Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
November 2020
Prepared for
Prepared by
4600 E. Washington Street, Suite 600
Phoenix, Arizona 85034
Public Works Department
433 N. Virginia Street
Prescott, AZ 86301
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
City of Prescott
Public Works Department
Prescott, Arizona
Submitted to:
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona
Submitted by:
Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
November 2020
Project No. 3720156008
City of Prescott Contract # 2015-184
4600 East Washington Street, Suite 600
Phoenix, Arizona 85034-1917
Tel: (602) 733-6000
Fax: (602) 733-6100
November 16, 2020
Project No. 3720156008
Contract No. 2015-184
City of Prescott
Public Works Department
430 North Virginia Street
Prescott, Arizona 86301
Attn: Ben Burns, City of Prescott
Matt Killeen, City of Prescott
Re: Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
City of Prescott
Public Works Department
Prescott, Arizona
Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires that states compile a list of surface waters that do
not meet applicable water quality standards (WQS). The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
(ADEQ) then must develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for waterbodies on the 303(d) List. TMDLs
set the amount of the given pollutant(s) that the waterbody can withstand without creating an impairment
of that surface water’s designated beneficial use(s). The City of Prescott (City) is named in two TMDLs,
identified as:
Watson Lake TMDL: Total Nitrogen, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH & Total Phosphorus Targets -
Finalized February 2015 (Open File Report OFR-14-03)
Final Upper Granite Creek Watershed Escherichia coli (E. coli) TMDL November 2015 (Open
File Report 14-08)
The Upper Granite Creek Watershed drains into Watson Lake; therefore, it’s impaired status is of concern
and must be taken into consideration when addressing the Watson Lake TMDL.
Since 2015, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc (Wood), has been supporting the City by
performing a wide range of activities. the Watershed Pollutant Reduction Plan (WPRP) and Watson Lake
Reservoir Lake Management Plan (LMP). The objective of the LMP is to identify scenarios and actions the
City can take to achieve cost-effective reductions in the target pollutants. Significant activities performed
to support this effort include:
developing a TMDL Action Plan;
planning and performing lake water, lake sediment, street dirt, and watershed E.coli sampling
and analysis;
developing a lake sediment profile;
developing a Watershed Water Quality Model using Loading Simulation Program (LSPC) and
the SIMplified Particulate Transport Model (SIMPTM);
4600 East Washington Street, Suite 600
Phoenix, Arizona 85034-1917
Tel: (602) 733-6000
Fax: (602) 733-6100
developing a hydrodynamic and water quality model of Watson Lake Reservoir using CE-
QUAL-W2 Version 3.72 computer program (W2); and
delivering a series of Technical Memos documenting the progress of activities performed.
The culminating effort of the aforementioned activities (as well as several others not listed above), is the
development of this LMP and the Upper Granite Creek Watershed Pollutant Reduction Plan (WPRP). These
Plans do not seek to re-present previous work efforts, but rather provide guidance to the City as a result
of previous activities.
Should you have any questions regarding this draft report, please do not hesitate in contacting the
Respectfully submitted,
Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.
Reviewed by:
Rebecca Sydnor, PE Seth Jelen, PE, CFM, BCEE, CWRE
Project Manager Principal Engineer
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page i
BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Designated Uses, Recreation, and Impact ................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Water Quality Issues .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Plan Organization ............................................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 BASIC LIMNOLOGY AND LAKE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................ 2
2.1 Lake Morphometry and Hydrology ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 Climate and Elevation ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Dimensions and Water Levels ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.3 Watershed Characteristics and Lake Water Sources .............................................................................. 3
2.2 Physical Factors .................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Natural Circulation ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2.2 Temperature Stratification and Dissolved Oxygen ................................................................................. 4
2.2.3 Evaporation ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.4 Residence Time ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.5 Sedimentation ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Chemical Composition ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 Inorganic Minerals .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.2 Nutrients and Eutrophication ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.3 Metals and Other Contaminants ................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Biological Components ...................................................................................................................................10
2.4.1 Algae and Weeds ............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.4.2 Submerged, Floating, and Emergent Weeds ......................................................................................... 14
2.4.3 Zooplankton ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.4 Benthos ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.4.5 Fish ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.4.6 Other Organisms ............................................................................................................................................. 20
2.5 Lake Monitoring ................................................................................................................................................22
2.5.1 Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.5.2 Monitoring Equipment .................................................................................................................................. 22
2.5.3 Test Methods, Data Handling, and Interpretation ............................................................................... 23
3.0 LAKE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR WATSON LAKE ...................................................... 24
3.1 Circulation and Aeration. ...............................................................................................................................24
3.2 Types of Aeration ..............................................................................................................................................24
3.2.1 Bottom Diffuse Aeration ............................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Floating Vertical Water Circulators ........................................................................................................... 25
3.2.3 Hypolimnetic Aeration ................................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.4 Nanobubble Aeration .................................................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Nutrient Reduction and Inactivation .........................................................................................................27
3.3.1 Watershed Management .............................................................................................................................. 27
3.3.2 In-lake Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.3 Sediment Removal .......................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4 Submerged Weed Management ................................................................................................................30
3.4.1 Weed Harvesting ............................................................................................................................................. 30
3.4.2 Chemical Applications ................................................................................................................................... 31
3.5 Algae Management ..........................................................................................................................................33
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3.6 Nuisance and Vector Insect Management ..............................................................................................34
3.6.1 Mosquitoes ........................................................................................................................................................ 34
3.6.2 Midge Flies ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.6.3 Bacteria ................................................................................................................................................................ 35
3.7 Lake Monitoring ................................................................................................................................................36
3.7.1 Monitoring Equipment .................................................................................................................................. 36
3.7.2 Monitoring Locations ..................................................................................................................................... 36
3.7.3 Recommended Testing ................................................................................................................................. 37
3.8 Integrated Management Approach ...........................................................................................................38
4.0 FIELD REFERENCE GUIDE FOR WATSON LAKE ............................................................................ 39
5.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 1 Aquatic nitrogen cycle
Figure 2 Aquatic phosphorus cycle
Figure 3A Oligotrophic lake nutrient dynamics
Figure 3B Eutrophic lake nutrient dynamics
Figure 4 White Amur
Figure 5 Weed harvester
Figure 6 Zooplankton forms
Figure 7 Mosquito life cycle
Figure 8 Mosquito life forms
Figure 9 Aquatic midge life cycle
Figure 10 Midge life forms
Figure 11 Lake sampling equipment
Figure 12 Bottom diffuse aeration
Figure 13 Floating aerator
Figure 14 Hypolimnetic aeration
Figure 15 Hypolimnetic aerator-Speece Cone
Figure 16 Nanobubble aeration configuration
Figure 17 Watermilfoil and coontail
Figure 18 Common blue-green algae of Watson Lake
Figure 19 Sampling locations
Table 1 Trophic status comparison
Table 2 Beneficial and detrimental effects of aquatic plants
Table 3 Factors impacting blue-green algae blooms
Table 4 Common algaecides
Table 5 Herbicide information
Table 6 Herbicide active ingredients
Table 7 Sampling locations
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page iii
Appendix A Field Reference Guide
A&Wc aquatic and wildlife (cold water)
A&We aquatic and wildlife (ephemeral)
A&Wedw aquatic and wildlife (effluent-dependent water)
A&Ww aquatic and wildlife (warm water)
AAC Arizona Administrative Code
ADEQ Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
ADOT Arizona Department of Transportation
AF acre-feet
AgI agricultural irrigation
AgL agricultural livestock watering
AMA Active Management Area
APHA American Public Health Association
AZGF Arizona Game and Fish Department
City City of Prescott
CWA Clean Water Act
DO dissolved oxygen
DWS domestic water source
E.coli Escherichia coli
FBC full-body contact
FC fish consumption
LMP Watson Lake Reservoir Lake Management Plan
PBC partial-body contact
TMDL Total Maximum Daily Loads
WEF Water Environment Federation
WIP Watershed Improvement Plan for the Upper Granite Creek Watershed
WQS water quality standards
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page 1
Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires that states compile a list of surface waters that do
not meet applicable water quality standards (WQS). Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) must be
developed for waterbodies on this list (the 303(d) List). TMDLs set the amount of the given pollutant(s)
that the waterbody can withstand without creating an impairment of that surface water’s designated
beneficial use(s).
In 2004, Watson Lake Reservoir (Lake) was listed as water quality impaired for high nitrogen, low dissolved
oxygen (DO), and high pH; subsequent TMDL development added phosphorus loading to the Lake’s
pollutants of concern. Additionally, Granite Creek was listed for low DO in 2004, and was listed for
Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria in 2010. Miller Creek was also listed for E. coli at that time. Butte Creek and
Manzanita Creek have since been added in the 2012/14 303(d) list, also for E. coli. Aspen Creek, North
Fork of Miller Creek, Banning Creek, Government Canyon, Slaughterhouse Gulch, North fork of Granite
Creek, and two unnamed tributaries (AZ15060202-3333 [known locally as the Virginia St Wash], and
AZ15060202-3313 [known locally as Ackers East]) were listed for E. coli in 2016. As each of these creeks
drains into Granite Creek which ultimate drains into Watson Lake. Because of this connection, their
impaired status is of concern and must be factored into this Watson Lake Reservoir Lake Management
Plan (LMP).
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has since finalized a TMDL document
addressing nutrients within Watson Lake Reservoir. As a stakeholder in this TMDL, the City of Prescott
(City) is required to implement measures to reduce the amount of these pollutants of concern entering
the Lake from the City’s stormwater discharges. This LMP is intended to comply with that requirement.
1.1 Designated Uses, Recreation, and Impact
ADEQ develops WQS for surface waters of the State, including lakes and reservoirs, and conducts
monitoring to determine whether or not those standards are being met. These WQS are codified in Title
18, Chapter 11 of the Arizona Administrative Code (AAC.) and vary across the state depending on each
waterbody’s designated beneficial uses. Designated uses, as promulgated in AAC R18-11-104, are: full-
body contact (FBC), partial-body contact (PBC), domestic water source (DWS), fish consumption (FC),
aquatic and wildlife (cold water) (A&Wc), aquatic and wildlife (warm water) (A&Ww), aquatic and wildlife
(ephemeral) (A&We), aquatic and wildlife (effluent-dependent water) (A&Wedw), agricultural irrigation
(AgI), and agricultural livestock watering (AgL).
Watson Lake has the following designated uses: A&Ww, FBC, FC, AgI, and AgL. The Lake provides a
number of recreational uses, including boating, fishing, hiking, and bird watching; however; full body
contact recreation is not permitted.
Of the beneficial uses for which the Lake has been designated, two are considered recreational in purpose,
FC and FBC. According to AAC R18-11-101.20, FC refers to “the use of a surface water by humans for
harvesting aquatic organisms for consumption.” AAC R18-11-101.21 characterizes FBC, or full-body
contact, as “the use of a surface water for swimming or other recreational activity that causes the human
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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body to come into direct contact with the water to the point of complete submergence.” It should be
noted that while the Lake retains the FBC designation, the City continues to post the Lake with “No
swimming” signs.
Recreational designated uses are typically applied to protect public health (i.e., against human illness from
ingestion of or immersion in water). However, by their very nature, recreational designated uses also result
in human impact on the environment, and the 2012 Watershed Improvement Plan for the Upper Granite
Creek Watershed (WIP) found high levels of recreation to be a source of elevated E. coli in the watershed.
The presence of algae and submerged aquatic weeds directly impact the recreational uses, and low DO
could be impacting game fish populations within the Lake. Key characteristics that affect the degree of
impairment of the Lake include, but are not limited to, lake shape (morphometry), shoreline complexity,
depth, and water level fluctuations, thermal stratification, historic and current nutrient loading, submerged
weed and algae growth and decay, and composition and quantity of bed sediment.
1.2 Water Quality Issues
Watson Lake Reservoir has elevated concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus that stimulate excessive
algae and submerged weed growth during the warmer months. Uptake of carbon dioxide from the water
by the aquatic plants results in significant pH increases. Death, settling, and ultimately decomposition of
the biomass exert a heavy oxygen demand in the deeper waters, with oxygen concentrations approaching
zero at the lake bottom. The Lake is currently under a TMDL for low DO near the benthic layer, pH
excursions above the 9.0 SU limit, and excessive nutrient concentrations (total nitrogen and total
phosphorus). Aside from these issues, the water quality at Watson Lake is suitable for A&Ww, FBC, FC, AgI,
and AgL activities.
1.3 Plan Organization
This LMP is divided into two main parts. Section 2.0 presents physical, chemical, and biological
information on lakes and reservoirs, as well as specific information pertaining to Watson Lake Reservoir.
Section 3.0 provides details for those lake management practices that the City can implement to achieve
compliance with the above-referenced TMDL. Section 4.0 introduces the Field Reference Guide
(Attachment A) which lake operators can utilize/reference when performing Lake activities. Section 5.0
contains references utilized to develop this Plan. All figures mentioned within this Plan are contained in
the Figures section following Section 5.0.
This section provides information on basic limnological principles and processes that impact water quality
of lakes and reservoirs. These factors and processes must be reasonably understood to provide lake
owners and operators with a knowledge base upon which they may depend to identify and analyze issues,
identify and evaluate potential solutions, and select the optimal management methods that can improve
water quality and preserve the designated uses of the surface water.
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2.1 Lake Morphometry and Hydrology
The morphometric (shape and structure) characteristics of the lake and the hydrology of the watershed
exert a strong influence on the aesthetic and environmental character of a reservoir. In situations of
dammed confluences, such as Watson Lake, the lake morphology is dependent on the existing geologic
structure. Steep, smooth rock walls near the dam allow for rapid water depth increases, whereas the
opposite end of the reservoir has a much shallower grade. This allows for a variety of biological
production, both flora and fauna, throughout the lake.
2.1.1 Climate and Elevation
Watson Lake is located in Prescott, Arizona at an elevation of 5,100 feet above sea level. The weather
ranges between 50 and 90°F during summer months and between 20 and 60°F in the winter months.
Strong summer storms contribute to annual precipitation of approximately 13-19 inches, with an average
annual snowfall of 20 inches . Although there is some snowfall in the area, Watson Lake is not known to
freeze during the winter.
2.1.2 Dimensions and Water Levels
As identified in past studies, Watson Lake occupies 192 surface acres, with a volume of 3,019 acre-feet.
When full, Lake elevation is 5161 ft. The average depth of the Lake is 4.8 meters (15.7 feet).
In general, deep-water lakes (as defined by AAC R18-11-101.16 as having an average depth of more than
6 meters) have a greater assimilative capacity and are less prone to ecosystem imbalances caused by
environmental perturbations than are shallow lakes. In shallower lakes, such as Watson Lake, aesthetic
and water quality degradation appear at an accelerated rate, or in isolated coves within the waterbody. In
terms of plant growth, shallower lakes are usually more productive than deeper lakes because more water
is above the photic zone. The photic zone is that portion of the water column receiving sufficient light for
supporting growth of aquatic plant life. When a lake has a relatively high proportion of the water column
in the photic zone, the amount of organic material accumulated in the sediment is increased. Deeper lakes
can provide a larger sink for deposition of solids arising from external sources as erosion, storm water
runoff, and feed waters, and from internal sources as algae and decaying animals. Shallower lakes do not
have as sufficient sink capacity.
2.1.3 Watershed Characteristics and Lake Water Sources
The Granite Creek watershed upstream of Watson Lake comprises an area of approximately 40 square
miles and varies in elevation between 5,100 and 7,100 feet. Land uses within the watershed include
commercial, residential, recreation, and some grazing.
Source water to Watson Lake includes other surface waters such as Granite Creek, irrigation return water,
groundwater, domestic (potable) water, urban stormwater runoff, and possibly reclaimed and gray water.
Source water is known to include leachate from unsewered areas and leakage from the sanitary sewer
system. Surface, storm, septic leachate, and reclaimed water can contain large amounts of nitrogen and
phosphorus. The Lake is also an area-wide flood water retention and conveyance feature and receives
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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direct runoff from park grounds and facilities arising from precipitation or irrigation. Uncontrolled, such
drainage can result in stagnant pools of water, shoreline erosion, and accumulation of sediment in the
lake bottom. For many lakes, the ideal feed water is often not available due to expense or regulation.
Management strategies must be based on the water quality anticipated for the impoundment.
2.2 Physical Factors
Climatology characteristics, especially temperature and wind, can exert an influence on natural
phenomenon and lake processes.
2.2.1 Natural Circulation
Circulation of the lake water is one of the most important components of a lake management strategy.
Horizontal circulation is advantageous because it eliminates problems associated with stagnation of water,
particularly in isolated coves. Circulation can result from natural wind-induced lake currents and wave
action or increased artificially by expelling pumped water vertically at the lake surface. Good circulation
means algae mats are less likely to form, floating debris are less likely to create unsightly accumulations,
and insect infestations are minimized. ,
Vertical circulation can also occur naturally. Most lakes in the southwest are monomictic. That is, the
phenomenon of natural vertical mixing (“lake turn-over”) is initiated only during one period of the year –
usually in the autumn season. During the summer, surface water heats faster and warmer than deeper
water. The different temperatures result in warmer, less-dense water “floating” on top of denser, colder
water. That difference inhibits vertical mixing of the water layers and transfer of dissolved gases and
chemicals between the layers. This condition is called thermal stratification. As autumn approaches,
surface waters cool and eventually equal the temperature of the bottom waters. Following autumn lake
turn-over, dissolved gases and chemicals freely mix in the water column. Watson Lake experiences rapid
vertical mixing between September and October.
2.2.2 Temperature Stratification and Dissolved Oxygen
Most oxygen in a lake is derived from algal photosynthesis and absorption of oxygen from the
atmosphere. Both occur at or near the surface of a lake where it is in contact with the atmosphere and
where sufficient light exists to support algae growth.
When a lake becomes thermally stratified, oxygen is inhibited from mixing into the deeper waters because
of the thermal stratification. Respiration and decomposition in the deep waters can deplete all or most of
the oxygen faster than it can mix from the surface waters. This is especially true at night when oxygen is
not replenished by photosynthesis. Respiration and decomposition rates are also greatest during the
summer when water temperatures are the highest. This can lead to death of fish and zooplankton
invertebrates and is a frequent cause of summer fish kills.
Loss of oxygen in the deep waters and especially above the sediment can result in the formation of
ammonia and sulfide gases that are toxic to aquatic organisms. Anaerobic organisms produce the gases
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as a by-product of respiration. Additionally, the generated ammonia becomes a growth nutrient that can
increase the rate of algae growth.
Thus, it is often beneficial to have a continuously mixed or at least well-oxygenated water column. This
prevents anoxic conditions, diminishes kills of aquatic organisms and ammonia and sulfide releases to the
water, and limits release from the sediment of phosphorus and other undesirable chemical constituents,
thus limiting nutrient recycling.
2.2.3 Evaporation
The evaporation of surface water can play a major role in water loss from a reservoir or lake. However,
because of the climate, the evaporation rate in Prescott is not considered a significant concern.
2.2.4 Residence Time
The hydraulic residence time is the flushing rate of a lake; i.e, approximately how long it takes for water to
move from inflow to outfall, assuming plug flow. Outflows can be natural as to a river or stream or man-
made as pumped removal for irrigation. There is no ideal retention time because of the myriad of physical,
chemical, and biological factors that influence a lake system. In general, relatively long retention times
permit development of more balanced ecosystems better able to assimilate or resist short-term changes
in water quality. However, short duration retention times reduce sedimentation rates and accumulation of
nutrients. From December through February Watson Lake shows weekly inflows about 20 percent; the
last week of February has one large inflow “spike” of almost 120 percent (enough to more than flush the
reservoir) followed by declining inflows that end mid-April. There are additional small inflows mid-July to
mid-August. The City can store up to 4,600 acre-feet (AF) each year in Watson Lake and recharges
between 2,100 to 2,800 AF each year between April 1 and Nov 30. The amount of water recharged
depends upon how much precipitation has fallen. The recharge allowance is up to 3,861.26 AF; however,
this typically is not realized. In addition to the average recharge from Watson Lake, Granite Dells Ranch is
allotted up to 375 AF each year; however, they typically average approximately 300 AF.
2.2.5 Sedimentation
Lakes accumulate bottom sediment as they age. A number of factors influence the sedimentation rate.
Lake sediments are composed mainly of clastic material (sediment of clay, silt, and sand sizes), organic
debris, chemical precipitates, or combinations of these. Depending on watershed activities and
characteristics, materials that are detrimental to the ecological balance of the lake - e.g., excessive
quantities of nutrients, heavy metals, pesticides, oil, and certain bacteria - can be deposited in lake
sediment. These materials are potentially available for regeneration into the lake water and must be
considered in any planning to abate lake pollution. Within the uppermost lake sediments, large volumes
of pore water are often present that may have high concentrations of nutrients and other constituents
and enhance the exchange potential with the lake’s water column. Sedimentation can reduce the volume
of water in a reservoir and encourage growth of algae and submerged weeds. During the course of this
project, sediment volume was approximated to be 414 acre-feet (668,393 cubic yards).
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page 6 Sedimentation Rate
The relative abundance of each of the components listed above depends upon the nature of the local
drainage basin, the climate, and the relative age of a lake. Some other factors include:
Algae, weed, and zooplankton production in the lake,
Chemical composition of the lake
Shoreline erosion
Atmospheric deposition
Inflow loading
Lake morphometry Benefits of Reduction and Removal
The removal of sediment from the lake bottom can be beneficial. Physical removal of sediment can
Reduce potential for recycling of nutrients,
Increase lake depth,
Increase the volume and proportion of water below the photic zone, and
Reduce rooted aquatic plants and rooting substrate.
Sediment can be removed from lakes by a number of methods including suction dredging, mechanical
dredging, and by utilizing coffer dams to allow for the use of terrestrial earthmoving equipment (see
Section 3.2.2.
2.3 Chemical Composition
2.3.1 Inorganic Minerals
The mineral composition of the lake can impact productivity, oxygen concentrations, and pH (nutrients
and alkalinity); potential metals toxicity (hardness), and irrigation quality (dissolved solids and ion
composition). For Watson Lake, the nutrient composition is the most important component. Some of the
basic parameters are described briefly below. Turbidity
Turbidity refers to the suspended solids and color that limit how deep light penetrates the water.
Common contributors are soil particles and algae. Fish, zooplankton and algae all can respond rapidly to
changes in their environment resulting from fluctuations in turbidity. Increases in turbidity can clog or
irritate gills of fish. For other aquatic fauna, turbidity may cause suffocation, abrasion, susceptibility to
disease, impaired reproduction, and reduced availability of food resources. Higher turbidity can reducing
the photic zone and thus reduce algae growth. This results in less oxygen produced and less food for
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page 7 Hardness
Water hardness is a measure of the amount of calcium and magnesium in the water expressed as calcium
carbonate. Hard waters tend to have greater buffering capacity (see alkalinity below) and can combine
with or precipitate dissolved metals rendering them biologically inactive in terms of toxicity. This is
beneficial in terms of protecting the fish and other aquatic organisms from runoff containing wear metal
(engine wear) contaminants. However, the same chemical reaction decreases the efficacy of metal-based
algaecides and requires higher algaecide application dosages. pH and Alkalinity
Alkalinity is a measure of buffering capacity; the ability to prevent sudden changes in pH as a result of
addition of acids or bases. Components of alkalinity include carbon dioxide, bicarbonates, carbonate, and
hydroxide ions. pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion content of the water. The pH scale is based on
acidity of the water and is recorded on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. At pH 7 water is considered
neutral; at pH>7 water is considered basic or alkaline, and at pH <7 water is acidic. The components of
alkalinity are in an equilibrium that is pH-dependent, with the following forms dominating at the following
pH ranges:
pH <4 carbon dioxide
pH 4-8 bicarbonate
pH 8-10 bicarbonate & carbonate (typical range for Watson Lake during growing season)
pH>10 hydroxides
Generally, pH and alkalinity are controlled by the chemical composition of the sediments, source waters,
and runoff that enter the lake. Most aquatic organisms prefer the pH range of 6.5 to 9.0. Rapid pH
changes are characteristic of soft waters with poor buffering capacity (alkalinity). Alkaline or hard water
lakes are usually more productive. Algae remove carbon dioxide from the water via photosynthesis and
cause a shift in the alkalinity equilibrium toward bicarbonate and carbonates. The result is an increase in
water pH. This was clearly seen in the during 2016-2017 Watson Lake sampling period which revealed pH
above 10 in some cases.
Extreme changes in pH may cause stress or mortality in aquatic organisms. At low pH, solubility of
otherwise bound metals such as aluminum increases and the metals concentration may become toxic to
some organisms. At high pH, some chemicals as ammonia convert from a nontoxic ionized form to a
toxic un-ionized (gaseous) form. As with hard water lakes, alkaline waters require higher dosages of
copper-based algaecides for successful algae or macrophyte control.
Photosynthesis removes dissolved carbon dioxide from the water. In so doing, it causes a shift in the
carbonate equilibrium toward bicarbonates and carbonates and forces the pH to rise. Thus, reducing algal
photosynthesis assist in lowering pH. In the desert southwest, application of algaecide is a common
approach to slowly and, at least temporarily, reducing the pH in a reservoir.
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2.3.2 Nutrients and Eutrophication
Eutrophication is the process by which a body of water becomes enriched in dissolved nutrients (such as
phosphates) that stimulate the growth of aquatic plant life usually resulting in the depletion of dissolved
oxygen. Nitrogen
Forms and concentrations of nitrogen (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and organic nitrogen) in the lake are
controlled by the chemical and biological processes of the nitrogen cycle. Figure 1 depicts the possible
transformations of nitrogen in the environment. Plants primarily utilize ammonia and nitrate; however,
atmospheric nitrogen can be used directly by some forms of cyanobacteria. Organic nitrogen constitutes
the part of the total nitrogen that is incorporated into the plant and algae mass. The cycle is kept going
by a continuous supply of ammonia that is released during the decomposition of plant and animal matter
and of nitrogen that is fixed by cyanobacteria.
Overproduction of ammonia can harm the fishery. Ammonia exists in equilibrium between the ionized
form (ammonium, NH4+) and the un-ionized or gaseous form (ammonia, NH3). The equilibrium is
dictated by water temperature and pH; the warmer and the higher the pH, the greater the production of
the gaseous form. The gaseous form is toxic to aquatic organisms. Phosphorus
Phosphorus is often the nutrient in the least amount in water systems. Because its concentration often
controls the amount of plant and algae growth in the lake, it is often the limiting nutrient. The sources of
phosphorus in lake systems include the decomposition of plant and animal matter from the sediments,
atmospheric deposition, or runoff into the lake (Figure 2). Much of the absorbed phosphorus in a water
system, 20-60 percent, is excreted by plants and algae. Phosphorus cycles very quickly (as little as 1 to 8
minutes) through the algal cells and bacteria that are found in the upper waters. Phosphorus tends to
compartmentalize, with a portion in the epilimnion where small (<70 um) organisms absorb phosphorus
rapidly and where it is deposited rapidly, and a second section where the phosphorus is taken up by
larger plants and animals and remains in the upper waters for a longer period.
Lakes that are not flow through systems, or have very long water detention times, are known as terminal
lakes. While Watson Lake does experience higher turnover during winter months, there are also periods
where there is very little outflow from the Lake. During these times with little outflow, the lake can
temporarily take on some characteristics similar to terminal lakes. These lakes can suffer from nutrient
accumulation over time due to external inputs such as the water source (nutrient rich reclaimed water),
irrigation run off, storm water, as well as dust and dirt from erosion and storm fallout. Efforts should be
taken to minimize the input of both phosphorus and nitrogen containing materials into the lake system.
Discouraging or avoiding activities that attract waterfowl to the lake (due to high nitrogen and
phosphorus in their waste) and controlling the amount of runoff containing ammonia, urea, and
phosphate-based fertilizers discharging to the lake can help reduce the nutrient load.
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The productivity of a lake is usually determined by the amount of plant matter produced, including
macrophytes (submerged and emergent aquatic plants) and algae. Chlorophyll-a measurements are often
used as a surrogate test to estimate the amount of algae in a lake. Lakes and ponds with high nutrient
levels are called eutrophic and the process of nutrient enrichment is referred to as eutrophication. Those
lakes with few plants and algae and relatively low concentrations of nutrients are termed oligotrophic.
Those lakes with intermediate levels of plant growth and nutrients are termed mesotrophic. The general
characteristics of oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes are provided in the table and figures below. The trophic
status of a lake can be quantified by measuring the types and amount of algae present, the degree of
water clarity, and the amount of phosphorus available for growth of algae. The trophic status of a lake will
be an important means of tracking changes in water quality and the degree of success of corrective
Interactions of chemical and biological factors that determine the trophic status of a lake are listed in
Table 1.
Table 1
Trophic Status Comparison
Condition Eutrophic Oligotrophic
Productivity High Low
Algae density High Low
Nutrient concentrations High Low
Hypolimnion oxygen content Low High
Sediment nutrient release High Low to none
Organic matter High Low
Light transparency Shallow Deep
Macrophyte density High Low
The growth of biological communities is dependent on the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus,
which are the primary plant nutrients. The flow charts below (Figures 3A and 3B) diagram the difference
in nutrient loads between an oligotrophic lake and a eutrophic lake.
2.3.3 Metals and Other Contaminants
If concentrations become high enough, dissolved metals can become harmful to invertebrates and fish in
lakes and reservoirs or may adversely impact the health of individuals that are in partial contact with the
water. The physiological availability of the metals can be influenced by the hardness of the water.
Generally, in softer water lakes, such as Watson Lake, a lower proportion of some metals in solution will
be associated with bicarbonates and carbonates, making them less susceptible to precipitation and more
available to aquatic organisms than in a harder water lake.
Other constituents of concern include herbicides, pesticides, and synthetic organic contaminants. They are
listed in the surface water quality standards; however, these contaminants have not been reported as
problematic in Watson Lake and, accordingly, are not specifically addressed in this LMP.
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2.4 Biological Components
2.4.1 Algae and Weeds
Aquatic plants can be found in all types of surface impoundments. They serve an important role in aquatic
ecosystems. They have a dichotomous relationship (benefits and detriments) with the environment that
must be kept in balance in order to preserve the quality of the water systems for ecological and
recreational uses. Some of the benefits and detriments of aquatic vegetation are listed in Table 2.
Table 2
Beneficial and detrimental effects of aquatic plants
Plant Benefits Possible detriments
Planktonic algae
Oxygen production
Zooplankton food (food chain)
Aesthetic deterioration
Post-bloom fish kills
Filamentous algae Oxygen production
Aesthetic deterioration
Clog irrigation system
Submerged macrophytes
Improve water clarity (nutrient
Oxygen production
Fish habitat and food
Physically obstruct lake
Interfere with fishing and boating
Emergent macrophytes
Wildlife habitat and fish
Improve water quality (nutrient
Aesthetic enhancement
Loss of lake volume
Insect attraction
Waterfowl attraction
Floating macrophytes Aesthetics (flowering plants only)
Reduce light
Physically obstruct lake
Interfere with fishing and boating Importance
Aquatic plants can be broken into two basic forms: algae composed of unicells, colonies, or filaments, and
vascular plants (macrophytes or aquatic weeds) that include forms that are submerged, emergent, or
floating. Their form and growth habitat are important characteristics in their dispersion and possible
management strategies. Aquatic plants provide dissolved oxygen to the water, absorb nutrients, provide
refuge for fish, create habitat for macroinvertebrates, and supply food for some fish, macroinvertebrates,
and waterfowl. Conversely, aquatic weeds can become a nuisance by obstructing boating and fishing
areas and reducing aesthetic value. They can increase water pH and add organic matter to the sediment
and consume dissolved oxygen during decomposition. Forms of Algae
Algae may be one-celled organism (unicells), colonies (multiple cells held together in a matrix, or
filaments (branched or non-branched chains of cells). This affects how they grow, where they develop, and
what management techniques can be successful.
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There are eight taxa or divisions of algae that are common to Arizona lakes and reservoirs.
Cyanobacteria, sometimes called blue-green algae (Cyanophyta): These algae lack differentiation
in cellular organization (prokaryotic). They are typically filamentous or colonial in form, with
mucilaginous sheaths around the cells. Many filamentous forms have specialized vegetative cells
called heterocysts which can fix (absorb) atmospheric nitrogen. Some are known to produce
dangerous neurotoxins.
Green algae (Chlorophyta): This is a diverse group that includes flagellated, amoeboid,
filamentous, and colonial forms. Asexual and sexual reproduction is common. Some filamentous
forms undergo conjugation.
Golden-Brown algae (Chrysophyta): Chrysophyceae have a golden-brown color because of B-
carotein and xanthophyll carotenoid pigments. Most are unicellular, with one flagellum.
Reproduction is predominantly by cell division.
Baccilariophyceae (diatoms): These have highly ornamented silicious cell walls.
Cryptomonads (Cryptophytes): Most cryptophytes are unicellular and motile. Cells are usually
compressed with two equal length flagella. Reproduction is by longitudinal division.
Dinoflagellates (Pyrrophyta): These are unicellular, flagellated algae. Most have a thick cell wall
with spines. The flagellum is usually associated with transverse and longitudinal furrows in the
cell wall.
Euglenoids (Euglenophyta): Many of these organisms are not planktonic forms, but they can
become planktonic when environmental conditions are right. They have no cell wall and often
change shape, may have 1-3 flagella, and are photosynthetic and heterotrophic (consume pre-
formed food particles).
Chara and Nitella (Charaophyta). These two forms of algae appear to be submerged vascular
plants, but are actually advanced forms of algae. Chara (muskgrass) is prevalent in Arizona’s hard
water lakes, often precipitating carbonate on its thallus to become crusty and resistant to
chemical control. Cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae) and Algal Toxins
Toxin-producing blue-green algae are often a concern in lakes. A number of algae species have been
identified as potential toxin formers including representatives from the following genera: Microcystis,
Nodularia, Nostoc, Oscillatoria, Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Cylindrospermum, Gloeotrichia, Phormidium,
Schizothrix, Scytonema, Synechocystis, Tolypothrix, and Trichodesmium. Not all species in these genera
produce toxins, and in some cases, only certain strains produce the toxins and only under specific
environmental conditions. In most reported cases, the toxins are associated with mortality of livestock
animals that consume large numbers of the algae under bloom conditions. However, some evidence
indicates the toxins may limit the growth of other algae and zooplankton. Factors affecting cyanobacteria
(blue-green algae) blooms are summarized in Table 3.
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Table 3
Factors impacting cyanobacteria algae blooms
Environmental factor Impact on bloom
Nitrogen Low N:P ratio favors blue-greens because heterocyst-forming algae
can grow in low-N conditions
Phosphorus Typically need high concentrations; however, in collected data from
Watson Lake, cyanobacteria appeared to grow in lower concentrations.
Temperature Optimum near 35C for some species but can grow in cooler water
Light Low light often favorable but many can migrate to preferred depth
Micronutrients Iron and molybdenum important
pH Tolerate high pH; many can photosynthesize with bicarbonate
Toxins May reduce zooplankton predation
Morphometry Shoreline coves create quiescent waters favoring blue-green growth
Lakes capable of recycling nutrients from sediment favor blue-greens
The golden alga, Prymnesium parvum, has recently been the cause of numerous fish kills in central
Arizona urban lakes. The alga, once considered to be a species found in brackish, cold waters has adapted
to warmer and less saline environments. The trigger for toxin production and release is unknown.
Because the toxins destroy exposed cells, they can attack the naked cells in gill tissue of fish and mollusks.
When the gill cells are ruptured, oxygen cannot be absorbed and hemorrhaging, lethargy, loss of motor
control, asphyxiation, and death occur within hours. P. parvum has not been reported in northern Arizona;
however, it is moving north and westward and might become a concern in the future. Management of Algae
Mitigation methods for limiting cyanobacteria formation in lakes include:
Artificial circulation (de-stratification, hypolimnetic aeration, or layer aeration) to prevent release of
nutrients from sediment
Phosphorus precipitation or inactivation (alum or ferric chloride treatment)
Light attenuation (application of lake dyes)
Biomanipulation (adding herbivorous fish to change the community structure)
Watershed management to reduce nutrient inputs (especially phosphorus) to lakes
Algaecide application to reduce population density and lower pH
Lake level increase or flushing
Light attenuation, algaecide applications, biological controls, and lake level and flushing are discussed
below. The remaining management methods are discussed in later sections.
While unlikely to be appealing, lake dyes are an option and can be added to the water to absorb
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Two products are currently Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) registered for use (Admiral® and Aquashade®). Products are water soluble and have no adverse
effects on aquatic organisms. The dye should be applied to waters with greater than a 3-foot depth to be
effective. The dye decreases PAR by about 30 percent.
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While unlikely to be appealing to the City, algaecides can be applied, usually to the upper 3 feet of water,
to management various algal forms. Application can be by spray, subsurface injection, prop-wash, or
spreader (granular forms). In some cases such as shallow waters, algae growth occurs on the sediment
surface and application by weighted hose or using a density increasing additive is required. Products
contain different active ingredients and additives that impact genera and forms it may control. Some
products have water use restrictions following application, such as for drinking water supplies, swimming,
and irrigation. The product label should always be consulted before making any application.
A brief summary of common algaecides is presented in Table 4.
Table 4
Common algaecides
Algaecide Trade names ® Plants affected
Mixed copper ethanolamine
Cutrine Plus
Planktonic algae
Filamentous algae
Chara and Nitella
Mixed copper ethanolamine with surfactant
Captain XTR
Cutrine Ultra
Copper sulfate pentahydrate with aluminum
SeClear Planktonic algae
Filamentous algae
Copper citrate and gluconate Algimycin
Planktonic algae
Filamentous algae
Copper sulfate pentahydrate in acid Earthtec Planktonic algae
Mixed copper ethanolamine with diquat
Filamentous algae
Sodium peroxycarbonate
Green Clean Pro
Planktonic algae
Filamentous algae
Endothall dimethylamine salt Hydrothol 191
Cutrine Plus
Herbivorous fish can also be stocked in a lake to consume submerged weeds and sometimes filamentous
algae, but no fish species is truly capable of filter-feeding on microscopic planktonic algae. Species regularly
used include tilapia (Tilapia spp.) and the White Amur (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Tilapia can overpopulate
lakes and compete with game species. They are also cold-sensitive and die at temperatures below 55 F and
thus cannot be used in Watson Lake. White Amur (grass carp, Figure 4) are considered an exotic species.
They require a license from Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGF), must be 12-14-inch minimum size,
and there must be no possibility of ingress or egress from the lake. They are thermally tolerant. Stocking
densities from 10 to 50 fish per acre are typically planted.
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Lake level adjustment and flushing is sometimes an option when source water is available. Flushing the
lake can serve multiple purposes including removing nutrients and suspended algae from the water column
and decreasing the time for algae to grow, among many others. Much of the volume in Watson Lake is
displaced during winter runoff, and some volume is displaced during summer monsoon runoff in July to
2.4.2 Submerged, Floating, and Emergent Weeds Forms
Floating plants include those that float on the surface and are rooted on the lake bottom. Others can be
free-floating on the water surface and derive their nutrients directly from the water through cell walls or
through a well-developed root system that penetrates into the water. Water lilies and duckweed are
common examples.
Emergent plants are either found growing upright along the damp shoreline or anchored to the lake
bottom through their root systems, but have a substantial portion of the plant body emerging out of the
water. Cattail would be a typical example.
A submerged plant essentially grows under water. It can often send up flowering parts above the water
for seed dissemination or have vegetative parts reach the surface in shallow reservoirs. Horned pondweed
(Zanechellia palustris), brittle naiad (Najas minor), and Eurasian watermilfoil (Ceratophyllum spicatum) are
common local examples. Management Methods
The same list of management methods as described for algae (Section applies to aquatic weeds,
and submerged forms in particular. The described fish species will usually prefer submerged plants over
filamentous algae. However, they do not consume most types of established emergent vegetation.
Aquatic dyes are effective on submerged weeds but have no effect on established floating or emergent
forms. Chemical herbicides for aquatic weeds contain different formulations than algaecides and are
discussed below. Submerged and floating weeds may also be physically removed and these methods are
also presented below.
The City of Prescott has historically been opposed to the application of herbicides in Watson Lake;
however, chemical herbicides are a viable option for controlling aquatic weeds and may need to be
considered depending on lake conditions. The primary chemical categories for weed control are
presented below.
Copper herbicides contain copper that is either available or chelated with an organic compound to keep it
in solution and prevent rapid precipitation in the water column. Copper is very effective for algae control
and some submerged macrophytes as southern naiad and macroscopic algae (Chara and Nitella). Mixed
with diquat (2 parts copper to 1 part diquat), it provides an effective agent against many shoreline plants
including filamentous algae. However, copper can be very toxic to fish.
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2,4-D works on broadleaf species. It is systemic, requiring a relatively short contact time. It is usually not
effective on pondweeds, but is effective on Elodea, milfoils, coontail, and hydrilla. However, it should not
be used on lakes subject to water contact or consumption because of irrigation restrictions.
Diquat is a contact herbicide that works very quickly and causes a rapid die-off. It is not effective in killing
roots, rhizomes, or tubers, thus it requires repeated applications. It combines with particulates (especially
clays) and dissolved organic matter which limits its effectiveness in some waters. It is tank-mixed with
copper for edge treatments (see above).
Endothall is a contact herbicide which is unaffected by particulates or organic matter. It should not be
used in combination with copper compounds.
Flumioxazin is a relatively new aquatic contact herbicide for selective control of tough invasive and
nuisance plants such as cabomba, watermeal, Eurasian watermilfoil, water lettuce, duckweed, and giant
salvinia. The chemical dissipates quickly from the water column and does not accumulate in the sediment.
It is pH sensitive, working best at pH 7, and requiring maximum label rate when pH exceeds 8.0 SU.
Fluridone product trade names include Sonar® and Whitecap®. Fluridone is a slow-acting systemic
herbicide used to control underwater plants. It may be applied as a pellet or as a liquid. Fluridone can
show good control of submersed plants where there is little water movement and an extended time for
the treatment. Its use is most applicable to whole-lake or isolated bay treatments where dilution can be
minimized. It is slow-acting and may take six to twelve weeks before the dying plants fall to the sediment
and decompose. Granular formulations of fluridone are proving to be effective when treating areas of
higher water exchange or when applicators need to maintain low levels over long time periods. Some
native aquatic plants, especially pondweeds, are minimally affected by low concentrations of fluridone.
Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide. It is only used on shoreline emergent species such as cattail.
Triclopyr-TEA: There are two formulations of triclopyr. It is the TEA formation of triclopyr that is registered
for use in aquatic or riparian environments. Triclopyr, applied as a liquid, is a relatively fast-acting,
systemic, selective herbicide used for the control of Eurasian watermilfoil and other broad-leaved species
such as purple loosestrife. Many native aquatic species are unaffected by triclopyr.
Imazapyr: This systemic broad spectrum, slow-acting herbicide, applied as a liquid, is used to control
emergent plants like spartina, reed canarygrass, and phragmites and floating- leaved plants like water
lilies. Imazapyr does not work on underwater plants. Although imazapyr is a broad spectrum, non-
selective herbicide, a good applicator can somewhat selectively remove targeted plants by focusing the
spray only on the plants to be removed.
Imazamox: Imazamox is the common name of the active ingredient ammonium salt of imazamox
pyridinecarboxylic acid. It was registered with EPA in 2008 and is currently marketed for aquatic use as
Clearcast® and Imox® It is a liquid formulation that is applied to submerged vegetation by broadcast
spray or underwater hose application and to emergent or floating leaf vegetation by broadcast spray or
foliar application. There is also a granular version.
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Penoxsulam: Penoxsulam is a liquid used for large-scale control of submerged, emergent and floating-leaf
vegetation. Penoxsulam must remain in contact with plants for around 60 days. Because of this long
contact period, penoxsulam is likely to be used for larger-scale or whole-lake treatments and should not
be used where rapid dilution can occur such as spot treatments or moving water.
Information on the various products and their use is presented in Table 5.
Table 5
Herbicide information
Mode of action Environmental fate Advantage Disadvantage
Copper Photosynthesis and
cell growth inhibitor.
Cu2+ is primary toxic
contact herbicide
Highly water
soluble with no
Strong particle
and DOC
causes rapid
sediment deposition.
Transport occurs
between water and
Relatively safe for
effective on some
forms of
submerged weeds
Toxic to sensitive
fishes and other non-
target organisms
Ineffective at
Endothall Inhibition of
messenger RNA
Decreasing rate of
respiration and lipid
inhibiting protein
synthesis and
interfering with
cell division.
Rapidly degraded in
water. Its half-life is 4
to 7days for
dipotassium endothall
and about 7 days for
technical endothall in
surface water.
Moderately to
highly effective on
submersed and
floating plants
Limited toxicity
to fish
Potentially toxic
to aquatic fauna
Water use restriction
Rapid action
Selective contact
Diquat dibromide Causes superoxide to
be generated during
that damages cell
membranes and
cytoplasm. Leads
to desiccation.
contact herbicide.
Water column
typically drop below
detection within days
to weeks after
application. This
results from binding
to particles and
sediment and
in plant tissue.
Moderately to
highly effective on
submersed and
floating plants
Limited toxicity
to fish.
Rapid action.
Potentially toxic
to zooplankton.
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Table 5
Herbicide information
Mode of action Environmental fate Advantage Disadvantage
Fluridone inhibits production of
carotene, which
enhances degradation of
chlorophyll and inhibits
Selective systemic
Photodegrades; low
and experiments
indicated low potential
to bioaccumulate or
Glyphosate Inhibits a key enzyme
that plants and bacteria
use to make amino
acids (EPSP synthase),
Once glyphosate
enters the water
column, it is quickly
adsorbed to soil
particles. Microbial
degradation begins
Moderately to
highly effective on
emergent and
floating plants.
Rapid action and low
Inactivated by
No time
restrictions for
water use.
Triclopyr Mimics the plant
growth hormone
auxin (indole acetic
acid), causes
uncontrolled and
disorganized plant
growth that leads to
plant death.
Selective systemic.
Hydrolysis occurs
rapidly with half-lives
in water of 2.8-14.1
hours. Photolysis is
the primary
breakdown process in
Microbial degradation
occurs in soil with a
soil half-life of 30-90
Effect ion
floating and
Effective n difficult
to control species
Low toxicity
to aquatic
Fast acting.
Time delays for
recreational use of
Flumioxazin inhibition of
oxidase, an enzyme
important in the
synthesis of
chlorophyll. Contact
Flumioxazin degrades
rapidly in water and
soil. Dissipation
occurs by a
combination of
hydrolysis and
microbial oxidation.
Low use rate.
Low toxicity
to aquatic
Efficacy reduced in
high pH waters.
Imazapyr Imazapyr kills plants by
preventing the
synthesis of certain
amino acids produced
by plants but not
Non-selective systemic.
Imazapyr can be
highly mobile or
persistent in soils,
dependent on soil
characteristics. The
primary form of
degradation in water
is photodegradation
with a half- life of
approximately 2
Non-toxic to fish
and most aquatic
flora and fauna.
Persistent in soils.
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Table 5
Herbicide information
Mode of action Environmental fate Advantage Disadvantage
2,4-D Hormone that
stimulates stem
elongation & nucleic
acid/protein synthesis,
uncontrolled growth
until death.
Affects enzyme
ell division.
Post emergent
systemic herbicide.
Rapid hydrolysis to
2,4 D acid, then binds
to sediments.
2,4 D DMA < 2,4 D
BEE in sediments.
not expected.
Moderately to
highly effective on
submerged and
floating plants.
Fairly fast acting.
Potential toxicity
to aquatic fauna.
Time delays for
recreational use of
Imazamox Systemic herbicide that
moves throughout the
plant tissue and
plants from producing
a necessary enzyme,
acetolactate synthase
Dissipation studies in
lakes indicate a half-
life ranging from 4 to
49 days with an
average of 17 days.
Herbicide breakdown
doesn’t occur in
deep, poorly-
oxygenated water
where there is
no light. In this part
of a lake, imazamox
will tend to bind to
sediment rather than
down, with a half-life
of approximately 2
Fast acting Dos not
harm animals.
May be used
immediately post-
application for
fishing, boating,
and swimming.
Potable water use
Limited data on
adverse effects on
desirable aquatic
Penoxsulam Systemic herbicide that
moves throughout the
plant tissue and
prevents production of
a necessary enzyme,
acetolactate synthase
Very mobile. but not
persistent in aquatic
Slow mode of
action allows for
applications. No
Slow mode of
action allows for
dilution in small
Cutting and harvesting: Aquatic plants can be reduced by cutting and harvesting the vegetative material
by mechanical means. Some disturbance of the sediment is expected. Plants are cut, mechanically
collected and placed on shore to dry prior to disposal. A wide range of techniques is available from
manual to highly mechanical. For large lakes, a weed harvester, capable of cutting and collecting the
material, as shown in Figure 5, would be applicable.
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Mechanical removal provides a highly flexible control of plants. Location and timing can be selected and
disruption to recreational activities minimized. Other incidental debris can also be removed
simultaneously. Adverse impacts include habitat disruption for fish and benthic macroinvertebrates,
possible spread of the plants by fragmentation and re-rooting, and possible increase in lake turbidity.
Removal is non-selective, with any plant in the path subject to cutting and removal. Plants may also
become re-established if the growing season is sufficiently long.
Drawdown or dewatering a portion of the lake supporting submerged weeds is also a physical
management technique. The plant material dies and dries during solar exposure. The dried biomass may
be removed mechanically or left to be incorporated into the lake sediment upon refilling. The disruption
to use of the lake and aquatic fauna is significant.
2.4.3 Zooplankton Importance and Forms
The zooplankton of lakes is composed of microscopic or nearly microscopic crustaceans, including
members of the rotifers, cladocerans, copepods, and ostracods (see examples below and Figure 6). These
organisms function as consumers of algae, bacteria, and other organic particulates and as a food source
for immature fish.
Rotifers are loricate (possess a shell). They are particulate feeders, consuming algae cells, bacteria, and
detritus (dead organic matter). They are easily identified by the cilia around the mouth that sweeps in
particulate food.
Cladocerans, Daphnia being the most common, are indiscriminate filter feeders, and are preyed upon by
the predatory zooplankton species. They consume any algae cell of a size that can be collected by the
filtering apparatus. They can be identified in water samples by their large, dark eye or straight swimming
motion, and eggs on back.
Copepods have three forms – cyclopoid, calanoid, and harpactacoid. These can be easily differentiated by
the size of their antennae and body segments (cyclopoids-short antennae; calanoids-antennae about as
long as body; harpactacoid-short antennae, extra long body). Copepods are essentially filter feeders,
straining out algae cells. However, some of the larger forms can be size-selective predators; some are
cannibalistic. They can be identified in a water sample by their zigzag swimming motion and females
carry their eggs laterally.
Ostracods are usually a minor part of the zooplankton and usually found in shallow waters near shore.
They are barely visible to the naked eye and resemble small clams (often called seed shrimp).
2.4.4 Benthos
The benthos is composed of bottom dwelling organisms. The microscopic portion of the benthic layer at
the lake bottom is primarily composed of protozoa and bacteria. When it is warm enough and with
sufficient oxygen present, these organisms provide the bulk of the breakdown of organic matter in the
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aquatic ecosystem. The larger, macroinvertebrate portion includes fly larvae, beetle larvae, dragonfly
larvae, etc., that serve as a food source for bottom feeding fishes. The plant component may consist of
filamentous algae and diatoms. In terms of lake management and possible manipulation, the animal
portion of the benthos is most important.
2.4.5 Fish
Fish surveys at Watson Lake have found a moderate variety of game fish present within the Lake,
including largemouth bass, sunfish, bluegill, crappie, catfish, and rainbow trout. The abundance of aquatic
weeds provides ample protective cover for larvae and fingerlings and foraging opportunities for adults.
2.4.6 Other Organisms Birds and Waterfowl
Birds and waterfowl are attracted to standing waterbodies. The birds are popular among bird watchers
and typical lake users. The lake in turn provides food sources and nesting areas for the waterfowl.
Although popular with the citizenry, birds and waterfowl can reduce water quality. The birds produce an
enormous amount of fecal matter that can add nitrogen, phosphorus, and bacteria to the lake waters, soil
recreational and picnic areas, and add feathers and oils to the surface waters. Nuisance and Vector Insects
It is often impossible to prevent occurrence or totally eliminate insect populations in and around a lake.
However, understanding their life histories of the organisms provides a basis for management techniques.
The following sections provide information about the life cycles of these semi-aquatic organisms.
Mosquitoes are unlikely to breed in the lake; however, mosquitoes may breed in associated irrigated areas
where water inadvertently pools or where runoff or storm water accumulates. Additionally, poorly
maintained park grounds and maintenance facilities can become a breeding site for mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance from their bites but pose a potential threat to public health. Many
mosquito species are vectors of viruses that can impact human health.
Most mosquitoes typically breed in areas of moderate to dense vegetation and relatively stagnant waters.
Both stagnant-water and flood-water forms of mosquitoes exist. Many species prefer organically rich
habitats. The generalized life cycle of the mosquito has four basic stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult
(Figures 7 and 8).
Egg: Most mosquitoes lay eggs singularly or in rafts on the surface of the water. The rafts can
contain between 100 and 400 eggs. Other mosquitoes (flood water forms) lay eggs on rocks and
vegetation in wait of submergence by rainfall or flooding. Eggs usually hatch within two to three
days of being laid or submerged by water.
Larvae: Upon hatching, small wiggling larvae swim to the surface of the water to begin breathing
through their siphon. They feed on minute organic particulate matter and bacteria. The larvae go
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through four molts (skin-shedding) to accommodate growth during the next two to 16 days,
depending on species. The organism during each of these stages is called an instar.
Pupa: Following the fourth instar, the mosquito develops into a pupa. The pupa does not eat.
Within the pupa the mosquito develops over the next two days. When fully developed, the pupa
skin splits and the adult fly emerges.
Adult: The adult generally rests on the surface of the water until it is strong enough to fly away.
The mature adult males will feed on nectar while the females will search for blood meals to
nourish their eggs. Adults may fly from a few hundred yards to 15 miles in a night. Adults may live
from two to nine weeks, depending upon species, and some females may produce up to three
batches of eggs.
Midge flies typically encountered in Arizona are not biting insects. However, they tend to swarm, produce
a nuisance buzzing, fly into eyes and mouths, congregate in eves of homes and buildings, and make a
mess when large swarms die. The midge fly life cycle takes 10 to 28 days to complete depending upon
species (Figures 9 and 10). Their larvae inhabit the bottom sediments of lakes. They tend to be more
prevalent in organically rich waters with large amounts of mucky sediment. After several instars, the pupa
emerges from the mud and the adult fly leaves the water. The swarms are part of the mating ritual.
Females lay hundreds of eggs that are deposited on the surface of the water in a jelly-like case which later
sinks to the lake bottom.
Management efforts for midge flies are similar to those for mosquitoes, but these organisms will invade a
water body regardless of the degree of movement of the water column. Bacteria
Waterfowl and birds are a source of E. coli bacteria. Whether added to water or shore, fecal deposits
containing bacteria create a potential human health risk from incidental contact (e.g., fishing, boating,
picnicking, etc.). Children, less likely to be careful where they play and how well they wash prior to eating,
are at greatest risk. Invasive Species
Aquatic invasive species present a number of different risks to both the proper and desired functioning of
a waterbody. High amounts of aquatic vegetation can prevent swimming, sport fishing, and boating.
Invasive fish, snails, and mussels can quickly overwhelm the natural balance of the aquatic ecosystem and
have detrimental effects on the infrastructure and local aquatic species. The exclusion of aquatic invasive
species can include programs to address both emergent and submerged vegetation as well as invasive
aquatic fauna. Despite that Eurasian watermilfoil is considered an invasive form in other parts of the
country AZGF does not currently list Watson Lake as having aquatic invasive species present.
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2.5 Lake Monitoring
Monitoring the water quality of the lake is an essential component of any lake management plan. The
data provide guidance on what actions are required, insight into the best management or mitigation
practice, and ultimately provide the ruler for measuring success of any corrective actions.
2.5.1 Parameters
For most lakes that contain fish and at which fishing and boating are common, water quality monitoring
incorporates the following general areas: (a) chemical-physical parameters, (b) nutrients, (c) algae and
weed density and identification, (d) midge density, (e) bacteria density, and (f) metals. A typical list of
parameters is shown below
Temperature and oxygen profile by depth
Secchi disk depth
Total Kjeldahl N
Total N
Total phosphorus
Algae identification and count
Midge larvae density (sediment grab)
E. coli bacteria
Metals, hardness and alkalinity (Ag, As, Be, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, Se. Tl, Zn)
For dendritic lakes (meaning lakes that receive drainage from many contributing drainage systems), more
than a single sample location is usually required to understand variations in the water body. However,
composite samples can be used as simple tracking related to compliance limits. Sampling frequency is
usually monthly, except for metals that are usually checked annually.
2.5.2 Monitoring Equipment
The following is a description of recommended equipment used for lake and insect monitoring (see
Figure 11). Other equipment may be needed based on lake conditions and measurements needed. Water Sampling
Shallow (0.5 m) grab samples can be collected manually or using a standard water sampler such as a Van
Dorn, Kemmerer, or Alpha bottle. Composite samples should include equal volume collections for each
designated area that are combined in a single container.
Vertical (depth) profile sampling will require a temperature-oxygen meter with cables of sufficient length
to allow releasing and maintaining the probe at all water depths. For Watson Lake this is about 15 meters.
Golden algae samples should consist of multiple surface grabs, especially in down-wind areas.
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Lake sediment should be collected with an Ekman or Ponar dredge. The Ekman dredge is spring loaded
and dropped to the lake bottom. The jaws are closed by releasing a messenger (weight) that is connected
to the lanyard. The Ponar dredge is for soft sediment and closes when the unit is lifted from the lake
bottom. Midge Fly Sampling
Midge larvae are collected from the lake bottom using an Ekman dredge. The standard dredge has a
surface area of approximately 1/40 square meter. The sediment is hand dispersed or organisms are
floated in a sugar solution. The number of midge fly larvae recovered x 40 represents the number of
larvae per square meter. Typically, midge counts <400 per square meter do not result in nuisance
complaints from lake visitors. Mosquito Sampling
Mosquito larvae are sampled manually with a dipper in standing water locations around the lake or in
stagnant areas of the lake itself. Five dips at a single location are considered representative of one
sampling event.
Adult mosquitoes are collected using EVS (Encephalitis Vector Survey) carbon dioxide traps. The traps
consist of a battery operated fan that draws mosquitoes into a collection net. The upper portion of the
device holds the bait which is dry ice (carbon-dioxide attractant). Traps are set at a 6 ft height in late
afternoon and collected the following morning. Mosquito counts, species identification, and encephalitis
screening can be performed on collected specimens.
2.5.3 Test Methods, Data Handling, and Interpretation
Analytical methods used for examining water samples should be approved by the American Public Health
Association (APHA), EPA, Water Environment Federation (WEF) or other recognized authority. Biological
samples should be examined by experienced biologists or entomologists. When regulatory compliance is
necessary, submitting the chemistry samples to an internal or external State-licensed laboratory that uses
approved methods and has an established and accepted quality assurance program is recommended.
Chain of custody, sample preservation, and holding time procedures should be followed.
Hard copies of all field notes and data, and laboratory reports should be maintained. Electronic files are
suitable and usually preferred for data analysis. Chemical and biological data should be tracked on a
temporal basis by spreadsheet and graphics.
Data interpretation should be made by a qualified lake manager or limnologist. The data interpretation
will influence and direct any additions or changes to the lake management strategies or techniques being
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Based on the findings of the Watson Lake modeling efforts, supplemental aeration and nutrient reduction
are the major management practices recommended for Watson Lake. Other management methods
related to algae and weed growth will improve pH and support the primary practices. Some additional
management practices will support sustainability of the lake for recreational and aesthetic benefits.
Please note that recognition of equipment, material manufacturers,
or suppliers is for example only and does not constitute endorsement
of their products by Wood or the City.
3.1 Circulation and Aeration.
With typical winds in the area, horizontal circulation is not an issue at Watson Lake. Some protected coves
likely exist, but for the most part, the lake appears to have sufficient horizontal flow patterns as shown by
similarity between observation sites. As a monomictic reservoir, Watson Lake vertically circulates during
the autumn and winter and begins to form vertical stratification in late spring and summer. The deeper
water (hypolimnion) rapidly loses oxygen through decomposition of biomass and respiration in the water
column above the sediment. The loss of oxygen (anoxia) causes two significant adverse effects: (1)
restriction of fish, zooplankton, invertebrates and other aerobic aquatic life and (2) release of phosphorus
and gases such as ammonia that can be re-circulated into the photic zone and stimulate algae growth and
eventually cause an increase in pH. Adequate oxygenation is especially important to maintain a healthy
fishery during the warmer months when the oxygen saturation level in the deeper waters of the lake
Mechanical vertical circulation or aeration can reduce algae growth directly by moving suspended algae in
and out of the photic zone, thereby reducing its productivity. Vertical mixing also provides an aerobic
zone over the sediment and limits release and redistribution of phosphorus. Aeration helps limit the
release from the sediment of undesirable dissolved gases such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia.
3.2 Types of Aeration
A number of different types of aeration systems exist with one of two functions based on their mode of
action: (a) complete vertical circulation to deliver oxygen throughout the water column by destroying the
thermocline and thermal stratification and (b) to deliver oxygen to the hypolimnion directly and
maintaining thermal stratification. These are described below.
3.2.1 Bottom Diffuse Aeration
The term aeration is commonly used to describe submersed diffused-air aeration systems that can help
oxygenate the lower depths of a waterbody that cannot be reached by floating aerators or surface
fountains. These systems use an onshore compressor to pump air through subsurface tubes to
submerged bubble diffusers. An air flow rate of 1.3 cu-ft/min minimum is required for each diffuser. As
the bubbles rise, they carry the low-oxygen water from the bottom towards the surface, where it mixes
with the oxygen-rich surface water and atmospheric oxygen before sinking back to the bottom of the
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water column (Figure 12). This vertical mixing, even if localized, can help to increase dissolved oxygen
throughout the entire deep, low-oxygen part of the lake through lateral mixing.
Complete or partial air lift or bubble-plume diffusers would be located on the bottom in areas of the lake
where the water is deep enough that there is low-oxygen hypolimnion water present during the warmer
months with stratified conditions (deeper than 6 meters). Diffusers are not needed in shallow areas where
only highly oxygenated water is present.
The installation and maintenance of a bottom-diffuser aeration system would only have a minor impact to
routine access and recreational use of the lake. Areas of the lake would be closed to boating and fishing
for one to two days while aeration tubing or piping is laid. An electrical source for compressors or blowers
would be needed and the length of air conveyance tubing could be a challenge, depending on where
systems were installed. However, with the lake being mixed laterally, these diffusers do not need to be
installed at the very deepest point farthest from the shore; they can be installed closer to shore as long as
they are below the thermal stratification. The system would require quarterly maintenance of compressors
or blowers and annual maintenance on bottom diffusers, and that might result in partial closures of
affected areas of the lake for a day or two.
Anticipated cost for initial installation of a complete aeration system using bottom diffusers, piston-driven
air compressors or blowers, and weighted airline hoses is $125,000 to $250,000. Power is currently
available at the south boat dock, but not at the north boat dock or dam. Additional costs would apply to
provide power to the aeration system in the northern portion of the Lake. Alternatively, electrical power
could be provided by solar panels where line power is not feasible.
3.2.2 Floating Vertical Water Circulators
Floating vertical water circulators (Figure 13) create vertical water movement by cycling deep oxygen-
poor water to the water-air interface. These circulators float on the water surface and are anchored in
place. They require water depths greater than 1 meter and would be anchored in water depths greater
than 5 meters to be effective. Solar or shore-powered versions are available. Each unit has a footprint of
approximately 16 feet in diameter. The ability to install different draft tubes could allow for water
circulation from the bottom of the deepest part of the reservoir. There would be some negative impact on
boating and other recreational uses in the lake because some units represent a large diameter obstruction
that would need to be marked and avoided, possibly with an additional safety buffer around the unit also
blocked to boating and other uses.
The vertical water circulators would float on the surface in areas of the lake where the water is deep
enough that there is low-oxygen hypolimnetic water below them during the warmer months with
stratified conditions. These are not needed in shallow areas where only high-oxygen epilimnion water is
The anticipated cost for initial installation of all four (4) floating vertical water circulators is $190,000 to
$250,000. This assumes the installed units are solar powered and have no electrical requirement from
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3.2.3 Hypolimnetic Aeration
With hypolimnetic aeration (Figure 14), the oxygen demand of deep water is compensated by oxygen
from the atmosphere or an external oxygen supply without destroying the lake's natural stratification.
Thus the deep water becomes aerobic, the phosphate dissolution is reduced significantly and the
mineralization of sediments improves while stratification and habitat variations are maintained. The
systems are appropriate for lakes wishing to maintain a two-tier fishery by maintaining a cold-water
habitat for certain fish species.
In these systems air is blown into a diffuser at the bottom of a recirculation tube and entrains water
upward through the tube. The water is re-oxygenated by contact with the air bubbles, then returns to the
bottom where it discharges through radial outlets. Excess air is discharged through the top or a vent pipe.
The anticipated cost for initial installation is in the range of $100,000 to $200,000. Speece Cone
A down-flow bubble contactor (Speece Cone) is a hypolimnetic aeration system that uses the change in
water velocity that occurs in different diameter pipes to ensure complete diffusion of pure oxygen
bubbles. Water flows down through a cone; as the cone widens, the water slows. At the same time,
oxygen bubbles are injected into the bottom of the cone (Figure 15). The bubbles rise against the
counter-flowing water until the point that the velocity of the down-flowing water equals the speed of the
bubbles rising. At this point, the bubbles hover in the water flow as they slowly diffuse away. There is no
off-gas and thus no loss of expensive oxygen. The oxygenation system is housed on land and a diffuser
system is placed at the bottom of the lake. Speece Cones have been installed and are successfully
operating in several California reservoirs, including those with summer algae blooms of Aphanizomenon.
Reductions in nitrogen, phosphorus and algae have been reported.
Speece cones appear to be a highly effective but expensive aeration alternative. Depending on pump size,
distribution locations, and use of generated or delivered oxygen, capital costs could be in excess of
1 million dollars.
3.2.4 Nanobubble Aeration
In this relatively new technology, water is pumped from the lake to an on-shore air or oxygen generator
and gas diffusion system (Figure 16) that produces ultra-fine bubbles (nanobubbles less than 1 um
diameter). Both shoreline and solar-powered floating systems are available. The oxygen infused water is
returned to the lake. As a result of their small size and extremely large total surface area, nanobubbles
have no natural buoyancy, follow Brownian movement, and transfer oxygen throughout the water column.
This unique behavior enables nanobubbles to provide a homogenous distribution of oxygen throughout
an entire body of water. They also have a strong negative charge and are attracted to organic molecules
with positive surface charge. When they connect with positively charged metal ions, pollutants and
dangerous cyanotoxins, nanobubbles render them inactive. Nanobubbles also remain within the water
column for a longer period of time over alternative aeration methods.
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Some benefits of nanobubble treatment include (a) saturation of water with over 50,000 times more
oxygen than diffuse aeration, (b) helps mitigate nutrient recycling from the sediment, (c) neutralizes
toxins, (d) helps sustain growth of beneficial bacteria and desirable microbes, and (e) reduces
accumulation of anaerobic bottom muck and sediments.
The anticipated cost for initial installation of approximately ten (10) solar-powered nanobubble
generators is $450,000 to $550,000 (for all units). This does not include electrical connections for non-
solar systems.
3.3 Nutrient Reduction and Inactivation
3.3.1 Watershed Management
Only reducing the loading of nutrients into Watson Lake from Granite Creek truly treats the cause of high
nutrient levels (particularly phosphorus) that support excessive growth rates of algae and weeds. The
Granite Creek Watershed Pollutant Reduction Plan (developed alongside this Plan) describes ways to
reduce phosphorus from the developed environment towards levels needed to limit growth of algae in
the lake.
3.3.2 In-lake Methods
The successful growth and propagation of aquatic weeds and algae are dependent on adequate nutrient
concentrations within the water column and sediment. Precipitation of dissolved and suspended nutrients
from the water column or inactivation (immobilization) of nutrients in the bottom sediment using
chemicals can reduce algae and aquatic macrophyte growth. Nitrogen is very difficult to manage because
it can be replenished from the atmosphere by nitrogen fixing organisms such as cyanobacteria (also called
blue-green algae); therefore, phosphorus is usually the target element. Typical forms of phosphorus in
surface waterbodies include inorganic phosphates, iron-bound phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus.
Nutrient inactivating chemicals can bind and capture each form of bioavailable phosphorus. Lower doses
can be used to just target the water column phosphorus or higher dosages can be applied to also
inactivate releases from the sediment.
The inactivating material is applied by boat throughout the water column in a series of applications
spanning a few days to a few weeks depending on the treatment protocol. Water quality parameters can
affect the suitability and dosage requirements of some products. Nutrient inactivation agents work
through chemical precipitation; they are widely used in lakes and they are not toxic like herbicides or
The types of products that fall into this category include aluminum sulfate (alum), buffered aluminum
sulfate (Baraclear® or similar), or lanthanum-impregnated clay (Phoslock®). Liquid alum can be applied
directly from a boat or barge, but is relatively expensive because of the limited solubility of alum in water
and the resulting low concentration in the liquid as supplied. Dry forms are usually preferred and mixed as
a suspension in lake water and applied through a manifold system from a boat or barge. The specific
reaction of alum and water will also generally lower pH. For high dosage applications, addition of a buffer
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may be necessary to maintain a stable pH. Although there are numerous chemicals that can be used,
sodium aluminate is typically added as it also contributes aluminum to the dose.
Nutrient inactivating agents have been shown to be effective in locking phosphorus in the lake sediment
for five or more years between applications. Some precautions must be considered. Benefits may be
short-lived when inflows contain high concentrations of phosphorus (as with Watson Lake). Although
buffered alum should control cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and some filamentous algae, it may not
eliminate rooted aquatic plants that may still obtain some phosphorus from the deeper layers of lake
sediment. Additionally, application of alum in the relatively shallow areas of the lake may not be effective.
Effectiveness may be short-lived where area is covered with macrophytes during the summer and their
decay will contribute phosphorus to the water.
Two (2) applications per year may be required to address seasonal phosphorus-laden inflows. One
application would be targeted for late April or May, before the start of warm-weather algae growth, to
address phosphorus that was already in the reservoir (e.g. released from bottom sediment) or in winter
inflow. The second application would be applied soon after the monsoon season to help bind phosphorus
washed into the reservoir. The use and application of these materials would have minimal impact on the
recreational use of the lake.
Cost for a single application of alum is dosage dependent and jar testing is usually recommended to
identify the optimum dosage. Costs can range from $500 to $1,000 per acre. The addition of lanthanum-
impregnated clay would be the costliest, at an estimated $1,000 or more per acre. Cost is calculated based
on water quality data with a total removal of 407 lb of phosphorus from the water column (or 2.45 lbs per
surface acre, based on reducing phosphorus concentrations to under 3 μg/L). If applied to the entire lake,
the cost would be approximately $96,000 - $192,000 per application.
3.3.3 Sediment Removal
Dredging is the process of the physical removal of sediment from the bottom of a lake or reservoir. This
has the benefit of reducing a major in-lake source of nutrients (recycled phosphorus in particular),
increasing the depth of the lake or reservoir, and thereby reducing the area of shallow lake water that
receives sufficient light penetration to support submerged weed growth, and in some cases directly
removing submerged weeds and their substrate. The benefit of dredging can be realized for 5 to 10 or
more years depending on how much new sediment and nutrients wash into the lake and settle to the
bottom. Selective dredging of the areas suffering from the most sedimentation may also provide benefits,
particularly to reduce rooted weed growth, and would cost less than a full-scale dredging effort. Due to
water rights and Active Management Area (AMA) recharge considerations, there may be limitations and
significant coordination efforts required for lake draining and dredging activities to be feasible.
Because the annual inflow of water is large relative to the lake volume, dredging alone is unlikely to
significantly reduce levels of phosphorus in the lake unless inflowing phosphorus is also reduced (at the
watershed level) or is bound or inactivated upon entering the lake before it is used for algae growth. Lake
modeling results supported this relationship. In addition, the large annual inflow means that dredging is
not a once-only activity because the large inflow brings large amounts of new sediment and nutrients into
the lake that settle to the bottom where they would eventually need to be re-dredged.
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The spatial distribution and depth of high-phosphorus sediment deposits would need to be better
quantified for an improved understanding of cost and benefit, particularly of selective dredging. Lake
sediment appears to be a large potential reservoir of phosphorus, and small reductions in the sediment
area in contact with the lake is unlikely to achieve large reductions in lake phosphorus; large-scale
dredging might be needed.
Dredging efforts would have a major impact on the normal operation and recreational availability of the
lake. Relative to other lake management techniques, dredging is one of the most disruptive alternatives in
terms of aesthetics and interruption to lake operation and recreation uses. Dredging can temporarily
reduce oxygen concentrations, increase turbidity, and encourage algal blooms by upwelling some of the
sediment during the removal operation. It would likely require portions of the lake to be closed to
boating and fishing in the vicinity of dredging activities. However, the disruption is only for the duration
of the dredging, unlike some other measures that involve ongoing effects.
The depth to which the lake, or a section of the lake, is dredged is also of importance. Dredging shallow
areas to a depth deeper than the photic zone (2 meters) will reduce the amount of lake bottom available
for aquatic weed growth. A greater depth may need to be dredged because the lake level can vary from
year to year. The Sediment Study indicates an even distribution of nutrients throughout the sediment
depths. Dredging activities that do not dredge to below the bottom of the high-nutrient sediment may
not reduce nutrient redistribution to the water as it will merely expose a new layer of nutrients to the
sediment-water interface. Sediment Removal Methods
The most common forms of sediment removal in large lakes include direct removal by mechanical
equipment and vacuum/suction (hydraulic) dredges. Dredging involves draining the lake or a portion of
the lake to the lowest level possible, targeting material dried by the drawdown, and excavating the
material with conventional land equipment. Wet dredging may use a shovel-like apparatus to scoop the
material from a completely filled lake and deposit the sediment in a holding bin. Hydraulic dredging uses
a suction line to essentially vacuum up the material and pump it to shore. The main benefit of hydraulic
dredging is the ability to retain the existing water level throughout the removal process. This avoids
disruption of recreational activities and the fish community. Dredging also eliminates odors associated
with exposed lake beds but there is increased lake traffic and noise associated with the activity. If the
sediment slurry is not dried on site, it may be difficult to find a disposal location and relocation may
require sealed transport containers to comply with Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)
On-site dewatering activities, when used in conjunction with dredging, may help reduce the overall cost of
sediment removal and disposal. Dewatering on site may allow for disposal at a nearby facility and use of
more traditional hauling equipment. Costs are reduced because the weight of the removed water is no
longer included in the hauling and disposal cost. The removed liquid is redirected back to the lake or an
evaporation pit.
Dewatering on site could be achieved by two different methods. First, specialized roll-off style containers
that allow for the draining of bulk materials could be employed. The advantage of this option is that the
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dewatering container could also serve as the transport container and reduce a step and associated time
between dewatering and transport. The second option is to use specially designed dewatering bags
(GeoTubes). The tubes achieve a very high level of solids compaction, and are picked up, transported, and
disposed at the completion of dredging operations. Dewatering presents issues including the odors while
the process is undertaken and the need for a large staging area for dewatering.
A realistic cost of dredging should include costs of monitoring, dredging equipment, labor, and transport
of and disposal of dredged material. Monitoring costs include pre-dredge screening of the sediment to
determine quality (hazardous waste characterization), post-dredge monitoring of the lake and staging or
disposal site, and in-lake monitoring to fulfill any regulatory or permit requirements.
Costs for suction dredging are estimated at $25,000 to $75,000 per acre plus approximately $25 to $50
per cubic yard. The Sediment Study revealed approximately 414 acre-feet (668,393 cubic yards) of
sediment volume. Based on the cost and volume, costs for dredging the full volume are approximately
$17 to $34 million. Cost is influenced by variables such as engineering and permitting, mobilization,
allowable run times, transport distance, disposal, and de-watering management. A partial dredging of
selected areas, especially the commonly vegetated shallows, may be advisable based on the high cost of
the activity and the minimal impact on nutrient dynamics in the lake.
3.4 Submerged Weed Management
In-lake phosphorus inactivation and watershed reduction would decrease availability of a primary nutrient
required for growth and propagation of aquatic weeds. Dredging in the shallow portion of the lake that
supports submerged weeds would also be applicable as the process can reduce rooting substrate and
simultaneously remove vegetative material with the sediment if the work is performed during the
summer. Deepening the shallow portion of the lake may also decrease the portion of the lake that
becomes choked with vegetation.
Other management options specifically for submerged aquatic vegetation are discussed below. The area
covered by weeds during the summer is approximately 30 acres.
3.4.1 Weed Harvesting
Harvesting may be an affordable method of seasonal removal of submerged weeds. A harvester may be
purchased and operated by the City or the work may be contracted out to a professional weed
management provider. Based on the climate and observations made during the TMDL study, weed growth
appears limited to the period of April through September. A harvesting event in June or July could
remove sufficient vegetation to provide recreational and aesthetic relief until the plants begin to die back
in October. Adequate shoreline exists for dumping and allowing the vegetation to dry prior to hauling and
disposal. Removal of submerged weeds could make more nutrients available to algae, so this condition
would require monitoring and possible initiation of other algae mitigation efforts.
Weed harvesting should be done on a trial basis. Because the species of concern tend to fragment during
mechanical activities, it is possible there would be significant re-growth from those fragments. Should this
occur, another means of management will be required.
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Purchase cost of a weed harvester ranges from about $85,000 to $150,000. Operational, per-acre cost
ranges from $500 to $3,000, including labor and disposal. Disposal costs could be reduced or eliminated if
removed material were used as a fertilizer or soil amendment instead of being disposed.
3.4.2 Chemical Applications
Although the City has expressed a desire to avoid the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, and
algaecides in Watson Lake, aquatic herbicides may be safely used to reduce the density of the plants
during the summer. Because the growing season at Watson Lake is relatively short, a single herbicide
application or several small, area-specific applications could decrease plant density for the duration of the
summer growing season and provide recreational relief to fishermen and boaters.
During lake monitoring activities, several submerged aquatic weed species were identified. They included
Coontail (Ceratophyllum spicatum), Sago Pondweed (Stuckinea pectinatus), Curly-leaf Pondweed
(Potamogeton crispus), and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum). Chara, an advanced form of
algae resembling an aquatic weed and often managed as one, was also present. See Figure 17 for
examples of watermilfoil and coontail weeds.
Recommended herbicide choices are provided below for each of the resident species, with effectiveness
indicated as good (G) or excellent (E). Liquids are usually applied by sub-surface injection using weighted
hoses. Granular products are mechanically spread across the lake surface and sink to the bottom where
the weeds are located and rooted. Label directions must be followed including any restrictions to use, and
application should be in accordance with any ordinances, including a Pesticide General Permit.
Applications must be made by a Department of Agriculture Pest Management Division licensed aquatic
Table 6
Herbicide choices
Species Product and active ingredient. Active
Form Effect
Navigate, Weedar-64 2,4-D Liquid G
Cutrine Plus, Captain, Clearigate* Copper Liquid G
Reward, Tribune Diquat
Liquid E
Aquathol K or Super K Endothall Liquid, granule E
Sonar Fluridone Liquid, granule E
Clipper Flumioxazin Granule G
Sago pondweed
Reward, Tribune Diquat
Liquid E
Cutrine Plus, Captain, Clearigate* Liquid G*
Reward, Tribune Liquid G
Aquathol K or Super K Endothall Liquid, granule E
Sonar Fluridone Liquid, granule E
Clipper Flumioxazin Granule G
Galleon SC Penoxsulam Liquid G
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Table 6
Herbicide choices
Species Product and active ingredient. Active
Form Effect
Reward, Tribune Diquat
Liquid G
Cutrine Plus, Captain, Clearigate* Copper Liquid G
Aquathol K or Super K Endothall Liquid, granule E
Sonar Fluridone Liquid, granule E
Clearcast Imazamox Liquid G
Clipper Flumioxazin Granule G
Cutrine Plus, Captain, Clearigate* Copper Liquid G
Navigate, Weedar-64 2,4-D Liquid G
Aquathol K or Super K Endothall Liquid, granule E
Sonar Fluridone Liquid, granule G
Reward, Tribune Diquat
Liquid E
Clearcast Imazamox Liquid G
Galleon SC Penoxsulam Liquid E
Renovate Triclopyr Liquid E
Clipper Flumioxazin Granule G
Cutrine Plus Granular Copper Granule E
Copper sulfate crystals Cooper Granule E
Aquathol K or Super K Endothall Liquid, granule G
*can be tank mixed with diquat dibromide
If used, applications should be made to a limited area, and never more than one-third of the lake surface
area at a time to avoid depletion of oxygen in the water column that results from plant decomposition.
Applications are usually based on surface area for granular products and volume of treated lake water
(acre-ft) for liquids. Because liquids can disperse, a sinking and/or sticking adjuvant can be added to the
liquid to help keep the chemical on and around the plants. By using the adjuvants, the number of acre-
feet treated can be reduced and cost minimized. Liquids are usually pumped from a boat using a
weighted hose to better direct the herbicide to the weed bed.
Typical herbicide applications range in cost from $75 to 100 per labor hour plus chemical costs that range
from as little as $75 to as much as $500 per acre depending on weed and product selected.
Lake dyes have been successful at reducing light penetration in lakes and reducing algae and submerged
weed growth in small reservoirs. Longevity can be a month or more with no outflow. Because the entire
lake must be dyed, such applications would require approximately 600 gallons of lake dye. Materials cost
would be approximately $30,000 per application.
3.4.3 Biological Management of Aquatic Weeds
Stocking the lake with White Amur would be the most environmentally sound management technique for
weed removal; this would involve no chemicals, no disturbance, and would offer up to 10 or more years
effectiveness or until they are fished out. The City would need to negotiate with AZGF to agree upon a
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means to satisfy the no ingress or egress requirement. AZGF has relented most recently at Rainbow Lake
where planting of White Amur has significantly reduced weed growth and distribution. An initial stocking
density of 30 fish per acre is recommended.
White Amur cost $6 to $12 dollars each depending on quantity purchased. Assuming the lake would be
stocked at one time, the cost would be about $35,000 - $70,000. This cost does not include the capital
cost that might be required to satisfy the no ingress or egress requirement such as fish screens at or near
the Lake inlet and outlet. A cost cannot be estimated until specific requirements and specifics for such
measures are negotiated with AZGF. Restocking approximately 10 to 15 percent of fish per year should be
3.5 Algae Management
Reducing the loading of nutrients into Watson Lake from Granite Creek truly addresses the cause of high
nutrient levels (particularly phosphorus) that support excessive algae during the summer. The Watershed
Pollutant Reduction Plan (developed alongside the Lake Management Plan) describes ways to reduce
nitrogen and phosphorus from the developed environment towards levels that would be needed to
inhibit algae blooms in the Lake. In-lake management efforts as aeration, phosphorus inactivation, and
dredging will help reduce algae production. These practices and their benefits have been described
The City has expressed a desire to avoid the use of pesticides, herbicides, and algaecides in Watson Lake.
Algal densities exceeding ADEQ target ranges for total algae and cyanobacteria (blue green algae)
percent composition are sometimes exceeded causing elevated pH and potential toxin formation issues.
Aquatic algaecides may be judiciously used to reduce the density of nuisance and potentially harmful
forms during the summer. It is simply another management tool that could be considered.
The primary problematic and high-density (biovolume) algae that have been identified in Watson Lake
during the summer are listed below (see Figure 18):
Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) Others
Oscillatoria (filament) Closterium (green unicell)
Gloeocystis (colony) Chroomonas (cryptophyte unicell)
Anabaena (filament) Schroedria (green unicell)
Lyngbya (filament) Fragilaria (diatom unicell)
Microcystis (filament) Rhizoclonium (green filament)
Aphanizomenon (filament)
Coelosphaerium (colony)
Gloeotrichia (colony)
All the blue-green algae listed are represented by species that are potential toxin producers. The major
pathways for human toxin exposure are by ingestion, skin contact, and inhalation. Because no swimming
is allowed at Watson Lake, the major pathway, ingestion, is unlikely to occur. However, incidental contact
with water and inhalation of aerosols are always possible. When concentrations of blue-green algae
approach or exceed the ADEQ Targets for Lakes and Reservoirs for PBC and A&Ww (20,000 units/mL or 50
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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percent of total count), action may be considered. Toxin testing is recommended to determine if there is a
public health concern. A few out-of-state specialty laboratories (such as Green Water Laboratories
Cyanolab) are available for testing. Test strips can be used for routine monitoring; however, during
blooms and peak recreational periods, using quantitative test methods (EPA method 546 ELISA or
LCMS/MS) is recommended.
The major algaecides for blue-green algae management are peroxide-based algaecides and the copper-
based algaecides containing a surfactant. For green algae and cryptophytes, any of the copper-based
products are appropriate and cost effective. In the unlikely case of a diatom bloom, an acidic copper
algaecide works well to fracture the silica cell wall of the algae and allow the copper to better penetrate
the cells.
Materials should be applied to the upper three feet of the water column in the area of the algal bloom,
and over an area never to exceed one-third of the total surface area of the reservoir. Application costs
range from $65 to $1,000 per acre-ft, depending on the severity of the algae bloom and product choice.
Labor cost for a licensed applicator usually ranges from $75 to $100 per hour.
Lake dyes have been successful at reducing light penetration in lakes and reducing algae and submerged
weed growth in small reservoirs. Longevity can be a month or more with no outflow. Because the entire
lake must be dyed, such applications would require approximately 600 gallons of lake dye. Materials cost
would be approximately $30,000 per application.
3.6 Nuisance and Vector Insect Management
Although not directly involved with the Watson Lake TMDL, management of the lake and its immediate
surrounding helps preserve its recreational benefits. The shoreline around Watson Lake provides an ample
number of locations for mosquito propagation. A high level of soft sediment throughout the lake also
provides good habitat for the propagation of midge flies and other aquatic-life cycle insects. These insects
are part of the lake and watershed ecosystem, but at times can reach nuisance or public health concern
3.6.1 Mosquitoes
Adult mosquitoes may cause nuisances around the shoreline. Because mosquitoes are vectors of several
arboviruses, elimination of breeding habitat and reduction of numbers are important. Although fogging
with adulticides can be performed for immediate short-term relief, it is not recommended for Watson
Lake because of public safety and environmental concerns.
Mosquitoes are not expected to breed in the lake proper. Mosquitoes prefer shallow, stagnant water with
vegetative cover and absence of predatory fishes. An open-water lake does not meet these criteria.
However, small isolated rocky coves at the edge of the lake and terrestrial pools in vegetated areas along
the lake shoreline can serve as breeding habitats. Should such pools be identified by presence of
mosquito larvae, one or more the following actions may be taken:
Seek and identify breeding habitat if adult numbers become problematic
Drain terrestrial pools
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Add mosquito eating fish (Gambusia) to large semi-permanent pools
Add monomolecular film to terrestrial pools
Apply larvicide
If monitoring of the sites is desired, traps can be placed in the late afternoon and collected the following
morning, Suggested action levels for mosquitoes are >30 Culex mosquitoes per trap, >30 Aedes
mosquitoes per trap, or >300 floodwater (Aedes, Anopheles, and Psorophora) mosquitoes per trap. Some
laboratories can perform encephalitis screening on the collected mosquitoes, including West Nile and
Dengue Viruses.
These mitigation responses pose minimal environmental or public health threat, including toxicity of
management chemicals. Monomolecular films are synthetic oils that spread out and cover pools. Because
the films lower the surface tension of the water, the mosquito larvae cannot hang at the surface to
breathe through their siphons and essentially suffocate. Larvicides include reduced-risk bacteria-based
products containing Bacillus thuringiensis and B. sphaericus endospores or spinosad (soil bacteria toxin).
Methoprene, a low toxicity product, is also an excellent choice for spot applications. The products come in
granular form and could be manually broadcast into standing water. The methoprene and spinosad
products have formulations that can be effective for up to 150 days. Examples include Vectobac® and
Aquabac® (bacteria), Natular® (spinosad), and Altosid® (methoprene).
3.6.2 Midge Flies
Midge flies will inhabit the lake sediments. They are far less likely to occur in any temporary pools on land.
Algae and bacteria provide an adequate food source. Midges found in Arizona do not bite, but can be
major nuisances especially at sunrise and sunset when they swarm as part of their mating routine. They
tend to fly into eyes, ears, and open mouths.
As with mosquitoes, management should target the larval form. A list of possible responses to excessive
midge fly populations is provided below:
Use terrestrial traps to monitor adult numbers and dredged sediment samples to monitor larvae
Stock bottom-feeding fishes such as sunfish
Apply larvicide
The methoprene and spinosad products used for mosquito management are also highly effective on
midge larvae. The Bacillus products are also frequently used because they are relatively inexpensive, but
their efficacy is short-term and reduced. Application of the products can vary from $60 to $350 per acre
plus labor of $75 to $100 per hour for a licensed applicator.
3.6.3 Bacteria
If a need to manage bacteria in Watson Lake emerges, trying to manage bacteria density and E. coli
specifically will be difficult in the large watershed and natural setting of Watson Lake. Watershed Best
Management Practices will serve as the primary management strategy to prevent bacteria from washing
into the lake. However, some in-lake methods are available and are listed below:
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Remove aquatic vegetation to reduce waterfowl numbers
Remove soft anaerobic sediments that might harbor E. coli
Maintain a strict cleanup policy for pet owners
Redirect local runoff away from the lake wherever possible
Some copper-based algaecides are labeled for temporary reduction of bacteria concentrations in water
(e.g. Earthtec) while others are oxidizing agents and will coincidentally reduce bacteria densities (e.g.,
Phycomycin, Green Clean). High application rates of up to six gallons product per acre-ft (~$100 per acre-
ft of treated water volume) are required. Therefore, chemical applications should be considered for
emergency response only. The PBC standard (575/100 CFU/100 mL) may be established as an action level.
3.7 Lake Monitoring
An ongoing lake monitoring program is recommended both to monitor water quality and compliance
with TMDL goals. Ancillary monitoring of nuisance and vector insects may be part of the program as a
service to recreational users of the lake in terms of quality of life and public health. The program may be
operated by the City, using a contract ADHS-licensed laboratory and City personnel for field sampling and
testing; or the entire monitoring program may be contracted to a suitable vendor as long as a licensed
laboratory is used. A specialty lab may be required for midge and mosquito identification. Licensed
laboratories employ acceptable quality assurance practices, which is needed if the data will be reviewed
and used by both the City and ADEQ for decision making.
3.7.1 Monitoring Equipment
If City personnel collect samples and take field measurements, the following equipment will be required.
Two-person boat with motor and safety equipment
Temperature-oxygen meter with 50-ft sensor cable
pH/ORP meter, electrodes, and calibration solutions
Secchi disk and marked rope (at least 20 ft long)
Sub-surface sample collection device (Alpha, Kemmerer, Van Dorn or equivalent)
Ekman dredge
Wisconsin plankton net (80 um)
GPS Unit
Sample bottles and preservatives (typically provided by laboratory)
EVS mosquito traps, dry ice (OPTIONAL)
Mosquito dipper (OPTIONAL)
New Jersey Light Traps (OPTIONAL)
3.7.2 Monitoring Locations
Water samples should be collected from three to four locations on the lake. Suggested locations, using
same locations as was used in past Wood and ADEQ sampling efforts. Suggestion site locations are: near
dam (VRWAT-A), open deep water (VRWAT-B), cove (VRWAT-C) and shallow water (VRWAT-SO) (see
Table 7 and Figure 19).
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Table 7
Sampling Locations
Watson Lake - At Dam VRWAT-A 34.5952778 -112.4166389
Watson Lake - Mid Lake VRWAT-B 34.5905556 -112.4158333
Watson Lake - Mid Lake VRWAT-C 34.5875000 -112.4191667
Watson Lake - At Boat Ramp VRWAT-BR 34.5930833 -112.4192500
Watson Lake - South End Revised VRWAT-SO-REV 34.584861 -112.420111
Sediment would be collected at the same locations. If optional adult midge and mosquito monitoring is
performed, the two boat dock locations would be reasonable locations. Should a cyanobacteria (blue-
green algae) bloom occur, toxin testing can be limited to the specific area of concern.
3.7.3 Recommended Testing
To monitor progress and adjust lake management activities when needed, on-going sampling and
analysis are highly recommended. Testing should be completed monthly at each sampling location. The
test frequency exceptions are the heavy metal screen that may be tested one time per year and midge
and mosquito adult collections and mosquito dipping (all on shore) that may be conducted during peak
season (May to August) or as needed. Weekly pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (surface and lake
bottom) is also recommended particularly during the peak growth season (June through September). A
subsurface (0.5-m deep) sample is acceptable for water samples unless otherwise stated. Midge fly,
mosquito, and vertical temperature and oxygen profiles maybe limited to March through October. All
testing should be in accordance with APHA, WEF, or EPA methods and all holding times should be met.
Field data should be recorded in a designated water-proof field book. Chain of custody procedures
should be followed.
The following parameters are recommended for routine testing:
Temperature and DO profile by depth (field measurement)
Secchi disk depth (field)
Oxidation-reduction potential (water above and below thermocline and superficial sediment)
Total Kjeldahl N
Total N
Total phosphorus
Dissolved phosphorus
Dissolved Silica
Dissolved in
inorganic carbon
Algae identification (to genus) and individual counts
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E. coli bacteria
Metals (Ag, As, Be, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, Zn)
Adult midges, total
Midge larvae density (sediment grab, OPTIONAL)
Adult mosquitoes, total and species counts; encephalitis screens as appropriate (OPTIONAL)
Algal toxin testing (OPTIONAL)
3.8 Integrated Management Approach
Based on the information above, it is clear that no single management technique will result in achieving
the TMDL limitations for nutrients, pH, and dissolved oxygen, and there are other important factors and
conditions that need to be managed that go beyond the TMDL. Therefore, an integrated management
plan should be used that combines a number of techniques to achieve success. An integrated plan also
allows for staging of activities and initiation of some activities while delays might occur for funding,
construction, or installation.
The integrated approach for managing water quality at Watson Lake should incorporate most of the
suggested activities in this document. All have a purpose and can assist in achieving TMDL goals as well
as improving the lake for recreational uses. An example of how an integrated management approach may
work for Watson Lake is provided below.
Immediately initiate the Lake Monitoring Program
Apply phosphorus inactivation chemicals in late April (after winter inflows) through late June.
Depending on Lake response, additional application after summer monsoons in late August to early
September (before lake turn-over) may also be suggested.
Select and install hypolimnetic aeration system
Harvest submerged weeds in mid-June to early July as an interim, trial measure
Because re-growth may occur and the method deemed unreliable, contracting the service would
be advisable during this trial period before purchasing a harvester
Determine cost specifics for dredging the shallow portions of the lake where weed growth occurs
Negotiate with AZGF for use of White Amur for aquatic vegetation management
Install fish barriers or other mechanisms of ingress and egress protection if White Amur are
Implement dredging if use of White Amur is rejected
Apply algaecides sparingly and herbicides as an interim activity to manage excess plant growths
during the summer, especially to reduce cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that produce toxin
Monitor midges and mosquitos for quality of life maintenance and public health protection
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This Field Reference Guide, contained in Appendix A, is a stand-alone document designed for use by lake
operators during their day to day activities. It includes a trouble shooting guide that refers to common
lake management problems, lists items to check and verify, and offers appropriate corrective action
choices. The Field Reference Guide also includes photographs of common resident plant and animal
species of Watson Lake, so organisms can be readily identified. The following Field Reference Guide for
Watson Lake is provided for interim use and should be considered a living document. Because
management strategies laid out in this LMP have not yet been implemented, the contents of the Field
Reference Guide could change considerably. As management methods are accepted and implemented,
the Field Reference Guide should be modified to address applicable procedures relative to them.
Amos, W.H. 1969. Limnology. An Introduction to the freshwater environment. La Motte Chemical Products
Company, Chestertown, Maryland.
Applied Biochemists. 1987. How to identify and control water weeds and algae. J.C. Schmidt (ed.). Mequon,
Aquaplant. Texas A&M University. https://aquaplant.tamu.edu/plant-identification/
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. 2014. Watson Lake TMDL: Total nitrogen, DO, pH, and total
phosphorus targets. OFR-14-03.
Beutel, M.W and A.J. Horne. 1999. A reviewof the effects of hypolimnetic oxygenation on lake and reservoir
water quality. Lake and Reservoir Management 15(4): 285-297.
Bold, H. and M.J. Wynne. 1985. Introduction to the algae. Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood, Cliffs, NJ. 720 pp.
Bryany, C.B. 1969. Aquatic weed harvesting. Weeds, Trees and Turf.
Carpenter, S.J., J.F. Kitchell, and J.R. Hodgson. Surgery for ailing lakes-the art of dredging. Lakeline, Sept.
Castro, J and F. Reckendor. 1995. Effects of sediment on the aquatic environment. Working Paper No. 6.
United States Department of Agriculture.
Chapman, V.J. 1964. The algae. St. Martin's Press, New York, NY. 472 pp.
Cole, G.A. 1983. Textbook of limnology. C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, MO.
Cook, D.C., B. Welch, S.A. Petersen, and P.R. Newroth. 1992. Restoration and management of lakes and
Reservoirs. 2nd Ed. Lewis Publishers, Ann Harbor, MI.
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page 40
Czarnecki, D.B. and D.W. Blinn. 1978. The diatoms of the Colorado River. Strauss and Kramer. 181 pp.
Dillard, G.E. 1989. Freshwater algae of the southeastern United States. Vol. 1-6. J. Cramer, Berlin, Germany.
163 pp.
Flock, G., J. Taggart, and H. Olem. Organizing lake users: A practical guide. Terrene Institute, Washington,
Gangstad, E.O. 1982. Weed control methods for recreational facilities management. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL.
Olem. H. and G. Flock (eds). 1990. Lake and reservoir restoration guidance manual. 2nd Ed. EPA 440/4-90-
006. North American Lake Management Society, Madison WI..
Goldman, R.G. and A.J. Horne. 1983. Limnology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY.
Holdren, H.C., W. Jones, and J. Taggart. 2001. Managing lakes and reservoirs. N. American Lake Management
Society, Madison WI.
Horne, A.J. and C.R. Goldman. 1994. Limnology, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill Co., New York.
Horne, A J. and M. Beutel. 2019. Hypolimnetic oxygenation 3: an engineered switch from eutrophic to a
meso-/oligotrophic state in a California reservoir, Lake and Reservoir Management, DOI
IFAS, Center for Aquatic Plants, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 115 pp.
Kortmann, R.W. 1989. Aeration technology and sizing methods. Lakeline, Jan. 1989.
Langeland, K.A. 1992. Training manual for aquatic herbicide applicators in the Southern United States.
Madsen, J.D. Advantages and disadvantages of aquatic plant management. 2000. Lakeline. 20(1), pp 22-34.
McComas, S. 1990. Weed harvesting easy with small cutters. Lakeline, May 1990.
Mc Comas, S. 1993. Lake smarts. Terrene Institute, Washington, D.C. 215 pp.
Mobley, M. 2019. Hypolimnetic oxygenation of water supply reservoirs using bubble plume diffusers. Lake
and Reservoir Management. Vol:35(3).
Morris, E.M. and R.D. Clayton. 2006. Best management practices for aquatic vegetation management in
lakes. 11th Triennial National Wildlife and Fisheries Extension Specialists Conference. .
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page 41
North Carolina State University. 2006. Pond Management Guide. North Carolina State Fisheries and Pond
Management Extension.
Nürnberg, G.H. Hypolimnetic withdrawal as a lake restoration technique: determination of feasibility and
continued benefits. Hydrobiologia (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-019-04094-z
Nürnberg, G.H. R. Hartley, and E. Davis. 2018. Hypolimnetic withdrawal in two North American lakes with
anoxic phosphorus release from the sediment. Water Research: 21(8):923-928.
O’Connor, P.J. and K.K. Garvey. 2001. Aquatic pest control. University of California Pub. 3337.
Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1966. The diatoms of the United States. Monographs ANS No. 13, Vol. 1.
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA.
Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1975. The diatoms of the United States. Monographs ANS No. 13, Vol. 2
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA.
Perry, K. Missouri Pond Handbook. Missouri Department of Conservation.
Phillips, N, M. Kelly, J. Taggart, and R. Reeder. 2000. The Lake Pocket Book. Terrene Institute. Alexandria, VA.
Prescott, G.W. 1978. How to know the freshwater algae. William C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA. 348
Prescott, G.W. 1962. Algae of the Western Great Lakes. William C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA. 977 pp.
Rivers, I. 1978. Algae of the Western Great Basin. Desert Research Institute, Pub. 50008. University of
Nevada, Las Vegas, NV. 390 pp.
Singleton, V.V. and J.C, Little. 2006. Designing hypolimnetic aeration and oxygenation systems-a review.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(34):7512-7520.
Smith, G.M. 1950. Freshwater algae of the United States. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Toronto, Canada.
719 pp.
Sze, P. 1986. The biology of the algae. William C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA. 251 pp.
Tetratech. 2012. Watson Lake TMDL receiving water modeling. Arizona Department of Environmental
United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1990. The Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance
Manual, 2nd Ed. EPA-440/4-90-006. Office of Water, Washington DC.
Varnner, M. 2003. North American birds. Paragon Publishing, Bath, UK., 384 pp.
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Prescott, Arizona November 2020 Page 42
Wagner, K.J. 2004. The Practical Guide to Lake Management in Massachusetts: A comparison to the Final
Generic Environmental Impact Report on Eutrophication and Aquatic Plant Management in
Massachusetts. Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Virginia.
Wagner, K. 2019. Advances in hypolimnetic aeration. Lake and Reservoir Management: 35(3).
Warner, D. 1977. The biology of the diatoms. University of California Press, Berkley, CA. 498 pp.
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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Figure 1 Aquatic nitrogen cycle
Figure 2 Aquatic phosphorus cycle
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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Figure 3A Oligotrophic lake nutrient dynamics
Figure 3B Eutrophic lake nutrient dynamics
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan
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Figure 4 White Amur
Figure 5 Weed harvester
Figure 6 Zooplankton forms (left to right: rotifer, cladoceran, copepod, and ostracod)
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Figure 7 Mosquito life cycle
Figure 8 Mosquito life forms (left to right: larva, pupa, adult)
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Figure 9 Aquatic midge life cycle
Figure 10 Midge life forms (left to right: larva and adult)
Figure 11 Lake sampling equipment
(left to right: Van Dorn bottle, Kemmerer bottle, Ekman dredge, Ponar dredge, EVS trap, New
Jersey light trap)
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Figure 12 Bottom diffuse aeration (Kasco)
Figure 13 Floating aerator (Solarbee)
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Figure 14 Hypolimnetic aeration (from McAliley, HDR Inc.)
Figure 15 Hypolimnetic aerator-Speece Cone
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Figure 16 Nanobubble aeration configuration
Figure 17 Watermilfoil (left) and coontail (right)
Figure 18 Common blue-green algae of Watson Lake (left to right: Gloeocystis, Microcystis,
Aphanizomenon, Gloeotrichia, Lyngbya.)
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Figure 19 Sampling Locations
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
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Part 1: MONITORING PROGRAM ....................................................................................................................... 1
Part 2: TROUBLE SHOOTING ............................................................................................................................... 4
Part 3: AQUATIC PLANT IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROLS ................................................................... 8
Part 4: AQUATIC INSECT MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 16
Part 5: FISHERY ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Part 6: WATERFOWL IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 21
Part 7: MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
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Watson Lake - At Dam
Watson Lake - Mid Lake
Watson Lake - Mid Lake
Watson Lake - At Boat Ramp
Watson Lake - South End Revised
0.5 m
Temperature and Oxygen profile at 1.0
m intervals
Mar to Oct
Secchi disk
Total hardness
Phosphorus, total
Phosphorus, dissolved
Algae Identification
Algae count by genus
Zooplankton count
Aquatic macrophyte inspection
Bottom survey
Midge density (sediment)
Bottom survey
Mar to Oct
E. coli
Mar to Oct
Waterfowl count/ID
Metals (13 priority pollutants)
Mosquito (adults) (OPTIONAL)
Midge flies(adult) (OPTIONAL)
*0.5 m and above sediment
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
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Field Survey Form
Date ________________ ........................................................................... Analysts ____________
Watson Lake - At Dam
Watson Lake - Mid Lake
Watson Lake - Mid Lake
Watson Lake - At Boat Ramp
Watson Lake - South End Revised
Field Measurements
Dissolved oxygen
Secchi disk depth
Vertical Profiles
Depth (m)
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
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Vegetation location, density, species: _____________________________________________
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
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Common Problems and Causes
Possible causes
Possible corrective actions
pH too high
Too much algae
Add fresh water
Apply algaecide or dye
Reduce nutrients
Check aeration system operation
Odor present
Stagnant areas
Check aeration system operation
Add permanganate or calcium nitrate
Dead fish
Check aeration system operation
Low dissolved oxygen
Check aeration system operation
Turbidity, transparency, or
suspended solids too high
Planktonic algae
Apply algaecide
Check nutrient levels
Add alum, nutrient inactivation
Storm water/runoff
Wait for settling of non-biological
Low dissolved oxygen
Aeration system malfunction
Check aeration system operation
Increase system run time
Increase number of diffusers
Algae population crash
Improve algae management
Increase algaecide application
frequency with decreased dosage.
Organic accumulation at lake
Check for runoff entry points and
Improve algae management Dredge
lake bottom
Phosphorus concentration
too high
Runoff or fertilizer inputs
Add alum; nutrient inactivation
Check with Watershed Pollutant
Reduction Plan
Recycling from sediment
Check aeration system operation
Add alum; nutrient inactivation
Dredge lake bottom
Aeration system malfunction
Check aeration system operation
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Possible causes
Possible corrective actions
Fish kill
Oxygen depletion
Check aeration system operation
Ammonia toxicity
Check aeration system operation
Reduce algae density
Add nitrifying bacteria
Investigate nutrient load from
Metals toxicity
Check for change in metals levels and
water hardness in source waters
(especially copper)
Increase alkalinity or hardness
Eliminate corroding materials in
distribution system
Check for runoff entry points and
Fish disease
Analyze fish and use antibiotic foods
Remove infected fish population
Submerged aquatic
macrophytes too dense
Nutrient levels too high
Check for runoff entry points and
Change fertilizer application and
irrigation protocol
Transparency too great
Apply dyes
Apply herbicide
Emergent aquatic
vegetation present
Nutrient levels too high
Check for runoff entry points and
Change fertilizer application and
irrigation protocol
Apply alum for phosphorus
Bank erosion
Stabilize shoreline and remove
Contamination or
Educate citizens
Apply herbicide
Too much transparency
Consider adding lake dye
Mosquitoes present
Stagnant water
Identify species, locate breeding site,
apply larvicide
Stock with top and bottom, larvae-
eating fish
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-6
Possible causes
Possible corrective actions
Algae mats at water
High nutrient levels
Check for and eliminate runoff entry
Change fertilizer application and
irrigation protocol
Apply alum for phosphorus
Bottom growths surfacing
Apply algaecide or dye
Too many birds
Wait/cannot remove migratory
Limit nesting areas
Install decoys
Apply repellents
Remove food sources
Feeding with human food
Educate public
Relocate waterfowl
Bacteria levels too high
Storm water runoff
Check for and eliminate runoff entry
Irrigation runoff
Change irrigation protocol
Bird feces
Limit waterfowl
Animal feces
Require bagging of dog wastes or
restrict pets near lake
Lake depth
Stabilize shoreline and remove
Check for and eliminate runoff entry
Excess algae growth
Reduce growth rate with algaecides
or dyes
Midge flies becoming a
Organic sediments
Increase appropriate fish stocks
Apply larvicide
Dredge sediments
Chlorophyll-a or algae
density too high
Nutrient levels too high
Check for runoff entry points and
Change fertilizer application and
irrigation protocols
Apply alum for phosphorus
Apply algaecides or dyes
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-7
Water Quality
Action Levels and Responses
Possible actions
Dissolved oxygen
<6 mg/L @ 1m
<2 mg/L @ bottom
TMDL limits
Fish kills
Nutrient cycling
Increase aeration system
run time
9.0 SU or higher
Ammonia toxicity
Apply algaecide to reduce
<12 inches
Apply algaecide to reduce
Apply light reducing dye
Flocculate solids with
aluminum sulfate
>0.5 mg/L and pH>9
and temp >28 C
Ammonia toxicity
Increase aeration system
run time
Add nitrifying bacteria
>10 ug/L
Apply algaecide to reduce
Inactivate nutrients
Consider light reducing
dye addition
Algae Count
>5 x 10
Apply algaecide to reduce
Inactivate nutrients
Consider light reducing
dye addition
Golden algae
Fish kills
Apply potassium
permanganate to oxidize
Apply algaecide to reduce
Consider light reducing
dye addition
Midge fly density
in sediment
Public nuisance
Stock additional bottom
feeding fish
Apply larvicide
E. coli bacteria
>575 per 100 mL
Public health
Apply bactericide
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-8
Common phytoplankton and algae (40x-1000x magnification)
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-9
Navicula (type 1)
Navicula (type 2)
Common Weeds- Floating Macrophytes
Duckweed (Lemna sp.)
Water lily (Nymphia sp.)
Pennywort (Hydrocotyle sp.)
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-10
Common Weeds-Emergents
Bulrush (Scirpus sp.)
Bulrush (Eleocharis sp.)
Cattail (Typha sp.)
Common Weeds-Submerged Macrophytes
Sago Pondweed
(Stuckenia pectinatus)
Eurasian watermilfoil
(Myriophyllum spicatum)
Horned pondweed
(Zannichellia palustris)
Brittle naiad
(Najas minor)
Coontail (Ceratophyllum sp.)
Chara sp.
Widgeon grass
(Ruppia maritima)
Curly-leaf pondweed
Potomogeton crispus
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-11
Herbicide Information
Best uses
and response
Persistence in
Copper, chelated
18-72 hr
rapid action
but inactive in
Algae and
macrophytes in
lakes and ponds
7-10 days
Low, rate of
outpaces rate
of copper
18-72 hr
perceived as
5-7 days
12-36 hr
rapid; little
does not
plant parts
Shorelines and
localized areas;
submersed and
marginal plants
7 days
Low, absorbs
into sediment
and is
12-36 hr
rapid; little
does not
plant parts
Shorelines and
localized areas;
plants; algae
7-14 days
present 30-60
days in
20 hr
low dosage;
Works poorly
at higher pH
small lakes;
submersed or
floating plants
spectrum 1-3
Low, quick
30-60 days
low dosage;
long contact
time required
small lakes;
30-90 days
Moderate to
High, present
50-75 days
Low, EPA
tolerance level
set at 0.5 ppm
in fish tissue
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-12
Best uses
and response
Persistence in
slow; does not
emergent and
floating plants
7-10 days
Moderate to
persistence is
under strong
persist in new
plant material
after initial
30 min
No residual
Suspended and
(string) algae
1 hr
Very low,
degraded in
less than 30
Very low
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-13
Common Aquatic Plant Control Product Dosages (refer to label before using)
Trade names
Cutrine Plus
Cutrine Ultra
Some also
available as
1.0 mg/L
algaecide and
Earth Science
0.5 gal/acre
2.0 mg/L
excellent on
2 gal/acre
2.0 mg/L
Weed Plex Pro
Sanco Industries
Aquathol K
Aquathol Super K
Hydrothol 191
1.3 gal/acre
5.0 mg/L
binds with
and loses
6-12 oz/A
pH sensitive
13 gal/acre
5.0 mg/L
fish may be
2 gal/acre
0.2 mg/L
and floating
plants only
Green Clean Pro
Biosafe Systems
200 lb/Aft
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-14
Filamentous algae
Suspended algae
Submersed macrophytes
Brittle naiad
Horned pondweed
Sago pondweed
Southern naiad
Free-floating macrophytes
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-15
Rooted floating macrophytes
Water lily
Emergent plants
Water smartweed
Water Use Restrictions (in days after herbicide application)
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-16
Larva and Adult Midges and Mosquitos
Midge larva
Mosquito larva
Adult midge
Adult mosquito
Mosquito and Midge Management Products
Active ingredient
Target organism
Bacillus thuringiensis
Mosquito & midge larva
5-10 lb/SA
Monomolecular film
mosquito larvae
growth regulator
mosquito & midge
5-10 lb/SA
Bacillus thuringiensis
mosquito and midge
1 per 100 lin ft
mosquito larvae
HP-D or G®
Bacillus thuringiensis
mosquito & midge
0.25-1 pt/SA
Bacillus thuringiensis
mosquito & midge fly
0.25-1 pt/SA
Vectobac G®
Bacillus thuringiensis
Midge & mosquito
5-20 lb/SA
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-17
Active ingredient
Target organism
Vectolex G®
Bacillus sphaericus
Midge and mosquito
10-20 lb/A
Applying larvicide is advantageous because adult mosquitoes can fly over great distances and are
difficult to locate and control. An application of larvicide during the larval or pupa stage can control
many more mosquitoes as compared to waiting until they emerge as adults. The duration of control is
dependent upon the choice of product, site conditions, and rate of application. The table below
provides typical residual ranges for common aquatic larvicides.
Larvacide Residual Duration
Product type
Residual duration
12-24 hr
1-7 days
Up to 30 days
1-5 days
monomolecular film
5-15 days
1-7 days
5-15 days
5-20 days
30-150 days
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-18
Overall fishery management can be enhanced by accomplishing the following tasks:
Controlling algae growth
Applying herbicides and pesticides according to label instructions to avoid fish toxicity
Limiting external nutrient supplies to the lake
Providing mechanical aeration as appropriate
Identifying fish kill causes
Installing and/or maintaining fish habitat
Recording fish mortality to determine if additional stocking is required
Tracking occurrence of adult and larvae midge flies to determine if stocking densities of larvae-
eating fish need to be increased
Tracking occurrence of submerged weeds to determine if stocking densities of weed-eating fish
need to be increased
Possible Species Present
Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): The fish has spines in the dorsal and pectoral
fins, an adipose fin, and large barbels around the mouth. Young fish are silver with
black spots, while older fish are blue-black with white bellies. They are bottom
foragers and primarily consume insect larvae. They can be an important part of a
biological midge fly control program. They spawn in spring and early summer.
Gila Longfin Dace: (Agoisa chrysogaster
chrysogaster) The Longfin Dace is an endangered species native to
Arizona. The body of the Dace is typically 3.0 3.5 inches in length and
spindle shaped. The fish is typically silver/grey and has a single black spot
at the base of the caudal fin. Longfin Dace are opportunistic omnivores
and typically feed on wetland detritus and aquatic invertebrates
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): The
fish has a silvery body that is dark olive to black on top and silvery to white on the
belly. Both body and fins are spotted and its sides often have a horizontal pink
streak. Trout are a cold water fish and do not survive the warm Arizona summer
urban lake temperatures such as Watson Lake.
Sunfish: Sunfish include bluegill, redear sunfish, green sunfish, and hybrid sunfish.
These fish all have compressed or flat bodies; color varies with species. Although
they may reach up to 3 pounds, most sunfish are only 4 to 8 inches in length.
Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus): The bluegill sunfish has a blue coloring on the chin,
with a black opercle flap, and a dark spot and the rear of the dorsal fin. It has a
small mouth, compressed body, and five to none dark vertical bands on its sides. It
consumes zooplankton and insects throughout their life. They usually mature
within two years and spawn in the spring.
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-19
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides): This fish is dark green on top and white on the belly, has a wide mottled
band along each side, and a deep notch in the dorsal fin. Its upper jaw extends beyond the rear margin of the eye.
It feeds almost exclusively on other fish.
Black Crappie (Poxomis nigromaculatus): The color of this fish is silvery white with
dark speckling across its sides and fins. The body is flat with large dorsal and anal
fins. The crappie’s mouth is larger and head is longer than most other sunfish. It
feeds primarily on other small fish, small crustaceans, and insect larvae. The fish
prefers cool, clear lakes with little vegetation. It is often adversely affected by
fluctuating water levels.
Carp (Cyprinus carpio): The fish is brassy to yellow-colored and has large scales and
two small barbels on each side of the mouth. It has a large saw-toothed spine at the
front of the long, single dorsal fin and anal fin. Carp are scavengers and bottom
feeders. It is an important biological control mechanism for midge flies.
Threadfin shad (Dorosoma pretenense): The fish is dark slate gray to blue-black on top,
and silvery on sides and bottom. The dorsal fin has a long filament that extends to the
rear of the fish when deflected. It is often a forage fish for predacious species. It feeds
on plankton and organic detritus at the lake bottom. They have a high reproductive
Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis): This fish is small; about 30-50 mm long. It is present
in most warm water habitats. It consumes insect larvae and newborn young of other
fish. It is a live-breeder with a high reproductive rate.
Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas): Fathead minnow
feeds on detritus and algae on the bottom of lakes. It consumes insects and larvae,
including those of mosquitoes and midges, near the water surface. Fathead minnows
are food for most predacious fish. Nesting habits involve the eggs being attached to
the underside of an object that is situated somewhere above the lake bottom.
Problem Identification
Possible cause
Piping (gulping for air)
Low dissolved oxygen
Golden algae toxin
Disease or parasites
Golden algae toxin
Disease or parasites
Nighttime mortality
Low dissolved oxygen
Daytime mortality
Ammonia toxicity
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-20
In the event of a fish kill
1. Remove dead fish as soon as possible.
2. Freeze at least one intact (freshest) specimen for necropsy.
3. Measure water temperature, oxygen, and pH.
4. Collect sample for ammonia, hardness, heavy metals, and algae identification
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-21
Ruddy duck
Oxyura jamaicensis
American coot
Fulica americanas
Anas platyrhynchos
Canada goose
Branta canadensis
Northern pintail
Anas acuta
Northern shoveler
Spatula clypeata
Mareca strepera
American avocet
Recurvirostra americana
Bucephala albeola
Red-breasted merganser
Mergus serrator
Green-winged teal
Anas crecca
Cinnamon teal
Spatula cyanoptera
Lesser scaup
Aythya affinis
Phalacrocorax auritus
White-winged scoter
Melanitta deglandi
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-22
This section can be completed when aeration, weed harvesting, or chemical application equipment is
acquired and installed. The following is provided for example only.
Main Fountain/Aerator Maintenance
The following presents the basic maintenance schedule for City staff. A qualified professional contractor
should be used for specific scheduled maintenance and major repairs.
Leak check
Pump operation
Loose nuts or bolts
Grease fittings
Pump rotation
If maintenance requires the fountain/aerator to be shut down for an extended period of time, proper
notifications should be made to necessary City personnel.
Ancillary Diffuser System Maintenance
Always reference the supplied manuals for specific operation and maintenance procedures. The
following are basic monthly maintenance steps:
1. Verify system is depressurized. Remove endplate and filters.
2. Inspect filters for rips tears, cuts, or brittleness, and excessive foreign matter.
3. Clean satisfactory filters with compressed air.
4. Check filter/muffler for compacted debris. If debris is present, flush or replace filter/muffler.
5. Check o-ring for softness and flexibility. Replace hardened or brittle o-rings.
6. Remove, inspect and clean muffler box. Check and replace worn gaskets.
7. Replace muffler box and reinstall cleaned or replacement filters.
Flushing the muffler assembly will remove dirt, particles, excess moisture, and oil that will cause the
vanes to act sluggishly. Use only flushing solvent.
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-23
Vane Replacement
Vanes should be replaced every 9 to 12 months. Replacement steps follow.
1. Remove two end caps from
front of muffler box.
2. Tap and loosen muffler box.
3. Remove six bolts holding end
plate to body.
4. Remove end plate. Do not
remove rotor or loosen motor.
5. Check vanes for free
movement in and out of slots.
Replace any vane with more
than 50% extending past the vane slot.
6. Remove vanes and clean both side with emery cloth. Clean end caps in same manner.
7. Flush vanes, body, rotor, and end plat with cleaning solvent.
8. Remove any solvent residue.
9. Check all parts for scoring. Replace parts as necessary.
10. Re-assemble.
Watson Lake Reservoir Management Plan Field Reference Guide
City of Prescott
Prescott, Arizona November 2020 A-24
Troubleshooting Chart
Diffuser Heads and Air Distribution
Diffusers should be removed each year and cleaned in a dilute alkaline solution to remove biofilm,
followed by cleaning in a dilute hydrochloric acid solution to remove scale. Airlines (distribution) can be
inspected during each lake monitoring trip by simply paying attention to the presence of any
superfluous air bubbles rising in the water column where no diffuser head in stationed. These bubbles
indicate a break or tear in the air line has occurred.