Performance Measure
What is your goal?
What is your measurement
instrument or process?
What are your current results? What did you learn from the results? What did you improve or what is your next step? Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends (3-5 data points preferred)
ACCT 2300
Accounting Capstone
Students will prepare a portfolio in this course
that demonstrates skills in five areas. Those
areas are designated on the horizontal axis of
the accompanying graph. Faculty have set a
benchmark of 70%.
Students prepare a qualitative assessment
in the form of a portfolio of problems and
writings. A systematic random sample of
25% of the population is evaluated each
Students have scored at or above the
70% benchmark in all areas of
measurement except for Fall 2021
"Theory and Practice" and "Use of
The area of theory and practice has the great
variability when comparing results over time.
This assessment is an important component and
students must demonstrate an understanding
of the process.
Also when analyzing our data, we found a dip
below our benchmark in Fall 2021 in "Theory
and Practice" and "Use of Data". We feel this is
a related to the disruption caused by Covid-19.
Due to the timing of the Capstone in the
program, that semester's students would likely
have started their Accounting Courses during
the most disruptive time of the pandemic. We
have been aware of the issue caused by the
disruption and added professional tutoring to
help address these issues.
To augment the students understanding of theory and practice, a
subsequent assessment requires the students to make
improvements and build on the theory and practice problem
when demonstrating their ability and use of technology.
We have also added professional tutoring to mitigate the
disruption caused by Covid-19.
CIS 1101
Business Computer Systems I
Students will complete an Excel Performance
Exam. LEARNER OUTCOME: Explain the key
features of spreadsheet software. Design, create,
format, analyze, present and print spreadsheets
that contain themes and styles, charts, formulas,
functions, logical tests, conditional formatting, web
queries, absolute cell references, goal seek and
what-if analysis. Import data from an external site
and manipulate the data. (NHCC Essential
Learner Outcomes (ELOs) 1, 2 and 3, as defined:
ELO 1: knowledge, ELO 2: inquiry and analysis,
critical and creative thinking, written
communication, quantitative literacy, information
literacy and problem solving, ELO 3: ethical
reasoning and action, foundations and skills for
lifelong learning)
GOAL: 70% or more students will reach a
proficiency level, defined as 75% or higher.
A direct, formative, external assessment will
be given using the Skills Assessment
Management tool to create a Unit Capstone
Exam in Excel.
More than 70% of our students have
reached the proficiency level for all
semesters measured.
Since our last measurement, progress is good
and steps we took to address difficult concepts
(extra discussion, videos and training) were
effective. HOWEVER, through this process we
also learned TWO unfortunate things: ONE,
we did NOT do a good job on-boarding our
new faculty teaching this course (they gave
the Excel Module 3 Exam instead of the Excel
Modules 1-3 Capstone Exam), and TWO, the
exam created years ago no longer reflected
the concepts taught in the new version of the
textbook. This went unnoticed for too long due
to turnover (retirements) in faculty.
In Spring 2014, a new procedure was written to assist in
collecting not just an average score but also the percentage of
students that are proficient at a 75% level or better. We wanted
more students to achieve proficiency, not just raise an average
that could leave as many students behind. We also analyzed
proficiency by task (looking at each task assessed) to allow us
to direct efforts to challenging concepts so our remediation
efforts can be more focused. We took the five questions most
frequently missed and provided more instruction on these tasks.
These efforts were good. HOWEVER, given the two unfortunate
items realized in 2022, we have also REVISED the exam to
remove questions NO LONGER assessed in the new version of
the textbook, AND produced a better process (we meet with
instructors as a group) to get new instructors on-board with our
assessment tools.
CIS 1220
Decision Making Excel
A capstone project is assigned as an assessment
for Modules 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12 which measures all
of the following student learner outcomes for the
course: (1) Explain the key features and uses of
spreadsheet software.  (NHCC EL0 1, 2, 3). (2)
Learn how to use resources including Excel to
gain knowledge of Excel features and functions.
(NHCC ELO 1, 2, 3). (3) Solve and evaluate
results of calculations in order to determine if
results are reliable and valid. (NHCC ELO 2, 3).
(4) Explore the decision-making skills needed in
businesses in each of the functional
areas—management, accounting and finance,
manufacturing and production, marketing and
sales, and human resources. (NHCC ELO 1, 2, 3).
(5) Develop, analyze and evaluate spreadsheets
using advanced technical skills. Students will think
critically, independently, creatively, and
resourcefully apply knowledge to solve new
problems and provide information to guide
business decision making, complete real world
business tasks, use ethical practices and
communicate results.  (NHCC EL0 1, 2, 3, 4)
GOAL: Our goal is that 75% of students achieve a
70% score or higher on each of the three
Capstone Projects.
The measurement instruments are three
formative, external Capstone Projects, one for
each of the three units in the course.
Our goal is that 75% of students achieve
a 70% score or higher on each of the
three Capstone Projects. We have
achieved this (see results in chart on the
Though we met our goal with these results, we
still look at the information to improve student
learning. We review which steps students do
well with and which ones they are challenged
with to adjust future reviews and course
In order to achiever these results and continue to improve, a
review was implemented prior to each capstone. We've also
ensured that the preceding projects adequately prepare the
students for the capstone. Students share their questions for
and experiences with the projects in class, then instruction is
adjusted as needed.
BUS 1100
Introduction to Business
Qualitative: Students in all sections will write a
formal business paper about an assigned public
company that includes a title page, table of
contents, page numbers, and work cited page.
The paper will describe this company in terms of
international involvement, business ethics,
financial position, stock value, target market,
organizational structure, information technology,
and its transformation process.
Benchmark is 80% of students completing at
Proficient or Exemplary level.
Quantitative: Students in all sections will take a
common assessment covering the concepts of
business environment, business formation,
finance, marketing, and management.
Benchmark is 80% average on this common
Qualitative: Students across multiple sections
have been evaluated based on a common
rubric developed by faculty in this area. The
rubric scores a business analysis paper based
on their understanding of the functional areas
of business, research skills, and
communicaiton skills. Students have been
rated using one of the following four levels:
Emerging, Developing, Proficient and
Quantitative: All Introduction to Business
students complete the final exam within the
Business Outcome Portfolio learning module.
Qualitative: Students met or exceeded
the benchmark of 80% Proficient or
Exemplary level.
Quantitative: From Fall 2018 to Summer
2032, student exceeded the 80% average
in twelve semesters and fell below the
average in three semesters.
In the last two academic years the department
has seen improvements in the quantitative
measure. The qualitative measure has become
difficult to measure based on the proposed
actions described in the next box.
Due to increased evidence of plagiarism and reliance on AI
technology on the company analysis qualitative project, the
department has decided to change the common qualitative
measure to an “Informational Interview” with a person working
professionally in a business.
Student Learning Results
Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Summer 2021 Fall 2021 Spring 2022
CIS 1220 Decision Making Excel Assessment
Capstone 1-4 Capstone 5-8 Capstone 9-12
Performance Measure
What is your goal?
What is your measurement
instrument or process?
What are your current results? What did you learn from the results? What did you improve or what is your next step? Insert Graphs or Tables of Resulting Trends (3-5 data points preferred)
Student Learning Results
BUS 1110
Human Relations
Qualitative: Students in all sections will write a
formal business letter about growth and goals for
concepts learned over the semester. Goals
include Emotional Intelligence goals and
"Sharpening the Saw" (Covey) goals: professional,
physical, emotional, intellectual goals. Also
covers findings regardings StrengthsFinder and
SMART goals for enhancing Strengths. Letter will
follow professional letter formatting and research
for Emotional Intelligence improvements. Includes
Works Cited page. Benchmark is 80% of students
completing at Proficient or Exemplary level.
Quantitative: Students in all sections will take a
common assessment covering the concepts of
Personality & Communications Styles, Diversity &
Equity, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace
Etiquette, Communication skills, Self-Esteem &
Goal Setting, Conflict Resolution.
Benchmark is 75% average on this common
Qualitative: Students across sections are
evaluated based on a common rubric
developed by faculty in this area. The rubric
scores the Letter to Self on the following four
criteria: Personal Mission Statement,
StrengthsFinder Elements, SMART goals for
Emotional Intelligence or Sharpening the Saw
and Letter formatting. Students will be rated
using one of the following four levels:
Emerging, Developing, Proficient and
Quantitative: All Human Relations students
complete the final exam within the Business
Outcome Portfolio learning module
Qualitative: Submitted assessments met
or exceeded the benchmark of 75%
Proficient or Exemplary level.
Quantitative: The average score over the
time period was 77.6, which is over the
75% benchmark.
The department feels the assessments are
appropriately challenging, and the results
demonstrate learning and growth. Average
scores went up from previous reporting period.
Department efforts to improve quantitative scores were
BUS 2200
Principles of Management
Qualitative: Students in all sections will write a
management plan paper that walks through the
functions of planning, organizing, leading, and
Benchmark is 80% of students completing at
Proficient or Exemplary level.
Quantitative: Students in all sections will take a
common assessment covering the functional areas
of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Benchmark is 80% average on this common
BUS 2200
Principles of Management
Qualitative: Students in all sections will write
a management plan paper that walks through
the functions of planning, organizing, leading,
and controlling.
Benchmark is 80% of students completing at
Proficient or Exemplary level.
Quantitative: Students in all sections will take
a common assessment covering the functional
areas of planning, organizing, leading, and
Benchmark is 80% average on this common
Qualitative: Students across multiple
sections will be evaluated based on a
common rubric developed by faculty in
this area. The rubric scores the
management plan on the following four
criteria: Management Concepts, Strategic
Details and Language, External Support
of Strategy, and Communication.
Students will be rated using one of the
following four levels: Emerging,
Developing, Proficient and Exemplary.
Quantitative: All Principles of
Management students complete the final
exam within the Business Outcome
Portfolio learning module
Qualitative: Students met or exceeded the
benchmark of 80% Proficient or Exemplary
level in all but one semester.
Quantitative: During this time period,
management scores were at an all time high.
Assessments were updated to reflect recent trends and terms.
All questions were brought current. Methodologies focusing on
vocabulary mastery were successful in increasing scores.
Faculty will agree on a fresh, new qualitative measure that is
current and applicable to managing post-covid.
BUS 2600
Principles of Marketing
Qualitative: Students in all sections will write a
marketing plan paper for an original company of
the students choosing.
Benchmark is 80% of students completing at
Proficient or Exemplary level.
Quantitative: Students in all sections will take a
common assessment covering the marketing
concept, environment, consumer behavior, global
marketing, research, segmentation, product
strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy,
and promotion strategy.
Benchmark is 80% average on this common
Qualitative: Students across multiple sections
will be evaluated based on a common rubric
developed by faculty in this area. The rubric
scores the marketing plan on the following four
criteria: Marketing Concepts, Strategic Details
and Language, External Support of Strategy,
and Communication. Students will be rated
using one of the following four levels:
Emerging, Developing, Proficient and
Quantitative: All Principles of Marketing
students complete the final exam within the
Business Outcome Portfolio learning module
Qualitative: Students met or exceeded
the benchmark of 80% Proficient or
Exemplary level.
Quantitative: From Fall 2018 to Summer
2023, student exceeded the 80% average
in thirteen semesters and fell below the
average in two semesters.
In-class case presentations significantly help
prepare students for the final exam and
individual marketing plan project.
Group case presentations have been re-instated into the class
now that students are more comfortable working in groups again
after the pandemic.