The CaTholiC UniversiTy of ameriCa
Strategic Plan
The Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Letter from the President
As the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States, e Catholic
University of America has a distinct mission that sets us apart from other Catholic
and American institutions of higher learning: to discover and impart the truth through
excellence in teaching and research, in service to the Church, the nation, and the
world. I am pleased to present Catholic University’s Strategic Plan and Campus Master
Plan, which outline specic goals and objectives we have committed to in order to
build upon our tradition of excellence and chart our course for the future.
As the Church adapts to meet the needs of a globalized world and to address its many
challenges, so too our University must adapt to provide a world-class education in every
eld of human endeavor, informed by the Catholic intellectual, moral, and spiritual
tradition. is requires building upon the strength of our existing academic oerings,
developing our student life and cocurricular programming, and enhancing and
expanding our campus facilities.
Aer ve years, our current strategic plan has recently been updated to reect our
accomplishments, ongoing eorts, and new opportunities. As you will see, our
Strategic Plan and the Campus Master Plan each outline specic ways in which
Catholic University will meet the needs of its community and strengthen its place as
a comprehensive, Catholic, and American institution of higher learning.
e two plans are the result of an inclusive, collaborative process that involved
members of the community representing our constituents. I believe that the goals
and the concrete plans to achieve them will position us to provide our students with
a rich campus experience and a life of the mind, and will continue to attract world-
class faculty and sta committed to our mission.
e future of e Catholic University of America has its blueprint in our foundation.
I am condent that together, we will continue to make lasting contributions to our world.
John Garvey
Table of Contents
Strategic Plan Preamble ............................................................................................. 2
Strategic Goal 1:
Ensure that every aspect of the University is clearly and distinctively grounded in our Catholic identity .......................... 5
Strategic Goal 2:
Aim for the highest standards of academic and professional excellence ..................................................... 13
Strategic Goal 3:
Provide a vibrant, challenging, and upliing collegiate experience ......................................................... 25
Strategic Goal 4:
Oer a demanding, ecient, productive, and rewarding work environment ................................................. 31
Strategic Goal 5:
Use our distinctive identity as a basis for securing the resources needed to fund this Strategic Plan ............................. 39
Strategic Plan Preamble
In his magisterial statement on Catholic universities, Saint John Paul II observed that these institutions, “born from the heart of the
Church,” are “called to a continuous renewal, both as ‘Universities’ and as ‘Catholic.
e midcourse update of the University’s Strategic
Plan is an integral part of such renewal.
It is apt that the revision of the plan occurs at the present moment, for we are living through a period of considerable economic, political,
and cultural uncertainty. Financial turmoil at home and abroad has led to a widespread distrust in the existing economic order. Politically,
the nation is more polarized than it has been in many decades. ere is widespread agreement that the U.S. higher education system is in
turmoil but also extensive disagreement as to why that is and what can be done about it.
In such circumstances, the University faces some unusual challenges, but these challenges also aord us new opportunities: there is a great
need for what we have to oer.
As “the national university of the Catholic Church,” e Catholic University of America has always had a privileged role to play in the
education of priests as well as religious and Catholic laity. In our increasingly secularized and fragmented society, the imperative to instill
values, character, leadership, and sound decision-making skills in our students is more urgent than ever. e Catholic Church herself also
needs assistance in navigating many complex issues, including current threats to religious liberty, the implementation of economic justice,
and eective not-for-prot administration.
2 e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
3e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
As “a comprehensive Catholic and American institution of higher learning,” the University also oers a distinctive contribution to the
entire nation. In its commitment to the dignity of every human person, the Catholic intellectual tradition transcends political divisions.
And in “its free search for the whole truth about nature, man and God” it resists the temptation to limit the scope of human reason to
what can be counted or subjected to human control. Contrary to the self-interested focus on “credentials” and personal advantage, the
University engages in the pursuit of truth in light of “the authentic good of individuals and of human society as a whole.
Our ability to accomplish the mission entrusted to us is informed by nancial constraints common to many institutions of higher learning.
e competition for students is strong. Government funding for research is declining. With state funding of public universities also
waning, universities such as ours must contend with increasing competition for philanthropic support. e imperative to be successful in
gathering sucient nancial resources is stronger than ever.
In the reemphasis on our identity as e Catholic University of America, we will nd both the solution to the nancial challenges we face
and the renewal of our distinctive mission, which is at once Catholic and academic. It is only in being true to our founding that we are
genuinely attractive to those who care about Catholic higher education: students, parents, and donors. Yet it is also only in being true to
our founding that we will authentically “serve the Church, the nation and the world
and make a lasting contribution to each.
Strategic Plan Outline
1. Ensure that every aspect of the University is clearly and distinctively grounded in our Catholic identity.
a. Ensure the continuance and deepening of a strong, mission-based, academically rigorous Catholic identity in every academic unit
and program.
b. Ensure that all faculty and sta support and contribute to the University’s Catholic mission.
c. Foster a community culture of academic pursuit of truth and virtue.
2. Aim for the highest standards of academic and professional excellence.
a. Strengthen the undergraduate experience.
b. Strengthen the graduate experience.
c. Increase the academic prole.
d. Strengthen academic support at all levels.
e. Sustain a culture of assessment for ongoing program evaluation.
f. Improve infrastructure for education and research.
3. Provide a vibrant, challenging, and upliing collegiate experience.
a. Enhance the on-campus experience for all students.
b. Strengthen support for career preparation.
c. Expand cocurricular and extracurricular programs and opportunities.
d. Develop and maintain thriving, competitive recreational and wellness programs that are reective of the mission of the University.
4. Oer a demanding, ecient, productive, and rewarding work environment.
a. Improve competitiveness in salaries and benets for faculty and sta.
b. Ensure diversity in faculty and sta recruitment and hiring.
c. Review and assess internal business processes for opportunities to operate more eectively and eciently.
d. Strengthen faculty and sta morale.
e. Improve sta development programs.
5. Use our distinctive identity as a basis for securing the resources needed to fund this Strategic Plan.
a. Build up world-class advancement capability.
b. Grow the undergraduate applicant pool size and quality to increase undergraduate enrollment.
c. Expand research activity and funding.
1 Ex Corde Ecclesiae, “Introduction,” §7
2 See, for example,
to-blame/ and
3 Ex Corde Ecclesiae, “Introduction,” §§4 and 7
4 CUA Mission Statement
4 e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
5e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 1.a.ii.1.
Review applicable course curriculum of each undergraduate
program to adapt and incorporate elements of the Catholic
intellectual tradition.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Studies
regarding Catholic intellectural tradition
elements in undergraduate programs
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Deans of schools
of eology and Religious
Studies and Philosophy
Action Item 1.a.ii.2.
Institute course offerings and curricular standards for fine
arts courses for nonmajors
Evaluation of ne arts courses and
curricular standards
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item 1.a.ii.3.
Create forums for exploration and discussion of the
pertinence of Catholic teaching to all disciplines of study
at the University.
Percent of faculty and student
• Number/type of academic publications
Responsible Party
Provost, School Deans
Action Item 1.a.ii.4.
Inventory all the University’s academic degree and certificate
programs to assess the extent of Catholic identity and mission.
Annual Report of schools regarding
Catholic identity and mission
Responsible Party
School Deans, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies,
Dean of Graduate Studies
Action Item 1.a.ii.5.
Create curricular standards for elements of Catholic intellectual
tradition principles in existing academic programs.
Creation of standards and implementation
of annual review schedule
Responsible Party
Dean of Graduate Studies,
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant
School Deans
Strategic Goal 1
Ensure that every aspect of the University is clearly and distinctively grounded in our Catholic identity.
Objective 1.a.
Ensure the continuance and deepening of a strong,
mission-based, academically rigorous Catholic identity
in every academic unit and program.
Responsible Party
Action Item 1.a.i.1.
Establish mission-related faculty reading groups.
Number of faculty participating
Responsible Party
Action Item 1.a.i.2.
Develop communication plan to highlight University’s unique
strengths in the Catholic intellectual tradition through such
distinctive programs as Early Christian Studies, Culture and
Sacred Study (Architecture), Catholic Education, Medieval
and Byzantine Studies, Egyptian and Semitic Languages,
Sacred Music, and Greek and Latin.
Implementation of communication plan
Responsible Party
Executive Director,
relevant school deans
Initiative 1.a.i. Support increased awareness of and commitment to the University’s Catholic academic identity across
the curriculum.
Initiative 1.a.ii. Identify components of a recongured general education at the undergraduate level that are
transparently reective of the Catholic intellectual tradition.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 1.a.ii.6.
Integrate national standards regarding information literacy
into the undergraduate curriculum to ensure students leave
the University prepared for a lifetime of learning and are
able to identify an information need; locate and evaluate
information effectively; and use information appropriately
and ethically.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Studies
regarding establishment of information
literacy standards
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
deans, University
Action Item 1.a.iii.1.
Evaluate graduate programs in the ecclesiastical faculties.
Best practices of international graduate
programs with ecclesiastical faculties.
Responsible Party
Provost, Deans of
Ecclesiastical Faculties
Action Item 1.a.iii.2.
Charge schools to develop plan to address metric identified in
Action Item 1.a.iii.1.
Metric as identied in Action Item 1.a.iii.1
Responsible Party
Dean of Graduate Studies,
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Initiative 1.a.iii. Position CUA as the leading institution in the nation for graduate programs
of the ecclesiastical faculties.
Action Item 1.a.iv.1.
For graduate and undergraduate students, identify 5-10 key
areas of research overlap among faculty relating directly to our
mission and Catholic identity.
Identication of key areas
Responsible Party
Dean of Graduate Studies,
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Associate Provost for
Research, AVP Institutional
Initiative 1.a.iv. Promote interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty on issues of relevance to our mission
and Catholic identity.
Action Item 1.a.v.1.
Ensure appropriate institutional structures so that all
academic units serving undergraduate students clearly and
seamlessly support this vision.
Report from individual academic units on
creation and maintenance of appropriate
institutional structures.
Responsible Party
Provost, relevant
school deans, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies
Initiative 1.a.v. Develop and monitor a university core of undergraduate general education with a vision that is clear,
compelling, and Catholic.
Action Item
Ensure that the Undergraduate Advising Center works closely
with individual academic advisors in major programs.
Improvement of rst- to second-year
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Initiative Address in a holistic way the sophomore year experience and the gateway to the disciplines
and to undergraduate majors.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 1.a.vii.1.
Create a sustainability website to inform both internal and
external communities of CUA’s sustainability programs.
Successful creation of website
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities
Action Item 1.a.vii.5.
Provide sustainability programs for staff
Annual Sightlines Report
Responsible Party
VP Finance, AVP Facilities
Action Item 1.a.vii.6.
Collaborate with other campuses in the D.C. metropolitan
area, as well as with Catholic institutions nationwide, on
sustainability efforts
Successful collaboration with Consortium
universities and Campus Compact
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies,
Dean of Graduate Studies,
relevant school deans
Action Item 1.a.vii.2.
In all new const
ruction and renovation projects, where
appropriate, inco
rporate a high level of sustainable design
and energy efficiency as informed by, and in keeping wit
the 2012 Master Plan.
Project commissioning reports;
Master Plan
Annual carbon footprint analysis reports
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, VP Finance
Action Item 1.a.vii.3.
Develop sustainability design and operations guidelines for
new and existing buildings based on national standards and
best practices.
Annual Sightlines Report
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, VP Finance
Action Item 1.a.vii.4.
Provide sustainability programs for students.
• Formal identication of all sustainability
programs sponsored on campus
• Creation of instrument to capture student
participation in sustainability programs
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, VP Student
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Campus
Initiative 1.a.vii. Strive to be leaders in a cohesive and coordinated eort toward environmental stewardship
in keeping with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Action Item 1.b.i.1.
Strengthen faculty recruitment process to improve hiring for
mission; e.g., develop mechanisms in faculty recruitment and
application processes to identify Catholic faculty.
Revised recruiting process that yields larger
numbers of qualied Catholic faculty who
are interested in mission and who apply for
vacant positions.
Responsible Party
Provost, School Deans
Initiative 1.b.i. Recruit and appoint Catholics so that those committed to the witness of the faith constitute a majority
of the faculty.
Objective 1.b.
Ensure that all faculty and sta support and contribute to
the University’s Catholic mission.
Responsible Party
Provost, other VPs
Action Item 1.b.i.2.
Require academic units to report periodically on how the
faculty recruitment process conforms to the requirements set
by Ex Corde Ecclesiae.
Annual Report of Provost regarding
faculty recruitment and Ex Corde
Ecclesiae elements
Percentage of Catholic faculty
in applicant pools
Responsible Party
Provost, School Deans
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 1.b.i.3.
Seek out faculty candidates through Catholic affiliations.
Percentage of Catholic faculty applicants
identied through the following channels:
discipline-based networks, National Catholic
Educational Association, other Catholic
Responsible Party
Provost, School Deans
Action Item 1.b.ii.1.
Provide in-service and information opportunities for faculty
and staff in the areas of Catholic identity, teaching, and
Number/percent of faculty and sta
Responsible Party
Director of Campus
Ministry, Provost, AVP
Human Resources,
relevant school deans
Initiative 1.b.ii. Continue to build on the rich tradition of Catholic social teaching so that these principles enrich
such relevant academic areas as religious education, spiritual formation, social service, and social and
environmental policy formulation and analysis.
Action Item 1.b.iii.1.
Evaluate recommendations from Hispanic Task Force Report
(2011) for implementation and extension.
Longitudinal comparison of institutional
demographic prole
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, VP
Enrollment Services, Dean
of Graduate Studies, Dean
of Undergraduate Studies,
Director of Campus
Ministry, relevant school
Initiative 1.b.iii. Enhance, promote, and support the diversity of both programs and the community.
Action Item 1.b.iv.1.
Develop recruitment strategies that match prospective
professional staff appointments with mission, especially
in areas of direct student support and services.
Development and application of recruitment
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Finance, AVP
Human Resources
Action Item 1.b.iv.2.
Develop staff training programs that educate new and
continuing staff in the Catholic intellectual tradition and
Catholic Social Teaching.
Development and application of sta training
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Finance, AVP
Human Resources
Initiative 1.b.iv. Promote sta recruitment and development central to the Catholic identity and mission.
Objective 1.c.
Foster a community culture that encourages faith
development and commitment to service.
Responsible Party
Director of Campus Ministry,
VP Student Aairs
Action Item 1.c.i.1.
Enhance residence hall life by encouraging prayer,
participation in the Church’s sacramental life, and
the exercise of natural and theological virtues.
• Number of programs created
Annual Report of Campus Ministry
regarding residence hall life
Percentage/number of student participation
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Campus
Initiative 1.c.i. Strengthen the presence of Campus Ministry and Student Life in the residential experience,
with a focus on enhancing formation of students.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 1.c.i.2.
Determine the need for student ministers in off-campus
residential living.
Survey results on need for o-campus
student ministers
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Campus
Action Item 1.c.i.3.
Develop suitable Catholic liturgical spaces in residence halls
and academic buildings.
Development of liturgical space
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, Director of
Campus Ministry
Action Item 1.c.i.4.
Evaluate the 2011-2012 pilot project to accommodate priests
and other religious in residence halls for further expansion.
Survey results on ecacy and student
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Campus
Initiative 1.c.ii. Evaluate extended access to specic outreach by Campus Ministry to all students, faculty, and sta.
Action Item 1.c.ii.1.
Assess spiritual needs for commuter students.
Survey results on ecacy
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Campus
Action Item 1.c.iii.2.
Engage in such educational activities as local outreach,
mission trips, and sustainability.
Number/percentage of faculty and
student participation
Responsible Party
Director of Campus
Ministry, VP Student
Aairs, relevant school
Action Item 1.c.iii.1.
Annually report service activity accomplished during each
academic year.
Annual Report of Campus Ministry on
service learning
Responsible Party
Director of Campus
Ministry, VP Student
Initiative 1.c.iii. Continue to promote the Church’s core values of service to others.
Action Item 1.c.iv.1.
Explore programs and places for Catholic faith formation for
all members of the CUA community, including residential and
commuter students, faculty, and staff.
Number/percentageof faculty, sta, and
student participation
Survey on ecacy
Responsible Party
Provost, Director of
Campus Ministry, VP
Student Aairs, AVP
Initiative 1.c.iv. Make the University a welcoming home that reects the current demography of American
Catholicism while continuing to provide a supportive environment to other faith traditions.
Action Item 1.c.iv.2.
Develop or modify existing places for worship and spiritual
reflection on campus
Worship place on campus
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, Director of
Campus Ministry
Action Item 1.c.iv.3.
Provide ministry that is culturally sensitive to diverse
communities, including Latin, African American, and Eastern
Rite Catholics.
Outcome programs
Responsible Party
Director of Campus
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 1.c.v.1.
Continue to expand collaboration with domestic and
international mission organizations.
• Annual Report of Campus Ministry on
• Number of international mission projects
Responsible Party
Director of Campus
Ministry, Provost,
other VPs
Initiative 1.c.v. Collaborate with other Catholic institutions and leaders worldwide.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
12 e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 2
Aim for the highest standards of academic and professional excellence.
Objective 2.a.
Strengthen the undergraduate experience.
Responsible Party
Provost, VP of Student Aairs, VP of
Enrollment Management
Initiative 2.a.i. Consider new academic organizational units to support innovative and interdisciplinary
programming, such as the creation of a School of Business and Economics.
Action Item 2.a.i.1.
Solicit ideas from academic administration and faculty for
successful innovative and interdisciplinary programs within
their respective fields
Number of new interdisciplinary projects
per faculty participation
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Graduate
Studies, Provost, relevant
school deans
Action Item 2.a.i.2.
Charge Sponsored Programs with identifying interdisciplinary
funding opportunities from grant agencies and foundations
and with developing a monthly e-newsletter to inform faculty
of opportunities.
Number/percentage of funding opportunities
identied in e-newsletter pursued and/or
awarded by University faculty
Responsible Party
Associate Provost for
Action Item 2.a.i.3.
Evaluate current aspirational competition in undergraduate
schools of business to identify key success factors based on
recent research in excellence in undergraduate business
education and in Catholic social teaching.
Best-in-class and competitor
undergraduate schools of business
Key success factors and competitive
standing among universities
Responsible Party
Chair of Business and
Economics, relevant
school deans
Action Item 2.a.i.4.
Identify in the Master Plan the facilities requirement and an
appropriate location for a School of Business and Economics.
Identication of facilities requirement
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, VP Finance
Action Item 2.a.i.5.
Launch online education office.
Successful creation and stang of oce
Responsible Party
Action Item 2.a.ii.2.
Identify collaboration and synergies between departments
and programs and reorganize, physically and/or
programmatically, to promote interdisciplinary collaboration.
Identication of collaboration synergies
Responsible Party
Action Item 2.a.ii.1.
Develop metrics to assess program impact (scholarship,
research, education, service, finances) of each school.
Formalize University system of program
evaluation and obtain approval of the
academic deans
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Graduate
Studies, AVP Institutional
Research, relevant school
deans, Dean of Assessment
Initiative 2.a.ii. Examine consolidation of existing schools to reect academic eectiveness, build excellence,
and promote interdisciplinarity.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.a.ii.3.
Fully implement multiyear analysis of program viability
(Income Cost Model).
Completed FY11 Income Cost Model
and formalized reporting structure
Responsible Party
AVP Institutional
Research, AVP Finance,
VP Finance
Action Item 2.a.ii.4.
Assess feasibility of creating organizational synergies to
promote interdisciplinary study in such areas as Humanities
and Social Sciences, Performing and Creative Arts,
Ecclesiastical Studies, and Natural and Applied Sciences.
Projects, participation
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Graduate
Studies, relevant school
deans, Provost
Action Item 2.a.iv.1.
Assess advisability of providing an academic home as an
option for exploratory students from admission until declaring
a major or up to 60 credits.
Decision for or against establishing an
academic home
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item 2.a.iv.2.
Form an intercollegiate faculty curriculum oversight
committee for general education and ensure that it receives
all the necessary support that leads to the adoption and
implementation of a revised core curriculum, with appropriate
adaptation to the First-Year Experience program.
• Formation of curriculum oversight
• Revised core curriculum
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item 2.a.iii.1.
Maintain existing housing and living learning centers
for Honors Program students.
Number/percentage of Honors Program
students residing in living centers
Responsible Party
Director of University
Honors Program, VP
Student Aairs
Action Item 2.a.iii.2.
Establish criteria for “Honors in Liberal Studies”
and standards for undergraduate research within
the Honors Program.
Establishment of criteria and standards
Responsible Party
Director of University
Program, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies,
Associate Provost for
Initiative 2.a.iv. Decide whether to create a college for undecided/exploratory students from which they would
“graduate” into a major or bundle appropriate support services for undecided/exploratory students
under the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies.
Action Item 2.a.v.2.
Pursue national benchmark standards for the proportion
of undergraduate work constituting a major and a minor.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Studies
regarding major and minor standards
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item 2.a.v.1.
Review the overall portfolio of majors, minors, and certificates
at the undergraduate level.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Studies
regarding majors, minors, and certicates
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Initiative 2.a.v. Examine the number of requirements in general education and in majors.
Initiative 2.a.iii. Develop resources for the Honors Program that allow for increased exible integration with majors,
student scholarship support, awards, and nurturing programs for honors students.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.a.v.3.
Pursue national benchmark standards for the proportion of
undergraduate work constituting general education.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Studies
regarding general education standards
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item 2.a.v.4.
Promote interdisciplinary majors and minors.
Number/percentage of undergraduates
completing interdisciplinary majors
and minors
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item 2.a.v.5.
Streamline the process of changing majors, within and
across schools, with minimal loss of credits toward degree
Number of undergraduates changing a
major within school each year/graduation
rate and time to degree for students
changing a major within a school
Number of undergraduates changing
schools each year/associated graduation
rate and time-to-degree for students
changing schools
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item
Create an Advising Committee, with representation from
the Undergraduate Advising Center, faculty, and Student
Affairs, in order to review the effectiveness of current
advising practices and make recommendations on possible
Creation of Advising Committee
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Initiative Enhance advising practices.
Action Item 2.a.vii.1.
Consider the relative benefits of small classes, contact with faculty
and student cohorts who move through the FYE as a unit.
orough review and consideration of the
benets of class size and faculty contact
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Assessment
Action Item 2.a.vii.2.
Consider allowing room within the new core curriculum for
piloting and evolution of various alternative models, including
topics-based faculty-taught seminars and common lectures
(a lecture given by a faculty expert to multiple sections), within
the FYE.
Completion of review of various
alternatives within core curriculum
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Initiative 2.a.vii. Reassess First Year Experience program in the light of the curriculum review process.
Action Item 2.a.vii.3.
To the extent possible, formally integrate cocurricular
educational topics into the required FYE program for all new
students (e.g., freshman social transition issues, basic study
and academic enhancement strategies, etc.) by making them
strongly encouraged or mandatory but not for credit.
Inclusion of cocurricular educational
topics in the First-Year Experience
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, VP Student Aairs
Action Item 2.a.vii.4.
Enhance the existing FYE community service engagement
program, coordinated by Campus Ministry.
Number of community outreach programs
coordinated through the FYE.
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Director of
Campus Ministry
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.b.i.2.
Establish and foster relationships with area and national
research foundations, public policy institutes, research centers,
and other such institutions to collaborate on timely issues
within society, in science, and on the environment.
Number of partnerships with area and
national research foundations
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of Graduate
Studies, Associate Director
for Research, relevant
school deans
Action Item 2.b.i.3.
Develop a plan that matches admissions with availability of
multiyear support packages for all students in each doctoral
• Number/percentage of newly enrolled
doctoral students receiving multiyear
support packages
Number/percentage of newly enrolled
doctoral students receiving full
tuition support
Number/percentage of newly enrolled
doctoral students receiving partial
tuition support
• Number/percentage of newly enrolled
doctoral students receiving stipend/
fellowship/assistantship support
• Mean level of stipend/fellowship/
assistantship support
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of Graduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item 2.b.ii.1.
Identify a resource pool for financial matches in foundation
proposals for graduate student support.
Identication of nancial matches
Responsible Party
VP Development, Dean of
Graduate Studies, Provost
Action Item 2.b.ii.2.
Commission a study to look at the opportunity for increased
graduate support as well as analyzing and quantifying the
potential for the University.
Using our own data, develop a plan
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of Graduate
Studies, relevant school
Initiative 2.b.ii. Develop a nancial plan to capture revenue for graduate student support.
Action Item 2.b.i.4.
Integrate extramural funds for student support with other
sources, particularly for doctoral students.
Number/percentage of amount of
extramural support
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of Graduate
Studies, Associate Provost
for Research, VP Finance,
relevant school deans
Action Item 2.b.i.1.
Develop a strategic approach to foundations, corporations,
government agencies, and individual contributors to partner
in raising funds or identifying opportunities for scholarships,
stipends, and research grants.
Amount/percentage of scholarship support
externally funded
Number/percentage of externally funded
University stipends/fellowships/assistantships
Responsible Party
VP Advancement,
Initiative 2.b.i. Foster multiyear, full support of doctoral students with competitive packages.
Objective 2.b.
Strengthen the graduate experience.
Responsible Party
Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.b.ii.3.
Expand small grants for dissertation research and travel funds
for students to present their research at conferences.
Number of small research grants awarded
annually / percentage of doctoral students
receiving small research grants annually
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of Graduate
Studies, Associate Provost
for Research
Action Item 2.b.iii.2.
Increase focus on, and support of, doctoral students in Career
Number/percentage of doctoral students
receiving career placement assistance from
the Oce of Career Services
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, Dean
of Graduate Studies
Action Item 2.b.ii.4.
Continue development of professional master’s programs as
revenue generator for graduate student support.
• Enrollment numbers in professional
masters programs
Percentage of funding revenue returned to
graduate student support
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of Graduate
Studies, VP Finance
Action Item 2.b.iii.1.
Establish benchmark based on previous 5-10 years of CUA doctoral
programs, including areas of study/research, number of doctoral
candidates, performance of programs, and outcomes.
Number/percentage of students receiving
a doctoral degree obtaining employment
appropriate to discipline and degree earned
Responsible Party
Dean of Assessment,
Dean of Graduate Studies,
relevant school deans
Initiative 2.b.iii. Include career opportunities in the assessment of doctoral programs.
Objective 2.c.
Increase the academic prole.
Responsible Party
VP of Enrollment Management
Initiative 2.c.i. In undergraduate admissions, improve academic selectivity while continuing to raise the academic
qualications for admitted students.
Action Item 2.c.i.1.
In the context of the increased discount rate, raise scholarship
funds to support higher academic standards.
Number of students who have their full
institutional need met
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Development,
VP Enrollment Management
Action Item 2.c.i.2.
Develop a student financial support plan to allow all students
to participate in cultural and linguistic immersion programs
• Number/percentage of students studying
• Number/percentage of graduating students
who studied abroad at some point during
their career
• Number/percentage of undergraduates
studying abroad who received some type
of institutional support for their studies
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Enrollment
Management, AVP Global
Action Item 2.c.ii.1.
Assess current marketing practices and recommend marketing
and promotional programs in targeted regions based upon
previous success and diversity goals.
Annual Report of Enrollment Management
regarding marketing practices in targeted
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Initiative 2.c.ii. Create a marketing program aimed at undergraduate students.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.c.ii.2.
Assess website content at unit, University, and IT level to
monitor timeliness and accuracy.
Development of tool to assess freshness
and accuracy of website
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Management, CIO Tech
Services, AVP Marketing
and Communications, Dean
of Undergraduate Studies,
relevant school deans
Action Item 2.c.ii.3.
Increase the resources for Enrollment Management in order
to strengthen recruitment.
• Number/percentage of freshman
• Number/percentage of freshmen
• Number/percentage of early decision
• Number/percentage of newly enrolled
• Number/percent of high schools visited
each year by recruitment sta
Number/percent of high schools visited
by recruitment sta with at least one
applicant each year
Average number of visits per high school
by recruitment sta
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Action Item 2.c.ii.4.
Review curricular offerings at other institutions to discern
emerging new opportunities and directions and explore the
creation of high-appeal academic programs (e.g., Intelligence,
Classical Architecture, Cybersecurity, Criminology).
Annual Report of Enrollment Management
regarding emerging degree programs
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Management, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies,
Dean of Graduate Studies,
relevant school deans
Action Item 2.c.ii.5.
Enhance international student recruitment.
Annual Report
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Management, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies,
Dean of Graduate Studies,
AVP Global Education,
relevant school deans
Action Item 2.c.ii.6.
Enhance programs and services, including intensive English
training, in order to remain competitive in the global market,
increase diversity on campus, and improve the overall student
experience at CUA.
Annual Report
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Management, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies,
Dean of Graduate Studies,
AVP Global Education,
relevant school deans
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.c.iii.1.
Survey peer institutions for data on stipend, tuition,
benefit (and similar) packages by discipline in order
to remain competitive.
Continued participation in Oklahoma
Graduate Student Stipend Survey;
discipline-by-discipline gap between
university awards and mean awards from
Oklahoma survey
Responsible Party
Dean of Graduate
Studies, AVP Institutional
Initiative 2.c.iii. At the doctoral level, increase yield for the best students by competitive packaging for prospective
graduate students that includes multiyear support.
Action Item 2.c.iv.1.
Seek external subvention to support tuition scholarships as
both merit and need-based for minority students.
Amount of external support
Responsible Party
VP Advancement,
relevant school deans
Initiative 2.c.iv. Ensure that diversity is reected in student body.
Objective 2.d.
Strengthen academic support at all levels.
Responsible Party
Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, University Librarian
Action Item 2.d.i.1.
Continue programs of collaboration between Student Affairs
and Academic Affairs through the creation of an advising
Creation of advising committee
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Students,
relevant school deans
Initiative 2.d.i. Enhance Center for Academic Success to provide transitional programs from entry through the
declaration of major.
Action Item 2.d.ii.1.
Improve storage and exhibit spaces to preserve, house, and
showcase library, archive, and museum collections.
Improved spaces; Master Plan
Responsible Party
University Librarian, AVP
Action Item 2.d.ii.2.
Develop an infrastructure to allow for the systematic
digitization and dissemination of library and archival
materials for preservation and access, thereby making more of
the collection accessible online.
Number/percentage of online collections
Responsible Party
University Librarian
Initiative 2.d.ii. Protect and enhance the unique library and archive collections CUA has been entrusted to curate.
Action Item 2.d.ii.3.
Evaluate current support of collections as they relate to the
University’s Catholic mission and academic programs.
Annual Report of University Libraries
regarding current support of University’s
Responsible Party
University Librarian
Action Item 2.d.ii.4.
Increase the amount of study space available for individual
research and collaborative learning.
Amount of study space; Master Plan
Responsible Party
University Librarian, AVP
Increase the number of and improve the quality of the
workstations available for research, instruction, and creation
in Mullen Library.
Increase the number of and improve the quality of the
workstations available for research, instruction, and creation
in Mullen Library.
Increase the number of and improve the quality of the
workstations available for research, instruction, and creation
in Mullen Library.
Increase the number of and improve the quality of the
workstations available for research, instruction, and creation
in Mullen Library.
Increase the number of and improve the quality of the
workstations available for research, instruction, and creation
in Mullen Library.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.d.iii.2.
Bring more academic support services into the library.
Annual Report of University Libraries
regarding academic support presence
Responsible Party
University Librarian, Dean
of Undergraduate Studies
Action Item 2.d.iii.1.
Increase the number of and improve the quality of the
workstations available for research, instruction, and creation
in Mullen Library.
• Creation of operational denition of the
types of workstations sought
• Number/percentage of workstations
available in Mullen Library
• Annual usage of workstations by type
• Creation of satisfaction index for Mullen
Library services and workstations
• Student satisfaction with Mullen Library
services and workstations
Responsible Party
University Librarian, AVP
Facilities, VP Development
University Librarian
University Librarian
University Librarian, AVP
Institutional Research
University Librarian, AVP
Institutional Research
Initiative 2.d.iii. Recongure Mullen Library as a learning hub with the exibility and enhanced IT technology and
assistance necessary to support a variety of learning styles and to meet the ever-changing research
and learning needs of faculty and students.
Action Item 2.d.iii.3.
Explore relocation of special collections into new facilities with
improved security and environmental controls; restructure
and incorporate subsequently vacated spaces into an
interdisciplinary learning center.
Annual Report of University Libraries
regarding relocation and conversion of
Responsible Party
University Librarian,
AVP Facilities
Action Item 2.d.iv.1.
Improve document delivery and acquisition on demand.
Annual Report of University Libraries
regarding document delivery and
Responsible Party
University Librarian
Action Item 2.d.iv.2.
Enhance discovery systems to support both University
collections and those to which the libraries can provide quick
delivery on demand, with a goal of seamless access.
Annual Report of University Libraries
regarding current discovery systems
Responsible Party
University Librarian
Action Item 2.d.iv.3.
Improve support in the areas of print and electronic
collections and storage and preservation by strengthening
the University’s agenda within the Washington Resource
Library Consortium (WRLC).
Annual Report of University Libraries
regarding the University’s relationship with
the WRLC
Responsible Party
University Librarian
Action Item 2.d.iv.4.
Evaluate the changes occurring as a result of the migration
to electronic publishing and in consideration of the high costs
to libraries in existing publishing models.
Annual Report of University Libraries
regarding University dialogue and
potential costs
Responsible Party
University Librarian
Initiative 2.d.iv Increase access to primary and secondary literature resources.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 2.e.i.1.
Establish office of assessment to oversee all assessment Establish office of assessment to oversee all assessment Establish office of assessment to oversee all assessment efforts,
including development of a comprehensive model to assess including development of a comprehensive model to assess including development of a comprehensive model to assess
faculty contributions to scholarship, research, teaching, faculty contributions to scholarship, research, teaching, faculty contributions to scholarship, research, teaching,
mentorship, service, etc.
• Annual report by Vice Provost and Dean
of Assessment
• University-wide implementation of
Delaware Study of Out-of-Classroom
Productivity reporting methodology
• Annual participation in two Delaware
1) Out-of-Classroom Productivity
2) Instructional Costs and Productivity
Responsible Party
AVP Institutional
AVP Institutional
Initiative 2.e.i. Ensure objective evaluation of faculty productivity and impact.
Objective 2.e.
Sustain a culture of assessment for ongoing program
Responsible Party
Vice Provost and Dean of Assessment
Action Item 2.e.ii.1.
Identify programs that are not accredited at the University
but for which national accreditation is the norm.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Studies
regarding national accreditation approvals
at the University
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Graduate
Studies, AVP Institutional
Research, relevant school
Action Item 2.e.ii.2.
Identify programs for which national accreditation is not
yet the norm, but for which gaining accreditation may
provide unique “first mover” advantage and opportunities
for the University.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Studies
regarding national accreditation approvals
at the University
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Graduate
Studies, AVP Institutional
Research, relevant school
Initiative 2.e.ii. Evaluate a plan to attain additional accreditations.
Action Item 2.e.iii.2.
Reinstate the doctoral program in Human Development in the
Department of Psychology, focused on the family and on youth
from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Reinstatement of degree program
Responsible Party
Department of
Psychology, School of Arts
and Sciences
Action Item 2.e.iii.1.
Develop list of top 20-30 graduate programs in pertinent
academic units; identify and prioritize key metrics on how
rankings are generated in this field while identifying the
impact factor for each metric.
Annual Report of Graduate Studies
regarding top-ranked graduate programs
Responsible Party
Dean of Assessment, Dean
of Graduate Studies, AVP
Institutional Research
Initiative 2.e.iii. Evolve a plan in all academic units to enhance external measure of reputation.
Action Item 2.e.iv.1.
Fully implement the transparent income-cost model that
serves as a guide to direct faculty and staff resources to serve
the varying demands of academic programs.
Full implementation of income-cost model
Responsible Party
VP Finance, Provost, AVP
Institutional Research
Initiative 2.e.iv. Use the income-cost model to adequately support the interdisciplinary programs and research centers,
particularly those that fall between current academic unit structures.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Objective 2.f.
Improve infrastructure for education and research.
Responsible Party
VP for Finance
Action Item 2.f.i.1.
Develop a classroom management plan that matches teaching
needs with technology availability, including using classroom
management software to identify and prioritize classroom
Annual Report of Finance regarding
classroom management plan
Responsible Party
VP Finance, CIO Tech
Action Item 2.f.i.2.
Examine the classroom space available on campus.
Annual Report of Finance regarding
classroom management plan
Responsible Party
VP Finance, CIO Tech
Action Item 2.f.i.3.
Enhance the role of the IT Governance Committee as the
means to implement an improved infrastructure.
Annual/quarterly reports of the IT
Operations Committee on research and
project support
Responsible Party
CIO Tech Services
Action Item 2.f.i.4.
Engage a systematic program to upgrade teaching and
research laboratories, studios, and performance spaces.
Number of classrooms upgraded to newly
created set of classroom standards;
Master Plan
Number of classrooms below newly
created set of classroom standards
Responsible Party
VP Finance, AVP Facilities
Action Item 2.f.i.5.
Increase investments in academic computing and software for
e-learning, computing, modeling, and simulation.
Annual Report of Tech Services regarding
computing and soware purchases
Responsible Party
VP Finance, CIO Tech
Initiative 2.f.i Increase the number and enhance the quality of classrooms to meet recognized instructional standards.
Action Item 2.e.iv.2.
Conduct an annual update of the income-cost model to
facilitate decision support.
Annual publication of University
income-cost model following the close
of the scal year
Responsible Party
VP for Finance, AVP
Institutional Research
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
24 e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 3
Provide a vibrant, challenging, and uplifting collegiate experience.
Objective 3.a.
Enhance the on-campus experience for all students.
Responsible Party
VP for Student Aairs, Director of Campus
Action Item 3.a.i.1.
Create lively and welcoming destination spaces that promote
safe and responsible camaraderie for all students, including
commuter and graduate.
Annual Report of Student Life regarding
establishment of student space; Master Plan
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, AVP
Action Item 3.a.i.2.
Strategically implement facility upgrades designed to bolster
the on-campus living and learning experience for students.
Annual Report of Student Aairs regarding
facility upgrades that benet student experience
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, AVP
Action Item 3.a.i.3.
Provide safe and convenient locker facilities for
commuter students.
Annual Report of Student Life regarding
commuter student amenities; Master Plan
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
AVP Facilities
Action Item 3.a.i.4.
Develop long-term plan for dining options on campus in
conjunction with enrollment and on-campus housing expansion.
Campus Dining facility plan established
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
VP Finance
Initiative 3.a.i. Ensure safety for all students and amenities, including dining, study space, recreational and athletics
facilities, and social spaces, all of which accommodate students at various ages.
Action Item 3.a.ii.1.
Provide in-person training at least every two years for all
individuals likely to receive reports of sexual harassment and
violence, including all full-time faculty, public safety officers,
public safety assistants, residence hall security assistants,
student affairs personnel, study abroad trip leaders, work-
study student supervisors, and varsity and club coaches.
Annual Title IX Report
Responsible Party
Title IX Coordinator, VP
Student Aairs, Dean of
Students, Vice Provost
for Administration
Action Item 3.a.ii.2.
Require online training every two years on sexual harassment
and violence for all employees who do not receive in-person
Annual Title IX Report
Responsible Party
Title IX Coordinator,
Chief Ethics and
Compliance Ocer
Action Item 3.a.ii.3.
Conduct a sexual assault campus-climate survey at least every
two years.
Annual Title IX Report
Responsible Party
Title IX Coordinator
and AVP for Financial
Planning, Institutional
Research and Assessment
Action Item 3.a.ii.4.
Require all first-year students to complete at least two hours Annual Title IX Report
of training on sexual harassment and violence.
Responsible Party
VP Student Life,
Dean of Students
Initiative 3.a.ii. Make the University a model for Title IX Compliance.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 3.a.iii.1.
Provide the right amount of traditional housing stock to meet
the needs of first- and second-year students that will contain
support facilities fostering community, academic, and
spiritual development.
Percentage of rst- and second- year
students in traditional housing
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
AVP Facilities,
Campus Ministry
Action Item 3.a.iii.2.
Provide the right amount of nontraditional housing stock to
meet the needs of third- and fourth-year students that will
contain support facilities fostering independent living.
Percentage of third- and fourth- year
students in nontraditional housing
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
AVP Facilities
Initiative 3.a.iii. Provide on-campus housing for all undergraduate students who want it.
Action Item 3.a.iv.1.
Task Housing Services, Student Affairs, and Alumni Relations
with developing a database of near-campus housing options
for all student populations.
Development of near-campus housing
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Housing
Services, Director of
Alumni Relations
Action Item 3.a.iv.2.
Establish a roommate matching system to link new incoming
Establishment of roommate matching system
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Housing
Initiative 3.a.iv. Explore housing needs for graduate students through near-campus accommodations.
Action Item 3.a.iv.3.
Determine the type of housing all students, both lay and
clerical, would find attractive so that a feasible business
model may function.
Report on housing types for lay and
clerical students
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Executive Director of
Housing Services
Action Item 3.a.v.1.
Develop a student and faculty/staff mentoring program
to target at-risk students by early intervention.
Annual Report of Student Aairs regarding
establishment of mentoring program;
outcomes assessment
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Students
Action Item 3.a.v.2.
Annual attrition rate;
student satisfaction survey
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Students
Formalize and expand processes for the identification, outreach,
and support for students who are at risk for attrition.
Action Item 3.a.v.3.
Improve institutional assessment with regard to retention
factors by creating a survey to be distributed to students at the
conclusion of their freshman and sophomore years. Design
survey to evaluate critical factors related to student retention,
and incentivize survey completion to drive up response rates.
Number/percentage of completed surveys
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Dean of Students
Initiative 3.a.v. Support a more holistic undergraduate experience through continuing collaboration of Academic
Aairs and Student Life.
Action Item 3.a.ii.5.
Increase transparency in the student disciplinary process and
efforts for sexual violence by publishing an annual
Title IX report.
Annual Title IX Report
Responsible Party
Title IX Coordinator
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 3.a.v.4.
Enhance support and engagement opportunities
for underrepresented minority students and
international students.
Annual Report of Student Aairs regarding
engagement of minority students and
international students
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs
Action Item 3.a.v.5.
Develop a staff response team and protocol to assist
those students affected by another student’s tragedy
or an emergency.
Creation of sta response team
and protocol
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, Dean
of Students, Director of
Campus Ministry
Objective 3.b.
Strengthen support for career preparation.
Responsible Party
VP for Student Aairs
Action Item 3.b.i.1.
Increase institutional resources committed to career
development and placement.
Annual reports of Career Services
regarding placement numbers, internships,
employer outreach, and networking
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs
Action Item 3.b.i.2.
Expand career counseling, support, and opportunities (jobs
and internship fairs, position postings, individual counseling,
etc.) for students, to include more comprehensive services for
freshmen and sophomores, with the goal of strengthening links
between advising, major selection, and the value of earning a
degree from Catholic University.
Annual reports of Career Services
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs
Initiative 3.b.i. Strengthen the Oce of Career Services.
Action Item 3.b.i.3.
Expand collaboration between Career Services and
Academic Advising.
Annual reports of Career Services
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, Dean
of Undergraduate Studies
Action Item 3.b.i.4.
Develop database of internships/research opportunities and
points of contact in Career Services.
Creation of research opportunity database
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, CIO
Tech Services
Action Item 3.b.i.5.
Establish a formal relationship between Career Services and
Alumni Relations to allow for students to network and/or find
employment through alumni.
Annual Report of Student Aairs regarding
relationship between Career Services and
Alumni Relations
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Career
Services, Director of
Alumni Relations
Action Item 3.b.1.6.
Develop collaborations between Athletics and Sports
Management for internships.
Number of internships
Responsible Party
Dean of Business and
Economics, AVP Athletics
Action Item 3.b.ii.1.
Maintain accurate and up-to-date databases with alumni
contact information and career progress.
Accurate and up-to-date databases
Responsible Party
VP Advancement,
VP Finance, CIO
Tech Services
Initiative 3.b.ii. Utilize sta and alumni resources for student mentoring.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 3.c.i.1.
Convene a task force to develop and implement a five-year plan
to expand recreation space and participation opportunities on
campus that ensures the athletic facilities remain at a competitive
level in Division III. The plan will need to be financially feasible
and should be developed in conjunction with the long-term plans
for on-campus housing and the Pryzbyla Center.
Annual Report of Student Aairs regarding
establishment of Task Force; Master Plan
Responsible Party
AVP Athletics, VP Student
Aairs, VP Finance,
AVP Facilities
Action Item 3.c.i.2.
Provide the proper facilities (showers, lockers, etc.) in the health
and fitness center to increase access for commuter students
Annual Report of Finance regarding facilities
in health and tness center; Master Plan
Responsible Party
VP Finance, AVP Facilities
Action Item 3.c.i.3.
Relocate administrative functions and non-student-related
facilities from the Pryzbyla Center to other buildings to allow
for expanded student engagement opportunities.
Annual Report of Student Aairs and
Finance regarding Pryzbyla Center future;
Master Plan
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, VP
Finance, AVP Facilities
Initiative 3.c.i. Address the shortage of recreational facilities.
Initiative 3.d.i. Encourage and support a healthy balance between academic, athletic, and other cocurricular activities
for students.
Objective 3.d.
Develop and maintain thriving competitive, recreational,
and wellness programs that are reective of the mission of
the University.
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, Associate VP for
Executive Director Housing, Pryzbyla
Management, and Recreation
Action Item 3.d.i.1.
Create cocurricular standards for elements of health and
wellness, including nutrition and exercise.
Annual Report of Athletics regarding health
and wellness elements in the curriculum
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs
Action Item 3.d.i.3.
Take steps to increase the number of participants in
cocurricular programs known to retain students at high
levels (Campus Ministry and Athletics).
Number/percentage of students
participating in Athletics and Campus
Ministry events
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Director of Campus
Action Item 3.d.i.4.
Continue to build student center activities linked to
Washington, as both a living laboratory and a venue for fun.
Annual Report of Student Life regarding
o-campus events
Number/percentage of students
participating in on-campus
activities annually
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Director of
Campus Ministry
Action Item 3.d.i.2.
Foster a culture of participation, particularly for
undergraduates, ranging from campus cultural events
to sports.
Annual Report of Student Life regarding
undergraduate participation in
campus events
Number/percentage of students
participating in on-campus
activities annually
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, AVP
Athletics, Director of
Campus Ministry
Objective 3.c.
Develop and maintain comprehensive oerings
of cocurricular and extracurricular programs and
opportunities for students.
Responsible Party
VP for Student Aairs,
Director of Campus Ministry
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 3.d.ii.1.
Sustain diverse athletic offerings as a signature statement.
Percentage of students in diverse athletics
• Number of athletics programs
Responsible Party
AVP Athletics, VP
Enrollment Management
Action Item 3.d.iii.1.
Enhance fund-raising and external engagement in the
Athletic Department.
Annual Report of Athletics regarding
athletic booster programs
Responsible Party
VP Development, AVP
Athletics, Director Alumni
Action Item 3.d.iii.2.
Take appropriate steps to ensure that athletic facilities and
support for varsity athletic programs remain at a level that
is comparable to our conference, regional, and national
competitors in Division III.
Annual Report of Athletics regarding
continued nancial maintenance of
facilities and varsity programs
Responsible Party
AVP Athletics, AVP
Facilities, VP Finance
Initiative 3.d.ii. Develop and maintain competitive athletic programs that contribute positively to the enrollment and
retention goals of the University while embracing the core values of sportsmanship and the Division
III philosophy.
Initiative 3.d.iii. Utilize the athletic program as a vehicle to increase student engagement, fund-raising opportunities,
and alumni involvement with the University.
30 e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 4
Offer a demanding, efcient, productive, and rewarding work environment.
Objective 4.a.
Improve competitiveness in salaries and benets
for faculty and sta.
Responsible Party
VP for Finance, Provost
Action Item 4.a.i.1.
Upgrade staff salary model provided by Mercer and include
benefits update.
Completed update
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.a.i.3.
Using the Mercer model, update staff and faculty salary grade
model to be reflective of current compensation market, and
keep the models updated.
CUA average annual sta salary action
compared to market index; CUA average
annual faculty salary action compared to
Higher Ed index
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
VP Finance
Action Item 4.a.i.4.
Examine and resolve gender pay inequalities among
the faculty.
Analysis of faculty pay by gender
Responsible Party
Action Item 4.a.i.2.
Develop a performance management system that includes
post-tenure reviews, which provides clear direction, sets
goals, increases the ability of each employee to contribute to
the University’s success, and provides financial incentives to
employees based upon their performance and achievements.
Implementation of performance
management system
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
Provost, other VPs
Initiative 4.a.i. Engage a compensation study that supports a ve-year plan aimed at achieving more competitive
recruitment and retention of faculty and sta.
Action Item 4.a.ii.1.
Expand transit benefits to encourage the use of public transit
and reduce the amount of vehicular parking on campus.
Number of student and sta vehicles
registered on campus
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
Director of Public Safety
Action Item 4.a.ii.2.
Evaluate flex-scheduling and telecommuting for work hours
to increase educational and service volunteering opportunities
for faculty and staff.
Benchmark/survey results
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
Provost, other VPs
Action Item 4.a.ii.3.
Conduct a benefits survey of faculty and staff to determine
opportunities to enhance alternative benefits, such as
compressed work weeks, job sharing, leave-bank donations,
attendance incentives, and wellness programs. Include opt-out
option and financial incentive for employees with no need for
Benchmark/survey results
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
Provost, other VPs
Initiative 4.a.ii. Develop a total compensation package, which includes salary, typical fringe benets, and creative
benet options (i.e., ex-time, job sharing, access to facilities, public transit incentives, etc.).
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 4.b.i.1.
Develop diversity goals and selection standards.
EEOC Annual Report (as derived from
Armative Action Plan)
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.b.i.2.
Create a report that focuses on the University’s progress
toward reaching its diversity goals and standards, addressing
representation of Latino, African American, and Eastern
Rite Catholics.
EEOC Annual Report (as derived from
Armative Action Plan)
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Initiative 4.b.i. Evaluate diversity status in terms of job categories.
Action Item 4.b.ii.1.
Review recruitment sources and practices with the goal of
expanding diversity.
Number of new recruitment sources
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
Action Item 4.b.ii.2.
Explore, identify, and implement diverse recruitment
strategies to support CUA’s diversity goals.
Number of new recruitment sources
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
Action Item 4.b.iii.3.
Identify and implement support roles where HR can add value
to the staff recruitment process
EEOC Annual Report
Responsible Party
Provost, other VPs
Action Item 4.b.iii.4.
Develop databases of housing options in the metro area for
new faculty, as well as nearby child care options.
Annual Report of Human Resources
regarding faculty housing
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Initiative 4.b.ii. Review recruitment strategies for optimal outreach.
Action Item 4.b.iii.1
Institute annual review of staff development programs as part
of Annual Human Resources Review (AHRR) process.
Annual Report of Human Resources
regarding sta development review
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.b.iii.2.
Identify and implement support roles where HR can add value
to the faculty recruitment process.
Number of new faculty recruited through
HR avenues
Responsible Party
Provost, AVP Human
Initiative 4.b.iii. Examine possibilities for grow-your-own programs for developing future faculty and sta.
Objective 4.b.
Ensure diversity in faculty and sta recruitment
and hiring.
Responsible Party
Provost, VP for Finance
Objective 4.c.
Review and assess internal business processes for
opportunities to operate more eectively and eciently.
Responsible Party
VP for Finance, All VPs
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 4.c.i.1.
Launch comprehensive review of all administrative functions
to eliminate waste and promote effectiveness and efficiency.
Productivity benchmarks and quality
measures against the baseline
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Student
Aairs, VP Finance, VP
Enrollment Management
Action Item 4.c.i.2.
Create a report focusing on vendor diversity.
Percentage of vendors from
underrepresented groups
Responsible Party
AVP Finance
Action Item 4.c.i.3.
Utilize existing technology to streamline business processes.
Annual Report of Finance regarding
business processes
Responsible Party
VP Finance, CIO Tech
Initiative 4.c.i. Explore creative solutions leveraging existing strengths and assets.
Action Item 4.c.ii.1.
Identify partners, alliances, or entrepreneurs available to
produce new and approved support services.
Annual Report of Finance regarding
support services
Responsible Party
VP Finance, CIO Tech
Action Item 4.c.ii.2.
Evaluate operational options, such as outsourcing with
distinctive partners.
Annual Report of Finance regarding
operational options
Responsible Party
VP Finance, CIO Tech
Initiative 4.c.ii. Develop strategic alliances to aect operating eciencies.
Action Item 4.d.i.1.
Identify and implement social functions for faculty and staff
Number of participants at faculty and sta
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.d.i.2.
Assess establishing a faculty and staff club with space
for socializing and facilities for serving food (both for lunch
and after-work interaction) and to serve as a technical
resource center.
Annual Report of Facilities regarding
faculty and sta club
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, Provost,
VP Finance
Initiative 4.d.i. Improve access to recreational and tness facilities, particularly for faculty and sta.
Action Item 4.d.ii.1.
Investigate partnering with nearby accredited child care
center, which students and employees could consider for their
child care needs.
Annual Report of Human Resources
regarding child care options
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.d.ii.2.
Identify recruitment strategies specific to family support needs
Benchmark peer schools
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources,
Initiative 4.d.ii. Consider the development of family-friendly infrastructure for graduate students, faculty, and sta,
including child care.
Objective 4.d.
Strengthen faculty and sta morale.
Responsible Party
Provost, other VPs
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 4.d.ii.3.
Create database of family services, such as child care,
babysitters, and housing. Also provide information on
other services available in neighboring University area.
Benchmark peer schools
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.d.ii.4.
Consider family leave and family-friendly tenure
track options.
Report by ad hoc committee on family-
friendly policies and Academic Senate
Responsible Party
Action Item 4.d.ii.5.
Consider reestablishing child care services on campus and
introducing housing for graduate students and faculty
Report by ad hoc committee on family-
friendly policies and feasibility review by
HR and Finance
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Finance, VP
Student Aairs
Action Item 4.d.iii.1.
Create secure online faculty and staff directory with phone
numbers, office locations, and ID photos.
Creation and utilization of directory
Responsible Party
CIO Tech Services,
Director of Public Safety
Action Item 4.d.iii.2.
Have quarterly update or town hall meetings open to all
faculty, staff, and students
Number of town hall meetings conducted
Responsible Party
Provost, other VPs
Action Item 4.d.iii.3.
Evaluate current communication tools and methods for
Benchmark peer schools
Responsible Party
Presidents Oce,
AVP Marketing and
Initiative 4.d.iii. Explore ways to improve communication and information exchange between the administrative
oces and academic programs, faculty, and students.
Action Item 4.d.iv.1.
Establish secure employee-only area of University website for
alerts, newsletters, best practice sharing, tools, guides, forms,
and policies.
Employee-only section website
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Communications, CIO
Tech Services
Action Item 4.d.iv.2.
Develop and implement an electronic communication to
feature an office, school, or department each month that
would include new initiatives, staff, faculty, or any other
updates to share campus-wide.
Employee-only emails on specic units
or initiatives
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Communications, CIO
Tech Services
Initiative 4.d.iv. Expand the University’s website for an “employee-only” section to promote connectedness.
Action Item 4.d.v.1.
Expand the existing commUNITY committee to include
additional faculty and staff representing core constituency
groups throughout the University.
Membership list of committee
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Initiative 4.d.v. Bolster morale through the commUNITY committee.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 4.d.v.2.
Through the commUNITY committee, develop ideas for
bolstering faculty and staff morale; promoting civility, respect,
and kindness; and strengthening the sense of community
throughout campus.
Annual Report of commUNITY committee
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs,
Action Item 4.e.i.1.
Investigate the feasibility of implementing a structured
mentoring/coaching program to facilitate career development
and progression for junior/new staff members
Recommendation on program structure
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.e.i.2.
Develop and implement a mentoring program for professional
and leadership-level employees.
Number of mentors/coaches; program
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.e.i.3.
Create an onboarding (group) program for new employees
that is more than a one-day orientation experience, but
an ongoing process that helps new employees understand
the culture and expectations of the University.
Recommendation on program structure
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Initiative 4.e.i. Utilize faculty, sta, and alumni talent to forge mentoring relationships.
Action Item 4.e.ii.1.
Develop and implement succession planning strategy
and process for “key” leadership roles (academic and
Annual Report regarding succession planning
Responsible Party
Provost, other VPs
Action Item 4.e.ii.2.
Identify training/development goals for CUA.
Annual Report of Human Resources
regarding training goals
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.e.ii.3.
Develop and implement a supervisor/manager training
program for existing and aspiring managers.
Number of managers trained annually
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.e.ii.4.
Incorporate principles of succession planning, along with the
performance evaluation process, into a comprehensive AHRR.
Annual Report of Finance regarding
succession planning
Responsible Party
VP Finance, AVP Human
Action Item 4.e.ii.5.
Enhance performance feedback by integrating 360 and
multi-rater feedback into performance evaluation process.
Annual Report of Human Resources
regarding performance feedback
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Initiative 4.e.ii. Establish succession plan and career development paths toward career mobility, including education
requirements, mentoring, and experience levels.
Objective 4.e.
Improve sta development programs.
Responsible Party
Associate VP for Human Resources
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 4.e.iii.2.
Strive to meet the Indoor Environmental Quality requirements
of LEED.
Number of LEED-certied buildings on
Responsible Party
AVP Facilities, VP Finance
Action Item 4.e.iii.3.
Develop space allocation standards for workplaces.
Dened space allocation standards by
employee class
Responsible Party
VP Finance, AVP
Facilities, Provost
Action Item 4.e.iii.4.
Develop a standard furniture palette able to be semi-tailored
for each work environment.
Develop in conjunction with Action Item
4.e.iii.3. eort
Responsible Party
VP Finance, AVP
Facilities, Provost
Action Item 4.e.iv.1.
Develop manager training seminars on mentoring, coaching,
and managing the workforce.
Number of mentors/coaches; number of
program participants
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Action Item 4.e.iv.2.
Develop and implement online mandatory training for all
employees (similar to current FERPA training).
Number of mandatory online courses
required for all employees
Responsible Party
AVP Human Resources
Initiative 4.e.iv. Develop standardized training programs, departmental and HR related, for all employees.
Action Item 4.e.iii.1.
Adopt American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1 as a standard
baseline for all new construction and renovation projects.
Annual Report of Facilities regarding
ASHRAE standards; Master Plan
Responsible Party
VP Finance, AVP Facilities
Initiative 4.e.iii. Develop standardizations in work environment, including things like soware.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
38 e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Strategic Goal 5
Use our distinctive identity as a basis for securing the resources needed to fund this Strategic Plan.
Objective 5.a.
Build up world-class advancement capability.
Responsible Party
VP for Advancement
Action Item 5.a.i.1.
Key hires
Responsible Party
VP Advancement, AVPs
for Advancement
Attract and hire school-based gift officers to build major gifts
fund-raising capacity.
Action Item 5.a.i.2.
Build central advancement staff to support program revenue
growth (advancement services, prospect research, planned
giving, annual giving, alumni relations, communications,
stewardship, principal gifts).
Continue to augment central services to support fund-raising
growth institution-wide.
Key hires
• Sta size
Growth in programs, outreach, and fund-
raising totals
Responsible Party
VP Advancement, AVPs
for Advancement
Initiative 5.a.i. Implement school-based model and strengthen central services in order to right-size University
Advancement in support of a comprehensive capital campaign.
Action Item 5.a.i.3.
Develop campaign plan and institutional priorities.
Quiet phase began with FY16
(rst counting yr.)
Priorities congured with cabinet, deans,
faculty, and trustee input
Counting and crediting guidelines
Over three quiet-phase scal years, build
major gi prospects from 450 to 2,000
in anticipation of campaign public phase
(2018 or 2019)
Responsible Party
VP Advancement
Action Item 5.b.i.1.
Develop and maintain a working model for centralized
marketing at Catholic University.
Increase in undergraduate enrollment from
fall 2016 benchmark (available before Oct.
1, 2016, to the end of the current plan)
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Action Item 5.b.i.2.
Integrate student recruitment communications using all
appropriate channels (print, electronic, web, social media, and
advertising) to differentiate Catholic University in the marketplace
Growth in visits to the University website;
growth inquiries, campus visits, and
applications from prospective students
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Communications, Dean of
Undergraduate Admissions
Objective 5.b.
Grow the undergraduate applicant pool size and quality to
increase undergraduate enrollment.
Responsible Party
VP of Enrollment Management
Initiative 5.b.i. Improve University’s visibility through integrated marketing strategy anchored by a new website and
branding campaign.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 5.b.ii.1.
Grow student search, including the targeting of high school
sophomores, to support the increased national recruitment
of future classes.
• Size of the student search campaign
(currently, approximately 200,000) and
the number of inquiries and applications
that can be tracked to the search campaign
• Size of the rst-year applicant pool
(benchmark for fall 2016 is 5,927)
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Action Item 5.b.ii.2.
Broaden recruitment travel in targeted regional and national
markets to counteract the reduction in high school graduates
in the Northeast.
Increase in the number of high school visits
and college fairs attended by members of the
admission counseling sta or by alumni
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Action Item 5.b.ii.3.
Increase outreach and communications efforts specifically
targeted to secondary school counselors and parents.
Development of a communications plan
specically for parents of prospective
Increase in campus visits from school
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Initiative 5.b.ii. Grow undergraduate applicant pool size.
Action Item 5.b.ii.4.
Develop a comprehensive strategy for the admission and
support of international students.
Increase in rst-year and overall international
undergraduate enrollment and retention
(benchmark is fall 2016 enrollment data –
available by Oct. 1)
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Admission, Provost, Chair
of University Retention
Action Item 5.b.iii.1
Refine the holistic review of new applicants to the University
Continued evaluation of 2015-2016 review
process and adjustments as needed
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Action Item 5.b.iii.2.
Develop financial assistance strategies to position Catholic
University as an affordable first-choice destination.
Meeting a higher percentage of need for
rst-year students and increasing the
percentage of the enrolling class that had
their full needs met (fall 2016 benchmarks
will be available by Oct. 1)
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Management and
Action Item 5.b.iii.3.
Study the impact of reducing or eliminating merit-based
scholarships on new student enrollment and retention of each
student’s demonstrated need.
• A comprehensive review of the current
strategy and policies, followed by the
development of new strategies and policies
Aer implementation, impact on
new student yield and continuing
student retention
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Management and
Marketing, AVP
Institutional Research
Initiative 5.b.iii. Enhance process of evaluating and admitting new applicants.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 5.b.iii.4.
Improve materials provided to admitted students to assist
in their enrollment decisions and to help them build early
connections to the University. Enhance and unify the post-May
1 communication plan for deposited students.
e development of a unied
communications plan that carries forward
from the initial oer of admission to the
arrival at Orientation
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Communications, Dean of
Undergraduate Admissions,
Dean of Students
Action Item 5.b.iv.1.
Study the impact of a revised continuing student financial aid
policy, to meet the same percentage of need rather than a fixed
dollar amount, with the goal of improving affordability for
returning students.
A comprehensive review of the current
strategy and policies, followed by the
development of new strategies and policies
Aer implementation, impact on
continuing student retention
Responsible Party
VP Enrollment
Management and
Marketing, AVP
Institutional Research
Action Item 5.b.iv.3.
Through the Office of the Registrar, partner with Institutional
Research and the University’s Retention Committee to develop
data benchmarks to identify attrition trends and opportunities
for early intervention.
Development of a retention “dashboard
to include key variables of student data
(registration trends, academic performance)
to inform retention strategies
Responsible Party
AVP Enrollment Services;
AVP Institutional
Research, Chair of the
University Retention
Action Item 5.b.iv.2.
Use technology and marketing to educate and benefit
returning students in the area of financing college costs,
including financial assistance, parent financing, and
payment options.
Development of website content and a specic
communications plan to increase student and
parent information, ranging from nancial
assistance to payment planning
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Communications, AVP
Enrollment Management
Systems and Student
Financial Assistance, AVP
Enrollment Services
Initiative 5.b.iv. Reduce attrition of enrolled students due to nancial considerations.
Action Item 5.c.i.1.
Define position descriptions for grant-writing support
Submission of position description
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
Sponsored Research, AVP
Action Item 5.c.i.2.
Purchase grant administration/management software
Successful implementation of soware
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
Sponsored Research, CIO
Tech Services
Action Item 5.c.i.3.
Expand responsibility of research administration structure
to include foundation funding for research; add professional
capacity in University Advancement in corporate and
foundation relations.
• Establish foundation funding
• Sta allocation in Advancement, schools
• Revenue increase
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Advancement
Action Item 5.c.i.4.
Conduct comprehensive review of how the University conducts
research and what would be required to significantly increase
the overall level of research.
Completion of review by University’s
research administrative entity
Responsible Party
Provost, VP Advancement
Initiative 5.c.i. Explore additional support sta with expertise in grant-writing support, budget development,
grants accounting, and media into a seamless support system of extramural support, and create
a single administrative entity that would provide strategic direction as well as support all research-
related activities.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 5.c.ii.1.
Develop CUA research publication in both print and digital
for external distribution.
Publication of CUA research
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Communications, Associate
Provost for Research
Action Item 5.c.ii.2.
Provide incentives for faculty to sponsor annual regional,
national, and international conferences.
• Number of new and continuing regional,
national, and international conferences
held annually
Number of new and continuing incentivized
regional, national, and international
conferences held annually
Responsible Party
Initiative 5.c.ii. Increase the University’s academic and research prole.
Action Item 5.c.ii.3.
Sponsor graduate and undergraduate student research prizes.
• Creation of graduate and undergraduate
student research prizes, including criteria
for participation
• Annual distribution of graduate and
undergraduate student research prizes
Responsible Party
Provost, Associate Provost
Sponsored Research, Dean
of Graduate Studies, Dean
of Undergraduate Studies
Action Item 5.c.ii.4.
Utilize the University website and all types of media, print,
radio, TV, and electronic marketing campaigns to have wide-
reaching impact on diverse audiences.
Annual Report of Marketing and
Communications regarding marketing
Responsible Party
AVP Marketing and
Action Item 5.c.ii.6.
Increase lobbying efforts through professional associations
Annual Report of Provost regarding lobbying
Responsible Party
Provost, School Deans
Action Item 5.c.ii.7.
Promote endowed chairs in the priorities for fund-raising.
• Amount of money raised annually to
support newly created endowed chair
positions; annual progress
Number of newly endowed chair
positions fully funded (entire University
and by discipline)
Responsible Party
Provost, VP University
Action Item 5.c.ii.5.
Increase local outreach as well as outreach to such external
constituencies as the USCCB, nonprofits, federal agencies, and
• Annual number/funding amount of
continuing local research collaborations
engaged by University faculty
• Annual number/funding amount of new
local research collaborations
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
Sponsored Research
Action Item 5.c.i.5.
Establish grant-writing workshops for faculty, staff, and
• Creation of grant-writing workshops
Annual number of grant-writing workshops
held and annual attendance at workshops
Annual number and amount of new
sponsored research proposals submitted
and received by grant-writing workshop
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
Sponsored Research
Change proportion of current indirect return distribution
to increase return to faculty labs in order to reinvest in
research programs.
Change proportion of current indirect return distribution
to increase return to faculty labs in order to reinvest in
research programs.
Establish policy that matches teaching load with the return on
higher research productivity.
Change proportion of current indirect return
distributionCh to increase return to faculty labs in order
to reinvest in research programs.
Change proportion of current indirect return
distributionCh to increase return to faculty labs in order
to reinvest in research programs.
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item 5.c.iii.1.
Develop collaborative ties with local and regional laboratories,
industry, nonprofits, and embassies to support research
activities, and explore the creation of cross-disciplinary
research institutes.
Annual number/funding amount of
continuing local research collaborations
engaged by University faculty
Annual number/funding amount of new
local research collaborations
orough review and consideration of
whether to establish cross-disciplinary
research institutes.
Responsible Party
Associate Provost for
Action Item 5.c.iv.1.
Establish a Research Excellence Committee whose role is to
review potentially impactful initiatives.
Establishment of Research Excellence
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
Sponsored Research
Initiative 5.c.iii. Develop a plan of incentives to support inter- and multidisciplinary research. Introduce an
entrepreneurial culture for research collaboration.
Initiative 5.c.iv. Consider seed funds to support self-sustaining interdisciplinary research centers.
Action Item 5.c.iv.2.
Solicit from interdisciplinary faculty teams research proposals
with high-impact potential to be reviewed by the Research
Excellence Committee for funding.
Number of research proposals reviewed
annually by the Research Excellence
Number of research proposals granted
seed funding annually by the Research
Excellence Committee
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
Sponsored Research
Action Item 5.c.v.2.
Change proportion of current indirect return distribution
to increase return to faculty labs in order to reinvest in
research programs.
Annual number and amount of sponsored
research proposals submitted (entire
University and by discipline)
Annual number and amount of sponsored
research awards received (entire
University and by discipline)
Annual amount of sponsored research
expenditures (entire University and
by discipline)
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
for Research
Associate Provost
for Research
Associate Provost
for Research
Action Item 5.c.v.3.
Establish policy that matches teaching load with the return on
higher research productivity.
Annual number/percentage of faculty
receiving teaching load benet
Annual number and amount of sponsored
research proposals submitted and received
by faculty receiving teaching load benet
Responsible Party
Provost, Associate Provost
Sponsored Research
Initiative 5.c.v. Incentivize research productivity.
Action Item 5.c.v.1.
Explore policies on faculty workload distribution to support
research productivity.
Annual Report of Provost regarding faculty
Responsible Party
Provost, School Deans
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item
Require a unit-based plan of research support that is inclusive
of undergraduates, graduates, and faculty.
Submission of research support plan
Responsible Party
Provost, Associate Provost
for Research, Deans
of Undergraduate and
Graduate Studies, relevant
school deans
Action Item
Incorporate undergraduate research into curricula under
measurable milestones (e.g., capstone projects).
• Number/percentage of research-related
undergraduate projects
• Number/percentage of students completing
research related to projects annually
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant
School Deans
Initiative Provide opportunities for all undergraduates to participate in research and the arts.
Action Item
Develop and coordinate research opportunities and funding to
support students.
Dene how undergraduate research
will be supported
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Associate Provost
for Research, relevant
school deans
Action Item
Establish collaborative learning centers that allow students
and faculty the opportunity to work informally outside the
Creation of centers
Responsible Party
Provost, Dean of
Undergraduate Studies,
relevant school deans
Action Item
Establish a University Research Day that would include
undergraduates, graduates, and faculty members.
Number/percentage of students and faculty
participating in research day annually
Responsible Party
Associate Provost
for Research, relevant
school deans
Action Item
Develop funding sources to support summer undergraduate
Number/percentage of undergraduates
participating in funded and unfunded
summer internships
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Associate Provost
for Research, relevant
school deans
Action Item
Establish/develop on-campus summer housing options for
Number/percentage of undergraduate
summer interns living on campus during
the summer
Responsible Party
VP Student Aairs, Dean
of Undergraduate Studies
Action Item
Seek and reward external grants to support summer research
internships (e.g., NSF and REUs).
Number/dollar amount of external
grants used to support summer
research internships
Number/percentage of undergraduate
research internships supported by
external funding
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Associate Provost
for Research, relevant
school deans
Action Item 5.c.v.4.
Develop proposal for a Center of Teaching Excellence to
support research on innovative pedagogy and dissemination
of best practices.
Proposal to address goals, structure, and
necessary resources
Responsible Party
The Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
The Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
e Catholic University of America Strategic Plan
Action Item
Increase internships annually (internal/external funding)
over the next five years.
Number/percentage of undergraduates
participating in funded and unfunded
Number/percentage of undergraduates
participating in funded internship
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
deans, Associate Provost
for Research
Action Item
Integrate student involvement in research and service-learning
projects into curriculum.
Number/percentage of undergraduates
participating in research as a part
of curriculum
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, relevant school
Action Item
Establish process that supports researchers to link/match
undergraduate students as candidates to participate in
Number/percentage of students matched
with researchers
Responsible Party
Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, Associate Provost
for Research, relevant
school deans