Journal of
Volume 28
Issue 2
December 2017
Maintaining a Cybersecurity Curriculum:
Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance
Kenneth J. Knapp, Christopher Maurer, and
Miloslava Plachkinova
Recommended Citation: Knapp, K. J., Maurer, C., & Plachkinova, M. (2017). Maintaining a
Cybersecurity Curriculum: Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance. Journal of
Information Systems Education, 28(2), 101-114.
Article Link:
Initial Submission: 22 August 2016
Accepted: 1 June 2017
Abstract Posted Online: 7 November 2017
Published: 12 December 2017
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Maintaining a Cybersecurity Curriculum:
Professional Certifications as Valuable Guidance
Kenneth J. Knapp
Department of Information & Technology Management
Sykes College of Business
University of Tampa
Tampa, FL 33606, USA
Christopher Maurer
McIntire School of Commerce
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA
Miloslava Plachkinova
Department of Information & Technology Management
Sykes College of Business
University of Tampa
Tampa, FL 33606, USA
Much has been published about developing a cybersecurity curriculum for institutes of higher learning (IHL). Now that a
growing number of IHLs globally offer such programs, a need exists on how to guide, maintain, and improve the relevancy of
existing curricula. Just as cybersecurity professionals must hone their skills continually to keep up with a constantly shifting
threat landscape, cybersecurity programs need to evolve to ensure they continue to produce knowledgeable graduates. In this
regard, professional certifications in the cybersecurity industry offer an opportunity for IHLs to maintain a current curriculum.
Governing bodies that manage professional certifications are highly motivated to ensure their certifications maintain their
currency in the competitive marketplace. Moreover, employers who hire security professionals look for certifications in assessing
a candidates overall credentials. This paper attempts to fill a void in the literature by exploring the use of professional
certifications as helpful input to shaping and maintaining a cybersecurity curriculum. To this end, we offer a literature analysis
that shows how changes made to professional certifications are applicable and relevant to maintaining a cybersecurity
curriculum. We then provide a case study involving an undergraduate cybersecurity program in a mid-sized university in the
United States. Before concluding, we discuss topics such as experiential learning, cybersecurity capstone courses, and the
limitations to our approach.
Keywords: Cybersecurity, Curriculum design & development, Security, Certifications
Several scholarly articles have been published concerning
developing a cybersecurity or information security
for colleges and universities (Belle, Imboden, and
Martin, 2013; Bogolea and Wijekumar, 2004; Endicott-
Popovsky and Popovsky, 2014; Hentea, Dhillon, and
Manpreet, 2006; Whitman and Mattord, 2004). Furthermore, a
multitude of frameworks and learning objectives for
cybersecurity are found in the broader literature (e.g.
NSA/DHS Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense
(and Operations) (CAE-CD, CAE-CO), NICE Cybersecurity
Workforce Framework (NCWF), ACM Joint Task Force on
Cybersecurity Education). Yet, a research gap exists regarding
how to maintain and update cybersecurity curricula at a
practical level. A large and growing number of institutes of
higher learning (IHL) offer such programs, and a need exists
on how to best guide and improve upon established curricula.
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
While many disciplines evolve over time, cybersecurity
faces a constantly shifting landscape of threats, vulnerabilities,
and countermeasures that can impact curricula. Just as
cybersecurity professionals must engage in continuous
education to ensure they remain current in their skill sets,
IHLs with cybersecurity programs must also be prepared to
continuously evaluate their curriculum to provide students
with the most current and relevant knowledge to succeed in
this field.
There is certainly no shortage of new and emerging
sources for faculty members to reference when organizing
their curricula. Designations like the NSA/DHS CAE-CD/CO,
provide a thorough set of “knowledge units” that students are
expected to acquire throughout their studies (NSA, 2016).
Frameworks such as NCWF provide a detailed listing of
knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required to
successfully perform various work tasks in a cybersecurity
career (NIST, 2016). These sources of material have much
validity and are increasingly being recognized in the field for
their rigor. However, simply incorporating the minimum
baseline requirements or objectives from such frameworks can
limit an IHL’s ability to fully differentiate itself from other
IHLs offering similar cybersecurity degrees. Cybersecurity
programs can therefore plan their curriculum initially around
such well-accepted frameworks; however, the ongoing
maintenance and improvement of a program can be bolstered
by considering professional certifications in the cybersecurity
Any successful cybersecurity program should consider the
needs of the workforce in designing and maintaining its
curriculum. A common job title for recent graduates with a
cybersecurity degree is the Information Security Analyst. The
Department of Labor describes an Information Security
Analyst as a person that may
plan, implement, upgrade, or monitor security
measures for the protection of computer networks and
information; ensure appropriate security controls are
in place that will safeguard digital files and vital
electronic infrastructure; respond to computer security
breaches and viruses (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Information Security Analyst jobs are expected to grow by
18%, and many organizations prefer candidates to have some
sort of cybersecurity certification (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
2015a, 2015b). As such, there are over 140 professional
certifications from 30 certifying organizations that are relevant
to the Information Security Analyst job description
(Department of Labor, 2016).
Considering the preference given to job candidates with
certifications and the number of certifications available, many
argue that it is in the students’ best interest to pursue
professional certification (McGill and Dixon, 2005; Rob,
2014; Wireschen and Zhang, 2010). Wright states,
“Academics should encourage students to pursue certification.
There are hundreds of cybersecurity-related certifications, and
navigating through the confusing array can be a daunting
challenge.” Moreover, earning a professional certification is
highly useful for promotion in the cybersecurity career field
(Wright, 2015). If certifications are so valuable in the
workforce, then it would be prudent for IHLs to prepare
students for certification exams by incorporating the
objectives of those exams into the overall program curriculum.
In 2016, there were more than 200,000 cybersecurity job
postings, and some forecast this number to grow to over 1.5
million globally by 2019 (Tittel, 2016). Cybersecurity
positions are more likely to require certifications than other
information technology (IT) jobs. One-third (35%) of
cybersecurity jobs call for an industry certification, compared
to 23% of IT jobs overall (Burning Glass, 2015). A survey
conducted by the authors in 2014 of 18 local IT business
executives shows how they view certifications. The following
question was given: “How important are industry certifications
to your firm’s hiring process?” They responded with a 3.9/5.0
average (1 = not important; 5 = very important) with 12 of the
18 (67%) stating it was either important (4) or very important
(5). One respondent commented,
For an IT security position, we look for certifications
because there is a minimum level of knowledge we are
looking for there is nothing wrong with
certifications they can only help. However, just
because you have a certification does not mean you
will do a great job.
Organizations employing information security professionals
generally base their assessment of an individual’s skill level
on three main assessment criteria. These include 1) academic
qualifications leading to a diploma or a degree, 2) professional
and vendor-specific certifications, and 3) job experience, such
as internships or full employment (Hentea, Dhillon, and
Manpreet, 2006). Hentea, Dhillon, and Manpreet (2006)
Professional and vendor certifications in information
security validate competencies and skills, but they are
not replacing experience or education. While
academic qualifications support broad knowledge and
skills in general, professional certifications may be
effective in a limited area of operations. Academic
programs exposing the students to theoretical concepts
and problem solving experience are critical for
preparing graduates for jobs in the information
security (emphasis added).
This same sentiment was conveyed by the respondent from the
authors informal survey noted above. The synergy between
content knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving
skills should not be underestimated. Cybersecurity issues are
complex, and there is no standard recipe for protecting
informational assets within organizations. Therefore, a solid
base of content knowledge and technical skill will only take
one so far. By immersing students in an engaging
environment, challenging them to think about problems from
multiple angles, and providing a broad cybersecurity
education, IHLs are well-positioned to develop individuals to
succeed in the marketplace.
Students pursuing a course of study centered on
professional certifications may gain an edge in the
marketplace, but should not necessarily do so at the price of
finding an internship. Upon graduation, students will be well-
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
prepared for full-time employment if they’ve experienced an
internship and are equipped to take and pass certification
exams. Further, students must demonstrate more than an
ability to memorize facts and definitions, often required to
pass certification exams they need to learn how to reason
through complex problems and think critically about issues
presented to them. Both students and academics need to
maintain a balanced outlook of the three assessment criteria
discussed by Hentea, Dhillon, and Manpreet (2006).
In sum, we propose an approach that complements other
cybersecurity curriculum frameworks. Certifications are
commonly referenced as a requirement in job postings and
have existed for longer than some newly developed
curriculum frameworks. Furthermore, the fact that so many
highly specialized cybersecurity certifications exist allows
IHLs to develop customized or specialized courses. This can
provide an IHL with a competitive advantage in attracting
high-caliber students, especially in situations where local
organizations are looking for specialized cybersecurity talent.
Specialized courses may sit alongside the standard knowledge
courses specified in many educational frameworks of this
field. The certification marketplace is competitive, and
governing bodies will ensure their certifications maintain
industry relevancy or else they will lose value. Monitoring
updates to certification content areas and adjusting a
curriculum accordingly can therefore help IHLs with existing
programs and ensure graduates remain in high demand.
In the following section, we offer a literature review
exploring the merits of professional certifications for
curriculum maintenance and introduce a framework of the
considerations certification bodies ought to understand to keep
their certifications relevant. Next, we demonstrate with a case
study how one IHL is using this approach to maintain a
current cybersecurity undergraduate program. Then, we offer a
discussion as well as contributions and limitations before
concluding the paper.
To maintain the relevancy of their exams, certification bodies
need to assess the factors or forces influencing the
cybersecurity field and then update their exam content
accordingly. These factors may emanate from external forces
outside the boundaries of the cybersecurity field or internal
forces from within the field. In this section, we briefly discuss
five factors that certifying bodies consider when updating their
exam coverage, as illustrated in Figure 1. These are important
to IHLs because, fortunately, they are the same general factors
that impact the content of a cybersecurity curriculum.
To analyze the significant factors that professional
certifying bodies consider most important, we reviewed the
available literature to answer the question: what forces do
certification bodies consider when updating their exam
content? While the authors evaluated several certifying
bodies, we focused on the International Information Systems
Security Certification Consortium [(ISC)²] considerations for
maintaining their existing certifications and introducing new
ones. This organization is a logical choice because of the
prominence of the Certified Information System Security
Professional (CISSP) credential. Moreover, (ISC)² states that
the CISSP was the first certification in the information
security field to meet the requirements of ISO/IEC Standard
17024, which requires certifying bodies to maintain a
certification scheme for persons that includes the confirmation
and relevancy of exam content areas (ISO/IEC, 2012).
Based on our literature analysis, we categorized five major
factors that cybersecurity certifying bodies consider in the
maintenance of their exam content: threat landscape,
technology changes, industry standards, workforce needs, and
government and regulation. This list is neither exhaustive nor
does it completely represent the actions of every certification
body. There may be other factors taken into consideration, and
some certifying bodies may not incorporate all five of the
forces. We feel, however, that this list justifies why
certification curricula provide relevant and timely information
that should be incorporated into higher learning curricula.
2.1 Threat Landscape
A threat is an indication of an impending undesirable event
that may inflict injury or damage to a company’s resources
(Parker, 1981). This external force is at the top of the list
(Shearer, 2015) and understandably so. The EC-Council with
its Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam regularly updates
exam material on the threat landscape to include the latest
attack vectors, tools, and techniques that malicious hackers are
using in their environment (EC-Council, 2016). (ISC)
updated its CISSP and System Security Certified Professional
(SSCP) domains of knowledge in 2015 in response to
“changes in technology and the evolving threat landscape
occurring in the information security field” ((ISC)², 2015a).
These updates included a deeper focus on asset security and
security assessment given the rapidly changing threat
landscape pertaining to these areas.
2.2 Technology Changes
Just as changes to the threat landscape present critical
challenges to the field, so do changes and evolutions in the
technology itself (Shearer, 2015). Technology advances,
which refer to society’s inexhaustible drive toward
technological progression, never stop. For example, the
Internet of Things and cloud computing are two relatively new
technology paradigms that are having major impacts on the
cybersecurity field. Such changes have ushered in updates to
many current certifications but also the introduction of new
ones, such as the Certified Cloud Security Professional
(CCSP) credential in 2015 ((ISC)², 2015b). Demonstrating this
influence, this certification was developed in recognition of
the market need for cloud security experts in response to
changes in technology. Another such example is the Global
Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) offering a
certification for Python coders. This niche credential responds
to the need for penetration testers to rapidly develop their own
tools rather than wait for someone else to develop it. The
Python programming language is a technology well suited for
this task (GIAC, 2016b).
2.3 Industry Standards
Certifying organizations also respond to industry forces such
as standards and best practices. Over the past decade,
numerous industry standards and guidelines have emerged
worldwide, such as ISO standards, NIST security frameworks,
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-
DSS). The ISO 27000-series is a prominent international
standard providing both authoritative statements on
information security management as well as procedures to be
adopted by organizations to ensure information security
(Backhouse, Hsu, and Silva, 2006). Numerous NIST
standards, such as publication 800-53, were originally
intended to serve U.S. Federal Government agencies but have
been adopted or used as a benchmark for designing security
programs in private industry as well. PCI-DSS was developed
by the major credit card issuers to help merchants securely
process card payments and store card-related data. Such
standards are updated to remain relevant. As such,
cybersecurity certifying bodies do not ignore their content and
include them in exams such as the CISSP (Stewart, Chapple,
and Gibson, 2015).
2.4 Workforce Needs
gauges global workforce needs via regular surveys to
understand the trends and changes impacting the constituents
in the profession ((ISC)², 2015d). This is valuable information
used in their certification maintenance process. For instance,
70% of survey respondents stated they thought a cloud
security certification is either very or somewhat relevant. This
feedback helped to justify the CCSP as well as introduce
additional cloud security material into the CISSP Common
Body of Knowledge (CBK). Similarly, the ISACA
organization regularly conducts assessments of tasks
performed by currently certified individuals. The Certified
Information System Auditor (CISA) content was restructured
to reflect the latest responsibilities of IS audit professionals
(ISACA, 2015). ISACA has also polled cybersecurity
professionals to identify key skills that are lacking in the
available workforce. Findings have suggested that a lack of
business understanding is more prominent than a lack of
technical skills in the field (ISACA, 2016). Additionally,
CompTIA updates its Security+ exam using input from
subject-matter experts and industry-wide surveys to ensure its
exam verifies what an information security professional with
two years in the workforce must know (CompTIA, 2013).
2.5 Government and Regulation
Laws, regulations, and governments can significantly impact
the cybersecurity field of a nation. In the United States,
organizations like the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) and the National Security Agency (NSA) significantly
influence the field; their impact on cybersecurity education
will be discussed later in this paper. Laws such as the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) have also had major impacts on
the field. Certification bodies often respond to these
governmental pressures by introducing new certifications or
adding content to existing ones. For example, (ISC)² tailored a
credential to suit government needs in Japan ((ISC)², 2009),
and the Healthcare Information Security & Privacy
Practitioner (HCISPP) credential was introduced to help
specialists navigate the growing healthcare regulatory
2.6 The Model
Based on our literature review, the framework in Figure 1
illustrates five key factors that certifying bodies consider as
they maintain the relevance of their certifications. The output
of these factors can help colleges and universities maintain a
relevant cybersecurity curriculum.
Figure 1. Factors Impacting the Maintenance of
Cybersecurity Certifications
While overlap naturally exists, these factors represent the
significant inputs requiring consideration by a certifying body
in maintaining their certifications. This level of research is
difficult for academics in IHLs to conduct on their own so it
makes sense to leverage the extensive knowledge gathering
that goes into certification design to better improve
cybersecurity curricula. By looking to professional
certifications through organizations like (ISC)², academics can
tap into additional sources of feedback to better ensure the
relevance and currency of their own cybersecurity curriculum.
To illustrate the notion that IHLs can use professional
certifications as a guide for keeping cybersecurity curriculum
current, consider the topic of mobile device security. In 2013,
Patten and Harris (2013) proposed that future IT professionals
should be aware of and learn how to secure mobile devices.
They suggested the topic be integrated into an IT model
curriculum. However, for certifying bodies, this topic was
already addressed. As it pertains to the CEH, the EC-Council
was covering topics relating to mobile devices, and this
material was already published in third-party exam preparation
texts (Oriyano, 2014). Mobile security was then upgraded into
a larger topic for the CEHv9 exam. Official preparation
material from the EC-Council contained 147 pages of slides
covering the topic of Hacking Mobile Platforms (EC Council,
2015). In this case, we can see that the EC-Council was
making changes to its exams to adapt to technological changes
as IHLs began modernizing their curricula. Generally
speaking, certification bodies keep up with technology and
industry changes and can therefore be good sources of
forward-looking guidance.
& Regulation
Cybers ecurity
Colleges & Universities
Certifying Bodies
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
To understand the development and maintenance of
cybersecurity curriculum, we utilized qualitative methods.
Following best practices on qualitative research (Bryman,
2012) and case study applications in education (Merriam,
1998), we examined a case study involving a medium-sized
private university in the eastern United States. At this school,
the Cybersecurity program is part of the Information &
Technology Management department within the College of
Business, which is accredited by the Association to Advance
Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The department
also supports a Management Information Systems (MIS)
major, which is accredited by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET). The Cybersecurity
program officially began in August 2015, while the planning
began eighteen months prior. Five new courses were
proposed, and four existing courses were integrated into the
curriculum with minimal adaptation. The entire curriculum
was designed to ensure comprehensive coverage of the CISSP
CBK. After courses were designed but before the new courses
were first offered to students, (ISC)
updated the CBK by
emphasizing certain topics (like asset security and
assessment/testing) and re-aligning other topics under a
different domain structure. The changes were studied and
used as an opportunity to analyze how certification evolution
can seamlessly be integrated into curricula. This particular
change to the CBK did not impose the need for any significant
modifications to the program, but it highlighted an opportunity
to review the knowledge domains for other prominent
certifications to further improve the relevancy of the proposed
Extending beyond the CISSP, content areas for the
Certified Information Security Auditor (CISA), Certified
Information Security Manager (CISM), and CEH credentials
were compared to the existing curriculum. This set of
certifications was chosen for several reasons. First, it helps to
incorporate environmental sensing capabilities from three
different certifying bodies: (ISC)
, ISACA, and the EC-
Council (Table 1). Second, these four certifications were
chosen because they are all listed on the ANSI/ISO 17024
certification list and generally cover a broad range of topics
related to cybersecurity. Finally, multiple industry surveys
indicate that these four certifications are highly requested in
job postings. One survey had the CISSP, CISA, and CISM as
the top three certifications appearing in job postings within the
field (Burning Glass, 2015). Another survey placed the CISSP,
CISM, and CEH in the top four of information security
certifications across four major job boards (Tittel, 2016).
These results demonstrate the value of these certifications in
the job market. The reader is encouraged to visit job board
sites such as Indeed, LinkedIn Jobs, SimplyHired, and others
to explore the value employers place on these and other
To complete this review, faculty members (who passed the
particular certification exam) compared the learning objectives
and topics covered in each course to the certification exam
objectives. The percentage of a course dedicated to material
from each certification exam was identified through this
exercise and the results are presented in Table 1. To conduct
such a review, faculty members should have earned the
certification or be a subject matter expert in the topic.
Network &
Info Security
Standards, Risk
Mgmt, &
Ethical Hacking
Physical and
Total Coverage
of Exam
Table 1. Generic Certification-to-Course Coverage Matrix
To illustrate, the Ethical Hacking course is 100%
dedicated to covering CEH objectives, whereas only 10% of
the course covers CISM objectives in our case study. Note that
this does not imply that all CEH exam material is covered in
the Ethical Hacking academic course. To arrive at the “Total
Coverage of Exam Objectives” row at the bottom of Table 1,
faculty members performed the mapping process in reverse by
examining all content areas of each exam and evaluating the
extent to which they are covered in each of the nine courses in
the curriculum. Appendix A provides an example of this
mapping of course material to the CISSP CBK domains.
Appendix B provides an example of a more granular mapping
using major course topics to one example CBK domain.
The two-way mapping approach was very insightful and
allowed faculty members to identify key areas of opportunity.
For example, in reviewing CEH content areas, it was
determined that feasible changes could be made to the
curriculum to achieve two primary outcomes. First, one course
title could easily be rebranded as “Ethical Hacking” (it was
previously named “Advanced Network Security”) and could
focus on covering CEH certification material. Second, and
more importantly, courses could incorporate additional
experiential education opportunities to provide students with
hands-on activities meant to develop problem solving and
adversarial thinking skills. Given the frequent use of examples
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
documented in various CEH exam prep books, it was
straightforward to identify lab activities that could be used to
illustrate the certification exam content areas in action.
While Table 1 and Appendices A and B reflect our case
study, any cybersecurity program can replicate this table and
adjust it to fit their program. Depending on the focus of a
particular school’s curriculum, the table can be modified to
add or remove certifications as well as updated to reflect
changes in individual courses or certification exam objectives
over time. IHLs can review available professional
certifications on an annual basis and evaluate whether changes
to their curriculum should be incorporated. Further, the release
of a new exam version or a change to certification objectives
by a certification body should trigger a corresponding
curriculum review at the IHL.
4.1 Appropriateness of Using Certifications for
Curriculum Shaping
Using professional certifications as a guide for course
development is not new and has been done in the area of
accounting systems and control (Walters, 2007). As previously
mentioned, 35% of cybersecurity job postings requested a
professional certification. While no single certification should
be recommended, certifications are currently an important
measure that the industry has for regulating professional
competency, thus academic programs should work to integrate
certifications into their curriculum (Fulton, Lawrence, and
Clouse, 2014).
Some academic viewpoints hold that emphasizing
professional certifications focuses too much on yesterday’s
technology and thus IHLs should focus on training a new
workforce rather than building one based on certifications
(Locasto et al., 2011). This suggestion is valid any
cybersecurity program should not focus too much on
professional certifications at the expense of introducing
students to emerging developments in the field. Indeed, there
is no reason why faculty should focus on certifications without
also covering the latest changes that may not have made their
way into certification content yet. By taking a strategic
approach to selecting a few key certifications to integrate into
a curriculum, there should be plenty of room left to
incorporate new technologies. At the university described in
the case above, the faculty deemed it important to expose
students to emerging issues related to critical infrastructure,
cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Without losing any coverage of certification exam material,
these topics were integrated into existing courses.
Further, certification bodies are attempting to combat this
challenge by updating their examination criteria and material
on a more frequent basis. For example, (ISC)
has refreshed
the CISSP exam material approximately every three years
since 2009. Therefore, we recommend faculty should find
ways to cover material that includes emerging technology and
tools while also promoting certifications so students can
develop a rounded and relevant education as they enter the
workforce (Kaspersky and Furnell, 2014). Considering input
from multiple certifications also helps address this problem as
certification exams undergo revisions to their objectives at
different times, meaning that each year brings updates to
different certifications on an ongoing basis.
4.2 Experiential Learning
Different certifications will have different foci. For example,
many certification exams stress broad knowledge and concepts
such as the CISSP. Other certifications focus on specific
technologies or infrastructure (e.g., Certified Cloud Security
Professional). Some certifications focus on tools and
techniques, like the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) credential.
The Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
offers dozens of specialized certifications aimed to ensure an
individual has the skills necessary as a practitioner (GIAC,
2016a). Advanced certifications like the Licensed Penetration
Tester (LPT) and Offensive Security Certified Professional
(OSCP) require a hands-on penetration test demonstration in a
cyber-range. While only a select few certifications require the
demonstration of skills, nearly all discuss the use of tools and
techniques within the field of cybersecurity. Schools should
implement experiential or hands-on material wherever
possible. This is advisable as Manson and Pike (2014) argue
that changes in technology and security threats require
aspiring cybersecurity professionals to set a goal of 10,000
hours of relevant, hands-on skill development over a long-
term career. Providing hands-on experience, even if only in a
simulated lab environment, instills in students not only the
ability to understand what must be done to secure systems, but
also how to go about doing it. This helps to address the
concerns from employers that certifications alone do not
guarantee competence; experience in applying the topics and
techniques is a must.
Thus, in addition to certification, cybersecurity programs
should promote hands-on experiential learning. Building and
configuring an infrastructure to provide such experience may
be challenging for IHLs, but many certification bodies provide
environments to teach hands-on skills, such as iLabs from the
EC-Council. In addition to cyber competitions and games like
capture the flag, hands-on focused certifications can be used to
advance the notion that cybersecurity students need such skills
4.3 Capstone Courses in Cybersecurity
Capstones courses present opportunities to prepare students
for entry-level professional certifications. Capstones are
typically taken by seniors who are nearing graduation. As
cybersecurity majors, they will have taken the full curriculum
allowing a capstone class to be taught at a high-level and serve
as a certification exam prep course. Further, students are still
in study mode while in school which presents timely
opportunities to take these exams. Once they graduate and are
working 40-60 hour weeks, it becomes increasingly difficult to
set aside time to study. To overcome time constraints and the
lack of motivation to study, many working professionals spend
money on exam “boot camps” or other preparation materials.
Rather than subjecting recent graduates to additional expenses
associated with these materials, it’s beneficial to provide
current students with the necessary tools to take and pass
certification exams before they graduate. While capstone
classes traditionally involve real-world projects, they may
be used as intensive boot camps” to prepare students to pass
certification exams. This approach is helpful considering the
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
competitive edge certifications can give a job candidate. For
faculty considering this approach, we recommend using a
quality study guide as a course textbook, such as an official
CISSP study guide (Stewart, Chapple, and Gibson, 2015).
While some cybersecurity certifications do not require
work experience (e.g., Security+ and GIAC Security
Essentials), other certifications require a minimum length of
professional experience in the field. In some cases, completing
a university degree program reduces the amount of work
experience required (e.g., CISA, CISM, and CISSP). Work
experience requirements should not, however, discourage
IHLs from modeling capstones after certification materials nor
should it discourage current students from taking certification
exams. Many certifying bodies allow an individual’s passing
score to be valid for several years, allowing them time to gain
the experience required to become fully certified. Further,
some certifications offer alternate designations to those who
have passed the exam but are still working toward fulfillment
of the experience requirement. (ISC)
awards associate
status to such individuals, and, while they are not officially
certified, this status differentiates graduates from others who
have not even prepared for, and passed, a certification exam.
Moreover, many certifications have significant overlap in
coverage, so if a capstone concentrates on one certification, it
will also cover in large measure other major certifications.
Finally, faculty who teach a capstone focusing on
certifications should assess how well students and graduates
perform in passing certification exams. Doing so will help
assess the effectiveness of this capstone approach. In
summary, undergraduate capstones offer timely windows of
opportunity where students can be primed to take entry-level
certifications. Thus, consideration should be given to adding a
capstone course to a program.
Applying our approach should reduce the amount of time
spent determining curricula maintenance in an ongoing
manner. While we should not limit curricula updates to
certification material, staying in tune with certifications can
reduce the time needed to research changes in the
cybersecurity field. In essence, we are proposing a way to
spend less time on figuring out “what” to teach, which allows
for more time spent figuring out “how” to teach it.
Many cybersecurity programs in the United States seek
designations by the Department of Homeland Security and the
National Security Agency (DHS/NSA). These U.S. federal
government organizations have been leaders in helping to
shape cybersecurity and information assurance curriculum for
years and have made significant positive contributions to
cybersecurity education. The approach advocated in this
paper, however, can be used to maintain any IHL’s
cybersecurity curriculum whether designated by DHS/NSA or
not. This is important because our approach can be applied by
any IHL globally since most certifications, such as from
, are international in scope whereas DHS/NSA are U.S.-
Finally, based on our extant review of the scholarly
literature, a gap exists in the literature regarding maintaining
cybersecurity programs. Developing course objectives that are
relevant and applicable is of key significance to such a rapidly
developing field like cybersecurity. Even highly successful
programs can quickly fall behind the curve if their curricula is
not adequately modernized to reflect the current state of the
field. While the current paper strives to provide guidelines to
academicians who wish to update and maintain their existing
programs, the same approach can also provide value to those
looking to create a brand new program.
Faculty managing undergraduate cybersecurity curriculum
should include an annual review of key professional
certifications and monitor them for updates and changes. A
great way to stay abreast of changes to these professional
certifications is for faculty to become certified themselves.
Most certification bodies require annual continuing education
credits to ensure that certified individuals remain current on
evolving threats and trends in the cybersecurity field. Having
access to such training materials provides an effective way for
academics to identify potential improvements to their existing
curricula. In the case study, the CISSP, CISA, CISM, and
CEH served as program benchmarks. The cybersecurity
faculty either obtained these certifications or are active
members in the societies supporting them. Any changes to
these certifications are readily identifiable and can be used to
update security courses.
Besides certification, other inputs are important to maintaining
curriculum and are not covered in this paper. These include
seeking inputs from stakeholders, employers, graduates, and
faculty. Guidance can also come from academic accreditation
bodies, such as the developing Cyber Science standards from
ABET (Gibson et al., 2015). In keeping curriculum current,
faculty can also solicit the help of graduates and local industry
leaders to be members of an advisory board. These boards can
meet annually to help ensure the relevancy of a program.
Other well-
known or possible resources that may be used
to guide the maintenance of cybersecurity programs include
using international standards, particularly the growing
ISO/IEC 27000 series of information security publications.
Academics could look to these industry standards as a guide
for certain course coverage, such as using ISO 27000
standards in covering Governance, Risk, and Compliance
(GRC) topics. IHLs particularly based in the U.S. can look to
the US. Government’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity
Education (NICE). NICE promotes standards of cybersecurity
education, training, and workforce development throughout
the U.S. This effort publishes the National Cybersecurity
Workforce Framework that gives a blueprint to organize and
describe cybersecurity work into knowledge, skills, and
abilities (KSAs). This comprehensive framework can be used
to maintain and update cybersecurity curricula as it is used to
help define professional requirements in cybersecurity (DHS,
2016). As of this writing, the framework is being developed
into a U.S. standard (NIST, 2016).
Since information security is not a subject like
mathematics where the materials relied upon today will be
timely in five years or even next semester, the faculty must be
motivated to update existing materials, assignments, and
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
course requirements that reflect events of the changing field
(Belle, Imboden, and Martin, 2013). While in this paper we
argue for the value of using professional certifications as input
for curriculum review, other inputs obviously exist and must
be considered as well.
Lastly, the current paper is limited in scope and is not
intended to explain how to use certification content to make
changes to individual course curricula and course syllabi.
Instead, we merely suggest that IHLs should look to
professional certifications for valuable guidance in their
curriculum maintenance process.
The complexity of the cybersecurity landscape provides a
number of opportunities and challenges. While industry has
been making progress to address the latest developments in
cybersecurity, higher education is always in danger of lagging
behind in adapting to changes in a timely manner.
Understanding the broad spectrum of professional
certifications is helpful in order to better incorporate changes
to cybersecurity curricula and prepare students for the highly
competitive field. The current paper offers a review of
literature on cybersecurity certifications and provides practical
recommendations to IHLs interested in updating their
cybersecurity programs. The presented case study showcases
how a variety of certificates can be integrated in the
curriculum and demonstrates the benefits of such an approach.
Although definitions differ between cybersecurity and
information security, for this paper, we use the terms
interchangeably. For a related discussion, see von Solms and
van Niekerk (2013).
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Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
Kenneth J. Knapp is an Associate Professor at The
University of Tampa. He is a twenty-
year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and
received his PhD at Auburn University.
Dr. Knapp has published in journals
such as Computers & Security,
Communications of the Association for
Information Systems, Journal of
Organizational & End User Computing,
International Journal of Information
Security & Privacy and Government
Information Quarterly. He is a
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH).
Christopher Maurer is an Assistant Professor in the McIntire
School of Commerce at the University
of Virginia. He received his PhD from
the University of Georgia and was
previously an Assistant Professor at
the University of Tampa. His research
interests include cybersecurity
controls, the impact of cybersecurity
breaches, enterprise systems, and IT-
business alignment. His previous
research has appeared in journals and
conference proceedings including MIS Quarterly Executive,
the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS),
the American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS),
and the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Miloslava Plachkinova is an Assistant Professor of
Cybersecurity in the Sykes College
of Business at the University of
Tampa, FL. She holds a PhD in
Information Systems and
Technology from Claremont
Graduate University, CA. She is a
Certified Information Security
Manager (CISM) and a Project
Management Professional (PMP).
Dr. Plachkinova’s research focuses
on information security and
healthcare. She investigates how human behavior leads to data
breaches and her work in the healthcare field investigates
security and privacy issues in mobile health (mHealth) and
electronic health records (EHR) on the cloud. Dr. Plachkinova
also has extensive industry experience working for both the
private and the public sectors.
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
APPENDIX A. Matrix of CISSP Common Body of Knowledge to Undergraduate Cybersecurity Curriculum. From our case
study example, the following matrix shows the results of an analysis of the CISSP CBK compared with a university’s
Cybersecurity undergraduate program. The percentage in each cell shows how much of each course is included in the CISSP
CBK per domain. In total, the entire CISSP CBK is covered in this undergraduate program. The assessment used the CISSP
Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) of April 2015. The CIB lists the key areas of knowledge for all eight CBK domains.
Course descriptions and syllabi were used for assessing the courses. The percentages were established by the faculty member
teaching the actual course.
& Cloud
Info Sec
& Ops.
CBK per
& Risk
Apdx B)
ment &
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
APPENDIX B. Example Matrix of Communication and Network Security Domain to the Undergraduate Network Security
Course. From our case study, the following matrix is an example of the type of analysis that can attain the percentages found in
Appendix A. Ultimately, this analysis should be used as a guide for the faculty member to ensure that certification knowledge
requirements are covered. The left column lists the Key Areas of Knowledge found in the CISSP CIB ((ISC)², 2015c, pp. 16-17).
The title row across the top indicates major lesson topics covered in the Network Security course syllabus. These topics were
derived from three substantial texts used in the course: 1) Network Security Essentials, 6th edition (Stallings, 2016), 2) Nmap 6
Cookbook (Marsh, 2015), and 3) Amazon Web Services Overview of Security Processes (AWS, 2016). A check box indicates
that the knowledge area received full (100%) coverage in the course textbook material and/or in a course assignment. Partial
coverage is identified where the topic is only briefly covered. It is also possible to use course objectives instead of lesson topics,
depending on the level of granularity of the course objectives. The final row provides the approximate coverage of the
Communications & Network Security CISSP Domain in the Network Security course; as this is a guide, exact precision of the
percentage is not necessary here.
Course Major
Introduction &
Network Scanning
using Nmap
User Auth. & Key
Network Access
Cloud Security &
Transport Layer
Wireless Security
Design Secure
Network Arch.
Coverage of Key
Knowledge on
Security Key
Archit. (A)
models (A.1)
Partial Partial 25%
(e.g. MPLS)
Partial Partial 25%
Partial Partial 25%
(e.g. routers,
WAPs) (B.1)
media (B.2)
control (e.g.
security (B.4)
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
Course Major
Introduction &
Network Scanning
using Nmap
User Auth. & Key
Network Access
Cloud Security &
Transport Layer
Wireless Security
Design Secure
Network Arch.
Coverage of Key
Knowledge on
Security Key
devices (B.6)
channels (C)
Voice (C.1)
access (e.g.
VPN) (C.3)
on (e.g.
Prevent or
attacks (D)
Approximate Coverage of Communications & Network Security CISSP Domain in Network Security Course 80%
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 28(2) December 2017
Information Systems & Computing
Academic Professionals
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