State of Illinois
llinois Department of Public Health
 9
Lead-based paint and dust from such paint are
major sources of lead exposure in older (pre-1978)
homes today. Remodeling projects to remove lead-
based paint (abatement) must be done carefully to
avoid generating large amounts of paint chips, debris
and dust containing lead. Since lead poisoning is a
documented result of sloppy abatement practices that
generate large amounts of inhalable and ingestible lead
materials, a poorly planned and executed paint removal
plan may be more of a hazard than leaving the paint
alone. Therefore, carefully plan and conduct abatement
projects so that unnecessary exposure, both during and
after abatement, is minimized.
Painting over defective surfaces covered with lead-
based coatings should be considered only as a temporary
measure to reduce immediate exposure and not as an
acceptable, long-term abatement method. Complete
removal of existing layers of paint should precede any
new painting where practical. Unfortunately, all methods
of lead-based paint abatement create some hazardous
debris and tend to be labor intensive. Homeowners
should choose the most effective removal method that
creates the least hazard.
Generally, there are three abatement strategies:
replacing building components, encapsulating surfaces
that contain lead paint, and removing paint from sur-
faces. More than one of these methods can be chosen,
depending on the areas to be abated and available
resources. Replacement is better than the other methods
because it is a permanent solution. Encapsulation gen-
erates less dust than removal; however, surfaces will
need to be continually maintained and monitored for
damage. Replacement and encapsulation are best from
the perspectives of worker safety and cleanup. Paint
removal often is less costly but may generate large
amounts of lead dust and hazardous waste. All surfaces
where lead-based paint has been removed should be
sealed and repainted. Regardless of the method(s)
chosen, the successful lead-based paint abatement
project requires careful planning and effective cleanup.
To protect residents, workers and neighbors from
exposure to lead, protective clothing and equipment
should be provided and used, and the area to be abated
should be isolated. A daily cleanup should be conducted
during the project and the house thoroughly cleaned at
its conclusion. The property owner and abatement con-
tractor are always responsible for the effects of residue
as well as for problems that could arise from drift or
movement of lead dust from the affected property to
that of others.
This document should be used as a guide to
determine an appropriate abatement strategy for home
projects, as well as to provide guidance for site prepa-
ration, containment and health protections. According
to U.S. Internal Revenue Service Publication 502, some
of the costs of abatement are allowed as deductions if
a resident owners child has or has had lead poisoning
confirmed by a physician. Please read this document
completely before beginning an abatement project. For
more information, refer to the Lead Poisoning
Prevention Code: (77 Ill. Adm. Code 845).
The methods, materials and disposal options for a
particular situation need to be decided before starting
the project. The condition and types of surfaces to be
abated should be carefully considered and a method
that produces the least amount of lead dust and/or fumes
selected. A combination of methods is frequently used.
 Highly recommended
This approach often fits in well with renovation
and modernization projects. Lead-painted building
components are removed and replaced with compo-
nents free of lead-based paint. Old components and
surrounding structures should be sprayed or misted
with water to control dust prior to any removal.
Woodwork can sometimes be removed and reversed if
only painted on one side. The area should be cleaned
with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum.
If this machine is not available, conventional vacuum
equipment with special dust bags can be used and the
inverted wood washed with a phosphate-containing
detergent or a phosphate-free lead dissolving detergent
before applying new coatings.
1/2 Removes lead hazard (except with woodwork
May improve appearance and energy
efficiency of dwelling
May increase value of dwelling
New components usually easier to clean
/.2 Difficult to perform on walls, ceilings
and floors
May require skilled labor and special tools
Adjacent walls and surfaces may be damaged
Encapsulation refers to any process, such as
resurfacing, covering or sealing, that makes lead-based
paint inaccessible. This work should be documented
so that the potential for exposure during future mainte-
nance, renovation or demolition is minimized. Problems
also may arise during post-abatement inspection activities
because encapsulated lead-based paint can be detected
by X-ray fluorescence testing methods.
! Recommended
(if newer flexible encapsulants selected)
Surfaces may be coated or sealed with products
designed to be long-lasting and resistant to cracking,
peeling, molds and mildews. These flexible encapsu-
lants form a protective layer that prevents chalking and
flaking of lead-based paint and keeps chips and dust
from becoming accessible to children. The Illinois
Department of Public Health maintains a list of flexi-
ble encapsulant products for use in the home.
1/2 Relatively fast and inexpensive
Leaded dust usually not generated
/.2 Lead is not removed
Requires sound underlying materials
Physical conditions (e.g., humidity and
temperature) may cause encapsulant to fail
May require maintenance
Product research concerning their long-term
effectiveness is not conclusive
Manufacturers may require special installation
and/or training for warranty approval
 Recommended
Walls and ceilings may be covered with wallboard,
plywood, paneling, vinyl wall covering, jute fabrics,
fiberglass or similar durable materials. Paper wall
covering or contact paper are not considered rigid
encapsulants and are not acceptable as permanent solu-
tions. Vinyl or aluminum siding can be installed over
exterior walls. Specially designed plastic and metal
products have been developed for wall corners, sills,
doors, pipes and door jambs. Long-lasting sealants and
adhesives are available for use with these products so
lead dust cannot escape from seams and edges.
1/2 Safe
Minimizes risk to workers and residents
Little dust or debris generated
May be cheaper and faster than replacement
or removal
/.2 Lead is not removed
May require skilled workers
Repairs must precede installation of covering
Edges must be well sealed
Building and fire codes may restrict the types
of new material
 Recommended
Spraying the surface with water before scraping will
decrease the amount of dust that is generated. Eye pro-
tection and a respirator should be worn. Dry scraping
of lead painted surfaces is prohibited (77 Ill. Adm.
Code 845).
1/2 Experienced workers can be very effective
Only a small amount of dust generated
Relatively inexpensive
/.2 Difficult to remove all the leaded paint
Labor intensive
Scrapers must be sharpened or blades
replaced often
Possibility of injury exists when using these
Wet debris can be difficult to collect
May damage underlying materials
 '%/--'.&'&
Off-site stripping can be used if items are remov-
able and will usually produce better results than on-
site stripping. Components should be wrapped in plas-
tic for transportation to the stripping facility to mini-
mize lead dust contamination.
1/2 Chemical strippers will remove all surface
Minimal dust generated
Allows for restoration of original components
/.2 Components may be damaged during removal,
transport, stripping or reinstallation
Can be expensive
 '%/--'.&'&
(for flat surfaces only)
Specially designed sanding equipment is fitted with
a high efficiency particulate air vacuum. The sander
must always be in contact with the surface and used in
accordance with the manufacturers operating instruc-
tions. A respirator and eye protection must be worn.
1/2 Effective for flat surfaces
Good method for exterior paint removal
/.2 Expensive
May damage underlying materials
Can create large amount of dust if not used
Ineffective on non-flat surfaces
Recommended with caution
Organic and caustic chemical strippers can be
applied to soften paint before scraping. The stripper
should be compatible with the substrate to be abated
(for example, caustic strippers can dissolve aluminum).
Adjacent surfaces need to be protected.
Chemical-resistant gloves and special respiratory
protection are required. Some strippers contain volatile
or caustic chemicals and require gloves, ventilation or
supplied air respirators for protection. Use of strippers
containing methylene chloride is restricted under the
code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 845). Eye protection should
be worn. Chemicals must be stored out of reach of
children and used according to manufacturers instruc-
tions. The waste generated from chemical stripping
may be flammable, toxic and/or caustic; therefore, it
must be handled and disposed of carefully.
1/2 If done correctly, can remove nearly all lead
Minimal dust generated
Allows for restoration of components
/.2 Strippers may produce hazardous fumes
and vapors
Products may be flammable
Requires adequate ventilation and
personal protection
Strippers may be absorbed through skin and
cause damage
Often more than one application needed
Lead paint waste will be generated and must
be cleaned up properly
 Not recommended
Electric heat guns or infrared guns also can loosen
or soften painted surfaces so that paint can be removed
by scraping. These appliances should be used at their
lowest temperature settings. Temperatures above 700
degrees Fahrenheit are prohibited (77 Ill. Adm. Code
845). A fire extinguisher and appropriate ventilation
should be available. Eye protection and a respirator
should be worn.
1/2 Minimal dust generated
Easy to use
/.2 Labor intensive
Potential for creating poisonous fumes
Fire hazard
May damage underlying materials
 Not generally recommended
Special equipment forces sand under high pressures
against the surface in order to remove paint.
4.&'13*'%/&',,&-/&' Use only on
exterior surfaces.
1/2 Removes paint from large areas quickly
If equipment has HEPA attachment, efficient
collection of hazardous materials is
/.2 Experienced workers required
Containment of lead dust and debris difficult
Special equipment needed
Can damage underlying materials
Dust can move into interior of dwelling
Requires eye protection and respirator
 
8&1/$,#23+.) Not generally recommended
Special equipment forces water under high pressure
against the surface in order to remove paint.
1/2 Removes paint from large areas quickly
/.2 Creates large amount of liquid waste
Saturates underlying materials
Containment difficult
Special equipment needed
Requires eye protection and respirator
Prohibited (77 Ill. Adm. Code 845)
Prohibited (77 Ill. Adm. Code 845)
 Always recommended
During and after lead paint removal, good house-
keeping practices are necessary. Ideally, a HEPA
vacuum should be used to collect surface dust. Wet
mopping and wiping down surfaces with a phosphate-
containing or phosphate-free lead dissolving detergent
also are effective, particularly when done after
vacuuming. Change wash water often. Throw away
cleaning rags. It may take a day or two for all the dust
from abatement and remodeling projects to settle.
1/2 Inexpensive
No special skills necessary
Controls a major source of lead exposure
/.2 Time consuming
Must mop, wash or sweep surfaces frequently
and regularly
 Recommended if needed
If a visible paint chip problem is present or labora-
tory results reflect high lead levels in soils that are
accessible by children, soil abatement (reducing the
level of lead in top soil) should be considered. This
process may include removing gross debris, turning
the soil over, sodding, covering with plastic and stone,
pouring cement, or excavation and disposal. If new top
soil is purchased, be sure to request lead-free soil or
have it tested before use. The area should be kept
moist while working with the soil to minimize dust
generation. Do not use a rototiller on windy days, or
when children or pregnant women are present. Nearby
windows and doors should be closed to prevent interi-
or contamination from airborne soil.
The overall goal is to safely and cost-effectively
reduce exposure to interior and exterior lead-based
coatings and lead dust. Proper sequencing of activities
serves to avoid contamination of adjoining areas.
Following is a list of some activities to be considered
prior to the start up of the abatement process.
No children, pregnant women or pets should
enter the work site. For major projects,
arrangements should be made to have children
and pregnant women stay elsewhere while the
project is being completed.
If the work is contracted out, licensed abate-
ment workers and contractors should be used.
General construction area safety precautions
should be followed.
Water must be available for cleanup activities
and worker hygiene.
Before eating or drinking during a project, the
mouth should be rinsed and hands and face
washed thoroughly.
Shoes or shoe covers should be removed before
leaving the contained work area.
Proper worker protection should be made
available and used. This includes use of
NIOSH/OSHA(National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health/ Occupational
Safety and Health Administration)-approved
respirators for workers. Respirators must be
properly fitted and maintained according to
manufacturers instructions. Clean respirators
at the end of each work day and store in a clean
area. Note: Facial hair prevents a good seal
between the respirator and the skin and may
allow lead to be inhaled or ingested.
Protective clothing should be worn. This
includes coveralls or similar full body covering,
shoe covers, gloves, hair covers, and vented
goggles or other protective eye equipment.
Workers should begin each work day with
clean, dry protective clothing. All protective
clothing should be removed at the end of the
work day in a designated change area and
placed in a closed container. Persons who clean
or launder nondisposable clothing must be
informed of the potentially harmful effects of
exposure to lead. Launder separately and do not
shake soiled clothes or attempt to remove
leaded dust by blowing.
A work plan should be developed and followed.
If possible, start at the room farthest from the
exit. Work in one room at a time.
All personal belongings should be removed and
stored in a lead-free area. This includes carpets,
drapes, clothing, utensils, toys, bedding and fur-
niture. If large or built-in fixtures or cabinets
remain, cover with plastic and seal tightly.
The work site should be made off-limits to
children, pets and pregnant women, as well as
anyone who is not properly protected. Access to
work area(s) should be limited with barriers and
The work area should be contained and sealed-
off to avoid contamination of adjoining areas
with lead dust. The best materials to use are
duct tape and 6-mil plastic.
Vents should be covered and sealed. Forced air
systems should be shut down to prevent
contamination of duct work.
All floors should be covered with a double layer
of 6-mil plastic. Before applying plastic to floors
they should be HEPA vacuumed then washed
with a phosphate or phosphate-free lead dissolv-
ing detergent solution and sealed with tape.
Highly contaminated carpeting should be
removed, sealed in plastic and disposed of
properly. If carpeting is to remain in place during
a project, it should be covered with cardboard in
high traffic areas before plastic covering is
installed. Carpets should be cleaned following
Care should be used when moving debris to
avoid putting lead dust into the air or tearing
plastic barriers.
For exterior work, plastic should cover the
ground near the building. The sheeting should
extend out from the foundation 3 feet per
story being abated, with a minimum of 5 feet
and a maximum of 20 feet. Raise the edges of
the sheets to trap waste.
During exterior work, lead dust should be
prevented from entering the dwelling by keep-
ing the windows closed. Do not scrape on
windy days.
 
Labels on any materials to be handled during a
project, especially chemicals, should be
reviewed to be sure the appropriate methods and
safety equipment will be used. Be sure to obtain
material safety data sheets on chemicals and read.
Adequate ventilation must be provided,
especially if chemical strippers are used.
Window fans can be fitted with dust filters that
should be changed on a regular basis. Fans
should be positioned to exhaust air to the
outside of the building.
Lead-contaminated clothing or shoes should not
be worn home or anywhere off-site to avoid
contaminating other areas.
All abatement strategies create dust; therefore,
thorough cleaning of all surfaces and regular removal
of debris is imperative.
Work areas must be cleaned daily or at the end
of each shift. Carefully collect gross debris,
paint chips and dust after misting with water
and place in plastic bags. This waste must be
kept out of the reach of children.
If a HEPA vacuum is available, use it at the end
of each day to remove lead dust from all
surfaces. Conventional vacuums should not be
used because they return some of the lead dust
to the air.
Disposable coveralls, shoe covers and hair
covers should be deposited in plastic bags for
proper disposal. When removing these items,
keep the clean side toward the body, rolling
the contaminated sides inward. Do not shake.
If nondisposable coveralls are used, HEPA
vacuum (if available) clothing before removing.
Do not shake. Clothing should not be reused
before laundering. Work clothes should be stored
separately from street clothes. Work clothes
should be laundered separately. If using profes-
sional cleaners, notify company that clothes are
contaminated with lead dust.
During cleanups, holes or rips in plastic con-
tainment should be repaired immediately with
duct tape.
Respirators should be cleaned and maintained
according to manufacturers instructions and
stored in lead-free containers.
New non-lead paint should not be applied for at
least 24 hours after the abatement project is
completed. This will allow abatement-related
dust to settle and be cleaned up. It is best to use
a primer coat followed by a high-gloss paint.
After abatement is completed, remaining debris
should be collected on the floor plastic, misted,
rolled up in the top layer of plastic and disposed
of. HEPA vacuum (if available) all surfaces,
from the ceiling to floor, then wet wash all sur-
faces with a phosphate or phosphate-free lead
dissolving detergent. The wash water should be
collected with a wet vacuum. The final layer of
floor plastic should then be removed, followed
with another vacuum and wash cycle, this time
including the floor. Throw away used cleaning
Tile, linoleum or wood floors should be HEPA
vacuumed, washed with a phosphate or
phosphate-free lead dissolving detergent, and
waxed or sealed.
If appropriate, wash tools and equipment to
limit the transfer of leaded dust to other areas.
A final cleaning cycle (HEPA vacuum and then
wash with a high phosphate or phosphate-free
lead dissolving detergent) is recommended
before occupants return to the abated area. It is
also recommended that a lead dust analysis be
done to ensure that the lead has been abated.
New flat latex paint should not be washed with
phosphate detergents since it can be damaged.
Maintenance cleaning is especially important
during the months immediately following the
abatement since lead dust will continue to settle.
Paint wastes, dust and building debris must be
kept out of the reach of children. Homeowners
may dispose of wastes by placing smaller debris
in tightly sealed plastic bags alongside their
regular trash. Larger debris should be wrapped
in sheets of plastic and sealed with tape. Large
dumpsters should be covered and locked. All
waste must go to a permitted landfill and not be
incinerated. Property owners need to verify
homeowner exemptions from the Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency disposal
regulations if they are doing their own abate-
ment. If you have any further questions related
to disposal issues, contact
Office of Chemical Safety
2200 Churchill Road
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, IL 62794-9276
TTY (hearing impaired use only)
Division of Environmental Health
525 W. Jefferson St.
Springfield, IL 62761
TTY (hearing impaired use only)
Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois
IOCI 12-90