Personal Training
Offered by IWU Students
▪ All skill levels welcome
Training services available to IWU faculty. staff, spouses, and students.
(availability of services dependant on availability of trainers)
What Can a Personal Trainer Do for You?
Design a personalized exercise program to meet the client’s goals.
Assist the client in minimizing injury during each workout session.
Provide the client with motivation and accountability.
Provide resistance training instruction.
Provide cardiovascular instruction.
Provided workouts that are time efficient.
Provide workouts that assist the client in achieving results.
Initial Assessment
The first appointment assesses your current fitness state, personal goals, and the motivation
level needed to be successful. May include body composition, flexibility, and muscular strength
and endurance testing
Approximately 20 minutes.
Price: FREE (with the purchase of sessions)
$10 without sessions
Personal Training Session
Package 150
You and a Partner meet with trainer 2 days a week for 4 weeks ($150)
Package 100
You meet with the trainer 2 days a week for 4 weeks ($100)
Package 20
A workout session (approx 1.5 hours) to design a workout plan to meet your needs, with a follow
up visit one week later just to check on progress and answer any questions. ($20)
To schedule an appointment or check for availability call
IWU Campus Recreation
Thank you for your interest in the Indiana Wesleyan University Campus Recreation Personal
Training Program. You are about to begin a one on one customized exercise regimen that will be
designed to meet your needs, goals, desires, and interests.
Please complete this agreement sheet along with the exercise history and goals questionnaire.
The questionnaire will help your personal trainer to develop a program specifically tailored for
you; therefore, it is important to answer all questions honestly. All information will be kept in
confidentiality. The following pages must also be completed and signed before your program
MEMBER’S NAME ______________________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________
CITY____________ STATE _____ ZIP _________________
HOME PHONE _____________
WORK OR CELL PHONE __________________
EMPLOYEE_____ SPOUSE ________
(office only)
TOTAL PAID_____ WHEN __________
Check _______ Cash _______
* Pre-paid sessions are considered rendered services and will not be refundable
unless there are extreme circumstances. The trainers will try to offer a make up day
if possible but may not always be able to do so.
* Any cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled time,
unless an emergency occurs.
* Sessions are transferable to other eligible persons, but proper paperwork must be
filled out with The Director of Campus Recreation.
* Sessions expire after 6 months whether used or not.
SIGNED____________________________________ DATE ______________________
Personal Trainer Program
I, the participant, understand that the activities that take place in the IWU Recreation and Wellness Center are
hazardous activities. I also understand that the activities involved in the Personal Trainer Program offered by IWU
are hazardous activities. These activities include but are not limited to running, walking, jogging, lifting weights, using
exercise equipment, and other strenuous activities hereafter referred to as “Activities”. The hazards inherent to these
Activities include but are not limited to head and spinal injuries, slips and falls, cuts, concussions, strained muscles,
mental and emotional trauma, and other hazards.
I further understand that these Activities involve a risk of serious injury and even death and caution is required, and I
assume all risks inherent in said Activities. I am voluntarily participating in these Activities and using equipment and
machinery with full knowledge and understanding of the risks involved. I hereby assume and accept any and all risks
of injury or damage while participating in said Activities. I represent to IWU that I have the skills and ability to safely
participate in said Activities and that any equipment that I furnish is in good condition, order and repair and is fit for
and will be used for its intended purpose. I do hereby declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no
condition, impairment, disease, or other illness that would prevent or inhibit my participation in said Activities.
In consideration of my being permitted by IWU to participate in said Activities I, my heirs, successors, and personal
representatives hereby release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless IWU, its Board of Trustees, its officers,
trustees, agents, and employees from any and all claims, actions, suits, costs, expenses, injuries or damages arising
out of said Activities. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover injury or damage I may cause or suffer while
participating in said Activities, or else I agree to bear the cost of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I
am willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition I may have.
I hereby grant permission and authorize the provision of emergency medical treatment for myself while becoming ill
or injured in said Activities.
I confirm that I have resolved concerns, if any, about my health or ability to participate in or observe the Activities with
my physician before deciding to participate.
I have carefully read this Release. I fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of negligent
liability. I sign it of my own free will.
Name of Participant:______________________________________________ Date: _______________
(Please Print)
Signature of Participant: ________________________________Contact Information ________________
(Must be over 18 years of age)
Personal Training is a service that is being offered by IWU students to IWU faculty, staff, and
students, along with employee spouses that are part of the employee wellness program.
Meet client’s goals through a personalized exercise program.
Assist the client in minimizing injury during each workout session.
Ensure variety and employment during each session.
Provide the client with motivation and accountability.
Provide resistance training instruction.
Provide cardiovascular instruction.
Provide workouts that are time efficient.
Provide workouts that assist the client in achieving results.
All trainers are Certified Personal Trainers, which indicates they have passed a national
certification exam through an accredited organization such as such as American College of
Sports Medicine (ACSM), America Council on Proficiency in Exercise (ACE), National
Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), or National Strength and Conditioning Association
(NSCA). All trainers are required to be CPR and First Aid certified. Trainers must maintain CPR
and First Aid certification throughout their employment with Campus Recreation.
Those interested in registering for personal training should call the Director of Campus
Recreation at 677-2448 to schedule an appointment. Clients will then be emailed or mailed a
copy of the Personal Training Agreement and the Exercise History and Goals form. Payment and
paperwork is due prior to the initial assessment session with the trainer. Checks should be made
payable to Indiana Wesleyan University. Credit Cards are not accepted.
Initial Assessment
The first appointment assesses your current fitness state, personal goals, and the motivation level
needed to be successful. May include body composition, flexibility, and muscular strength and
endurance testing.
Approximately 20 minutes.
Price: FREE (with the purchase of sessions)
$10 without sessions
Package 150 ($150)
You and a Partner meet with trainer 2 days a week for 4 weeks
Package 100 ($100)
You meet with the trainer 2 days a week for 4 weeks
Package 20 ($20)
A one hour workout session to design a workout plan to meet your needs, with a follow up visit
one week later.
Clients are assigned to trainers by the Director of Campus Recreation based upon trainer/client
availability, client need, etc. while adhering to the preferences of the trainers for clients as well
as the preferences of clients for trainers when possible.
To reschedule, the Personal Trainer or Director of Campus Recreation must be notified 24 hours
in advance of scheduled sessions, unless an emergency occurs. There should be verbal
confirmation of cancellation from the trainer or director. If a client does not appear for a
scheduled appointment or fails to give 24 hours notice, they will be charged for the full session.
Personal Training sessions are pre-paid and considered rendered services and will not be
refundable unless there are extreme circumstances. The trainers will try to offer a make-up
session if possible, but may not always be able to do so. If a client cannot finish the sessions due
to health issues, they are eligible for a refund for unused sessions. This refund is based upon the
approval from the Director of Campus Recreation. Sessions are transferable to another eligible
person. All paperwork must be completed by the new client.
All purchased sessions expire 6 months after the date of purchase.
1. Check which is most applicable for you:
I currently exercise
I do not regularly exercise, but would like to start.
I used to be active, but am not anymore. I would like to become active again.
If you do currently exercise, list those activities in which you participate in and how
much time you spend doing each per week._____________________________________
If you do not currently exercise, why did you stop or why have you not exercised in the
past? ___________________________________________________________________
2. List any exercise, sport, or recreational activities that you have participated in within
the past 5 years. __________________________________________________________
3. Circle the number that corresponds to the response which best describes you for each
of the following statements (1= low ability/interest, 5 = high ability/interest).
Importance of completion during exercise. 1 2 3 4 5
How hard do you like to be pushed or motivated during exercise?
1 2 3 4 5
Present cardio-respiratory (aerobic) fitness. 1 2 3 4 5
Present muscular fitness. 1 2 3 4 5
Present flexibility. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Do you start exercise programs but then find yourself unable to stick with them?
If Yes, why? _____________________________________________________________
5. Specifically describe what you would like to accomplish through your fitness
1 month ____________________________________________________________
6 months _____________________________________________________________
1 year ____________________________________________________________
6. How much time are you willing to devote to an exercise program?
Minutes per day _______
Days per week _______
7. What types of exercise equipment have you used or would like to use?
Have Used Would like to Use
Free Weights (plates)
Weight Machines
Cardiovascular Machines
Body Weight Exercises
Other (describe) __________________________________________________
8. Which of the following exercise benefits are most important to you?
Rate the following goals in order of importance with 1 being most important
and 11 being least important.
___ Improve cardiovascular fitness ___ Increase strength
___ Body fat-weight loss ___ Increase energy
___ Reshape or tone my body ___ Feel better
___ Improve performance for a specific sport ___ Enjoyment
___ Improve mood, decrease stress ___ Improve flexibility
___ Other _____________________
9. How many meals and/or snacks do you have per day? _____________________
10. Do you feel you eat healthy most of the time?
If no, why not? ___________________________________________________________
11. How many glasses of water do you drink per day?
more than 12
12. Please list any other considerations or information your trainer should be aware of before getting
started? (i.e. supplements, injuries, exercise or activities you can't/won't perform, effective motivation
techniques for you, etc.)