2 Publication 5718
What’s New for Processing Year 2024
Location Changes
Throughout Publication Updated Processing Year
Throughout Publication Updated Tax Year
1.3 Registration and
Application Process
Added new sections 1.3.4 ‘Things you need to know before completing the
IRIS Application for TCC’, 1.3.5 'Access the IRIS Application for TCC', Section
1.3.6 'Application Approval/Completed', Section 1.3.7 'Revise Current TCC
Information', and Section 1.3.8 'Deleted TCC'
Section 1.3.1 Registration Added additional information about how to register for IRS online self-help
Section 1.3.2 Who should
apply for an IRIS TCC
Added ‘The IRS encourages transmitters who le for multiple issuers to
submit one application and use the assigned TCC for all issuers.
Section 1.6 API Client ID Modied step-by-step instructions on how to access the application and
added additional information regarding JWK le creation
Section 3.1.2 A2A
Modied step-by-step instructions on how to grant A2A authorization to your
API Client ID through the IRS Consent App
Section 3.1.3 Access
Token Generation for A2A
Access Flow
Added clarifying information about the JWTs and access tokens
Section 3.1.4 Operations In Table 3-4: GetStatus/Ack, updated URLs for Test and Production endpoints
and removed Figures 3-9: JSON Format GetStatus/Ack Illustrative Request
and 3-11: JSON GetStatus/Ack Illustrative Response – 200 Status Response
Section 3.3 Sample IRIS
XML Schema
Modied title of section to '3.3 Filing Prior Year Returns', removed Figure 3-18:
Sample IRIS XML Schema, and add information about ling prior year returns
Section 3.3.1 Calculating
Total Reported Amount
Removed duplicate’ “Calculating Total Reported Amount” table
Section 6 Corrections
and Replacements
Added ‘Corrected information returns MUST be led electronically if the
original return was required to be submitted electronically.
Section 6.1 Transmitting
Added clarifying information and modied step-by-step instructions on how to
transmit corrections
Section 9 Combined
Federal/State Filing (CF/
SF) Program
Added District of Columbia and Pennsylvania
Section 10.4 Additional
Added additional online resources
Section 11 Acronym List Added Acronym List
3 Publication 5718
Processing Year 2024 Revisions After 12-2023
Date Location Update
03/2024 Section 6.1.1 2-Step Correction Step 2
4 Publication 5718
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
1.1 Purpose ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
1.2 Communications �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
1.2.1 IRIS Web Site ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
1.3 Registration and Application Process ��������������������������������������������������������������������10
1.3.1 Registration ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
1.3.2 Who should apply for an IRIS TCC ��������������������������������������������������������������� 10
1.3.3 Third-Party Transmitters ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
1.3.4 Things you need to know before completing the IRIS ���������������������������������12
1.3.5 Access the IRIS Application for TCC ������������������������������������������������������������� 13
1.3.6 Application Approved/Completed �����������������������������������������������������������������13
1.3.7 Revise Current TCC Information ��������������������������������������������������������������������14
1.3.8 Deleted TCCs ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
1.4 Transmitter and Issuer TCCs ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
1.5 Software Developer TCCs ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
1.6 API Client ID ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15
2. Transmissions and Submissions ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
2.1 Transmission/Submission Definitions and Limitations ����������������������������������������� 18
2.2 Uniquely Identifying the Transmission �������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
3. Transmitting Information Returns �������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
3.1 Transmitting via the Application to Application (A2A) Channel ����������������������������� 20
3.1.1 Transmission Payload and REST Message via A2A ������������������������������������� 21
3.1.2 A2A Consent ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
3.1.3 Access Token Generation for A2A Access Flow ������������������������������������������� 22
3.1.4 Operations ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
3.2 XML Overview for IRIS �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
3.2.1 IRIS XML Schema Package Structure �����������������������������������������������������������33
3.2.2 IRIS XML Structure ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
3.2.3 Prohibited and Constrained Special Characters �����������������������������������������34
3.2.4 Tag Names ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
5 Publication 5718
3.2.5 Attributes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
3.2.6 Repeating Group �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
3.2.7 IRIS Schema and Business Rules ���������������������������������������������������������������� 37
3.2.8 Validating Schema Versions �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
3.2.9 Example of Schema Versioning ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
3.3 Filing Prior Year Returns ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 40
3.3.1 Calculating Total Reported Amount �������������������������������������������������������������� 40
4. Validating the Transmission and Return Data ������������������������������������������������ 41
4.1 Transmission Validation ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
4.1.1 Missing or Multiple Attachments ������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
4.1.2 Error Reading or Persisting the Transmission Payload �������������������������������� 42
4.1.3 Manifest Verification Failure ���������������������������������������������������������������������������42
4.1.4 Manifest and XML Payload Schema Validation Failure ��������������������������������42
5. Acknowledgement Response ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
5.1 Acknowledgement Schema ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 44
6. Corrections and Replacements ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 45
6.1 Corrections Process ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 45
6.1.1 Transmitting Corrections �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
6.2 Rejected Transmissions ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 47
6.2.1 Transmissions Rejected in Pre-Receipt Validation ��������������������������������������� 47
6.2.2 Transmissions/Submissions Rejected by IRIS ���������������������������������������������� 48
6.3 Replacing an Original Transmission that Rejected ����������������������������������������������� 49
6.3.1 Replacing an Original Transmission that Rejected ��������������������������������������� 49
6.3.2 Replacing a ‘Replacement’ Transmission that Rejected ������������������������������ 50
6.4 Replacement Submissions ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
6.4.1 Replacing Submission Within a Partially Accepted Transmission �������������� 51
6.4.2 Replacing Submission from a Partially Accepted Original Transmission
when the Replacements Transmission or Submission was Rejected ��������� 51
6 Publication 5718
7. Extension of Time to File ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52
7.1 Request for an Additional Extension of Time to File ��������������������������������������������� 52
7.2 Extension of Time to Provide the Recipient Copy ������������������������������������������������52
8. Waiver from Filing Electronically ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 53
9. Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program ������������������������������������������ 54
10. Other Helpful Information ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
10.1 Due Dates ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
10.2 Help with IRIS Transmissions ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
10.3 Verifying Issuer and Recipient Identity and TINS ������������������������������������������������� 55
10.4 Additional Resources ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
11. Acronym List ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
7 Publication 5718
1. Introduction
The Information Returns Intake System (IRIS) Application to Application (A2A) is a system
that uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) format to bulk le large volumes of Form 1099
series returns.
This publication outlines the communication procedures, transmission formats, business
rules and validation procedures for information returns transmitted electronically through the
IRIS A2A system. Use the guidelines provided in this publication along with the yearly XML
schemas to develop software for IRIS and/or to transmit through the IRIS A2A system. For
Tax Year (TY) 2023 in Processing Year (PY) 2024 the following information returns can be
led using IRIS A2A:
Form 1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property
Form 1099-B, Proceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions
Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt
Form 1099-CAP, Changes in Corporate Control and Capital Structure
Form 1099-DIV, Dividends and Distributions
Form 1099-G, Certain Government Payments
Form 1099-H, Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Advance Payments
Form 1099-INT, Interest Income
Form 1099-K, Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions
Form 1099-LS, Reportable Life Insurance Sale
Form 1099-LTC, Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benets
Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income
Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation
Form 1099-OID, Original Issue Discount
Form 1099-PATR, Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives
Form 1099-Q, Payments from Qualied Education Programs (Under Sections 529 &
Form 1099-QA, Payments from Distributions From ABLE Accounts
Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Prot-Sharing
Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
Form 1099-S, Proceeds From Real Estate Transactions
Form 1099-SA, Distributions From an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA
Form1099-SB, Seller’s Investment in Life Insurance Contract
Note: Please refer to Publication 1220, Specifications for Electronic Filing of Form 1097,
1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498 and W-2G, for Information Return electronic specications
led via the Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) System.
8 Publication 5718
The procedures in this publication should also be used in conjunction with the most current
version of the following publications:
Publication 4557Safeguarding Taxpayer Data: A Guide for Your Business: The
purpose of this publication is to provide information on legal requirements to safeguard
taxpayer data. The target audience is non- government businesses involved in the prepa-
ration and ling of income tax returns.
Publication 5719Information Returns Intake System (IRIS) Test Package for
Information Returns: This publication contains guidelines and instructions for the IRIS
Assurance Testing System (IRIS ATS). IRIS ATS is a process to test software and electronic
transmissions prior to accepting Software Developers, Transmitters, and Issuers into the
electronic ling program.
The following guides/documents provide additional guidance for ling electronically through
Publication 5717Information Returns Intake System (IRIS) Taxpayer Portal User
Guide: Contains general and program specic information for use with the IRIS Taxpayer
Links to IRIS publications and guides are located at
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide the A2A specications to electronically le
information returns with the IRS including the requirements and specications under the
Combined Federal/State Filing Program (CF/SF). Additionally, this publication provides speci-
cations to submit an automatic 30-day extension of time to le certain information returns,
and the procedure for replacing and correcting returns. The audience of this document is:
Issuer: A business ling their own information returns regardless of whether they are
required to le electronically or volunteer to le electronically.
Transmitter: A third-party sending the electronic information return data directly to IRS
on behalf of any business required to le. If you are transmitting returns for your own
business, in addition to transmitting returns on behalf of another business, you do not
need both the Transmitter and Issuer role. You can le all returns as a Transmitter.
Software Developer: An organization writing either origination or transmission software
according to IRS specications.
Note: Issuer(s) and Transmitter(s) are collectively referred to as transmitters throughout this
document unless specically stated otherwise.
All lers are encouraged to le electronically. Issuers should keep a copy of information
returns (or be able to reconstruct the data) for at least three years from the reporting due
date with the following exceptions:
Returns reporting federal withholding should be kept for four years.
Keep a copy of Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, for at least four years from the due
date of the return.
9 Publication 5718
1.2 Communications
The Help Desk has been designated as the rst point of contact for information return
electronic ling issues. Software Developers, Transmitters and Issuers can contact the
Help Desk toll free at 1-866-937-4130, for domestic calls, or 470-769-5100 (not toll-free)
for international calls. The IRS welcomes calls via your choice of relay. Deaf or hard of
hearing taxpayers using a relay service may call any of our toll-free numbers. The Help Desk
provides assistance in the following areas:
IRIS Application for Transmitter Control Code (TCC)
IRIS Assurance Testing System (ATS) and Communication Testing
Business Rules and Error Code Resolution
1.2.1 IRIS Web Site
For information regarding IRIS and electronic ling information returns, go to Information
Returns Intake System (IRIS) Program webpage:
The IRIS page provides:
Online IRIS System (Production and Testing) Status
IRIS Program Overview
IRIS ATS Information
Links to access IRIS Publications, Schemas, Business Rules and much more
If you encounter an issue or limitation that prevents an information return from being
submitted electronically through IRIS, and the solution is not posted on the IRIS webpage,
please contact the Help Desk. The Service will then work on making the appropriate correc-
tions or assisting with the issue or limitation. Until corrections can be implemented, IRIS may
develop “workarounds” which are temporary changes to allow the return to be transmitted
electronically. Workarounds will be posted by Tax Year (TY) and linked to the Schema and
Business Rules page under the “Known Issues.
IRIS uses QuickAlerts, an IRS e-mail service, to disseminate information quickly regarding
IRIS issues to subscribers. This service keeps tax professionals up to date on IRIS issues
throughout the year, with emphasis on issues during the ling season. After subscribing,
customers will receive “round the clock” communication issues such as electronic specica-
tions and system information needed for Software Developers and Transmitters to transmit
to IRS. New subscribers may sign up through the “subscription page” link located on the
QuickAlerts “more” e-le Benets for Tax Professionals page.
10 Publication 5718
1.3 Registration and Application Process
External users must register with the current IRS credential service provider and complete
the IRIS Application for Transmitter Control Code (TCC) to submit transmissions using the
IRIS intake platform. Information returns led through the IRIS A2A system cannot be led
using any other intake platform TCC. These include:
e-File Application (MeF)
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Application for TCC (AIR)
Partnership Bipartisan Budget Act (PBBA) Application for TCC
Information Returns (IR) Application for TCC (FIRE)
IRIS TCC for the Taxpayer Portal
1.3.1 Registration
Before completing the IRIS Application for TCC, each user must create an account or sign-in
using their existing credentials to validate their identities using the latest authentication
For more information, please visit How to register for IRS online self-help tools | Internal
Revenue Service.
1.3.2 Who should apply for an IRIS TCC
If you are transmitting information returns to the IRS or if you are developing software to le
information returns electronically, you must apply for one or more TCCs using the IRIS Appli-
cation for TCC available online. A single application can be used to apply for multiple roles
and the necessary TCCs. The IRS encourages transmitters who le for multiple issuers to
submit one application and use the assigned TCC for all issuers. The purpose of the TCC
is to identify the business acting as the transmitter of the le. As a transmitter, you may
transmit les for as many companies as you need to under one TCC. The IRIS Application for
TCC contains three separate roles: Software Developer, Transmitter, and Issuer. Complete
the IRIS Application for TCC if your rm or organization is performing one or more of the
following roles:
Software Developer: An organization writing either origination or transmission
software according to IRS specications.
Transmitter: A Third-Party sending the electronic information returns data directly to
IRS on behalf of any business.
(Note: If you are transmitting returns for your own company, in addition to transmitting
returns on behalf of another business, you do not need both the Transmitter and Issuer
role. You can le all returns as a Transmitter.)
Issuer: A business ling their own information returns regardless of whether they are
required to le electronically or volunteer to le electronically
11 Publication 5718
These roles are not mutually exclusive, for example, a rm or organization may be both a
Transmitter and a Software Developer. Each role will receive its own TCC to be used based
on the activity being performed. For example, Software Developers performing Testing
will use the Software Developer TCC. Do not use the Software Developer TCC to transmit
Production les.
Note: If an organization requires more than one TCC for any given role, a Responsible
Ofcial listed on the application should request an additional TCC by clicking on the
‘Request’ option under ‘Request Additional TCC’ on the Application Summary Page.
The table below provides examples of who should apply for a TCC.
Table 1-1: TCC Roles
What roles should I select on my IRIS Application for Transmitter Control Code?
Purchased or
If… And Then
Developed I am a commercial Software
Developer developing
software and selling
I will transmit information for
Select both the Software
Developer role and the
Transmitter role on your
Developed I am developing my own
software package, or
contracted with someone to
develop a unique package
for my sole use,
I will perform the software
testing with IRS and transmit
my own information returns.
Select the roles of Software
Developer and Issuer on
your application.
Purchased I am purchasing a software
I will transmit my own
information returns.
Select the role of Issuer on
your application.
Note: You may not use
an Issuer TCC to transmit
information returns for
Purchased I am purchasing a software
I will transmit my own
information returns and
transmit for others.
Select the role of Transmitter
on your application.
Note: The TCC for a
Transmitter can be used to
transmit your own returns
and others. You may not use
an Issuer TCC to transmit
information returns for
12 Publication 5718
1.3.3 Third-Party Transmitters
If you do not have an in-house programmer familiar with XML or do not wish to purchase
A2A software that is certied to support the information returns that you plan to le, you can
le through a Third-Party Transmitter or use the online Taxpayer Portal. Visit
iris for additional information.
Only those persons listed as an Authorized User on the IRIS Application for TCC qualify to
receive information about a Receipt ID associated with a TCC listed on that application.
If your Third-Party Transmitter needs technical assistance regarding a Receipt ID associated
with records that were submitted on behalf of your organization, they should contact the
Help Desk.
When ling through a Third-Party Transmitter obtain the following for each submission led
on your behalf:
A copy of all electronic records within each submission, along with the Receipt ID for
the transmission in which they were led.
The transmission Acknowledgement that includes the Status that is returned when
processing is complete (Accepted, Accepted With Errors, Partially Accepted, Rejected)
and a detailed list of errors, if any.
Note: The items cited above are critical to your ability to make corrections should your Third-
party Transmitter go out of business or be otherwise unavailable to le corrections on your
1.3.4 Things you need to know before completing the IRIS
A responsible ofcial (RO) initiates and submits the IRIS Application for TCC electronically.
Each RO must sign the terms of agreement using their ve-digit PIN they created when they
initially accessed the system. An application will receive a tracking number after saving it.
Completing the application in a single session isn’t a requirement.
The following information is necessary to complete each application:
Firms business structure
Firms (EIN) (the system doesn’t allow rms to use a Social Security Number (SSN) or
Individual Taxpayer Identication Number (ITIN)
Firms legal business name and business type
Firms doing business as name when it’s different from the legal business name
Business phone (phone country code and phone number)
Business address (this must be a physical location, not a post ofce box)
Mailing address when different than business address
RO, contact and authorized delegate if applicable information must include: SSN or ITIN
Date of birth
Contact information, including email address, position/title and phone number
13 Publication 5718
Role: The RO must select one or more roles but cannot select both ‘Issuer’ and ‘Transmitter’.
Issuer: is a person ling only for their business
Transmitter: is a person ling for their own business and other businesses or multiple
businesses NOTE: The Software Developer role is not used with the Taxpayer Portal
Forms: At this time, the only option to select is Form 1099 Series
Transmission Method: Select the check box next to Application-to-Application (A2A).
After the approval of your application, a ve-character alphanumeric TCC that begins with
the letter ‘D’ will be assigned. The IRS will send a letter with this information to the mailing
address on your application. You can always sign into your IRIS Application for TCC to
monitor the status of your application and view your TCCs on the Application Summary
1.3.5 Access the IRIS Application for TCC
If you would like to use IRIS A2A, you must complete the following steps:
1. Go to IRIS TCC
2. Click on the Access Application for TCC button
3. Sign in or create an account to begin the application process (you don’t need to create
an account if you already have one)
4. Select Individual on the Select Your Organization page
5. Click on New Application and select IRIS Application for TCC
6. Complete and submit an IRIS Application for Transmitter Control Code (TCC)
Each RO must sign the Application Submission page using their 5-digit PIN. The
application will be processed after all ROs have entered their PIN and accepted the
Terms of Agreement.
If you forgot your PIN, select the Modify PIN tab located at the top of the screen to
create a new PIN.
7. Allow up to 45 calendar days for application processing. You may check the status of
your application and TCC(s) on the Application Summary page.
If you are unable to complete your application during your session, follow steps 1–4 above to
access your saved application.
1.3.6 Application Approved/Completed
When your IRIS Application for TCC is approved and completed, a ve-character alphanu-
meric TCC that begins with the letter ‘D’ will be assigned to your business. An approval letter
will be sent via United States Postal Service (USPS) to the address listed on the application,
informing you of your TCC. You can also sign into your IRIS Application for TCC to view your
TCCs on the Application Summary page.
14 Publication 5718
If your application is in Completed status for more than 45 days and your TCC has not been
assigned, contact the Help Desk.
1.3.7 Revise Current TCC Information
As changes occur, you must update and maintain your IRIS TCC Application. Some changes
will require all ROs or Authorized Delegates (ADs) on the application to re-sign the Appli-
cation Submission page. Below are examples of when an application would need to be
re-signed (this list is not all inclusive):
Firms DBA Name change
Role changes or additions
Add, delete or change RO and/or AD
Note: Changes submitted on an IRIS TCC Application do not change the address of IRS tax
records just as a change of address to IRS tax records does not automatically update infor-
mation on an IRIS TCC Application.
Changes that require a rm to acquire a new Employer Identication Number (EIN) require a
new IRIS TCC Application. Firms that change their form of organization, such as from a sole
proprietorship to a corporation, generally require the rm to acquire a new EIN.
1.3.8 Deleted TCCs
Your TCCs will remain valid if you transmit information returns or extensions of time to le. If
you don’t use your TCC for three consecutive years, your TCC will be deleted. Once your TCC
is deleted it cannot be reactivated. Youll need to submit a new IRIS Application for TCC.
1.4 Transmitter and Issuer TCCs
Depending on the roles selected on the application, one or more TCCs will be assigned.
Each TCC will have an indicator of Test “T” or Production “P” and status of Active, Inactive,
or Dropped. Transmitters and Issuers are issued a TCC in Test “T” status until required
Communication Testing is conducted in the ATS environment and passed. Once Commu-
nication Testing is passed, the Transmitter should contact the Help Desk to request to
be moved to Production “P” status. For more information about Communication Testing
for Transmitters, refer to Publication 5719, Information Returns Intake System (IRIS) Test
Package for Information Returns.
1.5 Software Developer TCCs
After selecting the Software Developer role on the application, additional information about
the software package being developed is required. The TCC is permanently assigned in
“Test” status. A separate Software ID is also assigned for each package. The tax year(s) for
15 Publication 5718
the information returns supported, form type, and software package type (Commercial Off
the Shelf (COTS), Online, In-house) are also required. Each Software Package and form type
has a separate status.
Software Package information must be updated annually through the IRIS Appli-
cation for TCC. New Software IDs will be assigned for each tax year. To update your appli-
cation, the Responsible Ofcial should go to the Software Packages page and click the
Add Software Package” button which is located towards the bottom of the page. For more
information about Software Testing for Software Developers, refer to Publication 5719, Infor-
mation Returns Intake System (IRIS) Test Package for Information Returns.
1.6 API Client ID
All IRIS A2A users will need to create, develop, or purchase software to use the A2A trans-
mission method. The IRIS A2A Channel uses the API Client ID to authenticate and authorize
access to IRIS A2A services. You must be approved to receive an API Client ID and follow
the e-Services A2A program requirements. After you receive your IRIS TCC, you must
complete an API Client ID Application which will allow your software to communicate directly
with IRS systems. To receive a API Client ID for IRIS A2A services, the following actions must
take place:
1. Go to and select Get an API Client ID under Steps to use IRIS A2A.
You will be redirected to Get an API client ID.
2. Click on the Sign in or create an account button to complete or modify your application.
3. Select Individual on the Select Your Organization page or access your existing Client ID
Application if you already have one.
Exception: You must complete a new application if your existing Client ID Application
is only for Income Verication Express Services (IVES) Forms Based Processing (FBP).
4. Click on New Application and select API Client ID Application to begin a new
5. To modify your existing application, access the Application Details page.
a. Select the edit icon and check the IRIS box under Select APIs, then resubmit your
b. If there are no errors, you will see the Submission Complete page. Return to the
Application Details page to view your IRIS Client ID.
6. Each Client ID will need a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Web Key Set (JWKs) to be
uploaded to the application and validated before the Client ID will be issued. Review the
following instructions to complete the process.
You will have the opportunity to save your application if you do not have all the required
information. Once the application is saved, you may come back at your convenience.
Note: Continue to select Individual from the Select Your Organization page to access your
new application, until the application has gone to completed status.
16 Publication 5718
While completing the application, you will need to provide the JWKs le with use of valid
X.509 digital security certicate. The certicate will be validated during the application
process. Your Client ID will be provided to you at the time of registration. A JSON Web Key
Set (JWKs) that represents a cryptographic key is used for e-Services API authentication.
It contains a public key that validates the API consumer application. JWKs will have the
following criteria:
JWKs should contain a public key using RSA algorithm. RSA provides a key ID for key
matching purposes.
Should contain X.509 certicate using both “x5t” (X.509 SHA-1 Thumbprint) and “x5c
(X.509 certicate Chain) parameters.
You are not allowed to use self-signed certicates.
You can use the same public certicate as used for other IRS programs such as
MeF or AIR.
For more information on Digital Certicates visit Digital Certificates | Internal Revenue
The set of JWK attributes need to be pasted into the JSON Web Key (JWK) section of your
application following these guidelines:
Must be in the order listed below
Remove any attribute names not in the list below
Paste the full JWK including all the beginning ‘{‘ and ending curly braces ‘}’ to avoid errors
A text editing tool may be useful when rearranging and/or removing attributes not listed
Please refer to ‘Figure 1-1’ for a JWK example
The attributes expected in JWK are:
“kty”: Key Type (must be RSA)
“kid”: Key ID
“use: “sig” Public Key Use
“n: the modulus
e: “AQAB” the public exponent
“x5c: X. 509 Certicate Chain
“x5t”: X.509 Certicate SHA-1 Thumbprint
Note: if any of the above attributes are missing from the JWK, the JWK will be invalid. Please
refer to Figure 1-1, which contains an example of an RSA key represented as JWKs. Paste
the full JWK including the beginning ‘{‘ and ending curly braces ‘}’ to avoid errors. If there
are no errors, you will see the Submission Complete page and you will be able to view the
issued Client ID.
17 Publication 5718
Figure 1-1: JWK Example
It is your responsibility to keep track of the JWK expiration date and provide a new one
once the current JWK expires. The JWK expiration date is tied to the certicate expiration
date. There are various methods for checking a certicates expiration date. As one
example, you can double-click the public cert le on your computer as shown is Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2: Example of Saved Certificate
This will open up the certicate where the valid dates are shown, the expiration date is
the end date. See the example in Figure 1-3.
18 Publication 5718
Figure 1-3: Example of Certification Expiration Dates
For more information on JWK visit RFC 7517
Once the application is completed, the Responsible Ofcial or Contact will need to sign in
and obtain the API Client ID(s) issued to the rm/organization. The API Client ID(s) will be
listed on the Application Details or Application Summary pages.
For any questions related to the API Client ID Application, contact the Help Desk.
2. Transmissions and Submissions
2.1 Transmission/Submission Definitions and Limitations
A transmission is an XML payload containing the Manifest and one or more submissions.
The Manifest contains information about the Transmitter and transmission.
For the purposes of this document, a submission is dened as the combination of an Infor-
mation Return (IR) Submission Group Type and its associated information return.
19 Publication 5718
Transmission Requirements:
Must consist of one or more submissions
Each Submission must be the same form type
Each submission must be for the same tax year
Must not contain multiple Transmission types (Original, Correction, and Replacement)
The size of the transmission should not exceed 100MB
Must include the “TransmissionTypeCd” that identies the type of transmission as
Table 2-1: Transmissions Types
Allowed Data Value Description
‘O’ A transmission containing original records
‘C’ A transmission containing correction records
‘R’ A transmission containing replacement records
Submission Requirements:
The reported number of information returns on the transmittal form must match the
actual number of information returns in the submission
Must not contain records of different form types or tax years
May contain as many records as the 100MB payload size allows
2.2 Uniquely Identifying the Transmission
The XML Schemas include elements designed to uniquely identify information returns trans-
missions, submissions within the transmission, and records within the submission.
Transmitters must uniquely identify each transmission with a Unique Transmission
Identifier (UTID). The format for the UTID includes various elds separated by colons (:) as
follows: da20a4de-1357-11ed-861d-0242ac120002:IRIS:00000::A.
Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) – is an identier standard dened by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) in Request for Comments (RFC) 4122. It is a mandatory
eld and is represented by 32 hexadecimal digits, displayed in ve groups separated by
hyphens. da20a4de-1357-11ed-861d-0242ac120002
Application ID – the Application ID will be hardcoded IRIS and is a mandatory eld
Transmitter Control Code – is an uppercase alphanumeric eld that will contain the
Transmitter’s TCC and is mandatory
Reserved – is an empty eld (no space between colons). *This is for future use and is
intentionally blank
Request Type – the Request Type denes the type of request, A for A2A
20 Publication 5718
Every transmission that IRIS receives is validated to ensure that the UTID is unique (has
not been previously submitted to the IRIS System, including previously submitted rejected
returns) and conforms to the pattern assigned in the XML Schema. If a UTID is missing, not
sequential or not unique, the transmission is rejected, and no further processing occurs.
Each submission within a transmission must be unique and will include a Submission
Identifier (SID) for each submission within the same transmission.
Each record within a submission must be unique and will include a Record Identifier (RID)
for each record within the same submission.
When an error is identied, the error le provides the SubmissionId or RecordId as well as
the Xpath for the error. These identiers are used to replace submissions and to correct
records. To replace a submission, the submission is uniquely identied by combining the
transmission ReceiptId and SID, using the pipe symbol as separator. To correct records, the
transmission ReceiptId, SID and RID are combined using the pipe symbol as follows:
OriginalUniqueSubmissionId = RECEIPTID|SID
Original Unique Submission Identifier (OUSID) and Unique Record Identifier (URID) enable:
Transmitters to send replacement submissions and corrected records to the IRS
Both IRS and Transmitters to track transmissions and submissions
3. Transmitting Information Returns
This section provides an overview of transmission methodology, transmission composition,
as well as data structure needed to successfully transmit information returns to the IRS.
3.1 Transmitting via the Application to Application (A2A) Channel
To invoke the A2A channel, Transmitters must have an active IRS account and IRIS A2A
TCC, and must be using IRS approved software to submit returns and retrieve acknowledg-
REST messages are exchanged with IRS using the Web Services request-response model
transport mechanism using the HTTPS protocol.
The IRIS system will perform authentication and authorization, threat mitigation, and initial
validation on the transmission. IRS Portal will return a fault response, if a transmission
contains a threat, if a transmission fails initial validation, or if a connection with the endpoint
cannot be established.
The IRIS System validates the REST message and performs additional security checks and
Manifest Schema validation on the inbound transmission. If threats are detected or Manifest
Schema validation fails, IRS will reject the transmission and inform the Transmitter of the
rejection. If no security threats or Manifest schema validation failure are detected, IRIS returns
a Receipt ID, the UTID, and a Timestamp to the Transmitter in the REST Response message as
21 Publication 5718
part of the synchronous session. The Receipt ID or the UTID is the key information required for
a Transmitter to retrieve the acknowledgement for the respective transmission.
Note: The Receipt ID returned to the Transmitter should be kept with the transmission and
protected from loss or deletion.
If the Transmitter does not receive the Receipt ID for some reason (e.g., the session times
out or is terminated) or it is accidentally lost or deleted, request the Acknowledgement File
using the UTID before calling the Help Desk toll free to request the Receipt ID for the trans-
mission. The IRIS Help Desk assister will require the user to identify themselves and the
UTID for the transmission in question to provide the respective Receipt ID.
Figure 3-0: Sample XML of Receipt ID through A2A Channel
3.1.1 Transmission Payload and REST Message via A2A
The IRIS transmission payload is an XML document that contains a REST message with
attachments. The document is a REST attachment that contains the IRIS Information Return
3.1.2 A2A Consent
For A2A Client IDs to run e-Services API transactions on behalf of e-Services users, those
Transmitters must rst grant access to A2A Client ID before a client can request an access
token on their behalf. Transmitters must perform the following steps to grant access:
1. Login to IRS Consent App.
Note: When logging into the consent app, select the organization associated with your
IRIS TCC application on the Select Your Organization page.
2. Select Setup on the API Authorization Management page.
3. Enter your IRIS Client ID on the A2A Authorization page.
If you have multiple Client IDs, please use the Client ID that was assigned to you for
IRIS. You can sign into your API Client ID Application to retrieve your IRIS Client ID on
the Application Summary page.
4. Grant access to TEST, which is needed to test software and electronic transmissions in
the IRIS ATS environment.
5. Grant access to PROD, which is needed to transmit live return data in the production
6. Retrieve your Full IRIS UserID from the A2A Setup Complete page.
22 Publication 5718
Your Full IRIS UserID must be used to generate access tokens in Section 3.1.3, Access
Token Generation for A2A Access Flow.
For any questions related to the API Client ID Application, contact the e-Help Desk.
3.1.3 Access Token Generation for A2A Access Flow
The authorization process for the IRIS endpoint is a token-based authentication scheme
following the OAuth authorization access framework. Transmitters will use JSON WEB
TOKENS (JWTs) for both Client Authentication and Authorization Grants. Two JWTs must be
provided when requesting an access token.
Client JWT – This JWT should represent the client and will be used to authenticate the
User JWT – This JWT should represent the resource owner/user that the client is
requesting an access token for.
For more background on OAuth and/or JWT Prole(s) for OAuth, please review the following RFCs:
In A2A ow, the client application requests an access token from the IRS server for API
access on a user’s behalf. The IRS server veries the two JWTs using the key(s) the trans-
mitter provided in their JWK le on the API Client ID Application. If the JWTs are valid the IRS
server will then verify that the user identied in the User JWT has provided consent to the
client identied in the Client JWT to run transactions on their behalf. Figure 3-1 shows steps
including the generation of the access token.
23 Publication 5718
Figure 3-1: A2A OAuth Flow – Diagram
The A2A ow illustrated in Figure 3-1 consists of the following steps including the generation
of the access token:
Step 0 and 01: The A2A Client App must issue two JWTs and they must be signed with
private keys to validate assertion. The JWTs should be in JWT token format using the
following for the header and payload claims:
kid (key identier) – Identies the key the client used to sign the JWT.
Note: The kid should match the kid that was provided in the JWK le on your API Client
ID Application. The kid is also case sensitive.
alg (algorithm) – Identies the algorithm used to sign the JWT.
Note: RS256 is the supported/expected algorithm.
24 Publication 5718
iss (issuer) – Identies who issues the token. Must include the Client ID obtained at
sub (subject) – Subject of the token. Must include:
The Client ID for Client JWT token type
The User ID for User JWT token type
User ID for User JWT token type. Example of User ID format “dasmith-345870”.
Retrieve your Full IRIS UserID by following the steps in Section 3.1.2, A2A Consent.
aud (audience) – the IRS authorization server. The token endpoint of the auth server
Iat (issued at time) – Optional. Issued at time. Numeric value of the time the token was
exp (expiration time) – Numeric value of the time when the token expires. It must be
valid for 15 minutes. “iat” and “exp” must be notated in Epoch time
“iat” and “exp” time is 15 minutes
“iat” and “exp” times cannot have a “.” in it. (e.g. 16705993.36)
jti (JWT ID) – Required. Provides unique identier for the JWT. It prevents the JWT from
being replayed. This is required by the IRS API Gateway.
Note: In addition to the required claims above, the JWT header should include the “alg’ and
the “kid” claims, otherwise the JWT will be invalid.
The JWT Grant type request will have the following parameters:
grant_type – required, value should be “jwt-bearer”
Assertion – required, JWT value
Client assertion type – required, value should also be “jwt-bearer”
Client assertion – required, JWT value
Step 1: The A2A Client App requests API access using the URL token endpoint: https://api.
The A2A Client App is required to provide the parameters in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1: Token Endpoint – Parameters
grant_type Required: Value must be set to ““urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer”
assertion: Required: The assertion used as authorization grant. Must contain a single jwt.
client_assertion_type: Required: The value is urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer
Client_assertion: Required: contains a single JWT. Must not contain more than one JWT
25 Publication 5718
The example in Figure 3-2 shows A2A authorization URL login endpoint.
Figure 3-2: Login endpoint HTTPs request – Example
POST /token.oauth2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The client app sends over an access token request using a client ID and signed JWT tokens.
Example in Figure 3-3 shows an access token /refresh token POST request sends the JWT
Note: The example below is using the test endpoint. JWT is represented as XXXX.XXXX.
XXXX be sure to replace them with your JWTs before running the example.
Figure 3-3: Access Token\Refresh Token POST request – JWT Grant Type Examples
curl -k -POST \
-H “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” \
-d @- <<EOF
Step 2: If authenticated successfully, the token server will respond with an HTTP 200. The
body of the response will contain an access and refresh token.
The HTTP response with 200 (OK) status will contain the following parameters as dened in
Table 3-2.
26 Publication 5718
Table 3-2: Success Response Parameters
access_token The access token will be used as the credentials for accessing the IRIS endpoints.
token_type Value is Bearer for all responses that include an access token
refresh_token The refresh token is a credential that can be used to obtain additional access token(s).
expires_in The lifetime in seconds of the access token. For example, the value “900” denotes
that the access token will expire in 15 minutes from the time the response was
The basic structure of a response is a JSON object that holds the response information.
Figure 3-4 shows an example of a successful response.
Figure 3-4: Access Token Successful Response - Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
“access_token”: <Access-Token> ,
token _type” : “Bearer ,
“refresh_token”: <Refresh-Token> ,
“expires_in”: 900
Step 3: The A2A Client App now has an access token which can be used to call the IRS A2A
Step 4: The e-Services API server checks the access token in the apps request and decides
whether to authenticate the app.
Step 5: The e-Services API resource sends response successfully.
27 Publication 5718
An Access token and Refresh token are received by the transmitter as a result
of successful user validation.
Access tokens expire 15 minutes after they are issued.
You do not need to request a new Access token during a transmission that
takes longer than 15 minutes. The access token only needs to be active
when the transmission is initiated.
Refresh tokens expire 60 minutes after they are issued.
Refresh tokens have a longer time limit and are used to obtain new access
tokens. Refresh tokens will become inactive when you log out.
You can use access tokens on as many requests as needed as long as the
token is still active. You can use your software to leverage the “expires_in” data
that is provided when the token is issued and retrieve a new access token as
expiration nears.
For any questions related to the API Client ID Application, contact the e-Help Desk.
3.1.4 Operations
This request allows a transmitter to submit information returns using A2A. Details for the
request and response message are provided in Table 3-3 and Figures 3-5 to 3-8.
Use the following:
Live Endpoint: Production environment
Test Endpoint: ATS environment
28 Publication 5718
Table 3-3: Submit A2A Transmission
Operation: Submit Transmission API
Description: This service accepts the incoming information return from A2A (application/xml)
Protocol: REST
Method: POST
Live Endpoint
Test Endpoint
Resource: /irisa2a/v1/intake-acceptance
Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>
Media Type: multipart/form-data
Accepts: application/xml
Response: application/xml
Content Type: text/xml (accept:text/xml)
ContentID: “le”
Note: File attachment no more than 100MB. Ensure the payload is attached as a le
200 Receipt ID has been generated application/xml ReceiptID object
400 Bad request application/xml ErrorResponse object
404 Not found application/xml ErrorResponse object
500 Internal Server Error Raw ErrorResponse object
503 Service Unavailable Error application/xml ErrorResponse object
29 Publication 5718
Figure 3-5: A2A Intake Acceptance Illustrative Request
Curl Command Guidance:
curl -i -k -X POST -H “Content-type: multipart/form-data” -H “Authorization: Bearer KEY_IN_
YOUR_TOKEN” -F “le=@YOUR_1099_PAYLOAD_IN_XML_FORMAT; type=text/xml” https://
Note: Ensure that your xml payload is in the same location (folder) where the curl command
will be executed. For example: if you execute curl from C:\IR Folder, your xml payload must
be in the same folder which looks like C:\IR Folder\1099MISC.xml.
Figure 3-6: A2A Intake Acceptance Illustrative Response – Receipt ID has been generated
30 Publication 5718
Figure 3-7: A2A Intake Acceptance Illustrative Response – 404 Not Found
Figure 3-8: A2A Intake Acceptance Illustrative Response – 500 Internal Service Error
This request allows a transmitter to retrieve status and acknowledgement using A2A. Details
and response messages are provided in Table 3-4 and Figures 3-9 to 3-11.
Use the following:
Live Endpoint: Production environment
Test Endpoint: ATS environment
31 Publication 5718
Table 3-4: GetStatus/Ack
Operation: GetStatus/Ack API
Description: Endpoint that fetches Transmission Status and Acknowledgement Info
Protocol: REST
Method: POST
Live Endpoint
Test Endpoint
Resource: /iris/transstatusorack
Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>
Content-Type: application/xml
Accepts: application/xml
Body: POST
XML Payload per Schema
200 Transmission or Acknowledgement
status response
application/xml Status object
404 Invalid Search Parameters application/xml ErrorResponse object
500 Internal Server Error application/xml ErrorResponse object
32 Publication 5718
Figure 3-9: XML Format Get Status/Ack Illustrative Request
Figure 3-10: XML GetStatus/Ack Illustrative Response – 200 Status Response
33 Publication 5718
Figure 3-11: A2A GetStatus/Ack Illustrative Response – 400 Bad Request Response
3.2 XML Overview for IRIS
IRIS uses XML, a language that species the structure and content of electronic documents
and les to dene the electronic format of IRIS Information Returns. This section explains
some of the elements of an XML document. For detailed information regarding the IRS
Submission File structure, including the XML Schema containing the required Tag Names/
Element Names and Namespaces, refer to the schema documentation le (IRS-IRIntakeT-
ransmissionMessage.doc) in the IRIS schema package.
3.2.1 IRIS XML Schema Package Structure
This section describes the IRIS XML Schema le structure and how the schemas will be
packaged as of the date this publication was issued.
The IRIS XML Library includes the following folders and les:
IRS-IReleTypes.xsd denes simple and complex elements that are reused across
the XML payload.
There is a le for each Information Return form, for example IRS-Form1099AType.
xsd denes the schema for Form 1099-A.
IRS-IRIntakeTransmissionMessage.xsd denes complex elements at the
Transmission (manifest) and Submission levels. It also denes elds from
Submission level forms like Form 1096.
34 Publication 5718
In addition to the schema les, there are business rule les. To request IRIS schema and
business rules, please see information at:
3.2.2 IRIS XML Structure
The IRIS XML payload is structured in three levels:
1. Transmission: A manifest with information on the transmitter and software used to
prepare the package. Contains one or more submissions.
2. Submission: Details the type of form, transmittal form elements, and total of form values
(if applicable). Contains one or more forms.
3. Form: Details the form data elements.
When entering character data into an XML document, it is important to ensure that the
specied encoding supports the characters provided. By design, IRIS uses Unicode Trans-
formation Format-8 (UTF-8), without Byte Order Mark (BOM). IRIS does not support any
other encoding scheme (for example, UTF-16 and UTF-32).
3.2.3 Prohibited and Constrained Special Characters
Software Developers and Transmitters must not include certain special characters in any
character data included in the XML of the REST message. The following special characters
must not be included in any of the data elds:
Table 3-5: Special Characters Not to Be Included in Any Data
Character Character Description
-- Double Dash
# Hash Key
IRIS will reject a transmission that contains any of the special characters identied in Table 3-5.
Example 1: If a record has a last name data eld containing MyCorp #10, then the
transmission must not include the hash key/pound sign, so that the data eld instead
contains MyCorp 10.
Example 2: If a record has an address data eld containing NoPlaceWay--Suite 4,
then the transmission must not include the double dash, so that the data eld instead
contains NoPlaceWay-Suite 4.
35 Publication 5718
The following special characters must be escaped before they are included in any data elds
that allow the characters:
Table 3-6: Allowable Characters
& Ampersand Rejected &amp; Allowed
Apostrophe Rejected &apos; Allowed
< Less Than Rejected &lt; Allowed
Quotation Mark Rejected &quot; Allowed
> Greater Than Allowed &gt; Allowed
Additional elements may also be restricted by XML schema data element denitions. For
example, “PersonFirstNm, “PersonMiddleNm, and “PersonLastNm” cannot contain
any special characters except “-“. If a record being put into “PersonLastNm” has a last
name containing an apostrophe, such as “O’Malley, the transmission cannot include the
apostrophe or the escaped apostrophe characters. The apostrophe must be stripped, and
the last name data must be entered as “OMalley. The transmission will be rejected if the
apostrophe is used. As a rule, the schema denitions must be followed.
3.2.4 Tag Names
Each eld in the transmission is identied using an XML tag name within the XML schema.
Tag names were created using the following conventions:
A meaningful phrase with the rst letter of each word capitalized and using no spaces
(upper Camel case)
A length of not more than 30 characters
Standard abbreviations to meet the tag name 30-character limit
The Tag Names, also known as Element Names, were standardized by IRS for all information
return forms. A notional example of a simple XML element that identies the record number
in a submission would be:
<xsd:element ref=”UniqueRecordId” minOccurs=1” maxOccurs=unbounded”/>
For example, below is a notional example of a complex XML element that identies all the
data element groups allowed directly in a transmission.
36 Publication 5718
Figure 3-12: IRTransmission Schema Structure
3.2.5 Attributes
Attributes provide additional information or describe a constraint of a data element.
The rst letter of the rst word of an attribute name is lower case; the rst letter of each
subsequent word is capitalized (lower camel case).
For instance, in the example of the complex XML element IRSubmission1Grp above, the
attribute maxOccurs=unbounded” identies that there is no limit to the number of IRSub-
mission1Grp (submissions including Form 1096) that can be included in the XML. (However,
the maximum number of submissions is constrained by the payload size limit.)
3.2.6 Repeating Group
Repeating groups are specied in XML schema denitions using the minOccurs and
maxOccurs facets on sequence or choice denitions. An example of a repeating group for
Form 1099 submissions is as follows:
<xsd:element name=”IRSubmission1Grp” type=”IRSubmission1GrpType” minOccurs=”0”
This element ‘IRSubmission1Grp’ allows a minimum of 0 or maximum of unlimited groups.
Beginning and ending tags are necessary for each group submitted. Since the minimum is
0 this element is optional and could be skipped, such as if the transmission includes only
submissions belonging to ‘IRSubmission2Grp’.
The reference element is of Type IRSubission1GrpType. This is a complex data element that
includes complex elements IRSubmission1Header and IRSubmission1Detail.
37 Publication 5718
Figure 3-13: Example of the IRSubmission1Grp Repeating Group
3.2.7 IRIS Schema and Business Rules
A schema is an XML document that species the data elements, structure and rules for the
transmission, submission, and form levels. In addition to formats dened by schemas, infor-
mation returns must also adhere to business rules, which provide a second level of validation
for information returns processed by the IRIS System.
IRS created one XML schema for the Transmission and Submission levels and one XML
schema for each form. Each schema also has a respective set of business rules that are
used during IRIS validation.
Within the XML schema, data elements are the basic building blocks of an XML document.
Schemas recognize two categories of element types: simple and complex. A simple type
element contains only one data type and may only have documentation attributes, such as
description or line number. A complex type element is an element that has one or more attri-
butes or is the parent to one or more child elements.
The Transmitter and Issuer have the responsibility to provide information as specied by IRS
forms, instructions and regulations. Note: The software used to transmit IRIS documents to
IRS must be capable of putting the information in the specied schema while also abiding by
all applicable business rules.
All data elements present by virtue of an opening and a closing tag should contain a value.
Do not include tags for optional data elements that are empty.
Each year, new legislation and/or improvements to IRS programs impact IRS forms and
processing procedures. IRS evaluates these changes to determine if updates to the XML
schemas and business rules are necessary.
When the IRIS schemas and business rules are available, the IRIS schema and business rule
page on will explain how to request them through eServices. Software Developers
are not required to retest when new schemas (minor or major) are posted. However, IRS
strongly recommends the use of IRIS ATS to retest when Software Developers update their
software in response to schema changes.
38 Publication 5718
Note: If there are critical changes required due to late legislation changes, national disasters,
or errors identied during testing or production, IRS may issue updated XML schemas and
business rules after December and during the processing year.
General Information about Version Numbers follows:
Each version of the XML Schemas and the corresponding business rules has a unique version
number assigned. It is important to note the following principles regarding version numbers:
Each information returns schema version has an associated set of business rules with
the same version number. This ensures that each updated schema version includes an
updated set of business rules.
The “FormnnnnDetailType” complex element includes a documentation element
and dictionary entry name that identies the form including the major and minor
version numbers of the schema for each return type as well as the effective begin
date for the XML Schema. For example, the “Form1099NECDetailType” from IRS-
Form1099NECType.xsd le shown below identies the schema version as v1.0 with an
effective date of 2021-10-21.
Figure 3-14: IRIS Form 1099-NEC Detail Type Documentation
Each business rule document’s version number identies the version and effective
begin date of the business rules.
The “Active Validating Schema Version” species the business rules and schema
version that will be used to validate an information return that has been received by IRS
during a timeframe. This provides a mechanism for different versions to be accepted at
the same time. It also enables an older version to be validated against a newer versions
set of schemas and business rules.
3.2.8 Validating Schema Versions
Throughout the year, multiple versions of XML Schemas and Business Rules may be available
depending upon whether a change to the schema is major or minor. IRIS may not require that
the schema version used to submit the return data match the schema version used by IRIS
during validation. In general, there is one active validating schema version for each return type
in a tax year. The Schema/Business Rules page will include the Start dates, if applicable, for
39 Publication 5718
ATS and Production. IRS strives to limit the number of schema and/or business rule revisions,
especially after production opens. A Quick Alert is issued when a new version of the XML
schemas and business rules is available through the e-Services mailbox.
Minor Schema Changes – When IRS issues revised schemas for an information return
type and changes the increment for the minor number, IRIS continues to accept returns
composed using previous schema versions. When the minor number is changed, IRS allows
Software Developers to decide for themselves whether they need to use the latest version
or not based on what is included in their tax preparation software and what changes were
made to the schemas.
Returns may be composed using previously published schema versions, but IRS will only
validate against the “active validating schema version” when the return is processed. For
If the current schema version is 1.0 and the schema change is minor, IRS will assign the new
number 1.1. The active validating schema version is 1.1. IRIS will continue to accept returns
composed using version 1.0. However, all returns (whether composed with version 1.0 or 1.1)
will be validated with the latest version, 1.1.
Major Schema Change – When IRS issues revised schemas for an information return type
and changes the increment for the major number, all returns must be composed by software
using the latest version. If information returns are composed using previously published
schema versions, they will not validate against the active validating schema version when the
return is processed and will be rejected.
For example, if the current version is 1.1 and IRS determines it can no longer accept infor-
mation returns composed using schema version 1.1 (or v1.0), it will assign the new major
number 2.0. The active validating schema version is 2.0. Returns submitted with version 1.1
or earlier will be rejected for using an unsupported schema version.
Software Developers and Transmitters should select the applicable form type on the
IRIS Schemas and Business Rules page to get information about all active and prior year
schemas and business rules used by IRIS Production and ATS.
3.2.9 Example of Schema Versioning
Below is a sample of the IRIS forms XML schema versioning information:
Figure 3-15: IRIS Form 1099-MISC Type Documentation
40 Publication 5718
3.3 Filing Prior Year Returns
When ling prior year (TY2022 only in PY2024), please use the schemas and business rules
that are in effect for that tax year. Do not use the current year schemas and business rules. In
addition, do not mix or combine tax years in the same transmission or submission. Use the
latest prior year schema and business rule package available through the e-Services mailbox.
3.3.1 Calculating Total Reported Amount
Amounts to include to calculate Total Reported Amount
Form 1099-B Boxes 1d and 13
Form 1099-C Box 2
Form 1099-CAP Box 2
Form 1099-DIV Boxes 1a, 2a, 9, 10, and 12
Form 1099-G Boxes 5 and 9
Form 1099-INT Boxes 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, and 12
Form 1099-K Box 1a and 1b
Form 1099-LS Box 1
Form 1099-LTC Boxes 1 and 2
Form 1099-MISC Boxes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15
Form 1099-NEC Box 1
Form 1099-OID Boxes 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 and 10
Form 1099-PATR Boxes 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 and 11
Form 1099-Q Box 1
Form 1099-QA Box 1
Form 1099-R Boxes 1 and 10
Form 1099-S Box 2
Form 1099-SA Boxes 1 and 2
Form 1099-SB Box 1
Note: Total Reported Amount is optional in the schema. There is no amount total for Form
41 Publication 5718
4. Validating the Transmission and Return Data
This section explains how the IRIS System will perform validations of the transmission and
return data via Schema validations and business rule checks. When IRIS receives a trans-
mission, the following tasks are executed in this order:
1. Verify that the UTID is unique for the Transmitter Control Code (TCC) – this happens
before TCC is validated – done by intake service.
2. The transmission payload (xml data) is read and written to persistent storage
3. The Receipt ID and Timestamp are generated
4. The Receipt ID, Timestamp, and Unique Transmission ID are returned to the Transmitter
5. Schema Validation is executed on the Input payload
6. The Payload is queued for processing against the IRIS Business Rules
7. Basic Manifest validations such as TCC and Software ID validations are performed
8. Verify Transmission Type Code, Tax Year and Transmitter and Vendor Information
9. Submission and Form contents are validated as per IRIS Business Rules
10. Errors identied during processing against the IRIS Business Rules are written to the
IRIS database and inserted into error messages. An Error Information Group will be
returned to the Transmitter in the Acknowledgement.
When errors are identied with the transmission or IRIS cannot read or write the payload
to persistent storage, the transmission will be rejected, and the appropriate error code and
description will be returned to the Transmitter in the REST Response message. If the payload
fails Schema validation, the transmission will be rejected. The appropriate error code and
description relevant to Schema validation will be returned when the Transmitter retrieves the
Acknowledgement for the respective transmission. When business rule errors are identied
during processing of the payload, IRIS will record the error codes and descriptions and
return those errors when ler invokes the Acknowledgment Service as REST response
4.1 Transmission Validation
This section describes the checks that are made on the transmission and the errors that
will be returned to the Transmitter if the transmission is rejected before it can be saved for
further processing.
See Section 6.2.1 for Pre-Receipt Validation Error List
42 Publication 5718
4.1.1 Missing or Multiple Attachments
Checks for missing or multiple attachments occur during the transmission synchronous
process. IRIS rst validates at least one submission is in a transmission payload. If there is
no submission in a transmission, IRIS will reject the transmission and return the appropriate
error code and error description.
4.1.2 Error Reading or Persisting the Transmission Payload
If IRIS cannot read, or persist the data, IRIS will reject the transmission and return an error code.
4.1.3 Manifest Verification Failure
Manifest verication checks occur after receipt processing (reading and persisting the XML
IRIS will perform the following checks against the data included in the Manifest and return
any errors found when the Transmitter retrieves the Acknowledgement for the transmission:
Verify that the Transmitter Control Code is valid and authorized to transmit the
information returns included in the transmission
Verify Transmission Type Code, Tax Year and Vendor Information
Verify Foreign Entity Indicator if Foreign Address is present in payload
Verify Software ID is authorized and set to production
4.1.4 Manifest and XML Payload Schema Validation Failure
Manifest schema validation occurs before the Transmitter has successfully submitted the
transmission to IRS. Transmission Manifest, submission headers and form data will be
validated against the schema after the Transmitter has successfully submitted the trans-
mission to IRS. IRS recommends each return be run against a validating parser prior to
being submitted to IRS. This pre-validation is intended to identify most potential error condi-
tions and minimize the chance of receiving errors. A validating parser compares the XML
document to the dened elements and attributes of the schemas to ensure a well-formed
document that adheres to the XML Schema is transmitted to IRS. Schemas provide the
basic denition for elements (i.e., eld length, data type, prescribed patterns, enumerations,
etc.). Data integrity depends on each data element complying with the data format specica-
tions. If IRIS preparation software uses IRS-dened XML schemas to create the XML infor-
mation return, there should be no data format errors in the return. The IRIS System veries
this by validating each return in the transmission payload against the schemas. The infor-
mation return documents must conform to the version of the XML schema they specify. IRIS
conducts XML schema validation on the payload before processing. Any schema validation
43 Publication 5718
failures are reported back to the originating entity. If the XML does not conform to the XML
Schema (missing required elements or XML not well formed), IRIS will reject the trans-
mission. The Acknowledgement Service REST Response contains the error codes, the error
descriptions, and the XPath reference to the element found to be in error.
5. Acknowledgement Response
Once the transmission is received, the payload is read and written to persistent storage, and
checks are made on the Transmission Manifest Data, then the Receipt ID, Timestamp, and
Unique Transmission ID are returned to the Transmitter as part of the synchronous session.
The XML payload is then queued for processing within IRIS.
When IRIS receives a status request, an Acknowledgement response is generated indicating
the status of the transmission (see below) and is available for the Transmitter to retrieve.
If there are no errors found during validation, the Error response is not included in the
Acknowledgement and the transmission processing status will be “Accepted”.
The status of the transmission includes one of the following:
Accepted – IRS has successfully processed and accepted the transmission
Rejected – IRS rejected the transmission as it could not be processed successfully. A
list of errors is provided as part of the Acknowledgement Response
Processing – IRS has not completed processing the transmission
Partially Accepted – IRS has successfully processed the transmission (accepted and
rejected one or more submissions contained in the transmission). A list of errors will be
provided as part of the Acknowledgement Response.
No fatal errors were identied while processing the transmission metadata
At least one submission within the transmission was accepted (with or without errors)
At least one submission within the transmission was rejected as unusable data
Accepted with Errors –IRS has successfully processed and accepted the transmission
with some errors. A list of errors will be provided as part of the Acknowledgement
Not Found – The Receipt ID or the UTID in the request was not found
The Transmission Acknowledgement will include:
Transmitter Control Code
Unique Transmission ID
Form Type Code
Transmission Status Code: Accepted, Rejected, Processing, Partially Accepted,
Accepted with Errors, Not Found
Error Information Group (if errors are identied)
44 Publication 5718
5.1 Acknowledgement Schema
The table below shows the structure of the Acknowledgement schema:
Table 5-1: IRIS Forms Acknowledgement Schema Elements
Element Name Explanation
SearchId The search term sent in the request to the Acknowledgement Service.
Either the Receipt ID or Unique Transmission ID.
One of: Accepted, Rejected, Processing, Accepted with Errors, Partially
Accepted, Not Found
A specic business rule number and description associated with a
Transmission level error
One of: Accepted, Accepted with Errors, Rejected, Processing, Not
A specic business rule number and description associated with a
Submission level error
A specic business rule number and description associated with a
Record level error
The following elements are included in the Error Information Group:
Error Message Code (Business Rule number)
Error Message Text (Business Rule description)
Error Value Text (Value of element that caused the error)
Element Path Text (Path identifying the specic data element)
Note: The XPath identies the specic data element and instance in an enumerated group, if
applicable, causing the violation.
45 Publication 5718
6. Corrections and Replacements
Corrections can only be made to previous transmissions that have been “Accepted”,
Accepted with Errors” or “Partially Accepted”. Corrected information returns MUST be led
electronically if the original return was required to be submitted electronically. Originals led
in FIRE must be corrected in FIRE and originals led in IRIS A2A must be corrected in IRIS
A2A. Transmitters should le corrections with IRS as soon as possible and furnish a copy
of the corrected return to the Recipient. File corrected returns to comply with ling require-
ments. Refer to General Instructions for Certain Information Returns for details.
Note: Errors on the Manifest and Submission Headers with “Report Error” severity may
not be corrected. These are for informational purposes only. The missing data should be
provided in subsequent transmissions.
6.1 Corrections Process
The correction process can be utilized when:
IRS noties the Transmitter of one or more errors on the information returns
(Form1099ADetail) led.
The Transmitter identies one or more errors on the information returns
(Form1099ADetail) led.
The Recipient reports an error.
Do not le an original again, as this may result in duplicate reporting.
The UniqueRecordId assigned by IRIS allow corrections to be linked to the original infor-
mation return.
For example: Form 1099-A data located in Submission 10, Record 2 of a transmission would
have a UniqueRecordId as follows:
46 Publication 5718
6.1.1 Transmitting Corrections
Most errors in IRIS can be corrected by submitting 1-Step corrections, unless the wrong
form was submitted:
1-Step Correction errors 2-Step Correction errors
Recipient name and/or TIN incorrect or missing
Form should not have been led for that recipient.
(In this instance, enter “0” for all amounts on
Incorrect payment amounts in a record;
Incorrect code or indicator value
Incorrect form type, e.g.,1099-MISC led rather than
Follow the steps below for a 1-step correction:
1. Prepare a new transmission with
TransmissionTypeCd “C” in the Manifest. (Do
not mix original and corrected records in the
same transmission payload.)
2. Include an IRSubmission1Grp for each
form type and issuer being reported. (The
IssuerDetail in the SubmissionHeader(s) must
be the same as the original submission.)
3. Include the complete record for correction. Do
not submit only the corrected data.
4. The CorrectedInd in each correction
record must be set to “1. Include the
PrevSubmittedRecRecipientGrp with the
UniqueRecordId. This element is optional in the
schema but enforced with a business rule. It
must be present on all corrected records, or the
submission will reject. Recipient Name and TIN
of the original record are optional in this group,
but ensure the correction is associated with the
original record.
Note: An original is only corrected once. If after a
correction is led and accepted, and an additional
correction is needed, use the UniqueRecordId
associated with the most recently accepted
The steps below for a 2-step correction are only
used if the original was led on the wrong form type:
1. Follow steps above for one-step correction,
entering “0” in all payment amounts.
2. Once the rst correction is Accepted, submit a
new transmission with TransmissionTypeCd “O
in the Manifest.
3. Include an IRSubmission1Grp with the correct
form type in the IRSubmission1Header and
47 Publication 5718
6.2 Rejected Transmissions
Transmissions can be “Rejected” before or after a ReceiptId is issued. Transmis-
sions rejected before ReceiptId is issued (pre-receipt validation) cannot be replaced by
replacement process. Replacement only applies to Transmissions or Submissions rejected
by IRIS after pre-receipt validation.
6.2.1 Transmissions Rejected in Pre-Receipt Validation
When a transmission is rejected by IRIS before a ReceiptId is issued, the Transmitter must
x the problem that caused the rejection and resend the transmission.
Note: When resubmitting, use the same “TransmissionTypeCd” that was used when the
transmission was rejected by IRIS to resubmit the le. Verify the transmission size does not
exceed the maximum size limit of 100mb.
Table 6-1: Pre-Receipt Validation Errors
Error General Description Severity Action
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad
Transmission includes
Duplicate UTID
Request Rejected Transmitter notied
via the http response
(Unable to process
request, check for
duplicate data)
Transmitter Resolves
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad
Transmission includes
‘TestCd’: “T” to
production environment
Request Rejected Transmitter notied via
the http response
(Found invalid Test Code,
found T, P is required)
Transmitter Resolves
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad
Transmission includes
‘TestCd’ thats not’: “T”
or “P”
Request Rejected Transmitter notied via
the http response
(Unable to process
request, check Test Code)
Transmitter Resolves
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad
Manifest is not present in
Request Rejected Transmitter notied via
the http response
(Unable to process
Transmitter Resolves
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad
No submissions in the
Request Rejected Transmitter notied via
the Acknowledgment
(No Submissions Found)
Transmitter Resolves
Schema Validation Error Error occurred validating
schema validation – data
elements are missing
or schema is not well
Transmission Rejected Transmitter notied via
the Acknowledgment
(i.e. eld is missing but is
Transmitter Resolves
48 Publication 5718
6.2.2 Transmissions/Submissions Rejected by IRIS
Additional business rule checks occur after the Transmitter has successfully submitted the
transmission to IRIS.
Error details returned to Transmitters will show exactly which business rules were violated by
the transmission.
Manifest level: TMFSTXXX or FTMFSTXXX
Shared Submission rules: SMFXXX
Submission1Header rules: S1HXXX
Submission2Header rules: S2HXXX
Shared Form rules: F1099SharedXXX
Individual Form rules: F1099AXXX, F1099BXXX, F1099CXXX, F1099CAPXXX,
F1099DIVXXX, F1099GXXX, F1099HXXX, F1099INTXXX, F1099KXXX, F1099LSXXX,
F1099QXXX, F1099QAXXX, F1099RXXX, F1099SAXXX, F1099SBXXX, F1099SXXX
Note: The rst “XXX” is sequential numbering of Business Rule.
Certain business rules (those with a severity of “Report Error and Reject if Over Threshold”)
may cause a rejection of the entire submission, if violated in more instances than the
threshold allows. If this happens, the Transmitter will receive an Error File containing all the
rules that were violated plus a generic “Threshold Rule” error for each threshold that was
exceeded. It is the responsibility of the Transmitter to correct all business rule errors and
retransmit a replacement.
Business rule validation provides Transmission level rejections along with submission level
rejections. None of the records included in a transmission/submission that are rejected are
maintained in IRS data stores. Thus, when a transmission or submission is rejected by IRIS,
a replacement transmission or submission must be submitted.
A complete Transmission can be rejected for the following reasons:
Business rule failures at the transmission level (Manifest error)
All Submissions within the transmission are rejected.
Note: The above situations require the Transmitters to replace the entire Transmission.
A Transmission can be Partially Accepted when one or more submissions, but not all, are
A submission can be rejected for the following reasons:
Business Rule failures (e.g., Submission Header with Incorrect Tax Year), which will lead
to that Submission rejection (Submission Header and information return records).
Business Rule failure at form level (e.g., a value on a form must be present or threshold
rule failure)
Note: These situations require the Transmitters to replace only the rejected Submission(s).
49 Publication 5718
6.3 Replacing an Original Transmission that Rejected
A replacement transmission must contain all the records submitted to IRS for processing in
the rejected Transmission or Submission that is being replaced. Transmitters should submit
an acceptable replacement transmission no later than 60 days after the date the rejected
status of the original transmission was available. The 60-day adjustment applies whether
the original transmission was received before or after the information return due date. When
an acceptable replacement transmission is received within 60 days from the date the status
was available, the le will be treated as led on the original transmission received date. If an
acceptable replacement transmission is received after the 60 days, the le will be treated
as led on the date the replacement transmission is received. In this way, any applicable
late-ling penalty is calculated based on the date the transmission was received.
Note: Transmitters should wait until a transmission is processed and the Acknowledgement
status is either ‘Rejected’ or ‘Partially Accepted’ by IRS before submitting a replacement
transmission or submission.
Transmitters can replace rejected Transmissions, as well as rejected Submissions. Replace-
ments can only be transmitted for previously rejected Transmissions or Submissions. IRIS
requires replacements to use specic identiers to reference the original rejected trans-
mission/submission. When replacing a transmission, the Manifest XML Schema includes an
element “OriginalReceiptId” which references the Receipt ID of the original transmission that
is being replaced.
When replacing a submission, the Submission Header element “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId
is used to reference the Submission ID of the original submission that is being replaced. When
submissions are replaced, the Manifest data element “OriginalReceiptId” is not included in the
schema. Only transmissions that contained original records (TransmissionTypeCd” is ‘O’) that
were rejected require a replacement transmission. When a transmission containing original
records is rejected (“TransmissionTypeCd” is ‘O’), the Transmitter must x the problem that
caused the rejection and resend the transmission as a replacement (“TransmissionTypeCd” is
‘R’). If a transmission containing correction records is rejected (“TransmissionTypeCd” is ‘C’),
the Transmitter must x the problem that caused the rejection and resend the transmission
following correction procedures (“TransmissionTypeCd” remains ‘C’)
An individual original submission within a transmission can be rejected by IRS in a Partially
Accepted transmission. The original submission should be xed and retransmitted in a
replacement transmission (“TransmissionTypeCd” is “R”).
Exception: If a submission containing only Form 8809 is rejected, le an original again, not a
6.3.1 Replacing an Original Transmission that Rejected
If the original Transmission was “Rejected”, then replace the entire Transmission by using the
Receipt ID from the Rejected Transmission to populate the Manifest Data element ‘Original-
ReceiptId’ of the Replacement Transmission. Replacement transmissions must include the
following requirements (see schema and business rules for additional details):
50 Publication 5718
A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission in the Manifest that
should be unique for each transmission
TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacements
Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element identifying the original transmission that is
being replaced.
Do not:
Include any additional or new submissions
Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Submission Header
Try to replace individual submission within a rejected transmission
Try to replace a transmission that was not rejected
Try to replace a transmission that has been successfully replaced
6.3.2 Replacing a ‘Replacement’ Transmission that Rejected
If an original Transmission is rejected and the Replacement Transmission is also rejected,
then replace the rst (Earliest) rejected Transmission in the chain by populating the Manifest
Data element ‘OriginalReceiptId’ with the Receipt Id that references the EARLIEST rejected
Transmission in the chain.
Replacement Transmissions must include the following requirements (see schema and
business rules for additional details):
A “UniqueTransmissionId for the replacement transmission in the Manifest that is
unique for each transmission
TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacements
Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element identifying the Receipt Id that references
the rst rejected transmission in the chain, which contained a TransmissionTypeCd of “O.
Replacement transmission should not include any additional or new submissions
Do not:
Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Submission Header
Try to replace a rejected replacement transmission
Try to replace individual submissions within a rejected transmission
Try to replace a transmission that was not rejected
Try to replace a transmission that has been successfully replaced
6.4 Replacement Submissions
Replacement submissions must include the following requirements (see schema and
business rules for additional details):
51 Publication 5718
A “UniqueTransmissionId for the replacement transmission
TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacement
Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Submission Header identifying the
submission that is being replaced
Duplicate replacement Submission (s) included within the same transmission will be
Replacement transmission should not include any new submissions
Do not:
Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element in the Manifest
6.4.1 Replacing Submission Within a Partially Accepted Transmission
If the Original Transmission was Partially Accepted, then replace the individual Submis-
sion(s) that were rejected by populating the data element “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in
each replacement Submission (SubmissionHeader) with the “UniqueSubmissionId” from the
Submission Header of the rejected Submission(s). When ling replacement Submission(s)
for submissions that were rejected within a Partially Accepted Transmission, adhere to the
following requirements (see schema and business rules for additional details):
A “UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission
TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacement
Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in the Form Data File identifying the
submission that is being replaced from the original Partially Accepted transmission
Duplicate replacement Submission ID(s) included within the same transmission will be
Replacement transmission should not include any new submissions
Do not:
Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element in the Manifest
Submit a submission-level replacement for a transmission that was rejected
6.4.2 Replacing Submission from a Partially Accepted Original
Transmission when the Replacements Transmission or Submission
was Rejected
If the original Transmission is Partially Accepted, and the Transmission with the replacement
submissions Rejected or Partially Accepted, then transmit another replacement transmission
using the Submission IDs from the original rejected submissions. In either case always
replace the rst rejected submission in the chain of rejected submissions when one or more
replacements are rejected.
52 Publication 5718
Note: First rejected Submission(s) in the chain of rejections does not relate to the order of
submission within an individual Transmission.
If ling a replacement Submission from a Partially Accepted Transmission where the
replacement was rejected, adhere to the following requirements (see schema and business
rules for additional details):
UniqueTransmissionId” for the replacement transmission
TransmissionTypeCd” in the Manifest should be “R” for replacement
Include the “OriginalUniqueSubmissionId” in each replacement submissions
Submission Header with the Unique Submission ID from the Submission Header within
the earliest rejected Submission in a sequence within a Partially Accepted Transmission
that is being replaced
Duplicate replacement Submission ID(s) included within the same transmission will be
Replacement transmission should not include any new submissions
Do not:
Include the “OriginalReceiptId” data element in the Manifest
Replace a submission within a Submission Replacement Transmission that was
7. Extension of Time to File
You may transmit a request for an automatic 30-day extension of time to le forms included
in IRIS (see Section 1). The Transmission should include “IRSubmission2Grp” with the
IRSubmission2Header” and “Form8809Detail. Extensions cannot be corrected or
replaced. If an extension is rejected, it must be retransmitted as an original request.
7.1 Request for an Additional Extension of Time to File
Under certain hardship conditions you may apply for an additional 30-day extension if the
initial extension of time to le is granted, and the additional extension is led before the
expiration of the automatic 30-day extension. The additional 30-day extension request can
only be submitted by ling a paper Form 8809.
7.2 Extension of Time to Provide the Recipient Copy
The due date for furnishing the information returns to the recipient vary. The written request
for an extension of time to provide the Recipient copy must be postmarked by the date on
which the statements are due to the Recipients. The letter must contain the following: Issuer,
Name, TIN, Address, Type of Return, Reason for Delay, statement saying the request is for
Recipient copies, and signature of the Issuer or Authorized Agent.
53 Publication 5718
The request should be mailed to:
Internal Revenue Service
Attn: Extension of Time Coordinator
240 Murall Drive, Mail Stop 4360 Kearneysville, WV 25430
If the extension is granted, it will allow a maximum of 30 additional days to furnish copies to
the Recipients. No additional extensions are allowed.
8. Waiver from Filing Electronically
Final regulations were issued February 21, 2023, by the Department of the Treasury and the
Internal Revenue Service. Treasury Decision (TD) 9972 amend the rules for ling returns and
other documents electronically (e-le). These regulations reduce the 250-return threshold to
generally require electronic ling by lers of 10 or more returns in a calendar year beginning
in Tax Year 2023, Processing Year 2024. For Tax Year 2022 returns, the number remains
at 250. Details on this regulation can be found here: IRS and Treasury final regulations on
To determine if you meet the 10 or more threshold to electronically le:
Identify how many returns of any type covered by TD 9972, you need to le during a
calendar year
If 10 or more, you MUST le electronically
Example of return types covered by TD 9972 (not all inclusive):
Information returns (Forms W-2, Wage and Tax Statement and Form 1099 Series)
Certain income tax returns (example, Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, or
Forms 1120-S, U.S. Income Tax Return for an S-Corporation)
Employment tax returns (example, Forms 940, Employer’s Annual Federal
Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, Forms 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return)
Certain excise tax returns (example, Form 4720, Return of Certain Excise Taxes on
Charities and Other Persons Under Chapters 41 and 42 of the IRC.)
Refer to Treasury Decision (TD) 9972 for more information.
The electronic ling requirement does not apply if you apply for and receive a hardship
waiver. If the ler is required to submit information returns electronically and fails to do so,
and there is not an approved waiver on record, the ler may be subject to a penalty for
failure-to-le electronically.
Form 8508 – Request for Waiver from Filing Information Returns Electronically, is used to
request a waiver. A separate Form 8508 must be submitted for each issuer. Form 8508
May be led beginning in January of each year and should be submitted at least 45 days
before the due date of the information return. The form cannot be led electronically and
must be submitted to the address shown in the instructions for Form 8508.
Refer to Form 8508 for detailed instructions on completing the form and Publication 1220
for more information.
54 Publication 5718
9. Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program
The Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program was established to simplify information
returns ling for issuers. Through the CF/SF Program, the IRS electronically sends infor-
mation returns (original and corrected) to participating states.
If you participate in the IRS CF/SF Program, you may report withholdings and payments for
as many states as needed. If you made a payment to a recipient that’s reportable to more
than one state, you must prorate the amounts for each state.
The following information returns are available for ling under the CF/SF Program:
Form 1099-B, Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions
Form 1099-DIV, Dividends and Distributions
Form 1099-G, Certain Government Payments
Form 1099-INT, Interest Income
Form 1099-K, Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions
Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information
Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation
Form 1099-OID, Original Issue Discount
Form 1099-PATR, Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives
Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Prot-Sharing Plans,
IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc
The following table provides the participating states in the CF/SF Program. Each state’s ling
requirements are subject to change by the state. It’s the ler’s responsibility to contact the
participating state(s) to verify their criteria and special data entry requirements.
Alabama Indiana Nebraska
Arizona Kansas New Jersey
Arkansas Louisiana New Mexico
California Maine North Carolina
Colorado Maryland North Dakota
Connecticut Massachusetts Ohio
Delaware Michigan Oklahoma
District of Columbia Minnesota Pennsylvania
Georgia Mississippi South Carolina
Hawaii Missouri Wisconsin
Idaho Montana
55 Publication 5718
10. Other Helpful Information
10.1 Due Dates
Filing Form 1099 series occurs on a calendar year basis. For ling due dates for other infor-
mation returns, please refer to the General Instructions for Certain Information Returns
(forms 1096,1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498 and W-2G).
Form IRS Electronic Filing Furnish Copy to Recipient
1099 Series March 31 January 31 and February 15 for forms
1099-B and 1099-S. This also applies to
statements furnished as part of a consoli-
dated reporting statement
1099-MISC March 31 January 31 and February 15 for amounts
reported in boxes 8 or 10
1099-NEC January 31 January 31
Note: If any due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return or statement is
considered timely if led or furnished on the next business day,
10.2 Help with IRIS Transmissions
Contact the Help Desk Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. ET. Listen to all options
before making your selection.
866-937-4130 (toll-free)
470-769-5100 (international; not toll-free)
TTY\TDD: The IRS welcomes calls via your choice of relay. Deaf or hard of hearing taxpayers
using a relay service may call any of our toll-free numbers
10.3 Verifying Issuer and Recipient Identity and TINS
It is important that the Issuer and Recipient name, name control and TIN match the IRS
database. Incorrect TINs and associating the wrong name with a TIN are some of the most
common causes of information return errors.
For guidance on names and name controls:
General Instructions for Certain Information Returns (Forms 1096,1097, 1098, 1099, 3921,
3922, 5498, and W-2G)
Name Control for Businesses, see Section 3.11 in Publication 4163, Modernized e-File
(MeF) Information for Authorized IRS e-file Providers for Business Returns and Correct
Name Control for Corporations and Correct Name Control for Partnerships
Name Control for Individuals, see Exhibit 5 in Publication 4164, Modernized e-File (MeF)
Guide for Software Developers and Transmitters
56 Publication 5718
10.4 Additional Resources
Webpage References Description Learn about the differences between IRIS and other ling
systems such as the Filing Information Returns Electronically
(FIRE) system Access the Taxpayer Portal, subscribe to QuickAlerts and
locate Help Desk contacts Find ATS scenarios, known issues and solutions Find information about IRIS schemas and business rules Apply for a Transmitter Control Code (TCC) to e-le with IRIS View FAQs and/or join the monthly working group meetings
for software developers, transmitters and state agencies
interested in IRIS A2A E-File Forms with IRIS
11. Acronym List
Acronym Description
A2A Application to Application
Ack Acknowledgement
alg algorithm
API Application Program Interface
ATS Assurance Testing System
aud audience
BOM Byte Order Mark
CF/SF Combined Federal/State Filing
exp expiration time
FIRE Filing Information Returns Electronically
iat issued at time
ID Identication
IR Information Returns
IRIS Information Returns Intake System
IRS Internal Revenue Service
iss issuer
jti JWT ID
57 Publication 5718
Acronym Description
JWKs JSON Web Key Set
JWT JSON Web Token
kid Key identier
MeF Modernized e-File
OUSID Original Unique Submission Identier
P Production
PY Processing Year
RID Record Identier
RO Responsible Ofcial
SID Submission Identier
SOR Secure Object Repository
sub subject
T Test
TCC Transmitter Control Code
TD Treasury Decision
TFA Taxpayer First Act
TIN Tax Identication Number
TY Tax Year
URID Unique Record Identier
UTF-8 Unicode Transformation Format-8
UTID Unique Transmission Identier
UUID Universally Unique Identier
XML Extensible Markup Language
Publication 5718 (Rev. 3-2024) Catalog Number 93552B Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service