Rue de la Science, 14A, B-1040 Brussels
T.+32 (0) 2 609 53 10 / / @DIGITALEUROPE
EU Transparency Register: 64270747023-20
24 AUGUST 2023
DIGITALEUROPE Access to In-Vehicle
Data Position Paper
This paper should be read as a supplement to DIGITALEUROPE’s position paper
on the proposed Data Act (see here).
DIGITALEUROPE proposes important guidance, as the European
Commission is currently weighing up the timing and scope of potential
new automotive sector-specific requirements/standards for data-sharing
under the umbrella of the proposed Data Act.
We acknowledge, as does the European Commission, the valuable role
of data driven innovation for the automotive sector in Europe. Today we
are seeing increased efficiencies from automation in manufacturing and
AI-powered processes. This trend will deliver continued benefits for
sustainability, competitiveness, innovation and resilience. This
translates into less waste, greenhouse gas emissions and energy
consumption, while at the same time ensuring more jobs and growth for
enterprises operation in Europe: the EU stands to maintain its leadership
in the global market.
In-vehicle generated data and its associated architecture are the results
of years and billions of euros of research and development.
Manufacturers and suppliers in the value chain have invested heavily in
the development of devices generating in-vehicle data and other
services in order to be able to monetise these, develop new products or
services, and improve the customer experience. Disclosure of data and
even the data management architecture may result in disclosing trade
secrets, give an unfair advantage to competitors who have not made
corresponding investments, and disrupt nascent business models.
Legislation requiring data holders to provide access to the fruits of their
own innovation to third-party actors should be done with caution and full
assessments of the economic impacts, in addition to the impacts on
Given the Data Act’s wide-ranging horizontal provisions and the findings
from the Access to In-Vehicle Data, Functions and Resources Impact
Assessment, we recognise that such provisions will have a major impact
on the automotive ecosystem and that more specific provisions may be
needed, noting that legislative mandates and weak language guarding
IP rights will undermine future progress for Europe.
Due to the expected impact on the automotive sector, we offer the
following policy recommendations:
1. Key definitions need to be narrowed down to avoid
imposing blanket obligations on businesses in the
automotive sector
When applied to the automotive sector, central definitions within the
draft Data Act would need to be made more specific and focused during
the drafting process of the sectoral proposal, in order to better describe
the complexities of the automotive sector. These include “data holder”;
“user” andrelated services”, which in their current formulation run the
risk of significant misinterpretation.
In devising a sectoral regulation, we urge the Commission to remove
any ambiguity of what is intended to be captured under the new sectoral
rules. For instance, where applicable, specifying that “data holder”
when applied to automotive refers to an original equipment
manufacturer selling vehicles; or that a “user” refers to an everyday
consumer driving their own vehicle for personal or business use.
Implementing data access functionalities, especially for systems not
intended to collect user data, is technically challenging, would create
risks of privacy breaches or cybersecurity issues and would increase
design, manufacturing and operation costs. Systems not intended to
collect user data, which utilise user data for application (e.g., User
position for a navigation application), when the user data is not stored
but deleted after a reasonable obsolescence delay (e.g., a few minutes
in the case of a navigation app), should be excluded from the regulation.
A more detailed description and more focused definition of user Data is
necessary to keep only systems aiming at collecting user data, beyond
the scope of service or application provisioning in the scope of the
2. Trade secrets, intellectual property and existing
contractual arrangements as well as cybersecurity and
user privacy must be protected
Any automotive sector-specific requirements must include a clear
description of the data in scope to prevent data misuse and anti-
competitive behaviour.
This must include a clear recognition of trade secrets, protections
against the development of competing products and an
acknowledgement of the need for data holders and recipients to agree
suitable contractual and compensation terms.
Any provision regarding data sharing in the automotive sector should
not only grant the data holder the right to oppose data sharing requests
in specific circumstances, when the data holder can demonstrate that it
is likely to suffer damage from an acquisition, disclosure or use the
disclosure of trade secrets, or due to cybersecurity, health, security and
privacy risk, but also ensure compensation for costs tied to data
sharing, data management, and third-party software integration and
Example: A battery-management start-up that is promising
users’ insights in their EV battery performance is owned by a
competing car manufacturer. The battery-management start-up
is requesting access to all data points generated in the car,
claiming that all data points are needed to significantly increase
the range of EVs. Such data disclosure could be used by the
competing car manufacturer to gain a competitive advantage
against the rest of the industry.
Any provisions should also allow the manufacturer to manage and verify
any data or other third-party access in accordance with several
conditions. These include situations where such access could
potentially affect user safety or privacy, scenarios where it could
influence the vehicle's safety parameters or driving behaviour, and
circumstances where access could have potential repercussions on the
vehicle's security, whether in a cyber or physical context. Access to
functions or resources should only be granted if deemed feasible and
safe by the manufacturer of the product in question.
Example: Rent-a-car companies require access to remotely
close the windows of cars when the user returned the car but
forgot to close the windows. If an unconditional access is
granted for the functioning of the windows, there is a possibility
that a driver’s hand gets injured by forceful window closing.
Example: unauthorised or malicious access to charging data
can reveal patterns indicating when someone is typically at
home, the office, or another private location. Such insights risk
not only invading personal privacy but may also facilitate
criminal activities against property or individuals (burglary,
motor vehicle theft, robbery, etc).
The level of access should be adjusted according to its intended use.
Some data points should only be readable, meaning that values can be
retrieved from the vehicle, but not modified. Others might need to be
writable, allowing for updates to configurable elements, or functions that
could be activated. Importantly, some data points should be entirely off-
limits to third parties for security (including cybersecurity) and vehicle
safety reasons. It is important that any matrix of data point accessibility
considers the authorisation level of the user; each data point should be
evaluated individually to determine whether it requires "read" or "write"
access, or both. This approach ensures that data is managed in a more
secure and efficient manner, reducing the risk of unauthorised access
or manipulation.
Example: The number of kilometres driven should be an access-
only data point so that users and repair shops are aware of the
real usage of the car and maintain it properly. On the other hand,
data on favourite radio stations can be a writable data point for
the user.
3. Duplication of data-sharing requirements that are
already in place under EU law must be avoided
The Data Act generally presupposes that data reporting requirements
either do not exist or are not in development for different sectors.
For the purposes of ensuring coherence and legal certainty, the
upcoming proposal should explicitly state its precedence over the Data
Act in instances of conflicting stipulations.
The Access to In-Vehicle Data Impact Assessment makes mention to
reporting obligations for manufacturers to “inform competent
authorities…about the implementation of access rights”. The
Commission must ensure that any such reporting obligations do not
conflict with or undermine the efficacy of similar obligations already set
out for the automotive sector such as those under the Market
Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2018/858 and General Safety Regulation
(EU) 2019/2144 those stemming from it: e.g., Automated Lane Keeping
Systems (under UN Regulation 157)
, Emergency Lane Keeping
Systems Regulation (EU) 2019/2144
, Intelligent Speed Assistance
Regulation (EU) 2021/1958
and the recently-adopted ADS Type
Approval Regulation (EU) 2022/1426
4. Feasibility of a common technological approach to
data sharing
The proposed Data Act’s interoperability requirements envision large-
scale harmonisation of functionalities of data processing services being
used by all parties. This is not only concerning but infeasible when
applied to already-regulated motor vehicles, motor vehicle equipment,
and related products and services within the automotive sector like
logistics, EU-wide trucking and others.
We urge the Commission to consider the cost impacts of an industry-
wide technological approach, especially in light of ongoing discussions
about how to implement a European Mobility Data Space.
To achieve the best results for consumers and all stakeholders
involved, the data and software solutions, and the ecosystems they are
based on should all be motivated to innovate and compete with each
other. Prescriptive requirements on implementation limit the available
solution space and should thus not be included in the upcoming
proposal. Due to the varying solutions of different manufacturers, they
should be allowed to deem the appropriate mode of granting access to
any vehicle functions.
We support the Commission’s ambition to continue fostering an innovative and
competitive data driven automotive sector in Europe. A sensible proposal on
the access of in-vehicle data, functions and resources can help apply the
principles of the Data Act to the automotive sector. Not doing so could
disincentivise innovation and pose risks to the safety and security of vehicles,
user privacy and cybersecurity. This proposal should guarantee that
innovators, which have invested heavily in developing systems able to
generate data in order to monetise them, develop new products or services,
and improve customer experience, are able to benefit from their investments in
the EU, and not required to compromise on the most important characteristic
of a motor vehicle: safety.
João Tato Marinho
Associate Director for Digital & Green Transformation Policy
[email protected] / +32 491 56 11 24
Ray Pinto
Senior Director for Digital Transformation Policy / +32 472 55 84 02
DIGITALEUROPE is the leading trade association representing digitally transforming industries in
Europe. We stand for a regulatory environment that enables European businesses and citizens to
prosper from digital technologies. We wish Europe to grow, attract, and sustain the world’s best digital
talents and technology companies. Together with our members, we shape the industry policy positions
on all relevant legislative matters and contribute to the development and implementation of relevant EU
policies, as well as international policies that have an impact on Europe's digital economy. Our
membership represents over 45,000 businesses who operate and invest in Europe. It includes 102
corporations which are global leaders in their field of activity, as well as 41 national trade associations
from across Europe.
Corporate Members
Accenture, Airbus, Applied Materials, Amazon, AMD, Apple, Arçelik, Arm, Assent, Autodesk, Avery
Dennison, Banco Santander, Bayer, Bosch, Bose, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Brother, Canon, CaixaBank,
Cisco, CyberArk, Danfoss, Dassault Systèmes, DATEV, Dell, Eaton, Epson, Ericsson, ESET, EY,
Fujitsu, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, Graphcore, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Hitachi, Honeywell, HP Inc.,
Huawei, ING, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson Controls International, Konica Minolta, Kry, Kyocera,
Lenovo, Lexmark, LG Electronics, Mastercard, Meta, Microsoft, Mitsubishi Electric Europe, Motorola
Solutions, MSD Europe, NEC, Nemetschek, NetApp, Nintendo, Nokia, Nvidia Ltd., Oki, OPPO, Oracle,
Palo Alto Networks, Panasonic Europe, Pearson, Philips, Pioneer, Qualcomm, Red Hat, RELX,
ResMed, Ricoh, Roche, Rockwell Automation, Samsung, SAP, SAS, Schneider Electric, Sharp
Electronics, Siemens, Siemens Healthineers, Skillsoft, Sky CP, Sony, Sopra Steria, Swatch Group,
Technicolor, Texas Instruments, TikTok, Toshiba, TP Vision, UnitedHealth Group, Visa, Vivo, VMware,
Waymo, Workday, Xerox, Xiaomi, Zoom.
National Trade Associations
Austria: IOÖ
Belgium: AGORIA
Croatia: Croatian
Chamber of Economy
Cyprus: CITEA
Czech Republic: AAVIT
Denmark: DI Digital, IT
BRANCHEN, Dansk Erhverv
Estonia: ITL
Finland: TIF
Germany: bitkom, ZVEI
Greece: SEPE
Hungary: IVSZ
Ireland: Technology Ireland
Italy: Anitec-Assinform
Lithuania: Infobalt
Luxembourg: APSI
Moldova: ATIC
Netherlands: NLdigital, FIAR
Norway: Abelia
Portugal: AGEFE
Romania: ANIS
Slovakia: ITAS
Slovenia: ICT Association of
Slovenia at CCIS
Spain: Adigital, AMETIC
Sweden: TechSverige,
Switzerland: SWICO
Turkey: Digital Turkey Platform,
Ukraine: IT Ukraine
United Kingdom: techUK