that “move beyond text and language as conventionally conceptualised”
(Adolphs et al. 2015: 61), our goal was to create a corpus that is comparable to the Spoken
BNC1994DS. Therefore, we made no attempt to record conversations as video rather than just
audio, or to record any other live contextual data for example the GPS position of the
smartphones (see Adolphs et al. 2015). Video recording equipment that does not heavily
compromise the unobtrusiveness of the recording event (and, therefore, the likelihood of the
data being as natural as possible) has yet to become available at low expense (Adolphs & Carter
2013: 147), and we did not have the time to develop a bespoke smartphone application for
recording any other data.
The second decision we made was that all data would be recorded digitally. This differs
from the Spoken BNC1994DS, which used analogue recording devices, and required the transfer
of recordings from cassette tape to digital tape (Crowdy 1994: 15). Since then, digital recording
technology has become more widely available at reasonable cost, and nowadays the ease of
recording large amounts of data onto SD and micro-SD cards, or directly onto smartphones, and
then transferring them onto a computer, means that it was possible to record conversations
directly in digital format at low cost. This was intended to make it easier and quicker to prepare
the recordings for transcription once the recording process was complete.
As described throughout this chapter, each feature of the Spoken BNC2014’s design
serves a public participation model (Shirk et al. 2012). Given the general availability of digital
audio recorders as an in-built capability of smartphones and other widely used consumer devices,
one way of realising this approach is to ask contributors to use their own smartphones to make
recordings for the corpus. If possible, this would greatly reduce the cost associated with
arranging for the recordings, as we would not need to purchase equipment, distribute it, train
contributors to use it and collect it back from them. Furthermore, it would make participation
less onerous than it would be if we were to use equipment such as Dictaphones.
To assess the feasibility of this approach, I arranged a direct comparison between a
traditional audio recording device a Dictaphone and smartphones. In an early stage of the
project, two volunteers were provided with a Dictaphone, and another two were instructed to
use the audio recording feature of their own smartphones. If the two contributors’ smartphones
were to prove just as suitable for the purpose as the Dictaphone, there would be no need for the
Spoken BNC2014 research team to provide equipment in the first place, and the PPSR approach
to corpus compilation would be supported. Though I introduce this comparison presently, I
discuss the findings which relate to the ability to transcribe the recordings in the next chapter (p.
77); this is a methodological investigation that affects both the recording and transcription stages
together, and further supports Adolphs and Carter’s (2013: 7) assertion that all stages of spoken
corpus compilation “interact and influence each other”.
My Dictaphone of choice was the Zoom H1 Handy Recorder. This is a portable audio
recorder with a retail price (as of 2014, when this evaluation was made) of £70. It is bi-
directional, meaning that it can be placed in the middle of the recording location and record
audio in two opposite directions at once. It is small, lightweight, and can be connected to a
computer by a USB cable for the transfer of audio files, which can be recorded in either WAV or
MP3 format. It was chosen because it represents a typical audio recording device that one would
find for use in social science research (e.g. participant interviews).
Two volunteers were supplied with the Zoom H1 Dictaphone, while the other two used
their own smartphones. They were instructed to make recordings, as convenient, over a two
week period, and at the end of the period I asked for feedback on the ease of use of the
equipment. The responses from the volunteers suggested no difference in ease of use between
either the Dictaphone or smartphones; the smartphones were no harder or less convenient to
use than the Dictaphones. Furthermore, there was no difference in the quality of the resulting
audio recordings for the purpose of orthographic transcription, as discussed in the next chapter.
As a result, the Spoken BNC2014 research team was confident that the smartphone approach to
data collection would be successful, and all contributors to the Spoken BNC2014 were instructed
to use the in-built audio recording feature in their smartphones to make recordings.
One area of linguistic research which is likely to be excluded by this approach is
phonetics. It is likely that only some, but not many, of the recordings produced by smartphones
will be of sufficient quality for accurate phonetic analysis.
The Spoken BNC2014 research team
accepts this exclusion, since phonetics is not one of the main areas of research in spoken corpus
linguistics (see Section 4.2, p. 77). While I am of course entirely open to phoneticians making use
of the corpus if they wish and so far as they can (e.g. Brown et al. 2014, Fromont & Watson
2016), most phonetic research typically requires both (i) access to high-quality audio recordings
and (ii) full phonetic transcription. Requirement (i) has been excluded presently and requirement
(ii) will be excluded in Section 4.2 (p. 77).
The audio recording procedure in the Spoken BNC2014
Aside from being instructed to make recordings using their smartphones, Spoken
BNC2014 contributors were given lots of additional guidance from the Cambridge team. Each
contributor was provided with a Guidelines for Data Collection document (Figure 11, overleaf),
I am grateful to Sam Kirkham of Lancaster University for his advice on this topic.
which provided instruction on preparation, recording procedures, data transfer and payment, as
well as a Frequently Asked Questions document (Appendix D, p. 215), which provided further
detail about the recording and data transfer procedures. Contributors were instructed to make
recordings in MP3 format (the standard format for most smartphone recording devices), and
they were encouraged to make their recordings in locations where the space around the
interlocutors was fairly quiet, for example household interactions or conversations in quiet cafes.
However, contributors were not ‘disallowed’ from recording at any time or place, since we did
not want to anticipate the production of bad recordings, and advise contributors against making
them, before finding out whether they would be useable. Contributors were given no restriction
on the number of speakers they could hold their conversations with at any given time; although a
recommendation of between two and four speakers was given, and an in-depth investigation of
the effect of the number of speakers on transcription difficulty is provided in Chapter 5 (p. 102).
In addition, we did not want to impinge more than necessary upon the spontaneity of the
recording sessions by governing too heavily over features such as conversational topic, although
a list of suggestions was provided. Finally, it was stressed to contributors that under no
circumstances could they make recordings surreptitiously, and that all speakers in the
conversation must be aware that recording is taking place beforehand (see Section 3.3.3).
Overall, the data collection procedure relied heavily upon modern technology:
smartphones (to make the recordings), computers (to upload the recordings from the
smartphones) and a file transfer service such as Dropbox (to send the recordings to the Spoken
BNC2014 research team for transcription). It could be said that this approach therefore risks
excluding members of the UK population who are less familiar with computers and the
associated data collection procedure, and skews the pool of speakers in the corpus in favour of
the tech-savvy. In the early stages of the project, just after we had launched our first press release
(see Section 3.2.6), I received a phone call from an elderly lady who criticised our approach for
this reason. She claimed that she was interested in the project, but did not own a smartphone or
a computer and so felt excluded from being able to participate. My response to her concern was
that it is only the contributors, and not the rest of the speakers, who needed to be able to use
this technology. The lady who called me did not need to have access to the technology herself to
participate as a speaker in the corpus all she needed was to find someone who did have access
to the technology, perhaps a friend or relative, who was prepared to take on the role of
contributor and make a recording with her.
Figure 11. Guidelines for Data Collection document which was provided to Spoken BNC2014 contributors.
3.5 Chapter summary
This chapter has covered several aspects of the Spoken BNC2014’s compilation, which
are linked thematically by principles of design. I have shown how our adoption of PPSR (Shirk et
al. 2012) has informed each stage of the data and metadata collection process. Firstly, I justified a
replication of the Spoken BNC1994DS’s opportunistic approach to data collection, arguing that
it is the only reasonable approach in the context of preparing the corpus fast enough to
represent, at least for a while, ‘present-day’ language. In terms of speaker recruitment, I have
described a very different approach to the Spoken BNC1994DS; rather than recruit participants
privately, we employed several strategies to promote the project to the public. With regards to
metadata, I have shown that allowing speakers to provide their own information gave us the
opportunity to collect a much richer set of speaker metadata when compared to the BNC1994.
Furthermore, I have described several innovations with regards to the classification of speaker
metadata (e.g. linguistic region) which aim to improve analytic power while retaining
comparability with the BNC1994. I have also described how the data recording stage has been
improved when compared to the Spoken BNC1994 by virtue of advancements in technology
that have occurred over the last two decades. I have justified our decision to instruct
contributors to use smartphones to make recordings (this is discussed from the perspective of
transcription in the next chapter), and shown how the use of modern technology need not
exclude participants for whom access to such technology is limited.
At this stage in the compilation of the corpus, the Cambridge team received the
recordings from participants (alongside all metadata and consent forms), and the contributors
were paid for their work. The next stage was to convert the audio recordings into an
electronically-searchable format and so began the process of manual human transcription.
4 Transcription
4.1 Introduction
This chapter explores the transcription of the audio data collected for the Spoken
BNC2014. Transcription of the Spoken BNC2014 recordings was undertaken by a team of
transcribers employed by Cambridge University Press. They were trained according to a bespoke
transcription scheme developed for this project (see Appendix J, p. 224). In this chapter, I
discuss the considerations we made about the transcription of the Spoken BNC2014 recordings,
including: whether to use human or automated transcription (Section 4.2); general principles of
orthographic transcription (Section 4.3); shortcomings of the Spoken BNC1994 transcription
scheme (Section 4.4); main features of the new Spoken BNC2014 scheme (Section 4.5); and the
transcription process (Section 4.6). As I will show, the Spoken BNC2014 research team
approached transcription with a view not only to facilitate comparability with the Spoken
BNC1994, but also to adopt optimal practice with regards to the ease and consistency of
4.2 Transcription: human vs. machine
Transcription is “the transfer from speech to writing” (Kirk & Andersen 2016: 291). In
the compilation of a spoken corpus, the complete transcription of all recordings is clearly an
indispensable step for the exploitation of the data gathered (Schmidt 2016: 404); indeed, the sole
aim of our efforts on the Spoken BNC2014 project was to produce a corpus of transcribed
In terms of the transcription of the Spoken BNC1994, the first two questions that
Crowdy (1994) poses in his account of the Spoken BNC1994’s transcription system are “who is
the transcription for?” and “how will it be used?” (Crowdy 1994: 25), foregrounding the
importance of purpose when transcribing spoken data. Similarly, our starting point was to employ
a level of “standard orthographic” transcription (Leech et al. 2001: 12) that was simple and easy
to implement. Like the Spoken BNC1994, the main aim of the Spoken BNC2014 is to facilitate
the quantitative study of “morphology, lexis, syntax, pragmatics, etc.” (Atkins et al. 1992: 10),
allowing users to search for “particular features or patterns” and view them “in concordanced
form” (Crowdy 1995: 228). Similarly, Kirk and Andersen (2016: 293) state that spoken corpora
Although I intend in future to pursue funding to prepare the original recordings for public release.
have enabled studies of “orthography, lexis, morphology, syntax and discourse markers”. An
orthographic transcription serves the needs of research in these areas. I do, though, explicitly
exclude the study of phonetics (segmental or prosodic) from the list of areas that the corpus
caters for. In addition to high-quality audio recordings (as discussed in Section 3.4, p. 70), most
phonetic research typically requires access to full phonetic transcription; this was not a possibility
given (a) the approach of the project to use smartphones to make recordings and (b) the
additional costs associated with a highly detailed transcription scheme.
The next decision to be made related to the method of transcription: would human
transcribers have to produce the transcripts manually, as is the status quo for spoken corpora, or
would there nowadays be a method available for the automation of this task? The Spoken
BNC1994DS was “the largest collection of conversational language ever to be assembled”
(Leech 1993: 12), and its size made transcription a “laborious human process” (Leech 1993: 12).
In 2010, Baker (2010: 49) claimed that, despite technological advances in the transcription of
spontaneous conversation, “there is no widely available machine that can listen to a recorded
conversation and produce an orthographic…transcript of it”; as of 2017, however, software is
available that is said to perform this task. I decided to investigate whether the software may
perform accurately enough to replace the human transcriber, in whole, and for the automated
transcription to produce texts good enough for linguistic analysis. Transcription is “undeniably
the most important bottleneck in corpus compilation” (Schmidt 2016: 404), and so if automated,
the costs and speed associated with the production of the Spoken BNC2014 would be greatly
reduced. One example of such automated speech recognition technology is Trint. To test the
state of the art of this technology, I signed up for a free, trial account with Trint, which is “a
text-powered toolkit for transcribing, searching and editing media online” (Trint 2015). Among
other features, Trint automatically produces transcripts which are time-aligned to their original
audio files, and provides an interactive editing tool to correct any inaccuracies in the
transcription. As of 2017, Trint is still in Beta mode, and its creators are very clear that the tool
works best with good audio quality recordings, advising users to use “good microphones”, and
that the tool “might not get heavy accents” (Trint 2015).
These warnings aside, I uploaded an audio file of a conversation to Trint which I had
recorded with seven close relatives. This recording had been originally made for a separate
investigation (see Section 5.5.3, p. 111), where I refer to the recording as the ‘gold standard’; I
shall use the same name here. The following is an extract from a transcript of this recording
which I produced manually:
Transcript produced manually by human (the ‘gold standard’ transcript) (see Appendix E,
p. 216):
<4> you don’t have to grandma do you want some orange?
<1> you don’t have to if you don’t want to
<6> will you taste it first?
<1> [laugh]
<5> <OL> oh yeah (.) see how strong it is
<6> nice
<7> orange orange orange orange orange
<2> <OL> do you want some <name F>?
<7> <OL> just a bit just a little bit dear (.) thank you (.) that’s bucks fizz of course
isn’t it?
<4> yeah (.) it is
<7> once you put the orange to it actually
<2> you want some?
<5> oh go on then
<4> you want some?
<6> have you have you started recording?
After uploading the gold standard recording to Trint, a full transcript was available to export as a
Word document within thirty minutes. Although the time alignment and editing capabilities of
the tool were very good, the accuracy of transcription appeared to be very low, as shown in the
Trint equivalent of the same extract:
Transcript produced automatically by Trint (see Appendix F, p. 218):
[00:00:36] You don't have to come up to any one that is easy for. Me to go spiders to be
nice to horror in Joralemon a.. And that box which of course you do if you want to do it
you are used to it actually.
[00:00:56] Oh go on. You want to thank you. You started recording.
It is clear that the difference in quality between the manual and automatic transcripts is great; it is
difficult to tell that they refer to the same passage of audio recording. The Trint transcript may
well be of decent enough quality for the purpose of subtitling, for example, but the quality is not
good enough for linguistic analysis.
To make the task easier for Trint, I selected a recording of a conversation recorded
between only two speakers (borrowed again from the speaker identification study; see Chapter 5,
p. 102). Even this could not be handled accurately by Trint, as exemplified by the following
Transcript produced manually by human (see Appendix G, p. 219):
8: so why have they cancelled? <clears throat>
9: <cough> well <unclear=we had> <cough> erm <.> we had it down for
tomorrow night and a reserve as Saturday night
8: mm
9: but she looked at the weather and it's meant to be raining apparently and said it's
been non-stop said it's been raining there for the last week and said all the fields and
everything are really soggy
8: mm
9: now whether it'll dry out on Saturday is another matter cos I
think it's
8: in the woods
9: around the house and the fields erm <.> because having had that con=
8: <unclear=00.40>
9: having had that conversation I think erm <unclear=00.45> it's meant to rain
again on Wednesday and Thursday so anyway that's what we're doing <pause=7>
8: okay
9: we didn't have any plans did we?
8: no <unclear=1.01>
9: yeah
8: that's fine <unclear=1.07>
Transcript produced automatically by Trint (see Appendix H, p. 221):
[00:00:01] And. So I can talk to him. Well we have an. We had it down for tomorrow
night on a reserve a Saturday night river. But look the weather is meant to be raining
apartment until it's been non-stop. They have been running there for the last week until
all fields and everything are really soggy and you know whether a drug Gonzalez
nominatives I think there's loads. Around the house in the fields.
[00:00:35] Right. To.
[00:00:39] Because I'm a by long time have a conversation I think I'm Those who is
meant to run again on Wednesday and Thursday it's over. Anyway. I saw them.
[00:00:53] The. Did I cry.
[00:00:59] No bounds we were not allowed to. Yeah. And one little hold on is only an
Aside from the inaccuracy of transcription of the original linguistic signal, another issue
exemplified by both samples is Trint’s poor ability to separate turns according to the speakers
who produced them.
I also ran a sample of this recording through the CMU Sphinx framework,
which is
state of the art speaker recognition software. Aside from speaker recognition, this framework
facilitates automated transcription. The output was similarly poor in quality (see Appendix I, p.
providing further evidence of the persisting difficulty of automatic spoken corpus
It seems, then, that Baker’s (2010) claim still holds true for spoken corpus data; full
automatic transcription is still not possible for the type of data I have presented the systems
with: messy, conversational speech which is not necessarily dyadic. Of course, it is not the case
that Trint was entirely incapable of the task. I could have noted the type of recording that Trint
performed well with excellent quality audio, with two speakers (or, preferably, monologic
speech), and no background noise and decided to gather only that type of recording to fit the
This is implemented in the online Dartmouth Linguistic Annotation (DARLA) system: (last accessed September 2017).
I am grateful to Sam Kirkham at Lancaster University for his assistance with the speaker recognition software.
goal of using automated transcription. Clearly, though, this approach would have starved the
corpus of exactly the type of data we set out to capture. It was obvious to us that fully automated
transcription was not an option for the Spoken BNC2014.
One alternative to fully automated transcription (a “utopian” endeavour, in the words of
Schmidt 2016: 413) would be to combine elements of automated transcription with manual
work. This was explored by Schmidt (2016: 413-4), who leads the research team responsible for
the Research and Teaching Corpus of Spoken German (FOLK). He examined, in addition to
speech recognition software, “the automatic detection of silences for a first pre-segmentation of
the audio signal” (Schmidt 2016: 413). He found that silence detection works well, but only for
recordings of good quality, with little background noise and involving no more than two
speakers. This may be useful for the FOLK once the technology improves to cope better with
more speakers; the FOLK corpus contains texts from a variety of conversational settings,
including lectures, business meetings, etc. This approach is not as useful for the Spoken
BNC2014, due to the homogeneity of conversational type and the fact that recordings were
captured in pre-arranged ‘sessions’; there are few long periods of silence in the Spoken BNC2014
The only other alternative to automated transcription manual transcription by human
is a slow, expensive process that is liable to error (Baker 2010: 49). For example, forms that may
be considered “erroneous or disfluent” (but, nonetheless, representative of the language under
investigation) may be inadvertently and unwantedly ‘corrected’ during the transcription process
(see Gilquin & De Cock 2013: 15). Furthermore, it is known that there are “inconsistencies and
anomalies” in the transcription of the Spoken BNC1994 (Leech et al. 2001: 12). Despite this,
there are ways of minimizing the cost and time of transcription while also serving the needs of
most researchers who are interested in this type of data. As Atkins et al. (1992: 10) recommend,
transcribing recordings in the form of an “idealized ‘script’ (like a screenplay or drama script)…is
sufficient for a wide variety of linguistic studies”. This means that speech phenomena which
require a higher level of transcriber inference, such as “false starts, hesitation, non-verbal
signals”, will generally be normalized/disregarded at the transcription stage (Atkins at al. 1992:
10). Aside from cost and time reduction, another benefit of this approach is that transcriptions
should be easily readable and familiar for all end-users (Atkins et al. 1992: 10), whether
experienced researchers or laypeople.
4.3 Approach to human transcription
With it clearly established that human transcription was still the only feasible approach,
the next stage was to look ahead and decide which encoding standard would be used for the
corpus texts which result from the transcription stage the choice of encoding standard would
inform the development of the transcription scheme itself. Many differing standards exist in
corpus linguistics for the transcription of audio data, including (as reviewed by Andersen 2016):
the AHDS (Arts and Humanities Data Service) guide (Thompson 2005), CHAT (codes for the
human analysis of transcripts; MacWhinney 2000), the CES (Corpus Encoding Standard; Ide
1996), the ICE (International Corpus of English) standard (Nelson 2002), the NERC (Network
of European Reference Corpora)/COBUILD conventions (Payne 1995), and the Santa Barbara
School conventions (Du Bois et al. 1993). Another system, which uses Extensible Markup
Language (XML), is the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI; Burnard & Bauman 2013). It is the TEI
which was used to encode the BNC1994, although the transcription scheme itself (Crowdy 1994)
comprised simpler tags which were (eventually) converted into the TEI format.
In the interests of comparability, the Spoken BNC2014 research team chose to encode
the corpus in a version of XML which is, by and large, a much-simplified version of the TEI
(Hardie 2014b). Although XML encoding is a topic dealt with in Section 6.2 (p. 128), it is
relevant to explore its relationship with transcription here. Despite the ‘modest’ level of XML
employed (Hardie 2014b; discussed in Section 6.2), XML is a somewhat cumbersome format for
direct data entry, and is also rather difficult to teach to non-specialist audio transcribers. It is also
challenging to check for accuracy by eye. From the outset, then, we knew that, while our goal
was to release a canonical version of the corpus in XML, this would not be the system used for
transcription. Instead, we designed the transcription scheme to be human-friendly, while making
sure that all of its elements could be unambiguously mapped to XML at a later stage. For that
reason, the original transcripts were to use short, easy-to-type codes for its features. As the
recordings were transcribed by the Cambridge team, the transcripts were sent in batches to the
Lancaster team. I then used a set of automated conversion scripts to translate the transcripts into
XML at the same time applying a series of further automatic checks on the correct use of the
transcription conventions that were not possible prior to conversion to a structured document
(for detail on this stage of the compilation process see Section 6.2, p. 128). As mentioned, this
approach was by no means an innovation the transcription scheme presented by Crowdy
(1994) for the Spoken BNC1994 was likewise converted to SGML (and, later, XML) in the
released BNC1994.
With this approach in mind, the next decision to be made related to the precise nature of
the scheme for orthographic transcription to be employed, including the specific conventions
which would be captured therein. This can be a highly consequential matter, as it affects the time
taken for transcription, and thus the cost and therefore the possible size of the corpus (see
Schmidt 2016). The key requirement is for a robust transcription scheme that, critically,
minimizes the level of transcriber inference that is needed that is, the number of “interpretive
choices” (Bucholtz 2000: 1441) that a transcriber must make about potentially ambiguous speech
phenomena; disagreement between transcribers, caused by poorly defined transcription
conventions, is “one of the main problems of transcribing” (Garrard et al. 2011: 398). Speech
phenomena which require a higher level of transcriber inference, such as “false starts, hesitation,
non-verbal signals” (Atkins et al. 1992: 10), take more time to transcribe, and even more time to
achieve consistency within each transcriber’s work and across transcribers (see Cook 1990). It is
obvious that choosing a highly detailed set of narrow transcription conventions “will inevitably
result in a higher degree of variation and less consistency, complicating corpus queries and
automated processing such as part-of-speech tagging” (Sauer & Lüdeling 2016: 424; see also
Thompson 2005). We aimed, therefore, to normalize or disregard these phenomena at the
transcription stage as far as we could, while still serving most of the needs of most of our
intended users.
Defining such a robust scheme meant that all of the issues likely to be encountered by
transcribers had to be explored, and decisions made about how to deal with them, before full
scale transcription commenced. The concerns that we had about transcription were by no means
unique to the Spoken BNC2014. As mentioned, another contemporary spoken corpus
compilation project is the FOLK (Schmidt 2016). This has been compiled with similar attention
paid to issues of transcription. Concerning the transcription of the FOLK, Schmidt (2016: 404-5)
identified the following requirements:
i. The transcription convention to be used should be familiar to and accepted by a
large audience;
ii. The convention should not be geared towards a specific research interest. It should
also not require the transcribers to take more interpretative decisions than necessary;
iii. The transcription tool to be used should support this convention, allow easy manual
alignment of recordings with transcriptions and directly produce data suitable for
integration into a database;
iv. Both convention and tool should be easy to learn and apply and minimize the
likelihood of genuine transcription errors.
The FOLK’s transcription scheme includes highly detailed features such as “the precise
measurement of pauses longer than 0.2 seconds, a detailed marking of overlapping speech, [and]
a transcription of audible breathing” (Schmidt 2016: 406). Although (as will become evident) the
Spoken BNC2014’s scheme is, overall, much simpler,
the principles listed above generally
match our aims. Concerning requirement (i), I have already established how our transcription
conventions were designed to be mapped to XML, which is a well-established encoding language
in corpus linguistics. For (ii), the case has been made that the Spoken BNC2014 is intended to be
used for a wide range of purposes, and our aim for minimal ambiguity has been established.
Requirement (iii) is not fully relevant to the Spoken BNC2014 since the preparation of the audio
files is not within the scope of this project. Nor did we use a bespoke transcription tool, as
discussed in Section 4.6. With regards to integration, however, the point made in requirement
(iii) is relevant; Section 6.2 (p. 128) covers the conversion of the resulting transcripts into a
format which is readable by CQPweb. Finally, requirement (iv) is fulfilled by the Spoken
BNC2014’s use of a set of simple and unambigious transcription conventions (and a quality
control procedure, which is introduced in Section 4.6).
When considering the specific features that might be captured by the Spoken BNC2014
transcription scheme, I found that Atkins et al. (1992: 11-12) provide a useful source of
recommendations on this topic. These recommendations include: beginning each turn with an
identifying encoding of the speaker; marking inaudible segments; normalizing numbers and
abbreviations; and producing a “closed set of permissible forms” for the transcription of dialect
and non-standard words. Atkins et al. (1992: 11-12) also advise careful thought about the extent
to which punctuation should represent written conventions, and suggest that faithful and precise
transcription of overlapping speech is costly; thus, an evaluation of the value and utility of
including both punctuation and overlaps should be made before transcription begins.
Similarly, with regard to functional and non-functional sounds (also known as filled
pauses, or more informally ums and ahs), Atkins et al. (1992) note that classifying these speech
sounds according to discourse function requires a high level of inference on the part of the
It is not the purpose of this comparison to negatively evaluate the approach of the FOLK’s compilers. Schmidt
(2016: 414) does note, however, that “it is debatable whether a detailed transcription of breathing furnishes the
majority of users with any useful information, and one might also question the decision to precisely note the start
and end of each overlap”. When I visited the Institute for German Language in December 2015 to exchange
information with the FOLK research team, it is fair to state that both parties were impressed by how the
transcription of national spoken corpora could be defined so differently and for such different purposes.
transcriber. Therefore, “a large set of orthographic representations” (Atkins et al. 1992: 12) of
speech sounds, rather than their possible functional mappings, should be added to the
transcription scheme. That is, transcribers should be instructed to select a transcription for each
um or ah based only on its sound form, and should not attempt to imbue meaning into the
transcription of these non-lexical sounds (e.g. by providing pragmatic annotation). Rather, Atkins
et al. (1992) suggest that the interpretation of such sounds should be left to researchers who
choose to investigate these phenomena with access to the recordings at a later date. This
recommendation can be seen as a specific case of Crowdy’s (1994: 25) more general principle
that researchers should use the transcript as a “baseline” and that analysis beyond the scope of a
simple orthographic transcription should be undertaken by those researchers who wish to
“analyse the text in more detail”.
Admittedly, such additional analysis is not immediately possible in the initial release of
the corpus, because we have not been able to de-identify the audio recordings from the Spoken
BNC2014 within the scope of the present project (de-identification being necessary to preserve
speakers’ privacy). However, I will in future pursue further funding to de-identify and release the
original recordings, thus enabling functional analysis of speech features currently transcribed
without any pragmatic/discourse classification. The benefit of an approach which omits any
features requiring inferential decisions by the transcribers is not merely theoretical; rather, we
have practical evidence of its usefulness. As will be elaborated in Section 4.5, during the pilot
phase of our work, I undertook an experiment in which transcribers were asked to annotate any
segment of an utterance containing reported direct speech (that is, material that the speaker is
quoting from elsewhere) during their transcription of the audio. The transcribers reported that
this task was not difficult. However, when their work was compared to a standardised transcript,
they were found to have marked less than a third of qualifying clauses. I saw that requiring
transcribers to include detailed analytic distinctions either leads to low quality results, or
necessitates a high level of post hoc correction by a linguist. An alternative is to employ only
linguists for the job of transcription but they would be unlikely to be sufficiently trained
typists, and typically cost more, both of which have consequences for productivity. None of
these outcomes was desirable or affordable. I was, therefore, convinced of the need to make the
transcription scheme exclude not only the annotation of quoted speech but also any other type
of additional annotation that would require the input of a linguist though, as noted, such
additions to the basic transcription will of course be welcome after the release of the audio data
(using, for example, the pragmatic annotation scheme described by Kirk 2016).
4.4 The Spoken BNC1994 transcription scheme
Given the above points, our first decision was to avoid simply re-using the Spoken
BNC1994 transcription scheme (Crowdy 1994). The reason for this is that Crowdy’s (1994)
account of the Spoken BNC1994 transcription conventions is by no means comprehensive; only
sixteen features are identified and the entire scheme is less than two thousand words in length.
Furthermore, not enough examples are provided to eliminate ambiguity, and some of the
examples which are provided are transcribed inconsistently. For example, full stops and commas
are to be used to mark “a syntactically appropriate termination or pause in an utterance,
approximating to use in written text”, and an ellipsis to mark “a longer pause up to 5 seconds”
(Crowdy 1994: 27). But in practice, the examples include uses of full stops and commas in
positions that would not license a punctuation mark in written English, as shown in below,
suggesting that the full stop/comma versus ellipsis rule was not followed by transcribers in a
consistent manner:
<2> I think it’s always, deceptive on days like this because its, overcast and [er]
<2> But, but er, he’s…just broken away from his girlfriend and [<unclear>]
<1> [Oh has] he, oh. Well he seemed happy enough when he called. (Crowdy 1994: 28)
Furthermore, the Spoken BNC1994 scheme states that question marks are to be used to indicate
“questioning” utterances (Crowdy 1994: 28), but this is not done consistently in the examples
provided, as in for instance:
<1> It’s a funny old day isn’t it.
<2> Mm it’s not cold is it? (Crowdy 1994: 28)
It thus seemed appropriate not to apply the 1994 scheme again without thorough review.
This is not to imply that the original scheme is wrong; many of the recommendations, I believe,
are sensible. However, considering examples such as those above, we were concerned that the
transcription scheme as it was did not give enough detail about enough features to maximally
ensure inter-transcriber consistency (see Garrard et al. 2011). So, instead:
i. we conducted a critical evaluation of the Crowdy (1994) scheme, identifying which
features should be retained, abandoned or adapted;
ii. we reviewed evidence from other work on spoken corpus transcription published
since the Spoken BNC1994’s compilation, with a focus on spoken components of
the Cambridge English Corpus as well as recent work at Lancaster University on the
Trinity Lancaster spoken learner corpus (Gablasova et al. 2015);
iii. I conducted a small pilot study to test some of the proposed features in practice.
The resulting transcription scheme can be found in Appendix J (p. 224).
4.5 The Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme: main features
This section discusses some of the main features of the Spoken BNC2014 transcription
scheme, paying attention to those features which arose based upon steps (i)-(iii) listed above.
Steps (i) and (ii) were conducted through discussions with the rest of the research team. To
facilitate step (iii), I was granted six working days of transcription time of two professional
transcribers at the Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) at Lancaster
University. They were provided with audio files collected during an early pilot study, and
provided with a proposed transcription scheme. This allowed me to test some of the proposed
features and evaluate whether they should be included in the final version of the transcription
scheme (see Appendix J, p. 224). At the end of each day during this period, I met with the
transcribers to discuss their progress and note the issues they had encountered.
It should be noted that the examples given in this section are in the format of the corpus
texts as they were originally transcribed, and not how they appear either in XML the format in
which the corpus texts will be released in 2018 (see Section 6.4, p. 136) or in the CQPweb
interface (see Section 6.4 and Love et al. 2017b). As noted above, the transcripts were later
converted into XML; more detail on this stage of the project is provided in Section 6.2 (p. 128).
In consequence, while (as previously noted) I do describe some of the human-friendly
conventions used in transcription below, these conventions are not used in the text of the corpus
itself; instead, the actual corpus text contains the canonical XML. The transcription scheme is,
then, part of my record of how the corpus was created. It is not exclusively a guide for users. We
make it available to users of the corpus in order to make the decisions discussed above
absolutely transparent, but also in the hope that it may prove useful as a point of departure for
other researchers working on the creation of spoken corpora of this kind.
The main features are detailed below, with examples from the transcription scheme
where appropriate.
Encoding of speaker IDs
As in Crowdy (1994: 26), each speaker was given a unique numeric label (a speaker ID,
e.g. ‘<0022>’), which was consistent for every recording in which they featured. This differed
from Gablasova et al. (2015), which encoded speakers according to their role in the speech
situation, rather than according to their individual identity. Since numbers that were spoken in
recordings were transcribed in word form (see Appendix J, p. 224), numerical forms were used
only for the purpose of labelling the speakers, and therefore could be further encoded
automatically after transcription. Transcribers were also given the facility to indicate cases where
they were not fully confident in their identification of the speaker who produced a given turn,
but could provide a best guess. Speaker identification the accuracy with which speaker ID
codes are assigned to turns in a transcript is a previously unexplored issue in research on
spoken corpora, and Chapter 5 (p. 102) is devoted to its investigation.
Crowdy (1994: 28) used de-identification to ensure that “any reference that would allow
an individual to be identified is omitted from the transcription”. Given the ethical importance of
anonymity (see Section 3.3.3, p. 41) this is a general principle that I wished to maintain in the
Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme. The first decision made with regards to this issue was to
avoid using automatic methods to de-identify speakers once the transcripts had already been
produced transcribed names, for example, could have been replaced with equivalent but
fictitious names. This is strongly recommended against by Hasund (1998: 14) in her account of
anonymization procedures in the COLT:
(a) Automatic replacement will wrongly affect:
- first names of public persons (actors, singers, etc.)
- inanimate objects with person names (computer games, etc.)
- nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. that overlap in form with names (untagged corpora
(b) Speakers sometimes use names creatively to make puns, alliteration, rhymes, etc., the
effects of which would partly or completely be destroyed by replacements;
(c) Automatic replacement is complicated by instances where the pronunciation of a name is
initiated, but not completed, by a speaker (e.g. Cha= instead of Charlie).
Because of this, I recommended that the de-identification of names should be integrated into the
process of transcription, rather than conducted post-hoc. In the case of de-identification as a
part of the transcription scheme, Hasund (1998: 15) notes that “first names are usually not
deleted, but replaced” by fictional names or codes. Indeed, in Gablasova et al. (2015), the names
of (non-famous)
people are de-identified completely with the tag <name>. This was adapted for
the Spoken BNC2014 to also include the gender of the name (where interpretable), which is a
similar procedure as adopted in the Bank of English (Clear 1997, cited in Hasund 1998: 15). The
following example from a Spoken BNC2014 transcript contains the name of a female:
<0326> I dunno what to what to do for <name F>’s birthday
Transcribers were instructed, in the case of names that are used for both males and females (e.g.
Sam for Samantha or, equally, Samuel), to use the tag <name N>, unless the gender of the
referent could be inferred from the context (i.e. use of pronouns). The inclusion of gender was a
crude attempt to acknowledge that “names…carry a certain amount of social and ethnic
information” (Hasund 1998: 13), which could be retained without compromising anonymity.
However, we decided that coding names to the extent of including supposed ethnic information
(based on statements like “‘Ruben’, ‘Rebecca’, and ‘Miriam’ are typical Jewish names”, Hasund
1998: 19) would be too unreliable to include in the transcription scheme. Pilot testing indicated
that the addition of gender in the de-identification tag would be a successful addition to the
Spoken BNC2014. Of the 380 times the <name> tag was used, only seven instances (1.8%) had
not been tagged for gender.
Aside from names, transcribers were instructed to use de-identification tags for other
personally identifiable information, including addresses and phone numbers (Crowdy 1994: 28,
Hasund 1998: 13), and locations or institutions that seem unique to the speaker in some way.
Newly emerging personal identifiers (relative to the BNC1994) such as email address and social
media username were also included in the de-identification procedure:
<0325> <OL> yeah someone called <soc-med> follows me it’s like co= no because I
was reading through basically what happens is I was then I found like a confession thing
and I was just reading through all of them
Despite the attested difficulty in consistently distinguishing between the names of famous and non-famous people
(Hasund 1998: 20), we encouraged transcribers to avoid anonymizing the names of celebrities, fictional characters
etc. who are considered to be in the public domain.
Minimal use of punctuation
The BNC1994 scheme required transcribers to “identify ‘sentence-like’ units” (Crowdy
1994: 26), and mark the boundaries with a full stop, comma, question mark or exclamation mark
(Crowdy 1994: 27). This appears to have allowed too much room for interpretation on the part
of transcribers; it seems unlikely that transcribers would agree consistently on the difference
between a boundary that requires a full stop as opposed to a comma or exclamation mark.
Furthermore, this approach presupposes a view of transcription which attempts to mould the
spoken signal into traditional conventions of written language. Although transcription is, by
definition, a process of converting speech into writing (Kirk & Andersen 2016: 295), it is my
view that features of speech should be represented in transcription as much as reasonable,
relative to time and cost constraints. Our approach to sentence boundaries was to avoid having
the transcribers decide how to mark them by not marking them at all. Instead of treating
discourse boundaries as the spoken equivalent to full stops, commas, etc., interruptions to the
flow of speech were treated simply as pauses, with no preconceived relationship to punctuation.
Short pauses (up to 5 seconds) were marked with ‘(.)’ and long pauses (more than 5 seconds)
were marked with ‘(…)’, as exemplified below:
<0618> yeah (.) okay because you see I thought the same about when Cameron got in
again I thought holy shit I don’t know anybody who’s voted for this arse
<0405> Fanta is orange already (...) oh sh=
The only feature of written punctuation that was retained in the Spoken BNC2014
transcription scheme is the question mark. Unlike full stops, commas and semi-colons, which all
mark (different types of) discourse boundary, question marks are solely used to mark questions.
As such it is reasonable to expect that the problem described above does not apply to question
marks too provided a clear definition of the contexts in which they should be used is provided
to transcribers. As noted above, consistent and unambiguous exemplification was not provided
to the transcribers of the Spoken BNC1994, and so I sought inspiration from other sources.
Turning again to the Trinity Lancaster Learner Corpus transcription scheme (Gablasova et al.
2015), I noted that it allows question marks only for the grammatical surface form of a question.
In English, grammatically-formed interrogatives can be grouped into three categories: yes/no
questions, wh-questions and tag questions (Börjars & Burridge 2010: 108-115). Below is an example of
each question type from the Spoken BNC2014:
Yes/no question:
<0202> and I want to fuck you so (.) sorry did that make you feel awkward?
<0202> what time is it now?
Tag question:
<0619> it’s quite nice in this window isn’t it?
In pilot testing, the transcribers were confident in identifying fully grammatically-formed
questions in the forms of these three main varieties. However, using question marks only for such
forms appeared too restrictive for the transcription of the pilot data; the transcribers observed
that there were many more cases where they were confident that a question was being asked, but
without using a fully grammatical interrogative form. These included questions expressed
incompletely (with some surface form(s) omitted), or questions expressed in declarative form
with audible rising intonation. The transcribers provided examples of both types during pilot
Incompletely formed interrogative structures:
(i) ah is it lovely and warm there Dylan? getting dried off?
(ii) pardon?
(iii) mm yeah exactly sorry?
Declarative structures functioning as questions:
(i) so he has someone there who does all this then?
(ii) how many years have we lived here? two and a half years?
(iii) we’re talking mains?
These all clearly function as questions, without taking on full interrogative forms. The
transcribers reported that it was easier to transcribe examples such as these with question marks
than it was to exclude them, while spending time checking that only fully formed interrogatives
were being coded. It appears that allowing transcribers the freedom to use intuitive criteria for
the coding of question marks, rather than purely structural criteria, adds useful detail to the
In examples which contain more than one question, the one which exemplifies the question type is emboldened.
transcription while apparently reducing transcriber effort. Based on this, I recommended that a
broad definition of question marking was used in the Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme; in
the scheme we have included examples of both grammatical interrogatives and other forms
which serve a question function (described as ‘statement with obvious rising intonation’).
The Spoken BNC1994 marked overlaps using square brackets (and curly brackets where
two overlaps occur at once), as in the following example from Crowdy (1994: 26):
<1> So she was virtually a [a house prisoner]
<2> [house {bound}]
<3> {prisoner}
Here the words a house prisoner and house bound would have been spoken at the same time.
Subsequently, bound and prisoner would also have overlapped. This level of detail marking
the exact position of the overlap does not seem necessary for the majority of analyses that use
spoken corpora (see Section 2.3, p. 12). Crowdy (1994: 26) claims that such a system “has a
minimal effect on the speed of transcription” this may be the case, but the Spoken BNC2014
research team was concerned that such a complicated overlap marking scheme would jeopardize
inter-transcriber consistency. We agreed that overlaps would be dealt with differently in the new
corpus. One option would have been to adopt the opposite extreme and simply avoid marking
them altogether, as in Gablasova et al.’s (2015) scheme, which does not mark overlaps at all; this
is understandable given that (a) all conversations in the Trinity Lancaster spoken learner corpus
contain only two speakers, and (b) learner corpus research tends to be interested in vocabulary
and grammar rather than conversational discourse.
Rather than adopt this approach, we set out to simplify the BNC1994 overlap scheme
rather than eradicate it entirely, developing a convention which was less likely to be applied
inconsistently. Pilot testing showed that it was possible to capture the general progression of the
conversation without cluttering the document with broken utterances and parentheses.
Parentheses were replaced with a lone overlap tag (‘<OL>’), which is placed at the beginning of
any turn which overlaps with a previous turn. No record of the location of the overlap, relative
to the previous turn, is made. Using the Spoken BNC2014 scheme, Crowdy’s (1994: 26) example
would look like this:
<0001> so she was virtually a a house prisoner
<0002> <OL> house bound
<0003> <OL> prisoner
Filled pauses
The Spoken BNC1994 scheme provided a list of twelve ‘vocalized pauses’:
ah, aha, ee, eh, er, erm, ha, hey, mhm, mm, oh, ooh. (Crowdy 1994: 27)
These were intended to be the only permissible orthographic forms for filled pauses, and were to
be identified in the audio files by transcribers by use of phonetic information provided in the
scheme. While it is difficult to assess the extent to which meaningful distinctions were
maintained between the audio signal and these orthographic forms, what is clear is that other
forms did get transcribed and are included in the Spoken BNC1994. There are 126 instances of
‘em’, 359 instances of ‘hmm’ and 57 instances of ‘mmm’, for example. Furthermore, Andersen
(2016: 334) found great variability in the orthography of filled pauses in existing spoken corpora,
observing, for example, that “it seems very unlikely that all the forms ehm, erm, uhm and umm
systematically represent four distinct pronunciations”. It was clear to us that a better attempt at
standardization should be made for the sake of research which depends upon the faithful
transcription of shorter vocalizations (e.g. Tottie 2011). Andersen (2016: 343) recommends that
there should be some limit on the orthographic forms of filled pauses to “a categorically justified
With this in mind, we produced a shortened list of eight filled pause sounds, and, in
addition to phonetic guidance, provided information about the common discourse function of
each sound (Table 10, overleaf). To avoid a variety of deviant forms entering the corpus, we
instructed transcribers to map each sound they encountered to the most appropriate
orthographic form from Table 10. For example, the spellings ‘mmm’, ‘mm-mm’ and ‘mm-hm’
are all to be captured by the form ‘mm’. The intended effect is maximized inter-transcriber
consistency and, therefore, maximized corpus query recall caused by the conflating of
orthographic variants of very similar filled pause sounds.
Table 10. List of permissible filled pauses in the Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme.
What it sounds like
How to write it
Has the vowel found in “father” or a similar vowel;
usually = realisation, frustration or pain
Has the vowel found in “road” or a similar vowel;
usually = mild surprise or upset
Has the vowel in “bed” or the vowel in “made” or something similar, without
an “R” or “M” sound at the end; usually = uncertainty, or ‘please say again?’
A long or short “er” or “uh” vowel, as in “bird”; there may or may not be an
“R” sound at the end; usually = uncertainty
As for “er” but ends as a nasal sound
Has a nasally “M” or “N” sound from start to end;
usually = agreement
Like an “er” but with a clear “H” sound at the start;
usually = surprise
Two shortened “uh” or “er”-type vowels with an “H” sound between them,
usually = disagreement; OR, a sound like the word “ahah!”; usually = success
or realisation
Non-linguistic vocalizations
The Spoken BNC1994 transcription scheme includes ‘non-verbal sounds(Crowdy 1994:
27), which are encoded in the following format, where the duration in seconds (in this example,
‘10’) is included, if longer than five:
Acting in the interests of reducing ambiguity and maximizing consistency, we removed the
duration feature from this convention and simplified the tag format, replacing ‘<nv>’ and
‘</nv>’ with square brackets. Thus, the same non-linguistic vocalization in our scheme would
be transcribed as:
Furthermore, we assessed the list of permissible non-linguistic vocalisations. In the
Spoken BNC1994 scheme, these include cough, sneeze, laugh, yawn and whistling (Crowdy 1994: 27).
In addition to these, we added gasp, sigh and misc a miscellaneous category allowing transcribers
to include any non-linguistic vocalisation which cannot be described easily. In addition to these,
in pilot testing there were some instances of singing that caused difficulty for the transcribers.
The easiest solution was simply to introduce the new tag ‘[sing=LYRICS]’ to distinguish such
cases from normal speech (where LYRICS is replaced by the words which are sung). The sing
tag also accounts for instances of unclear, yet tuneful, speech i.e. the singing of a melody with
no words. In these cases, LYRICS is replaced by a question mark.
A transcription feature trialled and rejected: quotative speech marking
So far, I have introduced some of the main features of the Spoken BNC2014
transcription scheme all of which are features which the research team adapted from those in
the 1994 scheme. As mentioned in Section 4.3, one new feature which I had been interested in
introducing was quotative speech marking. Quotatives are “reported direct speech elements that
convey what someone said or thought at a different moment in time” (Terraschke 2013: 59).
This is a feature that is not considered by Atkins et al. (1992), or by Crowdy (1994),
but one
which, based on intuition and the experience of making the pilot recordings, seemed to be
pervasive enough to warrant investigation. In the words of Bakhtin, “in real life people talk most
of all about what others talk about” (1981: 338, cited in Clift & Holt 2007: 1), and I was
interested in making a distinction between (a) the language of the speaker and (b) language which
is reported. Specifically, I refer only to direct speech/thought, which is any representation of
speech/thought which is presented as verbatim,
rather than paraphrased indirectly (Leech &
Short 1981: 318, cited in Keizer 2009: 846). Adapting Leech and Short’s example (quoted by
Keizer 2009: 846), the distinction is demonstrated as follows:
1 (direct): he said I’ll come back here to see you again tomorrow
2 (indirect): he said that he would return there to see her the following day
Crowdy (1994) did use the tag ‘<read>’ (terminated by ‘</>’) to indicate passages that were read aloud from
written texts by speakers. However, this tag did not extend to all reported speech.
Whether direct reported speech is a verbatim account of the original utterance is an interesting avenue of research
itself. Clift and Holt (2007: 6) claim that “‘reported speech’ is somewhat of a misnomer”.
If these occurred in a corpus recording, the addition of quotative marking in the transcription
scheme would not affect example 2 (indirect), but would affect example 1 (direct). The example
may be transcribed as:
1: he said [quote=“I’ll come back here to see you again tomorrow”]
Pilot testing aimed to assess the ease with which such marking, using the ‘[quote=XXX]’ format,
could be added to such instances of direct speech or thought representation. I assessed whether
such marking could be added to the transcription scheme in a way which meant it was likely that
this marking could be carried out consistently.
The transcribers reported that the addition of quotative speech marking was generally
unproblematic and did not cause many cases of ambiguity. Despite this, the quotative speech
marking was used in only half of the transcripts produced. Furthermore, rather than occurring
evenly across these transcripts, the distribution of these tags within these transcripts appears to
have varied greatly. The concordance plot of the search term ‘[quot=’ (Figure 12, overleaf) in the
pilot transcripts shows that in pilot transcript A5, for example, there is a relatively high density of
quotative marking but that in transcript B1 (which is a similar length) there are only three in the
entire transcript. If this transcription feature had been used in the Spoken BNC2014 itself, and
the findings of the pilot testing were replicated, it would suggest one of two things. Either:
reported direct speech is not as pervasive in spoken language as previously reported (cf. Clift &
Holt 2007: 1; Terraschke 2013: 59), or: not all instances of reported direct speech had been
coded at the transcription stage in the first place. Because of the many ways in which direct
speech can be reported (see Keizer 2009), assessment of accuracy is difficult. However,
concordance analysis of the verb said reveals at least 40 occurrences out of 130 (30.8%) which
appear to function as reporting verbs, but which had not been transcribed as quotative speech.
This compares to the 35 instances which had been tagged (26.9%).
It appears that, at least in
the case of said, quotative marking often was not coded in the transcription when it should have
been. As a result, I recommended to the Spoken BNC2014 research team that we omit the
coding of quotative content from the transcription of the corpus. Upon the release of the corpus
XML files, researchers who are interested in reported speech will be welcome to mark up the
transcripts themselves.
Said, of course, has functions other than reporting direct speech and so it was not expected that all 130 instances
would qualify for quotative marking in the first place.
Figure 12. Concordance plot of ‘[quot=’ tags in the pilot corpus (displayed in AntConc,
Anthony 2014).
4.6 The Spoken BNC2014 transcription process
In the previous section, I introduced some of the main features of the Spoken BNC2014
transcription scheme. The entire scheme can be found in Appendix J (p. 224). As with other
aspects of the corpus compilation process (e.g. data collection), many of its features represent
the delicate balance we sought between backwards-compatibility with the Spoken BNC1994, and
optimal practice in the context of the new corpus. Aside from the development of the scheme
itself, the research team had to ensure to their best ability that the quality of transcription was
consistent throughout the period in which we received recordings from contributors. Quality
control was, therefore, what formed the basis of the transcription process.
As the audio files were received by the Cambridge team from contributors, checks were
conducted to ensure that the quality was clear enough for good orthographic transcription. The
checks, which were conducted manually, involved listening to samples of each audio file and
assessing the quality of the audio; the best files had a clear audio signal with minimal disruptive
background noise. Audio files which passed the checks were then sent in batches to a team of
twenty transcribers who had each been trained to use the transcription scheme described above.
Transcribers were in regular contact with the Cambridge team to discuss and clarify any areas of
uncertainty, and they were able to reject further audio recordings if previously undetected quality
issues were discovered.
Transcribers used Microsoft Word to transcribe the audio files. This did mean that they
were required to type each tag manually each time a given tag was called upon. Although this did
run the risk of the occurrence of typing errors, the combination of a thorough quality control
process (see below), followed by automated error detection and correction (see Section 6.2, p.
128), meant that any errors in the typing of tags do not feature in the Spoken BNC2014 XML
Early in the project, I organised a workshop with the transcribers, which gave them the
opportunity to meet each other and discuss any concerns with regards to the transcription of the
audio files. Before the workshop, I had sent each of the transcribers a short recording conducted
between myself and four family members, and asked them to transcribe the recording using the
(proposed) transcription scheme. I compared the resulting transcripts and presented the results
of my analysis at the workshop, drawing attention to inconsistencies in the transcription of
features such as fillers, discourse markers, unclear tags, unintelligible tags, overlap tags, question
marks and hyphens. This proved to be a useful exercise in standardisation, as the transcribers’
attention was drawn to some of the areas where inter-transcriber inconsistency may occur.
Before the transcriptions were sent to the Lancaster team (as Microsoft Word
documents), the Cambridge team undertook a quality control process. After each recording was
transcribed, the transcript was put though two stages of checking audio-checking and
proofreading before being sent to Lancaster for processing. At the audio-checking stage, a
randomly-selected 5% sample of the recording was checked against the transcript for linguistic
accuracy. If errors were found, the entire recording was checked. After this, the entire transcript
was proofread for errors in the transcription conventions (without reference to the audio).
Despite this checking, complete accuracy of transcription cannot, of course, be assumed
even though the scheme has been limited to a basic, orthographic level of transcription. The
same can be said of the transcription workshop described above. It is very unlikely that one day
spent together will have entirely eradicated all cases of inconsistency; I do not believe that any
amount of time spent together, however long, would achieve this. It is unavoidable that the
involvement of twenty human transcribers (as was the case in the production of the Spoken
BNC2014) will lead to certain inconsistencies of transcription decisions. Our extended and
elaborated transcription scheme enabled us to minimize but we would not claim to eradicate
such inconsistency. Indeed, it would be naïve to assume the latter. For example, let us consider
the variant pronunciations of the tag question isn’t it, as represented orthographically by isn’t it,
ain’t it, innit, etc. The transcription scheme lists these as permissible non-standard forms, and,
ideally, we would therefore expect each instance of the tag question to have been faithfully
transcribed using the spelling variant that matches the actual pronunciation. But in practice, it is
very unlikely that a match between non-standard orthography and precise phonetic quality was
achieved consistently, both within the transcripts of a given transcriber and indeed between
transcribers. As such, we encourage users to consider the data not as a definitive representation
of the original speech event, but rather to bear in mind that the transcriptions have been
produced under the constraints of what we now believe to be the natural, terminal limit of
consistency between human transcribers. Furthermore, we explicitly facilitate the exploration of
possible inter-transcriber inconsistency by including ‘transcriber code’ as a text metadata category
(see Section 3.3.4, p. 46). Users of the Spoken BNC2014 can create subcorpora of corpus texts
according to which transcriber produced them, and compare across transcribers to check
whether the feature(s) under exploration appear to be affected by any inconsistencies.
4.7 Chapter summary
In this chapter, I have addressed various issues with regards to the transcription of the
Spoken BNC2014. I have shown that, despite improvements in relevant technology in the years
between the compilation of the Spoken BNC1994 and its successor, there was no choice
available to the research team other than to conduct human transcription much in the style of
previous spoken corpora. With automated transcription rejected, I laid out the principles which
guided the development of the Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme, taking inspiration from
the Spoken BNC1994 (Crowdy 1994) as well as contemporary spoken corpus projects
(Gablasova et al. 2015, Schmidt 2016). These principles include the use of a transcription scheme
which was easy for non-linguist transcribers to use, caters for a wide range of linguistic
disciplines, and produced transcripts in a format which could be unambiguously mapped to
XML at a later stage. Furthermore, the scheme represents a basic ‘layer’ of orthographic
transcription, the complexity of which is encouraged to be increased by those who may wish to
access the XML files (and, eventually, the recordings) to conduct detailed annotation of
pragmatic features, for example.
I then discussed several of the main features of our scheme, explaining the extent to
which they were adapted from the BNC1994 scheme, and noting their performance in pilot
testing, where appropriate. Finally, I discussed the wider transcription process for the Spoken
BNC2014, which was conducted by the Cambridge team, and touched upon the issue of inter-
transcriber inconsistency, which is bound to have occurred given the nature of this process.
Inter-transcriber inconsistency is not only something that affects the transcription of the
linguistic content itself. Another task of the transcribers was to accurately identify which speaker
produced each of the transcribed turns, using speaker ID codes as introduced in the present
chapter. Before describing the next stage of the Spoken BNC2014 compilation process (Chapter
6, p. 128), it is worth exploring the difficulty of ‘speaker identification’ and this is the topic of
the next chapter.
5 Speaker identification
5.1 Introduction
As described in Section 3.4.3 (p. 70), the audio recordings for the Spoken BNC2014 were
provided remotely by contributors from across the UK. They were then transcribed by a group
of twenty transcribers who were employed by the Cambridge team and trained by me (see
previous chapter). This chapter investigates one issue in the transcription of the Spoken
BNC2014 recordings: speaker identification. In Section 5.2, I describe speaker identification in more
detail and discuss the importance of this issue. Given the lack of previous literature on this topic
in the field of corpus linguistics, I begin with a summary of my pilot study on this topic (Section
5.3), and the subsequently formed Research Questions for the present set of studies (Section 5.4)
the ‘main studies’. In Section 5.5, I discuss the methodological approaches taken to the various
studies, which are labelled main studies (A) and (B). I then present the findings (Section 5.6), and
discuss the extent to which they may affect research to be undertaken with the Spoken BNC2014
(Section 5.7), taking into account factors such as individual speaker variation, and the potential
for automated speaker identification or the use of phonetic expertise to assist in this task. In
Section 5.8, I confirm that speaker identification is likely to have been carried out with a
considerable level of inaccuracy for Spoken BNC2014 recordings which contain several speakers,
and offer a practical way of substantially mitigating the potential effect of this problem.
5.2 Speaker identification
In Chapter 4 (p. 77), I discussed how the Spoken BNC2014 research team designed the
transcription scheme with maximal inter-transcriber consistency in mind. As explained in that
chapter, it is my belief that we have reached what is, within the constraints placed on the Spoken
BNC2014 project by time and money, the limit of human transcription consistency. However,
the discussion in Chapter 4 referred only to the transcription of the linguistic content and
transcription conventions. Another important aspect of spoken corpus transcription has no
bearing on the accuracy of the transcription of linguistic content itself (i.e. what was said), but
relates to the identification of the speaker that produced the transcribed turn (i.e. who said it)
in other words, the degree of confidence with which transcribers could identify the speaker
responsible for each turn. As mentioned in Chapter 4, this aspect of transcription, which I call
‘speaker identification’, was carried out in the transcription of the Spoken BNC2014 by way of
speaker ID codes, which are unique to each individual speaker in the corpus:
<0211> I haven’t met you
<0216> oh hi
The above example shown in transcription format rather than canonical XML (see Section 6.2,
p. 128) demonstrates how two speakers, in this case 0211 and 0216, are distinguished in the
corpus transcript. The uniqueness of the codes is crucial for the purpose of distinguishing the
speakers during transcription, and subsequently for the organization of the corpus according to
categories of demographic metadata (including age, gender, socio-economic status, etc. see
Section 3.2, p. 22), since each code corresponds to the metadata of an individual speaker in the
When the transcribers assigned a code to a turn, they had three options available to them,
which related to extent to which they were confident in their assignments:
o mark the turn using a speaker ID code (e.g. <0211>); or,
o mark the turn using a ‘best guess’ speaker ID code (e.g. ‘<0211?>); or,
o mark the turn according to the gender of the speaker (i.e. <M> or <F>)
or show that many speakers produced a turn (i.e. <MANY>).
The ‘certain’ codes occurred when the transcribers selected an individual speaker as the producer
of an individual turn this is the ‘standard’ scenario, so to speak. The ‘best guess code was
intended for those turns where the transcribers struggled to select an individual speaker with
certainty, but felt able to provide a less confident ‘best guess’. ‘Indeterminable’ codes occurred
when the transcribers were so uncertain that they were unable to provide a ‘best guess’, but
could at least provide the gender of the voice they heard.
As will be described in the rest of this chapter, speaker identification can prove very
difficult for transcribers so difficult that, in certain circumstances, transcribers regularly and
obliviously get it wrong. This has ramifications for the utility of existing spoken corpora; the
usefulness of spoken corpora for sociolinguistic comparisons of different speaker groups, for
example, is compromised if the accurate identification of speakers cannot be guaranteed. This is
newsworthy because it is the speaker ID codes in the corpus that allow users to carry out
sociolinguistic investigations, comparing the language of speakers according to demographic
metadata, such as gender, age, or socio-economic status (see for instance Baker 2014; Xiao &
Tao 2007; McEnery & Xiao 2004). It has been shown that making sociolinguistic generalisations
based on corpus data is something which may be subject to distortion, if corpus encoding does
not support meaningful exploration of the data (Brezina & Meyerhoff 2014). If there was reason
to believe that a substantial number of speaker identifications in the corpus might be inaccurate,
there are further worrying implications for the reliability of existing and future studies which
depend upon dividing spoken corpora according to categories of demographic metadata. This
being the case, it is essential to attempt to estimate the likely extent of faulty speaker
identification in the Spoken BNC2014.
The existence of the above ‘layers’ of speaker identification code types is necessitated by
this difficulty. Speaker identification is worth investigating because, in practice, there are two
unavoidable deficiencies in the transcription of audio recordings: transcribers’ lack of familiarity
with (a) the speakers, and (b) the context in which the conversations occurred. Both of these
deficiencies occur because the transcribers were not present at any of the recording sessions,
and, furthermore, the likelihood of any individual transcriber being personally familiar with any
of the speakers in the recordings (and thus being able to recognise their voice) was effectively
With no memory of the interaction or familiarity with the speakers to rely upon, the
transcribers had to guess the speaker of each turn as best they could, as well as transcribing the
linguistic content and adhering to the transcription conventions (see Appendix J, p. 224),
throughout. Either or both of these deficiencies could lead to inaccuracies in speaker
identification. There was a possibility that the transcriber will have either unknowingly got it
wrong, or knowingly encountered difficulty and be forced to make an uncertain guess.
It is worth noting that I do not consider this to be a worrying issue in all contexts of
transcription. Speaker identification can reasonably be considered as unlikely to be an issue in
some circumstances, including:
(1) when there are only two speakers; or,
(2) when the speakers have highly contrasting voice qualities.
The transcribers stated that they did not personally know any of the speakers in any of the recordings that they
In either of these scenarios it would be understandable for speaker identification to be
considered reasonably straightforward. In (1), turn-taking would help to distinguish speakers, if
nothing else. In (2), differences in gender, age, and/or accent, among other things, would greatly
assist the process of identifying the speakers apart, while speaker identification should be
particularly accurate when (1) and (2) combine (for example, a dyad between one male and one
female speaker).
Although maximal accuracy and inter-rater agreement with regards to the transcription of
linguistic content are typically explicit aims in corpus compilation (see Section 4.3, p. 83), speaker
identification appears to have been treated as a non-issue, until now; it appears, for example, to
have been neglected in the documentation about the corpora reviewed in Section 3.2.4 (p. 29)
e.g. CASE (Diemer et al. 2016), SCOTS (Douglas 2003) as well as the Spoken BNC1994
(Crowdy 1994). This is perhaps because of a reliance on the two factors discussed above,
although in the case of the Spoken BNC1994, at least, there was no restriction on the number of
speakers that could feature in a given interaction. The problem with a reliance on these factors is
that, while they are common, they are not the only possible circumstances for the transcription
of audio recordings. There are as yet unmentioned circumstances which, in theory, would most
likely hinder speaker identification, namely:
(3) when there are more than two speakers; and/or,
(4) when the differences in voice quality between two or more speakers are not
sufficient to tell them apart.
This chapter aims to show that when (3) and (4) occur, the identification of speakers is actually a
very difficult task, and to suggest what may be done to mitigate the effect of its difficulty. Rather
than address both these points explicitly, I will investigate only (3). The reason for this is that
these two points are related the more speakers, the more likely it is that two (or more) voices
will sound similar enough to each other to cause confusion. My aim is to establish the worst-case
scenario: how inaccurate is speaker identification in Spoken BNC2014 recordings with the
highest number of speakers?
Of course, the quality of the audio recording could also blur the distinction between voice qualities, if poor. Given
our efforts to avoid the use of poor quality audio recordings (see Section 4.6, p. 94), I do not consider it relevant in
this context.
5.3 Pilot study
None of the previous work that we consulted when developing the transcription scheme
(see Section 4.3, p. 83) had recognized the issue of speaker identification. I deemed it important
to try to anticipate the severity of this issue as early into the compilation of the Spoken
BNC2014 as possible, and so the initial step in this investigation was to conduct a pilot study. I
used some data which I collected specifically for this pilot study, as well as one of the early
Spoken BNC2014 recordings. This was followed by a second investigation, later in the data
collection stage, which asked further questions, based on the suggestions of the pilot. This
chapter discusses the pilot study first followed by the later set of main studies.
For the pilot, I collected a small corpus of recordings approximately 5.5 hours of audio
data, which were gathered in the style of the recordings that would be gathered for the Spoken
BNC2014. These recordings, 14 in total, contained data from 32 speakers, and amounted to
47,000 words. They were transcribed by two transcribers at the Centre for Corpus Approaches
to Social Science (CASS) at Lancaster University. With the help of the transcribers, I conducted
three small studies with regards to speaker identification.
5.3.1 Pilot study (A): Certainty (pilot study recordings)
The first investigation assessed the certainty of speaker identification in the pilot
transcripts. I define certainty of speaker identification as the confidence of the transcriber that a
specific speaker produced a turn. I found that turns were assigned a ‘certain’ speaker ID code
only 68.31% of the time. ‘Best guess’ codes occurred 6.26% of the time, while ‘indeterminable’
codes were used for 25.43% of the turns. Importantly, I found that, recording by recording, the
percentage of turns that were assigned ‘indeterminable’ codes very clearly increased with the
number of speakers in the recording (Figure 13, overleaf). Based on this finding, I decided that a
further study should investigate speaker identification when it is likely to be most difficult for the
transcribers; i.e. in recordings with a high number of speakers.
Figure 13. Proportion of indeterminable speaker identification in the pilot study corpus
according to the number of speakers per recording.
5.3.2 Pilot study (B): Certainty (Spoken BNC2014 recording)
Since data collection of the Spoken BNC2014 itself had begun during the pilot phase, I
selected a recording from the Spoken BNC2014 which featured nine speakers,
and had it
transcribed at Lancaster. Comparing the two Lancaster transcripts of this recording with the
Cambridge transcript, the Lancaster transcribers were unable to replicate the level of certainty
with which the speaker ID numbers had been assigned in the Cambridge transcript. In the
Lancaster transcripts, there were far fewer ‘certain’ codes and far more ‘indeterminable’ codes
than in the Cambridge version. This implied that speakers in the original Spoken BNC2014
recording had been assigned to turns in the Cambridge transcript even when, in reality, speaker
identity was far from clear.
5.3.3 Pilot study (C): Inter-rater agreement (Spoken BNC2014 recording)
According to Garrard et al. (2011: 398), disagreement between transcribers “is usually a
sign that some aspect of the transcription process requires re-examination”. Although their claim
refers to the transcription of the audio signal as discussed in Chapter 4 (p. 77) the principle
applies just as well to speaker identification. I was keen to find out where (if at all) disagreement
The maximum number of speakers per recording at the time; later, we would receive a recording from a group of
12 speakers.
2 3 4 5 8 9 10 12
Average % indeterminable
Linear trendline
occurred. The third investigation in the pilot study was designed to assess inter-rater agreement.
This assessed the extent to which, when provided with the same recording, the Lancaster
transcribers agreed with the Spoken BNC2014 coding, and each other, on speaker identification
across all turns. For example, if the Cambridge transcript marked a turn as speaker <0211>, did
the Lancaster transcribers assign speaker <0211> to the same turn? I found that the Lancaster
transcribers were unable to agree with the coding of the Cambridge transcript, nor of each
other’s transcripts, for any more than 50% of the turns which had been assigned a speaker ID
code. In other words, the coding of the Spoken BNC2014 transcript appears to have been coded
for speaker ID in a way that was not replicable by the Lancaster transcribers.
However, I did find that, when the Lancaster transcribers assigned a different speaker ID
number to a turn in the original transcript, there was at least very high agreement for speaker
gender (99.4%), suggesting that even if the code was contested, the gender was very likely to be
consistently assigned. As a result of this finding, and as described in Section 4.5 (p. 88), it was
agreed that the Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme would mandate the use of gender codes
(either <M> or <F>) as a minimum level of identification, resulting in the speaker coding
system introduced in Section 5.2 above. I concluded that speaker identification in the Spoken
BNC2014 recording was most likely done by a consistent use of a ‘best guessclassification that
was not explicitly noted in the transcript, and that the low level of agreement between the
Lancaster transcribers and the Cambridge transcript was at least suggestive that speaker
identification accuracy is likely to be low.
5.4 Research Questions
Based on the pilot study, the main studies described in this chapter are designed to
estimate the accuracy of speaker identification in Spoken BNC2014 recordings which contain the
higher numbers of speakers in the corpus. The reason for this approach, as mentioned, is that a
higher number of speakers, logically, lends itself to a higher chance of at least two of the voices
sounding like each other. This chapter aims to address the following research questions:
RQ1. What is the certainty and inter-rater agreement among Cambridge transcribers for a
Spoken BNC2014 recording that features a high number of speakers?
RQ2. What is the accuracy (as well as certainty and inter-rater agreement) among
Cambridge transcribers for a gold standard recording that features a high number of
The methodological approach to these questions is discussed in the next section.
5.5 Methodological approach
5.5.1 Introduction
Evidence from the pilot study on this issue of speaker identification suggests that
transcribers tend to assign their ‘best guess’ speaker to a given turn resulting in inaccurate
speaker identification in cases where they guess incorrectly. The assessment of certainty and
inter-rater agreement proved revealing in the pilot stage, and so I decided to conduct another
investigation into certainty and inter-rater agreement, but this time with a larger selection of the
Cambridge transcribers themselves, rather than Lancaster’s transcribers. This first investigation
main study (A) corresponds with RQ1.
Main study (A) is designed to be a useful first step, since the pilot study also showed that
the assessment of certainty and inter-rater agreement alone is not sufficient to make a confident
enough estimate of the accuracy of speaker identification in the Spoken BNC2014. Based on
this, later in the data collection stage of the project, I ran a larger investigation with the aim to
assess accuracy directly main study (B) which corresponds with RQ2. This, in theory, is a
more difficult task, because it requires intimate knowledge of the identity of the speakers in the
recording(s) and the ability to recognise and distinguish their voices. This is never usually the
case in full-scale spoken corpus projects, where speakers are unknown to the transcriber. In
other words, it would require comparing the Spoken BNC2014 transcribers’ efforts at speaker
identification of the same recording with a ‘gold standard’, that is, with an existing transcript of
the same recording in which all speaker identifications are known to be correct. The only way
one might create one would be to submit a transcript back to the contributor of the recording,
and ask them to correct the speaker identification using their personal and contextual knowledge.
While not impossible, this would be difficult given the size of the corpus and the number of
individual contributors. Furthermore, this carries the hazard that their memory may fail them, of
course, so even this would not necessarily lead to 100% reliable speaker identification. Thus,
there is no simple way to compare the assignment of speaker ID codes in the Spoken BNC2014
texts to a set of ‘correct answers’, since no such set can be made readily available. Accuracy of
speaker identification in the corpus is, therefore, difficult to ascertain directly.
Because of this, I decided to replicate these conditions by making a recording with
speakers I was very familiar with and then transcribing the recording myself. Knowing the
purpose of the task also allowed me the possibility of taking notes immediately after the
interaction to aid memory. In this situation, I expected, with very high accuracy, to have correctly
identified the speakers of every turn. While not being a ‘true’ gold standard (the recording does
not feature in the corpus), it did seem good enough a substitute to facilitate the investigation of
accuracy; unlike pilot studies (B) and (C), one would have access to the ‘correct answers’. The
findings from such a study could help to predict the accuracy with which the Spoken BNC2014
transcribers had coded speakers in the most difficult of recordings those with several speakers.
To summarise, I devised two new studies which, while not directly measuring speaker
identification accuracy in Spoken BNC2014 transcripts, do aim to provide a very clear idea of
how likely it is that the transcribers identified speakers accurately. The first (main study A)
replicates the pilot studies into certainty and inter-rater agreement for an actual Spoken
BNC2014 recording, while the second (main study B) directly assesses accuracy in a ‘gold
standard’ recording. Sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 provide more detail on the methodological
approach to these studies.
5.5.2 Main study (A): a Spoken BNC2014 recording
The first investigation addresses certainty and inter-rater agreement for a recording that
had been gathered for inclusion in the Spoken BNC2014. This is intended to provide as close an
estimation of accuracy for a text that features in the corpus, with the obvious caveat of not
having access to the ‘correct answers’. It was carried out by comparing the Spoken BNC2014
transcribers with each other in terms of speaker identification of an audio recording from the
corpus. The recording contains six speakers, and was added to the workload of twelve of the
transcribers. They were not informed that they would all transcribe the same recording, or that
the recording was being used for test purposes. This means that, at the time that they transcribed
the recording, the transcribers should have treated it in the same way as all of the other Spoken
BNC2014 recordings. Seven transcripts (henceforth ‘test transcripts’) were returned in time for
inclusion in this study, and they were compared to the original transcript in a similar way to pilot
studies (B) and (C). I used these transcripts to facilitate the following assessments:
A1: Certainty of speaker identification in a Spoken BNC2014 recording
This assessed the average confidence of the transcribers regarding their identifications.
This was done by calculating the average proportion of turns in the eight transcripts (the seven
test transcripts plus the original transcript) that were marked with ‘certain’ speaker ID codes, as
opposed to other speaker ID code types.
A2: Inter-rater agreement of speaker identification in a Spoken BNC2014 recording
This assessed the extent to which the eight transcripts agreed regarding the speaker
identification of each turn in the original Spoken BNC2014 transcript. To facilitate this part of
the investigation, each transcript had to be aligned with one another, so that the assignment of
speaker ID codes could be compared for each turn (see Appendix K, p. 251).
5.5.3 Main study (B): the gold standard recording
The second study sacrifices the use of a recording that was made for inclusion in the
corpus, in favour of a custom-made gold standard recording, produced in such a way that a set
of ‘correct answers’ for speaker identification could be created.
In this way, as well as assessing
certainty and inter-rater agreement, the second investigation can assess accuracy (but with the
caveat of using a recording that does not feature in the Spoken BNC2014).
I created a gold standard transcript by recording and transcribing a conversation between
myself and seven other speakers, who are all members of my family and very familiar to me.
Including me, there were five male and three female speakers (see Table 11, overleaf). I made the
recording during breakfast on Christmas Day, 2014. The speakers were sitting around a dining
room table, and I had placed my smartphone in the middle of the table to make the recording.
This set up a conversation between close family members is typical of Spoken BNC2014
recordings (72.8% of recordings are conducted between ‘close family, partners, very close
friends’) and, therefore, I deemed this a good choice of context for the gold standard recording.
See Appendix L (p. 292) for a comparison of the recordings used in main studies (A) and (B).
Table 11. Speaker metadata for the gold standard recording.
Speaker ID
Dialect (1)
Dialect (2)
Dialect (3)
Dialect (4)
Yorkshire &
By transcribing the conversation myself, I could guarantee as close to 100% accurate
speaker identification as possible, given the possibility of random human error;
it is my belief
that, during the transcription of this recording, I could identify and distinguish the voices of the
eight participants with ease. To make this task easier, I could have video recorded the
conversation. However, my aim was to transcribe a conversation gathered under as similar
circumstances as possible as the other Spoken BNC2014 recordings. Using a video recorder,
which intrudes even further on the situation than an audio recorder does, would introduce a
variable that is not accounted for in any of the corpus recordings; the naturalness of the
conversation would not be comparable to the other recordings. The only new variable that the
gold standard recording allowed, by necessity, was my presence as a participant in the
I then gave the recording I used to create the original gold standard transcript to the
Spoken BNC2014 transcribers, and compared the speaker identifications in the resulting
transcripts to my version, as well as repeating the assessments of certainty and inter-rater
agreement from the first study, for sake of comparison with the Spoken BNC2014 recording
from study (A). In this case, the transcribers were informed that this recording was part of an
investigation, rather than a standard recording,
and I retrieved eight test transcripts in time to
feature in this analysis, along with feedback about the difficulty of the task (see Appendix M, p.
259). I used these transcripts to facilitate the following investigations:
For the purposes of this investigation, it is assumed that the speaker identification in the original gold standard
transcript is indeed 100% accurate, since this is as close to100% as possible.
My presence as a participant in the conversation, and subsequent discussion of the project during the recording,
made it obvious that this was not a standard corpus recording; it was thus impossible to pretend otherwise.
B1: Certainty of speaker identification in a gold standard recording
This assessed the average confidence of the transcribers regarding their identifications.
This was based on calculating the average proportion of turns in the eight test transcripts
(excluding the gold standard transcript itself) that were marked with certain speaker ID codes,
as opposed to other speaker ID codes types.
B2: Inter-rater agreement of speaker identification in a gold standard recording
This assessed the extent to which the eight test transcripts (excluding the gold standard
transcript itself) agreed regarding the speaker identification of each individual turn in the gold
standard recording.
B3: Accuracy of speaker identification in a gold standard recording
This assessed the extent to which each of the eight test transcripts individually matched
the speaker identification of each individual turn in the original gold standard transcript.
5.6 Results
In this section, I present the results of the two studies into speaker identification in the
Spoken BNC2014 and gold standard transcripts.
5.6.1 Main study (A1): Certainty in a Spoken BNC2014 recording
Table 12 (overleaf) shows the proportion of turns coded as ‘certain’, ‘best guess’ and
‘indeterminable’ in each of the eight transcripts of the Spoken BNC2014 recording, where T00 is
the original corpus transcript, and T01-T07 are the seven test transcripts collected for this
investigation. This shows that, across all transcripts, certain speaker identification is very high,
while the two other code types are rarely used. The average certainty level of 98.2% is much
higher than that reported in the pilot study (68.3%). In turn, the ‘best guess’ code occurs in only
two transcripts, and the ‘indeterminable’ codes in only four, with much lower levels of use than
those reported in the pilot study (6.3% and 25.4% respectively). This is interesting, given that the
pilot study considered fourteen transcripts of different recordings, ten of which contained fewer
speakers than the six featured in the Spoken BNC2014 recording considered here. Such high
levels of certainly were only achieved in the pilot study for recordings that contained only two
Table 12. Distribution of code types in the Spoken BNC2014 transcripts.
Best guess
It seems, then, that the Spoken BNC2014 transcribers were more confident when assigning
speaker ID codes for the six-speaker Spoken BNC2014 recording than the Lancaster transcribers
were for most the recordings in the pilot study.
5.6.2 Main study (A2): Inter-rater agreement in a Spoken BNC2014 recording
After the turns were aligned (see Appendix K, p. 251), a total of 727 turns were eligible
for the assessment of inter-rater agreement of speaker ID codes between the eight transcripts.
Across the eight transcripts, the 727 turns were assigned a total of 5,816 codes. As stated in
Section 5.2 above, transcribers assigned one of three main types of code to each turn they
transcribed ‘certain’, ‘best guess’ or ‘indeterminable’ (male, female, or many). To assess inter-rater
agreement, I had to decide the grounds upon which to compare the assignment of these code
types to determine what constituted agreement as opposed to disagreement. To this end, I
decided to merge the ‘certain’ and ‘best guess’ codes so that, for example, a turn that was
assigned certain speaker ID code 4 in one transcript, and best guess code 4? in another,
would count as agreeing. After all, both transcripts nominated speaker 4 as most likely to have
produced the turn; I deemed the difference in confidence irrelevant for the purposes of
distinguishing generally between agreement and disagreement. The three ‘indeterminable’ codes,
male, female and many, were not merged, since, unlike the ‘certain’/‘best guess’ distinction, they are
mutually exclusive in their reference to the speaker(s) of a given turn.
Another issue that had to be dealt with prior to the analysis of inter-rater agreement was
how to treat the many turns which were transcribed in some, but not all, of the eight transcripts.
As described in Appendix K (p. 251), the gaps in the transcripts where such turns did not appear
(revealed when the transcripts were aligned) were assigned the code ‘X’. This indicated that, since
turns had occurred in these positions in at least one of the other transcripts, turns that could
have been transcribed in these positions were erroneously absent. Because of this, they were
included as a type of speaker ID code in the inter-rater agreement analysis, and allowed to
contribute to levels of (dis)agreement with as much value as the other codes.
Table 13 summarises the code types considered in the inter-rater agreement analysis, and
their distribution in the Spoken BNC2014 transcripts. Using Fleiss’ formula to assess the “extent
of agreement” (Fleiss 1971: 379) on a turn by turn basis, the eight transcripts agreed, on average,
to the extent of 51.8% across the 727 turns. The resulting Kappa coefficient
of this agreement
is 0.40, meaning that the observed agreement did occur with more than chance probability, but
with only “fair” strength (Landis & Koch 1977: 165). It seems, then, that while the certainty for
the speaker ID coding of this recording is very high, the transcribers did not actually agree with
each other in their coding to anywhere near the same extent. While this does not measure
accuracy, such a low level of agreement means that, for many of the turns, one, or some, or
perhaps even all, of the transcribers are likely to have selected the wrong speaker ID code.
Table 13. Total distribution of code types for the eight Spoken BNC2014 transcripts.
Code type
1 or 1?
2 or 2?
3 or 3?
4 or 4?
5 or 5?
6 or 6?
5.6.3 Main study (B1): Certainty in the gold standard recording
Turning to the gold standard study, Table 14 (overleaf) shows the proportion of turns
coded as ‘certain’, ‘best guess’ and ‘indeterminablein each of the eight transcripts of the gold
standard recording, where T00 is the gold standard transcript and T01-T08 are the eight test
transcripts collected for this investigation.
See Appendix N (p. 294) for more detail about inter-rater agreement statistics.
Table 14. Distribution of code types in the gold standard transcripts.
Best guess
Like the Spoken BNC2014 recording, this shows that the Spoken BNC2014 transcribers
assigned the speaker ID codes in the gold standard recording with a level of certainty that is (a)
very high, and (b) much higher on average than the pilot study transcripts. Again, the Cambridge
transcribers seem to have been highly confident in the assignment of speaker ID codes.
However, the transcribers could not produce the gold standard transcripts with the same level of
certainty (or consistency) as the Spoken BNC2014 transcripts, with an average of 85.2%
certainty, as opposed to 98.1% (Table 14). Thus, it seems that the gold standard recording caused
more uncertainty than the Spoken BNC2014 recording. This could be because there are more
speakers in the gold standard recording, which would accord with the suggestion from the pilot
study that the more speakers there are, the harder it is for the transcribers to confidently identify
them. Furthermore, the lower level of certainty could have been influenced by the transcription
of this recording being conducted ‘non-blind’ (see Section 5.5.3); it is possible that the
transcribers, knowing that this recording was provided for an investigation into transcription,
were more cautious about speaker ID assignment. Nonetheless, 85.2% is still very high, despite a
high level of individual transcriber variation which will be discussed in Section 5.7.1.
5.6.4 Main study (B2): Inter-rater agreement in the gold standard recording
Using the same method as study (A2), I used FleissKappa (1971) to assess the inter-
rater agreement of the gold standard transcripts. The only difference in the approach of study
(B2) as opposed to (B1) is that I have excluded the gold standard transcript from this analysis, in
order to make the findings comparable to study (A2). The reason for this is that, as explained in
Section 5.5.3, there was no gold standard transcript for the Spoken BNC2014 recording. As
such, all transcripts, including the original corpus file, were considered equal in terms of potential
for inaccuracy. With the gold standard recording, it is known that the gold standard transcript is
correct, whereas the gold standard test transcripts were produced under as similar conditions as
possible to the Spoken BNC2014 test transcripts. Thus, it is fairer to exclude the gold standard
transcript for now and return to it in the assessment of accuracy in study (B3).
The distribution of gold standard code types considered in the analysis of inter-rater
agreement in the remaining eight test transcripts is shown in Table 15. Using Fleiss’ agreement
formula (Fleiss 1971: 379) on a turn by turn basis, the eight transcripts agreed to an average
extent of 51.5%, across the 775 turns. The resulting Kappa coefficient of this agreement is 0.46,
meaning that the observed agreement did occur with more than chance probability but with
“moderate” strength (Landis & Koch 1977: 165). In general terms, this means that, like the
Spoken BNC2014 recording, the inter-rater agreement for the gold standard recording does not
match the certainty with which the speaker ID codes were assigned.
Table 15. Total distribution of code types for the eight gold standard test transcripts.
Code type
1 or 1?
2 or 2?
3 or 3?
4 or 4?
5 or 5?
6 or 6?
7 or 7?
8 or 8?
This aside, there are interesting observations to make when comparing the two
recordings. Even though the observed agreement is slightly lower than that of the Spoken
BNC2014 recording, the Kappa coefficient is higher. This is because there were more speakers
in this recording, and thus the probability of the transcribers agreeing by chance alone was lower.
The result of taking this into account is that the observed agreement is considered more
remarkable, despite being lower in raw terms. That the agreement for these transcripts is
stronger than the Spoken BNC2014 transcripts is unexpected, considering that the certainty is
lower. It seems, then, that despite being less certain in their judgements, the transcribers were at
least more agreeable in their decision making.
5.6.5 Main study (B3): Accuracy in the gold standard recording
In this section, I compare each of the eight test transcripts individually with the gold
standard. By treating the gold standard as a set of ‘correct answers’, a two-rater inter-rater
agreement analysis of each test transcript/gold standard pair can be considered a measurement
of accuracy. The gold standard transcript contains 775 turns for which I had assigned a specific
speaker ID code during transcription. Like the inter-rater agreement investigations, I merged the
‘certain’ and ‘best guess’ codes so that any ‘best guess’ codes in the test transcripts would be
considered to agree with their corresponding ‘certain’ codes in the gold standard, thus
contributing to accuracy. This meant that there were twelve individual speaker ID code
categories for which (dis)agreement could occur between the gold standard and the test
transcripts. These are listed in Table 16.
Table 16. Categories of speaker ID code for which agreement between the gold standard and
test transcripts could occur.
Category no.
Category name
Speaker 1 (including best guess)
Speaker 2 (including best guess)
Speaker 3 (including best guess)
Speaker 4 (including best guess)
Speaker 5 (including best guess)
Speaker 6 (including best guess)
Speaker 7 (including best guess)
Speaker 8 (including best guess)
Indeterminable (male)
Indeterminable (female)
Indeterminable (many)
No code
Since there are twelve categories of potential (dis)agreement, the level of agreement between two
transcripts expected by chance alone is 1/12 (see Carletta 1996: 3). Table 17 (overleaf) shows the
When calculating inter-rater agreement, I allowed best guess codes to be counted as attempts to identify
individual speakers, and therefore were included in the assessments. The same is true of the present assessment of
accuracy, since the principle behind this analysis is largely the same; this is an assessment of inter-rater agreement,
but between pairs of coders (the gold standard transcript + each test transcript in turn) rather than all coders
considered together.
percentage of observed agreement for each test transcript when compared with the gold
standard transcript. Using these and the expected agreement level of 1/12 together in Cohen’s
formula (Cohen 1960), I calculated the Kappa coefficients for each pair. These are also shown in
Table 17.
Table 17. Inter-rater agreement (i.e. accuracy) of speaker identification between the test
transcripts and the gold standard transcript.
This shows that the accuracy of speaker identification across the eight test transcripts was
achieved at an average of 58.1%, meaning that over two fifths of the turns in the test transcripts
were assigned the wrong speaker ID code. The Kappa coefficient of 0.54 confirms that this level
of accuracy is higher than it would have been by chance alone, to a “moderate” degree (Landis &
Koch 1977: 165).
5.7 Discussion: what does this mean for the Spoken BNC2014?
So far, I have shown that, for a Spoken BNC2014 recording featuring six speakers,
certainty of speaker identification was very high (A1), while inter-rater agreement was fair (A2). I
have also shown that, for a gold standard recording featuring eight speakers, certainty of speaker
identification was very high (B1), while inter-rater agreement was moderate (B2). Finally,
accuracy of speaker identification of the gold standard recording is less than 60% (B3). The final
step of this investigation is to establish what these findings mean for the Spoken BNC2014. To
do this, I first want to consider three points: inter-rater variation, the potential for automatic
speaker identification, and the use of phonetic expertise.
5.7.1 Individual transcriber variation
In Section 5.6.3, I noted the observed variation in certainty between the transcribers with
regards to speaker identification in the gold standard recording (study B1). Furthermore, the
standard deviation of accurately matching turns across the eight transcripts in study (B3) is 122
from the mean, which is 450.25. This accords with the wide range of results observed in Table
17, which shows that accuracy varied greatly between transcribers. Clearly, then, some
transcribers were more confident than others, and some did perform much better than others,
and this variation should not be ignored. One factor which may have contributed to the
observed variation is that the test transcripts of the recordings used in this investigation were
made early in the lifetime of the project, before the transcription training day (see Section 4.6, p.
98). At the point of transcription, the transcribers had not had the opportunity to share practices
and discover differences in their approach to transcription which could later be addressed.
Another reassuring point is that speaker identification codes which have been
inaccurately assigned are not entirely useless by being incorrect. As mentioned in Section 5.3, one
of my pilot studies showed that gender at least is highly likely to be retained even when the
wrong speaker ID code is attributed. Comparing all codes which indicated gender in the gold
standard test transcripts (i.e. either a numerical code or the indeterminable M/F codes) to the
gold standard transcript, I found that 98.3% of the test transcript codes matched the gender of
the gold standard codes (Cohen’s Kappa 0.97; “almost perfect” agreement, Landis & Koch 1977:
165). Furthermore, repeating the same task for the age range of the speakers in this recording
(either 20-29, 50-59, or 80-89), the test transcripts matched 89.1% of the gold standard codes
(Cohen’s Kappa 0.84; “almost perfect” agreement, Landis & Koch 1977: 165). So, even with
variation in accuracy, it is highly likely that the transcribers could accurately identify the gender
and age of speakers even if the speaker ID code itself was coded incorrectly. Given the
importance of such features for sociolinguistic investigation, these results are reassuring.
5.7.2 Automated speaker identification
I have been fortunate enough to be able to discuss my work on speaker identification
with many colleagues at conferences and research seminars. By far the most frequent question I
have received has asked why this job (assigning speaker ID codes to turns) cannot be done
automatically, using speech recognition software, or with input from an expert in phonetics.
Indeed, automating this part of the transcription process (and indeed, the entire transcription
process; see Section 4.2, p. 77) would, if done well, not only solve the issue of speaker
identification accuracy but also those of inter-rater (dis)agreement and consistency. While I have
already disregarded the possibility of fully automating transcription for spoken corpus data, I
aimed to confirm whether speaker identification could at least be assisted by automated
methods. To investigate this, I:
tested the gold standard recording with an online automatic transcription tool; and,
sought the expertise of a phonetician.
In Section 4.2 (p. 77), I used Trint to show that fully automatic transcription of spoken
corpus audio data is still not viable, at least with commonly available tools. However, while it
does not perform speaker identification itself, it does attempt to separate each turn, offering a
labelling feature to assign speaker ID codes manually to the automatically detected turns. As
shown in that section, due to the audio quality of the gold standard recording, which contains
background music and other interfering noises (which is typical of Spoken BNC2014
recordings), the accuracy of transcription was poor. Even with this poor transcription quality, it
may be the case that Trint can at least separate turns accurately, which may aid the manual
identification of speakers. As such, it is Trint’s ability to differentiate between turns that I was
interested in assessing.
Let us return to the outputted extracts from Section 4.2 (see Appendix E, p. 216, and
Appendix F, p. 218, for full transcripts).
Gold standard transcript:
<4> you don’t have to grandma do you want some orange?
<1> you don’t have to if you don’t want to
<6> will you taste it first?
<1> [laugh]
<5> <OL> oh yeah (.) see how strong it is
<6> nice
<7> orange orange orange orange orange
<2> <OL> do you want some <name F>?
<7> <OL> just a bit just a little bit dear (.) thank you (.) that’s bucks fizz of course
isn’t it?
<4> yeah (.) it is
<7> once you put the orange to it actually
<2> you want some?
<5> oh go on then
<4> you want some?
<6> have you have you started recording?
Trint transcript:
[00:00:36] You don't have to come up to any one that is easy for. Me to go spiders to be
nice to horror in Joralemon a.. And that box which of course you do if you want to do it
you are used to it actually.
[00:00:56] Oh go on. You want to thank you. You started recording.
Problems with transcription accuracy aside, the extracts show that Trint was also unable to
identify many of the individual turns that are included in the original transcript. In fact, it is
almost impossible to recognise that the Trint transcript refers to the same section of recording as
the original transcript; only by listening to the recording while reading the transcripts does it
become clear that some linguistic units, which were produced by different speakers, have been
transcribed within the same turn. Clearly, Trint is not able to deal with this sort of data.
Therefore, it would not be possible to use an output from Trint to help assign speaker ID codes.
5.7.3 The use of phonetic expertise
Subsequently, with entirely automated transcription and assisted speaker identification
disregarded, I aimed to address comments from colleagues about the possibility of using
phonetic expertise to assist with speaker identification. I once again sought evidence from a
for this task. I sent him a five minute extract from the gold standard audio
recording, as well as the corresponding extract from its original transcript, with all ID codes
removed, apart from the first of each speaker’s turn (see Appendix O, p. 261). I instructed him
to use whatever method he deemed appropriate to assign speaker ID codes to the transcript. The
phonetician simply chose to listen to the recordings, rather than use any specialised computer
equipment. Based on his experience in phonetics, it is reasonable to claim that he would have a
higher-than-average ability to analyse speech and distinguish voices.
I am grateful to Sam Kirkham of Lancaster University for his assistance with this task.
Because I used only a five-minute extract of the gold standard recording, I re-calculated
the accuracy of the test transcripts, compared to the gold standard transcript only for the
relevant section, using Cohen’s Kappa (1960) for two-rater inter-rater agreement. I then
compared the phonetician’s transcript to the gold standard to find out how it performed against
the test transcripts (Table 18).
Table 18. Accuracy of the phonetician’s transcript compared to the gold standard test transcript
Table 18 shows that the phonetician’s 78.2% accuracy score (with a Kappa of 0.76, representing
“substantial” agreement, Landis & Koch 1977: 165) is above average when compared to the
same extract in the test transcripts. However, it is not better than all test transcripts, with T05
and T07 scoring higher Kappa measures. Although a crude measure, this mini investigation does
suggest that employing a phonetician to work on transcription of the corpus would not
necessarily have ameliorated the problems identified in this chapter.
5.8 Affected texts and solutions implemented
The investigations presented in this chapter have shown that the Spoken BNC2014
transcribers performed speaker identification with high levels of confidence for recordings
containing both six and eight speakers. Inter-rater agreement for both recordings, and accuracy
for the latter, is, on the other hand, relatively low low enough that, should these texts be used
for sociolinguistic purposes, researchers run a reasonable risk of observing effects which are
caused not by true language variation but by erroneously-identified speakers.
The severity of this risk depends on several factors. Firstly, it is reassuring that whether
they chose the correct code or not the Cambridge transcribers selected codes with the correct
gender almost always, and the correct age most of the time. So, researchers who are only
interested in gender and age are likely to be fine. Furthermore, it must also be remembered that
the clear majority of recordings used for the Spoken BNC2014 feature only two or three
speakers (texts featuring two or three speakers comprise three quarters of the corpus; see Table
19, overleaf). Although these were not investigated, I am confident, based on the principles
discussed in Section 5.2, that speaker identification is likely to have been conducted with
acceptably high accuracy.
Table 19. Frequency of corpus texts per number of speakers per recording in the Spoken
No. of speakers
per recording
No. of Spoken
BNC2014 texts
With regards to the remaining quarter of the corpus, although the main studies in this chapter
only considered recordings featuring six and eight speakers, I argue, for the sake of caution, that
researchers should think carefully about whether they should include Spoken BNC2014 texts
which contain four or more speakers when conducting sociolinguistic research especially work
which looks at social groups (other than gender and age which, as shown, are likely to have been
assigned with high levels of accuracy, regardless of whether the speaker ID code was assigned
correctly). The reason for this is simple: until more research is done to account for recordings
containing every available number of speakers, the 15% of the corpus comprising four-speaker
texts seems too large a portion to risk encouraging research which may later be proven invalid.
Although not investigated here, the same recommendation should, in my view, be applied to the
Spoken BNC1994; considering the issues with the transcription scheme discussed in the previous
chapter, and known shortcomings with regards to metadata as it is (Section 3.2, p. 22), it is
difficult to believe that inaccurate speaker identification is a problem which does not affect the
Spoken BNC1994 to some extent. Furthermore, this recommendation should apply to other
spoken corpora, unless video data or other direct observations are available to help inform the
speaker assignments.
To encourage user awareness of speaker identification in the Spoken BNC2014, we
documented this issue clearly in the BNC2014 user guide (Love et al. 2017b). Furthermore, we
introduced specific features to both the text-level and utterance-level metadata. Starting with text
metadata, we recommend that users who require speakers to be attributed accurately use the
restricted query function in CQPweb (or, equivalently, appropriate pre-processing of a
downloaded copy of the XML-formatted corpus) to exclude texts containing four or more
speakers. To facilitate this, ‘number of speakers’ is a text metadata category in CQPweb, which
allows restricted queries to be performed on any combination of texts, according to the number
of speakers (see Section 3.3.4, p. 46).
In addition, we made visible in the CQPweb interface the transcription convention for
speaker confidence level. The purpose of this is to caution users of the corpus against blindly
assuming that all of the speaker ID codes in the corpus texts have been assigned accurately. In
the example below, for instance, the transcriber has indicated that they were not fully certain of
which speaker produced the second turn, but that their best guess is speaker S0514 (the [??]
indicator of low confidence shown here represents an underlying XML attribute-value pair; see
Section 6.2, p. 128).
S0511: well what happens in the sessions?
: there was some watching videos and stuff (BNC2014 SFQE)
Though this measure does not actually improve the accuracy of speaker identification, it does
promote user awareness of potential issues with it. Furthermore, this utterance-level attribute
data makes it possible to restrict corpus queries to exclude those turns with low confidence in
speaker identification. In total, 29,369 utterances (2.45% of utterances; 170,806 tokens) fall into
the low confidence category.
5.9 Chapter summary
This chapter has addressed speaker identification the confidence with which spoken
corpus transcribers can attribute a speaker ID code to each transcribed turn. In the context of
the Spoken BNC2014, I have established that this can be a difficult task, and I have attempted to
estimate the severity and extent of cases where it is likely that speaker identification has not been
performed accurately.
Pilot studies on this topic showed that confidence in speaker identification is likely to
decrease as the number of the speakers in the recording increases, but that, overall, the freelance
Spoken BNC2014 transcribers employed by Cambridge tended to be more confident than the
linguistically-trained transcribers at Lancaster, who volunteered their time from other
transcription projects to take part in the pilot.
The main studies described in this chapter aimed to focus in on the Cambridge
transcribers’ performance on recordings featuring many speakers, i.e. the logical worst case
scenario for the task of speaker identification. In response to RQ1, main study (A) showed that
confidence in speaker ID attribution for the selected Spoken BNC2014 recording was very high
(98.2% of turns). It also showed, however, that inter-rater agreement between transcribers for
the same recording was only ‘fair’ in strength (51.8% agreement).
In response to RQ2, main study (B) showed that, for the gold standard recording, both
inter-rater agreement and accuracy relative to a gold standard set of answers are relatively low.
While I was unable to directly assess the accuracy of speaker identification in actual Spoken
BNC2014 transcripts, I could assess accuracy for the gold standard; 58.1% accuracy with
‘moderate’ strength agreement.
If representative of all recordings which feature several speakers (four or more, as
discussed in the previous section), then it is possible that 294 of the Spoken BNC2014 texts
(23.5%) contain a level of inaccuracy of speaker identification which should not be ignored. I
have discussed the implementations made in the corpus user guide, metadata and interface to
ensure that this potential inaccuracy can be taken into account by users:
the potential for inaccurate speaker identification is clearly and comprehensively
documented in the corpus user guide (Love et al. 2017b);
users of the corpus have the option to exclude from any given analysis the utterances
or transcripts which are most likely to have fallen victim to poor speaker
identification; and,
uncertain speaker identification is visualized in the CQPweb interface for the Spoken
While it is my belief that this chapter has made an important contribution in establishing
speaker identification as a feature of spoken corpus transcription which should be given more
attention, more work should be done to establish the importance of this issue in the Spoken
I am grateful to Ruth Avon and Alana Jackson for their assistance with the pilot.
BNC2014 and other existing spoken corpora. In future, the investigations presented in this
chapter should be repeated on a larger sample of Spoken BNC2014 texts, representing all
available numbers of speakers featured in each recording, as well as texts from other spoken
corpora. Furthermore, a review should be conducted to identify previous research which has
relied upon potentially inaccurate speaker identification, to assess whether the findings from any
such studies would be altered if texts prone to the misidentification of speakers during
transcription were to be ignored. The Spoken BNC1994, for example, should be revisited in this
light given the existing known issues of metadata and transcription discussed elsewhere in this
As the Spoken BNC2014 audio recordings were transcribed, the Cambridge team sent
the resulting Microsoft Word documents to me in batches. At this stage, these batches of
transcripts had to be converted into XML, and the metadata gathered by Cambridge had to
prepared for use as well. The XML files then had to be annotated and indexed into CQPweb
(Hardie 2012) for public release as a corpus. The processing of the transcripts and their public
release are the topics covered in the next chapter.
6 Corpus processing and dissemination
6.1 Introduction
This short chapter explores the work done to convert a large set of orthographic
transcripts into the Spoken BNC2014 a usable, publicly-accessible corpus of spoken British
English conversation, with rich and searchable speaker and text metadata. The chapter is divided
into three sections, which each address a stage of this process. Section 6.2 explores the
conversion of the transcripts Microsoft Word documents into Extensible Markup Language
(XML). Section 6.3 discusses how the XML files were annotated for part-of-speech (POS),
lemma and semantic categories. Finally, Section 6.4 discusses the initial release of the corpus via
CQPweb (Hardie 2012), and the planned release of the XML files and metadata.
6.2 XML conversion
The Spoken BNC2014 transcripts were sent to me by the Cambridge team in batches of
Microsoft Word documents. The first stage of the subsequent corpus processing was to convert
the Word documents into plain text format. Not only did this strip away any unwanted
formatting which may have remained after (or, in the case of Microsoft Word ‘comments’, been
created by) quality control procedures, but it also presented the first opportunity for
standardisation; all transcripts were saved using the same character encoding (UTF-8; Pike &
Thompson 1993). This would aid the later conversion of the text files into XML by ensuring that
all characters were encoded in the same way.
At this point, the transcripts were ready for conversion into XML. The two established
standard formats for corpus data interchange and archiving are (a) plain text and (b) plain text
enhanced with markup using XML (see Hardie 2014b). Transcripts of spoken data almost always
include features in addition to the actual words of the text (e.g. indicators of utterance
boundaries), and thus XML is the appropriate choice of format. As discussed in Section 4.3 (p.
83), a number of systems for the use of XML in corpus encoding have been proposed as
standards. These include the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI; see Burnard and Bauman 2013) and
the Corpus Encoding Standard (CES; see Ide 1996). The former of these was used for (and
developed alongside) the BNC1994. However, as argued by Hardie (2014b), these standards are
fairly top-heavy and require much more extensive and detailed XML markup than is either
necessary or useful for the vast majority of corpus linguistic research. For that reason, rather
than use TEI, we opted to follow the recommendations of Hardie (2014b) for the use of a
modest level of XML. We made use of the XML tags and attributes noted by Hardie (2014b:
94-101) as having become more-or-less established as de facto standard most of which are in
fact also part of TEI and CES; we made additions to this set of codes only where our
transcription scheme (Appendix J, p. 224) required it. For instance, utterances are marked up
with <u> tags, and each utterance has a who attribute, containing the unique ID code of the
speaker. These are exactly as described by Hardie (2014b), and originate in TEI. However, we
also added a whoConfidence attribute, which records the transcriber’s level of confidence in the
speaker attribution (based upon the investigations presented in the previous chapter), as well as a
running count of the line number in each text. Furthermore, the text headers in the corpus use a
notably simpler (and more flatly organised) set of metadata tags than TEI/XML, each element
being generated automatically, on a mostly one-to-one basis, from some column of the metadata
tables originally collected alongside the recordings.
Both the header and body tags are listed in
full in the corpus documentation (Love et al. 2017b), which also includes a full Document Type
Definition (DTD) covering all elements and attributes (see Appendix P, p. 262, for a list of the
main tags from the transcription scheme, in pre- and post-XML conversion formats).
As noted in Section 4.3 (p. 83), rather than transcribing the Spoken BNC2014 audio files
directly into XML, the transcription scheme was designed using simple, human-friendly tags
which could later be converted into the ‘modest’ XML described above. This was done using a
script, which I used to automatically convert the codes from the transcription scheme
format into the appropriate XML, as well as inserting all other necessary header and body tags.
The script was run on each text in the corpus. Figure 14 (overleaf) is a line-by-line comparison of
an excerpt from a corpus text in both pre- (left column) and post- (right column) XML
conversion format. This demonstrates some of the features of XML in which the corpus texts
have been encoded. As mentioned, each utterance is enclosed by <u> tags, and the attributes for
line number (n), speaker ID code (who) and, where relevant, confidence (whoConfidence), are
visible. Line 3 of the XML column includes both versions of the unclear tag: ‘unclear word,
guessed by transcriber’ (<unclear>into</unclear>), and ‘unclear word, no guess’ (<unclear/>).
Finally, line 8 shows how the de-identification tags (see Section 4.5, p. 88) were elaborated in
XML in the form of a tag (anon) containing an attribute for type (in this case, place).
Speaker and text metadata, the categories of which are described in Section 3.3.4 (p. 41), are stored as Microsoft
Excel spreadsheets.
70 (last accessed September 2017).
I am grateful to Andrew Hardie from Lancaster University for his guidance and support with PHP scripts.
<0211> I haven’t met you
<0216> oh hi
<0220> oh right okay I feel a bit weird about going
<u=into> Geordie now but <u=?>
<MANY> [laugh]
<0211> <u=?> or me
<MANY> [laugh]
<0216> what part of Newcastle are you from?
<0220> <place>
<0216> oh yeah
<0220> oh where you from?
<0216> <place>
<u n="1" who="S0211">I haven't met you</u>
<u n="2" who="S0216">oh hi</u>
<u n="3" who="S0220">oh right okay I feel a bit weird
about going <unclear>into</unclear> Geordie now but
<u n="4" who="UNKMULTI" whoConfidence="low"><vocal
<u n="5" who="S0211"><unclear/> or me</u>
<u n="6" who="UNKMULTI" whoConfidence="low"><vocal
<u n="7" who="S0216">what part of Newcastle are you
<u n="8" who="S0220"><anon type="place"/></u>
<u n="9" who="S0216">oh yeah</u>
<u n="10" who="S0220">oh where you from?</u>
<u n="11" who="S0216"><anon type="place"/></u>
Figure 14. Transcript excerpt, pre- and post-XML conversion.
Aside from converting transcription conventions into XML, the PHP script was used to
conduct another stage of the quality control process. The script was written to identify errors in
the transcription of tags (as compared to the transcription scheme), and to terminate upon the
discovery of an error, providing information on the nature and location of the error. Figure 15,
for example, shows the functions of the script which detected errors in the transcription of non-
linguistic vocalisations.
function bnc_vocal_checker($m)
static $valid = array (
'laugh', 'cough', 'gasp', 'sneeze', 'sigh', 'yawn', 'whistle',
'misc', 'nonsense'
$desc = trim(strtolower($m[1]));
if ($desc == 'couhg')
$desc = 'cough';
if (in_array($desc, $valid))
return '{vocal desc="' . $desc . '"/}';
exit("Error: invalid vocalisation type found --> [$desc]\n");
function bnc_transform_vocal($s)
return preg_replace_callback('/\[(.*?)\]/', 'bnc_vocal_checker', $s);
Figure 15. Vocalisation checking functions in the XML conversion PHP script.
The function at the bottom (bnc_transform_vocal) detected every string enclosed by square brackets
(i.e. the format for vocalisations, as instructed in the transcription scheme). Then, the function at
the top (bnc_vocal_checker) checked that only the permitted names for vocalisations (laugh, cough,
gasp, etc.) were used inside the square brackets.
If any string other than those permitted words
was used, an error message was produced showing the erroneous tag.
Whenever an error was detected by the script, it was then my job to either (a) manually
correct the error in the plain text file and run the script again, or, if it appeared that the error was
relatively common, (b) write a new function into the script which would automatically accept the
error in the future as a ‘variant’ form of the correct tag. Since the script was designed to run on
one text at a time, I had ample opportunity to amend and improve the functionality of the script
which, over time, reduced the likelihood of the script terminating on previously unencountered
errors. This meant that the process of converting the plain text files into XML sped up as I
adapted the script to account for newly discovered errors; early in the conversion process an
individual text could take upwards of an hour to fix (including time to write new functions into
the script), but this was soon reduced to a few minutes at most, with many texts passing through
the script on the first attempt. Errors were various in nature, and although the final version of
the script serves as an account of those errors which became automatically corrected and
processed, I did not attempt to quantify the instance of errors as I converted the files, as this
would have slowed the process considerably. However, having converted all 1,251 texts
individually, I did develop an understanding of commonly occurring errors. These include:
Spelling errors of tag names (e.g. backround noise instead of background noise)
Morphological variants of permitted tag names (e.g. gasping instead of gasp)
Missing brackets (e.g. name M> instead of <name M>)
Duplicate brackets (e.g. <<name F> instead of <name F>)
Incorrect brackets (e.g. <cough> instead of [cough])
Use of disallowed punctuation (e.g. & instead of and)
Incorrect case (e.g. [Sigh] instead of [sigh])
Reflecting on the conversion process, it was surprising that such a variety of errors in the
transcription codes could pass through quality control undetected. The presence of these errors
is a testament to the value of devoting time to develop a script to automatically convert the texts
while, crucially, checking for errors. Despite the time taken to convert the scripts, transcription
would likely have taken much longer had we instructed the transcribers to type directly into
XML. The reason for this is that the XML tags are longer and more complex than the
This function also includes an automatic correction of a misspelling: cough spelled as couhg. There were many
instances of mistyped tags, and the rest were detected separately elsewhere in the script.
transcription codes we developed, and would therefore have afforded more opportunity for
typing errors ([laugh], for example, is easier to type than <vocal desc="laugh"/>).
6.3 Annotation
Once each plain text file was converted into XML, the next stage was to annotate the
corpus. Annotation is the process of adding interpretive linguistic information to a corpus (see
McEnery & Hardie 2012: 13). Although some linguists (e.g. Hunston 2002, Sinclair 2004) initially
doubted the value of annotation, it is now a mainstay of corpus linguistics (McEnery & Hardie
2012: 29) and underpins, for example, machine learning in computational linguistics (Hausser
2014). The virtues of making standard types of analytic annotation available to all users of a
corpus, by distributing a tagged version alongside the untagged text, are well documented (see
Hardie 2014b). In line with this principle, we tagged the whole corpus for part-of-speech (POS),
lemma and semantic categories. Semantic tagging was conducted using the UCREL semantic
annotation system (USAS; Rayson et al. 2004).
The POS and lemma tagging was conducted using the same systems as the original
BNC1994 most notably the Constituent Likelihood Automatic Word-tagging System (CLAWS;
Garside 1987). CLAWS is a hybrid probabilistic/rule-based tagger, which means that a single
POS-tag is assigned to each word, where possible (based mainly on a supplied lexicon and rules
derived from such), and, for ambiguous cases, more than one POS-tag is assigned, with
CLAWS’s estimation of the probability of each being correct expressed as percentages (see
Garside & Smith 1997). The tagging process is summarised by Garside (1996: 173) as follows:
1. The input running text is read in, divided into individual tokens, and sentence breaks are
2. A list of possible tags is then assigned to each word, the main source being a lexicon.
3. A number of words in any text will not be found in the lexicon, and for these there is a
sequence of rules to be applied in an attempt to assign a suitable list of potential tags.
4. Since the lists of potential tags from steps 2 and 3 are based solely on individual words,
the next step uses several libraries of template patterns to allow modifications to be made
to the lists of tags in the light of the immediate context in which the word occurs.
5. The next step is to calculate the probability of each potential sequence of tags, and to
choose the sequence with the highest probability as the preferred one.
6. Finally the text and associated information about tag choice is output.
In a departure from the practice of the BNC1994, we use the C6 tagset instead of the
simpler C5 tagset.
C5 tags were used in order to achieve a simpler (and thus more reliable)
system of POS-tagging in the first release of the BNC1994 the estimated error rate for POS-
tagging in the Spoken BNC1994 is 1.17%, which is only 0.03% higher than that of the Written
BNC1994 (see Leech & Smith 2000). However, later BNC1994 releases use a parallel system of
simple tags, or major word classes, alongside the C5 tags.
This system uses one single tag for all
nouns, another single tag for all verbs, and so on, and in our view addresses the need for a lower-
complexity grammatical classification effectively. Thus, the combination of full-complexity C6
annotation and low-complexity simple tags is the best way to address all the purposes covered by
the mid-complexity C5 tags.
The next decision related to the choice of lexicon to supply to the rule-based part of
CLAWS i.e. what set of resources should be used to optimize the performance of the CLAWS
tagger on this type of data. The problem posed by attempting to tag a spoken corpus is that the
‘standard’ tagger resources are based on written data; this is potentially problematic for
example, the lexicon includes frequency information. This shows where a word may have more
than one part of speech which is more common. If this differs between written and spoken
English, then a systematic error can be introduced by using a lexicon derived from written
English for the analysis of spoken English data the examples presented later in this section aim
to demonstrate this point. This issue is by no means exclusive to CLAWS. The compilers of the
Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English (VOICE), for example, discuss the limitations
of applying “conventional standards” of tagging guidelines to “unconventional data” (Osimk-
Teasdale & Dorn 2016: 374).
One way of overcoming this problem is to adapt an existing tagger so that it recognises
typical features of spoken discourse/grammar which would otherwise confuse a tagger trained
on written data. This was precisely the approach of (a later version of) the Spoken BNC1994; a
set of spoken resources was developed during the compilation of the corpus, with
“supplementary lexicons and lists of pattern templates for spoken data” (Garside 1995: no page).
Compilers of subsequent spoken corpora have taken a similar approach, with success. The
Research and Teaching Corpus of Spoken German (FOLK) research team, for example, adapted
a written-trained tagger based on features of spoken German, and the tagging error rate
decreased from 18.84% (using the written-trained tagger) to 5% with the new tagger (Westpfahl
& Schmidt 2016: 1495).
Both tagsets are available on the CLAWS website: (last accessed September 2017).
Adopted from the Oxford University Computing Service: (last accessed September 2017).
Given the age of the BNC1994 spoken-trained tagger, its performance on contemporary
data was not known some of the frequencies of parts of speech on which its lexicon is based
may have shifted over time. Although written-trained taggers can be used on spoken corpora
with acceptable results (Nivre et al. 1996), our aim obviously was to tag the Spoken
BNC2014 with the greatest possible accuracy, and so we were motivated to explore the
possibility of using the spoken resources. I decided to compare the tagging of one randomly
selected Spoken BNC2014 text using both sets of resources. Although a crude approach, a
comparison of the first 1,000 tagged words in this text between the two tagger resources outputs
suggests strongly that, despite the age of the data used to train the spoken tagger, it was able to
tag the text with greater accuracy than the standard tagger; the written tagger’s error rate on these
1,000 words is 7.3%, while the error rate of the spoken tagger is 2.5%. Of the 1,000 words, 67
were tagged differently by the two taggers. Of these, 57 (85%) were found to have been tagged
incorrectly by the written tagger but correctly by the spoken tagger, providing evidence that the
spoken tagger resources tend to facilitate more accurate tagging decisions than the written tagger
resources. The three most common cases where the written tagger resources made errors, but
the spoken tagger resources did not, are:
Tagging --UNCLEARWORD (FU) as a singular proper noun (NP1) or singular
common noun (NN1) (10 instances)
o it’s a mighty green
Tagging the personal pronoun I (PPIS1) as the singular cardinal number one
(MC1) (7 instances)
o I made
I bought coffee filter paper
Tagging the adverb like as an adjective (JJ) or preposition (II) (7 instances)
o but Co-op has loads of
reduced vegetables
The written tagger resources correctly tagged a word that the spoken tagger resources tagged
incorrectly only nine times. Of these, only one type of error occurred more than once:
Tagging the adjectives (JJ) reduced and sealed as the part participle of a lexical verb
o but Co-op has loads of like
o it’s like
Finally, 15 words were tagged incorrectly by both the written and spoken tagger resources. These
include four more instances of like, the foreign word itadakimasu (tagged as NN1 instead of FW)
and teabag (tagged as VVI instead of NN1).
Although not a large-scale comparison between the spoken and written tagger resources,
the evidence derived from the 1,000 words I studied was sufficient to justify the selection of the
spoken resources over the written resources; the spoken tagger resources seemed to militate in
favour of more accurate decisions, based on my limited analysis of the outputs of the tagger for
the Spoken BNC2014 text, and future work should aim to calculate the error rate of the two sets
for (a larger sample of) the entire corpus.
The result of the conversion and annotation process is a set of XML files, annotated for
POS, lemma and semantic categories, as well as a set of untagged XML files. These sets
comprise the canonical form of the data, and will be made available for public download as of
Autumn 2018, along with speaker and text metadata spreadsheets. In the tagged form of the
data, all four annotations (C6 POS tags, simple POS tags, lemmas and semantic tags) are coded
as XML attributes on the <w> (word) element.
6.4 Corpus dissemination
While the planned 2018 XML release will represent the canonical form of the corpus, the
initial release was made available via Lancaster University’s CQPweb server from 25 September
CQPweb is the online interface component of the Corpus Workbench software (see
Hardie 2012, and Figure 16 overleaf). CQPweb provides full support for a number of features
which users of the Spoken BNC2014 require, namely (a) access to all layers of corpus
annotation; (b) restricting analyses to utterances whose speakers fulfil certain demographic
criteria (e.g. dialect, age, gender); and (c) limiting access only to users who have signed the corpus
licence (see Love et al. 2017b). XML elements encoded within a CQPweb corpus can be used to
control the appearance of the text in concordance lines and other aspects of the interface; on the
Lancaster server, we configured the system to display utterance boundaries and speaker ID codes
in an easily readable format. So, for instance, the underlying XML attribute-value pair
trans=“overlap” which appears on the <u> (utterance) element is rendered in the interface as
>> (see Figure 17, p. 138). The display format that we use for such features in CQPweb does
not replicate the original codes as typed by the transcribers; the display codes were instead
devised afresh for maximal visual distinctiveness. These codes are discussed in full in the
BNC2014 user guide (Love et al. 2017b).
Incidentally, this date is exactly one year after the final conversation to be included in the corpus was recorded.
Figure 16. Standard query menu for the Spoken BNC2014 in CQPweb (Hardie 2012).
Figure 17. Concordance lines for the simple query ‘love’ in the Spoken BNC2014.
The usability of the Spoken BNC2014 in CQPweb was trialled extensively. Our first
opportunity to test the corpus data in the interface was the Spoken BNC2014 early access data
grant scheme. In 2016, we released a 4,789,185-word sample of Spoken BNC2014 data to a small
set of researchers who we had selected, based on an application process. This sample, known as
the Spoken BNC2014S, contained texts from the earlier stage of data collection, which had
already been transcribed and converted into XML (see McEnery et al. 2017b for more
information). The selected researchers were given exclusive early access to this sample in the
CQPweb interface for the purpose of conducting research projects, as proposed in their
applications. The benefit of the data grant scheme for the research team was the live trialling of
the corpus data in CQPweb; we encouraged the researchers to give us feedback about the corpus
data and the tool itself. The benefit for the researchers was exclusive early access to the corpus,
as well as the opportunity to publish their research in either a special issue of the International
Journal of Corpus Linguistics (McEnery et al. 2017a), which includes the official citation paper for
the corpus (Love et al. 2017a), or a book in the Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics series
(Brezina et al. forthcoming). The data grant researchers, and their research topics, are listed
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics special issue (McEnery et al. 2017a)
o Robert Fuchs (intensifiers)
o Jacqueline Laws, Chris Ryder and Sylvia Jaworska (verb-forming suffixation)
o Tanja Hessner and Ira Gawlitzek (intensifiers)
o Andreea S. Calude (demonstrative clefts)
Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics book (Brezina et al. forthcoming)
o Jonathan Culpeper and Mathew Gillings (politeness)
o Karin Aijmer (intensifiers)
o Karin Axelsson (tag questions)
o Deanna Wong and Haidee Kruger (backchannels)
o Tanja Säily, Victorina González-Díaz, and Jukka Suomela (adjective comparison)
o Gard Jenset, Barbara McGillivray and Michael Rundell (dative alternation)
o Andrew Caines, Michael McCarthy and Paula Buttery (zero auxiliary
o Laura Paterson (untriggered reflexive pronouns)
The feedback I gathered from these researchers was extremely useful in the further development
of the Spoken BNC2014, as we approached the full public release of the corpus in September
2017. We had, for example, proposed a new age categorisation scheme, which we intend to allow
a more sophisticated analysis of age grading than offered by the Spoken BNC1994 (see Section
3.3.5, p. 49). What we had failed to consider was the importance of comparing the Spoken
BNC2014 data to its predecessor according the same age groups, and the two schemes were not
fully compatible. Based on feedback from the data grant authors about this problem, I
categorized the Spoken BNC2014 speaker metadata according to both the old and new age
schemes, and both are offered in the full release.
Another issue which was drawn to our attention was the possibility that some features
(e.g. tag questions) had not been consistently transcribed. Although we were aware of the issue
of inter-transcriber inconsistency (see previous chapter), we had not thought of a way of
facilitating the exploration of this in the corpus. It was suggested by data grant authors that we
include a code for the transcriber of each audio recording in the metadata of the equivalent
corpus texts. Having done this, it is now possible to compare the search results in the corpus
according to who transcribed it, and explore possible variation.
A final example is a request to facilitate the creation of subcorpora according to text
metadata categories which are non-standardised free-text, and therefore not searchable in
restricted query mode (e.g. inter-speaker relationship, recording location and topics covered).
This is now possible in the Create and edit subcorpora menu of the final release in CQPweb.
Once the remaining corpus texts (i.e. those processed after the release of the Spoken
BNC2014S) were ready, and the entire corpus indexed into CQPweb, Andrew Hardie and I
organised a workshop at the International Corpus Linguistics Conference (2017),
which was
hosted by the University of Birmingham and took place in July 2017 two months before the
public release of the corpus. Here, participants were granted temporary access to the entire
corpus in CQPweb, and I gathered feedback which, like that of the early access data grant
researchers, could be taken into account in advance of the public release. One example of such
feedback was a request for the facility to conduct keyword analysis between the Spoken
BNC2014 and other corpora, including the BNC1994 (XML edition). Like the data grant
feedback, we were able to implement most reasonable requests made in the feedback.
(last accessed September 2017).
As mentioned, the Spoken BNC2014 was publicly released via CQPweb on 25
September 2017, along with a user guide (Love et al. 2017b), which provides information about
the corpus make-up as well as the functionality of the CQPweb interface.
6.5 Chapter summary
In this chapter, I have described three important stages in the construction of the Spoken
BNC2014 conversion into XML, automatic annotation and corpus dissemination.
With regards to the conversion of the corpus transcripts into XML (Section 6.2), I have
shown how the transcription scheme (Appendix J, p. 224) was designed specifically with
automatic mapping to XML in mind, and how a PHP script was set up to facilitate this
automated process. I showed that, despite this intention, many and various errors in the
transcription codes were detected by the script, and that the script proved to be crucial in the
process of quality control.
In the section on annotation (Section 6.3), I introduced the CLAWS tagger (Garside
1987) and justified our decision to use the lesser-known set of resources available for the tagger
the spoken resources (Garside 1995). Despite its age, the spoken-trained CLAWS tagger
appears to perform much better on the Spoken BNC2014 data compared to the standard
(written) tagger achieving an error rate of 2.5% compared to 7.3% for the standard tagger
resources. I also introduced the USAS tagset for semantic categories (Rayson et al. 2004), which
we used for semantic annotation of the corpus.
Finally, I discussed our procedure for releasing the corpus publicly. The Spoken
BNC2014 was made available publicly (and for free) via the CQPweb platform (Hardie 2012) in
September 2017. Before this, though, we were able to trial its use in real research settings by
releasing the Spoken BNC2014S to a small set of selected researchers in 2016. This, and other
trialling methods, was described. The Spoken BNC2014 XML files and metadata will be available
for free public download as of Autumn 2018.
With the research, design and compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 accounted for in
Chapters 2 to 6, the final aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how the corpus may be used in
linguistic research. In the next chapter, I compare the Spoken BNC2014S with the Spoken
BNC1994DS with regards to the occurrence of bad language.
7 Analysing the Spoken BNC2014
7.1 Introduction
This thesis has, thus far, documented the main stages of the compilation of the Spoken
BNC2014. It is now time to demonstrate how the corpus may be used for linguistic research.
This chapter aims to investigate bad language in present-day spoken British English, with
comparison to that of the 1990s, by comparing two corpus sampling points of spoken British
English collected in the 1990s and 2010s. I report on the analysis of bad language words (BLWs)
in the early sample version of the Spoken BNC2014, making comparison to the
demographically-sampled component of the Spoken BNC1994. The structure of this chapter is
necessarily uncharacteristic of the chapters which have preceded it, as this is very much a self-
contained piece of analysis, built upon the dataset I have constructed. In Section 7.2, I present a
literature review which explores the background of swearing as an object of study, before
discussing various linguistic definitions of swearing and laying out the work of McEnery (2005),
which is most influential to this study. Section 7.3 presents the methodology and data used in
this chapter, and Section 7.4 presents the findings as a series of case studies, which are informed
by literature on specific aspects of swearing in spoken British English. The case studies aim to
address the following research questions:
RQ1. (How) does the overall frequency of BLW occurrence differ between the corpora?
(Section 7.4.1)
RQ2. (How) does the distribution of BLW strength differ between the corpora? (Section
RQ3. (How) does the social distribution of a sample of BLWs differ between the
corpora? (Sections 7.4.3 to 7.4.5)
RQ4. Using FUCK as an appropriate case study, what can manual annotation of the
‘category of insult’ reveal about possible differences in the meaning of this BLW between
the two corpora? (Section 7.4.6)
RQs 1 and 2 aim to establish a bird’s eye view of the BLW landscape, focussing on notable
differences between the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S. RQs 3 and 4 are
more focussed, as necessitated by the limited scope allowed within this single chapter. Findings
are presented throughout these sections, and then summarised in the conclusion (Section 7.5),
which also includes a consideration of the limitations of this work.
As a whole, this chapter does not purport to produce a full analysis of all bad language in
the two Spoken British National Corpora. Such an aim is beyond the scope of this thesis. Rather,
it aims to point towards some initial findings about changes in BLW use between the two
corpora which may encourage further research in the future while, crucially, demonstrating some
of the features and uses of the Spoken BNC2014.
7.2 Swearing in linguistics
7.2.1 Swearing as an object of study
Swearing is “a rich emotional, psychological, and sociocultural phenomenon” (Jay 2009a:
153). Although swearing, and societal discourse around swearing, has existed for centuries, it has
only started to become a prominent subject of research in linguistics, psycholinguistics,
neurolinguistics, history and other disciplines, since the 1960s (Partridge 1947, Montagu 1967,
1973, Lakoff 1975, Cheshire 1982, Andersson & Trudgill 1992, Hughes 1998, van Lancker &
Cummings 1999, McEnery 2005, Ljung 2011, Lutzky & Kehoe 2015). Ljung (2011: 4) claims that
many previous studies into swearing “are not intended as overall accounts of swearing but focus
on particular aspects of swearing that they find interesting”, rendering it difficult to link together
the various studies coherently. Although the work in this chapter does not aim to unify all
existing scholarship about swearing across disciplines and varieties, it does, on the other hand,
aim to act as a starting point for the overall understanding of swearing in contemporary spoken
British English. It sets out to investigate how the “passing parade of words that constitute bad
language” (McEnery 2005: 2) has changed in recent spoken British English. Clearly such an aim
requires an empirical approach (unlike the approach of many of the earlier studies cited above),
and corpus linguistics has been shown comparatively recently to facilitate the sophisticated
analysis of swearing in a range of datasets (Rayson et al. 1997, McEnery et al. 1999, 2000,
McEnery & Xiao 2004, McEnery 2005, Stenström 2006, Thelwall 2008, Di Cristofaro 2014,
Drange et al. 2014, Ebeling & Ebeling 2014, Lutzky & Kehoe 2015). In the context of the
Spoken BNC2014, and with a view to demonstrating some of the ways in which it can be
employed, swearing is an appropriate avenue of enquiry, because it is a “marker of distinction in
English” (McEnery 2005: 24); observing variation in the use of swearing across demographic
groups, as can be afforded by the Spoken BNC2014, can lead to conclusions which may support
or challenge existing ideas about so-called prestigious language. Clearly, then, in terms of
similarity to previous studies, it is Chapter 2 of McEnery (2005) that is most relevant: an analysis
of swearing in a dataset derived from the demographically-sampled component of the Spoken
BNC1994 (henceforth Spoken BNC1994DS). What follows is a review of literature sufficient to
lay the groundwork for the present study. It addresses the issue of how swearing should be
defined in a corpus linguistic study, and discusses the approach of McEnery (2005, Chapter 2).
More specific literature, relating to the strength and the quantitative and qualitative distribution
of swearing in contemporary spoken British English, is introduced in relevant sections of
7.2.2 Defining swearing
Although “there is more to being impolite than just swearing” (Culpeper 2011: 6), it is
fair to say that taboo words form the portion of a given language that is most strongly associated
with causing offence. Stone et al. (2015: 66), in their review of literature on swearing in western
health settings, offer a set of explicit criteria for identifying swearing:
1. Refer to something that is taboo, offensive, impolite, or forbidden in the culture;
2. Can be used to express strong emotions, most usually of anger;
3. May evoke strong emotions, most usually of anger or anxiety;
4. Include the strongest and most offensive words in a culturestronger than slang and
colloquial language; and
5. May also be used in a humorous way and can be a marker of group identity.
The terms used to discuss swearing in the literature vary, depending upon the definitions to
which individual authors subscribe; these definitions can be separated superficially into two
camps. Firstly, there are those who adopt a broad approach to swearing and include all types and
instances of words which may cause offence. Jay (2009a: 153), in his review of research on taboo
words, describes the “lexicon of offensive emotional language” using the terms taboo words and
swear words interchangeably. For him, these are words which are “sanctioned or restricted on both
institutional and individual levels under the assumption that some harm will occur if…spoken”
(Jay 2009a: 153). Stone et al. (2015) use the term swearing, and their criteria (above) clearly include
any word which is used to cause offence. McEnery (2005), in his corpus study of swearing in
1990s spoken British English, also uses swearing/swear words, but only as a sub-category of bad
language words (BLWs). BLWs can be split into two types: (a) literal and non-literal use of words
which would canonically be described as swear words (e.g. SHIT, FUCK); and (b) other words
which may be used “to cause offence” (McEnery 2005: 2), but which would not be considered
swear words otherwise (e.g. PIG, TART). The distinction between “swear words and terms of
abuse” (McEnery et al. 2000: 37) described here has roots in Hughes (1998), which was a starting
point for McEnery’s work (i.e. McEnery et al. 1999).
The other camp comprises those who, unlike Jay (2009a), Stone et al. (2015) and
McEnery (2005; et al. 2000), take a narrow approach, and exclude certain potentially offensive
words from their definition of swearing. Ljung (2011: viii), in his cross-linguistic study into the
“shape, use and manifestations” of swearing, defines bad language via a typology that has much
in common with McEnery (2005) but, crucially, excludes literal uses of swear words. He asserts
that swear words are exclusively emotive in meaning rather than referential, to the extent that
“taboo words with literal meaning cannot be regarded as swearing” (Ljung 2011: 12). The reason
posited is that taboo words, when used in their literal/non-taboo sense, can be replaced by other
non-taboo synonyms (e.g. we fucked can be replaced by we bonked), but that the same word used in
a taboo sense cannot be replaced by the same set of synonyms (i.e. *bonk you is not a suitable
replacement for fuck you). This view is shared by Lutzky and Kehoe (2015: 167), who do use the
term swearing but “do not regard literal uses of taboo words as swearing (e.g. the word shit being
used with reference to the excretory system)” the reason being that literal uses are said not to
“express emotions”.
In this chapter, I adopt the broad approach to swearing, specifically that of McEnery
(2005), and so henceforth use his terminology. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, it would be
difficult to replicate McEnery’s methods or compare the findings presented in this work to those
of McEnery without also applying the same selection criteria for BLWs. The second reason is
that the narrow view of bad language is flawed, because it ignores evidence about the arousing
autonomic properties of these words. It is known that swear words (i.e. the sub-category of
BLWs which are considered exclusively taboo, and are not polysemous with non-taboo uses, e.g.
FUCK, SHIT, CUNT) encountered out of any context which would dictate whether they are
being used literally or emotively are more psychologically arousing than non-taboo words
(Janschewitz 2008). Consequently, speakers are so-conditioned that taboo words are inherently
more memorable than non-taboo words (Jay et al. 2008) again, when encountered out of
semantic context. Therefore, it is difficult to accept the view that swear words (e.g. SHIT)
somehow do not trigger such automatic responses when used literally (e.g. to refer to the act of
defecating), and yet do trigger psychological arousal when used emotively (e.g. as an interjection).
I adopt the view that it is the form of the swear word that inherently carries the status of taboo, as
is socially conditioned, and that literal uses of such words should still be considered valid
examples of bad language. This is, in fact, what distinguishes swear words as a type of BLW
from McEnery’s (2005) other type of BLW: words which are not swear words in and of
themselves, but which could be used to cause offence.
7.2.3 McEnery’s approach to bad language
As stated, the aim of this chapter is to use the Spoken BNC2014S to replicate the work
of McEnery (2005), who studied bad language in the Spoken BNC1994DS. McEnery (2005)
includes a chapter devoted to the analysis of BLWs in a specially curated subset of the Spoken
BNC1994DS known as the Lancaster Corpus of Abuse (LCA); the construction of the LCA is
detailed by McEnery et al. (1999, 2000). In short, the LCA is a corpus comprised only of
instances of bad language (and appropriate context on either side of each instance to understand
their use). In addition to quantitative analysis of the distribution of the BLWs across the
sociolinguistic categories of gender, age and socio-economic status, McEnery (2005) conducts
qualitative analysis of each BLW, using a bespoke bad language categorization scheme (Table 20,
finding that “the use or lack of use of BLWs is a fault line along which age, sex and
social class may be differentiated” (McEnery 2005: 50). Although McEnery (2005: 27) concedes
that the categories of insult (Table 21, overleaf) are “certainly susceptible to further
development”, he shows that they “seem at least to display discriminating power” (McEnery
2005: 28) finding, for example, that males significantly prefer EmphAdv and AdvB BLWs,
whereas females significantly prefer Gen, PremNeg and Idiom BLWs (p. 31). Despite this,
the LCA annotation has received criticism. Ljung (2011: 28) criticises several of the categories of
McEnery’s categorization scheme, including ‘Idiom’, ‘Image’ and ‘Pron’, suggesting that the
scheme ought to be used with caution.
The categorization scheme was created alongside the LCA itself, and its development is also described by
McEnery et al. (1999, 2000).
Table 20. LCA annotation scheme (McEnery 2005: 27); modifications are italicised.
Feature marked
Possible values
Gender of speaker
M = male, F = female, X = unknown
Social class of speaker
As per social class categories of BNC (see Aston &
Burnard 1998)
Age of speaker
As per age categories of the Spoken BNC1994DS (see
Aston & Burnard 1998)
Category of insult
As per Table 21.
Gender of hearer
As per gender of speaker
Person of target
1 = first person, 2 = second person, 3 = third person, X
= unknown
Metalinguistic usage
0 = no, 1 = yes
Animacy of target
+ = animate, - = non-animate, X = unknown
Gender of target
As per gender of speaker
Number of target
1 = singular, 2 = plural, X = unknown
Q = quotation, N = non-quotation, X = unknown
Table 21. Categories of insult in the LCA annotation scheme (McEnery 2005: 27).
Predicative negative adjective: ‘the film is shit’
Adverbial booster: ‘Fucking marvellous’ ‘Fucking awful’
Cursing expletive: ‘Fuck You!/Me!/Him!/It!’
Destinational usage: ‘Fuck off!’ ‘He fucked off’
Emphatic adverb/adjective: ‘He fucking did it’ ‘in the fucking car’
Figurative extension of literal meaning: ‘to fuck about’
General expletive ‘(Oh) Fuck!’
Idiomatic ‘set phrase’: ‘fuck all’ ‘give a fuck’
Literal usage denoting taboo referent: ‘We fucked’
Imagery based on literal meaning: ‘kick shit out of’
Premodifying intensifying negative adjective: ‘the fucking idiot’
‘Pronominal’ form with undefined referent: ‘got shit to do’
Personal insult referring to defined entity: ‘You fuck!’/‘That fuck’
‘Reclaimed’ usage—no negative intent, e.g. Niggers/Niggaz as used by
African American rappers
Religious oath used for emphasis: ‘by God’
Unclassifiable due to insufficient context
7.3 Method
7.3.1 Methodological procedure
The aim of this work is to replicate McEnery (2005) by analyzing a large set of BLWs in
the Spoken BNC2014S and comparing their frequency, sociolinguistic distribution and use to
that of the Spoken BNC1994DS, commenting on any indications of changes in bad language
over the last twenty years. McEnery (2005: 30) lists a set of forty-nine BLWs, which was the
object of his study. These are:
arse, arsehole, balls, bastard, bird, bitch, bloody, bollocks, bugger, Christ, cow, crap, cunt,
damn, dickhead, fuck, gay, git, god, hell, hussy, idiot, jesus, jew, moron, motherfucker,
nigger, paki, pig, pillock, piss, pissed off, poofter, prick, screw, shag, shit, slag, slut, sod,
son-of-a-bitch, spastic, tart, tit, tits, tosser, twat, wanker, whore
For this study, using only this set of BLWs would be insufficient; I had to take into account the
possibility of new BLWs having emerged since the early 1990s. Therefore, I extended the original
list of BLWs by adding those from two other sources. The first set is those that were included by
the UK’s Office of Communications (Ofcom), which recently published a guide to offensive
language in broadcast media (Ofcom 2016). This greatly extended McEnery’s original list, adding
the following BLWs:
batty boy, beaver, beef curtains, bellend, bender, bint, bloodclaat, bonk, bukkake,
bullshit, bum boy, bumclat, bummer, chi-chi man, chick with a dick, chinky, choc ice,
clunge, cock, cocksucker, coffin dodger, coloured, coon, cretin, cripple, dago, darky, dick,
dildo, div, dyke, faggot, fairy, fanny, feck/effing, fenian, flaps, fop (fucking old person),
fudge-packer, gash, gender bender, ginger, gippo, goddam, golliwog, gook, he-she, ho,
homo, honky, hun, jap, jesus christ, jizz, jock, kafir/kufaar, kike*, knob, kraut,
lezza/lesbo, loony, mental, midget, minge, minger, mong, muff diver, munter, nancy,
nazi, negro, nig-nog, nonce, nutter, old bag, pansy, papist, pikey, pissed / pissed off,
polack, poof, prickteaser, prod, psycho, punani, pussy, queer, raghead, rapey, retard,
rugmuncher/ carpetmuncher, sambo, schizo, shirt lifter, skank, slapper, slope, snatch,
sod-off, son of a bitch, spade, spastic/spakka/spaz, special, spic, taff, taig, tranny,
vegetable, window licker, wog, wop
The second source is the set developed by Lutzky and Kehoe (2015), in their analysis of bad
language in computer-mediated communication. While some of their search terms, such as omg
(oh my God) and ffs (for fuck’s sake), are unsurprisingly informed by research on computer-mediated
communication rather than speech (e.g. Thelwall 2008), others which do not appear in either the
lists of McEnery (2005) or Ofcom (2016) (e.g. douche, jerk, wank) do, by intuition, appear to be
good candidates for BLW status in 2010s spoken British English. The full list of additional
words offered by Lutzky and Kehoe reads:
bimbo, bollock, boob, butt, chav, dork, douche, dumb, fag, fart, fatass, ffs, imbecile, jeez,
jerk, omg, pimp, prat, sonofabitch, suck, swine, turd, wank, wtf, wuss
The use of both the Ofcom (2016) guide and Lutzky and Kehoe’s (2015) work as a basis for
extending McEnery’s original list resulted in a new set of 173 BLWs (see Appendix Q, p. 264, for
the master list of BLWs used in this study and the syntax used to search for them). In several
cases, I was motivated to merge separate words which I prefer to treat as morphological variants
of the same lemma. Some of the extra words that were derived from the two sources (as listed
above) did not actually create an entirely new BLW entry on my new list, but rather served as
additional morphological variants not necessarily captured by McEnery (2005). For example,
McEnery (2005) includes bollocks but not bollock; I added the singular form to the search query as
a morphological variant of the lemma BOLLOCK, rather than treating it as a separate BLW entry.
McEnery’s wanker was merged with Lutzky and Kehoe’s wank in the same vein, under the lemma
WANK. Likewise, Ofcom (2016) lists sod and sod off as separate entries, but I have merged these
under the lemma SOD; dick and dickhead are now merged under the lemma DICK; and god and
goddam are now merged under the lemma GOD. For the sake of consistency with this decision I
then merged some of McEnery’s (2005) original BLWs: piss and pissed off under the lemma PISS; tit
and tits under the lemma TIT; and arse and arsehole under the lemma ARSE.
The next step was to create suitable search queries for each of the BLWs under
investigation. I used CQP syntax to refine the queries for precision, and originally planned to use
lemma searches for BLWs which were clearly morphological headwords (e.g. CRAP). This would
simplify the search queries and ensure that no rare morphological variants were omitted from the
search (i.e. maximizing recall). However, the automatic lemmatization of the corpus data was not
reliable enough to do this; the lemma search for CRAP ([lemma="crap"%c]), for example, retrieved
289 instances comprising crap, crapped, crapping, crappest and crapper, but the non-lemma search
([word="crap.*"%c]) retrieved 321 matches, including relevant forms like crappy, crapper and crapola
which were not detected by lemmatization. This observation forced me to abandon searching for
lemma forms and adapt the search queries accordingly.
Once the appropriate search queries were written, I was then able to conduct strength,
frequency, distribution and manual analyses of the BLWs as per the following analytical
(1) Search in the Spoken BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S for each BLW in turn;
(2) Observe BLWs which have a frequency of zero in both corpora and eliminate from
further analysis;
(3) Analyse the strength of BLW use between the two corpora;
(4) Analyse BLWs which have changed in relative frequency to the greatest extent between
the two corpora;
(5) Demographic distribution: select some of the most commonly occurring BLWs in both
corpora, and analyse their frequency per speaker metadata category according to gender,
age and socio-economic status;
(6) Annotate and analyse the BLW FUCK according to the LCA annotation scheme’s
‘categories of insult’ (McEnery 2005).
Steps 1-5 were carried out by making the queries in both corpora in CQPweb (Hardie 2012) and
recording the frequencies in a spreadsheet. For step 3, I compared the sum of instances of each
BLW according to each ranking of strength as assigned by Ofcom (2016), as discussed in Section
7.4.2. For step 4, significance (log-likelihood) and effect size (log ratio, see Hardie 2014a) of the
differences in frequency across the corpora were calculated (for the frequency analysis) using the
UCREL Log-likelihood and effect size calculator.
For step 5, I must make explicit my use of
terminology: I use the term ‘demographic category’ or simply ‘category’ to identify types of
speakers collated according to the three relevant demographic identities gender, age and socio-
economic status (so, age is an example of a category). For the subsections within each category (e.g.
age 15-24) I use the term ‘demographic group’ or ‘group’. Again, the UCREL calculator was used
to ascertain significance and effect size for diachronic comparisons of individual groups (e.g.
differences between 1990s females and 2010s females), while the UCREL Significance Test
78 (last accessed September 2017).
was used to calculate the log-likelihood of the synchronic differences within categories
(e.g. differences between age groups in the 1990s). The selection of BLWs for treatment in step 5
was motivated by frequency; comparison across demographic groups would be most effective
for relatively high frequency BLWs. For step 6, I downloaded the relevant concordance lines for
both corpora and analysed random samples of 1,000 of each of them according to the LCA
annotation scheme’s categories of insult in a spreadsheet.
7.3.2 Data
In this section, I briefly describe the corpora under investigation before turning attention
to two methodological issues worth discussing: the comparability of the 1994 and 2014 corpora,
and attributing findings to language change.
This study compares the spoken components of both British National Corpora. Both
corpora were accessed via Lancaster University’s CQPweb server (Hardie 2012). The
demographically-sampled component of the Spoken BNC1994 (hereafter Spoken BNC1994DS)
contains 5,014,655 tokens across 153 texts, while the Spoken BNC2014 Sample (hereafter
Spoken BNC2014S) contains 4,789,185 tokens across 567 texts. As mentioned in Section 6.4 (p.
136), the Spoken BNC2014S is a subset of the Spoken BNC2014 which was released exclusively
to selected researchers in 2016, while the rest of the corpus was still being compiled (see
McEnery et al. 2017b). The corpus texts were transcribed from recordings collected between
2012 and 2015.
Table 22 (overleaf) summarises the token counts for each demographic group in both
corpora. Given that there are a certain number of ‘unknown’ speakers in each demographic
category in both corpora, the sum of analysable groups (i.e. all groups excluding ‘unknown’)
within each category does not equal the sum of tokens in the given corpus. For example, as
described in Section 3.3.5 (p. 49), the comparison of speaker age between the two Spoken British
National Corpora does require that some speakers are placed into the ‘Unknown’ age group
despite having some information about their age. This explains why, for example, the sum of
Spoken BNC2014S tokens analysed in the following age sections (3,535,521) is considerably
lower than the sum of tokens in the Spoken BNC2014S (4,789,185).
79 (last accessed September 2017).
Table 22. Token counts for the groups within demographic categories gender, age and socio-
economic status in the Spoken BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S.
Demographic category
Tokens in group
Spoken BNC1994DS
Spoken BNC2014S
Socio-economic status
In terms of the comparability of these corpora, it could be argued that, since neither of
the Spoken British National Corpora were sampled with the explicit aim of studying BLWs, it is
difficult to claim that the sampling conditions allowed for a comparable amount of BLW use.
However, it can firstly be assumed that the Spoken BNC1994 facilitated the natural occurrence
of BLWs, given its surreptitious approach to recording (Crowdy 1993: 260). Secondly, as
explained in Section 3.4.3 (p. 70), the aim of the Spoken BNC2014 team was to facilitate the
recording of conversations in a way which minimized intrusiveness beyond what was required of
ethics procedures introduced since the compilation of its predecessor. Although the requirement
for informed consent of all speakers prior to the commencement of recording does mean that
the contexts of recording are not identical, it does not seem to be the case that speakers were
inhibited from speaking naturally. Harry Strawson, a Spoken BNC2014 contributor who
submitted over a dozen recordings,
claimed that it was surprising how quickly people seemed
to forget they were being recorded” (Strawson 2017: 41). Furthermore, contributor interviews
(see Section 3.2.6, p. 33) seemed to support this claim:
Strawson had been guaranteed anonymity as per the standard contract made between the Spoken BNC2014
research team and all contributors. However, since his article was published I understood there to be no issue with
mentioning him by name here.
3: You didn’t completely forget because it was right there in front of you on the
table, but there would be times where, one of them in particular where we were playing a
game, where we forgot and somebody said oh yes I forgot we were recording this or are we still
recording? Or something like that. (Appendix A, p. 208)
9: …I forgot about it straight away.
8: I think people forgot about it after the first couple of minutes. (Appendix B, p.
Finally, with specific reference to bad language use, while McEnery et al. (1999: 51) do state that
the observer effect may reduce the quantity of BLW usage, they “see no reason to believe that
the patterns of usage for individual [bad language] words are affected by this observer effect”
(emphasis added).
Another issue is the relationship between the comparison of two corpora and claims
about diachronic language change. In this chapter, I am clearly interested in change over time;
this interest is the primary motivating factor of this investigation. However, I am only able to
compare two sampling points the early 1990s and the 2010s. When making such comparisons
in terms of, for example, the frequency of BLWs, the possible outcomes are necessarily limited
to three patterns: one may observe an increase between point A and point B, or a decrease, or
stability (cf. ‘lockwords’, Baker 2011). Without comparable data, taken from a larger number of
sampling points, it is impossible to conclude whether an observed change or stasis represents,
for example, part of a long-existing development, or, on the other hand, a short-term
- a bump in the linguistic road.
In terms of comparative work between the first and second of the British National
Corpora, this is a limitation which cannot be avoided by virtue of having available data from only
two sampling points; the Spoken BNC2014 represents only the second sampling point of its
type. To create more comparable sampling points, one has two options. One method is to collect
data from the past (see e.g. the creation of a 1930s LOB corpus, Leech & Smith 2005). An older
Spoken BNC of a comparable point in time would need to contain data from the 1970s;
although some recordings of casual conversations from this time likely do exist, it is not a
reasonable aim to curate a 10-million-word corpus, of a range of UK regions and sociolinguistic
groups, from this decade. The further back through the 20
century one looks, the harder this
Although advanced statistical procedures can be applied which can assess the confidence with which
generalisations can be made about such two-point comparisons (Brezina forthcoming).
task becomes. The other option is to halt comparative research into the two Spoken British
National Corpora until a third becomes available. A third comparable sampling point would be
the 2030s. It is clearly unreasonable to wait so long to conduct such research. Rather, my
approach is to compare the two corpora, make tentative comments about difference and stasis,
and insist that these research questions are revisited in the future when more data becomes
available. Therefore, I frame the findings presented in this chapter with the point in mind that
they are not alone directly indicative of language change (or stasis) per se, but rather suggestive
of change or stasis.
7.4 Results
7.4.1 Frequency comparison
The full, unfiltered
frequency list of the BLWs under investigation is provided in
Appendix R (p. 272). In total, there are 31,423 instances of (potential) BLWs identified in both
corpora (17,215 in the Spoken BNC1994DS and 14,208 in the Spoken BNC2014S). 32 of the
BLW queries, however, returned a frequency of zero in both corpora. These are:
With the exception of FATASS, FFS, OMG and WTF (which derived from the Lutzky & Kehoe,
2015 list), these BLWs were taken from the Ofcom (2016) list. Many of these are described by
Ofcom as having “low recognition” among focus group participants, and several, including
BLOODCLAAT, BUKKAKE, FENIAN and KIKE, were labelled as having been identified by less than
40% of participants in an online survey of the words. Based on this, it is perhaps unsurprising
that they do not occur in the corpora. Clearly these words do exist in (at least some
variety/varieties of) British English, but they are so relatively infrequent that one of two
approaches would be required to access them: either (a) a much larger general corpus or (b)
specialised corpora which would be gathered based upon knowledge of where these words are
most likely to be spoken.
With these BLWs eliminated, 141 (potential) BLWs remain which occur at least once in
The frequencies are the total number of hits produced by each query, regardless of precision. Non-BLW uses of
the search terms, if present (due to polysemy), have not been identified or removed from the frequency results.
either of the corpora (see Appendix R, p. 272), which includes figures for percentage change,
significance and effect size. Overall, the total sum of these BLWs in both corpora suggests a fall
in the use of bad language between the 1990s and 2010s falling from 3,433 per million (1990s)
to 2,967 per million (2010s) which is significant at the p<0.0001 level with a log ratio of 0.21.
Despite the significant decrease in BLW occurrence, in the context of previous research this
does not seem alarming; these frequencies roughly correspond with Jay (2009b: 90), who
reviewed several empirical studies into bad language and reported that swearing constitutes 0.3 to
0.7% of speakers’ output. Therefore, it would be difficult to claim that the difference in
frequency between the corpora is suggestive of some wider decline in the use of BLWs among
British English speakers. More likely is the difference in speaker awareness that they were being
recorded, as discussed in Section 3.3.3 (p. 41) perhaps the Spoken BNC2014S speakers, who
were aware of the recordings taking place, were slightly less likely to use bad language as often as
their Spoken BNC1994DS predecessors, who were mostly unaware (see also McEnery et al.
1999: 51).
What is perhaps harder to attribute to speaker awareness is the strength of the BLWs
which speakers do produce, which is the focus of the next section.
7.4.2 Strength
An area of interest with regards to bad language is the strength of BLWs. The strength,
or potential offensiveness, of BLWs has been shown to vary according to social context; the
same BLWs may be used for offensive purposes such as blasphemy, hate speech or abuse, but
also to achieve “positive social outcomes”, e.g. through humour, sex talk or in-group slang (Jay
2009a: 155). This is especially true for what Jay calls conversational swearing the type of BLW
use studied by McEnery (2005) and in the present chapter. Jay’s view is that “there is no
evidence of harm from fleeting expletives or from conversational or cathartic swearing” (2009b:
93). Despite this, it is clear that some BLWs are considered less acceptable than others, even in
informal, familial conversation such as that in the Spoken British National Corpora. There is
evidence, for example, that the strength of bad language exerts some control on cognition.
Bowers and Pleydell-Pearce (2011) analysed electrodermal activity in participants reading aloud
the words fuck and cunt, and their euphemistic equivalents f-word and c-word, and found that
“people find it more stressful to say aloud a swear word than its corresponding euphemism”
(Bowers & Pleydell-Pearce 2011: 4). Furthermore, males are said to be genetically predisposed to
produce stronger BLWs more than females, due to evolutionary intergroup aggression among
males (Güvendir 2015).
It is also the case that the relative strength of BLWs is a metalinguistic topic that is salient
in the public consciousness (Dawaele 2015); speakers are usually able to make clear judgements
about the strength or offensiveness of bad language words although, out of context, it is
difficult to predict these perceptions based solely on the linguistic unit (Young 2004). Such
evaluations are nonetheless used to inform broadcasting practices with regards to the airing of
potentially offensive content, e.g. the watershed,
or the classification of films according to
audience age. Millwood-Hargrave (2000) conducted a study of public opinion of the strength of
BLWs which, along with a report by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), was used
by McEnery (2005: 30) to create a “scale of offence” for analysing BLWs (Table 23).
Table 23. A scale of offence (McEnery 2005: 30).
Words in the category
Very mild
bird, bloody, crap, damn, god, hell, hussy, idiot, pig, pillock, sod, son-of-a-bitch, tart
arse, balls, bitch, bugger, christ, cow, dickhead, git, jesus, jew, moron, pissed off, screw,
shit, slag, slut, sod, tit, tits, tosser
arsehole, bastard, bollocks, gay, nigger, piss, paki, poofter, prick, shag, spastic, twat,
wanker, whore
Very strong
cunt, motherfucker
Using the scale of offence, McEnery (2005: 30) finds that males draw “typically from a stronger
set of words than females”, while BLW strength tends to decrease with rising age as well as
socio-economic status.
The words and their ratings in the McEnery (2005) scale do not necessarily represent
present-day BLW use. Since it seems that the BBFC no longer publishes a list of BLWs and their
perceived offensiveness (BBFC 2014: 6), I sought out a new source of updated consumer ratings.
The Ofcom (2016) report, introduced in Section 7.3.1, not only provides a present-day list of
over one-hundred-and-fifty BLWs with which further research could be undertaken, but many of
these words have been assigned a level of offensiveness according to the consumer investigations
described in the guide, which included focus groups and online questionnaires. A description of
the scale of offence used by Ofcom (2016) is provided in Table 24 (overleaf) and the words
considered are listed in Table 25 (overleaf).
The time in which adult content may be broadcast; in the UK this is between 21:00 and 05:30.
Table 24. Scale of offence for bad language (Ofcom 2016: 3).
of little concern
potentially unacceptable pre-watershed but acceptable post-watershed
generally unacceptable pre-watershed but mostly acceptable post-
highly unacceptable pre-watershed, but generally acceptable post-
Table 25. BLWs in the Ofcom (2016) report, which are given unambiguous ratings in the scale
of offence.
Words in the category
arse, bloody, bonk, bugger, cow, crap, cretin, damn, div, ginger, git, god, hun, jesus
christ, jock, loony, mental, minger, nazi, nutter, old bag, psycho, sod
balls, bint, bitch, bollock, bullshit, bummer, fairy, feck/effing, fop (fucking old
person), midget, munter, pansy, pikey, piss, shag, shit, slapper, son of a bitch, special,
taff, tart, tit, vegetable
bastard, beaver, bellend, bender, choc ice, clunge, cock, cripple, dick, dildo, dyke,
fanny, flaps, gash, gook, he-she, ho, homo, honky, jap, jizz, knob, minge, nancy,
negro, nonce, papist, poof, prick, prod, pussy, queer, raghead, rapey, skank, slag,
slope, slut, snatch, spade, tranny, twat, wank, whore, wop
chinky, cunt, darky, faggot, fuck, gender bender, golliwog, mong, motherfucker, nigger,
nig-nog, paki, retard, sambo, spastic, wog
Aside from better representing present-day public opinion on the strength of BLWs, the Ofcom
(2016) scheme was also applied to more than double the number of BLWs than McEnery’s
(2005), making subsequent analyses into the strength of bad language more comprehensive.
Another obvious difference between the two schemes is the number of categories; McEnery’s
(2005) scale has five while the Ofcom (2016) has only four. Although this study does not aim to
compare difference in public opinion on BLW strength between the corpus sampling points, the
mapping of one scheme onto the other is worth considering. The simplest approach is to posit
that McEnery’s (2005) ‘very mild’ and ‘mild’ categories are merged to form Ofcom’s (2016)
‘mild’ category, with McEnery’s (2005) ‘moderate’, ‘strong’ and ‘very strong’ respectively
becoming Ofcom’s (2016) ‘medium’, ‘strong’ and ‘strongest’. Doing so is minimally disruptive to
McEnery’s (2005) scheme, since the only effect is to remove the distinction between two levels
of mildness. At the stronger end of the scale, the categories can be directly compared; the
differences are perhaps suggestive of recent change in public opinion about certain BLWs. It is
notable that NIGGER, PAKI and SPASTIC are considered ‘moderate’ in McEnery (2005) but
‘strongest’ in (Ofcom 2016) – an increase of two strength levels. These are the only BLWs which
rose in strength to such a degree the rest either retaining the same strength or moving up or
down by only one level.
Over 100 of the BLWs described in the Ofcom (2016) report came with ratings
according to a four-point scale of offence (Table 25). By comparing the sum of the instances of
each of these BLWs (a) at each level of the scale and (b) between corpora, an interesting
difference can be observed in the wholesale strength of BLW use (Figure 18, overleaf). In
Mild BLWs have decreased in occurrence between the Spoken BNC1994DS and
Spoken BNC2014S (log likelihood 439.73, significant at p<0.0001).
Medium BLWs have increased in occurrence between the Spoken BNC1994DS and
Spoken BNC2014S (log likelihood 166.55, significant at p<0.0001).
Strong BLWs have decreased in occurrence between the Spoken BNC1994DS and
Spoken BNC2014S (log likelihood 109.13, significant at p<0.0001).
Strongest BLWs have remained stable in occurrence between the Spoken BNC1994DS
and Spoken BNC2014S (log likelihood 1.73, not significant at p<0.05).
Figure 18. Relative frequency comparison of BLWs categorised according to the Ofcom (2016)
scale of offence.
Despite significant changes within three of the levels, the overall pattern is very similar in both
mild medium strong strongest
Spoken BNC1994DS Spoken BNC2014S
corpora: the mild BLWs are, perhaps predictably, the most commonly uttered, and as BLW
strength increases the words occur less frequently. That is the case until the strongest’ category,
which spikes up as more than twice as frequent as the ‘strong’ category in both corpora. Is it the
case that, despite the Ofcom (2016) research which in no uncertain terms reports on the high
levels of unacceptability of these words among the British general public, all 16 of the ‘strongest’
BLWs are used more than the ‘strong’ BLWs in both corpora, and almost as much as the
‘medium’ BLWs in present-day spoken British English? Looking into the data, it is clear that this
is not the case. The spike is driven by only one of the ‘strongest’ BLWs: FUCK. This accounts for
93% of all ‘strongest’ BLW occurrences in the Spoken BNC1994DS, and 96% in the Spoken
BNC2014S. In fact, it is the second most commonly occurring BLW in both corpora, second
only to BLOODY in the former and GOD in the latter, both of which are ‘mild’ BLWs (see
Appendix R, p. 272, for frequency information for all BLWs under consideration). The evidence
suggests, therefore, that FUCK despite its apparent status as one of the strongest BLWs in
spoken British English behaves markedly unlike its ‘strongest’ counterparts and markedly like
the weakest, and that this behaviour is unchanged between the 1990s and 2010s. This is
surprising when one considers that frequency is expected to correlate negatively with degree of
taboo (see e.g. Jay 1992). Furthermore, while each of the 16 ‘strongest’ BLWs occur at least once
in the Spoken BNC1994DS, several have a frequency of zero in the Spoken BNC2014S:
CHINKY, GENDER BENDER, GOLLIWOG, NIG-NOG and WOG. These BLWs, therefore, appear to
have fallen into obscurity in everyday British conversation; or, at least, there is not enough
language evidence in the Spoken BNC2014S for such infrequent words to occur. Another
explanation might be that these BLWs are highly referent specific; they can only be applied
felicitously to specific minority groups and thus their use could be said to reflect social context.
If a speaker does not know any East Asians, transgender people or African Americans, then such
BLWs are less likely to occur than BLWs with non-specific referents (e.g. TWAT).
The question remains as to why FUCK is so much more frequent than the other
‘strongest’ BLWs. One explanation would be that a very small group of speakers use FUCK much
more than the majority. In the Spoken BNC2014S, FUCK is uttered at least once by 116 speakers
(30.9% of all identifiable speakers), with eight speakers accounting for half of the instances of
FUCK. 260 speakers (69.1%) do not produce any instances of FUCK. Of the speakers who uttered
FUCK, the mean occurrence is 22.76 with a median of 5 and a standard deviation of 50.56.
Taking all speakers into account, including those who produced zero instances of FUCK, the
mean is 11.38, with a median of 0.5 and standard deviation of 37.60. The low mean frequencies
(relative to their standard deviations) show that a small number of speakers is using this BLW a
lot, and with great variation between speakers. The median of 0.5 is expected since it considers
the majority of speakers who produce FUCK zero times, but the median of 5 among only those
who do produce FUCK points towards a long tail of low-use speakers. These observations lead to
the question of whether a demographic group or groups are driving this distribution. Looking at
“how the age, sex and social class variables interact” (McEnery 2005: 45), this does appear to be
the case; the C2 socio-economic group interacts with both the female and 15-24 groups (see
Figure 19, Figure 20 and Figure 21 (overleaf) for cross-tabulated distribution graphs).
Figure 19. Gender and socio-economic status.
AB C1 C2 DE Unknown
Male Female
0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ Unknown
Male Female
Figure 20. Gender and age.
Figure 21. Age and socio-economic status.
It should be noted that the C2 group is severely underpopulated in the Spoken BNC2014S;
perhaps too small to offer an opportunity to use FUCK, causing high relative frequencies even
with low occurrence.
Between the age and gender categories, which are generally better
populated, the distribution is skewed towards male overuse in the 15-25 group, although male
and female use is similar in the 25-34 group.
Clearly, then, FUCK appears to have a special status; it does occur very frequently,
compared to the other ‘strongest’ BLWs, but the distribution is heavily skewed. This appears to
be caused by (a) high use by a small number of individuals, and (b) a dearth of linguistic evidence
for some group combinations.
The analysis of strength has already started to reveal some large-scale changes in the
occurrence of individual BLWs over time. The following section explores how the frequency of
the BLWs varies between the two Spoken British National Corpora.
7.4.3 Change and stability in frequency
In this section, I am interested in the BLWs which differ significantly in terms of relative
frequency between the two corpora, and those which have the most similar relative frequencies.
A similar occurrence of “data sparsity” was observed by McEnery (2005: 45) while attempting to combine
demographic categories in the Spoken BNC1994.
0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ Unknown
Of the original 173 BLWs under consideration, I have already eliminated 32 which do not occur
in either corpus, leaving 141. Starting with difference, of these 141 BLWs, 36 differ in relative
frequency between the two corpora with significance at the p<0.0001 level (LL critical value >
15.13); these are the BLWs which have either increased or decreased to the greatest extent
between the two corpora. The remaining 105 BLWs do not differ in relative frequency with
significance at the p<0.0001 level, and those with the most similar relative frequencies are
discussed later in this section.
Table 26 (overleaf) reveals the BLWs which have decreased significantly (log likelihood)
and to the greatest extent according to effect size (log ratio). Interestingly, they include some
words which are considered “strong” or “strongest” language according to Ofcom (2016):
SPASTIC, HO, CUNT, PUSSY, WANK, and BASTARD; McEnery (2005: 30), drawing upon the British
Board of Film Classification on the other hand, lists only one of these words (CUNT) as “strong”
or “very strong”, while SPASTIC, WANKER and BASTARD are considered “moderate”.
Furthermore, none of the words in Table 26 have fallen all the way to a frequency of zero,
implying that these word forms albeit at a very low frequency in some cases (like SPASTIC or
PRAT) are still present in spoken British English to some degree.
Table 26. BLWs which have decreased in use significantly (p<0.0001) between the 1990s and
2010s, ranked by effect size.
Per million
(Spoken BNC1994DS)
Per million
(Spoken BNC2014S)
log ratio
Turning to the BLWs which have risen in use to the greatest extent (Table 27, overleaf),
an interesting picture emerges. Three of the BLWs (CHAV, DOUCHE and WUSS) have risen from
a 1990s frequency of zero; although it is impossible to claim that they did not exist at all in this
period, the data at least suggests that these BLWs have risen into more general usage in the
2010s. In terms of strength, Ofcom (2016) places only RETARD and DYKE in the “strong” or
“strongest” categories, while they are not included at all in McEnery’s scale of offense (2005: 30).
Looking at semantic categories, noteworthy is the rise of sexuality words DYKE and GAY, and
words relating to mental capacity or intellect: PSYCHO, RETARD, MENTAL and IDIOT.
Furthermore, the rise of the word NAZI is interesting clearly this word long pre-dates the
1990s, but occurs much more frequently in the 2010s data; Ofcom (2016: 13) notes that it is
Table 27. BLWs which have increased in use significantly (p<0.0001) between the 1990s and
2010s, ranked by effect size.
Per million
(Spoken BNC1994DS)
Per million
(Spoken BNC2014S)
log ratio
“mild” but “potentially offensive if used in a modern context to insult German people”.
As well as difference, it is also useful to take note of similarity, by paying attention to
what has not changed much in terms of frequency among BLWs. Of the 141 BLWs which occur
in both corpora, I have just addressed the 36 which differ at the p<0.0001 level. Eliminating
these from the present discussion leaves 105 remaining. Of these, 68 BLWs showed changes in
frequency which were not even significant at a lower LL value (p>0.05; LL critical value < 3.84).
Their relative frequencies were very similar in both corpora, and their low log ratios mean that
they can be described as ‘stable’ BLWs or lockwords (Baker 2011). Eight of these BLWs occur
at least 100 times in both corpora. Table 28 (overleaf) shows the frequency data for these eight
BLWs. Although interesting, these BLWs do not explain themselves in terms of the reason for
their stasis; further investigation is required in order to understand how and why these words
appear to have resisted the changes which have occurred to so many of the other BLWs.
Table 28. BLWs which have not changed in frequency significantly (p>0.05) between the 1990s
and 2010s, and which have a minimum raw frequency of 100 in both corpora, ranked
Per million
(Spoken BNC1994DS)
Per million
(Spoken BNC2014S)
log ratio
7.4.4 High-frequency BLWs: sociolinguistic distribution
So far, I have presented three categories of especially noteworthy BLWs: those which
have decreased; those which have increased; and those most commonly occurring BLWs which
remained stable. In terms of assessing similarity and difference across time periods, these
categories clearly present windows of opportunity for dictating the rest of the analysis (in similar
fashion to how keywords are used to guide the corpus-based critical discourse analyst, Baker
2006). Looking at the sociolinguistic distribution and qualitatively assessing the meanings of
these BLWs may help to answer the question of why they have changed or remained stable over
time. The stable BLWs, including the very common and well-studied FUCK (e.g. McEnery &
Xiao 2004), show no sign of growth or deterioration in terms of wholesale frequency. But as
McEnery (2005) shows with the 1990s words, bad language has a propensity for distributing
unevenly across social groups and in terms of possible language change, the most frequent of
the stable BLWs are of interest in terms of assessing whether, if not the wholesale frequency, the
social distribution of these BLWs has changed in any way.
As interesting as some of the changes appear, some of the BLWs mentioned above
simply do not occur often enough to justify further analysis either quantitative or qualitative.
Therefore, in this section I present the sociolinguistic distribution of all those rising, falling and
stable BLWs which occur 100 times or more in both corpora (with the exclusion of three words
. These are:
Of course, as noted earlier, the figures reported in the previous section are not filtered for non-taboo usage of the
Risers: GOD, SHIT
The analysis of sociolinguistic distribution is conducted on all instances for which speaker
metadata is available.
7.4.5 Sociolinguistic distribution
In this section, I present results of the sociolinguistic distribution analysis of the 12
BLWs listed above:
These BLWs are some of the most frequent in both corpora and, as explained, represent a cross-
section of rising, falling and stable frequency words. The relative frequencies reported in this
section are normalized against the number of tokens produced by the relevant demographic
group, rather than the sum of tokens in each corpus. This is the procedure adopted by McEnery
and Xiao (2004) and McEnery (2005).
McEnery (2005: 29) states that there is “a widely held folk belief in Britain that men
swear more often than women”, but finds that, overall, males and females are equally likely to
produce BLWs. However, Figure 22 (overleaf) shows that the 12 BLWs considered here are used
to a much greater extent by males than females in the Spoken BNC1994DS. The trend has
reversed in the favour of female overuse in the Spoken BNC2014S (both the differences
between genders within each corpus, as well as the differences across corpora, are significant at
search terms, and manual analysis of each instance suggests that PIG, GINGER and VEGETABLE only rarely occur as
actual BLWs, due to polysemy with non-taboo meanings: PIG occurs as a BLW in only 36% of instances in the
1990s, and 12% of instances in the 2010s; GINGER occurs 0.6% and 15% respectively; and no instances of
VEGETABLE in either corpora were used as BLWs. I exclude these words from the analysis.
Figure 22. Distribution of relative frequencies for the 12 BLWs by gender in the Spoken
BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S.
According to the log ratio scores, the most drastic change is the drop in the use of these BLWs
among male speakers, from 3,048 per million (1990s) to 1,881 per million (2010s) (log ratio 0.7).
The swapping of gender distribution appears to have been caused by BLWs which are stable
between genders, or BLWs which are now more popular among females. Only one BLW is still
overused by males in the 2010s data.
Male overuse in the 1990s (p<0.0001); stable between genders in the 2010s:
Female overuse/male underuse (2010s) (p<0.0001):
Male overuse/female underuse (2010s) (p<0.0001):
Firstly, this supports the point that “while BLWs as a set may not differentiate males from
females, the frequency of use of individual BLWs clearly does mark males and females apart”
(McEnery 2005: 29). I argue that this is true of the Spoken BNC2014S findings but not to the
same extent. All of the now stable BLWs (nine of the 12 studied) discriminate for gender in the
Spoken BNC1994DS Spoken BNC2014S
Female Male
1990s data but not in the 2010s interestingly, all of them were previously overused by males
rather than females.
This also helps to explain why, although still significant, the gender gap in the 2010s is
not as large as that in the 1990s; only two of the BLWs considered here are significantly more
frequent among females in the Spoken BNC2014S. These two BLWs are identified by McEnery
(2005: 29) as being overused by females in the Spoken BNC1994DS too, suggesting that they
have retained this status in the Spoken BNC2014S. Looking at the Spoken BNC1994DS, I can
find evidence of this being true of GOD but not of BITCH. For the latter, my query returned 21.8
hits per million for females in the Spoken BNC1994DS but 26.1 per million for males not a
significant difference (LL 0.81) and so best characterised as stable. Perhaps this can be explained
by differences in the use of the Spoken BNC1994 data; McEnery (2005) only considered
examples where gender, age and socio-economic status were marked in the speaker metadata,
whereas I have used the entire Spoken BNC1994DS. Therefore, the relative frequencies reported
using the LCA may not match those calculated against all of the speakers in the Spoken
Overall, it appears that the main cause of the gender shift observed is the levelling out of
so many of the BLWs which were previously overused by males. While this finding cannot be
taken as representative of the rest of the BLWs (further searching of the full release of the
Spoken BNC2014 will be necessary to establish how all BLWs behave), it does suggest a shift in
acceptability of bad language use in casual conversation in favour of a convergence in the use of
emotive language.
Figure 23 (overleaf) shows the distribution of the 12 BLWs according to age. Of the
1990s pattern, McEnery (2005: 38) concludes that it “certainly lends some support to the
hypothesis that adolescents are more likely to use BLWs”. At the top end of the age scale, he
makes the hypothesis that the low level of BLW use in the 60+ group could be attributed to
euphemistic replacement terms being used in places where BLWs may otherwise be expected
(e.g. oh dear instead of oh fuck). Another 1990s observation to note is the trough in the 35-44
group. This is not discussed by McEnery (2005) but is dealt with by McEnery and Xiao (2004),
who notice a similar pattern for FUCK, on its own (as discussed in Section 7.2).
Figure 23. Distribution of relative frequencies for the 12 BLWs by age in the Spoken
BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S.
The Spoken BNC2014S data reveals that the 15-24 group, as expected, is the most likely to
produce the group of BLWs under investigation although less so than the same group in the
Spoken BNC1994DS. This difference is significant (p<0.0001), with the frequency falling by a
quarter from 4,607 per million to 3,095 per million. Looking into the use of these BLWs in the
15-24 group exclusively, most contribute to the observed decrease but four BLWs (BITCH, DICK,
JESUS, and SHIT) increased between the corpora (albeit not significantly at p<0.0001), resisting
the general trend. These may be considered the most ‘trendy’ of the 12 BLWs studied in this
section; they have retained their relative popularity in the 15-24 group, where others appear to
have become less popular.
Aside from the 15-25 peak, it is also not surprising to observe that the lowest frequency
is held by the 60+ group, perhaps for the reason that McEnery (2005) suggests. And so, the
overall picture is more or less similar to that of the 1990s speakers. What is different about the
2010s pattern is the distribution among middle-aged speakers. According to effect size, the
biggest difference between the 1990s and 2010s groups is the decrease in the 45-59 group from
2,108 hits per million to 1,042 hits per million (log ratio 1.02) a decrease of over a half. It is not
the case, at least for the 12 BLWs considered here, that there is a dip at the 35-44 level, drawing
into question McEnery and Xiao’s (2004) parental age hypothesis, which is similar to
0-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+
Spoken BNC1994DS Spoken BNC2014S
“Goffman’s (1978) point about avoiding saying ‘fuck’ in a nursery school” (Culpeper 2011: 225).
It could be the case that people of typical parental age simply swear more around their children.
There is probably not enough data of that type to assess in the Spoken BNC2014, but on
intuition alone this suggestion seems unlikely. The more probable answer in my view lies in a
demonstrable change in UK society which has been in progress for the last few decades: the
steady increase in the average age of parents. According to the UK Office for National Statistics,
the average age of parents in England and Wales has risen by almost four years over the last four
Therefore, the later dip could be explained by the same hypothesis, which accounts
for the 35-44 drop in the 1990s: parents of young children are in a temporary habit of
consciously reducing their rate of BLW production. It is simply the case that the age of these
people is, on average, old enough nowadays in comparison to the 1990s to push into the next
age group.
Overall, the negative correlation between age and BLW is entirely expected (McEnery
2005: 40) the phenomenon of speakers (being perceived as, or otherwise) becoming more
conservative with age is by no means unique to the 1990s. Only one feature of the Spoken
BNC2014S age pattern, with regards to the 12 BLWs considered, flies in the face of the 1990s
pattern; and a hypothesis has been presented to account for this difference.
Socio-economic status
McEnery (2005: 44) reports that “class relates to BLW use in ways in which we might
expect (frequency of usage being inverse to height of social class)”, and, indeed, the distribution
of the 12 BLWs considered here conforms to that pattern very well for the 1990s data (Figure
24, overleaf).
yparentscharacteristicsinenglandandwales/2015 (last accessed September 2017)
Figure 24. Distribution of relative frequencies for the 12 BLWs by socio-economic status in the
Spoken BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S.
The pattern which emerges from the 2010s data is somewhat more complicated. The BLW usage
peaks at the C2 group and then falls among the DE speakers. Rather than steadily rising from
AB to DE, the AB and DE frequencies in the 2010s data are almost equal: 2,040 per million and
2,143 per million respectively. The only difference which is not significant at p<0.0001 is the C2
increase between the 1990s and the 2010s. For a possible explanation, I turn again to McEnery
and Xiao (2004: 244), who observed a similar pattern just for the BLW FUCK. They suggest that
C1 speakers producing the BLW less than the AB group means that those in the C1 group are
socially influenced by those in the AB group, who are perceived (not unreasonably based on
previous research) to produce a relatively low number of BLWs. The effect of this norm
perception is that, in an attempt to sound like their perception of upper class, C1 speakers
produce FUCK less than expected so much so that they produce the BLW fewer times than the
AB speakers themselves. If one accepts the norm perception hypothesis, then one interpretation
of the overall 2010s pattern in Figure 24 is that the phenomenon is occurring in the Spoken
BNC2014S: C1 speakers should, by previous accounts, be higher than AB speakers.
Furthermore, a second ‘wave’ of norm perception could be posited between C2 and DE; again,
DE speakers should, if behaving as expected, be higher than C2 speakers.
However, there are several problems with this suggestion, which should be mentioned.
Firstly, it could be that the AB-C1 difference, for example, is less to do with C1 being lower than
expected but more to do with AB being higher than expected. After all, if the AB frequency were
Spoken BNC1994DS Spoken BNC2014S
the same in the 2010s data as it is in the 1990s, the 2010s C1 count would still be higher, and the
pattern would better match expectations, based on McEnery (2005) and others. What might be
driving the significant increase of AB frequency between the two corpora? Looking at individual
BLWs, several (FUCK, GOD, HELL, JESUS, and SHIT) increase significantly (p<0.0001) within this
group. Noteworthy here is HELL, which, despite falling in frequency overall, increased within the
AB group (from 88 per million to 152 per million; log ratio -0.74). It is interesting to note that
three of these BLWs GOD, HELL and JESUS are religious in nature.
Another issue has already been discussed in the Method section namely that, second
only to the 0-14 age group, the C2 socio-economic group is the least populated in terms of word
count in the Spoken BNC2014S. It could be the case that the dearth of C2 speakers in this
sample version of the corpus is such that relatively low frequency lexical items like BLWs are
overrepresented in normalized frequencies.
A third issue is discussed by McEnery (2005), who, at times, talks of ‘hidden peaks’ in the
data, i.e. high frequencies of a given word, produced by a small subset of speakers within a given
demographic group, which are obscured by their inclusion within a larger group. This seems an
appropriate opportunity to find out whether the Social Grade classification system is obscuring
any such hidden peaks within the distribution of the 12 BLWs considered in this section. If I re-
categorise the Spoken BNC2014S frequencies using the NS-SEC scheme (introduced in Section
3.3.5, p. 66), then the result is visualized by Figure 25.
Figure 25. Distribution of the 12 BLWs in the Spoken BNC2014S according to NS-SEC.
Key: [1.1/1.2 = A], [2 = B], [3/4 = C1], [5 = C2], [6/7 = D], [8/uncat = E]
1.1 1.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 uncat
The figure reveals several hidden peaks, clearly demonstrating the discriminatory power of the
NS-SEC. Social Grade A is split into NS-SEC groups 1.1 and 1.2, the latter of which (higher
professional occupations) uses BLWs more than the former (large employers and higher
managerial and administrative occupations). Social Grade C1 is split into NS-SEC groups 3 and
4. Again, this reveals a hidden peak this time it is group 4 (small employers and own account
workers) which dominates over group 3 (intermediate occupations). NS-SEC groups 6 and 7
(Social Grade D) suggest that BLW use is evenly split between semi-routine occupations (6) and
routine occupations (7). Groups 8 (never worked and long-term unemployed, including retired)
and ‘Uncat’ (students/unclassifiable) together form Social Grade E. Here there is a clear split,
probably caused by retirees (i.e. 60+, generally) being included in group 8 and, therefore, keeping
the frequency low. Returning to the question of norm perception, it is much harder to make that
claim based on the increased granularity with which the data can be viewed using the NS-SEC
scheme. However, the dip in NS-SEC group 3 may well be explained by such a hypothesis.
7.4.6 Case study: linguistic annotation of FUCK
Although, as shown, there is a considerable body of research into bad language as a
cultural, psychological and linguistic phenomenon, there is one BLW, FUCK, which appears to
have received particular attention. FUCK is said to have first appeared in English around the year
1500 (Ljung 2011: 71), but its development in the late 1900s is described by Ljung (2011: 71) as
“a success story of almost unlikely proportions”. It has recently become a highly frequent and
productive BLW (Stenström 2006), which is what appears to have made it so popular in recent
McEnery and Xiao (2004) published a study entirely devoted to FUCK and its occurrence
in the Spoken BNC1994. They found that males were approximately three times as likely to
produce this BLW as females. Detailed analysis of its social distribution found that, while young
people (especially teenagers) used FUCK the most, the 35-44 category had an “unexpectedly low
propensity” (McEnery & Xiao 2004: 241) for using this word when compared to the 45-59
category, which had a higher frequency. They offer the hypothesis that parents of young
children, who were likely to populate the 35-44 category, may be less likely to say FUCK than
other adults who do not live with children (or those whose children have grown up, and so are
more likely to populate a higher age category). Finally, the C1 group used FUCK significantly less
than not only C2/DE but also AB. McEnery and Xiao (2004: 244) speculate that this dip is an
example of the members of C1 attempting to “appear closer to what they perceive to be the
norms of AB speech”.
These findings are supported by several studies which use the same or similar corpora.
Rayson et al. (1997) carried out chi-squared tests to identify the most frequent lexical items
within different demographic categories of the Spoken BNC1994DS. They found that BLWs
fucking and fuck were among those significantly more likely to be produced by: males, under-35s
and those from social classes C2/DE. Stenström (2006) found that FUCK is the most commonly
produced taboo word in the Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language (COLT, Stenström et
al. 2002), and that it occurred more than twice as often in boys’ speech than girls’. Murphy
(2009) reports on the use of FUCK in a corpus of spoken Irish English from the years 2003 and
2004, finding that it is “noticeably more frequent” (Murphy 2009: 93) among males, and
specifically those in their twenties.
More recently, evidence has started to appear which suggests that the distribution of
FUCK according to gender, at least, could be changing. Gauthier (2012) studied perceptions of
swearing among L1 English informants. He observed that males over the age of 25 believe they
use FUCK more than females, but that the opposite is true for young adults. Aijmer
(forthcoming) investigates intensifiers in the Spoken British National Corpora, with a focus on
fucking. She reports that fucking in the Spoken BNC2014 “has been adopted mainly by young
women who want to be associated with a ‘new’ female style of speaking and behaving”.
As shown by Ljung’s (2011) cross-linguistic study of BLWs, FUCK can be considered a far-
reaching BLW which thrives in many languages. In 2017, the University of Oslo launched an
international investigation of the worldwide use of the f-word, with a view to bringing together
researchers from around the world with an interest in this BLW. Clearly, though, the reach of the
present chapter does not extend beyond British English.
Clearly, special attention has been paid to FUCK in previous research, and so it serves as a
good candidate for an initial analysis of 2010s bad language, using the LCA annotation scheme
(McEnery et al. 1999, 2000). Before I discuss the linguistic categorisation of FUCK, it is
worthwhile taking stock of what my analysis has found with regards to the frequency distribution
of this BLW in the Spoken BNC2014S. FUCK is the second most common BLW in both the
Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S, and its overall frequency has remained stable
between the two corpora. This is despite the opinion of the UK general public that FUCK is
among the strongest of all BLWs. Taking each demographic category individually, it is equal for
gender preference; it follows the expected negative correlation between age and frequency; and
there may be norm perception effects between AB-C1 and C2-DE, as described in the previous
section, although the issues discussed do apply. Furthermore, as shown in Section 7.4.2, the
distribution of FUCK, when these categories are combined, becomes heavily skewed towards a
small number of speakers who produce this BLW well above the mean.
Observations about social distribution make no comment on the meanings of the BLWs
themselves, and how they vary between sampling points even if there are problematic skews in
the data, the meaning of the BLWs can still be studied without comment on representativeness.
To do this, one may turn to manual annotation of individual instances which, while labour
intensive, has been shown by McEnery (2005) to be very useful in the study of bad language.
Table 29. Annotation of FUCK in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S, using
the bad language categorization scheme.
Letter code
Spoken BNC1994DS
Spoken BNC2014S
% of FUCK
% of FUCK
Table 29 shows frequency data for the annotation of a random sample of 300 instances of FUCK,
from both the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S (representing 10.6% and 11.2%
of all instances respectively). Overall, categories E, N and B are among the most frequent in
both corpora. They are all produced exclusively by the “strongly taboo intensifier” (Culpeper
2011: 225) fucking, which is used variously to modify verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.
Category E is the most frequent in both corpora; however, it has a lower share of instances in
the 2010s sample, allowing several other categories to increase their share of the sample.
They call her flapper, flapper. I don't fucking believe this. (BNC1994 KDA)
Charming I bet you he has fucking eaten dinner. (BNC2014 SJG5)
Category N, which is used to modify nouns (including other BLWs) with a clear negative
stance (e.g. “the fucking twat”), maintains its position as second most frequent, while category G
the general expletive has risen slightly in the 2010s sample to take 3
Oh fuck so you struggled, you couldn't speak, you know. (BNC1994 KDN)
Oh fucking hell love. (BNC2014 STXT)
This has displaced category B (fucking modifying adjectives e.g. fucking awesome) which has
maintained the same frequency in both corpora.
Category C (curse) accounts for nearly 8% of the 2010s sample. It appears to be caused
by the phrases fuck it and fuck me, which occur six times each. Other examples include:
And I went fuck you, wanker! (BNC1994 KE1)
Oh fuck this I hope it's not when I walk to work. (BNC2014 SXRR)
Categories D (destinational) and I (idiomatic set phrase) have both increased in frequency while
swapping their 6
and 7
place rankings. Many instances of the idiomatic category of FUCK were
instantiated by examples which used “taboo words to add emphasis to WH-constructions such
as…What the fuck…?” (Ljung 2011: 29). In my analysis, when what the fuck occurred as an
independent utterance, it was classified as a general expletive. Only when what the fuck occurred
within a full clause (e.g. what the fuck was that?, why the fuck did she do that?) did I include it in the
idiom category.
Category A, the predicative adjective fucked, has risen to account for 4% of the sample.
Stenström (2006) describes the development of fucked, as a derivative of fuck, from its literal
sexual meaning into the present-day predicative negative adjective as follows:
fuck: ‘have sex with’ => ‘harm’, ‘cheat’ => ‘stop’ => ‘make a mess’ =>
fucked: ‘ruined’, ‘unhappy’, ‘cheated’ => ‘intoxicated’, ‘crazy’, ‘unfair’ => ‘psychologically
Most examples of fucked in the 2010s data appear to fall into the ‘intoxicated’ or ‘psychologically
maladjusted’ categories:
my mam and dad had to take him home because he got absolutely fucked. (BNC2014
oh that's fucked up. (BNC2014 SDJA)
This does seem to corroborate with previous findings about the desemanticization of FUCK, as
reported by Ljung (2011: 21).
Pronominal replacement (category O) has risen slightly to rank 10, and nominal use of
FUCK as a defined reference (category P) retains rank 11. Category F (figurative extension of
literal meaning) has maintained a lower than 4% share of the instances, which is not surprising,
considering that senses which allude to the literal meaning of FUCK have already been found to
be uncommon in previous research. This is supported by the 2010s sample, where category L
(literal) accounts for only two hits:
didn't even see him fuck […] I knew that I d- I did n't know that they were having sex.
(BNC2014 SAR5)
0246: is that their --UNCLEARWORD sex noise ?
UNKFEMALE[??]: >> yeah
0249: fucking Noo Noo off the Teletubbies. (BNC2014 S5LP)
Category M returned no hits in either sample. This is possibly due to similarity with
category C (the phrase fuck me is provided as an example of both by McEnery 2005). Less
surprising are the zero occurrences of categories R (reclaimed usage) and T (oath), since FUCK is
neither a racial nor religious term.
Finally, category X (unclassifiable due to insufficient context) has a much lower
frequency in the 2010s data. My belief is that the reason for this decrease is a general
improvement in transcription quality between the Spoken BNC1994 and Spoken BNC2014;
there were far fewer unclear passages in the 2010s concordance lines, and so it was easier to
classify the examples into one of the other categories.
Overall, what can be said about the semantic distribution of FUCK between the 1990s
and 2010s samples? The main finding is that the intensifier fucking was, and still is, the most
common form of FUCK. This is perhaps due to its versatility, not only syntactically but also
semantically it can intensify both negatively (PremNeg) and positively (AdvB), as well
emphasise an entire clause neutrally (EmphAdv). On a scale of delexicalisation, with literal usage
at the bottom and general intensification at the top (see Stenström 2006), two previously rare
senses have notably risen in the middle; namely cursing (fuck that) and the predicative negative
adjective fucked. As expected, the LCA annotation shows that the literal meaning of FUCK is
among the least-frequently used.
7.5 Chapter summary
Returning to the Research Questions, this chapter has found that overall BLW use is
significantly lower in the Spoken BNC2014S compared to the Spoken BNC1994DS (RQ1). The
distribution of strength appears as expected in both corpora (RQ2), other than the behavior of
FUCK, which is the second most frequent BLW in both corpora, despite being considered by the
UK public to be among the strongest. Perhaps it could be posited that the strength of FUCK will
eventually be perceived to be lower in the future, should it continue to maintain such a relatively
high frequency of use, especially among younger speakers. Socially, there appear to have been
some interesting developments in the use of bad language over the last two decades (RQ3);
namely an overtaking of female use over male use of a number of BLWs; a possible effect of
delayed parental age in UK society; and a new pattern of use across socio-economic status,
which is not expected based on previous research. Finally, I have found that the intensifier
fucking is by far the most commonly used ‘category of insult’ of FUCK (RQ4), in a variety of
semantic/syntactic contexts, but that some other, non-intensifying forms do appear to have
increased in usage between the 1990s and 2010s.
There are, of course, several limitations of this study to which attention should be paid.
Some have been mentioned where appropriate throughout the chapter, including the limitation
of comparing corpora from only two sampling points; the fact that a number of non-taboo uses
of the BLW forms will have been included in the frequency data; and the difference in speaker
awareness of the recording taking place. Others will be discussed here.
The first pertains to the scope of the study and the crucial elements of analysis which I
necessarily sacrificed. One of these elements is the analysis of bad language as directed at
speakers of different genders, ages etc. It is known, for example, that “most people swear more
around listeners of the same gender than in mixed crowds” (Jay & Janschewitz 2008: 274), and,
indeed, much of McEnery’s (2005) chapter on bad language in the Spoken BNC1994 paid great
attention to variation according to the intended recipient of the BLWs.
The scope of the study can also be criticised when the number of BLWs analysed in
terms of social distribution is considered. It would have been much more appropriate to assess
the social distribution of all BLWs in both corpora; however, the lack of availability of automatic
frequency distribution data in the mid-development version of the corpus in CQPweb meant
that social distribution data had to be generated manually in a spreadsheet, severely slowing
down the process, and causing me to select only 12 BLWs. In the full release of the Spoken
BNC2014, these features are now available, and it is my wish to return to this particular part of
the analysis in the near future.
Another issue, which I addressed, to an extent, in the discussion of the strength of FUCK,
is the importance of individual variation among speakers. Brezina and Meyerhoff (2014) show,
quite conclusively, that replication of previous studies on the Spoken BNC1994, including
McEnery (2005) and McEnery and Xiao (2004) are:
not feasible […] because of the very large number of individual speakers and the extreme
variance in the amount of speech produced by them. This degree of inter-speaker
variance makes it impossible to normalise the data in the necessary ways. (Brezina &
Meyerhoff 2014: 7)
Indeed, speaker skew was shown to be an important factor in the analysis of FUCK in this
chapter. It is obvious to me that a comparison of BLWs in the original and new Spoken British
National Corpora ought to be done again, with less reliance on an aggregate data methodology.
The ongoing BNC secondary data analysis (SDA) project, led by Brezina,
aims to produce a
demographically-balanced subcorpus of the Spoken BNC1994, which should allow such
comparative work to be done with more confidence that individual speaker skew will not
influence findings.
With regards to the LCA annotation of FUCK, manual annotation is infamously time-
consuming, and I was unable to annotate all 6,000 instances of FUCK, as should be the case with
this type of analysis. Furthermore, the original LCA studies annotated all instances of all BLWs
under consideration (McEnery et al. 1999, 2000) not only using the categories of abuse but also
the main annotation scheme itself which I have all but ignored in this chapter. An analysis of
BLWs which uses the entire scheme, and addresses features such as animacy or gender of the
See (last accessed September 2017).
hearer, for example, is too large a task to include in one paper, and deserves separate treatment.
In making this decision, I do acknowledge that features such as these have been shown by
McEnery (2005) to have discriminatory power, but chose to focus solely on the categories of
insult nonetheless. Clearly, a more thorough analysis of all BLWs is required to make substantive
The annotation scheme itself proved at times difficult to apply. For example, it was
difficult to maintain a distinction between the categories EmphAdv and PremNeg. Intuition
suggests that several examples of adjectives which were placed into one of these categories could
have convincingly been placed into the other (e.g. I had to be up at fucking what like six o’clock in the
morning). Another example is the ambiguity of fuck me with regards to whether it should be
analysed as Image or Curse.
Finally, I should comment on the other aim of this chapter: to demonstrate some of the
ways in which the Spoken BNC2014 may be used. The compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 has
facilitated large-scale, diachronic analyses of spoken data on a scale which has, until now, not
been possible. Therefore, this study exemplifies new challenges in the sociolinguistic study of
spoken data. Using swearing as an appropriate case study (it is a “complex social phenomenon”,
McEnery 2005: 1), I have drawn attention to some of the methodological challenges of
comparing such datasets for sociolinguistic purposes, as well as showing that there appear to
have been some large-scale changes in the use of bad language in spoken British English over the
last two decades. The design of the speaker metadata categories in the Spoken BNC2014 makes
the new data comparable to the Spoken BNC1994 for the purposes of sociolinguistic analysis,
and the case of FUCK suggests an interesting change in use between the 1990s and 2010s.
8 Conclusion
8.1 Overview of the thesis
In this thesis, I have presented an account of the design, compilation and analysis of a
new corpus of contemporary spoken British English the Spoken British National Corpus 2014.
My aim has been to make clear the most important decisions the research team made as we
collected, transcribed and processed the data, as well as to demonstrate the research potential of
the corpus. The Spoken BNC2014 should be of use to many researchers, educators and students
in the corpus linguistics and English language communities and beyond.
Chapter 2 presented the background to this thesis, providing the justification for the
focus of this thesis on the construction of a new corpus of spoken British English. As I argued
in this chapter, the Spoken BNC2014 can be considered the first spoken corpus since the
Spoken BNC1994 that fulfils the following key strengths:
i. orthographically transcribed data
ii. large size
iii. general coverage of spoken British English
iv. (low or no cost) public access
As such, I have made the case that a number of factors (scarcity of data, lack of accessibility, and
age of the Spoken BNC1994 when being used as a proxy for present-day English) have resulted
in several problems with the use of spoken corpora in a variety of research streams (Section 2.3).
Therefore, my work on the Spoken BNC2014 was intended to achieve three main objectives:
(1) to compile a corpus of informal British English conversation from the 2010s which is
comparable to the Spoken BNC1994’s demographic component;
(2) to compile the corpus in a manner which reflects, as much as possible, the state of the art
with regards to methodological approach; and, in achieving steps (2) and (3),
(3) to provide a fresh data source for a new series of wide-ranging studies in linguistics and
the social sciences.
Subsequently, Chapters 3 to 6 showed how the research team’s approach to the compilation of
the corpus struck a delicate balance between backwards compatibility with the Spoken BNC1994
(objective 1) and optimal practice in the context of the new corpus (objective 2). Evidence of the
success of objective (3) is to be gathered in the months and years following the release of the
Spoken BNC2014, although the study presented in Chapter 7 (as well as the early access data
grant projects discussed in Section 6.4) demonstrates the potential of the corpus for such work.
Chapter 3 focussed on issues of corpus design. I first justified our decision to collect
recordings from only one situational context: informal conversation between speakers who are
intimately acquainted with each other (i.e. family and friends). I then showed, in Sections 3.2.3
and 3.2.4, how the approach to design in the Spoken BNC1994 was largely opportunistic, and
that this would inform our decision to take an almost entirely opportunistic approach to data
collection, introducing our use of PPSR (public participation in scientific research) for data
collection (see Shirk et al. 2012). I also showed that encouraging speakers to provide their own
metadata resulted in a much richer set of metadata when compared to the Spoken BNC1994. In
Section 3.3, I discussed the ethical issues considered with regards to data collection, before listing
and describing the various categories of speaker and text metadata we collected for the corpus.
Finally, I turned to the collection of the audio data itself. I confirmed that digital audio recording
is well-suited for the purpose of capturing informal, spoken conversations unobtrusively, and
that contributors access to the in-built audio recording feature of smartphones was pervasive
enough in the present to completely replace the method of the Spoken BNC1994, where
recording devices were provided by the research team. Therefore, the Spoken BNC2014 was
compiled exclusively from recordings made on the contributors’ own equipment.
Chapter 4 described the development of a bespoke transcription scheme for the corpus.
I started in Section 4.2 by dismissing the possibility of conducting automated transcription as a
full or partial replacement for human transcription human transcription has been the status
quo for the compilation of existing spoken corpora, including the Spoken BNC1994. Having
decided that manual transcription would be employed, I turned to existing principles of good
practice with regards to transcription (Section 4.3), which informed the development of our
scheme, including the definition of a simple set of transcription conventions, which could later
be unambiguously and automatically converted into the corpus encoding standard used in this
thesis, XML. I then identified areas of weakness in the Spoken BNC1994 transcription scheme
(Section 4.4), before describing the main features of the Spoken BNC2014 scheme (Section 4.5).
These include:
encoding of speaker IDs;
minimal use of punctuation;
filled pauses; and
non-linguistic vocalizations.
Section 4.6 discussed the wider transcription process for the corpus, in which the transcription
scheme was used to create transcripts from the audio recordings. This included the training of
transcribers and quality control procedure run by Cambridge. I showed that our goal was not to
eradicate inter-transcriber inconsistency, but rather to minimize it as much as reasonable given
the nature of the task.
Chapter 5 explored speaker identification the confidence and accuracy with which the
transcribers assigned speaker ID codes to the turns they had transcribed. In Section 5.2, I
introduced the topic and discussed how the transcription scheme afforded the transcribers the
option to signal that their assignment of a given speaker ID code was not certain. I then posited
that speaker identification was most likely to be a difficult task during the transcription of
recordings made in the following circumstances:
(1) when there are more than two speakers; and/or,
(2) when the differences in voice quality between two or more speakers are not
sufficient to tell them apart.
After a review of pilot testing (Section 5.3), which suggested that speaker identification is indeed
something which transcribers are likely to find difficult when there are many speakers, I
presented a set of studies which assessed (a) the level of certainty and inter-rater agreement with
which transcribers identified speakers in a Spoken BNC2014 recording, and (b) the level of
certainty, inter-rater agreement and accuracy with which transcribers identified speakers in a
specially-made ‘gold standard’ recording. The results (Section 5.6) showed that, for the Spoken
BNC2014 recording, certainty was high, while inter-rater agreement was only fair. Similar results
were gathered for the gold standard, with the addition of a 58.1% accuracy rate, indicating that,
while transcribers were in the majority of cases confident in their speaker assignments, they were
incorrect almost half of the time. I then provided some reassurance in the form of the gender
and age of speakers being mostly correctly identified, even if the specific code assigned was
incorrect (Section 5.7), before discussing the ways in which the user can mitigate the potential
effects of this phenomenon when using the Spoken BNC2014 (Section 5.8).
Chapter 6 discussed issues of corpus processing and dissemination. In Section 6.2, I
described the procedure undertaken to convert the transcripts from their original format into the
‘modest’ form of Extensible Markup Language (XML) introduced by Hardie (2014b). This was
done using a PHP script which also checked for errors in the transcription of codes from the
transcription scheme. I discussed the nature of the most common forms of transcription error,
and noted how their presence is a testament to the importance of having transcribers produce
the transcripts in a form which could later be converted automatically into the chosen corpus
encoding standard. I then described the annotation that was applied to the resulting XML files:
part-of-speech (POS), lemma and semantic categories (Section 6.3). I paid particular attention to
the POS-tagging, discussing the differences between the standard tagger resources in CLAWS
(Garside 1987) and the spoken tagger resources, and estimating that the spoken tagger resources
improved the tagging error rate in the Spoken BNC2014, reducing it from 7.3% to 2.5%. Section
6.4 discussed the final stage of the compilation of the Spoken BNC2014 the public
dissemination of the corpus. In September 2017, the corpus was made available via Lancaster
University’s CQPweb server (Hardie 2012), where it will be available exclusively until the XML
files and associated metadata are made available to download in Autumn 2018. I discussed how
the Spoken BNC2014 early access data scheme allowed the research team to trial the corpus with
a selection of researchers, and gather feedback which was used to inform the final release.
Chapter 7 presented a comparative study of bad language in the Spoken BNC1994DS
and the Spoken BNC2014S. The aim of this chapter was to demonstrate how the Spoken
BNC2014 may be used to conduct research. In Section 7.2, I introduced several definitions of
swearing, which have formed the basis of research into bad language in linguistics and other
disciplines, focussing on the work of McEnery (2005) and his broad approach to bad language
words (BLWs), which includes swear words as well as non-taboo words which may be used to
cause offence. I also introduced the Ofcom (2016) study into public perceptions of the strength
of BLWs, which I used alongside McEnery (2005) and a study by Lutzky and Kehoe (2015) to
generate the list of BLWs to investigate in the corpora. The findings (Section 7.4) included:
a significant decrease in the overall frequency of BLWs between the Spoken
BNC1994DS and Spoken BNC2014S;
the unexpected position of one of the ‘strongest’ BLWs, FUCK, as the second
most frequent BLW in both corpora;
an overtaking of female use over males for a number of frequent BLWs; and
the resilience of fucking as the most versatile form of FUCK.
Aside from the linguistic findings, the chapter showed that Spoken BNC2014 can be used to
investigate indications of short-term changes in spoken British English, when compared against
its predecessor.
8.2 Successes, limitations & recommended future work
A theme of this thesis has been the compromise that was sought between comparability
of the Spoken BNC2014 with its predecessor and methodological innovation and improvement.
In pursuing this difficult balance, the work reported in this thesis has achieved some notable
successes. These include:
the collaboration between academic and commercial institutions;
a clear demonstration of the potential of public participation in scientific research (PPSR)
in linguistics;
insisting that speakers provide metadata on their own behalf and in their own words,
demonstrating the utility of PPSR in eliciting high quality metadata from users and
creating substantial improvement in the richness of speaker metadata made available with
the corpus, when compared to its predecessor;
the use of self-reporting of metadata in part as a route into enabling work on perceptual
the use of contributors’ smartphones to make recordings;
the digital transfer of recordings from contributor to research team;
the design of a transcription scheme which could be unambiguously mapped onto XML;
the investigation of an under-researched feature of transcription (speaker identification),
leading to practical changes in the way we recommend research is undertaken;
the use of spoken tagger resources, which appears to have reduced the POS-tagging error
rate by approximately 5%;
the early release of a portion of the data for use by researchers in ‘real-life’ research
settings; and
the visualisation of useful features of transcription (such as speaker ID codes, turn-taking
and overlaps) in the CQPweb interface.
Although I am confident that the product of the work of the Spoken BNC2014 research team is
a resource which will be of use to many researchers, educators and students for years to come,
there are, of course, aspects of the project which were not as successful as hoped, and I have
identified additional work which should be undertaken to extend the research capability of the
corpus. While I have discussed some limitations at points throughout the thesis (e.g. Section 5.9,
p. 125 and Section 7.5, p. 178), I intend to focus on the key limitations of the project which I
think are important to make readers, corpus users and future corpus builders aware of.
Although comparable to the Spoken BNC1994DS, the approach taken to compile the
11.5-million-word Spoken BNC2014 differs, of necessity rather than by design, from its
predecessor in several ways, as discussed in several chapters in this thesis. With regards to corpus
design, I discussed in Section 3.2.4 how, in addition to the Spoken BNC1994DS, the Spoken
BNC2014 differs from what appears to have been the norm for several of the spoken corpora
which have been compiled in the intervening years. The approach to design in the Spoken
BNC1994DS was largely ‘opportunistic’, in that only the participants who made the recordings
(the contributors) were recruited according to a sampling frame. They were then free to make
recordings with whomever they chose, and the demographic balance of these speakers was not
controlled. Other corpora have, as shown, fallen somewhere on a scale between principled and
opportunistic, though rarely is this acknowledged explicitly by their compilers (cf. Douglas 2003).
In Sections 3.2.5 and 3.2.6, I used this point to make explicit the Spoken BNC2014
research team’s decision to take an almost entirely opportunistic approach to data collection,
introducing the use of PPSR for data collection, and the use of press and social media
engagement as a recruitment method, as well as the use of contributor’s smartphones to make
recordings. Although this approach brought about benefits (e.g. speed of corpus construction;
not being constrained by an aim for exact comparability), a potential major, unforeseeable,
disadvantage was observed a dearth of speakers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Despite not drawing up a sampling frame, imbalances of this magnitude were, of course, not our
intention, as evidenced by the interventions described in Section 3.2.6. While the gathering of
‘English English’ corpus data was arguably our biggest priority for reasons explained in Section
3.2.5, I do regret that our interventions were not enough to generate a better representation of
the other countries in the UK. While the impact of this issue was mitigated by other corpus
building projects focussing on these regions, it is still the case that the opportunistic model does
mean that the researcher is, to some extent, at the whim of the participants. Even with a financial
reward offered for recordings, and determined effort to recruit participants to balance the sample
made, we still have to accept, especially when asking for recordings of intimate conversations,
that people may simply refuse to participate. That is their right, of course, and it is something
that no corpus builder can, or should, forget.
As well as reflecting critically on aspects of the project which we did complete, I want to
comment on future work which is planned, or should be planned, and which would add further
value to the Spoken BNC2014. First of all, CASS has started a new project, addressing the
creation of a balanced sociolinguistic core from both the Spoken BNC2014 and the
BNC1994DS (Brezina et al. 2016). The project combines expertise from the fields of corpus
linguistics and variationist sociolinguistics to develop subsamples of the two larger corpora, that
will allow sophisticated sociolinguistic searches and analyses. A list of speakers, provided by
Susan Reichelt, a Senior Research Associate on this project, was used to create the balanced core
that is described in Section 3.2.5. This project aims to do the same for the Spoken BNC1994,
increasing the power of the comparisons made between the corpora with regards to
Another planned project is the transcription of the BBC ‘Listening Project’ recordings,
which are archived at the British Library.
BBC Radio 4 has gathered a large set of recordings of
intimate conversations between friends and relatives, conducted in a radio studio or mobile
recording booth, which has been travelling around remote areas of the UK. CASS has agreed to
transcribe these recordings and release them as a large-scale supplement to the Spoken
BNC2014. Not only will this help to plug the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish gaps, but it will
also better cater for the interests of phoneticians, since the recording quality is higher than that
of the Spoken BNC2014.
Finally, as discussed in Section 4.3, we have not prepared the audio files from the Spoken
BNC2014 project for public release nor did we plan to within the scope of this corpus
compilation project (as explained, we were focussed solely upon the creation of a text corpus of
transcripts). However, the question of whether we plan to release the audio files has been a very
common one at conferences and research seminars, and I do believe that there would be value to
(a) making the recordings available, and (b) linking them to the transcripts so that the relevant
segment of audio can be played while searching through the corpus. Similar work has been done
recently for the Spoken BNC1994 audio files (see Coleman et al. 2012). This work would require
timestamping the XML files before de-identification of the audio. I aim to seek funding to
conduct this work in the near future.
88 (last accessed September 2017).
8.3 Summary
The compilation and release of the Spoken BNC2014 is an important moment for the
study of spoken British English. The main contribution of this thesis, and the project it
represents, to the linguistic research community is clear: a new corpus of contemporary spoken
British English, which is comparable to the conversational component of the Spoken BNC1994
and yet reflects the state of the art with regards to methodological approach.
This thesis also represents an example of good practice with regards to academic
collaboration with a commercial stakeholder. The compilation of this corpus has been a truly
collaborative effort between Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press. An important
aspect of our collaboration, and something which I believe contributed to the speed with which
the corpus was constructed, was our establishment of an efficient and unambiguous ‘production
line’. CUP was at the front of the line, corresponding with contributors, receiving the recordings
and metadata, and transcribing the recordings. Lancaster was in the back room, so to speak,
processing the transcripts and disseminating the corpus to the academic research community. I
was the ‘go-between’, working at Lancaster, primarily on the background research activity, while
in regular contact with the CUP team, advising on and learning about all aspects of the front-line
work. Therefore, this thesis presents an account of the project from the perspective of the one
member of the research team who was involved in every stage of the compilation of the corpus,
and I have tried accordingly to pay due attention to each of those stages.
Reflecting on this project, the complexity of the methodological issues the research team
encountered was surprising. Working on this project has been very informative for my
understanding of the compilation of spoken corpora, and has developed my awareness of issues
to consider when using other corpora. I have come to the conclusion that the more access
researchers are granted to clear and comprehensive information about the methodological
decisions made in the compilation of the corpus they are analysing, the more likely it is that high
quality research will be undertaken, which acknowledges both the strengths and, importantly, the
limitations, of the data set. The complexity I have unearthed and the issues I have documented
in this thesis are therefore major contributions in themselves; this is the first time an account of
this length and depth has been produced to inform users and future corpus builders. In addition
to the BNC2014 user guide (Love et al. 2017b), the methodological discussions and analysis
presented in this thesis are intended to help the Spoken BNC2014 to be as useful to as many
people, and for as many purposes, as possible. I have been lucky to have had a hand in its
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List of Appendices
Appendix A: Transcript of contributor interview no. 1 .................................................................................................................................................................. 208
Appendix B: Transcript of contributor interview no. 2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 211
Appendix C: Guide sheet used in the contributor interviews ........................................................................................................................................................ 214
Appendix D: Spoken BNC2014 Frequently Asked Questions document ................................................................................................................................... 215
Appendix E: Extract from the ‘gold standard’ transcript ............................................................................................................................................................... 216
Appendix F: Trint transcript ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 218
Appendix G: Pilot study transcript produced by human (produced before the Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme was established) ..................... 219
Appendix H: Pilot transcript produced by Trint .............................................................................................................................................................................. 221
Appendix I: Phonetician’s transcript .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 223
Appendix J: Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme ..................................................................................................................................................................... 224
Appendix K: Aligning the transcripts for the analysis of inter-rater agreement .......................................................................................................................... 251
Appendix L: Overview of recordings in speaker identification main studies (A) and (B) ......................................................................................................... 258
Appendix M: Transcriber feedback about speaker identification main study (B) ....................................................................................................................... 259
Appendix N: Inter-rater agreement: the Kappa coefficient ........................................................................................................................................................... 260
Appendix O: Extract of gold standard transcript with speaker ID codes removed ................................................................................................................... 261
Appendix P: The main tags from the Spoken BNC2014 transcriptions scheme in both conventional and XML format ................................................... 262
Appendix Q: Full list of BLWs, patterns matched and search syntax in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S ....................................... 264
Appendix R: Frequency information for BLWs in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S ........................................................................... 272
Appendix A: Transcript of contributor interview no. 1
R = Robbie Love
C = contributor
R: I’m here with <C> who has been doing some recordings for the project.
C: Hello <R>.
R: Thank you for agreeing to do this little interview. So you’ve done a few recordings with the
Dictaphone that I gave you.
C: Yes I have.
R: So first of all I just want to get your impression of the project. In your mind, what do you
think is the purpose of doing this project?
C: My understanding of it was that data was being collected on language use depending on
gender, dialect, area, and how things have changed over time.
R: Okay. That’s great, thank you. So we’ll talk a little bit about the recordings that you made
then. What settings did you choose to do your recordings and what was it that influenced
you to choose those?
C: We were on holiday and we were away with friends, and we thought that because it was a
more relaxed environment and we had more time it would be a better place to have easy-
going conversations, rather than rushing around when you’re trying to go to work. So that
was the main reason for that.
R: Were there any situations where you felt you might have wanted to do a recording but you
C: No. After the first couple, there were maybe a couple of funny conversations had
happened where we had said that would have been a good one to record, but there wasn’t
any time when I went out and thought I should have had the recorder with me.
R: Who did you choose to do the recordings with then?
C: My dear beloved husband and our friends.
R: And were they easy to persuade to join in?
C: Oh yes, they’re up for anything.
R: So they didn’t need much explaining then?
C: No. They just went with the flow.
R: How much do you think they understood, the way you do, the purpose of the recordings?
C: I think perfectly fine. They’re interested in it and they’d be interested to see the results of it
at the end.
R: Okay. So you used the Dictaphone that I gave you then?
C: Yes.
R: Were there any problems with that or did it work fine?
C: Once we worked out how to make sure it was recording it was fine, and it did pick up
everything. We had it on the table in between us and it seemed to pick up all of the voices.
R: Great. So how did it feel to be recorded? What was it like?
C: I was a bit worried about it to start with. I thought it would be a bit false, but it wasn’t.
Once you had it turned on and the conversation started you just forgot. Occasionally if
somebody swore or something you’d go oh, you know, we’re recording, but apart from
that I don’t think it made the conversation flow less freely or restrict what people said.
R: So did you ever at any point completely forget that the recorder was there or was it always
in your mind?
C: You didn’t completely forget because it was right there in front of you on the table, but
there would be times where, one of them in particular where we were playing a game,
where we forgot and somebody said oh yes I forgot we were recording this or are we still recording?
Or something like that.
R: Do you feel at any point like you spoke any differently to how you perhaps would have
C: I think the only thing you have in the back of your mind is if you’re talking about
somebody else, so being perhaps a little bit more aware of using peoples’ names or
something like that. But not really. I mean the sort of stuff we were talking about was so
generic, to do with the holiday, what we were going to do and things like that so it wasn’t
in depth heart to hearts or anything like that. So it didn’t seem to be a problem.
R: Okay. I also gave you a few forms to fill out. How easy was the documentation to use? Did
it make sense?
C: Initially there was quite a lot of it. I think possibly combining it into one document would
have been quite useful, but it was alright. There was nothing major.
R: And do you think people were willing to fill out the information, for example the speaker
details form?
C: The people that we worked with, yes. But as you know I think other forms have had to be
altered slightly for people who weren’t happy about putting their names on. And really if it
is anonymous there really isn’t any need to have their name on. Perhaps just gender and
age would be enough, or to give people a number or something.
R: Is there anything else you’d like to say about the collection of this information?
C: I was going to say I wasn’t quite sure why you needed to know sexual preference on there,
but I suppose if you’re looking at how different factions use language and differences in
language then that could be important. Whether everybody would be comfortable filling in
that bit, and I know there’s the option not to, but if there is the option not to, is it really
necessary to have it there in the first place? But apart from that I don’t think there is
anything else you needed to add to it. Maybe again just thinking about what information
you really need, rather than covering all bases. I mean for most people it wouldn’t be a
problem. It’s just asking is this going to be used as part of the study or is this just an additional piece of
R: Is there anything else about any part of the project that you’d like to add?
C: It was quite a laugh! I wish we’d listened back to the stuff, because obviously we didn’t; we
just checked that it was recording. But maybe if we had we would have gone oh, so maybe
it’s better not to remember every single word you said in the recording. But it was quite an
interesting thing to do and it will be interesting to see the results, definitely.
Appendix B: Transcript of contributor interview no. 2
R = Robbie Love
C1 = contributor 1
C2 = contributor 2
R: I’m joined by <C1> and <C2> who have been doing some recordings for me over the last
couple of weeks. So thank you for doing those and I hope it was fun. So first of all I just
want to get a general impression from both of you on what you think it is that my project
is trying to do. What do you think is the purpose of me getting you to do these recordings?
C1: Presumably so you can study and analyse the words and language that people use when
chatting informally.
C2: And perhaps allocating that to things to do with their age or whether they are male or
C1: And regional variation.
C2: It’s not topics of conversations but rather words. The kinds of words that different
generations might use as well.
R: Okay thank you. What setting did you choose to make your recording and what influenced
you to choose that?
C1: It was in a large holiday cottage in Wales with lots of various family members present, and
we were all taking a week’s holiday down there together. So it was quite busy with lots and
lots of people.
R: So the other speakers you mentioned they were family members. How willing were they to
participate? Did they take much persuasion?
C1: No they were all quite happy to do it.
C2: I think there was quite a bit of discussion as there always is with these sorts of things as to
what they should and shouldn’t say. Jokes about oh let’s say how awful <R> is while we’re
talking. Once everybody had got over that bit I think everybody forgot about it.
C1: They just carried on as normal.
C2: You forgot it was happening which is exactly what you would want. Because it’s a natural
kind of conversation that you want. You don’t want something that’s rehearsed or that
people have thought deeply about; you just want them to be speaking as they speak.
R: Did you feel aware of the recorder or did you forget about it after a while?
C2: Absolutely, I forgot about it straight away.
C1: I think people forgot about it after the first couple of minutes.
C2: I think as well because you are focussing on informal conversation, people are in a relaxed
situation. I was on holiday so I wasn’t going to start worrying about what I was saying, or
thinking deeply about what I was saying.
R: So you don’t feel like you spoke any differently to how you would have done otherwise?
C1: No.
C2: No.
R: Good. So did the people who you recorded appear to understand the purpose of the
project as well?
C2: There was quite a lot of discussion from one person who got a bit trapped in thinking it
was the topic of conversation you were listening to rather than the words, and it was that
distinction between what we were talking about and what words we were using just in our
conversation. Because actually it doesn’t matter what we were talking about at all, does it?
C1: And there were comments like that would be a good thing to talk about, wouldn’t it? But I think
that soon went away because we just carried on. And for most people I don’t think it will
be a problem in the sense that once they get started, they’ll forget. I think it might have
some bearing on how long you suggest people record for, or how many times, because I
think running for half an hour is easier to forget about the recorder than a two minute
recording. I think after five minutes if there’s conversation going on you just get into that.
And if you do it a few times it’s easier because the second time or third time we did it I just
said oh I’m putting it on again but the first time it was oh he’s doing a recording. So I suppose if
you got people to make several recordings rather than just one that might help that.
R: Yeah, I think routinizing it might be the trick. So, the equipment; you used your phone to
make the recordings. How was that? Did you manage alright with that?
C1: Easy, yeah.
R: Great. And the documentation; how easy was it to use? Were there any points of
C1: Yeah it was fine; there was a discussion with some people about what would happen to the
information. A couple of people made the point that when they usually fill in forms like
this there is a box which says please do not share this information with other people. They didn’t
have a problem with it but I think they felt that if you put a box like that on it may make
people who did have a problem with it feel more comfortable. So that their information
won’t go anywhere else even if it was optional.
C2: One person wanted to know why you wanted the email address because they were
concerned about receiving unwanted mail from Lancaster University or something.
C1: And that was linked to that same thing about ticking a box to say I don’t want spam. There
was the question as well about the form asking you where you lived and how long you had
lived there, and whether that related to how long you had lived in your actual house or
how long you had lived in the area in general. There was also the query after holding
several recordings about putting the date on the consent form; whether that meant today’s
date or the date of the recording.
C2: For me too there was the one about place of birth. My place of birth bears absolutely no
relation to how I speak because I wasn’t brought up there; I was transported immediately
somewhere else and brought up in a completely different place. But you wouldn’t know
that from the form.
R: Thanks. Now onto the type of information I asked you to collect from speakers. The form
was split between basic compulsory information and then optional information which was
slightly less linguistically relevant but still interesting. Were people happy to fill everything
out or was there any reluctance?
C1: There was some discussion about why you needed to know things like sexuality and
religion. And some people said prefer not to say. And I’m not sure if people approached it as
if it was optional.
C2: They still felt they ought to fill it in. Because they see it’s a form, and you feel you ought to
fill a form in.
C1: And whether it was also because it was a form from you, and they felt they were doing you
a favour by filling all of it in rather than just the compulsory stuff.
R: Okay thank you. Have you got anything else you’d like to add about the project?
C2: No, not really. It would be interesting to talk to you when you’ve done the work about
what you found from the recordings, and how useful they were.
C1: And also it might be good to add a box on the consent form that allows people to choose
to receive updates about the project if they are interested every few months or something.
R: Okay, great, thank you very much.
Appendix C: Guide sheet used in the contributor interviews
What is your general impression of the project?
i.e. from the information I gave you what do you think is the
purpose of recording your conversations?
What setting(s) did you choose to do your recording?
What influenced your choice of setting?
Other speakers who you recorded
how willing were people to participate?
did they appear to understand the purpose of recording the
What piece of equipment did you use? Provided or your own?
How did you manage with the recording equipment?
Any problems?
The experience
What was it like to be recorded?
To what extent were you aware of the recorder being switched
Do you feel like you spoke any differently to how you may have
done otherwise as a result of being aware of the recorder?
How easy was the documentation to understand and use?
Is there anything you would suggest to be done differently were
you to participate again?
Did you manage to get people to fill everything out?
Any problems?
Appendix D: Spoken BNC2014 Frequently Asked Questions document
Appendix E: Extract from the ‘gold standard’ transcript
<4> you don’t have to grandma do you want some orange?
<1> you don’t have to if you don’t want to
<6> will you taste it first?
<1> [laugh]
<5> <OL> oh yeah (.) see how strong it is
<6> nice
<7> orange orange orange orange orange
<2> <OL> do you want some <name F>?
<7> <OL> just a bit just a little bit dear (.) thank you (.) that’s bucks fizz of course isn’t it?
<4> yeah (.) it is
<7> once you put the orange to it actually
<2> you want some?
<5> oh go on then
<4> you want some?
<6> have you have you started recording?
<5> yes
<6> have you?
<5> yes
<6> [laugh]
<5> so
<6> watch what we say [laugh]
<5> <OL> no
<8> okay so dig in (.) wanna take and pass on?
<3> <OL> croissant
<8> take and pass on there’s only six [f=briock]
<7> [laugh]
<4> [f=briock]
<8> [laugh]
<1> mam that’s not [f=briock] you know that right?
<4> <OL> that’s a chocolate croissant
<7> pan au chocolat
<6> pan au chocolat
<8> oh right pan au chocolat [laugh]
<2> that one’s pan au chocolat brioche
<7> ooh
<8> <OL> [name M] do you want a croissant?
<3> yes please nah I’m alright I’ll have a croissant please do you want me to take the plate?
<8> no
<5> I’ll have a croissant as well thank you
Appendix F: Trint transcript
[00:00:36] You don't have to come up to any one that is easy for. Me to go spiders to be nice to
horror in Joralemon a.. And that box which of course you do if you want to do it you are used to
it actually.
[00:00:56] Oh go on. You want to thank you. You started recording. Yes have you.
[00:01:02] Yes so what we see is what you know to have a bad question and has taken part in
anything real. This if you look through your book.
[00:01:15] That's not very often you know that's a public question here Carol. I wish I could have
just because you know how much more likely to get through that I'd like to have a custom made
Johnny to play no. Service charges you were so obviously not all wrong of course and totally
bizarre that I saw one of those However I have a lot of lives and I could use some of the
customers young men whose job.
[00:01:46] Schonberger What they'll be lovely thank you all the ones you Reza because they've
been such a movement that's very comforting. Good Lord.
[00:01:58] Probably half way to feel. Really. Off of a tough. Exterior people. I walk a bit and I
think and feel and believe that really everything. You. Do. Well
[00:02:10] because you and I go in pursuit of them I agree with a lot of sorry love.
[00:02:15] Well you tell me you have a problem when you know you.
[00:02:20] Don't just on work days and so much of it is a very issue and I don't pretend to look
at. Least well married before very very inefficient. America has got me so I think it has to do.
With having to know what happened are. On. The floor and will point out that I was indeed you.
[00:02:47] I'm. Not afraid. I have plans for how closely do. You find that you are married.
[00:02:54] So imagine.
Appendix G: Pilot study transcript produced by human (produced before the Spoken
BNC2014 transcription scheme was established)
8: so why have they cancelled? <clears throat>
9: <cough> well <unclear=we had> <cough> erm <.> we had it down for tomorrow
night and a reserve as Saturday night
8: mm
9: but she looked at the weather and it's meant to be raining apparently and said it's been
non-stop said it's been raining there for the last week and said all the fields and everything are
really soggy
8: mm
9: now whether it'll dry out on Saturday is another matter cos I
think it's
8: in the woods
9: around the house and the fields erm <.> because having had that con=
8: <unclear=00.40>
9: having had that conversation I think erm <unclear=00.45> it's meant to rain again on
Wednesday and Thursday so anyway that's what we're doing <pause=7>
8: okay
9: we didn't have any plans did we?
8: no <unclear=1.01>
9: yeah
8: that's fine <unclear=1.07>
9: and it's only an hour or so anyway <.>
8: I'm gonna do a fast day on Sunday and Wednesday this week
9: on when? Sunday
8: no Saturday <pause=5> Saturday and
9: I thought you said Sunday
8: this Wednesday
9: oh I can listen to the recording and check
8: this Wednesday and Saturday
9: okay <.>
8: why would I do it on a Sunday?
9: well that's what I was surprised <pause=4>
8: I'm not gonna sit and watch you eat afternoon tea and a meal <unclear=1.54> while I
have a lettuce leaf
9: <laugh> I'm glad to hear it <pause=19> I think I'm gonna be
really stiff tonight after my Pilates
8: mm <.> yes cos it's how many weeks three or four?
9: mm something like that I must resolve to do something during the week somehow how
am I gonna do that?
8: get on your bike and ride it
9: no I meant Pilates-wise I was talking about really
8: mm
9: but that as well <pause=8>
8: well maybe you should go try and go to another class <.>
9: what Pilates?
8: mm
9: mm she doesn't do she only does one class
8: well go to somebody else's class
9: mm
8: go to someone at the community centre <pause=4>
9: well <.>
8: it's the only way you're gonna do it to really motivate you if you're don't pay for
something and commit to something you need rely on
doing it <.> for yourself
9: mm
8: it's not gonna happen I'm sorry to sound as if I don't have much faith in you
9: <laugh>
8: I think scrabble on the sofa will win hands down <.>
9: <laugh> <pause=5> <unclear=mm> <pause=25>
8: that should really fill you up tonight with the potato as well
Appendix H: Pilot transcript produced by Trint
[00:00:01] And. So I can talk to him. Well we have an. We had it down for tomorrow night on a
reserve a Saturday night river. But look the weather is meant to be raining apartment until it's
been non-stop. They have been running there for the last week until all fields and everything are
really soggy and you know whether a drug Gonzalez nominatives I think there's loads. Around
the house in the fields.
[00:00:35] Right. To.
[00:00:39] Because I'm a by long time have a conversation I think I'm Those who is meant to run
again on Wednesday and Thursday it's over. Anyway. I saw them.
[00:00:53] The. Did I cry.
[00:00:59] No bounds we were not allowed to. Yeah. And one little hold on is only an hour.
[00:01:10] Or so anyway.
[00:01:15] I'm going to do a run today on Sunday. Wanna go with you.
[00:01:21] On one climb but no luck about it.
[00:01:29] So that when I thought you said some back there's one inside Washington.
[00:01:32] He recalled an check this Wednesday and Saturday of the Cape.
[00:01:41] WELD everyone from that.
[00:01:43] Well that's why I was surprised to see it.
[00:01:47] Which it did not go as that's what Louis Farrakhan and then a real arm about all I have
a lot with Lou.
[00:01:59] I'm glad to hear it. Oh I did.
[00:02:19] I think I'm a realist if you mar my plot was no doubt.
[00:02:26] I was with a waiter of Alton Brown. I must resolve to do some hungry Lloyd. If
somehow I wouldn't do that. Only about I can write a check.
[00:02:47] Norman plaque is wires often a relic.
[00:02:49] Oh but I was a while back to that quote. It did.
[00:03:00] Maybe you should try and us were a class act.
[00:03:06] But what a lot of time she didn't do in those months. Who had some got his class go
to the one in front.
[00:03:16] How are you anyway going to do it.
[00:03:21] The relative you don't pay for someone and commit them and many rely on doing it.
[00:03:27] Think for yourself and it's not gonna happen. Sorry to sound as if I don't have much
better there.
[00:03:38] I think Scrabble on the saddle will come down to did it for me.
[00:03:51] But cash. Got it. But to go through so much with Rubio you have then I would be
dead as well.
[00:04:21] And there are a lot lately.
[00:04:29] I do.
[00:04:35] I mean about Miles Yeah you have to remember though I can find I will hunt for the
Appendix I: Phonetician’s transcript
the u. s. a problem and the on the bones thirty there isn't a wall of ths their own lives the time i
hear you novel chooses to go on this is the view of the thin end of the one that he said the
voting teaches that in our history i i i go out to know so the fact that i knew years of the mood
for love i pop you know he's got back from its that these movies today rose a veto it would allow
us isn't that a fair and i love you you guys even took over the years of a couple of our own home
without a beloved son the a preview of what was he denies them will know what was the thing
and i thought i knew nothing yet and if it hadn't been in rise high up for you know the earth in i
hope that's so it's a good good book rio the way of them i know a year i don't kill muslim drunk
that of the so the alluded weapons going away to that i know you go outside for a front row who
who you think that the image of the malaysian they found the says i have the question i knew he
had a month they always them to efficiently i don't know where it meets the vote in a jumping
one thing i learned to the principles that i think you have so a lot of death many of them i didn't
know i have to cause a lot of the anyhow they uh and the lemon the way you in a grunted when
our yes and this is this isn't even a so in a loan to move so of a that have someone and you a
what you think that i didn't know you saw someone with a thoughtful go halfway house of the
food than needed for the widow of a oh i grew up with it that it would be a thing that i met the
guy was that a few into the root of the method of movement and it is what no often death of
moving it right well when hathaway found don't know that good and very efficient though it in a
fifty solutions because the middle of the scene of the ths i did then danger and i so i think i'm a
hero i think hey the middle of the mario a moment but he was the day of the way i see a of
abound a gun in the world of e. so i think they should retire that's what i do want to know of and
a new vision of the movements of the death of the i knew i liked it a violent well actually the
enough of a favorite movies of (BNC_AUDIO_FILE)
Appendix J: Spoken BNC2014 transcription scheme
Cambridge University Press Transcription Conventions 5.0
Transcription conventions are used to indicate features of a spoken interaction (such as speaker turns,
repetition and overlaps) in typed text. This document outlines the format of the conventions used by
Cambridge University Press. This document should be used for reference throughout your
transcription work for Cambridge.
The conventions are, in many respects, a working document (and you may receive an update from time
to time). We would very much appreciate your comments in order to explain and refine our definitions
further - please contact [email protected] with any suggestions for future updates.
1. General guidelines
11. Unfinished words
2. Document format
12. Overlaps
3. Line height and spacing
13. Unintelligible speech
4. Header information
14. Acronyms, spelling and capitalisation
5.Tag format
15. Numbers
6. Speaker IDs
16. Non-standard words or sounds
7. Anonymization
17. Non-standard contractions or shortenings
8. Utterances
18. Speaker accent/dialect
9. Punctuation
19. Non-linguistic vocalisations
10. Pauses
20. Events
Unlike legal or medical audio transcription, transcription for linguistic research requires you to
transcribe exactly what you hear. This means that you should not correct or paraphrase any instances of
“bad” grammar, unfinished sentences, missing or repeated words. We are very interested in this type of
variation, so it is important that the transcription is a direct copy of the recording.
On the whole, accent features (i.e. the sounds of the language) should not be represented in the
transcriptions. For example, speakers with regional or international accents may pronounce a word in a
way that is different to what you might expect to find in Standard English, but no effort should be
made to reflect this in the transcription. (This is discussed further in 18. SPEAKER
When undertaking a transcription project for Cambridge, you will be sent a template file. You should
open this template and then save your new file using the same name as the sound file you’re working
on. The name of the sound file and the text file should correspond.
For example, if you were transcribing the sound file 001.002.mp3 you should open the template and
then save a copy of this file and call it 001.002.doc.
You should use the same template for all transcriptions you work on. You should not change the font,
spacing, justification, margins or anything else in this document.
Single line height should be used throughout your transcription. A double carriage return (enter key)
should be used after each speaker as shown in 6. SPEAKER IDs.
Header information is used to make a note of certain characteristics of the spoken data file. The
following information (or similar) is saved in the template that you will work from and will appear as
header information at the top of each transcription;
Please do not delete the [HEADER] and [TEXT] lines; these indicate where the header begins and
When we send you a soundfile, we will also send you the list of speakers that feature in the recording. It
will be a list of the speaker IDs in order, separated by commas, with no full stop at the end. Please copy
and paste this into the header of the transcription. This then needs to be checked see 6. SPEAKER
Copy the list of topics covered in the conversation from question 9 of the Recording Information Sheet
and add it to MAIN SUBJECT
Tags form the basis of the transcription conventions and are used to indicate features such as speaker
turns and overlaps. Most tags have angle brackets < >. Some use other brackets (to make it easier to
tell them apart).
Each tag also has a label to differentiate them from each other. E.g. <OL> is the tag for overlaps.
These tags are explained in more detail in the subsequent sections
(NB tags and certain words are shown in red throughout this document for emphasis and clarity only all
text and tags should be in transcribed black, as standard)
At the beginning of a new project you will be sent a spreadsheet containing information about all of the
speakers in that project. You will be given their name, gender, first language and accent/dialect, plus a
unique speaker ID number. These are in the format <001>, <002>, etc.
When you are sent a new file to transcribe, it will be accompanied by information about the recording
speaker names, their first utterance, plus other additional information.
For example, the recording information sheet you receive may contain the following:
Speaker 1: Anna Brown, ‘OK, so are we recording now?’
Speaker 2: Thomas Brown, ‘Yep’
These names can be matched up with the speaker numbers using the spreadsheet. For example:
Speaker ID
Anna Brown
Thomas Brown
So the first two speaker turns of this transcription would be:
<022> okay so are we recording now?
<023> yep
Never leave out the initial zeroes for our work, <022> and <22> are not the same thing!
When transcribing, please make sure that a new speaker starts on a new line, leaving one line between.
Speaker tags should not appear in any position other than at the start of a new line.
If you think a particular utterance is said by a speaker but you aren’t sure, please indicate this with e.g.
<003?>. If you aren’t sure who is speaking please identify the speaker as male or female by using <M>
and <F> respectively. Never use <M?> or <F?>.
6. i) Multiple speakers
If multiple speakers say exactly the same thing at the same time, please write this as <MANY>. For
example, if a whole class respond to a teacher’s question with the answer “Friday”, then this would be
<001> what day is the homework due in?
<MANY> Friday
7.1 People
Anonymize names of people. All anonymized names should include a gender tag (male, female or neutral).
Indicate the gender of the name where possible, e.g.
“Dave” becomes <name M>
“Susan” becomes <name F>
If gender cannot be interpreted, either from the name (e.g. “Alex”, which could be either “Alexandra”
or “Alexander”) or from the context, then use <name N>. This includes instances where just a family
name, and no personal name, is given, or cases where a family name applies to a mixed-sex group, e.g.
“Mr and Mrs Jones”.
Where an anonymised name is more than one word long, only use a single <name …> code (e.g.
<name M> or <name F>).
What is spoken
What is transcribed
my sister Briar Rose is older than me
my sister <name F> is older than me
goodbye Dr Wentwood-Smythe
goodbye Dr <name N>
Jean-Pierre Duroy is horrible
<name M> is horrible
we invited Mr and Ms Smith
we invited Mr and Ms <name N>
“we invited Robert and Harriet Smith” “we invited <name M> and <name F>
(no extra <name N> for “Smith”).
7.2 Places
Anonymize names of locations and institutions/businesses which you judge to be locally identifiable,
i.e. locations which are so specific that anyone reading the transcription could, with fairly little effort,
use this information to help identify the speaker or someone who the speaker is talking about.
“I saw him at the Royal Tavern” becomes “I saw him at the <place>
As in the example above, if the name of the place comprises several words (i.e. the “Royal Tavern”,
which is the name of a pub and contains two words), do not attempt to retain such linguistic
information (e.g. by transcribing “I saw him at the <place> <place>”). Simply the <place> tag,
regardless of the length of the place name, is adequate. The exception to this is if the place is described
as being located within another, separate, identifiable location for example
“I saw him at the Royal Tavern in Blyth” becomes “I saw him at the <place> in <place>
Note that this rule only applies to names of such locations and institutions, and not other associated
words that on their own cannot identify the place. So, if somebody mentions that their child goes to a
certain school, the level of anonymization depends on what is said:
“My daughter goes to Plessey road first school in Blyth” becomes “My daughter goes to
<place> first school in <place>
“My daughter goes to first school in Blyth” becomes “My daughter goes to first school in
<place>”, and NOT “My daughter goes to <place> in <place>”.
In no case does the word “school” need to be anonymised as it is not part of the identifiable place-
Do not anonymize the names of locations which are so general that they would not help a user of the
corpus to identify any of the speakers etc. in the corpus.
“We went on holiday to France” – this would not be anonymized
7.3 Famous people
Do not anonymize the names of famous people, which are so general that they would not help a user
of the corpus to identify any of the speakers etc. in the corpus.
“Did you see David Cameron’s speech last night?” – this would not be anonymized
7.4 Personal information
Anonymize personal information. Here is a full list of personal information anonymization tags:
Telephone numbers (this includes all types landline, mobile etc.)
Addresses (any address which is spoken this includes postcodes)
Email addresses
Bank details (card numbers, account numbers, sort codes, etc.)
Social media username (e.g. Twitter handles, skype names)
Date of birth
Other personal information which is not captured by any of the above categories
It can be very difficult to decide where to put sentence-breaks into spoken recordings, particularly
when the speakers may talk for a long time with few pauses and numerous changes of topic. For this
reason we think of the speech in utterances, rather than in ‘sentences’. An utterance is the length of a
speaker turn that is, we do not break the speaker turn down further into sentences.
Utterances should not start with a capital letter nor end with a full stop:
<001> so I was thinking that erm it would be a good idea to decide on the procedure and then
discuss it today
Another exception is where the speaker asks a question and then carries on talking. A question mark
should be used, but no capital letter should be used at the beginning of the following utterance (unless
it is a proper noun or I see: 14. ACRONYMS, SPELLING AND CAPITALISATION)
<001> what do you reckon? I think we should definitely go
No punctuation should be used in transcription i.e. no commas, colons, dashes or full stops. Brackets
round, square and angled are used to indicate tags and therefore should never be used in the ‘normal’
Utterance ends should not be marked with a full stop.
Abbreviations and short forms should not be followed by a full stop: Dr Green not Dr. Green, Ms
Black not Ms. Black.
Never use quotation marks of any kind.
There are two exceptions to this no-punctuation rule:
1. Question marks, which should be used for:
(1) obvious questions (either yes-no questions or who- what-where-when-how-why-type questions: e.g. are
you happy? what did you do?)
(2) rhetorical questions
(3) tag questions (e.g. I told you didn’t I?)
(4) statements with obvious rising intonation.
These are exemplified below:
<001> sorry I didn’t know you were moving it
=Not a question
<002> well what did you think I was trying to do?
=Obvious question
<001> you were bending down to have a look at it?
=Statement with rising intonation
(giving it question function)
002> do I look like an idiot?
=Rhetorical question
<001> you’re not angry (.) are you?
=Tag question
If a question utterance is interrupted or incomplete, only use a question mark at the end
<001> is this
<002> I don’t know
<001> important?
2. Hyphens, which should be used for:
(1) Proper nouns (e.g. Hay-on-Wye)
(2) Numbers (e.g. one hundred and forty-six, four-year-old)
Only numbers between 21 and 99 should be hyphenated.
Do not record pauses that come at the beginning of an utterance. Record short and long pauses that
occur during utterances; only recording pauses that occur between utterances if they are long. The long
pauses between utterances should be recorded at the end of the first utterance in the pair.
Short pause
Only use this tag for pauses which are between one second and five
seconds, and only which occur during utterances. Do not record
pauses which are less than one second.
Long pause
Use this tag for any pauses which are over five seconds, either
during or between utterances.
<001> I had pizza and (.) chips last night
Short pause marked where it occurs during the utterance
<001> I can’t believe (…) I can’t believe you just said that
Long pause marked where it occurs during the utterance
<001> did you enjoy the film? (…)
<002> well erm not really actually
Long pause, which occurs between the two utterances, is marked at the end of the first utterance
A speaker may often begin a word but may not finish it. Please use the equals sign to mark where
a word is unfinished:
<001> yes he’s a ba=bachelor
<003> the test results were in=inc=inconclusive
Transcription guideline
False starts and repairs
Mark these using the equals sign
(no space before or after)
Truncated words
(not subsequently
Mark these using the equals sign
(no space before, space after)
it resem= (.) looks like
(only include a pause here, if
there’s a gap between the
truncated word and the next).
Where one speaker interrupts another or tries to join in the conversation and the speech
overlaps, use <OL> (this is a capital ‘o’, not a zero). This tag should be used only at the start of
the turn of the speaker who is interrupting:
<001> erm a famous person whose name is Anne Hathaway
<002> okay can you tell us a bit about her?
<001> <OL> er er she she is a very famous movie star in America
Here when speaker one says “er er she she is a very famous movie star in America” this overlaps with
speaker two saying “okay can you tell us a bit about her”. The exact position of the start of the
overlap in the speech of speaker two does not need to be recorded. You do not need to mark the
end of the overlap.
Where a speaker is unclear but you are able to have a guess at what the speaker is saying, use
<u=GUESSEDWORDS> (where GUESSEDWORDS should be replaced by your guess!)
Please do attempt to guess the word or words you hear, and indicate them like this:
<001> this was relevant to the <u=manipulation> of the characters
If you can’t make a guess as that what the word is, use <u=?>:
<001> this was relevant to the <u=?> of the characters
Please also try to make informed guesses. For example, in a transcription about farming you
might hear the following utterance:
<001> yes, a lot of my work involves <u=?>
If you could make out the first letter of the utterance as ‘m’, some reasonable guesses may be
milking, mowing, mixing depending on what had previously been said and what came next.
Please try and think about the context and about the topic it may be useful to check back over
the guesses you’ve made once you’ve got to the end of the recording often the subject become
clearer as the recording goes on.
It may also be useful to check something you aren’t sure of (sometimes an unusual name or
place) using Google we don’t expect you to spend lots of time doing this, but it can often be a
quick solution and a good way to double check things.
Names of people, places, companies, organisations, institutions, and book or publication titles,
should always be capitalised and hyphenated in the usual way:
Mrs Jones, Steve Smith, Lancaster, Southend-on-Sea, The Catcher in the Rye, etc.
Use word-initial-capital for proper nouns and “I”. If a proper noun includes a number, it is
spelled out (see 15. NUMBERS).
Proper nouns include:
Names of people (but see 7.
Roger, Shakespeare, Punch and Judy
Place names and derivatives (but not “little
words” like “the, of, a”)
England, English, North Sea, Mars, Statue of
Liberty, the London Eye
Names of products and institutions (the initial
letter of each word is capitalised regardless of
the official spelling, see Iphone)
Google, Facebook, Iphone, Microsoft,
American Broadcasting Company, University
of Vienna
Religions, religious institutions and derivatives
Christianity, Buddhism, Catholicism, Catholic,
Names of days, months and festivals
Monday, February, Christmas, Chinese New
Year, Hanukkah
Not capitalised
- No capitalisation is used for titles or ‘honorific’ uses: archbishop, pope, king, duke, god,
doctor, reverend, her majesty, his highness
- No capitalisation is used when originally proper nouns are employed as common nouns
or verbs: I googled this, he was facebooking, she tweeted that she had no time
Only use abbreviations for the following titles: Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss, Master, Dr
All other personal titles: write as normal words; do not abbreviate and do not capitalise.
Police / military:
superintendent <name F>, captain <name N>
Religious (historical):
guru Nanak, prophet Muhammad, saint John the baptist
Religious (contemporary):
reverend <name F>, ayatollah Khomeini, archbishop Rowan
professor <name F>, <name M> esquire, Dr <name F> BA MA
(for this last one see also acronym rules below).
chairman Mao, president Bush, lord justice Smythe
queen Elizabeth the second, king Ethelred the unready, duke
Richard of York, lord and lady <name N>, sir Walter Raleigh,
emperor Caligula, prince Albert.
Hopefully these will be rare!
Please use established conventions for writing acronyms, but do not include dots:
<001> he’s staying at the YMCA next week
<001> I’ve just bought it on DVD
<001> I’m going to the USA for twelve months
Plural forms should have a small ‘s’ and no apostrophe:
<001> there were three PhDs awarded
<001> I’ve got so many CDs I don’t know where to put them
Past tense forms should have an apostrophe and a small ‘d’:
<001> he MOT’d his car last week
When a speaker is clearly spelling something out in letters, (and not using an acronym), these
should be written in capitals with a space between them:
<001> I said no that’s N O
<001> my name is Bronwyn that’s B R O N W Y N
Please do not put spaces between the letters of acronyms.
<001> we ourselves us that’s spelt U S (.) us
spelt out word, space between U & S
<001> I spent a month in the US
acronym, no space between U & S
Finally, always write okay and not OK, O.K. or O K.
Please write numbers out as words. If the speaker pronounces the number 0 as ‘oh’ then please
write 0 (i.e. the number ‘0’). If the speaker pronounces 0 as ‘zero’ then please write ‘zero’.
Dates should also be written how they’re spoken. Numbers such as 31, 26, and 58 should be
written in hyphenated form: one thousand and twenty-six, a hundred and two, zero, two double
0 five, twenty-first of the twelfth nineteen eighty-three
Times should be written out in words: twelve o’clock, five thirty, nine o’clock, half past two, ten
to eleven
There are a few exceptions where numbers should be written as figures, including:
A4 paper
Road names e.g. A66, A1
Use the following spellings for nonstandard verbalisations (so-called ums and ers” or filled-
What it sounds like
How to write it
Has the vowel found in “father” or a similar vowel;
usually = realisation, frustration or pain
Has the vowel found in “road” or a similar vowel;
usually = mild surprise or upset
Has the vowel in “bed” or the vowel in “made” or something similar, without
an “R” or “M” sound at the end; usually = uncertainty, or ‘please say again?’
A long or short “er” or “uh” vowel, as in “bird”; there may or may not be an
“R” sound at the end; usually = uncertainty
As for “er” but ends as a nasal sound
Has a nasally “M” or “N” sound from start to end;
usually = agreement
Like an “er” but with a clear “H” sound at the start;
usually = surprise
Two shortened “uh” or “er”-type vowels with an “H” sound between them,
usually = disagreement; OR, a sound like the word “ahah!”; usually = success
or realisation
Please use only the spellings listed above.
If you hear a noise that does not match one of this list of 8 possible spellings, use the closest-
sounding spelling from the list.
For example, ‘mm’ should be used to cover all kinds of nasal-sounding agreement noises
of various lengths, including but not limited to: mm, mmm, mm-mm, mm-hm, etc.
Likewise, use ‘eh’ for sounds like eee, ey.
Use ‘er’ also for uh, ughh
Use ‘ah’ also for a pained aaaarggghhhh, for an awwww! ‘Isn’t-that-cute’ type of noise, or
even for a pirate’s Arrrr!”
(And so on.)
Please do not correct contractions that are acceptable in Standard English. E.g. don’t change
contractions such as: he’s, I’ve, we’re, I’m, don’t, she’ll etc.
Use the following conventions and spellings for standard contractions: ain’t, aren’t, can’t, cos,
couldn’t, couldn’t’ve, daren’t, daren’t’ve, didn’t, doesn’t, don’t, hadn’t, hasn’t, haven’t, he’d, he’s, I’d, I’m, isn’t,
it’s, I’ve, ma’am, may’ve, might’ve, mightn’t, mightn’t’ve, mustn’t, mustn’t’ve, must’ve, needn’t, needn’t’ve,
oughtn’t, shan’t, she’d, she’s, shouldn’t, shouldn’t’ve, , wasn’t, weren’t, we’ve, won’t, wouldn’t, wouldn’t’ve, you’d,
Plus, also ‘d, ‘s, ‘re, ‘ll, ‘ve, ‘d’ve, ‘ll’ve can attach to many words as standard contractions for very
common words. Use the standard contraction spelling if you are confident that the
pronunciation is as shortened as possible, down to just a very short vowel and consonant, or
even less:
had or would (see also below on “MOT’d”)
is, has or possessive.
Remember, however, the standard way of typing the possessive is ‘s for a singular word
and s’ for a word ending in plural ‘s’. (E.g. The
tail. The
basket. The
food-source. The
tower. The
BUT it+possessive = its not it’s. (E.g.
funny that
head fell off)
BUT who+possessive = whose not who’s. (E.g.
that? the man
bike you stole)
Be very careful not to confuse “of” and “’ve” which sound the same (just a very short
“uhv”) when pronounced quickly). It should always be “would’ve” not “would of” for
will or shall
would have
will have
Examples: The women’ll’ve done it, they’ll’ve left ages ago, I’d’ve been happy
There are some semi-standard merged words: dunno, gonna, wanna, gotta, kinda, sorta
These should be used provided that it’s very clear that speakers are saying, e.g. gonna, dunno or
wanna rather than going to, don’t know or want to. If you’re unsure, please use the standard
Apart from the specific list above, do not make distinctions that are based only on how the
speaker pronounces a word. For example if you hear a word with first or last consonant silent
due to fast speech, don’t leave out that letter. If you hear a vowel pronounced differently due to
accent, don’t write it differently:
Don’t use hoose: should be house even if it sounds like OO instead of OH
Don’t use goin : should be going even with silent G
Don’t use fish an chips: should be fish and chips even with silent D
Don’t use im, ospital, appy: should be him, hospital, happy even with silent H
Don’t use me if the speaker is saying my, e.g. if the speaker says *have you seen
hat? then
you should write it as my not as me.
Don’t use whatevva: should be whatever even with an “Ah” sound at the end
Don’t use somefink: should always be something even with an “F” sound
Don’t use dese/dose: should always be these/those even with a “D” sound
Don’t use bovver: should always be bother even with a “V” sound
The exception is that a Southern/London dialect might use “innit”. Like the contractions above,
only use innit if you are sure: otherwise use either isn’t it or ain’t it.
Non-verbal vocalisations such as coughing, laughter etc. are marked with square brackets. Please
use the following conventions.
When only one speaker laughs include this where the laugh
occurs in their speaker turn.
When more than one speaker laughs, give on a separate line.
Only use laugh, i.e. don’t use giggle, chuckle
Coughs, clearing
throat, gasps…
Include in the speaker turn.
Don’t use a code for humming use the “mm” introduced
Don’t use a code for screaming or yelling wordlessly use
the “ah” introduced above.
Misc = any noise clearly produced by a human mouth that
you can’t easily describe
The word LYRICS should be replaced by anything that is
sung by the speaker, e.g.:
<001> it’s a song that goes [sing=somewhere over the
rainbow way up high]
Other non-English
Foreign languages
[f=French= ou est la
[f=?=kooda hafeez]
The format is:
should be replaced with e.g. French or Spanish etc., and
WORDS with the words that are spoken.
If the LANGUAGE is unknown, use [f=?]
If the WORDS can’t be transcribed by you, leave out
the =WORDS part.
What we would expect you to transcribe:
- Some foreign words are commonly used by
English speakers, so these can be transcribed
without this tag e.g. “ah well c’est la vie”.
- If it is easy for you to have a good guess at a
representative spelling as you heard it e.g.
“kooda hafeez” “in weeno werritass”
DO NOT do this unless it is easy! It is fine to just use
Nonsense / made-up
Only use this tag if the speaker is obviously not using
a foreign language. If they are using made-up words
which can be transcribed phonetically, then do this
instead with no codes, e.g.
<002> yes indeed. indeedilydoodily.
You should not make up new types of noise unless it is absolutely necessary.
Never include comments about how a sentence is said e.g. “enthusiastically” or “exaggerated”.
An “event” is anything audible and relevant on the recording that is not produced by voices of
the speakers you are transcribing. The [e=SOMETHING] tag represents events, where
SOMETHING is replaced by the type of event. Like the long pauses between utterances, events
which occur between utterances are to be recorded at the end of the preceding utterance, rather
than on a separate line.
<001> I had a lovely time [e=sound of phone]
<002> oh I’ll go and get that
You do not have to code every single noise. The general rule is it must be a relevant event. The
detailed rules for different events are given below.
[e=background talk]
Use this when there is a general noise of
conversation e.g. chatting before a lecture.
<001> where did you go on
your holiday?
<002> oh yes sounds like you
had a good time
Use this when the main participants in the
recording are carrying out a conversation or
conversations lasting 2+ speaker turns -
which cannot be heard clearly.
Also use when all speakers talk together and
individual speakers cannot be distinguished.
(NB do not use this for individual speaker
turns which cannot be heard, instead use
<u> tags).
Use this when you can’t distinguish the
speakers, therefore this tag is on a separate
line with no speaker ID.
[e=begin overlap]
<001> so where do you think it
will take place?
<003> in the lecture theatre
<001> I suppose so
[e=end overlap]
In some files, groups of speakers hold
different conversations at the same time. If
both conversations are audible, please write
the separate conversations out one at a time.
This enables you to keep the corresponding
speaker turns together, so that each
conversation makes sense when you read it.
Include the relevant [e=…] tag at the
beginning and the end of the overlapping
Sounds and
[e=sound of X]
X can be …
car, i.e. [e=sound of car]
shouting i.e. [e=sound
of shouting]
only add to this list if absolutely
necessary, and try to use as few words
as possible.
Only include sounds which affect or
disrupt the conversation. Give in the
format sound of ...”.
If it occurs while someone is speaking,
include in the speaker turn. If it occurs
between speaker turns, give on a separate
Never add extra detail to the description
just the bare statement of what it is.
Only include music which affects or
disrupts the conversation. Do not include
type of music or song title.
Abrupt end
of recording
[e=abrupt end]
Only use if a recording ends mid-word or
mid-sentence. Type on a new line.
entering and
[e=001 leaves]
Only include if the conversation is
Don’t mark people entering the room.
Ignore movements of people other than your
conversation participants.
Problems in
[e=recording skips]
Only use if a whole speaker turn (or more)
is affected and the conversation no longer
joins up correctly. If only a few words are
unintelligible, use the <u…> tag.
realised any words that can be written with an ‘s’ or ‘z’ use the ‘s’ form.
Summat (not summit, careful with global change on summit as a mountain)
Couple of - not coupla
Lot of not lotta
Out of not outa
No (not nah, na)
Appendix K: Aligning the transcripts for the analysis of inter-rater agreement
This chapter’s studies protocolled the comparison of speaker ID codes across the turns
of several transcripts of the same recordings. In this context, the easiest way to do this was to
separate the turns from their corresponding speaker ID codes, so that they could be viewed
alongside each other as two columns in a spreadsheet, as in Figure 26. This was done by using a
regular expression to insert a tab between each ID code and the rest of the corresponding lines,
and then pasting the transcript into a spreadsheet.
how are you doing?
okay thanks (.) you?
yeah I guess
what time is it?
Figure 26. Separating the turns from their corresponding speaker ID codes (invented data).
The next step was to do this for each of the remaining transcripts of the same recording and to
paste them alongside the original (Figure 27).
Test transcript #1
Test transcript #n
how are you
how are you
how are you doing?
okay thanks (.)
okay thanks (.)
okay thanks (.) you?
yeah I guess
yeah I guess
yeah I guess
what time is it?
what time is it?
what time is it?
Figure 27. Viewing each transcript of the same recording alongside each other (invented data).
Speaker ID codes aside, in this invented example, each transcript is identical not only in its
representation of linguistic content but also its formatting; one and the same utterance is
consistently presented one row at a time. Therefore, it can be said that these transcripts are
perfectly aligned, meaning that each of the turns in the test transcripts match the master transcript
in terms of placement and ordering. Thus, the speaker ID codes could be compared, row by
row, in the knowledge that each row refers to the same utterance in the recording. If real corpus
Whereby n represents the final test transcript of any number of test transcripts between 1 and n.
transcripts were to occur in this perfectly aligned state, the next step would be to simply remove
the columns that contain the turns, leaving behind only the speaker ID codes, which could then
be compared for inter-rater agreement/accuracy (Figure 28).
Test transcript #1
Test transcript #n
Figure 28. The speaker ID codes from each transcript after their corresponding turns have been
removed (invented data).
In this case, inter-rater agreement and accuracy would both be 100% for all turns apart from the
final one, where there is inconsistency in the assignation of the speaker ID code for that turn
(the third column contains <2> while the first two columns contain <3>).
The above method for preparing the transcripts for comparison is simple and assumes
that every transcript of a given recording comes readily aligned to one another. In practice, this is
not the case. In main study (A), seven test transcripts were compared to one another (and to the
original transcript), and in main study (B), there were eight test transcripts, alongside the gold
standard. The reality was that the transcripts in both sets were severely misaligned when
compared to the master transcripts, and required manual editing in order to achieve the kind of
presentation in Figure 28. I have observed three commonly occurring sources of variation
between the transcripts which appear to contribute towards misalignment, which I shall explain
below. These are split turns, missing turns and indeterminable turns.
Split turn misalignment
Split turn misalignment occurs when turns are split across more than one line in some
transcripts but not others. Typically, this seems to affect longer turns, where a given speaker
holds ‘the floor’ for some time. Figure 29 shows extracts from two transcripts of the Spoken
BNC2014 recording, before they were aligned for assessment of speaker identification. In the
extract from test transcript #1, the first utterance (“he got the money…the money back”) has
been transcribed in its entirety as one single uninterrupted turn, followed by another speaker’s
utterance (“okay”). However, in the original transcript, the first utterance is transcribed across
two rows, split apart by the response utterance “okay” (the shaded cells show how the turn is
split in the original transcript and not split in test transcript #1).
Original Spoken BNC2014 transcript
Test transcript #1
he got the money back
he got the money back he originally I
mean they you pay the money and then
they give you the money back
but he originally I mean they you
pay the money and then they give
you it later
erm so yeah he was (.) sort of drugged
up and and whatever on on the nursery
<OL> <u=?>?
erm so yeah so he was (.) sort of
drugged up and and and whatever
on on and that’s really why
er well a little bit but I mean just like
couldn’t really drink really
Figure 29. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1.
This type of misalignment is a problem for my investigations, because each row of speaker ID
codes must refer only to one utterance in a given recording. The solution is to manually edit the
test transcript so that it matches the distribution of the original transcript as closely as possible.
The resulting aligned version of the above example is shown in Figure 30.
Original Spoken BNC2014 transcript
Test transcript #1
he got the money back
he got the money back
but he originally I mean they you
pay the money and then they give
you it later
he originally I mean they you pay the
money and then they give you the
money back
erm so yeah so he was (.) sort of
drugged up and and and whatever
on on and that’s really why
erm so yeah he was (.) sort of drugged
up and and whatever on on the nursery
<OL> <u=?>?
er well a little bit but I mean just like
couldn’t really drink really
Figure 30. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1.
The shading shows that the split has been maintained in the original transcript, and replicated in
test transcript #1. The two shaded rows are now treated as two separate turns in the analysis of
speaker identification. In addition to matching the distribution of turns in the test transcript with
that of the original transcript as closely as possible, the benefit of maintaining the split, rather
than closing it, is to allow for instances where, in some test transcripts, the two lines of a split
turn are assigned different speaker ID codes (Figure 31).
Original Spoken BNC2014 transcript
Test transcript #8
I’m definitely better at
[e=unintelligible] well no I I I
would agree with that really I was
not great at football
I guess he was better at rugby but no no
I’d I’d I’d agree with that
erm I think
I was not great at football
Figure 31. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #8.
In these cases, it is impossible to close the split without implying that one turn has been
produced by two different speakers. Only in this case would the corresponding turn in the
original transcript be split to match the format of the test transcript (Figure 32).
Original Spoken BNC2014 transcript
Test transcript #8
I’m definitely better at
[e=unintelligible] well no I I I
would agree with that really
I guess he was better at rugby but no no
I’d I’d I’d agree with that
I was not great at football
I was not great at football
erm I think
Figure 32. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #8.
Missing turn misalignment
This occurs when a turn is transcribed in some transcripts but not others, due to
inconsistency in the detail applied by the transcribers. One context in which this arises is when a
turn occurs in the original transcript but does not occur in the test transcript (Figure 33).
Original Spoken BNC2014 transcript
Test transcript #1
so yeah that was a lot of fun
so yeah that was a lot of fun that was
just <u=?> fifty years away and it’s such
a nice beach
that doesn’t work very well
it was just the beach was right two
like one block away erm so about
fifteen metres away and it was
such a nice beach
Figure 33. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1.
The solution I chose is to create a blank line in the test transcript, and assign the dummy speaker
ID code ‘X’ (Figure 34). Note that this also involves splitting the turn in the test transcript to
insert the missing turn.
Original Spoken BNC2014 transcript
Test transcript #1
so yeah that was a lot of fun
so yeah that was a lot of fun
that doesn’t work very well
it was just the beach was right two
like one block away erm so about
fifteen metres away and it was
such a nice beach
that was just <u=?> fifty years away and
it’s such a nice beach
Figure 34. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #1.
If, on the other hand, a turn occurred in the test transcript but was missing from the
original transcript, I took different actions in each of the investigations. In main study (A),
additional test transcript turns were retained, and an empty turn inserted in the corresponding
row in the original transcript. In main study (B), additional turns, which do not occur in the gold
standard transcript, were deleted and treated as empty turns. The reason for this is that the gold
standard must be treated as its namesake and, as such, additional turns in the test transcripts
must be treated as errors. In other words, I was only interested in comparing the speaker ID
assignment of turns which corresponded to those which did actually occur in the gold standard
transcript and were assigned a speaker ID code.
Indeterminable turn misalignment
In this situation, misalignment can occur when a turn that has been marked as
indeterminable (and yet does have a speaker ID code) appears in a test transcript. With no
linguistic content to use as a guide, a decision has to be made about the turn to which it
corresponds in the original transcript (if any). If the indeterminable turn can only pair up with
one possible turn in the original transcript, then this correspondence is assumed and the
indeterminable turn is retained (Figure 35, overleaf); the shaded turn is taken to align with the
corresponding turn in the original transcript).
Original Spoken BNC2014 transcript
Test transcript #1
he was called there’s a story when
he was about er seventeen
eighteen and erm he managed to
fracture a girl’s both the girl’s legs
by having sex with her and her
the story when he was about seventeen
eighteen and erm he managed to
fracture both <u=?>
Figure 35. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #6.
However, if the indeterminable turn occurs near a missing turn or another indeterminable turn in
the test transcript, then there is ambiguity about the correspondence between the indeterminable
turn and the turns in the original transcript (Figure 36).
Test transcript #6
yeah no we we went er
across the island […]
erm yeah no we erm across the island
and trying to
<u=knock each other
no we were trying fairly
hard not to actually
no we were <u=?>
Figure 36. Unaligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #6.
Here, the unintelligible turn in the test transcript could either refer to “and trying to <u=knock
each other off>”, “well” or “[laugh]” in the original transcript. To assign it to one of these turns
would be guesswork as opposed to inference. Therefore, the indeterminable turn in this
circumstance would be removed and treated as a missing turn (Figure 34, overleaf).
Figure 37. Aligned extract from original transcript and test transcript #6.
Test transcript #6
yeah no we we
went er across the
island […]
erm yeah no we
erm across the
island […]
and trying to
<u=knock each
other off>
no we were trying
fairly hard not to
no we were
Appendix L: Overview of recordings in speaker identification main studies (A) and (B)
Table 30 provides information about the recordings in both speaker identification
Table 30. Information about the recordings used in the speaker identification investigations.
Main study (A):
Spoken BNC2014 recording
Main study (B)
gold standard recording
No. of speakers
Gender split of speakers
4 male, 2 female
5 male, 3 female
No. of transcripts
8 (7 test transcripts + original)
9 (8 test transcripts + original)
Length of transcribed
32 minutes
24 minutes
Familiarity of speakers
“Close family, partners, very
close friends”
“Close family, partners, very
close friends”
Date of recording
August 2014
December 2014
The Spoken BNC2014 recording is approximately one hour long, but the first 28 minutes of the
recording contain only five speakers. I decided to start analysing only from 28 minutes into the
recording, where the sixth speaker joined the conversation. The remaining section was 32
minutes long and, therefore, not only matched the gold standard recording in terms of the
number of speakers, but was more comparable in length.
Appendix M: Transcriber feedback about speaker identification main study (B)
Transcriber 1
In spite of the background music and noises throughout the recording, I did my best to
transcribe it as accurately as possible. Also, as there were eight speakers taking part in the
conversation, I sometimes had difficulty recognising some of the male speakers.
Transcriber 2
Think I've managed to figure out most of the voices. Just a couple I wasn't 100% sure
Transcriber 3
No feedback provided.
Transcriber 4
As discussed, it was quite a challenging recording as there were eight speakers,
sometimes talking over each other, at varying distances from the microphone.
Where I’ve been unable to determine speaker IDs with any certainty, I’ve left them as
<F> and <M>, rather than making arbitrary allocations.
• There were more than three main subject areas covered in this recording
Transcriber 5
I spent quite a bit of time checking the speaker identities for this one. I've done my best
but where I really wasn't sure about the speaker I've put <RL?>. I hope that's okay.
Transcriber 6
I did my best. It took a little longer since it was more difficult with all the different
Transcriber 7
No feedback provided.
Transcriber 8
It was quite difficult with the eight people but I hope it's okay.
Appendix N: Inter-rater agreement: the Kappa coefficient
Three strands of this chapter’s main studies (A2, B2 and B3) involve the assessment of
inter-rater agreement. It is insufficient to observe the extent of agreement between two or more
raters without taking into account the amount of agreement that could occur by chance alone.
The Kappa coefficient, which I used in these assessments, considers the possibility that chance
produced the result observed. It measures “the observed level of agreement between coders for a
set of nominal ratings and corrects for agreement that would be expected by chance” (Hallgren
2012: 26).
I calculated the Kappa for both inter-rater agreement analyses (A2 and B2), as well as the
gold standard accuracy analysis (B3). Studies A2 and B2 each compared the speaker ID
assignment of eight transcripts together (i.e. eight raters were considered for every opportunity
to code a transcribed turn). Study B3 can also be described as a type of inter-rater agreement
analysis; the difference is that each test transcript was compared individually with the gold
standard, meaning that only two raters were considered per turn at any given time.
The difference in the number of raters (namely: two raters versus more than two raters)
required that I calculate the Kappa in different ways. For the two-rater analysis, I used Cohen’s
Kappa (Cohen 1960), which works exclusively with “two raters who rate each of a sample of
subjects on a nominal scale” (Fleiss 1971: 378). The multi-rater analyses required the use of
Fleiss’ Kappa (Fleiss 1971), which works only when there are three or more raters.
Regardless of the method of calculation, the interpretation of the resulting Kappa
coefficient, which ranges from -1.0 to 1.0, is the same. “Perfect agreement” equates to a Kappa
of 1.0, while a Kappa of 0.0 “is exactly what would be expected by chance”, and a negative
Kappa indicates “agreement less than chance” (Viera & Garrett 2005: 361). This means that the
closer the value that a positive Kappa is to 1.0, the less likely that the observed agreement was
due to chance, and the more likely that the observed agreement was due to genuine inter-rater
Appendix O: Extract of gold standard transcript with speaker ID codes removed
7 might go for one that’s a bit less black cheers
2 who was it the other day that’s was (.) it was one of the neighbours was going to
Amsterdam weren’t there?
yeah it’s erm (.) who was it?
was it [name F?] no
no it was (.) it was [name F] of [name M] and [name F] fame
8 oh that’s right they were going for New Year weren’t they?
she’s going (.) no I thought she said she was she going on a hen party? No she’s going
for New Year with her family
that’s right
4 and then the one the teacher and er well the two teachers they’re getting married next
1 really?
yes they are yeah twenty ninth
wow where?
don’t know (.) did you find out much more about the wedding [name M]?
<OL> ah that’s (.) not sure how I feel about that (.) getting married between Christmas
and New Year sounds like a nightmare
mm sorry mam?
did you find out much more about their wedding? Where it was or anything? Or
what you gonna gate crash it? [laugh]
no no he just got back from his stag do though so he was feeling a bit ropey
oh was he?
yeah he’d been away (.) with the lads
he seems like a canny guy
aye he was (.) he was really nice until he told me that he was a Sunderland supporter
oh right
it all went downhill from there
oh no
he doesn’t have a Sunderland accent so I didn’t think he was
6 didn’t have a?
Appendix P: The main tags from the Spoken BNC2014 transcriptions scheme in both conventional and XML format
Transcription scheme
speaker ID
<u who="S0001">
uncertain speaker ID
<u who="S0001" whoConfidence="low">
male speaker
<u who="UNKMALE" whoConfidence="low">
female speaker
<u who="UNKFEMALE" whoConfidence="low">
multiple speakers
<u who="UNKMULTI" whoConfidence="low">
anonymized male name
<name M>
<anon type="name" nameType="m" />
anonymized female name
<name F>
<anon type="name" nameType="f" />
anonymized neutral name
<name N>
<anon type="name" nameType="n" />
anonymized place
<anon type="place" />
telephone number
<anon type="telephoneNumber" />
<anon type="address" />
email address
<anon type="email" />
bank details
<anon type="financialDetails" />
social media username
<anon type="socialMediaName" />
date of birth
<anon type="dateOfBirth" />
other personal information
<anon type="miscPersonalInfo" />
false starts and repairs
truncated words
= (.)
No separate translation, just uses the normal combination
of truncation plus pause.
Adds trans="overlap" to the preceding <u> tag.
guessed words
unintelligible speech
<unclear />
<vocal desc="laugh" />
<vocal desc="cough" />
<vocal desc="gasp" />
<vocal desc="sneeze" />
<vocal desc="sigh" />
<vocal desc="yawn" />
<vocal desc="whistle" />
miscellaneous noise
<vocal desc="misc" />
<shift new="singing" />LYRICS<shift new="normal"/>
foreign languages
<foreign lang="LANGUAGE">WORDS</foreign> --
> note also, if "Language" is recognised it can be replaced
by a standard 3-letter code from ISO-639-2 (e.g. fra, deu,
spa); if ? Is given, then it is lang="und" (for
"undetermined") --> if not words given., then just
<foreign lang="LANGUAGE" />
nonsense / made-up words
<vocal desc="nonsense" />
short pause
<pause dur="short"/>
long pause
<pause dur="long"/>
background speech
[e=background talk]
<event desc="background talk" />
unintelligible conversation
<event desc="unintelligible" />
overlapping exchanges begin
[e=begin overlap]
<event desc="begin overlap" />
overlapping exchanges end
[e=end overlap]
<event desc="end overlap" />
sounds and noises
[e=sound of X]
<event desc="sound of X" />
<event desc="music" />
abrupt end of recording
[e=abrupt end]
<event desc="abrupt end" />
people entering conversation venue
[e=S0001 enters]
<event desc="S0001 enters" />
people leaving conversation venue
[e=S0001 leaves]
<event desc="S0001 leaves" />
problems in recording
[e=recording skips]
<event desc="recording skips" />
Appendix Q: Full list of BLWs, patterns matched and search syntax in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S
Pattern matched
CQP syntax
batty boy
batty boy*
beef curtains
beef curtain*
bellend*, bell end*
bullshit/bull shit
bum boy
bum boy
bumclat*/bum clat*
chi-chi man
chi-chi man
chick with a dick
chick with a dick
choc ice
choc ice
christ (not jesus christ)
cock/cocks (not cock sucker)
cocksucker/cocksuckers/cock sucker/cock suckers
coffin dodger
coffin dodger/coffin dodgers
fop (fucking old
fudge-packer/fudge-packers/fudge packer/fudge
gender bender
gender bender
he-she/he she
hun (not as abbreviation of 'honey')
jesus (not jesus christ)
jesus christ
jesus christ
muff diver
muff diver/muff divers
old bag
old bag/old bags
screw* (as verb)
shirt lifter
shirt lifter/shirt lifters
snatch/snatches (as noun)
son of a bitch
son of a bitch/son-of-a-bitch
window licker
window licker/window lickers
Appendix R: Frequency information for BLWs in the Spoken BNC1994DS and the Spoken BNC2014S
Spoken BNC1994DS
Spoken BNC2014S
% change
log ratio
choc ice
fop (fucking old
gender bender
jesus christ
old bag
son of a bitch