“The Book Editor, the Secretary of the General Conference, the
Publisher of The United Methodist Church and the Committee
on Correlation and Editorial Revision shall be charged with edit-
ing the Book of Discipline. . . . The editors, in the exercise of their
judgment, shall have the authority to make changes in wording
as may be necessary to harmonize legislation without changing
its substance. The editors, in consultation with the Judicial Coun-
cil, shall also have authority to delete provisions of the Book of
Discipline that have been ruled unconstitutional by the Judicial
Plan of Organization and Rules of Order of the General Confer-
ence, 2016
See Judicial Council Decision 96, which declares the Discipline to
be a book of law.
Errata can be found at, word search for Errata.
L. Fitzgerald Reist
Secretary of the General Conference
Brian K. Milford
President and Publisher
Book Editor of The United Methodist Church
Brian O. Sigmon
Managing Editor
The Committee on Correlation and Editorial Revision
Naomi G. Bartle, Co-chair
Robert Burkhart, Co-chair
Maidstone Mulenga, Secretary
Melissa Drake
Paul Fleck
Karen Ristine
Dianne Wilkinson
Brian Williams
Susan Hunn
Beth Rambikur
The United Methodist Publishing House
Nashville, Tennessee
Copyright © 2016 The United Methodist Publishing House.
All rights reserved.
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ISBN 978-1-501-83321-2
USB Flash Drive (with Book of Resolutions) ISBN 978-1-501-83328-1
2-PACK Discipline and Resolutions ISBN 978-1-501-83327-4
Discipline eBook ISBN 978-1-501-83322-9
Korean Edition ISBN 978-1-501-83331-1
Spanish Edition ISBN 978-1-501-83329-8
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25—10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To all people and pastors of United Methodism:
“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ.”
—1 Corinthians 1:3
TheBook of Discipline of The United Methodist Church is the
product of over two hundred years of the General Conferences of
the denominations that now form The United Methodist Church.
The Discipline as the instrument for setting forth the laws,
plan, polity, and process by which United Methodists govern
themselves remains constant. Each General Conference amends,
perfects, claries, and adds its own contribution to the Discipline.
We do not see the Discipline as sacrosanct or infallible, but we do
consider it a document suitable to our heritage and an expres-
sion of a future with hope. It is the most current statement of how
United Methodists agree to live their lives together and “maintain
the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” It reects our under-
standing of the church and articulates the mission of The United
Methodist Church: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the trans-
formation of the world. The Discipline denes what is expected
of its laity and clergy as they seek to be effective witnesses in the
world as a part of the whole body of Christ.
This book of covenant sets forth the theological grounding of
The United Methodist Church in biblical faith and afrms that
we go forward as “loyal heirs to all that [is] best in the Chris-
tian past.” It makes clear that The United Methodist Church is an
inclusive society without regard to ethnic origin, economic condi-
tion, gender, age, or the disabilities of its constituents. It asserts
that all who are baptized and conrmed are ministers of Jesus
Christ. It afrms the conciliar principle and connectionalism as
distinctive marks of United Methodist ecclesiology, makes clear
the global character of the Church’s mission, and declares interde-
pendence with other Christian bodies both in spirit and coopera-
tion. It afrms with John Wesley that solitary religion is invalid
and that Christ lays claim upon the whole life of those who accept
him as Lord and Savior.
We therefore commend this Discipline to all in our constitu-
ency and to friends beyond our bounds who would seek to under-
stand what it means to be a United Methodist. Communication
is essential for understanding what the Church is and does. We
expect the Discipline to be found in libraries of local churches,
colleges, universities, and seminaries, as well as in the homes of
ordained, diaconal, and licensed ministers and lay members of
The United Methodist Church. We pray that it will enable all per-
sons to celebrate God’s grace, exalt the meaning of faithful dis-
cipleship, align with the mission, and inspire on the part of many
a deeper desire to be more effective witnesses for the head of the
church, even Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Council of Bishops
Bruce R. Ough, President
Kenneth H. Carter, President-Designate
Cynthia Fierro Harvey, Secretary
Note: The basic unit in The Book of Discipline is the paragraph
() rather than page, chapter, or section. The paragraphs are num-
bered consecutively within each chapter or section, but many
numbers are skipped between parts, chapters, and sections in
order to allow for future enactments and to t with the following
1– 99 The Constitution
101– 199 Doctrine, Doctrinal Statements, General Rules,
The Ministry of All Christians, and Social
201– 299 The Local Church
301– 399 The Ministry of the Ordained
401– 499 The Superintendency
501– 699 The Conferences
701– 2499 Administrative Order
2501–2599 Church Property
2601–2799 Judicial Administration
Episcopal Greetings v
United Methodist Bishops 1
A Brief History of The United Methodist Church 11
¶¶ 1–61 25
Division One—General (¶¶ 1–7) 25
Division Two—Organization (¶¶ 8–44) 27
I. Conferences (¶¶ 8–12)
II. General Conference (¶¶ 13–16)
III. Restrictive Rules (¶¶ 17–22)
IV. Jurisdictional Conferences (¶¶ 23–27)
V. Central Conferences (¶¶ 28–31)
VI. Annual Conferences (¶¶ 32–36)
VII. Boundaries (¶¶ 37–41)
VIII. District Conferences ( 42)
IX. Charge Conferences (¶¶ 43-44)
Division Three—Episcopal Supervision (¶¶ 45-54) 39
Division Four—The Judiciary (¶¶ 55-58) 42
Division Five—Amendments (¶¶ 59-61) 43
General Book of Discipline ( 101) 45
¶¶ 102–105
I. Our Doctrinal Heritage ( 102) 47
II. Our Doctrinal History ( 103) 56
III. Our Doctrinal Standards and General Rules:
The Articles of Religion of The Methodist Church,
The Confession of Faith of the Evangelical United
Brethren Church, and The General Rules of the
Methodist Church ( 104) 65
IV. Our Theological Task ( 105) 80
¶¶ 120–143
I. The Churches (¶¶ 120–125) 93
II. The Ministry of All Christians (¶¶ 126–132) 97
III. Servant Ministry and Servant Leadership
(¶¶ 133–134) 98
IV. Servant Ministry (¶¶ 135–137) 99
V. Servant Leadership (¶¶ 138-139) 100
VI. Called to Inclusiveness ( 140) 101
VII. The Fulllment of Ministry Through
The United Methodist Church (¶¶ 141–143) 102
¶¶ 160–166
Preface 105
Preamble 106
I. The Natural World ( 160) 106
II. The Nurturing Community ( 161) 110
III. The Social Community ( 162) 119
IV. The Economic Community ( 163) 131
V. The Political Community ( 164) 138
VI. The World Community ( 165) 142
VII. Our Social Creed ( 166) 144
¶¶ 201–2719
Chapter One
I. The Church and Pastoral Charge (¶¶ 201–205) 147
II. Cooperative Parish ( 206) 149
III. Ecumenical Shared Ministries (¶¶ 207–211) 152
IV. Churches in Transitional Communities
(¶¶ 212–213) 153
V. Church Membership (¶¶ 214–242) 155
The Meaning of Membership (¶¶ 216–221)
Admission Into the Church (¶¶ 222–226)
Afliate and Associate Membership ( 227)
Care of Members (¶¶ 228-229)
Membership Records and Reports (¶¶ 230–234)
Changes in Church Membership or Local Church
Membership (¶¶ 235–242)
VI. Organization and Administration (¶¶ 243–258) 172
The Charge Conference (¶¶ 246–251)
The Church Council ( 252)
Specialized Ministries (¶¶ 253–257)
Administrative Committees ( 258)
VII. The Method of Organizing a New Church
( 259) 204
VIII. Transfer of a Local Church ( 260) 206
IX. Protection of Rights of Congregations ( 261) 207
X. Special Sundays (¶¶ 262–265) 207
Churchwide Special Sundays With Offerings
( 263)
Special Sundays Without Churchwide Offerings
( 264–265)
XI. Lay Servant Ministries (¶¶ 266–269) 215
Chapter Two
I. The Meaning of Ordination and Conference
Membership (¶¶ 301-304) 223
II. Clergy Orders in The United Methodist Church
(¶¶ 305–309) 227
III. Candidacy for Licensed and Ordained Ministry
(¶¶ 310–314) 229
IV. License for Pastoral Ministry (¶¶ 315–320) 235
V. Associate Membership (¶¶ 321–323) 242
VI. Provisional Membership (¶¶ 324–327) 244
VII. The Ordained Deacon in Full Connection
(¶¶ 328–330) 253
VIII. Appointments of Deacons and Provisional Deacons
to Various Ministries ( 331) 259
IX. The Ordained Elder in Full Connection
(¶¶ 332–336) 264
Admission and Continuance of Full Membership
in the Annual Conference ( 336)
X. Appointments to Various Ministries
(¶¶ 337–342) 271
XI. Appointments to Extension Ministries
(¶¶ 343–345) 279
Provisions for Appointments to Ecumenical
Shared Ministries ( 345)
XII. Clergy From Other Annual Conferences, Other
Methodist and Christian Denominations
(¶¶ 346–347) 286
XIII. Mentoring and Mentors (348) 290
XIV. Evaluation for Continuing Formation for Full
Members and Local Pastors (¶¶ 349–351) 292
XV. Changes of Conference Relationship
(¶¶ 352–360) 295
XVI. Administrative Fair Process (¶¶ 361–363) 312
XVII. Readmission to Conference Relationship
(¶¶ 364–368) 318
XVIII. General Provisions ( 369) 320
Chapter Three
I. The Nature of Superintendency ( 401) 323
II. Ofces of Bishop and District Superintendent
(¶¶ 402–403) 323
III. Election, Assignment, and Termination of Bishops
(¶¶ 404–413) 325
IV. Specic Responsibilities of Bishops (¶¶ 414–416) 339
V. Selection, Assignment, and Term of
District Superintendents (¶¶ 417–418) 342
VI. Specic Responsibilities of District Superintendents
(¶¶ 419–420) 342
VII. Expressions of Superintendency (¶¶ 421–424) 345
VIII. Appointment-Making (¶¶ 425–430) 347
IX. Ecumenical Relationships (¶¶ 431-442) 352
X. Committee on Faith and Order (¶¶ 443–450) 359
Chapter Four
I. The General Conference (¶¶ 501–511) 363
II. The Jurisdictional Conference (¶¶ 512–539) 371
III. Central Conferences (¶¶ 540–548) 382
IV. Provisional Central Conferences (¶¶ 560–567) 392
V. Autonomous Methodist Churches, Afliated
Autonomous Methodist Churches, Afliated
United Churches, Covenanting Churches,
Concordat Churches (¶¶ 570–575) 394
Becoming an Autonomous Methodist, Afliated
Autonomous Methodist, or Afliated United
Church From Central Conferences ( 572)
Becoming a Covenanting Church ( 573)
Concordat Agreements ( 574)
Joining The United Methodist Church ( 575)
VI. Provisional Annual Conferences (¶¶ 580–583) 400
VII. The Missionary Conference (¶¶ 585–588) 401
VIII. Missions (¶¶ 590–593) 405
IX. The Annual Conference (¶¶ 601–657) 407
Conference Agencies ( 610)
The Conference Council on Finance and
Administration (¶¶ 611–619)
Pastoral Support (¶¶ 620–628)
Other Conference Agencies (¶¶ 629–657)
X. The District Conference (¶¶ 658–672) 506
Chapter Five
I. General Provisions (¶¶ 701–724) 521
II. General Council on Finance and Administration
(¶¶ 801–824) 545
General Funds (¶¶ 810–817)
The Episcopal Fund ( 818)
Financial Appeals Beyond the General Funds
(¶¶ 819–824)
III. Connectional Table (¶¶ 901–907) 586
IV. General Board of Church and Society
(¶¶ 1001–1011) 589
V. General Board of Discipleship (¶¶ 1101–1126) 593
VI. Division on Ministries With Young People
(¶¶ 1201–1212) 619
VII. General Board of Global Ministries
(¶¶ 1301–1315) 626
Mission Program Areas ( 1314)
United Methodist Committee on Relief ( 1315)
VIII. General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
(¶¶ 1401–1423) 639
Division of Higher Education (¶¶ 1410–1413)
University Senate (¶¶ 1414–1418)
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation
( 1419)
College of Presidents of the Black Colleges ( 1420)
Division of Ordained Ministry ( 1421)
Schools of Theology of The United Methodist
Church (¶¶ 1422–1423)
IX. General Board of Pension and Health Benets
(¶¶ 1501–1509) 667
General Administration (¶¶ 1501–1505)
Annual Conference Administration (¶¶ 1506–1509)
X. The United Methodist Publishing House
(¶¶ 1601–1641) 687
XI. General Commission on Archives and History
(¶¶ 1701–1712) 696
XII. General Commission on Communication
(¶¶ 1801–1808) 704
XIII. United Methodist Women (¶¶ 1901–1918) 710
Ofce of Deaconess and Home Missioner
(¶¶ 1913–1918)
XIV. General Commission on Religion and Race
(¶¶ 2001–2008) 718
XV. General Commission on the Status and Role
of Women (¶¶ 2101–2109) 721
XVI. Standing Committee on Central Conference
Matters ( 2201) 726
XVII. General Commission on United Methodist Men
(¶¶ 2301–2303) 728
XVIII. JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and Conict
Transformation ( 2401) 731
Chapter Six
I. All Titles—In Trust (¶¶ 2501–2505) 733
II. Compliance With Law (¶¶ 2506–2510) 736
III. Audits and Bonding of Church Ofcers ( 2511) . page 738
IV. Annual Conference Property (¶¶ 2512–2517) 738
V. District Property (¶¶ 2518–2524) 745
VI. Local Church Property (¶¶ 2525–2551) 749
VII. Requirements—Trustees of Church Institutions
( 2552) 776
Chapter Seven
I. The Judicial Council (¶¶ 2601–2612) 777
II. Investigations, Trials, and Appeals
(¶¶ 2701–2719) 784
Fair Process in Judicial Proceedings ( 2701)
Chargeable Offenses and the Statute of Limitations
( 2702)
Procedures for Referral and Investigation of a
Judicial Complaint (¶¶ 2703–2706)
Trials (¶¶ 2707–2714)
Appeals (¶¶ 2715–2718)
Miscellaneous Provisions ( 2719)
Index 821
A List Compiled for The Book of Discipline
by the Council of Bishops
Thomas Coke ...........1784
Francis Asbury..........1784
Richard Whatcoat .......1800
Phillip William Otterbein. 1800
Martin Boehm ..........1800
Jacob Albright ..........1807
William M’Kendree......1808
Christian Newcomer.....1813
Enoch George...........1816
Robert Richford Roberts..1816
Andrew Zeller ..........1817
Joseph Hoffman.........1821
Joshua Soule............1824
Elijah Hedding..........1824
Henry Kumler Sr. .......1825
John Emory ............1832
James Osgood Andrew...1832
Samuel Heistand ........1833
William Brown..........1833
Beverly Waugh .........1836
Thomas Asbury Morris ..1836
Jacob Erb...............1837
John Seybert ............1839
Henry Kumler Jr. ........1841
John Coons .............1841
Joseph Long . . . . . . . . . . . . 1843
Leonidas Lent Hamline ..1844
Edmund Storer Janes ....1844
John Russel.............1845
Jacob John Glossbrenner..1845
William Hanby .........1845
William Capers .........1846
Robert Paine............1846
David Edwards .........1849
Henry Bidleman Bascom . 1850
Levi Scott ..............1852
Matthew Simpson .......1852
Osman Cleander Baker ..1852
Edward Raymond Ames . 1852
Lewis Davis ............1853
George Foster Pierce .....1854
John Early..............1854
Hubbard Hinde
Kavanaugh ...........1854
Francis Burns ...........1858
William W. Orwig .......1859
Jacob Markwood ........1861
Daniel Shuck ...........1861
John Jacob Esher ........1863
Davis Wasgatt Clark .....1864
Edward Thomson .......1864
Calvin Kingsley .........1864
Jonathan Weaver ........1865
William May Wightman..1866
Enoch Mather Marvin ...1866
David Seth Doggett......1866
Holland Nimmons
McTyeire .............1866
John Wright Roberts . . . . . 1866
John Dickson ...........1869
John Christian Keener ...1870
Reuben Yeakel ..........1871
Thomas Bowman........1872
William Logan Harris ....1872
Randolph Sinks Foster ...1872
Isaac William Wiley......1872
Stephen Mason Merrill...1872
Edward Gayer Andrews..1872
Gilbert Haven ..........1872
Jesse Truesdell Peck .....1872
Rudolph Dubs . . . . . . . . . . 1875
Thomas Bowman........1875
Milton Wright ..........1877
Nicholas Castle .........1877
Henry White Warren ....1880
Cyrus David Foss .......1880
John Fletcher Hurst......1880
Erastus Otis Haven ......1880
Ezekiel Boring Kephart ..1881
Alpheus Waters Wilson ..1882
Linus Parker............1882
John Cowper Granbery ..1882
Robert Kennon
William Xavier Ninde....1884
John Morgan Walden ....1884
Willard Francis
Charles Henry Fowler ...1884
William Taylor ..........1884
Daniel Kumler
Flickinger ............1885
William Wallace Duncan..1886
Charles Betts Galloway ..1886
Eugene Russell Hendrix ..1886
Joseph Stanton Key ......1886
John Heyl Vincent .......1888
James Newbury
Isaac Wilson Joyce .......1888
John Philip Newman ....1888
Daniel Ayres Goodsell ...1888
James Mills Thoburn.....1888
James W. Hott ..........1889
Atticus Greene Haygood . 1890
Oscar Penn Fitzgerald ...1890
Wesley Matthias Stanford 1891
Christian S. Haman......1891
Sylvanus C. Breyfogel....1891
William Horn ...........1891
Job S. Mills .............1893
Charles Cardwell
Joseph Crane Hartzell....1896
Earl Cranston ...........1896
Warren Akin Candler ....1898
Henry Clay Morrison ....1898
David Hastings Moore ...1900
John William Hamilton ..1900
Edwin Wallace Parker ...1900
Francis Wesley Warne....1900
George Martin Mathews..1902
Alexander Coke Smith ...1902
Elijah Embree Hoss......1902
Henry Burns Hartzler....1902
William Franklin Heil ....1902
Joseph Flintoft Berry.....1904
Henry Spellmeyer .......1904
William Fraser
McDowell ............1904
James Whitford
Bashford .............1904
William Burt............1904
Luther Barton Wilson ....1904
Thomas Benjamin Neely..1904
Isaiah Benjamin Scott ....1904
William Fitzjames
John Edward Robinson ..1904
Merriman Colbert Harris . 1904
William Marion Weekley . 1905
William Melvin Bell .....1905
Thomas Coke Carter.....1905
John James Tigert III .....1906
Seth Ward ..............1906
James Atkins ...........1906
Samuel P. Spreng........1907
William Franklin
Anderson ............1908
John Louis Nuelsen......1908
William Alfred Quayle ...1908
Charles William Smith ...1908
Wilson Seeley Lewis .....1908
Edwin Holt Hughes .....1908
Robert McIntyre ........1908
Frank Milton Bristol .....1908
Collins Denny ..........1910
John Carlisle Kilgo ......1910
William Belton Murrah...1910
Walter Russell Lambuth ..1910
Richard Green
Edwin DuBose Mouzon ..1910
James Henry McCoy.....1910
William Hargrave Fouke..1910
Uriah Frantz Swengel....1910
Homer Clyde Stuntz.....1912
William Orville Shepard..1912
Theodore Sommers
Henderson ...........1912
Naphtali Luccock .......1912
Francis John McConnell ..1912
Frederick DeLand Leete..1912
Richard Joseph Cooke ...1912
Wilbur Patterson
Thirkield .............1912
John Wesley Robinson ...1912
William Perry Eveland ...1912
Henry Harness Fout .....1913
Cyrus Jeffries Kephart ...1913
Alfred Taylor Howard ...1913
Gottlieb Heinmiller......1915
Lawrence Hoover
Seager ...............1915
Herbert Welch ..........1916
Thomas Nicholson ......1916
Adna Wright Leonard....1916
Matthew Simpson
Hughes ..............1916
Charles Bayard Mitchell..1916
Franklin Elmer Ellsworth
Alexander Priestly
Eben Samuel Johnson ....1916
William H. Washinger ...1917
John Monroe Moore .....1918
William Fletcher
McMurry .............1918
Urban Valentine Williams
Darlington ...........1918
Horace Mellard DuBose..1918
William Newman
James Cannon, Jr. .......1918
Matthew T. Maze........1918
Lauress John Birney .....1920
Frederick Bohn Fisher....1920
Charles Edward Locke ...1920
Ernest Lynn Waldorf.....1920
Edgar Blake ............1920
Ernest Gladstone
Richardson ...........1920
Charles Wesley Burns ....1920
Harry Lester Smith ......1920
George Harvey Bickley...1920
Frederick Thomas
Keeney ..............1920
Charles Larew Mead.....1920
Anton Bast .............1920
Robert Elijah Jones ......1920
Matthew Wesley Clair ...1920
Arthur R. Clippinger ....1921
William Benjamin
James Edward Dickey ...1922
Samuel Ross Hay........1922
Hoyt McWhorter Dobbs..1922
Hiram Abiff Boaz .......1922
John Francis Dunlap .....1922
George Amos Miller .....1924
Titus Lowe .............1924
George Richmond Grose..1924
Brenton Thoburn Badley..1924
Wallace Elias Brown .....1924
Arthur Biggs Statton.....1925
John S. Stamm ..........1926
Samuel J. Umbreit .......1926
Raymond J. Wade .......1928
James Chamberlain
Baker ................1928
Edwin Ferdinand Lee ....1928
Grant D. Batdorf ........1929
Ira David Warner........1929
John W. Gowdy .........1930
Chih Ping Wang.........1930
Arthur James Moore .....1930
Paul Bentley Kern . . . . . . . 1930
Angie Frank Smith ......1930
George Edward Epp .....1930
Joshwant Rao Chitamber . 1930
Juan Ermete Gattinoni ...1932
Junius Ralph Magee .....1932
Ralph Spaulding
Cushman ............1932
Elmer Wesley Praetorius . 1934
Charles H. Stauffacher ...1934
Jarrell Waskom Pickett . . . 1935
Roberto Valenzuela
Elphick ..............1936
Wilbur Emery
Hammaker ...........1936
Charles Wesley Flint .....1936
Gareld Bromley
Oxnam ..............1936
Alexander Preston Shaw..1936
John McKendree
Springer .............1936
F. H. Otto Melle .........1936
Ralph Ansel Ward .......1937
Victor Otterbein Weidler..1938
Ivan Lee Holt ...........1938
William Walter Peele.....1938
Clare Purcell............1938
Charles Claude
John Lloyd Decell .......1938
William Clyde Martin....1938
William Turner Watkins ..1938
James Henry Straughn ...1939
John Calvin Broomeld ..1939
William Alfred Carroll
Hughes ..............1940
Lorenzo Houston King...1940
Bruce Richard Baxter ....1940
Shot Kumar Mondol .....1940
Clement Daniel Rockey ..1941
Enrique Carlos Balloch...1941
Z. T. Kaung.............1941
Wen Yuan Chen .........1941
George Carleton Lacy....1941
Fred L. Dennis ..........1941
Dionisio Deista
Alejandro ............1944
Fred Pierce Corson ......1944
Walter Earl Ledden ......1944
Lewis Oliver Hartman ...1944
Newell Snow Booth .....1944
Willis Jefferson King .....1944
Robert Nathaniel Brooks..1944
Edward Wendall Kelly ...1944
William Angie Smith.....1944
Paul Elliott Martin.......1944
Costen Jordan Harrell....1944
Paul Neff Garber ........1944
Charles Wesley
Brashares ............1944
Schuyler Edward Garth ..1944
Arthur Frederick Wesley..1944
John Abdus Subhan .....1945
John Balmer Showers ....1945
August Theodor
Johann Wilhelm Ernst
John Wesley Edward
Bowen ...............1948
Lloyd Christ Wicke ......1948
John Wesley Lord .......1948
Dana Dawson ..........1948
Marvin Augustus
Roy Hunter Short .......1948
Richard Campbell
Raines ...............1948
Marshall Russell Reed ...1948
Harry Clifford Northcott ..1948
Hazen Graff Werner .....1948
Glenn Randall Phillips ...1948
Gerald Hamilton
Kennedy .............1948
Donald Harvey Tippett ..1948
Jose Labarrete Valencia...1948
Sante Uberto Barbieri . . . . 1949
Raymond Leroy Archer ..1950
David Thomas Gregory ..1950
Frederick Buckley
Edgar Amos Love .......1952
Matthew Walker Clair ...1952
John Warren Branscomb..1952
Henry Bascom Watts.....1952
D. Stanley Coors ........1952
Edwin Edgar Voigt ......1952
Francis Gerald Ensley....1952
Alsie Raymond Grant....1952
Julio Manuel Sabanes ....1952
Friedrich Wunderlich ....1953
Odd Arthur Hagen ......1953
Ferdinand Sigg ..........1954
Reuben Herbert Mueller . 1954
Harold Rickel Heininger..1954
Lyle Lynden Baughman ..1954
Prince Albert Taylor Jr. ...1956
Eugene Maxwell Frank...1956
Nolan Bailey Harmon....1956
Bachman Gladstone
Hodge ...............1956
Hobart Baumann
Amstutz .............1956
Ralph Edward Dodge....1956
Mangal Singh...........1956
Gabriel Sundaram .......1956
Paul E. V. Shannon ......1957
John Gordon Howard....1957
Hermann Walter
W. Maynard Sparks......1958
Paul Murray Herrick ....1958
Bowman Foster
Stockwell ............1960
Fred Garrigus Holloway..1960
William Vernon
William Ralph Ward Jr....1960
James Kenneth Mathews..1960
Oliver Eugene Slater.....1960
William Kenneth Pope ...1960
Paul Vernon Galloway ...1960
Aubrey Grey Walton.....1960
Kenneth Wilford
Copeland ............1960
Everett Walter Palmer....1960
Ralph Taylor Alton ......1960
Edwin Ronald Garrison ..1960
Torney Otto Nall Jr. ......1960
Charles Franklin Golden..1960
Noah Watson Moore Jr. ..1960
Marquis LaFayette
Harris ...............1960
James Walton Henley ....1960
Walter Clark Gum .......1960
Paul Hardin Jr. ..........1960
John Owen Smith .......1960
Paul William Milhouse...1960
Pedro Ricardo Zottele....1962
James Samuel Thomas ...1964
William McFerrin Stowe ..1964
Walter Kenneth
Goodson .............1964
Dwight Ellsworth Loder..1964
Robert Marvin Stuart ....1964
Edward Julian
Pendergrass Jr. ........1964
Thomas Marion Pryor ...1964
Homer Ellis Finger Jr. ....1964
Earl Gladstone Hunt Jr. ..1964
Francis Enmer Kearns....1964
Lance Webb ............1964
Escrivao Anglaze
Zunguze .............1964
Robert Fielden Lundy....1964
Harry Peter Andreassen..1964
John Wesley Shungu .....1964
Alfred Jacob Shaw.......1965
Prabhakar Christopher
Benjamin Balaram .....1965
Stephen Trowen Nagbe ..1965
Franz Werner Schäfer ....1966
Benjamin I. Guansing ....1967
Lineunt Scott Allen ......1967
Paul Arthur Washburn ...1968
Carl Ernst Sommer ......1968
David Frederick Wertz ...1968
Alsie Henry Carleton ....1968
Roy Calvin Nichols ......1968
Arthur James Armstrong..1968
William Ragsdale
Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1968
Abel Tendekayi
Muzorewa ...........1968
Cornelio M. Ferrer.......1968
Paul Locke A.
Joseph R. Lance .........1968
Ram Dutt Joshi..........1968
Eric Algernon Mitchell ...1969
Federico Jose Pagura.....1969
Armin E. Härtel .........1970
Ole Edvard Borgen ......1970
Finis Alonzo
Crutcheld Jr..........1972
Joseph Hughes Yeakel ...1972
Robert E. Goodrich Jr.....1972
Carl Julian Sanders ......1972
Ernest T. Dixon Jr. .......1972
Don Wendell Holter .....1972
Wayne K. Clymer .......1972
Joel Duncan McDavid ...1972
Edward Gonzalez
Jesse Robert DeWitt......1972
James Mase Ault ........1972
John B. Warman.........1972
Mack B. Stokes..........1972
Jack Marvin Tuell .......1972
Melvin E. Wheatley Jr. ...1972
Edward Lewis Tullis .....1972
Frank Lewis Robertson...1972
Wilbur Wong Yan Choy ..1972
Robert McGrady
Blackburn ............1972
Emilio J. M. de Carvalho..1972
Fama Onema ...........1972
Mamidi Elia Peter .......1972
Bennie de Quency
J. Kenneth Shamblin .....1976
Alonzo Monk Bryan .....1976
Kenneth William Hicks ..1976
James Chess Lovern .....1976
Leroy Charles Hodapp...1976
Edsel Albert Ammons....1976
C. Dale White...........1976
Ngoy Kimba Wakadilo...1976
Almeida Penicela........1976
LaVerne D. Mercado .....1976
Hermann Ludwig
Shantu Kumar A.
Parmar ..............1979
Thomas Syla Bangura....1979
John Alfred Ndoricimpa..1980
William Talbot Handy Jr...1980
John Wesley Hardt ......1980
Benjamin Ray Oliphint...1980
Louis Wesley
Schowengerdt ........1980
Melvin George Talbert ...1980
Paul Andrews Duffey ....1980
Edwin Charles Boulton ..1980
John William Russell.....1980
Fitz Herbert Skeete ......1980
George Willis Bashore....1980
Roy Clyde Clark ........1980
William Boyd Grove .....1980
Emerson Stephen Colaw..1980
Marjorie Swank
Matthews ............1980
Carlton Printess
Minnick Jr............1980
Calvin Dale McConnell ..1980
Kainda Katembo ........1980
Emerito P. Nacpil........1980
Arthur Flumo Kulah.....1980
Felton Edwin May.......1984
Ernest A. Fitzgerald .....1984
R. Kern Eutsler..........1984
J. Woodrow Hearn.......1984
Walter L. Underwood ....1984
Richard B. Wilke ........1984
J. Lloyd Knox ...........1984
Neil L. Irons ............1984
Roy Isao Sano...........1984
Lewis Bevel Jones III ....1984
Forrest C. Stith..........1984
Ernest W. Newman ......1984
Woodie W. White........1984
Robert Crawley Morgan..1984
David J. Lawson ........1984
Elias Gabriel Galvan .....1984
Rueben Philip Job .......1984
Leontine T. Kelly ........1984
Judith Craig ............1984
Rüdiger Rainer Minor ...1986
Jose Castro Gamboa Jr. ...1986
Thomas Barber Stockton..1988
Harold Hasbrouck
Hughes Jr.............1988
Richard Carl Looney.....1988
Robert Hitchcock Spain ..1988
Susan Murch Morrison...1988
R. Sheldon Duecker .....1988
Joseph Benjamin Bethea ..1988
William B. Oden ........1988
Bruce P. Blake...........1988
Charles Wilbourne
Hancock .............1988
Clay Foster Lee Jr. . . . . . . . 1988
Sharon A. Brown
Christopher ..........1988
Dan E. Solomon.........1988
William B. Lewis ........1988
William W. Dew Jr. ......1988
Moises Domingos
Fernandes ............1988
Joao Somane Machado ...1988
Walter Klaiber ..........1989
Heinrich Bolleter ........1989
Hans Växby ............1989
Alfred Lloyd Norris .....1992
Joe Allen Wilson ........1992
Robert Eugene Fannin ...1992
Amelia Ann B. Sherer ....1992
Albert Frederick Mutti . . . 1992
Raymond Harold Owen..1992
Joel Neftali Martinez.....1992
Donald Arthur Ott ......1992
Kenneth Lee Carder .....1992
Hae Jong Kim...........1992
William Wesley Morris ...1992
Marshall LeRoy
Meadors Jr. ..........1992
Charles Wesley Jordan ...1992
Sharon Zimmerman
S. Clifton Ives...........1992
Mary Ann Swenson .....1992
Done Peter Dabale ......1992
Joseph Humper . . . . . . . . . 1992
Christopher Jokomo .....1992
Daniel C. Arichea Jr. .....1994
Benjamin Gutierrez......1994
G. Lindsey Davis ........1996
Joseph E. Pennel Jr. ...... 1996
Charlene Payne
Alfred Johnson..........1996
Cornelius L. Henderson ..1996
Susan Wolfe Hassinger...1996
J. Lawrence McCleskey ..1996
Ernest S. Lyght..........1996
Janice Riggle Huie.......1996
Marion M. Edwards .....1996
C. Joseph Sprague .......1996
Peter D. Weaver .........1996
Jonathan D. Keaton......1996
Ray W. Chamberlain, Jr. ..1996
John L. Hopkins.........1996
Michael J. Coyner .......1996
Edward W. Paup . . . . . . . . 1996
Ntambo Nkulu Ntanda ..1996
Larry M. Goodpaster ....2000
Rhymes H. Moncure Jr. ..2000
Beverly J. Shamana ......2000
Violet L. Fisher..........2000
Gregory Vaughn Palmer..2000
William W. Hutchinson ..2000
B. Michael Watson.......2000
D. Max Whiteld........2000
Benjamin Roy
Chamness ............2000
Linda Lee ..............2000
James R. King...........2000
Bruce R. Ough ..........2000
Warner H. Brown Jr. .....2000
José Quipungo ..........2000
Gaspar Joao Domingos...2000
Leo A. Soriano ..........2000
Benjamin A. Justo .......2000
John G. Innis ...........2000
Øystein Olsen ..........2001
Timothy W. Whitaker ....2001
Solito K. Toquero........2001
Marcus Matthews .......2004
Sudarshana Devadhar ...2004
Jeremiah J. Park .........2004
Hope Morgan Ward .....2004
William H. Willimon.....2004
James E. Swanson Sr.....2004
Hee-Soo Jung ...........2004
Robert E. Hayes Jr .......2004
Alfred W. Gwinn Jr ......2004
John R. Schol ...........2004
Richard J. Wills Jr .......2004
Robert C. Schnase .......2004
Deborah L. Kiesey.......2004
Jane Allen Middleton ....2004
Thomas J. Bickerton .....2004
Scott J. Jones ............2004
Charles N. Crutcheld ...2004
Robert T. Hoshibata .....2004
Mary Virginia Taylor ....2004
Sally Dyck..............2004
Minerva G. Carcaño .....2004
Eben K. Nhiwatiwa......2004
Hans Växby ............ 2005
David K. Yemba......... 2005
Rosemarie J. Wenner..... 2005
Benjamin Boni .......... 2005
Patrick Ph. Streiff........ 2005
Daniel A. Wandabula .... 2006
Kefas K. Mavula ........ 2007
Paul Lee Leeland ........ 2008
Wilbert Earl Bledsoe ..... 2008
Peggy A. Johnson ....... 2008
John Michael Lowry ..... 2008
Julius Calvin Trimble .... 2008
Grant J. Hagiya ......... 2008
James E. Dorff .......... 2008
Elaine J. W. Stanovsky ... 2008
Joaquina Filipe Nhanala.. 2008
Rodolfo Alfonso Juan ....2008
Lito Cabacungan
Tangonan ............2008
John Kpahun Yambasu...2008
Christian Alsted.........2009
L. Jonathan Holston .....2012
Kenneth H. Carter.......2012
Sandra Lynn Steiner Ball . 2012
William T. McAlilly......2012
Deborah Wallace-Padgett. 2012
Martin McLee...........2012
Young Jin Cho ..........2012
Cynthia Fierro Harvey ...2012
Mark J. Webb ...........2012
Gary E. Mueller .........2012
Michael McKee .........2012
Gabriel Yemba Unda.....2012
John Wesley Yohanna .... 2012
Eduard Khegay ......... 2012
Pedro M. Torio, Jr. .......2012
Ciriaco Q. Francisco .....2012
Sharma Lewis ..........2016
David Graves ...........2016
Leonard Fairley .........2016
Lawson Bryan .......... 2016
Sue Haupert-Johnson ....2016
Cynthia Moore-KoiKoi...2016
Tracy Smith Malone .....2016
Frank Beard ............2016
David Bard .............2016
LaTrelle Easterling.......2016
Ruben Saenz............2016
Laurie Haller ...........2016
James Nunn ............2016
Robert Farr .............2016
Karen Oliveto...........2016
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Ecclesial Heritage
The history of The United Methodist Church includes God’s
self-revelation and action in history through the call of Abraham,
the Hebrew exodus from Egypt, and especially the incarnation,
life, death, and resurrection of God’s Word Jesus Christ, and the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The United Methodist
Church shares this history with the whole church, as contained in
the canonical Scriptures.
In the early 1500s, various reform movements emerged in
Western Europe that created forms of western Christianity not in
communion with the Roman Catholic pope. These became known
as Protestantism. They emphasized a return to the sources of faith:
that is, God’s action in salvation and Scripture as the authority
for doctrine and practice. Different contexts and visions produced
Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, and Anglican Protestantism, all
of which inuenced the traditions that came together in United
During the late 1600s, a renewal movement, often referred to
as Pietism, emerged in Europe. Broadly conceived, the movement
emphasized the Christian experience of new birth, sanctica-
tion, the possibility of societal transformation, and small groups.
The movement affected most confessions including Lutheran,
Reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptist. Expressions of this move-
ment included the philanthropic and mission work of August
Hermann Franke in Germany, the growth of Moravianism under
the leadership of Ludwig von Zinzendorf, the Religious Socie-
ties Movement begun by Anthony Horneck in England, as well as
Reformed and more radical groups.
John and Charles Wesley and the Evangelical
Revival in England
All Wesleyan and Methodist Christians are connected to the
lives and ministries of John Wesley (1703-1791) and his brother,
Charles (1707-1788). Both John and Charles were Church of Eng-
land priests who volunteered as missionaries to the colony of
Georgia, arriving in March, 1736. Their mission was far from an
unqualied success, and both returned to England disillusioned
and discouraged, Charles in December, 1736, and John in Febru-
ary, 1738.
The Wesley brothers had transforming religious experiences
in May, 1738, under the inuence of Moravian missionaries. John’s
experience on May 24 of that year at a Moravian meeting on
Aldersgate Street, London, has a prominent place in the Church’s
memory. Shortly thereafter, both brothers began preaching a mes-
sage of new birth and sanctication in Anglican religious societies
and outdoors to whomever would listen. They also established
missional and philanthropic enterprises to promote social change.
The goal of this movement was to “reform the nation, particu-
larly the church; and to spread scriptural holiness over the land.”
Over time a pattern of organization and discipline emerged. It
included a set of General Rules, societies made up of class meet-
ings (small groups in which members of Methodist societies
watched over one another), and band meetings (smaller confes-
sional groups divided by gender), all connected by traveling lay
Beginnings in America, 1760-1816
Methodism in America began without authorization or sup-
port from England, as lay Methodists immigrated to America.
Among its earliest leaders were Robert Strawbridge, an immigrant
farmer who organized work in Maryland and Virginia around
1760; Philip Embury and his cousin Barbara Heck, who began
work in New York in 1766; and Captain Thomas Webb, whose
labors were instrumental in Methodist beginnings in Philadelphia
in 1767. The rst Methodist societies included active participation
by people of European and African descent.
To strengthen the Methodist work in the colonies, John
Wesley sent two lay preachers, Richard Boardman and Joseph
Pilmore, to America in 1769. Two years later, Richard Wright
and Francis Asbury were dispatched to undergird the growing
American Methodist societies. Asbury became the most impor-
tant gure in early American Methodism. His energetic devotion
to the principles of Wesleyan theology, ministry, and organization
shaped Methodism in America in ways unmatched by any other
The rst conference of Methodist preachers in the colonies
was held in Philadelphia in 1773. The ten who attended pledged
allegiance to Wesley’s leadership and agreed that, as laypeople,
they would not administer the sacraments. Methodists would
receive the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper at a
local Anglican parish church. They emphasized strong discipline
among the societies and preachers. A system of regular confer-
ences was inaugurated, similar to those Wesley had instituted in
England to conduct the business of the Methodist movement.
The American Revolution profoundly impacted Methodism.
John Wesley’s loyalty to the king and his writings against the rev-
olutionary cause did not enhance the image of Methodism among
many who supported independence. Furthermore, a number of
Methodist preachers refused to bear arms to aid the patriots.
When independence from England was won, Wesley recog-
nized that changes were necessary for American Methodism to
thrive. He sent Thomas Coke to America to superintend the work
with Asbury. Coke brought with him a prayer book entitledThe
Sunday Service of the Methodists in North America, prepared by
Wesley and incorporating his revision of the Church of England’s
Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. Richard Whatcoat and Thomas
Vasey, whom Wesley had ordained, accompanied Coke. Wesley’s
ordinations set a precedent that ultimately permitted Methodists
in America to become an independent church.
In December 1784, the famous Christmas Conference of
preachers was held in Baltimore at Lovely Lane Chapel. Most
of the American preachers attended, probably including African
Americans, Harry Hosier and Richard Allen. At this gathering
the movement became organized as The Methodist Episcopal
Church in America. In the following years The Methodist Epis-
copal Church published its rst Discipline (1785), adopted a qua-
drennial General Conference, the rst of which was held in 1792,
and drafted a Constitution (1808). It also established a publish-
ing house and became a proponent of revivalism and the camp
Two other churches were forming in America, which, in their
earliest years were composed almost entirely of German-speak-
ing people. The rst was founded by Philip William Otterbein
(1726-1813) and Martin Boehm (1725-1812). Otterbein, a German
Reformed pastor, and Boehm, a Mennonite, preached an evan-
gelical message similar to the Methodists. In 1800, their followers
formally organized the Church of the United Brethren in Christ,
which included a similar organization of traveling preachers.
Otterbein attended the Christmas Conference and participated in
Asbury’s ordination.
A second church, The Evangelical Association, was begun
by Jacob Albright (1759-1808). Albright, a Lutheran farmer and
tile-maker in eastern Pennsylvania, was converted by the United
Brethren and nurtured in a Methodist class meeting. He later
established his own connection of preachers, better to reach fel-
low German-speakers. The Evangelical Association was ofcially
organized in 1803.
Early attempts at merging these churches failed. By the time
of Asbury’s death in March 1816, Otterbein, Boehm, and Albright
had also died. The churches they nurtured had survived and were
beginning to expand numerically and geographically. The Ger-
man churches united in 1946 as The Evangelical United Brethren
Church, which in turn joined with The Methodist Church in 1968
to form The United Methodist Church.
Revival and Growth, 1817-1843
The Second Great Awakening was the dominant religious
development among Protestants in America during the rst half
of the nineteenth century. Through revivals and camp meetings,
sinners experienced conversion. Circuit-riding preachers and lay
pastors knit them into a connection. This style of Christian faith
and discipline was very agreeable to Methodists, United Brethren,
and Evangelicals who favored its emphasis on the experiential.
The memberships of these churches increased dramatically, as did
the number of preachers serving them.
Preachers and laity were expected to be seriously committed
to both the faith and mission. Preachers were to possess a sound
conversion and divine calling, as well as to demonstrate gifts and
skills for fruitful ministry. The nancial benets were meager.
The general membership’s commitment was exhibited in their
willingness to submit to the discipline of their churches. Meth-
odists, for example, were strictly guided by the General Rules
adopted at the Christmas Conference of 1784 and still included in
United Methodism’s Book of Discipline. They were urged to avoid
evil, do good, and use the means of grace supplied by God. Those
who did not adhere to the Discipline were to be removed from
The structure of Methodist, United Brethren, and Evangelical
Association churches allowed them to function in ways to sup-
port, consolidate, and expand their ministries. Local classes could
spring up wherever a few women and men were gathered under
the direction of a class leader. The itinerant preacher, who had a
circuit of appointments under his care, visited regularly. This sys-
tem served the diverse needs of city, town, or frontier outpost. The
churches could go to the people wherever they settled. Annual
conferences under episcopal leadership provided the mechanism
for admitting and ordaining clergy, appointing itinerant preach-
ers to their churches, and supplying them with mutual support.
General Conferences, meeting quadrennially, proved sufcient to
set the main course for the church, including the creation of the
Discipline by which it was governed.
The Methodist Book Concern, organized in 1789, was the rst
church publishing house in America. The Evangelical Association
and United Brethren also authorized the formation of publish-
ing agencies in the early nineteenth century. From these presses
came a succession of hymnals,Disciplines, newspapers, tracts, and
magazines. Prots were usually designated for the support and
welfare of retired and indigent preachers and their families.
The founding period was not without serious problems, espe-
cially for the Methodists. Conict between Methodism’s struc-
ture and values and American cultural norms (especially over
episcopacy, race, and slavery) sometimes led to schism. In 1792,
James O’Kelly founded the Republican Methodists to reduce the
authority of bishops. Richard Allen (1760-1831), an emancipated
slave and Methodist preacher who was mistreated because of his
race, left the church and in 1816 organized The African Meth-
odist Episcopal Church. For similar reasons, The African Meth-
odist Episcopal Zion Church was begunin 1821. In 1830, about
5,000 preachers and laypeople left the denomination because it
would not grant representation to the laity or permit the election
of presiding elders (district superintendents). This new body was
called The Methodist Protestant Church, which in 1939 united
with The Methodist Episcopal Church and The Methodist Epis-
copal Church, South, to become The Methodist Church. In 1843,
abolitionist preachers Orange Scott and Luther Lee formed the
Wesleyan Methodist Church over Methodism’s weakening prohi-
bition against slaveholding.
Even with these tensions, Methodism spread to new cultures
and overseas. African American Methodist preacher, John Stew-
art, began an unauthorized mission to the Wyandot Indians in
Ohio in 1815, which was adopted by the Ohio Conference in 1819.
Another African American preacher, Daniel Coker, who had been
ordained by Asbury and participated in the organizing confer-
ence of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, was among the
eighty-eight emigrants who sailed to Africa in 1820, assisted by
the American Colonization Society. While still at sea he organized
a church. The group landed in what is today Liberia. Missionary
work in Africa was carried out mainly by lay people until 1833,
when Melville Beveridge Cox became the rst missionary of the
Methodist Episcopal Church appointed to Liberia.
Other institutions also developed. By 1841, Methodists, Evan-
gelicals, and United Brethren had all begun denominational mis-
sionary societies. Sunday schools were encouraged in every place
where they could be started and maintained. Interest in education
was also evident in the establishment of secondary schools and
colleges. By 1845, each had instituted courses of study for their
preachers to ensure that they had a basic knowledge of the Bible,
theology, and pastoral ministry.
Division in America and Expansion Overseas, 1844-1860
John Wesley had been an ardent opponent of slavery. In 1789,
the General Rules were ofcially adopted by American Method-
ism. A rule forbidding participation in slavery, which had not
been deemed necessary in England, was included. But as Method-
ism expanded, that prohibition was relaxed or not enforced where
slavery was legal. Because membership spanned regions, classes,
and races, contention over slavery ultimately split Methodism
into separate northern and southern churches.
At the 1844 General Conference, pro-slavery and anti-slavery
factions clashed over episcopacy, race, and slavery. Their most
serious conict concerned one of the church’s ve bishops, James
O. Andrew, who had acquired slaves through marriage. After acri-
monious debate, the General Conference voted to suspend Bishop
Andrew from the exercise of his ofce so long as he could not,
or would not, free his slaves. A few days later, dissidents drafted
a Plan of Separation, which permitted the annual conferences in
slaveholding states to separate from The Methodist Episcopal
Church in order to organize their own ecclesiastical structure. The
Plan of Separation was adopted and the groundwork laid for the
creation of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
Delegates from the southern states met in Louisville, Ken-
tucky, in May 1845, to organize their new church. Their rst
General Conference was held the following year in Petersburg,
Virginia, where a Discipline and hymnbook were adopted. The
Methodist Protestant Church was also affected by the slavery
controversy, splitting in 1858 and reuniting in 1877. The United
Brethren and The Evangelical Association, being concentrated in
northern states, were able to avoid the passionate struggle that
fractured The Methodist Episcopal Church.
Despite conict and division in America, Methodism con-
tinued to expand overseas. In 1847, Judson D. Collins, Moses C.
White, and his wife Jane Isabel Altwater landed in Fuzhou, China,
under the auspices of the Missionary Society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Despite a slow beginning, the Missionary Soci-
ety gained valuable lessons that enabled Robert S. Maclay to enter
Japan in 1873. In 1885, William B. Scranton, his mother Mary F.
Scranton, and Henry G. Appenzeller began work in Korea. Amer-
ican Methodists also set their sights on South Asia. In 1856, Wil-
liam Butler landed in Kolkata with his wife, Clementina Rowe
Butler (one of the future founders of Woman’s Foreign Missionary
Society), and two of their children.
European Methodism also began, as migrants, sailors, sol-
diers, and others who encountered Methodism outside of Europe
shared the message back home. Ludwig Jacoby joined the Meth-
odists after immigrating to Cincinnati in 1838. He returned to
Germany in 1849 and began gathering a church in Bremen. The
Evangelical Association, with ethnic and linguistic links to Ger-
many, sent Conrad Link as its rst ofcial missionary to Germany
in 1850. Norwegian seaman Ole Peter Petersen, after hearing
Methodists in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1845, preached to
Norwegians and Danes in America and Norway in 1849. The rst
congregation in Denmark was established by Christian Willerup
in 1856.
The Civil War to World War I, 1860-1913
Bitterness between northern and southern Methodists had
intensied in the years leading to Abraham Lincoln’s election in
1860 and then through the carnage of the Civil War. Each church
claimed divine sanction for its region and prayed fervently for
God’s will to be accomplished in victory for its side.
The Civil War devastated The Methodist Episcopal Church,
South. Its churches lay in ruins or were seriously damaged. Many
of its clergy were killed or wounded, and its educational, publish-
ing, and missionary programs were disrupted. African American
membership declined signicantly during and after the war. In
1870, the General Conference voted to transfer all remaining Afri-
can Americans to a new church. The Colored Methodist Episcopal
Church (now The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church) resulted.
The Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Protestants, United
Brethren, and Evangelicals also lost preachers and members but
did not suffer the same economic loss as southern Methodism.
The period from the Civil War to World War I saw growth
in membership for all branches of Methodism, Evangelicals, and
United Brethren. The value of church property increased dra-
matically, Sunday schools were strengthened through increased
training of teachers, and publishing houses maintained ambitious
programs to furnish members with literature. Higher educational
standards for the clergy were cultivated, and theological semi-
naries were founded. The period was also marked by theological
developments and controversies. The holiness movement, which
emphasized a Christian’s experience of entire sanctication,
together with the rise of liberal theology and the Social Gospel
Movement, were sources of conict.
Rural and poorer segments of the church, especially those
associated with the holiness movement, were skeptical of prestige
and afuence. A Methodist preacher, Benjamin Titus Roberts, had
formed the Free Methodist Church in 1860 to oppose worldliness,
especially the grand middle class churches in cities nanced by
renting pews. In 1895, the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
(now the Nazarene Church) was formed under the encourage-
ment of Phineas Bresee, a Methodist Episcopal preacher, presid-
ing elder, and delegate to the General Conferences of 1872 and
1892. The goal for the new denomination, founded in 1894, was
to have churches furnished to welcome the poor where holiness
was preached.
Two other issues that caused substantial debate in the
churches during this period were lay representation and the role
of women. Methodist Protestants had granted the laity represen-
tation from the time they organized in 1830. The clergy in The
Methodist Episcopal Church, The Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, The Evangelical Association, and the Church of the United
Brethren in Christ were much slower in permitting laity an ofcial
voice. It was not until 1932 that the last of these churches allowed
lay representation.
Even more contentious was the question of women’s ordina-
tion and eligibility for lay ofces and representation in the church.
Women had been ordained in holiness denominations as early as
the 1860s, and the United Brethren General Conference approved
ordination for women in 1889. However, The Methodist Episcopal
Church and The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, did not ordain
women until well after their reunion in 1939.
The Evangelical Asso-
ciation never ordained women. Lay representation for women was
also resisted. Women were not admitted as delegates to the Gen-
eral Conferences of The Methodist Protestant Church until 1892, the
United Brethren until 1893, The Methodist Episcopal Church until
1904, and The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, until 1922.
Mission work continued to rise on the agendas of the
churches. Women formed missionary societies beginning in 1869
to educate, recruit, and raise funds for these endeavors. Mission-
aries like Isabella Thoburn, Susan Bauernfeind, and Harriett Brit-
tan, and administrators like Bell Harris Bennett and Lucy Rider
Meyer, motivated thousands of church women to support home
and foreign missions.
Domestic mission programs sought to Christianize the city.
Home missionaries established schools for former slaves and their
children. In 1871, the southern Methodist church ordained Alejo
Hernandez, making him the rst Hispanic preacher ordained in
Methodism, although Benigno Cardenas had preached in Span-
ish in Santa Fe, New Mexico, as early as 1853. Signicant Meth-
odist ministries among Asian Americans were instituted during
this period, especially among Chinese and Japanese immigrants.
A Japanese layman, Kanichi Miyama, was ordained in California
in 1887.
1. The Methodist Episcopal Church ordained women as “local elders” start-
ing in 1924. However, The Methodist Church (1939) did not grant full clergy rights
to women until 1956.
Methodism continued to expand in Asia, Europe, Africa,
and Latin America. From 1870 to 1875 Methodist missionaries
embarked on revival campaigns in India south of the Ganges
River under the leadership of James M. Thoburn, and the famous
holiness evangelist William Taylor. These efforts gave birth to
the South India Conference in 1876. Thoburn also began work in
Southeast Asia when he opened mission work in Rangoon, Burma
(Myanmar), in 1879. In 1885, he led the establishment of Meth-
odist work in Singapore, which later expanded into the Malaya
Peninsular and Sarawak to become the Malaysia Annual Confer-
ence in 1902. The conference also sent the rst Methodist pastor
to Indonesia in 1905. Methodism reached the Philippines when
Thoburn organized work in Manila in 1899, which quickly grew
to become the Philippine Islands Annual Conference in 1908.
At the Methodist Episcopal General Conference of 1884, a
petition from the Liberia Conference was presented, asking for a
resident bishop in Africa. William Taylor was elected to the episco-
pacy as missionary bishop to Africa. Taylor went with two specic
assignments: overseeing Liberia and expanding missions on the
African continent. Between May 20 and September 10, 1885, the
Methodist Episcopal Church founded ve strategic points to start
their work in Angola. In 1886, the bishop and his party entered the
Lower Congo. Taylor also visited the king of Portugal in 1886 and
received permission to do mission work in Portuguese East Africa
(Mozambique). Taylor established self-supporting churches in
southern Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, in what is today Mozam-
bique, and in Zaire. In 1896, Joseph Crane Hartzell was elected
Bishop for Africa, and by 1897 the Methodist Episcopal Church
reached Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). During this period, annual confer-
ences other than those in the United States were organized region-
ally into what was termed central conferences.
The War Years of the Early 20
Century, 1914-1945
In the years prior to World War I, the Methodist Episcopal
Church demonstrated its concern for social issues by adopting a
Social Creed at its 1908 General Conference. Social problems were
also a spur in the movement toward ecumenism and interchurch
cooperation. Each of the denominations now included in The
United Methodist Church became active in the Federal Council
of Churches, the rst major ecumenical venture among Ameri-
can Protestants. There was also much sympathy in the churches
for negotiation and arbitration as an alternative to international
armed conict. Many church members and clergy openly pro-
fessed pacism. When the United Sates ofcially entered the war
in 1917, pacism faded as American patriotism was identied
with the war effort.
After the war, the churches returned their energies to social
change. One of their perennial concerns was temperance, and
they were quick to recognize it among their highest priorities.
They published and distributed large amounts of temperance lit-
erature. Members pledged that they would abstain from alcoholic
There was signicant theological ferment during this period.
Biblical fundamentalists and neo-orthodox theologians ques-
tioned liberal Protestant theology and accused it of undermin-
ing the very essence of the Christian message. Since each of these
theological parties—fundamentalist, neo-orthodox, and liberal—
was well represented among the forerunners of United Method-
ism, heated doctrinal disputes were present in these churches.
Despite internal theological strife, the churches continued
to cooperate with other denominations and acted to heal earlier
schisms. A division that had occurred in The Evangelical Associa-
tion in 1894 was repaired in 1922, when two factions united as The
Evangelical Church.
A numerically larger union took place among three Meth-
odist bodies—The Methodist Episcopal Church, The Methodist
Protestant Church, and The Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
Representatives of these churches began meeting in 1916 to forge
a plan of union. By the 1930s, their proposal included partition-
ing the united church into six administrative units called juris-
dictions. Five of these were geographical; the sixth, the Central
Jurisdiction, was racial, including African American churches and
annual conferences wherever they were geographically located in
the United States. African American Methodists and some others
were troubled by this prospect and opposed the plan. The major-
ity of Methodist Protestants favored the union, even though it
meant episcopal government, which they had not had since their
church was organized in 1830. Following overwhelming approv-
als at the General Conferences and annual conferences of the three
churches, they were united in April, 1939, into The Methodist
Church. At the time of its formation, the new church included 7.7
million members.
Conict in Europe was heating up again. Although Method-
ists, Evangelicals, and United Brethren each had published strong
statements condemning war and advocating peaceful reconcilia-
tion among the nations, once again the strength of their positions
was largely lost with American involvement in the hostilities of
World War II.
Quest for Unity, 1945-1968
As the war ended, the churches actively worked to secure
world peace and order. Many laity, pastors, bishops, and church
agencies supported the establishment of a world organization to
serve as a forum for the resolution of international social, eco-
nomic, and political problems. In April 1945, their labors contrib-
uted to the founding of the United Nations.
During this era, there were at least three other important mat-
ters that occupied the attention of the churches that now compose
United Methodism. First, they maintained their concern for ecu-
menism and church union. On November 16, 1946, in Johnstown,
Pennsylvania, The Evangelical Church and The United Brethren
Church were united into The Evangelical United Brethren Church
following twenty years of negotiation. At the time of union, the
new church included about 700,000 members.
The Methodist Church was also interested in closer ties with
other Methodist and Wesleyan bodies. In 1951, it participated in
the formation of the World Methodist Council, successor to the
Ecumenical Methodist Conferences that began in 1881. Method-
ists and the Evangelical United Brethren became active mem-
bers of the World Council of Churches, founded in 1948, and the
National Council of Churches, founded in 1950. The two churches
also cooperated with seven other Protestant denominations in
forming the Consultation of Church Union in 1960.
Second, the churches demonstrated growing uneasiness with
the problem of racism in both the nation and the church. Many
Methodists were especially disturbed by the manner in which
racial segregation was built into the fabric of their denominational
structure. The Central Jurisdiction was a constant reminder of
racial discrimination. Proposals to eliminate the Central Jurisdic-
tion were introduced at General Conferences from 1956 to 1966.
Finally, plans to abolish the Central Jurisdiction were agreed upon
with the contemplated union with the Evangelical United Breth-
ren in 1968, although a few African American annual conferences
continued for a short time thereafter.
Third, the churches debated women’s ordination. The issue
was critical in the creation of The Evangelical United Brethren
Church. The Evangelical Church had never ordained women.
The United Brethren had ordained women since 1889. In order
to facilitate the union of these two churches, the United Breth-
ren accepted the Evangelical practice, and women’s ordination
was stopped. Methodists debated the issue for several years after
their unication in 1939. The Methodist Church began ordain-
ing women in 1956. In that same year, women were granted full
clergy rights and could be elected as members in full connection
to an annual conference.
United Methodism as a World Church, 1968-
In 1968, The Evangelical United Brethren and The Methodist
Church united. Full clergy status for women was included in the
plan of union. Since then, an increasing number of women have
been admitted to the ordained ministry, appointed to the district
superintendency, elected to positions of denominational leader-
ship, and consecrated as bishops. In 1980, Marjorie Matthews was
the rst woman elected to the Church’s episcopacy.
When The United Methodist Church was created in 1968, it
had approximately 11 million members, making it one of the larg-
est Protestant churches in the world. Since then the church has
become increasingly aware of itself as a world church with mem-
bership and conferences in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United
States. While worldwide membership in The United Methodist
Church has grown since 1968, membership in Europe and the
United States has declined, offset by signicant growth in Africa
and Asia. In Africa, The United Methodist Church has expanded
episcopal areas to include East Africa, Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire,
East Congo, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and South Africa.
Changes in worship style, the rise of the charismatic move-
ment, the growth of nondenominationalism, and the emergence
of megachurches have all challenged the church as it entered its
third century. Most trying, The United Methodist Church has had
to negotiate cultural shifts with regard to gender and sexuality,
especially in the United States and Europe. Conicts over homo-
sexuality, marriage, and abortion have continued uninterrupted
nearly since the formation of the denomination. These debates
have opened up large domestic, international, and ecumenical
rifts over the church’s doctrine and discipline.
The United Methodist Church continues to represent the con-
uence of three streams of tradition: Methodism, the Church of
the United Brethren in Christ, and The Evangelical Association.
With other churches that are also members of the body of Christ,
it humbly and gratefully offers up its praise to God through Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit for creating and sustaining grace. It
seeks further grace as it ministers to the world.
Part I
The church is a community of all true believers under the
Lordship of Christ. It is the redeemed and redeeming fellowship
in which the Word of God is preached by persons divinely called,
and the sacraments are duly administered according to Christ’s
own appointment. Under the discipline of the Holy Spirit the
church seeks to provide for the maintenance of worship, the edi-
cation of believers, and the redemption of the world.
The church of Jesus Christ exists in and for the world, and its
very dividedness is a hindrance to its mission in that world.
The prayers and intentions of The United Methodist Church
and its predecessors, The Methodist Church and The Evangelical
United Brethren Church, have been and are for obedience to the
will of our Lord that his people be one, in humility for the present
brokenness of the Church and in gratitude that opportunities for
reunion have been given.
Therefore, The United Methodist Church has adopted and
amended the following Constitution.
1. Article I. Declaration of Union—The Evangelical United
Brethren Church and The Methodist Church have been united into
1. The Constitution was adopted in Chicago, Illinois, on Nov. 11, 1966, by the
General Conferences of The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Meth-
odist Church and thereafter by the requisite vote in the annual conferences of the
two churches. The Plan of Union was made effective by the Uniting Conference in
Dallas, Texas, on April 23, 1968. Preamble amended 2000.
one Church. The United Methodist Church, as thus constituted,
is, and shall be, the successor of the two uniting churches.
2. Article II. Name—The name of the Church shall be The
United Methodist Church. The name of the Church may be trans-
lated freely into languages other than English as the General Con-
ference may determine.
3. Article III. Articles of Religion and the Confession of Faith
The Articles of Religion and the Confession of Faith of The United
Methodist Church are those held by The Methodist Church and
The Evangelical United Brethren Church, respectively, at the time
of their uniting.
4. Article IV. Inclusiveness of the Church—The United Meth-
odist Church is a part of the church universal, which is one Body in
Christ. The United Methodist Church acknowledges that all per-
sons are of sacred worth. All persons without regard to race, color,
national origin, status,
or economic condition, shall be eligible to
attend its worship services, participate in its programs, receive
the sacraments, upon baptism be admitted as baptized members,
and upon taking vows declaring the Christian faith, become pro-
fessing members in any local church in the connection.
In The
United Methodist Church no conference or other organizational
unit of the Church shall be structured so as to exclude any mem-
ber or any constituent body of the Church because of race, color,
national origin, status or economic condition.
5. Article V. Racial Justice—The United Methodist Church
proclaims the value of each person as a unique child of God and
commits itself to the healing and wholeness of all persons. The
United Methodist Church recognizes that the sin of racism has
been destructive to its unity throughout its history. Racism con-
tinues to cause painful division and marginalization. The United
Methodist Church shall confront and seek to eliminate racism,
whether in organizations or in individuals, in every facet of its life
and in society at large. The United Methodist Church shall work
collaboratively with others to address concerns that threaten the
cause of racial justice at all times and in all places.
2. Amended 1984, 2000.
3. Amended 2000.
4. Amended 1992.
5. Amended 2000.
6. See Judicial Council Decisions 242, 246, 340, 351, 362, 377, 398, 594, 601, and
Decisions 4 and 5, Interim Judicial Council.
7. Amended 2000.
6. Article VI. Ecumenical Relations—As part of the church
universal, The United Methodist Church believes that the Lord of
the church is calling Christians everywhere to strive toward unity;
and therefore it will pray, seek, and work for unity at all levels
of church life: through world relationships with other Methodist
churches and united churches related to The Methodist Church
or The Evangelical United Brethren Church, through councils
of churches, and through plans of union and covenantal rela-
with churches of Methodist or other denominational
7. Article VII. Title to Properties—Titles to properties for-
merly held by
The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The
Methodist Church shall be held and administered in accordance
with the Book of Discipline.
Nothing in the Plan of Union at any
time after the union is to be construed so as to require any local
church or any other property owner of the former The Evangelical
United Brethren Church or the former The Methodist Church to
alienate or in any way change the title to property contained in its
deed or deeds at the time of union and lapse of time.
Section I. Conferences
8. Article I.—There shall be a General Conference for the
entire Church with such powers, duties, and privileges as are
hereinafter set forth.
9. Article II.—There shall be jurisdictional conferences for
the Church in the United States of America, with such powers,
duties, and privileges as are hereinafter set forth,
provided that
in The United Methodist Church there shall be no jurisdictional or
central conference based on any ground other than geographical
and regional division.
10. Article III.—There shall be central conferences for the
Church outside the United States of America and, if necessary,
provisional central conferences, all with such powers, duties, and
privileges as are hereinafter set forth.
8. Amended 1996.
9. Amended 2000.
10. Amended 1984.
11. See Judicial Council Decision 128.
11. Article IV.—There shall be annual conferences as the
fundamental bodies of the Church and, if necessary, provisional
annual conferences, with such powers, duties, and privileges as
are hereinafter set forth.
12. Article V.—There shall be a charge conference for each
church or charge with such powers, duties, and privileges as are
hereinafter set forth.
Section II. General Conference
13. Article I.—1. The General Conference shall be com-
posed of not less than 600 nor more than 1,000 delegates, one half
of whom shall be clergy and one half lay members, to be elected
by the annual conferences. The missionary conferences shall be
considered as annual conferences for the purpose of this article.
2. Delegates shall be elected in a fair and open process by the
annual conferences. Delegates may be elected by other autono-
mous Methodist churches if and when the General Conference
shall approve concordats with such other autonomous Methodist
churches for the mutual election and seating of delegates in each
other’s legislative conferences.
3. In the case of The Methodist Church in Great Britain,
mother church of Methodism, provision shall be made for The
United Methodist Church to send two delegates annually to the
British Methodist Conference, and The Methodist Church in
Great Britain to send four delegates quadrennially to The United
Methodist General Conference, the delegates of both conferences
having vote and being evenly divided between clergy and laity.
14. Article II.—The General Conference shall meet once in
four years at such time and in such place as shall be determined
by the General Conference or by its duly authorized committees.
The change in the preceding sentence shall become effective at the
close of General Conference in 2016.
A special session of the General Conference, possessing the
authority and exercising all the powers of the General Conference,
may be called by the Council of Bishops, or in such other manner
as the General Conference may from time to time prescribe, to
meet at such time and in such place as may be stated in the call.
12. See Judicial Council Decision 516.
13. Amended 1976.
14. See Judicial Council Decisions 435 and 592.
15. Amended 1996.
Such special session of the General Conference shall be composed
of the delegates to the preceding General Conference or their law-
ful successors, except that when a particular annual conference or
missionary conference
shall prefer to have a new election it may
do so.
The purpose of such special session shall be stated in the
call, and only such business shall be transacted as is in harmony
with the purpose stated in such call unless the General Confer-
ence by a two-thirds vote shall determine that other business may
be transacted.
15. Article III.—The General Conference shall x the ratio
of representation in the General, jurisdictional, and central confer-
ences from the annual conferences, missionary conferences,
the provisional annual conferences, computed on a two-factor
basis: (1) the number of clergy members of the annual conference
and the missionary conference,
and (2) the number of profess-
members in the annual conference and the missionary
provided that each annual conference, missionary
or provisional annual conference shall be entitled to
at least one clergy and one lay delegate in the General Conference
and also in the jurisdictional or central conference.
16. Article IV.—The General Conference shall have full leg-
islative power over all matters distinctively connectional, and in
the exercise of this power shall have authority as follows:
1. To dene and x the conditions, privileges, and duties of
Church membership, which shall in every case be without refer-
ence to race, gender, or status.
2. To dene and x the powers and duties of elders, deacons,
supply preachers, local preachers, exhorters, deaconesses, and
home missioners.
3. To dene and x the powers and duties of annual confer-
ences, provisional annual conferences, missionary conferences and
16. Amended 1976.
17. See Judicial Council Decisions 221, 226, 228, 238, 302.
18. See Judicial Council Decision 227.
19. Amended 1976.
20. Amended 1976.
21. Amended 2000.
22. Amended 1976.
23. Amended 1976.
24. See Judicial Council Decision 403.
25. See Judicial Council Decisions 96, 232, 236, 318, 325, 544.
26. See Judicial Council Decision 558.
27. See Judicial Council Decisions 58, 313.
missions, and of central conferences, district conferences, charge
conferences, and congregational meetings.
4. To provide for the organization, promotion, and adminis-
tration of the work of the Church outside the United States of
5. To dene and x the powers, duties, and privileges of
the episcopacy, to adopt a plan for the support of the bishops,
to provide a uniform rule for their retirement, and to provide
for the discontinuance of a bishop because of inefciency or
6. To provide and revise the hymnal and ritual of the Church
and to regulate all matters relating to the form and mode of wor-
ship, subject to the limitations of the rst and second Restrictive
7. To provide a judicial system and a method of judicial pro-
cedure for the Church, except as herein otherwise prescribed.
8. To initiate and to direct all connectional enterprises of
the Church and to provide boards for their promotion and
9. To determine and provide for raising and distributing
funds necessary to carry on the work of the Church.
10. To x a uniform basis upon which bishops shall be elected
by the jurisdictional conferences and to determine the number of
bishops that may be elected by central conferences.
11. To select its presiding ofcers from the bishops, through a
committee, provided that the bishops shall select from their own
number the presiding ofcer of the opening session.
12. To change the number and the boundaries of jurisdic-
tional conferences upon the consent of a majority of the annual
conferences in each jurisdictional conference involved.
13. To establish such commissions for the general work of the
Church as may be deemed advisable.
28. See Judicial Council Decision 411.
29. See Judicial Council Decision 182; amended 1976.
30. See Judicial Council Decisions 35, 114, 312, 365, 413.
31. See Judicial Council Decision 694.
32. See Judicial Council Decisions 214, 364, 411, 1210.
33. See Judicial Council Decisions 30, 1208.
34. See Judicial Council Decisions 598, 735.
35. See Judicial Council Decision 126.
36. See Judicial Council Decisions 55, 56, 215.
14. To secure the rights and privileges of membership in all
agencies, programs, and institutions in The United Methodist
Church regardless of race, gender, or status.
15. To allow the annual conferences to utilize structures
unique to their mission, other mandated structures notwith-
16. To enact such other legislation as may be necessary, sub-
ject to the limitations and restrictions of the Constitution of the
Section III. Restrictive Rules
17. Article I.—The General Conference shall not revoke,
alter, or change our Articles of Religion or establish any new stan-
dards or rules of doctrine contrary to our present existing and
established standards of doctrine.
18. Article II.—The General Conference shall not revoke,
alter, or change our Confession of Faith.
19. Article III.—The General Conference shall not change
or alter any part or rule of our government so as to do away
with episcopacy or destroy the plan of our itinerant general
20. Article IV.—The General Conference shall not do away
with the privileges of our clergy of right to trial by a committee
and of an appeal; neither shall it do away with the privileges of
our members of right to trial before the church, or by a committee,
and of an appeal.
21. Article V.—The General Conference shall not revoke or
change the General Rules of Our United Societies.
22. Article VI.—The General Conference shall not appro-
priate the net income of the publishing houses, the book concerns,
or the Chartered Fund to any purpose other than for the benet of
retired or disabled preachers, their spouses, widows, or widow-
ers, and children or other beneciaries of the ministerial pension
37. See Decisions 4, 5, Interim Judicial Council; Judicial Council Decisions
427, 433, 442, 451, 540, 558, 567, 588, 594, 601.
38. See Judicial Council Decision 825; amended 1996.
39. See Judicial Council Decisions 215, 1220.
40. See Judicial Council Decisions 86, 142, 243, 358, 847, 871.
41. See Judicial Council Decisions 351, 522, 557, 595, 982.
42. See Judicial Council Decisions 358, 468, 847, 871.
43. See Judicial Council Decisions 322, 330.
Section IV. Jurisdictional Conferences
23. Article I.—The jurisdictional conferences shall be com-
posed of as many representatives from the annual conferences
and missionary conferences
as shall be determined by a uniform
basis established by the General Conference, provided that no
jurisdictional conference shall have fewer than 100 delegates. The
missionary conferences shall be considered as annual conferences
for the purpose of this article.
24. Article II.—All jurisdictional conferences shall have the
same status and the same privileges of action within the limits
xed by the Constitution. The ratio of representation of the annual
conferences and missionary conferences
in the General Confer-
ence shall be the same for all jurisdictional conferences.
25. Article III.—The General Conferences shall x the basis
of representation in the jurisdictional conferences, provided that
the jurisdictional conferences shall be composed of an equal num-
ber of clergy and lay delegates to be elected by the annual con-
ferences, the missionary conferences
and the provisional annual
26. Article IV.—Each jurisdictional conference shall meet at
the time determined by the Council of Bishops or its delegated
committee, each jurisdictional conference convening on the same
date as the others and at a place selected by the jurisdictional
committee on entertainment, appointed by its College of Bishops
unless such a committee has been appointed by the preceding
jurisdictional conference.
27. Article V.—The jurisdictional conferences shall have
the following powers and duties and such others as may be con-
ferred by the General Conferences:
1. To promote the evangelistic, educational, missionary, and
benevolent interests of the Church and to provide for interests
and institutions within their boundaries.
2. To elect bishops and to cooperate in carrying out such
plans for their support as may be determined by the General
44. Amended 1976.
45. Amended 1976.
46. Amended 1976.
47. Amended 1976.
48. See Judicial Council Decision 67.
49. See Judicial Council Decision 1208.
3. To establish and constitute jurisdictional conference boards
as auxiliary to the general boards of the Church as the need may
appear and to choose their representatives on the general boards
in such manner as the General Conference may determine.
4. To determine the boundaries of their annual conferences,
provided that there shall be no annual conference with a member-
ship of fewer than fty clergy in full connection, except by the
consent of the General Conference.
5. To make rules and regulations for the administration of the
work of the Church within the jurisdiction, subject to such powers
as have been or shall be vested in the General Conference.
6. To appoint a committee on appeals to hear and determine
the appeal of a traveling preacher of that jurisdiction from the
decision of a trial committee.
Section V. Central Conferences
28. Article I.—There shall be central conferences for the
work of the Church outside the United States of America
such duties, powers, and privileges as are hereinafter set forth.
The number and boundaries of the central conferences shall be
determined by the Uniting Conference. Subsequently the Gen-
eral Conference shall have authority to change the number and
boundaries of central conferences. The central conferences shall
have the duties, powers, and privileges hereinafter set forth.
29. Article II.—The central conferences shall be composed
of as many delegates as shall be determined by a basis established
by the General Conference. The delegates shall be clergy and lay
in equal numbers.
30. Article III.—The central conferences shall meet within
the year succeeding the meeting of the General Conference at such
times and places as shall have been determined by the preceding
respective central conferences or by commissions appointed by
them or by the General Conference. The date and place of the rst
meeting succeeding the Uniting Conference shall be xed by the
bishops of the respective central conferences, or in such manner as
shall be determined by the General Conference.
50. See Judicial Council Decision 1208.
51. Amended 1976.
52. Amended 1992.
31. Article IV.—The central conferences shall have the fol-
lowing powers and duties and such others as may be conferred by
the General Conference:
1. To promote the evangelistic, educational, missionary,
social-concern, and benevolent interests and institutions of the
Church within their own boundaries.
2. To elect the bishops for the respective central conferences
in number as may be determined from time to time, upon a basis
xed by the General Conference, and to cooperate in carrying out
such plans for the support of their bishops as may be determined
by the General Conference.
3. To establish and constitute such central conference boards
as may be required and to elect their administrative ofcers.
4. To determine the boundaries of the annual conferences
within their respective areas.
5. To make such rules and regulations for the administra-
tion of the work within their boundaries including such changes
and adaptations of the General Discipline as the conditions in the
respective areas may require, subject to the powers that have been
or shall be vested in the General Conference.
6. To appoint a judicial court to determine legal questions
arising on the rules, regulations, and such revised, adapted, or
new sections of the central conference Discipline enacted by the
central conference.
7. To appoint a committee on appeals to hear and determine
the appeal of a traveling preacher of that central conference from
the decision of a committee on trial.
Section VI. Annual Conferences
32. Article I.—The annual conference shall be composed
of clergy and lay members. The clergy membership shall consist
of deacons and elders in full connection, provisional members,
associate members, and local pastors under appointment. The lay
membership shall consist of professing
lay members elected by
each charge, the diaconal ministers, the active deaconesses, and
home missioners under episcopal appointment within the bounds
53. See Judicial Council Decision 370.
54. See Judicial Council Decision 69.
55. See Judicial Council Decisions 142, 147, 313.
56. See Judicial Council Decision 595.
57. Amended 2000.
of the annual conference,
the conference president of United
Methodist Women, the conference president of United Methodist
Men, the conference lay leader, district lay leaders, the conference
director of Lay Servant Ministries, conference secretary of Global
Ministries (if lay), the president or equivalent ofcer of the con-
ference young adult organization, the president of the conference
youth organization, the chair of the annual conference college stu-
dent organization,
and one young person between the ages of
twelve (12) and seventeen (17) and one young person between
the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty (30)
from each district to be
selected in such a manner as may be determined by the annual
In the annual conferences of the central confer-
ences, the four-year participation and the two-year membership
requirements may be waived by the annual conference for young
persons under thirty (30)
years of age. Such persons must be
members of The United Methodist Church and active
participants at the time of election.
Each charge served by more
than one clergy shall be entitled to as many lay members as there
are clergy members. The lay members shall have been for the
two years next preceding their election members of The United
Methodist Church
and shall have been active participants in The
United Methodist Church for at least four years next preceding
their election.
If the lay membership should number less than the clergy
members of the annual conference, the annual conference shall, by
its own formula, provide for the election of additional lay members
to equalize lay and clergy membership of the annual conference.
33. Article II.—The annual conference is the basic body
in the Church and as such shall have reserved to it the right to
vote on all constitutional amendments, on the election of clergy
and lay delegates to the General and the jurisdictional or central
conferences, on all matters relating to the character and conference
58. Amended 1996.
59. Amended 1996.
60. Amended 2000.
61. Amended 1968, 1970, 1980, 1984.
62. Amended 2000.
63. Amended 2000.
64. Amended 1988.
65. Amended 1972, 1976.
66. Amended 1976.
67. See Judicial Council Decisions 24, 113, 129, 349, 378, 479, 495, 511, 553, 561,
1212; and Decision 7, Interim Judicial Council.
relations of its clergy members, and on the ordination of clergy
and such other rights as have not been delegated to the General
Conference under the Constitution, with the exception that the
lay members may not vote on matters of ordination, character,
and conference relations of clergy except that the lay members of
the conference board of ordained ministry and the committee on
investigation may vote on matters of ordination, character, and
conference relations of clergy, with the further exception that lay
members of the district committee on ordained ministry be full
participating members of the district committee on ordained min-
istry with vote.
It shall discharge such duties and exercise such
powers as the General Conference under the Constitution may
34. Article III.—The annual conference shall elect clergy
and lay delegates to the General Conference and to its jurisdic-
tional or central conference in the manner provided in this section,
Articles IV and V.
The persons rst elected up to the number
determined by the ratio for representation in the General Confer-
ence shall be representatives in that body. Additional delegates
shall be elected to complete the number determined by the ratio
for representation in the jurisdictional or central conference, who,
together with those rst elected as above, shall be delegates in the
jurisdictional or central conference. The additional delegates to
the jurisdictional or central conference shall in the order of their
election be the reserve delegates to the General Conference.
annual conference shall also elect reserve clergy and lay delegates
to the jurisdictional or central conference as it may deem desir-
able. These reserve clergy and lay delegates to the jurisdictional
or central conferences may act as reserve delegates to the General
Conference when it is evident that not enough reserve delegates
are in attendance at the General Conference.
35. Article IV.—The clergy delegates to the General Confer-
ence and to the jurisdictional or central conference shall be elected
the clergy members in full connection and shall be elected
by the clergy members of the annual conference or provisional
68. Amended 1996.
69. See Judicial Council Decisions 78, 79, 132, 405, 406, 524, 532, 534, 552, 584,
690, 742, 782, 862.
70. See Judicial Council Decisions 435, 592.
71. See Judicial Council Decision 352.
72. Amended 1992.
73. Amended 1996.
annual conference who are deacons and elders in full connection,
associate members, and those provisional members who have
completed all of their educational requirements and local pastors
who have completed course of study or an M. Div. degree and
have served a minimum of two consecutive years under appoint-
ment immediately preceding the election.
36. Article V.—The lay delegates to the General and juris-
dictional or central conferences shall be elected by the lay mem-
bers of the annual conference or provisional annual conference
without regard to age, provided such delegates
shall have been
members of The United Methodist Church for at least
two years next preceding their election, and shall have been active
participants in The United Methodist Church for at least four
years next preceding their election,
and are members thereof
within the annual conference electing them at the time of holding
the General and jurisdictional or central conferences.
Section VII. Boundaries
37. Article I.—The United Methodist Church shall have
jurisdictional conferences made up as follows:
Connecticut, Delaware, District
of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, the
Virgin Islands,
West Virginia.
Southeastern—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missis-
sippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia.
North Central—Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota,
North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin.
South Central—Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri,
Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.
Western—Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii,
Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyo-
ming and the territory of the United States in the Pacic region.
74. See Judicial Council Decision 1181. Amended 2008.
75. Amended 1972.
76. Amended 2000.
77. Amended 1976.
78. See Judicial Council Decisions 403, 887.
79. Amended 2008.
80. Amended 1980.
81. Amended 1980.
38. Article II.—The work of the Church outside the United
States of America
may be formed into central conferences, the
number and boundaries of which shall be determined by the
Uniting Conference, the General Conference having authority
subsequently to make changes in the number and boundaries.
39. Article III.—Changes in the number, names, and
boundaries of the jurisdictional conferences may be effected by the
General Conference upon the consent of a majority of the annual
conferences of each of the jurisdictional conferences involved.
40. Article IV.—The number, names, and boundaries of the
annual conferences and episcopal areas shall be determined by
the jurisdictional conferences in the United States of America
and by the central conferences outside the United States of Amer-
ica according to the provisions under the respective powers and
pursuant to the respective structures
of the jurisdictional and
the central conferences. The authority of jurisdictional and central
conferences provided herein is not circumscribed or limited by
the authority provided to the College of Bishops to arrange a plan
of episcopal supervision.
41. Article V. Transfer of Local Churches—1. A local church
may be transferred from one annual conference to another in
which it is geographically located upon approval by a two-thirds
vote of those present and voting in each of the following:
a) the charge conference;
b) the congregational meeting of the local church;
c) each of the two annual conferences involved.
The vote shall be certied by the secretaries of the specied
conferences or meetings to the bishops having supervision of the
annual conferences involved, and upon their announcement of
the required majorities the transfer shall immediately be effective.
2. The vote on approval of transfer shall be taken by each
annual conference at its rst session after the matter is submitted
to it.
3. Transfers under the provisions of this article shall not be
governed or restricted by other provisions of this Constitution
relating to changes of boundaries of conferences.
82. Amended 1972.
83. See Judicial Council Decisions 55, 56, 85, 215.
84. Amended 1992.
85. Amended 1992.
86. See Judicial Council Decision 1180.
Section VIII. District Conferences
42. Article I.—There may be organized in an annual confe-
rence, district conferences composed of such persons and invested
with such powers as the General Conference may determine.
Section IX. Charge Conferences
43. Article I.—There shall be organized in each charge a
charge conference composed of such persons and invested with
such powers as the General Conference shall provide.
44. Article II. Election of Church Ofcers—Unless the Gen-
eral Conference shall order otherwise, the ofcers of the church or
churches constituting a charge shall be elected by the charge con-
ference or by the professing
members of said church or churches
at a meeting called for that purpose, as may be arranged by the
charge conference, unless the election is otherwise required by
local church charters or state or provincial law.
45. Article I.—There shall be a continuance of an episco-
pacy in The United Methodist Church of like plan, powers, privi-
leges, and duties as now exist in The Methodist Church and in The
Evangelical United Brethren Church in all those matters in which
they agree and may be considered identical; and the differences
between these historic episcopacies are deemed to be reconciled
and harmonized by and in this Plan of Union and Constitution of
The United Methodist Church and actions taken pursuant thereto
so that a unied superintendency and episcopacy is hereby cre-
ated and established of, in, and by those who now are and shall
be bishops of The United Methodist Church; and the said episco-
pacy shall further have such powers, privileges, and duties as are
herein set forth.
46. Article II.—The bishops shall be elected by the respec-
tive jurisdictional and central conferences and consecrated in the
historic manner at such time and place as may be xed by the Gen-
eral Conference for those elected by the jurisdictions and by each
central conference for those elected by such central conference.
87. Amended 2000.
88. See Judicial Council Decisions 4, 114, 127, 363, 1208.
89. See Judicial Council Decisions 21, 127.
47. Article III.—There shall be a Council of Bishops com-
posed of all the bishops of The United Methodist Church. The
council shall meet at least once a year and plan for the general
oversight and promotion of the temporal and spiritual interests
of the entire Church and for carrying into effect the rules, regula-
tions, and responsibilities prescribed and enjoined by the General
Conference and in accord with the provisions set forth in this Plan
of Union.
48. Article IV.—The bishops of each jurisdictional and cen-
tral conference shall constitute a College of Bishops, and such Col-
lege of Bishops shall arrange the plan of episcopal supervision
of the annual conferences, missionary
conferences, and missions
within their respective territories.
49. Article V.—The bishops shall have residential and pres-
idential supervision in the jurisdictional or central conferences
in which they are elected or to which they are transferred. Bishops
may be transferred from one jurisdiction to another jurisdiction
for presidential and residential supervision under the following
conditions: (1) The transfer of bishops may be on either of two
bases: (a) a jurisdiction that receives a bishop by transfer from
another jurisdiction may transfer to that jurisdiction or to a third
jurisdiction one of its own bishops eligible for transfer, so that
the number transferred in by each jurisdiction shall be balanced
by the number transferred out; or (b) a jurisdiction may receive a
bishop from another jurisdiction and not transfer out a member
of its own College of Bishops. (2) No bishop shall be transferred
unless that bishop shall have specically consented. (3) No bishop
shall be eligible for transfer unless the bishop shall have served
one quadrennium in the jurisdiction that elected the bishop to the
episcopacy. (4) All such transfers shall require the approval by
a majority vote of the members present and voting of the juris-
dictional committees on episcopacy of the jurisdictions that are
After the above procedures have been followed, the
transferring bishop shall become a member of the receiving Col-
lege of Bishops and shall be subject to residential assignment by
that jurisdictional conference.
90. See Judicial Council Decision 424.
91. Amended 1976.
92. See Judicial Council Decisions 517, 735.
93. Amended 1980.
94. Amended 1992.
A bishop may be assigned by the Council of Bishops for presi-
dential service or other temporary service in another jurisdiction
than that which elected the bishop, provided that the request is
made by a majority of the bishops in the jurisdiction of the pro-
posed service.
In the case of an emergency in any jurisdiction or central con-
ference through the death or disability of a bishop or other cause,
the Council of Bishops may assign a bishop from another jurisdic-
tion or central conference to the work of the said jurisdiction or
central conference, with the consent of a majority of the bishops
of that jurisdiction or central conference.
50. Article VI.—The bishops, both active and retired, of
The Evangelical United Brethren Church and of The Methodist
Church at the time union is consummated shall be bishops of The
United Methodist Church.
The bishops of The Methodist Church elected by the juris-
dictions, the active bishops of The Evangelical United Brethren
Church at the time of union, and bishops elected by the jurisdic-
tions of The United Methodist Church shall have life tenure. Each
bishop elected by a central conference of The Methodist Church
shall have such tenure as the central conference electing him shall
have determined.
The jurisdictional conference shall elect a standing committee
on episcopacy to consist of one clergy and one lay delegate from
each annual conference, on nomination of the annual conference
delegation. The committee shall review the work of the bishops,
pass on their character and ofcial administration, and report to
the jurisdictional conference its ndings for such action as the
conference may deem appropriate within its constitutional war-
rant of power. The committee shall recommend the assignments
of the bishops to their respective residences for nal action by the
jurisdictional conference.
51. Article VII.—A bishop presiding over an annual, cen-
tral, or jurisdictional conference shall decide all questions of law
coming before the bishop in the regular business of a session,
provided that such questions be presented in writing and that the
decisions be recorded in the journal of the conference.
Such an episcopal decision shall not be authoritative except
for the pending case until it shall have been passed upon by the
95. See Judicial Council Decisions 4, 303, 361, 709.
96. See Judicial Council Decision 33.
Judicial Council. All decisions of law made by each bishop shall
be reported in writing annually, with a syllabus of the same, to
the Judicial Council, which shall afrm, modify, or reverse them.
52. Article VIII.—The bishops of the several jurisdictional
and central conferences shall preside in the sessions of their
respective conferences.
53. Article IX.—In each annual conference there shall be
one or more district superintendents who shall assist the bishop
in the administration of the annual conference and shall have
such responsibilities and term of ofce as the General Conference
may determine.
54. Article X.—The bishops shall appoint, after consulta-
tion with the district superintendents, ministers to the charges;
and they shall have such responsibilities and authorities as the
General Conference shall prescribe.
55. Article I.—There shall be a Judicial Council. The Gen-
eral Conference shall determine the number and qualications of
its members, their terms of ofce, and the method of election and
the lling of vacancies.
56. Article II.—The Judicial Council shall have authority:
1. To determine the constitutionality of any act of the General
Conference upon an appeal of a majority of the Council of Bish-
ops or one-fth of the members of the General Conference and
to determine the constitutionality of any act of a jurisdictional or
central conference upon an appeal of a majority of the bishops of
that jurisdictional or central conference or upon the appeal of one-
fth of the members of that jurisdictional or central conference.
2. To hear and determine any appeal from a bishop’s decision
on a question of law made in the annual conference when said
appeal has been made by one-fth of that conference present and
3. To pass upon decisions of law made by bishops in annual
4. To hear and determine the legality of any action taken
therein by any General Conference board or jurisdictional or central
97. See Judicial Council Decision 763.
98. See Judicial Council Decisions 395, 1194, 1195, 1196.
99. See Judicial Council Decisions 368, 398.
100. See Judicial Council Decision 1307.
conference board or body, upon appeal by one-third of the mem-
bers thereof, or upon request of the Council of Bishops or a major-
ity of the bishops of a jurisdictional or a central conference.
5. To have such other duties and powers as may be conferred
upon it by the General Conference.
6. To provide its own methods of organization and procedure.
57. Article III.—All decisions of the Judicial Council shall
be nal. When the Judicial Council shall declare unconstitutional
any act of the General Conference then in session, that decision
shall be reported back to that General Conference immediately.
58. Article IV.—The General Conference shall establish for
the Church a judicial system that shall guarantee to our clergy
a right to trial by a committee and an appeal, and to our mem-
bers a right to trial before the Church, or by a committee, and an
59. Article I.—Amendments to the Constitution shall be
made upon a two-thirds majority of the General Conference pres-
ent and voting and a two-thirds afrmative vote of the aggregate
number of members of the several annual conferences present
and voting, except in the case of the rst and second Restrictive
Rules, which shall require a three-fourths majority of all the mem-
bers of the annual conferences present and voting. The vote, after
being completed, shall be canvassed by the Council of Bishops,
and the amendment voted upon shall become effective upon their
announcement of its having received the required majority.
In the event that the General Conference adopts an amend-
ment to the Constitution, the General Conference may immedi-
ately adopt enabling legislation for such amendment which shall
be contingent on ratication of the amendment by the required
two-thirds afrmative vote of the aggregate number of mem-
bers of the several annual conferences present and voting, and
effective once the Council of Bishops, operating as a canvasser
of votes, announces that the amendment has been passed. In the
same manner, an annual conference may approve legislation in
anticipation of such a change in the Discipline and/or Constitution
101. See Judicial Council Decision 522.
102. See Judicial Council Decisions 154, 243, 244, 349, 483, 884, 961; amended
that would likewise become effective upon the effective date of
said disciplinary change or Constitutional Amendment.
60. Article II.—Amendments to the Constitution may orig-
inate in either the General Conference or the annual conferences.
61. Article III.—A jurisdictional or central conference
may by a majority vote propose changes in the Constitution of
the Church, and such proposed changes shall be submitted to the
next General Conference. If the General Conference adopts the
measure by a two-thirds vote, it shall be submitted to the annual
conferences according to the provision for amendments.
103. Amended 1980.
Part II
101. The General Book of Discipline reects our Wesleyan way
of serving Christ through doctrine and disciplined Christian life.
We are a worldwide denomination united by doctrine, discipline,
and mission through our connectional covenant. The General Book
of Discipline expresses that unity. Each central conference may
make changes and adaptations to the General Book of Discipline to
more fruitfully accomplish our mission in various contexts. How-
ever, some portions of the General Book of Discipline are not subject
to adaptation. The following parts and paragraphs are not subject
to change or adaptation except by action of the General Confer-
ence. The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters has
primary responsibility for proposing to General Conference revi-
sions to this paragraph.
Parts I -V
I. Constitution ¶¶ 1-61
II. General Book of Discipline 101
III. Doctrinal Standards and Our Theological Task ¶¶ 102-
IV. The Ministry of All Christians ¶¶ 120-143
V. Social Principles Preface, Preamble, and ¶¶ 160-166
The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters, in
consultation with the Committee on Faith and Order, will bring
legislation to the 2020 General Conference to change the struc-
ture of the General Book of Discipline to include a Part VI, General
Organization and Administration not subject to change or adapta-
tion by central conferences, and a Part VII, Additional Organization
and Administration, adaptable by central conferences according to
31.5. The content of Part VI of the 2016 Book of Discipline will be
included in either Part VI or Part VII of the General Book of Dis-
cipline. For the work on Part VI, Chapter 2 (The Ministry of the
Ordained) and Chapter 3 (The Superintendency) of the 2016 Book
of Discipline, the Standing Committee on Central Conference Mat-
ters will work in consultation with the Commission for the Study
of Ministry, and for Part VI, Chapter 5 (Administrative Order) of
the 2016 Book of Discipline, the Standing Committee on Central
Conference Matters will work in consultation with the Connec-
tional Table.
The Commission on the General Conference is directed to set
aside adequate time in the rst three days of the 2020 General
Conference for plenary consideration and action on Part VI, Gen-
eral Administration and Organization, submitted by the Standing
Committee on Central Conference Matters. Subsequent changes
to Part VI shall be reviewed by the Standing Committee on Cen-
tral Conference Matters for submission to General Conference.
1. See Judicial Council Decision 1272.
Part III
United Methodists profess the historic Christian faith in God,
incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation and ever at work in
human history in the Holy Spirit. Living in a covenant of grace
under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we participate in the rst
fruits of God’s coming reign and pray in hope for its full realiza-
tion on earth as in heaven.
Our heritage in doctrine and our present theological task focus
upon a renewed grasp of the sovereignty of God and of God’s
love in Christ amid the continuing crises of human existence.
Our forebears in the faith reafrmed the ancient Christian
message as found in the apostolic witness even as they applied it
anew in their own circumstances.
Their preaching and teaching were grounded in Scripture,
informed by Christian tradition, enlivened in experience, and
tested by reason.
Their labors inspire and inform our attempts to convey the
saving gospel to our world with its needs and aspirations.
Our Common Heritage as Christians
United Methodists share a common heritage with Christians
of every age and nation. This heritage is grounded in the apostolic
1. The Judicial Council ruled in 1972 that all sections of Part III except 104
were “legislative enactments and neither part of the Constitution nor under the
Restrictive Rules” (see Judicial Council Decision 358).
witness to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, which is the source
and measure of all valid Christian teaching.
Faced with diverse interpretations of the apostolic message,
leaders of the early church sought to specify the core of Christian
belief in order to ensure the soundness of Christian teaching.
The determination of the canon of Christian Scripture and
the adoption of ecumenical creeds such as the formulations of
Nicaea and Chalcedon were of central importance to this con-
sensual process. Such creeds helped preserve the integrity of the
church’s witness, set boundaries for acceptable Christian doc-
trine, and proclaimed the basic elements of the enduring Chris-
tian message. These statements of faith, along with the Apostles’
Creed, contain the most prominent features of our ecumenical
The Protestant reformers of the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries devised new confessional statements that reiterated
classical Christian teaching in an attempt to recover the authentic
biblical witness. These documents afrmed the primacy of Scrip-
ture and provided formal doctrinal standards through their state-
ments of essential beliefs on matters such as the way of salvation,
the Christian life, and the nature of the church.
Many distinctively Protestant teachings were transmitted into
United Methodist understandings through doctrinal formulations
such as the Articles of Religion of the Church of England and the
Heidelberg Catechism of the Reformed tradition.
Various doctrinal statements in the form of creeds, confessions
of belief, and articles of faith were ofcially adopted by churches
as standards of Christian teaching. Notwithstanding their impor-
tance, these formal doctrinal standards by no means exhausted
authoritative Christian teaching.
The standards themselves initially emerged from a much
wider body of Christian thought and practice, and their fuller sig-
nicance unfolded in the writings of the church’s teachers. Some
writings have proved simply to be dated benchmarks in the story
of the church’s continuing maturation.
By contrast, some sermons, treatises, liturgies, and hymns have
gained considerable practical authority in the life and thought of
the church by virtue of their wide and continuing acceptance as
faithful expositions of Christian teaching. Nonetheless, the basic
measure of authenticity in doctrinal standards, whether formally
established or received by tradition, has been their delity to the
apostolic faith grounded in Scripture and evidenced in the life of
the church through the centuries.
Basic Christian Afrmations
With Christians of other communions we confess belief in
the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This confession
embraces the biblical witness to God’s activity in creation, encom-
passes God’s gracious self-involvement in the dramas of history,
and anticipates the consummation of God’s reign.
The created order is designed for the well-being of all crea-
tures and as the place of human dwelling in covenant with God. As
sinful creatures, however, we have broken that covenant, become
estranged from God, wounded ourselves and one another, and
wreaked havoc throughout the natural order. We stand in need of
We hold in common with all Christians a faith in the mys-
tery of salvation in and through Jesus Christ. At the heart of
the gospel of salvation is God’s incarnation in Jesus of Nazareth.
Scripture witnesses to the redeeming love of God in Jesus’ life and
teachings, his atoning death, his resurrection, his sovereign pres-
ence in history, his triumph over the powers of evil and death, and
his promised return. Because God truly loves us in spite of our
willful sin, God judges us, summons us to repentance, pardons
us, receives us by that grace given to us in Jesus Christ, and gives
us hope of life eternal.
We share the Christian belief that God’s redemptive love is
realized in human life by the activity of the Holy Spirit, both
in personal experience and in the community of believers. This
community is the church, which the Spirit has brought into exis-
tence for the healing of the nations.
Through faith in Jesus Christ we are forgiven, reconciled to
God, and transformed as people of the new covenant.
“Life in the Spirit” involves diligent use of the means of grace
such as praying, fasting, attending upon the sacraments, and
inward searching in solitude. It also encompasses the communal
life of the church in worship, mission, evangelism, service, and
social witness.
We understand ourselves to be part of Christ’s universal
church when by adoration, proclamation, and service we become
conformed to Christ. We are initiated and incorporated into this
community of faith by baptism, receiving the promise of the Spirit
that re-creates and transforms us. Through the regular celebration
of Holy Communion, we participate in the risen presence of Jesus
Christ and are thereby nourished for faithful discipleship.
We pray and work for the coming of God’s realm and reign to
the world and rejoice in the promise of everlasting life that over-
comes death and the forces of evil.
With other Christians we recognize that the reign of God is
both a present and future reality. The church is called to be that
place where the rst signs of the reign of God are identied and
acknowledged in the world. Wherever persons are being made
new creatures in Christ, wherever the insights and resources of
the gospel are brought to bear on the life of the world, God’s reign
is already effective in its healing and renewing power.
We also look to the end time in which God’s work will be
fullled. This prospect gives us hope in our present actions as
individuals and as the Church. This expectation saves us from
resignation and motivates our continuing witness and service.
We share with many Christian communions a recognition
of the authority of Scripture in matters of faith, the confession
that our justication as sinners is by grace through faith, and
the sober realization that the church is in need of continual ref-
ormation and renewal.
We afrm the general ministry of all baptized Christians who
share responsibility for building up the church and reaching out
in mission and service to the world.
With other Christians, we declare the essential oneness of
the church in Christ Jesus. This rich heritage of shared Christian
belief nds expression in our hymnody and liturgies. Our unity
is afrmed in the historic creeds as we confess one holy, catholic,
and apostolic church. It is also experienced in joint ventures of
ministry and in various forms of ecumenical cooperation.
Nourished by common roots of this shared Christian heritage,
the branches of Christ’s church have developed diverse traditions
that enlarge our store of shared understandings. Our avowed ecu-
menical commitment as United Methodists is to gather our own
doctrinal emphases into the larger Christian unity, there to be
made more meaningful in a richer whole.
If we are to offer our best gifts to the common Christian trea-
sury, we must make a deliberate effort as a church to strive for crit-
ical self-understanding. It is as Christians involved in ecumenical
partnership that we embrace and examine our distinctive heritage.
Our Distinctive Heritage as United Methodists
The underlying energy of the Wesleyan theological heritage
stems from an emphasis upon practical divinity, the implementa-
tion of genuine Christianity in the lives of believers.
Methodism did not arise in response to a specic doctrinal
dispute, though there was no lack of theological controversy.
Early Methodists claimed to preach the scriptural doctrines of the
Church of England as contained in the Articles of Religion, the
Homilies, and the Book of Common Prayer.
Their task was not to reformulate doctrine. Their tasks were
to summon people to experience the justifying and sanctifying
grace of God and encourage people to grow in the knowledge
and love of God through the personal and corporate disciplines
of the Christian life.
The thrust of the Wesleyan movement and of the United
Brethren and Evangelical Association was “to reform the nation,
particularly the Church, and to spread scriptural holiness over the
Wesley’s orientation toward the practical is evident in his
focus upon the “scripture way of salvation.” He considered doc-
trinal matters primarily in terms of their signicance for Christian
The Wesleyan emphasis upon the Christian life—faith and
love put into practice—has been the hallmark of those traditions
now incorporated into The United Methodist Church. The dis-
tinctive shape of the Wesleyan theological heritage can be seen
in a constellation of doctrinal emphases that display the creating,
redeeming, and sanctifying activity of God.
Distinctive Wesleyan Emphases
Although Wesley shared with many other Christians a belief
in grace, justication, assurance, and sanctication, he combined
them in a powerful manner to create distinctive emphases for liv-
ing the full Christian life. The Evangelical United Brethren tradi-
tion, particularly as expressed by Phillip William Otterbein from a
Reformed background, gave similar distinctive emphases.
Grace pervades our understanding of Christian faith and life.
By grace we mean the undeserved, unmerited, and loving action
of God in human existence through the ever-present Holy Spirit.
While the grace of God is undivided, it precedes salvation as “pre-
venient grace,” continues in “justifying grace,” and is brought to
fruition in “sanctifying grace.”
We assert that God’s grace is manifest in all creation even
though suffering, violence, and evil are everywhere present. The
goodness of creation is fullled in human beings, who are called
to covenant partnership with God. God has endowed us with dig-
nity and freedom and has summoned us to responsibility for our
lives and the life of the world.
In God’s self-revelation, Jesus Christ, we see the splendor of
our true humanity. Even our sin, with its destructive consequences
for all creation, does not alter God’s intention for us—holiness
and happiness of heart. Nor does it diminish our accountability
for the way we live.
Despite our brokenness, we remain creatures brought into
being by a just and merciful God. The restoration of God’s image
in our lives requires divine grace to renew our fallen nature.
Prevenient Grace—We acknowledge God’s prevenient grace,
the divine love that surrounds all humanity and precedes any and
all of our conscious impulses. This grace prompts our rst wish to
please God, our rst glimmer of understanding concerning God’s
will, and our “rst slight transient conviction” of having sinned
against God.
God’s grace also awakens in us an earnest longing for deliv-
erance from sin and death and moves us toward repentance and
Justication and Assurance—We believe God reaches out to
the repentant believer in justifying grace with accepting and par-
doning love. Wesleyan theology stresses that a decisive change
in the human heart can and does occur under the prompting of
grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In justication we are, through faith, forgiven our sin and
restored to God’s favor. This righting of relationships by God
through Christ calls forth our faith and trust as we experience
regeneration, by which we are made new creatures in Christ.
This process of justication and new birth is often referred
to as conversion. Such a change may be sudden and dramatic, or
gradual and cumulative. It marks a new beginning, yet it is part of
an ongoing process. Christian experience as personal transforma-
tion always expresses itself as faith working by love.
Our Wesleyan theology also embraces the scriptural promise
that we can expect to receive assurance of our present salvation
as the Spirit “bears witness with our spirit that we are children
of God.”
Sanctication and Perfection—We hold that the wonder of
God’s acceptance and pardon does not end God’s saving work,
which continues to nurture our growth in grace. Through the
power of the Holy Spirit, we are enabled to increase in the knowl-
edge and love of God and in love for our neighbor.
New birth is the rst step in this process of sanctication.
Sanctifying grace draws us toward the gift of Christian perfec-
tion, which Wesley described as a heart “habitually lled with the
love of God and neighbor” and as “having the mind of Christ and
walking as he walked.”
This gracious gift of God’s power and love, the hope and
expectation of the faithful, is neither warranted by our efforts nor
limited by our frailties.
Faith and Good Works—We see God’s grace and human
activity working together in the relationship of faith and good
works. God’s grace calls forth human response and discipline.
Faith is the only response essential for salvation. However,
the General Rules remind us that salvation evidences itself in
good works. For Wesley, even repentance should be accompanied
by “fruits meet for repentance,” or works of piety and mercy.
Both faith and good works belong within an all-encompass-
ing theology of grace, since they stem from God’s gracious love
“shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.”
Mission and Service—We insist that personal salvation
always involves Christian mission and service to the world. By
joining heart and hand, we assert that personal religion, evangeli-
cal witness, and Christian social action are reciprocal and mutu-
ally reinforcing.
Scriptural holiness entails more than personal piety; love of
God is always linked with love of neighbor, a passion for justice
and renewal in the life of the world.
The General Rules represent one traditional expression of
the intrinsic relationship between Christian life and thought as
understood within the Wesleyan tradition. Theology is the ser-
vant of piety, which in turn is the ground of social conscience and
the impetus for social action and global interaction, always in the
empowering context of the reign of God.
Nurture and Mission of the Church—Finally, we emphasize
the nurturing and serving function of Christian fellowship in the
Church. The personal experience of faith is nourished by the wor-
shiping community.
For Wesley there is no religion but social religion, no holiness
but social holiness. The communal forms of faith in the Wesleyan
tradition not only promote personal growth; they also equip and
mobilize us for mission and service to the world.
The outreach of the church springs from the working of the
Spirit. As United Methodists, we respond to that working through
a connectional polity based upon mutual responsiveness and
accountability. Connectional ties bind us together in faith and ser-
vice in our global witness, enabling faith to become active in love
and intensifying our desire for peace and justice in the world.
Doctrine and Discipline in the Christian Life
No motif in the Wesleyan tradition has been more constant
than the link between Christian doctrine and Christian liv-
ing. Methodists have always been strictly enjoined to maintain
the unity of faith and good works through the means of grace,
as seen in John Wesley’s Nature, Design, and General Rules of the
United Societies (1743). The coherence of faith with ministries of
love forms the discipline of Wesleyan spirituality and Christian
The General Rules were originally designed for members of
Methodist societies who participated in the sacramental life of the
Church of England. The terms of membership in these societies
were simple: “a desire to ee from the wrath to come and to be
saved from their sins.”
Wesley insisted, however, that evangelical faith should mani-
fest itself in evangelical living. He spelled out this expectation in
the three-part formula of the Rules:
“It is therefore expected of all who continue therein that they
should continue to evidence their desire of salvation,
“First: By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind . . . ;
“Secondly: By . . . doing good of every possible sort, and, as
far as possible, to all . . . ;
“Thirdly: By attending upon all the ordinances of God” (see
Wesley’s illustrative cases under each of these three rules
show how the Christian conscience might move from general
principles to specic actions. Their explicit combination high-
lights the spiritual spring of moral action.
Wesley rejected undue reliance upon these rules. Discipline
was not church law; it was a way of discipleship. Wesley insisted
that true religion is “the knowledge of God in Christ Jesus,” “the
life which is hid with Christ in God,” and “the righteousness that
[the true believer] thirsts after.”
General Rules and Social Principles
Upon such evangelical premises, Methodists in every age
have sought to exercise their responsibility for the moral and
spiritual quality of society. In asserting the connection between
doctrine and ethics, the General Rules provide an early signal of
Methodist social consciousness.
The Social Principles (¶¶ 160-166) provide our most recent
ofcial summary of stated convictions that seek to apply the
Christian vision of righteousness to social, economic, and political
issues. Our historic opposition to evils such as smuggling, inhu-
mane prison conditions, slavery, drunkenness, and child labor
was founded upon a vivid sense of God’s wrath against human
injustice and wastage.
Our struggles for human dignity and social reform have
been a response to God’s demand for love, mercy, and justice
in the light of the Kingdom. We proclaim no personal gospel that
fails to express itself in relevant social concerns; we proclaim no
social gospel that does not include the personal transformation of
It is our conviction that the good news of the Kingdom must
judge, redeem, and reform the sinful social structures of our time.
The Book of Discipline and the General Rules convey the expec-
tation of discipline within the experience of individuals and the
life of the Church. Such discipline assumes accountability to the
community of faith by those who claim that community’s support.
Support without accountability promotes moral weakness;
accountability without support is a form of cruelty.
A church that rushes to punishment is not open to God’s
mercy, but a church lacking the courage to act decisively on per-
sonal and social issues loses its claim to moral authority. The
church exercises its discipline as a community through which
God continues to “reconcile the world to himself.”
These distinctive emphases of United Methodists provide
the basis for “practical divinity,” the experiential realization of
the gospel of Jesus Christ in the lives of Christian people. These
emphases have been preserved not so much through formal doc-
trinal declarations as through the vital movement of faith and
practice as seen in converted lives and within the disciplined life
of the Church.
Devising formal denitions of doctrine has been less press-
ing for United Methodists than summoning people to faith and
nurturing them in the knowledge and love of God. The core of
Wesleyan doctrine that informed our past rightly belongs to our
common heritage as Christians and remains a prime component
within our continuing theological task.
The pioneers in the traditions that owed together into The
United Methodist Church understood themselves as standing in
the central stream of Christian spirituality and doctrine, loyal heirs
of the authentic Christian tradition. In John Wesley’s words, theirs
was “the old religion, the religion of the Bible, the religion . . . of the
whole church in the purest ages.” Their gospel was grounded in the
biblical message of God’s self-giving love revealed in Jesus Christ.
Wesley’s portrayal of the spiritual pilgrimage in terms of “the
scripture way of salvation” provided their model for experien-
tial Christianity. They assumed and insisted upon the integrity of
basic Christian truth and emphasized its practical application in
the lives of believers.
This perspective is apparent in the Wesleyan understanding
of “catholic spirit.” While it is true that United Methodists are
xed upon certain religious afrmations, grounded in the gospel
and conrmed in their experience, they also recognize the right
of Christians to disagree on matters such as forms of worship,
structures of church government, modes of baptism, or theologi-
cal explorations. They believe such differences do not break the
bond of fellowship that ties Christians together in Jesus Christ.
Wesley’s familiar dictum was, “As to all opinions which do not
strike at the root of Christianity, we think and let think.”
But, even as they were fully committed to the principles of
religious toleration and theological diversity, they were equally
condent that there is a “marrow” of Christian truth that can be
identied and that must be conserved. This living core, as they
believed, stands revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition,
vivied in personal and corporate experience, and conrmed by
reason. They were very much aware, of course, that God’s eternal
Word never has been, nor can be, exhaustively expressed in any
single form of words.
They were also prepared, as a matter of course, to reafrm the
ancient creeds and confessions as valid summaries of Christian
truth. But they were careful not to set them apart as absolute stan-
dards for doctrinal truth and error.
Beyond the essentials of vital religion, United Methodists
respect the diversity of opinions held by conscientious persons
of faith. Wesley followed a time-tested approach: “In essentials,
unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity.”
The spirit of charity takes into consideration the limits of
human understanding. “To be ignorant of many things and to be
mistaken in some,” Wesley observed, “is the necessary condition
of humanity.” The crucial matter in religion is steadfast love for
God and neighbor, empowered by the redeeming and sanctifying
work of the Holy Spirit.
The Wesleyan “Standards” in Great Britain
In this spirit, the British Methodists under the Wesleys never
reduced their theology to a confessional formula as a doctrinal
test. Methodism was a movement within the Church of England,
and John Wesley constantly maintained that he taught the scrip-
tural doctrines contained in the Thirty-Nine Articles, the Homi-
lies, and the Book of Common Prayer of his national church. The
Bible, of course, constituted for him the nal authority in all doc-
trinal matters.
As the movement grew, Wesley provided his people with
published sermons and a Bible commentary for their doctrinal
instruction. His Sermons on Several Occasions (1746-60) set forth
those doctrines which, he said, “I embrace and teach as the essen-
tials of true religion.” In 1755, he published Explanatory Notes
Upon the New Testament as a guide for Methodist biblical exegesis
and doctrinal interpretation.
As occasional controversies arose, the need for a standard
measure of Methodist preaching became evident. In 1763, Wesley
produced a “Model Deed” for Methodist properties, which stipu-
lated that the trustees for each preaching house were responsible
for ensuring that the preachers in their pulpits “preach no other
doctrine than is contained in Mr. Wesley’s Notes Upon the New Tes-
tament and four volumes of Sermons.”
These writings, then, contained the standard exposition of
Methodist teaching. They provide a model and measure for ade-
quate preaching in the Wesleyan tradition. The primary norm for
Wesley’s writings was Scripture, as illumined by historic tradi-
tions and vital faith. Wesley put forth no summary of biblical rev-
elation for the British Methodists because the Thirty-Nine Articles
of the Church of England were already available.
The Wesley brothers also composed hymns that were rich in
doctrinal and experiential content. The hymns, especially those of
Charles Wesley, not only are among the best-loved within Meth-
odism but also are major resources for doctrinal instruction.
Furthermore, John Wesley specied various disciplines and
rules, such as the General Rules, to implement in personal and
communal life the practical divinity he proclaimed.
In addition to these writings, Wesley established the con-
ference to instruct and supervise the Methodist preachers. He
produced Minutes to ensure their delity to the doctrines and
disciplines of the Methodist movement. These writings and struc-
tures lled out the Wesleyan understanding of the church and the
Christian life.
Doctrinal Standards in American Methodism
As long as the American colonies were primarily under Brit-
ish control, the Methodists could continue as part of the sacramen-
tal community of the Church of England. The early conferences,
under the leadership of British preachers, declared their alle-
giance to the Wesleyan principles of organization and doctrine.
They stipulated that the Minutes of the British and American con-
ferences, along with the Sermons and Notes of Wesley, contained
their basic doctrine and discipline.
After the formal recognition of American independence in
1783, Wesley realized that the Methodists in America were free of
English control, religious as well as civil, and should become an
independent Methodist church. Wesley then furnished the Ameri-
can Methodists with a liturgy (The Sunday Service of the Methodists
in North America) and a doctrinal statement (The Articles of Reli-
gion). The Sunday Service was Wesley’s abridgment of the Book of
Common Prayer; the Articles of Religion were his revision of the
Thirty-Nine Articles.
The American Methodist preachers, gathered at Baltimore
in December 1784, adopted the Sunday Service and the Articles
of Religion as part of their actions in forming the new Method-
ist Episcopal Church. This “Christmas Conference” also accepted
a hymnbook that Wesley had prepared (1784) and adopted a
slightly modied version of the General Rules as a statement of
the Church’s nature and discipline. The conference spent most of
its time adapting the British “Large Minutes” to American condi-
tions. Subsequent editions of this document came to be known as
the Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church (the
Book of Discipline).
The shift from “movement” to “church” had changed the
function of doctrinal norms within American Methodism. Rather
than prescribing doctrinal emphases for preaching within a move-
ment, the Articles outlined basic norms for Christian belief within
a church, following the traditional Anglican fashion.
The preface to the rst separate publication of the Articles
states, “These are the doctrines taught among the people called
Methodists. Nor is there any doctrine whatever, generally received
among that people, contrary to the articles now before you.”
American Methodists were not required to subscribe to the
Articles after the Anglican manner, but they were accountable
(under threat of trial) for keeping their proclamation of the gos-
pel within the boundaries outlined therein. For generations, the
Doctrines and Discipline cited only the Articles as the basis for test-
ing correct doctrine in the newly formed church: The charge of
doctrinal irregularity against preachers or members was for “dis-
seminating doctrines contrary to our Articles of Religion.” In this
manner, the church protected its doctrinal integrity against the
heresies that were prevalent at the time—Socinianism, Arianism,
and Pelagianism (see Articles I, II, and IX).
The Articles of Religion, however, did not guarantee adequate
Methodist preaching; they lacked several Wesleyan emphases,
such as assurance and Christian perfection. Wesley’s Sermons and
Notes, therefore, continued to function as the traditional standard
exposition of distinctive Methodist teaching.
The General Conference of 1808, which provided the rst Con-
stitution of The Methodist Episcopal Church, established the Arti-
cles of Religion as the Church’s explicit doctrinal standards. The
rst Restrictive Rule of the Constitution prohibited any change,
alteration, or addition to the Articles themselves, and it stipulated
that no new standards or rules of doctrine could be adopted that
were contrary to the “present existing and established standards
of doctrine.”
Within the Wesleyan tradition, then as now, the Sermons and
Notes furnished models of doctrinal exposition. Other documents
have also served American Methodism as vital expressions of
Methodist teaching and preaching. Lists of recommended doctri-
nal resources vary from generation to generation but generally
acknowledge the importance of the hymnbook, the ecumeni-
cal creeds, and the General Rules. Lists of such writings in the
early nineteenth century usually included John Fletcher’s Checks
Against Antinomianism and Richard Watson’s Theological Institutes.
The doctrinal emphases of these statements were carried for-
ward by the weight of tradition rather than the force of law. They
became part of the heritage of American Methodism to the degree
that they remained useful to continuing generations.
During the great frontier revivals of the nineteenth century,
the inuence of European theological traditions waned in Amer-
ica. Preaching focused on “Christian experience,” understood
chiey as “saving faith in Christ.” Among the Methodists there
was a consistent stress on free will, infant baptism, and informal
worship, which led to protracted controversies with the Presbyte-
rians, Baptists, and Episcopalians, respectively.
Methodist interest in formal doctrinal standards remained
secondary to evangelism, nurture, and mission. The Wesleyan
hymnody served in practice as the most important single means
of communicating and preserving the doctrinal substance of the
By the end of the nineteenth century, Methodist theology in
America had become decidedly eclectic, with less specic atten-
tion paid to its Wesleyan sources.
The force of the Articles of Religion underwent several shifts.
For a time, the rst Restrictive Rule was exempted from the pro-
cess of constitutional amendment, thus allowing no consideration
of change in doctrinal standards. Mention of the Articles of Reli-
gion was included in the membership vows of The Methodist
Episcopal Church, South.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, however, the wan-
ing force of doctrinal discipline and the decreasing inuence of
the Wesleyan theological heritage among the American Method-
ists, along with minor but signicant changes in the wording of
the Book of Discipline regarding doctrinal standards, led to a steady
dilution of the force of the Articles of Religion as the Church’s
constitutional standards of doctrine.
During this same period, theologians and church leaders began
to explore ways of expressing the gospel that were in keeping
with developing intellectual currents. These leaders also began to
rethink the historical social compassion of the Wesleyan tradition
in the midst of the emerging industrial, urban civilization. They
deepened our awareness of the systemic nature of evil and the
urgency to proclaim the gospel promise of social redemption.
Consequently, theologies supportive of the social gospel found
fertile soil within the Methodist traditions.
These years were times of theological and ethical controversy
within Methodism as new patterns of thought clashed with the
more familiar themes and styles of the previous two centuries.
In recent decades there has been a strong recovery of interest
in Wesley and in the more classic traditions of Christian thought.
This recovery has been part of a broad resurgence of Reformation
theology and practice in Europe and America, renewing the his-
torical legacy of Protestantism in the context of the modern world.
These trends have been reinforced in North America by the reaf-
rmation of evangelical piety.
The ecumenical movement has brought new appreciation
for the unity as well as the richness and diversity of the church
Currents of theology have developed out of Black people’s
struggle for freedom, the movement for the full equality of
women in church and society, and the quest for liberation and
for indigenous forms of Christian existence in churches around
the world.
The challenge to United Methodists is to discern the various
strands of these vital movements of faith that are coherent, faith-
ful understandings of the gospel and the Christian mission for
our times.
The task of dening the scope of our Wesleyan tradition in
the context of the contemporary world includes much more
than formally reafrming or redening standards of doctrine,
although these tasks may also be involved. The heart of our task
is to reclaim and renew the distinctive United Methodist doctrinal
heritage, which rightly belongs to our common heritage as Chris-
tians, for the life and mission of the whole church today.
Doctrinal Traditions in The Evangelical Church
and The United Brethren Church
The unfolding of doctrinal concerns among Jacob Albright’s
Evangelical Association and Phillip William Otterbein’s United
Brethren in Christ roughly parallels Methodist developments. Dif-
ferences emerged largely from differing ecclesiastical traditions
brought from Germany and Holland, together with the modied
Calvinism of the Heidelberg Catechism.
In the German-speaking communities of America, Albright
and Otterbein considered evangelism more important than theo-
logical speculation. Although they were not doctrinally indiffer-
ent, they stressed conversion, “justication by faith conrmed by
a sensible assurance thereof,” Christian nurture, the priesthood of
all believers in a shared ministry of Christian witness and service,
and entire sanctication as the goal of Christian life.
As with Wesley, their primary source and norm for Chris-
tian teaching was Scripture. Otterbein enjoined his followers
“to be careful to preach no other doctrine than what is plainly
laid down in the Bible.” Each new member was asked “to con-
fess that he received the Bible as the Word of God.” Ordinands
were required to afrm without reserve the plenary authority of
Matched with these afrmations was the conviction that con-
verted Christians are enabled by the Holy Spirit to read Scripture
with a special Christian consciousness. They prized this principle
as the supreme guide in biblical interpretation.
Jacob Albright was directed by the conference of 1807 to pre-
pare a list of Articles of Religion. He died before he could attempt
the task.
George Miller then assumed the responsibility. He recom-
mended to the conference of 1809 the adoption of the German
translation of the Methodist Articles of Religion, with the addition
of a new one, “Of the Last Judgment.” The recommendation was
adopted. This action afrms a conscious choice of the Methodist
Articles as normative. The added article was from the Augsburg
Confession, on a theme omitted in the Anglican Articles.
In 1816, the original twenty-six Articles were reduced to
twenty-one by omitting ve polemical articles aimed at Roman
Catholics, Anabaptists, and sixteenth-century sectaries. This
act of deletion reected a conciliatory spirit in a time of bitter
In 1839, a few slight changes were made in the text of 1816. It
was then stipulated that “the Articles of Faith . . . should be con-
stitutionally unchangeable among us.”
In the 1870s, a proposal to revise the Articles touched off a
urry of debate, but the conference of 1875 decisively rejected the
In later action the twenty-one Articles were reduced to nine-
teen by combining several, but without omitting any of their orig-
inal content.
These nineteen were brought intact into the Evangelical
United Brethren union of 1946.
Among the United Brethren in Christ, a summary of norma-
tive teaching was formulated in 1813 by Christian Newcomer and
Christopher Grosch, colleagues of Otterbein. Its rst three para-
graphs follow the order of the Apostles’ Creed. Paragraphs four
and ve afrm the primacy of Scripture and the universal procla-
mation of “the biblical doctrine . . . of man’s fall in Adam and his
deliverance through Jesus Christ.” An added section commends
“the ordinances of baptism and the remembrance of the Lord”
and approves foot washing as optional.
The rst General Conference of the United Brethren in Christ
(1815) adopted a slight revision of this earlier statement as the
denomination’s Confession of Faith. A further revision was made
in 1841, with the stipulation that there be no further changes: “No
rule or ordinance shall at any time be passed to change or do away
with the Confession of Faith as it now stands.” Even so, agitation
for change continued.
In 1885, a church commission was appointed to “prepare such
a form of belief and such amended fundamental rules for the gov-
ernment of this church in the future as will, in their judgment, be
best adapted to secure its growth and efciency in the work of
evangelizing the world.”
The resulting proposal for a new Confession of Faith and
Constitution was submitted to the general membership of the
Church, the rst such referendum on a Confession of Faith in
United Brethren history, and was then placed before the General
Conference of 1889. Both the general membership and the confer-
ence approved the Confession by preponderant majorities. It was
thereupon enacted by episcopal “proclamation.” However, this
action was protested by a minority as a violation of the Restrictive
Rule of 1841 and became a basic cause for a consequent schism,
resulting in the formation of The United Brethren Church (Old
The Confession of Faith of 1889 was more comprehensive
than any of its antecedents, with articles on depravity, justi-
cation, regeneration and adoption, sanctication, the Chris-
tian Sabbath, and the future state. The article on sanctication,
though brief, is signicant in its reection of the doctrine of
holiness of the Heidelberg Catechism. The 1889 Confession was
brought by the United Brethren into the union with the Evan-
gelicals in 1946.
The Evangelical United Brethren Confession of Faith
The Discipline of the new Evangelical United Brethren Church
(1946) contained both the Evangelical Articles and the United
Brethren Confession. Twelve years later the General Conference
of the united church authorized its board of bishops to prepare a
new Confession of Faith.
A new Confession, with sixteen articles, of a somewhat more
modern character than any of its antecedents, was presented to
the General Conference of 1962 and adopted without amend-
ment. The Evangelical article, “Entire Sanctication and Christian
Perfection,” is reected in this confession as a distinctive empha-
sis. The Confession of Faith replaced both former Articles and
Confession and was brought over intact into the Discipline of The
United Methodist Church (1968).
Doctrinal Standards in The United Methodist Church
In the Plan of Union for The United Methodist Church, the
preface to the Methodist Articles of Religion and the Evangeli-
cal United Brethren Confession of Faith explains that both were
accepted as doctrinal standards for the new church. Additionally,
it stated that although the language of the rst Restrictive Rule
never has been formally dened, Wesley’s Sermons and Notes were
understood specically to be included in our present existing and
established standards of doctrine. It also stated that the Articles,
the Confession, and the Wesleyan “standards” were “thus deemed
congruent if not identical in their doctrinal perspectives and not
in conict.” This declaration was accepted by subsequent rulings
of the Judicial Council.
The Constitution of The United Methodist Church, in its
Restrictive Rules (see ¶¶ 17-22), protects both the Articles of Reli-
gion and the Confession of Faith as doctrinal standards that shall
not be revoked, altered, or changed. The process of creating new
“standards or rules of doctrine” thus continues to be restricted,
requiring either that they be declared “not contrary to” the pres-
ent standards or that they go through the difcult process of con-
stitutional amendment.
The United Methodist Church stands continually in need of
doctrinal reinvigoration for the sake of authentic renewal, fruit-
ful evangelism, and ecumenical dialogue. In this light, the recov-
ery and updating of our distinctive doctrinal heritage—catholic,
evangelical, and reformed—is essential.
This task calls for the repossession of our traditions as well as
the promotion of theological inquiry both within the denomina-
tion and in our ecumenical efforts. All are invited to share in this
endeavor to stimulate an active interest in doctrinal understand-
ing in order to claim our legacy and to shape that legacy for the
Church we aspire to be.
[Bibliographical Note: The Articles of Religion are here
reprinted from the Discipline of 1808 (when the rst Restrictive
Rule took effect), collated against Wesley’s original text in The
Sunday Service of the Methodists (1784). To these are added two
Articles: “Of Sanctication” and “Of the Duty of Christians to the
Civil Authority,” which are legislative enactments and not inte-
gral parts of the document as protected by the Constitution (see
Judicial Council Decisions 41, 176).]
Article I—Of Faith in the Holy Trinity
There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without
body or parts, of innite power, wisdom, and goodness; the maker
2. See Judicial Council Decision 358.
3. Protected by Restrictive Rule 1 ( 17).
and preserver of all things, both visible and invisible. And in unity
of this Godhead there are three persons, of one substance, power,
and eternity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Article II—Of the Word, or Son of God,
Who Was Made Very Man
The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the very and eter-
nal God, of one substance with the Father, took man’s nature in
the womb of the blessed Virgin; so that two whole and perfect
natures, that is to say, the Godhead and Manhood, were joined
together in one person, never to be divided; whereof is one Christ,
very God and very Man, who truly suffered, was crucied, dead,
and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrice, not
only for original guilt, but also for actual sins of men.
Article III—Of the Resurrection of Christ
Christ did truly rise again from the dead, and took again
his body, with all things appertaining to the perfection of man’s
nature, wherewith he ascended into heaven, and there sitteth
until he return to judge all men at the last day.
Article IV—Of the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is
of one substance, majesty, and glory with the Father and the Son,
very and eternal God.
Article V—Of the Sufciency
of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation
The Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation;
so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby,
is not to be required of any man that it should be believed as an
article of faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In
the name of the Holy Scripture we do understand those canonical
books of the Old and New Testament of whose authority was never
any doubt in the church. The names of the canonical books are:
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua,
Judges, Ruth, The First Book of Samuel, The Second Book of Sam-
uel, The First Book of Kings, The Second Book of Kings, The First
Book of Chronicles, The Second Book of Chronicles, The Book of
Ezra, The Book of Nehemiah, The Book of Esther, The Book of Job,
The Psalms, The Proverbs, Ecclesiastes or the Preacher, Cantica or
Songs of Solomon, Four Prophets the Greater, Twelve Prophets
the Less.
All the books of the New Testament, as they are commonly
received, we do receive and account canonical.
Article VI—Of the Old Testament
The Old Testament is not contrary to the New; for both in
the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to man-
kind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man,
being both God and Man. Wherefore they are not to be heard who
feign that the old fathers did look only for transitory promises.
Although the law given from God by Moses as touching ceremo-
nies and rites doth not bind Christians, nor ought the civil pre-
cepts thereof of necessity be received in any commonwealth; yet
notwithstanding, no Christian whatsoever is free from the obedi-
ence of the commandments which are called moral.
Article VII—Of Original or Birth Sin
Original sin standeth not in the following of Adam (as the
Pelagians do vainly talk), but it is the corruption of the nature of
every man, that naturally is engendered of the offspring of Adam,
whereby man is very far gone from original righteousness, and of
his own nature inclined to evil, and that continually.
Article VIII—Of Free Will
The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he
cannot turn and prepare himself, by his own natural strength
and works, to faith, and calling upon God; wherefore we have no
power to do good works, pleasant and acceptable to God, with-
out the grace of God by Christ preventing us, that we may have
a good will, and working with us, when we have that good will.
Article IX—Of the Justication of Man
We are accounted righteous before God only for the merit of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by faith, and not for our own
works or deservings. Wherefore, that we are justied by faith,
only, is a most wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort.
Article X—Of Good Works
Although good works, which are the fruits of faith, and fol-
low after justication, cannot put away our sins, and endure the
severity of God’s judgment; yet are they pleasing and acceptable
to God in Christ, and spring out of a true and lively faith, inso-
much that by them a lively faith may be as evidently known as a
tree is discerned by its fruit.
Article XI—Of Works of Supererogation
Voluntary works—besides, over and above God’s command-
ments—which they call works of supererogation, cannot be taught
without arrogancy and impiety. For by them men do declare that
they do not only render unto God as much as they are bound to
do, but that they do more for his sake than of bounden duty is
required; whereas Christ saith plainly: When you have done all
that is commanded you, say, We are unprotable servants.
Article XII—Of Sin After Justication
Not every sin willingly committed after justication is the sin
against the Holy Ghost, and unpardonable. Wherefore, the grant
of repentance is not to be denied to such as fall into sin after jus-
tication. After we have received the Holy Ghost, we may depart
from grace given, and fall into sin, and, by the grace of God, rise
again and amend our lives. And therefore they are to be con-
demned who say they can no more sin as long as they live here; or
deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent.
Article XIII—Of the Church
The visible church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men
in which the pure Word of God is preached, and the Sacraments
duly administered according to Christ’s ordinance, in all those
things that of necessity are requisite to the same.
Article XIV—Of Purgatory
The Romish doctrine concerning purgatory, pardon, worship-
ing, and adoration, as well of images as of relics, and also invoca-
4. For the contemporary interpretation of this and similar articles (i.e., Arti-
cles XIV, XV, XVI, XVIII, XIX, XX, and XXI) in consonance with our best ecumenical
insights and judgment, see “Resolution of Intent: With a View to Unity” (The Book
of Resolutions, 2016, Resolution Number 3144).
tion of saints, is a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded
upon no warrant of Scripture, but repugnant to the Word of God.
Article XV—Of Speaking in the Congregation
in Such a Tongue as the People Understand
It is a thing plainly repugnant to the Word of God, and the
custom of the primitive church, to have public prayer in the
church, or to minister the Sacraments, in a tongue not understood
by the people.
Article XVI—Of the Sacraments
Sacraments ordained of Christ are not only badges or tokens
of Christian men’s profession, but rather they are certain signs of
grace, and God’s good will toward us, by which he doth work
invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and
conrm, our faith in him.
There are two Sacraments ordained of Christ our Lord in the
Gospel; that is to say, Baptism and the Supper of the Lord.
Those ve commonly called sacraments, that is to say, con-
rmation, penance, orders, matrimony, and extreme unction,
are not to be counted for Sacraments of the Gospel; being such
as have partly grown out of the corrupt following of the apos-
tles, and partly are states of life allowed in the Scriptures, but
yet have not the like nature of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper,
because they have not any visible sign or ceremony ordained of
The Sacraments were not ordained of Christ to be gazed
upon, or to be carried about; but that we should duly use them.
And in such only as worthily receive the same, they have a whole-
some effect or operation; but they that receive them unworthily,
purchase to themselves condemnation, as St. Paul saith.
Article XVII—Of Baptism
Baptism is not only a sign of profession and mark of differ-
ence whereby Christians are distinguished from others that are
not baptized; but it is also a sign of regeneration or the new birth.
The Baptism of young children is to be retained in the Church.
5. See Judicial Council Decision 142.
Article XVIII—Of the Lord’s Supper
The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the love that Chris-
tians ought to have among themselves one to another, but rather
is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ’s death; insomuch
that, to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the same,
the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Christ; and
likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ.
Transubstantiation, or the change of the substance of bread
and wine in the Supper of our Lord, cannot be proved by Holy
Writ, but is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture, over-
throweth the nature of a sacrament, and hath given occasion to
many superstitions.
The body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten in the Supper, only
after a heavenly and spiritual manner. And the means whereby
the body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper is faith.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was not by Christ’s ordi-
nance reserved, carried about, lifted up, or worshiped.
Article XIX—Of Both Kinds
The cup of the Lord is not to be denied to the lay people; for
both the parts of the Lord’s Supper, by Christ’s ordinance and
commandment, ought to be administered to all Christians alike.
Article XX—Of the One Oblation of Christ,
Finished upon the Cross
The offering of Christ, once made, is that perfect redemption,
propitiation, and satisfaction for all the sins of the whole world,
both original and actual; and there is none other satisfaction for
sin but that alone. Wherefore the sacrice of masses, in the which
it is commonly said that the priest doth offer Christ for the quick
and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, is a blasphemous
fable and dangerous deceit.
Article XXI—Of the Marriage of Ministers
The ministers of Christ are not commanded by God’s law
either to vow the estate of single life, or to abstain from marriage;
therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry
at their own discretion, as they shall judge the same to serve best
to godliness.
Article XXII—Of the Rites and Ceremonies of Churches
It is not necessary that rites and ceremonies should in all
places be the same, or exactly alike; for they have been always
different, and may be changed according to the diversity of coun-
tries, times, and men’s manners, so that nothing be ordained
against God’s Word. Whosoever, through his private judgment,
willingly and purposely doth openly break the rites and ceremo-
nies of the church to which he belongs, which are not repugnant
to the Word of God, and are ordained and approved by com-
mon authority, ought to be rebuked openly, that others may fear
to do the like, as one that offendeth against the common order of
the church, and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren.
Every particular church may ordain, change, or abolish rites
and ceremonies, so that all things may be done to edication.
Article XXIII—Of the Rulers of the United States of America
The President, the Congress, the general assemblies, the gov-
ernors, and the councils of state, as the delegates of the people, are the
rulers of the United States of America, according to the division
of power made to them by the Constitution of the United States
and by the constitutions of their respective states. And the said
states are a sovereign and independent nation, and ought not to
be subject to any foreign jurisdiction.
Article XXIV—Of Christian Men’s Goods
The riches and goods of Christians are not common as touch-
ing the right, title, and possession of the same, as some do falsely
boast. Notwithstanding, every man ought, of such things as he
possesseth, liberally to give alms to the poor, according to his
Article XXV—Of a Christian Man’s Oath
As we confess that vain and rash swearing is forbidden Chris-
tian men by our Lord Jesus Christ and James his apostle, so we
judge that the Christian religion doth not prohibit, but that a man
may swear when the magistrate requireth, in a cause of faith and
charity, so it be done according to the prophet’s teaching, in jus-
tice, judgment, and truth.
[The following Article from the Methodist Protestant Discipline is placed here
by the Uniting Conference (1939). It was not one of the Articles of Religion voted
upon by the three churches.]
Of Sanctication
Sanctication is that renewal of our fallen nature by the
Holy Ghost, received through faith in Jesus Christ, whose blood
of atonement cleanseth from all sin; whereby we are not only
delivered from the guilt of sin, but are washed from its pollution,
saved from its power, and are enabled, through grace, to love
God with all our hearts and to walk in his holy commandments
[The following provision was adopted by the Uniting Conference (1939). This
statement seeks to interpret to our churches in foreign lands Article XXIII of the
Articles of Religion. It is a legislative enactment but is not a part of the Constitution.
(See Judicial Council Decisions 41, 176, and Decision 6, Interim Judicial Council.)]
Of the Duty of Christians to the Civil Authority
It is the duty of all Christians, and especially of all Christian
ministers, to observe and obey the laws and commands of the
governing or supreme authority of the country of which they are
citizens or subjects or in which they reside, and to use all laudable
means to encourage and enjoin obedience to the powers that be.
[Bibliographical Note: The text of the Confession of Faith is
identical to that of its original in The Discipline of The Evangelical
United Brethren Church (1963).]
Article I—God
We believe in the one true, holy and living God, Eternal Spirit,
who is Creator, Sovereign and Preserver of all things visible and
invisible. He is innite in power, wisdom, justice, goodness and
love, and rules with gracious regard for the well-being and sal-
vation of men, to the glory of his name. We believe the one God
reveals himself as the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, distinct
but inseparable, eternally one in essence and power.
6. Protected by Restrictive Rule 2 ( 18).
Article II—Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ, truly God and truly man, in whom
the divine and human natures are perfectly and inseparably united.
He is the eternal Word made esh, the only begotten Son of the
Father, born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. As
ministering Servant he lived, suffered and died on the cross. He was
buried, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to be with the
Father, from whence he shall return. He is eternal Savior and Media-
tor, who intercedes for us, and by him all men will be judged.
Article III—The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit who proceeds from and is one in
being with the Father and the Son. He convinces the world of sin,
of righteousness and of judgment. He leads men through faith-
ful response to the gospel into the fellowship of the Church. He
comforts, sustains and empowers the faithful and guides them
into all truth.
Article IV—The Holy Bible
We believe the Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments, reveals
the Word of God so far as it is necessary for our salvation. It is to
be received through the Holy Spirit as the true rule and guide for
faith and practice. Whatever is not revealed in or established by
the Holy Scriptures is not to be made an article of faith nor is it to
be taught as essential to salvation.
Article V—The Church
We believe the Christian Church is the community of all true
believers under the Lordship of Christ. We believe it is one, holy,
apostolic and catholic. It is the redemptive fellowship in which the
Word of God is preached by men divinely called, and the sacra-
ments are duly administered according to Christ’s own appoint-
ment. Under the discipline of the Holy Spirit the Church exists for
the maintenance of worship, the edication of believers and the
redemption of the world.
Article VI—The Sacraments
We believe the Sacraments, ordained by Christ, are sym-
bols and pledges of the Christian’s profession and of God’s love
toward us. They are means of grace by which God works invis-
ibly in us, quickening, strengthening and conrming our faith in
him. Two Sacraments are ordained by Christ our Lord, namely
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
We believe Baptism signies entrance into the household of
faith, and is a symbol of repentance and inner cleansing from sin,
a representation of the new birth in Christ Jesus and a mark of
Christian discipleship.
We believe children are under the atonement of Christ and as
heirs of the Kingdom of God are acceptable subjects for Christian
Baptism. Children of believing parents through Baptism become
the special responsibility of the Church. They should be nurtured
and led to personal acceptance of Christ, and by profession of
faith conrm their Baptism.
We believe the Lord’s Supper is a representation of our
redemption, a memorial of the sufferings and death of Christ, and
a token of love and union which Christians have with Christ and
with one another. Those who rightly, worthily and in faith eat the
broken bread and drink the blessed cup partake of the body and
blood of Christ in a spiritual manner until he comes.
Article VII—Sin and Free Will
We believe man is fallen from righteousness and, apart
from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, is destitute of holiness
and inclined to evil. Except a man be born again, he cannot see
the Kingdom of God. In his own strength, without divine grace,
man cannot do good works pleasing and acceptable to God. We
believe, however, man inuenced and empowered by the Holy
Spirit is responsible in freedom to exercise his will for good.
Article VIII—Reconciliation Through Christ
We believe God was in Christ reconciling the world to him-
self. The offering Christ freely made on the cross is the perfect and
sufcient sacrice for the sins of the whole world, redeeming man
from all sin, so that no other satisfaction is required.
Article IX—Justication and Regeneration
We believe we are never accounted righteous before God
through our works or merit, but that penitent sinners are justied
or accounted righteous before God only by faith in our Lord Jesus
We believe regeneration is the renewal of man in righteousness
through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, whereby we
are made partakers of the divine nature and experience newness
of life. By this new birth the believer becomes reconciled to God
and is enabled to serve him with the will and the affections.
We believe, although we have experienced regeneration, it is
possible to depart from grace and fall into sin; and we may even
then, by the grace of God, be renewed in righteousness.
Article X—Good Works
We believe good works are the necessary fruits of faith and
follow regeneration but they do not have the virtue to remove our
sins or to avert divine judgment. We believe good works, pleas-
ing and acceptable to God in Christ, spring from a true and living
faith, for through and by them faith is made evident.
Article XI—Sanctication and Christian Perfection
We believe sanctication is the work of God’s grace through
the Word and the Spirit, by which those who have been born
again are cleansed from sin in their thoughts, words and acts, and
are enabled to live in accordance with God’s will, and to strive for
holiness without which no one will see the Lord.
Entire sanctication is a state of perfect love, righteousness
and true holiness which every regenerate believer may obtain by
being delivered from the power of sin, by loving God with all
the heart, soul, mind and strength, and by loving one’s neighbor
as one’s self. Through faith in Jesus Christ this gracious gift may
be received in this life both gradually and instantaneously, and
should be sought earnestly by every child of God.
We believe this experience does not deliver us from the inr-
mities, ignorance, and mistakes common to man, nor from the
possibilities of further sin. The Christian must continue on guard
against spiritual pride and seek to gain victory over every temp-
tation to sin. He must respond wholly to the will of God so that
sin will lose its power over him; and the world, the esh, and the
devil are put under his feet. Thus he rules over these enemies with
watchfulness through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Article XII—The Judgment and the Future State
We believe all men stand under the righteous judgment of
Jesus Christ, both now and in the last day. We believe in the resur-
rection of the dead; the righteous to life eternal and the wicked to
endless condemnation.
Article XIII—Public Worship
We believe divine worship is the duty and privilege of man
who, in the presence of God, bows in adoration, humility and
dedication. We believe divine worship is essential to the life of
the Church, and that the assembling of the people of God for such
worship is necessary to Christian fellowship and spiritual growth.
We believe the order of public worship need not be the same
in all places but may be modied by the church according to cir-
cumstances and the needs of men. It should be in a language and
form understood by the people, consistent with the Holy Scrip-
tures to the edication of all, and in accordance with the order and
Discipline of the Church.
Article XIV—The Lord’s Day
We believe the Lord’s Day is divinely ordained for private
and public worship, for rest from unnecessary work, and should
be devoted to spiritual improvement, Christian fellowship and
service. It is commemorative of our Lord’s resurrection and is an
emblem of our eternal rest. It is essential to the permanence and
growth of the Christian Church, and important to the welfare of
the civil community.
Article XV—The Christian and Property
We believe God is the owner of all things and that the indi-
vidual holding of property is lawful and is a sacred trust under
God. Private property is to be used for the manifestation of Chris-
tian love and liberality, and to support the Church’s mission in
the world. All forms of property, whether private, corporate or
public, are to be held in solemn trust and used responsibly for
human good under the sovereignty of God.
Article XVI—Civil Government
We believe civil government derives its just powers from
the sovereign God. As Christians we recognize the governments
under whose protection we reside and believe such governments
should be based on, and be responsible for, the recognition of
human rights under God. We believe war and bloodshed are
contrary to the gospel and spirit of Christ. We believe it is the
duty of Christian citizens to give moral strength and purpose to
their respective governments through sober, righteous and godly
[Bibliographical Note: The Wesleyan “standards” have been
reprinted frequently. The critical edition of Wesley’s Sermons is
included in The Works of John Wesley, vols. 1-4 (Nashville: Abing-
don Press, 1984-87).]
[Bibliographical Note: The Explanatory Notes Upon the New Tes-
tament (1755) is currently in print (Schmul Publishing Company’s
1975 edition) and is forthcoming as vols. 5-6 of The Works of John
[Bibliographical Note: The General Rules are printed here in
the text of 1808 (when the fth Restrictive Rule took effect), as sub-
sequently amended by constitutional actions in 1848 and 1868.]
The Nature, Design, and General Rules
of Our United Societies
In the latter end of the year 1739 eight or ten persons came
to Mr. Wesley, in London, who appeared to be deeply convinced
of sin, and earnestly groaning for redemption. They desired, as
did two or three more the next day, that he would spend some
time with them in prayer, and advise them how to ee from the
wrath to come, which they saw continually hanging over their
heads. That he might have more time for this great work, he
appointed a day when they might all come together, which from
thenceforward they did every week, namely, on Thursday in the
evening. To these, and as many more as desired to join with them
7. Protected by Restrictive Rule 5 ( 21).
(for their number increased daily), he gave those advices from
time to time which he judged most needful for them, and they
always concluded their meeting with prayer suited to their sev-
eral necessities.
This was the rise of the United Society, rst in Europe, and
then in America. Such a society is no other than “a company of
men having the form and seeking the power of godliness, united in
order to pray together, to receive the word of exhortation, and to
watch over one another in love, that they may help each other to
work out their salvation.”
That it may the more easily be discerned whether they are
indeed working out their own salvation, each society is divided
into smaller companies, called classes, according to their respec-
tive places of abode. There are about twelve persons in a class, one
of whom is styled the leader. It is his duty:
1. To see each person in his class once a week at least, in order:
(1) to inquire how their souls prosper; (2) to advise, reprove, com-
fort or exhort, as occasion may require; (3) to receive what they are
willing to give toward the relief of the preachers, church, and poor.
2. To meet the ministers and the stewards of the society once
a week, in order: (1) to inform the minister of any that are sick, or
of any that walk disorderly and will not be reproved; (2) to pay
the stewards what they have received of their several classes in
the week preceding.
There is only one condition previously required of those who
desire admission into these societies: “a desire to ee from the
wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins.” But wherever this
is really xed in the soul it will be shown by its fruits.
It is therefore expected of all who continue therein that they
should continue to evidence their desire of salvation,
First: By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind, espe-
cially that which is most generally practiced, such as:
The taking of the name of God in vain.
The profaning the day of the Lord, either by doing ordinary
work therein or by buying or selling.
Drunkenness: buying or selling spirituous liquors, or drink-
ing them, unless in cases of extreme necessity.
Slaveholding; buying or selling slaves.
Fighting, quarreling, brawling, brother going to law with
brother; returning evil for evil, or railing for railing; the using
many words in buying or selling.
The buying or selling goods that have not paid the duty.
The giving or taking things on usury—i.e., unlawful interest.
Uncharitable or unprotable conversation; particularly
speaking evil of magistrates or of ministers.
Doing to others as we would not they should do unto us.
Doing what we know is not for the glory of God, as:
The putting on of gold and costly apparel.
The taking such diversions as cannot be used in the name of
the Lord Jesus.
The singing those songs, or reading those books, which do
not tend to the knowledge or love of God.
Softness and needless self-indulgence.
Laying up treasure upon earth.
Borrowing without a probability of paying; or taking up
goods without a probability of paying for them.
It is expected of all who continue in these societies that they
should continue to evidence their desire of salvation,
Secondly: By doing good; by being in every kind merciful after
their power; as they have opportunity, doing good of every pos-
sible sort, and, as far as possible, to all men:
To their bodies, of the ability which God giveth, by giving
food to the hungry, by clothing the naked, by visiting or helping
them that are sick or in prison.
To their souls, by instructing, reproving, or exhorting all we
have any intercourse with; trampling under foot that enthusiastic
doctrine that “we are not to do good unless our hearts be free to it.
By doing good, especially to them that are of the household
of faith or groaning so to be; employing them preferably to oth-
ers; buying one of another, helping each other in business, and so
much the more because the world will love its own and them only.
By all possible diligence and frugality, that the gospel be not
By running with patience the race which is set before them,
denying themselves, and taking up their cross daily; submitting
to bear the reproach of Christ, to be as the lth and offscouring of
the world; and looking that men should say all manner of evil of
them falsely, for the Lord’s sake.
It is expected of all who desire to continue in these societies
that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation,
Thirdly: By attending upon all the ordinances of God; such
The public worship of God.
The ministry of the Word, either read or expounded.
The Supper of the Lord.
Family and private prayer.
Searching the Scriptures.
Fasting or abstinence.
These are the General Rules of our societies; all of which we
are taught of God to observe, even in his written Word, which is
the only rule, and the sufcient rule, both of our faith and practice.
And all these we know his Spirit writes on truly awakened hearts.
If there be any among us who observe them not, who habitually
break any of them, let it be known unto them who watch over that
soul as they who must give an account. We will admonish him
of the error of his ways. We will bear with him for a season. But
then, if he repent not, he hath no more place among us. We have
delivered our own souls.
Theology is our effort to reect upon God’s gracious action in
our lives. In response to the love of Christ, we desire to be drawn
into a deeper relationship with “faith’s pioneer and perfecter.”
Our theological explorations seek to give expression to the myste-
rious reality of God’s presence, peace, and power in the world. By
so doing, we attempt to articulate more clearly our understanding
of the divine-human encounter and are thereby more fully pre-
pared to participate in God’s work in the world.
The theological task, though related to the Church’s doc-
trinal expressions, serves a different function. Our doctrinal
afrmations assist us in the discernment of Christian truth in
ever-changing contexts. Our theological task includes the testing,
renewal, elaboration, and application of our doctrinal perspec-
tive in carrying out our calling “to spread scriptural holiness over
these lands.”
While the Church considers its doctrinal afrmations a cen-
tral feature of its identity and restricts ofcial changes to a consti-
tutional process, the Church encourages serious reection across
the theological spectrum.
As United Methodists, we are called to identify the needs
both of individuals and of society and to address those needs out
of the resources of Christian faith in a way that is clear, convinc-
ing, and effective. Theology serves the Church by interpreting the
world’s needs and challenges to the Church and by interpreting
the gospel to the world.
The Nature of Our Theological Task
Our theological task is both critical and constructive. It is
critical in that we test various expressions of faith by asking: Are
they true? Appropriate? Clear? Cogent? Credible? Are they based
on love? Do they provide the Church and its members with a wit-
ness that is faithful to the gospel as reected in our living heritage
and that is authentic and convincing in the light of human experi-
ence and the present state of human knowledge?
Our theological task is constructive in that every generation
must appropriate creatively the wisdom of the past and seek God
in their midst in order to think afresh about God, revelation, sin,
redemption, worship, the church, freedom, justice, moral respon-
sibility, and other signicant theological concerns. Our summons
is to understand and receive the gospel promises in our troubled
and uncertain times.
Our theological task is both individual and communal. It
is a feature in the ministry of individual Christians. It requires
the participation of all who are in our Church, lay and ordained,
because the mission of the Church is to be carried out by everyone
who is called to discipleship. To be persons of faith is to hunger to
understand the truth given to us in Jesus Christ.
Theological inquiry is by no means a casual undertaking. It
requires sustained disciplines of study, reection, and prayer.
Yet the discernment of “plain truth for plain people” is not
limited to theological specialists. Scholars have their role to play
in assisting the people of God to fulll this calling, but all Chris-
tians are called to theological reection.
Our theological task is communal. It unfolds in conversations
open to the experiences, insights, and traditions of all constituen-
cies that make up United Methodism.
This dialogue belongs to the life of every congregation. It is
fostered by laity and clergy, by the bishops, by the boards, agen-
cies, and theological schools of the Church.
Conferences speak and act for United Methodists in their of-
cial decisions at appropriate levels. Our conciliar and representa-
tive forms of decision-making do not release United Methodists
as individuals from the responsibility to develop sound theologi-
cal judgment.
Our theological task is contextual and incarnational. It is
grounded upon God’s supreme mode of self-revelation—the
incarnation in Jesus Christ. God’s eternal Word comes to us in
esh and blood in a given time and place, and in full identication
with humanity. Therefore, theological reection is energized by
our incarnational involvement in the daily life of the Church and
the world, as we participate in God’s liberating and saving action.
Our theological task is essentially practical. It informs the
individual’s daily decisions and serves the Church’s life and
work. While highly theoretical constructions of Christian thought
make important contributions to theological understanding, we
nally measure the truth of such statements in relation to their
practical signicance. Our interest is to incorporate the promises
and demands of the gospel into our daily lives.
Theological inquiry can clarify our thinking about what we
are to say and do. It presses us to pay attention to the world
around us.
Realities of intense human suffering, threats to the survival
of life, and challenges to human dignity confront us afresh with
fundamental theological issues: the nature and purposes of God,
the relations of human beings to one another, the nature of human
freedom and responsibility, and the care and proper use of all
Theological Guidelines: Sources and Criteria
As United Methodists, we have an obligation to bear a faithful
Christian witness to Jesus Christ, the living reality at the center of
the Church’s life and witness. To fulll this obligation, we reect
critically on our biblical and theological inheritance, striving to
express faithfully the witness we make in our own time.
Two considerations are central to this endeavor: the sources
from which we derive our theological afrmations and the crite-
ria by which we assess the adequacy of our understanding and
Wesley believed that the living core of the Christian faith was
revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivied in personal
experience, and conrmed by reason.
Scripture is primary, revealing the Word of God “so far as it
is necessary for our salvation.” Therefore, our theological task, in
both its critical and constructive aspects, focuses on disciplined
study of the Bible.
To aid his study of the Bible and deepen his understanding of
faith, Wesley drew on Christian tradition, in particular the Patris-
tic writings, the ecumenical creeds, the teachings of the Reform-
ers, and the literature of contemporary spirituality.
Thus, tradition provides both a source and a measure of
authentic Christian witness, though its authority derives from its
faithfulness to the biblical message.
The Christian witness, even when grounded in Scripture
and mediated by tradition, is ineffectual unless understood and
appropriated by the individual. To become our witness, it must
make sense in terms of our own reason and experience.
For Wesley, a cogent account of the Christian faith required
the use of reason, both to understand Scripture and to relate the
biblical message to wider elds of knowledge. He looked for con-
rmations of the biblical witness in human experience, especially
the experiences of regeneration and sanctication, but also in the
“common sense” knowledge of everyday experience.
The interaction of these sources and criteria in Wesley’s own
theology furnishes a guide for our continuing theological task as
United Methodists. In that task Scripture, as the constitutive wit-
ness to the wellsprings of our faith, occupies a place of primary
authority among these theological sources.
In practice, theological reection may also nd its point of
departure in tradition, experience, or rational analysis. What mat-
ters most is that all four guidelines be brought to bear in faithful,
serious, theological consideration. Insights arising from serious
study of the Scriptures and tradition enrich contemporary experi-
ence. Imaginative and critical thought enables us to understand
better the Bible and our common Christian history.
United Methodists share with other Christians the convic-
tion that Scripture is the primary source and criterion for Chris-
tian doctrine. Through Scripture the living Christ meets us in the
experience of redeeming grace. We are convinced that Jesus Christ
is the living Word of God in our midst whom we trust in life and
death.The biblical authors, illumined by the Holy Spirit, bear wit-
ness that in Christ the world is reconciled to God. The Bible bears
authentic testimony to God’s self-disclosure in the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as in God’s work of creation, in
the pilgrimage of Israel, and in the Holy Spirit’s ongoing activity
in human history.
As we open our minds and hearts to the Word of God through
the words of human beings inspired by the Holy Spirit, faith is
born and nourished, our understanding is deepened, and the pos-
sibilities for transforming the world become apparent to us.
The Bible is sacred canon for Christian people, formally
acknowledged as such by historic ecumenical councils of the
church. Our doctrinal standards identify as canonical thirty-nine
books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the
New Testament.
Our standards afrm the Bible as the source of all that is “nec-
essary” and “sufcient” unto salvation (Articles of Religion) and
“is to be received through the Holy Spirit as the true rule and
guide for faith and practice” (Confession of Faith).
We properly read Scripture within the believing community,
informed by the tradition of that community.
We interpret individual texts in light of their place in the Bible
as a whole.
We are aided by scholarly inquiry and personal insight,
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As we work with each text,
we take into account what we have been able to learn about the
original context and intention of that text. In this understanding
we draw upon the careful historical, literary, and textual studies
of recent years, which have enriched our understanding of the
Through this faithful reading of Scripture, we may come to
know the truth of the biblical message in its bearing on our own
lives and the life of the world. Thus, the Bible serves both as a
source of our faith and as the basic criterion by which the truth
and delity of any interpretation of faith is measured.
While we acknowledge the primacy of Scripture in theological
reection, our attempts to grasp its meaning always involve tradi-
tion, experience, and reason. Like Scripture, these may become
creative vehicles of the Holy Spirit as they function within the
Church. They quicken our faith, open our eyes to the wonder of
God’s love, and clarify our understanding.
The Wesleyan heritage, reecting its origins in the catholic
and reformed ethos of English Christianity, directs us to a self-
conscious use of these three sources in interpreting Scripture and
in formulating faith statements based on the biblical witness.
These sources are, along with Scripture, indispensable to our
theological task.
The close relationship of tradition, experience, and reason
appears in the Bible itself. Scripture witnesses to a variety of
diverse traditions, some of which reect tensions in interpretation
within the early Judeo-Christian heritage. However, these tradi-
tions are woven together in the Bible in a manner that expresses
the fundamental unity of God’s revelation as received and experi-
enced by people in the diversity of their own lives.
The developing communities of faith judged them, therefore,
to be an authoritative witness to that revelation. In recognizing
the interrelationship and inseparability of the four basic resources
for theological understanding, we are following a model that is
present in the biblical text itself.
The theological task does not start anew in each age or each
person. Christianity does not leap from New Testament times to
the present as though nothing were to be learned from that great
cloud of witnesses in between. For centuries Christians have
sought to interpret the truth of the gospel for their time.
In these attempts, tradition, understood both in terms of pro-
cess and form, has played an important role. The passing on and
receiving of the gospel among persons, regions, and generations
constitutes a dynamic element of Christian history. The formula-
tions and practices that grew out of specic circumstances con-
stitute the legacy of the corporate experience of earlier Christian
These traditions are found in many cultures around the globe.
But the history of Christianity includes a mixture of ignorance,
misguided zeal, and sin. Scripture remains the norm by which all
traditions are judged.
The story of the church reects the most basic sense of tradi-
tion, the continuing activity of God’s Spirit transforming human
life. Tradition is the history of that continuing environment of
grace in and by which all Christians live, God’s self-giving love in
Jesus Christ. As such, tradition transcends the story of particular
In this deeper sense of tradition, all Christians share a common
history. Within that history, Christian tradition precedes Scripture,
and yet Scripture comes to be the focal expression of the tradition.
As United Methodists, we pursue our theological task in open-
ness to the richness of both the form and power of tradition.
The multiplicity of traditions furnishes a richly varied source
for theological reection and construction. For United Method-
ists, certain strands of tradition have special importance as the
historic foundation of our doctrinal heritage and the distinctive
expressions of our communal existence.
We are now challenged by traditions from around the world
that accent dimensions of Christian understanding that grow out
of the sufferings and victories of the downtrodden. These tradi-
tions help us rediscover the biblical witness to God’s special com-
mitment to the poor, the disabled, the imprisoned, the oppressed,
the outcast. In these persons we encounter the living presence of
Jesus Christ.
These traditions underscore the equality of all persons in
Jesus Christ. They display the capacity of the gospel to free us to
embrace the diversity of human cultures and appreciate their val-
ues. They reinforce our traditional understanding of the insepa-
rability of personal salvation and social justice. They deepen our
commitment to global peace.
A critical appreciation of these traditions can compel us to
think about God in new ways, enlarge our vision of shalom, and
enhance our condence in God’s provident love.
Tradition acts as a measure of validity and propriety for a
community’s faith insofar as it represents a consensus of faith.
The various traditions that presently make claims upon us may
contain conicting images and insights of truth and validity. We
examine such conicts in light of Scripture, reecting critically
upon the doctrinal stance of our Church.
It is by the discerning use of our standards and in openness to
emerging forms of Christian identity that we attempt to maintain
delity to the apostolic faith.
At the same time, we continue to draw on the broader Chris-
tian tradition as an expression of the history of divine grace within
which Christians are able to recognize and welcome one another
in love.
In our theological task, we follow Wesley’s practice of exam-
ining experience, both individual and corporate, for conrma-
tions of the realities of God’s grace attested in Scripture.
Our experience interacts with Scripture. We read Scripture in
light of the conditions and events that help shape who we are, and
we interpret our experience in terms of Scripture.
All religious experience affects all human experience;
all human experience affects our understanding of religious
On the personal level, experience is to the individual as tra-
dition is to the church: It is the personal appropriation of God’s
forgiving and empowering grace. Experience authenticates in our
own lives the truths revealed in Scripture and illumined in tradi-
tion, enabling us to claim the Christian witness as our own.
Wesley described faith and its assurance as “a sure trust and
condence” in the mercy of God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
and a steadfast hope of all good things to be received at God’s
hand. Such assurance is God’s gracious gift through the witness
of the Holy Spirit.
This “new life in Christ” is what we as United Methodists
mean when we speak of “Christian experience.” Christian expe-
rience gives us new eyes to see the living truth in Scripture. It
conrms the biblical message for our present. It illumines our
understanding of God and creation and motivates us to make
sensitive moral judgments.
Although profoundly personal, Christian experience is also
corporate; our theological task is informed by the experience of
the church and by the common experiences of all humanity. In our
attempts to understand the biblical message, we recognize that
God’s gift of liberating love embraces the whole of creation.
Some facets of human experience tax our theological under-
standing. Many of God’s people live in terror, hunger, loneliness,
and degradation. Everyday experiences of birth and death, of
growth and life in the created world, and an awareness of wider
social relations also belong to serious theological reection.
A new awareness of such experiences can inform our appro-
priation of scriptural truths and sharpen our appreciation of the
good news of the kingdom of God.
As a source for theological reection, experience, like tradi-
tion, is richly varied, challenging our efforts to put into words the
totality of the promises of the gospel. We interpret experience in
the light of scriptural norms, just as our experience informs our
reading of the biblical message. In this respect, Scripture remains
central in our efforts to be faithful in making our Christian witness.
Although we recognize that God’s revelation and our experi-
ences of God’s grace continually surpass the scope of human lan-
guage and reason, we also believe that any disciplined theological
work calls for the careful use of reason.
By reason we read and interpret Scripture.
By reason we determine whether our Christian witness is clear.
By reason we ask questions of faith and seek to understand
God’s action and will.
By reason we organize the understandings that compose our
witness and render them internally coherent.
By reason we test the congruence of our witness to the biblical
testimony and to the traditions that mediate that testimony to us.
By reason we relate our witness to the full range of human
knowledge, experience, and service.
Since all truth is from God, efforts to discern the connec-
tions between revelation and reason, faith and science, grace and
nature, are useful endeavors in developing credible and commu-
nicable doctrine. We seek nothing less than a total view of reality
that is decisively informed by the promises and imperatives of the
Christian gospel, though we know well that such an attempt will
always be marred by the limits and distortions characteristic of
human knowledge.
Nevertheless, by our quest for reasoned understandings of
Christian faith we seek to grasp, express, and live out the gospel
in a way that will commend itself to thoughtful persons who are
seeking to know and follow God’s ways.
In theological reection, the resources of tradition, experi-
ence, and reason are integral to our study of Scripture without
displacing Scripture’s primacy for faith and practice. These four
sources—each making distinctive contributions, yet all nally
working together—guide our quest as United Methodists for a
vital and appropriate Christian witness.
The Present Challenge to Theology in the Church
In addition to historic tensions and conicts that still require
resolution, new issues continually arise that summon us to fresh
theological inquiry. Daily we are presented with an array of con-
cerns that challenge our proclamation of God’s reign over all of
human existence.
Of crucial importance are concerns generated by great human
struggles for dignity, liberation, and fulllment—aspirations that
are inherent elements in God’s design for creation. These concerns
are borne by theologies that express the heart cries of the down-
trodden and the aroused indignation of the compassionate.
The perils of nuclear destruction, terrorism, war, poverty,
violence, and injustice confront us. Injustices linked to race, gen-
der, class, and age are widespread in our times. Misuse of natural
resources and disregard for the fragile balances in our environ-
ment contradict our calling to care for God’s creation. Secularism
pervades high-technology civilizations, hindering human aware-
ness of the spiritual depths of existence.
We seek an authentic Christian response to these realities that
the healing and redeeming work of God might be present in our
words and deeds. Too often, theology is used to support practices
that are unjust. We look for answers that are in harmony with the
gospel and do not claim exemption from critical assessment.
A rich quality of our Church, especially as it has developed
in the last century, is its global character. We are a Church with
a distinctive theological heritage, but that heritage is lived out
in a global community, resulting in understandings of our faith
enriched by indigenous experiences and manners of expression.
We afrm the contributions that United Methodists of vary-
ing ethnic, language, cultural, and national groups make to one
another and to our Church as a whole. We celebrate our shared
commitment to clear theological understanding and vital mis-
sional expression.
United Methodists as a diverse people continue to strive for
consensus in understanding the gospel. In our diversity, we are
held together by a shared inheritance and a common desire to
participate in the creative and redemptive activity of God.
Our task is to articulate our vision in a way that will draw us
together as a people in mission.
In the name of Jesus Christ we are called to work within our
diversity while exercising patience and forbearance with one
another. Such patience stems neither from indifference toward
truth nor from an indulgent tolerance of error but from an aware-
ness that we know only in part and that none of us is able to search
the mysteries of God except by the Spirit of God. We proceed with
our theological task, trusting that the Spirit will grant us wisdom
to continue our journey with the whole people of God.
Ecumenical Commitment
Christian unity is founded on the theological understanding
that through faith in Jesus Christ we are made members-in-
common of the one body of Christ. Christian unity is not an
option; it is a gift to be received and expressed.
United Methodists respond to the theological, biblical, and
practical mandates for Christian unity by rmly committing our-
selves to the cause of Christian unity at local, national, and world
levels. We invest ourselves in many ways by which mutual recog-
nition of churches, of members, and of ministries may lead us to
sharing in Holy Communion with all of God’s people.
Knowing that denominational loyalty is always subsumed in
our life in the church of Jesus Christ, we welcome and celebrate
the rich experience of United Methodist leadership in church
councils and consultations, in multilateral and bilateral dialogues,
as well as in other forms of ecumenical convergence that have led
to the healing of churches and nations.
We see the Holy Spirit at work in making the unity among us
more visible.
Concurrently, we have entered into serious interfaith encoun-
ters and explorations between Christians and adherents of other
living faiths of the world. Scripture calls us to be both neighbors
and witnesses to all peoples. Such encounters require us to reect
anew on our faith and to seek guidance for our witness among
neighbors of other faiths. We then rediscover that the God who
has acted in Jesus Christ for the salvation of the whole world
is also the Creator of all humankind, the One who is “over all,
through all, and in all” (Ephesians 4:6).
As people bound together on one planet, we see the need for
a self-critical view of our own tradition and accurate appreciation
of other traditions. In these encounters, our aim is not to reduce
doctrinal differences to some lowest common denominator of reli-
gious agreement, but to raise all such relationships to the highest
possible level of human fellowship and understanding.
We labor together with the help of God toward the salvation,
health, and peace of all people. In respectful conversations and in
practical cooperation, we confess our Christian faith and strive to
display the manner in which Jesus Christ is the life and hope of
the world.
Doctrine arises out of the life of the Church—its faith, its wor-
ship, its discipline, its conicts, its challenges from the world it
would serve.
Evangelism, nurture, and mission require a constant effort to
integrate authentic experience, rational thought, and purposeful
action with theological integrity.
A convincing witness to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
can contribute to the renewal of our faith, bring persons to that
faith, and strengthen the Church as an agent of healing and
This witness, however, cannot fully describe or encompass
the mystery of God. Though we experience the wonder of God’s
grace at work with us and among us, and though we know the
joy of the present signs of God’s kingdom, each new step makes
us more aware of the ultimate mystery of God, from which arises
a heart of wonder and an attitude of humility. Yet we trust that
we can know more fully what is essential for our participation
in God’s saving work in the world, and we are condent in the
ultimate unfolding of God’s justice and mercy.
In this spirit we take up our theological task. We endeavor
through the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the love of
God given in Jesus Christ. We seek to spread this love abroad. As
we see more clearly who we have been, as we understand more
fully the needs of the world, as we draw more effectively upon
our theological heritage, we will become better equipped to fulll
our calling as the people of God.
Now to God
who by the power at work within us
is able to do far more abundantly
than all that we ask or think,
to God be glory in the church
and in Christ Jesus to all generations,
for ever and ever. Amen.
—Ephesians 3:20-21 (based on RSV)
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Part IV
Section I. The Churches
120. The Mission—The mission of the Church is to make
disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Local
churches and extension ministries of the Church provide the most
signicant arenas through which disciple-making occurs.
121. Rationale for Our Mission—The mission of the Church
is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the
world by proclaiming the good news of God’s grace and by exem-
plifying Jesus’ command to love God and neighbor, thus seeking
the fulllment of God’s reign and realm in the world. The fulll-
ment of God’s reign and realm in the world is the vision Scripture
holds before us. The United Methodist Church afrms that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, and the Lord of
all. As we make disciples, we respect persons of all religious faiths
and we defend religious freedom for all persons. Jesus’ words in
Matthew provide the Church with our mission: “Therefore, go
and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to
obey everything that I’ve commanded you” (28:19-20), and “You
must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being,
and with all your mind. . . .You must love your neighbor as you love
yourself” (22:37, 39).
This mission is our grace-lled response to the Reign of God in
the world announced by Jesus. God’s grace is active everywhere,
at all times, carrying out this purpose as revealed in the Bible. It is
expressed in God’s covenant with Abraham and Sarah, in the Exo-
dus of Israel from Egypt, and in the ministry of the prophets. It is
fully embodied in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It
is experienced in the ongoing creation of a new people by the Holy
John Wesley, Phillip Otterbein, Jacob Albright, and our other
spiritual forebears understood this mission in this way. Whenever
United Methodism has had a clear sense of mission, God has used
our Church to save persons, heal relationships, transform social
structures, and spread scriptural holiness, thereby changing the
world. In order to be truly alive, we embrace Jesus’ mandate to
love God and to love our neighbor and to make disciples of all
122. The Process for Carrying Out Our Mission—We make
disciples as we:
—proclaim the gospel, seek, welcome and gather persons into
the body of Christ;
—lead persons to commit their lives to God through baptism
by water and the spirit and profession of faith in Jesus Christ;
—nurture persons in Christian living through worship, the
sacraments, spiritual disciplines, and other means of grace, such
as Wesley’s Christian conferencing;
—send persons into the world to live lovingly and justly as
servants of Christ by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, car-
ing for the stranger, freeing the oppressed, being and becoming
a compassionate, caring presence, and working to develop social
structures that are consistent with the gospel; and
—continue the mission of seeking, welcoming and gathering
persons into the community of the body of Christ.
123. The Global Nature of Our Mission—The Church seeks to
fulll its global mission through the Spirit-given servant minis-
tries of all Christians, both lay and clergy. Faithfulness and effec-
tiveness demand that all ministries in the Church be shaped by
the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ.
124. Our Mission in the World—God’s self-revelation in the
life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ summons the Church
to ministry in the world through witness by word and deed in
light of the Church’s mission. The visible church of Christ as a
faithful community of persons afrms the worth of all humanity
and the value of interrelationship in all of God’s creation.
In the midst of a sinful world, through the grace of God, we
are brought to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. We become
aware of the presence and life-giving power of God’s Holy Spirit.
We live in condent expectation of the ultimate fulllment of
God’s purpose.
We are called together for worship and fellowship and for the
upbuilding of the Christian community. We advocate and work
for the unity of the Christian church. We call all persons into dis-
cipleship under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
As servants of Christ we are sent into the world to engage in
the struggle for justice and reconciliation. We seek to reveal the
love of God for men, women, and children of all ethnic, racial,
cultural, and national backgrounds and to demonstrate the heal-
ing power of the gospel with those who suffer.
125. United Methodists throughout the world are bound
together in a connectional covenant in which we support and
hold each other accountable for faithful discipleship and mis-
sion. Integrally holding connectional unity and local freedom, we
seek to proclaim and embody the gospel in ways responsible to
our specic cultural and social context while maintaining “a vital
web of interactive relationships” ( 132). At the same time, we
desire to afrm and celebrate our relationships, covenants, and
partnership with autonomous, afliated autonomous, afliated
united covenanting, and concordat churches (¶¶ 570-574) as well
as other partners in the Wesleyan and ecumenical Christian fami-
lies. Our worldwide connectional relationship is one of the ways
we carry out our missional calling beyond national and regional
boundaries. For our connectionalism to become a living practice,
we need to carry the worldwide nature of The United Methodist
Church deep into the life and mission of our local congregations.
Only when we commit ourselves to interdependent worldwide
partnerships in prayer, mission, and worship can connectional-
ism as the Wesleyan ecclesial vision be fully embodied. Guided by
the Holy Spirit, United Methodist churches throughout the world
are called afresh into a covenant of mutual commitment based on
shared mission, equity, and hospitality.
In covenant with God and with each other:
We afrm our unity in Christ, and take faithful steps to live
more fully into what it means to be a worldwide church in mis-
sion for the transformation of the world.
We commit ourselves to crossing boundaries of language, cul-
ture, and social or economic status. We commit ourselves to be in
ministry with all people, as we, in faithfulness to the gospel, seek
to grow in mutual love and trust.
We participate in God’s mission as partners in ministry, recog-
nizing that our God-given gifts, experiences, and resources are of
equal value, whether spiritual, nancial, or missional.
We commit ourselves to full equity and accountability
in our relationships, structures, and responsibilities for the
We enter afresh into a relationship of mutuality, creating a
new sense of community and joyously living out our worldwide
connection in our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the
transformation of the world.
A Companion Litany to Our Covenant for the Worldwide
United Methodist Church
Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we afrm our
unity in Christ.
People: We will take faithful steps to live as a worldwide
church in our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the
transformation of the world.
Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we commit
ourselves to be in ministry with all people.
People: In faithfulness to the gospel, we will cross boundar-
ies of language, culture, social or economic status as we grow in
mutual love and trust.
Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we participate
in God’s mission as partners in ministry.
People: We share our God-given gifts, experiences, and
resources recognizing that they are of equal value, whether spiri-
tual, nancial, or missional.
Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we commit
ourselves to full equality.
People: We uphold equity and accountability in our relation-
ships, structures, and responsibilities for the denomination.
Leader: In covenant with God and each other, we enter afresh
into a relationship of mutuality.
People: With God’s grace, we joyfully live out our world-
wide connection in our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.
Section II. The Ministry of All Christians
126. The Heart of Christian Ministry—The heart of Christian
ministry is Christ’s ministry of outreaching love. Christian
ministry is the expression of the mind and mission of Christ by
a community of Christians that demonstrates a common life of
gratitude and devotion, witness and service, celebration and dis-
cipleship. All Christians are called through their baptism to this
ministry of servanthood in the world to the glory of God and for
human fulllment. The forms of this ministry are diverse in locale,
in interest, and in denominational accent, yet always catholic in
spirit and outreach.
127. The Ministry of the Laity—The ministry of the laity ows
from a commitment to Christ’s outreaching love. Lay members of
The United Methodist Church are, by history and calling, active
advocates of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Every layperson is called
to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20); every
layperson is called to be missional. The witness of the laity, their
Christ-like examples of everyday living as well as the sharing of
their own faith experiences of the gospel, is the primary evange-
listic ministry through which all people will come to know Christ
and The United Methodist Church will fulll its mission.
128. The Ministry of the Community—The church as the
community of the new covenant has participated in Christ’s min-
istry of grace across the years and around the world. It stretches
out to human needs wherever love and service may convey God’s
love and ours. The outreach of such ministries knows no limits.
Beyond the diverse forms of ministry is this ultimate concern: that
all persons will be brought into a saving relationship with God
through Jesus Christ and be renewed after the image of their cre-
ator (Colossians 3:10). This means that all Christians are called to
minister wherever Christ would have them serve and witness in
deeds and words that heal and free.
129. Ministry as Gift and Task—This ministry of all Chris-
tians in Christ’s name and spirit is both a gift and a task. The gift
is God’s unmerited grace; the task is unstinting service. Entrance
into the church is acknowledged in baptism and may include per-
sons of all ages. In baptism, water is administered in the name of
the triune God (specied in the ritual as Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit) by an authorized person, and the Holy Spirit is invoked
with the laying on of hands, ordinarily in the presence of the con-
gregation. In this sacrament the church claims God’s promise and
the seal of the Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). Baptism is followed by nur-
ture and the consequent awareness by the baptized of the claim
to ministry in Christ placed upon their lives by the church. Such a
ministry is conrmed by the church when the pledges of baptism
are accepted through profession of faith, and renewed for life and
mission. Entrance into and acceptance of ministry begin in a local
church, but the impulse to minister always moves one beyond the
congregation toward the whole human community. God’s gifts
are richly diverse for a variety of services; yet all have dignity and
130. Faithful Ministry—The people of God, who are the
church made visible in the world, must convince the world of the
reality of the gospel or leave it unconvinced. There can be no eva-
sion or delegation of this responsibility; the church is either faith-
ful as a witnessing and serving community, or it loses its vitality
and its impact on an unbelieving world.
131. The Unity of Ministry in Christ—There is but one min-
istry in Christ, but there are diverse gifts and evidences of God’s
grace in the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:4-16). The ministry of
all Christians is complementary. No ministry is subservient to
another. All United Methodists are summoned and sent by Christ
to live and work together in mutual interdependence and to be
guided by the Spirit into the truth that frees and the love that
132. The Journey of a Connectional People—Connectionalism
in the United Methodist tradition is multi-leveled, global in scope,
and local in thrust. Our connectionalism is not merely a linking of
one charge conference to another. It is rather a vital web of interac-
tive relationships.
We are connected by sharing a common tradition of faith,
including Our Doctrinal Standards and General Rules ( 104); by
sharing together a constitutional polity, including a leadership of
general superintendency; by sharing a common mission, which
we seek to carry out by working together in and through con-
ferences that reect the inclusive and missional character of our
fellowship; by sharing a common ethos that characterizes our dis-
tinctive way of doing things.
Section III. Servant Ministry and Servant Leadership
133. Mission as Active Expectancy—The ministry of all
Christians consists of service for the mission of God in the world.
The mission of God is best expressed in the prayer that Jesus
taught his rst disciples: Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on
earth as in heaven. All Christians, therefore, are to live in active
expectancy: faithful in service of God and their neighbor; faithful
in waiting for the fulllment of God’s universal love, justice, and
peace on earth as in heaven.
Pending this time of fulllment, the ministry of all Christians
is shaped by the teachings of Jesus. The handing on of these teach-
ings is entrusted to leaders who are gifted and called by God to
appointed ofces in the church: some apostles, some prophets,
some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. “His purpose
was to equip God’s people for the work of serving and build-
ing up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12). For these persons
to lead the church effectively, they must embody the teachings
of Jesus in servant ministries and servant leadership. Through
these ministries and leadership, congregations of the church
are faithfully engaged in the forming of Christian disciples and
vitally involved in the mission of God in the world.
134. Calling and Gifts of Leadership—The United Methodist
Church has traditionally recognized these gifts and callings in the
ordained ofces of elder and deacon. The United Methodist tradi-
tion has recognized that laypersons as well as ordained persons
are gifted and called by God to lead the Church. The servant lead-
ership of these persons is essential to the mission and ministry of
congregations. They help to form Christian disciples in covenant
community within the local congregation through spiritual for-
mation and guidance for Christian living in the world.
Section IV. Servant Ministry
135. Christian Discipleship—The ministry of all Christians
consists of privilege and obligation. The privilege is a relationship
with God that is deeply spiritual. The obligation is to respond to
God’s call to holy living in the world. In the United Methodist tra-
dition these two dimensions of Christian discipleship are wholly
136. Our Relationship with God: Privilege—Christians experi-
ence growth and transition in their spiritual life just as in their
physical and emotional lives. While this growth is always a work
of grace, it does not occur uniformly. Spiritual growth in Christ
is a dynamic process marked by awakening, birth, growth, and
maturation. This process requires careful and intentional nurture
for the disciple to reach perfection in the Christian life. There are
stages of spiritual growth and transition: Christian beginnings;
Christian birth; Christian growth; and Christian maturity. These
require careful and intentional nurture for the disciple to come to
maturity in the Christian life and to engage fully in the ministry
of all Christians.
137. Our Relationship with Christ in the World: Obligation
The ministry of all Christians in the United Methodist tradition
has always been energized by deep religious experience, with
emphasis on how ministry relates to our obligation to Jesus
Christ. The early Methodists developed a way of life that fostered
reliability, and their methodical discipleship is best expressed in
the General Rules that John Wesley rst published in 1743, which
remain in The United Methodist Book of Discipline, pages 77-80.
Section V. Servant Leadership
138. Leadership Privileges and Responsibilities—Within The
United Methodist Church, there are those called to servant lead-
ership, lay and ordained. Such callings are evidenced by special
gifts, evidence of God’s grace, and promise of usefulness. God’s
call to servant leadership is inward as it comes to the individual
and outward through the discernment and validation of the
Church. The privilege of servant leadership in the Church is the
call to share in the preparation of congregations and the whole
Church for the mission of God in the world. The obligation of
servant leadership is the forming of Christian disciples in the
covenant community of the congregation. This involves discern-
ing and nurturing the spiritual relationship with God that is the
privilege of all servant ministers. It also involves instructing and
guiding Christian disciples in their witness to Jesus Christ in the
world through acts of worship, devotion, compassion, and justice
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. John Wesley described this
as “watching over one another in love.”
139. Ordained Ministry—Ordained ministers are called by
God to a lifetime of servant leadership in specialized ministries
among the people of God. Ordained ministers are called to inter-
pret to the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world
and the promise of God for creation. Within these specialized
ministries, deacons are called to ministries of Word, Service
( 328), Compassion, and Justice and elders are called to minis-
tries of Service, Word, Sacrament, and Order ( 332). Through
these distinctive functions ordained ministers devote themselves
wholly to the work of the Church and to the upbuilding of the
ministry of all Christians. They do this through the careful study
of Scripture and its faithful interpretation; through effective proc-
lamation of the gospel and responsible administration of the
sacraments; through diligent pastoral leadership of their congre-
gations for fruitful discipleship; and by following the guidance of
the Holy Spirit in witnessing beyond the congregation in the local
community and to the ends of the earth. The ordained ministry is
dened by its faithful commitment to servant leadership follow-
ing the example of Jesus Christ, by its passion for the hallowing of
life, and by its concern to link all local ministries with the widest
boundaries of the Christian community.
Section VI. Called to Inclusiveness
140. We recognize that God made all creation and saw
that it was good. As a diverse people of God who bring special
gifts and evidences of God’s grace to the unity of the Church and
to society, we are called to be faithful to the example of Jesus’ min-
istry to all persons.
Inclusiveness means openness, acceptance, and support that
enables all persons to participate in the life of the Church, the
community, and the world; therefore, inclusiveness denies every
semblance of discrimination. The services of worship of every
local church of The United Methodist Church shall be open to all
The mark of an inclusive society is one in which all persons
are open, welcoming, fully accepting, and supporting of all other
persons, enabling them to participate fully in the life of the church,
the community, and the world. A further mark of inclusiveness is
the setting of church activities in facilities accessible to persons
with disabilities.
In The United Methodist Church inclusiveness means the
freedom for the total involvement of all persons who meet the
requirements of The United Methodist Book of Discipline in the
membership and leadership of the Church at any level and in
every place. In the spirit of this declaration, United Methodist
seminaries will begin or continue to improve access to facilities, to
information and communication, and to appropriate support ser-
vices and accommodations as delineated by The United Nations
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Per-
sons with Disabilities and applicable World Council of Churches
Section VII. The Fulllment of Ministry
Through The United Methodist Church
141. The Church—Afrming the spiritual dimensions of
the ministry of all Christians, as proclaimed in ¶¶ 120-143 of this
Book of Discipline, it is recognized that this ministry exists in the
secular world and that civil authorities may seek legal denition
predicated on the nature of The United Methodist Church in seek-
ing fulllment of this ministry. Accordingly, it is appropriate that
the meaning of “The United Methodist Church,” “the general
Church,” “the entire Church,” and “the Church” as used in the
Book of Discipline should now be stated consistently with the tradi-
tional self-understanding of United Methodists as to the meaning
of these words.
These terms refer to the overall denomination and connec-
tional relation and identity of its many local churches, the various
conferences and their respective councils, boards, and agencies,
and other Church units, which collectively constitute the religious
system known as United Methodism. Under the Constitution and
disciplinary procedures set forth in this Book of Discipline, “The
United Methodist Church” as a denominational whole is not an
entity, nor does it possess legal capacities and attributes. It does
not and cannot hold title to property, nor does it have any of-
cer, agent, employee, ofce, or location. Conferences, councils,
boards, agencies, local churches, and other units bearing the name
“United Methodist” are, for the most part, legal entities capable
of suing and being sued and possessed of legal capacities.
142. Denition of ClergyClergy in The United Methodist
Church are individuals who serve as commissioned ministers,
deacons, elders, and local pastors (full- and part-time), who hold
membership in an annual conference, and who are commissioned,
ordained, or licensed.
143. Employment Status of Clergy—Ministry in the Christian
church is derived from the ministry of Christ ( 301). Jesus makes
it clear to us that he is a shepherd and not a hireling (John 10:11-
15). Similarly, United Methodist clergy appointed to local churches
are not employees of the local church, the district, or the annual
conference. It is recognized that for certain limited purposes such
as taxation, benets, and insurance, governments and other enti-
ties may classify clergy as employees. Such classications are not
to be construed as affecting or dening United Methodist polity,
including the historic covenants that bind annual conferences,
clergy, and congregations, episcopal appointive powers and pro-
cedures, or other principles set forth in the Constitution or the
Book of Discipline (see e.g., ¶¶ 301; 328-329; 333-334; 338; 340). In
addition, any such classications should be accepted, if at all, only
for limited purposes, as set forth above, and with the full recogni-
tion and acknowledgment that it is the responsibility of the clergy
to be God’s servants.
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Part V
The United Methodist Church has a long history of concern
for social justice. Its members have often taken forthright posi-
tions on controversial issues involving Christian principles. Early
Methodists expressed their opposition to the slave trade, to smug-
gling, and to the cruel treatment of prisoners.
A social creed was adopted by The Methodist Episcopal
Church (North) in 1908. Within the next decade similar state-
ments were adopted by The Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
and by The Methodist Protestant Church. The Evangelical United
Brethren Church adopted a statement of social principles in 1946
at the time of the uniting of the United Brethren and The Evan-
gelical Church. In 1972, four years after the uniting in 1968 of The
Methodist Church and The Evangelical United Brethren Church,
the General Conference of The United Methodist Church adopted
a new statement of Social Principles, which was revised in 1976
(and by each successive General Conference).
The Social Principles, while not to be considered church law,
are a prayerful and thoughtful effort on the part of the General
Conference to speak to the human issues in the contemporary
world from a sound biblical and theological foundation as histori-
cally demonstrated in United Methodist traditions. They are a call
to faithfulness and are intended to be instructive and persuasive
in the best of the prophetic spirit. The Social Principles are a call
1. See Judicial Council Decisions 833, 1254.
to all members of The United Methodist Church to a prayerful,
studied dialogue of faith and practice. (See 509.)
We, the people called United Methodists, afrm our faith in
God our Creator and Father, in Jesus Christ our Savior, and in the
Holy Spirit, our Guide and Guard.
We acknowledge our complete dependence upon God in
birth, in life, in death, and in life eternal. Secure in God’s love,
we afrm the goodness of life and confess our many sins against
God’s will for us as we nd it in Jesus Christ. We have not always
been faithful stewards of all that has been committed to us by God
the Creator. We have been reluctant followers of Jesus Christ in
his mission to bring all persons into a community of love. Though
called by the Holy Spirit to become new creatures in Christ, we
have resisted the further call to become the people of God in our
dealings with each other and the earth on which we live.
We afrm our unity in Jesus Christ while acknowledging dif-
ferences in applying our faith in different cultural contexts as we
live out the gospel. We stand united in declaring our faith that
God’s grace is available to all, that nothing can separate us from
the love of God in Christ Jesus.
Grateful for God’s forgiving love, in which we live and by
which we are judged, and afrming our belief in the inestimable
worth of each individual, we renew our commitment to become
faithful witnesses to the gospel, not alone to the ends of earth, but
also to the depths of our common life and work.
All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways
in which we use and abuse it. Water, air, soil, minerals, energy
resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and con-
served because they are God’s creation and not solely because
they are useful to human beings. God has granted us stewardship
of creation. We should meet these stewardship duties through
acts of loving care and respect. Economic, political, social, and
technological developments have increased our human numbers,
and lengthened and enriched our lives. However, these devel-
opments have led to regional defoliation, dramatic extinction of
species, massive human suffering, overpopulation, and misuse
and overconsumption of natural and nonrenewable resources,
particularly by industrialized societies. This continued course of
action jeopardizes the natural heritage that God has entrusted to
all generations. Therefore, let us recognize the responsibility of
the church and its members to place a high priority on changes in
economic, political, social, and technological lifestyles to support
a more ecologically equitable and sustainable world leading to a
higher quality of life for all of God’s creation.
A) Water, Air, Soil, Minerals, Plants—We support and encour-
age social policies that serve to reduce and control the creation of
industrial byproducts and waste; facilitate the safe processing and
disposal of toxic and nuclear waste and move toward the elimi-
nation of both; encourage reduction of municipal waste; provide
for appropriate recycling and disposal of municipal waste; and
assist the cleanup of polluted air, water, and soil. We call for the
preservation of old-growth forests and other irreplaceable natural
treasures, as well as preservation of endangered plant species. We
support measures designed to maintain and restore natural eco-
systems. We support policies that develop alternatives to chemi-
cals used for growing, processing, and preserving food, and we
strongly urge adequate research into their effects upon God’s
creation prior to utilization. We urge development of interna-
tional agreements concerning equitable utilization of the world’s
resources for human benet so long as the integrity of the earth
is maintained. We are deeply concerned about the privatization
of water resources, the bottling of water to be sold as a commod-
ity for prot, and the resources that go into packaging bottled
water. We urge all municipalities and other governmental orga-
nizations to develop processes for determining sustainability of
water resources and to determine the environmental, economic,
and social consequences of privatization of water resources prior
to the licensing and approval thereof.
B) Energy Resources Utilization—The whole earth is God’s
good creation and as such has inherent value. We are aware that
the current utilization of energy resources threatens this creation
at its very foundation. As members of The United Methodist
Church we are committed to approaching creation, energy pro-
duction, and especially creation’s resources in a responsible, care-
ful and economic way. We call upon all to take measures to save
energy. Everybody should adapt his or her lifestyle to the average
consumption of energy that respects the limits of the planet earth.
We encourage persons to limit CO
emissions toward the goal of
one tonne per person annually. We strongly advocate for the pri-
ority of the development of renewable energies. The deposits of
carbon, oil, and gas resources are limited and their continuous uti-
lization accelerates global warming. The use of nuclear power is
no solution for avoiding CO
emissions. Nuclear power plants are
vulnerable, unsafe, and potential health risks. A safe, permanent
storage of nuclear waste cannot be guaranteed. It is therefore not
responsible to future generations to operate them. The production
of agricultural fuels and the use of biomass plants rank lower than
the provision of safe food supplies and the continued existence
for small farming businesses.
C) Animal Life—We support regulations that protect and con-
serve the life and health of animals, including those ensuring the
humane treatment of pets, domesticated animals, animals used in
research, wildlife, and the painless slaughtering of meat animals,
sh, and fowl. We recognize unmanaged and managed commer-
cial, multinational, and corporate exploitation of wildlife and the
destruction of the ecosystems on which they depend threatens the
balance of natural systems, compromises biodiversity, reduces
resilience, and threatens ecosystem services. We encourage com-
mitment to effective implementation of national and international
governmental and business regulations and guidelines for the
conservation of all animal species with particular support to safe-
guard those threatened with extinction.
D) Global Climate Stewardship—We acknowledge the global
impact of humanity’s disregard for God’s creation. Rampant
industrialization and the corresponding increase in the use of
fossil fuels have led to a buildup of pollutants in the earth’s atmo-
sphere. These “greenhouse gas” emissions threaten to alter dra-
matically the earth’s climate for generations to come with severe
environmental, economic, and social implications. The adverse
impacts of global climate change disproportionately affect indi-
viduals and nations least responsible for the emissions. We there-
fore support efforts of all governments to require mandatory
reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and call on individuals,
congregations, businesses, industries, and communities to reduce
their emissions.
E) Space—The universe, known and unknown, is the creation
of God and is due the respect we are called to give the earth. We
therefore reject any nation’s efforts to weaponized space and urge
that all nations pursue the peaceful and collaborative develop-
ment of space technologies and of outer space itself.
F) Science and Technology—We recognize science as a legiti-
mate interpretation of God’s natural world. We afrm the validity
of the claims of science in describing the natural world and in
determining what is scientic. We preclude science from making
authoritative claims about theological issues and theology from
making authoritative claims about scientic issues. We nd that
science’s descriptions of cosmological, geological, and biological
evolution are not in conict with theology. We recognize medical,
technical, and scientic technologies as legitimate uses of God’s
natural world when such use enhances human life and enables
all of God’s children to develop their God-given creative potential
without violating our ethical convictions about the relationship
of humanity to the natural world. We reexamine our ethical con-
victions as our understanding of the natural world increases. We
nd that as science expands human understanding of the natural
world, our understanding of the mysteries of God’s creation and
word are enhanced.
In acknowledging the important roles of science and technol-
ogy, however, we also believe that theological understandings of
human experience are crucial to a full understanding of the place
of humanity in the universe. Science and theology are comple-
mentary rather than mutually incompatible. We therefore encour-
age dialogue between the scientic and theological communities
and seek the kind of participation that will enable humanity to
sustain life on earth and, by God’s grace, increase the quality of
our common lives together.
G) Food Safety—We support policies that protect the food sup-
ply and that ensure the public’s right to know the content of the
foods they are eating. We call for rigorous inspections and con-
trols on the biological safety of all foodstuffs intended for human
consumption. We urge independent testing for chemical residues
in food, and the removal from the market of foods contaminated
with potentially hazardous levels of pesticides, herbicides, or fun-
gicides; drug residues from animal antibiotics, steroids, or hor-
mones; contaminants due to pollution that are carried by air, soil,
or water from incinerator plants or other industrial operations.
We call for clear labeling of all processed, genetically created, or
genetically altered foods, with premarket safety testing required.
We oppose weakening the standards for organic foods. We call
for policies that encourage and support a gradual transition to
sustainable and organic agriculture.
H) Food Justice—We support policies that increase access to
quality food, particularly for those with the fewest resources. We
afrm local, sustainable, and small-scale agriculture opportuni-
ties that allow communities to feed themselves. We decry policies
that make food inaccessible to the communities where it is grown
and the farmworkers involved in its growth.
The community provides the potential for nurturing human
beings into the fullness of their humanity. We believe we have
a responsibility to innovate, sponsor, and evaluate new forms of
community that will encourage development of the fullest poten-
tial in individuals. Primary for us is the gospel understanding
that all persons are important—because they are human beings
created by God and loved through and by Jesus Christ and not
because they have merited signicance. We therefore support
social climates in which human communities are maintained and
strengthened for the sake of all persons and their growth. We
also encourage all individuals to be sensitive to others by using
appropriate language when referring to all persons. Language
of a derogatory nature (with regard to race, nationality, ethnic
background, gender, sexuality, and physical differences) does not
reect value for one another and contradicts the gospel of Jesus
A) Culture and Identity—We believe that our primary identity
is as children of God. With that identity comes societal and cul-
tural constructions that have both positive and negative impacts
on humanity and the Church. Cultural identity evolves through
our history, traditions, and experiences. The Church seeks to
fully embrace and nurture cultural formation and competency as
a means to be fully one body, expressed in multiple ways. Each
of us has multiple identities of equal value that intersect to form
our complete self. We afrm that no identity or culture has more
legitimacy than any other. We call the Church to challenge any
hierarchy of cultures or identities. Through relationships within
and among cultures we are called to and have the responsibil-
ity for learning from each other, showing mutual respect for our
differences and similarities as we experience the diversity of per-
spectives and viewpoints.
B) The Family—We believe the family to be the basic human
community through which persons are nurtured and sustained
in mutual love, responsibility, respect, and delity. We afrm the
importance of loving parents for all children. We also understand
the family as encompassing a wider range of options than that
of the two-generational unit of parents and children (the nuclear
family). We afrm shared responsibility for parenting where there
are two parents and encourage social, economic, and religious
efforts to maintain and strengthen relationships within families
in order that every member may be assisted toward complete
C) Marriage—We afrm the sanctity of the marriage covenant
that is expressed in love, mutual support, personal commitment,
and shared delity between a man and a woman. We believe that
God’s blessing rests upon such marriage, whether or not there are
children of the union. We reject social norms that assume different
standards for women than for men in marriage. We support laws
in civil society that dene marriage as the union of one man and
one woman.
D) Divorce—God’s plan is for lifelong, faithful marriage. The
church must be on the forefront of premarital, marital, and post-
marital counseling in order to create and preserve healthy rela-
tionships. However, when a married couple is estranged beyond
reconciliation, even after thoughtful consideration and counsel,
divorce is a regrettable alternative in the midst of brokenness. We
grieve over the devastating emotional, spiritual, and economic
consequences of divorce for all involved, understanding that
women and especially children are disproportionately impacted
by such burdens. As the Church we are concerned about high
divorce rates. It is recommended that methods of mediation be
used to minimize the adversarial nature and fault-nding that are
often part of our current judicial processes, encouraging reconcili-
ation wherever possible. We also support efforts by governments
to reform divorce laws and other aspects of family law in order to
address negative trends such as high divorce rates.
Although divorce publicly declares that a marriage no longer
exists, other covenantal relationships resulting from the marriage
remain, such as the nurture and support of children and extended
family ties. We urge respectful negotiations in deciding the custody
2. See Judicial Council Decision 694.
of minor children and support the consideration of either or both
parents for this responsibility in that custody not be reduced to
nancial support, control, or manipulation and retaliation. The
welfare of each child is the most important consideration.
Divorce does not preclude a new marriage. We encourage
an intentional commitment of the Church and society to minis-
ter compassionately to those in the process of divorce, as well as
members of divorced and remarried families, in a community of
faith where God’s grace is shared by all.
E) Single Persons—We afrm the integrity of single persons,
and we reject all social practices that discriminate or social atti-
tudes that are prejudicial against persons because they are sin-
gle. This also includes single parents, and we recognize the extra
responsibilities involved.
F) Women and Men—We afrm with Scripture the common
humanity of male and female, both having equal worth in the
eyes of God. We reject the erroneous notion that one gender is
superior to another, that one gender must strive against another,
and that members of one gender may receive love, power, and
esteem only at the expense of another. We especially reject the
idea that God made individuals as incomplete fragments, made
whole only in union with another. We call upon women and men
alike to share power and control, to learn to give freely and to
receive freely, to be complete and to respect the wholeness of
others. We seek for every individual opportunities and freedom
to love and be loved, to seek and receive justice, and to practice
ethical self-determination. We understand our gender diversity to
be a gift from God, intended to add to the rich variety of human
experience and perspective; and we guard against attitudes and
traditions that would use this good gift to leave members of one
sex more vulnerable in relationships than members of another.
G) Human Sexuality—We afrm that sexuality is God’s good
gift to all persons. We call everyone to responsible stewardship of
this sacred gift.
Although all persons are sexual beings whether or not they
are married, sexual relations are afrmed only with the covenant
of monogamous, heterosexual marriage.
We deplore all forms of the commercialization, abuse, and
exploitation of sex. We call for strict global enforcement of laws
prohibiting the sexual exploitation of children and for adequate
protection, guidance, and counseling for abused children. All per-
sons, regardless of age, gender, marital status, or sexual orienta-
tion, are entitled to have their human and civil rights ensured and
to be protected against violence. The Church should support the
family in providing age-appropriate education regarding sexual-
ity to children, youth, and adults.
We afrm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth,
created in the image of God. All persons need the ministry of the
Church in their struggles for human fulllment, as well as the
spiritual and emotional care of a fellowship that enables reconcil-
ing relationships with God, with others, and with self. The United
Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexual-
ity and considers this practice incompatible with Christian teach-
ing. We afrm that God’s grace is available to all. We will seek
to live together in Christian community, welcoming, forgiving,
and loving one another, as Christ has loved and accepted us. We
implore families and churches not to reject or condemn lesbian
and gay members and friends. We commit ourselves to be in min-
istry for and with all persons.
H) Family Violence and Abuse—We recognize that family vio-
lence and abuse in all its forms—verbal, psychological, physical,
sexual—is detrimental to the covenant of the human community.
We encourage the Church to provide a safe environment, counsel,
and support for the victim and to work with the abuser to under-
stand the root causes and forms of abuse and to overcome such
behaviors. Regardless of the cause or the abuse, both the victim
and the abuser need the love of the Church. While we deplore the
actions of the abuser, we afrm that person to be in need of God’s
redeeming love.
I) Sexual Abuse—Violent, disrespectful, or abusive sexual
expressions do not conrm sexuality as God’s good gift. We
reject all sexual expressions that damage the humanity God has
given us as birthright, and we afrm only that sexual expres-
sion that enhances that same humanity. We believe that sexual
relations where one or both partners are exploitative, abusive, or
promiscuous are beyond the parameters of acceptable Christian
behavior and are ultimately destructive to individuals, families,
and the social order. We deplore all forms of the commercialization
and exploitation of sex, with their consequent cheapening and
degradation of human personality. To lose freedom and be sold
3. See Judicial Council Decision 702.
by someone else for sexual purposes is a form of slavery, and we
denounce such business and support the abused and their right
to freedom.
We call for strict global enforcement of laws prohibiting the
sexual exploitation or use of children by adults and encourage
efforts to hold perpetrators legally and nancially responsible. We
call for the establishment of adequate protective services, guid-
ance, and counseling opportunities for children thus abused.
J) Sexual Harassment—We believe human sexuality is God’s
good gift. One abuse of this good gift is sexual harassment. We
dene sexual harassment as any unwanted sexual comment,
advance, or demand, either verbal or physical, that is reason-
ably perceived by the recipient as demeaning, intimidating, or
coercive. Sexual harassment must be understood as an exploita-
tion of a power relationship rather than as an exclusively sexual
issue. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, the cre-
ation of a hostile or abusive working environment resulting from
discrimination on the basis of gender. Contrary to the nurturing
community, sexual harassment creates improper, coercive, and
abusive conditions wherever it occurs in society. Sexual harass-
ment undermines the social goal of equal opportunity and the
climate of mutual respect between men and women. Unwanted
sexual attention is wrong and discriminatory. Sexual harassment
interferes with the moral mission of the Church.
K) Abortion—The beginning of life and the ending of life are
the God-given boundaries of human existence. While individuals
have always had some degree of control over when they would
die, they now have the awesome power to determine when and
even whether new individuals will be born. Our belief in the sanc-
tity of unborn human life makes us reluctant to approve abortion.
But we are equally bound to respect the sacredness of the life
and well-being of the mother and the unborn child.
We recognize tragic conicts of life with life that may justify
abortion, and in such cases we support the legal option of abor-
tion under proper medical procedures by certied medical pro-
viders. We support parental, guardian, or other responsible adult
notication and consent before abortions can be performed on
girls who have not yet reached the age of legal adulthood. We
cannot afrm abortion as an acceptable means of birth control,
and we unconditionally reject it as a means of gender selection or
eugenics (see Resolution 3184).
We oppose the use of late-term abortion known as dilation
and extraction (partial-birth abortion) and call for the end of this
practice except when the physical life of the mother is in dan-
ger and no other medical procedure is available, or in the case
of severe fetal anomalies incompatible with life. This procedure
shall be performed only by certied medical providers. Before
providing their services, abortion providers should be required to
offer women the option of anesthesia.
We call all Christians to a searching and prayerful inquiry into
the sorts of conditions that may cause them to consider abortion.
We entrust God to provide guidance, wisdom, and discernment to
those facing an unintended pregnancy.
The Church shall offer ministries to reduce unintended preg-
nancies. We commit our Church to continue to provide nurtur-
ing ministries to those who terminate a pregnancy, to those in the
midst of a crisis pregnancy, and to those who give birth.
We mourn and are committed to promoting the diminish-
ment of high abortion rates. The Church shall encourage minis-
tries to reduce unintended pregnancies such as comprehensive,
age-appropriate sexuality education, advocacy in regard to con-
traception, and support of initiatives that enhance the quality of
life for all women and girls around the globe.
Young adult women disproportionately face situations in
which they feel that they have no choice due to nancial, educa-
tional, relational, or other circumstances beyond their control. The
Church and its local congregations and campus ministries should
be in the forefront of supporting existing ministries and develop-
ing new ministries that help such women in their com- munities.
They should also support those crisis pregnancy centers and preg-
nancy resource centers that compassionately help women explore
all options related to unplanned pregnancy. We particularly
encourage the Church, the government, and social service agen-
cies to support and facilitate the option of adoption. (See 161M.)
We afrm and encourage the Church to assist the ministry of cri-
sis pregnancy centers and pregnancy resource centers that com-
passionately help women nd feasible alternatives to abortion.
Governmental laws and regulations do not provide all the
guidance required by the informed Christian conscience. There-
fore, a decision concerning abortion should be made only after
thoughtful and prayerful consideration by the parties involved,
with medical, family, pastoral, and other appropriate counsel.
L) Ministry With Those Who Have Experienced an Abortion—We
urge local pastors to become informed about the symptoms and
behaviors associated with post-abortion stress. We commit our
Church to continue to provide nurturing ministries to those who
terminate a pregnancy, to those in the midst of a crisis pregnancy,
and to those who give birth. We further encourage local churches
to make available contact information for counseling agencies that
offer programs to address post-abortion stress for all seeking help.
M) Adoption—Children are a gift from God to be welcomed
and received. We recognize that some circumstances of birth make
the rearing of a child difcult. We afrm and support the birth
parent(s) whose choice it is to allow the child to be adopted. We
recognize the agony, strength, and courage of the birth parent(s)
who choose(s) in hope, love, and prayer to offer the child for
adoption. In addition, we also recognize the anxiety, strength,
and courage of those who choose in hope, love, and prayer to
be able to care for a child. We afrm and support the adoptive
parent(s)’ desire to rear an adopted child as they would a biologi-
cal child. When circumstances warrant adoption, we support the
use of proper legal procedures. When appropriate and possible,
we encourage open adoption so that a child may know all infor-
mation and people related to them, both medically and relation-
ally. We support and encourage greater awareness and education
to promote adoption of a wide variety of children through foster
care, international adoption, and domestic adoption. We com-
mend the birth parent(s), the receiving parent(s), and the child to
the care of the Church, that grief might be shared, joy might be
celebrated, and the child might be nurtured in a community of
Christian love.
N) Faithful Care for Dying Persons—While we applaud medical
science for efforts to prevent disease and illness and for advances
in treatment that extend the meaningful life of human beings,
we recognize that every mortal life will ultimately end in death.
Death is never a sign that God has abandoned us, no matter what
the circumstances of the death might be. As Christians we must
always be prepared to surrender the gift of mortal life and claim
the gift of eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. Care for dying persons is part of our stewardship of the
divine gift of life when cure is no longer possible. We encourage
the use of medical technologies to provide palliative care at the
end of life when life-sustaining treatments no longer support the
goals of life, and when they have reached their limits. There is
no moral or religious obligation to use these when they impose
undue burdens or only extend the process of dying. Dying per-
sons and their families are free to discontinue treatments when
they cease to be of benet to the patient.
We recognize the agonizing personal and moral decisions
faced by the dying, their physicians, their families, their friends,
and their faith community. We urge that decisions faced by the
dying be made with thoughtful and prayerful consideration by
the parties involved, with medical, pastoral, and other appropri-
ate counsel. We further urge that all persons discuss with their
families, their physicians, and their pastoral counselors, their
wishes for care at the end of life and provide advance directives
for such care when they are not able to make these decisions for
themselves. Even when one accepts the inevitability of death,
the Church and society must continue to provide faithful care,
including pain relief, companionship, support, and spiritual nur-
ture for the dying person in the hard work of preparing for death.
We encourage and support the concept of hospice care whenever
possible at the end of life. Faithful care does not end at death but
continues during bereavement as we care for grieving families.
We reject euthanasia and any pressure upon the dying to end their
lives. God has continued love and purpose for all persons, regard-
less of health. We afrm laws and policies that protect the rights
and dignity of the dying.
O) Suicide—We believe that suicide is not the way a human
life should end. Often suicide is the result of untreated depres-
sion, or untreated pain and suffering. The Church has an obliga-
tion to see that all persons have access to needed pastoral and
medical care and therapy in those circumstances that lead to loss
of self-worth, suicidal despair, and/or the desire to seek physi-
cian-assisted suicide. We encourage the Church to provide educa-
tion to address the biblical, theological, social, and ethical issues
related to death and dying, including suicide. United Methodist
theological seminary courses should also focus on issues of death
and dying, including suicide.
A Christian perspective on suicide begins with an afrmation
of faith that nothing, including suicide, separates us from the love
of God (Romans 8:38-39). Therefore, we deplore the condemna-
tion of people who complete suicide, and we consider unjust the
stigma that so often falls on surviving family and friends.
We encourage pastors and faith communities to address this
issue through preaching and teaching. We urge pastors and faith
communities to provide pastoral care to those at risk, survivors,
and their families, and to those families who have lost loved ones
to suicide, seeking always to remove the oppressive stigma around
suicide. The Church opposes assisted suicide and euthanasia.
P) Sexual Assault—Sexual assault is wrong. We afrm the right
of all people to live free from such assaults, encourage efforts of
law enforcement to prosecute such crimes, and condemn rape in
any form. It does not matter where the person is, what the person
is wearing, whether or not he or she is intoxicated, if he or she is
irtatious, what is the victim’s gender, or any other circumstance.
Q) Pornography—Scripture teaches that humans are created
in God’s image and that we are accountable to God through right
relationship. Sexual images can celebrate the goodness of human
sexuality through positive depiction in art, literature, and educa-
tion. We deplore, however, images that distort this goodness and
injure healthy sexual relationships.
We oppose all forms of pornography and consider its use
a form of sexual misconduct. Pornography is sexually explicit
material that portrays violence, abuse, coercion, domination,
humiliation, or degradation for the purpose of sexual arousal.
Pornography sexually exploits and objecties both women and
men. Any sexually explicit material that depicts children is abhor-
rent and victimizes children. Pornography can ruin lives, careers,
and relationships.
We grieve the pervasiveness of Internet pornography, includ-
ing among Christians, and especially its impact on young people
and marriages.
The Church is called to transformation and healing for all per-
sons adversely affected by pornography. Congregations should
send a clear message of opposition to pornography and commit-
ment to safe environments for everyone. We encourage strategies
to eradicate pornography, to support victims, and to provide open
and transparent conversation and education around sexuality and
sexual ethics. We also believe that people can be rehabilitated
and should have the opportunity to receive treatment; therefore,
churches should seek ways to offer support and care for address-
ing issues of addiction. Further, all churches are encouraged to
review and update appropriate child, youth, and adult protection
policies to reect The United Methodist Church’s position that the
use of pornography is a form of sexual misconduct. By encour-
aging education, prevention, and pathways to recovery for all
affected by pornography, we live out our Wesleyan understand-
ing of grace and healing.
R) Bullying—Bullying is a growing problem in parts of the
connection. It is a contributing factor in suicide and in the vio-
lence we see in some cultures today. We afrm the right of all
people, regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, race, reli-
gion, disability, age, physical appearance, sexual orientation and
gender identity, to be free of unwanted aggressive behavior and
harmful control tactics.
As the Church, we can play a pivotal role in ending this
problem. We urge churches to seek opportunities to be trained
in responding to the needs of those who have been bullied, to
those who perpetrate bullying, and to support those in authority
who may witness or be called to intervene on behalf of those who
have been bullied. Churches are urged to connect with commu-
nity associations and schools in this outreach.
We encourage churches to adopt a policy of zero tolerance for
bullying, including cyberbullying, within their spheres of inu-
ence; stand with persons being bullied; and take a leadership role
in working with the schools and community to prevent bullying.
The rights and privileges a society bestows upon or withholds
from those who comprise it indicate the relative esteem in which
that society holds particular persons and groups of persons. We
afrm all persons as equally valuable in the sight of God. We there-
fore work toward societies in which each person’s value is recog-
nized, maintained, and strengthened. We support the basic rights
of all persons to equal access to housing, education, communica-
tion, employment, medical care, legal redress for grievances, and
physical protection. We deplore acts of hate or violence against
groups or persons based on race, color, national origin, ethnicity,
age, gender, disability, status, economic condition, sexual orienta-
tion, gender identity, or religious afliation. Our respect for the
inherent dignity of all persons leads us to call for the recognition,
protection, and implementation of the principles of The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights so that communities and individuals
may claim and enjoy their universal, indivisible, and inalienable
A) Rights of Racial and Ethnic Persons—Racism is the combina-
tion of the power to dominate by one race over other races and
a value system that assumes that the dominant race is innately
superior to the others. Racism includes both personal and insti-
tutional racism. Personal racism is manifested through the indi-
vidual expressions, attitudes, and/or behaviors that accept the
assumptions of a racist value system and that maintain the benets
of this system. Institutional racism is the established social pattern
that supports implicitly or explicitly the racist value system. Rac-
ism, manifested as sin, plagues and hinders our relationship with
Christ, inasmuch as it is antithetical to the gospel itself. In many
cultures white persons are granted unearned privileges and ben-
ets that are denied to persons of color. We oppose the creation of
a racial hierarchy in any culture. Racism breeds racial discrimina-
tion. We dene racial discrimination as the disparate treatment and
lack of full access and equity in resources, opportunities, and par-
ticipation in the Church and in society based on race or ethnicity.
Therefore, we recognize racism as sin and afrm the ulti-
mate and temporal worth of all persons. We rejoice in the gifts
that particular ethnic histories and cultures bring to our total life.
We commit as the Church to move beyond symbolic expressions
and representative models that do not challenge unjust systems of
power and access.
We commend and encourage the self-awareness of all racial
and ethnic groups and oppressed people that leads them to
demand their just and equal rights as members of society. We
assert the obligation of society and people within the society to
implement compensatory programs that redress long-standing,
systemic social deprivation of racial and ethnic persons. We fur-
ther assert the right of members of historically underrepresented
racial and ethnic persons to equal and equitable opportunities
in employment and promotion; to education and training of the
highest quality; to nondiscrimination in voting, access to public
accommodations, and housing purchase or rental; to credit, nan-
cial loans, venture capital, and insurance policies; to positions of
leadership and power in all elements of our life together; and to
full participation in the Church and society. We support afrma-
tive action as one method of addressing the inequalities and dis-
criminatory practices within the Church and society.
B) Rights of Religious Minorities—Religious persecution has
been common in the history of civilization. We urge policies and
practices that ensure the right of every religious group to exer-
cise its faith free from legal, political, or economic restrictions. We
condemn all overt and covert forms of religious intolerance, being
especially sensitive to their expression in media stereotyping. We
assert the right of all religions and their adherents to freedom
from legal, economic, and social discrimination.
C) Rights of Children—Once considered the property of their
parents, children are now acknowledged to be full human beings
in their own right, but beings to whom adults and society in gen-
eral have special obligations. Thus, we support the development
of school systems and innovative methods of education designed
to assist every child toward complete fulllment as an individual
person of worth. All children have the right to quality education,
including full sex education appropriate to their stage of develop-
ment that utilizes the best educational techniques and insights.
Christian parents and guardians and the Church have the respon-
sibility to ensure that children receive sex education consistent
with Christian morality, including faithfulness in marriage and
abstinence in singleness. Moreover, children have the rights to
food, shelter, clothing, health care, and emotional well-being as do
adults, and these rights we afrm as theirs regardless of actions
or inactions of their parents or guardians. In particular, children
must be protected from economic, physical, emotional, and sexual
exploitation and abuse.
D) Rights of Young People—Our society is characterized by a
large population of young people who frequently nd full par-
ticipation in society difcult. Therefore, we urge development of
policies that encourage inclusion of young people in decision-
making processes and that eliminate discrimination and exploita-
tion. Creative and appropriate employment opportunities should
be legally and socially available for young people.
E) Rights of the Aging—In a society that places primary
emphasis upon youth, those growing old in years are frequently
isolated from the mainstream of social existence. We support
social policies that integrate the aging into the life of the total
community, including sufcient incomes, increased and nondis-
criminatory employment opportunities, educational and service
opportunities, and adequate medical care and housing within
existing communities. We urge social policies and programs, with
emphasis on the unique concerns of older women and ethnic per-
sons, that ensure to the aging the respect and dignity that is their
right as senior members of the human community. Further, we
urge increased consideration for adequate pension systems by
employers, with provisions for the surviving spouse.
F) Rights of Women—We afrm women and men to be equal
in every aspect of their common life. We therefore urge that every
effort be made to eliminate sex-role stereotypes in activity and
portrayal of family life and in all aspects of voluntary and com-
pensatory participation in the Church and society. We afrm the
right of women to equal treatment in employment, responsibil-
ity, promotion, and compensation. We afrm the importance of
women in decision-making positions at all levels of Church and
society and urge such bodies to guarantee their presence through
policies of employment and recruitment. We support afrmative
action as one method of addressing the inequalities and discrimi-
natory practices within our Church and society. We urge employ-
ers of persons in dual career families, both in the Church and
society, to apply proper consideration of both parties when reloca-
tion is considered. We afrm the right of women to live free from
violence and abuse and urge governments to enact policies that
protect women against all forms of violence and discrimination in
any sector of society.
G) Rights of Men—Because we afrm women and men to
be equal in every aspect of their common life, we also afrm the
rights of men. We afrm equal opportunities in employment,
responsibility, and promotion. Men should not be ignored or lose
opportunities or inuence because they are men.
We recognize that men are also victims of domestic violence
and abuse. We encourage communities to offer the same policies
and protection as provided for women in similar situations. We
afrm the right of men to live free from violence and abuse and
urge governments to enact policies that protect men against all
forms of violence and discrimination in any sector of society.
We recognize that men’s role in raising children is in equal
importance to women’s and call for equal rights as women in
opportunities for parental leave. When parents divorce, men
often have less contact with their children. We call for equal access
to child-custody, but emphasize that the best interest of the child
always is the most important.
H) Rights of Immigrants—We recognize, embrace, and afrm
all persons, regardless of country of origin, as members of the
family of God. We afrm the right of all persons to equal opportu-
nities for employment, access to housing, health care, education,
and freedom from social discrimination. We urge the Church and
society to recognize the gifts, contributions, and struggles of those
who are immigrants and to advocate for justice for all. We oppose
immigration policies that separate family members from each
other or that include detention of families with children, and we
call on local churches to be in ministry with immigrant families.
I) Rights of Persons With Disabilities—We recognize and afrm
the full humanity and personhood of all individuals with mental,
physical, developmental, neurological, and psychological con-
ditions or disabilities as full members of the family of God. We
also afrm their rightful place in both the Church and society. We
afrm the responsibility of the Church and society to be in minis-
try with children, youth, and adults with mental, physical, devel-
opmental, and/or psychological and neurological conditions or
disabilities whose particular needs in the areas of mobility, com-
munication, intellectual comprehension, or personal relationships
might make more challenging their participation or that of their
families in the life of the Church and the community. We urge the
Church and society to recognize and receive the gifts of persons
with disabilities to enable them to be full participants in the com-
munity of faith. We call the Church and society to be sensitive
to, and advocate for, programs of rehabilitation, services, employ-
ment, education, appropriate housing, and transportation. We call
on the Church and society to protect the civil rights of persons
with all types and kinds of disabilities.
J) Equal Rights Regardless of Sexual Orientation—Certain basic
human rights and civil liberties are due all persons. We are commit-
ted to supporting those rights and liberties for all persons, regard-
less of sexual orientation. We see a clear issue of simple justice in
protecting the rightful claims where people have shared material
resources, pensions, guardian relationships, mutual powers of
attorney, and other such lawful claims typically attendant to con-
tractual relationships that involve shared contributions, respon-
sibilities, and liabilities, and equal protection before the law.
Moreover, we support efforts to stop violence and other forms of
coercion against all persons, regardless of sexual orientation.
K) Population—Since the growing worldwide population is
increasingly straining the world’s supply of food, minerals, and
water and sharpening international tensions, the reduction of the
rate of consumption of resources by the afuent and the reduction
of current world population growth rates have become impera-
tive. People have the duty to consider the impact on the total
world community of their decisions regarding childbearing and
should have access to information and appropriate means to limit
their fertility, including voluntary sterilization. We afrm that
programs to achieve a stabilized population should be placed in
a context of total economic and social development, including an
equitable use and control of resources; improvement in the sta-
tus of women in all cultures; a human level of economic security,
health care, and literacy for all. We oppose any policy of forced
abortion or forced sterilization.
L) Alcohol and Other Drugs—We afrm our long-standing
support of abstinence from alcohol as a faithful witness to God’s
liberating and redeeming love for persons. We support abstinence
from the use of any illegal drugs. Since the use of illegal drugs, as
well as illegal and problematic use of alcohol, is a major factor in
crime, disease, death, and family dysfunction, we support edu-
cational programs as well as other prevention strategies encour-
aging abstinence from illegal drug use and, with regard to those
who choose to consume alcoholic beverages, judicious use with
deliberate and intentional restraint, with Scripture as a guide.
Millions of living human beings are testimony to the bene-
cial consequences of therapeutic drug use, and millions of others
are testimony to the detrimental consequences of drug misuse. We
encourage wise policies relating to the availability of potentially
benecial or potentially damaging prescription and over-the-coun-
ter drugs; we urge that complete information about their use and
misuse be readily available to both doctor and patient. We support
the strict administration of laws regulating the sale and distribution
of alcohol and controlled substances. We support regulations that
protect society from users of drugs of any kind, including alcohol,
where it can be shown that a clear and present social danger exists.
Drug-dependent persons and their family members, including
those who are assessed or diagnosed as dependent on alcohol,
are individuals of innite human worth deserving of treatment,
rehabilitation, and ongoing life-changing recovery. Misuse or
abuse may also require intervention, in order to prevent progres-
sion into dependence. Because of the frequent interrelationship
between alcohol abuse and mental illness, we call upon legislators
and health care providers to make available appropriate mental
illness treatment and rehabilitation for drug-dependent persons.
We commit ourselves to assisting those who suffer from abuse or
dependence, and their families, in nding freedom through Jesus
Christ and in nding good opportunities for treatment, for ongo-
ing counseling, and for reintegration into society.
M) Tobacco—We afrm our historic tradition of high stan-
dards of personal discipline and social responsibility. In light of
the overwhelming evidence that tobacco smoking and the use
of smokeless tobacco are hazardous to the health of persons of
all ages, we recommend total abstinence from the use of tobacco.
We urge that our educational and communication resources be
utilized to support and encourage such abstinence. Further, we
recognize the harmful effects of passive smoke and support the
restriction of smoking in public areas and workplaces.
N) Medical Experimentation—Physical and mental health has
been greatly enhanced through discoveries by medical science. It
is imperative, however, that governments and the medical profes-
sion carefully enforce the requirements of the prevailing medical
research standard, maintaining rigid controls in testing new tech-
nologies and drugs utilizing human beings. The standard requires
that those engaged in research shall use human beings as research
subjects only after obtaining full, rational, and uncoerced consent.
O) Genetic Technology—The responsibility of humankind to
God’s creation challenges us to deal carefully with and examine
the possibilities of genetic research and technology in a conscien-
tious, careful, and responsible way. We welcome the use of genetic
technology for meeting fundamental human needs for health and
a safe environment. We oppose the cloning of humans and the
genetic manipulation of the gender of an unborn child.
Because of the effects of genetic technologies on all life, we
call for effective guidelines and public accountability to safeguard
against any action that might lead to abuse of these technologies,
including political or military ends. We recognize that cautious,
well-intended use of genetic technologies may sometimes lead to
unanticipated harmful consequences. The risks of genetic tech-
nology that can hardly be calculated when breeding animals and
plants and the negative ecological and social impacts on agricul-
ture make the use of this technology doubtful. We approve mod-
ern methods of breeding that respect the existence of the natural
borders of species.
Human gene therapies that produce changes that cannot be
passed to offspring (somatic therapy) should be limited to the
alleviation of suffering caused by disease. Genetic therapies for
eugenic choices or that produce waste embryos are deplored.
Genetic data of individuals and their families should be kept secret
and held in strict condence unless condentiality is waived by
the individual or by his or her family, or unless the collection and
use of genetic identication data is supported by an appropriate
court order. Because its long-term effects are uncertain, we oppose
genetic therapy that results in changes that can be passed to off-
spring (germ-line therapy). All the genetic procedures must be
accompanied by independent, ethically oriented measures of test-
ing, approval, and control.
P) Rural Life—We support the right of persons and families to
live and prosper as farmers, farm workers, merchants, profession-
als, and others outside of the cities and metropolitan centers. We
believe our culture is impoverished and our people deprived of a
meaningful way of life when rural and small-town living becomes
difcult or impossible. We recognize that the improvement of this
way of life may sometimes necessitate the use of some lands for
nonagricultural purposes. We oppose the indiscriminate diver-
sion of agricultural land for nonagricultural uses when nonagri-
cultural land is available. Further, we encourage the preservation
of appropriate lands for agriculture and open space uses through
thoughtful land use programs. We support governmental and pri-
vate programs designed to benet the resident farmer rather than
the factory farm and programs that encourage industry to locate
in nonurban areas.
We further recognize that increased mobility and technology
have brought a mixture of people, religions, and philosophies to
rural communities that were once homogeneous. While often this
is seen as a threat to or loss of community life, we understand it
as an opportunity to uphold the biblical call to community for
all persons. Therefore, we encourage rural communities and indi-
viduals to maintain a strong connection to the earth and to be
open to: offering mutual belonging, caring, healing, and growth;
sharing and celebrating cooperative leadership and diverse gifts;
supporting mutual trust; and afrming individuals as unique per-
sons of worth, and thus to practice shalom.
Q) Sustainable Agriculture—A prerequisite for meeting the
nutritional needs of the world’s population is an agricultural sys-
tem that uses sustainable methods, respects ecosystems, and pro-
motes a livelihood for people that work the land.
We support a sustainable agricultural system that will main-
tain and support the natural fertility of agricultural soil, promote
the diversity of ora and fauna, and adapt to regional conditions
and structures—a system where agricultural animals are treated
humanely and where their living conditions are as close to natu-
ral systems as possible. We aspire to an effective agricultural sys-
tem where plant, livestock, and poultry production maintains the
natural ecological cycles, conserves energy, and reduces chemical
input to a minimum.
Sustainable agriculture requires a global evaluation of the
impact of agriculture on food and raw material production, the
preservation of animal breeds and plant varieties, and the preser-
vation and development of the cultivated landscape.
World trade of agricultural products needs to be based on
fair trade and prices, based on the costs of sustainable production
methods, and must consider the real costs of ecological damage.
The needed technological and biological developments are those
that support sustainability and consider ecological consequences.
R) Urban-Suburban Life—Urban-suburban living has become
a dominant style of life for more and more persons. For many it fur-
nishes economic, educational, social, and cultural opportunities.
For others, it has brought alienation, poverty, and depersonaliza-
tion. We in the Church have an opportunity and responsibility to
help shape the future of urban-suburban life. Massive programs
of renewal and social planning are needed to bring a greater
degree of humanization into urban-suburban lifestyles. We must
judge all programs, including economic and community develop-
ment, new towns, and urban renewal, by the extent to which they
protect and enhance human values, permit personal and political
involvement, and make possible neighborhoods open to persons
of all races, ages, and income levels. We afrm the efforts of all
developers who place human values at the heart of their plan-
ning. We must help shape urban-suburban development so that it
provides for the human need to identify with and nd meaning in
smaller social communities. At the same time, such smaller com-
munities must be encouraged to assume responsibilities for the
total urban-suburban community instead of isolating themselves
from it.
S) Media Violence and Christian Values—In our society, the
media plays an important role. It inuences people all over the
world. Content, representations, pictures, scenes, however, are
often in a stark contrast to human and Christian values. We
express disdain of dehumanizing portrayals, sensationalized
through mass media “entertainment” and “news.” These prac-
tices degrade humankind and violate the teachings of Christ and
the Bible.
United Methodists, along with those of other faith groups,
must be made aware that the mass media often undermine the
truths of Christianity by promoting permissive lifestyles and
detailing acts of graphic violence. Instead of encouraging, moti-
vating, and inspiring its audiences to adopt lifestyles based on
the sanctity of life, the entertainment industry often advocates the
opposite, painting a cynical picture of violence, abuse, greed, pro-
fanity, and a constant denigration of the family. The media must
be held accountable for the part they play in the decline of values
we observe in society today. Many in the media remain aloof to
the issue, claiming to reect rather than to inuence society. For
the sake of our human family, Christians must work together to
halt this erosion of moral and ethical values in the world com-
munity. We oppose any kind of sexist image as well as those that
glorify violence. We reject the implicit message that conicts can
be resolved and just peace can be established by violence. Within
the bounds of the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press,
the media are responsible for respecting human rights. In support
of these matters, we work together with all people of good will.
T) Information Communication Technology—Because effective
personal communication is key to being a responsible and empow-
ered member of society, and because of the power afforded by
information communication technologies to shape society and
enable individuals to participate more fully, we believe that access
to these technologies is a basic right.
Information communication technologies provide us with
information, entertainment, and a voice in society. They can be
used to enhance our quality of life and provide us with a means
to interact with each other, our government, and people and cul-
tures all over the world. Most information about world events
comes to us by broadcast, cable, print media, and the Internet.
Concentrating the control of media to large commercial interests
limits our choices and often provides a distorted view of human
values. Therefore, we support the regulation of media communi-
cation technologies to ensure a variety of independent informa-
tion sources and provide for the public good.
Personal communication technologies such as the Internet
allow persons to communicate with each other and access vast
information resources that can have commercial, cultural, politi-
cal, and personal value. While the Internet can be used to nurture
minds and spirits of children and adults, it is in danger of being
overrun with commercial interests and is used by some to dis-
tribute inappropriate and illegal material. Therefore, the Internet
must be managed responsibly in order to maximize its benets
while minimizing its risks, especially for children. Denying access
in today’s world to basic information communication technolo-
gies like the Internet due to their cost or availability, limits peo-
ple’s participation in their government and society. We support
the goal of universal access to telephone and Internet services at
an affordable price.
U) Persons Living With HIV and AIDS—Persons diagnosed
as positive for Human Immune Virus (HIV) and with Acquired
Immune Deciency Syndrome (AIDS) often face rejection from
their families and friends and various communities in which they
work and interact. In addition, they are often faced with a lack of
adequate health care, especially toward the end of life.
All individuals living with HIV and AIDS should be treated
with dignity and respect.
We afrm the responsibility of the Church to minister to and
with these individuals and their families regardless of how the
disease was contracted. We support their rights to employment,
appropriate medical care, full participation in public education,
and full participation in the Church.
We urge the Church to be actively involved in the preven-
tion of the spread of AIDS by providing educational opportunities
to the congregation and the community. The Church should be
available to provide counseling to the affected individuals and
their families.
V) Right to Health Care—Health is a condition of physical,
mental, social, and spiritual well-being. John 10:10b says, “I came
so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life
to the fullest.” Stewardship of health is the responsibility of each
person to whom health has been entrusted. Creating the personal,
environmental, and social conditions in which health can thrive
is a joint responsibility—public and private. We encourage indi-
viduals to pursue a healthy lifestyle and afrm the importance
of preventive health care, health education, environmental and
occupational safety, good nutrition, and secure housing in achiev-
ing health. Health care is a basic human right.
Providing the care needed to maintain health, prevent dis-
ease, and restore health after injury or illness is a responsibility
each person owes others and government owes to all, a responsi-
bility government ignores at its peril. In Ezekiel 34:4a, God points
out the failures of the leadership of Israel to care for the weak:
“You don’t strengthen the weak, heal the sick, bind up the injured,
bring back the strays, or seek out the lost.” As a result all suffer.
Like police and re protection, health care is best funded through
the government’s ability to tax each person equitably and directly
fund the provider entities. Countries facing a public health crisis
such as HIV/AIDS must have access to generic medicines and to
patented medicines. We afrm the right of men and women to
have access to comprehensive reproductive health/family plan-
ning information and services that will serve as a means to pre-
vent unplanned pregnancies, reduce abortions, and prevent the
spread of HIV/AIDS. The right to health care includes care for
persons with brain diseases, neurological conditions, or physical
disabilities, who must be afforded the same access to health care
as all other persons in our communities. It is unjust to construct
or perpetuate barriers to physical or mental wholeness or full par-
ticipation in community.
We believe it is a governmental responsibility to provide all
citizens with health care.
We encourage hospitals, physicians, and medical clinics to
provide access to primary health care to all people regardless of
their health-care coverage or ability to pay for treatment.
W) Organ Transplantation and Donation—We believe that organ
transplantation and organ donation are acts of charity, agape love,
and self-sacrice. We recognize the life-giving benets of organ
and other tissue donation and encourage all people of faith to
become organ and tissue donors as a part of their love and minis-
try to others in need. We urge that it be done in an environment of
respect for deceased and living donors and for the benet of the
recipients, and following protocols that carefully prevent abuse to
donors and their families.
X) Mental Health—The World Health Organization denes
mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual
realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses
of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make
a contribution to his or her community.” Unfortunately, mental
health eludes many in our world resulting in considerable dis-
tress, stigma, and isolation. Mental illness troubles our relation-
ships because it can affect the way we process information, relate
to others, and choose actions. Consequently, mental illnesses often
are feared in ways that other illnesses are not. Nevertheless, we
know that regardless of our illness we remain created in the image
of God (Genesis 1:27) and that nothing can separate us from the
love of God (Romans 8:38-39).
No person deserves to be stigmatized because of mental ill-
ness. Those with mental illness are no more violent than other
persons are. Rather, they are much more likely to be victims of
violence or preyed on by others. When stigma happens within the
church, mentally ill persons and their families are further victim-
ized. Persons with mental illness and their families have a right
to be treated with respect on the basis of common humanity and
accurate information. They also have a right and responsibility to
obtain care appropriate to their condition. The United Methodist
Church pledges to foster policies that promote compassion, advo-
cate for access to care, and eradicate stigma within the Church
and in communities.
We claim all economic systems to be under the judgment
of God no less than other facets of the created order. Therefore,
we recognize the responsibility of governments to develop and
implement sound scal and monetary policies that provide for
the economic life of individuals and corporate entities and that
ensure full employment and adequate incomes with a minimum
of ination. We believe private and public economic enterprises
are responsible for the social costs of doing business, such as
employment and environmental pollution, and that they should
be held accountable for these costs. We support measures that
would reduce the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.
We further support efforts to revise tax structures and to eliminate
governmental support programs that now benet the wealthy at
the expense of other persons.
A) Property—We believe private ownership of property is a
trusteeship under God, both in those societies where it is encour-
aged and where it is discouraged, but is limited by the overrid-
ing needs of society. We believe that Christian faith denies to any
person or group of persons exclusive and arbitrary control of any
other part of the created universe. Socially and culturally con-
ditioned ownership of property is, therefore, to be considered a
responsibility to God. We believe, therefore, governments have
the responsibility, in the pursuit of justice and order under law, to
provide procedures that protect the rights of the whole society as
well as those of private ownership.
B) Collective Bargaining—We support the right of all public
and private employees and employers to organize for collective
bargaining into unions and other groups of their own choosing.
Further, we support the right of both parties to protection in so
doing and their responsibility to bargain in good faith within
the framework of the public interest. In order that the rights of
all members of the society may be maintained and promoted,
we support innovative bargaining procedures that include rep-
resentatives of the public interest in negotiation and settlement
of labor-management contracts, including some that may lead to
forms of judicial resolution of issues. We reject the use of violence
by either party during collective bargaining or any labor/man-
agement disagreement. We likewise reject the permanent replace-
ment of a worker who engages in a lawful strike.
C) Work and Leisure—Every person has the right to a job at a
living wage. Where the private sector cannot or does not provide
jobs for all who seek and need them, it is the responsibility of
government to provide for the creation of such jobs. We support
social measures that ensure the physical and mental safety of
workers, that provide for the equitable division of products and
services, and that encourage an increasing freedom in the way
individuals may use their leisure time. We recognize the oppor-
tunity leisure provides for creative contributions to society and
encourage methods that allow workers additional blocks of
discretionary time. We support educational, cultural, and rec-
reational outlets that enhance the use of such time. We believe
that persons come before prots. We deplore the selsh spirit
that often pervades our economic life. We support policies that
encourage the sharing of ideas in the workplace, cooperative
and collective work arrangements. We support rights of workers
to refuse to work in situations that endanger health and/or life
without jeopardy to their jobs. We support policies that would
reverse the increasing concentration of business and industry
into monopolies.
D) Consumption—Consumers should exercise their economic
power to encourage the manufacture of goods that are necessary
and benecial to humanity while avoiding the desecration of
the environment in either production or consumption. Consum-
ers should avoid purchasing products made in conditions where
workers are being exploited because of their age, gender, or eco-
nomic status.
And while the limited options available to consumers make
this extremely difcult to accomplish, buying “Fair Trade Certi-
ed” products is one sure way consumers can use their purchasing
power to make a contribution to the common good. The Interna-
tional Standards of Fair Trade are based on ensuring livable wages
for small farmers and their families, working with democratically
run farming cooperatives, buying direct so that the benets and
prots from trade actually reach the farmers and their communi-
ties, providing vitally important advance credit, and encouraging
ecologically sustainable farming practices. Consumers should not
only seek out companies whose product lines reect a strong com-
mitment to these standards, but should also encourage expanded
corporate participation in the Fair Trade market.
Consumers should evaluate their consumption of goods
and services in the light of the need for enhanced quality of life
rather than unlimited production of material goods. We call upon
consumers, including local congregations and Church-related
institutions, to organize to achieve these goals and to express dis-
satisfaction with harmful economic, social, or ecological practices
through such appropriate methods as boycott, letter writing, cor-
porate resolution, and advertisement.
E) Poverty—In spite of general afuence in the industrialized
nations, the majority of persons in the world live in poverty. In
order to provide basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, edu-
cation, health care, and other necessities, ways must be found to
share more equitably the resources of the world. Increasing tech-
nology, when accompanied by exploitative economic practices,
impoverishes many persons and makes poverty self-perpetu-
ating. Poverty due to natural catastrophes and environmental
changes is growing and needs attention and support. Conicts
and war impoverish the population on all sides, and an important
way to support the poor will be to work for peaceful solutions.
As a church, we are called to support the poor and challenge
the rich. To begin to alleviate poverty, we support such policies as:
adequate income maintenance, quality education, decent housing,
job training, meaningful employment opportunities, adequate
medical and hospital care, humanization and radical revisions of
welfare programs, work for peace in conict areas and efforts to
protect creation’s integrity. Since low wages are often a cause of
poverty, employers should pay their employees a wage that does
not require them to depend upon government subsidies such as
food stamps or welfare for their livelihood.
Because we recognize that the long-term reduction of pov-
erty must move beyond services to and employment for the poor,
which can be taken away, we emphasize measures that build
and maintain the wealth of poor people, including asset-build-
ing strategies such as individual development savings accounts,
micro-enterprise development programs, progams enabling home
ownership, and nancial management training and counseling.
We call upon churches to develop these and other ministries that
promote asset-building among the poor. We are especially mind-
ful of the Global South, where investment and micro-enterprise
are especially needed. We urge support for policies that will
encourage equitable economic growth in the Global South and
around the world, providing a just opportunity for all.
Poverty most often has systemic causes, and therefore we do
not hold poor people morally responsible for their economic state.
F) Foreign Workers—For centuries people have moved across
borders in search of work. In our global world this is still a rele-
vant and increasing form of immigration. Improved wages, better
working conditions, and jobs available are reasons for immigra-
tion due to work opportunities. Workers from other countries
are in many societies an important resource to ll the society’s
need of workers. But foreign workers too often meet exploitation,
absence of protecting laws, and unreasonable wages and working
We call upon governments and all employers to ensure for
foreign workers the same economic, educational, and social ben-
ets enjoyed by other citizens.
Foreign workers also need a religious fellowship, and we call
for the churches to include these in their care and fellowships and
to support them in their efforts for better conditions.
G) Gambling—Gambling is a menace to society, deadly to
the best interests of moral, social, economic, and spiritual life,
destructive of good government and good stewardship. As an
act of faith and concern, Christians should abstain from gambling
and should strive to minister to those victimized by the practice.
Where gambling has become addictive, the Church will encour-
age such individuals to receive therapeutic assistance so that the
individual’s energies may be redirected into positive and con-
structive ends. The Church acknowledges the dichotomy that
can occur when opposing gambling while supporting Ameri-
can Indian tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Therefore,
the Church’s role is to create sacred space to allow for dialogue
and education that will promote a holistic understanding of the
American Indians’ historic quest for survival. The Church’s pro-
phetic call is to promote standards of justice and advocacy that
would make it unnecessary and undesirable to resort to commer-
cial gambling—including public lotteries, casinos, rafes, Inter-
net gambling, gambling with an emerging wireless technology,
and other games of chance—as a recreation, as an escape, or as a
means of producing public revenue or funds for support of chari-
ties or government.
H) Family Farms—The value of family farms has long been
afrmed as a signicant foundation for free and democratic
societies. In recent years, the survival of independent farmers
worldwide has been threatened by various factors, including
the increasing concentration of all phases of agriculture into the
hands of a limited number of transnational corporations. The con-
centration of the food supply for the many into the hands of the
few raises global questions of justice that cry out for vigilance and
We call upon the agribusiness sector to conduct itself with
respect for human rights primarily in the responsible stewardship
of daily bread for the world, and secondarily in responsible cor-
porate citizenship that respects the rights of all farmers, small and
large, to receive a fair return for honest labor. We advocate for the
rights of people to possess property and to earn a living by tilling
the soil.
We call upon governments to revise support programs that
disproportionately benet wealthier agricultural producers, so
that more support can be given to programs that benet medium-
and smaller-sized farming operations, including programs that
build rural processing, storage, distribution, and other agricul-
tural infrastructure; which link local farmers to local schools; and
which promote other community food security measures.
We call upon our churches to do all in their power to speak
prophetically to the matters of food supply and the people who
grow the food for the world and to develop ministries that build
food security in local communities.
I) Corporate Responsibility—Corporations are responsible not
only to their stockholders, but also to other stakeholders: their
workers, suppliers, vendors, customers, the communities in
which they do business, and for the earth, which supports them.
We support the public’s right to know what impact corporations
have in these various arenas, so that people can make informed
choices about which corporations to support.
We applaud corporations that voluntarily comply with
standards that promote human well-being and protect the
J) Finance—Financial institutions serve a vital role in society.
They must guard, however, against abusive and deceptive lend-
ing practices that take advantage of the neediest among us for
the gain of the richest. Banking regulations must prevent the col-
lection of usurious interest that keeps people in cycles of debt.
Personal-credit-issuing institutions must operate with responsi-
bility and clarity that allow all parties to understand the full terms
of agreements.
K) Trade and Investment—We afrm the importance of inter-
national trade and investment in an interdependent world. Trade
and investment should be based on rules that support the dig-
nity of the human person, a clean environment and our common
humanity. Trade agreements must include mechanisms to enforce
labor rights and human rights as well as environmental stan-
dards. Broad-based citizen advocacy and participation in trade
negotiations must be ensured through democratic mechanisms of
consultation and participation.
L) Graft and Corruption—God’s good creation, the fullness
of its bounty, and the loving, nurturing relationships that bind
all together are intended by God to be enjoyed in freedom and
responsible stewardship. To revere God’s creation is a sacred
trust that enables us to fashion just, equitable, sustainable rela-
tionships and communities. The strength, stability, security, and
progress of such relationships and communities depend on the
integrity of their social, economic, political, and cultural pro-
cesses, institutions, and stakeholders. Graft, referring to unfair or
illegal means of acquiring money, gain, or advantage, especially
by abusing one’s position in politics, business, and social insti-
tutions, transgresses human dignity and violates human rights.
Corruption, referring to dishonest and undue exploitation of
power for personal gain, subverts God’s intention for the fullness
of life and creation. Graft and corruption tangle the social thread
of communities, erode the moral ber of human relationships,
and sully the reputation of social institutions. Legislative and
judicial mechanisms, including a strong, just criminal justice sys-
tem, must deal with graft and corruption at every level of society.
Good, just political governance characterized by transparency,
accountability, and integrity is crucial to the eradication of graft
and corruption. Societies that are graft-ridden and plagued with
corruption are needful of God’s pardoning love and redeeming
M) Public Indebtedness—The huge budget decits produced
by years of overspending by governments around the world is of
great concern. We acknowledge that for a limited time in a nation’s
history governmental decits are sometimes necessary. However,
long periods of excessive overspending by governments have
produced huge decits and signicant economic challenges for
many nations. Such wanton carelessness cannot continue. There-
fore, we call upon all governments to reduce budget decits and
to live within their means. We ask the governments and institu-
tions that lend money to reduce signicantly the interest rates on
the money borrowed. We ask that public ofcials, when making
nancial adjustments, remember rst and foremost obligations
that promote the well-being of society such as the funding of
schools and other opportunities that foster the growth of the indi-
vidual, as well as agencies that care for the poor, the elderly, the
disabled, and the disenfranchised.
We recognize that, if decits are not brought under con-
trol, future generations will be shackled with a burden of public
indebtedness that will force societies to live under the specter of
coerced repayments, rising ination, mass unemployment, and
despair. Thus, this is not just a nancial issue, but an issue of jus-
tice for those who are yet to be born. Wise stewardship is needed
today to provide for future generations. We call on church leader-
ship throughout the connection to encourage public ofcials to
reduce public indebtedness and to begin the process toward bal-
anced and fair budgets.
While our allegiance to God takes precedence over our alle-
giance to any state, we acknowledge the vital function of govern-
ment as a principal vehicle for the ordering of society. Because we
know ourselves to be responsible to God for social and political
life, we declare the following relative to governments:
A) Basic Freedoms and Human Rights—We hold governments
responsible for the protection of the rights of the people to free
and fair elections and to the freedoms of speech, religion, assem-
bly, communications media, and petition for redress of grievances
without fear of reprisal; to the right to privacy; and to the guar-
antee of the rights to adequate food, clothing, shelter, education,
and health care. Blockades and embargoes that seek to impede the
ow or free commerce of food and medicines are practices that
cause pain and suffering, malnutrition, or starvation with all its
detrimental consequences to innocent and noncombatant civilian
populations, especially children. We reject these as instruments
of domestic and foreign policy regardless of political or ideologi-
cal views. The form and the leaders of all governments should
be determined by exercise of the right to vote guaranteed to all
adult citizens. We also strongly reject domestic surveillance and
intimidation of political opponents by governments in power
and all other misuses of elective or appointive ofces. The use
of detention and imprisonment for the harassment and elimina-
tion of political opponents or other dissidents violates fundamen-
tal human rights. Furthermore, the mistreatment or torture, and
other cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment or punishment
of persons by governments for any purpose violates Christian
teaching and must be condemned and/or opposed by Christians
and churches wherever and whenever it occurs.
The Church regards the institution of slavery, the practice
and commission of genocide, war crimes, crimes against human-
ity, and aggression as infamous and atrocious evils. Such evils are
destructive of humanity, promote impunity, and therefore must
be unconditionally prohibited by all governments and shall never
be tolerated by the Church.
B) Political Responsibility—The strength of a political system
depends upon the full and willing participation of its citizens. The
church should continually exert a strong ethical inuence upon
the state, supporting policies and programs deemed to be just and
opposing policies and programs that are unjust.
C) Church and State Relations—The United Methodist Church
has for many years supported the separation of church and state.
In some parts of the world this separation has guaranteed the
diversity of religious expressions and the freedom to worship
God according to each person’s conscience. Separation of church
and state means no organic union of the two, but it does permit
interaction. The state should not use its authority to promote par-
ticular religious beliefs (including atheism), nor should it require
prayer or worship in the public schools, but it should leave stu-
dents free to practice their own religious convictions. We believe
that the state should not attempt to control the church, nor should
the church seek to dominate the state. The rightful and vital sepa-
ration of church and state, which has served the cause of religious
liberty, should not be misconstrued as the abolition of all religious
expression from public life.
D) Freedom of Information—Citizens of all countries should
have access to all essential information regarding their govern-
ment and its policies. Illegal and unconscionable activities directed
against persons or groups by their own governments must not be
justied or kept secret, even under the guise of national security.
E) Education—We believe that every person has the right to
education. We also believe that the responsibility for education
of the young rests with the family, faith communities, and the
government. In society, this function can best be fullled through
public policies that ensure access for all persons to free public
elementary and secondary schools and to post-secondary schools
of their choice. Persons should not be precluded by nancial bar-
riers from access to church-related and other independent insti-
tutions of higher education. We afrm the right of public and
independent colleges and universities to exist, and we endorse
public policies that ensure access and choice and that do not cre-
ate unconstitutional entanglements between church and state. We
believe that colleges and universities are to ensure that academic
freedom is protected for all members of the academic commu-
nity and a learning environment is fostered that allows for a free
exchange of ideas. We afrm the joining of reason and faith; there-
fore, we urge colleges and universities to guard the expression of
religious life on campus.
F) Civil Obedience and Civil Disobedience—Governments and
laws should be servants of God and of human beings. Citizens
have a duty to abide by laws duly adopted by orderly and just
process of government. But governments, no less than individu-
als, are subject to the judgment of God. Therefore, we recognize the
right of individuals to dissent when acting under the constraint of
conscience and, after having exhausted all legal recourse, to resist
or disobey laws that they deem to be unjust or that are discrimi-
nately enforced. Even then, respect for law should be shown by
refraining from violence and by being willing to accept the costs
of disobedience. We do not encourage or condone any form of vio-
lent protest as a legitimate exercise of free speech or civil disobe-
dience. We offer our prayers for those in rightful authority who
serve the public, and we support their efforts to afford justice and
equal opportunity for all people. We assert the duty of churches
to support those who suffer because of their stands of conscience
represented by nonviolent beliefs or acts. We urge governments
to ensure civil rights, as dened by the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, to persons in legal jeopardy because of
those nonviolent acts.
G) The Death Penalty—We believe the death penalty denies
the power of Christ to redeem, restore, and transform all human
beings. The United Methodist Church is deeply concerned about
crime throughout the world and the value of any life taken by
a murder or homicide. We believe all human life is sacred and
created by God and therefore, we must see all human life as sig-
nicant and valuable. When governments implement the death
penalty (capital punishment), then the life of the convicted person
is devalued and all possibility of change in that person’s life ends.
We believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that the possibil-
ity of reconciliation with Christ comes through repentance. This
gift of reconciliation is offered to all individuals without excep-
tion and gives all life new dignity and sacredness. For this reason,
we oppose the death penalty (capital punishment) and urge its
elimination from all criminal codes.
H) Criminal and Restorative Justice—To protect all persons
from encroachment upon their personal and property rights, gov-
ernments have established mechanisms of law enforcement and
courts. A wide array of sentencing options serves to express com-
munity outrage, incapacitate dangerous offenders, deter crime,
and offer opportunities for rehabilitation. We support govern-
mental measures designed to reduce and eliminate crime that are
consistent with respect for the basic freedom of persons.
We reject all misuse of these mechanisms, including their
use for the purpose of revenge or for persecuting or intimidat-
ing those whose race, appearance, lifestyle, economic condition,
or beliefs differ from those in authority. We reject all careless, cal-
lous, or discriminatory enforcement of law that withholds justice
from persons with disabilities and all those who do not speak the
language of the country in which they are in contact with the law
enforcement. We further support measures designed to remove
the social conditions that lead to crime, and we encourage con-
tinued positive interaction between law enforcement ofcials and
members of the community at large.
In the love of Christ, who came to save those who are lost
and vulnerable, we urge the creation of a genuinely new system
for the care and restoration of victims, offenders, criminal justice
ofcials, and the community as a whole. Restorative justice grows
out of biblical authority, which emphasizes a right relationship
with God, self, and community. When such relationships are vio-
lated or broken through crime, opportunities are created to make
things right.
Most criminal justice systems around the world are retribu-
tive. These retributive justice systems profess to hold the offender
accountable to the state and use punishment as the equalizing
tool for accountability. In contrast, restorative justice seeks to hold
the offender accountable to the victimized person, and to the dis-
rupted community. Through God’s transforming power, restor-
ative justice seeks to repair the damage, right the wrong, and
bring healing to all involved, including the victim, the offender,
the families, and the community. The Church is transformed
when it responds to the claims of discipleship by becoming an
agent of healing and systemic change.
I) Military Service—We deplore war and urge the peaceful
settlement of all disputes among nations. From the beginning, the
Christian conscience has struggled with the harsh realities of vio-
lence and war, for these evils clearly frustrate God’s loving pur-
poses for humankind. We yearn for the day when there will be
no more war and people will live together in peace and justice.
Some of us believe that war, and other acts of violence, are never
acceptable to Christians. We also acknowledge that many Chris-
tians believe that, when peaceful alternatives have failed, the force
of arms may regretfully be preferable to unchecked aggression,
tyranny, and genocide. We honor the witness of pacists who
will not allow us to become complacent about war and violence.
We also respect those who support the use of force, but only in
extreme situations and only when the need is clear beyond rea-
sonable doubt, and through appropriate international organiza-
tions. We urge the establishment of the rule of law in international
affairs as a means of elimination of war, violence, and coercion in
these affairs.
We reject national policies of enforced military service as
incompatible with the gospel. We acknowledge the agonizing
tension created by the demand for military service by national
governments. We urge all young adults to seek the counsel of
the Church as they reach a conscientious decision concerning the
nature of their responsibility as citizens. Pastors are called upon
to be available for counseling with all young adults who face
conscription or who are considering voluntary enlistment in the
armed forces, including those who conscientiously refuse to coop-
erate with a system of conscription.
We support and extend the ministry of the Church to those
persons who conscientiously oppose all war, or any particular
war, and who therefore refuse to serve in the armed forces or to
cooperate with systems of military conscription. We also support
and extend the Church’s ministry to all persons. This includes
those who conscientiously choose to serve in the armed forces or
to accept alternative service. When persons choose to serve in the
armed forces, we support their right to adequate care for injuries
suffered, and advocate for sufcient resources to meet their physi-
cal and mental health needs, both during and after their service.
We are aware that we can become guilty both by military action
and by conscientious objection, and that we all are dependent on
God’s forgiveness.
God’s world is one world. The unity now being thrust upon us
by technological revolution has far outrun our moral and spiritual
capacity to achieve a stable world. The enforced unity of human-
ity, increasingly evident on all levels of life, presents the Church
as well as all people with problems that will not wait for answers:
injustice, war, exploitation, privilege, population, international
ecological crisis, proliferation of arsenals of nuclear weapons,
development of transnational business organizations that operate
beyond the effective control of any governmental structure, and
the increase of tyranny in all its forms. This generation must nd
viable answers to these and related questions if humanity is to
continue on this earth. We commit ourselves as a Church to the
achievement of a world community that is a fellowship of persons
who honestly love one another. We pledge ourselves to seek the
meaning of the gospel in all issues that divide people and threaten
the growth of world community.
A) Nations and Cultures—As individuals are afrmed by God
in their diversity, so are nations and cultures. We recognize that no
nation or culture is absolutely just and right in its treatment of its
own people, nor is any nation totally without regard for the wel-
fare of its citizens. The Church must regard nations as accountable
for unjust treatment of their citizens and others living within their
borders. While recognizing valid differences in culture and politi-
cal philosophy, we stand for justice and peace in every nation.
B) National Power and Responsibility—Some nations possess
more military and economic power than do others. Upon the
powerful rests responsibility to exercise their wealth and inu-
ence with restraint. We will promote restorative justice strategies
to support positive social change and peace building. We afrm
the right and duty of people of all nations to determine their own
destiny. We urge the major political powers to use their nonviolent
power to maximize the political, social, and economic self-deter-
mination of other nations rather than to further their own special
interests. We applaud international efforts to develop a more just
international economic order in which the limited resources of
the earth will be used to the maximum benet of all nations and
peoples. We urge Christians in every society to encourage the gov-
ernments under which they live and the economic entities within
their societies to aid and work for the development of more just
economic orders.
C) War and Peace—We believe war is incompatible with the
teachings and example of Christ. We therefore reject war as an
instrument of national foreign policy. We oppose unilateral rst/
preemptive strike actions and strategies on the part of any gov-
ernment. As disciples of Christ, we are called to love our enemies,
seek justice, and serve as reconcilers of conict. We insist that the
rst moral duty of all nations is to work together to resolve by
peaceful means every dispute that arises between or among them.
We advocate the extension and strengthening of international
treaties and institutions that provide a framework within the rule
of law for responding to aggression, terrorism, and genocide. We
believe that human values must outweigh military claims as gov-
ernments determine their priorities; that the militarization of soci-
ety must be challenged and stopped; that the manufacture, sale,
and deployment of armaments must be reduced and controlled;
and that the production, possession, or use of nuclear weapons
be condemned. Consequently, we endorse general and complete
disarmament under strict and effective international control.
D) Justice and Law—Persons and groups must feel secure
in their life and right to live within a society if order is to be
achieved and maintained by law. We denounce as immoral an
ordering of life that perpetuates injustice and impedes the pur-
suit of peace. Peoples and nations feel secure in the world com-
munity when law, order, and human rights are respected and
Believing that international justice requires the participation
of all peoples and nations, we endorse the United Nations, its
related bodies, the International Court of Justice, and the Interna-
tional Criminal Court as the best instruments now in existence to
achieve a world of justice and law. We commend the efforts of all
people in all countries who pursue world peace through law. We
endorse international aid and cooperation on all matters of need
and conict. We urge acceptance for membership in the United
Nations of all nations who wish such membership and who accept
United Nations responsibility. We urge the United Nations to take
a more aggressive role in the development of international arbi-
tration of disputes and actual conicts among nations by develop-
ing binding third-party arbitration. Bilateral or multilateral efforts
outside of the United Nations should work in concert with, and
not contrary to, its purposes. We reafrm our historic concern for
the world as our parish and seek for all persons and peoples full
and equal membership in a truly world community.
We believe in God, Creator of the world; and in Jesus Christ,
the Redeemer of creation. We believe in the Holy Spirit, through
whom we acknowledge God’s gifts, and we repent of our sin in
misusing these gifts to idolatrous ends.
We afrm the natural world as God’s handiwork and dedi-
cate ourselves to its preservation, enhancement, and faithful use
by humankind.
We joyfully receive for ourselves and others the blessings of
community, sexuality, marriage, and the family.
We commit ourselves to the rights of men, women, children,
youth, young adults, the aging, and people with disabilities; to
improvement of the quality of life; and to the rights and dignity
of all persons.
We believe in the right and duty of persons to work for the
glory of God and the good of themselves and others and in the
protection of their welfare in so doing; in the rights to prop-
erty as a trust from God, collective bargaining, and responsible
consumption; and in the elimination of economic and social
We dedicate ourselves to peace throughout the world, to the
rule of justice and law among nations, and to individual freedom
for all people of the world.
We believe in the present and nal triumph of God’s Word in
human affairs and gladly accept our commission to manifest the
life of the gospel in the world. Amen.
(It is recommended that this statement of Social Principles be con-
tinually available to United Methodist Christians and that it be empha-
sized regularly in every congregation. It is further recommended that
“Our Social Creed” be frequently used in Sunday worship.)
God in the Spirit revealed in Jesus Christ,
calls us by grace
to be renewed in the image of our Creator,
that we may be one
in divine love for the world.
Today is the day
God cares for the integrity of creation,
wills the healing and wholeness of all life,
weeps at the plunder of earth’s goodness.
And so shall we.
Today is the day
God embraces all hues of humanity,
delights in diversity and difference,
favors solidarity transforming strangers into friends.
And so shall we.
Today is the day
God cries with the masses of starving people,
despises growing disparity between rich and poor,
demands justice for workers in the marketplace.
And so shall we.
Today is the day
God deplores violence in our homes and streets,
rebukes the world’s warring madness,
humbles the powerful and lifts up the lowly.
And so shall we.
Today is the day
God calls for nations and peoples to live in peace,
celebrates where justice and mercy embrace,
exults when the wolf grazes with the lamb.
And so shall we.
Today is the day
God brings good news to the poor,
proclaims release to the captives,
gives sight to the blind, and
sets the oppressed free.
And so shall we.
Part VI
Chapter One
Section I. The Church and Pastoral Charge
201. Denition of a Local Church—The local church provides
the most signicant arena through which disciple-making occurs.
It is a community of true believers under the Lordship of Christ.
It is the redemptive fellowship in which the Word of God is
preached by persons divinely called and the sacraments are duly
administered according to Christ’s own appointment. Under the
discipline of the Holy Spirit, the church exists for the maintenance
of worship, the edication of believers, and the redemption of the
202. The Function of the Local Church—The church of Jesus
Christ exists in and for the world. It is primarily at the level of the
charge consisting of one or more local churches that the church
encounters the world. The local church is a strategic base from
which Christians move out to the structures of society. The func-
tion of the local church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
is to help people to accept and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior and to live their daily lives in light of their relationship
with God. Therefore, the local church is to minister to persons in
the community where the church is located, to provide appropri-
ate training and nurture to all, to cooperate in ministry with other
local churches, to defend God’s creation and live as an ecologi-
cally responsible community, and to participate in the worldwide
mission of the church, as minimal expectations of an authentic
203. Relation to the Wider Church—The local church is a
connectional society of persons who have been baptized, have
professed their faith in Christ, and have assumed the vows of
membership in The United Methodist Church. They gather in fel-
lowship to hear the Word of God, receive the sacraments, praise
and worship the triune God, and carry forward the work that
Christ has committed to his church. Such a society of believers,
being within The United Methodist Church and subject to its Dis-
cipline, is also an inherent part of the church universal, which is
composed of all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and
which in the Apostles’ Creed we declare to be the holy catholic
204. Care of Members—Each local church shall have a denite
evangelistic, nurture, and witness responsibility for its members
and the surrounding area and a missional outreach responsibility
to the local and global community. It shall be responsible for min-
istering to all its members, wherever they live, and for persons
who choose it as their church.
205. Denition of a Pastoral Charge—1. A pastoral charge
shall consist of one or more churches that are organized under and
subject to the Discipline of The United Methodist Church, with a
charge conference, and to which an ordained or licensed minister
is or may be duly appointed or appointable as pastor in charge or
co-pastor. Where co-pastors are appointed, the bishop may desig-
nate for administrative purposes one as pastor in charge.
2. A pastoral charge of two or more churches may be desig-
nated a circuit or a cooperative parish.
3. A pastoral charge may be designated by the bishop and
cabinet as a “teaching parish” when either a local church with a
pastor or a cooperative parish with a director is available to serve
as a counseling elder for a provisional, local, or student pastor
appointed or assigned to the teaching parish. A teaching parish
shall have a demonstrable commitment to a cooperative or team
ministry style and the training of pastors.
1. See Judicial Council Decisions 113, 319.
4. When a pastoral charge is not able to be served by an
ordained or licensed minister, the bishop, upon recommenda-
tion of the cabinet, may assign a qualied and trained layperson,
lay minister or lay missioner to do the work of ministry in that
charge. The layperson is accountable to the district superinten-
dent or another ordained or licensed minister appointed to over-
see the charge, who will make provision for sacramental ministry.
Upon the bishop’s assignment, the layperson will be assigned
an additional clergyperson as a guide to provide support in the
assignment. If the assignment is to continue longer than one year,
within that year the layperson will begin the process of becoming
either a certied lay minister or a certied candidate, thus coming
under the care of the District Committee on Ministry. The layper-
son assigned is also accountable to the policies and procedures of
the annual conference where assigned.
Section II. Cooperative Parish
206. 1. Local churches, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
may enhance their witness to one another and to the world by
showing forth the love of Jesus Christ through forms of mutual
2. Annual conferences shall implement a process of coop-
erative parish development through which cooperative parish
ministries are initiated and developed in both urban and town-
and-country situations. Where cooperative parish ministries
already exist in an annual conference, the conference shall direct
the appropriate conference boards and agencies to develop strate-
gies designed to make use of cooperative ministries as means of
creating greater effectiveness in the nurture, outreach, and witness
ministries of urban, suburban, and town-and-country situations;
and the annual conference shall prepare and adopt a formal writ-
ten policy concerning cooperative parish ministries, including a
plan for nancial support. Parish development is an intentional
plan of enabling congregations, church-related agencies, and
pastors in a dened geographic area to develop a relationship of
trust and mutuality that results in coordinated church programs
and ministry, supported by appropriate organizational structures
and policy. A superintendent or director of parish development
may be appointed to work with the cabinet(s) in the implemen-
tation of these ministries in a conference or an area. In addition,
district superintendents shall submit recommendations annually
regarding those churches in their districts that would benet from
being included in a cooperative ministry.
3. Cooperative ministries may be expressed in one or more of
the forms contained in the following categories.
a) Beginning and Exploratory Forms: 1. Cluster Groups
a group of churches located in the same geographic area with a
loosely knit organization that allows the participating congrega-
tions and pastoral charges to engage in cooperative programs in
varying degrees. A district may be divided into cluster groups for
administrative purposes. 2. Probe Staff—composed of the pastors
and other staff assigned to a geographic area to explore possibili-
ties for cooperation and developing strategies for improving min-
istry. 3. Group Ministry—a loosely organized group of two or more
pastoral charges in which pastors are appointed or assigned to
charges. The pastors and/or lay council representing all churches
may designate a coordinator.
b) Structured Forms: 1. Multiple Charge Parishes—inten-
tionally organized group of two or more pastoral charges in
which each church continues to relate to its charge conference
on the organizational level and also participates in a parish-wide
council. The pastors are appointed or assigned to the charges and
also to the parish, and a director or coordinator is appointed or
assigned by the bishop.
2. Larger Parish—a number of congre-
gations working together using a parish-wide council and other
committees and work groups, as the parish may determine which
provides representation on boards and committees from all
churches; guided by a constitution or covenant and served by a
staff appointed or assigned by the bishop and involving a direc-
tor. 3. Blended Ministry—the merging of the organizations and
memberships of churches spread throughout a dened geograph-
ical area into one congregation that intentionally develops two or
more worship/program centers, and for which there is one charge
conference and one set of committees and other groups, guided
by a covenant and served by a staff and a director appointed or
assigned to the parish by the bishop.
c) Specialized Forms: 1. Enlarged Charge—two or more
congregations, usually on the same charge and of relatively equal
size that work as a unit with the leadership of one or more pas-
tors. There may be a charge council and appropriate committees.
2. See Judicial Council Decision 556.
2. Extended or Shared Ministry—a larger membership church shar-
ing ministry with a smaller membership church, usually served
by the pastor(s) of the larger church. 3. Cooperative Ecumenical Par-
ish—two or more local churches of different Christian traditions
including a United Methodist congregation, working together.
Either of the above forms may be utilized. 4. Shared Facilities—two
or more congregations, one of which shall be United Methodist,
sharing a building, ofce equipment, etc., such as congregations
which use different languages or which are of different racial/eth-
nic/cultural groups. The congregations may enter into a covenant
that ensures representation and preserves the autonomy of each
congregation on such bodies as church councils, boards of trust-
ees and other committees and work groups. The congregations
may negotiate a nancial agreement about the use of the facility
in order to provide appropriate nancial support.
4. Each general board and agency shall arrange for its direc-
tors and staff to be trained in cooperative ministry concepts bet-
ter to provide support resources for annual conferences and local
5. Bishops, district superintendents, conference staff, and
other leaders shall become familiar through training with the ben-
ets of cooperative ministries. They shall provide leadership and
training opportunities for pastors and local church leaders as to
the value of cooperative ministries in moving toward excellence
in nurture, outreach, and witness ministries. They are to explore
and develop meaningful ministries to persons in congregations,
communities, and the global community.
6. Cabinets shall give priority in the appointment process to
appointing directors and clergy staff of cooperative ministries,
especially cooperative parish ministries, who have been trained
in cooperative ministry concepts and who have demonstrated
effective ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness. The cabinet
shall develop and implement strategies designed to enable and
equip pastors presently appointed to cooperative parish min-
istries to provide effective ministries of nurture, outreach, and
7. Annual conferences and cabinets are urged to assist in the
development and strengthening of cooperative ministries by pur-
suing funding assistance from general Church, annual confer-
ence, and other sources for each cooperative ministry, including
cooperative parish ministries.
Section III. Ecumenical Shared Ministries
207. Local churches, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
may respond to opportunities for ecumenical resource sharing
in their communities by creating ecumenical shared ministries,
working with local congregations of other Christian churches to
enhance ministry, make wise stewardship of limited resources,
and live out the ecumenical spirit in creative ways responsive
to the needs of God’s peoples as well as to opportunities for
expanded mission and ministry.
208. Denition—Ecumenical shared ministries are ecu-
menical congregations formed by a local United Methodist
church and one or more local congregations of other Christian
traditions. Forms of ecumenical shared ministries include: (a) a
federated church, in which one congregation is related to two or
more denominations, with persons choosing to hold membership
in one or the other of the denominations; (b) a union church, in
which a congregation with one unied membership roll is related
to two or more denominations; (c) a merged church, in which
two or more congregations of different denominations form one
congregation that relates to only one of the constituent denomi-
nations; (d) a yoked parish, in which congregations of different
denominations share a pastor.
209. Covenanting—Congregations entering into an ecumen-
ical shared ministry shall develop a clear covenant of mission, set
of bylaws, or articles of agreement that address nancial and prop-
erty matters, church membership, denominational askings and
apportionments, committee structure and election procedures,
terms and provisions of the pastorate, reporting procedures, rela-
tionship with the parent denominations, and matters related to
amending or dissolving the agreement. Ministries shall notify the
district superintendent of any amending of the covenant agree-
ment and shall consult with the district superintendent prior to
dissolving the covenant agreement. In the formation of an ecu-
menical shared ministry, ¶¶ 243 and 247.1-.2 shall be followed in
its organization. In an interdenominational local church merger,
¶¶ 2547 and 2548 shall be followed. In the case of federated and
union churches, 2548 shall be followed.
210. Connectional Responsibilities—Cabinets, conference staff
and other leaders shall be expected to work with ecumenical
shared ministries at their inception as well as in maintaining ave-
nues of vital relationship and connection to The United Methodist
Church, while recognizing that such avenues must also be main-
tained with the denominational partners in ministry.
211. Cabinet Priority—Cabinets shall be urged to give pri-
ority in the appointment process to the providing of ecumenical
shared ministries with pastoral leaders who have demonstrated
commitment to ecumenism and who exhibit a clear appreciation
for a variety of denominational expressions and polities.
Section IV. Churches in Transitional Communities
212. Since many of the communities in which the local
church is located are experiencing transition, special attention
must be given to forms of ministry required in such communities.
The local church is required to respond to the changes that are
occurring in its surrounding community and to organize its mis-
sion and ministry accordingly.
1. When the communities where the church is located expe-
rience transition especially identied as economic and/or ethnic,
the local church shall engage in deliberate analysis of the com-
munity change and alter its program to meet the needs and cul-
tural patterns of the new residents. The local church shall make
every effort to remain in the community and develop effective
ministries to those who are newcomers, whether of a cultural,
economic, or ethnic group different from the original or present
2. In communities in transition, the local church shall be
regarded as a principal base of mission from which unjust struc-
tures of society shall be confronted, evangelization shall occur,
and a principal witness to the changing community, including
ministry with the poor, shall be realized.
3. It is recommended that decisions concerning ministry in
transitional communities be made after thorough consultation has
taken place between structures and agencies in the connection.
4. It is recommended that the commitment of resources in
terms of money and personnel to ministries in transitional com-
munities be of sufcient longevity to allow for experimentation,
evaluation, and mid-course corrections to ensure an adequate
effort in ministry in those situations. Evaluations shall involve
those on the local level as well as those at the funding level.
5. The ministry of the local church in transitional areas may
be enhanced by review and possible development of some form
of cooperative ministry.
6. Every effort should be made to educate the congregation
on the changes in the surrounding community. The local church
has always been called to “minister to persons in the community
where the church is located” ( 202), so in times of transition the
membership should understand that the Church’s mission is to
serve their surrounding community.
213. A Process for Assessment of Local Church Potential—Since
every congregation is located in a community in some type of
transition, every local church is encouraged to study their con-
gregation’s potential. Upon the request of the congregation the
district superintendent shall appoint a study task force to assist in
an extensive study of the past, present, and potential ministry of
that local church. Alternatively, the district superintendent may
appoint such a task force when the future viability of the congre-
gation is in question or whenever he or she deems it necessary
for other reasons. The task force shall be composed of an equal
number of lay and clergypersons and shall include persons from
that congregation.
1. This study shall include, but not be limited to: a) unique
missional opportunities and needs of the community; b) present
ministries of the congregation; c) number of leaders and style of
leadership; d) growth potential of the surrounding community;
e) scal and facilities needs; f) distance from other United Meth-
odist churches; g) number and size of churches of other denom-
inations in the community; h) other items that may impact the
church’s ability to fulll the mission of the Church as stated in
Chapter One, Section I.
2. The ndings shall be published and presented to the con-
gregation with recommendations as to how best to fulll the local
church’s call to ministry and to optimize the stewardship of the
ministry resources available. The recommendations shall explore
options for serving the community with nurture, outreach, and
witness ministries as an organized church (¶¶ 201-204) or coop-
erative parish ministries ( 206) or ecumenical shared ministries
( 207); or give special attention to redevelopment, relocation, or
discontinuance. Those invited to the presentation shall include:
the members of the congregation, the pastor(s), the district super-
intendent, and members of the district board of church location
and building ( 2519).
3. a) The members of the local church shall consider the
recommendations and develop goals and a ministry action plan
in response to the recommendations. The district superinten-
dent shall report the results of the study and the congregation’s
response to the cabinet, with recommendations for the alloca-
tion of conference staff, resourcing, nancial support, or other
resources needed to undergird the congregation’s efforts to reach
its recommended potential. Such annual conference support shall
be committed no longer than three years. b) For any church that
has been through this process, the district superintendent may
convene a special session of the conference to take action concern-
ing the ministry recommendations. In addition to the local church
charge conference membership, the members of the District Board
of Church Location and Building will be present with voice only.
Section V. Church Membership
214. Eligibility—The United Methodist Church is a part of
the holy catholic (universal) church, as we confess in the Apostles’
Creed. In the church, Jesus Christ is proclaimed and professed
as Lord and Savior. All people may attend its worship services,
participate in its programs, receive the sacraments and become
members in any local church in the connection ( 4). In the case of
persons whose disabilities prevent them from reciting the vows,
their legal guardian[s], themselves members in full covenant rela-
tionship with God and the Church, the community of faith, may
recite the appropriate vows on their behalf.
215. Denition of Membership—The membership of a local
United Methodist church shall include all people who have been
baptized and all people who have professed their faith.
1. The baptized membership of a local United Methodist
church shall include all baptized people who have received Chris-
tian baptism in the local congregation or elsewhere, or whose
membership has been transferred to the local United Methodist
church subsequent to baptism in some other congregation.
2. The professing membership of a local United Methodist
church shall include all baptized people who have come into mem-
bership by profession of faith through appropriate services of the
baptismal covenant in the ritual or by transfer from other churches.
3. For statistical purposes, church membership is equated to
the number of people listed on the roll of professing members.
4. All baptized or professing members of any local United
Methodist church are members of the worldwide United Method-
ist connection and members of the church universal.
T M  M
216. 1. Christ constitutes the church as his body by the
power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13, 27). The church
draws new people into itself as it seeks to remain faithful to its
commission to proclaim and exemplify the gospel. Baptism is the
sacrament of initiation and incorporation into the body of Christ.
After baptism, the church provides the nurture that makes pos-
sible a comprehensive and lifelong process of growing in grace.
Becoming a professing member requires the answer of faith of the
baptized person made visible in a service of profession of Christian
faith and conrmation using the vows of the baptismal covenant.
a) Baptized infants and children are to be instructed and
nurtured in the meaning of the faith, the rights and responsibilities
of their baptism, and spiritual and moral formation using materi-
als approved by The United Methodist Church. Using the services
of the baptismal covenant, youth will profess their faith, commit
themselves to a life of discipleship, and be conrmed. Conrma-
tion is both a human act of commitment and the gracious action of
the Holy Spirit strengthening and empowering discipleship.
b) Youth and adults who have not been baptized and
who are seeking to be saved from their sins and profess Jesus
Christ as their Lord and Savior are proper candidates for baptism
in The United Methodist Church. It shall be the duty of the con-
gregation, led by the pastor, to instruct them in the meaning of
baptism, in the meaning of the Christian faith, and in the history,
organization, and teachings of The United Methodist Church,
using materials approved by The United Methodist Church for
that purpose. After the completion of the period of nurture and
instruction, the sponsor(s) and pastor shall bring the candidates
before the congregation and administer the services of Baptismal
Covenant, in which people are baptized, conrmed, and received
into the Church.
2. a) Formation in the baptismal covenant and in the call to
ministry in daily life is a lifelong process and is carried on through
all the activities that have educational value. The pastor gives spe-
cic leadership that prepares youth for their profession of faith
and commitment to discipleship and for the Holy Spirit’s action
conrming them in their faith and empowering their discipleship.
This preparation focuses attention upon the meaning of disciple-
ship and the need for members to be in mission in all of life’s
b) There are many occasions as people mature in the faith
when the Holy Spirit’s conrming action may be celebrated, such
as in the reafrmation of the baptismal covenant or other services
related to life passages. Unlike baptism, which is a once-made
covenant and can only be reafrmed and not repeated, conrma-
tion is a dynamic action of the Holy Spirit that can be repeated.
3. Preparation for the experience of profession of faith and
conrmation shall be provided for all people, including adults.
Youth who are completing the sixth grade shall normally be the
youngest people recruited for such preparation. When younger
people, of their own volition, seek enrollment in preparation for
profession of faith and conrmation, such preparation shall be at
the discretion of the pastor.
217. When persons unite as professing members with a
local United Methodist church, they profess their faith in God,
the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; in Jesus Christ
his only Son; and in the Holy Spirit. Thus, they make known their
desire to live their daily lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. They
covenant together with God and with the members of the local
church to keep the vows which are a part of the order of conrma-
tion and reception into the Church:
1. To renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the
evil powers of the world, and repent of their sin;
2. To accept the freedom and power God gives them to resist
evil, injustice, and oppression;
3. To confess Jesus Christ as Savior, put their whole trust in his
grace, and promise to serve him as their Lord;
4. To remain faithful members of Christ’s holy church and
serve as Christ’s representatives in the world;
5. To be loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church
and do all in their power to strengthen its ministries;
6. To faithfully participate in its ministries by their prayers,
their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness;
7. To receive and profess the Christian faith as contained in
the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
218. Growth in Faithful Discipleship—Faithful membership
in the local church is essential for personal growth and for devel-
oping a deeper commitment to the will and grace of God. As
members involve themselves in private and public prayer, wor-
ship, the sacraments, study, Christian action, systematic giving,
and holy discipline, they grow in their appreciation of Christ,
understanding of God at work in history and the natural order,
and an understanding of themselves.
219. Mutual Responsibility—Faithful discipleship includes
the obligation to participate in the corporate life of the congre-
gation with fellow members of the body of Christ. A member is
bound in sacred covenant to shoulder the burdens, share the risks,
and celebrate the joys of fellow members. A Christian is called to
speak the truth in love, always ready to confront conict in the
spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation.
220. The Call to Ministry of All the Baptized—All members of
Christ’s universal church are called to share in the ministry which
is committed to the whole church of Jesus Christ. Therefore, each
member of The United Methodist Church is to be a servant of
Christ on mission in the local and worldwide community. This
servanthood is performed in family life, daily work, recreation
and social activities, responsible citizenship, the stewardship of
property and accumulated resources, the issues of corporate life,
and all attitudes toward other persons. Participation in disciplined
groups such as covenant discipleship groups or class meetings is
an expected part of personal mission involvement. Each member
is called upon to be a witness for Christ in the world, a light and
leaven in society, and a reconciler in a culture of conict. Each
member is to identify with the agony and suffering of the world
and to radiate and exemplify the Christ of hope. The standards of
attitude and conduct set forth in the Social Principles (Part V) shall
be considered as an essential resource for guiding each member of
the Church in being a servant of Christ on mission.
221. Accountability—1. All members are to be held account-
able for faithfulness to their covenant of baptism.
2. If a baptized member neglects faithfulness and discipline in
terms of the baptismal covenant, every means of encouraging that
member to return and of nurturing him or her to assume the vows
of professing membership should be made.
3. If a professing member should be accused of violating the
covenant and failing to keep the vows as stated in 217, then it
shall be the responsibility of the local church, working through its
pastor and its agencies, to minister to that member in compliance
with the provisions of 228 in an effort to enable the member to
faithfully perform the vows and covenant of membership.
4. In the event that those efforts fail, then the professing
member and the local church may agree to voluntary mediation
in which the parties are assisted by a trained, neutral third-party
mediator, mediation team, and/or their district superintendent in
reaching a settlement or agreement satisfactory to all parties.
5. In the further event that those efforts fail to effect recon-
ciliation and reafrmation of the vows and covenant of 217
by the professing member, then the professing members of the
church may pursue the procedures set forth in ¶¶ 2702.3, 2706.5,
and 2714.
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222. Non-Local Church Settings—Duly appointed clergy of
The United Methodist Church, while serving as chaplain of any
organization, institution, or military unit, as an extension minis-
ter, or as a campus minister, or while otherwise present where a
local church is not available, may receive a person into the mem-
bership of The United Methodist Church under the conditions of
216 or 217. Where possible, before the sacrament of baptism or
vows of profession of faith are administered, such appointed min-
ister shall consult with the pastor of the local church (should one
be nearby) on the choice of the person concerned; and upon agree-
ment by the pastor, a statement verifying that such sacrament was
administered or that such vows were made shall be issued. The
pastor thereof on receiving such statement shall duly enroll that
person as a baptized or professing member.
223. General Church Membership Roll—When a person is
baptized or professes his or her Christian faith and is received
into the Church by a duly appointed campus minister, a chaplain
endorsed by the Board of Higher Education and Ministry or other
duly appointed clergy of The United Methodist Church, while
serving as a chaplain of any organization, institution, or mili-
tary unit, or as an extension minister, or while otherwise present
where a local church is not available, and said person has no local
church to which the membership and records may be sent, the
clergy shall send the name, address (if there is one), and related
facts to the General Board of Higher Education for recording on
the General Church Membership Roll. It is desirable that as soon
as possible such people be transferred from the General Church
Membership Roll to the membership record of the local United
Methodist church of their choice. The name of any professing
member who has been on the General Church Membership Roll
for more than eight years and for whom a current mailing address
cannot be obtained shall be removed from the General Church
Membership Roll.
224. Outside of Congregational Settings—Any candidate for
church membership who for good reason is unable to appear
before the congregation may, at the discretion of the pastor, be
received elsewhere in accordance with the Ritual of The United
Methodist Church. In any such case lay members should be pres-
ent to represent the congregation. Names of such persons shall be
placed on the church roll, and announcement of their reception
shall be made to the congregation.
225. Transfer from Other Denominations—A member in good
standing in any Christian denomination who has been baptized
and who desires to unite with The United Methodist Church shall
be received as either a baptized or a professing member. Such a
person may be received as a baptized member by a proper cer-
ticate of transfer from that person’s former church or some cer-
tication of Christian baptism and as a professing member upon
taking vows declaring the Christian faith through appropriate
services of the baptismal covenant in our ritual (see ¶¶ 214-217).
In baptism water is administered in the name of the triune God
by an authorized person. The pastor will report to the sending
church the date of reception of such a member. It is recommended
that instruction in the faith, work, and polity of the Church be
provided for all such persons. Persons received from churches
that do not issue certicates of transfer or letters of recommenda-
tion shall be listed as “Received From Other Denominations.”
226. Care of Children and Youth—1. Because the redeeming
love of God revealed in Jesus Christ extends to all persons, and
because Jesus explicitly included the children in his kingdom, the
pastor of each charge shall earnestly exhort all Christian parents
or guardians to present their children to the Lord in baptism at
an early age. Before baptism is administered, the pastor shall dili-
gently instruct the parents or guardians regarding the meaning
of this sacrament and the vows that they assume. It is expected
of parents or guardians who present their children for baptism
that they shall use all diligence in bringing them up in confor-
mity to the Word of God and in the fellowship of the Church and
to encourage them to participate in preparation for their profes-
sion of faith and conrmation at the appropriate time. At least
one parent or guardian shall be a member of a Christian church;
or sponsor(s) or godparent(s) who are members shall renew their
own baptismal vows. They shall be admonished of this obligation
and be earnestly exhorted to faithfulness therein. At the time of
baptism they shall be informed that the Church, with its Christian
education program, will aid them in the Christian nurture of their
2. a) The pastor of the church shall, at the time of administer-
ing the sacrament of baptism, furnish the parent(s), guardian(s),
sponsor(s), or godparent(s) of the child who is baptized with a
certicate of baptism, which shall also clearly state that the child
is now a baptized member in The United Methodist Church.
b) The pastor shall be responsible for seeing that the
membership secretary adds the full name of the baptized child to
the membership record.
c) When the baptized child lives in a community not
served by the pastor who administers the sacrament of baptism,
the pastor shall ensure this is not a private event (that the body of
Christ beyond the immediate family is present in accordance with
224 of the Book of Discipline), and is responsible for contacting in
advance (where possible) and reporting the baptism to a pastor
and/or district superintendent who serves in the area where the
baptized child lives. The pastor administering the sacrament shall
then be responsible for reporting in writing to that pastor or dis-
trict superintendent the child’s name to be entered on the record
of a church in that location.
d) A pastor of a church who receives notication of a
baptism administered elsewhere shall be responsible for entering
the required information on that church’s record and for notify-
ing the pastor who administered the baptism that the child has
been received by transfer. When the pastor of the church in which
the child is baptized receives written conrmation that the child’s
name has been entered on the membership record of another
church, a notation may be made on the record of the church where
the sacrament was administered that the child has been trans-
ferred to another church.
e) The pastor shall, at the time of administering the sacra-
ment of baptism and at other appropriate times, admonish mem-
bers of the congregation of their responsibility for the Christian
nurture of the child.
3. The pastor or membership secretary shall regularly review
the membership record to identify those who have not become
professing members, for purposes of nurturing them toward
profession of faith. The number of people so identied shall be
reported annually, or at such other times as may be requested, to
the charge conference or the annual conference. The congregation
has ongoing responsibility to nurture baptized children, youth,
and adults in the life of discipleship.
4. It shall be the duty of the pastor, the parent(s), guardian(s),
sponsor(s), or godparent(s), the ofcers and teachers of the church
school, the local church scouting coordinator, and all members of
the congregation to provide training for the children of the Church
throughout their childhood that will lead to a personal commit-
ment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to an understanding
of the Christian faith and the meaning of baptism. Building on
the preparation that youth have received throughout their child-
hood, the pastor shall, at least annually, organize them into classes
to the end that they may profess their faith and be conrmed
( 216). This instruction shall be based on materials produced by
The United Methodist Church or on other resources that present
the mission, history, doctrine, and beliefs of The United Method-
ist Church for this purpose. When youth so prepared shall give
evidence of their own Christian faith, and understanding of the
meaning and practice of membership, they may be received as
professing members. The God and Me and God and Family por-
tions of the Program of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.)
program may be available to elementary children as an additional
resource ( 256.4).
5. Youth who are members of the Church have all rights
and responsibilities of membership within the baptismal cov-
enant. (See 256.3.) It is strongly recommended that each local
church offer for all senior high youth continuing instruction in
the meaning of the Christian life and discipleship. It is further rec-
ommended that this course, taught by or under the guidance of
the pastor, or other staff or layperson, emphasize the doctrines
of The United Methodist Church and the nature and mission of
the Church, leading to continued growth in the knowledge, grace,
and service of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Program of Religious
Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.) program may be available to
all youth, with the God and Church portion providing study of
The United Methodist Church, and the God and Life program
challenging the youth to integrate their faith into their daily life
( 256.4) It shall be the responsibility of the pastor to participate in
the growth process through interaction and ministry with youth.
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227. A professing member of The United Methodist Church,
of an afliated autonomous Methodist or united church, or of a
Methodist church that has a concordat agreement with The United
Methodist Church, who resides for an extended period in a city or
community at a distance from the member’s home church, may
on request be enrolled as an afliate member of a United Meth-
odist church located in the vicinity of the temporary residence.
The home pastor shall be notied of the afliate membership.
Such membership shall entitle the person to the fellowship of that
church, to its pastoral care and oversight, and to participation in
its activities, including the holding of ofce; except such as would
allow one to vote in a United Methodist body other than the local
church. However, that person shall be counted and reported as a
professing member of the home church only. A member of another
denomination may become an associate member under the same
conditions, but may not become a voting member of the church
This relationship may be terminated at the discretion of
the United Methodist church in which the afliate or associate
membership is held whenever the afliate or associate member
shall move from the vicinity of the United Methodist church in
which the afliate or associate membership is held.
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228. 1. The local church shall endeavor to enlist each mem-
ber in activities for spiritual growth and in participation in the
services and ministries of the Church and its organizations. It
shall be the duty of the pastor and of the members of the church
council by regular visitation, care, and spiritual oversight to pro-
vide necessary activities and opportunities for spiritual growth
through individual and family worship and individual and group
study to connect faith and daily living, and continually to aid the
members to keep their vows to uphold the Church by attendance,
prayers, gifts, service, and witness. The Church has a moral and
spiritual obligation to nurture its nonparticipating and indifferent
members and to lead them into an active church relationship.
2. Care of Members—a) The pastor in cooperation with the
church council may arrange the membership in groups—with a
3. See Judicial Council Decision 372.
leader for each group—designed to involve the membership of
the Church in its ministry to the community. These groups shall
be of such size, usually not larger than eight or ten families, as to
be convenient and effective for service. Such groups may be espe-
cially helpful in evangelistic outreach by contacting newcomers
and unreached persons, by visitation, by mobilizing neighbors to
meet social issues in the community, by responding to personal
and family crises, by holding prayer meetings in the homes, by
distributing Christian literature, and by other means. Nonresident
members should constitute a special group to be served by corre-
spondence. The groups shall be formed and the leaders appointed
by the church council upon recommendation of the pastor.
b) While primary responsibility and initiative rests with
each professing member to faithfully perform the vows of the bap-
tismal covenant that have been solemnly assumed, if the member
should be neglectful of that responsibility, these procedures shall
be followed:
(1) If a professing member residing in the community
is negligent of the vows or is regularly absent from the worship
of the church without valid reason, the pastor and the member-
ship secretary shall report that member’s name to the church
council, which shall do all in its power to reenlist the member
in the active fellowship of the church. It shall visit the member
and make clear that, while the member’s name is on the roll of a
particular local church, one is a member of The United Method-
ist Church as a whole, and that, since the member is not attend-
ing the church where enrolled, the member is requested to do
one of four things: (a) reafrm the baptismal vows and return to
living in the community of the baptismal covenant in the church
where the member’s name is recorded, (b) request transfer to
another United Methodist church where the member will return
to living in the community of the baptismal covenant (see 239),
(c) arrange transfer to a particular church of another denomina-
tion (see 240), or (d) request withdrawal. If the member does
not comply with any of the available alternatives over a period
of two years, the member’s name may be removed. (See § (4)
(2) If a professing member whose address is known
is residing outside the community and is not participating in the
worship or activity of the church, the directives to encourage
a transfer of the member shall be followed each year until that
member joins another church or requests in writing that the name
be removed from the roll of professing members; provided, how-
ever, that if after two years the council has not been able to relate
that member to the church at the new place of residence, the name
may be removed from the roll of members by the procedure of
§ (4) below.
(3) If the address of a professing member is no longer
known to the pastor, the membership secretary and the evange-
lism ministry group chairperson shall make every effort to locate
the member. If the member can be located, the directives of either
§ (1) or § (2) above shall be followed, but if after two years of such
efforts the address is still unknown, the member’s name may be
removed from the roll of members by the procedure of § (4) below.
(4) If the directives of §§ (1), (2), or (3) above have
been followed for the specied number of years without success,
the member’s name may be removed as a professing member by
vote of the charge conference on recommendation of the pastor
and the evangelism ministry chairperson, each name being con-
sidered individually, provided that the member’s name shall have
been entered in the minutes of the annual charge conference for
two consecutive years. On the membership record there shall be
entered after the name: “Removed by Charge Conference Action”;
and if the action is on the basis of § (3), there shall be added: “Rea-
son: Address Unknown.” The record shall be retained in order
that upon reafrmation of the baptismal covenant the person
may be restored as a member. Should a transfer of membership
be requested, the pastor may, after consultation with the person,
issue the certicate of transfer.
(5) A written complaint or grievance may be led
against a professing member by serving the complaint or griev-
ance on the professing member, the pastor of the professing mem-
ber, and the district superintendent of the professing member.
(6) The pastor and district superintendent of the
accused professing member shall attempt a just resolution pro-
cess similar to the supervisory response in 362.1(b, c) with the
professing member’s district superintendent or designee leading
the process.
(7) If the procedures of 362.1(b, c) do not result in
resolution of the matter and if the conduct alleged in the com-
plaint or grievance, if true, would be a chargeable offense found in
2702.3, then the procedures of 2701 and following paragraphs
are to be followed unless the accused professing member agrees
to use the procedure described in 228.2b (8) below.
(8) If the procedures of 362.1(b, c) do not result in
resolution of the matter and if the conduct alleged in the com-
plaint or grievance, if true, would not be a chargeable offense
found in 2702.3, then a group of four persons: the pastor of the
accused professing member, the lay leader of the accused pro-
fessing member’s church, the district lay leader, and the district
superintendent, ex ofcio, without vote but with voice, where the
accused professing member’s church is located, shall hear infor-
mation from the accused professing member and the complainant
or grievant and shall determine an unappealable resolution of the
(9) When a professing member is charged with an
offense and wishes to forego trial, the charge conference may per-
mit the member to withdraw ( 2719.3). In this case, the notation
“Withdrawn under charges” shall be entered alongside the mem-
ber’s name on the record, along with the date.
(10) Recognizing that the Church has a continuing
moral and spiritual obligation to nurture all persons, it is recom-
mended that a list of names thus removed shall be maintained. It
shall then become the responsibility of the church council to pro-
vide for the review of this list at least once a year. (See also 234.)
After the review has been made, it is recommended that the pas-
tor and/or the commission on evangelism contact those whose
names appear on this list, either in person or by other means, in
the most effective and practical manner. The names and addresses
of those who have moved outside the local church’s area should
be sent to local churches in their new communities that those
churches may visit and minister to them.
c) The pastor, along with other adult workers with youth
and young adults in the local church and beyond ( 634.4c[4]),
shall disseminate information about United Methodist-related
Campus Ministry to college/university students or potential col-
lege/university students who are baptized members, professing
members, or other constituents of the congregation. They shall
also nurture, counsel, and guide young people as they explore
United Methodist and non-United Methodist colleges and univer-
sities and non-college vocation options in light of their faith.
229. Transfer from Discontinued Local Churches—If a local
church is discontinued, the district superintendent shall select
another United Methodist church and transfer its members
thereto, or to such other churches as the members may select. (See
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230. Membership Records—1. Each local church shall accu-
rately maintain a membership record for each baptized or pro-
fessing member including:
a) the person’s name, date of birth, address, place of
birth, date of baptism, ofciating pastor, and sponsors;
b) date of conrmation/profession of faith, ofciating
pastor, and sponsors;
c) if transferred from another church, date of reception,
sending church, and receiving pastor;
d) if transferred to another church, date of transfer,
receiving church, and address of receiving church;
e) date of removal or withdrawal and reason;
f) date of restoration of professing membership and of-
ciating pastor;
g) date of death, date and place of funeral/memorial,
place of burial, and ofciating pastor.
2. Annually, names of professing members to be removed by
charge conference action shall be reported to the charge confer-
ence ( 228.2.b.4).
3. Constituency Roll, containing the names and addresses of
such persons as are not members of the church concerned, includ-
ing unbaptized children, youth, and adults whose names are not
on the membership record, and other nonmembers for whom the
local church has pastoral responsibility.
4. Afliate Membership Roll ( 227).
5. Associate Membership Roll ( 227).
6. In the case of a union or federated church with another
denomination, the governing body of such a church may report
an equal share of the total membership to each judicatory, and
such membership shall be published in the minutes of each
church, with a note to the effect that the report is that of a union
or federated church, and with an indication of the total actual
231. Annual Membership Report and Audit—The pastor shall
report to the charge conference annually the names of persons
received into the membership of the church or churches of the
pastoral charge and the names of persons removed since the last
charge conference, indicating how each was received or removed.
The church council shall appoint a committee to audit the mem-
bership record, submitting the report annually to the charge
232. Annual Report of Members Attending Colleges and Uni-
versities—The pastor shall report annually the names and contact
information for professing and baptized members attending col-
leges and universities to the district superintendent, the chairper-
son of the Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus
Ministry by one month before the start of the school term and to
the charge conference. The Conference Board of Higher Education
and Campus Ministry has the responsibility to share the informa-
tion with the appropriate UM-related campus ministries.
233. Permanent Records—The basic membership records in
each local church shall consist of: a permanent church register
and a card index, a loose-leaf book, or a membership record on an
electronic information system (see 245). All baptism, member-
ship, marriage, and funeral records are the property of the local
church and cannot be sold. If the church is discontinued, these
records are placed in the care of the Conference Commission on
Archives and History.
1. The permanent church register shall be kept on either
paper-based or electronic media. If it is on a paper medium, it
shall be a volume of durable material prepared by The United
Methodist Publishing House. The format and content of the
record forms contained in it and the manner of its binding shall
be as approved by a committee designated by the General Coun-
cil on Finance and Administration (see 807.14). If on a paper
medium, the names shall be recorded chronologically as each
person is received into the fellowship of that church and without
reference to alphabetical order. The names shall be numbered in
regular numerical order, and the number of each shall appear
on the corresponding card, page, or record in the card index,
loose-leaf book, or electronic information system membership
record. If it is on an electronic medium, it will not be necessary to
maintain a chronological number. The number that is assigned
automatically by the computer system is sufcient for this pur-
pose. However, the electronic medium shall meet the following
a) It shall contain all of the information required by the
General Council on Finance and Administration.
b) Conversion of the information from paper records to
an electronic medium shall be followed by a complete audit to
ensure the accuracy of the converted records.
c) Off-site storage and electronic backup shall be
2. The card index, loose-leaf book, or electronic system mem-
bership record shall be kept on a form approved by the General
Council on Finance and Administration or, in the case of electroni-
cally maintained records, shall contain the same information as
required in the approved form with the exception of the sequen-
tial number. This record of membership shall be led in alpha-
betical order and shall show the number appearing opposite each
name on the permanent register. The pastor shall report annually
to the annual conference the total professing membership of the
local church as shown on the membership records.
3. When an electronic information system is used for record
keeping, printout copies of the membership records and backup
electronic media shall be retained in a secure off-site place (see
234. Membership Secretary—The charge conference shall
name a membership secretary who, under the direction of the
pastor, shall keep accurate records of the membership (see 230)
and shall report at least annually to the church council.
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235. Members whose names are removed from professing
member status for cause (see 2714), or who have been trans-
ferred, have died, or have withdrawn shall be so noted on the
membership record. It shall be the duty of the pastor of the charge
or of the membership secretary to keep an accurate record of such
changes and reasons and to report them to the charge conference
236. Members Who Move—If a member of a United Method-
ist church shall move to another community so far removed from
the home church that the member cannot participate regularly
in its worship and activity, this member shall be encouraged to
transfer membership to a United Methodist church in the com-
munity of the newly established residence. As soon as the pastor
is reliably informed of this change of residence, actual or con-
templated, it shall be the pastor’s duty and obligation to assist
the member to become established in the fellowship of a church
in the community of the future home and to send to a United
Methodist pastor in such community, or to the district superin-
tendent, a letter of notication, giving the latest known address
of the person or persons concerned and requesting local pastoral
237. Lay Missionaries in Non-United Methodist Churches—
Laypersons in service outside the United States under the Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries and assigned to churches other
than United Methodist may accept all the rights and privileges,
including associate membership, offered them by a local church
in their place of residence without impairing their relationship to
their home local church.
238. Members Residing at a Distance—When a pastor dis-
covers a member of The United Methodist Church residing in
the community whose membership is in a church so far removed
from the place of residence that the member cannot participate
regularly in its worship and activity, it shall be the duty and obli-
gation of the pastor to give pastoral oversight to such person
and to encourage transfer of membership to a United Methodist
church in the community where the member resides.
239. Transfer to Other United Methodist Churches—When a
pastor receives a request for a transfer of membership from the
pastor of another United Methodist church or a district superin-
tendent, that pastor shall send the proper certicate directly to
the pastor of the United Methodist church to which the mem-
ber is transferring, or if there is no pastor, to the district super-
intendent. On receipt of such a certicate of transfer, the pastor
or district superintendent shall enroll the name of the person so
transferring after public reception in a regular service of worship,
or if circumstances demand, public announcement in such a ser-
vice. The pastor of the church issuing the certicate shall then be
notied, whereupon said pastor shall remove the member from
the roll.
Certicates of transfer shall be accompanied by two of-
cial forms. A “Notice of Transfer of Membership” is to be sent
to the member by the pastor who transfers the membership. An
“Acknowledgment of Transfer of Membership” is to be sent to the
former pastor by the pastor who receives the transferred member.
In case the transfer is not made effective, the pastor shall
return the certicate to the pastor of the sending church.
240. Transfer to Other Denominations—A pastor, upon receiv-
ing a request from a member to transfer to a church of another
denomination, or upon receiving such request from a pastor or
duly authorized ofcial of another denomination, shall (with the
approval of the member) issue a certicate of transfer and, upon
receiving conrmation of the member’s reception into another
congregation, shall properly record the transfer of such person on
the membership record of the local church. For the transfer of a
member of The United Methodist Church to a church of another
denomination, an ofcial “Transfer of Membership to Another
Denomination” form shall be used.
241. Withdrawal Without Notice—If a pastor is informed that
a member has without notice united with a church of another
denomination, the pastor shall make diligent inquiry and, if the
report is conrmed, shall enter “Withdrawn” after the person’s
name on the membership roll and shall report the same to the next
charge conference.
242. Restoration of Professing Membership—1. A person
whose name has been removed from professing membership by
withdrawal, or action by charge conference, or trial court ( 2714),
may ask to be restored to membership in the local church.
2. A person whose membership was recorded as having been
withdrawn after becoming a member of another denomination
may, when that denomination will not transfer membership, be
restored to professing membership by reafrmation of the bap-
tismal vows.
3. A person who has withdrawn at his or her own written
request may return to the church and, upon reafrmation of the
baptismal vows, become a professing member.
4. A person whose name was removed by charge confer-
ence action may return to the church and, at his or her request,
be restored to professing membership in the local church through
reafrmation of the baptismal vows.
5. A person who withdrew under charges or was removed
by trial court ( 2714) may ask to return to the church. Upon evi-
dence of a renewed life, approval of the charge conference, and
reafrmation of the baptismal vows, the person may be restored
to professing membership.
Section VI. Organization and Administration
243. Primary Tasks—The local church shall be organized so
that it can pursue its primary task and mission in the context of its
own community—reaching out and receiving with joy all who will
respond; encouraging people in their relationship with God and
inviting them to commitment to God’s love in Jesus Christ; pro-
viding opportunities for them to seek strengthening and growth
in spiritual formation; and supporting them to live lovingly and
justly in the power of the Holy Spirit as faithful disciples.
In carrying out its primary task, it shall be organized so
that adequate provision is made for these basic responsibilities:
(1) planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach,
and witness for persons and families within and without the
congregation; (2) providing for effective pastoral and lay leader-
ship; (3) providing for nancial support, physical facilities, and
the legal obligations of the church; (4) utilizing the appropriate
relationships and resources of the district and annual conference;
(5) providing for the proper creation, maintenance, and dispo-
sition of documentary record material of the local church; and
(6) seeking inclusiveness in all aspects of its life.
244. Organization—The basic organizational plan for the
local church shall include provision for the following units: a
charge conference, a church council, a committee on pastor-
parish relations, a board of trustees, a committee on nance, a
committee on nominations and leadership development, and
such other elected leaders, commissions, councils, committees,
and task forces as the charge conference may determine. Every
local church shall develop a plan for organizing its administra-
tive and programmatic responsibilities. Each local congregation
shall provide a comprehensive program of nurture, outreach, and
witness, along with leadership training, and the planning and
administration of the congregation’s organizational and tempo-
ral life, in accordance with the mission of The United Methodist
Church (see ¶¶ 120-124).
1. The church council and all other administrative and pro-
grammatic structures of the local church shall be amenable to the
charge conference (see 246). The church council shall function as
the executive agency of the charge conference.
2. Alternative plans may be developed in accordance with
the provisions of 247.2. Such alternatives include: nurture, out-
reach, and witness ministries; administrative council; or adminis-
trative board/council on ministries.
3. Members of the church council or alternative structure
shall be persons of genuine Christian character who love the
church, are morally disciplined, are committed to the mandate of
inclusiveness in the life of the church, are loyal to the ethical stan-
dards of The United Methodist Church set forth in the Social Prin-
ciples, and are competent to administer its affairs. It shall include
youth and young adult members chosen according to the same
standards as adults. All persons with vote shall be members of the
local church, except where central conference legislation provides
otherwise. The pastor shall be the administrative ofcer and, as
such, shall be an ex ofcio member of all conferences, boards,
councils, commissions, committees, and task forces, unless other-
wise restricted by the Discipline.
245. Information Technology—Each local church, as it cre-
ates or maintains computerized information and data, is strongly
encouraged to confer with its annual conference for recommen-
dations and guidelines as it relates to information technology.
T C C
Members of the charge conference shall be persons of genuine
Christian character who love the Church, are morally disciplined,
are committed to the mandate of inclusiveness in the life of the
Church, are loyal to the ethical standards of The United Method-
ist Church set forth in the Social Principles, and are competent
to administer its affairs. It shall include youth members chosen
according to the same standards as adults. All shall be profess-
ing members of the local church, except where central conference
legislation provides otherwise. The pastor shall be the adminis-
trative ofcer, and as such shall be an ex ofcio member of all
conferences, boards, councils, commissions, committees, and task
forces, unless restricted by the Discipline.
246. General Provisions—1. Within the pastoral charge the
basic unit in the connectional system of The United Method-
ist Church is the charge conference. The charge conference shall
therefore be organized from the church or churches in every
pastoral charge as set forth in the Constitution ( 43). It shall meet
4. See Judicial Council Decisions 469, 500.
annually for the purposes set forth in 247. It may meet at other
times as indicated in § 7 below.
2. The membership of the charge conference shall be all mem-
bers of the church council or other appropriate body, together
with retired ordained ministers and retired diaconal ministers
who elect to hold their membership in said charge conference and
any others as may be designated in the Discipline. If more than
one church is on the pastoral charge, all members of each church
council shall be members of the charge conference.
3. The charge conference may make provision for recogni-
tion of the faithful service of members of the church council by
electing them honorary members. An honorary member shall be
entitled to all the privileges of a member, except the right to vote.
4. The district superintendent shall x the time of meetings of
the charge conference. The charge conference shall determine the
place of meeting.
5. The district superintendent shall preside at the meetings of
the charge conference or may designate an elder to preside.
6. The members present and voting at any duly announced
meeting shall constitute a quorum.
7. Special sessions may be called by the district superinten-
dent after consultation with the pastor of the charge, or by the
pastor with the written consent of the district superintendent. The
purpose of such special session shall be stated in the call, and only
such business shall be transacted as is in harmony with the pur-
poses stated in the call. Any such special session may be convened
as a church conference in accordance with 248.
8. Notice of time and place of a regular or special session of
the charge conference shall be given at least ten days in advance
by two or more of the following (except as local laws may other-
wise provide): from the pulpit of the church, in its weekly bulle-
tin, in a local church publication, or by mail.
9. A charge conference shall be conducted in the language of
the majority, with adequate provision being made for translation.
10. A joint charge conference for two or more pastoral charges
may be held at the same time and place, as the district superinten-
dent may determine.
247. Powers and Duties—1. The charge conference shall be
the connecting link between the local church and the general
Church and shall have general oversight of the church council(s).
2. The charge conference, the district superintendent, and the
pastor, when a pastor has been appointed (see 205.4), shall orga-
nize and administer the pastoral charge and churches according
to the policies and plans herein set forth. When the membership
size, program scope, mission resources, or other circumstances so
require, the charge conference may, in consultation with and upon
the approval of the district superintendent, modify the organiza-
tional plans, provided that the provisions of 243 are observed.
Such other circumstances may include, but not be limited to, alter-
native models for the conception of a local church, such as coffee
house ministries, mall ministries, outdoor ministries, retirement
home ministries, restaurant ministries, and other emergent ways
in which people can gather in God’s name to be the church.
3. The primary responsibilities of the charge conference in
the annual meeting shall be to review and evaluate the total mis-
sion and ministry of the church (¶¶ 120-124), receive reports, and
adopt objectives and goals recommended by the church council
that are in keeping with the objectives of The United Methodist
4. The charge conference recording secretary shall keep an
accurate record of the proceedings and shall be the custodian of
all records and reports and, with the presiding ofcer, shall sign
the minutes. A copy of the minutes shall be provided for the dis-
trict superintendent, and a permanent copy shall be retained for
church les. When there is only one local church on a charge, the
secretary of the church council shall be the secretary of the charge
conference. When there is more than one church on a charge, one
of the secretaries of the church councils shall be elected by the
charge conference to serve as its secretary.
5. a) It is strongly recommended that the charge conference
elect a church historian in order to preserve the history of each
local church. The responsibilities of the historian are to keep the
historical records up to date; serve as chairperson of the commit-
tee on records and history, if any; cooperate with the annual con-
ference commission on archives and history; provide an annual
report on the care of church records and historical materials to
the charge conference; and also provide, with the pastor and the
committee on records and history, if any, for the preservation of
all local church records and historical materials no longer in cur-
rent use. Records and historical materials include all documents,
minutes, journals, diaries, reports, letters, pamphlets, papers,
manuscripts, maps, photographs, books, audiovisuals, sound
recordings, magnetic or other tapes, or any other documentary
material, regardless of form or characteristics, made or received
pursuant to any provisions of the Discipline in connection with
the transaction of church business by any local church of The
United Methodist Church or any of its constituent predecessors.
The church historian may be a member of the church council. This
person may also hold another elected position on the council.
b) There may be a local church committee on records and
history, chaired by the church historian, to assist in fullling these
6. Each charge is encouraged to be inclusive in the make-up of
the council so that all segments of the congregation are represented.
7. The charge conference may establish a limit to the con-
secutive terms of ofce for any or all of the elected or appointed
ofcers of the local church, except where otherwise mandated. It
is recommended that no ofcer serve more than three consecutive
years in the same ofce.
8. The charge conference shall examine and recommend to
the district committee on ordained ministry, faithfully adhering
to the provisions of 310.1e, candidates for licensed or ordained
ministry who have been professing members in good standing of
The United Methodist Church for at least one year; whose gifts,
evidence of God’s grace, and call to the ministry clearly establish
them as candidates; and who have met the educational require-
ments. It is out of the faith and witness of the congregation that
men and women respond to God’s call to licensed or ordained
ministry. Every local church should intentionally nurture candi-
dates for licensed or ordained ministry, providing for spiritual
and nancial support, as well as supporting the Ministerial Edu-
cation Fund, for their education and formation as servant leaders
for the ministry of the whole people of God.
9. The charge conference shall examine and recommend,
faithfully adhering to the provisions of 313, renewal of candi-
dacy of candidates for the ordained ministry.
10. The charge conference shall examine and recommend to
the responsible Church agency any candidates for Church-related
11. The charge conference shall inquire annually into the
gifts, labors, and usefulness of the lay servants and certied lay
ministers related to the charge and recommend to the district
and/or conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries those
persons who have met the standards set forth for a local church
lay servant and/or for certied lay servant and certied lay min-
ister (¶¶ 266-269).
12. The charge conference shall receive reports annually on
all local church organized Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) teams,
and the total number of local church participants in any UMVIM
team, and shall forward the combined report to the annual con-
ference and the general Church through the regular annual local
church statistical report.
13. The charge conference shall in consultation with the dis-
trict superintendent set the compensation of the pastor and other
staff appointed by the bishop.
14. As soon as practicable after the session of annual confer-
ence, each district superintendent or designated agent shall notify
each local church in the district what amounts have been appor-
tioned to it for World Service, conference benevolences and other
general Church, jurisdictional, and annual conference funds. In the
event that the conference uses an apportionment formula whereby
the local church contributes a specied percentage of its current
income and/or expenses, the specied percentage may be used in
lieu of an actual dollar amount. In preparation for and at the charge
conference, it shall be the responsibility of the district superinten-
dent, the pastor, and the lay member(s) of the annual conference
and/or the church lay leader(s) to interpret to each charge confer-
ence the importance of these apportioned funds, explaining the
causes supported by each of them and their place in the total pro-
gram of the Church. The World Service Fund is basic in the nan-
cial program of The United Methodist Church. World Service on
apportionment represents the minimum needs for the mission and
ministry of the Church. Conference benevolences represent the
minimum needs for mission and ministry in the annual confer-
ence. Payment in full of these apportionments by local churches is
the rst benevolent responsibility of the church ( 812).
15. The charge conference shall receive and act on the annual
report from the pastor concerning the membership. (See 231.)
16. The charge conference shall receive a report on the names
and addresses of college students to send to the United Methodist
campus ministers and chaplains.
5. See Judicial Council Decisions 213, 252, 461, 1014, 1123.
6. See Judicial Council Decision 1054.
17. In those instances where there are two or more churches
on a pastoral charge, the charge conference may provide for a
charge or parish council, a chargewide or parish treasurer, and
such other ofcers, commissions, committees, and task groups as
necessary to carry on the work of the charge.
18. In those instances where there are two or more churches
on a pastoral charge, the charge conference may elect a chargewide
or parish committee on nominations and leadership development,
a chargewide or parish committee on pastor-parish relations, a
chargewide or parish committee on nance, and a chargewide or
parish board of trustees in such instances where property is held
in common by two or more churches of the charge. All churches
of the charge shall be represented on such chargewide or parish
committees or boards. Chargewide or parish organization shall be
consistent with disciplinary provisions for the local church.
19. In instances of multiple church charges, the charge con-
ference shall provide for an equitable distribution of parsonage
maintenance and upkeep expense or adequate housing allowance
(if annual conference policy permits) among the several churches.
20. The charge conference shall promote awareness of and
concurrence with the Doctrinal Standards and General Rules
of The United Methodist Church, and with policies relative to
Socially Responsible Investments ( 717), the Social Principles
(¶¶ 160-166), and The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist
21. If any charge conference initiates, joins, monitors, or ter-
minates a boycott, the guidelines in The Book of Resolutions, 2012,
should be followed. The General Conference is the only body that
can initiate, empower, or join a boycott in the name of The United
Methodist Church.
22. When authorized by the district superintendent and the
district board of church location and building, the charge confer-
ence may provide for the sponsoring of satellite congregations.
23. The charge conference shall have such other duties and
responsibilities as the General, jurisdictional, or annual confer-
ence may duly commit to it.
248. The Church Conference—To encourage broader partici-
pation by members of the church, the charge conference may be
convened as the church conference, extending the vote to all pro-
fessing members of the local church present at such meetings. The
church conference shall be authorized by the district superinten-
dent. It may be called at the discretion of the district superinten-
dent or following a written request to the district superintendent
by one of the following: the pastor, the church council, or 10 per-
cent of the professing membership of the local church. In any case
a copy of the request shall be given to the pastor. Additional regu-
lations governing the call and conduct of the charge conference as
set forth in ¶¶ 246-247 shall apply also to the church conference. A
joint church conference for two or more churches may be held at
the same time and place as the district superintendent may deter-
mine. A church conference shall be conducted in the language of
the majority with adequate provision being made for translation.
(For church local conference see 2527.)
249. Election of Leaders—The charge conference, or church
conference authorized by the district superintendent, shall
elect upon recommendation by the committee on nominations
and leadership development of each local church on the pasto-
ral charge, or by nomination from the oor and by vote of each
such local church, at least the following leaders for the four basic
responsibilities ( 244):
1. Chairperson of the church council.
2. The committee on nominations and leadership develop-
3. The committee on pastor-parish relations and its chair-
4. A chairperson and additional members of the committee
on nance; the nancial secretary and the church treasurer(s) if
not paid employees of the local church; and the trustees as pro-
vided in ¶¶ 2526-2528, unless otherwise required by state law.
5. The lay member(s) of the annual conference and lay
6. A recording secretary (see 247.4).
7. Special attention shall be given to the inclusion of women,
men, youth, young adults, persons over sixty-ve years of age,
persons with disabilities, and racial and ethnic persons.
8. All local church ofces and all chairs of organizations
within the local church may be shared between two persons, with
the following exceptions: trustee, ofcers of the board of trustees,
treasurer, lay member of annual conference, member and chair-
person of the committee on staff- or pastor-parish relations. When
two persons jointly hold a position that entails membership on
the church council, both may be members of it.
250. Removal of Ofcers and Filling of Vacancies—If a leader
or ofcer who has been elected by the charge conference is unable
or unwilling to perform the duties reasonably expected of such
a leader or ofcer, the district superintendent may call a spe-
cial session of the charge conference in accordance with 246.7.
The purpose of such special session shall be stated as “Consid-
eration for the removal of person(s) from ofce and the election
of person(s) to ll vacancy(ies).” The committee on nominations
and leadership development (¶¶ 258.1, 247.18) shall meet as soon
as possible after the special session of the charge conference has
been announced and shall propose person(s) who may be elected
if vacancy(ies) occur at the charge conference. If the charge con-
ference votes to remove a person or persons from ofce, the
vacancy(ies) shall be lled in the manner prescribed for elections
in accordance with 249. When a local church trustee is under
consideration for removal and the pastoral charge consists of two
or more churches, a church local conference shall be called instead
of a charge conference, in accordance with 2526.
251. Duties of Leaders and Members—1. Out of the professing
membership of each local church ( 128), there shall be elected by
the charge conference a lay leader who shall function as the pri-
mary lay representative of the laity in that local church and shall
have the following responsibilities:
a) fostering awareness of the role of laity both within the
congregation and through their ministries in the home, work-
place, community, and world, and nding ways within the com-
munity of faith to recognize all these ministries;
b) meeting regularly with the pastor to discuss the state
of the church and the needs for ministry;
c) membership in the charge conference and the church
council, the committee on nance, the committee on nominations
and leadership development, and the committee on pastor-parish
relations or staff-parish relations, where, along with the pastor,
the lay leader shall serve as an interpreter of the actions and pro-
grams of the annual conference and the general Church (to be bet-
ter equipped to comply with this responsibility, it is recommended
that a lay leader also serve as a lay member of annual conference);
d) continuing involvement in study and training oppor-
tunities to develop a growing understanding of the Church’s
reason for existence and the types of ministry that will most effec-
tively fulll the Church’s mission;
e) assisting in advising the church council of opportuni-
ties available and the needs expressed for a more effective minis-
try of the church through its laity in the community;
f) informing the laity of training opportunities provided
by the annual conference. Where possible, the lay leader shall
attend training opportunities in order to strengthen his or her
work. The lay leader is urged to become a certied lay servant
In instances where more than one church is on a charge, the
charge conference shall elect additional lay leaders so that there
will be one lay leader in each church. Associate lay leaders may be
elected to work with the lay leader in any local church.
2. The lay member(s) of the annual conference and alternates
shall be elected annually or quadrennially as the annual confer-
ence directs. If the charge’s lay representative to the annual con-
ference shall cease to be a member of the charge or shall for any
reason fail to serve, an alternate member in the order of election
shall serve in place.
Both the lay members and the alternates shall have been
professing members in good standing of The United Method-
ist Church for at least two years and shall have been active par-
ticipants for at least four years next preceding their election (see
32), except in a newly organized church, which shall have the
privilege of representation at the annual conference session.
local pastor shall be eligible as a lay member or alternate.
Methodist churches that become part of an ecumenical shared
ministry shall not be deprived of their right of representation
by a lay member in the annual conference. The lay member(s)
of the annual conference, along with the pastor, shall serve as an
interpreter of the actions of the annual conference session. These
persons shall report to the local church council on actions of the
annual conference as soon as possible, but not later than three
months after the close of the conference.
3. The church council chairperson shall be elected by the charge
conference annually and shall have the following responsibilities:
a) leading the council in fullling its responsibilities (see
b) preparing and communicating the agenda of the coun-
cil meetings in consultation with the pastor(s), lay leader, and
other appropriate persons;
7. See Judicial Council Decisions 170, 305, 342, 469, 495.
8. See Judicial Council Decision 328.
c) reviewing and assigning responsibility for the imple-
mentation of actions taken by the council;
d) communicating with members of the council and oth-
ers as appropriate to permit informed action at council meetings;
e) coordinating the various activities of the council;
f) providing the initiative and leadership for the council
as it does the planning, establishing of objectives and goals, and
g) participating in leadership training programs as
offered by the annual conference and/or district.
The church council chairperson shall be entitled to attend
meetings of all boards and committees of the church unless specif-
ically limited by the Book of Discipline. The chairperson is encour-
aged to attend annual conference.
T C C
252. 1. Purpose—The church council shall provide for plan-
ning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, wit-
ness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for
the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall
envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and
ministry of the church. The church council shall be amenable to
and function as the administrative agency of the charge confer-
ence ( 244).
2. Mission and Ministry—Nurture, outreach, and witness
ministries and their accompanying responsibilities include:
a) The nurturing ministries of the congregation shall give
attention to but not be limited to education, worship, Christian
formation, membership care, small groups, and stewardship.
Attention must be given to the needs of individuals and families
of all ages.
b) The outreach ministries of the church shall give atten-
tion to local and larger community ministries of compassion, jus-
tice, and advocacy. These ministries include church and society,
global ministries, higher education and campus ministry, health
and welfare, Christian unity and interreligious concerns, religion
and race, and the status and role of women.
c) The witness ministries of the church shall give atten-
tion to developing and strengthening evangelistic efforts of
sharing of personal and congregational stories of Christian expe-
rience, faith, and service; communications; Lay Servant Minis-
tries; and other means that give expressions of witness for Jesus
d) The leadership development and resourcing ministries
shall give attention to the ongoing preparation and development
of lay and clergy leaders for the ministry of the church ( 258.1).
e) The nurture, outreach, and witness ministries and
their accompanying responsibilities shall include consideration
of (i) the election of a prayer coordinator to promote prayer
and mobilize the local church to pray, (ii) establishing a prayer
room or designated place for prayer and prayer resources, and
(iii) encouraging intentional prayer for the pastoral leadership of
the local church.
3. Meetingsa) The council shall meet at least quarterly. The
chairperson or the pastor may call special meetings.
b) In order for the council to give adequate consideration
to the missional purpose of the local church, it is recommended
that the rst agenda item at each meeting be related to its min-
istries of nurture, outreach, and witness. The administrative and
supportive responsibilities of the church will then be given atten-
tion. It is recommended that the council use a consensus/discern-
ment model of decision-making.
4. Other Responsibilities—It will also be the responsibility of
the church council to:
a) review the membership of the local church;
b) ll interim vacancies occurring among the lay ofcers
of the church between sessions of the annual charge conference;
c) establish the budget on recommendation of the com-
mittee on nance and ensure adequate provision for the nancial
needs of the church;
d) recommend to the charge conference the salary and
other remuneration of the pastor(s) and staff members after
receiving recommendations from the committee on pastor-parish
relations (staff-parish relations);
e) review the recommendation of the committee on pas-
tor-parish relations regarding provision of adequate housing for
the pastor(s), and report the same to the charge conference for
approval. Housing provisions shall comply with the annual con-
ference housing policy and parsonage standards. Housing shall
not be considered as part of compensation or remuneration except
to the extent provided for in denominational pension and benet
5. Membership—The charge conference will determine the
size of the church council. Members of the church council shall
be involved in the mission and ministry of the congregation as
dened in 252.2. The membership of the council may consist
of as few as eleven persons or as many as the charge conference
deems appropriate. The council shall include persons who rep-
resent the program ministries of the church as outlined in 243.
The membership shall include but not be limited to the following:
a) the chairperson of the church council;
b) the lay leader;
c) the chairperson and/or a representative of the pastor-
parish relations committee;
d) the chairperson and/or a representative of the com-
mittee on nance;
e) the chairperson and/or a representative of the board
of trustees;
f) the church treasurer;
g) a lay member to annual conference;
h) the president and/or a representative of the United
Methodist Men;
i) the president and/or a representative of the United
Methodist Women;
j) a young adult representative
k a representative of the United Methodist Youth;
l) the pastor(s).
6. Quorum—The members present and voting at any duly
announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.
S M
253. Age-Level, Family, and Specialized-Ministries Coordina-
tors (see also 252)The charge conference may elect annually
a coordinator of children’s ministries, a coordinator of youth
ministries, a coordinator of adult ministries, and a coordinator of
family ministries. Where young adult and specic age-level min-
istries would be enhanced, coordinators of young adult and/or
older adult ministries may be elected. Where camps and retreats
are part of faith formation across the age span, a coordinator of
camp and retreat ministries may be elected. Where there are civic
youth-serving agencies or scouting ministry units present there
may be elected a scouting coordinator. Where needs for special-
ized areas of ministry arise (for example, single adults or persons
with addictions, mental illness or disabilities), coordinators of
these areas of ministry may be elected.
254. Other Ministry Group Coordinators—In order to fulll
the mission of the local church, the charge conference may elect
annually a coordinator or ministry group chairperson for any or
all of these areas: Christian unity and interreligious relationships,
church and society, community volunteers, education, evange-
lism, higher education and campus ministry, missions, prayer
advocacy, religion and race, status and role of women, earth advo-
cacy, stewardship, worship, advocacy for persons with special
needs, and church media resources. Every local United Methodist
church may have a campus ministry coordinator, who may have
membership on the church council. A primary responsibility of
the campus ministry coordinator shall be to report the names and
contact information (i.e., addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail
addresses) of all college students from their local church each
semester to the appropriate United Methodist campus ministry,
such as the Wesley Foundation. The campus ministry coordinator
shall be encouraged to contact every college student from their
church each semester by letter, e-mail, or phone and encourage
the student’s active participation in United Methodist student
ministry. The campus ministry coordinator in every church shall
also promote nancial and other support of United Methodist
campus ministries, such as the Wesley Foundations, within their
local church.
Where desirable, the charge conference may combine coor-
dinators’ or ministry group chairpersons’ assignments. Each
coordinator or ministry group chairperson, if elected, shall work
with the church council (or other appropriate body), pastor(s),
and other church leaders to address the needs and opportuni-
ties of the particular area, utilizing all appropriate resources and
relationships of the district, annual conference, and/or general
255. Church-School Superintendent and Small-Group Coor-
dinator—The charge conference may elect: (1) a superintendent
of the church school or Sunday school, and/or a coordinator of
small-group ministries, who shall be responsible for helping to
organize and supervise the total program for nurturing faith,
building Christian community, and equipping people of all ages
for ministry in daily life through small groups in the church;
(2) a health-and-welfare ministries coordinator, who shall assist
the local church and its people in being involved in direct service
to persons in need; and (3) a communications coordinator, who
shall assist the local church and its members with communication
tasks by making available ideas, resources, and skills.
256. Program Ministries—The ministries of the local church
are offered so that people encounter God’s redeeming love for the
world and respond by participating in God’s action in the world.
To achieve this ministry, people need to be involved in a variety
of small-group settings. Some will be formed by the church coun-
cil. Others will emerge with the approval of this body. Another
type is historical, expressing itself in organizational structures
that are related to counterparts in annual conferences and the gen-
eral Church. These are referred to as program ministries and are
related to the church council.
1. The Church School and Small-Group Ministries—In each local
church there shall be a variety of small-group ministries, includ-
ing the church school, for supporting the formation of Christian
disciples focused on the transformation of the world. These small
groups may concentrate on teaching and learning, fellowship,
support, community ministries, and accountability. Members of
small groups will build their knowledge of the Bible, the Christian
faith, The United Methodist Church, and the societal context in
which the church nds itself. In addition, small groups, includ-
ing the church school, shall provide people with opportunities for
practicing skills for faithful discipleship, including but not limited
to worship, faith sharing, the creation of new faith communities,
spiritual discernment, Bible study, theological reection, prayer,
community building, service with the poor and marginalized,
and advocacy for peace and justice. Local churches or charges are
strongly encouraged to develop policies and procedures to pro-
vide for the safety of the infants, children, youth, and vulnerable
adults entrusted to their care.
a) The Church School—In each local church there shall be a
church school for the purpose of accomplishing the church’s edu-
cational ministry.
The church school is challenged to create communities in
which people of all ages experience God’s active presence in their
lives; foster healthy, nonviolent relationships within the congre-
gation and community; testify to the reconciling love of God
through Christ; and live out their faith in the world as witnesses
to the coming reign of God.
b) Accountable Discipleship—Historically class leaders
provided lay pastoral leadership, and classes and class meetings
were the basic structural means of Christian spiritual formation in
the early Methodist societies.
Class leaders may be commissioned and classes may be
organized within the local congregation for the purpose of form-
ing persons as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ through mutual
accountability and support for witnessing to him in the world
and for following his teachings through acts of compassion, jus-
tice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
(See 104, “The Nature, Design, and General Rules of Our United
Societies” [page 77], and 1117.)
c) Mission and Ministry Groups—Christian discipleship is
patterned after the servanthood of Jesus, who cared for the sick,
fed the hungry, and befriended the outcast. People may partici-
pate in small groups in order to serve the needs of the poor and
marginalized, advocate for social justice, and demonstrate their
faith in all their relationships and whatever setting they nd
themselves in.
d) Support Groups—Where needed, the local church may
organize small groups to support particular needs of congrega-
tion and community members, including but not limited to care
and prayer groups, divorce recovery, grief recovery, parenting
groups, and support for people who are suffering from chronic
illness, including persons with mental illnesses and their families.
2. Children’s Ministries—Children’s ministries—for, with, and
by children—include all ministries involving children within the
life of the congregational community, including but not limited
to Sunday school, vacation Bible school, nursery ministries, chil-
dren’s choir and music ministries, fellowship groups, support
groups, short-term study groups, children’s worship experiences,
mission education experiences, intergenerational activities, and
all weekday programs for children of all ages.
a) If there is a coordinator of children’s ministries, the
coordinator shall be responsible for assuring that children are
considered and included within the life of the congregation. The
coordinator will lead the children’s council, when organized, and
will work closely with clergy and other program-related staff. The
coordinator will vision, plan, and advocate for children, particu-
larly in the areas of faith development, safety, and discipleship.
The coordinator will work with other leaders in the congregation
to assure that policies and procedures are in place to help keep all
children and the adults who care for and work with them safe.
These policies and procedures include such things as background
checks, having at least two adults per group, and cardiopulmo-
nary resuscitation and rst-aid training. The coordinator will also
advocate for mission education for children, including The United
Methodist Children’s Fund for Christian Mission.
b) If there is a children’s council, it shall be responsible
for planning, visioning, and advocating for children within the
congregation, the community, and the world. The council will set
policies and procedures related to children, oversee the planning
of short-term experiences, consider children’s ministry needs
within the whole of the congregation’s ministries, and commu-
nicate with parents and the congregation. The children’s council
will work closely with the coordinator of children’s ministries and
church staff responsible for ministry with children, including chil-
dren’s choirs and weekday ministries. The children’s council is
accountable to the group responsible for the local church’s edu-
cational ministry.
c) Weekday Ministry Board—The term weekday ministry
applies to any regularly planned ministry for children. When
appropriate, one or more weekday ministry boards may be orga-
nized to oversee the weekday ministry programs of the congre-
gation. The board’s membership should be mostly professing
members of the congregation, with parent, church staff, and
weekday ministry staff representatives. The board will set policies
consistent with the congregation’s policies, state mandates, and
sound business practices. The board will guide weekday minis-
tries as appropriate opportunities for faith development, mission
outreach, Christian education, evangelism, and safety. They will
advocate for inclusion of children from various socioeconomic,
cultural, and racial/ethnic backgrounds. Weekday ministry
board(s) accountability should be placed within the local church
organizational structure with consideration to the group respon-
sible for the congregation’s education ministry.
3. Young People’s Ministries—The term young people is inclu-
sive of all persons from approximately twelve through thirty
years of age in the United States and thirty-ve in the central
conferences. The term encompasses both youth and young-
adult ministries and allows for age exibility given the different
age denitions for young people in various cultures around the
world. The term youth ministry is an inclusive title, encompassing
all the concerns of the Church and all activities by, with, and for
youth. The youth ministry of The United Methodist Church shall
include all persons from approximately twelve through eighteen
years of age in the United States and up to twenty-four in the cen-
tral conferences, taking into account the grouping of youth in the
public schools, who are currently or potentially associated with
the church or any of its activities. Youth who are professing mem-
bers of the church have all rights and responsibilities of church
membership except voting on matters prohibited by state law (see
226.5). The term young-adult ministry is an inclusive title, encom-
passing all the concerns of the Church and all activities by, with,
and for young adults. The young-adult ministry of The United
Methodist Church shall include all persons from approximately
eighteen through thirty in the United States and twenty-four
through thirty-ve in the central conferences who are currently
or potentially associated with the church or any of its activities.
Young adults who are professing members of the church have all
rights and responsibilities of church membership.
a) The coordinator/staff for youth ministries and the
youth leadership team, when organized, shall be responsible for
recommending to the church council activities, program empha-
ses, and settings for youth. The coordinator/staff and the lead-
ership team shall use available resources and means to inform
youth concerning the Youth Service Fund and shall cultivate its
support, provided that prior to this cultivation or as a part of it,
the youth shall have been challenged to assume their nancial
responsibilities in connection with the total program and budget
of the local church.
b) The local church may organize settings for ministries
with young people as appropriate in their ministry context.
c) In each charge conference where there are at least ve
youth, there may be a youth leadership team.
(1) The leadership team shall be made up of no less
than one-half youth. Nominations for members of the leadership
team (both youth and adults) may come from the youth group (or
related structure). The nominations will then be sent to the com-
mittee on nominations and leadership development for approval
and then to the charge conference for approval.
The council shall be composed of:
(a) The coordinator/staff for youth ministries
and other related leaders as ex ofcio members with voice but
not vote.
(b) Any youth serving on a district, conference,
jurisdictional, or general Church board or agency.
(c) Any adult serving on a district, conference,
jurisdictional, or general Church organization on youth ministry.
(2) There shall be co-chairs with one adult and one
youth to lead the meetings. Other ofcers may be a mix of adults
and youth depending on the skills, gifts, and needs of the leader-
ship team.
(3) The leadership team shall meet at least semiannu-
ally. It may meet additionally at the request of the pastor, coordi-
nator/staff for youth ministries or any member of the committee.
(a) To assist the coordinator/staff for youth min-
istry and other related leaders in planning and developing activi-
ties, program emphases, and settings for youth in the local church.
(b) To develop a program budget for their youth
(c) To assist the coordinator/staff for youth min-
istry in nding and encouraging qualied adults and interns to
work with youth in the local church.
(d) To develop a covenant for all adult volunteer
youth workers.
(e) To encourage and facilitate the furthering of
education for the coordinator/staff for youth ministries and oth-
ers in leadership with youth.
(f) To be informed of and follow the conference
child safety policies, procedures, and requirements to be followed
by the local church.
(g) To encourage and educate youth on possible
careers in professional ministry and how to consider any voca-
tional calling and opportunity to serve.
(h) To be a resource for other churches interested
in starting or revitalizing youth ministry within their own local
(i) To further educate youth and adults on The
United Methodist Church as a connectional church by encourag-
ing and supporting the participation of youth and adults in dis-
trict, annual, jurisdictional, and central conferences, and other
general Church ministries.
(j) To promote and educate persons about the
Youth Service Fund.
(k) To promote the camping and retreat minis-
tries within the local church.
(l) To promote, introduce, and encourage youth
and young adults to become active in United Methodist campus
ministry when they attend a college or university.
(m) To empower youth to be full participants
and active leaders in The United Methodist Church.
(n) To consult with the pastor/staff parish
relations committee in: 1) developing written job descriptions;
2) nominating; 3) evaluating the job performance of the coordina-
tor/staff for youth ministries and any other volunteer and paid
staff related to youth ministry in the local church.
(m) It is strongly recommended that the council
develop a program budget for their ministry.
d) The coordinator/staff for young-adult ministries
and the young adult leadership team, when organized, shall be
responsible for recommending to the church council the activi-
ties, program emphases, and settings for young adults, gather the
names and addresses of all college students to send to the cam-
pus minister or chaplain of the college or university the students
are attending, encourage college students to participate in United
Methodist campus ministry, and recommend opportunities for
the congregation to support and participate with annual confer-
ence campus ministries and annual conference-related colleges
and universities.
4. Scouting ministry through civic youth-serving agencies
offer another setting for ministry to children, youth, their leaders,
and their families. The Programs of Religious Activities with Youth
(P.R.A.Y.) award program is available to all appropriate age-level
participants of the local church education program including the
church school, youth ministry, and scouting ministry.
a) Each local church may have a local church scouting
coordinator (or the central conferences equivalent) who shall
relate to the church council, the superintendent of the church
school, the coordinator of children’s ministries, the coordinator
of youth ministries, and all the various youth-serving agency
structures. The local church scouting coordinator (or the central
conferences equivalent) may relate to the district scouting coor-
dinator and annual conference scouting coordinator who are
resource and training advisors. All churches shall be encouraged
to have a signed partnership agreement with all the units of these
agencies which are part of their ministry.
5. United Methodist Women—In every local church there shall
be an organized unit of United Methodist Women. The following
is the authorized constitution:
Article 1. Name—The name of this organization shall be
United Methodist Women.
Article 2. Relationships—The unit of United Methodist Women
in the local church is directly related to the district and conference
and national organizations of United Methodist Women.
Article 3. Purpose—The organized unit of United Method-
ist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to
know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through
Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to
expand concepts of mission through participation in the global
ministries of the Church.
Article 4. Membership—Membership shall be open to any
woman who indicates her desire to belong and to participate
in the global mission of the Church through United Methodist
Women. The pastor(s) shall be an ex ofcio member of the local
unit and of its executive committee.
Article 5. Ofcers and Committees—The local unit shall elect a
president, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a commit-
tee on nominations. Additional ofcers and committees shall be
elected or appointed as needed, in accordance with the plans of
the United Methodist Women’s national organization as set forth
in the bylaws for the local unit of United Methodist Women.
Article 6. Fundsa) The organized unit of United Methodist
Women shall secure funds for the fulllment of its purpose.
b) All funds from whatever source secured by the unit
of United Methodist Women belong to the organization and shall
be disbursed only in accordance with its constitution and by its
c) The total budget secured and administered by the
organized unit in the local church shall include: (1) pledges and
other money for the programs and responsibilities of the United
Methodist Women’s national organization to be directed through
regular channels of nance of United Methodist Women; and (2)
funds to be used in mission locally, which shall include amounts
for administration and membership development.
d) The organized unit in the local church shall make an
annual pledge to the total budget of the district or conference
organization of United Methodist Women.
e) All undesignated funds channeled to the United Meth-
odist Women’s national organization shall be appropriated by the
Article 7. Meetings—The organized unit in the local church
shall hold such meetings for implementing the purpose and trans-
acting its business as the unit itself shall decide.
Article 8. Relationship in the Local Church—The organized unit
of United Methodist Women shall encourage all women to par-
ticipate in the total life and work of the Church and shall support
them in assuming positions of responsibility and leadership.
Article 9. Amendments—Proposed amendments to this con-
stitution may be sent to the recording secretary of the United
Methodist Women’s national organization before the last annual
meeting of the organization in the quadrennium.
Note: For a description of the United Methodist Women’s
national organization and its subsidiary organizations, see
¶¶ 1901-1912.
6. United Methodist Men—Each church or charge shall have an
organized unit of United Methodist Men chartered and annually
renewed through the General Commission on United Methodist
Men. Other organized men’s ministry groups in a local United
Methodist Church shall annually report to the charge conference
and be resourced through the General Commission on United
Methodist Men. All local church men’s organizations shall pro-
vide a dedicated ministry for building men spiritually and involv-
ing men in the total ministry of the Church ( 2302).
a) Local church resource material for supporting effec-
tive men’s ministries shall be provided by the district, conference,
and jurisdictional organizations of United Methodist Men and the
General Commission on United Methodist Men ( 2302).
b) United Methodist Men exists to declare the centrality
of Christ in every man’s life. Men’s ministry leads to the spiritual
growth of men and effective discipleship. This purpose is served
as men are called to model the servant leadership of Jesus Christ.
c) Individual and group strategies form the foundation
of United Methodist Men ministry.
(1) Enhance Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life
(EMS), as men become servant leaders.
(2) Advocate programs that train men within local
churches to promote specic ministries including prayer, mis-
sions, stewardship, and civic/youth-serving ministries.
(3) Forge pastoral partnerships by men committed to
the effective support and service of clergy and local congregations.
(4) Enhance organizational strength through effec-
tive leadership, resources, membership growth, and nancial
(5) Assist men in their ever-changing relationships,
roles, and responsibilities in the family setting, workplace, and
(6) Understand the organization, doctrines, and
beliefs of The United Methodist Church.
(7) Fulll the membership vows through the com-
mitment to prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness in congre-
gational life.
(8) Fulll the Great Commission with and through
The United Methodist Church as one part of the body of Christ.
d) Men seeking membership in a local unit of United
Methodist Men will be asked to subscribe to the major strategies
listed in § c above and to these personal objectives:
(1) To engage daily in Bible study and prayer.
(2) To bear witness to Christ’s way in daily work and
in all personal contacts through words and actions.
(3) To engage in Christian service.
e) United Methodist Men may be organized in one or
more components within a local church as needed. Multiple local
churches may also form a single unit of United Methodist Men
according to their needs.
f) Membership shall be open to any man who indicates
his desire to belong and to participate in the ministry of the church
through United Methodist Men.
g) The appointed clergy of the local church or charge shall
be ex ofcio member(s) of the unit and its executive committee
h) The organized unit of United Methodist Men shall
secure funds for the fulllment of its purpose. All funds from
whatever source secured by the United Methodist Men’s unit
belong to the organization and shall be disbursed only in accor-
dance with its constitution and/or by-laws and by its order.
(1) United Methodist Men’s unit may have their own
bank accounts.
(2) The UM Men’s unit shall have an annual nancial
7. Supplemental Ministries—In view of the fact that the needs
of women and men are complex, dynamic, and unique in every
congregation, local churches are encouraged to develop a variety
of supplemental ministry programs for women and men, in addi-
tion to United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men.
257. Other Age-Level Councils—Where the size of the church
and the extent of the program indicate the need, the work of the
church council (or other appropriate body) may be facilitated by
one or more age-level councils and/or a family council, or such
other means as t the needs of the congregation. The membership
of these councils shall be elected by the church council (or other
appropriate body).
A C
258. 1. There shall be elected annually, by the charge con-
ference in each local church, a committee on nominations and
leadership development that is composed of professing members
of the local church. The charge of this committee is to identify,
develop, deploy, evaluate, and monitor Christian spiritual leader-
ship for the local congregation. Members of the committee shall
engage in and be attentive to developing and enhancing their
own Christian spiritual life in light of the mission of the Church
(Part VI, Chapter One, Section 1).
In conducting its work, the committee shall engage in bib-
lical and theological reections on the mission of the church,
the primary task, and ministries of the local church. It shall
provide a means of identifying the spiritual gifts and abilities
of the membership. The committee shall work with the church
council, or alternative administrative bodies, to determine the
diverse ministry tasks of the congregation and the skills needed
for leadership.
a) The committee on nominations and leadership devel-
opment shall serve throughout the year to guide the church coun-
cil, or alternative structure, on matters regarding the leadership
(other than employed staff) of the congregation so as to focus
on mission and ministry as the context for service; guide the
development and training of spiritual leaders; recruit, nurture,
and support spiritual leaders; and assist the church council, or
alternative structure, in assessing the changing leadership needs.
b) The committee shall recommend to the charge confer-
ence, at its annual session, the names of people to serve as of-
cers and leaders of designated ministries of the church council,
or alternative administrative body required for the work of the
church and as the law of the church requires or as the charge con-
ference deems necessary to its work.
c) This committee is to be composed of not more than
nine persons, in addition to the pastor and the lay leader. At least
one young adult elected by the charge conference shall serve as a
member of the committee. One or more members elected by the
charge conference may be youth. The pastor shall be the chairper-
son. A layperson elected by the committee on nominations and
leadership development shall serve as the vice chairperson of the
d) In order to secure experience and stability, the mem-
bership shall be divided into three classes, one of which shall be
elected each year for a three-year term. To begin the process of
rotation where such has not been in place, in the rst year, one
class shall be elected for one year, one class for two years, and one
class for three years. Each year’s new class, and vacancies at the
time of charge conference, shall be elected from nominees, from
the oor of the charge conference, and/or through the recommen-
dation of the committee on nominations and leadership devel-
opment. Retiring members of the committee shall not succeed
themselves. Only one person from an immediate family residing
in the same household shall serve on the committee. When vacan-
cies occur during the year, nominees shall be elected by the church
council, or alternative church structure, with the permission of the
district superintendent.
e) In the identication and selection process, care shall
be given that the leadership of ministries reects inclusivity and
2. There shall be elected annually by the charge conference
in each local church a committee on pastor-parish relations who
are professing members of the local church or charge or associ-
ate members ( 227), except in cases where central conference
legislation or local law provides otherwise. People serving on
this committee must be engaged in and attentive to their Chris-
tian spiritual development so as to give proper leadership in the
responsibilities with which the committee is entrusted.
In conducting its work, the committee shall identify and clar-
ify its values for ministry. It shall engage in biblical and theologi-
cal reections on the mission of the church, the primary task, and
ministries of the local church.
The committee shall reect biblically and theologically on the
role and work of the pastor(s) and staff as they carry out their lead-
ership responsibilities. The committee shall assist the pastor(s)
and staff in assessing their gifts, maintaining health holistically
and work-life balance, and setting priorities for leadership and
service. It is the responsibility of the committee to communicate
with the committee on nominations and leadership development
and/or the church council when there is a need for other leaders
or for employed staff to perform in areas where utilization of the
gifts of the pastor(s) and staff proves an inappropriate steward-
ship of time.
a) The committee shall be composed of not fewer than
ve nor more than nine persons representative of the total charge.
One of the members shall be a young adult and one member may
be a youth. In addition, the lay leader and a lay member of the
annual conference shall be members. No staff member or immedi-
ate family member of a pastor or staff member may serve on the
committee. Only one person from an immediate family residing
in the same household shall serve on the committee.
b) In order to secure experience and stability, the mem-
bership shall be divided into three classes, one of which shall be
elected each year for a three-year term. The lay member of the
annual conference and the lay leader are exempt from the three-
year term. To begin the process of rotation where such a process
has not been in place, on the rst year one class shall be elected
for one year, one class for two years, and one class for three years.
Members of the committee shall be able to succeed themselves for
one three-year term. When vacancies occur during the year, nomi-
nees shall be elected at the church council (or alternative church
c) In those charges where there is more than one church,
the committee shall include at least one representative and the lay
leader from each local church.
d) The committees on pastor-parish relations of charges
that are in cooperative parish ministries shall meet together to
consider the professional leadership needs of the cooperative par-
ish ministry as a whole.
e) The committee shall meet at least quarterly. It shall
meet additionally at the request of the bishop, the district super-
intendent, the pastor, any other person accountable to the com-
mittee, or the chairperson of the committee. The committee shall
meet only with the knowledge of the pastor and/or the district
superintendent. The pastor shall be present at each meeting of
the committee on pastor-parish relations or staff-parish relations
except where he or she voluntarily excuses himself or herself.
The committee may meet with the district superintendent
without the pastor or appointed staff under consideration being
present. However, the pastor or appointed staff under consider-
ation shall be notied prior to such meeting with the district super-
intendent and be brought into consultation immediately thereafter.
The committee shall meet in closed session, and information
shared in the committee shall be condential.
f) In the event that only one congregation on a charge
containing more than one church has concerns it wishes to share,
its member(s) in the committee may meet separately with the pas-
tor or any other person accountable to the committee or the dis-
trict superintendent, but only with the knowledge of the pastor
and/or district superintendent.
g) The duties of the committee shall include the following:
(1) To encourage, strengthen, nurture, support, and
respect the pastor(s) and staff and their family(s).
(2) To promote unity in the church(es).
(3) To confer with and counsel the pastor(s) and staff
on the matters pertaining to the effectiveness of ministry; rela-
tionships with the congregation; the pastor’s health and self-care,
conditions that may impede the effectiveness of ministry; and to
interpret the nature and function of the ministry.
(4) To confer with, consult, and counsel the pastor(s)
and staff on matters pertaining to priorities in the use of gifts,
skills, and time and priorities for the demands and effectiveness
of the mission and ministry of the congregation.
(5) To provide evaluation at least annually for the
use of the pastor(s) and staff in an ongoing effective ministry and
for identifying continuing educational needs and plans.
(6) To communicate and interpret to the congrega-
tion the nature and function of ministry in The United Methodist
Church regarding open itinerancy, the preparation for ordained
ministry, and the Ministerial Education Fund.
(7) To develop and approve written job descriptions
and titles for associate pastors and other staff members in coop-
eration with the senior pastor. The term associate pastor is used
as a general term to indicate any pastoral appointment in a local
church other than the pastor in charge (see 339). Committees
shall be encouraged to develop specic titles for associate pastors
that reect the job descriptions and expectations.
(8) To consult with the pastor and staff concerning
continuing education, work-life balance, dimensions of personal
health and wellness, and spiritual renewal, to arrange with the
church council for the necessary time and nancial assistance for
the attendance of the pastor and/or staff at such continuing edu-
cation, self-care, and spiritual renewal events as may serve their
professional and spiritual growth, and to encourage staff members
to seek professional certication in their elds of specialization.
(9) To enlist, interview, evaluate, review, and recom-
mend annually to the charge conference lay preachers and persons
for candidacy for ordained ministry (see ¶¶ 247.8 and 310), and to
enlist and refer to the General Board of Global Ministries persons
for candidacy for missionary service, recognizing that The United
Methodist Church afrms the biblical and theological support of
persons regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, or disabilities for
these ministries. Neither the pastor nor any member of the com-
mittee on pastor-parish relations shall be present during the con-
sideration of a candidacy application or renewal for a member of
their immediate family. The committee shall provide to the charge
conference a list of students from the charge who are preparing
for ordained ministry, diaconal ministry, and/or missionary ser-
vice, and shall maintain contact with these students, supplying the
charge conference with a progress report on each student.
(10) To interpret preparation for ordained ministry
and the Ministerial Education Fund to the congregation.
(11) To confer with the pastor and/or other appointed
members of the staff if it should become evident that the best
interests of the charge and pastor(s) will be served by a change
of pastor(s). The committee shall cooperate with the pastor(s), the
district superintendent, and the bishop in securing clergy leader-
ship. Its relationship to the district superintendent and the bishop
shall be advisory only.
(See ¶¶ 425-428.)
9. See Judicial Council Decision 701.
(12) To recommend to the church council, after con-
sultation with the pastor, the professional and other staff positions
(whether employee or contract) needed to carry out the work of the
church or charge. The committee and the pastor shall recommend
to the church council a written statement of policy and procedures
regarding the process for hiring, contracting, evaluating, promot-
ing, retiring, and dismissing staff personnel who are not subject
to episcopal appointment as ordained clergy. Until such a policy
has been adopted, the committee and the pastor shall have the
authority to hire, contract, evaluate, promote, retire, and dismiss
nonappointed personnel. When persons are hired or contracted,
consideration shall be given to the training qualications and certi-
cation standards set forth by the general Church agency to which
such positions are related. The committee shall further recommend
to the church council a provision for adequate health and life insur-
ance and severance pay for all lay employees. In addition, the com-
mittee shall recommend that the church council provide, effective
on and after January 1, 2006, 100 percent vested pension benets
of at least 3 percent of compensation for lay employees of the local
church who work at least 1040 hours per year, are at least 21 years
of age, and have at least one year of permanent service. The church
council shall have authority to provide such pension benets
through either a denominational pension program administered
by the General Board of Pension and Health Benets or another
pension program administered by another pension provider.
(13) To recommend to the charge conference, when
the size of the employed staff of the charge makes it desirable,
the establishment of a personnel committee. This committee shall
be composed of such members of the committee on pastor-parish
relations as it may designate and such additional members as the
charge conference may determine.
(14) To educate the church community on the value
of diversity of selection in clergy and lay staff and develop a com-
mitment to same.
(15) Members of the committee on pastor-parish rela-
tions (or staff-parish relations) shall keep themselves informed of
personnel matters in relationship to the Church’s policy, profes-
sional standards, liability issues, and civil law. They are respon-
sible for communicating and interpreting such matters to staff.
Committee members should make themselves available for edu-
cational and training opportunities provided by the conference,
district, and/or other arenas that will enable them to be effective
in their work.
(16) To consult on matters pertaining to pulpit sup-
ply, proposals for compensation, travel expense, vacation, health
and life insurance, pension, housing (which may be a church-
owned parsonage or housing allowance in lieu of parsonage if in
compliance with the policy of the annual conference), and other
practical matters affecting the work and families of the pastor and
staff, and to make annual recommendations regarding such mat-
ters to the church council, reporting budget items to the commit-
tee on nance. The parsonage is to be mutually respected by the
pastor’s family as the property of the church and by the church as
a place of privacy for the pastor’s family. The committee will fol-
low up to assure timely resolution of parsonage problems affect-
ing the health of the pastor or pastor’s family. The chairperson of
the committee on pastor-parish relations, the chairperson of the
board of trustees, and the pastor shall make an annual review of
the church-owned parsonage to assure proper maintenance and
to give immediate resolution to parsonage issues affecting the
family’s health and well-being.
(17) To encourage, monitor, and support clergy and
lay staff pursuit of health and wholeness.
3. There shall be a board of trustees, whose membership and
duties are detailed in ¶¶ 2525-2551.
4. There shall be a committee on nance, elected annually by
the charge conference upon recommendation by the committee on
nominations and leadership development or from the oor, com-
posed of the chairperson; the pastor(s); a lay member of the annual
conference; the chairperson of the church council; the chairperson
or representative of the committee on pastor-parish relations; a
representative of the trustees to be selected by the trustees; the
chairperson of the ministry group on stewardship; the lay leader;
the nancial secretary; the treasurer; the church business admin-
istrator; and other members to be added as the charge conference
may determine. It is recommended that the chairperson of the
committee on nance shall be a member of the church council.
The nancial secretary, treasurer, and church business administra-
tor, if paid employees, shall be members without vote.
The positions of treasurer and nancial secretary should not
be combined and held by one person, and the persons holding
these two positions should not be immediate family members.
No immediate family members of any appointed clergy may
serve as treasurer, nance chair, nancial secretary, counter, or
serve in any paid or unpaid position under the responsibilities
of the committee on nance, as described herein. These restric-
tions would apply only to the church or charge where the clergy
The committee on nance shall give stewardship of nancial
resources as their priority throughout the year. It may delegate
the responsibility to either a sub-group or task force that would
plan, strategize, and implement ways to generate more resources
for mission and ministries of local churches and beyond. It is
strongly recommended that the committee on nance, in collabo-
ration with the church council, nd creative ways to turn their
congregations into tithing congregations with an attitude of gen-
erosity. All nancial askings to be included in the annual budget
of the local church shall be submitted to the committee on nance.
The committee on nance shall compile annually a complete bud-
get for the local church and submit it to the church council for
review and adoption. The committee on nance shall be charged
with responsibility for developing and implementing plans that
will raise sufcient income to meet the budget adopted by the
church council. It shall administer the funds received according
to instructions from the church council.
The committee shall carry out the church council’s directions
in guiding the treasurer(s) and nancial secretary.
a) The committee shall designate at least two persons not
of the immediate family residing in the same household to count
the offering. They shall work under the supervision of the nan-
cial secretary. A record of all funds received shall be given to the
nancial secretary and treasurer. Funds received shall be depos-
ited promptly in accordance with the procedures established
by the committee on nance. The nancial secretary shall keep
records of the contributions and payments.
b) The church treasurer(s) shall disburse all money con-
tributed to causes represented in the local church budget, and
such other funds and contributions as the church council may
determine. The treasurer(s) shall remit each month to the con-
ference treasurer all World Service and conference benevolence
funds then on hand. Contributions to benevolence shall not
be used for any cause other than that to which they have been
given. The church treasurer shall make regular and detailed
reports on funds received and expended to the committee on
nance and the church council.
The treasurer(s) shall be ade-
quately bonded.
c) The committee on nance shall establish written nan-
cial policies to document the internal controls of the local church.
The written nancial policies should be reviewed for adequacy
and effectiveness annually by the committee on nance and sub-
mitted as a report to the charge conference annually.
d) The committee shall make provision for an annual
audit of the nancial statements of the local church and all its
organizations and accounts. The committee shall make a full and
complete report to the annual charge conference. A local church
audit is dened as an independent evaluation of the nancial
reports and records and the internal controls of the local church
by a qualied person or persons.
The audit shall be conducted for the purpose of reason-
ably verifying the reliability of nancial reporting, determining
whether assets are being safeguarded, and determining compli-
ance with local law, local church policies and procedures, and the
Book of Discipline.
The audit may include: 1) a review of the cash and invest-
ment reconciliations; 2) interviews with the treasurer, nancial
secretary, pastor(s), nance committee chair, business manager,
those who count offerings, church secretary, etc., with inquiries
regarding compliance with existing written nancial policies and
procedures; 3) a review of journal entries and authorized check
signers for each checking and investment account; and 4) other
procedures requested by the committee on nance.
The audit shall be performed by an audit committee com-
posed of persons unrelated to the persons listed in 2. above or
by an independent certied public accountant (CPA), accounting
rm, or equivalent.
e) The committee shall recommend to the church council
proper depositories for the church’s funds. Funds received shall
be deposited promptly in the name of the local church.
f) Contributions designated for specic causes and
objects shall be promptly forwarded according to the intent of the
donor and shall not be used for any other purpose.
10. See Judicial Council Decisions 63, 320, 539.
11. See Judicial Council Decision 976.
g) After the budget of the local church has been approved,
additional appropriations or changes in the budget must be
approved by the church council.
h) The committee shall prepare annually a report to the
church council of all designated funds that are separate from the
current expense budget.
5. The church council may appoint such other committees
as it deems advisable, including: committee on communications,
committee on records and history, committee on health and wel-
fare, and committee on memorial gifts.
Section VII. The Method of Organizing a New Church
259. 1. A new local church or mission congregation shall
be established only with the consent of the bishop in charge and
the cabinet and with due consideration of the conference entity
assigned the responsibility for congregational development.
The bishop shall designate the district within whose bounds the
church or mission congregation shall be organized. The district
superintendent of that district, or his or her designee, shall be the
agent in charge of the project and shall recommend to the dis-
trict board of church location and building ( 2519) the method
of organization, and whether a specic site shall be selected or an
area of organization be designated. The district superintendent
shall avail him/herself of existing demographic, lifestyle and
ethnographic information in the process of establishing a new
congregation and its location, or shall recommend to the board
of trustees of a selected local church that they share their facility
with the proposed congregation. If there is a city or district mis-
sionary organization, or if funds for the project are anticipated
from a conference organization, those bodies shall also be asked
to approve the method of organization and location for a new
a) A mission congregation may be designated when any
of the following conditions exist: 1) Membership opportunities
and resources are limited and not likely to result in a chartered
congregation for an extended period of time. 2) A strategic demo-
graphic, cultural, or language opportunity for serving a limited
population is present. 3) It is expected that long-term sustaining
funding from sources outside the congregation will be neces-
sary to enable the congregation to exist, and the assumption of
full connectional support items by the congregation is unlikely.
4) It is probable that the annual conference will need to provide
long-term administrative guidance, including attention to the dis-
tinctive property needs of the congregation. When any of these
conditions exist, the cabinet, in consultation with the congrega-
tional development area of the annual conference, may designate
an entity a mission congregation. The mission congregation may
be organized in the same manner and have the same rights and
powers as any local church.
2. The bishop may appoint a pastor to launch a new local
church, or with the bishop’s approval the district superintendent
may authorize a local church or group of local churches to launch
a new church by gathering interested people in small groups for
Bible study, outreach, community building, and worship at a site
in an area approved by the district board of church location and
3. A pastor of The United Methodist Church, while serving
as the pastor of a new church prior to the convening of a consti-
tuting conference ( 259.7), may receive a person into the mem-
bership of The United Methodist Church under the conditions of
217. When a person is received as either a baptized or a profess-
ing member, the pastor shall send the name, address, and related
facts to the annual conference secretary for recording on a general
membership roll. These names shall be transferred as soon as pos-
sible to the roll of the new church, when constituted, or to another
church upon the member’s request. If the new church is being
sponsored by an existing church, membership may be recorded
on the roll of that church.
4. Each annual conference or its equivalent may determine
the minimum number of members and other criteria required for
the organization of a local United Methodist church.
5. When the number of people interested in being charter
members of the new church reaches the number necessary as set
by the conference to charter a new church, the district superinten-
dent shall call the interested people to meet at an appointed time
for the purpose of organizing them into a chartered (organized)
local church, or may by written authorization designate an elder
in the district to call such a meeting. The district superintendent
or the designated elder shall preside and shall appoint a secre-
tary to keep a record of the meeting. Following a time of worship,
opportunity shall be given to those in attendance to present them-
selves for membership.
6. People desiring to become professing members by transfer
or on profession of their faith in Christ shall also be given oppor-
tunity to present themselves for membership. Any who have not
been baptized shall receive the sacrament of baptism, profess
their faith and be received as members. Other baptized people are
to be received as baptized members.
7. Those who will be members of the constituting church con-
ference shall be those received into the professing membership.
8. The constituting church conference shall then be called
to order by the district superintendent or by an elder whom the
superintendent designates (see 246.5). A committee on nomi-
nations, elected on nominations from the oor as the conference
may determine, shall nominate members of the proposed church
council. The chairperson of the committee on nominations shall
be the appointed pastor (see 258.1c). When the members have
been chosen, the district superintendent or the designated elder
shall declare the church properly constituted.
9. The district superintendent or an elder whom the super-
intendent designates shall then adjourn the constituting church
conference and call to order the charge conference of the pastoral
charge. The membership of the charge conference shall be those
newly elected, and any others entitled to membership. The charge
conference shall then elect such ofcers of the church as the Dis-
cipline requires, including trustees of church property, and shall
organize its structure as provided in the Discipline. When such
ofcers have been duly elected and such structure put in place,
the church is duly organized, and from this point its work shall
proceed as described in the Discipline, provided that when a newly
organized church is attached to a circuit, the charge conference
shall not be held until such time as representatives from all the
churches of the charge can be properly assembled for that purpose.
10. The charge conference may take action, at its discretion,
authorizing and directing the newly elected trustees to incorpo-
rate the newly organized church in accordance with local laws
and the provisions of the Discipline.
Section VIII. Transfer of a Local Church
260. A local church may be transferred from one annual con-
ference to another in which it is geographically located by a two-
thirds vote of the professing members who are present and voting
in each of the following: (1) the charge conference, (2) a congrega-
tional meeting of the local church, and (3) each of the two annual
conferences involved. Upon announcement of the required major-
ities by the bishop or bishops involved, the transfer shall imme-
diately be effective. The votes required may originate in the local
church or either of the annual conferences involved and shall be
effective regardless of the order in which taken. In each case a
two-thirds vote of those present and voting shall remain effective
unless and until rescinded prior to the completion of the transfer
by a vote of a majority of those present and voting.
Section IX. Protection of Rights of Congregations
261. Nothing in the Plan and Basis of Union at any time
after the union is to be construed so as to require any local church
of the former Church of the United Brethren in Christ, or of the
former The Evangelical Church, or of the former The Evangelical
United Brethren Church, or of the former The Methodist Church
to alienate or in any way to change the title to property contained
in its deed or deeds at the time of union; and lapse of time or
usage shall not affect said title or control.
Section X. Special Sundays
262. The special Sundays in The United Methodist Church
intended to illustrate the nature and calling of the church are cel-
ebrated annually. The special Sundays are placed on the calendar
to make clear the calling of the church as the people of God and
to give persons the opportunity to contribute offerings to special
Six churchwide special Sundays provide for churchwide offer-
ings to express our commitment: Human Relations Day, UMCOR
Sunday, World Communion Sunday, United Methodist Student
Day, Peace with Justice Sunday, and Native American Ministries
Sunday. Five special Sundays are without offering: Heritage Sun-
day, Laity Sunday, Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday, Men’s Min-
istry Sunday, and Women’s Ministry Sunday. Five churchwide
SundaysChristian Education, Golden Cross, Disability Aware-
ness, Rural Life, and Volunteers in Mission Awareness provide
opportunities for annual conference offerings.
The special Sundays approved by General Conference shall
be the only Sundays of churchwide emphasis. The program cal-
endar of the denomination shall include only the special Sundays
approved by General Conference, special Sundays approved by
ecumenical agencies to which The United Methodist Church of-
cially relates, and the days and seasons of the Christian Year.
Because the central conferences represent a diversity of his-
tory and heritages, they shall not be required to observe all of the
special days listed below. The central conferences are authorized
to observe other special days appropriate to their unique history
and heritages.
G P R
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263. Six churchwide special Sundays with offerings shall be
celebrated in each United Methodist Church.
Purpose—General Conference shall determine the purpose of
the churchwide offerings upon recommendation of the General
Council on Finance and Administration, after consultation with
the Council of Bishops and the Connectional Table. The purpose of
these offerings shall remain constant for the quadrennium, and the
net receipts shall be distributed on ratio to the administering agen-
cies by the treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Admin-
istration (see 824.7 and 805.6). The General Commission on
Communication shall promote these offerings in cooperation with
the agencies responsible for the administration of these funds. (See
1806.12.) Each offering shall be promptly remitted in full by the
local church treasurer to the annual conference treasurer, who shall
transmit the funds in full, except where noted differently below, to
the General Council on Finance and Administration within thirty
days of receipt in the ofce of the annual conference treasurer.
1. Human Relations Day—Historically, Human Relations Day
has been celebrated with an offering on the Sunday before the
observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Congregations
are to observe Human Relations Day on this date or another
date appropriate to the local church. This Sunday occurs during
Epiphany, the season of manifesting God’s light to the world.
Human Relations Day calls the Church to recognize the right of
all God’s children in realizing their potential as human beings in
relationship with each other. The purpose of the day is to further
the development of better human relations.
In connection with Human Relations Day the General Com-
mission on Communication shall conduct a churchwide appeal.
Net receipts, after payment of promotional expenses, shall be allo-
cated on ratio by the treasurer of the General Council on Finance
and Administration, to the administering agencies:
a) Community Developers Program: 57 percent (General
Board of Global Ministries);
b) United Methodist Voluntary Services Program: 33 percent
(General Board of Global Ministries) and;
c) Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program: 10 percent (Gen-
eral Board of Church and Society).
2. UMCOR Sunday—Historically, UMCOR Sunday
has been
celebrated with an offering on the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Congre-
gations are to observe UMCOR Sunday on this date or on another
date appropriate to the local church. Lent is the season of repen-
tance, self-examination, and awareness of the hurts of the peoples
of the world. UMCOR Sunday calls the Church to share the good-
ness of life with those who hurt. In connection with UMCOR Sun-
day, the General Commission on Communication shall conduct
a churchwide appeal. The observance shall be under the general
supervision of the United Methodist Committee on Relief, Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries. Net receipts, after payment of
promotional expenses, shall be remitted by the treasurer of the
General Council on Finance and Administration to the General
Board of Global Ministries.
3. World Communion Sunday—Historically, World Communion
Sunday has been celebrated with an offering on the rst Sunday
of October. Congregations are to observe World Communion Sun-
day on this date or on another date appropriate to the local church.
World Communion Sunday calls the church to be the catholic inclu-
sive church. In connection with World Communion Sunday the
General Commission on Communication shall conduct a church-
wide appeal. The observance shall be under the general supervi-
sion of the General Board of Global Ministries and the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Each local church shall
be requested to remit as provided in 824.8 all of the communion
offering received on World Communion Sunday and such portion
of the communion offering received at other observances of the
sacrament of the Lord’s Supper as the local church may designate.
Net receipts, after payment of promotional expenses, shall
be divided on ratio by the treasurer of the General Council on
Finance and Administration to the administering agencies:
12. One Great Hour of Sharing is now called UMCOR Sunday in The United
Methodist Church. See General Conference 2016 Calendar Item 53 (DCA page 2101).
a) World Communion Scholarships: 50 percent (General
Board of Global Ministries), with at least one half of the annual
amount for ministries beyond the United States;
b) Ethnic Scholarship Program: 35 percent (General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry); and
c) Ethnic In-Service Training Program: 15 percent (Gen-
eral Board of Higher Education and Ministry).
4. United Methodist Student Day—Historically, United Meth-
odist Student Day has been celebrated with an offering on the last
Sunday in November. Congregations are to observe United Meth-
odist Student Day on this date or on another date appropriate to
the local church. United Methodist Student Day calls the Church
to support students as they prepare for life in uniting faith with
knowledge. The offering supports United Methodist scholarships
and the United Methodist Student Loan Fund. In connection with
United Methodist Student Day, the General Commission on Com-
munication shall conduct a churchwide appeal. The observance
shall be under the general supervision of the General Board of
Higher Education and Ministry. Net receipts, after payment of
promotional expenses, shall be remitted by the treasurer of the
General Council on Finance and Administration to the adminis-
tering agency.
5. Peace with Justice Sunday—Historically, Peace with Justice
Sunday has been celebrated with an offering on the First Sunday
After Pentecost. Congregations are to observe Peace with Justice
Sunday on this date or on another date appropriate to the local
church. Pentecost celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
calling for God’s shalom. Peace with Justice witnesses to God’s
demand for a faithful, just, disarmed, and secure world. In con-
nection with Peace with Justice Sunday, the General Commis-
sion on Communication shall conduct a churchwide appeal. The
observance shall be under the general supervision of the General
Board of Church and Society.
a) The annual conference treasurer shall retain 50 per-
cent of the receipts for Peace with Justice ministries in the annual
conference, to be administered by the annual conference board of
church and society or an equivalent structure.
b) The annual conference treasurer shall remit the
remaining 50 percent of the receipts to the General Council on
Finance and Administration. Net receipts, after payment of pro-
motional expenses, shall be distributed by the treasurer of the
General Council on Finance and Administration to the adminis-
tering agency for Peace with Justice ministries.
6. Native American Ministries Sunday—Historically, Native
American Ministries Sunday has been celebrated with an offer-
ing on the Third Sunday of Easter. United States congregations
are to observe Native American Ministries Sunday on this date
or on another date appropriate to the local church. This Sunday
serves to remind the Church of the gifts and contributions made
by Native Americans to our society. In connection with Native
American Ministries Sunday, the General Commission on Com-
munication shall conduct a churchwide appeal. The observance
shall be under the general supervision of the General Board of
Global Ministries and the General Board of Higher Education and
a) The annual conference treasurer shall retain 50 percent
of the receipts to develop and strengthen Native American min-
istries within the annual conference, to be administered by the
annual conference committee on Native American ministry.
Should there be no Native American ministries within the
annual conference, the annual conference treasurer shall remit this
50 percent to the General Council on Finance and Administration.
b) The annual conference treasurer shall report gross
receipts and remit the remaining 50 or 100 percent of the receipts as
applicable to the General Council on Finance and Administration.
c) Net receipts, after payment of promotional expenses,
shall be distributed by the treasurer of the General Council on
Finance and Administration to the administering agencies:
(1) Scholarships for Native Americans attending United Method-
ist schools of theology and schools of theology approved by the
University Senate of The United Methodist Church: 50 percent
(General Board of Higher Education and Ministry). (2) Strengthen,
develop and equip Native American rural, urban, and reservation
congregations, ministries, and communities: 50 percent (General
Board of Global Ministries) : 50 percent (General Board of Global
G P R
S S W C O
264. Five special Sundays without churchwide offering
shall be approved by General Conference upon recommendation
of the Connectional Table after consultation with the Council of
Bishops. The program functions assigned to the general agencies
are carried out by the respective agencies through normal pro-
grammatic channels. Special Sundays are not needed for these
program functions to be implemented.
1. Heritage Sunday—Heritage Sunday shall be observed on
Aldersgate Day (May 24), or the Sunday preceding that date (see
Historical Statement, page 12). The day provides an opportu-
nity for reection on heritage, celebration of where the Church
has been, how it understands itself as it shapes us today, and the
meaning of Christian conferencing. Heritage Sunday calls the
Church to remember the past by committing itself to the continu-
ing call of God. The observance of Heritage Sunday shall be under
the general supervision of the General Commission on Archives
and History. Any general agency of the Church which desires to
recommend a theme for a given year for this Sunday may do so
one year prior to the observance for which the recommendation
is made. This recommendation is to be made to the General Com-
mission on Archives and History, and the decision of the annual
theme of this Sunday shall be made by the voting members of the
General Commission on Archives and History.
2. Laity Sunday—Laity Sunday shall be observed annually,
preferably on the third Sunday in October. Laity Sunday calls the
Church to celebrate the ministry of all lay Christians, as their lives
are empowered for ministry by the Holy Spirit. The observance of
Laity Sunday shall be under the general supervision of the Gen-
eral Board of Discipleship. The Association of Annual Conference
Lay Leaders will recommend themes for an entire quadrennium
to the General Board of Discipleship two years before the begin-
ning of a new quadrennium.
3. Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday—Organ and Tissue Donor
Sunday shall be observed annually, preferably on the second Sun-
day in November since the date is close to Thanksgiving and is
viewed as a time to come together around the issues of life and
Thanksgiving. Congregations are encouraged to support Organ
and Tissue Donor Sunday by including the topic in their wor-
ship services. The General Board of Church and Society will have
responsibility for the supervision and promotion of the observance
of this special Sunday. Worship resource materials are available at
all of the not-for-prot donor programs in the United States.
4. Men’s Ministry Sunday—Men’s Ministry Sunday may be
observed annually on a Sunday designated by the local congre-
gation. The day is to celebrate the men’s ministry within and
beyond the local church. This includes: organized (chartered
or unchartered) units of United Methodist Men; male Emmaus
reunion communities; work teams; prayer groups; Bible studies;
study and enrichment groups; and other places and organizations
where men of The United Methodist Church join together for fel-
lowship, nurture, spiritual development, witness, and outreach.
Resources for this observance shall be provided by the General
Commission on United Methodist Men.
5. Women’s Ministry Sunday—Women’s Ministry Sunday may
be observed annually on a Sunday designated by the local congre-
gation. The day is designed to celebrate a variety of women’s min-
istries, women’s history and the contribution of women within
and beyond the local church. This includes, but is not limited to,
organized (chartered or unchartered) units of United Method-
ist Women; women Emmaus communities; work teams; prayer
groups; Bible studies; study and enrichment groups; MOPS
groups; and other places and organizations where women of The
United Methodist Church join together for fellowship, nurture,
spiritual development, witness, and outreach. Resources for this
observance may be available through a variety of organizations
or may be developed through the local church depending on the
groups that choose to participate.
265. Approved Sundays for Annual Conference Observance—
Five special Sundays approved by General Conference provide
opportunities for annual conference offerings. Local church trea-
surers shall remit the receipts of the following ve offerings to the
annual conference treasurer, and receipts will be acknowledged
in accordance with the procedure of the annual conference. Local
churches shall report the amount of the offering in the manner
indicated in the local church report to the annual conference.
1. Christian Education Sunday—Christian Education Sunday
shall be observed on a date determined by the annual conference.
It calls the Church as the people of God to be open to growth
and learning as disciples of Jesus Christ. If the annual conference
so directs, an offering may be received for Christian education
within the annual conference. The observance of Christian Educa-
tion Sunday shall be under the general supervision of the General
Board of Discipleship.
2. Golden Cross Sunday—Golden Cross Sunday shall be
observed annually on a date determined by the annual confer-
ence. If the annual conference so directs, an offering may be
received for health and welfare ministries in the annual confer-
ence. The observance of Golden Cross Sunday shall be under the
general supervision of the General Board of Global Ministries.
3. Rural Life Sunday—Rural Life Sunday shall be observed
on a date to be determined by the annual conference. Rural Life
Sunday shall call the Church to celebrate the rural heritage of The
United Methodist Church, to recognize the ongoing crisis occur-
ring in rural areas of the nation and the world today, and to afrm
the interdependence of rural and urban communities. The obser-
vance of Rural Life Sunday shall be under the general supervision
of the General Board of Global Ministries. Anyone who desires
to recommend a Rural Life Sunday theme for a given year may
do so one year before the observance for which the recommenda-
tion is made. Recommendations are to be made to the General
Board of Global Ministries, and the voting members of the board
shall determine the annual theme of this Sunday. If the annual
conference so directs, an offering may be received to strengthen
the nurture, outreach, and witness of congregations in town and
rural areas.
4. Disability Awareness Sunday—Disability Awareness Sun-
day shall be observed annually on a date to be determined by the
annual conference. Disability Awareness Sunday calls the Church
to celebrate the gifts and graces of persons with disabilities and
calls the Church and society to full inclusion of persons with dis-
abilities in the community. If the annual conference so directs,
an offering may be received and the funds used by the annual
conference to promote the creation of architectural and attitudi-
nal accessibility in local churches. The observance of Disability
Awareness Sunday shall be under the general supervision of the
General Board of Global Ministries.
5. Volunteers in Mission Awareness Sunday—Volunteers in
Mission (UMVIM) Awareness Sunday shall be observed annually
on a date to be determined by the annual conference. UMVIM
Awareness Sunday calls the Church to celebrate those who have
served in short-term missions and the work of UMVIM through-
out the world. If the annual conference so directs, an offering
may be received and used by the annual conference volunteers in
mission program. The observance of UMVIM Awareness Sunday
shall be under the general supervision of General Board of Global
Ministries Mission Volunteers.
Annual conferences may determine other special Sundays
with or without offering. Special Sundays with offering shall
be approved by the annual conference upon recommendation
of the conference council on ministries in consultation with the
conference council on nance and administration. Special Sun-
days without offering shall be approved by the conference upon
recommendation of the conference council on ministries. Local
church treasurers shall remit the receipts of all annual conference
special Sundays with offering to the conference treasurer, and
receipts will be acknowledged in accordance with procedures of
the annual conference. Local churches shall report the amount of
the offering in the manner indicated in the Local Church Report
to the annual conference.
Section XI. Lay Servant Ministries
266. Certied Lay Servant—1. A certied lay servant is a
professing member of a local church or charge, or a baptized par-
ticipant of a recognized United Methodist collegiate ministry or
other United Methodist ministry setting, who desires to serve the
Church and who knows and is committed to Scripture and the
doctrine, heritage, organization, and life of The United Methodist
Church and who has received specic training to witness to the
Christian faith through spoken communication, to lead within a
church and community, and to provide caring ministry.
2. The certied lay servant serves the local church or charge
(or beyond the local church or charge) in ways in which his or
her witness, leadership, and service inspires others to a deeper
commitment to Christ and more effective discipleship. The certi-
ed lay servant, through continued study and training, should
prepare to undertake one or more of the following functions, giv-
ing primary attention to service within the local church or charge,
United Methodist collegiate ministry, or other United Methodist
ministry setting:
a) Provide leadership, assistance, and support to the pro-
gram emphases of the church or other United Methodist ministry.
b) Lead meetings for prayer, training, study, and discus-
sion when requested by the pastor, district superintendent, or
committee on Lay Servant Ministries.
c) Conduct, or assist in conducting, services of worship,
preach the Word, or give addresses when requested by the pastor,
district superintendent, or committee on Lay Servant Ministries.
d) Work with appropriate committees and teams which
provide congregational and community leadership or foster car-
ing ministries.
e) Assist in the distribution of the elements of Holy Com-
munion upon request by a pastor.
f) Teach the Scriptures, doctrine, organization, and min-
istries of The United Methodist Church.
3. One may be recognized as a certied lay servant by the
district or conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries after
he or she has:
a) Obtained recommendation from the pastor and the
church council or charge conference of the local church or other
United Methodist ministry in which he or she holds membership.
b) Completed the Lay Servant Ministries BASIC course.
c) Completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course.
d) Applied to and had qualications reviewed by the dis-
trict committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure
(See 668.3).
4. Recognition as a certied lay servant may be renewed
annually by the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or
equivalent structure, after the certied lay servant has:
a) Submitted an annual report and renewal application
to the charge conference or church council and to the district com-
mittee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, giving
evidence of satisfactory performance as a certied lay servant.
b) Obtained recommendation for renewal from the pas-
tor and the church council or charge conference of the local church
or other United Methodist ministry in which he or she holds
c) Completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course
in the last three years.
5. A certied lay servant may transfer certication to another
district or conference upon receipt of a letter from the previous
district’s committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent
structure, conrming current certication and the completion
date of the most recent advanced course taken. Further renewal is
in accordance with 266.4.
6. It is recommended that a service of commitment be held
for persons recognized as certied lay servants.
7. Lay Servant Ministries courses shall be those recom-
mended by the General Board of Discipleship or alternative
advanced courses approved by the conference committee on Lay
Servant Ministries. Courses should be inclusive of language and
cultural groups as relevant to the context. Lay Servant Ministries
courses are open to all, whether or not a participant desires recog-
nition as a certied lay servant.
8. A certied lay servant is a volunteer but an honorarium for
pulpit supply is appropriate.
267. Certied Lay Speaker—1. A certied lay speaker is a cer-
tied lay servant (or equivalent as dened by his or her central
conference) whose call has been afrmed by the conference com-
mittee on Lay Servant Ministries or equivalent structure to serve
the church in pulpit supply in accordance and compliance with
2. The certied lay speaker serves by preaching the Word
when requested by the pastor, district superintendent, or commit-
tee on Lay Servant Ministries, in accordance and compliance with
3. One may be certied as a lay speaker after he or she has:
a) Been certied as a lay servant (or equivalent as dened
by his or her central conference).
b) Obtained recommendation from the pastor and the
church council or charge conference of the local church in which
he or she holds membership.
c) Completed a track of study including courses on lead-
ing worship, leading prayer, discovering spiritual gifts, preach-
ing, United Methodist heritage and polity, and/or other courses
as determined by the conference committee on Lay Servant Min-
istries or equivalent structure.
d) Interviewed with and obtained recommendation from
the district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent
structure, to be submitted to the conference committee on Lay
Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure, for approval and
4. Recognition as a certied lay speaker may be renewed
annually by the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries,
or equivalent structure, after the certied lay speaker has:
a) Submitted an annual report and renewal application
to the charge conference or church council and to the district
committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent structure,
giving evidence of satisfactory performance as a certied lay
b) Obtained recommendation for continued recognition
as a certied lay speaker from the pastor and the church council
or charge conference of the local church or other United Method-
ist ministry in which he or she holds membership.
c) Completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course
in the last three years.
d) In the last three years, interviewed with and obtained
recommendation for renewal as a certied lay speaker from the
district committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent struc-
ture, and the approval of the conference committee on Lay Ser-
vant Ministries, or equivalent structure for recertication.
5. A certied lay speaker may transfer certication to another
district or conference upon receipt of a letter from the previous
district’s committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent
structure, conrming current certication and the completion
date of the most recent advanced course taken. Further renewal is
in accordance with 267.4.
6. A certied lay speaker is a volunteer but an honorarium is
268. Certied Lay Minister—1. A certied lay minister
is a certied lay servant, certied lay missioner, or equivalent
as dened by his or her central conference, who is called and
equipped to conduct public worship, care for the congregation,
assist in program leadership, develop new and existing faith com-
munities, preach the Word, lead small groups, or establish com-
munity outreach ministries as part of a ministry team with the
supervision and support of a clergyperson. A certied lay min-
ister is assigned by a district superintendent in accordance with
2. The certied lay minister serves to enhance the quality of
ministry much like a class leader did in early Methodism through
service in the local church, circuit or cooperative parish, or by
expanding team ministry in other churches and charges. As with
lay ministry in early Methodism, the certied lay minister uses his
or her spiritual gifts as evidence of God’s grace.
3. One may be recognized by the conference committee on
lay servant ministries, or equivalent structure, as a certied lay
minister after he or she has:
a) been certied as a lay servant, lay missioner, or equiv-
alent as dened by his or her central conference;
b) obtained written recommendation from the pastor
and the church council or charge conference of the local church in
which he or she holds membership;
c) completed a track of study for certied lay ministers
relevant to the candidate’s assignment as dened by the General
Board of Discipleship, or the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino
Ministry in collaboration with the General Board of Discipleship,
and the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries or equiv-
alent structure;
d) received a letter of recommendation from his or her
district superintendent;
e) had all requirements for certication, including appro-
priate screening and assessment as dened by the annual con-
ference, reviewed by the conference committee on Lay Servant
Ministries, or equivalent structure, for referral to the district com-
mittee on ordained ministry for examination of persons who have
applied in writing to be certied lay ministers and to make recom-
mendation for certication (see 666.10). After the district com-
mittee on ordained ministry interviews the candidate, the district
committee on ordained ministry will make a recommendation to
the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries for nal cer-
tication by that committee.
4. Recognition as a certied lay minister may be renewed
every two years by the conference committee on Lay Servant Min-
istries, or equivalent structure, after the certied lay minister has:
a) submitted an annual report to the charge conference
or church council where membership is held and to the confer-
ence committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent struc-
ture, giving evidence of satisfactory performance as a certied lay
b) obtained a ministry review by the committee on pas-
tor-parish relations, church council, or charge conference from
the congregation of which he or she is a member, or when under
assignment, from the committee on pastor-parish relations, charge
conference, or supervisory board of the ministry setting in which
he or she is assigned;
c) completed a Lay Servant Ministries advanced course
or approved continuing education event, as dened by the confer-
ence committee on Lay Servant Ministries or equivalent structure
in the last two years;
d) obtained recommendation for recertication from the
district superintendent;
e) had all requirements for recertication reviewed by
the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equiva-
lent structure, for referral to the district committee on ordained
ministry for examination of persons who have applied in writing
to be renewed as certied lay ministers and to make recommen-
dations for recertication (see 666.10). After the district commit-
tee on ordained ministry interviews the certied lay minister, the
district committee on ordained ministry will make a recommen-
dation to the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries for
nal recertication by that committee.
5. A certied lay minister may transfer certication to another
district or conference upon receipt of a letter from the previous
conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries, or equivalent
structure, conrming current certication and the completion
date of the most recent advanced course taken. Further renewal is
in accordance with 268.4.
6. A certied lay minister is not eligible for support by equi-
table compensation funds or pension funds that are provided for
clergy. If a certied lay minister is a lay staff member of a church,
circuit or cooperative parish, the local congregation is encouraged
to provide compensation and withhold taxes appropriate to a
269. Lay Missioner—Lay missioners are committed layper-
sons, mostly volunteers, who are willing to be trained and to work
together as a ministry team with their pastor-mentor, in order to
develop and lead faith communities, establish community minis-
tries, develop church school extension programs, and engage in
congregational development with and into the local community.
Lay missioners are formed according to, and follow the guide-
lines established by, the National Committee of the National Plan
for Hispanic/Latino Ministry, working in conjunction with the
annual conference. They are certied jointly by their annual con-
ference and the National Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry. The
ministry team is supported by and accountable to the local con-
gregation, district or annual conference entity that assigns it to its
mission. The concept of the lay missioner is based theologically
on the ministry of the laity, in order to complement the work of
the pastor.
13. See Judicial Council Decision 693.
A certied lay missioner shall be equivalent to a certied
lay servant in the processes of certication as a lay minister
(268.3-6); and the Module I-Module II formational sequence and
Module IIIs for continuing education of the National Plan for His-
panic/Latino Ministry shall be equivalent to the track of study for
certied lay ministers relevant to the candidate’s assignment, and
the advanced course or approved continuing education events
described therein.
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Chapter Two
Section I. The Meaning of Ordination
and Conference Membership
301. 1. Ministry in the Christian church is derived from the
ministry of Christ, who calls all persons to receive God’s gift of
salvation and follow in the way of love and service. All Christian
ministry is grounded in the covenant of baptism by which we are
initiated into the body of Christ and called into a life of disciple-
ship. The sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion ground
the ministry of the whole church. They are celebrated in the
Christian community as means of grace. Thus, the whole church
receives and accepts this call, and all Christians participate in this
continuing ministry (see ¶¶ 120-140).
2. Within the church community, there are persons whose
gifts, evidence of God’s grace, and promise of future usefulness
are afrmed by the community, and who respond to God’s call by
offering themselves in leadership as set-apart ministers, ordained
and licensed ( 302). Individuals discern God’s call as they relate
with God and their communities, and the Church guides and con-
rms those callings. Calls—and the discernment and conrma-
tion of them—are gifts of the Holy Spirit.
302. Ordination and Apostolic Ministry—The pattern for this
response to the call is provided in the development of the early
church. The apostles led in prayer, teaching and preaching, ordered
the spiritual and temporal life of the community, established lead-
ership for the ministry of service, and provided for the proclama-
tion of the gospel to new persons and in new places. The early
church, through the laying on of hands, set apart persons with
responsibility to preach, to teach, to administer the sacraments, to
nurture, to heal, to gather the community in worship, and to send
them forth in witness. The church also set apart other persons to
care for the physical needs of others, reecting the concerns for
the people of the world. In the New Testament (Acts 6), we see
the apostles identifying and authorizing persons to a ministry of
service. These functions, though set apart, were never separate
from the ministry of the whole people of God. Paul states (Ephe-
sians 4:1-12) that different gifts and ministries are given to all per-
sons. The Wesleyan tradition has, from the beginning, encouraged
a culture of call and a community of discernment, which afrms
and supports the ministry of all Christians and identies and
authorizes persons into ministries of the ordained.
303. Purpose of Ordination—1. Ordination to this ministry
is a gift from God to the church. In ordination, the church afrms
and continues the apostolic ministry through persons empowered
by the Holy Spirit. As such, those who are ordained make a com-
mitment to conscious living of the whole gospel and to the proc-
lamation of that gospel to the end that the world may be saved.
2. Ordination is fullled in leadership of the people of God
through ministries of Service, Word, Sacrament, Order, Compas-
sion, and Justice. The Church’s ministry of service is a primary rep-
resentation of God’s love. Those who respond to God’s call to lead
in service, word, compassion, and justice and equip others for this
ministry through teaching, proclamation, and worship and who
assist elders in the administration of the sacraments are ordained
as deacons. Those whose leadership in service includes preaching
and teaching the Word of God, administration of the sacraments,
ordering the Church for its mission and service, and administra-
tion of the discipline of the Church are ordained as elders.
3. Ordained persons exercise their ministry in covenant with
all Christians, especially with those whom they lead and serve in
ministry. They also live in covenant of mutual care and account-
ability with all those who share their ordination, especially in The
United Methodist Church, with the ordained who are members of
the same annual conference and part of the same Order. The cov-
enant of ordained ministry is a lifetime commitment, and those
who enter into it dedicate their whole lives to the personal and
spiritual disciplines it requires.
4. The effectiveness of the Church in mission depends on
these covenantal commitments to the ministry of all Christians
and the ordained ministry of the Church. Through ordination and
through other ofces of pastoral leadership, the Church provides
for the continuation of Christ’s ministry, which has been commit-
ted to the church as a whole. Without creative use of the diverse
gifts of the entire body of Christ, the ministry of the church is less
effective. Without responsible leadership, the focus, direction,
and continuity of that ministry is diminished. It is out of the faith
and witness of the congregation that men and women respond to
God’s call to ordained ministry. Every local church should inten-
tionally nurture candidates for ordained ministry and provide
spiritual and nancial support for their education as servant lead-
ers for the ministry of the whole people of God.
5. In keeping with ancient Christian teaching and our Wes-
leyan tradition, we afrm that ordination for the same, or equiva-
lent order, is not repeatable.
304. Qualications for Ordination—1. Those whom the
Church ordains shall be conscious of God’s call to ordained minis-
try, and their call shall be acknowledged and authenticated by the
Church. God’s call has many manifestations, and the Church can-
not structure a single test of authenticity. Nevertheless, the expe-
rience of the Church and the needs of its ministry require certain
qualities of faith, life, and practice from those who seek ordination
as deacons and elders. In order that The United Methodist Church
may be assured that those persons who present themselves as can-
didates for ordained ministry are truly called of God, the Church
expects persons seeking ordination to:
a) Have a personal faith in Christ and be committed to
Christ as Savior and Lord.
b) Nurture and cultivate spiritual disciplines and pat-
terns of holiness.
c) Teach and model generous Christian giving with a
focus on tithing as God’s standard of giving
d) Acknowledge a call by God to give themselves com-
pletely to ordained ministry following Jesus’ pattern of love and
e) Communicate persuasively the Christian faith in both
oral and written form.
f) Make a commitment to lead the whole Church in lov-
ing service to humankind.
g) Give evidence of God’s gifts for ordained ministry,
evidence of God’s grace in their lives, and promise of future use-
fulness in the mission of the Church.
h) Be persons in whom the community can place trust
and condence.
i) Accept that Scripture contains all things necessary
for salvation through faith in God through Jesus Christ; be com-
petent in the disciplines of Scripture, theology, church history,
and Church polity; possess the skills essential to the practice of
ordained ministry; and lead in making disciples for Jesus Christ.
j) Be accountable to The United Methodist Church, accept
its Doctrinal Standards and Discipline and authority, accept the
supervision of those appointed to this ministry, and be prepared
to live in the covenant of its ordained ministers.
2. For the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ in the world and
the most effective witness to the Christian gospel, and in consid-
eration of the inuence of an ordained minister on the lives of
other persons both within and outside the Church, the Church
expects those who seek ordination to make a complete dedication
of themselves to the highest ideals of the Christian life. To this
end, they agree to exercise responsible self-control by personal
habits conducive to bodily health, mental and emotional matu-
rity, integrity in all personal relationships, delity in marriage and
celibacy in singleness, social responsibility, and growth in grace
and in the knowledge and love of God.
3. While persons set apart by the Church for ordained min-
istry are subject to all the frailties of the human condition and
the pressures of society, they are required to maintain the high-
est standards of holy living in the world. The practice of homo-
sexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. Therefore
self-avowed practicing homosexuals
are not to be certied as
candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The
United Methodist Church.
4. The United Methodist Church entrusts those persons who
are in the ordained ministry with primary responsibility for main-
taining standards of education and preparation for ordination.
Having been originally recommended by a charge conference or
equivalent body ( 310.1e) and by authorization of the ordained
members in full connection with the annual conference, according
to the procedures set out in the Book of Discipline for the examination
and approval of candidates for ordination, persons are elected to
membership in the annual conference and ordained by the bishop.
5. In all votes regarding license, ordination, or conference
membership, the requirements set forth herein are minimum
requirements. Each person voting is expected to vote prayerfully
based on personal judgment of the applicant’s gifts, evidence of
God’s grace, and promise of future usefulness for the mission of
the Church.
1. “Self-avowed practicing homosexual” is understood to mean that a person
openly acknowledges to a bishop, district superintendent, district committee of
ordained ministry, Board of Ordained Ministry, or clergy session that the person
is a practicing homosexual. See Judicial Council Decisions 702, 708, 722, 725, 764,
844, 984, 1020.
2. See Judicial Council Decisions 984, 985, 1027, 1028
Section II. Clergy Orders in The United Methodist Church
305. Orders in Relation to the Ministry of All Christians—Bap-
tism is God’s gift of unmerited grace through the Holy Spirit. It
is an incorporation into Christ which marks the entrance of each
person into the church and its ministry (Romans 6:3, 4, 18).
The New Testament witness to Jesus Christ makes clear that
the primary form of his ministry in God’s name is that of service,
diakonia, in the world. Very early in its history, the church came
to understand that all of its members were commissioned in bap-
tism to ministries of love, justice, and service within local congre-
gations and the larger communities in which they lived; all who
follow Jesus have a share in the ministry of Jesus, who came not
to be served, but to serve. There is thus a general ministry of all
baptized Christians (see ¶¶ 126-137).
Within the people of God, some persons are called to the min-
istry of deacon. The words deacon, deaconess, and diaconate all
spring from a common Greek root—diakonos, or “servant,” and
diakonia, or “service.” Very early in its history the church, as an
act of worship and praise of God, instituted an order of ordained
ministers to personify or focus the servanthood to which all Chris-
tians are called. These people were named deacons. This ministry
exemplies and leads the Church in the servanthood every Chris-
tian is called to live both in the church and the world. Those called
to the ministry of deacon are called to witness to the Word in their
words and actions, and to embody and lead the community’s ser-
vice in the world for the sake of enacting God’s compassion and
Within the people of God, other persons are called to the min-
istry of elder. The elders carry on the historic work of the presby-
teros in the life of the Church. Beginning in some of the very early
Christian communities, the presbyteros assisted the bishop in lead-
ing the gathered community in the celebration of sacraments and
the guidance and care of its communal life. Those called to the
ministry of elder are called to bear authority and responsibility to
preach and teach the Word, to administer the sacraments, and to
order the life of the church so it can be faithful in making disciples
of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
306. Order of Deacons and Order of Elders—There shall be
in each annual conference an Order of Deacons and an Order of
Elders. All persons ordained as clergy in The United Methodist
Church upon election to full membership in the annual confer-
ence shall be members of and participate in an order appropri-
ate to their election. An order is a covenant community within
the church to mutually support, care for, and hold accountable its
members for the sake of the life and mission of the church. These
orders, separately or together, seek to respond to the spiritual
hunger among clergy for a fullling sense of vocation, for support
among peers during this stressful time of change in the Church,
and for a deepening relationship with God.
307. Purpose of an Order—The specic and limited function
of each order is to: (1) provide for regular gatherings of ordained
deacons and ordained elders for continuing formation in relation-
ship to Jesus Christ through such experiences as Bible study, study
of issues facing the church and society, and theological exploration
in vocational identity and leadership; (2) assist in plans for individ-
ual study and retreat experiences; (3) develop a bond of unity and
common commitment to the mission and ministry of The United
Methodist Church and the annual conference; (4) enable the cre-
ation of relationships that allow mutual support and trust; and
(5) hold accountable all members of the order in the fullling of
these purposes. All of the functions of the order(s) shall be fullled
in cooperation and coordination with the Board of Ordained Min-
istry and do not replace the normal supervisory processes, the pro-
cesses of evaluation for ordained ministers, or the responsibilities
of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the cabinet, or the clergy session.
308. Organization of an Order—The bishop shall convene
and provide continuing spiritual leadership for the order, with the
support and assistance of the Board of Ordained Ministry. Neces-
sary nancial support shall be provided by the annual conference
through the budget of the board. The board may also use other
appropriate funding sources for this purpose. The board shall
nominate from within the order’s membership and the order shall
elect quadrennially a chairperson of the order who, in cooperation
with and under the guidance of the bishop, will provide continu-
ing leadership for the order. The chairperson will be responsible
for implementation of plans and activities of the order and will
represent the order to the conference Board of Ordained Ministry.
The chairperson will serve as a member of the board’s executive
committee. Activities of the order and proposals for funding shall
be regularly reported to the board.
309. Membership in an Order—1. Persons shall become
members of the Order of Deacons or Order of Elders following
their election to full membership in the annual conference. Accep-
tance of the status of full membership will constitute a commit-
ment to regular participation in the life of the order.
2. Changing Orders—Upon recommendation of the Board of
Ordained Ministry and vote of the clergy members in full connec-
tion in an annual conference, elders may be received as deacons in
full connection, and deacons in full connection may be received as
elders, provided they are in good standing and have:
a) informed the bishop and district superintendent of
their intention,
b) applied in writing to the Board of Ordained Ministry,
c) articulated to the Board of Ordained Ministry their call
to the ministry of the deacon or the elder,
d) completed all academic and other requirements for
admission to the order for which they are applying, 324, 330,
335, and
e) completed at least two years, and no more than eight
years, under appointment while licensed for the ministry of the
order to which they are transitioning.
3. Such persons shall retain their credentials and full mem-
bership in the annual conference through the transition period
from one order to the other. When ordained to the order to which
they are transitioning, they shall surrender to the conference sec-
retary the credentials of the order from which they are leaving.
Section III. Candidacy for Licensed and Ordained Ministry
310. Candidacy and Certication for Licensed and Ordained
Ministry—The licensed or ordained ministry is recognized by The
United Methodist Church as a called-out and set-apart ministry.
Therefore, it is appropriate that those persons who present them-
selves as candidates for licensed or ordained ministry be exam-
ined regarding the authenticity of their call by God to set-apart
Persons, upon hearing and heeding the call to servant lead-
ership through licensed or ordained ministry, shall contact a
clergyperson in their local church, another clergy, or the district
superintendent of the district in which they participate in a United
Methodist ministry setting to inquire about the process of candi-
dacy. Persons are encouraged to use resources recommended by
the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, such as The
Christian as Minister and the Ministry Inquiry Process.
1. Those beginning candidacy for licensed or ordained
a) shall be a professing member in good standing of The
United Methodist Church or a baptized participant of a recog-
nized United Methodist campus ministry or other United Meth-
odist ministry setting for a minimum of one (1) year;
b) shall write to the district superintendent requesting
admission to the candidacy process and the assignment of a can-
didacy mentor. Include a statement of call. Request registration
through the district superintendent with the General Board of
Higher Education and Ministry;
c) after registration by the district superintendent with
the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, mentor and
candidate will study the resources adopted by the conference
Board of Ordained Ministry;
d) shall write their statement of call. The candidate will
consult with the pastor or equivalent in a ministry setting speci-
ed by the district committee on ordained ministry to request a
meeting of the pastor-parish relations committee or equivalent
body specied by the district committee on ordained ministry to
consider the statement of call and to be interviewed in light of
Wesley’s historic questions;
(1) Do they know God as pardoning God? Have they
the love of God abiding in them? Do they desire nothing but God?
Are they holy in all manner of conversation?
(2) Have they gifts, as well as evidence of God’s
grace, for the work? Have they a clear, sound understanding; a
right judgment in the things of God; a just conception of salvation
by faith? Do they speak justly, readily, clearly?
(3) Have they fruit? Have any been truly convinced
of sin and converted to God, and are believers edied by their
As long as these marks occur in them, we believe they
are called of God to serve. These we receive as sufcient proof that
they are moved by the Holy Spirit.
e) after approval of the candidate by the pastor-parish
relations committee or equivalent body specied by the district
committee on ordained ministry, shall meet with a charge con-
ference or body specied by the district committee on ordained
ministry called to recommend the candidate to the district com-
mittee on ordained ministry. Approval of the candidate must be
by two-thirds written ballot, and the candidate shall have been
graduated from an accredited high school or received a certicate
of equivalency.
2. Candidates seeking to become certied for licensed or
ordained ministry shall:
a) request to meet with the district committee on ordained
ministry. In preparation for meeting with the district committee
on ordained ministry, consult with the mentor to provide the fol-
lowing written information, in addition to the material written
for 310.1d: (i) the most formative experience of their Christian
life; (ii) God’s call to licensed or ordained ministry and role of the
church in their call; (iii) their beliefs as a Christian; (iv) their gifts
for ministry; (v) their present understanding of their call to min-
istry as elder, deacon, or licensed ministry; and (vi) their support
b) complete and release required psychological reports,
criminal background and credit checks. They shall submit, on a
form provided by the conference Board of Ordained Ministry:
(1) a notarized statement detailing any convictions
for felony or misdemeanor or written accusations of sexual mis-
conduct or child abuse; or
(2) a notarized statement certifying that this candi-
date has neither been accused in writing nor convicted of a felony,
misdemeanor, any incident of sexual misconduct, or child abuse.
The district committee on ordained ministry through
the Board of Ordained Ministry shall seek ways to consider cul-
tural and ethnic/racial realities and language translations as
candidates meet these requirements, including interviews, psy-
chological assessments, criminal background, and credit checks.
c) provide other information as the district committee
may require for determining gifts, evidence of God’s grace, fruit,
and demonstration of the call to licensed or ordained ministry;
d) agree for the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ in the
world and the most effective witness of the gospel, and in consid-
eration of their inuence as clergy, to make a complete dedication
of themselves to the highest ideals of the Christian life as set forth
in ¶¶ 103-105; 160-166. To this end they shall agree to exercise
responsible self-control by personal habits conducive to bodily
health, mental and emotional maturity, delity in marriage and
celibacy in singleness, social responsibility, and growth in grace
and the knowledge and love of God.
The local church is encour-
aged to assist candidates with the expenses of candidacy;
e) be voted on by individual written ballot by the com-
mittee members present. A three-fourths majority vote of the com-
mittee members present is required for certication ( 666.6); and
f) upon vote of certication, be encouraged by the dis-
trict committee on ordained ministry to attend a United Method-
ist seminary.
3. In special circumstances, the district committee on ordained
ministry may authorize other United Methodist ministry settings
to serve in the role of the local church for the purpose of recom-
mending candidacy and specify the persons or bodies that will
serve in the roles of pastor, pastor parish-relations committee, and
charge conference.
3. In adopting the statements in ¶¶ 304.2 and 310.2d on the moral and social
responsibility of ordained ministers, the General Conference seeks to elevate the
standards by calling for a more thoroughgoing moral commitment by the candi-
date and for a more careful and thorough examination of candidates by district
committees and boards of the ministry. The legislation in no way implies that the
use of tobacco is a morally indifferent question. In the light of the developing evi-
dence against the use of tobacco, the burden of proof would be upon all users to
show that their use of it is consistent with the highest ideals of the Christian life.
Similarly, regarding beverage alcohol, the burden of proof would be upon users to
show that their action is consistent with the ideals of excellence of mind, purity of
body, and responsible social behavior.
Therefore, the changes here do not relax the traditional view concerning the
use of tobacco and beverage alcohol by ordained ministers in The United Method-
ist Church. Rather they call for higher standards of self-discipline and habit for-
mation in all personal and social relationships. They call for dimensions of moral
commitment that go far beyond any specic practices which might be listed. (See
Judicial Council Decision 318.)
The General Conference, in response to expressions throughout the Church
regarding homosexuality and ordination, reafrms the present language of the
Discipline regarding the character and commitment of persons seeking ordination
and afrms its high standards.
For more than 200 years candidates for ordination have been asked Wesley’s
Questions, including “ . . . Have they a clear, sound understanding; a right judg-
ment in the things of God; a just conception of salvation by faith? . . .” ( 310). All
candidates agree to make a complete dedication of themselves to the highest ideals
of the Christian life and to this end agree “to exercise responsible self-control, by
personal habits conducive to bodily health, mental and emotional maturity, integrity
in all personal relationships, delity in marriage and celibacy in singleness, social
responsibility, and growth in grace and the knowledge and love of God” ( 304.2).
The character and commitment of candidates for the ordained ministry is de-
scribed or examined in six places in the Book of Discipline (¶¶ 304, 310.2, 324, 330,
333, and 335). These say in part: “Only those shall be elected to full membership
who are of unquestionable moral character and genuine piety, sound in the funda-
mental doctrines of Christianity, and faithful in the discharge of their duties” ( 333).
311. Appointment of Certied Candidates—A certied candi-
date is eligible for appointment as a local pastor upon completion
of License for Pastoral Ministry ( 315). Those appointed as local
pastors are clergy members of the annual conference ( 602.1) and
are no longer listed as certied candidates. They do not continue
with candidacy mentors but are assigned a clergy mentor ( 348.4).
312. Orientation to Ministry—An orientation to ministry is
required for all candidates for licensed and ordained ministry.
Attendance at the orientation and becoming a certied candidate
may be sequential or concurrent. This common ministry prepa-
ration experience is for the purpose of building collegiality and
understanding among the varieties of set-apart ministry (dea-
cons, elders, local pastors).
The statement on ordination ( 304.2) states: “The Church expects those who seek
ordination to make a complete dedication of themselves to the highest ideals of the Christian
life . . . [and to] agree to exercise responsible self-control by personal habits. . . .”
There are eight crucial steps in the examination of candidates. They are:
(1) The self-examination of the individual seeking ordination as he or she
responds to God’s call in personal commitment to Christ and his church.
(2) The decision of the committee on pastor-parish relations, which makes the
rst recommendation to the charge conference when a member seeks to become a
candidate for ordained ministry.
(3) The decision of the charge conference, which must recommend the can-
(4) The decision of the district committee on ordained ministry, which must
recommend the candidate to the conference Board of Ordained Ministry and,
where applicable, the decision of the district conference.
(5) The decision of the Board of Ordained Ministry, which must recommend
deacon’s ordination and provisional membership. See Judicial Council Decisions
513, 536, 542.
(6) The decision of the clergy members of the annual conference, who must
elect candidates to provisional membership.
(7) The recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry for deacon’s or
elder’s ordination and full membership.
(8) The election to deacon’s or elder’s ordination and full membership by the
clergy members of the annual conference.
All clergy members of the annual conference are accountable as to character
and effectiveness to the annual conference throughout their entire ministry.
The General Conference has made it clear in the “Doctrinal Standards and
Our Theological Task” (Part III of the Discipline) that Scripture, tradition, experi-
ence, and reason are our guidelines. “United Methodists share with other Chris-
tians the conviction that Scripture is the primary source and criterion for Christian
In the Social Principles, the General Conference has said that we “do not con-
done the practice of homosexuality and consider this practice incompatible with
Christian teaching.” Furthermore, the Principles state that “we afrm the sanctity
of the marriage covenant that is expressed in love, mutual support, personal com-
mitment, and shared delity between a man and a woman. We believe that God’s
blessing rests upon such marriage, whether or not there are children of the union.
1. The orientation shall be held in each annual conference and
is the responsibility of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry.
2. Collegiality in ministry and commonalities and distinc-
tions among the categories of ministry (deacon, elder, local pastor)
will be emphasized to facilitate understanding and appreciation
of the gifts contributed through team ministry, and the practice of
set-apart ministry within the United Methodist connection will be
3. Guidelines will be made available from the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry, Division of Ordained Ministry.
313. Continuation of Candidacy—The progress of candidates
shall be reviewed annually by the district committee on ordained
ministry which shall interview the candidate annually and may
then continue the candidacy when the following conditions have
been met satisfactorily:
1. The candidate has received the annual recommendation of
his or her charge conference or equivalent body as specied by
the district committee on ordained ministry (see 310.3).
2. The candidate is making satisfactory progress in his or
her studies. A candidate preparing for ordained ministry who is
enrolled as a student in a school, college, university, or school of
theology recognized by the University Senate shall present annu-
ally to the district committee on ordained ministry an ofcial
transcript from the school the person is attending and provide a
report as to whether his or her local church is supporting him or
her spiritually and nancially (see 247.8).
The transcript shall be considered by the district committee
on ordained ministry as part of the evidence of his or her prog-
ress. The report of local church nancial support may be used by
the district superintendent to express gratitude for this support or
We reject social norms that assume different standards for women than for men in
marriage.” Also, “we afrm the integrity of single persons, and we reject all social
practices that discriminate or social attitudes that are prejudicial against persons
because they are single.”
The General Conference afrms the wisdom of our heritage expressed in the
disciplinary provisions relating to the character and commitment of ordained min-
isters. The United Methodist Church has moved away from prohibitions of spe-
cic acts, for such prohibitions can be endless. We afrm our trust in the covenant
community and the process by which we ordain ministers.
In our covenant we are called to trust one another as we recommend, exam-
ine, and elect candidates for the ordained ministry and conference membership.
See Judicial Council Decision 480.
4. See Judicial Council Decision 1263.
encourage a local congregation to improve its basic care for those
it recommends.
3. The candidate continues to evidence gifts, fruits and God’s
grace for the work of ministry.
4. A person who is a certied candidate or who is in the can-
didacy process may have her or his status or studies accepted
by another district committee in the same or another annual
5. A certied candidate may be continued as a candidate for
no more than twelve years following certication ( 324.1).
314. Discontinuance and Reinstatement of Certied Candi-
dates—1. Discontinuance of a Certied Candidate—Certied candi-
dates may be discontinued on their own request, upon severing
their relationship with The United Methodist Church, or upon
action to discontinue by the district committee on ordained min-
istry. The district committee on ordained ministry shall le with
the conference Board of Ordained Ministry a permanent record of
the circumstances relating to the discontinuance of the certied
2. Reinstatement of Certied Candidate’s Status—Certied can-
didates whose status has been discontinued by a district commit-
tee on ordained ministry of an annual conference of The United
Methodist Church shall only be reinstated by the district com-
mittee of the district in which they were discontinued. When
approved by the district committee on ordained ministry, their
certied candidate’s credentials shall be reissued and they shall
be eligible to continue the process.
Section IV. License for Pastoral Ministry
315. License for Pastoral Ministry—All persons not ordained
as elders who are appointed to preach and conduct divine wor-
ship and perform the duties of a pastor shall have a license for
pastoral ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry ( 635.2h) may
recommend to the clergy session of the annual conference the
licensing of those persons who are:
1. Provisional elders commissioned by the annual confer-
ence, or
2. Local pastors who have completed the following:
a) The conditions for candidacy certication in ¶¶ 310.1-2;
b) The Orientation to Ministry;
c) The studies for the license as a local pastor as pre-
scribed and supervised by the Division of Ordained Ministry or
one-third of their work for a Master of Divinity degree at a school
of theology listed by the University Senate;
d) Been examined and recommended by a three-fourths
majority vote of the district committee on ordained ministry
( 666.9); or
3. Associate members of the annual conference
4. Deacons in full connection, seeking to qualify for ordina-
tion as an elder; or
5. Licensed or ordained clergy from other denominations
who have training equivalent to the studies for license as a local
pastor prescribed by the Division of Ordained Ministry, but do
not meet the educational requirements for provisional member-
ship in the annual conference.
6. In every case, those who are licensed shall have:
a) Released the required psychological reports, criminal
background and credit checks, and reports of sexual misconduct
and/or child abuse. They shall submit, on a form provided by the
conference Board of Ordained Ministry:
(1) a notarized statement detailing any convictions
for felony or misdemeanor or written accusations of sexual mis-
conduct or child abuse; or
(2) a notarized statement certifying that the can-
didate has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or
accused in writing of sexual misconduct or child abuse.
b) Been approved by a three-fourths majority vote of the
Board of Ordained Ministry ( 635.2h);
c) Provided the board with a satisfactory certicate of
good health on a prescribed form from a physician approved by
that board.
d) Received approval by a three-fourths majority vote of
the clergy session.
316. Responsibilities and Duties of Those Licensed for Pastoral
Ministry—1. Provisional elders approved annually by the Board
of Ordained Ministry and local pastors approved annually by the
district committee on ordained ministry may be licensed by
the bishop to perform all the duties of a pastor ( 340), including
the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion as well as the
service of marriage (where state laws allow),
burial, conrmation,
5. See Judicial Council Decision 694.
and membership reception, within and while appointed to a par-
ticular charge or extension ministry. For the purposes of these
paragraphs the charge or extension ministry will be dened
as “people within or related to the community or ministry set-
ting being served.” Those licensed for pastoral ministry may be
appointed to extension ministry settings when approved by the
bishop and the Board of Ordained Ministry.
2. Such authorization granted by the license may be renewed
annually by the district committee or the Board of Ordained
3. The license shall remain valid only so long as the appoint-
ment continues and shall be recertied by the bishop when assign-
ments change between sessions of the annual conference.
4. A local pastor shall be under the supervision of a district
superintendent and shall be assigned a clergy mentor while in the
Course of Study or in seminary ( 348).
5. Local pastors shall be amenable to the clergy session of the
annual conference in the performance of their pastoral duties and
shall attend the sessions of the annual conference.
6. The membership of local pastors under full-time and part-
time appointment is in the annual conference where they shall
have the right to vote on all matters except constitutional amend-
ments, election of delegates to General, jurisdictional, or central
conferences, and matters of ordination, character, and conference
relations of clergy. Local pastors who have completed Course of
Study or a Master of Divinity degree and have served a minimum
of two consecutive years under appointment before the election
may vote to elect clergy delegates to General and jurisdictional or
central conferences.
7. All local pastors shall receive written communication
about decisions made regarding their relationship with the annual
8. Local pastors who have completed the Course of Study
may upon retirement annually request from the District Commit-
tee of Ordained Ministry and the bishop a license to continue to
serve in the local church where they hold membership for the pur-
pose of providing sacramental rites of baptism and Holy Commu-
nion, at the request of the appointed pastor.
6. See Judicial Council Decision 112.
7. See Judicial Council Decision 1181 and ¶ 35.
317. Interim License as Local Pastor—Between sessions of the
annual conference, persons who have completed the conditions
for licensing listed above may be granted interim license as a local
pastor upon recommendation of the cabinet, the district commit-
tee on ordained ministry, and executive committee of the confer-
ence Board of Ordained Ministry, and may be appointed by the
318. Categories of Local Pastor—Upon satisfactory comple-
tion of the requirements of 315, the district committee on
ordained ministry shall certify the completion of the prescribed
studies to the candidates and the Board of Ordained Ministry, and
they shall be listed in the journal as eligible to be appointed as local
pastors. Award of the license shall not be made until an appoint-
ment to a pastoral charge is made in accordance with 337. In
recommending to the annual conference those who have met the
requirements to serve as local pastors for the ensuing year, the
Board of Ordained Ministry shall classify them in three categories
with educational and other requirements of their category. Any
person who fails to meet these requirements shall be discontinued
as a local pastor. The categories shall be dened as follows:
1. Full-Time Local Pastors—Those eligible to be appointed
full-time local pastors are persons (a) who may devote their entire
time to the church in the charge to which they are appointed
and its outreach in ministry and mission to the community;
(b) who receive in cash support per annum from all Church
sources a sum equal to or larger than the minimum base com-
pensation established by the annual conference for full-time local
pastors; (c) who, unless they have completed the Course of Study
or other approved theological education, shall (i) complete four
courses per year in a Course of Study school, or (ii) shall have
made progress in the correspondence curriculum prescribed by
the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry ( 1421.3d),
or (iii) be enrolled as a pre-theological or theological student in
a college, university, or school of theology approved by the Uni-
versity Senate; (d) who, when they have completed the Course
of Study or a Master of Divinity degree from a seminary listed
by the University Senate, are involved in continuing education
( 350);
(e) who shall not be enrolled as a full-time student in any
2. Part-Time Local Pastors—Those eligible to be appointed as
part-time local pastors are persons (a) who have met the provi-
sions of 315; (b) who do not devote their entire time to the charge
to which they are appointed; or (c) do not receive in cash sup-
port per annum from all Church sources a sum equal to or larger
than the minimum base compensation established by the annual
conference for full-time local pastors; and (d) who, unless they
have completed the Course of Study or other approved theologi-
cal education, shall (i) complete two courses per year in a Course
of Study school, or (ii) have made progress in the correspondence
curriculum prescribed by the General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry, or (iii) be enrolled as a pre-theological or theological
student in a college, university, or school of theology approved by
the University Senate.
Part-time local pastors may be appointed to small member-
ship churches that are grouped together in a charge under the
supervision of a mentor.
3. Students Appointed as Local Pastors—Students enrolled as
pre-theological or theological students in a college, university, or
school of theology listed by the University Senate (a) who have
met the provisions of 315, and (b) who shall make appropriate
progress in their educational program as determined by the Board
of Ordained Ministry may be appointed as part-time or full-time
local pastors in a conference other than the conference in which
they are certied candidates. (c) Students who are appointed
as local pastors continue to relate to the district committee on
ordained ministry in the conference in which they are certied
candidates and shall be responsible to them for the continuation
of their certied candidacy.
4. Upon recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry,
the clergy members in full connection may vote approval annu-
ally for students of other denominations enrolled in a school of
theology listed by the University Senate to serve as local pastors
for the ensuing year under the direction of the district superin-
tendent, provided that they shall indicate to the satisfaction of
the Board of Ordained Ministry their agreement to support and
maintain the doctrine and polity of The United Methodist Church
while under appointment.
5. Local pastors may serve on any board, commission, or
committee with voice and vote, except on matters of clergy char-
acter, qualications, status, and ordination. However, local pas-
tors who have completed the Course of Study may serve on the
district committee on ordained ministry with voice and vote.
Local pastors who have completed the Course of Study may serve
on the Board of Ordained Ministry with voice and vote.
319. Continuance as a Local Pastor—1. Persons licensed as
local pastors who are not provisional members shall continue
in college, in a program of theological education at an approved
seminary, or in the Course of Study.
2. Upon completing each year’s education and other quali-
cations, a local pastor who is not a provisional member may
be recommended for continuance by the district committee on
ordained ministry. The clergy members in full connection of the
annual conference may approve continuance of a local pastor
after reference to and recommendation by its Board of Ordained
3. A full-time local pastor shall complete the Course of Study
curriculum within eight years and a part-time local pastor within
twelve, unless a family situation or other circumstance precludes
the local pastor’s opportunity to meet said requirements. The
local pastor may be granted an annual extension beyond the pre-
scribed limit upon a three-fourths vote of the district committee
on ordained ministry, recommendation by the conference Board
of Ordained Ministry, and the vote of the clergy members in full
4. A local pastor may choose to remain in a local relationship
with the annual conference upon having completed the Course
of Study.
5. None of the provisions in this legislation shall be inter-
preted to change or limit authorizations to local pastors ordained
as deacon and elder prior to 1996.
320. Exiting, Reinstatement, and Retirement of Local Pastors
Who Are Not Provisional Members—1. Discontinuance of Local Pas-
tor—Whenever a local pastor retires or is no longer approved
for appointment by the annual conference as required in 318,
whenever any local pastor severs relationship with The United
Methodist Church, whenever the appointment of a local pastor
is discontinued by the bishop, or whenever the district commit-
tee on ordained ministry does not recommend continuation of
license, license and credentials shall be surrendered to the district
superintendent for deposit with the secretary of the conference.
8. See Judicial Council Decision 1076.
9. See Judicial Council Decisions 436, 439.
10. See Judicial Council Decisions 436, 439.
After consultation with the pastor, the former local pastor shall
designate the local church in which membership shall be held.
The Board of Ordained Ministry shall le with the resident bishop
a permanent record of the circumstances relating to the discon-
tinuance of local pastor status as required in 635.3d.
2. Withdrawal Under Complaints and Charges—When a local
pastor is accused of an offense under 2702 and desires to with-
draw from the Church, the procedures described in 2719.2 shall
3. Trial of Local Pastor—When a local pastor is accused of an
offense under 2702, the procedures described in ¶¶ 2703-2713
shall apply.
4. Reinstatement of Local Pastor Status—Local pastors whose
approved status has been discontinued from an annual conference
of The United Methodist Church or one of its legal predecessors
may be reinstated only by the annual conference that previously
approved them, its legal successor, or the annual conference of
which the major portion of their former conference is a part, only
upon recommendation by the district committee on ordained
ministry from which their license was discontinued, the Board
of Ordained Ministry, and the cabinet. Persons seeking reinstate-
ment shall provide evidence that they have been members of a
local United Methodist church for at least one year prior to their
request for reinstatement. The district committee shall require
a recommendation from the charge conference where his or her
membership is currently held. When approved by the clergy
members in full connection as provided in 337, their license and
credentials shall be restored, and they shall be eligible for appoint-
ment as pastors of a charge. They shall complete current studies
and meet requirements as provided in ¶¶ 315, 318.
Whenever persons whose approval as local pastors has been
discontinued by an annual conference are being considered for
appointment or temporary employment in another annual con-
ference, the Board of Ordained Ministry where these persons are
being considered shall obtain from the Board of Ordained Min-
istry of the conference where approval has been discontinued
verication of their qualications and information about the cir-
cumstances relating to the termination of their approval as local
11. See Judicial Council Decision 982.
5. Retirement of Local Pastor—A local pastor who has made
satisfactory progress in the Course of Study as specied in
318.1 or .2 may be recognized as a retired local pastor. Retire-
ment provisions for local pastors shall be the same as those for
clergy members in 358.1, .2, .4, with pensions payable in accor-
dance with 1506.5a. Retired local pastors may attend annual
conference sessions with voice but not vote. A retired local pastor
may be appointed by the bishop to a charge and licensed upon
recommendation by the district committee on ordained ministry
without creating additional claim upon the conference minimum
compensation nor further pension credit.
Section V. Associate Membership
321. Eligibility and Rights of Associate Members—Associate
members of an annual conference are in the itinerant ministry of
the Church and are available on a continuing basis for appoint-
ment by the bishop. They offer themselves without reserve to be
appointed (and to serve as their superiors in ofce shall direct).
They shall be amenable to the annual conference in the perfor-
mance of their ministry and shall be granted the same security
of appointment as provisional members and members in full
1. Associate members shall have a right to vote in the annual
conference on all matters except the following: (a) constitutional
amendments; (b) all matters of ordination, character, and confer-
ence relations of clergy.
2. Associate members may serve on any board, commission,
or committee of an annual conference. They shall not be eligible
for election as delegates to the General or jurisdictional or central
3. Associate members shall be subject to the provisions gov-
erning sabbatical leave, leave of absence, location, retirement,
minimum salary, and pension.
322. Requirements for Election as Associate Members—1. Local
pastors may be elected to associate membership by a three-fourths
majority vote of the clergy session, when they have met the fol-
lowing conditions. They shall have: (1) been recommended to the
clergy session based on a three-fourths majority vote of the confer-
ence Board of Ordained Ministry; (2) reached age forty; (3) served
12. See Judicial Council Decision 1226.
four years as full-time local pastors; (4) completed the Course of
Study in addition to the studies for license as a local pastor, up
to one half of which may be taken by correspondence or online/
distance learning courses, or received a Master of Divinity degree
that includes the basic graduate theological studies from a school
of theology listed by the University Senate; (5) completed a mini-
mum of sixty semester hours toward the Bachelor of Arts or an
equivalent degree in a college or university recognized by the Uni-
versity Senate; (6) been recommended by a three-fourths majority
vote by the district committee on ordained ministry and the Board
of Ordained Ministry; (7) declared their willingness to accept con-
tinuing full-time appointment; (8) satised the board regarding
their physical, mental, and emotional health (the annual confer-
ence shall require psychological reports, criminal background
and credit checks, and reports of sexual misconduct and/or child
abuse to provide additional information on the candidate’s tness
for the ministry); (9) for the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ in
the world and the most effective witness to the Christian gospel,
and in consideration of his/her inuence as a clergy member of
the annual conference, be willing to make a complete dedication
of himself/herself to the highest ideals of the Christian life; and
to this end agree to exercise responsible self-control by personal
habits conducive to bodily health, mental and emotional maturity,
delity in marriage and celibacy in singleness, social responsibil-
ity, and growth in grace and the knowledge and love of God; and
(10) prepared at least one written sermon on a biblical passage
specied by the Board of Ordained Ministry and given satisfac-
tory answers in a written doctrinal examination administered by
the Board of Ordained Ministry. (Consideration shall be given to
the questions listed in 324.9.)
2. Upon recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry,
an annual conference may equate part-time service to the require-
ment of full-time service. Such equivalence is to be determined in
light of the years of service involved, the quality of that service,
the maturity of the applicant, and other relevant factors.
3. Associate members may retire under the provisions of
357 of the Discipline. They shall retain their license for pastoral
ministry for service in the local church and maintain their rela-
tionship as retired clergy members of the annual conference.
13. See Judicial Council Decisions 343, 572, 1181.
4. Associate members may be received as provisional mem-
bers in the annual conference under conditions as set forth in
324.6 upon receiving a three-fourths majority vote of the clergy
members of the conference in full connection, present and voting.
323. Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members—Each
annual conference shall organize a Fellowship of Local Pastors
and Associate Members. All licensed local pastors and associate
members shall be members of and participate in the Fellowship.
The Fellowship will provide mutual support for its members for
the sake of the life and mission of the church.
1. The specic and limited function is to:
a) provide for regular gatherings of local pastors and
associate members for continuing formation in relationship to
Jesus Christ through such experiences as Bible study, study of
issues facing the church and society, and theological exploration
in vocational identity and leadership;
b) encourage local pastors and associate members in con-
tinued study beyond the Course of Study and Advanced Course
of Study;
c) develop a bond of unity and common commitment to
the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church and the
annual conference; and
d) enable the creation of relationships that allow mutual
support and trust.
2. The bishop shall convene the fellowship and the Board
of Ordained Ministry shall coordinate its life and work. Neces-
sary nancial support shall be provided by the annual conference
through the budget of the board. The board shall nominate from
within the Fellowship membership and the Fellowship shall elect
quadrennially a chairperson of the Fellowship during a gathered
meeting of the annual session of the Fellowship conference who,
in cooperation with and under the guidance of the bishop, will
provide continuing leadership for the Fellowship. The elected Fel-
lowship chairperson, full-time or part-time, shall be a member of
the Board of Ordained Ministry and its executive committee as
specied in 635.1a.
Activity of the Fellowship will be reported regularly to the
Board of Ordained Ministry.
Section VI. Provisional Membership
324. Qualications for Election to Provisional Membership—A
person shall be eligible for election to provisional membership
in the annual conference by a three-fourths majority vote of the
clergy session on recommendation of its Board of Ordained Min-
istry after meeting the following qualications.
1. Candidacy Requirement: Each candidate shall have been a
certied candidate for at least one year. Those appointed as local
pastors are clergy members of the annual conference and are no
longer certied candidates ( 311).
2. Service Requirement: Each candidate shall have demon-
strated his or her gifts for ministries of service and leadership to
the satisfaction of the district committee on ordained ministry as
a condition for provisional membership.
3. Undergraduate Requirement: A candidate for provisional
membership shall have completed a bachelor’s degree from a col-
lege or university recognized by the University Senate. Exceptions
to the undergraduate degree requirements may be made in consul-
tation with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
in some instances, for missional purposes, for persons who have
a minimum of sixty semester hours of Bachelor of Arts credit and:
a) have been prevented from pursuit of the normal course of
baccalaureate education,
b) are members of a group whose cultural practices and train-
ing enhance insight and skills for effective ministry not available
through conventional formal education, or
c) have graduated with a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent
from a college not recognized by the University Senate and have
completed one half of the studies of the Master of Divinity or
equivalent rst professional degree in a school of theology listed
by the University Senate.
4. Graduate Requirement:
a) Candidates for deacon or elder shall have completed a
minimum of one-half of the 27 semester hours of basic graduate
theological studies in the Christian faith. These courses may be
included within or in addition to a seminary degree. These basic
graduate theological studies must include courses in Old Testa-
ment; New Testament; theology; church history; mission of the
church in the world; evangelism; worship/liturgy; and United
Methodist doctrine, polity and history.
b) a candidate for ordination as an elder shall have com-
pleted one half of the studies toward a Master of Divinity degree
14. See Judicial Council Decision 318.
or its equivalent, including one half of the basic graduate theo-
logical studies from a seminary listed by the University Senate.
c) a candidate for ordination as a deacon shall have:
(1) completed one half of the studies of a master’s
degree from a United Methodist seminary or one listed by the
University Senate, or
(2) received a master’s degree in the area of the spe-
cialized ministry in which the candidate will serve
(3) completed one half of the basic graduate theolog-
ical studies, in a context which will provide formation as a United
Methodist deacon in full connection within a cohesive program
developed by the seminary and approved by the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry, documented by a record of
completion from that school.
5. In some instances a candidate who is pursuing ordina-
tion to serve as deacon in full connection may fulll the academic
requirements through the following professional certication
alternate route:
a) shall have reached thirty-ve years of age at the time
to become a certied candidate;
b) completed a bachelor’s degree, received professional
certication or license in the area of ministry in which the can-
didate will serve, have completed a minimum of eight semester
hours of graduate credit or equivalent quarter hours in the area
of specialization, and have been recommended by the conference
Board of Ordained Ministry;
c) have completed a minimum of one half of the twenty-
seven semester hours of the basic graduate theological studies of
the Christian faith including the areas of: Old Testament; New
Testament; theology; church history; mission of the church in
the world; evangelism; worship/liturgy; and United Methodist
doctrine, polity, and history, in a context which will provide a
cohesive program and formation as a United Methodist deacon
in full connection within a cohesive program developed by the
seminary and approved by the General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry, documented by a record of completion from
that school.
6. Local pastors may fulll the requirements for provisional
membership as elders when they have:
a) completed four years of full-time service or the
b) satised all requirements of Sections 1-3 and 7-14 of
this paragraph;
c) completed the Course of Study. Course of Study
requirements may be fullled as determined by the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry (1421.3d) by:
1. Completion of Course of Study, of which no more
than one-half may be taken by correspondence or Internet; up to
one-half of Course of Study may be online courses; and
2. Completion of an equivalent program of study
embedded in an undergraduate degree at a UM-related college
or university.
d) completed an Advanced Course of Study consisting of
thirty-two semester hours of graduate theological study offered
by a seminary recognized by the University Senate or its equiva-
lent as determined by the General Board of Higher Education and
Ministry. The Advanced Course of Study shall include the basic
graduate theological studies ( 324.4a).
7. The Board of Ordained Ministry shall require an ofcial
transcript of credits from each school before recognizing any of
the applicant’s educational claims. In case of doubt, the board
may submit a transcript to the General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry.
8. Each candidate shall present a satisfactory certicate of
good health by a physician on the prescribed form. Disabilities are
not to be construed as unfavorable health factors when a person
with disability is capable of meeting the professional standards
and is able to render effective service as a provisional member.
9. Each candidate shall respond to a written and oral doctrinal
examination administered by the conference Board of Ordained
Ministry. The examination shall cover the following:
a) Describe your personal experience of God and the
understanding of God you derive from biblical, theological, and
historical sources.
b) What is your understanding of evil as it exists in the
c) What is your understanding of humanity, and the
human need for divine grace?
d) How do you interpret the statement Jesus Christ is
15. See Judicial Council Decisions 823, 1077.
e) What is your conception of the activity of the Holy
Spirit in personal faith, in the community of believers, and in
responsible living in the world?
f) What is your understanding of the kingdom of God;
the Resurrection; eternal life?
g) How do you intend to afrm, teach, and apply Part III
of the Discipline (Doctrinal Standards and Our Theological Task)
in your work in the ministry to which you have been called?
h) The United Methodist Church holds that the living
core of the Christian faith was revealed in Scripture, illumined
by tradition, vivied in personal experience, and conrmed by
reason. What is your understanding of this theological position
of the Church?
i) Describe the nature and mission of the Church. What
are its primary tasks today?
j) Discuss your understanding of the primary character-
istics of United Methodist polity.
k) Explain your understanding of the distinctive voca-
tions of the Order of Elders and the Order of Deacons. How do
you perceive yourself, your gifts, your motives, your role, and
your commitment as a provisional deacon or provisional elder in
The United Methodist Church?
l) Describe your understanding of diakonia, the servant
ministry of the church, and the servant ministry of the provisional
m) What is the meaning of ordination in the context of
the general ministry of the Church?
n) Describe your understanding of an inclusive church
and ministry.
o) You have agreed as a candidate for the sake of the mis-
sion of Jesus Christ in the world and the most effective witness of
the gospel, and in consideration of their inuence as ministers, to
make a complete dedication of yourself to the highest ideals of the
Christian life, and to this end agree to exercise responsible self-
control by personal habits conducive to bodily health, mental and
emotional maturity, integrity in all personal relationships, delity
in marriage and celibacy in singleness, social responsibility, and
growth in grace and the knowledge and love of God. What is your
understanding of this agreement?
p) Explain the role and signicance of the sacraments in
the ministry to which you have been called.
10. Each candidate shall have been recommended in writ-
ing to the conference Board of Ordained Ministry, based on a
three-fourths majority vote of the district committee on ordained
11. Each candidate shall have a personal interview with the
conference Board of Ordained Ministry to complete his or her
12. Each candidate shall submit on a form provided by the
Board of Ordained Ministry a notarized statement detailing any
convictions for felony, or misdemeanor, or written accusations and
its disposition of sexual misconduct or child abuse; or certifying
that this candidate has not been convicted of a felony or misde-
meanor or accused in writing of sexual misconduct or child abuse.
The candidate also shall release required psychological reports,
criminal background, credit checks and reports of child abuse.
13. Each candidate shall le with the board a written, concise,
autobiographical statement (in duplicate on a prescribed form)
regarding age, health, family status, Christian experience, call
to ministry, educational record, formative Christian experiences,
and plans for service in the Church.
14. Each candidate shall have been recommended in writ-
ing to the clergy session based on at least a three-fourths majority
vote of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry.
325. Commissioning—Commissioning is the act of the
church that publicly acknowledges God’s call and the response,
talents, gifts, and training of the candidate. The church invokes
the Holy Spirit as the candidate is commissioned to be a faithful
servant leader among the people, to lead the church in service, to
proclaim the Word of God and to equip others for ministry.
Through commissioning, the church sends persons in lead-
ership and service in the name of Jesus Christ and marks their
entrance into a time of provisional membership as they prepare
for ordination. Commissioned ministers are provisional clergy
members of the annual conference and are accountable to the
bishop and the clergy session for the conduct of their ministry.
During the residency program the clergy session discerns
their tness for ordination and their effectiveness in ministry.
After fullling all candidacy requirements and upon recommen-
dation of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry, the clergy
session shall vote on the provisional membership and com-
missioning of the candidates. The bishop and secretary of the
conference shall provide credentials as a provisional member and
a commissioned minister in the annual conference.
The period of commissioned ministry is concluded when the
provisional members are received as full members of the annual
conference and ordained as either deacon or elder, or a decision is
made not to proceed toward ordination and provisional member-
ship is ended.
326. Service of Provisional Members—All persons who are
provisional members shall be appointed by a bishop ( 425)
and serve as a provisional member of the annual conference for
a minimum of two years following the completion of education
requirements for full connection. During the provisional period,
arrangements shall be offered by the Board of Ordained Ministry
for all provisional members to be involved in a residency curricu-
lum that extends theological education by using covenant groups
and mentoring to support the practice and work of their ministry
as servant leaders, to contemplate the grounding of ordained min-
istry, and to understand covenant ministry in the life of the confer-
ence. Provisional members may be appointed to attend school, to
extension ministry, or in appointments beyond the local church.
Wherever they are appointed, the service of provisional members
shall be evaluated by the district superintendent and the Board of
Ordained Ministry in terms of the provisional member’s ability to
express and give leadership in servant ministry.
1. Provisional members planning to give their lives as dea-
cons in full connection shall be in ministries of Word, Service,
Compassion, and Justice in the local church or in an approved
appointment beyond the local church. A provisional member pre-
paring for ordination as a deacon shall be licensed for the practice
of ministry during provisional membership to perform the duties
of the ministry of the deacon as stated in 328 and be granted
support as stated in 331.10. Such authorization granted by the
license may be renewed annually by the clergy session upon rec-
ommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry.
2. Provisional members planning to give their lives as elders
in full connection shall be in ministries of Word, Sacrament, Order,
and Service in the local church or in an approved extension min-
istry. A provisional member preparing for ordination as an elder
shall be licensed for pastoral ministry ( 315). Such authorization
granted by the license may be renewed annually by the clergy
session upon recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry.
3. Provisional members who are serving in extension min-
istries, enrolled in graduate degree programs, or appointments
beyond the local church shall be accountable to the district super-
intendent and the Board of Ordained Ministry for the conduct of
ministry, and for demonstrating their effectiveness in the ministry
of the order to which they seek to be ordained. In all cases, they will
also demonstrate their effectiveness in servant leadership in the
local church to the satisfaction of the Board of Ordained Ministry.
4. Provisional members seeking to change their ordination
track shall:
a) Write to the Board of Ordained Ministry and inform
the district superintendent and bishop of their intention.
b) Interview with the Board of Ordained Ministry to
articulate and clarify their call.
c) Fulll academic and service requirements.
Upon the recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry
and by vote of the clergy session the person may be received into
full connection with the annual conference and be ordained into
the order to which they are transitioning.
327. Eligibility and Rights of Provisional Membership—Provi-
sional members are on trial in preparation for membership in full
connection in the annual conference as deacons or elders. They are
on probation as to character, servant leadership, and effectiveness
in ministry. The annual conference, through the clergy session,
has jurisdiction over provisional members. Annually, the Board
of Ordained Ministry shall review and evaluate their relationship
and make recommendation to the clergy members in full connec-
tion regarding their continuance. No member shall be continued
on provisional membership beyond the eighth regular session fol-
lowing their admission to provisional membership.
1. Provisional members who are preparing for deacon’s or
elder’s orders may be ordained deacons or elders when they qual-
ify for membership in full connection in the annual conference.
2. Provisional members shall have the right to vote in the
annual conference on all matters except the following:
a) constitutional amendments;
b) all matters of ordination, character, and conference rela-
tions of clergy. Provisional clergy members who have completed
all of their educational requirements may vote to elect clergy del-
egates to General and jurisdictional or central conferences.
16. See Judicial Council Decision 1181 and ¶ 35.
3. Provisional members may serve on any board, commis-
sion, or committee of the annual conference except the Board of
Ordained Ministry ( 635.1). They shall not be eligible for election
as delegates to the General, central, or jurisdictional conferences.
4. Provisional members shall be amenable to the annual
conference in the performance of their ministry and are subject
to the provisions of the Book of Discipline in the performance of
their duties. They shall be supervised by the district superinten-
dent under whom they are appointed. They shall also be assigned
a deacon or elder as mentor by the Board of Ordained Ministry.
Provisional members preparing to become elders shall be eligible
for appointment by meeting disciplinary provisions ( 315).
5. Provisional members in appointments beyond the local
church shall relate themselves to the district superintendent in
the area where their work is done. The district superintendent
shall give them supervision and report annually to their Board of
Ordained Ministry.
6. Discontinuance from Provisional Membership—Provisional
members may request discontinuance of this relationship or may
be discontinued by the clergy session upon recommendation of
the Board of Ordained Ministry. When provisional members in
good standing withdraw to unite with another denomination or
to terminate their membership in The United Methodist Church,
their action shall be considered a request for discontinuance of
their relationship and their credentials shall be surrendered to
a district superintendent. In the case of discontinuation without
consent, prior to any nal recommendation, a provisional mem-
ber will be advised of the right to a fair process hearing before the
committee on conference relations of the Board of Ordained Min-
istry. A report of the action will be made to the full board for nal
action. The provisions of fair process ( 361.2) shall be observed
and there shall be a review by the administrative review commit-
tee under 636 prior to hearing by the annual conference. When
this relationship is discontinued, they shall no longer be permitted
to exercise ministerial functions and shall return their credentials
to the district superintendent for deposit with the secretary of the
conference, and their membership shall be transferred by the dis-
trict superintendent to the local church they designate after con-
sultation with the pastor. The Board of Ordained Ministry shall
le with the resident bishop and the secretary of the conference a
permanent record of the circumstances relating to discontinuance
as a provisional member as required in 635.3d. After discontinu-
ance, provisional members may be classied and approved as
local pastors in accordance with the provision of 316.
7. Provisional members may not be retired under the pro-
visions of 357. Provisional members who have reached the
mandatory retirement age shall be automatically discontinued.
Provisional elders may be classied as retired local pastors under
the provisions of 320.5.
Section VII. The Ordained Deacon in Full Connection
328. The Ministry of a Deacon—From among the baptized,
deacons are called by God to a lifetime of servant leadership,
authorized by the Church, and ordained by a bishop. From the
earliest days of the church, deacons were called and set apart
for the ministry of Love, Justice, and Service and for connecting
the church with the most needy, neglected, and marginalized
among the children of God. This ministry grows out of the Wes-
leyan passion for social holiness and ministry among the poor.
It is the deacons, in both person and function, whose distinctive
ministry is to embody, articulate, and lead the whole people of
God in its servant ministry. Deacons fulll servant ministry in the
world and lead the Church in relating the gathered life of Chris-
tians to their ministries in the world, interrelating worship in the
gathered community with service to God in the world. Deacons
give leadership in the Church’s life: in teaching and proclaiming
the Word; in contributing to worship, in assisting the elders in
administering the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion,
or in presiding at the celebration of the sacraments when contex-
tually appropriate and duly authorized; in forming and nurtur-
ing disciples; in conducting marriages and burying the dead; in
embodying the church’s mission to the world; and in leading con-
gregations in interpreting the needs, concerns, and hopes of the
world. For the sake of extending the mission and ministry of the
church and offering the means of grace to the world, the resident
bishop of the annual conference in which the deacon is appointed
may authorize the deacon to preside at the celebration of the sac-
raments. Presiding at the celebration of the sacraments involves
taking responsibility to lead the gathered community in celebrat-
ing baptism and Holy Communion. As members of the Order of
Deacons, all deacons are in covenant with all other deacons in the
annual conference and shall participate in the life of their order.
Deacons lead the congregation in its servant ministry and
equip and support all baptized Christians in their ministry. The
distinct ministry of the deacon has evolved in United Method-
ism over many years—the continuing work of the deaconess, the
home missionary, and the diaconal minister. The Church, recog-
nizing the gifts and impact of all predecessor embodiments of the
diaconate and providing for the continuation of the ofce of dea-
coness, afrms that this distinctiveness is made visible and central
to the Church’s life and ministry through ordination and that the
ministry of the deacon is a faithful response of the mission of the
Church meeting the emerging needs of the future. Deacons are
accountable to the annual conference and the bishop for the ful-
llment of their call to servant leadership.
329. Ministry, Authority, and Responsibilities of Deacons in Full
Connection—1. Deacons are persons called by God, authorized by
the Church, and ordained by a bishop to a lifetime ministry of
Word, Service, Compassion, and Justice, to both the community
and the congregation in a ministry that connects the two. Deacons
exemplify Christian discipleship and create opportunities for oth-
ers to enter into discipleship. The work of deacons is a work of
justice, serving with compassion as they seek to serve those on the
margins of society. In the congregation, the ministry of the deacon
is to teach and to form disciples, and to lead worship together
with other ordained and laypersons.
2. The deacon in full connection shall have the rights of
voice and vote in the annual conference where membership is
held; shall be eligible to serve as clergy on boards, commissions,
or committees of the annual conference and hold ofce on the
same; and shall be eligible for election as a clergy delegate to the
General, central, or jurisdictional conference. The deacon in full
connection shall attend all the sessions of the annual conference
and share with elders in full connection responsibility for all mat-
ters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy
( 334.1).
3. As members of the Order of Deacons, all deacons in full
connection are in covenant with all other such deacons in the
annual conference and shall participate in the life of their order.
330. Requirements for Ordination as Deacon and Admission
to Full Connection—Provisional members who are applying for
admission into full connection and who have been provisional
members for at least two years following the completion of the
educational requirements for ordination as a deacon specied in
.3 below may be admitted into membership in full connection in
an annual conference by three-fourths majority vote of the clergy
members in full connection of the annual conference, upon rec-
ommendation by three-fourths majority vote of the Board of
Ordained Ministry, after they have qualied as follows:
1. They shall have served under episcopal appointment in a
ministry of service for at least two full annual conference years.
Upon recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the
annual conference may equate less than full-time or nonsalaried
service as meeting this qualication. Such equivalence is to be
determined in light of the years of service involved, the quality
of that service, the maturity of the applicant, and other relevant
factors determined by the board. Supervision is to be: (a) by the
district superintendent, and (b) by the Board of Ordained Min-
istry. The applicant’s service must be evaluated by the Board of
Ordained Ministry as effective according to written guidelines
developed by the board and adopted by the clergy members in
full connection. Laypersons directly involved in the applicant’s
servant ministry shall be involved by the board in the annual
2. They shall have been previously elected as a provisional
3. They shall have met the following educational require-
ments: (a) graduation with a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree
from a college or university listed by the University Senate or its
equivalent as determined by the General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry; (b) graduation with a Master of Divinity
degree or a master’s degree from a graduate theological school
recognized by the University Senate, or a master’s degree in an
area of specialized ministry; (c) or are candidates over the age of
35 with professional certication or license in their area of min-
istry including a minimum of eight semester hours of graduate
academic credit. Educational requirements in every case shall
include the completion of the basic graduate theological studies
of the Christian faith, as outlined in 324.4a.
4. The candidate shall have (1) satised the board regarding
physical, mental, and emotional health; (2) prepared and preached
at least one written sermon on a biblical passage specied by
the Board of Ordained Ministry or another act of proclamation
of the Word appropriate to the candidate’s ministry setting;
(3) presented a detailed plan and outline for teaching a Bible
study; (4) presented a project that demonstrates fruitfulness in
carrying out the church’s mission of “Making Disciples of Jesus
Christ for the Transformation of the World”; (5) responded to a
written or oral doctrinal examination administered by the Board
of Ordained Ministry. The candidate shall demonstrate the ability
to communicate clearly in both oral and written form.
The candidate’s reections and the board’s response shall be
informed by the insights and guidelines of Part III of the Book of
Discipline. The examination shall also focus upon the covenantal
relationship of the applicant to God, to the Church, and to the
Order of Deacons, as well as the understanding of diakonia, ser-
vant leadership, and the interrelatedness of the Church and the
world. The applicant shall be able to articulate the call of God to
the Order of Deacons and to relate that call to leadership within
the ministry of all Christians, through the setting of their service,
the local church, and the annual conference.
5. The following questions are guidelines for the preparation
of the examination:
a) Theology
(1) Give examples of how the practice of ministry has
affected your experience and understanding of:
(a) God
(b) Humanity
(c) The need for divine grace
(d) The Lordship of Jesus Christ
(e) The work of the Holy Spirit
(f) The meaning and signicance of the
(g) The kingdom of God
(h) Resurrection and eternal life
(2) How do you understand the following traditional
evangelical doctrines: (a) repentance; (b) justication; (c) regenera-
tion; (d) sanctication? What are the marks of the Christian life?
(3) How has the practice of ministry informed your
understanding of the nature and mission of the Church? What are
its primary challenges today?
(4) The United Methodist Church holds that Scrip-
ture, tradition, experience, and reason are sources and norms for
belief and practice, but that the Bible is primary among them.
What is your understanding of this theological position of the
Church, and how has your practice of ministry been affected by
this understanding?
b) Vocation
(1) How has the experience of ministry shaped your
understanding of your vocation as an ordained deacon?
c) The Practice of Ministry
(1) Do you offer yourself to be appointed by the
bishop to a service ministry?
(2) Describe and evaluate your personal gifts for
ministry and how they have resulted in fruitful ministry. What
would be your areas of strength and areas in which you need to be
strengthened in order to be more fruitful in ministry?
(3) For the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ in the
world and the most effective witness to the Christian gospel,
and in consideration of your inuence as an ordained minister,
are you willing to make a complete dedication of yourself to the
highest ideals of the Christian life; and to this end will you agree
to exercise responsible self-control by personal habits conducive
to physical health, intentional intellectual development, delity
in marriage and celibacy in singleness, integrity in all personal
relationships, social responsibility, and growth in grace and the
knowledge of the love of God?
(4) Provide evidence of your willingness to relate
yourself in ministry to all persons without regard to race, color,
ethnicity, national origin, social status, gender, sexual orientation,
age, economic condition, or disability.
(5) Will you regard all pastoral conversations of a
confessional nature as a trust between the person concerned and
(6) Provide evidence of experience in peace and jus-
tice ministries.
d) Historic Examination for Admission into Full Connection
and Ordination as Deacon—The bishop as chief pastor shall engage
those seeking to be admitted in serious self-searching and prayer
to prepare them for their examination before the conference. At
the time of the examination, the bishop shall also explain to the
conference the historic nature of the following questions and seek
to interpret their spirit and intent. The questions are these and any
others which may be thought necessary:
17. See Judicial Council Decision 542.
(1) Have you faith in Christ?
(2) Are you going on to perfection?
(3) Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this
(4) Are you earnestly striving after perfection in love?
(5) Are you resolved to devote yourself wholly to
God and God’s work?
(6) Do you know the General Rules of our Church?
(7) Will you keep the General Rules of our Church?
(8) Have you studied the doctrines of The United
Methodist Church?
(9) After full examination do you believe that our
doctrines are in harmony with the Holy Scriptures?
(10) Have you studied our form of Church discipline
and polity?
(11) Do you approve our Church government and
(12) Will you support and maintain them?
(13) Will you exercise the ministry of compassion?
(14) Will you diligently instruct the children in every
(15) Will you visit from house to house?
(16) Will you recommend fasting or abstinence, both
by precept and example?
(17) Are you determined to employ all your time in
the work of God?
(18) Are you in debt so as to embarrass you in your
(19) Will you observe the following directions?
(a) Be diligent. Never be unemployed. Never be
triingly employed. Never trie away time; neither spend any
more time at any one place than is strictly necessary.
(b) Be punctual. Do everything exactly at the
time. And do not mend our rules, but keep them; not for wrath,
but for conscience’ sake.
6. A provisional member of the annual conference who has
completed the requirements for deacon’s orders and admission
into full membership shall be eligible for election to full member-
ship and ordination as deacon by a bishop. Following election, the
bishop and secretary of the conference shall provide a certicate
of full membership in the annual conference, and following ordi-
nation, a certicate of ordination.
7. A deacon shall be ordained by a bishop by the laying on
of hands, employing the Order of Service for the Ordination of
Deacons (see 415.6). The bishops shall be assisted by other dea-
cons and may include laity designated by the bishop representing
the Church community. Judicatory leaders from full communion
partners and other communions may participate in the ordination
service and may join the ordaining bishop in laying hands on the
head of the candidate, while participating deacons and laity may
lay hands on the back or shoulders of the candidate.
Section VIII. Appointments of Deacons
and Provisional Deacons to Various Ministries
331. Appointment of Deacons and Provisional Deacons to
Various Ministries—1. Deacons and provisional deacons may be
appointed to serve in the following settings:
a) Agencies and settings beyond the local church, includ-
ing ecumenical agencies, that extend the witness and service of
Christ’s love and justice in the world and connect the church with
the most needy, neglected, and marginalized;
b) United Methodist Church-related agencies, schools,
colleges, theological schools, and within the connectional struc-
tures of The United Methodist Church;
c) A local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish,
leading in the congregation’s mission to the world and equipping
all Christians to fulll their own calls to Christian service;
d) As students in research doctoral programs that may
lead to appointments in academic settings as instructors or pro-
fessors in colleges, universities, and theological schools afliated
with The United Methodist Church;
e) As instructors or professors or administrators in col-
leges, universities, and theological schools afliated with The
United Methodist Church.
2. Deacons and provisional deacons may be appointed to
attend school.
3. Deacons and provisional deacons shall be appointed to set-
tings that allow fulllment of their call and where supervision is
provided with goals, evaluation, and accountability acceptable to
the bishop, the cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry.
4. Deacons and Provisional Deacons Appointed Beyond the Local
a) Deacons and provisional deacons may be appointed
to settings not connected to either The United Methodist Church
or ecumenical agencies when the appointment is approved by the
bishop and the Board of Ordained Ministry as a ministry beyond
the local church that is a witness and service of Christ’s love and
justice in the world. Those seeking such an appointment shall sub-
mit a written statement to the bishop and the Board of Ordained
Ministry, describing in detail the proposed setting for their min-
istry, sharing a sense of calling to that ministry and their gifts and
evidence of God’s grace for it, and expressing how the proposed
ministry is an intentional fulllment of their ordination vows.
This statement shall also include a detailed description of the
accountability structures related to the proposed ministry setting.
b) Deacons or provisional deacons who are appointed
beyond the local church may pursue endorsement by the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry. The General Board of
Higher Education and Ministry shall annually request the dea-
con or provisional deacon’s bishop in the conference of member-
ship to verify the appropriate employment of persons under its
endorsement and request the bishop to reappoint.
c) Deacons and provisional deacons are amenable to
the annual conference of which they are members and insofar
as possible should maintain close working relationship with
and effective participation in the work of their annual confer-
ence, assuming whatever responsibilities they are qualied and
requested to assume. When deacons or provisional deacons are
appointed to a setting beyond the local church outside of the con-
ference where they hold membership, the appointment shall be
made by the bishop of the conference where membership is held
in consultation with the bishop of the area in which the appoint-
ment is located.
d) Deacons and provisional deacons appointed to set-
tings beyond the local church shall submit annually to the bishop,
the district superintendent, and the Board of Ordained Ministry,
a written report on the ofcial form developed for the Church by
the General Council on Finance and Administration for use by the
annual conference.
Deacons and provisional deacons appointed to settings
outside the annual conference in which they hold membership
shall also furnish a copy of their report to the bishop of the area in
which the appointment is located.
e) The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry,
Division of Ordained Ministry, in order to assist the Boards of
Ordained Ministry and cabinets, will provide guidelines for vali-
dating the appropriateness of appointment settings beyond the
local church and will be available for consultation with bishops,
cabinets, and Boards of Ordained Ministry.
5. When deacons and provisional deacons serve in an agency
or setting beyond the local church, the bishop, after consultation
with the deacon or provisional deacon and the pastor in charge,
shall appoint the deacon or provisional deacon to a local congre-
gation where they will take missional responsibility for leading
other Christians into ministries of service. In this ministry the
deacons and provisional deacons shall be accountable to the pas-
tor in charge, the charge conference, and other bodies that coor-
dinate the ministry of the local church. In those instances where
the appointment is in another episcopal area, the appointment to
a local church shall be made in consultation with the bishop of
that area.
6. The appointment of deacons and provisional deacons shall
be made by the bishop.
a) It may be initiated by the bishop or the district super-
intendent, the individual deacon or provisional deacon, or the
agency requesting the service of the deacon or provisional deacon.
b) It shall be claried by a written statement of intention-
ality of servant leadership in order to establish a clear distinction
between the work to which all Christians are called and the work
for which deacons and provisional deacons are appropriately pre-
pared and authorized.
c) If the bishop and cabinet consider an appointment not
to be in the best interest of the Church, the bishop may choose not
to make the appointment. In such event, the bishop shall consult
with the deacon or provisional deacon and the Board of Ordained
Ministry. The deacon or provisional deacon shall then seek
another appointment, request a leave of absence or transitional
leave, or relinquish his or her certicate of conference member-
ship for deposit with the conference secretary, or be terminated
by disciplinary procedures. The procedures for fair process in
administrative hearings ( 361.2) shall be followed in any invol-
untary termination procedure.
d) Deacons and provisional deacons at their own request
or with their consent may be appointed to a nonsalaried position.
Such missional appointments will serve to express the Church’s
concern for social holiness, for ministry among the poor, and for
advancing emerging needs of the future. In such cases, the bishop
will carefully review plans for expressing this appointed ministry
and will consult with the deacon or provisional deacon about the
well-being and nancial security of his or her family.
7. At the request of the deacon or provisional deacon and with
the consent of the bishop and cabinet where conference member-
ship is held, the deacon or provisional deacon may receive a less
than full-time appointment under the following conditions:
a) The deacon or provisional deacon shall present a writ-
ten request to the bishop, district superintendent, and the confer-
ence Board of Ordained Ministry, giving a rationale for the request
at least ninety days prior to the annual conference at which the
appointment is to be made.
b) Reappointment to less than full-time service shall be
requested annually of the bishop by the deacon or provisional
c) The bishop may make an interim appointment to less
than full-time service upon request of a deacon or provisional
deacon, with the recommendation of the executive committee of
the conference Board of Ordained Ministry.
8. Deacons and provisional deacons, with the approval of
their bishop and the judicatory authorities of the other denomina-
tion may receive an appointment to another denomination while
retaining their home conference membership. The appointment
may be made in response to exceptional missional needs.
9. Charge Conference Membership of Deacons and Provisional
a) Deacons and provisional deacons who are appointed
to a local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish, shall be
members of that charge conference.
b) Deacons and provisional deacons who are appointed
to settings beyond the local church shall, after consultation and
with the written consent of the pastor in charge, and the district
superintendent designate a charge conference within the bounds
of the annual conference in which they shall hold membership
and to which they shall submit an annual report. Deacons and
provisional deacons serving in appointments outside the confer-
ence in which they hold membership shall, after consultation and
with the written consent of the pastor in charge, also establish an
afliate relationship with a charge conference in the annual con-
ference in which the appointment is located.
10. Support for Deacons and Provisional Deacons Appointed by a
a) Deacons and provisional deacons shall receive their
support under the policies and agreements of the setting to which
they are appointed.
b) Deacons who are appointed to a local congregation,
charge, or cooperative parish, shall receive a salary from the local
church, charge, or cooperative parish ( 625.2) not less than the
minimum established by the equitable compensation policy of
the annual conference for elders. Provisional deacons who are
appointed to a local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish
shall receive a salary from the local church, charge, or coopera-
tive parish ( 625.2, .4) not less than the minimum established for
provisional elders. When deacons or provisional deacons are
appointed to less than full-time ministry in a local congregation,
charge, or cooperative parish, they shall receive a salary that is
no less than the minimum salary for elders or provisional elders,
prorated in one-quarter time increments (see 331.6d).
c) Deacons and provisional deacons shall participate in
the denominational pension and benet plans and programs.
They shall participate in the health benet and supplemental
programs of the annual conference subject to the provisions and
standards of those programs as established by the annual confer-
ence when health benet coverage is not provided from another
d) The above (§ 10 [a-c]) does not apply to a deacon or
provisional deacon appointed by a bishop to a nonsalaried posi-
tion (§ 6 [d]).
e) Since deacons and provisional deacons are not guar-
anteed a place of employment in the Church, special attention
shall be given to termination procedures that allow time for seek-
ing another service appointment. Notication of dismissal shall
provide for a ninety-day period prior to nal termination of the
appointment except for causes as listed in 2702. Deacons or
provisional deacons shall not be dismissed from a local church
appointment without prior consultation between the deacon or
provisional deacon and the staff-parish relations committee, nor
without the full knowledge of the overseeing district superinten-
dent and the presiding bishop.
Section IX. The Ordained Elder in Full Connection
332. Ministry of an Elder—Elders are ordained ministers
who, by God’s grace, have completed their formal preparation
and have been commissioned and served as a provisional mem-
ber, have been found by the Church to be of sound learning, of
Christian character, possessing the necessary gifts and evidence
of God’s grace, and whose call by God to ordination has been con-
rmed by the Church. Elders are ordained to a lifetime ministry
of Word, Sacrament, Order, and Service. By the authority given in
their ordination, they are authorized to preach and teach the Word
of God, to provide pastoral care and counsel, to administer the
sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion, and to order the
life of the Church for service in mission and ministry. The servant
leadership of the elder, in both parish and extension ministries, is
expressed by leading the people of God in worship and prayer,
by leading persons to faith in Jesus Christ, by exercising pastoral
supervision, and by ordering the Church in mission in the world.
As members of the Order of Elders, all elders are in covenant
with all other elders in the annual conference and shall participate
in the life of their order.
333. Elders in Full Connection—1. Elders in full connection
with an annual conference by virtue of their election and ordina-
tion are bound in special covenant with all the ordained elders
of the annual conference. In the keeping of this covenant they
perform the ministerial duties and maintain the ministerial stan-
dards established by those in the covenant. They offer themselves
without reserve to be appointed and to serve, after consultation,
as the appointive authority may determine.
They live with all
other ordained ministers in mutual trust and concern and seek
with them the sanctication of the fellowship. By entering into
the covenant, they accept and subject themselves to the process
of clergy discipline, including serving on committees on investi-
gation, trial courts, or appellate committees. Only those shall be
elected to full membership who are of unquestionable moral char-
18. See Judicial Council Decision 492.
acter and genuine piety, sound in the fundamental doctrines of
Christianity, and faithful in the discharge of their duties.
2. A provisional member of the annual conference who has
completed the requirements for elder’s orders and admission
into full membership shall be eligible for election to full member-
ship and ordination as elder by a bishop. Following election, the
bishop and secretary of the conference shall provide a certicate
of full membership in the annual conference, and following ordi-
nation, a certicate of ordination.
3. An elder shall be ordained by a bishop by the laying on
of hands, employing the Order of Service for the Ordination of
Elders (see 415.6). The bishop shall be assisted by other elders
and may include laity designated by the bishop representing the
Church community. Judicatory leaders from full communion
partners may participate in the ordination service and may join
the ordaining bishop in laying hands on the head of the candi-
date, while participating elders and laity may lay hands on the
back or shoulders of the candidate.
334. Ministry, Authority, and Responsibilities of an Elder in
Full Connection—An elder in full connection is authorized to give
spiritual and temporal servant leadership in the Church in the fol-
lowing manner:
1. Elders in full connection shall have the right to vote on
all matters in the annual conference except in the election of lay
delegates to the General and jurisdictional or central confer-
ences ( 602.1a) and shall share with deacons in full connection
responsibility for all matters of ordination, character, and confer-
ence relations of clergy. This responsibility shall not be limited
by the recommendation or lack of recommendation by the Board
of Ordained Ministry, notwithstanding provisions which grant to
the Board of Ordained Ministry the right of recommendation.
They shall be eligible to hold ofce in the annual conference and
to be elected delegates to the General and jurisdictional or central
conferences under the provision of the Constitution ( 35, Article
IV). Every effective elder in full connection who is in good stand-
ing shall be continued under appointment by the bishop provided
that if the elder is appointed to serve in an afliated relationship
in a missionary conference ( 586) and that appointment is ter-
minated by the bishop who presides in the missionary conference,
19. See Judicial Council Decisions 406, 534.
20. See Judicial Council Decision 690.
then the responsibility for meeting this obligation rests with the
bishop of the conference of which the elder is a member.
2. There are professional responsibilities ( 340) that elders
are expected to fulll and that represent a fundamental part of
their accountability and a primary basis of their continued eligi-
bility for annual appointment. These shall include:
a) Continuing availability for appointment.
b) Annual participation in a process of evaluation with
committees on pastor-parish relations or comparable authority as
well as annual participation in a process of evaluation with the
district superintendent or comparable authority.
c) Evidence of continuing effectiveness reected in
annual evaluations by the pastor-parish relations committee and
by the district superintendent or comparable authorities
d) Growth in professional competence and effective-
ness through continuing education and formation. The Board of
Ordained Ministry may set the minimum standards and specic
guidelines for continuing education and formation for conference
e) Willingness to assume supervisory and mentoring
responsibilities within the connection.
3. When an elder’s effectiveness is in question, the bishop
shall complete the following procedure:
a) Identify the concerns. These can include an elder’s
failed professional responsibilities or vocational ineffectiveness.
b) Hold supervisory conversations with the elder that
identies the concerns and designs, collaboratively with the elder,
a corrective plan of action.
c) Upon evaluation, determine that the plan of action has
not been carried out or produced fruit that gives a realistic expec-
tation of future effectiveness.
4. If an elder fails to demonstrate vocational competence or
effectiveness ( 340) as dened by the annual conference through
the Board of Ordained Ministry and cabinet, then the bishop may
begin the administrative location process as outlined in 359.
5. Clergy who are retired, on medical leave, or on sabbatical
leave may at their own initiative apply to the conference Board
of Ordained Ministry for afliate membership in the annual con-
ference where they reside. By a two-thirds vote of the executive
21. See Judicial Council Decisions 462, 492, 534, 555.
22. See Judicial Council Decision 492.
session, such clergy may be received with rights and privileges,
including service on conference boards, agencies, task forces, and
committees, with voice but without vote. Voting membership
shall be retained in the clergy member’s home annual conference
for the duration of afliate member relationship. Such persons
may serve on the board, agency, task force, or committee of only
one annual conference at any one time.
335. Requirements for Admission to Full Connection and Ordi-
nation as Elder—Provisional members who are candidates for full
connection and ordination as elders and have been provisional
members for at least two years may be admitted into membership
in full connection in an annual conference and approved for elder’s
ordination by three-fourths majority vote of the clergy members
in full connection of the annual conference, upon recommen-
dation by three-fourths majority vote of the Board of Ordained
after they have qualied as follows. They shall have:
(1) served full-time under episcopal appointment for at least two
full annual conference years following the completion of the edu-
cational requirements specied in (3)(b) on the next page. Years of
service in any ministry setting requiring the regular proclamation
of the word, the administration of the sacraments, and the short or
long-term ordering of the life of the community of faith may count
toward the fulllment of this requirement. Such ministry settings
may include campus ministry, college and university chaplaincy,
hospital and prison chaplaincy, military chaplaincy, overseas/
mission work, and other ministries so recognized by the Division
of Ordained Ministry of the General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry. Upon recommendation of the Board of Ordained
Ministry, an annual conference may equate less than full-time to
the requirement of full-time service.
Such equivalence is to be determined in light of the years of
service involved, the quality of that service, the maturity of the
applicant, and other relevant factors. Supervision is to be (a) per-
sonally assumed or delegated by the district superintendent, and
(b) assumed by a mentor assigned by the Board of Ordained Min-
istry. Their service shall be evaluated by the Board of Ordained
Ministry as effective according to written guidelines developed by
the board and adopted by the clergy members in full connection.
23. See Judicial Council Decisions 157, 344, 1199.
24. See Judicial Council Decision 440.
25. See Judicial Council Decisions 555, 719.
In rare cases, the Board of Ordained Ministry may, by a two-thirds
vote, approve years of service in an autonomous Methodist church
as meeting this requirement if adequate supervision has been
provided; (2) been previously elected as provisional members;
(3) met the following educational requirements: (a) graduation
with a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree from a college or
university listed by the University Senate, or demonstrated com-
petency equivalence through a process designed in consulta-
tion with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry;
(b) graduation with a Master of Divinity degree from a school of
theology listed by the University Senate, or its equivalent as deter-
mined by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; or
(c) met the education requirements of 324.6 for local pastors;
(d) educational requirements in every case shall include comple-
tion of the basic graduate theological studies of the Christian faith
as outlined in 324.4a; (4) satised the board regarding physical,
mental, and emotional health; (5) prepared and preached at least
one written sermon on a biblical passage specied by the Board
of Ordained Ministry; (6) presented a detailed plan and outline
for teaching a Bible study; (7) presented a project that demon-
strates fruitfulness in carrying out the church’s mission of “Mak-
ing Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World”;
(8) responded to a written or oral doctrinal examination admin-
istered by the Board of Ordained Ministry. The candidate should
demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly in both oral and
written form. The candidate’s reections and the board’s response
should be informed by the insights and guidelines of Part III of
the Discipline. The following questions are guidelines for the prep-
aration of the examination:
a) Theology.
(1) Give examples of how the practice of ministry has
affected your experience and understanding of:
(a) God
(b) Humanity
(c) The need for divine grace
(d) The Lordship of Jesus Christ
(e) The work of the Holy Spirit
(f) The meaning and signicance of the
(g) The kingdom of God
(h) Resurrection and eternal life
(2) How do you understand the following traditional
evangelical doctrines: (a) repentance; (b) justication; (c) regenera-
tion; (d) sanctication? What are the marks of the Christian life?
(3) How has the practice of ministry informed your
understanding of the nature and mission of the Church? What are
its primary challenges today?
(4) The United Methodist Church holds that Scripture,
tradition, experience, and reason are sources and norms for belief
and practice, but that the Bible is primary among them. What is your
understanding of this theological position of the Church, and how
has your practice of ministry been affected by this understanding?
b) Vocation
(1) How has the experience of ministry shaped your
understanding of your vocation as an ordained elder?
c) The Practice of Ministry
(1) How has the practice of ministry affected your
understanding of the expectations and obligations of the itinerant
system? Do you offer yourself without reserve to be appointed
and to serve as the appointive authority may determine?
(2) Describe and evaluate your personal gifts for
ministry and how they have resulted in fruitful ministry. What
would be your areas of strength and areas in which you need to be
strengthened in order to be more fruitful in ministry?
(3) For the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ in
the world and the most effective witness to the Christian gospel
and in consideration of your inuence as an ordained minister,
are you willing to make a complete dedication of yourself to the
highest ideals of the Christian life; and to this end will you agree
to exercise responsible self-control by personal habits conducive
to physical health, intentional intellectual development, delity
in marriage and celibacy in singleness, integrity in all personal
relationships, social responsibility, and growth in grace and the
knowledge and love of God?
(4) Provide evidence of your willingness to relate
yourself in ministry with all persons without regard to race, color,
ethnicity, national origin, social status, gender, sexual orientation,
age, economic condition, or disability.
(5) Will you regard all pastoral conversations of a con-
fessional nature as a trust between the person concerned and God?
26. See Judicial Council Decision 542.
(6) Provide evidence of experience in peace and jus-
tice ministries.
A  C  F M
  A C
336. Historic Examination for Admission into Full Connection—
The bishop as chief pastor shall engage those seeking to be admit-
ted in serious self-searching and prayer to prepare them for their
examination before the conference. At the time of the examina-
tion the bishop shall also explain to the conference the historic
nature of the following questions and seek to interpret their spirit
and intent. The questions are these and any others that may be
thought necessary:
1. Have you faith in Christ?
2. Are you going on to perfection?
3. Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this life?
4. Are you earnestly striving after it?
5. Are you resolved to devote yourself wholly to God and his
6. Do you know the General Rules of our Church?
7. Will you keep them?
8. Have you studied the doctrines of The United Methodist
9. After full examination, do you believe that our doctrines
are in harmony with the Holy Scriptures?
10. Will you preach and maintain them?
11. Have you studied our form of Church discipline and
12. Do you approve our Church government and polity?
13. Will you support and maintain them?
14. Will you diligently instruct the children in every place?
15. Will you visit from house to house?
16. Will you recommend fasting or abstinence, both by pre-
cept and example?
17. Are you determined to employ all your time in the work
of God?
18. Are you in debt so as to embarrass you in your work?
19. Will you observe the following directions?
a) Be diligent. Never be unemployed. Never be triingly
employed. Never trie away time; neither spend any more time at
any one place than is strictly necessary.
b) Be punctual. Do everything exactly at the time. And
do not mend our rules, but keep them; not for wrath, but for con-
science’ sake.
Section X. Appointments to Various Ministries
337. General Provisions-1. All elders in full connection who
are in good standing in an annual conference shall be contin-
ued under appointment by the bishop unless they are granted
a sabbatical leave, a medical leave ( 356), family leave, a leave
of absence, retirement, or have failed to meet the requirements
for continued eligibility ( 334.2, .3), provided that if the elder
is appointed to serve in an afliated relationship in a mission-
ary conference ( 586.4b) and that appointment is terminated by
the bishop who presides in the missionary conference, then the
responsibility for meeting this obligation rests with the bishop of
the conference of which the elder is a member.
2. In addition to ordained elders, persons who have been
granted a license for pastoral ministry and who have been
approved by vote of the clergy members in full connection may be
appointed to local churches as pastors in charge under certain con-
ditions, which are specied in ¶¶ 315-318.
All clergy members and
licensed local pastors to be appointed shall assume a lifestyle con-
sistent with Christian teaching as set forth in the Social Principles.
3. Elders, associate members, provisional elders, and persons
licensed for pastoral ministry may be appointed to ministry set-
tings that extend the ministry of The United Methodist Church
and the witness and service of Christ’s love and justice in the
world. They shall be given the same moral and spiritual support
by the annual conference as are persons in appointments to pas-
toral charges. Their effectiveness shall be evaluated in the context
of the specic setting in which their ministry is performed. Such
ministry settings shall include teaching, pastoral care and coun-
seling, chaplaincy, campus ministry, social services, and other
ministries so recognized by the conference Board of Ordained
Ministry and approved by the bishop.
27. These are the questions that every Methodist preacher from the begin-
ning has been required to answer upon becoming a full member of an annual
conference. These questions were formulated by John Wesley and have been little
changed throughout the years.
28. See Judicial Council Decisions 380, 462, 492, 524, 702, 985, 1226.
29. See Judicial Council Decision 1226.
a) Full connection and provisional member elders, asso-
ciate members, and persons licensed for pastoral ministry may
be appointed to Extension Ministries serving in ministries of pas-
toral care in specialized settings. See ¶¶ 326, 343-344 for specic
information about Extension Ministries.
b) Elders may be appointed to extension ministries that
include appointments as students in research doctoral programs
that may lead to appointments in academic settings as instruc-
tors or professors in colleges, universities, and theological schools
afliated with The United Methodist Church. Elders may also be
appointed to extension ministries, including service as instructors
or professors or administrators in colleges, universities, and theo-
logical schools afliated with The United Methodist Church.
c) All persons in such appointments should:
(1) be appointed to a setting that provides an appro-
priate support and accountability structure;
(2) continue to be accountable to the annual confer-
ence for the practice of their ministry;
(3) provide an annual report, including a narrative of
their ministry, evidence of continuing education, and evidence of
an annual evaluation in their setting;
(4) maintain a relationship with a charge conference.
338. The Itinerant System—The itinerant system is the
accepted method of The United Methodist Church by which
ordained elders, provisional elders, and associate members are
appointed by the bishop to elds of labor.
All ordained elders,
provisional elders, and associate members shall accept and abide
by these appointments.
Bishops and cabinets shall commit to
and support open itineracy and the protection of the prophetic
pulpit and diversity. Persons appointed to multiple-staff minis-
tries, either in a single parish or in a cluster or larger parish, shall
have personal and professional access to the bishop and cabinet,
the committee on pastor-parish relations, as well as to the pastor
in charge. The nature of the appointment process is specied in
¶¶ 425-429.
1. Full-time service shall be the norm for ordained elders,
provisional elders, and associate members in the annual con-
ference. Full-time service shall mean that the person’s entire
vocational time, as dened by the district superintendent in consul-
30. See Judicial Council Decision 713.
31. See Judicial Council Decision 492.
tation with the pastor and the committee on pastor-parish rela-
tions, is devoted to the work of ministry in the eld of labor to
which one is appointed by the bishop.
2. Less Than Full-Time Service—On occasion, less than full-
time service is requested by or required of an elder, provisional
elder, or associate member. A clergy member may be appointed
in one-quarter, one-half, or three-quarter time increments by the
bishop to less than full-time service without loss of essential rights
or membership in the annual conference. Division of Ordained
Ministry-endorsed appointments beyond the local church may be
for less than full-time service.
a) Appointment to less than full-time service is not a
guarantee, but may be made by the bishop under the following
(1) Limited Itineracy—Less than full-time service may
be granted—but is not guaranteed—when the elder, provisional
elder, or associate member has declared in writing that itineracy
is limited due to temporary constraints. The clergy member shall
present that written declaration to the bishop and the chairperson
of the Board of Ordained Ministry prior to the annual conference
session at which the appointment is made.
(2) Self-Initiated—The elder, provisional elder, or
associate member seeking less than full-time service shall present
a written request to the bishop and the chairperson of the Board
of Ordained Ministry at least 90 days prior to the annual confer-
ence session at which the appointment is made. Exceptions to the
90-day deadline shall be approved by the cabinet and the execu-
tive committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry.
(3) Bishop-Initiated—For missional purposes, the
bishop may appoint an elder, provisional elder, or an associate
member to less than full-time service. The clergyperson shall be
notied at least 90 days prior to nal termination of the current
appointment. Special attention shall be given to ensure that the
values of open itineracy are preserved.
b) Provisions for Less Than Full-time Appointment
(1) Following appropriate consultation, as estab-
lished in ¶¶ 338 and 425-429, and upon joint recommendation of
the cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry, the less than full-
time category shall be conrmed by a two-thirds vote of the clergy
members in full connection of the annual conference.
(2) Reappointment to less than full-time service
shall be approved annually by the bishop and cabinet and shall
not be granted for more than a total of eight years, except by a
three-fourths vote of the clergy members in full connection of the
annual conference.
(3) Elders, provisional elders, and associate members
who receive appointment at less than full-time service remain
within the itineracy and, as such, remain available, upon consul-
tation with the bishop and cabinet, for appointment to full-time
service. A written request to return to full-time appointment shall
be made to the bishop and cabinet at least six months prior to
the annual conference session at which the appointment is to be
(4) The bishop may make ad interim appointments at
less than full-time service upon request of the elder, provisional
elder, or associate member following consultation as specied in
¶¶ 424-428 and upon recommendation of the cabinet and execu-
tive committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the same to be
acted upon by the next regular session of the annual conference.
3. Interim appointments may be made to charges that have
special transitional needs.
a) Interim clergy may serve outside the annual confer-
ence where membership is held under the provision of 346.1,
with approval and consent of the bishops involved.
b) Interim appointments will be for a specied length of
time, established in advance following consultation with the dis-
trict superintendent, the pastor-parish relations committee, and
the interim pastor.
4. Associate members, provisional members, or full members
may be appointed to attend any school, college, or theological
seminary listed by the University Senate, or participate in a pro-
gram of clinical pastoral education in a setting accredited by the
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education or another accrediting
agency approved by the General Board of Higher Education and
339. Denition of a Pastor—A pastor is an ordained elder,
probationary deacon (according to 1992 Book of Discipline), associ-
ate member, provisional elder, or local pastor approved by vote
of the clergy session and may be appointed by the bishop to be in
32. See Judicial Council Decision 579.
charge of a station, circuit, cooperative parish, extension ministry,
ecumenical shared ministry,
or to a church of another denomina-
tion, or on the staff of one such appointment.
340. Responsibilities and Duties of Elders and Licensed Pas-
tors—1. The responsibilities of elders are derived from the author-
ity given in ordination. Elders have a fourfold ministry of Word,
Sacrament, Order, and Service and thus serve in the local church
and in extension ministries in witness and service of Christ’s love
and justice. Elders are authorized to preach and teach the Word, to
provide pastoral care and counsel, to administer the sacraments,
and to order the life of the church for service in mission and min-
istry as pastors, superintendents, and bishops.
2. Licensed pastors share with the elders the responsibilities
and duties of a pastor for this fourfold ministry, within the context
of their appointment.
a) Word and ecclesial acts:
(1) To preach the Word of God, lead in worship, read
and teach the Scriptures, and engage the people in study and
(a) To ensure faithful transmission of the Chris-
tian faith.
(b) To lead people in discipleship and evangelis-
tic outreach that others might come to know Christ and to follow
(2) To counsel persons with personal, ethical, or spir-
itual struggles.
(3) To perform the ecclesial acts of marriage and
(a) To perform the marriage ceremony after due
counsel with the parties involved and in accordance with the
laws of the state and the rules of The United Methodist Church.
The decision to perform the ceremony shall be the right and
responsibility of the pastor.
33. Ecumenical shared ministries are ecumenical congregations formed by a local
United Methodist church and one or more local congregations of other Christian
traditions. Forms of ecumenical shared ministries include: (a) a federated congre-
gation, in which one congregation is related to two denominations, with persons
holding membership in one or the other of the denominations; (b) a union congre-
gation, in which a congregation with one unied membership roll is related to two
denominations; (c) a merged congregation, in which two or more congregations
of different denominations form one congregation which relates to only one of the
constituent denominations; and (d) a yoked parish, in which a United Methodist
congregation is yoked with one or more congregations of other denominations.
(b) To conduct funeral and memorial services
and provide care and grief counseling.
(4) To visit in the homes of the church and the com-
munity, especially among the sick, aged, imprisoned, and others
in need.
(5) To maintain all condences inviolate, includ-
ing confessional condences except in the cases of suspected
child abuse or neglect, or in cases where mandatory reporting is
required by civil law.
b) Sacrament:
(1) To administer the sacraments of baptism and the
Supper of the Lord according to Christ’s ordinance.
(a) To prepare the parents and sponsors before
baptizing infants or children, and instruct them concerning the
signicance of baptism and their responsibilities for the Christian
training of the baptized child.
(b) To encourage reafrmation of the baptismal
covenant and renewal of baptismal vows at different stages of
(c) To encourage people baptized in infancy or
early childhood to make their profession of faith, after instruction,
so that they might become professing members of the church.
(d) To explain the meaning of the Lord’s Sup-
per and to encourage regular participation as a means of grace to
grow in faith and holiness.
(e) To select and train deacons and lay members
to serve the consecrated communion elements.
(2) To encourage the private and congregational use
of the other means of grace.
c) Order:
(1) To be the administrative ofcer of the local church
and to assure that the organizational concerns of the congregation
are adequately provided for.
(a) To give pastoral support, guidance, and train-
ing to the lay leadership, equipping them to fulll the ministry to
which they are called.
(b) To give oversight to the educational program
of the church and encourage the use of United Methodist litera-
ture and media.
(c) To be responsible for organizational faithful-
ness, goal setting, planning and evaluation.
(d) To search out and counsel men and women
for the ministry of deacons, elders, local pastors, and other church-
related ministries.
(2) To administer the temporal affairs of the church
in their appointment, the annual conference, and the general
(a) To administer the provisions of the Discipline.
(b) To give an account of their pastoral ministries
to the charge and annual conference according to the prescribed
(c) To provide leadership for the funding min-
istry of the congregation. To ensure membership care including
compliance with charitable giving documentation requirements
and to provide appropriate pastoral care, the pastor, in coopera-
tion with the nancial secretary, shall have access to and respon-
sibility for professional stewardship of congregational giving
(d) To model and promote faithful nancial
stewardship and to encourage giving as a spiritual discipline by
teaching the biblical principles of giving.
(e) To lead the congregation in the fulllment of
its mission through full and faithful payment of all apportioned
ministerial support, administrative, and benevolent funds.
(f) To care for all church records and local church
nancial obligations, and certify the accuracy of all nancial,
membership, and any other reports submitted by the local church
to the annual conference for use in apportioning costs back to the
(3) To participate in denominational and conference
programs and training opportunities.
(a) To seek out opportunities for cooperative
ministries with other United Methodist pastors and churches.
(b) To be willing to assume supervisory responsi-
bilities within the connection.
(4) To lead the congregation in racial and ethnic
d) Service:
(1) To embody the teachings of Jesus in servant min-
istries and servant leadership.
(2) To give diligent pastoral leadership in ordering
the life of the congregation for discipleship in the world.
(3) To build the body of Christ as a caring and giving
community, extending the ministry of Christ to the world.
(4) To participate in community, ecumenical, and
interreligious concerns and to encourage the people to become
so involved and to pray and labor for the unity of the Christian
341. Unauthorized Conduct—1. Pastors shall rst obtain
the written consent of the district superintendent before engag-
ing for an evangelist any person who is not a general evangelist
(¶¶ 630.3f, 1112.7), a clergy member of an annual conference, a
local pastor, or a certied lay servant in good standing in The
United Methodist Church.
2. No pastor shall discontinue services in a local church
between sessions of the annual conference without the consent of
the charge conference and the district superintendent.
3. No pastor shall arbitrarily organize a pastoral charge. (See
259 for the method of organizing a local church.)
4. No pastor shall hold a religious service within the bounds
of a pastoral charge other than the one to which appointed with-
out the consent of the pastor of the charge, or the district super-
intendent. No pastor shall hold a religious service within the
bounds of a pastoral charge or establish a ministry to a college or
university campus served by The United Methodist Church with-
out the consent of the pastor of the charge, or campus minister or
chaplain serving the charge, or the district superintendent. If that
pastor does not refrain from such conduct, he or she shall then be
liable to the provisions of 362.1 and 2702.
5. All clergy of The United Methodist Church are charged to
maintain all condences inviolate, including confessional con-
dences, except in the cases of suspected child abuse or neglect or
in cases where mandatory reporting is required by civil law.
6. Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not
be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our
7. No pastor shall re-baptize. The practice of re-baptism does
not conform with God’s action in baptism and is not consistent
with Wesleyan tradition and the historic teaching of the church.
Therefore, the pastor should counsel any person seeking re-bap-
tism to participate in a rite of reafrmation of baptismal vows.
34. See Judicial Council Decision 936.
35. See Judicial Council Decision 1115.
342. Support for Elders in Full Connection Appointed to Pasto-
ral Charges—To strengthen the effectiveness of the connectional
system, assumption of the obligations of the itinerant ministry
required upon admission to the traveling connection places upon
the Church a counter obligation to provide adequate support for
the entire ministry of the Church ( 620). The Church shall pro-
vide, and the ordained minister is entitled to receive, not less than
the equitable compensation established by the annual conference
for clergy members according to provisions of 625.3.
1. Support for Elders in Full Connection Appointed to Pastoral
Charges Who Render Full-Time Service—Each elder in full connec-
tion of an annual conference who is in good standing and who is
appointed to full-time service under the provision of 338.1 shall
have a claim upon the conference Equitable Compensation Fund
and a right to receive not less than base compensation established
by the annual conference for persons in full-time service.
2. Support for Ordained Elders Appointed to Pastoral Charges Who
Render Less than Full-Time Service—Each elder in full connection
who is in good standing and who is appointed by the bishop to
less than full-time service under the provisions of 338.2 shall
have a claim upon the conference Equitable Compensation Fund
in one-quarter increments according to the guidelines established
by the annual conference commission on equitable compensation.
3. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the
benets provided to ordained ministers, in addition to the cash
compensation, under the benet programs administered by the
General Board of Pension and Health Benets may be different
for ordained ministers serving full-time as pastors to local charges
and for ordained ministers serving other types of appointments.
4. No pastor shall be entitled to any claim for unpaid base
compensation against any church or charge served after pastoral
connection with the church or charge has ceased.
Section XI. Appointments to Extension Ministries
343. Appointments Extending the Ministry of The United Meth-
odist Church—1. Elders in effective relationship may be appointed
to serve in ministry settings beyond the local United Metho-
dist church in the witness and service of Christ’s love and justice.
36. See Judicial Council Decisions 968, 988.
37. See Judicial Council Decisions 579, 587, 968, 1038.
Persons in these appointments remain within the itineracy and
shall be accountable to the annual conference. They shall be
given the same moral and spiritual support by it as are persons
in appointments to pastoral charges.
Their effectiveness shall be
evaluated in the context of the specic setting in which their min-
istry is performed.
2. The institution or agency desiring to employ an ordained
minister shall, when feasible, through its appropriate ofcial, con-
sult the ordained minister’s bishop and secure approval before
completing any agreement to employ the ordained minister. If the
institution or agency is located in another area, the bishop of that
area shall also be consulted.
3. Elders desiring an appointment extending the ministry
of The United Methodist Church or change of appointment shall
consult with their bishop and/or district superintendent prior to
any interviews relative to such an appointment.
344. Provisions for Appointment to Extension Ministries
Elders and associate members in appointments extending the
ministry of the local United Methodist church are full partici-
pants in the itinerant system. Therefore, a conference member in
an appointment beyond the local United Methodist church must
be willing upon consultation to receive an appointment in a pas-
toral charge. When either the conference member or the annual
conference requests appointment to a pastoral charge, the request
shall be made in writing to or from the bishop, the cabinet, and
the Board of Ordained Ministry. Such a request should be made
at least six months prior to annual conference. In both instances,
consultation shall give due regard to the individual’s special
training, experience, skills, and leadership potential.
1. Categories of Appointment—In order to establish a clear dis-
tinction between the work to which all Christians are called and
the tasks for which clergy are appropriately prepared and autho-
rized, the following categories are established for appointments
of elders and associate members within the itineracy and those
licensed for pastoral ministry of The United Methodist Church.
a) Appointments within the connectional structures of
United Methodism:
(1) Appointments for which the annual conference
provides for pension contributions to the Ministerial Pension Plan,
38. See Judicial Council Decisions 321, 325.
amended and restated effective January 1, 2007, as the Clergy
Retirement Security Program, such as district superintendents,
staff members of conference councils and boards, treasurers, bish-
ops’ assistants, superintendents or directors of parish develop-
ment, general evangelists, and campus ministers. Only elders in
full connection may be appointed district superintendents;
(2) Appointments to a general agency for which the
general agency provides pension contributions through Decem-
ber 31, 2006, to the Ministerial Pension Plan and, effective January
1, 2007, to the Retirement Security Program for General Agencies
of The United Methodist Church, amended and restated effective
January 1, 2010, as the Retirement Plan for General Agencies;
(3) Appointments to a United Methodist institution
or other ministry, such as superintendents or directors of parish
development, general evangelists, campus ministers, missionar-
ies, faculty and administrators of United Methodist schools of
theology or other educational institutions approved by the Uni-
versity Senate; and
(4) Appointments to an ecumenical agency.
b) Appointments to extension ministries of elders in full
connection, associate members, and those licensed for pastoral
ministry under endorsement by the General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry and other ministry settings which the bishop
and conference Board of Ordained Ministry may designate.
board shall annually verify the appropriate employment of per-
sons under its endorsement and request their reappointment.
c) Elders, associate members, and those licensed for pas-
toral ministry in service under the General Board of Global Minis-
tries may be appointed to the ministries listed in a) and b) above.
They may be assigned to service either in annual conferences or
central conferences, or with afliated autonomous churches, inde-
pendent churches, churches resulting from the union of Methodist
Churches and other communions, mission institutions, or in other
denominational or ecumenical ministries. They may accept such
rights and privileges, including afliate membership, as may be
offered them by central conferences or by other churches to which
they are assigned without impairing their relationship to their
home annual conference. If appointment is to a missionary confer-
ence, the terms of the appointment shall be as provided in 586.4.
39. See Judicial Council Decisions 321, 325, 329.
d) Elders, associate members, and those licensed for pas-
toral ministry may receive appointments beyond the ministry
usually extended through the local United Methodist church and
other institutions listed above in a) and b)
when considered by
the bishop and the annual conference Board of Ordained Minis-
try to be a true extension of the Christian ministry of the Church.
They may be appointed to pastoral ministry in other Christian
denominations at the request of appropriate judicatory ofcers of
that denomination. These ministries shall be initiated in missional
response to the needs of persons in special circumstances and
unique situations and shall reect the commitment of the clergy
to intentional fulllment of their ordination vows to Word, Sacra-
ment, Order, and Service. These appointments may involve clergy
with expertise from other vocations. Conference members in such
appointments retain conference membership, and the annual con-
ference may choose to extend nancial support and benets for its
clergy by vote of the annual conference. (See 625.3, .5.)
Conference members who serve as staff members of ecumeni-
cal agencies or as pastors of non-United Methodist congregations
may also be considered as holding an extension ministry, pro-
vided their position is approved by the bishop and the confer-
ence Board of Ordained Ministry. They shall remain accountable
to their vows as members of their annual conference.
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, in order
to assist boards of ordained ministry, will provide standards and
consultation to assist in validating the appropriateness of special
ministry settings. In addition, it will provide advocacy for per-
sons serving in settings approved under this paragraph and shall
encourage the development of emerging ministries that extend
the ministry of the Church into the world.
Those seeking such an appointment shall submit a written
statement to the cabinet, and the Board of Ordained Ministry,
describing in detail the proposed setting for their ministry, shar-
ing a sense of calling to that ministry and their gifts and evidence
of God’s grace for it, and expressing the intentional fulllment of
their ordination vows. This material will be submitted not later
than 120 days before desired appointment to the proposed setting.
On recommendation of the cabinet and the Board of Ordained
Ministry, such positions are to be conrmed by a two-thirds vote
of the clergy members of the annual conference.
40. See Judicial Council Decisions 380, 877.
The bishop may make ad interim appointments in this cate-
gory after consultation with the cabinet and executive commit-
tee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the position to be formally
acted upon by the next session of the annual conference.
2. Relation to the Annual Conferencea) Accountability to the
Annual Conference—All clergy in extension ministries are ame-
nable to the annual conference of which they are members and
insofar as possible should maintain close working relationship
with and effective participation in the work of their annual con-
ference, assuming whatever responsibilities they are qualied
and requested to assume.
All clergy under appointment in extension ministries shall
submit annually to the bishop, the district superintendent, and
the Board of Ordained Ministry a written report on the ofcial
form developed for the Church by the General Council on Finance
and Administration for use by the annual conference. This report
shall serve as the basis for the evaluation of these clergy in light
of the missional needs of the Church and the fulllment of their
licensing or ordination to be minister of Service, Word, Sacrament,
and Order. All clergy formally evaluated by the institutions in
which they serve will provide, instead of an evaluation, a narra-
tive report reecting their ministry. All clergy serving in appoint-
ments outside the conference in which they hold membership
shall furnish a copy of their report also to the bishop of the area in
which they serve. Annual conferences shall review the qualica-
tions of persons in extension ministry status and integrate them
into the ongoing work of the annual conference.
b) Responsibility of the Annual Conference—The bishop,
representatives of the cabinet, and an endorsed representative
from extension ministries within the Board of Ordained Minis-
try shall provide an opportunity to meet annually with clergy
in extension ministries who perform their ministry within the
bounds of annual conference, both of that annual conference and
those who hold membership elsewhere. The bishop shall con-
vene the meeting, which is to be planned by the cabinet and the
Board of Ordained Ministry. The purpose of this meeting is to
gain understanding of one another’s role and function in minis-
try; to report to other ordained ministers appointed to extension
ministries and discuss with them matters concerning the overall
approach to ministry in the episcopal area; to interpret the role and
function of extension ministries to the larger church through the
ofces of the bishop and his or her representatives; to nurture
the development of various ministries as signicant in assisting
the mission of the Church; and to discuss specic programs and
services that the bishop and his or her representatives may initi-
ate, in which the various ordained ministers serving in appoint-
ments beyond the local church may be qualied as consultants
and supervisors. Using the appropriate resources and personnel
of the annual conference, the bishop shall provide for an annual
visit to the ministry setting of all persons under appointment in
extension ministries assigned within the geographical bounds of
the annual conference and shall provide a report of the visit to the
bishop of persons from other annual conferences.
3. Relation to the Local Churcha) All clergy appointed in
extension ministries shall establish membership in a charge con-
ference in their home annual conference in consultation with the
pastor in charge and with approval of the district superintendent
and the bishop. They shall submit to their home charge confer-
ence an annual report of pastoral duties and the fulllment of
their licensing or ordination through their special appointment,
including ministerial activities in the charge where they have an
afliate membership relation and in other units of the Church
at large, as well as continuing formation experiences completed
and anticipated. This report may be the one submitted to the
bishop, district superintendent, and Board of Ordained Ministry
( 344.2a). District superintendents, because of the nature of their
work and the relationship dened in ¶¶ 424.3, 362.1a, and 661,
shall not be required to have a charge conference afliation.
All conference members who are elders in full connection,
including those in extension ministries, shall be available and on
call to administer the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Sup-
per as required by the Discipline ( 340.2b) and requested by the
district superintendent of the district in which the appointment
is held.
b) Afliate Relation to a Local Church—All clergy under
appointment to extension ministries and serving outside of the
geographical bounds of their home annual conference shall
promptly notify the bishop of the area in which they reside of
their names, addresses, and the annual conferences in which their
credentials are held. They shall be afliate members without vote
of a charge conference either within the district where they carry
out the primary work of their appointment or within the district
where they reside. Persons serving outside the geographic bounds
of any annual conference are exempt from this requirement. The
selection of the charge conference shall be made after consultation
between the person in extension ministry and the pastor of the
local United Methodist church.
These clergy under appointment in extension ministries and
serving outside the geographical boundaries of their home annual
conference shall submit to the charge conference of which they
are afliate members a copy of the report submitted to their home
charge conference and/or an oral report concerning their ministry
and the fulllment of their licensing or ordination. The district
superintendent shall be responsible for the notication to these
ministers concerning the time and place of the charge conference.
4. Afliate Relation to Annual Conference—Ordained clergy
appointed to extension ministries or appointments beyond the
local church outside the boundary of their annual conference may
at their own initiative apply to the Board of Ordained Ministry
for afliate membership in the annual conference in which their
appointment is located or in which they reside. By a two-thirds
vote of the clergy session, such clergy may be received with rights
and privileges, including service on conference boards, agencies,
task forces, and committees, with voice and vote but with voice
and without vote in the annual conference session. Voting mem-
bership shall be retained in the appointee’s home annual confer-
ence for the duration of afliate member relationship. Nomination
to general Church boards and agencies and election as delegates
to General and jurisdictional conferences shall originate in the
appointee’s home annual conference. Such persons may serve on
the board, agency, task force, or committee of only one annual
conference at any one time.
5. General Provisionsa) These appointments shall be made
only to positions related to adequate accountability structures,
according to guidelines established by the Board of Ordained
Ministry and cabinet in the annual conferences in which member-
ship is held.
b) For information regarding pensions, the conference will
continue to list the source of annuity claim for each of its clergy.
c) All conference secretaries shall submit to the editors of
the General Minutes a list of such appointments beyond the local
41. See Judicial Council Decision 554.
church made in their annual conferences, and there shall be pub-
lished in the General Minutes a list of ordained ministers in the
Church serving in the major categories under these appointments.
d) All clergy appointed to extension ministries shall
attend the annual conference in which membership is held.
e) Individual participation in Armed Forces Reserve or
National Guard units and part-time employment with the Veteran’s
Administration shall be reected in annual conference journals.
P  A
 E S M
345. United Methodist clergy members in full connec-
tion may be appointed annually to churches of other Christian
denominations or to ecumenical shared ministries. Persons in
these appointments remain in the itineracy and shall be account-
able to the annual conference. Their effectiveness shall be evalu-
ated in the context of the specic setting in which their ministry is
performed. (See 344.1d.)
Section XII. Clergy From Other Annual Conferences,
Other Methodist and Christian Denominations
346. Provisions for Clergy From Outside the Annual Confer-
ence—Ordained clergy or provisional members from other annual
conferences and Christian denominations may receive an appoint-
ment in the annual conference in the following manner:
1. Ordained Clergy or Provisional Members From Other Annual
Conferences and Other Methodist Denominations—With approval and
consent of the bishops or other judicatory authorities involved,
ordained clergy or provisional members of other annual confer-
ences or other Methodist churches may receive appointments in
the annual or missionary conference while retaining their home
conference membership or denominational afliation. Appoint-
ments are to be made by the resident bishop of the conference in
which the clergy person is to serve. If appointment is to a mission-
ary conference, the terms of the appointment shall be as provided
in 586.4. Otherwise upon the recommendation of the Board of
Ordained Ministry, clergy in such appointments may be granted
voice but not vote in the annual conference to which they are
appointed. Their membership on conference boards and agencies
is restricted to the conference of which they are a member. They
shall be compensated no less than the equitable salary provisions
of the annual conference in which they serve and participate in
the pension and insurance programs of that annual conference.
Such appointments are renewable annually. Furthermore, it shall
be the responsibility of the board of pensions of the annual confer-
ence in which the appointment is received to enroll such clergy in
the Clergy Retirement Security Program or any successor retire-
ment plan and the Comprehensive Protection Plan or any succes-
sor welfare plan (see 1506.17).
2. Elders or Ordained Clergy From Other Denominations—On
recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the clergy
members in full connection may approve annually clergy in good
standing in other Christian denominations to serve appointments
or ecumenical ministries within the bounds of the annual confer-
ence while retaining their denominational afliation, provided
they present suitable credentials, give assurance of their Christian
faith and experience, and release required psychological reports,
criminal background and credit checks, and reports of sexual mis-
conduct and/or child abuse. They shall submit, on a form pro-
vided by the conference Board of Ordained Ministry: a notarized
statement detailing any convictions for felony or misdemeanor
or written accusations of sexual misconduct or child abuse; or a
notarized statement certifying that the candidate has not been
convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or accused in writing of
sexual misconduct or child abuse. They shall give evidence of
their agreement with and willingness to support and maintain
United Methodist doctrine, discipline, and polity. Their ordina-
tion credentials shall be examined by the bishop and the Board of
Ordained Ministry and, upon its recommendation, may be recog-
nized as valid elders in The United Methodist Church while they
are under appointment. When the Board of Ordained Ministry
certies that their credentials are at least equal to those of United
Methodist elders, they may be accorded the right to vote in the
annual conference on all matters except the following: (a) consti-
tutional amendments; (b) election of delegates to the General and
jurisdictional or central conferences; (c) all matters of ordination,
character, and conference relations of ministers. They may serve
on any board, commission, or committee of an annual conference,
except the Board of Ordained Ministry and the board of trustees
42. See Judicial Council Decision 554.
(¶¶ 635.1, 2512.1). They shall not be eligible for election as del-
egates to the General, jurisdictional, or central conferences. They
shall also be subject to the provisions governing sabbatical leave,
leave of absence, location, retirement, minimum salary, and pen-
sion. They shall not have security of appointment.
3. Between conference sessions, the Board of Ordained Min-
istry may approve them for appointment pending the recognition
of their orders. The bishop may make ad interim recognition of
valid ordination after consultation with the cabinet and executive
committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, pending recogni-
tion by the vote of the clergy members in full connection. In every
case, prior examination shall be made of the ordained minister’s
understanding, acceptance, and willingness to support and main-
tain United Methodist doctrine, discipline, and polity.
347. Transfers—1. From Other Annual Conferences—Ordained
clergy or provisional members from other annual conferences of
The United Methodist Church may be received by transfer into
provisional or full membership with the consent of the bishops
involved. Recommendation by the executive committee of the
Board of Ordained Ministry and approval of the clergy session
shall take place prior to the transfer.
2. From Other Methodist Denominationsa) Ordained elders
or ordained clergy from other Methodist churches may be received
by transfer into provisional or full conference membership or as
local pastors, with the consent of the bishops or other authorities
involved, without going through the process required for minis-
ters from other denominations. The General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry shall establish a list of denominations that
meet this denition. Prior consultation with the chairperson or
executive committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry shall be
held in order to determine that the minister meets the standards
for conference membership established by the Discipline and the
annual conference. A psychological report, criminal background
and credit check, and reports of sexual misconduct and/or child
abuse shall be required. They shall submit, on a form provided by
the conference Board of Ordained Ministry:
(1) a notarized statement detailing any convictions
for felony or misdemeanor or written accusations of sexual mis-
conduct or child abuse; or
43. See Judicial Council Decision 16.
44. See Judicial Council Decision 444.
(2) a notarized statement certifying that this can-
didate has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or
accused in writing of sexual misconduct or child abuse.
b) Ordained elders or ordained clergy being trans-
ferred from other Methodist churches shall meet the educational
requirements of The United Methodist Church, or the equivalent
approved by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
c) The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
shall certify the satisfaction of educational requirements for con-
ference membership and, in cases where additional education is
required, shall develop an educational program in consultation
with the Board of Ordained Ministry.
3. From Other Denominationsa) On recommendation of
the Board of Ordained Ministry, the clergy members in full con-
nection may recognize the orders of ordained clergy from other
denominations and receive them as provisional members or local
pastors. They shall present their credentials for examination by
the bishop and Board of Ordained Ministry and give assurance
of their Christian faith and experience. They shall give evidence
of their agreement with and willingness to support and maintain
United Methodist doctrine, discipline, and polity and present
a satisfactory certicate of good health on the prescribed form
from a physician approved by the Board of Ordained Ministry.
The Board of Ordained Ministry, in consultation with the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry, shall determine whether
they meet the educational requirements for conference member-
ship. A psychological report, criminal background and credit
check, and reports of sexual misconduct and/or child abuse shall
be required. They shall submit, on a form provided by the confer-
ence Board of Ordained Ministry:
(1) a notarized statement detailing any convictions
for felony or misdemeanor or written accusations of sexual mis-
conduct of child abuse; or
(2) a notarized statement certifying that the can-
didate has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, or
accused in writing of sexual misconduct or child abuse.
b) Ordained elders or ordained clergy from other Chris-
tian denominations shall serve as provisional members for at least
two years and complete all the requirements of 335, including
courses in United Methodist history, doctrine, and polity, before
being admitted into full conference membership.
c) Following the provisional member’s election to full
conference membership as a deacon or elder as provided in 326,
the bishop and secretary of the conference shall provide a certi-
cate of full membership in the annual conference.
4. The Board of Ordained Ministry of an annual conference
is required to ascertain from an ordained clergyperson seek-
ing admission into its membership on credentials from another
denomination whether or not membership in the effective rela-
tion was previously held in an annual conference of The United
Methodist Church or one of its legal predecessors, and if so, when
and under what circumstances the ordained minister’s connec-
tion with such annual conference was severed.
5. Ordained clergy seeking admission into an annual confer-
ence on credentials from another denomination who have previ-
ously withdrawn from membership in the effective relation in
an annual conference of The United Methodist Church or one of
its legal predecessors shall not be admitted or readmitted with-
out the consent of the annual conference from which they with-
drew or its legal successor, or the annual conference of which the
major portion of their former conference is a part, such consent
to be granted upon recommendation of its Board of Ordained
6. After the orders of an ordained minister of another church
shall have been duly recognized, and the minister has been
approved for full membership, the certicates of ordination by
said church shall be returned to the minister with the following
inscription written plainly on the back:
These orders are recognized by the ________ Annual Conference of The
United Methodist Church, this _______ day of_________,_____ [year].
________________________________, President
__________________________, Secretary
The ordained minister also will be furnished with a certicate
of recognition of orders signed by the bishop.
Section XIII. Mentoring and Mentors
348. Mentors—1. Mentors shall be recommended by the
cabinet, selected, trained and held accountable by the Board of
Ordained Ministry. There are two categories of mentor, each with
distinct functions and responsibilities as follows:
a) Candidacy mentors are clergy in full connection, asso-
ciate members, or local pastors who have completed the Course
of Study trained to provide counsel and guidance related to the
candidacy process. Candidates will be assigned to a candidacy
mentoring group, wherever possible, or to a candidacy mentor by
the district committee on ordained ministry in consultation with
the vocational discernment coordinator (wherever named) and
the district superintendent ( 310). Candidates will be assigned to
a candidacy mentor or mentoring groups to meet with until they
begin serving as a local pastor or provisional member.
b) Clergy mentors are clergy in full connection, associ-
ate members, full-time, or part-time local pastors who have com-
pleted the Course of Study trained to provide ongoing oversight
and counsel with local pastors and with provisional members.
Local pastors will be assigned a clergy mentor by the district
committee on ordained ministry in consultation with the district
superintendent. Provisional members will be assigned a clergy
mentor in full connection by the conference Board of Ordained
Ministry in consultation with the district superintendent. A can-
didacy mentor may continue with the same person if trained to
serve as a clergy mentor.
2. Mentoring occurs within a relationship where the men-
tor takes responsibility for creating a safe place for reection and
growth. An effective mentor has a mature faith, models effective
ministry, and possesses the necessary skill to help individuals dis-
cern their call in ministry. Mentoring is a part of the preparation
and growth for inquirers and candidates for ordained ministry,
local pastors and provisional members of an annual conference.
Mentoring is distinct from the evaluative and supervisory process
that is a part of preparation for ministry.
3. Local pastors and provisional members will be assigned
to a clergy mentoring group, wherever possible, or to a clergy
mentor by the Board of Ordained Ministry. Persons transferring
from other denominations will also be assigned a clergy mentor
( 347.3b).
4. Clergy mentoring begins when a person receives an
appointment as a local pastor or as a provisional member.
It is expected that all annual conferences will make available
and encourage the use of spiritual guides, life coaches, pastoral
counselors or vocational mentors for all clergy, separate from the
superintendent, and that clergy will utilize these kinds of support
as a standard practice of ministry throughout the clergy career,
and in all assignments or appointments.
Section XIV. Evaluation for Continuing Formation
for Full Members and Local Pastors
349. Evaluation—Evaluation is a continuous process for
formation in servant ministry and servant leadership that must
take place in a spirit of understanding and acceptance. Evaluation
serves as a process for clergy to assess their effectiveness in min-
istry and to discern God’s call to continue in ordained ministry.
1. For clergy serving local churches, the district superinten-
dent, in consultation with the pastor-parish relations committee,
will evaluate annually each clergy’s effectiveness for ministry
(¶¶ 334.2c, 419, 635.2o, r), using criteria, processes, and training
developed by the cabinet and the Board of Ordained Ministry. The
clergy in local churches shall participate annually in an evalua-
tion with the committee on pastor-parish relations to enhance an
ongoing effective ministry and to identify continuing education
needs and plans ( 258.2g[5]), using criteria, processes, and train-
ing developed by the Board of Ordained Ministry and the cabi-
net. The process of evaluation shall include self-assessment and
appropriate metrics, and the General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry will offer models to guide cabinets and Boards of
Ordained Ministry in the evaluation process.
2. Deacons in appointments beyond the local church and
elders and local pastors in appointments to extension ministries
will undergo annual evaluation by their immediate supervisors,
engage in annual self-evaluation, and include copies of these
evaluations in the annual report submitted to their bishop, district
superintendent, and the Board of Ordained Ministry ( 344.2a).
They shall have an annual conversation with their district super-
intendent about their ministry.
3. Every clergyperson shall also engage in a six-month pro-
cess of personal and professional assessment and development
every eight years. The process will be designed and implemented
by the cabinet and Board of Ordained Ministry for each annual
conference in consultation with the Chairs of the Orders of Dea-
cons and Elders and Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate
Members. The process shall include both a formal review and an
in-depth renewal opportunity, such as a retreat or series of coach-
ing and mentoring sessions.
a) The formal review shall include a self-evaluation,
metrics appropriate to the ministry settings to which clergy are
appointed, observations of trends from the previous eight years,
and reviews or interviews with people close to the ministry of the
clergy being reviewed.
b) The in-depth renewal opportunity shall be designed
by the cabinet and Board of Ordained Ministry in a form appro-
priate to the conference. The renewal opportunities shall include a
combination of elements, such as: time apart for prayer and reec-
tion, reection with a covenant group, meetings with a coach,
celebration of ministry milestones, and discernment of future
ministry challenges and opportunities. When deemed important
to help in the evaluation process, psychological assessments may
be requested by the cabinet or Board of Ordained Ministry.
c) The district superintendent shall review the portfolio
and provide the initial report of the eighth year review of effec-
tiveness. When recommended by the district superintendent, a
meeting with the bishop and members of the cabinet may be held.
d) Each annual conference shall develop and initiate a
plan for such assessment by January 1, 2020.
350. Continuing Education and Spiritual Growth—1. Through-
out their careers, clergy shall engage in continuing education
for ministry, professional development, and spiritual formation
and growth in order to lead the church in fullling the mission
of making disciples for Jesus Christ. This shall include carefully
developed personal programs of study augmented periodically
by involvement in organized educational and spiritual growth
activities. These practices embody the Wesleyan emphasis on life-
long growth in faith, fostered by personal spiritual practices and
participation in covenant communities. Each annual conference,
through the chairs of the Clergy Orders and Fellowship or other
leaders designated by the bishop, shall provide spiritual enrich-
ment opportunities and covenant groups for deacons, elders, and
local pastors.
2. A clergy member’s continuing education and spiritual
growth program shall include professional formation leaves at
least one week each year and may include at least one month dur-
ing one year of every quadrennium. Such leaves shall not be con-
sidered as part of the ministers’ vacations and shall be planned in
consultation with their charges or other agencies to which they
are appointed as well as the bishop, district superintendent, and
annual conference continuing education committee.
3. A clergy member may request a formational and spiri-
tual growth leave of up to six months while continuing to hold
an appointment in the local church. Such leaves are available to
clergy members who have held full-time appointments for at least
six years. Such a leave shall be with the approval of the commit-
tee on pastor-parish relations, the church council, and the district
superintendent. Annual conferences are encouraged to assist with
pulpit supply and other temporary support for such leaves.
4. Financial arrangements for continuing education as part
of one’s professional development, formation, and spiritual
growth shall be negotiated in the following manner: (a) for elders
and local pastors it shall be done in consultation with the district
superintendent and the committee on pastor-parish relations;
(b) for deacons, with an appropriate supervisory body; (c) for
district superintendents, with the district committee on super-
intendency; (d) for conference staff, with the appropriate supervi-
sory body; (e) for others in extension ministries or appointments
beyond the local church, with the appropriate persons in their
5. Clergy shall be asked by the district superintendent in the
charge conference to report on their programs of continuing edu-
cation, formation, and spiritual growth for the past year and plans
for the year to come. The district superintendent shall also ask
the local church to describe its provision for time and nancial
support of continuing education for ministry, professional devel-
opment, formation and spiritual growth for the pastors, diaconal
ministers and deacons serving their primary appointment in that
local church.
6. Clergy in extension ministries and appointments beyond
the local church shall give evidence of their continuing formation
and spiritual growth program and future plans in their annual
reports ( 344.2a).
351. Sabbatical Leave—A sabbatical leave should be allowed
for a program of study or travel approved by the conference
Board of Ordained Ministry. Associate members or clergy mem-
bers in full connection who have been serving in a full-time
appointment for six consecutive years, or in a less than full-time
appointment equivalent to six consecutive full-time years, from
the time of their reception into full or associate membership may
be granted a sabbatical leave for up to one year. Whenever possi-
ble, the compensation level of the last appointment served before
the leave should be maintained in the appointment made at the
termination of the leave. The appointment to sabbatical leave is
to be made by the bishop holding the conference, upon the vote
of the annual conference after recommendation by the Board
of Ordained Ministry. Associate members and clergy members
in full connection shall submit a written request for a sabbati-
cal leave, including plans for study or travel, to the Board of
Ordained Ministry, with copies to the bishop and district super-
intendent, ordinarily six months before the opening session of
the annual conference. To be eligible for an additional sabbatical
leave, associate members and clergy members in full connection
shall have served six consecutive years under full-time appoint-
ment, or in a less than full-time appointment equivalent to six
consecutive full-time years, following the previous sabbatical
After consultation and with the written consent of the
pastor in charge, and with the approval of the district superinten-
dent, clergy members granted sabbatical leave shall designate a
charge conference within the bounds of the annual conference in
which they shall hold membership and to which they shall submit
an annual report.
Section XV. Changes of Conference Relationship
352. Provision for Change in Conference Relationship—When
a change in conference relationship is deemed necessary or desir-
able by a provisional or associate member, clergy in full connec-
tion, district superintendent or bishop, whether for a short or
long term, the person(s) requesting the change shall make written
request to their Board of Ordained Ministry stating the reasons
for the requested change of relationship. In addition, the Board
of Ordained Ministry may request personal interviews with the
provisional or associate members and members in full connection
named in the requested change, except where personal appear-
ance results in undue hardship.
Clergy appointed to a general
agency of The United Methodist Church shall be covered by the
policies of the agency in relation to family leave, maternity or
paternity leave, and medical leave.
45. See Judicial Council Decision 473.
46. See Judicial Council Decisions 524, 530.
353. Voluntary Leave of Absence
1. Provisional, associate, or members in full connection of the
annual conference who for sufcient reason choose to temporarily
take leave from their ministerial appointment may request in writ-
ing with a copy to the bishop and their district superintendent a
voluntary leave through the Board of Ordained Ministry. This leave
is granted or renewed by vote of the clergy members in full con-
nection upon recommendation by the Board of Ordained Ministry.
2. A voluntary leave of absence may be taken for a variety of
a) Personal Leave—A relationship that is granted to clergy
who self-determine for personal reasons that they are temporarily
unable or unwilling to continue in a ministry appointment.
b) Family Leave—A relationship that is granted to clergy
who, because of an immediate family member’s need for full-time
care, are temporarily unable to continue in a ministry appointment.
c) Transitional Leave—A leave granted for up to twelve
months with approval of the bishop and the Board of Ordained
Ministry executive committee to provisional and associate mem-
bers and full clergy members in good standing who are temporar-
ily between appointments.
A transitional leave of absence may be granted for the follow-
ing reasons:
(1) A provisional or full member deacon needs to
seek and secure an appointable primary position—compensated
or nonsalaried.
(2) A provisional or full member elder, or an asso-
ciate member needs to transition from an extension ministry to
another appointment, or from a local church appointment to an
extension ministry appointment.
During transitional leave, the clergyperson shall provide
quarterly substantiation of his or her effort to obtain such an
appointable position to the bishop and to the Board of Ordained
Ministry executive committee.
3. Written request for a voluntary leave of absence, with the
exception of transitional leave, should be made at least ninety
days prior to the annual conference session giving specic rea-
sons for the request.
Representatives of the annual conference
Board of Ordained Ministry may interview the clergy member to
47. See Jurisdictional Council Decisions 450, 459, 508, 1226.
48. See Judicial Council Decision 782.
determine sufcient cause. Personal leave and family leave shall
be approved annually upon written request of the clergy member
and personal or family leave shall not be granted for more than ve
years in succession, except by a two-thirds vote of the clergy mem-
bers in full connection.
Transitional leave shall not be renewed
beyond a twelve-month period. Voluntary leave shall be counted
as a part of the eight-year limit for provisional members ( 327).
4. Between sessions of the annual conference, voluntary leave
of absence may be granted or terminated by the executive com-
mittee of the Board of Ordained Ministry after consultation with
and approval by the bishop and district superintendents. This
interim action shall be subject to the approval of the clergy ses-
sion of the annual conference at its next session.
5. Should there be active complaints or charges, a request for
voluntary leave of absence shall not be permitted until those com-
plaints or charges have been resolved.
6. Clergy on voluntary leave of absence shall have no claim
on the conference funds. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where
the conference has made certain elections under applicable ben-
et plans that require continued participation by clergy on vol-
untary leaves of absence, the clergy shall continue to participate
in such plans. They may participate in the conference health pro-
gram through their own contributions, if applicable. However,
in exceptional circumstances, on recommendation of the bishop
and district superintendents, salary and/or other benets, subject
to the terms of the applicable benet plans, may be granted to a
clergy member, if applicable, by vote of the clergy session of mem-
bers in full connection with the annual conference. In an interim
between sessions of the annual conference, by vote of the bishop,
cabinet, and executive committee of the Board of Ordained Min-
istry, salary and/or benets, subject to the terms of the applicable
benet plans, may be granted, if applicable.
7. Clergypersons on voluntary leave shall be eligible for
membership on annual conference committees, commissions,
or boards. They may vote for other clergy delegates to General
or jurisdictional conferences and may be elected to serve as del-
egates themselves.
49. See Judicial Council Decision 689.
50. See Judicial Council Decision 1216.
51. See Judicial Council Decision 689.
52. See Judicial Council Decision 473.
8. After consultation and with the written consent of the pas-
tor in charge, and with the approval of the district superintendent
and the staff-parish relations committee of a local church, clergy
members shall designate a charge conference within the bounds
of the annual conference to which they shall relate and submit
an annual report. They shall report all marriages performed, bap-
tisms administered, funerals conducted and other ministerial
activities to the charge conference, pastor in charge, and Board of
Ordained Ministry. The exercise of this ministry shall be limited to
the charge conference in which their membership is held and with
the written permission of the pastor in charge unless special per-
mission is granted by the bishop of the conference where member-
ship is held. With the permission of the bishop of the conference
where membership is held, under the supervision of the district
superintendent, the clergy member may preach, teach, perform
marriages, and, if holding sacramental privileges, administer the
sacraments outside of the charge where membership is held.
9. Those on voluntary leave of absence shall be held ame-
nable to the annual conference for their conduct and the perfor-
mance of their ministry. In case of failure to report to the Board
of Ordained Ministry, the provisions for administrative location
( 359) may be invoked.
10. Clergy members on voluntary leave of absence may, with
the permission of the bishop and with the approval of the United
Methodist Endorsing Agency, continue to hold an existing reserve
commission as an armed forces chaplain, but may not voluntarily
serve on extended active duty.
11. When an end to voluntary leave of absence is requested,
except for transitional leave, it shall be by written request at least
six months prior to the session of annual conference. The Board
of Ordained Ministry shall review the circumstances surrounding
the granting of the leave for the purpose of determining whether
those circumstances have been alleviated or resolved. When the
board has determined that the circumstances of the voluntary
leave have not been alleviated or resolved and the request is
denied, the board will inform the person of the remaining options,
which include: a) remaining on voluntary leave of absence;
b) taking honorable location; c) being recommended to the bishop
and district superintendents to be placed on involuntary leave,
53. See Judicial Council Decision 581.
administrative location, or involuntary retirement,
using the fair
process of 361.2; or d) such other action as deemed appropriate.
12. When clergy members on voluntary leave of absence do
not request an annual extension of the leave of absence during
the ve-year period or do not indicate willingness to receive an
appointment at the end of the ve-year period, following docu-
mented efforts to make contact with the clergyperson, the provi-
sions of administrative location (359) may be invoked.
354. Involuntary Leave of Absence
1. The bishop and the district superintendents may request
an involuntary leave of absence without the consent of the pro-
visional, associate, or full member. They shall give to the clergy
member and the Board of Ordained Ministry in writing specic
reasons for the request. The fair process for administrative hear-
ings as set forth in 361.2 shall be followed in any involuntary
leave of absence procedure.
2. An involuntary leave may be requested by the bishop and
the district superintendent. The request shall be referred to the
Board of Ordained Ministry and follow procedures for a fair pro-
cess hearing as set forth in 361.2 when:
a) A written and signed complaint is not resolved through
the supervisory ( 362.1b, c), complaint ( 362.1e), or trial process
within 90 days, or clearly cannot be resolved within 90 days.
b) Action pursuant to 363 (Involuntary Status Change)
is required to address allegations of incompetence, ineffective-
ness, or inability to perform ministerial duties.
3. Should there be complaints or charges pending at the
time of a request for involuntary leave of absence, they should be
placed in the personnel le of the clergyperson. All subsequent
actions concerning such entries should be duly noted and placed
in the le.
4. Involuntary leave of absence shall be approved by two-
thirds vote of the clergy session of members in full connection
with the annual conference.
Involuntary leave shall be approved
annually upon written request of the district superintendents and
shall not be approved for more than three years in succession.
5. Between sessions of the annual conference, the bishop and
cabinet may request that an involuntary leave of absence be granted
54. See Judicial Council Decisions 524, 530, 689, 721, 1010.
55. See Judicial Council Decisions 524, 530.
56. See Judicial Council Decision 782.
or terminated ( 363), by the executive committee of the Board
of Ordained Ministry. This interim action shall be subject to the
approval of the clergy session of members in full connection with
the annual conference at its next session.
6. Clergy on involuntary leave shall have no claim on the
annual conference funds. The annual conference assumes no
nancial responsibility for salary, pension, or other benets for
clergy on involuntary leave of absence. Notwithstanding the fore-
going, where the conference has made certain elections under
applicable benet plans that require continued participation by
clergy on involuntary leaves of absence, the clergy shall continue
to participate in such plans. They may participate in the confer-
ence health plan through their own contributions, if applicable.
In exceptional circumstances, with the recommendation of the
bishop and cabinet, salary and/or other benets, subject to the
terms of the applicable benet plans, may be granted by vote of
the clergy session of the annual conference. Between sessions
of the annual conference, in unusual circumstances, the bishop
and cabinet may recommend and the executive committee of the
Board of Ordained Ministry may approve funding of pensions
and other benets, subject to the terms of the applicable benet
plans, pending approval by the annual conference.
7. Clergy placed on involuntary leave shall designate a
charge conference within the bounds of the annual conference.
Ministerial service shall be limited to that charge and shall only
be provided with the written consent of the pastor in charge and
with the approval of the district superintendent, bishop, and pas-
tor/staff parish relations committee.
8. Clergy on involuntary leave shall not participate in the
boards and agencies of the annual conference, be delegates to Gen-
eral and jurisdictional conferences, or vote on other clergy delegates.
9. When an end to the involuntary leave of absence is
requested by the bishop and district superintendents, it shall
be by written request at least six months prior to the session of
annual conference. The Board of Ordained Ministry shall review
the circumstances surrounding the granting of the relationship for
the purpose of determining whether the conditions of the leave
have been met. If the board determines that the conditions of the
involuntary leave have not been resolved, it may continue invol-
57. See Judicial Council Decision 524.
untary leave of absence for up to the three-year limit or it shall
pursue administrative location (see §2 above).
10. If the district superintendents and bishop do not intend to
appoint a person after three (3) years on involuntary leave, they
shall notify both the Board of Ordained Ministry and the clergy-
person at least six months prior to the session of the annual
conference and pursue administrative location or initiate the com-
plaint process, if it has not already been initiated.
11. The administrative review committee ( 636) shall ensure
that the disciplinary procedures for involuntary leave of absence
were properly followed. The entire process leading to the recom-
mendation for involuntary leave of absence and its resolution
shall be reviewed by the administrative review committee, and
it shall report its ndings to the clergy session of members in full
connection with the annual conference.
355. Maternity or Paternity Leave—Maternity or paternity
leave, not to exceed one-fourth of a year, will be available and
shall be granted by the bishop and the cabinet, and the executive
committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry to any local pastor,
provisional member, associate member, or clergy member in full
connection who so requests it at the birth or arrival of a child into
the home for purposes of adoption.
1. Persons desiring maternity or paternity leave should le
their request with the committee on pastor-parish relations after
consulting with the district superintendent at least ninety days
prior to its beginning to allow adequate pastoral care for the
churches involved to be developed.
2. During the leave, the clergy member’s annual conference
relations will remain unchanged, and the health and welfare ben-
et plans will remain in force.
3. A maternity or paternity leave of up to one-quarter of a
year will be considered as an uninterrupted appointment for pen-
sion purposes.
4. Compensation will be maintained for no less than the rst
eight weeks of leave.
5. During the leave time, pastoral responsibility for the church
or churches involved will be handled through consultation with
the committee on pastor-parish relations of the local church(es)
and the district superintendent.
6. Special arrangements shall be made for district superinten-
dents, bishops, and those under special appointment.
356. Medical Leave Due to Medical and Disabling Conditions
That Prevent Performance of Ministerial Duties—1. When clergy
who are members of an annual conference ( 369) are unable to
perform their ministerial duties because of medical and disabling
conditions, upon recommendations of the conference Board of
Ordained Ministry and the conference board of pensions, and
by a majority vote of the executive session of clergy members in
full connection with the annual conference who are present and
voting, they may be granted annual medical leave without los-
ing their relationship to the annual conference; provided, how-
ever, that such leave may be granted or renewed upon reasonable
and appropriate investigation of the case by the joint committee
on clergy medical leave of the annual conference, or the party
responsible for managing clergy medical leaves in accordance
with the annual conference’s policies, which will report its nd-
ings to the conference Board of Ordained Ministry and the con-
ference board of pensions. This relationship may be initiated by
the clergy member or cabinet with or without the consent of the
clergy member through the Board of Ordained Ministry. When
medical leave is given without the clergy member’s consent,
reasonable accommodation shall be offered whenever possible.
When a clergy member is granted medical leave by the annual
conference, if the medical evidence has not yet met the standards
for the receipt of benets as set forth in the Comprehensive Pro-
tection Plan, section 5.04, the conference board of pensions may
authorize payment of the benets in the amount that would oth-
erwise be payable from the Comprehensive Protection Plan. The
payments shall be made by the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets as a charge to the annual conference granting the
medical leave. If payments from the Comprehensive Protection
Plan are subsequently approved, the annual conference will be
reimbursed for benets already paid, not to exceed the amount
otherwise payable from the Comprehensive Protection Plan. Each
medical leave granted by the annual conference shall be recorded
in the conference minutes.
2. When clergy who are members of an annual conference
are unable to perform their ministerial duties between sessions of
the annual conference on account of medical conditions, with the
approval of a majority of the district superintendents, after con-
sultation with the executive committee of the conference Board of
Ordained Ministry and the executive committee of the conference
board of pensions, a medical leave may be granted by the bishop
for the remainder of the conference year; provided, however,
that such leave may be granted upon reasonable and appropriate
investigation of the case including accommodation provisions by
the joint committee on clergy medical leave of the annual confer-
ence, or the party responsible for managing clergy medical leaves
in accordance with the annual conference’s policies, which will
report its ndings to the conference Board of Ordained Ministry
and the conference board of pensions. When a clergy member is
granted medical leave by the bishop, if the medical evidence has
not yet met the standards for receipt of benets as set forth in
the Comprehensive Protection Plan, section 5.04, the conference
board of pensions may authorize payment of the benets in the
amount that would otherwise be payable from the Comprehen-
sive Protection Plan. The payments shall be made by the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets as a charge to the annual
conference granting the medical leave. If payments from the
Comprehensive Protection Plan are subsequently approved, the
annual conference will be reimbursed for benets already paid,
not to exceed the amount otherwise payable from the Compre-
hensive Protection Plan.
3. When clergy members on medical leave provide medical
evidence that they have recovered sufciently to resume min-
isterial duties, or are able to return through reasonable accom-
modation, in consultation with the appointive cabinet, upon
recommendation of the joint committee on clergy medical leave or
the conference relations committee, and with the approval of the
executive committee of the conference Board of Ordained Min-
istry, they may receive an appointment from a bishop between
sessions of the annual conference, thereby terminating the medi-
cal leave. Such appointment shall be reported immediately by the
cabinet to the conference board of pensions and to the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets. Such termination of leave,
together with the effective date, shall also be recorded in the min-
utes of the annual conference at its next regular session.
4. A person under consideration for medical leave shall have
the right to appear before the joint committee on clergy medical
leave or to designate someone to meet with the committee on
his or her behalf. In the event of unresolved issues, a person will be
58. See Judicial Council Decision 1012.
ensured of fair process per the guidelines for administrative hear-
ings in 361.2.
5. Any person eligible to receive an appointment from a
bishop and able to perform ministerial duties may not be placed on
involuntary medical leave solely because of a medical condition.
All reasonable accommodations should be made to enable quali-
ed clergy with disabilities to serve in ministry settings compat-
ible with their gifts and graces. (See 2016 Book of Resolutions, 3002.)
357. Retirement—Retired clergy members are those who
have been placed in the retired relation either at their own request
or by action of the clergy session upon recommendation of the
Board of Ordained Ministry.
(See ¶¶ 1506-1509 and the Minis-
terial Pension Plan, amended and restated effective January 1,
2007, as the Clergy Retirement Security Program, for pension
information.) Requests for retirement shall be stated in writing to
the bishop, cabinet, and Board of Ordained Ministry at least one
hundred twenty days prior to the date on which retirement is to
be effective unless waived by the bishop and cabinet. The Board
of Ordained Ministry shall provide guidance and counsel to the
retiring member and family as they begin a new relationship in
the local church.
1. Mandatory Retirement—Every clergy member of an annual
conference who will have attained age seventy-two on or before
July 1 in the year in which the conference is held shall automati-
cally be retired.
2. Voluntary Retirementa) With Twenty Years of Service—Any
clergy members of the annual conference who have completed
twenty years or more of service under appointment as ordained
ministers or as local pastors with pension credit for service before
1982 or with full participation in the Comprehensive Protection
Plan since 1981 prior to the opening date of the session of the con-
ference may request the annual conference to place them in the
retired relation with the privilege of receiving their pensions for
the number of approved years served in the annual conference or
conferences and such other benets as the nal annual conference
may provide, payment to begin the rst of any month after the
ordained minister attains age sixty-two.
If pension begins prior
59. See Judicial Council Decisions 87, 88, 531.
60. See Judicial Council Decision 995.
61. See Judicial Council Decisions 7, 165, 413, 578.
62. See Judicial Council Decision 717.
to the age at which retirement under 357.2c could have occurred,
then the actuarial reduction provisions of the Clergy Retirement
Security Program shall apply.
b) With Thirty Years of Service or at Age Sixty-two—At their
own request and by vote of the clergy members in full connec-
tion, any clergy members who will have attained age sixty-two
on or before July 1 in the year in which the session of the annual
conference is held or will have completed thirty years of service
under appointment as an ordained minister, or a local pastor with
pension credit for service before 1982 or with full participation in
the Comprehensive Protection Plan since 1981, as of the confer-
ence session may be placed in the retired relation with an annuity
claim for an actuarially reduced pension.
c) With Forty Years of Service or at Age Sixty-ve—At their
own request and by vote of the clergy members in full connection,
any clergy members who will have attained age sixty-ve on or
before July 1 in the year in which the session of the conference is
held or will have completed forty years of service under appoint-
ment as an ordained minister, or as a local pastor with pension
credit for service before 1982 or with full participation in the Com-
prehensive Protection Plan since 1981, as of the conference session
may be placed in the retired relation with the privilege of making
an annuity claim.
d) The dates specied in 357.1 and .2a-c notwithstand-
ing, between sessions of the annual conference any member who
attains the age and/or number of years of service specied in
those sections may, upon the member’s own request and with
the approval of the bishop, cabinet, and executive committee of
the Board of Ordained Ministry, be granted the retired relation ad
interim, with applicable annuity claim, subject to the approval of
the clergy members in full connection at the next annual confer-
ence session.
e) The annual conference, at its discretion, upon joint
recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry and the con-
ference board of pensions, may designate any time within the
ensuing conference year as the effective date of retirement of a
clergy member who is placed in the retired relation under the pro-
visions of § 2b or § 2c above.
63. See Judicial Council Decision 428.
64. See Judicial Council Decision 379.
65. See Judicial Council Decision 769.
3. Involuntary Retirement—By a two-thirds vote of those pres-
ent and voting, the clergy members in full connection may place
any clergy members in the retired relation with or without their
consent and irrespective of their age if such relation is recom-
mended by the Board of Ordained Ministry and the cabinet.
procedures for fair process in administrative hearings shall be fol-
lowed in any involuntary retirement procedure. The cabinet may
recommend to the Board of Ordained ministry the involuntary
retirement of the clergy member, or the Board of Ordained Minis-
try may make the recommendation upon its own motion. Written
notice of the intended action shall be given to such member by
the Board of Ordained Ministry at least 180 days prior to annual
conference. Written notice also should be given to the chairperson
of the administrative review committee.
The administrative review committee ( 636) shall ensure that
the disciplinary procedures for involuntary retirement were prop-
erly followed. The entire process leading to the recommendation
for involuntary retirement shall be reviewed by the administrative
review committee, and it shall report its ndings to the clergy ses-
sion of members in full connection of the annual conference. Any
clergy member who is placed in the retired relationship under
this subparagraph shall be entitled to the privilege of receiving
his or her pension for the number of approved years served in the
annual conference or conferences and such other benets as the
nal annual conference may provide, payment to begin the rst
of any month after the ordained minister attains age sixty-two. If
pension begins prior to the age at which retirement under 357.2c
could have occurred, then the actuarial reduction provisions of
the Clergy Retirement Security Program shall apply.
4. Preretirement Counseling—The Board of Ordained Minis-
try in cooperation with the conference board of pensions shall
offer to all clergy members anticipating retirement preconsulta-
tion at least ve years prior to the date of anticipated retirement
( 635.2o). The purpose of the consultation will be to assist the
clergy and spouses to plan and to prepare for the adjustments
associated with retirement as well as providing guidance and
counsel for their return to a new relationship in the local church.
In preretirement counseling the Board of Ordained Ministry and
the conference board of pensions may relate to the annual confer-
66. See Judicial Council Decisions 522, 769.
ence association of retired ministers or similar organization where
it exists. The boards shall take initiative in assisting retirees to
establish such organizations.
5. Charge Conference Membershipa) All retired clergy mem-
bers who are not appointed as pastors of a charge, after consulta-
tion with the pastor and the district superintendent, shall have a
seat in the charge conference and all the privileges of membership
in the church where they elect to hold such membership except as
set forth in the Discipline. They shall report to the charge confer-
ence and to the pastor all marriages performed, baptisms admin-
istered, and other pastoral functions. If they reside outside the
bounds of the annual conference where membership is held, they
shall forward annually to the charge conference where member-
ship is held a report of their Christian and ministerial conduct,
signed by the district superintendent or the pastor of the afliate
charge conference where they reside.
6. Appointment of Retired Ordained Ministers—A retired ordained
minister shall be eligible to receive an appointment when requested
by the bishop and cabinet. A retired ordained minister appointed to
a pastoral charge shall have neither a claim upon minimum com-
pensation from the Commission on Equitable Compensation or
similar conference agency, nor further pension credit. Compensa-
tion for a retired ordained minister shall be negotiated between
the district superintendent and the pastoral charge or other
appointment to which the retired ordained minister is appointed.
Retired ordained ministers may serve on conference agencies.
7. Return to Effective Relationship—A clergy member who
has retired under the provisions of 357.2 may at his or her
own request be made an effective member upon recommenda-
tion of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the bishop and cabinet,
and by majority vote of the clergy members in full connection
of the annual conference and thereby be eligible for appoint-
ment so long as he or she remains in the effective relation or until
357.1 applies. Each clergy member requesting return to effec-
tive relationship after voluntary retirement must meet the follow-
ing conditions: (1) presentation of their certicate of retirement;
(2) a satisfactory certicate of good health on the prescribed form
from a physician approved by the Board of Ordained Ministry.
However, any pension being received through the General Board
67. See Judicial Council Decisions 87, 531, 558.
of Pension and Health Benets shall be discontinued upon their
return to the effective relationship. The pension shall be reinstated
upon subsequent retirement.
358. Honorable Location—1. An annual conference may
grant clergy members in full connection certicates of honorable
location at their own request, provided that the Board of Ordained
Ministry shall have rst examined their character and found them
in good standing, and provided that the clergy session shall also
pass on their character after the request is made, and provided fur-
ther, that this relation shall be granted only to one who intends to
discontinue service in the itinerant ministry. The Board of Ordained
Ministry shall provide guidance and counsel to the locating mem-
ber and family as they return to a new relationship in the local
church. Upon recommendation of the Board of Ordained Minis-
try, an annual conference may offer transition assistance.
2. Associate members or clergy members in full connection
located according to the provisions of this paragraph shall not
continue to hold membership in the annual conference, and they
shall surrender their certication of conference membership for
deposit with the conference secretary. After consultation and with
the written consent of the pastor in charge, and with the approval
of the district superintendent and the staff-parish relations com-
mittee of a local church, located clergy members shall designate
the local church in which they shall hold membership. Documen-
tation of this consent and approvals shall be led with the Board
of Ordained Ministry of the annual conference that granted them
honorable location. As clergy members of the charge conference,
they shall be permitted to exercise ministerial functions only with
the written permission of the pastor in charge. They shall have
all the privileges of membership in the church where they elect
to hold charge conference membership, except as set forth in the
Book of Discipline. When approved by the executive committee of
the Board of Ordained Ministry, a person on honorable location
may be appointed ad interim by the bishop as a local pastor.
copy of the annual report to the charge conference shall be for-
warded to the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry of the
annual conference that granted them honorable location in order
for location to be continued. They shall report to the charge con-
ference and the pastor all marriages performed, baptisms admin-
68. See Judicial Council Decision 366.
istered, and funerals conducted and shall be held amenable for
their conduct and the continuation of their ordination rights to the
annual conference that granted them honorable location.
Failure to submit the report for two consecutive years may
result in termination of orders upon recommendation of the
Board of Ordained Ministry and vote of the clergy session. The
provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to persons granted
involuntary location prior to the General Conference of 1976. The
names of located members after the annual passage of their char-
acter shall be printed in the journal.
3. Ordained ministers on honorable location may request the
annual conference to grant them the status of honorable location-
Requests for retired status shall be stated in writing to
the bishop, cabinet, and registrar of the Board of Ordained Min-
istry at least ninety days prior to the annual conference session.
Those granted honorable location retired status shall be account-
able for all ministerial services performed to the charge confer-
ence in which they hold membership. If such services have been
performed, they shall report to that charge conference and exer-
cise their ministry under the supervision of the pastor in charge
therein as outlined in 358.2. They shall continue to be held ame-
nable for their conduct, through accountability to their charge
conference, to the annual conference in which charge conference
membership is held.
359. Administrative Location—1. When an associate or full
member clergyperson’s effectiveness is in question, the bishop
shall complete the following procedure:
a) Identify the concerns. These can include an associate or
full member clergyperson’s failed professional responsibilities or
vocational ineffectiveness.
b) Hold supervisory conversations with the associate or full
member clergyperson that identies the concerns and designs col-
laboratively with the associate or full member clergyperson a cor-
rective plan of action.
c) Upon evaluation, determine that the plan of action has not
been carried out or produced fruit that gives a realistic expecta-
tion of future effectiveness ( 334.3).
2. If the process dened above (§1) has been completed and
has failed to produce sufcient improvement, the bishop and the
69. See Judicial Council Decision 717.
district superintendents may request that an associate or full
member be placed on administrative location without the consent
of the clergy member. They shall provide to the clergy member
and the Board of Ordained Ministry, in writing, specic reasons
for the request. The conference relations committee of the Board
of Ordained Ministry shall conduct a fair process hearing as set
forth in 361.2 in any administrative location procedure. The
committee shall report the result of the hearing to the full Board of
Ordained Ministry for its action. Any recommendation to admin-
istrative location shall be presented from the Board of Ordained
Ministry at the next following meeting of the clergy session for
nal action. Between sessions of the annual conference, an associ-
ate or full member may be placed on administrative location by
the Board of Ordained Ministry. This interim action shall be sub-
ject to the approval of the clergy session of members in full con-
nection with the annual conference at its next session.
3. Administratively located clergy shall not continue to hold
membership in the annual conference, and they shall surrender
their certication of conference membership for deposit with the
conference secretary. After consultation and with the written con-
sent of the pastor in charge, and with the approval of the district
superintendent and the staff-parish relations committee of a local
church, clergy placed on administrative location shall designate
a charge conference within the bounds of the annual conference
that placed them on administrative location. Ministerial ser-
vice shall be limited to that charge and shall be provided only
with the written consent of the pastor in charge and the district
superintendent and with the approval of the bishop and pastor/
staff-parish relations committee. An annual report shall be made
to the charge conference that includes all marriages performed,
baptisms administered, and funerals conducted. A copy of the
report shall be forwarded to the registrar of the Board of Ordained
Ministry in order for location to be continued. They shall be held
amenable by the annual conference within which the charge con-
ference membership is held for their conduct and the continua-
tion of their ordination rights. Failure to submit the report to the
Board of Ordained Ministry for two consecutive years may result
in termination of orders upon recommendation of the Board of
Ordained Ministry and vote of the clergy session.
70. See Judicial Council Decision 695.
4. Ordained ministers on administrative location may request
the annual conference to grant them the status of administrative
location-retired. Requests for retired status shall be stated in writ-
ing to the bishop, cabinet, and registrar of the Board of Ordained
Ministry at least ninety days prior to the annual conference ses-
sion. Those granted administrative location-retired status shall be
accountable to the charge conference in which they hold mem-
bership for all ministerial services performed. Ministerial service
shall be limited to that charge and shall be provided only with the
written consent of the pastor in charge and the district superinten-
dent and with the approval of the bishop and pastor/staff-parish
relations committee. If such services have been performed, they
shall report to that charge conference and exercise their ministry
under the supervision of the pastor in charge therein as outlined in
358.2. They shall continue to be held amenable for their conduct,
through accountability to their charge conference, to the annual
conference in which charge conference membership is held.
360. Withdrawal—1. Withdrawal to Unite With Another
When ordained members in good standing with-
draw to unite with another denomination or to terminate their
membership in the denomination, their certication of confer-
ence membership, and their written request to withdraw shall be
deposited with the conference secretary.
2. Withdrawal From the Ordained Ministerial Ofce—Ordained
members of an annual conference in good standing who desire to
leave their ministerial ofce and withdraw from the conference
may be allowed to do so by the annual conference at its session.
The ordained minister’s certications of ordination and confer-
ence membership, and their written request to withdraw, shall
be given to the district superintendent for deposit with the secre-
tary of the conference, and his or her membership may be trans-
ferred to a church which he or she designates, after consultation
with the pastor, as the local church in which he or she will hold
3. Withdrawal Under Complaints or Charges—When clergy
members are named as respondents to a complaint under 362.1e
and desire to withdraw from the membership of the annual con-
ference, it may permit them to withdraw under the provisions
of 2719.2. The clergy member’s certications of ordination and
71. See Judicial Council Decision 696.
72. See Judicial Council Decisions 552, 695, 1055.
conference membership shall be surrendered to the district super-
intendent for deposit with the secretary of the
conference, and
their membership may be transferred to a local church that they
designate, after consultation with the pastor.
Withdrawn under complaint or withdrawn under charges
shall be written on the face of the credentials.
4. Withdrawal Between Conferences—In the event that with-
drawal by surrender of the ministerial ofce, to unite with another
denomination, or under complaints or charges, should occur in
the interval between sessions of an annual conference, the clergy
member’s credentials, under the provisions of 360.1 and .3, shall
be surrendered to the bishop or district superintendent along
with a letter of withdrawal from the ordained ministry. Both the
credentials and the letter of withdrawal shall be deposited with
the secretary of the conference. This action shall be reported by
the Board of Ordained Ministry to the annual conference at its
next session.
The effective date of withdrawal shall be the date
of the letter of withdrawal.
Section XVI. Administrative Fair Process
361. 1. Conference Relations Committee—Each annual con-
ference Board of Ordained Ministry shall establish a conference
relations committee of at least three persons to hear requests for
discontinuance of provisional members, involuntary leave of
absence, administrative location, involuntary retirement, or other
such matters as may be referred to them by the Board of Ordained
Ministry ( 635). District superintendents shall not serve on the
conference relations committee.
2. Fair Process Hearings—As a part of the holy covenant that
exists within the membership and organization of The United
Methodist Church, the following procedures are presented for
the protection of the rights of individuals and for the protection
of the Church in administrative hearings. The process set forth
in this paragraph shall be followed whenever there is a request
for discontinuance of provisional membership (upon appeal
by the provisional member), involuntary leave of absence, admin-
istrative location, or involuntary retirement. Special attention shall
73. See Judicial Council Decision 691.
74. See Judicial Council Decision 552.
75. See Judicial Council Decision 691.
be given to the timely disposition of all matters and to ensuring
racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in the committee dealing with
the fair process hearing.
a) In any administrative proceeding the bishop or the
bishop’s designee and the respondent (the person against whom
involuntary action [excluding complaints] is directed) shall have
a right to be heard before any nal action is taken.
b) Notice of any hearing shall advise the respondent of
the reason for the proposed procedures with sufcient detail to
allow the respondent to prepare a response. Notice shall be given
not less than twenty days prior to the hearing.
c) The respondent shall have a right to be accompanied
to any hearing by a clergyperson who is a member in full connec-
tion of the respondent’s annual conference, in accordance with the
appropriate disciplinary provisions. The clergyperson accompa-
nying the respondent shall have the right to voice.
d) In any administrative hearing, under no circumstances
shall one party, in the absence of the other party, discuss substan-
tive issues with members of the pending hearing body. Questions
of procedure may be raised with the presiding ofcer of the hear-
ing body.
e) The respondent shall have access, at least seven days
prior to the hearing, to all records relied upon in the determina-
tion of the outcome of the administrative process.
f) In the event that a clergyperson fails to appear for
supervisory interviews, refuses mail, refuses to communicate per-
sonally with the bishop or district superintendent, or otherwise
fails to respond to supervisory requests or requests from ofcial
administrative committees, such actions or inactions shall not be
used as an excuse to avoid or delay any Church processes, and
such processes may continue without the participation of such
3. Immunity From Prosecution—In order to preserve the integ-
rity of the Church’s administrative process and ensure full par-
ticipation in it at all times, the bishop, cabinet, Board of Ordained
Ministry, witnesses, advocates, administrative review committee,
clergy in full connection voting in executive session, and all others
who participate in the Church’s administrative process shall have
immunity from prosecution of complaints brought against them
76. See Judicial Council Decisions 921, 972.
77. See Judicial Council Decision 974.
related to their role in a particular administrative process, unless
they have committed a chargeable offense in conscious and
knowing bad faith. The complainant/plaintiff in any proceeding
against any such person related to their role in a particular judicial
process shall have the burden of proving, by clear and convinc-
ing evidence, that such person’s actions constituted a chargeable
offense committed knowingly in bad faith. The immunity set
forth in this provision shall extend to civil court proceedings, to
the fullest extent permissible by the civil laws.
362. Complaint Procedures—1. Ordination and member-
ship in an annual conference in The United Methodist Church is
a sacred trust. The qualications and duties of local pastors, asso-
ciate members, provisional members, and full members are set
forth in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, and
we believe they ow from the gospel as taught by Jesus the Christ
and proclaimed by his apostles. Whenever a person in any of the
above categories, including those on leaves of all types, honorable
or administrative location, or retirement, is accused of violating
this trust, the membership of his or her ministerial ofce shall be
subject to review.
This review shall have as its primary purpose a just resolution
of any violations of this sacred trust, in the hope that God’s work
of justice, reconciliation and healing may be realized in the body
of Christ.
A just resolution is one that focuses on repairing any harm to
people and communities, achieving real accountability by making
things right in so far as possible and bringing healing to all the
parties. In appropriate situations, processes seeking a just reso-
lution as dened in 362.1c may be pursued. Special attention
should be given to ensuring that cultural, racial, ethnic and gen-
der contexts are valued throughout the process in terms of their
understandings of fairness, justice, and restoration.
A complaint is a written and signed statement claiming mis-
conduct as dened in 2702.1. When a complaint is received by
the bishop, both the person making the complaint and the person
against whom the complaint is made will be informed in writing
of the process to be followed at that stage. When and if the stage
changes, those persons will continue to be informed in writing of
the new process in a timely fashion. All original time limitations
may be extended for one 30-day period upon the consent of the
complainant and the respondent.
a) Supervision—In the course of the ordinary fulllment
of the superintending role, the bishop or district superintendent
may receive or initiate complaints about the performance or
character of a clergyperson. A complaint is a written and signed
statement claiming misconduct or unsatisfactory performance
of ministerial duties.
The person ling the complaint and the
clergyperson shall be informed by the district superintendent or
bishop of the process for ling the complaint and its purpose.
b) Supervisory Response—The supervisory response of
the bishop shall begin upon receipt of a formal complaint. The
response is pastoral and administrative and shall be directed
toward a just resolution among all parties. It is not part of any
judicial process. The complaint shall be treated as an allegation
or allegations during the supervisory process. At all supervisory
meetings no verbatim record shall be made and no legal coun-
sel shall be present. The person against whom the complaint was
made may choose another person to accompany him or her with
the right to voice; the person making the complaint shall have the
right to choose a person to accompany him or her with the right
to voice.
The supervisory response shall be carried out by the bishop
or the bishop’s designee in a timely manner, with attention to
communication to all parties regarding the complaint and the
process. At the determination of the bishop, persons with quali-
cations and experience in assessment, intervention, or healing
may be selected to assist in the supervisory response. The bishop
also may consult with the committee on pastor-parish relations
for pastors, the district committee on superintendency for the dis-
trict superintendents, appropriate personnel committee, or other
persons who may be helpful.
When the supervisory response is initiated, the bishop shall
notify the chairperson of the Board of Ordained Ministry that a
complaint has been led, of the clergyperson named, of the gen-
eral nature of the complaint, and, when concluded, of the disposi-
tion of the complaint.
c) Just Resolution—The supervisory response may in-
clude a process that seeks a just resolution in which the parties
are assisted by a trained, impartial third party facilitator(s) or
mediator(s), in reaching an agreement satisfactory to all parties.
78. See Judicial Council Decisions 763, 777.
79. See Judicial Council Decisions 691, 700, 751, 763, 768.
If the bishop chooses to initiate a mediated attempt to produce a
just resolution, then the bishop, the person ling the complaint,
the respondent, and other appropriate persons shall enter into
a written agreement outlining the process, including any agree-
ments on condentiality. A process seeking a just resolution may
begin at any time in the supervisory, complaint, or trial process. If
resolution is achieved, a written statement of resolution, includ-
ing any terms and conditions, shall be signed by the parties and
the parties shall agree on any matters to be disclosed to third par-
ties. A just resolution agreed to by all parties shall be a nal dispo-
sition of the related complaint.
A process seeking a just resolution may begin at any time in
the supervisory or complaint process. This is a not an administra-
tive or judicial proceeding.
d) Suspension—When deemed appropriate, to protect the
well-being of the person making the complaint, the congregation,
annual conference, other context for ministry, and/or clergy, the
bishop, with the recommendation of the executive committee of
the Board of Ordained Ministry, may suspend the person from
all clergy responsibilities, but not from an appointment, for a
period not to exceed ninety days. With the agreement of the exec-
utive committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the bishop
may extend the suspension for only one additional period not to
exceed thirty days. During the suspension, salary, housing, and
benets provided by a pastoral charge will continue at a level no
less than on the date of suspension.
The person so suspended
shall retain all rights and privileges as stated in 334. The cost
of supply of a pastor during the suspension will be borne by the
annual conference.
e) Referral or Dismissal of a Complaint—Upon receiving a
written and signed complaint, the Bishop shall, within 90 days,
carry out the supervisory response process outlined above. If
within 90 days after the receipt of the complaint resolution is not
achieved, the bishop shall either:
(1) Dismiss the complaint with the consent of the
cabinet giving the reasons therefore in writing, a copy of which
shall be placed in the clergyperson’s le; or
(2) Refer the matter to the counsel for the church as
a complaint.
80. See Judicial Council Decision 776.
81. See Judicial Council Decisions 534, 836.
f) Supervisory Follow-up and Healing—The bishop and
cabinet shall provide a process for healing within the congrega-
tion, annual conference, or other context of ministry if there has
been signicant disruption by the complaint. This process may
include sharing of information by the bishop or the bishop’s
designee about the nature of the complaint without disclosing
alleged facts, which may compromise any possible forthcoming
administrative or judicial process. When facts are disclosed, due
regard should be given to the interests and needs of all concerned,
including the respondent and complainant who may be involved
in an administrative or judicial process. This process for healing
may include a process of a just resolution, which addresses unre-
solved conicts, support for victims, and reconciliation for parties
This can take place at any time during the supervisory,
complaint, or trial process.
g) A complaint may be held in abeyance with the
approval of the Board of Ordained Ministry if civil authorities are
involved or their involvement is imminent on matters covered by
the complaint. The status of complaints held in abeyance shall be
reviewed at a minimum of every 90 days by the bishop and the
executive committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry to ensure
that the involvement of civil authorities is still a valid impediment
for proceeding with the resolution of a complaint. Abeyance of a
complaint may be terminated by either the bishop or the Board of
Ordained Ministry. The time in which a complaint is held in abey-
ance shall not count toward the statute of limitations. A clergy-
person shall continue to hold his or her current status while a
complaint is held in abeyance.
363. Disposition of Recommendations of Involuntary Status
Change—1. When there is a recommendation for an involuntary
status change, the Board of Ordained Ministry shall take action
in a timely manner. The recommendation shall be referred to the
conference relations committee who shall conduct an adminis-
trative hearing following the fair process provisions of 361.2.
The bishop or the Board of Ordained Ministry, as appropriate,
shall designate the person to present the recommendation to
the committee. The respondent shall be given an opportunity to
address the recommendation in person, in writing, and with the
assistance of a clergyperson who is a member in full connection of
82. See Judicial Council Decision 763.
the respondent’s annual conference, and who shall have voice.
Once the committee has heard the person designated to represent
the recommendation, the respondent, and others as determined
by the chairperson of the committee, it shall report its decision to
the Board of Ordained Ministry. The board may afrm or reverse
the decision of the committee.
Section XVII. Readmission to Conference Relationship
364. Readmission to Provisional Membership—Persons who
have been discontinued as provisional members under the provi-
sions of 327.6 from an annual conference of The United Method-
ist Church or one of its legal predecessors may be readmitted by
the annual conference in which they held previously such mem-
bership and from which they requested discontinuance or were
discontinued, or its legal successor, or the annual conference of
which the major portion of their former conference is a part, upon
their request and recommendation by the district committee on
ordained ministry, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and the cabi-
net after review of their qualications, as required in 324, and the
circumstances relating to their discontinuance. When reinstated
by vote of the clergy members in full connection, their provisional
membership in the conference shall be restored, they shall serve
a minimum of two years of provisional membership according to
326 prior to ordination, and they shall be authorized by licens-
ing and/or commissioning to perform those ministerial functions
for which they are qualied.
365. Readmission After Honorable or Administrative Location—
Associate members or clergy members in full connection request-
ing readmission after honorable or administrative location must
meet the following conditions:
1. Presentation of their certicate of location.
2. A satisfactory report and recommendation by the charge
conference and pastor of the local church in which their member-
ship is held.
3. A satisfactory certicate of good health on the prescribed
form from a physician approved by the Board of Ordained Min-
istry. The Board of Ordained Ministry shall require psychological
4. Recommendation by the district committee on ordained
ministry, the Board of Ordained Ministry, and the cabinet after
review of their qualications, the circumstances relating to their
location and conduct during the period of time while on location.
When reinstated by vote of the clergy members in full connection
of the annual conference that granted the location, their member-
ship in the conference shall be restored, and they shall be autho-
rized to perform all ministerial functions. The conference Board
of Ordained Ministry may require at least one year of service as
a local pastor (elder and associate member) or approved ministry
setting (deacon) prior to readmission to conference membership.
366. Readmission After Leaving the Ministerial Ofce—Associ-
ate members or clergy members in full connection who have left
the ministerial ofce under the provisions of 360 to an annual
conference of The United Methodist Church or one of its legal pre-
decessors may be readmitted by the annual conference in which
they held previously such membership and to which they sur-
rendered the ministerial ofce, or its legal successor, or the annual
conference of which the major portion of the former conference
is a part, upon their request and recommendation by the district
committee on ordained ministry, the Board of Ordained Minis-
try, and the cabinet after review of their qualications and the
circumstances relating to the surrender of their ministerial ofce.
A period of at least two years service as a local pastor (elder and
associate member) or approved ministry setting (deacon) shall
be required prior to readmission to conference membership. This
service may be rendered in any annual conference of The United
Methodist Church with the consent of the Board of Ordained
Ministry of the annual conference in which members previously
held membership. When reinstated by vote of the clergy members
in full connection, their membership in the conference and their
credentials shall be restored, and they shall be authorized to per-
form all ministerial functions.
367. Readmission After Termination by Action of the Annual
Conference—Persons who have been terminated by an annual con-
ference of The United Methodist Church or one of its legal pre-
decessors may seek full membership in the annual conference in
which they previously held membership and from which they
were terminated, or its legal successor, or the annual conference of
which the major portion of their former conference is a part, upon
recommendation of the cabinet and completion of all require-
ments for full membership, including all requirements for election
83. See Judicial Council Decisions 515, 552.
to candidacy and provisional membership. The provisions of this
paragraph shall apply to all persons terminated or involuntarily
located prior to General Conference of 1976.
368. Readmission After Involuntary Retirement—Clergy
members of an annual conference desiring to return to effective
relationship after having been placed in involuntary retirement
( 357.3) must meet the following conditions:
1. Submit a written request for reinstatement to the Board of
Ordained Ministry.
2. The Board of Ordained Ministry and the cabinet shall
review the member’s qualications and the circumstances relat-
ing to his or her retirement.
3. Recommendation by the Board of Ordained Ministry, the
bishop, cabinet, and a two-thirds vote of the clergy members in full
connection of the annual conference that granted the involuntary
retirement. A period of at least two years of service as a local pastor
shall be required prior to readmission to conference membership.
4. Presentation of the certicate of retirement.
5. Presentation of satisfactory certicate of good health on
the prescribed form from a physician approved by the Board of
Ordained Ministry. The Board of Ordained Ministry may require
a psychological evaluation. Any pension being received through
the General Board of Pension and Health Benets shall be dis-
continued upon their return to effective relationship. The pension
shall be reinstated upon subsequent retirement.
Section XVIII. General Provisions
369. 1. The annual conference is the basic body of The
United Methodist Church. The clergy membership of an annual
conference shall consist of deacons and elders in full connection
(¶¶ 329, 333), provisional members ( 327), associate members,
afliate members (¶¶ 344.4, 586.4), and local pastors ( 317). All
clergy are amenable to the annual conference in the performance
of their duties in the positions to which they are appointed.
2. Both men and women are included in all provisions of the
Discipline that refer to the ordained ministry.
3. In all cases where district committees on ordained minis-
try, boards of ordained ministry, or clergy in executive session vote
84. See Judicial Council Decisions 327, 371.
85. See Judicial Council Decisions 317, 155.
on granting any status regarding license, ordination, or confer-
ence membership, it is understood that the requirements set forth
herein are minimum requirements only. Each person voting is
expected to vote prayerfully based on his or her personal judg-
ment of the applicant’s gifts, evidence of God’s grace, and prom-
ise of future usefulness for the mission of the Church.
4. All clergy members mentioned in 369.1 shall receive
written communication about decisions made regarding their
relationship with the annual conference.
5. There shall be an annual meeting of this covenant body, in
executive session of clergy members in full connection with the
annual conference, including both deacons and elders, at the site
of the regular session of the annual conference, or at an alterna-
tive time and location determined by the bishop after consulta-
tion with the cabinet and the executive committee of the Board
of Ordained Ministry, to consider questions relating to matters of
ordination, character, and conference relations (¶¶ 605.7, 636).
6. A special session of the annual conference may be held at
such time and at such place as the bishop shall determine, after
consultation with the cabinet and the executive committee of the
Board of Ordained Ministry. A special clergy session shall have
only such powers as stated in the call.
86. See Judicial Council Decision 536.
87. See Judicial Council Decisions 406, 555, 1009.
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Chapter Three
Section I. The Nature of Superintendency
401. Task—The task of superintending in The United Meth-
odist Church resides in the ofce of bishop and extends to the dis-
trict superintendent, with each possessing distinct and collegial
responsibilities. The mission of the Church is to make disciples
of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world (see Part IV,
Section I). From apostolic times, certain ordained persons have
been entrusted with the particular tasks of superintending. The
purpose of superintending is to equip the Church in its disciple-
making ministry. Those who superintend carry primary responsi-
bility for ordering the life of the Church. It is their task to enable
the gathered Church to worship and to evangelize faithfully.
It is also their task to facilitate the initiation of structures and
strategies for the equipping of Christian people for service in the
Church and in the world in the name of Jesus Christ and to help
extend the service in mission. It is their task, as well, to see that
all matters, temporal and spiritual, are administered in a manner
that acknowledges the ways and the insights of the world criti-
cally and with understanding while remaining cognizant of and
faithful to the mandate of the Church. The formal leadership in
The United Methodist Church, located in these superintending
ofces, is an integral part of the system of an itinerant ministry.
Section II. Ofces of Bishop and District Superintendent
402. Special Ministry, Not Separate Order—The ofces of
bishop and district superintendent exist in The United Methodist
Church as particular ministries. Bishops are elected and district
superintendents are appointed from the group of elders who are
ordained to be ministers of Service, Word, Sacrament, and Order
and thereby participate in the ministry of Christ, in sharing a royal
priesthood that has apostolic roots (1 Peter 2:9; John 21:15-17; Acts
20:28; 1 Peter 5:2-3; 1 Timothy 3:1-7).
403. The Role of Bishops and District Superintendents—Bish-
ops and superintendents are elders in full connection.
1. Bishops are elected from the elders and set apart for a min-
istry of servant leadership, general oversight and supervision
( 401). As followers of Jesus Christ, bishops are authorized to guard
the faith, order, liturgy, doctrine, and discipline of the Church. The
role and calling forth of the bishop is to exercise oversight and
support of the Church in its mission of making disciples of Jesus
Christ for the transformation of the world. The basis of such disci-
pleship of leadership (episkopé) lies in discipline and a disciplined
life. The bishop leads therefore through the following disciplines:
a) A vital and renewing spirit. The role of the bishop is
to faithfully practice, model and lead the spiritual disciplines of
our faith and to call and inspire the clergy and laity within the
Church to practice the Christian disciplines in their individual
lives through the tradition of personal holiness. The bishop is to
lead in public worship, in the celebration of the sacraments, and
in the commendation of our faith.
b) An enquiring mind and a commitment to the teaching
ofce. The role of the bishop is to continue to learn and to teach
how to make disciples and lead faithful and fruitful congrega-
tions using scripture, spiritual disciplines, our Wesleyan heritage,
and the history and doctrines of the Church.
c) A vision for the Church. The role of bishop is to lead
the whole Church in claiming its mission of making disciples of
Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The bishop leads
by discerning, inspiring, strategizing, equipping, implementing,
and evaluating the fulllment of the mission of the church. Work-
ing in partnership with the Council of Bishops, the cabinet and lay
and clergy leadership of the annual conference, and the profess-
ing members of the Church, the bishop urges the whole church to
move toward the vision of sharing Christ with the world in ful-
llment of our mission, faithful discipleship, and “an even better
way” of being Christ’s people in the world.
d) A prophetic commitment for the transformation of the
Church and the world. The role of the bishop is to be a prophetic
voice for justice in a suffering and conicted world through the
tradition of social holiness. The bishop encourages and models
the mission of witness and service in the world through procla-
mation of the gospel and alleviation of human suffering.
e) A passion for the unity of the church. The role of the
bishop is to be the shepherd of the whole ock and thereby pro-
vide leadership toward the goal of understanding, reconciliation,
and unity within the Church—The United Methodist Church and
the church universal.
f) The ministry of administration. The role of the bishop is
to uphold the discipline and order of the Church by consecrating,
ordaining, commissioning, supervising, and appointing persons
in ministry to the Church and the world. As the presiding ofcer
of the annual conference, the resident bishop provides order and
leads in new opportunities for ministry within the annual confer-
ence. The bishop shares with other bishops the oversight of the
whole church through the Council of Bishops and is held account-
able through the Council of Bishops in collaboration with confer-
ence and jurisdictional committees on episcopacy.
2. District superintendents are elders in full connection
appointed by the bishop to the cabinet as an extension of the
superintending role of the bishop within the annual conference
through the same disciplines and in accordance with their respon-
sibilities designated in the Book of Discipline under the supervision
of the resident bishop
Section III. Election, Assignment, and Termination of Bishops
404. Provisions for Episcopal Areas
1. In central conferences, the number of bishops shall be
determined on the basis of missional potential, as approved by
the General Conference on recommendation of the Standing
Committee on Central Conference Matters. Before recommending
changes in the number of episcopal areas, the Standing Commit-
tee on Central Conference Matters shall:
a) consider these criteria in the following order of priority:
(1) the number of charge conferences and the num-
ber of active clergy in episcopal areas;
(2) the geographic size of episcopal areas, measured
by the square miles/square km, and the numbers of time zones
and nations;
(3) the structure of episcopal areas, measured by the
number of annual conferences, and the overall church member-
ship in all annual, provisional annual, missionary conferences,
and missions in episcopal areas.
b) conduct a further analysis of the context and missional
potential of changes in episcopal areas.
2. In the jurisdictions, the number of bishops shall be deter-
mined on the following basis:
a) Each jurisdiction having 300,000 church members or
fewer shall be entitled to ve bishops and each jurisdiction having
more than 300,000 church members shall be entitled to one addi-
tional bishop for each additional 300,000 church members or
major fraction thereof.
b) If the number of church members in a jurisdiction
shall have decreased by at least 10 percent below the number of
church members which had previously entitled the jurisdiction
to its number of bishops, then the number of bishops to which
it shall be entitled shall be determined on the basis of missional
needs, as approved by the General Conference on the recom-
mendation of the Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy,
provided however that said jurisdiction shall be entitled to no
less than the number of bishops to which it would be entitled
under subparagraph a) above. It shall be the responsibility of the
affected jurisdiction, through its Committee on Episcopacy, to
request consideration of its missional need for an exception, and
in the absence of such a request, there shall be no obligation on
the part of the Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy to
consider such an exception nor to make any report on such an
exception to General Conference. In no case shall there be any
constraint on General Conference’s power to act in the absence
of such a recommendation or to reject any recommendation that
might be received.
c) If a jurisdiction, as a result of the provisions of this
paragraph, shall have the number of bishops to which it had pre-
viously been entitled reduced, then the reduction in the number
of bishops to which it is entitled shall be effective as of September
1 of the calendar year in which said reduction has been deter-
mined by the General Conference.
405. Election and Consecration of Bishops—1. Nomination
An annual conference, in the session immediately prior to the next
regular session of the jurisdictional or central conference, may
name one or more nominees for episcopal election. Balloting at
jurisdictional and central conferences shall not be limited to nomi-
nees of annual conferences nor shall any jurisdictional or central
conference delegate be bound to vote for any specic nominee.
Each jurisdictional or central conference shall develop appropri-
ate procedures for furnishing information about nominees from
annual conferences. This shall be done at least two weeks prior
to the rst day of the jurisdictional or central conference. Similar
procedures shall be developed for persons nominated by ballot
who receive ten votes, or 5 percent of the valid votes cast, and the
information shall be made available to the delegates at the site of
the conference.
2. Processa) Jurisdictional and central conference delegates,
in electing bishops, shall give due consideration to the inclusive-
ness of The United Methodist Church with respect to sex, race,
and national origin. In addition, consideration shall be given to
the nature of superintendency as described in 401.
b) The jurisdictional and central conferences are authorized
to x the percentage of votes necessary to elect a bishop. It is rec-
ommended that at least 60 percent of those present and voting be
necessary to elect.
c) Consecration of bishops may take place at the session of
the conference at which election occurs or at a place and time des-
ignated by the conference. The consecration service may include
bishops from other jurisdictional and central conferences. It is
strongly urged that the consecration service also include repre-
sentatives from other Christian communions (see ¶¶ 124, 422.2).
406. Assignment Process—1. Jurisdictional Committee on
Episcopacy—The jurisdictional committee on episcopacy, after
consultation with the College of Bishops, shall recommend the
assignment of the bishops to their respective residences for nal
action by the jurisdictional conference; it shall not reach any con-
clusion concerning residential assignments until all elections of
bishops for that session are completed and all bishops have been
consulted. A bishop may be recommended for assignment to the
same residence for a third quadrennium.
The date of assignment for all bishops is September 1 follow-
ing the jurisdictional conference.
A newly elected bishop shall be assigned to administer an
area other than that within which his or her membership was
most recently held, unless by a two-thirds vote the jurisdictional
committee shall recommend that this restriction be ignored and
by majority vote the jurisdictional conference shall concur.
2. Central Conference Committee on Episcopacy—The central
conference committee on episcopacy, after consultation with the
College of Bishops, shall recommend the assignment of the bish-
ops to their respective residences for nal action by the central
1. See Judicial Council Decision 781.
2. See Judicial Council Decisions 48, 57, 416, 538.
3. See Judicial Council Decision 248.
3. Special Assignments—The Council of Bishops may, with
consent of the bishop and the concurrence of the jurisdictional
or central conference committee on episcopacy, assign one of its
members for one year to some specic churchwide responsibility
deemed of sufcient importance to the welfare of the total Church.
In this event, a bishop shall be released from the presidential
responsibilities within the episcopal area for that term. Another
bishop or bishops, active or retired, and not necessarily from the
same jurisdictional or central conference, shall be named by the
Council of Bishops on recommendation of the College of Bishops
of the jurisdiction involved to assume presidential responsibilities
during the interim. In the event that more than one retired bishop
is assigned to fulll presidential responsibilities in one episcopal
area, the Episcopal Fund shall be responsible only for the differ-
ence between the pensions paid the retired bishops and the remu-
neration of one active bishop. This assignment may be renewed
for a second year by a two-thirds vote of the Council of Bishops
and majority vote of the jurisdictional or central committee on
episcopacy, and the consent of the bishop and the College of Bish-
ops involved. The bishop so assigned shall continue to receive
regular salary and support.
407. Vacancy in the Ofce of Bishop—A vacancy in the ofce
of bishop may occur due to death, retirement ( 408.1, .2, .3), res-
ignation ( 408.4), judicial procedure ( 2712), leave of absence
( 410.1), or medical leave ( 410.4). In case assignment of a
bishop to presidential supervision of an episcopal area is termi-
nated by any of the above causes, the vacancy shall be lled by
the Council of Bishops on nomination of the active bishops of the
College of Bishops of the jurisdiction or central conference con-
cerned, after consultation with the jurisdictional or central confer-
ence and annual conference committees on the episcopacy and
the cabinet(s); or, if the vacancy should occur within twenty-four
months of the episcopal assumption of presidential supervision of
that area, the College of Bishops of the jurisdiction or central con-
ference concerned may call a special session of the jurisdictional
or central conference as provided in 521.2. When a bishop is
elected under the provisions of this paragraph, the years remain-
ing in the quadrennium within which the election occurs shall
count as a full quadrennium for purposes of assignment. It is rec-
ommended that the previous bishop serving the vacant episcopal
area not be appointed to serve in the interim.
408. Termination of Ofce—An elder who is serving as
a bishop up to the time of retirement shall have the status of a
retired bishop.
1. Mandatory Retirementa) A bishop shall be retired on
August 31 next following the regular session of the jurisdictional
conference if the bishop’s sixty-eighth birthday has been reached
on or before July 1 of the year in which the jurisdictional confer-
ence is held.
b) A bishop in a central conference shall be retired at
a date no later than three months following the adjournment
of General Conference, if the bishop’s sixty-eighth birthday is
reached on or before the opening day of his or her scheduled con-
ference effective on January 1, 2016. This action becomes effective
at the adjournment of General Conference 2016.
c) Pension, as provided under the Clergy Retirement
Security Program or the Global Episcopal Pension Program (or,
in either case, any successor bishop pension or retirement plan
or program), as either may apply, shall be payable as provided in
such plan or program following the close of the jurisdictional or
central conference.
d) If, however, the retired bishop accepts any one of the
following assignments of churchwide responsibility, the General
Council on Finance and Administration, after consultation with
the Council of Bishops, shall set a level of compensation not to
exceed a maximum determined by the General Conference on
recommendation of the General Council on Finance and Admin-
istration, with the compensation costs borne by the Episcopal
Fund: (1) assignment of a special nature with direct relationship
and accountability to the Council of Bishops, or (2) assignment
to a general agency or United Methodist Church-related institu-
tion of higher education. Assignment of retired bishops to United
Methodist Church-related institutions of higher education must
be at the initiative of the institutions, with service not to exceed
the mandatory retirement ages of the institutions.
If a bishop is assigned to a general agency or United Method-
ist Church-related institution of higher education, that agency or
United Methodist Church-related institution of higher education
will pay 50 percent of the compensation established by the General
4. See Judicial Council Decisions 361, 407.
5. See Judicial Council Decisions 413, 578.
6. See Judicial Council Decision 1248.
Council on Finance and Administration for the position. The gen-
eral agency or United Methodist Church-related institution of
higher education shall further assume all responsibility for the
bishop’s operational and travel expenses related to the assign-
Compensation for any special assignment shall cease after
the bishop has reached the mandatory age of retirement for
all ordained ministers ( 357.1) or completes the assignment,
whichever comes rst, except that retired bishops elected by the
Council of Bishops as executive secretary and ecumenical ofcer
may continue to be compensated for such special assignment(s)
throughout the terms of ofce. No assignment to a jurisdiction,
central conference, annual conference, or non-United Methodist
agency shall qualify for additional compensation from the Epis-
copal Fund under the provisions of this paragraph. The status of
a retired bishop on special assignment shall, for purposes of hous-
ing and other benets, be that of a retired bishop.
2. Voluntary Retirementa) Bishops who have completed
twenty years or more of service under full-time appointment as
ordained ministers or as local pastors with pension credit prior
to the opening date of the session of the jurisdictional or central
conference, including at least one quadrennium as bishop, may
request the jurisdictional or central conference to retire them with
the privilege of receiving their pension to the extent permitted
under the Clergy Retirement Security Program or the Global Epis-
copal Pension Program (or, in either case, any successor bishop
pension or retirement plan or program), as either may apply.
b) Vocational Retirement—A bishop who has served at
least eight years in the episcopacy may seek retirement for voca-
tional reasons and may be so retired by the jurisdictional or cen-
tral conference committee on episcopacy on recommendation by
the involved College of Bishops. Such bishops shall receive their
pensions as provided in 408.2a. If the employing entity pro-
vides or makes health insurance available to employees, then the
bishop who retires under this provision will be insured under that
program, whether or not the bishop is required to pay the pre-
mium for that coverage, and the Episcopal Fund will assume no
future obligation to provide health insurance for the bishop or the
bishop’s family. If the employing entity does not provide or make
health insurance available to employees, either while employed
or in retirement, then the bishop retiring under this provision will
be provided with health and welfare benets for retirees as spec-
ied from time to time by the General Council on Finance and
c) Bishops who have attained age sixty-two or have com-
pleted thirty years of service under full-time appointment as an
elder or a bishop may request the jurisdictional or central con-
ference to place them in the retired relation with the privilege of
receiving their pension to the extent permitted under the Clergy
Retirement Security Program or the Global Episcopal Pension
Program (or, in either case, any successor bishop pension or retire-
ment plan or program), as either may apply.
d) Any bishop who seeks a voluntary retired status shall
notify the president of the Council of Bishops at least six months
prior to the General Conference.
e) A bishop may seek voluntary retirement for health rea-
sons and shall be so retired by the jurisdictional or central con-
ference committee on episcopacy upon recommendation by the
involved College of Bishops and upon presentation of satisfac-
tory medical evidence. Such bishops shall receive their pensions
to the extent permitted under the Clergy Retirement Security Pro-
gram or the Global Episcopal Pension Program (or, in either case,
any successor bishop pension or retirement plan or program), as
either may apply.
3. Involuntary Retirementa) A bishop may be placed in
the retired relation regardless of age by a two-thirds vote of the
jurisdictional or central conference committee on episcopacy if,
after not less than a thirty-day notice in writing is given to the
affected bishop and hearing held, such relationship is found by
said committee to be in the best interests of the bishop and/or
the Church. This action may or may not be taken because of the
performance of the bishop, and the reason for the action must be
clearly stated in the report of the committee. The provisions of
361.2 for fair process in administrative hearings shall apply to
this administrative process. Written notice also should be given
to the chairperson of the jurisdictional conference administrative
review committee ( 539).
b) A bishop, for health reasons, may be retired between
sessions of the jurisdictional or central conference by a two-thirds
vote of the jurisdictional or central conference committee on epis-
copacy upon the recommendation of one third of the member-
ship of the involved College of Bishops. The affected bishop, upon
request, shall be entitled to a review of his or her health condition
by a professional diagnostic team prior to action by the involved
College of Bishops. Notication of action to retire shall be given by
the chairperson and secretary of the jurisdictional or central con-
ference committee on episcopacy to the secretary of the Council of
Bishops and the treasurer of the Episcopal Fund. Appeal from this
action may be made to the Judicial Council with the notice provi-
sions being applicable as set forth in 2716. Upon such retire-
ment, the bishop shall receive a pension to the extent permitted
under the Clergy Retirement Security Program or the Global Epis-
copal Pension Program (or, in either case, any successor bishop
pension or retirement plan or program), as either may apply.
4. Resignation—A bishop may voluntarily resign from the
episcopacy at any time. A bishop may resign from the ofce
by submitting his or her resignation to the Council of Bishops.
The Council of Bishops shall have authority to take appropriate
actions concerning matters relating to the resignation, includ-
ing the appointment of an acting bishop to act until a succes-
sor is elected and assigned. The consecration papers of a bishop
in good standing so resigning shall be properly inscribed by the
secretary of the Council of Bishops and returned. He or she shall
be furnished with a certicate of resignation, which shall enti-
tle him or her to membership as a traveling elder in the annual
conference (or its successor) in which membership was last held.
Notication of this action shall be given by the secretary of the
Council of Bishops to the chairperson and secretary of the juris-
dictional or central conference committee on episcopacy. Pen-
sion benets will be payable to the resigned bishop to the extent
permitted under the Clergy Retirement Security Program or the
Global Episcopal Pension Program (or, in either case, any succes-
sor bishop pension or retirement plan or program), as either may
409. Status of Retired Bishops—A retired bishop is a bishop of
the Church in every respect and continues to function as a mem-
ber of the Council of Bishops in accordance with the Constitution
and other provisions of the Discipline.
1. Retired bishops may participate in the Council of Bishops
and its committees, but without vote. They may preside over ses-
sions of an annual conference, provisional annual conference, or
mission if requested to do so by the bishop assigned to that con-
ference, or in the event of that bishop’s incapacity, by the presi-
dent of the College of Bishops to which the conference is related.
Retired bishops elected by the Council of Bishops may serve as
the executive secretary and the ecumenical ofcer of the Council.
In emergency situations, where the resident bishop is unable to
preside, the College of Bishops shall assign an effective or retired
bishop to preside over the sessions of the annual conference ( 48).
They may not make appointments or preside at the jurisdiction or
central conference. However, when a retired bishop is appointed
by the Council of Bishops to a vacant episcopal area or parts of an
area under the provisions of ¶¶ 409.3, 410.1, or 410.3, that bishop
may function as a bishop in the effective relationship.
2. A retired bishop may be considered a member of an annual
conference, without vote, for purposes of appointment to a local
charge within the said conference.
3. A bishop retired under 408.1, .2 above may be appointed
by the Council of Bishops upon recommendation of the involved
College of Bishops to presidential responsibility for temporary
service in an area in the case of death, resignation, disability, or
procedure involving a resident bishop ( 2703.1). This appoint-
ment shall not continue beyond the next jurisdictional or central
4. Colleges of Bishops are encouraged to work with prospec-
tive retirees and institutions across the connection on possible
retirement assignments (e.g., bishop-in-residence), particularly
assignments expressive of the ofce’s residential, presidential,
and missional nature.
410. Leaves—1. Leave of Absence—A bishop may be granted
a leave of absence for a justiable reason for not more than six
months in consultation with the area committee on episcopacy
and with the approval of the College of Bishops, the jurisdictional
or central conference committee on episcopacy, and the executive
committee of the Council of Bishops. During the period for which
the leave is granted, the bishop shall be released from all episco-
pal responsibilities, and another bishop chosen by the executive
committee of the Council of Bishops shall preside in the episco-
pal area. Salary and other benets shall be continued through the
Episcopal Fund.
2. Renewal Leave—Every bishop in the active relationship shall
take up to three months’ leave from his or her normal episcopal
7. See Judicial Council Decision 248.
responsibilities for purposes of reection, study, and self-renewal
during each quadrennium. The College of Bishops, in consulta-
tion with the appropriate jurisdictional or central conference com-
mittee on episcopacy, shall coordinate details pertaining to such
3. Sabbatical Leave—A bishop who has served for at least two
quadrennia may be granted a sabbatical leave of not more than
one year for a program of study or renewal in consultation with
the area committee on episcopacy and with the approval of the
College of Bishops, the jurisdictional or central conference com-
mittee on episcopacy, and the executive committee of the Coun-
cil of Bishops. During the period for which the sabbatical leave
is granted, the bishops shall be released from the presidential
responsibilities within the episcopal area, and another bishop or
bishops shall be designated by the Council of Bishops to assume
the presidential duties. The bishop shall receive one-half salary
and, where applicable, housing allowance for the period of the
4. Medical Leave—Bishops who by reason of impaired health
are temporarily unable to perform full work may be granted a
leave of absence for a justiable reason for not more than six
months in consultation with the area committee on episcopacy
and with the approval of the College of Bishops, the jurisdictional
or central conference committee on episcopacy, and the executive
committee of the Council of Bishops. During the period for which
the leave is granted, the bishop shall be released from all episco-
pal responsibilities, and another bishop chosen by the executive
committee of the Council of Bishops shall preside in the episco-
pal area. Salary and other benets shall be continued through
the Episcopal Fund. If after the six-month time period is over the
bishop is still unable to perform full work due to impaired health,
disability benets through the benet program provided to the
bishop should be applied for.
411. Expiration of Terms in Central Conferences—In a cen-
tral conference where term episcopacy prevails, bishops whose
term of ofce expires prior to the time of compulsory retirement
because of age and who are not reelected by the central conference
shall be returned to membership as traveling elders in the annual
conference (or its successor) of which they ceased to be a member
when elected bishop. Their term of ofce shall expire at the close
of the central conference at which their successor is elected, and
they shall therefore be entitled to participate as a bishop in the
consecration of the successor. The credentials of ofce as bishop
shall be submitted to the secretary of the central conference, who
shall make thereon the notation that the bishop has honorably
completed the term of service for which elected and has ceased to
be a bishop of The United Methodist Church.
412. Review and Evaluation of Bishops—In its review of the
work, character, and ofcial administration of the bishops under
524.3a, the jurisdictional or central conference committee on
episcopacy shall establish and implement processes that pro-
vide, at least once each quadrennium, for each active bishop, a
full and formal evaluation which will include self-evaluation,
assessment by episcopal peers, and comment by persons affected
by his or her superintendency (such as cabinets, lay leaders,
directors of agencies served). Such processes shall include the
participation of the conference or area committee on episcopacy.
It shall be the duty of each jurisdiction’s College of Bishops/
central conference’s College of Bishops, under the leadership of
its president, to consult with and to cooperate with the commit-
tee in order to schedule and facilitate such reviews and evalua-
tions as well as to address issues that may arise in the course of
that work.
413. Complaints Against Bishops—1. Episcopal leadership in
The United Methodist Church shares with all other ordained per-
sons in the sacred trust of their ordination. The ministry of bish-
ops as set forth in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist
Church also ows from the gospel as taught by Jesus the Christ
and proclaimed by his apostles ( 402). Whenever a bishop vio-
lates this trust or is unable to fulll appropriate responsibilities,
continuation in the episcopal ofce shall be subject to review. This
review shall have as its primary purpose a just resolution of any
violations of this sacred trust, in the hope that God’s work of jus-
tice, reconciliation, and healing may be realized.
2. Any complaint concerning the effectiveness, competence,
or one or more of the offenses listed in 2702 shall be submitted
to the president of the College of Bishops in that jurisdictional or
central conference. If the complaint concerns the president, it shall
be submitted to the secretary of the College of Bishops. A com-
plaint is a written statement claiming misconduct, unsatisfactory
8. See Judicial Council Decisions 61, 236, 370.
performance of ministerial duties, or one or more of the offenses
listed in 2702.
3. After receiving a complaint as provided in 413.2, the
president and the secretary of the College of Bishops, or the secre-
tary and another member of the college if the complaint concerns
the president (or the president and another member of the college
if the complaint concerns the secretary), shall, within ten days,
consult the chair of the jurisdictional or central conference com-
mittee on episcopacy who shall appoint from the committee one
professing member and one clergy member who are not from the
same episcopal area; who are not from the episcopal area that the
bishop under complaint was elected from or has been assigned to;
and who are not of the same gender.
a) When deemed appropriate to protect the well-being of
the complainant, the Church and/or bishop, the College of Bish-
ops, in consultation with the jurisdictional or central conference
committee on episcopacy, may suspend the bishop from all epis-
copal responsibilities for a period not to exceed sixty days. During
the suspension, salary, housing, and benets will continue.
b) The supervisory response is pastoral and administra-
tive and shall be directed toward a just resolution. It is not a part
of any judicial process. The supervisory response should be car-
ried out in a condential manner and should be completed within
120 days. There may be an extension of 120 days if the supervis-
ing bishop and the two jurisdictional or central conference epis-
copacy committee members appointed to the supervisory process
shall determine that an extension will be productive. There may
be a second extension of 120 days by the mutual written consent
of the supervisory bishop, members of the jurisdictional or central
conference episcopacy committee appointed to the supervisory
process, the complainant, and the bishop under complaint.
The supervising bishop shall regularly advise all parties of
the status of the process and shall notify all parties within seven
days after a determination is made that the supervisory response
will not lead to a resolution of the matter.
No verbatim record shall be made and legal counsel shall not
be present, although the bishop against whom the complaint was
made and the complainant both may choose another person to
accompany him or her, with the right to voice. At the determina-
9. See Judicial Council Decision 1149.
tion of the president (secretary), persons with qualications and
experience in assessment, intervention, or healing may be selected
to assist in the supervisory responses. Others may be consulted as
c) The supervisory response may include a process seek-
ing a just resolution in which the parties are assisted by a trained,
impartial third party facilitator(s) or mediator(s) in reaching an
agreement satisfactory to all parties. (See 362.1b, c.) The appro-
priate persons, including the president of the College of Bishops,
or the secretary if the complaint concerns the president, should
enter into a written agreement outlining such process, includ-
ing an agreement as to condentiality. If resolution is achieved,
a written statement of resolution, including terms and condi-
tions, shall be signed by the parties and the parties shall agree on
any matters to be disclosed to third parties. Such written statement
of resolution shall be given to the person in charge of that stage of
the process for further action consistent with the agreement.
d) (i) If the supervisory response results in the resolution
of the matter, the bishop in charge of the supervisory response
and the two episcopacy committee members appointed to the
supervisory process ( 413.3) shall monitor the fulllment of the
terms of the resolution. If the supervisory response does not result
in resolution of the matter, the president or secretary of the Col-
lege of Bishops may either dismiss the complaint with the consent
of the College of Bishops and the committee on episcopacy, giving
the reasons therefore in writing, a copy of which shall be placed in
the bishop’s le, refer the matter to the committee on episcopacy
as an administrative complaint pursuant to 413.3e, or refer the
matter to counsel for the Church pursuant to 2704.1 to prepare a
complaint to forward to the committee on investigation.
(ii) If within 180 days of the receipt of the complaint
by the president or secretary of the College of Bishops (as speci-
ed in 413.2), the supervisory response does not result in the
resolution of the matter, and the president or secretary of the Col-
lege of Bishops has not referred the matter as either an adminis-
trative or judicial complaint, then the matter will move to:
(1) In the case of a bishop from one of the cen-
tral conferences, a panel of three bishops, one
from each continent, as selected by the Coun-
cil of Bishops, or
(2) In the case of a bishop from one of the juris-
dictional conferences, a panel of ve bishops,
one from each jurisdictional conference, as
selected by the Council of Bishops, who shall
then continue the supervisory response pro-
cess and, within 180 days, either dismiss or
refer the complaint, as required above.
(iii) All costs associated with actions taken pursuant
to paragraph (ii), above, will be paid by the Episcopal Fund.
(iv) The Council of Bishops may, at any time in the
process, after a complaint is led, including after a just resolution,
remove the complaint from the College of Bishops to the Council
of Bishops with a two-thirds vote by the Council.
e) Administrative Complaint—If the complaint is based
on allegations of incompetence, ineffectiveness, or unwillingness
or inability to perform episcopal duties, the president and secre-
tary of the College of Bishops (or the two members of the college
who are handling the complaint) shall refer the complaint to the
jurisdictional or central conference committee on episcopacy.
The committee may recommend involuntary retirement ( 408.3),
disability leave ( 410.4), remedial measures, other appropriate
action, or it may dismiss the complaint. When the jurisdictional
or central conference committee on episcopacy deems the matter
serious enough and when one or more offenses listed in 2702 are
involved, the committee may refer the complaint back to the presi-
dent and secretary of the College of Bishops (or the two members
of the college who are handling the complaint) for referral as a
judicial complaint to the jurisdictional or central conference com-
mittee on investigation. The provisions of 361.2 for fair process in
administrative hearings shall apply to this administrative process.
4. Any actions of the jurisdictional or central conference com-
mittee taken on a complaint shall be reported to the next session
of the jurisdictional or central conference.
5. Each jurisdiction shall develop a protocol for the caring of
lay, clergy, and staff determined to be affected by the processing
of the complaint.
6. Immunity From Prosecution—In order to preserve the integ-
rity of the Church’s complaint process and ensure full participa-
tion in it at all times, the College of Bishops, the supervisory
response team, the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy, wit-
nesses, advocates, and all others who participate in the complaint
10. See Judicial Council Decision 784.
process regarding a bishop shall have immunity from prosecution
of complaints brought against them related to their role in a partic-
ular complaint process, unless they have committed a chargeable
offense in conscious and knowing bad faith. The complainant/
plaintiff in any proceeding against any such person relating to
their role in a particular complaint process shall have the burden
of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that such person’s
actions constituted a chargeable offense committed knowingly in
bad faith. The immunity set forth in this provision shall extend to
civil court proceedings, to the fullest extent permissible by the civil
Section IV. Specic Responsibilities of Bishops
414. LeadershipSpiritual and Temporal—1. To lead and
oversee the spiritual and temporal affairs of The United Method-
ist Church which confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and
particularly to lead the Church in its mission of witness and ser-
vice in the world.
2. To strengthen the local church, giving spiritual leadership
to both laity and clergy; and to build relationships with people of
local congregations of the area.
3. To guard, transmit, teach, and proclaim, corporately and
individually, the apostolic faith as it is expressed in Scripture and
tradition, and, as they are led and endowed by the Spirit, to inter-
pret that faith evangelically and prophetically.
4. To travel through the connection at large as the Council
of Bishops ( 422) to implement strategy for the concerns of the
5. To teach and uphold the theological traditions of The
United Methodist Church.
6. To provide liaison and leadership in the quest for Chris-
tian unity in ministry, mission, and structure and in the search for
strengthened relationships with other living faith communities.
7. To organize such missions as shall have been authorized
by the General Conference.
8. To promote and support the evangelistic witness of the
whole Church.
9. To discharge such other duties as the Discipline may direct.
10. To convene the Order of Deacons and the Order of Elders
and work with the elected chairperson of each order.
11. To promote, support, and model generous Christian giving,
with special attention to teaching the biblical principles of giving.
415. Presidential Duties—1. To preside in the General, juris-
dictional, central, and annual conferences.
2. To provide general oversight for the scal and program
operations of the annual conference(s). This may include special
inquiry into the work of agencies to ensure that the annual con-
ference and general church policies and procedures are followed.
3. To ensure fair process for clergy and laity as set forth in
2701 in all involuntary administrative and judicial proceedings
through monitoring the performance of annual conference of-
cials, boards, and committees charged with implementing such
4. To form the districts after consultation with the district
superintendents and after the number of the same has been deter-
mined by vote of the annual conference.
Any district may be
designated to be a mission district, and the district superinten-
dent of that district, or his or her designee, shall be the agent in
charge of the mission status, nature, and goals of the district. If
there is a district missionary organization, or if funds for the dis-
trict are anticipated from a conference organization, those bodies
shall also be asked to approve the method of organization for a
mission district. A mission district may be designated when any
of the following conditions exist: 1) Membership opportunities
and resources are limited and not likely to result in regular status
for an extended period of time. 2) A strategic demographic, cul-
tural, or language opportunity for serving a limited population is
present. 3) It is expected that long-term sustaining funding from
sources outside the district will be necessary to enable the district
to exist. 4) The district is geographically located in a remote loca-
tion from other districts of the annual conference. When any of
these conditions exist, the bishop, in consultation with the con-
gregational development area of the annual conference, may des-
ignate any district a mission district. The mission district may be
organized in the same manner and have the same rights and pow-
ers as any district.
5. To appoint the district superintendents annually (¶¶ 417-
11. See Judicial Council Decision 395.
12. See Judicial Council Decision 524.
13. See Judicial Council Decision 422.
6. To consecrate bishops; to ordain elders and deacons; to
commission deaconesses, home missioners, and missionaries;
and to see that the names of the persons commissioned and con-
secrated are entered on the journals of the conference and that
proper credentials are furnished to these persons. As these ser-
vices are acts of the whole Church, text and rubrics shall be used
in the form approved by the General Conference.
7. To x the appointments of deaconesses, home missioners,
and missionaries and to see that the names and appointments are
printed in the journals of the conference.
416. Working with Ordained, Licensed, Consecrated, and Com-
missioned Personnel—1. To make and x the appointments in the
annual conferences, provisional annual conferences, and missions
as the Discipline may direct (¶¶ 425-429).
2. To divide or to unite a circuit(s), station(s), or mission(s) as
judged necessary for missional strategy and then to make appro-
priate appointments.
3. To announce the appointments of deaconesses, diaconal
ministers, home missionaries, and laypersons in service under the
General Board of Global Ministries.
4. To x the charge conference membership of all ordained
ministers appointed to ministries other than the local church in
keeping with 344.
5. To transfer, upon the request of the receiving bishop,
clergy member(s) of one annual conference to another, provided
said member(s) agrees to said transfer; and to send immediately
to the secretaries of both conferences involved, to the conference
boards of ordained ministry, and to the clearing house of the Gen-
eral Board of Pension and Health Benets, written notices of the
transfer of members and of their standing in the Course of Study
if they are undergraduates.
6 To appoint associate members, provisional members, or
full members to attend any school, college, or theological semi-
nary listed by the University Senate, or to participate in a pro-
gram of clinical pastoral education in a setting accredited by the
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education or another accrediting
agency approved by the General Board of Higher Education and
Ministry. Such appointments are not to be considered as extension
ministry appointments.
14. See Judicial Council Decisions 114, 254, 554.
7. To keep and maintain appropriate supervisory records on
all district superintendents and other records on ministerial per-
sonnel as determined by the bishop or required by the Discipline
or action of the annual conference. When a district superintendent
is no longer appointed to the cabinet, the bishop shall give that
person’s supervisory le to the superintendent of record. Super-
visory records shall be kept under guidelines approved by the
General Council on Finance and Administration. The supervisory
records maintained by the bishop are not the personnel records of
the annual conference.
Section V. Selection, Assignment, and Term
of District Superintendents
417. Selection and Assignment—Inasmuch as the district
superintendency is an extension of the general superintendency,
the bishop shall appoint elders to serve as district superinten-
dents. Prior to each appointment, the bishop shall consult with
the cabinet and the committee on district superintendency of the
district to which the new superintendent will be assigned ( 426)
for the purpose of determining leadership needs of the annual
conference and the district ( 401). In the selection of superinten-
dents, bishops shall give due consideration to the inclusiveness of
The United Methodist Church with respect to sex, race, national
origin, physical challenge, and age, except for the provisions of
mandatory retirement.
418. Limitations on Years of Service—The normal term for a
district superintendent shall be up to six years, but this may be
extended to no more than up to eight years at the discretion of the
bishop, in consultation with the cabinet and the district commit-
tee on superintendency.
No superintendent shall serve for more than eight years in any
consecutive eleven years. No elder shall serve as district superin-
tendent more than fourteen years. In addition, consideration shall
be given to the nature of superintendency as described in 401.
Section VI. Specic Responsibilities of District Superintendents
419. As an extension of the ofce of bishop, the district super-
intendent shall oversee the total ministry of the clergy (including)
15. See Judicial Council Decisions 368, 512.
clergy in extension ministry and ministry beyond the local
church) and of the churches in the communities of the
district in their missions of witness and service in the world. This
oversight requires the superintendent to use his or her gifts and
skills related to spiritual and pastoral leadership, personnel lead-
ership, administration, and program. The superintendent is the
acting administrator of any pastoral charge in which a pastoral
vacancy may develop, or where no pastor is appointed.
1. The Church expects, as part of the superintendent ministry,
that the superintendent will be the chief missional strategist of the
district and be committed to living out the values of the Church,
including a mandate of inclusiveness, modeling, teaching, and
promoting generous Christian giving, cooperating to develop
Christian unity, and ecumenical, multicultural, multiracial, and
cooperative ministries; and working with persons across the
Church to develop programs of ministry and mission that extend
the witness of Christ into the world.
2. The superintendent shall work with the bishop and cabinet
in the process of appointment and assignment for ordained and
licensed clergy, or assignment of qualied and trained laypersons,
lay ministers or lay missioners ( 205.4)
3. The superintendent shall work with the district committee
on ordained ministry to develop an effective and functioning sys-
tem for recruitment and examination of candidates for ordained or
licensed ministry, and the ongoing oversight of persons approved
for licensing ( 348).
4. The superintendent shall establish working relationships
with staff/pastor-parish relations committees, clergy, district lay
leaders, and other lay leadership, to develop faithful and effec-
tive systems of ministry within the district. Through the use of
charge conferences (246.4-5), congregational studies ( 213) and
other gatherings, the superintendent shall seek to form creative
and effective connections with the local congregations on his or
her district.
5. The superintendent shall serve as an example of spiritual
leadership by living a balanced and faithful life, and by encourag-
ing both laity and clergy to continue to grow in spiritual forma-
tion through both personal and corporate worship and devotional
practices, including participation in the sacraments.
6. In the framework of their supervisory responsibilities,
superintendents shall offer support, care, and counsel to clergy
concerning matters affecting their effective ministry. Further, the
superintendents shall encourage the building of covenant groups
and communities among both the clergy and clergy families, and
the laity on the district.
7. The superintendent shall seek to be in regular contact with
the clergy on the district for counsel and supervision, and shall
receive written or electronic reports of the clergy’s continuing
education, spiritual practices, current ministry work, and goals
for future ministry.
8. The superintendent shall maintain the appropriate records
of all clergy appointed to or related to the charges on the district
(including clergy in extension ministry and ministry beyond the
local church), as well as records dealing with property, endow-
ments, and other tangible assets of The United Methodist Church
within the district.
9. The superintendent, in consultation with the bishop and
cabinet, shall work to develop the best strategic deployment of
clergy possible in the district, including realignment of pasto-
ral charges when needed and the exploration of larger parishes,
cooperative parishes, multiple staff congurations, new faith
communities, and ecumenical shared communities.
10. The district superintendent shall interpret and decide all
questions of Church law and discipline raised by the churches in
the district, subject to review by the resident bishop of the annual
11. The superintendent shall cooperate with the conference
Board of Ordained Ministry in its efforts to provide or arrange
support and liaison for clergy in a time of a change in conference
relationship or termination.
12. The superintendent shall serve at the pleasure of the
bishop and assume other leadership responsibilities as the bishop
determines for the health and effectiveness of the district and
annual conference.
420. Renewal and Study Leave—A district superintendent
may take up to three months’ leave from his or her normal super-
intendent responsibilities for purposes of reection, study, and
self-renewal once during his or her term as superintendent. The
bishop and cabinet, in consultation with the committee on dis-
trict superintendency, shall coordinate details pertaining to such
Section VII. Expressions of Superintendency
421. Relationship Between Bishops and District Superinten-
dents—The ofces of bishop and district superintendent are
linked with each other in ways described elsewhere ( 402). The
interdependence of the ofces calls for a collegial style of leader-
ship. However, both the ofce of bishop and that of district super-
intendent are embedded in their own contexts.
422. Council of Bishops—1. Bishops, although elected by
jurisdictional or central conferences, are elected general super-
intendents of the whole Church. As all ordained ministers are
rst elected into membership of an annual conference and sub-
sequently appointed to pastoral charges, so bishops become
through their election members rst of the Council of Bishops
before they are subsequently assigned to areas of service. By vir-
tue of their election and consecration, bishops are members of the
Council of Bishops and are bound in special covenant with all
other bishops. In keeping with this covenant, bishops fulll their
servant leadership and express their mutual accountability. The
Council of Bishops is a faith community of mutual trust and con-
cern responsible for the faith development and continuing well-
being of its members.
2. The Council of Bishops is thus the collegial expression
of episcopal leadership in the Church and through the Church
into the world. The Church expects the Council of Bishops to
speak to the Church and from the Church to the world and to
give leadership in the quest for Christian unity and interreligious
3. In order to exercise meaningful leadership, the Council of
Bishops is to meet at stated intervals. The Council of Bishops is
charged with the oversight of the spiritual and temporal affairs
of the whole Church, to be executed in regularized consultation
and cooperation with other councils and service agencies of the
4. The Council of Bishops may assign one of its members to
visit another episcopal area or Methodist-related church. When
so assigned, the bishop shall be recognized as the accredited rep-
resentative of the Council of Bishops, and when requested by the
resident bishop or president in that area or church, may exercise
therein the functions of episcopacy.
423. Conference of Methodist Bishops—There may be a confer-
ence of Methodist bishops, composed of all the bishops elected by
the jurisdictional and central conferences and one bishop or chief
executive ofcer from each afliated autonomous Methodist or
united church, which shall meet on call of the Council of Bishops
after consultation with other members of the conference of Meth-
odist bishops. The travel and other necessary expense of bishops
of afliated autonomous Methodist or united churches related
to the meeting of the Conference of Methodist Bishops shall be
paid on the same basis as that of bishops of The United Methodist
424. Cabinet—1. District superintendents, although ap-
pointed to the cabinet and assigned to districts, are also to be
given conference-wide responsibilities. As all ordained ministers
are rst elected into membership of an annual conference and
subsequently appointed to pastoral charges, so district superin-
tendents become through their selection members rst of a cabi-
net before they are subsequently assigned by the bishop to service
in districts.
2. The cabinet under the leadership of the bishop is the
expression of superintending leadership in and through the
annual conference. It is expected to speak to the conference and
for the conference to the spiritual and temporal issues that exist
within the region encompassed by the conference.
3. The cabinet is thus also the body in which the individual
district superintendents are held accountable for their work, both
for conference and district responsibilities.
4. In order to exercise meaningful leadership, the cabinet is
to meet at stated intervals. The cabinet is charged with the over-
sight of the spiritual and temporal affairs of a conference, to be
executed in regularized consultation and cooperation with other
councils and service agencies of the conference.
5. The cabinet is to consult and plan with the district commit-
tee and conference Board of Ordained Ministry in order to make
a thorough analysis of the needs of the district for clergy, imple-
menting this planning with a positive and conscious effort to ll
these needs ( 635.2a).
6. When the cabinet considers matters relating to coordi-
nation, implementation, or administration of the conference
program, and other matters as the cabinet and director of con-
nectional ministries, or equivalent, may determine, the director
shall be present. The conference lay leader shall be invited to be
7. The cabinet shall assume leadership responsibility for
ascertaining those places where ecumenical shared ministry
would be an effective way of expressing the United Methodist
presence in a community.
Section VIII. Appointment-Making
425. Responsibility—1. Clergy shall be appointed by the
bishop, who is empowered to make and x all appointments
in the episcopal area of which the annual conference is a part.
Appointments are to be made with consideration of the gifts and
evidence of God’s grace of those appointed, to the needs, char-
acteristics, and opportunities of congregations and institutions,
and with faithfulness to the commitment to an open itineracy.
Open itineracy means appointments are made without regard to
race, ethnic origin, gender, color, disability, marital status, or age,
except for the provisions of mandatory retirement. Annual confer-
ences shall, in their training of staff-parish relations committees,
emphasize the open nature of itineracy and prepare congrega-
tions to receive the gifts and graces of appointed clergy without
regard to race, ethnic origin, gender, color, disability, marital
status, or age. The concept of itineracy is important, and sensi-
tive attention should be given in appointing clergy with physical
challenges to responsibilities and duties that meet their gifts and
graces. Through appointment-making, the connectional nature of
the United Methodist system is made visible.
2. Appointment-making across conference lines shall be
encouraged as a way of creating mobility and open itineracy.
The jurisdictional committee on ordained ministry will cooper-
ate with bishops and cabinets in providing information on supply
and demand within the jurisdiction.
3. The United Methodist Church promotes and holds in high
esteem the opportunity of an inclusive church ( 4. Article IV)
with the formation of open itineracy ( 425.1).
4. Cross-racial and cross-cultural appointments are made
as a creative response to increasing racial and ethnic diversity in
the church and in its leadership. Cross-racial and cross-cultural
appointments are appointments of clergypersons to congrega-
tions in which the majority of their constituencies are different from
the clergyperson’s own racial/ethnic and cultural background.
16. See Judicial Council Decision 492.
Annual conferences shall prepare clergy and congregations for
cross-racial and cross-cultural appointments. When such appoint-
ments are made, bishops, cabinets, and boards of ordained min-
istry shall provide specic training for the clergypersons so
appointed and for their congregations.
426. Consultation and Appointment-Making—Consultation is
the process whereby the bishop and/or district superintendent
confer with the pastor and committee on pastor-parish relations,
taking into consideration the criteria of 427, a performance
evaluation, needs of the appointment under consideration, and
mission of the Church. Consultation is not merely notication.
Consultation is not committee selection or call of a pastor. The role
of the committee on pastor-parish relations is advisory. Consulta-
tion is both a continuing process and a more intense involvement
during the period of change in appointment.
1. The process of consultation shall be mandatory in every
annual conference.
2. The Council of Bishops shall inquire annually of their col-
leagues about the implementation of the process of consultation
in appointment-making in their respective areas.
427. Criteria—Appointments shall take into account the
unique needs of a charge, the community context, and also the
gifts and evidence of God’s grace of a particular pastor. To assist
bishops, cabinets, pastors, and congregations to achieve an effec-
tive match of charges and pastors, criteria must be developed
and analyzed in each instance and then shared with pastors and
1. Congregations—The district superintendent shall develop
with the pastor and the committees on pastor-parish relations
of all churches proles that reect the needs, characteristics,
and opportunities for mission of the charge consistent with the
Church’s statement of purpose. These proles shall be reviewed
annually and updated when appropriate to include:
a) The general situation in which a congregation nds
itself in a particular setting: size, nancial condition, quality of lay
leadership, special needs for pastoral ministry, and history.
b) The convictional stance of the congregation: theology;
prejudices, if any; spiritual life.
17. See Judicial Council Decisions 492, 1174.
18. See Judicial Council Decision 492.
19. See Judicial Council Decision 701.
c) The ministry of the congregation among its people for
the sake of the community: service programs, basis for adding
new members, reasons for losing members, mission to commu-
nity and world, forms of witness.
d) The qualities and functions of pastoral ministry needed
to fulll the mission, goals, and special needs of the congregation.
2. Pastors—The district superintendent annually shall
develop with the pastor proles reecting the pastor’s gifts, evi-
dence of God’s grace, professional experience and expectations,
and also the needs and concerns of the pastor’s spouse and fam-
ily. These proles shall be reviewed annually and updated when
appropriate to include:
a) Spiritual and personal sensibility: personal faith, call and
commitment to ordained ministry, work through the institutional
church, integration of vocation with personal and family well-
being, lifestyle.
b) Academic and career background: nature of theological
stance, experience in continuing education, professional experi-
ence, record of performance.
c) Skills and abilities: in church administration, leadership
development, worship and liturgy, preaching and evangelism,
teaching and nurturing, interpreting and promoting the connec-
tional giving system, counseling and group work, ability to work
in cooperation, ability in self-evaluation, and other relational
d) Community context: the ability of the pastor to relate
effectively to his or her community setting, such as rural, town,
urban, suburban, and so forth.
e) Family situation.
3. Community Context—The district superintendent may
develop community proles with the pastor and the committee on
pastor-parish relations. Sources of information for these proles
could include: neighborhood surveys; local, state, and national
census data; information from annual conference committees on
parish and community development; and research data from the
Connectional Table and other Church agencies. Proles may be
reviewed annually and updated when appropriate to include:
a) General demographic data and trends including age,
sex, and racial-ethnic composition of the community.
b) Economic trends, including the incidence of poverty.
c) Projected community changes.
d) Other sociological, economic, political, historical, and
ecumenical aspects of the community surrounding the church.
428. Process of Appointment-Making—The process used in
appointment-making shall include:
1. A change in appointment may be initiated by a pastor, a
committee on pastor-parish relations, a district superintendent, or
a bishop.
2. The bishop and the cabinet shall consider all requests for
change of appointment in light of the prole developed for each
charge and the gifts and evidence of God’s grace, professional
experience, and family needs of the pastor.
3. When a change in appointment has been determined, the
district superintendent should meet together or separately with
the pastor and the committee on pastor-parish relations where
the pastor is serving, for the purpose of sharing the basis for the
change and the process used in making the new appointment.
4. All appointments shall receive consideration by the bishop,
the district superintendent(s), and the cabinet as a whole until a
tentative decision is made.
5. The process used in making the new appointment shall
a) The district superintendent shall confer with the pas-
tor about a specic possible appointment (charge) and its congru-
ence with gifts, evidence of God’s grace, professional experience
and expectations, and the family needs of the pastor, identied in
consultation with the pastor ( 427.2).
b) If the appointment is to a cooperative parish ministry
or to a charge that is part of a cooperative parish ministry, the fol-
lowing shall be included in the consultation process:
(1) The prospective appointee shall be informed
prior to the appointment that the charge under consideration is
part of a cooperative parish ministry.
(2) The coordinator or director of the cooperative
ministry, or, if there is no coordinator or director, a representa-
tive of the staff of the cooperative ministry, shall be conferred
with concerning the prospective appointment and shall have the
opportunity to meet with the prospective appointee prior to the
appointment being made.
20. See Judicial Council Decision 701.
21. See Judicial Council Decision 556.
22. See Judicial Council Decision 556.
(3) The prospective appointee shall have demon-
strated skills in cooperative Christian mission or show potential
for the same to ensure that the cooperative venture is strength-
ened during the time of the appointee’s leadership.
c) If the appointment is to a position other than pastor in
charge, the following shall be included in the consultation process:
(1) The prospective appointee shall be informed
prior to the appointment that the position under consideration
is part of a multiple-staff ministry and shall be furnished an ini-
tial written job description approved by the committee on pastor-
parish relations.
(2) The pastor in charge shall be conferred with con-
cerning the prospective appointee.
(3) The prospective appointee and pastor in charge
shall meet for discussion of the job description and mutual
6. The district superintendent shall confer with the receiving
committee on pastor-parish relations about pastoral leadership
( 427.1).
7. When appointments are being made to less than full-time
ministry, the district superintendent shall consult with the clergy
person to be appointed and the committee on pastor-parish rela-
tions regarding proportional time, salary, and pension credit and
benet coverage.
8. If during this consultative process it is determined by the
bishop and cabinet that this decision should not be carried out,
the process is to be repeated until the bishop, basing his or her
decision on the information and advice derived from consulta-
tion, makes and xes the appointment.
9. A similar process of consultation shall be available to per-
sons in appointments beyond the local church.
10. When the steps in the process have been followed and
completed, the announcement of that decision shall be made to
all parties directly involved in the consultative process, that is,
the appointment cabinet, the pastor, and the committee on pastor-
parish relations, before a public announcement is made.
429. Frequency—While the bishop shall report all pastoral
appointments to each regular session of an annual conference,
appointments to charges may be made at any time deemed advis-
able by the bishop and cabinet. Appointments are made with
the expectation that the length of pastorates shall respond to the
long-term pastoral needs of charges, communities, and pastors.
The bishop and cabinet should work toward longer tenure in local
church appointments to facilitate a more effective ministry.
430. Appointment of Deacons in Full Connection—The dea-
cons shall be appointed by the bishop in the annual conference
where they are members in full connection. Appointments of
the deacons are to be made in consideration of the gifts and evi-
dence of God’s grace of the deacon, needs of the community, and
the gifts of the congregation and institutions. The appointment
shall reect the nature of the ministry of the deacon as a faithful
response of the mission of the church meeting the emerging needs
in the world ( 331). It may be initiated by the individual deacon
in full connection, the agency seeking their service, the bishop, or
the district superintendent.
Section IX. Ecumenical Relationships
431.1. Full Communion Relationships
a) The Council of Bishops shall have the authority to
enter into ecumenical agreements with other Christian bodies.
However, all proposed denominational level agreements of for-
mal “full communion” relationships and permanent membership
in ecumenical organizations must be approved and ratied by
General Conference, before coming into effect.
b) A formal “full communion” relationship is one that
exists between two or more Christian churches that:
(1) recognize each other as constituent members of
the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, the body of Christ,
as described in the Holy Scriptures and confessed in the church’s
historic creeds;
(2) recognize the authenticity of each other’s sacra-
ments and welcome one another to partake in the Eucharist,
(3) afrm the authenticity of each church’s Christian
ministry, and
(4) recognize the validity of each other’s ofces of
c) A formal “full communion” relationship commits the
churches to working together as partners in mission toward fuller
visible unity.
d) A formal “full communion” relationship is entered
into in order to: (1) actively commit the participants to working
together as partners in mission and co-laborers in the ministry of
Christ Jesus, and (2) as a visible witness to the unity of Christians
in sharing the love of God among all peoples and throughout
e) A formal “full communion” relationship does not
mean there are no differences or distinctions between churches;
but does mean that these differences are not church dividing.
f) It is understood and afrmed that informal rela-
tionships exist with other Christians at all levels throughout
the church; these relationships are manifested in creative and
dynamic ways and the body of Christ is enriched by the initia-
tive and leadership that takes place at many levels. Formal “full
communion” relationships entered into by General Conference
build upon the faithful unity of Christians in local communities
and throughout God’s creation that bring the compassion, love,
and witness into the lives of a multitude of persons. Formal and
informal relationships among Christians are integral to authentic
Christian ministry.
g) No membership in an ecumenical organization, state-
ment or policy of an ecumenical organization of which The United
Methodist Church is a part, or formal “full communion” agree-
ment shall be construed as modifying, interpreting, or changing
the doctrinal and disciplinary standards of The United Methodist
h) When a “full communion” relationship has been
approved by General Conference, it will remain in effect until an
action by the General Conference is taken to change it.
2. Liaison Role of the Council of Bishops—1. In formal relations
with other churches and/or ecclesial bodies, the Council of Bish-
ops shall be the primary liaison for The United Methodist Church.
The ecumenical ofcer of the Council of Bishops shall be respon-
sible for these relationships.
3. The Ofce of Christian Unity and Interreligious Relation-
ships shall consult with the Council of Bishops in establishing
the guidelines for the administration of the Interdenominational
Cooperation Fund (see ¶ 814).
4. The United Methodist representatives to ecumenical orga-
nizations in the following paragraphs shall be selected by the
Council of Bishops. Such representatives shall be inclusive in
terms of gender, race and ethnicity, age, persons with disabilities,
and region. Representatives shall reect consideration of balances
required both by The United Methodist Church and the respective
ecumenical organization. Consideration shall be given to per-
sons named to jurisdictional and central conference pools (see
705.1.b, c).
When proxies are needed to substitute for United Method-
ist representatives to a specic ecumenical organization, the ecu-
menical ofcer of the Council of Bishops is authorized to name
such proxies. Consideration shall be given to United Methodists
residing in the area of the ecumenical organization’s meeting, and
to the inclusivity of the delegation. The names of proxies shall be
reported at the next meeting of the Council of Bishops.
Representatives and proxies from The United Methodist
Church to various working groups of any of the ecumenical orga-
nizations in the following paragraphs shall be named by the ecu-
menical ofcer of the Council of Bishops.
5. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section,
should structural changes be voted between sessions of the Gen-
eral Conference by any of the ecumenical organizations in the
following paragraphs, necessitating election of a new group of
United Methodist delegates, the Council of Bishops is authorized
to elect such delegates as may be required.
432. Financial Support—United Methodist nancial sup-
port of the ecumenical organizations in the following paragraphs
shall be remitted from the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund
through the General Council on Finance and Administration in
accordance with 814. The general agencies of the Church may
make such payments to these ecumenical organizations as they
deem to be their responsibility and proportionate share in the coop-
erative programs. Such payments shall be reported to the General
Council on Finance and Administration, and that Council shall
include a summary report of United Methodist nancial support in
its annual nancial report to the Church. United Methodist nancial
support of ecumenical dialogues and multilateral conversations,
approved by the Council of Bishops, shall also be remitted from
the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund in the same manner.
433. Methodist Unity—1. World Methodist Council—a) The
United Methodist Church is a member of the World Methodist
Council, its predecessor Methodist and Evangelical United Breth-
ren churches having been charter members of such body. The
council is a signicant channel for United Methodist relationships
with other Methodist churches and with autonomous Methodist
churches, afliated autonomous Methodist churches, afliated
united churches formerly part of The United Methodist Church
or its predecessor denominations, and other churches with a Wes-
leyan heritage.
b) Each afliated autonomous Methodist church and
each afliated united church that is a member of the World Meth-
odist Council may choose to send delegates either to the General
Conference as proposed in 570.2, .3 or to the World Method-
ist Council (receiving from the General Administration Fund the
expense of travel and per diem allowances thereto). But no such
church shall be entitled to send delegations at the expense of the
General Administration Fund to both the World Methodist Coun-
cil and the General Conference.
2. Pan-Methodist Commission—Given the relationship and
shared history of the denominations of the Wesleyan tradition in
America, there shall be a Pan-Methodist Commission established
jointly among The African Methodist Episcopal Church, The
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, The African Union
Methodist Protestant Church, The Christian Methodist Episco-
pal Church, The Union American Methodist Episcopal Church,
and The United Methodist Church. The membership of the com-
mission shall consist of nine persons from each member denomi-
nation, with each denomination naming three bishops, three
clergypersons, and three laypersons to include at least one young
adult. Each denomination will pay the expenses of its delegation
to participate in the work of the commission.
The commission shall work to dene, determine, plan, and,
in cooperation with established agencies of the several denomina-
tions, execute activities to foster meaningful cooperation among
the six Methodist denominations, and to explore possible union
and related issues. The commission may develop one or more
Pan-Methodist coalitions to further meaningful cooperation on a
particular activity or issue.
Each quadrennium, the commission shall plan and convene a
Consultation of Methodist Bishops. The commission shall report
to each of its member denominations through their General Con-
ferences. The commission may be expanded by the inclusion
of other denominations of the Wesleyan tradition and the com-
mission may establish guidelines to provide for such expansion.
Before another Wesleyan or American Methodist denomination
may become a part of the commission, it must have the approval
of its general conference or equivalent.
3. Striving Toward Union—As a result of our heritage as a part
of a people called Methodist, The United Methodist Church com-
mits itself to strive toward closer relationship with other Method-
ist or Wesleyan churches wherever they may be found ( 6).
434. Covenantal or Conciliar Relationships—The United
Methodist Church strives toward greater Christian unity through
its participation in councils of churches and/or covenantal rela-
tionships. The United Methodist Church may establish covenants
with other Christian churches through bilateral or multilateral
1. Churches Uniting in Christ—The United Methodist Church
is a member of Churches Uniting in Christ, its predecessor Meth-
odist and Evangelical United Brethren churches having been
involved in its very beginnings and in all its committees and ple-
nary consultations. The United Methodist Church is in covenantal
relationship with other churches in Churches Uniting in Christ.
2. National or Regional Ecumenical Organizations—a) The
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.—The United
Methodist Church is a member of the National Council of the
Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., its predecessor Methodist and
Evangelical United Brethren churches having been charter mem-
bers of such body.
b) Other National or Regional Ecumenical Organizations
The Council of Bishops, shall be in dialogue with United Method-
ists in whatever countries they may reside, and shall coordinate,
explore, and advocate United Methodist participation in regional
ecumenical and interreligious organizations and shall address
the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund funding of nancial
needs and the advisability of support of these organizations.
c) The United Methodist Church shall seek observer sta-
tus in the National Association of Evangelicals. United Methodist
observers to these bodies shall be appointed by the Council of
3. The World Council of Churches and Other International Ecu-
menical Organizations—a) World Council of Churches—The United
Methodist Church is a member of the World Council of Churches,
its predecessor Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren
churches having been charter members of such body.
b) Other International Ecumenical Organizations—The
Council of Bishops shall be in dialogue with United Methodists in
whatever countries they may reside, and shall coordinate, explore,
and advocate United Methodist participation in international
ecumenical and interreligious organizations and shall address
the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund funding of nancial
needs and the advisability of support of these organizations.
c) The United Methodist Church shall seek observer
status in the World Evangelical Fellowship. United Methodist
observers to these bodies shall be appointed by the Council of
435. The American Bible Society—To encourage the wider cir-
culation and use of the Holy Scriptures throughout the world and
to provide for the translation, printing, and distribution essential
thereto, the American Bible Society shall be recognized as a means
of mission outreach for The United Methodist Church, for which
appropriate entities of The United Methodist Church shall offer
means for seeking the nancial support needed for this program.
436. As provided in 431.2, “In formal relations with other
churches and/or ecclesial bodies, the Council of Bishops shall be
the primary liaison for The United Methodist Church.” Further, as
provided in 403.1e), “The role of the bishop is to be the shepherd
of the whole ock.” Therefore, the bishops of The United Meth-
odist Church are called to lead the Church in its ecumenical and
interreligious ministries.
437. In pursuit of its responsibilities and in order to deepen
and expand the ecumenical and interreligious ministries of The
United Methodist Church, the Council of Bishops shall receive the
input and support of the Ofce of Christian Unity and Interreli-
gious Relationships.
438. Membership—Members of the OCUIR shall be elected
by the Council of Bishops as follows:
1. The OCUIR shall be composed of two episcopal members
as determined by the Council of Bishops, including the ecumeni-
cal ofcer of the Council of Bishops. One of the episcopal mem-
bers shall be from a central conference.
2. One person from each jurisdiction, one person from the
central conferences in Africa, one person from the central con-
ferences in Europe, and one person from the central conference
in The Philippines. The bishop who is not the ecumenical of-
cer shall be counted as one of these eight persons. Each juris-
dictional or central conference will nominate two candidates,
and the Council of Bishops will elect members from this pool of
3. It is recommended that the Council of Bishops ensure that
the United Methodist membership persons be inclusive of ethnic
representation, youth, young adults, and women, with a mini-
mum of ve laity.
4. Two members with voice and vote from our Full Commu-
nion Ecumenical Partners
5. The chairperson and secretary of the Council of Bishops
Leadership Team on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, or
its successor group, shall be nonvoting members of the OCUIR
Steering Committee.
439. Staff—1. There shall be an ecumenical staff ofcer of
The United Methodist Church to be selected by the Council of
Bishops. The work of the OCUIR shall be facilitated by the ecu-
menical staff ofcer who shall be in charge of the day-to-day work
of the OCUIR. The ecumenical staff ofcer shall be the OCUIR’s
principal administrative and executive ofcer.
2. Additional staff shall be selected in number and responsi-
bility as determined by the Council of Bishops.
3. The ecumenical staff ofcer shall report to the ecumenical
ofcer of the Council of Bishops. All other staff members shall
report to and serve at the pleasure of the ecumenical staff ofcer.
4. The staff of the OCUIR shall be positioned in locations to
be determined by the Council of Bishops.
440. Funding—Funding for the ecumenical and interreli-
gious ministries of the Church shall be provided by the Council of
Bishops in one or more clearly identied line items in the Episco-
pal Fund budget request to General Conference.
441. Responsibilities and powers—Responsibilities and pow-
ers of the OCUIR shall be as assigned by the Council of Bishops.
442. Full Communion With Other Churches
1. To fulll the vision of full communion between The United
Methodist Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Amer-
ica, there shall be a Joint Commission on ELCA/UMC Full Com-
munion. The commission shall serve the following functions:
a) Coordinate the implementation of action taken by the
two churches to achieve full communion.
b) Assist joint planning for mission.
c) Facilitate consultation and common decision making
through appropriate channels in fundamental matters that the
churches may face together in the future.
d) Report regularly and appropriately to each church.
The United Methodist membership of this commission shall
be the ccumenical ofcer of the Council of Bishops and one lay
and one clergy member of OCUIR elected by OCUIR.
2. The Council of Bishops shall receive reports of the ongoing
partnership of The UMC in the central conferences that are in full
communion with Lutheran Churches and other denominations in
order to learn from each other how to “provide leadership toward
the goal of understanding, reconciliation, and unity within the
Church—The United Methodist Church and the church univer-
sal” ( 403.1e).
Section X. Committee on Faith and Order
443. There shall be a Committee on Faith and Order related
and amenable to the Council of Bishops. This relationship shall be
collaborative, with attention paid in particular to working with
the persons designated by Council of Bishops.
444. Purpose—The Committee on Faith and Order shall
give leadership to The United Methodist Church in reecting
upon, discerning and living out matters of faith, doctrinal teach-
ing, order, and discipline in the midst of mission and ministry in
the church and world. The committee shall be a visible expression
of the commitment of The United Methodist Church to carry on
informed theological reection for the present time in dynamic
continuity with the historic Christian faith, our common heritage
as Christians grounded in the apostolic witness, and our distinc-
tive Wesleyan heritage. The committee shall be charged with three
broad responsibilities:
1. Upon request of the Council of Bishops, to support and
provide resources to the council in its responsibility to “guard,
transmit, teach, and proclaim, corporately and individually, the
apostolic faith as it is expressed in Scripture and tradition, and,
as they are led and endowed by the Spirit, to interpret that faith
evangelically and prophetically” ( 414.3).
2. To lead and coordinate studies commissioned by the Gen-
eral Conference in matters related to the faith, doctrine, order, and
discipline of the church.
3. To prepare and provide resources and study materials to
The United Methodist Church as deemed appropriate.
445. Responsibilities—The responsibilities of the Committee
on Faith and Order shall be:
1. To provide a venue and context for ongoing conversation
on matters of faith, doctrine, order, and discipline.
2. To draw upon scholars and scholarship in biblical studies,
biblical theology, systematic theology, historical theology, Chris-
tian ethics, Wesleyan studies, practical theology, missiology, and
other areas thereby providing expertise and knowledge to lead
and assist the church in addressing matters of faith and order crit-
ical to the life, ministry and mission of the church.
3. To provide research and resourcing for the Council of Bish-
ops upon their request in matters related to faith, doctrine, order
and discipline.
4. To receive and administer mandates from the General Con-
ference for studies on matters that require signicant inquiry into
and application of the faith and order of the church.
5. To bring studies, materials, or publications as appropri-
ate to the Council of Bishops or to the General Conference for
approval and action.
6. To make provision for the preparation and dissemination
of study documents and materials for the Church upon request of
the Council of Bishops, or the General Conference.
7. To coordinate and provide for effective interaction and
communication among various study committees, commissions,
and teams when multiple studies have been mandated.
446. Authorities and Powers—The Committee on Faith and
Order shall have the authority and power to fulll all the respon-
sibilities noted in ¶¶ 444 and 445.
447. Membership—The Committee on Faith and Order
(CFO) shall be organized each quadrennium and shall be com-
posed of sixteen persons.
1. Nominations to the CFO shall be made by the CFO Execu-
tive Committee, in consultation with the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry and the Ofce of Christian Unity and
Interreligious Relationships, and sent to the Council of Bishops
and to the entire Committee on Faith and Order for their review.
2. Four bishops shall serve as members, one of whom shall
be the ecumenical ofcer of the Council of Bishops of The United
Methodist Church and three other bishops as assigned by the
Council of Bishops. At least one of the bishops shall be from cen-
tral conferences.
3. New members of the committee shall be elected by the
Council of Bishops at its spring meeting in the year of the Gen-
eral Conference each quadrennium. Election shall be for a term
of eight (8) years, and no person shall serve as a member of the
Committee on Faith and Order for more than sixteen (16) years in
succession. The classes of membership shall be established so that
the terms of service of 50 percent of the membership expire when
their successors are seated at the organizational meeting of the
committee following each General Conference.
4. The composition of the committee, and all sub-committees
and teams, shall attend to lay and clergy status, racial/ethnic
and gender diversity, and regional representation. It shall model
effective representation of the theological diversity of The United
Methodist Church. The Council of Bishops shall exercise over-
sight in the nomination and election of members with regard to
inclusiveness, diversity, and representation. Vacancies occurring
during any quadrennium shall be lled by the CFO Executive
Committee in consultation with the Council of Bishops.
5. The committee may, in consultation and collaboration with
the Council of Bishops, carry out any mandated study internally
or may create such sub-committees and teams using members
from within the committee and others beyond the committee as
may be required by the volume and complexity of work.
6. Membership on the board of directors of any other general
agency, or serving as a staff member of a general agency, does
not make one ineligible to serve as a member of this committee,
¶¶ 710.5 and 715.6 to the contrary notwithstanding, and the
limitations specied in 710.4 for membership on general agen-
cies shall not apply to anyone as a result of membership on this
448. Organization—The Committee on Faith and Order
shall be organized as follows:
1. The committee shall elect from its episcopal membership
a chairperson and from its total membership other ofcers as it
may determine.
2. There shall be an executive committee of the CFO with
powers as determined by the CFO.
3. The committee shall meet for organizational purposes each
quadrennium prior to the end of the rst quarter of the year fol-
lowing the year in which the General Conference is held.
4. The committee shall meet at least annually and at such
other times as it shall deem necessary. A majority of members of
the committee shall constitute a quorum.
449. Stafng—Staff for the work of the Committee on Faith
and Order shall be provided as determined by the Council of Bish-
ops in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Commit-
tee on Faith and Order. The Council of Bishops may request staff
assistance and consultation from agencies and other bodies of the
450. Funding—In collaboration with the Council of Bishops,
the Committee on Faith and Order shall propose its budget as part
of the Episcopal Fund, to be approved by General Conference.
This legislation or any portion of it approved by General Con-
ference (¶¶ 443-450) shall take effect at the close of General Con-
ference 2016.
Chapter Four
The United Methodist Church is a connectional structure
maintained through its chain of conferences.
Section I. The General Conference
501. Denition of Powers—The General Conference has full
legislative power over all matters distinctively connectional (see
16, Division Two, Section II, Article IV, The Constitution). It has
no executive or administrative power.
502. Composition—1. The voting membership of the Gen-
eral Conference shall consist of:
a) An equal number of clergy and lay delegates elected
by the annual conferences as provided in the Discipline. The mis-
sionary conferences and provisional annual conferences shall be
considered as annual conferences for the purposes of this para-
graph. Annual conferences are urged to seek inclusiveness (as
dened in 140) in the election of delegates.
b) Delegates from The Methodist Church in Great Britain
and other autonomous Methodist churches with which concordat
agreements have been established providing for mutual election
and seating of delegates in each other’s highest legislative confer-
ences (¶¶ 13.2, 13.3; 574).
2. The number of delegates to which an annual conference
is entitled shall be computed on a two-factor basis: the number
of clergy members of the annual conference, and the number of
members of local churches in the annual conference.
The term clergy members as used in this paragraph shall refer
to both active and retired members of the annual conference
( 602.1).
3. Delegates to the General Conference shall be elected at the
session of the annual conference held not more than two annual
conference sessions before the calendar year preceding the ses-
sion of the General Conference. At least thirty days prior to the
beginning of that calendar year, the secretary of the General Con-
ference shall notify the bishop and the secretary of each annual
1. See Judicial Council Decisions 435, 592.
2. See Judicial Council Decisions 327, 333, 1051.
conference of the number of delegates to be elected by that annual
4. The secretary of each annual conference, using the certi-
cate of election form supplied by the secretary of the General Con-
ference, shall report to the secretary of the General Conference the
names, addresses, and such other information as may be required
for delegates and reserves elected by the annual conference.
5. The secretary of the General Conference shall prepare
and send to each annual conference secretary credentials to be
signed and distributed to the delegates and reserves elected by
the annual conference.
503. Presiding Ofcers—The bishops shall be the presiding
ofcers at the General Conference.
504. Election of Secretary-Designate—1. The Council of Bish-
ops shall present a nomination from the ordained ministry or
lay membership of The United Methodist Church for secretary-
Other nominations shall be permitted from the oor. The elec-
tion, if there be two or more nominees, shall be by ballot.
2. Assumption of Ofce—The secretary-designate shall assume
the responsibilities of the ofce of secretary as soon after the
adjournment of the General Conference as all work in connection
with the session has been completed, including the corrections
to the Daily Christian Advocate, which serves as the ofcial jour-
nal of the General Conference. Upon publication, all translations
of the Daily Christian Advocate shall be made available as a daily
downloadable le, free of charge, on the denominational website.
The exact date of the transfer of responsibility to the secretary-
designate shall be determined by the Commission on the General
Conference, but shall not be later than December 31, following the
adjournment of the General Conference.
3. Assigned Duties—The secretary, in cooperation with the
Commission on the General Conference, shall initiate procedures
to prepare delegates from central conferences for full participation
in the General Conference by providing information concerning
both the operation of the General Conference and materials it will
consider. As far as possible, the materials should be provided in
the languages of the delegates. After consultation with the Coun-
cil of Bishops, the secretary shall issue invitations to ecumenical
3. See Judicial Council Decisions 435, 592.
505. Rules of Order—The Plan of Organization and Rules of
Order of the General Conference shall be the Plan of Organization
and Rules of Order as approved by the preceding General Confer-
ence until they have been altered or modied by the action of the
General Conference.
506. Quorum—When the General Conference is in session,
it shall require the presence of a majority of the whole number
of delegates to the General Conference to constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business; but a smaller number may take
a recess or adjourn from day to day in order to secure a quorum,
and at the nal session may approve the journal, order the record
of the roll call, and adjourn sine die.
507. Petitions to General Conference—Any organization,
clergy member, or lay member of The United Methodist Church
may petition the General Conference in the following manner:
1. The petition must be sent to the secretary of the General
Conference or a designated petitions secretary. It shall be in typed
or printed form, or other means approved by the secretary of the
General Conference, and shall follow a format determined by that
2. Each petition must address only one issue if the Discipline
is not affected; if the Discipline is affected, each petition must
address only one paragraph of the Discipline, except that, if two
or more paragraphs in the Discipline are so closely related that
a change in one affects the others, the petition may call for the
amendment of those paragraphs also to make them consistent
with one another. Petitions dealing with more than one paragraph
in the Discipline that do not meet these criteria are invalid. Peti-
tions that meet these criteria (composite petitions) shall not be
separated into pieces.
3. Each petition must be signed by the person submitting it,
accompanied by appropriate identication, such as address, local
church, or United Methodist board or agency relationship. Each
petition submitted by fax or electronic mail must identify the indi-
vidual submitting it, accompanied by identication as above, and
must contain a valid electronic mail return address or return fax
number by which the submitter can be reached. Electronic sig-
natures will be accepted in accordance with common business
4. All petitions submitted to the General Conference, except
those submitted by individual members of The United Methodist
Church and local church groups, which call for the establishment
of new programs or the expansion of existing programs will be
invalid unless accompanied by supporting data that address the
issue of anticipated nancial requirements of the program.
5. Petitions must be postmarked by a national postal service
no later than 230 days prior to the opening session of the General
6. If petitions are transmitted by a means other than a national
postal service, they must be in the hands of the petitions secretary
no later than 230 days prior to the opening session of the General
Exceptions to the time limitations shall be granted for peti-
tions originating from an annual conference session held between
230 and 45 days prior to the opening session of the General Con-
ference, and for other petitions at the discretion of the Committee
on Reference.
7. Petitions adopted and properly submitted by annual con-
ferences, jurisdictional and central conferences, the Division on
Ministries With Young People, or general agencies or councils of
the Church, and petitions properly submitted by individual mem-
bers (either clergy or lay) of The United Methodist Church and
local church groups, provided that they have been received by the
petitions secretary or secretary of the General Conference no later
than 230 days before the opening of General Conference, shall be
printed in the Advance Edition of the Daily Christian Advocate.
8. Petitions and/or resolutions not printed in the Advance
Edition of the Daily Christian Advocate shall be printed or copied
and provided to all delegates. Where the content of petitions is
essentially the same, the petition will be printed once, with the
rst author named and the number of additional copies received
printed. Upon publication, all translations of the Advance Edition
of the Daily Christian Advocate shall be made available as a down-
loadable le, free of charge, on the denominational website
9. The secretary of the General Conference shall arrange for
electronic access to all petitions, including General Conference
action and the resulting impact on The Book of Discipline of The
United Methodist Church, throughout the General Conference ses-
sion. This access shall be available until the publication of the new
edition of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church.
Implementation shall be according to guidelines established by
the Committee on Plan of Organization and Rules of Order.
10. All petitions that have been approved by a legislative
committee shall receive a vote by the plenary session at that year’s
General Conference.
11. All petitions that have been submitted to the General
Conference shall receive a vote of a legislative committee.
508. Legislation Effective Date—All legislation of the General
Conference of The United Methodist Church shall become effec-
tive January 1 following the session of the General Conference at
which it is enacted, unless otherwise specied ( 543.19).
509. Speaking for the Church—1. No person, no paper, no
organization, has the authority to speak ofcially for The United
Methodist Church, this right having been reserved exclusively
to the General Conference under the Constitution. Any written
public policy statement issued by a general Church agency shall
clearly identify either at the beginning or at the end that the state-
ment represents the position of that general agency and not neces-
sarily the position of The United Methodist Church ( 718).
2. Any individual member called to testify before a legislative
body to represent The United Methodist Church shall be allowed
to do so only by reading, without elaboration, the resolutions and
positions adopted by the General Conference of The United Meth-
odist Church.
510. Duties of the Secretary—The secretary of the General
Conference shall be responsible for the permanent record of the
General Conference, which shall include:
1. Corrections to the Daily Christian Advocate. The editor will
then le with the Commission on Archives and History two bound
copies of the Daily Christian Advocate and corrections as the ofcial
record of General Conference. Bound copies shall also be made
available at cost by The United Methodist Publishing House.
2. A Book of Resolutions to be edited by The United Methodist
Publishing House. The book shall contain all valid resolutions of
the General Conference. The preface of the Book of Resolutions shall
include the guidelines for writing resolutions.
a) All valid resolutions of the General Conference of The
United Methodist Church shall be published in each edition of
the Book of Resolutions. There shall be a complete subject index and
index of Scripture passages to all valid resolutions of the General
Conference of The United Methodist Church in each edition of the
4. See Judicial Council Decision 458.
Book of Resolutions. Resolutions are ofcial expressions of The
United Methodist Church for eight years following their adop-
tion, after which time they shall be deemed to have expired unless
readopted. Those that have expired shall not be printed in subse-
quent editions of the Book of Resolutions. The Book of Resolutions
shall be made available on the ofcial website of The United
Methodist Church.
b) The program boards and agencies shall review all
valid resolutions and recommend to the General Conference the
removal of time-dated material.
c) Resolutions to be an ofcial part of the Book of Reso-
lutions will require a 60 percent afrmative vote at General
3. The Advance Edition of the Daily Christian Advocate and
the Daily Christian Advocate.
4. All original documents of a General Conference shall be
led with the General Commission on Archives and History.
511. Commission on the General Conference—There shall be
a Commission on the General Conference, hereinafter called the
1. Membershipa) The voting members of the commission
shall be elected quadrennially by the General Conference and shall
consist of twenty-ve members as follows: one person from each
US jurisdiction, one person from each of the seven central confer-
ences, one young adult, one youth, the chairperson of the host
committee, and ten additional members. The additional members
shall be allocated to reect the proportionate membership based
upon combined clergy and lay membership of the church.
b) Members shall be nominated from the elected delegates to
the General Conference by the Council of Bishops prior to General
Conference and elected by the General Conference for a term of
eight years. Additional persons who meet the qualications may
be nominated from the oor of General Conference. The com-
mission shall reect a balance of clergymen and clergywomen,
laywomen and laymen, and the diverse character of The United
Methodist Church. Approximately half of the commission shall be
elected by the General Conference each quadrennium.
c) If vacancies occur, the Council of Bishops shall elect geo-
graphically appropriate successors to serve through the next ses-
sion of the General Conference and then nominate for election by
the General Conference persons to serve any remainder term.
d) The secretary of the General Conference, the treasurer
of the General Council on Finance and Administration, the busi-
ness manager of the General Conference, and a bishop named by
the Council of Bishops shall have the right to the oor without the
privilege of voting. The business manager of the General Confer-
ence shall be the chief administrative ofcer of the commission.
2. Ofcers—The ofcers of the commission shall be a chair-
person, a vice-chairperson, and a secretary, all of whom shall
be elected by the commission at the quadrennial organizational
meeting. They shall serve until the adjournment of the next suc-
ceeding quadrennial session of the General Conference after their
election and until their successors are duly elected and qualied.
3. Committeesa) Executive Committee—There shall be an
executive committee of the commission, consisting of the ofcers
of the commission, the chairperson of the host committee, the
bishop serving on the commission, the secretary of the General
Conference, the business manager of the General Conference, and
the chairperson and secretary of the Committee on the Plan of
Organization and Rules of Order.
b) Committee on the Plan of Organization and Rules of
Order—The commission shall organize a Committee on the Plan
of Organization and Rules of Order from within its membership.
The composition of the committee shall be determined by the
commission. The committee shall be organized at the initial meet-
ing of the commission following General Conference. It shall elect
its own chairperson and secretary, who will serve on the commis-
sion’s executive committee. The committee shall study and con-
sider any proposed amendments to the Plan of Organization and
Rules of Order and make needed changes and adaptations to be
presented to the entire Commission on the General Conference for
approval and submission to the General Conference. Any other
matters relating to parliamentary order or procedure in the busi-
ness of the General Conference may be referred to this committee.
4. Responsibilitiesa) The commission shall select the site
and set the dates of the General Conference up to four quadrennia
in advance and shall send an ofcial notice to all elected delegates
announcing specically the opening day and hour of the General
Conference and anticipated time of adjournment.
b) The commission shall plan the schedule for the open-
ing day of the Conference and shall further advise the delegates in
advance of all such special events and orders of the day, the dates
and times of which have been determined prior to the opening of
the General Conference, in order that the delegates may have an
overview of the General Conference program.
c) The commission, in cooperation with The United Meth-
odist Publishing House, shall make all necessary arrangements
for the publication of the Advance Edition of the Daily Christian
Advocate and quadrennial reports of the Connectional Table and
the general agencies of the church in English, French, Portuguese,
and Kiswahili (standard), and for all delegates to have timely
(90-day period) and convenient access to the most linguistically
appropriate translation of these documents. The commission
shall also make arrangements for daily schedules, petition lists,
nominations information, and other high-importance information
published in the English version of the Daily Christian Advocate to
also be made available in each of these languages in a timely and
convenient way.
d) The commission shall take necessary measures to
assure full participation of all General Conference delegates includ-
ing but not limited to providing accommodation for languages
and physical challenges of the delegates, and access to approved
licensed childcare during the session at or near the site of the Gen-
eral Conference for children of General Conference delegates.
e) The commission shall recommend to the General Con-
ference the per diem allowance to be paid to the elected delegates
for housing and meals.
f) The commission shall set the number of legislative
committees and the assignment of legislative materials to those
committees in consultation with the secretary of the General Con-
ference and the business manager of the General Conference.
5. The secretary of the General Conference shall calculate
the number of delegates to be elected by each annual conference,
based on the factors specied in 502.1, 2, using the most recent
clergy and professing lay membership gures reported by the
local congregation to the annual conference and from the annual
conference to the General Council on Finance and Administration
through their conference journals, as follows:
a) One clergy delegate for the rst 375 clergy members of
the annual conference and one clergy delegate for each additional
375 clergy members or major fraction thereof,
5. See Judicial Council Decisions 327, 558.
b) One clergy delegate for the rst 26,000 members of
local churches of the annual conference and one clergy delegate
for each additional 26,000 local church members or major fraction
thereof, and
c) A number of lay delegates equal to the total number of
clergy delegates authorized as above.
d) Every annual conference shall be entitled to at least
one clergy and one lay delegate.
e) This formula is designated to comply with the Con-
stitution, Division Two, Section II, Article I ( 13), which denes
the minimum and maximum number of delegates to a General
Conference. Should the computations provided in the paragraph
result in a gure below the prescribed minimum or above the pre-
scribed maximum for delegates, the Commission on the General
Conference shall be authorized to remedy the situation by adjust-
ing up or down the numbers of clergy members and members
of local churches of the annual conference necessary to entitle an
annual conference to elect delegates, any such adjustment to be
proportionally the same for the two factors.
Section II. The Jurisdictional Conference
512. Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy—1. There
shall be an Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy elected
by the General Conference consisting of the persons nominated
by their annual conference delegations to serve on the several
jurisdictional committees on episcopacy.
The committee shall
meet not later than the fth day of the conference session and
at the time and place set for their convening by the president of
the Council of Bishops and shall elect from their number a chair-
person, vice chairperson, and secretary. The function of this joint
committee shall be to discuss the possibility of transfers of bish-
ops across jurisdictional lines at the forthcoming jurisdictional
conferences for residential and presidential responsibilities in the
ensuing quadrennium; and to review on the basis of missional
needs an application from a jurisdiction which, by number of
its church members as provided in 404, would experience a
reduction in the number of its bishops, and recommend the num-
ber of bishops to which that jurisdiction should be entitled to the
6. See Judicial Council Decisions 687, 1274.
7. See Judicial Council Decision 472.
General Conference for determination by the General Conference.
This provision regarding missional needs is enabling, and it is
not constraining on the power of General Conference to act in the
absence of a recommendation from the committee.
It shall elect an executive committee consisting of the ofcers
named above and two clergy and two laypersons from the nomi-
nees to each jurisdictional committee, elected by that committee
to conduct consultations with bishops and others interested in
possible episcopal transfers. One of the persons elected from each
jurisdiction shall be the chairperson, or the chairperson’s desig-
nee, of the jurisdictional committee. The executive committee shall
meet at the call of the chairperson, and it shall have plenary power
for the full committee between full committee sessions. It shall be
responsible to the interjurisdictional committee, and in fulllment
of that responsibility and in the interest of continuity of the work
of the committee, the outgoing chairperson, or the chairperson’s
designee, shall present a report to the newly seated committee on
the previous quadrennium’s work as well as recommendations
on what the coming quadrennium’s work might include.
A record of the proceedings of the committee shall be kept by
the Ofce of Episcopal Services of the General Council on Finance
and Administration.
2. A bishop may be transferred across jurisdictional lines only
when that bishop has consented to such transfer and has served
at least one quadrennium in or under assignment by the juris-
diction in which the bishop was elected. Such a transfer shall be
concluded when the committee on episcopacy of each jurisdiction
involved has approved the transfer(s) by a majority vote of those
present and voting, insofar as the transfer(s) affects those jurisdic-
tions. (See 49, Article V.)
3. The Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy shall be
recognized as the ofcial body through which cross-jurisdictional
transfers shall be arranged. Should a bishop request transfer, the
bishop has the option to identify the receiving jurisdiction. A
jurisdiction may request that a specic bishop be transferred or
may indicate a willingness to accept a bishop transferring from
another jurisdiction. Request for transfer from either a bishop or
jurisdictional committees on episcopacy shall be received by the
Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy by April 1 of the year
8. See Judicial Council Decision 745.
preceding the year of jurisdictional conferences. The Interjuris-
dictional Committee on Episcopacy will arrange consultation
between bishop(s) requesting transfer and the appropriate juris-
dictional committee(s) on episcopacy by January 1 of the year of
jurisdictional conference(s). Once the jursidictional committee(s)
on episcopacy has taken action, jurisdictional conference secretar-
ies shall inform the Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy
not later than August 1 following jurisdictional conferences.
4. The Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy will
report to each General Conference the action taken during the
previous quadrennium.
513. Equal Status—All jurisdictional conferences shall have
the same status and the same privileges of action within the limits
xed by the Constitution.
514. Membership—The membership of each jurisdictional
conference shall consist of an equal number of clergy and lay
delegates elected by the annual conferences as provided in the
Discipline. Consideration shall be given to electing an inclusive
delegation (¶¶ 124, 140). The number of delegates to which an
annual conference is entitled shall be twice the number of its Gen-
eral Conference delegates, except when the application of that
formula results in a total number of delegates to a jurisdictional
conference less than 100. In that event, the secretary of the General
Conference shall adjust the number of delegates to the jurisdic-
tional conference in the same proportion among the annual and
missionary conferences of the jurisdiction to achieve a total of 100,
ensuring that no annual or missionary conference shall be repre-
sented by fewer than four delegates.
515. Election of Delegates—The clergy and lay delegates and
reserves to the jurisdictional conferences shall be elected by ballot
in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
516. Deliberations—The clergy and lay delegates shall delib-
erate in one body.
517. Convening Date—Each jurisdictional conference shall
meet within the period prescribed by the Constitution at such
time and place as shall have been determined by the preceding
jurisdictional conference or by its properly constituted committee.
518. Rules of Order—The jurisdictional conference shall
adopt its own procedure, rules, and plan of organization. It shall
9. See Judicial Council Decision 745.
10. See Judicial Council Decision 592.
take a majority of the whole number of delegates elected to make
a quorum for the transaction of business; however, a smaller num-
ber may take a recess or adjourn from day to day and at the nal
session may approve the journal, order the record of the roll call,
and adjourn sine die.
519. Expenses—The jurisdictional conference shall provide
for the expenses of its sessions.
520. The jurisdictional conferences shall provide for the
accounts of the jurisdictional treasurer for the preceding scal
year to be audited by a certied public accountant within 150
days after the close of the conference scal year and to provide for
the report to be distributed to each of the presiding bishops and
conference treasurers and in the jurisdiction.
521. Special Sessions—1. The jurisdictional conference may
order a special session in such manner as it shall determine.
2. The College of Bishops of a jurisdiction by a two-thirds vote
shall have authority to call a special session of the jurisdictional
conference when necessary; provided, however, that if an epis-
copal area is left vacant by reason of death, retirement, or other
cause within twenty-four months of the episcopal assumption of
presidential supervision of that area, the College of Bishops may
by majority vote convene within three months, after giving not
less than thirty days’ notice, a special session of the jurisdictional
conference for the purpose of electing and consecrating a bishop
and of considering any other matters specied in the call; and
provided further, that in such case the current jurisdictional com-
mittee on episcopacy may recommend to the conference reassign-
ment of one or more of the previously elected bishops.
3. The delegates to a special session of the jurisdictional confer-
ence shall be the delegates last elected by each annual conference.
4. A called session of the jurisdictional conference cannot
transact any other business than that indicated in the call.
522. Presiding Bishops—The jurisdictional conference shall
be presided over by the bishops of the jurisdiction or a bishop of
another jurisdiction or of a central conference. In case no bishop
of the jurisdiction is present, the conference may elect a president
from the clergy delegates.
523. Accountability—Bishops elected by or administering in
a jurisdictional conference shall be amenable for their conduct to
their jurisdictional conference. Any bishop shall have the right of
appeal to the Judicial Council.
524. Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy—1. There shall
be a jurisdictional committee on episcopacy consisting of one
clergy and one lay delegate to the jurisdictional conference
from each annual conference elected by the jurisdictional con-
ference upon nomination of their respective annual conference
The committee shall be convened by the president of the
College of Bishops at the close of the jurisdictional conference to
which the delegates have been elected. It shall serve through the
succeeding jurisdictional conference.
The committee shall elect from its members a chairperson, a
vice chairperson, and a secretary. It shall meet at least annually.
Should there be a vacancy in an annual conference’s elected
representation on the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy by
death, resignation, election to the episcopacy, cessation of mem-
bership in the annual conference from which one is elected, or for
other reasons that the annual conference delegation may deter-
mine, the annual conference delegation shall nominate another
person to ll the vacancy. That person may begin to serve on the
committee as a nominee until the jurisdictional conference can
2. The jurisdictional conference shall provide funding for the
expenses of the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy.
3. The jurisdictional committee on episcopacy shall:
a) Review and evaluate annually the work of the bish-
ops, pass on their character and ofcial administration, and report
such evaluations and other ndings to the jurisdictional confer-
ence for such action as the conference may deem appropriate
within its constitutional warrant of power. The evaluation shall
include those areas of responsibility outlined in 414, 415, and
416 as well as the bishop’s leadership in the promotion and sup-
port of the full payment of apportionments. The committee may,
in its sole discretion, also forward its report to the president of
the College of Bishops, who shall then share the report with the
Council of Bishops in executive session.
b) Recommend boundaries of the episcopal areas and the
assignments of the bishops.
c) Be available to the Council and College of Bishops for
consultation on matters of mutual concern.
11. See Judicial Council Decision 517.
d) Determine the number of effective bishops eligible for
e) Receive and act upon requests for possible voluntary
and involuntary retirement of bishops; however, as provided in
408.3a), the committee may initiate on its own motion the pro-
cess of involuntary retirement when it is seen to be in the best
interest of the Church.
f) Initiate or receive and act upon a request for transfer of
one or more of the members of its jurisdiction’s College of Bishops
to another jurisdiction’s College of Bishops or upon a request for
transfer of a member of another jurisdiction’s College of Bishops
to its jurisdiction’s College of Bishops. As provided in 512.2, no
such transfer may be completed without the afrmative vote of
a majority of the members of the committee present and voting.
g) Consult with the conference committees on episco-
pacy with respect to the needs for episcopal leadership and how
best they can be fullled.
h) Establish a consultation process with each bishop
regarding his or her episcopal assignment.
i) Prepare a report of its decisions, activities, and recom-
mendations to be transmitted to its successor through the ofce of
the secretary of the jurisdictional conference. The report shall be
made available to delegates of the jurisdictional conference prior
to the jurisdictional conference.
525. Powers and Duties of Jurisdictional Conference—The juris-
dictional conference shall have powers and duties as described in
the Constitution. It shall also have such other powers and duties
as may be conferred by the General Conference. It shall act in all
respects in harmony with the policy of The United Methodist
Church with respect to elimination of discrimination based upon
526. Denition of Church Members—In all elections in a juris-
dictional conference that are based on the number of church mem-
bers within that jurisdiction, the number counted shall include
lay members, clergy members, and bishops assigned to that
527. Annual Conference Journals—The jurisdictional con-
ference shall have authority to examine and acknowledge the
journals of the annual conferences within its bounds and shall
make such rules for the drawing up of the journals as may seem
528. Jurisdictional Conference Journals—The jurisdictional
conference shall keep an ofcial journal of its proceedings, duly
signed by the secretary and president or secretary of the College
of Bishops, which shall be deposited in accordance with 1711.3
j, k and with the secretary of the General Conference. The printing
shall be done at the expense of the jurisdiction.
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529. Agencies—The jurisdictional conference shall have the
authority to appoint or elect such agencies as the General Con-
ference may direct or as it deems necessary for its work. Insofar
as possible, the membership on councils, boards, and agencies of
the jurisdictional conference shall include one-third clergy, one-
third laywomen, and one-third laymen in keeping with the poli-
cies for general Church agencies, except for the Board of Ordained
Ministry and the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy. Special
attention shall be given to the inclusion of clergywomen, youth,
young adults, older adults, single adults, persons with disabili-
ties, persons from churches of small membership, and racial and
ethnic persons. (See 710.9a-c.) Every board, standing committee,
commission, council, and work area of the jurisdiction shall des-
ignate one of its members as its coordinator of witness ministries.
These persons shall help the agencies of which they are members
to engage in witness ministries and, in particular, to ask, “How
are we intentionally reaching new people for Jesus Christ through
our ministries?” and “How are we helping new people grow and
mature as disciples of Jesus Christ through our ministries and
areas of responsibility?”
530. Coordination of Programs—In each jurisdiction of The
United Methodist Church there may be a jurisdictional council on
ministries or jurisdictional administrative council, or alternative
structure, organized as the jurisdiction shall determine and with
the authority to coordinate the programs of the general agencies
within the jurisdiction.
531. Program Agencies—In each jurisdiction there may be
jurisdictional program agencies related to the general program
agencies and the appropriate annual conference program agen-
cies organized as the jurisdictional conference shall determine.
532. Archives and History—1. There shall be a jurisdictional
commission on archives and history, auxiliary to the general
commission, to be composed of the chairperson of each annual
conference commission on archives and history or the historian
of each annual conference, the president of the jurisdictional his-
torical society, and at least ve members at large to be elected by
the jurisdictional commission, or composed in a way the jurisdic-
tional conference determines.
533. Jurisdictional Young People’s Ministries—1. Jurisdictions
shall engage youth, young adults, and adults who work with
them in creative partnership to:
a) Network youth, young adults and young people’s
ministries throughout the region,
b) Support young people’s ministries in the annual con-
ferences, and
c) Provide a process by which representatives are chosen
and sent to the Global Young People’s Convocation and the Divi-
sion on Ministries With Young People.
2. Jurisdictions are encouraged to organize their Young Peo-
ple’s Ministries in creative ways that work best for their context.
The jurisdictional young people’s ministries coordinator shall
help design, maintain, and revise any processes to accomplish
this work.
In any process or coordinating group for Jurisdictional Young
People’s Ministries, the following representation is encouraged:
a) Participants from each conference in the jurisdiction
b) Racial/ethnic representation that reects the demo-
graphic make-up of the jurisdiction
c) Participants who bring a variety of theological and cul-
tural perspectives
d) Youth and young adults who may or may not also be
serving on Conference Councils of Youth/Young Adult Ministry
e) Adult workers who may or may not also be conference
youth/young adult staff or similar designee
3. There shall be a jurisdictional young people’s ministries
coordinator who shall be accountable to the jurisdictional council
on ministries or equivalent structure and the jurisdictional young
people’s ministries coordinating team. This coordinator may or
may not be the same person as the adult representative to the
Division on Ministries With Young People of the General Board
of Discipleship.
4. Responsibility to Choose Representatives to the Division on
Ministries With Young People—Using a process appropriate to each
jurisdiction’s context, the Jurisdictional Young People’s Ministries
a) Choose one youth member to serve on the Division on
Ministries With Young People of the General Board of Disciple-
ship for a four-year term. Youth chosen to serve on the Division
on Ministries With Young People shall be age sixteen or younger
at the time of appointment.
b) Nominations shall come from annual conference coun-
cils on youth ministry or equivalent structure, local churches, dis-
tricts, conference youth coordinators, or other Interested clergy
or laity.
c) The Jurisdictional Young People’s Ministries should
ensure that either the youth or young adult representative (who is
elected in the jurisdictional election) will be a racial/ethnic young
d) As far as possible, members of the Division on Minis-
tries With Young People from each jurisdiction shall be from two
different annual conferences in that jurisdiction.
5. Responsibility to Choose Representatives to Attend the Global
Young People’s Convocation—In the year prior to the Global Young
People’s Convocation, Jursidictional Young People’s Ministries
shall choose ve youth and one adult to serve as voting delegates
to the Global Young People’s Convocation.
6. Other suggested responsibilities for the Jurisdictional
Young People’s Ministries:
a) Initiate and support jurisdictional events (camps, con-
ferences, workshops, and so forth).
b) Recommend priorities, concerns, and/or policies to
the Division on Ministries With Young People.
c) Promote the establishment and awareness of the needs,
concerns, issues, and so forth,of racial and ethnic persons through
caucuses, camps, consultations, and so forth.
d) Promote the spiritual growth of participants in the
jurisdictional young people’s ministry events and activities.
e) Promote an evangelistic outreach with young people
and through young people by providing educational opportuni-
ties and resources that increase their awareness, exposure, and
engagement in the areas of mission, social justice, discipleship,
leadership development, and spiritual formation as they relate
back to their annual conference and local church.
f) Provide training and supportive experiences for con-
ference young people’s ministries personnel.
g) Enable communication between general and confer-
ence levels of young people’s ministries.
534. There may be a jurisdictional young-adult organiza-
tion for the purpose of networking young adults throughout the
region, supporting young-adult ministries in the annual confer-
ences, and supporting young adult workers in their ministry.
535. Committee on Ordained Ministry—There may be a juris-
dictional committee on ordained ministry. This committee shall
be comprised of the chair of the conference boards of ordained
ministry or their representatives, the deans/presidents of the
United Methodist seminaries in the jurisdiction, two representa-
tives from the College of Bishops and three members at large,
named by the committee to insure inclusivity. Deacons and lay-
persons shall be represented in the committee. When a jurisdic-
tional board of higher education and ministry exists, this board
may be a part of that structure. The duties of the committee may
include: providing information on supply and demand and
encouraging mobility across conference lines; to create a forum
for the discussion of issues related to representative ministry; to
deal with matters of enlistment and recruitment; to create dia-
logue with seminaries serving the jurisdiction; to enable ethnic
ministries in the jurisdictions. Funding shall be provided through
the jurisdictional conference and the annual conference boards of
ordained ministry.
536. Constitution of United Methodist Women in the Jurisdic-
tionArticle 1. Name—In each jurisdiction there shall be a juris-
diction organization named United Methodist Women, directly
related to the United Methodist Women’s national organization.
Article 2. Authority—Each jurisdiction organization of United
Methodist Women shall have authority to promote its work in
accordance with the program and policies of the United Method-
ist Women’s national organization.
Article 3. Membership—The voting membership of the juris-
diction organization of United Methodist Women shall be com-
posed of the members of the Jurisdiction Leadership Team; three
members elected by each conference organization, members of
the board of directors of United Methodist Women and the mem-
bers of the United Methodist Women Program Advisory Group
in organizations within the jurisdiction; a representative of the
jurisdiction Association of Deaconesses, Home Missioners/Home
Missionaries; and all the active bishops of the jurisdiction.
Article 4. Meetings and Electionsa) There shall be a meet-
ing of the jurisdiction organization of United Methodist Women
during the last year of the quadrennium. At that time the juris-
diction president, members of the Jurisdiction Leadership Team
and members of the board of directors of the United Methodist
Women’s national organization shall be elected according to the
Discipline (¶¶ 647.6d, 1906).
b) There may be other gatherings as needed to fulll the
Article 5. Amendments—Proposed amendments to the consti-
tution shall be sent to the recording secretary of United Method-
ist Women for consideration by the board of directors. The last
date for consideration of any amendments will be the last regular
meeting of the board of directors before the date by which it must
submit proposed legislation for action of the General Conference.
537. Committee on United Methodist Men—In each jurisdic-
tion there shall be a jurisdictional committee on United Methodist
Men, auxiliary to the General Commission on United Methodist
Men ( 2301).
The membership of the jurisdictional committee on United
Methodist Men shall be composed of the elected ofcers, com-
mittee chairpersons, and ministry coordinators as dened by
the organizations’ bylaws as well as the conference president of
United Methodist Men of each annual conference organization
within the boundary of the jurisdiction.
Each jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men shall
have authority to promote its work in accordance with the poli-
cies and programs of the General Commission on United Method-
ist Men.
The jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men shall
elect the jurisdictional president during the last year of the qua-
drennium. The jurisdictional president shall serve on the General
Commission on United Methodist Men (2303.1b). Jurisdictional
presidents who serve less than a full quadrennial term may be
re-elected for a full term. There may be meetings, retreats, and
cooperative training events held by the jurisdictional committee
on United Methodist Men.
The jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men shall
secure funds for the fulllment of its purpose. All funds from
whatever source secured by the jurisdictional committee on
United Methodist Men belong to the organization and shall be
disbursed only in accordance with its constitution and/or by-
laws and by its order.
a) The jurisdictional committee on United Methodist
Men may have their own bank accounts.
b) It is recommended that there be an annual nancial
538. United Methodist Volunteers in Mission—It is recom-
mended that there be a jurisdictional volunteer-in-mission
(UMVIM) coordinator for the purpose of coordination of vol-
unteers, in collaboration with annual conference UMVIM and
Disaster Response Coordinators within their jurisdiction and
the Global Ministries Mission Volunteer Ofce. The jurisdic-
tional coordinator may network to coordinate opportunities and
resources for volunteers in collaboration with the General Board
of Global Ministries and other UMC agencies as requested. The
Jurisdictional UMVIM Coordinator may communicate the need
for Early Response Teams within their region in collaboration
with UMCOR.
539. Administrative Review Committee—The jurisdictional
conference shall establish from its membership an administrative
review committee of at least three persons who are not members
of the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy. Its only purpose
shall be to ensure that the disciplinary procedures for any invol-
untary action recommended by the jurisdictional committee on
episcopacy are properly followed. The entire administrative pro-
cess leading to the action for change of status of the bishop shall
be reviewed by the administrative review committee, and it shall
report its ndings to the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy
and the jurisdictional conference prior to any action by those bod-
ies. The administrative review committee shall notify the parties
of the review process. The administrative fair process hearing
procedures ( 361.2) should be followed by the administrative
review committee. Prior to its report, if the committee determines
that any error has occurred, it may recommend to the appropriate
person or body that action be taken promptly to remedy the error,
decide the error is harmless, or take other action.
Section III. Central Conferences
540. Authorization—1. In territory outside the United
States, annual conferences, provisional annual conferences, mis-
sionary conferences, mission conferences, and missions, in such
numbers as the General Conference by a two-thirds vote shall de-
termine, may be organized by the General Conference into central
conferences or provisional central conferences, with such duties,
privileges, and powers as are hereinafter set forth and as the Gen-
eral Conference by a two-thirds vote shall prescribe.
2. There shall be such central conferences as have been autho-
rized or shall be hereafter authorized by the General Conference,
provided that a central conference shall have a total of at least
thirty clergy and thirty lay delegates on the basis of representation
as set forth in this section, except as the General Conference may
x a different number.
3. The United Methodist Church shall have central confer-
ences with ministries in the following countries:
a) Africa Central Conference: Angola, Botswana, Burundi,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Swa-
ziland, South Africa, South Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe;
b) Central and Southern Europe Central Conference: Alba-
nia, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic,
France, Hungary, Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Ser-
bia, Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Tunisia;
c) Congo Central Conference: Central African Republic,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Tanzania,
d) Germany Central Conference: Germany;
e) Northern Europe and Eurasia Central Conference: Belarus,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lith-
uania, Moldova, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Tajikistan, Ukraine,
f) Philippines Central Conference: Philippines;
g) West Africa Central Conference: Burkina Faso, Camer-
oon, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger,
Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone.
4. A provisional central conference may become a central
conference upon the fulllment of the necessary requirements
and upon the authorization of the General Conference.
541. Composition—1. The central conference shall be com-
posed of clergy and lay members in equal numbers, the clergy
members elected by the clergy members of the annual conference
and the lay members by the lay members thereof. Their quali-
cations and the manner of election shall be determined by the
central conference itself, subject only to constitutional require-
ments. Each annual conference and provisional annual confer-
ence shall be entitled to at least two clergy and two lay delegates,
and no other selection of delegates shall be authorized that
would provide for more than one clergy delegate for every six
clergy members of an annual conference; except that a majority
of the number xed by a central conference as the ratio of rep-
resentation shall entitle an annual conference to an additional
clergy delegate and to an additional lay delegate. Each mission-
ary conference and mission is authorized to elect and send one of
its members to the central conference concerned as its represen-
tative, said representative to be accorded the privilege of sitting
with the committees of the central conference, with the right to
speak in the committees and in the regular sessions of the cen-
tral conference, but without the right to vote. Representatives of
missionary conferences or missions shall have the same claim
for payment of expenses as is allowed to members of the central
2. In the case of a central conference, the rule of proportionate
representation shall be applied by each annual conference.
542. Organization—1. The rst meeting of a central confer-
ence shall be called by the bishop or bishops in charge at such
time and place as they may elect, to which members of the annual
conferences, provisional annual conferences, missionary confer-
ences, and missions concerned shall be elected on the basis of
representation as provided herein. The time and place of future
meetings shall be determined by the central conference or its exec-
utive committee.
2. Each central conference shall meet within the year suc-
ceeding the session of the General Conference at such time and
place as the central conference itself or its bishops may determine
for the purpose of electing bishops when vacancies occur and for
attending to other matters as required. The central conference has
the right to hold such adjourned sessions as it may determine. The
sessions of said conference shall be presided over by the bishops.
In case no bishop is present, the conference shall elect a temporary
president from among its own members. The bishops resident in
a central conference or a majority of them, with the concurrence
of the executive committee or other authorized committee, shall
12. See Judicial Council Decision 371.
have the authority to call an extra session of the central conference
to be held at the time and place designated by them.
3. The Council of Bishops may assign one or more of its
number to visit any central conference or provisional central
conference. When so assigned, the bishop shall be an accredited
representative of the general Church, and when requested by a
majority of the bishops resident in that conference may exercise
therein the functions of the episcopacy.
4. The presiding ofcer of the central conference shall decide
questions of order, subject to an appeal to the central confer-
ence, and shall decide questions of law, subject to an appeal to
the Judicial Council, but questions relating to the interpretation
of the rules and regulations made by the central conference for
the governing of its own session shall be decided by the central
5. A central conference, where the laws of the land permit,
shall have the power to organize and incorporate one or more
executive committees, executive boards, or councils of coopera-
tion, with such membership and such powers as may have been
granted by the central conference for the purpose of representing
it in its property and legal interests and for transacting any neces-
sary business that may arise in the interval between the sessions
of the central conference or that may be committed to said boards
or committees by the central conference.
6. Each central conference within the bounds of which the
General Board of Global Ministries has work shall maintain a
cooperative and consultative relationship with the said board
through a duly constituted executive committee, executive board,
or council of cooperation; but the legal distinction between the
General Board of Global Ministries and the organized church on
the eld shall always be kept clear.
543. Powers and Duties—1. To a central conference shall
be committed for supervision and promotion, in harmony with
the Discipline and interdenominational contractual agreements,
the missionary, educational, evangelistic, industrial, publishing,
medical, and other connectional interests of the annual confer-
ences, provisional annual conferences, missionary conferences,
and missions within its territory and such other matters as may be
13. See Judicial Council Decision 371.
14. See Judicial Council Decisions 375, 376, 381.
referred to it by said bodies or by order of the General Conference;
and it shall provide suitable organizations for such work and elect
the necessary ofcers for the same.
2. A central conference, when authorized by a specic
enabling act of the General Conference, may elect one or more
bishops from among the traveling elders of The United Method-
ist Church. The number of bishops to be elected by each central
conference shall be determined from time to time by the General
3. When a central conference shall have been authorized to
elect bishops, such elections shall be conducted under the same
general procedure as prevails in the jurisdictional conferences for
the election of bishops. A central conference shall have power to
x the tenure of bishops elected by the said central conference.
4. The General Council on Finance and Administration shall
determine the apportionment amounts for the annual conferences
of the central conferences for the succeeding quadrennium based
on calculation methodology approved by the General Conference
upon recommendation by the Council. This determination shall
be informed by consultation with the Council of Bishops.
5. A central conference, in consultation with the bishops of
that central conference, shall x the episcopal areas and residences
and make assignments to them of the bishops who are to reside in
that central conference. The bishops of a central conference shall
arrange the plan of episcopal visitation within its bounds.
6. A central conference shall have authority to elect and sup-
port general ofcers in all departments of the work of the Church
within the boundaries of the central conference but may not deter-
mine the number of bishops.
7. A central conference shall have power to make such
changes and adaptations of the Book of Discipline as the special
conditions and the mission of the church in the area require, espe-
cially concerning the organization and administration of the work
on local church, district, and annual conference levels, provided
that no action shall be taken that is contrary to the Constitution
and the General Rules of The United Methodist Church, and pro-
vided that the spirit of connectional relationship is kept between
the local and the general church. Subject to this restriction, a cen-
tral conference may delegate to an annual conference within its
15. See Judicial Council Decisions 311, 430.
boundaries the power to make one or the other of the changes
and adaptations referred to in this paragraph, upon the request of
such annual conference.
8. A central conference shall x the boundaries of the annual
conferences, provisional annual conferences, missionary confer-
ences, and missions within its bounds, proposals for changes rst
having been submitted to the annual conferences concerned as
prescribed in the Discipline of The United Methodist Church. No
annual conference shall be organized with fewer than thirty-ve
clergy members except as provided by an enabling act for the
quadrennium, which shall not reduce the number below twenty-
ve. Nor shall an annual conference be continued with fewer than
twenty-ve clergy members except as provided by an enabling
act for the quadrennium.
9. A central conference may advise its annual conferences and
provisional annual conferences to set standards of character and
other qualications for admission of lay members.
10. A central conference shall have power to make changes
and adaptations in procedure pertaining to the annual, district,
and charge conferences within its territory and to add to the busi-
ness of the annual conference supplementary questions consid-
ered desirable or necessary to meet its own needs.
11. A central conference shall have authority to examine and
acknowledge the journals of the annual conferences, provisional
annual conferences, missionary conferences, and missions located
within its bounds and to make rules for the drawing up of the
journals as may seem necessary.
12. A central conference shall have authority to adopt rules
of procedure governing the investigation and trial of its clergy,
including bishops, and lay members of the Church and to pro-
vide the necessary means and methods of implementing the said
rules; provided, however, that the ordained ministers shall not
be deprived of the right of trial by a clergy committee, and lay
members of the Church of the right of trial by a duly constituted
committee of lay members; and provided also, that the rights of
appeal shall be adequately safeguarded.
16. See Judicial Council Decision 313.
17. See Judicial Council Decisions 525, 541, 549.
18. See Judicial Council Decisions 310, 595.
13. A central conference is authorized to prepare and trans-
late simplied or adapted forms of such parts of the ritual as it
may deem necessary, such changes to require the approval of the
resident bishop or bishops of the central conference.
14. A central conference shall have the power to conform
the detailed rules, rites, and ceremonies for the solemnization of
marriage to the statute laws of the country or countries within its
15. Subject to the approval of the bishops resident therein, a
central conference shall have the power to prescribe courses of
study, including those in the vernaculars, for its ministry, both
foreign and indigenous, including local preachers, lay servants,
Bible women, deaconesses, teachers—both male and female—and
all other workers whatsoever, ordained or lay. It shall also make
rules and regulations for examination in these courses.
16. A central conference shall have authority to edit and pub-
lish a central conference Discipline, which shall contain in addition
to the Constitution of the Church such sections from the general
Discipline of The United Methodist Church as may be pertinent to
the entire Church and also such revised, adapted, or new sections
as shall have been enacted by the central conference concerned
under the powers given by the General Conference.
17. In a central conference or provisional central conference
using a language other than English, legislation passed by a Gen-
eral Conference shall not take effect until twelve months after the
close of that General Conference in order to afford the necessary
time to make adaptations and to publish a translation of the leg-
islation that has been enacted, the translation to be approved by
the resident bishop or bishops of the central conference. This pro-
vision, however, shall not exclude the election of delegates to the
General Conference by annual conferences within the territory of
central conferences or provisional central conferences.
18. A central conference is authorized to interpret Article
XXIII of the Articles of Religion (page 71) so as to recognize the
governments of the country or countries within its territory.
19. A central conference shall have power to authorize the
congregations in a certain state or country to form special orga-
nizations in order to receive the acknowledgment of the state
or country according to the laws of that state or country. These
organizations shall be empowered to represent the interests of the
Church to the authorities of the state or country according to the
rules and principles of The United Methodist Church, and they
shall be required to give regular reports of their activities to their
respective annual conferences.
20. A central conference may, with the consent of the bishops
resident in that conference, enter into agreements with churches
or missions of other denominations for the division of territory
or of responsibility for Christian work within the territory of the
central conference.
21. A central conference shall have the right to negoti-
ate with other Protestant bodies looking toward the possibility
of church union; provided that any proposals for church union
shall be submitted to the General Conference for approval before
544. [Reserved]
545. Records and Archives—1. The journal of the proceed-
ings of a central conference, duly signed by the president and
secretary, shall be sent for examination to the General Confer-
ence through its secretary. Two paper copies in every transla-
tion shall be sent without charge to the General Commission on
Archives and History and the General Council on Finance and
Administration, and one copy of a digital version shall be sent
along with the paper copies, if available. It is recommended that
the journal include memoirs of deceased clergy and deceased
clergy spouses.
2. The secretary of a central conference in which one or
more bishops have been chosen shall report to the secretary of
the General Conference the names of the bishop or bishops and
the residences to which they have been assigned by the central
3. The secretary of each central conference shall submit a
hardcopy of every translation and adaptation of the general Dis-
cipline or portion thereof in use in that central conference to the
General Commission on Archives and History and the General
Council on Finance and Administration.
546. Property—1. A central conference, through a duly
incorporated property-holding body or bodies, shall have author-
ity to purchase, own, hold, or transfer property for and on behalf
of all the unincorporated organizations of The United Methodist
Church within the territory of that central conference or on behalf
19. See Judicial Council Decision 350.
of other organizations of The United Methodist Church that have
entrusted their property to that central conference.
2. A central conference shall have authority to make the nec-
essary rules and regulations for the holding and management of
such properties; provided, however, that (a) all procedure shall be
subject to the laws of the country or countries concerned; (b) no
transfer of property shall be made from one annual conference to
another without the consent of the conference holding title to such
property; and (c) the status of properties held by local trustees or
other holding bodies shall be recognized.
3. A central conference shall not directly or indirectly,
through its incorporated property-holding body or bodies, alien-
ate property or proceeds of property without due consideration of
its trusteeship for local churches, annual conferences, the General
Board of Global Ministries, and other organizations, local or gen-
eral, of the Church.
4. A central conference or any of its incorporated organiza-
tions shall not involve the General Board of Global Ministries
or any organization of the Church in any nancial obligation
without the ofcial approval of said board or organization. All
invested funds, duciary trusts, or property belonging to an
annual conference, a provisional annual conference, a mission-
ary conference, or a mission, or any of its institutions, acquired
by bequest, donation, or otherwise and designated for a specic
use, shall be applied to the purpose for which they were desig-
nated. They shall not be diverted to any other purpose, except
by the consent of the conference or mission involved and with
the approval of the central conference concerned and civil court
action when necessary. The same rule shall apply to similar funds
or properties acquired by a central conference for specic objects.
In cases involving the diversion of trust funds and properties
within the territory of a central conference, the central confer-
ence concerned shall determine the disposition of the interests
involved, subject to an appeal to the judicial court of the central
547. Conference Agencies—1. A central conference may have
a standing committee on women’s work. This committee should
preferably be composed of the women delegates and such other
persons as the central conference may elect. The duty of this
committee shall be to study the relation of women to the Church
and to devise ways and means of developing this portion of the
Church membership, to the end that it may assume its rightful
responsibilities in the extension of the Kingdom. The committee
shall make recommendations to the central conference regard-
ing women’s organizations within its areas. A central conference
organization may become a member of the World Federation of
Methodist Women and may elect a representative to the World
Federation of Methodist Women within the provisions of the
2. A central conference may organize a women’s unit, after
consultation with the committee on women’s work, in connec-
tion with any annual conference or provisional annual conference
within its bounds and provide a constitution and bylaws for it.
3. A central conference that adapts and edits the Discipline
as provided in 543.16 shall establish a judicial court, which in
addition to other duties that the central conference may assign to
it shall hear and determine the legality of any action of the central
conference taken under the adapted portions of the Discipline or
of a decision of law by the presiding bishop of the central confer-
ence pertaining to the adapted portions of the Discipline, upon
appeal by the presiding bishop or by one-fth of the members
of the central conference. Further, the judicial court shall hear
and determine the legality of any action of an annual conference
taken under the adapted portions of the Discipline or of a decision
of law by the presiding bishop of the annual conference pertain-
ing to the adapted portion of the Discipline, upon appeal of the
presiding bishop or of such percentage of the members of the
annual conference as may be determined by the central confer-
ence concerned.
4. A central conference may have a standing committee on
young people’s ministry. This committee shall be composed of
youth, young adults, and adult leaders of youth or young-adult
ministry from each annual conference in the central conference.
The duty of this committee shall be to study the relation of young
people to the Church and to devise ways and means of develop-
ing the Church’s ministry for, with, and by young people. The
committee shall make recommendations to the central conference
regarding youth and young-adult organizations within its areas
as well as elect delegates to the Global Young People’s Convoca-
tion ( 1210).
5. Every board, standing committee, commission, council,
and work area of the central conference shall designate one of its
members as its coordinator of witness ministries. These persons
shall help the agencies of which they are members to engage in
witness ministries and, in particular, to ask, “How are we inten-
tionally reaching new people for Jesus Christ through our minis-
tries?” and “How are we helping new people grow and mature
as disciples of Jesus Christ through our ministries and areas of
548. Bishops in Retired Relation—1. An ordained minister
who has served a term or part of a term as a bishop in a cen-
tral conference where term episcopacy has prevailed shall, upon
retirement from the effective relation in the ministry, be paid an
allowance from the General Episcopal Fund in such sum as the
General Council on Finance and Administration shall determine
for the years during which the ordained minister served as a
2. When former central conferences of The United Meth-
odist Church become or have become autonomous churches or
entered into church unions, retired bishops therein shall continue
to have membership in the Council of Bishops if the retired bish-
ops involved so desire.
Section IV. Provisional Central Conferences
560. Authorization—Annual conferences, provisional an-
nual conferences, missionary conferences, and missions outside
the United States that are not included in central conferences or in
the territory of afliated autonomous churches and that, because
of geographical, language, political, or other considerations,
have common interests that can best be served thereby, may be
organized into provisional central conferences as provided in
The United Methodist Church shall have a provisional central
conference with ministries in the following countries:
a) Southeast Asia and Mongolia Provisional Central Confer-
ence: Laos, Mongolia, Thailand, and Vietnam.
561. Organization—The organization of provisional central
conferences shall conform to the regulations prescribed for cen-
tral conferences insofar as they are considered applicable by the
bishop in charge.
20. See Judicial Council Decision 394.
21. See Judicial Council Decision 525.
562. Powers—The General Conference may grant to a provi-
sional central conference any of the powers of a central conference
except that of electing bishops.
563. Ad Interim Provisions—In the interval between Gen-
eral Conferences, the General Board of Global Ministries, upon
the recommendation of the bishops in charge and after consulta-
tion with the annual conferences, provisional annual conferences,
missionary conferences, and missions concerned, may make
changes in the boundaries of a provisional central conference
and may grant to a provisional central conference or to any of its
component parts any of the powers of a central conference except
that of electing bishops. All changes in boundaries and all grants
of powers authorized by the General Board of Global Ministries
shall be reported to the ensuing session of the General Conference
and shall expire at the close of that session unless renewed by the
General Conference.
564. Lay Membership—An annual conference or a provi-
sional annual conference in the eld of a provisional central con-
ference shall have the power to set standards of character and
other qualications for admission of its lay members.
565. Ad Interim Provisions for Conferences Outside the United
States—To annual conferences, provisional annual conferences,
missionary conferences, and missions that are outside the United
States and are not included in central conferences or provisional
central conferences, the General Conference may grant any of the
powers of central conferences except that of electing bishops; and
in the interval between General Conferences, the General Board
of Global Ministries may grant such powers when requested to
do so by the bishop in charge and by the annual conference, pro-
visional annual conference, missionary conference, or mission
566. Episcopal Supervision—The General Conference shall
make provision for the episcopal supervision of work in the terri-
tory outside the United States that is not now included in central
567. The Council of Bishops may provide, if and when nec-
essary, for episcopal visitation of mission elds not included in
central or provisional central conferences.
22. See Judicial Council Decision 403.
Section V. Autonomous Methodist Churches,
Afliated Autonomous Methodist Churches,
Afliated United Churches, Covenanting Churches,
Concordat Churches
570. Churches located outside the boundaries of the juris-
dictional conferences and which have entered into relationship
with or have agreements with The United Methodist Church,
including that of sending representatives to General Conference
of The United Methodist Church are described as follows:
1. Autonomous Methodist Churches
a) A self-governing church of the Wesleyan tradition and
which may or may not have entered into the Act of Covenanting
with The United Methodist Church.
b) Autonomous Methodist churches are not entitled to
send delegates to the General Conference of The United Method-
ist Church.
2. Afliated Autonomous Methodist Churches
a) A self-governing Methodist church in whose establish-
ment The United Methodist Church or one of its constituent mem-
bers (The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist
Church or their predecessors) has assisted and which by mutual
agreement has entered into a Covenant of Relationship (in effect
from 1968 to 1984) or an Act of Covenanting (see 573) with The
United Methodist Church.
b) Each afliated autonomous Methodist church shall be
entitled to two delegates, one clergy and one layperson, to the
General Conference of The United Methodist Church in accor-
dance with 433.1b. They shall be entitled to all the rights and
privileges of delegates, including membership on committees,
except the right to vote. Such a church having more than 70,000
full members shall be entitled to one additional delegate. At least
one of the three delegates shall be a woman. The bishop or presi-
dent of the afliated autonomous Methodist churches may be
invited by the Council of Bishops to the General Conference.
3. Afliated United Churches
a) A self-governing church which is formed by the unit-
ing of two or more denominations, at least one of which shall
have been related to The United Methodist Church or one of its
constituent members (The Evangelical United Brethren Church
and The Methodist Church or its predecessors).
b) Each afliated united church shall be entitled to two
delegates, one clergy and one layperson, to the General Con-
ference of The United Methodist Church in accordance with
433.1b. They shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of
delegates, including membership on committees, except the right
to vote. Such a church having more than 70,000 full members shall
be entitled to one additional delegate. At least one of the three del-
egates shall be a woman. The bishop or president of the afliated
united churches may be invited by the Council of Bishops to the
General Conference.
4. Covenanting Churches
a) An autonomous Methodist church, an afliated auton-
omous Methodist church, an afliated united church, or another
Christian church which has entered into a covenanting relation-
ship with The United Methodist Church through an Act of Cov-
enanting as described in 573.
b) The Act of Covenanting does not warrant that the cov-
enanting churches shall be entitled to delegates at the General
Conference of The United Methodist Church, or at the equivalent
body of the covenant partner.
5. Methodist Churches With Concordat Agreements
a) Other Methodist churches which have Methodist heri-
tage in common with The United Methodist Church or one of its
constituent members (The Evangelical United Brethren Church
and The Methodist Church or its predecessors) and which have
entered into concordat agreements in accord with 574 with the
purpose of manifesting the common Methodist heritage, afrm-
ing the equal status of the two churches and expressing mutual
acceptance and respect, and creating opportunities for closer fel-
lowship between the two churches, especially on the leadership
b) Such concordat agreement, with the exception of The
Methodist Church of Great Britain (see 13.3), shall entitle the
two churches to the following rights and privileges:
(1) The two churches, entering a concordant relation-
ship, shall each elect two delegates, one clergy and one lay, to be
seated in each other’s General Conference or equivalent bodies
with all rights and privileges. The agreements with the Method-
ist Church of Mexico and the Methodist Church of the Caribbean
and the Americas shall be honored.
(2) The host church shall make provisions for hospi-
tality, including room and board, for the delegates of the other
concordat church. Travel and other expenses shall be the respon-
sibility of the visiting church.
571. Autonomous Methodist Churches, Afliated Autonomous
Methodist Churches, and Afliated United Churches—1. Certicates
of church membership given by clergy in one church shall be
accepted by clergy in the other church.
2. When the requirements of such a Methodist church for its
ordained ministry are comparable to those of The United Meth-
odist Church, clergy may be transferred between its properly
constituted ministerial bodies and the annual and provisional
annual conferences of The United Methodist Church and their
ordination(s) recognized as valid, with the approval and consent
of the bishops or other appointive authorities involved in compli-
ance with 347.
3. A program of visitation may be mutually arranged by the
Council of Bishops in cooperation with the equivalent leader-
ship of the autonomous Methodist church, afliated autonomous
Methodist church, and/or afliated united church.
4. The Council of Bishops, in consultation with the General
Board of Global Ministries and the Ofce of Christian Unity and
Interreligious Relationships, shall work out plans of cooperation
with these churches. The General Board of Global Ministries shall
serve as the agent of The United Methodist Church for a continu-
ing dialogue looking to the establishment of mission priorities
with special reference to matters of personnel and nance.
B A A M,
A A M,
 A U C  C C
572. When conferences outside the United States that are
parts of The United Methodist Church desire to become an auton-
omous Methodist, afliated autonomous Methodist, or afliated
united church, approval shall rst be secured from the central
conference involved and this decision be ratied by the annual
conferences within the central conference by two-thirds majority
of the aggregate votes cast by the annual conferences.
1. The conference shall prepare a historical record with rea-
sons why afliation and/or autonomy is requested and shall con-
23. See Judicial Council Decision 692.
24. See Judicial Council Decisions 548, 1062.
sult with the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters
( 2201) on proceedings for afliation and/or autonomy.
2. The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters
and the conferences involved shall mutually agree on the confes-
sion of faith and the constitution of the new church. These shall
be prepared with care and shall be approved by the conferences.
3. Preparation of its Discipline is the responsibility of the
conference(s) desiring afliation and/or autonomy.
4. Upon recommendation of the Standing Committee on
Central Conference Matters, when all disciplinary requirements
for afliated and/or autonomous relationship have been met,
the General Conference through an enabling act shall approve of
and grant permission for the conference(s) involved to become
an autonomous Methodist, afliated autonomous Methodist, or
afliated united church.
5. Then the central conference involved shall meet, declare
the present relationship between The United Methodist Church
and the conference(s) involved dissolved, and reorganize as
an autonomous Methodist, afliated autonomous Methodist,
or afliated united church in accordance with the enabling act
granted by the General Conference. The Standing Committee on
Central Conference Matters shall assist in this process and, when
the plans are consummated, report to the Council of Bishops. The
proclamation of afliated and/or autonomous status shall then be
signed by the president of the Council of Bishops and the secre-
tary of the General Conference.
6. A plan of cooperation shall be developed in accordance
with 571.4.
B  C C
573. 1. A covenanting relationship, whose elements were
adopted by the 1992 General Conference in an action called an
“Act of Covenanting Between Christian Churches and The United
Methodist Church” may be established between autonomous
Methodist churches, afliated autonomous Methodist churches,
afliated united churches, or other Christian churches and The
United Methodist Church.
a) The purpose of an Act of Covenanting with another
Christian church is to encourage a new sense of global common
cause, mutual support, mutual spiritual growth, common study
of Scripture and culture, creative interaction as ministers in the
mission of God’s church, cross-fertilization of ideas about ways to
be in that mission, sharing of resources, and exploration of new
forms of service directed at old and emerging needs.
b) An Act of Covenanting will include recognition of our
respective baptisms as different facets of the one baptism; recog-
nition of one another as authentic expressions of the one holy,
catholic, and apostolic church of Jesus Christ; recognition of the
ordained ministries of the two churches; commitment to system-
atic participation in full eucharistic fellowship; and commitment
to function in new ways of partnership, visitations, and programs.
c) For The United Methodist Church, oversight of the
covenantal relationships is the responsibility of the Council of
Bishops, while participation in specic projects is the responsibil-
ity of the appropriate general agency or agencies.
2. The Council of Bishops shall represent The United Meth-
odist Church in developing an Act of Covenanting with a pro-
spective partner church. The Council of Bishops shall make
recommendations to General Conference as to the specic cove-
nanting agreements. When approved by General Conference and
by the chief legislative body of the partner church, the Act of Cov-
enanting becomes effective when signed by the president of the
Council of Bishops and the secretary of the General Conference
of The United Methodist Church and by the authorized persons
in the covenanting church. The text of each Act of Covenanting as
adopted shall be printed in the appropriate General Conference
journal or equivalent.
C A
574. Concordat Agreements—1. With the exception of The
Methodist Church of Great Britain, such concordats may be estab-
lished by the following procedure:
a) The Methodist church shall, through its major deci-
sion-making body, request a concordat relationship with The
United Methodist Church through the Council of Bishops. Con-
cordats may also be initiated by The United Methodist Church
acting through the Council of Bishops who shall, in cooperation
with the Methodist church in question, ascertain that all disciplin-
ary conditions are met and then prepare the necessary enabling
legislation for adoption by the General Conference.
25. See Judicial Council Decision 692.
b) When such concordat agreement has been approved
by the General Conference, the Council of Bishops shall prepare
a statement of the concordat agreement to be signed by the presi-
dent of the Council of Bishops, the secretary of the General Con-
ference, and two representatives of the Methodist church with
whom the concordat agreement is made. Such concordats shall be
printed in the Daily Christian Advocate of that General Conference.
2. Such concordat agreement shall entitle the two churches to
the following rights and privileges:
a) A program of mutual visitation may be arranged by
the Council of Bishops in cooperation with the equivalent leader-
ship of the other concordat church. The Council of Bishops may
assign one or more of its members for episcopal visitation to con-
cordat churches.
b) Clergy may be transferred between the two churches
in accordance with ¶¶ 347.2b and 571.2.
J T U M C
575. A church outside the United States may join The
United Methodist Church when all of the following requirements
are fullled:
1. Said church shall accept and approve the Constitution,
Articles of Faith, Discipline, and polity of The United Methodist
2. Said church, if it is within the boundaries of a central or
provisional central conference, shall apply for membership in that
conference. Such application shall be approved by the central or
provisional central conference and by the General Conference. In
the event that said church is not within the boundaries of an exist-
ing central or provisional conference, then its membership appli-
cation shall be reviewed by the Council of Bishops and shall be
approved by the General Conference.
3. Said church shall declare its own constitution and church
order null and void.
4. The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters
shall advise and assist said church in this process and prepare the
necessary enabling act for approval by the General Conference.
5. The General Conference shall approve legislation author-
izing the necessary adjustments in the organization of the cen-
tral or provisional central conference involved. In the event that
said church is not within the boundaries of an existing central or
provisional central conference, then legislation shall be approved
to either change boundaries of a contiguous conference or to
establish a new central or provisional central conference.
6. The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters
shall assist said church in the process of becoming a part of The
United Methodist Church, determine when all requirements are
met, and report to the General Conference.
Section VI. Provisional Annual Conferences
580. Denition—A provisional annual conference is a con-
ference that, because of its limited membership, does not qualify
for annual conference status.
581. Provisions—Any missionary conference or mission
established under the provisions of the Discipline may be con-
stituted as a provisional annual conference by the General Con-
ference, in consultation with the central conference, provisional
central conference, or jurisdictional conference within which the
missionary conference or mission is located, provided that:
1. No provisional annual conference shall be organized with
fewer than ten clergy members or be continued with fewer than
six clergy members.
2. The total nancial support from the General Board of
Global Ministries, including the Advance, shall not exceed an
appropriate percentage as determined in consultation with the
3. The membership and contributions of the conference have
shown a reasonable increase during the previous quadrennium
and give evidence of an aggressive program for continued prog-
ress in both areas.
582. Organization—A provisional annual conference shall
be organized in the same manner and have the same powers and
functions as an annual conference, subject to the approval of the
presiding bishop; and its members shall share pro rata in the pro-
ceeds of The United Methodist Publishing House with members
of the annual conferences, with the following exceptions:
1. The bishop having episcopal supervision of a provisional
annual conference in a foreign or a home mission eld may appoint
a representative as superintendent, to whom may be committed
specic responsibility for the representation of the General Board
of Global Ministries in its relation to the indigenous church and
also in cooperation with other recognized evangelical missions.
Such duties shall be exercised so as not to interfere with the work
of the district superintendent. This superintendent may also be a
district superintendent, provided the superintendent is a member
of the said conference. The superintendent shall be responsible
directly to the bishop appointed to administer the work in that
episcopal area and shall make adequate reports of the work and
needs of the eld to the bishop and to the secretaries of the Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries immediately concerned.
2. A provisional annual conference shall meet annually at the
time appointed by the bishop. If there is no bishop present, the
superintendent shall preside. In the absence of both, the presi-
dency shall be determined as in an annual conference ( 603.6).
The conference or a committee thereof shall select the place for
holding the conference.
3. In a provisional annual conference receiving major fund-
ing from the General Board of Global Ministries, the assigned staff
of the board shall provide consultation and guidance in setting
up the annual budget and Advance projects within the conference
and in the promotion of new mission projects. The conference,
in making requests for appropriations for support, including
grants and loans for building projects, shall submit to the General
Board of Global Ministries a statement of the proposed annual
budget and proposed nancial plan for new mission and building
plans. Items involving increased appropriations from the General
Board of Global Ministries or increased askings from the Advance
shall be subject to modications by the General Board of Global
4. A provisional annual conference shall elect one ordained
minister and one layperson as delegates with full voting and
other rights to the General Conference and to the jurisdictional
conference. Delegates to central conferences shall be elected in
accordance with 541.1.
583. Board of Global Ministries—In a provisional annual con-
ference in the United States or the Virgin Islands, there shall be a
conference board of global ministries constituted as in an annual
conference and having the same duties and powers.
Section VII. The Missionary Conference
585. Denition—A conference is a missionary conference
because of its particular mission opportunities, its limited mem-
bership and resources, its unique leadership requirements, its stra-
tegic regional or language considerations, and ministerial needs.
The General Board of Global Ministries shall provide administra-
tive guidance and major nancial assistance, including attention
to the distinctive property matters.
586. Organization—A missionary conference shall be orga-
nized in the same manner and with the same rights and pow-
ers as an annual conference (¶¶ 601-604), but with the following
1. The College of Bishops shall provide episcopal supervision
for any missionary conference(s) within its jurisdictional bound-
aries as are organized. The bishop thus placed in charge and hav-
ing episcopal supervision within the respective episcopal area
in cooperation with the General Board of Global Ministries shall
appoint a conference superintendent and/or district superinten-
dents. Such conference and/or district superintendent(s) shall be
an elder(s) and shall be subject to the same limitations on years of
service as district superintendents ( 418). Years of service may be
either consecutive or non-consecutive. Years of service as a confer-
ence and/or district superintendent in a missionary conference
shall be counted toward the total of twelve years permitted in a
regular annual conference.
2. The General Board of Global Ministries shall give close
supervision and guidance in setting up the administrative and
promotional budgets and Advance projects within the conference
and in the promotion of new mission projects. The conference, in
making requests for appropriations for support and grants and
loans for building projects, shall submit to the General Board of
Global Ministries a statement of the proposed annual promotional
and administrative budget and the proposed nancial plan for
new mission and building projects. New work and building proj-
ects involving increased appropriations from the General Board
of Global Ministries shall rst have the approval of the General
Board of Global Ministries.
3. Missionary conferences shall elect clergy and lay delegates
to General and jurisdictional conference on the same basis as
annual conferences as provided in ¶¶ 502 and 514.
4. a) Membership—A missionary conference shall determine
by majority vote whether it will establish the right of full minis-
terial membership. With approval and consent of the bishops or
26. See Judicial Council Decision 512.
other judicatory authorities involved, appointments are to be
made by the resident bishop of the conference in which the cler-
gyperson is to serve.
b) An ordained minister in full connection with an annual
conference who is appointed to a missionary conference that has
previously voted to include full membership under § 4a may
choose either to request the bishop of the missionary conference
to seek the transfer of his or her membership into full membership
with the missionary conference or retain his or her membership in
a home conference and be considered in an afliated relationship
to the missionary conference.
c) In a missionary conference which has not voted to
include full membership, each United Methodist cleric appointed
by the bishop shall retain his or her membership in a home confer-
ence and be considered in an afliated relationship to the mission-
ary conference.
d) Afliated relationship shall entitle the ordained min-
ister to the fellowship of the conference, to full participation in
its activities, including holding ofce and representing the mis-
sionary conference in General and jurisdictional conferences. An
afliate member of a missionary conference shall not vote in his
or her annual conference while retaining the afliate relationship
to a missionary conference. Such afliate relationship to a mis-
sionary conference shall be only for the duration of the ordained
minister’s appointment to the conference.
An afliate member elected to a General or jurisdictional
conference from a missionary conference shall not be eligible to
be elected to such position from the conference where his or her
membership is held.
e) A missionary conference may elect into full ministerial
membership those persons desiring full membership in accor-
dance with 588.
f) A pastor under full-time appointment in a mission-
ary conference, upon consultation with and the approval of the
bishop and conference or district superintendent or cabinet, may
waive his or her claim upon the conference minimum salary. This
waiver is to be reviewed annually and is to be effective until the
time of subsequent appointment.
g) In a missionary conference that has not established
the right of full ministerial membership (§ 4a), if the mission-
ary conference is part of an episcopal area consisting of two or
more annual and missionary conferences, then for purposes of
candidacy for ordination (¶¶ 310-314), provisional membership
(¶¶ 324-327), and election to full conference membership (¶¶ 328-
336), the missionary conference may function as a district of an
annual conference in the same episcopal area, with and only with
the approval of the presiding bishop, the Board of Ordained Min-
istry of the annual conference, and the committee on ordained
ministry of the missionary conference. If the missionary con-
ference does not have a committee on ordained ministry, then
approval may be provided by the body of the missionary confer-
ence to which the functions of the committee on ordained minis-
try have been assigned.
5. A missionary conference may include in its membership
representation of such mission agencies within its boundaries as
it deems advisable, provided, however, such representation shall
not exceed a number equal to one-third of the total membership
of the missionary conference and that such representatives shall
be members of The United Methodist Church in accordance with
constitutional requirements.
6. In order to provide traditional and experimental ministries,
the bishop of the missionary conference may appoint an effective
elder to other than full-time pastoral appointment combined with
secular employment. This will in no way affect the conference
relationship. Pension and other benets shall be provided in con-
sultation with the parties involved and with the approval of the
missionary conference.
7. A missionary conference that has not established the right
of full ministerial membership may ordain indigenous racial and
ethnic persons as deacons who, although they are not associate
members, shall be accorded all the rights and privileges of associ-
ate membership in the missionary conference, provided that they
have completed all of the necessary requirements for candidacy
and such other requirements the missionary conference may
establish. Further, these persons have the right to pursue transfer
of their ministerial relationship to another annual conference as
an associate member and to pursue a relationship of full connec-
tion under the guidance of that annual conference.
587. Only the General Conference can create a mission-
ary conference or change a missionary conference to a provisional
27. See Judicial Council Decision 448.
25. See Judicial Council Decision 511.
annual conference or an annual conference. A petition to the Gen-
eral Conference for change in status from a missionary conference
shall set forth details of the history and status of the conference
and shall be accompanied by a report and recommendation of the
General Board of Global Ministries.
588. Rights and Privileges—Missionary conferences shall
have the same rights as those given to the central conferences in
543.7, .8 to make such changes and adaptations regarding the
ministry and ordination of ordained ministers as the effective
use of indigenous leadership in the missionary conference may
require, provided that no action shall be taken that is contrary to
the Constitution and the General Rules of The United Methodist
Church, and provided further that a missionary conference that
does not have a board of ordained ministry must use the process
prescribed in 586.4g) for approval of candidates for ordination.
Section VIII. Missions
590. The purpose of a mission is to provide and develop
ministry with a particular group or region whose potential and
needs cannot be met within the existing structures and resources
of annual or district conference(s). A mission may also be the ini-
tial stage in moving toward the formation of a provisional annual
In accordance with the Wesleyan ecumenical spirit, in all
phases of mission development, the initiating United Methodist
entities will consult with, and where possible create cooperative
relationships with, Wesleyan communions. They will promote
relationships with other denominations serving in the area and
with interdenominational and ecumenical organizations. Where
appropriate, they will engage in dialogue with interfaith agencies
and organizations.
591. Powers and Duties—1. A mission is an organizational
body for a eld of work inside, outside, or across the structures of
annual conferences, or provisional annual conferences.
2. A mission may be established by the General Board of
Global Ministries, or by a central or annual conference in coopera-
tion with the General Board of Global Ministries.
3. The boundaries for a mission established by a central or
annual conference in cooperation with the General Board of Global
Ministries are to be determined by the central or annual con-
ference and the General Board of Global Ministries. If a mission
is established by the General Board of Global Ministries outside
territories of central conferences, the General Board of Global
Ministries will establish the boundaries.
4. (a) When the mission lies within the bounds of one epis-
copal area, the resident bishop shall preside over the mission.
(b) When the mission crosses the boundaries of one or more epis-
copal areas, jurisdictions, or central conferences, the College(s) of
Bishops, in consultation with the general secretary of the General
Board of Global Ministries, shall assign a bishop to the mission.
(c) When the mission lies outside the bounds of an established
episcopal area in jurisdictions or central conferences, the Coun-
cil of Bishops, in consultation with the general secretary of the
General Board of Global Ministries, will assign a bishop to be its
presiding ofcer.
5. The entity or entities establishing a mission, in collabora-
tion with the assigned bishop, will seek a cooperative agreement
with an annual conference which will serve as the correspondent
annual conference to the mission for the purposes of ordination
and conference membership as well as for local pastor licensing.
6. The annual meeting of the mission shall have the power
to certify candidates for the ordained ministry, to receive and to
examine mission pastors and local elders in mission, and to rec-
ommend to an annual conference proper persons for provisional
or full membership and ordination.
7. The entity or entities initiating a mission shall be respon-
sible for its administration and development and for making sure
that the mission sets up, organizes and implements the necessary
mechanisms and processes to fulll the functions of the mission.
8. Neither the mission nor its ofcers shall assume nan-
cial obligations or make nancial commitments on behalf of the
General Board of Global Ministries without the board’s written
9. Recommendations for a change of status of a mission shall
be made by the entity or entities that established the mission.
592. Membership—1. A mission shall be made up of all regu-
larly appointed missionaries, both lay and clergy, local elders in
mission, mission pastors, and other lay members. The mission
shall determine the number of lay members and the method of
their selection. In so doing, it shall ensure that all aspects of the
mission’s work are represented.
29. See Judicial Council Decision 341.
2. In territories outside the boundaries of central or annual
conferences, the bishop assigned to the mission and the General
Board of Global Ministries recommend the educational require-
ments for local elders in mission, and mission pastors. Such
recommendations and requirements shall be approved by the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
a) Local elders in mission are ordained members of the mis-
sion and are not members of an annual conference. Local elders in
mission are limited in their itineration and sacramental authority
to the bounds of the mission and as such are not eligible to trans-
fer their credentials to another annual conference.
b) Mission pastors are members of the mission without being
members of an annual conference. The mission shall determine
the requirements for a mission pastor in order to most effectively
utilize the indigenous leadership. Mission pastors are limited in
their itineration to the bounds of the mission.
593. Missions—Annual Meeting—1. A mission shall meet
annually at the time and place designated by the bishop in charge,
who shall preside. In the absence of the bishop, a superintendent
of the mission shall preside. The presiding ofcer shall bring for-
ward the regular business of the meeting and arrange the work.
2. The assigned bishop, in consultation with the entity or
entities establishing a mission, may appoint one or more superin-
tendents of the mission.
3. At the annual meeting, the bishop shall assign the mission-
aries, local elders in mission, and mission pastors to the several
charges for the ensuing year; provided that transfer of mission-
aries related to the General Board of Global Ministries shall be
completed only after consultation with the board.
4. A mission related to a central conference is authorized to
elect and send one lay and one clergy to the central conference as
its representative, with voice but not vote.
Section IX. The Annual Conference
601. Purpose—The purpose of the annual conference is to
make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a
connection for ministry beyond the local church; all to the glory
of God.
602. Composition and Character—1. The clergy membership
of an annual conference ( 369) shall consist of deacons and elders
in full connection ( 333), provisional members ( 327), associate
members, afliate members (¶¶ 344.4, 586.4), and local pastors
( 317).
(See also 32.)
a) Clergy members in full connection shall have the right
to vote on all matters in the annual conference except in the elec-
tion of lay delegates to the General and jurisdictional or central
conferences and shall have sole responsibility for all matters of
ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy.
b) Provisional clergy members shall have the right to
vote in the annual conference on all matters except constitutional
amendments, election of clergy delegates to the General and juris-
dictional or central conferences and matters of ordination, charac-
ter, and conference relations of clergy. Provisional clergy members
who have completed all of their educational requirements may
vote to elect clergy delegates to General and jurisdictional or cen-
tral conferences.
c) Associate clergy members shall have the right to vote
in the annual conference on all matters except constitutional
amendments, and matters of ordination, character, and confer-
ence relations of clergy. When associate members are members
of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry, they have the right
to vote at clergy session on matters of ordination, character, and
conference relations of clergy ( 635.1). Afliate clergy members
shall have the right to vote in the annual conference on all mat-
ters except the constitutional amendments, election of clergy
delegates to the General jurisdictional or central conferences,
and matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of
d) Full-time and part-time local pastors shall have the
right to vote in the annual conference on all matters except con-
stitutional amendments; election of delegates to the General and
jurisdictional or central conferences and matters of ordination,
character, and conference relations of clergy.
When local pastors
are members of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, they
have the right to vote at clergy session on matters of ordination,
character, and conference relations of clergy ( 635.1). Local pas-
tors who have completed course of study or an M. Div. degree and
30. See Judicial Council Decisions 477, 555, 1062.
31. See Judicial Council Decisions 406, 555, 686, 690.
32. See Judicial Council Decision 1181 and 35, Article IV.
33. See Judicial Council Decision 862.
have served a minimum of two consecutive years under appoint-
ment before the election may vote to elect clergy delegates to Gen-
eral and jurisdictional or central conferences.
e) Each annual conference having campus ministers,
chaplains and Wesley Foundation directors shall include the same
in its lay and clergy annual conference composition. In districts
where United Methodist laypersons serve as campus ministers/
directors of Wesley Foundations, they shall be added as district-
at-large lay members to the annual conference. In districts where
United Methodist clergy serve as chaplains, campus ministers,
and directors of Wesley Foundations, the laypersons elected as
their balancing counterpart shall be elected from either the cam-
pus ministry board of directors or a student from that ministry/
foundation. In making sure that such inclusion is adhered to,
special consideration shall be given to the inclusion of United
Methodist young adults who are active participants in campus
2. Consecrated diaconal ministers serve as lay members of
the annual conference as long as they maintain this status in The
United Methodist Church.
3. Persons who become associate members prior to January
1, 1997, shall be allowed to continue in this relationship and serve
under the provision of the 1992 Book of Discipline as long as they
hold this status.
4. The lay membership of the annual conference shall consist
of a professing member elected by each charge, diaconal minis-
ters, deaconesses, home missioners, the conference president of
United Methodist Women, the conference president of United
Methodist Men, the conference lay leader, district lay leaders,
the president or equivalent ofcer of the conference young adult
organization, the president of the conference youth organiza-
tion, one youth between the ages of twelve and eighteen and
one young adult between the ages of eighteen and thirty from
each district to be selected in such a manner as may be deter-
mined by the annual conference (in the case of central confer-
ences, the youth member shall be not younger than twelve and
not older than twenty-ve and the young adult member shall be
not younger than eighteen and not older than thirty-ve), and
the chair of the annual conference college student organization.
34. See Judicial Council Decision 1181 and 35. Article IV.
35. See Judicial Council Decisions 989, 1005.
If the lay membership should number less than the clergy mem-
bers of the annual conference, the annual conference shall, by
its own formula, provide for the election of additional lay mem-
bers to equalize lay and clergy membership of the annual confer-
Each charge served by more than one clergy member under
appointment (including deacons in full connection for whom this
is their primary appointment) shall be entitled to as many lay
members as there are clergy members under appointment. The
lay members shall have been members of The United Methodist
Church for the two years preceding their election and shall have
been active participants in The United Methodist Church for at
least four years preceding their election (¶¶ 32, 251.2).
a) In the annual conference or the central conferences,
the four-year participation and the two-year membership require-
ments may be waived for young persons under thirty years of
age. Such persons must be members of The United Methodist
Church and active participants at the time of election.
b) By authorization of a central conference, national dia-
conal ministers may be given the same privileges as a diaconal
5. The lay member or alternate, whoever was last seated in
the annual conference, shall be seated in a special session of the
annual conference when convened, provided that no local charge
shall be deprived of its lay member due to death, serious ill-
ness, or cessation of membership. Under such circumstances,
another lay member may be elected by the charge conference.
6. The lay members of the annual conference shall partici-
pate in all deliberations and vote upon all measures except on the
granting or validation of license, ordination, reception into full
conference membership, or any question concerning the character
and ofcial conduct of ordained ministers, except those who are
lay members of the Board of Ordained Ministry and committee on
investigation. Lay members shall serve on all committees except
those on ministerial relations.
36. See Judicial Council Decision 1212.
37. See Judicial Council Decision 505.
38. See Judicial Council Decision 319.
39. See Judicial Council Decisions 109, 505.
7. When at any time a lay member is excused by the annual
conference from further attendance during the session, the alter-
nate lay member, if present, shall be seated. The lay member or
the alternate shall be the lay member of the annual conference,
and it shall be the duty of the lay member to report to the local
church on actions of the annual conference.
8. It is the duty of every member and all provisional mem-
bers and local pastors of the annual conference to attend its ses-
sions and furnish such reports in such form as the Discipline may
require. Any such person unable to attend shall report by letter to
the conference secretary, setting forth the reason for the absence.
Should any ordained minister in active service be absent from the
session of the annual conference without a satisfactory reason for
the absence, the matter shall be referred by the conference secre-
tary to the Board of Ordained Ministry.
9. The following shall be seated in the annual conference
and shall be given the privilege of the oor without vote: of-
cial representatives from other denominations invited by the
annual conference; missionaries regularly assigned by the Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries and serving within the bounds of
the annual conference; lay missionaries regularly appointed by
the General Board of Global Ministries in nations other than the
United States; and certied lay missionaries from nations other
than the United States; serving within the bounds of the annual
10. If not otherwise a voting member of the annual confer-
ence, the conference chancellor shall be seated in the annual con-
ference and shall be given the privilege of the oor without vote.
603. Organization—1. Annual conferences may become
severally bodies corporate, whenever practicable, under the law
of the countries, states, and territories within whose bounds they
are located.
2. The bishops shall appoint the times for holding the annual
3. The annual conference or a committee thereof shall select
the place for holding the conference, but should it become nec-
essary for any reason to change the place of meeting, a majority
of the district superintendents, with the consent of the bishop in
charge, may change the place.
40. See Judicial Council Decision 108.
41. See Judicial Council Decision 1206.
4. The annual conference sessions shall be held in places that
are accessible to people with disabilities.
5. A special session of the annual conference may be held at
such time and in such place as shall have been determined by the
annual conference after consultation with the bishop, or by the
bishop with the concurrence of three-fourths of the district super-
intendents. A special session of the annual conference shall have
only such powers as are stated in the call.
6. The bishop assigned shall preside over the annual confer-
ence or, in case of inability, shall arrange for another bishop to
preside. In the absence of a bishop, the conference shall by ballot,
without nomination or debate, elect a president pro tempore from
among the traveling elders. The president thus elected shall dis-
charge all the duties of a bishop except ordination.
7. The annual conference at the rst session following the
General Conference or jurisdictional or central conferences (or,
if it may desire, at the last session preceding the General, juris-
dictional, or central conferences), utilizing such nominating pro-
cedure as the annual conference shall determine, shall elect a
secretary and statistician to serve for the succeeding quadren-
nium. In the case of a vacancy in either ofce in the interim of
the sessions, the bishop, after consultation with the district
superintendents, shall appoint a person to act until the next
session of the annual conference. (See 619 for election of the
8. The annual conference shall designate a chancellor, and
may designate one or more associate chancellors. The chancellor
and any associate chancellors must be members in good standing
of a local church or an annual conference in the episcopal area,
and be licensed to practice law in the episcopal area. The chan-
cellor and any associate chancellors shall be nominated by the
bishop and elected quadrennially by the annual conference. If a
vacancy should occur during the quadrennium, the bishop shall
ll the vacancy until the next session of the annual conference.
The chancellor, assisted by the associate chancellors, if any, shall
serve as legal adviser(s) to the bishop and the annual conference.
Each annual conference shall report its election of the chancellor
and any associate chancellors to the General Council on Finance
and Administration.
42. See Judicial Council Decision 397.
9. The conference lay leader is the elected leader of confer-
ence laity and is an ofcer of the annual conference. The confer-
ence lay leader shall be a professing member of a local church in
the annual conference. The conference lay leader shall participate
in annual conference sessions as a partner in ministry with the
604. Powers and Duties—1. The annual conference, for its
own government, may adopt rules and regulations not in con-
ict with the Discipline of The United Methodist Church, provided
that in exercise of its powers, each annual conference shall act in
all respects in harmony with the policy of The United Methodist
Church with respect to elimination of discrimination.
(See 4,
Article IV.)
2. An annual conference cannot nancially obligate any orga-
nizational unit of The United Methodist Church except the annual
conference itself.
3. The annual conference may admit into clergy membership
only those who have met all the disciplinary requirements for
membership and only in the manner prescribed in the Discipline.
4. The annual conference shall have power to make inquiry
into the moral and ofcial conduct of its clergy members. Sub-
ject only to the provisions of ¶¶ 2701-2719, the annual conference
shall have power to hear complaints against its clergy members
and may try, reprove, suspend, deprive of clergy ofce and cre-
dentials, expel, or acquit any against whom charges may have
been preferred. The annual conference shall have power to locate
a clergy member for failure to perform effectively and compe-
tently the duties of itinerant ministry.
5. The status of a clergy member and of a provisional mem-
ber and the manner and conditions of a transfer of a clergy mem-
ber from one annual conference to another are governed by the
section on the ordained ministry (Chapter Two).
6. Transfers of traveling preachers are conditioned on the
passing of their character by the conference to which they are
amenable. The ofcial announcement that a preacher is trans-
ferred changes the preacher’s membership so that all rights and
43. See Judicial Council Decisions 43, 74, 141, 318, 367, 373, 432, 435, 476, 536,
584, 590, 592, 699, 876, 1198.
44. See Judicial Council Decision 707.
45. See Judicial Council Decision 440.
46. See Judicial Council Decisions 534, 782.
responsibilities in the conference to which that preacher goes
begin from the date of transfer. Such member of an annual con-
ference shall not vote twice on the same constitutional question,
nor be counted twice in the same year in the basis for election
of delegates, nor vote twice in the same year for delegates to the
General, jurisdictional, or central conferences.
7. Whenever clergy members, whether provisional members
or in full connection, are transferred to another annual confer-
ence, either in connection with a transfer of the pastoral charge
to which they are appointed or by reason of the dissolution or
merger of the annual conference, they shall have the same rights
and obligations as the other members of the conference to which
they are transferred.
8. The annual conference shall have power to make inquiry
into the nancial status of the local churches, and where there is a
decit in nances, it may require the pastor and the lay member
to appear before the appropriate committee and make explana-
tion. Based upon its ndings, it shall provide counsel to help the
church overcome such a decit position.
9. The annual conference shall have the power to make
inquiry into the membership status of the local churches, and
where no members have been received on confession of faith
during the year, it may require the pastor and the lay member to
appear before the appropriate agency and make explanation.
10. The annual conference shall give recognition to any new
churches that have been organized during the year and shall,
through the presiding bishop and the secretary, send to each new
church a certicate of organization, which the district superinten-
dent shall, on behalf of the conference, present to the new church
in an appropriate ceremony.
11. The annual conference shall secure, during the course of
its annual session, the answers to the questions for conducting
annual conference sessions, and the secretary to the annual con-
ference shall include the answers to these questions in the con-
ference journal and in the report to the council on nance and
12. If any annual conference initiates, joins, monitors, or ter-
minates a boycott, the guidelines in The Book of Resolutions, 2008,
should be followed. The General Conference is the only body that
can initiate, empower, or join a boycott in the name of The United
Methodist Church.
13. The annual conference may choose to adopt a conference-
wide plan for compensation of pastors. Such a plan shall provide
the method for setting and funding the salaries, and/or other
compensation elements as specied in the plan, of the pastors
appointed to the charges of the annual conference.
605. Business of the Conference—1. The session shall open
with a period of devotion, followed by a call of the roll, including
the roll of the local pastors.
2. The annual conference, to expedite the transaction of its
business, may adopt an agenda as a basis of its procedure. Such
agenda shall be prepared by the bishop, the district superinten-
dents, the conference lay leader, and such others as the conference
may name and shall be submitted to the conference for adoption.
3. Members for all standing committees, boards, and com-
missions of the annual conference shall be selected in such man-
ner as the Book of Discipline may specically require or as the
annual conference may determine.
Attention shall be given to
inclusiveness (¶¶ 124, 140).
For the purpose of adjusting tenure, a certain number of mem-
bers may be elected or appointed for particular terms. Members
shall hold ofce until their successors are elected. For the annual
conference agencies provided for by the Discipline, see 610.1;
and for the agencies established by the annual conference itself,
see 610.2.
4. The business of the annual conference shall include receiv-
ing and acting upon reports from district superintendents, of-
cers, standing and special committees, boards, commissions, and
societies and also making such inquiries as the Council of Bishops
shall recommend by the provision of a supplemental guide.
5. The agenda of the annual conference shall provide time for
an address or report that shall be the responsibility of the confer-
ence lay leader.
6. At the request of the general secretary of the General Board
of Pension and Health Benets, the agenda of the annual confer-
ence shall provide time for an address of or report from the Gen-
eral Board of Pension and Health Benets in consultation with the
annual conference board of pensions for the purpose of discuss-
ing benet plans and related issues.
47. See Judicial Council Decision 559.
48. See Judicial Council Decision 367.
7. The annual conference shall make inquiry into the moral
and ofcial conduct of its ordained ministers and local pastors. In
response to the inquiry whether all such persons are blameless in
their life and ofcial administration, the district superintendent
may answer for all the preachers in the district in one answer, or
the Board of Ordained Ministry may make inquiry of each district
superintendent about each ordained minister in the district and
make one report to the bishop and the conference in open ses-
Questions relating to matters of ordination, character, and
conference relations of clergy shall be the business of the clergy
session. The actions of the clergy session shall be for and on behalf
of the annual conference. The provisions of the Book of Discipline
applicable to an annual conference shall also be applicable to the
clergy session. All clergy members ( 602.1) of the annual con-
ference and the lay members of the Board of Ordained Ministry
may attend and shall have voice in the clergy session. Only the
ordained clergy in full connection and the members of the Board
of Ordained Ministry may vote ( 602.1a). Others may be admit-
ted by express action of the clergy session, but shall not have vote,
nor, unless specically granted by the clergy session, shall have
voice ( 333).
8. At the conclusion of the examination of the standing of the
ordained ministers and local pastors in the conference or at such
later times as the bishop may designate, the presiding bishop may
call to the bar of the conference the class to be admitted into full
connection and receive them into conference membership after
asking the questions to be found in 336. This examination of the
ordained ministers and the passing of their characters may be the
business of one session.
9. The annual conference shall adopt a comprehensive pol-
icy for handling sexual and gender harassment of clergy when
laypersons are the perpetrators. This policy shall guide the local
church in how to handle the report, how to care for the accuser
and the accused, the victim and the perpetrator, the ndings and
settlement. It shall make provision for support of the pastor and
for care of church members.
606. Records and Archives—1. The annual conference shall
keep an exact record of its proceedings according to the forms
provided by the General, jurisdictional, and central conferences.
49. See Judicial Council Decisions 42, 406, 555.
50. See Judicial Council Decisions 686, 690, 769, 782, 1009.
If there are no archives of the annual conference, the secretary
shall keep the bound copy or copies or a digital version to be
handed on to the succeeding secretary. The conference shall send
to its jurisdictional conference or central conference copies of the
minutes of the quadrennium for examination.
2. Each annual conference shall send without charge to the
General Council on Finance and Administration, the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets, the General Commission
on Archives and History, the Central Conference or Jurisdictional
Commission on Archives and History, and the Annual Confer-
ence Commission on Archives and History two printed copies
or a digital version of its annual journal. In addition, the annual
conference shall send one printed copy or a digital version of its
annual journal to the Connectional Table and one printed copy or
a digital version to United Methodist Communications. If avail-
able, one copy of a digital version of the journal shall be sent to
the General Commission on Archives and History and one copy
to United Methodist Communications.
3. The annual conference may form a committee on journal
publication. The annual conference journal shall include the fol-
lowing divisions, in the following order:
a) Ofcers of annual conference,
b) Boards, commissions, committees; rolls of conference
c) Daily proceedings,
d) Business of the annual conference report (formerly
known as the disciplinary questions),
e) Appointments,
f) Reports as ordered by the annual conference,
g) Annual report of the district superintendents, if any.
h) Memoirs as ordered by the annual conference follow-
ing the guidelines of the General Commission on Archives and
i) Roll of dead-deceased clergy members,
j) Historical,
k) Miscellaneous,
l) Pastoral record (including the records of accepted local
pastors in such manner as the conference may determine),
m) Statistics,
n) Index.
4. An annual conference in the United States and Puerto Rico
shall include in its journal a list of the deaconesses and mission-
aries, clergy and lay, active and retired, who have gone from the
conference into mission service or who are presently serving in
such capacity within the bounds of the annual conference.
5. The annual conference journal shall include a listing of the
consecrated diaconal ministers and their service records.
6. The secretary, treasurer, or other administrative ofcer
named by the annual conference shall keep a complete service
record of ordained and diaconal ministry personnel in the annual
conference. Service records shall include but not be limited to bio-
graphical information supplied by the individual, a list of appoint-
ments, and a record of annual conference actions with regard to
conference relationships. In addition to service records, the secre-
tary, treasurer, or other administrative ofcer named by the annual
conference shall keep descriptions of circumstances related to
changes in conference relationships, credentials surrendered to the
bishop or district superintendent, and condential trial records.
7. The local church report to the annual conference shall be
submitted on the prescribed forms no later than thirty days fol-
lowing the close of the calendar year. If the annual conference sets
an earlier deadline for receiving the reports, the earlier deadline
shall apply.
8. Ofcial records of secretaries, statisticians, and treasur-
ers shall be kept according to the forms prepared by the General
Council on Finance and Administration so that ofcial statistical
and nancial items shall be handled alike in all annual confer-
ences and that uniformity of reporting shall be established as a
worldwide church policy.
9. All records of candidates and ordained and diaconal min-
istry personnel maintained by the conference secretary, treasurer,
or other administrative ofcer named by the annual conference,
Board of Ordained Ministry, board of pensions, and the district
committee on ordained ministry are to be kept on behalf of the
annual conference in conformity with guidelines provided by the
General Council on Finance and Administration, in consultation
with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the
General Board of Pension and Health Benets, and the following
a) The annual conference is the owner of its personnel
records and les;
b) Individuals in whose name a record is kept shall have
access to the information contained in a record or le, with the
exception of surrendered credentials and information for which a
right-of-access waiver has been signed;
c) Access to unpublished records by persons other than
the bishop, district superintendent, conference secretary, treasurer,
or other administrative ofcer or the Board of Ordained Ministry,
through its chair, board of pensions, through its chair, the district
committee on ordained ministry, through its chair, counsel for the
Church, and committee on investigation, through its chair, shall
require written consent of the person in whose name a record is
kept; access to trial records shall be governed by the provisions of
¶¶ 2712.5, 2713.5.
607. The Conference Lay Leader
1. The conference lay leader is the elected leader of confer-
ence laity and will have responsibility for fostering awareness
of the role of the laity both within the congregation and through
their ministries in the home, workplace, community, and world in
achieving the mission of the Church and enabling and supporting
lay participation in the planning and decision-making processes
of the annual conference, district, and local church in cooperation
with the bishop, district superintendents, and pastors.
2. The conference lay leader shall relate to the organized
lay groups in the conference such as United Methodist Men,
United Methodist Women, United Methodist Youth, and Scout-
ing Ministries, encourage and support their work, and help them
coordinate their activities. The conference lay leader shall also
have the general responsibility in: (1) developing the advocacy
role for laity in the life of the Church; (2) increasing the participa-
tion of laity in the sessions and structure of the annual confer-
ence; and (3) encouraging laypersons in the general ministry of
the Church.
3. The conference lay leader shall be the chairperson of the
conference board of laity, or its equivalent structure, and shall
be a member of the annual conference, the conference council on
ministries or equivalent structure, the executive committee, if any,
of the conference council on ministries, the conference commit-
tee on nominations, the conference committee on episcopacy, and
the committee planning annual conference sessions; and may be
51. See Judicial Council Decisions 751, 765, 1024.
designated by virtue of ofce to membership on any conference
agency by the annual conference.
4. The annual conference shall provide time for an address
that shall be the responsibility of the conference lay leader.
5. The conference lay leader may serve on the conference
Board of Ordained Ministry and will participate in the Service of
Ordination at annual conference.
6. The conference lay leader shall meet with the cabinet when
matters relating to the coordination, implementation, or adminis-
tration of the conference program, or other matters as the cabinet
may determine are on the agenda.
7. The conference lay leader will meet regularly with the
bishop to discuss the state of the annual conference, the Church,
and the needs for ministry both locally and globally.
8. The conference lay leader shall ensure that the annual con-
ference has a conference director of Lay Speaking Ministries lled
in the manner determined by the annual conference and the con-
ference lay leader shall participate in Lay Servant Ministries.
9. The conference lay leader shall be elected for a term of not
less than four years by the annual conference as the annual con-
ference may determine. The method of nomination and term of
ofce shall be determined by the annual conference. Associate lay
leader(s), to work with the conference lay leader, may be elected
by the annual conference as it may determine. The conference lay
leader and associate lay leader(s) will receive reasonable reimburse-
ment for approved dues and expenses necessary for the ministry.
10. The conference lay leader shall be a member of the Asso-
ciation of Annual Conference Lay Leaders.
608. Connectional Ministries—Each annual conference is
responsible to focus and guide the mission and ministry of The
United Methodist Church within its boundaries by:
1. envisioning the ministries necessary to live out the mission
of the church in and through the annual conference;
2. creating and nurturing relationships and connections
among the local, district, annual conference, and general Church
3. providing encouragement, coordination, and support for
the ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness in districts and
congregations for the transformation of the world;
4. ensuring the alignment of the total resources of the annual
conference to its mission;
5. developing and strengthening ethnic ministries, including
ethnic local churches and concerns;
6. providing for advocacy and monitoring functions to ensure
that the church is consistent with its stated values.
It is recommended that each annual conference have a direc-
tor of connectional ministries or designated person to focus and
guide the mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church
within the annual conference.
a) The director may be lay or clergy.
b) The director shall serve as an ofcer of the annual con-
ference and shall sit with the cabinet when the cabinet considers
matters relating to coordination, implementation, or administra-
tion of the conference program, and other matters as the cabinet
and director may determine. Whether appointed or elected to this
position, the director shall be amenable to the bishop, in consulta-
tion with the appropriate annual conference personnel body.
c) In partnership with the bishop and cabinet and the
elected leadership of the conference, the director of connectional
ministries shall have the following primary responsibilities:
(1) to serve as steward of the vision of the annual
conference, including the development, clarication, interpreta-
tion, and embodiment of the vision;
(2) to serve as leader of the continuous process of
transformation and renewal necessary for the annual conference
to be faithful to our Christian identity in a changing world;
(3) to ensure alignment of the total resources of the
conference to its vision;
(4) to ensure the connections among the local, district,
annual conference, and general Church ministries for the purpose of
networking, resourcing, and communicating their shared ministry.
609. There shall be in each annual conference or episcopal
area a director of communications or designated person to focus
and guide the communications ministry of The United Methodist
Church within the annual conference or episcopal area.
a) It is recommended that the director have the following
primary responsibilities:
(1) to help identify, equip, and coordinate the work
of a communications team (staff and/or volunteer);
(2) to develop and guide the implementation of
strategies for effective communication among annual conference
agencies, districts, and local churches;
(3) to promote and coordinate activities to enhance
the awareness and reputation of the Church;
(4) to help guide the strategy to interpret the confer-
ence budget and other benevolences;
(5) to provide guidance and training in effective com-
munications for annual conference, district, and/or local church
(6) to lead the conference in developing effective
relationships with the news media within the annual conference;
(7) to guide conference leaders in developing and
implementing an effective communication strategy under the
connectional ministry;
(8) to lead the conference in using new and emerging
technologies as tools for ministry;
(9) to provide the connectional relationship between
the conference and United Methodist Communications.
b) It is recommended that the director or designated per-
son be a part of the extended cabinet (or equivalent leadership
structure) to provide advice and counsel concerning communi-
cations strategies relating to the conference program, apportion-
ment and benevolence interpretation, crisis management, and
other matters as the cabinet and director may determine.
C A
610. The annual conference is responsible for structuring its
ministries and administrative procedures in order to accomplish
its purpose ( 601), with the exception of the mandated provi-
sions of ¶¶ 611, 635, 636, 637, 639, 640, 647, 648. In so doing it
shall provide for the connectional relationship of the local church,
district, and conference with the general agencies. It will moni-
tor to ensure inclusiveness—racial, gender, age, and people with
disabilities—in the annual conference. Every board, standing
committee, commission, council, and work area of the annual
conference shall designate one of its members as its coordinator of
witness ministries. These persons shall help the groups of which
they are members to engage in witness ministries and, in particu-
lar, to ask, “How are we intentionally reaching new people for
Jesus Christ through our ministries?” and “How are we helping
new people grow and mature as disciples of Jesus Christ through
our ministries and areas of responsibility?”
1. Annual conferences are permitted the exibility to design
conference and district structures in ways that best support the mis-
sion of making disciples of Jesus Christ in an increasingly diverse
global community and that place secondary any prescribed struc-
ture, except for the mandated entities in 610 above. In doing so,
an annual conference shall provide for the functions and General
Conference connections with all general agencies provided by the
Discipline as follows: a) There shall be clear connections between
the General Conference agencies, annual conference program and
administrative entities, and the local congregations. These con-
nections shall be identied in the business questions of the annual
conference each year. b) There shall be clear checks and balances
regarding program functions and nancial/administration func-
tions within the annual conference. These structural matters will
be dened and approved by the annual conference session. Fur-
ther, conferences are permitted to create contextually appropriate
structures that encourage collaboration and partnerships among
all program, administrative, and nancial entities. Annual confer-
ences may fund their ministries in ways that reect conference
priorities and structures, as approved by the annual conference in
the budgeting process. All disciplinary references to “equivalent
structures” shall be dened by this paragraph.
2. The annual conference may appoint additional committees
for the purpose of promoting the work of The United Methodist
Church within the bounds of the said annual conference and may
prescribe their membership and their powers and duties.
3. Each annual conference may make its agencies of such
size as its work may require, provided that consideration shall be
given to the inclusion of lay and clergypersons from small mem-
bership churches. All local pastors serving charges are eligible for
election or appointment to such agencies, except those dealing
with qualications, orders, and status of clergy and local pastors.
4. Whenever possible, meetings scheduled by the annual
conference and its districts, boards, or committees should be held
in places that are accessible to persons with disabilities even if this
means scheduling meetings outside church-related facilities.
5. In the nomination and election of the membership on
councils, boards, and agencies of the annual conference, special
attention shall be given to the inclusion of clergywomen, youth
( 256.3), young adults, older adults, persons from churches with
small memberships, people with disabilities, and racial and ethnic
persons, in keeping with policies for general Church agencies. It
is further recommended that the membership of such agencies,
except for the Board of Ordained Ministry, include one-third
clergy, one-third laywomen, and one-third laymen, who are pro-
fessing members of local churches.
6. Members of general agencies ( 701) shall serve as ex of-
cio members of the corresponding annual conference agency or
its equivalent structure (see 710.4, .6). If this results in a person
being a member of more than one annual conference agency in
violation of either annual conference policy or another provision
of the Book of Discipline, the person shall choose the annual confer-
ence agency on which to serve.
7. It is strongly recommended that the annual conference
provide for child and dependent care both during the sessions
of the annual conference and during meetings of the annual con-
ference boards and agencies. Child and dependent care should
follow the annual conference policy of child protection. If no
policy is in place, care should be given to keep all people safe,
and procedures should be followed as suggested by the General
Board of Discipleship and the General Council on Finance and
8. Whenever possible, meetings scheduled by the annual
conference and its districts, boards, or committees shall be held
at a time and place that accommodates young people’s schooling
T C C  F  A
611. In each annual conference there shall be a conference
council on nance and administration, hereinafter called the
council, or other structure to provide for the functions of this min-
istry and maintain the connectional relationships ( 610.1).
612. The council’s purpose, membership, organization, and
relationships shall be as follows:
1. Purpose—The purpose of the council shall be to develop,
maintain, and administer a comprehensive and coordinated plan
of scal and administrative policies, procedures, and manage-
ment services for the annual conference.
2. Membershipa) Each annual conference shall elect, at its
session next succeeding the General Conference or jurisdictional
52. See Judicial Council Decisions 446, 558.
53. See Judicial Council Decision 1054.
conference, a conference council on nance and administration,
or other structure to provide for the functions of this ministry.
It is recommended that it be composed of not less than ve nor
more than twenty-one members; it is recommended that there
be at least one layperson more than clergy included on the vot-
ing membership of the council.
Persons shall be nominated for
membership in a manner determined by the conference in accor-
dance with 610.5. It is recommended that churches of less than
two hundred members be represented on the conference council
on nance and administration. The term of ofce shall begin with
the adjournment of the annual conference session at which they
are elected and shall be for a period of four years and until their
successors are elected.
b) No member or employee of any conference agency
and no employee, trustee, or director of any agency or institution
participating in the funds of any conference budget shall be eli-
gible for voting membership on the council.
Any vacancy shall
be lled by action of the council until the next conference session,
at which time the annual conference shall ll the vacancy.
c) The following shall be ex ofcio members of the coun-
cil in addition to the number set by the annual conference under
612.2a: (1) the conference treasurer/director of administrative
services, without vote; (2) any members of the General Council
on Finance and Administration who reside within the bounds of
the conference, with vote unless voting membership is in conict
with another provision of the Book of Discipline, in which case their
membership shall be without vote; in either case, they shall not be
eligible to serve on an agency receiving funding; (3) the presiding
bishop, without vote; (4) a district superintendent chosen by the
cabinet, without vote; and (5) the director of connectional min-
istries or equivalent, or another representative of the conference
council on ministries, without vote.
d) The executive director of the conference or area United
Methodist foundation may be included in the membership, with-
out vote.
3. Ofcers—The council shall elect from its voting member-
ship a president, a vice president, a secretary, and such other of-
cers as it may deem necessary. Consideration shall be given to
inclusiveness (¶¶ 124, 140). The conference treasurer/director of
54. See Judicial Council Decision 441.
55. See Judicial Council Decisions 10, 493.
administrative services ( 619) shall be the treasurer of the coun-
cil. The treasurer/director of administrative services shall not be
eligible for voting membership on the council and shall not be
eligible for election to any of those ofces that are to be lled by
voting members of the council.
4. No member of the council shall vote on or take part in
deliberations on signicant matters directly or indirectly affect-
ing her or his business, income, or employment, or the business,
income, or employment of his or her immediate family.
5. Organizationa) Whether the conference chooses to organ-
ize the council as provided in 612 or to assign its functions to
another structure as authorized in 611, the restrictions set forth
in 612.2b, .4 shall apply to the members of any conference struc-
ture that has responsibility for the following functions:
(1) Preparing annual conference budgets or other
funding recommendations.
(2) Nominating the annual conference treasurer/
director of administrative services or other ofcer having the
functions described in 619.
(3) Having authority and supervision over the work
of the conference treasurer/director of administrative services.
(4) Having scal oversight responsibilities, such as
are described in ¶¶ 613.5 through 613.11, and 616-618, for annual
conference funds.
b) The council may establish committees and task forces
and dene their duties and authority as it deems necessary for
fullling its purpose and responsibilities.
c) The annual conference may enact bylaws governing
meetings, quorum, and other matters of procedure for the council,
or it may authorize the council to enact such bylaws; in any event,
such bylaws shall not be in conict with the Book of Discipline.
d) If deemed necessary for the fulllment of its functions
and if so authorized by the annual conference, the council may be
6. Amenability—The council shall be amenable and report
directly to the annual conference.
7. Relationshipsa) The council and the annual conference
council on ministries shall cooperate in the development of the
conference benevolences budget ( 614.3).
56. See Judicial Council Decisions 551, 560.
b) In the interest of developing and implementing coordi-
nated annual conference policies in the areas of scal manage-
ment and administrative services, the council shall serve in a
liaison role among conference agencies with responsibilities in
these areas. It shall be authorized to convene representatives of
annual conference administrative and clergy support agencies for
the purpose of consulting on matters of mutual concern, such as
the coordination of scal management, fundraising activities, and
administrative services in the annual conference.
613. Responsibilities—The council shall have authority and
responsibility to perform the following functions:
1. To recommend to the annual conference for its action
and determination budgets of anticipated income and proposed
expenditures for all funds that provide for annual conference
clergy support, annual conference administrative expenses, and
annual conference benevolence and program causes ( 614).
2. To receive, consider, report, and make recommendations to
the annual conference regarding the following prior to nal deci-
sion by the annual conference: (a) any proposal to raise capital
funds for any purpose; (b) funding considerations related to any
proposal that may come before the conference; (c) any requests to
conduct a special conference-wide nancial appeal, whether by
special collections, campaigns, or otherwise in the local churches
of the conference.
3. To recommend to the annual conference for its action and
decision the methods or formulas by which apportionments to
churches, charges, or districts for duly authorized General, juris-
dictional, conference, and district funds shall be determined
4. To consult and cooperate with the commission on com-
munication in providing district superintendents, pastors, and
appropriate ofcers of the local churches and charge confer-
ences with interpretive aids or other materials to assist in gaining
understanding and support of the conference budget and other
approved conference causes. This shall include the theology and
discipline of nancial giving.
5. To develop policies governing the investment of conference
funds (except for pension funds as provided in 1508), whether in
debt or equity, short-term or long-term instruments, with the aim
57. See Judicial Council Decisions 521, 551, 560, 590, 744.
58. See Judicial Council Decision 983.
of maximizing funds available for mission in a manner consistent
with the preservation of capital, the Policies Relative to Socially
Responsible Investments ( 717), and the Social Principles of the
Church. A statement of such policies shall be printed in the con-
ference journal at least once in each quadrennium.
6. To recommend to the annual conference procedures for
funding local churches, including the theology of nancial giving.
7. To advise local churches about making their church build-
ings, facilities, and programs accessible.
8. To recommend to the annual conference for its action pro-
cedures for dealing responsibly with situations in which budgeted
funds, as approved by the annual conference, are inadequate to
meet emerging missional needs or unforeseen circumstances.
9. To review at least quarterly and to account to the annual
conference for the disbursement of funds in accordance with bud-
gets approved by the conference.
10. To recommend to the annual conference for its action and
determination the conditions under which it may borrow funds
for current expense purposes and the maximum amount of such
11. To have authority and supervision over the conference
treasurer/director of administrative services subject to 619; to
establish policies governing the treasurer/director’s work.
12. To work in cooperation with other annual conference
agencies for the design and implementation of a plan by which
the annual conference may designate the conference treasury as
a central treasury for funds designated for any or all conference
agencies participating in conference funds.
13. To establish uniform and equitable policies and practices
in the employment and compensation of personnel, in consulta-
tion and cooperation with other conference agencies that employ
staff, unless the annual conference has designated another agency
to carry this responsibility. These policies and practices shall be
in accordance with the Social Principles ( 162A, E, F, and I). In
addition, the council shall recommend that the annual conference
provide, effective on and after January 1, 2006, 100 percent vested
pension benets of at least three percent of compensation for lay
personnel of the annual conference who work at least 1,040 hours
per year, are at least 21 years of age, and have at least one year of
permanent service. The annual conference shall have authority to
provide such pension benets through either a denominational
pension program administered by the General Board of Pension
and Health Benets or another pension program administered by
another pension provider.
14. To cooperate with the General Council on Finance and
Administration and with the General Board of Discipleship in
promoting and standardizing the nancial recording and report-
ing system in the local churches of the conference.
15. To cooperate with the General Council on Finance and
Administration in order to provide leadership, training, and
encouragement in the areas of church business administration for
individuals and organizations of The United Methodist Church
by: (1) distributing information regarding certication as a church
business administrator; and (2) listing in the council’s report to
the annual conference the names of persons certied as church
business administrators by the General Council on Finance and
Administration who are employed within the bounds of the
annual conference.
16. To make recommendations to the annual conference for
its action and determination regarding plans to initiate or cause
to be organized a foundation or similar organization for the pur-
pose of securing, conserving, or expending funds for the direct or
indirect benet or support of the annual conference, or of any con-
ference agency, or any of its programs or work. The council shall
have opportunity to make its recommendations regarding such
plans if the foundation or similar organization is: (1) proposed
to be organized by the annual conference itself, whether acting
alone or in concert with other annual conferences; (2) proposed to
be organized by any conference council, board, commission, com-
mittee, or other agency; (3) to make use of the name United Meth-
odist in its title or solicitation; or (4) proposed for the purpose of
soliciting gifts primarily from the United Methodist constituency.
17. To perform such other administrative and scal func-
tions and services as the annual conference may assign.
18. To ensure that no apportioned conference funds are
expended for the use of alcoholic beverages.
19. To ensure that no annual conference board, agency, com-
mittee, commission, or council shall give United Methodist funds
to any gay caucus or group, or otherwise use such funds to pro-
mote the acceptance of homosexuality or violate the expressed
commitment of The UMC “not to reject or condemn lesbian and
gay members and friends” ( 161G). The council shall have the
right to stop such expenditures. This restriction shall not limit
the Church’s ministry in response to the HIV epidemic, nor shall
it preclude funding for dialogs or educational events where the
Church’s ofcial position is fairly and equally represented.
614. Budgets—The council shall recommend to the annual
conference for its action and determination budgets of anticipated
income and proposed expenditures for all funds to be apportioned
to the churches, charges, or districts.
Prior to each regular session of the annual conference, the
council shall make a diligent and detailed study of the needs
of all the conference agencies and causes asking to be included
in the budget of any conference fund. The chairperson of each
conference agency, or other duly authorized representative, shall
have opportunity to represent the claims of that agency before the
1. Clergy Support Budgetsa) It shall be the duty of the coun-
cil, unless otherwise provided, to estimate the total amount neces-
sary to furnish a sufcient and equitable support for the district
superintendents of the conference, including base compensation,
travel, staff, ofce, and housing. The council shall report specic
recommendations to the annual conference for conference action
( 669.4a).
b) The council shall report to the annual conference at each
session the Episcopal Fund apportionment to the annual conference
under the methodology approved by the General Conference and
shall include in its recommended clergy support budget the amount
determined by the treasurer of the General Council on Finance
and Administration as necessary to meet this apportionment.
c) Based on recommendations from the episcopal resi-
dence committee ( 638.4), the council shall recommend the
amount to be raised as the annual conference share of the cost of
the bishop’s housing.
d) After consultation with the conference board of pen-
sions, the council shall report to the annual conference the amounts
computed by that agency as necessary to meet the needs for pen-
sions and benet programs of the conference. Such amounts need
not be derived solely from apportionments.
59. See Judicial Council Decision 1054.
60. See Judicial Council Decisions 551, 560, 744, 1054, 1172.
61. See Judicial Council Decisions 590, 591, 1013.
62. See Judicial Council Decision 1132.
e) It shall recommend to the annual conference an
amount determined in consultation with the commission on equi-
table compensation to be used for compliance with the approved
schedule of equitable base compensation for pastors ( 625.3).
f) It shall recommend to the annual conference estimates
of the amounts needed for any other programs of clergy support
the conference may adopt, such as a Sustentation Fund ( 626) or
provision for the moving expenses of pastors.
2. Administration Budgeta) The council shall recommend to
the annual conference estimates of the amounts needed for admin-
istrative expenses of the conference, including its own expenses
and those of the conference treasurer’s ofce. It shall consult with
the conference agencies and ofcers to be included in the adminis-
trative budget regarding the estimated budgets of their expenses
and base its conference administration budget recommendations
on information thus received.
b) It shall include in its estimates recommendations
regarding the conference’s share of an area expense fund, if any,
and apportionments for administration properly made by the
jurisdictional conference and the General Conference ( 811.4).
3. Conference Benevolences Budgeta) In preparing the confer-
ence benevolences budget, the council, working together with the
conference council on ministries or alternative structure as pro-
vided in 614.3b, shall make diligent effort to secure full infor-
mation regarding all conference benevolence and service causes
that none may be neglected, jeopardized, or excluded. Basing
its judgment of needs upon the information secured, the coun-
cil shall recommend to the annual conference for its action and
determination the total amount to be apportioned for the confer-
ence benevolences budget. After receiving the recommendations
of the conference council on ministries or alternative structure,
the council shall also recommend the amount or the percentage
of the total of the conference benevolences budget that shall be
allocated to each cause included in the said budget. Such recom-
mendations should reect agreement with the conference council
on ministries or alternative structure on program agency alloca-
tions as specied below.
b) The council on nance and administration and the
annual conference council on ministries shall work together to
63. See Judicial Council Decisions 521, 551, 582.
establish and follow a procedure that shall preserve the following
(1) It is the responsibility of the conference council
on nance and administration to establish the total amount to be
recommended to the annual conference as the conference benevo-
lences budget and, within that amount, the total sum to be recom-
mended for distribution among the conference program agencies.
It is likewise the responsibility of the council to study the budget
requests for any agencies or causes to be included in the confer-
ence benevolences budget other than the conference program
agencies, including the requests of the conference council on min-
istries, and to give the chairpersons or other authorized represen-
tatives of such agencies and causes opportunity to represent their
claims before the council.
(2) It is the responsibility of the conference council on
ministries to study the budget requests of the conference program
agencies and to recommend to the conference council on nance
and administration amounts to be allocated from the conference
benevolences budget to each such agency, within the total estab-
lished by the conference council on nance and administration.
(3) It is the responsibility of the conference council
on nance and administration to present the conference benevo-
lences budget recommendations to the annual conference. The
recommended allocations to conference program agencies should
reect agreement between the council and the conference council
on ministries or alternative structure.
c) The term conference benevolences shall include those
conference allocations and expenditures directly associated with
the program, mission, and benevolent causes of annual confer-
ence program agencies and institutions. Annual conference pro-
gram agencies and institutions shall be dened as those agencies
with responsibilities parallel to those of the program-related gen-
eral agencies ( 703) and institutions whose work is within the
eld of responsibility of one or more of those agencies. Adminis-
trative expenses that are directly related to the program, mission,
and benevolent causes of conference program agencies, including
the expenses of the conference council on ministries or alternative
structure, may also be included in the conference benevolences
64. See Judicial Council Decisions 521, 551.
65. See Judicial Council Decisions 521, 551.
66. See Judicial Council Decision 551.
budget. The term conference benevolences shall not include alloca-
tions and expenditures for other conference agencies and ofcers
whose work is primarily administrative. It shall likewise not
include annual conference clergy support funds as set forth in
¶¶ 620-628, allocations and expenditures of conference agencies
responsible for administering clergy support funds, or apportion-
ments made to the annual conference by the General or jurisdic-
tional conferences.
d) The council, on receiving from the treasurer of the
General Council on Finance and Administration a statement of
the amount apportioned that annual conference for World Ser-
vice, may recommend that the conference combine the total World
Service apportionment, without reduction for the quadrennium,
and the approved conference benevolences budget ( 614.3a). If
combined the sum of these two amounts shall be known as World
Service and Conference Benevolences, and the combined budget
thus established shall include a statement of the percentage for
World Service and the percentage for conference benevolences.
(See also 619.1a(2).)
4. Other Apportioned Causes—The council shall include in its
budget recommendations specic amounts recommended for all
other funds properly apportioned to the annual conference for the
support of duly authorized general or other connectional funds.
The budget recommendations shall likewise include any other
amounts to be apportioned to the districts, charges, or churches by
the annual conference for conference or district causes of any kind.
5. Special Appealsa) No annual conference agency or inter-
est, including any related agency or institution such as a school,
college, university, hospital, home, housing project, or other ser-
vice institution, shall make a special conference-wide appeal to the
local churches for funds without the approval of the annual con-
ference upon recommendation of the council, except in case of an
extreme emergency, when such approval may be given by a two-
thirds vote of the district superintendents and of the council, act-
ing jointly. Neither shall special conference-wide appeals to local
churches for funds be made by such boards, interests, agencies,
or institutions that are not related to the annual conference in
which the appeal is to be made, unless approval for such an appeal
is granted by the annual conference upon recommendation of the
67. See Judicial Council Decisions 348, 1135, 1146, 1172.
council. The annual conference approvals specied in this para-
graph shall not be required for special church-wide nancial
appeals that have been approved under the provisions of 819,
for solicitations that have been approved under the provisions of
812.3, or for any other general fund promotion or appeal autho-
rized by the General Conference or approved and conducted
under other provisions of the Book of Discipline.
b) When application is made to the council for the priv-
ilege of a special conference-wide nancial appeal, whether by
special collections, campaigns, or otherwise, the council shall
investigate the application and its possible relation to other obli-
gations of the conference and in the light of the facts make recom-
mendations to the conference for its action and determination. If
application for privilege of a special appeal is made directly to the
conference, the application shall be referred to the council before
nal action is taken.
c) The council may include in its budget recommenda-
tions to the annual conference amounts to be considered as goals
for special appeals or other nonapportioned causes.
6. The council shall make its budget recommendations to the
annual conference in a format based on guidelines suggested by
the General Council on Finance and Administration.
615. Apportionments—When a change to the apportionment
formula or method is proposed, the council should provide for a
study of the proposed change’s effects. After its study, which may
include resources supplied by the General Council on Finance
and Administration, the council shall recommend such formula
or method to the annual conference for its action and determi-
nation which shall include the approved budgeted amounts for
clergy support, administration, World Service, Conference Benev-
olences, and other apportioned causes ( 614.1-.4), the sum of
which shall be apportioned to the districts, churches, or charges
of the conference.
1. The council, on receiving from the General Council on
Finance and Administration a statement of the amount or meth-
odology for apportioning to the annual conference for the sev-
eral general funds as authorized by the General Conference, shall
apportion the same to the several districts, charges, or churches
by whatever method the conference may direct. The council shall
68. See Judicial Council Decisions 983, 1172.
make every effort for the full payment of these apportionments as
a part of the Church’s shared nancial covenant.
2. The council shall recommend to the annual conference for
its action and determination whether the apportionments referred
to in this paragraph shall be made by the council to the districts
only or to the churches or charges of the conference. If the appor-
tionments are made to the districts only, then the distribution to
the churches or charges of each district shall be made as provided
in 614.3. The conference may order that the district superinten-
dents make the entire distribution to all the churches or charges
of the conference.
3. Should the annual conference make the apportionments to
the districts only, the distribution to the churches or charges of
each district shall be made by its district board of stewards, com-
posed of the district superintendent as chairperson and the dis-
trict stewards elected by the several charge conferences ( 247.14).
In that case, the board, meeting on call of the district superinten-
dent as soon as practicable after the adjournment of the annual
conference, shall make the distribution to the churches or charges
of the district using such methods as it may determine, unless the
annual conference shall have determined the method of distribu-
tion to the churches or charges.
4. If the council recommends an apportioned fund that com-
bines two or more general apportioned funds with one another, or
that combines one or more general apportioned funds with funds
other than a general apportioned fund, the recommendation and
consequent annual conference actions shall include: (1) a state-
ment of the amount of each general fund apportionment included
in the combined fund, and (2) a statement of the percentage of
the combined fund total that corresponds to each general fund
5. If an annual conference establishes an apportioned fund
that combines funds subject to proportional payment under 622
with funds not subject to proportional payment, it shall establish
procedures to ensure that the proportional payment provisions of
622 are observed.
6. If an annual conference establishes an apportioned fund
that combines support for several distinct causes, it shall make
available to local churches information identifying the causes
supported by the fund.
69. See Judicial Council Decisions 1135, 1146, 1172.
616. Depository—The council shall be responsible for desig-
nating a depository or depositories for conference funds.
617. Auditing—The council shall have the following author-
ity and responsibility with respect to the auditing of the nancial
records of the conference and its agencies:
1. To have the accounts of the conference treasurer for the
preceding scal year audited by a certied public accountant
within 150 days after the close of the conference scal year and
to receive, review, and report such audit to the annual conference.
As a part of the audit, the accountant shall confer with the
presiding bishop of the annual conference and the president of
the council.
2. To require and review at least annually audited reports,
in such detail as it may direct, from all conference agencies and
from all agencies, institutions, and organizations receiving any
nancial support from conference funds or from any authorized
conference-wide appeal.
3. To require and review at least annually, in such detail as
it may direct, compiled or audited reports of all funds received
or administered by districts or district agencies, including funds
held or administered by treasurers or ofcers other than the con-
ference treasurer. Based on its review of such audits, the council
may make such recommendations to the annual conference as it
deems appropriate.
4. The council may establish an audit review committee to
review all of the reports and audits required by 617.1, .2. If the
council chooses to establish such a committee, at least half of its
members should be persons who are not members of the council
and who are chosen for their expertise in areas related to the work
of the committee. Consideration shall be given to inclusiveness
(¶¶ 124, 140) in the selection of persons to serve on the committee.
618. Bonding—The council shall have the following author-
ity and responsibility with respect to the bonding of conference
and conference agency ofcers and staff whose responsibilities
include the custody or handling of conference funds or other
negotiable assets:
1. The council shall provide for the delity bonding of the
conference treasurer and other staff under its authority and super-
vision in amounts it judges to be adequate.
2. In the case of those agencies, institutions, and organiza-
tions for which the conference treasurer does not serve as trea-
surer, the council shall have authority to require delity bonding
of their treasurers in such amounts as it deems adequate and to
withhold payment of the allocation of any such agency, institu-
tion, or organization until evidence of the required bonding has
been submitted.
3. The council may provide, or require any conference agency
to provide directors’ and ofcers’ liability insurance in amounts it
judges to be adequate.
4. The council shall require compliance with the policies
established as provided by this paragraph and shall report annu-
ally to the annual conference on such compliance.
619. Conference Treasurer/Director of Administrative Ser-
vices—Each annual conference, on nomination of its council on
nance and administration, shall at the rst session of the con-
ference after the quadrennial session of the General Conference
or jurisdictional conference, or at such other times as a vacancy
exists, elect a conference treasurer or conference treasurer/direc-
tor of administrative services.
The treasurer or treasurer/direc-
tor shall serve for the quadrennium or until a successor shall be
elected and qualify. If a vacancy should occur during the quadren-
nium, the council shall ll the vacancy until the next session of the
annual conference. After consultation with the bishop in charge,
the council may remove the treasurer or treasurer/director from
ofce for cause and ll the vacancy until the next session of the
conference. The treasurer/director shall be directly amenable to
the council. The treasurer/director may sit with the council and
its committees at all sessions and have the privilege of voice but
not vote.
1. As conference treasurer, this ofcer shall have the follow-
ing functions:
a) The conference treasurer shall receive and disburse,
in accordance with the actions of the annual conference and the
provisions of the Book of Discipline, remittances from local church
treasurers for all duly authorized General, jurisdictional, annual
conference, and district causes.
(1) Local church treasurers shall remit monthly to the
conference treasurer all amounts contributed in each local church
for: (a) the World Service Fund and the Conference Benevolences
fund, whether apportioned separately or as one combined fund;
70. See Judicial Council Decision 185.
71. See Judicial Council Decisions 456, 591.
(b) all other funds authorized by the General Conference and
apportioned to the annual conferences by the General Council on
Finance and Administration; (c) all other jurisdictional, annual
conference, and district funds or causes apportioned in accor-
dance with 615, unless otherwise directed by the annual con-
ference; (d) special Sunday offerings ( 262); (e) special appeals
(¶¶ 614.5, 819); (f) Advance Special Gifts ( 822); (g) World Ser-
vice Special Gifts ( 820); (h) Youth Service Fund ( 1208); and
(i) all other General, jurisdictional, annual conference, and district
funds not otherwise directed.
(2) The World Service Fund and the Conference Benevolences
Fund—(a) If apportioned as one combined fund, the treasurer shall
each month divide the total amount received from local churches
for World Service and Conference Benevolences, setting aside the
proper amount for World Service and the proper amount for con-
ference benevolences, according to the ratio of each established by
the annual conference in the total World Service and Conference
Benevolences budget ( 614.3c).
(b) Whether apportioned separately or as one combined
fund, the treasurer shall, from the share received for conference
benevolences, credit monthly the accounts of the several agencies
or causes included in the conference benevolences budget or make
monthly remittances to the treasurers of such agencies or causes
according to the rightful share and proportion of each ( 614.3a)
or according to a payment schedule approved by the conference
council on nance and administration, which shall provide that
the total allocated to each agency or cause during the year shall be
equal to the rightful share and proportion of each.
(c) Whether apportioned separately or as one combined
fund, the treasurer shall remit each month to the treasurer of the
General Council on Finance and Administration the total share
received during the month for World Service. When the share so
designated for World Service during a year exceeds the amount
apportioned to the annual conference, the entire share contrib-
uted for World Service shall be remitted in regular order to the
treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration
before the end of the scal year.
72. See Judicial Council Decision 591.
73. See Judicial Council Decision 332.
74. See Judicial Council Decision 400.
(d) If an annual conference establishes an apportioned
fund which combines two or more general funds with one another,
or which combines one or more general church funds with funds
other than general church funds, the conference treasurer shall
allocate to the general church funds amounts at least equal to the
percentage of receipts set under 614.3-.5. Amounts so allocated
shall be remitted at least monthly to the treasurer of the General
Council on Finance and Administration.
(3) The treasurer shall, as far as practicable, remit
monthly to the several district superintendents the amount due
each of them ( 614.1a).
(4) The treasurer shall likewise credit or remit each
month all funds received and payable for other jurisdictional,
annual conference, and district causes in accordance with budgets
adopted by the annual conference.
(5) The conference treasurer shall remit each month to
the treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration
the amounts received during the month for the General Adminis-
tration Fund, the Episcopal Fund, the Interdenominational Coop-
eration Fund, the Black College Fund, the Ministerial Education
Fund, World Service Special Gifts, Advance Special Gifts, gen-
eral Church special Sunday offerings ( 262), special churchwide
appeals ( 819), and all other general causes not otherwise directed.
b) The conference treasurer may serve as treasurer for any
or all agencies served by a conference central treasury ( 613.11).
The treasurer shall enter the proper credits to each at the end of
each month’s business. Disbursements from funds allocated to
any conference agency shall be made only on proper order from
the agency.
c) The treasurer shall prepare at regular intervals such
nancial statements and reports as may be required for the bishop
in charge, the district superintendents, the annual conference,
the council, the agencies served by the conference central trea-
sury and its ofcers, and the treasurer of the General Council on
Finance and Administration.
(1) The treasurer shall make each month a full report
of all general funds handled to the treasurer of the General Coun-
cil on Finance and Administration and to the presiding bishop of
the conference.
75. See Judicial Council Decision 400.
(2) The treasurer shall prepare annually a report of
all receipts, disbursements, and balances of all funds under his
or her direction, which report shall be printed in the conference
d) The treasurer may be authorized by the council to
invest funds in accordance with policies and procedures estab-
lished by the council ( 613.5). A listing of securities held shall be
printed annually in the conference journal.
e) The treasurer shall provide counsel and guidance to
local church business administrators, treasurers, nancial sec-
retaries, and committees on nance in the development of stan-
dardized nancial recording and reporting systems ( 613.13).
f) The treasurer shall perform such other staff services
as the council may require in the fulllment of its functions and
2. As director of administrative services, this ofcer may have
responsibility in one or more of the following areas: ofce manage-
ment; payroll and personnel services; the provision of administra-
tive services for annual conference ofcers and agencies; property
management with respect to property owned by the annual con-
ference or any of its agencies; and such other responsibilities of an
administrative nature as the council, by mutual agreement with
other annual conference ofcers and agencies, may assign. The
director shall be present when the cabinet considers matters relat-
ing to conference administration related to the conference treasur-
er’s or conference treasurer/director of administrative services’
responsibilities, and other matters as the cabinet and director may
determine. The director shall not be present during the cabinet
discussions on matters related to the making of appointments.
3. The council shall have authority and supervision over the
director and shall, after consultation with those annual conference
ofcers and agencies for whom the director might be expected to
perform services, dene his or her specic responsibilities and do
regular evaluation.
P S
620. Assumption of the obligations of the itineracy, required
to be made at the time of admission into the traveling connection,
puts upon the Church the counter obligation of providing sup-
port for the itinerant ministry of the Church. In view of this, the
claim for pastoral support in each pastoral charge shall include
provisions for the support of pastors, district superintendents,
bishops, and conference claimants.
621. Apportionment Distribution—Each annual conference
shall determine what plan and method shall be used in distribut-
ing the apportionments to its several districts and charges for the
Episcopal Fund ( 818.1), for the support of district superinten-
dents and conference claimants, and for the Equitable Compensa-
tion Fund ( 625).
622. When the apportionments for bishops, district superin-
tendents, conference claimants, and the Equitable Compensation
Fund for the several districts and charges have been determined,
payments made to the same in each pastoral charge shall be
exactly proportional to the amount paid on the clergy base com-
pensation ( 818.3). The treasurer or treasurers of each pastoral
charge shall accordingly make proportional distribution of the
funds raised in that charge for the support of the ordained min-
istry and shall remit monthly if practicable and quarterly at the
latest the items for bishops, district superintendents, conference
claimants, and the Equitable Compensation Fund to the proper
treasurer or treasurers.
623. Base Compensation—The several charge conferences
shall determine the pastor’s base compensation according to the
provisions of 247.13. “Base Compensation” shall be dened in
“Guidelines: A Resource for the Conference Commission on Equi-
table Compensation” prepared by The National Association of
Commissions on Equitable Compensation (NACEC) and made
available by the General Council on Finance and Administration
(GCFA) either in print or on the GCFA website.
624. Payment Obligation—1. Each church or charge has an
obligation to pay the base compensation, the benets adopted by
the annual conference, and other ministerial support (including
housing) adopted by the charge conference, to its pastor(s). If it
becomes apparent that a church or charge will be unable to so
provide the base compensation, support, and benets adopted by
the charge conference, the church or charge SPRC chair, nance
chair, or treasurer, shall immediately notify, both in writing
and verbally, the pastor, district superintendent, and congregation.
76. See Judicial Council Decisions 306, 455, 579.
77. See Judicial Council Decisions 208, 455.
78. See Judicial Council Decisions 320, 401.
This communication shall indicate all avenues explored to meet
the base compensation, support, and benets, including request-
ing consideration for a short-term emergency subsidy grant from
the Equitable Compensation Fund ( 625.7). If it becomes neces-
sary to reduce a pastor’s compensation, it shall occur at the end of
the conference appointment year.
2. In the event the annual conference has no arrearage policy
in place, all such claims shall be subject to, and controlled by, the
civil laws applicable to such claims in the state in which the claim
arises. Any pastor who does not receive a full scheduled payment
of the approved compensation shall immediately report such, in
writing, to the church or charge SPRC chair, church council chair,
and district superintendent. Failure to report in a timely fashion
may result in surrender of any/all arrearage claims, subject to the
annual conference arrearage policy ( 625.2d).
625. Equitable Compensation—1. There shall be in each
annual conference a commission on equitable compensation or
other structure to provide for these functions and maintain the
connectional relationships. It shall be composed of an equal num-
ber of lay and clergypersons, including at least one layperson
and one clergyperson from churches of fewer than two hundred
members, who are nominated by the conference nominating com-
mittee and elected by and amenable to the annual conference. It
is recommended that in selection of commission members, con-
sideration shall be given to inclusiveness. In addition, one district
superintendent named by the cabinet shall be a member.
2. It is the purpose of the commission on equitable com-
pensation to support full-time clergy serving as pastors in the
charges of the annual conference by: (a) recommending confer-
ence standards for pastoral support; (b) administering funds to
be used in base compensation supplementation; and (c) provid-
ing counsel and advisory material on pastoral support to district
superintendents and committees on pastor-parish relations; and
(d) submitting an arrearage policy to be adopted by the annual
conference. For pastors receiving equitable compensation, once
the base compensation supplementation has been paid by the
annual conference, and the minimum base compensation and
base compensation supplementation has been received by the
pastor, the annual conference shall have no further nancial obli-
gation or responsibility to the pastor, the charge or anyone else
regarding the pastor’s compensation.
3. The commission shall carefully study the needs for addi-
tional support within the conference and the sources of income
and shall recommend annually to the conference for its action a
schedule of minimum base compensation for all full-time pastors
or those clergy members of the annual conference appointed less
than full-time to a local church, subject to such rules and regula-
tions as the conference may adopt ( 338.1, .2).
4. In some instances, for missional reasons, consideration
may be given by the conference commission on equitable com-
pensation to make funds available for the deacon in full connec-
tion when the primary appointment is to a local church.
5. Consistent with the provisions of this paragraph, the pri-
mary responsibility for the payment of pastoral base compensa-
tion remains with individual pastoral charges.
6. On recommendation of the commission on equitable com-
pensation, the annual conference may authorize the utilization
of the Equitable Compensation Fund to provide for supplement-
ing base compensation beyond the minimum base compensation
schedule. Special attention shall be given to ethnic pastors serv-
ing ethnic ministries, with particular attention given to Native
American pastors serving Native American ministries. In all
cases (ethnic or nonethnic), emphasis shall be given to funding
entry-level appointments in a teaching parish in a station church,
circuit, or cooperative parish and/or equivalent, or to a coopera-
tive parish.
7. In consultation with the Commission on Equitable Com-
pensation, the council on nance and administration shall rec-
ommend to the conference its estimate of the amount required to
support the schedule of minimum base compensation and base
compensation supplements for the pastors, as adopted by the
conference. The conference council on nance and administra-
tion shall apportion the amount approved by the conference as an
item of clergy support to the districts or the charges as the confer-
ence may direct ( 614.1e).
8. The Equitable Compensation Fund, secured as described
above in ¶¶ 614.1e and 625.7, shall be disbursed under the direc-
tion of the Commission on Equitable Compensation.
9. The Equitable Compensation Fund, secured as described
in ¶¶ 614.1e and 625.7, shall be used to provide each pastor who
79. See Judicial Council Decision 579.
80. See Judicial Council Decisions 90, 179, 1013.
receives less than the minimum base compensation with an addi-
tional amount sufcient to make the base compensation approved
by the pastoral charge plus the supplemental aid or income from
other sources equal to the minimum base compensation approved
by the conference. An annual conference may set a maximum
amount to be used in attaining such minimum base compensa-
tion in any given case, and it may set its own policy regarding the
number of years for which a pastoral charge is eligible to receive
equitable base compensation funds, provided that no member in
good standing who is appointed to a pastoral charge is denied the
minimum base compensation ( 342).
10. In light of our constitutional commitment to Ecumeni-
cal Relations (Division One—General, 6, Article VI), the com-
mission should give consideration in setting standards for clergy
support for those ministers who have had their orders recognized
for service in The United Methodist Church ( 346.2) and whose
years of service include ministry exercised in other denomina-
tions, especially those coming from the churches of the Pan-Meth-
odist Commission and other member churches of the Churches
Uniting In Christ.
11. The commission shall assemble and distribute to the
charges and the district superintendents advisory material for use
in the process of negotiating the total of each pastoral support
package, the schedule of minimum base compensation, and other
information relevant to the establishment of more equitable base
compensation by all the charges of the conference.
12. The guidelines of the annual conference program of equi-
table clergy support shall, insofar as possible, be observed by the
bishops and district superintendents in arranging charges and
making appointments. Each full-time pastor or those clergy mem-
bers of the annual conference appointed less than full-time under
episcopal appointment to a local church are eligible for participa-
tion in the annual conference program of equitable base compen-
sation ( 342.1, .2).
13. The commission may suggest to the annual conference
for its consideration equitable base compensation ranges for the
pastors and/or charges, and the annual conference may suggest
such equitable base compensation ranges to the charges for their
81. See Judicial Council Decisions 456, 579, 587, 1013.
626. Sustentation Fund—An annual conference may estab-
lish a sustentation fund for the purpose of providing emergency
aid to the clergy of the conference who may be in special need. On
recommendation of the conference council on nance and admin-
istration, the amount needed for this purpose may be apportioned
to the pastoral charges as the conference may determine. The
fund, if established, shall be administered jointly by the bishop,
the appropriate district superintendent, and the chairperson of
the commission on equitable compensation or the chairperson of
such other agency as the annual conference may determine.
627. Pastors’ Expenses and Allowances—Local churches shall
report to the annual conference, in the manner indicated on the
annual conference report form, expenditures for the following
purposes: (1) amounts reimbursed to pastors for expenses incurred
by them in the fulllment of their professional responsibilities;
(2) amounts paid to or for pastors as allowances (including hous-
ing allowance) in addition to base compensation. Local churches
are encouraged to consider guidelines provided by the annual
conference and/or the General Council on Finance and Admin-
istration in setting and reporting the amounts of such allowances
and reimbursements.
628. Compensation for Extension Ministries—Every clergy
member of an annual conference appointed to extension ministry
shall furnish annually to the conference secretary at such time as
the secretary shall direct a statement of his or her total compensa-
tion (including base compensation, travel, automobile, housing,
and other expenses allowed and paid) for the year then ending,
and said compensation of all clergy appointed to extension min-
istry shall be published in the journal of the annual conference.
When this information is not furnished, the appointment of the
clergyperson shall be subject to review by the resident bishop and
the cabinet.
O C A
629. Conference Board of Church and Society—1. The annual
conference shall organize a board of church and society or other
structure to provide for the functions of this ministry and main-
tain the connectional relationship between the General Board of
Church and Society and the conference, district, and local church,
82. See Judicial Council Decisions 345, 465.
as well as for church and society responsibilities related to the
objectives and scope of work of the General Board of Church and
Society as set forth in ¶¶ 1002-1004.
2. The conference board of church and society or equivalent
structure shall be composed of those persons as determined by the
annual conference, including, by virtue of their ofces, the mission
coordinator for social action of the conference United Methodist
Women and members of the General Board of Church and Society
from the annual conference who shall serve within limits set by
¶¶ 610.6 and 710.6. The conference board of church and society
or equivalent structure shall also name a conference Peace with
Justice Coordinator who will be responsible for administering the
conference Peace with Justice Special Sunday Offering receipts
and for coordinating peace and justice ministries. Guidelines for
inclusiveness in the membership shall be followed ( 610.5).
3. The conference board, in cooperation with the General
Board of Church and Society and the annual conference council
on ministries, shall develop and promote programs on church and
society within the bounds of the conference that include prison
ministry and reform concerns. To this end, it may divide its mem-
bership into committees of approximately equal size patterned
after the organization of the General Board of Church and Society.
Committees of the board shall have responsibility to cooperate
with one another to advance the respective and mutual concerns
of their respective areas in social education, service, witness, and
4. The conference board of church and society shall serve to
connect the General Board of Church and Society and the district
and local churches in relating the gospel of Jesus Christ to the
members of the Church and to the persons and structures of the
communities, nation, and world in which they live. Program shall
be developed that provides education and action on issues con-
fronting the Church consistent with the Social Principles and the
policies adopted by the General Conference.
5. The board shall estimate annually the amount necessary
for support of its work and shall report this amount according to
the procedure of the annual conference. The work of the board
may be considered a benevolence interest of the Church within
the conference.
6. The annual conference may employ a person or persons to
further its purposes. Two or more annual conferences may coop-
erate in developing their programs and in employing one or more
630. Conference Board of Discipleship—The annual confer-
ence shall organize a board of discipleship or other equivalent
structure to provide for these functions and maintain the con-
nectional relationship between the General Board of Discipleship
and the conference, district, and local church, and to provide for
discipleship functions related to the objectives and scope of work
of the General Board of Discipleship as set forth in ¶¶ 1101, 1102.
The person or persons serving as member(s) of the General Board
of Discipleship shall be member(s) of the conference board of dis-
cipleship and may be granted voting privileges.
1. General Responsibilities—a) To lead and assist the congre-
gations and districts in the conference in their efforts to commu-
nicate and celebrate the redeeming and reconciling love of God
as revealed in Jesus Christ to persons of every age, ethnic back-
ground, and social condition; to invite persons to commit their
lives to Christ and to his church; and to enable persons to live as
Christian disciples in the world.
b) To foster and promote a holistic approach to the devel-
opment of Christian disciples. This shall include such ministries
as Christian education and other small-group ministries; camp-
ing, retreat, and outdoor activities; evangelism; stewardship;
worship; lay development; Christian spiritual formation and
devotional life; age-level, life-span, and family-life ministries;
leadership education; and such other areas of work as the annual
conference may determine.
c) To foster and promote camping experiences for per-
sons with disabilities, including camps specically designed for
persons with disabilities, and the participation of persons with
disabilities, when feasible, in camps sponsored by the district and
d) To provide training for clergy and laity in ministries
with persons with disabilities, including the areas of the Sunday
school, camps and retreats, and faith development.
e) To provide guidance and training for related district
leaders and agencies and for local church councils, ofcers, and
f) To develop a unied and comprehensive program for
leadership training to serve all age groups in the home, church,
and community.
g) To provide continued training for pastors in effective
ministry with children, child and faith development of children,
and interpretation of curriculum resources.
h) To enable and strengthen the ministry with and to
youth at all levels of the Church.
i) To determine the necessary directors, coordinators, or
designated leaders for discipleship responsibilities at the annual
conference level, including the maintenance of linkage with the
General Board of Discipleship and related district committees
within the annual conference.
2. Responsibilities in the Area of Christian Education—a) To
develop and promote a conference program of Christian educa-
tion for the whole life span, to lead, assist, and support congre-
gations and districts in developing systems for educational and
small-group ministries that give children, youth, young adults,
adults, older adults, and families knowledge of and experience
in the Christian faith and the spiritual disciplines as motiva-
tion for Christian service in the Church, the community, and the
world. This may include guidance and training for district leaders
responsible for Christian education and for local church minis-
try areas and commissions on education, superintendents of the
church school, church school division superintendents, church
school teachers, and other leaders in the educational ministry of
local churches.
b) To develop and maintain an organized system for
communicating and working with persons responsible for Chris-
tian education programs in local churches, districts, jurisdictions,
and the General Board of Discipleship.
c) To provide training for conrmation leaders and to
equip local congregations in conrmation experiences and in the
use of approved resources.
d) To encourage the observance of the rst Sunday of
Christian Education Week, or some other day designated by the
annual conference, in each local church as Christian Education
Sunday for the purpose of emphasizing the importance of Chris-
tian education and for receiving an offering for the work of Chris-
tian education. (See 265.1.)
e) To develop and recommend to the annual conference
plans for the acquisition or disposition of conference camps and/
or retreat properties in accordance with standards of camping
developed by the General Board of Discipleship ( 1109.10).
f) To promote church school extension by: (1) encourag-
ing the development of new United Methodist church schools;
(2) starting new classes; (3) expanding teaching and learning
opportunities in the congregation and community.
g) To assist local congregations in initiating programs of
teacher recruitment, development, training, and retraining in bib-
lical, theological, and ethical thinking as well as in the procedures
and methods of Christian education.
h) To cooperate in the promotion of knowledge about
the support for all schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries
related to the conference, the United Methodist Student Move-
ment, and the campus ministry of the conference, region, or area
through the establishment and support of such programs as may
be approved by the annual conference in harmony with the poli-
cies and procedures of the General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry.
3. Responsibilities in the Area of Evangelism—a) To plan and
promote an effective, comprehensive ministry of evangelism for
people of all ages.
b) To create an understanding of, interest in, and commit-
ment to evangelism throughout the conference.
c) To provide for the training of clergy and laypersons
in leadership in ministries of evangelism, the distribution of pro-
motional literature, the encouragement and enlistment of local
church participation in an ongoing ministry of evangelism, and
the support of church revitalization and new church development.
d) To give guidance to the groups responsible for the
work of evangelism in the districts and to the ministry area of
evangelism in the local church.
e) To give particular emphasis to the promotion of minis-
tries of evangelism, which may include ministries in jails and
prisons with offenders, victims, and their families, in order that
all persons living in a community where there is a local United
Methodist church, and who are without a church afliation or
who make no profession of faith, will be included within the nur-
turing and caring responsibility of that local church.
f) To recommend annually, in consultation with the
Board of Ordained Ministry, to the conference and to the bishop in
charge the appointment of certain effective members of the confer-
ence as general evangelists, provided that such persons shall meet
the standards set for general evangelists by the General Board of
Discipleship. This person shall serve as an ex ofcio member of
the conference board of discipleship area of evangelism. In the
event that there is more than one general evangelist in said annual
conference, at least one shall be selected by the conference com-
mittee on nominations.
g) To recommend and endorse the ministry of said general
evangelist to the pastors and leadership of the annual conference.
4. Responsibilities in the Area of Worship—a) To be responsi-
ble for the concerns of worship for people of all ages within the
annual conference.
b) To foster the use of the best resources for worship at
conference meetings and in all the churches of the conference,
promote the use of The United Methodist Hymnal (1989) and The
United Methodist Book of Worship (1992) in all the churches of the
conference. To plan and promote seminars and demonstrations
on cooperative planning for worship involving pastors and musi-
cians, forms of worship, and the use of music and other arts, with
particular emphasis on congregational singing. This includes
cooperating with the resident bishop, who has primary responsi-
bility for planning all worship services at each annual conference.
c) To provide exhibits at the conference sessions, cooper-
ate with the General Board of Discipleship, the conference council
on ministries, the conference chapter of The Fellowship of United
Methodists in Music and Worship Arts, and the Order of St. Luke
in promoting seminars and training events in the area of worship,
including music and other arts.
d) To assist local congregations in discovering and recruit-
ing persons to serve as musicians (instrumentalists, singers, and
song leaders) and in developing the skills of those serving in local
congregations in cooperation with the General Board of Disciple-
ship. This focus shall include persons who work full-time, part-
time, and especially as volunteers in church music.
5. Responsibilities in the Area of Stewardship—a) To plan and
promote a comprehensive program of stewardship for people
of all ages throughout the conference in such areas as steward-
ship education, proportionate giving and tithing, funding the
Church’s ministries, planned giving, time and abilities, economics
and money management, and lifestyle.
b) To interpret the biblical and theological basis for
c) To promote giving consistent with a Christian lifestyle.
d) To develop funding concepts within annual confer-
ence, district, and local church consistent with sound stewardship
principles and the doctrine of The United Methodist Church.
e) To educate the local church that tithing is the minimum
goal of giving in The United Methodist Church.
f) To design and schedule training events, distribute pro-
motional material, and enlist local church participation in a year-
round program of stewardship.
g) To give guidance to the ministry area of stewardship
in the districts and to the ministry area of stewardship and the
committee on nance in the local church.
h) To develop a program that will create concern on the
part of every local church for the ecological and environmental
problems that confront the world and to motivate them to accept
responsibility for aiding in the solution of such problems.
i) To participate in the work of national and jurisdictional
organizations related to stewardship, such as the National Asso-
ciation of Stewardship Leaders and the National Association of
United Methodist Foundations.
6. Responsibilities in the Area of Spiritual Formation—It is rec-
ommended that a separate committee be established to carry out
the following responsibilities:
a) To promote spiritual formation and the development
of the devotional life for families and people of all ages, clergy and
laity, throughout the conference.
b) To conduct seminars and training events in the areas of
private and corporate prayer.
c) To encourage and assist with the distribution and use
of resources for spiritual formation as provided by The Upper
Room and the General Board of Discipleship.
d) To encourage every local church to have a prayer coor-
dinator to promote prayer and mobilize the local church to pray.
e) To encourage every local church to have a prayer room
or designated place for prayer and prayer resources.
f) To encourage intentional prayer for pastoral leadership
of the local church.
631. Conference Board of Laity—1. There shall be in every
annual conference a conference board of laity or other equivalent
structure to provide for these functions and maintain connec-
tional relationship.
It shall provide for the ministry of the laity
83. See Judicial Council Decision 835.
related to the objectives of the General Board of Discipleship as set
forth in ¶¶ 1101-1126.
2. The purpose of the conference board of laity shall be:
a) To foster an awareness of the role of the laity both
within the local congregation and through their ministries in the
home, workplace, community, and world in achieving the mis-
sion of the Church; to develop and promote programs to cultivate
an adequate understanding of the theological and biblical basis
for lay life and work among the members of the churches of the
annual conference.
b) To develop and promote stewardship of time, talent,
and possessions within the annual conference in cooperation with
the conference council on ministries or other appropriate confer-
ence bodies.
c) To provide for the training of lay members of annual
d) To provide support and direction for the ministry of
the laity on the local, district, and annual conference levels and to
promote the observance of Laity Sunday.
e) To provide organization, direction, and support for the
development of local church leaders.
3. The following membership of the board is recommended:
the conference lay leader, associate conference lay leaders, the
conference director of Lay Speaking Ministries, the conference
scouting coordinator, and the presidents and two representatives
elected by each of the conference organizations of United Meth-
odist Men, United Methodist Women, United Methodist Young
Adults, and the conference council on youth ministries; and in
addition, the district lay leaders, two laymen, two laywomen, and
two youth elected by the annual conference upon nomination of
the conference nominating committee, a district superintendent
designated by the cabinet, the director of the conference council
on ministries, and the presiding bishop. Special attention shall be
given to the inclusion of people with disabilities and racial and
ethnic persons. All members shall be professing members of local
4. The conference lay leader shall chair the board. Other of-
cers shall be elected as the board shall deem necessary.
5. The board shall relate to Lay Servant Ministries and other
organized lay groups in the conference, such as United Methodist
Men, United Methodist Women, United Methodist Young Adults,
and United Methodist Youth and shall support their work and
help them coordinate the activities of the organized laity of the
6. Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministriesa) Every
annual conference is encouraged to create a conference commit-
tee on Lay Servant Ministries or other equivalent structure to ful-
ll the requirements of ¶¶ 266-268 and to relate to the conference
board of laity and the General Board of Discipleship as per 1116
and others that might apply.
b) The purpose of a conference committee on Lay Servant
Ministries is to set criteria and guidelines for district committees
on Lay Servant Ministries, to develop lay servant courses and
approve courses developed by district committees, and to orga-
nize conference-wide lay servant events.
c) A conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries
will consist, at a minimum, of the district directors of Lay Servant
Ministries or their equivalent.
d) There will be a conference director of Lay Speaking
Ministries. This position will be lled in a manner to be deter-
mined by the annual conference. This position shall be lled by a
certied lay servant. The conference director will chair the com-
mittee. Other ofcers will be elected by the committee as the com-
mittee deems necessary.
7. Responsibilities in the Area of Ministry of the Laitya) To
develop and promote programs to cultivate an adequate under-
standing of the theological and biblical basis for ministry of the
laity among the members of the churches of the annual confer-
ence; to give special emphasis to programs and services that will
enable laity of all ages to serve more effectively as leaders in both
church and community.
b) To provide support and direction for such lay pro-
grams as Lay Servant Ministries, the observance of Laity Day, and
the work of lay leaders on the local and district levels.
c) To give support and direction to the conference and
district program for local church leadership development, coor-
dinating and developing training experiences that will enable
persons of all ages to serve more effectively as members of local
church councils on ministries, church councils, and the commit-
tees, commissions, and task forces related to these groups.
d) To organize a conference committee on Lay Servant
Ministries that will fulll the requirements of ¶¶ 266-268 on behalf
of the conference. This committee shall set guidelines and criteria
to be used by district committees (see 669).
632. Conference Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns—
1. There shall be in every annual conference a conference com-
mittee on ethnic local church concerns or other structure to
provide for these basic functions and to maintain connectional
2. It shall provide for these functions:
a) Keeping the vision of ethnic local church concerns
before the annual conference;
b) Providing guidance and resources to churches
in the annual conference as they minister with and to ethnic
c) Coordinating annual conference strategies related to
ethnic local church concerns including general church emphases
and initiatives;
d) Providing a forum for dialogue among the ethnic con-
stituencies, as well as with annual conference agencies;
e) Providing training for annual conference and congre-
gational leaders;
f) Promoting and interpreting ethnic local church con-
cerns to the annual conference; and
g) Working with annual conferences to identify and nur-
ture leaders, lay and clergy, of ethnic communities.
3. The membership of this committee shall be nominated and
elected by established procedures of the annual conference. The
annual conference shall determine the number and composition
of the membership of the committee. It is recommended that the
committee be constituted so that the majority of the membership
be representative of racial and ethnic people, reecting the racial
and ethnic constituencies and local churches of the annual con-
ference ( 705.3). Care should be taken, where feasible, to ensure
balance of membership with clergy and laity, men and women,
youth and young adults.
633. Conference Board of Global Ministries—1. The annual
conference shall organize a board of global ministries or other
structure to maintain the connectional relationship and provide
for global ministries responsibilities related to the objectives and
scope of work of the General Board of Global Ministries as set
forth in ¶¶ 1302-1303.
2. The conference board of global ministries or equivalent
structure shall be composed of those persons as determined by
the annual conference and shall fulll those responsibilities as
assigned. The mission coordinator of education and interpre-
tation of the conference United Methodist Women, by virtue
of ofce, shall be a member of the conference board of global
The chairperson of the conference board of global ministries
shall work with the conference secretary of global ministries to
relate the annual conference board of global ministries to the
objectives and scope of work of the General Board of Global Min-
istries. A person or persons serving as member(s) of the General
Board of Global Ministries from the annual conference shall, by
virtue of their ofce, be member(s) of the conference board of
global ministries (see ¶¶ 610.6 and 710.6).
3. There shall be a conference secretary of global ministries
who shall be a member of the annual conference board and may
be a member of the annual conference council on ministries or
equivalent structure.
The conference secretary of global ministries shall work with
the chairperson of the conference board of global ministries to
relate the annual conference board of global ministries to the objec-
tives and scope of work of the General Board of Global Ministries.
4. a) The annual conference and the General Board of Global
Ministries shall cooperate in carrying out the policies and promot-
ing all phases of the work as related to the scope of the board as
set forth in 1302.
b) Responsibilities—(1) To designate the necessary com-
mittees, sections, or commissions and individual secretaries, coor-
dinators, or other leaders for global ministries responsibilities at
the annual conference level.
(2) To interpret to the annual conference the pro-
grams, plans, and policies of the General Board of Global Minis-
tries and to plan and promote emphases on global ministries. To
undergird with education, constructive evaluation, communica-
tion, and cultivation the total program of the General Board of
Global Ministries.
(3) To receive reports of the liaison to the annual con-
ference from the General Board of Global Ministries.
(4) To interpret to the General Board of Global Min-
istries the mission program, priorities, and concerns of the annual
conference and the local churches to enable the board to fulll its
responsibilities as an extension of the local church.
(5) To plan and promote various kinds of meetings
and experiences throughout the conference for the purpose of
developing a spirit of mission and participation in global minis-
tries for training, education, and leadership development of mis-
sion leaders and persons in the eld of human services and health
and welfare ministries.
(6) To cooperate with the General Board of Global
Ministries in its program outside the United States.
(7) To identify with all who are alienated and dis-
possessed and to assist them in achieving their full human devel-
opment—body, mind, and spirit—including encouraging and
implementing afrmative action programs.
(8) To engage in direct ministries to human need,
both emergency and continuing institutional and noninstitu-
tional, however caused.
(9) To cooperate with the conference organization of
United Methodist Women in helping to equip all women for full
participation in the mission of the Church.
(10) To cultivate, through the channels of the Church
other than United Methodist Women, the Advance Special Gifts
for ministries administered by designated units of the General
Board of Global Ministries, including United Methodist Commit-
tee on Relief (UMCOR).
(11) To promote the development of covenant rela-
tionships between local churches and General Board of Global
Ministries personnel.
(12) To encourage, maintain, and strengthen the rela-
tionships between the annual conference and agencies related to
the appropriate divisions and departments of the General Board
of Global Ministries and provide a channel through which these
agencies shall report to the annual conference.
(13) To develop and implement Church nancial
support of conference mission projects and programs, and health
and welfare ministries, with particular emphasis on benevolent
care and Golden Cross, education and social service ministries,
and World Communion Scholarships.
(14) To enable, encourage, and support the develop-
ment of congregations, cooperative parishes, community centers,
education and human services, and health and welfare ministries
so that they may be units of mission in urban and rural areas and
partners with others in the worldwide mission of the Christian
(15) To encourage and support specialized urban and
town and country ministries enabling comprehensive mission
related to broad metropolitan and rural issues, services minister-
ing to the needs of persons, and supportive programs strengthen-
ing the local church.
(16) To assist districts and local churches in explor-
ing and developing new methods and direct service ministries as
changing conditions and societal forms demand.
(17) To cooperate with Church and secular leaders at
all levels in strategic planning, developing programs, and advo-
cating legislation that impacts community and national issues.
(18) To envision and engage in imaginative new
forms of mission appropriate to changing needs and to share the
results of experimentation.
(19) To develop strategies in response to critical com-
munity issues, with special attention to the needs of ethnic and
language groups, people with disabilities, people in transitional
relationships, the working poor, and those living under repressive
(20) To support United Methodist Committee on
Relief’s refugee ministry by promoting an annual conference
refugee committee that relates to the annual conference board of
global ministries and encourages, advises, and assists churches
with their refugee programs.
(21) To support the United Methodist Committee on
Relief’s World Hunger/Poverty Ministry by encouraging annual
conferences to appoint an annual conference hunger coordinator
and form an annual conference hunger committee that relates to
the annual conference board of global ministries.
(22) To appoint annual conference disaster response
coordinators to assist the United Methodist Committee on Relief
by encouraging the formation of an annual conference disaster
response committee that relates to the annual conference board
of global ministries and includes, when possible, members of the
General Board of Global Ministries from the annual conference.
The membership of the Disaster Response Committee may include
district disaster response coordinators and the conference director
of communications or member of the commission on communica-
tions. Annual conference and district disaster response coordina-
tors shall receive training at least once a quadrennium.
(23) To assist the program of Church and Commu-
nity Ministry in setting goals, developing programs, providing
funding, and evaluating the ministries.
(24) To cooperate with the General Board of Global
Ministries in the recruitment and support of missionaries and to
cooperate with the appropriate conference units such as a Confer-
ence Committee on Mission Personnel or an equivalent body in
the promotion and recruitment of persons for health and welfare
service careers and other Church-related occupations.
(25) To review and certify applications to the Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries for loans, donations, and grants;
to administer such funds for their designated purposes in accor-
dance with the established guidelines; and to participate with the
General Board of Global Ministries in planning and evaluation
processes related to these funds.
(26) To cultivate gifts for those special Sunday offer-
ings that are administered through the General Board of Global
(27) To strive to ensure mutual representation
between the annual conference unit responsible for health and
welfare ministries and each health and welfare institution related
to the annual conference where such representation is called for
by mutual agreement of the institution and the annual conference.
(28) To encourage the health and welfare institu-
tions and programs within the annual conference related to a
connectional unit of The United Methodist Church to utilize the
programmatic standards, self-study, and peer review appropri-
ate to Church-related institutions and programs and available
to them through organizations that will promote excellence in
Christian ministry and mission and enhance the quality of ser-
vices offered.
(29) To assist the annual conference in assessing
needs in health and welfare ministries. To assist the annual con-
ference in development of health and welfare services in local
communities and within the annual conference.
(30) To work with the General Board of Global Minis-
tries in leadership development programs and the promotion of
health and welfare ministries, and to work with the United Meth-
odist Association of Health and Welfare Ministries in leadership
development programs and the promotion of health and welfare
(31) To promote Christian, nancial, and profes-
sional standards in health and welfare ministries within the
annual conference.
(32) To aid in planning and developing a religious
ministry in annual conference-related institutions and programs
and, wherever practical, in state and other institutions and pro-
grams not related to the conference where there is a need.
(33) To serve in an advisory capacity to the confer-
ence nominating processes where the annual conference partici-
pates in the selection of trustees for health and welfare institutions
and programs related to the annual conference.
(34) To provide a channel through which health and
welfare programs and institutions report to the annual conference.
(35) To promote an annual Golden Cross offering or
other means of giving to be received in every local church on a
day or days designated by the annual conference in support of the
health and welfare ministries within the annual conference. This
offering shall provide nancial support to care for sick persons,
older persons, children and youth, and people with disabilities.
Special emphasis shall be given to aiding those ministries that
provide direct nancial assistance to persons in need. Promotion
also should include all units of the General Board of Global Min-
istries related to health and welfare ministries.
(36) To make available program and other resources
to local churches to help ensure physical accessibility of church
5. The annual conference shall establish a committee on par-
ish and community development or assign this responsibility to
an existing agency in the annual conference that will fulll the
responsibilities related to the objectives and scope of the General
Board of Global Ministries ( 1313). The committee shall initiate
and develop programs with institutional and voluntary ministries
related to the work of the board. The committee may form sub-
committees for these areas. The committee shall be accountable to
the conference board of global ministries, or to such other agency
as the conference may determine. The chairperson of the commit-
tee and the chairpersons of the subcommittees shall be members
of the conference board of global ministries or such body to which
the committee shall be amenable.
a) The committee shall include persons involved in sig-
nicant types of parish and community ministries, lay and clergy
representatives of rural, town, and urban small-membership
churches, the area or conference superintendent or director of par-
ish development, representatives of related church agencies and
groups, and at-large community representatives.
b) The general responsibilities of the committee shall
include research, evaluation, planning and strategy development,
policy formulation, program implementation, local and national
liaison (denominational and ecumenical) related to parish and
community development, and such other functions as the con-
ference or agency to which the committee is accountable may
c) Responsibilities of the subcommittee on institutional
and voluntary ministries related to the General Board of Global
Ministries may include developing a relationship to all such insti-
tutional and voluntary ministries within the annual conference;
consulting with them in cooperative planning and strategy for the
implementation of national mission concerns relative to needs in
the area of social welfare as implemented through the ministries of
community centers, residences, health-care agencies, schools, and
other educational agencies; and working with funding sources to
provide the support needed for effective service in such agencies.
d) In annual conferences where church and community
workers are assigned through the General Board of Global Min-
istries, responsibilities of the subcommittee on church and com-
munity ministry shall include reviewing and evaluating projects;
serving as liaison between projects and the General Board of
Global Ministries; and securing consultative and nancial sup-
port for workers.
e) Responsibilities of the subcommittee on congrega-
tional development shall include encouraging and supporting the
development of new and established congregations; conducting
research studies and community surveys that plan for and assist
with developing innovative strategies for mission; and reviewing,
evaluating, and making recommendations for loans, donations,
and grants from the General Board of Global Ministries. The sub-
committee also shall encourage greater use of such pastoral min-
istry models as tentmaking/bi-vocational ministries, part-time
local pastors, and cooperative ministries by advocating for the
removal of impediments to their use and emphasizing the pas-
tors’ proven ability to produce effective nurture, outreach, and
witness ministries as the primary criterion for appointment.
f) Responsibilities of the subcommittee on town and
country ministries shall include mission development and min-
istry in town and country areas with a population of less than
50,000. These shall include incorporated areas of 10,000 to 50,000;
towns, villages, and incorporated areas with 10,000 or fewer; and
rural areas with population density of 200 or fewer persons per
square mile, fullling the functions outlined in 633.5h.
g) Responsibilities of the subcommittee on urban minis-
tries shall include long-range mission strategy development and
ministry for metropolitan communities with a population of more
than 50,000, fullling the functions outlined in 633.5h.
h) Responsibilities of the subcommittees on town and
country ministries and urban ministries shall include the following:
(1) consulting with the bishop, cabinet, area or con-
ference superintendent/director of parish development, district
representatives of town and country ministries and urban minis-
tries, and the conference agencies in the development of policies
for cooperative parish ministries, securing of funding for staff,
and in initiating and strengthening these ministries;
(2) developing a comprehensive related missional
strategy for the mission of the annual conference, the districts,
and the local churches and reporting this plan to the annual con-
ference for consideration, with the understanding that the plan
may relate to a regional mission organization for purposes of
larger geographical coordination; and
(3) initiating and/or assisting with programs to deal
with needs such as:
(a) local church and community outreach organi-
zation and development;
(b) ministries with specialized constituencies
and sectors of community life, agricultural and industrial produc-
tion, and other issue-oriented ministries;
(c) the development and strengthening of
regional and/or national networks and/or associations;
(d) ethnic and language groups;
(e) churches in transitional communities;
(f) small membership churches;
(g) the impact of oppressive systems on town
and country and urban people and their communities; and
(h) to fulll other functions as related to the
objectives and scope of work of the General Board of Global Min-
istries as set forth in 1314.
i) Responsibilities of the subcommittee on the small mem-
bership church shall include the following: (1) being informed
about needs and opportunities of the small membership church
in rural, town, and urban settings in the total life of the confer-
ence; (2) calling for representation by small membership churches
in the decision-making structures of the annual conference;
(3) informing and sensitizing leadership at all levels of the confer-
ence on issues that affect small membership churches; (4) enlist-
ing the support of the bishop, cabinet, council on ministries, and
conference staff on policies, plans, and practices that affect small
membership churches; (5) working with the subcommittees on
town and country ministries and urban ministries within the par-
ish and with the community development committee to develop
and implement strategies for the nurturing, outreach, and witness
ministries of small membership churches.
j) In metropolitan areas with a population of more than
50,000, consideration shall be given to the establishment of a met-
ropolitan commission whose purpose shall be to promote long-
range planning and to provide a coordinating framework for
United Methodism’s mission strategy for that metropolitan area.
The membership may include the bishop or bishop’s represen-
tative, the district superintendents involved, a selected group of
clergy and laypersons representing the annual conference board of
global ministries and the annual conference committee on urban
ministry, the conference commission on religion and race, the
annual conference United Methodist Women and United Method-
ist Men, representatives from community-based ministries, repre-
sentatives from district council(s) on ministries, representatives
from other boards and agencies deemed appropriate, and groups
and individuals who have skills and experience enabling them to
fulll creative planning and strategy functions for United Meth-
odism in the metropolitan area.
When the metropolitan area includes more than one
annual conference, representatives shall be elected from each
conference’s constituent boards and agencies to the metropolitan
6. There may be a volunteer-in-mission coordinator who
will coordinate the volunteer-in-mission ministries of the annual
conference in cooperation with the General Board of Global Min-
istries’ mission volunteers ofce and the jurisdictional volunteer-
in-mission ofce.
a) The coordinator shall be elected annually and shall be
a member of the annual conference board of global ministries.
b) The coordinator will be responsible to:
(1) match volunteers with mission opportunities;
(2) be responsive to volunteers’ desire to serve;
(3) train and mobilize volunteers for mission volun-
teer service;
(4) disseminate information on what is happening in
the area of short-term volunteer-in-mission programs.
634. Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Minis-
try—1. There shall be in each annual conference a board of higher
education and campus ministry or other structure to provide for
these functions and maintain the connectional relationships. The
number of members shall be determined by the annual confer-
ence, including representation from appropriate constituencies.
2. The annual conference board of higher education and cam-
pus ministry or equivalent structure shall provide for the connec-
tional relationship between the Division of Higher Education of
the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the con-
ference, district, and local church and shall provide for a ministry
in higher education related to the objectives and scope of work
of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the
Division of Higher Education. A person serving as a member of
the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry from that
annual conference shall, by virtue of his or her ofce, be a member
of the conference board of higher education and campus ministry
or equivalent structure (see ¶¶ 610.6 and 710.6).
3. The annual conference chairperson of higher education
and campus ministry or equivalent structure shall be a member of
the annual conference council on ministries.
4. The responsibilities of an annual conference board of higher
education and campus ministry or equivalent structure include:
a) General Responsibilities—(1) To interpret and promote
the United Methodist ministries in higher education that are sup-
ported by the general Church and those specically related to the
annual conference.
84. See Judicial Council Decision 1171.
(2) To recommend the policies guiding the annual
conference in its program of ministry in higher education.
(3) To train and provide resources for district com-
mittees and local church ministry areas of higher education and
campus ministry.
(4) To apprise United Methodists of their historic
commitment to and present mission in higher education.
(5) To work with the annual conference council on
ministries and with districts and local churches to interpret and
promote higher education ministries supported by special Sun-
days and funds: Africa University Fund, Black College Fund;
Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans (HANA) Educational
Ministries; Ministerial Education Fund, Native American Minis-
tries Sunday, United Methodist Student Day; World Communion
Sunday; and other funds and special days related to higher edu-
cation ordered by the General Conference or annual conference.
(6) To promote use of the United Methodist Loan
Fund and to designate appropriate persons to represent the
United Methodist Loan Fund on campuses, such persons nor-
mally being Wesley Foundation directors or ecumenical campus
ministers supported by the annual conference; to provide the
Ofce of Loans and Scholarships with the names and addresses
of those persons; and to apprise students of alternative ways to
apply for loans in the event there is no campus minister.
(7) To evaluate schools, colleges, universities, and
campus ministries related to the annual conference, with concern
for the quality of their performance, the integrity of their mission,
and their response to the missional goals of the general Church
and the annual conference.
(8) To promote the education award programs pro-
vided by The United Methodist Church, including the United
Methodist Higher Education Foundation’s award programs.
(9) To confer at once with representatives of the Gen-
eral Board of Higher Education and Ministry to determine what
resources and aid the board may be able to provide and to enable
the Division of Higher Education to carry out its responsibilities
in the event that any educational institution, Wesley Foundation,
or other campus ministry moves to sever or modify its connection
with the Church or violates the rules adopted by the division in
accordance with 1413.3.
(10) To provide that two or more annual conferences
may, on recommendation of their boards of higher education and
campus ministry or equivalent structures, join in constituting
an area or regional committee or commission on higher educa-
tion and campus ministry, the membership, scope, and functions
of which shall be determined by the cooperating conferences in
consultation with their bishop or bishops. The area committee
or commission shall include a majority of its members from the
participating annual conference boards of higher education and
campus ministry or equivalent structure with appropriate repre-
sentation of college presidents, campus ministers, students, and
ethnic persons.
b) Fiscal Responsibilities—In addition to its general
responsibilities, the annual conference board of higher education
and campus ministry shall carry out the following scal duties:
(1) To present to the council on ministries and then to
the council on nance and administration of the annual conference
the nancial needs for adequate support of the schools, colleges,
universities, theological schools, campus Christian movements,
Wesley Foundations,
and other campus ministries related to the
annual conference for apportionment to the churches within the
(2) To determine the distribution of the funds
received from undesignated gifts, returns from special days,
annual conference and district Advance Specials for higher edu-
cation and scholarships of the United Methodist Higher Educa-
tion Foundation.
(3) To establish, where appropriate, foundations or
other means to ensure the ongoing support of the annual confer-
ence program of ministry in higher education.
(4) To counsel United Methodist schools, colleges,
universities, and campus ministries related to the annual confer-
ence with regard to their charters and constitutions, reversionary
clauses, and liability.
(5) To counsel United Methodist institutions about
property and endowments entrusted to the institutions and to
maintain and enforce trust and reversionary clauses in accor-
dance with the provisions of the Division of Higher Education
under 1413.3c.
85. See Judicial Council Decision 191.
(6) To monitor duciary and legal relationships with
United Methodist schools, colleges, universities, and campus
ministries and to assist annual conferences in their responsibili-
ties in these matters.
(7) To administer the scholarship funds rebated to
the annual conference by the Ofce of Loans and Scholarships in
accordance with the guidelines of that ofce.
(8) To encourage the establishment of loan and
scholarship funds in the annual conference and local churches
and to administer the loan and scholarship funds of the annual
c) Responsibilities with Schools, Colleges, and Universities
In addition to its general responsibilities, the annual conference
board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent
structure shall carry out the following duties with regard to
United Methodist schools, colleges, and universities:
(1) To make known to the district, subdistricts, and
all local churches the names and location of all United Meth-
odist educational institutions and, wherever possible, provide
resources interpreting their work and special missions.
(2) To assist institutions related specically to the
annual conference in their efforts to raise funds, scholarships,
recruit students, and extend services to the annual conference.
(3) To assume responsibility, after consultation
with the annual conference committee on nominations and the
nominating committee of the institution’s board of trustees, for
the nomination of those trustees who are to be nominated and
elected by the annual conference to the boards of trustees of
United Methodist schools, colleges, and universities. In the event
that the annual conference conrms or elects trustees nominated
by trustee-nominating committees, to consult with those commit-
tees, having special concern for the selection of persons who will
appropriately address the nancial, missional, and educational
progress of the institution.
(4) To provide for interpretation of the programs of
United Methodist schools, colleges, and universities throughout
the educational program of the annual conference, especially in
cooperation with those committees and persons responsible for
youth and young-adult ministries.
(5) To interpret systematically to the districts, sub-
districts, and local churches the conference program with United
Methodist schools, colleges, and universities, encouraging their
support and participation.
(6) To represent the annual conference in its relation-
ship to United Methodist schools, colleges, and universities, espe-
cially those related to the annual conference.
d) Responsibilities with Campus Ministries—In addition to
the general responsibilities listed above, the annual conference
board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent
structure shall have the following responsibilities with regard to
campus ministry:
(1) To have available the names and addresses of all
campus ministries supported by The United Methodist Church
and to supply the names and addresses of campus ministries sup-
ported by the annual conference to all districts and local churches.
(2) To ensure that each Wesley Foundation or cam-
pus ministry shall have a board of directors or a local church com-
mittee which provides for planning and implementing a program
of mission and ministry to the campus. It will also be the respon-
sibility of the board of directors or local church committee:
(a) to establish a budget to present to the board
of higher education and campus ministry, and to be responsible
for the fund-raising needs of the Wesley Foundation or campus
(b) to have a personnel committee to confer with
and counsel the campus minister and staff, to evaluate for effec-
tive ministry, to develop and approve written job descriptions for
all staff, to interview campus minister candidates and to recom-
mend candidates for appointment or hiring to the board of higher
education and campus ministry, the district superintendent and
the bishop, to establish all personnel policies, to examine and rec-
ommend candidates for ordained or licensed ministry to the dis-
trict committee on ordained ministry, faithfully adhering to the
provisions of 310.2b);
(c) when determined that a Wesley Foundation
board may hold property, to review the adequacy of the property,
liability, and crime insurance coverage, to establish policies on the
use of property by outside organizations, to receive and adminis-
ter all bequests made to the Wesley Foundation or campus min-
istry according to standards established by the board of higher
education and campus ministry or equivalent structure and the
annual conference, and the relevant civil governmental authori-
ties and to provide for the upkeep of all properties;
(d) to be encouraged to establish a Wesley Foun-
dation, or campus ministry, permanent endowment fund in
accord with the policies established by the board of higher educa-
tion and campus ministry and the annual conference;
(e) to have scal oversight of all income and
expenditures of the campus ministry, to develop sound account-
ing practices, and to ensure proper record keeping and reporting
according to the policies set by the board of higher education and
campus ministry;
(f) to review and recommend covenants and
agreements with ecumenical campus ministries and university
organizational policies.
(3) To ensure representation of the annual conference
board or equivalent structure on the boards of all campus minis-
tries supported by the annual conference.
(4) To interpret systematically to the districts, sub-
districts, and local churches the conference program of campus
ministry as a ministry to the whole campus (students, faculty,
staff, and administration), encouraging their support and urging
United Methodist students of all ages to participate.
(5) To support the development of the United Meth-
odist Student Movement (UMSM) within the annual conference,
including the organization of a UMSM student council and the
appointment of a UMSM adviser, and to encourage student par-
ticipation in the UMSM and other related student Christian orga-
nizations, both nationally and globally.
(6) To hold the Wesley Foundation board of direc-
tors responsible for the direction and administration of the
foundation in accordance with the policies and objectives of the
annual conference board of higher education and campus minis-
try or equivalent structure and the standards of the Division of
Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and
(7) To ensure that the Wesley Foundation board of
directors is related functionally and cooperatively to the United
Methodist local church or churches in the immediate vicinity of
the college or university and to the council on ministries or other
organization of the district in which it is located.
(8) To determine whether or not Wesley Foundation
boards of directors, when incorporated, may hold property and to
ensure such property is held and administered according to The
Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church and the laws of the
state in which the foundation is located.
(9) To determine the policies for nomination and
election by the annual conference of Wesley Foundation boards
of directors.
(10) To determine, in consultation with local boards,
the personnel needs of Wesley Foundations; to institute standards
for professional staff in accordance with the policies, standards
and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
(11) To encourage the development of a permanent
endowment fund for Wesley Foundations and campus ministries;
and to set polices and investment standards, in consultation with
the conference foundation, for permanent endowment funds for
Wesley Foundations and campus ministries.
(12) To establish procedures for selection and termi-
nation of professional staff in Wesley Foundations; to determine
a procedure for a national search; and to consult with the bishop
and cabinet when securing the appointment of ministerial staff
(13) To cooperate with the district superintendents in
the gathering of names and addresses of college students from
charge conferences in the districts to send to Wesley Foundations,
United Methodist-related campus ministries, and United Meth-
odist chaplaincies at the schools where the students are attending.
(14) To develop policies and procedures for the plan-
ning, nancing, and construction of any Wesley Foundation or
campus ministry building, in consultation with the appropriate
boards and agencies of the annual conference and in accordance
with the policies, and standards of the Division of Higher Educa-
tion of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
(15) To oversee the management and nancial sup-
port of the annual conference program of campus ministry in
Wesley Foundations, local churches, and ecumenical campus
ministries, in accordance with the policies, standards, and goals of
the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry.
(16) To determine where new campus ministries are
needed after the completion of extensive study by an appointed
task force to assess the potential of campus ministry on a univer-
sity or college campus in accordance with the policies, standards,
and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Such study shall include
but not be limited to: the unique missional opportunities and
needs of the campus, student demographics of the university or
college, number and size of other denominational campus min-
istries, student life plan of the university or college, long-range
development plan of the campus, scal and facilities needs, sup-
port and cooperation of nearby United Methodist churches and
district, and other items that may impact the campus ministry’s
ability to fulll the mission of the church on campus.
(17) Prior to the discontinuation of a Wesley Foun-
dation or campus ministry the board of higher education and
campus ministry shall conduct an assessment of its potential as
outlined in 634.4d) and 1413.3c). A recommendation to the
annual conference for discontinuation shall include proposals for
the future use of any property of the Wesley Foundation or cam-
pus ministry and for the disposition of any real, personal, tangible
and intangible property. Any proceeds from the sale of Wesley
Foundation or campus ministry property shall be reserved for
other campus ministry needs in the annual conference.
(18) To establish and review covenants and agree-
ments for ecumenical campus ministry and to ensure that they are
in harmony with the policies, standards, and goals of the Division
of Higher Education and the annual conference board of higher
education and campus ministry or equivalent structure.
(19) To oversee the management of the annual con-
ference program of campus ministry in Wesley Foundations, local
churches, and ecumenical campus ministries; to determine where
new campus ministries are needed, and to plan for their establish-
ment and nancial support.
(20) To provide resources for local churches and dis-
tricts with programs of ministry with students or to campuses
and, where those programs receive nancial support from or are
designated as ministries on behalf of the annual conference, to
ensure that the policies, standards, and goals of the conference
board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent
structure are observed.
(21) To establish the procedures for the nomination
and election of United Methodist college students as lay mem-
bers to annual conference, and to encourage the election of United
Methodist college students to General conference.
(22) To work closely in cooperation with local church
and annual conference young adult councils and programs to
offer a cohesive approach to ministry with young adults.
e) Public Policy—In addition to its general responsibili-
ties, the annual conference board of higher education and cam-
pus ministry shall have the following duties with regard to public
policy and relationships to the state:
(1) To provide counsel, guidance, and assistance to
United Methodist schools, colleges, universities, and campus
ministries within the annual conference regarding their relation-
ships to the state.
(2) To interact with public higher education as it
reects on the wholeness of persons and the meaning of life.
(3) To identify and work with the annual conference,
church-related colleges, and campus ministries on issues of public
policy that bear on higher education, such as issues bearing on
access, equity, academic freedom, peace, and justice.
635. Conference Board of Ordained Ministry—1. Each annual
conference at the rst session following the General Conference,
shall elect for a term of four years a Board of Ordained Ministry.
At least six ordained elders and deacons in full connection and,
when possible, at least two associate members or local pastors
who have completed the Course of Study shall be included as
members of the board with voice and vote. Each annual confer-
ence shall elect at least one-fth laypersons, which may include
diaconal ministers, and may at its discretion elect further lay
members, up to one-third of the membership of the board. All
laypersons shall be professing members of local churches in
the annual conference. The board membership shall include
women and ethnic persons, at least one ordained clergyperson
in the retired relationship, at least one ordained clergyperson in
extension ministry, and when possible at least one young adult
clergyperson in full connection age 35 or younger, and a district
superintendent named by the bishop to represent the cabinet. No
district superintendent or extended cabinet member shall be the
chairperson of the Board of Ordained Ministry. Two-thirds of the
members who are elders shall be graduates of seminaries listed
by the University Senate.
a) Members shall be nominated by the presiding bishop
after consultation with the chairperson of the board, the executive
committee, or a committee elected by the board of the previous
quadrennium, and with the cabinet. To ensure adequate board
membership, consultation shall include an evaluation of the
workload of the board in meeting disciplinary and annual confer-
ence responsibilities. Vacancies shall be lled by the bishop after
consultation with the chairperson of the board. An elected board
member may serve a maximum of three consecutive four-year
terms. The chair of the Order of Deacons, the chair of the Order
of Elders, and the chair of the Fellowship of Local Pastors and
Associate Members shall be members of the Board of Ordained
Ministry (§ 1c) and its executive committee.
b) This board shall be directly amenable to the annual
conference, notwithstanding its organizational relationship
within any other program or administrative unit of the annual
conference. The annual conference council on nance and admin-
istration shall recommend adequate administrative funds for the
board and its staff in light of its workload.
c) The board shall organize by electing from its member-
ship a chairperson, registrars, and such other ofcers as it may
deem necessary. A vocational discernment coordinator may be
named to coordinate the candidacy mentoring process. The board
shall designate its executive committee, which shall include elders,
deacons, and laity. The board shall organize in such manner as to
care for its responsibilities, including the needs of certied per-
sons, diaconal ministers, local pastors, deacons, and elders. The
organization of the board shall include a committee to fulll the
governance responsibilities for diaconal ministers (see The Book of
Discipline, 1992, ¶¶ 301-317 and 734) and shall provide for certi-
cation in specialized ministry careers under the guidelines of the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (see 1421). The
board may include in its organization a division of deacons and a
division of elders.
d) Each annual conference Board of Ordained Ministry
shall establish a Conference Relations Committee of at least three
persons to hear requests for discontinuance of provisional mem-
bers, involuntary leave of absence, administrative location, invol-
untary retirement, or other such matters as may be referred to
them by the Board of Ordained Ministry. District superintendents
shall not serve on the Conference Relations Committee.
e) To ensure maximum contact with and support of per-
sons in appointments beyond the local church, the board shall
maintain relationships with all general agencies that have respon-
sibility for persons in such appointments.
f) The board shall meet at least once prior to its meeting
at the time of the annual conference session and may set a dead-
line prior to annual conference for transacting its business.
g) The board shall select from its own membership an
ofcial representative to serve as a member of each district com-
mittee on ordained ministry, which shall function as subcommit-
tees of the board.
h) The board shall provide orientation for new members,
including distribution of any available written guidelines.
2. The duties of the annual conference Board of Ordained
Ministry shall be:
a) To assume the primary responsibility for the enlist-
ment and recruitment of ministerial leadership for our churches
and other ministry settings by working in consultation with the
cabinet and the General Board of Higher Education and Minis-
try to study and interpret the ordained, licensed, certied, and
assigned ministerial leadership needs and resources of the annual
conference, with due regard to the inclusive nature of the Church.
It shall, with the assistance of the local church committee on
pastor-parish relations, conference agencies, and every ordained,
licensed, certied, and assigned leader of the conference, enlist
women and men of all races and ethnic origins for ministry as
a vocation and guide those persons in the process of education,
training, and discernment of the most appropriate path for their
ministry, recommending colleges and schools of theology listed
by the University Senate, licensing school, and other approved
educational opportunities. Persons recruited should have an
understanding of and appreciation for persons of different racial
and ethnic heritages.
b) To renew a culture of call in the church by giving stra-
tegic leadership to annual conferences, districts, congregations,
campus ministries, camps, and other appropriate ministries, espe-
cially among youth and young adults
c) To seek from a school of theology information about
the personal and professional qualities of an applicant for provi-
sional membership or of a provisional member; provided, how-
ever, that the applicant or member consent to the provision of
such information.
d) To receive annual reports on the progress made by
each ministerial student enrolled in a theological school and to
record credit for work satisfactorily completed.
e) It shall require a transcript of credits from each appli-
cant before recognizing any of the applicant’s educational claims.
In case of doubt, the board may submit a transcript to the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry for evaluation.
f) The board shall annually appoint and train a sufcient
number of mentors in each district in consultation with the dis-
trict superintendent.
g) To guide the candidate for ordained ministry who
is not enrolled in a theological school and who is pursuing the
Course of Study as adopted by the General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry.
h) To examine all applicants as to their tness for the
ordained ministry and make full inquiry as to the tness of the
candidate for: (1) annual election as local pastor; (2) election to
associate membership; (3) election to provisional membership;
and (4) election to full conference membership.
i) To provide all candidates for ordained ministry a writ-
ten statement on the disciplinary and annual conference require-
ments for the local pastor, provisional, and full membership.
j) To interview and report recommendation concerning:
(1) student local pastors; (2) certied candidates for ordination as
deacons; and (3) certied candidates for ordination as elders.
k) To assign a board member to serve as liaison to retired
clergy in the conference.
l) To interview applicants and make recommendation
concerning: (1) changes from the effective relation to a leave of
absence or retirement; (2) return to the effective relation from
other relations; (3) honorable location; (4) readmission of located
persons and persons discontinued from provisional membership;
(5) sabbatical leave; (6) medical leave; (7) appointment as a stu-
dent; (8) termination; and (9) changes to or from less than full-
time ministry.
The board shall keep a record of these changes and the
reason behind them and place a copy in the permanent records
of the annual conference maintained by the secretary of the
86. See Judicial Council Decisions 405, 1263.
m) To ensure condentiality in relation to the interview
and reporting process. The personal data and private informa-
tion provided through the examinations of and by the Board of
Ordained Ministry will not be available for distribution and pub-
lication. There are occasions when the Board of Ordained Ministry
would not report privileged information, which in the judgment
of the board, if revealed in the executive session of clergy mem-
bers in full connection with the annual conference, would be an
undue invasion of privacy without adding measurably to the
conference’s information about the person’s qualications for
ordained ministry. However, it is the right of the executive ses-
sion of the clergy members in full connection with an annual
conference to receive all pertinent information, condential or
otherwise, related to the qualications and/or character of any
candidate or clergy member of the conference.
n) To be in consultation with the bishop through the
chairperson or the executive committee regarding transfers. This
consultation is to be at the bishop’s initiative and, where possible,
to take place prior to transfers into the annual conference.
o) To provide support services for all those in ministerial
leadership, including ordained, licensed, certied, and assigned;
to provide career development, including personal and career
counseling, continuing education, formation in servant leadership
and continuing spiritual growth in Christ, assistance in prepara-
tion for retirement, and all matters pertaining to clergy morale. In
providing such support, the board, in cooperation with the cabi-
net, shall give training and guidance to each local committee on
pastor-parish relations regarding its work and role.
p) To work with and support the Order of Deacons, the
Order of Elders, and the Fellowship of Local Pastors and Asso-
ciate Members (see 323), including receiving reports, offering
nancial support, and coordinating these groups’ activities with
the continuing formation offerings of the board. The board may
delegate continuing formation responsibility to the groups by
mutual agreement, with nal approval, evaluation, and budget-
ing remaining with the board.
q) To provide a means of evaluating the effectiveness of
ministerial leaders in the annual conference (¶¶ 604.4, 349). Sug-
gested guidelines will be provided by the General Board of Higher
87. See Judicial Council Decision 406.
Education and Ministry, Division of Ordained Ministry. In coop-
eration with the cabinet, the board shall develop standards of
effectiveness for ministerial leaders, whether ordained, licensed,
certied, or assigned, serving as pastors of congregations in that
annual conference.
r) To interpret the high ethical standards of ordained
ministry set forth in the Discipline and to study matters pertaining
to character ( 605.7).
s) To recommend to the full members of the annual con-
ference for validation special ministries for which members seek
The appointment to such ministries is the prerogative of
the bishop and the cabinet.
t) To provide continuing support and management of
consecrated diaconal ministers using the policies described in
¶¶ 301-317 of the 1992 Book of Discipline.
u) To care for the administration of professional certica-
tion established by the General Board of Higher Education and
Ministry through (1) enlisting and recruiting clergy and laity to
become certied in Christian education, music, youth, evange-
lism, and other areas established by the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry; (2) determining whether applicants meet
the standards established by the General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry; (3) to recommend to the annual conference
board and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry;
(4) to renew or discontinue professional certication biannually
based on a review of their ministry; and (5) to report annually to
the annual conference for publication in the conference journal a
roster of all persons certied in professional careers for which they
have received certication, including places of service address.
v) To report annually to the annual conference for publi-
cation in the conference journal a roster of all persons certied as
Lay Ministers.
w) To administer the portion of the Ministerial Education
Fund for use by the annual conference in its programs of enlist-
ment, basic professional educational aid, continuing formation,
ethnic ministry and language training, and professional growth
of ordained ministers. Priority shall be given to scholarships for
seminary students preparing for ordination.
x) To cooperate with the General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry and assist in: (1) the interpretation of current
legislation concerning ordained ministry; (2) the interpretation
and promotion of the Ministerial Education Fund; (3) the promo-
tion and observance of Ministry Sunday; and (4) the supplying of
a record of all information, recommendations, and action on each
candidate for ordained ministry after each session of the annual
conference; (5) the promotion and addition of standards required
for certication in specialized ministry careers.
y) To promote in the annual conference and/or jurisdic-
tional conference a system of nancial aid to ministerial students.
A conference transferring a person with less than three years of
active service into another conference may require reimbursement
either from the person or from the receiving conference for out-
standing obligations for theological education nanced through
conference funds.
z) To report in a timely manner any change in the con-
ference relationship of a clergy member of the conference to the
conference board of pensions.
3. The board shall elect a registrar and such associate regis-
trars as it may determine; one such associate registrar to be given
responsibility for candidacy, including giving leadership to the
training and guidance of mentors in each district. A staff execu-
tive may be named by the board to fulll the functions of registrar.
a) The registrar shall keep full personnel records for all
candidates for ordained ministry under the care of the board,
including essential biographical data, transcripts of academic
credit, instruments of evaluation, and, where it applies, psycho-
logical and medical test records, sermons, theological statements,
and other pertinent data.
b) Pertinent information and recommendations concern-
ing each candidate shall be certied to the annual conference in
duplicate; one copy of this record shall be kept by the registrar
and one copy shall be mailed after each conference session to the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. The registrar
shall forward an acknowledgment of transfer to the pastor of the
local church where each newly elected provisional and associate
member held membership.
c) The registrar shall keep a record of the standing of the
students in the Course of Study and report to the conference when
required. This record shall include the credits allowed students for
work done in accredited schools of theology, in approved Course
of Study schools, or Course of Study correspondence.
d) The registrar shall le in the bishop’s ofce for per-
manent record a copy of circumstances involving the discontinu-
ance of provisional membership or termination of the local pastor
e) The records and les of the Board of Ordained Ministry
are kept on behalf of the annual conference and shall be maintained
under guidelines provided by the General Council on Finance and
Administration in consultation with the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry and the General Board of Pensions.
4. Administrative costs of the Board of Ordained Ministry
shall be a claim on the conference operating budget. The Board
of Ordained Ministry shall have direct access to the conference
council on nance and administration in support of its program.
636. Conference Administrative Review Committee—There
will be an administrative review committee composed of three
clergy in full connection and two alternates who are not mem-
bers of the cabinet, the Board of Ordained Ministry, or immediate
family members of the above. The committee shall be nominated
by the bishop and elected quadrennially by the clergy session of
members in full connection with the annual conference. Its only
purpose shall be to ensure that the disciplinary procedures for
discontinuance of provisional membership ( 327.6), involun-
tary leave of absence ( 354), involuntary retirement ( 357.3), or
administrative location ( 359) are properly followed. Addition-
ally, if in the event of unresolved issues related to medical leave
( 356.4) a fair process hearing ( 361.2) occurs, the administra-
tive review committee shall ensure that fair process was followed.
The entire administrative process leading to the action for change
in conference relationship shall be reviewed by the administra-
tive review committee, and it shall report its ndings to the clergy
session of members in full connection with the annual confer-
ence prior to any action of the annual conference. The adminis-
trative review committee shall notify the parties of the review of
the process. The administrative fair process hearing procedures
( 361.2) should be followed by the administrative review com-
mittee. Prior to its report, if the committee determines that any
error has occurred, it may recommend to the appropriate person
or body that action be taken promptly to remedy the error, decide
the error is harmless, or take other action.
88. See Judicial Council Decision 921.
637. Conference Committee on Episcopacy—1. There shall
be a conference committee on episcopacy elected quadrennially
by the annual conference at the session following the General
Conference. The committee’s membership shall number at least
seven, but no more than seventeen. One-fth of the committee’s
membership shall be appointed by the bishop. In addition to the
lay and clergy members of the jurisdictional committee on epis-
copacy, who shall be ex ofcio members with vote, it is recom-
mended that the committee consist of the following: one-third
laywomen, one-third laymen, and one-third clergypersons, pro-
vided that one layperson shall be the conference lay leader. All lay
members shall be professing members of local churches. Special
attention shall be given to the inclusion of racial and ethnic per-
sons, youth ( 256.3), young adults, older adults, and people with
disabilities. No member of the staff of the annual conference or
any of its agencies, nor an immediate family member of such staff,
shall serve as a member of the committee, except that a member
of the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy or the conference
lay leader shall not be disqualied from membership as a result
of this provision.
Two or more conferences under the presidency of a single
bishop may decide to have one committee on episcopacy, in which
case each annual conference shall be represented as stated in the
preceding paragraph and shall each elect its own representatives.
2. The committee shall meet at least annually. It shall be con-
vened by the bishop and shall elect a chairperson, a vice chair-
person, and a secretary. The bishop and/or chairperson are
authorized to call additional meetings when desired.
3. The functions of the conference committee on episcopacy
shall be:
a) To support the bishop of the area in the oversight of
the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church, with special ref-
erence to the area where the bishop has presidential responsibility.
b) To be available to the bishop for counsel.
c) To assist in the determination of the episcopal needs
of the area and to make recommendations to appropriate bodies.
d) To keep the bishop advised concerning conditions
within the area as they affect relationships between the bishop
and the people of the conference agencies.
89. See Judicial Council Decisions 711, 778.
e) To interpret to the people of the area and to conference
agencies the nature and function of the episcopal ofce.
f) To engage in annual consultation and appraisal of the
balance of the bishop’s relationship and responsibilities to the
area and annual conferences, the jurisdiction, general Church
boards and agencies, and other areas of specialized ministry,
including, at all levels, concern for the inclusiveness of the Church
and its ministry with respect to sex, race, and national origin, and
understanding and implementation of the consultation process in
g) To report needs for episcopal leadership to the juris-
dictional committee on episcopacy through the duly elected con-
ference members of that committee.
4. The conference council on nance and administration shall
make provision in its budget for the expenses of this committee.
638. Episcopal Residence Committee—1. The provision of
housing for effective bishops in the jurisdictional conferences
shall be the responsibility of the annual conference or conferences
comprising the episcopal area to which the bishop is assigned.
2. In each episcopal area in the jurisdictional conferences
there shall be an episcopal residence committee or other struc-
ture to provide for this function and maintain the connectional
relationship. The committee shall be composed of the following
a) The chairperson or designate of the conference com-
mittee on episcopacy from each conference.
b) The president or designate of the conference council
on nance and administration from each annual conference.
c) The president or designate of the conference board of
trustees from each annual conference.
d) Consultants without vote, with specic expertise
related to the tasks of the committee, may be utilized.
3. The chairperson of the episcopal residence committee shall
be the representative of the committee on episcopacy of the annual
conference in which the episcopal residence is currently located.
4. It shall be the responsibility of the episcopal residence
a) To make recommendations to the annual conference(s)
regarding the purchase or sale of an episcopal residence.
b) To prepare an annual budget covering the cost of
providing the episcopal residence, which may also include utili-
ties, insurance, and normal costs of upkeep in maintaining the
c) To forward the proposed budget to each conference
council on nance and administration, including a recommen-
dation for the proportionate share of the proposed budget to be
borne by that annual conference, such proportionate share to be
approved by each annual conference as it acts on budget recom-
mendations ( 614).
d) To supervise the expenditure of funds allocated from
all sources for expenses related to the provision of the episcopal
residence and to account for such expenditures annually to each
annual conference in the episcopal area.
e) To give oversight in all matters related to upkeep,
maintenance, improvements, and appropriate insurance cover-
ages for the episcopal residence.
5. Titles to properties held as episcopal residences shall be
held in accordance with 2514.
639. Conference Board of Pensions—1. Authorization—There
shall be organized in each annual conference a conference board,
auxiliary to the General Board of Pension and Health Benets, to
be known as the conference board of pensions, hereinafter called
the board, that shall have charge of the interests and work of pro-
viding for and contributing to the support, relief, assistance, and
pensioning of clergy and their families, other church workers,
and lay employees of the institutions, organizations, and agencies
within that annual conference of The United Methodist Church,
except as otherwise provided for by the general board.
2. Membershipa) It is recommended that the board be com-
posed of not less than twelve members not indebted to pension
and benet funds, plans, and programs; one-third laywomen,
one-third laymen, and one-third clergy; and in accordance with
605.3 elected for a term of eight years and arranged in classes
as determined by the annual conference; and in addition thereto,
any clergy member of the conference or lay member of a church
within the conference who is a member of the General Board of
Pension and Health Benets. Active and retired participants in
pension and benet funds, plans, and programs, whether or not
currently receiving benets, and not indebted as provided above,
are eligible to serve on the board. All lay members shall be pro-
fessing members of local churches. A vacancy in the membership
of the board may be lled by the board for the remainder of the
conference year in which the vacancy occurs, subject to the same
qualications before provided; and at its next session the confer-
ence shall ll the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.
b) The members shall assume their duties at the adjourn-
ment of the conference session at which they were elected.
3. Organization—The board shall organize by electing a chair-
person, vice chairperson, secretary, and treasurer, who shall serve
during the ensuing quadrennium or until their successors shall
have been elected and qualied. These ofcers shall constitute an
executive committee; provided, however, that three members may
be added thereto by the board. The duty of the executive commit-
tee shall be to administer the work of the board during the confer-
ence year in the interim between regular or special meetings of
the board. The ofce of secretary may be combined with that
of treasurer. The treasurer may be a person who is not a member
of the board, in which case the person shall be an ex ofcio mem-
ber of the executive committee, without vote. Calls for special
meetings of the board shall be issued by the secretary on request
of the chairperson, or the vice chairperson when the chairperson
is unable to act.
4. Proportional Payment—The board shall compare the records
of the amounts paid by each pastoral charge for the support of
pastors and for pension and benet programs, computing the
proportional distribution thereof and keeping a permanent record
of defaults of the churches of the conference that have failed to
observe the following provisions pertaining to proportional pay-
ment, and shall render annually to each church that is in default a
statement of the amounts in default for that and preceding years.
a) When the apportionment to the pastoral charges for
the pension and benet program of the annual conference has
been determined, payments made thereon by each pastoral charge
shall be exactly proportionate to payments made on the salary or
salaries of the ordained minister or clergy serving it.
b) The treasurer of the pastoral charge shall be primar-
ily responsible for the application of proportional payment; but
in the event of the treasurer’s failure to apply it, the pastor shall
adjust cash salary and payment according to the proper ratio, as
provided above, before the pastor enters the respective amounts
in the statistical report to the annual conference.
90. See Judicial Council Decisions 50, 250, 390, 401, 471.
c) The conference statistical tables shall provide separate
columns for reporting the amount apportioned to each pastoral
charge for pension and benet purposes and the amount paid
d) It shall not be permissible for a pastor to receive a
bonus or other supplementary compensation tending to defeat
proportional payment.
5. Reports to and Responsibilities Regarding the General Board
The board shall have the powers and responsibilties with respect
to the General Board of Pension and Health Benets described
in 1506 and shall report to the general board immediately fol-
lowing the session of the conference, in such form as required by
the general board, the names and years of service approved for
pre-1982 pension credit for each eligible person and the names
and addresses of clergy who are members of funds, plans, or pro-
grams administered by the general board.
Moreover, annually, the board or other authorized agency
shall submit, annually, its group health care plan data, to the
extent the board maintains a group health care plan, de-identied
as necessary, including, but not limited to, nancial soundness,
claims experience and other cost drivers, plan designs and cover-
age, and eligibility criteria to the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets.
6. Annual Conference Retiree Health Care Access—The board or
other agency authorized by the annual conference shall respect
the health and wholeness of the annual conference’s clergy-
persons, who have retired in accordance with 357.1, 357.2b,
357.2c, or 357.2d other than as applied to 357.2a of the Book of
Discipline and lay employees of the annual conference who have
retired in accordance with the annual conference’s retirement pol-
icy, and are eligible for Medicare, and their spouses. The board or
agency shall provide access to Medicare supplement plans and
prescription drug coverage plans. Access for retirees and their
spouses may include, but shall not be limited to (i) sponsoring
an employer retiree health care plan that supplements Medicare;
(ii) participating in a multiple employer retiree health care plan
that supplements Medicare; (iii) securing individuals’ eligibility
under group contracts with Medicare supplement plan provid-
ers or exchanges; (iv) subsidizing the costs of coverage for retired
clergypersons and retired lay employees and their spouses
enrolled in Medicare Part D plans or Medicare Advantage plans;
(v) providing subsidies toward or group relationships with pro-
viders of individual Medicare supplement and other retiree cover-
age policies; and (vi) providing xed dollar retiree health benets
through health reimbursement arrangements, stipends, or other-
wise. Providing access does not compel an annual conference to
fund such coverage (i.e., coverage can be retiree-pay-all); how-
ever, an annual conference may fund or subsidize the cost of cov-
erage (e.g., through premium payment, premium reimbursement,
contributions to a health reimbursement arrangement, stipend, or
grant) for its retired clergy and lay employees in its discretion.
Additional eligibility may be determined by the annual confer-
ence; for example, for early retirees and surviving dependents.
7. Annual Conference Group Health Care Plans—The board or
other agency authorized by the annual conference shall sponsor or
participate in a group health care plan, which local churches may
adopt for their full-time appointed clergy, or which the annual
conference may require its local churches to adopt, that covers
the annual conference’s own full-time clergy employees and its
full-time lay employees in the United States. Clergy appointed to
an appointment extending the ministry of the local United Meth-
odist church under 344.1, except those serving in positions for
which the annual conference is responsible under 344.1a(1),
and lay employees who are not employees of the annual confer-
ence, such as lay employees of local churches and lay employees
of district and jurisdictional ofces, need not be covered under
the preceding sentence, but may be covered by the local church
or other common-law employer adopting the plan, at the discre-
tion of the annual conference. For the purpose of this paragraph,
group health care plan shall mean a health insurance plan, group
health care plan, or multiple-employer health care plan that cov-
ers benets for major medical and hospitalization expenses. The
board or authorized agency may recommend additional eligibil-
ity for its group health care plan in its discretion.
Alternatively, in the event that federal law or state law gov-
erning health care plans and health insurance establishes cov-
erage options for those persons without employer-provided
coverage that ensure access, regardless of health status or condi-
tion, to affordable coverage through health insurance exchanges,
connectors, single-payer systems, or other mechanisms, the board
may cease maintaining its group health care plan to the extent
such coverage is available to its clergy and lay employees. In such
event, the board nevertheless shall provide continued adminis-
trative support (e.g., through cafeteria plans, employer-adopted
exchange plans, or health reimbursement arrangements) for par-
ticipation in the exchanges or alternative systems, and recommend
an appropriate and adequate level of Church nancial support
(e.g., in the form of local church, employer, or annual conference
contributions toward premiums, additional compensation, or
apportionments) of full-time clergy and full-time lay employees
of the conference toward the purchase of such coverage through
these alternative mechanisms to the extent individuals’ coverage
may not be subsidized by government agencies, particularly con-
sidering (a) the tax advantages of employer-provided nancial
support toward health care coverage, and (b) the reduced avail-
ability of government subsidies for clergy whose compensation is
near or above denominational average compensation.
In addition, the board or authorized agency shall provide and
maintain health and wellness programs for the annual confer-
ence’s full-time clergy and full-time lay employees.
640. Each annual conference shall have a board of trustees,
whose membership and duties are detailed in 2512.1-.8.
641. 1. In each annual conference there shall be a conference
commission on archives and history. The number of members of
the commission and their terms of ofce shall be as the conference
may determine and may include an ex ofcio representative of
each United Methodist heritage landmark in its bounds. It shall be
the duty of the commission to collect, preserve, and make acces-
sible the historically signicant records of the annual conference
and its agencies, including data relating to the origin and history
of the conference and its antecedents; to encourage and assist the
local churches in preserving their records, compiling their histo-
ries, and celebrating their heritage; to provide for the permanent
safekeeping of the historical records of all abandoned or discon-
tinued churches in the bounds of the annual conference and its
antecedents (see 2549.3); to maintain a re-safe historical and
archival depository and to see that all items that obviously will
have value for future history are properly preserved therein; to
provide for the ownership of real property and to receive gifts and
bequests; to nominate to the General Commission on Archives
and History buildings, locations, or structures within the annual
conference for designation as historic sites or heritage landmarks;
to maintain contact with ofcially designated historic sites and
heritage landmarks in their bounds; to assist the bishop or the
appropriate conference committee in planning for the historical
hour and other appropriate historical observances at annual con-
ference sessions; to establish retention and disposition schedules
for annual conference and local church records under standards
or guidelines developed by the General Commission on Archives
and History; to cooperate with and report, when requested, to
the general and jurisdictional commissions on archives and his-
tory; and to engage with other Wesleyan, Methodist, or Evangeli-
cal United Brethren-related denominations in lifting up our joint
2. The commission may organize a conference historical soci-
ety and encourage membership therein for the purpose of pro-
moting interest in the study and preservation of the history of
the conference and its antecedents. The ofcers of the conference
commission on archives and history may be the ofcers of the
conference historical society. Membership in the historical society
shall be established as the society may determine. Membership
may include the payment of dues as the society may direct, and
in return, members shall receive ofcial publications and public-
ity materials issued by the commission and the society and other
such benets as may be deemed suitable.
3. Each annual conference may have a historian to under-
take specic duties as may be designated by the commission. The
annual conference historian may be a member of the annual con-
ference commission on archives and history.
4. The annual conference commission on archives and his-
tory shall work with the ethnic congregations of the conference
to develop and preserve the historical records of those congrega-
tions and antecedent conferences.
642. 1. Each annual conference shall create appropriate
structures related to Christian unity and interreligious relation-
ships to provide for these functions and maintain the connectional
relationships with the Council of Bishops. The annual conference
structure will report each year to the conference in such manner
as the conference may direct. The responsibilities of this annual
conference structure for Christian unity and interreligious rela-
tionships may be assigned to an existing or newly created multi-
functional agency.
2. It is recommended that this annual conference structure be
composed of two United Methodists from each district (comply-
ing with 610.5), one of whom shall be district coordinator for
Christian unity and interreligious relationships and shall serve as
liaison with local church ministry areas on Christian unity and
interreligious relationships. Additional members may include
persons from The United Methodist Church or other member
churches of Churches Uniting in Christ as directed by the confer-
ence to ensure ecumenical expertise and interchange with other
agencies. Laypersons from The United Methodist Church shall
be professing members of local churches. Ex ofcio members of
the annual conference structure for Christian unity and inter-
religious relationships shall include the conference ecumenical
ofcer(s), if elected, and any United Methodists residing within
the conference bounds who are members of the following: Ofce
of Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships of the Council
of Bishops, the governing board of the National Council of the
Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., the World Methodist Council,
the United Methodist delegation to the most recent World Council
of Churches Assembly, and the United Methodist delegation to
the most recent plenary meeting of Churches Uniting in Christ.
3. There shall be a representative of this structure who serves
as one of the conference representatives to state councils or con-
ferences of churches.
4. The duties of the annual conference structure shall be to act
in cooperation with the annual conference council on ministries,
and, as it may recommend, and to take initiative in ecumenical
and interreligious relationships as follows:
a) To interpret, advocate, and work for the unity of the
Christian church in every aspect of the life of the conference and
its churches and to encourage dialogue and cooperation with per-
sons of other living faiths.
b) To recommend to the conference the goals, objectives,
and strategies and to assist the conference, in cooperation with
the bishop and the cabinet, in the development of ecumenical
relationships and planning for mission with other judicatories,
particularly in the establishment of new churches, yoked congre-
gations, and in the process of local church union efforts.
c) To stimulate participation in and evaluation of mis-
sion programs ecumenically planned and implemented, such
as experimental parishes, ecumenical parish clusters, ecumeni-
cal task forces, and united ministries in higher education, and in
other issue-oriented tasks.
d) To stimulate conference, district, and congregational
participation in councils, conferences, or associations of churches,
in coalition task forces, and in interreligious groups through ecu-
menical educational or shared-time programs, jointly approved
curriculum resources, interreligious study programs, or ecumeni-
cal community action projects such as institutional ministries and
media communications, and various other modes of interchurch
e) To participate in the selection of conference delegates
to state councils or conferences of churches, which participation
may include nomination, in cooperation with the conference
nominating committee, for conference election of the delegates to
these bodies; to select representatives to district, area, and regional
ecumenical and interreligious task groups and workshops; and to
act as the body to which such delegates are accountable by receiv-
ing and acting on their reports and recommendations.
f) To promote and interpret the work of national and world
ecumenical bodies such as the National Council of the Churches
of Christ in the U.S.A., the World Council of Churches, Churches
Uniting in Christ, and the World Methodist Council; and to cooper-
ate in and provide leadership for specic ecumenical experiences
of worship and celebration such as the Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity, Pentecost Sunday, World Communion Sunday, Reforma-
tion Sunday, and other appropriate occasions.
g) To stimulate understanding and conversations with all
Christian bodies, to encourage continuing dialogue with Jewish
and other living-faith communities, and to encourage an openness
of mind toward an understanding of other major world religions.
h) To fulll other functions assigned by the annual con-
ference and to respond to such requests as may be made by its
643. 1. There shall be in each annual conference including
those in central conferences a conference commission on religion
and race or other structure to provide for these functions and
maintain the connectional relationships. It shall follow the general
guidelines and structure of the General Commission on Religion
and Race as outlined in ¶¶ 2002 and 2008, where applicable.
2. The basic membership of the annual conference commis-
sion shall be nominated and elected by established procedure of
the respective annual conferences. Each annual and central con-
ference shall determine the number and composition of the total
membership. Care shall be taken to ensure that membership is
selected based primarily on the passion and expertise possessed in
the areas of training, resource development, evaluation, consulta-
tion, and strategic planning in the areas of diversity, intercultural
competency, racial and ethnic justice, reconciliation and equity, and
communicating/advocacy for change. The total membership shall
have an equitable balance in the number of laymen, laywomen,
and clergypersons. It is strongly urged that the conference com-
missions be constituted to reect the widest sense of racial, ethnic,
tribal, and cultural diversity relevant to that area. Selection of com-
mission members shall ensure adequate representation of women,
youth, young adults, older adults, and persons with disabilities.
Members of the General Commission on Religion and Race resid-
ing in the annual conference shall be ex ofcio members of the
annual conference commission on religion and race with vote.
3. The annual conference commissions including those in cen-
tral conferences shall assume responsibility for such matters as:
a) Interpreting the intent of all responsibilities given to
annual conference and central conference commission on religion
and race so that the responsibilities reect the context for ministry
and realities of the areas in which they serve.
b) Supporting and providing programs of education in
areas of intercultural competency, institutional equity and vital
conversations at every level of the conference.
c) Partnering with annual and central conference boards
and agencies as they seek to develop vital conversations, pro-
grams, and policies of racial/institutional equity and intercultural
d) Reviewing and making appropriate recommendations
for total inclusiveness and equity within the conference staff and
on all of the conference boards, agencies, commissions, and com-
mittees. Reports will be made yearly to the annual conference.
e) Providing resources and training to enable the work
of the local church ministry area of religion and race as speci-
ed in 252.2b, with particular emphasis placed on pastors and
congregations involved in cross-racial/cross-cultural ministry. In
the case of annual conferences within central conferences, cross-
racial/cross-cultural ministry may include tribes, ethnic commu-
nities, and cultural/language groups.
f) Consulting with the Board of Ordained Ministry and
the cabinet to ensure racial/ethnic inclusion and equity in the
recruitment, credentialing, and itineracy processes of the confer-
ence. The executive committee of the Board of Ordained Minis-
try and cabinet shall meet at least once per year in joint sessions
with the Conference Commission on Religion and Race to create
and assess long-term plans for identifying and developing clergy
leadership who will serve the growing racial and ethnic popula-
tions in the Church.
g) Consulting with local churches that are experiencing
changing demographics in the neighborhoods where they are
located, which demographics may be different from the church’s
racial/ethnic constituency, and that have a desire to be in ministry
with their community.
h) Coordinating conference leadership in and in support
of racial and social justice movements impacting local communi-
ties in consultation and partnership with other entities within and
outside the conference boundaries.
i) Partnering with the appropriate denominational bod-
ies to assist in resolution of complaints of racial/ethnic discrimi-
nation made by clergy or laity.
4. The annual conference commission on religion and race
shall develop an adequate budget for its operation as a commis-
sion, which shall be included within the annual conference budget.
5. The annual conference commission on religion and race, or
other structure to provide for its function and connectional rela-
tionship, shall have vote and voice in the decision-making unit of
the conference such as the conference connectional ministries or
equivalent structure.
644. There shall be in each annual conference, including the
central conferences, a conference commission on the status and
role of women or other structure to provide for these functions
and maintain the connectional relationships.
1. The responsibility of this commission shall be in harmony
with the responsibility of the general commission (see 2103),
with the following objectives established as guidelines for adapta-
tion to the needs of the respective annual conferences:
a) To be informed about the status and role of all women
in the total life of the conference. Data shall be gathered that relate
to all structural levels of the conference, including the local church.
Such information will be regularly updated and disseminated.
91. See Judicial Council Decision 712.
b) To initiate cooperation with United Methodist Women
at the annual conference level and other levels as appropriate
in order to achieve full participation of women in the decision-
making structures.
c) To develop ways to inform and sensitize the leadership
within the conference at all levels on issues that affect women,
which shall be projected into and through all districts within the
conference by the commission.
d) To focus on major priorities of issues related to women,
which may include sexual harassment policies and procedures,
and to enlist the support of the bishop, cabinet, and conference
staff in policies, plans, and practices related to those priorities.
e) To advise the general commission about the progress
and effectiveness of efforts to achieve full participation of women
in the life of the Church.
f) To participate in connectional programs and plans ini-
tiated or recommended by the general commission, and to utilize
the resources available from the general commission as needed.
2. The basic membership of the conference commission shall
be nominated and elected by established procedures of the respec-
tive annual conferences. Each annual conference shall determine
the number and composition of the total membership. All must
be members of The United Methodist Church. Special consultants
without vote may be used as resource persons. It is recommended
that the addition of the at-large membership ensure that the total
membership maintain a balance of one-third laywomen, one-
third laymen, and one-third clergy. The majority of the commis-
sion shall be women, including both clergy and lay. In an annual
conference where there is not a sufcient number of clergywomen
to meet the recommended balance, additional laywomen shall be
elected beyond the one-third proportion to bring the total mem-
bership to a majority of women. A person or persons serving as
member(s) of the General Commission on the Status and Role
of Women from that annual conference shall, by virtue of their
ofce, be member(s) of the conference commission on the status
and role of women (see ¶¶ 610.6 and 710.6). Selection of commis-
sion members shall ensure adequate representation of racial and
ethnic groups, youth, young adults, older adults, and persons of
varying lifestyles.
At least one member shall be named by the conference United
Methodist Women.
3. The chairperson of the commission shall be a woman.
4. The commission shall propose a budget and submit it for
inclusion in the budget of the annual conference according to pro-
cedures for funding of all boards, commissions, and agencies of
the annual conference.
645. There shall be in each annual conference a conference
commission on the small membership church, or the responsibili-
ties of the small membership church commission may be assigned
to an existing or newly created multifunctional agency of the
council or other structure that cares for the functions of support,
nurture, and growth of small membership churches and their
relationships to the conference, districts, and other local churches.
Where these responsibilities are assigned to new or existing agen-
cies within the conference, the individual(s) responsible for the
functioning of the commission shall be designated by the annual
conference and included in the listing of conference ofcers.
1. The responsibility of this commission shall be in harmony
with the responsibility of the general commission, with the fol-
lowing objectives established as guidelines for adaptation to the
needs of the respective annual conference:
a) To be informed about the needs and opportunities of
the small membership church in rural, suburban, and urban set-
tings in the total life of the conference. Specic data shall be gath-
ered that relate to all structural levels of the conference, including
the local church. This data shall include, but not be limited to,
demographics, membership, information on the formation and
effectiveness of cooperative ministries, information about pasto-
ral tenure, compensation, and other factors that affect the vitality
of the small membership churches. Such information will be regu-
larly updated and disseminated to bishops, district superinten-
dents, and to relating conference boards and agencies, the General
Board of Global Ministries, and the General Board of Discipleship.
b) To ensure representation from small member-
ship churches in the decision-making structures of the annual
c) To develop ways to inform and sensitize the leadership
within the annual conference at all levels on issues that affect small
membership churches, which shall be projected into and through
all districts within the annual conference by the commission.
d) To focus on major issues related to small membership
churches and to enlist the support of the bishop, cabinet, and
conference staff in policies, plans, and practices impacting those
e) To advise the general commission on the progress and
effectiveness of efforts to achieve full participation of laity and
clergy from small membership churches in the life of the Church.
f) To participate in connectional programs and plans ini-
tiated or recommended by the general commission as needed.
2. The basic membership of the conference commission
shall be nominated and elected by established procedures of the
annual conferences. All must be members of The United Meth-
odist Church. Special consultants without vote may be used as
resource persons.
3. The commission shall propose a budget and submit it for
inclusion in the budget of the annual conference according to pro-
cedures for funding of all boards, commissions, and agencies of
the annual conference.
646. In each annual conference there shall be a commission
on communication or other structure to provide for these func-
tions and maintain the connectional relationship. It shall include
persons with skills in communications nominated for member-
ship in a manner determined by the conference in accordance
with 610.5.
The commission shall be a service agency to meet the com-
munication, publication, multimedia, public and media relations,
interpretation, and promotional needs of the annual conference. It
may be responsible for providing resources and services to confer-
ence agencies, districts, and local churches in the eld of commu-
nication. The commission shall have a consultative relationship
with agencies and bodies within the conference structure.
647. United Methodist WomenConstitution of United Meth-
odist Women in the Conference
Article 1. Name—In each annual conference there shall be
a conference organization named United Methodist Women,
directly related to the jurisdictional and national organizations of
United Methodist Women.
Article 2. Function—The function of the conference organi-
zation of United Methodist Women shall be to work with the
district and local organizations of United Methodist Women to
develop programs to meet the needs and interests of women and
the concerns and responsibilities of the global Church; to encour-
age and support spiritual growth, missionary outreach, and
Christian social action; and to promote the plans and responsibili-
ties of the United Methodist Women’s national organization.
Article 3. Authority—Each conference organization of United
Methodist Women shall have authority to promote its work in
accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the
United Methodist Women’s national organization.
Article 4. Membership—The conference organization of United
Methodist Women shall be composed of members of United
Methodist Women existing within the conference. The resident
bishop shall be an ex ofcio member of the conference organiza-
tion of United Methodist Women and of the Leadership Team or
equivalent structure.
Article 5. Leadership Team—The conference organization shall
elect such leaders as may be needed to fulll the Purpose, includ-
ing at least a president, a treasurer, a secretary, and a Commit-
tee on Nominations. Additional committees and teams may be
formed to fulll the Purpose in accordance with this constitution
and guidance from the United Methodist Women’s national orga-
nization as set forth in the bylaws of the conference organizations
of United Methodist Women.
Article 6. Meetings and Elections—a) There shall be an annual
meeting of the conference organization of United Methodist
Women. At the annual meeting, the Leadership Team shall review
the conference events and priorities of the prior year, propose a
plan of activities and priorities for the following year, including
a supporting budget, elect members of the Leadership Team as
needed to implement the plan, and set the pledge amount for the
following year.
b) The voting body of the annual meeting of the confer-
ence organization shall be composed of members of United Meth-
odist Women organizations existing within the bounds of the
conference as determined by the conference organization; members
of the conference and district leadership teams; and members of
the board of directors of United Methodist Women and the United
Methodist Women Program Advisory Group and the jurisdictional
leadership team residing within the bounds of the conference.
c) At the annual meeting of the conference organization
prior to the quadrennial meeting of the jurisdictional organiza-
tion, three members of the Leadership Team or their designees
shall be elected according to provisions in 536.3 for membership
in the jurisdiction organization.
d) At the annual meeting of the conference organization
prior to the quadrennial meeting of the jurisdictional organiza-
tion, the conference organization shall nominate two women for
membership on the board of directors of the United Methodist
Women’s national organization, the names to be sent to the juris-
diction organization according to 536.4.
Article 7. Relationships—a) The president of the conference
organization of United Methodist Women is a member of the
annual conference, as set forth in 32.
b) The conference organization shall name representa-
tives from among its membership to serve on the various boards,
councils, commissions, and committees of the annual conference
as the constitutions and bylaws of such agencies provide.
c) The conference organization shall encourage women to
participate in the total life and work of the Church and shall sup-
port them in assuming positions of responsibility and leadership.
Article 8. Amendments—Proposed amendments to this consti-
tution may be sent to the recording secretary of the United Meth-
odist Women’s national organization for consideration by the
board of directors. The last date for consideration of any amend-
ments will be the last regular meeting of the board of directors
before the date by which it must submit proposed legislation for
action of the General Conference.
648. United Methodist MenConstitution of United Methodist
Men in the Conference
Article 1. Name—In each annual conference there shall be a
conference organization named United Methodist Men, auxiliary
to the jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men and to
the General Commission on United Methodist Men ( 2301).
Article 2. Function—The function of the conference organiza-
tion of United Methodist Men shall be to build and support the
district organizations of United Methodist Men in developing
resources to meet the needs and interests of men and the respon-
sibilities of discipleship; to empower personal witness and evan-
gelism; to enable outreach in individual and group mission and
ministry; to encourage and support spiritual growth and faith
development; and to promote the objectives and responsibili-
ties of the General Commission on United Methodist Men. In the
absence of a district organization, the conference organization, in
consultation with the district superintendent, shall fulll the dis-
trict responsibilities ( 671).
Article 3. Authority—Each conference organization of United
Methodist Men shall have the authority to promote its work in
accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the
General Commission on United Methodist Men.
Article 4. Membership—The conference organization of United
Methodist Men shall be composed of all men of local churches or
charges (chartered or unchartered) within the bounds of the con-
ference and all clergy.
Article 5. Ofcers and Committees—a) The conference organi-
zation shall elect a president, at least one vice president, a secre-
tary, and a treasurer.
b) The resident bishop shall serve as the honorary presi-
dent and be a member of the conference organization and its exec-
utive committee.
c) The conference lay leader (or designated representa-
tive) shall be a member of the conference organization and its
executive committee.
d) Additional ofcers (including civic youth-serving
agencies/scouting coordinator) and committees shall be elected
or appointed in accordance with the guidelines of the General
Commission on United Methodist Men and/or the bylaws of the
conference organization of United Methodist Men.
Article 6. Meetings and Elections—a) There shall be an annual
meeting of the conference organization of United Methodist Men,
at which time there shall be presented an annual report and a pro-
gram plan designed to meet the needs of the men of the confer-
ence. Ofcers and committees shall be elected in accordance with
the requirements of the organization’s bylaws.
b) The voting body of the annual meeting of the confer-
ence shall be determined by the organization’s bylaws but shall
include conference and district ofcers and committee chairper-
sons as determined, members of the General Commission on
United Methodist Men, and members of the jurisdictional com-
mittee on United Methodist Men residing within the bounds of
the conference.
Article 7. Relationships—a) The president of the conference
organization of United Methodist Men is a member of the annual
conference, as set forth in 32.
b) The president of the conference organization of United
Methodist Men shall represent the conference organization on
the jurisdictional committee on United Methodist Men. In the
absence of the president a designated vice president may repre-
sent the conference organization.
c) Designated ofcers or members shall represent the
conference organization on the various agencies, councils, com-
missions, and committees of the annual conference as the consti-
tutions, bylaws, and rules of such agencies provide.
d) The conference organization shall encourage men
to participate in the total life and work of the Church and shall
encourage them to assume positions of responsibility and leader-
ship as part of their discipleship.
Article 8. Finances—The Conference United Methodist Men
shall secure funds for the fulllment of its purpose. All funds
from whatever source secured by the Conference United Method-
ist Men belong to the organization and shall be disbursed only in
accordance with its constitution and/or bylaws and by its order.
a) Conference United Methodist Men may have their
own bank accounts.
b) It is recommended that there be an annual nancial
Article 9. Amendments—Proposed amendments to this con-
stitution may be sent to the recording secretary of the General
Commission on United Methodist Men prior to the last annual
meeting of the commission in the third year of the quadrennium.
Article 10. Connectional Reporting and Accountability—a) Each
annual conference United Methodist Men shall have on le a cur-
rent copy of their constitution and bylaws with the General Com-
mission on United Methodist Men.
b) Each annual conference shall submit an annual report
to the General Commission on United Methodist Men. This report
will be presented by the conference president at the spring meet-
ing of the National Association of Conference Presidents and shall
include but not be restricted to:
1. Annual goals and progress toward those goals in
the last 12 months.
2. A review of the work in evangelism, mission, and
spiritual growth within the annual conference or
3. A listing of training events conducted at a con-
ference, district, and local church level to expand
men’s ministry in all levels of the church.
4. An assessment of the General Commission on
United Methodist Men to include the annual con-
ference UMM’s appraisal of the commission’s
goals and the commission’s progress toward those
goals in the last 12 months.
5. A report of the signicant challenges to men’s
ministry and the signicant successes of men’s
ministry to be shared with other conference orga-
nizations of UMM.
These reports will become part of the internal review process
of the General Commission on United Methodist Men and each
conference report shall be shared with the annual conference lead-
ership by the conference president.
649. 1. In each annual conference there shall be a conference
council on youth ministry or other equivalent structure to provide
for these functions and maintain the connectional relationships,
or the responsibilities outlined below may be assigned to such
organization that follows the same membership requirements as
the annual conference provides pursuant to 610.1. Its purpose
shall be to strengthen the youth ministry in the local churches and
districts of the annual conference. For administrative purposes,
the council shall be related to the annual conference council on
ministries or equivalent structure. (See ¶¶ 1201-1212 for the Divi-
sion on Ministries With Young People.)
2. Membership—No more than one-third of the membership
of the council shall be adults, one of whom may be the conference
lay leader or his or her representative. It is strongly recommended
that the membership of the council include an equal number of
persons with respect to race, ethnicity, gender and social status as
dened by the annual conference or episcopal area. Where ethnic
or language conferences overlap nonethnic conferences, provi-
sion shall be made for the inclusion of members of the ethnic or
language conferences and vice-versa. Those serving on the con-
ference council on youth ministry or equivalent structure shall be
baptized or professing members of The United Methodist Church.
3. Responsibilities—a) To initiate and support plans, activi-
ties, and projects that are of particular interest to youth.
b) To be an advocate for the free expression of the convic-
tions of youth on issues vital to them.
c) To support and facilitate, where deemed needed, the
formation of youth caucuses.
d) To cooperate with the boards and agencies of the
annual conference, receiving recommendations from and making
recommendations to the same.
e) To recommend to the annual conference committee
on nominations qualied youth for membership on boards and
f) To elect and certify annual conference representatives
to the jurisdictional youth ministry organization convocation.
g) To promote, introduce and encourage youth in the
annual conference to become active in Wesley Foundations or
United Methodist campus ministries when they attend a college
or university and to become aware of opportunities to attend
United Methodist-related colleges and universities.
h) To cooperate with Wesley Foundations, United Meth-
odist campus ministries and United Methodist-related colleges
and universities to assist annual conference youth in the transi-
tion to college life.
i) To receive and set the policy and criteria for its portion
of the Youth Service Fund ( 1212). No more than one-third shall
be used for administrative purposes; at least one-third shall be
used for projects within the geographic bounds of the annual con-
ference; and at least one-third shall be used for projects outside
the geographic bounds of the annual conference.
j) To establish the policy for Youth Service Fund educa-
tion and be responsible for its promotion throughout the annual
conference, in cooperation with the Division on Ministries With
Young People of the General Board of Discipleship.
k) To establish a project review committee as an advi-
sory committee with regard to the use of the Youth Service Fund
receipts for projects. It is recommended that the committee be
composed of at least 50 percent racial and ethnic group persons.
l) To participate with the appropriate conference agen-
cies in the nomination of the conference coordinator of youth min-
istry, who shall serve as its adviser.
m) To promote an evangelistic outreach with youth and
through youth by providing educational opportunities and re-
sources that increase their awareness, exposure, and engagement
in the areas of mission, social justice, discipleship, leadership
development and spiritual formation as they relate back to their
local church.
650. 1. In each annual conference there shall be a confer-
ence council on young-adult ministry or equivalent structure. Its
purpose shall be to strengthen the young-adult ministry in the
local churches and districts of the annual conference. For adminis-
trative purposes, the council shall be related to the annual confer-
ence council on ministries or alternative structure.
2. Membership—The membership of the council shall be
young adults (as dened by annual conference or episcopal area).
It is recommended there be one young adult elected by each dis-
trict of the conference. There may also be members at large nomi-
nated by the conference nominating committee. It is strongly
recommended that the membership of the council include an
equal number of persons with respect to race, ethnicity, gender,
and social status as dened by annual conference or episcopal
area, as well as persons of both genders to ensure inclusiveness.
Those serving on the conference council on young-adult ministry
shall be members of The United Methodist Church. At least one-
half of the members shall be laypersons who are professing mem-
bers of The United Methodist Church. Members should represent
the diversity of young adults in the general population, including
college students, working persons, single, and married.
3. Responsibilities—a) To initiate and support plans and activ-
ities and projects that are of particular interest to young adults
who are college students, working persons, single, and married.
b) To be an advocate for the free expression of the convic-
tions of young adults on issues vital to them.
c) To support and facilitate, where deemed needed, the
formation of young-adult caucuses.
d) To cooperate with the boards and agencies of the
annual conference, including Wesley Foundations, United Meth-
odist-related campus ministries and chaplaincies, in assisting
graduating college students in the transition to congregational
life, and receiving recommendations from and making recom-
mendations to the same to provide for the needs of young adults
in The United Methodist Church.
e) To recommend to the annual conference committee on
nominations qualied young adults for membership on boards
and agencies.
f) To participate with the conference council on minis-
tries in the nomination of the conference coordinator of young-
adult ministry, who shall serve as its adviser.
651. 1. In each annual conference there may be a confer-
ence council on older adult ministries. Its purpose shall be to
strengthen the older-adult ministries in the local churches and
districts of the annual conference. For administrative purposes,
the council shall be related to the annual conference board of dis-
cipleship, or the annual conference board of laity, or equivalent
2. Membership—The majority of the membership of the coun-
cil should be older adults. It may also include persons (regard-
less of age) who, because of their specialized interests, education,
training, and experience, have developed a passion for ministry
with older adults. Those serving on the conference council on
older-adult ministries shall be professing members of The United
Methodist Church and shall include both laypersons and clergy.
There may also be members-at-large, nominated by the confer-
ence nominating committee and elected by the annual conference,
to achieve racial, ethnic, gender, and geographic inclusiveness
and to assure participation by people with specialized interests,
education, training, and experiences. The conference lay leader
(or designee), the conference coordinator of older-adult ministries
(if any), and a cabinet representative shall serve ex ofcio with
vote. Members should represent the diversity of older adults in
the general population, including retired persons, working per-
sons, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, sin-
gle persons, widowed persons, married persons, persons living in
a variety of residential settings, and persons with a wide variety
of family situations.
3. Responsibilities—a) To initiate and support ministries,
plans, activities, and projects that are of particular interest to
older adults, including retired persons, working persons, persons
with disabling conditions, persons with chronic illnesses, single
persons, widowed persons, married persons, persons living in a
variety of residential settings, and persons with a wide variety of
family situations.
b) To advocate on behalf of older adults.
c) To support and facilitate, where appropriate, the for-
mation of older-adult caucuses.
d) To identify the needs, concerns, and potential contri-
butions of older adults in the annual conference and its districts.
e) To cooperate with the boards and agencies of the
annual conference in receiving and making recommendations to
provide for the needs of older adults in The United Methodist
f) To recommend to the annual conference committee on
nominations qualied and motivated older adults for member-
ship on boards and agencies.
g) To participate with the annual conference board of dis-
cipleship, or the annual conference board of laity, or equivalent
structure in the nomination of the coordinator of older-adult min-
istries for election by the annual conference.
h) To educate and keep before the annual conference
and its districts the lifelong process of aging with emphases on
the quality of life, intergenerational understandings, and faith
i) To serve as a focal point for supplying information and
guidance on older-adult ministries within the annual conference
and its districts.
j) To support the development of resources that will
undergird older-adult ministries within the annual conference
and its districts.
652. Each annual conference shall establish a procedure
by which it will manage clergy medical leave. The annual con-
ference may establish a joint committee on clergy medical leave.
If the annual conference establishes such a committee, it should
be composed of at least two representatives each from the Board
of Ordained Ministry and the conference board of pensions, who
may be elected by those boards at the beginning of each qua-
drennium and at other times when vacancies occur, and a dis-
trict superintendent appointed from time to time by the bishop
to represent the cabinet. The joint committee shall be encouraged
to include in its composition a person with a disability, preferably
someone under appointment. Unless and until other members are
elected, the chairperson and registrar of the Board of Ordained
Ministry and the chairperson and secretary of the conference
board of pensions, or others designated by them, shall be autho-
rized to represent their respective boards. The committee shall
organize at the beginning of each quadrennium by the election of
a chairperson and a secretary. If the annual conference does not
establish a joint committee, the annual conference’s established
policy and process for managing clergy medical leave nonetheless
should involve the Board of Ordained Ministry, the conference
board of pensions and representation from the cabinet.
The duties of the annual conference, with respect to clergy
medical leave, or the joint committee on clergy medical leave, or
its equivalent, shall be:
a) To study issues related to clergy medical leave in the
annual conference.
b) To provide for a continuing personal ministry to any
clergy on medical leave of the conference and to aid them in main-
taining fellowship with the members of the conference.
c) To provide advice and support to and, where appropri-
ate advocacy for, clergy on medical leave in (i) applying for and
securing disability benets from the Comprehensive Protection
Plan and government programs, (ii) exploring possible sources
of interim nancial assistance before disability benets can be
obtained, (iii) establishing rehabilitation and return-to-service
programs, and (iv) assessing the need for and providing reason-
able accommodations.
d) To make recommendations to the Board of Ordained
Ministry, the conference board of pensions, and the cabinet on
matters related to clergy medical leave, including steps for the
prevention of the need for medical leave, the process of granting
medical leave, benets, grants, or other assistance, and programs
of rehabilitation.
e) To cooperate with and give assistance to the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets in its administration of the
Clergy Retirement Security Program, the Comprehensive Pro-
tection Plan and other benet plans for clergy on medical leave,
and to the extent applicable assist with the disability benets and
other benets provided under those plans.
653. There shall be in each annual conference a committee
on disability concerns or other structure to provide for the func-
tions of this ministry and maintain the connectional relationships.
1. The basic membership of the committee shall be nomi-
nated and elected by established procedures of the respective
annual conference. Each annual conference shall determine the
number and composition of the total membership. Membership
shall include persons with physical disabilities and persons with
mental disabilities.
2. It shall be the responsibility of this committee:
a) To be aware of, and advocate for, the role of persons
with disabilities in ministry, including ordained and diaconal
ministries and local church and annual conference leadership
b) To advocate for and help develop programs within the
annual conference that meet the needs of persons with disabilities.
c) To be informed about current ministries within the
annual conference that are related to persons with disabilities.
d) To develop ways to sensitize persons in leadership
positions on issues that affect persons with disabilities and there-
fore the entire Church.
e) To foster cooperation among ministries within the
annual conference that focus on specic disabilities (deaf, deaf-
ened, hard of hearing, development disabilities, mental retarda-
tion, mental illness, visual impairment, physical disabilities, etc.).
f) To be a resource for local churches who are attempt-
ing to develop ministries that are attitudinally and architecturally
g) To promote the full inclusion of persons with disabili-
ties in the life of the local church and the annual conference.
h) To participate in jurisdictional accessibility associa-
tions in the sharing of knowledge and resources.
654. There shall be an annual conference committee on
Native American ministry or other structure to provide for these
ministries and maintain the connectional relationships. The basic
membership of the committee shall be nominated and elected
by established procedure of the respective annual conferences.
Each annual conference shall determine the number and compo-
sition of the total membership. Where possible, the membership
shall consist of a majority of Native Americans. It shall be the
responsibility of this committee to determine the distribution of
the Native American Ministries Sunday offering, coordinate the
promotion of Native American Ministries Sunday, and monitor
Native American ministries within the annual conference. Each
committee shall report on how the offering funds have beneted
Native Americans in their annual conference. Annual reports,
including the amount of the total receipts from the Native
American Ministries Sunday offerings, should be forwarded to
the conference council on ministries and to the Connectional
Every local church at charge conference shall designate by
nomination and election a minimum of one person per charge
(without regard to race or ethnic origin) or a designated mem-
ber of an established church committee to represent the need for
better awareness of Native American contributions in the local
church. These names are to be submitted to the district superin-
tendent at charge conference to be given to the annual conference
committee on Native American ministry.
655. The annual conference is encouraged to establish a
committee on Hispanic/Latino Ministries or other structure to
support the development, implementation, and evaluation of a
Hispanic/Latino Ministries comprehensive plan of action and the
strategies for working with the Hispanic/Latino persons of all
generations in the community. The membership of the committee
shall be nominated and elected by the established procedures of
the respective annual conference. The committee shall include at
least one-third Hispanic/Latino persons.
In those conferences where a committee on Hispanic/Latino
ministries or other structures is adopted, there shall be strategies
to: (1) strengthen existing ministries and congregations, (2) start
new congregations and ministries, including intentional min-
istries with children and youth, (3) identify, equip, and deploy
elders, local pastors, lay missioners, lay certied ministers, and
other lay leaders who can serve in this mission and ministry,
(4) identify nancial and material resources to support and
maintain its implementation. The plan shall be based on a clear
analysis of the socioeconomic, cultural, and religious realities of
the community where the conference is located. The Conference
Comprehensive Plans for Hispanic/Latino Ministries in the Juris-
dictional Annual Conferences are encouraged to be ready by the
2016 General Conference.
656. 1. There may be a conference Advance program,
established and carried out in the same spirit of partnership as
the general Advance program.
2. A conference Advance Special Gift is one made to a confer-
ence Advance Special project within bounds of the annual confer-
ence or episcopal area authorized by an annual conference upon
recommendation by the conference board of global ministries
or its equivalent structure and consistent with the goals of the
Advance. The funds as received shall be administered by the con-
ference board of global ministries or such structure as designated
by the conference.
3. An annual conference may undertake a conference-wide
campaign for a lump sum to be applied to its missionary and
church extension. The funds so received shall be designated as
conference Advance Specials and shall be administered by the
conference board of global ministries or equivalent structure.
Local churches shall report their contributions as conference
Advance Specials.
4. With the approval of the annual conference, a district
within the conference may authorize and promote Advance Spe-
cials for church extension and missionary needs within the dis-
trict, such funds to be administered by a district committee on
mission organized for that purpose or by a similar body set up
by the district. Such special funds secured and administered on a
district level shall be reported by each local church to the annual
conference as conference Advance Specials.
5. Local churches shall report their contributions to general
Advance Specials and conference Advance Specials to the charge
conference and in the manner indicated on the annual conference
report form.
657. The annual conference is encouraged to establish a
committee on criminal justice and mercy ministries (CJAMM) to
accomplish the following: (1) raise awareness and generate local
church involvement; (2) identify existing programs; (3) promote
criminal justice ministries; and (4) serve as a resource and con-
nectional link with local churches, general program agencies, and
ecumenical groups, and use prison ministry and prison reform
resources made available through the general agencies. The pur-
pose is to promote a ministry to persons of all genders and ages
who are in prison, to the families of those in prison, and to the
victims of crime and their families and to be an advocate for
prison concerns. The CJAMM committee may relate to the board
of global ministries and/or the board of church and society, which
shares social justice concerns. The results of the work in this area
will be reported to the annual conference.
Section X. The District Conference
Upon approval of the annual conference, the term subdistrict
may be used in the references to district in ¶¶ 658-672.
658. A district conference shall be held if directed by the
annual conference of which it is a part and may be held upon the
call of the district superintendent, which call shall specify the time
and place.
659. 1. A district conference shall be composed of mem-
bers as determined and specied by the annual conference, giving
attention to inclusiveness (see ¶¶ 124, 140).
2. The district conference may choose its own order of
business. The secretary duly elected shall keep an accurate record
of the proceedings and submit it to the annual conference for
3. The district conference shall issue certicates of candidacy
for the ordained ministry on recommendation of the district
committee on ordained ministry and shall consider for approval
the reports of this committee.
4. The district conference may incorporate a district union,
under the laws of the state in which it is located, to hold and
administer district real and personal property, receive and admin-
ister church extension and mission funds for use within the dis-
trict, and exercise such other powers and duties as may be set
forth in its charter or articles of incorporation as authorized by
the annual conference having jurisdiction over said district. If a
district union is so incorporated, it shall also assume the power
and duties of the district board of trustees (2518.2). All such dis-
trict unions chartered or incorporated by districts of the churches
that joined and united in adopting the Constitution of The United
Methodist Church are declared to be disciplinary agencies of
The United Methodist Church as though originally created and
authorized by that Constitution and may act for or as a district
conference when convened for that purpose by the district super-
intendent, who shall be its executive secretary, or by its president
or other executive ofcer.
5. If any district or conference initiates, joins, monitors, or ter-
minates a boycott, the guidelines in The Book of Resolutions, 2008,
should be followed. The General Conference is the only body that
can initiate, empower, or join a boycott in the name of The United
Methodist Church.
660. 1. The district lay leader is the elected leader of the
district laity and shall be a professing member of a local church.
The district lay leader shall provide for the training of local church
lay leaders for their ministries in the local churches in relation to
249. The district lay leader shall have responsibility for fostering
awareness of the role of the laity both within congregations and
through their ministries in the home, workplace, community, and
world in achieving the mission of the Church, and supporting and
enabling lay participation in the planning and decision-making
processes of the district and the local churches in cooperation
with the district superintendent and pastors.
2. The district lay leader shall be elected as determined by
the annual conference for a term of not less than four years. The
method of nomination and the maximum term of ofce shall be
determined by the annual conference.
There may be one or more associate district lay leader(s)
within a district. The associate district lay leader(s) shall be
elected as determined by the annual conference. The method of
nomination and the maximum term of ofce shall be determined
by the annual conference. The district lay leader and the associate
district lay leader(s) may be reimbursed for their approved
3. The district lay leader will meet regularly with the district
superintendent to discuss the state of the district, the Church, and
the needs for ministry both locally and globally.
4. The district lay leader is a member of annual conference
(see 32).
5. The district lay leader shall be a member of the conference
board of laity or equivalent structure.
6. The district lay leader shall work with the district
superintendent to ensure that there is a district director of Lay
Servant Ministries and shall serve on the district committee on
Lay Servant Ministries.
7. The district lay leader is a member of the district conference
and shall be a member of the district council on ministries or
alternative structure and its executive committee. The district
lay leader shall also be a member of the committee on district
superintendency of the district.
8. The district lay leader may serve as a lay member of the
district committee on ordained ministry (or equivalent agency)
and the district board of church location and building (or
equivalent agency).
9. The district lay leader shall relate to the organized lay
groups in the district such as United Methodist Women, United
Methodist Men, and United Methodist Youth and support their
work and their activities.
10. The district lay leader may designate persons to serve as
proxy in any of the above groups except the annual conference, the
district conference, district council on ministries, and the district
council on ministries executive committee, district committee on
ordained ministry, and the district board of church location and
661. Each district of an annual conference may organize
to develop, administer, and evaluate the missional life, advocacy
needs, and ministries of the Church in and through the district. It
shall maintain connectional relationships, organize to develop and
strengthen ethnic ministries, including ethnic local churches and
concerns, and provide encouragement, coordination, and support
for local churches in their ministries of nurture, outreach, and
witness in accordance with the mission of The United Methodist
Church. Every board, standing committee, commission, council,
and work area of the district shall designate one of its members as
its coordinator of witness ministries. These persons shall help the
groups of which they are members to engage in witness ministries
and, in particular, to ask, “How are we intentionally reaching new
people for Jesus Christ through our ministries?” and “How are we
helping new people grow and mature as disciples of Jesus Christ
through our ministries and areas of responsibility?”
662. The district superintendent, after consultation with
the conference board, may appoint a district director of church
and society. Also, if desirable, a district may create a committee
on church and society of laypersons and clergy, to work with the
district superintendent to further the purposes of the conference
board. The mission coordinator for social action of the district
United Methodist Women shall be an ex ofcio member.
663. The district superintendent, after consultation with
the annual conference ethnic local church concerns committee,
may appoint a district director of ethnic local church concerns.
This director would become a member of the district council on
ministries or its structural counterpart. A district may establish a
committee on ethnic local church concerns comprised of layper-
sons and clergy to work with the district superintendent to imple-
ment the annual conference’s comprehensive plan as it relates to
that district and to further the purposes of the annual conference
664. The district superintendent, after consultation with the
annual conference commission on religion and race, may appoint
a district director of religion and race. A district may establish a
committee on religion and race to work with the district super-
intendent to further the purposes of the annual conference com-
mission in the district. The district director, if appointed, shall be
a member of the annual conference commission on religion and
race. (See 643.2.)
665. The district superintendent, after consultation with the
conference council on young-adult ministries or equivalent struc-
ture, if available, may appoint a district coordinator of young-
adult ministries. This coordinator would become a member of
the district committee on ministries or its structural counterpart.
Also, if desirable, a district may create a committee on young-
adult ministries to work with the district superintendent to fur-
ther the purposes of increasing young adult participation in local
churches. The district coordinator, if appointed, shall be a mem-
ber of the annual conference council on young-adult ministries or
equivalent structure.
666. There shall be a district committee on ordained
1. The district committee on ordained ministry shall be
amenable to the annual conference through the Board of Ordained
Ministry. All members shall be nominated annually by the district
superintendent in consultation with the chairperson or executive
committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry and approved by the
annual conference. Interim vacancies shall be lled by the district
superintendent. The committee shall be composed of at least three
professing members of local churches, a representative from the
Board of Ordained Ministry who may be named chairperson; the
district superintendent, who shall not be the chairperson, and at
least six other clergy in the district. The clergy shall include elders
and deacons, and where possible, women and ethnic clergy, a
deacon or elder who is age 35 or younger, an associate member,
and may include one local pastor who has completed the Course
of Study. All persons named to the district committee on ordained
ministry shall be members with vote. The conference Board of
Ordained Ministry shall provide orientation for new members,
including education regarding the ministry and roles of all clergy
and distribution of any available written guidelines.
2. The district committee on ordained ministry shall elect
its ofcers at the rst meeting following the annual conference
session when the members are elected.
3. The committee shall maintain a list of all persons who
have declared their candidacy for the ordained ministry and are
pursuing candidacy studies with a candidacy mentor. A duplicate
list shall be forwarded to the annual conference registrar for
candidacy; such list being made current at least prior to each
session of the annual conference.
4. The committee, through the Board of Ordained Ministry,
shall seek ways to make reasonable accommodations for cultural
and ethnic/racial realities and language translations as candidates
meet the requirements for candidacy, including interviews,
psychological assessments, criminal background, and credit
5. The committee shall offer counsel to candidates regarding
pre-theological studies.
6. The committee shall supervise all matters dealing with
candidacy for the ordained ministry and with the license for local
7. The vote of the committee on matters of candidacy shall
be by individual written ballot of the committee present. A three-
fourths majority vote is required for certication. All other matters
of candidacy shall be by a simple majority vote.
8. The committee shall maintain a service record and le on
every local pastor and candidate for the ordained ministry until
the individual becomes an associate or provisional member of the
annual conference, at which time a copy of the les shall be for-
warded to the registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry. The
records and les of the committee are kept on behalf of the annual
conference and shall be maintained under guidelines provided by
the General Council on Finance and Administration in consulta-
tion with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
and the General Board of Pension and Health Benets.
9. The committee shall recommend to the Board of Ordained
Ministry those persons who qualify for associate and provisional
membership, for license or continuance as local pastors, and for
restoration of credentials. All persons shall have been professing
members of The United Methodist Church or a baptized partici-
pant of a recognized United Methodist campus ministry or other
United Methodist ministry setting for a minimum of one (1) year.
10. The committee shall examine all persons who apply in
writing for certication or renewal of certicate. Where there is
evidence that their gifts, evidence of God’s grace, and useful-
ness warrant and that they are qualied under ¶¶ 315-319, and on
92. See Judicial Council Decision 586.
recommendation of their charge conference or the conference
Board of Ordained Ministry, the committee shall issue or renew
their certicate.
11. The committee shall examine all persons who apply in
writing to be certied as lay ministers. When there is evidence
that their gifts, evidence of God’s grace and usefulness, warrant
and that they are qualied under 268, and on recommendation
of their charge conference, the committee shall recommend their
certication or recertication. The district committee shall report
annually to the annual conference through the annual conference
Board of Ordained Ministry a roster of all persons certied as lay
12. All persons interviewed by the district committee shall be
informed of decisions and recommendations as soon as possible,
both orally and in writing.
13. The committee shall assist the conference Board of
Ordained Ministry in providing support services for all clergy
under appointment within the district.
667. Each district of an annual conference may organize a
district board of laity or alternative structure.
1. The purpose of the district board of laity shall be:
a) To foster an awareness of the role of laity both within
the local congregation and through their ministries in the home,
workplace, community, and world in achieving the mission of the
b) To work with the district lay leader in: (1) developing
and promoting an increased role for laity in the life of the local
church, (2) increasing the participation of laity in the sessions and
programs of the district and local churches in cooperation with
the district superintendent and pastors, and (3) encouraging lay-
persons to participate in the general ministry of the Church in the
world. (See 661.)
c) To develop and promote stewardship of time, talent,
and possessions within the district in cooperation with the district
council on ministries.
2. The membership of the board shall include the district
lay leader, associate district lay leader(s), district director of Lay
Servant Ministries, and may include the district superintendent,
district president of United Methodist Women, district president
of United Methodist Men, district president of United Method-
ist Youth, district president of United Methodist Young Adults,
and, where organized, the district president of the Older Adult
Council, and others as deemed necessary. Special attention shall
be given to the inclusion of women, men, youth, young adults,
and older adults; people with disabilities; and racial and ethnic
group persons.
3. The district lay leader shall chair the board. Other ofcers
shall be elected as the board shall deem necessary.
4. The board shall relate to the lay servant program and to
the organized groups in the district such as the United Method-
ist Women, United Methodist Men, United Methodist Youth, and
United Methodist Young Adults and shall support their work and
help them coordinate their activities.
668. District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries—Districts
are encouraged to create a district committee on Lay Servant Min-
istries related to the annual conference through the conference
committee on Lay Servant Ministries. There shall be a district
director of Lay Servant Ministries lled in a manner determined
by the district. This position shall be lled by a certied lay
1. The purpose of the district committee on Lay Servant Min-
istries is to plan and supervise the program within the district.
2. The committee is chaired by the district director of Lay
Servant Ministries. In addition to the director, membership of the
committee will include the district lay leader, the district superin-
tendent, and an instructor of lay servant courses. Other resource
people may be added as needed.
3. The responsibilities of a district committee on Lay Servant
Ministries are to provide basic training for local church lay ser-
vants and advanced courses for certied lay servants as recom-
mended by the General Board of Discipleship, or as approved by
the conference committee on Lay Servant Ministries; to decide
who will be recognized as certied lay servants; to help match
lay servants and certied lay ministers with service opportunities;
and to support and afrm lay servants and certied lay ministers
as they serve.
4. The district committee shall plan advanced courses for lay
servants that will enable certied lay servants to maintain that
5. The district committee will report to the pastor and charge
conference of each certied lay servant the courses that have been
satisfactorily completed by the certied lay servant.
669. Committee on District Superintendency—There shall be a
committee on district superintendency.
1. Membership—This committee shall be composed of eleven
members, including the district lay leader, and two persons
appointed by the district superintendent. It is recommended
that the remaining members of the committee consist of two lay-
women, two laymen, two clergy, and two at-large members, all of
whom should be selected with special attention to the representa-
tion of racial and ethnic persons, youth ( 256.3), young adults,
older adults, and people with disabilities. At least three of the
eleven persons shall be clergy, and seven shall be laypersons. All
laypersons shall be professing members of a local church.
2. Selection—The members shall be selected in such manner
as may be determined by the district conference or, where there is
no district conference, by the annual conference. The district com-
mittee shall be authorized to co-opt members as advisory mem-
bers who have expertise in areas of special need. The bishop of the
area, or his or her authorized representative, shall be an ex ofcio
member of said committee.
3. Meeting—The district committee shall meet at least annu-
ally and upon call of the district superintendent and/or the chair-
person of the committee. The committee shall elect a chairperson,
vice chairperson, and secretary.
4. Purpose—The purpose of the committee on district super-
intendency shall be to support the district superintendent of the
district in the oversight of the spiritual and temporal affairs of the
Church, with special reference to the district where the superin-
tendent has responsibilities. In fullling this purpose, the commit-
tee shall give attention to the following responsibilities:
a) To advocate for adequate budget-support services for
the district superintendent, such as adequate secretarial support,
travel, continuing education, and parsonage needs ( 614.1a).
b) To be available for counsel.
c) To keep the district superintendent advised concern-
ing conditions within the district as they affect relations among
the district superintendent, the laity, the clergy, and the district
d) To establish a clearly understood process for observ-
ing the district superintendent’s ministry with direct evaluation
and feedback, with special concern for the inclusiveness of the
Church and its ministry with respect to sex, race, and national
origin, and implementation of the consultative process in
e) To consult with the district superintendent concerning
continuing education and to arrange with the cabinet and bishop
for the necessary time and nancial assistance for the attendance
of the district superintendent at such continuing education events
as may serve his or her professional and spiritual growth.
f) To interpret to the people of the district and to the dis-
trict boards and agencies the nature and function of the district
5. Consultation—The district committee and the district super-
intendent shall engage in an annual consultation and appraisal of
the work of the district superintendent in the district and shall
serve in an advisory relationship with the bishop of the area.
670. United Methodist WomenConstitution of United Meth-
odist Women in the District
Article 1. Name—In each district there shall be a district orga-
nization named United Methodist Women, auxiliary to the con-
ference and national organizations of United Methodist Women.
Article 2. Responsibilities—The responsibilities of the district
organization of United Methodist Women shall be to work with
United Methodist Women members and local organizations of
United Methodist Women existing within the district to develop
programs to meet the needs and interests of women and the con-
cerns and responsibilities of the global Church; to encourage and
support spiritual growth, missionary outreach, and Christian
social action; and to promote the plans and responsibilities of
the conference and national organizations of United Methodist
Article 3. Authority—Each district organization of United
Methodist Women shall have authority to promote its work in
accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the con-
ference and national organizations of United Methodist Women.
Article 4. Membership—The district organization of United
Methodist Women shall be composed of members of United
Methodist Women existing within the district. The district super-
intendent shall be an ex ofcio member of the district organiza-
tion of United Methodist Women and of its leadership team or
equivalent structure.
Article 5. Leadership Team—The district organization shall elect
as its leaders those persons who are needed to help the organization
to fulll the Purpose, including at least a president, a treasurer, a
secretary, and a Committee on Nominations. Additional commit-
tees or teams may be formed to fulll the Purpose in accordance
with this constitution and guidance from the conference and
national organizations of United Methodist Women.
Article 6. Meetings and Elections—There shall be an annual
meeting of the district organization of United Methodist Women
to adopt a program designed to meet the needs of the women of
the district in harmony with the Purpose, the plans and respon-
sibilities of the conference and national organizations of United
Methodist Women, to elect members of the Leadership team and
the Committee on Nominations, to transact the necessary busi-
ness, and to receive pledges made for the ensuing year.
Article 7. Relationships—a) The district organization of United
Methodist Women shall designate members to serve on the vari-
ous boards, councils, commissions, and committees of the district
and/or the annual conference as the constitution and bylaws of
such agencies provide.
b) The district president shall be a member with vote of
the conference Leadership Team.
c) The district organization shall encourage women to
participate in the total life and work of the Church and shall sup-
port them in assuming positions of responsibility and leadership.
Article 8. Amendments—Proposed amendments to this consti-
tution may be sent to the recording secretary of the United Meth-
odist Women’s national organization for consideration by the
board of directors. The last date for consideration of any amend-
ments will be the last regular meeting of the board of directors
before the date by which it must submit proposed legislation for
action of the General Conference.
671. United Methodist MenConstitution of United Methodist
Men in the District
Article 1. Name—In each district there shall be a district orga-
nization named United Methodist Men, auxiliary to the confer-
ence organization of United Methodist Men and the General
Commission on United Methodist Men ( 2301).
Article 2. Responsibilities—The responsibilities of the district
organization of United Methodist Men shall be to work with local
units of United Methodist Men in developing resources to meet
the needs and interests of men and the responsibilities of disciple-
ship; to empower personal witness and evangelism; to enable out-
reach in individual and group mission and ministry; to encourage
and support spiritual growth and faith development; and to pro-
mote the objectives and responsibilities of the conference organiza-
tion and the General Commission on United Methodist Men. The
district organization shall also encourage and promote the charter-
ing and annual recertication of local units through the General
Commission on United Methodist Men (¶¶ 2302 and 256.6).
Article 3. Authority—Each district organization of United
Methodist Men shall have the authority to promote its work in
accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the
conference organization and the General Commission on United
Methodist Men.
Article 4. Membership—All men and clergy of local churches
or charges (chartered and unchartered) of the district shall be con-
sidered members of the district organization.
Article 5. Ofcers and Committees—a) The district organiza-
tion shall elect a president, at least one vice president, a secretary,
and a treasurer.
b) Additional ofcers (including civic youth-serving
agencies/scouting coordinator) and committees shall be elected
or appointed in accordance with the guidelines of the General
Commission on United Methodist Men and/or the bylaws of the
district organization of United Methodist Men.
c) The district superintendent shall be a member of the
district organization and of its executive committee.
d) The district lay leader (or designated representative)
shall be a member of the district organization and of its executive
Article 6. Meetings and Elections—There shall be an annual
meeting of the district organization of United Methodist Men, at
which time there shall be presented an annual report as well as a
program plan designed to meet the needs of the men of the dis-
trict. Ofcers and committees shall be elected in accordance with
the requirements of the organization’s bylaws.
Article 7. Relationships—a) Designated ofcers or members
shall represent the district organization of United Methodist Men
on the various boards, councils, commissions, and committees of
the district as the constitutions, bylaws and rules of such agencies
b) The district president shall be a member of the confer-
ence executive committee.
c) The district organization shall encourage men to partic-
ipate in the total life and work of the Church and shall encourage
them to assume positions of leadership as part of their discipleship.
Article 8. Finances—The District United Methodist Men shall
secure funds for the fulllment of its purpose. All funds from
whatever source secured by the District United Methodist Men
belong to the organization and shall be disbursed only in accor-
dance with its constitution and/or bylaws and by its order.
a) District United Methodist Men may have their own
bank accounts.
b) It is recommended that there be an annual nancial
Article 9. Amendments—Proposed amendments to this con-
stitution may be sent to the recording secretary of the General
Commission on United Methodist Men prior to the last annual
meeting of the commission in the third year of the quadrennium.
Article 10. Connectional Reporting—a) Each district shall le a
current copy of their constitution with the conference organiza-
tion of United Methodist Men.
b) Each district shall submit an annual report to the con-
ference organization of United Methodist Men prior to its annual
672. Each district of an annual conference may organize a
district council on youth ministry.
1. Purpose—The purpose of the district council on youth min-
istry is dened as follows: to assist local churches in ministry for,
with, and by junior high and senior high youth more effectively;
to serve as a channel of communication and involvement among
the youth ministry in the local churches, the conference council on
youth ministry, and the general agencies of the Church; to initi-
ate youth programs for the district to inuence the total program-
ming of the district and conference as it relates to the concerns and
needs of youth; and to take primary responsibility for promoting
and raising money for the Youth Service Fund.
2. Membership—Each district may determine the membership
and the method of election of its district council on youth ministry
in consultation with the conference council on youth ministry. It is
recommended that the membership include the following: a) no
more than one-third of the membership shall be adults; b) an equal
number of persons with respect to race, ethnicity, gender, and
social status as dened by the annual conference or episcopal area;
c) the district youth coordinator, to be a member by vir-
tue of his or her ofce; and d) representatives on the conference
council on youth ministry.
3. Functions—The functions of the district council on youth
ministry may be determined by the annual conference council on
youth ministry and/or the district council on youth ministry. The
following functions may be incorporated in its work:
a) To study the needs of the junior high and senior high
youth ministry of the local churches in the district and help them
establish and provide more effective ministry in and through the
b) To keep local churches informed of the work of the
whole Church in youth ministry and to challenge each church to
full participation.
c) To serve as a two-way channel of communications
between the local church youth and the annual conference and
to assist local church youth in communication with one another.
d) To cooperate with the programming and ministry of
the district council on ministries as it serves to provide leadership
training to persons in the district.
e) To assist in the implementation of the program of
the annual conference and particularly of the annual conference
council on youth ministry.
f) To serve as an advocate for the free expression of youth
in the district and local churches of the district.
g) To provide leadership training.
h) To promote, introduce and encourage youth in the dis-
trict to become active in Wesley Foundations or United Methodist
campus ministries when they attend a college or university and
to become aware of opportunities to attend United Methodist-
related colleges and universities.
i) To cooperate with Wesley Foundations, United Metho-
dist campus ministries, and United Methodist-related colleges and
universities to assist district youth in the transition to college life.
j) To promote, educate, and be a resource to local churches
on Youth Service Fund.
k) To participate with the district superintendent and the
conference coordinator of youth ministry, who shall serve as its
adviser. The district council on youth ministry’s responsibilities
shall include organizing, programming, consulting with local
churches, and nurturing adult workers with youth in the district.
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Chapter Five
Section I. General Provisions
701. Agencies and General Agencies—1. Connectionalism is
an important part of our identity as United Methodists. It is a vital
web of interactive relationships ( 132) that includes the agencies
of the Church, as dened in ¶¶ 701.2 and 701.3, with the purpose
of equipping local churches for ministry and by providing a con-
nection for ministry throughout the world, all to the glory of God.
It provides us with wonderful opportunities to carry out our mis-
sion in unity and strength.
2. We experience this connection in many ways, including
our systems of episcopacy, itineracy, property, and mutual coop-
eration and support. Our connectional system performs at least
three essential tasks: embracing God’s mission for the church as
making disciples for Jesus Christ; organizing our whole Church
to enable local congregations, the primary arena for mission,
faithfully and fruitfully to make disciples for Jesus Christ; and
ensuring that all components in the connection carry out their
appropriate responsibilities in ways that enable the whole United
Methodist Church to be faithful in its mission. The term agency,
wherever it appears in the Book of Discipline, is a term used to
describe the various councils, boards, commissions, committees,
divisions, or other units constituted within the various levels of
Church organization (General, jurisdictional, central, annual, dis-
trict, and charge conferences) under authority granted by the Book
of Discipline; the term does not and is not meant to imply a master-
servant or principal-agent relationship between these bodies and
the conference or other body that creates them, except where the
authority is specically granted.
3. General agencies, in particular, are important to our com-
mon vision, mission, and ministry. They provide essential services
and ministries beyond the scope of individual local congregations
and annual conferences through services and ministries that are
highly focused, exible, and capable of rapid response. The gen-
eral agencies of The United Methodist Church are the regularly
established councils, boards, commissions, committees, or other
units with ongoing responsibilities that have been constituted by
the General Conference. Not included are such commissions and
committees as are created by the General Conference to fulll a
special function within the ensuing quadrennium, ecumenical
groups on which The United Methodist Church is represented,
or committees related to the quadrennial sessions of the General
The term general agency or agency, wherever it
appears in the Book of Discipline in reference to a general agency,
does not and is not meant to imply a master-servant or principal-
agent relationship between such a body and the General Confer-
ence or any other unit of the denomination, or the denomination
as a whole.
702. Amenability and Program Accountability—1. All the
general agencies of The United Methodist Church that have been
constituted by the General Conference are amenable to the Gen-
eral Conference, except as otherwise provided.
2. Each organization, group, committee, council, board, and
agency of the general Church shall adopt a code of ethics and poli-
cies that embody and live out our Christian values regarding con-
ict of interest, condentiality, whistleblower protection, record
retention and document destruction, and nepotism applicable to
both members and employees.
3. Between sessions of the General Conference, the follow-
ing general agencies are accountable to the Connectional Table for
those functions that are outlined in the 900 ¶¶s: the General Board
of Church and Society, the General Board of Discipleship, the
General Board of Global Ministries, the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry, the General Commission on Religion and
Race, the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women,
the General Commission on Archives and History, the General
Commission on United Methodist Men, and the General Commis-
sion on Communication in matters pertaining to their program
4. The Connectional Table shall review and evaluate the
effectiveness of the general program-related agencies and con-
nectional structures of the church as they collectively seek to aid
annual conferences and local churches as they fulll the mission
of The United Methodist Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.
5. Questions and concerns about programs, projects, or deci-
sions of a particular agency may be addressed to that agency, with
1. See Judicial Council Decision 139.
copies to the Connectional Table. Agencies shall acknowledge
receipt of requests for information within ten days and provide
information requested within thirty days or as soon thereafter as
it is available.
6. If any district, annual conference, or general agency initi-
ates, joins, monitors, or terminates a boycott, the guidelines in the
2008 Book of Resolutions should be followed. The General Confer-
ence is the only body that can initiate, empower, or join a boycott
in the name of The United Methodist Church.
7. In all matters of accountability episcopal oversight as pro-
vided in 422 is assumed.
703. Denitions, Structures, and Titles—1. General Council
An organization created by the General Conference to perform
dened responsibilities of review and oversight on behalf of the
General Conference in relation to the other general agencies and
to perform other assigned functions shall be designated as a gen-
eral council. General councils are amenable and accountable to
the General Conference and report to it. The General Council on
Finance and Administration is a council.
(Note: The Council of Bishops and Judicial Council are autho-
rized by the Constitution and are not created by the General
2. General Board—A continuing body of the Church created
by the General Conference to carry out assigned functions of pro-
gram, administration, and/or service shall be designated as a
general board.
3. General Commission—An organization created by the Gen-
eral Conference for the fulllment of a specic function for an
indenite period of time.
4. Study Committee—An organization created by the Gen-
eral Conference for a limited period of time for the purpose of
making a study ordered by the General Conference. The Connec-
tional Table shall provide for coordination with and among the
study committees except where General Conference otherwise
5. Program-Related General Agencies—The general boards
and commissions that have program and/or advocacy functions
shall be designated as program-related general agencies. These
agencies are amenable to the General Conference, and between
sessions of the General Conference are accountable to the Con-
nectional Table for those functions outlined in the 900 ¶¶s: the
General Board of Church and Society, the General Board of Dis-
cipleship, the General Board of Global Ministries, the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry, the General Commis-
sion on Religion and Race, the General Commission on United
Methodist Men, and the General Commission on the Status and
Role of Women. In all matters of accountability, episcopal over-
sight as provided in 422 is assumed.
6. Administrative General Agencies—The general boards and
commissions that have primarily administrative and service
functions shall be designated as administrative general agencies.
These agencies are the General Board of Pension and Health Ben-
ets, The United Methodist Publishing House, and the General
Commission on Archives and History, and General Commission
on Communication, the last two of which also carry program-
related responsibilities for which they are accountable to the Con-
nectional Table.
7. Each general agency, unless otherwise provided, shall
adopt the following executive staff titles:
a) General Secretary—the chief staff ofcer of a general
agency. Each general agency is entitled to only one general secre-
tary, who is its chief administrative ofcer.
b) Deputy General Secretary—the chief staff ofcer
assigned to oversight of a major programmatic or administrative
unit(s), or with major programmatic or administrative responsi-
bilities with a general agency.
c) Associate General Secretary—the associate staff ofcer of
a general agency or the chief staff ofcer of a division or a depart-
ment of a general agency.
d) Assistant General Secretary—the assistant staff ofcer of
a general agency or the chief staff ofcer of a section or ofce of a
general agency.
e) Treasurer—the staff nancial ofcer of a general agency,
entrusted with the receipt, care, and disbursement of agency
funds. In some general agencies there may be associate and/or
assistant treasurers. There are general agencies in which “trea-
surer” is not a staff title but is an ofcer elected from the voting
membership of the agency.
8. Theme—A theme is a theological focus, missional empha-
sis, prophetic statement, or program catalyst for ministry. A theme
enhances programs or ministries basic to the life of the Church
and serves as a rallying point for constituents involved in those
9. Missional Priority—A missional priority is a response to
a critical need in God’s world that calls The United Methodist
Church to a massive and sustained effort through primary atten-
tion and ordering or reordering of program and budget at every
level of the Church, as adopted by the General Conference or in
accord with 806.1b(2). This need is evidenced by research or
other supporting data, and the required response is beyond the
capacity of any single general agency or annual conference. How-
ever, the ongoing priority of The United Methodist Church both
in program and budget is to proclaim the good news that salva-
tion comes through Jesus Christ.
10. Special Program—A special program is a quadrennial
emphasis initiated by a general program-related agency in accor-
dance with 905, approved by General Conference, and assigned
to a general program-related agency. The program shall be
designed in response to a distinct opportunity or need in God’s
world that is evidenced by research or other supporting data and
shall propose achievable goals within the quadrennium.
11. Program—A program is an ongoing or special activity
designed and implemented to fulll a basic disciplinary responsi-
bility of a general agency accountable to the Connectional Table.
12. Association or Fellowship—Organizations not created by
nor ofcially related to the General Conference and intended to
provide professional relationships conducive to sharing profes-
sional techniques and information for groups within the denomi-
nation shall be designated as associations or fellowships.
704. Financial Accountability of General Agencies—All general
agencies receiving general church funds (see 810.2) shall account
for receipts and expenditures of funds in a format designed by the
General Council on Finance and Administration. A quadrennial
report of such accounting shall be included in the report of the
General Council on Finance and Administration to the General
Conference. The report will include, in fully descriptive form, the
amount of remuneration, in cash, and in cash value of any in-kind
benets provided to all executive employees, clergy and lay, of
all general agencies, where executives shall include at least those
persons in positions described in 703.7. No information in the
report will be considered to be condential, and in keeping with
the spirit of 702.4, all information therein will be made available
upon request.
Annual reports shall be made available by the respective
agencies upon the request of annual conferences and local church
councils or boards. The annual reports prepared by the agencies
shall include a listing of organizations, individuals, associations,
fellowships, coalitions, consultants, programs, and entities not
formally part of the Church, and the amount (expended annually)
of monetary and in-kind contributions. The listing shall include,
but not be limited to, ofce space, printing, staff assistance, pur-
chases, travel expense, and other forms of nancial assistance that
have been granted to such entities.
705. General Agency and Connectional Table Membership—The
people of God are called to faithful discipleship in the name of
Jesus Christ. “He gave some apostles, some prophets, some evan-
gelists, and some pastors and teachers. His purpose was to equip
God’s people for the work of serving and building up the body
of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12). In response to God’s call, some
are called forth from local congregations to fulll the common
mission of The United Methodist Church as an expression of the
Church made visible in the world. This call includes the invitation
to some to be in ministry with others who together seek to ful-
ll the vision for the Church as members of general Church bod-
ies. Such persons come to this ministry as servants of the whole
The following provisions shall govern the nomination and
election of the voting membership of those general Church bod-
ies to which the jurisdictional conferences elect and central con-
ferences nominate members.
All lay voting members of general
agencies and the Connectional Table shall be professing members
of The United Methodist Church and active in local churches
unless otherwise specied by the Book of Discipline. All provisions
pertaining to the nomination and election of general agency and
Connectional Table members shall take effect immediately upon
the adjournment of the General Conference that enacts them. The
secretary of the General Conference shall coordinate the processes
pertaining to nominations and elections of general agency and
Connectional Table members.
2. See Judicial Council Decisions 467, 1090, 1095.
1. Nominations by Conferencesa) Each annual and mission-
ary conference in the United States, upon recommendation from a
committee composed of the bishop and the General and jurisdic-
tional conference delegation, and having allowed opportunity for
nominations from the oor, shall elect persons to be submitted to a
jurisdictional pool. The jurisdictional nominating committee shall
select persons for election to the following general Church bodies:
Connectional Table; General Board of Church and Society; Gen-
eral Board of Discipleship; General Board of Global Ministries;
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; General Board
of Pension and Health Benets; The United Methodist Publishing
House; Ofce of Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships;
General Commission on Communication; General Commission
on Religion and Race; and the General Commission on the Sta-
tus and Role of Women. Jurisdictional conferences may decide
that persons elected by the annual and missionary conferences
in the United States for inclusion in the jurisdictional pool shall
not serve as members of the jurisdictional nominating committee.
b) Each annual and missionary conference in the United
States shall nominate the persons most recently elected as dele-
gates to the General Conference to the jurisdictional pool. In addi-
tion, it may nominate at least fteen and not more than forty-ve
persons to the jurisdictional pool, including, where available, at
least two racial and ethnic persons from each of the ethnic groups
Asian American, African American, Hispanic American, Native
American, Pacic Islanders; and where available at least one and
not more than ve persons in each of the following seven cate-
gories: (1) clergy (including at least one woman), (2) laywomen,
(3) laymen, (4) youth ( 710.3), (5) young adults ( 710.3), (6) older
adults, and (7) persons with disabilities. Elected members of Gen-
eral and jurisdictional delegations, and others nominated by their
annual conference shall list all of the categories for which they
qualify, i.e., nationality, age, gender, ethnic origin, etc., and shall
be eligible to be nominated by the jurisdictional nominating com-
mittee to a general Church body in any one of the categories for
which a delegate is qualied.
c) Each central conference or a body authorized by it shall
nominate to each general program board membership at least
one person from each of the following three categories: (1) clergy,
(2) laymen, and (3) laywomen to form a pool from which each
board is to elect the additional members that are to come from the
central conferences pursuant to 705.4c. These lists shall be sent
to the Connectional Table for use by the general agencies in elect-
ing additional members.
d) All nominees shall list one to three preferences for
membership. In addition all nominees shall prepare an up to one-
hundred-word biographical statement listing experience, gifts,
training, and other qualications for general agency membership.
Biographical statements for all persons in the central and juris-
dictional conference pools shall be available to the nominating
committee members in the meeting at which they make their nom-
inations. Names and biographical data of all persons nominated
by the annual and missionary conferences in the United States or
the central conferences, but not elected, shall be forwarded by the
jurisdictional or central conference secretary to the Connectional
Table to be used by the general agencies as a pool from which
additional members may be elected (§§ 4e, 5b).
2. Additional Nominations—In addition to the foregoing pro-
visions ( 705.1), the Division on Ministries With Young People
of the General Board of Discipleship shall nominate ten youth
and ten young adults ( 710.3) to each jurisdictional pool, inclu-
sive of race, ethnicity, gender, size of church, and persons with
3. Members of the general agencies and the Connectional
Table shall be elected using the following provisions:
a) Each jurisdiction shall elect members of the general
agencies and the Connectional Table as provided in ¶¶ 705.4,
705.5, and 906.1. Persons within any jurisdiction elected by the
United Methodist Women’s national organization to serve as
members of the General Board of Global Ministries ( 1906) shall
be counted in, and not be additional to, the total number of mem-
bers allocated to each jurisdiction for purposes of determining
proportional distribution, but United Methodist Women mem-
bers are additional to the membership prescribed in 1311.1. The
secretary of the General Conference shall offer to each jurisdic-
tion a suggested fair and equitable allocation of members to the
annual and missionary conferences within each jurisdiction; how-
ever, each jurisdiction shall determine for itself how members will
be allocated among the annual and missionary conferences of the
3. See Judicial Council Decisions 520, 538.
b) Each general agency may elect at least one member
with vote and voice from among the member churches of the Pan-
Methodist Commission. In addition, each general agency is per-
mitted to elect at least one member with voice but not vote from
among our Full Communion Ecumenical Partners. These mem-
bers would be in addition to those otherwise specied in 705.3a
above. The Council of Bishops shall assist general agencies if they
choose to elect such representatives.
c) It is recommended that, to the extent possible, at least
10 percent of the voting membership of each general agency be
youth and young adults ( 256.3), and that the number of youth
be equal to the number of young adults. Youth and young adult
members of general agencies shall serve with vote except when
local laws prohibit them from voting on corporate matters under
consideration (see 2506.1) in which case and for which purpose
youth and young adult members shall serve as non-director rep-
resentatives with voice, but not vote, until they reach the legal age
to serve as voting members for this purpose, at which time they
shall become voting members for all purposes. The youth and
young adult membership of each general board, agency, and the
Connectional Table shall be inclusive (consistent with ¶¶ 705.3d
and 2506.1).
d) It is recommended that the membership of each of the
general agencies seeks to be inclusive based on gender, racial and
ethnic persons, age, persons with disabilities, and size of church.
In order to ensure adequate representation of racial and ethnic
persons (Asian American, African Americans, Hispanic Ameri-
cans, Native Americans, Pacic Islanders), it is recommended
that a jurisdiction’s membership on each general agency be at
least 30 percent racial and ethnic persons and incorporate one-
third clergy, one-third laymen, and one-third laywomen (except
as provided in ¶¶ 1105, 1311). The episcopal members shall not be
counted in the computation of the clergy membership.
e) The membership of the General Commission on
United Methodist Men shall be elected in accordance with 537
and 2303.3. Other paragraphs of the Discipline notwithstanding,
members of the commission holding membership by virtue of
ofce may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.
4. General Program Board Membershipa) Each general pro-
gram board shall have the number of members specied in
¶¶ 1006, 1105, 1311, and 1407.
b) Jurisdictional Membership—Each jurisdiction shall
elect the number of persons listed in the specic legislation for
membership on each of the four general program boards. In
the jurisdictional nominating process for membership on those
boards, special attention shall be given to the inclusion of clergy-
women, youth ( 256.3), young adults, older adults, people with
disabilities, and persons from small membership churches. In
order to ensure adequate representation of racial and ethnic per-
sons (Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans,
Native Americans, Pacic Islanders), it is recommended that at
least 30 percent of a jurisdiction’s membership on each general
program board be racial and ethnic persons. It is further rec-
ommended that the jurisdiction membership on each program
board incorporate one-third clergy, one-third laymen, and one-
third laywomen (except as provided in ¶¶ 1105.1, 1311.2; see also
¶¶ 1311.6, 1407). The episcopal members shall not be counted in
the computation of the clergy membership.
c) Central Conference Membership—The total central con-
ference membership, including central conference bishops, in
general Church bodies shall be allocated as follows: four mem-
bers on the General Commission on Religion and Race; three each
(one from each region: Philippines, Europe, Africa) on the General
Commission on Archives and History, the General Commission
on Communication, the General Commission on United Method-
ist Men, and The United Methodist Publishing House; three each
on the General Council on Finance and Administration; seven
each (one from each Central Conference) on the Connectional
Table, and the General Board of Church and Society; three on the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; four (at least
one from each region from the Philippines, Europe, and Africa)
on the General Board of Discipleship and the General Commis-
sion on the Status and Role of Women; and eleven on the General
Board of Global Ministries, only two of whom shall be bishops. It
is recommended that the aggregate central conference member-
ship on the program boards be composed of one-third clergy (half
of whom shall be women), one-third laymen, and one-third lay-
women. The central conference membership, excluding episco-
pal members, shall be elected by the Council of Bishops, except
that central conference membership (except bishops) to the Global
4. See Judicial Council Decisions 446, 451, 467.
Ministries board of directors shall be nominated and elected by
the central conferences as provided in ¶¶ 1311.1 and 1311.5b)
d) Episcopal Membership—The episcopal membership of the
general program boards shall be nominated by the Council of
Bishops and elected by the General Conference. At least one of
the episcopal members of each general agency, with the exception
of the General Board of Pension and Health Benets, shall be a
central conference bishop and, in the case of the General Board
of Global Ministries, two central conference bishops (from two of
three regions: Africa, Europe, Philippines). (See 1311.6.)
e) Additional Membership—Additional members shall be
elected by each general program board in order to bring into the
board persons with special knowledge or background that will
aid in the work of the agency, to consider differing theological
perspectives, and to perfect the representation of racial and eth-
nic persons, youth ( 710.3), young adults ( 710.3), older adults,
women and men, people with disabilities, and persons from
small-membership churches. After the election of central confer-
ence members as provided in 705.4c, and with the exception
of the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women
( 2104.1b), the remaining number of additional members shall be
allocated by the secretary of the General Conference so as to insure
to the extent possible that membership of each board reects the
proportionate membership of the jurisdictions based upon the
combined clergy and lay membership, excluding episcopal mem-
bers. In the determination of proportionate allocation, minor frac-
tions shall be rounded down and major fractions rounded up to
the nearest integer, and there shall be no minimum number of
additional members assigned to any jurisdiction. Insofar as possi-
ble, the nominating committee shall select from the jurisdictional
nominating pool for the election of persons to ll the additional
membership positions from their jurisdictions insuring diversity
as otherwise provided in The Book of Discipline ( 705.4b). Each
general program board shall elect additional members as speci-
ed in general program board membership paragraphs. Insofar
as possible, no more than one person shall be elected from each
episcopal area. It is recommended that such additional member-
ship shall maintain the one-third laymen, one-third laywomen,
and one-third clergy balance.
5. See Judicial Council Decisions 446, 520, 601.
f) Liaison Representatives—The Methodist Church of
Puerto Rico (Iglesia Metodista Autonóma Afliada de Puerto Rico)
will have one liaison representative, at its own expense, to each
of the general program agencies of The United Methodist Church.
g) Status of Liaison Representatives—Because of the special
nature of the relationship between the Methodist Church of Puerto
Rico and the general agencies of The United Methodist Church as
established in the Concordat between the two churches, the liai-
son representatives of the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico to the
general agencies of The United Methodist Church will serve with
voice and vote and be afforded the same status on those agencies
as though they were members, except as provided in 705.4f).
5. Other General Agenciesa) Each jurisdictional confer-
ence shall elect members from the jurisdictional pool nominated
by the annual and missionary conferences in the United States
( 705.1) in accordance with the specic membership provisions
of those agencies as set forth in the Book of Discipline: General
Board of Pension and Health Benets ( 1502.1a), The United
Methodist Publishing House ( 1602), Ofce of Christian Unity
and Interreligious Relationships ( 437), General Commission on
Communication ( 1807), General Commission on the Status and
Role of Women ( 2104), and General Commission on Religion
and Race (2003). With the exception of the General Board of Pen-
sion and Health Benets ( 1502.1) and The United Methodist
Publishing House ( 1602.1) the number of additional members
to be elected shall be allocated by the secretary of the General
Conference so as to insure to the extent possible that member-
ship of each agency reects the proportionate membership of the
jurisdictions based upon the combined clergy and lay member-
ship, excluding episcopal members. In the determination of pro-
portionate allocation, minor fractions shall be rounded down and
major fractions rounded up to the nearest integer, and there shall
be no minimum number of additional members assigned to any
jurisdiction. Insofar as possible the nominating committee shall
select from the jurisdictional nominating pool for the election of
persons to ll the additional membership positions from their
jurisdictions insuring diversity as otherwise provided in The Book
of Discipline ( 705.4b).
b) Episcopal and additional members, if any, of the gen-
eral agencies listed in 705.5a shall be nominated and elected by
the procedures specied in the paragraphs listed in ¶¶ 705.1b,
705.1d, and 705.4e. The agencies shall consider names forwarded
to them by the Connectional Table as having been nominated
by the annual and missionary conferences in the United States
or in the central conferences, but not elected by these confer-
ences to general agency membership. Additional names may be
considered in order to perfect the representation as provided in
706. Nomination of Additional Board Members—1. Giving due
consideration to inclusiveness (see ¶¶ 124, 140), each jurisdic-
tion shall designate one clergy, one laywoman, and one layman
whom it has elected to a general program agency to nominate the
additional members of that program agency ( 705.4). The mem-
bers thus designated by the ve jurisdictions in each general pro-
gram agency shall constitute a committee to nominate additional
members for that agency and shall be convened as provided in
706.2. The number of additional members shall be allocated
by the secretary of the General Conference so as to insure to the
extent possible that membership of the program agency reects
the proportionate membership of the jurisdictions based upon
the combined clergy and lay membership, excluding episcopal
members. In the determination of proportionate allocation, minor
fractions shall be rounded down and major fractions rounded up
to the nearest integer, and there shall be no minimum number of
additional members assigned to any jurisdiction. In so far as pos-
sible, the nominating committee shall select from the jurisdictional
nominating pool for the election of persons to ll the additional
membership positions from their jurisdictions insuring diversity
as otherwise provided in The Book of Discipline ( 705.4b). In place
of the process outlined in this paragraph, the General Commis-
sion on the Status and Role of Women will use the procedures in
2104.1b) to select additional members.
2. A bishop designated by the president of the Council of
Bishops shall convene the committee as soon as practical after
jurisdictional elections have been completed. The committee shall,
in so far as possible, use the names forwarded to it by the jurisdic-
tions as having been nominated by the annual and missionary
conferences in the United States to their jurisdictional pool as well
as names from caucuses and other appropriate groups. To aid the
committee, biographical data submitted by the annual confer-
ences ( 705.1d) shall be made available from the jurisdictional
conference secretaries. In addition, general agencies shall submit
to the committee names and biographical data of persons eligible
for reelection who are willing to serve.
3. The committee shall complete its work prior to the organi-
zational meeting ( 707) of any of the agencies listed in 703.5 and
report by mail to the previously elected members of each of those
agencies the names of persons nominated as additional members
of that agency. All members shall be elected and seated before an
agency proceeds to the election of ofcers or any other business.
707. Meetings—1. In those years in which the General Con-
ference holds its regular session, all general program agencies
shall meet, organize, and conduct such business as may properly
come before the agency not later than ninety days after the close
of the jurisdictional conferences. Each organizational meeting
shall be convened by a bishop designated by the president of the
Council of Bishops.
2. All councils, boards, commissions, and committees estab-
lished by a General, jurisdictional, central, annual, or other con-
ference shall meet and organize as promptly as feasible following
the selection of their members.
3. Unless otherwise specied in the Discipline or by the estab-
lishing conference, every council, board, commission, and com-
mittee shall continue in responsibility until its successor council,
board, commission, or committee is organized.
708. Organization—1. Each program board shall elect a
president and one or more vice presidents from the voting mem-
bership of the board, and a secretary, treasurer, and such other
ofcers as it deems appropriate, giving consideration to inclusive-
ness (¶¶ 124, 140), provided that all ofcers shall be members of
The United Methodist Church.
2. Each program board shall elect chairpersons for its divi-
sions, departments, or other subunits from the voting member-
ship of the board. The divisions, departments, or other subunits
shall elect a vice chairperson, a secretary, and such other ofcers
as it deems appropriate.
3. Ofcers of boards, divisions, and departments, or other
subunits who do not serve on the board of directors as voting
members shall be elected for the quadrennium or until their suc-
cessors are elected.
4. No person shall serve as president or chairperson of more
than one general agency or division, department, or the structural
counterpart thereof.
5. Staff of program boards shall not be eligible to serve as of-
cers of corresponding General Conference legislative committees.
709. Divisions and Subunits—The membership of each pro-
gram board shall be divided among the divisions or other sub-
units of the board in such number as the board determines.
710. Membership Qualications—1. Members of all general
agencies shall be professing members of The United Methodist
Church except as provided in 705.3b.
2. Members of all general agencies shall be persons of genu-
ine Christian character who love the Church, are morally disci-
plined and loyal to the ethical standards of The United Methodist
Church as set forth in the Social Principles, and are otherwise
competent to serve as members of general agencies.
3. All youth representatives ( 256.3) elected to general agen-
cies shall be at the time of organizational board meetings twelve
to sixteen years of age. All young adults ( 256.3) elected to gen-
eral agencies shall be at the time of organizational board meetings
seventeen to twenty-eight years of age. Youth and young adult
members serve with the voting limitations of 705.3c), as condi-
tioned by 2506.1. All older-adult representatives ( 705.1b(6))
shall be at the time of organizational board meetings at least sixty-
ve years of age.
4. A voting member of a general agency shall be eligible for
membership on that agency for no more than two consecutive
four-year terms. The four-year term shall begin at the rst orga-
nizational meeting of that agency following General Conference.
Service of more than one year in fullling an unexpired or vacated
position shall be considered as a full four-year term. To provide
a continuing membership on these agencies, it is recommended
that each nominating and electing body give special attention to
continuing and effective membership on these agencies. If a gen-
eral agency is merged with another agency, the years served by
members prior to the merger shall be counted as part of the maxi-
mum specied above.
A person who has been a voting member of general agencies
for four consecutive quadrennia shall be ineligible for election to
a general agency in the succeeding quadrennium. The foregoing
shall not apply to episcopal members.
5. No person shall serve at the same time on more than
one general agency or any part thereof, except where the Discipline
6. See Judicial Council Decision 495.
specically provides for such interagency representation; pro-
vided, however, that if this limitation would deprive a jurisdic-
tion of its full episcopal representation on an agency, it may be
suspended to the extent necessary to permit such representation.
(See 906.1a.)
6. A voting member of a general agency, by virtue of such
membership, shall become an ex ofcio (voting) member of the
corresponding agency or its equivalent structure, if any, in the
annual conference in accordance with the provisions of 610.6;
unless such membership would conict with 612.2c(2). Elected
members of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
may serve as ex ofcio members on both corresponding boards
of their annual conference: the Board of Ordained Ministry and
the board of higher education. They shall be voting members,
however, only on the conference board of higher education unless
nominated by their resident bishop to be a voting member of the
conference Board of Ordained Ministry pursuant to 635.1a.
7. No person who receives compensation for services ren-
dered or commissions of any kind from an agency shall be eligible
for voting membership on that agency.
8. No elected member, ofcer, or other employee shall vote
on or take part in deliberations on signicant matters directly or
indirectly affecting his or her business, income, or employment,
or the business, income, or employment of a member of his or her
immediate family.
9. a) If any clergy member of a General or jurisdictional
agency who was elected to represent a certain annual conference
ceases to be a member of that annual conference, or if any lay
member so elected changes permanent residence to a place out-
side the bounds of that annual conference, that member’s place
shall automatically become vacant.
b) If any clergy member of a general agency who was
chosen to represent a certain jurisdiction ceases to be a member
of an annual conference in that jurisdiction, or if any lay mem-
ber so elected changes permanent residence to a place outside the
bounds of that jurisdiction, that member’s place shall automati-
cally become vacant.
c) If any clergy member of a jurisdictional agency ceases
to be a member of an annual conference in that jurisdiction, or if
7. See Judicial Council Decision 139.
any lay member so elected changes permanent residence to a
place outside the bounds of the jurisdiction, that member’s place
shall automatically become vacant.
10. If a member of a general agency is absent from two con-
secutive meetings of the agency without a reason acceptable to
the agency, that person shall cease to be a member thereof. In that
case the person shall be so notied, and that place shall be lled
in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Discipline.
711. Dismissal of Members and Employees—The councils,
boards, committees, or commissions elected, authorized, or pro-
vided for by the General Conference shall have full power and
authority to remove and dismiss at their discretion any member,
ofcer, or employee thereof:
1. Who has become incapacitated so as to be unable to per-
form ofcial duties.
2. Who is guilty of immoral conduct or breach of trust.
3. Who for any reason is unable to or who fails to perform
the duties of the ofce or for other misconduct that any council,
board, committee, or commission may deem sufcient to warrant
such dismissal and removal.
In the event that any member, ofcer, or employee of such
council, board, committee, or commission, elected, authorized, or
provided for by the General Conference, is found guilty of any
crime involving moral turpitude by any federal, state, or county
court or pleads guilty thereto, then the council, board, commit-
tee, or commission of which that person is a member, ofcer, or
employee shall be and is hereby authorized to remove such mem-
ber, ofcer, or employee so convicted; and the place so vacated
shall be lled as provided in the Discipline.
712. Vacancies—Unless otherwise specied, vacancies
on general agencies occurring during the quadrennium shall
be lled as follows: an episcopal vacancy shall be lled by the
Council of Bishops; a vacancy in the jurisdictional or central con-
ference membership shall be lled by the corresponding Col-
lege of Bishops (the replacement must be a member of the same
annual conference of the person being replaced), with notice of
the vacancy sent by the agency to the secretary of the Council of
Bishops; a vacancy in the additional membership shall be lled by
the agency itself. When the vacancy has been lled, the secretary
of the agency will immediately notify the new member’s annual
conference secretary.
713. Election of General Secretaries of Program Agencies and
Termination of General Agency Staff—The general secretary of each
general program agency that is accountable to the Connectional
Table shall be elected quadrennially by ballot of the board of the
agency involved. The balloting shall be secret, but the presiding
ofcer shall announce to the membership the results of the elec-
tion, including the number of votes for election, against election,
and in abstention. The termination of employment of an agen-
cy’s general secretary must be approved by the agency’s board.
Absent a contrary action by, or policy of, the agency’s board, the
agency’s general secretary may terminate the employment of all
other agency staff, including elected staff.
714. Each general agency shall appoint such other staff as
may be necessary by a process to be determined by the agency.
715. Provisions Pertaining to Staff—1. No elected general
program agency staff shall hold the same position more than
twelve years. Years of service prior to January 1, 1989, are not
counted. The agency responsible for the election of such staff may
annually suspend this provision by a two-thirds ballot vote.
2. Ofcial travel of the staffs of agencies shall be interpreted
to include all travel that is necessary in the performance of ofcial
duties directly related to the agency functions. No staff person
shall accept honoraria for such ofcial duties. A staff member may
accept an engagement not related to the functions of the employ-
ing agency when such an engagement does not interfere with
ofcial duties; the staff member may accept an honorarium for
services rendered in connection with such engagements.
3. Normal retirement for all general agency staff personnel
shall be at age sixty-ve or the completion of forty years of ser-
vice to The United Methodist Church in an elective, appointive,
or employed capacity. Mandatory retirement for elective and
appointive staff shall be at age seventy-two. There shall be no
mandatory retirement age for other employed staff. All general
agency staff personnel may elect to retire from the employing
general agency at any time in accordance with the policy in place
at the general agency or, if the general agency has a voting repre-
sentative on the Committee on Personnel Policies and Practices
of the General Council on Finance and Administration, with the
policy established by the General Council on Finance and Admin-
8. See Judicial Council Decision 858.
istration upon recommendation of the Committee on Personnel
Policies and Practices.
4. Provisions of the Retirement Plan for General Agencies,
shall be reviewed, with recommendations, by the Committee on
Personnel Policies and Practices ( 807.12b).
a) Each general agency shall sponsor or participate in a
group health care plan that covers the agency’s full-time clergy
and full-time lay employees in the United States. For the purpose
of this paragraph, group health care plan shall mean a health
insurance plan, group health care plan, or multiple-employer
health care plan that provides benets for major medical and
hospitalization expenses. The sponsoring general agency may
determine additional eligibility for the group health care plan in
its discretion.
Alternatively, in the event that federal law or state law gov-
erning health care plans and health insurance establishes cov-
erage options for those persons without employer-provided
coverage that ensure access, regardless of health status or condi-
tion, to affordable coverage through health insurance exchanges,
connectors, single-payer systems, or other mechanisms, the gen-
eral agency may cease maintaining its group health care plan to
the extent such coverage is available to its clergy and lay employ-
ees. In such event, the general agency nevertheless shall provide
continued administrative and nancial support of full-time clergy
and full-time lay employees toward the purchase of such cover-
age through these alternative mechanisms to the extent such indi-
viduals’ coverage may not be subsidized by government agencies,
i.e., because their compensation exceeds certain thresholds, par-
ticularly considering the tax advantages of employer-provided
nancial support toward health care coverage.
In addition, general agencies shall develop and maintain
health and wellness programs for their full-time clergy and full-
time lay employees. Moreover, each general agency shall annu-
ally submit its health plan data to the extent the general agency
maintains a group health care plan, de-identied as necessary,
including, but not limited to, nancial soundness, claims experi-
ence and other cost drivers, plan designs and coverage, and eligi-
bility criteria to the General Board of Pension and Health Benets.
b) Each general agency shall respect the health and whole-
ness of its clergypersons and lay employees, who have retired in
accordance with the general agency’s retirement policy, and their
spouses, by providing access to Medicare supplement plans and
prescription drug coverage plans. Access for retirees and their
spouses may include, but shall not be limited to (i) sponsoring
an employer retiree health care plan that supplements Medicare;
(ii) participating in a multiple employer retiree health care plan
that supplements Medicare; (iii) securing individuals’ eligibility
under group contracts with Medicare supplement plan provid-
ers or exchanges; (iv) subsidizing the costs of coverage for retired
clergypersons and lay employees and their spouses enrolled in
Medicare Part D plans or Medicare Advantage plans; (v) provid-
ing subsidies toward and group relationships with providers of
individual Medicare supplement and other retiree coverage poli-
cies; and (vi) providing xed dollar retiree health benets through
health reimbursement arrangements, stipends, or otherwise.
c) Each general agency must submit a generally
accepted nancial valuation, such as in accordance with State-
ment of Financial Accounting Standard No. 106, as amended, of
its projected medical liabilities for its population covered by its
employer retiree health care plan to the General Board of Pension
and Health Benets biennially.
d) On or before December 31, 2013, and then annually
thereafter, each general agency must develop and implement a
formal comprehensive funding plan for funding its annual ben-
et obligations relating to its annual retirement, welfare and
health plan obligations (including those obligations of the Gen-
eral Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) for bishops)
as well as its projected pension and retiree medical liabilities
(including those obligations of GCFA for bishops). The funding
plan or plans shall be submitted to the General Board of Pension
and Health Benets for review and be published along with a
favorable written opinion of the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets in an addendum to the agency’s annual nancial
report. In addition, the General Board of Pension and Health Ben-
ets shall include general agency benets and benets for bishops
in its quadrennial report to General Conference concerning the
long-term benet liabilities of the denomination. Therefore, each
general agency shall provide to the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets information periodically requested. Each general
agency shall document in writing its policy regarding the porta-
bility of retiree health care eligibility, coverage, cost-sharing, and
benets and communicate the policy to its clergy and lay employ-
ees and incoming clergy and lay employees from annual confer-
ences or other general agencies. For the purpose of this paragraph,
portability encompasses credit given for service outside the gen-
eral agency within the denomination to clergy and lay employees
toward (i) eligibility for health care coverage in retirement and
(ii) accrual of employer subsidies toward or employer cost-shar-
ing of the cost of health care coverage
5. All general secretaries, deputy general secretaries, associ-
ate general secretaries, assistant general secretaries, and treasurers
of all general agencies and the publisher of The United Method-
ist Church shall be professing members of The United Methodist
Church. This provision shall not apply to persons employed prior
to the 2004 General Conference.
6. No member of the staff of a general agency shall be eligible
for voting membership on any general or jurisdictional agency of
The United Methodist Church, except where the Discipline speci-
cally provides for such interagency representation.
7. Elected staff shall be allowed voice, but not vote in the
agency and its subunits.
8. All elected staff persons of general agencies shall be per-
sons who model themselves after the servanthood of Jesus Christ.
They shall be persons of genuine Christian character who love the
Church and are committed to the oneness of the body of Christ,
are morally disciplined and shall uphold the doctrinal and ethical
standards of The United Methodist Church as set forth in the Doc-
trinal Standards ( 104) and Social Principles, and are competent
to administer the affairs of a general agency.
9. Prior to any interviews of clergypersons for general board
or agency staff positions, the bishop of the clergyperson under
consideration shall be consulted at the initiative of the gen-
eral agency. When a clergyperson’s employment with a general
agency is terminated, the general agency shall have no further
obligation to provide compensation or benets to the terminated
clergyperson, except as provided or permitted by the General
Council on Finance and Administration’s uniform personnel poli-
cies described in 807.12a.
716. Nondiscrimination Policies—1. It shall be the policy of
The United Methodist Church that all agencies and institutions,
including hospitals, homes, and educational institutions, shall:
9. See Judicial Council Decision 426.
(a) recruit, employ, utilize, recompense, and promote their profes-
sional staff and other personnel in a manner consistent with the
commitment of The United Methodist Church to women and men
of all races and ethnic origins, including persons with disabilities;
(b) fulll their duties and responsibilities in a manner that does
not involve segregation or discrimination on the basis of race,
color, age, sex, or disability, including HIV status; and (c) provide
for adequate representation by laity.
2. All agencies and institutions shall, insofar as reasonably
possible, schedule and hold all events, including designated
places of lodging and meals for the events, in accessible settings
that adequately accommodate persons with disabilities. They are
encouraged to include persons with disabilities in the planning
and presentation of events.
If for any reason whatsoever any event is scheduled or held
in a facility that does not so conform, all notices of the meeting
will include plainly stated advice to that effect, or alternatively
may bear a logo consisting of the international symbol for access
placed inside a slashed circle. The term event shall be given a
broad interpretation and shall include, by way of example, sched-
uled conferences, seminars, and other meetings to which persons
are invited or called to attend as representatives of the Church or
its various institutions and agencies.
717. Sustainable and Socially Responsible Investments—In the
investment of money, it shall be the policy of The United Meth-
odist Church that all general boards and agencies, including the
General Board of Pension and Health Benets, and all admin-
istrative agencies and institutions, including hospitals, homes,
educational institutions, annual conferences, foundations, and
local churches, make a conscious effort to invest in institutions,
companies, corporations, or funds with policies and practices
that are socially responsible, consistent with the goals outlined
in the Social Principles. All United Methodist institutions shall
endeavor to seek investments in institutions, companies, corpo-
rations, or funds that promote racial and gender justice, protect
human rights, prevent the use of sweatshop or forced labor, avoid
human suffering, and preserve the natural world, including miti-
gating the effects of climate change. In addition, United Method-
ist institutions shall endeavor to avoid investments in companies
engaged in core business activities that are not aligned with the
Social Principles through their direct or indirect involvement
with the production of antipersonnel weapons and armaments
(both nuclear and conventional weapons), alcoholic beverages or
tobacco; or that are involved in privately operated correctional
facilities, gambling, pornography or other forms of exploitative
adult entertainment. The boards and agencies are to give careful
consideration to environmental, social, and governance factors
when making investment decisions and actively exercise their
responsibility as owners of the companies in which they invest.
This includes engaging with companies to create positive change
and hold them accountable for their actions, while also consider-
ing exclusion if companies fail to act responsibly.
718. Record Maintenance—Each general agency shall keep
a continuous record of its advocacy roles, coalitions, and other
organizations supported by membership or funds, and endorse-
ment or opposition of federal or state legislation. Information
concerning these activities shall be available to United Method-
ist churches upon written request. Organizations not ofcially
related to the General Conference may take positions only in
their own names and may not speak for a general agency or the
denomination as a whole ( 509.1).
719. Decisions for Program Expenditures—All programs or
general funds administered by any general agency of The United
Methodist Church ( 701) that are proposed to be used within an
annual conference shall be implemented or disbursed only after
consultation with the presiding bishop, the director of connec-
tional ministries or equivalent, the Council on Ministries, and the
appropriate district superintendent(s) of that annual conference.
Consultation in matters of program implementation, funding,
and relationships among various agencies, conferences, and other
bodies of the Church requires communication, including written
documentation, in which each party reveals plans and intents in
such a way as to assure dialogue and mutual awareness, even if
not agreement.
720. International and Ecumenical Settings—The General
Board of Global Ministries shall facilitate and coordinate the
program relationships of other program agencies of The United
Methodist Church with colleague churches and agencies in
nations other than the United States. The resources of the General
Board of Global Ministries shall also be available to the Council of
10. See Judicial Council Decision 518.
Bishops in the implementation of its responsibilities as dened in
416.2, .3. Central conferences of The United Methodist Church
may request program and other assistance through direct rela-
tionships with the program agencies of The United Methodist
721. Program and Fiscal Year—1. The program and scal
year for The United Methodist Church shall be the calendar year.
2. Unless otherwise specied in the Discipline for a specic
purpose, the term quadrennium shall be deemed to be the four-
year period beginning January 1 following the adjournment of the
regular session of the General Conference.
722. Restrictions on Closed Meetings—In the spirit of open-
ness and accountability, all meetings of councils, boards, agencies,
commissions, and committees of the Church at all levels of the
church, including subunit meetings and teleconferences, shall be
open. Regardless of local laws or customs, all participants shall
be notied at the beginning of any meeting, including telephone
or video conference calls, if the meeting is being recorded elec-
tronically and of the intended use of such recording. Portions of
a meeting may be closed for consideration of specic subjects if
such a closed session is authorized by an afrmative public vote
of at least three-fourths of the voting members present. The vote
shall be taken in public session and recorded in the minutes. Doc-
uments distributed in open meetings shall be considered public.
Great restraint should be used in closing meetings; closed
sessions should be used as seldom as possible. Subjects that may
be considered in closed session are limited to real estate mat-
ters; negotiations, when general knowledge could be harmful
to the negotiation process; personnel matters;
issues related to
the accreditation or approval of institutions; discussions relating
to pending or potential litigation or collective bargaining; com-
munications with attorneys or accountants; deployment of secu-
rity personnel or devices; and negotiations involving condential
third-party information. Meetings of the committee on pastor-
parish or staff-parish relations are to be closed meetings pursuant
to 258.2e. While it is expected that the General Conference, the
Judicial Council, and the Council of Bishops will live by the spirit
of this paragraph, each of these constitutional bodies is governed
by its own rules of procedure.
11. See Judicial Council Decision 559.
12. See Judicial Council Decision 869.
A report on the results of a closed session shall be made imme-
diately upon its conclusion or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
723. Translation of Church Name—The name of The United
Methodist Church may be translated by any central conference
into languages other than English. The United Methodist Church
in the Central and Southern Europe Central Conference and the
Germany Central Conference may use the name Evangelisch-
methodistische Kirche.
724. Church Founding Date—The United Methodist Church
( 141) has become the successor to all rights, powers, and privi-
leges of The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Meth-
odist Church. The two churches, from their beginnings, have had
a close relationship.
The Methodist Church, the rst of the two churches to orga-
nize, dates from the Christmas Conference of 1784. Therefore, The
United Methodist Church recognizes as its founding date the year
All General Conferences shall be designated not in numeri-
cal sequence from any particular date, but merely by the calendar
years in which they are respectively held. An annual conference,
local church, or other body within The United Methodist Church
that is composed of uniting units with differing dates of origin
shall use as the date of its founding the date of founding of the
older or oldest of the uniting units while remaining sensitive to
the recording of the entirety of the Church’s history, including all
information regarding the younger unit.
Section II. General Council on Finance and Administration
801. The work of the Church requires the support of our
people. Participation through service and gifts is a Christian duty,
a means of grace, and an expression of our love to God. In order
that all members of The United Methodist Church may share in its
manifold ministries at home and abroad and that the work com-
mitted to us may prosper, the following nancial plan has been
duly approved and adopted.
802. Name—There shall be a General Council on Finance
and Administration of The United Methodist Church, hereinafter
called the council.
803. Incorporation—The council shall be incorporated in
such state or states as the council shall determine. This corpora-
tion shall be the successor corporation and organization to the
Council on World Service and Finance (including the Council on
World Service and Finance of The United Methodist Church, an
Illinois corporation; the World Service Commission of the Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, an Illinois corporation; the General Coun-
cil of Administration of The Evangelical United Brethren Church,
an Ohio corporation; the Board of Administration, Church of the
United Brethren in Christ, an Ohio corporation) and the Board of
This corporation shall receive and administer new trusts
and funds, and so far as may be legal be the successor in trust
of: The Board of Trustees of The United Methodist Church; The
Board of Trustees of The Evangelical United Brethren Church,
incorporated under the laws of Ohio; The Board of Trustees of the
Church of the United Brethren in Christ, incorporated under the
laws of Ohio; The Board of Trustees of The Evangelical Church,
an unincorporated body; The Board of Trustees of The Method-
ist Church, incorporated under the laws of Ohio; The Trustees of
The Methodist Episcopal Church, incorporated under the laws of
Ohio; The Board of Trustees of The Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, incorporated under the laws of Tennessee; and The Board
of Trustees of The Methodist Protestant Church, incorporated
under the laws of Maryland; and so far as may be legal, as such
successor in trust, it is authorized to receive from any of its said
predecessor corporations all trust funds and assets of every kind
and character—real, personal, or mixed—held by them or any one
of them, or to merge into itself any one or more of its said prede-
cessor corporations. Any such trusts and funds coming to it as
successor corporation, either by transfer or by merger, shall be
administered in accordance with the conditions under which they
have been previously received and administered by said prede-
cessor corporations or unincorporated body.
804. Amenability—The council shall report to and be ame-
nable to the General Conference, and it shall cooperate with
the Connectional Table in the compilation of budgets for pro-
gram agencies participating in World Service Funds, as dened
in 806.1.
805. Organization—1. Membership—The twenty-one voting
members of the council shall be elected quadrennially.
a) Sixteen voting members of the council shall be elected
by the General Conference and be nominated as follows:
(1) two bishops nominated by the Council of Bishops;
(2) eleven persons from the jurisdictions, nominated
by the college of bishops in each jurisdiction based upon an allo-
cation by the secretary of the General Conference so that the mem-
bership of the council reects the proportionate membership of
the jurisdictions based upon their combined clergy and lay mem-
bership; and
(3) three persons from the central conferences—one
from Africa, one from Europe, and one from the Philippines—
nominated by the Council of Bishops.
b) It is recommended that in selecting the voting mem-
bers from the jurisdictions and central conferences attention be
given to ensuring representation of racial and ethnic groups and
young people, and that approximately one-third be clergy in full
connection, one-third be laymen, and one-third be laywomen.
c) Five voting members of the council shall be nomi-
nated and elected by the council in such a manner as set forth in
the council’s bylaws, provided, not more than one of these ve
voting members shall be from the same jurisdictional or central
conference. These ve voting members shall be selected for the
purpose of bringing to the council special knowledge, experience,
or diversity.
d) The general secretaries who serve as the chief execu-
tive ofcers of the general agencies and the president/chief exec-
utive ofcer of The United Methodist Publishing House may sit
with the council and shall have the right to the oor without the
privilege of voting.
e) The voting members, including bishops, shall not be
eligible for membership on, or employment by, any other general
agency of The United Methodist Church ( 701.2), except where
the Book of Discipline specically provides for such interagency
representation. Members shall also be guided by such conict-
of-interest policies and provisions as may from time to time be
adopted by the General Conference or by the council itself.
f) Members shall serve until their successors are elected
and qualied.
g) Vacancies occurring between sessions of the General
Conference shall be lled by the council on nomination of the
College of Bishops of the jurisdiction concerned (see 712) if the
vacancy is among members chosen to represent a jurisdiction, or,
in the event of a vacancy among the episcopal or central confer-
ence representative members, on nomination of the Council of
Bishops. Vacancies among the ve voting members nominated
and elected by the council shall be lled in such a manner as set
forth in the council’s bylaws.
2. Meetings—The council shall meet at least annually and at
such other times as are necessary on call of the president or on
written request of one-fth of the members. Eleven voting mem-
bers shall constitute a quorum.
3. Ofcers
a) The council shall elect from its membership a presi-
dent, a vice president, and a recording secretary, whose duties
shall be prescribed in its bylaws.
b) The council shall elect quadrennially, in such manner
as it shall provide in its bylaws, a general secretary, who shall also
be the treasurer and chief executive ofcer of the council. The gen-
eral secretary shall have the right to the oor at all meetings of the
council and its committees without the privilege of voting.
4. Committees—a) Committee on Audit and Review—The coun-
cil shall appoint a Committee on Audit and Review, no members
of which shall be ofcers of the council, and at least half of whom
shall not be members of the council, whose duty it shall be to
review audits of all treasuries receiving general Church funds (see
810.2) in accordance with all established auditing standards,
including the funds of the council, related policies with nancial
implications, and the utilization of nancial assets in achieving
the stated mission of the entity as dened by the General Confer-
ence, the governing board, and donor designations. Not included
are the audits of the General Board of Pension and Health Benets
and The United Methodist Publishing House. In any matter of pos-
sible or potential nancial impropriety reported to the committee
by the auditors, the committee chair shall immediately inform the
president and general secretary of the General Council on Finance
and Administration and the president and general secretary of the
applicable agency. If any matter involves the president or general
secretary of the General Council on Finance and Administration
(GCFA) or the applicable agency, the committee shall determine
other reporting avenues within GCFA or the applicable agency,
as appropriate. The committee shall report its ndings to the next
meeting of the council.
b) Committee on Personnel Policies and Practices—The
council shall organize a committee consisting of three represen-
tatives from the General Council on Finance and Administration,
one of whom shall serve as chairperson, and one representative
of each of the following agencies: the General Board of Church
and Society, the General Board of Discipleship, the General Board
of Global Ministries, the General Board of Higher Education and
Ministry, the General Commission on Archives and History, the
General Commission on Communication, the General Commis-
sion on Religion and Race, the General Commission on the Sta-
tus and Role of Women, and the General Commission on United
Methodist Men. Each of the aforementioned representatives shall
be selected by the council, board, or commission represented
from its membership. The general secretary of the council, or his
or her designee, shall sit with this committee with voice but not
The committee shall have duties and responsibilities as
dened in 807.12b.
c) Committee on Legal Responsibilities and Corporate Gover-
nance—The council shall organize a committee composed of six
persons: three members of the council, two active annual confer-
ence chancellors, and one at-large attorney. The committee shall
be amenable to the council and shall make recommendations to
the council regarding the fulllment of its responsibilities dened
in 807.9 and its exercise of appropriate principles of corporate
governance. The Legal Services Department of the council shall
be responsible to the Committee on Legal Responsibilities and
Corporate Governance.
d) Other Committees—The council shall establish such
other committees and task forces as needed for the performance
of its duties.
5. Staff—On nomination of the general secretary, the council
may elect deputy and/or associate general secretaries, who shall
work under the direction of the general secretary.
6. Financial Support—a) Financial support from general
church funds for the work of the council shall be from the fol-
lowing sources: (1) an on-ratio allocation from the General
Administration Fund, in an amount determined by the General
Conference; (2) xed charges against the World Service Fund,
the Episcopal Fund, the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund,
and such other general funds as the General Conference may
authorize, on recommendation of the council. Fixed charges shall
be in proportion to the funds’ receipts.
b) The council shall submit to each quadrennial session of
the General Conference budgets of estimated income and expense
for the four years of the ensuing quadrennium. Prior to the begin-
ning of each scal year, the council shall approve a budget for
its operation for the following year. In the event of unanticipated
circumstances, the council may amend a budget it had previously
approved for its own operation.
c) The council shall report to each quadrennial session
of the General Conference the amounts of its actual income and
expenditures for the four preceding years.
806. Fiscal Responsibilities—All monies contributed by a
local church to any of the general funds of the Church, as listed
or dened in 810.1, and such other funds as may have been
authorized by the General Conference shall be held in trust by
the council and distributed only in support of the ministries of the
respective funds. The council shall be accountable to The United
Methodist Church through the General Conference in all matters
relating to the receiving, disbursing, and reporting of such funds,
and agencies receiving such funds shall be scally accountable
to the council. In the exercise of its scal accountability role, the
council shall have the authority and responsibility to perform the
following functions:
1. It shall submit to each quadrennial session of the General
Conference, for its action and determination, budgets of expense
for each of the general funds of the Church, as listed or dened in
810.1, and such other general funds as the General Conference
may establish. It shall also make recommendations regarding all
other funding considerations to come before General Conference.
Actual receipts for each fund for the quadrennium then ending
shall be the basis for all budgeting procedures and comparisons
for the coming quadrennium.
a) The council shall make recommendations to the Gen-
eral Conference as to the amount and distribution of the Episco-
pal Fund and General Administration Fund, and, in consultation
with the Connectional Table, other apportioned general funds.
b) In the case of the World Service Fund, Ministerial Edu-
cation Fund, Black College Fund, Africa University Fund, and
Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, the General Council on
Finance and Administration and the Connectional Table shall pro-
ceed in the following manner to develop budget recommenda-
tions as they relate to allocations to the general program agencies
of the Church and funding level recommendations:
(1) The General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion shall establish the estimated amount available for distribu-
tion from the World Service Fund among the general program
agencies and through the other funds.
(2) The Connectional Table will review the program
priorities, missional priorities, and special programs and the esti-
mated amount available to the general program agencies, and
then establish the amounts to be distributed to those agencies
from the annual World Service allocation. The Connectional Table
will review both the funding priorities and the estimated amount
available to the other funds and then establish the amounts to be
distributed to each.
(3) The General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion will review the recommended allocations to the several gen-
eral program agencies within the total sum of the World Service
Fund budget, and the funding levels for each of the other listed
apportioned funds. When the General Council on Finance and
Administration and the Connectional Table agree, these alloca-
tions and total sum will be included in the World Service bud-
get and the funding levels of all these listed general apportioned
funds will be recommended to the General Conference by the
General Council on Finance and Administration.
c) It shall recommend the formulas by which all appor-
tionments to the annual conferences shall be determined, subject
to the approval of the General Conference.
d) Before the beginning of each year, the General Council
on Finance and Administration shall estimate and communicate to
the Connectional Table the sum available at that time from World
Service contingency funds to meet requests for additional funding
from the general program agencies. The Connectional Table shall
be authorized to approve allocations to the general program agen-
cies for additional program funding up to the limit so established.
No money shall be allocated by the Connectional Table from this
source for general administrative costs, xed charges, or capital
outlay without approval by the General Council on Finance and
e) The Connectional Table shall receive from the General
Council on Finance and Administration copies of the proposed
annual budgets of the general program agencies, in order that it
may review such budgets in relation to the program proposals
made by those agencies in their quadrennial budget requests.
2. It shall receive and disburse in accordance with budgets
and/or directives approved by the General Conference all funds
raised throughout the Church for any of the general funds of the
Church, as listed or dened in 810.1, and for any other fund or
funds, as directed by the proper authority.
3. Accounting and Reporting—It shall require all agencies
receiving general Church funds (see 810.2) to follow uniform
accounting classications and procedures for reporting. It shall
include in its quadrennial report to the General Conference a s-
cal report for each such agency receiving general Church funds.
4. General Agency Budget Review—It shall require annually
one month in advance of its annual meeting, or as is deemed nec-
essary, and in such form as the council may require, statements of
proposed budgets of all treasuries receiving general Church funds
(see 810.2). It shall review the budget of each treasury receiving
general Church funds in accordance with guidelines that it shall
establish and communicate to the agencies, including the relation-
ship between administration, service, and promotion, and consid-
eration of evaluations from the Connectional Table on the missional
effectiveness of the general program-related agencies and con-
nectional structures of the Church. In the interest of sound scal
management, the council will ensure that expenditures of agencies
receiving general Church funds do not exceed receipts and avail-
able reserves, and this within a budget approved by the council.
5. General Agency Audits—It shall require an annual audit of
all treasuries receiving general Church funds (see 810.2), follow-
ing such auditing procedures as it may specify. It shall select the
auditing rm for these annual audits based on a recommendation
by the Committee on Audit and Review.
6. Internal Audit Functions—It shall establish and conduct
the internal auditing functions for all treasuries receiving general
Church funds (see 810.2).
7. It shall establish policy governing the functions of banking,
payroll, accounting, budget control, and internal auditing for all
agencies receiving general Church funds (see 810.2). The council
may, upon mutual consent of the agencies involved, perform the
functions of banking, check preparation, and payroll on behalf of
an agency in order to maximize efciency of operation.
8. It shall review for approval plans for nancing all inter-
national or national conferences and convocations to be held
under the auspices of any general agency receiving general
Church funds (see 810.2).
9. It shall be responsible for ensuring that no board, agency,
committee, commission, or council shall give United Methodist
funds to any gay caucus or group, or otherwise use such funds to
promote the acceptance of homosexuality or violate the expressed
commitment of The United Methodist Church “not to reject or
condemn lesbian and gay members and friends” ( 161G). The
council shall have the right to stop such expenditures.
It shall
not limit the Church’s ministry in response to the HIV epidemic.
10. It shall be responsible for ensuring that no board, agency,
committee, commission, or council shall expend United Method-
ist funds in a manner that violates the expressed commitment of
The United Methodist Church to “oppose the use of late-term
abortion known as dilation and extraction (partial-birth abor-
tion) and call for the end of this practice [with rare exceptions]”
( 161K). The council shall have the right to stop such expenditures.
11. In keeping with the Church’s historic stand on total absti-
nence, the council shall seek to ensure that no apportioned gen-
eral funds are expended for the use of alcoholic beverages.
12. It shall develop general investment policies and guide-
lines for all agencies receiving general Church funds (see 810.2),
following consultation with those agencies. The council, in its
oversight capacity, shall review those agencies’ compliance with
the general investment policies and guidelines. Upon their review,
the council may recommend that an agency take certain actions
to conform with these policies and guidelines. These guidelines
are recommended for all Church organizations. If requested by an
agency, the council shall provide consultation and assistance on
the development of specic investment policies and the selection
of investment counselors and managers. The council shall review,
on at least an annual basis, the performance of all invested funds
of all agencies receiving general Church funds. The council shall
have complete authority to manage any portfolio of less than
$5,000,000 and may, upon request by the agency, manage larger
portfolios. The council and general agencies are encouraged to
invest in institutions, companies, corporations, or funds that make
13. See Judicial Council Decisions 597, 1264.
a positive contribution toward the realization of the goals out-
lined in the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church
(¶¶ 160-166).
13. The Committee on Audit and Review ( 805.4a), on behalf
of the council, shall monitor the compliance of treasuries receiv-
ing general Church funds (see 810.2) with the scal accountabil-
ity policies and practices set forth in 806, the personnel policies
and procedures set forth in 807.12, the general policies set forth
in ¶¶ 811.1-3, .6, 819, and all applicable accounting standards and
practices. The committee will also review recommendations made
by the independent and/or internal auditors under 805.4a, with
respect to matters of possible or potential nancial impropriety
or violation of policies and procedures. The council shall have
authority to implement actions which it may approve based on
recommendations from the committee.
a) If the committee nds that there are violations of such
policies, practices, or recommendations, it shall request, within a
specied timeline, a written response to the committee’s ndings,
with the written response to include additional information and/
or proposed corrective action.
b) After receiving the response, the committee may take
one or more of the following actions:
(1) It may determine that the response and any addi-
tional information supplied is sufcient to explain the issue or
situation that occasioned the initial nding, and that no further
action is needed.
(2) It may determine that the proposed corrective
action is sufciently responsive to the issue or situation, and that,
when implemented, no further action will be needed. It shall also
notify the president and general secretary of the council of its
ndings, in writing.
(3) It may determine that the response is insufcient
to address the issue or situation. In that case, it may recommend
the type of corrective actions that it believes necessary to address
the issue or situation adequately, along with a timeline for report-
ing corrective action taken. It shall also notify the president and
general secretary of the council of its ndings, in writing.
(4) It may prepare an informational report on the
matter for those members of the council who have been assigned
responsibility for reviewing the annual budget. It shall also notify
the president and general secretary of the council of its ndings,
in writing.
c) It may recommend to the General Council on Finance
and Administration for its action, with notice of the recommenda-
tion given to the appropriate leadership of the treasury involved,
one or more of the following steps:
(1) Continuing monitoring by the council’s internal
audit department, at the expense of the treasury involved, until
the committee nds that the issue has been satisfactorily resolved.
(2) Withholding of an appropriate amount of fund-
ing from general fund receipts that would otherwise be payable to
the treasury, until the council, on recommendation of the commit-
tee, nds that the issue has been satisfactorily resolved.
(3) Reporting of any unresolved issues to the next
session of the General Conference, along with recommendations
for General Conference action.
807. Other Fiscal Responsibilities—The council shall have the
following additional scal responsibilities:
1. To receive, collect, and hold in trust for the benet of The
United Methodist Church, its general funds, or its general agen-
cies any and all donations, bequests, and devises of any kind, real
or personal, that may be given, devised, bequeathed, or conveyed
to The United Methodist Church as such or to any general fund or
agency of The United Methodist Church for any benevolent, char-
itable, or religious purposes, and to administer the same and the
income therefrom in accordance with the directions of the donor,
trustor, or testator.
2. To take such action, in cooperation with the Board of Dis-
cipleship, as is necessary to encourage United Methodists to pro-
vide for their continued participation in World Service, in one or
more of the World Service agencies, or in other general Church
benevolence funds or interests, through current and planned giv-
ing, including wills and trusts.
3. a) When the use to be made of any such donation, bequest,
or devise of under $50,000 is not otherwise designated, the same
shall be added to and become a part of the World Service Contin-
gency Fund, which shall be held and administered by the council.
b) Any such donation, bequest, or devise of $50,000 or more not
otherwise designated shall be added to the “Permanent Fund” of
The United Methodist Church. This fund shall be held and admin-
istered by the council, as the General Conference shall direct.
4. Where annual conferences, individually or in groups, have
established United Methodist foundations, the council may pro-
vide staff leadership on request to advise in matters of nancial
management, to the end that foundation assets shall be wisely
managed on behalf of the Church.
5. To make recommendations to the General Conference, in
consultation with the Connectional Table and the Council of Bish-
ops, regarding any offerings to be received in connection with
special days observed on a church-wide basis. These recommen-
dations shall include the number and timing of such special days
with offerings, the amount, if any, to be established as a goal for
each such offering, the causes to be beneted by each, the method
by which the receipts on each such offering shall be distributed
among the causes beneting from it, and the method by which
such receipts shall be remitted and reported by local churches. All
such recommendations are subject to the approval of the General
6. To establish general policy governing the ownership, sale,
rental, renovation, or purchase of property by a general agency
in the United States. The council shall consider the plans of any
general agency proposing to acquire or sell real estate or erect a
building or enter into a lease in the continental United States and
determine whether the proposed action is in the best interest of
The United Methodist Church. On the basis of that determination
it shall approve or disapprove all such proposed actions. In the
case of such proposed action by a general program agency, it shall
solicit and consider the recommendation of the Connectional Table.
If either the General Council on Finance and Administration or the
Connectional Table disapproves, the agency shall delay the project
until it can be considered by the next General Conference. Noth-
ing in the foregoing shall include the operational requirements
of The United Methodist Publishing House, the General Board of
Pension and Health Benets, or United Methodist Women.
7. To establish a procedure for making a quadrennial review,
initiating proposals and/or responding to proposals by the gen-
eral agencies regarding the location of headquarters and staff and
reporting the same to the General Conference.
8. To exercise on behalf of the General Conference a property
reporting function by receiving reports annually from general
agencies of the Church concerning property titles, values, debts,
general maintenance, lease or rental costs, space usage, and such
other information as the council may deem relevant. The coun-
cil may consult and advise with the general agencies concerning
any property problems that may arise. A summary of the property
data shall be reported to each quadrennial General Conference.
This provision shall apply to headquarters buildings but not to
properties that are part of the program responsibilities of the Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries or to any of the properties of The
United Methodist Publishing House or United Methodist Women.
9. To take all necessary legal steps to safeguard and protect
the interests and rights of the denomination; to maintain resources
related to the denominational interests of The United Methodist
Church, and to make provisions for legal counsel where neces-
sary to protect the interests and rights of the denomination. The
council shall have the authority to pursue policies and procedures
necessary to preserve the tax-exempt status of the denomination
and its afliated organizations.
10. To supervise the use of the ofcial United Methodist insig-
nia and preserve the integrity of its design, in cooperation with the
General Commission on Communication. It shall maintain appro-
priate registration to protect the insignia on behalf of the denomi-
nation. The insignia may be used by any ofcial United Methodist
agency, including local churches, to identify United Methodist
work, programs, and materials. The use indicates the identity of
The United Methodist Church, with the cross proclaiming Jesus
Christ as its foundation, and the two ames descending to one
point celebrating its origin when two denominations became one,
and afrming its readiness to go forth to the ends of the earth to
all people to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation
of the world, as the anointing of the Holy Spirit with “individual
ames of re” sent forth the apostles speaking the language of
people wherever they went. In order to preserve the integrity of
its design, the insignia should not be altered or modied. Users
of the insignia must ensure that it stands independent from and
is not covered by or layered over other designs or words. Any
commercial use of the design requires express prior authoriza-
tion in writing by an appropriate ofcer of the General Council
on Finance and Administration and shall be used only in accor-
dance with guidelines and fees set forth by the General Council
on Finance and Administration.
14. See Judicial Council Decision 458.
15. See Judicial Council Decision 828.
11. To supervise the use of the name “United Methodist” and
maintain the appropriate registrations of this name on behalf of
the denomination.
12. a) The council shall: (1) require each general agency as
listed in 805.4b, including itself, to follow uniform policies and
practices in the employment and remuneration of personnel, rec-
ognizing differences in local employment conditions (these poli-
cies and practices shall be consistent with the Social Principles
and resolutions of The United Methodist Church); and (2) be
authorized to gather from all general agencies, at such intervals
and in such format as it may determine, information regarding
salary remuneration and pay equity and the number of agency
employees and staff. Information related to the remuneration of
specic employees may be released only by the employing agency
or employee.
b) The Committee on Personnel Policies and Practices
( 805.4b) shall: (1) review annually the uniform policies and
practices referred to in 807.12a, (2) annually recommend to the
council an appropriate salary schedule, based upon responsibili-
ties, for personnel of the councils, boards, and commissions rep-
resented on the committee; and (3) recommend annually to the
council a schedule of benets for an employee benet program for
personnel of each general agency as listed in 805.4b.
c) The Committee on Audit and Review shall (1) receive
from agencies and institutions receiving general Church funds (see
810.2) statements regarding their compliance with the policies
stated or referenced in ¶¶ 807.12a and 811.1; and (2) receive from
all general agencies information necessary to evaluate pay equity.
Based on these statements, and in consultation with and upon
the advice of the General Commission on Religion and Race and
the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, the
committee shall prepare for the General Council on Finance and
Administration reports and recommendations deemed appropri-
ate by the committee, in accordance with the procedures set forth
in 806.12.
d) In the event it is determined by the council that an
agency or institution receiving general Church funds is not in
compliance with the policies stated or referenced in ¶¶ 807.12a
and 811.1, the council shall notify in writing the agency so named
and suspend, after a three-month period of grace, an appropriate
amount of future funding until the agency or institution complies.
13. To maintain a consultative service to assist general agen-
cies in planning and making arrangements for national meetings,
conferences, and convocations.
14. To establish and supervise denitions and policies for
general agencies receiving general church funds regarding the
collection, processing, and distribution of certain authoritative
data of the denomination, such as contact information for local
churches, clergy, and leadership of The United Methodist Church,
in collaboration with the Council of Bishops and in consultation
with the general agencies.
15. To maintain the authoritative database for the general
agencies receiving general Church funds (see 810.2) of the
ofcial data of all bishops; ordained and consecrated ministers
in effective relation; local pastors, including retired ordained
ministers serving charges; charges, local churches, parishes, fel-
lowships, and new church starts; and such lists of General, juris-
dictional, and conference boards, commissions, and committees,
and ofcers of same, and of such other ofcers as the council may
determine necessary. No one other than authorized bodies or of-
cers of the Church shall be permitted to use these records.
16. To establish an electronic means that local churches shall
use to collect, prepare, and report, in an accurate and timely man-
ner, their statistical information to the council. It shall provide
for the distribution of such information to annual conferences,
the general planning and research agencies of the Church, and
other interested parties. The council may establish an appropriate
schedule of fees and charges to defray the cost of such informa-
tion distribution services.
17. To assist and advise the jurisdictions, annual conferences,
districts, and local churches in all matters relating to the work of
the council. These matters shall include, but shall not be limited
to, business administration, investment and property manage-
ment, information technology, and auditing. The council may per-
form certain functions for the jurisdictions, annual conferences,
districts, or local churches if the particular organization so elects
and a suitable plan of operation can be determined. In accordance
with 810.1, any assistance or resources provided by the council
hereunder shall be in-kind and not a direct grant of funds.
18. To provide guidance and consultation to individuals pro-
viding services to the Church in the following areas: local church
business administration; administrative assistance; equitable
compensation; information technology; and legal guidance to
annual conferences. Such guidance and consultation may, as the
council deems appropriate, include: establishing relevant profes-
sional standards, training programs, continuing education, and
certications; encouraging participation in associations related
to these services (for example, the Professional Association of
United Methodist Church Secretaries, the United Methodist Net-
work of Practice, the National Association of Commissions on
Equitable Compensation of The United Methodist Church, the
United Methodist Information Technology Association, and the
United Methodist Church Conference Chancellors Association,
or similar organizations); and providing staff and/or in-kind ser-
vices to such associations.
19. To institute, manage, and maintain an insurance program
available, where approved by regulatory agencies, to all United
Methodist local churches in the United States and, where accept-
able on an underwriting basis, to all United Methodist annual
conferences, agencies, and institutions in the United States.
20. To designate a staff member who, in cooperation with the
general secretary, will fulll such responsibilities as may be needed
to assist the Commission on the General Conference with prep-
aration for sessions of the General Conference. In fullling this
role, the staff member will function as the commission’s business
manager and shall be related operationally to the Commission.
21. To provide guidance and consultation to churches, con-
ferences and other United Methodist organizations on fund-rais-
ing campaigns conducted via the Internet and social media where
capital can be solicited from a large pool of potential donors, also
known as crowd funding. The General Council on Finance and
Administration shall prepare a list of approved crowd funding
websites. This consultation shall be limited to churches and con-
ferences residing in the United States.
808. Conference Payments of Apportioned Funds—1. The trea-
surer of the General Council on Finance and Administration shall,
not less than ninety days prior to the session of each annual con-
ference or as soon thereafter as practical, transmit to the presiding
bishop thereof, to the president of the conference council on nance
and administration, and to the conference treasurer a statement of
the apportionments to the conference for the World Service Fund,
the General Administration Fund, the Episcopal Fund, the Interde-
nominational Cooperation Fund, the Ministerial Education Fund,
the Black College Fund, the Africa University Fund, and such other
funds as may have been apportioned by the General Conference.
2. The treasurer shall keep an account of all amounts remit-
ted by the conference treasurers and from other sources intended
for the funds listed in 810.1 and any other fund so directed by
the proper authority, and shall disburse the same as authorized
by the General Conference and directed by the council. A separate
account shall be kept of each such fund, and none of them shall be
drawn on for the benet of another fund.
3. If more than the amount approved by the General Con-
ference for a fund total, or for a line item within a fund total, is
received in any given year, the excess funds shall be held in trust
by the council in an apportionment stabilization fund. All mon-
ies placed in such a fund shall be considered as fund balances
restricted by the General Conference to the fund(s) or line item(s)
in which the surplus occurred. They shall be held by the coun-
cil until such time as shortfalls in such receipts occur during the
same quadrennium, at which time they shall be released to com-
pensate for the shortfalls. If undistributed funds remain in an
apportionment stabilization fund at the end of the quadrennium,
the council shall recommend, for action by the next General Con-
ference, the disposition of any remaining fund balances, provided
that those recommendations shall be consistent with the purposes
for which the funds were raised.
809. Annual Reports by the General Treasurer to the Annual
Conferences of All General Church Expenditures—The treasurer shall
report annually to the council and to the respective conference
councils as to all amounts received and disbursed during the year.
The treasurer shall also make to each quadrennial session of the
General Conference a full report of the nancial transactions of
the council for the previous four scal years. The treasurer shall
be bonded for such an amount as may be determined by the coun-
cil. The books of the treasurer shall be audited annually by a certi-
ed public accountant selected by the General Council on Finance
and Administration upon recommendation by the Committee on
Audit and Review ( 805.4a).
G F
810. Denition of General Funds—1. The terms general
fund(s) and general Church fund(s), wherever they appear in the
Book of Discipline, refer to: the World Service Fund; the General
Administration Fund; the Episcopal Fund; the Interdenomina-
tional Cooperation Fund; the Ministerial Education Fund; the
Black College Fund; the Africa University Fund; World Service
Special Gifts; general Advance Special Gifts; the World Commu-
nion Fund; the Human Relations Day Fund; the United Method-
ist Student Day Fund; the UMCOR Sunday Fund
; Peace with
Justice Sunday Fund; Native American Ministries Sunday Fund;
the Youth Service Fund; and such other funds as may have been
established by the General Conference and have been specically
authorized by the General Conference to be raised on a church-
wide basis. They are restricted assets and are not funds of local
churches, annual or jurisdictional conferences, or other units of
the denomination. Such general funds are to be disbursed for
the purpose or purposes set forth in ¶¶ 812-824 and budgets or
similar directives adopted for the respective funds by the General
Conference. The General Council on Finance and Administration,
in the fulllment of its scal responsibilities pursuant to 806,
shall only have authority to disburse monies contributed to any
of these funds in a manner specically authorized by the Book of
Discipline or for a purpose set forth in the budget or directives
adopted by the preceding General Conference for that particular
fund. The General Council on Finance and Administration’s Com-
mittee on Audit and Review shall review the internal and external
audits of these funds and report the results of its ndings to the
treasuries receiving these funds, the General Council on Finance
and Administration, and/or any other entity it deems appropri-
ate. The provisions of 806.13 shall apply to this function of the
Committee on Audit and Review.
2. The terms agency(ies) receiving general Church funds and
treasury(ies) receiving general Church funds, as used in ¶¶ 701-824
of the Book of Discipline, refer to agencies whose operational or
administrative budgets are directly supported, in whole or in
part, by allocations from one or more general Church funds. For
the purposes of ¶¶ 701-824, the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets, The United Methodist Publishing House, and
United Methodist Women shall be deemed not to be agencies
or treasuries whose operational or administrative budgets are
directly supported, in whole or in part, by allocations from one or
more general Church funds.
16. Changed from One Great Hour of Sharing Fund to be consistent with General
Conference 2016 Calendar Items 53 and 54 (DCA page 2101).
811. General Policies—1. The General Council on Finance
and Administration is authorized to withhold approval of a por-
tion or all of the budget of any agency or any Church-related
institution receiving general Church funds (see 810.2) until such
agency or Church-related institution shall submit to the council
in writing its established policies of: (a) recruiting, employing,
utilizing, recompensing, and promoting professional staff and
other personnel without regard to race, ethnicity, age, or gender;
(b) fullling its duties and responsibilities in a manner that does
not involve segregation or discrimination on the basis of race,
ethnicity, age, or gender; and (c) insofar as possible, purchasing
goods and services from vendors who are in compliance with
such policies as are described in sections (a) and (b) of this para-
graph. In the fulllment of this directive, the council shall take
the following steps: (1) collaborate with the General Commission
on Religion and Race and the General Commission on the Status
and Role of Women in the development of a certication form to
be submitted to the council by agencies and institutions receiving
general Church funds; (2) review copies of such certications with
the two commissions; (3) in consultation with the two commis-
sions determine adequate recommendations regarding possible
noncompliance with these policies by agencies and institutions
receiving general Church funds; and (4) in collaboration with the
General Commission on Religion and Race and the General Com-
mission on the Status and Role of Women, the General Council
on Finance and Administration shall determine fair and just rec-
ommendations for withholding funds from agencies and church-
related institutions that are non-compliant.
2. It may withhold approval of any item or items in the bud-
get or budgets receiving general Church funds (see 810.2) that in
its judgment represent unnecessary duplication of administrative
functions and services. Such functions and services shall include,
but not be limited to, accounting, databases, equipment, human
resources, information technology, maintenance, and meeting
planning. In cooperation with and on recommendation of the
Connectional Table, it may withhold approval of any such item
that represents unnecessary duplication of program within an
agency or between two or more agencies. If the council nds that
there is such duplication in existing activities, it shall promptly
direct the attention of the agencies involved to the situation and
shall cooperate with them in correcting the same, and it may
decline to supply from general fund receipts money to continue
activities that have been held to duplicate each other unnecessar-
ily or plainly violate the principle of correlation as applied to the
total benevolence program of the Church.
3. An agency of The United Methodist Church receiving gen-
eral Church funds (see 810.2) proposing to borrow funds for
a period in excess of twelve months or in an amount in excess
of 25 percent of its annual budget or ve hundred thousand dol-
lars, whichever amount is smaller, whether for building or current
expense purposes, shall submit such proposal, accompanied by a
plan for amortization, to the council for approval. If the council
disapproves, the agency shall delay such borrowing until it can be
considered by the next General Conference.
4. The apportionments for all apportioned general Church
funds, as approved by the General Conference, shall not be sub-
ject to reduction either by the annual conference or by the charge
or local church ( 615.1).
5. Individual donors or local churches may make contribu-
tions to the support of any cause or project that is a part of the
work of any general Church agency. Such miscellaneous gifts
shall be sent to the General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion, which shall then forward the gift to the agency for which it
is intended. Agencies receiving miscellaneous gifts shall acknowl-
edge receipt of the gift to the donor. No agency shall solicit or cul-
tivate gifts for any cause or project in a Churchwide appeal that
has not been approved for support through World Service Special
Gifts ( 820), general Advance Special Gifts ( 822), or a special
appeal ( 819).
6. No general council, board, commission, or committee
receiving general Church funds (see 810.2) shall initiate or
cause to be organized without approval of the General Council
on Finance and Administration a foundation, endowment fund,
or similar organization for the purpose of securing, conserving,
or expending funds for the direct or indirect benet or support of
any general agency or any of its programs or work. Foundations,
endowment funds, and similar organizations related directly or
indirectly to any general Church agency receiving general Church
funds shall report annually to the council in a manner determined
by the council.
17. See Judicial Council Decisions 818, 1146.
812. The World Service Fund—The World Service Fund is
basic in the nancial program of The United Methodist Church.
World Service on apportionment represents the minimum needs
of the general agencies of the Church. Payment in full of these
apportionments by local churches and annual conferences is the
rst benevolent responsibility of the Church.
1. The council shall recommend to each quadrennial session
of the General Conference the amount of the annual World Service
budget for the ensuing quadrennium and the method by which
it shall be apportioned to the annual conferences. In cooperation
with the Connectional Table, it shall prepare and recommend a
plan of distribution of World Service receipts among the World
Service agencies, in accordance with the procedures described in
806.1b. In the planning of the World Service budget, it shall be
the role of the General Council on Finance and Administration
to facilitate sound scal and administrative policies and practices
within and among the general agencies of the Church. It shall be
the role of the Connectional Table to relate the budget requests of
the program agencies to one another in such a way as to imple-
ment the program and mission of the Church.
2. The general secretary or other duly authorized representa-
tive of each agency of The United Methodist Church seeking
support from the World Service Fund and the authorized repre-
sentative of any other agency for which requests are authorized
by the General Conference shall have the right to appear before
the council at a designated time and place to represent the cause
for which each is responsible, provided such representation has
been previously made to the Connectional Table.
3. The World Service agencies shall not solicit additional or
special gifts from individual donors or special groups, other than
foundations, unless approval for such solicitation is rst secured
from the council.
4. The General Commission on Communication shall pro-
mote the World Service Fund.
813. General Administration Fund—1. The General Admin-
istration Fund shall provide for the expenses of the sessions of
the General Conference, the Judicial Council, special commissions
and committees constituted by the General Conference, and other
administrative agencies and activities recommended for inclusion
18. See Judicial Council Decision 818.
in the general administration budget by the General Council on
Finance and Administration and approved by the General Con-
ference. Any agency or institution requiring or desiring support
from the General Administration Fund shall present its case to
the council at a time and place indicated by council ofcers. The
council, having heard such requests, shall report the same to the
General Conference with recommendations for its action and
2. The treasurer of the council shall disburse the General
Administration Fund as authorized by the General Conference
and as directed by the council. Where the General Conference has
not allocated denite sums to agencies receiving money from the
General Administration Fund, the council or a committee desig-
nated by the General Council on Finance and Administration shall
have authority to determine the amount to be allocated to each.
3. The expenses of the Judicial Council shall be paid from the
General Administration Fund, within a budget submitted annu-
ally by the Judicial Council to the General Council on Finance and
Administration for its approval and subject to the requirement of
4. The General Administration Fund, and all payments made
from this fund, shall be subject to the nancial, accounting, and
auditing requirements of 806.
5. The General Commission on Communication shall pro-
mote the General Administration Fund.
814. Interdenominational Cooperation Fund—1. This fund
shall provide United Methodist support of the basic budgets of
those organizations that relate to the ecumenical responsibilities of
the Council of Bishops. Those organizations are described in Chap-
ter Three, Section IX—Ecumenical Relationships in ¶¶ 431-442.
2. The Council of Bishops, shall recommend to the General
Council on Finance and Administration the amounts of the sev-
eral annual allocations from the Interdenominational Coopera-
tion Fund budget. The council shall recommend to the General
Conference the amounts to be included in the annual Interdenom-
inational Cooperation Fund budget.
3. The Council of Bishops shall determine annually the desig-
nations of all funds for ecumenical agencies to be paid from the fol-
lowing year’s Interdenominational Cooperation Fund budget that
have not been specically designated by the prior General Confer-
ence. The Council of Bishops shall communicate such designations
to the General Council on Finance and Administration prior to the
beginning of the scal year made the subject of such designations.
The General Council on Finance and Administration shall then
disburse funds to each recipient in accordance with such designa-
tions during that scal year to the extent funds are available.
4. The fund shall also provide for the expenses of represen-
tatives chosen by the Council of Bishops to attend meetings and
committees of such ecumenical agencies. The General Council on
Finance and Administration shall reimburse such expenses from
vouchers approved by persons designated by the ecumenical of-
cer of the Council of Bishops.
5. Disbursement of Funds to Ecumenical Organizations
a) The General Council on Finance and Administration shall remit
monthly to each organization included in the approved Interde-
nominational Cooperation Fund budget an on-ratio share of the
fund’s net receipts, after the payment of any xed charges.
b) In the interim between sessions of the General Confer-
ence, exceptions to this directive may occur under one of the fol-
lowing circumstances:
(1) If the organization is unable to fulll, or ceases
to fulll, the purpose or purposes which were the basis for the
Council of Bishops’ original recommendation for funding.
(2) If the organization ceases to exist.
c) If the Council of Bishops determines that such circum-
stances warrant, it may recommend to the General Council on
Finance and Administration that funding for the organization be
suspended or reduced, either indenitely or for a specied period
of time. The Council shall then reduce or suspend remittance of
fund receipts to the organization until such time as the Council
of Bishops determines that the circumstances which led to reduc-
tion or suspension of payments no longer exist. The Council of
Bishops shall then recommend to the General Council on Finance
and Administration whether remittances to the organization are
to be resumed in amounts based on current Interdenominational
Cooperation Fund receipts only, or whether amounts previously
withheld should be disbursed along with the amounts payable
from current receipts.
d) If funding to an organization is reduced or suspended,
the funds which otherwise would have been disbursed shall be
held by the General Council on Finance and Administration until
the Council of Bishops recommends that they be restored to the
organization or used to support a similar ecumenical organiza-
tion. If the funds are not expended prior to the next session of the
General Conference, the General Council on Finance and Admin-
istration, after consultation with the Council of Bishops, shall
report to the General Conference the amount of funds being held
and may recommend, for General Conference action, the disposi-
tion of the funds.
6. Before the beginning of each calendar year, the General
Council on Finance and Administration shall determine and com-
municate to the Council of Bishops the sum available from the
Interdenominational Cooperation Fund Contingency Reserve to
be allocated to meet emerging needs of ecumenical agencies.
7. The General Commission on Communication shall pro-
mote the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund.
815. Black College Fund—The General Council on Finance
and Administration shall recommend to the General Conference
the sum that the Church shall undertake for the Black colleges and
the method by which it shall be apportioned to the annual confer-
ences. The purpose of the fund is to provide nancial support for
current operating budgets and capital improvements of the Black
colleges related administratively to the Church.
1. The treasurer of the General Council on Finance and
Administration shall remit monthly receipts for this fund to the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for distribution
to those Black colleges whose eligibility under adopted guide-
lines of management, educational quality, and measurement by
announced objectives shall be the precondition of participation.
These guidelines and a formula for distribution shall be revised
and administered by the Division of Higher Education of the Gen-
eral Board of Higher Education and Ministry, in consultation with
the Council of Presidents of the Black Colleges. The formula for
distribution is as follows;
a) Five-sixths of the receipts of the fund shall be distrib-
uted to the colleges to assist in supporting their current operating
(1) 75 percent of the ve-sixths operating portion
shall be shared equally by each college.
(2) 20 percent of the ve-sixths operating portion
shall be distributed on the basis of enrollment.
(3) The remaining 5 percent of the ve-sixths operat-
ing portion shall be distributed equally to each college annually
for long-range planning, special academic programs, and meet-
ing challenge grants in complying with the guidelines for support
established by the General Conference.
b) One-sixth of the fund receipts shall be set aside for capi-
tal improvements, to be distributed by the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry on the basis of need and matching funds.
2. In the interim between sessions of the General Conference,
the guidelines for support and formula for distribution may be
changed as necessary upon recommendation of the Council of
Presidents of the Black Colleges and the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry and with the consent of the General
Council on Finance and Administration.
3. Promotion of the Black College Fund shall be by the Divi-
sion of Higher Education and in consultation with the Council
of Presidents of the Black Colleges, in cooperation with and with
the assistance of the General Commission on Communication, the
cost being a charge against the Black College Fund receipts and
within a budget approved by the Division of Higher Education
and the General Council on Finance and Administration.
4. An annual conference may make direct and/or desig-
nated gifts for current expense or capital funds purposes to one
or more of these colleges, but only after it has met its full Black
College Fund apportionment. There may be reasonable excep-
tions to this restriction, but such exceptions shall be negotiated
with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry prior
to implementation.
816. The Ministerial Education Fund—The council shall rec-
ommend to the General Conference the sum that the Church shall
undertake for the Ministerial Education Fund and the method
by which it shall be apportioned to the annual conferences, in
accordance with the provisions adopted by the 1968 General Con-
ference in establishing the Ministerial Education Fund. The pur-
pose of the fund is to enable the Church to unify and expand its
program of nancial support for the recruitment and education
of ordained and diaconal ministers and to equip the annual con-
ferences to meet increased demands in this area. The maximum
amount possible from this fund shall go directly for programs
and services in theological education, the enlistment and continu-
ing education of ordained and diaconal ministers, and courses of
study. When these funds are used to nance continuing education
events sponsored by the Board of Ordained Ministry of an annual
conference, such events may be open to laity for their attendance
and participation at the option of the Board of Ordained Ministry
of each annual conference.
1. Of the total money raised in each annual conference for
the Ministerial Education Fund, 25 percent shall be retained by
the annual conference that raised it, to be used in its program of
ministerial education as approved by the annual conference and
administered through its Board of Ordained Ministry. The Board
of Ordained Ministry will confer concerning use of the Ministerial
Education Fund. Administrative costs of the Board of Ordained
Ministry shall be a claim on the conference’s operating budget.
No annual conference that participated in a 1 percent plan or
other conference program of ministerial student scholarships and
loan grants prior to the establishment of this fund shall receive
less for this purpose than it received in the last year of the qua-
drennium preceding the establishment of the fund, provided the
giving from that conference for ministerial education does not fall
below the level achieved in the quadrennium preceding the estab-
lishment of the fund.
a) “Service Loans” from the conference portion of the
Ministerial Education Fund may be considered repaid if the
recipients served ve years in the connection in appointments
approved by their bishop.
b) In case the recipients of these loans do not satisfy the
terms of the “Service Loans” by service in the “connection,” they
would make arrangements to repay the loans with the confer-
ences from which they received their loans.
2. Of the total money raised in each annual conference for the
Ministerial Education Fund, 75 percent shall be remitted by the
conference treasurer to the treasurer of the council for distribution
to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry for sup-
port of ministerial education and shall be administered by that
board. It shall be distributed as follows:
a) At least 75 percent of the amount received by the divi-
sions shall be distributed to the theological schools of The United
Methodist Church on a formula established by the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry after consultation with the
theological schools. United Methodist theological schools where
less than 40 percent of the regular rank faculty are United Meth-
19. See Judicial Council Decision 1175.
odist or another historic Wesleyan denomination will forfeit 1/3
of their Ministerial Education funding, which will go back to the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry to be distributed
as scholarship aid for certied candidates for United Method-
ist ordained ministry enrolled in United Methodist institutions of
theological education that have been approved by the Commission
on Theological Education. All money allocated to the theological
schools shall be used for current operations, not for physical expan-
sion. Ministerial Education funds allocated to United Methodist
theological schools for current operations shall only be used for:
—United Methodist student scholarships
—Faculty and staff salaries and benets for those who
prepare United Methodist students (implementing the curricu-
lum required in 324.4) for ordained ministry or service as local
pastors through the Course of Study program.
All United Methodist theological schools receiving Min-
isterial Education Fund allocations shall submit annual reports
to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry detailing
how the Ministerial Education Fund allocations were spent.
b) The remaining portion of the amount received shall
be used for supplemental distributions to the theological schools
and for board use in its program of ministerial enlistment and
development. The General Board of Higher Education and Minis-
try will recommend to the general secretary of the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry appropriate funding for divi-
sional programs of ministerial enlistment and development.
c) Beginning in the 2009-2012 quadrennium, the Gen-
eral Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall facilitate the
creation of United Methodist Ministerial Education Funds in the
central conferences, including the development and provision of
funds for this new initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to
improve and strengthen the existing indigenous structures for
theological education in order to create a sustainable system of
education for central conference clergy.
3. Annual conferences shall regard this fund as a priority to
be met before any additional benevolences, grants, or funds are
allocated to a theological school or school of religion.
4. The General Commission on Communication shall pro-
mote the Ministerial Education Fund.
20. See Judicial Council Decision 545.
817. Central Conference Theological Education Fund—There
shall be a Central Conference Theological Education Fund. Funds
for this purpose shall be provided from the World Service Fund.
a) There shall be a Commission on Central Conference
Theological Education Fund elected by the Council of Bishops to
determine policies and procedures for this fund. It shall approve
disbursements from this fund. The commission will include one
person from each central conference, and shall include members
of the Council of Bishops, members of Boards of Ordained Min-
istry, representatives of theological schools, representatives from
the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, the General
Board of Global Ministries, and the Standing Committee on Cen-
tral Conference Matters. The Council of Bishops shall take into
consideration both geographical and proportional representation
when selecting the members of the commission.
b) It shall be used in central conferences outside the
United States to in any or all of the following ways at the discre-
tion of the commission: (1) development of theological schools;
(2) development of courses of study; (3) development of libraries
and contextually developed resources; (4) scholarships and faculty
development; (5) support for associations and networks of faculty
and schools; (6) support for new and innovative approaches to
theological education.
c) The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
will administer this fund.
d) All money collected from the central conference
apportionments for the General Administration Fund in excess of
$750,000 (the costs of the Standing Committee on Central Confer-
ence Matters, including its work on the General Book of Discipline)
is to be directed to the Central Conference Theological Education
T E F
818. Purpose—1. The Episcopal Fund, raised in accordance
with 818.3, shall provide for the salary and expenses of effective
bishops from the date of their consecration and for the support
of retired bishops and surviving spouses and minor children of
deceased bishops. Subject to the approval of the General Council
on Finance and Administration, the treasurer shall have author-
ity to borrow for the benet of the Episcopal Fund such amounts
as may be necessary for the proper execution of the orders of the
General Conference. The General Commission on Communica-
tion shall promote the Episcopal Fund.
2. Requirements—The council shall recommend to each qua-
drennial session of the General Conference for its action and
determination: (1) the amounts to be xed as salaries of the effec-
tive bishops or a formula by which the council shall x the sala-
ries; (2) a schedule of such amounts as may be judged adequate to
provide for their ofce expense; (3) provision for an annual oper-
ating budget for the Council of Bishops, including the salaries and
ofce and travel expenses of the executive secretary and the ecu-
menical ofcer of the Council of Bishops; (4) guidelines govern-
ing the payment of bishops’ travel expenses, including all travel
authorized by the Council of Bishops; (5) the amounts needed to
fund the Clergy Retirement Security Program or the Global Epis-
copal Pension Program (or, in either case, any successor bishop
pension or retirement plan or program); and (6) provisions for
allowance for the surviving spouses and for the support of minor
children of deceased bishops. From the facts in hand, the council
shall estimate the approximate total amount required annually
during the ensuing quadrennium to provide for the items of epis-
copal support mentioned above and shall report the same to the
General Conference. This amount as nally determined shall be
the estimated episcopal budget. The administration of the Episco-
pal Fund budget as determined by the General Conference shall
be under the direction and authority of the General Council on
Finance and Administration, including annual scal statements
and audits. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the annual
conference or conferences of an episcopal area from including in
their budgets amounts for an area expense fund.
3. Proportionality—The amount apportioned to a charge for
the Episcopal Fund shall be paid in the same proportion as the
charge pays its pastor (see also 622).
4. Bishops’ Salaries—The treasurer of the General Council on
Finance and Administration shall remit monthly to each effec-
tive bishop one-twelfth of the annual salary as determined by the
General Conference, less such deductions or reductions from the
salary as each bishop may authorize. Allowances for retired bish-
ops and for the surviving spouses and minor children of deceased
bishops shall be paid in equal monthly installments.
21. See Judicial Council Decisions 320, 1298.
5. Housing Expenses—The General Council on Finance and
Administration shall provide an annual grant from the Episcopal
Fund to share in the costs of providing the episcopal residence
owned by the annual or central conference(s) in the episcopal
area. The amount of such grant is to be approved by the Gen-
eral Conference on recommendation of the council. The Episcopal
Fund shall not make a payment directly to a bishop for housing. It
shall go to the annual conference(s) for episcopal residence hous-
ing purposes. The treasurer of the General Council on Finance
and Administration shall remit the annual housing grant to the
respective annual or central conference(s) in the episcopal area.
The treasurer shall also remit periodic installments of the amount
approved by the council as ofce expenses to each bishop, or to
the ofce designated by the bishop to receive such payments.
6. Episcopal Expense Reimbursement and Honoraria Policies
The treasurer of the council shall pay monthly the claim for the
ofcial travel of each bishop upon presentation of an itemized
voucher with such supporting data as may be required by the
General Council on Finance and Administration. Ofcial travel of
an effective bishop shall be interpreted to include: (1) all visita-
tions to local churches and to institutions or enterprises of The
United Methodist Church within the area; (2) such travel outside
the area, but within the jurisdiction, as is approved by the College
of Bishops; and (3) such other travel as may be consistent with
guidelines approved by the General Conference as being within
the meaning of ofcial travel. No part of the expense and no hono-
raria for any such visitations shall be accepted from local churches
or enterprises or institutions of The United Methodist Church,
such expense being a proper claim against the Episcopal Fund.
Nothing in this interpretation is intended to preclude special or
nonofcial engagements of a bishop other than the oversight of
the temporal and spiritual affairs of the Church, such as series of
lectures in educational institutions, baccalaureate addresses, and
preaching missions for several days’ duration when such engage-
ments do not interfere with ofcial duties, nor does it preclude the
acceptance of honoraria for such services.
7. Audit of Episcopal Area Ofces—Fiscal reporting and audit
procedures of each area ofce shall be determined according to
a schedule as set forth by the council upon recommendation of
a committee designated by the General Council on Finance and
8. Episcopal Pensions—The pensions for the support of retired
bishops elected by General, jurisdictional, or central conferences
and the surviving spouses and minor dependent children of such
deceased bishops shall be administered by the General Council
on Finance and Administration in consultation with the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets and in accordance with such
program and procedures as may from time to time be determined
by the General Council on Finance and Administration with the
approval of the General Conference. For service years beginning
January 1, 1982, and thereafter, the pensions for the support of
bishops elected by jurisdictional conferences and those of their
surviving spouses and dependent children shall include the ben-
ets provided by the Clergy Retirement Security Program (or any
successor bishop pension or retirement plan or program) and
the Comprehensive Protection Plan of the General Board of Pen-
sion and Health Benets. The pensions for the support of bishops
elected by central conferences and those of their surviving spouses
and, for service years beginning before January 1, 1982, the pen-
sions for the support of bishops elected by jurisdictional confer-
ences and those of their surviving spouses shall both include the
benets provided by the Global Episcopal Pension Program.
9. Episcopal Group Health Care Plan—The General Council
on Finance and Administration shall sponsor or participate in a
group health care plan that covers bishops elected by jurisdic-
tional conferences, in the United States. For the purpose of this
paragraph, group health care plan shall mean a health insurance
plan, group health care plan, or multiple-employer health care
plan that provides benets for major medical and hospitalization
expenses. The General Council on Finance and Administration
may recommend additional eligibility for the group health care
plan in its discretion.
Alternatively, in the event that federal law or state law gov-
erning health care plans and health insurance establishes coverage
options for those persons without employer-provided coverage
that ensure access, regardless of health status or condition, to
affordable coverage through health insurance exchanges, con-
nectors, single-payer systems, or other mechanisms, the General
Council on Finance and Administration may cease maintaining
its group health care plan for bishops to the extent such cover-
age is available to the bishops. In such event, the General Coun-
cil on Finance and Administration nevertheless shall provide
continued administrative and nancial support of bishops toward
the purchase of such coverage through these alternative mecha-
nisms to the extent individuals’ coverage may not be subsidized
by government agencies, i.e., because their compensation exceeds
certain thresholds, particularly considering the tax advantages of
employer-provided nancial support toward health care coverage.
In addition, the Council of Bishops shall provide and maintain
health and wellness programs for bishops. Moreover, annually,
the General Council on Finance and Administration shall submit
Episcopal health plan data, to the extent the General Council on
Finance and Administration maintains a group health care plan
for bishops, de-identied as necessary, including, but not limited
to, nancial soundness, claims experience and other cost drivers,
plan designs and coverage, and eligibility criteria to the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets.
10. Episcopal Retiree Health Care Access—The General Coun-
cil on Finance and Administration shall respect the health and
wholeness of retired bishops in the United States and their
spouses by facilitating access to Medicare supplement plans and
prescription drug coverage plans. Access for retirees and their
spouses may include, but shall not be limited to (i) sponsoring
an employer retiree health care plan that supplements Medicare;
(ii) participating in a multiple employer retiree health care plan
that supplements Medicare; (iii) securing individuals’ eligibility
under group contracts with Medicare supplement plan providers
or exchanges; (iv) subsidizing the costs of coverage for retirees
and their spouses enrolled in Medicare Part D plans or Medi-
care Advantage plans; (v) providing subsidies toward and group
relationships with providers of individual Medicare Supplement
and other retiree coverage policies; and (vi) providing xed dol-
lar retiree health benets through health reimbursement arrange-
ments, stipends, or otherwise. The General Council on Finance
and Administration must submit a generally accepted nancial
valuation, such as in accordance with Statement of Financial
Accounting Standard No. 106, as amended, of its projected medi-
cal liabilities for the retired population covered by the Episco-
pal Group Health Care Plan to the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets, biennially.
11. Bishops Whose Service Is Interrupted—Should any effec-
tive bishop in the interim of the quadrennial sessions of the juris-
dictional conference be relieved by the College of Bishops of the
jurisdiction from the performance of regular episcopal duties on
account of ill health or for any other reason, the president of the
said College of Bishops shall so notify the treasurer of the Episco-
pal Fund. Beginning ninety days after such notication, the said
bishop shall receive at least the minimum regular pension allow-
ance of a retired bishop; the amount of such benet for which the
Episcopal Fund is responsible shall be reduced by the amount of
any disability benet payable from the Comprehensive Protec-
tion Plan of the General Board of Pension and Health Benets.
Such pension allowance shall continue until the regular duties of
an effective bishop are resumed or until the bishop’s status shall
have been determined by the jurisdictional conference. Assign-
ment of another bishop or bishops to perform the regular episco-
pal duties of a bishop so disabled or otherwise incapacitated, for
a period of sixty days or more, shall be interpreted as a release of
the said bishop from the performance of regular episcopal duties.
12. Retired Bishops Appointed to Ad Interim Service—Should
any retired bishop, in the interim of the quadrennial sessions of
the jurisdictional conference, be called into active service and
assigned to active episcopal duty ( 406.3), that bishop shall be
entitled to remuneration for such service. The Episcopal Fund
shall be responsible for the difference between the pension of the
retired bishop and the remuneration of an active bishop. In the
event of such assignment of a retired bishop to active episcopal
duty, the president or secretary of the Council of Bishops shall
notify the treasurer of the Episcopal Fund. The treasurer of the
Episcopal Fund shall make remittance accordingly.
F A B  G F
819. Special Churchwide Financial Appeals—1. Any general
appeal to the Church at large for nancial support for any cause,
agency, institution, or purpose shall be subject to the provisions of
this paragraph. Appeals in conjunction or partnership with other
corporations for projects that are believed to be consistent with
the established mission and ministry of The United Methodist
Church shall also be subject to the provisions of this paragraph.
Appeals to special or limited groups such as alumni of an educa-
tional institution are not included.
2. Any general board, cause, agency, or institution or any
organization, group, ofcer, or individual of The United Method-
ist Church or to which The United Methodist Church contributes
nancial support desiring or proposing to make a special church-
wide nancial appeal during the quadrennium shall present
a request for authorization to make such appeal to the General
Council on Finance and Administration at the time budgets for
the ensuing quadrennium are being considered. All such appeals
shall be reviewed by the Connectional Table, and its actions shall
be reported to the General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion. The council shall then report such request to the General
Conference with a recommendation for its action thereon.
3. In the interim between the quadrennial sessions of the
General Conference, such proposed churchwide nancial appeal
shall require the approval of the General Council on Finance and
Administration, the Connectional Table and the Council of Bish-
ops. In case of emergency, the executive committee, if any, of these
bodies may act in such matter for the body itself, but only by a
three-fourths vote.
4. All requests for approval of a special churchwide nancial
appeal, whether as a request for General Conference action or in
the interim between sessions of General Conference, shall include
a proposed budget for a promotion of the appeal, including pro-
posed promotional expenditures and the sources of funding (see
5. Any individual or agency authorized to make a church-
wide appeal for funds shall channel all gifts through the General
Council on Finance and Administration.
6. The General Council on Finance and Administration may
withhold payment of the allocation from any general fund to any
agency or institution that it nds to be in violation of the provi-
sions of this paragraph.
820. World Service Specials—1. World Service Specials are
ofcial programs within The United Methodist Church through
which support may be designated for projects approved by the
General Conference and in the interim by the General Council on
Finance and Administration and the Connectional Table.
2. A World Service Special donation is a designated nancial
contribution made by an individual, local church, organization,
district, or annual conference to a project authorized as a World
Service Special project. All general boards and commissions (see
810.2) except those units of the General Board of Global Minis-
tries authorized to receive general Advance Specials are autho-
rized to recommend World Service Special projects for approval,
provided the project is specically related to one or more of the
disciplinary functions of the recommending agency.
3. General guidelines governing the types of projects that
may be recommended as World Service Special projects shall
be approved by the General Conference on recommendation of
the Connectional Table and the General Council on Finance and
4. The World Service Specials program shall be under the
administrative supervision of the General Council on Finance
and Administration, and programmatic supervision of the Con-
nectional Table, which jointly shall: (a) establish project approval
criteria consistent with the guidelines adopted by the General
Conference; (b) establish the process by which projects may be rec-
ommended and approved; (c) approve projects to receive World
Service Special support; and (d) provide adequate staff adminis-
tration and program accountability.
5. Churches and individuals shall give priority to the support
of World Service and conference benevolences and other appor-
tioned funds. World Service Special giving shall be voluntary and
in addition to the support of apportioned funds. World Service
Specials shall not be raised as a part of a fund apportioned by an
annual conference.
6. Local church treasurers shall remit World Service Special
donations in full to annual conference treasurers, who shall remit
each month to the General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion the total amounts received during the month as World Ser-
vice Specials. The council shall remit such funds in full to the
administering agencies, which shall acknowledge the receipt of
every donation to the donor or the local church.
7. General promotion of this program, for purposes of name
identication and visibility, shall be the responsibility of the Gen-
eral Commission on Communication.
8. Specic cultivation of approved projects shall be done by
the administering agencies to specic audiences that have dem-
onstrated their interest and concern for the ministry contained in
the approved project. Expenses for specic cultivation shall be
borne by the administering agencies. No promotional or cultiva-
tion expenses shall be paid from World Service Special receipts.
Such expenses shall not exceed amounts approved by the Gen-
eral Council on Finance and Administration under guidelines
approved by the General Conference.
821. General Directives, World Service Specials, and UMCOR
Sunday—The following general directives shall be observed in
the promotion and administration of World Service Specials and
UMCOR Sunday:
1. In the appeal and promotion of World Service Specials and
UMCOR Sunday offerings, there shall be no goals or quotas except
as they may be set by the annual conferences for themselves.
2. The treasurer of the General Council on Finance and
Administration shall be treasurer of World Service Specials and
UMCOR Sunday.
3. Promotional expenses for World Service Specials shall be
borne by the respective participating agencies in proportion to the
amount received by each in World Service Specials. The causes of
World Service Specials shall be coordinated with other nancial
appeals and shall be promoted by the General Commission on
4. The appeals for World Service Specials shall be channeled
through bishops, district superintendents, and pastors. Details of
the procedure shall be determined by the General Commission on
Communication in consultation with representatives of the recipi-
ent agencies or entities.
5. In each annual conference, World Service Specials and
UMCOR Sunday shall be promoted by the appropriate confer-
ence agency with the appropriate general agency and the General
Commission on Communication.
6. Should a clear emergency arise or an appropriate outreach
opportunity emerge requiring urgent response between ses-
sions of the General Conference, any feature of the structure and
administration of World Service Specials may be altered on the
approval of a majority of the Council of Bishops and of the Gen-
eral Council on Finance and Administration in consultation with
the Connectional Table. The executive committee, if any, of each
of these bodies may act in such matter for the body itself, but only
by a three-fourths vote.
822. The Advance—1. The Advance for Christ and His
Church (hereafter referred to as the Advance) is an ofcial program
within The United Methodist Church through which support may
be designated for projects approved by the Advance Committee
of the General Board of Global Ministries (hereafter referred to
as the Advance Committee). Cultivation for the Advance shall
be through channels of the church other than United Methodist
Women who have other means of mission giving.
2. A general Advance Special Gift is a designated nancial
contribution made by an individual, local church, organization,
district, or conference to a project authorized for this purpose by
the Advance Committee.
a) Gifts as Advance Specials may be made for specic
projects or purposes authorized by the Advance Committee.
b) Gifts as Advance Specials may be made for broadly
designated causes (such as a type of work, a country, or a region)
or for use as block grants to a certain country or administrative
unit, provided such causes are authorized by the Advance Com-
mittee. In such case the administering agency shall provide the
donor with information about the area to which the funds have
been given and, where practicable, establish communication with
a person or group representative of that type of work.
c) Rather than being given to a specic project, an
Advance Special Gift may be given to the mission program units
of the General Board of Global Ministries or the United Methodist
Committee on Relief. In such cases the program unit shall deter-
mine the Advance Special project(s) to which such a gift shall be
3. Funds given and received as a part of the general Advance
shall be subject to the following conditions:
a) Churches and individuals shall give priority to the
support of the World Service Fund and conference benevolences
and other apportioned funds. Advance giving shall be voluntary
and in addition to the support of apportioned funds.
b) Funds shall be solicited or received only for autho-
rized projects. Programs and institutions having general Advance
Special projects shall promote only the projects approved and
shall ask that gifts be remitted in the manner described in 822.4
c) Donor-designated gifts received through the Advance
shall be used solely for project support and are not to be used for
general Church administration or promotional costs. Donors will
be offered the option to add an additional contribution to cover
administrative costs.
d) Advance Special Gifts shall not be raised as a part
of a fund apportioned by an annual conference. (For conference
Advance Special Gifts, see 656.)
e) Upon receipt of funds for a general Advance Spe-
cial, the General Board of Global Ministries shall communicate
promptly with the donor, acknowledging receipt of the gift and
suggesting avenues for communication if communication has not
already been established.
4. Receipts for general Advance Specials shall be remitted by
the local church treasurer to the conference treasurer, who shall
make remittance each month to the participating agencies in a
manner determined by the treasurer of the General Council on
Finance and Administration. Individuals may remit directly to
respective program units in a manner determined by the treasurer
of the General Council on Finance and Administration, includ-
ing online giving, with these remittances reported to the General
Council on Finance and Administration.
823. General Directives, Advance Specials—The following
general directives shall be observed in the promotion and admin-
istration of the Advance:
1. In the appeal and promotion of Advance Specials, there
shall be no goals or quotas except as they may be set by the annual
conferences for themselves.
2. The treasurer of the General Council on Finance and
Administration shall be treasurer of the Advance. The treasury
function for the Advance is performed by the treasurer of the
General Board of Global Ministries on behalf of the General Coun-
cil on Finance and Administration.
3. Promotional expenses for Advance Specials shall be borne
by the respective participating units in proportion to the amount
received by each in Advance Specials. The causes of the Advance
shall be coordinated with other nancial appeals and shall be pro-
moted by the General Commission on Communication.
4. The appeal for Advance Specials shall be channeled
through bishops, district superintendents, pastors, and other
individuals. Details of the procedure shall be determined by the
General Commission on Communication in consultation with the
designated unit of the General Board of Global Ministries and the
Advance Committee.
5. In each annual conference the conference board of global
ministries (if any; see 633), in cooperation with the General
Board of Global Ministries, shall promote Advance Specials
through conference and district secretaries of global ministries,
conference and district mission events, and other effective means
as it may determine.
824. General Church Special Sunday Offerings—The follow-
ing are the churchwide special Sundays with offerings to be used
in support of general Church causes:
1. Human Relations Day—Historically, Human Relations Day
has been celebrated with an offering on the Sunday before the
observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Congregations are
encouraged to observe Human Relations Day on this date or on
another date appropriate to the local church. The purpose shall be
to further the development of better human relations. The obser-
vance shall be under the general supervision of the General Board
of Global Ministries and the General Board of Church and Society.
In connection with Human Relations Day, the General Commis-
sion on Communication shall conduct a churchwide appeal. The
treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration
shall allocate net receipts, after payment of promotional expenses
(see 263.1). Funds shall be administered by the agencies under
which approved programs are lodged.
2. UMCOR Sunday—Historically, UMCOR Sunday
has been
celebrated with an offering on the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Congre-
gations are encouraged to observe UMCOR Sunday on this date or
on another date appropriate to the local church. The purpose shall
be to share the goodness of life with those who hurt ( 263.2). The
observance shall be under the general supervision of the United
Methodist Committee on Relief, General Board of Global Minis-
tries ( 1315.1c(5), in accordance with the following directives:
a) All local churches shall be fully informed and encour-
aged to receive a freewill offering in behalf of the relief program.
b) Insofar as possible, planning and promotion of One
Great Hour of Sharing
shall be done cooperatively with other
denominations through the National Council of the Churches of
Christ in the U.S.A. Offering receipts shall be administered by
The United Methodist Church. In connection with UMCOR Sun-
the General Commission on Communication shall conduct
a churchwide appeal. The treasurer of the General Council on
Finance and Administration shall allocate net receipts after pay-
ment of promotional expenses. Funds shall be administered by
the agency under which approved programs are lodged.
22. One Great Hour of Sharing is now called UMCOR Sunday in The United
Methodist Church. See General Conference 2016 Calendar Item 53 (DCA page 2101).
23. Changed from One Great Hour of Sharing to be consistent with General Con-
ference 2016 Calendar Item 53 (DCA page 2101).
3. United Methodist Student Day—Historically, United Meth-
odist Student Day has been celebrated with an offering on the last
Sunday in November. Congregations are encouraged to observe
United Methodist Student Day on this date or on another date
appropriate to the local church. The offering shall support United
Methodist scholarships and the United Methodist Student Loan
Fund ( 263.4). The observance shall be under the general super-
vision of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. In
connection with United Methodist Student Day, the General Com-
mission on Communication shall conduct a churchwide appeal.
The treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Adminis-
tration shall allocate net receipts, after payment of promotional
expenses. Funds shall be administered by the agency under which
approved programs are lodged.
4. World Communion Sunday—Historically, World Commu-
nion Sunday has been celebrated with an offering on the rst Sun-
day of October. Congregations are encouraged to observe World
Communion Sunday on this date or another date appropriate to
the local church. The purpose shall be to assist racial and ethnic
persons pursuing various avenues of ministry. In connection with
World Communion Sunday, the General Commission on Com-
munication shall conduct a churchwide appeal according to the
following directives:
a) Each local church shall be requested to remit as pro-
vided in 824.8 all of the communion offering received on World
Communion Sunday and such portion of the communion offering
received at other observances of the sacrament of the Lord’s Sup-
per as the local church may designate.
b) The treasurer of the General Council on Finance and
Administration shall allocate net receipts, after payment of pro-
motional expenses, to be divided as follows: 50 percent World
Communion Scholarships; 35 percent Ethnic Scholarship Pro-
gram, and 15 percent Ethnic In-Service Training Program. Funds
shall be administered by the General Board of Global Ministries
and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, in con-
sultation with various ethnic groups ( 263.3).
5. Peace with Justice Sunday—Historically, Peace with Justice
Sunday has been celebrated with an offering on the rst Sunday
after Pentecost. Congregations are encouraged to observe Peace
with Justice Sunday on this date or on another date appropriate
to the local church. The purpose shall be to witness “to God’s
demand for a faithful, just, disarmed, and secure world” ( 263.5).
The observance shall be under the general supervision of the Gen-
eral Board of Church and Society. In connection with Peace with
Justice Sunday, the General Commission on Communication shall
conduct a churchwide appeal.
a) The annual conference treasurer shall retain 50 percent
of the monies for Peace with Justice Ministries in the annual con-
ference, to be administered by the conference board of church and
society or an equivalent structure.
b) The annual conference treasurer shall remit the remain-
ing 50 percent of the monies to the General Council on Finance
and Administration.
c) The treasurer of the General Council on Finance and
Administration shall allocate net receipts, after payment of the
promotional expenses, to the General Board of Church and Soci-
ety under which approved programs are lodged.
6. Native American Ministries Sunday—Historically, Native
American Ministries Sunday has been celebrated with an offer-
ing on the Third Sunday of Easter. Congregations are encouraged
to observe Native American Ministries Sunday on this date or on
another date appropriate to the local church. The purpose shall
be to develop and strengthen Native American ministries in the
annual conferences and in Native American rural, urban, and res-
ervation ministries and communities relating to the General Board
of Global Ministries, and to provide scholarships for Native Amer-
icans attending United Methodist schools of theology ( 263.6).
The observance shall be under the general supervision of the Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries and the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry. In connection with Native American
Ministries Sunday, the General Commission on Communication
shall conduct a churchwide appeal. The treasurer of the General
Council on Finance and Administration shall allocate net receipts,
after payment of promotional expenses. Funds shall be adminis-
tered by the agencies under which approved projects are lodged.
7. The General Commission on Communication shall pro-
mote all authorized churchwide special Sundays with offerings
in consultation with participating agencies. Promotional expenses
for each offering shall be a prior claim against the receipts of the
offering promoted. In each case, such expenses shall be within a
budget approved by the General Council on Finance and Admin-
istration upon recommendation of the General Commission on
Communication after consultation with participating agencies.
In the promotion of these offerings, the spiritual implications of
Christian stewardship shall be emphasized.
8. Receipts from all authorized churchwide special Sunday
offerings shall be remitted promptly by the local church treasurer
to the annual conference treasurer, who shall remit monthly to
the treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion. Local churches shall report the amount of the offerings in the
manner indicated on the annual conference report form.
Section III. Connectional Table
901. Name—There shall be a Connectional Table in The
United Methodist Church where ministry and money are brought
to the same table to coordinate the mission, ministries, and resources
of The United Methodist Church. Effective January 1, 2005, the
Connectional Table shall be assigned the primary responsibilities,
general policies and practices found in the relevant 700 paragraphs.
902. Incorporation—The Connectional Table shall be incor-
porated in such state or states, as the Connectional Table shall
determine. This corporation shall be the successor corporation
and organization to the General Council on Ministries of The
United Methodist Church, an Ohio corporation, and the Program
Council of The United Methodist Church.
903. Amenability—The Connectional Table shall report and
be amenable to the General Conference.
904. Purpose—The purpose of the Connectional Table (CT)
is for the discernment and articulation of the vision for the church
and the stewardship of the mission, ministries, and resources of
The United Methodist Church as determined by the actions of
the General Conference and in consultation with the Council of
Bishops. As part of the total mission of the church, the CT is to
serve as a steward of the vision and resources for mission and
ministry, provide scal responsibility, and establish policies and
procedures to carry out the mission of the church.
905. Objectives—The essential functions of the Connec-
tional Table are:
1. To provide a forum for the understanding and implemen-
tation of the vision, mission, and ministries of the global church
as determined in consultation with the Council of Bishops and/or
the actions of the General Conference.
2. To enable the ow of information and communication
among annual conferences, jurisdictions, central conferences,
general agencies, and the Council of Bishops.
3. Consistent with actions of the General Conference, to coor-
dinate the program life of the church with the mandates of the
gospel, the mission of the church, and the needs of the global com-
munity by listening to the expression of needs, addressing emerg-
ing issues, and determining the most effective, cooperative, and
efcient way to provide optimum stewardship of ministries, per-
sonnel, and resources.
4. To review and evaluate the missional effectiveness of gen-
eral program-related agencies and connectional structures of the
church as they collectively seek to aid annual conferences and
local churches as they fulll the mission of The United Methodist
Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of
the world.
5. To recommend to the General Conference such changes
and implementing legislation as may be appropriate to ensure
effectiveness of the general agencies.
6. To provide leadership in planning and research, assisting
all levels of the church to evaluate needs and plan strategies to
carry out the mission of the church.
7. In order to be accountable, along with the General Council
on Finance and Administration, to The United Methodist Church
through the General Conference, the Connectional Table shall
have the authority and responsibility in the following matters:
a) To collaborate with the General Council on Finance
and Administration in the preparation of budgets for the appor-
tioned funds as provided for in ¶¶ 806.1 and 810.1.
b) To receive from the General Council on Finance and
Administration and approve all general agency budget reviews.
c) To review and approve special offerings and church-
wide appeals.
906. Organization of the Connectional Table—1. Membership
The voting members of the Connectional Table shall consist of 49
persons as follows:
a) Twenty-eight persons elected through jurisdictional
and central conferences, one from each of the central conferences
by their own nomination processes and 21 from the jurisdictional
conferences elected by the jurisdictional nomination process.
Jurisdictional membership shall include one person from each
jurisdiction and the balance of the jurisdictional members shall
be allocated by the Secretary of the General Conference so as to
insure to the extent possible that the members represent the pro-
portionate membership of the jurisdictions based upon the com-
bined clergy and lay membership.
b) An effective bishop, selected by the Council of Bish-
ops, serves as the chair of the Connectional Table.
c) The ecumenical ofcer of the Council of Bishops and
the presidents of the following agencies: General Board of Church
and Society, General Board of Discipleship, General Board of
Global Ministries, General Board of Higher Education and Min-
istry, General Commission on Religion and Race, General Com-
mission on Status and Role of Women, General Commission on
United Methodist Men, General Commission on Communication,
and General Commission on Archives and History, program-
related agencies that are accountable to the Connectional Table (as
expressed in 702.3). The chairperson of the Commission on the
General Conference, the chairperson of the Standing Committee
on Central Conference Matters, and the president of the General
Council on Finance and Administration shall also sit with voice
and vote on the Connectional Table.
d) One youth and one young adult elected by the Con-
nectional Table upon nomination by the membership of the Divi-
sion on Ministries With Young People from among its members
shall serve on the Connectional Table.
e) One member from each of the racial/ethnic caucuses
as elected by the Connectional Table upon nomination from: Black
Methodists for Church Renewal, Methodists Associated to Repre-
sent Hispanic Americans, Native American International Caucus,
National Federation of Asian American United Methodists and
Pacic Islanders National Caucus United Methodist.
f) The general secretaries of the above-named agencies
and the General Board of Pension and Health Benets, the United
Methodist Women, the publisher of The United Methodist Pub-
lishing House, and the secretary of General Conference shall sit at
the Table and have the right of voice but no vote.
g) Jurisdictional, central conferences, and other groups
involved in the nominating and election of persons to the Connec-
tional Table shall ensure the diversity objectives of, insofar as pos-
sible, fty percent clergy, fty percent laity, fty percent female,
fty percent male, not less than thirty percent members of racial/
ethnic groups (excluding central conference members), and not
less than ten percent youth and young adults, ensuring diversity
as otherwise provided in 705.4b.
h) Vacancies of members elected from central and juris-
dictional conferences occurring between sessions of the general
conference shall be lled by the College of Bishops where the
vacancy occurred, in so far as possible from the same annual
i) Members shall meet all the membership qualications
as expressed in 710.
2. Meetings—The Connectional Table shall meet at least semi-
annually and at such other times as are necessary on call of the
president or on written request of one-fth of the members.
One more than half of the voting membership shall constitute a
3. Ofcers—The ofcers of the Connectional Table, other than
the chair, shall be elected from the Connectional Table and shall
serve for a quadrennium or until their successors are duly elected.
4. Internal Structure—The Connectional Table shall determine
its own internal structure as it deems appropriate for the perfor-
mance of its duties.
5. Staff—The Connectional Table shall determine the support
staff that it deems appropriate to facilitate its work.
907. Effective Date—The organizational plan for the Con-
nectional Table shall be effective January 1, 2005.
Section IV. General Board of Church and Society
1001. Name—There shall be a General Board of Church and
Society in The United Methodist Church, as an expression of the
mission of the Church.
1002. Purpose—The purpose of the board shall be to relate
the gospel of Jesus Christ to the members of the Church and to the
persons and structures of the communities and world in which
they live. It shall seek to bring the whole of human life, activities,
possessions, use of resources, and community and world rela-
tionships into conformity with the will of God. It shall show the
members of the Church and the society that the reconciliation that
God effected through Christ involves personal, social, and civic
1003. Objectives—To achieve its purpose, the board shall:
1. Project plans and programs that challenge the members of
The United Methodist Church to work through their own local
churches, ecumenical channels, and society toward personal,
social, and civic righteousness;
2. Assist the district and annual conferences with needed
resources in areas of such concerns;
3. Analyze the issues that confront persons, communities,
nations, and the world; and
4. Encourage Christian lines of action that assist humankind
to move toward a world where peace and justice are achieved.
1004. Responsibilities—The prime responsibility of the
board is to seek the implementation of the Social Principles and
other policy statements of the General Conference on Christian
social concerns.
Furthermore, the board and its executives shall provide forth-
right witness and action on issues of human well-being, justice,
peace, and the integrity of creation that call Christians to respond
as forgiven people for whom Christ died. In particular, the board
shall conduct a program of research, education, and action on the
wide range of issues that confront the Church.
The board shall analyze long-range social trends and their
underlying ethical values. It shall explore systemic strategies for
social change and alternative futures. It shall speak its convictions,
interpretations, and concerns to the Church and to the world.
The board shall develop, promote, and distribute resources
and conduct programs to inform, motivate, train, organize, and
build networks for action toward social justice throughout society,
particularly on the specic issues prioritized by the board. Special
attention shall be given to the nurture of the active constituency of
the board. The board will encourage an exchange of ideas on strat-
egy and methodology for social change. Through conferences,
districts, coalitions, and networks, it will assist Church members
as they identify and respond to critical social issues at community,
regional, national, and international levels. The board shall pro-
mote education, prayer, and advocacy on behalf of our brothers
and sisters in Christ around the world who suffer persecution for
their faith.
All the above shall be consistent with the Social Principles
and policies adopted by the General Conference.
The board shall maintain close relationships with the General
Commission on Religion and Race, the General Commission on
the Status and Role of Women, and the Appalachian Develop-
ment Committee as they seek to coordinate denominational sup-
port and cooperation with various movements for racial, sexual,
and social justice, according to guidelines stated in the Book of
Discipline. In cooperation with ecumenical agencies and other
appropriate boards and agencies, the board shall encourage and
promote ministries and models of mediation and conict resolu-
tion, both ecumenically and within the agencies and institutions
of The United Methodist Church.
The board shall facilitate and coordinate the legislative advo-
cacy activities in the United States Congress of other general
agencies of The United Methodist Church that receive General
Church funds.
1005. Incorporation—The General Board of Church and
Society shall be a corporation existing under the laws of the Dis-
trict of Columbia and shall be the legal successor and successor in
trust of the corporations, boards, departments, or entities known
as the General Board of Christian Social Concerns of The United
Methodist Church; the Department of Christian Social Action of
The Evangelical United Brethren Church; the Board of Christian
Social Concerns of The Methodist Church; the Division of Gen-
eral Welfare of the General Board of Church and Society of The
United Methodist Church; the Division of General Welfare of the
General Board of Christian Social Concerns of The United Meth-
odist Church; the Division of Alcohol Problems and General Wel-
fare of the Board of Christian Social Concerns of The Methodist
Church; the Division of Temperance and General Welfare of the
Board of Christian Social Concerns of The Methodist Church; the
Board of Temperance of The Methodist Church; the Board of Tem-
perance, Prohibition, and Public Morals of The Methodist Episco-
pal Church; the Board of World Peace of The Methodist Church;
the Commission on World Peace of The Methodist Church; the
Commission on World Peace of The Methodist Episcopal Church;
the Division of World Peace of the General Board of Church and
Society of The United Methodist Church; the Board of Social and
Economic Relations of The Methodist Church; the Division of
Human Relations of the General Board of Church and Society of
The United Methodist Church.
1006. Organization—1. The General Board of Church and
Society shall have sixty-two members, constituted in accordance
24. See Judicial Council Decision 387.
with 705.3d, and shall be organized as specied in its bylaws
and in harmony with ¶¶ 702-710 of the General Provisions. The
membership shall be constituted as follows:
a) Jurisdictional Members—Clergy, laywomen, and lay-
men shall be elected to the board by the jurisdictional conference
upon nomination from the annual conference in accordance with
705.5b, based on the following formula: North Central—7,
Northeastern—8, South Central—11, Southeastern—12, and
b) Central Conference Members—Six central conference
members shall be elected to the board on nomination by the
Council of Bishops, according to the provisions in 705.4c.
c) Episcopal Members—Six episcopal members, including
at least one from the central conferences, shall be named by the
Council of Bishops.
d) Additional Members—(1) United Methodist—Addi-
tional members are nominated by a committee composed of three
persons from each jurisdiction (one clergy, one laywoman, and
one layman) elected by the jurisdictional conference. They shall
elect up to nine additional members to ensure inclusivity and
(2) The board may elect one of the additional mem-
bers with vote from among our Full Communion Ecumenical
1007. Vacancies—Vacancies in the board membership shall
be lled by the procedure dened in 712.
1008. Financial Support—1. The General Conference shall
determine and provide the funding for the board in accord with
policies and procedures of 806.
2. Either on behalf of its total work or on behalf of one of its
programs, the board may solicit and create special funds, receive
gifts and bequests, hold properties and securities in trust, and
administer all its nancial affairs in accordance with its own rules
and provisions of the Book of Discipline. Funds vested in any of the
predecessor boards shall be conserved for the specic purposes
for which such funds have been given.
1009. Staff—1. The general secretary shall be the chief
administrative ofcer of the board, responsible for the coordina-
tion of the total program of the board, the supervision of staff,
and the administration of the headquarters ofce. The general
secretary shall be an ex ofcio member of the executive commit-
tee without vote and shall sit with the board when it is in session,
with voice but without vote.
2. All other staff are to be elected or appointed in a manner
prescribed by the board consistent with the afrmative action pol-
icies of the Church and the board.
1010. Headquarters—The headquarters location shall be
determined in accordance with 807.7. A United Nations Ofce
shall be maintained in cooperation with the General Board of
Global Ministries and the United Methodist Women’s national
1011. Bylaws—The General Board of Church and Society
shall provide its own bylaws, which shall not violate any pro-
visions of the Constitution or the Book of Discipline. The bylaws
may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present
and voting thereon at a regular or special meeting, provided
that notice of such amendment has previously been given to the
Section V. General Board of Discipleship
1101. Purpose—1. There shall be a General Board of Dis-
cipleship, the purpose of which is found within the expression of
the total mission of the Church. Its primary purpose shall be to
assist annual conferences, districts, and local churches of all mem-
bership sizes in their efforts to win persons to Jesus Christ as his
disciples and to help these persons to grow in their understand-
ing of God that they may respond in faith and love, to the end
that they may know who they are and what their human situation
means, increasingly identifying themselves as children of God
and members of the Christian community, to live in the Spirit of
God in every relationship, to fulll their common discipleship in
the world, and to abide in the Christian hope.
2. The board shall use its resources to enhance the meaning
of membership as dened in ¶¶ 216-220, which emphasizes the
importance of the identication of church membership with dis-
cipleship to Jesus Christ. The board shall seek to enable congrega-
tions to carry out their primary task and shall provide resources
that support growth in Christian discipleship. In doing its work,
the board shall listen to the needs and requests of the Church, con-
duct research, design and produce resources, offer training, and
deliver resources. All of this is to support congregations in their
primary task of reaching out and receiving all who will respond,
encouraging people in their relationship with God and inviting
them to commitment to God’s love made known in Jesus Christ,
providing opportunities for them to be nurtured and formed in
the Christian faith, and supporting them to live lovingly and
justly in the power of the Holy Spirit as faithful disciples. The
board, through all activities, shall lead and assist congregations in
becoming inclusive communities of growing Christians, celebrat-
ing and communicating to persons of every age, racial and ethnic
background, and social condition the redeeming and reconciling
love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ.
3. Members of the General Board of Discipleship shall
assume duciary, strategic, and generative governing functions.
Fiduciary responsibilities include ensuring nancial, legal, and
ethical stewardship of tangible assets; accountability for stated
performance standards; ensuring the annual evaluation of the
general secretary; and providing counsel to the general secretary
regarding evaluation and deployment of staff. Strategic responsi-
bilities include ensuring that priorities, goals, achievement mark-
ers, and agency resources are aligned with the mission, vision,
and values of the agency. Generative responsibilities include
long-range analysis and planning in accordance with agency
mission, vision, and values; setting direction and priorities for
the agency; and exploring options in order to amend priorities
when needed.
4. Members of the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD) are
to be dedicated Christian leaders who have a heart for the local
church and a passion for making disciples. They must be willing
to invest time and skills to support the work of the board, includ-
ing interpreting and articulating the GBOD strategy in a variety
of contexts. They must engage in regular and intentional conver-
sation with networks and individuals throughout the church to
ensure that the wide diversity of people and perspectives pres-
ent in The United Methodist Church are considered as the board
carries out its responsibilities. They must be committed to sup-
porting and implementing the mandates and foci of the general
church as well as the General Board of Discipleship.
1102. Responsibilities—All the responsibilities assigned to
the units within the board shall be considered to be the respon-
sibilities of the board. In addition to these, the board shall have
authority to:
1. Provide for special publications directed toward the local
church nurture, outreach, witness ministries, age-level and fam-
ily ministries, ministry group representatives, the ministry group
chairpersons, the pastor, and the other local church ofcers for
whom the board has primary responsibility.
2. Manage and produce The Upper Room daily devotional
guide and a wide range of other resources to help people grow in
their relationship with God.
3. Provide systems of resources and support to users of
resources that will assist people in the historic disciplines of the
Church, i.e., Christian education, evangelism, lay ministries,
spiritual growth, stewardship, and worship. These resources will
address ministry concerns across children, youth, and adult ages
and family groupings and across programmatic and administra-
tive functions of the congregation in order to improve ministry
and the quality of Christian leadership for the future ministry of
the Church.
4. Develop and provide resources, training, and consultation
for pastors of congregations. These resources will focus on equip-
ping pastors for their spiritual and visioning leadership role with
their congregations and their role as partners with the laity.
5. Develop and provide resources, training, and consultation
for pastors and congregational leaders as they enhance and evalu-
ate the ministries of the laity and initiate new forms of ministry
that nurture faith, build Christian community, and equip people
for ministry in daily life.
6. Provide resources and training that will assist annual con-
ference leaders in building, improving, and sustaining systems
that develop spiritual leaders for congregations.
7. Provide resources and training that will assist leaders in
planning and administering comprehensive children, youth,
young-adult, adult, and older-adult ministries that encourage
lifelong learning and growth in faith, that strengthen understand-
ing of God and relationship with God and other people, and that
lead to spiritual maturity in faith and in practice.
8. Provide representation in ecumenical and interdenomina-
tional agencies as they relate to the work of the board.
9. Respond to requests and needs for ministries through-
out the world, in consultation with conferences and appropriate
10. Engage in research, experimentation, innovation, and the
testing and evaluation of programs, resources, and methods to
discover more effective ways to help persons achieve the purpose
set forth in 1101. This responsibility will include authority for
experimentation and research in all areas of ministry assigned to
the General Board of Discipleship and will encourage cooperation
with other agencies in the conduct of such research and experi-
mentation. This research and experimentation may be assigned to
appropriate units within the board.
11. Ensure that ethnic local church concerns shall be an inte-
gral part of the total life of the board, providing guidance, resourc-
ing, and training so that these concerns are incorporated in all
areas of discipleship in the local church.
1103. The board shall provide such bylaws as necessary to
facilitate the work of the board, which shall not violate any provi-
sions of the Discipline and which may be amended by a two-thirds
vote of the members present and voting thereon at a regular or
special meeting; provided that written notice to such amend-
ment has been given to the members and the vote thereon shall be
delayed at least one day. The board shall have the power and right
to do any and all things that shall be authorized by its charter(s)
and by the Book of Discipline. It shall have authority to develop and
carry out its responsibilities as described in 1102; to buy, acquire,
or receive by gift, devise, or bequest property—real, personal, and
mixed; to hold, mortgage, sell, and dispose of property; to sue
and be sued; to borrow money in case of necessity in a manner
harmonious with ¶¶ 806-807; to develop and maintain ecumeni-
cal relations to carry out its responsibilities; and to administer its
affairs through the board and its various units and committees.
1104. Incorporation—1. The General Board of Discipleship
shall be a corporation existing under the laws of Tennessee and
shall be the legal successor and successor in trust of the corpora-
tions known as the General Board of Evangelism of The United
Methodist Church and the General Board of Laity of The United
Methodist Church, and it shall further be responsible for the per-
formance of the functions previously conducted by the Commis-
sion on Worship of The United Methodist Church, the Division of
the Local Church, and the Division of Curriculum Resources of
the General Board of Education of The United Methodist Church.
2. The General Board of Discipleship is authorized to take
such action as is appropriate under the corporation laws of Ten-
nessee so as to accomplish the end result stated above, and under
which the General Board of Discipleship shall be one legal entity.
3. The divisions of the General Board of Education were not
incorporated separately; it is the intent, however, that responsibil-
ity for the functions delegated to the divisions by prior legislative
action be transferred consistent with the separation of the divisions
between the General Board of Discipleship and the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry. In the division of the assets of
the General Board of Education, it is the intent that all assets be
used in keeping with the original intent and purpose for which
they were established or acquired, and so be assigned as appropri-
ate to the General Boards of Discipleship and Higher Education
and Ministry, respectively. It is further intended that the annuities,
bequests, trusts, and estates formerly held by the General Board of
Education be used for the benet and use of the General Boards of
Discipleship and Higher Education and Ministry (in accord with
their purposes as dened in the Discipline), respectively, as their
interests may appear, and that real estate titles be authorized to be
conveyed as appropriate and apportioned where indicated.
4. In the event that the intent of the original donor of exist-
ing annuities, bequests, trusts, and estates cannot clearly be deter-
mined in relation to the interests of the two boards, such assets
shall be divided equally between the two boards.
5. It is further intended that should additional assets accrue
to the former General Board of Education by reason of annuities,
bequests, trusts, and estates not now known and where the intent
of the donor can be clearly ascertained, the assets shall be used
in keeping with the original intent and purpose for which they
were established or acquired and so be assigned as appropriate
to the General Boards of Discipleship and Higher Education and
Ministry, respectively.
6. It is further intended that should additional assets accrue
to the former General Board of Education by reason of annuities,
bequests, trusts, and estates not now known and where the intent
of the original donor cannot be clearly determined in relation
to the interests of the two boards, such assets shall be divided
equally between the two boards.
7. The spiritual formation responsibilities of the general
board as described in 1115 may be carried out primarily by its
subsidiary The Upper Room, incorporated in the State of Tennes-
see as a nonprot, charitable organization that relates to the Gen-
eral Board of Discipleship (GBOD) and whose board members are
elected by the GBOD. The Upper Room is authorized, subject to
1107, to establish long-range investments and engage in fund-
raising that shall guarantee, insofar as possible, a continuous ow
of nancial resources for the development of devotional litera-
ture, programs, and experiences.
8. The president of the board, the general secretary, and
the treasurer shall have the power to execute on behalf of the
board legal paper such as conveyances of real estate, releases on
mortgages, transfer of securities, contracts, and all other legal
1105. Organization—1. The board shall consist of twenty-
two members constituted in accordance with 705.3 of the
General Provisions. It shall be organized to accomplish its work
through elected ofcers as prescribed in 708. The membership
shall be constituted as follows:
a) Jurisdictional Members—Each jurisdiction shall elect
one member to the board in accordance with 705.3a. Before
election, nominated members will be informed of the duciary,
strategic, and generative responsibilities they will be assuming
upon election so that they may clearly understand the time and
resource commitment they are making. Other paragraphs of the
Discipline notwithstanding, the secretary of the General Confer-
ence shall offer to each jurisdiction a suggested member alloca-
tion to ensure that, when combined with the board members from
the central conferences, the resulting membership will reect a
balance of clergy, laywomen, and laymen. The secretary will also
establish an equitable rotation to ensure that over the course of
several quadrennia each jurisdiction will have the opportunity to
elect a laywoman, a layman, and a clergy member.
b) Central Conference Members—The Council of Bish-
ops shall elect three members from the central conferences in
accordance with 705.4c, one each from Africa, Europe, and the
c) Episcopal Members—The Council of Bishops will nomi-
nate two bishops to be members in accordance with 705.4d.
d) Division on Ministries With Young People—The Division
on Ministries With Young People will elect two members, one
youth and one young adult as dened by the age qualications
for the Division on Ministries With Young People in accordance
with 1207.
e) Additional Members—Other paragraphs of the Disci-
pline notwithstanding, the members of the board shall elect ten
additional members based on expertise needed to accomplish the
duciary, generative, and strategic work of the board. Particular
attention will be given to ensuring an inclusive board member-
ship that is sensitive to the wide diversity of people and perspec-
tives throughout The United Methodist Church. The board may
select these members from any jurisdiction or central conference
in The United Methodist Church. Before election, nominated
members will be informed of the duciary, strategic, and genera-
tive responsibilities they will be assuming upon election so that
they may clearly understand the time and resource commitment
they are making.
2. Liaison Representative—The board will name a liaison repre-
sentative according to 705.4f and may name other individuals as
liaison representatives to provide networking and advice related
to areas of mutual concern. When invited to board meetings, they
shall have voice but not vote.
3. The board shall determine and establish the appropriate
organization of the board and its staff in order to best carry out
the work of the board.
1106. Financial Support—1. The nancial support of the
board shall be determined as follows: the General Conference
shall determine and provide the budget for the board in accord
with procedures dened in 806.
2. The board shall have authority to receive and administer
funds, gifts, or bequests that may be committed to it for any por-
tion of its work and to solicit, establish, and administer any spe-
cial funds that may be found necessary for the carrying out of its
plans and policies in accordance with 811.3. In the investment
of any funds, the board shall adhere to the specic investment
guidelines adopted by the General Conference.
3. When special missions are conducted or special projects
are undertaken by the board, offerings and contributions may be
received toward defraying expenses.
4. In the discharge of its responsibility for Christian educa-
tion in The United Methodist Church, the board may establish
and provide for participation by church school groups in a fund
(or funds) for missions and Christian education in the United
States and overseas. Plans for the allocation of, administration of,
and education for this fund(s) shall be developed cooperatively
by such means as the board shall determine in consultation with
the General Board of Global Ministries.
1107. Financial Relationship of The Upper Room to the Gen-
eral Board of Discipleship—1. The funds for the fulllment of the
responsibilities of The Upper Room shall be derived from sales of
resources, gifts, devises, bequests, annuities, events, and funds
raised from subscribers, customers, foundations, and other lim-
ited groups of faithful subscribers, supporters, and interested par-
ties (as dened in 819.1).
2. No funds, property, or other investments either now in
hand or hereafter accumulated by The Upper Room or other devo-
tional and related literature hereafter produced by The Upper Room
shall be used for the support of other features of the board’s work,
but all funds from the sale of such publications shall be conserved
by the board for the purpose of preparing and circulating such
literature and cultivating the devotional life; provided, however,
that this shall not prevent the setting up of a reserve fund out of
such income as a protection against unforeseen emergencies.
3. Administrative support services are provided to The Upper
Room by the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD) on a reim-
bursable basis. As a subsidiary of the GBOD, The Upper Room par-
ticipates in the general church pension and benets programs and
receives administrative, nancial, and personnel-related services
from the General Council on Finance and Administration to the
same extent as GBOD.
1108. Christian Education—1. The board shall have general
oversight of the educational interests of the Church as directed
by the General Conference. The board shall be responsible for the
development of a clear statement of the biblical and theological
foundations of Christian education, consistent with the doctrines
of The United Methodist Church and the mission of the board.
The board shall devote itself to strengthening and extending the
teaching ministry of the Church through research; testing new
approaches, methods, and resources; evaluation; and consultation.
2. Through the ministry of Christian education, United Meth-
odist congregations shall reach out to people of all ages as they are,
encourage them to commit themselves to Christ and membership
in his church, provide opportunities for them to grow in faith and
to connect that faith with their daily lives, and equip them to live
as God’s people in the world. Opportunities for Christian educa-
tion shall include educational aspects of all the general areas and
interests of the denomination, such as evangelism, stewardship,
missions, Christian social action, and Bible instruction. The minis-
try of Christian education shall be developed as a comprehensive,
unied, and coordinated program for children, youth, adults, and
families in local churches. It shall be promoted and administered
by the board in cooperation with those agencies responsible for
Christian education in jurisdictions, annual conferences, districts,
and local churches. It shall give careful consideration to the needs
of all churches, such as small and large membership churches,
rural and urban settings, and ethnic populations.
1109. Education Responsibilities and Standards—The board
shall organize as may be necessary for carrying on the educational
ministry throughout the whole life span of persons. The board
1. Formulate and interpret the philosophy of Christian edu-
cation based on biblical, theological, and educational foundations
(consistent with the Doctrinal Standards and General Rules of
The United Methodist Church, 104) as they relate to the church
school and related activities; individual or group study; fellow-
ship, education, and action groups for children, youth, and adults;
related educational programs provided by civic youth-serving
agencies; weekday preschools and kindergartens; daycare cen-
ters; choirs, drama groups, mission studies; education for leisure;
outdoor education; camping; education of persons with develop-
mental disabilities and others of special need; special Bible study
groups; conrmation and church membership training.
2. Develop educational approaches in a variety of settings
that appeal to persons of different ages, lifestyles, learning needs,
and theological perspectives.
3. Develop educational approaches that will enable persons
of different racial, ethnic, and cultural groups to appropriate the
gospel for their own life situations.
4. Promote church school extension in a variety of ways, such
as providing resources and training that help persons in sponsor-
ing new church schools, starting new church school classes, and
expanding teaching and learning opportunities in the congrega-
tion and the community.
5. Provide resources and support services for pastors, par-
ents, educational leaders, teachers, and others responsible for
teaching and learning with persons across the life span at the local
church, district, and conference levels.
6. Provide resources and support services for teacher recruit-
ment, development, and training in biblical, theological, and ethi-
cal thinking, as well as in procedures and methods; work with the
colleges and seminaries of the Church wherever possible to for-
ward the common interest in the training of professional Christian
educators and the training of ministerial students in local church
Christian education; provide national camp training events and
assist jurisdictions and annual conferences in designing, guiding,
and resourcing camp training programs and outdoor Christian
7. Set standards and provide guidance concerning program-
ming, leadership, and grouping for the various educational set-
tings of the Church, including the church school.
8. Establish guidelines for the organization and administration
of the church school, for recording and reporting membership and
attendance of the church school, and for the equipment, arrange-
ment, and design for church school buildings and rooms, with
particular attention given to the needs of persons with disabilities.
9. Provide resources and services related to the training and
work of local church directors, ordained and diaconal ministers,
and associates of Christian education and educational assistants.
10. Provide assistance and information for groups and organi-
zations with direct oversight for United Methodist-related camp/
retreat centers and ministries, to help them with their responsi-
bility to establish standards, policies, and procedures related to
physical facilities, program, and leadership. To the extent pos-
sible, all camps/retreat centers shall be accessible to persons with
11. Cooperate with the General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry as they develop standards for certifying profes-
sional ministry careers as provided in 1421.2c and promote the
continuing growth of local church staff related to educational
12. Provide resources, models, and training to support annual
conferences and local churches as they help people make deci-
sions related to their general Christian vocation as well as their
specic occupations or careers.
13. Review and recommend for approval the curriculum
plans developed in cooperation with the other boards and agen-
cies in the Curriculum Resources Committee and interpret and
support the curriculum developed by the committee.
14. Promote the observance of Christian Education Sunday
(¶¶ 265.1, 1806.12).
1110. Cooperation—1. The board shall cooperate with other
general boards and agencies in the promotion of stewardship,
evangelism, worship, mission education, and social action, and in
the evaluation of these ministries from the perspective of sound
educational procedure.
2. The board, in cooperation with the General Board of Global
Ministries, shall be responsible for developing a unied pro-
gram of mission education for all age groups in the local church.
The mission education program shall include provisions for the
a) Linking emerging philosophies of mission and of edu-
cation through information ow and cooperative work of the
respective staffs and boards;
b) Developing and interpreting varied styles of mission
education appropriate to different groups, including age group-
ings and the various racial and ethnic cultures;
c) Curriculum planning for education in mission, provid-
ing mission information about projects supported by The United
Methodist Church (including ecumenical projects) through the
church school resources, and preparing curricular and other
materials for mission education;
d) Participating with various agencies in the design,
development, and promotion of ecumenical mission education
e) Developing and interpreting educational approaches
and channels for mission giving of children, youth, and adults,
such as the Children’s Fund for Christian Mission;
f) Developing and interpreting models for new
approaches to mission study and educational participation in
g) Providing information regarding educational criteria
to the staff of the General Board of Global Ministries for use in
certifying leaders for schools of mission;
h) Disseminating a comprehensive listing of mission
resources for leaders;
i) Cooperating with the General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry and the General Board of Global Ministries
in providing an emphasis on mission education in the schools of
theology through United Methodist courses on history, polity, and
doctrine now required for candidates considering ordination or
3. The board shall have authority to cooperate with other
agencies of the Church, with dened organizations, and with ecu-
menical agencies to promote the ministry of Christian education.
4. The board is authorized to cooperate with the General Board
of Global Ministries in the planning and execution of programs
for the strengthening and development of the town and country,
urban, and ethnic local church ministries of The United Methodist
Church and of interdenominational cooperation in these elds.
1111. Evangelism—The board shall have general oversight
of the evangelism ministries of the Church as directed by the
General Conference. Evangelism is central to the mission of the
Church. Evangelism is dened in the Book of Discipline, 630.1.
The board shall share the blessing of the gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ with people of all age groupings and the various
racial and ethnic cultures by the development, promotion, and
support of all phases of evangelism throughout The United Meth-
odist Church.
1112. Evangelism Responsibilities—In response to God’s
love in Jesus Christ, the board shall have general oversight of the
evangelism ministries of The United Methodist Church by the
envisioning and developing of resources and by training and con-
sultation in various settings. The board shall:
1. Set forth an adequate biblical and theological basis and
understanding for the personal, corporate, and social aspects of
evangelism, consistent with the doctrine and tradition of The
United Methodist Church, and it shall communicate and interpret
the same to the membership of the Church.
2. Give emphasis to the development, interpretation, and
promotion of ministries of evangelism at the conference, district,
and local church levels so that persons who are not active Chris-
tian disciples through any local church will be invited and cared
for by a United Methodist church.
3. Provide resources and training for strategies, ministries,
and programs in evangelism, including resources for the local
church ministry of evangelism ( 254).
4. Cooperate with other program agencies of the Church in
supporting and equipping both clergy and laity at all levels in
involvement in evangelism, church growth, and new congre-
gational development.
5. Provide and encourage research in what creative congre-
gations of various membership sizes and settings are doing in
effective evangelism that can serve as models for other churches,
and foster experimentation and demonstration of additional evan-
gelistic approaches, consistent with the nature of the Christian
gospel and the Church, at all levels of the Church’s life, including
new congregations and all racial and cultural groups.
6. Provide resources and services for those serving as pastors,
diaconal ministers, directors of evangelism, general evangelists,
and other professionals in evangelism in local churches.
7. Set standards for elders desiring to serve as general evan-
gelists. The board shall send copies of these standards quadrenni-
ally to the bishops, district superintendents, conference boards of
discipleship, and general evangelists. An elder who feels called by
God to be a general evangelist should prepare denitely for such
service under the guidance of the annual conference to which that
person belongs.
8. Relate and provide liaison services to denominational and
ecumenical associations and fellowships of evangelism.
9. Seek mutual cooperation among and with the seminaries
of the Church and the General Board of Higher Education and
Ministry in the training and nurturing of persons for ministry and
in continuing education where the responsibilities intersect.
10. Communicate with other agencies in whose programs
the subject matter of evangelism would be included, and provide
counsel, guidance, and resources for the implementation of such
11. Participate in and cooperate with the work of the Curricu-
lum Resources Committee of the board for the inclusion of evan-
gelism concepts and resources in local church study curriculum.
12. Provide consultation with conferences, districts, local
congregations, and other agencies to develop strategies in evan-
gelism for outreach, church revitalization, and new congrega-
tional development.
13. Work with the General Board of Global Ministries for the
extension of the Church. To this end there shall be a Joint Com-
mittee on Congregational Development with equal representa-
tion of members from the General Board of Discipleship and the
General Board of Global Ministries, which shall meet regularly for
mutual learning, developing strategies for Church extension, and
providing resources and assistance to conferences and districts in
the eld of new congregational development and congregational
1113. Worship Responsibilities—The board shall: 1. Set forth
and interpret the biblical and theological basis for corporate wor-
ship with people of all age groupings and the various racial and
ethnic cultures through resources, programs, and training materi-
als consistent with the doctrines of The United Methodist Church,
and cultivate the fullest possible meaning in the corporate wor-
ship celebrations of the Church to the glory of God, including
liturgy, preaching, the sacraments, music, related arts, and the
observance of the liturgical seasons of the Christian Year.
2. Develop standards and resources for the conduct of public
worship in the churches, including liturgy, preaching, the sacra-
ments, music, and related arts.
3. Make recommendations to the General Conference re-
garding future editions of a book of worship and a hymnal and,
as ordered, provide editorial supervision of the contents of these
publications, which shall be published by The United Methodist
Publishing House. The hymnals of The United Methodist Church
are The United Methodist Hymnal (1989), Mil Voces Para Celebrar:
Himnario Metodista (1996), and Come, Let Us Worship: The Korean-
English United Methodist Hymnal (2000). The ritual of the Church is
that contained in The United Methodist Hymnal (1989), The United
Methodist Book of Worship (1992), Mil Voces Para Celebrar: Himnario
Metodista (1996), and Come, Let Us Worship: The Korean-English
United Methodist Hymnal (2000).
4. Prepare revisions of the ritual of the Church and approved
orders of worship for recommendation to the General Conference
for adoption.
5. Work with other North American Christian denomina-
tions through the Consultation on Common Texts in the con-
tinuing development of a common calendar and lectionary, and
encourage the voluntary use of the Revised Common Lectionary and
resources based upon it.
6. Prepare and sponsor the publication of supplemental
orders and texts of worship.
7. Maintain a cooperative but not exclusive relationship with
The United Methodist Publishing House in the preparation and
publication of worship resources.
25. See Judicial Council Decision 445.
8. Advise the general agencies of the Church in the prepara-
tion, publication, and circulation of orders of service and other
liturgical materials bearing the imprint of The United Methodist
Church, encouraging use of racial and ethnic worship resources
and incorporation of language that recognizes the several constit-
uencies of the Church. (See 4.)
9. Counsel with the editors of the periodicals and publica-
tions of The United Methodist Church concerning material offered
in the elds of worship, including preaching, music, and the other
liturgical arts.
10. Participate in and cooperate with the Curriculum
Resources Committee of the board for the inclusion of worship
concepts and resources in local church study curriculum.
11. Encourage in the schools of theology and pastors’ schools,
and other settings, the offering of instruction in the meaning and
design of worship. This should include the worship practices and
expressions of various styles (i.e., traditional, contemporary), cul-
tures, and races.
12. Counsel with those responsible for planning and con-
ducting the worship services of the General Conference and other
general assemblies of the Church.
13. Give guidance to, provide resources for, and encourage
the continuing growth of those persons responsible for music
leadership in the local church, i.e., directors, ordained ministers,
associates, music assistants, and those volunteering in music and
the other worship arts. (See 1405.7.)
14. Cooperate with the Fellowship of United Methodists in
Music and Worship Arts and The Order of St. Luke in afrming
the sacramental life embracing liturgy, preaching, music, and
other arts appropriate for the inclusive worship life of the Church.
15. Develop performance standards for associates, directors,
and ministers of music in cooperation with the General Board of
Higher Education and Ministry, and cooperate with the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry in the development of
standards and requirements for certication of directors, associ-
ates, and ministers of music as provided in 1405.7.
1114. Stewardship Responsibilities—1. To interpret the bib-
lical and theological basis for stewardship through programs,
resources, and training materials for people of all ages consistent
with the doctrines of The United Methodist Church.
2. To provide education, counsel, resourcing, and training for
the local church stewardship ministry group chairperson, com-
mission on stewardship, board of trustees, endowment and per-
manent fund committees, wills and estate planning committees,
memorial committees, committee on nance, committee on nance
chairperson, nancial secretaries, and treasurers, and to develop
program resources and training materials for use with and by the
above-named persons and/or groups (see 807.17). Matters relat-
ing to procedures involving ofcial records, forms, and reporting
of statistical and nancial information shall be the responsibility
of the General Council on Finance and Administration.
3. To create within The United Methodist Church a deepen-
ing commitment to personal and corporate Christian steward-
ship, which includes the use and sharing of talents and resources
and the practice of a Christian lifestyle.
4. To develop strategies, provide resources, and implement
actions that lead to a continuing improvement in the level of giv-
ing of United Methodists in providing adequate support for the
mission of the Church.
5. To counsel in the area of stewardship and nance with
jurisdictional and annual conference program agencies relative
to their organizational structure and program responsibilities and
assist them in their interpretation of program and resources.
6. To provide counsel, resources, and guidance to conference
and area foundations as they fulll their stewardship functions
and to associations such as the National Association of United
Methodist Foundations and the National Association of Steward-
ship Leaders.
7. To call together regularly United Methodist general agency
leaders whose programs include the subject matter of steward-
ship to work toward common language, consistent stewardship
theology, and cooperative efforts, in cooperation with the General
Council on Finance and Administration.
1115. Spiritual Formation Responsibilities of The Upper Room
1. To develop resources that foster an international community of
people and congregations who are seeking God, building a vision
of new life in Christ, nurturing one another by sharing experi-
ences of God’s love and guidance, and encouraging one another
in Christian action to transform the world.
2. To explore and communicate a biblically and theologically
informed vision of the spiritual life that encourages and supports
spiritual leaders in the church who can guide people of all ages
into a more vital, intimate, and transforming relationship with
God through Christ.
3. To maintain and extend the worldwide ministry of The
Upper Room and other resources, which are available in an increas-
ing number of languages and which address the spiritual needs of
people throughout their life and continue to embody the interde-
nominational character of the ministry of The Upper Room.
4. To cooperate with all other units within the board, as well
as other groups within United Methodism, and other denomina-
tions whose concerns are related to the spiritual life.
1116. Ministry of the Laity—The board shall interpret and
spread through the Church all the rich meanings of the universal
priesthood of believers, of Christian vocation, and of the ministry
of the laity in daily life.
The United Methodist Church has the responsibility of train-
ing and enabling the laos—the whole body of its membership—
to enter into mission and to minister and witness in the name of
Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church. Although all units of the
Church have some responsibility for this imperative, the General
Board of Discipleship has a preeminent responsibility in that it is
charged with developing discipleship. To this end, the board shall:
1. Help develop an adequate understanding of the theologi-
cal and biblical basis for ministry of the laity.
2. Develop and interpret ministry of the laity both inside and
outside the institutional Church.
3. Provide resources and support services for the develop-
ment and improvement of leadership in the local church, except
as specically delegated to other agencies, and especially for those
persons who serve as members of charge conferences, church
councils, councils on ministries, committees on pastor-parish rela-
tions, personnel committees, committees on lay leadership, those
who serve as lay leaders, lay members of annual conferences, and
leaders of related organizations in local churches, districts, annual
conferences, and jurisdictions.
4. Assist congregations, districts, and annual conferences in
equipping persons for leadership in community ministries.
5. Provide resources and suggested plans for the observance
of Laity Sunday in the local church.
6. Provide support to conference director and district director
of Lay Servant Ministries, to conference and district committees
on Lay Servant Ministries, and to the Association of Confer-
ence Directors of Lay Servant Ministries. In consultation with
the conference directors, set standards for certied lay servants,
certied lay speakers, and certied lay ministers and provide
teaching resources for use by annual conference and district
7. Provide support services to conference and district lay
leaders and conference and district boards of laity or equivalent
structures, to the Association of Annual Conference Lay Leaders,
and to other appropriate associations and conference and district
ofcers and agencies.
8. Initiate a process of coordination and collaboration in
developing a comprehensive approach to leadership develop-
ment and training within all program areas for which the General
Board of Discipleship has responsibility.
9. Encourage ordained elders to select and train laity to
distribute the consecrated Communion elements to sick or
homebound persons following a service of Word and Table.
This distribution also may apply to laypersons who have been
assigned pastoral roles in a church or in more than one church by
the district superintendent.
1117. Christian Discipleship Formation Responsibilities—The
board shall interpret and promote group ministries in local con-
gregations in order to support the formation of Christian disciples
focused on the transformation of the world.
1. Small-Group Ministries—Recognizing the diverse means of
grace necessary in forming Christian disciples, the General Board
of Discipleship shall assist local congregations in developing a
comprehensive system of small-group ministries by:
a) providing resources, training, and support services
for leaders of small-group ministries that support people in their
search for God, in their yearning for community, and in their
desire to be formed as Christian disciples;
b) providing resources and support services for groups
such as cell groups, life groups, care groups, or small groups that
equip people throughout the life span for faithful Christian liv-
ing in the world, and especially those areas for which the Gen-
eral Board of Discipleship has responsibility. When developing
resources, attention should be given to the impact of the oral and
visual cultures in which we live and to the importance of stories
of transformation.
2. Accountable Discipleship—Afrming that our Wesleyan her-
itage embraces a distinct emphasis of mutual accountability, the
General Board of Discipleship shall encourage accountability in
congregations by:
a) promoting the General Rule of Discipleship: “To wit-
ness to Jesus Christ in the world, and to follow his teachings
through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion, under
the guidance of the Holy Spirit”
b) advocating the formation of Covenant Discipleship
Groups or equivalent models applicable to the cultural context
of the Central Conferences for all ages throughout the church by
providing resources, training, and support services that ground
leadership in the richness of our Wesleyan tradition;
c) providing resources, training, and support services for
revitalizing the role of class leaders so that they may interpret the
General Rule of Discipleship to all church members and assist the
pastor in fostering mutual accountability throughout the congre-
gation and other ministries;
d) providing consultative services to jurisdictions, con-
ferences, and districts in the introduction and development of
Covenant Discipleship Groups and class leaders in congregations.
1118. Ethnic Local Church Concerns—The board shall func-
tion as an advocate for programs and concerns of ethnic local
churches. It shall coordinate efforts to keep the needs of the mem-
bership of ethnic churches uppermost in the minds of its mem-
bership. The board will ensure that adequate resources—scal,
human, and programmatic—are used to support and encourage
the ministries of the ethnic local churches.
1119. Age-Level, Life-Span, and Family Ministries—The board
will provide for an integrated and coordinated approach in devel-
opment of resources and service support for ministries with chil-
dren, youth, adults of all ages, and families. Through its services
to administrative and coordinating leaders, the board will assist
congregations and conferences to:
a) Build knowledge for development of ministries that
support the primary task of the local congregation;
b) Provide for the development and nurture of persons
at all age levels and stages of growth and for families in diverse
26. Adapted version of Wesley’s General Rules; see Gayle Turner Watson’s
A Guide to Covenant Discipleship Groups (Discipleship Resources, 2000), p. 12.
c) Assist individuals and families in spiritual develop-
ment and growth; and
d) Promote the making and keeping of covenants as
foundations for family living.
The board will also engage in research and testing, consul-
tation and training, and collaborative planning so as to enhance
the delivery of resources and services to leaders with age-level
and family ministries responsibilities.
1. Comprehensive Children’s Ministries—The board will assist
congregations and conferences in developing comprehensive
ministries for and with children. Such ministries may include, but
shall not be limited to, the following: Sunday school and vacation
Bible school, weekday ministries for preschool and elementary
ages, fellowship and neighborhood groups, scouting ministries,
and short-term studies and activities within and outside the
church facilities. Ministries should focus on biblical foundations,
prayer and spiritual formation, community service, personal
worth through Jesus Christ, human sexuality, values, United
Methodist studies, creative and ne arts, multicultural aware-
ness, outreach to others, and celebration of signicant moments
in children’s lives.
Responsibilities may include such supportive tasks as: assist-
ing congregations to be advocates on behalf of children; iden-
tifying the needs and concerns of children, their families and
congregations; assessing the status of ministries with children
in The United Methodist Church; collecting and disseminating
pertinent data on issues, models, and programs that inform the
leaders in congregations and church structures to strengthen the
quality of life of children.
2. Comprehensive Young People’s Ministries—There shall be a
comprehensive approach to development and implementation
of youth and young-adult ministry programming at all levels of
the Church. The comprehensive approach is based on the under-
standing of the primary task of young people’s ministry: to love
young people where they are, to encourage them in developing
their relationship to God, to provide them with opportunities for
nurture and growth, and to challenge them to respond to God’s
call to serve in their communities. Four component parts under-
gird this comprehensive ministry:
a) Curriculum—Through the Curriculum Resources Commit-
tee ( 1121), the General Board of Discipleship shall ensure the
availability of curriculum and leaders’ guides for use in a variety
of settings suitable for the needs of all young people, age specic
depending on the U. S. or central conference denitions;
b) Program Resources—Additional and supplemental guide-
books and other program aids shall be developed and promoted
for effective young people’s ministries programs in the local
church and at the district, conference, jurisdictional, and general
Church levels;
c) Leadership Training and Networking—Leadership training
shall be provided to encourage and support adult workers with
young people in their roles as teachers, counselors, advisers, and
enablers at all levels of the Church. Networking shall be devel-
oped through ongoing communication to include workshops,
social media, online platforms and publications between lead-
ers in young people’s ministries across the denomination for the
enhancement of skills and the sharing of effective models and
d) Structures—Active and effective structures for young peo-
ple’s ministries programming shall be promoted and maintained
at all levels of the United Methodist connection, as identied in
the U. S. and central conferences. These structures will encourage
the full involvement of young people in leadership and member-
ship and for the advocacy of young people’s concerns in all areas
of Church life, planning, and administration.
3. Comprehensive Adult Ministries—The board will assist con-
gregations and conferences in developing comprehensive minis-
tries by, with, and for adults. In keeping with the primary task of
the board, adult ministries may include but need not be limited to:
education and ministries with young adults, middle adults, older
adults, and single adults (i.e., widowed, always single, separated,
and divorced), and intergenerational programs involving adults.
Such a plan would include biblical foundation and study, devel-
opmental stages and tasks of adults, faith development and spiri-
tual formation, and leadership training in various models of adult
educational ministries.
Responsibilities may include such supportive tasks as: identi-
fying the needs and concerns of adults (i.e., young adults, middle
adults, older adults, and single adults); assessing the status of min-
istries by, with, and for adults in The United Methodist Church;
collecting and disseminating pertinent data on issues, models,
and programs that inform the leaders in local congregations,
districts, conferences, boards, and agencies to strengthen the qual-
ity of faith and life of adults.
4. Comprehensive Family Ministries—The board will assist
congregations and conferences in developing comprehensive
ministries with families. In alignment with the primary task, the
ministries may assist families in the following areas: spiritual for-
mation and development, marital growth ministries, parenting,
human sexuality, care giving, and issues affecting the quality of
family life. Such a plan would include: biblical exploration and
study, as well as theological and experiential understandings of
family life and the evolving patterns of family living. Ministries
with families will focus on persons rather than structures.
The board may organize and administer a Committee on
Family Life. The committee will provide an arena for information
sharing, collaborative planning, and/or cooperative program-
ming in alignment with the purpose and responsibilities of repre-
sentative participants. The committee will serve as advocates for
ministries with families in all boards and agencies.
Responsibilities may include such supportive tasks as: iden-
tifying the needs and concerns of families and of congregations,
assessing the status of ministries with families in The United
Methodist Church, collecting and disseminating pertinent data on
issues, models, and programs that inform the work of the boards
and agencies to strengthen the quality of family life. The commit-
tee will relate to and provide liaison services to ecumenical and
interdenominational agencies in the area of family life.
1120. General Provisions for the Committee on Older Adult
Ministries—1. There shall be a Committee on Older Adult Minis-
tries, which shall be administratively related to the General Board
of Discipleship.
2. Purpose—The committee will provide a forum for informa-
tion sharing, cooperative planning, and joint program endeavors
as determined in accordance with the responsibilities and objec-
tives of the participating agencies. The committee shall serve as
an advocate for older-adult concerns and issues and shall serve to
support ministries by, with, and for older adults throughout The
United Methodist Church and its afliated agencies and in the
larger society.
3. Responsibilities—The responsibilities of the committee shall
include the following:
a) Identify the needs, concerns, and potential contribu-
tions of older adults.
b) Promote a plan of comprehensive ministry by, with,
and for older adults in local churches that includes spiritual
growth, education, training, mission, service, and fellowship.
c) Encourage and support the development of resources
and programs that will undergird local church ministries by, with,
and for older adults.
d) Advocate development and implementation of poli-
cies and service designed to impact systems and concepts that
adversely affect older adults.
e) Educate and keep before the Church the lifelong pro-
cess of aging, with emphasis on the quality of life, intergenera-
tional understanding and interaction, and faith development.
f) Encourage and support the development of resources
and programs that can be used by annual conferences, jurisdic-
tions, central conferences, and the denomination at large in train-
ing and equipping older adults for new roles in the ministry and
mission of the Church.
g) Serve as focal point for supplying information and
guidelines on older-adult ministries to local churches.
h) Encourage coordination and networking opportuni-
ties among agencies responsible for the development of resources,
programs, and policies relating to older-adult ministries.
i) Support and advocate the provisions contained in The
Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church related to
j) Support and encourage resource development for the
celebration of an annual Older Adult Recognition Day.
k) Develop and administer a program of nancial grants
for older-adult ministries throughout The United Methodist
4. Membership—The committee shall be composed of one
board member and one staff member from each of the following
agencies: the General Board of Discipleship, the General Board of
Global Ministries, the General Board of Church and Society, the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and the Gen-
eral Board of Pension and Health Benets; one member (board
or staff) from each of the following: the Commission on the Sta-
tus and Role of Women, the Commission on Religion and Race,
the General Commission on United Methodist Men, The United
Methodist Publishing House, the General Commission on Com-
munication, United Methodist Women; one active or retired
bishop representing the Council of Bishops, and one central con-
ference representative; ve older adults, one to be selected by each
jurisdictional College of Bishops; and no more than three mem-
bers to be selected by the committee for expertise and/or profes-
sional qualications, and no more than three additional members
to be selected by the committee for inclusiveness (racial/ethnic,
disability, age, gender, laity, clergy, or geographic distribution).
Staff and/or board members will provide appropriate liaison and
reports to their respective agencies. Board members and central
conference and jurisdiction representatives shall serve no more
than two consecutive terms (one term equals four years). Each
board and agency will be responsible for travel, lodging, and
other expenses incurred by representatives attending meetings of
the Committee on Older Adult Ministries.
5. Meetings—The committee will meet at least once a year in
conjunction with a meeting of the General Board of Discipleship.
1121. Duties and Responsibilities of the Curriculum Resources
Committee—There shall be a Curriculum Resources Committee,
organized and administered by the General Board of Disciple-
ship, which shall be responsible for the construction of plans for
curriculum and curriculum resources to be used in the Christian
educational ministry of the Church and other study settings. (See
1. The Curriculum Resources Committee shall carefully re-
view and act on the plans constructed and proposed by the staff of
Church School Publications based upon research, including ideas
from the Curriculum Resources Committee and other persons in
United Methodist educational ministries.
2. The plans for curriculum and curriculum resources shall
be designed to help local churches carry out the Church’s educa-
tional ministry.
3. The plans for curriculum and curriculum resources shall
be consistent with the educational philosophy and approach for-
mulated for the educational ministry of the Church by the Gen-
eral Board of Discipleship and shall reect a unity of purpose and
a planned comprehensiveness of scope. They shall be designed to
support the total life and work of the Church, shall teach Chris-
tian truth consistent with the Doctrinal Standards and General
Rules of The United Methodist Church ( 104), and shall reect
the ofcial positions of The United Methodist Church as autho-
rized by the General Conference.
1122. Curriculum Requirements—When the plans for cur-
riculum and curriculum resources have been approved by the
General Board of Discipleship, the editorial staff of Church School
Publications shall be responsible for the development of cur-
riculum resources based on the approved plans. The curriculum
resources shall be based on the Bible, shall reect the universal
gospel of the living Christ, shall be in agreement with United
Methodist doctrine as delineated in ¶¶ 104 and 105 of the Book
of Discipline, and shall be designed for use in the various settings
that are dened by the board.
1123. Authority of the Curriculum Resources Committee to
Review Teaching Resources of General Agencies—The Curriculum
Resources Committee may review, approve, and recommend
existing or projected resources from other agencies. The com-
mittee shall make certain that all approved materials conform to
United Methodist doctrine as delineated in ¶¶ 104 and 105 of the
Book of Discipline. All curriculum resources that are approved by
the General Board of Discipleship shall be authorized for use in
the teaching and learning ministries of the Church.
1124. Relationship of the Curriculum Resources Committee to
the General Board of Discipleship and to The United Methodist Pub-
lishing House—1. The Curriculum Resources Committee shall be
related to the General Board of Discipleship as follows:
The committee shall be responsible to the board with respect
to educational philosophy and approaches and shall seek to main-
tain the standards set by the board.
2. The Curriculum Resources Committee shall be related to
The United Methodist Publishing House as follows:
a) The publisher of The United Methodist Publishing
House or the chairperson of the board of The United Methodist
Publishing House may sit with the General Board of Disciple-
ship for consideration of matters pertaining to joint interests of
the Curriculum Resources Committee and The United Methodist
Publishing House and shall have the privilege of the oor without
b) The United Methodist Publishing House shall publish,
manufacture, and distribute the curriculum resources prepared
by the editorial staff of Church School Publications. The United
Methodist Publishing House and the General Board of Discipleship
shall be responsible jointly for interpretation and support of these
c) The work of the Curriculum Resources Committee
shall be nanced by The United Methodist Publishing House.
3. The committee shall exercise this additional relationship:
The committee may cooperate with The United Methodist
Publishing House and the General Board of Discipleship in edu-
cational research, in the development of experimental resources,
and in the evaluation of resources that are provided for the teach-
ing and learning ministries of the church.
1125. Editor of Church School Publications—1. The editor of
Church School Publications shall be responsible for the adminis-
tration of the work of the Curriculum Resources Committee and
the editorial staff of Church School Publications, the general edi-
torial policy, and the nal determination of editorial content of the
church school publications.
2. The editor shall be elected by the General Board of Dis-
cipleship upon nomination by a joint committee composed of the
president of the General Board of Discipleship, the chairperson of
the Curriculum Resources Committee, one other member of the
General Board of Discipleship representing educational concerns,
the chairperson and two other members of The United Methodist
Publishing House. The election of the editor shall be subject to
conrmation by the board of The United Methodist Publishing
3. The editor shall be responsible to the General Board of Dis-
cipleship for seeing that the content of church school publications
is consistent with the educational philosophy formulated by the
1126. Membership of the Curriculum Resources Committee
1. The Curriculum Resources Committee shall consist of eight
voting members elected quadrennially by the General Board of
Discipleship as follows:
a) A bishop not serving on the General Board of Disciple-
ship and with experience in teaching and learning ministries, to
be nominated by the Council of Bishops.
b) Seven members, nominated by the board, at least three
of whom are members of the General Board of Discipleship. Up
to four additional members shall be selected for expertise in edu-
cational ministries and knowledge of the various concerns of con-
gregations in teaching and learning ministries.
c) The publisher of The United Methodist Publishing
House and the general secretary of the General Board of Disci-
pleship shall be ex ofcio members of the Curriculum Resources
Committee with the privilege of voice but without vote.
d) The chairperson of the committee shall be a member of
the General Board of Discipleship.
2. The Curriculum Resources Committee shall include staff
of Church School Publications and of the General Board of Dis-
cipleship, with the privilege of voice but without vote. The Cur-
riculum Resources Committee may select other people to assist
in its work, including people nominated by other boards, agen-
cies, and general commissions of the Church. Members of other
boards, agencies, and general commissions will serve at their own
3. The committee may prepare such bylaws and operating
guidelines as are necessary to facilitate the work of the committee.
Section VI. Division on Ministries With Young People
1201. There shall be a Division on Ministries With Young
People of the General Board of Discipleship.
1202. Purpose—The purpose of the Division on Ministries
With Young People is to empower young people as world-chang-
ing disciples of Jesus Christ, to nurture faith development, and to
equip young leaders by
1. Developing youth/young adult spiritual leaders of local
congregations to transform lives by making disciples of Jesus
2. Challenging The United Methodist Church to embrace,
conrm, and celebrate God’s call on the lives of young people;
3. Cultivating and nurturing life-giving ministries where
inuence and worth are not limited by age or experience;
4. Advocating for the issues and concerns of young people in
the church and the global community;
5. Empowering young people to work as agents of peace, jus-
tice, and mercy;
6. Building a network of support and providing resources
that connect the diverse experiences of youth and young adults in
local ministries and communities across the globe.
1203. Responsibilities—The responsibilities of the Division
on Ministries With Young People shall be:
1. to promote and maintain active and effective systems for
youth and young-adult ministry programming at the local church,
district, conference, jurisdictional/central conference, and general
church levels for the full involvement of young people in leader-
ship and membership;
2. to advocate for the needs and concerns of young people
throughout all arenas of church life, planning, and administra-
tion. Attention shall be given to the vast array of the life realities
of young people;
3. to develop and support three constituency networks: a Net-
work for United Methodist Youth, a Network for United Method-
ist Young Adults, and a Network for United Methodist Workers
With Young People (may include youth workers, youth pastors,
campus ministers, conference staff, chaplains, young adult work-
ers, and so forth). These networks will provide ongoing commu-
nication and connectional links between local churches and other
arenas of church life, relational ties to the denomination and
one another, and resources for the spiritual formation of young
4. to provide leadership training models and resources that
will support youth, young adults, and adult workers with young
people to be full and active participants in the life and mission of
the Church;
5. to plan and carry out a quadrennial global young people’s
convocation and to provide program resources and support ser-
vices for regional and national convocations;
6. to provide administrative oversight to the grants for minis-
tries with young people distributed in consultation with the Gen-
eral Board of Church and Society, General Board of Discipleship,
General Board of Global Ministries, and General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry;
7. to provide administrative oversight to the Youth Service
8. to recommend youth and young adults to nomination com-
mittees of general boards and agencies, considering suggestions
from annual conference councils on youth and young-adult min-
istry (¶¶ 649.3e and 650.3e) and other appropriate organizations;
9. to collaborate with appropriate boards and agencies to pro-
vide young people with effective strategies and opportunities to
live out their faith through ministries of peace, justice, and mercy
in vocational choices and other avenues of service;
10. to collaborate with appropriate boards and agencies to
strengthen the church’s challenge for young people to respond
to God’s call to licensed and ordained ministry and to support
young clergy through the development of networks and other
appropriate resources;
11. to collaborate with appropriate boards and agencies
to encourage the participation of young people in appropriate
denominational, ecumenical, and interreligious relationships and
1204. Authority and Accountability—The Division on Minis-
tries With Young People shall be accountable to the General Board
of Discipleship in programming, personnel, and administration.
The division shall have the authority to determine and interpret
program directions that support its mandate. These program
directions shall be in harmony with the charter of the General
Board of Discipleship (GBOD) and have the GBOD’s approval.
1205. Relationship of the Division on Ministries With Young
People to the General Board of Discipleship—The Division on Minis-
tries With Young People shall be related to the General Board of
Discipleship as follows: Two members of the Division on Minis-
tries With Young People shall be elected to the board, one youth
and one young adult as dened by the age qualications for the
Division on Ministries With Young People in accordance with
1206. Structure—The Division on Ministries With Young
People shall be organized around three basic units: United Meth-
odist Youth, United Methodist Young Adults, and United Meth-
odist Workers With Young People.
1207. Membership—The membership of the Division on
Ministries With Young People shall be inclusive with respect to
gender, race/ethnicity, lay/clergy, and vocation.
1. Membership shall be as follows:
a) Twelve youth—1 youth, elected by the youth orga-
nization of each central conference (according to the age deni-
tion of each central conference, but not to exceed the age of 24);
1 youth, sixteen or younger at the time of election, elected by the
jurisdictional youth convocation;
b) Twelve young adults—1 young adult elected by the
young adult organization of each central conference (according to
the age denition of each central conference, but not to exceed the
age of 35); 1 young adult elected by the jurisdictional conference;
c) Twelve adult workers with young people—1 adult
from each central conference, appointed by the central conference
nominating committee; 1 adult from each jurisdiction, elected by
the jurisdictional conference;
d) Additional Members:
(1) One member of the General Board of Discipleship;
(2) Two members of the United Methodist Student
Movement steering committee ( 1412.2g);
(3) up to 5 additional members who, as determined
by the General Board of Discipleship, may be nominated by the
division to ensure inclusiveness and expertise.
(4) One bishop selected by the Council of Bishops.
2. Resource People—The division shall be responsible for con-
necting and highlighting the work of general agencies and other
United Methodist entities in youth and young-adult ministry.
In order to effectively carry out that charge, one staff person (or
board member when staff are not available) from the following
entities shall be present (with voice but not vote) at meetings of
the division. These representatives shall attend at the expense of
the sending agency and shall relate the priorities of the division to
their agency and serve as resource people to the division:
a) General Board of Church and Society
b) General Board of Discipleship
c) General Board of Global Ministries
d) General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
e) General Commission on Religion and Race
f) General Commission on the Status and Role of Women
g) General Commission on United Methodist Men
h) General Council on Finance and Administration
i) Connectional Table
j) United Methodist Communications
k) United Methodist Publishing House
l) United Methodist Women
1208. Youth Service Fund—There shall be a Youth Service
1. Organization—The Youth Service Fund shall be a means
of stewardship education and mission support of youth within
The United Methodist Church. As a part of the Fund’s cultiva-
tion, youth shall be challenged to assume their nancial respon-
sibilities in connection with the total program and budget of the
church of which they are members. Local church treasurers shall
send the full amount of Youth Service Fund offerings to the
treasurer of the annual conference, who shall retain 70 percent
of the amount for distribution by the annual conference council
on youth ministry. The annual conference treasurer shall send
the remaining 30 percent monthly to the treasurer of the General
Council on Finance and Administration to be forwarded to the
General Board of Discipleship, Division on Ministries With Young
People. All other Youth Service Fund money raised in the annual
conference shall be divided in the same manner and distributed
in the same way.
2. Project Review—The youth network of the Division on
Ministries With Young People shall constitute a project review
committee to advise the network in the selection of projects. The
project review committee shall be comprised of youth and adult
worker members of the Division on Ministries With Young People
in a ratio of at least ve youth to one adult as determined by the
Division on Ministries With Young People. The projects shall be
chosen according to the policies and criteria established by the
youth network of the Division on Ministries With Young People.
3. A minimum of 70 percent of the general portion of the
Youth Service Fund shall be used to fund Youth Service Fund
projects; the remaining amount shall be used for ofce resourc-
ing and Youth Service Fund promotion and interpretation. United
Methodist Communications shall assist the Division on Ministries
With Young People in the promotion and interpretation of the
Youth Service Fund.
1209. Grants for Ministries With Young People—There shall be
grants made available to local churches, afliated organizations,
campus ministries, districts, annual conferences, provisional con-
ferences, jurisdictional conferences, and central conferences of
The United Methodist Church.
1. Purpose—The purpose of these grants is to fund dynamic,
creative ministries with young people that can serve as model
programs for other organizations throughout the connection.
2. Project Review—The Division on Ministries With Young
People shall constitute a project review committee made up of
three youth, three young adults, and three adult workers with
young people who are members of the division. The committee
may also include one staff representative and one board member
each from the General Board of Church and Society, the General
Board of Discipleship, the General Board of Global Ministries,
and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. The
Division on Ministries With Young People shall establish crite-
ria in consultation with the four participating program boards
and in relation to the purposes of the division and the program
1210. Global Young People’s Convocation—There shall be a
Global Young People’s Convocation.
1. Purpose—The Global Young People’s Convocation shall be
a global event held once every four years for the purpose of cel-
ebrating the mission and vitality of young people in The United
Methodist Church, raising the joys and concerns of young people
from the global community, developing young people as leaders
for effective ministry in local churches and communities of faith,
highlighting emerging trends in youth and young-adult ministry,
and providing a common forum that embraces the global reality
of the church.
2. Legislation—During the convocation there shall be oppor-
tunities for jurisdiction and central conference delegations and
individuals to propose legislation in an appropriate forum. This
forum shall be made up of delegations as dened under “Vot-
ing members.” Legislation brought to the forum shall relate to
issues of concern to young people. Legislation adopted by the
forum may be referred to the Division on Ministries With Young
People or sent to the General Conference of The United Method-
ist Church carrying the name “United Methodist Young People’s
Convocation.” All legislation, petitions, and programming must
be in accordance with 806.9 and 806.11.
3. Membership—The membership at the forum of the United
Methodist Young People’s Convocation shall be inclusive in
nature and selected as follows:
a) Voting members
(1) Five youth (ages 12-18) from each jurisdiction and
ve youth from each central conference according to the age de-
nition of each central conference. These youth shall be chosen by
the process outlined by each Jurisdictional Young People’s Min-
istry and by central conference youth organizations in the year
preceding the Global Young People’s Convocation.
(2) Five young adults (ages 19-30) from each jurisdic-
tion and ve young adults from each central conference accord-
ing to the age denition of each central conference. These young
adults shall be chosen by the process outlined by each Jurisdic-
tional Young People’s Ministry and central conference young-
adult organizations.
(3) Two adult workers with young people from each
jurisdiction and two youth and young-adult workers from each
central conference. These adults shall be chosen by the process
outlined by each Jurisdictional Young People’s Ministry and by
central conference youth organizations in the year preceding the
Global Young People’s Convocation.
b) Nonvoting members (In all cases, nonvoting members
will have the status of voice without vote.)
(1) Youth and young-adult members of the general
(2) Members and staff of the Division on Ministries
With Young People
(3) Additional members from jurisdictions, central
conferences, and ecumenical partners
4. Expenses—The expenses for the Global Young People’s
Convocation are to be borne by participants wherever possible.
An adequate funding plan shall be devised by the Division on
Ministries With Young People to ensure the full participation of
elected delegates to Global Young People’s Convocation. It is
strongly recommended that jurisdictions, central conferences, and
annual conference councils on youth and young-adult ministries,
or equivalent structures, secure funding for Convocation partici-
pants who are elected from said conference. A limited amount
of need-based scholarships shall be made available through the
Division on Ministries With Young People to promote the full par-
ticipation of the body.
1211. Staff—1. The Division on Ministries With Young
People shall have as its chief staff ofcer an Associate General
Secretary. This staff ofcer shall be nominated by the personnel
committee of the General Board of Discipleship for election by
the board. The search committee shall be chaired by the General
Secretary of the General Board of Discipleship and composed of
equal representation from the General Board of Discipleship and
the Division on Ministries With Young People.
2. All other staff members of the division will be elected or
appointed in a manner prescribed by the board ( 714).
1212. Division Funding—The operating funds for the divi-
sion shall be derived from three main sources: World Service
Fund, self-funding programs, and the general portion of the
Youth Service Fund.
Section VII. General Board of Global Ministries
1301. There shall be a General Board of Global Ministries,
hereinafter referred to as the board, the purpose of which is found
within the expression of the total mission of the Church. It is a
missional instrument of The United Methodist Church, its annual
conferences, missionary conferences, and local congregations in
the context of a global setting.
The Church in mission is a sign of God’s presence in the
world. By the authority of God and the power of the Holy Spirit,
the Church:
1. Joins God’s mission to reclaim, restore, and redeem the life
of all creation to its divine intention;
2. Confesses by word and deed the redeeming activity of
God in Christ among the whole human family;
3. Seeks to embody and realize the potential of new life in
Christ among all human beings; and
4. Looks forward in faith and hope for the fulllment of
God’s reign and the completion of God’s mission.
1302. Responsibilities—1. To discern those places where the
gospel has not been heard or heeded and to witness to its meaning
throughout the world, inviting all persons to newness of life in
Jesus Christ through a program of global ministries.
2. To encourage and support the development of leadership
in mission for both the Church and society.
3. To challenge all United Methodists with the New Testa-
ment imperative to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth,
expressing the mission of the Church; and to recruit, send, and
receive missionaries, enabling them to dedicate all or a portion of
their lives in service across racial, cultural, national, and political
4. To plan with others and to establish and strengthen Chris-
tian congregations where opportunities and needs are found, so
that these congregations may be units of mission in their places
and partners with others in the worldwide mission of the Chris-
tian church.
5. To advocate the work for the unity of Christ’s church
through witness and service with other Christian churches and
through ecumenical councils.
6. To engage in dialogue with all persons, including those of
other faiths, and to join with them where possible in action on
common concerns.
7. To assist local congregations and annual conferences in
mission both in their own communities and across the globe by
raising awareness of the claims of global mission and by provid-
ing channels for participation.
8. To address the concerns of women organized for mission
and to help equip women for full participation both locally and
globally in the Church and the world.
9. To engage in direct ministries to human need, both emer-
gency and continuing, institutional and noninstitutional, how-
ever caused.
10. To work within societies and systems so that full human
potential is liberated and to work toward the transformation of
demonic forces that distort life.
11. To identify with all who are alienated and dispossessed
and to assist them in achieving their full human development-
body, mind, and spirit.
12. To envision and engage in imaginative new forms of
mission appropriate to changing human needs and to share the
results of experimentation with the entire Church.
13. To facilitate the development of cooperative patterns of
ministry so that the unied strength of local congregations and
other units of the Church in designated areas can respond with
more effective ministries of justice, advocacy, compassion, and
14. To afrm Volunteers in Mission as an authentic form of
personal missionary involvement and devise appropriate struc-
ture to interpret and implement opportunities for mission volun-
teers in the global community.
15. To facilitate the receiving and assignment of missionaries
from churches in nations other than the United States in coopera-
tion with the other general agencies and with annual conferences.
1303. Objectives—1. The objectives of the board shall be:
a) To plan for the implementation of the responsibilities
of the board in the missional outreach of The United Methodist
b) To establish the appropriate organization of the board
and staff to accomplish its program and fulll the responsibilities
of the board.
c) To determine, in cooperation with mission consti-
tuencies, the areas to be served and the nature of the work to be
d) To determine policy and program, to establish goals
and priorities, to project long-range plans, to evaluate the pro-
gram and services of the board as to the progress made in fulll-
ing its purpose in accordance with ¶¶ 1301 and 1302, and to seek
to achieve its objectives through the programs of the board.
e) To coordinate and harmonize the work of the board.
f) To elect or appoint, according to the bylaws, the staff
of the board.
g) To assign responsibility and delegate authority to staff
and to provide oversight of the staff.
h) To receive and properly administer all properties, trust
funds, permanent funds, annuity funds, and other special funds.
i) To receive, secure, appropriate, and expend funds to
underwrite its program and fulll its responsibilities.
j) To receive and act upon the reports of its units, com-
mittees, and their staff.
k) To make a report of its activities during the quadren-
nium to the General Conference.
l) To develop and maintain cooperative relations with
other general agencies and with jurisdictional, central, annual,
and missionary conferences.
m) To be responsible for implementing a policy stating
that The United Methodist Church is not a party to any comity
agreement that limits the ability of any annual conference in any
jurisdiction to develop and resource programs of ministry of any
kind among Native Americans, including the organization of
local churches where necessary.
2. The board shall develop and maintain cooperative work-
ing relationships with churches and ecumenical agencies on
matters of mutual concern in the implementation of disciplinary
3. The board shall facilitate and coordinate the program
relationships of other program agencies of The United Method-
ist Church with churches and agencies in nations other than the
United States.
1304. Authority—The board shall have authority to make
bylaws and regulate its proceedings in accordance with the Book
of Discipline. Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the
members at a regular or special meeting, provided that required
notice of such amendment has previously been given to the mem-
bers. The board shall have the power and right to do any and all
things that shall be authorized by its charter, except when there is
duplication of activities from one agency to another. It shall have
authority to develop and carry out its responsibilities as described
in 1302; to buy, acquire, or receive by gift, devise, or bequest
property—real, personal, and mixed; to hold, mortgage, sell, and
dispose of property; to sue and be sued; to borrow money in case
of necessity in accordance with ¶¶ 806-807; to develop and main-
tain ecumenical relations to carry out its responsibilities; and to
administer its affairs through the board and its various units and
1305. Incorporation—1. The board shall be incorporated
and shall implement its responsibilities through its corporate
structure and the corporate structures of the entities that it con-
trols or that are administratively organized as divisions or depart-
ments of the board.
2. The board or another entity described in 1305.1 shall be
the successor to the following corporations: the Board of Missions
of The Evangelical United Brethren Church, the Home Missions
and Church Erection Society of the Church of the United Brethren
in Christ, the Foreign Missionary Society of the United Brethren
in Christ, the Missionary Society of The Evangelical Church, and
the Board of Church Extension of The Evangelical Church, and
as such successor it shall be and is authorized and empowered to
receive from its said predecessor corporations all trust funds and
assets of every kind and character—real, personal, or mixed—
held by them, and it shall and hereby is authorized to administer
such trusts and funds in accordance with the conditions under
which they have been previously received and administered by
the said predecessor corporations.
In the case of administering “conditional donations secured
by trust agreements and mortgages” issued prior to 1980, the Gen-
eral Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church
may negotiate payment of less than original value of any out-
standing notes that are associated with former conditional grants
or donations secured by trust agreements or mortgages.
3. The board or another entity described in 1305.1 shall
have control of all the work formerly controlled and administered
by the following: the Board of Health and Welfare Ministries; the
Board of Missions of The United Methodist Church; the Board of
Missions and Church Extension of The Methodist Church; the Mis-
sionary Society, the Board of Foreign Missions, the Board of Home
Missions and Church Extension, the Board of Missions, and the
Board of Church Extension of The Methodist Episcopal Church,
South; the Board of Missions of The Methodist Protestant Church;
the Board of Missions of The Methodist Church; such other
incorporated or unincorporated divisions and departments and
their predecessors as may have been merged into the board; and
such other corporations or agencies of the General Conference as
do similar work; but this list shall not be construed as exhaustive.
4. Subject to the limitations hereinafter specied, any cor-
porations within the board shall be subject to the supervision
and control of the General Conference of The United Methodist
Church in all things not inconsistent with the Constitution and
laws of the United States and of the states of incorporation.
5. The board shall have the authority to create those subsidiary
units or sections needed in the fulllment of designated functions.
1306. Executive Committee—There shall be an executive
committee, which shall exercise the powers of the board ad interim,
and whose membership and responsibilities shall be determined
by the board’s bylaws.
1307. Corporate Ofcers—The board shall elect as its corpo-
rate ofcers a president, one vice president, a general treasurer, a
corporate secretary, and such other ofcers as it shall deem nec-
essary. The board shall determine the powers and duties of the
1308. Elected Staff—1. The board shall elect the general sec-
retary for a quadrennial term by ballot. As chief staff ofcer of the
board, the general secretary shall have direct involvement in staff
2. The board shall elect, for quadrennial terms, a general trea-
surer/chief operating ofcer and as many executive directors as
the board thinks are appropriate to carry out its work.
3. The board’s personnel committee, in consultation with the
general secretary, shall recommend candidates for the positions
described in the preceding sub-paragraph 2.
4. The general secretary may add positions to the cabinet in
consultation with the board’s personnel committee.
1309. Personnel Policies—1. Selection—The staff of the board
shall be selected on the basis of competency and with represen-
tation of ethnic and racial groups, young adults, and women, in
accordance with policies in 714.
2. Staff Participation of Womena) Of the cabinet-level staff
positions within the board, a minimum of 40 percent shall be
occupied by women.
b) A minimum of 40 percent of all elected staff, as well as
a minimum of 40 percent of the appointed staff, shall be women.
1310. Properties, Trusts, and Annuities—1. All properties,
trust funds, annuity funds, permanent funds, and endowments
now or formerly held and administered by the Board of Missions,
the Board of Health and Welfare Ministries, and the United Meth-
odist Committee on Relief of The United Methodist Church; the
Board of Missions of The Methodist Church; the Board of Missions
of The Evangelical United Brethren Church or their successors;
and their respective divisions and departments or their succes-
sors shall be carefully safeguarded. The board shall endeavor to
invest in institutions, companies, corporations, or funds that make
a positive contribution toward the realization of the goals outlined
in the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church and to
administer such investments in the best interest of those persons
and causes for which said funds were established. Such properties,
trust funds, annuity funds, permanent funds, and endowments
shall be transferred to the board from merged boards and societies
only when such transfers can be made in accordance with the laws
of the states where the several boards and societies are chartered
and on the recommendation of the board and the approval of such
boards and societies. Funds of the board and its preceding cor-
porations and societies that are subject to appropriation shall be
appropriated only on recommendation of the board. (See 806.12.)
2. Former Evangelical United Brethren mission agencies
located within the United States not directly owned by the board,
which receive more than 50 percent of their charitable dona-
tions through United Methodist channels of giving shall be gov-
erned by a board of trustees or directors of whom two-thirds of
its elected voting membership shall be members of The United
Methodist Church.
3. The nancial affairs of the board shall be as follows:
a) The income of the board shall be derived from appor-
tionments, assessments, or askings distributed to jurisdictions,
annual conferences, and pastoral charges by the budget-making
process of the General Conference in such manner as the General
Conference may prescribe, and from church schools, gifts, dona-
tions, freewill offerings, annuities, bequests, specials, and other
sources from which missionary and benevolence funds are usu-
ally derived, in accordance with The Book of Discipline and actions
of the General Conference.
b) All contributions to and income on all funds of the
board should be used for current expenses and annual appropria-
tions unless otherwise designated by the donor.
4. Askings shall be received from the elds, and budgets shall
be prepared by the board, consistent with its constitution and
charter, and the budget shall be presented to the Connectional
Table in accordance with 806.
1311. Membership—The policies, plans of work, manage-
ment, business, and all affairs of the board shall be governed and
administered by it according to the following conditions:
1. The basic members (clergy, laity) are elected by the juris-
diction upon the nomination of the annual conferences.
The jurisdictions shall use the following formula when
electing members: Northeastern Jurisdiction—3; Southeastern
Jurisdiction—4; Western Jurisdiction—2; North Central Jurisdic-
tion—3; and South Central Jurisdiction—3. Each central confer-
ence shall nominate one member to the basic membership of the
board for a total of seven (7). The additional members of the board
shall be nominated and elected in accordance with the board’s
bylaws. There may be up to ve (5) additional members from the
ve jurisdictions, one of whom shall be from either the Oklahoma
Indian Missionary Conference or the Rio Grande Annual Confer-
ence, unless they are already represented in the basic membership
of the board. There shall be two (2) additional members from the
central conferences
2. The United Methodist Women shall elect three members of
its board of directors to serve as directors of the General Board of
Global Ministries with voice and without vote.
3. The composition of the board and its units should reect
the major recognized categories of Church members. (See 705.)
A minimum of one-half of the membership should be women.
4. Members of the board shall be distributed across the com-
ponent units and standing committees in accordance with the
board’s bylaws. The members elected by the United Methodist
Women shall serve on the program committees of the board with
voice and without vote.
5. a) Except as provided below in subparagraph 1311.5b, the
term of ofce of all members whose election is provided for in
this paragraph shall begin and the board shall organize at a meet-
ing to be held within ninety days after the adjournment of the
last meeting of the several jurisdictional conferences held after the
adjournment of the General Conference.
b) The term of ofce of each basic member elected by the
central conferences shall begin immediately following the central
conference meeting at which he or she was elected to the board.
The term of ofce of any additional members nominated by the
central conferences shall begin at the board meeting at which he
or she is elected in accordance with the bylaws. Unless otherwise
specied in the Discipline or the board’s bylaws, the term of ofce
of each member whose election is provided for in this paragraph
shall end when his or her successor takes ofce as provided for in
this paragraph.
6. On nomination of the Council of Bishops, the General
Conference shall elect three bishops from the ve jurisdictions
and two bishops from two of the three central conference regions
(Africa, Europe, Philippines) to the board. Each jurisdiction and
each central conference region shall have representation from this
category on the board at least once within a three-quadrennia
period. Except as provided in the preceding sentence, bishops
shall not be permitted to serve as members of the board.
7. The general secretary, the general treasurer, and the deputy
general secretaries of the board shall be members without vote.
8. Salaried members of staff of any agency receiving appro-
priation funds from the board shall not be eligible to serve as vot-
ing members of the board, except in order to fulll the provisions
of 705.
1312. Relationship to the United Methodist Women—The board
shall elect three of its directors to serve as members of the United
Methodist Women Program Advisory Group.
1313. Advance Committee—The Advance for Christ and His
Church is the designated giving channel of The United Methodist
Church. The Advance Committee shall have general oversight of
the Advance for Christ and His Church ( 822).
1. The Advance Committee shall be organized under the
authority and direction of the board as determined by the bylaws
of the board
2. General Advance Special Projects—It shall be the responsi-
bility of the Advance Committee to determine which projects are
approved to receive general Advance Special Gifts ( 822.2). The
Advance fosters partnership between those who give and those
who receive, and it afrms the right of persons to determine the
priority of their own needs.
M P A
1314. Program Areas—The program responsibilities within
the General Board of Global Ministries shall be assigned to its
units as it seeks to enhance the involvement of all United Method-
ists in Christian mission and develop ways to facilitate this mis-
sion involvement. The membership of the program areas shall be
constituted in accordance with the bylaws of the General Board of
Global Ministries.
The General Board of Global Ministries shall engage in mis-
sion programming around the following areas:
1. Congregational and Community Development
a) Evangelization among people who have not heard or
heeded the gospel.
b) Strategic new mission initiatives and establishing new
congregations where United Methodism and/or cooperative
church relationships do not exist.
c) Leadership development, including identifying, pre-
paring, training, and empowering persons for leadership in the
church and community so that vital mission-oriented congrega-
tions may be developed.
d) Resourcing leadership training programs and admin-
istering scholarships, including the World Communion Scholar-
ship Program.
e) Church growth, including revitalization of existing
congregations and faith communities, and congregational devel-
opment, particularly among racial and ethnic congregations and
congregations in transitional communities/neighborhoods. Con-
gregational development shall be carried out in cooperation with
the General Board of Discipleship through a Joint Committee on
Congregational Development composed of equal representation
from the General Board of Global Ministries and the General
Board of Discipleship, which shall meet at least annually to expe-
dite cooperation between these two boards in the eld of congre-
gational development of both new congregations as well as the
revitalization of existing congregations, with a priority given to
racial and ethnic congregations.
f) Church and community development, including
grants, loans and technical assistance for programs of self-devel-
opment and self-determination pertaining to social needs arising
from concerns for ethnic and cultural pluralism, economic and
sexual exploitation, and political and racial oppression.
g) Community-based programs in areas such as agricul-
tural mission, communications, student and youth ministries.
h) Development of strong local and regional organiza-
tions for community development with the capacity to network
and become part of an internationally related program.
i) To foster and facilitate cooperative patterns of minis-
try, including cooperative parishes, metropolitan ministries, rural
and town and country ministries.
j) Administering funding and other forms of resource
sharing for projects and programs—especially those serving
women, children, and youth of partner churches and ecumenical
2. Connectional and Ecumenical Relationships
a) Working with denominational, ecumenical, and sec-
ular coalitions, as appropriate, to develop new patterns of joint
b) Identication and analysis of the missional concerns
that shape the conditions under which the church is called to
engage in God’s mission.
c) Development of and sustaining cooperative relation-
ships and mission partnerships that include sharing of opportu-
nities and resources, networking and collaboration. This includes
the maintaining and fullling of connectional relationships with
annual conferences, missionary conferences, and central confer-
ences; autonomous, afliated autonomous, and united churches;
and ecumenical church bodies.
d) Developing missional relationships in countries where
The United Methodist Church has no commitments by pursuing
a working agreement with the church or churches, a united mis-
sion organization, or ecumenical bodies related to the area, if such
exists. If these approaches are not available, the board may partic-
ipate in the formation of a new United Methodist denominational
structure, in which case it may request the Council of Bishops to
provide any necessary episcopal oversight.
e) Liaising with each central conference and its confer-
ences, both annual and provisional, and each afliated autono-
mous Methodist church or united church, and where applicable,
requesting that these bodies make provision for liaison functions
with the board.
f) Providing information and assisting in developing
action and advocacy for global justice, peace, and freedom through
working cooperatively with other agencies of the Church; other
denominations; and ecumenical, interfaith, and secular coalitions.
The General Board of Global Ministries will maintain its special
consultative status with the United Nations and its collaborations
with United Methodist Women and the General Board of Church
and Society through the United Methodist Ofce at the Church
Center for the UN.
g) Fostering interaction of churches and ecumenical
groups for the purpose of mutuality in the denition and imple-
mentation of Christian mission and international concerns.
3. Mission Education and Interpretation
a) Providing opportunities for United Methodists to
understand the global mission of The United Methodist Church
and for personal and corporate witness through involvement in
and support of this mission.
b) Initiating and developing programs and resources that
will encourage persons of particular cultures to become receivers
and bearers of the gospel across boundaries and to live faithfully
within a multicultural world.
c) Engaging in programs of mission interpretation,
including training mission interpreters.
d) Training of connectional mission leaders to fulll their
e) Working with schools of theology and professors of
mission, in cooperation with the General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry, in providing an emphasis on education for
f) Cooperating with the General Board of Discipleship,
especially the Curriculum Resources Committee, in providing
opportunities for mission involvement and understanding of all
age levels.
g) Initiating and developing special programs and
resources through which children and youth may understand the
mission of the Church.
h) Working with ecumenical agencies in fullling mis-
sion education responsibilities.
i) Providing opportunities for United Methodists to
gather and witness as a global church.
4. Mission Service
a) Planning for and developing a broad range of mission
volunteer opportunities for short-term assignments, including
promoting and interpreting the need for volunteers with a variety
of skills and abilities; working in close relationship with confer-
ence and jurisdictional ofcers (i.e., volunteers in mission, disas-
ter response) to assist in identifying, developing, and supporting
opportunities for mission volunteer service.
b) Promoting opportunities for mission service related to
the General Board of Global Ministries throughout the constituen-
cies of the Church, through the recruitment, selection, prepara-
tion, commissioning, and assignment of all categories of mission
personnel, with necessary supervision and support of these per-
sons in assignments in the widest variety of church and ecumeni-
cal partners in the United States and around the globe.
c) Relating to persons in mission of partner churches.
5. Global Health
a) Engaging in, supporting, facilitating, advocating, and
partnering with others (including UM organizations and ecumen-
ical, interfaith, and secular organizations, as appropriate) to pro-
vide global and local health ministries that, in the spirit of Jesus
Christ, foster abundant health for all, including holistic physical,
mental and spiritual well-being, regardless of religion, national-
ity, culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or physical
or mental disability.
b) Combating preventable diseases of poverty and sup-
porting comprehensive community-based health care.
c) Convening, mobilizing, resourcing, and equipping
United Methodists to engage in, support, and advocate holistic
health ministries, locally and globally.
d) Encouraging awareness of the gifts, graces, assets,
and needs of persons with special physical, mental, and other
developmental needs, fostering a culture of inclusivity within
The United Methodist Church as a place where people with spe-
cial needs will be embraced in all aspects of worship, leadership,
and ministry.
e) Encouraging and supporting congregations to respond
effectively and compassionately to those affected by substance
abuse and related violence.
U M C  R
1315. 1. General Provisionsa) Purpose—The United Meth-
odist Committee on Relief (“UMCOR”) exists to assist United
Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct
ministry to persons in need through programs of relief, rehabilita-
tion, and service, including issues of displaced persons, hunger
and poverty, disaster response, and disaster risk reduction; and to
assist organizations, institutions, and programs related to annual
conferences and other units of The United Methodist Church in
their involvement in direct service to such persons in need.
b) Authority—UMCOR is a not-for-prot corporation
whose directors are elected by the General Board of Global Min-
istries. UMCOR shall operate in a manner consistent with the
policies set by the General Board of Global Ministries and in
accordance with the bylaws of the General Board of Global Min-
istries and UMCOR.
c) Responsibilities—The responsibilities of UMCOR shall
be as follows:
(1) seek to address human need in the spirit of Jesus
(2) provide immediate relief of acute human need
and respond to the suffering of persons in the world caused by
(3) work cooperatively with the appropriate confer-
ence units, ecumenical bodies, interdenominational agencies and
other partners in the identication of, advocacy for, and assistance
with ministries with displaced persons, hunger and poverty,
disaster response, and disaster risk reduction;
(4) administer these ministries described in sub-
paragraph three (3) above in the spirit of Jesus Christ, preserving
the dignity of persons without regard to religion, race, nationality,
or gender, and seek to enhance the quality of life in the human
(5) work cooperatively with The General Commis-
sion on Communication in promotion of the UMCOR Sunday;
(6) initiate printed, audiovisual, electronic, and other
resources to interpret, support, and communicate with confer-
ences and churches concerning appeals for help and information
related to ministries with displaced persons, hunger and poverty,
disaster response, and disaster risk reduction; and
(7) assist and train conference coordinators and other
partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to dis-
placed persons’ ministries, root causes of hunger and poverty,
disaster relief, disaster risk reduction, and rehabilitation;
d) Response to Requests for Disaster Funding—UMCOR
shall respond to a disaster response proposal only if the request
for such funds comes from either (i) an appropriate body related
to The United Methodist Church, preferably an annual confer-
ence, or (ii) an appropriate body of an entity that is not related
to The United Methodist Church. UMCOR will review disaster
response proposals for compliance with international or national
standards for humanitarian assistance. UMCOR will review pro-
posals for funding to repair places of worship or church property
damaged by disasters in consultation with conference disaster
response coordinators, bishops, and district superintendents in
The United Methodist Church, or with persons in similar posi-
tions from other religious institutions, and will arrange an on-
site visit to evaluate and initiate an ongoing consultative process
when appropriate.
e) Limitation of Responsibility—UMCOR shall not be
responsible, legally or morally, for the debts, contracts, or obliga-
tions or for any other nancial commitments of any character or
description created, undertaken, or assumed by any institution or
interest related to a unit of The United Methodist Church, whether
or not such institution or interest shall be approved, accepted, or
recognized by UMCOR or shall be afliated with UMCOR, or
whether or not the promotion or establishment of the same shall
be approved by the constitution of UMCOR. No such institution
or interest related to a unit of The United Methodist Church and
no ofcer or member of UMCOR shall have any authority what-
soever to take any action directly or by implication at variance
with, or deviating from, the limitation contained in the preceding
sentence hereof, except as UMCOR may directly own and manage
an institution in its own name.
Section VIII. General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
1401. There shall be a General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry, hereinafter referred to as the board.
1402. Incorporation—The General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry shall be a corporation under the laws of Tennes-
see and shall be responsible for the functions previously conducted
by the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Edu-
cation and the Commission on Chaplains and Related Ministries
of The United Methodist Church.
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is
authorized to take such action as is appropriate under the corpo-
ration laws of Tennessee so as to accomplish the end result stated
above, and under which the General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry shall be one legal entity.
The divisions of the General Board of Education were not
incorporated separately; it is the intent, however, that responsibil-
ity for the functions delegated to the divisions by prior legislative
action be transferred consistent with the separation of the divi-
sions between the General Board of Discipleship and the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry. In the division of the
assets of the General Board of Education, it is the intent that all
assets be used in keeping with the original intent and purpose
for which they were established or acquired, and so be assigned
as appropriate to the General Boards of Discipleship and Higher
Education and Ministry, respectively. It is further intended that
the annuities, bequests, trusts, and estates formerly held by the
General Board of Education be used for the benet and use of the
General Boards of Discipleship and Higher Education and Min-
istry (in accord with their purposes as dened in the Discipline),
respectively, as their interests may appear, and that real estate
titles be authorized to be conveyed as appropriate and appor-
tioned where indicated.
In the event that the intent of the original donor of existing
annuities, bequests, trusts, and estates cannot be clearly deter-
mined in relation to the interests of the two boards, such assets
shall be divided equally between the two boards.
It is further intended that should additional assets accrue to
the former General Board of Education by reason of annuities,
bequests, trusts, and estates not now known and where the intent
of the donor can be clearly ascertained, the assets shall be used
in keeping with the original intent and purpose for which they
were established or acquired and so be assigned as appropriate
to the General Boards of Discipleship and Higher Education and
Ministry, respectively.
It is further intended that should additional assets accrue to
the former General Board of Education by reason of annuities,
bequests, trusts, and estates not now known and where the intent
of the original donor cannot be clearly determined in relation
to the interests of the two boards, such assets shall be divided
equally between the two boards.
1403. Amenability and Accountability—The board shall be
amenable to the General Conference, and between sessions of the
General Conference it shall be accountable to the Connectional
1404. Purpose—The board exists, within the expression of
the total mission of the Church, for the specic purpose of prepar-
ing and assisting persons to fulll their ministry in Christ in the
several special ministries, ordained and diaconal; and to provide
general oversight and care for campus ministries and institutions
of higher education, including schools, colleges, universities, and
theological schools.
1405. Objectives—All the objectives assigned to the divi-
sions shall be considered to be the objectives of the board. In sum-
mary, the board shall have authority:
1. To maintain the historic mission of The United Methodist
Church in higher education and to serve as advocate for the intel-
lectual life of the Church.
2. To seek to understand and communicate the signicance of
the Christian mission in higher education and ministry through-
out the world as the context in which values and Christian life-
style are shaped.
3. To encourage a Christian presence in institutions related to
The United Methodist Church.
4. To ensure that the board’s programs and policies address
the needs and concerns for ministry with racial and ethnic per-
sons and people with disabilities.
5. To provide counsel, guidance, and assistance to annual
conferences through their boards of ordained ministry and higher
education and campus ministry, and other such program units as
may be organized in the annual conferences.
6. To study needs and resources for ordained and diaconal
ministries, including identication of new types of ministry.
7. To develop and maintain standards and procedures for
certication in professional ministerial careers and for ordination
into the ordained ministry.
8. To promote and give direction to work among racial and
ethnic groups, and people with disabilities for enlistment, train-
ing, and placement of persons in the professional Church-related
9. To coordinate and make visible information about career
assessment opportunities and continuing education that will
assist persons in professional Church-related ministries with their
professional growth and development.
10. To recruit, endorse, and provide general oversight of
United Methodist ordained ministers, including persons who
speak languages in addition to English, who desire to serve as
chaplains in specialized institutional ministry settings in both pri-
vate and governmental sectors.
11. To represent The United Methodist Church in, and pro-
vide liaison with, United Methodist ordained ministers certied
by professional certifying and accrediting organizations related to
ministry in specialized settings.
12. To plan and implement a continuing ministry to United
Methodist laity in institutions and armed forces who are sepa-
rated from their local churches.
13. To develop and provide services directed to enlistment
for specialized Church-related ministries, professional growth
and development, and counseling.
14. To offer personnel and placement assistance for persons
involved in professional Church-related ministries.
15. To conduct research on human needs to be met by the
Church through its resources in higher education.
16. To provide for the allocation of funds to institutions and
to programs related to the board.
17. To maintain adequate duciary and legal relationships
with institutions and ministries and to assist annual conferences
and other judicatories in their responsibilities in these matters.
18. To provide counsel, guidance, and assistance to institu-
tions of higher education in their relationships with governmental
19. To guard property and endowments entrusted to the
institutions and to maintain and enforce adequate trust and rever-
sionary clauses.
20. To monitor and interact with public higher education
in terms of its reection on the wholeness of persons and the
meaning of life, and to study and inform constituencies of public
policy issues related to higher education, both independent and
21. To promote, in cooperation with the General Commis-
sion on Communication, churchwide special Sundays and funds:
Africa University Fund, Black College Fund, Ministerial Educa-
tion Fund, Native American Ministries Sunday, United Method-
ist Student Day, World Communion Sunday, and other funds and
special days ordered by the General Conference.
22. To evaluate United Methodist higher education and pro-
fessional Church-related ministries with concern for the quality of
their performance and the integrity of their mission.
23. To provide standards and support for and interpretation
of the work of United Methodist theological schools.
24. To analyze needs of those in Church-related ministries for
continuing education, including assessment of effectiveness, pro-
fessional growth and development, and funding.
25. To provide professional ministerial courses of study
for orderly entrance into ordained ministry. In providing these
courses of study, consideration shall be given to languages other
than English and to persons with disabilities.
26. To provide for a continuing discussion of the theologi-
cal bases for professional Church-related ministries and higher
27. To provide such services as will create a climate of accep-
tance and empowerment for women, racial and ethnic persons,
and people with disabilities in higher education and professional
Church-related ministries, and to be alert to the necessity of advo-
cacy in behalf of these professional ministries in questions of
equity and justice.
28. To provide counsel, guidance, and assistance to profes-
sional associations and fellowships related to diaconal and other
Church-related special ministries.
29. To interpret, promote, and administer the loan and schol-
arship programs of the board, and to cooperate with the General
Board of Global Ministries in matters related to the World Com-
munion Scholarship Program.
30. To engage in research related to personnel needs and
interpretation of occupational opportunities in the Church.
31. To provide such support agencies as are deemed neces-
sary to carry out the functions of the board.
32. To give priority to the planning and policy development
functions of the board on behalf of the Church.
1406. Responsibilities—The responsibilities of the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall be:
1. To establish and review the objectives of the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry within the wider mission of
The United Methodist Church.
2. To establish appropriate organizational structures within
the board and staff to achieve established objectives, including
writing bylaws, electing ofcers, establishing committees, elect-
ing staff, and lling vacancies in accord with 712.
3. To determine policy and program, establish goals and pri-
orities, project long-range plans, and evaluate program and ser-
vices of the board.
4. To give direction to the staff and to delegate authority to
board executives through general oversight of the administration.
5. To report the activities of the board to The United Method-
ist Church through appropriate agencies of the General and juris-
dictional conferences.
6. To develop and maintain cooperative relationships with
ecumenical agencies and other denominations for the full dis-
charge of the objectives of the board.
7. To cooperate with other agencies in The United Meth-
odist Church in the fulllment of the programs of the General
8. To develop and maintain cooperative relationships with
higher educational institutions, campus ministries, chaplains and
related ministries, and diaconal ministries throughout the world
in collaboration with the General Board of Global Ministries.
9. Upon request, to provide resources and technical assis-
tance in higher education throughout the world in collaboration
with churches of the Wesleyan tradition.
10. In cooperation with the General Council on Finance and
Administration, to develop long-range investments and fund-rais-
ing projects within the Church that shall guarantee, insofar as pos-
sible, the continuous ow of resources for United Methodist higher
education for the decades and the centuries to come. In developing
such long-range investments, the board shall adhere to the spe-
cic investment guidelines adopted by the General Conference.
11. To promote awareness of and concurrence with “Policies
Relative to Socially Responsible Investments” ( 717), the Social
Principles (¶¶ 160-166), and The Book of Resolutions of The United
Methodist Church.
1407. Organization—1. The membership shall be twenty-
two persons, constituted in accordance with 705.3a and .4 of the
General Provisions.
2. The membership shall be constituted as follows:
a) Jurisdictional Members—Each jurisdiction shall elect
one member to the board. Other paragraphs of the Book of Dis-
cipline notwithstanding, the secretary of the General Conference
shall offer to each jurisdiction a suggested member allocation to
ensure that, when combined with the board members from cen-
tral conferences, the resulting membership will reect a balance
of clergymen and clergywomen, laywomen and laymen. The sec-
retary will also establish an equitable rotation to ensure that over
the course of several quadrennia, each jurisdiction will have the
opportunity to elect a laywoman, a layman, a clergywoman, and
a clergyman.
b) Central Conference Members—Three central confer-
ence members shall be elected to the board on nomination by the
Council of Bishops according to the provisions in 705.4c. There
shall be alternate members of the central conferences selected to
ensure consistent representation at board meetings.
c) Episcopal Members—Three episcopal members shall be
named by the Council of Bishops, including at least one from the
central conferences (see 705.4d).
d) Additional MembersUnited Methodist—Additional
members are nominated by a committee composed of one per-
son from each jurisdiction elected by the jurisdictional conference.
They shall elect up to eleven additional members from the juris-
dictions to ensure inclusivity and expertise. It is recommended
that at least four (4) of the additional members be racial and ethnic
persons from historically underrepresented groups.
e) If a vacancy occurs in the board, it shall be lled in
accordance with 712.
f) Liaison Representatives—The board may name other
individuals as liaison representatives to provide networking and
advice related to the areas of mutual concern. When invited to
board meetings, they shall have voice but not vote.
1408. 1. Divisions—The board shall provide for a Division
of Higher Education and a Division of Ordained Ministry pro-
viding support for ordained clergy, local pastors, and diaconal
ministers. Further, the board is authorized to alter its organiza-
tion to adjust to changing circumstances, within the parameters of
responsibility established by the Book of Discipline.
2. Ofces—The board, in implementing the objectives
(¶¶ 1403, 1405), shall have authority to establish and main-
tain the following ofces: (a) Interpretation, and (b) Loans and
1409. Provision for Funding—1. The work and program of
the board shall be supported from the general benevolences of the
Church and the Ministerial Education Fund. Funds received by
the board for the divisions from the Ministerial Education Fund
shall be restricted to the support of theological schools and the
Division of Ordained Ministry in the development of their pro-
grams of enlistment, basic professional degree programs, and
continuing education (in accordance with 816.2a and b).
2. Administration and other programs of the divisions shall
be supported solely from World Service moneys. The associate
general secretaries shall recommend through the general secre-
tary of the board to the General Council on Finance and Admin-
istration the amount of nancial support that should be allocated
for the divisions.
D  H E
1410. Duties and Responsibilities—1. Higher education is a
signicant part of our Wesleyan heritage, our present task, and
our future responsibility. The Church continues its historic mis-
sion of uniting knowledge and vital piety by maintaining educa-
tional institutions and a campus ministry, and through them an
intellectual, spiritual, and material ministry to all persons within
the academic community without respect to sex, race, creed, or
national origin.
2. There shall be a Division on Higher Education represent-
ing The United Methodist Church in its relationships with edu-
cational institutions and the campus ministry. The division shall
have an advisory relationship to all United Methodist-afliated
institutions, including universities, colleges, secondary and spe-
cial schools, Wesley Foundations, and similar organizations as
well as ecumenical campus ministry groups. The division will,
on request, serve in an advisory and consultative capacity to all
agencies of the Church owning or administering educational
institutions and campus ministry units.
3. The nominating committee of the board shall, insofar as
possible, provide representation for nomination as members of
the Division of Higher Education an equitable number of persons
directly related to the areas of concern of the division.
4. Principal objectives of the division are:
a) To determine the nature of the United Methodist mis-
sion in and through its elementary, secondary, and higher educa-
tional institutions and campus ministries.
b) To develop policy that enables The United Methodist
Church to engage effectively in higher education throughout the
c) To encourage the Church in programs designed to
nurture and sustain educational institutions and campus ministry
units as invaluable assets in the ongoing life of the Church.
d) To promote the United Methodist Student Movement,
along with other Methodist and ecumenical student Christian
movements around the world, and a concerned Christian ministry
of the educational community; to witness in the campus commu-
nity to the mission, message, and life of Jesus Christ; to deepen,
enrich, and mature the Christian faith of college and university
students, faculty, and staff through commitment to Jesus Christ
and the Church and to assist them in their service and leadership
to the world, in and through the Church.
e) To interpret both the Church and its educational insti-
tutions and campus ministry to each other; to help the agencies of
the Church and higher education participate in the greater real-
ization of a fully humane society committed to freedom and truth,
love, justice, peace, and personal integrity.
f) To foster within educational institutions the highest
educational standards, effective programs of Church relation-
ships, the soundest business practices, the nest ethical and moral
principles, and especially Christian ideals; to help people experi-
ence release from enslavement, fear, and violence; to help people
live in love; and to raise the awareness of and sensitivity to per-
sons with special needs.
g) To preserve and protect resources, property, and invest-
ments of The United Methodist Church or any conference, agency,
or institution thereof, in any educational institution, Wesley Foun-
dation, or other campus ministry unit founded, organized, devel-
oped, or assisted under the direction or with the cooperation of
The United Methodist Church.
h) To relate to professional organizations of higher edu-
cation and campus ministry on behalf of The United Methodist
i) To enable the division’s constituencies to develop an
interest in and response to public policies bearing on higher edu-
cation, both independent and public.
j) To provide resources and suggest guidelines for annual
conference boards of higher education and campus ministry.
5. The division shall appoint personnel, including an assis-
tant general secretary for campus ministry, an assistant general
secretary for schools, colleges, and universities, and an assistant
general secretary for the Black College Fund, and it shall establish
such committees and commissions as may be necessary for effec-
tive fulllment of its objectives. It may adopt such rules and regu-
lations as may be required for the conduct of its business.
1411. Responsibilities to General and Annual Conferences
The Division of Higher Education will cooperate with and assist
the General and annual conferences and their respective boards
and area commissions organized in behalf of educational institu-
tions and the campus ministry. (For annual conference boards, see
1. The division shall:
a) Provide for the cooperative study of plans for maxi-
mum coordination of the work of United Methodist higher educa-
tion with the Church’s mission in Christian education.
b) Direct attention of Church members to the contribution
of United Methodist educational institutions and campus ministry
units to the life and character of students, faculty, and staff and to
the place the institutions and campus ministry have in the preser-
vation and propagation of the Christian faith for our time.
2. The division shall assess institutional and campus ministry
relationships with and responsibilities to the Church, and it shall
aid in the determination of the degree of active accord between
institutional and campus ministry policies and practices and the
policies of the Church as expressed in the Discipline and in Gen-
eral Conference enactments.
3. The division shall assist educational societies and foun-
dations related to the annual conferences for the promotion of
Christian higher education and the campus ministry, and it shall
recognize such societies and foundations as auxiliaries of the
division when their objectives and purposes, articles of incorpo-
ration, and administrative policies shall have been approved by
the annual conference within whose boundaries they have been
4. The division should provide the connectional relation-
ship whenever agencies of the General Church wish to enter into
discussion with or make inquiry into United Methodist-related
schools, colleges, and universities.
5. The division shall direct attention to the work and needs of
those educational institutions that stand in special relationship to
The United Methodist Church and shall request support for them.
Due recognition shall be given to the needs of the Black colleges
historically related to The United Methodist Church. (See ¶¶ 815,
6. The division shall approve changes in institutional spon-
sorship and relationships to the general or annual conferences,
including separation from United Methodist program boards,
from the general or one or more annual conferences, or from the
University Senate as the certifying agency of The United Method-
ist Church.
1412. Responsibilities to Educational Institutions—The Divi-
sion of Higher Education shall establish policy and practice
providing for consultation with and support of United Method-
ist educational institutions, campus ministry units, and annual
conference boards of higher education and campus ministry in
matters of institutional study and evaluation, promotion, inter-
pretation, management, program, and nance.
1. The division shall, in cooperation with the University
a) Study trends in higher education, the needs of the
Church, and public and private educational opportunities and
requirements and make recommendations to the educational
institutions and state commissions or other bodies or publics con-
cerned with higher education.
b) Recommend and approve plans for institutional coop-
eration, consolidation, or merger between or among United Meth-
odist-related colleges and/or between them and institutions of
other denominations that ensure that the interests of The United
Methodist Church are adequately protected.
c) Investigate the objectives, academic programs, edu-
cational standards, personnel policies, plant and equipment,
business and management practices, nancial program, public
relations, student personnel services, student development pro-
grams, religious life, and Church relations of any educational
institution claiming or adjudged to be related to The United
Methodist Church.
d) Evaluate and classify institutions in order to authen-
ticate relatedness to the Church and determine eligibility for
Church nancial support.
2. The division shall, in regard to campus ministry, Wesley
Foundations, and ecumenical campus ministry groups, provide a
structure within the division in order to:
a) Assist in development of plans for the systematic eval-
uation of these units in cooperation with their regularly consti-
tuted boards of directors or trustees and with conference boards of
higher education and campus ministry, and with area or regional
committees or commissions on Christian higher education and
campus ministry or appropriate ecumenical agencies.
b) Study the trends in programming and funding in cam-
pus ministry, review reports from the United Methodist Campus
Ministers Association (UMCMA), conference agencies and local
units, and interpret these ndings to the constituency as appropri-
ate and to The United Methodist Church.
c) Afrm its commitment to an ecumenical approach to
campus ministry; encourage local, campus, state, regional, and
global units of that ministry to work toward ecumenical program-
ming and structures where appropriate to provide counsel and
support to conference boards and agencies in reviewing, evaluat-
ing, and strengthening existing and proposed local and regional
ecumenical covenants for campus ministry; and ensure that ecu-
menical covenants and procedures for these units are on le with
the annual conference boards of higher education and campus
d) Develop standards and policies for the professional
staff of Wesley Foundations, campus ministries and chaplaincies
and provide educational and training opportunities for campus
ministers and chaplains.
e) Establish policies and guidelines for the work and
responsibilities of oversight of the annual conference board of
higher education and ministry programs of campus ministry in
Wesley Foundations, local churches, and ecumenical campus min-
istries, and the work and responsibilities of local Wesley Founda-
tions and campus ministry boards of directors.
f) Establish procedures and guidelines for the establish-
ment of a new Wesley Foundation or campus ministry unit and
the planning and construction of Wesley Foundation or campus
ministry buildings.
g) Recognize and cooperate with agencies with whom
relationships may serve to further the objectives of the division.
h Provide for representation and participation, as deemed
necessary, with other national and international ecumenical cam-
pus ministry agencies and associations.
i) Provide services to meet specic denominational needs.
j) Relate college and university students of The United
Methodist Church to the United Methodist Student Movement
and such Methodist and ecumenical student organizations around
the world as may be appropriate.
3. The division shall, as it seeks to interpret higher education:
a) Promote the Church’s mission in higher education,
including the special missions and educational ministries to eth-
nic groups, people with disabilities, and other peoples disadvan-
taged by world conditions.
b) Promote Christian instruction and provide opportu-
nity for Christian service.
c) Encourage educational institutions and campus minis-
try units to inculcate human and humane values consistent with
the gospel and the public good.
d) Foster the development of Christian community with-
in the life of educational institutions and campus ministry units.
e) Make use of the existing Church organization and
publications for interpreting the mission of higher education.
f) Participate in the World Communion Scholarship
g) Design and organize the promotion of United Method-
ist Student Day to recognize United Methodist students in higher
1413. Financial Support of Higher Education—1. In recogni-
tion of its heritage and the mandate to maintain its mission in
higher education and in light of emergent scal concerns, The
United Methodist Church afrms its commitment to higher edu-
cation and to the means by which it can be continuously sup-
ported and renewed.
2. The Division of Higher Education shall be empowered to
take such action as may be necessary to:
a) Promote the nancial support of Christian higher edu-
cation within the Church.
b) Create arrangements that shall provide for the ow
of supporting funds from the whole Church to the institutions
afliated with the Church as afrmed by the University Senate
( 1416).
c) Develop corporations, or other scal or duciary agen-
cies, for the purpose of nancing, creating, recycling, managing,
or otherwise caring for institutions and campus ministry units or
their assets and liabilities.
3. The division, in regard to scal matters, shall:
a) Study the nancial status of United Methodist edu-
cational institutions and campus ministry units, encourage the
Church to give them continuous support, and provide consulta-
tive services in scal affairs and other aspects of institutional man-
agement. The division shall study all appropriate related data and
may recommend to each conference or agency the support levels
appropriate for each related institution or institutions.
b) Appropriate such funds as are available for the sup-
port of educational institutions, Wesley Foundations, or other
campus ministry units related to The United Methodist Church
under such rules as the board may adopt.
c) Take such action as is necessary to protect or recover
resources, property, and investments of The United Methodist
Church or any conference, agency, or institution thereof, in capi-
tal or endowment funds of any educational institution, Wesley
Foundation, or other campus ministry unit founded, organized,
developed, or assisted under the direction or with the coopera-
tion of The United Methodist Church should any such institution
discontinue operation or move to sever or modify its connection
with the Church or violate the terms of any rules adopted by the
board or the terms of any such grant of new capital or endow-
ment funds made by The United Methodist Church or any confer-
ence, agency, or institution thereof. In order to carry out its duties
under this paragraph, the division shall, at its discretion, inves-
tigate, audit, and review all necessary records and documents of
any educational institution claiming or adjudged by the division
to be related to The United Methodist Church. In the event any
such educational institution, Wesley Foundation, or other campus
ministry unit shall endeavor to discontinue operation or move to
sever or modify its connection with the Church or violate the rules
adopted by the division in accordance with 1413.3b, it shall be
the duty of the trustees and the administrators of such institu-
tions, along with the conference agency on higher education and
the resident bishop of the conference in which such institution is
located, to confer at the earliest possible opportunity with appro-
priate representatives of the division to determine what resources
and aid the division may be able to provide and to permit the
division to carry out its responsibilities under this paragraph.
d) (1) Foster and aid through a special apportionment the
United Methodist institutions historically related to education for
African Americans. It shall have authority to institute plans by
which colleges sponsored by the division may cooperate with or
may unite with colleges of other denominations or under inde-
pendent control, provided that the interests of The United Meth-
odist Church are adequately protected. (2) Encourage such Black
colleges to secure adequate endowments for their support and
maintenance. Whenever the division is assured that their support
will be adequate and the property will be conserved and perpetu-
ated for Christian education under the auspices and control of The
United Methodist Church, it may transfer the colleges to boards
of trustees under such conditions as the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry may prescribe, which shall include the
right of reversion to the board under conditions prescribed by the
U S
1414. Organization and Membership—1. The University Sen-
ate is an elected body of professionals in higher education created
by the General Conference to determine which schools, colleges,
universities, and theological schools meet the criteria for listing as
institutions afliated with The United Methodist Church.
2. The senate shall be composed of twenty-seven (27) voting
members who, at the time of election, are actively engaged in the
work of education through employment in an educational insti-
tution and are tted by training and experience for the techni-
cal work of evaluating educational institutions. Election is for the
quadrennium, except in cases where conict of interest arises as
a result of change in employment. Nine (9) of these members shall
be elected quadrennially by the National Association of Schools
27. See Judicial Council Decision 589.
and Colleges of The United Methodist Church—seven of whom
shall be chief executive ofcers of United Methodist-related edu-
cational institutions, the other two holding other positions rele-
vant to academic or nancial affairs or Church relationships; six
(6) by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry—two
of whom shall be chief executive ofcers of United Methodist-
related higher educational institutions, two holding other posi-
tions relevant to academic or nancial affairs, and two holding
positions relevant to Church relationships; four (4) by the Gen-
eral Conference—two of whom shall be chief executive ofcers
of United Methodist-related educational institutions at the time
of their election, the other two holding other positions relevant to
academic or nancial affairs or Church relationships; four (4) by
the senate itself, without limitation other than the general provi-
sions of this paragraph; and four (4) shall be appointed by the
Council of Bishops—two of whom shall be chief executive ofcers
of United Methodist-related educational institutions, the other
two holding other positions relevant to academic or nancial
affairs or Church relationships. Each of the ve electing bodies
shall elect at least one woman.
Members elected by the General Conference shall be nomi-
nated and elected by the following procedure: Twelve persons
shall be nominated by the Council of Bishops, six of whom shall
be chief executive ofcers of United Methodist-related edu-
cational institutions, the other six holding other positions rel-
evant to academic or nancial affairs or Church relationships.
At the same daily session at which the above nominations are
announced, additional nominations may be made from the oor
but at no other time. From these nominations, the General Con-
ference shall elect without discussion, by ballot and by plurality
vote, the four persons to serve on the senate, two from each of the
two categories of nominees. Should a vacancy occur in the mem-
bers elected by General Conference in the interim prior to the
next General Conference, the Council of Bishops shall appoint
a replacement taken from the remaining nominees. The election
process shall be repeated at each succeeding General Conference.
Care should be taken that women, racial and ethnic persons, and
representatives from the United Methodist-related Black colleges
and graduate theological seminaries shall be members of the
senate. If a member (other than the four elected by the General
Conference) retires from educational work, or for any other cause
a vacancy occurs during the quadrennium, it shall be lled by
the agency by which the retiring member was elected at its next
meeting. The general secretary of the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry and the associate general secretaries of
the Divisions of Higher Education and Ordained Ministry of that
board shall serve as ex ofcio members of the senate, with voice
but without vote. There shall be one staff representative on the
senate from the General Board of Global Ministries, with voice
but without vote, named by the general secretary of the General
Board of Global Ministries.
3. The associate general secretary of the Division of Higher
Education shall be the executive secretary of the senate. The gen-
eral secretary of the board shall convene it for organization at the
beginning of each quadrennium. The senate shall elect its own
ofcers, including a president, a vice president, and a recording
secretary, and it may appoint such committees and commissions
and delegate to them such powers as are incident to its work.
Thereafter, it shall meet semiannually at such time and place as
it may determine. Special meetings may be called on the written
request of ve members or at the discretion of the president and
the executive secretary.
4. After consultation with the ofcers of the senate, the Divi-
sion of Higher Education shall provide in its annual budget for
the expense of the senate as it may deem sufcient, except that
expenses incurred by the senate on behalf of any other board of
the Church shall be borne by that board.
1415. Purposes and Objectives—1. To establish the criteria
that must be met by schools, colleges, universities, and theologi-
cal schools to achieve and retain listing as institutions afliated
with The United Methodist Church.
2. To support the development of institutions whose aims are
to address and whose programs reect signicant educational,
cultural, social, and human issues in a manner reecting the val-
ues held in common by the institutions and the Church.
3. To provide an effective review process to ensure that
schools, colleges, universities, and theological schools listed by
the University Senate and qualifying for Church support have
institutional integrity, well-structured programs, sound manage-
ment, and clearly dened Church relationships.
28. See Judicial Council Decision 589.
4. To establish effective annual reporting procedures that will
provide the senate with the data necessary to complete its review
of the institutional viability and program integrity of member
5. At the conclusion of each General Conference a complete set
of the Daily Christian Advocate for that General Conference shall be
sent to each theological school approved by the University Senate.
1416. Institutional Afliation
—1. Approval by the senate is
prerequisite to institutional claim of afliation with The United
Methodist Church.
2. Every effort shall be made by both the annual conferences
and institutions to sustain and support each other, but identi-
cation of an institution with The United Methodist Church shall
depend upon its approval by the senate. The senate shall provide
adequate guidelines and counsel to assist institutions seeking ini-
tial or renewed afliation.
3. Only institutions afliated with The United Methodist
Church through approval by the senate shall be eligible for fund-
ing by annual conferences, General Conference, general boards,
or other agencies of The United Methodist Church.
4. To qualify for afliation with The United Methodist Church,
institutions must maintain appropriate academic accreditation.
5. Assessment of Church relationships shall be a part of the
process for those institutions seeking approval of the senate for
afliation with The United Methodist Church. Inasmuch as decla-
rations of Church relationships are expected to differ one from the
other, and because of the diversity in heritage and other aspects of
institutional life, declarations of Church relationship will neces-
sarily be of institutional design.
1417. Annual Reports of Approved Institutions—1. Each
year the senate shall publish a list classifying United Methodist-
afliated institutions. These institutions shall include secondary
schools, colleges, universities, graduate theological seminaries,
and special schools.
2. The senate shall also prepare annually a list of approved
schools, colleges, universities, and graduate theological seminar-
ies for use by annual conference boards of ordained ministry in
determining candidate educational eligibility for admission into
full connection.
29. See Judicial Council Decision 589.
3. An institution that chooses to disafliate with The United
Methodist Church for any reason shall: a) inform the University
Senate as soon as possible after discussions begin concerning dis-
afliation; b) inform all appropriate United Methodist judicato-
ries; and c) seek technical and legal assistance from the Division
of Higher Education regarding duciary issues.
4. The senate shall publish annually, with its list of United
Methodist-afliated institutions, the names of institutions of other
historic Methodist Churches that wish to participate in research
projects, the insurance program, and technical services of the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Such institu-
tions shall be designated as “associate” institutions.
1418. Consultative Services—1. Support for approved insti-
tutions shall include, through the appropriate divisions of the
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, consulting
teams with skills in comprehensive institutional design, manage-
ment, governance, and program.
2. Support for approved institutions shall include an inter-
pretation of and consultation on data in the annual institutional
3. The Division of Higher Education shall report annually to
the senate on the level and types of institutional support rendered
by related conferences and agencies and shall evaluate such sup-
port, including specic responses of conferences and agencies to
recommended levels.
U M H E F
1419. The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation
is incorporated in the State of Tennessee as a nonprot, charitable
organization with permanent ties to the Division of Higher Edu-
cation, which elects its board of trustees. The general purpose of
the foundation is to foster the growth and development of institu-
tions of higher education by encouraging persons and corpora-
tions to provide nancial support and by acting as a foundation
for such support. The foundation is also authorized to serve as
a trustee and administrator of gifts and bequests designated by
donors to specic institutions.
C  P   B C
1420. Council of Presidents of the Black Colleges—1. There
shall be an organization known as the Council of Presidents of the
Black Colleges. It shall be composed of all the presidents of the
United Methodist institutions historically related to the educa-
tion of African Americans and with a current relationship to The
United Methodist Church.
2. Purposes and Objectives—The purpose of the council shall
be to:
a) Help identify and clarify the roles of these colleges in
higher education and in The United Methodist Church.
b) Promote fund-raising efforts through the Church.
c) Study, review, and discuss programs of member
The council shall have a minimum of two regular meetings
in each calendar year and shall be amenable to the Division of
Higher Education in the implementation of its responsibilities.
D  O M
1421. Duties and Responsibilities of the Division of Ordained
Ministry—The Division of Ordained Ministry shall be responsible
for leading and serving the church in inviting, equipping, and sup-
porting faithful and effective spiritual leaders from all cultural,
ethnic, and racial backgrounds, who serve as ordained deacons
and elders, licensed local pastors, diaconal ministers, certied
persons in specialized ministries, and clergy endorsed for exten-
sion ministries in order to fulll the mission of The United Meth-
odist Church and the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The division’s work includes all men and women who are serving
in categories of appointment by a bishop. This responsibility shall
be discharged in active relationship with bishops, schools of the-
ology, annual conference boards of ordained ministry, cabinets,
jurisdictional boards or committees on ordained ministry, central
conferences, ethnic caucuses, and other appropriate bodies. This
division shall be responsible for the promotion of theological edu-
cation and its support for the whole church.
In fulllment of this responsibility and in accordance with
the disciplinary requirements established for each region of the
church in the world, the division will organize its work around
the following core responsibilities:
1. Administrationa) Provide leadership in the interpretation
of the need for ministry in The United Methodist Church in ways
that are appropriate to each region of the church in the world.
The interpretation of ministry includes the ministry of deacons,
elders, local pastors, those approved for extension ministries, and
certied for specialized ministries.
b) Maintain contact with the constituencies of the divi-
sion through gatherings of the chairs of the Order of Deacons and
the Order of Elders and the Fellowship of Local Pastors, personal
communication, newsletters, and other consultative services.
c) In consultation with ethnic constituencies, work with
boards of ordained ministry, district committees on ordained min-
istry, and other appropriate agencies by developing guidelines,
training, and resources for their work; providing guidance and
counseling in the examination of ministerial students; and inter-
preting current disciplinary legislation concerning ordained and
licensed ministry.
d) Provide resources and training to conference boards of
ordained ministry and similar recognized bodies in their responsi-
bility for administering the standards, requirements, examination,
and interviews for ordination and certication in ministry careers.
e) Provide the connectional relationship whenever agen-
cies of the general Church wish to enter into discussion with or
make inquiry into the work of United Methodist seminaries.
f) Study and coordinate mutual ministry between United
Methodist schools of theology and annual conferences in the ful-
llment of their responsibilities for the education and formation
of candidates for ordained, licensed, and certied ministries.
g) Lead in the Church-wide interpretation and promo-
tion of the Ministerial Education Fund, and support other funds
and programs that assist in training persons for ordained ministry.
h) Relate to the University Senate and its Commission on
Theological Education in the review and approval of non-United
Methodist seminaries for candidates for ordination as elder and
i) Cooperate with other agencies and ethnic groups
within The United Methodist Church in matters related to the
calling, training, and support of ministerial leadership through-
out the church.
j) Participate in professional, ecumenical, national, and
international associations that support professional ministry.
k) Cooperate with the General Council on Finance and
Administration and boards of ordained ministry concerning legal
issues, policies of professional ethics, and other matters related to
the practice of ministry.
l) Foster cooperative relationships among persons in the
diaconate of The United Methodist Church and their colleagues in
other Christian churches.
2. Enlistment, Candidacy, and Conference Relations—The divi-
sion shall: a) Lead the church in lifting up God’s call to set-apart
ministry in The United Methodist Church through discernment
and enlistment programs.
b) Study ministerial needs and resources in The United
Methodist Church and cooperate with the general boards and
agencies, and other appropriate ethnic and cultural groups, in the
interpretation of ministry as a vocation, in an effort to enlist suit-
able persons for ordained, licensed, and certied ministry.
c) Study the ministerial needs of the annual and central
conferences in terms of pastoral leadership, the ministry of the
deacon, and certied ministries, including candidacy statistics,
retirement trends, retention of clergy, and the changing demand
for ministerial supply.
d) Study the ministerial needs of the world and provide
resources for the enlistment of persons for service in ministries
beyond the local church.
e) Provide program materials and training resources for
the enlistment and support of candidates for ordained, licensed,
and certied ministry.
f) Work with ethnic centers related to the United Method-
ist seminaries, general church initiatives, and the ethnic caucuses
to enlist racial and ethnic persons as candidates for ordained,
licensed, and certied ministry.
3. Theological Education—The division shall: a) Develop and
maintain the educational programs and standards for those who
are ordained as deacons and elders, licensed as local pastors,
and certied for specialized ministries in The United Methodist
Church and shall disseminate the approved courses and stan-
dards to appropriate oversight bodies and boards.
b) Certify the course offerings in United Methodist his-
tory, doctrine, and polity as specied in 335.(3), and provide the
University Senate and boards of ordained ministry with a list of
the courses approved.
c) Prescribe a theological studies program which will
include basic graduate theological studies for those preparing for
ordination as a deacon, an advanced course of studies program
for local pastors preparing for ordination as an elder, and a cur-
riculum of studies for those seeking certication in areas of spe-
cialized ministry.
d) Prescribe a Course of Study for local pastors that
include the studies for license for pastoral ministry and the
Course of Study curriculum. All work in the Course of Study shall
be taken in programs approved by the Division of Ordained Min-
istry. Upon approval of the conference Board of Ordained Minis-
try, a candidate may complete up to one-half of the work through
online courses developed by the Division of Ordained Ministry.
e) Identify the areas of need for specialized ministries;
provide standards and educational programs that may lead to cer-
tication in those areas; and review the qualications of persons
recommended for certication by conference boards of ordained
f) Consult with the schools of theology and programs of
pastoral training in the central conferences concerning pastoral
needs, the relationship between United Methodist seminaries in
the central conferences and the United States, and other resources
for training pastors to serve in the central conferences.
g) Promote attending United Methodist seminaries for
theological training in the Wesleyan tradition.
h) Cooperate with the Ofce of Loans and Scholarships,
the Higher Education Foundation, the World Communion Schol-
arship Program, and other funding agencies in regard to schol-
arship assistance for racial and ethnic students preparing for
ordained ministry.
4. Support, Supervision, and Accountability—The division shall:
a) Provide guidance and resources for the continuing education,
spiritual formation, and career development for elders, deacons,
diaconal ministers, chaplains and pastoral counselors, and per-
sons certied for specialized ministries serving in local churches,
extension ministries, and other appointment settings in the church
and world.
b) Support and cooperate with bishops and district
superintendents in the fulllment of their ministry of superin-
tending by (1) providing jointly with the Connectional Table and
the Council of Bishops for the training of new district superin-
tendents; (2) providing ongoing training and support for bishops
and superintendents in their work; and (3) developing resources
to assist clergy, superintendents, and local churches in assess-
ment and evaluation of ministry, including providing tools for
staff-parish relations committees, pastors, boards of ordained
ministry, and cabinets on ensuring effective cross-racial and cross-
cultural appointments.
c) Encourage and resource conference boards of ordained
ministry, the Order of Deacons and the Order of Elders, and the
Fellowship of Local Pastors for the ongoing support of persons
in ordained, consecrated, licensed, and certied ministry in The
United Methodist Church.
d) Provide guidance to cabinets and other annual confer-
ence agencies to ensure conditions of employment, support, and
benets commensurate with their training, ability, and experience
for those ordained, consecrated, licensed, or certied for ministe-
rial service.
e) Support members of the endorsed community through
relationships to certifying bodies and professional organizations;
linking congregations, conferences, and church structures with
persons in specialized settings; assisting persons in receiving spe-
cialized training for ministry in pastoral care and pastoral coun-
seling settings; and providing retreats, convocations, and other
special programs.
f) Lead the church in the acceptance and support of
women of all ethnic and racial groups in ordained and licensed
g) Give attention to the specic needs of clergy with
h) Work with bishops, cabinets, boards of ordained minis-
try, the Order of Deacons and the Order of Elders, the Fellow-
ship of Local Pastors, and other church agencies in maintaining
the professional and ethical standards of ministry in The United
Methodist Church.
i) Encourage and support the continuing education,
spiritual formation, and career development of effective spiritual
leaders of all races and ethnic origins.
5. Endorsement—The division shall: a) Identify, assess, and
support chaplains and clergy who show demonstrated ability to
provide pastoral care in health-care settings, children’s homes,
retirement homes, prisons, workplaces, counseling centers, and
the military.
b) Establish standards required for endorsed persons in
the areas of specialized education, training and skills, and when
required, professional certication, to ensure that The United
Methodist Church provides quality pastoral care to patients, resi-
dents, prisoners, workers, counselees, and military personnel and
their families.
c) Maintain policies and procedures to provide Ecclesi-
astical Endorsement for associate members, deacons and elders
under appointment to ministries of chaplaincy and pastoral care
where endorsement is required.
(1) The Division of Ordained Ministry, through its
endorsing committee, the United Methodist Endorsing Agency,
has the authority to grant and remove endorsement and to adopt
appropriate rules of procedure, to include procedure for appeals.
(2) An endorsing committee consisting of elected
members of the Division of Ordained Ministry and chaired by a
bishop shall represent The United Methodist Church in all endors-
ing procedures.
(3) Endorsement is the credential which certies that
a clergyperson performs a valid ministry of The United Meth-
odist Church and has presented evidence of required special-
ized education, training, skills, and, when required, professional
certication necessary to perform that ministry. Once the clergy-
person no longer serves in that particular setting, the endorse-
ment is withdrawn.
d) Establish and follow procedures for ecclesiastical
approval for persons in the military student chaplain candidate
programs, intermittent chaplaincy with the Department of Veter-
ans Affairs, and other identied entities.
e) Maintain programs for the oversight and advocacy of
endorsed/approved persons.
f) Provide general oversight for all those under endorse-
ment, particularly those serving outside the bounds of their
annual conferences.
g) Assure conference boards of ordained ministry
concerning the validity of ministry of clergy serving under
h) Verify annually, to bishops and conference boards of
ordained ministry, those clergy under endorsement and where
necessary request their reappointment.
i) Establish and maintain standards for ecclesiastical
(1) Establish standards for endorsements for all min-
istry settings in 344.1b.
(2) Provide standards for use by annual conference
boards of ordained ministry to determine the appropriateness of
other extension ministry settings not identied in 344.1, and
will assist, as requested, to evaluate specic settings.
(3) Provide advocacy for persons appointed under
344.1d and encourage new efforts to widen the understanding
of ministry through the development of new extension ministry
(4) Coordinate with certifying bodies in the devel-
opment of standards for pastoral care certication in a variety of
ministry settings.
j) Link congregations, conferences, and church agencies
with those persons in extension ministry settings.
k) Advise congregations, conferences, and church agen-
cies in the development of programs of pastoral care in extension
l) Interpret extension ministries to the church and serve
as an advocate for persons in extension ministries under its
m) Assist in providing a ministry to United Methodist
laity in or associated with the military, particularly outside the
continental United States. The Division of Ordained Ministry,
with the General Board of Discipleship, the General Board of
Global Ministries, and other agencies of the Church, shall work
together to prepare materials, programs, and continuing minis-
tries that include retreats, conrmation classes, and other pastoral
n) Receive and distribute funds and special gifts as have
been or shall be given specically for the support of endorsing
agency responsibilities.
o) Sponsor the Chaplains Supplemental Pension Grant
Fund for certain endorsed clergy, with administration and over-
sight provided by the General Board of Pension and Health
6. Constituency Relationships—Establish three teams (elders
and local pastors, deacons and diaconal ministers, chaplains and
endorsed clergy) to relate directly with the constituents of the
Division of Ordained Ministry to resource, support and interpret
the work of the Division of Ordained Ministry. Each team shall be
led by a member of that particular constituency.
S  T  T U M C
1422. Goals—1. United Methodist schools of theology
share a common mission of preparing persons for leadership in
the ministry of The United Methodist Church; of leading in the
ongoing reection on Wesleyan theology; and of assisting the
church in fullling its mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world. They contribute to the life of
the global United Methodist connection through theological edu-
cation for the sake of the worldwide mission of the church. These
schools of theology are maintained for the education of ordained
and lay leadership, for the interpretation of the Christian faith
and United Methodist tradition through biblical and theologi-
cal research, and for prophetic leadership. The General Board of
Higher Education and Ministry provides leadership and support
in this common mission and in the development of relationships
among the schools of theology in the U.S.A. and the central con-
ferences and the various agencies of the general Church.
2. All candidates for ordination as deacon or elder in The
United Methodist Church are strongly encouraged to attend
United Methodist schools of theology since these schools share
with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the
conference boards of ordained ministry in the work of preparing
persons for ordination and leadership in The United Methodist
3. Schools of theology of The United Methodist Church located in
the U.S.A.—a) Schools of theology of The United Methodist
Church located in the U.S.A. exist to serve The United Method-
ist Church, primarily in the United States, but with concern for
the witness of the church around the world. In addition to their
commitment to United Methodism, they also serve students of
other denominations in witness to United Methodism’s ecumeni-
cal relationships. As denominational schools, they have a historic
relationship to the denomination and are ofcially related to The
United Methodist Church through the Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry and the approval of the University Senate. The
following schools comprise this network of United Methodist
schools of theology in the U.S.A.: Boston University School of The-
ology, Claremont School of Theology, Duke Divinity School, Can-
dler School of Theology, the Theological School-Drew University,
Gammon Theological Seminary (ITC), Garrett-Evangelical Theo-
logical Seminary, Iliff School of Theology, Methodist Theological
School in Ohio, Perkins School of Theology, Saint Paul School of
Theology, United Theological Seminary (Dayton, Ohio), and Wes-
ley Theological Seminary. They are accountable to the Church
through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and
the University Senate. Therefore, agencies of the church seeking
to monitor the use of the schools will do so in cooperation with
the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Division of
Ordained Ministry.
b) These schools of theology shall receive nancial sup-
port for the current operating expenses from the annual confer-
ences in the U.S.A. through the Ministerial Education Fund,
administered by the Division of Ordained Ministry, General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry. (See 816.2.) The Minis-
terial Education Fund shall be regarded by the annual conferences
in the U.S.A. as a priority to be met before any additional benevo-
lence, grants, or funds are allocated to other theological schools or
schools of religion.
c) In fullling their task of preparing persons for effective
service for Christ and the church, The United Methodist schools
of theology located in the U.S.A. shall acquaint students with the
current polity, theology and programs of The United Methodist
Church and shall offer practical experience in administration,
evangelism, stewardship, and other areas which will prepare
them for effective Christian ministry in a multicultural society.
Each school of theology, in consultation with the General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry, Division of Ordained Ministry,
shall provide the courses in United Methodist history, doctrine,
and polity specied in 335.(3) and seek to form persons for min-
istry in the Wesleyan tradition.
d) Any institution seeking afliation with The United
Methodist Church for the preparation of candidates for ordination
must rst present its plan to the General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry, Division of Ordained Ministry for approval and
recommendation to the University Senate, which alone can grant
afliation and listing as a United Methodist school of theology. A
select number of non-United Methodist schools of theology may
be granted approval for the preparation of candidates for ordina-
tion under the criteria of the University Senate.
4. Schools of Theology of The United Methodist Church located
in the Central Conferencesa) In order to meet the needs for theo-
30. See Judicial Council Decision 545.
logical education and clergy training in their regions, the cen-
tral conferences establish schools of theology to serve the United
Methodists in their distinct cultural, social, and linguistic con-
text. Schools of theology and programs of clergy training are also
established by General Board of Global Ministries and the Gen-
eral Board of Higher Education and Ministry to serve the needs of
the central conferences. These schools may be supported through
the central conference and/or the General Board of Global Minis-
tries and/or the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
and are accountable to the appropriate bodies for their program
and their relationship to the denomination.
b) Additional schools of theology and pastoral training
may be established by the central conference, General Conference,
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, or the General
Board of Global Ministries and accountability depends on the
founding documents of the institutions.
5. The United Methodist Church also shares in global theo-
logical education through ecumenical schools of theology where
The United Methodist Church is a partner. Though not United
Methodist-related, these institutions serve on behalf of United
Methodists in those regions and may relate to the General Board
of Global Ministries and/or General Board of Higher Education
and Ministry, in accordance with their charter and mission.
1423. Education of Ordination Candidates—The United Meth-
odist schools of theology share with the conference boards of
ordained ministry the responsibility for the education and forma-
tion of candidates for admission to the annual conferences.
Section IX. General Board of Pension and Health Benets
G A
1501. Establishment—1. a) There shall be a General Board
of Pension and Health Benets of The United Methodist Church,
hereinafter called the general board, having the general supervi-
sion and administration of the support, relief, and assistance and
pensioning of clergy of this denomination, lay workers of the var-
ious units of the Church, and their families.
b) The general board shall be the successor to the General
Board of Pensions of The United Methodist Church, the Board
of Pensions of The Evangelical United Brethren Church, and the
General Board of Pensions of The Methodist Church.
2. The general board shall have authority to establish, main-
tain, and discontinue the location of its headquarters ofce and
such auxiliary ofces as it shall deem proper and advisable.
3. The general board shall report to and be amenable to the
General Conference.
1502. 1. Membershipa) The membership of the general
board shall be composed of two bishops, elected by the Council
of Bishops; sixteen members elected by the jurisdictional confer-
ences from the annual conference nominations on a ratio provid-
ing for an equitable distribution among the various jurisdictions,
based on the combined clergy and laity membership thereof, as
determined by the secretary of the General Conference; six mem-
bers, with not more than two from the same jurisdiction, elected
by the General Conference on nomination of the Council of Bish-
ops; and eight additional members for the purpose of bringing
to the general board special knowledge or background, not more
than two from the same jurisdiction, nominated and elected by
the general board in such manner as it shall provide in its bylaws.
b) The aforementioned electing bodies shall give consid-
eration during the nominating process to equitable representation
on the basis of race, color, age, gender, and people with disabilities.
c) The general secretary of the general board shall be an
ex ofcio member thereof, without vote.
d) The terms of all members so elected shall be four years,
to take effect at the rst meeting of the general board following
the General Conference, hereinafter referred to as the organiza-
tional meeting.
(1) Members shall serve during the terms for which
they are elected and until their successors shall have been elected
and qualied.
(2) Other paragraphs of the Discipline notwithstand-
ing, members of the general board may serve a maximum of three
consecutive terms.
(3) In case a vacancy occurs between regular sessions
of the jurisdictional conferences for any cause, the general board
shall ll the vacancy for the unexpired term from that jurisdiction
in the representation of which the vacancy occurs, except in the
case of members elected by the General Conference or the general
board where such vacancies would be lled by the general board
in the manner prescribed by its bylaws without regard to geo-
graphic or jurisdictional representation.
2. Ofcersa) The general board shall elect from its member-
ship at its organizational meeting a chairperson, a vice chairper-
son, and a recording secretary whose duties shall be prescribed in
its bylaws.
b) The general board shall elect quadrennially, in such
manner as it shall provide in its bylaws and policies, a general
secretary, who shall be the chief executive ofcer of the general
c) Other ofces that are deemed desirable and in the best
interest of the general board for carrying out its purposes may
be created by the general board, and persons may be elected or
appointed to ll such ofces.
d) A vacancy in any of these ofces shall be lled by the
general board for the remainder of the unexpired term in a man-
ner prescribed in its bylaws.
3. Meetings—The general board shall hold at least one meet-
ing in each calendar year.
a) The place and time of all meetings shall be designated
by the general board, but if it fails to do so, then the time and place
shall be designated by the chairperson.
b) It shall convene at such other times on call of the chair-
person, on written request by one-fth of its members, or on writ-
ten request by a majority of its executive committee.
c) A majority of the members of the general board shall
constitute a quorum.
4. Committees—The general board shall establish the follow-
ing committees:
a) Executive Committee—An executive committee shall
be elected by the general board from its membership. During the
periods between the meetings of the general board, its business
and affairs shall be managed by the executive committee.
b) Committee on Audit and Review—A committee on audit
and review shall be elected by the general board. The committee
on audit and review shall be responsible for reviewing the nan-
cial audits and related policies of the general board and its con-
stituent legal entities.
c) Committee on Appeals—A committee on appeals shall
be elected by the general board. The committee on appeals shall
hear appeals from participants in the funds, plans, and programs
administered by the general board. Decisions of the committee on
appeals shall be nal and not reviewed by the full general board.
d) Other Committees—The general board shall have the
authority to establish, from time to time, such other standing com-
mittees or special committees as provided in its bylaws.
e) Committee Membership—The general board shall elect
the membership of its standing committees in accordance with
its bylaws. The membership of any special committees shall be
selected in accordance with the resolution establishing such spe-
cial committee.
f) Committee Members at Large—The general board shall
have the authority to elect additional members to its committees,
not to exceed one-half of the committee membership, for the pur-
pose of bringing to those committees special knowledge or back-
ground. These committee members at large shall have full voice
and vote on the committee, but they shall have voice, but not vot-
ing privileges, on the general board.
1503. Legal Entities—1. Subject to the continuing control
and direction of the General Conference of The United Methodist
Church as set forth from time to time in the Discipline, the general
board is authorized and empowered to cause the operations of
the General Board of Pension and Health Benets to be carried on
and the general authorizations dened in 1504 to be achieved
in such manner, through or by means of such agencies or instru-
mentalities, and by use of such procedures as the general board
may from time to time determine to be necessary, advisable, or
appropriate, with full power and authority in the premises to take
all such action and to do all such other acts and things as may be
required or found to be advisable. In particular, and without lim-
iting the generality of the foregoing, the general board is autho-
rized and empowered, for the purposes of this paragraph:
a) To use, manage, operate, and otherwise utilize all
property and assets of every kind, character, and description
of any corporation(s) created by the general board pursuant to
1503.2 below, as well as all income from such property and assets
and the avails thereof, all with liability or obligation to account for
such property and assets, the use thereof, the income therefrom,
and avails thereof only to the General Conference of The United
Methodist Church.
b) To cause a corporation(s) created by the general board
pursuant to 1503.2 to take all such action and to do all such
things as the general board may deem necessary or advisable to
carry out the intent and purposes of this paragraph. The govern-
ing body of said corporation(s) from time to time shall take all
action that the general board deems necessary or advisable to
carry out the intent and purpose of this paragraph, unless local
law would require such governing bodies to make independent
decisions with respect to particular actions.
2. The general board is authorized and empowered in its dis-
cretion at any time it may deem such action to be desirable or
convenient to create corporations or other legal entities through
which it shall fulll its responsibilities described hereunder.
a) The general board is authorized and empowered in its
discretion to cause its general operations to be conducted through
a corporation, the name of which shall be the General Board of
Pension and Health Benets of The United Methodist Church,
Incorporated in Illinois.
b) The general board is authorized and empowered in its
discretion to cause its general trust operations to be conducted
through a corporation, the name of which shall be the UMC Ben-
et Board, Inc.
c) If the general board creates and directs more than one
legal entity, it is authorized and empowered at its discretion at
any time it may deem such action desirable or convenient to take
action in the name of said legal entities to surrender the charter or
charters of one or several or all of said legal entities or to merge,
consolidate, or afliate such corporations, or any of them, in com-
pliance with appropriate state or federal laws.
d) The governing bodies of such legal entities shall be
determined by the general board in conformance with applicable
local law. A majority of the members of the governing bodies shall
be elected from the membership of the general board.
e) The legal entities created under this paragraph are
agencies or instrumentalities through which the denomination
known as The United Methodist Church provides benets, invest-
ment services, and other services outlined in 1504 below in the
name of the General Board of Pension and Health Benets.
1504. Authorizations—The General Board of Pension and
Health Benets is authorized and empowered to provide admin-
istrative, trust, and investment support to The United Methodist
Church and its constituent boards, agencies, conferences, organi-
zations, and other institutions in their efforts to provide support,
relief, and assistance, and pension, welfare, and other benets for
clergy of this denomination, lay workers of the various units of
the Church, and their families. Subject to the provisions of 2506
herein the general board shall perform its duties and responsi-
bilities in the spirit of the Church’s mandate for inclusiveness and
racial and social justice. In particular, and without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the general board, directly or through
any entity created by it, is authorized and empowered:
1. To operate, manage, and administer the mandatory ben-
et funds, plans, and programs established by the General Con-
ference: (a) the Ministerial Pension Plan, amended and restated
effective January 1, 2007, as the Clergy Retirement Security Pro-
gram; (b) the Retirement Security Program for General Agencies
of The United Methodist Church, amended and restated effective
January 1, 2010, as the Retirement Plan for General Agencies; and
(c) the Comprehensive Protection Plan. The provisions of these
mandatory benet programs shall be incorporated by reference
into the Discipline and shall have the full force of law as if printed
in the Discipline. No proposal shall be made to the General Confer-
ence that changes a benet presently in effect without rst secur-
ing through the General Board of Pension and Health Benets an
actuarial opinion concerning the cost and other related aspects of
the proposed change.
2. To create, amend, operate, manage, administer, and ter-
minate nonmandatory relief, assistance, and benet funds, plans,
products, and programs for interested members, conferences,
local churches, boards, agencies, institutions, and other afliated
units of The United Methodist Church.
3. To continue the operation, management, and administra-
tion of relief, assistance, and benet funds, plans, and programs
created prior to 1981.
4. To make reports to the General Conference with respect
to the support, relief, assistance, and pension, welfare, and other
benets for clergy of this denomination, lay workers of the vari-
ous units of the Church, and their families.
5. To adopt rules, regulations, and policies for the admin-
istration of the relief, assistance, and benet funds, plans, and
programs that the general board administers, in all matters not
specically covered by General Conference legislation or by rea-
sonable implication, and to prescribe such forms and records
as are needed for the administration of such funds, plans, and
6. To prepare and publish benet summaries, manuals, and
other publications or media related to the funds, plans, and pro-
grams administered by the general board.
7. To compile and maintain complete service records of clergy
members in full connection, associate members, and provisional
members, and of local pastors whose service may be related to
potential annuity claims of the annual conferences of The United
Methodist Church situated within the boundaries of the United
States and Puerto Rico. Such service records shall be based on
answers to the Business of the Annual Conference questions
as published in the journals of the annual conferences situated
within the boundaries of the United States and Puerto Rico and
in the General Minutes of The United Methodist Church, or in
comparable publications of either or both of the uniting churches,
and from information provided by annual conference boards of
pensions. The conference boards of pensions shall be responsible
for providing census data when requested by the general board
on participants and their families, including but not limited to
such data as birth dates, marriage dates, divorce dates, and dates
of death.
8. The general board shall have the authority to allocate the
costs of the mandatory benets plans among the annual confer-
ences situated within the boundaries of the United States and
Puerto Rico, in accordance with the terms of the appropriate ben-
ets plan.
a) The general board shall have authority to determine
the liabilities allocated to and contributions due from each annual
conference, in accordance with the terms of the appropriate plan.
b) The general board shall have the authority to collect
from each annual conference the amount required by the clear-
inghouse to provide benets pursuant to the terms of the appro-
priate benets plan. Each annual conference shall provide funds
to meet its benet responsibilities to clergy serving the annual
conference and their spouses, as applicable, who are members of
other annual conferences on the same basis as it provides pension
payments for beneciaries related directly to itself.
c) The general board is authorized and empowered to
make all the rules concerning details that may be necessary to
implement the foregoing.
9. On request of an annual conference or conference orga-
nization or agency of The United Methodist Church, to receive
therefrom distributable and reserve pension funds and to make
the periodic pension payments to the beneciaries of such annual
conference, conference organization, board, or agency, in accor-
dance with a schedule of distribution, which shall be provided
for the guidance of the general board in making such payments.
The general board shall report annually the details of transac-
tions under this provision. The general board shall be entitled to
recover the cost of performing such services.
10. To administer the Chartered Fund for the benet of all
the annual and provisional annual conferences in The United
Methodist Church, the boundaries of which are within the
United States, its territorial and insular possessions, and Cuba,
unless the General Conference shall order otherwise. Once a
year the net earnings of the fund, after provision for deprecia-
tion, shall be divided equally among such annual and provi-
sional annual conferences in accordance with the restrictive rule
contained in 22.
11. To order and direct that the income from the General
Endowment Fund for Conference Claimants (formerly known as
the General Endowment Fund for Superannuates of The Meth-
odist Episcopal Church, South) held by the UMC Benet Board,
Inc., shall be distributed on account of service of conference
claimants rendered in an annual conference of The United Meth-
odist Church; provided, however, that such distribution shall be
restricted to annual conferences that, directly or through their pre-
decessor annual conferences, participated in raising this fund, in
proportion to the number of approved years of annuity respon-
sibility of each annual conference as shall be determined by the
General Board of Pension and Health Benets.
12. To distribute on the basis it determines the appropriations
from the net earnings of the publishing interests that are contrib-
uted to the pension programs of The United Methodist Church
and of the several annual conferences.
13. To create such legal entities in order to obtain, accept,
receive, manage, and administer any and all assets or property,
absolute or in trust, for the purpose of providing for, aiding in,
and contributing to the support, relief, assistance, and pension,
welfare, and other benets for clergy of this denomination, lay
workers of the various units of the Church, and their families and
for other purposes stated in the trust instrument.
14. To discharge its duciary duties with respect to a benet
fund, plan, or program solely in the interest of the participants
and beneciaries and for the exclusive purpose of providing
benets to participants and their beneciaries and defraying rea-
sonable expenses of administering the plan, with the care, skill,
prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing
that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with
such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like
character and with like aims.
15. To receive, hold, manage, merge, consolidate, administer,
invest, and reinvest all connectional relief, support, and benet
funds. The general board is encouraged to invest in institutions,
companies, corporations, or funds that make a positive contri-
bution toward the realization of the goals outlined in the Social
Principles of the Church, subject to other provisions of the Disci-
pline, and with due regard to any and all special contracts, agree-
ments, and laws applicable thereto. Among the tools the general
board may use are shareholder advocacy, selective divestment,
and advocacy of corporate disinvestment from certain countries
or elds of business.
16. To receive, hold, manage, administer, and invest and
reinvest, by and through its constituent corporations, endow-
ment funds or other funds of an annual conference, local church,
board, agency, or other unit afliated with The United Methodist
Church that have been designated for the funding of relief, sup-
port, or benet funds, plans, or programs, and endowment funds
or other funds of such units not so designated. The general board
is encouraged to invest in institutions, companies, corporations,
or funds that make a positive contribution toward the realization
of the goals outlined in the Social Principles of the Church; pro-
vided, however, that at no time shall any part of the principal of
the endowment funds be appropriated by the general board for
any other purpose. The general board shall annually provide to
such units an accounting of such funds.
17. To receive, hold, manage, administer, invest and rein-
vest, funds of and offer administrative services to other nonprot
18. To collect, receive, and administer such gifts, devises, and
bequests, and other funds as may be specically designated for
the general board or any constituent corporation of the general
board by donors, subject to the rules, regulations, and policies
of the general board with respect thereto. All undesignated gifts,
devises, bequests, and donations shall be collected, received, and
administered under the direction of the general board.
19. To charge the various trusts, funds, plans, and programs
for which it is responsible an administrative fee for its general
services and to charge reasonable and appropriate transactional
fees for specic services provided to a unit of the Church or to
a participant or beneciary. The general board shall not use for
operational or administrative purposes moneys allocated from
any of the general Church funds of The United Methodist Church.
20. To create, administer, and encourage funding for the pro-
grams of the Central Conference Pension Initiative, in consulta-
tion with the General Council on Finance and Administration,
and supported by a multi-agency task force.
21. To support the health as wholeness of the clergy and lay
workers of the denomination, and thereby mitigate the frequency
and duration of disability and incapacity, by collecting, analyzing,
and disseminating the group health care plan data and health and
wellness program information submitted by annual conferences,
the General Council on Finance and Administration for bishops,
and general agencies. The General Board of Pension and Health
Benets shall use the collected group health care plan data and
health and wellness program information to (a) establish denomi-
nation-wide benchmarks and standards; (b) identify and dissemi-
nate best practices for healthy lifestyles and health and disability
costs management; (c) provide reports of data; (d) share data and
analyses with the denomination; (e) advise about health care plan
designs, coverage, nancial soundness, and wellness programs
and initiatives; and (f) recommend health and wellness strategies
and guidelines for annual conferences, the General Council on
Finance and Administration for bishops in the United States, and
general agencies.
22. To cause its operations to be carried on and the objectives
dened above to be achieved in such manner by use of such pro-
cedures as the general board may from time to time determine
to be necessary, advisable, or appropriate, with full power and
authority in the premises to take all such action and to do all such
other acts and things as may be required or found to be advisable.
1505. General Agency Pension Credit—Pension for service
approved for pension credit by an agency of The United Method-
ist Church receiving nancial support from the general Church
funds shall be provided by the employing agency in uniformity
with that provided by other agencies under one of the pension
funds, plans, or programs administered by the General Board of
Pension and Health Benets of The United Methodist Church;
provided, however, that where service has been rendered in two
or more agencies, the total pension benet shall be calculated as
if all such service had been with one agency, and the nal agency
shall provide any additional pension benets necessary to accom-
plish this; furthermore, such agency may not make any arrange-
ment with a life insurance company or any other entity for the
purchase of annuities for the benet of individual effective or
retired employees or take any steps to nullify, in whole or in part,
the pension plans or program of The United Methodist Church by
making contracts with outside parties.
A C A
1506. Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities of Annual Conferences
1. The annual conferences have the following powers, duties,
and responsibilities with respect to clergy benet plans admin-
istered by the General Board of Pension and Health Benets:
(a) executing an adoption agreement, including making any
optional elections; (b) enrolling clergy; (c) making contribu-
tions; (d) determining the appointment status of a clergyperson
for a given period, including the classication of the clergyper-
son and his or her full-time or part-time status; (e) reporting on
a clergyperson’s compensation; (f) determining a clergyperson’s
conference relationship status, including the termination thereof;
(g) determining a clergyperson’s leave of absence status; (h) report-
ing on any waivers of plan participation made by a clergyper-
son; and (i) determining the retirement status of a clergyperson,
including determining how many years of service a clergyperson
has earned toward the number prescribed in the Book of Discipline
to qualify for retirement.
2. The annual conference, on recommendation of the con-
ference Board of Pensions, shall determine the admissibility and
validity of pre-January 1, 1982 service approved, or compensa-
tion considered, for pension credit, subject to the provisions of the
Discipline and the rules and regulations of the pension and benet
funds, plans, and programs of The United Methodist Church.
31. See Judicial Council Decisions 81, 360, 379.
3. Concerning the normal conditions for pension credit and
pro rata pension credit, the following provisions shall apply
for service rendered prior to January 1, 1982, in determining
approval for pension credit, eligibility for pension, and allocation
of responsibility:
a) Full Pension Credit—Full pension credit may be granted
for persons not meeting some or all of the above conditions by a
three-fourths vote of those present and voting in the annual con-
ference on recommendation of the conference board of pensions.
b) Service of a local pastor prior to 1982 may be approved
for pension credit only by vote of the annual conference, on rec-
ommendation of the conference board of pensions, after consulta-
tion with the district superintendents. If such credit is granted,
it should be included under the Discipline question, “What other
personal notation should be made?”
c) Upon recommendation of the conference board of pen-
sions and by a three-fourths vote of those present and voting in
the annual conference, pension credit may be granted to a clergy
member in full connection, provisional member, or associate
member of the conference on account of full-time service previ-
ously rendered as an approved local pastor or approved supply
pastor to an institution, organization, or agency, which in the
judgment of the annual conference rendered to it some form of
service sufcient to warrant pension credit; provided, however,
that such institution, organization, or agency shall accept and pay
such apportionment as the conference may require.
4. If the conference board of pensions so recommends, a pen-
sion shall be payable on account of pension credit for service prior
to 1982 for an ordained minister from another Christian denom-
ination who shall have rendered not less than four consecutive
years of full-time service with pension credit for service prior to
1982 or with full participation in the Comprehensive Protection
Plan since 1981, or a combination thereof, in one annual confer-
ence while qualied under 346.2, who has attained the age of
voluntary retirement for a conference clergy member.
5. The annual conference, on recommendation of the confer-
ence board of pensions, shall have the power to revise, correct, or
adjust a clergyperson’s record of pension credit as set forth in his
or her service record to align such record with the Discipline and
32. See Judicial Council Decision 386.
Supplement One of the Clergy Retirement Security Program (or
any successor clergy pension or retirement plan or program).
Prior to the revision of such record, the General Board of Pen-
sion and Health Benets may be requested to review relevant data
and report its ndings thereon. Such revisions, corrections, and
adjustments shall be published in the journal of the annual con-
ference in answer to Business of the Annual Conference questions
and shall be reported to the General Board of Pension and Health
Benets by the conference board of pensions.
6. Each annual conference shall develop, adopt, and imple-
ment a formal comprehensive funding plan or plans for funding
all of its benet obligations. The funding plan or plans shall be
submitted annually to the General Board of Pension and Health
Benets for review and be approved annually by the annual
conference, following the receipt and inclusion of a favorable
written opinion from the General Board of Pension and Health
Benets. In addition, the General Board of Pension and Health
Benets shall present a quadrennial report to General Conference
concerning the long-term benet liabilities of the denomination.
Therefore, each annual conference shall provide to the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets information periodically
7. The responsibility for pension for service approved for
pension credit under Supplement One of the Clergy Retirement
Security Program (or any successor clergy pension or retirement
plan or program) shall rest with the annual conference in which
the service was rendered; provided, however, that in the event
of mergers, unions, boundary changes, or transfers of churches,
such responsibility shall rest with the successor annual conference
within whose geographical boundaries the charge is located.
8. Pension for service approved for pension credit by an
annual conference shall be provided by the annual conference
under one of the pension funds, plans, or programs adminis-
tered by the General Board of Pension and Health Benets of The
United Methodist Church.
9. An annual conference may not make any arrangement
with a life insurance company for the purchase of annuities for the
benet of individual effective or retired clergy or take any steps
to nullify, in whole or in part, the pension plans and programs of
33. See Judicial Council Decision 386.
34. See Judicial Council Decisions 203, 389, 523.
The United Methodist Church by making contracts with outside
10. Other Annual Conference Organizationsa) Annual con-
ferences, hereinafter called conferences, are authorized to estab-
lish, incorporate, and maintain investment funds, preachers’ aid
societies, and organizations and funds of similar character, under
such names, plans, rules, and regulations as they may determine,
the directors of which shall be elected or otherwise designated by
the conference, where permissible under the laws of the state of
incorporation, and the income from which shall be applied to the
support of the pension, health, and welfare benet programs for
clergy through the conference board of pensions.
b) Distributable pension, health, and welfare benet funds
from all sources shall be disbursed by or under the direction of the
conference board of pensions, excepting only such funds as are
otherwise restricted by specic provisions or limitations in gifts,
devises, bequests, trusts, pledges, deeds, or other similar instru-
ments, which restrictions and limitations shall be observed.
c) It shall not be permissible for any conference or perma-
nent fund organization thereof to deprive its beneciaries who
are beneciaries in other conferences of the privilege of sharing in
the distribution of the earned income of such funds through the
clearinghouse administered by the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets.
d) Each conference, on recommendation of its conference
board of pensions or one of the organizations mentioned in § a
above, may select a Sunday in each year to be observed in the
churches as Retired Ministers Day, in honor of the retired clergy,
their spouses, and the surviving spouses of clergy in recognition
of the Church’s responsibility for their support. The bishop may
request each conference in the area to insert a Retired Ministers
Day in its calendar.
11. A conference board of pensions may make special grants to
clergy or former clergy of an annual conference who have served
under appointment in that conference; or to their spouses, for-
mer spouses, surviving former spouses, or surviving dependent
children (including adult dependent children). A report of such
special grants shall be made annually to the annual conference.
35. See Judicial Council Decision 716.
36. See Judicial Council Decision 218.
12. Clergy members in full connection, provisional members,
and associate members in an annual conference who voluntarily
withdraw from the ministry of The United Methodist Church
to enter the ministry of another church or denomination, on the
attainment of age sixty-two and on recommendation of the confer-
ence board of pensions and a three-fourths vote of those present
and voting in any annual conference in which approved service
was rendered prior to January 1, 1982, or the legal successor, may
be recognized and granted approved pension service rendered in
that conference.
13. The responsibility for providing pension on account of
service rendered prior to January 1, 1982, in a missionary con-
ference, provisional annual conference, or former mission within
the United States or Puerto Rico that has been approved for pen-
sion credit shall rest jointly with: (a) the missionary conference,
provisional annual conference, or former mission concerned,
(b) the General Board of Pension and Health Benets with funds
provided by the General Council on Finance and Administration,
and (c) the General Board of Global Ministries. The revenue for
pension purposes covering such service shall be provided by the
aforesaid parties in accordance with such plan or plans as may be
mutually agreed to by them.
14. Pension and benet contributions are the responsibil-
ity of the Plan Sponsor for participants in the Clergy Retirement
Security Program (or any successor clergy pension or retirement
plan or program) and the Comprehensive Protection Plan. Unless
otherwise determined by vote of the annual, missionary, or pro-
visional conference, the treasurer of a local church or pastoral
charge shall remit such contributions related to the participant’s
compensation that is provided from local church funds to the Plan
Sponsor. If compensation from the local church or pastoral charge
is supplemented from other church sources, pension and benet
contributions related to such supplements shall be paid from that
same source. If the entire compensation for a participant is from a
salary-paying unit other than a local church or a pastoral charge,
the unit responsible for compensation shall remit the pension and
benet contributions to the Plan Sponsor. Nothing in this para-
graph shall be understood as preventing an annual, missionary,
or provisional conference from raising part or all of the annual
contributions for the Clergy Retirement Security Program (or
any successor clergy pension or retirement plan or program) or
the Comprehensive Protection Plan by an apportionment to the
churches of the conference and remitting payments to the General
Board of Pension and Health Benets on behalf of all the pastors
covered; there is no time limit on this provision.
15. Effective January 1, 2007, pension contributions will
be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Clergy
Retirement Security Program (or any successor clergy pension or
retirement plan or program). Actual compensation, limited by 200
percent of the denominational average compensation, is the basic
contribution base of the Comprehensive Protection Plan.
16. An annual conference may establish a pension support
fund to be administered by the conference board of pensions.
Local churches may request pension assistance from this fund
when special circumstances arise that result in nonpayment of
pension contributions and/or apportionments for pension and
benet purposes. The board shall present its estimate of the
amount required to the conference council on nance and admin-
istration, which shall include it in its recommendation to the con-
ference. If the amount is approved by the conference, it shall be
apportioned as an item of clergy support.
17. The annual conference board of pensions, in consulta-
tion with the General Board of Pension and Health Benets, shall
have the responsibility to enroll clergy of the annual conference in
the Clergy Retirement Security Program (or any successor clergy
pension or retirement plan or program) and the Comprehensive
Protection Plan in accordance with the provisions of such plans.
18. Optional provisions contained in the Clergy Retirement
Security Program (or any successor clergy pension or retire-
ment plan or program) and Comprehensive Protection Plan may
be adopted by vote of the annual conference subsequent to the
receipt of a recommendation from the conference board of pen-
sions. Effective January 1, 2007, contributions and credited service
are determined in accordance with the provisions of the Clergy
Retirement Security Program (or any successor clergy pension or
retirement plan or program).
19. On or before December 31, 2008, each annual conference’s
board of pensions or other agency authorized by the annual con-
ference must submit a generally accepted nancial valuation,
such as in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting
Standard No. 106, as amended, of its projected medical liabilities
for its population covered by its employer retiree health care plan
to the General Board of Pension and Health Benets, and must
submit a similar report biennially thereafter.
20. On or before December 31, 2008, each annual conference
shall document in writing its policy regarding the portability of
retiree health care eligibility, coverage, cost-sharing, and benets
and communicate the policy to its clergy and lay employees and
incoming clergy and lay employees from other annual confer-
ences or general agencies. For the purpose of this paragraph, por-
tability encompasses credit given for service outside the annual
conference within the denomination to clergy and lay employees
toward (a) eligibility for health care coverage in retirement and
(b) accrual of annual conference subsidies toward or annual con-
ference cost-sharing of the cost of health care coverage.
1507. Financing Pension and Benet Programs—The annual
conference shall be responsible for annually providing moneys
in the amount necessary to meet the requirements of the pension
and benet funds, plans, and programs of the conference.
1. The board shall compute the amount to be apportioned
annually to meet the requirements of the pension and benet pro-
grams of the conference.
2. After consultation with the board, the conference council
on nance and administration shall report to the annual confer-
ence the amounts computed by the board that are required to
meet the needs of the pension, benet, and relief programs of the
3. Distributable pension funds from all sources, unless
restricted by specic provisions or limitations, shall be disbursed
by, or under the direction of, the conference board of pensions.
4. The board may accumulate a fund from the income for
pension purposes in order to stabilize the pension program of the
1508. Policies Related to Conict of Interest and Investment
Management—The following rules shall apply to the nancial
administration of annual conference pension and pension-related
1. A member of the board connected or interested in any way
with the securities, real estate, or other forms of investment sold
to or purchased from such funds, or with an insurance program
or a contract under consideration by the board, shall be ineligible
37. See Judicial Council Decision 50.
to participate in the deliberation of the investment committee or
of the board or to vote in connection therewith.
2. No ofcer or member of a conference agency handling such
funds shall receive a personal commission, bonus, or remunera-
tion, direct or indirect, in connection with the purchase or sale of
any property the loan of any money, the letting of any annuity or
insurance contract, the making or acceptance of any assignment,
pledge, or mortgage to secure the payment of any loan, or for the
purchase or sale of any securities or other properties from or to
that agency, or be eligible to obtain a loan in any amount from
funds committed to the care of that agency. No investment shall
be purchased from or sold to any member of the board or any
member of the family of a member of the board.
3. To prevent development of any conict of interest or
preferential treatment and to preserve goodwill and condence
throughout the Church, no local church, Church-related institu-
tion, or organization thereof shall be eligible to obtain a loan in
any amount from such funds.
4. The principle of diversication of investments shall be
observed, with the agency encouraged to invest in institutions,
companies, corporations, or funds that make a positive contribu-
tion toward the realization of the goals outlined in the Social Prin-
ciples of our Church, however with primary consideration given
to the soundness and safety of such investments.
5. Real property may hereafter be accepted as consideration
for gift annuity agreements only with the stipulation that the
annuity shall not exceed the net income from the property until
such property shall have been liquidated. Upon liquidation, the
annuity shall be paid upon the net proceeds at the established
annuity rate.
6. An annual conference agency handling such funds shall
not offer higher rates of annuity than those listed in the annuity
schedule approved by the General Board of Pension and Health
7. a) There shall be printed in the annual conference journal
a list of the investments held by each agency handling such funds
directly or indirectly under the control of the annual conference,
or such list may be distributed directly to the members of the
annual conference at their request.
38. See Judicial Council Decision 145.
b) The conference board of pensions shall require an
annual audit of pension and pension-related funds setting forth
the total asset value of such funds and the distribution of income
from such funds from persons and organizations appointed or
employed for the management of these funds.
8. The borrowing of money in any conference year by a
conference corporation or organization to enable the conference
board of pensions to meet the requirements of the pension and
benet programs shall be done only on authority of the confer-
ence granted by three-fourths vote of the members present and
9. Depositories and Bondinga) The conference board of
pensions shall designate a bank or banks or other depository or
depositories for deposit of the funds held by the board and may
require a depository bond from such depository or depositories.
b) The board, through the conference council on nance
and administration, shall provide a delity bond in suitable
amount for all persons handling its funds.
1509. Joint Distributing Committees—1. Authorizations
Whenever two or more annual or provisional annual conferences
are to be merged, in whole or in part, there shall be elected by each
conference affected a distributing committee of three members
and three alternates, which shall act jointly with similar commit-
tees from the other conference or conferences. The joint distrib-
uting committee thus formed shall have power and authority:
(a) to allocate the pension responsibility involved; (b) to distrib-
ute equitably the permanent funds and all other pension assets of
the conference or conferences affected, taking into consideration
the pension responsibility involved, such distribution to be made
within twelve months of the date of the dissolution of the commit-
tee as provided in 1509.3d; (c) to the extent not otherwise pre-
viously provided for by the conference or conferences involved,
to apportion or distribute equitably any other assets or property
and any other liabilities or obligations. It shall be governed by the
legal restrictions or limitations of any contract, trust agreement,
pledge, deed, will, or other legal instrument.
2. Organization—The committee shall be convened by the
general secretary of the General Board of Pension and Health
Benets, or by some other ofcer of that board designated by the
general secretary in writing, and shall elect from its membership
a chairperson, a vice chairperson, and a secretary.
3. Powers, Duties, and Responsibilitiesa) The committee shall
determine the number of years of service approved for pension
credit rendered in the conferences that will lose their identity in
the merging of conference territories, and the ndings of the com-
mittee shall be nal unless substantial evidence to the contrary
is presented, and the annuity payments by the continuing con-
ference or conferences shall be made accordingly. The determi-
nation of pension benets in The United Methodist Church shall
recognize all pension rights to which clergy are entitled under
the pension plans in existence at the time of Church union and
shall recognize all approved service that has been rendered in The
Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church
prior to the date of Church union.
b) The committee shall keep complete minutes of its
transactions, and a copy thereof shall be led with the secretary of
each annual conference involved and with the General Board of
Pension and Health Benets.
c) Until the committee’s work shall have been com-
pleted, the corporate organization of each conference in the pro-
cess of merger shall be maintained. After the committee shall have
completed its work, the ofcers of such corporation, subject to the
completion of its business, shall dissolve or merge it, in accor-
dance with applicable corporate laws, after being authorized to
do so by the conference involved.
d) The committee, having completed its work in connec-
tion with the merger or mergers for which it was organized and
having led copies of its ndings and actions with the secretar-
ies of the conferences involved for publication in the respective
conference journals, and with the General Board of Pension and
Health Benets, shall be dissolved; subject, however, to recall by
the general secretary of the General Board of Pension and Health
Benets in the event of the discovery and presentation to the gen-
eral board of data substantially at variance with those previously
submitted, for the purpose of reviewing such data and possible
revision of its previous actions.
4. Whenever a single annual conference or provisional annual
conference is to be divided into two or more conferences, the
provisions of 1509 shall be applied, provided the distributing
committee members of each resulting conference shall be named
subsequent to the effective date of the division and no later than
the rst regular annual session of such conferences.
Section X. The United Methodist Publishing House
1601. Authorization and Establishment—The United Method-
ist Publishing House comprises the publishing interests of The
United Methodist Church. It shall have responsibility for and
supervision of the publishing and distribution for The United
Methodist Church. The United Methodist Publishing House
shall, through agencies or instrumentalities it deems necessary,
achieve the objectives set forth in 1613. The United Method-
ist Publishing House shall provide publishing and distribution
services for other agencies of The United Methodist Church and
shall share with other agencies of The United Methodist Church
in the total program of The United Methodist Church, as well as
share in the total ecumenical program in the area of publishing for
the advancement of the cause of Christ and his Kingdom as The
United Methodist Publishing House shall determine to be appro-
priate. All matters related to the work of The United Methodist
Publishing House shall be under the direction of the Board of The
United Methodist Publishing House.
1602. Membership—1. The Board of The United Methodist
Publishing House, hereinafter called the board, shall consist of up
to twenty-ve members as follows:
a) Episcopal members—Two bishops, one from the central
conferences and one from the jurisdictional conferences named by
the Council of Bishops.
b) Jurisdictional members—Fifteen members elected by the
jurisdictional conferences based on the following formula: North
Central—3, Northeastern—2, South Central—3, Southeastern—6,
and Western—1.
c) Central Conference Members—Two members elected by
the Council of Bishops.
d) Additional members—Up to six additional members
may be elected by the board, with consideration given to repre-
sentation of women and racial and ethnic groups not elected by
the jurisdictions, and to special knowledge specic to the work
of the publishing house. It is recommended that where possible
persons elected by each jurisdiction be inclusive of women and
racial/ethnic groups—Asian Americans, African Americans, His-
panic Americans, Native Americans, and Pacic Islanders.
e) At least two persons who are young adults at the time
of election shall be elected each quadrennium.
f) Membership on the board shall be equally divided, as
far as practicable, between clergy and laity.
g) Other paragraphs of the Discipline notwithstanding,
jurisdictional and central conference membership shall also be by
classes based on term of ofce for one, two, or three quadrennia,
attention being given to the principle of rotation so that, as far
as practicable, one third of the membership shall be elected each
The principle of rotation is also applicable to the
executive committee.
h) In case a vacancy occurs between sessions of the juris-
dictional conferences for any cause, the board shall ll the vacancy
for the unexpired term from that jurisdiction in the representa-
tion of which the vacancy occurs, except in the case of members
elected by the board where such vacancies would be lled by the
board in the prescribed manner without regard to geographic or
jurisdictional relationship.
i) The president/CEO of The United Methodist Publish-
ing House shall be an ex ofcio member of the board without vote.
1603. Annual Meeting—The board shall hold at least one
meeting in each calendar year. The place and time of all meet-
ings shall be designated by the board, but if it fails to do so, then
the time and place shall be designated by the chairperson. It shall
convene at such other times on call of the chairperson or by the
board or by the executive committee. At all meetings of the board,
a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.
1604. Record of Proceedings—The board shall keep a correct
record of its proceedings and make written report thereof to the
Church through the General Conference.
1605. Tenure of Board Members and Ofcers—The members
of the board and all ofcers of the board elected by it shall hold
ofce until their successors are chosen and the new board is duly
1606. Executive Committee—The board is authorized to per-
fect its organization from its membership, including the ofces of
chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary. The board shall elect
from its membership at the quadrennial organizational meeting
an executive committee of eight members, including the chairper-
son, vice chairperson, and secretary of the board, who shall serve,
respectively, as chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary of the
39. See Judicial Council Decision 593.
committee. Special attention shall be given to representation of
racial and ethnic groups and women. Not more than three mem-
bers of the executive committee shall be from any one jurisdiction,
and there shall be at least one member from each of the ve juris-
dictional conferences. The U.S. bishop serving on the board shall
be an ex ofcio member, and the president/CEO of The United
Methodist Publishing House shall be an ex ofcio member with-
out vote. Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the execu-
tive committee shall be lled by it, subject to conrmation by the
board at its next meeting.
1607. Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee—The
executive committee shall have and may exercise all the powers
of the board except those expressly reserved by the board and/or
by the Discipline for board action.
1608. Successor in Interest—The board shall be the successor
in interest to and carry on the work of the Board of Publication of
The Evangelical United Brethren Church and the General Board
of Publication of The Methodist Church.
1609. Powers and Duties of the Board—1. The board is
empowered and authorized in its discretion to carry out its gen-
eral operations under the corporate name of The United Method-
ist Publishing House.
2. The board is authorized and empowered in its discretion at
any time it may deem such action to be desirable or convenient to
create an additional corporation(s), in compliance with appropri-
ate state corporation laws.
3. If the board creates and directs more than one corporate
entity, it is authorized and empowered in its discretion at any time
it may deem such action desirable or convenient to take corporate
action in the name of said corporations to surrender the charter or
charters of one or several or all of said corporations or to merge,
consolidate, or afliate such corporations, or any of them, in com-
pliance with appropriate state laws.
1610. Board Members as Trustees—The members of the board
shall serve and act as directors or trustees of the corporation(s)
named or authorized in 1609.
1611. Agency Status—The corporation(s) named or autho-
rized in 1609 is an agency or instrumentality through which The
United Methodist Church conducts its publishing and distribution
in the name of The United Methodist Publishing House in accor-
dance with the objectives set forth in 1613. The corporation(s)
shall comply with the policies set forth in 715.
1612. Report to General Conference—The board shall examine
carefully the affairs of The United Methodist Publishing House
and make written report thereof to the Church through the Gen-
eral Conference.
1613. Objectives—The objectives of The United Method-
ist Publishing House shall be: the advancement of the cause of
Christianity throughout the world by disseminating religious
knowledge and useful literary, scientic, and educational infor-
mation in the form of books, tracts, multimedia, electronic media,
and periodicals; the promotion of Christian education; the imple-
mentation of any and all activities properly connected with the
publishing, production in a variety of media, and distribution of
an array of print, video, digital resources, and many types of sup-
plies for ministry used by individuals, leaders, congregations, and
other entities of the church to advance the ecumenical outreach of
Christianity, and such activities as the General Conference may
direct and the board may authorize.
1614. Direction and Control—The United Methodist Publish-
ing House shall be under the direction and control of the board,
acting through a president/CEO elected quadrennially by the
board, and a publisher who shall be elected annually as the pub-
lisher of The United Methodist Church, and such other ofcers as
the board may determine.
1615. Appropriation of Net Income—The net income from the
operations of The United Methodist Publishing House, after pro-
viding adequate reserves for its efcient operation and allowing
for reasonable growth and expansion, shall be appropriated by
the board and distributed annually on the basis of a just plan pro-
vided by the General Board of Pension and Health Benets to the
several annual conferences for the persons who are and shall be
conference claimants. The just plan may encompass dispropor-
tionate allocations to annual conferences where there is a dispa-
rate need relative to other annual conferences, as, for example, in
developing nations relative to developed nations.
1616. Designation of Net Income—The net income from the
operations of The United Methodist Publishing House shall be
appropriated to no other purpose than its own operating require-
ments and for persons who are or shall be conference claimants as
provided in 22 and 1615.
40. See Judicial Council Decisions 322, 330.
1617. Board Members as Successors—The members of the
board and their successors in ofce are declared to be the succes-
sors of the incorporators named in the charters of The Methodist
Book Concern issued by the States of New York and Ohio and in
the charter of the Board of Publication of the Methodist Protestant
Church issued by the State of Pennsylvania. The president/CEO
of the board, elected from time to time under this or any subse-
quent Discipline, is declared to be the successor in ofce of the
Book Agents of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, named
in the charter issued to the corporation of that name by the State
of Tennessee.
1618. Powers and Duties of the Board—Subject to the pro-
visions of 1614 and to the continuing control and direction of
the General Conference of The United Methodist Church as set
forth from time to time in the Discipline, the board is authorized
and empowered to cause the operations of The United Methodist
Publishing House to be carried on and the objectives dened in
1613 to be achieved in such manner, through or by means of
such agencies or instrumentalities and by use of such procedures
as the board may from time to time determine to be necessary,
advisable, or appropriate, with full power and authority in the
premises to take all such action and to do all such other acts and
things as may be required or found to be advisable. In particular,
and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the board is
authorized and empowered, for the purposes of this section:
1. To use, manage, operate, and otherwise utilize all prop-
erty and assets of every kind, character, and description of any
corporation(s) created by the board pursuant to 1609.2, as well
as all income from such property and assets and the avails thereof,
all with liability or obligation to account for such property and
assets, the use thereof, the income therefrom, and avails thereof,
only to the General Conference of The United Methodist Church
or as it shall direct.
2. To cause a corporation(s) created by the board pursu-
ant to 1609.2 to take all such action and to do all such things
as the board may deem necessary or advisable to carry out the
intent and purposes of this paragraph. The governing body of
said corporation(s) from time to time shall take all action that the
board deems necessary or advisable to carry out the intent and
purposes of this paragraph. The board shall cause all legal obliga-
tions of said corporation(s) to be met, fullled, and performed.
3. To continue to exercise the powers and administer the
duties and responsibilities conferred on it as an agency of The
United Methodist Church through the corporation named The
United Methodist Publishing House, incorporated under the
laws of the State of Illinois in accord with authority delegated to it
by the General Conference of 1952, or through such other means
and agencies as it may from time to time determine to be expe-
dient and necessary in order to give full effect to the purposes
expressed in this section.
1619. Ownership and Control of Assets—1. The property,
assets, and income of the Illinois corporation shall be held by
it, under the direction of the board, as an agency of The United
Methodist Church and shall at all times be subject to the control
and direction of the General Conference of The United Methodist
Church as set forth from time to time in the Discipline.
2. In carrying out and executing its operations and func-
tions, the board of The United Methodist Publishing House shall
be entitled to hold, use, manage, operate, and otherwise utilize
all property and assets of every kind, character, and description
of the corporation(s) identied in 1618.1 (other than its corpo-
rate powers and franchises) and all income therefrom and avails
thereof for the purposes and objectives dened in this section.
3. The Illinois corporation and any corporation(s) created by
the board pursuant to 1609.2 shall from time to time take all
such action as the board deems necessary or advisable to carry out
the intent and purposes of this paragraph and section.
4. The board of The United Methodist Publishing House shall
be liable for and shall execute and satisfy all legal obligations of
the corporation(s) created by the board pursuant to 1609.2, but
neither it nor the board shall have or be under any obligation to
account for principal and income to any such other corporation or
to otherwise report to any of them.
1620. Dissolution of The Evangelical Press and Otterbein
Press—Pursuant to the Declaration of Union of The Evangelical
United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church and under
the authority of ¶¶ 939, 950-954 of The Book of Discipline of The
United Methodist Church, 1968, The Otterbein Press, an Ohio cor-
poration, and The Evangelical Press, a Pennsylvania corporation,
have been legally dissolved and their charters have been surren-
41. See Judicial Council Decision 330.
dered. The proceeds of their corporate assets have been and are
being administered pursuant to said disciplinary provisions.
1621. Corporate Ofcers—The ofcers of the corporation(s)
under the direction of the board shall be elected in accordance
with the bylaws.
1622. Corporate President—The chief executive ofcer (CEO)
elected pursuant to 1614 shall also be elected the president of
the corporation(s) under the direction of the board.
1623. Salaries for Corporate Ofcers—The board shall x the
salaries of the ofcers of the corporation(s) and shall report the
same quadrennially to the General Conference.
1624. Quarterly Financial Reports—The board shall require
the president/CEO to submit quarterly to the executive commit-
tee and annually to the board written reports of the nancial con-
dition and operating results of The United Methodist Publishing
1625. Authority to Extend Activities—The president/CEO
and the board shall have authority to extend the activities of The
United Methodist Publishing House in such manner as they may
judge to be for the best interests of the Church.
1626. Fidelity Bonding of President/Chief Executive Ofcer and
Corporate Ofcers—The board shall require the president/CEO
and other corporate ofcers to give bond conditioned on the faith-
ful discharge of their respective duties. It also shall authorize the
execution of a blanket bond covering all staff personnel whose
responsibilities justify such coverage. The amount of the bonds
shall be xed by the board, and the bonds shall be subject to the
approval of the board. The premiums shall be paid by The United
Methodist Publishing House, and the chairperson of the board
shall be the custodian of the bonds.
1627. Power to Suspend Ofcers—The board shall have
power to suspend, after hearing, and to remove, after hearing, the
president/CEO, publisher, or any of the ofcers for misconduct or
failure to perform the duties of their ofces.
1628. Book Editor—The board shall elect annually a book
editor, who shall be designated chief content ofcer. The book
editor shall have joint responsibility with the publisher for
approving manuscripts considered for publication. The book edi-
tor shall edit or supervise the editing of all books and materials
of our publication. In the case of church school publications and
ofcial forms and records, the book editor shall collaborate with
the appropriate agencies or groups whenever such collaboration
is mutually desirable and benecial. The book editor shall per-
form such other editorial duties as may be required by the board.
1629. Salary of Book Editor—The board shall x the salary of
the book editor.
1630. Suspension of Book Editor—The board shall have
power to suspend or remove, after hearing, the book editor for
misconduct or failure to perform the duties of the ofce.
1631. Editor of Church School Publications—There shall be
an editor of Church School Publications, elected as set forth in
1632. Duties of Editor of Church School Publications—The
editor of Church School Publications shall be responsible for the
preparation of all curriculum materials as set forth in 1125.
1633. Church School Curriculum—The curriculum of the
church school shall be determined by the Curriculum Resources
Committee, which shall include in its membership the publisher
and an associate publisher named by The United Methodist Pub-
lishing House.
1634. Salary of Editor of Church School Publications—The
board shall x the salary of the editor of Church School Publica-
tions and shall have full nancial responsibility for all expenses
connected with this work.
1635. Publications of the Curriculum Resources Commit-
tee—The publications of the Curriculum Resources Committee
shall be manufactured, published, and distributed through The
United Methodist Publishing House. In matters involving nan-
cial responsibility, the nal determination in every case shall lie
with the board. After consultation with the publisher, the editor
of Church School Publications shall prepare a complete budget
for this work, including salaries of assistants and ofce secretaries
and travel, etc., to be effective when approved by the board, and
shall direct its operation from year to year.
1636. Service of the Entire United Methodist Church—There
shall be one complete, coordinated system of literature published
by the board for the entire United Methodist Church. This lit-
erature is to be of such type and variety as to meet the needs
of all groups of our people. The publisher and such other staff
as the board and president/CEO shall determine shall consult
with the general program agencies, the General Commission on
Communication, and the Connectional Table with regard to their
publishing needs in order to avoid unnecessary overlapping and
1637. Financial Feasibility—The board and the publisher
shall have authority to decline to publish any item of literature
when in their judgment the cost would be greater than should be
borne by The United Methodist Publishing House.
1638. Board Participation—The editor of Church School Pub-
lications ( 1125) and a member of the General Board of Disciple-
ship designated by its president shall have the right to sit with the
board and shall have the privilege of the oor without vote for the
consideration of matters pertaining to their joint interests.
1639. Cooperative Publications—The United Methodist Pub-
lishing House shall explore and engage in cooperative publica-
tion of United Methodist church school curriculum resources
wherever both The United Methodist Publishing House and the
Curriculum Resources Committee of the General Board of Dis-
cipleship nd this to be practicable and in harmony with related
editorial and publishing policies.
1640. Use of Distribution System by General Agencies—It is
recommended that all general agencies of The United Methodist
Church use the distribution system of The United Methodist Pub-
lishing House for distribution of resources, materials, and sup-
plies needed for use in the local church.
1641. Real Estate Purchases—The United Methodist Pub-
lishing House shall not buy any real estate costing in excess of
$500,000 and shall not sell or exchange any real estate having a
fair market value in excess of $500,000 except by the order of the
General Conference or, between sessions of the General Confer-
ence, by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the board. In
either case, such vote shall be taken at a regular or called meeting
of the board, and if at a called meeting, the purpose of this meet-
ing shall have been stated in the call. The erection of a new build-
ing or improvement, alteration, or repair of an existing building
or the purchase of real estate for retail purposes involving an
expenditure of not more than $500,000, or the sale or exchange
of real estate used by the publishing house for retail purposes
that has a fair market value of not more than $500,000, may be
authorized by the vote of a majority of the executive committee.
These provisions shall not prevent the making of investments on
mortgage security or the protection of the same or the collection
of claims and adjustments.
Section XI. General Commission on Archives and History
1701. Authorization and Establishment—The name of the of-
cial historical agency of The United Methodist Church shall be the
General Commission on Archives and History.
1702. Incorporation—The General Commission on Archives
and History shall be incorporated under the laws of whatever
state the commission may determine.
1703. Purpose—1. The purpose of the commission shall
be to promote and care for the historical interests of The United
Methodist Church at every level. It shall gather, preserve, and
hold title to library and archival materials, and it shall dissemi-
nate interpretive materials on the history of The United Meth-
odist Church and its antecedents. It shall cooperate with other
bodies, especially the Historical Society of The United Method-
ist Church, the African American Methodist Heritage Center, the
World Methodist Historical Society, and the World Methodist
Council in areas of mutual concern. It shall maintain archives
and libraries in which shall be preserved historical records
and materials of every kind relating to The United Methodist
Church and shall see that such holdings are available for respon-
sible public and scholarly use. It shall provide guidance for the
proper creation, maintenance, and disposition of documentary
record material at all levels of The United Methodist Church (see
1711.1b). It shall provide support, direction, and encouragement
for the work of annual conference and jurisdictional historical
agencies and organizations by developing and making available
historical, interpretive, and training media. It shall develop poli-
cies and resources for the designated United Methodist Historic
Sites and United Methodist Heritage Landmarks. It shall provide
general supervision for the observance of Heritage Sunday (see
264.1). It shall engage with other Wesleyan, Methodist, or Evan-
gelical United Brethren-related denominations in lifting up our
joint heritage.
2. The commission shall be accountable to the Connectional
Table for all programmatic assignments.
3. The commission shall have responsibility for and super-
vision of its archives and historical libraries and other depositories
of similar character, if any, established by The United Methodist
4. The commission shall promote collection and dissemina-
tion of information and materials concerning the historic witness
made individually and collectively by women, racial and ethnic
peoples, and other constituencies not covered extensively in tra-
ditional historical documentation in the worldwide life of The
United Methodist Church and its antecedents.
5. The commission shall develop and make available inter-
pretive materials such as handbooks, services of worship and
celebrations of historical events, training lms, and other media
helpful to annual conferences and local churches.
6. Once each quadrennium, the commission may hold a
historical convocation, to which may be invited members of
jurisdictional and annual conference historical agencies and
organizations; appropriate faculty and students in institutions of
higher education related to The United Methodist Church; mem-
bers of the Historical Society of The United Methodist Church;
members of other Wesleyan, Methodist, and Evangelical United
Brethren-related historical organizations; and such other persons,
groups, or organizations as may be interested.
1704. Membership—1. The commission shall be constituted
quadrennially, and its members and all ofcers elected by it shall
hold ofce until their successors have been chosen. The commis-
sion may ll interim vacancies during a quadrennium where not
otherwise provided by the Discipline.
2. The commission shall be composed of twenty-four mem-
bers in the following manner: ten members elected by the General
Conference on nomination of the Council of Bishops, in which
two shall be from the central conferences; two bishops (one of
whom shall come from the central conferences); ve presidents of
the jurisdictional commissions on archives and history, or where
no commission exists or any disciplinary conict arises, a person
designated by the jurisdictional College of Bishops; and, other
paragraphs of the Discipline notwithstanding, seven additional
members elected by the general commission, at least one of whom
may be from a central conference, ensuring that all three regions
of the central conferences are represented. It is recommended that
careful consideration be given to people with special interests and
skills in the history of United Methodism and that careful consid-
eration be given to inclusiveness, including representation from
men, women, age levels, and all racial and ethnic groups.
1705. Meetings—The commission shall meet annually at
such time and place as it may determine, subject to the provisions
of the act of incorporation. The commission may hold special
meetings on the call of the president. A majority of the members
of the commission shall constitute a quorum.
1706. Ofcers—The commission shall elect from its member-
ship a president, vice president, secretary, and such other ofcers
as may be needed. The president shall be a bishop. The ofcers
shall perform the duties usually incident to their positions.
1707. Staff—The commission shall elect a general secretary
and such other staff ofcers as may be needed. The general sec-
retary shall be the executive and administrative ofcer and shall
carry on the work of the commission, keep the records and min-
utes, serve as editor of ofcial publications of the commission,
supervise the depositories, make an annual report to the com-
mission, and furnish such reports as are required to the General
Conference and General Conference agencies. The general secre-
tary shall attend meetings of the commission and the executive
committee and shall have the privilege of the oor without vote.
Archivists, curators, and librarians employed by the commission
shall be responsible to the general secretary. They shall attend
meetings of the commission and the executive committee when
it is deemed necessary by the general secretary. When in atten-
dance, they shall have the privilege of the oor without vote.
1708. Executive Committee—There shall be an executive
committee, composed of the president, vice president, secretary,
and two members from each of the three standing committees-
Heritage Landmarks, Archives and Library, and History and
Interpretation. The executive committee shall perform the duties
and exercise the authority of the commission between meetings.
Its minutes shall be submitted to the commission for approval.
The executive committee and the commission may vote on any
matter by mail. Mail polls shall be directed by the general secre-
tary, who shall state clearly the propositions to be voted on and
announce the results to all the members.
1709. Finances—The commission shall be nanced by
appropriations of the General Conference; the sale of literature
and historical materials; subscriptions to the commission’s ofcial
publications; dues from associate members; and gifts, grants, and
bequests of interested individuals and organizations.
1710. Historical Society of The United Methodist Church
1. The general commission shall endorse and encourage the His-
torical Society of The United Methodist Church and encourage
membership therein for the purpose of promoting interest in the
study, preservation, and dissemination of the history and heritage
of The United Methodist Church and its antecedents. The Histori-
cal Society shall be encouraged to enlist the support and coopera-
tion of commission on archives and history (or equivalent) at the
annual conference, jurisdictional conference, and general Church
levels as well as other interested agencies and organizations in
the promotion of the historical interests of the Church. The soci-
ety shall be nancially self-supporting through dues and other
sources, except for such services as may be provided by the Gen-
eral Conference Commission on Archives and History.
2. Membership in the Historical Society shall be established
as the society may determine. Membership shall entail the pay-
ment of such dues as the society may direct, in return for which
members shall receive publications and other benets as are
deemed suitable.
1711. 1. Archival Denitionsa) Archives, as distinguished
from libraries, house not primarily books, but documentary
record material.
b) Documentary record material shall mean all documents,
minutes, journals, diaries, reports, pamphlets, letters, papers,
manuscripts, maps, photographs, books, audiovisuals, sound
recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data processing
records, artifacts, or any other documentary material, regardless
of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to
any provisions of the Discipline in connection with the transaction
of Church business by any general agency of The United Method-
ist Church or of any of its constituent predecessors.
c) General agency of The United Methodist Church or of
its constituent predecessors shall, in turn, mean and include every
Church ofce, Church ofcer, or ofcial (elected or appointed)—
including bishop, institution, board, commission, bureau, council,
or conference—at the national level.
2. Custodianship of Records—The church ofcial in charge of
an ofce having documentary record material shall be the custo-
dian thereof, unless otherwise provided.
3. Proceduresa) The general commission shall establish a
central archives of The United Methodist Church and such regional
archives and record centers as in its judgment may be needed.
b) The bishops, General Conference ofcers, the Judicial
Council, general boards, commissions, committees, and agencies
of The United Methodist Church shall deposit ofcial minutes or
journals, or copies of the same, in the archives quadrennially and
shall transfer correspondence, records, papers, and other archival
materials described above from their ofces when they no lon-
ger have operational usefulness. No records shall be destroyed
until a disposal schedule has been agreed upon by the General
Commission on Archives and History and the agency. When
the custodian of any ofcial documentary record material of a
general agency certies to the General Commission on Archives
and History that such records have no further use or value for
ofcial and administrative purposes and when the commission
certies that such records appear to have no further use or value
for research or reference, then such records may be destroyed or
otherwise disposed of by the agency or ofcial having custody
of them. A record of such certication and authorization shall
be entered in the minutes or records of both the commission
and the agency. The General Commission on Archives and His-
tory is hereby authorized and empowered to make such provi-
sions as may be necessary and proper to carry this paragraph
into effect.
c) The commission shall have the right to examine the
condition of documentary record material and shall, subject to
the availability of staff and funds, give advice and assistance to
Church ofcials and agencies in regard to preserving and dispos-
ing of documentary record material in their custody. Ofcials of
general agencies shall assist the commission in the preparation of
an inventory of records in their custody. To this inventory shall be
attached a schedule, approved by the head of the agency having
custody of the records and the commission, establishing a time
period for the retention and disposal of each series of records.
So long as such approved schedule remains in effect, destruction
or disposal of documentary record material in accordance with
its provisions shall be deemed to have met the requirements of
d) The commission is authorized and directed to conduct
a program of inventorying, repairing, and microlming among
all general agencies of The United Methodist Church for security
purposes that documentary record material which the commis-
sion determines has permanent value and to provide safe storage
for microlm copies of such material. Subject to the availability of
funds, such program may be extended to material of permanent
value of all agencies of The United Methodist Church.
e) The general boards, commissions, committees, and
agencies of The United Methodist Church shall place two copies,
as they are issued, of all their publications, of whatever kind, in
the archives or in lieu thereof shall le a statement with the archi-
vist afrming that they are preserving copies of all such items in
their own libraries or depositories.
f) Ofcial documents, or copies thereof, such as articles
of incorporation, constitutions, bylaws, and other ofcial papers
of the boards and agencies of The United Methodist Church shall
be deposited in the archives.
g) Whoever has the custody of any general agency records
shall, at the expiration of the term of ofce, deliver to the successor,
custodian, or, if there be none, to the commission all records, books,
writings, letters, and documents kept or received in the transac-
tion of ofcial general agency business. This will also apply to the
papers of temporary and special general Church committees.
h) The bishops, General Conference ofcers, and the
general boards, commissions, committees, and agencies of The
United Methodist Church are urged to counsel with the central
archivist concerning the preservation of all materials.
i) Jurisdictional, central, and annual conference secretar-
ies shall deposit, without charge, two paper copies of their respec-
tive conference journals quadrennially or annually, as the case may
be, with the General Commission on Archives and History and in
the archives of the central, jurisdictional, and annual conference as
appropriate. One copy of a digital version of the journal will be sent
to the General Commission on Archives and History, if available.
j) Secretaries of jurisdictional and annual conference
boards, commissions, committees, and agencies shall deposit
annually, or as often as they meet, copies of their minutes (as dis-
tinguished from reports that are printed separately or in the juris-
dictional and annual conference journals) in the central archives
or in the appropriate regional archives.
k) Bishops, General Conference ofcers, general agency
staff personnel, missionaries, and those ordained ministers and
laypersons in positions of leadership and inuence at any level of
the Church are urged to deposit or bequeath their personal papers
to the archives of the general commission.
l) Organizations and individuals may negotiate appro-
priate restrictions on the use of materials that they deposit in the
m) Upon recommendation of its executive committee,
the commission may authorize the transfer of materials to an
organization, agency, or family.
n) All materials in the archives shall be available for
research and exhibition, subject to such restrictions as may be
placed on them.
1712. Historic Sites and Heritage Landmarks—1. a) His-
toric SitesHistoric sites are buildings, locations, or structures that
are specically related to a signicant event, development, or
personality in the history of an annual, central, or jurisdictional
conference (or its antecedents). Historic sites are designated by
formal action of the annual, central, or jurisdictional conference
within whose regions the site is located. Such designation shall
rst be considered and reviewed by the respective commission on
archives and history (or equivalent). After action by the annual,
central, or jurisdictional conference to designate a building, struc-
ture, or location as a historic site, the president or chairperson
of the commission on archives and history (or equivalent) shall
advise the General Commission on Archives and History of the
action taken and provide such documentation as may be required.
The general commission in turn shall provide an ofcial historic
site marker, keep a register of all historic sites, and maintain an
ongoing le of pertinent information concerning them.
b) Heritage LandmarksHeritage landmarks of The United
Methodist Church are buildings, locations, or structures that are
specically related to signicant events, developments, or person-
alities in the overall history of The United Methodist Church or
its antecedents. They must have distinctive historic interest and
value for the denomination as a whole, as contrasted with local
or regional historic signicance. Ordinarily, buildings, locations,
or structures that have achieved historic signicance within the
preceding fty years shall not be considered for designation as a
heritage landmark.
c) Designation of Heritage Landmarks—All nominations for
the designation of buildings, locations, and structures as United
Methodist heritage landmarks shall be made by the annual, cen-
tral, or jurisdictional conference commission on archives and his-
tory (or equivalent) within whose regions they are located. Such
nominations shall be referred for consideration to the General
Commission on Archives and History, in accord with guidelines
established by the commission. Through its Committee on Heri-
tage Landmarks, the commission shall consider the merits of each
nomination and shall make such recommendation as it deems
appropriate to the ensuing General Conference for its action and
The commission shall recommend only a building, loca-
tion, or structure for designation as a heritage landmark that has
been registered as a historic site by an annual, central, or juris-
dictional conference and has met the requirements established by
the commission. The commission shall keep a register of all duly
designated heritage landmarks and maintain an ongoing le of
pertinent information concerning them.
d) Quadrennial Review—The commission shall be respon-
sible for making a quadrennial review of the existing duly des-
ignated heritage landmarks, according to the criteria that it shall
prepare and which shall be compatible with the Book of Discipline.
The commission shall further be responsible for recommending to
the General Conference the redesignation or reclassication of the
designated heritage landmarks as such action may be appropriate
in keeping with such criteria.
2. Present Heritage Landmarks—The present heritage land-
marks of The United Methodist Church (and the year of their
designation by General Conference) are: Acuff’s Chapel, between
Blountville and Kingsport, TN (1968); Albright Memorial Chapel,
Kleinfeltersville, PA (1968); Asbury Manual Labor School and
Mission, Ft. Mitchell, AL (1984); Barratt’s Chapel, near Frederica,
DE (1968); Bethune-Cookman College, Daytona Beach, FL (1984);
Bishop John Seybert/Flat Rock Cluster, Flat Rock and Bellevue,
OH (1992); Boehm’s Chapel, Willow Street, PA (1984); College of
West Africa, Monrovia, Liberia (2012); Cokesbury College, Abing-
don, MD (1984); Cox Memorial United Methodist Church, Hal-
lowell, ME (1992); Deadwood Cluster, Deadwood, SD (1984);
Edward Cox House, near Bluff City, TN (1968); First Evangelical
Association Church Building and Publishing House, New Berlin,
PA (1988); First United Methodist Church, Johnstown, PA (1996);
Green Hill House, Louisburg, NC (1968); Gulfside Assembly,
Waveland, MS (2016); Hanby House, Westerville, OH (1988); John
Street Church, New York City (1968); John Wesley’s American
Parish, Savannah, GA (1976); Keywood Marker, Glade Spring, VA
(1988); Isaac Long’s Barn, Landis Valley, Lititz, PA (2008); Lovely
Lane Chapel, Baltimore, MD (1972); Mary Johnston Hospital,
Manila, The Philippines (2012); McMahan’s Chapel, Bronson,
TX (1972); Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, NY (1972); Newtown
Indian United Methodist Church, Okmulgee, OK (2012); Old
McKendree Chapel, Jackson, MO (1968); Old Mutare Mission,
Zimbabwe (2012); Old Otterbein Church, Baltimore, MD (1968);
Old Stone Church Cemetery and Site, Leesburg, VA (1968); Orga-
nization of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Louisville, KY
(1984); Pearl River United Methodist Church, Madison County,
MS (2016); Peter Cartwright United Methodist Church, Pleas-
ant Plains, IL (1976); Rehoboth Church, near Union, WV (1968);
Robert Strawbridge’s Log House, near New Windsor, MD (1968);
Rutersville Cluster, Rutersville, TX (1988); St. George’s Church,
Philadelphia, PA (1968); St. Simon’s Island, GA (1968); Simpson
House, Philadelphia, PA (2012); Wesley Foundation, University of
Illinois, Champaign, IL (1996); Town of Oxford, GA (1972); United
Brethren Founding Sites Cluster, Frederick, Keedysville, and
Beaver Creek, MD (2000); United Methodist Building on Capitol
Hill, Washington, DC (2016); Wesleyan College Cluster, Macon,
GA (1992); Whitaker’s Chapel, near Eneld, Halifax County, NC
(1972); Willamette Mission, near Salem, OR (1992); Woman’s For-
eign Missionary Society founding site, Boston, MA (2004); Wyan-
dot Indian Mission, Upper Sandusky, OH (1968); and Zoar United
Methodist Church, Philadelphia, PA (1984).
Section XII. General Commission on Communication
1801. As United Methodists, our theological understanding
obligates us, as members of the body of Christ, to communicate
our faith by speaking and listening to persons both within and
outside the Church throughout the world, and to utilize all appro-
priate means of communication.
The responsibility to communicate is laid upon every church
member, every pastor, every congregation, every annual confer-
ence, every institution, and every agency of the Church. Within
this total responsibility, there are certain functions that the Gen-
eral Conference has assigned to the General Commission on Com-
munication, to be performed in behalf of all through the talents
and resources at its command.
1802. Name—There shall be a General Commission on
Communication of The United Methodist Church, which for com-
munication and public relations purposes may be designated as
United Methodist Communications (UMCom).
1803. Incorporation—The General Commission on Com-
munication is successor to the Joint Committee on Communica-
tions, incorporated in the State of Ohio, and shall be authorized
to do business as United Methodist Communications (UMCom).
It is authorized to create such other corporate substructures as the
commission deems appropriate to carry out its functions.
1804. Amenability and Accountability—The General Com-
mission on Communication shall be amenable to the General
Conference. As an administrative general agency that carries sig-
nicant program functions in addition to its many service and
support responsibilities, the commission shall be accountable to,
report to, and be evaluated by the Connectional Table in program
matters and shall be accountable to and report to the General
Council on Finance and Administration in nancial matters.
1805. Purpose—The General Commission on Communica-
tion shall lead the Church in communication. It shall meet the
communication, public relations, and marketing needs of the
entire Church, reecting the cultural and racial diversity within
The United Methodist Church. It shall provide communication
resources and services to local churches and annual conferences.
It shall have a consultative relationship with all general agencies
of the Church and with any structures for communication and
public relations at the jurisdictional, episcopal area, annual con-
ference, district, or local church level.
1806. Responsibilities—Communication is a strategic func-
tion necessary for the success of the mission of The United Meth-
odist Church. Specic responsibilities and functions of the General
Commission on Communication and its staff are as follows:
1. It shall be the ofcial newsgathering and distributing
agency for The United Methodist Church and its general agencies.
In discharging its responsibilities, in keeping with the historic
freedom of the press, it shall operate with editorial freedom as an
independent news bureau serving all segments of church life and
society, making available to both religious and public news media
information concerning the Church at large.
2. It shall have primary responsibility on behalf of the denom-
ination to relate to the public media in presenting the Christian
faith and work of the Church to the general public through the
most effective communication channels. It will provide such
structures and strategies as are deemed helpful to the Church
in its witness through the media. It shall unify and coordinate
public media messages and programs of United Methodist gen-
eral agencies.
3. It shall give special attention to television, including
broadcast television, cable, videotape, videodisc, and satellite. It
shall provide counsel and resources to annual conferences—and
through conferences, to districts and local churches—to develop
and strengthen their television ministries. Responsibilities of the
commission shall include program production and placement,
and relationships to commercial broadcasters at the national level
in the United States.
4. It shall create and participate in partnerships with national,
international, interdenominational, interfaith, and other organi-
zations working in communications as deemed relevant to the
mission and ministry of The United Methodist Church.
5. It shall have responsibility to work toward promotion and
protection of the historic freedoms of religion and the press, and
it shall seek to increase the ethical, moral, and human values of
media structures and programs.
6. It shall have general supervision over the public relations
strategy and activity for The United Methodist Church.
7. It shall plan, create, produce or cause to be produced, and
distribute or cause to be distributed resources that are informative
and vital to the religious life of all United Methodists. It shall work
with all United Methodist agencies in coordinating resources pro-
duced for strategic Church initiatives.
8. It shall oversee a comprehensive communication system
for the Church, providing a total view of communication struc-
ture and practices, including telecommunications. It shall create
networks of communicators at all levels, including local church,
district, conference, jurisdiction, and general church. These net-
works may include periodic consultations for such purposes as
idea exchange, information sharing, joint planning, and moni-
toring and evaluating the total Church’s communication enter-
prises. With respect to the use of computers for communication
purposes, the agency shall cooperate with the General Council on
Finance and Administration.
9. It shall provide guidance, resources, and training for the
local church coordinator of communications ( 255[3]), provided
that training at the local level shall be through and in cooperation
with annual conferences.
10. It shall educate and train in communication principles
and skills, including the following: (a) national workshops and
training experiences in communication skills related to various
media; (b) consultation with and assistance to annual conferences,
districts, and racial and ethnic groups in training local church
persons, especially the local church coordinator of communica-
tions; (c) training experiences for bishops, personnel of general
Church agencies, and other groups on request; (d) providing and
facilitating apprenticeship, internship, and scholarship programs
for church communicators; and (e) counseling schools of theology
and other institutions of higher education about the training of
faculty, candidates for the ordained ministry, and laypersons in
the principles and skills of communication, media resource devel-
opment, and media evaluation.
11. It shall determine and implement, after consultation with
the General Council on Finance and Administration, policy for
the marketing of all nancial causes demanding churchwide pro-
motion or publicity.
12. It shall be the central agency marketing throughout the
Church the following general Church funds: World Service Fund
( 812.1), Africa University Fund ( 806.2), Black College Fund
( 815), Episcopal Fund ( 818.1), General Administration Fund
( 813), Interdenominational Cooperation Fund ( 814), Minis-
terial Education Fund ( 816), Human Relations Day (¶¶ 824.1
and 263.1), UMCOR Sunday (¶¶ 821, 824.2 and 263.2), Native
American Ministries Sunday (¶¶ 824.6 and 263.6), Peace with
Justice Sunday (¶¶ 824.5 and 263.5), World Communion Sunday
(¶¶ 824.4 and 263.3), United Methodist Student Day (¶¶ 824.3
and 263.4), the Advance for Christ and His Church (¶¶ 822 and
823), World Service Special Gifts ( 820), Christian Education Sun-
day ( 265.1), Golden Cross Sunday ( 265.2), Rural Life Sunday
( 265.3), Disability Awareness Sunday ( 265.4), Youth Service
Fund ( 1208), and all other general Church funds approved by the
General Conference, as well as any emergency appeals authorized
by the Council of Bishops and the General Council on Finance
and Administration ( 819). In the marketing of these causes, this
agency shall consult with and is encouraged to use content mate-
rial provided by the program agency responsible for the area and
with the agency responsible for the administration of the funds.
Budgets for the above funds shall be developed in cooperation
with the General Council on Finance and Administration. In cases
where the General Conference assigns a portion of the marketing
responsibility to some other agency, such marketing work shall be
subject to coordination by the General Commission on Commu-
nication. The cost of marketing the funds, as set in the approved
marketing budget, shall be a charge against receipts, except that
the cost of marketing general Advance Specials shall be billed
to the recipient agencies in proportion to the amount of general
Advance Special funds received by each ( 823.3), and the cost of
marketing World Service Special Gifts shall be borne by admin-
istering agencies ( 820.8). The administration of the money thus
set aside for marketing shall be the responsibility of the General
Commission on Communication.
13. It shall undertake the marketing of any cause or undertaking,
nancial or otherwise, not herein mentioned demanding Church-
wide promotion or publicity, provided such action is approved by
the Council of Bishops and the General Council on Finance and
Administration, or their respective executive committees, if any. The
General Council on Finance and Administration shall determine
the source of the funding for any such authorized promotions.
14. Appeals for giving that are made to United Methodists
shall be consistent with the aims of Christian stewardship. The
General Commission on Communication and the General Board
of Discipleship will cooperate in order that programs and resource
materials of the two agencies may be in harmony in their presen-
tation of Christian stewardship.
15. It shall provide content for clergy and laity in local con-
gregations in a variety of accessible formats to promote under-
standing and appreciation of the global, connectional Church, to
develop support for and encourage participation in initiatives,
ministries, and missions of the general Church and its agencies,
and to provide resources and information to assist local congre-
gations and their leaders in carrying out their ministries. This
agency shall obtain from the churches or district superintendents
the names of church leaders entitled to receive this content so as
to compile a subscription list.
16. It shall lead in communication study and research, apply-
ing ndings from the professional and academic communities
to the work of the Church, and in evaluative communication
research. It shall cooperate with other agencies and other levels
of the Church in communication research and development work
and share the ndings of study and research.
17. It shall represent United Methodist interests in new tech-
nological developments in the eld of communication, including
research, the evaluation of new devices and methods, and the
application of technological developments to the communication
services of the Church.
18. It may develop information, resources, databases, and
services that provide channels of communication to and from all
levels of the Church.
19. It shall provide resources, counsel, and staff training
for area, conference, and district communication programs and
develop guidelines in consultation with persons working in areas,
conferences, and districts.
20. It shall produce materials for program interpretation in
cooperation with the Connectional Table and the general pro-
gram boards, including the ofcial program calendar of the
21. The General Commission on Communication shall be
charged with planning and implementation of the ofcial United
Methodist presence on and use of the Internet, the World Wide
Web, or other computer services that can connect United Method-
ist conferences, agencies, and local churches with one another and
with the larger world.
22. The General Commission on Communication shall be
responsible for setting the ofcial brand guidelines of The United
Methodist Church. Such branding guidelines shall be consistent
with the standards established by the General Council on Finance
and Administration to preserve the integrity of the denomina-
tion’s intellectual property (see ¶¶ 807.10-.11, 2502). The com-
mission shall work with the General Council on Finance and
Administration to ensure the use of the cross and ame logo at
every level of the church (see 807.10).
1807. Organization—1. Membership—The membership of
the General Commission on Communication shall be composed
of twenty-seven members as follows:
a) Two bishops, including one from the United States and
one from the central conferences named by the Council of Bishops.
b) Eleven members elected by the jurisdictional confer-
ences based on the following formula: North Central—2, North-
eastern—2, South Central—3, Southeastern—3, and Western—1.
It is recommended that at least one of the persons elected by the
jurisdictional conferences be a racial or ethnic person.
c) A total of seven members of the central conferences,
plus one bishop referenced above, named by the Council of Bishops.
d) Seven additional members elected by the commission
to ensure membership of persons with expertise in communication.
e) The additional members shall be nominated by a com-
mittee composed of one commission member designated from
each jurisdiction and one of the member bishops.
f) In order to ensure inclusiveness, the composition of
the commission shall reect the major recognized categories of
Church members (see 705.3c).
2. Meetings—The commission shall hold at least one meeting
in each calendar year. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum.
3. Ofcers—The commission shall elect a president, at least
one vice president, a recording secretary, and such other ofcers
as it determines.
There may be an executive committee comprised of not more
than one-third of the total membership of the commission and
elected by the commission. The membership of the executive com-
mittee shall be representative of the composition of the commission.
4. Internal Organization—The General Commission on Com-
munication is empowered to create internal structures as it deems
appropriate for effective operation.
5. Staff—The commission shall elect annually a general secre-
tary upon nomination by the executive committee or a nominat-
ing committee and shall elect such deputy general secretaries as
needed, and it shall provide for election or appointment of other
staff. The general secretary shall cooperate with the Connectional
Table for program services and with the general secretary of the
General Council on Finance and Administration for nancial
1808. Finance—The General Conference shall provide for
the nancial needs of the General Commission on Communica-
tion upon recommendation by the General Council on Finance
and Administration. The commission shall consult with the Con-
nectional Table in the area of program matters in development of
an annual budget, which shall be reported to the General Council
on Finance and Administration for approval.
Section XIII. United Methodist Women
1901. There shall be an organization called United Method-
ist Women in The United Methodist Church in the United States,
organized at the local church, district, conference, jurisdiction,
and national levels.
1902. Purpose—United Methodist Women shall be actively
engaged in fullling the mission of Christ and the Church and
United Methodist Women’s national organization shall interpret
the Purpose of United Methodist Women for the whole organi-
zation. With continuing awareness of the concerns and responsi-
bilities of the Church in today’s world, United Methodist Women
shall support ministry with and advocate for the oppressed and
dispossessed with special attention to the needs of women, chil-
dren, and youth; shall work to build a supportive community
among women; and shall engage in activities that foster growth
in the Christian faith, mission education, and Christian social
involvement throughout the organization.
1903. Responsibilities—United Methodist Women’s national
organization shall:
1. Recommend program and policies to local, district, confer-
ence, and jurisdiction organizations of United Methodist Women.
2. Interpret the role and responsibility of United Methodist
Women in fullling the mission of Christ and the Church.
3. Express the concerns of women organized for mission.
4. Provide resources and opportunities for women that enrich
their spiritual life and increase their knowledge and understand-
ing of the needs of the world and their responsibility in meeting
those needs.
5. Secure funds through the channels of United Methodist
Women for God’s mission in the world, with special concern for
the needs and responsibilities of women, children, and youth.
6. Project plans specially directed toward leadership devel-
opment of women through appropriate planning with the other
organizations of the church and ecumenical community.
7. Strengthen the Church’s challenge to men and women to
respond to God’s call by serving as missionaries, deaconesses or
home missioners, and in all other avenues of service and leader-
ship in the church.
8. Enlist women in activities that have a moral and religious
signicance for the public welfare and that contribute to the estab-
lishment of a just global society.
9. Administer the Ofce of the Deaconess and Home
Missioner Order.
10. Strengthen and support direct ministries to human need,
both emerging and continuing, through national mission institu-
tions working on behalf of women, children, and youth, and com-
passion response around the world.
11. Provide leadership and support for persons serving as
regional missionaries.
12. Work with the other agencies of the Church and com-
munity in areas of common concern and responsibility. A United
Nations Ofce shall be conducted in cooperation with the General
Board of Church and Society.
13. Give visible evidence of oneness in Christ by uniting in
fellowship and service with other Christians, including the World
Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, Church
Women United, and other similar groups, thereby strengthening
the ecumenical witness and program of the Church.
14. Participate in developing mission theology.
1904. Authority—The Board of Directors of United Method-
ist Women shall meet at least annually and at such other times as
it may deem necessary and shall have the authority to:
1. Make its bylaws and regulate its proceedings in harmony
with its charter; buy and sell property; solicit and accept contribu-
tions, and appropriate its funds; decide on policy matters pertain-
ing to the homes for retired workers that are owned by United
Methodist Women. Organize jurisdiction, conference, district, and
local church organizations of United Methodist Women, which
shall be directly related to the national organization.
2. Make constitutions and recommend bylaws for United
Methodist Women at local, district, conference, jurisdiction levels.
3. Appropriate funds received through United Methodist
4. Serve as the national ofcial policy-making body of United
Methodist Women, with the ofcers of the national organization
designated as the national ofcers.
1905. Successor entity—United Methodist Women shall be
the name of the organization of The United Methodist Church for-
merly known as Women’s Division of the General Board of Global
Ministries of The United Methodist Church, which shall succeed
to, control, and be responsible for the work formerly carried out
by the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of The Methodist
Church, the Women’s Society of World Service of The Evangelical
United Brethren Church, the Women’s Society of Christian Service
of The United Methodist Church, and those other organizations of
women of similar purposes that have operated in the churches
forming the United Methodist tradition, including the Women’s
Missionary Association of the Church of the United Brethren
in Christ; the Woman’s Missionary Society of The Evangelical
Church; the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, the Woman’s
Home Missionary Society, the Wesleyan Service Guild, and the
Ladies’ Aid Societies of The Methodist Episcopal Church; the
Woman’s Missionary Society, the Woman’s Board of Foreign Mis-
sions, the Woman’s Board of Home Missions, and the Woman’s
Missionary Council of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South;
and the Woman’s Convention of the Board of Missions of The
Methodist Protestant Church. This list shall not be construed as
1906. Membership of the Board of Directors—United Method-
ist Women shall have a board of directors composed of 25 mem-
bers as follows: 20 shall be laywomen elected by the jurisdiction
organizations of United Methodist Women at quadrennial meet-
ings ( 536.4); and ve shall be laywomen elected by the board of
directors. The staff cabinet of United Methodist Women shall be
members ex ofcio, without vote.
1907. Organization—The board of directors of United Meth-
odist Women may elect an executive committee of such mem-
bership as it may determine, which shall exercise the powers of
the board ad interim. The members of the staff cabinet of United
Methodist Women shall be members of the executive committee,
ex ofcio without vote. The board of directors of United Method-
ist Women shall be organized into sections or committees as the
directors shall determine.
1908. Assembly—There may be an assembly of United
Methodist Women. The board of directors of United Methodist
Women shall determine the time and place of meeting and the
purpose of the Assembly.
1909. Finances—The funds for the fulllment of the respon-
sibilities of United Methodist Women shall be derived from annual
voluntary pledges, offerings, gifts, devises, bequests, annuities, or
money received through special emphases and meetings held in
the interest of United Methodist Women. All funds, except those
designated for local purposes, shall be forwarded through the
channels of giving of the organization to the treasurer of United
Methodist Women’s national organization. The board of directors
of United Methodist Women shall allocate undesignated funds it
receives for the work of its various sections and committees as
well as for grants and allocations to other organizations within
the church and the world as may be necessary or useful for the
fulllment of its Purpose.
1910. Relationship to the General Board of Global Ministries
The board of directors of United Methodist Women shall elect
three members to serve as directors of the General Board of Global
Ministries with voice and without vote. The elected United Meth-
odist Women directors shall serve on the program committees as
dened in the General Board of Global Ministries’ bylaws.
1911. United Methodist Women Program Advisory Group
United Methodist Women shall organize a Program Advisory
Group to provide input at regular intervals to the board of
directors about the program and planning of the organization.
The Program Advisory Group shall have between 80-90 mem-
bers including all members of the board of directors of United
Methodist Women, the jurisdiction presidents, a representative
from each conference organization of United Methodist Women
not already represented on the board (elected on nomination
of the conference nominating committee), two members of the
Order of Deaconess and Home Missioner elected by the order,
seven to ten directors from other agencies of The United Meth-
odist Church including three members elected by the General
Board of Global Ministries and up to ve members selected by
the board of directors of United Methodist Women for diversity
of age, experience, cultural background, race, physical ability,
and employment status. United Methodist Women’s regional
missionaries, a representative from the World Federation of
Methodist and Uniting Church Women and a representative of
its North America Region shall be ex ofcio members, with voice
and without vote. The national president of United Methodist
Women shall convene the sessions of this group, which may be
organized in committees, groups, or teams as needed to accom-
plish its work.
1912. Constitution of United Methodist Women—For the Con-
stitution of United Methodist Women in the jurisdiction, see 536;
for the Constitution of United Methodist Women in the confer-
ence, see 647; for the Constitution of United Methodist Women
in the district, see 670; for the Constitution of United Methodist
Women in the local church, see 256.5.
O  D  H M
1913. General Provisions—1. There shall be in The United
Methodist Church the Ofce of Deaconess and Home Missioner.
The purpose of the Ofce of Deaconess and Home Missioner shall
be to express representatively the love and concern of the believ-
ing community for the needs in the world and to enable, through
education and involvement, the full ministry and mission of
the people of God. Deaconesses and home missioners function
through diverse forms of service directed toward the world to
make Jesus Christ known in the fullness of his ministry and mis-
sion, which mandate that his followers:
a) Alleviate suffering;
b) Eradicate causes of injustice and all that robs life of
dignity and worth;
c) Facilitate the development of full human potential;
d) Share in building global community through the
church universal.
2. Deaconesses, who are laywomen, and home missioners,
who are laymen, are professionally trained persons who have
been led by the Holy Spirit to devote their lives to Christlike
service under the authority of the Church. They are approved
through a process established by United Methodist Women, con-
secrated and commissioned by a bishop at settings approved by
the board of directors of United Methodist Women. They shall
have a continuing relationship to The United Methodist Church
through United Methodist Women.
Deaconesses and home missioners are available for service
with any agency or program of The United Methodist Church.
Deaconesses and home missioners may also serve in other than
United Methodist Church agencies or programs, provided that
approval is given by United Methodist Women in consultation
with the bishop of the receiving area.
3. Full-time service is the norm for the ministry of a deacon-
ess or home missioner, meaning that the person’s entire voca-
tional time is devoted to work of ministry in the eld of labor to
which one is appointed by the bishop.
a) Appointments for deaconesses and home missioners
shall be recommended in consultation with the bishop of the area,
in accordance with the policies and procedures of United Method-
ist Women.
b) The appointment shall be xed by the bishop ( 415.7)
at the session of annual conference and printed in the list of
appointments in the annual conference journal.
c) The annual conference secretary shall:
(1) Keep a record of all persons in the annual con-
ference who have been commissioned and/or consecrated to the
Ofce of Deaconess or Home Missioner.
(2) Publish annually in the annual conference journal
the list of appointments of deaconesses and home missioners.
4. A deaconess or home missioner shall hold church mem-
bership in a local church within the conference where her or
his appointment is located and shall be a voting member of the
charge conference of that church. Those serving in appointments
with a general board or connectional agency of The United Meth-
odist Church or where annual conference borders meet may hold
church membership in an annual conference within reasonable
distance of the ofce location at which they serve. A deaconess or
home missioner whose appointment is located outside the bound-
aries of an annual conference may hold her or his church member-
ship in a local church in her or his home conference or in the local
church in the annual conference in which she or he last held her
or his church membership.
5. Deaconesses and home missioners shall be seated at the
sessions of the annual conference with voice and vote as lay mem-
bers of the annual conference in accordance with ¶¶ 32 and 602.4.
6. Deaconesses and home missioners shall be subject to the
administrative authority of the program or agency to which they
are appointed. In matters of their assignment they are subject to
the authority of United Methodist Women and may not contract
for service that would nullify this authority.
7. Each deaconess or home missioner shall enroll in a pension
plan. The rights of any deaconess or home missioner in any prior
or existing agreement or pension plan shall be fully protected.
8. A deaconess or home missioner may request a leave of
absence according to the administrative guidelines and proce-
dures of United Methodist Women.
9. Involuntary termination for a deaconess or home mis-
sioner shall follow the procedural guidelines as set forth in 2702.
1914. Deaconess and Home Missioner Order—Individuals
consecrated and commissioned to the Ofce of Deaconess and
Home Missioner in The United Methodist Church form a cove-
nant community as laity in service as an order. Like other orders
in the church, they respond to a calling from God. In their distinct
tradition, they commit to a lifetime vocation in full-time minis-
tries of love, justice, and service. In covenant with one another,
they nurture and care for each other in their individual ministry
calls and in community. They share a common study and are pre-
pared based upon their unique gifts.
1915. Home Missionaries—All persons commissioned to the
ofce of home missionary shall retain that ofce with all of the
rights and privileges pertaining thereto.
1916. Committee on Deaconess and Home Missioner Service
United Methodist Women’s national organization will organize
the Committee on Deaconess and Home Missioner Service.
1. The Committee on Deaconess and Home Missioner Service
shall be composed of one bishop (active or retired) named by the
Council of Bishops; two representatives of the Order of Deaconess
and Home Missioner, named by the Order; two representatives
of United Methodist Women, named by the board of directors of
United Methodist Women; and one representative of the National
Association of Deaconesses, Home Missioners, and Home Mis-
sionaries, named by the Association. The committee may name
additional members as it deems necessary, but will consist of no
more than twelve persons in total.
2. There may be an executive committee and other commit-
tees as necessary for carrying out the duties of the Committee on
Deaconess and Home Missioner Service.
3. The work of the committee shall be carried out in accor-
dance with the bylaws as approved by the board of directors of
United Methodist Women.
1917. Supporting the Work of Deaconesses and Home Mis-
sioners—United Methodist Women’s national organization shall
retain staff whose primary assignment is to represent deaconesses
and home missioners on a national level and to maintain a com-
munity of professionally competent persons who are committed
to service under authority of the Church. At least one of the execu-
tive staff assigned to the work of deaconess and home missioner
shall be a deaconess or home missioner.
1. All administrative policies and procedures that pertain to
deaconesses and home missioners shall also apply to home mis-
sionaries and be administered by the executive staff with primary
assignment to the work with deaconesses and home missioners
(¶¶ 1913-1917).
2. There may be a national association of deaconesses, home
missioners, and home missionaries in relationship with United
Methodist Women.
3. There may be jurisdictional organizations of deaconesses,
home missioners, and home missionaries and their support
1918. Ecclesiastical Support—Ecclesiastical support is an
afrmation provided by The United Methodist Church to employ-
ers and professional certication organizations that a deaconess/
home missioner is in good standing and has the appropriate pro-
fessional training and equipping for ministry in specialized set-
tings. Ecclesiastical support acknowledges a covenant of mutual
commitment, accountability and support between The United
Methodist Church, through United Methodist Women, and the
deaconess/home missioner. Deaconesses and home missioners
who are called to and professionally trained for chaplain or coun-
seling ministry are eligible for ecclesiastical support for service
in ministries not requiring them to administer the sacraments.
The ecclesiastical support approval policies, guidelines, and pro-
cess for those commissioned/consecrated deaconesses and home
missioners are administered by the administrative ofce for the
Ofce of Deaconess and Home Missioner with United Methodist
Section XIV. General Commission on Religion and Race
2001. Authorization and Establishment—There shall be a
General Commission on Religion and Race.
1. Amenability and Accountability—The general commission
shall be amenable to the General Conference of the United Meth-
odist Church. Between sessions of the General Conference, the
commission shall be accountable to the Connectional Table by
reporting and interpreting activities designed to fulll the pur-
pose of the commission and by cooperating with the council in the
fulllment of its legislated responsibilities.
2002. Purpose—The purpose of the General Commission
on Religion and Race shall be to challenge, lead, and equip the
people of The United Methodist Church to become intercultur-
ally competent, to ensure institutional equity and to facilitate vital
conversations about religion, race, and culture.
2003. Membership—The total membership of the com-
mission shall be twenty-one board members constituted in
accordance with 705.3 of the General Provisions of the Book of
Discipline. The board shall be organized to accomplish its work
through elected ofcers as prescribed in 708. The membership
shall be composed of:
1. Two bishops, including one from the central conferences,
named by the Council of Bishops in accordance with 705.4d.
2. Each jurisdiction shall elect two members to the board in
accordance with 705.3a. It is recommended that persons elected
by each jurisdiction include persons who have demonstrated
expertise in the areas of nance, program planning and evalua-
tion, education, advocacy, and racial justice; and have indicated a
desire to actively support the work assigned to the General Com-
mission on Religion and Race. Other paragraphs of the Discipline
notwithstanding, the secretary of the General Conference shall
offer to each jurisdiction a suggested member allocation to ensure
that when combined with the board members from the central
conferences, the resulting membership will reect a balance of
clergy and laity, men and women. The secretary will also estab-
lish an equitable rotation to ensure that over the course of several
quadrennia each jurisdiction will have the opportunity to elect a
laywoman, a layman, and a clergy member.
3. Three central conference members named to the board by
the Council of Bishops according to the provisions in 705.4c.
4. Other paragraphs of the Discipline notwithstanding, the
members of the board shall elect six additional members based
on the expertise needed to accomplish the duciary, generative,
and strategic work of the board. Consideration should be given
to achieving jurisdictional, lay/clergy, gender, racial/ethnic, and
age balance.
2004. Vacancies—Vacancies in the commission membership
shall be lled by the procedure dened in 712 of the General
2005. Ofcers—The General Commission on Religion and
Race shall elect as its ofcers a president, a vice president, a secre-
tary, and such other ofcers as it shall deem necessary.
2006. Staff—The General Commission on Religion and
Race shall elect its general secretary quadrennially by written,
electronic, or other means of secret balloting ( 713). The com-
mission shall select by whatever process it chooses the additional
staff needed to assist the general secretary in carrying out the
commission’s responsibilities.
2007. Finances—The General Council on Finance and
Administration shall make provision for the support of the work
of the commission, including provision for a general secretary
and associated staff and an ofce for the commission.
2008. Responsibilities—The General Commission shall
equip, hold accountable, and partner with the Council of Bish-
ops, jurisdictions, central conferences, annual conferences, local
churches, general agencies, and other connectional structures of
The United Methodist Church and shall assume responsibilities
for such matters as:
1. Empowering visible and prophetic leadership at every
level of the Global Church with regards to race, ethnicity, and
2. Providing training, resources, and consultation at all lev-
els of the Global Church in order to:
a. Increase interculturally competent leaders who can
engage in ministries that promote intentional diversity at every
level of the Church.
b. Expand contextually relevant local church ministry in
order to reach more people, younger people, and more diverse
c. Promote anti-racism efforts and challenge issues of
d. Work with cabinets, local churches, and Boards of
Ordained Ministry to develop and support cross-racial/cross-
cultural and multicultural ministries.
e. Engage in vital conversations about the realities of race
and culture in local and global contexts through consultations,
research, reports, and annual conference training.
3. Identifying and responding to global racism, ethnocen-
trism, and tribalism in order for the Church to more effectively
move its mission forward in a diverse and global society.
4. Administering the CORR (Commission on Religion and
Race) Action Fund. The CORR Action Fund is established by
the General Conference of The United Methodist Church for the
empowerment of diversity, inclusion, and racial justice work
within and outside the Church. The fund:
a) is available through grants to congregations, connec-
tional structures, and other groups.
b) shall be administered by the General Commission on
Religion and Race on behalf of The United Methodist Church. The
General Commission shall be responsible for developing guide-
lines and policies regarding grants and for evaluation of projects
receiving support.
5. Providing resources and consultations for just and equi-
table policies and processes at every level of the Global Church.
Section XV. General Commission on the Status
and Role of Women
2101. There shall be a General Commission on the Status
and Role of Women in The United Methodist Church.
2102. Purpose—The primary purpose of the General Com-
mission on the Status and Role of Women shall be to challenge The
United Methodist Church, including its general agencies, institu-
tions, and connectional structures, to a continuing commitment
to the full and equal responsibility and participation of women in
the total life and mission of the Church, sharing fully in the power
and in the policy-making at all levels of the Church’s life.
Such commitment will conrm anew recognition of the fact
that The United Methodist Church is part of the universal church,
rooted in the liberating message of Jesus Christ, that recognizes
every person, woman or man, as a full and equal part of God’s
human family.
The general commission shall function as an advocate with
and on behalf of women individually and collectively within The
United Methodist Church; as a catalyst for the initiation of creative
methods to redress inequities of the past and to prevent further
inequities against women within The United Methodist Church;
and as a monitor to ensure inclusiveness in the programmatic and
administrative functioning of The United Methodist Church.
2103. Responsibility—The general commission shall be
charged with the responsibility of fostering an awareness of issues,
problems, and concerns related to the status and role of women,
with special reference to their full participation in the total life of
the Church at least commensurate with the total membership of
women in The United Methodist Church.
1. In the fulllment of its mandate, this commission shall
have the authority to initiate and utilize such channels, develop
such plans and strategies, and assign staff as may be required in
the implementation of the following primary needs across The
United Methodist Church: leadership enablement, resources and
communication, afrmative action and advocacy roles, and inter-
agency coordination.
Such plans and strategies related to these needs shall be
directed toward the elimination of sexism in all its manifestations
from the total life of The United Methodist Church, including
general agencies as well as the various connectional channels and
structures that reach the local church. The commission shall work
with the respective agencies as needs may determine in achiev-
ing and safeguarding representation and participation of women,
including racial and ethnic groups.
2. The commission, through its various research and moni-
toring processes, shall continue to gather data, make recom-
mendations, and suggest guidelines for action as appropriate to
eradicate discriminatory policies and practices in any form or dis-
criminatory language and images wherever found in documents,
pronouncements, publications, and general resources.
3. The commission shall stimulate ongoing evaluation pro-
cedures and receive progress reports toward the end of effecting
the guidelines in § 2 above in all responsible bodies of the Church.
4. The commission shall establish and maintain a working
relationship with annual conference commissions, taking into
account the objectives and guidelines for conferences in 644.1
and seeking to develop and strengthen the leadership of the con-
ference for the realization of these objectives within the general
context of the responsibilities of the general commission ( 2103.1).
5. The commission shall recommend plans and curricula for
new understanding of theology and biblical history affecting the
status of women. The commission shall also be encouraged to
explore the relationships between spiritual gifts and women in
the Bible.
6. The commission shall create needed policies and recom-
mendations and program for immediate and long-range imple-
mentation related to the enhancement of the role of women in
professional and voluntary leadership in the Church.
7. The commission shall serve in an advocacy role to ensure
openness and receptivity in matters related to women’s role in
the Church’s life, with particular attention to the contributions
of clergy and lay professional women, racial and ethnic women,
and those experiencing changing lifestyles. The commission in its
role as advocate shall assist the local church, annual conferences,
the councils, boards, commissions, schools of theology, and other
related institutions on eradicating the problems of sexual harass-
ment by developing policies and procedures for addressing these
8. The commission shall generate active concern and give full
support toward immediate efforts in the fulllment of the follow-
ing directive: Councils, boards, commissions, committees, person-
nel recruitment agencies, schools of theology, and other related
institutions are directed to establish guidelines and policies for
specic recruitment, training, and full utilization of women in
total employment, which includes but is not limited to pastoral
and related ministries, health and welfare ministries, and faculties
and staffs of seminaries and other educational institutions.
9. Advise the General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion ( 811.1) with regard to the policies and practices of agencies
and Church-related institutions receiving general Church funds
concerning their implementation of the denomination’s policy of
inclusiveness and nondiscrimination on the basis of gender. This
shall be done by: (1) consulting with the council in development,
review, and maintenance of the certication form to be submit-
ted to the council by agencies and institutions receiving general
Church funds; (2) reviewing annually the submissions of certica-
tions of compliance with 811.1a, b, and c; and (3) recommending
to the council acceptance of the certications, or other appropriate
action, including withholding approval of the entire budget of an
agency or institution because of noncompliance with 811.1a, b,
or c.
10. The commission shall provide resources for the local
church ministry group on the status and role of women.
11. The commission shall assist in addressing the problem of
sexual misconduct in the church. The commission shall provide
leadership in providing resources for the prevention of and edu-
cation about misconduct of a sexual nature, training opportuni-
ties for clergy and laity, policy and procedural recommendations
for transformative and administrative fair processes, victim/sur-
vivor support, and congregational healing. The commission shall
promote interagency coordination through its leadership of the
Interagency Sexual Ethics Task Force and by assisting annual con-
ferences, local churches, councils, boards, commissions, schools
of theology, and other related institutions in witnessing to healthy
boundaries within ministerial relationships.
2104. Membership—1. The policies, plans, and administra-
tion of the work of the general commission shall be determined
by its membership, which shall be composed of nineteen persons
in accord with the following guidelines:
a) Jurisdictional membership shall be nominated and
elected by the jurisdictional conferences, ensuring that the plural-
ism and diversity of the Church’s membership is reected in the
representation of racial and ethnic minorities and various age cat-
egories. Each jurisdiction shall elect one person for membership.
Before election, nominated members will be informed of the du-
ciary, strategic, and generative responsibilities they will be assum-
ing upon election so that they may clearly understand the time
and resource commitment they are making. Other paragraphs of
the Discipline notwithstanding, the secretary of the General Con-
ference shall offer to each jurisdiction a suggested member alloca-
tion to ensure that, when combined with the board members from
central conferences, the resulting membership will reect a bal-
ance of clergywomen and clergymen, laywomen and laymen. The
secretary will also establish an equitable rotation to ensure that
over the course of several quadrennial each jurisdiction will have
the opportunity to elect a laywoman, a layman, a clergywoman,
and a clergyman.
b) There shall be nine additional members elected by the
general commission, in accord with the provisions of 705.3a.
The election of the additional members shall take into account
the need to provide adequate representation of racial, ethnic, and
national origin groups; persons with disabilities; persons from
the various age categories, and to include persons of special com-
petence, and striving for proportional representation among the
jurisdictions. It is recommended that the addition of the at-large
membership ensure that the total membership maintains a bal-
ance, 50 percent clergy (including the range of clergy as dened
in 142) and 50 percent lay, as well as majority membership of
women. It is further recommended that such additional members
shall maintain a membership total of at least 10 percent youth and
10 percent young adults. Before election, nominated members will
be informed of the duciary, strategic, and generative responsibili-
ties they will be assuming upon election so that they may clearly
understand the time and resource commitment they are making.
c) There shall be two bishops, including at least one from
the central conferences, named by the Council of Bishops.
d) There shall be three central conference members, not
including the central conference bishop, named to the board by
the Council of Bishops according to the provisions in 705.4c.
e) The general commission shall be authorized to ll
vacancies in its membership during the quadrennium.
f) Members who do not meet the requirements of 2506.1
shall serve with voice and vote, except in matters related to the
duciary responsibilities of the board, in which they shall have
voice only and not vote in accordance with the laws of the state of
incorporation (Illinois).
g) The board may name other individuals as liaison rep-
resentatives to provide networking and advice related to the areas
of mutual concern. Likewise, United Methodist Women may
name one or two such liaison representatives who may serve for a
full quadrennium. When present at board meetings, liaison repre-
sentatives shall have voice but not vote.
2. Members of the General Commission on the Status and
Role of Women shall assume duciary, strategic, and generative
governing functions. Fiduciary responsibilities include ensur-
ing nancial, legal, and ethical stewardship of tangible assets;
accountability for stated performance standards; ensuring the
annual evaluation of the general secretary; and providing coun-
sel to the general secretary regarding evaluation and deploy-
ment of staff. Strategic responsibilities include ensuring that
priorities, goals, achievement markers, and agency resources are
aligned with the mission, vision, and value of the agency. Genera-
tive responsibilities include long-range analysis and planning in
accordance with agency mission, vision, and values; setting direc-
tion and priorities for the agency; and exploring options in order
to amend priorities when needed.
3. Members of the General Commission on the Status and
Role of Women (GCSRW) are to be dedicated Christian leaders
who have a passion for ensuring the full and equal participation
of women at all levels of the Church. They must be willing to
invest time and skills to support the work of the board, including
interpreting and articulating GCSRW strategy in a variety of con-
texts. They must engage in regular and intentional conversation
with networks and individuals throughout the Church to ensure
that the wide diversity of people and perspectives present in The
United Methodist Church are considered as the board carries out
its responsibilities. They must be committed to supporting and
implementing the mandates and foci of the general Church as well
as the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women.
2105. Ofcers—The president of the general commis-
sion shall be a woman elected by the total commission from its
membership. Other ofcers shall be elected as the commission
2106. Meetings—The general commission shall meet annu-
ally, with such additional meetings as needs demand.
2107. Funding—The funds for carrying out the general com-
mission’s purpose shall be authorized by the General Conference.
2108. Staff—The general commission shall elect quadrenni-
ally by ballot its general secretariat or general secretary who shall
provide executive, administrative, and program staff leadership
( 713). The commission shall elect such other staff members as
needs require within the General Conference mandates and the
authority vested in the commission to develop policies and pro-
grams directed toward the realization of its purpose.
2109. Relationships—In order to fulll its responsibilities
and the directives of the General Conference, the general commis-
sion shall work with the Council of Bishops, the general agencies,
institutions, and other appropriate structures and channels at all
levels of the Church.
Section XVI. Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters
2201. General Provisions—1. The General Conference rec-
ognizes the differences in conditions that exist in various areas
of the world and the changes taking place in those areas. There
shall be a Standing Committee on Central Conference Mat-
ters serving as an independent coordinating body. The General
Board of Global Ministries shall be the facilitating agency to
the standing committee. The standing committee shall serve as
the coordinating body to study the structure and supervision
of The United Methodist Church in its work outside the United
States and its territories and its relationships to other Church
2. The standing committee shall meet at least twice within
the quadrennium in order to review, consider, and develop reso-
lutions and petitions related to central conferences and may be
called into session during General Conference as needed. It shall
review and prepare such recommendations as it considers neces-
sary for presentation directly to the General Conference. The com-
mittee shall submit its report and recommendations in accordance
with the timelines governing general agencies for submission of
petitions and resolutions. All resolutions and petitions related to
central conferences presented to the General Conference shall be
referred to the committee for consideration, and the committee
shall report its recommendations directly to the General Confer-
ence. On matters dealing with the determination of episcopal
areas ( 404.1), afliation and autonomy ( 572), and joining The
United Methodist Church ( 575), the committee shall report
directly to the General Conference.
3. Other paragraphs of the Discipline notwithstanding, mem-
bers may serve for three (3) four-year terms and may serve on
one other general agency. The standing committee shall be com-
posed of one bishop from each jurisdiction and from each central
conference named by the Council of Bishops; one ordained min-
ister and one layperson from each jurisdiction and from each cen-
tral conference who are delegates to the General Conference and
named by the Council of Bishops; central conferences with more
than three episcopal areas shall elect additional members, lay or
clergy, up to the total number of episcopal areas in the central
conference; one bishop, one ordained minister, and one layper-
son who are members of the General Board of Global Ministries
and named by the General Board of Global Ministries. The central
conference bishop assigned to the Ofce of Christian Unity and
Interreligious Relationships shall also be a member of this com-
mittee. Special attention shall be given to the inclusion of women,
lay, clergy, youth, and young adults. The chairperson of the com-
mittee shall be a central conference bishop and shall also serve as
a member of the Connectional Table. (This legislation will take
effect immediately upon action by General Conference for the
membership of the Standing Committee on Central Conference
Matters for 2016-2020.)
4. The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters
will convene at the conclusion of the General Conference at which
it was elected and continue its work through the following Gen-
eral Conference. To facilitate transition, incoming members shall
participate in the deliberations of the committee during such
General Conference, having voice but no vote until the organiz-
ing meeting.
5. The General Council on Finance and Administration
shall recommend to the General Conference for its action and
determination a provision in the budget of an appropriate general
Church fund for the expenses incurred by the standing committee.
Section XVII. General Commission on United Methodist Men
2301. There shall be a General Commission on United
Methodist Men in The United Methodist Church.
The general commission shall be amenable to the General
Conference of The United Methodist Church. Between sessions of
the General Conference, the general commission shall be account-
able to the Connectional Table by reporting and interpreting
activities in its purpose ( 702.3).
2302. Purpose—The General Commission on United Meth-
odist Men shall have primary oversight for the coordination
and resourcing of men’s ministry within The United Methodist
1. United Methodist Men exists to declare the centrality of
Christ in every man’s life. Men’s ministry leads to the spiritual
growth of men and effective discipleship. This purpose is served
as men are called to model the servant leadership of Jesus Christ.
2. Individual and group strategies form the foundation of
UMMen ministry:
a) enhance Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life
(EMS), as men become servant leaders.
b) advocate programs that train men within local
churches to promote specic ministries including prayer, mis-
sions, stewardship, and civic/youth-serving ministries.
c) forge pastoral partnerships by men committed to the
effective support and service of clergy and local congregations.
d) enhance organizational strength by effective leader-
ship, resources, membership growth, and nancial accountability.
e) assist men in their ever-changing relationships, roles
and responsibilities in their family setting, workplace, and society.
f) cultivate leadership among men for a policy of no tol-
erance of sexual harassment in family, church, workplace and
g) understand the organization, doctrines, and beliefs of
The United Methodist Church.
h) fulll the membership vows through commitment to
prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness in congregational life.
i) fulll the Great Commission with and through The
United Methodist Church as one part of the body of Christ.
3. To provide support services to promote the ministry and
growth of United Methodist Men:
a) provide specic and optional models for men in the
local church, district, annual conference, and jurisdiction;
b) maintain effective communications and cooperation
with the National Association of Conference Presidents of United
Methodist Men and other national organizations representing the
central conferences and other worldwide Methodist liaisons;
c) promote the annual certication of local church men’s
ministry and the chartering/annual renewal of local church men’s
units ( 256.6) with the General Commission on United Methodist
4. To provide resources that assist men in their growing rela-
tionship with the Lord Jesus Christ and his church:
a) programs of evangelism that are geared to men’s needs
in cooperation with all areas of the Church dealing with the area
of evangelism that model to men that witness is an integral part
of daily life;
b) programs of mission in cooperation with all areas of the
Church dealing with missional opportunities enabling men for out-
reach and service as an integral part of their Christian discipleship;
c) programs of spiritual life in cooperation with areas
of faith development will assist men to realize that witness and
outreach, with mission and ministry, become extensions of their
faith development and their personal relationship to God through
Jesus Christ;
d) programs of stewardship in cooperation with the area
of stewardship that will lead men to an understanding of their
responsibility as stewards of God’s creation and personal stew-
ardship of time, talent, money, and prayer;
e) programs that afrm the role of men in their family
f) to advocate, research, and develop programs for The
United Methodist Church to minister to and through men;
g) program partnership with The Upper Room in the
Living Prayer Center ministry, including support for toll free tele-
phone service and promotion. At all levels of the United Method-
ist Men’s network there shall be prayer advocates;
h) United Methodist Men shall be in partnership with
other general agencies and be a resource for men engaged in
restorative justice and prison ministries.
5. The General Commission will provide resources and sup-
port for the ofce of Civic Youth-Serving Agencies/Scouting
a) to provide training of local church, district, annual
conference, and jurisdictional scouting coordinators;
b) to promote and counsel with youth-serving organiza-
tions selected at the discretion of the commission;
c) to coordinate, promote, and resource as needed annual
conference Bishop’s Dinners for Scouting.
2303. Membership—1. The commission shall consist of
twenty (20) voting members as dened in 705.3 in the General
Provisions and 537. Other paragraphs of the Discipline notwith-
standing, members of the commission holding membership by
ofce or organization, may serve a maximum of three consecutive
terms. The membership shall be composed of:
a) three bishops, including at least one from the central
conferences, named by the Council of Bishops;
b) the ve (5) jurisdictional presidents of United Method-
ist Men;
c) the president of the National Association of Confer-
ence Presidents of United Methodist Men;
d) two central conference members named by the Coun-
cil of Bishops;
e) the president of the United Methodist Men Foundation;
f) eight (8) members at large elected by the commission
for inclusiveness, expertise, and balance, which should include at
least one young person under the age of 30 and at least two mem-
bers of the commission from the previous quadrennium.;
g) The commission may include one representative from
a men’s ministry from a Pan-Methodist Church.
2. Vacancies—Vacancies in the general commission member-
ship shall be lled by procedures dened in 712 of the General
3. Ofcers—The General Commission on United Methodist
Men shall elect as its ofcers a president, vice president, secretary,
treasurer, and other such ofcers as it shall deem necessary. In
addition, the president of the National Association of Conference
Presidents of United Methodist Men shall also be considered an
4. Staff—The General Commission on United Methodist Men
shall elect quadrennially by ballot its general secretary, who shall
provide executive, administrative, and programmatic leadership
( 713). The commission shall elect such other staff members as
needs require within the General Conference mandates and the
authority vested in the commission to develop policies and pro-
grams directed toward the realization of its purpose.
5. Meetings—The general commission shall meet annually,
with such additional meetings as needs demand.
6. Funding—The General Council on Finance and Adminis-
tration shall make provision for the necessary support of the work
of the commission by providing World Service Funds to comple-
ment the direct revenue and contributions from United Methodist
7. Advisory panel—The commission may create an advisory
panel consisting of representatives of afliated organizations.
Section XVIII: JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation
and Conict Transformation
2401. 1. Mission—JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and
Conict Transformation is a mission of The United Methodist
Church to engage conict constructively in ways that strive for
justice, reconciliation, resource preservation and restoration of
community in and through The United Methodist Church and
with the Church universal to the world in which we live.
2. Relationship With the Church—JUSTPEACE shall be an
incorporated resource of The United Methodist Church. It shall
be accountable to the General Conference and in order to fulll
its mission be authorized to seek and create relationships with
the agencies and organizations of The United Methodist Church
and other organizations, while preserving its role as an impartial
entity. JUSTPEACE shall be proactive in its efforts to transform
conict by accepting invitations to intervene in conicts, train
church leaders and members of annual conference conict trans-
formation teams in conict transformation, connect and nurture a
community of practitioners, and develop resources.
3. Financial Support—Either on behalf of its total work or
on behalf of a specic program, JUSTPEACE may charge fees,
solicit and create special funds or endowments, receive gifts and
bequests, hold properties and securities in trust, and administer
all its nancial affairs in accordance with its own rules and rel-
evant provisions of the Book of Discipline.
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Chapter Six
Section I. All Titles—In Trust
2501. Requirement of the Trust Clause for All Property—1. All
properties of United Methodist local churches and other United
Methodist agencies and institutions are held, in trust, for the
benet of the entire denomination, and ownership and usage of
church property is subject to the Discipline. This trust requirement
is an essential element of the historic polity of The United Meth-
odist Church or its predecessor denominations or communions
and has been a part of the Discipline since 1797. It reects the con-
nectional structure of the Church by ensuring that the property
will be used solely for purposes consonant with the mission of
the entire denomination as set forth in the Discipline. The trust
requirement is thus a fundamental expression of United Method-
ism whereby local churches and other agencies and institutions
within the denomination are both held accountable to and benet
from their connection with the entire worldwide Church.
In consonance with the legal denition and self-understand-
ing of The United Methodist Church (see 141), and with par-
ticular reference to its lack of capacity to hold title to property,
The United Methodist Church is organized as a connectional
structure, and titles to all real and personal, tangible and intan-
gible property held at jurisdictional, annual, or district conference
levels, or by a local church or charge, or by an agency or institu-
tion of the Church, shall be held in trust for The United Methodist
Church and subject to the provisions of its Discipline. Titles are
not held by The United Methodist Church (see 807.1) or by the
General Conference of The United Methodist Church, but instead
by the incorporated conferences, agencies, or organizations of
the denomination, or in the case of unincorporated bodies of the
denomination, by boards of trustees established for the purpose
of holding and administering real and personal, tangible and
intangible property.
2. The trust is and always has been irrevocable, except as pro-
vided in the Discipline. Property can be released from the trust,
transferred free of trust or subordinated to the interests of credi-
tors and other third parties only to the extent authority is given
by the Discipline.
3. Local churches and other United Methodist agencies
and institutions may acquire, hold, maintain, improve, and sell
property for purposes consistent with the mission of the Church,
unless restricted or prevented by the Discipline.
2502. Registration of the Name United Methodist—The words
United Methodist are not to be used as, or as a part of, a trade name
or trademark or as a part of the name of any business rm or
organization, except by corporations or other business units cre-
ated for the administration of work undertaken directly by The
United Methodist Church. The General Council on Finance and
Administration is charged with supervision and registration of
“United Methodist” and the denomination’s insignia ( 807.10
and 807.11).
2503. Trust Clauses in Deeds—1. Except in conveyances
that require that the real property so conveyed shall revert to
the grantor if and when its use as a place of divine worship has
been terminated, all written instruments of conveyance by which
premises are held or hereafter acquired for use as a place of divine
worship or other activities for members of The United Methodist
Church shall contain the following trust clause:
In trust, that said premises shall be used, kept, and maintained as a
place of divine worship of the United Methodist ministry and members
of The United Methodist Church; subject to the Discipline, usage, and
ministerial appointments of said Church as from time to time authorized
and declared by the General Conference and by the annual conference
within whose bounds the said premises are situated. This provision is
solely for the benet of the grantee, and the grantor reserves no right or
interest in said premises.
2. All written instruments by which premises are held or
hereafter acquired as a parsonage for the use and occupancy of
the ministers of The United Methodist Church shall contain the
following trust clause:
In trust, that such premises shall be held, kept, and maintained as
a place of residence for the use and occupancy of the ordained ministers
of The United Methodist Church who may from time to time be entitled
to occupy the same by appointment; subject to the Discipline and usage
of said Church as from time to time authorized and declared by the Gen-
eral Conference and by the annual conference within whose bounds the
said premises are situated. This provision is solely for the benet of the
grantee, and the grantor reserves no right or interest in said premises.
1. See Judicial Council Decision 688.
3. In case the property so acquired is to be used for both a
house of worship and a parsonage, the provisions of both trust
clauses specied in §§ 1 and 2 above shall be inserted in the
4. In case the property so acquired is not to be used exclu-
sively for a place of worship, or a parsonage, or both, all writ-
ten instruments by which such premises are held or hereafter
acquired shall contain the following trust clause:
In trust, that said premises shall be kept, maintained, and disposed
of for the benet of The United Methodist Church and subject to the
usages and the Discipline of The United Methodist Church. This provi-
sion is solely for the benet of the grantee, and the grantor reserves no
right or interest in said premises.
5. When property is acquired from another United Method-
ist entity or organization, whether it is to be used as a place of
divine worship, parsonage, or other use, all written instruments
by which such premises are held or hereafter acquired shall con-
tain the following trust clause:
In trust, that said premises shall be held, kept, maintained, and dis-
posed of for the benet of The United Methodist Church and subject to
the usages and the Discipline of The United Methodist Church.
6. However, the absence of a trust clause stipulated in §§ 1,
2, 3, 4, or 5 above in deeds and conveyances executed previously
or in the future shall in no way exclude a local church or church
agency, or the board of trustees of either, from or relieve it of its
connectional responsibilities to The United Methodist Church.
Nor shall it absolve a local church or church agency or the board
of trustees of either, of its responsibility and accountability to The
United Methodist Church, including the responsibility to hold
all of its property in trust for The United Methodist Church; pro-
vided that the intent of the founders and/or a later local church or
church agency, or the board of trustees of either, is shown by any
or all of the following:
a) the conveyance of the property to a local church or
church agency (or the board of trustees of either) of The United
Methodist Church or any predecessor to The United Methodist
b) the use of the name, customs, and polity of The United
Methodist Church or any predecessor to The United Methodist
Church in such a way as to be thus known to the community as a
part of such denomination; or
c) the acceptance of the pastorate of ordained ministers
appointed by a bishop or employed by the superintendent of the
district or annual conference of The United Methodist Church or
any predecessor to The United Methodist Church.
2504. Effect of Union—Nothing in the Plan of Union at any
time after the union is to be construed so as to require any exist-
ing local church of any predecessor denomination to The United
Methodist Church to alienate or in any way to change the title to
property contained in its deed or deeds at the time of union, and
lapse of time or usage shall not affect said title or control. Title to
all property of a local church, or charge, or agency of the Church
shall be held subject to the provisions of the Discipline, whether
title to the same is taken in the name of the local church trustees,
or charge trustees, or in the name of a corporation organized for
the purpose, or otherwise.
2505. Oil, Gas, and Mineral Leases—Subject to and in accor-
dance with the laws of the state, province, or country, the govern-
ing body of any church unit or agency owning land in trust for
The United Methodist Church as provided in this Discipline may
lease said land for the production of oil, gas, coal, and other min-
erals, upon such terms as it may deem best; provided, however,
that such production shall not interfere with the purpose for which
said land is held. The moneys received from such leases as rentals,
royalties, or otherwise shall be used so far as practicable for the
benet of the church unit and for the promotion of the interests
of The United Methodist Church. The lessee shall have no control
over or responsibility for the payments made under such lease.
Section II. Compliance With Law
2506. Conformity With Local LawChurch Corporations —
1. All provisions of the Discipline relating to property, both real
and personal, and relating to the formation and operation of any
corporation, and relating to mergers are conditioned upon their
being in conformity with the local laws, and in the event of con-
ict therewith the local laws shall prevail; provided, however,
that this requirement shall not be construed to give the consent of
The United Methodist Church to deprivation of its property with-
out due process of law or to the regulation of its affairs by state
statute where such regulation violates the constitutional guaran-
tee of freedom of religion and separation of church and state or
violates the right of the Church to maintain its connectional struc-
ture. Local laws shall be construed to mean the laws of the country,
state, or other like political unit within the geographical bounds
of which the church property is located.
2. Any corporation which is or has been formed or is con-
trolled by a church agency ( 701), acting alone or with another
church agency, shall include in its articles of incorporation (or
charter) and its bylaws (“corporate documents”) the following:
a) identication of the sponsoring church agency or
agencies (“sponsor(s)”) to which it relates and the relationship of
the corporation to its sponsor(s),
b) recognition that its corporate powers are subject to the
Discipline to the same extent as its sponsor(s), and
c) recognition that the corporation’s powers cannot
exceed those given by the Discipline to its sponsor(s).
3. The corporate documents shall contain language consis-
tent with the Internal Revenue Code to protect its tax-exempt sta-
tus. Also, the corporate documents shall name the corporation’s
sponsor(s) as the recipient(s) of corporate property in the event
the corporation is abandoned, discontinued, or ceases to exist as
a legal entity. The corporate documents shall also include a refer-
ence to the provisions of 2501.
4. The corporate documents shall contain provisions prohib-
iting the corporation’s trustees, directors, or ofcers from chang-
ing the corporation’s connectional relationship to its sponsor(s)
without the sponsor(s)’ consent, or otherwise acting in a manner
contrary to the purpose of its sponsor(s) or the Discipline.
2507. The Terms Trustee, Trustees, and Board of Trustees—
Trustee, trustees, and board of trustees, as used herein or elsewhere
in the Discipline, may be construed to be synonymous with direc-
tor, directors, and board of directors applied to corporations.
2508. Conformity of Deeds and Conveyances with Local Law
In order to secure the right of property, with the appurtenances
thereof, of the churches and parsonages of The United Method-
ist Church, care shall be taken that all conveyances and deeds be
drawn and executed in due conformity to the laws of the respec-
tive states, provinces, and countries in which the property is
situated and also in due conformity to the laws of The United
Methodist Church. Deeds shall be registered or recorded directly
upon their execution.
2. See Judicial Council Decision 315.
2509. Instituting and Defending Civil Action—Because of the
nature of The United Methodist Church ( 141), no individual or
afliated church body or unit, nor any ofcial thereof, may com-
mence or participate in any suit or proceeding in the name of or
on behalf of The United Methodist Church, excepting, however,
the following:
1. The General Council on Finance and Administration or any
person or church unit served with legal process in the name of The
United Methodist Church may appear for the purpose of pre-
senting to the court the nonjural nature of The United Methodist
Church and to raise issues of lack of jurisdiction of the court, lack of
capacity of such individual or unit to be served with process, and
related constitutional issues in defense of denominational interests.
2. Any denominational unit authorized to hold title to prop-
erty and to enforce trusts for the benet of the denomination may
bring suit in its own name to protect denominational interests.
2510. Limitation of Financial Obligations—No conference,
council, board, agency, local church, or other unit can nancially
obligate the denomination or, without prior specic consent, any
other organizational unit thereof.
Section III. Audits and Bonding of Church Ofcers
2511. All persons holding trust funds, securities, or moneys
of any kind belonging to the General, jurisdictional, annual, or
provisional annual conferences or to organizations under the con-
trol of the General, jurisdictional, annual, or provisional annual
conferences shall be bonded by a reliable company in such good
and sufcient sum as the conference may direct. The accounts of
such persons shall be audited at least annually by a recognized
public or certied public accountant. A report to an annual confer-
ence containing a nancial statement that the Discipline requires
to be audited shall not be approved until the audit is made and
the nancial statement is shown to be correct. Other parts of the
report may be approved pending such audit.
Section IV. Annual Conference Property
2512. 1. Conference Trustees—Each annual conference may
be incorporated in its own name if permitted by local law. It shall
3. For authority regarding property held by general agencies of the Church,
see 807.6, .8.
have a board of trustees, which shall be incorporated if the confer-
ence itself is not incorporated. In either case, the board shall con-
sist of twelve persons, and it is recommended that one-third be
clergy, one third laywomen, and one-third laymen, in accordance
with the provisions of 610.5.
Said persons must be of legal age
as determined by law, and lay members shall be members in good
standing of local churches within the bounds of the conference.
Such persons shall be the directors of the corporation. They shall
be elected by the conference for staggered terms of four years,
except for the rst board, one-fourth of whom shall be elected for
a term of one year, one-fourth for a term of two years, one-fourth
for a term of three years, and one-fourth for a term of four years,
and shall serve until their successors have been elected; provided,
however, that existing incorporated trustees of any annual con-
ference may continue unaffected while the charter or articles of
incorporation are amended to bring them into conformity with
this paragraph.
2. The board of trustees shall meet at least annually and
organize by electing a president, vice president, secretary, and
treasurer, whose duties shall be those usually pertaining to such
ofces. They shall be amenable to the annual conference. Vacan-
cies occurring between sessions of an annual conference shall be
lled as follows: Upon nomination by the conference commit-
tee on nominations, the district superintendents shall, by major-
ity vote, elect a trustee to serve until the next annual conference.
Vacancies shall be lled by the annual conference for the unex-
pired term.
3. The board of trustees shall have the following authority
with respect to the properties of the annual conference and its
a) The said corporation shall receive, collect, and hold in
trust for the benet of the annual conference any and all donations,
bequests, and devises of any kind or character, real or personal,
that may be given, devised, bequeathed, or conveyed to the said
board or to the annual conference as such for any benevolent, char-
itable, or religious purpose, and shall administer the same and the
income therefrom in accordance with the directions of the donor,
trustor, or testator and in the interest of the church, society, insti-
tution, or agency contemplated by such donor, trustor, or testator,
4. See Judicial Council Decision 446.
5. See Judicial Council Decision 1170.
under the direction of the annual conference. When the use to
be made of any such donation, bequest, or devise is not other-
wise designated, the same shall be used as directed by the annual
b) When so directed by the annual conference, the said
corporation may receive and hold in trust for and on behalf of
the annual conference, its districts, or any of its agencies any real
or personal property previously acquired by the conference, its
districts, or its agencies to be used in carrying out their mission,
ministry, and program. When such property is in the form of
investable funds, the board of trustees may consider placing the
funds for investment and administration with the United Meth-
odist conference or area foundation serving that conference or,
in the absence of such a foundation, with the United Methodist
Church Foundation. A conscious effort shall be made to invest in
a manner consistent with the Social Principles and the creation of
an investment policy. With respect to such properties, the board
shall take no action that would alter or interfere with their mis-
sional or programmatic use or function unless such action is spe-
cically directed by the annual conference. The provisions of this
subsection shall not apply to educational or health and welfare
institutions whose properties are held in their own name or in the
name of their own duly elected boards of trustees or directors; nor
shall they apply to the property of local churches except as such
local church property may have been declared discontinued or
abandoned under the provisions of 2549.
c) Except as restricted in § 3b, the board shall have the
power to invest, reinvest, buy, sell, transfer, and convey any and
all funds and properties that it may hold in trust, subject always
to the terms of the legacy, devise, or donation.
d) Unless the annual conference provides otherwise, any
contract, deed, bill of sale, mortgage, or other necessary written
instrument needed to implement any resolution authorizing pro-
posed action regarding annual conference property may be exe-
cuted by and on behalf of the annual conference board of trustees
by any two of its ofcers, who thereupon shall be duly authorized
to carry out the direction of the annual conference; and any writ-
ten instrument so executed shall be binding and effective as the
action of the annual conference.
e) The conference board of trustees is encouraged to
invest in institutions, companies, corporations, or funds that
make a positive contribution toward the realization of the goals
of the Social Principles of our Church. The board of trustees shall
act as a socially responsible investor and report annually to the
annual conference regarding its carrying out of this responsibility.
Among the tools the board may use are shareholder advocacy,
selective divestment, advocacy of corporate disinvestment from
certain countries or elds of business, and afrmative invest-
ments (as in affordable housing, care of the environment, minor-
ity business and banks, and so forth), as well as other appropriate
f) Funds committed to this board may be invested by it
only in collateral that is amply secured and after such investments
have been approved by the said board or its agency or committee
charged with such investment, unless otherwise directed by the
annual conference.
4. The board may intervene and take all necessary legal steps
to safeguard and protect the interests and rights of the annual
conference anywhere and in all matters relating to property and
rights to property whether arising by gift, devise, or otherwise,
or where held in trust or established for the benet of the annual
conference or its membership.
5. It shall be the duty of the pastor within the bounds of
whose charge any such gift, bequest, or devise is made to give
prompt notice thereof to said board, which shall proceed to take
such steps as are necessary and proper to conserve, protect, and
administer the same; provided, however, that the board may
decline to receive or administer any such gift, devise, or bequest
for any reason satisfactory to the board. It shall also be the duty of
the pastor to report annually to the board of trustees of the annual
conference a list of all property, including real, personal, or mixed,
within the charge belonging to or which should be under the con-
trol or jurisdiction of the said board.
6. The board shall make to each session of the annual confer-
ence a full, true, and faithful report of its doings, of all funds, mon-
ies, securities, and property held in trust by it, and of its receipts
and disbursements during the conference year. The beneciary of
a fund held in trust by the board shall also be entitled to a report
at least annually on the condition of such fund and on the transac-
tions affecting it.
6. See Judicial Council Decisions 160, 190.
7. Establishment of Annual Conference Policy With Regard to
Gov-ernment Efforts to Designate Church-Owned Property as Land-
marks—The board, after consultation with the conference commis-
sion on archives and history, or alternate structure, shall develop
a policy for an annual conference response, on behalf of any local
church, Church-related agency, or district or annual conference
board of trustees located within the bounds of the annual confer-
ence, to any governmental effort to designate a property held in
trust for the benet of The United Methodist Church ( 2501) by
any such board of trustees as a cultural, historical, or architectural
8. In cooperation with the General Council on Finance and
Administration, related annual conference agencies and institu-
tions, and local churches, to make recommendations to the annual
conference regarding the development, promotion, and review
of a broad general program of insurance protection, except for
employee benet programs.
2513. United Methodist Foundations—An annual conference
or conferences may establish a United Methodist Foundation. The
purposes for establishing such a foundation may include:
1. Providing the services described in 2512.3 as designated
by the donor or upon delegation from the conference board of
2. The promotion of planned-giving programs on behalf
of local churches, conferences, and general Church boards and
3. Furnishing counsel and guidance to local churches with
regard to promotion and management of permanent funds; and
4. Other responsibilities as requested by the annual con-
ference. The United Methodist Foundation shall have an inde-
pendent governing board as determined by the incorporating
documents approved by the annual conference. The governing
board will establish all policies and procedures upon which the
foundation will operate. Due care will be exercised to maintain
prudent organizational separation from beneciary organizations
while striving to maintain missional purpose and connection.
2514. Jointly Owned Episcopal Residences—When authorized
by two-thirds of the annual conferences comprising an episco-
pal area, an episcopal residence for the resident bishop may be
acquired, the title to which shall be held in trust by the trustees
of the annual conference within which the residence is located.
Any such property so acquired and held shall not be sold or dis-
posed of except with the consent of a majority of the conferences
that participate in the ownership. Whenever there is a plan to sell
an episcopal residence or to transfer an annual conference from
one episcopal area to another, that plan shall include provision
for safeguarding each conference’s equity, if any, in an episcopal
residence; except that an annual conference, by its own decision,
may relinquish its claims to an equity interest in an episcopal
2515. Sale, Transfer, Lease, Mortgage, or Purchase of Annual
Conference Property—No annual conference real property shall be
sold, transferred, or leased for a term that exceeds twenty years,
or mortgaged or purchased without the consent of the annual
conference or, ad interim, (a) the consent of the presiding bishop
and of a majority of the district superintendents, and, in the case
of discontinued or abandoned local church property or property
to be purchased, the consent of a majority of the district board of
church location and building (see 2549), and, in case of a dis-
continued Wesley Foundation or campus ministry property, the
consent of the majority of the conference board of higher educa-
tion and campus ministry, and the consent of the annual confer-
ence (see 634.4d); and (b) the bishop’s determination that such
transfer or encumbrance conforms to the Discipline. The bishop’s
written statement evidencing the satisfaction of this condition
shall be afxed to or included in any instrument of transfer or
encumbrance. Any required written instrument necessary to
carry out the action so authorized shall be executed in the name
of the conference corporation by any two of its ofcers or, where
the conference is unincorporated, by any two ofcers of its board
of trustees, and any written instrument so executed shall be bind-
ing and effective as the action of the conference.
2516. Camps, Conference Grounds, and Retreat Centers—Title
to annual conference or district camps, conference grounds, and
retreat centers held in trust by an incorporated board or agency of
an annual conference or district, or by an unincorporated board,
commission, society, or similar body of the conference or district,
can be mortgaged or sold and conveyed by such corporation or
unincorporated body only after authorization by the annual or
district conference to which such body is related.
7. See Judicial Council Decision 194.
2517. Responsibilities of Annual Conference Trustees Related to
Health and Welfare Institutions.
1. The annual conference shall designate a body that shall be
responsible for establishing and maintaining the annual confer-
ence’s relationship statements with related health and welfare
organizations. If the annual conference does not designate a body
for this purpose, the responsibility shall rest with the annual con-
ference board of trustees. A related health and welfare organiza-
tion is any organization that:
a) Provides health or welfare services;
b) Is located within the bounds of the annual conference;
c) Either
(1) Seeks, or already has, a relationship or connection
with an annual conference, regardless of whether the relationship
or connection is formal or informal, ofcial or unofcial, or does
or does not involve any nancial or legal commitments; or
(2) Markets, publicizes, or promotes itself as having
a connection to the annual conference or to the denomination or
uses the ofcial United Methodist insignia or the term “United
Methodist” in any way; provided, however, that health and wel-
fare organizations that have a covenant relationship with the
national ofce of the United Methodist Women may also seek a
relationship or connection with an annual conference, pursuant
to this section, but shall not be required to do so.
2. The body designated by the annual conference shall con-
sult with the conference chancellor and the conference Health and
Welfare Committee (or equivalent structure) in the development
of relationship statements.
3. The body designated by the annual conference shall pro-
vide the General Council on Finance and Administration with
current copies of all of the conference’s relationship statements.
4. If the annual conference has a relationship with a related
health and welfare organization, the legal and nancial relation-
ships between the annual conference and the health and welfare
organization must be memorialized in a clearly stated document
describing such relationships. This relationship statement shall:
a) Not purport to name as a party “The United Method-
ist Church” and/or any general agency of “The United Methodist
b) Require the health and welfare organization to acquire
approval from the General Council on Finance and Administra-
tion if the health and welfare organization wishes to use the of-
cial United Methodist insignia or the term “United Methodist”
in its name, mission statement, publications, or promotional or
marketing material;
c) Acknowledge that the annual conference shall not be
legally responsible for the debts, contracts, or obligations, or for
any other nancial commitments of any character or description
created, undertaken, or assumed by the health and welfare insti-
tution, absent the express consent of the annual conference;
d) Require the body designated by the annual conference
and the health and welfare institution to review the relationship
statement at least every four years; and
e) Comply with any further requirements adopted by
the General Council on Finance and Administration, in collabora-
tion with the United Methodist Association of Health and Welfare
5. The body designated by the annual conference may
encourage or require the health and welfare organization to:
a) Hold membership in the United Methodist Associa-
tion of Health and Welfare Ministries;
b) Pursue accreditation in one of the industry-recognized,
national accreditation bodies appropriate to faith-based organiza-
tions; or
c) Utilize the programmatic standards, self-study, and
peer review appropriate to Church-related institutions and pro-
grams available to them through organizations that will promote
excellence in Christian ministry and mission and enhance the
quality of services offered.
6. If the body designated by the annual conference terminates,
decides not to renew, or is unable, after reasonable efforts, to agree
to, a relationship statement with a health and welfare organization,
it shall report such termination, non-renewal, or inability to agree
at the next session of the annual conference. This report shall then
be published in the annual conference journal. The organiza-
tion may then establish a relationship statement with the United
Methodist Association consistent with the requirements of 2517.
Section V. District Property
2518. District Parsonages and Boards of Trustees—1. A dis-
trict parsonage for the district superintendent may be acquired
when authorized by the charge conferences of two-thirds of the
charges in the district or when authorized by a two-thirds vote
of the district conference, subject to the advice and approval of
the district board of church location and building as provided in
¶¶ 2519-2524.
2. Any district conference or district union that owns prop-
erty or has employees may be incorporated in its own name if
permitted by local law. Unless the district conference or district
union is incorporated in its own name, each district’s board of
trustees shall be incorporated. The district board shall consist of
not fewer than three nor more than nine members in accordance
with 610.5, having the same qualications provided for trustees
of local churches ( 2525), who shall be nominated by the dis-
trict superintendent in consultation with the district nominating
committee, if one exists, and elected by the district conference.
Where there is no district conference, they may be elected by the
district board of stewards or by the annual conference on nomi-
nation of the district superintendent. They shall be elected for a
term of one year and serve until their successors shall have been
elected, and they shall report annually to the district conference or
annual conference. Title to district property may be held in trust
by the incorporated district conference or union, the incorporated
district board of trustees, or the annual conference of which such
district is a part, and such trustees shall report annually to the dis-
trict or annual conference. Except as the laws of the state, territory,
or country prescribe otherwise, district property held in trust by a
district board of trustees may be mortgaged or sold and conveyed
by them only by authority of the district conference or annual con-
ference, or if such property is held in trust by the trustees of the
annual conference, it may be mortgaged or sold and conveyed by
such trustees only by authority of the annual conference. The dis-
trict conference, or annual conference in the case of property held
in trust by the trustees of the annual conference, may include in
the resolution authorizing such proposed action a direction that
any contract, deed, bill of sale, mortgage, or other necessary writ-
ten instrument may be executed by and on behalf of the respec-
tive board of trustees by any two of its ofcers, who thereupon
shall be duly authorized to carry out the direction of the district
conference or annual conference; and any written instrument so
executed shall be binding and effective as the action of the district
conference or annual conference. The purchase price and main-
tenance cost of a district parsonage may be equitably distributed
among the charges of the district by the district board of stewards.
Where there is an incorporated district union ( 659.4), the board
of directors of the district union shall have the same duties and
responsibilities with respect to district property as are described
here for the district board of trustees.
3. When district boundaries are changed by division, rear-
rangement, or consolidation so that a district parsonage pur-
chased, owned, and maintained by one district is included within
the bounds of another district, each such district shall be entitled
to receive its just share of the then-reasonable value of the parson-
age in which it has invested funds; and the amount of such value
and just share shall be determined by a committee of three per-
sons, appointed by the bishop of the area, who shall not be resi-
dents of any of the said districts. The committee shall hear claims
of each district regarding its interest therein before making a deci-
sion. From any such determination, there is reserved unto each
of the interested districts the right of appeal to the next succeed-
ing annual conference. The same procedure shall be followed in
determining equities of a district in any other property that may
be included in another district by changes in district boundaries.
2519. Authorization and Establishment of District Boards of
Church Location and Building—There shall be in each district of an
annual conference a district board of church location and build-
ing. The board shall consist of the district superintendent and
a minimum of six and a maximum of nine additional persons
nominated by the district superintendent in consultation with the
district nominating committee, if one exists, and elected annu-
ally by the annual conference, provided that in a district of great
geographical extent an additional board may be so elected. It is
recommended that the membership include one-third clergy, one-
third laymen, one-third laywomen, and, where possible, should
be inclusive of gender, race, age, and people with disabilities.
These persons shall be professing members of The United Meth-
odist Church. The members of the board, excluding the district
superintendent, shall be divided into three classes. One third
shall be elected annually for a three-year term. A chairperson and
a secretary shall be elected annually at the rst meeting follow-
ing annual conference. The board shall le a report of any actions
taken with the charge conference of each local church involved,
and the report so led shall become a part of the minutes of
the said conference or conferences. The board shall also make a
written report to the district conference (or, if there is no district
conference, to the district superintendent), and this report shall
become a part of the records of that conference.
2520. Duties and Responsibilities of the District Boards of
Church Location and Building—1. Local Church Building Sites and
Plans—The board of church location and building shall investi-
gate all proposed local church building sites, ascertaining that
such sites are properly located for the community to be served
and adequate in size to provide space for future expansion and
parking facilities. (See ¶¶ 259.1, 2544.2.)
2. If there is a district strategy committee for parish devel-
opment or a metropolitan commission ( 633.5j) in the district,
the board shall consider its recommendations in planning a strat-
egy for continuing the service of The United Methodist Church
in changing neighborhoods. If no parish development commit-
tee or commission is operative, the board shall study the duties
assigned to each and seek ways to provide continuity of service in
parishes where there is a change in the racial, ethnic, or cultural
character of the residents, to the end that the resolutions of the
General Conference involving such neighborhoods be given care-
ful consideration. One member of the board shall also have mem-
bership on the strategy committee or on the commission.
3. The board of church location and building shall investigate
all proposed local church or parsonage buildings to determine the
best method to make the structure energy-efcient.
2521. Standards for the Approval of Building Proposals—1. The
District Board of Church Location and Building shall review the
plans of any church in the district which proposes to construct or
purchase a new church or educational building or a parsonage, or
remodeling of such a building if the cost will exceed 25 percent of
the value of the building. Such proposal shall include a statement
of the need for the proposed facilities, preliminary architectural
plans, cost estimate of the project, and a nancial plan for defray-
ing such costs. Before nally approving the building project, the
board shall determine that the preliminary architectural design
and nancial plans have been evaluated and approved by proper
authorities. Building plans shall provide for equal access to per-
sons with disabilities as per 2544.4b(1), (2).
2. When the local church has secured nal architectural plans
and specications and a reliable and detailed estimate of the cost
of the proposed undertaking as provided in 2544.7, the board
shall require their submission for consideration and approval. The
board shall study carefully the feasibility and nancial soundness
of the undertaking and ascertain whether the nancial plan will
provide funds necessary to ensure prompt payment of all pro-
posed contractual obligations and provide for the full nancial
support of the program ministries, including annual conference
and general Church benevolences. It shall report its conclusions
to the Church and to the cabinet in writing.
3. A nal decision of the board approving purchase, building,
or remodeling shall automatically terminate after a period of one
year where no action has been taken by the local church to carry
out such decision.
2522. Appeals of District Boards of Church Location and Build-
ing Decisions—A decision of the board disapproving such pur-
chase, building, or remodeling shall be nal unless overruled by
the annual conference, to which there is reserved unto the local
church the right of appeal.
2523. Application of Standards to the Acquisition of a District
Parsonage—The above provisions shall apply to the acquisition of
a district parsonage.
2524. Sale, Transfer, Lease, or Mortgage of District Property
No district property shall be sold, transferred, or leased for a term
that exceeds twenty years, or mortgaged, without: (a) the consent
of the presiding district superintendent; and (b) the district super-
intendent’s determination that such transfer or encumbrance
conforms to the Discipline. The district superintendent’s writ-
ten statement evidencing the satisfaction of this condition shall
be afxed to any instrument or transfer or encumbrance. Any
required written instrument necessary to carry out the action so
authorized shall be executed in the name of the corporation by
any two of its ofcers, or any two ofcers of its board of trust-
ees, and any written instrument so executed shall be binding and
effective as the action of the corporation.
Section VI. Local Church Property
2525. Local Church Board of Trustees Qualications—In each
pastoral charge consisting of one local church, there shall be a
board of trustees, consisting of not fewer than three nor more
than nine persons, and it is recommended that at least one-third
be laywomen and that at least one-third be laymen. The trustees
shall be of legal age as determined by law, and at least two-thirds
shall be professing members of The United Methodist Church (see
¶¶ 258.1, .3; 2530). No pastor is a voting member of the board of
trustees unless elected as a member.
2526. Local Church Board of Trustees Election—The members
of the board of trustees shall be divided into three classes, and
each class shall as nearly as possible consist of an equal number
of members. At the charge conference, on recommendation by the
committee on nominations and leadership development or from
the oor, it shall elect, to take ofce at the beginning of the ensu-
ing calendar year or at such other times as the charge or church
conference may set, to serve for a term of three years or until their
successors have been duly elected and qualied, the required
number of trustees to succeed those of the class whose terms then
expire; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed
to prevent the election of a trustee to self-succession.
The charge
conference may assign the responsibility for electing trustees to a
church conference.
2527. Church Local ConferenceDuties, Authority, and Mem-
bership—1. In a pastoral charge consisting of two or more local
churches, a church local conference, constituted and organized
under the Discipline of The United Methodist Church in each
local church therein, shall be vested with authority and power
in matters relating to the real and personal property of the local
church concerned. Such church local conference shall elect the
board of trustees of such local church in number and manner
described in 2526, and the duties of such trustees, duly elected,
shall be the same as and identical with the duties described in
2528. The duties, authority, and power vested in the church
local conference, insofar as they relate to the property, real and
personal, of the local church concerned, are the same as and iden-
tical with the authority and power vested in the charge conference
of a pastoral charge of one local church ( 2529); and the author-
ity, power, and limitations therein set forth shall be applicable
to the church local conference as fully and to the same extent as
if incorporated herein. The effect of the provisions for a church
local conference is to give to each local church in a charge of two
or more churches, rather than to the pastoral charge conference,
supervision over and control of its own property, subject to the
8. See Judicial Council Decision 130.
limitations prescribed in the Discipline with regard to local church
2. Whenever required under The Book of Discipline of The United
Methodist Church for matters relating to real or personal property
of the local church or to mergers of churches, a local church in
a pastoral charge consisting of two or more local churches shall
organize a church local conference. The membership of the church
local conference shall consist of the persons specied for member-
ship of the charge conference ( 246.2) so far as the ofcers and
relationships exist within the local church, except that the pastor
shall be a member of each church local conference. The provisions
of 246.2-.10 relating to membership qualication and proce-
dures of a charge conference shall be applicable to membership
qualications and procedures of a church local conference.
2528. Charge or Cooperative Parish Board of Trustees—1. A
pastoral charge composed of two or more churches, each having a
local board of trustees, may have, in addition, a board of trustees
for the charge as a whole. This board shall hold title to and man-
age the property belonging to the entire charge, such as parson-
age, campground, burial ground, and such other property as may
be committed to it. It shall receive and administer funds for the
charge in conformity with the laws of the state, province, or coun-
try in which the property is located. This board shall consist of no
fewer than three persons, at least two-thirds of whom shall be pro-
fessing members of The United Methodist Church and of legal age
as determined by law. These trustees shall be elected by the charge
conference for three years or until their successors are elected.
2. A cooperative parish composed of two or more charges
may have, in addition to its charge trustees and local church trust-
ees, a board of trustees for the cooperative parish as a whole. This
board shall hold title to and manage the property belonging to the
cooperative parish in accordance with ¶¶ 2503, 2527, and 2528.
These trustees shall be elected by the charge conference and/or
church local conference related to the cooperative parish and shall
be representative of each congregation that composes the coop-
erative parish.
3. The board of trustees of a charge shall provide for the secu-
rity of its funds, keep an accurate record of its proceedings, and
report to the charge conference to which it is amenable.
4. When two or more local churches compose a single pastoral
charge having a parsonage and one or more thereof is separated
from such charge and established as a pastoral charge or united
with another pastoral charge, each such local church shall be enti-
tled to receive its just share of the then-reasonable value of the
parsonage in which it has invested funds, with the exception that
those churches departing from a circuit who had joined the circuit
after the parsonage was acquired would have no claim on any
value of the parsonage. The amount of such value and just share
shall be determined by a committee of three persons, appointed
by the district superintendent, who shall be members of The
United Methodist Church but not of any of the interested local
churches. Such committee shall hear all interested parties and
shall take into account the investment of any church in any such
property before arriving at a nal determination. From any such
determination there is reserved to each of the interested churches
the right of appeal to the next succeeding annual conference, the
decision of which shall be nal and binding. Any sum received
as or from such share shall not be applied to current expense or
current budget.
2529. Charge Conference Authority—In a pastoral charge
consisting of one local church, the charge conference, constituted
as set forth in ¶¶ 246-247, shall be vested with power and author-
ity as hereinafter set forth in connection with the property, both
real and personal, of the said local church. In fullling that duty,
the charge conference may delegate certain duties and responsi-
bilities to the board of trustees as described below. However, the
board of trustees shall always be subject to the direction of the
charge conference. The charge conference may:
1. a) If it so elects, direct the board of trustees to incorporate
the local church, expressly subject, however, to the Discipline of
The United Methodist Church (see 2506) and in accordance with
the pertinent local laws and in such manner as will fully protect
and exempt from any and all legal liability the individual of-
cials and members, jointly and severally, of the local church and
the charge, annual, jurisdictional, and general conferences of The
United Methodist Church, and each of them, for and on account
of the debts and other obligations of every kind and description
of the local church.
b) Regardless of whether the charge conference elects to
incorporate the local church, the local church:
(1) must be organized and operated in compliance
with the Discipline;
(2) cannot act in a manner contrary to the purpose
of The United Methodist Church, the annual conference, or the
Discipline; and
(3) cannot sever its connectional relationship to The
United Methodist Church without the consent of the annual
c) The organizing documents (articles of incorporation,
charter, bylaws, or equivalents) of a local church shall reect its
connectional relationship to The United Methodist Church. The
adoption or modication of a local church’s organizing docu-
ments must be approved, in writing, by its pastor and district
superintendent. Specically, local church organizing documents
shall, at a minimum:
(1) require the local church to be organized and oper-
ated in compliance with the Discipline;
(2) prohibit the local church from acting in a man-
ner contrary to the purpose of The United Methodist Church, the
annual conference, or the Discipline;
(3) prohibit the local church from severing its con-
nectional relationship to The United Methodist Church without
the annual conference’s consent;
(4) require the pastor and the district superintendent
to approve, in writing, the adoption of, and changes to, the local
church’s organizing documents; and
(5) include language consistent with the Internal
Revenue Code to protect the local church’s tax-exempt status.
d) The failure of a local church’s organizing documents
to meet the requirements of 2529.1c(1)-(4) does not relieve the
local church of its connectional responsibilities to The United
Methodist Church, nor does it absolve its pastor and member-
ship of the responsibility to operate the local church as a United
Methodist church, in accordance with the Discipline. The organiz-
ing documents are deemed modied to the extent necessary to
comply with 2529.1c(1)-(4) if any of the circumstances described
in 2503.6a-c apply.
2. Direct the board of trustees with respect to the purchase,
sale, mortgage, encumbrance, construction, repairing, remodel-
ing, and maintenance of any and all property of the local church.
3. Direct the board of trustees with respect to the acceptance
or rejection of any and all conveyances, grants, gifts, donations,
legacies, bequests, or devises, absolute or in trust, for the use and
benet of the local church, and to require the administration of
any such trust in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof
and with the local laws appertaining thereto. (See 2533.5.)
4. Direct the board of trustees to do any and all things nec-
essary to exercise such other powers and duties relating to the
property, real and personal, of the local church concerned as may
be committed to it by the Discipline.
5. To recommend that consideration be given to placing such
investable property with a United Methodist foundation serving
such charge conference, to benet the local church, charge confer-
ence or their successors, or in the absence of such a foundation,
with the United Methodist Foundation.
2530. Local Church Board of Trustees Organization and Mem-
bership—The board of trustees shall organize as follows:
1. Within thirty days after the beginning of the ensuing
calendar or conference year (whichever applies to the term of
ofce), each board of trustees shall convene at a time and place
designated by the chairperson, or by the vice chairperson in the
event that the chairperson is not reelected a trustee or because of
absence or disability is unable to act, for the purpose of electing
ofcers of the said board for the ensuing year and transacting any
other business properly brought before it.
2. The board of trustees shall elect from the membership
thereof, to hold ofce for a term of one year or until their suc-
cessors shall be elected, a chairperson, vice chairperson, secre-
tary, and, if need requires, a treasurer; provided, however, that
the chairperson and vice chairperson shall not be members of the
same class; and provided further, that the ofces of secretary and
treasurer may be held by the same person; and provided further,
that the chairperson shall be a professing member of the local
church. The duties of each ofcer shall be the same as those gen-
erally connected with the ofce held and which are usually and
commonly discharged by the holder thereof. The church local
conference may, if it is necessary to conform to the local laws, sub-
stitute the designations president and vice president for and in place
of chairperson and vice chairperson.
3. Where necessity requires, as a result of the incorporation
of a local church, the corporation directors, in addition to elect-
ing ofcers as provided in § 2 above, shall ratify and conrm by
appropriate action and, if necessary, elect as ofcers of the corpo-
ration the treasurer or treasurers, as the case may be, elected by
the charge conference in accordance with the provisions of the
Discipline, whose duties and responsibilities shall be as therein
set forth. If more than one account is maintained in the name of
the corporation in any nancial institution or institutions, each
such account and the treasurer thereof shall be appropriately
2531. Removal of Local Church Trustees; Vacancies—1. Should
a trustee withdraw from the membership of The United Methodist
Church or be excluded therefrom, trusteeship therein shall auto-
matically cease from the date of such withdrawal or exclusion.
2. Should a trustee of a local church or a director of an incor-
porated local church refuse to execute properly a legal instrument
relating to any property of the church when directed so to do by
the charge conference and when all legal requirements have been
satised in reference to such execution, the said charge conference
may by majority vote declare the trustee’s or director’s member-
ship on the board of trustees or board of directors vacated.
3. Vacancies occurring in a board of trustees shall be lled by
election for the unexpired term. Such election shall be held in the
same manner as for trustees. A vacancy occurring ad interim may
be lled until the next charge conference by the church council.
2532. Meetings of Local Church Boards of Trustees—The board
of trustees shall meet at the call of the pastor or of its chairperson
at least annually at such times and places as shall be designated
in a notice to each trustee and the pastor(s) at a reasonable time
prior to the appointed time of the meeting. Waiver of notice may
be used as a means to validate meetings legally where the usual
notice is impracticable. A majority of the members of the board of
trustees shall constitute a quorum.
2533. Board of Trustees Powers and Limitations—1. Subject
to the direction of the charge conference, the board of trustees
shall have the supervision, oversight, and care of all real prop-
erty owned by the local church and of all property and equipment
acquired directly by the local church or by any society, board,
class, commission, or similar organization connected therewith,
provided that the board of trustees shall not violate the rights of
any local church organization elsewhere granted in the Discipline;
provided further, that the board of trustees shall not prevent or
interfere with the pastor in the use of any of the said property
for religious services or other proper meetings or purposes recog-
nized by the law, usages, and customs of The United Methodist
Church, or permit the use of said property for religious or other
meetings without the consent of the pastor or, in the pastor’s
absence, the consent of the district superintendent; and provided
further, that pews in The United Methodist Church shall always
be free; and provided further, that the church local conference
may assign certain of these duties to a building committee as set
forth in 2544 or the chairperson of the parsonage committee, if
one exists.
2. The board of trustees shall annually compare the existence
and adequacy of the church’s insurance coverages to an insurance
schedule annually published by the General Council on Finance
and Administration. The purpose of this review is to ensure that
the church, its properties, and its personnel are properly protected
against risks. The board shall include in its report to the charge
conference ( 2550.7) the results of its review and recommenda-
tions needed to timely bring the church into compliance with the
published schedule.
3. When a pastor and/or a board of trustees are asked to
grant permission to an outside organization to use church facili-
ties, permission can be granted only when such use is consistent
with the Social Principles (¶¶ 160-166) and ecumenical objectives.
4. The chairperson of the board of trustees or the chairper-
son of the parsonage committee, if one exists, the chairperson
of the committee on pastor-parish relations, and the pastor shall
make an annual review of the church-owned parsonage to ensure
proper maintenance.
5. Subject to the direction of the charge conference as herein-
before provided, the board of trustees shall receive and administer
all bequests made to the local church; shall receive and administer
all trusts; and shall invest all trust funds of the local church in
conformity with laws of the country, state, or like political unit in
which the local church is located. Nevertheless, upon notice to the
board of trustees, the charge conference may delegate the power,
duty, and authority to receive, administer, and invest bequests,
trusts, and trust funds to the permanent endowment commit-
tee or to a local church foundation and shall do so in the case
of bequests, trusts, or trust funds for which the donor has des-
ignated the committee or the local church foundation to receive,
administer, or invest the same.
9. See Judicial Council Decisions 866, 1142.
The board of trustees is encouraged to invest in institutions,
companies, corporations, or funds that make a positive contribution
toward the realization of the goals outlined in the Social Principles
of our Church. The board of trustees is to act as a socially responsible
investor and to report annually to the charge conference regarding
its carrying out of this responsibility. When such property is in the
form of investable funds, the board of trustees shall consider place-
ment for investment and administration with the United Method-
ist foundation serving that conference or, in the absence of such
a foundation, with the United Methodist Church Foundation. A
conscious effort shall be made to invest in a manner consistent
with the Social Principles and the creation of an investment policy.
6. The board of trustees shall conduct or cause to be con-
ducted an annual accessibility audit of their buildings, grounds,
and facilities to discover and identify what physical, architectural,
and communication barriers exist that impede the full participa-
tion of people with disabilities and shall make plans and deter-
mine priorities for the elimination of all such barriers. It is highly
encouraged that members of the congregation or from the com-
munity who have disabilities, who are family members of persons
with disabilities, and who are builders or architects or rehabilita-
tion professionals be involved in conducting the audit. The Acces-
sibility Audit for churches shall be used in lling out the annual
church and/or charge conference reports.
2534. Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Ministry
Committee—A charge conference may establish a local church per-
manent endowment and planned giving ministry committee. The
purposes for establishing such a committee include the responsi-
bilities to:
1. Provide the services described in 2533.5 as designated
by the donor or at the direction of the charge conference upon
notice to the board of trustees. When such property is in the form
of investable funds, the permanent endowment fund commit-
tee may consider placement for investment and administration
with the United Methodist foundation serving that conference or,
in the absence of such a foundation, with the United Methodist
Church Foundation. A conscious effort shall be made to invest in
a manner consistent with the Social Principles and the creation of
an investment policy.
When the charge conference has designated the committee to
provide the services described in 2533.5, the committee shall
have the same investment and reporting duties as are imposed on
the board of trustees in that paragraph.
2. The charge conference shall adopt guidelines for endow-
ment and planned giving as developed by the permanent endow-
ment and planned giving ministry committee. Subject to the
direction and supervision of the charge conference, the commit-
tee shall fulll its responsibilities in administering the planned-
giving and/or permanent endowment fund.
Following each General Conference, the charge conference
shall update any required changes in the planned-giving and/or
permanent endowment fund documents.
3. Emphasize the need for adults of all ages to have a will
and an estate plan and provide information on the preparation of
these to the members of the congregation.
4. Stress the opportunities for church members and constit-
uents to make provisions for giving through United Methodist
churches, institutions, agencies, and causes by means of wills,
annuities, trusts, life insurance, memorials, and various types of
5. Arrange for the dissemination of information that will be
helpful in preretirement planning, including such considerations
as establishing a living will, a living trust, and the need for each
person to designate someone to serve as a responsible advocate
should independent decision-making ability be lost.
6. Permanent endowment and planned giving ministry com-
mittee trustees are directed by the charge conference to follow the
guidelines and actions initiated by the charge conference, over-
turn any transaction that the charge conference may deem exces-
sive, and remove any trustee who does not carry out the directions
of the charge conference. Careful attention will be given to the
election of trustees to ensure that there is no conict of interest.
Following each General Conference, the permanent endowment
document shall be brought into line with any changes in the
7. Other responsibilities as determined by the charge
8. Resources for these tasks may be secured from conference
and/or area United Methodist foundations and development
ofces, the National Association of United Methodist Founda-
tions, the General Board of Discipleship, the General Council on
Finance and Administration, and other appropriate sources for
program assistance and direction.
2535. Local Church Foundations—After securing the writ-
ten consent of the pastor and of the district superintendent, local
churches may, by charge conference action, establish local church
foundations whose trustees, directors, or governing body shall be
elected by the charge conference. Such foundations shall be incor-
porated, organized, and function in compliance with state law
and subject to the provisions of the Discipline. Any such founda-
tion shall not violate the rights of any other local church organiza-
tion and shall be subject to the direction of the charge conference.
The charge conference may delegate to the foundation the power
and authority to receive, invest, and administer in trust for the
local church bequests, trusts, and trust funds upon notice to the
board of trustees as provided in 2533.5, in which event the foun-
dation shall have the same investment and reporting duties as are
imposed on the board of trustees. No such delegation of authority
shall be construed to be a violation of the rights of any other local
church organization. Consideration shall be given to the place-
ment of funds with the conference or area United Methodist foun-
dation for administration and investment.
2536. Unincorporated Local Church PropertyTitle and Pur-
chase—Unless otherwise required by local law ( 2506), title to all
property now owned or hereafter acquired by an unincorporated
local church, and any organization, board, commission, society, or
similar body connected therewith, shall be held by and/or con-
veyed and transferred to its duly elected trustees, their successors
and assigns, in trust for the use and benet of such local church
and of The United Methodist Church. The trustees shall be named
as the board of trustees of the local church in the written instru-
ment conveying or transferring title. Every instrument of convey-
ance of real estate shall contain the appropriate trust clause as set
forth in the Discipline ( 2503).
2537. Unincorporated Local Church PropertyNotice and
Authorization—Prior to the purchase by an unincorporated local
church of any real estate, a resolution authorizing such action
shall be passed at a meeting of the charge conference by a major-
ity vote of its members present and voting at a regular meeting or
a special meeting of the charge conference called for that purpose;
provided, however, that not less than ten days’ notice of such
meeting and the proposed action shall have been given from the
pulpit and in the weekly bulletin, newsletter, or electronic notice
of the church; and provided further, that written consent to such
action shall be given by the pastor and the district superintendent.
(See 2544.)
2538. Incorporated Local Church PropertyTitle and Pur-
chase—Unless otherwise required by local law ( 2506), the title to
all property now owned or hereafter acquired by an incorporated
local church, and any organization, board, commission, society, or
similar body connected therewith, shall be held by and/or con-
veyed to the corporate body in its corporate name, in trust for the
use and benet of such local church and of The United Method-
ist Church. Every instrument of conveyance of real estate shall
contain the appropriate trust clause as set forth in the Discipline
( 2503).
2539. Incorporated Local Church PropertyNotice and Authori-
zation—Prior to the purchase by a local church corporation of any
real estate, a resolution authorizing such action shall be passed by
the charge conference in corporate session, or such other corpo-
rate body as the local laws may require, with the members thereof
acting in their capacity as members of the corporate body, by a
majority vote of those present and voting at any regular or special
meeting called for that purpose, provided that not less than ten
days’ notice of such meeting and the proposed action shall have
been given from the pulpit and in the weekly bulletin, newsletter,
or electronic notice of the local church or other means if required
or permitted by local law, and provided further, that written con-
sent to such action shall be given by the pastor and the district
superintendent, and provided further, that all such transactions
shall have the approval of the charge conference.
2540. Unincorporated Local Church PropertySale, Trans-
fer, Lease, or Mortgage—Any real property owned by or in which
an unincorporated local church has any interest may be sold,
transferred, leased for a term of thirty days or more (which shall
include leases for less than thirty days if such a lease is consecu-
tive with the same lessee), or mortgaged subject to the following
procedure and conditions:
1. Notice of the proposed action and the date and time of the
regular or special meeting of the charge conference at which it is to
be considered shall be given at least ten days prior thereto from the
pulpit of the church and in its weekly bulletin, newsletter, or elec-
tronic notice, or other means if required or permitted by local law.
2. A resolution authorizing the proposed action shall be passed
by a majority vote of the charge conference members (in a pastoral
charge consisting of two or more local churches, the church local
conference; see 2527) present and voting at a special meeting
called to consider such action.
3. The written consent of the pastor of the local church and
the district superintendent to the proposed action shall be neces-
sary and shall be afxed to or included in the instrument of sale,
conveyance, transfer, lease, or mortgage. Prior to consenting to
any proposed action required under this paragraph involving any
United Methodist church property, the pastor, district superinten-
dent, and the district board of church location and building shall
ensure that: (a) a full investigation shall be made and an appro-
priate plan of action shall be developed for the future missional
needs of the community; (b) the transfer or encumbrance shall
conform to the Discipline; (c) the congregation, if no longer to con-
tinue as an organized local United Methodist Church, does not
sell but may transfer title of its facilities to another United Meth-
odist church or agency; and (d) the congregation, in case of reloca-
tion, rst offers its property to a United Methodist congregation
or agency at a price not to exceed fair market value. The district
strategies or other missional strategies should include the minis-
tries of both United Methodist congregations and the community
where the existing facility is located. Certication by the district
superintendent shall be conclusive evidence that the transfer or
encumbrance conforms to the Discipline. The requirements of
investigation and the development of a plan of action, however,
shall not affect the merchantability of the title to the real estate or
the legal effect of the instruments of sale or transfer.
4. Unless the charge conference directs otherwise, any con-
tract, deed, bill of sale, mortgage, or other necessary written
instrument needed to implement any resolution authorizing
action regarding local church property may be executed by and
on behalf of the local church by any two ofcers of the board of
trustees, who thereupon shall be duly authorized to carry out the
direction of the charge conference; and any written instrument so
executed shall be binding and effective as the action of the local
2541. Incorporated Local Church PropertySale, Transfer,
Lease, or Mortgage—Any real property owned by or in which an
incorporated local church has any interest may be sold, trans-
ferred, leased for a term of thirty days or more (which shall
include leases for less than thirty days if such a lease is consecu-
tive with the same lessee), or mortgaged subject to the following
procedure and conditions:
1. Notice of the proposed action and the date and time of
the regular or special meeting of the members of the corporate
body—i.e., members of the charge conference at which it is to be
considered—shall be given at least ten days prior thereto from the
pulpit of the church and in its weekly bulletin, newsletter, or elec-
tronic notice or other means if required or permitted by local law.
2. A resolution authorizing the proposed action shall be
passed by a majority vote of the members of the corporate body
present and voting at any regular or special meeting thereof called
to consider such action and a majority vote of the members of the
charge conference, if the corporate members are different than the
charge conference members.
3. The written consent of the pastor of the local church and
the district superintendent to the proposed action shall be neces-
sary and shall be afxed to or included in the instrument of sale,
conveyance, transfer, lease, or mortgage. Prior to consenting
to any proposed action required under this paragraph involv-
ing any United Methodist church property, the pastor, the dis-
trict superintendent, and the district board of church location
and building shall ensure that—(a) a full investigation shall be
made and an appropriate plan of action shall be developed for
the future missional needs of the community; (b) the transfer or
encumbrance shall conform to the Discipline; (c) the congrega-
tion, if no longer to continue as an organized United Method-
ist church, does not sell but may transfer title of its facilities to
another United Methodist church or agency; and (d) the congre-
gation, in case of relocation, rst offers its property to a United
Methodist congregation or agency at a price not to exceed fair
market value. The district strategies or other missional strategies
should include the ministries of both United Methodist congre-
gations and the community where the existing facility is located.
Certication by the district superintendent shall be conclusive
evidence that the transfer or encumbrance conforms to the Dis-
cipline. The requirements of investigation and the development
of a plan of action shall not affect the merchantability of the title
to the real estate or the legal effect of the instruments of sale or
4. The resolution authorizing such proposed action shall
direct and authorize the corporation’s board of directors to take
all necessary steps to carry out the action and to cause to be exe-
cuted, as hereinafter provided, any necessary contract, deed, bill
of sale, mortgage, or other written instrument.
5. The board of directors at any regular or special meeting
shall take such action and adopt such resolutions as may be neces-
sary or required by the local laws.
6. Any required contract, deed, bill of sale, mortgage, or other
written instrument necessary to carry out the action so authorized
shall be executed in the name of the corporation by any two of its
ofcers, and any written instrument so executed shall be binding
and effective as the action of the corporation.
2542. Disposition and Mortgage of Church Building or Parson-
age—Real property acquired by a conveyance subject to the trust
clause may be sold in conformity with the provisions of the Dis-
cipline of The United Methodist Church when its use as a church
building or parsonage, as the case may be, has been, or is intended
to be, terminated; and when such real estate is sold or mortgaged
in accordance with the provisions of the Discipline of The United
Methodist Church, the written acknowledged consent of the
proper district superintendent representing The United Methodist
Church to the action taken shall constitute a release and discharge
of the real property so sold and conveyed from the trust clause
or clauses; or in the event of the execution of a mortgage, such
consent of the district superintendent shall constitute a formal
recognition of the priority of such mortgage lien and the subordi-
nation of the foregoing trust provisions thereof; and no bona de
purchaser or mortgagee relying upon the foregoing record shall
be charged with any responsibility with respect to the disposition
by such local church of the proceeds of any such sale or mortgage;
but the board of trustees receiving such proceeds shall manage,
control, disburse, and expend the same in conformity to the order
and direction of the charge conference or church local conference,
subject to the provisions of the Discipline of The United Methodist
Church with respect thereto.
2543. Restriction on Proceeds of Mortgage or Sale
—1. No
real property on which a church building or parsonage is located
shall be mortgaged to provide for the current budget or operating
10. See Judicial Council Decision 688.
expense of a local church. The principal proceeds of a sale of any
such property shall not be used for the current budget or operat-
ing expense of a local church. Provided that provisions are made
for the current and future missional needs of the congregation
and the current and future housing needs of a pastor, the prin-
cipal may be used for capital improvements beyond the regular
operating budget when written approval is granted by the dis-
trict superintendent and pastor. This provision shall apply alike
to unincorporated and incorporated local churches.
2. A local church, whether or not incorporated, on complying
with the provisions of the Discipline may mortgage its unencum-
bered real property as security for a loan to be made to a con-
ference board of global ministries or a city or district missionary
society, provided that the proceeds of such loan shall be used only
for aiding in the construction of a new church.
3. Exception to this restriction may be granted in specically
designated instances to allow use of equity and/or accumulated
assets from the sale of property to provide for congregational
redevelopment efforts including program and staff. Such excep-
tion may be granted by the annual conference, the bishop, and
the cabinet upon request of the local church in consultation with
congregation development staff where applicable. A clear and
detailed three-to-ve-year redevelopment plan that projects a
self-supporting ministry must accompany the request.
2544. Planning and Financing Requirements for Local Church
Buildings—1. If any local church desires to:
a) build a new church, a new educational building, or a
new parsonage; or
b) purchase a church, educational building, or parson-
age; or
c) remodel an existing church, an existing educational
building, or an existing parsonage where the cost of the remodel-
ing will exceed 25 percent of the value of the existing structure or
require mortgage nancing, then the local church shall rst estab-
lish a study committee to:
(1) analyze the needs of the church and community;
(2) project the potential membership with average
(3) write up the church’s program of ministry (¶¶ 201-
204); and
11. See Judicial Council Decision 399.
(4) develop an accessibility plan including chancel
The information and ndings obtained by the study
committee shall:
(a) form the basis of a report to be presented to
the charge conference ( 2544.4);
(b) be used by the building committee ( 2544.5);
(c) become a part of the report to the district
board of church location and building (¶¶ 2544.6, 2521.1).
2. After the study committee nishes its work, the local
church shall secure the written consent of the pastor and the dis-
trict superintendent to the building project, purchase proposal, or
remodeling project.
3. In the case of a building project or purchase proposal, the
local church shall secure the approval of the proposed site by the
district board of church location and building as provided in the
Discipline ( 2520.1).
4. The charge conference of the local church shall authorize
the building project, purchase proposal, or remodeling project at
a regular or called meeting. Notice of the meeting and the pro-
posed action shall have been given for not less than ten days prior
thereto from the pulpit of the church, and in its weekly bulletin,
newsletter, or electronic notice or other means if required or per-
mitted by local law.
a) After approving a building project or a remodeling
project, the charge conference shall elect a building committee
of not fewer than three members of the local church to serve in
the development of the project as hereinafter set forth; provided
that the charge conference may commit to its board of trustees the
duties of the building committee.
b) After approving a purchase proposal, the charge con-
ference shall be deemed to have authorized and directed the
board of trustees to proceed with the purchase. In the case of the
purchase of a parsonage, the board of trustees shall either:
(1) purchase a parsonage that has on the ground-
oor level:
(a) one room that can be used as a bedroom by a person
with a disability;
(b) one fully accessible bathroom; and
(c) fully accessible laundry facilities; or
(2) purchase a parsonage without the accessible fea-
tures for persons with disabilities specied above and remodel it
within one year’s time, so that it does have those features.
5. The building committee shall:
a) use the information and ndings of the study com-
mittee and any other relevant information to estimate carefully
the building facilities needed, as the case may be, to house the
church’s program of worship, education, and fellowship or to
provide for the present and future pastors and their families;
b) ascertain the cost of any property to be purchased; and
c) develop preliminary architectural plans that:
(1) comply with local building, re, and accessibility
(2) clearly outline the location on the site of all pro-
posed present and future construction; and
(3) provide adequate facilities for parking, entrance,
seating, rest rooms, and accessibility for persons with disabilities,
but providing for such adequate facilities shall not apply in the
case of a minor remodeling project;
d) provide on the ground-oor level of a newly con-
structed parsonage:
(1) one room that can be used as a bedroom by a per-
son with a disability;
(2) a fully accessible bathroom; and
(3) fully accessible laundry facilities;
e) secure an estimate of the cost of the proposed
f) develop a nancial plan for defraying the total cost,
including an estimate of the amount the membership can contrib-
ute in cash and pledges and the amount the local church can bor-
row if necessary.
6. The building committee shall submit to the district board
of church location and building for its consideration and prelimi-
nary approval:
a) a statement of the need for the proposed facilities;
b) the preliminary architectural plans, including accessi-
bility plans;
c) the preliminary cost estimate; and
d) the preliminary nancial plan.
7. After preliminary approval by the district board of church
location and building, the pastor, with the written consent of the
district superintendent, shall call a church conference, giving not
less than ten days’ notice (except as local laws may otherwise pro-
vide) of the meeting and the proposed action from the pulpit or in
the weekly bulletin. At the church conference, the building com-
mittee shall present:
a) the preliminary architectural plans;
b) the preliminary cost estimate;
c) the preliminary nancial plan; and
d) the building committee’s recommendation.
A majority vote of the membership present and voting at
the church conference shall be required to approve the prelimi-
nary architectural plans, cost estimate, and nancial plan and the
building committee’s recommendation.
8. After approval by the church conference, the building com-
mittee shall develop detailed plans and specications and secure
a reliable and detailed estimate of cost, which shall be presented
for approval to the charge conference and to the district board of
church location and building.
9. After approval by the charge conference and district board
of church location and building, the building committee may
begin the building project or remodeling project. Written docu-
mentation substantiating the approvals of the charge conference
and the district board of church location and building shall be
lodged with the district superintendent and the secretary of the
charge conference.
10. In metropolitan areas, the building committee shall
ensure that adequate steps are taken to obtain the services of
minority (nonwhite) and female skilled persons in the construc-
tion in proportion to the racial and ethnic balance in the area. In
non-metropolitan areas, the building committee shall ensure that
racial and ethnic persons are employed in the construction where
available and in relation to the available workforce.
11. The local church shall acquire a fee simple title to the lot
or lots on which any building is to be erected. The deed or con-
veyance shall be executed as provided in this chapter. It is recom-
mended that contracts on property purchased by a local church
be contingent upon the securing of a guaranteed title, and the
property’s meeting of basic environmental requirements of lend-
ing institutions and of local and state laws.
12. If a loan is needed, the local church shall comply with the
provisions of 2540 or 2541.
13. The local church shall not enter into a building contract or,
if using a plan for volunteer labor, incur obligations for materials
until it has cash on hand, pledges payable during the construction
period, and (if needed) a loan or written commitment therefore
that will assure prompt payment of all contractual obligations
and other accounts when due.
14. Neither the trustees nor any other members of a local
church shall be required to guarantee personally any loan made
to the church by any board created by or under the authority of
the General Conference.
15. It is recommended that a local church not enter into a
binding building contract without the contractor being properly
bonded or furnishing other forms of security, such as an irrevo-
cable letter of credit approved by the conference, district, or local
church attorney.
2545. Consecration and Dedication of Local Church Buildings
On acquisition or completion of any church-owned building, a
service of consecration may be held. Before any church-owned
building is formally dedicated, all indebtedness against the same
shall be discharged.
2546. Merger of Local United Methodist Churches—Two or
more local churches, in order to more effectively fulll their min-
istry (¶¶ 201-204), may merge and become a single church by pur-
suing the following procedure:
1. The merger must be proposed to the charge conference of
each of the merging churches by a resolution stating the terms and
conditions of the proposed merger.
2. The plan of the merger as proposed to the charge confer-
ence of each of the merging churches shall be approved by each
of the charge conferences in order for the merger to be effected,
except that for a charge conference that includes two or more local
churches, the required approval shall be by the church local con-
ference of each local church in accordance with the requirements
of 2527.
3. The merger must be approved by the superintendent or
superintendents of the district or districts in which the merging
churches are located.
4. The requirements of any and all laws of the state or states
in which the merging churches are located affecting or relating
to the merger of such churches must be complied with, and in
any case where there is a conict between such laws and the pro-
cedure outlined in the Discipline, said laws shall prevail and the
procedure outlined in the Discipline shall be modied to the extent
necessary to eliminate such conict.
5. All archives and records of churches involved in a merger
shall become the responsibility of the successor church.
2547. Interdenominational Local Church Mergers—One or
more local United Methodist churches may merge with one
or more churches of other denominations and become a single
church by pursuing the following procedure:
1. Following appropriate dialogue, which shall include dis-
cussions with the United Methodist district superintendent of
the district in which the merging churches are located and the
corresponding ofcials of the other judicatories involved, a plan
of merger reecting the nature and ministry of the local church
(¶¶ 201-204) shall be submitted to the charge conference of the
local United Methodist church and must be approved by a resolu-
tion stating the terms and conditions and missional plans of the
proposed merger, including the denominational connection of the
merger church.
2. The plan of merger, as approved by the charge conference
of the United Methodist church, in a charge conference including
two or more local churches must be approved by the church local
conference of each local church in accordance with the require-
ments of 2527.
3. The merger must be approved in writing by the superin-
tendent of the district, a majority of the district superintendents,
and the bishop of the area in which the merging churches are
4. The provisions of 2503 shall be included in the plan of
merger where applicable.
5. The requirements of any and all laws of the state or states
in which the merging churches are located affecting or relating
to the merger of such churches must be complied with, and in
any case where there is a conict between such laws and the pro-
cedure outlined in the Discipline, said laws shall prevail and the
procedure outlined in the Discipline shall be modied to the extent
necessary to eliminate such conict.
6. Where property is involved, the provisions of 2548
2548. Deeding Church Property to Federated Churches or Other
Evangelical Denominations—1. With the consent of the presiding
bishop and of a majority of the district superintendents and of the
district board of church location and building and at the request
of the charge conference or of a meeting of the membership of the
church, where required by local law, and in accordance with the
said law, the annual conference may instruct and direct the board
of trustees of a local church to deed church property to a federated
2. With the consent of the presiding bishop and of a majority
of the district superintendents and of the district board of church
location and building and at the request of the charge conference
or of a meeting of the membership of the local church, where
required by local law, and in accordance with said law, the annual
conference may instruct and direct the board of trustees of a local
church to deed church property to one of the other denominations
represented in the Pan-Methodist Commission or to another evan-
gelical denomination under an allocation, exchange of property, or
comity agreement, provided that such agreement shall have been
committed to writing and signed and approved by the duly quali-
ed and authorized representatives of both parties concerned.
2549. Disposition of Property of a Closed Local Church
1. Except as provided in 2549.3, the district superintendent
may, pursuant to this paragraph, recommend the closure of a local
church, upon a nding that:
a) The local church no longer serves the purpose for
which it was organized or incorporated (¶¶ 201-204); or
b) The local church property is no longer used, kept, or
maintained by its membership as a place of divine worship of The
United Methodist Church.
2. Procedure—a) Prior to a recommendation to close a local
church, the district superintendent shall:
(1) Guide the congregation in an assessment of its
potential as outlined in 213, in consultation with the appropriate
agency assigned the responsibility of the conference parish and
community development strategy;
(2) Obtain and consider an opinion of legal counsel
as to the existence of any reversion, possibility of reverter, right
of reacquisition, or similar restrictions to the benet of any party;
(3) Develop, in consultation with the appropriate dis-
trict board of church location and building, a plan for the future
use of all the real and personal, tangible and intangible property
of the local church; and
(4) Develop a plan for the transfer of the member-
ship of the local church ( 229).
b) Upon a recommendation by the district superinten-
dent, and with the consent of the presiding bishop, a majority of
the district superintendents, and the appropriate district board of
church location and building, the annual conference may declare a
local church closed. If the annual conference closes a local church,
title to all the real and personal, tangible and intangible property
of the local church shall immediately vest in the annual confer-
ence board of trustees, who shall hold said property in trust for
the benet of the annual conference.
c) The annual conference board of trustees may retain,
sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the property of a closed local
church in accordance with the direction of the annual conference,
if any. It shall be the duty of the annual conference board of trust-
ees to remove, insofar as reasonably practicable or necessary, all
Christian and United Methodist insignia and symbols from such
property. In the event of loss, damage to, or destruction of such
local church property, the annual conference board of trustees, as
the duly and legally authorized representative of such local church,
is authorized to make a claim for, and collect on, any applicable
insurance policies. If the annual conference board of trustees sells
or leases the property, consideration should be given to selling or
leasing the property to one of the other denominations represented
in the Commission on Pan-Methodist Cooperation and Union.
d) If the annual conference closes any local church, the
failure to complete any of the prior steps will not invalidate such
3. Ad Interim Proceduresa) At any time between sessions of
annual conference, a local church may voluntarily transfer title
to all its real and personal, tangible and intangible property to
the annual conference board of trustees following the procedures
set forth in 2540 or 2541. In such case, the annual conference
board of trustees shall hold or dispose of such property in its sole
discretion, subject to any standing rule of the annual conference.
When it next meets, the annual conference shall decide whether to
formally close the local church.
b) At any time between sessions of annual conference, if the
presiding bishop, the majority of the district superintendents,
and the appropriate district board of church location and build-
ing all consent, they may, in their sole discretion, declare that
exigent circumstances exist that require immediate protection of
the local church’s property, for the benet of the denomination.
In such case, title to all the real and personal, tangible and intan-
gible property of the local church shall immediately vest in the
annual conference board of trustees who may hold or dispose of
such property in its sole discretion, subject to any standing rule
of the annual conference. Exigent circumstances include, but are
not limited to, situations where a local church no longer serves
the purpose for which it was organized or incorporated (¶¶ 201-
204) or where the local church property is no longer used, kept, or
maintained by its membership as a place of divine worship of The
United Methodist Church. When it next meets, the annual confer-
ence shall decide whether to formally close the local church.
4. All the deeds, records, and other ofcial and legal papers,
including the contents of the cornerstone, of a closed local church
shall be collected by the district superintendent and shall be
deposited for permanent safekeeping with the annual conference
commission on archives and history.
5. The annual conference board of trustees shall review all
gifts held in trust, assets of any endowment funds, and assets of
any foundation of the closed local church. The annual conference
board of trustees shall dispose of the property in its discretion,
unless otherwise directed by the annual conference or as required
by law.
6. Any gift, legacy, devise, annuity, or other benet that
accrues to a closed local church shall become the property of the
annual conference board of trustees. The annual conference board
of trustees shall dispose of the property in its discretion, unless
otherwise directed by the annual conference or as required by law.
7. If a local church in an urban center with more than 50,000
population is closed, any proceeds of the sale of its property must
be used for new and/or existing ministries within urban transi-
tional communities, as described in 212.
If a local church in a non-urban center is closed, any pro-
ceeds of the sale of its property may be used for new churches,
new faith communities, new missional initiatives, relocating
churches, churches building multi-campus facilities for the pur-
pose of evangelistic church extension, or an organization that is
a nonprot and has values consistent with The United Methodist
Church’s values and is consistent with our Wesleyan heritage,
theology, and United Methodist polity. In addition, the proceeds
may be used to revitalize or enhance church ministry, or be given
to an organization that is a vetted nonprot and has values con-
sistent with The United Methodist Church’s values and is consis-
tent with our Wesleyan heritage, theology, and United Methodist
polity. In addition, the proceeds may be used to embrace or
continue the work and vision of ministry with the poor in the
2550. Board of Trustees Report to the Charge Conference—The
board of trustees shall annually make a written report to the
charge conference, in which shall be included the following:
1. The legal description and the reasonable valuation of each
parcel of real estate owned by the church;
2. The specic name of the grantee in each deed of convey-
ance of real estate to the local church;
3. An inventory and the reasonable valuation of all personal
property owned by the local church;
4. The amount of income received from any income-produc-
ing property and a detailed list of expenditures in connection
5. The amount received during the year for building, rebuild-
ing, remodeling, and improving real estate, and an itemized state-
ment of expenditures;
6. Outstanding capital debts and how contracted;
7. A detailed statement of the insurance carried on each par-
cel of real estate, indicating whether restricted by co-insurance
or other limiting conditions and whether adequate insurance is
8. The name of the custodian of all legal papers of the local
church, and where they are kept;
9. A detailed list of all trusts in which the local church is the
beneciary, specifying where and how the funds are invested,
clarifying the manner in which these investments made a positive
contribution toward the realization of the goals outlined in the
Social Principles of the Church, and in what manner the income
therefrom is expended or applied.
10. An evaluation of all church properties, including the
chancel areas, to ensure accessibility to persons with disabilities;
and when applicable, a plan and timeline for the development of
accessible church properties.
12. See Judicial Council Decision 1202.
2551. Covenant Relationships in Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lan-
guage Settings—Ministry in The UMC tradition is about partner-
ship and mission. In situations where a local church or churches
share a building with a congregation or with another group per-
forming ministries in different languages and/or with different
racial and ethnic groups, it shall be in accordance with ¶¶ 202,
206, and 212. The district superintendent must consent to any
such action before implementation. The district board of church
location and building must be informed of such action.
1. If the congregations are United Methodist, the following
shall apply:
a) By action of the charge conference(s) involved, a cov-
enant relationship shall be mutually agreed upon in written form
and shall include a statement of purpose for sharing the facility
and shall state whether the agreement is seen as temporary, long-
term, or permanent. The covenant of relationship may provide for
mutual representation on such bodies as church council and other
committees and work groups. The board of trustees of the church
that holds title to the property may form a property committee
composed of representatives of each congregation. The purpose
of this arrangement is to enhance communication between the
two or more congregations, to coordinate schedules and building
usage, to involve the congregations in building maintenance and
care under supervision of the board of trustees, and to coordinate
cooperative programs.
b) The covenant relationship shall not require that a United
Methodist congregation pay rent to another United Methodist
church, or a United Methodist community of faith or a social minis-
try. The nancial relationship established in the covenant is neither
intended to generate prot nor to support the general budget (other
than appropriate normal operating costs) of the receiving local
church or any other entity involved in the sharing of the facilities.
c) Congregations that share the same facility and other
properties are encouraged to organize and share intentionally in
some mutual ministries to strengthen their relationships and their
effectiveness when focusing on the same objectives. Cooperative
programs may be developed that enhance the ministry of both
congregations and their witness to the love of Jesus Christ in the
community. Such programs may include joint bilingual worship
services and Christian education programs, fellowship meals, and
community outreach ministries.
d) Each congregation in a shared facility is strongly
encouraged to accept an interdependent relationship in refer-
ence to use of the facility. Such a relationship afrms coopera-
tively planned and executed programs and activities as well as
independently planned and executed programs and activities.
Thus, scheduling programs and using the facility will be imple-
mented in a manner that contributes to the positive growth of
each congregation.
e) In situations where local congregations and/or minis-
tries that share facilities cannot negotiate decisions that are sup-
portive mutually by each congregation or ministry, the district
superintendent shall consult with the leadership of each congre-
gation and/or ministry prior to the implementing of any deci-
sion that may adversely affect the future of either congregation
or ministry.
2. If a United Methodist church is sharing with a congrega-
tion of another denomination, the following should apply:
a) Prior to agreeing to share facilities with a congregation
that is not United Methodist and is of a different ethnic or lan-
guage background, the United Methodist pastor and the district
superintendent shall rst contact district and conference congre-
gational development agencies and ethnic leadership to explore
the possibilities of organizing as an ecumenical shared ministry
or a new United Methodist congregation with that ethnic or lan-
guage group.
b) If it is decided that the United Methodist congregation and
the congregation of another denomination should share facilities,
as a part of the covenant of mission, a property-use agreement
shall be negotiated in writing in accordance with 2503; this
agreement shall have the consent of the district superintendent
and shall be approved by the United Methodist charge or church
conference. Shared activities may be entered into to enhance the
ministry of both congregations. A liaison committee to both con-
gregations may be appointed to resolve conicts, clear schedules,
and plan cooperative activities.
3. Ninety-day notication of intent to terminate the covenant
relationship shall be made to the district superintendent and to
the other parties in the covenant relationship. This termination
shall require the consent of the district superintendent following
consultation with the parties involved.
4. The district committee on religion and race shall monitor
all consultations and plans related to the transfer or use of prop-
erty to ensure fairness and equity in situations involving two or
more local congregations or ministries.
Section VII. Requirements—Trustees of Church Institutions
2552. Standards and Requirements—Trustees of schools, col-
leges, universities, hospitals, homes, orphanages, institutes, and
other institutions owned or controlled by any annual, jurisdic-
tional, or central conference or any agency of The United Method-
ist Church shall be at least twenty-one years of age. At all times,
not less than three-fths of them shall be members of a local
church and/or members of an annual conference or the Council
of Bishops of The United Methodist Church, and all must be nom-
inated, conrmed, or elected by such conference or agency of the
Church or by some body or ofcer thereof to which or to whom
this power has been delegated by such conference or agency; pro-
vided that the number of trustees of any such institution owned
or controlled by any annual conference or conferences required
to be members of a local church and/or annual conference or
the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church may be
reduced to not less than the majority by a three-fourths vote of
such annual conference or conferences; and provided further,
that when an institution is owned and operated jointly with some
other religious organization, said requirement that three-fths of
the trustees shall be members of a local church and/or annual
conference or the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist
Church shall apply only to the portion of the trustees selected by
the United Methodist agency or annual, jurisdictional, or central
conference. It is recognized that there are numerous educational,
health-care, and charitable organizations that traditionally have
been afliated with The United Methodist Church and its prede-
cessor denominations, which are neither owned nor controlled by
any unit of the denomination.
Chapter Seven
Section I. The Judicial Council
2601. Duties and Responsibilities of the Judicial Council—The
Judicial Council is the highest judicial body in The United Meth-
odist Church. The Judicial Council shall have authority as speci-
ed in the Constitution, ¶¶ 55-57, and in ¶¶ 2609-2612.
2602. Members—1. Composition and Term—The Judicial
Council shall be composed of nine members and should reect
the diversity of The United Methodist Church, including racial,
age, ethnic, gender, jurisdiction and central conferences, and con-
gregational size. In the year 2000 and each sixteen years thereafter,
there shall be elected three laypersons and two ordained clergy
other than bishops. In 2004 and each eight years thereafter, there
shall be elected two ordained clergy other than bishops and two
laypersons. In 2008 and each sixteen years thereafter, there shall
be three ordained clergy other than bishops and two laypersons.
The laypersons shall be professing members of The United Meth-
odist Church. Elections shall be held at each session of the Gen-
eral Conference for only the number of members whose terms
expire at such session. A member’s term of ofce shall be eight
years. A member may serve a maximum of two consecutive eight-
year terms, with a minimum of four years before reelection to the
2. Nominations and Election—Members of the council shall
be nominated and elected in the manner following: At each qua-
drennial session of the General Conference, the Council of Bish-
ops shall nominate by majority vote three times the number of
ordained ministers and laypersons to be elected at such session
of the General Conference. The number to be elected shall corre-
spond to the number of members whose terms expire at the con-
clusion of such session. Each of the jurisdictions and the central
conferences as a group shall be represented by at least one nomi-
nee, but it shall not be a requirement that each of the jurisdictions
or the central conferences as a group be represented by an elected
At the same daily session at which the above nomina-
tions are announced, nominations of both ministers and laypersons
1. See Judicial Council Decision 540.
may be made from the oor, but at no other time. The names of all
nominees, identied with the conference to which each belongs,
and a biographical sketch that does not exceed one hundred
words shall be published by the Daily Christian Advocate at least
forty-eight hours prior to the time of election, which shall be set
by action of the General Conference at the session at which the
nominations are made; and from these nominations the General
Conference shall elect without discussion, by ballot and majority
vote, the necessary number of ministerial and lay members.
2603. Alternates—There shall be six alternates for the clergy
members and six alternates for the lay members, and their quali-
cations shall be the same as for membership on the Judicial Coun-
cil. The term of the alternates shall be for four years.
The alternates shall be elected in the following manner: From
the clergy and lay nominees remaining on the ballot after the elec-
tion of the necessary number of members of the Judicial Council
to be elected at sessions of the General Conference, the General
Conference shall by separate ballot, without discussion and by
majority vote, elect the number of clergy and lay alternates to be
chosen at such session of the General Conference.
2604. Vacancies—1. If a vacancy in the membership of the
council occurs during the interim between sessions of the General
Conference, a clergy vacancy shall be lled by the rst-elected
clergy alternate and a lay vacancy by the rst-elected lay alter-
nate. The alternate lling such vacancy shall hold ofce as a mem-
ber of the Judicial Council for the unexpired term of the member
whom the alternate succeeds. In the event of any vacancy, it shall
be the duty of the president and secretary of the council to notify
the alternate entitled to ll it.
2. In the event of an absence of one or more members of the
council during a session of the Judicial Council, such temporary
vacancy among the clergy members may be lled for that session
or the remainder thereof by the clergy alternates in order of elec-
tion who can be present, and such temporary vacancy among the
lay members by the lay alternates in order of election who can
be present; but inability or failure to ll a vacancy does not affect
the validity or any action of the council so long as a quorum is
2605. Expiration of Term—The term of ofce of the members
of the council and of the alternates shall expire upon the adjourn-
ment of the General Conference at which their successors are
2606. Ineligibility of Members—Members of the council shall
be ineligible to serve as delegates to the General, jurisdictional,
or central conference or to serve in any General, jurisdictional, or
central conference board or agency.
2607. Condentiality and Ex Parte Communication—1. The
members of the Judicial Council will not permit discussion with
them on matters pending before them or that may be referred to
them for determination, save and except before the Judicial Coun-
cil in session. Questions of procedure may be raised with the pre-
siding ofcer or secretary of the Judicial Council. While strictly
observing the intent of the preceding paragraph, a member of the
council to whom a case has been assigned by the president may
request that the secretary secure from persons and agencies con-
cerned directly or indirectly with the case pertinent facts, briefs,
and statements shall be sent promptly by the secretary of the
council to other members of the council as is deemed necessary.
2. Prior to the decision of a case in question, members of the
Judicial Council shall not discuss with any party matters of sub-
stance pending in the judicial process unless all parties are privy
to the discussion. Nor shall members of the Judicial Council or
staff allow to be published or communicated, including electronic
communications, to third parties any matters of substance pend-
ing in the judicial process.
The Judicial Council shall in all cases in which a decision or
memorandum is issued set forth the specic provisions of the
Constitution or the Discipline that provide the basis of the deci-
sion and the rationale that led to the conclusion.
2608. Organization and Procedure—1. The Judicial Council
shall provide its own method of organization and procedure, both
with respect to hearings on appeals and petitions for declaratory
decisions. All parties shall have the privilege of ling briefs and
arguments and presenting evidence under such rules as the coun-
cil may adopt from time to time; provided that at the time of l-
ing, copies of such briefs are delivered to all parties of record. The
complete wording in the document requesting an appeal, declara-
tory decision, or ruling on a question of law shall be posted on the
2. See Judicial Council Decision 196; and Decision 3, Interim Judicial Council.
3. See Judicial Council Decision 763.
Judicial Council website no less than thirty (30) days prior to the
deadline for submitting briefs and arguments to allow for the l-
ing of amicus curiae briefs. The council shall employ a part-time
clerk to assist the council in all matters designated by the council
as needed, but no more than an average 20 hours per week, and
shall in consultation with the General Council on Finance and
Administration provide an ofce for the clerk suitable to maintain
records and conduct business as the council shall direct.
Funds for the operations of the clerk’s ofce shall be appro-
priated by the General Conference. In selecting the location of
the clerk’s ofce, consideration shall be given to a location that
provides visibility and reasonable accessibility to the church and
parties. The council shall also give consideration to visibility and
accessibility to the church and parties in selecting the places it
holds sessions.
2. Time and Place—The council shall meet at the time and
place of the meeting of the General Conference and shall con-
tinue in session until the adjournment of that body, and at least
one other time in each calendar year and at such other times as it
may deem appropriate, at such places as it may select from time
to time. Seven members shall constitute a quorum except on
questions of the constitutionality of acts of General Conference
in which case a quorum shall be nine members or alternates duly
seated according to the rules established by the Judicial Council.
An afrmative vote of at least six members of the council shall
be necessary to declare any act of the General Conference uncon-
stitutional. On other matters, a majority vote of the entire coun-
cil shall be sufcient. The council may decline to entertain an
appeal or a petition for a declaratory decision in any instance in
which it determines that it does not have jurisdiction to decide
the matter.
2609. Jurisdiction and Powers—1. The Judicial Council shall
determine the constitutionality of any act of the General Confer-
ence upon an appeal by a majority of the Council of Bishops or
one-fth of the members of the General Conference.
2. The Judicial Council shall have jurisdiction to determine
the constitutionality of any proposed legislation when such
declaratory decision is requested by the General Conference or by
the Council of Bishops.
3. The Judicial Council shall determine the constitutionality
of any act of a jurisdictional or central conference upon an appeal
by a majority of the bishops of that jurisdictional or central confer-
ence or upon an appeal by one-fth of the members of that juris-
dictional or central conference.
4. The Judicial Council shall hear and determine the legal-
ity of any action taken by any body created or authorized by the
General Conference or any body created or authorized by a juris-
dictional or central conference, upon appeal by one-third of the
members thereof or upon request of the Council of Bishops or a
majority of the bishops of the jurisdictional or central conference
wherein the action was taken.
5. The Judicial Council shall hear and determine the legality
of any action taken by any body created or authorized by a Gen-
eral Conference or any body created or authorized by the jurisdic-
tional or central conference on a matter affecting an annual or a
provisional annual conference, upon appeal by two-thirds of the
members of the annual or provisional annual conference present
and voting.
6. The Judicial Council shall pass upon and afrm, modify, or
reverse the decisions of law made by bishops in central, district,
annual, or jurisdictional conferences upon questions of law sub-
mitted to them in writing in the regular business of a session; and
in order to facilitate such review, each bishop shall report annu-
ally in writing to the Judicial Council on forms provided by the
council all the bishop’s decisions of law. No such episcopal deci-
sion shall be authoritative, except in the case pending, until it has
been passed upon by the Judicial Council, but thereafter it shall
become the law of the Church to the extent that it is afrmed by
the council. Normally, the bishop shall rule before the close of the
annual conference session during which the question was sub-
mitted, but in no case later than thirty days after the close of the
session. The annual conference secretary shall enter in the annual
conference journal an exact statement of the question submitted
and the ruling of the bishop.
7. The Judicial Council shall hear and determine any appeal
from a bishop’s decision on a question of law made in a central,
district, annual, or jurisdictional conference when said appeal has
been made by one-fth of that conference present and voting.
4. See Judicial Council Decision 338.
5. See Judicial Council Decisions 153, 747, 762, 763, 799, 1004, 1078, 1120, 1130,
1161, 1166, 1167, 1188.
8. The Judicial Council shall have power to review an opin-
ion or decision of a committee on appeals of a jurisdictional or
central conference if it should appear that such opinion or deci-
sion is at variance with the Book of Discipline, a prior decision of
the Judicial Council, or an opinion or decision of a committee on
appeals of another jurisdictional or central conference on a ques-
tion of Church law. In the event the committee on appeals’ decision
appears to be at variance with the decision of another committee
on appeals, then the following procedure should be followed:
a) Any party to the opinion or decision may appeal the
case to the Judicial Council on the ground of such conict of deci-
sions; or
b) The committee on appeals rendering the last of such
opinions or decisions may certify the case to, and le it with, the
Judicial Council on the ground of such conict of decisions; or
c) The attention of the president of the Judicial Council
being directed to such conict or alleged conict of decisions, the
president may issue an order directing the secretaries of the com-
mittees on appeals involved to certify a copy of a sufcient por-
tion of the record to disclose the nature of the case and the entire
opinion and decision of the committee on appeals in each case to
the Judicial Council for its consideration at its next meeting.
The Judicial Council shall hear and determine the question
of Church law involved but shall not pass upon the facts in either
case further than is necessary to decide the question of Church
law involved. After deciding the question of Church law, the Judi-
cial Council shall cause its decision to be certied to each of the
committees on appeals involved, and such committees on appeals
shall take such action, if any, as may be necessary under the law as
determined by the Judicial Council.
d) All opinions and decisions of jurisdictional and cen-
tral conference committees on appeal shall be sent to the secretary
of the Judicial Council within thirty days after a decision. These
decisions shall be made available to those who are involved in tri-
als and appeals when needed and for those preparing for trial or
appeal, but not otherwise.
9. The Judicial Council shall have jurisdiction to hear and
determine all appeals from decisions of the jurisdictional appeals
6. See Judicial Council decision 1276.
10. The Judicial Council shall have other duties and powers
as may be conferred upon it by the General Conference.
11. All decisions of the Judicial Council shall be nal. How-
ever, when the Judicial Council shall declare any act of the Gen-
eral Conference then in session unconstitutional, that decision
shall be reported to that General Conference immediately. This
legislation shall take effect immediately upon passage by the Gen-
eral Conference.
12. The Judicial Council shall not have the authority to grant
or award compensation to cover or reimburse attorney fees to a
party to an appeal in a matter of Church law.
2610. Declaratory Decisions—1. The Judicial Council, on
petition as hereinafter provided, shall have jurisdiction to make
a ruling in the nature of a declaratory decision as to the constitu-
tionality, meaning, application, or effect of the Discipline or any
portion thereof or of any act or legislation of a General Confer-
ence; and the decision of the Judicial Council thereon shall be as
binding and effectual as a decision made by it on appeal.
2. The following bodies in The United Methodist Church are
hereby authorized to make such petitions to the Judicial Council
for declaratory decisions: (a) the General Conference; (b) the Coun-
cil of Bishops; (c) any body created or authorized by the General
Conference on matters relating to or affecting the work of such
body; (d) a majority of the bishops assigned to any jurisdiction on
matters relating to or affecting jurisdictions or the work therein;
(e) a majority of the bishops assigned to any central conference on
matters relating to or affecting the central conferences or the work
therein; (f) any jurisdictional conference on matters relating to or
affecting jurisdictions or jurisdictional conferences or the work
therein; (g) any body created or authorized by the jurisdictional
conference on matters relating to or affecting the work of such
body; (h) any central conference on matters relating to or affecting
central conference or the work therein; (i) any body authorized or
created by a central conference on matters relating to or affecting
the work of such body; and (j) any annual conference on matters
relating to annual conferences or the work therein.
3. When a declaratory decision is sought, all persons or bodies
who have or claim any interest that would be affected by the dec-
laration shall be parties to the proceeding, and the petition shall
7. See Judicial Council Decision 1230.
name such parties. After receiving such request the secretary of
the Judicial Council shall publish on the ofcial United Meth-
odist Internet pages a brief statement of the question involved.
If the president of the council determines that other parties not
named by the petition would be affected by such a decision, such
additional parties shall also be added, and the petitioner or peti-
tioners, upon direction of the secretary of the Judicial Council,
shall then be required to serve all parties so joined with a copy of
the petition within fteen days after such direction by the secre-
tary of the Judicial Council. In like manner, any interested party
may, on the party’s own motion, intervene and answer, plead, or
2611. Precedential Value—The decisions of the Judicial
Council of The Methodist Church heretofore issued shall have the
same authority in The United Methodist Church as they had in
The Methodist Church, persuasive as precedents, except where
their basis has been changed by the terms of the Plan of Union or
other revisions of Church law.
2612. Notication and Publication—The decisions of the Judi-
cial Council on questions of Church law, with a summary of the
facts of the opinion, shall be led with the secretary of the General
Conference and with the bishop, chancellor, and secretary of each
annual conference. Publication of decisions shall be as follows:
1. The decisions of the Judicial Council shall be posted on the
ofcial United Methodist Internet pages as soon as practicable, no
later than ninety days following each meeting.
2. When the Judicial Council shall have declared unconsti-
tutional any provision of the Discipline, the secretary of the Judi-
cial Council shall notify the chairperson of the Committee on
Correlation and Editorial Revision and the Editor of the Discipline
which phrase or sentence was found to violate the Constitution
so that it will not appear in the next edition. All such deletions
also shall appear in the Advance Daily Christian Advocate or suc-
cessor publication of the next General Conference for information
Section II. Investigations, Trials, and Appeals
F P  J P
2701. Preamble and Purpose—The judicial proceedings and
the rights set forth in this paragraph commence upon referral of
a matter as a judicial complaint from the counsel for the Church
to the committee on investigation. The judicial process terminates
at the end of any appeal or right of appeal. The judicial process
shall have as its purpose a just resolution of judicial complaints,
in the hope that God’s work of justice, reconciliation and healing
may be realized in the body of Jesus Christ. The following proce-
dures are presented for the protection of the rights of individuals
guaranteed under Section III, Article IV, of our Constitution and
for the protection of the Church. The presumption of innocence
shall be maintained until the conclusion of the trial process. Spe-
cial attention should be given to ensuring racial, ethnic, age, and
gender diversity of boards, committees, and courts and the timely
disposition of all matters.
1. Rights of the Complainant (the person ling the complaint)
a) Right to Be Heard—In any judicial proceeding, the com-
plainant shall have a right to be heard before any nal action is
b) Right to Notice of Hearings—Notice of any hearing shall
advise the complainant about proposed procedures, with suf-
cient detail to allow the complainant to prepare. Notice shall be
given not less than twenty (20) days prior to the hearing. The com-
plainant shall have the right to be present at any judicial process
c) Right to Be Accompanied—The complainant shall have
the right to be accompanied by another person to any interview
or hearing to which they are subject. The person accompanying
the complainant may be an attorney, but shall not have the right
to voice. In no instance and under no circumstances shall the com-
plainant be entitled to receive an award of compensation for or
reimbursement of any expenses or fees associated with the com-
plainant’s use of an attorney.
d) Right to Be Informed of Resolution—The complain-
ant shall have the right to be informed of the disposition of the
complaint of the judicial proceeding as part of a holistic process of
healing. Church ofcials are encouraged, as may be permissible,
to include rationale.
2. Rights of the Respondent
a) Right to Be Heard—In any judicial proceeding, the
respondent (the person to whom the procedure is being applied)
shall have a right to be heard before any nal action is taken.
b) Right to Notice of Hearings—Notice of any judicial pro-
cess hearing shall advise the respondent of the reason for the pro-
posed procedures, with sufcient detail to allow the respondent
to prepare a response. Notice shall be given not less than twenty
(20) days prior to the hearing. The respondent shall have the right
to be present at any judicial process hearing.
c) Right to Be Accompanied—The respondent shall have
a right to be accompanied by a clergyperson in full connection
pursuant to 2706.2. The clergyperson accompanying the respon-
dent shall have the right of advocacy. The respondent shall be
entitled to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may
be an attorney. In no instance and under no circumstances shall
the respondent be entitled to receive an award of compensation
for or reimbursement of any expenses or fees associated with the
respondent’s use of an attorney.
d) Right Against Double Jeopardy—No bill of charges shall
be certied by any committee on investigation after an earlier
bill of charges has been certied by a committee on investigation
based on the same alleged occurrences.
e) Right of Access to Records—The respondent and the
Church shall have access to all records relied upon in the deter-
mination of the outcome of the committee on investigation, trial
court, or appeal committee or body.
3. Rights of the Church
a) Right to Be Heard—In any judicial proceeding, the Church
shall have the right to be heard before any nal action is taken.
b) For other rights and responsibilities of the Church and
counsel for the Church see 2706.
4. Process and Procedure
a) Failure to Appear or Respond—In the event that the
respondent fails to appear for any judicial process hearing, refuses
mail, refuses to communicate personally with the bishop or dis-
trict superintendent, or otherwise fails to respond to requests
from ofcial judicial committees, such actions or inactions shall
not be used as an excuse to avoid or delay any Church processes,
and such processes may continue without the participation of
such individual.
b) Communications—In any judicial proceeding, under no
circumstances shall one party or counsel, in the absence of the other
8. See Judicial Council Decisions 691, 765.
party or counsel, discuss substantive matters with members of the
pending hearing, trial, or appellate body while the case is pend-
ing. Questions of procedure may be raised and discussed ex parte,
but only with the presiding ofcer or secretary of the hearing or
appellate body.
c) Healing—As a part of the judicial process, the bishop
and cabinet, in consultation with the presiding ofcer of the
pending hearing, trial, or appellate body then sitting, shall pro-
vide for healing if there has been signicant disruption to the
congregation, the annual conference, or the context of ministry by
the judicial matter. This may include a just resolution process for
unresolved conicts, support for victims, and reconciliation for
all who are involved. This process may also include the sharing of
information by the bishop or a cabinet member about the nature
of the complaint without disclosing alleged facts underlying the
complaint that might compromise the judicial process.
d) Immunity of Participants—In order to preserve the
integrity of the Church’s judicial process and ensure full par-
ticipation in it at all times, the resident bishop, the cabinet, the
presiding ofcer of the trial, trial ofcers, trial court, witnesses,
counsels, assistant counsels, advocates, complainant, committee
on investigation, and all others who participate in the Church’s
judicial process shall have immunity from prosecution of com-
plaints brought against them related to their role in a particu-
lar judicial process, unless they have committed a chargeable
offense in conscious and knowing bad faith. The complainant
in any proceeding against any such person related to their role
in a particular judicial process shall have the burden of prov-
ing, by clear and convincing evidence, that such person’s actions
constituted a chargeable offense committed knowingly in bad
faith. The immunity set forth in this provision shall extend to
civil court proceedings, to the fullest extent permissible by the
civil laws.
5. A Just Resolution in Judicial Proceedings—A just resolution
is one that focuses on repairing any harm to people and com-
munities, achieving real accountability by making things right in
so far as possible and bringing healing to all the parties. Special
attention should be given to ensuring that cultural, racial, ethnic,
age, and gender contexts are valued throughout the process in
terms of their understandings of fairness, justice, and restoration.
During the just resolution process, the parties may be assisted
by a trained, impartial third party facilitator(s) or mediator(s),
in reaching an agreement satisfactory to all parties. Processes
that seek a just resolution are encouraged at any time, including
through the judicial proceedings. After the referral of a matter as
a judicial complaint from counsel for the Church to the committee
on investigation, if a process seeking a just resolution is used, the
appropriate persons, including the counsel for the Church and the
counsel for the respondent, should enter into a written agreement
outlining such process, including any agreement on condenti-
ality. If resolution is achieved, a written statement of resolution,
including terms and conditions, shall be signed by the same per-
sons who signed the written agreement outlining the process, and
they shall agree on any matters to be disclosed to third parties.
If the resolution results in a change of ministerial status, the dis-
closure agreement shall not prevent the disciplinary disclosures
required for possible readmission.
C O   S  L
2702. 1. A bishop, clergy member of an annual conference
(370), local pastor,
clergy on honorable or administrative loca-
tion, or diaconal minister may be tried when charged (subject
to the statute of limitations in 2702.4)
with one or more of
the following offenses: (a) immorality including but not limited
to, not being celibate in singleness or not faithful in a heterosex-
ual marriage;
(b) practices declared by The United Methodist
Church to be incompatible with Christian teachings,
ing but not limited to: being a self-avowed practicing homo-
sexual; or conducting ceremonies which celebrate homosexual
unions; or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies;
(c) crime;
(d) disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Meth-
odist Church; (e) dissemination of doctrines contrary to the estab-
lished standards of doctrine of The United Methodist Church;
(f) relationships and/or behavior that undermines the ministry of
9. See Judicial Council Decision 982.
10. The statute of limitations went into effect as law on a prospective basis
starting on January 1, 1993. All alleged offenses that occurred prior to this date are
time barred. See Judicial Council Decisions 691, 704, and 723.
11. The language beginning “including but not limited to . . . ” rst appeared
in the 2004 Book of Discipline, effective January 1, 2005.
12. See Judicial Council Decisions 702, 984, 985, 1185.
13. The language beginning “including but not limited to . . . ” rst appeared
in the 2004 Book of Discipline, effective January 1, 2005.
another pastor;
(g) child abuse;
(h) sexual abuse;
i) sexual
including the use or possession of pornography,
(j) harassment, including, but not limited to racial and/or sexual
harassment; (k) racial or gender discrimination; or (l) scal mal-
2. A bishop, clergy member of an annual conference, or dia-
conal minister may be brought to trial when the appropriate body
recommends involuntary termination.
3. A professing member of a local church may be charged with
the following offenses, and, if so, may choose a trial: (a) immoral-
ity; (b) crime; (c) disobedience to the order and discipline of The
United Methodist Church; (d) dissemination of doctrines contrary
to the established standards of doctrine of The United Methodist
Church; (e) sexual abuse; (f) sexual misconduct;
(g) child abuse;
(h) harassment, including, but not limited to racial and/or sexual
harassment; (i) racial or gender discrimination; (j) relationships
and/or behaviors that undermine the ministry of persons serving
within an appointment; or (k) scal malfeasance.
4. Statute of Limitations—No judicial complaint or charge
shall be considered for any alleged occurrence that shall not have
been committed within six years immediately preceding the l-
ing of the original complaint, except in the case of sexual or child
abuse and in the case of immorality or crime, when the alleged
occurrence(s) include allegations of sexual abuse or child abuse,
there shall be no limitation ( 2704.1a).
Time spent on leave of absence shall not be considered as part
of the six years.
5. Time of Offense—A person shall not be charged with an
offense that was not a chargeable offense at the time it is alleged
to have been committed. Any charge led shall be in the language
of the Book of Discipline in effect at the time the offense is alleged to
have occurred except in the case of immorality or crime, when the
alleged occurrence(s) include allegations of sexual abuse or child
abuse. Then it shall be in the language of the Book of Discipline in
14. See Judicial Council Decision 702.
15. This offense was rst listed as a separate chargeable offense in the 1996
Book of Discipline effective April 27, 1996. See Judicial Council Decision 691.
16. See Judicial Council Decisions 736, 768
17. See Judicial Council Decision 767.
18. This offense was rst listed as a separate chargeable offense in the 2000
Book of Discipline, effective January 1, 2001. See Judicial Council Decision 691.
effect at the time the charge was led. Any charge must relate to
an action listed as a chargeable offense in the Discipline.
P  R  I
  J C
2703. Composition of the Committee on Investigation
1. When respondent is a bishop—There shall be a committee on
investigation elected by each jurisdictional or central conference.
Nominations shall be made by the College of Bishops in con-
sultation with the jurisdictional episcopacy committee. Further
nominations may be offered from the oor of the jurisdictional or
central conference. The committee shall consist of seven clergy in
full connection (with not more than one clergyperson from each
annual conference, if possible), two lay observers, and six alter-
nate members, ve of whom shall be clergypersons in full con-
nection (with not more than one clergyperson from each annual
conference, if possible), and one of whom shall a layperson. If
additional members or alternates are needed, they may be named
by the College of Bishops. Committee members shall be in good
standing and should be deemed of good character. The committee
should reect racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. The committee
shall elect a chairperson and organize at the jurisdictional or cen-
tral conference. Seven clergy or alternates seated as members of
the committee shall constitute a quorum.
2. In each annual conference, there shall be a committee on
investigation to consider judicial complaints against clergy mem-
bers of the annual conference, clergy members on honorable loca-
tion or administrative location from that annual conference, local
pastors, and diaconal ministers. It shall consist of four clergy mem-
bers in full connection, three professing members, three alternate
clergy members in full connection, and six alternate lay members,
three of whom shall be diaconal ministers if available within the
bounds of the annual conference. The committee shall be nomi-
nated by the presiding bishop in consultation with the Board of
Ordained Ministry (for clergy members) and the conference board
of laity (for professing members) and elected quadrennially by
the annual conference. If additional members or alternates are
needed, the annual conference may elect members to serve for
the remainder of the quadrennium. Committee members shall
be in good standing and shall be deemed of good character. The
committee should reect racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. The
committee on investigation shall elect a chair and organize at
the annual conference. None of the members or alternates shall
be members of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the cabinet, or
immediate family members of the above. Should a member of the
committee on investigation have been a party to any of the prior
proceedings in the case that nally comes before the committee,
he or she shall be disqualied from sitting on the committee
during its consideration of that case, and his or her place shall
be taken by an alternate member. Seven members or alternates
seated as members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
a) In cases of complaints against clergy members of the
annual conference, clergy members on honorable location or
administrative location from that annual conference, or local pas-
tors, the committee shall consist of four clergy members and three
professing members.
b) In cases of complaints against diaconal ministers, the
committee shall consist of four clergy members and ve profess-
ing members, two of whom shall be diaconal ministers if available
within the bounds of the annual conference.
3. When respondent is a layperson—In all cases, the pastor or
district superintendent should take pastoral steps to resolve any
complaints. If such pastoral response does not result in resolution
and a written complaint is made against a professing member for
any of the offenses in 2702.3, the pastor in charge or co-pas-
tors ( 205.1) of the local church, in consultation with the district
superintendent and the district lay leader, may appoint a com-
mittee on investigation consisting of four professing members
and three clergy in full connection (both clergy and professing
members must come from other congregations, exclusive of the
churches of the respondent or the complainant). Committee mem-
bers shall be in good standing and should be deemed of good
character. The committee should reect racial, ethnic, and gender
diversity. When the pastor in charge is (or co-pastors are) bringing
the charge, the district superintendent, in consultation with the
district lay leader, shall appoint the committee on investigation.
Five members shall constitute a quorum.
2704. Referral of Original Complaint to Counsel for the Church,
Who Shall Prepare Judicial Complaint and Supporting Material for
Consideration by Committee on Investigation
19. See Judicial Council Decision 1296.
1. When respondent is a bishop
a) Judicial Complaint—A complaint based on allegations
that a bishop has committed one or more of the offenses listed in
2702 shall initially be served on the president and secretary of
the College of Bishops. Upon receipt of the complaint the presi-
dent of the College of Bishops shall forthwith deliver a copy of
the complaint to the respondent bishop, notify active bishops
of the existence and nature of the complaint, and refer the com-
plaint to an elder in full connection within the same jurisdictional
or central conference, who shall serve as counsel for the Church.
By agreeing to serve, counsel for the Church signies his or her
willingness to uphold the requirements of Church law and the
Discipline. Counsel for the Church shall represent the interests
of the Church in pressing the claims of the person making the
complaint. Counsel for the Church shall have the right to choose
one assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. The
counsel for the Church shall draft and sign the complaint as a
judicial complaint, forward it to the jurisdictional or central con-
ference committee on investigation ( 2703), and represent the
Church in the judicial process. The fair process provisions in
2701 shall apply to this judicial process. The statute of limita-
tions in 2702.4 should be considered prior to the referral of a
judicial complaint.
b) If a written complaint is made against a bishop for any
of the offenses in 2702.1, the counsel for the Church, as appointed
under 2704.1a, shall prepare, sign, and forward the judicial com-
plaint and all documentary evidence under consideration to the
chairperson of the committee on investigation, the person mak-
ing the original complaint, and the bishop being charged (respon-
dent). The respondent shall be given an opportunity to submit to
the committee on investigation a written response to the judicial
complaint within thirty days of receipt of the judicial complaint.
The chairperson shall convene the committee on investigation
within sixty days of receiving the judicial complaint.
c) If ve or more members of the committee on investiga-
tion so recommend, the jurisdictional committee on the episco-
pacy may suspend the respondent pending the conclusion of the
trial process.
20. The statute of limitations for bishops went into effect as law on a prospec-
tive basis on April 27, 1996. All alleged offenses that occurred prior to this date are
time-barred. See Judicial Council Decisions 691, 704, and 761.
2. When respondent is a clergy member of an annual conference,
clergy on honorable or administrative location, or a local pastor
a) Judicial Complaint—If the complaint is not dismissed
pursuant to the provisions of 362 and if the bishop determines
that the complaint is based on allegations of one or more offenses
listed in 2702.1, the bishop shall refer the complaint to the coun-
sel for the Church, who shall be appointed by the bishop. The
counsel for the Church shall be a clergyperson in full connection
and shall have the right to choose one assistant counsel with-
out voice who may be an attorney. By agreeing to serve, coun-
sel for the Church signies his or her willingness to uphold the
requirements of Church law and the Discipline. The counsel for
the Church shall draft and sign a judicial complaint, attaching as
exhibits all relevant written materials, including but not limited to
information from the supervisory process and a suggested list of
witnesses as deemed appropriate, forward the judicial complaint
to the committee on investigation and represent the Church in the
judicial process. The statute of limitations in 2702.4 should be
considered prior to the referral of a judicial complaint.
b) If a written complaint is made against a clergyper-
son for any of the offenses in 2702.1, the bishop shall appoint
a clergyperson in full connection as counsel for the Church (see
362.1e). Counsel for the Church shall prepare, sign, and refer the
judicial complaint, with all relevant material, to the chairperson
of the conference committee on investigation and represent the
interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the person mak-
ing the original complaint in any proceedings before the commit-
tee. A copy of the complaint and documentary evidence under
consideration shall be sent to the respondent, the person making
the original complaint, and the bishop. The respondent shall be
given an opportunity to submit to the committee on investigation
a written response to the judicial complaint within thirty days of
receipt of the judicial complaint. The chairperson of the conference
committee on investigation shall have sixty days to convene the
committee on investigation after receiving the judicial complaint.
c) If ve or more members of the committee on investiga-
tion so recommend, the bishop may suspend the person charged
from all clergy responsibilities pending the outcome of the judi-
cial process. The respondent retains all rights and privileges as
stated in 334.
3. When respondent is a diaconal minister
a) If a written complaint is made against a diaconal min-
ister for any of the offenses in 2702.1, the supervisory response
should be initiated and a just resolution process may be used. (See
362.1c for a discussion of a just resolution.) If the supervisory
process does not result in resolution, the respondent’s district
superintendent may appoint a clergyperson in full connection or
diaconal minister as counsel for the Church. By agreeing to serve,
counsel for the church signies his or her willingness to uphold
the requirements of Church law and the Discipline. Counsel for
the Church shall prepare, sign, and refer the judicial complaint,
with all relevant material, to the chairperson of the conference
committee on investigation for diaconal ministers and represent
the interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the person
making the original complaint in any proceedings before the
committee. A copy of the complaint and documentary evidence
under consideration shall be sent to the respondent, the person
making the original complaint, and the bishop. The respondent
shall be given an opportunity to submit to the committee on
investigation a written response to the judicial complaint within
thirty days of receipt of the judicial complaint. The chairperson of
the conference committee on investigation shall have sixty days to
convene the committee on investigation after receiving the judi-
cial complaint.
b) If at least two-thirds of the committee on investigation
so recommend, the bishop may suspend the person charged from
all professional responsibilities pending the conclusion of the trial
4. When respondent is a layperson
a) In all cases, the pastor or district superintendent should
take pastoral steps to resolve any grievances or complaints. Such
steps may include a just resolution process. See 362.1c for a dis-
cussion of a just resolution. If after such steps have been taken and
have not resulted in a resolution and a written complaint is made
against a layperson for any of the offenses in 2702.3, the pastor
in charge or co-pastors ( 205.1) of the local church, in consulta-
tion with the district superintendent and the district lay leader,
may appoint counsel for the Church, who shall be a United Meth-
odist. By agreeing to serve, counsel for the Church signies his or
her willingness to uphold the requirements of Church law and the
Discipline. Counsel for the Church shall prepare, sign, and refer
the judicial complaint, with all relevant material, to the chairper-
son of committee on investigation.
b) If ve or more members of the committee so recom-
mend, the pastor may suspend the charged professing member
from exercising any Church ofce pending conclusion of the trial
c) All complaints against a professing member under
2702.3 shall be submitted in writing, signed by the person(s)
making the original complaint, and delivered to the pastor in
charge of the local church of which the respondent is a member,
and a copy shall be sent to the respondent.
d) The member shall be given an opportunity to submit to
the committee on investigation a written response to the judicial
complaint within thirty days of a receipt of the judicial complaint
and the appointing of the committee and before consideration of
the judicial complaint by the committee.
e) The district superintendent shall preside at all meet-
ings of the committee, shall be given a copy of the judicial com-
plaint and any response, and shall have the right to be present and
to speak at all meetings of the committee.
2705. The Form of the Judicial Complaint—The judicial com-
plaint shall be prepared and signed by counsel for the Church.
The complaint should explain to the committee on investiga-
tion the alleged events surrounding and relating to one or more
chargeable offense(s). All relevant documents and other exhibits
supporting the judicial complaint may be attached; and a true
copy of the complaint and reproducible documents and exhibits
shall be sent by counsel for the Church to the respondent and his
or her counsel at the same time as they are sent to the commit-
tee on investigation. The judicial complaint should include the
appropriate chargeable offense(s) based on the list in 2702 and
proposed specications.
2706. Committee on InvestigationProcedures
1. Introduction—The role of the committee on investigation is
to conduct an investigation into the allegations made in the judicial
complaint and to determine if reasonable grounds exist to bring
a bill of charges and specications to trial. If so, it shall prepare,
sign and certify a bill of charges and specications. The commit-
tee’s duty is only to determine whether reasonable grounds exist
to support the charges. It is not the committee’s duty to determine
guilt or innocence.
2. Parties and Counsel—The parties are the respondent and the
a) Counsel for the Church—Counsel for the Church shall
be appointed as provided in 2708.7. Counsel for the Church
shall be entitled to choose one assistant counsel without voice
who may be an attorney.
b) Committee on Investigation—The committee on investi-
gation may have legal counsel present, who shall not be the con-
ference chancellor, for the sole purpose of providing advice to the
c) When respondent is a bishop, a clergy member of an annual
conference, clergy on honorable or administrative location, a local pas-
tor, a clergyperson, or a diaconal minister—A respondent who is a
bishop, a clergyperson, or a diaconal minister shall be entitled to
select a clergyperson in full connection to serve as respondent’s
counsel. A respondent shall be entitled to choose one assistant
counsel without voice who may be an attorney. In no instance and
under no circumstances shall the respondent be entitled to receive
an award of compensation for or reimbursement of any expenses
or fees associated with the respondent’s use of an attorney.
d) Investigation of a respondent who is a layperson—A lay
respondent shall be entitled to select a lay member or clergyper-
son to serve as respondent’s counsel. A respondent shall be enti-
tled to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may be
an attorney. In no instance and under no circumstances shall the
respondent be entitled to receive an award of compensation for
or reimbursement of any expenses or fees associated with the
respondent’s use of an attorney.
3. Preliminary Meeting—Basic procedural decisions shall be
made in a preliminary meeting. During this meeting, the respon-
dent and the respondent’s counsel, the person making the origi-
nal complaint, and the counsel for the Church shall have the right
to argue procedural points before a decision is made by the chair.
All advance procedural decisions and such unanticipated deci-
sions as may come in the course of the meeting of the committee
on investigation shall be rendered in writing so as to be available
for consideration in all further possible stages of the case.
4. Hearing before the Committee on Investigation
a) If possible, the respondent and the person(s) bringing
the original complaint shall be brought face to face, but the inabil-
ity to do this shall not invalidate an investigation. Notice of the
hearings shall be given to all parties, and the person(s) bringing
the original complaint and they all shall be permitted to be pres-
ent during testimony, but not during deliberations. Proceedings
in the investigation shall be informal. No oaths shall be taken. All
procedural decisions shall be made by the chairperson.
b) Interview of witness prior to or outside of hearing—The
chairperson shall have the power, whenever it is appropriate in
the committee’s own discretion, to appoint a member(s) of the
committee to interview any witness(es), provided that all parties
may be present (without voice) and that three days notice of the
time and place of such interview shall have been given to all par-
ties. The person(s) so appointed shall create a verbatim record of
the interview and certify the record by signature for transmittal to
the chairperson.
c) Examination of witnesses—The committee on investi-
gation may call and question such persons or request such writ-
ten information, including but not limited to materials from the
supervisory process, as it deems necessary to establish whether
or not there are reasonable grounds for formulating a charge or
charges. The committee may receive from the counsels suggested
lists of persons to be questioned, sources of written material or
questions. There shall be no right of cross-examination by either
the respondent or the person(s) bringing the original complaint.
d) Evidence—The committee should only consider testi-
mony or evidence which is relevant and reliable. The chairper-
son or presiding ofcer, after consultation with counsel for both
parties, shall rule on challenges to relevance and reliability. The
introduction of any material relating to events barred by the stat-
ute of limitations ( 2702.4) as evidence, as preface to evidence,
or as build-up for evidence in the procedures of the committee on
investigation or the trial proceedings shall be permitted when the
presiding ofcer, after consultation with counsel for both parties,
rules that such material is relevant and reliable.
e) Verbatim transcript—There shall be a verbatim record of
all proceedings of the committee on investigation, except when
the committee meets in executive session. The term executive ses-
sion shall mean the committee meeting alone or with its legal
counsel. If the complaint is dismissed or returned to the bishop,
no verbatim record need be transcribed and the record that exists
will be sent to the conference secretary for retention.
5. Bill of Charges and Specications, Deliberations, Vote, and
Referral—A vote on each charge and each specication shall be
taken separately. It is incumbent on each member of the commit-
tee to base his or her vote solely on whether reasonable grounds
exist to support the charges. If there are members who are unwill-
ing to uphold the Discipline for reasons of conscience or otherwise,
such members must step aside in this matter and either alter-
nate members or others who are willing to uphold the Discipline
must be appointed to the Committee to enable it to complete its
a) Bill of Charges and Specications—A charge is one of the
chargeable offenses listed in 2702. A charge shall not include
more than one such chargeable offense. More than one charge
against the same person may be presented and tried at the same
time. Each charge must be written, with specications that sup-
port the charge. Each charge must be accompanied by one or
more specications of fact. Each specication, standing alone,
must allege a factual occurrence that, if found to be true, would
support a nding of guilty on the related charge. The specica-
tions should be as specic as possible with information such as
date, place, and specic events alleged to have occurred.
b) Finding of reasonable grounds by committee and referral of
bill of charges and specications for trial
(1) When respondent is a bishop—A vote to adopt any
charge or specication shall require ve votes. Any bill of charges
and specications adopted shall be sent to the bishop charged,
to the secretary of the jurisdictional or central conference, to the
president and secretary of the College of Bishops, to counsel for
the Church, and to the chairperson of the jurisdictional committee
on the episcopacy.
(2) When respondent is a clergyperson other than a
bishop—A vote to adopt any charge or specication shall require
ve votes. Any bill of charges and specications adopted by the
committee on investigations shall be sent by the chairperson
within ve days to the respondent, the person making the com-
plaint, the secretary of the annual conference, the counsel for the
Church, and the resident bishop.
(3) When respondent is a diaconal minister—A vote to
adopt any charge or specication shall require two votes. Any bill
21. See Judicial Council Decision 980.
22. See Judicial Council Decision 1275.
of charges and specications adopted shall be sent to the respon-
dent within ve days, the secretary of the annual conference, the
chairperson of the Board of Ordained Ministry, the respondent’s
district superintendent, counsel for the Church, and the resident
(4) When respondent is a layperson—A vote to adopt
any charge or specication shall require ve votes. Any bill of
charges and specications adopted by the committee shall be
sent to the person charged, the recording secretary of the charge
conference, counsel for the Church, the pastor(s), and the district
c) Findings other than reasonable grounds by committee
or other actions
(1) If the committee on investigation determines that
there are no reasonable grounds for charges, it may dismiss the
judicial complaint. When deemed appropriate, it may also refer
matters of concern to the proper referring Church ofcial (to the
president or secretary of the College of Bishops in the case of
bishop, to the resident bishop in the case of a clergyperson, or
a diaconal minister, or to the pastor or co-pastors in the case of
layperson) for administrative or other action. Notication of these
actions, should be given to the respondent, the person making the
original complaint, counsel for the Church and the proper refer-
ring Church ofcials.
(2) If the committee on investigation determines that
the judicial complaint is not based upon chargeable offenses, or
for other good cause, the committee may refer the complaint to
the proper referring Church ofcial (see 2706.5c[1] above) for
administrative or other action. Such referral will not constitute
a dismissal or double jeopardy under 2701.2d. Notication of
these actions should be given to the respondent, the person mak-
ing the original complaint, counsel for the Church and the proper
referring Church ofcials.
(3) Upon recommendation of the counsel for the
Church and the counsel for the respondent, the committee may
refer the matter to the resident bishop as deemed appropriate for
a process seeking a just resolution. The bishop shall institute such
a process and may use the assistance of a trained, impartial third
party facilitator(s) or mediator(s). Such referral will not constitute
a dismissal or double jeopardy under 2701.2d. The appropriate
persons, including the counsel for the Church and counsel for the
respondent, should enter into a written agreement outlining the
process, including any agreements on condentiality. If resolu-
tion is achieved, a written statement, afrming such resolution,
including any terms and conditions, shall be signed by the same
persons who signed the written agreement outlining the process,
and they shall agree on any matters to be disclosed to third par-
ties. If the resolution results in a change of ministerial status, the
disclosure agreement shall not prevent the disciplinary disclo-
sures required for readmission. The committee on investigation
shall retain jurisdiction for the period of time stated for the imple-
mentation of the resolution agreement. The committee shall peri-
odically monitor the progress of the completion of the terms and
conditions of the resolution agreement, and shall certify when the
terms and conditions of the agreement are completed. When the
terms and conditions of the agreement are completed, the com-
mittee on investigation shall report its certication, and the status
of the respondent as a result of completing the terms and condi-
tions of the resolution agreement, to the resident bishop. If the
process does not result in resolution, the matter shall be returned
to the committee on investigation for further consideration. Also,
decision(s) of a trial court that call for certication as to the com-
pletion of terms and conditions of the trial court’s decision(s) after
the end of a trial are to be assigned to the committee on investiga-
tion for monitoring and certication of completion of the decision.
If the respondent fails to complete the terms and conditions of a
trial court decision, the committee shall notify the presiding of-
cer of the trial, who may reconvene the trial court for its further
6. Special Investigations—In the event that jurisdiction in a
judicial proceeding is ended as a result of the death of, or surren-
der of credentials by, the respondent in cases where the charge-
able offense includes those listed in 2702.1(h), (i), or (j), the
committee on investigation may be convened at the request of the
presiding bishop to make pastoral inquiry into the charges. The
inquiry shall:
(a) not be judicial in nature;
(b) be empowered to receive witnesses and to consider
evidence; and
(c) make a report of the inquiry to the body where the
respondent’s membership was held, including recommendations
if any.
7. Records of the Committee on Investigation—At the conclusion
of the investigation process, all documents used by the committee
on investigation, including transcriptions of its hearings, shall be
sent to the secretary of the annual conference, the jurisdictional or
central conference in the case of a bishop, who shall keep them in
custody. Such documents are to be held in a condential le and
shall not be released except for the purposes of trial and then only
to counsels for the Church and the respondent and to the presid-
ing ofcer of the trial court who shall return them to the secretary
of the annual, jurisdictional, or central conference following the
conclusion of the trial and any appeal.
2707. Fundamental Principles for Trials—Church trials are to
be regarded as an expedient of last resort. Only after every rea-
sonable effort has been made to correct any wrong and adjust
any existing difculty should steps be taken to institute a trial.
No such trial as herein provided shall be construed to deprive the
respondent or the Church of legal civil rights, except to the extent
that immunity is provided as in 2701.4d. All trials shall be con-
ducted according to the Book of Discipline in a consistent Christian
manner by a properly constituted court after due investigation.
2708. General Organization and Pre-Trial Procedures
1. Ofcers of the Court—Ofcers shall consist of a presiding
ofcer (see ¶¶ 2712.2, 2713.2, 2714.2), who shall appoint a secre-
tary and such other ofcers as deemed necessary. The presiding
ofcer may have legal counsel, who shall not be the conference
chancellor, at the expense of the annual conference holding the
trial, for the sole purpose of advice to the presiding ofcer during
the trial.
2. Time and Place of Trial—The ofcial charged with convening
the trial shall also x the time and place for the trial and will notify
the presiding ofcer, the respondent, counsel for the Church and
the person making the original complaint. In all cases, sufcient
time shall be allowed for these persons to appear at the given
place and time and for the respondent to prepare for the trial. The
presiding ofcer shall decide what constitutes “sufcient time,”
but in no case shall this time be less than twenty days.
3. Pre-Trial Motions and Referrals—All appeals of any proce-
dural or substantive matters that have occurred prior to referral
of the charges to trial must be appealed to the presiding ofcer
of the trial court before the convening of the trial. Otherwise, the
right to appeal on such matters is forfeited. All objections to and
motions regarding the regularity of the proceedings and the form
and substance of charges and specications must be made before
the convening of the trial court. The presiding ofcer may deter-
mine all such preliminary objections and motions; in furtherance
of truth and justice may permit amendments to the specications
or charges not changing the general nature of the same; and may
dismiss all or any part of the bill of charges upon a nding by
the presiding ofcer (1) that all or such part is without legal or
factual basis or (2) that, even assuming the specications to be
true, they do not constitute a basis for a chargeable offense. The
presiding ofcer may refer the matter as deemed appropriate for
a process seeking a just resolution to the resident bishop upon
consultation with the counsel for the Church and counsel for the
respondent. The bishop shall institute such a process and may
use the assistance of a trained, impartial third party facilitator(s)
or mediator(s). Such referral will not constitute a dismissal or
double jeopardy under 2701.2d. If a process seeking a just
resolution is used, the appropriate persons, including the coun-
sel for the Church and counsel for the respondent, should enter
into a written agreement outlining such process, including any
agreement on condentiality. If resolution is achieved, a written
statement, afrming such resolution, and any terms and condi-
tion, shall be signed by the same persons who signed the writ-
ten agreement outlining the process, and they shall agree on all
matters to be disclosed to third parties. Such a written statement
shall be given to the presiding ofcer and the presiding ofcer
shall take action consistent with the agreement. If no resolution
results, the matter is returned to the presiding ofcer for further
4. Change of Venue—The respondent may request a change of
venue. This shall be a written request to the presiding ofcer of
the court within ten days of receipt of notice to appear for trial.
The presiding ofcer shall rule upon the request after hearing
arguments by the respondent and the Church. If the motion is
approved, the presiding ofcer shall name the annual conference
outside the episcopal area wherein the trial shall be held and shall
notify the resident bishop of that conference, who shall convene
the court. The cost of prosecution shall be borne by the conference
where the case originated.
5. Notice
a) All notices required or provided for in relationship to
investigations, trials, and appeals shall be in writing, signed by
or on behalf of the person or body giving or required to give such
notice, and shall be addressed to the person or body to whom it is
required to be given. Such notices shall be served by delivering a
copy thereof to the party or chief ofcer of the body to whom it is
addressed in person or sent by other delivery system to the last-
known residence or address of such party. Proof of notice shall be
provided and becomes a part of the record of the case.
b) In all cases wherein it is provided that notice shall be
given to a bishop or district superintendent and the charges are
against that particular person, then such notice (in addition to
being given to the accused) shall be given, in the case of a bishop,
to another bishop within the same jurisdiction and, in the case of
a district superintendent, to the bishop in charge.
6. Trial Scheduling and Continuances—If in any case the respon-
dent, after due notice (twenty days) has been given, shall refuse or
neglect to appear at the time and place set forth for the hearing,
the trial may proceed in the respondent’s absence. However, if in
the sole discretion of the presiding ofcer there is good and suf-
cient reason for the absence of the respondent or another essential
person, the presiding ofcer may reschedule the trial to a later
7. Counsel—In all cases, a respondent shall be entitled to
appear and to select and be represented by counsel, a clergyper-
son in full connection of The United Methodist Church if the
respondent is a bishop, a clergyperson, or a diaconal minister; and
a lay or clergy member of The United Methodist Church if the
respondent is a lay member. The respondent and the Church shall
be entitled to have counsel heard in oral or written argument or
both. The ofcial charged with convening the court (see ¶¶ 2712.1,
2713.1, 2714.1) shall, within thirty days after receiving a copy of
the charges and specications, appoint counsel for the Church, if
counsel has not been previously appointed. In the case of a trial
of a bishop, clergyperson, or local pastor, counsel for the Church
shall be a clergyperson in full connection (¶¶ 2704.2a, 2712.4) to
represent the interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the
person making the complaint.
No person who was a member of the cabinet, Board of
Ordained Ministry, or committee on investigation who earlier
considered the case now before the trial court shall be appointed
counsel for the Church or serve as counsel for the respondent or
any of the persons bringing complaints in a case. In all cases of
trial where counsel has not been chosen by the respondent, coun-
sel shall be appointed by the presiding ofcer. The counsel for the
Church and for the respondent each shall be entitled to choose
one assistant counsel, who may be an attorney, without voice.
“Without voice” means without the ability to speak to or within
the hearing of the trial court. In no instance and under no cir-
cumstances shall the respondent be entitled to receive an award
of compensation for or reimbursement of any expenses or fees
associated with the respondent’s use of an attorney.
8. Witnesses—Notice to appear shall be given to such wit-
nesses as either party may name and shall be issued in the name
of the Church and be signed by the presiding ofcer of the trial.
It shall be the duty of all clergy and lay members of The United
Methodist Church to appear and testify when summoned. Refusal
to appear or to answer questions ruled by the presiding ofcer to
be relevant may be considered as disobedience to the order and
discipline of The United Methodist Church except when refusal to
answer is based on a good faith claim that answering might tend
to incriminate the witness under state or federal criminal law or is
based on a claim of condential communication to a clergyperson
under 341.5.
9. Witness Qualications—A witness, to be qualied, need not
be a member of The United Methodist Church.
10. Commissioned Out-of-Court Testimony—The presiding of-
cer of any court before which a case may be pending shall have
power, whenever the necessity of the parties or witnesses shall
require, to appoint, on the application of either party, a commis-
sioner or commissioners, either a clergy or a layperson or both,
to examine the witnesses; provided that three days’ notice of the
time and place of taking such testimony shall have been given to
the adverse party. The party making this request shall have the
burden of showing good cause and shall bear the cost of such
commissioned out-of-court testimony. Counsel for both parties
shall be permitted to examine and cross-examine the witness or
witnesses whose testimony is thus taken. The commissioners so
appointed shall take such testimony in writing as may be offered
by either party. The testimony properly certied by the signa-
ture of the commissioner or commissioners shall be transmit-
ted to the presiding ofcer of the court before which the case is
11. Amendments to Bill of Charges and Specications—After con-
sultation with counsels, the presiding ofcer of the trial may make
amendments to the bill of charges, or request that the committee
on investigation make amendments to the bill of charges; provided
that they do not change the nature of the charges and specica-
tions and do not introduce new matter of which the respondent
has not had due notice. When an amendment or amendments
to a bill of charges is or are denied by the presiding ofcer, it or
they shall not be introduced in the form of testimony in the trial.
Charges or specications previously considered and dropped by
the committee on investigation shall not be introduced in the trial
in the form of evidence or otherwise.
12. Open or Closed Trials—The deliberations of the trial court
shall be closed. All other sessions of the trial shall be open. The
presiding ofcer may, in extenuating circumstances, in his or her
judgment on motion of counsel for either party or on the presid-
ing ofcer’s own motion, declare a particular session of the court
to be closed. At all times, however, in the hearing portion of the
trial, the presiding ofcer, the members of the trial court, the
person(s) making the original complaint, the person representing
the Church as well as counsel for the Church, the respondent, and
counsel for the respondent shall have a right to be present.
13. Combined Trials of Multiple Persons—In cases in which a
number of persons have allegedly engaged in the same offense
at the same time and place, their trials may be combined into one
trial for that same offense. The presiding ofcer shall make the
determination on combination of trials.
2709. Trial Convening and Organization
1. Convening of the Trial—The convenor shall notify the
respondent in writing to appear at a xed time and place no less
than twenty days after service of such notice and within a reason-
able time thereafter for selection of the members of the trial court.
2. Trial Pool—At the appointed time, in the presence of the
respondent, counsel for the respondent, counsel for the Church,
and the presiding ofcer, thirteen persons shall be selected as a
trial court out of a pool of thirty-ve or more persons selected
according to ¶¶ 2712.3, 2713.3, and 2714.3. Special consideration
should be given so that the pool includes persons representative
of racial, ethnic, and gender diversity.
3. Selection of the Trial Court—No person shall serve as a mem-
ber of the trial court who was a member of the cabinet, Board
of Ordained Ministry, or committee on investigation who consid-
ered the case in the process of coming to trial court. The coun-
sel for the Church and the respondent shall each have up to four
peremptory challenges and challenges for cause without limit. If
by reason of challenges for cause being sustained the number is
reduced to below thirteen, additional appropriate persons shall
be nominated in like manner as was the original panel to take the
places of the numbers challenged, who likewise shall be subject to
challenge for cause. This method of procedure shall be followed
until a trial court of thirteen members and two alternate members
has been selected.
4. Alternates—The two alternate members shall sit as observ-
ers of the trial. They shall replace members of the trial court who
are not able to continue to serve, so that the trial court shall always
consist of thirteen members, unless the respondent and counsel
for the Church agree to a lesser number.
5. Trial Court Questions—The members of the trial court,
including the alternate members, may, subject to the approval
of the presiding ofcer of the court, ask questions on matters on
which evidence has been presented.
2710. Trial Guidelines and Rules
1. Authority of Presiding Ofcer—After the trial is convened
the authority of the presiding ofcer shall include the right to
set reasonable time limits, after consultation with counsel for the
Church and counsel for the person charged, for the presentation
of the case, provided such time is equal for both. The authority of
the presiding ofcer shall be limited to ruling upon proper repre-
sentation of the Church and the person charged, admissibility of
evidence, recessing, adjourning, and reconvening sessions of the
trial, charging the members of the trial court as to the Church law
involved in the case at the beginning of the trial and just before
they retire to make up their verdict, and such other authority as
is normally vested in a civil court judge sitting with a jury, but he
or she shall not have authority to pronounce any judgment in favor
of or against the person charged other than such verdict as may be
returned by the trial court, which body shall have the exclusive
right to determine the innocence or guilt of the person charged.
2. Order of Trial—After selection of the trial court, each coun-
sel may make an opening statement to inform the trial court of
what the evidence is expected to be. Evidence shall then be offered
by questioning of witnesses and by documents shown to be reli-
able. Each counsel shall have opportunity to make closing argu-
ments before the trial court begins deliberations. Deliberations of
the trial court and receiving of the verdict shall follow.
3. Oaths—The administration of oaths shall not be required.
At the beginning of the trial, the presiding ofcer shall remind all
parties of the duties and responsibilities of Church membership
( 218) and/or the clergy covenant (¶¶ 304.2 and 330.5c[3]).
4. Entering of the Plea—At the beginning of the trial, the
respondent shall be called upon by the presiding ofcer to plead
to the charge, and the pleas shall be recorded. If the respondent
pleads “guilty” to the charges preferred, no trial shall be neces-
sary, but evidence may be taken with respect to the appropriate
penalty, which shall thereupon be imposed. If the respondent
pleads “not guilty” or if the respondent should neglect or refuse
to plead, the plea of “not guilty” shall be entered, and the trial
shall proceed. The respondent shall at all times during the trial,
except as hereinafter provided, have the right to produce testi-
mony and that of witnesses and to make defense.
5. Recess and Trial Procedures—The court may recess from time
to time as convenience or necessity may require. During the time
of recess, the members of the trial court shall be instructed that
under no circumstance will they speak to one another or to others
about the trial or observe media reports regarding the case. When,
in consultation with counsel for both parties, the presiding ofcer
nds it advisable, the members and reserves shall be sequestered.
Threatening or tampering with the trial court or ofcers of the
trial court shall be considered disobedience to the order and disci-
pline of The United Methodist Church. The presiding ofcer shall
remain and preside until the decision is rendered and the ndings
are completed and shall thereupon sign and certify them.
6. Objections and Rulings—Objections of any party to the pro-
ceedings shall be entered on the record. All rulings on pre-trial
appeals, objections, and motions shall be entered on the record.
All objections and motions from counsels during the proceedings
of the trial shall be made in open session before the trial court and
entered on the record along with the rulings of the presiding of-
cer on all such objections and motions.
7. Exclusion of Witnesses—With the exception of the complain-
ant and respondent, no witness to be examined shall be present
during the examination of another witness if the opposing party
objects. Witnesses shall be examined rst by the party produc-
ing them, then cross-examined by the opposite party and may be
questioned by members of the trial court, with the approval of
the presiding ofcer. The presiding ofcer of the court shall deter-
mine all questions of relevancy and competency of evidence.
8. Recording of Proceedings—A verbatim record of all proceed-
ings of the trial shall be by stenograph or other appropriate means
and reduced to writing and certied by the presiding ofcer or
secretary. The record, including all exhibits, papers and evidence
in the case, shall be the basis of any appeal that may be taken.
9. Evidence—The introduction of any material relating to
events happening before the six-year statute of limitation period
as evidence, as preface to evidence, or as build-up for evidence in
the procedures of the trial proceedings may be permitted when
the presiding ofcer, after consultation with counsel for both par-
ties, rules that such material is relevant and reliable. Documen-
tary evidence deemed by the presiding ofcer to be relevant and
reliable may be in the physical possession of the trial court during
10. Instructions and Charges—The presiding ofcer shall not
deliver a charge reviewing or explaining the evidence or setting
forth the merits of the case. The presiding ofcer shall express
no opinion on the law or the facts while the court is deliberat-
ing. If requested by either party’s counsel, the presiding ofcer
shall instruct the trial court on Church law applicable to the case.
Instructions may be given at the beginning of the trial, during the
trial, before the trial court begins deliberations or a combination
of any of these. If requested by the trial court, instructions may be
given during deliberations. The presiding ofcer shall not review
or explain the evidence or comment on the merits of the case.
2711. Power of the Trial Court
1. Instruction, Disqualication, Voting, and Verdicts—The trial
court shall have full power to try the respondent. The trial court
shall be a continuing body until the nal disposition of the charge.
If any regular or alternate member of the trial court fails to attend
any part of any session at which evidence is received or oral argu-
ment is made to the trial court by counsel, that person shall not
thereafter be a member of the trial court, but the rest of the trial
court may proceed to judgment.
2. Votes—It shall require a vote of at least nine members of
the trial court to sustain the charge(s) and nine votes also shall
be required for conviction. Fewer than nine votes for conviction
shall be considered an acquittal. The burden of proof for a vote to
convict shall be clear and convincing. The trial court shall present
to the presiding ofcer a decision on each charge and each indi-
vidual specication under each charge. Its ndings shall be nal,
subject to appeal to the committee on appeals of the jurisdictional
conference or the central conference, as the case may be.
3. PenaltiesIf the Trial Results in Conviction.—Further testi-
mony may be heard and arguments by counsel presented regard-
ing what the penalty should be. The trial court shall determine the
penalty, which shall require a vote of at least seven members. The
trial court shall have the power to remove the respondent from
professing membership, terminate the conference membership,
and revoke the credentials of conference membership, commis-
sioning, ordination, or consecration of the respondent, suspend
the respondent from the exercise of the functions of ofce, or to x
a lesser penalty. The penalty xed by the trial court shall take effect
immediately unless otherwise indicated by the trial court. Should
any penalty xed by a trial court be altered or reduced as a result
of the appellate process, the respondent shall be restored and/
or compensated as appropriate, provided that in no instance and
under no circumstances shall the respondent be entitled to receive
an award of compensation for or reimbursement of any expenses
or fees associated with the respondent’s use of an attorney.
2712. Trial of a Bishop
1. The president of the College of Bishops of the jurisdictional
or central conference—or in case the person charged is the presi-
dent, the secretary of the college—shall proceed to convene the
court under the provisions of 2709.
2. The president of the College of Bishops (or in the case the
person charged is the president, the secretary) may preside or des-
ignate another bishop to serve as presiding ofcer.
3. The trial shall be convened as provided in 2709 with the
pool of thirty-ve or more persons to consist of clergy in full con-
nection named by the College of Bishops in approximately equal
numbers from each episcopal area within the jurisdictional or cen-
tral conference. Special consideration should be given so that the
23. See Judicial Council Decision 1201.
pool includes persons representative of racial, age, ethnic, and
gender diversity.
4. Counsel for the Church shall be a bishop or another clergy-
person in full connection.
5. The secretary of the court shall at the conclusion of the pro-
ceedings send all trial documents to the secretary of the jurisdic-
tional or central conference, who shall keep them in custody. If an
appeal is taken, the secretary shall forward the materials forth-
with to the secretary of the Judicial Council. After the appeal has
been heard, the records shall be returned to the secretary of the
jurisdictional or central conference.
6. A bishop suspended from ofce shall have claim on the
Episcopal Fund for salary, dwelling, pension, and other related
benets. A bishop removed from ofce shall have no claim upon
the Episcopal Fund for salary, dwelling, pension and other related
benets from the date of such removal.
2713. Trial of a Clergy Member of an Annual Conference, Local
Pastor, Clergy on Honorable or Administrative Location, or Diaconal
1. The resident bishop of the respondent shall proceed to con-
vene the court under the provisions of 2709.
2. The resident bishop shall designate another bishop to be
presiding ofcer.
3. a) The trial for a clergy member or a local pastor shall be
convened as provided in 2709 with the pool of thirty-ve or
more persons to consist of clergy in full connection. If there are
not enough persons in appropriate categories in an annual confer-
ence to complete the pool, additional persons may be appointed
from other annual conferences. All appointments to the pool shall
be made by the district superintendents. Special consideration
should be given so that the pool includes persons representative
of racial, age, ethnic, and gender diversity.
b) The trial for a diaconal minister shall be convened as
provided in 2709 and shall consist of a pool of thirty-ve or
more persons who shall be diaconal ministers or, when necessary,
members of the Church. Special consideration should be given so
that the pool includes persons representative of racial, ethnic, and
gender diversity.
4. Counsel for the Church shall be a clergyperson in full
5. The secretary of the court shall at the conclusion of the pro-
ceedings send all trial documents to the secretary of the annual
conference, who shall keep them in custody. Such documents are
to be held in a condential le and shall not be released for other
than appeal or new trial purposes without a signed release from
both the clergyperson charged and the presiding ofcer of the
trial that tried the case. If an appeal is taken, the secretary shall
forward the materials forthwith to the president of the court of
appeals of the jurisdictional or central conference. If a president
has not been elected, the secretary shall send the materials to such
members of the court of appeals as the president of the College
of Bishops shall designate. After the appeal has been heard, the
records shall be returned to the secretary of the annual conference
unless a further appeal on a question of law has been made to the
Judicial Council, in which case the relevant documents shall be
forwarded to the secretary of that body.
2714. Trial of Lay Member of a Local Church
1. The district superintendent of the person charged shall
proceed to convene the court under the provisions of 2709.
2. The district superintendent may be the presiding ofcer or
may designate another clergyperson in full connection to preside.
3. The trial shall be convened as provided in 2709, with the
pool of thirty-ve or more persons to consist of professing mem-
bers of local churches other than the local church of the charged
layperson within the same district. Appointments to the pool shall
be made by the district superintendent, who may consult with the
district lay leader. Special consideration should be given so that
the pool includes persons representative of racial, age, ethnic, and
gender diversity.
4. Counsel for the Church shall be a professing member or
clergyperson of The United Methodist Church.
5. The person charged may request a change of venue. This
shall be a written request to the ofcers of the court within ten
days of receipt of notice to appear for trial. The presiding of-
cer shall rule upon the request after hearing argument for the
defense and the Church. If the motion is approved, the presiding
ofcer shall name another district wherein the trial shall be held
and shall notify the district superintendent, who shall convene
the court. The thirty-ve-member pool shall consist of professing
24. See Judicial Council Decisions 751, 1201, 1250.
members from that district. The cost of prosecution shall be borne
by the annual conference.
6. If the trial court nds that the charges are proven by clear
and convincing evidence, then it may impose such penalties as
it may determine, including that the professing membership of
the charged layperson in The United Methodist Church be termi-
nated; provided that the trial court shall rst consider other rem-
edies that would fulll the provisions of 221.
7. The appropriate ofcer of the trial shall, at the conclusion
of the proceeding, deposit all trial documents with the secretary
of the charge conference. If an appeal is taken, the secretary shall
deliver all documents to the district superintendent. After the
appeal has been heard, the records shall be returned to the cus-
tody of the secretary of the charge conference.
2715. Appeal ProceduresGeneral
1. In all cases of appeal, the appellant shall within thirty days
give written notice of appeal and at the same time shall furnish to
the ofcer receiving such notice (¶¶ 2716.2, 2717.1, 2718.2) and to
the counsel a written statement of the grounds of the appeal, and
the hearing in the appellate body shall be limited to the grounds
set forth in such statement.
2. When any appellate body shall reverse in whole or in part
the ndings of a committee on investigation or trial court, or
remand the case for a new hearing or trial, or change the penalty
imposed by the trial court, it shall return to the convening ofcer
a statement of the grounds of its action.
3. An appeal shall not be allowed in any case in which the
respondent has failed or refused to be present in person or by
counsel at the investigation and the trial. Appeals shall be heard
by the proper appellate body unless it shall appear to the said
body that the appellant has forfeited the right to appeal by mis-
conduct, such as refusal to abide by the ndings of the trial court;
or by withdrawal from the Church; or by failure to appear in per-
son or by counsel to prosecute the appeal; or, prior to the nal
decision on appeal from conviction, by resorting to suit in the civil
courts against the complainant or any of the parties connected
with the ecclesiastical court in which the appellant was tried.
25. See Judicial Council Memorandum 826.
26. See Judicial Council Decision 3.
4. The right of appeal, when once forfeited by neglect or oth-
erwise, cannot be revived by any subsequent appellate body.
5. The right to prosecute an appeal shall not be affected by
the death of the person entitled to such right. Heirs or legal repre-
sentatives may prosecute such appeal as the appellant would be
entitled to do if living.
6. The records and documents of the trial, including the evi-
dence, and these only, shall be used in the hearing of any appeal.
7. The appellate body shall determine two questions only:
(a) Does the weight of the evidence sustain the charge or charges?
(b) Were there such errors of Church law as to vitiate the verdict
and/or the penalty? These questions shall be determined by the
records of the trial and the argument of counsel for the Church
and for the respondent. The appellate body shall in no case hear
witnesses. It may have legal counsel present, who shall not be the
conference chancellor for the conference from which the appeal
is taken, for the sole purpose of providing advice to the appellate
8. In all cases where an appeal is made and admitted by the
appellate committee, after the charges, ndings, and evidence
have been read and the arguments conclude, the parties shall
withdraw, and the appellate committee shall consider and decide
the case. It may reverse in whole or in part the ndings of the
committee on investigation or the trial court, or it may remand
the case for a new trial to determine verdict and/or penalty. It
may determine what penalty, not higher than that afxed at the
hearing or trial, may be imposed. If it neither reverses in whole or
in part the judgment of the trial court, nor remands the case for a
new trial, nor modies the penalty, that judgment shall stand. The
appellate committee shall not reverse the judgment nor remand
the case for a new hearing or trial on account of errors plainly not
affecting the result. All decisions of the appellate committee shall
require a majority vote.
9. In all cases, the right to present evidence shall be exhausted
when the case has been heard once on its merits in the proper
court, but questions of Church law may be carried on appeal, step
by step, to the Judicial Council.
10. The Church shall have no right of appeal from ndings
of the trial court. In regard to cases where there is an investiga-
tion under 2702, but no trial is held, egregious errors of Church
law or administration may be appealed to the jurisdictional com-
mittee on appeals by counsel for the Church. The committee on
investigation’s decision not to certify a bill of charges does not
alone constitute an egregious error of Church law or administra-
tion. When the committee on appeals shall nd egregious errors of
Church law or administration under this part, it may remand the
case for a new hearing, in which event it shall return to the chair
of the committee on investigation a statement of the grounds of its
action. This is not to be double jeopardy.
11. Questions of procedure may be raised with the presiding
ofcer or secretary of the appellate body. Under no circumstances
shall one party in the absence of the other party discuss substan-
tive matters with members of any appellate body while the case is
pending (cf. ¶¶ 2607, 2701.4).
12. In all matters of judicial administration, the rights, duties,
and responsibilities of clergy members and diaconal ministers of
missionary conferences and provisional annual conferences are
the same as those in annual conferences, and the procedure is the
13. Contacts with members of any appellate body shall be
limited to matters of procedure and shall be directed only to the
presiding ofcer or secretary of the appellate body. Under no cir-
cumstances shall matters of substance be discussed.
2716. Appeal of a Bishop, Clergy Member of an Annual Confer-
ence, Clergy on Honorable or Administrative Location, Local Pastor, or
Diaconal Minister
1. Each jurisdictional and central conference, upon nomina-
tion of the College of Bishops, shall elect a committee on appeals
composed of four clergy, one diaconal minister, one full-time local
pastor, and three laypersons who have been at least six years suc-
cessively members of The United Methodist Church, and an equal
number of corresponding alternates. This committee shall serve
until its successors have been elected. No member shall partici-
pate in the hearing of an appeal who is a member of a conference
in the episcopal area of the appellant. Any vacancy shall be lled
by the College of Bishops.
The committee on appeals shall have full power to hear and
determine appeals of bishops, clergy members, clergy members
on honorable or administrative location, local pastors, and dia-
27. See Judicial Council Decision 985.
conal ministers from any annual conference, provisional or mis-
sionary conference within the jurisdiction or central conference.
The committee shall elect its own president and secretary and
shall adopt its own rules of procedure, and its decisions shall be
nal, except that an appeal may be taken to the Judicial Council
only upon questions of law related to procedures of the jurisdic-
tional committee on appeals, central conference committee on
appeals, or under the provisions of 2609.8. A bishop designated
by the College of Bishops shall convene the committee at the site
of jurisdictional or central conference for the purpose of electing
2. In case of conviction by a trial court, a bishop, clergy mem-
ber, local pastor, clergy on honorable or administrative location,
or diaconal minister shall have the right of appeal to the jurisdic-
tional or central conference committee on appeals above consti-
tuted, provided that within thirty days after the conviction, the
appellant shall notify the presiding bishop of the conference (or,
when the appellant is a bishop, the president and secretary of the
College of Bishops) and the presiding ofcer of the court in writ-
ing of the intention to appeal.
3. When notice of an appeal has been given to the presiding
ofcer of the court, the presiding ofcer shall give notice of the
same to the secretary of the committee on appeals of the jurisdic-
tional or central conference and submit the documents in the case,
or in case the documents have been sent to the secretary of the
annual conference, instruct the secretary to send the documents
to the president of the committee on appeals. The jurisdictional or
central conference committee on appeals shall within thirty days
give notice to the presiding bishop of the conference from which
the appeal is taken (or to the president and secretary of the Col-
lege of Bishops when the appellant is a bishop) and to the appel-
lant of the time and place where the appeal will be heard. Such
hearing shall occur within 180 days following receipt of notice to
the committee on appeals. Both the annual conference, mission-
ary conference, or provisional conference and the appellant may
be represented by counsel as specied in 2708.7. The presiding
bishop of the conference or, in the appeal of a bishop, the presi-
dent or secretary of the College of Bishops, shall appoint counsel
for the Church.
4. All necessary traveling and sustenance expense incurred
by the committee on appeals, including any cost for legal coun-
sel retained to advise the committee, in the hearing of an appeal
case coming from an annual conference and appearing before any
jurisdictional or central conference committee on appeals, shall be
paid out of the administrative fund of the central or jurisdictional
conference in which the proceedings arise. The president of the
committee on appeals shall approve all expenses. Expenses for
counsel for the Church shall be paid by the annual conference.
Such expenses for counsel for the respondent shall be paid by the
respondent, unless in the interest of fairness, the committee on
appeals orders the annual conference or jurisdictional conference
to reimburse the respondent.
2717. Appeal of a Lay Member
1. A lay member convicted by a trial court shall have the right
of appeal and shall serve written notice of appeal with the pastor
and the district superintendent within thirty days of conviction.
2. The district superintendent shall, on receipt of notice of
appeal, give written notice to all concerned of the time and place
of the convening of a committee on appeals not less than ten nor
more than thirty days after such notice has been delivered.
3. The committee on appeals shall be constituted in the fol-
lowing manner: The district superintendent shall appoint eleven
professing members of United Methodist churches within the
annual conference other than the appellant’s local church, none
of whom shall have been members of the trial court, and who
hold ofce either as lay leader or lay member of the annual confer-
ence. At the convening of the committee on appeals, from seven
to eleven of these shall be selected to serve on the committee. The
counsel for the appellant and the counsel for the Church shall
have the right to challenge for cause, and the decisions on the
validity of such challenges shall be made by the presiding ofcer,
who shall be the district superintendent.
4. The ndings of the committee on appeals shall be certied
by the district superintendent to the pastor of the church of which
the accused is a member.
2718. Other Appeals
1. The order of appeals on questions of law shall be as fol-
lows: from the decision of the district superintendent presiding
in the charge or district conference to the bishop presiding in the
annual conference, and from the decision of the bishop presiding
in the annual conference to the Judicial Council, and from a cen-
tral conference to the Judicial Council.
2. When an appeal is taken on a question of law, written
notice of the same shall be served on the secretary of the body in
which the decision has been rendered. It shall be the secretary’s
duty to see that an exact statement of the question submitted and
the ruling of the chair thereon shall be entered on the journal. The
secretary shall then make and certify a copy of the question and
ruling and transmit the same to the secretary of the body to which
the appeal is taken. The secretary who thus receives said certied
copy shall present the same in open conference and as soon as
practicable lay it before the presiding ofcer for a ruling thereon,
which ruling must be rendered before the nal adjournment of
that body, that said ruling together with the original question and
ruling may be entered on the journal of that conference. The same
course shall be followed in all subsequent appeals.
3. The order of appeals on questions of procedures in an
administrative process shall be as follows: from the decision of
the conference relations committee to the administrative review
committee who has original jurisdiction over the administrative
matter, and from the administrative review committee to the cen-
tral conference or jurisdictional appeals committee in which the
appellant holds membership, and from the jurisdictional appeals
committee to the Judicial Council.
4. When an appeal is made on questions of procedure in an
administrative process:
a) In all cases of appeal, the appellant shall within thirty
days give written notice of appeal and at the same time furnish
to the ofcer receiving such notice a written statement of the
grounds of appeal, and the hearing in the appellate body shall be
limited to the grounds set forth in such statement.
b) The appellant body shall return to the convening of-
cer of the administrative hearing and to the appellant a written
statement of the grounds of its action.
c) An appeal shall not be allowed in any case in which
the respondent has failed or refused to be present in person or by
counsel during the administrative hearing. Appeals shall be heard
by the proper appellate body unless it shall appear to the said body
that the appellant has forfeited the right to appeal by misconduct;
by withdrawal from the Church; by failure to appear in person or
by counsel to prosecute the appeal; or, prior to the nal decision
on appeal by resorting to suit in the civil courts against any of the
parties connected with the ecclesiastical administrative process.
d) The right to appeal, when once forfeited by neglect or
otherwise, cannot be revived by any subsequent appellate body.
e) The right to prosecute an appeal shall not be affected
by the death of the person entitled to such right. Heirs of legal rep-
resentatives may prosecute such appeal as the appellant would be
entitled to do if living.
f) The records and documents of the administrative pro-
cess, including any evidence, and these only, shall be used in the
hearing of any appeal.
g) The appellate body shall determine one question only:
Were there such errors of Church law as to vitiate the recommen-
dation and/or action of the administrative body? This question
shall be determined by the records of the administrative process
and the arguments of the ofcial representatives of all parties. The
appellate body shall in no case hear witnesses. It may have legal
counsel present for the sole purpose of providing advice to the
appellate body.
h) If the appellate body determines that any error has
occurred, it may recommend to the appropriate person or body
that action be taken promptly to remedy the error, decide the error
is harmless, or take other action. The appellate committee shall
not reverse the judgment nor remand the case for a new hearing
on account of error plainly not affecting the result. All decisions of
the appellate committee shall require a majority vote.
i) In all cases, the right to present evidence shall be
exhausted when the case has been heard once on its merits in the
proper administrative hearing body, but questions on Church law
may be carried on appeal, step by step, to the Judicial Council.
j) Questions of procedure may be raised with the presid-
ing ofcer or secretary of the appellate body. Under no circum-
stances shall one party in the absence of the other party discuss
substantive matters with members of any appellate body while
the case is pending.
k) Contacts with members of any appellate body shall be
limited to matters of procedure and shall be directed only to the
presiding ofcer or secretary of the appellate body. Under no cir-
cumstance shall matters of substance be discussed.
M P
2719. 1. Any clergy members residing beyond the bounds
of the conference in which membership is held shall be subject to
the procedures of ¶¶ 2701-2718 exercised by the appropriate of-
cers of the conference in which he or she is a member, unless the
presiding bishops of the two annual conferences and the clergy
member subject to the procedures agree that fairness will be bet-
ter served by having the procedures carried out by the appropri-
ate ofcers of the annual conference in which he or she is serving
under appointment, or if retired, currently residing.
2. When a bishop, clergy member, local pastor, or diaconal
minister is the respondent to a complaint under 362.1e and
desires to withdraw from the Church, the jurisdictional or central
conference in the case of a bishop, the annual conference in the
case of a clergy member, or the district conference (where there is
no district conference, the charge conference) in the case of a local
pastor or diaconal minister will ask him or her to surrender his
or her credentials and will remove his or her name from profess-
ing membership; in which case the record shall be “Withdrawn
under complaints” or “withdrawn under charges,” whichever is
3. When a professing member of the Church is charged with
an offense and desires to withdraw from the Church, the charge
conference may permit such member to withdraw his or her name
from the roll of professing members, in which case the record shall
be “Withdrawn under complaints.” If formal charges have been
presented, such member may be permitted to withdraw, in which
case the record shall be “Withdrawn under charges.”
4. In all matters of judicial administration, the rights, duties,
and responsibilities of clergy members, local pastors, clergy on
honorable or administrative location, and diaconal ministers of
missions, missionary conferences, and provisional annual confer-
ences are the same as those in annual conferences, and the proce-
dure is the same.
5. For procedural purposes, the judicial process shall be gov-
erned by the Discipline in effect on the date a complaint is for-
warded to the counsel for the Church.
This page intentionally left blank
late-term, partial, ¶¶ 161K,
social principles, ¶¶ 161K,L, 162K
abstinence, alcohol, ¶¶ 162L,
abuse, social principles,
family, 161H,I,J
of women, 162F
See also child abuse; sexual
accessibility audit, of local
church, 2533.6
Acquired Immune Deciency
Syndrome (AIDS), social prin-
ciples, 162U&V
Act of Covenanting with The
United Methodist Church,
¶¶ 570.1a,2a&4, 573
administrative council, jurisdic-
tional, 530
administrative fair process, 361
See also fair process
administrative general agencies,
See also general agencies
administrative location, 359
administrative fair process and
administrative location, 361
administrative review commit-
tee, 636
appeal, 2716
bishop initiating, 334.4
board of ordained ministry and
option, ¶¶ 353.11, 354.9&10
chargeable offense, 2702.1
conference relations committee,
¶¶ 359.2, 361.1, 635.1d
readmission, 365
rights, duties, and responsi-
bilities in matters of judicial
administration, 2719.4
administrative review committee,
for administrative location,
immunity from prosecution,
for involuntary leave, ¶¶ 354.11,
involuntary retirement, ¶¶ 357.3,
on provisional membership,
¶¶ 327.6, 636
adoption, of children,
maternity or paternity leave,
social principles, 161M
adult ministries, 1119
The Advance for Christ and His
Church, ¶¶ 822, 1806.12
The numbers, unless otherwise indicated, refer to paragraphs ()
and to subparagraphs. Subparagraphs are indicated
by the numerals and/or letters following the decimal points.
Advance Committee, 1313
nancial support of provisional
conference, 581.2
general directives, 823
promoting Advance Specials
Gifts, ¶¶ 823.1, 3-5
treasurer for the Advance 823.2
Advance Special Gifts, Annual
Conference, 656
Board of Global Ministries,
Board of Higher Education and
Campus Ministry, 634.4b(2)
remittance 619.1a(1)(f)
afliate local church lay member-
ship roll, ¶¶ 227, 230.4
afrmative action,
board of global ministries, con-
ference, 633.4b(7)
General Commission on the
Status and Role of Women,
social principles, 162A&F
Africa Central Conference,
Africa University Fund,
as general fund, 810.1
budget recommendations, Gen-
eral Council on Finance and
Administration, 806.1b
conference Board of Higher
Education responsibility,
General Commission on
Communication marketing
responsibility, 1806.12
African American Methodist
Heritage Center, 1703.1
The African Methodist Episcopal
Church, 433.2
The African Methodist Episcopal
Zion Church, 433.2
age level, family, and specialized-
ministries coordinators, 253
age level, life-span, and family
ministries, 1119
age-level councils, 257
central conferences, 547
conference. See annual confer-
ence agencies
general. See general agencies
See also interdenominational
agencies; jurisdictional agen-
cies; specic agency
older adult ministries, 1120
rights, social principles, 162E
agriculture, social principles,
family farms, 163H
sustainable, 162Q
AIDS. See Acquired Immune De-
ciency Syndrome; HIV/AIDS
air, social principles, 160A
Albright, Jacob, ¶¶ 103, 121
alcoholic beverages, ¶¶ 162L,
613.18, 717, 806.11
American Bible Society, 435
American Methodism doctrinal
standards, 103 (p. 58)
Americans with Disabilities ac-
cessibility standards, 140
animal life, social principles,
annual conference, ¶¶ 11 Article
I V, 32 Article I – 36 Article V, 40
Article IV – 41 Article V, 369.1,
admission, requirements for
and continuance of full mem-
bership in, ¶¶ 335-344
agencies, 610
additional committees, 610.2
coordinator of witness minis-
tries, 610
mandated provisions, 610.2
Administrative Review Com-
mittee, 636
Board of Ordained Ministry,
Board of Pensions, 639
Board of Trustees, 640
Committee on Episcopacy,
Council on Finance and Ad-
ministration, 611
Episcopal Residence Commit-
tee, 638
United Methodist Men, 648
United Methodist Women,
meeting location accessibility,
ex ofcio, ¶¶ 610.6, 710.6
inclusiveness, 610.5
size, 610.3
structural exibility, 610.1
Archives and History, Confer-
ence Commission, 641
See also Archives and History,
Conference Commission
Advance, 656
basic body, ¶¶ 33, Article II, 369
boundaries of, 40 Article IV
business and agenda of, 605
child and dependent care, 610.7
clergy compensation arrearage
policy, ¶¶ 624.2, 625.2(d)
clergy transfer from other an-
nual conferences, 347.1
clergy from other denomina-
tions, 347.3
clergy from other Methodist
denominations, 347.2c
committee on journal publica-
tion, 606.3
connectional ministries, 608
constitutional amendment vot-
ing of, 33 Article II
design of administrative struc-
tures, 610
director of communications,
director of connectional minis-
tries, 608.6
district conference, ¶¶ 658-672
executive session, 369.5
See also clergy session
nancial inquiries of local
churches, 604.8
Finance and Administration,
Conference Council. See
Finance and Administration,
Conference Council
General Conference delegate
election by, ¶¶ 34 Article III
36 Article V
historian, 641.3
See also Archives and History,
Conference Commission
historical society, 641.2
lay leader. See lay leader, an-
nual conference
membership, ¶¶ 32 Article I, 33
Article II
clergy membership, ¶¶ 369.1,
diaconal ministers, 602.2
lay membership ¶¶ 251.2,
organization, 603
pastoral support, ¶¶ 620-628
equitable compensation, 625
See also Equitable Compen-
sation Commission and
Equitable Compensation
pastors’ expenses and allow-
ances, 627
proportional payment of sal-
ary, 622
sustentation fund, 626
pensions, ¶¶ 1506-1509
conference board, 639
See also pensions conference
powers, duties, and responsi-
bilities, 604
purpose, 601
records and archives, 606
seating annual conference ses-
sion, 602.9-10
secretary and statistician, 603.7
sexual and gender harassment
by laity, 605.9
special session, 369.6
staff employment, policies and
practices, annual conference,
transfer of local churches, 41
Article V
treasurer/director of adminis-
trative services, 619
trustees for Health and Welfare,
witness ministries, 661
annual conference agencies, 610
administrative review commit-
tee, 636
Advance program, 656
Board of Church and Society,
See also Church and Society,
Annual Conference Board
Board of Discipleship, 630
See also Discipleship, Annual
Conference Board
Board of Global Ministries, 633
See also Global Ministries,
Annual Conference Board
Board of Higher Education of,
See also Higher Education
and Campus Ministry, An-
nual Conference Board
Board of Laity, 631
See also board of laity, annual
Board of Ordained Ministry,
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, annual conference
Board of Pensions, 639
See also pensions, conference
Board of Trustees, ¶¶ 640, 2512
See also board of trustees, an-
nual conference
Christian Unity and Interreli-
gious Relationships, 642
Commission on Communica-
tion, 646
Commission on Equitable Com-
pensation, 625
membership, 625.1
proportional payment and
distribution, 622
purpose, 625.2
responsibilities, 625.3-13
Commission on Religion and
Race, 643
Commission on Small Member-
ship Church, 645
Commission on the Status and
Role of Women, 644
Committee on Criminal Jus-
tice and Mercy Ministries
(CJAMM), 657
Committee on Disability Con-
cerns, 653
Committee on the Episcopacy,
Committee on Ethnic Local
Church Concerns, 632
Committee on Hispanic/Latino
Ministries, 655
Committee on Lay Servant
Ministries, 631.6
Committee on Native American
Ministry, 654
Committee on Older Adult Min-
istries, 651
Council on Young Adult Minis-
try, 650
Council on Youth Ministry, 649
joint committee on clergy medi-
cal leave, 652
United Methodist Men, 648
United Methodist Women, 647
Annual Conference Council on
Finance and Administration.
See Finance and Administra-
tion, Conference Council
annual conference journal, 606
appointments published in,
for deaconesses and home
missioners, 415.7
archive placement, 1711.3j
contents and divisions,
investment listing, 1508.7a
journal publication committee,
provide copies or digital ver-
sions, 606.2
required miscellaneous printing
in journal, 2517.6
annual conference observance for
offerings, 265
annual conference secretary,
¶¶ 603.7, 606.6,8&9, 1711.3j
Apostles’ Creed, ¶¶ 102, 203, 214
apostolic ministry ordination,
Appalachian Development Com-
mittee, 1004
appeals, ¶¶ 2715-2719
committee, ¶¶ 27.6 Article V,
31.7 Article IV, 2716
Judicial Council review of,
Pension and Health Benets,
General Board, 1502.4c
questions of law (DS and
bishop), 2718
in an administrative process,
trial of a bishop, ¶¶ 2712.5, 2716
trial of clergy member or dia-
conal minister, ¶¶ 2713.5, 2716
trial of a lay member of a local
church, ¶¶ 2714.7, 2717
in annual conference, journal,
¶¶ 451.7, 416.3, 606.3e
appointment-making, ¶¶ 425-
appointment-making consulta-
tion, 426
appointment-making process,
to attend school, ¶¶ 338.4, 416.6
bishops and, 428.2
certied candidates, 311
cooperative parish, ¶¶ 206.6,
deacons. See deacons
district superintendent’s role,
elders, associate member, pro-
bationary deacon, provisional
elder and licensed pastors,
extension ministry. See exten-
sion ministries
frequency of, 429
general evangelists, 630.3f
general provisions, 337
interim to special charges with
special needs, 338.3
itinerant system, 338
less than full-time, 428.7
local pastor, 337.2&3
open itineracy, ¶¶ 334.2a, 425.1
prole of appointment needs of
congregation, 427.1
security of, ¶¶ 334.1, 337.1
superintendency, 417
various ministries, ¶¶ 337-344
apportionments, 615
conference payment of, 808
Episcopal Fund, 614.1b
Finance and Administration,
Conference Council, ¶¶ 613.3,
615, 621
local church notication,
responsibilities, 613.3
See also conference benevo-
lences; World Service Fund
archives, 1711.3j&n
annual conference, 606.1
central conference, 545
of churches in merger, 2546.5
dened, 1711.1
Archives and History, Conference
Commission, 641
discontinued church, 233
historian, 641.3
records, 641.1&4
work with ethnic congregations,
Archives and History, General
Commission, ¶¶ 1701-1712
administrative general agency,
annual conference journal sent
to, 606.2
archival denitions, 1711.1
archives denition, 1711.1a
authorization and establish-
ment, 1701
central conference membership,
Connectional Table accountabil-
ity, 702.3
Connectional Table member-
ship, 906.1c
custodianship of records,
documentary record material,
executive committee, 1708
nances, 1709
general agencies, ¶¶ 703.6,
heritage landmarks, 1712.1b-2
present heritage landmarks,
historic sites, 1712.1a
Historical Society of The United
Methodist Church, ¶¶ 1703.1,
incorporation, 1702
meetings, 1705
membership, 1704
inclusiveness, 1704.2
ofcers, 1706
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
procedures, 1711.3
purpose, 1703
quadrennial review, 1712.1d
staff, 1707
armed forces chaplain
admission requirements to full
connection and ordination as
elder for military chaplain,
endorsement and support,
¶ 1421.5d
receiving person into church
membership, ¶¶ 222, 223
under leave of absence status,
Armed Forces Reserve, 344.5e
arrearage policy, of annual con-
ference, ¶¶ 624.2, 625.2d
Articles of Religion, ¶¶ 3 Article
III, 103, 104, 543.18
assessment process, local church
in transitional communities,
assistant and associate general
secretary, ¶¶ 703.7c&d, 715,
associate clergy members, ¶¶ 321-
administrative location, 359
See also administrative loca-
eligibility and rights, 321
fellowship, 323
licensed for pastoral ministry,
provisional membership, 322.4
requirement for election, 322
See also clergy retirement, 322.3
associate local church lay mem-
bership, ¶¶ 227, 230.5
associate pastors, denition,
association, term dened,
Association of Annual Confer-
ence Lay Leaders, 607.10
audiovisual materials,
as documentary record material,
United Methodist Committee
on Relief responsibility,
accessibility, of local church,
of annual conference and dis-
trict nancial records, 617
of annual local church member-
ship, 231
of church ofcers, 2511
of converted records, 233.1b
of episcopal area ofces, 818.7
of nancial records local church,
of general agencies, 806.5,6&13
of general church treasurer,
internal functions, 806.6
audit and review committee,
annual conference, 617
general church, 805.4a
recommendation of auditing
rm, 806.5
relationship with agencies
and institutions receiving
general Church funds,
¶¶ 806.13, 807.12c, 810.1
Pension and Health Benets,
General Board, 1502.4b
autonomous Methodist churches,
afliated autonomous Meth-
odist churches, and afliated
United Churches, ¶¶ 570-575
afliated autonomous Method-
ist Churches, 570.2
afliate memberships, 227
afliated United Churches,
autonomous Methodist Church-
es, 570.1
becoming, 572
certicates of membership,
clergy transfer, 571.2
covenanting, 570.4
delegates to General Confer-
ence, ¶¶ 13.2 Article I, 433.1b
Discipline of, 572.3
General Conference, 502.1b
Methodist Churches with con-
cordat agreements, 570.5
plans of cooperation, ¶¶ 571.4,
visitation program, 571.3
World Methodist Council mem-
bership, 433.1
baptism, ¶¶ 104, Articles XVI&
XVII (p. 69), Article VI (p. 73),
129, 216, 305
adults, 216.1b
associate members on honor-
able location, 358.2
baptized membership, 215.1
certicate of baptism, 226.2a
deacons assisting, 328
elders in full connection, ¶¶ 332,
on administrative location,
on honorable location, 358.2
on voluntary leave of ab-
sence, 353.8
retired clergy, 357.5
extension ministry, 344.3a
from other denomination, 225
infants and children, ¶¶ 216.1a,
during new church start, 259.6
as pastor responsibility and
duty, 340.2b(1)
prohibition against private bap-
tism, ¶¶ 226.2c, 341.7
provisional elders and licensed
local pastors, 316
reafrmation of baptismal cov-
enant, ¶¶ 216.2b, 228.2b(1)
records of baptisms, 230
youth, ¶¶ 216.1b, 226
See re-baptism
baptismal covenant, ¶¶ 215.2,
216.1&2, 225, 228.2b
base compensation, for pastors.
See Equitable Compensation
Commission and Equitable
Compensation Fund
Basic Christian Afrmations,
bequests, to The United Method-
ist Church,
annual conference
Archives and History, 641.1
pension funds restrictions,
Trustees, 2512.3a
Wesley Foundations,
634.4d (2)c
general church
General Board of Church and
Society, 1008.2
General Boards of Disciple-
ship and Higher Education,
¶¶ 1104.3-6, 1402, 1419
General Board of Global Min-
istries, 1310.3a
General Council on Finance
and Administration, 807.1
General Board of Pension and
Health Benets, 1504.18
United Methodist Women,
local church
charge conference authority,
foundations, 2535
trustees, 2533.5
bishops, ¶¶ 45 Article I – 54 Article
X, 401-442
ad interim service, 818.12
accountability and appeal,
¶¶ 403.1f, 523
appeals committee of, 2716.1
appointment making, ¶¶ 54
Article X, 425-430
across conference lines, 425.2
appointment-making process,
consultation, 426
criteria, 427
cross-racial and cross-cultur-
al, 425.4
frequency of appointment
making, 429
of deacons, 430
open itineracy, 425.3
responsibility, ¶¶ 54 Article
X, 425.1
See also appointments
assignment, ¶¶ 50 Article VI, 406
date of assignment, 406.1
special assignment, 406.3
College of Bishops, 48 Article
committee on episcopacy, juris-
dictional, 406.1
central conference, 406.2
conference committee, 4637
retired bishops, 818.12
special assignments, 406.3
complaints against, 413
administrative complaint,
appeals, ¶¶ 2715-2716
judicial complaint,
¶¶ 413.2,3d,2702.1, 2704.1a
committee on investigation,
trial, ¶¶ 2707-2712
consecration, 405
constitutional provisions, ¶¶ 45
Article I–54 Article X
Council of Bishops, ¶¶ 47 Article
III, 422
deacons supported by, 331.10
district superintendents, selec-
tion and assignment, 417
election, ¶¶ 46, 405
episcopal area provisions, 404
expense reimbursement policy,
expiration of terms in central
conferences, 411
honoraria policy, 818.6
interrupted service of, 818.11
medical leave, 410.4
leave of absence, 410.1
renewal leave, 410.2
sabbatical leave, 410.3
Board of Laity, 631.3
Council on Finance and
Administration, 612.2c
United Methodist Men,
honorary president, 648
Article 5(b)
United Methodist Women,
647 Article 4
general church
Council of Bishops, ¶¶ 47
Article III, 422
Curriculum Resource Com-
mittee, 1126.1a
general boards
Archives and History,
General Commission,
Church and Society, Gen-
eral Board, 1006.1c
Communication, General
Commission, 1807.1a
Discipleship, General
Board, 1105.1c
Global Ministries, Gen-
eral Board, 1311.6
Higher Education and
Ministry, General
Board, 1407.2c
Pension and Health Ben-
ets, General Board,
Religion and Race, Gen-
eral Commission,
Status and Role of
Women, General Com-
mission, 2104.1c
United Methodist Men,
General Commission,
United Methodist Pub-
lishing House, 1602.1a
United Methodist
Women, 1311.6
missionaries commissioning and
appointment of, 415.6&7
nomination of episcopal candi-
dates, 405.1
ofce of, 402
Order of Elders and Deacons re-
sponsibilities of, ¶¶ 308, 414.10
Pensions, 818.2&8
special assignments, 406
personal papers in archives,
presidential duties of, 415
presiding in sessions
annual conference, ¶¶ 52
Article VIII, 415.1, 603.6
central conference, ¶¶ 52
Article VIII, 415.1, 542.2
General Conference, ¶¶ 16
Article IV(11), 415.1, 503
jurisdictional conference,
¶¶ 52 Article VIII, 415.1, 522
questions of law decisions,
¶¶ 51 Article VII, 419.10,
2609.7, 2718.1
residence and committee, 638
chairperson, 638.3
Conference Council Finance
and Administration funding
recommendation, 614.1c
General Council on Finance
and Administration annual
grant, 818.5
jointly owned, 2514
membership, 638.2
responsibilities, 638.4
resignation, 408.4
responsibilities of, ¶¶ 49 Article
V, 51 Article VII, 52 Article
VIII, 54 Article X
leadership, spiritual and
temporal, 414
presidential, ¶¶ 49 Article X,
residential supervision, 49
Article V
working with ordained,
licensed, consecrated and
commissioned personnel,
administrative complaint
against a bishop, 413.3e
appointed to ad interim ser-
vice, 818.12
appointment of, 409.3
central conference, 548.1
former central conference,
involuntary, 408.3
jurisdictional episcopacy com-
mittee approval, 524.3e
mandatory, 408.1
status, 409
vocational, 408.2b
voluntary, 408.2
review and evaluation of, 412
role of, 403
salaries, 818.2&4
special ministry not separate
order, 402
termination, 408
tenure, 50 Article VI
transfer of across jurisdictional
lines, ¶¶ 49 Article V, 512.2-4,
travel expenses, 818.2&6
vacancy in ofce of bishop, 407
whose service is interrupted,
withdrawal from membership
resignation, 408.4
under complaint, 2719.2
See also College of Bishops;
Council of Bishops
Bishop’s Dinner for Scouting,
Black College Fund, 815
assistant general secretary,
conference board of higher
education in interpreting and
promoting, 634.2a(5)
conference treasurer remittance,
distribution formula, 815.1
funding for, 806.1b
General Commission on Com-
munication marketing,
as general fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 815
Black Colleges Council of Presi-
dents, 1420
Black Methodists for Church
Renewal, membership on Con-
nectional Table, 906.1e
blended ministry, 206.3b(3)
board of laity,
annual conference, 631
chair, 631.4
conference committee on Lay
Servant Ministries, 631.6
membership, 631.3
purpose, 631.2
responsibilities, 631.7
district, 631
chair and ofcers, 631.3
membership, 631.2
purpose, 631.1
relationship with, 631.4
Board of Ordained Ministry,
conference, 635
associate member. See associate
candidacy for licensed and,
¶¶ 310-314
appointment of certied can-
didates, 311
approved candidates, 310.2
beginning candidacy, 310.1
continuation of candidacy,
discontinuance of certied
candidates, 314.1
district committee, ¶¶ 310.1e
&2, 3, 313, 314
entrance procedures, 310.1
local church role, ¶¶ 310.1a&e,
mentor, ¶¶ 310.1b&c, 311
orientation to ministry, 312
reinstatement of certied
candidates, 314.2
changes in conference relation-
ship, ¶¶ 352-360
administrative location, 359.2
honorable location, 358
See also honorable location
involuntary leave, ¶¶ 354, 363
maternity or paternity leave,
medical leave, ¶¶ 356, 652
provisions for change, 352
retirement, 357
appointment, 357.6
charge conference member-
ship, 357.5
involuntary, ¶¶ 357.3, 364
mandatory, 357.1
return to effective relation-
ship, 357.7
voluntary, 357.2
voluntary leave of absence,
family leave, 353.2b
personal leave, 353.2a
transitional leave, 353.2c
withdrawal, 360
between annual confer-
ences, 360.4
from ministerial ofce,
to unite with another de-
nomination, 360.1
withdrawal under com-
plaint or charges, 360.3
See also clergy
clergy appointed from other
conferences, Methodist and
Christian denominations,
clergy session, 369.5
commissioning, 325
Conference Relations Commit-
tee, ¶¶ 361.1, 635.1d
See also Conference Relations
deacons. See deacons
diaconal ministers. See diaconal
district committee on ministry
representative, 635.1g
duties, 635.2
elders. See elders
elders or ordained clergy from
other denominations, 346.2
endorsements, ¶¶ 635.1c, 1421.5
extension ministry appoint-
ments, 344
fellowship of local pastors and
associate members, ¶¶ 323.2,
administrative costs, 635.4
Ministerial Education Fund,
ineffectiveness of clergy, 359.2
less than ll-time service, 338.2
licensing for ministry, ¶¶ 315-320
local pastors. See local pastors
meetings, 635.1f
membership, 635.1
bishop nominees, 635.1a
election to, 635.1
orientation, 635.1h
term, 635.1a
mentoring, 348
minimum requirements, 369.3
missionary conference, 586.7
ofcers, 635.1c
chair, 635.1c
registrar, ¶¶ 635.1c, 635.3
duties, ¶¶ 635.3a-d
Order of Elders and Deacons,
¶¶ 308, 635.2p
organization, 635.1c
and apostolic ministry, 302
by bishop, 415.6
deacons, 330
elders, 335
meaning of, 301
purpose, 303
qualications for, 304
orientation to ministry, 312
provisional membership. See
provisional membership
readmission, ¶¶ 364-368
after honorable or administra-
tive location, 365
after involuntary retirement,
after leaving ministerial of-
ce, 366
after termination by action of
annual conference, 367
to provisional membership,
special session of annual confer-
ence, 369.6
transfers from
other annual conferences,
¶¶ 347.1,4&5
other denominations,
¶¶ 347.3, 4&5
other Methodist denomina-
tions, 347.2
See also associate members;
deacons; diaconal minis-
ters; district committee on
ministry; elders; local pastor;
ordained ministry, pastors,
provisional membership
Board of Pensions. See pensions,
conference board
board of trustees, 640
annual conference, ¶¶ 640, 2512-
ad interim vacancies, 2512.2
annual conference property.
See property, annual con-
authority, 2512.3
health and welfare institu-
tions, 1402 2517
investments, 2512.3b,c,e,&f
meetings, 2512.2
ofcers, 2512.2
district, 2518
See also property, district
local church, ¶¶ 2525–2551
accessibility audit, 2533.6
bequests and trusts, 2533.5
board size, 2525
charge conference authority,
charge or cooperative parish
board, 2528
covenant relationships in
multi-ethnic and multi-
language settings, 2551
election and term of ofce,
foundations, 2535
insurance issues, 2533.2
local conference, duties,
authority, and membership,
meetings, 2532
membership and election,
¶¶ 2525, 2526
ofcers, 2530.2
organization, 2530
permanent endowment fund
committee, 2534
powers and limitations, 2533
property. See property, local
qualications, 2525
removal of trustees, 2531
report to charge conference,
review of parsonage, 2533.4
use of building by external
organization, 2533.3
vacancies, 2531.3
See also property
bonding, 2511
of general, jurisdictional, an-
nual, and provisional annual
conference ofcers, 2511
of conference and conference
agency ofcers, 618
president and corporate ofcers
United Methodist Publishing
House, 1626
of pension handlers, 1508.9
Book of Common Prayer, ¶¶ 102,
The Book of Discipline of The
United Methodist Church,
¶¶ 101, 102
autonomous and afliated
churches, 572.3
central conference, ¶¶ 101,
general funds denition in, 810
in governance of judicial pro-
cess, 2719.5
Judicial Council review of,
¶¶ 2609.8, 2612.2
The Book of Resolutions of The
United Methodist Church,
approval, 510.2c
board and agency responsibili-
ties, ¶¶ 510.2b, 1406.11
boycott guidelines,
annual conference, ¶¶ 604.12,
charge conference responsi-
bility, 247.19&21
district, ¶¶ 702.6, 659.5
general agency, 702.6
editing of, 510.2
guidelines, 510.2
indices, 510.2a
publishing and guidelines,
older-adult ministries, 1120.3i
website availability, 510.2a
Book of Worship, The United
Conference Board of Disciple-
ship responsibilities, 630.4b
Discipleship, General Board
recommendations, 1113.3
General Conference Responsi-
bility for, 16.6 Article IV
borrowing, by agencies, 811.3
Boston University School of The-
ology, 1422.3
of annual conferences, 27.4
Article V
changes, 40 Article IV
of central conferences, ¶¶ 28
Article I, 543.8
annual conference, 31.4
Article IV
episcopal areas, 543.5
changes, 40 Article IV
interim provisions for provi-
sional central conferences,
of districts, 415.4
of district property sales, 2518.3
of episcopal areas, 524.3b
of jurisdictional conference,
¶¶ 16.12 Article IV, 37 Article
I, 39 Article III
annual conference, ¶¶ 604.12,
659.5, 702.6
charge conference responsibil-
ity, 247.22
district, ¶¶ 659.5, 702.6
general agency, 702.6
British Methodist Conference,
13.3 Article I
annual conference, 614
administration, 614.2
agencies, 610.1b
bishop’s housing, 614.1c
clergy support, 614.1
Commission on the Status
and Role of Women, 644.4
conference benevolences,
district superintendents’ sup-
port, 614.1a
Finance and Administration,
Conference Council,
¶¶ 612.5a(1), 613.1, 614
format, 614.6
other apportioned causes,
pensions and benets,
special appeals, 614.5
General Conference
Finance and Administration,
General Council, ¶¶ 804,
805.6b, 806.1&4
general agencies, 806.4
provisional annual confer-
ences, 582.3
local church
church council, 252.4c
nance committee, 258.4
building committee, ¶¶ 2533.1,
bullying, social principles, 161R
burial ground property title,
membership records, 230.1g
responsibilities and duties of
clergy, ¶¶ 316.1, 340.2a(3)(b)
cabinet, 424
appointment process coopera-
tive ministries, 206.6
ecumenical shared ministries
priorities of, 211
extended attendance
conference lay leader, 424.6
director of administrative
services, 619.2
director of connectional min-
istries, 424.6
superintendency, 424
liturgical seasons, 1113.1
See also special Sundays
call to ministry, of baptized, 220
call to servant leadership, ¶¶ 138-
campus minister,
annual conference membership,
appointment as a campus min-
ister, 344.1a(3)
area or regional committee on
higher education and campus
ministry, 634.4a(10)(a)
college students’ names sent to
campus ministers and chap-
lains, ¶¶ 247.16, 256.3d
personnel committee, 634.4d
receiving into membership,
¶¶ 222–223
restrictions on holding religious
services, 341.4
campus ministries,
annual report of college and
university students, ¶¶ 232,
candidacy, 310.1a
coordinator, local church, 254
discontinuation of, 634.4d(17)
local church promotion and
encouragement to participate
in, 256.3c(3)(l)
as ministry setting for admis-
sion to full connection and
ordination, 335
responsibilities of Board of
Higher Education and Cam-
pus Ministries, 634.4d
support of young adult women,
candidacy for licensed and or-
dained ministry,
See Board of Ordained Minis-
try, conference
candidacy mentors, ¶¶ 310.1b, 311
Candler School of Theology,
capital punishment, social prin-
ciples, 164G
career development,
annual conference support,
General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry support,
catholic spirit, 103
Central and Southern Europe
Central Conference, ¶¶ 540.3b,
Central Conference Affairs, Com-
mission. See Standing Com-
mittee on Central Conference
Central Conference Pension
Initiative, 1504.20
Central Conference Theological
Education Fund, 817
central conferences, ¶¶ 10 Article
III, 28 Article I – 31 Article IV, 38
Article II, 540 - 548
adherence to Book of Discipline,
¶¶ 31.5&6 Article IV, 101,
543.7&16, 547.3
agencies, 547
annual conference boundar-
ies xed by, ¶¶ 40 Article IV,
annual and provisional annual
conference membership of,
¶¶ 29 Article II, 541
authorization, 540
in retired relation, 548
number of, 31.2 Article IV
term expiration, 411
boundaries, ¶¶ 28 Article I, 38
Article II
composition of, 541
historical recordkeeping, 572.1
language and translation,
lay delegate election to, 36
Article V
meetings of, 30 Article III
membership on general pro-
gram boards, 705.4c
negotiation with Protestant bod-
ies, 543.21
names, 540
numbers of, 28 Article I
organization of, 542
powers and duties of, ¶¶ 31
Article, 542.5, 543
presiding ofcer role, 542.4
property, 546
provisional conference becoming
a central conference, 540.4
records and archives of, 545
rules of procedure for investiga-
tion and trial, 543.12
standards of character for lay
members 543.9
territory divisions, 543.20
witness ministries, 547.5
women’s work, committee on,
See also Provisional Central
Conferences; specic central
certicate of baptism. See baptism
certicate of honorable location.
See honorable location
certied candidate for licensing
or ordination. See Board of Or-
dained Ministry, conference
certied lay minister, 268
certied lay missioner, ¶¶ 237,
certied lay servant, 266
certied lay speaker, 267
chancellor of conference,
annual conference membership,
associate chancellor(s), 603.8
committee on investigation
nomination and election, 603.8
annual conference membership,
continuing education, 1421.4a
military student candidate pro-
grams, 1421.5d
Chaplains Supplemental Pension
Grant Fund, 1421.5o
charge conference, 12 Article V,
43 Article I, 246 - 251
authority and local laws, 2529
church council chairperson elec-
tion, 251.3
church historian election, 247.5
church membership records,
church ofcer elections, 44
Article II
co-chairs 249.8
committee on records and his-
tory, 247.5b
duties of leaders and members,
election of leaders, 249
general provisions, 246
honorary members, 246.3
joint, 246.10
lay leader of, 251.1
xing time and place, 246.4
notice of meeting time and
location, 246.8
membership, 246.2
membership of deacons and
provisional deacons, 331.9
membership secretary, 234
ofcer term limits, 247.7
powers and duties, 247
presiding ofcer, 246.5
primary responsibilities, 247.3
professing members removed
by, 230.2
quorum for, 246.6
recording secretary, 247.4
removal of ofcers and lling
vacancies, 250
special sessions, 246.7
See also church conference
chargeable offenses, 2702
bishop, clergy, local pastor, dia-
conal minister, 2702.1
professing member of local
church, 2702. 3
statute of limitations, 2702.4
Chartered Fund, ¶¶ 22 Article VI,
child and dependent care, annual
conference, 610.7
adoption of, social principles,
clergy maternity or paternity
leave for, 355
baptism of, 216.1a
pastor’s responsibility, 226.2
care of, 226
church membership, 226.4
rights, social principles, 162C
Christ. See Jesus Christ
Christian as Minister, The, 310
Christian denominations,
¶¶ 344.1, 345
recognition of clergy orders
from other, 348
transfer from other denomina-
tions, ¶¶225, 347.3
Christian discipleship, General
Board of Discipleship, 1117
accountable, 1117.2
small group ministries, 1117.1
Christian education, 1108
Christian Education Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 265.1
conference Board of Disciple-
ship responsibility, 630.2d
General Board of Discipleship
promotion, 1109.14
General Commission on Com-
munication marketing,
Christian man’s oath and goods,
104 Articles XXIV, XXV (p. 71)
Christian Methodist Episcopal
Church, 433.2
Christian perfection, sanctica-
tion and, 104 p. 70, Article XI
(p. 75)
Christian Unity and Interreli-
gious Relationships,
annual conference, 642
Churches Uniting in Christ rela-
tionship with, 642.4f
Council of Bishops, consult
with, 431.3
Council of Bishops
funding, 440
election of members, 705.1
membership, 438
chairperson and secretary
of Council of Bishops,
election of members,
¶¶ 705.1&5
responsibilities, 441
staff, 439
support and input from
Christian Unity and Inter-
religious Relationships,
Christian values, media violence
and, 162S
Christian Year,
General Board of Discipleship
worship responsibilities,
special Sundays, 262
Christmas Conference, ¶¶ 103, 724
church, ¶¶ 104 Articles XIII (p. 68),
V (p. 73), 141
See also local church
Church and Community Minis-
program, annual conference
annual conference committee
on parish and community
development, subcommittee,
Church and Society, Conference
Board, 629
funding, 629.5
membership, 629.2
purpose, 629.1
responsibilities, 629.3&4
staff, 629.6
Church and Society, district
director, 662
Church and Society, General
Board, ¶¶ 1001-1011
Appalachian Development
Committee relationship with,
bylaws, 1011
conference board connection
with, ¶¶ 629.1-4
Connectional Table accountabil-
ity, 702.3
legislative advocacy, 1004
relationship to, 906.1c
nancial support, 1008
incorporation, 1005
additional members,
central conference member-
ship, ¶¶ 705.4c, 1006.1b
election, 705.3
episcopal members,
¶¶ 906.1c, 1006.1c
full communion ecumenical
partners, 1006.1d(2)
jurisdictional members,
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2
name, 1001
nominations, ¶¶ 705.1, 1006.1d
objectives, 1003
organization, 1006
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
purpose, 1002
responsibilities, 1004
staff, 1009
United Nations Ofce, 1010
vacancies, 1007
Youth Offender Rehabilitation
Program, 263.1c
church and state relations, social
principles, 164C
Church Business Administration,
United Methodist Church,
¶¶ 613.15, 807.18
church conference, 248
building committee presenta-
tion, 2544.7
district superintendent’s autho-
rization, 249
election of leaders, 249
for new church start, 259.8
joint church conference, 248
language of church conference,
special session, 246.7
church council. See local church,
church council
Church Extension of The
Evangelical Church, Board of,
Global Ministries, General
Board successor to, 1305.2
Church in Mission, 1301
ordained person’s role, ¶¶ 303.2,
church location and building,
district board, 2519
appeal of decisions, 2522
assessment of local church
potential, 213.3b
building proposal standards of
approval, 2521
building sharing with multi-
ethnic and multi-language
groups, 2551
deeding property to federated
churches or other denomina-
tions, 2548
disposition of property of
closed local church, 2549
district lay leader member of,
district parsonage, 2518
duties and responsibilities,
new local church or mission
congregation establishment,
planning and nancing for local
church buildings, 2544.2,5-8
responsibilities, 2520
sale, transfer, lease, or mortgage
of property, ¶¶ 2540.3, 2541.3
satellite congregations autho-
rized by, 247.23
church membership. See local
church, membership
church school,
Conference Board of Disciple-
ship responsibilities, 630.2
General Board of Discipleship,
responsibilities, ¶¶ 1108-1109
nancial support, 1106.4
See also local church, church
Church School Publications. See
United Methodist Publishing
church secretaries. See Profes-
sional Association of United
Methodist Church Secretaries
Church Women United, 1320.13
Churches Uniting in Christ,
annual conference, 642.2&4f
annual conference seat, 602.9
equitable compensation,
pastoral support of clergy from,
civic youth-serving agencies,
¶¶ 256.4, 2302.5
civil action, instituting and de-
fending, ¶¶ 141, 2509
civil authority, Christian duty to,
104 p. 72, Article XVI (p. 76)
civil disobedience and obedi-
ence, social principles, 164F
CJAMM. See Criminal Justice and
Mercy Ministries Committee
Claremont School of Theology,
class leaders, ¶¶ 256.1b, 1117.2c
administrative location, 359
See also administrative loca-
afliate membership (extension
ministers) 344.4
annual conference membership,
¶¶ 32 Article I, 304.4, 369.1,
appointment of
availability for, ¶¶ 334.2a, 338
security of, ¶¶ 334.1, 337.1
See also appointments
base compensation, 342.1
changes in conference relation-
ship, ¶¶ 352-360
administrative location, 359
honorable location, 358
See also honorable location
afliate membership,
from other denominations,
involuntary, ¶¶ 354, 363
maternity or paternity, 355
medical, ¶¶ 356, 652
sabbatical, 351
spiritual growth, 350.3
voluntary, 353
family, 353.2b
personal, 353.2a
transitional, 353.2c
retirement, 357
ad interim, 357.2d
involuntary, ¶¶ 357.3, 363
mandatory, 357.1
voluntary, 357.2
with forty years of ser-
vice or age sixty-ve,
with thirty years of ser-
vice or age sixty-two,
with twenty years of
service, 357.2a
between conferences,
from ordained ofce,
to unite with another de-
nomination, 360.1
under complaints or
charges, 360.3
chargeable offenses, 2702.1
clergy & Christian denomina-
clergy from other denomi-
nations, 346.2
clergy serving other de-
nominations, 345
clergy from other annual
conferences, 347.1
clergy from other denomi-
nations, 347.3
clergy from other Method-
ist denominations,
complaints. See Complaints
condentiality, 341.5
continuing education and spiri-
tual growth, 350
denition of, 142
employment status of, 143
extension ministry, ¶¶ 343–344
afliate annual conference
membership, 344.4
afliate local church member-
ship, 344.3b
annual compensation report
requirement, 628
categories of appointment,
clergy serving evaluation,
consultation with bishop,
general provisions, 344.5
links to, 1421.5j
local pastors and, 316.1
pastoral care programs,
provisions for appointment,
provisional members, 326.3
relation to annual conference,
accountability to, 344.2a
afliate membership,
responsibility for, 344.2b
relation to local church,
evaluation, 349
from other denominations,
full-time ministry service,
General Conference delegates,
honorable location, 358
See also honorable location
inquiring into moral character,
judicial complaints of, 2704.2
See also judicial complaints
mentoring, 348.4
pensions of, 1506.2&3
provisional membership. See
provisional membership
readmission to conference rela-
after honorable or administra-
tive location, 365
after involuntary retirement,
after leaving the ministerial
ofce, 366
after termination by annual
conference, 367
to provisional membership,
recommendation of involuntary
status change, 363
retirement, 357
ad interim, 357.2d
administrative review com-
mittee and, 636
appointment, compensation,
pension credits, 357.6
associate members, 322.3
charge conference member-
ship, 357.5
counseling prior to, 357.4
involuntary, ¶¶ 353.11, 357.3
readmission, 368
mandatory, 357.1
voluntary, 357.2
return to effective relation-
ship, 357.7
unauthorized conduct, 341
voting rights at annual confer-
ence 602.1a-d
voting rights, clergy from
other annual conferences and
Christian denominations,
withdrawal from membership,
between annual conferences,
from ministerial ofce, 360.2
to unite with another denomi-
nation, 361.1
under complaint, ¶¶ 360.3,
See also associate member,
deacons; elders; local pastor;
ordained ministry, pastors,
provisional membership
clergy orders, ¶¶ 305-309
changing, 309.2
of deacons, 306
of elders, 306
membership of, 309.1
organization of, 308
purpose, 307
in relation to ministry of all
Christians, 305
Clergy Retirement Security
clergy from other annual confer-
ences and Methodist denomi-
nations, 346.1
episcopal, 818.8
responsibility for, 1506
clergy session, 369.5
actions on behalf of annual confer-
ence, 605.7
invited attendees without vote,
right to vote of board of ordained
ministry lay members, 605.7
voting members, ¶¶ 334.1, 369.5,
clergy support budgets, 614.1
bishop’s housing, 614.1c
pastor compensation, 614.1e
pensions and benets, 614.1d
closed meetings,
Pastor/Staff Parish Relations
Committee 258.2e,
restrictions on closed meetings
code of ethics, 702.2
collateral, for annual conference
invested funds, 2512.3f
collective bargaining, social prin-
ciples, 163B
College of Bishops, 48 Article IV
authority to call special session
of jurisdictional conference,
committee on appeals, 2716.1
complaints against bishop sub-
missions to, 413.2&3
convening jurisdictional com-
mittee on episcopacy, 524.1
episcopal expense reimburse-
ment approval, 818.6
episcopal supervision for annual
conferences, 48 Article IV
Finance and Administration,
General Council and,
leave approval, 410.1-3
missionary conference supervi-
sion of, 586.1
retired bishop assignment,
review of bishops, 412
trial process role of, 2712.1-3
vacancy in ofce of bishop,
evaluating those related to an-
nual conference, 634.4a(7)
higher education and campus
ministry, conference board
responsibilities, 634.4b&c
Commissions on Equitable
Compensation of The United
Methodist Church, National
Association, 807.18
Commission on Religion and
Race. See Religion and Race
Commission on Small Member
Church, 645
Commission on Status and Role
of Women. See Status and Role
of Women
committee on investigation,
¶¶ 2703, 2706
for a bishop, 2703.1
for a clergy, 2703.2
for a diaconal minister, 2703.3
for a layperson, 2703.4
Committee on Legal Responsi-
bilities and Corporate Gover-
nance, 805.4c
Communications, local church
coordinator, 255.3
guidance, resources, and train-
ing for 1806.9
Communication, Conference
Commission, 646
Communication, General Com-
mission, ¶¶ 1801-1808. See
United Methodist Communica-
Communion elements. See Lord’s
Community Developers Pro-
gram, 263.1a
compensation. See salaries
complaints, ¶¶ 362, 2702.1
administrative fair process,
¶¶ 361-363
against bishop
administrative complaint,
judicial complaint, 2702.1
committee on investigation,
referral, 2704.1
against clergy, ¶¶ 362, 2702.1
against diaconal minister
judicial complaint, 2702.1
committee on investigation,
referral, 2704.3
against local pastor, 2702.1
against professing member,
complaint procedures, 362
disposition of, 362
fair process in administrative
hearings, 361
fair process in judicial proceed-
ings, 2701
form of judicial complaint,
held in abeyance, 362.1g
just resolution, ¶¶ 362.1&1c,
referral to counsel for the
church, 2704
supervisory response, 362.1b
withdrawal under complaints
and charges
bishop, clergy member,
diaconal minister, 2719.2
local pastor, ¶¶ 320.2, 2719.2
professing member, 2709.3
See also judicial complaints
Comprehensive Protection Plan,
annual conference options,
clergy on medical leave,
¶¶ 356.1&2
clergy or provisional members
from other annual confer-
ences and Methodist
denominations, 346.1
episcopal pensions, 818.8
voluntary retirement, 358.2
concordat agreements, 574
Council of Bishops, 574.1&2a
Daily Christian Advocate, 574.1b
Methodist churches with, 570.5
conference. See annual confer-
ence; central conferences;
charge conference; General
Conference; jurisdictional con-
ference; specic conference
conference agencies and boards.
See specic agency or board
conference benevolences,
¶¶ 247.14, 614.3
Conference Chancellors Associa-
tion, 807.18
conference lay leader. See lay
Conference of Methodist Bish-
ops, 423
Conference Presidents of United
Methodist Men, National As-
sociation of,
annual report to General Com-
mission on United Methodist
Men, 648 Article 10b
General Commission on United
Methodist Men communica-
tion and cooperation with,
ofcer of General Commission
on United Methodist Men,
Conference Relations Commit-
tee, ¶¶ 361.1, 635.1d
administrative location, 359.2
clergy medical leave, 356.3
involuntary status change,
conference scouting coordinator,
conference treasurer/director of
administrative services, 619
election, 619
functions, 619.1
responsibilities as director of
administrative services, 619.2
Confession of Faith, 3 Article III
General Conference restriction,
18 Article II
historic confessions, ¶¶ 103, 104
Board of Ordained Ministry,
clergy maintaining, ¶¶ 340.2a(5),
complaints against
bishops, 413.3c
clergy, 362.1c
General Church, 702.2
Judicial Council, 2607
conrmation, ¶¶ 216.1a, 226.1&4,
records of, 230.1b, 316.1
conict. See JUSTPEACE Center
for Mediation and Conict
conict of interest,
nancial administration of
investments, 1508
General Church boards, agen-
cies, etc., 702.2
General Council of Finance and
Administration, 805.1e
local church
audit, 258.4d
permanent endowment com-
mittee, 2534.6
University Senate, 1414.2
Congo Central Conference,
Congregational and Community
Development Program, 1314.1
Congregational Development,
annual conference subcommit-
tee, 633.5e
mission congregation, 259.1a
new church start, 259.1
General Board of Discipleship
joint committee, 1112.13
General Board of Global Minis-
tries, 1314.1
See also local church
Connectional Covenant and
Litany, 125
Connectional and Ecumenical
Relationships Program,
connectional ministries, 608
connectional responsibilities in
ecumenical shared ministries,
Connectional Table, ¶¶ 901–907
accountability to, 702.3-5
amenability, 903
central conference membership,
effective date, 907
evaluating general agencies,
incorporation, 902
meetings, 906.2
membership and general agen-
cies, ¶¶ 705, 906.1
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2i
name, 901
nominations by conferences,
objectives, 905
ofcers, 906.3
organization, 906
purpose, 904
staff, 906.5
connectionalism, ¶¶ 132, 701.1
covenant, 125
Journey of a Connectional
People, 132
of bishops, 405
of local church buildings, 2545
Constitution, of The United
Methodist Church, ¶¶ 1-61
amendment voting of, 33
Article II
amendments, ¶¶ 59 Article I – 61
Article III
annual conference as basic body
of the Church, 33 Article II
articles of religion and confes-
sion of faith, 3 Article III
declaration of union,
1 Article I
ecumenical relations,
6 Article VI
episcopal supervision, ¶¶ 45
Article I – 54 Article X
general, ¶¶ 1 Article I – 7
Article VII
inclusiveness, 4 Article IV
judiciary, ¶¶ 55 Article I – 58
Article IV
name, 2 Article II
organization, ¶¶ 8–44
property titles, 7 Article VII
racial justice, 5 Article V
restrictive rules, ¶¶ 17 Article I
22 Article VI
bishop assignment, ¶¶ 406, 407
General Council on Finance and
Administration service to
general agencies, 807.13
with Higher Education and
Ministry, General Board,
superintendency appointment-
making, 426
of University Senate, 1418.3
consumerism, social principles,
consumption, social principles,
continuing education,
Board of Ordained Ministry
setting standards and guide-
lines, 334.2d, 635.2o
clergy, ¶¶ 258.2g5, 349.1, 350
church secretaries, 807.18
district superintendent,
extension ministry, 337.3c3
General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry responsibil-
ity for, 1421.4a
Ministerial Education Fund use,
spiritual growth leaves,
pastor-parish relations commit-
tee responsibilities,
¶¶ 258.2g(5)&(8)
conveyances, conformance with
local law, 2508
conviction, of crime,
candidacy, 310.2b(1)
license for pastoral ministry,
ordained clergy from other
denominations, 346.2
provisional membership,
cooperative ecumenical parish,
cooperative parish, ¶¶ 205.2, 206
appointment to, 428.5b
board of trustees, 2528
annual conference
Board of Discipleship, 630.1i
Board of Global Ministries,
disaster response, annual
conference, 633.4b(22)
for witness ministries, 661
United Methodist Men minis-
try coordinators, 537
youth ministries, 533
local church
age-level, family and special-
ized-ministries, 253
children’s ministries, 256.2a
health-and-welfare ministries,
small-group, 255(1)
specialized ministry groups,
¶¶ 253–257
youth ministries, 256.3a,
scouting, training for 2302.5a
corporate governance. See legal
responsibilities and corporate
governance committee
corporate responsibility, social
principles, 163I
corruption, social principles,
Council of Bishops, ¶¶ 47 Article
III, 422
Act of Covenanting, 573.2
bishop assignment in another
jurisdiction, 49 Article V
central conferences episcopal
visit assignments, ¶¶ 542.3,
concordat agreements, 574.1
ecumenical relationships,
ofcer, 906.1c
episcopal visitation of mission
elds, 567
General Conference Commis-
sion membership, 511.1b
jurisdictional conference meet-
ings determined by, 26
Article IV
liaison role, ¶¶ 403.1c&f, 431.2,
power to call General Confer-
ence special session, 14
Article II
secretary-designate election,
General Conference, 504.1
special assignments, 406.3
Council of Presidents of the
Black Colleges, 1420
Council on World Service and
Finance, 803
Council on Youth Ministries,
conference, 643
Counsel for the Church,
¶¶ 362.1e(2), 2704.1-3
centers endorsement, 1421.5
as pastor’s responsibility and
duty, 340.2a2
post-abortion, 161K
pre-retirement for clergy, 357.4
Course of Study,
appointment as local pastor,
¶¶ 318.1&2
completion time requirements,
continuance as local pastor,
Division of Ordained Ministry,
General Board of Higher
Education, 1421.3d
local pastor election as associate
member, 322.1
local pastor eligibility to serve
on District Committee on
Ministry, 318.5
local pastor requirement for
provisional membership,
retirement of local pastor re-
quirement, 320.5
covenant groups, provisional
members, 326
Covenant of Relationship,
Covenant Relationship,
in multi-ethnic, multi-language
settings, 2551
covenantal or council relation-
ships, 434
Churches United in Christ,
The National Council of
Churches of Christ in the
U.S.A., 434.2
The World Council of Churches,
covenanting churches, ¶¶ 570.4,
covenanting in ecumenical
shared ministries, 209
bishops of central conferences,
deacons and elders changing
orders, 309.3
delegates to General Confer-
ence, 502.5
local pastor reinstatement,
withdrawal of clergy,
criminal and restorative justice,
social principles, 164H
criminal justice and mercy min-
istries (CJAMM) committee,
cultures, social principles,
¶¶ 162A, 165A
Curriculum Resources Commit-
authority to review teaching
resources of general agencies,
cooperative publications,
curriculum requirements, 1122
Discipleship, General Board
relationship with, ¶¶ 1112.11,
1124, 1125
duties and responsibilities,
¶¶ 1121, 1634
membership, 1126
United Methodist Publishing
House relationship with,
¶¶ 1124.2, 1636
youth materials, 1119.2a
custodian, of records,
Archives and History, General
Commission responsibility,
charge conference recording sec-
retary responsibility, 247.4
Daily Christian Advocate,
Commission on General Confer-
ence, 511.4c
concordat agreements, 574.1b
corrections to, ¶¶ 504.2, 510.1
Judicial Council decisions on
Book of Discipline, 2612.2
Judicial Council nominees bio-
graphical sketch in, 2602.2
petitions to General Conference
printed in, 507.7&8
publication of, 511.4c
ADCA languages, 511.4c
free download, 504.2
secretary responsibility for,
Deaconess Service, Commit-
tee on. See United Methodist
Deaconesses. See United Method-
ist Women
deacons, ¶¶ 32 Article I, 139, 328-
annual conference membership,
¶¶ 32, Article I, 304.4, 369.1,
appointment, 331
beyond the local church,
¶¶ 331.4-5
missional responsibility in
local church, 331.5
by bishop, ¶¶ 331.6, 430
to another denomination,
to attend school, ¶¶ 331.2,
338.4, 416.6
to less than full-time service,
¶¶ 331.7 & 10b
ad interim, ¶¶ 331.7c
to nonsalaried position,
to various ministries, 331.1
changes in conference rela-
tionship, ¶¶ 352-360
administrative location,
honorable location, 358
See also honorable location
involuntary leave, ¶¶ 354, 363
maternity or paternity leave,
medical leave, ¶¶ 356, 652
provisions for change, 352
retirement, 357
appointment, 357.6
charge conference member-
ship, 357.5
involuntary, ¶¶ 357.3, 363
mandatory, 357.1
return to effective relation-
ship, 357.7
voluntary, 357.2
voluntary leave of absence,
family leave, 353.2b
personal leave. 353.2a
transitional leave, 353.2c
withdrawal, 360
between annual confer-
ences, 360.4
from ministerial ofce,
to unite with another de-
nomination, 360.1
withdrawal under com-
plaint or charges, 360.3
changing ordination track,
chargeable offenses, 2702.1
charge conference membership
of, 331.9
complaint procedures, 362
educational requirements,
¶¶ 324.5, 330.3
employment termination,
equalize lay/clergy annual con-
ference membership, 602.4
evaluation, 349
examination of, 330.4–5
executive (clergy) session
membership, ¶¶ 334.1, 369.5,
nancing for continuing educa-
tion, 350.4b
from other annual conferences
and other Methodist denomi-
nations, ¶¶ 331.4b,c&9b, 346.1
General Conference legislative
power, 16.2 Article IV
ministry, authority, and respon-
sibilities of, ¶¶ 328-329
orders, ¶¶ 306-309, 329.3
changing orders, 309.2&3
deacons, 306
membership, 309
organization, 308
purpose, 307
ordination and admission to full
connection requirements,
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, conference
provisional membership,
commissioning, 325
qualications for election,
service of commissioned
ministers, ¶¶ 324-327
readmission, ¶¶ 364-368
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, conference read-
requirement for admission and
ordination, 330
sabbatical leave, 351
sacramental authority, 328
support when under appoint-
ment of bishop, 331.10
termination procedures,
transfer of, 347
from other annual confer-
ences, 347.1
from other denominations,
from other Methodist de-
nominations, 347.2
unauthorized conduct, 341
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, clergy and/or Order
of Deacons
death, social principles, 161N,O
See also suicide
death penalty, social principles,
See also capital punishment
Declaration of Union, 1 Article I
declaratory decisions, of Judicial
Council, 2610
dedication, of local church build-
ings, 2545
conveyances conformity and,
to federated churches or other
evangelical denominations,
trust clauses in, 2503
denitions, general Church struc-
tures, and titles, 703
denominations. See Christian
for annual conference funds,
archival, 641.1
for conference pension funds,
deputy general secretary, 703.7b
diaconal ministers,
chargeable offenses, 2702.1
continuing education and spiri-
tual formation, 1421.4a
governance responsibilities of
board of ordained ministry,
judicial complaints of, 2704.3
lay members of Annual Confer-
ence, ¶¶ 602.2&4
service records, 606.6
diakonia, ¶¶ 305, 330.4
differences of opinion, p. 106
disabilities, persons with,
agency meetings accommodat-
ing, 716.2
annual conference committee on
disability concerns, 653
annual conference location ac-
cessibility, 603.4
clergy, 1421.4g
discipleship board responsibility,
for camping experiences,
for training in ministry for,
nondiscrimination policies, 716
rights, social principles, 162I
Disability Awareness Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 265.4, 1806.12
disaster response, ¶¶ 633.4b(22),
Disaster Response Committee,
disaster response coordinators,
accountable, ¶¶ 256.1b, 1117.2
clergy and laity leadership
responsible for, 134
formation responsibilities, 1117
growth in faithful, 218
meaning of, 216.2a
See also Christian discipleship;
Discipleship, General Board
Discipleship, Conference Board,
responsibilities, 630.1
Christian education, 630.2
evangelism, 630.3
spiritual formation, 630.6
stewardship, 630.5
worship, 630.4
Discipleship, General Board,
¶¶ 1101-1126
advocacy for older-adult con-
cerns, 1120.2
age level, life-span, and family
ministries, 1119
Adult Ministries, 1119.3
Children’s Ministries, 1119.1
Family Ministries, 1119.4
Older-Adult Ministries com-
mittee general provisions,
Youth Ministry, 1119.2
annuities, bequests, trusts and
estates, ¶¶ 1104.3-6, 1106.2
bylaws, 1103
Book of Worship recommenda-
tions, 1113.3
Christian discipleship formation
responsibilities, 1117
Christian education, 1108
Church School Publications edi-
tor, 1125
Connectional Table accountabil-
ity, 702.3
cooperation with other boards
and agencies, 1110
curriculum resources com-
mittee authority to review,
curriculum requirements,
Curriculum Resources Com-
mittee, ¶¶ 1121, 1123, 1124
membership, 1126.1
secretary participation in,
education responsibilities and
standards, 1109
ethnic local church concerns,
evangelism, ¶¶ 1111, 1112
duciary functions, 1101.3
nancial support, 1106
foundation guidance, 1114.6
incorporation, 1104
laity ministry, 1116
members, ¶¶ 705.3a, 1101.4,
central conference member-
ship, ¶¶ 705.1c, 1105.1b
episcopal members, 1105.1c
jurisdictional members,
liaison representative,
Ministries With Young Peo-
ple, Division, ¶¶ 1105.1d,
nominations and election of
members, 705
mission education program,
Ministries With Young People,
Division, ¶¶ 1201–1212
See also Ministries With
Young People, Division
organization, 1105
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
purpose, 1101
responsibilities, 1102
ritual of the United Methodist
Church, 1113.4
spiritual formation responsibili-
ties, 1115
stewardship responsibilities,
United Methodist Publishing
House, relationship with,
Upper Room, nancial relation-
ship with, 1107
worship responsibilities, 1113
Discipline. See Book of Discipline
gender chargeable offense,
inclusiveness denying, 140
social principles, 162A-J
See also racial discrimination
dismissal, of members and em-
ployees authorized by General
Conference, 711
disposal schedule, for records,
disposition of property of a
closed church, 2549
distribution system, of United
Methodist Publishing House,
district board of church location
and building, ¶¶ 2518-2524
appeals of decisions of, 2522
authorization and establishment
of, 2519
district parsonage, ¶¶ 2518.1,
duties and responsibilities,
membership, ¶¶ 2518.2, 2519
role in assessment of local
church potential, 213.3b
sale, transfer, lease or mortgage
of district property, 2524
standards for approval of build-
ing proposals, 2521
district committee on lay servant
ministries, 668
district committee on ordained
ministry, 666
amenability, 666.1
candidacy, ¶¶ 659.3, 666.3-8
lay ministers, 666.11
local pastor, 666.6-10
membership, 666.1
ofcers, 666.2
recommendation for associate
and provisional membership,
record keeping, 661.8
responsibilities, 666.3-13
district conference, ¶¶ 42 Article
I, 658-659
annual conference and, ¶¶ 658-
boycotts, 659.5
certicates of candidacy, 659.3
district union, ¶¶ 659.4, 2518.2
laity, district board of, 667
Lay Servant Ministries district
committee, 668
membership, 659.1
religion and race district direc-
tor, 664
witness ministries, 661
young-adult ministries, 665
youth ministry district council,
district directors,
of Church and Society, 662
of ethnic local church concerns,
of Religion and Race, 664
of young-adult ministries, 665
district lay leader, 660
annual conference board of laity
member, ¶¶ 631.3, 660.5
Committee on District Superin-
tendency membership,
district board of laity, 667
district committee on Lay Ser-
vant Ministries, 668
district committee on ordained
ministry member, 660.8
district conference member,
district superintendency com-
mittee member, 669.1
district United Methodist Men,
671 Article 5d
election, 660.2
laity complaint, 228.2b(8)
lay member of annual confer-
ence, ¶¶ 32 Article I, 602.4,
working relationship with su-
perintendent, ¶¶ 419.4, 660.3
district property, ¶¶ 2518-2524
district parsonage, 2518
district superintendency commit-
tee, 669
consultation, 669.5
meeting, 669.3
membership, 669.1
purpose, 669.4
district superintendents, ¶¶ 53
Article IX, 417-421
administration of, 419
appointment and assignment
making, 419.2
appointment criteria for congre-
for community, 427.3
for local congregations,
for pastors, 427.2
bishop’s relationship with, 421
cabinet, 424
committee on superintendency,
committee on pastor-parish
relations working with,
¶¶ 428.3&6
community proles, 427.3
extension of bishop’s ofce,
¶¶ 401, 419, 421
limitation on years of service,
¶¶ 418, 586.1
ofce of, 402
parish conguration, realign-
ment, 419.9
pastoral leadership, 419
program oversight, 419
questions of law, ¶¶ 419.10,
recruitment and examination of
candidates for ministry,
renewal and study leave, 420
responsibilities of, ¶¶ 53 Article
IX, 54 Article X, 249, 419, 424.1
role of, 403
selection and assignment, 417
special ministry not separate
order, 402
spiritual leadership, 419.5
supervision, 419.7
See also superintendency
district union, ¶¶ 659.4, 2518.2
divorce, social principles, 161D
Doctrinal Heritage, 102
Doctrinal History, 103
Doctrinal Standards and General
Rules, 104
documentary record material,
condition and preservation,
custodianship of records,
denition, 1711.1b
inventorying, repairing, and
microlming, 1711.3d
double jeopardy, right against,
drug use, social principles, 162L
Duke Divinity School, 1422.3
dying, faithful care of, social
principles, 161N
ecclesiastical approval, 1421.5d
economic systems, social prin-
ciples, 163
Ecumenical Commitment, 6
Article VI
ecumenical ofcer, Council of
Bishops, ¶¶ 431.2, 438.1, 442.1d,
ecumenical priority, ¶¶ 210, 211
ecumenical relationships and
organizations, 720
American Bible Society, 435
annual conference, 642.4f
Christian Unity and Interreli-
gious Relationships, Ofce of
Churches Uniting in Christ,
annual conference seat,
Constitution, 6 Article VI
Council of Bishops liaison role,
¶¶ 403.1e, 431.2, 436
covenantal and conciliar rela-
tionships, 434
nancial support, 432
Methodist Unity, 433
National Council of the Church-
es of Christ in the U.S.A.,
annual conference, 642.4f
general church, 434.2
national or regional ecumenical
organizations, 434.2
Ofce of Christian Unity and
Interreligious Relationships,
annual conference relation-
ship with, 642.2
Council of Bishops consulting
with, 431.3
funding, 440
members, 438
election, 705.1&5
nominations for, 705.1
responsibilities, 441
staff, 439
Pan-Methodist Commission on,
pastoral support of clergy
from, 625.10
World Council of Churches,
World Evangelical Fellowship,
World Methodist Council,
ecumenical shared ministries,
¶¶ 207–211
appointments to, 345
clergy from other annual confer-
ences and Methodist denomi-
nations, 346.1
clergy from other denomina-
tions, 346.2
cabinet priority, 211
connectional responsibilities,
covenanting, 209
denition, 208
editor. See Church School Publi-
cations editor
editorial director, of general pub-
lishing, 1628
See also United Methodist Pub-
lishing House, book editor
social principles, 164E
elders, ¶¶ 32 Article I, 139, 332-344
admission requirements, ¶¶ 324,
335, 336
annual conference membership,
¶¶ 32 Article I, 304.4, 369.1,
annual conference voting rights,
¶¶ 334.1, 602.1a
appointment, ¶¶ 337–344
availability for appointment,
ecumenical shared ministries,
extension ministry appoint-
ments, ¶¶ 337.3, 343-344
itineracy, 338
limited itineracy, 338.2a
security of, ¶¶ 334.1, 337.1
support for, 342
to attend school, ¶¶ 338.4,
base compensation, 342.1
changes in conference relation-
ship, ¶¶ 352–360
administrative location,
honorable location, 358
See also honorable location
involuntary leave, ¶¶ 354, 363
maternity or paternity leave,
medical leave, ¶¶ 356, 652
provisions for change, 352
retirement, 357
appointment, 357.6
charge conference member-
ship, 357.5
involuntary, ¶¶ 357.3, 363
mandatory, 357.1
return to effective relation-
ship, 357.7
voluntary, 357.2
voluntary leave of absence,
family leave, 353.2b
personal leave. 353.2a
transitional leave, 353.2c
withdrawal, 360
between annual confer-
ences, 360.4
from ministerial ofce,
to unite with another de-
nomination, 360.1
withdrawal under complaint
or charges, 360.3
chargeable offenses, 2702.1
complaint procedures, 362
continuing education and spiri-
tual growth, ¶¶ 334.2d, 350
denition of pastor, 339
evaluation, 349
executive (clergy) session
membership, ¶¶ 334.1, 369.5,
from other denominations,
from other annual conferences
and other Methodist denomi-
nations, 346.1
General Conference legislative
power, 16.2 Article IV
ministry, authority and respon-
sibilities, ¶¶ 332, 334, 340
orders, ¶¶ 305-309
changing orders, ¶¶ 309.2&3
elders, 306
membership, 309
organization, 308
purpose, 307
ordination. See Board of Or-
dained Ministry, conference
professional assessment and in-
depth renewal, 349.3
provisional membership. See
provisional membership
readmission, ¶¶ 364-368
after honorable or administra-
tive location, 365
after involuntary retirement,
after leaving ministerial of-
ce, 366
after termination by action of
annual conference, 367
to provisional membership,
sabbatical leave, 351
support for, 342
transfer from other annual con-
ference, 347.1
transfer from other Methodist
denominations, 347.2
transfer from other denomina-
tions, 347.3
unauthorized conduct, 341
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, conference; clergy
and/or Order of Elders
electronic communications, 1613
electronic system, for member-
ship records, 233
endangered species, social prin-
ciples, 160C
endowment funds,
closed local church, 2549.5
General Board of Pension and
Health Benets, 1504.16
General Council on Finance and
Administration approval,
local church endowment and
planned giving ministry com-
mittee, 2534
energy resources utilization,
social principles, 160B
Episcopacy Conference Commit-
tee, 637
budget, 637.4
functions of, 637.3
meetings, 637.2
membership, 637.1
episcopal areas,
audit of ofces, 818.7
boundary changes, 40 Article
in central conferences, 543.5
episcopal elections, ¶¶ 46, 405
provisions of, 404
Episcopal Fund, 818
amount/distribution of, 806.1a
annual conference apportion-
ment, ¶¶ 614.1b, 621
apportionments, 808
audit of episcopal area ofces,
bishops’ salaries, ¶¶ 408.1d, 818.4
bishops whose service is inter-
rupted, 818.11
ecumenical and interreligious
ministries funding, 440
expense reimbursement and
honoraria policies, 818.6
as general fund, 810.1
health care plan, 818.9
housing expenses, 818.5
pensions, 818.8
proportionality, 818.3
purpose, 818.1
requirements, 818.2
retired bishops appointed to ad
interim service, 818.12
retired central conference bish-
ops, 548
retirees’ health care access,
episcopal membership of general
boards, 705.4d
Episcopal Residence Committee,
annual conference funding,
membership, 638.2
responsibility, 638.4
episcopal residences, jointly
owned, 2514
episcopal supervision, ¶¶ 45
Article I – 54 Article X
equal opportunity employment
policies, 807.12
Equitable Compensation, Com-
mission on. See annual confer-
ence agencies
Equitable Compensation Fund,
¶¶ 342.1&2, 622
apportionment distribution,
budgeting for, ¶¶ 614.1e, 625.7
disbursal, 625.8
membership, 625.1
proportional payment and dis-
tribution, 622
purpose, 625.2
responsibilities, 625.3-13
short-term emergency subsidy
grant, 624
utilization, 625.6
Equitable Compensation of The
United Methodist Church,
National Association of Ethnic
Commissions on, 807.18
Ethnic In-Service Training Pro-
gram, ¶¶ 263.3c, 824.4b
ethnic local church concerns,
conference committee, 632
Ethnic Scholarship Program,
¶¶ 263.3b, 824.4b
Ethnicity rights, social principles,
of bishops, ¶¶ 412, 524.3a
for continuing formation for full
members and local pastors,
¶¶ 349-351
of deacons, ¶¶ 331.3, 349-351
Evangelical United Brethren
Confession of Faith, 104
evangelism, General Board of
Discipleship. See Discipleship,
General Board of
evangelist, general, 1112.7
executive session. See clergy ses-
exhorters, 16.2 Articles IV
experience, 105
extension ministries. See clergy
fair process, 361
administrative hearings, 361.2
before administrative location,
¶¶ 359.2, 636
before involuntary leave of
absence, ¶¶ 354.1, 353.11
before involuntary retirement,
¶¶ 353.11, 357.3
conference administrative re-
view committee, 636
involuntary retirement,
¶¶ 357.3, 636
judicial proceedings, 2701
communications, 2701.4b
Discipline in effect on date
complaint led, 2719.5
double jeopardy, 2701.2d
failure to appear or respond,
healing, 2701.4c
hearing notice, 2701.1b
just resolution, 2701.5
immunity of participants,
process and procedure,
record access, 2701.2e
rights of the church, 2701.3
rights of the complainant,
rights of the respondent,
right to be heard,
provisional member right to,
recommendations for clergy
involuntary status change,
unresolved issues related to
request for medical leave,
fair trade, social principles,
¶¶ 162Q, 163D
Faith and Order, Committee,
¶¶ 443–450
funding, 450
membership, 447
organization, 448
purpose, 444
responsibilities, 445
stafng, 449
faith, good works and, 102
faithful ministry, 130
family, social principles, 161B
family farms, social principles,
Family Life Committee, 1119.4
family ministries, 1119.4
family violence and abuse, social
principles, 161H
federated church, 208(a)
deeding property to, 2548
Fellowship of Local Pastors
chair of, on Ordained Ministry
Board, 635.1a
function, 323.1
General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry
constituent contact through
gatherings of, 1421.6
standards of ministry mainte-
nance, 1421.4h
support and accountability,
membership requirement,
organization of, 323.2
fellowships, 703.12
nance, social principles, 163J
Finance and Administration,
Conference Council, ¶¶ 611-619
administrative budget, 614.2
amenability, 612.6
apportionments, 615
apportionment distribution,
¶¶ 614.3, 621–622
apportionment formula,
other apportioned causes,
auditing, 617
bonding, 618
clergy support budgets, 614.1
conference benevolences bud-
gets, 614.3
conference treasurer/director of
administrative services, 619
Council on Finance and Ad-
ministration authority over,
¶¶ 613.11, 619.3
election, 619
ex ofcio member of Council
on Finance and Adminis-
tration, ¶¶ 258.4, 612.2c
functions, 619.1
presence at Cabinet meetings,
responsibilities, 619.2
conict of interest, 612.4
depository, 616
ex ofcio members, 612.2c
equitable compensation, 625.7
membership, 612.2
minimum clergy compensation
recommendation, 625.7
ofcers, 612.3
organization, 612.5
pastoral support, ¶¶ 620–628
purpose, 612.1
responsibilities, 613
accessibility of programs of
local churches, 613.7
alcoholic beverage restric-
tions, 613.18
apportionments of funds,
borrowing funds, 613.10
budgets, 613.1
business administration,
nancial recording and re-
porting, 613.14
funding, 613.2,6&9
governing authority, 613.11
interpretation of conference
budgets, 613.4
investment of funds, 613.5
meeting unforeseen needs,
personnel issues, 613.13
promotion of the acceptance
of homosexuality restric-
tion, 613.19
treasury designation, 613.12
special appeals, 614.5
sustentation fund, 626
Finance and Administration,
General Council. See General
Council on Finance and Ad-
See also general funds
nancial accountability of gen-
eral agencies, 704
nancial appeals, church-wide,
annual conference, 614.5
general Church, 819
nancial obligations,
by annual conference, 604.2
annual conference power to
inquire about local church,
responsibility limitations, 2510
scal year, of United Methodist
Church, 721.1
food justice, social principles,
food safety, social principles,
foreign workers, social principles,
of closed local church, 2549.5
Discipleship, General Board
guidance to, 1114.6
Finance and Administration
recommendations, 613.16
local church, ¶¶ 2533.5, 2535
United Methodist Foundations,
See also specic foundation
free will, 104 Article VII (pp. 67,
freedoms, basic,
of information, social principles,
of press, 1806.1,5
of religion, 1806.5
social principles, 164A
Full Communion Ecumenical
Partners, ¶¶ 431.1, 442
general agency membership,
General Board of Discipleship
membership, 1006.1d(2)
OCUIR membership, 438.4
gambling, social principles,
Gammon Theological Seminary,
Garrett-Evangelical Theological
Seminary, 1422.3
gas leases, 2505
General Administration Fund,
¶¶ 810.1, 813
disbursement, 813.2
nancial support for the Gen-
eral Council on Finance and
Administration, 805.6a(1),
General Conference session
expenses, 813.1
Judicial Council expenses,
promotion of, ¶¶ 813.5, 1806.12
transmitting apportioned
amount to conferences,
general agencies, ¶¶ 701–723
accounting procedures,
administrative, 703.6
amenability and program ac-
countability, 702
of General Agencies between
sessions of General Confer-
ence 702.3
audit of, 806.5,6&13
borrowing by, 811.3
code of ethics, 702.2
Connectional Table evaluating,
denitions, structures and titles,
¶¶ 701.2&3, 703
disabilities, accommodating
persons with, 716.2
dismissal of members and em-
ployees, 711
divisions and subunits, 709
Finance and Administration,
General Council
audits, ¶¶ 805.4a, 806.5,6&13,
budget review by, 806.4
consultative service to,
nancial, 806.5
nancial accountability of, 704
international and ecumenical
settings, 720
meetings, 707
membership 705
additional nominations,
¶¶ 705.2, 706
annual conference member-
ship, 710.9
conict of interest, 710.7&8
dismissal, ¶¶ 710.10, 711
divisions and subunits,
episcopal, 705.5b
ex ofcio member of confer-
ence agency, 710.6|
jurisdictional, 705.4b
liaison representatives,
¶¶ 705.4f&g
nominations by conferences,
qualications, 710
restrictions on closed meet-
ings, 722
serving limitations, 710.4&5
size, 705.4a
vacancies, 712
young adult representatives¸
youth representatives, 710.3
nondiscrimination policies,
organization, 708
pension credit of, 1505
program and scal year, 721
program expenditure decisions,
program-related agencies,
budgets of, 804
committee on criminal justice
and mercy ministries and,
cooperation with, 1112.4
general secretary election for,
Global Ministries, General
Board coordinating, 720
jurisdictional, 531
liaison representatives to,
¶¶ 705.4f&g
meetings of, 707
stafng of, 715
record maintenance, 718
Retirement Security Program
for, 715.4
socially responsible invest-
ments, 717
staff provisions, 715
appointment, 714
election and termination of
general secretaries, 713
executive staff titles, 703.7
model after Christ, 715.8
ofcial travel, 715.2
professing members of
United Methodist Church,
retirement provisions,
¶¶ 715.3&4
tenure restriction, 715.1
voting restriction, ¶¶ 715.6&7
United Methodist Publishing
House agency status, 1611
General Book of Discipline,
¶¶ 31.5 Article IV, 101
See also Book of Discipline
General Church Denitions,
Structures and Titles, 703
administrative general agencies,
association or fellowship,
general agency executive titles
assistant general secretary,
associate general secretary,
deputy general security,
general secretary, 703.7a
treasurer, 703.7e
general board, 703.2
general commission, 703.3
general council, 703.1
missional priority, 703.9
program, 703.11
program-related general agen-
cies, 703.5
special program, 703.10
study committee, 703.4
theme, 703.8
General Church Membership
Roll, ¶¶ 215.4, 223
General Conference, ¶¶ 8 Article
I, 13 Article I – 22 Article VI,
business manager, ¶¶ 511.1d,3,
4f, 807.20
clergy right to trial, 58 Article
Commission on General Confer-
ence, 511
composition of, 502
Daily Christian Advocate printing
petitions, ¶¶ 507.7-8, 511.4c
date for, 14 Article II
denition of powers, ¶¶ 16
Article IV, 501
election by annual conference,
¶¶ 13.2 Article I, 34 Article
III, 502
clergy, 35 Article IV
laity, 36 Article V
number, ¶¶ 13 Article 1.1
dene and x duties of clergy,
exhorters, deaconesses and
home missioners, 16.2
Article IV
Finance and Administration,
General Council supporting,
inclusiveness of delegates,
joining United Methodist
Church, 575.5
Judicial Council, 55 Article I
lay delegate election to, 36
Article V
petitions, 507
legislation effective date, 508
meetings, 14 Article II
presiding ofcers, 503
quorum, 506
representation ratio, 15
Article III
restrictive rules, ¶¶ 17-22
Articles I – VI
rules of order, 505
secretary of general conference,
assumption of ofce, 504.2
secretary-designate election,
secretary duties, ¶¶ 504.3,
510, 511.5
speaking for Church, 509
special session called by Coun-
cil of Bishops, 14 Article II
United Methodist Publishing
House report to, 1612
voting membership of, 502
See also jurisdictional confer-
General Conference Commis-
sion, ¶¶ 511, 703.3
business manager, ¶¶ 511.1d,3,4f,
committees, 511.3
executive, 511.3a
Plan of Organization and
Rules of Order, 511.3b
membership, 511.1
ofcers, 511.2
responsibilities, 511.4
secretary of the General
Conference, ¶¶ 504.3, 510,
General Conference of 1808, 103
General Conference of the
United Brethren in Christ
(1815), 103
General Council, 703.1
General Council on Finance and
Administration, ¶¶ 801-824
accounting and reporting,
¶¶ 806.3&7
Advance Specials, 823.2
agency compliance monitoring,
alcoholic beverage funding,
amenability, 804
annual reports by General Trea-
surer, 809
audit of episcopal area ofces,
banking functions, 806.7
budgets, 806.1&4
church secretaries, guidance
and consultation for, 807.18
Communication, General Com-
mission on, promotion and
funding determination,
conference council cooperation,
conference payments of appor-
tioned funds, 808
ecumenical organizations,
employment policies, 807.12
Episcopal Fund, 818
bishops’ salaries, 818.4
bishops whose service is
interrupted, 818.11
episcopal expense reimburse-
ment and honoraria poli-
cies, 818.6
episcopal health care plan,
episcopal pensions, 818.8
episcopal residence housing
expenses, 818.5
ofcial travel of effective
bishop, 818.6
proportionality, 818.3
requirements, 818.2
retired bishops appointed to
ad interim service, 818.12
retirees’ health care access,
nancial management leader-
ship for annual conference
foundations, 807.4
nancial planning/arrange-
ments for national meetings,
conferences, convocations,
¶¶ 806.8, 807.13
nancial reports from general
agencies, 704
nancial support, 805.6
scal responsibilities, 806
funds receipts/disbursement,
general administrative fund,
general agencies
audits, 806.5,6&13
budget review by, 806.4
consultative service to,
general directives
Advance Specials, 823
World Service, ¶¶ 820, 821
UMCOR Sunday, 821
general funds. See general
general policies, 811
Higher Education and Ministry,
General Board relationship
with, 1406.10
homosexual project funding,
incorporation, 803
internal audit functions, 806.6
International Cooperation
Fund, 814
investment oversight, 806.12
late-term abortion restriction,
Legal Services Department,
¶¶ 805.4c, 807.9
legal steps to protect interests
of The United Methodist
Church, 807.9
local church business admin-
istration guidance,
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2
name, 802
ofcial printed forms and mate-
rial, 807.14
ordained ministry division, rela-
tionship with, 1421.1k
organization, 805
audit and review committee,
committees, 805.4
legal responsibilities and
corporate governance com-
mittee, 805.4c
meetings, 805.2
membership, 805.1
ofcers, 805.3
general secretary, 805.3b
personnel policies and prac-
tices committee, 805.4b
other scal responsibilities,
annual conference staff lead-
ership, 807.4
business administration,
business manager, General
Conference, 807.20
central conference apportion-
ments, 543.4
church secretary education,
donations and bequests,
nancing approval, interna-
tional and national confer-
ences and convocations,
fund-raising consultation,
General Conference support,
information technology,
insignia rights and design,
insurance programs, 807.19
name registration and use,
Permanent Fund, 807.3
personnel policies and prac-
committee on personnel
policies and practices,
general agency compliance,
retirement, general agency
staff, 715.3
property governing, 807.6
property reporting function,
quadrennial review, 807.7
property management,
receipts and disbursements,
special church-wide nancial
appeals, 819
special Sunday offerings,
¶¶ 807.5, 824
staff, 805.5
statistical data responsibili-
ties, 807.16
tax-exempt status, 807.9
UMCOR Sunday, 821
World Service Fund,
¶¶ 806.1b, 807.2, 810.1, 812
World Service Specials,
¶¶ 820-821
General Endowment Fund,
General Endowment Fund for
Superannuates of The Method-
ist Episcopal Church, South,
general evangelists,
appointment as, 630.3f
standards, 1112.7
general funds, ¶¶ 810-817
Advance Special Gifts,
¶¶ 619.1a(1), 633.4b(10), 810.1,
822–823, 1313
Africa University Fund,
¶¶ 634.4a(5), 806.1b, 810.1,
Black College Fund,
¶¶ 619.2d(5), 634.4a(5), 810.1,
815, 1410.5, 1806.12
Central Conference Theological
Education Fund, 817
denition, 810
disbursement of funds to ecu-
menical organizations, 814.5
Episcopal Fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 818,
Finance and Administration,
General Council nancial ap-
peals beyond, ¶¶ 819-824
General Administration Fund,
¶¶ 619.1a(5), 805.6a(2), 808.1,
810.1, 813, 1806.12
general policies, 811
Human Relations Day Fund,
¶¶ 263.1, 810.1
Interdenominational Coop-
eration Fund, ¶¶ 619.1a(5),
805.6a(2), 806.1b, 810.1, 814,
Ministerial Education Fund,
¶¶ 258.2g(6), 619.1a(5),
634.4a(5), 806.1b, 810.1, 816,
Native American Ministries
Sunday Fund, ¶¶ 263.6,
634.4a(5), 810.1
Peace with Justice Sunday
Fund, ¶¶ 263.5, 810.1
UMCOR Sunday Fund,
¶¶ 263.2, 810.1
United Methodist Student Day
Fund, ¶¶ 634.4a(5), 810.1
World Communion Fund,
¶¶ 263.3, 634.4a(5), 810.1,
World Service Fund, ¶¶ 247.14,
806.1b(1-3), 810.1, 812, 1806.12
World Service Special Gifts,
¶¶ 619.1a(1), 810.1, 1806.12
Youth Service Fund, ¶¶ 649.3i-k,
810.1, 1208, 1806.12
general program board member-
ship, 705
additional membership, 705.4e
central conference membership,
election, 705.3
episcopal membership, 705.4d
jurisdictional membership,
liaison representatives,
¶¶ 705.4f-g
additional, 705.2
by conferences, 705.1
number, 705.4
See also general agencies
General Rule of Discipleship,
General Rules, 104
general secretary,
chief staff ofcer, 703.7a
election, 713
professing members, 715.5
termination of agency staff,
term restriction, 715.1
Germany Central Conference,
global climate stewardship, social
principles, 160D
Global Ministries, Conference
Board, 633
Committee on parish and com-
munity development, 633.5
membership, 633.2
provisional annual conferences,
responsibilities, 633.4b
secretary of global ministries,
volunteer-in-mission coordina-
tor, 633.6
Global Ministries, General
Board, ¶¶ 1301–1315
Advance Committee, 1313
general Advance Special proj-
ects, 1313.2
authority, 1304
central conference membership,
central conferences relating to,
Community Developers Pro-
gram, Human Relations Day
offering, 263.1a
Connectional Table accountabil-
ity, 702.3
relationship to Connectional
Table membership, 906.1c
corporate ofcers, 1307
elected staff, 1308
election of members, 705.1
executive committee, 1306
nancial affairs, 1310.3
General Conference Finance
and Administration person-
nel policy and practices home
committee, 805.4b
Health and Welfare Ministries,
Board of, General Board con-
trolling work of, 1305.3
incorporation, 1305
international and ecumenical
settings, 720
membership, 1311
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2
mission program areas, 1314
Congregational and Commu-
nity Development, 1314.1
Connectional and Ecumenical
Relations, 1314.2
Mission Education and Inter-
pretation, 1314.3
Mission Service, 1314.4
with General Board of Global
Ministries, 1110.2
nominations for, 705.1
objectives, 1303
personnel policies, 1309
properties, trusts, annuities,
investments, 1310
relationship to United Method-
ist Women, 1312
responsibilities, 1302
selection of staff, 1309.1
United Methodist Committee
on Relief. See United Meth-
odist Committee on Relief
United Methodist Voluntary
Services Program, Human Re-
lations Day Offering, 263.1b
urban ministries subcommittee,
¶¶ 633.5g&h
women staff participation,
Global Young People’s Convoca-
tion, 1210
God, ¶¶ 104 Article I (pp. 65, 72),
Golden Cross Sunday, ¶¶ 262,
265.2, 1806.12
Golden Cross offering,
good works, ¶¶ 102, 104 Article X
(pp. 68, 75)
government, the political com-
munity, social principles, 164
graft and corruption, social prin-
ciples, 163L
Grants for Ministries With Young
People, ¶¶ 1203.6, 1209
Great Britain, Wesleyan “Stan-
dards” in, 103
group ministry, cluster groups,
guaranteed or security of ap-
pointment. See clergy, appoint-
ment of
HANA. See Hispanic, Asian, and
Native Americans Educational
Harassment. See sexual harass-
healing, within congregation,
Health and Welfare institutions,
annual conference trustees,
Health and Welfare Ministries,
United Methodist Association
of, 633.4b(30)
health care rights,
general agencies, 715.4
social principles, 162V
heritage landmarks. See historic
sites and heritage landmarks
Heritage Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 264.1
Higher Education and Campus
Ministry, Conference Board,
scal responsibilities, 634.4b
general responsibilities, 634.4a
public policy, 634.4e
responsibilities with campus
ministries, 634.4d
school, college and university
responsibilities, 634.4c
Higher Education and Ministry,
General Board, ¶¶ 1401-1423
amenability and accountability,
annuities, bequests, trust, and
estates, 1402
central conference membership,
Connectional Table accountabil-
ity, 702.3
Connectional Table relation-
ship, 906.1c
Council of Presidents of Black
Colleges, 1420
divisions, 1408.1
Higher Education, ¶¶ 1410-
duties and responsibilities,
nancial support, 1413
personnel, 1410.5
responsibilities to educa-
tional institutions, 1412
responsibilities to General
and annual conferences,
Ordained Ministry, ¶¶ 1421-
administration, 1421.1
constituency relationships,
duties and responsibilities,
endorsements, 1421.5
endorsing agency,
enlistment, candidacy and
conference relations,
theological education,
election of members, 705.1
nancial support for higher
education, 1413
funding provisions, 1409
incorporation, 1402
investments, 1406.10
membership, 1407.2
additional members, 1407.2d
central conference members,
episcopal members, 1407.2c
jurisdictional members,
liaison representatives,
vacancies, 1407.2e
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2
nominations for, 705.1
objectives, 1405
ofces, 1408.2
organization, 1407
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
purpose, 1404
responsibilities, 1406
schools of theology of The
United Methodist Church,
¶¶ 1422-1423
University Senate, ¶¶ 1414-1418
annual reports of approved
institutions, 1417
consultative services, 1418
executive secretary, 1414.3
institutional afliation, 1416
organization and member-
ship, 1414
purposes and objectives,
Higher Education Foundation,
Hispanic, Asian, and Native
Americans (HANA) Education-
al Ministries, 634.4a(5)
Hispanic/Latino Ministries com-
mittee, 655
historic sites and heritage land-
marks, 1712
annual conference policy on
government designation of
church property as, 2512.7
denition, 1712.1a
designation, 1712.1c
present list, 1712.2
quadrennial review, 1712.1d
historical convocation, 1703.6
Historical Society of The United
Methodist Church, ¶¶ 1703.1,
conference, 641.2
HIV/AIDS, social principles,
Holy Bible/Scriptures, 104 Ar-
ticle V (p. 66), Article IV (p. 73)
Holy Catholic Church, 203
Holy Spirit/Ghost, 104 Article
IV (p. 66), Article III (p. 73)
home missionaries. See United
Methodist Women
home missioners. See United
Methodist Women
Home Missions and Church Erec-
tion Society of the Church of
the United Brethren in Christ,
Global Ministries, General
Board successor to, 1305.2
Home Missions and Church
Extension, Board of, Global
Ministries, General Board con-
trolling work of, 1305.3
ceremonies for unions, ¶¶ 341.6,
chargeable offenses involving,
funding prohibition, ¶¶ 613.19,
ordination candidacy, 304.3
“self-avowed practicing,”
¶¶ 304.3, 2702.1b
social principles, 161G
honorable location, 358
appointment ad interim, 358.2
Board of Ordained Ministry
recommendations, 635.2l
chargeable offense, 2702.1
judicial complaint against,
membership in annual confer-
ence, 358.2
readmission, ¶¶ 365, 635.2l
retirement, 358.3
hospice care, social principles,
housing allowance,
bishops on sabbatical leave,
local church, ¶¶ 247.19,
258.2g(16), 627
housing for bishops. See bishops
housing for pastors. See pastors
Human Relations Day, ¶¶ 262,
263.1, 824.1, 1806.12
Human Relations Day Fund,
human rights, social principles,
human sexuality, social prin-
ciples, 161G
Come, Let Us Worship: The
Korean-English United Method-
ist Hymnal, 1113.3
Mil Voces Para Celebrar: Himnario
Metodista, 1113.3
United Methodist Hymnal,
¶¶ 630.4b, 1113.3
Iglesia Metodista Autonóma Af-
liada de Puerto Rico,
Iliff School of Theology, 1422.3
immigrant rights, social prin-
ciples, 162H
immunity from prosecution of
complaints, 361.3
immunity of participants, and
fair process in judicial pro-
ceedings, 2701.4d
inclusiveness, ¶¶ 4 Article IV, 124,
annual conference membership,
¶¶ 605.3, 610.5
Archives and History, General
Commission, 1704.2
audit review committee, annual
conference, 617.4
board of church and society, an-
nual conference, 629.2
Communication, General Com-
mission, 1807.1f
Constitution, 4 Article IV
district conference, 659.1
district superintendents, ¶¶ 417,
election of bishops, 405.2a
episcopacy, conference commit-
tee, 637.3f
equitable compensation com-
mission, 625.1
General Conference, 502.1a
local church tasks and, ¶¶ 243(6),
older-adult ministry council, an-
nual conference, 651.2
pastor’s responsibilities and,
religion and race, conference
commission annual confer-
ence, ¶¶ 643.3b-d
Status and Role of Women, Gen-
eral Commission, ¶¶ 2102,
United Methodist Men, General
Commission, 2303.1f
young-adult ministry council,
annual conference, 650.2
information communication tech-
nology, social principles, 162T
information technology, in local
church, 245
insignia of The United Methodist
Church, 807.10
annual conference auditing of
funds, 617.2
denition of annual conference
institutions, 614.3c
elder appointment to, 344.1a(3)
employment of ordained minis-
ter, 343.2
General Board of Higher Educa-
tion oversight and responsi-
bilities, ¶¶ 1404, 1405.16-19,
1410, 1412
General Conference responsibil-
ity, 16.14 Article IV
jurisdictional conference re-
sponsibility, 27.1 Article V
Ministerial Education Fund
distribution to theological
schools, 816.2a
nondiscrimination policies, 716
promotion of nancial support
for educational institutions,
socially responsible invest-
ments, 717
submission of employment
inclusiveness and nondis-
crimination and purchase
policies to General Council on
Finance and Administration,
trustees of church institutions
requirements, 2552
United Methodist Committee
on Relief assist in clarication
of relationships, 1315.1
United Methodist Higher Edu-
cation Foundation, 1419
University Senate responsibili-
ties, ¶¶ 1414-1418
interdenominational agencies,
Committee on Family Life and,
Communication, General Com-
mission and, 1806.4
Discipleship, General Board
responsibility, 1102.8
Interdenominational Coopera-
tion Fund, 814
annual conference treasurer’s
remittance of, ¶¶ 619.1a(5),
Communication, General Com-
mission marketing, ¶¶ 814.7,
funding for, ¶¶ 432, 434.2b&3b,
General Council on Finance and
Administration support from,
as general fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 814
interdenominational local church
mergers, ¶¶ 209, 2547, 2548
Interjurisdictional Committee on
Episcopacy, 512
International Court of Justice,
Internet, social principles, 162T
investigation, committee on,
¶¶ 2703, 2706
bill of charges and specica-
tions, 2706.5
certication of trial decision(s),
composition for a bishop,
composition for clergy, 2703.2
composition for diaconal minis-
ter, 2703.3
composition for layperson,
evidence, 2706.4d
hearing before, 2706.4
implementation of resolution
agreement, 2706.5c(2)
introduction and role of, 2706.1
parties and counsel, 2706.2
preliminary meeting, 2706.3
procedures, 2706
records, 2706.7
respondent, ¶¶ 2703.1–4,
special investigations, 2706.6
verbatim transcript, 2706.4e
witness examination, 2706.4c
witness interviews, 2706.4b
investment policies,
socially responsible
general boards and agencies,
local church, 247.21
The Upper Room and, 1107.2
investment, social principles,
itinerant system, 338
Jesus Christ, reconciliation
through, 104 Article VIII
(p. 74)
archiving of, 1711.1b
central conference authority to
examine, 543.11
of central conference proceed-
ings, 545.1
jurisdictional conference, 528
See also annual conference,
judicial complaints, ¶¶ 2703-2705
bill of charges and specica-
tions, 2706.1&5
amendments to, 2708.11
committee on investigation,
of bishops
chargeable offenses, 2702.1
committee on investigation,
¶¶ 2703.1, 2706
complaints against, ¶¶ 413,
counsel for the church,
¶¶ 2704.1, 2706.2a
vacancy in ofce as a result,
chargeable offenses, and statute
of limitations, ¶¶ 2702.1&4
church rights, 2701.3
communications, 2701.4b
complainant rights, 2701.1
failure to appear or respond,
form of judicial complaint,
healing, 2701.4c
immunity of participants,
information on resolution,
insufcient evidence,
just resolutions, 2701.5
miscellaneous provisions, 2719
process and procedure, 2701.4
referral and investigation proce-
dures, ¶¶ 2703–2706
referral of complaint to counsel
for church, 2704
residing beyond the annual
conference, 2719.1
respondent rights, 2701.2
double jeopardy rights, 2701.2d
record access rights, 2701.2e
witnesses in, ¶¶ 2706.4b&c,
2708.8-10, 2710.7
Judicial Council, ¶¶ 55 Article I
57 Article IV, 2601-2612
authority of, 56 Article II
condentiality and ex parte
communication, 2607
decisions nal, ¶¶ 57 Article III,
declaratory decisions, 2610
duties and responsibilities of,
¶¶ 56 Article II, 2601
jurisdiction and powers, 2609
reimbursement for attorney
fees, 2609.12
meetings time and place,
members, 2602
absence, 2604.2
alternates, 2603
composition and term,
ineligibility of, 2606
nominations and election,
term expirations, 2605
vacancies, 2604
notication and publication of
decisions, ¶¶ 2610.3, 2612
organization and procedure,
precedential value of decisions,
judicial proceedings, fair process.
See fair process
jurisdictional conferences,
¶¶ 9 Article II, 23 Article I – 27
Article V, 512–539
accountability of bishops, 523
accounts of, 520
administrative review commit-
tee, 539
agencies, ¶¶ 529–537
annual conference journals,
archives and history, 532
boundaries of, ¶¶ 37 Article I, 39
Article III
church member denition, 526
committee on ordained minis-
try, 535
convening date, ¶¶ 26 Article
I V, 517
council on ministries or admin-
istrative council, 530
delegate election, 515
deliberations, 516
equal status, 513
expenses, 519
Interjurisdictional Committee
on Episcopacy, 512
journals of, 528
jurisdictional committee on
episcopacy, 524
lay delegate election to, ¶¶ 36
Article V, 515
meetings of, ¶¶ 26 Article IV, 517
membership, ¶¶ 23 Article I, 35
Article IV, 36 Article V, 514
nominating committee, 705.1a
powers and duties of, ¶¶ 27
Article V, 525
presiding bishops, 522
program agencies, 531
program coordination, 530
representation ratio, ¶¶ 24 Ar-
ticle II, 25 Article III, 514
Rules of Order, 518
special sessions, 521
United Methodist Men commit-
tee, 537
United Methodist Volunteers in
Mission, 538
United Methodist Women con-
stitution, 536
Young Adult Organization,
Young People’s Ministries and
coordinators, 533
Youth Ministry Organization
Convocation, 533
criminal and restorative, 164H
justice and law, 165D
racial, 5 Article V
justication, ¶¶ 102, 104 Article IX
(p. 67), Article IX (p. 74)
JUSTPEACE Center for Media-
tion and Conict Transforma-
tion, 2401
Korean-English Hymnal, 1113.3
Ladies’ Aid Societies of The
Methodist Episcopal Church,
United Methodist Women suc-
cessor and control of, 1905
laity ministry, ¶¶ 127, 631, 1116
Laity Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 264.2,
631.2d, 1116.5
landmarks, heritage. See historic
sites and heritage landmarks
late-term abortion,
no expenditure for, 806.10
social principles, 161J
law, social principles, 165D
law, compliance with, 2506
law enforcement, social prin-
ciples, 164H
lay employees,
general agencies, 715
local church, 258.2g
lay leader,
annual conference lay leader,
annual conference agenda,
attending cabinet meetings,
Association of Annual
conference of Lay Leaders
membership, 607.10
board of laity membership,
chair of the conference board
of laity, ¶¶ 607.3, 631.3
meeting with cabinet, 607.6
member of annual conference,
¶¶ 32 Article I, 602.4, 631.3
member of committee on
episcopacy, 637.1
member of council on youth
ministry, 649.2
report to annual conference,
term of ofce, 607.9
United Methodist Men, 648
Article 5(c)
Discipleship, General Board
support, ¶¶ 1116.3, 1116.7
district, ¶¶ 419.4, 602.4, 660.1
term of ofce, 660.2
board of laity
chair, 667.3
member of, 668.2
Episcopacy Conference Com-
mittee membership, 637
of local church. See local church
lay leadership,
pastoral support, guidance and
training for, 340.2c(1)(a)
schools of theology for, 1422.1
lay members. See annual confer-
ence, central conference, Gen-
eral conference or local church
lay minister, certied, 268,
lay missionaries in non-United
Methodist Churches, 237
lay missioners, 269
in non-United Methodist
churches, 269
Lay Servant Ministries, ¶¶ 266–
conference committee on, 631.6
conference director of, ¶¶ 32
Article I, 1116.6
district committee, 668
lay speaker, 267
leadership. See lay leadership;
pastoral leadership; servant
leadership in local church,
duties of, 251
lay servant and 266
lay speaking and, 267
organization and, 244
primary tasks of, 243
removal of ofcers and lling of
vacancies, 250
See also administrative commit-
tees, in local churches; board
of trustees
oil, gas, and mineral, 2505
of unincorporated local church
property, ¶¶ 2540, 2541
leaves. See bishop, clergy, district
legal counsel,
appeals after trial and, 2715.7
committee on investigation and,
conference chancellor
annual conference member
and seating, 602.10
election, 603.8
General Council on Finance and
Administration legal respon-
Committee on Legal Respon-
sibilities and Corporate
Governance, 805.4c
responsibilities, 807.9&18
trials and, 2708.1
legislation of General Confer-
ence, effective date, 508
legislative advocacy activities,
leisure, social principles, 163C
license for pastoral ministry. See
local pastors
life-span ministries, ¶¶ 630.1b,
life-sustaining treatment, social
principles, 161N
liturgical seasons, of Christian
Year, 1113.1
Living Prayer Center ministry,
living will, 2534.5
Loans and Scholarships, Ofce
of, ¶¶ 634.4a(6), 1421.3h
local church, ¶¶ 201–269
accessibility audit of, 2533.6
accessibility of church build-
ings, facilities, and programs
of, 613.7
administrative committees,
nance, 258.4
nominations and leadership
development, 258.1
pastor-parish relations,
See also pastor-parish rela-
tions committee
trustees, 258.3
See also board of trustees,
local church
age-level, family, and special-
ized-ministry coordinators,
alternative organization, 244.2
annual conference nancial and
membership inquiries of,
annual conference membership,
32 Article I
apportioned funds notication
to, 247.14
assessment of potential, 213
audits and bonding of, 2511
board of trustees. See board of
trustees, local church
care of children and youth, 226
care of members, ¶¶ 204, 228
charge conference, ¶¶ 205, 244,
children’s ministries, 256.2
children’s council, 256.2b
comprehensive, 1119.1
coordinator, 256.2a
church conference, 2527
See also church conference,
and/or property
church corporations, 2506
church council, ¶¶ 244, 252
amenable to charge confer-
ence, 244
chair election and responsi-
bilities, 251.3
executive agency of charge
conference, 244.1
meetings, 252.3
membership, ¶¶ 244.3, 252.5
mission and ministry, 252.2
other responsibilities, 252.4
outreach ministries, 252.2b
purpose, 252.1
quorum, 252.6
responsibilities, 252.4
church historian, 247.5a
church school, 256.1
purpose, 256.1a
responsibilities for, 226.4
small-group ministries and,
superintendent, 255.1
circuit, 205.2
committee on records and his-
tory, 247.5b
communications coordinator,
guidance, resources, and
training for, 1806.9
consecration of buildings, 2545
cooperative parish, ¶¶ 205.2,
dedication of buildings of,
denition, 201
Discipleship, General Board
ethnic concerns, 1118
disposition of a closed local
church, 2549
district director of ethnic con-
cerns, 663
ecumenical shared ministries,
¶¶ 207–211
education and small group
program of, 256
election of leaders, 249
ethnic concerns, 632
nancial secretary, ¶¶ 249.4,
foundations, ¶¶ 2533.5, 2535
function of, 202
gifts, donations, bequests, etc.,
health and welfare ministries,
inclusiveness of, 4 Article IV
information technology in,
investable gifts, 2534.1
lay employees, 258.2g(3-
lay leader
church council membership,
committee on nance on
membership, 258.4
committee on nominations
and leadership develop-
ment membership, 258.1c
duties and responsibilities,
election, 249.5
General Board of Discipleship
support, 1116.3
interpreting apportionments,
role in resolving complaint
against professing member,
lay member, 251.2
Lay Servant Ministries, ¶¶ 266-
certied lay minister, 268
certied lay servant, 266
transfer of certication,
lay missioners, 269
lay speaker, 267
membership, ¶¶ 214–242
accountability of professing,
addresses of, 228.2b(2)
admission into, ¶¶ 222-226
afliate and associate, ¶¶ 227,
230.4&5, 237
annual conference power to
inquire about, 604.9
annual report and audit, 231
autonomous and afliated
Methodist Churches and
afliated united churches,
baptized, ¶¶ 4 Article IV, 215.1
call to ministry of all bap-
tized, 220
campus ministry information,
care of, ¶¶ 204, 228
charter members, new
church, 259.5
church universal, 215.4
central conference standards,
constituency roll, 230.3
denition of, 215
eligibility, 214
faithful membership growth,
general church membership
roll, ¶¶ 215.4, 223
inactive professing,
¶¶ 228.2b(1-4)
lay missioners in non-United
Methodist Churches, 237
meaning of, ¶¶ 216–221
members attending colleges
and universities, 232
members who move, 236
membership secretary, 234
moving to another commu-
nity, 236
mutual responsibility, 219
neglect in performance of
vows, 221
non-local church settings,
outside of congregational set-
tings, 224
pastor’s membership report,
penalty of removal from,
professing, 215.2
records and reports, ¶¶ 230-
removal of, ¶¶ 235, 2714.6
residing at a distance, 238
restoration of, 242
transfer of membership
from discontinued local
churches, 229
from other denominations,
to other denominations
to other United Methodist
Churches 239
United Methodist worldwide
membership, 215.4
vows, ¶¶ 203, 217
withdrawal without notice,
written complaint, 228.2b(5-
chargeable offense,
¶¶ 2702.3, 2704.4,
memorial gifts committee,
mergers, interdenominational,
¶¶ 209, 2547, 2548
ministry group coordinators,
ministry of the laity 127
mission and ministry, 252.2
mutual cooperation of, 206.1
new church organization, 259
annual conference recogni-
tion, 604.10
charter members, new
church, 259.5
General Board of Global Min-
istries, 1314.1b
nurturing ministries of, 252.2a
obligation to pay pastor, 624
election, ¶¶ 44 Article II, 249
removal of and lling vacan-
cies, 250
organization and administra-
tion, ¶¶ 243-251
outreach ministries, 252.2b
pastoral charge denition, 205
permanent endowment fund
committee, 2534
potential assessment process,
viability, 213
primary tasks, 243
program ministries, 256
protection of rights of congrega-
tions, 261
provisions for lay leadership,
relation to wider church, 203
report to annual conference,
required organization, 244
salaries, 252.4d
scouting coordinator, 256.4a
special Sundays, ¶¶ 262-265
specialized ministries, ¶¶ 253-
staff job descriptions, 258.2g(7)
teaching parish, 205.3
transfer to another annual con-
ference, 41 Article V
in transitional communities,
¶¶ 212-213
treasurer, See nance and
administration, conference
unincorporated property leases,
¶¶ 2540, 2541
universal, ¶¶ 4 Article IV, 203,
witness ministries, 252.2c
youth and young adults, in-
clude in church council,
See also property, local church
local laws,
charge conference authority
and, 2529.1a
church corporations and, 2506
local church property and, 2539
local pastor,
abortion ministry by, 161K
annual conference attendance
by, 316.5
annual conference membership,
¶¶ 32 Article I, 316.6, 369.1,
appointment of, 337.2&3
associate membership of,
¶¶ 315.3, 322.1
board, commission, committee
membership, 318.5
Board of Ordained Ministry
and, 635.1a
categories of, 318
full-time, 318.1
part-time, 318.2
students, 318.3
candidacy for, 310
chargeable offenses by, 2702.1
complaint, 362
conduct, 605.7
continuance as, 319
continuing education and spiri-
tual growth of, 350
discontinuance of, 320.1
employment status, 143
evaluation for continuing for-
mation, 349
extension ministries and,
¶¶ 316, 344.1b-d
fellowship of, 323
interim license for, 317
internet, Course of Study,
investigation of, 2704.2
maternity or paternity leave,
medical leave, ¶¶ 356, 652
licensing of, 315.2
mentoring and, 316.4
ministry privileges, 316.1
moral and ofcial conduct,
other Methodist denominations
and, 347.2
pensions of, 1506.3b
provisional membership, 324.6
reinstatement of, 320.4
responsibilities and duties of,
retirement of, ¶¶ 316.8, 320.5,
service prior to readmission of
clergy in full connection,
supervision of, 316.4
trials of, ¶¶ 320.3, 2707-2713
voting by, ¶¶ 316.6, 318.5
withdrawal under complaints
and charges of, ¶¶ 320.2,
See also Fellowship of Local
local preachers,
central conference setting cur-
riculum for, 543.15
General Conference legislative
power over, 16.2 Article IV
loose-leaf book, or electronic sys-
tem for membership records,
Lord’s Day, 104 Article XIV (p. 76)
Lord’s Supper/Sacraments,
¶¶ 104 Articles XVI (p. 69), XVIII
(p. 70), VI (p. 73), 340.2b(1)
central conference relating to,
of ministers, 104 Article XXI
(p. 70)
pastoral responsibility and duty
and, ¶¶ 316.1, 340.2a(3)
records of, 233
social principles, 161C
unfaithfulness in, 2702.1a
violence in, social principles,
working with public, General
Commission on Communica-
tion, 1806.2
conict resolution and, 1004
divorce, social principles, 161C
JUSTPEACE Center for Media-
tion and Conict Transforma-
tion, 2401
supervisory response, 362.1c
with church member, 221.4
medical experimentation, social
principles, 162N
medical treatment for the dying,
social principles, 161N
in year of General Conference,
restrictions on closed meetings,
rights, social principles, 162F
See also Men’s Ministry Sun-
day; United Methodist Men;
United Methodist Men,
General Commission
Men’s Ministry Sunday, ¶¶ 262,
mental health, social principles,
mentoring and mentors, 348
candidacy for ministry and,
¶¶ 310.1b, 311, 348.1a
elders in full connection respon-
sibility for, 334.2e
for local pastors, ¶¶ 316.4,
for provisional members,
¶¶ 327.4, 348.1b
vocational discernment coordi-
nator, 348.1a
The Methodist Book Concern,
The Methodist Church, United
Methodist Church relationship
with, 50 Article VI
Methodist Church of Puerto
Rico, ¶¶ 705.4f&g
Methodist churches with concor-
dat agreements, 570.5
Methodist Episcopal Church,
Methodist Protestant Church,
Methodist Theological School in
Ohio, 1422.3
Methodist Unity, 433
Pan-Methodist Commission,
World Methodist Council,
Methodists Associated to Rep-
resent Hispanic Americans,
Connectional Table member-
ship, 906.1e
Mil Voces Para Celebrar: Him-
nario Metodista, 1113.3
military service, social principles,
Miller, George, 103
minerals, social principles, 160A
minimum salary. See clergy, base
Ministerial Education Fund,
Board of Higher Education and
Campus Ministry, conference,
General Commission on Com-
munication marketing,
conference treasurer remittance
of, 619.1a(5)
funding for, 806.1b
as general fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 816
pastor-parish relations com-
mittee responsibility, local
church, 258.2g(6)
Service Loans, 816.1a
use of, 816.1
Ministerial Pension Plan. See
Pensions and Health Benets,
General Board; pensions; pen-
sions conference board
Ministries With Young People,
Division on, ¶¶ 1105.1d, 1201-
authority and accountability,
central conference, 547.4
Discipleship, General Board
relationship with, ¶¶ 1105.1d,
1201, 1205
division funding, 1212
Global Young People’s Convo-
cation, 1210
grants, 1203.6
project review, 1209.2
purpose, 1209.1
membership, 1207
purpose, 1202
responsibilities, 1203
staff, 1211
structure, 1206
Youth Service Fund, 1208
collegiality in, 312.2
of community, 128
faithful, 130
as gift and task, 129
groups, 256.1c
journey of a connectional
people, 132
of laity, 127
of ordained and licensed,
¶¶ 301.2, 302, 369
orientation training, 312.1
servant, ¶¶ 135-137
unity of, 131
Ministry Inquiry Process, 310
Ministry of All Christians,
¶¶ 126–143
Ministry of the Ordained. See
ordained ministry
Minority Group Self-Determina-
tion Fund, 2008.7
as active expectancy, 133
of church council, 252.2
of the Church, ¶¶ 120–125
global nature, 123
in world, 124
process for carrying out,
rationale, 121
effectiveness of church in,
groups, 256.1c
nurture and, 102
service and, 102
mission congregation, 259.1
Mission, ¶¶ 590–593
administration, 591.7
annual meeting, 593
establishment, 591.2
membership, 592
powers and duties, 591
purpose, 590
Mission Service Program, 1314.4
missional priority denition,
bishops’ duties and, 415.6&7
Global Ministries, General
Board responsibility for,
lay missionaries in non-United
Methodist churches, 237
missionary conference, ¶¶ 585-
College of Bishops supervision,
creating and status change, 587
denition, 585
district superintendent term
limitations, 586.1
General and jurisdictional del-
egate elections, 586.3
Global Ministries, General
Board, 586.1&2
judicial administration, 2719.4
membership, 586.4&5
organization, 586
rights and privileges, 588
Missionary Society, The Evan-
gelical United Brethren Church
and missions, 1305.2
Missionary Society, The Method-
ist Episcopal Church, South,
Missions and Church Extension,
The Methodist Church, Board
of and missions, 1305.3
Missions and Church Exten-
sion, The Methodist Episcopal
Church, South, Board, 1305.3
Missions of The Protestant
Church, Board, 1305.3
Missions of The United Method-
ist Church, Board, 1305.3
moral character of clergy. See
clergy, inquiring into moral
mortgages. See property
multi-ethnic/multi-language set-
tings, covenant relationships
in, 2551
multiple charge parish, 206.3b
music leadership, 1113.13
musicians, conference Board of
Discipleship, ¶¶ 630.4c&d
National Council of the Churches
of Christ in the U.S.A., ¶¶ 434.2,
642.2&4f, 824.2b
National Federation of Asian
American United Methodists,
national power and responsibil-
ity, social principles, 165B
nations and cultures, social prin-
ciples, 165A
Native American International
Caucus, 906.1e
Native American Ministries Sun-
day, ¶¶ 262, 263.6, 824.6, 1806.12
Native American Ministries Sun-
day Fund, ¶¶ 634.4a(5), 810.1
Native American Ministry, com-
mittee, 654
Network for United Methodist
Workers With Young People,
Network for United Methodist
Young Adults, ¶¶ 534, 1203.3
Network for United Methodist
Youth, 1203.3
new churches. See local church
Newcomer, Christian, 103
nondiscrimination policies, 716
North Central Jurisdiction,
constitutional provisions and
boundaries, 37
membership on boards and
Church and Society, General
Board 1006.1a
Communication, General
Commission on 1807.1b
Discipleship, General Board,
United Methodist Publishing
House, 1602.1b
See also jurisdictional confer-
Northeastern Jurisdiction,
constitutional provisions and
boundaries, 37
membership on boards and
Church and Society, General
Board 1006.1a
Communication, General
Commission on 1807.1b
Discipleship, General Board,
United Methodist Publishing
House, 1602.1b
See also jurisdictional confer-
Northern Europe and Eurasia
Central Conference, 540.3e
oblation of Christ, 104 Articles
XX (p. 70), VIII (p. 74)
offenses, chargeable, 2702.1
ofcers, audit of, 2511
ofcial documents, archiving of,
Oklahoma Indian Missionary
Conference, 1311.1(5)
Old Testament, 104, Article VI
older adults, social principles,
One Great Hour of Sharing,
open meetings. See meetings
ordained ministry, ¶¶ 139, 301-
apostolic ministry, 302
accountability, ¶¶ 303.3, 304.1j,
appointment of certied candi-
dates, ¶¶ 311
appointments to extension min-
istries, ¶¶ 343-344
categories of appointment,
provisions, 344
appointments to various minis-
tries, ¶¶ 337-342
elders and licensed pastors’
responsibilities and duties,
general provisions, 337
itinerant system, 338
pastor, denition, 339
support for elders appointed
to pastoral charges, 342
unauthorized conduct, 341
See also appointments
Board of, conference, 635
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, conference
candidacy for licensed and,
¶¶ 310-314
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, conference
clergy from other annual confer-
ences, other Methodist and
Christian denominations
provisions, 346
recognition of orders, 347.6
from other annual confer-
ences, 347.1
from other denominations,
from other Methodist de-
nominations, 347.2
clergy orders in The United
Methodist Church, ¶¶ 305-309
changing orders, 309.2
membership in order, 309.1
Order of Deacons and Elders,
organization of order, 308
purpose of order, 307
complaints procedures, 362
conduct of clergy inquiry,
conference relationship changes.
See Board of Ordained Min-
istry, and/or clergy
deacon in full connection, See
clergy, deacon, and/or Order
of Deacons
ecumenical shared ministries,
elder in full connection. See
clergy, elder, and/or Order of
entrance procedures into, 310
evaluation for continuing for-
mation of full members and
local pastors, ¶¶ 349-350
continuing education and
spiritual growth, 350
evaluation, 349
General Conference delegate
election, 35 Article IV
general provisions, 369
minimal requirements,
¶¶ 304.5, 369.3
jurisdictional committee on,
homosexuality, 304.3
itineracy, 338
leadership and, ¶¶ 301.2, 302,
303.2, 303.4
limited itineracy, 338.2a
mentoring and mentors, 348
ministry, 301
orientation to, 312
purpose of, 303
qualications for, 304
readmission to conference rela-
tionship. See clergy
sabbatical leave, 351
unauthorized conduct, 341
Ordained Ministry, Division
of. See Higher Education and
Ministry, General Board
Order of Deacons, 306
bishop responsibilities in,
¶¶ 308, 414.10
chair of, membership on Or-
dained Ministry Board,
changing orders, 309.2
membership in, 309.1
participation, ¶¶ 309.1, 329.3
standards of ministry mainte-
nance, 1421.4h
support and accountability,
Order of Elders, 306
bishop responsibilities in,
¶¶ 308, 414.10
chair of, membership on Or-
dained Ministry Board,
changing orders, 309.2
membership in, 309.1
participation, ¶¶ 309.1, 332
standards of ministry mainte-
nance, 1421.4h
support and accountability,
Order of St. Luke, 630.4c,
Ordination. See Board of Or-
dained Ministry
Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 264.3
organ transplant and donation,
social principles, 162W
original (or birth) sin, 104,
Article VII (p. 67)
Otterbein, Phillip William, 103
Otterbein Press dissolution,
Pacic Islanders National Caucus
United Methodist, Connection-
al Table membership, 906.1e
Pan-Methodist Cooperation and
Union, Commission, ¶¶ 433.2
general agency membership,
standards for clergy support,
transferring property to,
parish, conguration, realign-
ment, 419.9
annual review, 2533.4
church council responsibility,
deeds, ¶¶ 2503.3, 2508
disposition and mortgage of,
district, 2518
acquisition, 2523
authorization for purchase,
district superintendency com-
mittee responsibility,
district board of church loca-
tion and building, ¶¶ 2520.3,
2521.1, 2544.6
district superintendent consent
for sale or mortgage, 2542
energy efciency of, 2520.3
multi-church charge providing
for, ¶¶ 247.18, 2528.1
distribution of funds after
separation, 2528.4
pastor-parish relations commit-
tee maintaining, 258.2g(16)
planning and nancing require-
ments for, ¶¶ 2544.4b(1&2)
respect for, 258.2g(16)
resolution of parsonage prob-
lems affecting health,
restriction on proceeds of mort-
gage or sale of, 2543
standards for approval of,
¶¶ 2521, 2522
trust clause in deed of, 2503.2
as local church administrative
ofcer, ¶¶ 244.3, 247.2
claim on previous appointment,
compensation, ¶¶ 247.13, 342
base, 623
Equitable Compensation
Fund adjustments, ¶¶ 622,
payment obligation, 624
proportional payment,
¶¶ 622, 818.3
clergy support budgets, 614.1
denition of, 339
denition of pastoral charge,
district superintendent’s
appointment-making criteria
for, 427.2
district superintendent over-
sight of ministry, 419
expenses and allowances, 627
housing, ¶¶ 247.20,
258.2g(16), 627
marriage responsibility and
duty and, ¶¶ 316.1, 340.2a(3)a
membership on boards and
committees, ¶¶ 244.3, 258.4
mission composition and
power, ¶¶ 591.5&6
re-baptism prohibited, 341.7
responsibilities and duties of,
sustentation fund, 626
unauthorized conduct, 341
See also license for pastoral
ministry; local pastor
pastoral care,
afliate and associate member-
ship and, 227
elders in full connection provid-
ing, 332
endorsement for, 1421.5a
extension ministry settings and,
licensed local pastor, 316.1
maternity or paternity leave
and, 355.1
responsibilities and duties to
provide, 340.1
suicide social principles, 161O
specialized training in, 1421.4e
pastoral leadership,
class leaders providing, 256.1b
district superintendent, 419
Higher Education and Ministry,
General Board study of,
ordained ministers providing,
pastor’s duty of, 340.2d(2)
prayer for, 252.2e
pastoral ministry license. See lo-
cal pastor
pastoral support, ¶¶ 620-628
apportionment distribution,
base compensation, 623
equitable compensation, 625
Equitable Compensation Fund,
¶¶ 622, 625.8&9
expenses and allowances, 627
extension ministries compensa-
tion, 628
payment obligation, 624
sustentation fund, 626
pastor-parish relations commit-
tee, ¶¶ 244, 258.2
appointment-making and, 428
commission on equitable com-
pensation and, 625.2c
consultation and, 426
Discipleship, General Board
supporting, 1116.3
district superintendents work-
ing with, ¶¶ 428.3&6
duties of, 258.2
elders in full connection evalua-
tion by, ¶¶ 334.2b&c, 349.1
election to, 249.3
itinerant system and, 338
lay leader membership, 251.1c
local board of trustees and,
maternity or paternity leave
and, 355
meetings of, ¶¶ 258.2e, 722
membership, ¶¶ 258.2a-c
pastor’s presence at, 258.2e
staff and family membership,
payroll policies, 806.7
peace, social principles, 165C
Peace with Justice Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 263.5, 824.5, 1806.12
Peace with Justice Sunday Fund,
Pension and Health Benets,
General Board, ¶¶ 1501-1509
as administrative general
agency, 703.6
authorizations, 1504
Chartered Fund, 1504.10
committees, 1502.4
appeals, 1502.4c
audit and review, 1502.4b
executive, 1502.4a
membership, ¶¶ 1502.4e&f
other, 1502.4d
establishment, 1501
nancing programs, 1507
general agency pension, 1505
General Endowment Fund,
incorporation, 1503.1b
journal sent to, 606.2
legal entities, 1503
meetings of, 1502.3
membership, ¶¶ 705, 1502.1
nominations for, 705.1
ofcers, 1502.2
quorum at meetings, 1502.3c
socially responsible invest-
ments, 717
bishops, ¶¶ 408.1c&d
involuntary retirement,
voluntary retirement 408.2
full credit, 1506.3a
involuntary leave and, 354.6
involuntary retirement,
voluntary retirement, 357.2
general agencies, 715.4
local pastor, 320.5
pensions, conference board, 639
annual conference administra-
tion, ¶¶ 1506-1509
nancing pension and benet
programs, 1507
joint distributing committees,
policies related to conict of
interest and investment,
powers, duties, and responsi-
bilities, 1506
authorization, 639.1
clergy return to effective rela-
tionship, 358.7
group health care plans, 639.7
membership, 639.2
organization, 639.3
proportional payment, 639.4
reports to and responsibilities to
general board, 639.5
retiree health care access, 639.6
Pentecost Sunday, 642.4f
perfection, 102 (p. 53, 104
Article XI (p. 75)
Perkins School of Theology,
Permanent Fund, 807.3
permanent membership records.
See records and archivess
personnel policies,
of campus ministries,
educational institutions and,
of Finance and Administration,
General Council, 715.3
general agency staff, 715.3
General Council on Finance and
Administration responsibility
for, 807.12
Global Ministries, General
Board, 1309
Personnel Policies and Practices
committee, ¶¶ 805.4b, 807.12
Philippines Central Conference,
Plan of Union, ¶¶ 7 Article VII,
2504, 2611
plants, social principles, 160A
political responsibility, social
principles, 164B
population, social principles,
poverty, social principles, 163E
advocacy and, 254
Book of Common, ¶¶ 102, 103
coordinator for, 252.2e(i)
lay servant leading, 266.2b
for public authorities, 164F
local church room for, 630.6e
presbyteros, 305
prevenient grace, 102 (p. 52)
prison ministry, ¶¶ 335, 629.3, 657
probe staff, 206.3a
Professional Association of
United Methodist Church Sec-
retaries, 807.18
Program Council of The United
Methodist Church, 902
Program of Religious Activities
with Youth (P.R.A.Y.) program,
¶¶ 226.4&5, 256.4
property, ¶¶ 2501-2552
annual conference,
auditing of church ofcers,
authority, 2512.3
bonding of church ofcers,
camps, conference grounds,
and retreat centers, 2516
civil actions regarding, 2509
compliance with law, ¶¶ 2506-
conference trustees, 2512.1
decisions ad interim, 2515
deeds and conveyances con-
formity, 2508
jointly owned episcopal resi-
dences, 2514
meetings, 2512.2
responsibilities related to
health and welfare institu-
tions, 2517
sale, transfer, lease, mortgage,
or purchase, 2515
United Methodist Founda-
tions, 2513
district, ¶¶ 2518-2524
appeals, 2522
audits and bonding of church
ofcers, 2511
authorization and establish-
ment of district Boards of
Church Location and Build-
ing, 2519
boundaries of, and sales,
parsonage, 2518.3
building proposal approval,
duties and responsibilities of
district Boards of Church
Location and Building,
nancial obligations limita-
tion, 2510
local church building sites
and plans, 2520.1
local laws, ¶¶ 2506, 2508
parsonage and boards of
trustees, 2518
Plan of Union, 2504
sale, transfer, lease, or mort-
gage, 2524
standards to acquisition,
standards for approval of
building proposals, 2521
trust clause requirement,
¶¶ 2501, 2503
local church, ¶¶ 2536–2551
consecration and dedication
of buildings, 2545
deeding, to federated
churches or other evangeli-
cal denominations, 2548
disposition of building or
parsonage, 2542
disposition property of a
closed church, 2549
effect of union on property
titles, 2504
incorporated, ¶¶ 2538-2539,
notice and authorization,
sale, transfer, lease, and
mortgage, 2541
title and purchase, 2538
mortgage of building or par-
sonage, 2542
parsonage. See parsonage
planning and nance require-
ments of, 2544
proceeds of mortgage or sale
restrictions, 2543
shared facilities, 2551
trust clause requirement,
¶¶ 2501, 2503
unincorporated, ¶¶ 2536-
2537, 2540
notice and authorization,
sale, transfer, lease, and
mortgage, 2540
title and purchase, 2536
property titles in Constitution,
¶¶ 7 Article VII, 2504
provisional annual conferences,
¶¶ 580-583
clergy members of, 581.1
denition, 580
elections to General and juris-
dictional conferences, 582.4
nancial support, 581.2
Global Ministries Board,
¶¶ 582.1, 583
location of annual meeting,
meeting, 582.2
organization, 582
progress of, 581.3
provisions, 581
superintendent, 582.1
provisional central conferences,
¶¶ 560-567
ad interim provisions, 563
ad interim provisions for confer-
ences outside United States,
authorization, 560
episcopal supervision, 566
episcopal visitation of mission
elds, 567
lay membership, 564
organization, 561
powers of, 562
provisional membership, ¶¶ 324-
academic credentials and,
annual conference membership,
¶¶ 32 Article I, 370
annual conference transfer and,
bishop appointment of, ¶¶ 326,
change in conference relation-
ship, 352
involuntary leave of absence,
maternity or paternity leave,
medical leave, 356
See also Board of Ordained
Ministry, conference and/
or clergy
chargeable offenses, 2702.1
commissioning, 325
complaints 362.1
complaint procedures and,
discontinuance from, 327.6
district committee recommen-
dation for, 666.9
eligibility and rights of, 327
local pastors, ¶¶ 315.1, 324.6
mission annual meeting and,
missionary conference and,
qualications and requirements
for election to, 324
readmission to, 364
responsibilities, 316.1
retirement restriction, ¶¶ 320.5,
service of, 326
public indebtedness, social prin-
ciples, 163M
Publication, General Board,
purgatory, 104 Article XIV
quadrennium, 721.2
questions of law decisions,
appeals, 2718
bishop, ¶¶ 51 Article VII, 419.10,
Judicial Council, ¶¶ 2609.6&7
Archives and History, General
Commission meetings, 1705
for charge conference, 246.6
for church council, 252.6
for Connectional Table, 906.2
for General Conference, 506
for General Council on Finance
and Administration, 805.2
Judicial Council meetings,
local boards of trustees meet-
ings, 2532
Pension and Health Benets,
General board meetings,
United Methodist Publishing
House board meetings, 1603
racial discrimination,
chargeable offense, 2702.1k
social principles, 162A
racial harassment, 2702.1j
racial justice, in Constitution, 5
Article V
racism, social principles, 162A
re-baptism, 341.7
reconciliation through Christ,
104 Article VIII (p. 74)
records and archives,
access in judicial proceedings,
annual conference, 606
nancial audit of, 617
bishops’ ofcial data, 807.15
central conferences, 545
historical, 572.1
church membership permanent,
reports, ¶¶ 230–234
committee on investigation,
custodian of Archives and His-
tory, General Commission
responsibility, 1711.2
recording secretary responsi-
bility, 247.4
Daily Christian Advocate as Gen-
eral Conference, 1415.5
disposal schedule for, 1711.3c
documentary material, 1703.1
condition and preservation,
custodianship of records,
denition, 1711.1b
inventorying, repairing, and
microlming, 1711.3d
Finance and Administration,
Conference Council responsi-
bilities, 613.14
nancial audit, ¶¶ 258.4d, 617
general agency maintenance of,
historical, charge conference
committee on, 247.5b
marriage, 233
card index of, 233.2
electronic system for, 233.2
loose-leaf book for, 233.2
ordained and diaconal ministers
service, 606.6
trials, records of proceedings,
United Methodist Publishing
House, 1604
Reformation Sunday, 642.4f
Religion and Race, Conference
Commission, 643
inclusiveness, ¶¶ 643.3b,c,d&i
race relations, 643
Religion and Race, General Com-
mission, ¶¶ 2001-2008
advisory role, 2008.16
amenability and accountability,
authorization and establish-
ment, 2001
Connectional Table
accountability, 702.3
relationship, 906.1c
election of members, 705.1
nances, 2007
member election, 705.5
membership, 2003
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2
Minority Group Self-Determina-
tion Fund, 2008.7
nominations, 705.1
ofcers, 2005
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
purpose, 2002
responsibilities, 2008
staff, 2006
vacancies, 2004
religion and race district director,
religious minority rights, social
principles, 162B
archival materials available for,
Church and Society, General
Board responsibilities and,
Connectional Table role, 905.6
Discipleship, General Board
responsibilities and, 1102.10
Higher Education and Ministry,
General Board and,
¶¶ 1405.15&30
missional priority and, 703.9
Status and Role of Women, Gen-
eral Commission and,
United Methodist Men, General
Commission and, 2302.4f
restorative justice, social prin-
ciples, 164H
Resurrection of Christ, 104
Article III (p. 66)
retirement homes, pastoral care
in, 1421.5
Retirement Security Program for
General Agencies, 715.4
retreat centers,
standards and policies for,
title to properties, 2516
Rio Grande Annual Conference,
rites and ceremonies, 104 Article
XXII (p. 71)
central conference adaptation
of, 543.13
constitutional provisions, Gen-
eral Conference legislative
power, 16.6 Article IV
rules of order,
General Conference, 505
jurisdictional conferences, 518
rural life, social principles, 162P
Rural Life Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 265.3,
sabbatical leave,
bishops, 410.3
clergy from other denomina-
tions, 346.2
clergy in full connection and
associate members, 351
clergy retired, on incapacity or
sabbatical leave, 334.5
conference board review of,
sacraments, 104 Articles XVI
(p. 69), VII (p. 73)
bishop and, 402
deacons, 328
district superintendent and,
elders in full connection and,
licensed pastors and, 340.2b(1)
ordination and, 303.2
provisional members and,
See also baptism; Lord’s Supper
Saint Paul School of Theology,
annual conference pastors,
associate members, 321.3
bishops, 818.4
leave of absence and, 410
recommendation responsibil-
ity for, 818.2(1)
under special assignment,
¶¶ 406.3, 408.1d
Church School Publications edi-
tor, 1634
clergy from other annual confer-
ences or Methodist denomi-
nations, 346.1
clergy from other denomina-
tions, 346.2
clergy salary, local church obli-
gation to pay, 624
deacon, 331.10b
nonsalaried positions¸
Finance and Administration,
General Council and,
¶¶ 807.12, 818.2(1)
involuntary leave and, 354.6
local church, 252.4d
proportional payment, 639.4
pensions, 639.4a
suspension and, ¶¶ 362.1d,
theological school faculty and
staff, 816.2a
United Methodist Publishing
House corporate ofcers,
voluntary leave and, 353.6
salvation, ¶¶ 102 (p. 49), 104 Ar-
ticle V (p. 66)
sanctication, ¶¶ 102 (p. 53), 104
(p. 72), Article XI (p. 75)
Schools and Colleges of The
United Methodist Church, Na-
tional Association of, 1414.2
schools of theology of United
Methodist Church, ¶¶ 1422-
in central conferences, 1422.4
Board of Ordained Ministry
recommendation to, 635.2a
deacon or elder candidates at-
tending, 1422.2
education of ordination candi-
dates, 1423
extension ministry appoint-
ments to, 344.1a(3)
globally, 1422.5
goals, 1422.1
in United States, 1422.3
mission education emphasis,
Native American Ministries
Sunday scholarships,
¶¶ 263.6c, 824.6
science and technology, social
principles, 160F
Scouting Ministries, ¶¶ 256.4,
Scripture, 105
certication, 1421.3b
United Methodist
Americans With Disabilities
Act, 140
candidates encouraged to at-
tend, 310.2f,
General Board of Higher Edu-
cation and Ministry,
jurisdictional boards of or-
dained ministry, 535
United Methodist Schools of
Theology in USA, 1422.3
servant leadership, ¶¶ 133-134,
servant ministry, ¶¶ 133-137
Service Loans, ¶¶ 816.1a&b
sexual abuse,
judicial complaint, 2702.1h
social principles, 161I
sexual assault, social principles,
sexual harassment,
annual conference policy on
gender and, 605.9
judicial complaint, 2702.1j
social principles, 161J
sexual misconduct, 2702.1i
sexual orientation,
equal rights regardless of, social
principles, 162J
shared facilities, 206.3c4
free will and, 104 Articles VIII
(p. 67), VII (p. 74)
after justication, 104 Article
XII (p. 68)
single persons, social principles,
small membership church,
annual conference inclusion of,
conference commission on,
conference subcommittee on,
jurisdictional membership and,
lay ministers and, 271
part-time pastors and, 318.2
small-group ministries, ¶¶ 255,
Social Creed and litany, 166
Social Principles, ¶¶ 102, 160-166
abortion, ¶¶ 161K&L, 162V
abuse, ¶¶ 161G&H, 162F
adoption of children, 161M
air, 160A
alcoholic beverages and other
drugs, 162L
animal life, 160C
bullying, 161R
church and state relations,
civil obedience and disobedi-
ence, 164F
collective bargaining, 163B
consumption and consumerism,
corporate responsibility, 163I
criminal and restorative justice,
culture and identity, 161A
cultures, ¶¶ 162A, 165A
death, 161N&O
death penalty, 164G
disabilities, 162I
discrimination, 162.A-J
divorce, 161D
drug use, 162L
dying, faithful care for, 161N
economic community, 163
education, 164E
endangered species, 160C
energy resources utilization,
euthanasia, 161N&O
fair trade, ¶¶ 162Q, 163D
family, 161B
family farms, 163H
family violence and abuse,
nance, 163J
food justice, 160H
food safety, 160G
foreign workers, 163F
freedom of information, 164D
freedoms, basic, 164A
gambling, 163G
genetic technology, 162O
germ-line therapy, 162O
global climate stewardship,
graft and corruption, 163L
persons, 161G
hospice care, 161N
human rights, 164A
human sexuality, 161G
information communication
technology, 162T
Internet, 162T
investment, 163K
justice and law, 165D
late-term abortion, 161K
law, 165D
law enforcement, 164H
leisure, 163C
life-sustaining treatment, 161N
marriage, 161C
media violence, 162S
mediation, 161D
medical experimentation, 162N
medical treatment for the dying,
men, women and 161F
mental health, 162X
military service, 164I
minerals, 160A
movies and violence, 162S
national power and responsibil-
ity, 165B
nations, 165A&B
nations and cultures, 165A
natural world, 160
nurturing community, 161
older adults, 162E
organ transplant and donation,
peace, 165C
plants, 160A
political community, 164
political responsibility, 164B
population, 162K
pornography, 161Q
poverty, 163E
property ownership, 163A
preamble, p. 106
preface, p. 105
public indebtedness, 163M
racial discrimination, 162A
restorative justice, 164
of aging, 162E
of children, 162C
of ethnicity, 162A
of health care, 162V
human rights, 164A
of immigrants, 162H
of men, 162G
of persons with disabilities,
of racial and ethnic groups,
regardless of sexual orienta-
tion, 162J
of religious minorities, 162B
of women, 162F
of young people, 162D
rural life, 162P
science and technology, 160F
sexual abuse, 161I
sexual assault, 161P
sexual harassment, 161J
sexual orientation rights, 162J
single persons, 161E
Social Creed, 166
Companion Litany, 166
social community, 162
socially responsible invest-
ments, 163K
soil, 160A
somatic therapy, 162O
space, 160E
state relations with Church,
suicide, 161O
sustainable agriculture, 162Q
tobacco, 162M
trade, 163K
urban-suburban life, 162R
violence in media, 162S
war and peace, 165C
water, 160A
women and men, 161F
world community, 165
work and leisure, 163C
South Central Jurisdiction.
constitutional provisions and
boundaries, 37
membership on boards and
Church and Society, General
Board 1006.1a
Communication, General
Commission on 1807.1b
Discipleship, General Board,
United Methodist Publishing
House, 1602.1b
See also jurisdictional confer-
Southeastern Jurisdiction.
constitutional provisions and
boundaries, 37
membership on boards and
Church and Society, General
Board 1006.1a
Communication, General
Commission on 1807.1b
Discipleship, General Board,
United Methodist Publishing
House, 1602.1b
See also jurisdictional confer-
Spanish Hymnal, Mil Voces Para
Celebrar: Himnario Metodista,
speaking for the church. See Gen-
eral Conference
speaking in tongues, 104 Article
XV (p. 69)
special nancial appeals, annual
conference, 614.5
special appeals, churchwide
nancial, 819
special program, 703.10
special Sundays, ¶¶ 262-265
annual conference observance
approved Sundays, 265
Christian Education Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 265.1, 630.2d, 1109.14,
Disability Awareness Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 265.4, 1806.12
Golden Cross Sunday, ¶¶ 262,
265.2, 1806.12
offerings remittance of,
¶¶ 619.1a(1), 824.8
Rural Life Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 265.3
Volunteers in Mission Aware-
ness Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 265
with offerings, ¶¶ 263, 824
Board of Higher Education
and Campus Ministry re-
sponsibility, conference,
Human Relations Day, ¶¶ 262,
263.1, 824.1
Native American Ministries
Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 263.6, 824.6
UMCOR Sunday, ¶¶ 262,
263.2, 821, 824.2, 1315.1c(5),
Peace with Justice Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 263.5, 824.5
promotion and marketing of,
¶¶ 824.7, 1806.12
receipts from, 824.8
United Methodist Student
Day, ¶¶ 262, 263.4, 824.3
World Communion Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 263.3, 824.4
without offerings, 264
Heritage Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 264.1
Laity Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 264.2,
631.2d, 1116.5
Men’s Ministry Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 264.4
Organ and Tissue Donor
Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 264.3
Women’s Ministry Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 264.4
Standing Committee on Central
Conference Matters, ¶¶ 101,
becoming an autonomous, afli-
ated autonomous Methodist
or afliated united church,
central conferences number of
bishops, 404.1
Commission on Theological
Education membership,
general provisions, 2201
joining The United Methodist
Church, 575.4&6
state relations with church, social
principles, 164C
Status and Role of Women, Con-
ference Commission, 644
budget, 644.4
chairperson, 644.3
membership, 644.2
responsibility, 644.1
Status and Role of Women, Gen-
eral Commission, ¶¶ 2101-2109
central conference membership,
Connectional Table accountabil-
ity, 702.3
relationship, 906.1c
election of members, ¶¶ 705.1,
funding, 2107
meetings, 2106
membership, 2104
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2
nominations for, 705.1
ofcers, 2105
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
purpose, 2102
relationships, 2109
responsibility, 2103
staff, 2108
Stewardship Leaders, National
Association of, ¶¶ 630.5i, 1114.6
study committee, denition,
subdistrict, 658
suicide, social principles, 161O
supererogation, 104 Article XI
(p. 68)
superintendency. See bishops
and/or district superintendent
supply preachers, 16.2 Article IV
sustainable agriculture, social
principles, 162Q
sustentation fund, 626
theological education, 1421.3
Theological Education, Commis-
sion, ¶¶ 816.2a, 1421.1h
Theological School-Drew Uni-
versity, 1422.3
Theological Task, Our, 105
theology, 105
tithing, 258.4
tobacco, social principles, 162M
town and country ministries
subcommittee, 633.5f&h
trade, social principles, 163K
tradition, 105
transitional communities, ¶¶ 212-
213, 2549.7
translation, of Church name, 723
traveling preacher,
central conference appeals com-
mittee, 31.7 Article IV
jurisdictional appeals commit-
tee, 27.6 Article IV
transfer of membership, 604.6
trials, ¶¶ 2707-2714
alternate trial court members,
amendments to bill of charges
and specications, 2708.11
appeal procedures, ¶¶ 2715-
change of venue, 2708.4
of a bishop, 2712
of clergy member of annual
conference, 2713
of clergy on honorable or ad-
ministrative location, 2713
commissioned out-of-court
testimony, 2708.10
committee on investigation.
See also committee on inves-
convening of, 2709.1
counsel, 2708.7
court questions, 2709.5
diaconal minister, 2713.3b
fundamental principles for,
evidence, ¶¶ 2706.4d, 2709.5,
instructions and charges,
oaths, 2710.3
objections and rulings,
order of trial, 2710.2
plea entering, 2710.4
presiding ofcer authority,
recess and trial procedures,
recording of proceedings,
witness exclusion, 2710.7
of a layperson, 2714
of local pastor, 2713.3
multiple person combined,
notice, 2708.5
ofcers of court, 2708.1
open or closed, 2708.12
power of trial court, 2711
conviction penalties, 2711.3
instruction, disqualication,
voting, and verdicts,
votes, 2711.2
pre-trial motions and referrals,
pre-trial procedures, 2708
scheduling and continuances,
selection of trial court, 2709.3
time and place of, 2708.2
trial court questions, 2709
trial pool, 2709.2
witnesses, 2708.8
qualications of, 2708.9
trust clauses, 2501
trust clauses in deeds, 2503
trustees, board of. See board of
trustees, of church institutions,
standards and requirements,
UMCMA. See United Methodist
Campus Ministers Association
UMCom. See United Methodist
UMCOR. See United Methodist
Committee on Relief
UMCOR Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 263.2,
821, 824.2, 1315.1c(5), 1806.12
UMCOR Sunday Fund, 810.1
UMSM. See United Methodist
Student Movement
UMVIM. See United Methodist
Volunteers in Mission
Union, Commission on.
See Pan-Methodist Cooperation
and Union, Commission
union church, ¶¶ 208b, 2547
unions, homosexual, ¶¶ 341.6,
The United Brethren Church
doctrinal traditions, 103
united church. See autonomous
Methodist churches
United Methodist Association of
Church Business Administra-
tors, 807.18
United Methodist Campus Min-
isters Association (UMCMA),
The United Methodist Children’s
Fund for Christian Mission,
¶¶ 256.2a, 1110.2e
The United Methodist Church,
Act of Covenanting with
autonomous Methodist
churches, 570.1a
afliated autonomous Meth-
odist churches, 570.2a
covenanting churches,
¶¶ 570.4a&b, 573.2
afliated united churches,
Articles of Religion, 3
Article III
declaration of union, 1
Article I
doctrinal standards of, 103
founding date, 724
historical statement, p. 11
joining, church outside the
United States, 575
legal status as a denomination,
name, 2 Article II
program and scal year, 721
translation of name, 723
United Methodist Church Con-
ference Chancellors Associa-
tion, 807.18
United Methodist Church Sec-
retaries, Professional Associa-
tion, 807.18
United Methodist Committee on
Relief (UMCOR), 1315
annual conference responsibil-
ity, 633.4b(10)(20-22)
authority, 1315.1b
disaster response, ¶¶ 633.4b(22),
UMCOR Sunday, 262, 263.2,
821, 824.2, 824.2b, 1315.1c(5),
purpose, 1315.1a
refugee ministry, 633.4b(20)
responsibilities, 1315.1c
responsibility limitation,
World Hunger/Poverty Minis-
try, 633.4b(21)
United Methodist Communica-
tions (UMCom), ¶¶ 1801-1808
administrative general agency,
amenability and accountability,
central conference membership,
Connectional Table accountabil-
ity and relationship, ¶¶ 702.3,
denition of general commis-
sion, 703.3
nance, 1808
incorporation, 1803
internal organization, 1807.4
meetings, 1807.2
member nomination and elec-
tion, ¶¶ 705.1, 705.5
membership, 1807.1
name, 1802
ofcers, 1807.3
organization, 1807
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
promotion responsibility for
Advance Special, 823.4
Black College Fund, 815.3
Episcopal Fund, 818.1
General Administrative Fund,
General Church Funds,
Interdenominational Coop-
eration Fund, 814.7
Ministerial Education Fund,
special Sundays support,
¶¶ 263, 824.7, 1806.12
Human Relations Day,
¶¶ 263.1, 824.1
Native American Ministries
Sunday, ¶¶ 263.6, 824.6
Peace with Justice Sunday,
¶¶ 263.5, 824.5
UMCOR Sunday, ¶¶ 263.2,
United Methodist Student
Day, ¶¶ 263.4, 824.3
World Communion Sunday,
¶¶ 263.3, 824.4
World Service Fund promo-
tion, 812.4
World Service Specials pro-
motion, ¶¶ 820.7, 821.3–5
purpose, 1805
responsibilities, 1806
staff, 1807.5
United Methodist Foundation,
National Association of,
¶¶ 630.5i, 1114.6, 2534.8
United Methodist Foundations,
establishment, 2513
United Methodist Higher Educa-
tion Foundation, 634.4a(8)
The United Methodist Hymnal,
¶¶ 630.4b, 1113.3
United Methodist Information
Technology Association,
United Methodist Loan Fund,
United Methodist Men,
annual conference, 648
annual conference representa-
tion, 32 Article I
constitution, 648 Article I
amendments, 648 Article 9
district, 671
constitution amendments,
671 Article 9
jurisdictional committee, 537
local church, 256.6
Men’s Ministry Sunday, ¶¶ 262,
United Methodist Men, General
Commission, ¶¶ 2301-2303
amenable to, 2301
central conference membership,
Connectional Table
accountability, 702.3
relationship, 906.1c
funding, 2303.6
meetings, 2303.5
membership, 2303.1
advisory panel, 2303.7
Ministries With Young People,
Division resource, 1207.2
ofcers, 2303.3
personnel policy and practices
committee, 805.4b
purpose, 2302
staff, 2303.4
vacancies, 2303.2
United Methodist name registra-
tion, 2502
United Methodist Publishing
House, ¶¶ 1601-1641
as administrative general
agency, 703.6
agency status, 1611
annual meeting, 1603
authority to extend activities,
authorization and establish-
ment, 1601
board members as successors,
Board of Publication, ¶¶ 1608,
board participation, 1638
board powers and duties,
¶¶ 1609, 1618
book editor, 1628
salary of, 1629
suspension of, 1630
Church School Publications edi-
tor, 1631
duties of, 1632
salary of, 1634
church school curriculum,
cooperative publications, 1639
corporate ofcers, 1621
delity bonding of, 1626
president, 1622
salaries, 1623
suspension of, 1627
Curriculum Resources Commit-
tee and, ¶¶ 1124.2, 1635
membership, 1126.1
Discipleship, General Board,
publisher participation in,
direction and control, 1614
distribution system by general
agencies, 1640
election of members, 705.1
Evangelical Press dissolution,
executive committee, 1606
powers and duties, 1607
nancial feasibility, 1637
incorporation of, 1609.3
member election, 705.5
membership, 1602
additional members, 1602.1d
central conference members,
division of, 1602.1f
episcopal members, 1602.1a
jurisdictional members,
president/CEO, 1606
rotation of, 1602.1g
vacancies, 1602.1h
of young adults, 1602.1e
net income
appropriation, 1615
designation, 1616
nominations for, 705.1
objectives, 1613
Otterbein Press dissolution,
ownership and control of assets,
president/CEO, 1614
real estate purchases, 1641
record of proceedings, 1604
report to General Conference,
service to Church, 1636
successor in interest, 1608
tenure of board members and
ofcers, 1605
trustees of, 1610
United Methodist seminaries,
¶¶ 1422-1423
candidates encouraged to at-
tend, 310.2f
General Board of Higher Educa-
tion and Ministry, 1421.1e
inclusiveness, 140
schools of theology in the cen-
tral conferences, 1422.4
U.S.A. schools of theology,
United Methodist Student Day,
¶¶ 262, 263.4, 824.3, 1806.12
United Methodist Student Day
Fund, 810.1
United Methodist Student Move-
ment (UMSM), ¶¶ 634.4d(5),
1207.1d(2), 1410.4d, 1412.2j
United Methodist Voluntary
Services Program, 263.1b
United Methodist Volunteers in
Mission (UMVIM), 247.12
See also Volunteers in Mission
United Methodist Women,
¶¶ 1901-1918
annual conference
constitution, 647
amendments, 647
Article 8
annual conference representa-
tion, 32 Article I
constitution, 670
amendments, 670
Article 8
constitution, 536
amendments, 536
Article 5
local church, 256.5
assembly, 1908
authority, 1904
constitution, 1912
deaconesses and home mis-
sioners, ¶¶ 16.2 Article IV,
annual conference member-
ship, ¶¶ 32 Article I, 602.4
appointment and an-
nouncement of, ¶¶ 415.7,
central conference course of
study, 543. 15
commissioning, 415.6
committee on deaconess
and home missioner,
ecclesiastical support,
general provisions, 1913
journal listing, 606.4
membership on United
Methodist organizations,
536 Article 3
Ofce of Home Missioner,
Order of, 1914
purpose, ¶¶ 1903.7&9
supporting work of, 1917
nances, 1909
Global Ministries, General
Board relationship with,
¶¶ 1312, 1910
membership, ¶¶ 705.3a
membership of the board of
directors, 1906
Mission Coordinator of Edu-
cation and Interpretation,
Ministries With Young
People, division resource,
organization, 1907
Program Advisory Group,
purpose, 1902
responsibilities, 1903
successor entity, 1905
United Nations Ofce, 1010
United Methodist Young People’s
Convocation, 1210.2
United Nations, ¶¶ 165D, 1010,
United Societies, nature, design
and general rules, 104
United Theological Seminary
(Dayton, Ohio), 1422.3
unity of ministry in Christ, 131
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, social principles, 162
University Senate. See Higher
Education and Ministry, Gen-
eral Board
The Upper Room, ¶¶ 1107, 1115
urban-suburban life, social prin-
ciples, 162R
vacation Bible school, ¶¶ 256.2,
Volunteers in Mission,
Awareness Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 265
coordinator, annual conference,
General Board of Global Minis-
tries, 1302.14
local church, 247.12
vows, of membership, 217
war and peace, social principles,
water, social principles, 160A
wedding ceremonies, same sex,
¶¶ 341.6, 2702.1b
Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity, 642.4f
Wesley, John, 102
candidacy examiner questions,
historic examination for admis-
sion into full connection,
obligation of servant leader,
sermons of, 104
view on scripture, 105
Wesley Foundation,
board of directors, 634.4d(2)
conference board of higher edu-
cation responsibilities,
¶¶ 634.4a(6)(9),b(1)&d(2)
director’s voting rights at an-
nual conference, 602.1e
funding, ¶¶ 634.4a(6)&b(1),
General Board of Higher Educa-
tion Division responsibility,
¶¶ 1412.2, 1413.3c
properties and investments,
Wesley Theological Seminary,
Wesleyan Service Guild, United
Methodist Women successor
and control of, 1905
West Africa Central Conference,
Western Jurisdiction.
constitutional provisions and
boundaries, 37
membership on boards and
Church and Society, General
Board 1006.1a
Communication, General
Commission on 1807.1b
Discipleship, General Board,
United Methodist Publishing
House, 1602.1b
See also jurisdictional confer-
Woman’s Board of Home Mis-
sions, United Methodist
Women successor and control
of, 1905
Woman’s Convention of the
Board of Missions of The
Methodist Protestant Church,
Woman’s Foreign Missionary
Society, United Methodist
Women successor and control
of, 1322
Woman’s Home Missionary Soci-
ety, United Methodist Women
successor and control of, 1905
Woman’s Missionary Council
of The Methodist Episcopal
Church, South, United Meth-
odist Women successor and
control of, 1905
Woman’s Missionary Society
of The Evangelical Church,
United Methodist Women suc-
cessor and control of, 1905
Woman’s Society of Christian
Service of The Methodist
Church, United Methodist
Women successor and control
of, 1905
Woman’s Society of World Ser-
vice of The Evangelical United
Brethren Church, United
Methodist Women successor
and control of, 1905
Women’s Ministry Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 264.4
work and leisure, social prin-
ciples, 163C
World Communion Fund,
¶¶ 263.3, 1806.12
as general fund, ¶¶ 634.4a(5),
World Communion Scholarships,
World Communion Sunday,
¶¶ 262, 263.3, 634.4a(5), 824.4,
world community, social prin-
ciples, 165
World Council of Churches,
¶¶ 434.3, 642.4f
World Evangelical Fellowship,
World Federation of Methodist
and Uniting Church Women,
¶¶ 1903.13, 1911
World Federation of Methodist
Women, central conference,
World Methodist Council,
¶¶ 433.1, 642.2, 1703.1
World Service contingency
funds, 806.1d
World Service and Conference
Benevolences, ¶¶ 247.14,
258.4b, 614.3d, 619.1a(2), 820.5
World Service and Finance, 803
World Service Commission
on the Methodist Episcopal
Church, 803
World Service Fund, 812
annual conference and district
responsibility, 247.14
Finance and Administration,
General Council, 806.1b
as general fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 812
General Commission on Com-
munication responsibility,
Higher Education and Ministry,
General Board support from,
World Service Special Gifts,
¶¶ 619.1a(1), 810.1, 1806.12
World Service Specials, ¶¶ 820,
world trade, of agricultural prod-
ucts, social principles, 162Q
World Wide Web, 1806.21
as conference discipleship board
responsibility, 630.1b&4
constitutional provisions, Gen-
eral Conference legislative
power, 16.6 Article IV
as Discipleship, General Board
responsibility, 1113
as pastor’s responsibility and
duty, 340
discontinuance of, 341.2
pastor’s unauthorized conduct
of, 341.4
yoked parish, 208d
young adult ministries,
church school and, 256.3
conference council, 650
district conferences, 665
inclusiveness, 650.2
young adults,
descriptions of, ¶¶ 32 Article I,
256.3, 602.4, 635.1, 650.2
Ministries With Young People,
Division on, 1207.1b
organization for networking,
¶¶ 534, 1203.3
young people, rights, social prin-
ciples, 162D
baptism, ¶¶ 216.1b, 226
care of, 226
as church council members,
coordinator of ministries,
¶¶ 256.3a, 533, 649.3l
council, 256.3c(1)
membership in general agen-
cies, ¶¶ 705.4, 710.3
Ministries With Young People,
Division on, 1207.1a
relation to church, central con-
ference, 547.4
rights and responsibilities,
Youth Ministry, Conference
Council, ¶¶ 256.3, 649.1
Youth Offender Rehabilitation
Program, 263.1c
Youth Service Fund, ¶¶ 256.3a,
649.3i&j, 1208, 1806.12
as general fund, 810.1
organization, 1208.1
project review, 1208.2