To Membership
2016- 2017
Table of Contents
1. ERAPPA Board and ERAPPA Reps to APPA Committees Page 3
2. Presidents Message Page 4
3. Chapter Affairs Committee Page 6
4. Technology and Communications Committee Page 8
5. Membership Committee Page 11
6. Professional Development Committee Page 14
7. Annual Meetings Committee Page 18
8. Treasurer report Page 19
a. ERAPPA Year End Statement for FY 2016 Page 20
b. Proposed Budget for FY 2017 Page 21
9. Business Partner Representative Report Page 23
10. APPA Professional Affairs and Awards and Recognition Committee Page 25
11. APPA Membership Committee Page 27
12. APPA Emerging Professionals Committee Page 29
13. APPA Information and Research Committee Page 30
14. APPA Professional Development Committee Page 33
15. Chapter Affairs Committee
a. AAPPA Chapter Report Page 35
b. DVAPPA Chapter Report Page 38
c. KAPPA Chapter Report Page 41
d. MD/DC APPA Chapter Report Page 43
e. NJAPPA Chapter Report Page 46
f. NNECERAPPA Chapter Report Page 49
g. NYAPPA Chapter Report Page 52
h. OAPPA Chapter Report Page 54
i. SNEAPPA Chapter Report Page 56
ERAPPA BOARD 2016 2017
President Steve Peary University of Vermont
President - Elect Kevin Mann Salisbury University
Vice President, Jessica Abbott University of Hartford
Professional Development
Vice President, Membership Patty Smith New Jersey City University
Vice President, Annual Meetings Matt Yencha Cedar Crest College
Vice President, Technology Paul Martin Western University Canada
and Communications
Vice President, Chapter Affairs Pete Buchheit University of Pittsburgh Bradford
Secretary Jon Terry Quinnipiac University
Treasurer Arthur Walsh Dalhousie University
Past President Elizabeth Clark Pennsylvania State University
APPA Liaison to ERAPPA John Bernhards APPA
Business Partner Representative Amy Baker Parette Somjen Architects, LLC
ERAPPA Reps to APPA Committees 2016 2017
Professional Development Committee Kevin Simpson - AAPPA
Membership Committee George Stooks - NYAPPA
Information & Research Committee Dan Gearan NNECERAPPA
Awards & Recognition Committee Elizabeth Clark KAPPA
Professional Affairs Committee John Michalewicz SNEAPPA
Nominating Committee Steve Peary NNCERAPPA
Bylaws Committee Kevin Mann - MDCAPPA
Emerging Professionals Committee Jessica Abbott - SNEAPPA
President’s Message
Steve Peary, ERAPPA President 2016-2017
University of Vermont
Dear ERAPPA family, it has been an honor to serve as your ERAPPA President this past year! The trust
you have shown in me is humbling and inspiring. My APPA journey started in 1998, first at the chapter
and soon after the regional and international level. I have stayed involved and engaged because it has
always felt good to give back to something that has provided so much education, guidance, and growth.
This year I realized a growing sense of ownership in and responsibility for ERAPPA that continues to
guide me. I wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to all of you for allowing me this opportunity to serve.
Please read on to see how ERAPPA has grown this past year.
We are indeed part of something special. This collection of colleagues across our region is like no other.
No matter the size or location of our institutions, we face similar challenges and share in the same
triumphs. At the ERAPPA Annual Meeting and through ERAPPA programming delivered throughout the
year, we learn with and from each other, share best practices, commiserate over our challenges, and
strive for something better.
The engagement I have witnessed by our members who serve on Host Committees, ERAPPA
Committees, APPA Committees, and as Board Members is unparalleled. The quality of the work and
effort put forth by these individuals is outstanding and remember, these are all volunteers! All of the
benefits you have come to enjoy through your ERAPPA membership quality Annual Meetings,
professional development webinars, local delivery of APPA programming, and a robust scholarship
program are all a result of this dedicated group of individuals. As you continue to partake of the
benefits of your ERAPPA membership, please consider giving back to the organization through service in
one of the aforementioned roles. Being an engaged member of the organization’s leadership is
rewarding and enlightening. Join us and help us grow the membership, broaden our offerings, and
continue our success!
In the last year, the ERAPPA Board has worked on a number of initiatives stemming from the
organization’s Strategic Plan. We continue to focus on providing outstanding educational and
professional resources to our members, expand our membership, and engage our Business Partners in
the organization. As such, the following initiatives have been at the forefront of our discussion, planning,
and action since October 2016:
APPA Credentialing Initiative Still our largest financial undertaking outside of the ERAPPA Annual
Meeting, we designed this professional development initiative to target and benefit as many ERAPPA
members as possible. The ERAPPA Board is continuing the complete sponsorship of the APPA
credentialing preparatory course and examination for the Educational Facilities Professional (EFP) and
Certified Educational Facilities Professional (CEFP) programs. While we do have a target number of
participants in mind, at this time the program is open-ended. To date, 152 of your ERAPPA colleagues
have obtained the CEFP credential and 110 have obtained EFP credential. The Board is delighted in the
uptake for this program and encourages all ERAPPA members to consider how the EFP or CEFP may
benefit you both personally and professionally.
Business Partner Liaison and Committee Members The relationship between institutional members
and our business partners continues to flourish with increased and meaningful interaction from the floor
of the Hall of Resources through ERAPPA Committees to the Board. The integration of Business Partners
into the ERAPPA Board and Committees has served to clarify needs and expectations from and for
institutional members and business partners. To that end the BP committees has developed the roles
and responsibilities of their committee and a document that summarizes all the benefits of being a
Business Partner. Recognizing that our business partners are subject matter experts in a number of
areas of interest to our institutional members, the Board voted to operationalize the ERAPPA lunch-and-
learn webinar series. The series will continue to cover a variety of facilities-related topics and will occur
Finances The ERAPPA organization is fiscally strong. The Board continues to act responsibly as the
stewards of ERAPPA’s assets and is very thoughtful and thorough when it drafts, reviews, discusses, and
adopts its annual budget. They are ever mindful of economic uncertainty and the shifts in planning and
pricing in the hospitality industry while budgeting for future Annual Meetings and ERAPPA’s operating
budget. We look for opportunities to positively affect as many members as possible with the decisions
we make, looking to put your membership dollars to the best possible use. Each Board member is an
advocate for conservative financial management with maximum benefit to the membership. Our
financial position is strong as is our commitment to your success.
Virtual Presence The ERAPPA website receives continuous improvement as new content and features
are required or requested. The organization of the site has changed this year to make it easier to
navigate and to find the information you are looking for quickly. One significant change this year is the
creation of a member login area where our members can get even richer content and items that
exemplify the value of being an ERAPPA member. This includes the ability to share best practices and
solutions; search and view past webinars; search and view ERAPPA and chapter presentations;
discussion lists that capture the conversation for research by others later; and the ability to connect with
FM professionals in our region with certain skills as captured in our profiles.
In addition to these initiatives and in keeping with my theme of “Sustainment”, the Board has also
focused on our internal governance. We have completed our annual insurance reviews, undergone a
complete financial audit, and maintained the organization’s tax-exempt filings. When necessary, we
have adopted new or amended established policies, procedures, and practices to ensure the
organization continues to operate effectively.
On behalf of the Board, I extend sincere thanks to all of the volunteers who have worked so hard to
make all of the aforementioned accomplishments happen. This is an extraordinary organization made
up of extraordinary people. I am fortunate to have worked with them in the last year. Finally, an
oversized thank you goes out to Sheri Vucci, Kelly Geishauser, and the entire 2017 Host Committee for
their efforts in planning and delivering another high quality Annual Meeting.
Chapter Affairs Committee
Peter Buchheit, Vice President
University of Pittsburgh
The ERAPPA Chapter Affairs Committee Representatives for 2016/17 are:
Greg Clayton President Atlantic Provinces AAPPA
Dawn Barnett President Delaware Valley Chapter DVAPPA
Dan Barlup President Keystone Chapter KAPPA
Sherell Vucci President Maryland-DC Chapter MD/DC APPA
Todd Miller President New Jersey Chapter NJAPPA
Barry McHugh President New York Chapter NYAPPA
Rick Battistoni President Northern New England Chapter NNECERAPPA
Paul Martin President of Ontario Universities OAPPA
VACANT President of Ontario Colleges OCFMA
Keith MacDonald President of Southern New England Chapter SNEAPPA
Outgoing Members during 2016/2017:
Charles Bagley Maryland/DC Chapter MD/DC APPA
Charles Nieves New Jersey Chapter NJAPPA
John O’Shaughnessy Northern New England Chapter NNECERAPPA
Mike Patterson Delaware Valley Chapter DVAPPA
Tom St. Ivany Ontario Universities OAPPA
Andy Wilson Keystone Chapter KAPPA
There has been a number of changes at the president’s level in our chapters. I am sure the new group
will bring the same level of enthusiasm and provide impressive leadership to their chapter constituents.
There is so much opportunity for chapter president’s to take the APPA message back to their respective
chapters and promote the opportunity that our APPA membership offers.
During the 2016-2017 year the ERAPPA board has started the process of a new strategic plan. The
chapter president’s will have an opportunity to comment on this plan and be the catalyst to promote
the strategic plan at the chapter level.
There will also be a concerted effort by the chapter president’s to draw a larger pool of prospective
candidates for the ERAPPA Board. This will be a primary objective for the coming year.
As we all are witnessing the increasing financial concerns at our institutions, we continue to strive to
find avenues for our memberships to attend the multitude of APPA related educational offerings
available throughout the region. To this end we are offering more local programs, as they become
available, and are seeing very promising attendance at these. This year ERAPPA continues to offer the
opportunity for all ERAPPA members to take the EFP-CEFP credential exam at no cost to the member.
This is a good value and can be done without travel. The webinar series is continuing on a quarterly basis
with some exceptional programs at no cost.
Several chapters have witnessed record attendance at their chapter meetings. This is a healthy sign that
the work we do at all APPA levels is credible and important to the profession. Please see chapter
president reports for further detail on their chapter.
With the multitude of chapter, regional, and national scholarships available, we are proud that over 21
individuals have applied for an ERAPPA scholarship. With the credential scholarship being an added
bonus to your membership we continue to demonstrate the value of ERAPPA.
With the core mission of all chapters being, to better educate our members, the methods of delivery
are ever-changing and the chapter presidents are using the increasing new avenues as well as being
leaders in promoting new methods of delivery.
This year’s Mid-Year Meeting in Washington, DC, the chapter presidents had a lively discussion to
improve the governance of ERAPPA. With new strategic planning now under way the chapter will have
input through their president and committee members to help shape the future of ERAPPA. We had the
opportunity to view this wonderful city and hope the attendance at ERAPPA 2017 provides not only a
great educational product but time to see the Capital of the United States.
Technology and Communications Committee
Paul Martin, Vice President
Western University
The ERAPPA Technology & Communication Committee Representatives for 2016/17 are:
Craig Hickey Atlantic Provinces AAPPA
David Rabold Delaware Valley Chapter DVAPPA
Rick Phillips Keystone Chapter KAPPA
Jason Sawyer Maryland-DC Chapter MD/DC APPA
Lavone Broxton New Jersey Chapter NJAPPA
Billy Gagnon Northern New England Chapter NNECERAPPA
John Moore New York Chapter NYAPPA
Peyton Gibson/ Southern New England Chapter SNEAPPA
John Marshall
Gordon Robbins Ontario Universities OAPPA
Rich McEvoy Ontario Colleges OCFMA
Outgoing Members during 2016/2017:
Tim Garland Northern New England Chapter NNECERAPPA
Jennifer Grimm New Jersey Chapter NJAPPA
Sheri Vucci Maryland/DC Chapter MD/DC APPA
A. Host Committee Liaison
Web Sites for Hosts
- Provide Guidance and support to Maryland/DC MDDCAPPA as they prepare for ERAPPA 2017.
- The 2017 Host Committee is managing the website for ERAPPA 2017.
- First year the new conference template process was used for the launching of the website no
problems were reported.
- 2018 Host Committee is ready to launch site has been turned over to Ogo Sense to launch after
B. Benchmark
Benchmark had a few problems as users became familiar with the process. We have linked the
Benchmark product to @ERAPPA.org providing a link to the ERAPPA website this has reduced the
number of servers blocking the email messages.
C. Web Site
Major changes were made to the ERAPPA website this year with the strategic initiative with Ogo Sense
our website provider:
- Members only section created and rolled out to ERAPPA members
- Members profiles were created which will grow to include information on members allowing
members to target queries to other like members
- Webinars launched last year by Business Partners have been loaded into the members only
section for members to access any time
- Conference presentations from 2015 & 2016 conference have been uploaded to the members
only section
- ERAPPA chapter events have been linked from each chapter to the ERAPPA website providing all
members with a view to events happening across the region.
- T&C members for each chapter now take responsibility for uploading job posting for their area
as well as supporting the following ERAPPA areas:
o Membership David Rabold & Jennifer Kelemen
o Professional Development Craig Hickey & Tim Garland
o Annual Conference - Peyton Gibson, John Marchall & Jason Sawyer
o Chapter Affairs Rich McEvoy & John Moore
o Technology and Business Partners Gordon Robins & Rick Phillips
D. Chapter Web Sites
- Hosting of Chapter Web Sites
- ERAPPA continues to offer hosting of Chapter Web Sites on the ERAPPA web Server.
- This continues to be available with our new web hosting service, most chapters are now utilizing
content management systems hosted by the same service.
- This year the T&C team is looking to link news from the various chapter websites to be linked to
the ERAPPA site.
E. Webinars presented by ERAPPA’s Business Partners
- Technology team supported the Business Partners as they launched a series of free web sessions
for ERAPPA members.
F. Conference Call Service
- Conference Call Hosting
- ERAPPA continues to offer hosting of conference calls for the ERAPPA Board, ERAPPA
Committees, and Chapter use. Conference call services are now being scheduled through the
ERAPPA Web site.
G. Social Media
- It is hoped the 2017 Host committee uses social media during the 2017 ERAPPA conference.
Membership Committee
Patty Smith, Vice President
The College of New Jersey
The ERAPPA Membership Representatives for 2016/17 are:
Marina Theriault Atlantic Provinces AAPPA
Andrew Feick Delaware Valley DVAPPA
Andrew Wilson Keystone KAPPA
Nancy Yeroshefsky Maryland/DC MDDCAPPA
Vacant New Jersey NJAPPA
George Stooks New York NYAPPA
Kathy Kokin Northern New England NNECEAPPA
VACANT Ontario Colleges OCFMA
VACANT Ontario Universities OAPPA
Melinda Lamoureux Southern New England SNEAPPA
VACANT Business Partner NJAPPA
John Bernhards Associate VP APPA
Outgoing members and vacancies during 2016/2017:
Jessica Abbott Southern New England Chapter SNEAPPA
Dan Burlup Keystone Chapter KAPPA
Stephen Sicluna Ontario Universities OAPPA
Connie Simmons Northern New England Chapter NNECERAPPA
Richard Stomber New Jersey NJAPPA
Nancy Yeroshefsky Maryland/DC MDDCAPPA
Voula Liacopulos Business Partner NJAPPA
The Membership Committee met twice this year: (1) at the ERAPPA Annual Meeting in Niagara Falls, CA
and (2) during the ERAPPA Mid-Year Meeting in Washington, DC. It was also at this meeting that the
committee held joint meetings with the Professional Development Committee and the ERAPPA Business
Partner Liaison. Conference calls were held and emails were exchanged with the committee throughout
the year.
The year’s focus was on:
Recruitment and Retention
Capturing events occurring at the local levels to share engagement ideas
Exploring ideas for managing membership lists
Contributing essays to the FM publication for Membership Matters sectioin
Utilizing APPA data to retrieve lost members
Enhancing the First Time Attendee reception to ensure it is a valuable experience for all involved
A. ERAPPA Membership Committee Mission Statement
The ERAPPA Membership Committee is organized for the purpose of maintaining proactive
relationships with all categories of membership, and for maintaining and growing the number of
members. The Committee provides strategic guidance to retain and grow an actively engaged
membership and recommends to the Board strategies for growing ERAPPA membership and
retaining current members. The Committee accomplishes this in part by working closely with APPA,
the Chapters and by producing and approving annual member recruitment goals and strategy, and
periodically reviewing and adjusting the goals as needed. Finally, the Membership Committee
provides perspective on the needs and expectations of ERAPPA’s membership and works in tandem
with other ERAPPA committees to assist in meeting those expectations.
B. First Time Attendees Reception
Planning occurred for the 13th Annual First Time Attendee Reception being held in Washington, DC
the FTA:
Provides an opportunity for new attendees/members to meet the Membership Committee,
ERAPPA Board, Chapter Presidents, and APPA executives, as well as to network with other new
Provides valuable information about the conference and how to get the most out of their
experience, and introduces them to the next year’s conference. Continued evolution of the ice-
breaker format to welcome the newest attendees
Provides a platform for new attendees to learn the organizational structure and it allows new
attendees to learn about upcoming conferences
C. Scholarships and Recognition
The Ambassador Scholarship program opened on April 1, 2017 and ten scholarships were awarded and
accepted. The following members will be attending their first ERAPPA Annual Conference ever or for
the first time in 5+ years.
The 2017 ERAPPA Ambassador Scholarship winners are:
Last Name
First Name
George Washington
Dalhousie University
Norwich University
Montclair State University
American University
St. Mary’s College
Ithaca College
The Derryfield School
D. ERAPPA Membership Goals
Committee members were actively engaged in recruitment efforts, reaching out to potential
institutional members and those who had not renewed memberships. Additional goals included:
Award all Ambassador and Educational scholarships, with a primary focus of increasing the total
number of applications received and broadening the number of chapters submitting
Create stronger alliances with the PD Committee and partner to attract new members at the
local chapter level using Professional Develop as the “bait” and robust programming as the
“hook”. Strong chapters equals strong region
Continue to contribute strong essays to the Membership Matters Section of the Facility
Manager Publication.
Support the initiative that has resulted in ERAPPA offering FREE access to the APPA
Credentialing program.
Continue to improve the First Time Attendees Reception to enrich the experience.
Professional Development Committee
Jessica Abbott, Vice President
University of Hartford
The ERAPPA Professional Development Representatives for 2016/2017 are:
Kevin Simpson University of New Brunswick, St. Johns AAPPA
Tim Korn Muhlenberg College DVAPPA
Bob Unger PA State System of Higher Education KAPPA
Julius Williams University of Maryland MDDCAPPA
Joana Gonzalez Montclair State University NJAPPA
Andrew Germain Cornell University NYAPPA
Tim Garland Keene State College NNECERAPPA
Doug Michael University of Rhode Island SNEAPPA
VACANT Ontario Colleges OCFMA
Kevin Gallinger Carleton University OAPPA
Amy Baker Parrette Somjen Architects Business Partner
Outgoing members during 2016/2017
Karl Ingoldsby Winnacunnet High School NNECERAPPA
Phil Rouble Algonquin College OCFMA
Julius Williams University of Maryland MDDCAPPA
The Professional Development Committee met twice this year:
At the ERAPPA Annual Meeting in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
The Committee continues its active involvement with and in support of the Host Professional
Development Committee as they prepare, organize, and host the five diverse tracks of educational
programming over the two core days of the Annual Meeting. The Professional Development Committee
and Host PD Committee collaborated throughout the annual meeting to ensure that all presentations
were staffed, supported, run smoothly, and met the expectations of the attendees.
At the ERAPPA Mid-Year Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Professional Development Committee members worked closely with the Host Professional Development
Committee to carefully review and narrow down the 56 viable presentation submissions (83 received
total) to select the 33 presentations (two double sessions that are two hours long) that will be offered at
the Annual Meeting.
Conference calls have been held monthly and emails were exchanged with the committee throughout
the year.
ERAPPA Initiatives:
Lunch & Learn Webinars The initial four pilot webinars hosted by ERAPPA between September 2016
and March 2017 were a large success. 588 total people viewed the first four live webinars and based on
survey feedback, a majority of viewers found the presented information useful and rated the
presentations as high quality. 100% of those who participated in the survey voted yes for ERAPPA to
continue to host and sponsor these webinars.
A fifth webinar was conducted in May 2017, calling on a presentation from the 2016 Annual Meeting
that had positive reviews. In June 2017 the Board voted to continue with the Lunch and Learn Webinar
Series, but switching to quarterly instead of every other month at the recommendation of the Business
Partner Committee & Professional Development Committee. Topics/speakers for the scheduled
webinars in August 2017, November 2017, February 2018, and May 2018 were selected from the
ERAPPA 2017 Call for Presentations.
The Professional Development Committee will continue to work with the Business Partner Committee to
review and select presentations for future webinars. Members of the PD Committee serve as the
Speaker Liaison through the process of each webinar; reviewing the three communication pieces
promoting the webinar, reviewing the presentation content, and providing feedback on that content.
The PD Committee and Business Partner Committee are intending to coordinate a specific "Calls for
Webinar Submissions" as well as continuing to look at suitable topics that were well received at the
annual meeting and its call for presentations.
Continuing Education Credits:
Program Certifications The PD Committee continues to certify qualifying programs for AIA Continuing
Education credits for AIA Members and Architects at the Annual Meeting. The PD Committee supplies
certificates of attendance for all attendees who may use these offerings to document their attendance
toward fulfilling their discipline's continuing education requirements. This year at the Washington D.C.
Annual Meeting 21 presentations have been approved for AIA CEU credits and 3 of those achieved the
AIA's more rigorous Health, Safety, and Welfare designation.
Credits for Chapter Programming The PDC can assist chapters to get programming certified for AIA
Continuing Education credits.
The committee continues to work with APPA and each other to understand the continuing education
needs and documentation requirements of facilities professionals from varied educational and
professional backgrounds and to understand how these requirements may vary by Province or State.
APPA Initiatives:
EFP/CEFP Credentialing ERAPPA, working with APPA, has underwritten the cost associated with these
desirable certifications. Since ERAPPA started subsidizing the cost in March 2016, 222 individuals have
signed up to pursue these credentials, demonstrating their commitment to professional development
within education facilities management. In 2016, 35 people from ERAPPA earned their credentials (8 EFP
and 27 CEFP) and so far in 2017, 61 people from ERAPPA have earned their credentials (11 EFP and 50
All stats as of 9/25/2017.
Drive-In Workshops - APPA’s Facilities Drive-In Workshops are an excellent way for APPA member
institutions to spotlight their campus and encourage networking and professional development among
educational facilities professionals within a short drive at no cost to the host or attending institutions.
Drive-Ins in the prior year have been held at three locations within ERAPPA: Quinnipiac University,
Community College of Allegheny County, and University of Rochester
Supervisor’s Toolkit - Specifically tailored to meet the needs of developing supervisors in the facilities
management profession. Supervisor’s Toolkit has successfully been dovetailed within each annual
meeting, and has been offered in several ERAPPA chapters through the year. It consistently fills the
room, attracting staff from multiple institutions and sometimes neighboring chapters.
APPA U The Institute for Facilities Management, The Leadership Academy, and Navigating the
Facilities Portfolio (APPA’s Graduate Program) were held January 15
2017 in Dallas, Texas and
September 10
in Providence, Rhode Island. During the January APPA U there were six graduates
from The Leadership Academy from institutions within the Eastern Region and fifteen graduates from
the Institute for Facilities Management. During the September APPA U there were seven graduates from
the Institute for Facilities Management from institutions within the Eastern Region.
The Institute for Facilities Management offers four core course tracks during each week-long session:
General Administration & Management; Maintenance & Operations; Energy & Utilities; and Planning,
Design & Construction. Institute students select one core area that will be the focus of their classes for
that week. Morning classes consist of required courses, centering on the core area selected. Afternoon
classes are electives chosen by the student and may be a combination from any of the four core areas.
Upon completing each week-long session, students will receive a certificate of completion designating
their core area of study and 3.0 continuing education units (CEUs). To receive maximum benefit, APPA
recommends that students work towards graduation from the full Institute program by completing all
four core areas.
The purpose of The Leadership Academy is to enhance and further develop leadership throughout the
educational industry. It provides opportunities for administrative professionals to increase their
awareness of industry issues, learn the skills necessary to handle today's changes, and discover the
leadership potential within each of us. The Leadership Academy has been developed for, and focuses
on, the educational institution's facilities staff, buyers/purchasing agents, business/finance
professionals, and auxiliary services professionals. Academy attendees focus on one of four tracks per
session: Individual Effectiveness Skills; Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills; Managerial Effectiveness Skills;
and Organizational Effectiveness Skills A Seat at the Table. Graduates of The Leadership Academy or
uniquely prepared to demonstrate the value of the facilities department in furthering their institution's
educational mission.
The Graduate Program, Navigating the Facilities Portfolio, allows attendees to develop innovative
solutions to long standing problems; discuss current facilities issues; discover the latest trends in
educational facilities; engage the use of metrics and discuss how to use KPIs to make informed
decisions; discuss the latest Thought Leaders Series topic; and network with other graduates from across
North America. Deep dive discussion topics are selected by the attendees and attendees may attend
Institute electives on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. If you have completed either APPA's Institute
for Facilities Management and/or Leadership Academy, you are eligible to register for the graduate
Thought Leaders Series - APPA developed the Thought Leaders Series to conduct dedicated discussions
on the future of higher education and the impact of that future on educational facilities. Since 2006, the
annual Thought Leaders symposium and resulting monograph have addressed a variety of topics related
to higher education and affecting the campus built environment. APPA’s Thought Leaders program is a
component of the Center for Facilities Research (CFaR). The annual Thought Leaders symposium
convenes representatives of colleges and universities from across the United States and Canada
alongside association leaders, industry consultants, and education experts. The 2017 topic is
Transforming Facilities to Achieve Student Success. All Thought Leader reports can be downloaded from
the APPA website for free, thanks to the generosity of sponsors.
Annual Meetings Committee
Matt Yencha, Vice President
Skepton Construction, Inc.
The ERAPPA Annual Meetings Host Committee Chairs/Co‐Chairs are:
John O’Shaughnessy St. Paul’s School NNECERAPPA (2018)
Connie Simmons Phillips Exeter Academy NNECERAPPA (2018)
Beth Clark Penn State University KAPPA (2019)
Peter Buchheit University of Pittsburgh KAPPA (2019)
Greg Clayton University of Prince Edward Island AAPPA (2020)
Kevin Simpson University of New Brunswick AAPPA (2020)
The ERAPPA Annual Meetings Committee (AMC) consists of the Vice President for Annual Meetings and
the Chair or Co‐Chairs for all established host committees of the current and future ERAPPA Annual
Meetings. The AMC meets twice per year at the ERAPPA Mid‐Year Meeting and the ERAPPA Annual
Meeting to review broad issues that may affect several host committees (changes to the Annual
Meeting Guide or budget template, for example).
Additionally, the Vice President for Annual Meetings joins each individual host committee’s regularly
scheduled meetings (typically by conference call) to remain engaged in each year’s planning process.
The Vice President for Annual Meetings serves as the liaison between the ERAPPA Board and all active
host committees.
Registration System:
For the 2018 Annual Meeting, and going forward, the host chapters will be using a new APPA
registration system. This new system is will simplify the registration process and the associated
programming of details that go along with it.
Treasurer’s Report
Arthur Walsh, Treasurer
Dalhousie University
ERAPPA Year-End Treasurer’s Report
July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017
The 2016-2017 fiscal year resulted in a net financial loss in the amount of $112,091. This is 6% less than
the $119,800 loss budgeted.
Revenue from membership dues was just 2.5% less than budgeted, while the 2016 Annual Meeting held
in Niagara Falls, ON generated a surplus 2.4% over budget. Combined, revenue was 99.6% of the budget
As budgeted and planned, ERAPPA made a significant investment in our membership, awarding over
$73,000 of credentialing scholarships.
Five chapters were able to take advantage of the Partner’s in Education funding available, with grants of
$2,000 each awarded, one more than budgeted.
Accounting fees are for the services provided by our Certified Public Accountants firm Novak|Francella
for the auditing of the financial records for the year ending June 30, 2017 and the preparation and filing
of the federally required annual 990 return.
Accounts payables largely consist of regular educational scholarships awarded, but not yet claimed, and
accounting fees for services relating to the period ending June 30, 2017. Prepaid scholarships consists of
credentialing “coupons” purchased from APPA, but not yet redeemed at year-end. The accounts
receivable is higher than normal due to the late receipt of the 2016 Annual meeting proceeds, the
balance consisting of seed funding loans advanced to future host committees.
The Mid-Year meeting, where much of the planning and work for the year is executed by the
committees, continues to be, as budgeted, a significant expenditures with total expenses of $105,691.
ERAPPA remains financially stable. At June 30, 2017 our cash balance was $348,444 with prepaid
expenses of $10,050, accounts receivable of $176,534 and accounts & scholarships payable amounting
to $45,674 for a net asset balance of $489,354. This is a decrease in our net asset position of $112,090
over June 30, 2016.
Although ERAPPA’s current assets are decreased from those of last year, this is as budgeted and
planned. While still retaining sufficient accumulated surpluses to protect the organization in the event
of a financially unsuccessful annual meeting, ERAPPA was able to follow through on the educational
commitments put forth in 2016-2017 operating budget.
Interest 350.00 425.70 75.70
Dues 121,000.00 117,672.76 (3,327.24)
Annual Meeting Proceeds 96,213.00 98,559.98 2,346.98
TOTAL REVENUE 217,563.00 216,658.44 (904.56)
VP Annual Meetings
Host Com Visits 1,900.00 381.25 1,518.75
Winter (Mid-Year) Meet - Co-hosts
8,000.00 5,103.95 2,896.05
sub-total 9,900.00 5,485.20 4,414.80
VP Chapter Affairs
Winter (Mid-Year) Meet - CA Comm.
10,000.00 7,942.05 2,057.95
sub-total 10,000.00 7,942.05 2,057.95
VP Membership
Winter (Mid-Year) Meet - Mem Comm. 11,000.00 6,032.69 4,967.31
Membership Initiative
4,000.00 4,072.74 (72.74)
sub-total 15,000.00 10,105.43 4,894.57
Board - Administration
Miscellaneous 1,038.00 178.34 859.66
Travel- ERAPPA Annual Meeting 1,200.00 618.30 581.70
Travel - APPA Annual Meeting 6,000.00 4,937.06 1,062.94
Printing & Postage 600.00 1,102.56 (502.56)
Marketing 500.00 500.00
Insurance 4,400.00 3,759.15 640.85
Incorporation 30.00 25.00 5.00
Board Meet - Winter (Mid-Year) Meet 59,000.00 70,057.10 (11,057.10)
Board Meet - Summer 13,500.00 15,678.15 (2,178.15)
Board Meet - Annual 20,000.00 21,322.10 (1,322.10)
Bank Fees 650.00 844.97 (194.97)
Accounting Fees 14,500.00 11,330.00 3,170.00
Software Fees 325.00 350.85 (25.85)
Dues Collection Fees 12,100.00 11,767.28 332.72
Commissions & Service Fees 1,100.00 2,063.00 (963.00)
Ad-Hoc Meetings - Conference Calls
4,500.00 3,065.53 1,434.47
sub-total 139,443.00 147,099.39 (7,656.39)
VP Technology-Communications
Web Review & Development 7,000.00 15,106.67 (8,106.67)
Winter (Mid-Year) Meet - T&C Comm. 11,000.00 8,219.52 2,780.48
ERAPPA Newsletter
1,000.00 1,025.27 (25.27)
sub-total 19,000.00 24,351.46 (5,351.46)
Awards / Scholarships
Scholarships & Expenses 36,000.00 27,674.13 8,325.87
Credentialing Scholarship 79,500.00 73,200.00 6,300.00
Ambassador Scholarship Top-Up 1,000.00 - 1,000.00
Student Ambassador Scholarship 520.00 - 520.00
2,000.00 1,620.65 379.35
sub-total 119,020.00 102,494.78 16,525.22
Professional Development
Misc. Prof Develop. Expenses 1,000.00 - 1,000.00
Partners-in-Education Support (PIE) 8,000.00 10,000.00 (2,000.00)
Winter (Mid-Year) Meet - PD Comm. 11,000.00 8,335.77 2,664.23
PD Webinar Expense - 7,543.77 (7,543.77)
Toolkit Sponsorship at Annual Meeting
5,000.00 5,391.33 (391.33)
sub-total 25,000.00 31,270.87 (6,270.87)
Expenses Total
337,363.00 328,749.18 8,613.82
(119,800.00) (112,090.74) 7,709.26
July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017
ERAPPA Proposed Budget Treasurer’s Report
July 1, 2017 June 30, 2018
For the fiscal year 2017-2018 the ERAPPA Board is proposing an operating budget that will result in an
in-year operating loss of $91,980.
The budgeted revenue for membership dues represents the three-year average. As ERAPPA dues are a
percentage of the APPA dues, any increase in APPA dues will result in an increase in ERAPPA dues.
However, for the sixth consecutive fiscal year, the ERAPPA dues percentage itself will not increase.
ERAPPA’s other primary source of revenue is the 50% share of the annual meeting surplus. The host
committee determines the projected annual meeting net income. At the Mid-year meeting in
Washington, DC the host committee projected a positive meeting surplus. However, due to increased
costs based on location, a significant reduction in sponsorship, and the costs associated with the
rescheduling of the Annual Meeting, currently the 2017 meeting is projected to breakeven only.
In this budget the Board continues to support continuing education for our members. However, due to
the projected annual meeting financial results the number of educational scholarships awarded will be
reduced to five, from the usual six. As well, while still committed to supporting the APPA credentialing
program, the number and level of awards has also been reduced. In 2017-2018 ERAPPA will be
5 educational scholarships with a total value of $24,000
44 CEFP and 14 EFP 50% subsidized registration scholarships, with a combined value of
Recognizing an impediment to some individuals being able to serve on the ERAPPA Board is the lack of
institutional funding to attend meetings, this budget, consistent with previous budgets, maintains the
inclusion of travel and accommodation expenses for Board members to attend the annual meeting.
The mid-year meeting continues to be a significant operational expense. However, the value of the work
accomplished at this meeting by the committee members, representing every chapter, is validated every
year through the delivery of exceptional annual meetings, and successfully obtaining the goals and
objectives of the organization. Notwithstanding, given the significant anticipated decrease in revenue,
the Board has reduced the budget for the Mid-Year meeting and will be working with the 2018 host
committee to reduce and manage expenses.
At first review this budget can be unsettling, forecasting a deficit, while forgoing an opportunity to
increase the membership dues rate. It is important to note, at the June 2017 Board meeting, the Board
reviewed every line item in the budget, ensuring each expense item is required, managed and
reasonable. The budget was again reviewed and adjusted at the Board meetings immediately preceding
this annual meeting. The accumulated surpluses allowed for the maintenance of most of our usual
programing and scholarships. This budget is one in a ten-year cycle, based on rotating meeting locations.
Rest assured the Board is carefully managing and updating this 10-year budget cycle for you our
members, safeguarding the financial stability of ERAPPA.
Interest - Savings Account 1,000
Membership Dues 135,000 Gross Dues; 95% of 3 year avg
Annual Meeting Proceeds - Prev 9 year avg $103,890; lasted hosted in 08-08 by MD/DC APPA $61,089
Refund - ERAPPA Prog Support
- Repayments are recorded against receivables and not actual revenue
Total Revenue 136,000
Operating Expense
Annual Meetings
Expenses and Travel 5,600 8 committee members at $700; 3 yr avg $476 each
Host Committee Visits 1,900 no travel in 17-18; previous 3 year average $1,907
sub-total 7,500
Chapter Affairs
Travel - Chapter Meetings - eliminated in 15-16, contact is made at MYM
Chapter Affairs Comm Mtg 7,000 10 @ $700; 3 yr avg $771 each
sub-total 7,000
Membership Comm Mtg 7,700 11 @ $700; 3 yr Avg is $593 each
ERAPPA Membership Initiative 2,000 Decreased by $2,000
sub-total 9,700
Miscellaneous expense 1,000 3 yr avg $302
Travel - ERAPPA Annual Mtg 500 depends on location
Travel - APPA Annual Meeting 6,000 3 yr avg $5,227; (3 attendees @ $2,000)
ERAPPA meeting expense - has not been historically used; eliminated
Printing & Postage 1,200 3 yr avg $1,024
Marketing 500 significant variance yr to yr
Insurance 4,000 3 yr avg $3,716
Incorporation 30 $25 fee plus $5 processing
Board Meeting - Winter 34,300
3 yr avg $55,450. (DC was higher due to location. Decision to reduce
Board Meeting - Summer 13,500 3 yr avg $13,412.
Board Meeting - Annual 22,000 3 yr avg $18,457; additional 18% based on 2017 location
Bank Fees 1,000 3 yr avg $623; 16-17 was $845
Accounting Fees 14,500 3 yr avg $13,209
Software Fees 400 QuickBooks $30/mth
Dues collection (APPA) 13,500 10% of dues
Commission & Service Fees (Travel)
3,500 3 yr avg $3,593
Tele-Conference 4,500 3 yr avg $3,595
sub-total 120,430
Technology & Communication
Web Review & Development 8,000 3 yr avg $9,113; increase due to Ogosense Methodology & upgrades
Dropbox - Professional 1,200 $100/member/year
Technology & Comm Mtg 7,700 11 @ $700; 3 yr avg $593 each
ERAPPA Communication 1,500 3 yr avg $2,441; based on 16-17 actual
sub-total 18,400
Scholarships - Leadership Acad. 20,000 est ($1,500 tuition + $2,500 exp) 5 scholarships
Credentialing Scholarship 15,250 44 CEFP @ 50% of $550, 14 EFP @ 50% of$450
Ambassador Scholarship Top-up 500 New in 14-15 covering gap in Sponsor & Actual cost, not used last 3 yrs
Student Ambassador scholarship - eliminated; conference sponsorship opportunity
Awards 2,000 3 yr avg $1,633
sub-total 37,750
Professional Development
Misc P.D. Program Expenses 500 3 yr avg $292
Major Update of PD Materials - request when needed
Partners in Education Support 8,000 Ongoing support for speakers at Chapter meetings; 3 yr avg $6,666
Professional Development Mtg 7,700 11 @ $700; 3 yr avg $695 each
Webinars 6,000 $1,500 each; 4 per year
Toolkit sponsorship at Annual Meeting
ERAPPA A/M "Seed" Funding - provided and recorded as a loan, so not an actual expense
sub-total 27,200
Total Operating Expense 227,980
Net (91,980)
July 2017 - June 2018
Business Partner Liaison Report
Amy Baker
Parette Somjen Architects
Committee Structure:
Business Partner Representatives may be appointed by local Presidents that represent each of the active
Chapters that Comprise the Eastern Region of APPA. Incoming presidents may choose to appoint a new
Business Partner Representative at their discretion, or to continue with the representative that currently
holds the position, or as specifically defined through local chapter by-laws. NOTE: Committee structure is
being better-defined and is currently under review by the committee for approval by the Board. This
includes establishing term limits for all members.
The ERAPPA Business Partner Representatives for 2016/17 are:
Amy Baker New Jersey Chapter NJAPPA
Leslie Whitby Delaware Valley Chapter DVAPPA
Kari Miller Keystone Chapter KAPPA
Larry Fitzgerald/ Northern New England Chapter NNECERAPPA
James Bruno
Tracey Hartord/ Southern New England Chapter SNEAPPA
Vance Freymann
We currently have vacancies for the following chapters:
The Chairperson of the Business Partner Committee is appointed by the ERAPPA incoming President and
may remain Chairperson for up to 4, 1-year terms, if so deemed by the new incoming President.
The Chairperson is a non-voting member of the ERAPPA Board, who acts in the capacity of a liaison to
provide current information on behalf of the BP membership, and is responsible for communicating
Board initiatives that impact ERAPPA BP Membership to the members-at-large.
The Chairperson may remain as a member of the committee after their term expires, for the purpose of
information sharing and continuity (similar to the role of a past-president). NOTE: Committee structure is
being better-defined and is currently under review by the committee for approval by the Board. This
includes establishing term limits for all members.
The role of the Business Partner Advisory Committee is to identify and promote effective means of
communication and support between ERAPPA Business Partners and ERAPPA Institutional Members to
build and enhance mutually beneficial relationships. The Committee seeks to continually evaluate,
validate and promote the benefits of an ERAPPA membership and the value that participation can bring
to members of the business partner community. To accomplish this charge, the Committee encourages
and receives feedback from all Business Partners supporting ERAPPA and its various regions.
Additionally, the Committee strives to offer creative thinking and innovative ideas that support the
purpose and values of the Eastern Regional Chapter of APPA.
Expectations & Responsibilities of Committee Members:
Each Committee representative should begin and continue their role with a passion for the work of the
Committee, and provide support for the Chairperson and other Committee members alike. As with
other ERAPPA committees, there is the expectation of full participation, to the maximum extent
possible, in Committee meetings, held six (6) times each year. Within its six meetings, one face-to-face
meeting will be held in conjunction with ERAPPA’s Annual Conference and Exhibition. The remaining
meetings will be held via conference call. If for some reason the committee member is unable to attend
meetings, he or she should arrange for a suitable substitute (including from within their own business
organization) and if that option is not available, then arrange with the local chapter board president for
a substitute attendee to be selected to ensure a balance of representation and continued flow of
information to the Committee and the local chapter board. Each committee member should attend their
local chapter meetings and regional annual meeting, and provide routine feedback to their boards on
the activities, actions, and initiatives of ERAPPA’s Business Partner Committee.
Committee Initiatives:
Business Partner Best Practices: As business partners, we have the ability to be key-contributors to the
professional development of our institutional members. It is our mission to promote professionalism
and provide guidance to new business partner members, so that they embrace ERAPPA’s overall vision
designed to understand the needs of its members, be a key resource for their professional development
and inspire them to reach full potential as facilities management professionals.
Business Partner Membership Benefits: This was identified by the 2017 Host Committee, and further
discussed during the Mid-Year Meeting, as being a very important tool that required development. This
is always a question when business partners are registering for the annual conference… “What are the
benefits of becoming an ERAPPA member?” Beyond the obvious networking and camaraderie
experienced at the conference, we identified a need for tangible, meaningful benefits. The committee
defined a strong list of benefits, and the Board provided very positive feedback. The list requires official
Board approval. Target roll-out for a final list of BP membership benefits is planned for the 2018 Host
Webinars: The Business Partner Committee has been charged with development and implementation of
the “ERAPPA Webinar Lunch and Learn Series.” This outlet brings, innovative and informative best
practices to our institutional members throughout the year. The program kicked-off in September 2016
with bi-monthly offerings, on a trial basis. During the June 2017 Strategic Planning Meeting, the benefits
of the program were evaluated, and it was determined by the Board to continue the program. It was
further determined, that due to the volume of work associated with the planning of this effort, sessions
would be scheduled quarterly, in August, November, February and June, to allow adequate time to
evaluate content, select presenters and provide training. There is desire to hold a perpetual “Call for
Papers” to be located within the “members only” section of the ERAPPA Website. Discussions regarding
this process will continue into 2018 with the incoming VP of Technology and Communications.
Presenters are currently booked through May 2018. Review of sessions will take place at the 2018
Strategic Planning Meeting.
APPA Professional Affairs Committee
John Michalewicz
University of Hartford
APPA Awards and Recognition Committee
Elizabeth Clark
Penn State University
The APPA Professional Affairs Committee and Awards and Recognition Committee now operate as a
joint Professional Affairs Committee with double representation from each APPA region. The joint
committee works each year to review the individual and institutions award applications that are made
to APPA every November 30
. The delineation of responsibilities for the Award Year 2017 (applications
submitted by November 30, 2016) were:
Professional Affairs
Award for Facilities Excellence
Sustainability Award
APPA Fellow Award
Awards & Recognition
Effective & Innovative Practices Award
Pacesetter Award
Meritorious Service Award
Members of the joint committee met in Tucson, AZ on the campus of the University of Arizona during
the last weekend of January 2017 to review, discuss, and make recommendations to the APPA Board
with regard to those individuals and institutions the joint committee felt were deserving of the award
for which they had applied or been nominated.
The exception to this was the Award for Excellence. From the four applications received, it was
determined that two institutions warranted on-campus visits to see whether that which would be
observed in person was congruent with that information contained in each written application. Two site
visit teams were formed:
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Marion Bracy (Xavier University of Louisiana) Team Lead
Beth Clark (Penn State University)
Heather Hargrave (Tulane University)
Doug Laditka (College of Wooster)
Universidad de Panamericana Mexico City Campus
Ron Tarbutton (Oklahoma State University) Team Lead
EJ Hook (University of Montana)
John Michalewicz (University of Hartford)
Luis Rocha (University of Arizona)
The campus visits were conducted concurrently during the last week of March and each served to
validate the information presented in the institutions’ application. Each institution was subsequently
given APPA’s Award for Facilities Excellence at the July 2017 APPA Annual Conference in San Francisco,
APPA Awards of note for the Eastern Region include the Effective & Innovative Practices Award to Penn
State University for their cohort approach to APPA credentialing preparation, the Pacesetter Award to
Julius R. Williams (University of Maryland), and the Meritorious Service Award to Keith Woodward
(Quinnipiac University).
At the close of the 2017 Awards cycle, the joint committee reviewed, revised, and rolled out a revamped
Sustainability Award. Now called the “Sustainability Innovation Award,” this new award no longer has
ties to the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)’s
Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS). The award now focuses on
sustainability practices that display a high level of innovation and adaptability or transferability for
implementation at other institutions. The award is score based on the following criteria: innovativeness,
creativity, and originality; sustainability (economic, environmental, and societal benefits); adaptability
and transferability; institutional and community benefit; management commitment and
employee/student involvement; and documentation and analysis.
At the APPA Annual Conference in July, the APPA Board made the determination that the APPA
Mentoring Program should reside with the Professional Affairs Committee. The committee is working to
integrate this new responsibility with current responsibilities and initiatives. Current initiatives for the
committee include:
Military Transitions/Collaboration with military organizations (SAME, CEC)
Collaboration with Construction Owners Association of America (COAA)
Collaboration with International District Energy Association (IDEA)
Compiling, categorizing, and communicating best practices from member institutions
Continued contributions to Facilities Manager magazine
The committee will meet in Alexandria, VA, along with the rest of the APPA committees, during the first
weekend of December. Combined and individual committee meetings will take place to advance the
APPA organization’s initiatives, the APPA president’s platform, and the individual committees’ agendas.
The committee will meet to review, discuss, and make recommendations to the APPA Board with regard
to individual and institutional awards (submission deadline November 30, 2017) during the last weekend
of January at a location to be determined.
APPA Membership Committee
George Stooks
Geneseo-State University of NY
The Membership Committee started the year with continuation of the work with the APPA Office on the
“Be a member, Get a member”. Most efforts in addition to this campaign were directed at retention of
members that had not renewed. The APPA Office assisted the regions with phone calls directly to
members that had yet to renew and those that were previously members but had dropped.
At the very end of the year and beginning of 2017the focus of the APPA office was on the transfer to the
new data management system. Since the start of the new calendar year, Kristin Witters, Director of
Membership and Outreach shared the progress APPA has made in transferring to the new data
management system and has been extremely supportive in helping membership liaisons across APPA in
the use of the system.
As a means of spreading the APPA brand, first time attendees at the annual meeting in San Francisco
received a compact tote bag which was a big hit. In addition, T-shirts were printed and sold with the
APPA logo on the front and a “wordle”, which is a word cloud on the back displaying all of the regions.
These items are all meant to spread the awareness of the APPA organization and the regions.
Membership retention and recruitment is vital to the organization. Sharing membership renewal
information with the regions gives the committee members the opportunity to know where
membership stands both in APPA and in our regions. Reports shared with our committee incudes
renewals, unpaid members and those dropped. Our ERAPPA is a strong but renewal rates and adding
new members must be a priority and it takes the entire membership being part of recruiting to be
Placing a value on membership usually comes down to dollars and cents. In other words, when
balancing a budget and membership dues are in front of our financial folks it is sometimes difficult to get
approval. The APPA Membership Committee continues to explore a more direct means of face to face
time with CFO’s. At the meeting in Washington DC in December 2016 we explored the option of
attendance for key representatives from APPA at the NACUBOA conference in order to share the value
of membership with CFO’s at the educational institutions. We expect an update on this at the December
2017 meeting.
Our new APPA VP for Membership, Tony Guerrero from the University of Washington Bothell took office
at the national APPA meeting in San Francisco this past July. In addition to retention and working at
getting past members back into an active status, recent membership conference calls have focused on a
more assertive plan for recruiting. Goals are to grow member engagement outside of the passive
approach of receiving the magazine and/or updates electronically. The value of face to face interaction
provided at drive in workshops, recruiting first time attendees at regional meetings and the supervisor
tool kits are all opportunities to be more assertive. Focusing on potential members that are just entering
the field and looking to advance themselves is an excellent opportunity to share the career value of
APPA and ERAPPA membership and educational offerings
Higher education within the region and beyond has experienced budget challenges and the drop off in
membership is most likely a result of this.
Since 2016 we have seen a drop in membership from the 4 year colleges of 22 campuses. Fortunately,
new members from other sectors mitigate this but with everything included our membership since 2016
has dropped from 268 to 258.
Now more than ever we need a concentrated effort at the chapter level. The single most important
contribution would be to see a concentrated effort for each ERAPPA chapter to commit to member
recruitment. It is at these times of restricted budget we need to work smarter and what better
resources are there than the APPA education series for existing and new members
The APPA board is taking an “All hands on deck” approach to this issue. The ERAPPA Board can assist
through continued effort to have state chapters appoint ERAPPA Membership committee members who
think freely and share their excellent ideas. As the liaison to the APPA Membership Committee I will
work diligently with the APPA office to continually push down data that assists the chapters in
identifying dropped members and those that have never been members. Our ERAPPA Membership
Committee provides me with ideas, and initiatives that I share with the APPA Committee. There are
similar efforts in other regions that make this a two-way street back through the APPA membership
Together we can, together we must turn this tide and grow our membership.
APPA Emerging Professionals Committee
Jessica Abbott
University of Hartford
The Emerging Professionals Summit occurred on Thursday July 20
2017 during the
APPA/PCAPPA/BayAPPA 2017 Annual Meeting & Exhibition in San Francisco, California. The Emerging
Professionals Summit participants spent the morning discussing work styles and habits in an effort to
look past generational stereotypes of Millenials, Gen Xers, and Baby Boomers. During group discussions,
it was discovered that no one fits perfectly into a generational box; therefore bringing too many
preconceived notions about different generations into the workplace isn’t going to be effective.
The following session, titled The Outward Mindset Organization, encouraged participants to consider
the needs of others in both workplace and personal interactions. When acting from an inward mindset,
people focus on themselves and their own objectives and they want others to behave in ways that will
further those objectives. Conversely, when action from an outward mindset, people work to help others
be successful and measure their success in terms of what others are able to accomplish as a result of
their efforts. All participants were challenged to reach out to someone they had an inward mindset
toward that likely also had an inward mindset towards them as well in order to clear the air and break
the colluding cycle to work towards an outward mindset.
The last session of the day was about diversity and inclusivity and all of the participants took a 20
minute tour of the hotel while trying to put themselves in other people’s shoes and identify potential
barriers for some customers. After debriefing from this activity, EP Summit attendees were encouraged
to try this activity back on their campuses to identify any spaces that may be preventing inclusivity.
Emerging Professionals are now starting to be called APPA Young Professionals (AYP) instead, defined as
someone who has recently begun a career in the field of Facilities Management and is approximately 35
year of age or younger. AYPs are encouraged to attend professional development programs in their
region and through APPA (Drive-In Workshops, Supervisor’s Toolkit, APPA U, Chapter, & Regional
Meetings), as well as become a mentee through APPA’s mentoring program in order to grow their roots
and their career.
APPA Information and Research Committee
Dan Gearan
New England College
The Information and Research Committee has a key role in fostering the growth and dissemination of
the collective body of knowledge that elevates the role of educational facilities professionals.
ERAPPA Continues to be well represented on the committee. In addition to Dan Gearan the ERAPPA
Representative, Darryl Boyce serves as an At-Large member and Norm Young Chairs the committee as
the APPA Vice President for Information & Research.
Highlights of this year’s activities:
1. Association Management System Upgrade (AMS, CMS, LMS)
APPA staff members are engaged in a significant undertaking to update the APPA Association
Management System (a computer system used by professional associations to run their organization).
The AMS will eventually be coupled with a new content management (CMS) and learning management
(LMS) system with the goal of enhancing staff service capabilities and member’s on-line experience.
The I&R committee has reviewed content available through the APPA WEB site and provided
information to APPA staff on likes, dislikes, and needed changes regarding the type of content available,
the navigation within the site to acquire content, and any additional or new content that may be desired
by the membership at large.
2. The Body of Knowledge (BOK)
The BOK offers foundational content required by facilities professionals at colleges, universities, schools,
museums, and other nonprofit, educational organizations. The BOK supports APPA training and
Two new content coordinators are in place: Brad Boser, director at Southern Alberta Institute of
Technology will be taking over duties for Part 1, General Administration and Management. Emmet
Boyle, director, maintenance & utilities at the University of Regina, will be replacing ERAPPA’s Darryl
Boyce as content coordinator for Part 3, Energy, Utilities, and Environmental Stewardship
All sections are now updated on an annual basis.
3. Green Revolving Investment Tracking System (GRITS)
A project-management web tool that allows users to track and analyze the energy, financial, and carbon
savings data from their energy- and resource-efficiency projects, as well as access to a Library of more
than 1,400 projects completed by other GRITS users across the U.S. and Canada. Over 300 APPA
Institutional members are using GRITS.
The Sustainable Endowments Institute (SEI) and APPA launched a partnership that provides all APPA
members with free access to the Green Revolving Investment Tracking System (GRITS).
4. Center for Facilities Research (CFaR)
Advances the knowledge of Facilities Management through research, discovery and innovation.
CFaR Projects:
Peer review completed and final report accepted; CFaR Research Award will be presented at APPA 2017:
Roberson: “Aligning Facilities Management with an Organization’s Core Business” Peer review
complete but waiting for final report to be submitted:
Prakash: “Assessment of Competencies Required for Facilities Management of Educational
Nearly completed and soon to go to peer review:
Karanja/Mayo: “Standards of Practice for Facility Condition Assessments (FCA)”
Haubold/Reynolds: “Issues with Recovery and Recharge in Higher Education
In process and expanded under APPA’s Standards and Codes Council activity:
Christensen/Thiemer: “Total Cost of Ownership”
Research still in process:
Han/Cain/Medlin/Wagner: “Update: The Impact of Facilities on the Recruitment and Retention of
Several queries received from potential researchers; still to be assessed for CFaR.
The I&R committee is working with the leadership of the Thought Leader Series (TLS) to capture
potential research topics and to disseminate them to APPA members and business partners.
Presentations were held at each of the regional conferences to highlight the latest TLS and to tie the
content of the TLS to potential research through CFaR.
The committee is working with the Professional Affairs and Awards Committees to help qualify the
research submitted for consideration in applying for the APPA Fellow designation.
4. The Facilities Performance Indicators (FPI)
Allows members to capture, track and benchmark the vital data needed to measure operations and
performance, identify capital asset realities, and lead a successful facilities strategy.
290 member institutions participated in the most recent survey. NACUBO collaborated with APPA to
post sustainability-related questions on our FPI site for its members. Over 450 institutions participated
in this survey. The Informatics Work Group and others are working to determine the future direction of
the FPI, streamlining questions and process, and automating more data collection via interfaces with
CMMS programs.
5. Publications
Over 1000 publications are available through APPA’s Bookstore. Recent updates and additions include:
Environmental Management Guide for Educational Facilities (co-publication with the Campus Safety &
Environmental Health Association), and The Building Commissioning Handbook, third ed. (co-publication
with the Building Commissioning Association) Works in progress include: Operational Guidelines Trilogy
revision, Creating a Service Culture, second ed. , Critical Issues in Facilities Management Series
Working on several topical anthologies, such as space management, leadership, and sustainability,
Campus sustainability Case Studies: In early development.
6. The Rex Dillow Award for Outstanding Article in Facilities Manager
Rex Dillow, for whom this award is named, passed away this year, but his legacy lives on through this
award. “Eligible articles are those written by a full-time employee, from any department, of an APPA
member institution. In addition, articles written by APPA Members Emeritus who are not affiliated with
a business partner firm may be eligible for award consideration. If an article has more than one listed
author, all authors must be full-time employees of an APPA member institution or a Member Emeritus
to be eligible for the award. Eligible institutions must be Institutional or Affiliate members at the time of
The recipient of the 2017 Rex Dillow Award is Ryan Kmetz, sustainability coordinator at Christopher
Newport University in Newport News, VA for his article “Designing a Resilient Campus”.
7. APPA Student Internship Program Development
A new initiative to develop an APPA internship providing practical experience, knowledge sharing,
awareness of opportunities in education facilities, and an early introduction to APPA.
Kristie Kowall is forming and will lead an APPA Student Internship Program Task Force to develop a
program grown from many initiatives related to emerging professionals.
The task force will report to I&R and meetings started in the Summer of 2017.
APPA Professional Development Committee
Kevin Simpson
University of New Brunswick
The implementation of the CEFP and EFP programs across the national level continues to be the biggest
accomplishment for APPA Professional Development. Until last year, APPA struggled to get any
movement on this initiative. The program was first developed in 2007. However, the past two years
have been a huge success. They have more individuals going through this program than ever before. The
success of the program is a combination of regional chapters advertising to there membership the
benefits of the CEFP and EFP program along with regional chapters providing financial help to make it
affordable for members to take the program. In July, we just surpassed 1000 individuals who had
registered and received their CEFP or EFP in Facilities. All in all, this is a big accomplishment for the PD
committee and a lot of hard work has been done by individuals across the APPA level.
The second initiative that the PD committee continues to work on is the success of the Emerging
Professionals Summit and Senior Facilities Officer summits. These summits take place the day before the
APPA annual conference. The first EP and SFO was held in Chicago, Illinois over two years ago. The one
day session continues to be a huge success and has allowed individuals to meet other like-minded
people across other institutions in a small, more collaborative setting. This is an initiative that seems to
be gaining steam and will continue to be a large component of the APPA annual conference each year.
As we look towards the future, the hope is to bring this summit to the regional levels in order that
people can have this similar experience.
Finally, a new educational offering (Navigating the Facilities Portfolio) has been established that focuses
on individuals that have graduated from the Leadership Academy or the Institute. This APPA U graduate
program is the next level of professional development for senior individuals. The program is designed to
allow for one on one conversational learning along with networking and sharing resources with other
colleagues from across North America.
At this point, the biggest impact these accomplishments have had at the regional level continues to be
with the CEFP and EFP programs. With ERAPPA providing sponsorship for individuals to take the CEFP
and EFP at no cost, many members are taking advantage of this offer. The ability to take this high level
course at no expense to respective institutions has encouraged members to challenge themselves and
to see how they compare against their peers. Many have chosen to do the program in groups and are
working together to ensure everyone is successful.
There continues to be discussion at APPA with implementing the Emerging Professionals Summit and
Senior Facilities Officer summit to the regional level. This initiative has not been completed at this level
to date, however, conversations continue to be had as to the value that would be gained and if it would
be possible.
The biggest initiative that professional development has this coming year is to try and encourage those
that have graduated from the Leadership Academy or the Institute to consider attending the APPA U
graduate program. At this time, a lot of members that have finished these two programs don’t realize
that there is a new program that is designed for them. This program is led by senior facilities personnel
and they would gain valuable knowledge from attending such an event.
The Professional development committee continues to try and connect with new and existing members
on a personal level. APPA has found that new members have a large appetite for educational training
related to facilities management. In most cases, members attend one APPA conference or a regional
conference and we don’t personally connect with these members to provide them with information on
educational offerings. Therefore, the PD committee initiatives stem around adding that personal touch
to members that include the following:
Sending a follow-up email to new members or existing members that take toolkit or another
program. This will include highlighting other educational opportunities that exist within the
APPA structure and communicating to them the scholarship opportunities that also exist.
Send an email to all first time reception attendees regarding professional development
opportunities that exist nationally as well as in there region. This includes sending a follow-up
email within a week of the reception and another one shortly after, within a month. This will
show these members that APPA cares about their facilities journey and wants to assist in
assuring that they are well equipped for future success in higher education.
The PD committee feels that the Inside APPA newsletter is a perfect communication tool that
allows members to see the value in APPA. Over the next year, our goal would be to get
more individuals registered to receive the magazine in the hopes that they will be encouraged to
attend a professional development course or attend a chapter meeting.
There still is a need from ERAPPA membership and other ERAPPA PD committee reps for names of those
who are attending local chapter meetings or taking course offerings provided by the local chapter. In
order for APPA PD to have that personal touch, we need local representatives to be sending names
through to myself to ensure that follow-up emails or phone calls can be made. We need to work
together to ensure that our membership is fully aware of the course offerings and conferences that exist
within APPA, ERAPPA, and there local chapter. If this piece doesn’t happen, all initiatives above will not
be successful.
Atlantic Provinces Chapter
Atlantic Provinces Chapter
Greg Clayton, Chapter President
University of Prince Edward Island
1. The Leadership
President Greg Clayton University of Prince Edward Island
VP Professional Development Kevin Simpson University of New Brunswick
VP Membership and Treasurer Marina Clayton-Theriault Dalhousie University
VP Communications Technology Craig Hickey University of New Brunswick
& Secretary
2. Chapter Governance
AAPPA By-Laws, modeled after those of ERAPPA, were adopted in 2003 and can be found on our
website which is located at www.erappa.org/AAPPA. Revisions to the AAPPA bylaws were
approved at the 2015 Spring Business Meeting.
In May 2016, Marina Clayton-Theriault was elected VP Membership and Treasurer, replacing Marcel
3. Chapter Events in 2016-2017
2016 AAPPA Annual Conference. With over 90 attendees, representing institutional members and
business partners, the annual fall conference was once again a huge success. It was held at the
Delta Halifax Hotel located in downtown Halifax, and featured a keynote speaker as well as a day
and a half of educational sessions offered through three tracks. As well, immediately preceding the
conference, AAPPA offered the Supervisor Toolkit to over 20 chapter members. The delivery of this
program locally, combined with AAPPA subsidizing the tuition, made for a highly successful,
accessible and affordable educational offering to our members.
2017 Spring Business Meeting - The annual Spring Business Meeting was held this past May at the
University of New Brunswick.
4. Meetings Planned for 2017-2018
2017 Professional Development Conference. The Fall Professional Development Conference will be
held in Halifax, Nova Scotia on November 23-24, 2017. The keynote speaker and track presentations
are currently being reviewed and final selections will be made soon. In addition to the conference,
AAPPA is very pleased to be able to offer to our chapter members, the Leadership Academy Track 1
this year. It will be presented immediately preceding the conference from November 20 22
Halifax, Nova Scotia. The local delivery of this program ties into both AAPPA’s and ERAPPA’s
strategic goals of making educational opportunities accessible to our members. Once again AAPPA
will offer a tuition subsidy to assist in defraying the cost to delegates to this program.
2018 Spring Business Meeting - The 2018 spring business meeting will be held at Mt. Allison
University, Sackville NB, during the month of May.
5. Membership
No Fee Spring Meeting - At this time there is no requirement for our institutions to pay a
registration fee to attend the spring meetings. This is possible due to the generous support from
our host institutions and business partners.
6. Scholarships
AAPPA provides educational support to our members by including $5,000 APPA Program tuition
subsidy in our operating budget. This subsidy is applied to the cost to host the APPA Leadership
Academy program to reduce the registration cost per delegate.
7. Awards and Recognition
No awards or recognitions to report this year.
8. Major Initiatives
AAPPA began organizing ERAPPA 2020 and have selected a site and co-chairs for the conference.
AAPPA will be hosting APPA’s Supervisors Toolkit this fall.
Executive met in the spring to review the strategic plan for the chapter, and aligning this year’s goals
to the strategic plan.
9. Major Areas of Concern
No major concerns to report this year.
10. Finances and Chapter Dues
The AAPPA financial position remained strong at year-ended March 31, 2017. As the chapter does
not collect membership dues, the only source of revenue was that generated through the fall
professional development conference and APPA Leadership Training programs. AAPPA expenses
were primarily those associated with the fall professional development as well as board meeting
expenses, website renewal and bank fees. AAPPA’s current retained equity was largely realized
through hosting the ERAPPA 2011 Annual Conference. Our long-term financial plan is to draw down
this retained equity to deliver and support professional development within our chapter. It is
anticipated at this rate there will remain sufficient working capital for when we next host the
ERAPPA annual conference, at which time we will replenish our equity for the purpose of continuing
our professional development mandate.
11. Event Formats and Costs
The Annual Spring Business Meeting is held over two consecutive half days and is hosted by a
chapter institution. The first day includes a business meeting, working lunch, and informational
presentations, followed by a campus tour. The second day consists of additional informational
presentations followed by roundtable discussions and a tour of a local attraction. Costs are borne
by the host institution and/or through corporate sponsorship, as there are no registration fees.
The Fall Professional Development Conference is held in Halifax over two consecutive half days
(noon-5PM and 8 AMnoon) minimizing delegate attendance costs, requiring only one overnight,
but still providing an opportunity for an evening banquet and networking. The first day is comprised
of a keynote speaker and breakout sessions followed by a dinner that evening for attendees and
guests. The morning of the second day included breakout sessions and roundtable discussions.
Costs include the usual: professional speaker (including travel/accommodations), venue, AV rental,
food, and attendee conference kits. The registration fee for institutional members was $200 per
delegate in 2016.
12. Business Partner Relationships
Business Partners can attend the fall conference and are welcome to sit in on the training sessions
as well as attend the evening dinner to enhance networking opportunities. There is no Hall of
Resources at the fall conference.
The sponsorship fee for the fall conference in 2016 was $1,300.
Delaware Valley Chapter
Dawn Barnett, Chapter President
Cabrini University
1. Chapter Leadership
President Dawn Barnett Cabrini University
Vice President Jeff Brown Immaculata University
Secretary Jon Brighton Temple University
Treasurer Amber Donato Moravian College
Immediate Past President Michael Patterson Bucknell University
Past President Matthew Yencha Cedar Crest College
Professional Development Tim Korn Muhlenberg College
Membership Andy Feick Temple University
Technology & Communications David Rabold Muhlenberg College
Webmaster David Rabold Muhlenberg College
Business Partner Liaison Leslie Whitby Stantec
2. Chapter Governance
Early in 2017 the vacant Treasurer position was filled by Jaime Garrido (Montgomery County
Community College). Unfortunately, Jaime resigned in March to accept a position outside of our
region. During his brief tenure, Jaime created a standardized treasurers report for monthly board
review that was very well received. Ben Suplick, the past President of DVAPPA at the time
graciously volunteered to temporarily fill the Treasurer position until the Board identified a
replacement. Board Secretary, Sean Ounan (Temple University) also resigned in March of this year
due to personal obligations.
As part of DVAPPA’s bi-annual election process, the following individuals were nominated in May to
fill Board positions for the next two years:
Dawn Barnett (President), Jon Brighton (Secretary), Amber Donato (Treasurer), Leslie Whitby
(Business Partner Liaison to replaced Jessica Slack whose term ended) and Jason VanBuren (Vice
President). The nominees were presented to the Chapter membership and installed to serve two-
year terms at the June Chapter meeting at the Shipley School.
Shortly after the installation of the new Board, Jason VanBuren departed Ursinus College and
submitted his resignation as Vice President. Fortunately, the Board was able to identify another
candidate, Jeff Brown (Immaculata University), who was submitted to the Board and appointed to
the vacant Vice President position.
3. Chapter Events
DVAPPA partnered with KAPPA, April 11-12, 2017 for a Spring Meeting at the Lancaster County
Convention Center. The keynote speaker, Tracy Jones, a former Air Force officer and Gulf War
veteran, presented “A Message to Millennials” which were then followed by three informative
educational sessions:
1. Incorporating Campus Energy & Environmental Concerns in Historic Buildings
2. Design Strategies for Advanced Environments
3. Sustainability for Student Housing
The Shipley School hosted the annual Summer Meeting, June 21, 2017. A short business meeting
was conducted first, which included Board elections/installation. Following the business meeting, an
educational session was conducted that focused on the transformation of the Shipley School
buildings and grounds over a ten to fifteen-year period through an evolving master planning
process. The presentation was very well received and followed by a tour of their beautiful campus.
4. Chapter Events Planned 2017
Tentatively the fall meeting is scheduled to take place October 4, 2017 at the Valley Forge Casino
Hotel. We hope to engage Michael B. Cowley from CE Maintenance Solutions to give a presentation
on benchmarking and KPIs. This mid-afternoon meeting will be followed by a social event for
Chapter institutional members and business partners.
Holiday Social, January 2018 TBD
Winter Meeting, February 2018 TBD
Spring Meeting, April 2018 - TBD
5. Membership
Institutional Membership: The Chapter’s 2016-2017 Institutional membership is currently at 67
total members. In an attempt to gain more institutional members, the DVAPPA Board voted to
waive the institutional membership free. Educational institutions in eastern Pennsylvania and
Delaware are now automatically considered members of the Chapter and just need to submit an
application for inclusion on the Chapter’s membership listing. Since the change, the Chapter has
three new institutional members.
Business Partners Membership: The Chapter’s business partner membership is currently at 66. The
Chapter’s previous initiative, offering business partners the opportunity to obtain membership
immediately (and bypass the waiting list) through recruitment of a new institutional member, is
under revision due to the change that automatically admits all educational institutions within the
Chapter’s area as members. A revised policy, that would encourage prospective business partners to
reach out to institutional members and solicit their participation in Chapter events, is under
consideration. Since the Chapter strives to maintain comparable institutional and business partner
membership levels, and there is currently a significant business partner waiting list, identifying ways
to increase institutional member participation is critical to being able to admit additional business
partners to the Chapter.
6. Scholarships
The two $2,500 DVAPPA scholarships, to cover expenditures related to tuition, hotel and/or travel
for APPA educational events/programs, are available annually. The applications period is open
through September 1
and applications can be found on the DVAPPA website.
DVAPPA awarded one $2,500 scholarship to APPA’s “Institute for Facilities Management” back in
April 2017 and the awardee will take advantage of the scholarship this fall.
7. Major Initiatives
The Chapter remains committed to increasing institutional membership to foster improved
collaboration, best practice sharing, while also offering increased exposure to business partners.
With the addition of the Business Partner Liaison, the Chapter remains focused on increasing
professional and social opportunities for all of our members. DVAPPA is actively seeking feedback
from members and striving to accommodate programmatic requests. The Chapter is also working to
gain an increased social media presence by working with younger members of the Chapter to
achieve this goal.
8. Major Areas of Concern
Engaging new educational institutions, keeping the entire DVAPPA membership active and finding
facilities professionals to serve in Chapter leadership roles remains a challenging goal.
Keystone Chapter
Daniel Barlup, Chapter President
Penn State Harrisburg
1. Chapter Leadership
President Daniel Barlup Penn State Harrisburg
1st Vice President James Miller Washington & Jefferson
Vice President Phillip Melnick Penn State University Park
Past President Andrew Wilson Slippery Rock University
Treasurer Thomas Thornton Carnegie Mellon University
Secretary Shannon Wetzel Carnegie Mellon University
Director Robert Unger Pa State System of Higher Education
Director George Papuga Carnegie Mellon University
Director Greg Black Millersville University
ERAPPA Committee Representatives
Chapter Affairs Daniel Barlup Penn State Harrisburg
Prof. Development Robert Unger PASSHE
Membership Andrew Wilson Slippery Rock University
Technology Rick Phillips Penn State University Park
2. Chapter Governance
Nothing to report
3. Chapter Events
Board of Directors meetings are scheduled between our bi-annual meetings, and are used to
plan the upcoming meetings and conduct organizational business to continue to better the
Spring 2017 meeting was held in Lancaster, Pa and was held in conjunction with DVAPPA we had
over 230 attendees, we had a great Keynote message and conducted nine sessions on the
second day of white paper presentations. The annual business meeting was conducted and new
officers were elected.
The fall 2017meeting is scheduled for September 27-28, 2017 in Altoona at the Blair county
Convention Center. We will again be having a keynote speaker and nine educational sessions on
the second day.
4. Chapter Events Planned 2018
Spring meeting to be held on April 17-18, 2018 at the Penn Stater in State College, Pa
5. Hosting for ERAPPA
The KAPPA board and ERAPPA 2019 committee is busy planning for another epic meeting to be
held this time in Erie, Pa. The committee is excited to share our love of the area and
demonstrate why you will not want to miss this exciting event.
6. Membership
We continue to have strong showings at our meetings, but are always encouraging new
membership and off a first time attendee scholarship for institutional meetings
7. Scholarships
Kappa offers the Norman H. Bedell Annual Scholarship towards the many professional
development opportunities that Erappa and APPA offers. Awards are handed out at the annual
meeting in the spring and the link to apply is on our web page.
8. Major Initiatives
Membership: The chapter continues to want to grow by gaining new institutional members and
develop our business partner relationships.
Educational Needs: The Chapter continues to try and present valuable information and
informative speakers to our members and is always on the lookout for a dynamic keynote
9. Areas of Concern
Our chapter strives to keep our meetings affordable and show a tangible value in networking
and education, we want the meetings to be a valuable use of time in this busy world. The
chapter is looking for new and creative ways to engage our members and develop new
Sheri Vucci, Chapter President
Smithsonian Institution
1. Chapter Leadership
President Sheri Vucci Smithsonian Institution
President-Elect Julius Williams University of Maryland College Park
Past (Past) President Chuck Bagley University of Maryland College Park
Treasurer Douglas Fairley American University
Secretary Kelly Geishauser The Catholic University of America
Third Term Director Colleen Kirby Salisbury University
Third Term Director Gary Viola University of Maryland Baltimore
Second Term Director Mary Grube St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Second Term Director Chris Vetick The Catholic University of America
First Term Director Jason Sawyer Smithsonian Institution
First Term Director Kenny Belton University of Maryland Eastern Shore
ERAPPA Committee Representatives
Chapter Affairs Sheri Vucci Smithsonian Institution
Professional Development Julius Williams University of Maryland College Park
Membership Nancy Yeroshefsky University of Maryland College Park
Technology Jason Sawyer Smithsonian Institution
APPA Committee Representatives No Representatives
2. Chapter Governance
Bylaws were last revised June 2014. No changes since the last report.
3. Chapter Events July 2016-August 2017
Board of Director Meetings & Conference Calls
Planning Meetings:
o September 23, 2016 - Planning Meeting for Fall Program @ Smithsonian Environmental
Research Lab
o December 4-5, 2016 Annual Planning Meeting @ Rocky Gap Lodge
o February 19, 2017 - Planning Meeting for Spring Program @ Salisbury University
o April 7, 2017 Board Planning Meeting @ University of Maryland Baltimore
Conference Calls (July 2016 to August 2017)
o Monthly noon on the first Monday of each month
Fall 2016 Educational Program. November 4, 2016 the Fall Educational Program was held at the
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. The meeting was well attended with approximately
70 participants. Topics included: “Running Track and Tennis Court Design and Maintenance!” and
“Getting Everyone to the Table – Green Building Design and Maintenance.”
Chapter elections took place, electing two First Term Directors: Jason Sawyer/Smithsonian
Institution and Kenny Belton/University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Doug Fairley/American
University was elected as Treasurer and Julius Williams/UMCP was elected as President-Elect. Kevin
Petersen left the Board after serving his term as President, along with many years of dedicated
service to the chapter.
NFM&T. March 2016, the Chapter hosted a booth at the 2016 National Facilities Management &
Technology Expo (NFM&T) in Baltimore, Maryland. This was a great opportunity for the Chapter to
promote its local programming, the benefits of APPA membership, and the 2017 ERAPPA Annual
Spring 2017 Educational Program. March 24, 2017, the Spring Educational Program was held at
Salisbury University. Approximately 70 participants attended the meeting. Topics for the meeting
were: “5 Methods to Reduce Fall Hazards and Risks),” “Green Roof Design and Care, and
“Promoting Inclusive Diversity and Equity in Higher Education.”
2017 Annual Two-Day Chapter Educational Program. This was the Chapter’s 17
Annual Summer
Program. Held June 15 and June 16, 2017, at the Rocky Gap Lodge in Cumberland, MD. The
program was successful with approximately 103 registrants and thirteen business sponsors. Topics
included: “Reliability Centered Maintenance the Philosophy, Implementation and Results,” and
“Personal and Professional Empowerment for Leaders.”
4. Chapter Events Planned 2017-2018
Fall Educational Program: Maryland Institute College of Arts, scheduled for December 4, 2017;
topics to be determined.
Spring Educational Program: Date and location TBD
Annual Two-Day Educational Program. June 14-15, 2018 Date and Location TBD
5. Hosting for Upcoming ERAPPA Conference
The MD/DC APPA Board is busily wrapping up planning for the 2017 ERAPPA annual conference
October 29 through November 1, 2017 at the Omi Shoreham in Washington, DC. Sheri Vucci and
Kelly Geishauser are co-chairs for the conference.
6. Membership
Our Institutional Membership numbers are holding. We continue to work at recruiting new
members including K-12 and community colleges.
7. Scholarships
Presently, three MD/DC scholarships are awarded each year, selected from the pool applicants
generated by the ERAPPA scholarship process. Scholarships can be used for the APPA Institute,
Leadership Academy, Supervisors Toolkit, and the APPA Credentialing Program.
8. Awards and Recognition
Julius Williams, University of Maryland College Park, received the Pacesetter Award” at APPA’s
2017 Annual Conference.
9. Major Initiatives
Membership. The Chapter continues to develop membership by establishing personal contacts.
Educational Needs. The Chapter strives to provide meaningful educational topics for members and
strives to be a resource for its members.
Technology. The Chapter worked on the development of a template for the annual meeting
website and is using it for the first time for 2017.
10. Major Areas of Concern
None at this time
Todd Miller, Chapter President
New Jersey Institute of Technology
1. Chapter Leadership
President Todd Miller New Jersey Institute of Technology
President-Elect Richard Stomber William Paterson University
Past (Past) President Charles Nieves New Jersey Institute of Technology
Director For Membership Richard Stomber William Paterson University
Director For Technology Jennifer Grimm Ocean County College
Director For Professional
Development Joana Gonzalez Montclair State University
Treasurer Yohanna Alcantara Rutgers University
Secretary Steve Dubiago Rutgers University
Director at Large Lavone Broxton Montclair State University
Director at Large Mike Rica Rider University
ERAPPA Committee Representatives
Chapter Affairs Todd Miller New Jersey Institute of Technology
Vice President for
Membership Patty Smith The College of New Jersey
Technology &
Communications Jennifer Grimm Ocean County College
Vice President for
Business Partners Amy Baker Parette Somjen Architects
APPA Committee Representatives No Representatives
2. Chapter Governance
No changes since the last report.
3. Chapter Events 2017-2018
Board of Director Meetings & Conference Calls
Planning Meetings:
o September 28, 2017 - Planning Meeting for Fall General Membership Program @ Kean
o October 20, 2017 Fall General Membership Meeting @ Kean University
o April 18-20, 2018 Spring Meeting @ Seaview Resort
Conference Calls
o August 24, 2017
o November 9, 2017
Spring 2017 Educational Program. March 29-31, 2017, the Spring Educational Program was held at
Stockton Seaview Hotel & Golf Club. Topics for the meeting were centered around the theme of
“Creating Leaders Out of Followers”. The Keynote Speaker was Timothy Tobin, “Harnessing the
Power of Your Leadership Story”. The Plenary Speaker was Dr. Michelle Rozen, “Winning Leadership
Strategies Towards Growth and Success”.
Spring 2017 General Membership Program. May 19, 2017, the Spring General Membership
meeting was held at Rider University. The meeting was well attended with approximately 100
participants. Topics included: “The Basics of Commissioning & Retro-Commissioning and
Hydrovacs New Path to Safe Digging Practices.
Chapter elections took place, electing two First Term Board Members: Lavone Broxton, Director at
Large from Montclair State University and Mike Rica, Director at Large from Rider University.
Yohanna Alcantara of Rutgers University was elected Treasurer. Richard Stomber of William
Paterson University was elected President Elect.
Supervisor’s Toolkit. June 19 21, 2017, Montclair State University was the host site for this
chapter supported educational event with the program designed and developed by APPA. Michelle
Frederick of American University was the presenter and trainer who led 35 facilities professionals
through this formal supervisory training program.
4. Chapter Events Planned 2017-2018
Fall Educational Program: Kean University, scheduled for October 20, 2017.
Spring Educational Program: April 18-20, 2018 Spring Meeting @ Seaview Resort
5. Upcoming ERAPPA Conference
The NJAPPA Board will be attending the 2017 ERAPPA annual conference in Washington, DC.
6. Membership
Our Institutional Membership numbers are stable. We continue to work at recruiting new members
including community colleges. Richard Stomber will lead the recruiting efforts.
7. Scholarships
2017: (5) NJAPPA Scholarships will be awarded for the annual ERAPPA conference.
8. Awards and Recognition
At our Spring General Membership Meeting we recognized both Andrew Christ of New Jersey
Institute of Technology and Dave DeHart of Rutgers University for their long standing service and
dedication to NJAPPA.
9. Major Initiatives
Membership. The Chapter continues to cultivate its membership by establishing personal contacts.
We have welcomed Board Members from Montclair State University and Rider University.
Educational Needs. The Chapter continues strive to present meaningful educational topics for our
membership and encourages our membership to be a resource for all of NJAPPA.
Richard Battistoni, Chapter President
Saint Michael’s College
1. Chapter Leadership
President Richard Battistoni Saint Michael’s College
Vice President Paul Campo University of Vermont
Secretary/Treasurer Jessica Picard University of Southern Maine
Maine State Director Jason Morin Bates College
New Hampshire State Director Gary Harper The Derryfield School
Vermont Director Tom Baker Norwich University
Ex-Officio/Past President John J O’Shaughnessy St. Paul’s School
Committee Representatives
Membership Chair Kathy Kokin Phillips Exeter Academy
Professional Development Chair Tim Garland Keene State College
Business Partner Chair Rich Wolbach University of Vermont
Technology Chair Billy Gagnon Phillips Exeter Academy
Emeriti Chair Hank Dozier Retired
Business Partner Liaison Kathryn Risotti Genesan
ERAPPA Committee Representatives
Chapter Affairs Richard Battistoni
Professional Development Tim Garland
Membership Kathy Kokin
Technology Billy Gagnon
2. Chapter Governance
Bylaws were last revised April 19, 2017. There were significant changes in the bylaws since last
report. Finding an institution that could host a meeting in the fall was a constant difficulty.
Beginning in the spring of 2019, NNECERAPPA will host one, 2 day meeting in the fall. UVM is
currently scheduled to host this meeting. We also reduced the number of scholarships offered
from 16 to 8 to account for only hosting 1 meeting/yr. Scholarships continue to be set at $2,000.
Other changes included formally naming the position of “Business Partner Liaison” to the Board,
changing annual membership dues from $50 to $100 and changing the fiscal year to January 1
December 31 (to line up with tax year). Minor typographical and formatting changes were also
3. Chapter Events in July 2016-August 2017
Board Meetings & Conference Calls
April 20-21, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, Chapter conference.
July 23-24, 2017 - Chapter Retreat Meeting @ Radisson Hotel & Expo Center
Conference Calls: Calls are held monthly
4. Chapter Events Planned 2017-2018
Spring 2018 Meeting: SNHU & The Derryfield School, Hooksett, NH, 3/12/18
Spring 2017 Meeting: Bates College, Lewiston, ME April 20-21, 2017
5. Hosting for Upcoming ERAPPA Conference
The NNECERAPPA Board is planning for the 2018 ERAPPA annual conference. John O’Shaughnessy
and Connie Simmons are co-chairs for the conference. The location is Manchester, NH: September
October 3
2018. The theme is “REVITALIZE.
6. Membership
Our Institutional Membership numbers are holding. We continue to work at recruiting new
members including K-12 and community colleges.
7. Scholarships
Approx. $12,000 in scholarships were given out to APPA, ERAPPA and NECERAPPA events.
8. Award and Recognition
Phil Meldrum, Bates College, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for all his service to
the Chapter and recognized as one of the Founding Fathers of NNECERAPPA.
Leo Deon, University of Maine, was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for all his service to
the Chapter and received Emeritus Status.
Anita Bailey, Phillips Exeter Academy was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for all her
service to the Chapter.
Connie Simmons, Phillips Exeter Academy was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for all
her service to the Chapter.
The Chapter continues to recognize long-term attendees through its pin recognition program.
Recognitions are for 5 year, 10 year, 15 year and 20+ year increments. An “Emeritus” status is also
9. Major Initiatives
Membership. The Chapter continues to develop membership by establishing personal contracts
through Business Partners and institutional members.
Educational Needs. The Chapter ensures cutting edge sessions, and strive to provide AIA and other
professional CEUs for the sessions.
Technology. The chapter continues to update and refresh our webpage as needed.
10. Major Areas of Concern
Ramifications of changing from hosting 2 Chapter conferences per year to hosting 1 Chapter
conference per year. The Chapter will continue to poll institutional members, host committees,
business partners and conference attendees to assess any potential negative impacts to the Chapter
There have been significant changes on the Chapter’s standing committees and the Chapter will
strive to bolster membership on these committees.
New York Chapter
Barry McHugh, Chapter President
University of Rochester
1. Chapter Leadership
President Barry McHugh University of Rochester
First Vice-President Paul Wurster Monroe Community College
Second Vice-President John McEnrue SUNY at New Paltz
Past (Past) President George Stooks SUNY at Genesco
Treasurer Mike LaPoint Nazareth College
Secretary Kim Nelson SUNY at New Paltz
2. Board of Directors
KyuJung Whang Cornell University
Rex Giardine, PE/RA Syracuse University
Greg Lischke Ithaca College
Kevin Thompson Buffalo University
John Moore, PE Rochester Institute of Technology
Alternative Directors
Andrew Germain Cornell University
Tim Cary Ithaca College
Jim Chodak University of Rochester
ERAPPA Committee Representatives
Chapter Affairs Barry McHugh
Professional Development Andrew Germain
Membership George Stooks
Technology John Moore
APPA Committee Representatives
No Representatives
3. Chapter Governance
None at this time.
4. Chapter Events:
The University of Rochester will be hosting a Drive-in conference on September 21, 2017, this
program is listed on the APPA Education web page. This one day five track program will be focused
on Transportation, Electrical, Infrastructure, Ventilation and Security. All tracks will offer AIA credits
which greatly enhances the importance of helping our colleague’s in engineering fields. We have
just completed another very successful Toolkit class in SUNY New Paltz with 26 graduates. We are in
the process of planning another in late fall at another area in the state.
5. Membership
None at this time
6. Scholarships
None at this time.
7. Awards and Recognition
None at this time
8. Major Initiatives
NYAPPA has been very busy with its new WEB design and are planning a end of year roll out. With
that completion we will continue with a joint WEB design for both NYAPPA and the NYS higher
education system SUNYPPAA. We also continue to partner with SUNY on joint programs and
conferences to ensure higher turnout and cost down.
9. Major Areas of Concern
None at this time
Tom Saint-Ivany, Chapter President
Brock University
1. Chapter Leadership
President Tom Saint-Ivany Brock University
Paul Martin Western University
Past (Past) President Rick Zalagenas University of Waterloo
Vice-President/Secretary Hugh Briggs LakeHead University
Treasurer Claudio Brun del Re University of Ottawa
Energy Committee Chair Paul Martin Western University
ERAPPA Committee Representatives
ERAPPA Board Paul Martin Western University
Technology & Communications Gordon Robins University of Toronto
Chapter Affairs Tom Saint-Ivany Brock University
Hugh Briggs LakeHead University
Professional Development Kevin Gallinger Carleton University
Membership Steve Sicluna York University
2. Chapter Governance
There has been no change in the structure since the last report. The organization did a review to
see if changes to recent tax and not for profit law in Ontario would require any changes. None were
3. Chapter Events September 2015-August 2016
September 13, 2016 at York University
December 12, 2016 at York University
March 30, 2017 at York University
June 2, 2017 at Wilfrid Laurier University
Energy Committee
September 12, 2016 York University
December 11, 2016 University of Toronto
March 29, 2017 at Ryerson University
Annual Conference
OAPPA 2017 May 30, 2017 to June 2, 2017 at Wilfrid Laurier University
4. Chapter Events Planned 2016-2017
September 20, 2017 York University
December 13, 2017 York University
March 29, 2018 York University
June 1, 2018 York University
Energy Committee
September 19, 2017 Ryerson University
December 12, 2017 University of Toronto
March 28, 2018 Ryerson University
Annual Conference
York University May 29, 2018 to June 1, 2018
5. Membership
Membership is stable and the participation rate is very good. Last year OCFMA and OAPPA joined
together for the Energy Committees to have one meeting for both groups. This year OCFMA and
OAPPA are looking at joining the organizations together for APPA and ERAPPA purposes. A team
will be setup to see how PD events can be adjusted to meet both the needs of the colleges and
6. Scholarships
Nothing to report.
7. Awards and Recognition
Nothing to report.
8. Major Initiatives
Ontario Cap & Trade (tax on carbon) has been released. The Universities and Colleges together
negotiated funding for the sector to help move us to a GHG free environment.
Education sessions on Cap & Trade have occurred at all meetings involving both colleges and
Lobbing the Ontario government on a number of issues:
Changes to the Lien and construction act - Prompt payment to contractors and sub-
Cap & Trade funding and type of projects funds can be spent
Energy reporting
Changes to the Waste and Recycling regulations
Changes to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel regulations
Changes to the definition of Class A accounts for electricity use
9. Major Areas of Concern
Nothing to report.
Keith C. MacDonald Chapter President
Bridgewater State University
1. The Leadership
President Keith C. MacDonald Bridgewater State University
Vice President Jerry Sidio University of Rhode Island
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Jessica Abbott University of Hartford
Board Members Keith Woodward Quinnipiac University
Melinda Lamoureux Bridgewater State University
Douglas Michael University of Rhode Island
Webmaster Peyton Gibson University Rhode Island
John Marshall University Rhode Island
ERAPPA Committee Representatives
Chapter Affairs Keith C. MacDonald Bridgewater State University
Professional Development Douglas Michael University of Rhode Island
Membership Melinda Lamoureux Bridgewater State University
Technology Peyton Gibson University of Rhode Island
2. Chapter Governance
3. Chapter Events in 2017
The Chapter holds 3 meetings per year - Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Chapter meetings begin 8am to 9am with registration, continental breakfast, and networking.
Before the educational portion of the program begins, the Chapter President and other Board
Members provide the Chapter Membership with business related updates.
Two educational sessions along with additional networking are provided before lunch, followed by
tours of the hosting campus or venue.
Our meeting usually adjourns by 2:30pm. In an effort to keep the meetings engaging, the Board
may also provide an educational track session or contract with a guest speaker.
This year our fall meeting was held at
1. University of Connecticut
a. The first session was “Technology in Context”: Godzilla or Tokyo? It was an engaging
presentation of technology and its relationship to industries over time.
b. Second session was a presentation on “UCONN’s Facilities Organizational Structure”. The
evolution of UCONN”S facilities organizational structure, why change was necessary and
how it looks today.
c. Tours of facilities followed lunch
2. University of Rhode Island June 2017
a. The day’s events started with a brief business meeting. Our board did a review for our
members on the ERAPPA mid-year mtg. pitching the ERAPPA 2017 conference.
b. First Session section A. titled “Animal’s on Campus” Panel discussion of policies and
practices to manage service animals, comfort animals, etc.
Section B. “Workplace Fitness and Injury Protection” Discussed stretches and exercises
that can be used daily in the shops or offices to help reduce work injuries.
c. Second session “South County Solar Consortium” section A. panel discussion of adjoin
towns to URI on a project that will provide over 45MW of solar back into the grid.
Section B. “Grounds Management in Capital Construction” Discussed the construction
management by URI Grounds Dept. during and after building construction.
d. This was followed by lunch and campus tours
3. Dunkin Donuts Center, Hartford, Ct. November 2017
a. First session “The Dynamics and Competing Priorities of Meeting Capital Project
b. Second session being finalized
4. Chapter Events for 2017
January 2017 board mtg. Providence, R.I. review of the ERAPPA 2015 event
June 2017 board meeting URI. planning mtg. upcoming events
Conference calls website updates, scholarship review, candidate nominations
5. Membership
Attendance for all meetings has been strong with approximately 90-105 attendees. We continue to
reach out to our constituency in an effort to provide educational programs that are relevant to our
everyday professional responsibilities. The board is considering a change toward formalizing our
membership to include actual membership applications, membership limited and other
6. Scholarships and Awards
The Chapter continues to award scholarships based on requests and needs to chapter members.
The board considers additional scholarships toward the ERAPPA annual meeting on a need basis.
Chapter fully supports APPA/ERAPPA credentialing efforts and is in discussions to host localized
training to assist our members
Special awards, including the President’s Award are still in development.
7. Finances And Dues
The SNEAPPA continues to see solid registration numbers for the spring, summer and fall meetings.
This has allowed the Board to pursue a scholarship program as discussed above.
With rising costs our board lowered our registration fees to $60.00 to cover our costs. This has paid
dividends with record attendance at our Spring and Summer mtgs. Our registrants have been
appreciative in these tight budget times.
We work hard to get the registration and agenda out a month before each event and allow
attendees the option of paying by check in advance or at the door.
We do not charge an annual fee for membership which keeps participation relatively inexpensive
and easy.
8. Business Partner Relationships
Business Partners are welcome at all Chapter Meetings but do not provide any type of sponsorship.
While we realize the importance of our Business Partners, we ask them to keep a low key or
informal approach toward any type of member solicitation. In this respect, we hope to insure that
our educational facilities attendees feel relaxed at the meetings.
There has been a concerted effort to get business partners more active in the duties of the chapter.
This is being accomplished by pairing a business partner with an officer or other institutional
member to help complete duties. For example, a business partner works with our webmaster to
ensure that chapter website is up to date and accurate.
9. Major Areas of Concern
Nothing to report.