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DD FORM 2930, JUN 2017
PRESCRIBING AUTHORITY: DoD Instruction 5400.16, "DoD Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Guidance". Complete this form for Department of Defense
(DoD) information systems or electronic collections of information (referred to as an "electronic collection" for the purpose of this form) that collect, maintain, use,
and/or disseminate personally identifiable information (PII) about members of the public, Federal employees, contractors, or foreign nationals employed at U.S.
military facilities internationally. In the case where no PII is collected, the PIA will serve as a conclusive determination that privacy requirements do not apply to
Air Education and Training Command Enterprise Mobility Management (AETC EMM)
United States Air Force
Air Education and Training Command Cyber Strategy, Programs and Projects
a. The PII is: (Check one. Note: Federal contractors, military family members, and foreign nationals are included in general public.)
From members of the general public From Federal employees
from both members of the general public and Federal employees Not Collected (if checked proceed to Section 4)
b. The PII is in a: (Check one.)
New DoD Information System New Electronic Collection
Existing DoD Information System Existing Electronic Collection
Significantly Modified DoD Information System
c. Describe the purpose of this DoD information system or electronic collection and describe the types of personal information about individuals
collected in the system.
The function of this IT investment is to provide an approved and authorized device and content management solution for mobile users in a
training environment. Using device managed, cloud storage with access to AFNet email through soft credentials. The AETC EMM leverages
a commercial Internet connection to provide enterprise approved content anywhere, anytime.
Categories of individuals that data is collected from are active duty members, DAF civilians and contractors.
The following types of data collected are: Official Duty Address, Work email address, Official Duty Telephone, Position/Title, Rank/Grade,
DoD ID Number and Name(s)
d. Why is the PII collected and/or what is the intended use of the PII? (e.g., verification, identification, authentication, data matching, mission-related use,
administrative use)
PII is collected for Identification, verification for the creation of user accounts.
e. Do individuals have the opportunity to object to the collection of their PII?
Yes No
(1) If "Yes," describe the method by which individuals can object to the collection of PII.
(2) If "No," state the reason why individuals cannot object to the collection of PII.
PII collected is for account management. Individuals can object, however, failure to provide PII may result to denial of access to the AETC
f. Do individuals have the opportunity to consent to the specific uses of their PII? Yes No
(1) If "Yes," describe the method by which individuals can give or withhold their consent.
(2) If "No," state the reason why individuals cannot give or withhold their consent.
PII collected is for account management. Individuals can object, however, failure to provide PII may result to denial of access to the AETC
g. When an individual is asked to provide PII, a Privacy Act Statement (PAS) and/or a Privacy Advisory must be provided. (Check as appropriate and
provide the actual wording.)
Privacy Act Statement Privacy Advisory Not Applicable
Privacy Act Statement
PURPOSE: The information will be used to grant access to the AETC EMM. The DD Form 2875, System Access Authorization Request
(SAAR) is used to collect the information used for this purpose.
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DD FORM 2930, JUN 2017
AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. Chapter 41, Training; 5 CFR part 410, Office of Personnel Management-Training; E.O. 11348, Providing for the
Further Training of Government Employees, as amended by E.O. 12107. The applicable System of Records Notice(s) is DoD 0005, Defense
Training Records
PRINCIPLE PUPOSE(S): To record names, signatures and other identifiers for the purpose of validating the trustworthiness of individuals
requesting access to AETC EMM and information. As well as for the creation of user accounts on the AETC EMM. NOTE: Records may be
maintained in both electronic and/or paper form. Information is not shared outside the AETC EMM Program Office or with other systems.
DISCLOSURE: Disclosure of this information is voluntary; however, failure to provide to requested information may impede, delay or
prevent further access to the AETC EMM.
h. With whom will the PII be shared through data/system exchange, both within your DoD Component and outside your Component?
(Check all that apply)
Within the DoD Component Specify.
Strictly for AETC EMM Access
Other DoD Components (i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force) Specify.
Other Federal Agencies (i.e. Veteran’s Affairs, Energy, State) Specify.
State and Local Agencies Specify.
Contractor (Name of contractor and describe the language in
clauses, i.e., 52.224-1, Privacy Act Notification, 52.224-2,
Privacy Act, and FAR 39.105 are included in the contract.)
Other (e.g., commercial providers, colleges). Specify.
i. Source of the PII collected is: (Check all that apply and list all information systems if applicable)
Existing DoD Information Systems Commercial Systems
Other Federal Information Systems
Air Force Directory Services
j. How will the information be collected? (Check all that apply and list all Official Form Numbers if applicable)
E-mail Official Form (Enter Form Number(s) in the box below)
In-Person Contact Paper
Fax Telephone Interview
Information Sharing - System to System Website/E-Form
Other (If Other, enter the information in the box below)
DD Form 2875 System Access Authorization Request (SAAR)
k. Does this DoD Information system or electronic collection require a Privacy Act System of Records Notice (SORN)?
A Privacy Act SORN is required if the information system or electronic collection contains information about U.S. citizens or lawful permanent U.S. residents that
is retrieved by name or other unique identifier. PIA and Privacy Act SORN information must be consistent.
Yes No
If "Yes," enter SORN System Identifier
Defense Training Records DoD 0005
SORN Identifier, not the Federal Register (FR) Citation. Consult the DoD Component Privacy Office for additional information or
If a SORN has not yet been published in the Federal Register, enter date of submission for approval to Defense Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency
Division (DPCLTD). Consult the DoD Component Privacy Office for this date
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DD FORM 2930, JUN 2017
If "No," explain why the SORN is not required in accordance with DoD Regulation 5400.11-R: Department of Defense Privacy Program.
l. What is the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) approved, pending or general records schedule (GRS) disposition authority
for the system or for the records maintained in the system?
(1) NARA Job Number or General Records Schedule Authority.
(2) If pending, provide the date the SF-115 was submitted to NARA.
(3) Retention Instructions.
While it is asserted there is no records data in AETC EMM, the DAF Records Office notes the statement, "NOTE: Records may be
maintained in both electronic and/or paper form" in response to question g in Section 1 of this PIA. The DAF Records Office strongly
encourages the creation of electronic forms per OMB Memorandum M-19-21 (Transition to Electronic Records) and OMB Memorandum
m. What is the authority to collect information? A Federal law or Executive Order must authorize the collection and maintenance of a system of
records. For PII not collected or maintained in a system of records, the collection or maintenance of the PII must be necessary to discharge the
requirements of a statue or Executive Order.
(1) If this system has a Privacy Act SORN, the authorities in this PIA and the existing Privacy Act SORN should be similar.
(2) If a SORN does not apply, cite the authority for this DoD information system or electronic collection to collect, use, maintain and/or disseminate PII.
(If multiple authorities are cited, provide all that apply).
(a) Cite the specific provisions of the statute and/or EO that authorizes the operation of the system and the collection of PII.
(b) If direct statutory authority or an Executive Order does not exist, indirect statutory authority may be cited if the authority requires the
operation or administration of a program, the execution of which will require the collection and maintenance of a system of records.
(c) If direct or indirect authority does not exist, DoD Components can use their general statutory grants of authority (“internal housekeeping”) as
the primary authority. The requirement, directive, or instruction implementing the statute within the DoD Component must be identified.
5 U.S.C. Chapter 41, Training; 5 CFR part 410, Office of Personnel Management-Training
n. Does this DoD information system or electronic collection have an active and approved Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control
Contact the Component Information Management Control Officer or DoD Clearance Officer for this information. This number indicates OMB approval to
collect data from 10 or more members of the public in a 12-month period regardless of form or format.
Yes No Pending
(1) If "Yes," list all applicable OMB Control Numbers, collection titles, and expiration dates.
(2) If "No," explain why OMB approval is not required in accordance with DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 2, " DoD Information Collections Manual:
Procedures for DoD Public Information Collections.”
(3) If "Pending," provide the date for the 60 and/or 30 day notice and the Federal Register citation.
0704-0630 DD2875 System Authorization Access Request 03-29-2025
NOTE: Sections 1 above is to be posted to the Component's Web site. Posting of these Sections indicates
that the PIA has been reviewed to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect privacy. A
Component may restrict the publication of Sections 1 if they contain information that would reveal
sensitive information or raise security concerns.