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Compass for Windows Mass Deployment
Last Updated April 2022
Table of Contents
About this document ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Who is this document for? ................................................................................................................................... 2
This document assumes the audience is familiar with the following: ................................................................ 2
What is the purpose of this document? ............................................................................................................... 2
Capabilities and Limitations of the Compass Installer ............................................................................................ 2
Capabilities ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Limitations......................................................................................................................................................... 2
How to use the installation switches ....................................................................................................................... 3
Basic use ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Use of Optional switches ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Test Center ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
What if the details are not correct? ................................................................................................................. 5
Impersonation Switches ................................................................................................................................... 5
LAN Server Script Generator ................................................................................................................................ 7
How to use the script generator....................................................................................................................... 7
Advanced Scripting ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Logon Script ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Startup Script .................................................................................................................................................... 8
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About this document
Who is this document for?
IT Administrators mass deploying the Certiport Compass for Windows exam delivery software
This document assumes the audience is familiar with the following:
Silent installations of applications
Active Directory
Group Policies and the use of them for deploying applications
Basic Scripting
What is the purpose of this document?
Describe the supported functions of silent installations of Compass
Give examples of how to use the silent install switches
Capabilities and Limitations of the Compass Installer
Able to install and uninstall silently (no feedback), quietly (confirmation of success) or interactively
Able to specify test center, proxy and impersonation in the installation string. These settings will then be
configured for first run without admin support.
Able to be deployed via Group Policy via Login Script, Startup Script or .ZAP publishing
Installer is not a full MSI package
Limited to use of batch files or scripts for mass deployment
Without the use of obfuscation to hide any passwords, the string will be in clear text
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How to use the installation switches
Basic use
The new Compass installer supports many switches to assist with configuring an installation before the first time
run of Compass. By using the /? from a command prompt, the following is presented:
Valid command line parameters for Compass_Setup.exe:
/? - Command line help text will be displayed
/Silent - Do not interact with the desktop or user. Do not open Compass.
Path="C:\Ex\Example" - Required command to specify the installation path for Compass.
Path="C:\Certiport\Compass" is the recommended location.
Test Center:
/TestCenterID - Test Center ID defines which specific Testing Center (CATC) is using this instance of
/CertiportID - An optional parameter that specifies the Accounting Customer Code for the specified
/TestCenterName - An optional parameter that will display the name of the testing center (CATC)
to the end user. Value must be surrounded by double quotes if there is a space character in the name.
/ImpersonationUser - Username for specifying an administrative account for Compass to use. Password is
/ImpersonationPassword - Password Compass can use to impersonate a User for administrative privileges.
Requires Username.
/ImpersonationDomain - Domain of Impersonation credentials. Username & password are required to set the
/ProxyUsername - Proxy Username. Required for setting Proxy Password.
/ProxyPassword - Proxy Password. Required for setting Proxy Username.
/ProxyAddress - Proxy Address. Required if any other Proxy parameters are specified.
/ProxyPort - Proxy Port. Required if any other Proxy parameters are specified.
/LanServer - Lan Server Address. Use this machine name or IP to download updates from. LanPort is
/LanPort - Lan Server Port. LanServer address is required. Default port is 52525.
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/UpdateSchedule - When should Compass be updated?
o Daily - (Default) Compass will download exam and system updates on a daily schedule.
o Weekly - Compass will only download exam and system updates weekly.
o Manual - Compass will not automatically download any updates, an administrative user will
need to log in each time an update is required to take an exam.
/UpdateTime - What time of day should automatic updates be downloaded and installed.
/LanguageCode - Certiport specific code for changing or setting the default language of Compass.
Compass_Setup.exe /?
Compass_Setup.exe /Silent Path="C:\Certiport\Compass" /TestCenterID 12345 /CertiportID 12345
/TestCenterName "Name" /UpdateSchedule Daily /UpdateTime 13:12:07 /LanguageCode ENU
Compass_Setup.exe Path="C:\Certiport\Compass" /TestCenterID 12345 /ProxyAddress /ProxyPort
Compass_Setup.exe Path="C:\Certiport\Compass" /TestCenterID 12345 /LanServer /LanPort 52525
Compass_Setup.exe Path="C:\Certiport\Compass" /TestCenterID 12345 /UpdateSchedule Daily /UpdateTime
A basic silent installation requires a path, a language, and the installation functions to be specified. Quotation
marks must be used for values with spaces. For a silent installation, only the /Silent switch is needed; if not, the
installation will default to interactive. Both the shorthand or full switch can be used.
A basic, silent install example would be:
Compass_Setup.exe /Silent Path="C:\Certiport\Compass" /LanguageCode ENU
This would install an English version of Compass into the c:\certiport\compass directory. Not specifying a
required switch will make the installer launch in a normal, interactive fashion.
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Use of Optional switches
Test Center
The additional switches populate the configuration file with the data specified. If the data is incorrect, it can be
corrected once logged into Compass.
To preconfigure an installation with a specific test center, one must specify all three switches; tcnm, tcid, and tccid.
The /tcnm or /TestCenterName This should match with Certiport Portal for the Center name. This value does NOT have
to be exact.
The /tccid or /TestCenterID Test Center Certiport ID, can be found as Organization Admin or Member via Portal. This
number must be exact to function correctly.
The /tcid or /CertiportID Test Center ID, also known as the Certiport Customer ID. For many test centers, this ID is the
same as the Certiport ID. This number is an internal customer reference number to Certiport, and is not visible on Portal.
If this number isn’t the same as the Test Center Certiport ID, Support must be contacted to find this ID number. If the
Test Center ID did not match, you will not see the Org Admin tools when you first log in to Compass. The number must
match for the pre-configuration to function correctly.
What if the details are not correct?
Q: What if the Test Center Name is incorrect?
A: The name specified will be displayed within Compass as the name of the Test Center.
Q: What if the Test Center ID or Certiport ID is incorrect?
A: You’ll still be able to log in to Compass. You won’t have any admin controls as you’ll be logged in as normal user. A
dialog box requiring an update will be displayed, and as long as the account used is an Organization Admin or Member,
you can change to the correct test center.
An example of this switch would be:
Compass_Setup.exe /Silent Path="C:\Certiport\Compass" /TestCenterID 90000000 /CertiportID 90000000
/TestCenterName \"This is my test center name\" /LanguageCode ENU
Impersonation Switches
The use of impersonation switches is completely optional and only the username and password are needed, if used. The
data included here is used to populate the Admin Credentials setting in Compass. Since the text for the password is
passed in clear text for the installation, it is recommended to obfuscate the script used.
The impersonation switches are:
/Iuser or /ImpersonationUser The impersonation username
/Ipwd or /ImpersonationPassword The password used for the iuser account
/Idmn or /ImpersonationDomain The domain used for the iuser account.
Note: Incorrect data for these fields will prevent Compass from launching using the desktop shortcut or from a limited
user account.
Example: Compass_Setup.exe “path=c:\certiport\compass /ImpersonationUser userName /ImpersonationPassword
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Proxy Settings
The proxy switches populate the “Proxy server settings in Compass under Settings. If a password is used for proxy
access, it is recommended to obfuscate the script used. The switches are as follows:
/puser or /ProxyUsername Proxy Server user name, if required.
/ppwd or /ProxyPassword Proxy Server password, if required.
/Paddr or /ProxyAddress Proxy Server FQDN or IP address.
/pport or /ProxyPort Proxy Server port used
Compass.exe /Silent /ProxyAddress /ProxyPort 8080 /LanguageCode ENU
Note: Incorrect or missing proxy data will prevent Compass from being able to connect to Certiport. The settings can be
changed from within Compass, if needed.
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LAN Server Script Generator
Compass can generate an installation script with all the parameters required based on the fields that have been input.
This utility requires Compass to be set in the LAN Server mode to function. The script generator creates a batch script
that can be deployed via any preferred method and contains all the parameters required for installation in the correct
How to use the script generator
Follow these steps to setup Compass:
1. Log in to Compass in “Stand-Alone” mode. If proxy settings are required, enter them first and restart Compass.
(The account used to log in must have Org Member rights.)
2. Associate Compass with the desired test center (this is an automatic prompt when first logging into Compass
with a user that has more than Test Candidate rights).
3. Scroll down through the settings until you see “LAN Settings”
4. Change mode to “Compass Server” and enter the desired IP Address and Port, then click OK to save the changes
and restart Compass
5. Log back in to Compass and click on “Settings” in the left-hand column
6. Scroll down to LAN Settings
7. Click on the new Generate Script button
8. This function will open a dialog box to save the current Compass configuration as a batch file. The file can be
saved in any desired location but does need to include the Compass installer in the same installation folder. Any
passwords will need to be added manually to script in the password fields.
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Advanced Scripting
Logon Script
Running the installer as a logon script will cause the installation script to run when the user logs into the system. This
requires that the user have permissions to be able to install applications. Error dialogs will still be displayed, even if ran
silently. If the application has already been installed, and a command is not present to prevent execution, the installer
will keep running every time the user logs in. This will overwrite the previous configuration and updates. A logon script is
configured under the User Configuration policy for deployment.
Startup Script
Running the installer as a startup script will cause the installation script to run when the user starts up Windows. This
doesn’t require that the user have permissions to be able to install applications, as the application will be installed as a
SYSTEM user. Error dialogs will still be displayed, even if ran silently. If the application has already been installed, and a
command is not present to prevent execution, the installer will keep running every time the user logs in. This will
overwrite the previous configuration and updates. A startup script is configured under the Computer Configuration
policy for deployment.
Contacting Support
Find Answers online or Contact Support through Phone, Email, or Live Chat.
Support is available Monday through Friday 6am to 5pm MT
Last Updated April 2022 | Certiport A Pearson VUE Business | © 2022 Certiport