ÓDavid Gries, 2018
This little sorting algorithm runs in linear time O(n+b) where n is the size of the array to be sorted and all values
in the array are in the range 0..b-1, for some given b. It is called counting sort because it counts (and then uses) the
number of times each value occurs in c.
Here is the difference between pigeonhole sort and counting sort. Pigeonhole sort places the values in the array
into “pigeon holes” —we used ArrayLists for them— and then moves them into the final array.
Counting sort, instead, (1) computes how many values belong in each pigeon hole, (2) computes where the
values in each pigeon hole belong in the output array, and (3) moves values to the output array. So it sidesteps the
actual movement of values to pigeon holes.
How counting sort works
The method creates an array res that contains the elements of input array c, but sorted. Here is an outline:
0. Suppose c contains the values shown to the right, so b = 5: c: (3, 4, 0, 0, 3, 1)
1. Create an array d[0..4], where d[i] is the number of times i appears in b: d: (2, 1, 0, 2, 1)
2. Change array d so that d[i] is the index where the first i in c belongs.
For example, the first 0 in c belongs in res[0].
Since there are two 0’s in c, the first 1 in c belongs in res[2].
Since there are two 0’s and one 1 in c, the first 2 belongs in res[3], and so on. d: (0, 2, 3, 3, 5)
3. Place each value c[h] in its position in res, starting with c[0]. If c[h] = t, then by point 3 above, d[t] is the index
in res where c[h] is to be placed, so store c[h] in res[d[t]] and increase d[t] to indicate where the next value t in
c[h..] is to be placed. We step through this, given arrays c, d above to the right, with values placed in res in red.
h = 0, c[0] = 3. Store c[0] in res[d[3]], i.e. res[3]. Increment d[3]. New res: (0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0). d: (0, 2, 3, 4, 5)
h = 1, c[1] = 4. Store c[1] in res[d[4]], i.e. res[5]. Increment d[4]. New res: (0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4). d: (0, 2, 3, 4, 6)
h = 2, c[2] = 0. Store c[2] in res[d[0]], i.e. res[0]. Increment d[0]. New res: (0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4). d: (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
h = 3, c[3] = 0. Store c[3] in res[d[0]], i.e. res[1]. Increment d[1]. New res: (0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4). d: (2, 2, 3, 4, 6)
h = 4, c[4] = 3. Store c[4] in res[d[3]], i.e. res[4]. Increment d[3]. New res: (0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 4). d: (2, 2, 3, 5, 6)
h = 5, c[5] = 1. Store c[5] in res[d[1]], i.e. res[2]. Increment d[1]. New res: (0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 4). d: (2, 3, 3, 5, 6)
The algorithm, in Java
int[] d= new int[b];
// Store in each d[t] the number of times t occurs in c.
for (int t: c) d[t]= d[t] + 1;
// Change each d[i] to the sum of d[0..i-1].
// Using the notation dInt[i] for the initial value of d[i], we have:
// invariant: 0 <= h < b and
// total = sum of dInit[0..h-1] and
// For all i, 0 <= i < h, d[i] = sum of dInit[0..i-1] and
// For all i, h <= i < c.length, d[i] = dInit[i].
int total= 0;
for (int h= 0; h < d.length; h= h+1) { int t= d[h]; d[h]= total; total= total + t; }
// Store keys in sorted, stable order in res
int[] res= new int[c.length];
// invariant: keys c[0..h-1] have been moved to their correct position.
// For each t, 0 <= t < b, the next value in c[h..] that equals t
// (if there is one) belongs in res[d[t]].
for (int h= 0; h < c.length; h= h+1) { int t= c[h]; res[d[t]]= c[h]; d[t]= d[t] + 1; }
ÓDavid Gries, 2018
A more useful count sort
The algorithm presented on the previous page uses the values of the array themselves in sorting. But we can
rewrite counting sort to be more useful. For example, we can use it to:
Sort int array c according to the least significant decimal digit of each c[i] (b = 10).
Sort int array c according to the most significant decimal digit of each c[i] (b = 10).
For c an array of dates, sort b according to the month (b = 12)
For c an array of dates, sort b according to the day of the month (b = 32)
This requires giving counting sort a function f, where f(c[i]) is an integer in the appropriate range 0..b-1. For
example to sort int array c on its least significant decimal digit, use f(t) = t % 10.
We wrote two similar versions of this algorithm in Java. The first uses an int array. The second used an array of
generic type T. We present the first one here. Throughout, key refers to a value in array c.
/** Return c sorted according to function f. The sort is stable.
* Precondition: f(key) returns an integer in the range 0..b-1, i.e.: The keys c[i] satisfy 0 <= f(key) < b.
* The output array contains items with f(key) = 0, then items with f(key) = 1, and so on, i.e.
* Postcondition:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* c | keys with f(key) = 0 | keys with f(key) = 1 | ... | keys with f(key) = k-1 |
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Using n for c.length, we give the space and time complexity:
* Space used: O(n + b). Worst-case and expected time: O(n + b). */
public static int[] countingSort(int[] c, ToIntFunction<Integer> f, int b) {
// Store in each d[i] the number of times i occurs in c.
int[] d= new int[b];
for (int t: c) d[f.applyAsInt(t)] += 1;
// Change each d[i] to the sum of d[0..i-1].
// Using the notation dInt[i] for the initial value of d[i], we have:
// invariant: 0 <= h < b and
// total= sum of dInit[0..h-1] and
// For all i, 0 <= i < h, d[i] = sum of dInit[0..i-1] and
// For all i, h <= i < d.length, d[i] = dInit[i].
int total= 0;
for (int h= 0; h < d.length; h= h+1) {
int t= d[h]; d[h]= total; total= total + t;
// Store keys (i.e. values in array c) in sorted, stable order in res
int[] res= new int[c.length];
// invariant: keys c[0..h-1] have been placed in their correct position in res.
// For each t, 0 <= t < b, the next key in c[h..] with f(key) = t
// (if there is one) belongs in res[d[t]].
for (int h= 0; h < c.length; h= h+1) {
int t= f.applyAsInt(c[h]);
res[d[t]]= c[h];
d[t]= d[t] + 1;
return res;