Linux Tutorial - ScINET
August 29, 2017
Jonathan Shao, Computational Biologist, NEA
Howto get on
Linux - Terminal
Mac - Terminal -
Method 1 Opening with Finder
1. Open a new Finder window by clicking the Finder
icon to the far left of your Dock.
2. From the sidebar, choose Applications, and then go
to Utilities. Alternatively, you can just press
Command + Shift + U .
3. Double click on the Terminal.
SSH to SciNet
ssh [email protected] - Terminal
ssh -o TCPkeepAlive=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=20 -o ServerAliveCountMax=100 -XA
Note: when you ssh in for the first time - hit “yes” to accept.
SSH to SciNet
Basic Linux Commands - Directory Tree
linux commands are in lowercase
Basic Linux Commands - Listing files “ls”
(all linux commands in lowercase)
This command lists the contents of the current directory.
>ls helloworld
This lists the name of a specific file
>ls -lah
This command lists all the contents in the current directory in great detail
Basic Linux Commands - Listing files ls
Notice a few things and the difference between an ls and a ls -lah
In blue is is a directory called “test_dir” and in white is the name of a file “helloworld”
d stand for directory
r - read
w -write
x - execute
Jonathan.shao jonathan.shao - who owns the file (user and group ownership)
4.0K is the size of the file
Aug 7 is the Aug date of this year.
helloworld/test_dir are the names of the files and directory
Basic Linux Commands Changing Directories cd
>cd <path to where you are going>
cd means change directory
>cd /test_dir
>cd /scinet01/gov/usda/ars/scinet/project/
cd space “and the name of a directory” moves you down or forwards
>cd ..
cd dot dot means move up a directory or backwards
Basic Linux Commands - Directory Tree -SciNet
Note: (execute the commands in order for the comments to make sense)
>cd /scinet01/gov/usda/ars/scinet/project/
This changes directory to the project directory. This is the hard-path to the
project directory.
>cd ..
This will move you up or backwards to the scinet directory
>cd project
This will move you forwards to the project directory from the scinet folder
>cd ../../../../../../
This will move you all the way up to the root / directory
cd /usr
Changes directory to the
usr directory
Basic Linux Commands, Help, Where am I, Changing Owners
>man <name of linux command>
man cp
man pwd
man chmod
man is the help file for each command
pwd shows the path of working directory
>chown john.smith:john.smith helloworld
changes the owner of the files of helloworld
>chmod 755 helloworld
changes rwx of helloworld and makes it executable
chgrp -R proj-nea_bioinformatics /project/nea_bioinformatics
Basic Linux Commands, Moving and Renaming files, History
>mv <original file> <file to be renamed or moved>
>mv helloworld helloworld2
This renames the file from helloworld to helloworld2
>mv helloworld test_dir
This moves the file helloworld to test_dir
>history > my_history_August8_2017.txt
The command history gives your saved commands and the “>”
redirects the output from history into a file.
Basic Linux Commands – Coping Files
>cp <original file to be copied> <copy of file>
>cp helloworld helloworld.txt
Here we have copied the helloworld file to helloworld.txt
helloworld helloworld.txt
>cp <path><original file to be copied> <path><copy of file>
>cp helloworld /home/shaoj/test_dir
>cd /home/shaoj/test_dir
Basic Linux Commands – Unzip and Untar Files
>gunzip test.gz
gunzip unzips a .gz file
>tar -xvf test.tar
tar untars a tar file
Linux Commands useful for SciNet
>module load bowtie2
>which bowtie2
>module unload bowtie2
>srun --pty -p short -t 48:00:00 -n 20 -N1 /bin/bash -l
>lfs quota -gh project_folder /scinet01
>chgrp -R proj-nea_bioinformatics /project/nea_bioinformatics
Linux Commands- Getting Your Files Off the SciNet
scp <file> <folder location>
Putting a file on the scinet:
>scp file.txt ma[email protected]
Getting a file to your home directory from the scinet:
>scp[email protected]:/scinet01/gov/usda/ara/scinet/project/work_dir/file.txt /home/smithm
Linux Commands – Running a Program
>blastn -query test.fas -db nr -out test.blastn
The red dashes are switches/parameters that are passed into
the blastn executable.
The first entry blastn in green is usually the executable
Here I am passing the query name test.fas using the query
switch, the database nr using the db switch and outputting the
file test.blastn using the out switch to the executable blastn.
How Do I Remove My Mess? Practice Good Hygiene
rm <file>
Note that the the rm command is unforgiving. It will delete the
file permanently.
helloworld helloworld.txt
>rm helloworld
The file helloworld will be deleted
Here you will only see helloworld.txt, since helloworld was
Yikes! My Linux Program is Stuck or I Made a Mistake
Halts commands
Hit the X button and close your terminal.
Look at jobs in the queue and find your rogue id
133432 medium at-258 john.s R 12:09:23 1 sn-cn-13-1
>scancel <job id>
Example: scancel 133432
I Can’t Find My Files, Please Help
This will find file1 on your hard-drive
find file1 /home/smithmary
This will find file1 on /home/smithmary
find file1 /
This will find file1 on whole computer starting with root
Helpful Hints in Linux
You can cheat and hit the tab button to auto-complete
>ls file_this_(hit tab button)
Auto-complete will
>ls file_this_is_along_file_name.txt
Notice that I used underscores and all lowercase for my file
names. This can make life easier, since Linux is case sensitive!
How Do I View a File?
>nano file1
control X – hit y to save
Note that vi is the other editor. It is more powerful, but has a much harder
learning curve.
gedit file1
If you have gedit installed, it works much like wordpad in windows
>head file.txt
shows the top of the file
>tail file.txt
shows the bottom of the file
head and tail are useful for viewing large files
More Helpful Hints in Linux
You can cheat and use the wildcard “*”
The use of * is a regular expression.
>ls file*
More Helpful Hints in Linux
Qiime meta data tabulate \
--m-input-file taxonomy.qza \
--o-visualization taxonomy.qzv
These lines are equivalent
Qiime meta data tabulate --m-input-file taxonomy.qza –o-visualization taxonomy.qzv
Linux Cheat sheet
>cd - change directory
>cd .. - moves up a directory
>cd /project/microbiome_workshop/amplicon/data/ - moves you
to this directory
>ls - lists the contents of a directory
>pwd - path of working directory
>cp file1 file2 – copies file1 and creates a duplicate file2
>mkdir dir – create new directory dir
>rm file1 – removes file1
>chmod 777 file – 4 read, 2, write , 1 execute – adds up to 7
Read write execute for owner, group world
ssh user@host
>gunzip file.gz – decompress file
>tar –xvf – untar file
>control+C, or control+Z – halts command
>mv file1 renamedfile – renames file
>mv file1 test_dir – moves file1 to test_dir
Thank you
Next - Adam Rivers - Amplicon Analysis with