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Data Loss Prevention --
Market Quadrant 2023
Radicati Market Quadrant
is copyrighted March 2023 by The Radicati Group, Inc. This
report has been licensed for distribution. Only licensee may post/distribute. Vendors and
products depicted in Radicati Market Quadrants
should not be considered an endorsement,
but rather a measure of The Radicati Group’s opinion, based on product reviews, primary
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intends its Market Quadrants to be one of many information sources that readers use to form
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are time sensitive, designed to
depict the landscape of a particular market at a given point in time. The Radicati Group
disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. The Radicati
Group shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the information
contained herein or for interpretations thereof.
The Radicati Group, Inc.
An Analysis of the Market for
Data Loss Prevention Revealing
Top Players, Trail Blazers,
Specialists and Mature Players.
March 2023
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 3
RADICATI MARKET QUADRANTS EXPLAINED ............................................................................... 4
MARKET SEGMENTATION DATA LOSS PREVENTION ................................................................. 6
EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................................................................................. 8
MARKET QUADRANT DATA LOSS PREVENTION ....................................................................... 11
KEY MARKET QUADRANT TRENDS ............................................................................................ 12
DATA LOSS PREVENTION - VENDOR ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 12
TOP PLAYERS ......................................................................................................................... 12
TRAIL BLAZERS ..................................................................................................................... 26
SPECIALISTS ........................................................................................................................... 29
This report has been licensed for distribution. Only licensee may post/distribute.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you wish to purchase a license.
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 4
Radicati Market Quadrants are designed to illustrate how individual vendors fit within specific
technology markets at any given point in time. All Radicati Market Quadrants are composed of
four sections, as shown in the example quadrant (Figure 1).
Top Players – These are the current market leaders with products that offer, both
breadth and depth of functionality, as well as possess a solid vision for the future. Top
Players shape the market with their technology and strategic vision. Vendors don’t
become Top Players overnight. Most of the companies in this quadrant were first
Specialists or Trail Blazers (some were both). As companies reach this stage, they must
fight complacency and continue to innovate.
Trail Blazers – These vendors offer advanced, best of breed technology, in some areas of
their solutions, but don’t necessarily have all the features and functionality that would
position them as Top Players. Trail Blazers, however, have the potential for “disrupting”
the market with new technology or new delivery models. In time, these vendors are most
likely to grow into Top Players.
Specialists – This group is made up of two types of companies:
a. Emerging players that are new to the industry and still have to develop some
aspects of their solutions. These companies are still developing their strategy and
b. Established vendors that offer very good solutions for their customer base, and
have a loyal customer base that is totally satisfied with the functionality they are
Mature Players – These vendors are large, established vendors that may offer strong
features and functionality, but have slowed down innovation and are no longer
considered “movers and shakers” in this market as they once were.
a. In some cases, this is by design. If a vendor has made a strategic decision to move in
a new direction, they may choose to slow development on existing products.
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 5
b. In other cases, a vendor may simply have become complacent and be out-developed
by hungrier, more innovative Trail Blazers or Top Players.
c. Companies in this stage will either find new life, reviving their R&D efforts and
move back into the Top Players segment, or else they slowly fade away as legacy
Figure 1, below, shows a sample Radicati Market Quadrant. As a vendor continues to develop its
product solutions adding features and functionality, it will move vertically along the “y”
functionality axis.
The horizontal “x” strategic vision axis reflects a vendor’s understanding of the market and their
strategic direction plans. It is common for vendors to move in the quadrant, as their products
evolve and market needs change.
Figure 1: Sample Radicati Market Quadrant
We include vendors based on the number of customer inquiries we receive throughout the year.
We normally try to cap the number of vendors we include to about 10-12 vendors. Sometimes,
however, in highly crowded markets we need to include a larger number of vendors.
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 6
This edition of Radicati Market Quadrants
covers the “Data Loss Prevention” (DLP) market,
which is defined as follows:
Data Loss Prevention solutions – are appliances, software, cloud services, and hybrid
solutions that provide electronic data supervision and management to help organizations
prevent non-compliant information sharing. These solutions serve to protect data at rest,
data in use, and data in motion. Furthermore, these solutions are “content-aware” which
means they can understand the content that is being protected to a much higher degree
than simple keywords. Leading vendors in this segment include: CoSoSys, Fidelis
Cybersecurity, Forcepoint, Fortra, Microsoft, Next DLP, Safetica, Symantec, and Trellix.
We distinguish between three types of DLP solutions:
o Full DLP solutions – protect data in use, data at rest, and data in motion and are “aware”
of content that is being protected. A full-featured content-aware DLP solution looks
beyond keyword matching and incorporates metadata, role of the employee in the
organization, ownership of the data, and other information to determine the sensitivity of
the content. Organizations can define policies to block, quarantine, warn, encrypt, and
perform other actions that maintain the integrity and security of data.
o Channel DLP solutions – typically enforce policies on one specific type of data, usually
data in motion, over a particular channel (e.g. email). Some Channel DLP solutions are
content-aware, but most typically rely only on keyword blocking.
o DLP-Lite solutions – are add-ons to other enterprise solutions (e.g. information
archiving) and may or may not be content-aware. DLP-Lite solutions will typically only
monitor data at rest, or data in use.
This Market Quadrant deals only with Full DLP solutions, as defined above. Channel DLP
and DLP-Lite solutions are not included in this report as they are usually purchased as a
component of a broader security or data retention solution (e.g. Compliance and Data
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 7
External threats to data exists in a myriad of forms through advanced persistent threats
(APT), espionage, and other attempts to gain unauthorized access to data. While external
threats are a problem, data loss from internal threats is also a significant concern. Internal
data loss can be malicious, such as a disgruntled worker copying sensitive data to a flash
drive, or it can be the result of negligence due to an honest mistake, such as an employee
sending a customer list to a business partner that shouldn’t have access to it.
Increased worldwide regulations also support growing adoption of DLP solutions. Laws that
mandate the disclosure of data breaches of customer data, compliance with government and
industry regulations, as well as recent regulations such as the European General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the EU-US Privacy Shield affect organizations of all
sizes, across all verticals.
Organizations of all sizes continue to invest heavily in DLP solutions to protect data and
ensure compliance. The worldwide revenue for DLP solutions is expected to grow from
nearly $2.2 billion in 2023, to nearly $5.6 billion by 2027.
Figure 2: DLP Revenue Forecast, 2023 – 2027
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
DLP - Revenue Forecast, 2023-2027
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 8
Vendors are positioned in the quadrant according to two criteria: Functionality and Strategic
Functionality is assessed based on the breadth and depth of features of each vendor’s solution.
All features and functionality do not necessarily have to be the vendor’s own original
technology, but they should be integrated and available for deployment when the solution is
Strategic Vision refers to the vendor’s strategic direction, which comprises: a thorough
understanding of customer needs, ability to deliver through attractive pricing and channel
models, solid customer support, and strong on-going innovation.
Vendors in the Data Loss Prevention space are evaluated according to the following key features
and capabilities:
Deployment Options – availability of the solution in different form factors, such as on-
premises, appliance and/or virtual appliance, cloud-based services, or hybrid.
Platform Support – the range of computing platforms supported, e.g., Windows, macOS,
Linux, iOS, Android, and others.
Data in use – the ability to assign management rights (manually or automatically) to files
and data that specify what can and cannot be done with them (e.g., read-only, print controls,
copy/paste controls, etc.). In addition, the ability to specify which devices and protocols (e.g.,
Bluetooth) can be used when accessing sensitive data. For devices, DLP solutions should be
able to specify the type and brand of authorized devices that can interact with sensitive data.
Data in motion – web controls and content inspection that prevent the sending of sensitive
data through the web, email, social networks, blogs, and other communication channels.
Integration with secure web gateways and email gateways is an important aspect of this
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 9
Data at rest – refers to data store scanning, fingerprint scanning and the ability to monitor all
stored data at regular intervals in accordance with established corporate data policies.
Policy templates – built-in and easily customizable policy templates to help adhere to
industry regulations (e.g., HIPAA, PCI, and others) and best practices.
Directory Integration – integration with Active Directory, LDAP, etc. to help manage and
enforce user policies.
Enforcement visibility – employee alerts and self-remediation capabilities, such as
confirmations and justifications of data policy breaches.
Mobile DLP – monitoring of data on mobile devices fully integrated with organization-wide
DLP controls. Integration with Mobile Device Management (MDM) / Enterprise Mobility
Management (EMM) capabilities, or partnerships with leading MDM/EMM vendors.
Centralized Management – easy, single pane of glass management across all deployment
form factors, i.e., cloud, on-premises, hybrid, etc.
Encryption – vendor-provided embedded encryption capabilities or through add-ons.
Drip DLP – features to control the slow leaking of information by monitoring multiple
transfer instances of sensitive data.
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) integration – either through the vendor’s own CASB
capabilities or through partners.
In addition, for all vendors we consider the following aspects:
Pricing – what is the pricing model for their solution, is it easy to understand and allows
customers to budget properly for the solution, as well as is it in line with the level of
functionality being offered, and does it represent a “good value”.
Customer Support – is customer support adequate and in line with customer needs and
response requirements.
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 10
Professional Services – does the vendor provide the right level of professional services for
planning, design and deployment, either through their own internal teams, or through
Note: On occasion, we may place a vendor in the Top Player or Trail Blazer category even if
they are missing one or more features listed above, if we feel that some other aspect(s) of their
solution is particularly unique and innovative.
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Figure 3: Data Loss Prevention Market Quadrant, 2023
Radicati Market Quadrant is copyrighted March 2023 by The Radicati Group, Inc. This report has
been licensed for distribution. Only licensee may post/distribute. Vendors and products depicted in
Radicati Market Quadrants
should not be considered an endorsement, but rather a measure of The
Radicati Group’s opinion, based on product reviews, primary research studies, vendor interviews,
historical data, and other metrics. The Radicati Group intends its Market Quadrants to be one of
many information sources that readers use to form opinions and make decisions. Radicati Market
are time sensitive, designed to depict the landscape of a particular market at a given
point in time. The Radicati Group disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such
information. The Radicati Group shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the
information contained herein or for interpretations thereof.
Radicati Market Quadrant
Top Players
Mature Players
Trail Blazers
Strategic Vision
Next DLP
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 12
The Top Players in the Data Loss Prevention market today are Symantec, Forcepoint, Trellix
and Fortra.
The Trail Blazers quadrant includes Next DLP.
The Specialists quadrant includes Safetics, Microsoft, CoSoSys, and Fidelis Cybersecurity.
There are no Mature Players in this market at this time.
1320 Ridder Park Drive
San Jose, California 95131
United States
Symantec (a division of Broadcom Software) offers a wide range of security solutions (network,
endpoint, information and identity) for the enterprise market. Symantec operates one of the largest
civilian cyber intelligence networks, allowing it to see and protect against the most advanced
threats. Symantec is an operating division of Broadcom. Broadcom is publicly traded.
Symantec DLP covers cloud, endpoint, network, and storage with on-premises and cloud hosted
management options. The solution comprises a number of components which are available
through a DLP Core and DLP Cloud solution.
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 13
DLP CORE extends data loss prevention across the enterprise, detects insider risks, and
protects critical information from exfiltration. It consists of:
o DLP for Endpoints – DLP Endpoint Discover scans local hard drives and gives
visibility into any sensitive data stored by users on laptops and desktops (Windows, Mac
and Linux) to establish a baseline inventory. It provides a number of responses including
quarantining files, flagging files for Symantec Endpoint Protection, as well as custom
response actions such as encryption, DRM, or redacting confidential information enabled
by the Endpoint FlexResponse API. DLP Endpoint Prevent monitors users’ activities and
enables fine-grained control over a wide range of applications, devices, and platforms. It
provides a wide range of responses including identity-based encryption and DRM for
files transferred to USB. Endpoint Prevent also alerts users to incidents using on-screen
pop-ups or email notifications. Users can override policies by providing a business
justification or canceling the action (in the case of a false positive).
o DLP for Storage – DLP Network Discover finds confidential data by scanning network
file shares, databases, and other enterprise data repositories. This includes local file
systems on Windows, Linux, AIX, and Solaris servers; HCL Notes and SQL databases;
Microsoft Exchange and SharePoint servers. DLP Network Protect adds file protection
capabilities on top of Network Discover. It automatically cleans up all the exposed files it
detects, and offers a broad range of remediation options, including quarantining or
moving files, copying files to a quarantine area, or applying policy identity-based
encryption and DRM to specific files. It achieves high throughput scanning on file shares,
and can also educate business users about policy violations.
o DLP for Network – DLP Network Monitor, captures and analyzes outbound traffic on
the corporate network, and detects sensitive content and metadata over standard, non-
standard and proprietary protocols. It is deployed at network egress points and integrates
with network tap or Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN). DLP Network Prevent for Email
protects sensitive messages from being leaked or stolen by employees, contractors, and
partners. It monitors and analyzes all corporate email traffic, and optionally modifies,
redirects, or blocks messages based on sensitive content or other message attributes. DLP
Network Prevent for Web protects sensitive data from being leaked to the Web. It
monitors and analyzes all corporate web traffic, and optionally removes sensitive HTML
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 14
content or blocks requests. Networks Prevent for Web is deployed at network egress
points and integrates with HTTP, HTTPS or FTP proxy server using ICAP.
o User and Entity Behavior Analytics – Information Centric Analytics is a user and entity
behavior analytics (UEBA) platform that provides an integrated, contextually enriched
view of cyber risks in the enterprise. It collects, correlates, and analyzes large amounts of
security event data from across diverse sources, including all data exfiltration channels
(data telemetry), user access (identity telemetry), corporate asset data, and alerts from
other security systems (threat telemetry). Backed by patented machine learning, ICA
delivers rapid identification and prioritization of user and entity-based risks. Symantec
DLP allows adaptive policies to be created based on user risk (e.g. block access for high
risk users, while allowing access for lower risk staff).
o Sensitive Image Recognition – Optical Character Recognition provides the capability to
extract text from images, scanned documents, screen shots, pictures and more. Form
Recognition detects form images that contain sensitive data in a wide variety of image
formats including Microsoft Office documents, PDF and JPEG.
DLP CLOUD safeguards data across cloud apps, email, and the web. It comprises:
o CASB Audit – Symantec CloudSOC Audit discovers and monitors every cloud app used
across the organization, identifies their users, and highlights any risks and compliance
issues they may pose. It provides visibility into Shadow IT, and blocks access to
unapproved cloud services.
o CASB for SaaS and IaaS – CloudSOC CASB for SaaS and CloudSOC CASB for IaaS
are cloud-based services that monitor and protect stored, transferred, and shared data.
Supported cloud applications include Microsoft Office365, Google Workspace, Box,
Salesforce, ServiceNow, and others.
o CASB Gateway – Symantec CloudSOC Gateway continuously monitors and controls the
use of cloud apps to enforce policies. It offers deep visibility into user activity across
thousands of cloud apps and services, and both tracks and governs activity of sanctioned
and unsanctioned cloud apps.
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o DLP Cloud Detection Service for CASB – Symantec DLP Cloud Detection Service
inspects content extracted from cloud app and web traffic and automatically enforces
sensitive data policies. Cloud to cloud integration with Symantec CloudSOC protects data
in motion and at rest across more than 100 unsanctioned and sanctioned cloud apps,
including Office 365, Google Workspace, Box, Dropbox, and Salesforce.
o DLP Cloud Detection Service for WSS – DLP Cloud Detection Service for WSS
integrates with Symantec Web Security Service to monitor even encrypted web traffic for
protection of roaming and mobile users.
o DLP for Email (with Office365 and Gmail) – Symantec DLP Cloud Service for Email
continuously monitors corporate email traffic, using built in intelligence and advanced
detection to minimize false positives. It protects against data leaks in real time with
automated message modification or blocking to enforce downstream encryption or
Symantec DLP solutions are tightly integrated and available in two simple packages that
cover on-premises (DLP Core) and cloud-managed (DLP Cloud) form factors.
Symantec offers a comprehensive DLP solution which can help meet the complex needs of
enterprises. The solutions can manage and enforce a single policy across all DLP channels
(cloud, endpoint, and on-premises) through a single pane of glass, optimized incident
response workflows, including End User Remediation through integration with ServiceNow,
and automated agent updating features.
Symantec DLP offers a strong set of content detection technologies through advanced
capabilities such as machine learning, exact data matching, fingerprinting, image recognition,
structured data identifiers and tagging.
Symantec’s DLP solution includes a number of key capabilities, such as CloudSOC (CASB)
support for data classification, encryption and digital rights management, and user entity
behavior analytics (UEBA).
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 16
Symantec DLP is fully integrated with key components of Symantec’s product portfolio, in
particular CloudSOC Mirror Gateway (agentless CASB support for unmanaged devices),
Email Security, Endpoint Security, and Web Security. This delivers a consistent policy
architecture and enforcement across multiple channels of potential data loss.
Symantec solutions are best suited for organizations with high end data security
Symantec would benefit from developing a unified single Symantec Enterprise Agent
management solution with a single agent for DLP, SEP and Web Proxy (both cloud and on-
premises managed). The vendor has this on its roadmap.
While Symantec offers a broad portfolio of data security solutions, it can be somewhat
complex to manage for organizations with fewer resources. Smaller companies, however, can
rely on managed services offered through Symantec partners.
While Symantec continues to innovate in this space and has strong brand recognition, it is
perceived to be more focused on the needs of enterprise customers than those of small to
mid-market customers.
10900 Stonelake Blvd
3rd Floor
Austin, TX 78759
Forcepoint offers security and data protection solutions for endpoint, web, network, cloud
applications, email, and private cloud applications. Forcepoint data security focuses on data
discovery, classification, monitoring, and protection to provide a complete holistic security
solution. It also provides robust insider threat detection, and threat protection solutions to
organizations of all sizes. Forcepoint is owned by private equity firm Francisco Partners.
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
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Forcepoint offers behavior-based solutions for DLP across all key channels or across all key
potential locations for unwanted data exfiltration. Forcepoint integrates context into all policies
through rich data identification (regex, classification, machine learning, natural language scripts
and large-scale fingerprinting) as well as continuous monitoring of risky behavior. This context
streamlines policy creation, incident management and helps limit false positives and false
Forcepoint provides three types of DLP solutions:
Forcepoint ONE Cloud – is cloud-native solution which delivers data protection across
cloud applications, web, and private cloud applications. Key DLP features include:
o Cloud Architecture – auto-scaling architecture on AWS lets organizations scan large
volumes of data at rest in cloud storage in hours.
o Unified Policy Management – allows data patterns to be defined once and apply in
multiple DLP policies for web, SaaS, and web-based private applications.
o Predefined Data Patterns – over 190 predefined data patterns are available out-of-box to
facilitate enforcement of regional and industry standards such as PII, PHI, personal
financial data and more.
o User Risk Monitoring – serves to automatically assign a user to a risky user group if the
user attempts to violate an upload or download DLP policy, thus minimizing insider
o BYOD Management – allows to easily manage BYOD devices as well as machines based
on non-conventional processors or form factors.
Forcepoint Data Security Suite – is a comprehensive on-premises DLP solution covering
endpoint, cloud applications, network, web, and email through a unified policy. Key DLP
features include:
Data Loss Prevention - Market Quadrant 2023
Copyright © March 2023, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 18
o Policy Library includes a library of over 1600 pre-defined templates and classifiers that
simplify and accelerate deployment of DLP.
o Unified policy enforcement – management through a single console to help define and
apply security enforcement for data in motion and data discovery policies across all
channels, i.e., cloud, network, web, email, and endpoints.
o Secure regulated data – offers a single point of control for all the applications in use to
create, store, and move data. Regulatory coverage enables organizations to meet and
maintain compliance with regulatory requirements across 83 countries and 150 regions
o Protect intellectual property – advanced DLP helps analyze how people use data,
coaches users to make good decisions with data, and prioritizes incidents by risk.
o Risk-Adaptive Protection – serves to alert organizations of risky behavior, and helps
reduce the risk associated with insiders. It collects user behavior and Forcepoint DLP
incidents then computes the user’s risk using Forcepoint’s Indicator of Behavior (IoB)
analytic models. This risk score is actively communicated to DLP policies to automate
policy enforcement directly based on user risk levels across endpoints, cloud
applications, web, and email.
Hybrid DLP – provides organizations with two options for deploying DLP in a cloud
o Cloud hosted – In conjunction with specific partners, on-premises DLP can be hosted in
the cloud, removing the need for companies to manage the supporting hardware
o Fully managed – Also through partners, on-premises DLP is hosted in the cloud and fully
managed by the partner. This includes policy management and day-to-day incident
Forcepoint DLP technology integrates with Forcepoint Data Classification and Forcepoint
Data Visibility, providing optimized data discovery and classification for data-in-use and data-
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at-rest leveraging AI/ML models that have been trained by hundreds of millions of files across
all key industries. Models are also continually learning and can be trained to provide high
classification accuracy. Forcepoint Data Visibility helps strengthen DLP efficacy through
advanced Data Access Governance and other data security focused data governance use cases
(e.g., ROT data, dark data management, permissions management). Additional technologies
available for Forcepoint DLP are RBI (remote browser isolation), ZT CDR (Zero trust content
disarm and reconstruct for steganography use cases), FIT (Forcepoint Insider Threat – providing
DVR capabilities for even stronger forensics), Zero-Day Control for any application, and Device
Control (direct management of removable devices beyond what is provided within the DLP
Forcepoint supports deployment of DLP management and data classification components
across a wide set of channels including endpoint, web, network, email and cloud including
public cloud (i.e., Microsoft Azure, and Amazon AWS). This allows for a unified policy
strategy with centralized management, that can be deployed across all channels.
Integration with Forcepoint CASB enables DLP policies to be extended to enterprise cloud
applications via a cloud hosted service. This is a hybrid approach which enables incident and
forensic data to be secured in a private data center, while policy enforcement can be done in
the cloud.
Forcepoint provides detection of Drip DLP across endpoint, cloud, email and network DLP
Forcepoint provides an integrated security analytics solution which is used to identify high
risk interactions with sensitive data and present a prioritized view of DLP cases with risk
scores to help guide security operations teams.
The Forcepoint DLP Endpoint capabilities for Linux are not currently as developed as those
for Windows and macOS.
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Mobile DLP support is based on cloud reverse proxy which some organizations may find
Deployment of Forcepoint in multi-tenant environments could be improved through
enhanced administrative controls.
Forcepoint solutions are best suited for mid to large organizations with high end data security
6220 America Center Dr.
San Jose, CA 95002
Trellix is a cybersecurity company founded in 2022 when a consortium led by Symphony
Technology Group (STG) acquired and merged McAfee Enterprise and FireEye. Trellix offers
security solutions, threat intelligence and services that protect business endpoints, networks,
servers, the Cloud and more. Trellix is privately held.
Trellix Total Protection for Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a suite of DLP components to
discover, monitor and prevent data loss on endpoints, network, and cloud to create a
comprehensive DLP solution to help organizations apply consistent data security policies across
their entire environment. Trellix Total Protection for Data Loss Prevention includes the
following components:
Trellix DLP Discover – identifies and protects data at rest for both network storage and
endpoint storage. The solution indexes content at rest within the network, including
CIFS/NFS shares, databases, Microsoft SharePoint, Box, and endpoints. Discover allows
administrators to see how the data is used, who owns it, where it is stored, and more. Trellix
DLP Discover also offers fingerprint-based detection for unstructured data and Exact Data
Matching for structured data, such as sensitive data stored in an excel sheet in the database.
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Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality is included to recognize and protect text
in scanned images and forms. Trellix DLP Discover can classify/declassify, fingerprint
unstructured documents, move, and apply Microsoft Information Protection Label for Rights
Trellix DLP Prevent – encrypts, redirects, quarantines, or blocks sensitive data being
transferred via email, IM (instant messaging), HTTP/HTTPS, FTP transfers, and other
methods. DLP Prevent scans inbound and outbound network traffic across all ports, multiple
protocols, and various content types. Emails sent from mobile devices are automatically
inspected for sensitive content when integrated with the mail gateway and for web content
inspection. Mobile devices need to be configured to route their traffic via a web proxy
integrated with Network DLP Prevent. DLP Prevent also offers fingerprint-based detection
for unstructured data and Exact Data Matching for structured data, such as sensitive data
stored in an excel sheet in the database. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality is
Trellix DLP Monitor – identifies, tracks, and reports data-in-motion in an organization. The
solution monitors all outbound network data by integrating with egress devices over
SPAN/TAP. DLP monitor is available as a physical or a virtual appliance, that can detect and
manage over 300 content types. DLP Monitor offers fingerprint-based detection for
unstructured data and Exact Data Matching for structured data, such as sensitive data stored
in an excel sheet in the database. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) functionality is
Trellix DLP Capture – acts as a digital recorder of all enterprise traffic through their edge
devices irrespective of DLP rules. This aids in forensic investigations where incidents were
not triggered due to lack of rules. The information stored in the Capture database gives
administrators insight into a company’s historical data to help set accurate DLP policies and
reduce false positives.
Trellix DLP Endpoint – controls data transfers that happen on endpoints via applications,
removable storage devices, web, email, clipboard, screen capture, network sharing, as well as
cloud. It can block, alert, notify, encrypt, quarantine, and perform other actions on sensitive
data on an endpoint. DLP Endpoint provides Web Post support for Google Chrome browser.
It is available for both Macs and PCs.
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Trellix Device Control – manages and controls the copying of data to removable media and
storage devices, such as USB drives, CDs, DVDs, Bluetooth, imaging equipment, and more.
Transfers can be blocked based on content, context, or device type. It is available for both
Macs and PCs.
Trellix ePO (ePolicy Orchestrator) is Trellix’s administrative console which can be used to
deploy, upgrade, uninstall products, set policies, manage incidents and workflows, develop
compliance dashboard and reporting for all network and endpoint DLP components. It also
includes out-of-box regulatory and compliance policies such as GDPR, PCI, HIPAA, and others.
Trellix also offers a cloud-native version of the ePO platform which can serve as a centralized
administrative console. Customers can choose between on-premises, or SaaS based ePO.
Trellix DLP is integrated with Skyhigh Security’s Cloud DLP which helps organizations
easily extend DLP policies into the cloud.
Trellix ePO and Skyhigh integration provide single pane of glass incident workflow
management, as well as allows for common policy management across endpoint, network,
and cloud DLP.
The Capture database included in the Trellix DLP solution logs all data in motion and
delivers valuable analytics to administrators about how data is being used and sent, which
makes it also useful for forensic purposes.
The Trellix DLP solution offers both automated and manual classification by end-users. The
Manual Classification, which is included free in the DLP Endpoint license helps increase
end-user data protection awareness and alleviate administrative burden.
Trellix DLP does not provide agent support for Linux.
Trellix DLP does not offer specific features for Drip DLP detection. While such detection
can be set up through rules, this can be somewhat cumbersome. Trellix is addressing this as
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part of its roadmap.
Trellix does not yet provide OCR functionality on the endpoint. The vendor has this on its
Trellix does not yet provide support for Microsoft Teams. The vendor has this on its
While offering a rich set of features, Trellix DLP requires an experienced IT team to properly
install and maintain the solution in a way that fully leverages its capabilities.
11095 Viking Drive, Suite 100
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Fortra’s Digital Guardian provides data loss prevention software aimed at stopping internal and
external threats across endpoint devices, corporate networks, servers, databases and cloud-based
environments. In 2021, Digital Guardian was purchased by Fortra (previously HelpSystems).
Digital Guardian Data Loss Prevention, Titus Data Classification, and Vera Digital Rights
Management together make up the Fortra Data Protection solution, aimed at protecting sensitive
data. Fortra is owned by private equity firms TA Associates, Charlesbank, HGGC and Harvest
Digital Guardian provides a data protection platform purpose-built to stop both malicious and
unintentional data loss from insiders and malicious data theft from outside attacks. The platform
performs across the corporate network, traditional endpoints, and cloud applications, leveraging
a big data security analytics cloud service, powered by AWS, to enable it to see and block all
threats to sensitive information. The Digital Guardian platform comprises the following
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Digital Guardian Data Protection Platform – the platform, powered by AWS, is designed
to operate on traditional endpoints, across the corporate network, and cloud applications, in
order to see and block threats to sensitive information. It is available either as SaaS solution,
or as a managed service deployment.
Digital Guardian for Endpoint Data Loss Prevention – captures and records events at the
system, user, and data level, both when connected to the corporate network, or offline.
Granular controls allow organizations to fine tune responses based on user, risk level, or
other factors. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints.
Digital Guardian for Network Data Loss Prevention – helps support compliance and
reduce risks of data loss by monitoring and controlling the flow of sensitive data via the
network, email or web. Digital Guardian DLP appliances inspect all network traffic and
enforce policies to ensure protection. Policy actions include allow, prompt, block, encrypt,
reroute, and quarantine.
Digital Guardian for Cloud Data Loss Prevention – allows organizations to adopt cloud
applications and storage while maintaining the visibility and control needed to support
compliance. It integrates with leading cloud storage providers to scan repositories, enabling
encryption, removal, or other automated remediation of sensitive data before the file is
shared in the cloud. Data already stored in the cloud can also be scanned and audited at any
Digital Guardian Analytics & Reporting Cloud (ARC) – is an advanced analytics,
workflow and reporting cloud service that delivers no-compromise data protection.
Leveraging streaming data from Digital Guardian endpoint agents and network sensors, ARC
provides deep visibility into system, user and data events. This visibility powers security
analyst-approved dashboards and workspaces to enable data loss prevention and endpoint
detection and response through the same console.
Digital Guardian for Data Classification is designed to automatically locate and identify
sensitive data then apply labels to classify and determine how the data is to be handled. A set
of comprehensive data classification solutions, from automated content and context-based
classification to manual user classification, are optimized for regulatory compliance,
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intellectual property protection, and mixed environments.
Digital Guardian for Data Discovery provides visibility and auditing of sensitive data at
rest across the enterprise. Digital Guardian’s data discovery appliances use automatic,
configurable scanning of local and network shares using discovery specific inspection
policies to find sensitive data wherever it is located. Detailed audit logging and reports help
demonstrate compliance, protect confidential information and reduce data loss risk.
Digital Guardian’s data protection platform protects sensitive data against both internal and
external threats using the same agent, network appliance and management console. It also
allows enterprises to mark data as confidential based on the context in which it was created,
and then relies on this contextual information to 'follow' data so that appropriate controls can
be applied to avoid the egress of sensitive information.
Digital Guardian offers a range of deployment options, including a SaaS-based platform,
powered by AWS, or delivered as a fully managed solution. An on-premises option is also
Digital Guardian provides a rich set of policy templates (policies and rules with configurable
parameters) for a wide range of use cases via the DG Content Server, a securely protected
server in its MSP environment.
Digital Guardian protects against Drip DLP, through the detection of slow leaks of small
amounts of sensitive data across multiple instances of transfers across different protocols by
leveraging stateful rules on the endpoint to monitor for suspicious activity over time, and
reporting which summarizes trends of user activity over time.
Digital Guardian offers easy integration with Microsoft Purview Information Protection
(MPIP), as well as leading solutions for SIEM, SOAR, threat intelligence, and more.
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Digital Guardian has limited mobile DLP capabilities, so customers would need to rely on
third party MDM/EMM solutions.
Digital Guardian does not offer its own CASB solution. However, it provides out-of-the-box
ICAP integration with third-party CASB solutions.
Following the acquisition by Fortra, Digital Guardian now makes up the Fortra Data
Protection suite alongside Titus and Vera acquisitions. Fortra is enhancing integration
between these products, as well as developing a platform to deploy all the products in
tandem. Customers should check carefully on the level of integration of features and
Huckletree West, Mediaworks,
191 Wood Lane,
London W12 7FP
United Kingdom
Next DLP is a provider of data protection solutions aimed at uncovering user risk, educating
users and fulfilling security, compliance, and regulatory requirements. The company is privately
Next DLP’s platform, Reveal, is a cloud-based subscription service which offers a low-profile,
self-auditing endpoint agent which can co-exist with other endpoint applications. Reveal
leverages machine learning on the endpoint to analyze user behavior and stop data loss. Through
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real-time classification and automated user guidance, it reinforces data security at the point of
Reveal offers the following key features and capabilities:
o Machine Learning (ML) on the Endpoint – Reveal uses ML to profile users. Behavioral
analysis works autonomously on the endpoint and does not require a network connection to
collect data, establish patterns, analyze behavior, and enforce policies.
o Lightweight Endpoint Agent – The Reveal agent delivers continuous visibility and protection.
It provides user and entity monitoring, incident-based training, advanced content inspection,
machine learning, and automated policy enforcement. Reveal supports Windows, macOS,
and Linux.
o Policy-free Visibility and Real-time Data Classification – Reveal autonomously evaluates
content and context to classify data as it is created, used and moved. Content level inspection
automatically identifies patterns for PII, PHI, PCI, and other fixed data types. Contextual
inspection identifies sensitive data in both structured and unstructured forms without the need
for predefined policies.
o MSSP Console and White Labeling – Reveal supports MSSP partners with a white-labeled
management console which provides a single pane of glass to deploy, manage and bill end
o Privacy by Design – Reveal uses pseudonymization while detecting and mitigating threats to
avoid compromising user privacy and limiting bias in user monitoring. Security analysts are
shielded from knowing who the user is until risk thresholds are met and formal investigations
are initiated.
o Incident-based Training – Reveal’s incident-based training helps users make safer decisions.
Real time user dialogs help reinforce corporate policies and can require acknowledgement of
policies or block actions.
o Out-of-the-Box & Customizable Policies – Reveal offers out-of-box policy templates for
common DLP and Insider Risk use cases which detect sensitive PII, PHI, and other data
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types in adherence with regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI). All devices, protocols,
and applications are monitored and may inform custom policies.
o Integration to Azure AD and LDAP – serves to synchronize users and provide useful context
for investigations. This allows for policy assignment based on user attributes, i.e., user
department, location, group membership, employee lifecycle changes, and more. Integration
to Microsoft Information Protection (MIP), SIEM and other 3rd parties is also available via a
bi-directional open API and webhooks.
Next DLP offers a low-profile endpoint agent that delivers protection via personalized user
behavior analytics and machine learning on the endpoint. The agent is also self-auditing and
automatically generates performance reports for inspection by system administrators.
Reveal provides visibility into endpoint activities without the need for policies. Policies can
be added at any time to define activities and data types that need more robust monitoring and
controls placed around them.
Next DLP supports all leading platforms, Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints
and servers.
Reveal provides a single management console for all product capabilities including agent
deployment, reporting, analysis, ongoing system administration, and more. For MSSP
partners it also provides the ability to manage multiple customers/tenants using a common
white labeled MSSP Console.
Next DLP also offers Managed Services, through a team of experienced security analysts,
that can act as an extension to the customer security team and manage their DLP needs on a
day-to-day basis.
Next DLP’s solution is well aimed at the DLP needs of mid-market organizations which may
not already have extensive DLP policies in place.
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Reveal is a cloud-based subscription service. Customers requiring on-premises or hybrid
deployments will need to look elsewhere.
Reveal does not offer data at rest scanning, which the vendor considers a vestige of legacy
DLP solutions. Reveal relies instead on content inspection "on-the-fly", which the vendor
feels removes the need for scanning and fingerprinting of data at rest.
Reveal currently offers only CASB-Lite capabilities, which include “file-based” visibility
and control for cloud storage and collaboration engines (i.e., Box, Slack, and others) however
it does not address the needs of SaaS applications like Salesforce.com which require “field-
level” data protection. Full CASB capabilities through API integration with third party
solutions are on the vendor’s roadmap.
Reveal offers only limited Mobile DLP capabilities. While the Reveal agent can support
deployment on tablets running Windows OS, it does not support iOS or Android devices,
therefore requiring integration with third party MDM solutions.
Customers indicated that the administrative interface and reporting capabilities could be
Laubova 1729/8, 130 00 Prague 3
Prague, Czech Republic
Safetica offers data loss prevention and insider threat protection solutions available on-premises
and in the cloud, aimed at helping organizations secure internal data, guide employees on data
protection, and stay compliant with regulations. Safetica is a Czech company with worldwide
distribution and a global customer base. The company is privately held.
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Safetica ONE is an “all-in-one" data loss prevention and insider threat protection solution that
helps to prevent human mistakes and malicious acts to secure sensitive data while maintaining
efficient business operations. It is available in three tiers: Safetica ONE Discovery for data audit,
classification and workspace analysis; Safetica ONE Protection with DLP & insider threat
protection features; and Safetica ONE Enterprise with third party integrations, workflow control,
and AD support for multi-domain environments. It can be deployed on-premises, or on public or
private cloud servers.
Safetica NXT is a cloud-native SaaS insider threat prevention solution that helps companies
detect data security risks and investigate incidents from day one. The backend infrastructure runs
in Microsoft Azure cloud, while data security is executed by clients on endpoints. It is based on a
multi-tenant architecture suitable for both self-managed and MSP service offerings.
Safetica ONE and NXT, are both available for Windows and macOS platforms and integrate
with Microsoft 365.
Safetica also offers the following optional add-on modules:
Safetica UEBA – offers deeper insights in user activities, helps uncover behavior anomalies
and offers detailed resource usage information.
Safetica Compliance – introduces templates of data categories tailored to specific data
privacy regulations (GDPR, HIPAA, PCI-DSS and more) to further enhance and simplify
data classification capabilities.
Endpoint protection can be deployed either manually, or automatically via standard remote
management tools such as GPO policy, LanDesk, or specialized tools such as ESET Remote
Administrator. While Safetica is distributed as a single package, each part of the system can be
configured individually.
The Safetica product portfolio covers following data security scenarios:
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o Data flow discovery and risk detection Safetica ONE and Safetica NXT audit and record
any attempt to leak data intentionally, or unintentionally. Safetica's risk analysis helps
administrators detect and investigate how company data could be leaked or stolen.
o Data protectioncan analyze insider risks, detect threats, and help to mitigate threats
swiftly, also through instant notifications and policy enforcement. It is available in both
Safetica ONE and Safetica NXT solutions.
o Employee guidance notifications in Safetica ONE and Safetica NXT about how to treat
sensitive data can help raise awareness around data security and educate employees.
o Regulatory compliance helps organizations detect and prevent regulatory violations and
investigate incidents to comply with regulations and data protection standards like GDPR,
o Workspace & behavior analysis workspace and user behavior analysis provides an extra
level of detail to detect internal risks. It also provides control over organization assets by
understanding how employees work, print, and use hardware and software licenses, which
allows organizations to optimize costs and increase operational efficiency.
The Safetica ONE web console offers centralized policy handling, and is used to maintain
Safetica installations, set security policies, manage deployed endpoints or display monitored data
to administrators.
Safetica ONE and Safetica NXT are easy to deploy and maintain. Both solutions have low
hardware requirements for endpoints and servers.
Safetica ONE and Safetica NXT are designed to address a broad set of use cases, including
intellectual property protection, regulatory compliance, advanced user behavior and
workspace analysis, and security audits with data flow discovery and risk detection.
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Safetica ONE and Safetica NXT offer high visibility into the data flow and any related
security risks, with advanced capabilities, such as hidden mode, protection against agent
manipulation, administrative audit logs, and more.
Safetica ONE enables seamless integrations with IT security stack. It also provides reporting
API for integration with analytic services like Power BI or Tableau.
Safetica benefits from a highly developed partner network, to help integrate the solution fully
with customer environments.
Safetica is attractively priced for mid-size and SMB environments.
Safetica lacks Drip DLP detection, however it does provide alerts for cumulative DLP
violations. Enhanced Drip DLP functionality is on the vendor’s roadmap.
Safetica does not offer dedicated Mobile DLP, however, it allows for some data loss
prevention scenarios to be addressed through integration with its CASB add-on module.
Safetica ONE and Safetica NXT currently lack support for Linux endpoints.
Safetica currently only provides basic CASB functionality through an add-on module for
DLP enforcement in Office 365 environments. More advanced CASB functionality is on the
vendor’s roadmap.
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Microsoft offers products and services for businesses and consumers, through a portfolio of
solutions for office productivity, messaging, collaboration, and more.
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Microsoft offers DLP as part of its larger Purview suite of solutions which address risk and
compliance for Microsoft 365 services, including Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Exchange, and
others. Purview combines the former Azure Purview and Microsoft 365 compliance solutions
and services into a single brand.
Purview allows organizations to implement data loss prevention strategies by defining and
applying DLP policies which can identify, monitor and protect sensitive items across:
Microsoft 365 services such as Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive.
Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Windows 10, Windows 11 and macOS endpoints.
Non-Microsoft cloud applications.
On-premises file share and on-premises SharePoint.
DLP detects sensitive items through deep content analysis which includes primary data matches
to keywords, evaluation of regular expressions, internal function validation, machine learning
algorithms, and other methods to detect content that matches existing DLP policies.
The Microsoft Purview Compliance Center (formerly Microsoft Compliance Center)
provides a central policy management console that allows administrators to define and manage
DLP policies across different services. DLP policies can be set up to monitor user actions on on
sensitive items at rest, in transit, or in use and protective actions can be taken accordingly. All
DLP monitored activities are recorded to the Microsoft 365 Audit log, which can be viewed and
searched from the Microsoft Purview Compliance Portal, and are routed to Activity explorer,
which provides a historical view of activities on labelled content. When a user performs an
action that meets the criteria of a DLP policy, and alerts are configured, DLP provides alerts in
the DLP alert management dashboard. A DLP on-premises scanner solution extends DLP
protection to on-premises file shares and SharePoint document libraries.
DLP policies can be applied to data at rest, in use, or in motion in locations, such as:
Exchange Online email
SharePoint Online sites
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OneDrive accounts
Teams chat and channel messages
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
Windows 10, Windows 11, and macOS (three latest released versions) devices
On-premises repositories
PowerBI sites
Microsoft Purview Double Key Encryption helps secure sensitive data that is subject to the
strict protection requirements. The use of a Microsoft Purview Customer Key helps meet
regulatory or compliance obligations for controlling root keys, and explicitly authorizes
Microsoft 365 services to use the given encryption keys to provide value added cloud services,
such as eDiscovery, anti-malware, anti-spam, search indexing, and others.
The Microsoft 365 E3 license includes DLP protection for SharePoint Online, OneDrive and
Exchange Online. It also includes protection for files shared through Teams because Teams uses
SharePoint Online and OneDrive to share files. DLP protection in Teams Chat requires a
Microsoft 365 E5 license.
Microsoft has made compliance and data protection a priority in recent years and is diligently
introducing a rich set of features and functionality across its entire Microsoft 365 product
DLP comes mostly native, free of charge with many Microsoft Office 365 plans (in particular
enterprise plans such as E3 and E5), where an additional fee is required, it is usually very
Microsoft solutions are well thought out to help organizations meet compliance requirements,
as well as reduce the risk of data loss through exfiltration or malicious tampering.
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Microsoft’s DLP solutions are still a work in progress and are evolving rapidly, which can
make it difficult for customers to understand how the various features match up with their
own compliance goals and how to plan for future growth.
Microsoft offers DLP features with many different plans at different price points, but it is
often difficult for customers to understand exactly what features they are getting with what
Microsoft offers a rich ecosystem of compliance solutions, however, integrating all
components correctly and maintaining them fully integrated throughout Microsoft’s
continuous upgrade cycle can be daunting for many organizations.
Microsoft customers we spoke to as part of this research, often indicated that they view
Microsoft’s DLP and compliance functionality as a steppingstone to a more complete
compliance deployment that involves additional solutions from other vendors.
213 Fayetteville Street, 1st Floor
Raleigh, North Carolina
27601, United States
CoSoSys offers solutions for Data Loss Prevention (DLP), including Device Control,
eDiscovery, Content Aware Protection, and Enforced Encryption. The company is privately held.
CoSoSys’ Endpoint Protector is a comprehensive and cross-platform Data Loss Prevention
(DLP) solution for Windows, macOS and Linux. The solution focuses on avoiding unintentional
data leaks, protects from malicious data theft and offers seamless control of portable storage
devices, even when employee endpoints are offline. It covers all major exit points such as email,
cloud file uploads, messaging apps, printers, portable storage devices and more. It offers content
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monitoring and filtering capabilities, for both data at rest and in motion, ranging from file type to
predefined content based on dictionaries, regular expressions and machine learning. It supports
key data protection regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI DSS, NIST and others.
Administrators can define detection patterns based on proximity, dictionaries, regular
expressions, and more. The movement of valuable data to unauthorized external individuals is
monitored and controlled through the exit points and administrators are alerted in the case of a
policy violation. Endpoint Protector enables seamless management of all organization endpoints,
regardless of operating system, from a single dashboard.
Endpoint Protector is offered in various form factors, including as a virtual appliance, as well as
an instance on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. The virtual appliance supports all popular
hypervisors, e.g., VMware, HyperV, Citrix XenServer, and others. Endpoint Protector is also
available as a CoSoSys hosted SaaS solution.
Endpoint Protector features four specialized modules that can be mixed and matched based on
client needs. The modules comprise:
o Content Aware Protection – gives organizations detailed control over sensitive data leaving
their computers. Through close content inspection, transfers of PII, PHI, PCI, or important
company documents are blocked, logged and reported. File transfers can be allowed or
blocked based on predefined company policies, and can be applied to web, mail, instant
messaging apps, file shares, and more. Contextual Detection is also available which offers an
advanced way of inspecting confidential data based on both content and context. The Deep
Packet Inspection functionality currently available on Windows, macOS and Linux allows
network traffic inspection at an endpoint level and offers a detailed content examination of
file transfers. A User Remediation feature is also available.
o Device Control – gives organizations granular control over USB devices, Bluetooth and
peripheral ports’ activity on employees’ computers through a simple web interface.
Organizations can implement strong device use policies that will scan data transfers to
portable storage devices, or block their usage (or certain features, e.g. allow charging of
iPhones but not data transfer) in order to protect sensitive data.
o Enforced Encryption – can be automatically deployed or manually installed on USB devices
in the root folder, after which any data copied onto the device will be automatically
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encrypted with government-grade 256 bit AES CBC-mode encryption. The encrypted data
can be accessed both on Windows and macOS endpoints.
o eDiscovery – offers the possibility to scan sensitive data at rest, stored on employees’
endpoints based on specific file types, predefined content, file name, regular expressions or
compliance profiles for regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS and others. Scans can
also take into account the proximity to dictionary keywords or Regular Expressions, as well
as various thresholds. Based on the scan results, remediation actions can be taken, such as
encrypting or deleting files that violate policies for data breach protection.
CoSoSys also offers sensitivity.io, a data loss prevention API for developers which allows them
to discover and protect sensitive data, and easily design HIPAA, PCI and other compliance
policies into their apps. It is available as distinct modules, with specific SDKs, for data loss
prevention and data classification.
CoSoSys’ Endpoint Protector offers strong coverage for Windows, macOS and Linux, with
feature parity across platforms, zero-day support and a lightweight agent. This makes it a
good choice for organizations running mixed OS environments.
Endpoint Protector enables seamless management of all company endpoints from a single
CoSoSys offers diverse deployment options, including virtual appliances, thus meeting the
needs of customers with a wide range of infrastructures.
CoSoSys Endpoint Protector is easy to install and deploy through flexible policy
management and an intuitive user interface.
CoSoSys’ Endpoint Protector solution is designed to also be easily managed by non-
specialized technical personnel.
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CoSoSys offers OCR image analysis capabilities, but they only cover a limited number of
CoSoSys does not currently offer support for mobile DLP, or integrations with leading EMM
or MDM solutions.
CoSoSys does not currently offer capabilities for detecting Drip-DLP. The vendor has this on
its future roadmap.
CoSoSys does not currently offer or integrate with CASB capabilities. The vendor has this on
its future roadmap.
4500 East West Highway, Suite 400
Bethesda, MD 20814
Fidelis Cybersecurity offers automated threat detection, hunting and response solutions.
The company was originally known for its network DLP solutions, however, it has broadened its
portfolio to the Automated Threat Detection and Response solutions for network, endpoint and
cloud. The company is owned by Skyview Capital, a global private investment firm.
Fidelis offers network DLP as part of its Elevate platform, which comprises network, endpoint,
deception, extended detection and response (XDR), cloud access security broker (CASB)
modules which can be deployed in various form factors including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid
models. Fidelis Elevate offers only DLP in motion through monitoring of application, protocol,
and content data in sessions. The solution is largely OS agnostic.
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Fidelis provides network DLP analysis through five network layer sensor locations (direct,
internal, cloud, email and web) with the last two designed to integrate with third party email
appliances and web proxy solutions as follows:
o Fidelis Network Mail – integrates in the SMTP conversation by providing full SMTP support
through Fidelis' embedded MTA, as well as a Milter interface as an additional integration
method for email hygiene solutions like Microsoft 365, Cisco, Proofpoint, SendMail and
Postfix. It can be deployed in the Microsoft 365 cloud to provide DLP for mail, as well as
email threat prevention and detection.
o Fidelis Network Web – integrates with third party Web Proxy and CASB solutions through
an ICAP interface to add a DLP capability for proxy solutions like Broadcom, Trellix,
Netskope, and others. The Fidelis Network sensor also allows monitoring of social networks
for DLP, such as Twitter and Facebook, through its session inspection technology.
o Fidelis Network Collector – is an add-on component that stores network and content
metadata for over 300 attributes plus custom tags from the sensors providing visibility into
data leaks that occurred in the past. The Collector allows users to search, pivot and hunt on
content and context for leakages on-demand or create scheduled automations. It also
integrates with IP-to-ID solutions allowing for user attribution.
o Fidelis Network Sensors – include direct sensors at gateways for ingress and egress
monitoring, indirect sensors for data center and internal monitoring, plus cloud sensors for
virtual machine monitoring. Fidelis leverages Microsoft’s VTAP (virtual network TAP) to
Azure to monitor cloud network traffic natively between virtual machines without an agent.
Fidelis also supports Amazon’s VPC Traffic mirror for cloud apps natively without an agent.
The Fidelis Cybersecurity Threat Research Team (TRT) regularly make streaming policy
updates available to customers based on ongoing research and machine learning. The policy
updates are delivered to customers automatically via the Fidelis Insight Cloud service.
The Fidelis Elevate network sensors are configurable from a single management UI, called
Command Post, that can be deployed on premises, in the cloud, or provided by Fidelis as a
managed cloud service.
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Fidelis solutions can be deployed in various form factors including on-premises, cloud, and
hybrid models, or as a managed detection and response (MDR) service.
Fidelis offers a good set of out-of-the-box policies and rules for securing sensitive
information. It has added OCR support to its email DLP capabilities.
Fidelis offers DLP as part of a broader solution for network, endpoint, and deception post
breach threat detection and response, which will appeal to organizations that want to deploy
an integrated solution for compromise intelligence, detection and response automation.
Fidelis does not offer DLP for data-at-rest, or data-in-use, focusing instead on DLP for data in
motion, and bringing that together with its broader threat automation detection and response
Fidelis does not integrate with mobile security solutions and does not offer endpoint DLP.
Fidelis does not offer visibility into encrypted traffic.
Fidelis has lost some mindshare in the DLP space, as it has pivoted its focus on its automated
threat detection and response solutions.
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