Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology 66B Perkins Street
50 Goddard Avenue Jamaica Plain, Ma. 02130
Brookline, MA 02445 617-522-5768
617-731-3500, Ext. 1238/617-850-1238
E-mail: tstylianop[email protected]
Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology and Professor of New Testament,
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, appointed 1967; tenured full professor since 1979.
Visiting Professor of New Testament, St. Vladimir=s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Spring 1997.
Visiting Professor of New Testament, St. John of Damascus School of Theology, Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon,
Summers 1990 and 1991.
Visiting Professor of Eastern Christianity, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Ma., 1981-1982.
Lecturer, Tuohy Chair of Interreligious Studies, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, Summer 1978.
Visiting Professor of Eastern Christianity, Emmanuel College, Boston, Ma., 1969-1972.
Harvard Divinity School, ThD in New Testament and Christian Origins, June 1974.
Boston University School of Theology, STM in New Testament, May 1964.
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Theological School, BA in Theology, June 1962.
Dedicaton of Student Yearbook, 1994.
Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, 1987.
Archbishop Iakovos Faculty Prize, 1983.
Lilly Foundation Faculty Fellowship for Studies in Greece, 1974-1975.
Taylor Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies, 1963-1965.
Archbishop Iakovos Professor of Orthodox Theology, 2001
Primary: New Testament and Early Christian Literature. Eastern Orthodox Theology and Spirituality.
Secondary: Old Testament and Early Judaism. Eastern Orthodox History and Culture. Ecumenical Theology.
Other Areas of Interest: Historiography. Comparative Religion. Modern Theology. Philosophy.
Justin Martyr and the Mosaic Law. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, Number 20. Scholars
Press. Missoula, Montana. 1975.
Come, Receive the Light, Volumes 1 and 2. Religious Education Department of the Greek Orthodox
Archdiocese. Brookline, Ma. 1978-79.
Bread for Life: Reading the Bible. Religious Education Department of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.
Brookline, Ma. 1980.
Christ in Our Midst: Spiritual Renewal in the Orthodox Church. Religious Education Department of the
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Brookline, Ma. 1981.
A Year of the Lord: Liturgical Bible Studies, Volumes 1-5. Religious Education Department of the Greek
Orthodox Archdiocese. Brookline, Ma. 1981-88.
s Living Word: Orthodox and Evangelical Essays on Preaching. Edited by Theodore Stylianopoulos.
Holy Cross Press. Brookline, Ma. 1983.
My Orthodox Prayerbook. Religious Education Department of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Brookline,
Ma. 1985.
Spirit of Truth: Ecumenical Perspectives on the Holy Spirit. Edited by Theodore Stylianopoulos and S. Mark
Heim. Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Brookline, Ma. 1986.
The Eternal Liturgy. Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Brookline, Ma.
Orthodox Perspectives on Pastoral Praxis. Edited by Theodore Stylianopoulos. Holy Cross Orthodox
Press. Brookline, Ma. 1988.
The Good New of Christ: Essays on the Gospel, Sacraments and Spirit. Holy Cross Orthodox Press.
Brookline, Ma. 1991.
The New Testament: An Orthodox Perspective, Volume 1. Holy Cross Orthodox Press.
Brookline, Ma. 1997.
The Way of Christ: Gospel, Spiritual Life, and Renewal. Holy Cross Orthodox Press: Brookline, Ma. 2002.
Sacred Text and Interpretation: Essays in Orthodox Biblical Studies in Honor of Savas Agourides. Greek
Orthodox Theological Review 47 (1-4, 2002), late issue published in 2005, and as separate as a book.
Edited by Theodore Stylianopoulos. Holy Cross Orthodox Press. Brooline, Ma. 2005.
"Historical Studies and Orthodox Theology," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 12 (1967) 394-419.
"The Orthodox Church in America," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences
387 (1970) 41-48.
"Tradition in the New Testament," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 15 (1970) 7-21.
"New Theology and the Orthodox Tradition," St. Vladimir
s Theological Quarterly 14 (1970) 136-54.
"Shadow and Reality: Reflections on Hebrews 10:1-18," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 17 (1972)
"Biblical Studies in Orthodox Theology: A Response," in Papers Presented at the First International
Theological Conference of Orthodox Theologians in America, Greek Orthodox Theological Review 17 (1972)
"Justin Martyr's Contribution to the Exegetical Tradition of the Church," Eisegeseis A
Hermeneutikou Synedriou (Athens, 1973) 175-91.
"Some Reflections on the Second Conference of OrthodoxTheological Schools," Greek Orthodox
Theological Review 21 (1976) 298-304.
"New Testament Issues in Jewish-Christian Relations,"Journal of Ecumenical Studies 13 (1976) 586-94.
(Also in Greek Orthodox Theological Review 22 (1977) 70-78.
ΑAspects historiques et eschatologiques de la vie de l' Eglise d' apres le Nouveau Testament," Proces-
Verbaux du deuxieme congres de theologie orthodoxe, edited by Savas Agouridis (Athens, 1978) 176-207.
[Also in English in Greek Orthodox Theological Review 22 (1977) 181-213].
"Toward a Theology of Marriage in the Orthodox Church," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 22 (1977)
"Holy Eucharist and Priesthood in the New Testament," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 23 (1978)
"Staretz Silouan: A Modern Orthodox Saint," in God and Charity: Images of Eastern Orthodox Theology,
Spirituality, and Practice, edited by Francis D. Costa (Holy Cross
Orthodox Press, 1979) 33-54.
"The Orthodox Position," Conflicts About the Holy Spirit, Concilium, Volume 128, edited by H. Kueng and J.
Moltmann (Seabury Press, 1979) 23-33.
"Orthodoxy and Catholicism: A New Attempt at Dialogue," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 26 (1981)
157-69. (Also in Diakonia 17 (1982) 4-20.
"The Philokalia: A Review Article," Greek Orthodox Theological Review 26 (1981) 252-63.
"The Gospel of Christ," Orthodox Theology and Diakonia, edited by Demetrios J. Constantelos (Hellenic
College Press, 1981) 53-77.
"The Biblical Background of the Article on the Holy Spirit in the Constantinopolitan Creed," Etudes
Theologiques 2: Le Iie Concile Oecumenique (Chambesy: Les Editions du Centre Orthodoxe, 1982) 155-
"A Christological Reflection," Jesus Christ--The Life of the World, edited by Ion Bria (Geneva: WCC, 1982)
"Jesus Christ--the Life of the World," Gathered for Life: Official Report of the VI Assembly of the World
Council of Churches, edited by David Gill (Geneva, 1983) 211-222. [Also in Greek Orthodox
Theological Review 28 (1983) 135-44; Ecumenical Review 35 (1983) 364-70 and Stimme Orthodoxie 3
(1984) 20-24.
"Christ, Church and Eucharist," Diakonia 18 (1983) 100-24.
"The Question of the Reception of BEM in the Orthodox Church in the Light of its Ecumenical Commitment,"
Orthodox Perspectives on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry, Faith and Order Papers No. 128, edited by
Gennadios Limouris and Nomikos M. Vaporis (Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1985) 105-28.
Articles on "Ephraem of Syria," "Isaac the Syrian," and "Seraphim of Sarov," The Encyclopedia of Religion,
edited by Marcia Eliade (1986).
ΑThe Filioque: Dogma, Theologoumenon or Error?" Spirit of Truth, edited by Theodore Stylianopoulos and
S. Mark Heim (Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1986) 25-58.
"Scripture, Scholarship, and Faith," Theosis, May/June 1988.
"The Churches and the Jewish People: Towards a New Understanding--The Sigtuna Statement," Christian-
Jewish Relations, Winter (1988) 43-48.
"The Church at Risk: Meeting the Challenging Needs of Teenagers Today, A Report from the Archdiocese
Teenage Taskforce on Religious Education (1988).
"Report to His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos of the Commission on the Archdiocesan Theological Agenda,"
Co-author, Greek Orthodox Theological Review 34 (1989) 283-306.
"The Indissolubility of Marriage in the New Testament: Principle and Practice," Greek Orthodox Theological
Review 34 (1989) 335-45.
Articles on "Orthodox Piety" and "Orthodox Spirituality" in Dictionary of Christianity in America, edited by
Daniel G. Reid and others (IntraVarsity Press, 1990).
ΑA Brief Statement on the Status of Jewish-Christian Relations in the Orthodox Church, Report:
Consultation on the Church and the Jewish People (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1992) 36-37.
ΑScriptural Authority in Eastern Orthodoxy, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 5, edited by David Noel
Freedman (New York: Doubleday, 1992) 1021-23.
ΑFaithfulness to the Roots and Commitment toward the Future: An Orthodox View, Orthodox Christians
and Jews on Continuity and Renewal: The Third Academic Meeting between Orthodoxy and Judaism, edited
by Malcolm Lowe and published in Emmanuel 26/27 (1994) 142-59.
ΑFaith and Culture in St. Paul: Continuity and Discontinuity, Rightly Teaching the Word of Your Truth:
Studies in Honor of His Eminence Archbishop Iakovos, edited by Nomikos Michael Vaporis (Brookline: Holy
Cross Orthodox Press, 1995) 39-52.
ΑSaint John Chrysostom=s Understanding of the Gospel, Ibidem, 213-226.
ΑDiscernment and Diagnosis In Human Development: An Orthodox Theological Perspective, Personhood:
Orthodox Christianity and the Connection Between Body, Mind, and Soul,” edited by John T. Chirban
(Westport: Bergin and Garvey, 1996)17-15, 32-33. Reprinted in Sickness or Sin? Spiritual Discernment and
Differential Diagnosis, edited by John T. Chirban (Brookline: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2001).
ΑJustin Martyr, Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, Second Edition, Volume 1, edited by Everett Ferguson
(New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997) 647-750.
ΑJerusalem to Galilee: A Travelog, The Hellenic Chronicle, Easter Edition 1998, pp. 23 and 32.
ΑThe Gospel in Orthodox Perspective, Agape and Diakonia: Essays in Memory of Bishop Gerasimos of
Abydos, edited by Peter A. Chamberas (Brookline: Holy Cross Press, 1998) 73-95.
ΑChurch Order in Orthodox Perspective, The American Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate: Annual
Meeting Proceedings of the Orthodox Christian Laity, edited by Alice O. Kopan (Minneapolis: Light and Life,
Inc., 1998) 26-35.
ΑA New Church Year: A Year of Grace, Hellenic Chronicle, September 16, 1998, p. 4.
ΑOn Christian Leadership, The National Herald, November 7-8, 1998, p. 1.
ΑThe Nature of Christian Leadership: Reflections from an Orthodox Perspective,Hellenic Chronicle,
November 18, 1998, p. 10; November 25, 1998, p. 5, and December 2, 1998, p. 3.
ΑOrthodox Biblical Interpretation, Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1999)
ΑOur Church at the Crossroads, Hellenic Chronicle, January 20, 1999, p. 5.
ΑA Christian Approach to Conflict, Hellenic Chronicle, April 21, 1999, p. 11.
ΑOrthodoxy: Triumph of Triumphalism, Hellenic Chronicle, June 16, 1999, p. 6.
ΑChurch Crisis Needs Action as well as Prayer, Hellenic Chronicle, July 28, 1999, p. 5.
ΑThe Gifts of Orthodoxy, Hellenic Chronicle, September 12, 1999, pp. 4-5 and The National Herald,
September 18-19, 1999, p. A14.
ΑPrayer in Scripture and Tradition, Hellenic Chronicle, October 13, 1999, p. 7;
October 20, 1999, p. 6; October 27, 199, p. 11, and November 3, 1999, p. 8.
ΑThe Inspiration of Dionysius Exiguus and the New Millennium, The National Herald, December 18-19,
1999, p. 11.
ΑReflections on the Gift of Time, The Hellenic Chronicle, January 19, 2000, p. 1 and 3.
“Gospel and Spirituality in the Life and Thought of St. Silouan” (in Greek),
ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΞΡΙΣΤΟΣ Η ΤΟΥ ΚΟΣΜΟΥ ΖςΗ, edited by Stavros Fotiou (Nicosia, Cyprus: Kykkos Monastery
Center of Studies, 2000) 290-311.
“The New Testament: Verbal Icon of Christ,” Praxis 2 (2, 2000) 11-14.
“Ask Father,” Again 23 (1, January-March 2001) 19.
“Fasting and Prayer in the Summer?” The Hellenic Voice, August 15, 2001, p. 3.
“Circles and Progress: Priorities During the New Church Year,” The Hellenic Voice, August 29, 2001, pp. 10
and 12.
“Overcoming Evil with Good,” The Hellenic Voice, September 26, 200l, p. 10; also in The National Herald,
September 22-23, 2001, p. 7;and in Praxis, 3 (1, 2002) 21-23.
“Christ as the Revealer of the Father and the Spirit,” The Annual Resource Companion, Vol. 4, edited by
Frank Marangos (Brookline: Department of Religious Education, 2001-2002) 87-93.
“Holy Trinity, Holy Community and Evangelism,” Windows to the East, edited by J. Z. Skira and M. I. Tataryn
(Ottawa: Novalis, 2001) 171-187.
“An Orthodox Vision and the Quest for Authenticity,” The National Herald, March 16-17, 2002, p. 9.
“Peace Through Justice: A Statement on the Palestinian Conflict,” Drafted on behalf of the Faculty and
released for publications to the media.
“Holy Week in an Unholy World,” The National Harold, April 27-28, 2002, p. 11; also appearing as the main
editorial in The Hellenic Voice, May 1, 2002, p. 6.
“Reflections on the Los Angeles Clergy-Laity Congress,” The Hellenic Voice, July 24, 2002, p. 6.
“The Gift of the Lord’s Day,” The Hellenic Voice,” September 25, 2002, pp. 12 and 14.
“The Gospel in the Parish” in The Orthodox Parish in America: Faithfulness to the Past and Responsibility
for the Future, ed., Anton C. Vrame (Brookline: Holy Cross Press, 2004), pp. 175-90.
“St. Paul’s Message of Faith, Hope, Love,” The Hellenic Voice, February 4, 2004, p. 8.
“Holy Scripture, Interpretation and Spiritual Cognition,” Greek Orthodox Theological Review 46 (1, 2001), pp.
3-34. (This issue of GOTR came out in May 2004).
“Concerning the Biblical Foundation of Primacy,” Il ministero petrino: cattolici e ortodossi in dialogo, ed.
Walter Kasper (Rome: Citta Nuova, 2004), pp. 43-71.
Extended review of John Breck, Scripture in Tradition, St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 48(1, 2004), pp.
“Christ, the Bread of Life, The Hellenic Voice, June 20, 2004, p. 8.
“Orthodox Biblical Interpretation,” Sacred Text and Interpretation: Essays in Orthodox Biblical Studies in
Honor of Savas Agourides, GOTR 47 (1-4, 2002), late issue published in 2005.
“Vocation in St. Paul,” soon to appear in a volume published by Holy Cross Orthodox Press (2005).
“Suffering in St. Paul,” soon to appear in the Journal of Hellenic Studies.
“’I Know Your Works’: Grace and Judgment in the Book of Revelation,” soon to be published.
“Sacred Scripture and Christian Unity,” accepted for publication.
Pastor, St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Keene, N.H., 1978 to present.
Pastor, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Lexington, Ma., 1971-1977.
Delegate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the 6th WCC Assembly, Vancouver, B.C. (1983).
Member, Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, representing the Ecumencial Patriarchate,
Member, Orthodox-Roman Catholic Consultation in the United States,1974-1987.
Theological Consultant to the Religious Education Department, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, 1976-1997.
Lecturer at conferences and parish retreats.