Available on the Jackson Campus
The MAcc Academic Program
The Master of Accountancy (MAcc) degree provides
advanced study in accounting for individuals interested in
careers in the accounting field.
Program Emphasis
There are ten courses in the Union MAcc curriculum.
These courses are 3 semester hours of graduate credit each.
Six of these courses are accounting courses. The remaining
four courses are MBA courses. The accounting courses
are scheduled during the day according to the traditional
schedule. The MBA courses can be completed at night or
online. The entire 30-semester hour MAcc program can be
completed in one year.
The strength of the Union MAcc program is the qualified
faculty that serve our student body. Union’s business faculty
combine practical work experience with strong academic
backgrounds. This dual emphasis on practicum and
education provides a rich and relevant classroom experience
for our MAcc students. Faculty pursue innovative teaching
concepts while continuing to conduct and publish accounting
and business-related research.
Expected Outcomes
The MAcc program strives to develop the following
knowledge and skills in each student:
1. Advanced knowledge in the functional areas of
2. Ability to utilize research skills in accounting.
3. Effective communication skills both written and oral.
4. Critical thinking and decision-making skills, as
supported by the appropriate analysis of advanced
accounting problems.
5. Ability to demonstrate and make personal and
business decisions based on values informed by the
Christian worldview.
Dual-Degree Program
A dual degree program is offered between the MBA and the
Master of Accountancy. The Master of Accountancy requires
twelve hours from the MBA program. Students in either the
MBA or the Master of Accountancy programs may elect to be
dually enrolled in both programs. Dual enrollment will allow
students to earn both degrees while counting 12 hours of MBA
coursework toward both degrees.
Admission Information
Regular Admission Requirements
1. Official transcript(s) showing all course work, completion
of baccalaureate degree(s), and all graduate credit
previously attempted. Even if withdrawal occurred prior
to earning credits and even if those credits do not apply to
the current degree being sought, official transcripts must
be sent from each institution.
2. Completed application for the MAcc program, including
payment of a $25 application fee.
3. Submission of a recent (less than 5-years old) acceptable
score on the Graduate Management Admission Test
(GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). The
GMAT or GRE may be waived in the following situations:
a. MBA & MACC: A student who holds a graduate
degree earned from a regionally accredited college
or university at the discretion of the MBA/Master of
Accountancy Program Director. Additional information
may be obtained from the Program Director.
b. MBA: Students pursuing a dual-degree with the Doctor
of Pharmacy, the Doctor of Nursing Practice, the Master
of Science in Nursing, or the Master of Accountancy.
c. MACC: Union business majors possessing a 3.0 GPA.
4. The completion of 18 hours of prerequisite coursework is
required for regular or conditional admission to the MACC
program. These courses are PMACC 511, 513, 514, 515,
523, and 550. The prerequisite courses may be waived with
the completion of equivalent undergraduate or graduate
course work.
5. Immunization Record
Five-Year Program
Undergraduate Accounting majors may apply to the
MAcc program during the latter half of their junior year.
All regular admission requirements must be met except the
requirement to possess a bachelor’s degree. After admission
to the program, undergraduate students may take up to 9
hours of accounting courses that are required in the MAcc
while completing the B.S.B.A. The 9 hours of courses are
treated as regular undergraduate courses for both tuition
and financial aid purposes. Courses taken after graduation
from the bachelor’s degree are charged at the normal MAcc
graduate rate. Students will not be required to complete the
MAcc before receiving the B.S.B.A.
Conditional Admission Requirements
Applicants who do not meet the regular admission
requirements to the MAcc program may be admitted
conditionally at the discretion of the MAcc Director and the
Graduate Business Admissions Committee. Students seeking
conditional admission must apply in writing to the MAcc
Director for consideration. Students who are conditionally
admitted must attain regular admission within 6 hours of
graduate study having been completed with a minimum 3.0
grade point average, and the specific cause for conditional
admission having been removed.
Transfer of Credit
Graduate credit for courses earned at a regionally
accredited college or university or at a recognized foreign
college or university may be transferred to Union University
if the courses are essentially the same courses as those required
in the program. The maximum number of semester hours that
may be transferred to Union University and applied to the
MAcc degree is nine.
No grade less than “B” may be transferred. Courses taken
more than five years before beginning the MAcc program at
Union University will be considered on an individual basis.
Academic Suspension
A student enrolled in the MAcc program will be suspended
from the program upon earning three grades of “C” or below.
While suspended from the MAcc program, the student may,
in an effort to remove these grades, repeat those courses in
which a “C” or below has been received.
Graduation Requirements
A. Completion of 30 hours to include:
1. MACC 615, 616, 619, 624, 670
2. One of the following: MACC 612, 625, 650, 675, 684
3. 12 hours of MBA courses excluding MBA 613.
B. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 for the required
course of study.
Financial Information
There are three methods of payment for the program.
1. One-hundred percent of tuition expense for the entire
program before the first night of class. Interest will be
assessed on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5% per
2. The payment of tuition as billed monthly as a result
of courses registered. Interest will be assessed on the
unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5% per month.
3. FACTS payment plan. Please see details at
4. Tuition reimbursement is offered by many employers.
The University allows the completion of the current
student schedule to meet eligibility requirements for
payment. Prompt payment is requested to prevent
interruption of registration.
5. All financial information is subject to change without
Tuition is $575 per semester credit hour.
The following are non-refundable fees:
Application Fee: ................................................... $25
General Student Fee: .................................... $20/hour
Financial Assistance
Financial aid information for graduate students is available
on our website at http://www.uu.edu/financialaid/graduate/.
Generally, graduate students may be eligible for Federal Direct
student loans or private alternative student loans, depending
on the program of study and the eligibility of the borrower.
Union University is also approved by the Department for
Veterans Affairs to offer educational benefits to veterans,
reservists, and dependents of veterans who qualify for Veterans
Benefits. Any person who qualifies for VA Benefits should
check with the Office of Student Financial Planning as soon
as possible after acceptance into a graduate program.
Course Descriptions: Prerequisites
to the Master of Accountancy
511. Cost Accounting (3)
Prerequisite: ACC 212.
A study of methods of accounting for materials, labor, and
factory overhead in job order and process cost systems.
513. Intermediate Accounting I (3)
Prerequisite: ACC 212.
Intensive review of the accounting process and financial
statements with emphasis on the asset section of the balance
514. Intermediate Accounting II (3)
Prerequisite: PMACC 513.
Corporation formation and changes in the equity structure
after formation. Topics include long-term investments, bonds,
earnings per share, and income recognition.
515. Taxation of Individuals (3)
Prerequisite: ACC 212.
The Internal Revenue Code as it affects individual income
tax returns.
550. Accounting Information Systems (3)
Prerequisite: ACC 212 and CSC 105.
Principles and problems of accounting system design and
implementation. Organization for accounting control,
internal control procedures, and internal reports. Attention
given to computerized accounting systems and to traditional
information flows.
523. Auditing and Assurance Services (3) F
Prerequisites: PMACC 514 and 550.
An examination of ethics in accounting practice, general
standards and procedures for a contemporary audit, audit
programs, and work papers.
Course Descriptions: Master of
Accountancy (MACC)
615. Advanced Accounting Theory (3) F
Prerequisite: ACC 313 / PMACC 513
This course is a study of the Financial Accounting Standards
Board pronouncements for general accounting use.
Emphasis is given to the interpretation of pronouncements
and applications in problem-solving settings as applied to
advanced topics in financial accounting.
616. Advanced Information Systems (3) F
Prerequisite: ACC 350 / PMACC 550
This course explores systems planning, acquisition, delivery,
and monitoring from a risk and control perspective while
analyzing systems as processors of data for financial reporting
and control of economic organizations.
670. Advanced Financial Accounting (3) S
Prerequisite: ACC 314 / PMACC 514
Accounting practices and theories for business combinations
and partnerships.
585. Special Studies in Accounting (1-4)
Group studies which do not appear in the department course
offerings. Context will be determined by need.
612. Advanced Managerial Accounting (3) W
Prerequisite: ACC 311 / PMACC 511
This course focuses on effective managerial accounting tools
to be used for decision making in business analysis including
strategic position analysis and value chain analysis.
619. Taxation of Corporation and Pass-Through Entities
(3) S
Prerequisite: ACC 315 / PMACC 515
This course focuses on the taxation of corporations and pass-
through entities including partnerships, S corporations, and
estates and trusts.
624. Internal Auditing (3) F
Prerequisite: ACC 423 / PMACC 523
This seminar examines internal auditing concepts and
proper internal controls for financial reporting and business
operations along with compliance with applicable laws,
regulations, and policies.
625. Fraud Examination (3) W
An in-depth look at fraud detection, prevention, investigation,
management and resolution.
650. Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting (3) W
Prerequisite: ACC 314 / PMACC 514
Operation of the accounting structure and financial reporting
for governmental and not-for-profit entities to include
colleges and universities, medical care facilities, and social
service agencies.
675. Accounting Research (3) As Needed
Prerequisite: ACC 314 / PMACC 514
This course is designed to introduce students to empirical
thinking, empirical methods, and empirical writing in
679. External Domestic Study Programs (1-4) As Needed
All courses and their application must be defined and
approved prior to registering.
679PF. External Domestic Study Programs (Pass/Fail)
As Needed
All courses and their applications must be defined and
approved prior to registering.
680. Study Abroad Programs (1-4) As Needed
All courses and their application must be defined prior to
680PF. Study Abroad Programs (Pass/Fail) As Needed
All courses and their applications must be defined and
approved prior to registering.
684. Accounting Internship (3) F, W, S, Su
Selected students are assigned to obtain supervised practical
work experience in many area accounting firms, banks,
corporations, and various non-profit organizations.