Exeter Township Junior High School Student Handbook
Academics and Attendance 4-13
Junior High School Bell Schedules 4-8
Curriculum and Extracurricular Activities 9-10
Academics and Grading Information 10-12
Attendance/Lateness 12-15
Discipline, Regulations, Policies 16-44
Student Rights and Responsibilities 16-17
Teacher Responsibilities 18
Disciplinary Procedures/Major Offenses 19-20
Safe2Say Something Information 21
Harassment/Bullying 22-24
Detention/Suspension 24-26
Bus Regulations 26-27
Computer System Use Agreement 28
Drug & Alcohol Policy 29-35
Tobacco Products/Unauthorized Items/Weapons 35-36
Possession of Unauthorized Items/Weapons 35-36
Students Regulations and Policies 37-42
Dress Code 42-43
Wellness Policy 43-44
Extracurricular Information 44-45
Extracurricular Code of Conduct 45 (Link)
Participant Guidelines 45 (Link)
Interscholastic Sports/Coaches 45 (Link)
Advisors/Organizations 44
School Services 45-50
Lunch Program 45-46
Guidance Services/Student Assistance 46-48
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Health Services 49-50
Alma Mater 51
Exeter Township Junior High School Administration
Alex Brown, Principal
TBD, Assistant Principal
Thomas Legath, Athletic Director
Mrs. Patti Suruskie, Secretary
Mrs. Nancy Barrasso, Attendance Secretary
School Telephone: 610-779-3320
Fax: 610-370-0678
Absence Number: 610-779-3320 – Option #2
Guidance Department
Mrs. Autumn Rheaume
Ms. Kim Shaw
Mrs. Shannon Buser, Secretary
The Exeter Township School District is an equal opportunity educational institution
and in compliance with the requirements of Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and the
Americans with Disabilities Act. The district will not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, disability, or handicap. For
information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Dr. Christy Haller,
Compliance Officer, 200 Elm Street, Reading, PA 19606.
It is the policy of the Exeter Township School District to not tolerate harassment in
any form. This is addressed in Policy #248 which can be found on the district website,
under the School Board heading. Requests for hardcopies of the policy and/or
questions related to unlawful discrimination or harassment should be addressed to
Dr. Christy Haller, Director of Human Resources.
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All Exeter Township School District students share in the responsibility of developing
and maintaining a climate that is conducive to wholesome learning and living. Such
a learning environment includes a commitment from students to be supportive of
one another and a motivation to reach their full potential socially and academically.
Students are further expected to maintain good school attendance, to be
conscientious in their classwork, and to conform to all school rules and regulations.
This handbook is published for the purpose of giving students, teachers, and
parents/guardians, in official and compact form, information concerning the working
details of the Exeter Township Junior High.
This booklet should be read by students, parents/guardians, and employees and be
kept for reference to become familiar with the procedures of school life. It is
dedicated to the spirit of service and in the hope that all may contribute something
to build a greater and better junior high school.
Please visit our website: www.exeter.k12.pa.us
School Closing Announcements
In most cases, a decision to close school for the day or have a delayed start is made
by 6:30 AM. The district will communicate any weather-related schedule changes via
the ParentLink system and district social media sites. Please do not call the school
or the Administration Building
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Regular Bell Schedules
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Grade 7 Curriculum Grade 8 Curriculum
English/Language Arts (Accelerated) English/Language Arts
English/Language Arts English/Language Arts
English/Language Arts (Learning Support) English/Language Arts
(Learning Support)
Social Studies (Accelerated) Social Studies
Social Studies Social Studies
Science (Accelerated) Science (Accelerated)
Science Science
Honors Algebra I (CCA) Honors Geometry
Honors 7
Grade Math (CC2/CC3) Honors Algebra I (CCA)
Grade Math (CC2) Algebra I (AC)
Math (Learning Support) 8
Grade Math (CC3)
Math (Learning Support)
Spanish I or German I or
Reading 7 Reading 8
Physical Education/Wellness Physical
Medical Detectives Automation and
Robotics (ELECTIVE)
Exploring Technology 7 Exploring Technology 8
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Intro to Automation and Robotics 7 FACS (ELECTIVE)
Art 7 Art 8 (ELECTIVE)
Computer Applications
Musical Offerings Academic
Band (Grades 7 and 8) Learning Support
Math Strategies
Orchestra (Grades 7 and 8) Learning Support
Resource Room
Chorus (Grades 7 and 8)
General Music (Grade 7) (non-performing)
Music Explorations (Grade 8) (ELECTIVE)
Music Technology (Grade 8) (ELECTIVE)
After-school Activities (both grades)
Audio and Video Production MathCounts Ski Club Chess Club
Newspaper Student Council Envirothon Reading Olympics Stage Crew
Girls Who Code Science Olympiad Yearbook
Note: Clubs and other school specific extracurricular activities are contingent upon staff
advisors being available
Evaluation and Reporting Student Progress:
Our grading philosophy encompasses the following principles:
1. Grades help students to assess their abilities, talents, and capacities.
2. Grades allow parents/guardians to monitor their child's academic development,
progress, and achievement.
3. Grades enable teachers to evaluate a student's readiness for further learning
4. Grades are earned according to the student's demonstrated performance of
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acquired skills and understanding of major concepts.
5. Grades are based on the following assessment tools: class tests, quizzes,
recitations, reports, projects, activities, assignments, class participation and other
appropriate work as outlined by the teacher at the inception of the course.
6. To report grades, we use a percentage grade system.
7. Skyward, an on-line grade reporting system, has been made available to
parents/guardians and students of the junior high school. PLEASE inform your
teachers if you cannot access the Internet.
Report Cards: Report cards will be issued at the end of each marking period.
Interim Reports: Interim reports will be issued halfway through each marking
Grading Policy
Achievement Grading Symbols
100% - 92% = Honors
88% - 91% = Merit
87% - 82% = Good
78% - 81% = Above Average
77% - 72% = Average
68% - 71% = Below Average
67% - 60% = Poor
59 or Below = Failing
F = Failing
I = Incomplete
Honors Policy
The Junior High will have two levels of honors, Honor Roll and Merit Roll. Honors will
be based on the marking period average each semester.
Honor = 92% and above
Merit = 88% - 91.99%
Honor Roll will be calculated by computer without weighted values and printed on
the report card. In addition, a student must have all passing and satisfactory grades
for the quarter (No “F” grade may appear on the quarterly progress report).
Gold & Silver Eagle Awards:
Students achieving a final average of 92% or above will receive a Gold Eagle Award at
an awards ceremony scheduled for September of the next school term. Students
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achieving a final 88-91.99% will receive a Silver Eagle Award. When students are
eligible to receive a Gold or Silver Eagle Award for the first time, they will receive a
wooden plaque and name plate.
All future awards (whether at the junior or senior high school), will be nameplates to
be added to the plaque.
Academic Dishonesty is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal
academic exercise. Examples of academic dishonesty include the following practices.
Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of ideas or words or statements of another person
without due acknowledgment.
Fabrication: The falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic exercise.
Cheating: Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise (like an
examination) without due acknowledgment.
Academic dishonesty may result in a zero on the exercise and/or the student
receiving discipline consequences. Sanctions for subsequent offenses will be
determined by administration.
Reporting a Child's Absence
Parents/Guardians are required to call the attendance voice mail number at (610)
779-3320 to report a child's absence from school prior to 8:00 AM. The phone call
must be followed up with a written excuse or email (jhsattendance@exetersd.org)
from a parent/guardian submitted within three school days after the last day of
absence. At any time that the school is unaware of a reason for a child's absence, a
call may be made to the home to verify the child's absence. If a student is absent,
arrangements can be made via voicemail to secure assignments for the student.
These can be picked up in the office at the end of the day. Absence notes must be
turned in to the student's homeroom teacher. Failure to provide a written excuse for
absences will result in the student receiving an unexcused absence that further
results in disciplinary consequences and possible fines (PA Public School Code,
Section 1333). If a student is absent three (3) days consecutively, he/she must have a
physician’s note upon return to school.
Compulsory Attendance
Compulsory school attendance is enforced in Exeter Township School District.
Compulsory attendance laws require all students to attend school unless authorized
as excused. Every student of compulsory school age must be in attendance every
day that school is in session.
Upon written request from a parent or guardian, the principal or designee may
excuse a student's absence from school for the following reasons:
1. Student illness 4. Religious holidays (advance request only)
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2. Quarantine 5. Death in the family
3. Educational tour or trip (5 day advance notice required)
Absences not listed above shall be unexcused. All work missed during an excused
absence must be made up as soon as possible after returning to school.
Unexcused/Unlawful Absences
Absences for reasons other than stated in #1-5 above, or not approved by the
administration shall be considered unlawful. In addition, should a student not
provide the school with a parental/guardian note within five days after his/her
absence, explaining his/her absence, the absence may be considered unlawful.
Unlawful absences are truancies and are subject to fines and disciplinary actions
(Pennsylvania Public School Code, Section 1333). Students may receive a grade of
zero for any and all school assignments missed during an unlawful absence with no
opportunity to make up the work.
Procedures Followed for Unlawful Absences
A student with three or more unlawful absences within the school year will be
considered truant. In the event a student becomes habitually truant, a meeting will
be scheduled with the parent/guardian to support improved attendance. If truancy
continues, the parent/guardian will be cited for habitual truancy and will be referred
to the proper county agencies for violation of compulsory attendance laws.
Early Dismissal/Signing Out Procedures
1. Medical/Dental Appointments: Appointments with physicians and dentists
should be held to an absolute minimum during the school day. If it is necessary
to see a physician, the student should bring the appointment card accompanied
by a note from the parent/guardian stating the requested dismissal time to the
junior high school office no later than 7:35 AM on the day of the appointment. In
the event an appointment card is not presented, the student must supply the
name and the telephone number of the physician.
2. Unforeseen Reasons: For unforeseen circumstances requiring early dismissal, the
student should present a note from the parent/guardian no later than 7:35AM.
3. Sign-Out/Sign-In: Students with permission to leave early must report to the
office to sign-out before leaving. The student will receive an appointment form
that must be taken to the appointment to be signed by a responsible person who
should indicate the date, time and reason for the appointment. Upon returning
to school, the student must present the signed appointment form to the office
and must sign-in before being readmitted to class. Failure to submit this form will
result in an unexcused absence.
4. A student will not be excused from school without written parental/guardian
permission. In extreme emergencies, a telephone call from the parent/guardian
may be accepted in lieu of written permission; however, the telephone call must
be followed by a written notification from the parent/guardian or email.
5. Failure to follow these procedures may result in unexcused absences and
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disciplinary action.
Educational Trips
Students may be excused from school attendance to participate in non-school
district sponsored educational trips. To be eligible under this section, the student’s
parent/guardian must make written application on the form provided by the district
at least five (5) days prior to the trip. The principal will review the form, the student’s
attendance record, and teacher recommendations. When appropriate, the principal
will give permission for such trips. Approval will be based on the student’s
attendance record, the student’s previous trips, the educational value of the trip, and
teacher recommendations. No student may spend more than a total of five (5)
school days on approved educational trips in any given school year. Failure to get
pre-approval for an educational trip may result in the absences for the trip being
declared unlawful. The student is expected to make up all classroom work missed
while absent (See Education Trip Form). Failure of the student to complete make-up
work may result in an incomplete for the grading period during which the trip was
taken. The student may also be required to provide the building principal a written
account describing what was learned during the educational trip. The written
account must be at least one (1) page in length. Failure to provide the written
account, when requested, within five (5) days of returning to school will result in the
absence being declared unlawful.
Excessive Absence
Excessive absence often results in poor schoolwork. We are committed to helping
students succeed in school. When it appears that an attendance problem is
developing (ten or more absences), the school will notify parents/guardians.
Absences in excess of ten (10) days not already covered by a physician’s statement
may require a doctor’s excuse or other acceptable evidence. The principal will notify
the parent/guardian in writing of this requirement. If a doctor’s excuse is not
provided within five (5) days of such a student’s return to class, the absences will be
declared unexcused and, where appropriate, unacceptable. A physician’s note is also
required for all consecutive absences over three days in length.
Act 29 extensively revises Pennsylvania's truancy laws. The new truancy law
imposes a $300 fine on parents/guardians and requires the payment of court
costs or sentencing to complete a parenting education program. If the
parents/guardians are not convicted and the child continues to be truant, the
child can be fined up to $300 or be assigned to an adjudication alternative
program. The same may hold true for excessive tardiness.
Act 29 also removes driving privileges from truant juveniles in the following
1st truancy offense: 90 days loss of license
2nd truancy offense: 6 months loss of license
Juveniles, who are unlicensed to drive, will be prohibited from applying for a
learner's permit for 90 days (first offense) and/or six months (second offense) after
their 16th birthday.
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In addition to attending school on a regular basis, students are expected to be on
time for school. Any student who arrives after 7:30 AM must first report to the office
before being admitted to class or homeroom. A student is required to provide a note
for each time he/she is late. This note must be submitted to the office immediately
after arriving to school or by the next school day.
Please Note: Car problems, oversleeping, and personal reasons are not
acceptable excuses for lateness, and whether a student has a note or not, these
reasons will be unexcused. Administration makes the determination as to
whether or not the lateness will be excused or unexcused.
Chronic lateness to school may result in disciplinary action. A student arriving after
10:45 AM will be charged with a half-day of absence. Likewise, any student dismissed
prior to 10:45am will be charged with a half-day absence. Students arriving to school
after 10:45 AM without appropriate reasons will not be eligible to participate in
extracurricular activities for that day. (Please refer to “Lateness” procedures for
providing parental/guardian notes)
Change of Address/Residency
Any student who changes residence during the school year must report the change
at once to the junior high school office. If a student moves out of Exeter Township
School District at any time during the school year they must contact the district and
comply with policy number 202 regulations.
The administration reserves the right to deny this privilege to any student who has
become disruptive to the educational environment of the school or who has a poor
attendance record. The final decision will be based on a review of the student's
academic, attendance, and discipline records.
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Discipline Philosophy
Our discipline philosophy is based on the following beliefs:
-Students are expected to treat others with respect and dignity.
-Students must be held responsible and accountable for their behavior.
-Violations of school regulations may impede an individual's chances for
academic success and inhibit the achievement of other students.
-Students should be encouraged to work toward their potential and
appropriate behaviors should be acknowledged.
-Schools must discipline with dignity, consistently and with an understanding
of the developmental levels of students.
-The maintaining of appropriate behaviors and discipline is the shared
responsibility of students, parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators.
-Students must demonstrate an understanding of their inappropriate
behavior(s) by stating in their own words what the infraction means and
its impact on others or the educational setting.
-School counselors will take an active role in the behavioral issues involving
their assigned students. They will be directly involved in providing support to
students who are in the in-school-suspension (ISS) program and those
students who are suspended out of school.
These are our guidelines. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for a complete
As a student at Exeter Township Junior High School, you are expected to
demonstrate the following behaviors on a daily basis. Familiarize yourself with
these responsibilities in order to maintain the self-discipline needed to be a
successful student:
1. Your first responsibility is to know all the rules, regulations, policies and
procedures that govern your conduct at Exeter Junior High School.
2. Come to school and to all classes on time each day.
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3. Arrive to class prepared and give a conscientious effort in your classroom work.
4. Respect the rights of your classmates and staff members.
5. Always behave in a responsible manner anywhere in the school and in any activity
in which you represent Exeter Junior High School.
6. Charge Chromebook on a daily basis
6. Dress in styles that are clean, safe, and not disruptive to the educational process.
7. Act safely and exercise proper care of all school facilities, property, and equipment.
8. Unless participating in a school-sponsored activity, vacate the premises when the
buses depart.
These guiding principles serve as the basic foundation for maintaining the
self-discipline needed in behaving in a responsible manner. However, they serve
only as a starting point. There are many other rules, regulations, policies, and
procedures that you must be aware of as part of your responsibilities at Exeter Junior
High School.
Students have the right to be treated with honesty, dignity and respect.
Students have the right of due process for any offenses.
Chapter 12 of the Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania State Board of
Education entitled, "Regulations and Guidelines on Student Rights and
Responsibilities" addresses itself clearly to the material contained in the discipline
section of this handbook and to other information contained in this handbook. The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania mandates that local school boards establish
reasonable rules and regulations to govern the operations of the schools under their
jurisdiction. It is through this mandate that the Exeter Township School District has
established the rules and regulations regarding student rights and responsibilities.
The text of Chapter 12 is available to any student upon request.
Printed Materials
District Policy #220 requires that distribution and/or posting of printed materials
occur only in places and during times approved by the building principal. Guidelines
for the format and content of printed materials are listed under the Freedom of
Expression section of the Code of Student Conduct.
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Exeter School District maintains a climate of high expectations for both students and
staff. High expectations often lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. Students and staff
within the organization will experience greater success when expectations are high
and clearly understood. The following expectations are an outgrowth of the district's
strategic plan and deal specifically with the philosophy of educators taking the lead
role in ensuring that students in their classrooms experience success.
Close and frequent teacher communication with parents/guardians is expected
and is essential in working out difficulties that a student may be having
academically and behaviorally. It is also good practice to communicate with
parents/guardians when there is positive news to share about students.
Solutions to student’s problems are more effective when those closest are
involved in taking small steps along the way to solve them. This can be
accomplished through face to face communication with the student and teacher,
teacher contact with the parent/guardian, a referral to the guidance department,
and if all else fails, a request for administrative intervention to solve the problem.
It is the teacher's responsibility to work through this hierarchy of steps with
The job responsibilities of a teacher are extremely diverse and range from the
academic realm to the affective domain of each student. "Success for all
students" is the philosophical guiding principle.
The success of the organization as a whole rests upon the pride of each individual
within the organization and his/her ability to function as a "team player.”
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Exeter Junior High faculty and staff members look forward to working collaboratively
with parents to ensure a positive and rewarding learning community. In the event
that a disciplinary issue arises, the first attempt to resolve the issue will occur at the
classroom level using a series of interventions (school-wide discipline plan). If the
classroom teacher cannot resolve the issue, the teacher will complete a discipline
referral form, inform the student that such a referral has been written, submit the
referral to the office for further action, and contact the parent/guardian. Major
offenses may supersede the school-wide plan and may result in suspension,
expulsion, or referral to the criminal justice system.
Offenses in this category may result in suspension, expulsion, referral to
appropriate authorities, and/or fine. These offenses include but are not limited to
the following:
Creating false emergencies
Engaging in any conduct that constitutes terroristic threats or acts as defined by
the policies of this district
Destruction of school property
Disorderly conduct
Drug/alcohol possession or use (see drug & alcohol policy)
Forgery: Lying
Persistent Disruptive Behavior
Possession of inappropriate Materials/Items: Student possession of laser pointers,
cigarette lighters, matches, and other items deemed by administration to have
the potential to interfere with the orderly management of a school may result in
disciplinary consequences. Cell phones are permitted on school property but may
not be used or turned on during normal school hours.
Possession of a weapon: A weapon may be considered to be a knife or sharp
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instrument of any size such as a pen knife, nail file/clipper, gun (or look-a-like), or
any other instrument deemed as a weapon by a school administrator.
Transportation offenses
Use/possession of tobacco or products (including vaping products or e-cigarettes)
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Safe2Say Something (S2SS) is a youth violence prevention program run by the
Office of the Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to
recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals
who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is
too late.
In 2018, the General Assembly passed Act 44 mandating the establishment and use
of the “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) anonymous reporting system by every
Pennsylvania school entity.
S2SS works through five steps:
1. A tip is submitted via mobile app, website, or by calling the PA based 24/7 crisis
2. The tip is then triaged by the crisis center to gather enough information to act
on it.
3. The tip is delivered to the impacted school and, as needed, local law
enforcement via 911 county dispatch.
4. The school and, as needed, local law enforcement assess and intervene with
the at-risk individual.
5. The school then closes out the tip and reports actions taken as a record for
their school
If there are concerns during school hours, please speak with a trusted teacher,
counselor, or administrator.
After school hours, please use one of the following methods to report a concern:
Phone 1-844-723-2729 WEB: Safe2Saypa.org APP: Safe2Say Something
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Harassment: refers to any student who engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly
commit acts which alarm or seriously annoy such other person/persons and which
serve no legitimate purpose; includes but is not limited to the following examples: a
person strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects another to physical contact or
attempts, or threatens to do the same, a person follows another person in or about a
public place or places, a person places another person in reasonable fear of bodily
injury and/or emotional distress.
Sexual Harassment: refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors,
and other inappropriate verbal, graphic or physical conduct of a sexual nature when
made by any student to another student, to a staff member or by a staff member.
Sexual harassment should be reported immediately to a teacher, guidance
counselor, assistant principal or principal. Any staff member who receives a
complaint of sexual harassment shall immediately report the complaint to his/her
building principal.
Exeter Township School District cares about the safety and well-being of all students.
To strengthen the positive learning environment at the junior high, we have
implemented the ABEx Bullying Prevention Program. The ABEx Bullying Prevention
Program is a research-based, blueprint model program that has been proved to
prevent and/or reduce bullying and to create better relationships among students.
No. 249
ADOPTED: December 16, 2008
1. Purpose
The Board is committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for
district students. The Board recognizes that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear
and intimidation, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning,
and may lead to more serious violence. Therefore, the Board prohibits bullying by
district students.
2. Definitions
SC 1303.1-A
Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act or series of
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acts directed at another student or students, which occurs in a school setting or
outside a school setting, that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of
doing any of the following:
1. Substantial interference with a student’s education.
2. Creation of a threatening environment.
3. Substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.
Bullying, as defined in this policy, includes cyberbullying.
SC 1303.1-A
School setting means in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a
designated bus stop or at any activity sponsored, supervised or sanctioned by the
3. Authority
SC 1303.1-A
The Board prohibits all forms of bullying by district students.
The Board encourages students who have been bullied to promptly report such
incidents to the building principal or designee.
The Board directs that complaints of bullying shall be investigated promptly, and
corrective action shall be taken when allegations are verified. Confidentiality of all
parties shall be maintained, consistent with the district’s legal and investigative
obligations. No reprisals or retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith reports of
4. Delegation of Responsibility
Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of others and to ensure an
atmosphere free from bullying.
SC 1303.1-A
SC 1303.1-A
SC 1303.1-A
The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative regulations to
implement this policy.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that this policy and administrative
regulations are reviewed annually with students.
The Superintendent or designee, in cooperation with other appropriate
administrators, shall review this policy every three (3) years and recommend
necessary revisions to the Board.
District administration shall annually provide the following information with the
Safe School Report:
1. Board’s Bullying Policy.
2. Report of bullying incidents.
3. Information on the development and implementation of any bullying prevention,
intervention or education programs.
5. Guidelines
SC 1303.1-A
Title 22
Sec. 12.3
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Pol. 218
The Code of Student Conduct, which shall contain this policy, shall be disseminated
annually to students.
SC 1302-A,
Pol. 236
This policy shall be accessible in every classroom. The policy shall be posted in a
prominent location within each school building and on the district web site, if
The district may develop and implement bullying prevention and intervention
programs. Such programs shall provide district staff and students with appropriate
training for effectively responding to, intervening in and reporting incidents of
SC 1303.1-A
Pol. 218, 233
Consequences For Violations
A student who violates this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action
consistent with the Code of Student Conduct, which shall include one or more of the
1. Counseling within the school.
2. Parental/Guardian conference.
3. Loss of school privileges.
4. Transfer to another school building, classroom or school bus.
5. Exclusion from school-sponsored activities.
6. Detention.
7. Suspension.
8. Expulsion.
9. Counseling/Therapy outside of school.
10. Referral to law enforcement officials.
School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1302-A, 1303.1-A
State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 12.3
Board Policy – 000, 218, 233, 236
Detentions: Teacher detentions are held at a time scheduled by the teacher.
Students can be assigned to the school detention for up to 90 mins after the end of
the school day, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, depending upon the infraction.
Detention will not be postponed because of a student’s work schedule, athletic
practice, game, or extracurricular activities. All students will be given at least 24
hour notice of a detention assignment. It is the responsibility of the student to
remind the parent/guardian of the detention and make necessary transportation
arrangements. Only in cases of emergency can a scheduled detention be
rescheduled. In emergency situations, the parent/guardian of the child who has
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detention will be required to contact the administration before the detention occurs
in order to set another detention date. A detention may not be rescheduled more
than one time. If a student is absent from school on the day the detention is
scheduled, he/she will be required to serve the detention upon the next detention
day upon return to school or at a time agreed upon between the administration and
the student’s guardian.
In -School Suspension Procedures (ISS) - A student is required to report directly to
the main office immediately upon entering the school building. Students who are
assigned to In-School Suspension may bring their lunch from home or purchase
lunch from the cafeteria. (Eligibility for free or reduced lunch will remain the same
during the time spent in the In-School Suspension room). Students must fulfill all
expectations of the assigned In-School Suspension to receive credit for the
assignment. Failure to fulfill those expectations may result in an additional
assignment and/or an elevated intervention. If a student is absent on the assigned
day(s) of In- School Suspension, they must automatically report on the next day back
to school. Failure to do so will result in further disciplinary action.
Out of School Suspension (OSS) - The consequence of Out of School Suspension is
assigned by the Principal or Assistant Principal. Upon receiving OSS, the student will
immediately go to the In-School Suspension room and remain there until her/his
parent/guardian can remove the student from the school setting. In situations
where the parent/guardian is unable to come for the student, he/she will stay in the
In-School Suspension room for the remainder of the school day. The rules for OSS
automatically apply from the time the suspension is assigned. Parents/guardians
will be notified of the duration of the suspension during the disciplinary conference
or teleconference. A letter will be sent home to confirm the dates of the suspension
and a reinstatement meeting may be required before the student returns to school.
The student is NOT permitted on the school campus for ANY REASON during the
duration of the suspension. The student will NOT be permitted to attend any school
functions for any reasons during the suspension, including any extracurricular
activities. This also includes any weekends if the suspension carries over from a
Friday to the next Monday. It is the student's responsibility to inform her/his advisors
or coaches of the suspension and his/her ineligibility to participate in the activity or
sport for the duration of the suspension.
All Out of School Suspension days will be counted as excused absences from school.
Student participation in school sponsored activities may be impacted by
Out-of-School suspension. Below are examples of such activities…
- Field Day
- Special School Events
- Class Trips
- Regular Dances
An informal hearing should be held before the student is permitted to return to
school. This meeting will include the student, parent/guardian, and school
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administrator. Upon returning to school, the student should meet with her/his
guidance counselor. Problem-solving techniques will be discussed. Appropriate
alternatives to the infraction that resulted in the suspension will be stressed. The
student's guidance counselor will inform her/his teachers when the student will be
returning to class. The counselor will continue to monitor and check-in with the
student on a regular basis as determined jointly by the Principal or Assistant
Principal and the Student Support Team.
Student Appeals
In addition to rights provided by district policy and applicable law, students and
parents/ guardians may appeal disciplinary action believed to be inappropriate or
unfair to the building principal in a timely manner.
Rules for Riding the School Bus
1. The school bus driver has the authority to assign all seats on the school bus.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Keep all parts of your body and all objects inside the school bus.
4. All objects (book bags, instruments, projects, etc.) must be kept on your lap,
not in the aisle. If the object is too large for the lap, it is the parents'/guardians’
responsibility to transport the object. All athletic equipment must be
transported in appropriate bags.
5. Stay in your assigned seat with your feet on the floor. No standing.
6. Do not yell, use profane language, talk loudly or make loud noises.
7. Do not push, shove, fight, throw objects, or engage in horseplay.
8. Weapons live animals, unsafe objects, or any items with the potential to be
harmful or disruptive are not allowed on the school bus.
9. Do not eat, drink, chew gum or smoke on the school bus.
10. Help keep the school bus clean. Do not damage or deface any part of the
school bus.
12. Skateboards, street hockey sticks or any other objects not used in the school
curriculum are not allowed on the school bus.
13. Be at your scheduled stop five minutes prior to your scheduled time.
14. All school rules and regulations apply to the school bus.
15. Failure to obey the rules will result in suspension from the school bus.
16. Items brought on the school bus that violate the transportation rules are
subject to confiscation.
17. Upon arrival at school, students must enter the building. Unless participating
in a school-sponsored activity at the senior high, junior high students are
prohibited from walking to the senior high after dismissal. Junior High
students who ride the bus must board the bus at the Junior High School.
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Parent Notification – School Bus Cameras
The Exeter Township School District has installed video/audio cameras on school
buses. These cameras can record both what is said and done on the school bus. The
video/audio cameras will be used to monitor student behavior to maintain order on
the school buses to promote and maintain a safe environment. Students and parents
are hereby notified that the content of the tapes may be used in a student
disciplinary proceeding.
Consequences of not Following Rules on the School Bus
Student is verbally reprimanded by the driver.
Student is assigned a different seat on the bus.
Student is referred to administration and the parent/guardian notified.
Disciplinary action may be taken against student.
Student loses his/her bus riding privileges for a specified period of time.
Parents/Guardians are then responsible for transportation during this time.
The Exeter Township School District School Board Policy 810.2 authorized the use of
video and audio recording on school buses and school vehicles.
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For a complete copy of the Acceptable Use Policy, please refer to the district website
and review Policy 815. For a complete copy of the 1:1 Student Handbook, please refer
to the Exeter Junior High website.
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The Exeter Township School Board and personnel value each member of the school
community and believe that all individuals have the right to develop to their fullest
potential. The Board of school personnel recognizes that chemical abuse and
dependency seriously impair the ability of students to develop their full potential.
This policy is based on the belief that chemical dependency is a life-threatening
illness that affects the emotional, physical, intellectual, and social development of all
individuals. This policy is based on our convictions that chemical dependency is a
treatable illness, and early intervention among "at risk" students will enhance the
effectiveness of the schools.
Statement of Policy
1. The School Board of the Exeter Township School District, recognizing that the
misuse of chemicals is a serious problem with legal, physical, emotional and social
implication for the whole school community, adopts the position that students
must be chemically free in order to develop in the most productive and healthy
2. Therefore, it is this district's policy to prevent and prohibit the possession and/or
use, distribution, and/or intent of distribution of an illegal or controlled
mood-altering chemical, medication, alcohol or abused chemical not approved by
the health office on school property, at school sponsored events, on school buses,
and en route to or from school.
3. Such prevention and/or prohibition shall occur through a three-faceted program
including: (1) education, (2) prevention and (3) intervention.
4. Prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs brought to school must be
registered with and taken in the presence of the school nurse. District medication
forms must be completed by the students’ parents/guardians and/or the
attending physicians for all medication. All medication must be labeled with:
name of student, name of medication, dosage to be given, time to be given, and
the name of the prescribing physician.
5. Violation of this policy includes possession, use, sale or distribution of chemicals as
defined and described within the parameters of this policy, as stated within
administrative guidelines. The consequences of such violations may result in
permanent expulsion from school by the School Board.
6. This policy will be implemented through the cooperative efforts of the faculty,
administration, school support staff, students, parents/guardians, and community
agencies serving the Exeter Township School District.
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7. This policy authorizes the establishment of the Exeter Township Student
Assistance Program (SAP).
Definition of Terms
Confidentiality between students and staff shall be respected. No confidential
communication shall be made without the consent of the student or his/her
parent/guardian or guardian unless the best interests of the student(s) can be served
or the subject of that confidentiality presents a clear and present danger to the
student(s) or school community.
Confiscation occurs when there is probable cause to believe that the student is in
the possession of drugs or mood-altering chemicals. There is an obligation to search
for and seize chemicals or substances by the building administrator(s) or designee
upon probable cause. This search will include school lockers, clothing, purses, book
bags, gym bags, books, and other personal property. Reasonable effort will be made
to secure the student's voluntary consent and to have the students present at the
time of the search.
Controlled Substance, Drug, Drug Paraphernalia, Alcohol, or Counterfeit Drug shall
have the meanings given to them as defined in the Act of September 27, 1961 (P.L.
1700, No. 699), known as the Pharmacy Act, or the Act of April 14, 1972 (P.L. 233, No.
64), known as the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, and the Act
of April 12, 1951 (P.L. 90, No. 21) known as the Liquor Code, and any future
amendments to the above codes.
Drug Paraphernalia includes any utensil or item, which in the school's judgment can
be associated with the use of drugs, alcohol, or mood altering substances. Examples
include but are not limited to pipes, bowls, and roach clips.
Drugs or Mood-Altering Chemicals include any alcohol or malt beverage, controlled
substance, look-alike, or illegal or abused substance or medication not approved and
registered by the health office, and any illegal substance which is intended to alter
School property shall include not only the actual buildings, facilities and grounds on
the school campus, but also school buses, school parking areas, any facility being
used for a school function, and any site of a school activity in which the Exeter
Township School District is a participant.
Staff shall be defined as any administrator, school nurse, teacher, guidance
counselor, support staff (secretaries, custodians, cafeteria staff, and aides), employees
of any contracted group who work with students, athletic coach or other educational
or medical employee employed by the Exeter Township School District.
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The following charts outline the appropriate responses for affected school personnel
in dealing with drug and alcohol problems with students. It is understood that
failure of a student to abide by the terms stipulated by SAP and/or outside referral;
agencies may result in a recommendation for expulsion from school. Such terms
may include participation in a chemical awareness program or an intervention
program provided by an outside agency.
Situation/Category 1
A student volunteers information about personal drug or alcohol use to a staff
member and seeks help.
Immediate Action: The student is informed of services available and is referred to
Investigation: Staff member contacts a SAP member.
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes, our policy states: Following discussion with
the student, we generally notify parents/guardians being mindful of the student’s
needs and concerns.
Notification of Police: Not applicable.
Disposition of Substance: No applicable.
Discipline/Rehabilitation: No punitive action: Assistance available.
Situation/Category 2
A student volunteers information about drug or alcohol use of another student to a
staff member.
Immediate Action: The information concerning the student identified as allegedly
having the drug or alcohol problem is referred to SAP.
Investigation: Staff member contacts a SAP member.
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Our policy states: yes
Notification of Police: Not applicable.
Disposition of Substance: Not applicable.
Discipline/Rehabilitation: No punitive action: Assistance available.
Situation Category 3
A staff member is concerned about inappropriate behavior, poor class performance,
tardiness, absenteeism, etc. It may or may not be related to drug and/or alcohol
Immediate Action: The staff member will try to handle the situation in consultation
with the counselor and/or administrator; possible referral to SAP.
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Investigation: SAP may investigate.
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes.
Notification of Police: Not applicable.
Disposition of Substance: Not applicable.
Discipline/|Rehabilitation: Only when required by a violation of the Student
Discipline and Attendance Code.
Situation/Category 4
A student displays symptoms of drug or alcohol use in the form of slurred speech,
staggering, incoherence, dazed appearance, smelling of alcohol, marijuana, vomiting
etc. This situation will be treated as a medical emergency.
Immediate Action: Standard health and first aid procedures will be followed. The
nurse will be summoned immediately. The student may be transported to a medical
facility at parental/guardian expense.
Investigation: The principal will investigate the incident. This may include a search
of the student, his/her locker, car and other possessions.
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes.
Notification of Police: At the discretion of the principal, per Student Discipline and
Attendance code.
Disposition of Substance: Confiscated for analysis, if warranted.
Discipline/Rehabilitation: Referral to SAP. If there is evidence of violations, see
appropriate situational category. A release form must be signed by the
parent/guardian so that the SAP team can monitor the student’s treatment plan.
Situation/Category 5
A student possesses, uses or is under the influence of drugs, mood altering
substances, or alcohol at a school related activity on or off school property.
Immediate Action: Staff member writes an anecdotal report of the incident. If
present, administrator should be contacted.
Investigation: The student, his/her locker, car and other possessions may be
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes, immediate parental/guardian conference is
Notification of Police: Yes.
Disposition of Substance: Confiscated; analysis may be made for possible use in
further proceedings.
Discipline/Rehabilitation: Student is detained until a parent/guardian can
accompany the student. In the case of an activity off school district property, such as
a field trip, class trip or study trip, the student will be sent home at parental/guardian
expense. A release form must be signed by the parent/guardian so that the SAP
team can monitor the student’s treatment plan.
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Exclusion from extra-curricular activities for the duration of the suspension.
This suspension may also prevent or preclude student’s participation in future
school activities. Such exclusions will be at the administrator’s discretion. See
extracurricular Code of Conduct Consequences for that student.
Referral to SAP Informal hearing with principal; up to 10 day out-of-school
suspension; Assessment by a licensed drug and alcohol facility within ten days and
compliance with its recommendation. (Note: Failure to comply with the assessment
and recommendation will result in a referral to the Board of Education for an
expulsion hearing.) Before the suspended student returns to school,
parents/guardians and the student must meet with the building administrator
and/or SAP representative.
Situation/Category 6
A student is caught for the second time in possession, use, or under the influence of
drugs, mood-altering substance, or alcohol.
Immediate Action Principal is summoned; staff member writes an anecdotal report
of the incident.
Investigation: The student, his/her locker, desk, car and other possessions may be
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes, immediate parental/guardian conference is
Notification of Police: Yes.
Disposition of Substance: Confiscated; analysis may be made for possible use in
further proceedings.
Discipline/Rehabilitation: Referral to SAP; Informal hearing; 10 days out-of-school
suspension; formal school board hearing for recommending expulsion from school.
The administration will request that conditions for the return to school following the
expulsion include an assessment by a licensed drug and alcohol facility and
compliance with the recommendations of the facility.
Before the suspended student returns to school, parents/guardians and the student
must meet with the building administrator and/or a SAP representative.
Exclusion from extra-curricular activities for the duration of the suspension.
This suspension may also prevent or preclude student’s participation in future
school activities. Such exclusions will be at the administrator’s discretion.
See extracurricular Code of Conduct consequences for that student.
Situation/Category 7
A student is distributing a drug, mood-altering substance, or alcohol.
Immediate Action: Principal is summoned. Staff member writes an anecdotal
report of the incident.
Investigation: The student, his/her locker, desk, car and other possessions may be
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Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes, immediate parental/guardian conference is
Notification of Police: Yes.
Disposition of Substance: Confiscated; Analysis may be made for possible use in
further proceedings.
Discipline/Rehabilitation: Referral to SAP; Informal hearing; 10 days out-of-school
suspension. Formal school board hearing is held, with the recommendation of
expulsion from school. The administration will request that conditions for the return
to school following the expulsion include an assessment by a licensed drug and
alcohol facility and compliance with the recommendations of the facility. The
parent/guardian must sign a release form so that the SAP team can monitor the
student’s treatment plan. Before the suspended student returns to school, parents/
guardians and the student must meet with the building administrator and/or a SAP
The student will be excluded from extra-curricular activities for the duration of the
suspension. This suspension may also include student’s participation in future
school activities. Such exclusions will be at the administrator’s discretion.
See extracurricular Code of Conduct Consequences for that student.
Situation/Category 8
The student possesses drug-related paraphernalia. No evidence of use.
Immediate Action: Administration is notified. Paraphernalia is confiscated. Staff
member writes an anecdotal report.
Investigation: The student his/her locker, car and other possessions will be
searched. Confiscation of substances.
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes.
Notification of Police: Administrative discretion.
Disposition of Substances: Analysis is warranted.
Discipline/Rehabilitation: Informal hearing; 3 to 10 day out-of-school suspension.
Assessment by licensed Drug and Alcohol facility within 10 days and compliance with
its recommendation. The parent/guardian must sign a release form so that the SAP
team can monitor the student’s treatment plan. Before the suspended student
returns to school, parents/guardians and the student must meet with the building
administrator and/or a SAP representative.
The student will be excluded from extra-curricular activities for the duration of the
suspension. This suspension may also prevent or preclude student’s participation
in future school activities. Such exclusions will be at the administrator’s
Situation/Category 9
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A student tests positive during any mandated treatment due to a drug/ alcohol
Immediate Action: Administration is notified, SAP team is notified.
Investigation: Licensed alcohol/ drug facility confirms positive test
Notification of Parents/Guardians: Yes- Immediate parental/guardian conference is
Notification of Police: At the discretion of the principal
Discipline/Rehabilitation: Up to ten days out of school suspension. A referral to the
board of education for an expulsion hearing due to non-compliance.
The policies and guidelines herein are based on the following laws and regulations:
Act 63 - "PA Drug and Alcohol Control Act" (1972)
Act 64 - "The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act" (1972)
Public School Code (1949); Section 510, Section 1317, Section 1318, Section 1409.
Pennsylvania Code, Title 22, Education, Chapter 12.
Pennsylvania Criminal Code, Section 6308.
The Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
(Note: possession and use receive the same penalty)
First Offense: $50.00 fine
Second Offense: $100.00 fine
Subsequent Offenses: $150.00 fine
Note: Fines are payable to the Exeter Township School District. If the fine is not
paid within 10 school days after the offense, the district will cite the student
under the Pennsylvania School Tobacco Control Law and the Clean Indoor Air
Law. In this case, the student will be required to appear at a hearing with the
local magistrate and will be subject to increased fines and court costs.
Student possession of cigarette lighters, matches, and other items deemed by
administration to have the potential to interfere with the orderly management of a
school, will result in the following consequences.
First Offense: Item will be confiscated and returned only to a parent/guardian of the
student in possession of the item. (May be returned to student if deemed appropriate to do so)
Second Offense: Item will be confiscated and will not be returned until the last day
of school and directly to the parent/guardian.
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Disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the administration.
Offenses of this category will result in a 10-day suspension and a recommendation to
the superintendent that the student be scheduled for an expulsion hearing before
the school board. Weapons offenses will be turned over to the authorities for
investigation and prosecution according to local laws. Fake and look-a-like weapons
fall under this category also. A weapon can also be: a knife, sharp instrument of any
size such as a pen knife, nail file/clippers, gun (or look-a-like), or any other instrument
deemed as such by a school administrator (based upon its use).
These offenses may also result in local police participation based on the nature
and circumstances of the offense.
Any student who finds a contraband item or discovers that a contraband item
was accidentally brought to school, may avoid disciplinary action if that item is
voluntarily turned over to a building administrator immediately upon discovery
or arrival at school.
It is impossible to anticipate every act of misbehavior and describe every
possible offense along with appropriate consequences within the handbook.
School administrators reserve the right to take discretionary actions for student
behavior that is determined to be inappropriate.
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Students will proceed to and from the auditorium from their homeroom in single file
and sit with their homeroom teacher. They should stop talking when they enter the
hallway leading to the auditorium. They must display appropriate and considerate
behavior during the assembly.
Curfews are set for school-related activities at 10:30PM during nights when school is
held on the next day. Students are not permitted on school property between the
hours of 10:30PM and 6:00 AM. Students found on school property will be referred to
the Exeter Police and further disciplinary action may result. Students are not
permitted in the junior high school building before or after normal school hours
except for legitimate reasons determined by the administration such as practice,
attending school related events, detention, academic support, etc.
Early Arrival to School
Any student who arrives at school before 7:20 AM will report to the cafeteria or gym.
The student may buy breakfast, study, or talk quietly. Students are expected to
display appropriate behavior during this time. Any student who is in the hall before
7:20AM without a pass will be reported to the office. The front doors will be open at
Fire Drill
When the fire alarm sounds, close all windows and doors, line up without talking and
remain so while making a hasty and orderly exit. If in doubt, ask the teacher to direct
you to the nearest building exit. Everyone is to be out and away from the building
during a drill. Teachers will accompany the classes to the outside of the building.
Await the return signal.
Food should only be eaten in the cafeteria (unless authorized by a teacher or an
administrator to eat in another location). Food should NEVER be stored in a locker.
All students must report to the cafeteria during their lunch period. Prior to leaving
the cafeteria, every student must have a pass issued by one of the lunch proctors. For
complete food service guidelines please see page 60.
The elevator is available to students who are unable to use the stairs due to an injury
or illness. In such situation, the following procedures are to be followed:
A note from a doctor indicating the length of time the elevator will be required
A $10.00 CASH deposit that will be refunded when the elevator key is returned
Students should report to the main office secretary with a doctor’s note and $10.00
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CASH deposit to obtain the elevator key. The student will be issued a note giving
permission to leave class early.
Hallway Behavior
Students in the halls are expected to follow acceptable standards of behavior and
decorum. Boisterous and rowdy behavior is unacceptable. Students should refrain
from overt displays of affection. Any student in the hall while classes are in session
must have signed permission and/or lanyard. Book bags, hats and coats can be
brought to school, however once at school; these items should be stored in a secure
Industrial Arts
All students in industrial arts areas are required to wear safety glasses.
The school board requires that all students participating in interscholastic sports be
covered by school or personal insurance. The school purchases insurance coverage
for students participating in all sports, band, band front and cheerleaders. Any
accident requiring a doctor visit must be reported to the school nurse as soon as
possible. Students are encouraged to acquire student accident insurance.
Lavatory/Locker Passes
Students are expected to return to class within a reasonable amount of time when
given permission to use the lavatory, locker, or report to another designated location
in the building.
Library Policies
The purpose of Exeter Libraries is to provide materials to supplement the total
educational program of the secondary schools. The library program strives to
enhance learning in all areas and to enhance the development of social values,
individual character and interests. The main emphasis of the library program is on
curriculum-related activities, although independent use of library resources is always
Loan Periods
Reference books Junior High Students - no loan
Books Junior High Students - two weeks loan
Magazines Junior High Students - overnight loan
Overdue Materials
Every student at Exeter Junior High School should have access to the library’s
holdings. Students who keep materials beyond the designated loan periods, or lose
and damage materials deny other students the use of these materials. Therefore,
the following conditions and regulations have been established.
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Overdue Rates
1. Fines are 10 cents per school day for each overdue item.
2. Students who return overdue books without paying the overdue
fine, are still responsible for that fine.
3. The maximum fine for each overdue item is $10.00 (ten dollars).
4. Students who have overdue books and or fines may not sign out
additional books until their fines are paid.
Overdue Notices
Overdue notices are sent to the student's homeroom.
Failure to fulfill obligations at the end of each quarter may result in the student not
receiving their report card until the materials are returned and the fines are paid. The
list of students with library obligations is available in the library and office. It is the
student's responsibility to check the list.
Lost or Damaged Library Materials
Students who lose library materials will be charged the current replacement costs of
that item. Students who find lost materials that have been paid for will receive a
refund minus the overdue charge for the item.
Charges for damaged materials will be determined by the librarian according to the
amount of the damage. If materials are deemed beyond repair, a full replacement
will be assessed.
Library Passes
All students must have a pass to enter the library. Students are expected to exhibit
proper library conduct at all times. Loud, unruly conduct will result in the loss of the
student's library privileges.
Interlibrary Loan
Students may make use of Access PA (a computer database of holdings of high
schools and universities in Pennsylvania). Terms of loans, fines and payments for lost
materials are determined by the loaning library and must be adhered to by Exeter
Locker Regulations
School lockers are the property of the school, and the administration will ensure that
they are used properly. A student's locker may be opened and searched by an
administrator any time there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the locker's
contents pose a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of other students and
staff or when there is a reasonable suspicion to believe that its contents may be
disruptive to the educational process. The student should ask their homeroom
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teacher for assistance if their locker fails to open after several tries. The lockers are for
storage of books and clothing, but they are not to be considered as secure. Therefore,
articles of value should not be stored therein. Students should never share
combinations or lockers with classmates. The school district is not responsible
for lost or stolen items. Personal items left in lockers after the last day of school
will be forfeited and/or discarded two full weeks after the close of school.
Loitering: On School Premises
This refers to being in hallways, lavatories, or other areas without permission or after
school hours. (consequences to be determined by the office) Students are not
permitted on school property without a legitimate reason outside normal school
Loitering: Off School Premises
This refers to being on properties in the neighborhood adjacent to the school. All
complaints from the neighborhood regarding loitering will be referred to the Exeter
Police Department.
Lost and Found
The school cannot be responsible for items lost or stolen. Students must secure all
personal items. Any lost items which include jewelry, eyeglasses or keys can be
picked up in the Guidance Office. All other lost articles can be picked up in the
cafeteria or the ISS room. All unclaimed items will be forfeited and/or discarded two
weeks after the close of school. Unclaimed items will be displayed at lunches on the
last three days of school.
Passing Time - 4 minutes between classes unless otherwise noted
Teachers dismiss students at the end of a lesson. Students have four minutes
between classes.
It is the student's responsibility to arrive at her/his next class on time.
Physical Education Policies
Use of Gymnasium Facilities
Athletic sneakers or footwear shall be worn when exercising on the gym floor.
It is the student's responsibility to secure all personal belongings and valuables
in a locked locker.
Physical Education Attire Requirement
Students are encouraged to wear athletic type attire in order to comfortably and
safely participate in class.
Adaptive Physical Education
Students physically unable to participate in the regular physical education programs
will be placed in the adaptive physical education program. A letter will be sent to the
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parents/ guardians and physician. The physician will recommend activities in which
the student may participate. No student will be excused from physical education
without a doctor's excuse.
The student may be required to follow special safety precautions in some of her/his
classes. The teacher will review the safety procedures with her/his students. It is the
student's responsibility to follow the safety procedures at all times in all classes.
School Visitors
permission to visit. Students wishing to bring guests must secure permission a day in
Students are not permitted to bring or use skateboards on any school district
At any time there is a reasonable suspicion that a student is concealing or carrying
something, possession of which is either in violation of the law or of school rules, a
search may be conducted. The student will be given an opportunity to voluntarily
disclose the suspected property in the presence of at least two professional
employees, one of which is an administrator. If the student does not comply, the
administrator will conduct an individual, involuntary search.
A telephone is located in the main office and is to be used ONLY for out-going calls
for appropriate purposes determined by school personnel. The student must have
permission by school personnel to use the phone.
Textbooks/Lost and Damaged
Textbooks in Pennsylvania are purchased for student use at public expense. Each
book is stamped on the inside of the front cover. Students are held responsible for
the loss of or damage to, school books and school property. When books are lost,
students should report the matter to the teacher of the subject and also make
inquiry at the lost and found office. Students must pay replacement costs for any
damaged or lost textbooks.
Members of the student body should show pride in their school. Part of this pride
should be treating the property with care. Students caught destroying school
equipment and/or property will be required to make restitution to the school district
for all costs in labor and material. Possible suspension, expulsion, monetary fines,
and/or criminal prosecution may be consequences for acts of vandalism.
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Electronic Devices including, but not limited to cell phones.
Such electronic devices must be turned off and kept in the locker during school
hours. The school may confiscate such devices from students who fail to follow this
policy. Parents/Guardians must come to the school in order to retrieve confiscated
items. Discipline consequences include but are not exclusive to the following:
First Offense: One day of up to 1.5 hours of detention and a parent/guardian may
pick up the device in the main office between 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM.
Second Offense: Two days of up to 1.5 hours of detention and a parent/guardian may
pick up the device in the main office between 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM.
Third and Subsequent Offenses: One day of In-School Suspension and a
parent/guardian may pick up the device in the main office between 7:00 AM and 3:30
Note: Consequences may be adjusted according to the level/degree of offense
Possession of Dangerous Instruments
This includes the possession of anything sharp from nail clippers, knives (regardless
of size), files, razor blades, laser pens, gun replicas or guns. These items should not
be brought to school. The possession of such items will lead to suspension, possible
expulsion by the Exeter School Board and/or punishment and fines under the PA
Criminal Code. *This list is not an all-inclusive list. Any object that could cause harm
to any individual may be considered a weapon. Do not hesitate to contact the junior
high school administration with questions about an item that could be used as a
**After three disciplinary referrals a student may be excluded from all social
activities for a 30-day period. Additional discipline referrals may exclude the
student from all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the year.
Students at Exeter Township Junior High School are expected to dress in clothing
that is both conducive to the overall educational process and that promotes a
positive academic atmosphere. It is the students’ responsibility to come to school
dressed in ways that reflect good taste and modesty. Additionally, whenever
students are on a field trip or traveling to other schools for extracurricular events,
they should adhere to this policy.
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Please observe the following guidelines when considering how to dress for school:
1. Clothing and accessories that refer to or promote alcohol, drugs or violence are
not permitted to be worn in school.
2. Inappropriate words, slogans, obscenities and double meanings may not be
worn in school on clothing, accessories or visibly on the body.
3. All skirts/dresses/shorts may not be shorter than where the fingers meet the
palm when standing with arms at sides.
4. See-through clothing, or clothing which exposes bare midriffs, is not
permitted. 
5. Sleepwear, slippers and clothing with excessive holes are not permitted. All
pants must be worn at the waist, cover all undergarments and not have any
rips or holes that expose skin above where the fingers meet the palm when
standing with arms at sides.
6. All outerwear (jackets, coats, raincoats and overcoats) and full camouflage
fatigues are not to be worn in the building during school hours unless
permission is granted by principal or designee.
7. Any other clothing (i.e. jewelry, spikes/chains, excessive make-up or face paint,
etc.) that detracts from the educational environment and/or jeopardizes the
health and safety of students may not be worn.
8. Backpacks and book bags are to be left in the student’s locker during the
school day.
We understand that some attire may be subject to interpretation. However, decisions
made by the school administration are final. Those found to be in violation of the
school dress code may be required to change, or remove, certain items to comply
with the dress code, and/or a student may be removed from the school environment
until appropriate clothing is obtained. Students may also face disciplinary action, as
a result of dress code violations, specifically those who become chronic offenders.
In the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, the U.S. Congress
established a requirement that all school districts develop and implement wellness
policies that address nutrition and physical activity by July 1, 2006.
The Exeter Township School District recognizes that student wellness and proper
nutrition are related to students’ physical well- being, growth, development, and
readiness to learn. The District is committed to providing a school environment that
promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and physical
activity as part of the total learning experience.
Administrative guidelines are established for physical activity and foods offered,
which include ala carte foods, snacks, beverages, vending food and beverage, fund
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raisers, classroom parties/ holiday celebrations/snacks and also student rewards and
school stores.
The Student Wellness Policy 246 and Administrative Guidelines can be accessed on
the Exeter web site (www.@exeter.k12.pa.us).
Band Mr. Kyle Luckenbill
Chorus Mrs. Melissa Crotty
Show Choir Mrs. Melissa Crotty
Orchestra Mr. Micah Albrycht
Yearbook Mrs. Kim Lopez
Student Council Mrs. Janine Lucas
Stage Crew Mr. Brad Galuska
Newspaper Mrs. Dena Burkhart
Math Counts Mrs. Kathy Topper
Science Olympiad Mrs. Tracy Powell
Envirothon Mrs. Gretchen Hess/Mrs. Nicole Keen
Science Fair Mrs. Tracy Powell
Reading Olympics Mrs. Kate Sowers
Spelling Bee Mrs. Cheryl Larson
Concert Band
Membership is open to any student interested in pursuing concert band music. This
core instrumental group is the basis for all other band based instrumental
ensembles. The band will provide at least one concert each semester as well as
survey the finest concert band literature available to the band’s ability. These
performances are a requirement for successful completion of the course.
The ensemble is open to all string players. The wind and percussion sections will be
selected by the instructor from membership in the concert band. Students will
provide at least one concert per semester and survey the finest literature available to
their ability. Major performances are a requirement for successful completion of the
Chorus membership is open to all who enjoy singing and wish to develop their voice.
This group will perform a variety of choral literature based on their ability and
perform at least one concert per semester. Major performances are a requirement
for successful completion of the course.
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Student Council
Student Council is a club comprised of dedicated junior high school students. This
club organizes dances, special functions, and charity events. Student Council
provides the Junior High with many beneficial and enjoyable activities. The main
purpose of Student Council is to act as a group of representatives for students.
Student Council’s goal is to make the school a more fulfilling experience for students.
NOTE: Athletic Information is found in the
Athletic Handbook in the Senior High School
Student Handbook
Breakfast and Lunch Programs
We invite you to participate in the School Lunch and Breakfast Program. All schools
in the Exeter Township School District serve nutritious meals each school day. A
well-balanced diet affects not only the health of the student, but his/her academic
progress as well. Lunch menus are posted monthly. The lunch menu includes the
featured value meal entrée of the day as well as alternatives including assorted
sandwiches and a salad bar. An assortment of breakfast entrees is offered daily.
The cost of a student lunch is $2.95, breakfast $1.90. Reduced meal cost is
determined by Federal guidelines. Each cafeteria uses a point-of-sale system that is
similar to an ATM machine. After a student is registered, he/she will be assigned an
ID number, which will be used from K-12th grade. Monthly menus also are available
on the Exeter web site www.exeter.k12.pa.us and at www.schoolcafe.com
1. Each student enters his/her school ID number into the PIN database to make
meal purchases. A picture of the student is included in the PIN database.
2. Parents/Guardians may deposit money into a student’s account with cash, a
check made payable to Exeter Township School District Food Service
Department, or with an online payment via www.schoolcafe.com
3. After a student has a lunch or breakfast platter, he/she will enter his/her ID
number on the key- pad. The student’s account and photograph will appear on
the computer screen so that the Food Service worker stationed at the end of
the line can check the student’s identity and account balance. The cost of the
breakfast or lunch will be deducted from the account automatically.
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4. All communications regarding students’ account balances will be directed to
parents/guardians. We encourage parents/guardians to establish an account at
www.schoolcafe.com to monitor purchases and balances. We will send
ParentLink messages weekly to notify parents/guardians of a low account
balance. If a student account has a negative balance, ParentLink calls will be
made until the debt is satisfied.
The district will provide applications for free and reduced-price meals for students for
all parents/guardians at the start of the school year online at www.schoolcafe.com,
the Exeter School District website, and in the school offices. If you do not qualify at
that time but your financial situation changes, you may reapply at any time. If you
are eligible for free and reduced meals, you must apply every year or the service will
discontinue. Applications are investigated and reviewed periodically to assure that
only those who truly qualify receive these services.
The guidance office is staffed by two counselors and a secretary. Each student will
meet with his or her assigned counselor throughout the year. Services offered by the
department include: career counseling, academic advisement, standardized testing,
personal counseling, and student transfer and withdrawal.
Students should realize that communications with their counselor are confidential in
nature. However, the counselor has a responsibility for the health and well-being of
the students within their charge. In crisis situations, the counselors will consult with
others who are in a position to assist the student. In past situations, consultations
have included: parents/guardians, administrators, community mental health
agencies, drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities, intermediate units, student
assistance team members, and local police. The guidance department takes a
proactive role in the lives of the student body. It exists to serve.
Student Assistance Program
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The Exeter Township School Board and personnel value each member of the school
community and believe that all individuals have the right to develop to their fullest
potential. The Board and school personnel recognize that students may need help to
develop to their fullest potential. This policy authorizes the establishment of the
Exeter Township Student Assistance Program (SAP).  The team will include teachers,
a school nurse, a school counselor, and administrators. The team will also include a
liaison from a licensed drug and alcohol facility and/or a mental health facility. The
Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic team process used
to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. The SAP team utilizes a
systematic process, along with specially trained school personnel, to intervene, and
refer these students to appropriate in-school and/or community services. The
primary goal of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) is to help students overcome
these barriers that they may achieve academically, remain in school, and advance.
The student assistance process is based upon state guidelines, professional
standards and policies, and procedures adopted by the local school board of
How does SAP Work?
The core of the program is a professionally trained school staff and a Student
Assistance Specialist from Caron Foundation. Student participation in the program is
usually voluntary and is meant to be a support service for all students. All information
regarding a student’s involvement in the program is confidential and maintained for
the best interest of the student.
Students can be referred for different reasons:
exhibiting signs of mental health problems including the risk of suicide
serious behavioral concerns
drop in school performance
violation of the district’s drug and alcohol policy
concerns of alcohol or substance abuse
Student referrals are confidential and can be made by:
school personnel
parents or guardian
outside agencies
What is the Parent’s role?
The SAP team recognizes the importance of the parent’s role in the child’s well-being
and success. With the exception of emergencies, parental notification and
permission is required before any services are initiated.
During the process, the parent will be asked to:
return a signed permission form
complete a parental questionnaire
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follow through promptly with recommendations from the school and/or agency
When to make a Referral... It may be time to make a referral if you notice these
Severe Drop in Grades
Cutting School
Change in Personal Appearance
Erratic Behavior
Symptoms of Anxiety or Depression
Suspicion of alcohol or substance abuse
Change in eating or sleeping habits
Threatens harm to oneself or others
If you recognize any of these signals or have other concerns for your child’s
well-being, please make a referral to the school’s SAP team.
How do I make a Referral?
Please contact your child’s school counselor.
Services offered by the SAP team:
Support Groups
Comprehensive Behavioral Health Assessments
Re-entry meetings when a student is returning from an out of district placement
Check-in, Check-out
Mental health and substance use and abuse prevention and education
Referrals to outside agencies or in school resources when warranted
* Drug and Alcohol Education, Counseling, and Support Services, 24 P.S. §15-1547,
Date of Issue: July 1, 2002
Replaces: Drug and Alcohol Education, Counseling and Support Services, BEC 24
P.S. §15-1547, issued September 1, 1997
*Section 1547 of the PA School Code, enacted as Act 211 of 1990, requires school
districts to implement a comprehensive tobacco, alcohol and other drugs program
including instruction in the classroom.
Medical Examination
The law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides for a periodic health
examination in kindergarten, sixth grade, and eleventh grade, of all children who are
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or should be attending school. Parents/Guardians may be present during the
examination. At that time, the nurse records all physical findings on the medical
record. During these examinations sufficient clothing is removed in order to be
given a thorough examination. When physical defects are discovered, a notice of the
condition is sent to the home, and parents/guardians are advised about suitable
follow-up procedures.
Emergency, Illness, Accident Care
First aid and rest facilities are provided. A nurse is a regular member of the staff. The
teacher in charge of the class will give the student a pass admitting him/her to the
nurse’s office or the main office. If it is necessary to send the student to his/her
home, a pass will be issued by the nurse or the office informing his/her teachers of
the action taken. Parents/Guardians are responsible for providing transportation for
the ill student to his/her home or to the doctor.
School Nurse
The school nurse is on duty the greater part of the school day between 7:20AM and
2:50 PM at which time she renders first aid for minor injuries, advises students in
regards to other health problems, and excludes those from school who have
symptoms of communicable diseases.
Early Dismissal for Illness
If you become ill during the school day and you would like to be excused to go home,
you must report to the school nurse to be checked. If the nurse feels you should
be excused, you will be allowed to leave. However, before leaving, the school must
contact your parent(s)/guardians(s) to inform them of our intent to dismiss you from
school. If your parent/guardian is unavailable, you will have to remain in school until
contact can be made. If you dismiss yourself from school without permission,
you will receive disciplinary action.
Medications Guidelines:
The district recognizes that parents/ guardians have the primary responsibility for
the health of their child(ren). Although it is strongly recommended that medication
be given at home, the district realizes that the health of some students requires that
it be taken during school hours. Whenever possible, parents/guardians should
confer with the family physician to arrange medication time intervals to avoid school
hours. When it needs to be administered in school, the following procedures must
be followed:
(1) No more than a 30-day supply of meds may be sent to school at any
(2) Any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medication should be sent in
the original container in which it was purchased with the child’s name,
dosage to be given, and time to be given on it. A “Medication
Administration Consent and Licensed Prescriber Order” form should be
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completed and signed by the parent/guardian and physician.
(3) Medication should be given to the school nurse or school secretary as
soon as the student arrives at school.
No medication is to be kept in the child’s possession, with the exception of
Epi-pens, inhalers, and any substance that a physician deems necessary for
emergency treatment of a health condition. In order to keep the inhaler or Epi-pen
in his/her possession, a student must provide to the school nurse a completed
Asthma Action Plan” (required for an inhaler) or “Allergy Action Plan” (required for an
Epi-pen) signed by the parent/guardian and a physician for the student to
self-administer, or a note from the physician which states that the student is
competent to properly self-medicate. Any student (with the above mentioned
signed parent/guardian and physician permission) shall notify the nurse as soon as
possible after each self-administration of the medication.
VOICE MAIL: 610-779-3320 – option #2
(24 hours a day!) Tell us if you want homework
sent to the office or to be brought home by
someone else by specifying student name.
Alma Mater
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Oh, Exeter, to thee we raise
Our gratitude and songs of praise.
Our colors blue and white
Will lead us in the right.
Oh, Exeter, you proudly stand
Beneath the might of God's great hand,
Guiding our hearts and minds
For future days.
Exeter! Always worthy of our praise.
Beneath the mighty eagle's wing
The voices of your children sing;
With joyful hearts and true,
Steadfast in all we do.
Though we may go our separate ways,
Remember you through all our days,
Hail, Alma Mater, we pledge to thee
Our true devotion and loyalty.
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