This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
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City of Cleveland
Justin M. Bibb, Mayor
Department of Community Development
Alyssa Hernandez, Director
Response to Questions
RFP for Professional Services for Economical Infill Housing
Site Plans
Floorplans & Elevations
Cost Estimates
August 28, 2023
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
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1. Again, free designs. Are our home designs and ideas copyrighted?
This the first step to redeveloping City land, we are looking to hire an architect to design four different
housing types. Not looking for free work.
Deliverables under any awarded contract will become property of City of Cleveland, subject to the terms and
conditions of the contract.
2. It appears that it is a simple pricing approach based upon type
Correct we are looking for 6 prices, one for each of the following types
Detached Single-Family with $100,000 construction cost
Detached Single-Family with $175,000 construction cost
Detached Single-Family with $250,000 construction cost
Detached 1 car garage optional add-on
Detached 2 car garage optional add-on
Tiny Home with $25,000 construction cost, to address unsheltered population
The price should encompass being able to deliver the services described in the RFP document.
2. you might pick different firms for different types based upon price?
On page 4 of the RFP Memo we overview the selection process, which does include the possibility of
selecting more than one proposal.
3. I didn’t see a way to include any information in the web form regarding this
The form now included the File Upload component located at the bottom of the form. Provide this
information as proof of your experience will be important in your submission.
4. I just wanted to confirm that the goal for your RFP is a simple approach for small houses, one per
lot, keep it simple at this point.
For the following, we are only considering one house per lot:
Detached Single-Family with $100,000 construction cost
Detached Single-Family with $175,000 construction cost
Detached Single-Family with $250,000 construction cost
For the following we are open to multiple units per parcel:
Tiny Home with $25,000 construction cost, to address unsheltered population
However, that does not limit opportunities to consider alternatives, since we state on page 2 of the RFP
Memo "Open to unique, novel and innovative approaches."
5. The RFP response appears to be geared towards a lowest common denominator cost-based design
The market in Cleveland for homes over $350k is being satisfied by developers.
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
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Cleveland recently adopted a 10 Year Housing Equity Plan and shows a significant need to provide housing
options below this price point.
The City expends approximate $5M each year to subsidize housing to make it more affordable, but we are
looking to see if there are ways to provide models that are designed to be affordable from a construction
To meet the actual need of housing development over the next 10 year we need to be producing around
2,000 housing units per year. We are currently at 350-450 per year.
For more on the 10 Year Housing Equity Plan you can find it here:
6. We are a Los Angeles-based architecture firm and not familiar with construction pricing in Cleveland
- are there any trade partners that can be contracted to review design proposals for pricing
If so, can you provide a list?
The City’s Office of Equal Opportunity has a database of certified vendors. Select the Search Certified Directory
If not, can we submit to this RFP in partnership with a local contractor or developer?
The City does want to achieve minority, women and/or Cleveland based contracting goals, so if having a local
contractor achieves this higher policy goal of the City, it may be a benefit. The Office of Equal Opportunity will
issue an opinion on a proposal that the Department of Community puts forward for Board of Control approval.
7. In lieu of trade partners, is there a specific pricing rubric or takeoff software that the city or the
Land Bank typically uses to provide takeoffs and estimates?
A consultant must be able to prove that the service deliverable goals will be achieve based on their intended
approach. The City has no “specific pricing rubric or takeoff software”
8. Can we submit additional documents that are not included on the list of deliverables for the RFP?
Yes, any documentation that can support your experience, expertise or demonstrate ability to deliver on the
service deliverable goals can be submitted.
9. If so, would it be acceptable to submit preliminary design strategies or ideas?
We don’t need preliminary designs, but we would appreciate you approach that meet the deliverable goals
of the professional services requested.
10. Will your team make public the list of questions you have received from other interested parties?
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
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Yes, we will post all written questions received and their written responses on the Finance RFP webpage
located at
11. Are we limited to submitting our proposal on Letter-sized paper (8.5x11)? Or can we format our
pages to Tabloid-sized (11x17) to include larger/clearer graphics?
You may submit on 11x17, but the proposals will likely be review on desktops, we rarely print them off while
scoring or evaluating
12. There is a requirement is to provide a design for optional detached garages. Do these optional
garages necessarily have to be detached, or can we develop a design in which they are attached to
the house itself?
We are open to attached, but would want to ensure we can discern unit cost versus the add-on.
13. Is there any graphic standard we must follow for drawings? (In other words, must we provide simple
black-and-white "blueprint" drawings, or can we show our designs a bit more graphically, such as
with rendered materials and more realistic details?
The standard would be be what the Planning Department requires for preliminary review.
14. we are all interested in building tiny houses, so yes we would like more details on those. Do you
have a spec sheet on these houses?
No, we are interested to see what could be achieved with a $25,000 hard cost construction budget
15. Do you also have an overall description of how these are envisioned in a neighborhood?
If it were feasible we would likely start with determining where these could be located on City Land Bank lot
and where it conforms to zoning. The City has 18,000 vacant parcels in the land bank. Here is a GIS map of the
City’s Land Bank Inventory.
16. Are they in small clusters on one or two lots?
The form based zoning seems to allow higher density on a single lot, and we would look for a site (parcel or
parcels) that is suitable.
17. Are they going to be in a supported community of tiny houses?
Unknown at this time.
18. Do they each have kitchens and baths or are there common kitchens and baths?
We are interested to see what could be achieved with a $25,000 hard cost construction budget
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
Page 5 of 11
19. Could the designer/applicant retain development rights? We develop modular housing that
cannot be easily replicated by other developers. We are interested in offering our designs to the
City for free, if we will later be hired by third parties to build the properties.
We are open to innovative ways.
In your proposal, we would need understand how you would recoup your design costs and what would
occur if preliminary planning approval was not obtained.
If this design/build process resulted in the desired cost outcomes, we would look to ways of financing it.
20. Why was the form based code draft included and which parts, if any, will we need to adhere to?
The goal is for any proposed design to obtain preliminary planning approval, therefore the new code will be
21. What do we have to do re: the OEO forms? The link is broken and there is not additional context.
The City just rolled out a new City website on Friday Aug 18
, so most of the contents has different links.
Here is the new link:
22. Are there examples of existing infill programs that the City is basing this initiative off of, such as
South Bend's?
Are approach is to address a cost challenge here in Cleveland. South Bend is a build by right approach if you
meet their approved designs. We would like to see that as well, by is outside of the Department of
Community Development purview.
23. Do the tiny homes need to have bathrooms and kitchens? Could there be one communal facility
since there will be multiple units per site?
We are open to innovative approaches, but would need pass preliminary planning approval.
24. The RFP states it is seeking hard costs to build the 3 feasible economical housing types and the
costs for the option of a 1 or 2 car detached garage, does the city of Cleveland have a range of
acceptable sales prices for each housing type?
No, we are only looking to see what can be build with a hard cost construction budget listed in the RFP. The
end use could be affordable housing or market rate housing.
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
Page 6 of 11
25. The link provided in the RFP on page 3 for the Office of Equal Opportunity Vendor Forms
/schedules 1 through 4 in the Cleveland Area Business Code to Bidders & Schedules is not
operational @
The City just rolled out a new City website on Friday Aug 18th, so most of the contents has different links.
Here is the new link:
26. What is City’s timeline for final selection of consultant(s)?
Depending on if we do any interview we want to make a selection within October 2023.
27. As a single individual working independently as a consultant, must I still fill out the minority forms?
Yes, please complete the forms.
28. Does each entry have to contain examples of all price points? I’d prefer to concentrate on the
higher suggested figures.
We are letting proposers choose if they want to provide quotes for all or some. We may therefore select
multiple proposals depending on what is in the best interest of the City.
29. I’d prefer smaller scale plans and elevations as opposed to working drawings but I might be able
to have someone prepare on-line versions Is that acceptable?
The deliverable is to meet the construction price points and obtain Planning Department preliminary approval.
Planning Department may have specific requirements for submission that would need to be adhered to.
30. Does every design have to fit on a 35-foot lot, meaning at least 3- for setbacks on each side and/ or
space for a 10- foot drive?
Consult with the Planning Department on what flexibility you may have under zoning or form based code or
if they think a variance would be a reasonable request to address a hardship.
31. Can I just provide a letter from a builder offering to construct the building at a particular overall
The pricing will need to be provided in the following manner: “Proforma cost estimate for the construction
price point. Must meet green buildings standards and be eligible for residential tax abatement. Please items
in as much detail as possible, including separating materials, labor, major elements of the housing type and
utility connections.” You can use a building, cost estimator, or other expert that can achieve the above.
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
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32. What is meant by the RFP indication of “Green Initiatives”. Is there a defined standard, such as
LEED Certified, WELL, etc. which must be met or in general green design initiatives should be
There are a number of methods to achieve this standard and the following handbook can assist:
33. Are there space programs for the three house price points, including:
Size of living space,
Number of bedrooms,
Required bathroom fixtures
Required kitchen equipment
Is laundry included?
Is air conditioning required?
Are any outside spaces required?
Does the budget encompass house construction only, with site work and utility
connections in a separate budget?
The Housing Unit should meet the minimum requirements of the building code and we are looking for
innovations/amenities that would make economic. We are not prescribing all the elements listed above, but
we do want a housing product that meets modern expectations while controlling construction costs. Yes,
site work, utility connections would be separate budget.
34. Tiny House
Are bathrooms to be included?
Can communal bathrooms be considered if multiple Tiny Houses are on one site?
Again we are looking are innovations to address homelessness open to solutions that would work under
Cleveland's new Form Based Code.
Even with communal bathrooms, we still would want the following standard to be achieve:
Minimum HOME-ARP NCS Property Standards: Page 60
All HOME-ARP NCS units and common areas must meet all applicable State and local codes,
ordinances, and requirements and the applicable provisions of HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Rules
at 24 CFR Part 35. In addition, all HOME-ARP NCS projects must meet the following minimum
safety, sanitation, accessibility, and privacy standards:
i. Must be structurally sound to protect occupants from the elements and not pose any threat
to health and safety of the occupants.
ii. Must be accessible in accordance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794)
and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8; the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.)
and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 100; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities
Act (42 U.S.C. 12131 et seq.) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 35, all as applicable.
iii. Must provide each individual or family with an acceptable, individual room to sleep which
includes adequate space and security for themselves and their belongings.
iv. Must have a natural or mechanical means of ventilation. The interior air must be free of
pollutants at a level that might threaten or harm the health of occupants.
v. Must have a water supply free of contamination.
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
Page 8 of 11
vi. Must have in-unit sanitary facilities that are in proper operating condition and are
adequate for personal cleanliness and the disposal of human waste. (I remember this means
a sink and toilet, so a half-bath)
vii. Must provide necessary heating/cooling facilities in proper operating condition.
viii. Must have adequate natural or artificial illumination to permit normal indoor activities
and support health and safety. There must be sufficient electrical sources to permit the safe
use of electrical appliances.
ix. Food preparation areas, if any, must contain suitable space and equipment to store,
prepare, and serve food in a safe and sanitary manner. (A microwave is sufficient)
x. Must provide one working smoke detector and one working carbon monoxide detector in
each unit. All smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and alarm systems must be designed for
hearing-impaired residents. All public areas of the shelter must have at least one working
smoke detector and one carbon monoxide detector. There must also be a second means of
exiting the building in the event of fire or other emergency.
35. Deliverables: under floor plan and elevation deliverables, the RFQ states: “The standard
for the site plan shall be what is necessary to obtain preliminary approval from the
Planning Department”.
Was the intention to modify this sentence to reference plans and elevations
instead of the site plan?
Can you provide a sample site plan that shows what would be required by the
Planning Department so that the level of required planning detail is clear?
We presume that you are not requesting planning to the level required to secure a
building permit, but rather Planning Department approval. Please confirm.
The following are the components need to submit for preliminary (conceptual) approval:
1. Application Form Written Project Summary (including location, scale, investment; number of units,
square feet, residents, employees, parking spaces; potential code issues; and any other pertinent
information including but not limited to sustainable
2. Site Location Map (district level)
3. Site Context Plan (i.e., site plan showing adjoining properties, buildings and street names)
4. Existing Conditions Plan (color photographs; site context, including nearby buildings)
5. Site Plan (include: north arrow, scale, legend and key dimensions and notes)
6. Section / Elevation Drawings (including color versions, if requested)
7. Floor Plans (typical floors)
8. Tree Preservation Plan (Applies to projects over 1 acre, or new construction > 4 units see Chapter
341.051, and contact Jennifer Kipp,
Here is Planning Commissions Guide for
applicants. Department of
Community Development can represent what Planning Commission will access beyond the information
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
Page 9 of 11
We are not requesting that this feasibility design secure a building permit.
36. The RFP indicates that the planning must meet “green building standards”. Please identify
exactly what standards are to be met.
There are a number of methods to achieve this standard and the following handbook can assist:
37. The RFP indicates that the planning must be eligible for residential tax abatement. Please
provide those eligibility requirements.
Green building standard is the key element for single-family construction to secure a residential tax
38. We intend to fulfill the required CSB / MBE / FBE participation with a local firm to provide
cost estimating and input on local issues during the design stages. Can the City provide a
list of firms who we could contact for these services? We could not locate such firms
through the City’s website.
Office of Equal Opportunity maintains a database of certified vendors that maybe able to
39. Some of the lower budget targets suggest solutions may involve highly compact floor areas
and/or significant economy in budgets for the exterior design limiting available materials,
window quantities, etc. Does the Planning Commission intend to support any flexibility in
design standards and expectations in order to support achievement of the target budgets?
With the new Form Based Code and the overwhelming need we want this to be an exercise and a discussion
with Planning to develop housing for all needs.
40. We understand the designs are intended to fit generic sites. Will intended neighborhoods or
representative site locations be identified for the purposes of establishing design context
and/or zoning districts?
The overwhelming available land to develop is vacant parcels in the City’s Land Bank. Here is a summary of
the sizes we are working with and why we selected approximately 4,000 square feet in size with 35 feet of
Lot Frontage Lot Area Lot Depth
Average 5024.268172
Average 101.0642382
Median 40
Median 4400
Median 110
< 20 509
< 2000 770
< 100 5432
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
Page 10 of 11
20-25 215
2500 824
100-125 4839
25-30 629
3000 1037
125-150 3746
30-35 2518
3500 1524
> 150 1768
35-40 3507
4000 1802
40-45 5867
4500 2296
45-50 660
5000 1876
> 50 1978
> 5000 7692
41. The new Form-based Zoning Code is referenced in the City’s SmartSheet project page but
not the RFP document. The Form-based code currently exists in draft form, but is not yet to
our knowledge adopted for use. Should prototype designs comply with current zoning, the
proposed form-based code, or both?
Planning Department has suggested we consult the Form Based Code section for this project.
42. If the project is expected to comply with zoning, will the Planning Commission support
variances where budget limits and compact floor plans challenge the viability of meeting
thresholds such as minimum lot area, minimum building floor area, street frontage build-
out, etc.?
Correct, We are open to solutions or innovations, more units on a lot, or variance request.
43. Project deliverables indicate providing “what is necessary to obtain preliminary approval
from the Planning Department”. Is it intended that the designs obtain preliminary approvals
as part of required deliverables, or does this requirement solely reference the level of
drawing detail and design development expected for each prototype?
Preliminary approval is part the deliverable for the project.
44. Should proposals include time to take each prototype through the preliminary stage of
Design Review and Planning Commission approvals?
Yes, would like an estimated timeframe for the entire project.
45. Should proposals include time to present zoning variance requests to the Planning
Commission or BZA in the event a target budget results in a design that is not zoning
compliant by-right?
This Request For Proposal (RFP) document is the property of the City of Cleveland Department of Community Development. It contains proprietary
information about the business of the City of Cleveland.
Page 11 of 11
We would need to know that specific variances needed and maybe a conversation with planning or zba staff
regarding the reasonableness of the request. Since a variance runs with the land, this project will not
identify an actual location.
46. Cost methodology: Construction costs can vary widely for the same building design based on
a variety of factors. For the purposes of estimating construction costs to determine success
in meeting target price points, are there expectations that should be incorporated?
Any reasonable industry standard subject to the following: “Proforma cost estimate for the construction
price point. Must meet green buildings standards and be eligible for residential tax abatement. Please items
in as much detail as possible, including separating materials, labor, major elements of the housing type and
utility connections.”
47. Construction of a single unit as a one-time occurrence vs. production home building of
multiple similar homes on proximate parcels on a simultaneous basis to create economies of
We want to know what innovation will be need to deliver the units at the construction price point. We are
open to economies of scale, but something reasonable to a neighborhood, such as increments of 10 units.
48. If production-scale construction can be assumed, can off-site factory manufacturing be
49. Should construction cost estimates assume any specific City of Cleveland requirements
beyond green building standards? (prevailing wage, CSB/MBE/FBE, etc.)
Not for this project.
50. Can a baseline date for assumed construction start be identified so market fluctuation and
volatility over the duration of the project can be removed from the equation?
or 3
quarter of 2024.