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Exhibit A
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Plaintiff, )
v. ) Civ. No. 1:24-cv-02010-WMR-JEM
Defendant. )
This Consent Decree (“Decree”) is entered into between Plaintiff, the United
States of America (“United States” or “Plaintiff”), through the Department of
Justice, and Defendant, Cobb County, Georgia (“County” or “Defendant”), which is
a governmental body established pursuant to the laws of Georgia. Plaintiff and
Defendant are collectively referred to as the “Parties.” This Court has jurisdiction of
this action pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-6(b), and 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and § 1345.
The Complaint in this case alleges that the Defendant’s use, through the Cobb
County Fire Department (“CCFD”), of a written examination as a rank-order
screening device in 2020 and a credit check between 2016 and 2020 to screen and
select candidates for firefighter positions at the CCFD resulted in an impermissible
disparate impact on African-American candidates in its selection process for
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firefighter positions in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, et seq. (“Title VII”). No allegation is made that
Defendant intentionally discriminated against African-American applicants through
its hiring processes or otherwise. Moreover, Defendant denies the allegations as to
impermissible disparate impact or that it has violated the law in any way.
The Parties have negotiated a resolution to this dispute, however, without any
admission by Cobb County. As a result of their negotiations, the Parties now desire
that this action be settled by an appropriate Decree, to avoid the expenses, burdens,
and risks of protracted litigation, and agree to the jurisdiction of this Court over the
Parties and the subject matter of this action. This Decree, being entered into with the
consent of the Parties, shall in no way constitute an adjudication or finding on the
merits of the case. Subject to the Court’s approval of this Decree, the Parties waive
findings of fact and conclusions of law on the merits of the case. This settlement, as
reflected in this Decree and its appendices, is fair, reasonable, adequate, and
consistent with federal law.
In resolution of this action, the Parties hereby AGREE to, and the Court
expressly APPROVES, ENTERS and ORDERS the following:
1. “Days” refers to calendar days unless specifically designated as
“business days.” “Business days” excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and federal, state,
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and local holidays. If any deadline referenced in this Decree falls on a weekend or
federal holiday, the deadline will be moved to the next business day.
2. “Date of Provisional Entry” refers to the date this Decree is
provisionally entered by the Court.
“Date of Final Approval” refers to the date on which the Court enters
the Decree as a final order at or after the Fairness Hearing on the Terms of the
Decree, as set forth in Paragraph 24 of this Decree.
“Parties” refers collectively to the Plaintiff United States of America
and Defendant Cobb County, Georgia.
“ACCUPLACER” refers to the written examination used by the County
for its firefighter selection process from 2020 to the present.
“Credit check” refers to the County’s review of a firefighter candidate’s
credit history as part of its firefighter selection process, which occurred between
2016 and 2020.
“Class Member” means an African-American applicant for a CCFD
firefighter position who (a) passed the ACCUPLACER examination in 2020 and
scored below 89.22 (the lowest score of a candidate hired); and/or (b) was removed
from the firefighter selection process due to the credit check at any time from 2016
through 2020 and who was otherwise eligible for employment with CCFD, and who
is eligible for relief under this Decree.
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8. “Claimant” means a Class Member who submits a claim in accordance
with Section 35 of this Decree.
9. “Priority Hire” means a Claimant who (a) is eligible for Priority Hire
Relief; (b) is qualified to be a firefighter by the County by way of successfully
completing CCFD’s firefighter screening and selection procedures that are then in
effect and required of all other firefighter applicants subject to the limitation in
Paragraph 40; and (c) accepts an offer of priority hire pursuant to Paragraph 81.
10. “Back Pay Relief” means a monetary award that represents the value of
some of the wages that the United States alleges a Claimant would have received
from the County if he or she had not been disqualified by the County’s rank-order
use of the 2020 ACCUPLACER written exam or the credit check and had been hired
into the firefighter position for which he or she previously applied. Back Pay Relief
for a Claimant cannot exceed the value of compensation and benefits such Claimant
would have received had he or she not been disqualified and instead had been hired
by CCFD.
11. “Priority Hire Relief” means the opportunity for a Claimant to
participate in the firefighter selection process as a potential Priority Hire and receive
an award of Retroactive Seniority.
12. “Retroactive Seniority Date” refers to the date a Class Member would
have commenced work as a firefighter upon entry into the CCFD Academy if he or
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she had not been disqualified by the rank-order use of the ACCUPLACER written
examination or the credit check.
13. “Retroactive Seniority” refers to seniority credit in the firefighter
position that a Priority Hire is entitled to receive under this Decree, which is
determined using the Retroactivity Seniority Date for the purposes specified in this
Decree. Specifically, Retroactive Seniority applies only to a Priority Hire’s seniority
for purposes of calculating a Priority Hire’s regular rate of pay pursuant to the
CCFD’s Fire Step and Grade Grid (and any other types of pay calculated based on
the regular rate), accrual of annual leave and any other leave accrued based on
seniority, determining the order for layoffs/reductions in work force, and
determining the order for recalling firefighters from layoffs/reductions in work
force. For all other purposes, a Priority Hire’s actual hire date with CCFD shall be
his or her seniority date (or as otherwise may be provided under CCFD’s generally
applicable policies, procedures, and benefits plans). Retroactive Seniority shall not
be used to satisfy any applicable probationary periods or any time-in-grade
minimums required to be eligible for promotions.
A. Provisional Entry of the Decree
14. Within fifteen (15) days after the execution of this Decree, the Parties
shall file a joint motion with the Court requesting that the Court (i) provisionally
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approve this Decree; (ii) schedule a hearing to determine whether this Decree is fair,
reasonable, adequate, and consistent with federal law (the “Fairness Hearing on the
Terms of the Decree”); and (iii) stay all other case deadlines.
15. The Parties will request that the Court provide at least one hundred
twenty (120) days’ notice of the date and time for the hearing and that the hearing
be scheduled at a time mutually convenient for the Court and counsel for the parties.
16. The purpose of the Fairness Hearing on the Terms of the Decree, and
the related notification provisions of this Decree, is to provide notice and an
opportunity to object to persons who may be affected by the terms of the Decree, in
accordance with Section 703(n) of Title VII.
17. The United States shall retain a claims administrator with respect to the
claims administration process described below. Any costs relating to the claims
administrator shall be paid by the United States. The United States shall ensure that
all obligations set out in the Decree for the claims administrator are completed as
specified. The County shall be copied on all substantive and/or written
communications between the United States and the claims administrator related to
the obligations set out in the Decree for the claims administrator.
Notice of Settlement to Claimants
No later than fifteen (15) days after the date the Parties execute this
Decree, Defendant shall provide the United States with a list of names of all Class
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Members (the “Class Member List”), including each Class Member’s last known
mailing address, email addresses, phone number, date of birth, and Social Security
number (if known). Defendant shall indicate on the Class Member List whether the
individual’s placement on the list is due to his or her score on the ACCUPLACER
or his or her failing the credit check (or both). If the individual on the Class Member
List took the ACCUPLACER exam, he or she will be presumed to have taken it on
October 23, 2020. If the individual on the Class Member List failed the credit check,
Defendant shall list the month and year in which the individual failed the credit
The claims administrator shall provide a copy of a Notice of Settlement
and Fairness Hearing on the Terms of the Decree, Instructions for Filing an
Objection, and a blank Objection form (“Notice Documents”), in a format materially
the same as set forth in Appendix A, no later than ninety (90) days prior to the
Fairness Hearing on the Terms of the Decree via electronic mail (if known) and First-
Class Mail to the last known email and mailing address of each Class Member. If
the notice sent by U.S. mail is returned
as undeliverable, the United States will
conduct a reasonable search for alternative addresses and promptly mail the notice
to the alternative addresses by First-Class Mail, return receipt requested.
Notice of Settlement to Other Interested Parties and Organizations
No later than ninety (90) days prior to the Fairness Hearing on the
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Terms of the Decree, Defendant shall post a Notice of Settlement and the Fairness
Hearing on the Terms of the Decree, in a format materially the same as set forth in
Appendix B, on bulletin boards at CCFD stations and on CCFD’s intranet. The
posted notice shall include a publicly accessible link from which the Notice
Documents and the Decree can be accessed. This publicly accessible link and notice
shall remain posted for the ninety (90) day period prior to the Fairness Hearing on
the Terms of the Decree.
21. The United States may publish notice in publications and/or on the
internet in a format materially the same as set forth in Appendix B to alert interested
parties of the Fairness Hearing and opportunity to object.
D. Objections to Entry of the Decree
22. Any person who wishes to object to the Decree on the ground that it is
not fair, reasonable, adequate, or consistent with federal law must file a timely
objection in accordance with the requirements set forth in Appendix A and this
Decree. Objections must be emailed or mailed and postmarked to the claims
administrator no later than thirty (30) days prior to the date set for the Fairness
Hearing on the Terms of the Decree. Any person who fails to meet that deadline
shall be deemed to have waived any right to object to the terms of this Decree, except
for good cause as determined by the United States. The United States shall promptly,
and on a rolling basis, email copies of all objections it receives to the County.
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23. No later than ten (10) days prior to the Fairness Hearing on the Terms
of the Decree, the United States shall file with the Court copies of all objections
received. The United States will redact objectors’ addresses, telephone numbers, and
email addresses, as well as any other information required by the Court’s General,
Standing, and Administrative Orders, including Standing Order 19-01, but shall
provide unredacted copies to the County. No later than ten (10) days prior to the
Fairness Hearing on the Terms of the Decree, the Parties shall file their responses, if
any, to all timely objections received.
E. Final Entry of the Decree
24. If the Court determines that the terms of this Decree are fair, reasonable,
adequate, and consistent with federal law, the Court shall give final approval to this
Decree at or following the Fairness Hearing on the Terms of the Decree.
A. Prohibition Against Resuming Rank-Order Use of Accuplacer
25. Defendant, by and through its officials, agents, employees, and all other
persons in active concert or participation with Defendant in the performance of
employment or personnel functions, shall not use the ACCUPLACER as a rank-
order selection device.
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B. Prohibition Against Resuming Use of Credit Check
26. Defendant has not used a credit check to screen out candidates since
2020. Defendant shall not resume using a credit check as part of its selection process
for firefighters and shall no longer obtain the credit history or in any way consider
the credit history of an applicant for the firefighter position in making hiring
Prohibition Against Retaliation
Defendant, by and through its officials, agents, employees, and all other
persons in active concert or participation with Defendant in the performance of
employment or personnel functions, shall not threaten to retaliate against, or retaliate
against, or take any action that might deter a reasonable person from asserting rights
protected by equal employment opportunity laws, including Title VII, because that
person has taken advantages of rights provided by this Consent Decree or has
testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in any investigation, proceeding, or
hearing related to the implementation of this Decree.
Changes or Modifications to Firefighter Selection Process
In the event that the County wishes to change or modify its current
pass-fail use of the ACCUPLACER written exam in its firefighter selection process,
it will provide such proposed changes and relevant materials related to such changes
to the United States in writing at least ninety (90) days before the effective change
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or modification for review and approval by the United States. The United States shall
have thirty (30) days to review the changes or modification and raise any objections
if it believes the change or modification conflicts with Title VII and/or this Decree.
The Parties agree to make a good faith effort to confer regarding any disagreements
concerning the submitted employment practices prior to initiating the dispute
resolution provisions of Paragraph 89.
E. Decree Compliance Officer
29. No later than thirty (30) days after the Date of Provisional Entry, the
County shall designate a Decree Compliance Officer who may be a County
employee. The Compliance Officer shall provide bi-annual written reports on the
status of the implementation of this Decree to the United States, through the County
Attorney’s office, during the period that this Decree is in effect. The Compliance
Officer shall include in these bi-annual reports any complaints of (i) discrimination
on the basis of race arising from the County’s screening of applicants for firefighter
positions and (ii) retaliation prohibited by Paragraph 27 above.
A. Two Forms of Individual Relief
30. Defendant shall be obligated to provide individual relief to Claimants
in the form of Back Pay Relief and/or Priority Hire Relief as described below.
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B. Total Back Pay Relief
31. Defendant shall pay a total amount of $750,000 in Back Pay Relief to
be distributed to Claimants under the terms of this Decree. Within twenty-five (25)
days of the Date of Provisional Entry, the claims administrator shall create an
interest-bearing Qualified Settlement Fund (“QSF”) and shall provide Defendant
with information necessary for Defendant to deposit the $750,000 into the QSF.
Within ten (10) days of receiving information on the QSF from the claims
administrator, Defendant shall deposit $750,000 into the QSF. Each Claimant shall
be eligible to receive a pro rata share of the Back Pay Relief, as determined by the
United States, based upon the date he or she was initially screened from employment
by CCFD because of a credit check or passing ranked-order ACCUPLACER test
score. No Claimant shall receive Back Pay Relief in excess of the Claimant’s make
whole relief, which is defined as the value of the compensation and benefits such
Claimant would have received had he or she been hired by the County instead of
being disqualified via the credit check or rank-order ACCUPLACER testing.
Priority Hire Relief
Defendant shall make up to sixteen (16) Priority Hires from Claimants
eligible for Priority Hire Relief for the position of firefighter, in accordance with this
paragraph and the procedures described in Paragraphs 40 and 73-85. Up to ten (10)
Priority Hires shall come from the pool of eligible Claimants who were previously
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disqualified from employment based upon their credit history, and up to six (6)
Priority Hires shall come from the pool of eligible Claimants who were previously
disqualified from employment based upon the rank-ordering of the 2020
i. Notice of Entry of Decree to Class Members
33. Within thirty (30) days after the Date of Final Approval of the Decree,
the claims administrator shall send each Class Member by email (if known) and first-
class mail a copy of the Notice of Final Approval of Settlement and an Interest-in-
Relief Form, in a format materially the same as set forth in Appendix C to this
Decree, with a self-addressed return envelope.
34. The United States shall conduct a reasonable search for an alternative
mailing address for any Class Member whose mailed notice is returned as
undeliverable and for whom the United States receives no confirmation of email
receipt. The claims administrator will promptly re-mail the notice and Interest-in-
Relief form to the alternative address(es) for that Class Member, using First-Class
Mail with a self-addressed return envelope.
ii. Submission of Interest-in-Relief Forms
35. Only Claimants are eligible to receive individual relief. A Class
Member becomes a Claimant by timely submitting a completed Interest-in-Relief
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form to the claims administrator within thirty (30) days from the date the form is
mailed to the Class Member via U.S. mail. Any Class Member who fails to return
an Interest-in-Relief Form by the deadline shall be deemed to have waived any right
to be considered for an award of individual relief under this Decree, except for “good
cause” as determined by the United States; provided, however, that the United States
(1) may not make a good cause exception to eligibility for Back Pay Relief if the
Back Pay Relief described in Paragraph 31 is exhausted; and (2) may not make a
good cause exception to eligibility for Priority Hire Relief if at the time the Interest-
in-Relief Form is received it is no longer feasible to offer additional Priority Hire
Relief based on the timelines set forth in this Decree and/or the County’s normal
hiring processes and procedures. “Good cause” shall mean that the potential
Claimant did not timely return his/her completed Interest-in-Relief form to the
claims administrator for reasons outside of his or her control and not as the result of
inadvertence, carelessness, or neglect. A Claimant will only receive the type(s) of
relief that she/he requests on her/his form, and for which she/he is eligible pursuant
to the terms of this Decree.
The United States will assign a Claimant ID number to each individual
who submits an Interest-in-Relief form.
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iii. Determination of Claimants’ Eligibility for Individual Relief
37. The United States will preliminarily determine whether a Claimant is
eligible for individual relief under this Decree, subject to the objection and Court
approval process outlined below.
38. A Claimant is eligible for back pay relief if:
a. The Claimant is African-American;
b. The Claimant (i) passed the ACCUPLACER examination in
2020 and scored below 89.22 (the lowest score of a candidate
hired); and/or (ii) was removed from the firefighter selection
process solely due to the credit check at any time from 2016
through 2020; and
c. The Claimant was not or would not have otherwise been
disqualified or not selected for the firefighter position for other
39. To be eligible for Back Pay Relief, a Claimant need not express an
interest in, or be eligible for, Priority Hire Relief, or accept an offer of employment
as a firefighter in the CCFD.
40. A Claimant is potentially eligible for Priority Hire Relief under this
Decree if the Claimant satisfies the criteria in Paragraph 38 above, meets the
minimum qualifications in effect and required of all firefighter applicants at the time
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the Claimant is completing the County’s screening and selection procedures (having
a high school diploma or GED, being at least 18 years of age, and possessing a valid
driver’s license), and completes all steps in the firefighter hiring process, including
passing CCFD’s background check, passing all CCFD physical, psychological, and
polygraph screening requirements, and achieving a passing score on the
ACCUPLACER should the County use the ACCUPLACER as a pass-fail screen;
provided, however, that a Claimant need not re-take the ACCUPLACER if that
Claimant took and received a passing score on the ACCUPLACER within four (4)
years of the date the Claimant would be required to re-take the ACCUPLACER.
Determination of Individual Relief
The United States shall provide a list of its determinations (“LOD”) on
Back Pay and Priority Hire Relief, which will contain all proposed eligible
Claimants, to the Defendant within ninety (90) days of the Date of Final Approval.
Defendant shall choose its Priority Hires from the LOD in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Paragraphs 73-85 below.
No later than fifteen (15) days after receipt of the proposed LODs from
the United States in Paragraph 41 above, Defendant shall notify the United States in
writing if it objects to any of the United States’ determinations regarding eligibility
for Individual Relief.
The Parties will work to resolve any dispute regarding the proposed
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LODs within fifteen (15) days of any objections, and if no objections are made, the
United States proposed LODs will be considered the final list of determinations
i. Filing of Final List of Determination with the Court
44. No later than one hundred eighty (180) days after the Date of Final
Approval of the Decree, the United States shall file with the Court and serve upon
the County the FLODs. The United States will redact Claimants’ names, social
security numbers, dates of birth, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses,
signatures, and initials, as well as any other information identified in Standing Order
19-01. Individuals will be identified by their assigned Claimant ID Number.
ii. Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief
45. Upon filing the FLODs, the United States shall simultaneously move
the Court to hold a Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief to allow the Court to
determine whether the FLODs should be approved or amended. The Court will
provide the Parties with at least ninety (90) days’ notice of the date and time set for
the Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief.
Notice of Preliminary Eligibility Determination to Claimants
No later than eighty (80) days before the date set for the Fairness
Hearing on Individual Relief, the claims administrator shall send to each Claimant
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who submitted an Interest-in-Relief form via email to the last-known email address,
if available, and via first-class U.S. mail to the last-known mailing address the
following Notice of Individual Relief Fairness Hearing Documents:
a. A cover letter, in a format materially the same as set forth in Appendix
D, notifying the Claimant of the determinations regarding the
Claimant’s eligibility for individual relief under the Decree, the
reason(s) for any determination that the Claimant is ineligible for any
particular form of requested relief, and the Claimant’s proposed Back
Pay Relief as stated on the FLOD, if any; and
b. Notice of Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief, Instructions for Filing
an Objection to Individual Relief, and an Objection Form, in formats
materially the same as set forth in Appendix D, with a self-addressed
return envelope.
47. The claims administrator shall keep records of, and, if possible, shall
re-send, all Notice of Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief Documents returned as
undeliverable by the same procedures described in Paragraph 34.
iv. Objecting to Individual Relief Determinations
48. A Claimant who wishes to object to any determination regarding
individual relief as set out in his or her cover letter (Appendix D) must file a written
objection in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Consent Decree and
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Appendix D. Objections submitted via mail must be postmarked no later than fifty
(50) days prior to the date set for the Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief, and
objections submitted via email must be transmitted electronically no later than fifty
(50) days prior to the date set for the Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief.
49. By no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the Fairness Hearing on
Individual Relief, and on a rolling weekly basis thereafter (if necessary), the United
States shall serve upon the Defendant copies of the objections it has received.
v. Filing Objections to Individual Relief
50. No later than ten (10) days prior to the Fairness Hearing on Individual
Relief, the United States shall file with the Court copies of all objections received.
The United States will redact objectors’ addresses, telephone numbers, and email
addresses, as well as any other information required by the Court’s General,
Standing, and Administrative Orders, including Standing Order 19-01.
51. No later than ten (10) days prior to the Fairness Hearing on Individual
Relief, the Parties shall file their responses, if any, to all objections. In the County’s
filing, the County may also address its unresolved objections made pursuant to
Paragraph 42 in response to the United States’ eligibility determinations made
pursuant to Paragraph 41.
vi. Amendments to Final List of Determinations
52. At or after the Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief, the Court shall
i. Notice of Individual Relief Awards and Acceptance and Relea
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determine which, if any, objections to the FLODs are well-founded. The Court shall
then approve the lists as submitted or, if the Court finds that any objections are well-
founded, shall request that the Parties make any necessary adjustments to the lists
consistent with such findings.
53. The Court will find that an objection to either FLOD, including an
objection to the amount of Back Pay Relief to be awarded to a Claimant, is well-
founded only if the Court finds that the determination reflected in such list is not
fair, reasonable, and adequate or is otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this
Decree or federal law.
Approval of Final List of Determinations
If the Court determines that the individual relief awards are fair,
reasonable, and adequate, the Court shall approve the FLODs as final (collectively,
the “Final Individual Relief Awards Lists”) at or after the Fairness Hearing on
Individual Relief.
No later than twenty (20) days after the Court approves the FLODs,
either at or after the Fairness Hearing on Individual Relief, the claims administrator
shall provide notice to each Claimant determined by the Court to be entitled to such
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56. The claims administrator shall send notice to each Claimant via email
to the last known email address, if available, and via first-class U.S. mail to the last-
known mailing address. The Notice of Individual Relief Documents shall include:
a. The Notice of Individual Relief Award in a format materially the
same as set forth in Appendix E;
b. An Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of
Claims Form in a format materially the same as set forth in
Appendix F. If the Claimant is eligible for Priority Hire Relief,
this form will include a statement of the Claimant’s eligibility for
such relief and a description of the Retroactive Seniority the
Claimant will receive if he or she is ultimately selected as a
Priority Hire; and
c. Any withholding tax forms necessary for the County to comply
with its withholding obligations under law and Paragraph 66 of
this Decree.
57. The claims administrator shall keep records of, and, if possible, shall
re-send, all notice documents described in Paragraph 56 that are returned as
undeliverable by the same procedures described in Paragraph 34.
ii. Acceptance of Individual Relief
58. To receive an award of individual relief, a Claimant must return to the
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claims administrator an Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of
Claims Form as set forth in Appendix F of this Decree, along with any applicable
withholding tax forms, no later than thirty (30) days after the Court approves the
Final Individual Relief Awards List.
59. Within five (5) business days of the United States’ receipt of an
Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of Claims Form and any
applicable withholding tax forms from the claims administrator, or as soon as
practicable, the United States shall review the form(s) to determine whether they are
fully executed with the information that is necessary to effectuate the Claimant’s
individual relief award. The United States shall continue to conduct such review of
all returned forms and to notify Claimants who submitted forms that were not fully
executed until the deadline set forth in Paragraph 58.
On a rolling weekly basis, the United States shall forward to the
Defendant copies of all Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of
Claims Forms and withholding tax forms received from Claimants named in the
Final Individual Relief Awards Lists, with all timely forms to be forwarded to
Defendant no later than forty-five (45) days after the Court approves the FLOD.
No later than fifty-five (55) days after the Court approves the FLOD,
the United States shall provide the Defendant with a list of all Claimants who
submitted Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of Claims Forms and
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withholding tax forms, identifying which Claimants submitted fully executed forms,
as described in Paragraph 58, and which Claimants submitted forms that were not
fully executed.
62. No later than seventy (70) days after the Court approves the FLOD,
Claimants whose Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of Claims
Form and/or any applicable withholding tax forms were not fully executed must
provide any missing information and must return fully executed forms. A Claimant’s
failure to return fully executed forms by this deadline, absent a good cause finding
by the United States (as defined above), shall constitute a rejection of the offer of
individual relief and shall release the Parties from any further obligation under the
Decree to make an award of individual relief to the Claimant. No later than five (5)
business days after this deadline, the United States, via the claims administrator,
shall provide the Defendant with all of the returned Acceptance of Individual Relief
Award and Release of Claims Forms and any applicable withholding tax forms.
No later than eighty (80) days after the Court approves the FLOD, the
United States shall provide the Defendant with an updated list of all of the Claimants
who submitted Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of Claims Forms
and any applicable withholding tax forms, identifying which Claimants submitted
fully executed forms and which Claimants submitted forms that were not fully
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64. No later than ninety-five (95) days after the Court approves the FLOD,
the United States shall provide the Defendant with an Amended Final Monetary
Awards List and an Amended Final Priority Hire Claimant List (collectively,
“Amended Final Individual Relief Awards Lists”). The Amended Final Monetary
Awards List will identify for each Claimant who timely returned fully executed
Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release of Claims Forms along with any
applicable withholding tax forms, the amount of Back Pay Relief to be paid, taking
into account when each Claimant was disqualified by the ACCUPLACER or the
credit check. The Amended Final Priority Hire Claimant Lists shall identify each
Claimant who is eligible to pursue Priority Hire Relief within each category and who
timely returned fully executed Acceptance of Individual Relief Award and Release
of Claims Forms.
iii. Issuance of Back Pay Relief
65. No later than one hundred twenty-five (125) days after entry of the
FLOD, the claims administrator shall mail via certified U.S. mail (return receipt
requested) a Back Pay Relief check to each Claimant listed on the Amended Final
Monetary Awards List as well as a Form W-2 and all other appropriate tax forms.
The amount of the Back Pay Relief check shall be the amount shown for the
Claimant on the Amended Final Monetary Awards List, less all appropriate taxes
and other amounts withheld in accordance with Paragraph 66.
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66. No later than one hundred-ten (110) days after entry of the FLOD, the
claims administrator shall calculate both the employer-side and employee-side
federal, state, and local taxes to be paid related to the Back Pay Relief, and shall
inform the County of the employer-side taxes that will be due. The County shall
have ten (10) days to review and to make objections to such calculations (if any).
The County shall remit to the claims administrator the amount of employer-side
taxes to be paid within ten (10) days after the objection deadline (if no objections
are made) or the resolution of any objections. The claims administrator shall
withhold from each Claimant’s Back Pay Relief all appropriate federal, state, and
local income taxes; the Medicare and FICA tax; and any other amounts that are
required to be withheld by law. The County shall provide the claims administrator
with any information necessary for the withholdings.
The claims administrator shall keep records of all monetary award
checks returned as undeliverable and report such information to the Parties. The
claims administrator shall re-mail the monetary award returned as undeliverable by
the same procedures described in Paragraph 34.
No later than one hundred forty (140) days after entry of the FLOD, the
claims administrator shall provide to the Parties a statement indicating the amount
of the Back Pay Relief made to each Claimant, the amounts withheld from each such
Back Pay Relief check for taxes and other amounts required to be withheld by law,
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and the purpose of each such withholding.
69. No later than one hundred fifty-five (1 55) days after entry of the
FLOD, the claims administrator shall provide to the Parties a list of all Claimants
whose Back Pay Relief payments have not been deposited. The list shall identify
which Claimant’s checks appear to have been delivered (no returned check) but have
not been cashed, and which Claimant’s checks have been returned to the claims
administrator as undeliverable. The claims administrator shall also provide a
statement of the amount of funds remaining in the QSF.
70. No later than one hundred sixty-five (165) days after entry of the
FLOD, the claims administrator shall email and mail a letter to all Claimants whose
Back Pay Relief payments are still outstanding to inform such Claimants that their
awards have not been deposited or cashed, and may redistributed, reallocated, or
treated as unclaimed property under Georgia law if they do not accept payment by a
specified date one hundred eighty (180) days after issuance of the check. The letter
shall state that no further warnings regarding such distribution will be given.
71. No later than three hundred fifteen (315) days after entry of the FLOD,
the claims administrator shall provide the Parties with a list of all Claimants whose
Back Pay Relief checks were returned as undeliverable and/or uncashed, as well as
a statement of the amount of funds remaining in the QSF.
No later than three hundred twenty-five (325) days after entry of the
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FLOD, the United States shall inform the Defendant either that, to the extent Georgia
state law permits, the remaining funds should be reallocated among the other
Claimants who are listed on the Amended Final Monetary Awards Relief List in a
manner designed to preserve the relative proportions of the Claimants’ shares of the
QSF or, if the remaining funds are de minimis, consult with the Defendant about the
distribution. The Parties shall comply with Georgia law regarding unclaimed
property to the extent applicable to any unclaimed funds under this Decree. The
Court shall resolve any disputes between the Parties as to the treatment of any
unclaimed funds.
Priority Hire Relief
From the Claimants on the Amended Final Individual Relief Awards
List who are deemed eligible for Priority Hire Relief, the County shall make up to
sixteen (16) Priority Hires according to the process set out in Paragraphs 78-85.
Subject to the terms and limitations in this Decree, all individuals selected to be
Priority Hires shall receive an award of Retroactive Seniority as defined in Paragraph
13 corresponding with the Claimant’s Retroactive Seniority Date.
To count as a Priority Hire under this Decree, the person must be a
Claimant who is eligible for Priority
Individual Relief Awards List and w
Hire Relief as indicated in the Amended Final
ho accepts an offer of employment from the
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75. Nothing in this Decree shall preclude any Claimant from applying for
hire or being hired into the firefighter position under any of the County’s regular
selection processes. Hire of a Claimant under one of the County’s regular selection
processes prior to January 2024 shall be counted toward fulfillment of up to four (4)
of the County’s priority hiring obligations under this Decree provided that the
County offers such individual(s) and the individual(s) accept the retroactive seniority
benefits provided for in this Decree. Hire of a Claimant under one of the County’s
regular selection processes shall not affect the Claimant’s eligibility for Back Pay
Relief under this Decree.
The County’s priority hiring obligation under this Decree shall be
considered fulfilled when either (a) 16 eligible Claimants from the Amended Final
Individual Relief Awards List have accepted an offer of employment, or (b) all
eligible Claimants from the Amended Final Individual Relief Awards List have
either (i) accepted an offer of employment as Priority Hires pursuant to the terms of
this Decree; (ii) been disqualified from hire in a manner consistent with the terms of
this Decree; (iii) failed to participate in the CCFD’s firefighter screening and
selection procedures that are then in effect and required of all other applicants
(subject to the policies, procedures, and accommodations applied to all other
applicants) in two different hiring cycles that the priority hire is invited to participate
in and may therefore be deemed disqualified; or (iv) rejected an offer of priority hire
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(including by failing to timely accept an offer of priority hire absent good cause as
determined by the United States). If a Claimant rejects two separate offers of priority
hire because the Claimant is not available to begin the CCFD Academy on the date
included in the County’s offer letters, or the next Academy start date, then the
County may consider that Claimant to be disqualified from hire as a priority hire for
purposes of this paragraph.
77. If the County disqualifies any Claimant listed on the Amended Final
Priority Hire Claimant List based on any part of its screening and selection process,
including but not limited to disqualification pursuant to Paragraph 76, before
fulfilling its priority hiring obligations under the Decree, the County shall, within
five (5) days of making such determination, send the United States written notice of
its determination, the basis of its determination, and any supporting documentation.
If the United States finds no reasonable basis for the County’s determination to
disqualify any Claimant, it shall notify the County in writing within ten (10) days of
its receipt of the County’s determination, and the Parties shall make a good faith
effort to resolve the disagreement. If the Parties cannot resolve the disagreement,
either Party may seek judicial resolution pursuant to the dispute resolution
procedures set forth at Paragraph 89.
78. The County will provide those Priority Hire Claimants it selects for
priority hire with a written employment offer consistent with its normal practices
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and procedures, subject to the additional provisions contained herein.
79. The County shall not be required to place more than three (3) Priority
Hires in any CCFD Academy class, although the County may voluntarily choose to
exceed that number. The County may stagger its Priority Hires through the next six
(6) academies.
80. The County will endeavor to make offers of priority hire as early as
possible upon a Claimant’s successful completion of the County’s firefighter
screening and selection procedures, so that if a Claimant rejects an offer of priority
hire or does not timely respond to an offer of priority hire, the County will have
sufficient time prior to the next CCFD Academy class to make offers to other
potential Priority Hires, if necessary. The County will not make offers of priority
hire within twenty-one (21) days of the starting date of the Academy class to which
the individual is being invited, unless the Parties mutually agree in writing otherwise.
81. The written offer of priority hire will be sent via first-class U.S. mail
and email, and prominently indicate: (a) that the offer is an offer of priority hire
being made pursuant to the Decree; (b) that, upon entry into the CCFD Academy,
the Claimant will be entitled to Retroactive Seniority corresponding with the
Claimant’s Retroactive Seniority Date as
provided by this Decree; (c) the specific
starting salary that the County will provide upon entry into the CCFD Academy and
the Retroactive Seniority Date used to calculate the other Retroactive Seniority
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benefits provided for in this Decree; (d) the telephone number at which the Claimant
may contact the County’s Consent Decree Compliance Officer with any questions
regarding the offer of priority hire; (e) the date on which the Claimant will begin
CCFD Academy training if the offer is accepted; and (f) that the Claimant has
fourteen (14) days from the date on which the Claimant receives the written offer of
priority hire to notify the County that the Claimant accepts the offer. On the date that
such an offer of priority hire is provided to a Claimant, the County shall send a copy
of the offer of priority hire to the United States.
82. If a Claimant fails to report to the CCFD Academy on the start date
identified in the County’s offer of priority hire, after accepting the County’s offer,
then except for good cause as determined by the United States, the County’s
obligation to make a priority hire of that Claimant ceases.
83. On the date on which a Claimant who is hired as a Priority Hire enters
the CCFD Academy, the County shall credit the Claimant with a Retroactive
Seniority Date for purposes of calculating the Retroactive Seniority benefits
provided for in this Decree.
No later than thirty (30) days after the beginning of any CCFD
Academy class for which offers of priority hire are made, the County shall provide
to the United States a written report identifying: (a) the name of each Claimant who
was offered a priority hire position; (b) whether each such Claimant accepted the
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offer of a priority hire position; (c) whether each such Claimant began the CCFD
Academy and was credited with Retroactive Seniority; and (d) for any Claimant who
did not begin the CCFD Academy, a statement of the reason(s) that any Claimant
was not hired, along with all available documentation relating to such reason(s).
85. No later than thirty (30) days after the completion of any CCFD
Academy class for which offers of priority hire have been made, the County shall
provide to the United States a written report identifying those Claimants who
successfully completed Academy training and those who did not successfully
complete Academy training. For Claimants who did not successfully complete
CCFD Academy training, the report shall include a statement of the reason(s) that
the Claimant did not complete Academy training, along with all available
documentation relating to such reason(s).
86. The Parties shall keep confidential the names and personally
identifiable information (“PII”) of any class member and any individual who seeks
or receives relief under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the identity of
individuals designated as priority hires pursuant to this Agreement (including,
without limitation, as may be set forth in any documents completed pursuant to the
Appendices to this Decree, or in LODs or FLODs created pursuant to this Decree),
except that the County may disclose PII of claimants who seek priority hire relief to
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County and/or CCFD personnel who have a need to know for purposes of
implementing the priority hire relief, including, without limitation, the Retroactive
Seniority benefits provided for in this Decree. The Parties will not file any document
with the Court that identifies the name or other PII of any individual seeking or
receiving relief under this Agreement absent a court order permitting disclosure. Any
and all documents or other records that explicitly, or by reasonable implication,
reveal the identities of the individuals seeking, receiving, and/or accepting priority
hire relief with the County are specifically exempted from disclosure by this Order
under O.C.G.A. §50-18-70 et seq. and, to the extent applicable, pursuant to any
request under the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 et seq.
While this Decree remains in effect, the County shall maintain all of
the following records:
All documents relating to written or verbal complaints made by
any person or organization regarding (i) the administration of
this Consent Decree; (ii) discrimination on the basis of race
(African-American) in the appointment of Claimants to the
firefighter position pursuant to this Decree; or (iii)
prohibited by Paragraph 27 above;
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b. All documents relating to the evaluation, selection, designation,
and/or employment of Priority Hires under this Decree; and
c. All other documents relating to the County’s compliance with
the requirements of this Decree, including but not limited to
documents relating to the payment or award of Individual
Relief to any Claimant under this Decree.
Except as otherwise provided in this Decree, the County will make
available to the United States, no later than thirty (30) days after the United States
so requests in writing, any records maintained in accordance with Paragraph 87, and
any additional documents relating to any dispute arising under the Decree.
The Parties shall attempt to resolve informally any disputes or
objections that may arise under this Decree, including any determinations by the
United States that “good cause” exists in a given circumstance, as defined above.
The Parties shall engage in good faith efforts to resolve any issues before seeking
action by the Court. If the Parties are unable to reach agreement after informally
seeking to resolve an issue, it may be submitted by either party to the Court for
resolution upon at least twenty (20) days’ written notice to the other party.
The Court shall retain jurisdiction over this Decree for the purpose of
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resolving any disputes or entering any orders that may be necessary to implement
the relief provided in the Decree. Unless extended for good cause, this Decree shall
be dissolved without further Court Order either three (3) years from the Date of Final
Approval or six months after the date that the last Priority Hire begins the CCFD
Academy, whichever is later. If there is any dispute regarding whether this Decree
is dissolved pursuant to this Paragraph, then that dispute is subject to the dispute-
resolution process set forth in Paragraph 89 above.
91. To the extent possible, all documents required to be delivered to the
Parties under this Decree shall be sent via electronic mail.
92. Where such electronic delivery is not possible, all documents required
to be delivered under this Decree to the United States shall be sent via overnight
delivery to the following address:
Brian McEntire
Juliet Gray
Senior Trial Attorneys
Employment Litigation Section
Civil Rights Division
U.S. Department of Justice
4 Constitution Square
150 M Street, NE, 9
Washington, D.C. 20002
93. All documents required to be delivered under this Decree to Defendant
94. Either the United States or the County may update physical or
electronic delivery or mailing addresses without requiring any changes to the
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shall be sent to the following address:
Cobb County Attorney’s Office
100 Cherokee Street, Suite 350
Marietta, Georgia 30090
The Parties shall bear their own costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees in
this action.
If any provision of this Decree is found to be unlawful, only the specific
provision in question will be affected and the other provisions will remain in full
force and effect.
This Decree may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which
together shall be considered an original but all of which shall constitute one Decree.
It is so ORDERED, this _____ day of ___________________, 2024.
AGREED AND CONSENTED TO on April 24, 2024:
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For Plaintiff United States of America:
United States Attorney
Northern District of Georgia
/s/ Aileen Bell Hughes
Georgia Bar No. 375505
Deputy Chief
Public Integrity & Civil Rights Section
Office of the United States Attorney
600 U.S. Courthouse
75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 581-6000
Fax: (404) 581-6181
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
Employment Litigation Section
Deputy Chief
/s/ Brian G. McEntire
JULIET E. GRAY (DC Bar #985608)
Senior Trial Attorneys
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Employment Litigation Section
150 M Street, N.E., Room 9.1802
Washington, DC 20530
Phone: (202) 598-9907
Fax: (202) 514-1005
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