K-12 Computer Science and Digital
Fluency Learning Standards
Grades K-12
Standards Examples
New York State
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
iety 1
Ethics 3
Accessibility 6
Career Paths 7
eling and Simulation 8
Data Analysis and Visualization 9
Abstraction and Decomposition
Algorithms and Programming
e and Software 17
Networks and the Internet
s 21
al Use 24
Digital Citizenship
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could discuss the differences between playing a board
game and a video game or mailing a letter and getting a text message.
Example 2: Students could create a T chart of things they do that use
technology and then compare that to how those tasks were accomplished before
technology. Tasks might include looking things up online, map application, online
Example 3: Have students take attendance on paper, then take attendance on
the schools SMS system. Discuss the differences.
Example 4: Students could compare and contrast a digital artifact from a
different decade/century to one of their classrooms today.
Example 1: Students could discuss how technology has impacted what jobs are
available, like IT support and website design.
Example 2: Students could be shown a card catalog and discuss how much more
difficult it was to find library books compared to now when they can use an online
catalog (OPAC) to search.
Example 3: Students could discuss how computer technology has made certain
jobs easier.
Example 1: Students could discuss how technology, such as GPS systems, have
influenced communication, relationships, travel, and the practices of cultural
traditions and customs. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 2: Students could interview an older family member and ask how they
were able to keep in touch with people that did not live close by and compare it
to the way that students may communicate with someone that lives elsewhere.
Example 3: Have students visit webpages that translate into different language
and discuss how this can help people with an internet connection access
information. (FOREIGN LANGUAGE)
Example 4: Students could compare answers where one group only uses book
resources and another group uses technology to answer questions. They can
then discuss how technology changes their availability to information.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could identify trade-offs with a new and emerging
technology, discussing how the technology could improve convenience, but also
impact personal privacy.
Example 2: Students could research how technology such as the Siri and Alexa
have changed the way to interact.
Example 3: Have students research history of computers. What factors made
computer more commonplace, what effects did that have on society/jobs?
Example 4: Have student’s snail mail a letter to themselves. Then send an
email. Discuss the differences and impacts this has had on society.
Example 1: Students could research how better access to information and/or
resources affects a population and develop a strategy and/or recommendation to
address the issue.
Example 2: Students could explore the digital divide and see what some of the
causes of it. Students could also explore what other issues are related to the
digital divide (ex. Poverty)
Example 3: Seeing a Dr. “online” instead of going to them. Discuss how this can
help access to healthcare.
Internet access across the world, ex. Africa. How to get it to them? Discuss
options and plans that already exist.
Example 1: Identify school rules to use computing technologies (e.g., don’t
share your password).
Example 2: Explore rules on time limits teachers place on technology use in the
classroom and why those limits are important.
Example 3: After discussing rules related to digital citizenship, students could
play a game of telephone. Discuss how students can’t stop one person from
telling others and how it can change from person to person.
Example 1: Compare classroom/playground rules with internet/computer rules
on chart paper with the class. Include the ways these rules are meant to keep
them safe.
Example 2: Students could create digital posters that show what information is
ok to share and what is not ok to share online.
Example 3: Compare devices with parental controls turned on versus off.
Discuss why these controls exist.
Example 1: Students could identify how government regulation of the internet
affects people’s access to information. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 2: Students could identify laws at the state level and at the national
level that address cybersecurity threats. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 3: Students could identify commissions that study and provide
guidance on laws related to computing technologies. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 4: Help students to understand the laws about digital information and
identify what are considered illegal postings, such as threatening others.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could research how laws protect intellectual property rights
of digital materials and how those laws changed the music industry. (SOCIAL
Example 2: Students can compare and contrast articles that showcase both
sides in recent plagiarism cases in the music industry. (ELA)
Example 3: Students can discuss how laws that govern road traffic have
changed with the advent of autonomous vehicles.
Example 4: Students can explore the creative commons and learn about why
people would want to freely share their works.
Example 1: Students could write a persuasive essay about a legal dilemma
related to an individual’s right to privacy being at odds with the safety, security,
or well-being of a community. (ELA)
Example 2: Students could investigate past internet crimes to see impacts on
current regulations. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 3: Students could discuss how app-based companies have led to new
laws about employment and the impact of these laws on employees and
employers. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 4: Students could discuss why copyright protection and attribution are
important to intellectual property and how easy it would be to use computer
technologies to steal other’s work. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 1: A teacher might keep a class log of all the different computing
technologies that they use, see, or read about throughout one school day.
Example 2: Students could track all of the ways they see technology throughout
the weekend to see technology outside of the classroom, such as an electronic
toothbrush that tells them how long to brush.
Example 3: Print pictures of different computer devices that students experience
every day. Include pictures of things that might have computer components, but
students might not realize are computers (e.g., cash register).
Example 1: Students could study the history of cell phones. They were invented
to communicate using voice only, but now they can also take pictures, record
sound, and allow video conferencing, browsing online content, and playing with
Example 2: Students can be “inventors” and design a technology that makes
their life easier. They can then explore technology that also relates to that field.
Example 3: Students can discuss the importance of where they get their
information from, and why it’s important to check their sources.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students might read an informational text about an interdisciplinary
topic and be able to explain the connection with computing technologies that
were presented in the text. (ELA)
Example 2: Student can post to a discussion board about a current event or
technology trend. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 3: Students can create digital artifacts about a new technology that
they explored.
Example 1: A teacher might have students find current articles about computing
technologies and discuss them in terms of ethical decisions and actions.
Example 2: Students can research what are the “ethics” of the internet? Who
came up with these ethics? Create their own set of ethics.
Example 3: Students can research current and past events dealing with
technology (Napster) and ethics. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 1: Students might develop and present an argument related to the
ethical responsibilities of technology companies.
Example 2: Ethical responsibilities of social media and where they fit in
reporting world events. Compare and contrast social media news feed to a real
news feed about a current event. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 1: A teacher can present a list of spaces (e.g., the classroom, the
teacher’s house, the library) and have students identify which spaces they can
access and which they cannot. Then the class can talk about the differences
between these spaces.
Example 2: The class can create a chart with public and private places and talk
about the differences, like a public park versus your back yard or a living room
versus a bathroom.
Example 1: Create a chart with students that identifies public websites vs.
private digital spaces. Examples can be a closed class space to share pictures vs.
pictures posted to social media.
Example 2: After discussing what is ok to share online, students create a
“billboard” of themselves. They can draw or write on a pretend billboard sign
anything that is ok to share online, no private information.
Example 1: Students could explain that things posted to online accounts can be
accessed by “friends” and “strangers” that they share data with.
Example 2: Talk about posting things on social media. What things do they need
to keep private? What settings should be turned on?
Example 3: Students could create a contract with their parents about what is ok
and not ok to post publicly.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could describe how facial recognition surveillance video is
used in a store to track customers for security or information about purchase
habits. Students might discuss who owns that data and what it is acceptable to
do with the data.
Example 2: Talk about posting things on social media. What things do they need
to keep private? What settings should be turned on?
Example 3: Students could create a contract with their parents about what is ok
and not ok to post publicly.
Example 1: Students could discuss the monitoring of road traffic. They might
discuss the trade-offs: changing signals in real time to improve road efficiency
and safety versus concerns around consent for personal data collection and
potential sharing of personal data with other agencies like the police department
or insurance companies.
This Standard begins in Grade Band 2–3
Example 1: Students can think about streaming services in terms of what
suggestions are offered based on viewing habits.
Example 1: Students could discuss how recommendation algorithms influence
what people select on video and music websites and applications.
Example 2: Students could discuss AI that is designed to help professionals
make decisions like algorithms that help doctors diagnose patients or that help
judges decide on sentencing.
Example 3: Students can create basic chat bots based on simple questions and
then use discuss how these can have real life uses.
Example 4: Have students use a maps program or GPS to give different route
options and then can pick which one to go based on a set of criteria (avoid tolls,
highways, fastest, etc.). (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 1: Students could argue that facial recognition software that works
better for certain skin tones was likely developed with a homogeneous testing
group and could be improved by sampling a more diverse population.
Example 2: Students could research current events and determine bias by
comparing reports on different sites/blogs/news outlets. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 3: Students could use a search engine to search images and search on
the word "grandma" and discuss whether the results of the images are expected,
representative, in what way biased.
Example 4: Identify and give examples of a bias that relate to the class (ex:
girls don’t like math, boys don’t take dance, boys like blue, girls like pink).
Example 1: Students might consider the ethical and social implications of police
departments using artificial intelligence to identify and respond to potential
criminal activity. Then make recommendations for how to make such a tool
increase equity in policing and mitigate unintended bias caused by the system.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could use both a mouse and a touch screen to operate a
Example 2: Voice recognition software and other assistive devices and
capabilities can be explored.
Example 1: Students might compare a travel keyboard with a standard
keyboard and note that one is easier to carry around but difficult to type with,
while the other might be easier to type with but difficult pack into a bag.
Example 2: Voice recognition software could be explored to see examples of
what makes it work well or not as well.
Example 3: Compare a laptop/chrome book/tablet to a desktop computer in a
chart with the class. Discuss where each would be better used.
Example 4: Students could be given a choice board to complete a collaborative
project. They can then discuss the benefits and drawbacks for each choice to
determine which would be best for the given activity.
Example 1: Students could use both text and speech when they create and
convey information in a game that they program. Students might make
recommendations for making an app easier to navigate.
Example 2: Analyze specific classroom applications from the perspective of
different disabilities and offer suggestions.
Example 1: Students might notice that allowing a user to change font sizes and
colors will not only make an interface usable for people with low vision but also
benefits users in various situations, such as in bright daylight or a dark room.
Example 2: Identifying current accessibility supports and how those can benefit
all users.
Example 3: Using a book review as a guiding document, students can write
reviews of devices and/or software applications. (ELA)
Example 1: Students could make sure that a website they are designing is ADA
compliant. Students might consider the needs of users with learning disabilities
when designing an educational app.
Example 2: Ask students brainstorm a design for differently abled persons ex.
No movement, missing arm, blind, etc. How can they access technology?
Example 3: Students could do a project where they develop a protype of a
device to help students with disabilities use computer technology easier.
Example 4: Students could create a computer application to assist those with
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Career Paths
Example 1: Students can take turns identifying jobs that use devices (e.g.,
cashier, engineer, teacher, IT support, etc.).
Example 1: Students could take on the role of “programmer” during computer
science lessons. A teacher might emphasize that programmers collaborate to
solve problems with code.
Example 2: Students can study inventions that were created by youth and
explore fields of study as a nonfiction project.
Example 3: Students can search for different types of computer science jobs on
the internet with teacher supervision.
Example 1: A teacher might provide leveled articles for students to read about
people in computer science that reflect diversity in race/ethnicity, gender,
disability, sexual orientation, and other characteristics. (ELA)
Example 2: A teacher could invite experts from various fields to video chat or
visit the classroom to showcase what they do and allow students to ask
Example 3: Have students watch a video on diverse fields in computer science.
Example 4: Students could research historical figures in Computer Science and
computer device history. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 1: A teacher might spotlight different careers and then have students
develop a mind map for the classroom wall that connects all the different career
Example 2: Students can view videos about STEM careers on web sites and
create dream boards of what they would like to do as a scientist.
Example 3: Have students investigate how technology is used is a wide range of
careers (e.g., doctor, post office, cashier, teacher, etc.).
Example 4: Have students research how technology is used in each of their
Example 1: A student interested in fashion design could conduct interviews and
do research to find out how computer science intersects with that field.
Example 2: Students can do virtual field trips to labs and various locations to
learn about different fields of science. (SCIENCE)
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Modeling and Simulation
Example 1: Students can study the patterns of snowflakes or butterflies to finish
a missing pattern. (SCIENCE)
Example 2: Studying plants and animals in science can identify a real-world
pattern (e.g., butterfly wings) and extend it through their own drawings.
Example 3: Students could study origami and discuss how the folding is a
pattern and an algorithm. (ARTS)
Example 1: Students could use tangram manipulatives to create models of
different buildings in their neighborhood. Then, the class could compare the
models to identify common shapes within the building models.
Example 2: Students can simulate the first four numbers in a number pattern
through an unplugged activity (e.g., the teacher labels tiles on the floor with the
numbers 110 and asks four students to stand on tiles 2, 4, 6, and 8). Then
students discuss the relationship between the numbers and the number of tiles
between students and then they predict the next value in the pattern. (MATH)
Example 3: Students can make posters depicting the life cycles of various
animals. They can use these posters to identify similarities and differences in the
lives of different animals. (SCIENCE)
Example 1: Students could use the movement of a rope to simulate a sound
wave and then explain what happens (in terms of pitch) if they slow down (lower
pitch) or speed up (higher pitch) the oscillations modeled by the simulation of
sound waves using the rope. (SCIENCE)
Example 2: Students could connect input/output to science with plants and the
impact when the inputs change (e.g., light, watering). (SCIENCE)
Example 3: Students an connect it to changing ingredients or amounts of
ingredients in a recipe changes the outcome. They can compare this to a
computer system.
Example 4: Students could connect it to exercise and how the heart rate
changes based on different inputs. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION)
Example 1: Students could compare the accuracy of weather models based on
research of the inputs. (SCIENCE)
Example 2: Students can use simple coding robots that can help students
quickly see their input produce an output.
Example 3: Students could compare different activity trackers and how
accurately they calculate heart rate based on different sports. (PHYSICAL
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students collect data and use graphing software to create a linear
graph, logarithmic graph, and polynomial graph to determine which best
addresses the required output. (MATH, SCIENCE)
Example 2: Students in government classes could develop a model to predict
election results for specific areas based on data related to importance of issues.
Example 3: Students in literature classes could gather data on features of books
(e.g., number of pages, length of title, number of main characters) to create a
model that predicts the genre of the book based on these features. (ELA)
Example 4: Have students use the word predictor on their phones to see how
correct it is. What improvements can they make?
Data Analysis and Visualization
Example 1: Students can create and read data from charts and graphs made
about their classroom interests. (MATH, SCIENCE)
Example 2: Take a “field trip” to the cafeteria and have students see what
happens when they buy lunch and how it counts in the system.
Example 3: Students could chart/read data by using numbers, pictures, audio,
video, and/or collections of objects.
Example 1: Students could identify automated sensors, such as the automated
doors, a Fitbit, digital thermometers, and an accelerometer in devices.
Example 2: Students could tour their school building and identify tools used to
collect data about students and the school (e.g., bulletin board in the library
tracking number of books read by students).
Example 1: Students could create a classroom poll or survey using digital tools
and report the results to the class.
Example 2: Put out a survey to the school community to gather feedback on
lunch choices, new recess equipment, etc. and see how the survey populates a
spreadsheet to show the data.
Example 3: Students could use digital balances to collect the masses of different
objects to identify the heaviest object. (SCIENCE)
Example 4: Students can enrich their scientific inquiry by using a digital
platform to collect data from an experiment. (SCIENCE)
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could collect temperature data with a sensor and distribute
a digital form to community members for a community planning project in which
they make recommendations about recreational needs in different types of
weather. (SCIENCE).
Example 2: Students could survey students to develop a data table and graph of
favorite meals to help develop a menu. (MATH)
Example 3: Students could collect a variety of data to create a computational
artifact in multiple subject areas.
Example 1: Students could gather and analyze data on the mood and tone of
different music genres using a variety of different tools. Students could use a
web scraper or API to count the frequency of specific words in the song lyrics, a
sound sensor to measure pitch, or a digital survey to capture people’s moods
after listening to each song. (MUSIC)
Example 2: Students could use computational approaches to pull existing data
from other sources to create a computational artifact in multiple subject areas.
Example 1: Have students poll the class on their favorite food, color, game etc.,
then compare bar charts, line and/or pie graphs to best show the information.
Example 2: Students could count and chart the number of pieces of each color
of candy in a bag of candy, such as Skittles or M&Ms. (SCIENCE, MATH)
Example 1: Students could collect temperature data over a week then use it to
create a data table and line graph. They could then use the graph to
communicate what the weather was like that week. (SCIENCE, MATH)
Example 2: Compare attendance data within a class and across a grade level
comparing the results. (MATH)
Example 1: Students could use a spreadsheet program to create a data table
and graph of student interests and hobbies in their class and sort them by
category. (MATH)
Example 2: Students could sort a data set of sports teams by wins, points
scored, or points allowed. (MATH)
Example 3: Students could collect a variety of data to highlight relationships and
persuade an audience in multiple subject areas.
Example 1: Students could access government data sets for science (tide,
hurricane data, sunrise/sunset) and sort and analyze the data to get specific
information to support a claim. (SCIENCE)
Example 2: Students can use a database program to create a pivot table to
summarize multidimensional player stats from their favorite sport in order to tell
a story or support a claim about a player’s career. (MATH, SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 3: Students could locate tabular data presented in a news article and
refine this data to create a visualization highlighting trends in different
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could combine a data set on average household income by
zip code and a data set on health by zip code in order to identify differences in
occurrences of asthma based on locale and income in order to persuade an
audience to take action on environmental social justice issues. (SCIENCE,
Abstraction and Decomposition
Example 1: When giving directions to other students, it may be possible to
create a “named” sub-direction that can be a part of other directions (e.g., going
to the cafeteria may start with go to the library).
Example 2: Students could imagine a new student joined the class and is not
familiar with the class routines. Then the students could discuss the different
steps needed to get ready to go home from school that they would share with the
new student.
Example 3: When solving an addition problem, students can decompose one of
the addends into the sum of two smaller numbers. The class can discuss the
different decompositions they created. This could be used as part of the math
making 10 strategy. (MATH)
Example 1: Students could write down possible steps to get from one room to
another at school. Students can then compare their steps with their classmates
to identify similarities and differences.
Example 1: Students could plan a classroom party by separating the task
(party) into subtasks such as food, activities, and prizes. The subtasks could then
be broken down into further into steps like determining which activities could be
present and planning what order to do each activity.
Example 2: Science experiments where something is built (like a circuit) and
what parts are repeated vs changed. (SCIENCE)
Example 3: Students can determine how to write their name with the least
amount of pen strokes, or on a computer program, the least number of steps.
Example 1: Students could write a simple game or animation, introducing some
functions to name meaningful collections of steps.
Example 2: Give students a program that creates a number of boxes by
repeatedly drawing lines. The students can decompose the program by writing a
function to draw one box and calling this function a number of times.
Example 1: Students who want to create an app that solves a community
problem might first break down the project as: front-end, back-end, and
data/API. They could then take one subsystem at a time and break it down
further by programmable features (i.e. The front-end might need a form, a
button, a menu, and a list of links.)
Example 1: Students could look at different classroom instructions, such as “put
away the books in the green bin”, and create other ways of explaining the
instructions with more (e.g., put away the books in the green bin next to the
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
bookshelf) and with less (e.g., put away the books) detail without changing the
essence of the task.
Example 1: Students could observe that they know how to deliver an item to
another classroom just by being told the item and the room number; they do not
need to be told how to walk or how to carry the item.
Example 1: Students could tabulate the results of a survey noting that they are
asked to compute the sum or average of multiple different columns within a
dataset. (MATH)
Example 1: Students can generalize many similar functions to one function such
as generalizing individual functions that draw a square, draw a triangle, and draw
an octagon to a single function that draws a polygon based on an input for the
number of sides. (MATH)
Example 1: Students could modify a function that they implemented to average
a set of scores by replacing some lines of code with built-in mathematical
functions. (MATH)
Algorithms and Programming
Example 1: A teacher might lead students in following an algorithm that tells the
class how to line up for recess. Students could follow an algorithm on how to
build a simple structure with manipulatives (e.g., blocks, cups, etc.) or how to
complete a simple classroom task.
Example 2: Connect to math steps to show different ways to solve problems.
Example 3: Students could practice origami and learn how to follow simple
directions to complete the task. (ARTS)
Example 4: Students can write down algorithms for processes they do in class.
Example 1: Students could plan two routes for a robot or other character to
reach the same location.
Example 2: Students could write “How To” guides for the same task. Students
might showcase their work, explaining the steps. (ELA)
Example 3: Students could use printed out arrows to create an algorithm for
different ways of getting through a maze. Students would place the arrows on
the grid to get a character through the maze.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could compare algorithms for making a culturally relevant
food item (i.e. pb&j, doner, bahn mi, etc.). Students could then choose an
algorithm and explain the reason for their choice. Possible reasons for their
choices might include the detail, the fewest steps, or it describes the process
most similar to how they make the item at home.
Example 2: Compare math approaches for a designated problem and see which
is more efficient and why. (MATH)
Example 3: Students could plan two routes to a certain location and compare
the routes to see which is faster, less mileage or fewest stop lights. Then discuss
which is the best route and why. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 1: Students could create and compare routes suggested by a mapping
app and refine the route based on knowledge of the area near their school or
Example 2: Students could write an algorithm to draw a geometric shape and
refine the algorithm by creating new versions of it until it has no unnecessarily
repeating code.
Example 1: Students could be asked to look for a specific value in a sorted data
set using a sequential search and then a binary search. They can count the
number of comparisons it takes to find the value.
Example 2: Students could model sorting algorithms with books on a bookshelf
and contrast different methods in terms of shelf space and the time spent.
Example 3: Students could use merge sort and bubble sort to order a set of
playing cards.
Example 4: Students could remix a simple program that uses insertion sort to
order a class generated data set.
Example 1: Given a set of animals that live in the students’ region, the teacher
might have students come up with different possible labels for groups of like
animals (e.g., birds, plant-eating animals, etc.). Then, the teacher can show the
students how the animals in each labeled group might change when using
animals from different regions. (SCIENCE)
Example 2: Students could identify concepts in their classroom whose value
changes, such as the current date, the current weather, or the current student in
a particular classroom job.
Example 1: Students could read the lyrics of a song and label its different
components (e.g., verse, chorus). They can discuss which components change
(e.g., verses) and which stay the same (e.g., chorus). (MUSIC)
Example 2: Students could create a plan for arranging tables at a party,
providing a name for factors such as number of tables and number of attendees.
Students can then identify which factors change if there are 10 vs. 20 vs. 100
people who attend.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students can explore how their history of recent documents change
over the course of time, depending on what files they are opening. Another
example can be music applications that track the number of times a song is
Example 1: Students could create a fill-in-the-blank story that stores user input
in different variables and displays the completed story back to the user. (ELA)
Example 2: Students could program a game that uses a score variable to store
the users points while playing the game.
Example 1: Students could create a list and associate it with a variable name
then add elements to the list, observing that the same name can be used to
access the updated contents.
Example 2: Students could create a website that includes a form field that
stores user input and adds it to a dictionary with key/value pairs.
Example 1: Students could identify simple tasks, like teeth brushing, that have
repeated steps.
Example 2: Students could play a familiar song (happy birthday) or recite a
Example 1: Students could choreograph a dance using an algorithm. They would
identify when dance steps are repeated. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION)
Example 1: Students could guide a paper mouse through a maze to find cheese
by developing a set of rules for the “mouse” to follow. Rules could include the
following: move forward one space and repeat until the mouse hits a wall, and if
there is a wall, turn left then move forward.
Example 2: Students could program a math quiz that uses conditionals to check
the user’s answers and display a response. The students could use a loop to
make a sprite dance when the user completes the quiz. (MATH)
Example 3: Students could use Boolean expressions and conditionals to analyze
a group of numbers.
Example 1: Students could remix a program that draws a square by adding
nested loops to draw grids.
Example 2: Students could use loops and compound conditionals to create a
program that either prints all multiples of a number or all factors of the number
depending on if the number is even or odd. (MATH)
Example 1: Students could program a choose-your-own-adventure game that
uses multiple choice options and probability to determine outcomes.
Example 2: Students could program a game that utilizes multiple control
structures within a game loop.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: As a class, students could create an algorithm for a classroom task,
like sharpening pencils or washing hands, then try out the directions and fix any
Example 2: Students could use a simple robot to give directions on a grid. If
they weren’t successful in coding to the right location, the students could state
where the bug was and how they can fix it. They can then reprogram the robot to
see if their debugging was successful.
Example 1: Different groups can create algorithms for classroom tasks, and the
other groups can follow them and identify what was wrong in the instructions
given and what needs to be clarified.
Example 2: Teachers could give the students directions to go to a specific
landmark but include one wrong turn. Students identify the wrong turn and
determine the correct set of directions.
Example 3: Discuss proof reading and why fixing mistakes helps your work.
Include homonyms. (ELA)
Example 1: Students could describe how a sprite will behave when different
values are passed into a conditional statement.
Example 2: Students could consider code snippets with bugs and collaborate
with peers to find the errors by reading and discussing the code.
Example 3: Students can create steps for a problem in multiple subject areas,
then have another student follow the steps exactly. Describe and debug any
Example 1: Students could trace through a program using a variety of inputs to
determine the result.
Example 2: Students could look at a premade code and what the program
should look like after the code is executed. They could then determine where the
bug is and fix the code.
Example 1: Students could test the boundaries of input values and the outcome
of each branch in a conditional statement.
Example 1: Students could develop a plan with the class to compare two
characters in a story. The class could create a chart to document their
comparison with sections of the document numbered to correspond to each step
of the plan. (ELA)
Example 2: Have students outline the steps to tying their shoes or getting ready
for lunch and create a diagram showing each of the steps.
Example 1: Students could develop a story map or storyboard to illustrate the
steps their class takes to walk from their classroom to the cafeteria.
Example 2: As a group, students can create an algorithm representing a process
of getting ready for school in the morning. Students then might revise the
algorithm to reflect their own morning routines.
Example 3: Students could modify an existing class routine to accommodate a
special event or schedule change.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Starting with a specific issue or topic (e.g., recycling) students
explore the issue or topic and then use the iterative design process to create and
deliver a presentation to the class describing the different steps that were taken
to revise the presentation. (SCIENCE)
Example 2: Students could play a game where they try to solve problems faster
than a computer. They can then describe the solutions they tried and how the
revised their approach.
Example 3: Students should keep a reflective journal for each of their coding
projects. They could explain the problem their program is solving, how they
decided how to do it including revisions they made along the way, debugging
they did, and how the program worked. (ELA)
Example 4: Students could write a persuasive essay on a topic of their choosing,
get feedback from a classmate on what was or was not convincing, and then
revise the essay. They can also describe how they revised their essay based on
the classmate’s feedback. (ELA)
Example 1: Conducting ‘empathy interviews’ (as part of the design thinking
process), students can discover a particular problem or issue a person wants
solved. Then, using this information, students can design a program/’app’ that is
meant to solve the identified problem in a meaningful way.
Example 2: As a class, students can create a guidebook for next year’s students.
How to use the programs, what to do if something goes wrong, year-long
project. (ELA)
Example 3: Students can take pictures of their work and record a video of them
explaining their steps for classmates to try.
Example 1: Using a web-based version control platform to share and comment
on a program/app, students can engage in collaborative practices common
among software developers. Additionally, writing in-line comments within one or
more source code file(s) allows students to communicate how a particular part of
a program is intended to function.
Example 2: Students could use in-line code comments to document and explain
what their code should do. Teachers should model this and explain how the
documentation allows for easier debugging of their programs.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Hardware and Software
Example 1: Students could label a diagram of a computing system with the
words input and output, or students could sort images of computer components
into input and output columns on a t-chart.
Example 2: Students can identify examples of input/output in their daily lives
(e.g., putting money into a vending machine and getting out a ticket/soda/toy)
and work with the teacher to group the examples into the input or output
Example 3: Print pictures of different computer devices that students experience
every day. Include pictures of things that might have computer components, but
students might not realize are computers (e.g., cash register).
Example 4: Discuss how input and output can be similar to our ‘human senses’,
such as hearing is input, and touch is both input/output.
Example 1: Students could use multiple ways to receive data such as keyboard,
microphone, camera, and a stream of data; and on ways it can present results,
such as [changing] pictures on a screen, sounds, and [lists of] numbers.
Example 2: Students can try out different input/output methods, such as text
can be input through a keyboard, a touch screen, or even microphone (voice to
Example 3: Student could use sensors (e.g., temperature, motion, heat, light)
to collect input. (SCIENCE)
Example 1: Students could make recommendations on how to improve a tool,
device, or app based on their experiences or those of their classmates.
Example 2: Students studying the Industrial Revolution can propose
improvements to inventions during that time. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 3: Discuss sensors and different outputs beyond typical, i.e., if
temperature rises then ac is turned on.
Example 1: Students could design a game controller that is accessible for a
person with limited hand and arm movement. Students could design apps that
encourage healthy living and consider factors like motivation to use the app and
ease of use.
Example 2: Students can be ‘inventors’ and design a technology that assists an
individual with a disability by making it easier to access technology.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students might design medical devices that can be embedded inside
a person to cure a specific illness, regulate a specific function of the body, or give
enhanced ability.
Example 2: Students might propose embedded systems that address public
health and safety such as coming up with solutions that use embedded systems
in a car to address car accidents, texting while driving, pets overheating when
left alone in a car, etc.
Example 3: Students can design a new hybrid car or household appliance that
uses less unrenewable energy.
Example 1: Using images of different computing devices (e.g., computer station,
tablet, printer), students could match labels with hardware components.
Example 2: Students can create a technology vocabulary journal. (ELA)
Example 3: Students can compare devices that do (e.g., a smart board marker,
a calculator, a tablet) with those that do not (e.g., a pencil, an abacus, a book).
Example 1: Students can explain how to use apps, web browsers, operating
systems, as well as internal hardware, CPU, motherboard, and memory.
Example 2: Students can discuss the difference between apps, browsers, and
operating systems. Teachers can compare the body/mind connection to
hardware/software to help students understand the differences.
Example 1: Students can draw the computing system, program an animation of
how the computer system works, or act it out in some way.
Example 2: Students can sketch or diagram their computer and explain what
each part does and how it is part of the overall computer.
Example 1: Students could design an app for finding free filtered water stations
in the area that would use GPS, magnetometer, and touch screen sensors as well
as the phone’s WIFI and a map API.
Example 1: Students could create a diagram representing the levels of
interaction involved in text editing. They would show that software interacts with
the operating system to receive input from the keyboard, convert the input to
bits for storage, and interpret the bits as readable text to display on the monitor.
Example 1: Students might notify a teacher when an application or device is not
working as expected. Rather than saying, “It doesn’t work,” a student might
describe things like, “The device will not turn on,” or “The sound doesn’t work.”
Example 1: Students should try to fix a simple error like their monitor will not
turn on (make sure it’s plugged in).
Example 1: A teacher might lead students in creating a classroom checklist for
basic problems, such as the device not responding, no power, no network
connection, application crashing, no sound, or password entry not working.
Example 1: Students can create their own basic troubleshooting guide for simple
computer issues to publish to students in lower grades. (ELA)
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could follow a troubleshooting flowchart that guides them
through a process of checking connections and settings, changing software to see
if hardware will work, and swapping in working components.
Example 2: As a class, students can create a guidebook for next year’s students.
How to use the programs, what to do if something goes wrong, year-long
project. (ELA)
Example 3: Students can create scaffolded with flowcharts or checklists for their
diagnostic process to fix any problems.
Example 1: Students could create step by step instructions for a help desk
employee. (ELA)
Example 2: Students could create a troubleshooting flowchart for anyone using
a school device.
Example 3: Establish a student-run help desk for other students. Have them be
a resource for those who are having simple issues. Students could model how to
troubleshoot for other students.
Networks and the Internet
Example 1: Students could explain how they would send a letter to a person in
another city. They can identify the rules for mailing letters (e.g., using stamps),
and why those rules exist (e.g., because getting the letter from point A to point B
involves lots of different people). The rules help keep everything coordinated.
Example 2: Students can pretend to be parts of a network and play the game
“telephone” to understand how a message can travel.
Example 1: Students could learn about Morse code, which converts letters into a
series of taps. This allows the message to be sent through physical objects (e.g.,
tapping on a wall to send a message to someone in the next room). The taps can
also be converted into electrical signals that can be sent through wires.
Example 2: Students could research how telephones work.
Example 1: The teacher could run a series of live simulations in which students
act out the flow of information through servers, routers, and other devices to
transmit a message.
Example 2: A teacher might have students cut up a map of the United States,
then place the states in envelopes and transmit the "packets" through a physical
network of students. At the destination, the packets could then be reassembled
back into a map of the United States. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could devise a plan to represent a long text-based
message as chunks of data and how it would be reassembled at the destination.
An unplugged example would include the use of zip codes and barcodes for a
letter to travel through the post office system.
Example 2: Students can simulate how information is sent in packets by doing a
relay race. Each student will have a different part of the message and compete
to see who can race to get the whole message to the other side the fastest.
Example 1: Students could explain how hierarchy in the DNS supports scalability
and reliability.
Example 2: Students could create a computational artifact that explains the path
of data transmission from their device to a website hosted on another continent
and back using the network (including but not limited to servers, routers, etc.).
Example 1: Students can make a list of devices they use at home and at school
that store their name.
Example 1: Have students identify multiple places to store information, like hard
drives, thumb drives and cloud storage.
Example 1: Students could explain the difference between video games that are
stored locally, that you can play without internet, and other games are stored on
a server and cannot be played without internet.
Example 2: Students can compare different TV/Movie offerings based on how
the media is stored and accessed (DVR, cloud, download, etc.).
Example 3: Students could explain the difference between saving a file to their
device (local copy) and saving it to the network or cloud (remote copy). Then
figuring out which one they would no longer be able to access if the internet went
Example 1: Students could create a diagram that illustrates the use of remote
storage in cloud computing, a school's data server, or distributed media.
Students could discuss how local copies of data are synced with data from the
remote server.
Example 2: Have students understand storage sizes and what suits their needs,
the needs of small businesses, schools, large businesses, etc.
Example 1: Students could create a diagram that illustrates how a photo they
take with their phone gets uploaded to the internet and then synced to their
other devices.
Example 2: Students might discuss how cloud computing affects the scale of
networks and access to shared resources.
Example 3: Discuss and research how emerging technologies have advanced
health care services.
Example 4: Students could discuss how companies are responding to increased
use of streaming services and bandwidth limitations.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could discuss what might happen if they post information
on a bulletin board in the hallway of school (public) about a surprise birthday
party for a classmate (private).
Example 1: Students could take strips of paper with information like phone
numbers, birthdays, pets names, passwords, etc. Then place the paper strips into
the categories “ok to share with everyone,” “ok to share with people you know,”
and “keep private” on a shared chart.
Example 2: Create cards with two characters digital footprints. One person
would have a digital footprint that contains a lot of personal and private
information, the other would have some. Have students discuss when and what is
ok to share.
Example 1: Students could discuss the type of data needed for different
adversarial behaviors such as information that can be used for identity theft,
cyberbullying, political influence, or ransomware attacks.
Example 1: Students could think about their personal information and devices
that need to be protected and discuss how adversaries might use the data or
computing resources if accessed.
Example 1: Students could research events in business, industry, and
government involving organizational security breaches and pinpoint the type of
data and resources compromised and how it was used.
Example 2: Students could research past events how some systems are hacked
- baby monitors, ring doorbells, Alexa, Nest, etc.
Example 1: Students could demonstrate that they know how to log in and out of
any devices and accounts used for classroom work or other applications.
Example 2: Discuss why passwords are important and what makes a password
strong or weak.
Example 1: Students can discuss and chart positive online behaviors and
harmful behaviors that can put their personal information at risk.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could create a guide to everyday digital security
safeguards for students in another grade. The guide could teach them how to
implement different safeguards in the classroom and at home. (ELA)
Example 1: The teacher might provide different scenarios and students can pick
safeguards appropriate to the situation from a list that the class generated
Example 2: Students can identify situations where common safeguards would
not work. For example, 2-step authentication will not work if someone is using
their mobile phone as the authentication device and they are in an area without
cell phone coverage.
Example 1: Formulate recommendations for setting up a secure home or small
business network.
This Standard begins in Grade Band 2–3
Example 1: Students could discuss who has access to shared accounts and why
it might be both helpful and risky. They might consider an account that is shared
with family members to stream movies or an educational app that is shared by
the entire class.
Example 1: Students could list the pros and cons of sharing pictures and
information about their activities on social media.
Example 2: Share examples of viral moments and how the people are impacted.
Explain what “clickbait” is and show examples of it.
Example 3: Students can discuss ads they see that might be too good to be
true. Students can also discuss scams and how they try and trick you to give
Example 1: Students could examine the pros and cons of using different
methods of authentication, for example passwords, biometrics, or key-fobs and
the trade-offs of using single-factor vs multi-factor authentication.
Example 1: Students could analyze high profile cybersecurity breaches from the
perspectives of competing audiences, including individuals, corporations, privacy
advocates, security experts, and government.
Example 1: Students could brainstorm different ways to send a secret message.
Example 2: Students can use coded messages to learn letters and sounds. (ELA)
Example 1: Students could make their own simple code with a partner and
exchange messages.
Example 1: Students could use a cipher or Vigenere Square to encrypt a
message for a classmate. the classmate can use the same cipher to decrypt the
Example 1: Students could do a basic frequency analysis of a message
encrypted with a Caesar Shift to determine how easy it would be to break it.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students could research the role of Navajo Code Talkers and the
Enigma machine during World War II and how it relates to the use of private and
public keys. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 2: Students could do a report on the cryptography used to secure
Bitcoin and what general ways it could be improved. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 1: Based on classroom rules, students could explain when and where it
is appropriate to click on links which can be words, pictures, etc.
Example 1: Students could explain that they should not click on pop-ups or
click-bait in an app or online, and also report any unusual behavior such as
applications not loading or opening.
Example 2: Students explain the similarities between chatting online and real
life with strangers.
Example 3: Students can discuss the impact of accidental voice ordering or
Example 1: Students could review sample email messages and describe features
that suggest suspicious behavior.
Example 2: Have students research how to recognize “spam” and create a
warning guide.
Example 1: Students could explain the value of running malware scans and
removal tools on devices as soon as unusual behavior is observed.
Example 2: Students could recommend changing passwords immediately after
an account is compromised and create sample secure passwords and
Example 1: Students could discuss how organizations could respond to data
theft involving customer information.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Digital Use
Example 1: Students can practice spelling their name and sight words. (ELA)
Example 2: Students can use a keyboard to type words beginning with a letter
of the alphabet for a class book or presentation. (ELA)
Example 1: Students use a keyboard to type a narrative written during a writing
workshop to create a class book of stories. (ELA)
Example 1: Students use a school-selected online keyboarding program to learn
the fundamentals of keyboarding.
Example 2: Student analyze their rate progress and letters that are challenging
using data produced by the program. They can then create a presentation using
those data to show their progress.
Example 1: Students regularly type on keyboards as they use technology
throughout the school day.
Example 2: Students can learn how to write mathematical equations and DBQ’s
for more practice. (MATH, SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 3: Students could use keyboarding techniques in multiple subject areas
to type papers, and create presentations, or reports.
Example 1: Students are able to type on a keyboard with enough automaticity
that they can fluently and fluidly transfer thoughts to computer.
Example 2: Have students try to fill in a blank keyboard from memory.
Example 1: Students collaboratively build a list of their favorite books, and the
teacher posts the list on their class website.
Example 1: Students can each poll the class on different likes/dislikes and
present the information to the class.
Example 2: Students use a shared online document to add to a graphic
organizer about a book read in a Guided Reading lesson. (ELA)
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students use a school-approved digital tool to type a request to an
expert (author, zoologist, museum curator), asking him or her to speak to their
classroom; collaboratively generate a list of questions to ask; and connect with
the expert over a digital conferencing tool.
Example 2: Students use a shared online document to provide feedback on
peers’ work and track changes over time.
Example 3: Students can use email in an appropriate manner to ask a teacher
or other school professional a question. They can state when it is appropriate to
email someone versus instant message versus phone call.
Example 1: Students communicate through digital conferencing tools with
students from other countries about voting rights. Students collaboratively create
an original product (report, presentation, podcast) based on the conversations,
post to a shared site, and provide feedback to peers on their products. (ELA,
Example 2: When using a shared online document, students know how to share
a document with other students so that they can work on the document
Example 3: Students could use communication and collaboration in multiple
subject areas to create group presentations, or reports.
Example 1: Students identify a local issue of interest/concern, collaborate on a
solution, collaboratively create a digital product, and give presentations to
authentic audiences.
Example 2: Students can create a school PSA video with narration in a group
about a current events topic (environment, pet adoption, no smoking, etc.).
Example 1: Students use a teacher provided key word to find appropriate
picture(s) related to a search.
Example 2: Students each create 1 page for searched images for an alphabet,
or animal book. (ELA)
Example 1: Students can be given a topic and they decide on a short list of key
words to search for that topic.
Example 2: Students could use search tools in multiple subject areas on a
multitude of topics.
Example 1: Students search for articles published after 2018 and pictures
licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial license to create a
presentation on endangered ecosystems. (SCIENCE)
Example 2: Students can create an Explain Anything video to show the steps in
a science experiment and display the artifacts in the process. (SCIENCE)
Example 3: Students can use a search to find information on their town history
and share with the class. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students compare results when they search on multiple engines;
conduct a search, clear their cache/cookies and then conduct a search again; and
conduct a search on a mobile device versus a desktop.
Example 2: Students can compare web searches and databases searches and
evaluate how databases are going to produce more reliable results compared to
web searches that have to process more data.
Example 3: Students can experiment with searching with one keyword versus
multiple or key phrases.
No Standard; Mastery reached by Grade 8
Example 1: Students will begin to use digital tools to create something, like a
class presentation or an About Me document. (ELA)
Example 2: Students could use a digital camera and other tools to create a
project about plant growth. (SCIENCE)
Example 1: Student can use presentation software for an individual book report
or for a group project. (ELA)
Example 2: Students could use a variety of digital tools and resources to create,
revise and/or publish artifacts in multiple subject areas.
Example 1: Students create a digital story to demonstrate understanding of a
concept, such as the branches of government. (SOCIAL STUDIES)
Example 2: Students can show the life cycle of plants or animals using a
presentation tool. (SCIENCE)
Example 1: In collaborative groups, students create anti-cyberbullying
commercials and an accompanying infographic for parents on ways they can help
kids spot and report cyberbullying.
Example 1: For a project that allows students to represent learning in
different/multiple ways, students choose the tools to use and write a justification
why they were the best choices.
This Standard begins in Grade Band 4–6.
This Standard begins in Grade Band 4–6.
Example 1: Students start to identify similar buttons in word processing
programs, or in other applications.
Example 1: Students familiar with a desktop presentation software
(PowerPoint/Keynote) use an online presentation tool to create a presentation.
Example 2: Students familiar with spreadsheets can start to explore database
Example 1: Students choose an emerging technology and use it create a
simulation of a principle of physics. (SCIENCE)
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Digital Citizenship
This Standard begins in Grade Band 2–3.
Example 1: The teacher leads a discussion about photos found online: how
people post them, how they sometimes let other people see them, and
sometimes they choose to keep them private, and how if the students are playing
a game and the game wants to take their picture, they need to ask a responsible
grown-up if it’s okay.
Example 2: The teacher can introduce students to the differences between
blogs, social media, news sources and provide examples of public records,
personal web pages, social media posts, etc.
Example 1: Students use a tool that displays archived versions of websites
(such as “Wayback Machine”) to research how information is available even if it
seems to be deleted.
Example 2: Introduce students to “terms and conditions”/rules of websites.
Example 3: Students could analyze school-used digital resources looking at
student privacy and explain why each site is OK or not OK for school.
Example 1: Students create guides for an adult (family member, celebrity,
fictional character) on how to manage online identity and actions that affect
someone’s digital footprint.
Example 2: Have students review the “terms and conditions” of a commonly
used site/app. Have them note anything surprising or confusing.
Example 3: Students can research how someone’s digital footprint negatively
impacted their life.
Example 1: Students create diagrams/infographics that illustrate the myriad
sites that might collect data on an individual, the accumulation of which is a
digital footprint.
Example 2: Students create an online portfolio showcasing sample work and
resume that could be shared with potential employers or college admissions
Example 3: Have students pretend to be college admissions and give them
some sample digital footprints of potential students. Who would get into the
college? Who would not? Why?
Example 1: Students hold up red light/green light signs at teacher prompts
about actions with technology/in online environments, such as “Share your
password,” “Go to sites linked from our class webpage,” “Write something mean
about someone,” etc. Actions could be added to a running list on a chart
displayed in the classroom.
Example 2: Students as a class can compare appropriate/ inappropriate online
behavior to appropriate/ inappropriate in-person behaviors.
Example 3: Students could identify why they should find and use truthful
information online.
Grades K-12 Standards Examples
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards
*Examples are illustrative only. All curriculum decisions are made at the local level.
Example 1: Students can be part of a digital classroom and discuss way to keep
it a safe space like no name calling, or rude comments.
Example 2: Students could discuss what some of the consequences are for
spreading or using false information, and how to make sure it’s true information.
Example 1: Students create PSAs on online safety and cyberbullying to include
in district/school newsletters/newspaper or make posters to put up in the middle
Example 2: Students could write original songs about cyberbullying, identifying
it when it happens and what to do when it occurs. (MUSIC)
Example 3: Students can create a classroom/school/home online safety plan.
Discuss any differences and similarities.
Example 4: Students could identify how sharing personal information, clicking
on pop-ups/ advertisements/ phish-bait, and allowing access to their camera
could be unsafe.
Example 1: Students work in collaborative groups to create action plans to
decrease instances of cyberbullying among teens.
Example 2: Student can put up posters on what to do if you are being
cyberbullied. (ARTS)
Example 3: Students can research consequences of cyberbullying.
Example 1: Students create an individual action plan on how they would prevent
multiple types of cyberbullying and/or a compromise of their digital identity.
Example 2: Students can research student mental health and the impact of
social media and other technologies.
The examples contained within this document were created by educators who served on the
Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards Workgroups. The examples are meant to be
illustrative only and were designed to be helpful for teachers when planning lessons. To assist
in these efforts, some examples include a specific interdisciplinary connection distinction. NYSED
does not require any curriculum or instructional strategy. All curriculum decisions are made at
the local level.