Office of the State Treasurer
Debt Management System
Disaster Recovery Plan
Release <1.4>
Acceptance of Disaster and Recovery Plan Deliverable
Office of The State Treasurer
Accepted by: Accepted by:
Office Of The State Treasurer
Project Manager
Office Of The State Treasurer
Revision History
Draft (Version 1.0)
Version 1.1
Version 1.2 (Revisions)
Version 1.3 (Revisions)
Version 1.4 (Revisions) [FINAL]
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Objectives 5
2. Production and Standby Server Configuration 6
The following is the configuration for the Production Database Server and
Application Server: 7
3. Traditional Backup vs Standby Server 8
4. Overview of Oracle Standby Database 9
5. DMS Disaster Recovery Implementation 9
6. DMS Disaster Recovery Maintenance 12
7. DMS Disaster Recovery Operation 13
8. Return to Normal Operations 17
9. Test Plans 19
10. Vendor Support 22
11. Technical References 23
1. Introduction and Objectives
Debt Management System (DMS) is a web-based multi-tiered application: Its core components
are the Oracle Database and Application Server; therefore, the main focus of this document
describes the process of backing up and protecting an Oracle database; the development and
implementation of the Debt Management System’s Disaster Recovery Plan (DMS-DRP) should
be part of STO’s day-to-day activities.
The primary objective of the DMS DRP is to enable STO to survive a disaster (as defined in the
STO Enterprise Disaster Recovery Document) and continue close-to-normal servicing and
operations. The two most important requirements are:
To restore and make accessible to end users the critical and vital operating environments
and data described in the DMS-DRP within 48 hours of a disaster declaration
To assist STO in accomplishing a speedy, orderly return to normal production operations,
while complying with the Department of Information Technology (DOIT) standards
In order to survive, the organization must assure that critical operations can resume/continue
normal processing. Throughout the recovery effort, the plan establishes clear lines of authority
and prioritizes work efforts. The key objectives of the contingency plan should be to:
Continue critical business operations
Minimize the duration of a serious disruption to operations and resources (both
information processing and other resources)
Facilitate effective co-ordination of recovery tasks
Reduce the complexity of the recovery effort
Document a detailed process so that if the system is operational, there is a process
identified to walk the user through getting the system back up
The roles and responsibilities for STO IT staff for the execution of the disaster recovery plan
will be as defined in the Enterprise Disaster Plan for STO. Staff from the STO IT and the
Technical Support will be identified to perform the execution of this plan.
This document is based in the following assumptions and conditions:
This is NOT a simple “backup here, restore there solution”
This is NOT an Enterprise-wide backup strategy
This is a very specific solution to increase the availability of an application, by having a
single Standby server in a different geographical location, waiting to be activated to
replace the functionality of several others, in case of a disaster
Servers and systems switchover to the redundant unit(s) will NOT occur automatically; it
rather requires some administrator’s and end-user’s interaction/configuration
DMS (and its Oracle database) will be running 7x24
The redundant systems will function degraded-mode information processing activities
until the problem is resolved
The redundant server and required software will be located at
Daily tape backups of the DMS server(s) will be taken to a secured site/location. These
tapes are to be shipped to the redundant facility in the event of an emergency;
production data of the redundant site is within 24 hours of being synchronized with the
production site
A permanent LAN/WAN link exists between the Sacramento sites; servers can
connect to each other during non-emergency conditions
2. Production and Standby Server Configuration
The following software is required for the Standby Database Server:
Terminal Services
And the hardware configuration:
Item #
Part #
Base Unit
Hard Drive
Hard Drive
Item #
Part #
Features (1)
The following is the configuration for the Production Database Server and Application
Terminal Services
And the hardware configuration:
Item #
Part #
Base Unit
Hard Drive
Hard Drive
Features (1)
The Client Access Licenses for Windows will not impact the number of users accessing the
application via the Web interface.
3. Traditional Backup vs Standby Server
A study published by Comdisco Recovery Services, Inc. shows the recovery times using different
techniques, including the Traditional Backup/Restore and Standby Database Server. The chart is
based upon several actual customer data.
The horizontal axis shows the time of failure as “0 Hours”, with Hours of Lost Transactions
(Recovery Point Objective) to the left (negative) and Hours Required to Resume Business
(Recovery Time Objective) in the positive range.
In the Traditional Recovery approach:
Nightly backups are performed
Courier services pick up the backup media from the production site daily
Tapes are stored at a secure location, which is usually not the Recovery Site
In the event of a failure of the Production Site, backups are restored, then Redo Logs are
applied to re-build the database
The recovery process is very long and moderately difficult
A high number of transactions is lost
In the Standby Database approach:
The Redo Logs are continuously shipped and applied to the dedicated Standby system
as they are created
Automated log shipping can be used to send the archive logs
Finally, the Standby System must be reconfigured to become the Production System
Full backups are still recommended at the Sites
The recovery process is very fast and moderately difficult
A very small number of transactions is lost
Oracle Standby Database performing continuous application of Redo Logs is the disaster
recovery solution most frequently used for Oracle mission critical applications. While a Hot
Standby provides slightly higher improved fail-over characteristics, a Standby Database is easier
to implement and does not require application program modification.
4. Overview of Oracle Standby Database
An automated Standby Database provides a means to create and maintain a remote copy of a
production Database. The Standby Database can take over processing from the primary
Production Database, providing near continuous database availability.
Under normal conditions:
The Production Database is servicing the clients and sending the Redo Logs to the
Standby Database
The Standby Database is in constant Recovery Mode, applying the archive logs to
ensure proper synchronization with the Production Database
When a catastrophe occurs:
The Production Database is NO longer available
The Standby Database is reconfigured for servicing the clients and opened in read/write
mode. Once this process has occurred, the database can NOT be put back to the
Standby mode
While a Standby Database can also be used as a read-only database, to temporarily off-load
query processing from the production database, such process does not directly relate to DRP and
will not be discussed in this document.
It is imperative that the production database be run in archive log mode and that the archived
redo logs are archived to a suitable media so that they can be used for recovery. The DBA unit of
STO must take “Hot” backups of the production database on a daily basis.
5. DMS Disaster Recovery Implementation
DMS consists of three interacting components:
Supporting Operating System and Servers (database/application)
DMS data (stored in the Oracle Database)
And DMS application, programs, reports and forms
To successfully implement a Primary-Standby Database synchronization schema, the following
conditions exist:
Primary and Standby Databases must reside on the same hardware type
and base operating system
The database versions should also be identical; at the very least, Standby and Primary
databases should never cross major releases
The init.ora parameter compatible must be identical, and configurations with different
releases need to be tested and validated.
Then, a simple 3-phase implementation process begins:
Preparation and configuration of the Primary Site (STO Sacramento)
Shipment of files
Preparation and configuration of the Standby Site
The standby database will be created using the automated tool “Data Guard”, provided with the
Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). Oracle Data Guard is the management. monitoring and
automation software that automates the creation and subsequent maintenance of a standby copy
of the primary (production) database. If the primary database becomes inactive, then the standby
database can be activated and can take over the data serving needs for STO.
The Data Guard architecture incorporates the following items:
Primary Database: which is the actual production database, running in archive log mode
and which is used to create the standby. The archived logs from the primary database
are transferred and applied to the standby database(s). Each standby database can be
associated with a single primary database, but a single primary database can be
associated with multiple standby databases.
Standby Database: which is the replica of the primary database.
Log Transport Services: Control the automatic transfer of archive redo log files from the
primary database to the standby database(s).
Log Apply Services: Apply the archived redo logs to the standby database.
Role Management Services: Control the changing of database roles from primary to
standby. These services include switchover, switchback and fail over.
Data Guard Broker: Controls the creation and monitoring of the Data Guard. It comes
with a GUI or a command line interface.
Data Guard currently supports two architectures:
Data Guard Redo Apply Architecture (Physical Standby)
Data Guard SQL Apply Architecture (Logical Standby)
STO IT has decided to go in with the Physical Standby Architecture. In this
o The physical standby database is a block-for-block copy of the primary
o Uses the database recovery functionality to apply the changes made to the
o Standby database can be opened in read only mode for queries/reporting.
It is recommended to use the Redo Apply Architecture for the DMS for the following
Proven and robust apply mechanism.
Support for all DDL and DML (with no restrictions of data types such as
LONG, LONG RAW, ROWID, UROWID) and Table Types (Nested
Tables and VARRAYS). Note: These data types and table types are not
supported in the SQL Apply architecture.
Performance: The Redo Apply technology applies changes using low-
level recovery mechanisms, which bypass all SQL level code layers and
therefore is the most efficient mechanism for applying changes. This
makes the Redo Apply a highly efficient mechanism to propagate
changes between databases.
Oracle Data Guard also offers the flexibility to enable the physical
standby database switch between recovery and read-only modes. E.g.
running the database in recovery mode, then opening in read-only mode
to run reports, and then returning to recovery mode to apply outstanding
redo data.
An important consideration while implementing the standby database is the data protection
Currently, Oracle Data Guard provides three modes for data protection.
Protection Mode
Risk of Data Loss
Redo Shipment
Mode by Log Writer
Maximum Protection
Zero data loss
Primary stops
processing if standby
Maximum Availability
Zero data loss
Primary stops
processing if standby
Minimal Data Loss
Least impact on
(usually zero to few
performance of
primary database.
STO IT will select the maximum performance data protection mode as DMS is not a highly
transaction based system.
At the Primary site, the following tasks are required:
Setup the database in archive log mode.
Setup the database in the Oracle Enterprise Manager
Setup parameters necessary for physical standby database (example:
Backup initialization file(s) and database files (RMAN)
Backup DMS-related programs and files (all files under on the
Application Server)
Document the locations and special settings of DMS-related programs and files, services
and subsystems, as well as the Operating System.
Setup the Data Guard configuration and identify the standby database; file locations for the data
files and control files.
At the Standby site, the following tasks are required:
Using the documented configuration from the Production Site, install and configure:
o The supporting Operating System, services and subsystems, including matching
service patches
o Application and Database servers
o DMS-related programs and files, insuring the locations correspond to the ones
defined at the Production site.
Establish monitoring scripts using the inherent OEM Data Guard tools.(See examples in
Section 9. Test Plans)
Restore data files and standby control files (RMAN)
Modify init.ora files
Mount the Standby Database using the standby controlfile
Initiate the Standby Database in recovery mode.
6. DMS Disaster Recovery Maintenance
Supporting Operating System and Servers Maintenance
Any upgrades, patches and new versions of the Operating System and Servers applied to the
Production servers must be also applied to the Standby server, in order to keep them consistent,
as well as fully compatible and operational. A full hot Backup of the database must be taken
before performing any such upgrade.
When changes are done at the Production Site, these need to be fully documented, and then
promptly reproduced and applied to the Standby Site.
DMS Data Maintenance
After the Standby Database is created, it needs to be in recovery mode and continuously,
applying archives to ensure changes from the Production are propagated to the Standby.
Standby database maintenance should be automatic, so that propagation occurs quickly thus
ensuring that the Standby is very current with the Production. How closely the Standby concurs
with the Production Database depends on how quickly/often changes are propagated to the
Standby, to meet STO’s service level requirements (MTTR).
For example, if STO’s MTTR is 48 hours, the configuration of the total times to log switch, archive
a log, propagate a log, and recover needs to be set to less than 48 hours.
The maintenance cycle can be outlined as follows:
Continue archiving to archive log files (Production Site)
Monitor for any errors or NOLOGGING operations (Production Site)
Transfer completed archive log files (from the Production to the Standby Site)
Continue backing up the Production Database and shipping media to the Standby Site
Continue applying archives to Standby Database
Monitor for Standby Database status and errors
Maintaining a Standby Database imposes no overhead on the Production Database. Log files are
normally created by the Production Database to recover from a system failure and no extra
logging is done to maintain a Standby Database.
Any structural changes made in the Production database such as when new columns are added
to tables or data types changes; then these changes must be manually made in the standby
database as well.
DMS Application, Programs, Reports and Forms Maintenance
Any modifications, upgrades, and patches performed to the DMS application and programs at the
Production servers, must be also applied to the Standby server, in order to maintain system
consistency and integrity.
These changes need to be fully documented, and then promptly reproduced and applied to the
Standby Site. To accomplish this task, the following approaches exist:
Fully automated scripts, that transfer the appropriated files and programs Over-the-Wire,
from the Production to the Standby server
On-site installation, where the physical media is sent to the Standby Site and installed
locally to the server.
The automated scripts method works best if the DMS application is constantly being updated,
since the update scripts can be set to run and apply changes as often as required.
As a general rule for major upgrades and updates, a local (on-site) installation at the Standby Site
is always preferred, in place of Remote or Over-the-Wire installs; this practice works best to
eliminate or minimize errors.
7. DMS Disaster Recovery Operation
The Standby Site should necessarily be activated in case of a Disaster.
While the Standby site could also be used to temporarily service the users in case of a planned
outage of the Production Site (e.g. major software or hardware upgrade needing to get the
Production Site off-line), this document will not cover that switch-over option.
The following steps are required to activate the Standby Site:
Assuming the Supporting Operating System and Servers have been properly updated
and maintained, nothing needs to done.
In the unlikely event that a few upgrades have not been applied according to the
documentation from the Production Site, those must be applied prior to switching
operations to the Standby Site
The above statements apply for the DMS Application, Programs, Reports and Forms
At this point, the Standby Database can be configured to act as the New Production
Database and start servicing requests at the Standby Site. The Oracle Data Guard “fail
over” functionality can be used to activate the standby database. Data Guard supports a
graceful as well as a forced switch over. A graceful fail over is generally recommended as
it attempts to minimize the data loss by finishing the application of unapplied logs. A
forced fail over is fast compared to the graceful method but makes no attempt to finish
applying of the logs.
Finally, the DMS users can be switched to run the DMS application from the Standby Site
(using the New Production Database). This task could be accomplished by either:
o Instructing the users to re-point their applications to the new server, located at
the Standby Site. While this is a faster approach, its implementation needs some
end-user interaction; or
o Replacing the servers’ IP address of the Production Site (now defunct and
unavailable) with the server’s IP of the Standby Site (now providing the
Production Database) via DNS updates. This method requires no end-user
interaction, but may be slower due to DNS propagation
The following screen-shots illustrate how the “fail-over” functionality is performed from the OEM
Data Guard once the physical standby configuration has been created.
The screen-shot below indicates that there is a problem with the Primary Database as there is a
red cross sign next to the Status column and the primary site cannot be reached.
If you determine that a failure has occurred on the primary database and there is no possibility of
recovering the primary database in a timely manner, you can start the Failover wizard by
selecting Failover on the Object menu.
The following screen shows the list of available standby sites and the DBA will have to select the
standby site which will become the new primary site.
During the failover operation, the wizard opens a window to display the progress of the operation
as it transitions the selected standby site into the primary role and restarts all online physical
standby database instances involved in the failover operation. When completed, the configuration
General page reflects the updated configuration with the new primary site taking over. (Note : the
standby database is displayed as Primary and the earlier Primary database is displayed as
standby and its status is unknown.
When a RESETLOGS operation occurs, the Primary and Standby Databases are no longer
compatible. Previous redo is invalidated and cannot be applied. A new Standby Database (or the
original Production Database) needs to be re-built as soon as possible.
Only new data will be entered to the New Production Database at the Standby Site, using the
DMS applications and programs.
In general, NO modifications to the Operating System or the DMS application should be allowed
during the emergency-mode operation at the Standby Site; if an update is absolutely required for
the proper operation of the Standby server, this has to be fully documented for future deployment,
once the Original Production Site is reactivated.
To improve Standby Site survivability, implement regular backups, following the techniques used
at the Original Production Site. Store the media at another location.
It will be the STO IT DBA task to do database backups or to perform a manual switchover from
the primary to the secondary site in case of a disaster. Network Support will be needed in case
there is a problem in the WAN/LAN communication links.
8. Return to Normal Operations
Reconditioning of the original Production Site and servers must commence as soon as the site
and resources become available and are secure. Proper WAN connectivity is also required to
adequately accomplish this task.
If the Original Production Site was lost due to a LAN/WAN link failure:
Test connectivity to the Standby Site thoroughly using terminal services or using the
Oracle OEM Data Guard Switchover functionality.
Insure that any modifications applied to the Operating System, services and servers
during the interim operation, are replicated to the Original Production servers
Same as above applies for the DMS application, programs and files
If any of the servers at the Original Production site were lost due to hardware failure(s):
Rebuild the failed hardware, according to the documented configuration
Install and configure the Operating System, patches, servers, and services, as well as the
DMS applications, programs, files, etc. as detailed in the documentation
Test proper connectivity to the Standby Site
Synchronize the DMS data, from the Standby to the Original Production Site:
A full hot or cold database (control files, database files, init.ora) backup of the Production
Database (located at the Standby Site) needs to be shipped to the Original Production
The Database server, located at the Original Production Site needs to be configured in
Standby Database mode, as documented previously
Backed up DMS data from the Standby Site needs to be loaded at the Production Site
Activate the changes and run the Production Site’s Database server in Standby-mode,
allowing the Standby Site to send updates
Plan for a DMS service outage (during a weekend or after-hours, if possible)
Perform a Controlled Switchover, turning the Production Site’s database as the current
Production Database, effectively switching the Standby Site’s database to Standby mode
Redirect the users/clients to the recently re-enabled Production Site, using either the
manual or DNS-supported schema
To Controlled Switchover:
Standby Site: The Production Database must be properly SHUTDOWN
Production Site: The Standby Database is updated with all the archived logs and
Standby Site: Online Redo Logs are sent to the Standby Site
Production Site: A new controlfile is created; the Database is restarted, running now as
the Production database
Standby Site: A new controlfile is created, enabling the database in Standby mode
operation. Then the database is mounted, effectively running in Standby mode, accepting
updates and logs from the Production Site’s Database.
Upon completion of the above procedures, the Production Site hosts again the Production
Database, while the Standby database resides at the Standby Site, and the DMS application is
back to its normal mode of operation and performance.
New DMS Database and Application Server Configuration in case of a Disaster:
In case, a new database server needs to be configured; then the following steps need to be
followed to setup the DMS Application:
Install the Oracle Database on the new Database Server.
Generate the DMS Application from the Oracle Designer Repository or last backup.
This will generate the database objects (tables, views, indexes, packages and other DMS
database objects) as well as the application modules in terms of the forms, reports and
The database objects from the Designer Repository need to be created in the new
database created.
Restore the data from the last export or any cold / hot backup performed.
Setup the Batch Jobs on the Oracle OEM.
In case, a new application server needs to be configured; then the following steps need to be
followed to setup the DMS Application:
Install the on the new Application Server.
Create a folder .
Create sub-folders called Help, Template, Reports
Copy the forms (.fmx), reports (.rep) and libraries (.pll) from the Oracle Designer
Repository to a folder
Copy the Online Help Files to the Help folder.
Copy the Template Files for Reports under the Template Folder.
The Reports Folder is designated for run time reports.
9. Test Plans
When the Disaster Recovery Server is configured; then the following tests should be performed:
Before shipping the server to
o Test that the archive redo logs are transferred from the primary to the secondary.
o Test that the Failover and Switchover activities function correctly using the
configuration set in the OEM Data Guard.
o Ship the server to Los Angeles and setup the server with the pre-assigned IP
After shipping the server
o Test that the archive redo logs are transferred from the primary to the secondary.
o Test that the Failover and Switchover activities function correctly using the
configuration set in the OEM Data Guard.
The Test Application is a good way to make sure that the configuration is set up and
functioning properly before using live data and to test relative performance.
Running the Test Application
You use the Test Application dialog to help you evaluate the performance of your broker
configuration by adding and deleting rows in a test schema (eg. ) on your
primary database. To set up a Test Application, perform the following steps:
1. On the Performance Page, click Options.
2. Click Start Test and start a test on the primary database (the default). You can
also select logical standby databases and physical standby databases that are in
read-only mode.
3. Click Setup at the bottom of the page to create the test tables.
4. Choose Single Update Mode or Continuous Update Mode:
Single Update Mode
Single Update Mode inserts one row of the value you specify into the Test Application. To
use Single Update Mode:
On the primary database:
5. Enter a value (using a VARCHAR datatype) in the text box under Single Update
6. Click Apply.
On the physical standby databases:
7. Set the state of the physical standby database to read-only mode.
8. Click Options on the Performance Page and start another Test Application for
each physical standby database.
5. View the Value field in the Test Application to see the inserted value.
When the value from the primary database is inserted into the standby database, the
value will appear in the Test Value text area of the Test Application started on the logical.
Continuous Update Mode
Continuous Update Mode inserts a number of insert and delete threads in the Test
Application. To set it up, select Options in the Continuous Update Mode section of the
Test Application page and enter the number of Insert and Delete threads.
More threads will produce more transactions resulting in more log traffic. The Test
Application will run until you click Stop or until there is a lack of resources. There are no
restrictions on how many threads may be started and it is possible to exceed the
hardware or database resource limits (which can also be a very useful test).
The figure below shows the Test Application dialog for setting up single or continuous
update mode tests.
STO IT must plan to test the Disaster Recovery Configuration (planned switch-over from primary
to secondary) as part of the preventive maintenance plan. This should be performed using the
OEM Data Guard at least once in two weeks (or as per the Enterprise Disaster Recovery Plan for
STO) to ensure that the archived redo logs are getting shipped and applied correctly.
For more in-depth performance and monitoring, you can display detailed performance statistics
for a broker configuration using performance charts that provide a graphical summary of all redo
log activity in the configuration. The charts are refreshed based on a collection interval (the rate at
which data is sampled from the primary database) that you can specify.
10. Vendor Support
The following table lists all vendors who can be contacted in case software licenses/upgrades are
needed in case of a disaster.
Contact Person/Address
Phone #
11. Technical References