For the electronic copy (PDF), rather than saving the Excel Worksheets as a PDF, make sure to
print the Excel Worksheets as a PDF. For the electronic (PDF) copy: print all the worksheets as a
single PDF copy and label as "Worksheets"; and print all the Exhibits as another single PDF copy
and label as "Exhibits". In addition, in order to have sequential page numbers for the entire
Worksheets PDF, make sure to select all the tabs before printing.
Note: Holding the Shift key, allows you to select multiple adjacent tabs by clicking the first tab and
the last one in the tab bar.
For the hardbound hardcopy of the completed application, make sure that the page numbers are
sequential for the entire Worksheets. If you print from the electronic copy (PDF) then the page
numbers ought to be sequential as you have already went through the exercise of printing the
pages sequentially.
XI. HOA Estimated Costs
IV. Target Population
V. Sources
VI. Project Budget/Uses
VII. Project Budget - Rehabilitation
VIII. Unit Mix and Sales Revenue
IX. Construction Disbursement and Funding (Cash Flow Format)
X. Estimated Project Revenues
2. Certifications and Assurances
3. Credit Authorization
4. Reponses to Questions
III. Project Description
HHFDC Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund Application (For-Sale Projects)
If you have any questions, please contact the Finance Branch at (808) 587-0567 or
[email protected]. Staff is available for consultation prior to submitting the application.
Applications must be complete in order to be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be
processed by the program staff for review and decision making by the Hawaii Housing Finance
and Development Corporation's Board of Directors (Board).
The Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund (AHRF) application is prepared in Excel. The
AHRF Application (For Sale-Projects) may be completed in Excel. Please use, at minimum, an 11
point font.
Please submit one hardbound hardcopy of the completed application, an electronic Excel copy of
the completed application (for the Worksheets only), and an electronic (PDF) copy of the entire
completed application. The Excel AHRF Application packet is formatted for ease of printing on
8.5X11 sized paper. Please do not reformat.
Throughout the spreadsheet, please input data in the light blue shaded fields. The white cells are
automatically created values.
Please submit the application in the order listed below. Make sure that each section is properly
titled and labeled at the top of each page.
1. Worksheets in the following order:
I. Applicant's Request and Information
II. Site Information Sheet
Page 1 of 6
HHFDC Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund Application (For-Sale Projects)
Exhibit No.
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 4
Exhibit 5
Exhibit 6
Exhibit 7
Exhibit 8
Trade and banking references for the applicant.
6. The following Exhibits (1-30):
Copy of a current IRS Tax Exemption Letter (nonprofits) and copy of the
Articles of Incorporation.
Most recent Treasury Form 990 with all supporting documentation as filed
with the IRS, if applicable.
Certified copies of the organizational documents of the applicant, including
its articles of incorporation and bylaws, declaration of trust, partnership or
limited partnership agreement, including any amendments thereto. Include a
signature resolution if not encompassed within corporation bylaws.
Housing Development Experience form provided as part of this application, if
applicable. Please fill in all information requested on the sheet using the
most current information. See sample form titled "Exhibit 8" in the Affordable
Homeownership Revolving Fund application packet.
5. Responses to Environmental Questionnaire
Copy of applicant's past three (3) years of audited financial statements and
reports prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. In the event the applicant is an entity not yet formed, submit
federal and state tax returns and financial statements for the previous three
years, for the developer and principals of the applicant entity. Please redact
all social security numbers prior to submission.
Copy of an organizational chart from the sponsor and the owner of the
project. If the ownership structure will be different at anytime during the
development process, provide a separate organizational chart representing
the ownership structure at such time.
Certificate of Vendor Compliance for the applicant and constituent entities.
The Certificate should not be more than 30 days old and the status of all line
items shall be reported as compliant or exempt.
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HHFDC Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund Application (For-Sale Projects)
Exhibit 9
Exhibit 10
Exhibit 11
Exhibit 12
Exhibit 13
Exhibit 14
Exhibit 15
Exhibit 16
Exhibit 17
Exhibit 18
Exhibit 19
Preliminary title report. The preliminary title report should be dated no earlier
than six months from the date of the application.
Documentation regarding the applicable Special Site Classification.
Letter from the appropriate County Housing Agency which describes your
request for exemption under Chapter 201H, HRS, and the status of your
application. If your site is being rezoned, please attach a letter from the
appropriate County Planning Office which describes the status of the
rezoning process.
Letter of support from the County mayor, City or County council, County
Housing office or agency, or Neighborhood Board. Letter must not be older
than 6 months from the date of application.
Copy of the most recent Draft Environmental Assessment, Finding of No
Significant Impact or Environmental Impact Statement.
Location map of the project site. The map should identify the site, parks,
schools, public transit routes and stops, shopping and business districts,
and competitive developments.
Photographs or rendering of the project and site.
Survey, if available.
Evidence of site control for the project, e.g., deed, lease, agreement of sale,
option agreement.
Copy of any existing note, mortgage, or loan agreement encumbering the
project site, if available.
Resume for each member of the project team.
Resume for key staff involved in the development ownership of this project
from the sponsor and developer.
In addition, please provide a list of construction projects and contracts
completed by the Developer, General Contractor, Consultant, Project
Sponsor, and Architect for at least the last five years. The list includes at
minimum, the name of the project, address of the project, beginning and
ending date of the contract or project, the year project was placed in service,
name of owner of project, owner contact information and list of any federal,
state or local subsidy used in the project and a brief description of the
Letter of reference are welcome in addition to the resumes.
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HHFDC Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund Application (For-Sale Projects)
Exhibit 20
Exhibit 21
Exhibit 22
Exhibit 23
Attach a copy of the Board of Water Supply or Department of Water
Supply letter confirming adequacy of existing water system and availability
of water.
Attach a copy of the sewer application indicating adequacy of
existing sewer system capacity.
Attach a copy of letter from local electricity provider confirming
the availability of electricity to the site.
Environmental Questionnaire (Part of this application packet) and copy of
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. Copy of Phase 2 Environmental
Site Assessment and any mitigation plan, if necessary. The Phase 1
Environmental Site Assessment, Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment,
and mitigation plan should be dated no earlier than 12 months from the date
of application.
Proposed construction timetable.
Market analysis prepared by an independent firm, not affiliated with the
developer (see below*), as to present and projected demand for the
proposed development in the market area. As the market analysis should
provide up-to-date demographic information, it should be dated no earlier
than six months from the date of the application.
*The firm conducting the study must provide the following documentation:
a) Certificate of Vendor Compliance within 30 days prior to the application
date indicating all checks as "compliant" or "exempt",
b) evidence that conducting market studies is one o the primary purposes of
the firm,
c) affidavit certifying that the firm is not affiliated with the developer/applicant
(See sample form titled "Market Analysis Affidavit" in the Affordable
Homeownership Revolving Fund application packet),
d) an affidavit from the developer/applicant certifying that they are not
affiliated with the market analysis firm must also be submitted See sample
form titled "Owner/Developer Affidavit" in the Affordable Homeownership
Revolving Fund application packet.
All documentation must be to the satisfaction of the HHFDC.
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HHFDC Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund Application (For-Sale Projects)
Exhibit 24
Exhibit 25
Exhibit 26
Terms and conditions of the proposed financing, including commitment
letters, from all financing sources and/or tax credit syndicators. Terms and
conditions must reconcile with the worksheets submitted with the Affordable
Homeownership Revolving Fund Application.
One half size set of plans.
Plans and specifications to include a) site plan at a minimum scale of 1"=40'
which delineate the building types, common elements and parking (including
handicapped designations). Project Data must be included on the site plan
sheet: zoning and building code information, both allowable and proposed,
under which the project was designed (e.g., parking, height limits. floor area
ratio, lot coverage, setbacks, type of construction, etc.); b) floor plans of
each building type at a minimum scale of 1/8"=1'-0". Handicapped clear
spaces shall be shown dashed on the plans and reference shall be made to
the code from which it was derived (e.g., UBC, FFHAA, UFAS, etc.); c)
exterior elevations of each building type at minimum scale of 1/8"=1'-0".
Indicate finish materials; and d) unit plans.
Applicant should be aware that a final copy of the plans will need to be
approved by the State of Hawaii Disabilities and Communications Access
Board prior to funding and start of constructions.
Current appraisal, if available.
Whenever the HHFDC provides loan financing, an appraisal report
conforming to USPAP standards shall be at the expense of the applicant
and ordered by the HHFDC. Prior to ordering the appraisal, the HHFDC will
require the applicant to deposit with the HHFDC sufficient funds to pay for
the entire cost of the appraisal report. Appraisal reports ordered by the
applicant may not be acceptable. Appraisal reports ordered and prepared for
any federally insured lender or HUD approved lender will be acceptable, but
shall be subject to a satisfactory review by HHFDC and an appraiser
engaged by the HHFDC if deemed necessary by HHFDC, at the
applicant/developer's expense.
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HHFDC Affordable Homeownership Revolving Fund Application (For-Sale Projects)
Exhibit 27
Exhibit 28
Exhibit 29
Exhibit 30
If certain exhibits are not applicable, then insert a page with the statement "THIS SECTION IS
INTENTIONALLY OMITTED" typed on it, along with a brief explanation as to why the exhibit
is not applicable.
Capital Needs Assessment (if applicable). The Capital Needs Assessment
should be dated no earlier than six months from the date of the application.
A capital needs assessment is a qualified professional’s opinion of a
property’s current physical condition. It identifies deferred maintenance,
physical needs and deficiencies, and material building code violations that
affect the property’s use, structural and mechanical integrity, and future
physical and financial needs. The Capital Needs Assessment shall identify
any work that must be completed immediately to address health and safety
issues, violation of Federal or State law, violation of local code, or any work
necessary to ensure that the building can continue to operate as housing.
Comparative analysis of conventional water heating system and solar water
heating system (if applicable).
Architect Certification - Energy Efficiency and Green Building standards.
Applicants must submit a certification from the Architect confirming that the
Project can meet the required building standards for the category selected.
Special Housing Need documentation and support (if applicable).
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