The partnership manual is used by professional staff in the Bureau of Educator
Certification (BEC) and by Florida public school district personnel who are responsible
for providing certification information and service to their administrators, educators,
prospective educators, and other constituents.
District certification officers are considered “partners” with our Bureau in assisting
individuals with the Florida Educator Certification process. For district personnel, the
manual is used in conjunction with the Partnership Training Program to assist districts in
carrying out their statutorily authorized certification responsibilities.
The Partnership Manual serves as a training resource and reference material for BEC
and district personnel. Though subject to Florida public records law, this manual is not
intended for public distribution, but rather it is intended for those who are participating in
or have completed certification training.
This Manual provides an explanation of current laws and rules governing eligibility for
a Florida Educator’s Certificate. To review certificate eligibility information for an
individual who submitted an application under prior laws and rules, you must consult
the previous edition of the Partnership Manual that corresponds with the individual’s
What’s New!
1. Effective September 6, 2017, all fingerprints must be submitted to a FDLE approved Livescan vendor. The
fingerprint cards cannot be accepted by the BEC.
2. As of November 20, 2017, the Bureau of Educator Certification converted to the VERSA REGULATION (VR)
and VERSA ONLINE (VO) (including VO-Staff) systems for application/form submission and evaluation.
Training documents and materials can be found in your FL-ECT accounts at http://fl-ect.fldoe.org/index.cfm.
3. Effective July 1, 2018, the Don Hahnfeldt Veteran and Military Family Opportunity Act bill allows:
Fee waivers for some application types.
Fee waivers for initial attempts on certification examinations.
4. Effective January 1, 2019, a new Professional Development Certification Program was implemented.
Educators who complete the new program on or after January 1, 2019 and earn a highly effective
rating on their most recent summative evaluation rating are exempted from the Professional
Education Test.
5. Effective May 9, 2019, SB 7070 allowed:
Changes to the General Knowledge (GK) requirement
a) The GK requirement is limited to classroom teachers.
b) Educators have the full validity period of the Temporary Certificate to meet this
c) Educators may obtain a new Temporary Certificate without having to first pass the GK.
d) The GK is no longer required for an extension to the Temporary Certificate.
Extension to the Temporary Certificate
a) GK is no longer required before an applicant can apply for the extension.
b) The length of the extension is two (2) years.
c) Employer [district] must open application for extension and attach required documents to
that application.
Restricted Professional Certificate
a) GK will not be required.
b) This restricted license is specifically for educators serving in a capacity other than that of
classroom teachers. The following subject areas are included:
i. Educational Media Specialist
ii. School Counseling
iii. School Psychologist
iv. School Social Work
v. Speech-Language Impaired
c) To take advantage of the Restricted Professional Certificate, applicants must apply on or
after March 17, 2020.
6. Effective December 22, 2019, requirements for renewal, the Reading Endorsement, Guidance and
Counseling, and School Social Worker (Grades K-12) were changed:
Renewal Some coverages will require two (2) hours of reading instruction for those with
coverage areas that are eligible to teach reading or ELA to K-6 students. This change impacts
educators who are renewing their Professional Certificate with a validity period that starts July 1,
Reading Endorsement Two additional pathways are now accepted. *Note: These routes can
only be used if the applicant submitted the application for the Reading Endorsement on or
after December 22, 2019.
a) Certain types of internationally recognized organizations or programs approved by those
organizations can be used IF approved by FLDOE.
b) A passing score on the Subject Area Examination for Reading (Grades K-12) can be
accepted in lieu of coursework.
Specialization requirements for Guidance and Counseling (Grades K-12)
a) The name has been changed to School Counseling. The name was changed for all
educators who had 1021/D on their certificates.
b) Specialization requirements for School Counseling have been updated.
Specialization requirements for School Social Worker (Grades K-12)
a) The name has been changed to School Social Work.
b) A Master’s degree is now required.
BEC Reference and Contact Information
Florida Certification Laws Chapter 1012, Part III, Section D., Florida Statutes (F.S.)
Florida State Board of Education Certification Rules, Chapter 6A-4, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
Official versions of these statutory and rule authority resources may be accessed from the Bureau of
Educator Certification’s website: http://fldoe.org/teaching/certification.
Customer Access Numbers: 800-445-6739 (toll free in US), 850-245-5049 (outside US).
Area of Assistance
Jasmine Johnson
Certification questions from
districts and private school
contacts; special faxes;
database questions; updates
to district contact list
District user technical
assistance with
VR/VO/FLECT accounts
Provides training
materials for Certification
requirements and the
VERSA systems
FL Certify
Online application technical support
for applicants
Ed Cert Accounting
Invoicing for district
renewals, additions, and
duplicate certificates
Fingerprint Records
Receipt of records; alerts
lifted for renewals (email
PPS clearance and probation status
EPC clearance
The Florida Department of Educations website http://www.fldoe.org provides information on
current educational topics, links to important sites, as well as contact names, phone numbers,
and email addresses.
Official communications of the Florida Department of Education are accessed and distributed through
the Paperless Communications System (http://www.fldoe.org/policy/pubs/paperless-
communications.stml). At this site, you can register and select the topics of interest to you. When
documents on the selected topics are posted, you will receive an email notification with a link to a
PDF of the document.
The online certification application is accessed at: http://flcertify.fldoe.org/datamart/mainMenu.do.
Teacher preparation, recruitment, retention, and professional development information may be
obtained from the Bureau of Educator Recruitment, Development and Retention at 850-245-0435.
The Departments teacher recruitment website is http://fldoe.org/teaching/recruitment/.
Test competencies, registration, and administration information for Florida Teacher
Certification Examinations are available online from a link on the BEC website or directly at
Information on the State University System is available at http://www.flbog.edu/;
http://fldoe.org/schools/higher-ed/fl-college-system/about-us/ links to Florida’s State and
Community Colleges; and http://fldoe.org/about-us/independent-edu.stml links to other
independent schools.
BEC Reference and Contact Information ...................................................................................................... 4
The Temporary Certificate ............................................................................................................................ 7
Subject Area Specialization ....................................................................................................................... 7
Degree Majors ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Course Analysis Procedures ................................................................................................................ 10
Grade Point Average (GPA) ................................................................................................................. 10
Other Types of Temporary Certificates................................................................................................... 11
The Professional Certificate ........................................................................................................................ 12
Direct Reciprocity Routes to the Professional Certificate ....................................................................... 12
The Restricted Professional Certificate ................................................................................................... 14
Athletic Coaching Certificates ..................................................................................................................... 14
The Application Process .............................................................................................................................. 15
The CG-10 Application Form ................................................................................................................... 16
Processing Fees ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Official Transcripts .................................................................................................................................. 17
The Official Statement of Status of Eligibility (SOE) ................................................................................ 17
Requesting the Certificate and Submitting Fingerprints ........................................................................ 18
Processing Alerts ..................................................................................................................................... 20
PPS/EPC Documents from Attachments Screen ..................................................................................... 21
Acceptable Degrees and Credits ............................................................................................................. 22
Notes on Foreign Trained Applicants ...................................................................................................... 23
District Invoicing and Payment Process ...................................................................................................... 24
Mastery of General Knowledge .................................................................................................................. 25
Mastery of Subject Area Knowledge ........................................................................................................... 27
Mastery of Professional Preparation and Education Competence............................................................. 30
Snapshot of Past Professional Preparation College Course Analysis Options ........................................ 33
Current Course Analysis Processing Guidelines ...................................................................................... 35
Teaching Experience ............................................................................................................................... 38
Adding a Coverage or Endorsement to a Valid Temporary or Professional Certificate.............................. 41
Processing Information for the Different Application Types .................................................................. 41
Adding a Coverage or Endorsement to a Valid Temporary Certificate .................................................... 42
Adding an Endorsement to a Valid Temporary or Professional Certificate ............................................. 43
Renewal of Florida Professional Certificate ................................................................................................ 44
Renewal Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 44
Renewal Application Process .................................................................................................................. 47
For Individuals Employed in a Florida Public School District .............................................................. 47
For Individuals Not Employed in a Florida Public School District ....................................................... 48
Appropriate Categories/Topics for Renewal........................................................................................... 48
NBPTS Subject Areas and Florida Subject Area Equivalents for Renewal Purposes ................................. 48
Renewal Method Choices ......................................................................................................................... 49
Reinstatement of a Professional Certificate ............................................................................................... 50
Reinstatement Requirements ................................................................................................................... 50
Reinstatement Application Process ........................................................................................................ 50
Changing from "Re-Application for Educator Certification" Application to "Reinstatement
Application" and Vice Versa ................................................................................................................ 50
Extensions ................................................................................................................................................... 53
Extending the Three-year Temporary Certificate ................................................................................... 53
Extending a Professional Certificate ....................................................................................................... 54
Military Service Extensions ..................................................................................................................... 54
Common Abbreviations in Contact History ................................................................................................ 55
CT Forms ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
Current Laws and Rule ................................................................................................................................ 57
Effective December 22, 2019 .................................................................................................................. 57
Effective May 9, 2019 ............................................................................................................................. 58
Effective January 1, 2019 ........................................................................................................................ 59
Effective July 1, 2018 .............................................................................................................................. 60
Effective November 20, 2017 ................................................................................................................. 61
Military Certification Fee Waivers (MCFW) ................................................................................................ 62
Military Certification Fee Waivers Additional Guidance ...................................................................... 63
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 64
Versa Regulations, VO-Staff, and VO-Public ........................................................................................... 64
The Temporary Certificate
s. 1012.56, F.S., and Chapter 6A-4.004(1), F.A.C.
The three-year nonrenewable Temporary Certificate may be issued to an applicant who does not qualify for the
Professional Certificate, but meets the requirements listed below. (See the end of this section for other types of
Temporary Certificates.)
Requirements for the Three-year Temporary Certificate
A valid Official Statement of Status of Eligibility as specified in s.1012.56(1)(b), F.S., which
states that the applicant has satisfied subject area specialization requirements for the
subject requested.
A 2.5 GPA in the subject area requested for initial certification.
Full-time employment in a position for which a Florida Educator’s Certificate is required in a
Florida public, state-supported or nonpublic school which has a Department of Education
approved system for documenting the demonstration of required professional education
competence. Verification of employment shall be submitted by a Florida district
superintendent or designee or the chief administrative officer of the state-supported or
nonpublic school or its umbrella organization.
Processing and clearance of fingerprints as specified in s.1012.32, F.S.
Subject Area Specialization
s.1012.56, F.S., Chapters 6A-4.002 and 6A-4.003, F.A.C.
Subject area specialization for the Temporary Certificate may be met by any one of the following:
For bachelor's degree level subjects with a Florida developed or other State Board approved exam: a passing score
on the Florida developed or other State Board approved subject area examination for the subject earned no more
than 10 years prior to the date of application;
A degree major in the subject area and at the level specified by State Board Rule for the subject;
Completion of requirements (typically content courses) in State Board Rule for the subject; or
A valid certificate issued by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) in the subject.
Degree Majors
1. The degree major is defined by the degree granting institution as provided on the official transcript [6A-4.002(2),
2. Rule 6A-4.003(3), F.A.C., defines criteria for each acceptable degree level of training (bachelor, master,
specialist, and doctorate). A certificate, diploma, or other award shall not be recognized as an earned degree.
3. Academic Training in Versa Regulation identifies a possible certification subject associated with the stated
degree major on the official transcript. This identification is based upon the initial receipt, review, and coding of
the transcript by BEC’s records unit staff. Professional evaluators make the final determination on whether or not
a degree major is acceptable when the application is processed and the SOE prepared.
4. Transcript review: The BEC is responsible for determining if a degree major is acceptable. The following
guidelines facilitate this process:
Stated major on the transcript: Institutions place the degree major statement at different places on the official
transcript. Some institutions include other designations on a transcript, such as minor, concentration,
emphasis, curriculum area, or track. A minor is never the equivalent of a major and cannot be used to
determine eligibility for a certificate. However, some of the other terms listed may be used to identify a major
at that institution and require review by BEC professional staff. Examples of transcript statements:
“Bachelor of Arts Major: Social Science”
Note: This is generally an acceptable major for Social Science.
“Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Major: Anthropology”
Note: This is not an acceptable major for Social Science.
The Guide to Acceptable Majors on the following two pages lists majors that are generally acceptable for
certification subjects. Supporting coursework must always be reviewed by BEC in making a final
*Please access your FL-ECT account more information on acceptable degree majors.
Transcripts sometimes do not include a major statement or identify the major as “Education” or “Secondary
Education.” In these cases, BEC staff attempt to determine a major by reviewing the content courses of the
degree program. Generally, if the degree contains 30 semester hours or more in one certification subject, it
is accepted as the major. If student teaching is listed, sometimes the area of student teaching will provide
the major. Final determinations are made by BEC staff during the evaluation process.
Guide to Acceptable Majors for Educator Certification Specialization (Note: Supporting coursework
must always be reviewed by BEC for final determination of acceptance.)
Florida Certification Coverage
Frequently Acceptable Degree Major(s)
Agriculture, General Agriculture, Vocational Agriculture
Art, Art Education, Fine Arts (major, not degree type), Architecture,
Interior Design, Fashion Design, Commercial Art, One Area of Art
(Painting, Sculpture, etc.)
Bacteriology, Biology, Biological Sciences, Biomechanics, Botany,
Dentistry, Doctor of Medicine, Physiology, Exercise Physiology,
Genetics, Kinesiology, Life Science, Marine Biology, Microbiology,
Zoology, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Osteopathy
Business Education
Business Education, Business Administration
Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmacy,
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy
Computer Science
Computer Science, Computer Programming, Computer Technology,
Computer Engineering
Dance, Dance Education
Acting, Drama, Dramatic Arts, Theatre, Theatre Arts, One Area of
Drama (Directing, etc.)
Earth-Space Science
Astronomy, Climatology, Earth Science, Geology, Metallurgy, Meteorology,
Oceanography, Paleontology, Physical Geography, Space Science
Educational Leadership
Educational Administration, Administration and Supervision,
Educational Leadership, Educational Management and Development,
School Principal (masters level)
Educational Media Specialist
Educational Media, Educational Media Technology, Instructional Media,
Library Science (not Technology Education)
Elementary Education (K-6)
Elementary Education 1-6, K-6, N/K-6, K-3, K-4, K-8, K-9, Upper
Elementary 4-6
Engineering and Technology Education
Industrial Arts, Industrial Technology Education, Industrial
Education, Industrial Arts-Technology Education, Technology
English, Literature (English), Creative Writing, Language Arts
English to Speakers of
Other Languages (ESOL)
English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
Special Education, Mild and Moderate Needs, Teacher of the
Handicapped, Varying Exceptionalities, Behavioral Disorders, BD/LD,
Emotionally Conflicted, Emotionally Disturbed, Emotionally
Handicapped, Socially and Emotionally Maladjusted, Educable Mentally
Retarded, Children with Retarded Mental Development (CRMD),
Intellectual Disabilities, Mentally Handicapped, Mentally Impaired,
Mental Retardation, Profoundly Mentally Retarded, Severely and
Profoundly Mentally Retarded, Trainable Mentally Retarded, Learning
Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Motor Disabilities,
Orthopedically Handicapped, Physically Handicapped, Physically
Family and Consumer Science
Home Economics, Vocational Home Economics, Family and
Consumer Science
School Counseling
School Guidance and Counseling, School Counseling, School
Guidance (masters degree level)
Allied Health, Health, Health Education, Health Services, Nursing (BS),
Public Health, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Doctor of
Dental Science, Doctor of Osteopathy
Hearing Impaired
Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Deaf Education, Hearing Disabilities, Hearing
Impaired, Hearing Science, Education of Deaf-Blind
Humanities, Classical Studies
Distributive Education, Marketing, Marketing Education
Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Engineering (Civil, Chemical,
Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, Aeronautical/Aerospace, or Nuclear),
Statistics, Actuarial Science
Middle Grades English
Middle Grades English, Middle Grades Language Arts,
Middle School English Education, Junior High School English, English,
Literature (English), Creative Writing, Language Arts Literature (English),
Creative Writing
Middle Grades General Science
Middle Grades Science, Teaching Middle School Science, Junior High
Science, Middle School Science Education, General Science
Middle Grades Mathematics
Middle Grades Mathematics, Teaching Middle School Mathematics, Junior
High Mathematics, Middle School Mathematics Education, Mathematics,
Statistics, Engineering (Civil, Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical,
Aeronautical/Aerospace, or Nuclear), Actuarial Science
Middle Grades Social Science
Middle Grades Social Science, Teaching Middle School Social Science,
Junior High Social Science, Middle School Social Science Education, Social
Science, Social Studies, American History, History, Western Civilization,
World History, Geography, Economic Geography, (and other
specialized areas of geography) Economics, Civics, Government,
International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Educational
Psychology (and other specialized areas of Psychology)
Applied Music, Instrumental Music, Music, Music Education, Piano or other
major instrument, Vocal Music, Voice, Composition (music), Percussion
Physical Education (K-12)
Physical Education (any grade level with student teaching)
Aeronautical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering,
Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear
Physics, Physics, Thermodynamics, Nuclear Engineering
Preschool Education
Nursery School Education, Preschool Education, Birth-Age 4, Birth-Age 8
Prekindergarten/Primary Education
Early Childhood Education if NK-3, NK-4, or Birth-Age 8; P-5, N-6, NK-6,
Prekindergarten/Primary Education
Reading (masters degree level)
School Psychologist
School Psychology (specialists degree level)
School Social Work
Social Work, Social Worker, Social Welfare
Social Science
Social Science, Social Studies, American History, History, Western
Civilization, World History, Geography, Economic Geography (and other
specialized areas of geography), Economics, Civics, Government,
International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Educational
Psychology (and other specialized areas of Psychology)
Speech-Language Impaired
Communication Disorders, Speech Correction, Speech and Hearing
Science, Speech-Language Impaired, Speech Pathology, Speech
Pathology, Audiology (masters degree level)
Visually Impaired
Blind and Partially Sighted, Visual Disabilities, Visually Handicapped, Visually
Course Analysis Procedures
1. Florida State Board of Education Rules 6A-4.008, F.A.C., through 6A-4.078, F.A.C., outline the requirements for
acceptable majors (Plan 1) and/or specific courses (or other criteria) which must be completed to meet
specialization requirements in each subject area and endorsement. Most subject areas provide a Plan 2 and
sometimes additional plans for course analysis or other criteria. However, a few certification subjects have only a
degree major option.
2. Specific guidelines for accepting majors, programs, and specific courses or other criteria for each certification
subject and endorsement are listed in the evaluation instructions for that subject or endorsement.
*Please access your FL-ECT account more information on course guidelines for certification
3. General rules for course analysis are as follows:
The sample course titles provide examples of acceptable courses; others may also be appropriate. The
"Notes" provide key words, information on courses that are and are not acceptable, and other course
analysis information.
If use of a course cannot be determined by course title, but appears to be related to a specific requirement,
an official course description or syllabus may be reviewed for acceptance of the course on a one-time basis.
Courses that clearly cover more than one specific course requirement (where the requirement is for “credit
in” the area) are sometimes split to satisfy each credit requirement. This depends upon the subject being
evaluated; and the number of specific credit requirements satisfied may not be greater than the total number
of semester hour credits earned for the college course. Survey courses that provide only an introduction to
and overview of multiple topics are generally not used to satisfy a specific course requirement but are
instead used as elective credit (Example: "College Math").
Both the course title and prefix are reviewed to determine if a course is acceptable. Terminology may differ
depending on the department offering the course.
K-12 teaching experience may sometimes be used in lieu of college credit on a limited basis. See section of
manual on Teaching Experience and the subject evaluation guideline documents.
4. Courses below college freshman level (“remedial courses”) are not acceptable for certification.
5. The GPA must be computed in a course-by-course evaluation for an initial subject area.
6. College credit awarded for CLEP, DANTES Subject Standardized Test, Excelsior, other examination, life
experience, or other method is acceptable, if the credit is reflected on an official transcript from an accredited or
approved institution or the American Council on Education (ACE), and the content of the course is appropriate.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
1. The Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement is a separate statutory requirement for the initial certification
subject, and the BEC will review for GPA only in the initial certification subject. Once GPA is met for a subject for
which the applicant applies and meets specialization, no additional GPA review is conducted.
2. The applicant must meet both GPA and specialization requirements for the initial subject to qualify for a
3. GPA is not reviewed when an individual meets specialization through provisions for accepting a teacher
education program, degree major, out-of-state certificate, certificate issued by NBPTS or ABCTE, or passing the
4. The GPA requirement is 2.5 on a 4.0 scale in the initial subject area. When analyzing for the GPA, all
coursework necessary to meet specialization requirements is applied. Then, if the GPA is below 2.5, additional
coursework in the subject area with grades of “B” or above are used to raise the GPA. A 2.45 GPA may be
rounded up to a 2.5 for an acceptable GPA.
5. A grade of “Pass” in coursework taken on a Pass/Fail basis is acceptable for meeting specialization
requirements. However, coursework of this type (including CLEP examination or other pass/fail credit) used to
meet certification requirements is not computed into the GPA.
6. State Board Rule 6A-4.002(3) requires the use of semester hour units in transcript analysis. However, some
colleges and universities use the quarter hour as the unit of credit. One quarter hour is equivalent to 2/3
semester hour.
Quarter Hour Equivalency Chart
Quarter Hours
Semester Hours
Quarter Hours
Semester Hours
1 1/3
4 2/3
5 1/3
2 2/3
3 1/3
6 2/3
Other Types of Temporary Certificates
Temporary Certificates based upon a bachelor’s degree in Speech-Language Impaired or Speech
1. Two-year nonrenewable Temporary Certificate covering Speech-Language Impaired (K-12)
2. Three-year Speech-Language Associate (K-12) Certificate
See the subject evaluation guidelines for Speech-Language Impaired (K-12) for information about special
conditions and limitations for issuance of these certificates.
Temporary Certificate in Educational Leadership based upon a bachelor’s degree requires all of the
1. Application and fee for Educational Leadership.
2. Passing score on the Florida Educational Leadership Exam (FELE) earned on or after January 1, 2014.
3. Three (3) years of executive management or leadership experience verified by employing Florida district or
authorized private school.
4. Mentorship by a Florida state-certified school administrator verified and attested to by employing Florida
district or authorized private school.
5. Special Issue Request Form CT-110S from employing Florida district or authorized private school. Request
for issuance of this certificate is solely at the discretion of the employing Florida district or
authorized private school.
An individual who holds a Professional Certificate is not eligible for the Special Educational Leadership
This special certificate is valid for a maximum of three years. If the individual currently holds a three-year
Temporary Certificate in another subject, the Special Educational Leadership Certificate is added to the
current certificate and is valid for the remainder of the three-year validity period of the current certificate.
Subsequent issuance of a Professional Certificate in Educational Leadership requires an application,
processing fee, a master’s degree, completion of specialization requirements in State Board of Education
Rule 6A-4.0082, F.A.C., mastery of general knowledge, and mastery of professional preparation and
education competence.
Temporary Certificates no longer issued as initial certificates.
One-year Temporary Certificate issued under laws in effect prior to July 1, 1988: These certificates may be
reissued each year through the application process as long as continuity is maintained. If it is determined through
the application process that an applicant has met requirements for a Professional Certificate under current laws,
then the Professional Certificate is issued.
Exchange Teacher Certificate [6A-4.002(6), F.A.C.]
1. One three-year nonrenewable Temporary Certificate covering “Exchange Teacher” may be issued when an
individual is participating in an employing school district’s reciprocal agreement between the US and another
country or a nationally recognized organization. A one-for-one teacher exchange is not required.
2. All of the following are required for issuance of the Exchange Teacher Certificate:
Exchange Teacher Certification Application
$75.00 processing fee
Cleared fingerprints
Documentation by school district of applicant’s participation in exchange teacher program with the
specific program clearly identified
CT-110 Issue Request form from school district
I-9 form
Photocopy of US social security card
3. An individual may be issued only one certificate covering Exchange Teacher. An individual may not break
continuity and re-apply for a new Exchange Teacher certificate.
4. As of February 2019, the exchange teacher certificate can be extended for up to two additional years (not to
exceed five years) if the following requirements are met:
The Exchange Teacher Certification Application is submitted.
The processing fee is paid.
The district has submitted written verification from the authorized program sponsor documenting
approval by the U.S. Department of State to extend participation in the exchange program that
stipulates the length of the approved extension.
The district submits a letter of reference on official letterhead that describes the exchange teacher’s
performance during the previous years of the exchange and how the host has benefited from the
exchange teacher’s presence.
Please note: The district office must submit the application to extend the Exchange Teacher certificate.
The Professional Certificate
Section 1012.56, Florida Statutes
The five-year renewable Professional Educator’s Certificate is the standard certificate issued by
the State of Florida.
Requirements for the Professional Certificate:
Complete the application process
Complete the fingerprint process
Demonstrate mastery of general knowledge
Demonstrate mastery of subject area knowledge
Demonstrate mastery of professional preparation and education competence
1. An applicant who meets all academic requirements for the Professional Certificate but who has not
submitted processed fingerprints will be issued an Official Statement of Status of Eligibility for the
Professional Certificate until the fingerprint requirement is complete. (Note: Per 6A-4.002, F.A.C., a
noncitizen must be employed as a Florida educator for issuance of any certificate. An issue request form, I-9
form, and fingerprints are required to issue the Professional Certificate to the noncitizen.)
2. Florida state-approved teacher preparation program graduates may apply and qualify for the Professional
Certificate rather than a Temporary Certificate in the subject area of program completion, if all testing
requirements have been met. (If the individual is a U.S. citizen, fingerprinting is the only additional
requirement for the certificate.)
3. Temporary Certificate to Professional Certificate Validity Period: When the applicant holds a three-year
Temporary Certificate, the validity period of the Professional Certificate will begin July 1 of the year in which
the applicant applies and qualifies for the Professional Certificate, except when the applicant applies in the
last year of the Temporary Certificate. In the latter case, the validity period will begin when the Temporary
Certificate expires.
Direct Reciprocity Routes to the Professional Certificate
Florida Statutes provide for two direct reciprocity routes to the Professional Certificate to satisfy all academic
requirements, including all tests. For US citizens, the fingerprint requirement must still be met prior to issuance of the
certificate. Noncitizens must meet the employment and fingerprint requirements prior to issuance of the certificate.
1. A valid standard certificate from another U.S. state or U.S. territory
a) The certificate must be valid at the time of application for the Florida certificate. However, if the applicant
renews an expired out-of-state certificate or earns a standard certificate while the SOE is still valid, it may be
submitted to update the SOE and qualify for the Florida Professional Certificate. (Note: An applicant who is
maintaining continuity from the Temporary Certificate to the Professional Certificate may satisfy Professional
Certificate requirements with an expired standard certificate from another U.S. state or territory, if the
certificate was valid prior to expiration of the Temporary Certificate).
b) The certificate must be issued in a subject(s) for which Florida offers certification and pursuant to the same
level of training required for that subject in Florida. The applicant will qualify for each of the subjects shown
which meet these criteria and for which the individual submits an application and fee.
c) A standard certificate is one comparable to the Florida Professional Certificate. It is not always apparent
when a certificate is or is not acceptable. The BEC is responsible for determining if the certificate is
acceptable for reciprocity.
d) Certificates are acceptable from all U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense
Educational Authority (DODEA, formerly DODDS), Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American
Samoa, and the Northern Marianas.
e) This provision applies to all academic, degreed career and technical, specialty and administrative class
f) A photocopy of the front and back of the valid certificate (with Florida DOE # or SSN annotated on each
page) will be acceptable documentation; the copy should be attached to the application for certification.
g) Per State Board Rule 6A-4.002, F.A.C., the certificate should include the following: title, stage or level,
subjects, ages or instructional grade levels of students, certificate validity dates, name and unique
identification number.
2. A valid standard certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
a) The NBPTS certificate must be valid at the time of application. However, if the applicant renews the
expired NBPTS certificate or earns the NBPTS certificate while the SOE is still valid, it may be
submitted to update the SOE and qualify for the Florida Professional Certificate. A photocopy of the
valid certificate is acceptable and should be attached to the application for certification. Some NBPTS
coverages (for example, World Languages Other Than English) require additional documentation to
identify the specific subject (French, Spanish, etc.) since it is not identified on the certificate.
b) The Florida Professional Certificate will reflect the Florida subject corresponding to the NBPTS subject
for which the applicant has applied. (See chart below)
NBPTS Subject
Corresponding Florida Subject
Early Childhood Generalist (Ages 3-8)
Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Grades PK-3)
Middle Childhood Generalist (Ages 7-12)
Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Early Adolescence English
English (Grades 5-9)
Adolescence -Young Adulthood English
English (Grades 6-12)
Early Adolescence Mathematics
Mathematics (Grades 5-9)
Adolescence -Young Adulthood Mathematics
Mathematics (Grades 6-12)
Early Adolescence Social Science/History
Social Science (Grades 5-9)
Adolescence -Young Adulthood Social Science/History
Social Science (Grades 6-12)
Early Adolescence Science
General Science (Grades 5-9)
Adolescence -Young Adulthood Science
General Science (Grades 5-9)
Early and Middle Childhood OR Early Adolescence -
Adulthood Art
Art (Grades K-12)
Early and Middle Childhood OR Early Adolescence -
Adulthood Music
Music (Grades K-12)
Early and Middle Childhood OR Early Adolescence -
Adulthood English as a New Language
English for Speakers of Other Languages (Grades K-
Early and Middle Childhood OR Early Adolescence -
Adulthood Physical Education
Physical Education (Grades K-12)
Early Childhood - Young Adulthood Exceptional
Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Severe/Multiple Disabilities
Early Childhood
Deaf/Hard of
Visual Impairments
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
Severe/Profound Disabilities Endorsement
Pre-K Disabilities Endorsement
Hearing Impaired (K-12)
Visually Impaired(K-12)
Early Childhood - Young Adult Library Media
Educational Media Specialist (Grades K-12)
Early Adolescence Young Adult World Languages
Other Than English
A World Language that directly corresponds with a
World Language offered in Florida
The corresponding Florida World Language for
which the
individual applies
Early Adolescence - Young Adult Career and Technical
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Business, Marketing, Info. Mgmt. & Entrepreneurship
Family and Consumer Sciences
Manufacturing and Engineering Technology
Technology Education
Agriculture (6-12)
Business (6-12) and/or Marketing (6-12)
Family and Consumer Sciences (6-12)
Engineering and Technology Education (6-12)
Engineering and Technology Education (6-12)
Early-Middle Childhood Literacy-Reading Language Arts
Reading Endorsement (Not acceptable for Reading K-
Early Childhood - Young Adulthood School Counseling
None (Not acceptable for School Counseling or any
Florida subject)
Early Adolescence - Young Adulthood Health
Health (Grades K-12)
The Restricted Professional Certificate
Chapter 6A-4.004, F.A.C.
The five-year renewable Restricted Professional Certificate is specifically designed for instructional personnel who
are serving in a capacity other than that of classroom teachers. It includes personnel in the following subject areas:
Educational Media Specialist, School Counseling, School Psychologist, School Social Work, or Speech-Language
Requirements for the Restricted Professional Certificate:
Complete the application process
Complete the fingerprint process
Demonstrate mastery of subject area knowledge
Demonstrate mastery of professional preparation and education competence
1. The requirements are the same as those for the standard Professional Certificate with the exception of the
General Knowledge (GK) exam. The GK exam is not required for the Restricted Certificate.
2. A subject area that is not covered by the Restricted Professional Certificate cannot be added to this type of
certificate. For example, an applicant cannot add Elementary (grades k 6) to the Restricted Professional
3. When an educator applies for certification in one of the restricted subject areas (Educational Media Specialist,
School Counseling, School Psychologist, School Social Work, or Speech-Language Impaired), our evaluators
will review the educator’s application to determine eligibility for a Temporary, Restricted, and Professional
Certificate. Any remaining requirements for all three certificate types will be listed on the applicant’s SOE.
4. Educators that currently have a Temporary Certificate can be evaluated for the Restricted Certificate after March
17, 2020. If they apply to upgrade to the Professional Certificate and GK mastery has not been satisfied, they will
be issued the Restricted Certificate. They can apply to upgrade from the Restricted Certificate to the Professional
Certificate if they wish to do so once they have taken and passed the GK exam.
5. An applicant who meets all academic requirements for the Restricted Professional Certificate but who has not
submitted processed fingerprints will be issued an Official Statement of Status of Eligibility for the Restricted
Professional Certificate until the fingerprint requirement is complete. (Note: Per 6A-4.002, F.A.C., a noncitizen
must be employed as a Florida educator for issuance of any certificate. An issue request form, I-9 form, and
fingerprints are required to issue the Restricted Professional Certificate to the noncitizen.)
Athletic Coaching Certificates
s.1012.55, F.S., and 6A-4.004(4), F.A.C.
Athletic Coaching certificates are issued to individuals who do not hold a valid Florida Educator’s Certificate, but who
are paid to coach in the public schools. For individuals who hold a valid Florida Educator’s Certificate, the additional
coaching certificate is not required by the state. Individuals who hold valid Florida certificates who wish to hold
coaching certification, or are required to do so by their district, may apply and meet requirements to add the Athletic
Coaching Endorsement to their Professional Certificate.
Three-year Athletic Coaching Certificate
Only one three-year nonrenewable certificate covering Athletic Coaching may be issued to an individual who:
Submits application for Athletic Coaching specifically and processing fee.
Submits fingerprints that are processed and cleared.
Five-year Athletic Coaching Certificate
A certificate valid for five years covering Athletic Coaching may be issued to an individual who:
Submits an application for Athletic Coaching and processing fee.
Satisfies specialization requirements for the Athletic Coaching Endorsement (Rule 6A-4.0282, F.A.C.).
Submits fingerprints that are processed and cleared.
1. Only one three-year coaching certificate may be issued to an individual. An individual may not re-apply for a new
three-year certificate.
2. When the three-year and five-year certificates are issued without a break in continuity, additional fingerprints are
not required.
3. Additional five-year certificates may be issued with a new application and fee.
Caveat: The five-year Athletic Coaching Certificate is not a renewable certificate; consequently, each five-year
certificate is considered an initial certificate. Therefore, the applicant must satisfy the specialization requirements
that are in effect at the time of each application.
4. When two five-year certificates are issued without a break in continuity, additional fingerprints are not required.
*Please access your FL-ECT account for more information on the applications for Athletic Coaching
The Application Process
s.1012.56, F.S., Chapters 6A-4.0012, 6A-4.002 and 6A-4.003, F.A.C.
A completed application for initial certification consists of the following:
A completed Application Form CG-10including a correctly completed Legal Disclosure Form
Current processing fee of $75.00 per subject coverage/endorsement requested
An official transcript that reflects a bachelors or higher degree from an accredited or approved
1. Only the current online or hardcopy application form, last adopted in November 2017 by the State Board of
Education, is acceptable. Applicants who submit a prior version of an application will have the outdated
version returned and be advised to complete the current version.
2. If the processing fee or official bachelors (or higher) degreed transcript is not present in the file within several
days of the date the application form is entered in the database, the applicant is sent a computer generated
letter (“Return Letter”) listing the application deficiencies. The file is not considered complete or queued for
review until all required documents are on file.
3. Application deficiencies are reflected in the VR database in the Find Applications RSD. This RSD is only
accessible for those using VR. Those using VR can also see an overview of some documents using the
Attachments RSD or individual RSDs accessible in the Action Menu on the License Home page. The
information shown in the VO-Staff application shows general information, but not all deficiencies are shown
in that system.
4. The application form is valid for one year from the date it is received in the BEC. Applications that are
incomplete after the one-year period expire, and any processing fees that have been submitted are forfeited.
5. Out-of-State Certificates: Applicants should submit copies of the front and back of valid certificates from other
states and US territories with the DOE or Social Security number identified on each page. If the certificate is
not included, it will not delay processing of the file, but it may delay full determination of eligibility. The
applicant should attach a copy of the out-of-state certificate(s) to the online application.
6. The License Type and Application Type must be selected before the applicant can submit an application**.
*Application documents received and entered in an applicants file are uploaded to the Attachments RSD.
**Please access your FL-ECT account for a complete list of License and Application types and for
more information on navigating the VR/VO-Staff systems.
Educator Certification offers four different license (certification) types:
1. Educator Certificate (6001) Is used for both the Temporary Certificate and the Professional Certificate for
Academic, Administrative, Degreed Vocational, and Specialty Coverages. This is also used for General and
Academic/Specialty Endorsements.
If all requirements for the issuance of a Professional Certificate are not met when the application is
processed, a three-year Official Statement of Status of Eligibility listing requirements for both the
Temporary Certificate and the Professional Certificate is issued.
2. Speech Language Impaired Certificate (6002) Is used only for the SLA, Temporary and Non-Renewable
Professional Certificates for Speech Language Impaired. If an applicant holds a Master’s degree, they
must instead choose the Educator Certificate option.
If all requirements for the issuance of a certificate are not met when the application is processed, a
three-year Official Statement of Status of Eligibility will be issued as stated above.
3. Athletic Coaching Certificate (6003) Is used for the stand alone three-year and five-year certificate for
Athletic Coaching. This cannot be used to add the Athletic Coaching Endorsement to a valid
Temporary Certificate or Professional Certificate.
If all requirements for the issuance of an Athletic Coaching Certificate are not met when the
application is processed, a one-year AC Deficiency Letter that is valid from the date that the
application is processed will be issued.
o Note: Applications submitted before November 20, 2017 were issued a three-year Official
Statement of Status of Eligibility. Those statements are valid for three years even after the
correspondence type and validity period was changed.
4. Exchange Teacher Certificate (6004) Is used only for the Exchange Teacher Certificates. Individual
subjects cannot be added to Exchange Teacher Certificates.
If all requirements for the issuance of the Exchange Teacher Certificate are met, the certificate
itself will be issued. If not, an Exchange Letter that is valid for one year from the date of the
complete application is issued.
The CG-10 Application Form
Note: The paper application form is officially known as the CG-10. Please note, however that “CG-10 (or CG-10R
for renewals and reinstatement) is not referenced at all in the online application system.
1. The paper application form must be filled out completely to be considered acceptable. The online application
system will not allow submission if any of these sections are left blank. Required sections for each
application are:
Name, address, birth date, and citizenship information
Type of certificate and subject(s) requested
Complete Legal Disclosure section
o Note: Even if information has been disclosed before, it must still be listed on every
application submitted. The applicant must make sure to “add” complete information
concerning “yes” answers on later pages of the application.
Application/Legal Disclosure Affidavit(s) (see #3 below.)
2. Applicants should submit the online application whenever possible. Note: If the applicant does not have a
valid US social security number, then they must enter 000000001 during the account creation process in the
SSN field. That information is also provided in the application.
Social Security Number Statement: Collection of your social security number (SSN) is required pursuant
to §1012.56, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of promoting the public policy of Florida relating to child
support. Your SSN is used by the Department as a unique identifier for maintaining your certification
and related personnel records as required under the same statute. Your SSN may be disclosed to the
Department of Revenue, as authorized under §1012.21, Florida Statutes, as Florida’s agency for
administration of the Title IV-D program of the federal Social Security Act for child support enforcement.
Failure to provide your SSN to Educator Certification will prevent issuance of your Florida Educator’s
3. For the Legal Disclosure section, a "yes" or "no" answer is required for each and every question.
Additionally, if a “yes” answer is indicated for any question, all of the requested legal disclosure information
must be provided even if the information has been disclosed at any time in the past. Records previously
cleared by Professional Practices Services must be reported on each and every application submitted.
a. Note: The hardcopy CG-10 application includes two separate affidavits (an Application Affidavit
and a Legal Disclosure Affidavit) which require two separate signatures.
b. Note: The legal disclosure sections of the online application are separated. The applicant must
answer ALL questions with a “yes” or “no.” If the applicant provides a “yes” answer to any of
the questions, s/he must also “add” information concerning the offense(s) on the separate
pages for “Sealed or Expunged,” “Criminal Offense,” and/or “Professional Sanctions.”
Failure to enter the appropriate information will severely delay processing of the application.
For the Affidavit page, the applicant must provide a “yes” answer to the questions asked. Failure to do so
will require that additional documents be submitted to the BEC so that the answers can be updated in our
system and may severely delay processing of the application.
4. A maximum of four subjects may be requested per paper CG-10 application form. However, only one
certificate action (initial certificate, professional certificate, athletic coaching, etc.) should be requested per
application form*. There is no limit to the number of subjects that can be selected on the online
application for the Educator Certification license type.
*Please access your FL-ECT account for a complete list of application subjects.
Note: Only one application type for one license type can be completed at one time.
Processing Fees
1. The current processing fee effective January 1, 2008 is $75.00 per subject coverage and/or endorsement
requested for the initial certificate, whether the first certificate is a Temporary or Professional Certificate.
2. If an applicant has held a Temporary Certificate and is applying for the initial Professional Certificate without
a break in continuity, then only one $75.00 processing fee is required to issue a Professional Certificate
covering all subjects shown on the Temporary Certificate for which Professional Certificate requirements are
3. Please see information on Military Certification Fee Waivers as fees can be waived for several application
types and initial examination fees if a waiver is granted.
Official Transcripts
1. At least one official transcript reflecting a bachelor’s or higher degree is required to complete the application.
However, additional information may be requested by the processing specialist when other degrees and
credits are listed on the application that may affect the eligibility determination for the subject(s) requested. It
is recommended that the applicant submit official transcripts for all earned college credit and degrees at the
time of application. Note: Transcripts attached to an online application are not considered official and
will not be reviewed.
2. The official transcript used to complete the application must include the bachelor’s or higher degree awarded
and the degree conferral date.
3. See the Acceptable Degrees and Credits section for information on acceptable institutions and
documentation required of applicants with foreign academic training. The Notes on Foreign Trained
Applicants section includes additional information on acceptable degrees, degree majors, and transcript
review procedures.
4. If the “Attachments Screen” in VR or the “Attachments section of the file in VO-Staff does not include an
official transcript (TRANS) entry but does have a MICROFILM or TRSC entry, it is advisable to request an
official transcript from the applicant, as some documents microfilmed or scanned years ago may not be
5. Many institutions no longer place the Social Security Number on the transcript unless the applicant
specifically requests it. Please advise applicants to include the DOE number or Social Security Number
(SSN) on all official transcripts (and other documents) sent to us. If necessary, the DOE number or SSN
may be written on the document. Some student ID numbers have the same number of digits as an SSN; do
not assume the student ID number is the SSN.
6. All electronic transcripts must come from the issuing institution, and only if they are users of one of the
above two systems: FASTER or SPEEDE. Please contact the registrar’s office at your university regarding
issuance of electronic transcripts.
The Official Statement of Status of Eligibility (SOE)
s.1012.56(1)(b), F.S.
1. An individual who meets the minimum application requirements is issued an Official Statement of Status of
Eligibility (SOE) which reflects the results of a BEC evaluation of the application and all supporting documents
submitted by the applicant as evidence of qualification for a Florida certificate. BEC evaluation specialists do not
review a file until the "application" is complete.
2. The SOE is valid for three years from the date it is prepared. Revisions or reprints of the SOE do not change the
expiration date. Note: November 2017 three-year statements are no longer issued for Athletic Coaching or
Exchange Teacher. Applications for these license types are issued a one-year AC Deficiency Letter or one-year
Exchange Letter.
3. The SOE advises the applicant of three key pieces of information:
whether or not the applicant meets the “subject requirements” (specialization) for the subject or
endorsement requested;
requirements that are remaining for issuance of a Temporary Certificate in that subject; and
requirements that are remaining for issuance of a Professional Certificate in that subject.
4. When an applicant meets requirements for a Professional Certificate in one or more of his/her application
subjects, the SOE does not include information regarding a Temporary Certificate.
5. Once any SOE expires, the applicant will be evaluated based upon laws and rules in effect at the time the next
application is received.
6. The SOE may include additional information such as use of teaching experience, specific coursework or test
scores submitted, results of the review of specific documents, and other responses to additional correspondence
received from the applicant.
7. Application and certificate deficiencies are viewable in the Applications Module. Once the correct application is
chosen, more information can be found either by clicking “Deficiencies” on the Header Screen, or by clicking
“Professional Rules” section of the Transaction Checklist. Public school districts can also view the actual SOE in
the Attachments section of the account. You are able to determine the status by viewing the application(s)
and/or SOE(s) on file for each subject area requested for all applications. Note: There are two sections of the
Attachments page in VERSA Regulations: The “FileNetEntity” section is the bottom section, and
documents issued/received in the VERSA section is at the top. All documents issued before November 20,
2017 are attached to “FileNetEntity.” Documents in that section are only viewable by certain personnel. All
documents issued on and after November 20, 2017 are viewable in the VERSA section at the top of the page by
all personnel.
*Please access your FL-ECT account for more information on viewing attachments in VR and VO-Staff.
Application Status Definitions from the “Attachments section and sections of the Applications Module
*Note: When searching for applications in the Applications module, “open” applications are automatically shown in
your search. You must choose the status of any other application (cancelled, expired, etc.) that you want to search
Cancelled. This subject request has been cancelled.
Expired. The application or SOE for this subject has expired. Applications remain on Cert/App up to one
year after expiration date.
SOE Eligible. An Official Statement has been issued reflecting eligibility for a certificate in that subject.
Note: You must generally view the SOE for information concerning the certificate level.
SOE Ineligible. An Official Statement has been issued reflecting ineligibility for a certificate in that subject.
Needs Evaluation. The application is complete, but has not been reviewed by a specialist to determine
Eligibility for a certificate.
Waiting Information. The application is not complete and a letter requesting missing items has been
*Please access your FL-ECT account more information on finding applications in the VR and VO-Staff
Requesting the Certificate and Submitting Fingerprints
s.1012.56, F.S., Chapters 6A-4.002 and 6A-4.004, F.A.C.
Requesting the Certificate
1. The Issue Request forms (also referred to as the CT-110 Form for public schools and the CT-111 Form for
nonpublic schools) must be completed in full and submitted with the fingerprint information for issuance of a
Temporary Certificate, and, in some instances, for issuance of a Professional Certificate.
2. The Temporary Certificate may only be issued to a qualified applicant when the certificate is requested by
an employing Florida school district or nonpublic school that has an approved program for demonstration of
Professional Education Competence.
*Please access your FL-ECT account more information requesting certificates in the VR and VO-Staff systems.
Fingerprint Process
1. An individual who meets academic qualifications for either a Temporary or Professional Certificate may be
issued that certificate if the applicant also submits fingerprints which are processed by both the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and receives
appropriate clearances.
2. Citizens and Noncitizens:
U.S. citizen eligible for a Professional Certificate:
SOE includes a message advising the applicant that the employer will assist with the fingerprint
process. The message further states that, if desired, the applicant can have his/her fingerprints
processed by a Livescan service provider per the Fingerprint Processing Instructions provided with the
SOE. The SOE also includes a caveat that fingerprints may have to be reprocessed and a second fee
submitted as a condition of Florida employment. The fingerprint processing fee varies by Livescan
When the specialist processes the application and determines that the U.S. citizen is eligible for the
Professional Certificate, the specialist checks for a valid fingerprint record that may already have been
processed by the district and attached to the file. Valid prints will only be accessible if the school district
selected the dual-response option (which sends the report to BEC and the district), or the Livescan
service provider properly entered the required BEC information when the fingerprints were processed.
Under these conditions, an Issue Request form is not required, and the Professional Certificate is
issued for the current school year upon background screening clearance.
If the fingerprints are processed after the SOE is prepared, an Issue Request form must be
submitted. The issue request form places the file back in the work queue for processing and the
specialist checks for a valid fingerprint record on the file.
Noncitizen eligible for a Temporary or Professional Certificate:
Florida law and rule require an Issue Request form, federal I-9 form verifying legal authorization to
work in U.S., and fingerprint (FP) clearance to issue a Temporary or Professional Certificate to a
noncitizen. Reminder: Federal guidelines require the latest version of the I-9 form dated July
17, 2017. Older versions are acceptable only when the form was completed on or before
September 18, 2017.
3. Fingerprint processing period: Per 2004 legislation, fingerprints must be processed within the 12-month
period immediately preceding July 1st of the beginning validity year of the initial certificate. For example, to
issue an initial certificate with a validity period of July 1, 2019 June 30, 2024, the fingerprints must have
been processed July 1, 2018 or later.
4. Fingerprints for public school district applicants and employees: Digital fingerprints processed by the district
may be used for employment and certification purposes, if processed within the appropriate time frame
explained immediately above. The dual-response option must be selected when the prints are processed for
the background screening results report to be updated on the file. Fingerprint results are received daily from
the FDLE and matched to VERSA records for updating. A successful update will happen when the Name,
SSN and DOB match the data system. An evaluation specialist checks for a valid fingerprint record on the
file when the file is processed. (See U.S. Citizens section #2 for exception.)
In limited circumstances, fingerprints are illegible or processed based upon a name search; contact
[email protected] for processing instructions. Districts may be required to submit a FALCON
report to the fingerprint unit directly; this unit will request that information if it is needed. If the appropriate
information is received, a Fingerprint Record will be created in the Versa system.
Occasionally, districts request assistance identifying FP results that did not upload to the VERSA record.
The district should verify their report results and ensure the correct ORI number, SSN, and date of birth are
on the report; also, districts should verify that the result was not a rejection. If assistance is needed, districts
must send an email to [email protected] with the Name, date of print, TCN, and a copy of the
FALCON report to assist the office in locating the fingerprint results.
5. Fingerprints for nonpublic schools: Applicant has his/her fingerprints processed by a Livescan service
provider per instructions provided by BEC. The private school or its umbrella organization submits the Issue
Request form (CT-111) to request issuance of the certificate.
Professional Practices Services (PPS) and Fingerprint Reports
1. Criminal Offense Records: If the application or the fingerprint reports show a criminal offense record, or a
sealed/expunged record, a processing alert is placed on the file. The applicant's file is referred to
Professional Practices Services (PPS) at the time the Issue Request and/or fingerprint information are
2. PPS Documentation and Process: If necessary, PPS will request additional documentation for their
investigation from the applicant by certified letter. If the applicant does not submit the requested
documents to PPS within 90 days of receipt of that letter, the application and/or SOE are voided and
all fees are forfeited. An individual in this circumstance is not eligible for instructional employment in a
Florida public school until a new application is submitted, current academic requirements are met, and PPS
clearance is received.
When documents are submitted to PPS within the 90-day time frame, PPS conducts an investigation of all
records and subsequently makes a recommendation to the Commissioner of Education to issue or deny the
certificate. The Commissioner makes the final decision. The results of the Commissioner's decision, whether
to deny or issue the certificate, are sent to the BEC via official letter, which is placed in the applicant's file.
If a copy of a denial letter is received, the processing alert remains on the file and no action is taken unless
additional clearance or probation information is received from the Education Practices Commission (EPC)
pursuant to the results of an appeal by the applicant.
For information about the status of an individual who is under investigation or on probation (i.e., there is a
CRIM, ADMIN, TOR, or PROB processing alert on the certification file), contact PPS at 850-245-0438. For
information regarding an individual who has a case pending with the EPC, contact the EPC office at 850-
245-0455. The Bureau of Educator Certification does not maintain information on cases pending with PPS or
See the PPS/EPC Documents chart below for more information on documents listed on the
“Attachments” section of the file.
3. When a cleared fingerprint report is received from the school district or from FDLE/FBI, or when a clearance
letter is received from PPS/EPC, the processing alert is removed. This may require special review and
manual release by the BEC fingerprint specialist. The file is then placed in the work queue for processing
and is generally processed within 30 days.
4. The Modifier(s) section of the License Home screen in Versa Regulations and VO-Staff reflects any
processing alerts that have been placed on an applicant’s file. Fingerprint, criminal history, and
administrative processing alerts are placed automatically by the BEC computer system based upon a new
application received.
A Criminal History or Administrative alert is placed when there is a “yes” response to any question in the
legal disclosure section of the application.
See the Processing Alerts chart below for more information about the types of processing alerts in the
Processing Alerts
*Note: If an applicant currently has or has had any alerts placed on the file, an alert box will be displayed any time a
file is accessedregardless of whether or not the applicant is cleared. If the alert has been cleared on a particular
application, it will remain cleared until the Fingerprint Unit replaces the alert. If a new application is submitted, then an
alert will be created, and the alert box will display this new alert until it is cleared by the FP Unit.
Remember: If the system will not allow you to process a file because of an alert, you must contact the
Fingerprint Unit directly to request clearance at EdCertFPResults@fldoe.org. If more information is needed,
that unit will respond to you directly.
Viewable Status Options
ADM1, 2, 3, or
Indicates that the applicant responded "Yes" to
the question on a CG-10 or CG-10R about a
sealed/expunged record; or the applicant
responded “Yes” to a question on professional
sanctions; OR that a complete fingerprint report
PL - placed
REF - referred to PPS for
Remember that a file in PL status has either not yet been referred to PPS or has already been cleared.
PPS/EPC Documents from Attachments Screen
EPC/PPS clearance letter for a determination of no probable cause to deny or otherwise
sanction the application/certificate. A note of clearance will be placed in the Attachments
section of the file.
EPC/PPS note regarding probable cause, application denial, or other determinations.
PPS invalidation letter for applicant’s failure to provide requested documents in a timely fashion.
EPC Final Order which provides the conclusion or final action issued by the Education Practices
Commission (EPC) following a determination of probable cause or initial denial.
from FBI and FDLE identified one or more
sealed/expunged record(s); OR that an incident
record was reported on the fingerprint results
report; OR indicates that the applicant's
certificate is not to be issued because of other
CRM1, 2, 3, or
Indicates that the applicant responded "Yes" to
the question on a CG-10 or CG-10R about this
type of record
PL - placed
REF - referred to PPS for
DEN1. 2. 3, or
Denial of the application which may result in the
non-issuance of the certificate denials may last
for various time periods up to permanent
PL - placed
Indicates that a legacy payment record has been
returned to the BEC for insufficient funds. This is
not used in VERSA. If a fee alert is identified, an
email should be sent to
[email protected] for the removal
PL placed
Indicates the applicant has held a certificate
which has been sanctioned for disciplinary action
by another state as reported through the
National Association of State Directors of
Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC)
PL - placed
Indicates an EPC action involving probation (up
to 4 alerts can be placed on the record)
PL - placed
PPS1, 2, 3, or
Indicates applicant is being investigated by
Professional Practices Services (PPS)
PL placed
REF referred to PPS for
SNC1, 2, 3, or
Indicates application legal disclosure response
regarding a professional sanction (up to 4 alerts
can be placed on the record
PL - placed
RST1, 2, 3, or
Indicates a limitation of scope of practice
specified in Final Order
PL - placed
For a Temporary Revocation, the applicant is
eligible to apply for a new certificate once the
revocation period has elapsed; however, the
alert remains until a new application is received
PL - placed
SUS1, 2, 3, or
SUF1, 2, 3, or
Suspension of the certificate suspensions may
last for various time periods up to five years
Suspension + Revenue
Suspension of the certificate + a Final Order
PL - placed
Indicates termination of employment or
resignation during open investigation for
complaint of misconduct
PL - placed
Acceptable Degrees and Credits
s.1012.56(2)(c), F.S., and Chapter 6A-4.003, F.A.C.
Acceptable Degrees and Credits
To apply for a Florida Educator’s Certificate, an applicant must hold at least a bachelor’s degree from a U.S.
“accredited or approved” institution, or an equivalent degree from a foreign institution. An individual who does not
meet this requirement at the time their application is received will have their application cancelled and fees refunded.
Degrees, programs, and credits shall be determined to be acceptable for educator certification purposes based on
the following:
1. Accredited Institutions: The institution must be accredited by an association or agency in (a) or (b).
a) Regional Accrediting Associations:
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Website: http://www.sacscoc.org/ (AL, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX, VA)
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
Website: http://www.msche.org/ (DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA, PR, USVI)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
Website: http://www.neasc.org/ (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Website: http://www.ncacihe.org/
(AZ, AK, CO, IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, NM, ND, OH, OK, SD, WV, WI, WY)
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Website: http://www.nwccu.org (AK, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA)
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Website: http://www.wascsenior.org/
(CA, HI, American Samoa, Guam, Palau, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Northern Marianas)
b) Accrediting agencies approved by the United States Department of Education
1. Current accreditation information for postsecondary institutions is available online at
https://ope.ed.gov/dapip/#/home. This site lists an institution’s US Department of Education recognized
accreditations, if any. To access accreditation information from this site, type the name of the institution (and
any other optional criteria desired to narrow the search); click “search” or use the enter key; and then click
on the name of the institution. Another online accreditation source is http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/.
2. For a bachelor’s degree to be considered acceptable based upon the website referenced in Note #1 above,
the institution must be listed as granting a bachelor’s or higher degree and must list at least one
accreditation association. If no accreditation information is listed, the institution must meet one of the options
in the following Approved Institutions section for the degree to be considered acceptable.
3. For isolated credits (i.e., credits that do not culminate in a bachelor’s or higher degree) to be considered as
acceptable based upon the website referenced in Note #1 above, the institution must list at least one
association on the “accreditation” line. If no accreditation information is listed, the institution must meet one
of the options in the following Approved Institutions section for the credits to be considered acceptable.
4. Credits earned at accredited junior or community colleges that do not award bachelor’s degrees may be
used for certification purposes, if the courses parallel those offered during the first and second years at a
Florida public senior institution and are comparable to courses offered at Florida DOE approved community
and junior colleges that do not award bachelor’s degrees.
5. For institutions previously but no longer accredited, information from the accrediting association verifying the
dates the institution was fully accredited should accompany the application. Degrees and credits earned
during those years are acceptable.
2. Approved Institutions:
a) An institution not listed on the website (see Note #1 above) is acceptable if it has been approved for
certification purposes by the state department of education where the institution is located. Letters regarding
these institutions will be kept on file in the BEC. For example, in the past, degrees and credits from Bob
Jones University in South Carolina and Robert B. Miller College in Battle Creek, Michigan were accepted
under this provision. These two institutions have since gained acceptable accreditation and qualify under
section (1) above.
b) An institution which held a certificate of exemption pursuant to Section 246.085(1)(b), 2001 Florida Statutes
is acceptable for certification purposes. Per the Florida Commission for Independent Education, institutions
having held such exemption are Pensacola Christian College (Pensacola), Landmark Baptist College
(Haines City), and Gulf Coast College and Seminary (Tallahassee/Panama City).
c) A newly created public college or university in Florida that offers a bachelor’s or higher degree is acceptable.
d) A degree from a non-accredited institution is acceptable if that degree was accepted by an accredited
institution as transfer credit or as the basis for admission into the graduate program, which resulted in the
conferral of a higher degree by the accredited institution.
e) An institution located outside the United States ("foreign") is acceptable if the institution awards a degree
equivalent to a bachelor’s or higher degree awarded by an accredited institution in the US. Isolated credits
from these institutions are also acceptable, provided the credit is equivalent to college credit earned in the
US. (See “Notes on Foreign Trained Applicants” below for additional information.)
3. American Council on Education (ACE) Credit
a) College level credit awarded by ACE is acceptable for educator certification.
b) Credit must be reported on an official transcript from an accredited or approved institution, an official ACE
transcript, or an official Joint Services/ACE transcript.
Notes on Foreign Trained Applicants
Applicants who completed academic training outside the United States should submit the documentation described
below. Additional information is provided for individuals who are not citizens of the United States.
1. Credential Evaluation Report of United States Equivalency
The applicant must submit an original credential evaluation report that includes a statement of United States degree
equivalency and a breakdown of coursework into descriptive course titles and semester-hour credits. Documents
submitted to the Bureau of Educator Certification become part of the applicant's permanent certification record and
cannot be returned. Photocopies are not acceptable. Any Credential Evaluation attached to an application is not
considered official and will not be reviewed.
The credential evaluation report may be provided by one of the following:
a) an accredited four-year college or university in the United States
b) a current member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES)
c) a current member of the Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. (AICE)
d) a credential evaluation agency approved by the Bureau of Educator Certification*
*See http://fldoe.org/teaching/certification/foreign-trained-grads/approved-credential-evaluation-agencie.stml
for the current list of agencies that have requested and received approval from the Bureau of Educator
Certification. Criteria for approval of credential evaluation agencies are outlined in State Board of Education
Rule 6A-4.003.
2. Noncitizens
An applicant who is not a United States citizen may apply for the Statement of Status of Eligibility. However,
appropriate immigration status must be established through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) prior to employment. The Bureau of Educator Certification cannot provide assistance with visas, since this is
strictly an employment issue. Consequently, the applicant should discuss matters related to immigration status or
visas with any prospective employer. Upon employment in an approved Florida school, the employer must submit
appropriate documentation of immigration status to the Bureau of Educator Certification as one requirement for
issuance of a Florida Educator Certificate.
District Invoicing and Payment Process
Contact: Edcertaccounting@fldoe.org
Florida public school districts are responsible for processing certification applications for their employees for
renewals, late renewals, and some additions (including the addition of some endorsements) (ss.1012.56, 1012.585,
and 1012.586 F.S.). The Professional Certificate, Temporary Certificate, and Renewal sections of this manual provide
detailed information regarding applications processed by districts.
Districts receive monthly email notification of invoicing from: DBAGroup [email protected]. The email
notification includes a summary detailing the district obligation for the costs associated with issuance of certificates to
school district employees in accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-4.0012(6). The invoice details are
included in the attached .csv file. Delinquent invoice email notifications are sent 45 days after the initial invoice email
when payment has not been submitted.
The EdCertAccounting staff review district monthly activity and send updated adjusted invoice notifications by the end
of the first full week following the initial notification.
Districts are encouraged to maintain a copy of the invoice for their historical records.
School districts are expected to remit payment for the full amount of account debit within 30 days. If the BEC
identifies a payment in excess of the balance due, the excess is credited to the district’s account in the next billing
cycle. Delinquent invoice notifications are posted 45 days after the account is in arrears, with payment due within 10
days of receipt of that notice. Prompt attention to this fiscal responsibility is appreciated, as these payments help to
maintain the technology system, web-based application, and the generation of certificates.
When submitting payments to BEC, the district should record the invoice number(s) as a memo on the check and
include a copy of the invoice(s). Checks should be made payable to the Florida Department of Education and sent to
the address on the invoice. The Department’s Comptroller has started using a remote electronic submission for
checks and has updated instructions for handling checks. If you are adding information, such as the DOE #, before
forwarding checks to the BEC office, please do not write in the yellow highlighted areas as shown in the sample
check below.
The following chart illustrates fees collected by the district and the fees to be remitted to BEC for each type of
application processed by the employing school district:
Application Fee Schedule
Application Fee Schedule as of January 1, 2008
Chapter 6A-4.0012(6). F.A.C.
Application Type
Application Fee Collected by District
Application Fee Remitted to BEC
Renewal of a Valid Professional
Late Renewal of a Professional
($75.00 basic renewal fee
*plus $30.00
late fee)
Add Subject Via District
application or “Add Endorsement
Via District” application
$75.00 per coverage or endorsement
$30.00 per subject
Per State Board of Education Rule 6A-4.0012(4), F.A.C., two (2) dollars of each seventy-five (75) dollar certification
fee is designated to fund the recovery network program for educators. This deduction is taken from the application
fees remitted to the BEC.
Fees collected by the district office for renewal, reinstatement, and additions are not reflected in the VERSA system.
To verify whether or not payment was made to the BEC for applications to be processed by the BEC, please see FL-
SPECIAL NOTE: The excess fees collected result in local revenue for the school district to fund operations
associated with processing certificate requests on behalf of its employees.
Mastery of General Knowledge
s.1012.56, F.S.
Mastery of General Knowledge (GK) may be demonstrated by one of the following:
Passing scores on the Florida General Knowledge Test earned no more than
10 years prior to the date of application OR passing scores on the revised
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (2011) earned on or after July 1, 2015.
A valid standard certificate from another U.S. state or territory.
A certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).
Two semesters of full-time or equivalent part-time college teaching experience earned at
an accredited or approved institution.
A valid certificate issued by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
1. Florida General Knowledge Test
The Florida General Knowledge Test is divided into four sections: (1) Mathematics, (2) Reading, (3) English
Language Skills, and (4) Essay. All four sections must be passed to satisfy GK, but they do not have to be
passed during the same test session.
The Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) office submits passing scores electronically to the BEC
by the applicants SSN. An applicant who passed the exam under an inaccurate or no SSN must contact the
FTCE office to update the testing record to reflect an accurate and valid SSN which can then be reported to the
10-year GK limitation:
When an initial application is received on or after December 31, 2014, passing scores for any and all portions
of the GK test must be earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
Applications received prior to December 31, 2014 do not have a 10-year limitation when:
a) the application results in issuance of an initial Professional Certificate; or
b) the application results in issuance of an initial Temporary Certificate; and the applicant moves directly
from the Temporary to the Professional Certificate with no break in continuity
2. Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
As of October 26, 2015, a passing score on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) earned after July 1, 2015 is
an acceptable alternative assessment to satisfy mastery of general knowledge. The GRE is divided into three
sections: (1) Analytical Writing, (2) Quantitative Reasoning, and (3) Verbal Reasoning.
Acceptable Passing Scores
Analytical Writing
4 out of 6
Quantitative Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Examinees who earn acceptable passing scores on the GRE will be responsible for providing the BEC with an official
score report from the testing administrator.
3. A valid standard certificate from another U.S. state or territory
a) A photocopy of the out-of-state certificate must be submitted to BEC as verification. It can be attached to
an open application.
b) The out-of-state certificate must be a standard or Level 2 Professional Certificate.
4. Certificate issued by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE)
a) A photocopy of the ABCTE certificate must be submitted to BEC as verification. It can be attached to an
open application.
b) The ABCTE “Reading Professional Certificate” is a special certificate that does not satisfy Mastery of GK.
5. College Teaching Experience
Acceptable documentation of experience shall be a letter on college/university letterhead from and signed by the
registrar or dean from the accredited or approved institution verifying: (1) the dates of instructional employment,
(2) at least two semesters of full-time or equivalent part-time instructional experience, and (3) the prefix, number,
and semester-hour credits of the courses taught. The letter verifying this experience should be attached to the
open application.
The experience may have been earned at any time, from different institutions, and does not have to be
continuous. For implementation of this statute only, a quarter term of teaching will be equal to a semester term
of teaching. Summer terms are acceptable.
Experience is acceptable, provided that:
a) experience was earned in a full-time faculty position for at least two semesters, or in a part-time
instructional position with the total experience equivalent to at least two semesters of full-time
experience, and
b) courses resulted in earned college level credit for the students in at least one course each semester.
Repeal of College Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST)
Effective July 1, 2014, the legislature repealed the option to use passing CLAST scores in lieu of the General
Knowledge Test earned prior to July 1, 2002. Only a few applicants who applied before July 1, 2014 are still able to
use the CLAST test in lieu of the General Knowledge Test. Applicants who held a 2016-2019 Temporary Certificate
are still able to use the CLAST if they are able to meet all requirements and apply for the upgrade before June 30,
2020. If all requirements for the upgrade to the Professional Certificate are not met on or before that date, the
application must submit the "Re-Application for Educator Certification" application, and can no longer use CLAST
Mastery of Subject Area Knowledge
s.1012.56, F.S.
Mastery of Subject Area Knowledge may be demonstrated by one of the following:
For bachelor's degree level subjects with a Florida developed or other State Board approved
exam: a passing score on the Florida developed or other State Board approved subject area
examination for the subject earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
For subjects requiring a master's or higher degree: completion of the subject specialization
requirements outlined in State Board Rule for the subject and a passing score on the
corresponding Florida developed or other State Board approved subject area examination earned
no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
For subjects with no Florida developed or other State Board approved exam: completion of
the subject’s specialization requirements outlined in State Board Rule and verification of
attainment of the essential subject matter competencies by the employing superintendent or
private school administrator.
For all subjects: a valid standard certificate from another U.S. state or territory in the
subject requested and issued at the degree level required in State Board Rule for the
For all comparable subjects: a valid certificate issued by the National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) in the subject. See NBPTS chart in the
Direct Reciprocity Routes to a Professional Certificate section for Florida subjects
comparable to NBPTS subjects.
For all comparable subjects: a valid certificate issued by the American Board for
Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) in the subject. See the chart in this section for
Florida subjects comparable to ABCTE subjects.
For select world languages: Successful completion of the Basic Program of the Defense Language
1. Bachelor’s Level Subjects for which there is a Florida developed or other State Board approved subject
area examination (SAE):
An individual applying for a bachelors level subject will satisfy the mastery of subject area knowledge
requirement with a passing score on the corresponding Florida developed or State Board approved SAE,
provided all of the following are met:
a) The subject area specialization requirements in State Board Rule specify that a bachelor's degree major in the
subject area is acceptable to meet specialization requirements. This classifies the subject as a "bachelor's
level subject.
b) The passing score on the SAE is earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
c) The SAE is Florida developed or State Board approved. American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages (ACTFL) exams have been approved. The ACTFL approval only applies to
Florida world language subjects for which there is no Florida developed SAE. The ACTFL exams are
not approved for French, Spanish, German and Latin.
d) See World Languages specialization lesson for acceptable ACTFL scores and documentation.
e) As of December 20, 2016, the Defense Language Proficiency Tests (DLPT) are approved. The DLPT may
be used for all world languages except Latin.
f) For Florida developed SAEs, the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) office submits passing
scores electronically to the BEC by the applicants SSN. An applicant who passed the exam under an
inaccurate or no SSN must contact the FTCE office to update the testing record to reflect an accurate and
valid SSN which can then be reported to the BEC.
The chart below lists subjects for which mastery of subject area knowledge may be satisfied by Florida
developed SAEs passed within 10 years of the date of application.
Certificate Subject
Examination To Be Passed
Agriculture (Grades 6-12)
Agriculture (Grades 6-12)
Art (Grades K-12)
Art (Grades K-12)
Biology (Grades 6-12)
Biology (Grades 6-12)
Business Education (Grades 6-12)
Business Education (Grades 6-12)
Chemistry (Grades 6-12)
Chemistry (Grades 6-12)
Computer Science (Grades K-12)
Computer Science (Grades K-12)
Drama (Grades 6-12)
Drama (Grades 6-12)
Earth-Space Science (Grades 6-12)
Earth-Space Science (Grades 6-12)
Educational Media Specialist (Grades K-12)
Educational Media Specialist (Grades K-12)
Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
English (Grades 6-12)
English (Grades 6-12)
English for Speakers of Other Languages (Grades K-
English for Speakers of Other Languages (Grades K-
Exceptional Student Education (Grades K-12)
Exceptional Student Education (Grades K-12)
Family and Consumer Science (Grades 6-12)
Family and Consumer Science (Grades 6-12)
French (Grades K-12)
French (Grades K-12)
German (Grades K-12)
German (Grades K-12)
Health (Grades K-12)
Health (Grades K-12)
Hearing Impaired (Grades K-12)
Hearing Impaired (Grades K-12)
Humanities (Grades -12)
Humanities (Grades -12)
Journalism (Grades 6-12)*
Journalism (Grades 6-12)*
Latin (Grades K-12)
Latin (Grades K-12)
Marketing (Grades 6-12)
Marketing (Grades 6-12)
Mathematics (Grades 6-12)
Mathematics (Grades 6-12)
English (Grades 5-9)
English (Grades 5-9)
General Science (Grades 5-9)
General Science (Grades 5-9)
Mathematics (Grades 5-9)
Mathematics (Grades 5-9)
Social Science (Grades 5-9)
Social Science (Grades 5-9)
Music (Grades K-12)
Music (Grades K-12)
Physical Education (Grades K-12)
Physical Education (Grades K-12)
Physics (Grades 6-12)
Physics (Grades 6-12)
Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Grades PK-3)
Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Grades PK-3)
Preschool Education (Birth-Age 4)
Preschool Education (Birth-Age 4)
Social Science (Grades 6-12)
Social Science (Grades 6-12)
Spanish (Grades K-12)
Spanish (Grades K-12)
Speech (Grades k-12)*
Speech (Grades k-12)*
Engineering and Technology Education (Grades 6-12)
Engineering and Technology Education (Grades 6-12)
Visually Impaired (Grades K-12)
Visually Impaired (Grades K-12)
*Coverage repealed as of June 2016. Subject area tests for these coverages are no longer offered as of December
31, 2017. If an applicant holds a Temporary Certificate in a repealed coverage, they can still upgrade to the
Professional Certificate in that area as long as the Subject Area Examination was passed or they must upgrade in a
comparable subject (and meet the testing requirements for it).
g) SAE Passing Score and Specialization Requirements: An individual who qualified for a Temporary
Certificate in a subject with the required degree or coursework specified in the governing State Board Rule
must pass the corresponding Florida developed or other State Board approved SAE to satisfy the mastery
of subject area knowledge requirement for the Professional Certificate.
h) 10-year limitation for SAEs:
o When an initial application for the subject is received on or after December 31, 2014, the
passing score for the SAE must be earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of
o Applications received prior to December 31, 2014 for the subject do not have a 10-year limitation when:
i. the application results in issuance of an initial Professional Certificate; or
ii. the application results in issuance of an initial Temporary Certificate; and the applicant
moves directly from the Temporary to the Professional Certificate with no break in
i) SAE for expired Professional Certificate: A passing score used to obtain a now expired Professional
Certificate (i.e., one that was not renewed) may not be used to attain a subsequent Professional Certificate.
The passing score may, however, be used to qualify for a subsequent Temporary Certificate, if it meets the
10-year timeline outlined above.
j) The format of the SOE: For individuals who do not meet the mastery of subject area knowledge
requirement in full by one of the authorized options, the transcripts will be reviewed to determine if the
applicant can qualify for a Temporary Certificate based upon the subject specialization requirements in the
governing State Board Rule.
k) If the applicant meets specialization, the Professional Certificate section of the SOE will call for a passing score on the
SAE or other State Board approved examination to satisfy the mastery of subject knowledge requirement.
l) If the applicant does not meet specialization, the Temporary Certificate section of the SOE will advise the applicant
to either complete the listed subject specialization courses OR pass the SAE. The Professional Certificate section of
the SOE will call for a passing score on the SAE or other State Board approved examination to satisfy the mastery
of subject knowledge requirement. The SAE for the Temporary or Professional Certificate must meet the 10-year
timeline outlined above.
2. Graduate Level Subjects for which there is a Florida developed or other State Board approved (currently
none) subject area examination (SAE) in combination with subject specialization requirements in State
Board Rule.
a) An individual applying for a subject for which the governing State Board Rule specifies a degree major at
the master's or higher level must meet the specialization requirements in the rule and must earn a passing
score on the corresponding SAE no more than 10 years prior to the application date to satisfy the mastery
of subject area knowledge requirement. (See 10-year limitation for SAEs below.)
These subjects include:
Reading (K-12)
Speech-Language Impaired
Educational Leadership
School Counseling
School Psychologist
b) 10-year limitation for SAEs:
i. When an initial application for the subject is received on or after December 31, 2014, the passing score
for the SAE must be earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
ii. Applications received prior to December 31, 2014 for the subject do not have a 10-year limitation when:
a. the application results in issuance of an initial Professional Certificate; or
b. the application results in issuance of an initial Temporary Certificate; and the applicant moves
directly from the Temporary to the Professional Certificate with no break in continuity.
iii. The Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) office submits passing scores electronically to the
BEC by the applicants SSN. An applicant who passed the exam under an inaccurate or no SSN must
contact the FTCE office to update the testing record to reflect an accurate and valid SSN which can
then be reported to the BEC.
iv. SAE for expired Professional Certificate: A passing score used to obtain a now expired Professional
Certificate (i.e., one that was not renewed) may not be used to attain a subsequent Professional
3. Subjects with no Florida developed or other State Board approved Subject Area Examination (SAE):
Verification of the attainment of the essential subject matter competencies.
To satisfy the mastery of subject area knowledge requirement for a subject with no Florida developed or other State Board
approved SAE, the applicant must meet the subject specialization requirements in the governing State Board rule; and
the employing school district or private school administrator must verify that the individual has attained the essential
subject matter competencies for the subject.
Acceptable verification of the essential subject matter competencies shall be the submission of the District Add-on
Program Verification form in the VR or VO-Staff systems. Effective December 31, 2014, such verification of subject
matter competencies in lieu of a passing score on the SAE only applies to subjects with no Florida developed or other
State Board approved SAE.
These subjects include:
Administration of Adult Education
Local Director of Career and Technical Education
School Social Work
School Principal
*Please access your FL-ECT account more information on submitting verification forms in the VR and VO-Staff
4. Valid certificate issued by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE) in a
comparable Florida subject.
a) A photocopy of the ABCTE certificate must be submitted to BEC as verification. The photocopy can/should
be attached to an open online application.
b) The chart below lists ABCTE certificate subjects and corresponding Florida certificate subjects.
Note: The Reading Professional Certificate is a special certificate which has only limited use as
detailed in the chart below.
ABCTE Certificate Subject
Comparable Florida Certificate Subject
Biology (6-12)
Biology (6-12)
Chemistry (6-12)
Chemistry (6-12)
Elementary Education (K-6)
Elementary Education (K-6)
English Language Arts (6-12)
English (6-12)
General Science (6-12)
Middle Grades General Science (5-9)
Mathematics (6-12)
Mathematics (6-12)
Physics (6-12)
Physics (6-12)
Reading Professional Certificate
Note: This is a special ABCTE certificate. It does not
satisfy GK or any portion of professional prep.
May only be used to meet specialization for the Reading
Endorsement and only if applicant holds a Florida or
ABCTE certificate in Elementary Education,
Prekindergarten-Primary Education, or Special
Education/Exceptional Student Education.
Special Education (K-6)
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
United States History
No comparable Florida subject.
Note: This certificate does not satisfy specialization or
Mastery of Subject Area Knowledge for any Florida
subject. However, it does satisfy GK, and part of the
mastery of professional preparation and education
competence requirement; but it does not satisfy the PEC.
(See Mastery of Professional Preparation and Education
Competence section of the manual).
5. Successful completion of the Basic Program of the Defense Language Institute (or passing the Defense
Language Proficiency Test)
a) Official transcript must be submitted to BEC as verification.
b) Acceptable for world languages offered by the Defense Language Institute program and comparable to a
world language offered in Florida.
Mastery of Professional Preparation and Education Competence
s.1012.56, F.S. Rule 6A-4.006, F.A.C.
Mastery of Professional Preparation and Education Competence (PP/EC) may be demonstrated by one of
the following:
1. Completion of a Florida state-approved teacher preparation program and a passing score on the
Florida Professional Education Test earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
2. Completion of a Florida teacher preparation program that is not state-approved, completion of an
approved professional education competence demonstration (PEC) program, and a passing score
on the Florida Professional Education Test earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of
3. Completion of a teacher preparation program outside Florida and a passing score on the Florida
Professional Education Test earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
4. A valid standard certificate from another U.S. state or territory.
5. A valid certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS).
6. A valid certificate issued by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE)
and completion of an approved PEC program.
7. Two semesters of full-time or equivalent part-time college teaching experience earned at an
accredited or approved institution and a passing score on the Florida Professional Education Test
earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
8. Completion of a Florida state-developed or state-approved District Professional Development
Certification Program (PDCP) and a passing score on the Florida Professional Education Test
earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application. (see note*)
9. Completion of a Florida state-developed or state-approved District Professional Development
Certification Program (PDCP) on or after January 1, 2019. If the new program was completed on
or after that date, the Professional Education Test is waived if the district also notes that the
applicant was rated as highly effective. (see note*)
10. Completion of a Florida state-approved Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) certification program
and a passing score on the Florida Professional Education Test earned no more than 10 years
prior to the date of application. (see note*)
11. Completion of a Florida state-approved college Professional Training Option (PTO) for a subject
content major, practical teaching experience requirement (PTER), completion of an approved PEC
program, and a passing score on the Florida Professional Education Test earned no more than 10
years prior to the date of application.
12. Completion of professional preparation college courses in State Board Rule, practical teaching
experience requirement (PTER), completion of an approved PEC program, and a passing score on
the Florida Professional Education Test earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of
13. Hold a master's or higher degree in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM)
field, hold 6-12 STEM certification, earn a highly effective rating based on student performance on
a state or national assessment for an approved STEM high school course, and achievement of a
passing score on the Florida Professional Education Test earned no more than ten (10) years from
the date of application.
*NOTE: Program completion dependent on passing scores on the General Knowledge test and the subject
area exam earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
Florida Professional Education Test
The Professional Education Test is one component of the mastery of PP/EC requirement for 9 of the 13 options listed
above. The four options that do not require this test are options 4, 5, 6 and 9 above: a valid certificate from another
state, a valid NBPTS certificate, a valid ABCTE certificate, and completion of the new PDCP program that began on
January 1, 2019.
Documentation of this portion of the mastery of PP/EC requirement is an official passing score report if the test is
required. The Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) office submits passing scores electronically to the
BEC by the applicant’s SSN. An applicant who passed the exam under an inaccurate or no SSN must contact the
FTCE office to update the testing record to reflect an accurate and valid SSN which can then be reported to the BEC.
*If an applicant completed the new Professional Development Certification Program (implemented January 1,
2019) and earned a highly effective rating, the district must note that the requirement is waived when the
PDCP record is submitted and include the school year the applicant received the highly effective rating.
*Please see FL-ECT for more information on submitting PDCP verification in Versa Regulations.
10-year Professional Education test limitation:
When an initial application is received on or after December 31, 2014, the Professional Education test may be no
older than 10 years from the date of application.
Applications received prior to December 31, 2014 do not have a 10-year limitation when:
a) the application results in issuance of an initial Professional Certificate; or
b) the application results in issuance of an initial Temporary Certificate, and the applicant moves directly from
the Temporary to the Professional Certificate with no break in continuity.
Note: Professional Education Test for expired Professional Certificate: A passing score used to obtain a now expired
Professional Certificate (i.e., one that was not renewed) may not be used to attain a subsequent Professional
Demonstration of Professional Education Competence (PEC) [s.1012.56, F.S.]
The 1997 Florida Legislature eliminated the Professional Orientation Program (POP) from Florida Statutes and
replaced it with a Professional Education Competence (PEC) demonstration program. The competence
demonstration program must be developed and maintained by each school district and approved by the Department
of Education. Private schools and private school organizations may also develop and maintain an approved PEC
a) The PEC program is not required for many mastery of PP/EC options. The following options, as
numbered below, do not require the PEC program:
Option 1: Florida state-approved teacher preparation program
Option 3: Teacher preparation program outside of Florida
Option 4: Certificate from another state
Option 5: NBPTS certificate
Option 7: College teaching experience
Option 8: District Professional Development Certification Program
Option 9: New District Professional Development Certification Program implemented on January 1, 2019.
Option 10: EPI program
Option 11: STEM Pathway
b) The PEC program is required for each of the following mastery of PP/EC options:
Option 2: Florida teacher education program that is not state-approved
Option 6: ABCTE certificate
Option 11: Professional Training Option (PTO)
Option 12: Professional preparation college course option
c) A teacher is expected to complete the PEC program in conjunction with an assignment as a regular classroom
teacher (not as a substitute or paraprofessional) or other instructional personnel (such as a guidance counselor,
school social worker, educational media specialist) while holding a state-issued Temporary Certificate or while
holding a district-issued Career and Technical (vocational) Certificate and a bachelor’s or higher degree. The
certificate will generally cover the entire PEC participation period, but a limited amount of time outside the validity
period is acceptable.
d) A district’s electronically submitted Professional Preparation Competence Program verification form is the
acceptable verification that the program has been completed.
e) Completion of the old Professional Orientation Program (POP) does not satisfy the PEC requirement.
f) PEC for expired Professional Certificate: A PEC program used to obtain a now expired Professional Certificate
(i.e.one that was not renewed) may not be used to attain a subsequent Professional Certificate.
Florida State-Approved Teacher Preparation Programs (FSAP) [6A-4.003(4)(a), F.A.C.]
a) Documentation of completion of an FSAP is the program completion statement on the official transcript. The
placement of the statement on the transcript varies by institution. The transcript should include student teaching
or an internship. The FSAP statement should identify the specific certification subject/s in which the program was
b) If an approved program was completed but is not stated on the transcript, a corrected official transcript must be
submitted to the BEC as official verification.
Teacher Education Programs outside Florida and Florida Teacher Education Programs that are not State-
Approved [6A-4.003(4)(c), F.A.C.]
a) Documentation of completion of a teacher education program is the official transcript that includes student
teaching, generally at least six semester hours, and a body of supporting education coursework. Other terms for
student teaching that may be shown on the transcript include “internship,” “supervised teaching,” or “student
teaching and seminar.” There are programs where student teaching is met by acceptance of teaching experience
or by three semester hours of graduate credit in student teaching. In these cases, additional information or
research may be needed to verify that a teacher education program was completed. BEC is responsible for
making final determinations of acceptance.
b) The transcript should also reflect the subject area in which the program was completed. Many out-of-state
transcripts include a program completion statement that identifies the program’s subject area(s), similar to
Florida’s state-approved program statements. For other institutions, the degree major and coursework must be
reviewed to determine the program subject area. For secondary areas, the stated major is usually the area of
program completion. However, for Elementary and Early Childhood Programs, the major may identify a content
area (mathematics, social science, etc.) while the actual teacher education program is elementary or early
childhood education. In these instances, BEC staff review the coursework leading up to student teaching to
distinguish between the “major” and the “teacher education program.”
c) A teacher education program is acceptable for Florida certification purposes if it is completed in an area in which
Florida offers certification, and it is completed at the same level of training required for that subject in Florida
State Board of Education Rules. For example, a School Counseling program must be completed at the master’s
level or higher.
d) An applicant who completed a Florida teacher education program that is not state-approved, must complete a
PEC program while teaching under a Temporary Certificate as one requirement for the Professional Certificate.
College Teaching Experience
Acceptable documentation of experience shall be a letter on college/university letterhead from and signed by the
registrar or dean from the accredited or approved institution verifying: (1) the dates of instructional employment, (2) at
least two semesters of full-time or equivalent part-time instructional experience, and (3) the prefix, number, and
semester-hour credits of the courses taught.
The experience may have been earned at any time, from different institutions, and does not have to be continuous.
For implementation of this statute only, a quarter term of teaching will be equal to a semester term of teaching.
Summer terms are acceptable. Experience is acceptable, provided that:
a) experience was earned in a full-time faculty position for at least two semesters, or in a part-time instructional
position with the total experience equivalent to at least two semesters of full-time experience, and
b) courses resulted in earned college level credit for the students in at least one course each semester.
Florida District Professional Development Certification Programs (PDCP) [s.1012.56, F.S.]
The 2002 Florida Legislature provided authority for the state to develop a model District Professional Development
Certification Program (PDCP), formerly known as the District Alternative Certification Program (DACP), and for
individual public school districts to develop a PDCP that must be approved by the state. The PDCP participant must
be a Florida public school district employee teaching under a Temporary Certificate while participating in the program.
Completion of this PDCP mastery of PP/EC option dependent on passing scores on all certification exams (General
Knowledge test, Florida Professional Education test, and the subject area exam) earned no more than 10 years prior
to the date of application. Official verification of completion of the PDCP is the district’s electronic submission of the
PDCP form (CT-132E) and the electronic submission of the passing score on the Florida Professional Education test
by the FTCE office.
NOTE: If we receive official verification of the completion of the new Professional Development
Certification Program (PDCP) that was implemented on January 1, 2019 and the applicant earned highly
effective on their most recent summative rating, the Professional Education Test requirement is waived if
the district notes this information in the PDCP record.
Florida Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) Certification Programs [s.1004.85, F.S.]
Per 1004.85, F.S., authority is granted for accredited or approved Florida colleges and universities or a qualified
private provider to offer state-approved Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) certification programs. Documentation of
program completion is the institution’s submission to BEC of a complete hardcopy CT-133 form, and the electronic
submission by the FTCE office of a passing score on all certification exams (General Knowledge test, Florida
Professional Education test, and the subject area exam) earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of
Certificate Issued by the American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence (ABCTE)
a) A photocopy of the ABCTE certificate must be submitted to BEC as verification. It should be attached to the
b) Note: The ABCTE “Reading Professional Certificate” is a special certificate. It does not satisfy any portion of
c) An applicant who holds an ABCTE certificate must also complete a PEC program while teaching under a
Temporary Certificate to qualify for the Professional Certificate.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Pathway
a) Completion of the STEM District Verification Form per Rule 6A-4.004, F.A.C. Use Florida STEM course list to
determine teacher’s eligibility.
b) Official transcript showing conferral of master’s degree reflecting STEM field must be on file with BEC.
c) Passing scores on certification exams earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
Snapshot of Past Professional Preparation College Course Analysis
*See previous editions of Partnership Manuals for requirements effective before December 31, 2014*
Effective January 1, 2016
15 SH of education coursework to include credit in:
Classroom Management
Child and Adolescent Development and Learning
Educational Assessment
Effective Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners including Students with Disabilities
Instructional Practices in Reading (applies to all academic and degreed career and technical subjects)
Instructional Strategies for Teaching Students of Limited English Proficiency
No Special Methods requirement
One-year Practical Teaching Experience Requirement (PTER)
Can use one year of teaching in lieu of one course requirement (for a total of three SH of credit) w/exception of ESOL
Effective December 31, 2014
(See Spring 2015 Partnership Manual for details.)
15 SH of education coursework to include credit in:
Classroom Management
Human Development and Learning
Educational Assessment
Effective Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners
Special Methods of Teaching the Subject (applies to most subjects)
Foundations of Teaching Reading (applies to middle grades and secondary subjects)
Agriculture has the same course requirements as other subjects
One-year PTER
Can use one year of teaching in lieu of 1 course requirement (for a total of 3 SH of credit)
Passing PKP or Preschool SAE does not satisfy coursework
Current Professional Preparation College Course Analysis Option Effective January 1, 2016 as prescribed in
State Board Rule [6A-4.006(2), F.A.C.]
Section 1012.56, Florida Statutes, includes an option for teachers to satisfy mastery of professional preparation and
education competence (PP/EC), one of the requirements for the Professional Certificate, by completing specified
college education courses, gaining practical teaching experience, passing the Professional Education test, and
completing a classroom demonstration of professional education competence (PEC) program.
This college course analysis option, frequently referred to as the course-by-course option, is implemented through
State Board of Education Rule 6A-4.006, F.A.C. The recent revision of this rule more closely aligns with the priority
teacher competencies and requirements in the other mastery of professional preparation and education competence
Two components of Rule 6A-4.006, F.A.C.: The college course analysis rule includes an education coursework
requirement and a practical teaching experience requirement (PTER).
Coursework exceptions: The following subjects are not required to satisfy the education coursework in this rule but
are required to meet PTER:
a) Speech-Language Impaired Rule 6A-4.0176, F.A.C., identifies two specific education courses in lieu of
those in Rule 6A-4.006, F.A.C.
b) School Social Work This subject is exempted from coursework, but it is not exempt from PTER.
GPA: Effective October 26, 2015, courses must be taken for college credit with a grade of “C” or better or “pass.”
Applying for more than one subject: In general, an individual who applies for a subject, meets specialization for that
subject, and satisfies professional preparation (coursework and PTER) for that subject has satisfied professional
preparation for all other subjects.
a) Individual applies for two or more subjects (other than School Social Work): If specialization and
professional preparation are met for at least one of the subjects, professional preparation is met for all of the
subjects. If specialization and professional preparation are not met for at least one of the subjects,
professional preparation is evaluated in full for each subject.
b) School Social Work Exception: School Social Work is the only subject exempt from all professional
preparation coursework. For this reason, processing for School Social Work differs from that of other
subjects. The individual who holds a Temporary Certificate or SOE for School Social Work and applies for
another subject is evaluated in full for professional preparation in the other subject. However, once the
applicant is eligible for (or holds) the Professional Certificate in School Social Work, professional preparation
is satisfied for all subjects.
Determining if current or prior professional preparation applies: As summarized on the preceding page, the rule
governing the college course analysis option was recently revised.
1. Initial application is received after January 1, 2016: Current professional preparation as detailed in this manual
2. Initial application is received prior to January 1, 2016:
a) Prior professional preparation applies until the SOE expires.
b) If a Temporary Certificate is issued while the SOE is valid, and applicant moves directly from the
Temporary to the Professional Certificate with no break in continuity, prior professional preparation applies.
3. Applications for different subjects are submitted before and after January 1, 2016:
a) Each application is evaluated under the professional preparation in effect at the time of application.
b) If a Temporary Certificate is issued for one of the subjects, the professional preparation for that subject is
then applied to both subjects. The applicant must move directly from the Temporary to the Professional
Certificate with no break in continuity.
c) If a Temporary Certificate is issued for both subjects at the same time, the older professional preparation
becomes the default for both subjects, unless the applicant or district requests otherwise.
Current Course Analysis Processing Guidelines
Fifteen (15) semester hours with credit in the following professional education areas (Note: 15-hour total
applies to all subjects; however, more than 15 hours may be needed to complete all of the specific
course requirements.):
Classroom management with a focus on creating safe learning environments in which effective teaching
and learning can take place by promoting a physically, emotionally, socially and academically secure
climate for students
Classroom Management
Building Classroom Discipline and Management
Classroom Management and Teaching
Managing the Classroom
Classroom Management and Guidance
Core Classroom Management Strategies
Courses in this area must be taken at a college or university that awards bachelor’s or higher
degrees. Courses in this area should have an education prefix.
Exceptional Student Education courses relating to behavior management or behavior supports are not
acceptable for this area.
Creating a safe learning environment is an integral component of classroom management and therefore
does not have to be specifically identified.
Key Words: The titles of acceptable courses typically include the words classroom and management or
Child and adolescent development including theories and principles of learning
Developmental Psychology
Theories of Learning
Human Growth & Development
Psychological Foundations of Education
Psychology of Learning
Adolescent Psychology
Educational Psychology
Classroom Learning Principles
Child Development
Lifespan Development
Courses in this area may be taken at a two-year college, or a college or university that awards bachelor’s
or higher degrees.
Courses may have education, psychology, or other prefixes.
Do not use general psychology, abnormal psychology, psychology of exceptional children, behavior, group
behavior, personality dynamics, or mental hygiene.
Educational assessment practices that include analysis and application of data from statewide
standardized assessments and other multiple sources to improve instruction and learning
Measurement & Evaluation in the Classroom
Measurement, Evaluation & Assessment in Education
Measurement & Evaluation in Education
Educational Measurement
Assessment of Exceptional Individuals
The focus of this course is on analysis of data to improve student outcomes.
Courses in this area must be taken at a college or university that awards bachelor’s or higher degrees.
Courses in this area should have an education prefix.
Exceptional Student Education courses are acceptable in this area.
Do not accept a course in Measurement in Education without additional information that the course includes
the use of data to improve student achievement.
Do not accept courses covering only Test Construction.
Do not accept courses in Educational Research or Psychoeducational Assessment.
Key Words: The titles of acceptable courses frequently include the words Evaluation or Assessment.
Effective instructional techniques, strategies, and materials to meet the needs of diverse learners,
including students with disabilities
Professional Teaching Practices
Effective Teaching in the Secondary School
Instructional Strategies
Middle Grades Instructional Strategies
Secondary Classroom Methods
Field Experiences
Teaching Practicum
Integrated Teaching in Elementary Education
Teaching Students with Exceptionalities in Inclusive Settings
Teaching Exceptional Students in Secondary Settings
Curriculum Development
Elementary and Secondary Curriculum
The focus of this requirement is on effective teaching techniques, not curriculum development.
Therefore, a course covering only curriculum is not acceptable.
Courses in this area must be taken at a college or university that awards bachelor’s or higher degrees.
Courses in this area should have an education prefix.
Exceptional Student Education courses are acceptable in this area.
Appropriate grade levels for courses in this area are preschool, prekindergarten, elementary, and secondary.
Most courses on effective instructional strategies cover teaching methods for diverse learners.
Therefore, specialists do not have to check course descriptions for inclusion of strategies for diverse learners.
(See next note for exception.)
If an individual has taken a senior institution instructional strategies course that clearly does not address
diverse learners (e.g., Instructional Strategies for the Typical Learner), EDG 2701 Teaching Diverse
Populations (or EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators) may be used in conjunction with the upper
level instructional strategies course to complete this requirement. EDG 2701 (or EDF 2085) by itself does not
satisfy this requirement.
Key words: Indicators of acceptable courses are titles that include the words Teaching,
“Instructional Strategies, or Methods.
For certificate subject coverages classified by rule as academic or degreed career and technical,
applications of research-based instructional practices in reading
Florida Online Reading Professional Development (FORPD)*
Foundations of Developmental Reading
Teaching Reading in Middle and High School
Methods of Teaching Reading in the Elementary School
Developmental Reading
RED 5047 and RED5147 at Florida public universities
Content Area Reading in the Secondary School
Literacy in Special Education
This requirement addresses the foundations of research-based reading practices.
The FORPD* course, like all other professional preparation courses, must be
taken for college academic credit as reflected on an official transcript.
Completion of Competency 2 of a district Reading Endorsement add-on program without earning college
credit does not satisfy this requirement.
Courses in this area must be taken at a college or university that awards bachelor’s or higher degrees.
Instructional strategies for teaching students of limited English proficiency including instruction in the
English Language and development of the student’s maters of the four language skills of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing
Theory and Practice of Teaching ESOL
TESOL Issues and Practices
ESOL Curriculum/ Instruction
ESOL Strategies
ESOL testing/assessment
ESOL 1, 2, or 3
ESOL Instruction in Content Area
Methods of Teaching ESOL
ESOL Foundations (or ESOL Methods)
Teaching Diverse Populations (or Introduction to Diversity for Educators)
Courses with ESOL infused
Applied Linguistics
Cross Cultural Studies
Multicultural Perspectives
Language Acquisition
Courses in this area must be taken at a college or university that awards bachelor’s or higher degrees.
Teaching experience CANNOT be used toward this requirement.
Practical Teaching Experience Requirement (PTER). This requirement may be satisfied by one of the two
plans listed below.
a. Six (6) semester hours earned in a college student teaching program or supervised internship
completed in an elementary or secondary school or
b. One (1) year of full-time teaching experience in an elementary or secondary school. See
section entitled:
See Using Appropriate Teaching Experience for additional important information on PTER.
Directed Teaching
Student Teaching
Practice Teaching
Elective credit
All college-level education courses completed at an accredited or approved junior college, community
college, state college or university that are not used to satisfy a specific requirement in professional
preparation may be recorded as elective credit.
Vocational Education
Adult Education
Elementary Education
Teaching Diverse Populations (or Introduction to Diversity for Educators)
Seminar in Education
Educational Leadership
Any course with an education prefix
Higher Education
Exceptional Child Education
Counseling in the Elementary School
Teacher Effectiveness Training
Introduction to Education or Introduction to Teaching Profession)
Introduction to Guidance
Introduction to Educational Technology
Teaching Experience
General Information on Use of Elementary/Secondary Teaching Experience
Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-4.002(5), F.A.C., provides for the use of appropriate teaching
experience earned in an elementary or secondary school in lieu of college credit. The procedures for the use of
teaching experience are provided below.
1. One year of teaching experience may be applied in lieu of three semester hours of undergraduate college
credit to satisfy one specific course requirement in a course-by-course evaluation for any certification subject
coverage or endorsement, with the exception of ESOL.
2. Limitations: An applicant may use a total of three years of teaching experience in lieu of college credit during
the current and continuous certification period of SOEs and certificates. If the applicant breaks continuity,
the three years are restored and available for use in lieu of college credit if/when the individual reapplies and
effectively begins a new certification period.
*No more than two of those three years may be applied in one subject area, and per Rule 6A-4.002, F.A.C.,
no more than one of those three years may be applied in the professional preparation course analysis
option. Teaching experience may not be used in lieu of credit for inservice add-on programs, renewal
requirements, reinstatement requirements, graduate credit, ESOL, or to satisfy an entire subject area.
3. Full-time experience earned during one school fiscal year: The school fiscal year is July 1 June 30. One
year of experience is equal to ninety-nine (99) days (1 day over half the year) of full-day teaching
experience. For school districts outside the state of Florida, one year may be equal to one day over half of
that school district’s school year. Part-time experience is acceptable if 451 clock hours are earned during
one school year. To use courses taught in block scheduling, the applicant must meet the overall requirement
of one year of experience (at least 99 days). However, the specific course taught may have ended before
the 99th day, if taught in a block schedule.
4. Earned in a public elementary, middle, or secondary school: Private school experience is only appropriate if
the experience is covered by a certificate issued by the state where the experience is gained. Experience
earned outside the US (“foreign” experience) is acceptable only if it is verified as public school experience.
Experience in private schools in US territories is acceptable, if covered by a certificate issued by the territory
where the experience was gained. Experience earned in Department of Defense Education Authority
schools (DODEA, formerly DODDS) is considered public school experience.
5. Other assignments included in “teaching” experience: Experience as a school guidance counselor, school
psychologist, school social worker, school administrator, media specialist, or district level curriculum
supervisor is acceptable as teaching experience. Experience earned as a teacher’s aide, other
paraprofessional, or substitute teacher is not acceptable.
6. JROTC and career and technical (vocational) experience. JROTC or career and technical (vocational)
teaching experience in a public (in-state or out-of-state) elementary or secondary school is acceptable
teaching experience. As with other acceptable public school teaching experience, it does not have to be
covered by a state or district certificate. The experience can be used to satisfy PTER and in lieu of one
professional preparation course per standard guidelines.
7. Birth through four years. The experience is acceptable when it meets any one of the following criteria:
Experience teaching children below kindergarten age is acceptable if the experience was gained in a
Florida public school. Note: Florida charter schools are public schools.
Experience teaching children below kindergarten age in a Florida private school is acceptable if the
school offers an approved professional education competence program, and the experience is covered
by a Florida certificate.
Experience teaching children below kindergarten age is acceptable if the program is within an
elementary school that is a public school, state-supported school, or a contractor for a public school
system. Note: Rhonda Forbes (850.245.9920) of the Education Information and Accountability Services
office maintains the FLDOE’s list of state-supported schools.
Private school experience teaching children below kindergarten age is acceptable if earned in an
elementary school while the teacher holds a certificate issued by the state where the experience was
Use of Elementary/Secondary Teaching Experience in Professional Preparation Course Analysis
Standard provisions regarding the use of teaching experience, outlined in the preceding section, apply to its use
in professional preparation (e.g., private school experience must be covered by state certificate, 99 full-time days
within fiscal year equals one year, etc.)
One-year limit: State Board Rule 6A-4.002, F.A.C., limits the use of teaching experience in professional
preparation to one year of acceptable elementary or secondary experience in lieu of a maximum of three
semester hours of college credit.The one year may only be applied to one professional preparation course
requirement or as elective credit. It cannot be split to satisfy more than one course requirement.
Professional Preparation Courses:
Teaching experience in any subject at the elementary, middle or secondary grade level may be applied as
elective credit or in satisfaction of any one of the following professional preparation course requirements:
classroom management, child and adolescent development, educational assessment, or effective instructional
Reading Instructional Practices
Teaching experience as the Reading teacher at the elementary, middle, or secondary level is acceptable to
satisfy this requirement. Teaching experience as the regular Elementary Education classroom teacher is also
acceptable to satisfy this requirement.
Instructional Practices for Teaching LEP/ELL students (ESOL) - Teaching experience cannot be used in
this area.
Distinguishing PTER from Course Credit:
One year of teaching experience is required to satisfy the practical experience in teaching requirement (PTER).
Any acceptable full-time teaching experience in an elementary or secondary school will satisfy PTER for any
certification subject.
A year of teaching experience is required for PTER, and if needed, the same or a different year of experience
may also be used within the course analysis as three semester hours of credit, to satisfy one specific course
requirement or as elective credit. However, when experience is being used for both PTER and course credit, it
still only adds a maximum of three semester hours of credit to the professional preparation evaluation.
To satisfy the required total of 15 semester hours in education coursework, the applicant must have earned at
least 12 semester hours of college credit. If necessary, one year of teaching experience can be used to satisfy
the remaining three semester hours of credit.
Use of Elementary/Secondary Teaching Experience for Subject Specialization Course Requirements
The course taught must match the requirement satisfied (e.g., one year of teaching geometry in a middle or high
school will satisfy the requirement for credit in geometry).
Teaching one full-credit course during one school year within a full-time schedule will satisfy up to three
semester hours of credit for a course requirement.
A maximum of two years of appropriate and available teaching experience may be used for a subject.
Experience may not be used for ESOL.
Subject-specific teaching experience information is included within each subject’s processing guidance
When a year of experience is used in lieu of a course for a specialization area, the course hours are not figured
into the GPA.
College Teaching Experience
Course-by-Course Experience: Teaching an individual college course is considered the same as taking the
course for credit and therefore may be used on a course-by-course basis to satisfy individual course
requirements for subject specialization, professional preparation course analysis, renewal credit, or
reinstatement credit.
1. For this course-by-course use of college teaching, the experience may be gained while teaching on a
part-time or full-time basis.
2. There is no limit on the use of this type of experience.
3. Acceptable verification shall be a letter on college/university letterhead from and signed by the registrar
or dean of the accredited or approved institution that includes the course name, prefix and number,
dates it was taught, and the number of semester hours earned by students in the course.
Full-time or Equivalent Part-time Experience: Two semesters of full-time or equivalent part-time college teaching
experience in a college instructional position satisfies Mastery of General Knowledge and, with a passing score
on the Professional Education Test earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application, also satisfies
Mastery of Professional Preparation and Education Competence.
When there is evidence of possible acceptable college teaching experience on the application or elsewhere in
the file, but there is no official documentation on file, the processing specialist will request appropriate verification
in the SOE. If documentation is provided and the experience is acceptable, the SOE is revised. If not acceptable,
the applicant is advised by letter.
Acceptable documentation of experience shall be a letter on college/university letterhead from and signed by the
registrar or dean from the accredited or approved institution verifying:
1. the dates of instructional employment,
2. at least two semesters of full-time or equivalent part-time instructional experience, and
3. the prefix, number, and semester-hour credits of the courses taught.
The experience may have been earned at any time, from different institutions, and does not have to be
continuous. For implementation of this statute only, a quarter term of teaching will be equal to a semester term of
teaching. Summer terms are acceptable.
Experience is acceptable, provided that:
1. experience was earned in a full-time faculty position for at least two semesters, or in a part-time
instructional position with the total experience equivalent to at least two semesters of full-time
experience, and
2. courses resulted in earned college level credit for the students in at least one course each semester.
Adding a Coverage or Endorsement to a Valid Temporary or
Professional Certificate
To add a coverage to a valid renewable Professional Certificate the applicant must:
Submit a complete “Addition of Subject to Professional Certificate,” Addition of Subject to
Temporary Certificate,” or “Add Subject Via District” application, and
Satisfy the mastery of subject knowledge requirements for that coverage by one of the
methods listed in s.1012.56, F.S.
See the Mastery of Subject Area Knowledge section of this manual.
Processing Information for the Different Application Types
“Addition of Subject to Professional Certificate” or “Addition of Subject to Temporary Certificate”
a) The applicant is required to submit payment (to BEC) in this online application. It is processed by the Bureau
of Educator Certification. It cannot be processed by district offices. All required documents must be
submitted to the Bureau of Educator Certification by the applicant and/or the district certification office.
b) This application must be submitted if the applicant is not employed with a Florida district and/or has
not yet completed a district add-on program for the addition of an endorsement.
Add Subject Via District” application this application is only for district employees who want
to add certain coverages to a Professional Certificate.
Please see FL-ECT for more information on adding coverages/endorsements to a certificate and
a list of subjects that cannot be added to a certificate by a district.
o The applicant is not given the option to submit payment in this online application. It should be
processed by the district office after the district receives payment for the application.
o If the applicant should have instead chosen the “Addition of Subject to Temporary Certificate” or
“Addition of Subject to Professional Certificate” applications, please contact the district liaison so
that the “Add Subject Via District” application can be cancelled and the applicant can instead
submit the correct application.
o In the event that the applicant has an alert on the file, clearance must be given by the fingerprint
unit before the subject can be added.
1. Florida law requires public school districts to process some coverage additions to Professional Certificates for
their employees as follows:
The district addition must be for a bachelors degree area and must be based solely on passing an
authorized subject area examination earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
The certificate is then re-issued with the same validity period to reflect all previous subjects and the
addition subject.
This district processing requirement does not apply to Professional Certificates that include only level 7
non-degreed career and technical subjects.
Note: An SAE passed during the current validity period of the Professional Certificate and used to add the
subject to the Professional Certificate may also be used for three semester hours of renewal credit.
2. When an individual submits theAddition of Subject to Professional Certificate” or “Addition of Subject to
Temporary Certificate” applications to the BEC for the addition of a subject to a valid Professional Certificate,
the following procedures are followed by BEC staff:
If the applicant is eligible for the addition, the Certificate is re-issued with the same validity period to reflect
all previous subjects with the addition of the new subject.
If the applicant is not eligible, a Statement of Status of Eligibility (SOE) is issued valid for three years from the
processing date that advises the applicant of the deficiencies. If documentation of completion of all
requirements is received before the SOE expires, the subject is added to the valid Temporary or Professional
3. Bachelor’s degree areas for which a subject area examination (or a State Board approved alternative test) has
been developed: Standard processing for all areas is that specialization courses are not required and no course
analysis is performed. Therefore, for these subject areas, the SOE advises the applicant to submit a passing
score on the Florida subject area examination earned no more than 10 years prior to the date of application.
Note: An SAE passed during the current validity period of the Professional Certificate and used to add the
subject to the Professional Certificate may also be used for three semester hours of renewal credit.
4. Additional professional preparation courses, such as special methods of teaching the subject or foundations of
teaching reading, are not required for additions to a Professional Certificate. There are no additional professional
preparation requirements when adding a subject to a valid Professional Certificate issued in any academic,
degreed career and technical, specialty, or administrative class subject.
5. Addition of an academic or degreed career and technical coverages to a valid state-issued Professional
Certificate covering only level 7 subject/s:
Level 7 subjects are non-degreed career and technical subjects denoted by a 7 as the last digit of the
subject code (e.g., Local Director of Career and Technical Education (1071/7), Automotive Mechanic
(506/7), Respiratory Technician (679/7), etc.)
Level 7 subjects, which were initially issued by the state prior to July 1, 1990, were not issued based upon
the same academic requirements as the regular Professional Certificate. Therefore, an individual with a
state-issued level 7 career and technical Professional Certificate seeking state certification in an academic
or degreed career and technical subject must demonstrate mastery of (1) general knowledge,
(2) subject area knowledge, and (3) professional preparation/education competence for issuance of a
Professional Certificate in the new subject.
If an applicant meets all requirements for a Professional Certificate in the academic or degreed career and
technical subject (mastery of GK, subject knowledge, and PP/EC), the academic or degreed career and
technical coverage is added to the currently valid level 7 Professional Certificate. If the level 7 Professional
Certificate has since expired, the validity period for the Professional Certificate covering only the academic or
degreed career and technical coverage is established per standard procedure for an applicant moving from a
Temporary to a Professional Certificate.
If all requirements for the addition of the academic or degreed career and technical subject are not met, the
processing specialist prepares a standard SOE for the academic or degreed career and technical subject
outlining requirements for the Temporary Certificate (specialization and issue request) and the Professional
Certificate (mastery of GK, subject knowledge, and PP/EC).
If an applicant meets all requirements for a Temporary Certificate in the academic or degreed career and
technical subject (specialization and issue request), a separate Temporary Certificate covering only the
academic or degreed career and technical subject is issued.
Please see the Processing Notes section of the Local Director of Career and Technical Education lesson for
detailed processing information and scenarios specific to this subject.
Adding a Coverage or Endorsement to a Valid Temporary Certificate
Coverages and endorsements may NOT be added to the following certificates:
Two-year Temporary Certificates covering Speech-Language Impaired issued at the bachelor’s level
Five-year nonrenewable Professional Certificate covering Speech-Language Impaired
Three-year Temporary Certificate covering Speech-Language Associate
Three-year and five-year Athletic Coaching certificates
An individual who holds a valid three-year Temporary Certificate may add a subject to that certificate by
meeting the following requirements:
Submitting an “Addition of Subject to Temporary Certificate” application and appropriate fee.
Meeting the subject area specialization requirements for that subject by one of the methods listed on
the first page of The Temporary Certificate section of this manual.
1. When an individual applies for the addition of a subject to the Temporary Certificate, the following procedures are
followed by BEC staff:
If the applicant is eligible, the subject is added to the currently valid Temporary Certificate, and an SOE is
prepared advising the applicant of remaining requirements for issuance of a Professional Certificate in the
If the applicant is not eligible, an SOE is prepared advising applicant of (1) the requirements to add the
subject to the Temporary Certificate, including the SAE option, if applicable, and (2) the requirements for
issuance of a Professional Certificate in the subject.
2. Adding a subject does not change the validity period of the certificate. “Back-to-back” Temporary Certificates
may not be issued in the same or different subjects.
3. The applicant may choose to complete Professional Certificate requirements for all Temporary Certificate
subjects, only the original subject(s), or only the addition subject(s).
Adding an Endorsement to a Valid Temporary or Professional Certificate
To add an endorsement to a valid Temporary or Professional Certificate the applicant must:
Submit a complete “Addition of Subject to Professional Certificate,” “Addition of Subject to
Temporary Certificate,” or “Add Endorsement Via District” application, and
Complete endorsement subject requirements by one of the options listed below.
Remember: An endorsement on a valid Florida certificate must ride with a full subject coverage. An
endorsement cannot stand alone on a certificate. An endorsement represents a body of content
knowledge, training to teach a specific grade level or special population of students, or training to teach
under specific circumstances. Some endorsements can only be added to certificates that include specific
coverages. Check the endorsement’s specialization rule for any restrictions.
“Addition of Subject to Professional Certificate” or “Addition of Subject to Temporary Certificate”
a) The applicant is required to submit the payment (to BEC) for this online application. It is processed by the
Bureau of Educator Certification. It cannot be processed by district offices. All required documents must be
submitted to the Bureau of Educator Certification by the applicant and/or the district certification office for the
b) This application must be submitted if the applicant is not employed with a Florida public school
district, has not yet completed a district add-on program, or is not applying for one of the
endorsements listed under the “Add Endorsement Via District” application.
Add Endorsement Via District” application
a) The applicant is not given the option to submit payment in this online application. It should be processed by
the district office after the district receives payment for the application. This application can only be
processed if the applicant completed a district add-on program for the following endorsements: the Athletic
Coaching Endorsement, the English for Speakers of Other Languages Endorsement, the Reading
Endorsement**, the Driver Education Endorsement, or the Gifted Endorsement. For all other
endorsements, the applicant must submit the “Addition of Subject to Professional Certificate”
application even if a district add-on program for these specific endorsements has been completed.
b) If the applicant is going to apply for any other endorsement, s/he must submit the “Addition of Subject to
Professional Certificate” or “Addition of Subject to Temporary Certificate” applications and submit the
required fee to the BEC. In this case, the district must submit verification of the completion of the add-on
program to the BEC, if applicable.
c) In the event that the applicant has an alert on the file, clearance must be given by the fingerprint unit before
the subject can be added.
**If the applicant submits this application for the Reading Endorsement after December 22, 2019, s/he is able
to pass the Subject Area Examination for Reading (Grades K-12), and the district is able to process the “Add
Endorsement Via Districtapplication for that specific endorsement.
1. Subject requirements for the addition of an endorsement may be met by one of the following:
Completing appropriate college courses and credits as listed in the governing State Board of Education
Completing a Florida State-Approved Program for the endorsement.
Completing a Florida districts approved add-on program. See information below concerning inservice.
A valid standard certificate from another US state or territory which reflects the endorsement as a subject
coverage or endorsement on that state’s certificate.
An NBPTS certificate in the endorsement area.
For the Reading Endorsement only: a passing score on the Subject Area Examination for Reading (Grades K-
12) can be used to add the Reading Endorsement to a certificate if the applicant applied for this endorsement
on or after December 22, 2019. The system will not provide the option to use the Subject Area Examination if
the application was submitted before that date.
2. Florida District Approved Inservice Add-on Programs [6A-4.003(4)(b), F.A.C.]
Per 2004 legislation, public school districts are responsible for processing employee endorsement
additions to Temporary and Professional Certificates based on completion of the districts approved
endorsement add-on program.
o Excluding Autism Spectrum Disorders, Orientation & Mobility, PK Disabilities, and Severe or
Profound Disabilities endorsements
o Excluding additions to the following certificates: Athletic Coaching, SLI temp, SLI non-renewable
pro, SLA Associate, and Level 7 Career and Technical Certificates (denoted by a 7 as the last
digit of the subject code)
The certificate is then re-issued with the same validity period to reflect all previous subjects and the
addition subject.
This district processing requirement does not apply to Professional Certificates that include only level 7
non-degreed career and technical subjects.
Note: An SAE passed during the current validity period of the Professional Certificate and used to add the
subject to the Professional Certificate may also be used for three semester hours of renewal credit.
When an applicant completes an approved add-on program, the district must submit the District Add-on
program verification form electronically to the BEC to verify that the program is complete. This applies to
additions processed by either the district or the BEC. The BEC has no authority to accept individual
inservice components in lieu of college credit courses.
Inservice add-on programs do not provide school districts with the authority to use teaching experience in
lieu of certification requirements. Appropriate college credit may be used by a district in lieu of inservice
components, but not teaching experience.
District add-on programs may not be used to meet requirements for initial certification. They may only be
used for the addition of an endorsement to a valid Florida certificate.
Renewal of Florida Professional Certificate
s.1012.585, F.S., and Chapter 6A-4.0051, F.A.C.
Requirements for Renewal:
A completed "Renewal Application" (also known as the CG-10R) with appropriate
processing fee.
Six (6) semester hours of college credit to include one (1) semester hour
in teaching students with disabilities (SWD) or the equivalent earned
during the last validity period of the Professional Certificate.
Renewal Requirements
Six (6) semester hours of college credit to include one (1) semester hour in teaching SWD
1. At least six (6) semester hours of college credit to include one (1) semester hour in teaching SWD or the
equivalent must be earned during each validity period to renew a certificate.
2. College level credit must be awarded by an acceptable institution or the American Council on Education (ACE).
(For additional information on acceptable institutions, please see Acceptable Degrees and Credits in the
Application section of this manual.)
3. College credit awarded for CLEP, DANTES Subject Standardized Test, Excelsior, other examination, life
experience, or other method is acceptable, if the credit is reflected on an official transcript from an acceptable
institution or the American Council on Education (ACE), and the content of the course is appropriate.
4. A grade of at least “C” must be earned in each course used for renewal. A grade of “Pass” is acceptable in
courses for which grades are earned as pass/fail.
5. College remedial credit is not acceptable.
6. See Appropriate Categories/Topics for Renewal for more information.
Note: Renewal/Reinstatement for the 2020-2025 validity period
Applicants who are renewing their certificates in the coverage areas below must take two credit hours (or 40
hours of professional development) in the use of explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to reading
instruction, developing phonemic awareness, and implementing multisensory intervention: Elementary
Education (K-6), Prekindergarten/Primary Education (age 3 through grade 3), Elementary Education
(grades 1-6), Primary Education (grades K-3), English (grades 1-6), Middle Grades English (grades 5-
9), Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum (grades 5-9), English (6-12), Reading (K-12), Reading
(Endorsement), and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (grades K-12).
Coursework that meets these criteria and the SWD requirement can be used for both purposes.
This change impacts those who are renewing their Professional Certificates with a validity period that starts
July 1, 2020 or after, meaning that educators who have certificates with a validity period beginning July 1,
2020 would have until June 2025 to complete the requirements.
One (1) semester hour in teaching SWD
1. Courses in Gifted Education are NOT acceptable, unless a course is in teaching gifted students with disabilities.
2. American Sign Language courses are NOT acceptable, unless a course is in teaching American Sign Language
to the Hearing Impaired.
3. Guidance and samples of acceptable courses on teaching SWD:
Courses with ESE or Special Education prefixes (Excluding Gifted courses. See Note 1 above for
Introduction to ESE
Nature and Needs of [various disabilities: EH, MH, SLD, ASD, etc.]
Teaching Students with Disabilities
Educating the Learning Disabled (or any other disability)
Assessment in Exceptional Education
Assessing Students with Disabilities
The Special Education Curriculum
Varying Exceptionalities
Individualized Instruction for Exceptional Students
Management Strategies for Students with Disabilities
College Credit Equivalents
1. Inservice points:
Inservice points earned from a Florida public school district, a charter school consortium with an approved
Master Inservice Plan (MIP), or a private school organization with an approved MIP are acceptable as
renewal credit.
Twenty (20) inservice points are equivalent to one (1) semester hour of college credit. Sixty (60) inservice
points are equivalent to three (3) semester hours of college credit.
ESE professional development components in the following focus areas are acceptable for teaching SWD
o 100 Instructional Strategies
o 101 Classroom Management
o 102 Assessment
o 105 Curriculum
ESE professional development components in the following focus areas are not acceptable for teaching
SWD credit:
o 103 Procedural/Legal Requirements
o 104 Working with Aides/Volunteers/Mentors
Inservice points in teaching SWD may be earned and accumulated by participating in different sessions
relating to students with disabilities to satisfy the total of at least 20 inservice points in teaching SWD.
2. Subject Area Examination (SAE):
A passing score on a Florida developed or other State Board approved (e.g., ACTFL) subject area
examination for the subject shown on the certificate and passed within the last validity period is equivalent to
three (3) semester hours of college credit. The SAE must be taken in the subject area at the appropriate
level. SAEs in other areas may not be used as elective credit. There is no limit on the number of SAEs that
may be taken during one validity period for subjects shown on the certificate.
An SAE used to add a subject to the Professional Certificate during the last validity period may also be used
for three semester hours of renewal credit.
An ESE SAE (i.e., Exceptional Student Education K-12, Hearing Impaired K-12, Visually Impaired K-12 or
Speech-Language Impaired K-12) that corresponds with the ESE coverage on the certificate satisfies three
semester hours of renewal credit and the credit for teaching SWD.
Educators with the old subjects of EH, MH, PH, SLD, and VE may use the Exceptional Student Education K-
12 SAE for three semester hours of renewal credit and the credit in teaching SWD. However, the renewed
certificate will retain the old subject, unless and until the educator applies to add Exceptional Student
Education K-12 to the certificate. To use the SAE to subsequently add Exceptional Student Education to the
Professional Certificate, the passing score must have been earned no more than 10 years prior to the date
of the addition application.
3. National Board Certification:
A certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) corresponding to at
least one subject on the Florida certificate, as shown on the NBPTS chart, equates to six semester hours of
renewal credit, not including the SWD requirement unless a NBPTS Exceptional Needs Specialist certificate
(see bullet #3 in this section)
The NBPTS certificate may be used for renewal as long as it is valid during any part of the validity period of
the Florida certificate. A photocopy of the valid NBPTS certificate submitted with the renewal application
shall be acceptable verification.
An NBPTS Exceptional Needs Specialist certificate satisfies six semester hours of renewal credit including
the teaching SWD requirement when the Florida Professional Certificate includes an ESE coverage.
4. College Teaching: A course taught at the college level at an accredited or approved institution is the same as a
course taken at the college level for renewal. Verification of course name, prefix, number, semester hours, and
dates taught should be submitted on college/university letterhead from and signed by the registrar or dean.
Teaching multiple sections of the same course may only be used as one course for renewal.
Renewing Certificates with One, Two, or More Than Two Subject Areas
1. Professional Certificates with one subject: Six (6) semester hours of college credit, which must include at least
one (1) semester hour in teaching SWD, must be earned during the renewal period to renew the certificate. At
least three (3) of the six (6) semester hours must meet the criteria in the section entitled Appropriate
Categories/Topics for Renewal.
2. Professional Certificates with two subjects: Six (6) semester hours of college credit, which must include at least
one (1) semester hour in teaching SWD, must be earned during the renewal period to renew the certificate. All
six (6) semester hours must meet the criteria in the section entitled Appropriate Categories/Topics for Renewal to
retain each subject.
3. Professional Certificates with more than two subjects: At least six (6) semester hours or equivalent, which must
include at least one (1) semester hour in teaching SWD, must be earned each validity period. For each subject
on the certificate, three (3) semester hours of appropriate renewal credit or equivalent must be earned over the
course of two successive validity periods to renew all subjects. Any subject(s) for which credit is not earned at
least once during the two successive validity periods according to this provision may be deleted at the time of
Banking of ESOL and Reading Credit
The 1998 and 2004 Legislatures passed legislation that permits individuals who earn college credit or inservice points
in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) or teaching of Reading to “bank” the credit for renewal as
1. For individuals who hold a Professional Certificate: ESOL or Reading credit or inservice earned in excess of
credit required for renewal may be banked for renewal credit in subsequent validity periods.
2. For individuals who hold a Temporary Certificate: ESOL or Reading credit earned during the validity of the
Temporary Certificate may be used to renew the first Professional Certificate. There must be no break in
continuity between the Temporary and Professional Certificates. The ESOL or Reading credit may not be
included within a degree program.
Banking of SWD Credit
Legislation effective July 1, 2014 permits individuals who earn college credit or inservice points in teaching Students
with Disabilities (SWD credit) to “bank” the credit for renewal as follows:
1. For individuals who hold a Professional Certificate with a validity period that includes the 2014-2015 or later
school year: SWD credit or inservice earned during the validity period in excess of credit required for renewal
may be banked for renewal credit in subsequent validity periods.
2. For individuals who hold a Temporary Certificate that includes the 2014-2015 or later school year: SWD credit
earned during the validity of the Temporary Certificate may be used to renew the first Professional Certificate.
There must be no break in continuity between the Temporary and Professional Certificates. The SWD credit may
not be included within a degree program.
Deleting Subject/s at Applicant’s Request when Renewing a Certificate
1. When an applicant either chooses on the "Renewal Application" that s/he would like to delete a subject, or
contacts the BEC or district office to request that a subject be cancelled before the certificate is renewed, the
applicant does not have to pay the standard $20.00 deletion fee. The $75.00 renewal fee covers the cost of
issuing the renewed certificate reflecting the requested deletion/s.
2. This provision only applies at the time of renewal. Requests for deletions at other times require submission of a
"Removal of Subject(s) Request" application and $20.00 deletion fee per subject to be deleted.
3. Note: An applicant who requests deletion of a subject and subsequently wants to add the subject back to the
certificate must submit an additional application and processing fee and must meet subject requirements in effect
at the time s/he applies for the addition. Passing scores on certification exams must have been earned no more
than ten (10) years prior to the date of the application. Also, the subject must still be authorized by the State
Renewal Application Process
For Individuals Employed in a Florida Public School District
1. The "Renewal Application" is automatically opened in the Versa system on or after July 1 of the last year of the
Professional Certificate’s validity period. The applicant will see “It’s time to renew!” in their online account once
the "Renewal Application" is available. It should be submitted prior to the date the certificate expires.
2. The "Renewal Application" can be submitted even if all required credit has not yet been earned, but all credit
must be earned before the certificate expires.
3. Endorsements are automatically renewed, and so are not listed on the "Renewal Application.”
4. Though the system will not allow the applicant to submit the application unless it is complete, the applicant must
be sure to complete some optional sections and submit or attach some documents that are not required by the
system. Please note the following information:
a) Name Change: The online application system will not allow an applicant to change his/her name in the
"Renewal Application". S/he must make sure to attach the required documents concerning the name
change to the application.
b) Deleting a Subject: A subject may be deleted at no additional charge at the time of renewal if the
applicant clicks the “request for deletion?” box next to the subject to be deleted in the application.
i. Note: There is a “remove subjects” page in the application for this purpose, if applicable.
c) If the applicant enters college teaching experience or chooses that s/he would like to use college
teaching experience for renewal credit, the college teaching experience letter must be attached to the
application or submitted before the application expires.
d) The applicant must truthfully and accurately complete the Legal Disclosure page of the application and
make sure to enter the required information concerning the charges on separate pages of the
i. The district office must submit a template to the FP Unit Directly to ensure that an
applicant is complete or previously cleared if the applicant entered any affirmative
answers on the applicationeven if the incident has been cleared in the pastbefore
the application is processed.
e) Entering Renewal Credit: There are two separate sections where renewal credit must be entered.
i. Renewal Credit The applicant must choose the subject(s) to be renewed and also choose
their renewal method. The applicant can only choose one subject at a time. Note: the
application system does not require that the applicant choose all of their renewed subjects.
ii. Renewal Credit SWD The applicant must select one of the three options: Yes-Current Credit,
Yes-Banked Credit, or NO-I have not yet obtained credits.
5. The applicant must choose the correct district affiliation (employing district) on the application. If that process is
completed correctly, the application will be directly routed to the district renewal queue for processing. In the
event that an applicant chooses a district on the application, s/he is not provided the option to pay online.
The applicant is advised on the Fee and Summary Report page (the last page of the application) that s/he
must contact the district for guidance on how to submit payment.
i. Note: If the applicant chooses the BEC as their district affiliation and also submits payment in
their online account, the application will be processed by the BEC. Any inservice points to be
used for renewal must be submitted to the BEC in that event.
6. The "Renewal Application" is valid for one (1) year from the date it is submitted.
7. If the application is not received by the certificate expiration date, the applicant has one (1) year from the
certificate expiration date to submit the “Late Renewal Application”, the renewal processing fee, plus an
additional late fee of $30.00. All required credit, however, must have been earned during the validity period of the
Professional Certificate.
8. The "Renewal Application" is the only application that can be submitted multiple times. The applicant should
make sure to view and/or update the district affiliation section of the "Renewal Application" and also submit the
"Renewal Application" only one time.
a) The "Renewal Application" is automatically made available to the district that the applicant lists on the
affiliation page. If the applicant does not view and/or update this page directly, contact the Partner Line
at EdCertPartnerLine@fldoe.org to request that the affiliation be changed so that the application can be
processed by the district, if applicable.
b) In the event that the applicant both affiliates with the BEC and pays the fee online, the application must
be processed by the BEC.
c) In the event that the applicant affiliates with a district, but is no longer employed by a district, contact the
BEC to ensure that the affiliation is changed to this office AND advise the applicant that the payment
must be mailed to the BEC.
For Individuals Not Employed in a Florida Public School District
1. This provision includes all other individuals not employed by a Florida school district during the year the
certificate is to be renewed.
2. A completed "Renewal Application" must be submitted to the Bureau of Educator Certification in the last year of
the validity period of the Professional Certificate and prior to the expiration date of the Professional Certificate.
3. If the application is not received by the certificate expiration date, the applicant has one (1) year from the
certificate expiration date to submit the “Late Renewal Application,” the renewal processing fee, plus an
additional late fee of $30.00. All required credit, however, must have been earned during the last validity period
of the Professional Certificate.
4. The "Renewal Application" is valid for one (1) year from the date it is submitted.
Appropriate Categories/Topics for Renewal
(See preceding sections for SWD credit guidance and samples.)
Appropriate Categories/Topics for Renewal - General Training
Teaching students with disabilities
Cooperative learning strategies
Social services training
Exceptional Student Education
Critical thinking skills
Evaluation/assessment techniques
Content specific to certification
Curriculum design and development
Experiences with young children
and families
At-risk students
Drug or substance abuse
Global economy
Building self-esteem
Informal evaluation techniques
Child abuse and neglect
Effective teacher training
Integration of curriculum
Classroom management
Skill building techniques
Learning strategies
Library services
Methods or education strategies
Methods of teaching reading
Multicultural education
Problem solving skills
School and community relations
Student dropout prevention
Strategies for teaching LEP
Teaching and testing performance
Research of effective school design
and development
School Administration Accountability
Instructional design
School law
Leadership skills
School organization
School and community relations
School finance
School facilities
Career and Technical (Vocational) and Adult Education
Adult learning
Vocational education for special needs
Principles of adult education
Vocational guidance
Principles of vocational education
NBPTS Subject Areas and Florida Subject Area Equivalents for Renewal
*Please note that this chart differs from the NBPTS chart in the Direct Reciprocity Routes to the
Professional Certificate section of this manual.
NBPTS Coverage
Equivalent Florida Coverage
Early Childhood Generalist (Ages 3-8)
Early Childhood, Primary (K-3), Pre-
kindergarten Primary (PK-3),
Elementary Education (1-6) and (K-6)
Middle Childhood Generalist (Ages 7-12)
Elementary Education (1-6) and (K-6)
Early and Middle Childhood or Early Adolescence - Young Adulthood
Art (K-12), all formerly issued Art
coverages and grade levels
English as a New Language
ESOL (coverage K-12)
Early and Middle Childhood OR Early Adolescence - Young
Adulthood Physical Education
Physical Education (K-8), (6-12), and (K-12)
Early Childhood - Young Adulthood Exceptional Needs Specialist
Any exceptional child area or areas,
including the SWD credit requirement
Early Adolescence (Ages 11-15) Generalist
Any Middle Grades (5-9)
subject(s), Elementary Education
(1-6) and (K-6)
Early Adolescence or Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Ages
11 - 18):
English Language Arts
Social Studies/History
English (6-12), English (5-9), MGIC** (5- 9),
Speech (6-12)*, Journalism (6-12)*
Mathematics (6-12), Mathematics (5-9),
Biology (6-12), Chemistry (6-12), Earth-Space
Science (6-12), Physics (6-12), General
Science (5-9), MGIC** (5-9)
Social Science (6-12), Separate Areas
of Social Science (6-12),Social Science
(5-9), MGIC** (5-9)
Adolescence and Young Adulthood Career Education
Corresponding degreed career
and technical area as shown on
NBPTS certificate
Early Childhood - Young Adult Library Media
Educational Media Specialist (PK-12)
World Languages Other Than English (for a World Language
offered in Florida)
Corresponding world language as shown
on NBPTS certificate
Early and Middle Childhood or Early Adolescence - Young Adulthood
Music (K-12), all formerly issued
music coverages
Early Childhood - Young Adult School Counseling
School Counseling
Early-Middle Childhood Literacy-Reading Language Arts
Early Childhood, Primary (K-3), Pre-
kindergarten Primary (PK-3),
Elementary Education (1-6) and (K-6),
English (6-12),
English (5-9), MGIC** (5-9), Reading (K-
Early Adolescence - Young Adulthood Health
Health (K-12)
*Coverage repealed as June 23, 2016 **Coverage repealed as of 2011.
Renewal Method Choices
Subject Area Examination
College Credit
College teaching experience
Inservice Points
School of Excellence Employment
Credit Later Required
Note: The credit must still be earned before the certificate expires.
Reinstatement of a Professional Certificate
Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-4.004(8), F.A.C., provides that certificates that have expired are
permanently invalid. In addition, requirements completed for issuance of the expired Professional
Certificate may not be used to meet requirements for issuance of a new Professional Certificate.
The 1997 Florida Legislature amended Florida Statutes to enable an individual to reinstate a Professional
Certificate. The 2000 Florida Legislature increased the reinstatement period from three to five years from the
date the Professional Certificate expires. The re-write of the Florida School Code by the 2002 Florida
Legislature allows for reinstatement of an expired Professional Certificate regardless of the date the certificate
expired for applications received January 7, 2003, and after.
Reinstatement Requirements
Submit a completed "Reinstatement Application" with $75.00 processing fee.
Complete six (6) semester hours of college credit or 120 inservice points from an approved
Master Inservice Plan (MIP) to include one (1) semester hour of college credit or 20 inservice
points in teaching students with disabilities (SWD).
Submit a passing score on the Florida developed or other State Board approved subject area
examination (SAE) in each subject from the expired certificate that will be shown on the reinstated
Submit cleared fingerprints.
Reinstatement Application Process
The online "Reinstatement Application" may be submitted to the BEC after the Professional Certificate has expired.
1. When an individual applies for reinstatement, a Reinstatement Deficiency Letter is issued for one year from the
date the application is received. Documentation of completed requirements must be submitted to the BEC during
that time frame. An applicant will have to re-apply if requirements are not completed and documentation is not
submitted before the date the application expires.
2. A processing fee of $75.00 is required for each reinstated certificate that is issued. Even if more than one subject
is to be reinstated, the fee is $75.00 total if all requirements for all subjects are submitted at the same time. If the
applicant reinstates one subject at a time, an application and $75.00 fee are required for each certificate issued.
3. Individuals who have an expired Professional Certificate and submit a "Re-Application for Educator Certification"
application to apply for a Temporary Certificate will be sent an Official Statement of Status of Eligibility based
upon current requirements. The SOE will include the following message:
Florida Statutes provide the option for an individual with an expired Professional Certificate to reinstate the
expired certificate. You may review the requirements and apply for reinstatement online at
A Temporary Certificate may be issued while the individual is completing requirements for reinstatement, if
specialization is met under current rules and an issue request and cleared fingerprints are received. The
applicant must meet all requirements under current laws for a new certificate, including passing the General
Knowledge Test to maintain employment, if reinstatement requirements are not completed.
Changing from "Re-Application for Educator Certification" Application to
"Reinstatement Application" and Vice Versa
An individual who has submitted a "Re-Application for Educator Certification" application may contact our office
prior to processing to request that the "Re-Application for Educator Certification" application be cancelled for a
refund of the fee paid so that they can instead submit the "Reinstatement Application" and fee. However, if the
SOE is processed, the individual must reapply for reinstatement.
College Credit or Inservice Points
1. College credit or inservice points completed for reinstatement must be earned within the five-year period
immediately preceding the school year during which the reinstatement application is submitted and/or prior to the
expiration of the reinstatement application. Note: Banked inservice points cannot be used for reinstatement.
Example: Application for reinstatement is received 10/1/19 (this is the 19-20 school year). The applicant may use
credit earned from 7/1/14 through 10/1/20, and the certificate will be reinstated for the 2019-2024 school years,
even if the last course is completed after 6-30-2020.
2. Only college-level credit (including courses taken or taught in a college/university) or inservice points are
appropriate. Other college credit equivalents used for renewal (e.g., subject area tests) are not applicable.
3. The college credit or inservice earned for reinstatement may be taken in the same categories as for renewal.
4. The guidelines and samples for college credit or inservice in teaching SWD are the same as for renewal.
Note: For reinstatement, the SWD credit requirement cannot be satisfied with an ESE subject area examination.
Subject Area Examination (SAE)
1. A passing score on the Florida developed or other State Board approved subject area examination must be
earned within the five-year period immediately preceding the school year during which the reinstatement
application is submitted and/or prior to the expiration of the reinstatement application.
2. See two subject area examination charts on the following page for required Florida developed tests and required
other State Board approved tests.
3. For reinstatement, the applicant must satisfy both the subject area examination requirement and the college
credit requirements.
4. For reinstatement, the SWD credit requirement cannot be satisfied with an ESE subject area examination.
5. A subject area test used to add a subject to the expired Professional Certificate may not be used for
reinstatement. However, a subject area test originally intended solely for renewal of the expired Professional
Certificate may be used if passed within the appropriate reinstatement time frame.
Reinstatement of Specific Subject Areas
1. Subjects no longer issued by the BEC may not be reinstated. An expired Professional Certificate which reflected
only non-degreed or adult coverages that are no longer issued may not be reinstated. The reinstatement
application will be cancelled and the fee refunded.
2. Subjects no longer issued which have an equivalent coverage that is currently issued and for which there is a
Florida developed or other State Board approved subject area examination may be reinstated as shown on the
charts on the following pages. The charts include the most common areas. Other degreed coverages that are
related to a current subject (such as Algebra or Business Law) may also be reinstated with the appropriate related
subject area examination (Math 6-12 or Business Education 6-12, respectively). A Reinstatement Deficiency Letter
with information on available options will be issued to the applicant.
3. Subject areas currently issued for which there is no Florida developed or other State Board approved subject area
test will be reinstated with the six (6) semester hours of college credit including one (1) semester hour in SWD.
Subjects include:
School Social Work
Administration of Adult Education
School Principal
Local Director of Career and Technical Education
4. Endorsements will be reinstated along with the subject coverage(s) if the applicant “adds” the endorsements to the
application. If an endorsement is required to ride with a specific coverage, that coverage must be reinstated for the
endorsement to also be shown on the reinstated certificate. If the applicant does not “add” expired endorsements
to the "Reinstatement Application", they will have to submit the “Addition of Subject to Professional Certificate
application and fee (and meet current requirements) to add the endorsement to the certificate.
5. Former subject coverages which are now endorsements will be converted to endorsements at reinstatement and
will be reflected on the reinstated Professional Certificate without passing a subject area test. If the only subject
on an expired certificate was a coverage that is now an endorsement, the Professional Certificate may be
reinstated in the bachelor's level area of the applicant's choice for which the appropriate SAE is passed. At the
time of reinstatement of the new coverage, the endorsement will also be reinstated. Examples would include the
Driver Education Endorsement and the Gifted Endorsement.
6. An individual whose expired certificate reflects only degreed subjects which are not listed on the charts on the
following pages and are not comparable to any currently issued subjects (examples - Bible, General Academics)
may still reinstate in the bachelor's level area of his/her choice. The applicant is sent a letter advising that the subject
area(s) shown on the expired certificate is no longer issued in Florida. The applicant is further advised that s/he may
reinstate the expired certificate in any of the currently available bachelors level degreed areas for which the
appropriate subject area examination is passed.
SAE Chart #1
Coverage Shown on Expired Certificate
Florida Developed Test to Take and
Coverage Shown on Reinstated Certificate
Educational Leadership
Educational Leadership
Agriculture (6-12)
Art (K-12)
Art Education
Art (K-12)
Biology (6-12)
Business Education
Business Education (6-12)
Chemistry (6-12)
Computer Science
Computer Science (K-12)
Drama (6-12)
Early Childhood
Pre-kindergarten/Primary Education (PK-3) or
Elementary Education (K-6)
Earth Science
Earth-Space Science (6-12)
Earth-Space Science
Earth-Space Science (6-12)
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Educational Leadership
Educational Leadership
Educational Media Specialist
Educational Media Specialist (PK-12)
Elementary Education
Elementary Education (K-6)
Emotionally Handicapped
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
English (5-9) or English (6-12)
English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (K-12)
ESOL (K-12)
Family and Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Science (6-12)
French (K-12)
General Home Economics
Family and Consumer Science (6-12)
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Earth-Space Science (6-12)
German (K-12)
School Counseling (PK-12)
Guidance and Counseling
School Counseling (PK-12)
Health (K-12)
Health Education
Health (K-12)
Hearing Disabled
Hearing Impaired (K-12)
Hearing Impaired
Hearing Impaired (K-12)
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Home Economics
Family and Consumer Science (6-12)
Humanities (K-12)
Industrial Arts
Engineering and Technology Education (Grades 6-12)
Industrial Arts-Technology Education
Engineering and Technology Education (Grades 6-12)
Instrumental Music
Music (K-12)
English (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Junior High School
English (5-9), or English (6-12), or General Science (5-9),
or Mathematics (5-9), or Mathematics (6-12), or Social
Science (5-9), or Social Science (6-12)
Latin (K-12)
Marketing (6-12)
Mathematics (5-9) or Mathematics (6-12)
Media Specialist
Educational Media Specialist (PK-12)
Mentally Handicapped
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum
English (5-9), or English (6-12), or General Science (5-9),
or Mathematics (5-9), or Mathematics (6-12), or Social
(5-9), or Social Science (6-12)
Music (K-12)
Music Education
Music (K-12)
Physical Education
Physical Education (K-12)
Physically Impaired
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
Physics (6-12)
Political Science
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Preschool Education
Preschool Education (Birth through age 4)
Primary Education
Pre-kindergarten/Primary Education (PK-3) or
Elementary Education (K-6)
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Reading (K-12)
School Psychologist
School Psychologist (PK-12)
General Science (5-9)
Social Science
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Social Studies
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Social Science (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Spanish (K-12)
Specific Learning Disabilities
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
English (5-9) or Social Science (6-12)
Speech Correction
(issued based upon a masters degree)
Speech-Language Impaired (K-12)
Speech Correction
(issued based upon a bachelors degree)
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
Speech-Language Impaired
Speech-Language Impaired (K-12)
Technology Education (6-12)
Engineering and Technology Education (Grades 6-12)
Varying Exceptionalities
Exceptional Student Education (K-12)
Visual Disabilities
Visually Impaired (K-12)
Visually Impaired
Visually Impaired (K-12)
Vocal Music
Music (K-12)
Vocational Agriculture
Agriculture (6-12)
SAE Chart #2
Coverage Shown on Expired Certificate
Other State Board Approved Test to Take and
Coverage Shown on Reinstated Certificate
World Language other than French, Spanish, German,
and Latin
OPI & WPT portions of the ACTFL test for the World
Language subject on the expired certificate. See World
Language specialization document in the Resources
section of FL-ECT for guidance on acceptable passing
World Language other than Latin
Score of two (2) or above on Listening and Reading
subtests of the Defense Language Proficiency Test
Extending the Three-year Temporary Certificate
s.1012.56, F.S.
Three-year Temporary Certificates cannot be renewed. While Florida Statute provides the Commissioner authority to
grant one two-year extension, the Commissioner exercises this option on a very limited basis and only when all of the
following conditions set forth in statute are met:
1. The individual must have experienced extraordinary, extenuating circumstances beyond his/her control that
prevented the requirements for the Professional Certificate from being completed. Appropriate documentation
verifying of any one of the following reasons must accompany the request:
a) Medical
b) Extenuating Circumstances
c) Military Spouse of Active Duty Service Member
d) Highly Effective final rating as verified by the district
e) Completion of two-year mentorship program.
2. The GK is not a requirement for an extension request.
3. The district must open the “Extension for Temporary” application. The applicant will be able to submit the
payment for the application in his/her online account within 24-48 hours of the application being opened. Note: A
military waiver does not cover the fee.
4. The superintendent must request the extension from the Commissioner of Education, who must approve the
extension. That request and additional supporting documentation must be attached to the open “Extension for
Temporary” application. Since the review and approval process is facilitated by the BEC, the letter to the
Commissioner with supporting documentation may be submitted directly to the BEC.
5. At this time, an “Extension to Temp” letter is issued after the application is processed only if the extension is
granted. That letter will also state that the "Upgrade to Professional Educator Certificate Application" must still
be submitted. Extension letters are not yet generated if an applicant is not eligible for an extension,
though the remaining requirements are noted in the applicant’s online account.
Extending a Professional Certificate
s.1012.56, F.S.
A Professional Certificate may be extended for one year based on extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of
the applicant that prevented him/her from completing renewal requirements. An applicant cannot request consecutive
(back-to-back) extensions.
To issue the one-year extension the "Medical Extension Request for Professional Educator" application, fee and
explanatory letter from the applicant must be submitted to the BEC, even if the individual is employed in a Florida
school district.
The "Medical Extension Request for Professional Educator" application and fee should be submitted online.
The applicant will be able to choose the reason for the extension request in the application. This
application is not for Military Service Extensions.
Supporting documentation (letter on letter head from treating physician, personal letter with brief description
of circumstances at hand, etc.) must be attached to the application.
This application must be submitted even if the circumstances are not medical in nature.
If circumstances are medical in nature, a brief doctor's note should be attached to the letter.
If the request is approved, one year is added to the validity period of the Professional Certificate and the certificate is
re-issued with a six-year validity period. Note: At this time, a PDF copy of the extended certificate is not issued. S/he
must print the copy of the extended certificate from the online account. Extension letters are not yet generated if
an applicant is not eligible, though the remaining requirements are noted in the applicant’s online account.
Requests for late renewal of an extended Professional Certificate will be processed similarly to requests for
late renewal of a non-extended certificate. Refer to BEC Policy Memo 2016-003.
Military Service Extensions
s.1012.585, F.S.
Section 1012.585(4) of Florida Statutes authorizes an extension to a Temporary or Professional Certificate for the
person who is “called into or volunteers for actual wartime service or required peacetime military service training” for
a period of time equal to time spent in military service. This provision is implemented as follows:
1. The certificate must be valid when applicant begins military assignment.
2. After applicant completes military service, s/he must submit the “Military Extension Request”, processing
fee, and a copy of DD-214 separation paper to BEC.
3. For an extension to a Temporary Certificate, a written request for extension from the employing school
district to the BEC is recommended.
4. The certificate is extended in one-year increments for the period of service documented on the DD-214. Any
fraction of a year rounds up to one full year. For example, one to 365 days of service equals a one-year
extension, 366 to 730 days of service equals a two-year extension, and two years and one month of service
equals a three-year extension.
5. At this time, an “Extension to Temp” letter is issued after the application is processed only if the extension is
granted. If the extension is granted, the applicant can log into their online account to view and print a copy
of the certificatea PDF copy of a certificate granting a Military Extension is not emailed. The applicant
receives a letter listing that the extension has been granted, upgrade requirements must be met, and the
application for the upgrade must be submitted. Extension letters are not yet generated if an applicant is
not eligible for an extension, though the remaining requirements are noted in the applicant’s online
Common Abbreviations in Contact History
Common Abbreviations in Contact History
Adult Education
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Bureau Of Educator Certification
American Sign Language
Course Code Directory
Athletic Coaching
Certificate Verification
Business Education
Contact History
Credential Evaluation
Three-Year or Five-Year
Coaching Certificate
Computer Science
Earth-Space Science
Department of Education
Educational Leadership
Department of Health
Educational Media Specialist
Void Duplicate (Contact History)
Elementary Education
Education Practices Commission
English for Speakers of Other
Family & Consumer Science
English for Speakers of Other
Languages Endorsement
Florida State-Approved Program
Florida Teacher Certification
General Science
General Knowledge Test
School Counseling
Inservice or Master Inservice
Issue Request
Hearing Impaired
Local Director of Career and
Technical Education
Middle Grades
Middle Grades General
Official Transcript
Middle Grades Integrated
Out-of-State Certificate
Orientation & Mobility
Other (Contact History)
Office Visitor (Contact History)
Professional Preparation
Competence Program
Physical Education
Phone (Contact History)
Prekindergarten Disabilities
Office of Professional Practices
Previous Conversation Log
Professional Certificate
Reading Endorsement
Professional Education Test
School Principal
Professional Preparation
School Psychologist
Professional Teaching Experience
Severe or Profound Disabilities
Social Science
Speech-Language Impaired
CT Forms
Though still commonly referred to as CT Forms, each CT Form has a different transaction name in VERSA. Please
access FL-ECT for information on form submission.
CT Form
Y or N
Submit Issue Request and/or I-9
If an I-9 is required, it
will be uploaded as
an attachment.
Submit Issue Request and/or I-9
This form is submitted
by private schools
Submit District Error Report
This is uploaded as
an attachment.
Submit Teaching Experience
Submit District Verification
This is the subject
area competence
verification (for
subjects without a
subject area exam).
Submit District Add-on Program
This form is used to
add endorsements to
a certificate.
Submit Renewal/Reinstatement
This is used for
submission of both
renewal credits and
SWD credits.
Submit PEC
Competence Program
Submit School Principal Program
Must hold a Florida
Certificate in
Leadership first.
Submit Professional Development
Certification Program
Verification of
completion of the
district Professional
Certification Program
(alt cert program).
Engineering and Technology
Subject Area Examination
Visually Impaired
Official Statement of Status of
Verif Let
Verification Letter
Special Methods
Social Security Number
Telephone Call (Contact History)
Teaching Experience
Temporary Certificate
EPI Form
Institutions will still
submit the paper form
to the BEC.
Current Laws and Rule
*Note: Please see previous versions of the Partnership Manuals issued in 2017 for rules/laws implemented before
that time.
Effective December 22, 2019
General Knowledge:
FL GK Test
CLAST option eliminated
Two semesters of college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
GRE passed after 7/1/15 for GK (effective 10/26/2016)
SB 7070 Educators have full validity period of Temporary Certificate to pass GK; a
new Temporary Certificate can be issued without an educator first having to pass the
GK; The GK is no longer required for an extension to the Temporary Certificate.
Subject Knowledge
Passing score on SAE after 7-1-2002
Passing score on SAE and specialization
Specialization and verification of subject competencies (Dance, School Social
Work, Administration of Adult Ed., Local Director of Career and Technical)
ACTFL for World Languages except Spanish, French, German, Latin
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
New specialization rule for Administration of Adult Education
A passing score on the Subject Area Examination for Reading (Grades K-12)
can be used in lieu of previous required coursework for the Reading
Name of Guidance and Counseling (Grades K-12) changed to School
Counseling (Grades K-12); updated/new pathways available
School Social Work (Grades K-12) now requires Master’s degree for
specialization that includes 300+ hours of field placement
Professional Prep &
Educ. Competence:
FSAP and Professional Education Test (PET)
Out-of-state Teacher Education program and PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
Revised 15 semester hours of Professional Preparation courses (no special
methods required, ESOL required for all subjects, Reading required for all subjects
except administrative and specialty, only courses with “C” or higher), one-year
Two semesters of college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time
ABCTE Certificate + PEC
Professional Training Option, PTER, PEC, PET
New PDCP program approved. Educators who complete program on or after
January 1, 2019 and earn a highly effective rating on their most recent
summative evaluation are exempted from the PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
10-year limitation on tests
ACTFL replaces CT-114
Paperless certificates
SWD credit requirement for renewal & reinstatement
Banking SWD Points in addition to Reading & ESOL points
Three-year Temp
GK mastery for employment
Three-year SOE
ACE credit/transcripts acceptable
Special Educational Leadership Temporary Certificate option
Official Credential Evaluation for foreign degree/credit
Fingerprint Cards no longer acceptedFingerprints must be submitted to BEC using
Livescan service with ORI# FL92120Z
New VERSA REGULATIONS and VERSA ONLINE systemsall documents issued
before this date are not available in applicant’s online accounts.
Fee no longer charged for duplicate certificate
Military waivers allowed for fees for some applications and test fees
Extension of Temporary Certificate is two yearsGK no longer required for extension
Restricted Licenses available for the following coverages: Educational Media
Specialist, School Counseling, Psychologist, School Social Work, or Speech-
Language Impaired. (The GK is not required for this certificate type.)
Renewal/Reinstatement some coverages will require 2 hours of reading
instruction for those renewing for the 2020-2025 validity period
Effective May 9, 2019
General Knowledge:
FL GK Test
CLAST option eliminated
Two semesters of college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time
Out-of-state standard certificate OR NBPTS Certificate OR ABCTE Certificate
GRE passed after 7/1/2015 for GK (effective 10/26/2016)
SB 7070 Educators have full validity period of Temporary Certificate to pass
GK; a new Temporary Certificate can be issued without an educator first having
to pass the GK; The GK is no longer required for an extension to the Temporary
Subject Knowledge
Passing score on SAE after 7/1/2002
Passing score on SAE and specialization
Specialization and verification of subject competencies (Dance, School Social
Work, Administration of Adult Education, Local Dir. of Career and Technical)
ACTFL for World Languages except Spanish, French, German, Latin
Out-of-state standard certificate OR NBPTS Certificate OR ABCTE Certificate
New specialization rule for Administration of Adult Education
Professional Prep &
Educ. Competence:
Out-of-state Teacher Education program and PET
Out-of-state standard certificate OR NBPTS Certificate
Revised 15 semester hours of Pro. Prep. courses (no special methods required,
ESOL required for all subjects, Reading required for all subjects except
administrative and specialty, only courses with “C” or higher), one year PTER, PEC,
Two semester college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time +
ABCTE Certificate + PEC
Professional Training Option, PTER, PEC, PET
New PDCP program approved. Educators who complete program on or after
January 1, 2019 and earn a highly effective rating on their most recent
summative evaluation are exempted from the PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
10-year limitation on tests
ACTFL replaces CT-114
Paperless certificates
SWD credit requirement for renewal & reinstatement
Banking SWD pts. in addition to Reading & ESOL pts.
Three-year Temp
GK mastery for employment (cont.)
Three-year SOE
ACE credit/transcripts acceptable
Special Educational Leadership Temporary Certificate option
Official Credential Evaluation for foreign degree/credit
Fingerprint Cards no longer acceptedFingerprints must be submitted to BEC using
Livescan service with ORI# FL92120Z
New VERSA REGULATIONS and VERSA ONLINE systemsall documents issued
before this date are not available in applicant’s online accounts.
Fee no longer charged for duplicate certificate
Military waivers allowed for fees for some applications and test fees
Extension of Temporary Certificate is two yearsGK no longer required for extension
Effective January 1, 2019
General Knowledge:
FL GK Test
CLAST option eliminated
Two semesters college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
GRE passed after 7/1/2015 for GK (effective 10/26/2016)
Subject Knowledge
Passing score on SAE after 7/1/2002
Passing score on SAE and specialization
Specialization and verification of subject competencies (Dance, School Social
Work, Administration of Adult Education, Local Dir. of Career and Technical)
ACTFL for World Languages except Spanish, French, German, Latin
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
New specialization rule for Administration of Adult Education
Professional Prep &
Educ. Competence:
Out-of-state Teacher Education program and PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
Revised 15 semester hours Pro. Prep. courses (no special methods required,
ESOL required for all subjects, Reading required for all subjects except
administrative and specialty, only courses with “C” or higher), one year PTER, PEC,
Two semesters college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time +
ABCTE Certificate + PEC
Professional Training Option, PTER, PEC, PET
New PDCP program approved Educators who complete this program
on or after January 1, 2019 and earn a highly effective rating on their most
recent summative evaluation are exempted from the PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
10-year limitation on tests
ACTFL replaces CT-114
Paperless certificates
SWD credit required for renewal & reinstatement
Banking SWD pts. in addition to Reading & ESOL pts.
Three-year Temp
GK mastery for employment (cont.)
Three-year SOE
ACE credit/transcripts acceptable
Special Educational Leadership Temporary Certificate option
Official Credential Evaluation for foreign degree/credit
Fingerprint Cards no longer acceptedFingerprints must be submitted to BEC using
Livescan service with ORI# FL92120Z
New VERSA REGULATIONS and VERSA ONLINE systemsall documents issued
before this date are not available in applicant’s online accounts
Fee no longer charged for duplicate certificate
Military waivers allowed for fees for some applications and test fees
Effective July 1, 2018
General Knowledge:
FL GK Test
CLAST option eliminated
Two semesters college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
GRE passed after 7/1/2015 acceptable for GK (effective 10/26/15)
Subject Knowledge
Passing score on SAE after 7/1/2002
Passing score on SAE and specialization
Specialization and verification of subject competencies (Dance, School Social Work,
Administration of Adult Education, Local Dir. of Career and Technical)
ACTFL for World Languages except Spanish, French, German, Latin
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
New specialization rule for Administration of Adult Education
Professional Prep &
Educ. Competence:
Out-of-state Teacher Education program and PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
Revised 15 semester hours Professional Preparation courses (no special
methods required, ESOL required for all subjects, Reading required for all subjects
except administrative and specialty, only courses with “C” or higher), one year PTER,
Two semesters college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time +
ABCTE cert + PEC
Professional Training Option, PTER, PEC, PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
10-year limitation on tests
ACTFL replaces CT-114
Paperless certificates
SWD credit required for renewal & reinstatement
Banking SWD pts. in addition to Reading & ESOL pts.
Three-year Temp
GK mastery for employment (cont.)
Three-year SOE
ACE credit/transcripts acceptable
Special Educational Leadership Temporary Certificate option
Official Credential Evaluation for foreign degree/credit
Fingerprint Cards no longer acceptedFingerprints must be submitted to BEC using
Livescan service with ORI# FL92120Z
New VERSA REGULATIONS and VERSA ONLINE systemsall documents issued
before this date are not available in applicant’s online accounts
Fee no longer charged for duplicate certificate
Military waivers allowed for fees for some applications and test fees
Effective November 20, 2017
General Knowledge:
FL GK Test
CLAST option eliminated
Two semesters college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
GRE passed after 7/1/15 acceptable for GK (effective 10/26/15)
Subject Knowledge
Passing score on SAE after 7/1/2002
Passing score on SAE and specialization
Specialization and verification of subject competencies (Dance, School Social Work,
Administration of Adult Education, Local Dir. of Career and Technical)
ACTFL for World Languages except Spanish, French, German, Latin
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
ABCTE Certificate
New specialization rule for Administration of Adult Education
Professional Prep &
Educ. Competence:
Out-of-state Teacher Education program and PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS Certificate
Revised 15 semester hours Pro. Prep. courses (no special methods required,
ESOL required for all subjects, Reading required for all subjects except administrative
and specialty, only courses with “C” or higher), one year PTER, PEC, PET
Two semesters college teaching experience: full-time or equivalent part-time +
ABCTE Certificate + PEC
Professional Training Option, PTER, PEC, PET
Out-of-state standard certificate
NBPTS certificate
10-year limitation on tests
ACTFL replaces CT-114
Paperless certificates
SWD credit required for renewal & reinstatement
Banking SWD pts. in addition to Reading & ESOL pts.
Three-year Temporary Certificate
GK mastery for employment
Three-year SOE
ACE credit/transcripts acceptable
Special Education Leadership Temporary Certificate option
Official Credential Evaluation for foreign degree/credit
Fingerprints Cards no longer accepted Fingerprints must be submitted to BEC
using Livescan service with ORI# FL921620Z
New VERSA REGULATIONS and VERSA ONLINE systemsall documents issued
before November 20, 2017 are not available in applicant’s online accounts
Fee no longer charged for duplicate certificate
Military Certification Fee Waivers (MCFW)
The Florida legislature expanded opportunities for military personnel, veterans and their spouses to join the education
profession through passage of the “Don Hahnfeldt Veteran and Military Family Opportunity Act” (Chapter 2018-007,
L.O.F.). Effective July 1, 2018, the act provides the opportunity to request waivers of initial certification and
certification examination fees for active duty military personnel, honorably discharged veterans and their spouses or
surviving spouses.
Educator candidates who are eligible to apply for the Military Certification Fees Waiver (MCFW) include:
Active duty service members of the U.S. Armed Forces or reserve unit;
The spouses of active duty service members of the U.S. Armed Forces or reserve unit;
Veterans who were honorably discharged or retired from service as members of the U.S. Armed
Forces or reserve units;
The spouses of veterans who were honorably discharged or retired from service as members of the
U.S. Armed Forces or reserve units; or
The surviving spouses of veterans or service members who died while on active duty as members
of the U.S. Armed Forces or reserve units.
The educator candidate must apply for the waiver and submit the required documents. They may submit the
waiver request via the Military Certification Fee Waiver site at: https://web03.fldoe.org/MilitaryWaiver.
o They should not submit any applications for certification or register for any certification
examinations until they receive information on their request. Any application/fee submitted before
the waiver information is placed in the account will be reviewed for refund, if applicable. The FTCE
does not issue refunds for fees paid if the applicant did not enter a voucher code at the time
of registration.
o Note: Registration fees for the initial attempt on examinations for certification will be waived for
educator candidates granted MCFW eligibility.
If granted, a MCFW remains valid for up to five years upon determination of eligibility.
o The educator candidate may submit a new request for review according to eligibility requirements
in effect upon submission of the request for a new waiver after the validity period has ended.
Fees for the following certification services will be waived for individuals granted MCFWs:
$75.00 per subject for an initial certification application
$75.00 for an initial application for certification in athletic coaching
$75.00 for an application to upgrade from a Temporary to a Professional Certificate
$75.00 per subject for addition of a subject or endorsement to a valid certificate
The following chart provides minimum acceptable supporting documentation to determine eligibility. This
information is also provided online at http://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/military/.
Basis for Waiver of Fee
Documentation Required
Member of Armed Forces
Military ID card
Spouse of member of Armed Forces
Military dependent ID card (DD Form 1173)
Member of reserves, serving or served active duty
Military ID card and Activity Duty Report (DD Form
220); or
Military ID card and current orders for active duty
Spouse of member of reserves, serving or served
active duty
Military dependent ID card (DD Form 1173); or
Military dependent ID card (DD Form 1173-1) and
spouse’s DD Form 220 or spouse’s orders for active
Honorably discharged veteran
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
(DD Form 214 Member 4)
Spouse or surviving spouse of honorably
discharged veteran
DD Form 214 Member 4 of spouse and marriage
Honorably discharged veteran of reserves, served
active duty
DD Form 214 Member 4
Spouse of honorably discharged veteran of
reserves, served active duty
DD Form 214 Member 4 of spouse and marriage
Surviving spouse of member of armed forces on
active duty at time of death
Official documentation from Department of Defense
Surviving spouse of member of reserves on active
duty at time of death
Official documentation from Department of Defense
Additional documentation may be requested if documents provided by applicants do not contain sufficient information
to determine current eligibility or marital status. Expired documents cannot be used to establish eligibility.
Note: Do not send original documents to the Bureau of Educator Certification. Documents submitted to the Bureau of
Educator Certification become part of the applicant's permanent certification record and cannot be returned. All
documentation added to an educator’s permanent certification record is subject to Florida public records laws.
For other information regarding the processing of requests or eligibility requirements for a Military Certification Fee
Waiver, educator candidates will want to contact the Florida Department of Education via email at
Military Certification Fee Waivers Additional Guidance
The applicant is dependent
(child) of military service
Applicant is not eligible for the military certification fee waiver. Only eligible service members and
spouses may apply for a military waiver.
The applicant’s DD214
indicates “General (Under
Honorable Conditions)” for
character of service.
Applicant is not eligible for the military certification fee waiver. Only eligible service members with
“Honorable” for character of service are eligible for the military waiver.
The applicant wants to know
first step for applying for a
military waiver.
The educator will need to submit a waiver request at https://web03.fldoe.org/MilitaryWaiver.
The applicant has forgotten
his/her username or
The educator needs to contact technical support via email at [email protected] or call Toll free 1-
The applicant reports that
the account is not being
Educator must select “SSO Hosted Users” on the login page, not “Florida Department of Education.”
Enter the username provided via the welcome email.
Educator must select the corresponding school district on the login page if the account was created
using a district email address.
The applicant needs to
update their email address.
The educator can log into his/her account and update the “Applicant Profile.”
The applicant sends
documents via email after
additional information
Due to security and privacy concerns, applicants should never upload their military information via
The applicant is unsure
about documents to submit
for eligibility.
The applicant should refer to chart of waiver request site
(http://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/military/#MCFW) to determine minimum documents
required for eligibility.
The applicant refuses to
upload military ID due to
privacy concerns.
The Florida Division of Veterans’ Affairs (FDVA) sent a follow-up response about the regulations
involving military IDs clarifying that as a state government agency you are able to provide a copy of
your military ID per the information on this site: http://www.dodlive.mil/2017/05/11/did-you-know-
“This law does NOT apply to medical establishments like hospitals and doctor’s offices who are
allowed to make a copy for filing insurance claims. It also does not apply to other government
agencies that are using the copied ID to perform official government business.”
The applicant wants to know
which code to use when
submitting an eligible
certification application.
The applicant will not be prompted to submit a payment for the eligible certification application. No
special code is necessary.
*This is why they should wait until after they have submitted the waiver request and received the
email indicating that they are eligible for it to apply and/or register for examinations.
The applicant is eligible for
military waiver and
certification system is
requesting payment.
One of the following applies to the applicant:
- The application is not one of the eligible certification applications covered by the waiver.
Please see http://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/military/ for list of eligible
- The applicant did not properly onboard (or link) their certification account and he/she
should contact BEC technical assistance at http://www.fldoe.org/teaching/certification/staff-
- The applicant has created two records (entities) with different social security numbers and
he/she should contact BEC technical assistance at
The applicant submitted a
payment for an eligible
certification application.
Once eligible for the military waiver, BEC staff will determine if the applicant submitted payment for
an eligible certification application after July 1, 2018. BEC Staff will issue a refund if applicable.
The applicant wants to use
military waiver for retake of
certification examinations.
Military waiver test vouchers can only be used for initial attempts of certification examinations.
The applicant took or
passed exam(s) prior to or
after July 1, 2018 and he/she
requests reimbursement.
Reimbursements will not be issued for exams for which an applicant did not enter a voucher code at
the time of registration. Applicants are advised to wait for the email with the voucher code before
registering for an examination.
The applicant has other
examination related
questions (e.g., additional
vouchers, changing name of
examinations, have not
received voucher number,
Contact FTCE/FELE Customer Service: 866-613-3281 8 a.m.6 p.m., Mon. Fri., excluding
holidays (the Automated Information System is available by phone 24 hours daily).
Versa Regulations, VO-Staff, and VO-Public
Versa Regulations (VR) is a licensing system used by the Bureau of Educator Certification and certain authorized
district partners. This system is used to house all aspects of educator files including applications, file maintenance,
file review, and CT Form submission.
a) For access to Versa, you also need to have access to Stoneware. Stoneware is a portal that allows
authorized public school district personnel to access the Versa Regulation system; it also gives access to
test versions of the systems so that both new and veteran users can use those versions for testing and
practice in the Versa systems.
Districts are able to process certain "Renewal Applications" “Add Endorsement Via District” applications, “Add
Subject Via District” applications, “Addition of Subject to Temporary Certificates” applications, and “Addition of
Subject to Professional Certificate” applications.
a) The applicant must choose the correct affiliation (employing district) on the affiliation page of each
application so that the application will be routed to the district for processing.
b) There are some subjects that can only be processed by BEC.
VO-Staff is a custom interface for file review, form completion, and form submission used by authorized public
and private certification partners. Personnel who do not have access to VR may have access to VO-Staff.
Versa Online (VO-Public) is the online application system for certification. Applicants are able to:
View open applications, and submit or attach additional documents if the application is still open.
Verify that application documents have been attached to their file (official transcripts, copies of out-of-state
certificates, copies of documents required for name changes, I-9 forms, etc.).
Complete different applications for additions, renewals, etc.
Choose to apply for different license types, when applicable.
Update their contact email address.
Access public lookup to view certificate information (accessible to certificate holders, applicants, and the
general public).
*Please access your FL-ECT account for training modules that focus on the use of both Versa Regulations
and VO Staff at http://fl-ect.fldoe.org/index.cfm. For access to the training system, please contact
BECTECHHELP at BECTechHelp@fldoe.org.