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Release Bulletin
Enterprise 11.2
Document ID: DC33822-01-1120-01
Last revised: April 15, 2008
Topic Page
1. Accessing current release bulletin information 2
2. Product summary 3
2.1 Deprecated features 3
2.2 DataDirect database drivers 5
2.3 PBCrypto proxy library 5
3. Special installation instructions 5
3.1 Before you install 5
3.2 Updating PowerBuilder 11.0 or 11.1 to PowerBuilder 11.2 6
3.3 Upgrading from a different edition of PowerBuilder 7
4. Changed functionality in this version 7
5. Known problems 7
5.1 .NET applications and components issues 7
5.2 .NET Web Forms issues 8
5.3 .NET Windows Forms issues 13
5.4 .NET Assembly and .NET Web service issues 15
5.5 Database connectivity issues 15
5.6 DataWindow issues 17
5.7 Decimal datatype support issues 19
5.8 EAServer issues 19
5.9 JSP issues 20
5.10 Menu and toolbar issues 20
5.11 PowerDesigner plug-in issues 21
5.12 Rich text control issues 22
5.13 SCC issues 22
5.14 Vista issues 22
5.15 Web services issues 28
5.16 Other issues 29
1. Accessing current release bulletin information PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
1. Accessing current release bulletin information
A more recent version of this release bulletin may be available on the Web. To
check for critical product or document information added after the product
release, use the Sybase® Product Manuals Web site.
6. Product compatibilities 31
6.1 Application Servers 31
6.2 SQL Anywhere 31
6.3 PowerDesigner 31
6.4 Microsoft .NET Framework 31
6.5 Java 32
6.6 Apache Tomcat 32
6.7 Ghostscript 32
7. Third-party components and deployment 32
7.1 Apache files 32
7.2 Microsoft files 33
7.3 Sun Microsystems files 34
7.4 Software used for SOAP clients for Web services 34
8. Documentation updates and clarifications 34
8.1 PostScript print driver setup 35
8.2 Description for number and currency masks in User’s Guide 35
9. Migration information 35
9.1 Migrating .NET targets from earlier releases of PowerBuilder 36
9.2 Migrating EAServer targets 36
9.3 Migrating components to EAServer 6.0.1 or later 37
9.4 Creating an EJB client application for EAServer 6.x 37
9.5 PowerBuilder system types as variable names in proxies 38
9.6 OLE DB performance with Microsoft SQL Server 39
9.7 ImportFile size limit 39
10. Technical support 39
11. Other sources of information 39
11.1 Sybase certifications on the Web 40
11.2 Sybase EBFs and software maintenance 41
12. Accessibility features 42
Topic Page
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 2. Product summary
Release Bulletin for Windows 3
Accessing release bulletins at the Sybase Product Manuals Web site
1Go to Product Manuals at
2 Select a product and language and click Go.
3 Select a product version from the Document Set list.
4 Select the Release Bulletins link.
5 From the list of individual documents, select the link to the release bulletin
for your PowerBuilder® edition. You can either download the PDF
version or browse the document online.
2. Product summary
Enclosed is Sybase PowerBuilder Enterprise version 11.2, which is compatible
with the following platform and operating system configurations:
Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition with Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
PowerBuilder 11.2 builds 32-bit applications, but supports deployed
applications in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments on the Vista operating
system. For more information about using PowerBuilder on the Vista operating
system, see “Vista Support” in the online Help. For a list of issues that have
been found on the Vista operating system, see “Vista issues” on page 22.
Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 is supported for deployment
only. All support for this platform will be discontinued in future releases of
2.1 Deprecated features
The following table lists features that are included in PowerBuilder 11.2, but
will be removed from future releases of PowerBuilder:
Deprecated feature Description
IE Web Controls for .NET
Web Forms applications
PowerBuilder installs and deploys Telerik RadControls
to replace the IE Web Controls.
2. Product summary PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
O84 Oracle 8i database
The next major release of PowerBuilder will include
the ORA Oracle 11g database interface, in addition to
the O90 and O10 Oracle database interfaces that you
can install with PowerBuilder 11.2.
JSP targets PowerBuilder 11.2 is the last version of PowerBuilder
that includes JavaServer Pages (JSP) targets that enable
you to build Web pages using JSP technology. Sybase
Workspace is the recommended tool for building
JavaServer Faces and HTML applications that use JSP
COM, COM+ components PowerBuilder 11.2 is the last version of PowerBuilder
that includes the COM and COM+ component creation
Automation server PowerBuilder 11.2 is the last version of PowerBuilder
that includes the PowerBuilder Runtime Automation
® plug-in
and PowerBuilder Window
PowerBuilder 11.2 is the last version of PowerBuilder
that includes the DataWindow plug-in that allows you
to display a Powersoft report (PSR) on a Web page. It
is also the last version to include the PowerBuilder
WIndow plug-in that allows you to display child
windows on Web pages when viewed in a browser that
supports Netscape plug-ins. You can use .NET Web
Forms targets to display reports and child windows on
Web pages.
PowerBuilder Window
PowerBuilder 11.2 is the last version of PowerBuilder
that includes the PowerBuilder Window ActiveX that
allows you to display PowerBuilder child windows on
Web pages when viewed in a browser that supports
ActiveX.. You can use .NET Web Forms targets to
display child windows on Web pages.
UDDI browser in the Web
Service proxy wizard
PowerBuilder 11.2 is the last version of PowerBuilder
that allows you to search for a WSDL file in a UDDI
Deployment support for
Windows 2000 platform
with Service Pack 4
Support for the Windows 2000 platform will be
discontinued in the next release of PowerBuilder.
Deprecated feature Description
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 3. Special installation instructions
Release Bulletin for Windows 5
2.2 DataDirect database drivers
The PB DataDirect ODBC drivers and OLE DB data providers from
DataDirect Technologies have been removed from PowerBuilder 11.0 and later
releases. If you want to continue to use these drivers and data providers, you
must obtain them from DataDirect Technologies.
2.3 PBCrypto proxy library
The PBCrypto proxy library has been removed from PowerBuilder 11.0 and
later releases. It will be made available on the
Sybase CodeXchange Web site
3. Special installation instructions
PowerBuilder 11.2 is available as an update for PowerBuilder 11.0 or 11.1
Vista manifest files may crash other operating systems
The ability to add a manifest file to standard PowerBuilder and Windows
Forms applications was added in PowerBuilder 11.1. If you add a manifest file
that contains Vista extensions to an executable or DLL file on Windows XP
with Service Pack 2, memory may be corrupted, causing the operating system
to crash or restart. This is a known Microsoft issue described on the
support site at
To resolve this issue, Microsoft has provided an patch that can be downloaded
from the
Microsoft Web site at
3.1 Before you install
Before you install this release, shut down any applications running on your
system. Restart your system after all the installations are complete.
The executable files in this release extract setup files to the folder specified by
your TMP environment variable, or the folder specified by your TEMP
environment variable if TMP is not defined or specifies a directory that does
not exist. Make sure you have enough disk space on the drive containing this
folder before beginning the installation.
3. Special installation instructions PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
To specify an alternative location, open the System Properties dialog box from
the Windows control panel, select the TMP user variable (or TEMP if TMP
does not exist) on the Environment or Advanced tab page, and specify a
location that has sufficient space.
3.2 Updating PowerBuilder 11.0 or 11.1 to PowerBuilder 11.2
You can download the PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 update from the
PowerBuilder page of the Sybase
EBFs/Maintenance site at
(select “in all months” and click the GO button if
you do not see the 11.2 release). Download the zip file and extract its contents
to a temporary directory on your computer using the “Use folder names”
To install the PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 update, you must have already
installed version 11.0 or 11.1 of PowerBuilder Enterprise on your computer.
To update PowerBuilder:
1 Create a backup by copying the contents of your
Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder directory to another directory.
2 If you use the Translation Toolkit or the Internet plug-ins, back up the
TransTlk and Internet Tools directories in the Sybase\PowerBuilder 11.0
directory. Also, back up other files that contain information you do not
want to lose, such as PBLs, database files, and .INI files.
3Run the setup.exe file in the PowerBuilder directory extracted from the zip
4 Perform a full rebuild of your PowerBuilder application in the System
Tree or Library painter to ensure that all descendent objects are
synchronized with their ancestors and to incorporate any compiler fixes in
your code.
To update InfoMaker:
1 Create a backup by copying the contents of your
Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder directory to another directory.
2 If you use the Internet plug-ins, back up the Internet Tools directory in the
Sybase\InfoMaker 11.0 directory. Also, back up other files that contain
information you do not want to lose, such as PBLs, database files, and .INI
3Run the setup.exe file in the InfoMaker directory extracted from the zip
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 4. Changed functionality in this version
Release Bulletin for Windows 7
3.3 Upgrading from a different edition of PowerBuilder
If you are upgrading to the PowerBuilder Enterprise edition from
PowerBuilder Desktop or Professional, you require an upgrade license from
Desktop or Professional to Enterprise. To upgrade to the Enterprise edition,
start PowerBuilder and select Tools>Update License. In the wizard, enter your
upgrade license key, then click Next and Finish. When you restart
PowerBuilder, the PowerBuilder Enterprise features you selected when you
installed PowerBuilder are enabled.
4. Changed functionality in this version
New Features PowerBuilder 11.2 describes features added in this version. You
can view this book on the
Sybase Product Manuals Web site at
. Select PowerBuilder from the list of
products and click Go, then select PowerBuilder 11.2 and select this title.
The New Features section of the PowerBuilder Help file also describes features
added in this release. To view this Help, from the PowerBuilder menu, select
Help>Welcome to PowerBuilder 11.2.
5. Known problems
5.1 .NET applications and components issues
5.1.1 Error CS0161 returned when deploying .NET target
When you deploy a target to .NET, all possible paths through a function or
event script must return a value. If the compiler encounters a path that does not
return a value, it generates error CS0161: “not all code paths return a value.”
To work around this issue, add a return statement that returns a value to the end
of the script. [CR 463688]
5.1.2 Events and delegates in .NET assemblies
You cannot add an event handler in PowerBuilder for an event defined in a
.NET assembly. If a delegate is defined in a .NET assembly, the
method returns errors on deployment. [CR 435730]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.2 .NET Web Forms issues
5.2.1 Mismatched DLLs result in blank page in Web Forms application
When you deploy any PowerBuilder application, you should always make sure
that the version and build number of the PowerBuilder runtime DLLs on the
target computer or server is the same as the version and build number of the
DLLs on the development computer. Mismatched DLLs can result in
unexpected errors. If the DLLs on the development computer and the IIS server
do not match, a Web Forms application may display a blank page. [CR 483818]
5.2.2 State not refreshed in IE 7
In Internet Explorer 7, if you open the same application multiple times in a
single IE session, the state and content of the first instance persist. This is
because IE 7 has only one session, while Web Forms applications are session
based. [CR 467206]
5.2.3 PowerBuilder DLL locked by IIS
The PowerBuilder PBSHR110.DLL system library is locked by IIS when you
run a Web Forms application. This prevents you from uninstalling
PowerBuilder when PowerBuilder and IIS are installed on the same computer.
To avoid disrupting other applications using the IIS server, PowerBuilder does
not automatically shut down and restart the server. Even if the Web Forms
application is run from a browser on a remote computer, you must shut down
the server manually before you can uninstall PowerBuilder on the IIS server.
[CR 441626]
5.2.4 DtfLongDate! support for DatePicker
If Internet Explorer's language is de-DE and the value of PBCultureSource is
set to Client in the web.config file, the DatePicker control does not support the
DtfLongDate! enumerated value for the Format property. [CR 454532]
5.2.5 String function does not work correctly with culture de-DE
If Internet Explorer's language is de-DE and the value of PBCultureSource is
set to Client in the web.config file, or if PBCultureSource is set to Server and
the culture is set to de-DE in the web.config file, the
String (data, “longdate”)
function returns en-US format. [CR 454957]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 9
5.2.6 Print in TreeView DataWindow does not reflect current status
After expanding or collapsing a TreeView DataWindow in a Web Forms
application, printing the DataWindow might not reflect the current status of the
display. [CR 454704]
5.2.7 Using the Tab key in a TreeView DataWindow
Web Forms application users cannot use the Tab key to tab between items of a
TreeView DataWindow control. The Tab key moves the focus to other controls
on the current form. [CR 484349]
5.2.8 Right-click in TreeView DataWindow can cause “Error on page”
In a Web Forms application with a TreeView DataWindow and a secondary
DataWindow, if you expand the tree view and double-click a row in the
secondary DataWindow, you might see an “Error on page” in the browser
window if you then right-click the TreeView DataWindow. [CR 452587]
5.2.9 Right-click causes focus change and opens drop-down lists
Right-clicking does not cause a change of focus for most types of controls in
standard PowerBuilder applications. However, in Web Forms applications,
right-clicking CheckBox, RadioButton, CommandButton, PictureButton,
StaticHyperlink, StaticText, DatePicker, ListBox, or PictureListBox controls
does cause the focus to switch to those controls. Also, right-clicking the
DatePicker, DropDownListBox, and DropDownPictureListBox controls in
Web Forms applications causes the focus to switch to the down arrow for those
controls. [CR 464218]
5.2.10 Changing focus to some controls does not trigger modified event
When text is modified in a single-line edit control, clicking a check box, radio
button, or drop-down list box does not trigger the edit control's Modified event
in a Web Forms application. [CR 461223]
5.2.11 Scroll bar missing in Retrieve dialog box
In a Web Forms application, the scroll bar in the Retrieve dialog box disappears
when focus is set to an input field. [CR 450404]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.2.12 Selecting columns increases memory use
Repeatedly selecting columns in a DataWindow increases the memory used by
Internet Explorer. [CR 425813]
5.2.13 Cannot deploy to a computer containing a hyphen in its name
Web Forms deployment fails with an “IIS Server not found” error when the
host name of the computer running IIS contains a hyphen. You must remove
the hyphen from the computer name before deployment can be successful.
[CR 486955]
5.2.14 Cannot deploy to user-defined directory
If you specify a user-defined virtual directory such as “myapp” that is mapped
to C:\myapp, the Web Forms application is deployed to a subdirectory of the
IIS root directory. [CR 440758]
5.2.15 Problem triggering menu Clicked events in Web Forms applications
In Web Forms applications, users must click directly on a menu or menu item
text in order to trigger the Clicked event. Clicking on empty space next to the
menu or menu item name does not trigger the Clicked event. [CR 461334]
5.2.16 Issues with the default application pool in IIS 7
TreeView controls cannot be expanded in a deployed Web Forms target if the
application runs in an IIS 7 application pool in Integrated mode. However, the
default application pool (PBAppPool) created for Web Forms applications uses
Integrated mode by default. Integrated mode also causes issues with the Static
Hyperlink control and with currency mask conversions.
Web Forms applications that have these issues must run in an application pool
that uses the Classic mode. For more information, see “Additional
configuration requirements for Windows Vista” in Chapter 1 of Deploying
Applications and Components to .NET. [CR 475256, CR 472907, CR 488647]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 11
5.2.17 Numeric edit mask shows negative number
In a Web Forms application, if a user enters data into a numeric or decimal edit
mask set on an EditMask control or a DataWindow column and the data
exceeds the number of characters defined for the mask, the leading characters
that do not fit in the mask are replaced with a minus sign. To avoid this issue,
make sure that the mask has enough characters to support any data that might
be entered.
In a DataWindow column, if the mask is set to #,##0.00, the field contains
2,345.00, and the user attempts to change it to 12,345.00, the data is changed
to -1,345.00.
In an EditMask control with the same mask, if the user enters data manually,
only the number of characters specified in the mask can be entered. However,
if the data is specified using
em_1.text = "23450.00", which has more
characters than the mask, and the user attempts to add a 1 at the beginning, the
data is changed to -1,450.00. [CR 468410]
5.2.18 A single word in a static text control is divided into two parts
In a Web Forms application, when a static text control contains a single word,
the word may be displayed as two separate strings. This is caused by the way
the browser handles the control. [CR 466655]
5.2.19 Zoom works incorrectly for DataWindow objects in Web Forms
In Web Forms applications, if you reduce the zoom factor for a DataWindow
by setting its Zoom property, the DataWindow object is reduced in size, but the
text and data strings in the DataWindow are not reduced in size and can
therefore display with a cutoff appearance. The same thing occurs when you
set the DataWindow object’s Print.Preview.Zoom property. Also, in Web
Forms applications, the DataWindow object’s Print.Paper.Size property does
not work. [CR 490359]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.2.20 Inability to consume NVO .NET assemblies from Web Forms applications
Although PowerBuilder Web Forms can consume Web services that you create
with a .NET Web Service target, they cannot consume assemblies that you
create with a .NET Assembly target. These assemblies are dependent on the
Sybase.PowerBuilder.Win.DLL. If you try to call one of these assemblies from
a Web Forms application, PowerBuilder throws an exception. However, the
assemblies you create from a .NET Assembly target can work in a
PowerBuilder Windows Forms application, and they can be consumed from a
Visual Studio application. [CR 485449]
5.2.21 Clicking Cancel in a DataWindow dialog box changes the current row
In Web Forms applications, when you click Cancel in the Filter dialog box that
you open for a DataWindow, the current row in the DataWindow changes. This
also happens if you click Cancel from other DataWindow dialog boxes, such
as the Crosstab Definition dialog box. [CR 492630]
5.2.22 Negative number sign in EditMask cannot be deleted
If you enter a negative number in a number or decimal edit mask in a Web
Forms DataWindow, and then use mouse to select all characters in the edit
mask and delete them, the minus sign is not deleted. If you input a different
number, the number displays as a negative number. [CR 492236]
5.2.23 Modified event not immediately triggered on date selection in EditMask
If you change a date in a drop-down calendar in a Web Forms EditMask
control, PowerBuilder triggers the DateChanged event for the drop-down
calendar but does not trigger the Modified event of the EditMask in the same
postback. The Modified event is triggered, however, in a subsequent postback.
[CR 491988]
5.2.24 Flashing message while replacing a DataWindow object
The message “DataWindow object goes here” sometimes displays in a Web
Forms application if the application replaces one DataWindow object with
another, or if application users navigate to a different page of data in a current
DataWindow object. This message displays briefly, just prior to the rendering
of the new DataWindow object or page, but only when AJAX is enabled. If
you do not want this message to display, you can change the PBPostbackType
global property to "Synchronous" after you deploy your application.
[CR 489283]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 13
5.2.25 Opening a window or message box in a Resize or Select event
In Web Forms applications with AJAX enabled, opening a new window or
message box in a window Resize event or a menu Select event causes an
invalid operation exception. The error message indicates that an UpdatePanel
cannot be found. [CR 493538]
5.3 .NET Windows Forms issues
5.3.1 Only TrueType fonts supported
.NET Windows Forms applications support only TrueType fonts. Other fonts
are translated internally into a TrueType font. If you do not use a TrueType
font, the cursor does not display when you click in an EditMask control.
[CR 455453]
5.3.2 Special characters cause smart client installation to fail
A smart client application fails to install on the client computer if there are
special characters such as “&”, “%”, or “$” in the update or install location.
However, the publish process is successful and the publish.htm page can be
opened. The error message on the client is “Value does not fall within the
expected range.” This issue also occurs in Microsoft’s ClickOnce deployment.
To avoid this issue, ensure that you use only alphanumeric characters in names
and paths. [CR 464418]
5.3.3 Slow performance in Windows Forms debugger
When you debug a Windows Forms application and select the All Variables
view, the view takes a long time to open and display variables. [CR 451470]
5.3.4 OLE control properties not available in .NET
OLE control properties specified in the OLE Control properties dialog box in
PowerBuilder are not available when the application is deployed to .NET. For
a DatePicker control, the initial date and font size are therefore incorrect.
[CR 442851]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.3.5 Width of tabs in Tab controls
The width of the tabs in a tab control is greater in a Windows Forms application
than in a standard PowerBuilder application. This means that if a tab control is
sized so that all the tabs show in PowerBuilder, the last tab on the page might
not show when the application is deployed as a Windows Forms application.
[CR 466404]
5.3.6 Using InkEdit and InkPicture controls
The InkEdit and InkPicture controls in Windows Forms use the
Microsoft.Ink.dll from the Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Software
Development Kit 1.7. Microsoft has discovered some incompatibility issues
between this DLL and the .NET Framework 2.0. You can obtain an update to
address these issues from
Microsoft at
. [CR 423970]
5.3.7 Child window size not restored
If a child window is minimized, clicking the name of that window on the frame
window's Window menu does not restore the child window to the correct size
in a Windows Forms application. [CR 436535]
5.3.8 OverridePrintJob setting does not affect PrintDataWindow
Setting the Print.OverridePrintJob DataWindow object property to ‘yes’ has no
effect when you use
PrintDataWindow in a Windows Forms application.
[CR 466258]
5.3.9 EditMask appearance with lower BorderStyle setting
When you deploy Windows Forms applications with the No Manifest security
setting and use the three-dimensional StyleLowered! border style for EditMask
controls, the controls display at runtime with a classic Windows style rather
than the XP style—even on XP computers with Windows XP themes.
If you want an XP look for EditMask controls using the StyleLowered! border
style, you must deploy your Windows Forms applications with the Embedded
Manifest or External Manifest security setting. For the Embedded Manifest
setting, you must install the .NET SDK on the runtime computer. [CR 487836]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 15
5.3.10 Timing discrepancy for Windows Forms animation controls
In standard PowerBuilder applications, controls with animation properties
(such as “bottomroll” or “bottomslide”) that you place on a window start their
animation as the window opens. In Windows Forms applications, these
controls do not display until after the window opens. [CR 486259]
5.4 .NET Assembly and .NET Web service issues
5.4.1 Full build performed
If you select a single nonvisualobject to deploy as a .NET assembly, the full
library list of the target is rebuilt before the component is deployed.
[CR 447696]
5.4.2 NVO .NET Web service does not support exceptions
You cannot throw a user-defined exception in a .NET NVO Web service. Web
services throw only Soap exceptions. [CR 454093]
5.4.3 Changing virtual directory or IIS address requires additional changes
If you deploy a .NET Web service project successfully, then change the Web
service virtual directory or IIS address and redeploy, the service page fails to
launch. You must change the arguments on the Run page in the painter before
redeploying. [CR 439873]
5.5 Database connectivity issues
5.5.1 ASE ADO.NET provider 1.1.548.0 throws exception
If you execute a query that returns multiple rowsets, the Adaptive Server®
Enterprise (ASE) ADO.NET provider version 1.1.548.0 throws an exception
when calling the AseDataReader::GetSchemaTable method for the second
rowset. The exception is “System.ArgumentException: This row already
belongs to another table.” This exception is not thrown if you use version
1.1.475.0. [CR 453942]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.5.2 Value of bit column displays as -1 with SNC interface
To communicate with SQL Server, the SNC interface uses the Microsoft OLE
DB API, which returns VARIANT_BOOL for a bit datatype. If the value of the
StaticBind DBParm is 1, the SNC interface does not describe the columns and
does not do any data conversion. As a result, a bit column with the value 1
displays as -1 in a DataWindow. To work around this issue, set the StaticBind
DBParm to 0, which enables the SNC interface to convert the datatype
correctly. [CR 463142]
5.5.3 Pipeline execution with JDBC driver fails
Executing a pipeline with the destination ASE 12.5 when using the JDBC
driver fails with the database error 2762. [CR 338371]
5.5.4 Informix interface does not work with UTF-8
The IN9 Informix database interface cannot update and retrieve data when the
Informix server uses the UTF-8 character set. The interface works correctly
with ANSI and DBCS. [CR 349535]
5.5.5 Alter table limitations with OLE DB and Microsoft SQL Server
When you connect using OLE DB and change the name or width of a column
in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database using Alter Table in the Database
painter, the column is moved to the end of the table and all its data is lost. To
prevent this from occurring, PowerBuilder does not allow you to alter a table's
column name and column size. You can alter the table outside the painter using
ISQL scripts or at runtime using PowerScript® functions. [CR 348581]
5.5.6 Oracle stored procedures with output parameters
An Oracle stored procedure with output parameters produces an ORA-01036
error at runtime if you connect using ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC, or ADO.NET.
The stored procedure runs correctly using the Oracle native driver.
[CR 343297]
5.5.7 Connection issues with CnnPool
In the Database painter, attempting to connect to an Oracle9i or Oracle 10g
database from an Oracle9i client fails after a connect and disconnect if the
CnnPool database parameter is set to ‘Yes’. The Oracle9i client software does
not support connection pooling with PowerBuilder 10.0 or later. [CR 355639]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 17
5.5.8 UpdateBlob SQL statement supports only UTF-16LE
The UpdateBlob SQL statement updates garbage characters to the database if
the encoding of the blob variant is not UTF-16LE. For ASE, PowerBuilder
crashes if the encoding of the blob is ANSI or UTF-8 and it contains fewer than
10 characters. [CR 353231]
5.5.9 RPC calls with non-Unicode ASE database
PowerBuilder can access Unicode data in Unichar and Univarchar columns in
ASE databases that do not use a Unicode character set. You must set the UTF8
database parameter to 1 and configure the server to support both ASE direct
conversions and Unicode conversions.
To configure the server, the database administrator must run the following
sp_configure, "enable Unicode conversion", 1
Declare procedure calls work correctly with this configuration, but RPC calls
that use these columns are not currently supported. [CR 378850]
5.5.10 ASE version 15 with ODBC driver
When you connect to an ASE version 15 server using the Sybase ASE ODBC
NChar(10) and NVarChar(10) columns are saved as Char(10) and
VarChar(10). [CR 408710]
5.6 DataWindow issues
5.6.1 Retrieve in Web Service DataWindow requires connection
The first time you use PowerBuilder there is no default database connection.
When you create a Web Service DataWindow, you must select a database
profile before the DataWindow is created even though the Web Service
DataWindow does not use the profile. This also occurs with DataWindows that
use an external data source. [CR 439122]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.6.2 AutoSize Height issues with header band
When two reports are included one above the other in the header band of a
DataWindow object and the AutoSize.Height property is set to true for the
header band and false for the detail band, the DataWindow displays incorrectly
in preview. The lower report overlaps the upper report. The report displays
correctly if the Autosize.Height property is set to true in both the header and
detail bands. [CR 405033]
5.6.3 XSL-FOP save as PDF does not support graphic controls
Use the distill method to export the data in DataWindow objects that contain
graphic controls, such as ovals and rectangles, to PDF. The XSL-FOP method
does not work correctly for graphic controls. [CR 303829]
5.6.4 Save As PDF fails on Windows 2003 Server
Saving as PDF using the Distill method fails at runtime on Windows 2003
Server. This problem is caused by a Group Policy that by default disallows
installation of printers that use kernel-mode drivers. Kernel-mode drivers have
access to system-wide memory, and poorly written drivers can cause system
To allow installation of kernel-mode drivers, follow these steps:
1 Select Run from the Windows Start menu.
2 In the Open box, type gpedit.msc and click OK.
3 In the Group Policy console, expand Computer Configuration,
Administrative Templates, and Printers.
4 Disable “Disallow Installation of Printers Using Kernel-Mode Drivers.”
[CR 349868]
5.6.5 Calling GetItemNumber on DataStore with no rows
In Windows Forms, Web Forms, and standard applications, GetItemNumber
throws a RuntimeError instead of a DWRuntimeError when called on a
DataStore with no rows. [CR 452682]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 19
5.6.6 DataWindow objects cannot be rewritten in a PrintPage event
The PrintPage event for a DataWindow control recalculates DataWindow
pages before each page of a DataWindow object is formatted for printing.
However, you cannot use this event to modify the page number of the current
page or the remaining pages in the DataWindow. [CR 200650, CR 492844]
5.7 Decimal datatype support issues
5.7.1 Compiler error when maximum value assigned
Assigning the maximum value to a decimal variant without a decimal portion
causes a compiler error. [CR 380713]
5.7.2 Precision lost in message box
Precision is lost when you display a decimal variant with more than 16 bits in
a message box. [CR 390258]
5.8 EAServer issues
EAServer release bulletin
For additional EAServer issues, please refer to the release bulletin for the
version of EAServer that you are using on the
Sybase Product Manuals Web site
For migration issues related to EAServer, see “Migrating EAServer targets” on
page 36.
5.8.1 Connection to SQL Anywhere JDBC connection cache fails
Connecting to a SQL Anywhere 10.0 JDBC connection cache in EAServer
6.0.x throws a runtime exception. This is caused by a difference between
Adaptive Server® Anywhere (ASA) 9.x and SQL Anywhere 10.0.
To prepare a SQL Anywhere database for use with jConnect™ for JDBC™,
you need to install additional tables and stored procedures by executing a SQL
script. The sql_asa.sql file installed with EAServer 6.0.x in the
extras\jconnect-6.05\sp directory is intended for use with ASA 9.x and
references a property, File Version, that is not supported in SQL Anywhere
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
To solve this issue, execute the jcatalog.sql file in the scripts directory in the
SQL Anywhere installation directory on the destination SQL Anywhere 10.0
database instead of executing sql_asa.sql. For more information about
deprecated features in SQL Anywhere 10.0, see the
SQL Anywhere 10 -
Changes and Upgrading book at
. [CR 471640, CR 483184]
5.9 JSP issues
5.9.1 Column link problems with non-English characters
In a Web DataWindow DTC, if a column link property is set on a string column
that contains Unicode data (non-English characters) and the value of this
column is passed as a parameter to a target page, the target page does not
display the Unicode data in the parameter value correctly. The data is displayed
as garbage characters. This is caused by a defect in Internet Explorer.
[CR 359511]
5.10 Menu and toolbar issues
5.10.1 Stock file image size inconsistent
In contemporary menus and toolbars, stock files and external files with
multiple images are loaded differently. For stock files, PowerBuilder loads
32x32 images first. For external files, PowerBuilder loads 16x16 images first.
PowerBuilder stock files include two types of files: BMP and ICO. Most BMP
files have 16x16 images, and most ICO files have both 16x16 and 32x32
images. When you use a stock file, the BMP file is loaded with the 16x16
image but the ICO file is loaded with the 32x32 image. As a result the size of
the stock image used is inconsistent. [CR 421716]
5.10.2 RightToLeft property not supported
The RightToLeft property is not supported in menus and toolbars. [CR 395702]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 21
5.10.3 Display issues with some drivers
With some display card drivers, if you highlight a menu item with the mouse,
a white block displays under the mouse point and is moved when you move the
mouse. This is a limitation of the display card drivers and cannot be fixed in
PowerBuilder. There are two techniques that might solve the issue:
1 In the Windows control panel, open the Mouse Properties dialog box and
clear the Enable Pointer Shadow check box on the Pointers tab.
The pointer shadow feature has known problems working with many
graphical features and programs including OpenGL, GDI+, many video
games, Jaws, VMWare, and Virtual PC.
2 In the Windows control panel, open the Display Properties dialog box and
click the Advanced button on the Settings tab page. On the
Troubleshooting tab page, decrease the hardware acceleration level by
dragging the slider towards the left. Note that decreasing the hardware
acceleration level affects display performance.
[CR 414452]
5.11 PowerDesigner plug-in issues
5.11.1 OLE controls are not supported
Code for OLE controls is not generated when you reverse-engineer a
PowerBuilder target to an OOM. [CR 359805]
5.11.2 Case sensitivity in external function names
When you reverse-engineer and then regenerate a PowerBuilder application,
an external function with a case-sensitive name such as
fails. The workaround is to specify an alias for the function, for example:
public function ulong GetCurrentDirectoryW (ulong
textlen, ref string dirtext) library "KERNEL32.dll"
alias for "GetCurrentDirectoryW"
[CR 358442]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.12 Rich text control issues
5.12.1 Scroll issues when input fields bound to DataStore
At runtime, if you insert input fields in a RichTextEdit control and bind the data
source to a DataStore, then call
ScrollNextRow or ScrollNextPage, the cursor
disappears and you cannot scroll the DataWindow as expected. [CR 419757]
5.12.2 UTF-8 encoding in rich text control
If you insert an HTML file with UTF-8 encoding in a rich text control, the file
does not display correctly unless the character set is indicated. In a future
release, the encoding will be determined from the byte order mark of the
HTML file, and it will not be necessary to indicate the character set.
[CR 415495]
5.13 SCC issues
5.13.1 Adding an object to SCC whose name contains non-English characters
When you put a workspace that supports multiple languages under source
control and attempt to add all files to SCC, PowerBuilder crashes if one or
more of the object names contain non-English characters. [CR 342590]
5.14 Vista issues
For more information about using PowerBuilder and deploying PowerBuilder
applications on the Windows Vista operating system, see the Vista support
section in the What’s New Help.
5.14.1 Run PowerBuilder as administrator
If an application is run without administrative privileges, Vista restricts it from
writing to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree in the registry, the Program
Files directory, and the Windows directory. Instead, changes are written to a
writable area in the registry and to the user’s local directory. This is referred to
as virtualization. To avoid the issues that would result from this behavior, on
Vista, you must start PowerBuilder with administrative privileges by right
clicking pb110.exe in the Start menu or Explorer and selecting Run As
Administrator from its pop-up menu.
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 23
You must also run PowerBuilder tools, such as the Runtime Packager, with
administrative privileges. [CR 475612, CR 480682]
5.14.2 Windows Help files
Windows Vista does not distribute the WinHelp32.exe file required to open
Windows Help files such as the pbhlp110.hlp file used in PowerBuilder. To use
.hlp files, download and install a special Vista version of WinHelp32.exe from
Microsoft Web site at
Compiled HTML Help (.chm) files are supported, but you need to edit the
Windows registry to enable a Help macro that supports links from the
pbhlp110.hlp file to the pbman110.chm file. If you do not edit the registry, the
“For more information” links at the bottom of many topics in the Windows
Help display an error.
You also need to edit the registry to run Windows Help files at a remote
location on an intranet.
Registry reflection on 64-bit Windows
64-bit versions of Windows use registry reflection to maintain a 32-bit registry
view and a 64-bit registry view. On 64-bit Windows, configuration information
related to 32-bit applications is stored in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432node registry hive.
To enable Windows Help macros and remote access on Vista:
1 Create the following registry key.
On 32-bit Windows:
On 64-bit Windows:
2 Add a new DWORD value with the name AllowProgrammaticMacros and
the value 1.
3 Add a new DWORD value with the name AllowIntranetAccess and the
value 1.
You can also add this support by saving the following lines in Notepad to a file
with the extension .reg and importing it into the registry.
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
On 32-bit Windows:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
On 64-bit Windows:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Microsoft prohibits the distribution of WinHelp32.exe with deployed
applications. If your application uses .hlp files, you should provide your users
with instructions on how to download WinHelp32.exe. For more information,
the Microsoft support site at
[CR 477251]
5.14.3 Setting default to true for a menu item at runtime
When you set the default property for a menu item to true at runtime on a Vista
computer, only part of the menu item name displays. On Windows XP
operating systems, setting the default property to true correctly bolds the menu
item name. [CR 488659]
5.14.4 Saving as PDF on Vista fails
The correct versions of Microsoft PostScript printer driver files must be
available in the drivers directory when a file is saved as PDF using the Distill
method. The Microsoft PostScript printer driver files, PSCRIPT5.DLL,
PS5UI.DLL, and pscript.ntf, used for saving DataWindows as PDF, are no
longer distributed with PowerBuilder due to licensing issues.
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 25
If you (and your users) have installed a PostScript printer, the PostScript driver
files required to create PDF files are already installed. Typical locations are
C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86 on Windows XP,
where xxxxxxxx is a system-specific identifier, in the I386 subdirectory on
32-bit Vista and the Amd64 subdirectory on 64-bit Vista. You must use the
version of these files that is appropriate to the system where the PDF file is
created. Copy the files to the Shared\PowerBuilder\drivers directory.
[CR 445530]
5.14.5 JSP targets
On the Vista operating system, you can create a JSP target and a JSP page, but
the component used to implement the HTML Editors Page view and its
built-in Script editor is not supported on the Vista operating system, therefore
JSP targets are not supported on Vista.
5.14.6 Controls that use calendars
The Vista operating system does not support several properties for the
DatePicker, EditMask, and MonthCalendar controls and the drop-down
calendar in a DataWindow column. The following properties are not supported
on Vista:
DatePicker: CalendarBackColor, CalendarFontName,
CalendarFontWeight, CalendarItalic, CalendarTextColor,
CalendarTextSize, CalendarTitleBackColor, CalendarTitleTextColor,
CalendarTrailingTextColor, CalendarUnderLine
EditMask: CalendarBackColor, CalendarTextColor,
CalendarTitleBackColor, CalendarTitleTextColor,
MonthCalendar: FaceName, MonthBackColor, TextColor, TextSize,
TitleBackColor, TitleTextColor, TrailingTextColor, Underline
Column controls in DataWindow objects with a drop-down calendar
EditMask style: DDCal_BackColor, DDCal_TextColor,
DDCal_TitleBackColor, DDCal_TitleTextColor,
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
In addition, the Vista operating system does not support the WeekNumbers
property for the DatePicker control. When this property is true, the DatePicker
control is not displayed correctly. The same limitation applies to the
MonthCalendar control when WeekNumbers is true and Autosize is false.
[CR 471379]
5.14.7 Using Web Forms targets on 64-bit systems
If you create a new Web Forms target on a Vista 64-bit system, when you
launch the deployed target in Internet Explorer, you might receive an error that
the application cannot be loaded. To resolve this issue, start 32-bit ASP.NET
on the server using the following command line. You must run this command
as Administrator:
cscript c:\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET
W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1
5.14.8 Running Web Forms applications may fail on 64-bit Vista
On 64-bit Vista, running a Web Forms application sometimes fails with the
error “Server error in ‘/’ Application.” This can occur if a virtual directory was
not created for the application. To run the application successfully, open IIS
Manager on the server by running the command
inetmgr. Locate the folder for
the application under Default Web Site, right-click on the application folder,
and select Convert to Application from the pop-up menu. [CR 484872]
5.14.9 Connecting to Oracle from the PowerBuilder IDE on 64-bit systems
On Vista 64-bit platforms, PowerBuilder is installed by default into a directory
for 32-bit programs. When you install PowerBuilder in the default directory
and try to connect to Oracle from the PowerBuilder IDE, you might encounter
the following error message: “ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect
identifier specified.” To avoid this error and enable connections to Oracle
databases from the PowerBuilder IDE, you must make sure the
ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set correctly. [CR 489621]
5.14.10 Web Forms deployment fails if IIS compatibility component not installed
If you deploy a Web Forms application to a remote server running IIS 7, or if
you publish a smart client application to a local or remote server running IIS 7,
the Vista Metabase Compatibility component of IIS 7 must be installed on the
server. This component is not installed by default. It is not required to deploy
a Web Forms application to a local server.
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 27
You can install it from the Programs and Features page in the Windows control
panel. Select Turn Windows features on or off, then select Internet Information
Services>Web Management Tools>IIS 6 Management Compatibility>IIS
Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility [CR 445617]
5.14.11 Repeated right-clicking collapses the items in a TreeView DataWindow
When you right-click on a TreeView DataWindow and select ExpandAll and
CollapseAll several times in a Web Forms application that you deploy to Vista,
the expanded TreeView items can collapse automatically. [CR 491807]
5.14.12 DataWindow title bar issues with Vista
In standard PowerBuilder and Windows Forms applications, clicking the
Control Menu, Maximize, or Minimize buttons on the title bar of a
DataWindow control changes the display characteristics and position on Vista.
[CR 472402]
5.14.13 mailGetMessages function fails on Vista
The mailGetMessages function does not return mail messages on the Vista
operating system. This is caused by a deficiency in the Windows Simple MAPI
(SMAPI) interface. For more information, see the
Microsoft Support Web site at
. [CR 479872]
5.14.14 PrintSetupPrinter function fails on 64-bit Vista
The PrintSetupPrinter function does not display the printer setup dialog box on
the 64-bit version of the Vista operating system. This is caused by a known
code defect in the Microsoft XPS Document Writer DLL mxdwdui.dll. The
DLL file prematurely frees the shell32.dll library and caused a window class to
be unregistered. When the printer dialog box UI tries to create a window with
the unregistered class, it fails and the dialog box fails to display.
You can display a printer properties dialog box using the following command
line, where printer name is the name of the printer and must be enclosed in
quotation marks. You must run the command from the \Windows\sysWow64
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /n "printer name" /p
[CR 477598]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.15 Web services issues
5.15.1 Using a trace tool with .NET Web services
Although you can still use the built-in SOAP logging option with EasySoap
Web services, PowerBuilder does not provide the same option with .NET Web
services. Instead, you can use a third-party tool to trace .NET proxy calls for
debugging purposes. There are two kinds of trace tools you can use:
TCP trace (tunnel) tool This type of tool listens to a specified hostname
and port, and transfers all incoming calls to a specified endpoint. An
example of this type of tool is TCPTrace, available from the
Web site at
To use this type of tool, you must set the endpoint explicitly in the
CreateInstance function. For example, if the original endpoint is and the trace tool has been set to
listen to localhost:6060, then you can code something like the following to
enable tracing:
“syb_NETproxy”, “http://localhost:6060/testWebService”)
Proxy trace tool This type of tool works as a proxy server. In
PowerBuilder, you can set the proxy server using
SetProxyServer or
SetProxyServerOptions. An example of this type of tool is ProxyTrace,
available from the
PocketSoap Web site at
[CR 419815]
5.15.2 Structures with array members
Calling a PowerBuilder custom class user object Web service that passes or
returns a structure of arrays can fail. [CR 407611]
5.15.3 SOAP header cannot be modified in an EasySoap Web service
User authentication security in an EasySoap Web service cannot be
implemented because this security must be included in the <soap:Header>
section, which cannot be modified in PowerBuilder. [CR 351464, CR 356856]
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 5. Known problems
Release Bulletin for Windows 29
5.15.4 Web services client raises exception with machine code
If a Web services client application is built as a machine-code executable, and
a Web service proxy function has an array of
longlong and double datatypes as
an argument, calling this function raises an exception. A Pcode executable
works correctly. [CR 360444]
5.15.5 EasySoap Web services do not support some built-in datatypes
PowerBuilder EasySoap Web services do not support the anyType and ur-type
XML Schema built-in datatypes. [CR 341513]
5.16 Other issues
5.16.1 PowerTips using the XP style
Some window controls, such as Pictures, PictureButtons, and
PictureHyperLinks, can display PowerTip text. When the cursor is on the
control, the tip text displays but disappears after several seconds. Moving the
cursor from the control to another control with PowerTip text and back again
causes the tip to display again, but moving the cursor from the control to the
window background or a control without PowerTip text and back does not.
This problem is caused by a Microsoft issue with Comctrl32 Version 6.
[CR 403814]
5.16.2 PBNI objects not found at runtime
A call to the PBDOM_OBJECT GetContent function works correctly in the
development environment but fails at runtime with the error, “Error calling
method of a PBNI object.” This occurs because the object cannot be found. The
workaround is to reference all PBDOM and PBNI objects in PowerScript code
so that they are included in the executable file. [CR 343299]
5.16.3 TipWatch on PowerBuilder extension variable causes crash
If you declare a variable of a type defined in a PowerBuilder extension, such
as SOAPConnection, and place the cursor over this variable to check its
TipWatch value while debugging, PowerBuilder crashes. [CR 435759]
5. Known problems PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
5.16.4 Truncated string in saved EMF file
If a string in a text control in a DataWindow object is longer than can be
displayed in the control in the Design view in the DataWindow painter, an EMF
file saved in the painter or at runtime displays with the string truncated.
[CR 342797]
5.16.5 Throws clause removed from menu events when menu item is moved
If you add a user-defined event to a menu item and specify in the Prototype
window that the event throws an exception, and then move the menu item to
another location, the Throws box in the Prototype window is cleared.
[CR 290236]
5.16.6 String formatting function not Unicode enabled
The String function used to format a string does not have an encoding argument
to allow you to specify the encoding of the resulting string. As a result, the
string returned can contain garbage characters.
To work around this issue, convert the string to a blob and then back to a string
using the encoding parameters provided in the
Blob and String conversion
ls_temp = String(long, "address" ) // format string
lb_blob = blob(ls_temp, EncodingUTF16LE!)
ls_result = string(lb_blob, EncodingANSI!) // convert
// to string
[CR 361568]
5.16.7 ActiveX control compiled in Visual C++ causes crash
If an ActiveX control placed on a window was compiled using Visual C++
.NET 2003 (version 7.1), PowerBuilder might crash when you attempt to save
the window. The problem is caused by a known bug in the Microsoft
Foundation Classes. A patch is available from Microsoft. See the
Support Web site at
. [CR 350660]
5.16.8 Web ActiveX download fails on Windows XP
The DataWindow Web Control for ActiveX fails to download its CAB file to a
client browser running on Windows XP if the Microsoft Active Template
Library (ATL) module, atl71.dll, is not present in the Windows\System32
directory. The CAB file downloads successfully if the ATL DLL is present.
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 6. Product compatibilities
Release Bulletin for Windows 31
5.16.9 Some PSR files must be regenerated
PSR files created in builds of PowerBuilder 10.0 or 10.0.1 prior to EBF build
6044 cannot be opened in PowerBuilder or InfoMaker® 11.2. You must
regenerate the PSR file in a later build. [CR 386984]
5.16.10 Legend values do not change when changing graph type
At runtime, when you change a graph type to or from a Pie graph type, the
values in the legend do not change. [CR 452581]
6. Product compatibilities
6.1 Application Servers
PowerBuilder 11.2 has been tested with EAServer 5.5 patched with EBFs
13993 and 14146, and EAServer 6.1.
PowerBuilder 11.2 does not support the current version of the PowerBuilder
Application Server Plug-in that runs in JBoss, WebLogic, and WebSphere
application servers. However, future releases of PowerBuilder will include
support for the plug-in. Information about the PowerBuilder Application
Server Plug-in is available on the
Sybase Web site at
6.2 SQL Anywhere
PowerBuilder 11.2 has been tested with SQL Anywhere® 10.0.1 and the SQL
Anywhere 10.0.1 Runtime Edition.
6.3 PowerDesigner
PowerBuilder 11.2 has been tested with PowerDesigner® 12.5.
6.4 Microsoft .NET Framework
PowerBuilder 11.2 is compatible with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0.
7. Third-party components and deployment PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
6.5 Java
PowerBuilder 11.2 is compatible with JDK 1.5.
6.6 Apache Tomcat
PowerBuilder 11.2 JSP targets have been tested with Apache Tomcat 4.1.30.
6.7 Ghostscript
The DataWindow Save as PDF feature has been tested with AFPL Ghostscript
version 8.60.
7. Third-party components and deployment
PowerBuilder applications have some dependencies on third-party
components that are installed with PowerBuilder. Most of these components
are not installed with the PowerBuilder Runtime Packager. You may
redistribute some of these components with your application, but others must
be obtained from the vendor.
For information about components that can be freely downloaded, see the free
download terms document. A copy of this document is located in the Support
directory on the DVD and on
the Sybase Web site at
7.1 Apache files
You may redistribute Apache files included with PowerBuilder to your users.
Any use or distribution of the Apache code included with PowerBuilder 11
must comply with the terms of the Apache License which is located in the free
download terms document for PowerBuilder 11.
Version 0.20.4 of the Apache Formatting Objects Processor (FOP) is required
if your application uses XSL-FO to save files as PDF. For more information
about FOP, see
the Apache FOP Web site at
The Apache Xerces files xerces-c_2_6.dll and xerces-depdom_2_6.dll
required for XML Web DataWindow support, XML support for DataWindows and
DataStores, PBDOM, and SOAP clients for Web services. For more information about
Xerces, see
the Xerces C++ Parser Web site at
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 7. Third-party components and deployment
Release Bulletin for Windows 33
7.2 Microsoft files
When you deploy the core PowerBuilder runtime files, you must ensure that
the msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll Microsoft C/C++ 7.1 runtime libraries and the
Microsoft .NET Active Template Library (ATL) module, atl71.dll, are present
on the user’s computer or server.
The PowerBuilder runtime files have a runtime dependency on these files and
they are required for all applications and components that require the
PowerBuilder runtime, including PowerBuilder .NET Web Forms
applications, but Microsoft does not allow them to be redistributed with the
Runtime Packager.
The Microsoft DLLs may already be installed on the server or the user’s
computer. atl71.dll is installed with some operating systems but is not installed
with Windows Server 2003. For more information about obtaining atl71.dll,
see the
Microsoft Web site at
Files must be installed before running MSI file
Some files installed by the MSI file generated by the PowerBuilder Runtime
Packager have dependencies on these files. For example, atl71.dll must be
installed on the users computer before the pbjvm110.dll can be registered.
Make sure these files are on the target computer before you run the MSI file
generated by the Runtime Packager.
Microsoft.Ink, Microsoft.Ink.dll, and Microsoft.Resources.dll are required if
your application uses InkEdit and InkPicture controls. These files are part of
the Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Software Development Kit 1.7,
which is available on the
Microsoft Web site at
Microsoft has discovered some incompatibility issues between these DLLs and
the .NET Framework 2.0. You can obtain an update to address these issues
Microsoft at
PowerBuilder .NET Web Forms can use Internet Explorer Web Controls to
display the Tab, TreeView, and Toolbar controls. If you want to use these
controls instead of the default RadControls, you can download IE Web
Controls from the
Microsoft Web site at
. For detailed information
about installing the controls, see Deploying Applications and Components to
8. Documentation updates and clarifications PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
7.3 Sun Microsystems files
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required for JSP targets, EJB clients,
JDBC connections, and saving as PDF using XSL-FO. For a copy of
third-party terms and conditions for the JRE, see the free download terms
document.The JRE can be downloaded from the
Sun Developer Network at
7.4 Software used for SOAP clients for Web services
PowerBuilder includes the EasySoap++ library in executable form in
EasySoap110.dll, which is dynamically linked to PBSoapClient110.pbx. The
EasySoap++ library and its use are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL). For a copy of this license, see the free download terms
You may distribute the EasySoap++ library to third parties subject to the terms
and conditions of the LGPL. Please read the LGPL prior to any such
The complete machine-readable source code for the EasySoap++ library is
provided in the file in the Support\WSExtn folder on the DVD. In
addition, the object code and Microsoft Visual C++ project file for the
PBSoapClient110.pbx are provided in the file in the same
These files are provided under the terms of the LGPL so that you can modify
the EasySoap++ library and then relink to produce a modified
EasySoap110.dll. You can also relink PBSoapClient110.pbx with the modified
EasySoap++ import library. According to the terms of the LPGL, it is
understood that you will not necessarily be able to recompile
PBSoapClient110.pbx to use the definitions you have modified in the
EasySoap++ library.
Follow the instructions in the Readme.txt file in the file to build
8. Documentation updates and clarifications
The following books have been updated on the Sybase Product Manuals Web
site for PowerBuilder 11.2:
New Features
Deploying Applications and Components to .NET
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 9. Migration information
Release Bulletin for Windows 35
For other books in the documentation set, refer to the PowerBuilder 11.0 and
11.1 collections on the Sybase Product Manuals Web site or the online Help.
8.1 PostScript print driver setup
The section on installing PostScript printer drivers in the Installation Guide
lists the HP Color LaserJet PS and the HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 as
examples. However, the HP Color LaserJet PS does not display images in PDF
output and the HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 displays color images using
greyscale. The ADIST5 printer driver installed in the
Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\drivers directory and the HP LaserJet Series
4050 PS printer display images in the PDF output correctly.
8.2 Description for number and currency masks in Users Guide
The Users Guide (in the HTML Help) incorrectly notes that if you want
number and currency values to display with the regional formatting of each
country where an application is deployed, “DataWindow expressions and the
masks used in display formats and edit masks require U.S. notation for
numbers.” Due to customer requests, this has been modified so that display
formats and edit masks always use the formatting that you enter for numbers
and currency, including when you use U.S. notation for numbers or symbols.
Changing the regional settings of the operating system does not modify the
formatting displayed for numbers and currency at runtime.
9. Migration information
You can migrate a PowerBuilder application from any version of PowerBuilder
directly to any later version. Before you migrate to a later version, read this
section and the following Technical Document to learn about changes in
PowerBuilder that might affect your application:
Migrating PowerBuilder
Applications at
Back up your files and use the Migration Assistant to identify obsolete code
before you migrate.
The applications that you build using this version of PowerBuilder must be
deployed with the PowerBuilder runtime DLLs from this version.
9. Migration information PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
9.1 Migrating .NET targets from earlier releases of PowerBuilder
If you deployed .NET projects from earlier releases of PowerBuilder, you must
make sure to complete the following steps before redeploying the same
projects from PowerBuilder 11.2:
For .NET Web Forms and .NET Web Service targets, you must install
AJAX extensions on development computers and production servers
You can download and install the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Extensions
version 1.0 from the
ASP.NET Web site at
For .NET Web Forms and .NET Windows Forms projects, select “Full” for
the project rebuild type before you redploy your applications from
PowerBuilder 11.2 for the first time
For .NET Web Forms and .NET Web Service targets, clear ASP.NET
temporary files for the application or component on development
computers and production servers. The temporary files are located in the
ASP.NET Files\projectName directory, where version is typically
v2.0.50727, and projectName is the project’s Web application name or its
Web service virtual directory name
For all .NET targets, uninstall earlier versions of PowerBuilder runtime
files (system assemblies and win32 DLLs) on all deployment computers
or servers, then install the PowerBuilder 11.2 runtime files using the
Runtime Packager or another tool, as described in the “Checklist for
deployment” section of the Deploying Applications and Components to
.NET book
9.2 Migrating EAServer targets
In PowerBuilder 11, the EAServer Component target wizard creates a
specialized EAServer target instead of an Application target. After you migrate
an existing EAServer target to PowerBuilder 11, you cannot start the remote
debugger to debug the target unless you open the Project painter and select the
Debug menu or toolbar item, or select Debug from the project’s pop-up menu
in the System Tree. To ensure that your target behaves correctly, you should use
the EAServer Component target wizard to create a new EAServer target, select
“Use an existing library and EAServer component project” in the wizard, and
select your migrated library and component.
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 9. Migration information
Release Bulletin for Windows 37
9.3 Migrating components to EAServer 6.0.1 or later
Intercomponent calls from a PowerBuilder component running in EAServer
6.0.1 require proxies for all called components. With earlier versions of
EAServer, a PowerBuilder component is sometimes able to call another
PowerBuilder component running in the same server without the use of a
proxy, because the PowerBuilder VM creates a proxy for the component
dynamically using method names that match the names of the component's
In EAServer 6.0.1 and later, PowerBuilder components are wrapped as EJBs,
providing an extra layer of security and preventing the PowerBuilder VM from
generating a proxy with names that match the component's method names
dynamically. Therefore, you must create a proxy object for all components you
invoke with intercomponent calls. Without a proxy object, the
TransactionServer object cannot obtain the correct method names of the
component you are calling.
9.4 Creating an EJB client application for EAServer 6.x
Building EJB client applications for EJBs running in EAServer 6.x requires
you to take some additional steps when you create the EJB client proxy and
when you create the client.
.NET clients for EAServer components
PowerBuilder installs the EAServer 6.1 DLLs, and, in the GAC on the development computer, and requires
these DLLs on runtime computers for applications that access EAServer
components from .NET targets. You can use the Runtime Packager to place
these DLLs in the GAC on deployment computers. However, if you
subsequently upgrade EAServer from the 6.1 version, you must copy the
upgraded DLLs from the EAServer/Lib directory to the GAC of all computers
that use the upgraded version. If you then run or rerun the Runtime Packager,
you must also recopy the upgraded DLLs to the GAC, since the Runtime
Packager will overwrite any version upgrades that you make to these DLLs.
To generate a proxy for an EJB deployed to EAServer 6.x:
1 Copy the packagename directory from the
%DJC_HOME%\deploy\ejbjars\ directory on the server to the client
computer, where packagename is the package that contains the EJB you
want to use.
9. Migration information PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
2 Add this directory to the Classpath on the Select EJB Component dialog
box in the EJB Proxy Project painter.
3 Generate the proxy.
To create an EJB client application for an EJB deployed to EAServer 6.x:
1 Copy the eas-server-14.jar file (or eas-server-15.jar if you are using JDK
1.5.x) from the %DJC_HOME%\lib directory to the client computer and
include its full path in the client’s classpath.
2 Copy the stub files from %DJC_HOME%\genfiles\java\classes\ directory
to the client computer and include this path in the client’s classpath.
3 Copy the packagename directory from the
%DJC_HOME%\deploy\ejbjars\ directory on the server to the client
computer, where packagename is the package that contains the EJB you
want to use and include this path in the client’s classpath.
If you copied these files and directories to a directory on the client called
EAServer6, and you want to use an EJB in the datamapping package, the
client classpath setting might look like this:
9.5 PowerBuilder system types as variable names in proxies
In PowerBuilder 10.5 and later versions, system types cannot be used as
variable names in Web service proxies. If a PowerBuilder system type is used
as a variable name, the Web Service Proxy wizard renames the variable by
applying the prefix
ws_. If you are migrating Web service applications from
PowerBuilder 10.2 or earlier and regenerating the Web service proxies in
PowerBuilder 10.5 or later, your code may need to be modified to reflect the
change in variable names.
PowerBuilder system types include not only the objects and controls listed on
the System tab page in the PowerBuilder Browser, but also the enumerated
types listed on the Enumerated page in the Browser, such as band, button,
encoding, location, and weekday. For example, if you build a Web service from
a PowerBuilder custom class user object, and one of its functions has a
argument named location, in the proxy generated for that Web service, the
argument is changed to
string ws_location.
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 10. Technical support
Release Bulletin for Windows 39
9.6 OLE DB performance with Microsoft SQL Server
In PowerBuilder 10.5.2 and later, when you use the OLE DB database interface
with a Microsoft SQL Server database and retrieve data into a DataWindow or
use an embedded SQL cursor in a
SELECT statement, server-side cursors are
used to support multiple command execution. If this has a negative impact on
performance, try increasing the size of the Block database parameter to 500 or
more, or adding the following line to the [Microsoft SQL Server] section in the
PBODB initialization file to turn off server-side cursors:
ServerCursor = 'NO'
9.7 ImportFile size limit
PowerBuilder 10.0 and later versions are Unicode enabled. If your application
uses the
ImportFile method to import very large text files (approximately
839,000 lines) into a DataWindow or DataStore,
ImportFile returns the error
code -15. Larger text files could be imported in ANSI versions of
10. Technical support
Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more
designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If
you have any questions about this installation or if you need assistance during
the installation process, ask the designated person to contact Sybase Technical
Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.
11. Other sources of information
Use the Sybase Getting Started CD, the SyBooks™ CD, and the Sybase
Product Manuals Web site to learn more about your product:
The Getting Started CD contains release bulletins and installation guides
in PDF format, and may also contain other documents or updated
information not included on the SyBooks CD. It is included with your
software. To read or print documents on the Getting Started CD, you need
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download at no charge from the
Adobe Web site using a link provided on the CD.
The SyBooks CD contains product manuals and is included with your
software. The Eclipse-based SyBooks browser allows you to access the
manuals in an easy-to-use, HTML-based format.
11. Other sources of information PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
Some documentation may be provided in PDF format, which you can
access through the PDF directory on the SyBooks CD. To read or print the
PDF files, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Refer to the SyBooks Installation Guide on the Getting Started CD, or the
README.txt file on the SyBooks CD for instructions on installing and
starting SyBooks.
The Sybase Product Manuals Web site is an online version of the SyBooks
CD that you can access using a standard Web browser. In addition to
product manuals, you will find links to EBFs/Maintenance, Technical
Documents, Case Management, Solved Cases, newsgroups, and the
Sybase Developer Network.
To access the Sybase Product Manuals Web site, go to
Product Manuals at
11.1 Sybase certifications on the Web
Technical documentation at the Sybase Web site is updated frequently.
Finding the latest information on product certifications
1 Point your Web browser to Technical Documents at
2 Click Certification Report.
3 In the Certification Report filter select a product, platform, and timeframe
and then click Go.
4 Click a Certification Report title to display the report.
Finding the latest information on component certifications
1 Point your Web browser to Availability and Certification Reports at
2 Either select the product family and product under Search by Base
Product; or select the platform and product under Search by Platform.
3 Select Search to display the availability and certification report for the
PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2 11. Other sources of information
Release Bulletin for Windows 41
Creating a personalized view of the Sybase Web site (including support
Set up a MySybase profile. MySybase is a free service that allows you to create
a personalized view of Sybase Web pages.
1 Point your Web browser to
Technical Documents at
2 Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile.
11.2 Sybase EBFs and software maintenance
Finding the latest information on EBFs and software maintenance
1 Point your Web browser to the Sybase Support Page at
2 Select EBFs/Maintenance. If prompted, enter your MySybase user name
and password.
3 Select a product.
4 Specify a time frame and click Go. A list of EBF/Maintenance releases is
Padlock icons indicate that you do not have download authorization for
certain EBF/Maintenance releases because you are not registered as a
Technical Support Contact. If you have not registered, but have valid
information provided by your Sybase representative or through your
support contract, click Edit Roles to add the “Technical Support Contact”
role to your MySybase profile.
5 Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Maintenance report, or click the
product description to download the software.
12. Accessibility features PowerBuilder Enterprise 11.2
Release Bulletin for Windows
12. Accessibility features
This document is available in an HTML version that is specialized for
accessibility. You can navigate the HTML with an adaptive technology such as
a screen reader, or view it with a screen enlarger.
PowerBuilder 11.2 and the HTML documentation have been tested for
compliance with U.S. government Section 508 Accessibility requirements.
Documents that comply with Section 508 generally also meet non-U.S.
accessibility guidelines, such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
guidelines for Web sites.
Note You might need to configure your accessibility tool for optimal use.
Some screen readers pronounce text based on its case; for example, they
pronounce ALL UPPERCASE TEXT as initials, and MixedCase Text as
words. You might find it helpful to configure your tool to announce syntax
conventions. Consult the documentation for your tool.
For information about how Sybase supports accessibility, see
Accessibility at
. The Sybase Accessibility
site includes links to information on Section 508 and W3C standards.
For more information about accessibility features of PowerBuilder, see the
chapter on building accessible applications in Application Techniques.
For a Section 508 compliance statement for PowerBuilder, go to the
Product Assessment Templates page at