Revised 03/17/2022
Previous catalog years:
Catalog Year 2022-23
Computer Science Honors, B.S.
Central Connecticut State University
Please contact a campus advisor for this program:
Justine Gamache, [email protected]
Professor Bradley Kjell, [email protected]
These requirements are effective if you declared the Transfer Ticket: CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree: Computer
Science Studies, A.A., for the 2016/17 through 2022/23 academic year.
Follow this link for important information about when and how to apply for transfer to a State University or
Charter Oak State College.
Once you complete the CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree: Computer Science Studies, A.A., the following
requirements remain at Central Connecticut State University for you to complete the Computer Science -- Honors,
B.S. You should meet with your campus contact for this program before registering for courses to ensure that you
select the correct courses and the best order for taking them.
You must obtain a C- or better in all courses required for the major. You will be required to take a proficiency test specified by the department
during your senior year. A minor is not required for this major.
General Education Requirements: 12-18 credits
Link to course options for general education
Study Area I: Literature (select one): 3 credits
Study Area I: Art & Humanities (select one): 3 credits
Study Area II: Social Sciences (select one): 3 credits
Study Area III Behavioral Sciences (select one): 3 credits
Skill Area III Foreign Language Proficiency: 0-6 credits
Link to foreign language proficiency requirements
Major Program Requirements: 50 credits
CS 253 Data and File Structures 3 credits
CS 254 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 3 credits
CS 355 Systems Programming 3 credits
CS 385 Computer Architecture 3 credits
CS 463 Algorithms 3 credits
CS 464 Programming Languages 3 credits
CS 483 Theory of Computation 3 credits
CS 492 Computer Security 3 credits
Select 9 hours from the following advanced electives: 9 credits
CS 407 Advanced Topics
CS 415 Game Development
CS 416 Web Programming
CS 417 Design Patterns
Revised 03/17/2022
CS 418 Software Testing
CS 419 Usable Security and Privacy
CS 423 Graphics
CS 425 Image Processing
CS 455 Secure Software Development
CS 460 Database Concepts
CS 462 Artificial Intelligence
CS 465 Compiler Design
CS 473 Simulation Techniques
CS 481 Operating Systems
CS 490 Networking
CS 493 Secure Software Systems
CS 494 Cryptographic Systems
CS 495 Legal, Social, Ethical Issues
Capstone Requirement: 6 credits
CS 410 Introduction to Software Engineering
CS 498 Senior Project
MATH 226 Linear Algebra and Probability for Engineers 4 credits
Minor Requirements: 0 credits
Unrestricted Electives: 0-5 credits
Remaining credits for the Computer Science -- Honors, B.S.: 60 credits