Aerospace Medicine
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Supersedes: AFI48-139, 25 July 2012
Certified by: AF/SG3
(Brig Gen Charles E. Potter)
Pages: 33
This instruction incorporates guidance and criteria for the safe use of lasers and laser systems as
defined in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136.1.
This instruction implements requirements from Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI)
6055.15, DoD Laser Protection Program, Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 48-1, Aerospace
Medicine Enterprise, the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) Standard, Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and specific requirements from
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Standard, Title 21, CFR, Part 1040.10, Laser
Products, and Part 1040.11, Specific Purpose Laser Products. The basic elements of the
program emulate those of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard Z136.1,
American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers and any other standard in the ANSI Z136
series, as applicable. This instruction applies to all Air Force (AF) personnel, AF Reserves, Air
National Guard, direct reporting units (DRU) and field operating agencies (FOA). Major
commands (MAJCOM), DRU, and FOA may supplement this instruction when additional or
more stringent safety and health criteria are required, but all direct supplements must be routed to
the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) of this publication for coordination prior to
certification and approval. This instruction does not apply to employees working under
government contract or private contractors performing work under government contracts, or
State employees with traditional Guard positions, who are covered under their organizational
standards. Contractors are responsible for compliance with Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) standards and the protection of their employees unless otherwise
specified in their contract. Send comments and suggested improvements on AF Form 847,
Certified Current, 22 APRIL 2020
2 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
Recommendation for Change of Publication, through channels, to Surgeon General of the AF,
AF Medical Support Agency, Bioenvironmental Engineering Division (AFMSA/SG3PB), 7700
Arlington Blvd Ste 5151, Falls Church, VA 22042-5151. Requests for waivers must be
submitted through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority. The
authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier
(“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See AFI 33-360,
Publications and Forms Management, for a description of the authorities associated with the Tier
numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier
waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the Publication OPR for non-tiered compliance
items. This publication requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected by
the Privacy Act (PA) of 1974. Forms affected by the Privacy Act have the appropriate Privacy
Act statement. The authority to collect and/or maintain the records prescribed in this publication
is Executive Order 12196, Occupational Safety and Health Programs for Federal Employees,
February 26, 1980. Forms affected by the PA have an appropriate PA statement. System of
records notice F044 AF SGE Medical Record System applies. This is authorized by 10 U.S.C.,
Chapter 55, Medical and Dental Care, 10 U.S.C., Sec 8013, Power and Duties of the Secretary of
the AF, and Executive Order 9397. Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed
in this publication are maintained in accordance with (IAW) Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-
363, Management of Records, and disposed of IAW Air Force Records Disposition Schedule
(RDS) maintained in the Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS) located
from the portal at Field activities must send
implementing publications to the higher headquarters functional OPR for review and
coordination before publishing. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer,
commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by
the Air Force.
This document is substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. Tiers have been added
to wing-level and below directives and are designated with a “(T-x)”, where x ranges from 0 to 3
to indicate waiver authority. This tiering results from changes to the inspection process outlined
in AFI 90-201, The Air Force Inspection System. Refer to AFI 90-201 for details.
1.1. Overview. ............................................................................................................... 5
Table 1.1. Class Description. .................................................................................................. 5
1.2. Purpose. .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations & Environment (SAF/IE). . 8
2.2. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition (SAF/AQ). .......................... 8
2.3. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Environment, Safety, and
Occupational Health (SAF/IEE). ........................................................................... 8
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 3
2.4. The Office of the Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG). ........................................ 8
2.5. Air Force Medical Support Agency, Bioenvironmental Engineering Division
(AFMSA/SG3PB). ................................................................................................. 8
2.6. Headquarters Air Force Safety Center (HQ AFSEC). ........................................... 8
2.7. HQ Air Force Inspection Agency (HQ AFIA). ...................................................... 9
2.8. HQ Air Force International and Operations Law Directorate (HQ AF/JAO). ....... 9
2.9. Air Force Legal Operations Agency (AFLOA/JACE). ......................................... 9
2.10. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Fire Emergency Services (AFCEC/CXF). ........ 9
2.11. MAJCOM, FOA and DRU. ................................................................................... 9
2.12. Air Combat Command (ACC). .............................................................................. 10
2.13. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). ................................................................ 10
2.14. SPOs, PMs, and PEOs. .......................................................................................... 12
2.15. Installation Commander. ........................................................................................ 12
2.16. Installation Staff Judge Advocate. ......................................................................... 13
2.17. Installation Laser Safety Officer (ILSO). .............................................................. 13
2.18. Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) Commander or Equivalent. ............................ 14
2.19. Installation Safety (SEG). ...................................................................................... 15
2.20. Installation Civil Engineer Fire Emergency Services. ........................................... 15
2.21. Installation Contracting Office. ............................................................................. 15
2.22. Unit Commander. ................................................................................................... 15
2.23. Unit Laser Safety Officer (ULSO). ........................................................................ 16
2.24. Workplace Supervisor. ........................................................................................... 17
2.25. Individual. .............................................................................................................. 18
3.1. General Guidelines. ............................................................................................... 19
3.2. LSO and User Training Criteria. ............................................................................ 19
3.3. Hazard Evaluations. ............................................................................................... 19
3.4. Laser Hazard Controls. .......................................................................................... 20
3.5. Medical Surveillance for Laser Users and Some Broadband Optical Sources. ..... 20
3.6. Accidents/Incidents. ............................................................................................... 21
3.7. Special Considerations. .......................................................................................... 21
3.8. Combat Simulation Laser Systems. ....................................................................... 22
3.9. Military Specific Lasers. ........................................................................................ 22
4 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
4.1. Establishment of Laser Safety Review Requirements. .......................................... 23
4.2. AF LSSRB. ............................................................................................................ 24
4.3. AF LSSRB Approval and DoD Exemption Process. ............................................. 24
4.4. Laser Temporary Approval for Emergency Operational Capability (EOC). ......... 25
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 5
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview. This instruction incorporates guidance and criteria for the safe use of lasers and
laser systems as defined in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136.1.
1.1.1. ANSI Z136.1 classifies lasers according to the type of hazards they present and
according to the extent of safety controls required. Classes range from the least hazardous,
Class 1, through the most hazardous, Class 4. For Class 1 and Class 2 lasers, the letter M
after the number refers to viewing the laser with optical aids so that the laser is magnified.
Class 3 is divided into subcategories of Class 3R and Class 3B. The older ANSI designation
for Class 3 was Class 3A and Class 3B. ANSI changed Class 3A to Class 3R with the R
designating reduced risk. For reference, Table 1.1 below provides a general, but not all
encompassing, description of the classes. All mandatory requirements are in this AFI. For a
non-mandatory guide describing best force health protection management practices and
information when working with lasers and laser systems use refer to the PHA Guide found
on the Knowledge Exchange (Kx) website.
Table 1.1. Class Description.
Not recognized as hazardous
Could be hazardous if viewed with optical aids (telescopes, binoculars or loupes)
Could be hazardous if viewed for > 0.25 seconds, on-axis
Increased hazard if viewed with optical aids
Potential direct and diffuse hazard if eye focused
Direct eye or skin exposure hazard
Hazardous for direct or scattered exposure
1.1.2. Military specific lasers that employ coherent radiation are lasers and laser systems
used for combat, combat training, or classified in the interest of national security, and require
AF Laser System Safety Review Board (LSSRB) approval prior to acquisition and/or
employment. Examples include, but are not limited to: laser illuminators, designators, range
finders, tactical pointers, tactical lasers, and lasers employed to augment explosive ordnance
disposal. For lasers categorized as directed energy weapons (DEWs), AFI 91-401 shall be
followed. The DoD, or its components, are authorized to exempt these lasers from portions
or the entirety of Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 1010 and/or 1040 IAW
with FDA Exemption No. 76EL-01. Hereafter, FDA Exemption No. 76EL-01will be
referred to as simply FDA Exemption. This exemption applies only to the laser procurement
process but not to laser safety. (T-0)
1.1.3. FDA compliant lasers and laser systems are fully compliant with Title 21, CFR, Parts
1010 and/or 1040 and do not fall under any category defined as military specific lasers.
Examples include medical, industrial, laboratory, and communication lasers and laser
6 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
systems. FDA Compliant Lasers must have a FDA accession number issued to the
manufacturer by the FDA or at least have compliance paperwork on file with the FDA for
1.1.4. For other optical radiation hazards, this instruction is based on the current Threshold
Limit Values (TLVs®) for Physical Agents (Non-ionizing Radiation and Fields - Light and
Near-Infrared Radiation and Ultraviolet Radiation) published by the American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®). Optical radiation hazards and controls for
welding, cutting, and brazing are delineated in AFI 91-203, Air Force Consolidated
Occupational Safety Instruction.
1.1.5. Optical radiation includes incoherent, multi-wavelength (non-laser) sources of
radiation in ultraviolet (UV) (180-400 nm), visible (400-700 nm), and infrared (700 nm-1000
µm) wavelength regions. Examples of potentially hazardous broadband optical radiation
sources include: intense radiant flashes and thermal energy from pyrotechnics or explosives,
arcs, gas and vapor discharges, unshielded fluorescent or incandescent light sources, and UV
exposures. Measurement equipment to assess these hazards, generally, is not available at
base level; risk assessment and associated controls are typically based on manufacturer
discussions and consultation with the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM)
Environmental, Safety, Occupational Health (ESOH) Service Center. To contact the ESOH
Service Center, call (toll free) 1-888-232-ESOH (3764), 937-938-3764 or DSN 798-3764, or
send emails to [email protected].
1.1.6. This instruction prescribes the use of an AF approved Occupational and
Environmental Health - Management Information System (OEH-MIS) to standardize and
enhance data entry, management, and reporting. The Defense Occupational and
Environmental Health Readiness System-Industrial Hygiene (DOEHRS-IH) is a DoD
software program designed to provide a web-based information management system that will
store and manage personal OEH exposure information and monitoring data, personal
protective equipment (PPE) usage data, and employee health hazard education data.
1.2. Purpose. The purpose of the laser and optical radiation protection program is to protect
health and prevent injury that could have a debilitating effect on human performance. The
program is designed to define and mitigate laser related risks. This program is a key component
of the AF ESOH management system as directed in Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 90-8,
Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health. Effective identification and control of laser and
other optical radiation hazards is a force multiplier. Supervisors and commanders must: (T-0)
1.2.1. Implement controls to mitigate risks for identified laser and other optical radiation
hazards to an acceptable level;
1.2.2. Ensure risk mitigation will be effected through engineering controls first. If research
efforts show that engineering controls are not feasible then administrative controls can be
considered, with SQ/CC, or higher, approval;
1.2.3. Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) or PPE shall be considered a last resort for
controlling a hazard. If engineering or administrative controls are not feasible, then the
appropriate IPE/PPE must be made available and used to: Enhance workforce and mission capability;
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 7 Reduce harmful laser and other optical radiation impacts from AF operations.
8 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
Chapter 2
2.1. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations & Environment (SAF/IE).
2.1.1. Delegates the responsibility to implement DoDI 6055.15 to USAFSAM to establish,
administer, and maintain the Tri-Service Laser Injury Hotline (1-800-473-3549) to provide a
reporting function for laser and optical radiation accidents and incidents, as well as
coordinate immediate expert medical advice in the event of an injury or suspected injury to
DoD personnel from lasers.
2.2. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition (SAF/AQ). Ensures Program Managers (PMs) and Program Execution Officers (PEOs)
address laser and other optical radiation health and safety early in development and
throughout Integrated Life Cycle Management (ILCM). Further responsibilities of
System Program Offices (SPOs), PMs and PEOs are outlined in paragraph 2.14 Ensures AF acquisition programs incorporate requirements of federal regulations
and this instruction into all stages of system procurement IAW Department of Defense
Instruction (DoDI) 5000.1, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System (Supplemented
by USD(AT&L) Safety Memo (21 Nov 06), Reducing Preventable Accidents). For
military specific lasers, when full compliance with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 is not
operationally feasible, ensure manufacturers request DoD exemption notifications IAW
FDA Exemption and DoDI 6055.15.
2.3. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Environment, Safety, and Occupational
Health (SAF/IEE). Approves and provides policy guidance to the AF Surgeon General’s ESOH
protection policy and guidance for lasers and optical radiation.
2.4. The Office of the Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG).
2.4.1. Formulates, publishes, reviews, and executes plans, policies, programs, and budgets
for medical support of the occupational and environmental health program.
2.4.2. Establishes AF policy for control of laser and other optical radiation health hazards.
2.4.3. Designates AF Medical Service voting members to the DoD Laser Systems Safety
Working Group (LSSWG). The AF-represented voting members are currently AF/SG, 711
2.4.4. Designates a voting member to the AF LSSRB from AFMSA/SG3PB to evaluate
control measures and risks from military specific lasers seeking AF LSSRB approval for
purchase/employment and/or DoD exemption notifications from 21 CFR 1040.10 and
2.5. Air Force Medical Support Agency, Bioenvironmental Engineering Division
(AFMSA/SG3PB). Proposes and interprets guidance and policy to ensure the effective
implementation of the AF OEH protection program for lasers and other optical radiation systems
and sources.
2.6. Headquarters Air Force Safety Center (HQ AFSEC).
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 9
2.6.1. Develops guidance for the AF Directed Energy Weapons safety program.
2.6.2. Implements safety standards for programs associated with potentially hazardous
exposures related to lasers, laser systems, and other optical sources.
2.6.3. AFSEC Weapons Safety Division (HQ AFSEC/SEW). Designates a voting member to the DoD LSSWG. Chairs the AF LSSRB. With coordination with the AF LSSRB, approves/disapproves new or modified
military specific lasers reviewed by the AF LSSRB. Issues DoD exemption notifications to manufacturers of military specific lasers
that cannot meet the federal laser specification requirements in 21 CFR 1040.10 and
1040.11. Ensures DoD exemption notification requests are reviewed by the Air Force
Legal Operations Agency (AFLOA/JACE). Maintains a repository of all military specific lasers approved/disapproved for
acquisition/fielding through the AF LSSRB. Identifies and prioritizes systems requiring independent laser hazard evaluations
and review by the AF LSSRB prior to acquisition/fielding.
2.7. HQ Air Force Inspection Agency (HQ AFIA). Supplements MAJCOM medical
inspectors with required specialties to MAJCOM IGs to support Unit Effectiveness Inspections
(UEI) as needed.
2.8. HQ Air Force International and Operations Law Directorate (HQ AF/JAO). Reviews
submissions for LSSRB approval for the limited purpose of determining whether the proposed
laser in question requires a weapon legal review in accordance with AFI 51-402, Legal Reviews
of Weapons and Cyber Capabilities, to ensure compliance with the law of armed conflict.
2.9. Air Force Legal Operations Agency (AFLOA/JACE). Reviews requests for DoD
exemption notifications and provides recommendations to HQ AFSEC/SEW.
2.10. Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Fire Emergency Services
(AFCEC/CXF). Establishes criteria for fire protection and life safety in laser facilities and laser
system support facilities.
2.11. MAJCOM, FOA and DRU.
2.11.1. Conducts inspection of lasers and other optical radiation systems as part of the
Occupational Health Programs portion of the UEI. Coordinate with AFIA/SG, if necessary,
to obtain required medical inspector specialties.
2.11.2. Ensures safety and health assessments are accomplished as necessary in support of
the AF LSSRB. Implements programs to monitor laser safety compliance with this
instruction and applicable federal regulations concerning the safe use of lasers and other
optical radiation systems. (T-0)
2.11.3. Through coordination with acquisition personnel and HQ AFSEC/SEW, ensures
military specific lasers have a written AF LSSRB approval prior to fielding. (T-0)
10 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
2.12. Air Combat Command (ACC). Through coordination with 77 AESG System Program
Office (SPO), issues overall Safe-to-Fly approval of Laser Eye Protection (LEP) for aircrew.
2.13. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC).
2.13.1. Plans, programs, and budgets for RDT&E related to AF lasers and laser systems, to
include laser protective devices, laser technologies, and laser control measures based on
priorities provided by AFMSA/SG3PB and HQ AFSEC/SEW.
2.13.2. Ensures a system safety program consistent with MIL-STD-882E, Standard Practice
for System Safety, and AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, Chapter
9, System Safety, is established to support development or modification of systems including
lasers and laser systems or other optical radiation sources. Initiates the system safety
program as early as possible to ensure effective total life cycle risk. In consultation with HQ
AFSEC/SEW, ensures contracts for operation, modification, and repair of laser systems
incorporate safety controls IAW the ANSI Z136 Series and MIL-STD-1425A. Establishes life-cycle controls on military specific lasers to comply with
accountability and disposal requirements IAW FDA Laser Notice No. 52 and
DoDI4160.21- M, Defense Material Disposition Manual. Ensures controls and warnings
are in place to prevent sale, surplusing, or distribution of military specific lasers outside
of DoD. Military specific lasers must be disposed of IAW DoDI 4160.21-M.
2.13.3. 711th Human Performance Wing. Provides operational consultation services. Designates a voting member to the DoD Laser Systems Safety Working Group
(LSSWG). 711
Human Performance Wing, Human Effectiveness Directorate, Directed
Energy Bioeffects Division, Optical Radiation Branch (711 HPW/RHDO). Conducts research on biological effects of lasers, broadband, and other
forms optical radiation. Provides subject matter expertise for national and
international standards-setting bodies such as ANSI, Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP), and Standardization Agreement (STANAG). (T-1) Evaluates and recommends LEP technologies for use against threats and
hazardous lasers. Coordinates development and approval of LEP for transition to AF
operational use, and provides guidance during Safe-to-Fly evaluation processes for
aircrew LEP. (T-1) Designates a voting member to the AF LSSRB to evaluate control
measures and risks from military specific lasers seeking AF LSSRB approval for
acquisition/fielding and/or DoD exemption notifications from 21 CFR 1040.10 and
1040.11. (T-0) Maintains the capability to conduct independent laser hazard evaluations
of laser and laser systems seeking AF LSSRB approval for acquisition/fielding and/or
DoD exemption notifications from 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11. Maintains a
repository of hazard evaluations conducted for AF LSSRB approved/disapproved
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 11
lasers and laser systems. Provides evaluation information to USAFSAM
Occupational/Environmental Health Division (USAFSAM/OE) for health risk
assessment and accident/incident investigations and for distribution to laser safety
officers. (T-1) USAFSAM Occupational/Environmental Health Division (USAFSAM/OE). Provides AF-wide consultation services on the adequacy of laser and
other optical radiation protection devices, materials, hazard assessments, exposure
control, medical surveillance, and control measures. (T-1) Serves as AF/SG technical center for all issues concerning laser and other
optical radiation health and safety. Coordinates with other services and agencies to
evaluate, assess, and resolve laser safety issues. Publishes the Bioenvironmental
Engineers Guide for Lasers and Optical Radiation. (T-2) Designates a voting member to the AF LSSRB to evaluate control
measures and risks from lasers and laser systems seeking AF LSSRB approval for
acquisition/fielding and/or DoD exemption notifications from 21 CFR 1040.10 and
1040.11. (T-0) Maintains the Tri-Service Laser Injury Hotline (1-800-473-3549) to
coordinate investigating/reporting/documenting DoD accidents/incidents involving
laser or laser systems with the DoD Laser Accident/Incident Response Group, as
necessary, IAW DoDI 6055.15. (T-0) Maintains the capability to perform exposure re-creations to evaluate
suspected overexposures from lasers and other optical radiation sources. Forwards
exposure investigation reports to the Army Institute of Public Health, Tri-Service
Vision Conservation and Readiness Program (TVCRP) for addition to the DoD
official repository. (T-0) Maintains a repository on the hazard characteristics of military specific
lasers, FDA-Compliant Lasers, laser radiation protective devices, and optical
radiation sources used within the AF and makes this repository available to
installation personnel. (T-0) Develops formal training for AF personnel on laser and optical radiation
safety through the USAFSAM Department of Bioenvironmental Engineering
(USAFSAM/OED). (T-0) USAFSAM, Aeromedical Consultation Service, Aerospace Medicine
Consultation Division (USAFSAM/FEC). Provides consultative examinations in ophthalmology and dermatology
for AF personnel. All other consultations must have approval from the 711
HPW/CC. (T-1) Develops methods to evaluate injuries or suspected overexposures
associated with lasers and optical radiation. (T-0) Recommends medical surveillance requirements for active aircrew
members, in addition to those stipulated in this AFI or the ANSI Z136 Series. (T-1)
12 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
2.13.4. 77th Aeronautical Systems Group (77 AESG/CC). Conducts acquisition and sustainment of aircrew LEP. (T-1) Assists 711 HPW/RHDO, test organizations, and MAJCOMs with assessments
of LEP and other protective technologies/devices under development for aircrew. (T-1) Manages the Safe-to-Fly health and safety approval processes for aircrew LEP
throughout acquisition and fielding process. Safe-to-Fly recommendations are used by
the MAJCOM, CCMD, ANG, FOA, or equivalent, to authorize fielding of aircrew LEP
or developmental LEP used by aircrew. (T-1)
2.14. SPOs, PMs, and PEOs.
2.14.1. Coordinate projected laser and other optical radiation system acquisitions,
performance specifications, and measurements with HQ AFSEC/SEW as early as practical in
the procurement process. Notify HQ AFSEC/SEW if the system has a potential to be used
by other services so measurements and evaluations can be jointly coordinated. Note: Most
military specific lasers are likely to be used jointly.
2.14.2. Initiate the system safety program as early as possible in the development or
modification cycle to ensure effective total life cycle risk and cost management.
2.14.3. Evaluate and recommend LEP and other protective technologies for complex
lasers/laser systems technologies, i.e. for non-military or threatening lasers. Evaluations
shall occur early within development of new systems to ensure safe operations of the
2.14.4. Where full compliance with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 conflicts with operational
requirements, ensure manufacturers request DoD exemption notifications from the AF
LSSRB IAW FDA Exemption No. 76EL-01 and DoDI 6055.15. Coordinate through HQ AFSEC/SEW to have an independent evaluation
conducted of any laser or optical radiation system seeking approval for
acquisition/fielding from the AF LSSRB once the system is in final configuration and
ready for fielding.
2.14.5. Include health and safety information, cautions, and warnings in Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs), Technical Orders (TOs), or equivalent.
2.15. Installation Commander.
2.15.1. Establishes policies, procedures, and/or instructions to implement this instruction at
the installation level. (T-0)
2.15.2. Establishes an installation laser and optical radiation protection program that
conforms to this instruction. (T-1)
2.15.3. Designates, in writing, a qualified Bioenvironmental Engineer (AF Specialty Code
(AFSC): 43E3X) or equivalent civilian to serve as the Installation Laser Safety Officer
(ILSO). If a qualified 43E3X or equivalent civilian is not assigned, a 7-level or higher
Bioenvironmental Engineering Technician (AFSC: 4B0X1) may be designated to serve as
the ILSO with approval from the Command Bioenvironmental Engineer. If the base wing is
located on a non-AF led joint base, overall ILSO responsibilities would fall to the host unit
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 13
per the host service's guidelines. If the host does not assign an ILSO, the AF Wing
commander must designate a Wing LSO to execute ILSO responsibilities for Wing-owned
personnel and operations. If the host assigns one, designation of an AF Wing LSO is
optional. (T-2) Delegates authority to the ILSO to suspend installation operations involving the
operation of laser or other optical radiation sources that pose a significant health risk to
personnel, are in clear violation of regulations or requirements, or can negatively impact
AF operations, materiel, or real estate. (T-1)
2.16. Installation Staff Judge Advocate. The Base Staff Judge Advocate in collaboration with
the ILSO and in consultation with AF/JAO and AFLOA/JACE, reviews all investigations
conducted for legal sufficiency.
2.17. Installation Laser Safety Officer (ILSO).
2.17.1. Adheres to the LSO duties and responsibilities IAW ANSI Z136.1, those detailed
below, and those specified in Chapter 3. (T-0)
2.17.2. Develops and manages an installation laser and optical radiation safety program. (T-
2.17.3. Assists the installation commander in developing and maintaining policies,
procedures, and instructions to meet this instruction’s requirements. (T-2)
2.17.4. Incorporates laser and optical radiation hazard evaluations into the special
surveillance processes described in AFI 48-145, Occupational Health Program. (T-2)
2.17.5. Establishes a Laser Safety Committee (LSC) at installations with three or more units
using Class 3B and/or Class 4 FDA-Compliant Lasers or military specific lasers, if deemed
necessary based on a hazard assessment. Suggested LSC composition can include pertinent
unit LSOs, Installation Safety, Flight Medicine, and Public Health. Potential discussion
items include best safe practices, hazard assessments and controls, etc. The ILSO has the
option to include this topic/meeting in conjunction with already existing ESOH structure. (T-
2.17.6. Coordinates suspected laser accidents/incidents. Refer to paragraph 3.6 of this
guide and the Bioenvironmental Engineers Guide for Lasers and Optical Radiation. (T-0)
2.17.7. Ensures the outdoor use of lasers adheres to federal, military, state, and local
regulations. (See Chapter 3.) (T-0)
2.17.8. Ensures each unit employing military specific lasers maintains a copy of the AF
LSSRB approval letter and hazard evaluation or safety summary for each system type. (T-3)
2.17.9. Either provides or ensures the Unit LSO (ULSO) training is IAW this instruction.
Assists ULSOs in creating SOPs and any review of controlling documents prior to startup of
new laser operations. (T-0)
2.17.10. Exercises authority granted by the installation commander to suspend installation
operations according to paragraph 2.15.3. Reports deviations from this instruction to the
unit commander and, AFMSA/SG3PB, as appropriate. (T-2)
14 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
2.17.11. Maintains evaluations of hazardous laser and optical radiation
equipment. Depending on the equipment, a list of evaluated hazardous Class 3B and 4 lasers
could include nomenclature, classification, wavelength, unit of assignment, or other hazard
descriptors. Obtains a consolidated list of potentially hazardous lasers consisting of
evaluated Class 3B and 4 of un-embedded/unenclosed lasers and laser systems. This
consolidated list may come from lists provided by ULSOs or unit safety representatives.
Enters information on laser hazards and exposures in DOEHRS for all activities as part of
routine occupational and environmental health threat surveillance. Provides a consolidated
listing or listings provided by ULSOs to the MAJCOM/FOA/DRU upon request. (T-1)
2.17.12. Accomplishes and documents completion of required training. (T-0)
2.17.13. Consults with USAFSAM/OE or the ESOH Service Center, as needed, on issues
such as hazard evaluations, controls, investigations and/or FDA exemptions. (T-2)
2.18. Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) Commander or Equivalent.
2.18.1. Develops procedures, and/or instructions to implement safety and occupational
health aspects of this instruction. (T-2) Establishes Installation Occupational & Environmental Health Working Group
(IOEHWG) that reviews and approves recommended medical surveillance examination
(MSE) requirements IAW AFI 48-145 and AFMAN 48-146, Occupational and
Environmental Health Program Management, and the ANSI Z136 Series. (T-0)
2.18.2. Aerospace Medicine. Ensures aircrew only use LEP certified Safe-to-Fly by the applicable
MAJCOM, CCMD, ANG, or equivalent IAW AFI 11-301 Volume 4 “Aircrew Laser Eye
Protection (ALEP).” (T-1) Ensures examinations and care are provided immediately for all suspected
overexposures involving lasers or other optical radiation sources. Ensures coordination
with MTF Optometrist for further investigation of any abnormal findings. (T-0) Assists the ILSO with investigations of all suspected overexposures involving
lasers or other optical radiation sources. (T-2) Ensures medical follow-up examinations are conducted for persons identified
as having been potentially overexposed to lasers or other optical radiation. Further
guidance is provided in AFI 10-203, Duty Limiting Conditions, paragraph 2.10.2, the
USAFSAM Laser Injury Guidebook and the Bioenvironmental Engineers Guide for
Lasers and Optical Radiation. (T-3)
2.18.3. Public Health (PH). Initiates and completes, with ILSO/Bioenvironmental Engineering (BE) and
Installation Occupational and Environmental Medicine Consultant (IOEMC), an
occupational illness investigation in the AF Safety Automated System for persons
identified as having been potentially overexposed to lasers or other optical radiation. (T-
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 15 Administratively supports the IOEMC to ensure MSEs are conducted according
to the approved IOEHWG recommendations and IAW AFI 48-123, Medical Examination
and Standards. (T-3)
2.19. Installation Safety (SEG).
2.19.1. Reviews and recommends policies and procedures to prevent mishaps from ancillary
safety hazards such as electrocution, fire hazards, etc. Periodically evaluates procedures and
inspects facilities to ensure compliance with federal, military, state, and local safety
requirements. (T-1)
2.19.2. Investigates accidents/incidents related to exposures causing operational impacts,
causing damage to systems and/or sensors, or ancillary safety hazards associated with a laser
or any optical radiation system IAW AFI 91-204, Investigation and Reporting US Air Force
Mishaps. (T-0)
2.19.3. Reports known laser accidents/incidents involving aircrew to the local MTF/MDG to
ensure medical screening and exposure documentation, as appropriate. Report the
illumination of military aircraft from lasers or high intensity lights as specified in paragraph (T-1)
2.20. Installation Civil Engineer Fire Emergency Services.
2.20.1. Evaluates procedures and facilities IAW National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) 115, Standard for Laser Fire Protection. (T-3)
2.20.2. Develops emergency response plans, procedures and training lesson plans for
firefighting operations involving facilities and systems utilizing Class 3B or Class 4 lasers
which have the potential to be a fire hazard (e.g., laboratory/research lasers, EOD, or tactical
lasers). (T-3)
2.20.3. Firefighters assigned to locations with lasers or any optical radiation systems having
the potential to be a fire hazard should receive initial and annual training on emergency
response to accidents/incidents involving those systems. In addition to fire hazard training,
this training should include laser safety training developed by USAFSAM/OED, as noted in
paragraph (T-2)
2.21. Installation Contracting Office.
2.21.1. Ensures government contractors implement this instruction pursuant to the terms of
their governing contract for any purchase of Class 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B, or 4 FDA-Compliant
Lasers or military specific lasers that impact AF property or personnel. (T-0)
2.21.2. Informs contractors to notify the ILSO, at least 30 days in advance of a contractor
performing operations using military specific lasers, or Class 3B or 4 FDA-Compliant Laser
systems that impact AF property or personnel. Notifies ILSO prior to a contractor bringing
Class 3B or 4 lasers on the installation, and provides laser hazard and control information to
the ILSO and/or ULSO for authorization prior to use. (T-2)
2.21.3. All solicitations for goods or services that use or contain Class 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B, or 4
FDA-Compliant lasers or military-specific lasers to include commercial-off-the-shelf
(COTS) lasers must be approved by the ILSO prior to award and procurement. (T-2)
2.22. Unit Commander.
16 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
2.22.1. For those units that operate or maintain lasers: develops and maintains policies,
procedures, and/or instructions to implement this instruction at the unit level. (T-2)
2.22.2. Designates a qualified ULSO. Consult the ILSO for guidance on ULSO
qualifications. The ILSO could fulfill this role if agreed upon between the Unit Commander
and the ILSO’s Squadron Commander. (T-0)
2.22.3. Implement controls to mitigate risks for identified laser and other optical radiation
hazards to an acceptable level. (T-0)
2.23. Unit Laser Safety Officer (ULSO).
2.23.1. Adheres to the LSO duties and responsibilities detailed below and those specified in
Chapter 3. (T-2)
2.23.2. Is knowledgeable on the skill sets required to perform specific duties as an Aircrew
LSO, Industrial LSO, Medical LSO, Range LSO, Research LSO, or Tactical LSO, as
applicable. Confer with ILSO and/or Bioenvironmental Engineers Guide for Lasers and
Optical Radiation for delineation of skill sets. (T-0)
2.23.3. Develops and manages a unit laser and optical radiation safety program. (T-0)
2.23.4. Assists the unit commander in developing policies, procedures and/or instructions to
meet this instruction. (T-3)
2.23.5. Coordinates suspected laser accidents/incidents with the ILSO/BE, SEG, etc. (T-0)
2.23.6. Acts as a POC for the unit on laser and other optical radiation safety matters and
maintains lines of communication with the ILSO, BE, SEG, and PH personnel. (T-3)
2.23.7. Ensures supervisors and workers are aware of and follow laser and other optical
radiation safety procedures in this instruction, Concepts of Operations/Employment
(CONOPS/CONEMPS), Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs), SOPs, TOs, manuals,
unit instructions and other applicable guidance documents. (T-3)
2.23.8. Coordinates laser and other optical radiation evaluation activities with unit
command, supervisory personnel, and the ILSO. (T-2)
2.23.9. In coordination with unit commander, suspends unit operations involving the
operation of laser or any optical radiation sources that pose a significant health risk to
personnel, are in clear violation of regulations or requirements, or can negatively impact AF
operations, materiel, or real estate. Coordinates with the ILSO as needed to maintain safe
operation and to create SOPs and any review of controlling documents prior to startup of new
laser operations. (T-2)
2.23.10. Ensures the outdoor use of unit lasers adheres to federal, military, state, and local
regulations. (See Chapter 3) (T-0)
2.23.11. Maintains a copy of the AF LSSRB approval letter and hazard evaluation for each
type of military specific laser acquired by the unit (if applicable). (T-0)
2.23.12. Prior to any COTS laser purchases such as laser etchers, coordinates with
workplace supervisor and ILSO to determine any safety requirements and to ensure
compliance with 21 CFR 1040. (T-0)
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 17
2.23.13. Maintains accountability in coordination with the unit’s equipment and logistics
sections for all Class 3B and 4 lasers and laser systems and all military specific lasers,
regardless of class, possessed by the unit. (T-0)
2.23.14. Ensures that no military specific laser is released outside of the AF unless it is
transferred to another DoD Service that has approved the use of the system, has been brought
into full compliance with 21 CFR 1040.10 & 1040.11, and has the compliance paperwork
filed with the FDA; or has been destroyed IAW DODI 4160.21-M. (T-0)
2.24. Workplace Supervisor.
2.24.1. Adheres to the laser supervisor duties and responsibilities detailed below and those
specified in Chapter 3.
2.24.2. Assists the ULSO in implementing this instruction by developing unit procedures
and provides training for workers and visitors, as applicable, for any laser or optical radiation
system. (T-2)
2.24.3. Ensures lasers and optical radiation systems are either FDA compliant, or in the case
of military specific lasers, have been approved by the AF LSSRB prior to
acquisition/fielding. When necessary, requests approval from the AF LSSRB through HQ
AFSEC/SEW for military specific lasers. (T-0)
2.24.4. Prior to using laser or optical radiation emitters to include COTS systems,
implements controls specified by ILSO to mitigate risks for identified laser and other optical
radiation hazards to an acceptable level. (T-0)
2.24.5. Ensures risk mitigation will be effected through engineering controls first. If
research efforts show that engineering controls are not feasible then administrative controls
can be considered, with SQ/CC, or higher, approval. (T-0)
2.24.6. Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) or PPE shall be considered a last resort for
controlling a hazard. If engineering or administrative controls are not feasible, then the
appropriate IPE/PPE must be made available and used to: (T-0) Enhance workforce and mission capability; Address laser and other optical radiation impacts from AF operations.
2.24.7. In the event of a suspected laser accident/incident, ensures medical treatment is
sought immediately. (T-1)
2.24.8. Ensures the unit commander, ILSO, ULSO, BE, SEG and PH are notified
immediately of suspected overexposures and investigations are appropriately coordinated.
2.24.9. Immediately reports to the ULSO any suspected laser or optical radiation
overexposure, unsafe conditions, and/or change in usage that could change the hazard
assessment. (T-2)
2.24.10. Ensures users of any Class 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B or 4 FDA-Compliant Laser, military
specific laser, or optical radiation sources are trained upon initial assignment to the unit and
annually thereafter. This extends to those individuals that conduct routine maintenance on
any Class 3B or Class 4 embedded lasers. (T-0)
18 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
2.24.11. Ensures incidental personnel (e.g., personnel, such as housekeepers, who are not
allowed to work around the laser when it is “on”) are adequately trained in procedures and
policies in areas with active lasers or other optical radiation systems. As a minimum,
personnel shall be trained on safe work practices and descriptions of warning signs and
hazard zones. (T-2)
2.24.12. Ensures visitors receive training, PPE such as LEP or skin protection (when
required), and permission to enter a laser controlled area. As a minimum, visitors shall be
trained on safe work practices, specific hazards, and procedures to follow in the event of a
suspected overexposure to laser or other optical radiation. (T-2)
2.24.13. Documents training regarding safe use and hazards from lasers and optical radiation
sources, e.g. Form 55 or electronic equivalent. Verifies the individual user’s annual safety
training IAW paragraph 2.24.2 of this instruction. (T-2)
2.24.14. Ensures the outdoor use of lasers and optical radiation systems adheres to federal,
military, state, and local regulations. (See Chapter 3) (T-0)
2.25. Individual.
2.25.1. Controls laser and optical radiation hazards by following procedures in this
instruction, CONOPs, TTPs, SOPs, TOs, manuals, and unit instructions. (T-2)
2.25.2. Ensures warning signs, safety devices, and PPE are functional and in place before
operating lasers or optical radiation systems. (T-2)
2.25.3. Immediately reports to the workplace supervisor and the ULSO any suspected laser
or optical radiation overexposure, unsafe conditions, and/or change in usage that could
change the hazard assessment. (T-2)
2.25.4. Ensures the outdoor use of lasers adheres to applicable federal, military, state, and
local regulations. (See Chapter 3) (T-0)
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 19
Chapter 3
3.1. General Guidelines.
3.1.1. The program elements of this instruction augment those of the ANSI Z136 Series and
are shared among workplace supervisors and other functional areas such as BE, PH, SEG,
and healthcare providers. However, the ILSO has overall responsibility to the installation
commander for the installation laser safety program, and as such shall be designated in
writing, by the installation commander, as the final authority on all laser operations
conducted within the installation’s areas of responsibility. (T-3)
3.1.2. The fundamental aspects of a laser and optical radiation protection program shall
include training, evaluation and control of direct and ancillary laser hazards, medical
surveillance/examinations, and accident/incident investigation. (T-0)
3.1.3. Personnel will not be intentionally exposed to laser radiation in excess of the
maximum permissible exposure (MPE) levels (IAW ANSI Z136.1) and unnecessary
exposures to laser radiation below the MPE will be avoided. This does not apply to patients
receiving medical or dental treatment. (T-2)
3.1.4. If an organization uses Class 3B or Class 4 lasers, the LSO at each level (ILSO and
ULSO) shall be appointed by the commander at the appropriate level. (T-3)
3.1.5. In addition to the ILSO, specialized ULSOs will be appointed based on the primary
mission of the unit. ULSOs will consist of aircrew, industrial, medical, range, research, or
tactical LSOs. (T-3)
3.2. LSO and User Training Criteria.
3.2.1. Laser safety training shall be provided initially and annually to users of any Class 3B
or 4 FDA-Compliant Lasers or military specific lasers, IAW with the training
requirements/topics listed in the ANSI Z136 Series, military directives and requirements, and
training specific to the laser(s) and laser system(s) used by the unit. Consult with
USAFSAM for training requirements/topics. (T-0)
3.2.2. AF LSO training requirements are based upon the primary mission of the unit to
which the LSO is assigned and require varying levels of knowledge and training for each
area. In consultation with the ILSO, the ULSO shall determine what, if any, training is
commensurate with the laser hazards accessible at the unit level. Further definitions and the
recommended training requirements for each type of LSO are provided in Bioenvironmental
Engineers Guide for Lasers and Optical Radiation. (T-0)
3.3. Hazard Evaluations.
3.3.1. The ILSO will conduct a hazard evaluation and establish controls prior to use or
maintenance of all Class 3B or 4 FDA-Compliant Lasers or military specific lasers. This
requirement shall include embedded Class 3B and Class 4 lasers if the use or maintenance
could potentially expose personnel. Additionally, this requirement applies for the equivalent
lasers and laser systems classified under prior ANSI, International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), or FDA classification schemes. (T-0)
20 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
3.3.2. The most recent versions of the ANSI Z136 Series shall be adopted to determine
classification of military specific lasers, calculate/identify beam and non-beam hazards,
calculate nominal ocular hazard distances (NOHD), nominal skin hazard distance (NSHD),
nominal hazard zones (NHZ), optical density (OD) and determine controls. The MPE values
from ANSI Z136.1 shall not be exceeded unless part of an approved human-use protocol or
medical procedure. (T-0)
3.3.3. If an ILSO or ULSO suspects and validates that re-classification of a laser may result
in a lower hazard class, then the classification and labeling should be updated IAW ANSI
Z136 Series. (T-2)
3.3.4. For safe use of lasers in health care facilities, consult with USAFSAM to conduct a
hazard evaluation IAW ANSI Z136.3. (T-0)
3.3.5. For visible lasers used in an outdoor environment, the hazard evaluation should
include determining ranges associated with visual interference levels IAW MIL-HDBK-
828A, MIL-HDBK-828B, and ANSI Z136.6. (T-0)
3.3.6. For the safe use of lasers in research environments, consult with USAFSAM to
conduct a hazard evaluation IAW ANSI Z136.8. (T-0)
3.3.7. For broadband optical radiation hazards, TLV®s as listed in the ACGIH® TL
guidebook shall not be exceeded. (T-2)
3.3.8. For directed energy weapons (DEWs), refer to AFI 91-401. (T-1)
3.3.9. Additional information concerning hazards evaluations may be obtained by contacting
the ILSO, BE, or the ESOH Hotline. To contact the ESOH Service Center, call (toll free) at
1-888-232-ESOH (3764), DSN 798-3764, or send emails to [email protected].
3.4. Laser Hazard Controls. The purpose of controls is to reduce the risk of exposure to the
skin and eyes even with the presence of PPE, and to prevent exposure to visible laser radiation at
levels that interfere with critical tasks. For purposes of this instruction, exposure is defined as
“unprotected exposure,” i.e. exposure without PPE. PPE shall be considered a tertiary control, to
be used in the event primary engineering or administrative controls fail or cannot be
implemented due to a negative mission impact. (T-0)
3.5. Medical Surveillance for Laser Users and Some Broadband Optical Sources.
3.5.1. General. Any medical examination requirements are limited to personnel who
routinely work in a laser environment with potential exposure to Class 3B or Class 4 lasers as
either defined within the job description or on a greater than once a month basis. Users
include operators, technicians, engineers, and maintenance/service personnel, etc., working
with or around these lasers. Specific personnel working in a laser-operating environment,
who may be exposed to laser emissions, include, but are not limited to, laboratory, aircrew,
combat control teams, special operations forces and laser range personnel. Personnel who
work with lasers that are embedded or encased limiting the potential exposure hazard to that
of a lower class laser are not subject to a higher level of medical surveillance. Personnel who
do not routinely operate in a laser environment may be considered incidental personnel not
requiring examination.
3.5.2. Medical Examination Requirements and Frequency for Lasers and Laser Systems.
Refer to DOD 6055.05M, Occupational Medical Examinations and Surveillance Manual,
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 21
the USAFSAM Laser Injury Guidebook, and/or the Bioenvironmental Engineers Guide for
Lasers and Optical Radiation for guidance on topic.
3.5.3. Documentation. Results of all examinations shall be recorded on an AF Form 600,
Chronological Record of Medical Care, or equivalent, and filed in the individual’s medical
record. Records should be retained for the individual’s working lifetime plus 30 years. (T-3)
3.5.4. An Installation Occupational and Environmental Medicine Consultant in consultation
with an optometrist shall determine medical examination requirements and frequency for
users of optical radiation sources and shall reflect requirements in local regulations. (T-2)
3.6. Accidents/Incidents. Any accident/incident involving a suspected laser, broadband or
other optical radiation overexposure, visible laser illumination that negatively impacts mission
operations or a laser exposure causing personal injury to personnel and material damage to AF
equipment, systems or sensors shall be investigated and documented. If accidents/incidents
occur while personnel are on an expeditionary or contingency operation, an investigation should
occur as soon as possible. If an event should be the result of enemy/adversary activity, then
these personnel need to report the event through their chain of command. Refer to the
USAFSAM Laser Injury Guidebook, and/or the Bioenvironmental Engineers Guide for Lasers
and Optical Radiation for guidance on conducting an investigation and its documentation. (T-0)
3.7. Special Considerations.
3.7.1. Medical and Dental Lasers. A medical and/or dental laser assessment may require
additional expertise. USAFSAM/OE shall provide additional guidance if a health/medical
physicist is not assigned to the installation. Guidance to assess medical lasers is provided in
ANSI Z136.3, American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities
and American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Report No. 73, Medical
Lasers: Quality Control, Safety Standards, and Regulations. (T-2)
3.7.2. Range Operations and Other Outdoor Laser or High Intensity Light Use. Requirements for the use of lasers on AF ranges can be found in AFI 13-212,
Range Planning and Operations, AFI 11-214, Air Operations Rules and Procedures,
ANSI Z136.6, American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers Outdoors. Additional
guidance can be found in Military Handbook 828B, Range Laser Safety. Range operations involving the use of lasers shall comply with AFI 13-212 and
AFI 36-2226, Combat Arms Program, as applicable. (T-0) Lasers and high intensity lights may adversely impact military aircraft operations
by temporarily flash-blinding or distracting aircrew during critical phases of flight.
Guidance to control hazards associated with these operations on a range can be found in
United States Department of Transportation, FAA Order 7400.2J, AC No: 70-1 and 70-2
and ANSI Z136.6. The illumination of military aircraft from lasers or high intensity
lights is a mandatory reportable event, and requires notification to the applicable
MAJCOM, CCMD, ANG Operations Directorate or equivalent and also requires
coordination with local and federal investigators. (T-0) Comply with policies and procedures in DoDI 3100.11 (O), Illumination of
Objects in Space by Lasers, for laser devices potentially directed at targets above the
horizon. Contact other federal agencies as required (e.g. Federal Aviation Administration
22 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
(FAA) Order 7400.2J, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters, Chapter 29: Outdoor
Laser Operations). Refer to the current MIL-HDBK-828B for specifics on conducting
laser testing. For information on coordination or submission of a LCH Laser Registration
Form for approval or waiver, the LCH can be contacted via VOICE: (U) 805-606-
1075/1282, DSN 276-1075/1282; FAX: (U) 805-606-1610, DSN 276-1610. (T-0)
3.8. Combat Simulation Laser Systems.
3.8.1. The output power of lasers or laser systems used in force-on-force training shall be
limited to those systems whose hazard classification is equal to or lower than Class 3R (or
equivalent), and may require LEP as determined by the ILSO. Examples would include
lasers and laser systems such as MILES and Havis-Shield. (T-2)
3.8.2. Contact the ILSO to determine hazards and controls prior to fielding combat
simulation laser systems. (T-3)
3.8.3. Users of these systems shall be trained initially (prior to first use) and annually on
hazards and controls. (T-3)
3.8.4. As with other military specific lasers, units possessing these systems shall maintain
accountability and ensure that no combat simulation laser system is released outside of the
AF unless it is going to another service that has approved the use of the system, has been
brought into full compliance with 21 CFR 1040.10 & 1040.11 and the compliance paperwork
filed with the FDA, or destroyed IAW with DODI 4160.21-M. (T-0)
3.9. Military Specific Lasers.
3.9.1. Military specific lasers may be exempt from 21 CFR, Part 1040.10, and Part 1040.11
requirements, and lack certain safety controls if necessary. It is therefore critical that users of
these systems understand the hazards of the devices they are using and the alternate control
measures approved by the AF LSSRB. Military specific lasers shall adhere to approved user OIs, TTPs, SOPs, and
CONOPs/CONEMPs. (T-2) Military specific lasers shall only be used by individuals who are trained in the
safe use of the device. (T-2) Targets shall be positively identified and situational awareness maintained
during military specific laser operations and training to avoid unintended exposures to
personnel. (T-2) LEP, appropriate for the military specific lasers, shall be worn IAW the AF
LSSRB approval letter. (T-2)
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 23
Chapter 4
4.1. Establishment of Laser Safety Review Requirements. Under DoDI 6055.15, each DoD
component shall establish a service specific laser safety review process to provide a system’s
safety review of all lasers used in combat, combat training, or classified in the interest of national
security. This chapter outlines the process by which the AF shall meet this requirement. (T-0)
4.1.1. Acquisition/Fielding Requirements for Military Specific Lasers. Any laser or laser
system which meets the description of a military specific laser, as defined in paragraph
1.1.2 of this instruction, regardless of whether the laser is FDA Compliant, shall meet the
following criteria, prior to acquisition or fielding: (T-0) The requesting organization shall obtain a letter of approval from the AF LSSRB
through HQ AFSEC/SEW. If a laser is considered a DEW per AFI 91-401, then the
requesting organization shall obtain a letter of approval from the AF DEW Safety Board
(DEWSB) per AFI 91-401. (T-0) The manufacturer shall obtain, through the requesting organization, a DoD
exemption notification from the AF LSSRB (or from the DEWSB with AF/JAO
concurrence if the laser is a DEW, per AFI 91-401) through HQ AFSEC/SEW if the laser
or laser system does not fully comply with the 21 CFR, Part 1040.10 and Part 1040.11.
This same process shall be followed prior to selling, distributing, lending, or turning over
the device to the AF for RDT&E, IAW FDA Exemption. (T-0) The laser design shall meet the requirements of MIL-STD-1425A. (T-0) The requesting organization shall apply Risk Management (RM) to develop
CONOPS/CONEMPS, TTPs or equivalent and other written instructions to prevent
overexposures from lasers to DoD personnel and the public. Written procedures shall
clearly spell out controls, employment conditions, and procedures in the event of an
accident/incident. (T-0)
4.1.2. Acquisition Requirements for FDA-Compliant Lasers. Any Class 1M, 2M, 3R, 3B, 4
laser, or laser system (or equivalent) which meets the description of a FDA-Compliant Laser
as defined in paragraph 1.1.2 of this instruction is subject to the following criteria: (T-0) The Installation Commander shall serve as the final approval authority for the
acquisition of all FDA-Compliant Lasers (or equivalent), unless otherwise delegated. (T-
0) The Installation Commander and ILSO shall develop guidelines governing the
acquisition, review, and use of FDA-compliant lasers on the installation. (T-0) The unit should coordinate with the ILSO, prior to acquiring any FDA-compliant
lasers (or equivalent), to ensure compliance with local guidelines and determine if the
device is safe for use on the installation. (T-0) The ILSO should make recommendations for approval/disapproval to the
Installation Commander regarding all FDA-Compliant Lasers. (T-0)
24 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
4.2. AF LSSRB. The AF LSSRB serves as the AF body authorized to certify that military
specific lasers procured by the AF meet all federal, DoD, and AF laser safety regulations and
design requirements prior to acquisition and fielding. (T-0)
4.2.1. Chair. HQ AFSEC/SEW shall chair or appoint a chair, and coordinate the review of a
military specific laser with the AF LSSRB members. (T-0)
4.2.2. Voting Members. In addition to a LSSRB Executive Secretary designated by the
Chair, representatives from AFMSA/SG3PB, 711 HPW/RHDO, Air Force Operational Test
and Evaluation Center - Safety (AFOTEC/SE), USAFSAM/OE, USAFSAM/FEC, Air
Combat Command, Director of Requirements, Electronic Warfare, Information Operations,
Directed Energy Division (ACC/A8I), AFRL Directed Energy Directorate, Laser Division
(AFRL/RDL), and HQ AFMC Safety (AFMC/SES) shall serve as voting members to the AF
LSSRB. Representatives from 648th Aeronautical Systems Squadron (648 AESS/CC) and
AFRL Hardened Materials Branch (AFRL/RXPJ) shall participate as voting members when
the military specific laser requires upgrades to existing LEP capabilities or otherwise requires
integration with existing Life Support Equipment. (T-2)
4.2.3. For lasers (other than DEW) intended for joint use, the AF LSSRB shall collaborate
with the other services' laser safety review boards and authorities under the Joint Service
Laser Safety Review Process to harmonize test requirements, increase efficiency, and ensure
that laser safety reviews result in one set of joint service findings. The AF LSSRB shall
serve as the single AF point of official communication to the FDA for all issues associated
with laser approvals and the FDA exemption process. The AF DEWSB shall perform the
same roles for DEW intended for joint use as part of the Joint Service Weapon Safety
Review Process. (T-0)
4.3. AF LSSRB Approval and DoD Exemption Process. To obtain a letter of approval and a
DoD exemption notification (if applicable) from the AF LSSRB for any military specific laser
the following criteria shall be met prior to acquisition, fielding, or the manufacturer’s sale of the
device to the AF: (T-0)
4.3.1. The requesting organization shall submit on behalf of the manufacturer, through their
MAJCOM (or equivalent), a request to HQ AFSEC/SEW for a letter of approval and DoD
exemption notification (if applicable). The most likely requesting organization will be the
MAJCOM Director of Operations (or equivalent). (T-0)
4.3.2. For military specific lasers in development, early interface with the HQ AFSEC/SEW
is recommended to ensure appropriate safety input into system designs and operations to
meet federal regulations and DoD requirements. HQ AFSEC/SEW should be involved prior
to a Milestone C or COTS purchase review of the system to ensure no safety issues prevent
Low- Rate Initial Production (LRIP). (T-0)
4.3.3. The requesting SPO, PEO or PM organization shall coordinate with an HQ
AFSEC/SEW designated organization to have an independent laser system hazard evaluation
conducted prior to submission to the AF LSSRB. (T-0)
4.3.4. The requesting organization shall provide the following to HQ AFSEC/SEW a
minimum of 60 days prior to submission to the AF LSSRB: (T-0) The independent laser system hazard evaluation;
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 25 CONOPs, CONEMPs, or TTPs; System Technical Orders or manufacturer’s use & maintenance instructions; SOPs; Description of system specific user training identifying primary and ancillary
hazards associated with the military specific laser; Justification for each design requirement for which a military specific laser
cannot meet MIL-STD-1425A requirements; Legal review. See paragraph 2.9. (if necessary IAW AFI 51-402, Weapons
Review); Test results of development and/or operational testing (if applicable); Additional health and safety data not included in the laser system hazard
4.3.5. Once the AF LSSRB review is complete, the AF LSSRB Chair shall provide an
approval or disapproval letter to the requesting organization. The AF LSSRB approval letter
shall state whether a DoD exemption notification was issued. (T-0)
4.3.6. If a DoD exemption notification is issued for a military specific laser, a copy shall be
provided to the manufacturer, and it is recommended the requesting organization maintain a
copy. The AF LSSRB executive secretary will maintain records of all issued approvals for
use and DoD exemption notifications. (T-0)
4.4. Laser Temporary Approval for Emergency Operational Capability (EOC).
4.4.1. If an EOC is requested by combatant commands, the requesting organization shall
submit a laser temporary approval package to HQ AFSEC/SEW for expedited review by the
AF LSSRB. The AF LSSRB will consider the urgency of the request and the completeness
of technical review and documentation in its consideration of whether and for how long to
grant temporary approval. (T-1)
4.4.2. The laser temporary approval package submitted to HQ AFSEC/SEW shall include as
many of the following documents as practical: (T-1) An HQ AFSEC/SEW approved Preliminary Hazard Analysis and MIL-STD-
1425A Checklist; CONOPs, CONEMPs, or TTPs for the intended use of the military specific laser; SOPs; Description of system specific user training identifying primary and ancillary
hazards associated with the laser; A Letter of Intended Evaluation by an HQ AFSEC/SEW approved organization,
to document the requesting organization has scheduled an independent laser system
hazard evaluation to ensure efforts are made to meet AF LSSRB approval requirements
in conjunction with fielding the system under a waiver; A letter from the requesting organization outlining the operational necessity, the
scope of intended use, and period of time required for the temporary laser approval;
26 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 A copy of manufacturer's DoD exemption notification, issued by the AF LSSRB,
granting the manufacturer the legal right to sell the military specific laser to the AF. If
the device is FDA compliant, the requesting organization must provide the FDA
accession number as proof that compliance has been certified by the FDA.
4.4.3. If approved, HQ AFSEC/SEW shall provide a temporary approval, with a termination
date, to the requesting organization. After that date, if permanent approval or extended
temporary approval has not been granted, AF personnel shall cease use of the laser. (T-1)
Surgeon General
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 27
Attachment 1
5 USC 552a (Public Law 93-579) Privacy Act of 1974
AAPM Report No. 73, Medical Lasers: Quality Control, Safety Standards, and Regulations, Oct
AFI 10-203, Duty Limiting Conditions, 15 Jan 2013
AFI 10-206, Operational Reporting, 6 Sep 2011
AFI 11-214, Air Operations Rules and Procedures
AFI 11-301, Volume 4, Aircrew Laser Eye Protection (ALEP), 21 Feb 2008
AFI 13-112V1, Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) Training Program, 15 Feb 2008
AFI 13-112V2, Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) Standardization/Evaluation Program,
21 Feb 2008
AFI 13-212, Range Planning and Operations, 16 Nov 2007
AFI 33-360, Communications and Information, 25 Sep 2013
AFI 36-2226, Combat Arms Program, 24 Feb 2009
AFI 48-101, Aerospace Medicine Operations, 19 Oct 2011
AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards, 24 Sep 2009
AFI 48-145, Occupational and Environmental Health Program, 15 Sep 2011
AFI 63-101/20-101, Integrated Life Cycle Management, 7 Mar 2013
AFI 90-201, The Air Force Inspection System, 2 Aug 2013
AFI 90-801, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Councils, 25 Mar 2005
AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, 5 Aug 2011
AFI 91-203, Air Force Consolidated Occupational Safety Instruction, 15 Jun 2012
AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, 12 Feb 2014
AFI 91-401, Directed Energy Weapons Safety, 5 Sep 2013
AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 Mar 2008
AFPD 48-1, Aerospace Medicine Enterprise, 23Aug 2011
AFPD 90-8, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health, 2 Feb 2012
AFPD 91-4, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Safety, 21 Oct 2011
AFRL-SA-BR-SR-2008-0002, USAFSAM Laser Injury Guidebook
ANSI Z136.1-2014, American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers
ANSI Z136.3-2011, Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities
28 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
ANSI Z136.4-2010, Recommended Practice for Laser Safety Measurements for Hazard
ANSI Z136.6-2005, Safe Use of Lasers Outdoors
ANSI Z136.8 -2012, American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers in Research,
Development, or Testing
ANSI/NEMA Z535.4:2011, Product Safety Signs and Labels
DOD Directive 5400.11, DoD Privacy Program, 8 May 2007
DoDI 3216.02, Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoD-
Supported Research, 8 Nov 2011
DoDI 4160.21-M, Defense Material Disposition Manual, 18Aug 1997
DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, 8 Dec 2008
DoDI 5000.69, DoD Joint Services Weapon and Laser System Safety Review Processes, 9 Nov
DoDI 6055.01, DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program, 19 Aug 1998
DoDI 6055.05-M, DoD Occupational Medical Examinations and Surveillance Manual, 2 May
DoDI 6055.15, DoD Laser Protection Program, 4 May 2007
DoDI 6490.03, Deployment Health, 11 Aug 2006
FAA Advisory Circular 70-1, Outdoor Laser Operations, 30 Dec 2004
FAA Advisory Circular 70-2A, Reporting of Laser Illumination of Aircraft, 8 Feb 2013
FDA Exemption No. 76EL-01, Department of Defense Exemption from the FDA Performance
Standard for Laser Products, 1976
FDA Laser Notice No. 52, Guidance on the Department of Defense Exemption from the FDA
Performance Standard for Laser Products, 12 Jul 2002
FAA Order JO 7400.2J, Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters, 22 Aug 2013
HAF Mission Directive (MD) 1-18, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations,
Environment and Logistics), 4 Mar 2009
IEC 608251 Edition 2.0, Safety of Laser Products - Part 1: Equipment Classification and
Requirements, Mar 2007
IEC 608252-am1 Edition 3.0, Safety of Laser Products - Part 2: Safety of Optical Fiber
Communication Systems (OFCS), 9 Nov 2006
Joint Pub 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 8 Nov
Joint Pub 3-09, Joint Fire Support, 30 Jun 2010
Joint Pub 3-09.3, Close Air Support, 8 Jul 2009
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 29
Joint Space Operations Center, Laser Clearinghouse Reports Handbook,(Contact LCH via
VOICE: (U) 805-606-1075/1282, DSN 276-1075/1282; FAX: (U) 805-606-1610, DSN 276-
Mil Hdbk 828B, Range Laser Safety, 9 Mar 2011
MIL-STD-882E, Department of Defense Standard Practice for System Safety, 11 May 2012
MIL-STD-1425A, Safety Design Requirements for Military Lasers and Associated Support
Equipment, 30 Aug 1991
NFPA Std 115, Standard for Laser Fire Protection, 2012
Threshold Limit Values (TLVs®) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs®), American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®), 2014 Edition
Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR), Food and Drugs, Subchapter J--Radiological
Health, Part 1040 - Performance Standards for Light-Emitting Products
Part 1040.10, Laser Products
Part 1040.11, Specific Purpose Laser Products
Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM), Bioenvironmental
Engineers Guide for Lasers and Optical Radiation
US Army TB Med 524, Control of Hazards to Health from Laser Radiation, Jan 2006
Adopted Forms
AF Form 55, Employee Safety and Health Record
AF Form 600, Chronological Record of Medical Care
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AAPMAmerican Association of Physicists in Medicine
ACCAir Combat Command
ACGIH®American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
AESGAeronautical Systems Group
AFAir Force
AFIAAir Force inspection Agency
AF LSSRBAir Force Laser Systems Safety Review Board
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFMSAAir Force Medical Support Agency
30 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
AFOSHAir Force Occupational Safety and Health
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFSASAir Force Safety Automated System
AFSCAir Force Specialty Code
AFSECAir Force Safety Center
ANGAir National Guard
ANSIAmerican National Standard Institute
BEBioenvironmental Engineering
CFRCode of Federal Regulation
CCMDCombat Command
CONEMPSConcepts of Employment
CONOPSConcepts of Operations
COTSCommercial Off the Shelf
DEWDirected Energy Weapon
DEWSBDirected Energy Weapon Safety Board
DODDepartment of Defense
DODIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DRUDirect Reporting Units
EOCEmergency Operational Capability
ESOHEnvironmental, Safety, and Occupational Health
FAAFederal Aviation Agency
FDAFood and Drug Administration
FOAField Operating Agency
FSO—Flight Surgeon’s Office
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
IAWIn Accordance With
ICNIRPInternational Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
IECInternational Electrotechnical Commission
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ILSOIndustrial Laser Safety Officer
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 31
IPEIndividual Protective Equipment
JAJudge Advocate
LCHLaser Clearinghouse
LEPLaser Eye Protection
LRIPLow-Rate Initial Production
LSOLaser Safety Officer
MAJCOMMajor Command
MDMission Directive
MILESMultiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
MIL-HDBKMilitary Handbook
MIL-STDMilitary Standard
MPEMaximum Permissible Exposure
MTFMilitary Treatment Facility
NDINon-Developmental Item
NFPANational Fire Protection Association
NHZNominal Hazard Zone
NOHDNominal Ocular Hazard Distance
NSHDNominal Skin Hazard Distance
ODOptical Density
OEHOccupational and Environmental Health
OEHWGOccupational and Environmental Health Working Group
OIOperational Instruction
OJTOn the Job Training
ORMOperational Risk Management
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
PEOProgram Executive Officer
PHPublic Health
PHAPreliminary Hazard Analysis
PMProgram Manager
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PTRPrimary Training Range
32 AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014
RDSRecords Disposition Schedule
RDT&EResearch, Development, Test & Evaluation
ROARange Operating Authority
SAFSecretary of the Air Force
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SPOSystem Program Office
SSNSocial Security Number
STANAGStandardization Agreement
TLV®Threshold Limit Value
TOTechnical Order
TTPTactics, Techniques, and Procedures
USAFUnited States Air Force
USAFSAMUnited States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine
USD (AT&L)Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
USSTRATCOMUnited States Strategic Command
Critical ZoneVolume of airspace where visual interference by a visible laser beam would
compromise safety due to interruption of necessary performance of critical tasks.
Directed Energy WeaponA weapon system using directed energy primarily as a direct means
to deny, disrupt, degrade (damage), or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, or personnel. Note
that this differs slightly from the Joint definition by including deny and disrupt in order to cover
additional systems and capabilities.
Glare—Obscuration of an object in a person’s field of vision due to a bright light source located
near the same line of sight.
High Energy LaserFor this instruction, a laser that have output power greater than 1 kilowatt
(kW) for longer than a second or output energy greater than 1 kilojoule (kJ) per pulse.
LaserAn acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Any device
that can be made to produce or amplify electromagnetic radiation in the x-ray, UV, visible, and
infrared or other portions of the spectrum by the process of controlled stimulated emission of
Laser Free ZoneA designated area or volume of airspace where any extraneous visible
optical radiation could interfere with safety.
AFI48-139 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 33
Laser Safety OfficerAn individual designated in writing whom is responsible for
implementing a laser safety program and enforcing control of laser hazards within their area of
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)The level of laser radiation to which a person may
be exposed without hazardous effect or adverse biological changes in the eye or skin.
Military Specific LasersLasers designed for actual combat, combat training operations, or
classified in the interest of national security. Exempted from FDA requirements of 21 CFR,
Parts 1040.10 and 1040.11.
Nominal Hazard Zone (NHZ)The space in which laser radiation during operations exceeds
the applicable MPE including direct beam and reflected beams. Personnel within this zone shall
be provided PPE (e.g., LEP) and training for its use.
Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD)The distance from the output aperture along
beam propagation beyond which irradiance or radiant exposure is not expected to exceed the
appropriate MPE for unobstructed viewing by the human eye. The NOHD may increase with the
use of aided viewing.
Nominal Skin Hazard Distance (NSHD)The distance from the output aperture along beam
propagation beyond which irradiance or radiant exposure is not expected to exceed the
appropriate MPE for unobstructed exposure to the skin.
ShallThe word shall is to be understood as mandatory.
ShouldThe word should is to be understood as advisory.
Sensitive ZoneAll areas outside the critical zone(s) that flight or range operations have
identified as needing protection due to high visual workload. The sensitive zone may or may not
be contiguous or concentric with a critical zone.
Threshold Limit Value (TLV®)For visible, near-infrared, and UV radiation, TLVs®
represent conditions under which it is believed that nearly all workers may be exposed without
adverse health effects. Values should be used only as guides in the control of exposures and
should not be regarded as fine lines between safe and dangerous levels
Visual Interference LevelA visible laser beam, with irradiance less than the MPE can
produce a visual response that interferes with the safe performance of sensitive or critical tasks
by aircrews or other personnel. This level varies in accordance with the particular zone the laser
is operating in and where it is directed. Zones include laser-free, critical and sensitive.