Guidance note on the treatment of
renewable energy resources as
2025 SNA Revision
April 2022
Summary of recommendations
This guidance note recommends recognition of renewable energy resources under certain
conditions as natural resource assets in the revised SNA. The absence of renewable energy
resources from the current SNA asset boundary is a concern from the point of view of assessing
the environmental sustainability of economic activity. Since fossil fuel resources are included
within the asset boundary, there is an imbalance in the way in which the national accounts treat
non-renewable and renewable energy resources. Given the climate-related consequences of
fossil fuel use, this imbalance risks sending distorted signals to decision makers regarding the
relative economic importance of carbon-intensive, non-renewable energy sources versus less
climate-damaging renewable sources. Renewable energy resources already account for 30% of
global electricity production and are the fastest growing source, according to the
Energy Agency. Moreover, governments are beginning to capture the associated rents. They
have long done so in the case of hydroelectric resources and are starting to do so in the case of
newer renewables, like wind in the United Kingdom and Canada. As they expand in the future,
the overall value of renewable energy resources will become too economically important to
ignore in the national accounts. Doing so would permit an imbalance between the value of the
assets recognized in the capital account and the income measured in the production account.
It is important to be clear as to what “renewable energy resources” are and how they are related
to the topic of interest here, renewable energy assets. In keeping with the
renewable energy
specifications of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC; United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2020), it is taken that renewable energy resources
comprise the cumulative quantities of kinetic, heat or radiative energy recoverable from moving
water (hydro and ocean energy), moving air (wind energy), hot underground and surface rock
and water (geothermal resources) and incident solar radiation (solar resources).
The physical
unit of measure for these resources is the joule in the SI system (other units that could be used
include BTUs, tonnes of oil equivalent or watt-hours).
Not all renewable energy resources qualify as economic assets however. In further keeping with
the general definition of an asset, only those renewable energy resources that are viable for use
in economic production under prevailing technological and economic conditions qualify as
assets. These resources correspond to those that would be classified to the UNFC category
“commercial projects”. More specifically, these are the renewable energy resources that provide
inputs into renewable energy production facilities where extraction and sale is economic on
the basis of current market conditions and realistic assumptions of future market conditions; all
necessary approvals/contracts have been confirmed or there are reasonable expectations that
all such approvals/contracts will be obtained within a reasonable timeframe; economic viability is
not affected by short-term adverse market conditions provided that longer-term forecasts remain
positive; extraction is currently taking place; or, implementation of the development project is
underway; or, sufficiently detailed studies have been completed to demonstrate the feasibility of
extraction by implementing a development project.
The stock of renewable energy assets in a country at a given point in time is, then, the
cumulative quantity of renewable energy resources “harvestable” by the commercial renewable
energy projects in existence at the time. The UNFC recommends limiting the quantification of
renewable energy resource stocks to by considering lifetimes for existing commercial projects.
Lifetimes can be determined from the design basis of the facilities or based on industry
practice/benchmarks. The fact that renewable energy assets can be characterized in physical
terms permits use of the standard accounting concept of “price times quantity” as the basis for
valuing the assets, where their price is the rent that arises during their use in a production
Given the above, it is clear that a remote river with no hydroelectric generation facilities on it,
nor any under such facilities under construction, is not a renewable energy asset. Nor is an air
current in which no wind turbine currently stands (or is imminently being installed) or a ray of
incident solar radiation that does not fall on an existing or imminent energy capturing device
such as a photovoltaic cell or a mirror in a concentrated solar plant. This is consistent with the
treatment of other natural resource assets in the SNA and SEEA-CF. For example, the SNA and
SEEA-CF recognize timber in a forest (another renewable resource) as an asset only in
instances where that timber may be commercially logged at a profit under existing technological
and economic conditions. Remote forests with no potential for logging do not qualify as assets.
Similar criteria are applied to defining other renewable and non-renewable natural resources as
assets in the SNA and SEEA-CF.
In this guidance note, we review the accounting concepts and methods relevant to treating
renewable energy resources as assets and make several recommendations for their application
in the context of the revised SNA. These recommendations are rooted in both the theory and
practice of national economic and environmental accounting as laid out in the SNA and the
SEEA-CF. Where best practices are unclear or simply unrealistic, our recommendations are
guided by the need to provide practical, useful information to allow management of a country’s
natural resource assets.
Neither the SNA nor the SEEA-CF defines a complete and internally consistent approach to the
treatment of renewable energy resources as assets. The SNA has little to say about these
resources explicitly but what is written implies they do not qualify as economic assets because
ownership rights cannot be enforced. The SEEA-CF treats them in detail, considering their
asset value to be captured in associated land values. We find, however, that this treatment fails
to adequately address renewable energy generation that 1) is not associated with land (offshore
wind, solar and ocean resources); 2) exists under ownership rights clearly separated from land
(hydroelectric and most geothermal resources); or 3) is associated with land that has no
economic value and does not appear in the national accounts (hydroelectric and most utility-
scale solar/wind resources). In the few cases where renewable energy resource use is in fact
bundled with land that is both owned and valued in the national accounts (for example, wind
turbines on agricultural land), the SEEA-CF’s approach assumes that land markets accurately
“price in” the value of associated resources. While the SEEA-CF’s argument has prima facie
appeal, we find the assumptions underlying it do not stand up fully under examination and that
is unlikely (impossible in many instances) that existing land values in the SNA will capture
renewable energy asset values. We find as well that a review of the empirical literature on the
relationship between renewable energy production supports this view. Available studies do not
point to a consistently positive relationship between renewable energy production and land
values. Evolutions in market participants’ knowledge and policy contexts both within and among
countries appears to play a significant role in determining the size and even the direction of
the relationship between land values and renewable energy production.
We recommend instead that a separate asset category for renewable energy resources
be created within the revised SNA (and, ultimately, the SEEA-CF) and that the value of
these assets be partitioned between their governments (their legal owners) and
renewable energy companies, since both governments and renewable energy companies
may be considered economic owners of the resources.
We consider the risk of double
Here we refer to the guidance on this issue laid out in the Guidance note on Accounting for the Economic
Ownership and Depletion of Natural Resources prepared by Peter van de Ven and Mark de Haan.
counting between the existing land asset and this new asset category to be low on both
economic and accounting grounds; specifically, land markets today likely fail to completely
internalize renewable energy resource values (where such resources are bundled with land)
and there is rivalry between use of some land (e.g., farmland) for renewable energy generation
and other uses. Furthermore, national accountants can employ practical means in compiling
national balance sheets that avoid of double counting.
If, as we recommend, renewable energy resources are to be recognized as assets in the
revised SNA, a method must be found to value them. The SEEA-CF and (somewhat less
clearly) the SNA recommend a residual value method for natural resource assets in
general. In this, asset value is taken to be equal to the present value of the future stream
of rent flowing from the resource. Rent, for its part, is calculated as the difference
between resource revenues (less specific subsidies received plus specific taxes paid)
and production costs, including returns to labour and produced capital. We recommend
that the same approach be applied to the valuation of renewable energy resources in
most instances in the revised SNA, noting that pilot empirical work by the World Bank
(Smith et al., 2021) demonstrates that this approach yields results that are both plausible
and defensible in the context of broader economic trends.
The validity of the residual value method rests on an assumption of renewable energy markets
approximating long-run competitive equilibrium and we acknowledge that markets in many
countries especially in the developing world do not meet this standard. However, data from
the OECD suggest considerable movement toward competitiveness since deregulation of
electricity markets began, at least in developed countries. Heavy subsidization of renewable
energy production and consumption remains, however, and this poses a clear theoretical
challenge to the residual value method. Where the residual value method is inappropriate
due to subsidization or other market distortions, an alternative approach, known as the
“least-cost alternative” method is recomended. This approach attempts to identify rents by
comparing the cost of electricity generation with and without renewable resources. This
technique has been applied with varying sophistication to the valuation of hydroelectric
Our primary rationale for recommending the residual value method in most instances is
consistency: the method is widely applied in country practice and by the World Bank
to other environmental assets that policy-makers must evaluate against renewable
energy resources. We consider the potential pitfalls of applying this approach, notably the
payment of subsidies on renewable energy production, consumption and equipment
manufacture. While care must be taken, we note that heavy subsidization is not unique to the
renewable energy sector.
See the World Bank’s Changing Wealth of Nations series of reports.
See the World Bank’s Inclusive Wealth series of reports.
1 Introduction
In this guidance note (GN), we address the treatment of renewable energy resources as assets
in the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA; European Commission et al., 2008) and in the
related System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Central Framework (SEEA-CF;
United Nations et al., 2014a). We find that current guidance in the SNA and the SEEA-CF does
not define a fully satisfactory approach to measuring renewable energy resources. The SNA
currently excludes them from its natural asset boundary and offers only a limited discussion of
them. The SEEA-CF’s treatment, while more extensive, is found to require re-examination in
certain aspects. In particular, the SEEA-CF’s view that renewable energy resource values are
already captured in the value of the associated land does not address renewable energy
generation that 1) is not associated with land (offshore wind, solar and ocean resources); 2)
exists under ownership rights clearly separated from land (hydroelectric and most geothermal
resources); or 3) is associated with land that has no economic value and does not appear within
the scope of land resources measured in the SNA (hydroelectric and most utility-scale
solar/wind resources). Only the value of privately owned land used for renewable energy
generation (e.g., solar and wind installations on private land) is liable to reflect the value of the
renewable energy resources.
The absence of renewable energy resources from the SNA’s asset boundary is a concern from
the point of view of assessing the environmental sustainability of economic activity. Fossil fuel
resources are included within the SNA’s asset boundary, leading to an imbalance in the way in
which the system treats energy resources. Given the climate-related consequences of fossil fuel
use, this imbalance risks sending distorted signals to decision makers regarding the relative
economic importance of carbon-intensive, non-renewable energy sources versus less climate-
damaging renewable sources.
To address this concern, we propose creation of a new asset category for renewable energy
resources in the revised SNA (and in any future revision of the SEEA-CF) and the partitioning of
the value of the assets between their legal owners (governments) and economic owners
(renewable energy companies). We argue that valuation of these resources can proceed in
most instances via the “residual value” method recommended in the SEEA-CF (and the SNA)
for the valuation of other natural resource assets. An alternative approach, known as the “least-
cost alternative” method, may also be applicable, particularly in countries where electricity
markets are very far from equilibrium.
The significant and growing importance of renewables means there is an economic case for
their inclusion within the revised SNA’s asset boundary. Available evidence, limited as it may
be, suggests that renewable energy assets especially hydroelectric resources may already
be worth trillions of dollars worldwide. Extrapolating from partial findings for Canada (Gillen and
Wen, 2000), Canada’s hydroelectric resources alone may be worth $US380 billion in current
dollars. This would place them on par with the value of Canada’s large fossil fuel reserves. As
solar and wind energy expand and nascent technologies like geothermal and wave energy are
developed, the overall value of renewable energy assets will likely become too economically
important to ignore in the national accounts. Doing so would permit an imbalance between the
This note has been prepared by Robert Smith of Midsummer Analytics. We wish to thank Karen Wilson and Patrick
O’Hagan, both formerly of Statistics Canada, for sharing their knowledge and insights regarding the national accounts
and its treatment of natural resource assets. We are grateful as well to Grzegorz Peszko, Glenn-Marie Lange,
Albertine Potter van Loon, Shun Chonabayashi, Stefanie Onder and Catherine Van Rompaey of the World Bank for
their helpful direction and comments during its preparation. Any errors or omissions remain entirely our own.
value of the assets recognized in the capital account and the income measured in the
production account.
Our discussion in this GN is focused on geothermal, hydroelectric, solar and wind resources
and primarily on their use to generate electricity. We realize this ignores other important benefits
of these resources; for example, the use of geothermal and solar resources directly as sources
of heat. We realize as well that other renewable energy resources are of economic importance,
most notably biological resources (fuelwood and other biomass) but also ocean energy (waves
and tides). Our restricted focus is partly pragmaticto keep the GN to a reasonable length
but also reflects the fact that there is great attention focused today on renewable electricity
generation. Renewable resources offer the possibility of an emissions-free source to meet the
world’s growing need to provide homes, factories, communications and, increasingly,
transportation networks with electricity. We would note, however, that the arguments we present
with respect to geothermal, hydroelectric, solar and wind electricity apply equally to other
renewable energy sources.
The remainder of the GN proceeds as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the treatment of
renewable energy resources as assets, starting from what is proposed in the SNA and SEEA-
CF. Section 3 is devoted to a discussion of the options considered for the inclusion of renewable
energy assets in the SNA and our recommended approach, which is grounded in theory but with
due regard for practicality. Section 4 deals with the conceptual aspects of our recommended
approach, while Section 5 deals with its practical aspects. Several appendices provide
additional information where necessary.
2 Existing material
In this section, we discuss the current treatment of renewable energy resources as economic
assets. This requires discussion of the way assets are defined in general terms in SNA and the
SEEA-CF. We follow this with more detailed discussions of their treatments of natural resources
broadly and of renewable energy resources specifically. The SEEA-CF treatment of renewable
energy assets, in particular, is reviewed thoroughly.
2.1 Renewable energy resources as economic assets
2.1.1 Assets in general terms in the SNA and SEEA-CF
Assets are socially defined entities that can, and do, evolve over time. Both the asset boundary
(the criteria that separate assets from non-assets) and the domains over which it extends
depend on specific economic and institutional arrangements. The evolution of asset definitions
is of central importance to any effort to account for renewable energy resources, because these
resources are emerging as important parts of economic life across the globe. Some, like run-of-
river hydropower, have been used for millennia. Others, such as geothermal, solar and wind
electricity, have only emerged recently as widespread inputs to production as technology and
consumer preferences change.
When natural resources serve no purpose in economic production, no reason exists for them to
be recognized as assets. Conversely, when resources become productive (that is, used in
economic activity), they can be recognized as assets for national accounting purposes (see, for
example, the case of the radio spectrum discussed in Section 2.1.3). The emergence of newly
productive economic resources is often followed by legal recognition of associated property
rights, a pre-condition for the resources to be viewed as assets. This is already occurring in the
instance of renewable energy resources. For example, Danish authorities have awarded
damages to the owner of a wind energy farm due to losses caused by construction of another
farm upwind, implying that the wind is a resource with benefits to which one individual’s access
is not to be unduly restricted by another (Diamond, 2015). In the United States, governments
have begun to develop regulations to ensure access to sun and wind for the production of
energy by restricting development on neighbouring properties (Diamond and Crivella, 2011;
Landis, 2019).
According to the SNA, an asset is an entity over which ownership rights are enforced by some
unit, or units, and from which economic benefits are derived by their owner(s) by holding or
using them over a period of time.” (SNA ¶1.46). Key to this definition is the notion of an
economic benefit, which is defined in the SNA as a benefit, measurable in monetary terms, from
the use of an entity in the context of a market activity (production, consumption or accumulation)
or from holding the entity as a store of monetary value (SNA ¶3.19). For something to be
considered an asset, then, any benefits it provides must flow in the context of productive
activity. This excludes entities that provide benefits outside the scope of human productive
actives from consideration as assets. This approach means that economic assets are “revealed”
by these activities (often market activities); anything outside them may be excluded.
Also key to the SNA asset definition is the notion of ownership. The SNA is explicit in noting that
ownership need not be private for an entity to qualify as an asset (SNA ¶1.46). Collective
ownership by all members of a country is acceptable, allowing the SNA to define natural
Brief descriptions of renewable energy resources in physical terms are provided in Appendix 1.
resources like oil reserves owned by governments on behalf of all citizens as assets.
Collective ownership does not extend beyond the national level, however, since the focus of the
SNA is on accounting for the economies of nation states; this explains the SNA’s rejection of the
high seas as an economic asset.
The SEEA-CF follows the SNA almost completely in its basic asset definition, with one
difference. Unlike the SNA, which focuses only on assets that provide economic benefits, the
SEEA-CF extends its asset boundary to include “all resources that may provide benefits to
humanity”, opening the door to inclusion of resources that provide both economic and non-
economic benefits (SEEA-CF ¶5.14). However, resources of the latter type are measured only
in physical terms in the SEEA-CF and are not referred to as economicassets. Only assets that
provide economic benefits are measured in monetary terms in the SEEA-CF. For example, in
physical terms, all land within a country lies within the asset boundary of the SEEA-CF, while, in
monetary terms, some land may have zero economic value and hence be excluded from
consideration as an economic asset.
2.1.2 Natural resources as assets in the SNA and SEEA-CF
In keeping with its general definition of assets, the SNA recognizes as assets only natural
resources over which ownership rights can be and areenforced. The specific natural
resources recognized as assets in the SNA are:
land (including soil and associated surface water)
mineral and energy resources found on and under the earth’s surface (including
biological resources (trees, plants and animals) that grow under natural conditions (as
opposed to those, like farm animals or plantation forests, that grow under managed
surface and groundwater, so long as it is regularly used for extraction
electromagnetic (radio) spectrum used for telecommunications purposes.
As with its basic definition of assets, the SEEA-CF largely mirrors the SNA in its recognition of
natural resources as assets, though it treats some resources especially land differently. The
SEEA-CF places land in a separate category from other natural resource assets, seeing it as an
asset only from the perspective of its use for the provision of space1.49). “Soil resources” are
a separate asset unto themselves in the SEEA-CF. In contrast, the SNA considers landto
comprise both the space it provides as well as the soil underlying it. The other assets in the
SEEA-CF natural resource category are, as in the SNA: mineral and energy resources,
biological resources and water resources. Interestingly, however, the SEEA-CF does not
recognize the radio spectrum as a natural asset, arguing that it is “not part of the biophysical
environment” (SEEA-CF5.36, footnote 48).
When it comes to the question of ownership of natural resource assets, the SNA is clear that the
general principle upon which asset ownership is to be determined is economic ownership:
“assets appear on the balance sheet of the unit that is the economic owner
”. The SNA goes on,
The classic example is remote public land, such as a wild forest, that provides no economic benefits. Such land is
generally not included on national balance sheets. Australia is an exception to this; a measure of the value of “other
land” (government-owned land that is not used for residential, commercial or other economic purposes) is included on
Australia’s national balance sheet (Cadogan-Cowper and Comisari, 2009).
The economic owner of an asset is an entity that has agreed by way of contract to accept the risks and rewards of
using the asset in production in return for an agreed amount to be paid to the asset’s legal owner. The legal owner is
the unit entitled in law to the benefits of the asset’s use (SNA ¶2.47).
however, to note that when a natural resource is the subject of a resource lease, the asset
continues to appear in the balance sheet of the lessor [e.g., a government] even though most of
the economic risks and rewards of using the asset in production are assumed by the lessee
[e.g., a resource company]” (SNA ¶13.3). There is, then, an inconsistency in the SNA’s
approach to asset ownership; ownership is attributed to the economic owner unless the asset in
question is a natural resource, in which case ownership is attributed to the legal owner. The
SNA explains this by stating "…there is no wholly satisfactory way in which to show the value of
the [natural resource] asset split between the legal owner and the extractor, [so] the whole of
the resource is shown on the balance sheet of the legal owner” (SNA ¶13.50). The SNA
acknowledges that this treatment is not “wholly” satisfactory. One concern is that the value of
any natural asset recorded on a government’s balance sheet (as the legal owner) would not be
in line with the actual rent earned by the government on that asset except in cases where
royalty payments succeed in extracting all resource rent from resource companies. This is
rarely, if ever, the case. Thus, the valuation of the asset on the national balance sheet would
not, in fact, reflect the actual economic value of the asset to the government.
The SEEA-CF, for its part, states that “the economic value of mineral and energy resources
should be allocated between the extractor and the legal owner” (SEEA-CF preface ¶33) and
that “the allocation of assets and the resulting estimates of institutional sector net worth should
reflect the expected future income streams for each unit from the extraction of the resources
(SEEA-CF ¶5.223). There is no more explicit statement in the SEEA-CF regarding the
recommended approach to attributing ownership of natural resource assets. Based on these
two excerpts, the SEEA would seem to diverge with SNA treatment, suggesting that the value of
natural resource assets should be divided between the legal and economic owners rather than
being attributed wholly to the former.
A clear and explicit treatment of this issue is found in the
Guidance note on Accounting for the
Economic Ownership and Depletion of Natural Resources prepared by Peter van de Ven and
Mark de Haan. We agree with the approach to sharing of ownership of natural resources
laid out in that note and recommend that it be considered as the guidance for treating the
ownership of renewable energy resources as well. We would note that the guidance of van
de Ven and de Haan is consistent with the approach taken by Statistics Canada (2015), the only
statistical agency worldwide to have developed sectored and quarterly balance sheet accounts
for natural resources.
2.1.3 Renewable energy resources as assets in the SNA and SEEA-CF
The SNA says little regarding the specific treatment of renewable energy resources as assets. It
simply states, as noted earlier, that entities over which no property rights can be exerciseddo
not qualify as assets, using the high seas and atmosphere as examples. This suggests that both
solar and wind resources would not be recognized as assets within the SNA, since they are
closely linked to the atmosphere. What the SNA actually intends with respect to solar and wind
resources is unclear, however, as neither is mentioned anywhere in the text. It is worth recalling
that the SNA does recognize the radio spectrum used by telecommunications companies as a
natural resource asset (SNA ¶10.185). The reasons for this are not fully spelled out but appear
related to 1) the unprecedented demand for access to the spectrum created by the arrival of 3G
cellular telephone technology in the early 2000s and 2) the fact that use of the spectrum is rival
(users can disrupt and degrade one another’s signals) but not physically excludable (no user
can physically prevent another’s use). In response, governments expanded regulation of access
to the spectrum through auctioning of cellular communications licenses beginning in the late
Statistics Canada, Table 36-10-0580-01, National Balance Sheet Accounts. Available here.
1990s. This generated very large public revenues (Jilani, 2015). Acknowledging this, the
drafters of the SNA
agreed to include the radio spectrum within its asset boundary.
Interestingly, they argued that “land, mineral deposits and the spectrum are similar types of
assetsand consequently classified the spectrum as a natural resource asset (SNA ¶17.317).
This is an example of an entity previously deemed to have no economic value and over which
ownership rights were not exercised subsequently meeting both SNA asset boundary
requirements through government’s decision to exercise public ownership rights prompted by
changing economic circumstances. The potential parallels with renewable energy resources are
As with solar and wind resources, the SNA is silent on geothermal and hydroelectric resources.
It does, however, acknowledge that water “regularlyused for extraction can be considered a
natural resource asset. Assuming the temporary diversion of water through electric power
turbines constitutes regular extraction, it is plausible that water in a hydroelectric power
reservoir could be considered an asset in the SNA. Similarly, extraction of hot water from an
underground geothermal reservoir may be sufficient for the SNA to recognize those reservoirs
as assets (though it is unlikely that extraction of heat from dry, hot bedrock would qualify).
Again, the SNA’s intentions are unclear, as neither resource is mentioned explicitly.
In contrast to the SNA, the SEEA-CF is explicit and detailed in its discussion of renewable
energy resources as assets. The SEEA-CF recognizes that energy from renewable sources is
important in many countries and increasingly seen as an alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear
power. Renewable energy resources recognized in the SEEA-CF include, in addition to the four
considered in this note, wave/tidal power and undefined “other” sources. The SEEA-CF argues
that these resources
cannot be exhausted in a manner akin to fossil energy resources and, unlike biological
resources, they are not regenerated. Thus, in an accounting sense, there is no physical
stock of renewable sources of energy that can be used up or sold” (SEEA-CF5.226).
The SEEA-CF therefore limits physical measurement of these resources to measurement of the
flows of energy produced from them; no measurement of the stock of the resources in physical
terms is proposed. Further, physical measurement of renewable energy production is limited to
the amounts actually produced by currently installed generation infrastructure. No account is
taken of the potential amounts of energy that could be produced from renewable sources if
investment and technology were to change in the future. This is consistent with the SEEA-CF’s
exclusion of sub-soil energy resources that are not currently under active development from
consideration as natural resource assets.
Though the SEEA-CF argues that the concept of a physical stock does not apply to renewable
energy resources, it does acknowledge that the resources have value unto themselves,
recognizing that a resource does not have to be measurable in physical terms in order to have a
monetary value. The SEEA-CF argues that the value of renewable energy resources should be
captured in the value of the land associated with renewable energy generation facilities:
“Opportunities to earn resource rent based on sources like wind, solar and geothermal should
be expected to be reflected in the price of land” (SEEA-CF5.228).
Thus, the asset value of
The SNA was undergoing a major revision around the same time as the spectrum issue came to the fore.
The viewpoint that renewable energy resources cannot be “regenerated” is puzzling, as solar, wind, hydroelectric
and geothermal resources would all seem to be so. The first three will regenerate so long as the sun shines. The
fourth will regenerate so long as the earth’s core remains molten. In both cases, the processes of regeneration are
expected to last for billions of years.
For its part, the specialized SEEA-Energy handbook devoted to accounting for energy resources (United Nations,
2019) states that “the sun and the wind are not considered to be environmental assets” for its purposes (¶2.24) and
wind power should, according to the SEEA-CF, be captured in the value of land where windmills
are sited or where they might be one day. Similarly, the value of solar and geothermal resource
assets should be reflected in the value of the associated land, even though it is not clear in the
case of geothermal resources (particularly deep-earth geothermal) what would constitute the
associated land. In the case of hydro resources, the SEEA-CF argues it is more relevant to
consider the value in relation to the water used to generate the energy than to an area of land.
Thus, in the case of hydropower, it is the value of the water resource that would capture the
value of the hydro asset according to the SEEA-CF.
2.1.4 Exploring the assumptions underlying the SEEA-CF’s treatment of
renewable energy resources
While the SEEA-CF’s argument that renewable energy resource values will arise “due to the
scarcity of the sites used for energy generation” (SEEA-CF5.310), has prima facie appeal, the
assumptions underlying it deserve further examination.
The SEEA-CF’s argument seems predicated
on the notion that if two parcels of otherwise
identical land differ only in their use (or potential use) to generate renewable energy, their
market price should reflect this difference (with the one with higher renewable energy
generation or potential being the more highly valued). Sites for renewable energy production are
not infinite in supply, especially not for geothermal and hydroelectric resources, both of which
depend on specific attributes of the earth’s crust or its hydrologic features. Thus, it would be
reasonable to expect areas of land with high geothermal or hydroelectric potential to command
relatively higher prices than those without, other things equal. Sites suitable for solar and wind
production are also in limited supply, even if the sun shines and the wind blows everywhere.
Variations in both the degree of sunshine/wind speed and the physical characteristics of sites
(angle to the sun or wind, obstructions, prohibitions, existing land uses) impact suitability and
therefore value for solar/wind production.
Several assumptions are implicit in the SEEA-CF’s argument around the value of renewable
energy resources in relation to land:
markets for renewable energy production are in something close to long-term
competitive equilibrium
property rights to land include the rights to the economic benefits flowing from any
associated renewable energy generation, and
land associated with renewable energy production has a positive and measurable
economic value and that this value is captured, at least in principle, in the national
Each of these assumptions is considered in turn below.
repeats the SEEA-CF position that renewable energy resource values should be captured in the value of the
associated land (¶2.50).
We say “seems predicated” because the basis for the SEEA-CF’s argument is not spelled out explicitly anywhere in
the text.
Arguably, this is not true in the case of nations, like Saudi Arabia, with vast areas of desert with largely
undifferentiated potential for solar power production and no other meaningful potential for economic use. Even in
such cases, however, the principles of valuation would apply but the supply of suitable land would so far outstrip
demand that no opportunity cost would arise.
11 Renewable energy markets are close to equilibrium
For the value of land to reflect the value of any associated renewable energy assets, markets
for renewable energy must be in something close to long-term competitive equilibrium. For long-
term equilibrium to obtain, buyers and sellers of land require clear and reliable information to
account for renewable energy generation potential in their assessments of land value. The
points on which land buyers/sellers require clear and reliable information include, inter alia:
the physical potential of the land in question for renewable energy production
how the use of the land for renewable energy production might affect its value for
other purposes (e.g., how installation of a wind turbine on farmland might affect its
value as potential residential development site)
the current and future demand for different forms of renewable energy
the legal and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy, including property rights
to the economic benefits of renewable energy production, government support for
renewable energy production and capture of the associated resource rent, and
the capital and operating costs of renewable energy production.
The extent to which clear and reliable information on these points is actually available to
renewable energy investors is difficult to determine. Moreover, this availability likely differs
considerably from country to country. In jurisdictions with relatively long histories of renewable
energy production, such as Denmark and Holland, it may be the case that there is sufficient
certainty on the above points for land transactions to reflect the value of renewable energy
production. In jurisdictions where renewable energy production is newer and/or markets are in
rapid evolution (which includes most of the world), it seems likely that uncertainty exists on
many of these points, meaning that the economic benefits of renewable energy resources will
be, at best, imperfectly factored into land prices. As an example of the uncertainty investors
face, public perception of the desirability of renewable energy infrastructure especially wind
turbines and solar panelsis fickle. While citizens in many countries support renewable energy
(PEW Research, 2018; European Commission, 2017), they can also object when projects are
developed “in their backyards”. Opposition is driven by socioeconomic concerns, visual and
sound impacts and environmental concerns (Bidwell, 2016; Enevoldsen and Sovacool, 2016)
and has resulted in planned developments being scrapped, such as the Cape Wind project in
Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts (Smith, 2007) and the White Pines
wind project in Ontario.
Uncertainty regarding legal and regulatory environments can create considerable distortions in
markets. A rational investor would want clarity regarding the allocation of the economic benefits
of renewable energy production before making a large land purchase. Since those benefits
would be expected to play out over decades, the challenges posed for the investor by
uncertainties are multiplied. In another example, a solar energy investor in California had its
panels blocked by neighbouring redwood trees. After a lengthy lawsuit, the owner of the solar
array won out and the trees had to be removed (Borenstein, 2011). This suggests that property
rights to renewable energy resources are recognized but are still a matter of some debate, even
in California with its long history of production. Appendix 2 explores another source of
uncertainty what governments might do in the long run regarding solar and wind property
The foregoing is not intended to suggest that renewable energy markets are chaotic and that
long-run market equilibrium is but a distant dream. In fact, as discussed in Section 4.1.3 below,
some renewable electricity markets and electricity markets more generally have moved in
recent years toward long-run competitive equilibrium even if they cannot all be considered to
have arrived there yet. Rather, the point is simply that enough uncertainty remains in many
renewable energy markets to question whether the SEEA-CF’s assertion that land prices will
capture renewable energy resource rents is valid. Our view is that it may be in a few instances
but not in most. This view is supported by the empirical literature, which we review briefly below
for both renewable energy production on farmland and on private residences.
Studies on the relationship between farmland prices and renewable energy demonstrated a
mixed set of results, with some studies pointing to a positive relationship, others to a negative
relationship and still others to ambiguous results. Haan and Simmler (2018), in a study for
Germany, find that German feed-in tariff’s for wind power led to capitalization of 18% of wind
turbine profits into land prices.
Lai et al. (2019), in a spatially explicit study for Taiwan covering 2013-2017, find increased value
of farmland in parts of their study area due to installation of solar panels, both for farmland used
for solar power production and for surrounding farmland not yet used for such production.
However, farmland in other parts of their study area showed decreased value. Lai et al.
speculate this is because of differences in the installed solar capacity in different areas, with
areas where full capacity has been reached showing negative effects and vice versa. Lee et al.
(2021), in another study for Taiwan covering the period 2012-2019, considered the impact of
Taiwan’s "Two-Year Solar PV Promotion Plan” on farmland prices. They found that farmland
prices fell after implementation of this policy, which, they hypothesize, is due to the Taiwanese
government's declaration that only agriculturally inefficient farmland can be used for solar farms.
Lehn and Bahrs (2018a), in a study for North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany for the year 2013,
find a statistically, though not economically, significant relationship between wind power
production and farmland value. They conclude that agricultural characteristics of farmland (such
as livestock density) and proximity of land to population centres were the main factors driving
farmland value. In a related, spatially explicity study, again for North Rhine-Westphalia for 2013,
Lehn and Bahrs also find a statistically signification relationship between farmland value and
wind power production but only for farmland in the 90th percentile of value; for farmland in lower
value quantiles, no statistically significant relationship was found.
Myrna et al. (2019), in a study for Saxony-Anhalt, Germany covering the period 2007-2016,
show a small (0.4%) increase in farmland value for a doubling in installed wind turbine capacity.
Sardaro et al. (2019) consider the impact of wind turbine production on farmers when the
turbines are owned by a separate power utility rather than by the farmers. They find that
renewable energy production has a negative value on farmland in these instances. Seifer et al.
(2020), in another study for Germany that placed considerable emphasis on information
asymmetries in farmland markets (which they characterise as “thin”), find that wind power is not
a statistically significant variable in farmland prices. They note their findings are inconsistent
with other studies (e.g., Haan and Simmler, 2018) but note these other studies referred to
periods during which feed-in tariffs large and economically attractive to famers whereas their
study includes transactions for 2014-2017 and German wind-energy tariff rates became variable
in 2017.
As for studies considering the impacts on residential property prices from solar power
production, several were found and all showed either small, positive or no net increases in
property values. Qui et al. (2017), in a study for Arizona, USA, found a gross increase in house
price of $28,000 (equivalent to 17% of median prices), which translated to a net increase of
about $5,000 after the average cost of solar rooftop installation was considered. They found no
price premium for houses with solar hot water heaters. In a study for Hawaii, USA, Wee (2016)
found similarly that the net effect of solar rooftop installations on property values after
accounting for installation costs was about $5000. Dastrup et al. (2012) in a study for California,
USA, found essentially no net price increase after accounting for installation costs. In another
study for California, USA, Hoen et al. (2012) concluded that “homes with PV systems sold for a
premium over comparable homes without PV systems” but only yielding a “near full return on
investment.” (emphasis added). In a larger, multi-state study for the USA, Hoen et al. (2017)
found that the price premium paid for houses with solar electric rooftop systems essentially
exactly offset the average costs of installing those systems.
In a study for Perth, Australia, Ma et al. (2015) found that the premium received on residential
properties seemed to cover both the costs of installation of the systems plus, in cases where the
system qualified for preferred feed-in tariff (FiT) rates from government incentive programs, the
future value of those benefits. A more recent study for Queensland, Australia (Lan et al., 2020)
found that the average net price premium (exclusive of installation cost) was 21,403 AUD for
properties with systems operating under a generous FiT rate of 44 cents/kWh but just 5,600
AUD when the FiT rate dropped to 8 cents/kWh. Both these Australian studies demonstrate the
important of renewable energy policy contexts for determining the impact of RE production on
property prices. They suggest that where FiT policies exist, property buyers will take those into
account when purchasing a property with an existing rooftop solar system. They will pay a
premium for those properties that reflects not just the cost of installation of the system, but also
the value of the future payments made under the FiT regime. In cases where FiT policies are
not in place, buyers seem in some cases to value the savings in energy costs solar systems
offer (by paying small net premiums for properties with systems) and in other cases not to value
these savings (paying premiums that cover only the cost of installation of the system itself). This
suggest that buyers do not uniformly understand the economic benefits of solar rooftop
Overall, the farmland and residential property price studies we reviewed support the SEEA’s
contention that renewable energy production can positively influence land values where the
benefits of that production accrue to the owners of the land. However, they also support our
contention that even on private land, the size (and even direction) of this change is
unpredictable today because markets are not yet in equilibrium. These studies point to the
importance of real-world buying and selling decisions, which are influenced by both policy
contexts and market participants’ knowledge, both of which continue to evolve within and
among countries. The simulations of the impact of policy reforms on the value of renewable and
non-renewable energy wealth in Angola and South Africa in Smith et al. (2021
) further
demonstrate how policies can destroy or increase the resource rents accruing to renewable
energy resources.
Thus, our view remains that evolving market conditions mean that land values cannot yet be
taken as reliable guides to the value of renewable energy assets exploited by private
landowners, even if they should in theory. Property rights and renewable energy resources
For the value of land to positively reflect the value of any associated renewable energy assets, it
must be the case that the land owner also owns the rights to the economic benefits associated
with the renewable energy resources. Where ownership rights accrue to a party other than the
land owner, the study by Sardaro et al. (2019) suggest land values can actually fall as a result of
renewable energy production.
The only case in which it would seem to be true that the benefits of renewable energy
production clearly accrue to land owners is that of solar and wind energy production on privately
owned land. When a farmer erects a wind turbine on his farm or a homeowner installs solar
panels on her roof, for example, the economic benefits of the energy production will be
conferred on him/her simply by the fact of his/her ownership of the associated land. As the
literature review above demonstrates, empirical evidence supports the notion that land values
can increase in such instances, though they do not uniformly do so today due to market
In the case of renewable energy production on public land/water, it is true that the rights to both
the land/water and the economic benefits of the energy production vest in the same unit (in this
case, the government on behalf of the public). However, as we argue more fully in Section, in those cases the land in question is likely not traded in markets and has no economic
value (at least, no value that is observed within the national accounts). There is, therefore, no
recorded value that renewable energy production on public land might influence, even if the
property rights to the resource are clear in this case.
The case of geothermal resources is the most problematic from the perspective of property
rights, as rights to these resources in most countriesas with the rights to sub-soil resources in
general are assumed not by the owner of the land above them but by the government on
behalf of all citizens (see Appendix 3). The United States is something of an exception to this,
as sub-soil resource rights there are legally conferred by default on the owners of the
associated surface land. However, it is common in the United States for rights to the surface
and mineral estates to have been severed at some point in the past, meaning that the rights to
the two are frequently owned by different parties today. Thus, in most countries, including the
United States, it is not clear that the presence of geothermal resources on or under a given
piece of land would have any positive impact on the value of the land. Indeed, a case could be
made that the opposite is true. To the extent that geothermal energy production disrupts surface
land uses and/or raises concern for groundwater quality, the exploitation of geothermal
resources could cause land values to fall, not rise.
14 Land value is already captured in the national accounts
For the value of land to reflect the value of any associated renewable energy assets, it goes
without saying that the land in question must have a non-zero economic value in the absence of
renewable energy production and that its value must be captured, at least in principle, in the
national accounts. Otherwise, there is no observed land value for renewable energy assets to
impact. This is germane in two instances: renewable energy production on land with no other
practical use; and production that effectively occurs in the absence of land (for example, off-
shore wind farms and deep-well geothermal). Only in the case of renewable energy production
on privately owned land does an observable land value exist that could be plausibly influenced
by the presence of renewable energy assets. Privately owned land always has a value because
it has, by definition, at least one economic use.
The value of all private land is captured in the
national accounts and markets should be able to “price in” its value for renewable energy
Note that the argument here pertains to large-scale exploitation of geothermal resources and not to their small-
scale use for heating/cooling purposes in residential- or commercial-building ground-source geothermal systems. The
property rights to this energy likely do accrue to the land owner. Though here again it seems unlikely that the value of
the land on which the building is sited will rise simply because the owner decides to install a ground-source
geothermal system. Land below essentially any building can be used as a source of heat/cooling, so neither
differential rent nor scarcity rent could be expected to arise.
Even private land that is not actively used in any kind of production process nearly always has an economic use as
a store of value for its owner. An exception to this might be very remote areas of land held privately for the purposes
of ecological preservation. The economic value of such areas, even as a store of value, may be zero. For the present
purposes, such areas can be ignored.
production (notwithstanding the issues associated with property rights and market equilibria just
Publicly owned land is different, especially public land that is found in its “natural” state (e.g.,
forests, rivers or deserts) and has no practical economic use (for example, because of
remoteness or lack of any plausible economic use). Such land is not considered an asset in the
context of the national accounts, as no value can be observed for it. The argument that
renewable energy asset values will be captured in land values is not plausible, then, for
production that occurs on public land with no other economic use. This includes essentially all
rivers used for hydroelectricity production and any public lands used exclusively for solar, wind
or geothermal production. In the absence of renewable energy production, these areas have no
economic value. In such cases, the SEEA-CF notes “the value of the land will, in theory, be
equal to the net present value of the future income stream [from the renewable energy
production]” (SEEA-CF 5.229). This recognition that land used only for renewable energy
production is equal in value to the value of the renewable energy resources themselves
simply another way of stating that such land has no economic value unto itself; all its value
arises from its use to produce renewable energy.
Why the value that arises from renewable energy production on otherwise valueless land should
be attributed to the land rather than to the renewable energy assets themselves is not clear and
the SEEA-CF offers no explicit justification. It is the equivalent of attributing the value of
standing timber resources to the land on which the trees grow and not to the trees themselves,
something the SEEA-CF recommends against. The SEEA-CF recommends instead that timber
resources (in fact, all natural resources other than renewable energy) be recognized as assets
in and of themselves. Thus, the approach suggested for renewable energy assets would seem
inconsistent with the main thrust of the SEEA-CF’s arguments regarding natural resource
This issue is of considerable practical importance, since renewable energy
production is increasingly sited on land that has no alternative economic use. Large solar
energy farms (utility-scale projects), which account for most of the growth in the world’s installed
capacity (IEA, 2017), can be tens of square kilometres in size and tend to be built in
inhospitable areas such as deserts. If the SEEA-CF renewable energy resource
recommendations were followed, the value of the renewable energy resources captured by
these large farms would be attributed to land in the national accounts.
If the main SEEA-CF
An interesting case (not discussed in the SEEA-CF) is that of speculation in land with no obvious economic value
other than renewable energy production. It may be the case that private entrepreneurs, anticipating future growth in
demand for solar or wind energy, will purchase large tracts of public land in remote areas with high potential for
renewable energy production but no other apparent economic value (such as deserts). The value of such land would,
in principle, appear in the national accounts. The extent of such speculation is unknown, but it seems unlikely to be
widespread given the large areas in question (renewable energy farms in remote areas can be tens of kilometres
squared in size). Governments may be reluctant to sell off large areas of public land to speculators unless plans for a
renewable energy farm have already been put in place and approved, in which case the land would likely be sold to
the firm developing the farm rather than to a speculator and it would be quickly brought into production rather than
lying “fallow” waiting for a farm to be proposed.
The valuation of natural resource assets by measuring the present value of the future rent they generate is the
standard approach in the SEEA-CF. It is recommended for the valuing of fossil fuel, mineral, timber and other natural
resource assets.
Section 5.8.4 of the SEEA-CF discusses valuation of timber resources. There the asset of economic significance is
considered the timber itself and not the land on which the trees grow, though it is recognized that timber rent may
include a small share that should be attributed to the land on which the timber stands. The SEEA-CF recommends
that this share be estimated and deducted for the purpose of deriving the estimate of resource rent on timber
resources. It does not, however, recommend that the entire timber rent be considered to arise from the land asset, as
it does in the case of renewable energy resources.
It is worth noting that the value of such inhospitable land for solar energy production might, in fact, be zero
according to standard economic theory, as the opportunity cost of its use for solar farms may be zero.
approach to valuing natural resources were followed instead, they would be attributed to a
separate solar energy asset (with, perhaps, a small amount attributed to the land asset, as
discussed further in Section 4.1.2).
A final concern with the SEEA-CF’s argument around renewable energy assets comes in the
case of off-shore production, such as the off-shore wind farms that are of growing importance.
As with most publicly owned territory, no economic value is attributed to off-shore areas in the
national accounts and, therefore, the value of off-shore renewable energy production cannot be
captured in the value of a country’s off-shore territory. Recognizing this, the SEEA-CF states
that “by convention, the value of income streams from [off-shore] sources are attributed to the
value of land” (SEEA-CF ¶5.231). Again, it is unclear why this should be the case. If it is the
case, the question of which land the value of off-shore energy resources should be assigned to
arises. As noted above, the approach elsewhere in the SEEA-CF suggests the opposite
treatment of off-shore resources: assigning their value to the resources themselves and
recording the resources as distinct assets in the national accounts. This is what the SEEA-CF
recommends be done for timber and other renewable resources, as well as for all non-
renewable resources.
2.2 Summary
To summarize, the SNA provides limited guidance as to the treatment of renewable energy
resources as assets. The SEEA-CF offers considerably more guidance, arguing that solar, wind,
geothermal and hydroelectric energy asset values are captured in the value of the associated
land. While having some prima facie appeal, this argument appears implausible in many
instances. The conditions in which the value of such assets could be expected to be reflected in
observed land values are limited to the production of solar and wind energy only and that only
on land that is 1) privately owned; 2) has a positive economic value for something other than
solar/wind energy production; and 3) is located where renewable energy markets could be
assumed to be in long-run equilibrium. We believe such instances are likely few in number and
that the values involved are not large in comparison to the overall value of renewable energy
resources. In many countries, solar and wind energy markets are nascent and rapidly evolving,
and, so, do not yet in our view approach the long-run equilibria in which private land values
could be reasonably expected to accurately reflect the potential for renewable energy
production, a view supported by our review of recent empirical literature. Even in countries with
long histories of renewable energy production, it is not clear that the SEEA-CF approach is
always appropriate; for example, it would not apply to the 32% (and growing) of Denmark’s wind
energy capacity that was installed off-shore in 2016 nor would it apply to the massive, utility-
scale solar farms rapidly developing in remote regions of China and elsewhere.
With respect to the most important renewable energy resource today, hydroelectric power, the
SEEA-CF’s argument does not seem appropriate at all. Hydroelectric dams and generating
stations are almost exclusively built on publicly owned rivers that have no measured value as
economic assets. There is, thus, no possibility that the value of hydroelectric resources could be
captured in any recorded value of these public waterbodies. The SEEA-CF’s recommendation
that the public waterbodies be given a value equal to calculated value of the hydroelectric
resources themselves (SEEA-CF5.491) is inconsistent with its recommended approach to
valuation of other natural resource assets and it implies that the hydro resources have value
unto themselves.
Denmark, for example, saw its share of off-shore wind power capacity increase from just 2% of total capacity in
2000 to 32% in 2016 (Danish Energy Agency, 2018).
For their part, geothermal resources are publicly owned in most countries, with property rights
separate from the land found above them. There is no reason, given this, to expect the value of
the land above the resources to be positively influenced by their presence (and the opposite is
plausible). Even in the United States, where sub-soil asset property rights vest by default with
land owners, many land parcels have had their associated sub-soil resource rights severed and,
therefore, land values may not change even if geothermal resources were discovered.
Given the above, the application of the SEEA-CF’s approach to the valuation of renewable
energy resources risks missing much of the value of these increasingly important resources. For
example, none of the value of the 56% of Canada’s total electricity generating capacity that was
accounted for by hydroelectric resources in 2016
would be captured in any existing land (or
water) value on Canada’s national balance sheet accounts. The only way for this value to be
included in Canada’s national accounts would be to be explicitly calculate it as the present value
of the future stream of rent from the resource. The SEEA-CF acknowledges this, but argues that
this calculated value should be considered part of the value of water and not of the hydroelectric
resource itself, a treatment that is out of line with its approach to other natural resource assets.
Statistics Canada, Table 25-10-0022-01, Installed plants, annual generating capacity by type of electricity
generation. Available here.
3 Options considered
In this section, we first discuss define “renewable energy resources” and “renewable energy
assets” in concrete terms and then present our recommended approach to the inclusion of
renewable energy assets in the revised SNA. We then discuss two approaches to the valuation
of these assets; our recommended approach and an alternative that may be appropriate in
instances where energy markets are far from equilibrium.
3.1 The nature of renewable energy assets
It is important to be clear as to what “renewable energy resources” are and how they are related
to the topic of interest here, renewable energy assets. In keeping with the
renewable energy
specifications of the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC; United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2020), it is taken that renewable energy resources
comprise the cumulative quantities of kinetic, heat or radiative energy recoverable from in
moving water (hydro and ocean energy), moving air (wind energy), hot underground and
surface rock and water (geothermal resources) and incident solar radiation (solar resources).
The physical unit of measure for these resources is the joule in the SI system (other units that
could be used include BTUs, tonnes of oil equivalent or watt-hours).
Not all renewable energy resources qualify as economic assets however. In further keeping with
the general definition of an asset, only those renewable energy resources that are viable for use
in economic production under prevailing technological and economic conditions qualify as
assets. These resources correspond to those that would be classified to the UNFC category
“commercial projects”. More specifically, these are the renewable energy resources that provide
inputs into renewable energy production facilities where extraction and sale is economic on
the basis of current market conditions and realistic assumptions of future market conditions; all
necessary approvals/contracts have been confirmed or there are reasonable expectations that
all such approvals/contracts will be obtained within a reasonable timeframe; economic viability is
not affected by short-term adverse market conditions provided that longer-term forecasts remain
positive; extraction is currently taking place; or, implementation of the development project is
underway; or, sufficiently detailed studies have been completed to demonstrate the feasibility of
extraction by implementing a development project.
The stock of renewable energy assets in a country at a given point in time is, then, the
cumulative quantity of renewable energy resources “harvestable” by the commercial renewable
energy projects in existence at the time. The UNFC recommends limiting the quantification of
renewable energy resource stocks to by considering lifetimes for existing commercial projects.
Lifetimes can be determined from the design basis of the facilities or based on industry
practice/benchmarks. The fact that renewable energy assets can be characterized in physical
terms permits use of the standard accounting concept of “price times quantity” as the basis for
valuing the assets, where their price is the rent that arises during their use in a production
Given the above, it is clear that a remote river with no hydroelectric generation facilities on it,
nor any under such facilities construction, is not a renewable energy asset. Nor is an air current
in which no wind turbine currently stands (or is imminently being installed) or a ray of incident
solar radiation that does not fall on an existing or imminent energy capturing device such as a
photovoltaic cell. This is consistent with the treatment of other natural resource assets in the
SNA and SEEA-CF. For example, the SNA and SEEA-CF recognize timber in a forest (another
renewable resource) as an asset only in instances where that timber may be commercially
logged at a profit under existing technological and economic conditions. Remote forests with no
potential for logging do not qualify as assets. Similar criteria are applied to defining other
renewable and non-renewable natural resources as assets in the SNA and SEEA-CF.
3.2 Recommended approach to renewable energy resources as
We recommend that renewable energy resources that meet the definition for
classification as “commercial projects” in the UNFC be recognized as a new category of
non-produced, non-financial assets in the revised SNA. This would require the addition of a
new natural resource category to the SNA asset classification and, to avoid confusion with
existing assets, renaming the current category for non-renewable energy resources. The SEEA-
CF asset classification should be revised to maintain its alignment with the revised SNA. The
existing natural resource asset classifications of the SNA and the SEEA-CF are shown in Table
1. Table 2 presents the proposed revised classifications, with the new asset categories shown in
green and the renamed asset categories in red.
Table 1 – Existing SNA and SEEA-CF natural resource asset classifications
Mineral and energy resources
Mineral and energy reserves
Non-cultivated biological resources
Soil resources
Water resources
Timber resources
Other natural resources
- Radio spectra
- Other
Aquatic resources
Other biological resources
Water resources
Table 2 – Proposed revised SNA and SEEA-CF natural resource asset classifications
Mineral resources
Mineral reserves
Non-renewable energy resources
Non-renewable energy resources
Renewable energy resources
Renewable energy resources
Non-cultivated biological resources
Soil resources
Water resources
Timber resources
Other natural resources
- Radio spectra
- Other
Aquatic resources
Other biological resources
Water resources
Note: New asset categories are shown in green and renamed categories are shown in red.
The specific renewable energy resources that should be recognized in the revised SNA/SEEA-
CF classifications of natural resource assets are shown in Table 3.
Table 3 – Renewable energy resources recommended for recognition as assets in the
revised SNA/SEEA-CF
Renewable energy resources
Water energy resources
River water energy resources
Tidal energy resources
Wave energy resources
Solar energy resources
Wind energy resources
Geothermal energy resources
Other renewable energy resources
The approach recommended ensures consistency in the treatment of all natural resource assets
in the SNA, including renewable energy resources. It also reflects the fact that the value of
renewable energy resources is already large and is likely to grow substantially in the future.
Inclusion of renewable energy assets within the SNA’s asset boundary will help ensure
alignment between the value of the economy’s productive base reflected in the capital account
and the income earned from that base in the production account. Renewable energy resources
have become too important as productive assets to be excluded from capital accounts.
A potential disadvantage of our approach is that it could lead to double counting of the value of
some renewable energy resources on national balance sheets, as we acknowledge there may
be instances where (as argued in the SEEA-CF) the price of land assets already measured in
the national account may be influenced by the possibility (or reality) of using the land for
renewable energy production. Adding values for renewable energy assets on top of these
existing land values could lead to double counting; for example, both the increase in value of a
farmer’s land from installation of a wind turbine and the asset value of the associated wind
energy production could be captured. There are valid reasons to believe any such double
counting would be minimal however.
Firstly, as argued in Section 2, the share of the total value of renewable energy assets that
might be captured in existing land values on national balance sheets is likely small. It would, for
example, miss the value of hydroelectric resources the most important renewable energy
resource globally. On top of this, geothermal and much of solar and wind energy resources
would not be captured.
Secondly, double counting could be largely avoided in practice by national accountants in their
land valuation methods. Since transactions in bare land are relatively rare (the majority of land
transactions include both land and related produced assets, such as buildings, orchards, roads
and industrial equipment), there is little empirical evidence to use in directly valuing land itself.
As a result, values are frequently based on indirect estimates using either land/structure value
ratios or as a residual (Eurostat and OECD, 2015). In both approaches, care is taken to exclude
the value of all assets associated with the land in arriving at the value of land itself. In the case
of land used for renewable energy production, the value of the wind turbines, solar panel arrays
and other renewable energy equipment would be deducted in arriving at the land residual. In
addition, national accountants would also deduct an estimate of the value of the associated
renewable energy resources. Thus, if wind turbines were known to be operating on private
farmland in country X, national accountants would estimate the asset value of the wind energy
resource and deduct this from the value in arriving at the value of the farmland.
Thirdly, as discussed in more detail in Section 4.1.2, a case can be made that any increase in
land values due to the presence of renewable energy production is, in fact, properly capturing
the value of the characteristics of the land that make it valuable as a site for such production but
that there is an additional value that arises (and is captured by other factors of production) due
to the characteristics of the renewable energy resources themselves. In this case, there would
be no double counting.
With regard to recording the ownership of renewable energy assets on sectored national
balance sheets, we recommend the approach advocated in the SNA guidance note
prepared by van de Ven and de Haan (see the discussion earlier in Section 2.1.2
). In this
approach, ownership of natural resource assets is partitioned between governments and
resource companies according to the economic benefit each receives from their use. In the case
of renewable energy assets, where governments do not today generally extract royalty
payments for their use (solar/wind assets), the entire asset value would be attributed to the
business sector following this approach. This seems appropriate to us, as it reflects the fact that
many (though not all) governments operate today as though it is necessary to relinquish their
benefits from solar/wind energy assets to encourage renewable energy companies to take on
the risk of exploiting the resources. Whether governments will forego exertion of ownership
rights over these assets indefinitely is a matter we address further below (see Section
5.1.2 and
Appendix 2).
3.3 Recommended valuation approach
3.3.1 The residual value method
If renewable energy resources are to be included as assets in the revised SNA, an approach is
required to their valuation. For this, we recommend in most instances the approach
adopted in the SEEA-CF (and SNA) for other natural resource assets; that is, valuation
via the residual value method (SNA ¶20.47; SEEA-CF 5.945.125). In the residual value
method (RVM), the value of a natural resource asset is calculated as the present value of the
future stream of rent attributable to its use in economic production. Rent itself is estimated as
the difference (residual) between the annual revenues earned from sale of the resource and the
annual cost of its production, including normal returns to both labour (wages) and
entrepreneurship (return on produced capital) as well as an estimate of the consumption of
produced capital. Any specific subsidies received by renewable electricity producers must be
deducted from the value of sales and any specific taxes must be added.
We argue that the RVM, while not without concerns from theoretical and practical points of view
(which we take up in sections 4 and 5), is the best option for the valuation of renewable energy
resources in the SNA in most instances. We acknowledge that the method relies on an
assumption of renewable energy markets approximating long-run competitive equilibrium
that markets in many countries especially in the developing world do not meet this criterion
(as discussed in Section However, data from the OECD suggest there has been
considerable movement toward competitiveness in renewable energy markets since
deregulation of electricity markets began in the 1990s, at least in developed countries (see
Section 4.1.3 for further discussion). While market distortions from subsidization of renewable
Specific subsidies and taxes are those directly related to the production of renewable energy. For example, a
concessionary loan received by a solar electricity producer to finance purchase of solar panels would be considered a
specific subsidy. A subsidy received for the purpose of employing workers of a specific type (those from
disadvantaged populations, for example) would not. Regarding taxes, specific taxes would include any royalties or
other fees paid on energy production. Normal taxes paid on corporate profits are excluded.
Where energy markets are not in equilibrium, rent cannot be accurately measured as the difference between
revenues and costs due to distortions in energy prices.
energy production and consumption remain, we nonetheless recommend the RVM for the
valuation of renewable energy resources. It is the recommended approach in both the SNA and
the SEEA-CF for other natural resource assets and it is widely applied in country practice
by the World Bank (2011, 2018 and 2021) and UNEP (2012, 2014; Managi and Kumar, 2018) in
their valuation of other natural resources, such as timber, mineral, fish and fossil fuel resources.
The suitability of the RVM for renewable energy resource valuation has been testing for 15 pilot
countries by the World Bank (Smith et al., 2021) and found to yield results that are plausible and
coherent with broader economic trends in prices, energy demand and technological evolution.
We discuss the theoretical and practical concerns with use of the RVM further in sections 4 and
3.3.2 An alternative to RVM: The least-cost alternative method
An alternative to the RVM exists when the economic conditions required for that method to
apply do not exist (as would have been the case in essentially all countries in the past when
government intervention in electricity markets was broad and deep and as is likely still the case
today in countries where market deregulation has not advanced significantly). This approach
known as the least-cost alternative method rests on the principle that the rent on a given asset
can be identified by evaluating the difference in cost when using the asset in production
compared to its least-cost alternative. In the context of renewable energy, the method has been
most often examined in the estimation of the rent on hydroelectric resources. It was used with
considerable sophistication, for example, in two early studies of hydroelectric rents in Canada,
as discussed in Appendix 4. We explore it briefly below.
The advantage of the least-cost alternative method is that it requires no information on the value
of sales of the resource. Only information on costs of production is needed. In instances where
revenue data are unreliable because of market distortions (especially subsidies), this is helpful,
as correcting revenue data for market imperfections is complex. Cost data, on the other hand,
are relatively easily corrected, since the inputs used in one activity are frequently used in others.
For example, wages paid in highly regulated industries (like electric power in the 1980s), which
may be inflated well above market rates, can be adjusted using labour rates in unregulated
The disadvantage of the method is its complexity. Applied in full, the method requires modelling
of two hypothetical scenarios, one in which the activity takes place using the asset of interest
,with cost data adjusted to eliminate distortions caused by market interventions, and a second
scenario in which the activity takes place with the least-cost alternative asset (also with all cost
data corrected). For any real-world activity, this is a significant modelling exercise. As Young
and Loomis (2014; p. 213) note, “the analyst who undertakes to estimate the alternative cost of
electricity generation ‘from scratch’ faces a major task.”
Another potential disadvantage of the method is that it may result in an estimate of what
renewable energy rent should be, rather than what rent is. This is because, in its full application,
the approach compares hypothetical least costs of energy production with and without the
renewable source. If actual costs are far from least costs because, for example, the electric
power system is highly regulated and/or poorly managed the hypothetical rent may be quite
different from actual rent. This shortcoming can be avoided by applying the method in a more
limited way, comparing actual costs against hypothetical costs.
Simple applications of the least-cost alternative method have been used to achieve “back-of-the
envelope” calculations of renewable energy resource rents. Typically, observed market prices of
See the review of empirical studies in Appendix 4.
electricity are compared against the cost of generation from a renewable energy project. For
example, the average cost of importing electricity from a neighboring jurisdiction offers a
straightforward way of evaluating the least-cost alternative in the case of hydroelectric
production (Gillen and Wen, 2000; Hreinsson, 2008a; Hreinsson, 2008b; Wandji, 2018). This
approach avoids the need to model the hypothetical alternative in detail but has the drawback
that the “alternative” cost employed is in fact partly determined by the supply of renewable
energy. It is this endogeneity that more complex counterfactual modelling seeks to overcome. In
practice, the relative economic importance of the renewable energy assets being valued (that is,
their price-making power) may serve as a yardstick to judge whether back-of-the envelope
approaches are valid or whether more complexity is called for. For example, the simple
approach of adopting imports as the least-cost alternative might be justified for a small
renewable energy sector in a country that imports sizeable quantities of electricity from a
regional market.
Though we recommend the RVM in most instances, we acknowledge that the least-cost
alternative method is worthy of consideration in cases where subsidies remain significant and
markets are likely still far from long-term equilibrium (mainly for solar and wind energy assets).
4 Recommended approach conceptual issues
4.1 Resource rent arising from renewable energy assets
The nature of economic rent has always been of central interest to economists. Perhaps
because of its fundamental role in economic theory, particularly its relation to theories of value,
no consensus view has developed (Fine, 1982). All rent concepts share a focus on the benefits
accruing to a factor of production over and above what is required to maintain that factor in the
productive process, though they highlight different circumstances by which these payments
come about. A review of basic rent concepts is provided in Appendix 5.
Within the SNA, rent is defined (SNA ¶7.109 and 7.154) as “the income receivable by the
owner of a natural resource (the lessor or landlord) for the putting the natural resource at the
disposal of another institutional unit (a lessee or tenant) for use of the natural resource in
production.” The SNA explicitly considers that “two particular cases of resource rent are
considered, rent on land and rent on subsoil resources. Resource rent on other natural
resources follows the pattern laid out by these two instances.” (SNA ¶7.154). Where recorded
payments arise from a combination of rent and other sources, for example land hire, the SNA
stipulates a majority allocation rule, classifying the payment as rent or "other sources" based on
whichever is the greater share (SNA 7.1557.158). The definition of assets is specifically
considered with regards to the treatment of rent on subsoil assets, with ownership recognized to
“[depend] upon the way in which property rights are defined by law and also on international
agreements” and a variety of payment structures being acceptable (SNA ¶7.159 and7.160).
4.1.1 Rent and renewable energy assets
The evolving nature of renewable energy resource markets is essential to any analysis of the
rent accruing to the resources. Not all renewable energy markets can be considered to be in
long-run competitive equilibrium, especially not those in the rapidly emerging areas of solar and
wind energy. This has implications for the nature and level of rent and its distribution among
factors of production. For example, Ricardian/differential and scarcity/absolute rents are based
upon the supposition of market equilibrium. Where markets are not in equilibrium such rents
cannot exist, strictly speaking. By contrast Marshallian quasi-rents are features of markets that
are not in long-run equilibrium.
An additional challenge is that the inexhaustible nature of renewable energy resources poses
challenges to theories of value and thus to theories of rent.
This is most obvious for wind and
solar resources, which are globally available. Scarcity and differential rents arise locally,
however, as a given site can only be used for solar/wind production by one economic unit at a
time and because the resources themselves are variable in quality (wind currents are not the
same everywhere and the intensity of the sun varies with latitude). Scarcity may also be
arbitrarily imposed; for example, via legislation granting excludable rights to generate and sell
energy from these sources. As noted in Section 5.1.2, governments may choose to do this in
the future, as they have done in the case of the radio spectrum.
A related measurement problem arises when the supply of resources is increasing over time (or total expenditures
are growing): a declining cost share of the resource is equated with declining productivity in growth accounting,
producing a biased view of the contribution to economic growth over time. Santos et al. (2016) explore this issue with
regards to structural changes in the energy supply in Portugal.
25 Hydroelectric resource rent
Hydropower is an ancient technology and factor markets can reasonably be assumed to be in
something close to long-run competitive equilibrium in countries where electricity markets have
been deregulated. Marked heterogeneity and scarcity amongst sites for hydro power implies
that hydro projects should earn both Ricardian and scarcity rents. Where equilibrium can
reasonably be assumed, quasi-rents should not exist. In countries where electricity prices
remain regulated and where hydroelectric power utilities remain publicly owned, the assumption
of market equilibrium likely does not hold. Ricardian and scarcity rents will still arise, though
they will be captured by electricity consumers rather than by the owner of the resource
(government) and their measurement is made more difficult.
26 Geothermal resource rent
Rights to subsoil resources, including geothermal resources, are generally recognized (and
mostly assumed by governments) and markets often exist in which such rights are traded and
priced. As with all underground resources, geothermal resources are both heterogeneously
distributed and scarce.
The technology for geothermal power production is relatively well-
established. Under these circumstances, both Ricardian and scarcity rents should accrue
assuming market equilibrium. In the absence of market equilibrium, quasi-rents should arise. Solar and wind resource rent
Wind and solar energy are rapidly emerging technologies. Though the sun and the wind are not
scarce in any meaningful sense, different locations have a greater or lesser access to them due
to latitude, inherent differences in wind currents and physical features of the surface. In long-run
equilibrium, more productive (sunnier, windier or closer-to-market) sites should therefore earn
Ricardian rents only. In the short-run, opportunities for quasi-rents exist.
4.1.2 Is renewable energy asset rent really land rent?
Implicit in the SEEA-CF argument that renewable energy asset values should be captured in
land values is the idea that the rent associated with these resources is, in fact, attributable to
features of the land and not to features of the resources themselves. The position taken here is
that this is not entirely so in any case and not so at all in most cases. That land characteristics
have nothing to do with renewable energy resource rent seems uncontestable in cases where
land plays no meaningful role in the production process. This would be the case for geothermal
resources, hydro resources, ocean resources and off-shore wind resources. This leaves only
on-shore solar and wind energy resources as possible cases where rents could arise due to the
characteristics of land rather than to the characteristics of the resources themselves.
In considering the cases of on-shore solar and wind energy production, it is worth repeating the
points made in our summary
of Section 2. The conditions in which the value of solar and wind
energy assets could be expected to be reflected in observed land values are limited to
production occurring on land that is 1) privately owned; 2) has a positive economic value for
something other than solar/wind energy production; and 3) is located where renewable energy
markets could be assumed to be in long-run equilibrium. As noted, we believe such instances
are likely few in number and that the values involved are not large in comparison to the overall
Note that this is one reason to recommend the least-cost alternative approach rather than the RVM for the
valuation of hydroelectric resources in regulated markets.
An exception to this is so-called “enhanced geothermal systems”, in which extremely deep (> 5000 m) wells are
drilled to access the hot rock that exists essentially uniformly across the planet at that depth. Development of these
resources, which obviously have considerable potential, is just beginning.
value of renewable energy assets. Nevertheless, it is plausible under certain conditions that
private land used for on-shore solar and wind energy production could increase in value due to
such production. To the extent this is the case, four possible interpretations of the increased
land value exist:
1) the increased land value reflects all the rent that arises due to the renewable energy
production and this rent arises due only to characteristics of the land
2) the increased land value reflects all the rent that arises due to the renewable energy
production but this rent actually arises due to characteristics of the renewable energy
resource the land provides access to
3) the increased land value reflects all the rent that arises due to the renewable energy
production but this rent actually arises due to characteristics of both the renewable
energy resource and the land
4) the increased value reflects some of the rent that arises due to the renewable energy
production, and this portion of rent arises due to characteristics of the land, but there is
an additional amount of rent that arises due to the characteristics of the renewable
energy resource and that is captured by other factors of production.
We discuss each of these possible interpretations in turn.
We argue that the first interpretation (i.e., that increased land values reflect all the rent that
arises due to renewable energy production and that all this rent arises because of land
characteristics) is implausible. While it may be so that all the rent arising due to renewable
energy production is captured in increased land values, the notion that is only the characteristics
of the land that generate this rent does not seem reasonable. Climatic factors having nothing to
do with land influence the kinetic and radiative energy available at any given place at any given
time, so land characteristics alone cannot be the source of all rent.
The second interpretation also seems implausible. Again, it may be so that the increased land
value reflects all the rent that arises, but it is not reasonable to argue that all this rent arises due
to characteristics of the renewable energy resource (e.g., wind speed/direction; solar
irradiance/angle). This would be to deny the importance of, say, the aspect of one piece of land
versus another in terms of its suitability for permitting the capture of wind or the sun’s rays.
Both the third and fourth interpretations seem plausible. It seems reasonable to suggest that the
characteristics of both the land and the renewable energy resource play a role in the emergence
of rent. Both scarcity rent (the number of sites suitable for capturing renewable energy is limited)
and differential rent (not all renewable energy resources are of the same quality) should arise.
We would note that the interpretation of the source of the rent as joint between the land and the
resource itself is akin to what the SEEA-CF refers to as a composite asset (¶5.300 to ¶5.310).
For example, timber stocks and the land on which they grow are considered a composite asset
in the SEEA-CF and the rent arising in timber harvesting is seen to be due to each of them.
is worth noting that, according to the SEEA-CF (¶5.379), in most instances the share of timber
rent attributable to forestland is likely small, especially where the land in question has no
economic alternative.
Interestingly, the SEEA-CF also notes that land on which renewable energy production takes place can have the
nature of a composite asset (5.310). However, in the SEEA-CF definition of this asset, its composite nature arises
because land used for renewable energy production may also be used for other production purposes (say, farming).
So, the “composite” arises because of two or more uses of the land asset and not, as in our interpretation, because of
the combination of the land asset with a renewable energy resource.
Whether all the rent that arises due to renewable energy production will be captured in
increased land values (interpretation 3) or whether there is an additional portion arising that
would be captured by other factors of production (interpretation 4) is an open question. If, as we
contend above, there are characteristics of renewable energy resources that are entirely
independent of land, then theory would suggest interpretation 4 is correct (there will be
“additional” rent arising due to the characteristics of the resource). If this were the case,
empirical analysis should reveal “excess” asset value above and beyond any observed increase
in land values. Carrying out such analysis, which is beyond the scope of this guidance note,
would be of interest as an empirical test of which interpretation is correct.
If interpretation 4 is correct (which we think is most likely the case), the accounting is simplified.
Any increased land value arising due to the renewable energy production should be attributed to
land on the balance sheet. The additional asset value of the renewable energy resource itself,
which should be estimated using the RVM
, should be attributed to the renewable energy asset
on the balance sheet.
If interpretation 3 is correct, then a means may be required to split the increased land value
between land assets and renewable energy assets on the balance sheet. However, it may be
that the values involved will be small enough to ignore. As argued earlier (Section, most
of the growth in solar and wind power generation is occurring in large utility-scale facilities on
public land. Thus, the value of renewable energy assets exploited on private land may be small
enough to ignore and permit to be recorded as land value on balance sheets.
Before leaving this topic, it is again worth noting that the above discussion applies only to the
relatively small portion of renewable energy production that takes place on private land with
another meaningful economic use. In all other cases, our recommended accounting approach is
straightforward: measure the asset value using the RVM and attribute that value to the
renewable energy asset on the balance sheet. Thus, even if there may be some complications
for national accountants in adding renewable energy assets to balance sheets, the effect of
these complications on the overall quality of the estimates can be expected to be minor.
4.1.3 The residual value method and its applicability to renewable energy
As noted in the preceding section, for the residual value method (RVM) to have theoretical
validity, electricity markets must be competitive and in something close to long-run equilibrium.
If factors are present in markets that distort either the revenues earned from the sale of
renewable electricity or the costs of its production, or both, then rent so calculated cannot be
relied upon to reflect the true marginal value of the resource. For much of the world, until
relatively recently, such distortions were commonplace in electricity markets. Historically, these
markets were dominated by large, publicly owned utilities that operated in highly regulated
markets. Until at least the 1980s, electricity prices were kept artificially low by governments
through a combination of direct subsidies to consumers and monopoly power for producers.
Public utilities were permitted to borrow at preferential rates, were not held to account by
shareholders for normal levels of profit and could assume that governments them would bail
them out of financial difficulties. As a result, both the revenues earned from the sale of electricity
and the costs of its production were distorted from their long-run competitive equilibrium values.
In applying the RVM in this case, the value of the private land used in the renewable energy production would have
to be accounted for in the RVM calculation (as an additional cost against revenue).
Electricity market reform has been going on around the world to varying degrees since the
1980s. Its focus has been separation of transmission and generation, breaking up monopolies,
privatization and reduction of subsidies and tariffs (Hyland, 2015; Jamasb et al., 2015).
The OECD's Product Market Regulation (PMR) indicators measure the competitiveness of a
number of markets, including electricity and natural gas. In compiling the PMR indicators, the
OECD considers several factors, including market entry barriers, public ownership, vertical
integration and retail price regulation. Based on this, a measure from 0 to 6 is calculated for all
OECD and several non-OECD countries, with 0 reflecting the most competitive markets and 6
the least. In 2018, the average PMR value for electricity markets for OECD countries was 1.63,
with a range from 0 (United Kingdom) to 2.89 (South Korea); the equivalent figures for natural
gas markets were 1.65, 0 (United Kingdom) and 4.63 (Switzerland). These results suggest,
perhaps surprisingly given electricity’s notoriety as a highly subsidized commodity, that
electricity markets are more broadly competitive than natural gas markets today in OECD
countries. The results for the non-OECD countries considered (2.93 for electricity and 2.60 for
natural gas on average)
suggest that electricity markets are slightly less competitive than
natural gas markets in these countries and that both markets are less competitive than those in
OECD countries.
Taking a more qualitative approach, a World Bank review (Jamasb, et al. 2015) considered the
state of electricity market reform in developing countries. It found that many developing
countries have undertaken electricity market reform, but the progress varies between countries
and most remain in transition. Reforms were found to have improved the efficiency and
productivity in the electricity sector, though the gains may not always benefit energy consumers.
Independent regulatory bodies and strict regulation, which do not exist everywhere, are
necessary to ensure efficiency gains do not benefit only producers and governments.
These results suggest that the results of electricity market reform have been at least partly
successful in most countries and considerably so in developed countries. Given this, it would
seem reasonable to suggestthe concerns raised earlier in Section above
notwithstanding that application of the RVM to estimation of renewable electricity rents would
be appropriate today for countries well advanced in electricity market deregulation. Its
application to hydroelectric resources would seem particularly appropriate, since those markets
have long histories. Its application to the valuation of geothermal, solar and wind energy
resources may be less justified since these markets are generally less well developed. Heavy
subsidization of solar and wind energy, especially, is more the norm than the exception, even in
developed countries. The Netherlands, a country with a long history of wind energy production,
for example, has only recently seen development of its (and the world’s) first subsidy free wind-
energy project (Radowitz, 2019). At the end of 2017, 113 countries had feed-in-tariff (FIT)
programs of some kind to support renewable energy generation. However, there has been a
shift toward more competitive support policies, with 29 countries holding capacity auctions in
2017 (REN21, 2018). See Section 5.1.2 for further discussion of subsidies.
At the same time, the nature of government support for solar and wind energy is different than it
was in the electricity market’s past. For one, solar and wind energy producers in many countries
today operate in the context of broadly deregulated and competitive electricity markets, where
consumers face prices that reflect marginal costs of production. Even publicly owned utilities are
generally expected to operate with profit maximization in mind in many countries today.
Producers, moreover, are more likely to be private companies than large public utilities lacking
profit motives. Today’s solar and wind energy producers do not benefit greatly from preferential
Argentina, Brazil, Kazakhstan and South Africa.
borrowing rates
, must keep an eye on long-run shareholder returns and cannot accumulate
unsustainable levels of debt, as public utilities once did. Thus, the distortions of both revenues
and costs that would have made use of the RVM inappropriate in the past are becoming of less
concern over time.
Though concessionary financing is available to renewable producers, its use accounted for a “near-negligible
share of total renewable energy finance in the period 2013-2016 (IRENA, 2018).
5 Recommended approach Practical issues
Below we discuss some of the practical considerations in applying the RVM. Additional
information regarding data needs and potential data sources associated with the method is
provided in the data template laid out in Appendix 6.
5.1 Estimating revenues and costs of production
5.1.1 Revenues, intermediate inputs, labour and produced capital
Estimates are required for the cost of intermediate inputs, labour and produced capital used in
the production process. For large-scale renewable energy production, data on revenues,
intermediate costs and labour costs should be available from national surveys of the utility
Produced capital costs are more complex, as several types of data are required: 1) an estimate
of the value of the produced capital employed in the renewable electricity process; 2) an
estimate of the rate of return to that produced capital and 3) an estimate of the rate of
depreciation of the capital. If the value of wind energy rent is being estimated, for example, an
estimate of the total replacement value of the wind turbines and any other produced capital
used by wind energy producers is needed, as well as estimates of the rates of return and
depreciation for that capital are required. If sectoral capital stock data are available from the
national accounts, the required estimate of the value of produced capital may be available there.
If not, the figure will have to be compiled using data available from other sources; for example,
corporate reports of renewable energy companies. For the rate of return, the SEEA-CF
recommends using an economy-wide figure based on government bond rates where these exist
(SEEA-CF ¶5.144). The data necessary to estimate such a rate of return should be available
from the national accounts so long as an economy-wide estimate of capital stock is compiled.
For the rate of depreciation, if an estimate is not available from the national accounts it will have
to be obtained elsewhere. The rate of depreciation may be quite different from one renewable
energy type to another. Hydroelectricity generation equipment, for example, can be very long
lived (with dams and turbines lasting 50 years or more). Solar and wind electricity equipment
might depreciate more quickly, since these technologies are still in their relative youth and
developing rapidly.
5.1.2 Subsidies and taxes
Applying the RVM requires data on subsidies paid to and taxes paid by producers of renewable
energy. Subsidies are identified in the SNA as either “subsidies on products” or “subsidies on
production”. The former are paid to producers directly on the sales of their products, such as a
premium on solar or wind electricity paid through a FIT program. The latter are paid in relation to
the production process, such as a subsidy paid on capital acquisition via a concessionary loan.
The value of each must be estimated and subtracted from the value of renewable electricity
in arriving at an estimate of resource rent via the RVM. While fossil fuels are heavily
subsidized globally, it is important to note that national statistical offices generally do not adjust
Note that sales are to be valued including any subsidies on products. Thus, if a FIT is in place for a given producer,
its electricity output should be valued at the rate paid through the tariff and not at the prevailing market price for
electricity. The difference between the tariff rate and the market rate is the value of the product subsidy that must
subsequently be deducted in the rent calculation.
estimates of fossil fuel resource rent for these subsidies when applying the RVM to non-
renewable energy resource valuation.
A complementary approach worth considering would involve applying the notion of social
resource rent promoted by Statistics Netherlands. In calculating social resource rent, the value
of subsidies received by producers using renewable energy resources is not deducted from
revenues in the calculation. As a result, social resource rents are typically positive even when
rent as normally calculated is negative. It is not recommended that social resource rent be
used as the central estimate of rent for renewable energy resources in the SNA, as this
would introduce conceptual inconsistency into the capital accounts. However,
consideration could be given to presenting social rents as an addendum item alongside
normally calculated rents. Subsidies received for energy production from renewable sources
may be seen as an expression of public support for the production of energy without direct
carbon dioxide emissions. This notion is discussed further in Appendix 4.
The subsidies discussed above are both “explicit”, where payments are made directly to
producers in relation to specific aspects of their activities. Subsidies can also be implicit; for
example, support provided to producers by government organizations whose function is to
import equipment and then sell its at lower prices domestically (SNA ¶7.101). In principle both
explicit and implicit subsidies are important and should be taken into consideration in the RVM.
Subsidies to energy producers are not the only form of government support to the renewable
energy industry today. In countries where the equipment used to generate renewable energy is
manufactured (solar panels and wind turbines, for example), it is also common for governments
to subsidize the manufacturers. Depending on the impact of these subsidies on manufacturing
firms’ behaviour, it may be that this subsidization impacts the cost structure of renewable energy
producers. If, for example, wind turbine manufacturers sell turbines at prices below what their
competitive market price would be in the absence of subsidization, wind energy companies face
relatively lower capital costs than other firms, distorting their financial incentives.
Determining what a wind turbine would be worth in a fully competitive market is clearly not
straightforward. From one perspective, it would be reasonable to expect manufacturers to take
advantage of their subsidies to sell at lower prices than they would have to otherwise. On the
other hand, firms may be price-takers and understand that subsidies are often temporary. Thus
in competitive markets, and over the long run, market forces will tend to push manufacturers
toward charging fair market value. The ability of firms to set prices is limited given the highly
traded nature of modern manufactured goods. Furthermore, international trade laws explicitly
prohibit countries from using subsidies to undercut their foreign competitors (Text Box 1).
Text Box 1 – World Trade Organization rules and solar energy subsidies
The dispute mechanism of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been used to challenge
renewable energy subsidies supporting develop local manufacturing capacity. In a dispute over the
Government of Ontario’s (Canada) FIT program, the WTO’s Appellate Body condemned the program’s
local-content requirements, though not the program as a whole (De Beivre, Poletti, and Espa, 2016).
China is the largest manufacturer of both wind turbines and solar panels (Zhang et al., 2013; Bougette
and Chalier, 2013). Renewable energy manufacturing in China has historically been supported with a
number of subsidy programs, including financial support for research and development; import tax
exemptions for equipment and parts necessary for the manufacture process; and loans and credit
provided by state banks. China also had a local content requirement until 2009, when the program was
cancelled due to scrutiny from the WTO (Zhang et al., 2013). In 2013, the EU placed anti-dumping
duties on solar panels produced in China as a response to Chinese subsidies and pressure from
European manufacturers. The United States also imposed protective measures. While the EU also had
renewable energy subsidies, its programs were designed to decrease the price paid for renewable
electricity by consumers rather than to support manufacturers (Bougette and Chalier, 2017). The anti-
dumping measures were removed in 2018, as the European Commission felt that the support
measures in China had decreased and import prices were coming into line with world prices
Blenkinsop, 2018)
Subsidies to the renewable energy industry are not the only ones offered by governments. Many
industries across the economy, including agriculture, forestry and mining through
manufacturing, transportation and construction benefit from various kinds and degrees of
support in most countries. Cost structures in many industries may therefore be distorted away
from their long-run competitive equilibrium positions. According to the International Energy
Agency (IEA, no date), direct fossil fuel subsides worldwide alone amounted to about $US400
billion in 2018. The OECD reports that agricultural subsidies in its member countries came to
$US317 billion on average from 2015 to 2017. Global subsidies for renewable energy, in
contrast, amounted to $US150 billion in 2015 according to the IEA. Clearly, though large,
government support of the renewable energy industry is not the largest category of subsidies in
absolute terms.
Given the above, there does not seem to be a case for including manufacturing subsidies for
solar and wind energy equipment among those considered in the valuation of renewable energy
resources. Market forces will tend to ensure that renewable energy producers pay fair market
value for their equipment and these subsidies are not especially large in the global context. Cost
structures of renewable energy producers are not likely to be any more distorted by
manufacturing subsidies than are the structures of any capital-intensive sector of the economy,
including fossil fuels, mining, forestry and non-renewable electricity production. Thus, it is
recommended that only subsidies on renewable energy products (for example, FIT on
solar and wind electricity) and on renewable energy production (for example,
concessionary loans for capital acquisition) be considered in the valuation of renewable
energy resources.
Turning briefly to taxes, the RVM requires that specific taxes paid by producers of renewable
energy be added to the value of sales in the estimation of rent. Specific taxes would include any
royalties paid on renewable energy production, as well as other fees to the extent they are
clearly related to energy production and not to general business operations; a fee paid for a
wind farm operator’s license would be considered a specific tax, while a normal business
licence fee that would be paid by any operating entity would not.
Royalties, which are common in the cases of fossil fuels, minerals and timber, are not generally
collected by governments on renewable energy production, with the exception of hydroelectricity
(Pineau et al., 2017), where this is widespread. Governments today are mainly interested in
supporting nascent geothermal, solar and wind industries and regularly do so in the form of
subsidies so there is no broad collection of royalties on these resources. This is changing
however; for example, in the United Kingdom, the
Queen and the Treasury have recently
asserted her right to collect royalties on off-shore wind production (Ambrose, 2021). In Canada,
the province of British Columbia charges royalties based on revenue for wind power
development on public lands. The province of Ontario uses a competitive bidding process for
wind power developments on public land (
Ingelson, 2018).
As discussed further in Appendix 2, collection of royalties on renewable energy production over
and above hydropower may increase in the future as these industries mature, subsidies are
reduced and governments begin to view the resources as public assets from which rent can,
and should, be captured through royalties and other payments. We recommend that no
special effort be made to measure the few specific taxes that may be paid on geothermal,
solar and wind resources today. As a research issue, consideration may be given to how
these payments might evolve in the future and what that might mean for future patterns
of rent (see Section For hydroelectric resources, we recommend that royalties
and other specific taxes paid on production be accounted for in the calculation of rent.
5.1.3 The costs of intermittency Grid integration costs of variable
renewable energy resources
Other than hydroelectric resources, which have been around for decades and are well
integrated into existing national energy systems, renewable electricity sources are relative
newcomers in these systems. They are also, at least in the case of solar and wind resources,
quite different from existing system components. The nature of traditional electricity generation
technologies is such that they can 1) operate nearly continually; 2) vary their level of output
according to demand; 3) be easily integrated with one another in a national grid. This is true of
fossil fuel and nuclear generation, largely true of hydroelectric generation and also true of
geothermal generation where it exists. Solar and windor variable renewable energy (VRE)
resources are different.
Due to their nature, VRE resources are not as predictable as other sources of electricity. Put
simply, the sun does not always shine and the wind does not always blow. “Capacity credit” is
the term used in the renewable energy industry to reflect the contribution of VRE resources to
overall electrical system security. It can be estimated by determining the capacity of
conventional plants displaced by solar and wind resources while maintaining the same degree
of system security; that is, an unchanged probability of failure to meet the reliability criteria for
the system. Alternatively, it is estimated by determining the additional load that the system can
carry when wind power is added while maintaining the same reliability level (European Wind
Energy Association, 2010).
Reliability is not the only issue in integrating VRE resources into existing electricity systems.
Upgrades may be needed to national transmission and distribution grids as well. In order to
connect remote production sites, such as offshore or desert wind farms, new trunk powerlines
may be needed. To take advantage of internationally distributed production sites to “smooth”
production and increase system security, cross-border transmission lines will be required
(European Wind Energy Association, 2010).
Under conditions of long-term competitive equilibrium, in which renewable and non-renewable
electricity sources are fully integrated into the same national system, the reliability and grid
connection costs of the various sources would be factored into the prices of their outputs. Rent
on solar and wind resources would therefore reflect the lower reliability of wind and solar and
any higher costs associated with their transmission vis à vis other sources.
It is clear, however, that solar and wind energy resource markets are not in long-term
competitive equilibrium, especially not in developing countries. However, as argued above, in
many developed countries they operate in an industry that has moved toward equilibrium in
recent decades (Text Box 2). Moreover, VRE resources remain relatively small players in what
is a massive global electricity market. At low levels of market penetration, VRE grid integration
costs can be expected to be modest (European Wind Energy Association, 2010). The
International Energy Agency (IEA, 2018) describes four stages of VRE deployment. Only in the
third phase, when VRE resources represent from 10-25% of electricity generation, do significant
grid integration challenges emerge. Only a few countries were considered to be at Phase 3 or
higher as of 2018.
Text Box 2 - Progress on eliminating vertical integration in electricity production and
One of the main issues preventing electricity markets from achieving long-term competitive equilibrium
in the past was vertical integration of electricity production and transmission/distribution. Large public
utilities not only owned and operated all the generating capacity, but they did the same for the
powerlines and other infrastructure necessary to get electricity from the generating station to
consumers. Eliminating the monopoly power imparted to these massive, integrated companies has
been a major effort of market reforms. The OECD's PMR indicators (see description in Section
consider vertical integration in the electricity industry on a scale of 0 (complete integration) to 6
(complete separation of ownership). Between 2000 and 2018, the OECD average for the vertical
integration indicator dropped from 5.19 to 2.3, suggesting considerable progress toward independence
among producers and transmitters/distributors of electricity, even if work remains to separate them
As noted above (Section 4.1.3), the theoretical applicability of the RVM to renewable energy
resources is less than ideal due to distortions in renewable energy markets. Failure to
internalize the full costs of VRE grid integration would certainly be among them and could be
considered an implicit subsidy. It is not clear that this particular distortion, among the others,
deserves special treatment however. We would, therefore, not recommend that VRE grid
integration costs be considered when estimating renewable energy resource rents.
5.1.4 Smoothing of historical rents
Due to variations in energy commodity prices, it is possible for the costs and, especially,
revenues associated with the production from renewable energy resources to vary substantially
from period to period. Such variations can result in significant changes in the rent attributable to
the resources and, therefore, to their asset values. The result is that the renewable energy asset
values recorded on balance sheets can be quite volatile. Such volatility is not, in and of itself, a
bad thing, as it reflects real changes in the value of the resource. Information on such changes
may be useful to policymakers, as it reveals the need to plan for unevenness in the economic
flows, such as taxes and royalties, associated with exploitation of the resource. For this reason,
national accountants may wish to simply leave such variations alone and have them appear on
balance sheets. On the other hand, there may be value in statistically smoothing such
variations, as they may not reflect the long-term potential of the resources to generate economic
flows. National accountants may thus wish to smooth variations in asset values by, for example,
using five-year moving averages of costs and revenues in the estimation of rent. The position
taken here is that either approach is valid. This is a statistical choice based on user needs that
should be made by individual countries during implementation. This approach is consistent with
the position taken on smoothing in the SEEA-CF (¶5.199).
5.1.5 Estimating revenues and costs in the future
No matter what method is used to determine renewable energy resource rent (RVM, least-cost
alternative or something else), the need to estimate future revenues and costs cannot be
avoided. This is because the final step in estimating the value of the resource as an economic
Phase 3 (10-25% VRE generation): Italy, the United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Germany and parts of the
United States and Japan; Phase 4 (>25% VRE generation): Ireland and Denmark.
asset is to calculate the net present value (NPV) of a stream of annual rent flows over the
lifetime of the resource.
The SEEA-CF recommends that “in the absence ofinformation on expected future price
changesestimates of [future] resource rent should be set based on current estimates of
resource rent, thus assuming no price changes beyond the general level of inflation(SEEA-CF
5.133). This is the approach already adopted by most statistical offices and other agencies
involved in the valuation of natural resource assets. In the case of the natural resource assets
that have been valued to date mainly those that are bought and sold in long-standing, relative
stable and predictable markets (fossil fuels, minerals and timber) the assumption of constant
future rents is defensible. It likely is as well for hydroelectric resources, which are well
established economically and technologically.
In the cases of the rapidly evolving markets for
geothermal, solar and wind energy, however, it is not. The state of play in these markets in
terms of the costs of technologies (solar panels, for example), the prices for electricity (including
the possibility of widespread carbon pricing in the future) and uncertainty around the future of
subsidies is simply too fluid to make an assumption of constant rent realistic.
This means that research will be required to determine reasonable future trajectories for, on the
one hand, revenues from renewable production and, on the other, the cost of that production. Future revenues
Revenues are a function of the quantities of renewable energy produced and the price
renewable energy commands in the market. A general starting point for production forecasts is
the International Energy Agency’s annual World Energy Outlook
, which provides multi-decade
projections of most variables of importance for energy markets, though without a great deal of
regional or temporal detail. The 2016 edition of the report contains a special focus on renewable
energy resources and the 2018 edition does so for electricity in general.
Regarding prices, there is an overwhelming amount of information available on possible future
trajectories (Weron and Zator, 2014). Thus, the problem is not finding a price forecast but
choosing among the various alternatives available (see, for example, Joint Research Centre,
2018 and IEA, no date). In general, any model of the energy sector will include a future price
path, though the researchers may not make the path available in their results. The paths are
endogenousto the models and typically what users are interested in is the outcomehow
much does each sector grow or, in today’s world, what changes will result in global carbon
levels. Thus, the modelling literature may not be a good source of information regarding future
electricity prices. A useful strategy may be to partner with the International Energy Agency or
another agency involved in large-scale energy modelling to obtain price forecasts. Private
corporations like Shell and British Petroleum also have energy models that may be sources of
Economic theory provides the rationale for this: the value of any asset is assumed to be equal to the discounted
present value of the stream of benefits it will provide its owner over its useful lifetime. In most instances, this value is
determined through transactions in assets between buyers and seller in the marketplace; the values of both
bulldozers and laptop computers are determined this way. In the instance of natural resources, markets are either
very thin (few transactions) or absent entirely. Thus, national accountants must estimate the value of these resources
indirectly by calculating the net present value of their lifetime benefits, which is taken to be the stream of rent they
generate over their lifetimes.
It should be noted, however, that the assumption of constant future rents has the effect of embedding the volatility
of resource commodity prices into natural asset valuations. Research into alternative versions of the NPV calculation
to deal with such volatility has been undertaken by the United Nations Expert Advisory Group on National Accounts
A simple approach to projecting future prices may be to assume they will be equal to long-term
averages of historical prices (Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts, 2016). Future costs
In terms of future production costs, a promising source of both data and methods is research
into the “levelized cost of electricity” (LCOE). LCOE is widely used to compare the cost-
effectiveness of competing technologies and guide investment decisions (Branker et al. 2011). It
reports the NPV of production costs (both capital and operating) on a per-unit-output basis
($/kWh) and can include various capital depreciation profiles. This, in principle, provides all that
is needed in the RVM in terms of cost inputs. The advantage of looking to this literature for data
and methods is that the area is both active and mainstream. The International Energy Agency,
for example, presents estimates of LCOE in its publications. Use of LCOE estimates from an
agency like the International Energy Agency would lend credibility to renewable energy resource
valuation. One concern with LCOE values is that they underestimate the cost of VRE resources
because they do not consider capacity credits. Future subsidies and taxes
Regarding subsidies, which can affect both the revenue and cost side of renewable energy
production, the Netherlands recently announced the world’s first subsidy-free wind project. It
appears that China, the world’s largest solar electricity producer, is moving toward some
subsidy-free projects as well (Reuters, 2019). Researchers are already reporting solar and wind
energy LCOE values in the absence of subsidies that are competitive with traditional fossil
fuel and nuclear electricity (Lazard, 2018). The International Renewable Energy Association
(IRENA and CPI, 2018) argues that “electricity from renewables will soon be consistently
cheaper than from most fossil fuels. By 2020, all the renewable power generation technologies
that are now in commercial use are expected to fall within the fossil fuel-fired cost range, with
most at the lower end or undercutting fossil fuels." Thus, though renewable energy rents will
continue to be impacted by subsidies for some time to come, subsidies will likely diminish – or
even disappearover the kind of lifetimes recommended for NPV calculations for renewable
energy resources. Given this, projecting the future path of subsidies in valuing renewable
energy may be as simple as assuming a linear decline from their current level to some
diminished level (or zero) over a reasonable time horizon. A potential source of data is the
International Institute for Sustainable Development’s Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI), which
data for renewable energy subsidies by technology type, though only in Europe. The GSI data
are, in turn, based on data from the Council of European Regulators (
CEER, 2013). The GSI
also provides data for some non-European countries; for example, China and India
Consideration must also be given to future patterns of specific taxes on renewable energy
resources. Though royalties and other such taxes are negligible today on geothermal, solar and
wind (but not on hydroelectric) resources, they may not remain so forever. A reasonable guide
to how geothermal, solar and wind resources may be treated in the future would be the
treatment rent from other natural resources is given by governments. Evidence from Statistics
Canada’s national balance sheet
the only one in the world to apportion the value of natural
resource assets between the government and corporate sectors suggests that Canadian
governments collect about 25% of rent on fossil fuel, mineral and timber resources. An
approach to incorporating future royalty payments on geothermal, solar and wind resources
might be, then, to assume a gradual ramping up of royalties from zero to 25% over the same
time horizon over which subsidies are assumed to diminish.
Statistics Canada, Table 36-10-0580-01, National Balance Sheet Accounts. Available here.
37 Resource life
In terms of choosing the “lifetime” for renewable energy resources, standard practice in
accounting for renewable natural resources would suggest the use of a very long (50 year
lifetime in the NPV calculation. Given the uncertainties around revenues and costs, it may be
more appropriate to use a finite lifetime in the NPV calculation for renewable energy resources;
a 25-year horizon would be reasonable for resources with highly uncertain future revenues and
costs like solar and wind electricity. This is long enough to meaningfully capture the value of the
asset while minimizing the impact of any uncertainties in the rent estimate on the asset value. It
is also approximately equal to the expected lifespan of renewable energy generation equipment,
after which equipment may be “repowered” (for example, replacement of the generators or
blades in a wind turbine). Thus, use of a 25-year horizon may eliminate the need to factor
repowering costs into revenue and cost projections. A longer time horizon (50 years) could be
used in the case of hydroelectric resources, for which more stable future costs and revenues
can be assumed.
We recommend that sensitivity analysis be conducted to see which of the above
variables has the greatest impact on estimated renewable energy asset values. Effort
should then be devoted to developing models to project those variables with the greatest
impact as accurately as possible. Other variables can be projected using simpler models.
Use of lifetimes beyond 50 years in NPV calculations has little effect on the resulting values, since the effect of
discounting is to greatly reduce the present value of rent flows in the distant future.
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approach to renewable energies.” Energy Policy 62: 342-353.
Zuker, Richard C. and Glenn P. Jenkins. 1984. “Blue Gold: Hydro-Electric Rent in Canada.”
Development Discussion Papers 1984-01, JDI Programs.
Appendix 1 Renewable energy assets in physical
Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy is derived from heat stored in rock, steam and water found deep in the
earth. Enormous quantities of heat are found in the earth’s core (mantle) due to trapping of the
heat created at the time of the planet’s formation (primordial heat) and through on-going decay
of radioactive elements in the mantle. This heat radiates outward from the mantle to the crust,
where it is accessible for human use. Geothermal energy extracted from the crust can be used
directly for heating water that can then be used for heating buildings or domestic hot water or for
electrical generation in cases where temperatures are high enough to create the steam required
to run an electric turbine (Natural Resources Canada, 2012).
Hydroelectric energy
Hydroelectric energy is driven by the flow of water from high elevations on continents back to
the ocean. Mountainous areas, or rivers originating in mountainous areas, have the greatest
potential hydroelectric resources. Hydroelectric power plants vary in size, based on the
characteristics of the site. Reservoirs and dams are often designed for multiple uses, including
flood control, water supply, waterway navigation and recreation and agricultural irrigation.
Hydropower plants can be classified by type:
Run-of-river - Power generation is driven primarily by the normal flow of the river,
although there may be some capacity for short-term storage. Generation is dependent
on precipitation and runoff and may vary substantially day-to-day and between seasons.
Run-of-river plants may be located downstream from reservoir-type plants.
Storage hydropower - Hydropower projects with dams create reservoirs to store water
for later use. The type of reservoir depends on the characteristics of the site. Often
reservoirs are created by flooding river valleys. High altitude lakes in mountainous areas
are another common type and often maintain the characteristics of the original lake.
In-stream - In-stream production, an emerging technology, functions similarly to run-of-
river by making use of existing water control infrastructure through the installation of
small turbines (IPCC, 2011).
Solar energy
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun, or solar irradiance, can be harvested for use
directly as heat or for conversion into electricity by means of, for example, photovoltaic cells.
Solar irradiance varies over the surface of the earth, with the highest levels at the equator. The
quantity of solar energy reaching any given point on the earth’s surface is impacted by
atmospheric characteristics; including cloud cover, aerosols, water vapor and other trace gases
in the atmosphere (IPCC, 2011).
Passive solar energy technologies have been used for millennia to capture the sun’s energy
without use of mechanical or electrical equipment. Examples include orientating windows
toward the sun to warm buildings, drying of fish and evaporating seawater to collect salt. Active
solar technologies convert solar energy to heat or electricity through the use of mechanical or
electrical equipment and have only been in use since the late 1800s (Kabir et al., 2018).
Examples include pumped solar water heating systems for swimming pools or domestic hot
water, the aforementioned photovoltaic cells for electricity production and “thermal
concentration” systems that use lenses or mirrors to focus solar energy and heat a fluid to
power a steam turbine (Malinowski, Leon and Abu-Rub, 2017).
Wind energy
Wind energy is driven in the first instance by the sun and by the earth’s rotation. Some solar
radiation is converted into kinetic energy in the form of moving air molecules (wind) due to
differences in solar radiation received at high and low latitudes. The earth’s rotation also
contributes to the movement of air through the Coriolis effect. Winds are impacted by
geographic features and are unevenly distributed over the face of the planet.
Wind energy has long been converted to mechanical power through the use of windmills. These
have served to pump water, grind grain, power saw mills and other uses. Wind energy
continues to be important for pumping water in remote areas.
Commercial conversion of wind energy to electricity began in the 1970s. The majority of wind
turbines have been sited on land, but off-shore wind is growing in importance. Wind turbines
convert the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy and then to electrical energy.
Taller turbines are typically able to produce more energy, as wind speed increases with height
above the ground (IPCC, 2011).
Appendix 2 Will governments assert property rights
to solar and wind resources?
A relevant question is whether governments in the future will cede solar and wind property rights
to private entities just because an entity happens to own the land that underlies the sun and
wind. A plausible case can be made that such resources are public as no private entity had
anything to do with their creation and, therefore, that any economic benefits arising from their
use should flow to the government on behalf of all citizens. Governments may one day choose
to realize those benefits even if they mainly do not today through legislation asserting public
property rights. Indeed, some have already begun to do so in a limited way. In Canada, for
example, the province of British Columbia charges royalties based on revenue for wind power
development on public lands. The province of Ontario uses a competitive bidding process for
wind power developments on public land (Ingelson, 2018).
Another reason governments may eventually exercise property rights over solar and wind
resources is the clear and long-standing practice of doing so in the case of the most important
renewable energy resource worldwide today, hydroelectric resources. Governments in many
countries ensure that the economic benefits of hydroelectric resources flow to citizens by
controlling the resources through publicly owned hydro utilities. This allows them to sell
hydroelectricity at prices below competitive market rates, effectively distributing resource rent to
Even in countries with privatized electricity systems, governments charge royalties
on the use of water in hydroelectricity production in an effort to capture some of the associated
rent (Pineau et al., 2017).
The similarly clear and long-standing government practice of capturing rent on fossil fuel and
mineral exploitation provides another reason why rent capture on renewable energy resources
may be taken more seriously by governments in the future. Certainly, in the case of geothermal
resources, which share much in common with other sub-soil resources, it seems likely that
governments will eventually apply the kind of royalty schemes already applied to fossil fuels and
minerals. Indeed, some already do. That more will eventually do so seems all the more likely
since governments in most countries claim the rights to geothermal resources (see Appendix 3).
There is recent precedent in the case of the radio spectrum for governments introducing policy
to begin capturing rent on a natural resource that was previously considered free. The spectrum
shares much in common solar and wind resources: all are intangible, associated in some way
with the atmosphere and difficult for any unit other than a government to assert property rights
over. Governments have regulated access to the spectrum since the early 1900s. However, the
economic value of the spectrum was not realized until the 1990s, when governments began to
allocate spectrum to cellular telephone operators through competitive auctions. Spectrum
auctions from 1994 to 1996 in the United States netted the government nearly $20 billion dollars
(Jilani, 2015). Governments realized at that point that the spectrum was a public asset with
substantial value. They may well eventually see the same to be true of solar and wind
resources. It would be relatively simple for them to assert, as they did with the spectrum, their
rights to the ownership of sun and wind energy within their jurisdictions.
Moreover, as growth in solar, wind and other renewables gradually permits a shift away from
fossil fuels, governments in fossil fuel-producing jurisdictions may have little choice but to begin
capturing rent on renewable energy. They may face substantial and unaffordable declines in
Of course, some of these consumers are corporations, so not all the economic benefits end up flowing directly to
revenues otherwise. In the Netherlands, for example, an average 6.6% of national government
revenues came from corporate payments of natural gas royalties from 2003 to 2016.
Over that
same period, the country’s natural gas reserves declined by nearly 50% in physical terms. This
physical depletion coupled with economic pressures on the fossil fuel sector in general mean
that the Dutch government cannot count on substantial revenues from its natural gas resources
Given this, it is reasonable to suggest the government may, at some point, decide to
collect royalties on its growing wind power resources.
Author’s calculations based on data from the Netherlands’ Central Bureau of Statistics.
In addition to the general economic pressures on the fossil fuel industry, the Dutch government is also facing public
demands to end natural gas extraction in the North Sea’s Groningen Field due to earthquakes caused by settling of
the sea bed in the area of extraction (Oil Change International, 2018). The government has committed to ending
production in the field by 2030 as a result (van den Berg, 2018).
Appendix 3 – Geothermal property rights in major
producing countries
The globally installed capacity of geothermal power was 12.8 GW by the end of 2017, with the
United States owning the largest share (2.5 MW). Other major producers include the
Philippines, Indonesia and New Zealand, all found along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Turkey, Italy
and Iceland are the largest producers in Europe and Kenya is the only significant producer in
Africa (REN21, 2018).
In many countries, geothermal resources are owned by the state; this includes the Philippines,
Indonesia, Kenya, and Chile. The Philippines collects royalty payments of up to 1.5 percent of
gross energy earnings, with the proceeds being split 60:40 between national and local
governments (Van Campen, 2015). Past geothermal development in Indonesia was primarily
pursued by the state oil and gas company, but a competitive bidding process for exploitation
permits has been implemented (Winters and Cawvey, 2015). Development of geothermal
resources in Kenya has also been primarily pursued by state companies, although the licensing
process is open to private companies (Van Campen, 2015). Chile opened South America’s first
geothermal plant only in 2017 (REN21, 2018), but as home to about 10 percent of the world’s
volcanoes, the country has large untapped potential. Chile enacted a geothermal law in 2000 to
allow private companies to explore and exploit resources in the country (Rai and Van Campen,
Ownership of geothermal resources in New Zealand is contentious. As with mineral and water
resources, geothermal resources are held separately from land. However, many geothermal
resources are subject to ownership claims by Maori peoples. In practice, geothermal resources
are regulated by the Resource Management Act and overseen by regional governments (Van
Campen, 2015).
Geothermal ownership in the United States varies by jurisdiction. On federal lands, geothermal
resources are treated as mineral rights and are held by the government. Some states, including
California, also treat geothermal resources as minerals and separate the rights to them from
land. Other states, particularly arid Midwestern states, treat geothermal resources as water
resources, subject to permitting by state authorities. Yet others, such as Maryland and Oregon,
have hybrid systems that regulate geothermal resources as either mineral or water resources,
depending on the temperature and depth of the resource (Levine and Young, 2018).
Ownership of geothermal resources in Iceland is attached to land. Geothermal resources on
public land are property of the state. Exploration and exploitation of resources requires a permit
from the National Energy Authority, regardless of where the resource is located (Orkustfnun, no
Appendix 4 – Empirical studies of renewable energy
asset values
Though hydroelectric resources account for more of the installed global capacity of renewable
electricity resources than all other sources combined
(IEA, 2017), few efforts have been made at
measuring their value. Writing in 2000, Rothman noted that “very little has been writtenon how
to measure economic rent from hydroelectric development.” Only a handful of empirical studies
having been published in the peer reviewed or grey literatures in the time since (Wen and
Gillen, 2000; Limbu and Shrestha, 2004; Hreinsson, 2008a; Hreinsson, 2008b; Statistics
Netherlands, 2011; Boungnong and Phonekeo, 2012; UK Office for National Statistics, 2016;
Statistics New Zealand, 2017; Wandji and Bhattcharyya, 2018). The more relevant of these
studies are reviewed briefly below.
Two major studies of the value of Canadian hydroelectric resources were undertaken in the
1980s (Bernard, Bridges and Scott, 1982 and Zuker and Jenkins, 1984). This was a time when
Canada’s electricity markets were dominated by large, publicly owned utilities producing and
selling power in highly regulated markets. Given this, it is not surprising that neither set of
researchers concluded that the RVM was suitable. Both the price at which electricity was sold in
Canada at the time and the cost structures of the public utilities that produced it were subject to
substantial government intervention. Instead, both studies adopted the least-cost alternative
approach (see Section 3.2). Bernard, Bridges and Scott compared actual capital and operating
costs of hydroelectricity resources against those of the least-cost mix of coal, heavy oil, natural
gas and nuclear generation needed to replace them; non-hydroelectric portions of the existing
system were not remodelled. Load duration curves were used to determine the cheapest
method of replacing hydroelectric resources for different types of load (base, intermediate and
peak). Attempts were made to calculate differences in transmission costs for hydroelectric
versus other resources given the need for hydroelectricity to be transmitted over long distances.
Transformation, distribution and administration costs were assumed to be the same. Zuker and
Jenkins’s approach was similar, though rather than modelling just the replacement of
hydroelectric resources with the least-cost alternative, they compared the overall cost of
Canada’s existing electricity system (including hydro) with the cost of a completely remodelled,
least-cost system based on coal, heavy oil, natural gas and nuclear resources.
Gillen and Wen (2000) proposed a method for estimating hydroelectric resource rent in the
Canadian province of Ontario (which has substantial hydroelectric resources) using the cost of
electricity imports as the least-cost alternative. Their interest was to assess whether the
provincial government’s water charges collected from hydroelectric energy producers were an
effective mechanism for rent capture. They found that rents in 1995 were $CDN1.3 billion, ten
times as much as the province collected in water charges. This led them to conclude that the
province substantially under-taxed hydroelectric rent.
As an aside, Gillen and Wen’s rent estimates suggest that Ontario’s hydroelectric assets were
worth about $CDN29 billion in 1995, or about $CDN 45 billion in current dollars.
province’s hydro assets have grown by something like 15% since 1995, suggesting a value of
around $CDN 50 billion for its current assets. Given that Ontario is currently home to about 11%
of Canada’s hydroelectric assets, this would suggest a very rough value of $CDN 500 billion
($US380 billion) for the country’s existing hydroelectric assets. This figure is larger than
Assuming a 3.8% discount rate and a 50-year lifetime for the resource.
Statistics Canada’s 2017 estimated value of any natural asset other than land.
While Gillen
and Wen’s estimates are to be used with caution
, they do illustrate the importance of a
complete accounting of the wealth associated with natural resources in revealing Canada’s true
national wealth. The same would be true of other countries, such as China, Brazil and the
United States, with large hydroelectric energy resources.
Statistics Netherlands (2011, p. 138), noting that when national balance sheets are restricted
only to non-renewable energy resources…serious underestimation of a country’s available
energy resources” is possible, undertook a study of the value of the Netherlands’ wind energy
resources using the RVM. This method was chosen because “like any other natural resource,
renewable energy resources provide capital services to their owner and their remuneration
[resource rent] should be an element in the gross operating surplus of the energy producer” (p.
139). Given this, the RVM should reveal the value of the wind energy rent. A nominal discount
rate of 6% was applied and the resource was assumed to be available into the infinite future. An
interesting feature of the study is development of what the authors call a “social resource rent”,
which they define as resource rent normally calculated (or market-based resource rent) as per
the RVM but without the adjustment for specific subsidies on production. The intuition behind
the social resource rent is that it reflects the value of the resource taking societal preferences (in
the form of subsidies) into account. The “social preferences” referred to here are those of the
public for emissions-free energy generation, as expressed through political support for
government subsidies to carbon-free wind energy. The authors find that, while market-based
resource rent on wind energy resources was negative in every year from 1990-2010 (implying a
zero economic value for the resource), social rent is consistently positive after 2004. Valued
using social rent, Dutch wind energy resources were estimated to be worth more than 5 billion
euros in 2010 a substantial sum, but still only 3% of the estimated value of the Netherlands’
natural gas resources in that year.
The United Kingdom Office for National Statistics has prepared two different estimates of the
value of the United Kingdom’s renewable energy resources, one (UK ONS, 2016) for
hydroelectric and wind energy resources for the whole of the United Kingdom and the other for
all renewable resources
but just for Scotland (UK ONS, 2019). Both studies use the RVM.
Data on revenues and costs for the UK-wide study were sourced from annual corporate reports.
Due to data limitations, no account was taken of subsidies provided to the industry. This, the
authors recognize, means the estimated asset values are likely overstated. The combined value
of hydroelectric and wind energy resources (assuming a 3% to 3.5% discount
rate over 50
years) was 54.5 billion UK pounds in 2014. The Scottish study estimated renewable energy
resource “rent” by assuming it was equal to the renewable share of the electricity generation
industry’s gross value added.
The authors acknowledge that this is not a valid estimate of rent
The natural resource assets currently included on Canada’s national balance sheet are fossil fuels, minerals,
timber and land (commercial, residential and agricultural). Statistics Canada, Table 38-10-0006-01, Value of selected
natural resource reserves. Available here
Gillen and Wen note that their rent estimates are similar to those found by Zuker and Jenkins but considerably
more than Bernard, Bridges and Scott’s value.
Hydroelectric, solar, wind, tidal, wave, landfill/sewage gas and other bioenergy resources.
A 3.5% discount rate is applied during the first 30 years in the net present value calculation and a 3% discount rate
thereafter up to 50 years.
Differential levelized costs of production between conventional and renewable electricity generation, weighted by
the physical quantities of electricity generated from different sources, were applied to total electric power generation
gross value added to estimate the gross value added of electricity from renewable sources.
but use it in any case in the RVM to calculate an “asset value” for Scottish renewable energy
resources, which they give as about 24 billion UK pounds (2017 prices) for the year 2015.
The RVM calculation uses a 100-year asset life with a 3.5% discount rate during the first 30 years, a 3% discount
rate thereafter up to 75 years and a 2.5% rate after 75 years.
Appendix 5 – Major rent concepts in economic theory
and their applicability to renewable energy resources
Rent concepts can be roughly categorized as follows (Sinner and Scherzer, 2007):
Ricardian/differential rents - Rents that accrue to the more productive factors of
production in homogenous input markets. In equilibrium, the price at which the least-
productive firm is willing to produce clears the market; all firms with marginal costs below
this price earn Ricardian (also called “differential”) rents (Hartwick and Olewiler, 1999).
Classical economists (for example, von Thünen) recognized that location of a resource
could be the source of Ricardian rents.
Scarcity/absolute rentsRents that arise when demand exceeds supply in the long
run. Since supply cannot be increased either for natural (fixed physical stock) or arbitrary
(regulated entry barriers) reasons, “limits on the supply of a resource allow producers to
charge prices greater than their marginal cost” (Rothman, 2000, p. 4). Such “scarcity”
rents are also known as “absolute” rents within Marxian economics (da Silva, 2018).
Marshallian short-run/quasi rents Rents that arise in the short-run; that is, in the
absence of a stable long-run equilibrium. Quasi-rents arise when demand exceeds
supply at a fixed point in time and are dissipated as the prospect of rent capture
encourages more entrants to the market.
In all cases, the fundamental source of rent is scarcity. Thus, Wessel (1967, p. 1222) considers
that Ricardian rent is “in essence” the same as scarcity rent, as it is the scarcity of more-
productive factors that allows them to earn differential rents. If scarcity is not permanent,
Marshall’s “quasi-rents” emerge until long-run equilibrium is reached. Figure 1 summarizes the
various concepts.
Figure 1 – Rent concepts
Panel A
Differential/Ricardian rents
Panel C
Renewable energy resources can generate several types of rents. Differential or Ricardian rents (shaded area in
Panel A) arise from productivity differences between producers. The intersection of market demand and supply
determines the equilibrium price and quantity (p* and q*), which is also the price at which the least-productive asset
will produce. The i
asset earns rent equal to the difference between market price and its marginal cost of production
(which lies on the market supply curve). Scarcity or absolute rents (light shaded area in Panel B) arise from demand
exceeding supply in the long run. Here, supply cannot exceed q*, but market demand bids the price to p*. All assets
earn scarcity rents. As before, more productive assets also earn differential rents. Finally, quasi-rents (shaded area in
Panel C) are rents that arise in the short-term only. In the short term, the supply of assets is fixed at q*, with demand
curve D and equilibrium price and quantity p* and q*. Suppose demand shifts outward to D', bidding price up to p'.
Assets then earn a form of scarcity rent, which persists until demand falls or more producers enter the market (not
Appendix 6 – Data/methodology template for
renewable energy asset valuation
approach to rent
pattern of
Data requirements
Revenues Costs
Specific subsidies
and taxes
Residual value
method in
countries where
markets can be
assumed to be
close to long-
term competitive
method can be
considered for
countries where
markets remain
distorted by
Variable –
depends on
and costs
25 years
price per kWh
in base year;
projections of
prices over
(kWh) in base
projections of
over resource
Cost of
materials and
supplies in
base year;
projections of
annual costs
over resource
Labour costs
in base year;
projections of
annual costs
over resource
Value of fixed
capital used
in production
in base year;
projections of
annual fixed
capital stocks
over resource
Value of subsidies paid
on products (such as
FIT) in base year;
projections of product
subsidies over
resource lifetime
Value of subsidies paid
on production (such as
concessionary loans)
in base year;
projections of
production subsidies
over resource lifetime
Value of royalties and
other specific taxes
(such as generator
operating licenses) in
base year; projections
of specific taxes over
resource lifetime
See geothermal Constant 50 years
price per kWh
in base year
(kWh) in base
Cost of
materials and
supplies in
base year
Labour costs
in base year
Value of fixed
capital used
in production
in base year
Value of subsidies paid
on products (such as
FIT) in base year
Value of subsidies paid
on production (such as
concessionary loans)
in base year
Value of royalties and
other specific taxes
(such as generator
operating licenses) in
base year
See geothermal
See geothermal
1. A reasonable simplifying assumption may be constant costs over the resource lifetime for materials/supplies and labour.
2. Fixed capital stocks include all assets used in renewable electricity generation, including wells and heat-exchange
equipment (geothermal), dams (hydroelectric), panel arrays (solar), turbines (wind) and generating equipment (all).