The International Handbook of
School Effectiveness Research
The International Handbook of
School Effectiveness Research
Charles Teddlie and David Reynolds
London and New York
First published 2000 by Falmer Press
11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE
Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada
by Falmer Press
19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003
This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2003.
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© 2000 C.Teddlie and D.Reynolds
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List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Preface x
Acknowledgments xii
The Historical and Intellectual Foundations of School Effectiveness
Research 1
1 An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research 3
2 Current Topics and Approaches in School Effectiveness Research:
The Contemporary Field 26
The Knowledge Base of School Effectiveness Research 53
3 The Methodology and Scientific Properties of School Effectiveness
Research 55
4 The Processes of School Effectiveness 134
5 Context Issues Within School Effectiveness Research 160
The Cutting Edge Issues of School Effectiveness Research 187
6 Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research 189
7 Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement 206
8 School Effectiveness: The International Dimension 232
9 School Effectiveness and Education Indicators 257
10 Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research 283
The Future of School Effectiveness Research 299
11 School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences 301
12 The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research 322
Notes on contributors 344
References 345
Index 397
List of Figures
1.1 Stages in the evolution of SER in the USA 5
7.1 The relationship between school and classroom conditions 221
12.1 Sociometric analysis of an effective school 328
12.2 GCSE average points score versus per cent of pupils entitled to FSM
(1992) 334
12.3 GCSE average points score versus per cent of pupils entitled to FSM
(1993) 335
12.4 High School achievement: Spring 1993 336
12.5 High School achievement: Spring 1994 337
List of Tables
1.1 Dutch school effectiveness studies: Total number of positive and
negative correlations between selected factors and educational
achievement 20
2.1 Respondents’ ratings of importance of each topic from first round
survey 30
2.2 Descriptive summary of respondents’ rankings of topics from second
round survey 33
2.3 Topic loadings from factor analysis of responses of second round
participants: three factor solution 34
2.4 Topic loadings from factor analysis of responses of second round
participants: one factor solution 35
2.5 Average rank scores given by scientists and humanists to topics 36
2.6 Comparison of rankings for all respondents, humanistic and scientific 37
2.7 Average rank scores given by humanists, pragmatists and scientists to
topics 38
2.8 Key topic areas in school effectiveness research 50
3.1 Scientific properties of school effects cross listed with methodological
issues in educational research 56
3.2 Percentage of variance in students’ total GCSE performance and
subject performance due to school and year 125
3.3 Correlations between estimates of secondary schools’ effects on
different outcomes at GCSE over three years 125
3.4 Variance components cross-classified model for total GCSE
examination performance score as response 132
4.1 Contrasts between Kennedy and Coolidge elementary schools 138
4.2 Effective schools’ characteristics identified in two recent reviews 142
4.3 The processes of effective schools 144
5.1 Comparison of methodologies used in seven school effects studies
with context variables 161
5.2 Contextual differences in elementary schools due to urbanicity 176
7.1 Characteristics of two school improvement paradigms 214
7.2 A framework for school improvement: some propositions 221
8.1 An overview of recent Dutch school effectiveness studies 235
8.2 Variable names, descriptions, means and standard deviations for
Nigeria and Swaziland 236
List of Tables
8.3 Factors associated with effectiveness in different countries 238
8.4 Factors affecting achievement in developing societies 240
8.5 Percentage correct items for various countries (IAEP Maths) 243
8.6 Overall average percentage correct of all participants (IAEP Science) 244
8.7 The IEA and IAEP international studies of educational achievement 245
8.8 Variance explained within countries 249
8.9 Average Likert ratings of case study dimensions by country type 254
8.10 Average rank orders of case study dimensions by country type 254
8.11 Variance components computation of ISERP county level data 255
9.1 Indicator selection criteria 260
9.2 A classification of types of indicator 262
9.3 The four OECD networks for indicators 270
12.1 Comparison of variance in scores on teacher behaviour for effective
versus ineffective schools 331
School effectiveness research, and school effectiveness researchers, are now central to
the educational discourse of many societies, a situation which represents a marked
change to that of or 20 years ago. Then, there was an overwhelming sense of pessimism
as to the capacity of the educational system to improve the life chances and
achievements of children, since their home background was regarded as limiting their
potential, in a quite deterministic fashion. Now, the belief that effective schools can
have positive effects and the practices associated with effective schooling are in existence
within most countries’ educational communities of practitioners, researchers and
In spite of the centrality of the discipline, it has long been clear to us that there had
been no attempt to compile the ‘normal science’ of the discipline and record its
knowledge base in a form that enables easy access. Perhaps because of a lingering
ethno-centrism in the research community, there was also a tendency for the school
effectiveness community in different countries to miss the achievements and the
perspectives of those in societies other than their own.
The result of this was that people wanting to access the effectiveness knowledge
base found this difficult and probably ended up at a lower level of understanding
than was good for them, or for the discipline. The result was also that national
perspectives on the knowledge base predominated, rather than the international ones
that predominate in most intellectual traditions.
It was to eliminate these ‘downsides’, and to gain the ‘upside’ of clear disciplinary
foundations, that we decided to write this Handbook. It has taken us six years to
complete and has involved the addition of many friends and colleagues to the writing
task in areas where we have needed specialist help. We are particularly grateful also
to the following colleagues for their helpful comments on our final draft:
Bert Creemers
Peter Daly
Peter Hill
David Hopkins
Peter Mortimore
Pam Sammons
Jaap Scheerens
Louise Stoll
Sam Stringfield
Sally Thomas
Tony Townsend
Peter Tymms
We are also very grateful to Avril Silk who has typed successive versions of the book
with speed and accuracy.
The discipline is now moving so rapidly, however, that we suspect that this first
edition of the Handbook will need to be followed by further editions to keep pace
with the volume of material. If there is new material that colleagues in the field have
produced, and/or if there is any existing material that we have missed in this edition
of the Handbook, please let us know at the address/numbers below.
The sooner that the Handbook becomes the useful property of the discipline as a
whole, the happier we will both be.
Charles Teddlie
David Reynolds
Professor Charles Teddlie
Department of ELRC
College of Education
111 Peabody Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803 4721
Tel: (225) 388 6840
Fax: (225) 388 6918
Professor David Reynolds
Department of Education
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
St Thomas Street
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: +44 (191) 2226598
Fax: +44 (191) 2225092
The authors would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reprint
their work:
Table 1.1 Creemers, B.P.M. and Osinga, N. (eds) (1995) ICSEI Country Reports,
Leeuwarden, Netherlands: ICSEI Secretariat.
Tables 3.2 and 3.3 Thomas, S., Sammons, P. and Mortimore, P. (1995a) ‘Determining
what adds value to student achievement’, Educational Leadership International, 58,
6, pp.19–22.
Table 3.4 Goldstein, H. and Sammons, P. (1995) The Influence of Secondary and
Junior Schools on Sixteen Year Examination Performance: A Cross-classified Multilevel
Analysis, London: ISEIC, Institution of Education.
Table 4.1 and 5.2 Teddlie, C. and Stringfield, S. (1993) Schools Do Make a Difference: Lessons
Learned from a 10-year Study of School Effects, New York: Teachers College Press.
Tables 4.2 and 4.3 Levine, D.U. and Lezotte, L.W. (1990) Unusually Effective Schools:
A Review and Analysis of Research and Practice, Madison, WI: National Center for
Effective Schools Research and Development; Sammons, P., Hillman, J. and Mortimore,
P. (1995b) Key Characteristics of Effective Schools: A Review of School Effectiveness
Research, London: Office for Standards in Education and Institute of Education.
Figure 7.1 and Table 7.2 Hopkins, D. and Ainscow, M. (1993) ‘Making sense of
school improvement: An interim account of the IQEA Project’, Paper presented to the
ESRC Seminar Series on School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Sheffield.
Tables 8.1, 8.3 and 8.8 Scheerens, I., Vermeulen, C.J. and Pelgrum, W.J. (1989c)
‘Generalisability of school and instructional effectiveness indicators across nations’, in
Creemers, B.P.M. and Scheerens, J. (eds) Developments in School Effectiveness Research,
special issue of International Journal of Educational Research, 13, 7, pp.789–99.
Table 8.2 Lockheed, M.E. and Komenan, A. (1989) ‘Teaching quality and student
achievement in Africa: The case of Nigeria and Swaziland, Teaching and Teacher
Education, 5, 2, pp.93–113.
Table 8.4 Fuller, B. (1987) ‘School effects in the Third World’, Review of Educational
Research, 57, 3, pp.255–92.
Tables 8.5 and 8.6 Foxman, D. (1992) Learning Mathematics and Science (The Second
International Assessment of Educational Progress in England), Slough: National
Foundation for Educational Research.
Table 9.1 Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. (1996) Monitoring Education: Indicators, Quality and
Effectiveness, London, New York: Cassell.
Section 1
The Historical and
Intellectual Foundations of
School Effectiveness Research
1 An Introduction to School
Effectiveness Research
David Reynolds and Charles Teddlie,
with Bert Creemers, Jaap Scheerens
and Tony Townsend
School effectiveness research (SER) has emerged from virtual total obscurity to a now
central position in the educational discourse that is taking place within many countries.
From the position 30 years ago that ‘schools make no difference’ that was assumed to
be the conclusions of the Coleman et al. (1966) and Jencks et al. (1971) studies, there
is now a widespread assumption internationally that schools affect children’s
development, that there are observable regularities in the schools that ‘add value’ and
that the task of educational policies is to improve all schools in general, and the more
ineffective schools in particular, by transmission of this knowledge to educational
Overall, there have been three major strands of school effectiveness research (SER):
School Effects Research—studies of the scientific properties of school effects
evolving from input-output studies to current research utilizing multilevel models;
Effective Schools Research—research concerned with the processes of effective
schooling, evolving from case studies of outlier schools through to contemporary
studies merging qualitative and quantitative methods in the simultaneous study of
classrooms and schools;
School Improvement Research—examining the processes whereby schools can be
changed utilizing increasingly sophisticated models that have gone beyond simple
applications of school effectiveness knowledge to sophisticated ‘multiple lever’ models.
In this chapter, we aim to outline the historical development of these three areas of
the field over the past 30 years, looking in detail at the developments in the United
States where the field originated and then moving on to look at the United Kingdom,
the Netherlands and Australia, where growth in SER began later but has been
particularly rapid. We then attempt to conduct an analysis of how the various phases
of development of the field cross nationally are linked with the changing perceptions
of the educational system that have been clearly visible within advanced industrial
societies over the various historic ‘epochs’ that have been in evidence over these last
30 years. We conclude by attempting to conduct an ‘intellectual audit’ of the existing
school effectiveness knowledge base and its various strengths and weaknesses
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
withinvarious countries, as a prelude to outlining in Chapter 2 how we have structured
our task of reviewing all the world’s literature by topic areas across countries.
SER in The United States
Our review of the United States is based upon numerous summaries of the literature,
many of which concentrated on research done during the first 20 years of school
effectiveness research (1966–85). A partial list of reviews of the voluminous literature
on school effects in the USA during this period would include the following: Anderson,
1982; Austin, 1989; Averch et al., 1971; Bidwell and Kasarda, 1980; Borger et al.,
1985; Bossert, 1988; Bridge et al., 1979; Clark, D., et al., 1984; Cohen, M., 1982;
Cuban, 1983; Dougherty, 1981; Geske and Teddlie, 1990; Glasman and Biniaminov,
1981; Good and Brophy, 1986; Good and Weinstein, 1986; Hanushek, 1986; Levine
and Lezotte, 1990; Madaus et al., 1980; Purkey and Smith, 1983; Ralph and Fennessey,
1983; Rosenholtz, 1985; Rowan et al., 1983; Sirotnik, 1985; Stringfield and Herman,
1995, 1996; Sweeney, 1982; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993.
Figure 1.1 presents a visual representation of four overlapping stages that SER has
been through in the USA:
Stage 1, from the mid-1960s and up until the early 1970s, involved the initial
input-output paradigm, which focused upon the potential impact of school human
and physical resources upon outcomes;
Stage 2, from the early to the late 1970s, saw the beginning of what were commonly
called the ‘effective schools’ studies, which added a wide range of school processes
for study and additionally looked at a much wider range of school outcomes than
the input-output studies in Stage 1;
Stage 3, from the late 1970s through the mid-1980s, saw the focus of SER shift
towards the attempted incorporation of the effective schools ‘correlates’ into schools
through the generation of various school improvement programmes;
Stage 4, from the late 1980s to the present day, has involved the introduction of
context factors and of more sophisticated methodologies, which have had an
enhancing effect upon the quality of all three strands of SER (school effects research,
effective schools research, school improvement research).
We now proceed to analyse these four stages in detail.
Stage 1: The Original Input-Output Paradigm
Stage 1 was the period in which economically driven input-output studies
predominated. These studies (designated as Type 1A studies in Figure 1.1) focused on
inputs such as school resource variables (e.g. per pupil expenditure) and student
background characteristics (variants of student socio-economic status or SES) to predict
school outputs. In these studies, school outcomes were limited to student achievement
on standardized tests. The results of these studies in the USA (Coleman et al., 1966;
Jencks et al., 1972) indicated that differences in children’s achievement were more
strongly associated with societally determined family SES than with potentially
malleable school-based resource variables.
Figure 1.1 Stages in the evolution of SER in the USA
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The Coleman et al. (1966) study utilized regression analyses that mixed levels of
data analysis (school, individual pupil) and concluded that ‘schools bring little influence
to bear on a child’s achievement that is independent of his background and general
social context’ (p.325). Many of the Coleman school factors were related to school
resources (e.g. per pupil expenditure, school facilities, number of books in the library),
which were not very strongly related to student achievement. Nevertheless, 5–9 per
cent of the total variance in individual student achievement was uniquely accounted
for by school factors (Coleman et al., 1966). (See Chapter 3 for a more extensive
description of the results from the Coleman Report). Daly noted:
The Coleman et al. (1966) survey estimate of a figure of 9 per cent of variance in
an achievement measure attributable to American schools has been something of
a bench mark, despite the critical reaction.
(Daly, 1995a, p.306)
While there were efforts to refute the Coleman results (e.g. Mayeske et al., 1972;
Mclntosh, 1968; Mosteller and Moynihan, 1972) and methodological flaws were
found in the report, the major findings are now widely accepted by the educational
research community. For example, the Mayeske et al. (1972) re-analysis indicated
that 37 per cent of the variance was between schools, but they found that much of
that variance was common to both student background variables and school
variables. The issue of multicollinearity between school and family background
variables has plagued much of the research on school effects, and is a topic we
return to frequently later.
In addition to the Coleman and Jencks studies, there were several other studies
conducted during this time within a sociological framework known as the ‘status-
attainment literature’ (e.g. Hauser, 1971; Hauser et al., 1976). The Hauser studies,
conducted in high schools in the USA, concluded that variance between schools was
within the 15–30 per cent range and was due to mean SES differences, not to
characteristics associated with effective schooling. Hauser, R., et al. (1976) estimated
that schools accounted for only 1–2 per cent of the total variance in student achievement
after the impact of the aggregate SES characteristics of student bodies was controlled
for statistically.
As noted by many reviewers (e.g. Averch et al., 1971; Brookover et al., 1979;
Miller, 1983), these early economic and sociological studies of school effects did not
include adequate measures of school social psychological climate and other classroom/
school process variables, and their exclusion contributed to the underestimation of
the magnitude of school effects. Averch et al. (1971) reviewed many of these early
studies and concluded that student SES background variables were the only factors
consistently linked with student achievement. This conclusion of the Averch review
was qualified, however, by the limitations of the extant literature that they noted,
including: the fact that very few studies had actually measured processes (behavioural
and attitudinal) within schools, that the operational definitions of those processes
were very crude, and that standardized achievement was the only outcome measure
(Miller, 1983).
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
Stage 2: The Introduction of Process Variables and Additional Outcome
Variables into SER
The next stage of development in SER in the USA involved studies that were conducted
to dispute the results of Coleman and Jencks. Some researchers studied schools that
were doing exceptional jobs of educating students from very poor SES backgrounds
and sought to describe the processes ongoing in those schools. These studies are
designated as Type 2A links in Figure 1.1. In these Type 2A studies, traditional input
variables are subsumed under process variables (e.g. available library resources become
part of the processes associated with the library). These studies also expanded the
definition of the outputs of schools to include other products, such as were measured
by attitudinal and behavioural indicators.
The earlier studies in this period were focused in urban, low-SES, elementary schools
because researchers believed that success stories in these environments would dispel
the belief that schools made little or no difference. In a classic study from this period,
Weber (1971) conducted extensive case studies of four low-SES inner-city schools
characterized by high achievement at the third grade level. His research emphasized
the importance of the actual processes ongoing at schools (e.g. strong leadership, high
expectations, good atmosphere, and a careful evaluation of pupil progress), while the
earlier studies by Coleman and Jencks had focused on only static, historical school
resource characteristics.
Several methodological advances occurred in the USA literature during the decade
of the 1970s, such as the inclusion of more sensitive measures of classroom input, the
development of social psychological scales to measure school processes, and the
utilization of more sensitive outcome measures. These advances were later incorporated
in the more sophisticated SER of both the USA and of other countries in the 1990s.
The inclusion of more sensitive measures of classroom input in SER involved the
association of student-level data with the specific teachers who taught the students.
This methodological advance was important for two reasons: it emphasized input
from the classroom (teacher) level, as well the school level; and it associated student-
level output variables with student-level input variables, rather than school-level input
The Bidwell and Kasarda (1980) review of school effects concluded that some
positive evidence was accumulating in studies that measured ‘school attributes at a
level of aggregation close to the places where the work of schooling occurs’ (p.403).
Their review highlighted the work of Murnane (1975) and Summers and Wolfe (1977),
both of which had painstakingly put together datasets in which the inputs of specific
teachers were associated with the particular students that they had taught. (The Bidwell
and Kasarda review also concluded that studies including information on curricular
track (e.g. Alexander, K., and McDill, 1976; Alexander, K., et al., 1978; Heyns, 1974)
were providing valuable information on the potential impact of schooling on
The research of Summers and Wolfe (1977), Murnane (1975), and others (e.g.
Armor et al., 1976; Winkler, 1975) demonstrated that certain characteristics of
classroom teachers were significantly related to the achievement of their students.
The Summers and Wolfe (1977) study utilized student-level school inputs, including
characteristics of the specific teachers who taught each student. The researchers were
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
ableto explain around 25 per cent of the student level variance in gain scores using a
mixture of teacher and school level inputs. Summers and Wolfe did not report the
cumulative effect for school factors as opposed to SES factors, but the quality of
college the teachers attended was a significant predictor of students’ learning rate (as
it was in Winkler, 1975).
Murnane’s (1975) research indicated that information on classroom and school
assignments increased the amount of predicted variance in student achievement by 15
per cent in regression models in which student background and prior achievement
had been entered first. Principals’ evaluations of teachers was also a significant predictor
in this study (as it was in Armor et al., 1976) (see Chapter 3 for more details regarding
both the Summers and Wolfe and the Murnane studies).
Later reviews by Hanushek (1981, 1986) indicated that teacher variables that are
tied to school expenditures (e.g. teacher-student ratio, teacher education, teacher
experience, teacher salary) demonstrated no consistent effect on student achievement.
Thus, the Coleman Report and re-analyses (using school financial and physical
resources as inputs) and the Hanushek reviews (assessing teacher variables associated
with expenditures) produced no positive relationships with student achievement.
On the other hand, qualities associated with human resources (e.g. student sense
of control of their environment, principals’ evaluations of teachers, quality of teachers’
education, teachers’ high expectations for students) demonstrated significantly positive
relationships to achievement in studies conducted during this period (e.g. Murnane,
1975; Link and Ratledge, 1979; Summers and Wolfe, 1977; Winkler, 1975). Other
studies conducted in the USA during this period indicated the importance of peer
groups on student achievement above and beyond the students’ own SES background
(e.g. Brookover et al., 1979; Hanushek, 1972; Henderson et al., 1978; Summers and
Wolfe, 1977; Winkler, 1975).
These results led Murnane (1981) to conclude that:
The primary resources that are consistently related to student achievement are
teachers and other students. Other resources affect student achievement primarily
through their impact on the attitudes and behaviours of teachers and students.
(Murnane, 1981, p.33)
The measures of teacher behaviours and attitudes utilized in school effects studies
have evolved considerably from the archived data that Summers and Wolfe (1977)
and Murnane (1975) used. Current measures of teacher inputs include direct
observations of effective classroom teaching behaviours which were identified through
the teacher effectiveness literature (e.g. Brophy and Good, 1986; Gage and Needels,
1989; Rosenshine, 1983).
Another methodological advance from the 1970s concerned the development of
social psychological scales that could better measure the educational processes ongoing
at the school and class levels. These scales are more direct measures of student, teacher,
and principal attitudes toward schooling than the archived data used in the Murnane
(1975) and Summers and Wolfe (1977) studies.
As noted above, a major criticism of the early school effects literature was that
school/classroom processes were not adequately measured, and that this contributed
to school level variance being attributed to family background variables rather than
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
educational processes. Brookover et al. (1978, 1979) addressed this criticism by using
surveys designed to measure student, teacher, and principal perceptions of school
climate in their study of 68 elementary schools in Michigan. Their work built upon
previous attempts to measure school climate by researchers such as McDill, Rigsby,
and their colleagues, who had earlier demonstrated significant relationships between
climate and achievement (e.g. McDill et al., 1967, 1969; McDill and Rigsby, 1973).
These school climate measures included items from four general sources (Brookover
et al., 1979; Brookover and Schneider, 1975; Miller, 1983):
1 student sense of academic futility, which had evolved from the Coleman et al.
(1966) variable measuring student sense of control and the internal/external locus
of control concept of Rotter (1966);
2 academic self concept, which had evolved in a series of studies conducted by
Brookover and his colleagues from the more general concept of self esteem
(Coopersmith, 1967; Rosenberg, 1965);
3 teacher expectations, which had evolved from the concept of the self fulfilling
prophecy in the classroom (Cooper and Good, 1982; Rosenthal and Jacobsen,
1968), which had in turn evolved from Rosenthal’s work on experimenter bias
effects (Rosenthal, 1968,1976; Rosenthal and Fode, 1963);
4 academic or school climate, which had roots going back to the work of McDill
and Rigsby (1973) on concepts such as academic emulation and academically
oriented status systems and the extensive work on organizational climate (e.g.
Halpin and Croft, 1963; Dreeban, 1973; Hoy et al., 1991).
Brookover and his colleagues developed 14 social psychological climate scales based
on several years of work with these different sources. The Brookover et al. (1978,
1979) study investigated the relationship among these school level climate variables,
school level measures of student SES, school racial composition, and mean school
achievement. Their study also clearly exemplified the thorny problems of
multicollinearity among school climate and family background variables:
1 when SES and per cent white were entered into the regression model first, school
climate variables accounted for only 4.1 per cent of the school level variance in
achievement (the increment from 78.5 per cent to 82.6 per cent of the between
schools variance);
2 when school climate variables were entered into the regression model first, SES
and per cent white accounted for only 10.2 per cent of the school level variance in
achievement (the increment from 72.5 per cent to 82.7 per cent of the between
schools variance);
3 in the model with school climate variables entered first, student sense of academic
futility (the adaptation of the Coleman Report variable measuring student sense
of control) explained about half of the variance in school level reading and
mathematics achievement.
Another methodological advance from the 1970s concerned the utilization of more
sensitive outcome measures (i.e. outcomes more directly linked to the courses or
curriculum taught at the schools under study). Two studies conducted by a group of
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
US,English, and Irish researchers (Brimer et al., 1978; Madaus et al., 1979)
demonstrated that the choice of test can have a dramatic effect on results concerning
the extent to which school characteristics affect student achievement. These two studies
utilized data from England (Brimer et al., 1978) and Ireland (Madaus et al., 1979),
where public examinations are geared to separate curricula. As the authors noted,
such examinations do not exist at a national level in the USA, as they do throughout
Europe, and there is also no uniform national curriculum in the USA.
In the Madaus study, between class variance in student level performance on
curriculum specific tests (e.g. history, geography) was estimated at 40 per cent (averaged
across a variety of tests). Madaus and his colleagues further reported that classroom
factors explained a considerably larger proportion of the unique variance (variance
attributable solely to classroom factors) on the curriculum specific tests (an average
of 17 per cent) than on standardized measures (an average of 5 per cent).
Madaus et al. (1979) and others (e.g. Carver, 1975) believed that the characteristics
of standardized tests make them less sensitive than curriculum specific tests to the
detection of differences due to the quality of schools. These standardized tests ‘cover
material that the school teaches more incidentally’ (Coleman et al., 1966, p.294).
Madaus and his colleagues believed that ‘Conclusions about the direct instructional
effects of schools should not have to rely on evidence relating to skills taught
incidentally’ (Madaus, 1979, p.209).
Stage 3: The Equity Emphasis and the Emergence of School
Improvement Studies
The foremost proponent of the equity ideal during Stage 3 of SER in the USA (the
late 1970s through to the mid-1980s) was Ron Edmonds, who took the results of
his own research (Edmonds, 1978, 1979a, 1979b) and that of others (e.g. Lezotte
and Bancroft, 1985; Weber, 1971) to make a powerful case for the creation of
‘effective schools for the urban poor’. Edmonds and his colleagues were no longer
interested in just describing effective schools: they also wished to create effective
schools, especially for the urban poor.
The five factor model generated through the effective schools research included
the following factors: strong instructional leadership from the principal, a pervasive
and broadly understood instructional focus, a safe and orderly school learning
environment or ‘climate’, high expectations for achievement from all students, and
the use of student achievement test data for evaluating programme and school success.
It was at this point that the first school improvement studies (designated as Type
3A designs in Figure 1.1) began to emerge. These studies in many respects eclipsed the
study of school effectiveness in the USA for several years. These early studies (e.g.
Clark, T. and McCarthy, 1983; McCormack-Larkin, 1985; McCormack-Larkin and
Kritek, 1982; Taylor, B., 1990) were based for the most part on models that utilized
the effective schools ‘correlates’ generated from the studies described above. (This
early work and later increasingly more sophisticated school improvement studies are
summarized in Chapter 7.)
This equity orientation, with its emphasis on school improvement and its sampling
biases, led to predictable responses from the educational research community in the
early to mid-1980s. The hailstorm of criticism (e.g. Cuban, 1983,1984; Firestone and
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
Herriot, 1982a; Good and Brophy, 1986; Purkey and Smith, 1983; Rowan, 1984;
Rowan et al., 1983; Ralph and Fennessey, 1983) aimed at the reform orientation of
those pursuing the equity ideal in SER had the effect of paving the way for the more
sophisticated studies of SER which used more defensible sampling and analysis
School context factors were, in general, ignored during the ‘effective schools’
research era in the USA, partially due to the equity orientation of the researchers and
school improvers like Edmonds. This orientation generated samples of schools that
only came from low SES areas, not from across SES contexts, a bias that attracted
much of the considerable volume of criticism that swirled around SER in the mid to
late 1980s. As Wimpelberg et al. note:
Context was elevated as a critical issue because the conclusions about the
nature, behaviour, and internal characteristics of the effective (urban
elementary) schools either did not fit the intuitive understanding that people
had about other schools or were not replicated in the findings of research on
secondary and higher SES schools.
(Wimpelberg et al., 1989, p.85)
Stage 4: The Introduction of Context Factors and Other Methodological
Advances: Towards Normal Science
A new, more methodologically sophisticated era of SER began with the first context
studies (Hallinger and Murphy, 1986; Teddlie et al., 1985, 1990) which explored the
factors that were producing greater effectiveness in middle-class schools, suburban schools
and secondary schools. These studies explicitly explored the differences in school effects
that occur across different school contexts, instead of focusing upon one particular
context. There was also a values shift from the equity ideal to the efficiency ideal that
accompanied these new context studies. Wimpelberg et al. noted that:
the value base of efficiency is a simple but important by-product of the research
designs used in…(this) phase of the effective school research tradition.
(Wimpelberg et al., 1989, p.88)
This new value base was inclusive, since it involved the study of schools serving all
types of students in all types of contexts and emphasized school improvement across
all of those contexts. When researchers were interested solely in determining what
produces effective schools for the urban poor, their value orientation was that of
equity: how can we produce better schools for the disadvantaged? When researchers
began studying schools in a variety of contexts, their value orientation shifted to
efficiency: how can we produce better schools for any and all students?
With regard to Figure 1.1, the introduction of context variables occurred in Stage
4 of the evolution of SER in the USA. The inclusion of context had an effect on the
types of research designs being utilized in all three of the major strands of SER:
1 Within the input-output strand of SER, the introduction of context variables led
to another linkage (1C) in the causal loop (1C-lA-lB-output) depicted in Figure
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
1.1. Studies in this tradition may treat context variables as covariates and add
them to the expanding mathematical equations that characterize their analyses
(Creemers and Scheerens, 1994; Scheerens, 1992).
2 Within the process-product strand of SER, the introduction of context variables
led to the 2B links depicted in Figure 1.1 and generated Type 2B-2A studies.
These studies are often described in the literature as contextually sensitive studies
of school effectiveness processes. This type of research design typically utilizes
the case study approach to examine the processes ongoing in schools that vary
both by effectiveness status and at least one context variable (e.g. Teddlie and
Stringfield, 1993).
3 Within the school improvement strand of SER, the introduction of context variables
led to the more sophisticated types of studies described as Type 2B-2A-3A in Figure
1.1. These studies allow for multiple approaches to school change, depending on
the particular context of the school (e.g. Chrispeels, 1992; Stoll and Fink, 1992).
Other methodological advances have occurred in the past decade in the USA, leading
to more sophisticated research across all three strands of SER. The foremost
methodological advance in SER in the USA (and internationally) during this period
was the development of multilevel mathematical models to more accurately assess
the effects of all the units of analysis associated with schooling. Scholars from the
USA (e.g. Alexander, K., et al., 1981; Burstein, 1980a, 1980b; Burstein and Knapp,
1975; Cronbach et al., 1976; Hannan et al., 1976; Knapp, 1977; Lau, 1979) were
among the first to identify the levels of aggregation issue as an issue for educational
One of the first multilevel modelling computer programs was also developed in
the USA (Bryk et al., 1986a, 1986b) at about the same time as similar programs
were under development in the UK (e.g. Longford, 1986). Researchers from the
USA continued throughout this time period to contribute to the further refinement
of multilevel modelling (e.g. Bryk and Raudenbush, 1988, 1992; Lee, V., and Bryk,
1989; Raudenbush, 1986, 1989; Raudenbush and Bryk, 1986, 1987b, 1988;
Raudenbush and Willms, 1991; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989). Results from this
research are highlighted in Chapter 3 in the section on the estimation of the magnitude
of school effects and this entire area of research is reviewed in Chapter 6 of this
Other advances have occurred during the past decade in the USA in the
methodological areas addressed earlier under the description of Stage 2. For instance,
several studies conducted over the past decade have related behavioural indices of
teaching effectiveness (e.g. classroom management, teacher instructional style, student
time on task) to school effectiveness (e.g. Crone and Teddlie, 1995; Stringfield et al.,
1985; Teddlie et al., 1989a; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Virgilio et al., 1991). These
studies have demonstrated that more effective teaching occurs at effective as opposed
to ineffective schools, using statistical techniques such as multivariate analysis of
Researchers have also continued to develop survey items, often including social
psychological indices, in an attempt to better measure the educational processes ongoing
at the school and classroom levels. For example, Rosenholtz (1988, 1989) developed
scales assessing seven different dimensions of the social organization of schools
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
specifically orientated for use by teachers. Pallas (1988) developed three scales from
the Administrator Teacher Survey of schools in the High School and Beyond study
(Principal leadership, teacher control, and staff cooperation), and these scales have
been used in recent studies of organizational effectiveness (e.g. Rowan, Raudenbush,
and Kang, 1991).
In a similar vein, Teddlie and his colleagues (e.g. Teddlie et al., 1984; Teddlie and
Stringfield, 1993) conducted a large scale study similar to that of Brookover et al.
(1979) in 76 elementary schools during the second phase of the Louisiana School
Effectiveness Study (LSES-II). These researchers utilized the Brookover school climate
scales, analysed the data at the school level, and found results similar to those reported
by Brookover and his colleagues. The researchers utilized second order factor analysis
in an effort to deal with the problems of multicollinearity among the school climate
and family background variables.
The need for more sensitive output measures in SER is still very much a problem
today. Fitz-Gibbon (1991b) and Willms (1985a) have commented on the inadequate
measures of school achievement used in many contemporary school effects studies.
For instance, the often used High School and Beyond database contains a short test
(only 20 items) that is supposed to measure growth in science.
The Current State of SER in the USA
Since the mid-1980s there has been much less activity in school effectiveness research
in the US. In their meta-analysis of multilevel studies of school effects that had been
conducted in the late 1980s and 1990s, Bosker and Witziers (1996) noted how few
studies they were able to identify from the USA compared to those from the UK and
the Netherlands.
There are a number of reasons for this decline in the production of school
effectiveness research in the USA:
1 the scathing criticisms of effective schools research, which led many educational
researchers to steer away from the more general field of school effectiveness research
and fewer students to choose the area for dissertation studies after the mid-1980s
(e.g. Cuban, 1993);
2 several of the researchers who had been interested in studying school effects moved
towards the more applied areas of effective schools research and school
improvement research (e.g. Brookover et al., 1984);
3 other researchers interested in the field moved away from it in the direction of
new topics such as school restructuring and school indicator systems;
4 in the mid-1980s, there was an analytical muddle, with researchers aware of the
units of analysis issue, yet not having commercially available multilevel
programmes, and this situation discouraged some researchers;
5 tests of the economic input-output models failed to find significant relationships
among financially driven inputs and student achievement (e.g. Geske and Teddlie,
1990; Hanushek, 1981, 1986), and research in that area subsided;
6 federal funding for educational research plummeted during Reagan/Bush (1980–
92) administrations (Good, 1989), and departments of education became more
involved in monitoring accountability, rather than in basic research;
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
7 communication amongst the SER research community broke down, with the more
‘scientifically’ oriented researchers becoming increasingly involved with the
statistical issues associated with multilevel modelling, rather than with the
educational ramifications of their research.
SER in the United Kingdom
School effectiveness research in the United Kingdom also had a somewhat difficult
intellectual infancy. The hegemony of traditional British educational research, which
was orientated to psychological perspectives and an emphasis upon individuals and
families as determinants of educational outcomes, created a professional educational
research climate somewhat unfriendly to school effectiveness research, as shown by
the initially very hostile British reactions to the classic Rutter et al. (1979) study
Fifteen Thousand Hours (e.g. Goldstein, 1980). Other factors that hindered early
development were:
1 The problems of gaining access to schools for research purposes, in a situation
where the educational system was customarily used to considerable autonomy
from direct state control, and in a situation where individual schools had
considerable autonomy from their local educational authorities (or districts), and
where individual teachers had considerable autonomy within schools.
2 The absence of reliable and valid measures of school institutional climate (a marked
contrast to the situation in the United States for example).
3 The arrested development of British sociology of education’s understanding of the
school as a determinant of adolescent careers, where pioneering work by Hargreaves
(1967) and Lacey (1970), was de-emphasized by the arrival of Marxist perspectives
that stressed the need to work on the relationship between school and society (e.g.
Bowles and Gintis, 1976).
Early work in this field came mostly from a medical and medico-social environment,
with Power (1967) and Power et al. (1972) showing differences in delinquency rates
between schools and Gath (1977) showing differences in child guidance referral rates.
Early work by Reynolds and associates (1976a, 1976b, 1982) into the characteristics
of the learning environments of apparently differentially effective secondary schools,
using group based cross sectional data on intakes and outcomes, was followed by
work by Rutter et al. (1979) on differences between schools measured on the outcomes
of academic achievement, delinquency, attendance and levels of behavioural problems,
utilizing this time a cohort design that involved the matching of individual pupil data
at intake to school and at age 16.
Subsequent work in the 1980s included:
1 ‘Value-added’ comparisons of educational authorities on their academic outcomes
(Department of Education and Science, 1983, 1984; Gray and Jesson, 1987; Gray
et al., 1984; Woodhouse, G., and Goldstein, 1988; Willms, 1987).
2 Comparisons of ‘selective’ school systems with comprehensive or ‘all ability’ systems
(Gray et al., 1983; Reynolds et al., 1987; Steedman, 1980, 1983).
3 Work into the scientific properties of school effects, such as size (Gray, 1981,
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
1982; Gray et al., 1986), the differential effectiveness of different academic sub
units or departments (Fitz-Gibbon, 1985; Fitz-Gibbon et al., 1989; Willms and
Cuttance, 1985c), contextual or ‘balance’ effects (Willms, 1985b, 1986, 1987)
and the differential effectiveness of schools upon pupils of different characteristics
(Aitkin and Longford, 1986; Nuttall et al., 1989).
4 Small scale studies that focused upon usually one outcome and attempted to relate
this to various within-school processes. This was particularly interesting in the
cases of disruptive behaviour (Galloway, 1983) and disciplinary problems
(Maxwell, 1987; McLean, 1987; McManus, 1987).
Towards the end of the 1980s, two landmark studies appeared, concerning school
effectiveness in primary schools (Mortimore et al., 1988) and in secondary schools
(Smith and Tomlinson, 1989). The Mortimore study was notable for the wide range
of outcomes on which schools were assessed (including mathematics, reading, writing,
attendance, behaviour and attitudes to school), for the collection of a wide range of
data upon school processes and, for the first time in British school effectiveness research,
for a focus upon classroom processes.
The Smith and Tomlinson (1989) study is notable for the large differences shown
in academic effectiveness between schools, with for certain groups of pupils the
variation in examination results between similar individuals in different schools
amounting to up to a quarter of the total variation in examination results. The study
is also notable for the substantial variation that it reported on results in different
school subjects, reflecting the influence of different school departments—out of 18
schools, the school that was positioned ‘first’ on mathematics attainment, for example,
was ‘fifteenth’ in English achievement (after allowance had been made for intake
quality). A third study by Tizard et al. (1988) also extended the research methodology
into the infant school sector.
Ongoing work in the United Kingdom remains partially situated within the same
intellectual traditions and at the same intellectual cutting edges as in the 1980s, notably
in the areas of:
1 Stability over time of school effects (Goldstein et al., 1993; Gray et al., 1995;
Thomas et al., 1997).
2 Consistency of school effects on different outcomes—for example, in terms of
different subjects or different outcome domains such as cognitive/affective
(Goldstein et al., 1993; Sammons et al., 1993b; Thomas et al., 1994).
3 Differential effects of schools for different groups of students, for example, of
different ethnic or socio-economic backgrounds or with different levels of prior
attainment (Goldstein et al., 1993; Jesson and Gray, 1991; Sammons etal., 1993b).
4 The relative continuity of the effect of school sectors over time (Goldstein, 1995a;
Sammons et al., 1995a).
5 The existence or size of school effects (Daly, 1991; Gray et al., 1990; Thomas,
Sammons and Mortimore, 1997), where there are strong suggestions that the size
of primary school effects may be greater than those of secondary schools (Sammons
et al., 1993b, 1995a).
6 Departmental differences in educational effectiveness (Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b, 1992),
researched from the ALIS (A Level Information System) method of performance
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
monitoring, which involves rapid feedback of pupil level data to schools. Fitz-
Gibbon and her colleagues have added systems to include public examinations
at age 16, a scheme known as YELLIS (Year 11 Information System), in operation
since 1993, a baseline test for secondary schools (MidYIS, Middle Years
Information System), and PIPS (Performance Indicators in Primary School)
developed by Tymms. These systems now involve the largest datasets in school
effectiveness research in the UK, with a third of UK A level results, one in four
secondary schools in YELLIS and over four thousand primary schools receiving
feedback each year.
Additional recent foci of interest have included:
1 Work at the school effectiveness/special educational needs interface, studying how
schools vary in their definitions, labelling practices and teacher-pupil interactions
with such children (Brown, S. et al., 1996).
2 Work on the potential ‘context specificity’ of effective schools’ characteristics
internationally, as in the International School Effectiveness Research Project
(ISERP), a nine nation study that involved schools in the United Kingdom, the
United States, the Netherlands, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Norway, Australia
and the Republic of Ireland. The study involved samples of originally 7-year-old
children as they passed through their primary schools within areas of different
socioeconomic status, and was aimed at generating an understanding of those
factors associated with effectiveness at school and class levels, with variation in
these factors being utilized to generate more sensitive theoretical explanations
concerning the relationship between educational processes and pupil outcomes
(Reynolds et al., 1994a, 1995; Creemers et al., 1996). Useful reviews of cross
national studies have also been done (Reynolds and Farrell, 1996) and indeed the
entire issue of international country effects has been a particularly live one in the
United Kingdom currently (see Alexander, R., 1996b for an interesting critique of
the area).
3 The ‘site’ of ineffective schools, the exploration of their characteristics and the
policy implications that flow from this (Barber, 1995; Reynolds, 1996; Stoll and
Myers, 1997).
4 The possibility of routinely assessing the ‘value-added’ of schools using already
available data (Fitz-Gibbon and Tymms, 1996), rather than by utilization of
specially collected data.
5 The characteristics of ‘improving’ schools and those factors that are associated
with successful change over time, especially important at the policy level since
existing school effectiveness research gives only the characteristics of schools that
have become effective (this work was undertaken by Gray et al. (1999)).
6 The description of the characteristics of effective departments (Harris, A. et al.,
1995; Sammons et al., 1997).
7 The application of school effectiveness techniques to sectors of education where
the absence of intake and outcome measures has made research difficult, as in the
interesting foray into the early years of schooling of Tymms et al. (1997), in which
the effects of being in the reception year prior to compulsory schooling were
dramatic (an effect amounting to two standard deviations) and where the school
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
effects on pupils in this year were also very large (approximately 40 per cent of
variation accounted for). The Department for Education and Employment funded
project into pre-school provision at the Institute of Education, London, should
also be noted as promising.
Further reviews of the British literature are available in Gray and Wilcox (1995),
Mortimore (1991a, 1991b, 1998), Reynolds et al. (1994c), Reynolds and Cuttance
(1992), Reynolds, Creemers and Peters (1989), Rutter (1983a, 1983b), Sammons et
al. (1995b), and Sammons (1999).
It is also important to note the considerable volume of debate and criticism about
school effectiveness now in existence in the United Kingdom (White and Barber, 1997;
Slee et al., 1998; Elliott, 1996; Hamilton, 1996; Pring, 1995; Brown, S., et al., 1995)
concerning its reputedly conservative values stance, its supposed managerialism, its
appropriation by government and its creation of a societal view that educational
failure is solely the result of poor schooling, rather than the inevitable result of the
effects of social and economic structures upon schools and upon children. Given the
centrality of school effectiveness research in the policy context of the United Kingdom,
more of such material can be expected.
SER in the Netherlands
Although educational research has been a well established speciality area in the
Netherlands since the late 1970s, SER did not begin until the mid 1980s although
research on teacher effectiveness, school organization and the educational careers of
students from the very varied selective educational systems of the Netherlands had all
been a focus of past interest (historical reviews are available in Creemers and Knuver,
1989; Scheerens, 1992).
Several Dutch studies address the issue of consistency of effectiveness across
organizational sub-units and across time (stability). Luyten (1994c) found inconsistency
across grades: the difference between subjects within schools appeared to be larger
than the general differences between schools. Moreover, the school effects for each
subject also varied. Doolaard (1995) investigated stability over time by replicating
the school effectiveness study carried out by Brandsma and Knuver (1989).
In the context of the International Educational Assessment Studies (IEA), attention
was given to the development and the testing of an instrument for the measurement
of opportunity to learn, which involves the overlap between the curriculum and the
test (De Haan, 1992; Pelgrum, 1989). In the Netherlands, teachers included in the
Second International Mathematics Study and the Second International Science Study
tended to underrate the amount of subject matter presented to the students.
Furthermore, for particular sub-sets of the items, teachers in the Netherlands made
serious mistakes in judging whether the corresponding subject matter had been taught
before the testing date (Pelgrum, 1989).
Bosker (1990) found evidence for differential effects of school characteristics on
the secondary school careers of low and high SES pupils. High and low SES pupils
similarly profit from the type of school that appeared to be most effective: the cohesive,
goal-oriented and transparently organized school. The variance explained by school
types, however, was only 1 per cent. With respect to the departmental level, some
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
support for the theory of differential effects was found. Low SES pupils did better in
departments characterized by consistency and openness, whereas high SES pupils
were better off in other department types (explained variance 1 per cent).
A couple of studies have covered specific factors associated with effectiveness,
including a study on grouping procedures at the classroom level (Reezigt, 1993).
Reezigt found that the effects of grouping procedures on student achievement are
either the same, or in some cases even negative, as compared to the effects of whole
class teaching. Differential effects, (i.e. interaction effects of grouping procedures with
student characteristics on achievement or attitudes), are hardly ever found in studies
from the Netherlands. The effects of grouping procedures must to some extent be
attributed to the classroom context and instructional characteristics. Ros (1994) found
no effects of cooperation between students on student achievement. She analysed the
effects of teaching behaviour during peer group work, using multilevel analysis.
Monitoring, observing and controlling students and having frequent short contacts
with all groups, not only promote on task behaviour but also effective student
Freibel (1994) investigated the relationship between curriculum planning and student
examination results. His survey study provided little empirical support for the
importance of proactive and structured planning at the school and departmental levels.
In a case study including more and less effective schools, he found an indication that
educational planning at the classroom level, in direct relation to instruction, may
have a slightly positive effect on student results. Van de Grift developed instruments
for measuring the instructional climate in educational leadership. With respect to
educational leadership he found that there is a difference between his earlier results
(van de Grift, 1990) and later findings. Principals in the Netherlands nowadays show
more characteristics of educational leadership and these characteristics are related to
student outcomes (Lam and van de Grift, 1995), whereas in his 1990 study such
effects were not shown.
Several studies have been concerned with the relationship between variables and
factors of effectiveness at the school and classroom levels, and even at the contextual
level in relation to student outcomes. Brandsma (1993) found empirical evidence for
the importance of some factors like evaluation of pupils and the classroom climate,
but mostly they could not confirm factors and variables mentioned in school
effectiveness studies in the UK and the USA. Hofman (1993) found empirical evidence
for the importance of school boards with respect to effectiveness, since they have a
contextual impact on the effectiveness of the schools they govern. It seems important
that school boards look for ways of communication with the different authority levels
in the school organization, so that the board’s policy-making becomes a mutual act of
the school board and the relevant participants in the school. Witziers (1992) found
that an active role of school management in policy and planning concerning the
instructional system are beneficial to student outcomes. His study also showed the
effects of differences associated with teacher cooperation between departments.
In the mid-1990s attention was given to studies that are strongly related to less or
more explicit models of educational effectiveness. In the studies carried out at the
University of Twente, the emphasis was provided on the organizational level, focusing,
for instance, on the evaluation policy of the school, in relationship to what happens
at the instructional level. In Groningen, ideas about instructional effectiveness provide
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
the main perspectives (Creemers, 1994). Here the emphasis is more on the classroom
level and grouping procedures and the media for instruction, like the teacher and
instructional materials and the classroom-school interface. These studies include more
recently developed theories, ideas, opinions, and ideologies with respect to instruction
and school organization, like the constructivist and restructuring approaches.
A cutting edge study related to both the instructional and school level carried out
by the Universities of Twente and Groningen was an experimental study aimed at
comparing school-level and classroom-level determinants of mathematics achievement
in secondary education. It was one of the rare examples of an effectiveness study in
which treatments are actively controlled by researchers. The experimental treatments
consisted of training courses that teachers received and feedback to teachers and
pupils. Four conditions were compared: a condition where teachers received special
training in the structuring of learning tasks and providing feedback on achievement
to students; a similar condition to which consultation sessions with school leaders
was added; a condition where principals received feedback about student achievement;
and a no-treatment condition. Stated in very general terms, the results seemed to
support the predominance of the instructional level and of teacher behaviours
(Brandsma et al., 1995).
Table 1.1 presents an overview of extant Dutch school effectiveness studies in
primary and secondary education. In the columns the total number of significant
positive and negative correlations between these conditions and educational attainment
are shown. The basic information for each of these studies was presented in Scheerens
and Creemers (1995). The main organizational and instructional effectiveness
enhancing conditions, as known from the international literature, are shown in the
left-hand column.
The total number of effectiveness studies presented in Table 1.1 in primary education
is 29, while the total of studies in secondary education is 13, thus indicating that
primary education is the main educational sector for effectiveness studies in the
Netherlands. Primary and secondary education schools with a majority of lower SES-
pupils and pupils from minority groups comprise the research sample of about 25 per
cent of the studies.
The line near the bottom of the table that shows the percentage of variance that is
between schools gives an indication of the importance of the factor ‘school’ in Dutch
education. The average percentage in primary schools is 9, and in secondary schools
13.5. It should be noted that this is an average not only over studies, but also over
output measures. Generally schools have a greater effect on mathematics than on
language/reading, as suggested in Fitz-Gibbon (1992).
The between school variances, in most cases, have been computed after adjustment
for covariables at the pupil level, so they indicate the ‘net-influence’ of schooling
while controlling for differences in pupil intake. Since at the time these studies were
conducted most primary schools had just one class per grade level, the school and
classroom levels in primary schools usually coincide. A final note with respect to the
measures of between school variances shown in Table 1.1 is that only in some cases
have intra-class correlations been computed, which will generally be higher than the
between school variances (since the intra-class correlations are computed as the ratio
of the between school variance and the sum of the between school and between pupil
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
When considering the factors that ‘work’ in Dutch education, the conclusion from
Table 1.1 must be that the effective schools model is not confirmed by the data. The
two conditions thought to be effectiveness enhancing that are most commonly found
to have a significant positive association with the effectiveness criteria in primary
schools (structured teaching and evaluation practices), are found in no more than five
out of 29 studies. Moreover, ‘other’ factors predominate both in primary and secondary
education as being associated with effectiveness. It is also striking that if an effect of
instructional leadership and differentiation is found, it is often negative. The set of
‘other’ characteristics is very heterogeneous. The most frequently found one is
‘denomination’, often (but not always) with an advantage for ‘church schools’ with a
Roman Catholic or Protestant orientation over public schools. The large number of
independent variables in most studies, and the fact that only several of these are
statistically significant (sometimes dangerously close to the 5 per cent that could have
been expected on the basis of chance), add to the feeling of uneasiness that the figures
in Table 1.1 convey concerning the fruitfulness of research driven by the conventional
American school effectiveness model. Some consolation can be drawn from the fact
that the most positive results come from the most sophisticated study in this area
(Knuver and Brandsma, 1993). In recent years, perhaps the other major contribution
of Dutch SER is the generation of an ‘educational effectiveness’ paradigm which
subsumes within it the material from both teacher/instructional effectiveness and that
on school effectiveness into a coherent, middle range set of theoretical postulates (for
further examples see Scheerens and Bosker, 1997).
Table 1.1 Dutch school effectiveness studies: Total number of positive and negative correlations
between selected factors and educational achievement
Note: Not all variables mentioned in the columns were measured in each and every study.
Source: Creemers and Osinga, 1995.
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
SER in Australia
Australians were initially reluctant to become involved in SER largely because of a
concern about standardized testing procedures. The emphasis upon student
performance on standardized achievement tests as the key measurement of an ‘effective’
school, as proposed by Edmonds (1979a and b) was met with various levels of
scepticism and there were a number of Australian researchers such as Angus (1986a;
1986b), Ashenden (1987) and Banks (1988) who clearly indicated their concern that
a concentration on effectiveness as it had been originally defined by Edmonds meant
a diminution of concern about other equally relevant educational issues such as equality,
participation and social justice. This is ample evidence that although there was no
commonly agreed upon understanding of what an effective school was, the critics
were sure of what it was not.
There was little early research that considered issues of school effectiveness. Mellor
and Chapman (1984), Caldwell and Misko (1983), Hyde and Werner (1984), Silver
and Moyle (1985) and Caldwell and Spinks (1986) all identified characteristics of
school effectiveness, but it could be argued that these studies were more related to
school improvement issues than to school effectiveness research. However, these studies
were forerunners of many later studies that used school effectiveness as a basis for
developing changed perceptions of schooling.
On the international front, Caldwell and Spinks (1988, 1992) introduced the notion
of self-managing schools, which has served as a model for many of the structural
changes being made by educational systems in a number of countries, including
Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Chapman’s work for the OECD and UNESCO
has been internationally recognized for its contribution to the debate on principals
and leadership (1985, 1991a), decentralization (1992) and resource allocation (1991b).
Much of the research in the area of school effectiveness has been driven by the
need for governments to justify some of the changes being made towards relating
education more closely to the needs of the Australian economy. Consequently, a number
of large scale research projects over the past few years have been commissioned by, or
are being supported by, national and state government.
In attempting to establish improvements at the school level, the Australian Education
Council (AEC) initiated the Good Schools Strategy. The first stage of the strategy was
the Effective Schools Project, a research activity commissioned in 1991. It was
conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and more
than 2300 Australian schools (almost 30 per cent) responded to an open-ended
questionnaire which sought advice from school communities about aspects of school
effectiveness which they thought were important in determining effectiveness levels.
The report of this research (McGaw et al., 1992) found the things that made schools
effective were said to be staff (in 65 per cent of the responses); ethos (58 per cent);
curriculum (52 per cent) and resources (48 per cent). In summarizing their findings,
the researchers identified the following implications for educational policy makers:
Accountability is a local issue, a matter of direct negotiation between schools and
their communities. There is remarkably little interest in large-scale testing
programmes, national profiles and other mechanisms designed to externalise the
accountability of schools.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Problems of discipline and behaviour management do not appear as major barriers
to school effectiveness and school improvement. They exist, of course, but only in
a minority of responses, and even there rarely as a major concern.
School effectiveness is about a great deal more than maximising academic
achievement. Learning, and the love of learning; personal development and self-
esteem; life skills, problem solving and learning how to learn; the development of
independent thinkers and well-rounded, confident individuals, all rank as highly
or more highly in the outcomes of effective schooling as success in a narrow range
of academic disciplines.
The role of central administrators is to set broad policy guidelines and to support
schools in their efforts to improve, particularly through the provision of professional
support services (McGaw et al., 1992, p.174).
In addition to this large scale research, other national studies were designed to improve
the impact of school for individual students. In 1992 a national study on educational
provision for students with disabilities was commissioned by the AEC as part of its
attempt to achieve the national goals related to equity. The study aimed to evaluate
the effectiveness of the current programme and to establish a range of best practices
for the 56,000 people who were identified as disabled.
The Primary School Planning Project (PSPP) was designed to document current
practice in school-based planning in primary schools and also to gain insights into
practice in specific primary schools (Logan et al., 1994). The study used qualitative
techniques to develop a national picture using 2200 schools and including principals,
associated administrators, teachers and parents who had been involved in school
planning activities.
A number of studies which are related to improving the effectiveness of schools
have occurred in the last few years. These have considered a variety of issues including
the concept of school effectiveness (Banks, 1992; Hill, 1995; Townsend, 1994, 1997)
and the concept of school quality (Aspin et al., 1994; Chapman and Aspin, 1997),
various studies on classroom effectiveness including identifying the factors affecting
student reading achievement (Rowe, 1991; Rowe and Rowe, 1992; Crévola and
Hill, 1997), the characteristics of schools in which students perform well in both
mathematics and reading, and in which there are positive student attitudes and
high levels of parent participation (Rowe et al., 1994a), the relationship between
school development planning and effectiveness (Davis and Caust, 1994), a
consideration of the relationship between classroom effectiveness and school
effectiveness (Hill et al., 1993; Hill, Rowe and Holmes-Smith, 1995; Rowe et al.,
1994b) and the issue of standards (Hill, 1997a).
There has been a particular focus on the relationship between effectiveness and
school self-management (Caldwell and Spinks, 1988, 1992, 1998; Smyth, 1993; Tickell,
1995; Townsend, 1996a, 1997), the impact of restructuring on school effectiveness
(Townsend, 1996b) and a longitudinal study of the unique role of principals in the
restructuring activity (Thomas et al., 1993, 1994, 1995a, 1995b, 1996, 1997). Recent
areas of research include the impact of changes in education funding on families
(Townsend and Walker, 1998) and on school effectiveness (Brotherhood of St Laurence,
1996; Caldwell et al., 1995; Education Committee, 1996; Education Victoria, 1996;
Hind and Caldwell, 1995; Townsend, 1998a), and considerations of what the effective
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
school of the future might look like (Caldwell and Hayward, 1998; Caldwell, 1997;
Townsend, 1998b).
The Changing International Educational Discourse and SER
Our survey of different countries in this chapter shows clear trends across time, both
for the individual countries surveyed and for the SER enterprise across countries. The
early SER studies in the United States and the United Kingdom reflected, in their
concentration upon physical and material inputs, the existence of a paradigm which
saw access to the ‘material’, financially determined world of schooling as the key to
improving both equality of educational opportunity and the overall ‘excellence’ of
school outcomes. This ‘liberal’ belief in the value of education was also linked with
an essentially positivistic, quantitatively orientated methodology that was utilized to
generate ‘truths’ about education, which were then used to generate curriculum and
organizational reforms that were in a ‘top down’ manner implemented with schools.
The failure of this liberal dream to generate much progress in both excellence and
equity terms resulted in a major intellectual reaction, with the advent of school
effectiveness research reinforcing a powerful belief that ‘schools make no difference’.
Instead of a search for quantitative positivistic truths, educational research (now
doubting the validity of those truths that had failed to deliver improved outcomes
and systemic reform) in the 1970s celebrated the rich, detailed, qualitatively orientated
case studies of schools and classrooms. SER too, as we have noted above, increasingly
involved case studies of effective schools, and school improvement in both the United
States and in Europe entered a phase which gave primacy to practitioner beliefs as the
levers to generate school change (this is detailed in Chapter 7).
From the late 1980s onwards, the changing economic and social contexts within
advanced industrial societies such as the USA, the United Kingdom, Australia and the
Netherlands all combined to shift educational reform and expansion, and the SER
paradigm, to central stage. The economic pressures from emerging Pacific Rim
economies, the need to again address issues of equity that had been brought into
sharp focus by the emerging ‘underclass’ that appeared to differentiate itself out of
mainstream society, and the revival of interest in educational policy matters that came
with the arrival of a new generation of educational researchers who had not been
intellectually and personally ‘burnt’ by the failure of the 1960s liberal dream, all
combined to increase governmental and educational system interest in SER.
SER itself by the late 1980s and early 1990s had additionally found high levels of
professional self confidence. Groups of persons who were marginal to their national
educational research communities organized their own professional association, their
own journal and rapidly developed the widely accepted definition of ‘normal science’
that is reflected in the existence of this handbook. In the United Kingdom, school
effectiveness researchers advised Government, and the British Labour Government
education programme reflected similar involvement. The Australian Federal
Government initiated a major national enquiry on ‘what makes schools effective?’ in
1991, and ongoing research into teacher and school effectiveness is central to
educational policies in many states (e.g. Hill, 1997b in Victoria, and Cuttance, 1994
in New South Wales). In the Netherlands, school effectiveness researchers began to
directly contribute to national education policy, as in the case of the National
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Commission on Special Education and the committee on the Evaluation of Primary
Education. Even in the USA, where SER had intellectually, practically and politically
‘boomed and busted’ in the mid 1980s as we noted earlier, the growth of contextually
sensitive SER and of closer links between the SER and school improvement
communities, resulted in a renaissance of SER by the mid-1990s, symbolized by the
meeting of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement in
Memphis in 1997 and in San Antonio in 1999.
It will be obvious from the content of this chapter that SER has changed, evolved and
markedly improved in both quality and quantity over the last 30 years. As it moved
intellectually in the USA from the early, simplistic focus upon input-output analysis
to more recent contextually specific formulations, and as it moved geographically
from its original homeland in the USA to the present situation where perhaps 10
times more studies are being conducted outside the USA than inside it, it is clear that
there are culturally or country specific contributions that are distinctive. Australia
shows evidence of:
close links between school effectiveness and school improvement;
work on the conceptual basis of school effectiveness and school quality;
a close relationship between effectiveness/improvement and educational policy,
with national policies that clearly relate to and draw on these knowledge bases.
By contrast, the Netherlands shows a flourishing, quantitatively sophisticated
research base which strangely seems to be relatively unused within practice. It
also shows:
continued context specificity, with many of the most validated school effectiveness
factors from outside the Netherlands failing to be replicated within;
sophisticated theoretical formulation, and multiple level research on classrooms
and schools;
continued progress in conceptualizing and linking theoretically the instructional
and school levels, and recognition of the need for the adoption of contingency
models that might explain the failure of many school effectiveness factors to ‘travel’
in Dutch contexts (Scheerens and Bosker, 1997).
The United Kingdom shows:
considerable methodological sophistication, with now axiomatic use of multilevel
modelling, cohort studies and multiple intake measures including that of student
achievement. Britain has also been at the forefront of the development of multilevel
statistical modelling (Goldstein, 1995a);
limited attempts to analyse instructional processes combined with sophisticated
work at the school level, building upon the earlier sociology of education;
use of multiple measures of outcomes;
An Introduction to School Effectiveness Research
a historic ‘split’ between effectiveness researchers and improvement practitioners,
only recently fading with the arrival of ‘blended’ programmes which utilize the
knowledge bases of both school effectiveness and school improvement to improve
schools in carefully evaluated ‘experiments of nature’;
a historic inability to investigate the possible context specificity of effective schools
characteristics because of sample selection being mostly from disadvantaged
Finally, the USA shows:
contextually sensitive effectiveness research, small in quantity, but increasingly
conducted within a ‘mixed methods’ tradition;
considerable progress in describing and analysing both teacher and school effects
an emergence of a large number of school improvement orientated programmes
which incorporate rigorous evaluation of effects;
the existence of a wide variety of fields which are school effects related.
This, then, is an overview of the knowledge base of research and practice that makes
up the international body of knowledge that we will be summarizing and reviewing in
Sections 2 and 3 of this handbook. Whilst clearly acknowledging the different traditions
of the knowledge bases within each country as outlined above, we will from now on
merge the various country contributions together as we begin to analyse the key
substantive findings that the knowledge base has generated.
Before that, though, we wish to complete the foundations of the handbook by
outlining in Chapter 2 how we have classified, framed, and organized the world’s
school effectiveness knowledge base, and what we have learnt about the school
effectiveness research community across countries as we have constructed our
2 Current Topics and Approaches
in School Effectiveness Research:
The Contemporary Field
Charles Teddlie and David Reynolds,
with Sharon Pol
This chapter attempts to outline the contemporary field of school effectiveness. It
utilizes results from an unpublished, unique survey completed before the preparation
of this book (Teddlie and Roberts, 1993) as an organizational framework for Sections
2 and 3 of the book. This two-phase perceptual survey of ‘experts’ in SER concerned
their perceptions of the current importance of certain topics (e.g. the context of
school effects, the stability of school effects, the effective schools correlates) within
the SER field.
The chapter includes a review of the methodology and results of this survey, followed
by a description of where more detailed information on each of the topics which were
identified as important is located later in the book. It also entails descriptions of three
‘types’ of survey respondents: the scientists, the pragmatists and the humanists. It will
be argued that these groups represent three distinct traditions within SER, with each
group of researchers and/or practitioners having their own values and agendas.
Comparisons are then drawn with other recent surveys of the field, and the chapter
concludes by outlining the research practice and conceptualizations of the ‘pragmatists’,
who it is argued have the potential to develop the field rapidly in the next 20 years.
Topics Within SER: Why Haven’t They Been Delineated?
SER as we noted in Chapter 1 initially grew out of a response to the Coleman Report
(1966) and Plowden Report’s (1967) oft-stated conclusion that schools made little
difference to the life chances of their students, but has proceeded to encompass a wide
array of topics in the intervening 30 years. SER in this chapter includes the three
major strands of research discussed in Chapter 1: studies of school effects that attempt
to relate school inputs to school outcomes using increasingly sophisticated
mathematical models; ‘effective schools’ studies that describe the processes of
differentially effective schools using the outlier and case study approaches; and school
improvement studies that document the implementation (and sometimes the success)
of school change efforts.
There has been no existing conventional taxonomy of SER sub-areas, although
researchers often write about the context of school effects (e.g. Hallinger and Murphy,
1986; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1985, 1993; Wimpelberg et al., 1989), the stability of
Current Topics and Approaches
school effects (e.g. Mandeville and Anderson, 1987; Gray et al., 1995; Nuttall et al.,
1989) and the magnitude of school effects (e.g. Coleman et al., 1966; Brookover et
al., 1979; Reynolds, 1992a, 1992b).
There are several reasons for this lack of a conventional delineation of SER topics:
1 the fact that researchers in each of the different SER strands noted above have
seldom worked together and in some cases see one another as intellectual
2 the lack of any comprehensive textbooks summarizing the SER field;
3 the dearth of school effectiveness/school improvement courses at the postgraduate
level in both America and Europe, which if they existed would require professors
to organize the literature into generally recognized topics for teaching purposes;
4 the severe criticism of the effective schools literature in the USA during the mid-
1980s, which led to the labelling of the work as reform posing as science (Ralph
and Fennessey, 1983) and of the researchers as shamans (Rowan, 1984), thus
seriously retarding the field’s intellectual self confidence and progress in the USA
which has the largest concentration of professionals writing about educational
research in the world;
5 the late development of certain important normative institutions in the field such
as the American Educational Research Association’s School Effectiveness Special
Interest Group or SIG (formed only in 1984), the first association meeting
exclusively for those interested in the field (only in 1988) and the founding of a
journal devoted exclusively to the field School Effectiveness and School
Improvement (SESI) (only in 1990). These institutions were established 18–24
years after the Coleman Report;
6 the intellectual and practical separation of school improvement from the other
two types of school effectiveness research and practice.
There is abundant evidence that it is currently a suitable time to differentiate both
topics and specific issues within each of those topical areas, in the belief that this
process itself may generate studies designed to probe these issues more deeply. Evidence
for the present maturity of the field includes:
1 the rapidly growing body of research subsumed under the various terms associated
with SER;
2 the recent spate of articles and books that summarize different parts of the SER
field (noted in Chapter 1);
3 the emergence of an international journal (School Effectiveness and School
Improvement), as well as the International Congress for School Effectiveness and
Improvement (ICSEI);
4 the fact that SER is now overlapping in terms of research agendas with other,
more established areas such as teacher effects (see Chapter 11 for more details);
5 the fact that researchers are now reporting replicable results in several areas such
as the context, stability and magnitude of school effects.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The Survey of Expert Opinion: An Outline
There were several research questions that guided this exploratory, primarily descriptive
1 What major SER topics can be delineated through a literature review?
2 What importance do experts in the field assign to each of the topics derived from
the literature review?
3 What other areas do experts believe should be included in a taxonomy of important
4 Do different groups of respondents respond differentially when rank ordering the
topics in perceived importance?
In order to answer these questions, we undertook a multistage project covering the
following phases:
1 Phase 1—Literature Review: The literature review was undertaken to develop a
set of topics for the first round of the study and to identify a sample of experts
(researchers and practitioners) who would serve as respondents. Sources for the
literature review included an ERIC search using school effects as the keyword, the
literature reviews noted above plus numerous others, all existing issues of SESI,
the published proceedings of ICSEI and the catalogues of the 10 AERA meetings
(from 1984 when the SIG was formed to 1993) using school effectiveness and
school improvement as keywords. The final bibliography from these sources had
over 500 references, selected as the most relevant from the much larger total list
that had emerged.
2 Phase 2—Determination of Initial Topics: Using the titles of the references and
their abstracts as text, the constant comparative method was used to arrive at
preliminary SER topics (Lincoln and Cuba, 1985). Three separate coders were
used to increase the reliability/validity of this initial categorization scheme (Patton,
1990). This process was automated using Qualpro (Blackman, 1991), a text
database manager. A list of 17 distinct topics emerged using this procedure, such
topics were then used in the first round survey which is in essential agreement
with other lists of important issues or questions in the SER area. For instance, the
issues that Good and Brophy identified as limitations of the extant literature in
1986 overlap considerably with the topics included in the first round survey. Also,
the list of topics corresponds substantially with a list of key questions developed
in 1993 by a group of British SER researchers and practitioners for a seminar
series designed to review the field, funded by the UK Economic and Social Research
Council (Gray et al., 1996b).
3 Phase 3—Development of First Round Survey and Sample: The first survey
consisted of two parts: a closed-ended section asking respondents to indicate the
importance of the 17 topics derived from Phase 2 (on five point scales); and a
series of seven open-ended questions asking participants what are the most
important current issues in SER, the most important methodological issues in SER
and the current strengths/weaknesses within the research area.
From the 500+references derived from Phase 1, a list was made of authors, and
Current Topics and Approaches
some 150 authors were then included in the sampling frame for the first survey.
Selection criteria included number of references and the perceived importance of
their contribution to SER. These 150 authors were also to be included in the
sampling frame for the second round survey, where our intention was to include a
more broad based sample. Our final sample for the first survey included the 40
authors who were consensus choices by three judges (the principal investigator
and two graduate assistants) to have made the most significant contribution to
SER over the past 10 years. As with many aspects of this study, this selection
procedure for the first round survey was subjective, but this is the nature of
exploratory work in any newly established field.
4 Phase 4—Development of Second Round Survey and Sample: Based on results
from the first round survey, a revised list of 12 topics was constructed, deleting
some with low ratings and adding others suggested from the open-ended responses.
The second round survey asked respondents to rank order 12 SER topics from
most to least important.
The expanded sample for the second round survey included: those respondents
from the first round who responded to the first survey; those authors who were
designated as significant contributors to SER in phase three, but were not included
in the sample for the first round survey; and a list of some 75 practitioners who
had made a significant contribution to practice, sampled from two sources (AERA
SIG list and National Center for Effective Schools Research and Development
membership list). The final sampling frame consisted of 211 individuals.
Results from the First Survey
First round surveys were mailed to the 40 respondents identified in the previous section.
A few surveys were returned as undeliverable (two surveys) or were returned by
respondents who refused to reply due to the fact that they no longer considered
themselves to be active in the field (two surveys). Of the 36 remaining valid members
from the first survey sample, 18 returned usable completed questionnaires on the first
mailout. A second mailout resulted in 10 more responses, giving a total of 28 responses.
The total response rate of 78 per cent (28 of 36) was considered adequate for this
Table 2.1 shows the means and standard deviations (sds) for the 17 response
categories. Responses ranged from one (not important at all) to five (extremely
important). The first notable result is the restricted range of responses to the five-
point scales, since the lowest mean score was 3.5, while the highest was 4.6. Thus,
these experts availed themselves of a range of only 1.1 points on five-point scale. As
one respondent noted, ‘They’re all important’. For this reason, it was decided to use
rank order scales for the second round survey.
As noted in Table 2.1, the topic with the highest average score was The Interaction
of Teacher and School Effects’, denoted as ‘Teacher-School Interaction’. Those topics
with the lowest mean values were ‘Definitions of School Effectiveness’ (denoted as
‘Definitions’ in Table 2.1) and ‘Parental Role in School Effects’ (denoted as ‘Parental
Role’ in Table 2.1). Seven of the topics had mean scores of 3.63 or lower, while 10 of
the topics had mean scores of 3.7 or higher.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The topic with the largest standard deviation or range was ‘External School
Improvement’, which was also one of the items with a low overall rating (3.59). The
topic with the highest overall rating (Teacher-School Interaction) also had the smallest
standard deviation or range (0.57).
Revision of the Topic List Based on First Survey Results
As noted above, a major purpose of the first survey was to revise the list of topics
based on expert opinion. This process was two-fold: first, those topics with low mean
ratings in the survey were to be eliminated; second, the open-ended responses were to
be used to generate new topics and to revise existing topics.
The following specific procedure was used to produce the list of topics to be used
in the second round survey:
1 Those topics with the lowest overall mean scores were eliminated from the list.
The seven topics with mean scores of 3.63 or lower were therefore dropped,
although some of them were later added back to the list in different more inclusive
forms, as noted below. For example, one eliminated topic was ‘The Correlates of
School Effectiveness’, which several respondents indicated was of great historical
importance but lacked current relevance.
2 The topic ‘The Multilevel Nature of School Effects’ was eliminated, since several
respondents said it was closely related to other topics (such as ‘Teacher-School
Interaction’ or ‘District Effects upon School Effects’).
3 Several respondents suggested ‘The Role of Leadership in School Effects’ should be
substituted for the ‘The Role of the Principal in School Effects’, which was done.
Table 2.1 Respondents’ ratings of importance of each topic from first round survey
Note: The data in this table are based on questionnaires returned from 28 respondents (78% of sample).
Response categories for each topic range from 1 (not important at all) to 5 (very important). The names of the
topics found in this table are shortened from those given on the survey.
Current Topics and Approaches
4 Several respondents also suggested that The Consistency of School Effects across
Measures’ should be combined with ‘The Stability of School Effects across Time’.
These topics were combined in the second round survey.
5 Some respondents suggested that the definition of the topic ‘District Effects upon
School Effects’ should be expanded to include ‘State Effects’ also. This was done
and the brief description on the second survey was expanded to include ‘the effects
of units above the school, including school boards’.
6 While ‘External School Improvement’ and ‘Naturally Occurring School Change’
were eliminated due to low mean scores, respondents suggested that some topic
should be included that addressed the issue of school change. The topic The
Relationship of School Effects to School Change (e.g. school improvement, school
restructuring, site-based management)’ was included to address this issue.
7 Several respondents suggested that we add two new topics: ‘School Effects and
Curriculum Issues’ and ‘International Comparative Studies of School Effects’. While
neither of these topics had showed up prominently in the earlier literature review,
respondents felt that these topics would become increasingly important in the
As might be expected, a small number of the respondents were not satisfied with the
revised list of topics, as illustrated by the following quote:
Some of the items on the reverse side are vague or combinations of independent
elements…I think this dooms the findings of this research to be ambiguous.
(Respondent 083, second round survey)
However, it is clear that an ambiguous beginning to delineating SER topics is better
than no start at all. It will be left up to future researchers to develop more refined, less
ambiguous lists of topics.
The analysis of the open-ended responses from the first survey was used for two
1 to assist in the revision of the SER topic list that would be used in the second
round survey;
2 to assist in the organization of the present handbook.
With regard to the second purpose, open-ended responses to the question asking
‘what are the most important current issues in SER?’ were utilized in the chapter
organization of Sections 2 and 3 of the current book. The steps in the constant
comparative analysis (Lincoln and Cuba, 1985) of the responses to this question
are as follows:
1 Three coders independently analysed the narrative responses to the ‘current issues’
question made by the 28 respondents to the first round survey.
2 Using the ‘unitizing’ procedure of the constant comparative method, 48 distinct
units of information (UOIs) were identified from the 28 respondents.
3 Each of the three coders independently analysed the 48 units of information,
assigning a ‘categorical’ name to each unit of information. This category
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
summarized the essence of the written statement (the UOI). The coders looked for
similarities among the UOIs and attempted to develop the most parsimonious
coding scheme.
4 After separately categorizing the UOIs, the three coders met and, by consensus,
developed a final categorical schemata by comparing each of the three separate
schemata that they had independently derived.
5 The final categorical schemata had six broad themes:
methodological issues;
process of effective schooling issues;
context of school effects issues;
multilevel issues;
improvement issues;
theoretical issues.
6 These six broad themes were further divided into some 26 specific issues. For
instance, the ‘methodological theme’ included the issues of operational definitions,
validity, reliability, generalizability and stability.
The final section of this chapter contains a more detailed summary of the results of
this constant comparative analysis, which was very useful in the determination of the
chapter organization for Sections 2 and 3 of this book.
Results from the Second Survey
Second round surveys were mailed to the 211 respondents identified in the phase four
outlined above. Eleven surveys were returned as undeliverable or were returned by
respondents who refused to reply for various professional reasons. Of the 200 remaining
members on the second survey list, 144 returned usable, completed questionnaires.
This response rate of 72 per cent for a one time mailout is high, indicating considerable
enthusiasm for the survey, since Borg and Gall (1989) reported a synthesis of the
survey literature indicating that response rates for one time mailouts averaged 48 per
cent, while three mailouts were usually required to attain the greater than 70 per cent
rate that was obtained on the first try with this survey. Due to this high response rate
and time constraints, it was decided not to undertake a second mailout.
Table 2.2 shows the median and interquartile ranges for responses to the SER
topics. The table also presents means and standard deviations for each of the 12
topics, based on an analysis that treated the data as if it were parametric. The results
from the two analyses were nearly identical in that:
1 The median and mean results reported exactly the same ordering of SER topics in
perceived importance, ranging from ‘The Relationship of School Effects to School
Change’ (denoted School Change in Table 2.2), which was ranked most important,
to ‘International Comparative Studies of School Effects’ (denoted International
Studies) which was ranked least important.
2 The interquartile ranges and standard deviations revealed nearly identical scores
also, ranging from ‘School Change’ which had the least variance in responses to
Current Topics and Approaches
Table 2.2 Descriptive summary of respondents’ rankings of topics from second round survey
Note: The data in this table are based on questionnaires returned from 144 respondents (72% of sample).
Respondents ranked topics from 1 (most important) to 12 (least important). If a respondent did not rank
order all items, the remaining items were assigned a rank that was the average of the remaining ranks. For
instance, if a respondent ranked nine items, the remaining three items were ranked 11, which is the
average of the remaining three ranks (10, 11, 12).
‘The Existence and Magnitude of School Effects’ (denoted Existence/Magnitude
Issues in Table 2.2), which manifested the most variance.
Due to the high degree of similarity between the parametric and non-parametric
descriptive data, it was decided to employ inferential parametric techniques when
further analysing the data. As noted by Harris:
…we have so much strong mathematical and empirical evidence of the robustness
of statistical procedures under violation of normality or homogeneity of variance
assumptions that the burden of proof must be presumed to be on the shoulders of
those who claim that a particular set of data can be analysed only through ‘non-
parametric’ statistical techniques.
(Harris, R., 1985, p.326)
The ‘burden of proof was not demonstrated in this dataset, which has descriptive
non-parametric statistics almost identical to those generated by re-analysis of the
data using descriptive parametric statistics. Thus, we used parametric statistics, such
as factor analysis and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) in further analyses.
Factor Analysis of Responses to Second Survey
Factor analytic work employing empirical principal components analysis, followed
by a varimax rotation, resulted in a five factor solution (if the eigenvalue greater than
or equal to 1.00 criteria was used) or a three factor solution (if a screen test was
utilized). We decided to utilize a one factor solution for the following reasons:
1 The five factor solutions had two uninterpretable factors.
2 The three factor solution had factors which included items that were both highly
positively and highly negatively loaded. Further perusal of these three factors
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
indicated two distinct patterns of response, one of which seemed to imply a
humanistic, applied research, school change orientation, while the other suggested
a more scientific, basic research, theoretical orientation. Table 2.3 contains a
summary of the factor loadings from the three factor solution.
3 A one factor solution was ideal for further exploring these two orientations in a
singular response pattern. The one factor solution assigns a valence to each topic,
and since there is just one pattern of loadings to examine, these loadings can then
be grouped into two categories (one positive, one negative). It was surmised that
if the topics within each valence category grouped together based on the different
orientations suggested in reason number 2 above, then there would be empirical
support for the conjecture that some responders are ranking topics in one manner,
while others are ranking them differently.
The data in Table 2.4 appear to confirm the existence of these two distinct response
patterns. Those topics with positive valences included:
1 School Change;
2 Teacher-School Interaction;
3 The Role of Leadership;
4 Curriculum Issues (School Effects and Curriculum Issues);
5 Context Issues (The Context of School Effects); and
6 District-State Effects (District and State Effects upon School Effects).
Those topics with negative valences included:
1 Methodological Issues in SER (e.g. validity, reliability, generalizability, etc.);
2 Variance Issues (The Variance of Behaviours within Differentially Effective Schools);
Table 2.3 Topic loadings from factor analysis of responses of second round participants: three
factor solution
Note: These results are from a principal components factor analysis of the second round dataset,
followed by a varimax rotation. Data from 144 respondents were included in this analysis.
Factor loadings greater in magnitude than ±0.35 are asterisked.
Current Topics and Approaches
3 Stability/Consistency Issues (The Stability of School Effects across Time and
Consistency of School Effects across Outcome Measures);
4 Existence/Magnitude Issues;
5 Theory (the Role of Theory in SER);
6 International Studies.
Perusal of these two sets of topics confirm earlier speculation arising from the results
of the three factor solution. Respondents giving high ranks to topics with positive
valences are probably more interested in applied studies of school effects that have
direct implications for school change processes. We might call these SER researchers
‘humanists’ to use the terminology of Cronbach (1982), who used this label to
differentiate between the philosophical orientations of evaluators of educational and
social programmes. On the other hand, those respondents who gave high ranks to
topics with negative valences are more interested in theoretically driven, empirically
based studies of the basic school effects processes. Cronbach (1982) called evaluators
with this orientation ‘scientists’ and contrasted their interests with those of the
‘humanists’ noted above. The Cronbach differentiation between evaluation orientations
seems an appropriate metaphor for the distinction between persons in school
effectiveness, since the SER ‘scientists’ are less interested in school change processes.
A prototypical quote from a scientist in the current sample is as follows:
Theory is first, methodology is second, more specific issues third.
(Respondent number 24, second round survey)
Results of Comparisons between Humanists and Scientists and Pragmatists
The data in Table 2.5 present the results of univariate ANOVA F tests in which the
responses of these two groups (humanists, scientists) were compared. Group assignment
Table 2.4 Topic loadings from factor analysis of responses of second round
participants: one factor solution
Note: These results are from a principal components factor analysis of the second
round dataset. Data from 144 respondents were included in this analysis. Factor
loadings greater in magnitude than ±0.35 are asterisked.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
resulted from multiplying each respondent’s ranks by the factor loading for each of
the topics. Respondents’ total scores were arrayed from the most positive to the most
negative. A median split was performed and half of the respondents were classified as
humanists, while the others were classified as scientists.
The overall multivariate F for the comparison between the two groups on their
rankings was highly significant [F 12, 129)=24.53, p <.0001], as was expected. Two
of the most highly significant univariate differences between the humanists and the
scientists came on the importance of ‘School Change’ and of ‘Methodological Issues’.
As indicated in Table 2.5, which also compares the order of the rankings for the two
groups, the humanists gave ‘School Change’ an average rank of 2.94 (their highest
overall rank), while the scientists gave it a rank of only 5.57. On the other hand, the
scientists gave ‘Methodological Issues’ their highest average rank of 4.39, while the
humanists gave it a much lower average rank of 8.11.
Table 2.6 compares the rankings given by the whole group, the humanists and the
scientists. The rankings given by the humanists more closely parallel those given by the
total group than do the rankings given by the scientists. The reason for this phenomenon
lies in the variances of responses from the two groups. As indicated in Table 2.5, there
is a range of about seven ranks between the humanists’ highest average ranking (2.94
for ‘School Change’) and their lowest average ranking (9.96 for ‘International Studies’).
On the other hand, the range for the scientists is much smaller (4.74), going from a high
rank of 4.39 for ‘Methodological Issues’ to 9.13 for ‘District-State Effects’.
The standard deviations for the two groups’ rankings confirms the differences in
variations of responses, with the humanists having a standard deviation of 1.97, while
Table 2.5 Average rank scores given by scientists and humanists to topics
Note: One-half of the respondents were classified as humanists, while the other half were classified as scientists.
Two respondents were eliminated from these analyses due to missing data, leaving a total of 142. Respondents
ranked topics from 1 (most important) to 12 (least important).
* p >0.05
** p>0.01
*** p>0.001
**** p>0.0001
Current Topics and Approaches
the standard deviation for the scientists was only 1.39. Scientists appear to consider
many topics to be of equal importance, including some of those associated with a
humanistic orientation. On the other hand, humanists definitely prefer those topics
associated with ‘School Change’, and gave low rankings to almost all the scientific
orientation topics.
Another way to look at the classification of respondents in the second round survey
involves a tripartite split into three groups:
1 humanists (those individuals scoring in the upper one-third of the continuum
described in the previous section);
2 pragmatists (those individuals scoring in the middle one-third of the continuum);
3 scientists—those individuals scoring the lower third of the continuum.
The inclusion of the mid-range classification has some ecological validity since there
are many individuals in the field of school effectiveness who consider themselves to
be both practitioners and researchers. We have decided to call these individuals
‘pragmatists’, to use a derivative of the term Howe (1988) employed in describing a
new theoretical orientation (pragmatism) which he argues combines aspects of both
positivism (the theoretical position associated with the scientific orientation) and
constructivism (the theoretical position associated with the humanist orientation).
Data presented in Table 2.7 indicate significant differences between the three groups on
their average rankings for 10 of the 12 topics. The overall multivariate effect was highly
significant [F(24, 254)=28.64, p -0.0001]. On all rankings, the score of the pragmatists was
intermediate between that of the scientists and the humanists and for some of the topics, the
pragmatists’ scores were closer to those of the humanists than to those of the scientists.
This is particularly interesting on two topics: ‘School Change’, and ‘Existence/
Magnitude Issues’. The pragmatists believe School Change is the most important topic
Table 2.6 Comparison of rankings for all respondents, humanistic and scientific
Note: One-half of the respondents were classified as humanists, while the other half were classified as
scientists. Two respondents were eliminated from these analyses due to missing data, leaving a total of
142. Respondents ranked topics from 1 (most important) to 12 (least important). A rank of 1 on this table
means the respondents’ average rank for that topic was the lowest (meaning it was the most important
topic for that group).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
in SER, and rank Existence/Magnitude Issues low in importance. Several of the
respondents in the humanist and pragmatist groups indicated that ‘Existence/
Magnitude Issues’ had historical importance, but were no longer that important, since
the existence of school effects was now well established. Scientists continued to believe
that the study of the size of school effects was still very important.
The Importance of the Survey Findings
That large numbers of persons in the disciplines of school effectiveness and
improvement participated at all in the surveys is clearly a sign of tremendous intellectual
self confidence, since if researchers and practitioners were concerned about the
intellectual state of the discipline, they would be unwilling to answer questions about
it. Additionally, the high response rate to the surveys reported suggests a high degree
of professional disciplinary commitment amongst persons in the field.
Many of the results of the survey are encouraging, when viewed in the light of
knowledge of those factors which are necessary for any discipline to advance. For
example, ‘Definitional Issues’ was dropped from the main study because of a perceived
lack of importance in the pilot—in the early stages of a developing discipline there
need to be things ‘taken for granted’ for intellectual advance to take place, which is
hindered by any semi-philosophical debate or ‘definitional’ discussion, important
though these must be in the long term. Also, the dropping of ‘The School Effectiveness
Correlates’ from the main survey suggests a pleasing willingness of respondents to
move on in the 1990s from the core concerns of the 1980s. On the other hand it may
Table 2.7 Average rank scores given by humanists, pragmatists and scientists to topics
Note: One-third of the respondents were classified as humanists, one-third as pragmatists, and one-third as
scientists. Two respondents were eliminated from these analyses due to missing data, leaving a total of 142.
Respondents ranked topics from 1 (most important) to 12 (least important).
* p>0.05
** p>0.01
*** p>0.001
**** p>0.0001
Current Topics and Approaches
not be encouraging that ‘Teacher Induction/Socialization’ was not regarded as a worthy
topic, since it is clear from the Louisiana School Effectiveness studies that we need to
know far more about how effectiveness and ineffectiveness is maintained over time in
schools of differential effectiveness levels (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
In the second survey, it is perhaps encouraging that there is some interesting variance
in responses among different groups. On the other hand, the low priority given to
‘International Studies’ by all groups (surprising given that respondents were from an
international survey that did not just consist of North American respondents) must
be worrying, since the discipline may need a greater range of variations in school
processes and in cultural context to force the development of more sensitive theories
that focus upon how factors are potentiated or hindered by their contexts.
The low priority given within the survey to ‘Curriculum’ issues may also be
potentially damaging, since there are likely to be large differences in this area between
schools in different systems within societies and in different societies in the ideological
messages transmitted within curricula that are not tapped by our existing instruments,
which merely measure the ‘vessel’ of schooling and ignore the ‘contents’ of the vessel.
The needs of school improvement programmes also necessitate information upon
curriculum matters, since practitioners may be more likely to become involved in
school improvement if it reflects their focal concerns, usually deemed to be both
curriculum and pedagogy (Reynolds et al., 1993).
The low priority given to ‘District/State Effects’ is another slightly worrying feature
of the pattern of responses, since any lack of commitment to study this area of the
field leads to an impoverished understanding of schools and to potentially intellectually
impoverished school improvement programmes, since the District-School interaction
is usually an important interface in school improvement programmes.
It is a pity that our survey did not investigate the methodological orientations of
the different groups, since one further problem that is likely to continue to confront
the field is the variation between the groups identified in their preferred methodological
orientations and styles. Had respondents been questioned on this, results would
probably have shown that the ‘Humanists’ prefer use of qualitative methods, and
that the ‘Scientists’ prefer quantitative, with a significant minority of the ‘Pragmatists’
being attracted to mixed methodology research strategies and some of the remainder
of the ‘Pragmatists’ belonging to either of the quantitative or the qualitative
methodological groups.
The problem for the discipline generated by this state of affairs is that little routine
interaction between the groups and participants within the discipline may be possible in
a conventional scientific sense, if individuals and groups disavow the methodology (and
therefore implicitly) the results of the ‘other’ groups and individuals. Even the routine
sifting of valid knowledge from invalid that is needed to build normal science is impossible
in these circumstances, because persons may be judging the validity/ invalidity of
knowledge partially on the basis of the research methodology utilized and only regarding
as valid the findings within the paradigm of which they are members. If this analysis is
true, the structure of normal science in SER in terms of the existence of the professional
association of the International Congress for School Improvement (ICSEI), and the
journal (SES7), both of which provide the possibilities for normal science may not be
overwhelming in their positive effects because the discipline does not possess the agreed
sets of procedures for assessing knowledge within that structure.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Further Findings from a Second Survey
Very similar results to those of Teddlie and Roberts (1993) were shown by Szaday
(1994) in his report for the Swiss National Science Foundation. In this, a sample of 57
school effectiveness and school improvement researchers from 10 countries was
determined by looking at all authors in the 1992 and 1993 volumes of the journal
School Effectiveness and School Improvement and by selecting authors of frequently
cited books and articles over the last decade. The questionnaire focused upon getting
respondents to outline what they considered to be the most significant/productive
research questions and lines of enquiry.
Completed questionnaires were received from 25 (44 per cent) of the sample, coming
from the United States (9), the United Kingdom (5), Canada (4), Australia (3), Hong
Kong (1), Macao (1) and Norway (1).
Five broad clusters were revealed, clearly depicting the views of the scientists
(measurement issues) and the humanists (school change) noted above in the first survey.
Of lesser importance were the clusters of the ‘social, political and economic contexts
of school effectiveness’, ‘theory development’ and ‘curriculum initiatives’ (respondents
were allowed to reply in an open-ended fashion to as many ‘important’ dimensions as
they wished).
Detailed comments were given as follows and are given in full from the original
report to give a further flavour of the ‘scientific’ and ‘humanistic’ perceptions of the
important issues in the field.
Cluster 1 included respondents whose commitment to a conventional ‘scientific’
approach to the field was revealed in the following responses:
how educational products and processes can be meaningfully measured (5) (the
numbers after the quotes are respondent numbers);
measurement of a broad list of pupil and school variables (4);
the development of psychometrically reliable and intuitively valid measures of
desired student outcomes (academic achievement, pro-social values and actions
etc.) (20);
the relationship between achievement on criteria and perceived achievement of
official goals (9);
what the relationship is between effective classrooms and effective schools (22);
students’ experiences in effective schools (6);
the connections (intellectual and social) between students, parents and teachers
within classrooms (5);
the connections between good classrooms and good schools (5);
what the relative contributions to student achievement of classroom level variables
are as compared with school level variables (13);
reconceptualization of the number and nature of the variables at school level and
at level of the class-school interface (16);
research into stability, significance with respect to outcomes, factors at the
classroom, the school and the contextual level, and especially the relationship
between them (7);
the multilevel nature of educational processes looking at child, classroom, school,
district and national levels (16);
Current Topics and Approaches
how contextual effects can be incorporated in models concerning comparative
education (4);
the possible variation in the effective schools correlates across different contexts
(national, grade level, SES of catchment area, etc.) to see which factors travel (16);
the international generalizability of school effectiveness models (also using
educational indicators) (17);
do the school effects variables explored in the USA and UK generalize to other
countries (such as Switzerland)? Are there additional variables that are consistently
associated with higher achievement? (20)
Cluster 2 included respondents whose ‘humanistic’ commitment to school improvement
was revealed in the following responses:
How do we successfully implement change? (15)
How to improve the classroom environment and the school climate? (25)
How to initiate school effectiveness projects under different conditions? (8)
What factors are barriers to the effective replication of effective practices? (15)
How to understand better the components of school culture and how they impact
school improvement? (19)
What are the relationships between processes (such as leadership, decision-making,
communication, resource allocation, etc.)? (2)
How does the persistence of organizational structures (e.g. the stability of
institutions) affect school improvement? How can educational organizations be
effectively ‘backward mapped’ from classrooms upward to changed administrative
hierarchies? In short, how do we turn the administration of schooling ‘on its head’—
with kids, teachers and classrooms as ‘top’ priority? How can we effectively broaden
the role of schooling toward a larger, integrated children’s services function, in
collaboration with other social service institutions? (14)
How generalizable are the ‘traditional’ variables: cross-role involvement,
evolutionary planning, goal consensus, transformational leadership, resources, etc.
Line of enquiry: school based management, organizational learning, coordinated
social services (family, community), school-university collaboration, continuous
experimentation, authentic collaboration and collegiality (staff), organizational
culture, teacher empowerment, role differentiation, pupil self-efficacy, focused
professional development, building ‘learning communities’, effective instructional
theory, pupil self-regulation? (11)
To what extent do commitment building strategies in schools result in significant
restructuring? Are second-order changes (changes in decision making, teacher
professionalization and the like) associated with first order changes (changes in
curriculum and instruction)? How can schools be structured in a way that allows
for widespread participation in decision making, on the one hand, and does not
overburden staff members with excessive demands on their time on the other
hand? Through what processes do teachers acquire a more professionalized view
of their role? How do staff members, individually and collectively, go about learning
how to do their jobs more effectively? (13)
How individualism and collectivism can co-exist in collaborative work
cultures? (8)
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
What is the causal nature of school and classroom effectiveness factors in planned
school improvement programmes? (16)
What are the action research projects that blend investigations of process (school
improvement) with examinations of a range of outcomes (school effectiveness),
taking a value added perspective on students’ progress? (19)
What are the relationships between school self-management and school
effectiveness? (22)
How is school-based management and strategic planning related to school
effectiveness conceptions? (3)
How to develop and test school self-evaluation procedures within the framework
of school improvement? (17)
Humanists, Scientists and the Rise of Pragmatism
These two studies confirm the ‘schizophrenic’ (or with the addition of the pragmatists,
multiple personality based) nature of the groups of individuals who are interested in
SER. According to their survey response patterns, there are at least two types of
individuals interested in SER, or more specifically in the application of SER to school
improvement: those whom we have called the humanists and those denoted the
scientists. Responses indicate that there may now even be a third group, who have a
response pattern somewhere between the other two groups.
From a methodological perspective, it is reassuring that we have the response
patterns of all three groups represented in our final sample, indicating that we have
perhaps sampled the full range of those individuals interested in SER. Returning to a
point from Chapter 1, where we argued that there are three distinct strands of SER
(school effects, effective schools studies, school improvement studies), then our three
‘types’ of respondents (scientists, pragmatists, humanists) may be said to roughly
align with each of those orientations:
scientists with school effects studies, which emphasize the exploration of the
scientific characteristics of school effects;
pragmatists with effective schools studies and the implications of those studies for
school improvement; and
humanists with the more applied school improvement studies, who are committed
to the improvement of practice more than the generation of research knowledge.
These results also indicate that the AERA SIG, ICSEI and the journal are aptly named
(School Effectiveness and School Improvement) since all respondents place a heavy
emphasis on ‘School Change’, as well as on the exploration of school effects. Even the
scientists rated ‘School Change’ as their seventh most important area. On the other
hand, the importance of ‘Methodological Issues’ (the number one concern of scientists)
was ranked only fifth by pragmatists and eleventh by humanists. Also, apparently
only the scientists were really interested in ‘Theory’ (ranked third by them), since the
pragmatists and humanists ranked it ninth and eighth respectively.
The importance of ‘Teacher-School Interaction’ and of ‘Context Issues’ to both the
pragmatists and humanists is noteworthy, since these are two areas where replicable
results have been uncovered over the past five years. As one respondent noted:
Current Topics and Approaches
Probably the most important issues are the context of school effects and the
interaction of teacher and school effects…Both are areas in which school effects
can be considered ‘more scientific’ since studies in these areas should continue to
yield interesting and replicable findings.
(Respondent 42, first survey)
It is interesting that the scientists rated these topics (Teacher-School Interaction,
Context Issues) lower than did either the pragmatists or the humanists. These are
easily researchable areas which are of current vital interest to practitioners and
which have generated solid, replicable findings, yet the scientists rank these two
areas lower than Methodological Issues and other traditional substantive areas (e.g.
the Existence, Magnitude, Stability and Consistency of School Effects). This is
particularly surprising since it is the scientists whose use of multilevel statistical
techniques should have alerted them to the importance of cross-level issues and
‘interface between levels’ issues.
The results of those two surveys reflect comments from Huberman concerning the
differences between the researcher and practitioner communities in matters pertaining
to school improvement. Huberman noted that:
School people often claim that much university knowledge, delivered in
conventional form, is of limited utility…often irrelevant and framed in ways which
are not assimilable to classroom life.
(Huberman, 1993, pp.1–2)
Other writers (e.g. Cuban, 1993) have also echoed these sentiments regarding the
intellectual cleavage between the scientists (or those interested in school effectiveness,
to use the Reynolds, Hopkins and Stoll, 1993 dichotomy) and the humanists (or those
interested primarily in school improvement). Cuban rather colourfully described this
If ever a continental divide existed between researchers on the one side and
policymakers on the other, it is most clearly revealed over effective schools research.
As researchers turned up their collective noses at this body of research, those who
worked daily in improving schools embrace the findings with a relish bordering
on passion…
(Cuban, 1993, p.ix)
Similarly, Reynolds, Hopkins and Stoll (1993) referred to ‘the lack of mesh’ or the
‘overall lack of synchronization’ between the ‘enterprises’ of school effectiveness and
school improvement, which they attributed primarily to historic, paradigmatic and
philosophical differences between the two areas. Despite this, their survey ended on a
positive note in which they described three projects that interwove components of the
traditional school effectiveness and school improvement paradigms (one from Canada
and two from the United Kingdom). Further examples of this increasing blend of
traditional ‘effectiveness’ and ‘improvement’ research and practice are outlined in
Chapter 7.
The growing rapprochement between the scientists and the humanists is also
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
apparent in the writings of some scholars who are beginning to seriously talk about
synthesizing the two approaches. In the terms employed in this present analysis, we
may call those synthesizers ‘pragmatists’, again utilizing the terminology of Howe
(1988) who has written at a conceptual level encompassing the paradigmatic differences
between positivism (which underlies the scientific or traditional school effectiveness
orientation) and constructivism (which underlies the humanistic or traditional school
improvement orientation). He argues that while the two paradigms have seemed to
be irreconcilable on the surface, due to fundamentally different theoretical assumptions,
a third paradigm called pragmatism can indeed unite components of the two
approaches (see Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998 for a further discussion of pragmatism
and mixed methodology).
Essentially the same argument is made by Reynolds et al., who give:
Examples of fruitful intellectual and practical interrelationships between the two
bodies of knowledge, which represent in fact a distinctively new paradigm built
on the foundations of the existing two…
(Reynolds et al., 1993, p.38)
Pragmatists are now beginning to perform three of the four functions noted by
Huberman (1993) in his description of how researchers and practitioners typically
1 knowledge production—performed by both scientists and pragmatists;
2 knowledge transfer—performed by pragmatists;
3 knowledge use—performed by humanists (school improvers) and by pragmatists;
4 communication of needs—performed by humanists (school improvers).
The suggestions noted above about the intellectual desirability of a ‘merger’, ‘synthesis’
or ‘synergy’ between the two existing groups and the related need for a third, pragmatic
orientation and epistemology are paralleled elsewhere in the field. In the United
Kingdom, the Department of Education and Science project on School Development
Plans (SDPs), for example, was an attempt to develop a strategy that would, among
other things deal with issues of effectiveness and improvement (see Hargreaves and
Hopkins, 1989, 1991). The work of Bruce Joyce and his colleagues (see Joyce et al.,
1983, 1992; Joyce and Showers, 1988) has also for some time transcended both
paradigms. Although located within the humanistic school improvement tradition,
Joyce argues strongly for the raising of student achievement through the utilization of
specific models of teaching and staff development designs and is of a scientific
orientation in his own teacher effectiveness research.
Mortimore (1991b, p.223) has argued for transferring ‘the energy, knowledge and
skills of school effectiveness research to the study of school improvement’. Stoll and
Fink additionally (1992, p.24) maintain that ‘it is only when school effectiveness
research is merged with what is known about school improvement, planned change
and staff development, that schools and teachers can be empowered and supported in
their growth towards effectiveness’. The mission statement of the journal School
Effectiveness and School Improvement (Creemers and Reynolds, 1990) also argued
for the still, small voice of empirical rationality being utilized jointly to assess the
Current Topics and Approaches
validity both of existing models of school improvement and of some existing, simplistic,
factor-based theories of school effectiveness.
The Needs for Merger
The future benefits of a merged or integrated discipline become even clearer if one
considers how central the two disciplines or ‘paradigms’ of scientific school effectiveness
and humanistic school improvement are to each other. To take the practice of school
improvement first, it is clear that knowledge is needed concerning the factors within
schools and classrooms that should be changed to enhance processes and outcomes.
Effectiveness research can provide that knowledge. Likewise, school improvement
and its consequent changes to school and classroom factors can provide a testing
ground for school effectiveness theories that relate processes and outcomes, and can
therefore show if there are causal links involved.
What the two paradigms can contribute to each other and to enhanced educational
quality is currently minimized because of a consistent lack of synchronization between
the effectiveness and improvement enterprises. To take the deficiencies in existing
school effectiveness research first:
There are very few studies at the level of ‘case studies’ of effective, or even more
so ineffective, schools that would show the inter-relationships between school
process variables and paint a picture for improvement practitioners of the fine-
grained reality of school and classroom processes. The American study by
Rosenholtz (1989), and some of the ‘mixed methodology’ work from the
‘Louisiana School Effectiveness Study’ of Teddlie and Stringfield (1993), are
exceptions to this trend internationally, but even they do not get particularly
‘close to the action’. In the UK, for example, we still have no in-depth, qualitative
portrait of the effective school equivalent to Louis and Miles’s (1990) Improving
the Urban High School, which provides excellent case studies of process variables,
although the National Commission on Education’s (1995) examination of 11
schools which were successful ‘against the odds’ has encouraged a start in this
area. The absence of rich case study explanations reduces the practitioner
relevance of the effectiveness research and makes the transfer of knowledge to
improvement programmes difficult. Further case study evidence is in the pipeline
(Gray et al., 1999).
School effectiveness studies are very deficient at the level of the study of ‘processes’
rather than factors, since effectiveness researchers have considerably more
experience at the level of school organizational factors. School processes defined
in terms of attitudes, values, relationships and climate have been somewhat
neglected, therefore, even though school improvement needs information on these
factors within schools, given their centrality to the process of improvement and
development that is discussed in Chapter 7.
School effectiveness studies customarily show a ‘snapshot’ of a school at a point
in time, not an evolutionary and moving picture of a school over time, a neglect
which hinders the usefulness of the knowledge for purposes of school development.
School improvement necessitates ideas about how schools came to be effective (or
for that matter ineffective), in order to replicate (or for that matter eradicate) the
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
processes. This necessitates a dynamic, evolutionary, evolving and ‘change over
time’ orientation within school effectiveness research.
School effectiveness studies, with the exception of work by Rosenholtz (1989)
and Coleman and Laroque (1991), have tended to neglect the importance and
potential impact of other educational institutions, arrangements and layers above
the level of the school. As Hopkins notes when discussing school improvement
conducted within the International School Improvement Project (ISIP):
much thought…was given to the way in which improvement policies are
established at various levels…to the structured factors related to support, e.g.
external support…Much of the effective schools literature appears to take such
‘meso level’ issues as unproblematic, yet the ISIP case studies suggest that this is
just not so.
(Hopkins, 1990, p.188)
School improvement needs to be informed by knowledge as to what conditions
outside the level of the school are necessary to generate process and outcome
improvement, although recent work by Stoll and Fink (1994, 1996) does begin to
explore this issue.
School effectiveness knowledge also misses the chance of satisfaction of the needs
of school improvement by being dated. Improvement schemes in the 1990s need
to be based on knowledge that is generated from schools that reflect the
characteristics of schools in the 1990s, not the schools of the 1970s and 1980s. At
the level of what makes for effective schooling, process factors such as the ‘assertive
principal instructional leadership’ which was associated with school effectiveness
in the 1980s may not be associated in the same way in the 1990s, when demands
for ownership by teachers may have changed the educational cultural context.
Outcomes appropriate for measurement in the 1980s, such as academic
achievement or examination attainment, may not be the only outcomes appropriate
to the 1990s, where new goals concerning knowledge of ‘how to learn’ or ability
in mastering information technology may be necessary (we speculate more on this
theme in Chapter 12).
School effectiveness research has rarely been ‘fine grained’ enough to provide
information that is needed for school improvement, since the variation in ‘what
works’ by contexts has been a focus only of the very limited amount of North
American work (Hallinger and Murphy, 1986; Wimpelberg et al., 1989). School
improvement needs more than the notion of what works across context in the
average school, and needs more than data on the relationships between school
processes and outcomes for all schools. It needs knowledge of the factors that will
generate improvement in particular schools in particular socioeconomic and cultural
contexts. Since only a small amount of our school effectiveness database is analysed
by context, the delineation of the precise variables that school improvement needs
to target to affect outcomes is clearly impossible at present. The disaggregation of
samples of schools to permit the analysis of contextual variation needs, of course,
also to focus on the precise organizational and process variables that may be
responsible for the differential effectiveness of schools with different groups of
pupils within them (Nuttall et al., 1989), or pupils taking different subjects
Current Topics and Approaches
(Sammons et al., 1995a). Findings of differential school effects also necessitate
investigations oriented towards differentiated analyses of within-school factors,
rather than the present concentration upon ‘common’ school process factors.
Moving on from what school effectiveness research could give to school improvement
programmes, it is clear that a somewhat changed school improvement enterprise could
likewise perform a similar function for school effectiveness.
At the moment, school improvement research and practice is too deficient in the
following ways to do this:
School improvement practice/research has only rarely measured the impact of
changes in improvement programmes upon the outcomes of pupils or students.
Part of the explanation for this may be the historical tendency of school
improvement to celebrate certain styles of professional practice, because of its
association with the training needs and desires of the teaching profession within
schools. Another part of the explanation may be the reluctance of many within
the school improvement paradigm to be explicit about what the nature of school
outcomes, or the educational goals of their programmes, really are. However, the
absence of data on improvement programme effects restricts the ability of those
within the school effectiveness tradition to help knowledge expand, in terms of
further understanding the possible causal relationships between school processes
and school outcomes.
Those engaged in school improvement need urgently to pay attention to the
implications of multilevel modelling procedures for their programmes. As noted
earlier, the evidence from effectiveness research that schools can have different
effects upon their pupils (Nuttall et al., 1989), and that schools effective for some
groups of pupils may actually be less effective for others, has wide-ranging
implication for school improvement. These results imply that improvement attempts
need urgently to move away from the much vaunted ‘whole-school’ strategies
towards more finely targeted programmes that may vary within the school in
terms of their content, their focus and their target group. Above all, schools need
to examine assessment data, whether these are academic results, attendance
patterns, attitudes or any other measures of students’ progress and development,
and look for variations between different subsets of the population. By taking
these differences into account, and by focusing improvement at the level of boys-
girls, high ability-low ability pupils, and pupils from ethnic minorities-pupils from
‘host’ cultures, it would be possible to generate more appropriate school change
strategies. This would in turn allow researchers to generate evidence about
differentially effective school processes, as the effects of the change attempts were
targeted within schools.
School improvement research needs to refocus its activities, from placing a greater
emphasis on the school level to highlighting the level of the classroom. A
considerable volume of research now exists which suggests that teachers’ focal
concerns are with the content of their curricula and the nature of their instructional
practice, rather than with the wider organization of the school. Yet many school
improvement efforts have, until recently, neglected the primacy of instruction. By
not focusing on instruction, school improvement runs the risk of manipulating
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
variables only at the level of the school, which, in most research, explains much
less of the variation in student outcomes than do variables at the instructional or
classroom level (see for a review Creemers, 1992).
School improvement needs to move beyond its current status as what West and
Hopkins (1995) have called ‘a glorified staff development activity’. Many of the
growing number of networks or school improvement ‘clubs’ reviewed by Myers
and Stoll (1993) and Stoll and Mortimore (1995) involve, when looked at closely,
a traditional alliance of local authority professional developers, University
Departments of Education that customarily have a strong stake in continuing
professional development activities, and the senior personnel in schools. The three
groups might be seen as celebrating each other’s importance and status, if evaluation
of the gain educational ‘consumers’, children or their parents, obtain from their
activities is not addressed.
School improvement may need to consider the prominence it has given to the
‘voice’ of the teacher. This is understandable, given that using the perceptions
and language of teachers helps bring to life for teachers the improvement process,
in ways that use of research perspective or language may not. As West and
Hopkins (1995) note, however, it may be useful to start with the voice of the
teacher as an explanatory variable but it would be an error of judgment to
neglect other voices.
Pragmatism in Practice
In the four countries whose research literatures we surveyed in Chapter 1, there is
now much evidence that it is precisely the interactions between the scientific and the
humanistic, between effectiveness and improvement, that is generating significant
‘cutting edge’ advances. In the USA, the Louisiana School Effectiveness studies (Teddlie
and Stringfield, 1993), have utilized multiple methods, have studied both school
improvement/change and school effectiveness, and have clearly led the researchers
into further intellectual development into the related ‘improvement’ areas of
programme evaluation (Stringfield et al., 1997a) and of practical educational policy
concerns about evaluation, dysfunctional schools and school development (Teddlie
and Stringfield, 1993).
In the Netherlands, we will see later in Chapter 7 that school development now
includes in certain instances both the school effectiveness and school improvement
knowledge bases that formerly have been kept separate, with the addition of teacher
effectiveness in some cases also. Creemers and Reezigt (1996) have also convincingly
argued that the ‘scientific’ effectiveness researchers and ‘humanistic’ school
improvement practitioners have in fact been engaged in rather similar intellectual
enterprises but have labelled them in ways that both magnify differences and lead to
In Australia, the school effectiveness research of Hill and associates noted in Chapter
1 has recently broadened to encompass improvement and intervention programmes
that reflect both their own school effectiveness research and that of Slavin and associates
from the United States (1996).
It is in the United Kingdom that perhaps the most extensive rapprochement of
positions has taken place, with Gray et al. (1999) utilizing school effectiveness
Current Topics and Approaches
data on cohorts of children to study naturally occurring school improvement, for
example (Gray et al., 1996a; Gray and Wilcox, 1995; Hopkins and Reynolds,
1999). The first nine months of 1996 saw no less than three collections of work
published which have as subtitles or titles the theme of ‘merger’ between
effectiveness and improvement (Gray et al., 1996a; Reynolds et al., 1996; Stoll
and Fink, 1996) and indeed one of these (Gray et al., 1996a) was based upon a
pioneering series of symposia held in 1993 and 1994 that brought together 30 of
the leading British effectiveness and improvement scholars from both of the historic
communities. So great has been the intellectual movement made by some
individuals, that in fact there has been recent protest from some that have retained
a ‘classical’, humanistic school improvement stance about what is seen as the
betrayal of the conventional educational discourse by what is seen as a conservative,
authoritarian and reactionary school effectiveness paradigm. We will return to
these themes later in the handbook, and for the moment conclude with an outline
of our organization of the handbook (see Elliott, 1996; Hamilton, 1996; and the
reply to Elliott by Sammons and Reynolds, 1997).
Conclusions: The Organization of this Handbook
Our first survey of professional opinion in the field revealed six general topic areas:
methodological issues;
process of effective schooling issues;
context of school effects issues;
multilevel issues;
improvement issues;
theoretical issues.
These broad topical areas are graphically displayed in Table 2.8, which also contains
the relevant issues associated with each general topic. The methodological issues are
discussed in Chapter 3, in conjunction with the scientific properties of school effects
with which they are associated. The process issues are discussed in Chapter 4, while
context issues are delineated in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 contains a discussion of multilevel
issues, while improvement issues are covered in Chapter 7. Finally, theoretical issues
are explored in Chapter 10.
The remaining chapters in Sections 2 and 3 are Chapter 8 and Chapter 9. Each of
these chapters concerns currently relevant SER topics that our experts did not mention
in their open-ended responses to the ‘current issue’ question, but which seemed
important to us in describing where the SER field is at this point in time.
We also wanted to be sure that each of the 12 topics from the second round survey
was discussed somewhere in this book, preferably in one or two chapters only for the
sake of clarity. These 12 topics had been derived primarily from the quantitative
analysis of the responses to the first round survey, and their relative importance to the
scientists, pragmatists and humanists was discussed above. The following outline
indicates where each of the 12 topics is discussed in the book:
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Chapter 3—The Methodology and Scientific Properties of School Effectiveness
Methodological issues in school effects research
The existence and magnitude of school effects
The stability of school effects across time and the consistency of school effects
across measures
The variance of behaviours within differentially effective schools
Chapter 4—The Processes of School Effectiveness
The role of leadership in school
The interaction of teacher and school effects
District and state effects upon school effects
Chapter 5—Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
The context of school effects
Table 2.8 Key topic areas in school effectiveness research
Current Topics and Approaches
Chapter 6—Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
The interaction of teacher and school effects
District and state effects upon school effects
Chapter 7—Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
The relationship of school effects to school change
The role of leadership in school effects
Chapter 8—School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
International comparative studies of school effects
Chapter 10—Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
The role of theory in school effects research
Chapter 12—The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
School effects and curriculum issues
There are only three areas in which topics overlap across chapters. The first two areas
are ‘The Interaction of Teaching and School Effects’ and ‘District and State Effects
upon School Effects’, both of which are discussed in terms of substantive findings in
Chapter 4 (The Processes of School Effectiveness) and in terms of methodological
considerations in Chapter 6 (Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness
Research). Also, ‘The Role of Leadership’ is discussed in terms of substantive findings
in Chapter 4 (The Processes of School Effectiveness) and in terms of improvement
models in Chapter 7 (Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement).
Further information concerning the arrangement of topics into these chapters
includes the following:
1 Chapter 3 considers major methodological issues in SER and the scientific
characteristics of school effects simultaneously. The determination of each of the
major scientific properties of school effects involves the consideration of
methodological issues; for instance, the consistency of school effectiveness
classification is linked to issues regarding the validity of their measurement, while
the existence and magnitude of school effects is tied to considerations of the internal
validity of SER.
2 The major concerns of the scientists are addressed in Chapter 3 (methodological
considerations and scientific properties), Chapter 6 (especially as it concerns the
methodological aspects of multilevel modelling) and Chapter 10 (theory
development). On the other hand, the major concerns of the humanists are
addressed in Chapter 4 (the processes of school effects), Chapter 5 (the context of
school effects) and Chapter 7 (the application of SER to school improvement).
The more synergistic concerns of the pragmatists are found throughout these
3 We attempt to flesh out the future development of the pragmatic position in our
two chapters on the interaction between SER and related cognate disciplines
(Chapter 11) and our attempt to summarize the key ‘cutting edge’ or ‘leading
edge’ areas in the field.
Section 2
The Knowledge Base of
School Effectiveness Research
3 The Methodology and Scientific
Properties of School Effectiveness
Charles Teddlie, David Reynolds and
Pam Sammons
The organization of this chapter presented a challenge due to the volume of studies that
have accumulated over the past 30 years concerning the scientific properties of school effects.
We use the term ‘school effects’ to describe what is known about the ability of schools
(usually public) to affect the outcomes (usually achievement) of the students that they serve
(Good and Brophy, 1986). This definition distinguishes ‘school effects’ from the two other
major branches of school effectiveness research (see Chapter 1 for more details):
effective schools research, which focuses on the processes associated with successful
schools (summarized in Chapter 4); and
school improvement research, which focuses on the processes involved in school
change (summarized in Chapter 7).
The emphasis on methodological issues in this chapter is in keeping with the orientation
of the ‘scientists’ in the field (see Chapter 2), who are responsible for generating much
of the research discussed here. As noted elsewhere:
In any study in an emerging field, the lessons learned tend to be methodological
as well as substantive. This is particularly the case with school effects research,
given the methodological criticisms that were levelled against studies in this area…
(Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993, p.217)
The ‘scientists’ in this field have been primarily concerned that their studies be done
correctly and not be vulnerable to methodological criticism, often emphasizing scientific
rigour over the needs of the particular question under study. In fact, much of the
school effects literature attempts to demonstrate that school based research can be
executed with scientific rigour, despite criticism to the contrary (e.g. Ralph and
Fennessey, 1983; Rowan, Bossert and Dwyer, 1983).
In keeping with this scientific orientation, we have elected to organize this chapter
around general methodological and psychometric issues in the field of educational
research (i.e. reliability, validity, generalizability, etc.). Scheerens (1993) has called
studies concerned with such basic properties of school effects ‘foundational studies’.
Seven scientific properties of school effects are listed in Table 3.1, together with
Table 3.1 Scientific properties of school effects cross listed with methodological issues in
educational research
Note: SEIs refer to School Effectiveness Indices, which are indicators of a school’s effectiveness status
(Mandeville, 1988; Mandeville and Anderson, 1987). SES refers to socio-economic status of student
body. Phases of schooling (Sammons et al., 1993a, 1996a) refer to levels, such as infant, junior, secondary,
post-16 schools in the UK. Context effects also involve differences in effective schools processes, which
are not discussed in Chapter 3, which is concerned solely with scientific properties of school effects. The
context differences in effective schools characteristics are discussed in Chapter 5. The general methodological
issues are taken from Cook and Campbell (1979) and Anastasi (1982) among other sources.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
the general methodological (or psychometric) issue (s) addressed by each property
(e.g. Anastasi, 1982; Cook and Campbell, 1979). This chapter will be organized around
the following seven topics:
the existence of school effects—related to construct validity and internal validity;
the magnitude of school effects—related to statistical conclusion validity;
context effects—related to the generalizability of school effects across different
settings or ‘contexts’ (e.g. differential school effects across schools with students
from different socio-economic status or SES backgrounds, across schools from
different countries, etc.). This is also labelled compositional effects when it relates
to differences due to student body SES composition;
the consistency of school effects at one point in time—related to concurrent
the stability of school effectiveness indices across time—related to the reliability
of measures and to the generalizability of effects across time (with the school as
the unit of analysis);
differential effects—related to the generalizability of effects across groups of
students within schools and across academic units within schools. The
generalizability of effects across groups of students within schools is sometimes
referred to as the ‘mean masking’ of achievement in the USA;
the continuity of school effects—related to the issues of predictive validity and the
generalizability of effects across time (with the student as the unit of analysis).
Each of these school effects topics is cross-referenced with questions posed by that
issue in Table 3.1. For instance, the existence of school effects can be reconceptualized
as a psychometric issue concerning the construct validity of what we call ‘school
effects’ (i.e. what are school effects? are we measuring what we intended to measure?)
and a research design issue concerning the internal validity of the SER that has been
conducted (i.e. did school effects, or something else, affect student achievement or
change that achievement?).
Throughout this chapter, there will be references to other summaries of the scientific
research literature which have been organized differently. These reviews include the
Rutter (1983a)—a review of the scientific literature from the UK and the USA at
the start of the 1980s, with emphasis on methodological issues;
Good and Brophy (1986)—a review of the USA literature (along with some classic
UK studies), much of which was organized around the limitations of the extant
research in the mid-1980s;
Scheerens’ (1992) and Scheerens and Bosker’s (1997) reviews of the literature,
which included a good mix of studies from the Netherlands, the UK and the USA
through the early 1990s;
Recent reviews of the international literature (e.g. Creemers and Osinga, 1995;
Reynolds et al., 1994c) that have been organized around the research literatures
from specific countries;
Sammons et al. (1996a)—a comprehensive review of mostly UK literature (along
with recent literature from the USA and the Netherlands) that was organized
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
around issues concerning what the authors call the ‘consistency’ of school
Willms’ (1992) and Fitz-Gibbon’s (1996) books on monitoring school and
educational performance are also referenced throughout this review due to their
emphases on definitions, methodological issues, and the estimation of school effects.
The reader should note that several of the studies discussed in this chapter will be
discussed further in Chapter 5 (Context Issues within School Effectiveness
Research) and Chapter 6 (Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness
An Overview of Methodological Concerns in SER
Before discussing each of the scientific properties of school effects, a brief overview of
some of the methodological concerns that have beleaguered the field will be presented.
As noted above, responding to these methodological concerns has been a primary
focus of many ‘scientists’ in the field. These concerns have been around since the field
began; for example, the seminal work of Coleman and his colleagues (1966) received
many criticisms, including the charge that they did not operationalize the school input
variables adequately in order to properly assess the effect that schools have on student
achievement. Similarly, the much referenced Rutter et al. (1979) study received
numerous criticisms surrounding methodological issues such as sampling bias and
appropriateness of statistical procedures (e.g. Acton, 1980; Cuttance, 1982; Goldstein,
1980; Heath and Clifford, 1980).
Methodological issues and the scientific characteristics of school effects are
inseparably interwoven, as will be illustrated throughout this chapter. Different
methodologies have resulted in different substantive findings both within and across
countries. Thus, it is essential that this chapter begin with a discussion of the major
methodological issues that have emerged in SER and with a synopsis of how to conduct
a ‘methodologically correct’ study of school effects.
Six Methodological Concerns in SER
The remainder of this section will briefly address seven of these methodological
concerns, which will be described in more detail throughout this chapter and the rest
of the book (e.g. Good and Brophy, 1986; Purkey and Smith, 1983; Ralph and
Fennessey, 1983; Rowan, Bossert, and Dwyer, 1983).
Inadequate Sampling
School effectiveness research studies have often been criticized for sampling problems,
including the following:
The use of narrow, skewed and relatively small samples that do not allow for
much generalization of results.
This issue has been most often raised in the criticism of effective schools studies (e.g.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Edmonds, 1979a, 1979b; Weber, 1971), which typically sampled schools from one
particular context: urban, poor and predominantly minority (Purkey and Smith, 1983).
Studies within the school effects tradition have also been criticized for sampling issues;
for example, Cuttance (1982) criticized the Rutter et al. (1979) study for the authors’
attempt to generalize from a sample size of only 12 schools.
The use of small sample sizes that do not yield sufficient units of analysis to allow
proper data analysis.
Another issue concerning sample size relates to the need for a large enough number of
observations to allow for data analysis with sufficient discriminative power (Scheerens,
1992) to avoid Type II errors, which involve the failure to detect true differences
when they exist (Cook and Campbell, 1979).
This may especially be a problem in school effects studies in which extensive
classroom observation data are collected. Classroom observation is quite expensive
both in terms of time and money (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Willms, 1992). If a
large enough sample of schools is selected to allow proper data analysis, then the cost
of conducting an adequate number of classroom observations across all of these schools
may be prohibitive. In these studies, researchers must balance the value of having
sufficient numbers of schools to allow adequate data analysis against the value of
doing extensive classroom observations.
Failure to include a typical school level in outlier studies.
Some authors have contended that a better comparison with effective schools would
be typical or average schools rather than ineffective schools (Klitgaard and Hall,
1974; Purkey and Smith, 1983). As noted by Stringfield (1994a), some recent outlier
studies have included this level for analysis.
Another potential problem especially with large scale studies concerns the sampling
and measurement error associated with the use of samples of students to represent
entire schools. Willms concluded that the sampling errors associated with school
effects, especially from smaller schools, may be such that 100 per cent samples are
…even with 50 per cent samples, the sampling errors for smaller schools may be
too large for most policy purposes. It is preferable, therefore, to obtain data on
whole cohorts of pupils. The costs of collecting data on entire cohorts are to
some extent compensated for by saving the administrative costs of obtaining
random samples within each school.
(Willms, 1992, p.46)
The costs associated with 100 per cent samples may, however, simply be overwhelming
in large studies of school effects (e.g. Stringfield, 1994a). For instance, a school effects
study of 76 elementary schools conducted in the mid-1980s (Teddlie et al., 1984) had
a sample of 5,400 students from around 250 classes. If 100 per cent samples had been
gathered from each school, the total sample would have been over 30,000 students in
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
over 1500 classrooms. Studies of this magnitude are very rare in educational research
due to prohibitive costs.
In response to this problem, Willms (1992) demonstrated that estimates of school
effects based on multilevel modelling can make adjustments for sampling and
measurement error. The adjustments involve ‘borrowing strength from the data set as
a whole’ by estimating school effects that are ‘differentially “shrunk” towards the
mean outcome for the entire sample’ (Willms, 1992, p.46). Multilevel modelling, and
this shrinkage of school effects, will be discussed in greater detail later in this chapter
and in Chapter 6.
Inadequate Specification of School Level ‘Process’ Variables
Good and Brophy (1986) discussed the need for both behavioural and perceptual
measures of the processes ongoing within the ‘black box’ of the school and classroom.
As noted below, this criticism has been partially addressed with the advent of input-
process-output (IPO) studies in the 1980s. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that
process (especially in classrooms) is too often measured with perceptual indices such
as surveys, rather than by direct observations of behaviours.
This issue relates to the use of archived datasets in school effectiveness studies. Such
datasets (e.g. the longitudinal High School and Beyond (HS&B) database) are useful
for exploring relationships among school inputs and outputs (e.g. Hannaway and Talbert,
1993), but they can tell us little about the processes whereby these relationships occur.
Inadequate Specification of (Multiple) Measures of School Outcomes
One of the most common criticisms of SER is that additional measures (other than
achievement alone) should be used to assess school effects (e.g. Cuban, 1983; Good
and Brophy, 1986; Purkey and Smith, 1983; Ralph and Fennessey, 1983; Rowan et
al., 1983; Rutter, 1983a; Sammons et al., 1996a). Fortunately some researchers have
used multiple measures of school outcomes, including behavioural indices (e.g. student
and teacher attendance and retention), affective scales (e.g. self concept, locus of
control) and measures of social growth. Studies using these alternative measures
include: Fitz-Gibbon, 1985,1991b; Knuver and Brandsma, 1993; Kochan et al., 1996;
Mortimore et al., 1988; Reynolds, 1976a; Rutter et al., 1979.
For example, Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) used seven different outcome dimensions
in their assessment of schools’ effectiveness status during the second phase of a
longitudinal study of school effects. These measures included achievement indices
(criterion-referenced tests, norm-referenced tests), historical indices of behaviour
(change in student attendance, stability of staff), observations of classroom behaviour
(high-inference teaching behaviour, time-on-task), and measures of school climate (a
research team completed ratings of twelve dimensions of schooling at the student,
classroom and school levels).
The Overreliance on Quantitative Methods and Data
Another criticism of school effects methods reflects the general debate in education
concerning the use of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods (e.g. Brewer and
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Hunter, 1989; Creswell, 1994; Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Howe, 1988; Patton, 1990;
Reichardt and Rallis, 1994; Tashakkori and Teddlie, 1998). For example, many
researchers using the IPO (or CIPO, context-input-process-output) approach have
measured process variables using quantitative measures alone (archived data or the
results of surveys), while these data sources are obviously not the best measures of the
processes being studied. Scheerens (1992), as well as others, has called for direct
observation of these process variables. As noted elsewhere:
We have been discouraged by some studies that apply the most sophisticated
mathematical models available to archived data that are ill suited to inform us
about school processes. It is ironic, when such investigations yielded marginal
results, that the investigators concluded that school effects were not found. Since
the investigators did not collect the necessary data (e.g. classroom observations,
faculty interviews, other proximal indicators of school effects), it should not be
surprising that they were unable to explain their results.
(Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993, p.229)
Issues Regarding the Proper Unit (s) of Analysis
From the scientific point of view, the methodological topic that has generated the
most interest and comment concerns the use of the proper unit (s) of analysis in
school effects research. An international chorus of theoreticians and researchers
unleashed a veritable cacophony of criticism against the use of data aggregated to the
school level in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s (e.g. Aitkin and Longford,
1986; Burstein, 1980a, 1980b; Cronbach, 1982; Cronbach et al., 1976; Glasman and
Biniaminov, 1981; Goldstein, 1986; Hannan et al., 1976; Knapp, 1977; Mason et al.,
1984; Raudenbush and Bryk, 1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1988a, 1988b; Sirotnik and
Burstein, 1985; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989).
Criticisms regarding the practice of aggregating data to the school level were
summarized by Knapp (1977): these aggregated analyses generate biased estimates of
effects because they do not take into consideration the hierarchical nature of the data;
estimates of the importance of variable effects tend to be unstable and inefficient;
these analyses may tend to underestimate school effects; and conclusions are subject
to the risk of cross-level inference problems.
During the 1970s and into the mid-1980s, there was an analytical ‘muddle’ in SER
regarding the aggregation issue. As noted by Glasman and Binianimov (1981),
researchers either used one level of analysis (district, school, individual) or mixed the
levels in a variety of potentially misleading ways. Some of the better known studies of
that period used the following types of analyses (according to Glasman and
Binianimov’s review): district level aggregation (e.g. Bidwell and Kasarda, 1975;
Katzman, 1971); school level aggregation (e.g. Hanushek, 1972); individual level
aggregation (e.g. Murnane, 1975); mixed levels of aggregation, especially school and
individual (e.g. Coleman et al., 1966; Mayeske et al., 1972; Summers and Wolfe,
1977; Winkler, 1975; Wolf, 1977).
Glasman and Binianimov (1981) explained the potential problems with the
underestimation of school effects when mixed levels of analysis were used:
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Conclusions derived from such studies using mixed data aggregation levels should
be treated with caution because the effect of any input may be underestimated.
Such is the case when, for instance, one school mean of years of teaching experience
is correlated with different scores of several students, not all of whom are exposed
to all teachers. Student assignment to particular classes…may be central to student
achievement in those classes.
(Glasman and Binianimov, 1981, p.53)
Burstein (1980a) concluded that referring to unit of analysis issues (such as mixed
data aggregation) as ‘problems’ is misstating the situation, because important variance
is explicable at each of several levels of analysis (e.g. the district, the school, the
classroom, the student). A statistical model was needed that could properly assess the
impact of each of these levels of aggregation simultaneously.
As summarized by Stringfield (1994a), recently developed multilevel modelling
techniques provided the answer to both the thorny unit of analysis issue and to issues
concerning the measurement of change across time (Cronbach and Furby, 1970; Willett,
1988). The most sophisticated of these models allow for both multilevel (three, four
or more) and longitudinal analyses (e.g. Rowe and Hill, 1994; Hill and Rowe, 1996;
Willms, 1992).
Fitz-Gibbon (1996) defined multilevel modelling as ‘analysis of data which is
structured at several levels’ (p. 128), such as the student, the classroom, the Department,
the school and the district. The value of multilevel modelling was summarized by
Fitz-Gibbon (1996) as follows:
Multilevel modelling is a tool which has long been needed. There was a time
when there was no solution to the problem that if you were working with the
classroom as a unit of treatment you were nevertheless encouraged to use the
student as the unit of analysis. The need to separate out effects at the various
levels and model the data, taking account of the non-random assignment of
students and classes, and of the dependence induced by this structure in the data,
was acute…. Because the data are more realistically modelled, multilevel modelling
should be able to detect differences which other methods of analysis overlook.
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1996, pp.129–30)
Fitz-Gibbon (1996) further traced the historical development of multilevel modelling
to three centres of intellectual activity: Aitkin and Longford, formerly at the University
of Lancaster; Bryk and Raudenbush in Chicago; and Goldstein and Rasbach at the
University of London Institute of Education. Aitkin and Longford presented and then
published (1986) a multilevel re-analysis of data originally gathered and analysed by
Gray et al. (1983) in the mid-1980s. This re-analysis, and the rationale for it, proved
influential in both Europe and North America.
By the late 1980s/early 1990s, multilevel statistical techniques were commercially
available in computerized statistical packages both in Europe (Goldstein, 1987b;
Longford, 1986) and North America (Bryk et al., 1986b), and extensive logical and
mathematical justifications for their usage had been written (e.g. Bryk and Raudenbush,
1992; Goldstein, 1987b, 1995a, 1995b; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989). Since that
time these multilevel models have become de rigueur for any researchers wishing to
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
have their SER results taken seriously. More information regarding multilevel modelling
is forthcoming in Chapter 6.
The Lack of Longitudinal Studies
School effects are viewed increasingly as consisting of ongoing processes, and schools
are seen as falling along a continuum of development at any point in time (e.g.
Reynolds, 1992a, 1992b; Scheerens and Creemers, 1989a, 1989b; Stringfield and
Teddlie, 1988, 1990; Slater and Teddlie, 1992). In order to study change over time, it
is necessary to study schools longitudinally (i.e. over the course of multiple years).
Such longitudinal studies will inform us about many school effects properties, the
most obvious of which is the stability of those effects.
Until now, longitudinal large scale studies of school effects have been rare, with the
notable exceptions of the ILEA studies of secondary schools (Rutter et al., 1979) and
of junior schools (Mortimore et al., 1988), the International School Effectiveness
Research Programme (Creemers et al., 1996; Reynolds et al., 1994b), the Hill and
Rowe (1996) study of school effects in Australia, and the ongoing Louisiana School
Effectiveness Study (LSES). The LSES concluded its fifth and sixth rounds of actual
on-site data gathering in school year 1995–6, and schools in this study have now been
studied continuously since 1982–3 (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993). Current longitudinal
studies of school effects are also ongoing in the UK (see description and references in
Chapter 1).
Growth in student achievement has been gaining acceptance from many researchers
as the most appropriate criterion for assessing school effectiveness. Noting that learning
implies growth and change, Willms (1992 referencing Willett, 1988) concludes that:
A preferable indicator of a school’s performance then is the distribution of the
rates of growth of its pupils, rather than the distribution of pupils’ scores on one
(Willms, 1992, p.34)
Longitudinal studies are obviously necessary to study such growth in student learning
across time, and there now exist mathematical models that can properly assess this
type of data.
Designing a ‘State of the Art’ School Effects Study
Scheerens (1992, p.66) listed the characteristics that he believed to be necessary to
carry out a ‘state of the art’ school effects study. The following statement of those
characteristics cross lists them with the methodological issues just discussed:
School effects studies should tap sufficient ‘natural variance’ in school and
instructional characteristics, so that there is a fair chance that they might be shown
to explain differences in achievement between schools. This relates to
methodological criticism number one, inadequate sampling.
School effects studies should have units of analysis that allow for data analysis
with sufficient discriminative power. This is also a sampling issue.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
School effects studies should use adequate operationalizations and measures of
the process and effect variables, preferably including direct observations of process
variables, and a mixture of quantitative and qualitative measures. This relates to
methodological criticism numbers two, three and four: inadequate specification
of the school level ‘process’ variables, inadequate specification of (multiple)
measures of school outcomes and overreliance on quantitative methods and data.
School effects studies should use adequate techniques for data analysis: in many
cases multilevel models will be appropriate to do justice to the fact that we usually
look at classes within schools, pupils within classes and perhaps even schools
within certain types of environments. This relates to methodological criticism
number five: issues regarding the proper unit (s) of analysis.
School effects studies should use longitudinal data, which was the concern of
methodological criticism number six.
School effects studies should adequately adjust effect measures for intake differences
between schools (e.g. in previous achievement and SES of pupils). This
methodological issue will be discussed in the section below on the internal validity
of research conducted on school effects.
According to Scheerens, conducting such ‘state of the art’ studies is time-consuming
and requires a demanding organizational effort. He lists only four large scale school
effects studies which he believes to have met all these requirements:
The Rutter et al. (1979) longitudinal (three year) study of 12 secondary schools in
London. While this study has received much criticism, it also has received praise from
numerous sources. Sammons et al. (1996a) summarized this mixed reaction to the study:
Perhaps because of the obvious political nature of this research context, studies
of school effectiveness have often proved controversial…In the United Kingdom,
publication of Fifteen Thousand Hours produced an avalanche of comment:
highly critical and eulogistic in almost equal parts.
(Sammons et al., 1996a, p.3)
The Brookover et al. (1979) study of 91 elementary schools in Michigan, including
a separate study of four case studies. This study is notable for the inclusion of
process variables that could measure school ‘climate’.
The Mortimore et al. (1988) longitudinal study of 50 junior schools in London.
Scheerens considers this to be the best example of a ‘state of the art study’ in SER.
The Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) multi-phased study in Louisiana, including a
cross-sectional study of 76 elementary schools (LSES-II) and a longitudinal study
of 16 elementary schools (LSES-III through LSES-V).
While the scope of these four studies qualify them as methodologically correct
effectiveness studies according to Scheerens, there are a number of well constructed
studies from Australia, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA that meet all or most of
the criteria he set forth (and, therefore, address the methodological criticisms that
were described above). The results from these studies will be discussed throughout
this chapter and in more detail in Chapter 4.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Six Definitions of School Effects
Before discussing the construct validity of school effects, it is necessary to consider
alternative definitions of these effects, since conceptual and operational definitions
play a large role in determining this type of validity. The definition (s) of school
effects has changed considerably over the past 30 years as the field has become more
conceptually and methodologically sophisticated.
The definitions presented in this section utilize achievement indices as the criterion
measure for school effectiveness, rather than the alternative or complementary measures
suggested by several authors (e.g. Rutter, 1983a, 1983b; Sammons et al., 1996a),
such as classroom behaviour, student participation rates, attitudes toward learning,
etc. We have defined school effects this way since the vast majority of studies examining
the magnitude of school effects have utilized achievement indices exclusively. In a
later section of this chapter (on general issues concerning the magnitude of school
effects), we will discuss the use of alternative outcome variables as school effectiveness
The following six conceptual definitions of school effects were compiled from several
sources (e.g. Bosker and Witziers, 1996; Fitz-Gibbon 1996; Hill and Rowe, 1996;
Raudenbush, 1989; Raudenbush and Willms, 1995; Willms, 1992). The order in which
they are presented traces the evolution of the construct over the 30 year period of
time from Coleman’s 1966 study to today. This list is not exhaustive, but it serves as
a starting point for consideration of the broad distinctions that exist between different
definitions of school effects.
Definition 1: School Effects As the Absolute Effects of Schooling,
Using Naturally Occurring ‘Control’ Groups of Students Who
Receive No Schooling
In these studies (reviewed by Miller, 1983; Rutter, 1983a, 1983b; Good and Brophy,
1986), school effects are considered to be the overall effects of attending school versus
not attending school. There are three types of studies of no schooling:
1 studies conducted in developing countries where education is not compulsory;
2 studies of students who have dropped out; and
3 studies in which some historical event results in ‘no schooling’ for some students
for a period of time.
In a handful of studies examining countries where schooling is not compulsory, it has
been demonstrated that the primary influence on student learning is the quality of the
schools and teachers to which students are exposed, not the students’ family
background variables (e.g. Heynemann and Loxley, 1983; Sharp, Cole and Lave,
1979; Stevenson et al., 1978). Similarly, studies of the impact of dropping out of
school on cognitive performance (e.g. Alexander, K., et al., 1985) indicate the
importance of continued schooling versus no schooling.
A study of no schooling due to an historical event occurred in Prince Edward
County in Virginia from 1959–63. Officials there shut down the school system in
defiance of the Brown (1954) desegregation ruling. Many black students were without
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
schooling in this county during this period of time, and researchers (Green et al.,
1964) compared their performance with black students from an adjacent county. As
described by Miller (1983), the differences in performance results were quite large:
The effects on Blacks in achievement and IQ compared to Blacks in an adjacent
county were devastating. Achievement levels were down from 2.5–4.0 grade
levels in the group who received no formal education and IQs were depressed
from 15–30 points.
(Miller, 1983, p.54)
Fortunately, researchers are rarely given the opportunity of observing the effect of
schooling versus no schooling. Therefore, it is important to understand that virtually
all studies of school effects compare the relative effects of schooling in countries in
which schooling is compulsory (i.e. in which all students are exposed to schools,
teachers, and curriculum assignments). There are no ‘control groups’ in these studies
of school effects. Since all students have some exposure to schools in these studies,
there is necessarily an ‘underestimation of the effects of school on achievement’ (Good
and Brophy, 1986, p.571).
Definition 2: School Effects As the Unadjusted Average Achievement
of All Students in a School
Educational bureaucracies and other governmental entities in various countries have
the unfortunate habit of publishing unadjusted examination results at the school
level, thus allowing unfair comparisons among schools with students from very
different backgrounds. Examples of these reports include the infamous ‘league tables’
published by the Department of Education in the UK (Fitz-Gibbon, 1996) and the
School Report Cards reported annually in Louisiana (Louisiana Department of
Education, 1996). While no self respecting educational researcher would consider
these raw scores to be indicative of the effectiveness status of a school, lay people
(such as parents), uninformed government officials, and education critics often use
them for that purpose.
Definition 3: School Effects As the Impact of Schooling on the Average
Achievement of All Students in a School, Adjusted for Family
Background and/or Prior Achievement
In these studies, school effects are measured by the impact of input variables that
are a function of school policy (e.g. class size, per pupil expenditure) or other
‘manipulable’ factors (e.g. school climate for learning, classroom process variables),
as opposed to student family background inputs and/or prior achievement. These
input-output studies typically utilize schools’ average achievement scores (aggregated
across all students in the school) as the output variable and employ regression analyses
(Ordinary Least Squares) as the mathematical model. As noted above, Glasman
and Binianimov (1981) reviewed studies of this type and concluded that some
employed analyses at the school level only, while others mixed the levels of analysis
(individual, school, district).
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Studies using this approach were conducted in response to the conclusions of earlier
input-output research (in which economic models were applied to educational data),
whose results had indicated that the impact of ‘manipulable’ input variables was
small compared to the effects of family background (e.g. Coleman et al., 1966; Jencks
et al., 1972; Plowden Committee, 1967 in the UK). Willms (1992) noted that these
input-output studies became more sophisticated over time (circa 1965–85) as
researchers developed better mathematical models, used more sensitive outcome
measures, and created input variables that measured school and classroom practices
more precisely. These more sophisticated input-output studies demonstrated significant
relationships between school inputs and achievement levels using analyses that varied
with regard to the levels of analysis utilized (e.g. Brimer et al., 1978; Brookover et al.,
1979; Madaus et al., 1979; Murnane, 1975; Rutter et al., 1979; Summers and Wolf,
1977; Schweitzer, 1984; Teddlie et al., 1984; Wolf, 1977). Several of these studies
were discussed in Chapter 1.
Definition 4: School Effects As Measuring the Extent of ‘Between
Schools’ Variation in the Total Variation of Their Students’
Individual Test Scores
In these studies, researchers report what percentage of the total variation in their
students’ scores is ‘between schools’, as opposed to some other level within the
mathematical model being used (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b; Gray, 1989; Hill and Rowe,
1996; Sammons et al., 1993b). These studies give a general idea of the relative
importance of schools to the performance of individual students using multilevel
mathematical models, or OLS regression analysis applied to pupil-level data (e.g.
Fitz-Gibbon, 1996). (More details regarding the use of regression analyses and
multilevel modelling are given below.)
Studies of this nature have yielded fairly consistent results indicating that between
8–15 per cent of the variance in individual level achievement can be accounted for by
school level variables (e.g. Bosker and Witziers, 1996; Reynolds and Teddlie, 1995;
Scheerens, 1992). Later sections of this report will synthesize the results from several
studies and reviews of studies from the past decade that have utilized this approach.
Definition 5: School Effects As Measuring the Unique Effect of Each
School (in a System) on Their Students’ Outcomes
Willms (1992) defined another type of school effect as:
…the difference between a school’s average level of performance and some
standard, after adjusting statistically for the intake characteristics of the school
(e.g. Aitkin and Longford, 1986; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989). When the term
is used this way, each school in the system is considered to have its own unique
effect on pupils’ outcomes. Thus, there is an ‘effect’ associated with attendance at
a particular school.
(Willms, 1992, p.39)
As was the case with Definition 4, school effects here refer to the effects of schools on
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
individual students, and the indices are generated through the use of multilevel
mathematical models. The data are reported as effect sizes for individual schools,
hence, there is an increased interest in the separate slope (s) generated by data from
individual school (s) as a measure of that particular school’s effectiveness (e.g. Burstein,
1980b; Burstein and Miller, 1979; Jesson and Gray, 1991). (The ‘slopes’ referred to
here are the ‘within-groups’ upward or downward sloping lines illustrating the
relationship between students’ performance and students’ characteristics. See Chapter
6 for more information on slopes and other indices of school effectiveness associated
with multilevel modelling.)
Willms (1992) (and Willms and Raudenbush, 1989) further defined Type A and
Type B school effects:
1 Type A refers to how well an ‘average’ student would perform in School X compared
with the average performance of the entire school system, and
2 Type B refers to how well an ‘average’ student would perform in School X compared
with the performance of schools with similar composition and similar SES contexts
Bosker and Witziers (1996) differentiated between these two school effects as follows:
Type A effects express between school differences in student achievement,
controlling for student background. Type B effects are between school differences
potentially attributable to different school practices by controlling for student
background and context variables (e.g. characteristics of the student population,
characteristics of the community). Type A effects are of interest for students and
their parents in choosing the right school. Type B effects are of interest for those
who want to enhance effective educational practices.
(Bosker and Witziers, 1996, p.2)
Willms (1992) also uses a different measure of magnitude of school effect. Instead of
variance explained, Willms prefers an effect size stated in terms of percentage of
standard deviation (sd) units (e.g. 0.45 sd, 0.56 sd, -0.34 sd, -0.23 sd). These effect
sizes can be positive or negative, meaning that the individual school is either more or
less effective for an individual student compared to some standard. Other measures
of effect sizes will be described below.
Definition 6: School Effects As Measuring the Impact of Schools on
Student Performance over Time
As noted above, many researchers are now calling for longitudinal studies of school
effects, rather than cross-sectional studies (e.g. Hill and Rowe, 1996; Raudenbush,
1989; Stringfield, 1994a; Willms, 1992). Growth in student achievement over time is
now seen as the most appropriate criterion for assessing the magnitude of school
effects, since some researchers believe that school effects models are better specified
using longitudinal designs.
Multilevel models now allow for the measurement of change across time. One
study (Bryk and Raudenbush, 1988; Raudenbush, 1989) utilizing a longitudinal
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
design produced some ‘startling’ results: over 80 per cent of the variance in student
growth in mathematics achievement over three years was between-school. This
study is described in more detail later. This study appears to illustrate ‘…powerful
evidence of school effects that have gone undetected in past research’ (Raudenbush,
1989, p.732).
From a psychometric point of view, the definition (s) of school effects have become
technically and substantively more refined over the past 30 years. The results from
an analysis of school effects can vary depending upon the particular definition that
analysts choose to use. This issue is discussed in more detail in the section on construct
The Existence of School Effects
Sammons, Mortimore and Thomas (1996) and others (e.g. Mortimore et al., 1988;
Reynolds and Cuttance, 1992; Scheerens, 1992; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) have
concluded that school effects do, in fact, exist. These authors have stated that:
…there is a common acceptance that schooling effects can be found; that they are
substantial; and that—in many cases—they are differential. Although studies of
variations between schools exist in both simple and more sophisticated forms,
the majority tend to take account of the differences in the characteristics of the
students entering and attending schools…. the methodology for doing this has
improved considerably over the last twenty years….
(Sammons et al., 1996a, p.l)
We have maintained the separateness of these two ‘properties’ (existence, magnitude)
solely because we wanted to review the methodological issues listed in Table 3.1
related to the ‘existence of school effects’: the psychometric (and design) issue of the
construct validity of school effects and the research design issue of the internal validity
of school effects. Each of these issues will be discussed briefly in this chapter, and then
the subject of the ‘existence’ of school effects will be bypassed.
The Construct Validity of School Effects
When we consider the existence of school effects, we must first select our own particular
theoretical definition (e.g. what do we believe school effects are?) and then the specific
operational definition for those effects (e.g. how do we measure what we believe to be
school effects?). As noted above and throughout the rest of this chapter, the particular
definitions (theoretical and operational) that a researcher gives to school effects has a
dramatic impact on whether they are found and upon their magnitude.
Choosing the theoretical definition of school effects in turn involves a set of decisions.
Using just the six definitions listed earlier, researchers must determine if they are
in the absolute or the relative effects of schooling;
in the impact of schooling on the average achievement of students or the
achievement of individual students;
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
in the effect of a group of schools or in the effect of each individual school; and
in achievement measured at one time or longitudinally.
The repercussions of these choices in definition will be discussed further in the section
on the magnitude of school effects.
After the theoretical definition of school effects has been determined, then the
specific operational definition must be selected. Construct validity, as defined by Cook
and Campbell, refers to the:
…approximate validity with which we can make generalisations about higher
order constructs from research operations.
(Cook and Campbell, 1979, p.38)
Cook and Campbell described two basic types of problems with the operational
definitions of a theoretical construct:
1 construct under-representation—operations failing to incorporate all the dimensions
of the construct; and
2 surplus construct irrelevancies—operations containing dimensions that are
irrelevant to the target constructs.
Both of these problems have been encountered by school effects researchers.
In the earlier days of research on school effects, many studies suffered from construct
underrepresentation in that adequate measures of school processes were not included
in the research designs. For example, as noted above, Coleman and his colleagues
(1966) were criticized for not including adequate measures of school process in their
input-output model of school effects. Much of the progress in the field over the past
20 years has been in the development and inclusion of measures to adequately assess
school effects, first in terms of surveys (e.g. Brookover et al., 1979) and later in terms
of more proximal measures of process (e.g. classroom and school observations as in
Mortimore et al., 1988 and Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
A common current problem with the construct validity of SER concerns the well-
known ‘Hawthorne effect’, which involves ‘surplus construct irrelevancies’. In the
‘Hawthorne effect’, an extraneous factor closely related to the ‘treatment’ has an
impact on the outcome variable, and its effect is confounded with the construct itself
(see Willms, 1992). For example, a school improver may introduce a restructuring
programme into a school to see what impact it will have on student attitudes. His or
her own personal enthusiasm may generate positive change in the school irrelevant to
the programme, and the measure of success (change in student attitude) may pick up
the effect of his or her enthusiastic style, as well as the restructuring effort. This
would be an example of surplus construct irrelevancies, and the existence of a ‘true’
school restructuring effect would be in doubt.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Internal Validity Issues
This section contains a discussion of the internal validity of school effects (Campbell
and Stanley, 1966; Cook and Campbell, 1979), which is the other major methodological
issue concerning the existence of these effects. Cook and Campbell defined internal
validity as:
…the validity with which statements can be made about whether there is a causal
relationship from one variable to another in the form in which the variables were
manipulated or measured.
(Cook and Campbell, 1979, p.38)
Some have argued that consideration of internal validity is not relevant to school
effects research, since internal validity is related only to experimental or quasi-
experimental studies, and school effects research is almost totally correlational in
nature. Despite this concern about the distinction between experimental and
correlational research, many school effects researchers treat conclusions from their
correlational studies as if they were causal in nature. Since these scholars imply that
causal relationships are demonstrated in their studies, then the internal validity of
their research is relevant to their reviewers and readers.
For instance, Maughan et al. (1980) stated that the purpose of the Rutter et al.
(1979) study was to determine whether school influence had any ‘effect’ (thus
implying causation) in raising levels of student outcomes (Cuttance, 1982). Rutter
(1983a, 1983b) further concluded that several school effects findings ‘…point to
the probability of a causal effect’ (p.12). He discussed three sets of evidence for this
1 the results from case studies of matched pairs of schools indicating that those that
have similar inputs, but different outcomes, also differ on school climate (ethos)
in a predictable manner (e.g. Brookover et al., 1979);
2 the findings that there are significant correlations between school climate and
student outcomes even after the overlap with school ‘composition’ has been taken
into account statistically (Brimer et al., 1978; Brookover et al., 1979; Madaus et
al., 1979; Rutter et al., 1979); and
3 the finding that school process variables correlate more highly with pupil
characteristics (i.e. behaviour and achievement) at the end of the school year than
at the beginning (Maughan et al., 1980).
Rutter concluded that all three of these rather different types of results provide
strong ‘circumstantial evidence’ of a causal effect. Researchers willing to interpret
such ‘circumstantial evidence’ as causal should, therefore, try to eliminate from
their studies (by controlling) the effect of variables not associated with school
processes (e.g. the SES of the students attending the schools under study). The essence
of the internal validity issue is to ensure that all other potential causes of the school
outcome (typically student achievement) are entered, and thus accounted for, in the
statistical model.
Much of the concern regarding threats to the internal validity of school effects
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
research is handled with adjusted and value added outcome scores. Sammons et al.
(1996a) distinguished between raw outcome measures, adjusted scores, and value
added scores as follows:
Raw outcome measures are the achievement scores reported by testing agencies,
typically aggregated at the school level, such as the league tables in the UK. These
scores are unadjusted for differences in the SES backgrounds of the students
attending the schools; thus, higher SES schools will typically do better than lower
SES schools on these raw measures.
Adjusted scores take into consideration background characteristics of students
attending schools (e.g. social class, ethnicity and gender). This technique has often
been used in the USA both in research studies (e.g. Brookover et al., 1979; Teddlie
and Stringfield, 1993; Witte and Walsh, 1990) and in state reports on the
performance of schools.
Value added scores also take into consideration ‘prior achievement of pupils on
entry to school’ (Sammons et al., 1996a, p.5). By including background and prior
achievement variables in models measuring the impact of school effects, researchers
remove them as threats to the internal validity of their studies. This technique has
often been used in the UK and the USA both in research studies and in reports on
the performance of schools and departments within schools (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon,
1992; Sanders and Horn, 1995a, 1995b).
Several authors (e.g. Stringfield and Teddlie, 1990; Willms, 1992) have discussed
other factors that, if not detected and properly controlled for, might also be threats
to the internal validity of school effects studies: underdetected changes in SES of
students attending schools (due to sudden changes in the local employment or
migration of new student sub-populations); confusing administrators’ efforts to
boost student achievement through technical means (such as ‘teaching to the test’)
with true school change efforts aimed at changing the ‘instructional core’ of the
school; failure to recognize ‘good’ and ‘bad’ years of schools due to differences in
cohorts of students; and other ‘random fluctuations’ that are hard to detect. These
factors can lead to an artificial increase (or decrease) in student achievement,
which can subsequently lead to the overestimation (or underestimation) of school
These threats to the internal validity of school effects studies are particularly
troublesome for one-point-in-time cross-sectional studies, which was the nature of
much research in the area, especially through the mid-1980s. Willms concluded that
longitudinal studies are necessary to avoid confusion regarding the true causal agents
in research on schooling:
To separate the effects on schooling outcomes attributable to schooling per se
from those attributable to other factors or to random fluctuation, one requires
data describing schooling inputs, processes, and outputs for successive cohorts
on at least two occasions; three or more are preferable…. The point to be made,
though, is that data for successive cohorts can be used in a longitudinal design
that provides richer and more accurate information about the effects of schools.
(Willms, 1992, p.36)
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
The Magnitude of School Effects
Statistical Conclusion Validity
General Considerations
The methodological issue associated with the magnitude of school effects in Table 3.1
is statistical conclusion validity, defined as threats to drawing valid conclusions about
‘covariation’ between variables based on statistical evidence (Cook and Campbell,
1979, p.37). There are several threats to statistical conclusion validity (e.g. low
statistical power, violated assumptions of statistical tests, ‘fishing’ or the error rate
problem). Two of these threats are relevant to SER:
1 The threat of low statistical power, or making incorrect ‘no-difference’ conclusions
(Type II error), may occur when sample sizes are small. Small sample sizes has, of
course, been one of the methodological difficulties frequently associated with school
effects studies. In studies employing small samples, researchers run the risk of
reporting erroneous results indicating that there are no school effects.
2 ‘Fishing’ or the error rate problem occurs:
…when multiple comparisons…are made and there is no recognition that a
certain proportion of the comparisons will be significantly different by chance.
(Cook and Campbell, 1979, p.42)
This ‘fishing’ for significant results can result in Type I errors, where it is falsely
concluded that significant relationships exist when they do not. School effects studies
have been subjected to this criticism. For instance, Cuttance (1982) criticized the
work of Rutter and his colleagues (1979) as follows:
Without a theory or set of hypotheses about the nature of the processes underlying
the statistical models they use, there is no possibility of drawing conclusions which
purport to show that the relationship in the models is causal in nature. The lack
of an overall theoretical framework led the authors to embark on a fishing
expedition in which the size of the holes in the net was determined by the irrelevant
criterion of statistical significance. Everything that did not fall through the net
was ground up into a new super fishmeal—‘school ethos’.
(Cuttance, 1982, p.487)
Two points should be made with regard to this criticism of this specific study:
1 experts in the field (e.g. Good and Brophy, 1986; Scheerens, 1992) consider the
Rutter study to be one of the most important and influential studies in the history
of SER; and
2 the lack of a theoretical orientation is one of the primary criticisms brought against
almost all SER, not just Rutter’s study (see Chapter 10 for an extensive treatment
of theoretical issues in SER).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Nevertheless, the comments by Cuttance illustrate the point that there have been
problems with the statistical conclusion validity of even the better known SER.
Aggregated versus Disaggregated Data
The most important issue regarding statistical conclusion validity in school effects
research has been the ‘units of analysis’ issue, discussed previously as both a
methodological and a definitional problem. Specific concerns about aggregating the
data to the school level include:
1 the possibility of generating biased estimates of the relationships between variables
(which is a ‘magnitude of effect’ issue) and
2 difficulties associated with statistical conclusions that are subject to the risk of
cross-level inference problems (e.g. Aitkin and Longford 1986; Alexander, K., et
al., 1981; Burstein 1980a, 1980b; Cronbach et al., 1976; Hannan et al., 1976;
Lau, 1979; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989).
Willms (1992) expressed the prevailing orthodox point of view regarding the preference
for individual student level data, as opposed to school level data:
School effects, as defined above, refer to the effects of schools on individual pupils,
not their effect on some aggregate of pupils…. Aggregate data, such as school
mean achievement or school mean SES, are insufficient…. [The] principal objection
is that estimates based on aggregate data can be biased if they do not take account
of the hierarchical nature of educational data. If one could assume that the
relationship between pupils’ outcomes and the relevant background variables
were identical across schools in a system, then estimates based on aggregate data
would be similar to what I refer to as Type B effects. However, this assumption
does not hold in most schooling systems, and generally estimates based on
aggregate data are inaccurate and misleading.
(Willms, 1992, p.44)
We will return to this issue in a later section of this chapter on the importance of
school as a level of analysis in SER. Results from studies utilizing the school as the
unit of analysis, typically conducted before the advent of multilevel modelling, will be
presented throughout this chapter. These studies have historical value in the evolution
of school effects research, if nothing else.
Regression Analyses and Multilevel Modelling
The choice of the specific statistical techniques to be used in SER has again become
a topic of debate over the past few years (e.g. de Leeuw and Kreft, 1995a, 1995b;
Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b, 1995a; Goldstein, 1995a; Mason, 1995; Rogosa and Saner,
1995a and 1995b). While almost all contemporary, sophisticated SER utilizes
multilevel modelling, there has been some concern about technical problems with
its estimates and about the increasing complexity of its operations. Some researchers
and statisticians (e.g. de Leeuw and Kreft, 1995a; Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b, 1995a)
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
have concluded that regression analyses may be more appropriate for some
We will return to this issue of multilevel modelling and regression analyses later in
the chapter. Results from studies utilizing regression analyses, especially from the
time of the Coleman Report (1966) to the Aitkin and Longford (1986) study, will be
presented throughout this chapter. In a review of this type, we believe that it would be
inappropriate to ignore the results from studies that constitute roughly two-thirds of
the life of the study of school effects (1966–86). Such a review would be woefully
inadequate in our opinion. It should be noted, however, that this point of view is not
held by all researchers interested in the study of school effects. Bosker and Witziers, in
a statistical meta-analysis of the magnitude of school effects, chose to not include
these earlier studies, using the following logic:
Another important aspect in meta-analysis is the quality of the research studies at
hand; the validity of a meta-analysis is largely determined by the quality of the
individual studies in the analysis. In this study quality was largely addressed from
a statistical point of view. Studies before 1986 had to rely on—in hindsight—
unsound statistical procedures (Aitkin and Longford, 1986), mainly due to the
lack of appropriate statistical procedures to deal with the hierarchical nature of
the data. Of course this situation has changed dramatically over the past 10 years
and this implies that in this meta-analysis we have only used those studies, which
…use the sound statistical procedures. This implies that only studies using multi-
level procedures are included in our analysis…
(Bosker and Witziers, 1996, p.6)
Results from Reviews of Research Considering the Magnitude of
School Effects
Both Scheerens (1992, p.55) and Sammons et al. (1996a) have commented on how
frustrating it is to summarize results concerning the magnitude of school effects. This
is the case due to the broad divergence in types of school effects studies, in operational
definitions of the independent variables, in choice of dependent variables, and in the
statistics whereby the effects are expressed. Scheerens (1992) concluded that it was
‘child’s play’ for the early reviews of the field to try to make conclusions based on
such diverse studies and report formats. Nevertheless, he and other respected scholars
have quite legitimately summarized the more recent evidence on the magnitude of
school effects, and in the following section we will attempt to draw conclusions from
some of the most recent of those reviews.
One point, that will become more clear below, is that the magnitude of school
effects varies across several important ‘contexts’: by socio-economic status of student
body (e.g. predominantly middle class, predominantly lower class); by phase of
schooling (e.g. infant, junior, secondary in the UK); by country in which the study
was conducted; etc. In fact, much of this variance seems systematic (e.g. effects at the
lower grade levels are usually larger than those at the upper grade levels). This
systematic variance in effect sizes will be discussed in more detail further on and in
Chapter 5.
In this section of the review, we will summarize recent, comprehensive reviews of
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
SER, that have included extensive information on the magnitude of school effects
(e.g. Bosker and Witziers, 1996; Bosker and Scheerens, 1989; Creemers and Osinga,
1995; Mortimore, 1991b; Reynolds et al., 1994a; Reynolds and Cuttance, 1992;
Reynolds, Sammons, Stoll, Barber and Hillman, 1995; Sammons et al., 1993a, 1996a;
Sammons, 1996; Scheerens, 1992; Scheerens and Creemers, 1994; 1995; Scheerens
and Bosker, 1997; Stringfield and Herman, 1995, 1996; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
The next section of the chapter contains a review of the results from some selected
individual studies of the magnitude of school effects.
Scheerens (1992) presented reviews of two sets of studies that included estimates
of the size of school effects: twelve UK and USA studies of school effects (Brimer et
al., 1978; Brookover et al., 1979; Coleman et al., 1966; Evertson et al., 1978; Gray,
McPherson and Raffe, 1983 (re-analysis by Aitkin and Longford, 1986); Madaus et
al., 1979; Mortimore et al., 1988; Rutter et al., 1979; Schweitzer, 1984; Spade et al.,
1985; Teddlie et al., 1984; Wolf, 1977); and sixteen Dutch studies of school effects
(e.g. Hoeben, 1989).
These reviews included tables that compared the studies on school type, dependent
variables, analysis level, type of analysis, independent variables and effect size, between-
schools variance and total variance explained by variables in the model. Scheerens
(1992) concluded that:
When we look at school effectiveness research in The Netherlands, for example,
it seems that the average variance between schools amounts to 11 or 12 per cent
of the total variance. This percentage hardly deviates from the results of the
American and British studies discussed….
(Scheerens, 1992, p.70)
Bosker and Scheerens (1989) had reached similar conclusions in an earlier review of
Dutch studies, concluding that the average total variance in individual student
achievement due to between-school factors was 12 per cent.
Scheerens and Creemers (1995) reported basically the same results from their recent
review (reported in Chapter 1) of 42 Dutch studies (29 studies in a primary setting; 13
in a secondary setting). They concluded that 9.5 per cent of the individual student
variance at the primary level is due to between schools factors, while 13.5 per cent of
the individual student variance at the secondary level is due to between schools effects.
The following list includes some of the studies analysed in this review: Bosker, Kremers
and Lugthart, 1990; Hoeben, 1989; Hofman, 1993; Hofman, 1995; Luyten, 1994a,
1994b, 1994c; Scheerens et al., 1989; Werf and Tesser, 1989.
Recent reviews of the UK literature by Reynolds, Sammons and their colleagues
(e.g. Reynolds, 1992a; Reynolds et al., 1994c; Sammons, 1996) have included several
studies that have examined the effect of school size (e.g. Daly, 1991; Gray, 1981,
1982; Gray, Jesson and Jones, 1986; Gray, Jesson and Sime, 1990; Jesson and Gray,
1991; Sammons et al., 1993b; Rutter et al., 1979; Smith and Tomlinson, 1989; Thomas
et al., 1994; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989). These reviews have resulted in similar
conclusions to those made by the Dutch reviewers:
Early beliefs that school influence might be as large as family or community
influences were misplaced. A very large number of studies in the last five years
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
show only 8–15 per cent of the variation in pupil outcomes as being due to
differences among schools.
(Reynolds, 1992a, p.70)
Bosker and Witziers (1996) performed a statistical meta-analysis summarizing results
from 103 studies that had utilized multilevel analyses in their estimation of school
effects. As noted above, only studies employing multilevel analyses were included in
the meta-analyses, so research from the first 20 years of SER (circa 1966–86) was
automatically eliminated. Also, the sample was heavily weighted toward research
from certain countries (e.g. 32 per cent of the total were from The Netherlands), since
these studies met the criteria for inclusion.
There were two overall conclusions of interest. First, the meta-analysis
indicated that over all reviewed studies, school level factors accounted for 18
per cent of the gross (unadjusted) variance in student level achievement and 8
per cent of the net (adjusted for student background) variance in student level
Secondly, the meta-analysis indicated that studies from Third World countries
reported the largest school effect, followed by studies from North America, which
were followed by studies from the UK, the Netherlands, and industrialized nations
from the Pacific Rim. Estimates of the per cent of variance attributable to the school
level would, therefore, be higher for Third World studies than the general figure
reported here.
From their sample of USA studies employing multilevel modelling, Bosker and
Witziers (1996) concluded that the school factors level accounted for an average of
21 per cent of the gross (unadjusted) variance in student level achievement and 10 per
cent of the net (adjusted for student background) variance in student level achievement.
Some researchers and reviewers would put the USA gross unadjusted figure in the
15–30 per cent range (e.g. Bryk and Raudenbush, 1988; Miller, 1983; Murnane, 1975;
Raudenbush, 1989; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
Creemers, Reynolds, Stringfield and Teddlie (1996) recently reported data from
the ISERP longitudinal international study of school effectiveness, which indicated
that more variance in student achievement was attributable to the school level in the
USA sample (16–17 per cent) than in the sample from Great Britain (8–11 per cent)
or any of the other countries in the study (0–11 per cent), which were all industrialized
countries (see Chapter 8 for more details regarding this study). These figures are
basically in alignment with those reported by Scheerens and Bosker (1997).
Results from Selected Studies Considering the Magnitude of School Effects
The following section reviews selected studies that have examined the magnitude of
school effects. These studies were selected because they present valuable information
on the magnitude issue, or because they involved an important methodological or
analytical breakthrough, or a combination of those two reasons. They are presented
in chronological order.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Colemanetal et al. (1966)
The well known Coleman Report (Coleman et al., 1966) officially named the Equality
of Educational Opportunity Study, has often been cited as the study that initiated
school effectiveness research in the USA. As noted in Chapter 1, this study concluded
that schools have little effect on students’ achievement that is independent of their
family background and social context. Madaus et al. (1980) concluded that the
Coleman Report ‘…denied the efficacy of schooling as a powerful equalizer in American
society’ (p.28).
The federally sponsored research study that Coleman and his colleagues conducted
involved 4000 elementary and secondary schools and utilized regression analyses to
predict student level achievement, even though much of the input data that were
utilized were not at the individual student level. Researchers who re-analysed the
data came to the same basic conclusions as Coleman, although the Mayeske et al.
(1972) re-analysis indicated that more of the variance was between schools.
Coleman et al. reported that 5–35 per cent of the variance in individual level
achievement was attributable to between school factors, with the remaining variance
attributable to within school factors. This large range in the variation attributable to
between school factors (5–35 per cent) was due to differences in the between schools
effect for different ethnic groups: there was more between schools variance in the
scores of Puerto Ricans, American Indians, Mexican-Americans and ‘Negroes’ in the
southern United States; there was less between schools variance in the scores of
‘Negroes’ in the northern United States, Whites in either the northern or southern
United States, and oriental Americans. Coleman et al. (1966) called this interesting
phenomenon differential ‘sensitivity to variations in school quality’ with the lowest
achieving minority groups showing highest sensitivity.
Coleman and colleagues concluded that the between schools variation for the
numerically larger groups (Whites, ‘Negroes’) was between 10–20 per cent of the
total variation in individual student achievement. Furthermore, the proportion of
that variation that was due to what Coleman considered to be true ‘school factors’
(e.g. teacher characteristics, material facilities and curriculum, and characteristics of
the groups and classes in which pupils were placed) was even less. Since Coleman
continued to report the variation accounted for separately for different ethnic groups,
interpretation of the unique variation due to true school factors was somewhat
obscured, but most reviewers put that variation at 5–9 per cent for the larger ethnic
groups (e.g. Bosker and Witziers, 1996; Daly, 1991; Scheerens, 1992).
Interpretation of the Coleman Report results presaged much of the methodological
debate in the estimation of the magnitude of school effects that persists to the present
day. Three major criticisms are as follows.
1 The major criticism was that the study did not include the types of variables that
would measure the true effect of the school, which was later operationalized as
school climate variables by Brookover et al. (1979) and others. Coleman did
include some student attitudinal variables (e.g. control of environment, interest
in learning and reading, self-concept) which accounted for relatively large
amounts of the between schools variation, but he concluded that these ‘attitudes
depend more on the home than the school’ (Coleman et al., 1966, p.324).
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Brookover and others later reconceptualized these variables (e.g. student sense
of academic futility) as being more related to the school than the home. This
issue of what really affected the variable (the home or the school) has been
discussed in the literature as ‘multicollinearity’. As Murnane noted, Coleman’s
decision to enter the home environment variables into the regression equation
before the school variables biased ‘the analysis against finding the school variables
important’ (Murnane 1975, p.9).
2 The unit of analysis issue also arose, with Coleman and his colleagues establishing
the precedent that the individual student was the appropriate unit. Other researchers
have chosen the school as the unit of analysis for some or all of their analyses (e.g.
Brimer et al., 1978; Brookover et al., 1979; Rutter et al., 1979; Schweitzer, 1984;
Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Teddlie et al., 1984; Wolf, 1977). This issue will be
discussed more thoroughly in the next section of this chapter.
3 Coleman used verbal achievement as the outcome variable. Other researchers (e.g.
Madaus et al., 1979) have argued that such standardized tests are less sensitive to
differences in school characteristics than are curriculum specific tests.
The Plowden Report (1967)
The UK equivalent to the Coleman Report was the Plowden Report, officially called
Children and their Primary Schools, produced by the Central Advisory Council for
Education in England. This report concluded that ‘Differences between parents will
explain more of the variation in children than differences between-schools’ (The
Plowden Report, p.35). Parental attitudinal factors, in fact, accounted for 58 per cent
of the variance in student achievement in this study. Ainsworth and Batten (1974)
conducted a longitudinal four year follow up study to the Plowden Report and reported
very high correlations between achievement levels at the two time points and that
social class was basically determinate.
Jencks et al. (1972)
These researchers re-analysed the Coleman Report data, plus data reported from
several other studies. They arrived at results similar to those of Coleman, concluding
that schools do not matter much with regard to either student achievement or economic
success in later life. Family background characteristics of students largely determined
their success in school and their future incomes.
An interesting methodological advance of the Jencks’ work involved assessing the
impact of home and school in terms of effect sizes, rather than per cent of variance
accounted for in student achievement. Jencks et al. (1972) concluded that effect sizes
for schools, controlled for student intake and prior achievement, would be no larger
than 0.17 for white students and 0.20 for black students. (See discussion later in this
chapter regarding various methods for estimating effect sizes.) Bosker and Witziers
(1996) concluded that effect sizes of this magnitude are small using the operational
definition provided by J.Cohen (1969).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Murnane (1975)
In his book entitled The Impact of School Resources on the Learning of Inner City
Children, Murnane (1975) predicted individual level student achievement using prior
achievement as a control variable, a practice not often used in USA studies until the
advent of multilevel model studies. In this study, Murnane tested the hypotheses
that assignment to particular classrooms and to particular schools have an impact
on student achievement. Murnane concluded that both class and school assignment
did have a significant effect upon student achievement, with the average amount of
variance accounted for across seven separate regressions increasing 15 per cent
(from 47 per cent to 62 per cent) as classroom and school assignment (dummy
coded) were added to the effect of prior achievement and student background
Murnane (1975, p.25) was quite prescient in his discussion of the methodological
issues that he felt were important in SER, since many of his conclusions regarding
these issues reflect contemporary normative practice. He argued:
that the unit of analysis should be the individual student since intra-school variance
is larger than inter-school variance;
that longitudinal information on school inputs applied to individual students should
be used since past school experiences can affect current performance;
that prior achievement should be controlled for in the statistical models;
that different ‘structures’ should be estimated for different types of students (e.g.
different ethnicities);
that several different outputs of the schooling process should be included; and
that peer group influences should be separated from influences of the students’
own background.
Summers and Wolfe (1977)
Their study of elementary students in Philadelphia included the following
methodological advances: student-specific data were included for both inputs (where
possible) and outputs; the output measure was an achievement gain score over a three
year period of time; and the student-specific inputs included qualities of the teachers
who taught the students. The researchers were able to explain 21–27 per cent of the
student level variance in gain scores using a mixture of teacher and school level inputs;
they did not report the cumulative effect for these school factors as opposed to SES
The Summers and Wolfe (1977) study directly addressed the issue of the aggregation
of data and of linking particular classroom/school inputs to specific students. The
authors characterized previous SER as follows:
We conclude that empirical investigations have failed to find potent school effects
because the aggregative nature of the data used disguised the school’s true impact.
The use of school and district averages introduced so much noise as proxies for
inputs into students that effective inputs were not revealed.
(Summers and Wolfe, 1977, p.652)
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
This important issue of data aggregation is discussed in further detail later in this
Madaus et al (1979) and Brimer et al (1978) Studies
The major contribution of these studies was to demonstrate the need for measures of
school achievement more sensitive to the school’s curriculum, as opposed to the global
measures of verbal ability that are often used in SER. In addition to using curriculum
specific tests, Madaus and his colleagues used a technique known as symmetric variance
decomposition to overcome problems with the underestimation of school effects due
to multicollinearity (e.g. Beaton, 1974; Wisler, 1974).
As noted in Chapter 1, the between class variance in student performance on
curriculum specific tests was estimated at 40 per cent in the Madaus et al. (1979)
study. Additionally, Madaus and his colleagues concluded that classroom factors
explained a larger proportion of the variance on curriculum specific tests than on
standardized measures. Madaus and his colleagues concluded that their results provided
evidence for the differential effectiveness of schools, even though the unit of analysis
in this study was the classroom.
Madaus et al. (1979) concluded:
Our findings provide strong evidence for the differential effectiveness of schools:
differences in school characteristics do contribute to differences in achievement….
Examinations geared to the curricula of schools are more sensitive indicators of
school performance than are conventional norm-referenced tests.
(Madaus et al., 1979, p.223)
Rutter et al. (1979)
This well known longitudinal study of school effects occurred in 12 secondary
schools in London and is described in greater detail in Chapter 4. The researchers
utilized rank correlations and regression analyses in analysing their results, but
they also reported effect sizes in terms other than ‘Variance accounted for in
student achievement’. The rank order correlation between school inputs, as
measured by a general composite process score, and examination results was
0.76. On the other hand, the regression analyses indicated that less than 2 per
cent of the variance in students’ examination results was due to the composite
process score.
Rutter et al. (1979) discussed these results further utilizing quite different
…after adjusting for intake characteristics, children at the most successful
secondary school got four times as many exam passes on average as children at
the least successful school. Or expressed another way, children in the bottom 25
per cent of verbal ability in the most successful school on average obtained as
many exam passes as children in the top 25 per cent of verbal ability at the least
successful school.
(Rutter et al., 1979, p.19)
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Rutter (1983a, 1983b) also discussed problems that he perceived in the use of
‘variance’ estimates, and this general issue is elaborated upon in a later section of
this chapter.
Brookover et al. (1978, 1979)
This cross-sectional USA study was conducted in 68 elementary schools that
represented a random sample of Michigan schools. Corollary case studies were
conducted in four differentially effective low-SES schools. This study is also reviewed
in Chapters 1 and 4.
The major methodological contribution of this study was the use of parallel
principal, teacher, and student climate questionnaires that assessed expectation levels,
academic norms, sense of academic futility, and other social psychological factors
associated with the school. Brookover’s definition of school academic climate was as
The school social climate encompasses a composite of variables as defined and
perceived by the members of this group. These factors may be broadly conceived
as the norms of the social system and expectations held for various members as
perceived by the members of the group and communicated to members of the
(Brookover and Erickson, 1975, p.364)
While beset with multicollinearity problems between SES and school climate items,
the study indicated that school climate factors could be powerful predictors of student
achievement: when entered first in regression models, these variables accounted for
73 per cent of the school level variance in student achievement, whereas they accounted
for only 4 per cent when entered last. Student sense of academic futility explained
about half of the variance in school level reading and achievement in models in which
school climate factors were entered first.
This study employed the school as the unit of analysis, rather than the student,
thus utilizing the third definition of school effects described earlier in this chapter.
The issue of the proper unit of analysis for school effects studies was decided in the
mid-1980s with the advent of multilevel models: variance in individual level student
achievement is now routinely partitioned into that accountable for at the school,
classroom, student, and other levels. The Brookover et al. (1979) study occurred
several years before multilevel models were available. The issue of using the school as
the unit of analysis, instead of the student, is revisited later in the section which
contains a discussion of the utility of school level analyses when issues regarding
school level policy are being examined.
Teddlie, Stringfield and Colleagues (1985, 1993)
The second phase of the multiphase Louisiana School Effectiveness Study (LSES-II)
was a partial replication and extension of the Brookover study that was conducted in
76 elementary schools in 1983–4. The initial results were conducted using regression
analysis with the school as the unit of analysis (Teddlie et al., 1985), while later
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
reports (e.g. Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) contained re-analyses using multilevel
analyses. This study is also reviewed in Chapters 1 and 4.
The LSES-II researchers utilized a second-order factor analysis to address the
issue of multicollinearity among the input variables (Kennedy et al., 1993;
Stringfield, 1994a; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993). Five second order factors
emerged, and results from regression analyses indicated that school climate second
order factors accounted for 41 per cent of the variance in school level student
achievement, while family background second order factors accounted for 30 per
cent of that variance. A multilevel model re-analysis using school means produced
results essentially identical to the school level regressions (Kennedy, Stringfield
and Teddlie, 1993).
The researchers also partitioned the variance in individual level student achievement
and determined that 75 per cent of that variance was associated with the student
level, 12 per cent with the classroom level, and 13 per cent with the school level.
These school and classroom estimates are consistent with those often found in USA
studies using multilevel analysis.
Gray (1981)
Gray utilized already existing databases that had been collected by British local
education authorities, involving individual level data on various achievement tests as
‘input’ data and the results of public examinations at age 16 as ‘output’ data. The
difference between the ‘top’ 10 per cent of schools and the ‘bottom’ 10 per cent of
schools was of the order of 1.5 ‘O’ level passes per student.
Aitkin and Longford (1986)
These authors re-analysed data from a study of secondary school public examination
results in one English school district collected by John Gray. They reported that the
unadjusted school effect in this study was 10 per cent, while the intake-adjusted figure
was only 2 per cent. This study was a very influential one in the history of the study
of the magnitude of school effects, since it was the first to employ multilevel modelling
in the estimation of these effects.
Willms (1987)
Willms conducted a study which focused on the impact of Scottish educational
authorities (districts) on the examination results for students completing their secondary
education. Results from this study indicated that around 8 per cent of the adjusted
variance in these students’ examination results were due to school effects. Of this 8
per cent, almost half was due to school mean SES, which is a school context, or
compositional, variable. This study was one of the first in the UK to use multilevel
models to simultaneously assess the impact of the levels of the district, school, and
student on achievement measures.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Mortimore et al. (1988) ILEA Junior School Project and Sammons,
Nuttall, and Cuttance (1993b) Re-analysis
This study is considered by several reviewers (e.g. Scheerens, 1992) to be the best
example of large scale ‘state of the art’ SER and is described in greater detail in
Chapter 4. It involved the longitudinal study of 86 classes drawn from 50 schools in
London. The initial analyses of the data (Mortimore et al., 1988) yielded many
estimates of school effects, including the following: at the end of the third year of the
study, the adjusted variance in student level reading achievement that was accountable
for by school effects was 9 per cent, while it was 11 per cent for mathematics
achievement, and 13 per cent for writing achievement.
Furthermore, Mortimore and his colleagues estimated the percentage of variance
accounted for in progress in student achievement between the first and third years of
the study as follows: the percentage of variance in reading progress due to school
effects was 24 per cent, while it was 23 per cent for mathematics progress, and 20 per
cent for writing progress. Mortimore and colleagues described the results of their
longitudinal analyses as follows:
When we considered this issue of relative progress over the junior years, we
found that nearly 30 per cent of the variation in children’s progress was
accounted for by school membership and background factors taken together….
But, the school has much the larger effect. School attended is responsible for
nearly a quarter (24 per cent) of the variation in pupils’ reading progress between
the first and third year of junior education. In other words, the school was
roughly four times more important in accounting for differences in pupil progress
than background factors.
(Mortimore et al., p. 186)
The important issue of calculating school effects longitudinally, rather than cross-
sectionally, will be discussed further on.
Recent multilevel re-analyses of the Mortimore et al., 1988 data (Sammons et al.,
1993b) indicated that 14–15 per cent of the variance in reading and mathematics
achievement at year 5 of the UK junior school was due to school effects. These estimates
are somewhat higher than those reported by other UK researchers working during
this time period (e.g. Daly, 1991; Gray, Jesson and Sime, 1990; Willms, 1987), but
part of this difference may be that Mortimore and his colleagues were working at the
primary level of schooling, while the others were working in secondary schools. A
later section of this chapter on the consistency of school effects explores this issue of
differential school effect sizes across grade phase of study.
Raudenbush (1989), also Reported in Bryk and Raudenbush (1988)
An even more dramatic demonstration of the potential explanatory power of school
level effects across time was reported in this re-analysis of student achievement from
the Sustaining Effects Study (Carter, 1984). In their re-analysis, Raudenbush and Bryk
examined a sub-sample of the reading and mathematics achievement of a cohort of
over 600 students in 68 elementary schools from the first through the third grade,
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
using five different time points. Using a multilevel longitudinal model, the authors
reported the following results:
For initial status, 14.1 per cent of the variance in mathematics and 31.4 per
cent of the reading variance is between schools. In general these results are
consistent with reports in the school effects literature going back to Equality of
Educational Opportunity—between 20–30 per cent of the variance in
achievement is between schools. However, the results for learning rates,
particularly in mathematics, are startling indeed. Over 80 per cent of the variance
in mathematics learning is between schools! These results constitute powerful
evidence of school effects that have gone undetected in past research. As we
would expect, the between-school variance in reading rates is somewhat less,
43.9 per cent, although still substantial.
(Bryk and Raudenbush, 1989b, pp.731–2)
Lee and Bryk (1989), also Reported in Bryk and Raudenbush (1988)
This study used sector effects in a multilevel model to further explore the impact of
Catholic versus public school education on student achievement, thus following up
on a line of research begun by Coleman and his colleagues in the early 1980s (e.g.
Coleman et al., 1982a; Hoffer, Greeley and Coleman, 1985; Lee, V., 1986). This line
of research had generally led to the conclusion that Catholic schools somehow weaken
the relationship between social background and student achievement, thereby leading
to a more equitable distribution of achievement among students. This general area of
research is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5 under the context issue of differential
school governance structures.
The results of this study are included in this section on the estimation of school
effects because they illustrate how sector effects in multilevel models may be used to
assess the impact of different school characteristics. In this study, a sub-sample of
achievement from students in 160 schools from the High School and Beyond database
were analysed using a multilevel model in which a sector effect was included: what
the authors called the ‘academic organization of schools’, which was operationalized
as Catholic or public. Results from their analyses replicated those reported by J.
Coleman (Coleman and Hoffer 1987, Coleman et al., 1982a): base mathematics
achievement was higher in Catholic schools than in public schools, with the greatest
difference occurring in low-SES schools; the minority achievement gap was smaller in
Catholic schools; and the relationship between social class and achievement was weaker
in Catholic schools.
The researchers then did additional analyses that explained these student
achievement results in terms of the different curricular choices, academic norms, and
disciplinary environments that the academic organizations of these two types of schools
presented. They concluded:
In sum, this HLM analysis reaffirms the ‘common school’ hypothesis of Coleman,
et al. More important from the perspective of educational theory and practice,
however, is that it also provides empirical support for the contention that the
academic organisation and normative environment of high schools have a
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
substantial impact on the social distribution of achievement within them. Sector
differences appear readily explainable. There are fewer curricular choices in the
Catholic sector with schools taking a more proactive stance toward the issue of
what students should be taught. These schools are safe, orderly environments
conducive to learning. A relatively small school size also facilitates these
(Bryk and Raudenbush, 1988, p.183)
Willms and Raudenbush (1989)
This study is noteworthy for its investigation of Type A and Type B school effects (see
Definition 5 of school effects in the section entitled ‘Six Definitions of School Effects’).
In this particular study, Willms and Raudenbush used data from two cohorts of students
(1989) from one Scottish educational authority. The authors reported Type A effects
using both regression and multilevel analyses (HLM) and Type B effects based solely
on HLM. The Type A HLM results were much more stable than the regression results
across the two years, as illustrated by graphs of the effect sizes presented in the article.
The authors reported significant Type A and Type B effects, but the addition of the
school level variables into the model increased the explained variance in achievement
only negligibly. They concluded:
These findings emphasise a point made by Cain and Watts that an increase in R-
squared is not a good measure to determine the policy relevance of variables used
to explain achievement outcomes.
(Willms and Raudenbush, 1989, p.225)
Creemers and Scheerens, 1989 and Brandsma and Knuver, 1989
The increasing internationalization of SER was apparent in the publication of a special
issue of the International Journal of Educational Research in 1989 entitled
‘Developments in School Effectiveness Research’ (Creemers and Scheerens, 1989).
Several articles in this journal reported on original investigations of the magnitude of
school effects from different countries: the Mortimore and colleagues’ study from the
UK previously described in this section (Mortimore et al., 1989a), the Raudenbush
longitudinal study of school effects also previously described in this section
(Raudenbush, 1989), a study by Brandsma and Knuver (1989) of the magnitude of
school and classroom effects using a sample of schools from the Netherlands, and an
international comparative study assessing the magnitude of school and teacher effects
in several countries using archived data from the Second International Mathematics
Study (SIMS) by Scheerens et al. (1989). Results from one of these studies concerning
the magnitude of school effects will now be summarized.
The Brandsma and Knuver (1989) study is important for two reasons: it was one
of the first studies of school effects using data gathered in the Netherlands, and it
included analyses on both mathematics and language achievement. This study involved
250 primary schools, and the data were analysed using a multilevel model. The
researchers concluded that school level differences accounted for 12 per cent of the
variance in arithmetic achievement and 8 per cent of the variance in Dutch language
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
achievement. This difference in the amount of variance accounted for in mathematics
and language has been demonstrated in several countries and is discussed further in
the section entitled ‘Consistency of SEIs at One Point in Time’.
Smith and Tomlinson (1989)
In their 1989 book, The School Effect: A Study of Multi-racial Comprehensives, Smith
and Tomlinson presented results from a study of 18 comprehensive secondary schools
in the UK in which the performance of various ethnic groups was highlighted. There
were four general findings from this study regarding school effects:
the overall per cent of variance in achievement predictable at the school level was
around 10 per cent across all tests, ability groups and ethnic groups;
the effect of the school varied by the ability level of students, with the effect being
greater for above or below average students and less for average students;
the effect of the school varied depending on the subject taught, a phenomenon
called the departmental effect; and
there was also some evidence of differential school effects for students from different
ethnic groups, but the effect was small.
The largest differential effect found in the study was for pupils with different patterns
of prior achievement. For example, the school level accounted for about 12 per cent
of the variance in the overall achievement of UK pupils with higher prior test scores,
9 per cent of the variance in the overall achievement of UK pupils with lower prior
test scores, and only 2 per cent of the variance in overall achievement of UK pupils
with average prior test scores.
There were also some differential department effects, leading the researchers to
conclude that academic success in secondary schools should be studied by subject, or
by subject groups, rather than overall. While there was evidence of differential school
effectiveness by different ethnic groups, these effects were small compared to overall
between-school differences. More information regarding differential effects will be
presented later.
Witte and Walsh (1990) and Mandeville and Kennedy (1991)
While estimates of the variance accounted for by the school are generally higher in
USA studies, these two studies reported virtually zero school effects. The Witte and
Walsh (1990) study employed regression analyses and used the school as the unit of
analysis, while the Mandeville and Kennedy (1991) study employed multilevel models
and analysed individual student level data. The similarity between these two studies
involves their use of school effectiveness factors. Both employed teacher ratings of the
school effectiveness climate variables, and neither of the sets of school factors was
very strongly related to student achievement. In the Witte and Walsh study, the authors
reported a higher correlation between teacher ratings of school effectiveness variables
and their students’ family background variables than between the teacher ratings and
student achievement. The general issue of the underspecification of school effectiveness
factors in SER will be discussed in more detail in the next section.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Daly (1991)
This study reported secondary school effect size data from Northern Ireland. Daly
concluded that between 7–11 per cent of the adjusted school variance was accountable
for by the school level. This varied by type of test with mathematics having the highest
variance accounted for and English the least. These results are consistent with other
contemporary estimates of school effect size from the UK.
Fitz-Gibbon (1991b)
In this study, Fitz-Gibbon reported data from a performance monitoring system in
the UK known as ALIS (A-level Information System), which assesses student
performance at age 18. This study is important for several reasons:
It provided another estimate of variance accounted for by school effects using a
database that included subject specific tests;
It provided theoretical arguments for the analysis of departmental effects, in
addition to, or instead of, school effects at the secondary grade level;
It compared results from multilevel and ordinary least squares (OLS) ‘regression
analyses of the same datasets;
It provided initial information from a data monitoring system that eventually
will be used to provide a national ‘value added system’ in the UK (Fitz-Gibbon,
1995, 1997).
Fitz-Gibbon (1991b) reported an average school effect of around 15 per cent,
which was somewhat larger than the 10 per cent reported by other contemporary
studies in the UK (e.g. Smith and Tomlinson, 1989). Fitz-Gibbon attributed these
larger effect sizes to the tighter link between instruction and the A-level results
reported, which included four subject specific results in chemistry, geography,
French, and mathematics. Her argument for the use of these subject specific tests
and the resultant higher school effects echoes those of Madaus et al. (1979) reported
While Fitz-Gibbon (1991b) reported data focusing on the school as the level of
analysis, she indicated that department might be a more important level at the
secondary level:
From its inception in 1983, the A-level monitoring system has collected studentlevel
data. The students may be viewed as nested within departments rather than schools
because examination results for each academic subject are analysed separately. In
view of pressures towards inter-school competitiveness, it is perhaps quite
important that ALIS does not produce school indicators, but only department
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b, p.71)
Fitz-Gibbon’s comparisons of results from OLS regression and multilevel analyses
indicated that they were similar, but that each analytic technique had advantages and
disadvantages. She concluded that:
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Given this kind of conflict between models, a possible solution is to provide both
analyses for the all-important achievement data…. The solution may well be to
report both OLS and multilevel analyses and to continue to warn that different
questions and different assumptions lead to different answers, and this complexity
in the world simply has to be borne.
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b, pp.80–1)
The issue of the use of multilevel and regression models is discussed in more detail
further on.
Tymms (1993)
This study followed up on the earlier work of Fitz-Gibbon (1991) and Smith and
Tomlinson (1989) regarding departmental effects at the secondary level in the UK.
Again using the ALIS database, Tymms concluded that 7 per cent of the variance in
examination performance could be attributed to the school or college.
However, when Tymms (1993) dropped school from the multilevel model and
nested student within class within department, he reported proportions of variance
due to class that ranged from 9–25 per cent and by department that ranged from 8–
24 per cent. Tymms’ results indicated that department effects in secondary schools
are larger than school effects. He concluded:
In every case more variance was accounted for by the department level than the
school and the proportion of variance accounted for at the class level was more
than for the departmental level…. In accountability terms the models indicate
that teachers have the greatest influence but that the influence is on a relatively
small number of pupils. Schools as a whole have less influence on individual
pupils but their influence is more widely spread.
(Tymms, 1993, pp.292–3)
This issue of the amount of variance in achievement attributable to each level of
multilevel models is discussed in more detail at a later stage in this chapter.
Tymms, Merrell, and Henderson (1997)
This study is noteworthy for examining the effect of school on children at a very
early age: the reception year in the UK, or age 4. Tymms et al. (1997) studied
1700 students’ early mathematics and reading achievement scores at the start and
end of their reception year as part of the Pupils Indicators in Primary Schools
(PIPS) project.
Tymms and his colleagues reported a very large school effect of about 40 per cent
after controlling for student background characteristics. This research project
demonstrates dramatically the potential effect that school has on students of a very
young age.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Hill and Rowe (1996)
This research article was based on results from the first two years of a three-year
longitudinal study of elementary schools conducted in Australia.
The results from this part of the study helps to explain some of the differences in
SER concerning the amount of variance attributable to the school and class levels.
These researchers ran and then carefully compared the results from a series of two-
level (students within schools), three-level (students within classes within schools),
and four-level (students within classes within grade cohorts within schools)
hierarchical analyses. The two-level analysis indicated that 18 per cent of the variance
in student achievement is accounted for by between school differences; the three-
level analysis indicated that 5–6 per cent of the variance in student achievement is
accounted for by between school differences; and the four-level analysis indicated
that a trivial amount of the variance in student achievement is accounted for by
between school differences.
Hill and Rowe (1996) concluded that for a complete picture of the effect of the
various levels, it would be necessary to consider all of the analyses:
Given the sampling structure of the data, with all students assessed at each of the
targeted grade levels, the 16 to 18 per cent estimate of school effects reflects real
variation among schools. The three-level parameterisation, however, indicates
that class effects are very large and that the unique effect of schools over and
above that due to within-school class differences are relatively small. This does
not mean that schools do not make a difference, but that they do so mainly at the
level of the class.
(Hill and Rowe, 1996, p.26)
The results from this study are further explored later in this chapter in the discussion
of the importance of school as a level of analysis in SER and evidence for the existence
of a larger school effect in longitudinal studies.
General Issues Concerning Estimation of the Magnitude of School Effects
In the previous two sections a number of influential studies and reviews regarding the
magnitude of school effects were reviewed. Some general themes were recurrent across
several of these studies and reviews, and they will be examined more closely in this
Methodological Issues that may Affect Estimates of the Magnitude of School
The estimation of the magnitude of school effects has been a controversial issue from
the initial Coleman Report (1966) through the most recent meta-analyses conducted
by researchers from the Netherlands (Boskers and Witziers, 1996). Some would argue
that had it not been for the controversy raised by the Coleman Report, and continually
fuelled by studies and reviews indicating that schools have at most a modest effect,
there would not have been a School Effectiveness Research area. While the field has
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
expanded well beyond the study of the magnitude of school effects, as attested to by
the wide array of topics addressed in this volume, this issue continues to intrigue
researchers and others interested in the field.
Methodological concerns have always been at the heart of the magnitude of school
effects issue. It is not by accident that outlier studies primarily concerned with school
processes have consistently demonstrated a ‘school effect’, while studies emphasizing
school ‘products’ (i.e. achievement) and utilizing representative samples of schools
have not done so consistently. The specific methodologies employed in the various
school effectiveness studies have either enhanced or decreased the probability of finding
a meaningful school effect.
For example, we know that studies that are cross-sectional, based solely on archived
data often gathered for other purposes, conducted in secondary schools, not utilizing
proximal process variables for the schooling inputs, conducted in countries without
much natural variance between schools due to governmental or other educational
policies, and using standardized general ability tests as outcome variables are more
likely to demonstrate a ‘small’, perhaps even negligible school effect. On the other
hand, studies that are longitudinal, based on a variety of data sources gathered
specifically for the purposes of the study, conducted in primary (or even pre-primary)
schools, utilizing proximal process variables for the schooling inputs, conducted in
countries with larger natural variance between schools due to governmental or other
educational policies, and utilizing tests of specific knowledge associated with school
curricula as outcome measures are more likely to demonstrate a ‘large’ school effect.
While almost all sophisticated contemporary studies of school effects routinely
employ multilevel analyses, researchers have been less likely to attend to these other
important methodological issues. Lack of attention to these issues is partially a result
of the fact that studies often utilize archived data sets, which are cross-sectional in
nature and do not contain valuable input and output variables. No matter how
sophisticated the mathematical models used in these studies, the net impact of school
(and classroom) educational factors on variance in individual student achievement
will necessarily be underestimated.
In the following sections, we will consider how specific methodological decisions
can influence the estimation of school effects. Since most studies have estimated the
magnitude of school effects using ‘variance explained in student achievement’, this
discussion will centre around the effect that methodological decisions have on the
amount of variation that is explained by school level factors. The following
methodological issues, related to the size of these school effects, will be discussed:
the choice of input variables;
the choice of outcome variables;
the inclusion of prior indices of achievement in school effectiveness research;
issues related to the use of the school as a level of analysis;
the use of longitudinal as opposed to cross-sectional designs; and
sampling decisions and the magnitude of school effects.
Other topics covered in this part of the chapter include: alternative measures of the
magnitude of school effects, and data analysis issues associated with the estimation of
school effects.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Continued Underspecification of School Inputs in School Effectiveness
This issue was discussed earlier in this chapter (Section entitled ‘An Overview of
Methodological Concerns in SER’) and may be stated as follows: Does the study
include completely and accurately specified process variables on the input side of the
mathematical equations, specifically including valid indices of school level social
psychological climate and measures of the school/classroom interface? While the total
amount of gross (unadjusted) variance in individual student achievement attributable
to school level factors appears fairly stable at 15–20 per cent (e.g. Bosker and Witziers,
1996), the amount that can be accounted for uniquely by school factors, as opposed
to family background or other factors, is more variable across studies. This variability
is partially due to whether SER studies include the aforementioned powerful school
level variables.
The underspecification of school inputs in SER involves at least three issues, which
are discussed throughout this section:
1 the specification of potential school level factors as teacher level (or some other
level) factors only;
2 the failure to include certain powerful school level factors at all; and
3 having school level variables assessed by individuals (e.g. teachers) who are less
sensitive to those effects, rather than by individuals who are more sensitive to
those effects (e.g. students).
Addressing the issue of the impact of the overall school climate, Brookover and his
colleagues concluded that:
Although there is some variance in school climate between classrooms within the
school, the within school differences are not so great as to rule out the existence
of a characteristic climate for the school.
(Brookover et al., 1978, p.303)
When contemporary studies of school effectiveness include school climate variables,
such as teachers’ perceptions of their influence on school-level decisions, they often
include it as a teacher variable only, since it is measured at that level (i.e. teachers
completed the surveys). While the teacher level may technically be the right level to
enter this particular variable in multilevel models, events that occur at the school
level may actually be the most important determinant of teachers’ perceptions of
their influence on school-level decisions.
For example, let us imagine an elementary school serving primarily low-SES
students in a rural area at time one. Further suppose that measures of teachers’
perceptions of their influence on school-level decisions were taken at time one, and
they were extremely low due to the presence of an autocratic principal. Between
time one and time two, a dynamic, democratically oriented new principal was hired,
and she immediately began a school restructuring programme that involved getting
teachers actively involved in school-level decisions regarding curriculum and
governance issues. The principal’s intervention worked so well that when teacher
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
surveys were again completed at time two, the teachers’ perceptions of their influence
on school-level decisions both independently (measured at the teacher level) and
collectively (measured at the school level by averaging all the teachers’ responses)
were considerably higher.
If researchers measured teachers’ perceptions of their influence on school-level
decisions at time two at the teacher level only, then the effect of the school level
change would not be included in the model, even though it was directly responsible
for the changes that occurred at the teacher level. Potential methods for including the
effect of the school include:
entering the variable ‘teacher perception of participation on school-level decision
making’ at both the teacher and school level, as suggested by Reynolds et al.,
1994c; or
running path models in which school level factors are entered prior to teacher
level factors.
The issue of using path models rather than cross-sectional multilevel models is discussed
later in this chapter.
Another major issue concerns the lack of properly operationalized variables
to measure processes that are known to be at work at the school level, such as
selection and socialization of teachers by the principal and other administrators.
For example, Crone and Teddlie (1995) conducted a mixed methods study that
included teacher and principal interviews concerning teacher socialization
processes (such as mentoring programmes for new teachers), instructional
leadership, school wide enforcement of discipline problems, and methods for
both teacher selection and dismissal. All of these variables could be
operationalized as quantitatively scaled variables at the school level, yet such
variables are seldom included in SER studies.
Instead, researchers often use inappropriate or non-powerful measures of school
processes, such as teacher expectations for student learning, as school level variables.
Several studies in the USA (e.g. Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Witte and Walsh, 1990)
have found teachers’ expectations for students’ learning to be more highly correlated
with students’ socio-economic status than with students’ achievement. On the other
hand, both the Brookover et al. (1979) and the Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) studies
concluded that student sense of academic futility (aggregated at the school level) was
the best single predictor of school level student achievement. Stringfield (1994a)
It may be the case that, as a group, teachers are unable to differentiate ‘school
climate’ from the economic conditions from which students come. If that is true,
then future large scale school effects studies should stop asking those questions
directly of teachers and, instead, directly ask students about the climate of their
(Stringfield, 1994a, p.68)
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Alternative Outcome Variables as SEIs
This issue was also discussed earlier in this chapter and may be stated as follows:
Does the study include accurately specified outcome variables that are sensitive to
school level effects? There are actually two issues at work here:
1 Are curriculum specific measures of student achievement included on the output
side of the mathematical equations, rather than generic standardized tests?
2 Are alternative school outcome variables (e.g. non-achievement variables such as
student participation in school, student locus of control, student self esteem, indices
of student delinquency) included in the analyses that may be more sensitive to
school level effects? (See the section entitled ‘Consistency of SEIs at One point in
Time’ for further discussion of research related to this issue.)
The first issue was discussed in Chapter 1 and earlier in this chapter in the section on
the Madaus et al. (1979) and Brimer et al. (1978) studies. As Hill and Rowe (1996)
recently summarized:
…choice of outcome measures has major implications for the conclusions that
one might draw regarding the impact of student-, class-and school-level effects.
With the exception of several UK studies, such as the above-mentioned study by
Tymms (1993) that have made extensive use of results for secondary students in
subject-based examinations, almost all studies of school effectiveness have used
norm-referenced, standardised achievement tests as outcome measures. However,
the majority of such tests assess skills in terms of generalised academic abilities
and enduring cognitive ‘traits’ rather than specific learning outcomes arising from
classroom instruction (Darling-Hammond, 1994; Stringfield, 1994a). To the extent
that tests are not sensitive to the specifics of what has been actually taught, school
and class effect sizes are likely to be smaller.
(Hill and Rowe, 1996)
Also, no school effects studies have appeared thus far using authentic assessment
rather than the traditional examination formats (e.g. Gifford and O’Connor, 1992;
O’Connor, M., 1992; Resnick and Resnick, 1992; Shavelson, 1994; Shavelson et
al., 1991), even though these assessments might be particularly sensitive to the effects
of the classroom and school (Hill and Rowe, 1996). Unfortunately, at this time
proponents of authentic assessment have not produced tests that can be economically
administered and that are sufficiently generalizable to be used in large scale research
(Stringfield, 1994a).
The second issue, the utilization of non-achievement outcomes in SER research,
concerns the supposition that in some situations the school effect will be larger for
these non-achievement indices than for achievement indices. Rutter (1983a, 1983b)
discussed these alternative outcomes as behaviours schools should ‘be aiming to effect’
(p.9). His list of non-achievement variables included: classroom behaviour, absenteeism,
attitudes to learning, continuation in education, employment, and social functioning.
Research in this area of alternative outcome variables in SER was recently reviewed
by Sammons et al. (1996a).
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
A contemporary example of studies using alternative outcome variables was
conducted by Kochan, Tashakkori and Teddlie (1996). This study included an
alternative measure of school effectiveness for use at the high school level: a composite
measure of student participation that included student attendance, dropout and
suspension data. Results from this study indicated a moderate sized correlation between
the participation school effectiveness indicator (SEI) and a composite achievement
SEI. Examination of the relationship between these SEIs and various types of
demographic data indicated considerable differences in the partial correlation
coefficients that were generated by the two SEIs.
The Inclusion of Prior Indices of Achievement in School Effectiveness
It is generally accepted that there are two types of background variables that should
be included in SER models: prior achievement of students and family socio economic
characteristics (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon, 1996; Sammons et al., 1996a).
Some noted researchers indicate that measures of student prior achievement are, in
fact, more important as background variables than family background. For example,
Willms (1992) concluded from work completed in Scotland that:
These findings suggest that if the goal of the analysis is to estimate school effects
or the effect of some intervention, then measures of prior performance are essential
for statistical control. If the analysis does not include measures of prior
performance, the estimate of effects will probably be biased. Measure of family
background add marginally to the degree of statistical control.
(Willms, 1992, p. 58)
Despite this general conclusion, however, there is some concern that the entry of
certain types of prior achievement indices may have the effect of depressing the true
estimate of school effects. Sammons et al. (1996a) discuss this issue as follows:
There is now fairly general acceptance that studies of school effectiveness in
cognitive areas require adequate control for prior attainment at the level of the
individual pupil (McPherson, 1992; Cuttance, 1992; Reynolds, 1992a; Scheerens,
1992). Ideally such measures should be collected at the point of entry to school at
the beginning of a relevant phase (infant, junior or secondary). The use of baseline
attainment or ability data collected after a period of years in the same school is
likely to lead to a reduction in the estimate of school effects.
(Sammons et al., 1996a, p.23)
Cuttance (1985) also cautioned against the use of prior achievement, or other
background variables, as controls when they are proximal to the point at which the
school effects are measured. Preece (1989) commented on the potential problem of
‘partialling out’ school effects in such cases.
This is particularly a difficulty for elementary school studies, where it is difficult to
establish a meaningful intake achievement score. What is ‘prior achievement’ for
students when studies are conducted at the lower or middle elementary grade levels?
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
There typically are no prior achievement data for these students because schools do
not typically administer achievement tests at the kindergarten or first grade levels,
which are the true points of entry into the school. Even if they did, error variance on
such achievement measures would be problematic.
Prior year achievement scores are sometimes used in SER because they are the only
other student performance data available. For example, let us consider a hypothetical
elementary school study that focuses on fourth grade achievement. Since there was
no previous available achievement data, the researchers administered their own
achievement tests at the end of the third grade. If the researchers then used as a
control variable the students’ achievement at third grade, it is obvious that they run
the risk of not only factoring out the effect of variance due to background variables,
but also variance due to school effects or the interaction between background and
school variables. Therefore, for studies of elementary level school effects, family
background variables may be the best control variable.
The Importance of School as a Level of Analysis in School Effects
In this section, two topics will be covered: biases in the magnitude of school effects as
measured by variance estimates; and the importance of the school effect from the
perspective of educational policy makers.
Rutter (1983a, 1983b) concluded that estimates of variance accounted for in student
achievement would be influenced by at least three main factors: the choice and
measurement of the outcomes variables; the choice and measurement of the predictor
variables; and the extent of variation (i.e. differences) on the predictor variables.
Furthermore, he concluded that there was an inherent bias in the estimation of the
size of the school effect due to the third factor:
But, the last consideration—namely the extent of the variation on the predictor—
is the most crucial of all. Other things being equal, a predictor with a wide range
will always account for a higher proportion of the variance than a predictor with
a narrow range. Because it is likely that schools tend to be more homogeneous
than are families and because the differences between the ‘best’ and the ‘worst’
schools is likely to be far less than that between the ‘best’ and ‘worst’ homes, it
necessarily means that (as assessed in terms of the proportion of population
variance accounted for) family variables will usually have a greater ‘effect’ than
school variables. But this does not necessarily mean that schools have a lesser
influence than families on achievement.
(Rutter, 1983a, 1983b, p.6)
This argument extends all the way up the multilevel model: there is more variance
between students than there is between classes; there is more variance between classes
than there is between grade levels or departments; there is more variance between
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
grade levels or departments than there is between schools; there is more variance
between schools than there is between school districts; etc., as demonstrated by several
researchers (e.g. Hill and Rowe, 1996; Tymms, 1993). Because of this, Rutter concluded
that variance attributable to schooling was an inadequate way to assess the impact of
schools on students. Rutter was particularly concerned that the lack of variation in
school level variables, relative to the variance at the student and classroom levels,
would necessarily lead to low estimates of the school effect. He concluded:
It is clear that the proportion of variance explained by schooling is a very poor
guide to the real influence of schools in helping children gain good levels of scholastic
achievement. It also follows from these (and other) considerations that the estimates
of school ‘effects’ obtained in this way have no clear policy implications.
(Rutter, 1983a, p.6)
Rutter gave an ‘extreme hypothetical example’ of this issue. Suppose that the only
way to learn Sanskrit in a community was through schools, since teachers at those
schools had the only books on Sanskrit and no one else in the community knew
Sanskrit. Also suppose that all schools in this community were equally good at teaching
Sanskrit. There would be individual student level variation in learning Sanskrit as a
result of family background variables, so some children would learn Sanskrit better
than others. Rutter concluded that:
However, because all schools teach Sanskrit equally well, schooling would account
for none of this individual variation. In short, in these terms, schools would show
a zero effect on Sanskrit achievement in spite of the fact that all Sanskrit was
necessarily learned only as a result of schooling!
(Rutter, 1983a, p.6)
Rutter’s point is similar to that made earlier in the chapter concerning the ‘absolute
effects of schooling’ (Definition 1 of school effects). If students received schooling in
an area of study that they could not learn elsewhere, then their achievement would be
absolutely determined by the schools they attended. Yet if there was no variance
between schools, the school effect would be nil. Bosker and Scheerens came to
essentially the same conclusion (1989):
independent variables that are closer to the output measures—like content
covered and time on task will most likely explain more variance than school
variables (like leadership styles and variations in organisational structure)…the
strength of association between school characteristics and achievement will be
depressed because of the smaller variance in the former characteristics.
(Bosker and Scheerens, 1989, p.745)
Thus, studies of variance explained are inherently biased towards lower estimates of
the magnitude of school effects when multilevel models are employed, yet that is the
scientifically accepted method for analysing school effectiveness studies. There is later
a discussion of alternative estimates of effect size (other than variance explained)
which may be more appropriate for describing the true magnitude of school effects.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
In spite of the sometimes disappointingly low estimates of the size of school effects,
especially when variance estimates are used, there is widespread agreement that the
school is an important level of analysis in educational research. There are a number
of reasons for this conclusion, and they will be briefly discussed in this section.
Later the implications of the importance of the school level for future studies will be
As noted in an earlier section, ‘there is a common acceptance that schooling effects
can be found’ (Sammons et al., 1996a, p.3) and that they are important from a policy
perspective, especially with regard to providing useful information for educational
improvement efforts. For instance, Bosker and Scheerens concluded that:
…when 15 per cent of the variance in the individual level output variable is
explained by the factor school—after relevant background characteristics of pupils
have been controlled—school characteristics that explain 2 or 3 per cent of the
individual level variance are probably meaningful.
(Bosker and Scheerens, 1989, p.747)
The probability of these school characteristics being ‘meaningful’ to student
achievement has been put into greater focus in outlier studies that examine the
experiences of students in the ‘best’ and ‘worst’ schools. Estimates of large standard
deviation differences between the most and least effective schools are made even more
relevant when they were described in terms of the years of life that a student spends at
a school (e.g. Bosker and Witziers, 1996). No one can deny that school effects that
are measurable in terms of one or two lost or gained years for an average student are
important both in research and practical terms.
Several researchers have written about the importance of the school as the unit of
change in educational improvement work. For instance, policy-oriented research in
the United States is often aimed at the school (and district) level, where improvement
efforts are targeted. Glasman and Biniaminov (1981) discussed the issue of the value
of student and school level data as follows:
It might be argued that when data are aggregated on an individual student level,
data loss is minimal. If the research is policy-oriented, however, the possible value
of other levels of data aggregation should be considered.
(Glasman and Biriaminov, 1981, p.53)
Rowan et al. (1983) agreed as indicated by the following quote:
In our view, information about the relative effects of different school-level factors
are particularly important for practitioners…
(Rowan et al., 1983, p.28)
Witte and Walsh (1990) later stated the same point of view:
…from an operational and policy perspective, schools are the unit that can be
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
best evaluated and manipulated…. Because district change is often induced on a
school-by-school basis and because schools are the organisational level at which
educational activities are integrated, schools become an appropriate target of
public policy.
(Witte and Walsh, 1990, p.189)
A recent example from Louisiana may make this point more clear. In the late 1980s,
a new governor initiated what was called ‘The Children First Act’, which intended to
use teacher evaluation to stimulate educational change. An elaborate system of teacher
evaluation was carried out with the purpose of rewarding more effective teachers and
providing remediation for less effective ones. The system ran into considerable problems
with the state affiliates of national teacher unions regarding the possible loss of
certification for teachers who did not reach certain performance levels after the
remediation. This system eventually was abandoned for teachers as a whole and
replaced by a programme evaluating beginning teachers only (Maxcy and Maxcy,
1993; Ellett et al., 1996).
The current system for educational reform in Louisiana focuses on the school level,
rather than the teacher. The School and District Accountability System has recently
been approved by the legislature and involves three stages all aimed at the school
1 calculation of residual scores (School Effectiveness Indicators or SEIs) for all schools
in the state based on school level data;
2 intensive observation of schools which are earmarked for improvement, including
the gathering of data at the student, class, grade or department and school levels;
3 development of school improvement plans that join state and local resources in a
combined effort.
The unit of analysis throughout this program is the school, with some specific assistance
targeted to grades or departments, but with individual teacher level data being
downplayed (Teddlie and Kennedy, 1997).
Policy makers in Louisiana are interested in the school as the unit of change and
want researchers to target their work at that level, since integrating educational
activities at the school level is very efficient and since targeting individual teachers
has led to political problems in the past. Policy makers also like the clarity of the
regression models that are planned to be used in this system, which report predicted,
actual (called baseline performance indicators), and residual scores (called relative
performance indicators) at the school level. Issues regarding the interpretability of the
results from SER will be discussed later in this chapter, especially with regard to
regression and multilevel models (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon, 1995a).
Thus, there are circumstances in which input and output variables for SER are
better operationalized at the level of the school, especially when results from this
research are to be used for educational improvement. In cases like the Louisiana
example, it makes more sense to policy makers and researchers to focus on the school
level throughout both the research and improvement phases of the integrated project.
Placing emphasis on the teacher and individual student levels also (and employing the
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
multilevel models necessary to do so) would have greatly complicated the project,
especially given the difficulty of explaining multilevel level models in layperson
terminology (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon, 1996). (See the coming discussion on the ‘Emerging
Issues Related to Multilevel Modelling’ for information regarding difficulties with
the Tennessee Value-Added Project, which used the teacher as the unit of analysis and
employed multilevel analyses.)
Evidence for the Existence of a Larger School Effect in Longitudinal
This issue was also discussed earlier in this chapter and may be stated as follows: SER
is more likely to demonstrate school effects of larger magnitude if the research is
longitudinal in nature. The studies of Raudenbush (1989a, 1989b) and Mortimore et
al. (1988) described above are good examples of how longitudinal studies examining
gain in student performance can yield much higher estimates of the magnitude of
school effects.
Why is it the case that longitudinal studies conducted over several years yield larger
estimates of the magnitude of school effects, whereas cross-sectional studies yield
smaller school effects? Hill and Rowe (1996) answered this question as follows:
Within cross-sectional studies, or longitudinal studies operating over a limited
time-scale…there is a risk that school effects will be unobserved, underestimated,
or partialled out through the statistical adjustments used to control for differences
in intake characteristics.
(Hill and Rowe, 1996, pp.27–8)
Stringfield (1994a) discussed this issue in terms of the multicollinearity issues associated
with cross-sectional studies:
A problematic artefact of this multi-collinearity, at least in the United States, is
that when educational researchers enter the schools and measure ‘school effects’
over a relatively short period in the lives of the schools and communities (six
weeks to two years), they tend to attribute most of the variance which is
multicollinear to parental SES, thus underestimating the effects of schooling on
students and communities.
(Stringfield, 1994a, p.58)
Longitudinal designs, on the other hand, examine school effects at the point that they
should make the optimal difference in a student’s achievement: across the entire period
of time that the student has spent at the school. At each grade level, the impact of the
student’s teacher (s), rather than the school, is more important to the progress that
student will make for that given year. Across years, however, school effects become
more important as the entire experience of attending a school for a number of years
For instance, the cumulative effect of a school wide policy that emphasizes the
generation of independent research reports, using library and other resources, will be
most evident in the generation of those reports at the end of the entire school experience,
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
rather than in any given year. Each teacher of a given student will contribute to that
child’s ability to generate research reports while in class, but the sum of these
contributions across years can only be evaluated using a longitudinal design that
examines the overall progress in report writing that the child has experienced while at
the school. The entire school experience is greater than the sum of the individual
classroom experiences that the child has, because the school provides a consistency of
experience across classrooms that would be impossible without its organizational
level. Rutter described this total school ‘ethos’ as follows:
Throughout this paper, effects have been discussed in terms of ‘schools,’ with the
implication that a whole school constitutes a meaningful entity…. This implies
that there were school wide influences which served to make it more (or less)
likely that individual teachers would conduct their classes in an effective manner
or which operated outside the classroom. The former is suggested by the
observation that some schools have a much higher proportion of classrooms where
effective techniques are being employed…. This evidence, plus the rich observations
stemming from the case studies of individual schools, strongly suggests that it is
meaningful to speak of the ethos of the school as a whole (while still recognising
marked variations between teachers and between classrooms within any single
(Rutter, 1983a, p.33–4)
This whole school ‘ethos’ is best detected and its influence estimated using a longitudinal
design encompassing most, if not all, of the students’ years at a school.
Sampling Decisions and Size of School Effect
The general issue of sampling was discussed earlier in this chapter. With regard to the
magnitude of school effects, it appears that studies in which at least part of the analyses
utilize an outlier design (e.g. the upper 20 per cent and lower 20 per cent of schools)
are more likely to demonstrate a school effect than are studies in which the analyses
utilize exclusively a random sampling scheme in which the full range of schools are
There are at least two potential reasons for this difference in magnitude estimation
due to differences in sampling:
1 outlier studies concentrate on that part of the population distribution where there
is the most explicable variance; and
2 outlier studies are more likely to include process variables due to the smaller sample
size of the design, and these process variables are better and more powerful school
level factors.
Several studies and reviews have demonstrated that school effects are more evident at
the upper and lower ranges of a population distribution in which schools are arrayed
by effectiveness status (e.g. Bosker and Witziers, 1996; Brookover et al., 1979; Gray,
1981; Klitgaard and Hall, 1974; Mortimore et al., 1988; Purkey and Smith, 1983;
Rutter, 1983a, 1983b; Scheerens, 1992; Stringfield, 1994b; Teddlie and Stringfield,
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
1993; Smith and Tomlinson, 1989). These outlier studies typically compare the upper
and lower 20 per cent (or 15 per cent or 25 per cent) of schools, to the exclusion of the
middle 60 per cent (or 50 per cent or 70 per cent).
It is probable that the range in effectiveness of the middle 60 per cent of schools is
truncated relative to the rest of the distribution, as is the case with normally distributed
populations. If this is the case, then there is much more variance in the tails of the
distribution (more effective and less effective schools) and, therefore, more potential
variance that could be explained by school effects, as opposed to family background
and other factors.
Outlier studies not only have more variance that is potentially explicable by school
factors, but they also are more likely to employ school process variables that are
potentially strong predictors of student achievement. These powerful school level
factors were described earlier and they are very difficult to assess using archived
databases due to cost and time factors.
The potential importance of the continued study of outliers is exemplified by the
number of schools that are either studied in this research, or that could potentially be
affected by the results from these studies. If we study the upper and lower 20 per cent
of schools, then 40 per cent of the total sample are directly included in the research
base. Furthermore, the middle 60 per cent of schools can benefit from information
gained about becoming more effective, or avoiding becoming less effective.
It is important to note that the ‘average’ or ‘typical’ school may have important
uses at the level of educational policies that make its presence within sampling frames
of considerable importance. In any attempts at transmitting good practice between
schools, if there were to be a very large gap between the levels of effectiveness of the
schools involved, then it might be difficult for the more ineffective to pick up the
knowledge on offer, and the more effective school site may get little beneficial
professional development out of the exercise, since it would be required to teach the
other school at a level considerably below its own competence. Using average schools
to help less effective institutions, and linking the average schools with the more effective
ones, may be a more effective network of knowledge transmission than that which
would be produced by utilizing only two categories of schools.
Alternative Measures of the Magnitude of School Effects
As we completed this review, other difficulties became apparent with the use of ‘variance
accounted for by schooling’ as the measure of the magnitude of school effects. A
major problem was the lack of comparability across the studies reviewed due to
differences in types of analyses reported and in choice of variables used. Scheerens
(1992) came to the same conclusion in an earlier review concluding that his ‘attempt
at synthesis was a sobering experience’.
Similarly, Sammons et al. (1996a) concluded:
It is difficult to compare the relative size of school effects in different school
effectiveness studies because they are often reported in different ways.
(Sammons et al., 1996a, p.15)
Therefore, there is a growing consensus that ‘variance explained’ estimates of school
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
effects are not adequate (e.g. Bosker and Scheerens, 1997; Bosker and Witziers, 1996;
Jencks et al., 1972; Rutter, 1983a, 1983B; Sammons et al., 1996a, 1996b; Scheerens,
1992; Willms, 1992).
Alternative estimates of ‘effect sizes’ will be presented in this section. These effect
sizes often express the effect of school in terms of percentages of standard deviations,
since that measure is well understood among researchers. Several authors have
presented their results in ways intended to highlight the importance of school effects,
regardless of how small they were in terms of variance explained. Consider the
following examples:
Purkey and Smith (1983) estimated that the difference in achievement level
between the least effective schools (lowest 20 per cent of schools) and the
most effective schools (top 20 per cent of schools) would amount to ‘two-
thirds of a standard deviation, or roughly one full grade level of achievement’
(p.428). They based these estimates of the size of school effects on their 1983
review of extant SER.
As noted above, Rutter (1983a) summarized results from his study of 12 secondary
schools in London (Rutter et al., 1979) as indicating that children at the most
successful secondary school got an average of four times as many exam passes as
children at the least successful school after adjusting for intake characteristics.
The Brookover et al. (1979) study yielded results that indicated that after matching
for intake, students in the most successful white elementary schools obtained
academic achievement scores an average of about one standard deviation
(equivalent to about 15 IQ points) above those in unsuccessful white elementary
schools. According to the investigators, these differences was even greater for
black elementary schools.
As noted above, Mortimore et al. (1988) illustrated the importance of the
longitudinal study of school effects by reporting the relative importance of school
and home influences on student progress over a three year period. Their analyses
indicated: that the school was roughly four times more important in accounting
for differences in pupil progress in reading than were background factors (p.186),
and that the school was roughly ten times more important in accounting for
differences in pupil progress in mathematics than were background factors (p.188).
Smith and Tomlinson illustrated the effect of school from their study of multiracial
comprehensive secondary schools in the UK as follows:
The results of the present study show that there are very important differences
between urban comprehensive schools…. For certain groups, the variation in
exam results between individuals in different schools is as much as one-quarter
of the total variation between individuals…. Given that individual differences
are very large and strongly tend to persist, these findings show that differences
in performance between schools are very substantial.
(Smith and Tomlinson, 1989, p.301)
Scheerens (1992) built upon the previous review of SER by Purkey and Smith
(1983) to develop an index of the size of school effects:
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Thus, in a school effectiveness study we can compare the average score of the
least effective 20 per cent of schools with the average score of the most effective
20 per cent and express the difference in proportion to one standard deviation.
Differences between 0.2 and 0.5 standard deviations are regarded as small, those
between 0.5 and 0.8 are average and above 0.8 as large (Cohen, J., 1977).
(Scheerens, 1992, p.71)
Using the 0.67 standard deviation result from the Purkey and Smith (1983) review of SER,
Scheerens concluded that this was an effect of average size. As noted above, this also equates
to an entire school year’s difference between an average student in the most effective school
(top 20 per cent) and one in the least effective school (bottom 20 per cent). Scheerens
concluded that an effect of this size had practical significance and referred to the work of
Rosenthal and Rubin (1982) from educational psychology that had demonstrated that:
…effects which in terms of explained variance on the output variable were
relatively small still signified a considerable difference in scale points on the
dependent variable.
(Scheerens, 1992, p.71)
Willms expressed the magnitude of school effects as effect sizes associated with
individual schools again using standard deviation units:
These are estimates of the effects of each school measured as a fraction of a
standard deviation of the outcome measure. For example, an effect size of 0.1
means that the estimated attainment score of a pupil with average background
characteristics was 10 per cent of a standard deviation higher in that school
than the national average attainment score. In terms of percentiles, an effect
size of 0.1 places a child at the 54th percentile, instead of the 50th percentile.
(Willms, 1992, p.43)
Bosker and Witziers (1996) concluded that in the Netherlands, the difference
between the top 10 per cent of the schools and the bottom 10 per cent of the
schools, after adjusting for intake, is as large as 0.65 of a standard deviation on
the original test scale. They estimate that given the structure of secondary education
in that country, it would take a student from a highly ineffective primary school
two years longer to attain the same achievement certificate at the end of secondary
school as an equally talented student from a highly effective school.
It should be remembered that most of the effect sizes reported in this section have
been based on schools that are outliers, that is schools at the extremes of the
achievement range (e.g. Klitgaard and Hall, 1974; Stringfield, 1994b). Nevertheless,
these comparisons afford us some insight into the practical significance of school
effects (Scheerens, 1992).
There is a continued need for a standard ‘effect size’ measure that would be
recognized internationally. The work summarized in this section, especially that of
the Dutch researchers (Scheerens, 1992; Bosker and Witziers, 1996) points the field in
a direction that may eventually lead to such a standard ‘effect size’ measure.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Emerging Issues Related to Multilevel Modelling
Throughout this volume, and especially in this chapter and Chapter 6, proper allegiance
is paid to the current statistical orthodoxy of employing random coefficient (RC)
multilevel models, also referred to as hierarchical linear models (or HLM) in the USA,
in the study of the scientific properties of school effects. Multilevel models simply
describe more accurately the properties of school effects, as we now envision them,
than do traditional techniques such as OLS regression analysis, and school effectiveness
researchers of all ilks (scientists, pragmatists, humanists) should acknowledge this.
DeLeeuw and Kreft (1995a), answering questions posed by the USA National Center
for Educational Statistics regarding the use of multilevel models, addressed the overall
acceptance of the use of these models in SER as follows:
If the question is interpreted as ‘Should we take the hierarchical nature of the
data into account in our models?’, then the answer is yes. We should because it is
important prior information that can be used to increase the power and precision
of our techniques, and also because it reflects the way the sample is collected.
(DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995a, p. 178)
There is, however, an expanding body of literature that is critical of some aspects of
the use of multilevel modelling in SER, and the following section briefly summarizes
this work. It has been over a decade since Aitkin and Longford’s (1986) milestone
article on the use of multilevel modelling in SER, and criticisms are just now beginning
to gain some momentum. In some respects, this criticism was predictable, and, if
anything, has been somewhat delayed in coming. This delay was due to the initial,
and continuing, enthusiasm associated with the discovery of statistical techniques
that apparently could deal with the thorny ‘unit of analysis’ problems that had dogged
SER since the Coleman Report.
Mason colourfully and accurately describes the continuing evolution of the use of
multilevel models in SER as follows:
From the sociology of knowledge perspective, the intellectual history of the
introduction of multilevel models appears to be running a predictable course: (1)
A new statistical formulation is introduced. (2) The new formulation seems to
answer a widely perceived need. (3) It is enthusiastically developed and
promulgated as The Answer. (4) In response, journeyman practitioners accord
the new methodology high status. Graduate students learn some version of it. So
do young professors. Older ones consider how close they are to retirement before
deciding how much to invest in it. Then comes the reaction: (5) It is said that the
new method is like some other, previously used method in various ways. (6) Critics
begin to ask, ‘Do we really get different answers (from the way we used to do it,
and already understand)?’ Typically, for any particular methodology, the answer
is in some cases no, and in some, yes. In all instances, though, the new methodology
has a generality that previous approaches lacked. Moreover, it provides a new
way of thinking about problems. (7) Nevertheless, disaffection begins to set in.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The assumptions are not always met and often seem unjustifiable in the context
of a particular problem…. (8) By now, the high-water mark has been reached and
the tide of enthusiasm begins to ebb. (9) But the ark comes to rest somewhere on
the side of the mountain, at an elevation that differs from its former resting place,
because, in fact, the new methodology has something genuine to offer….
(Mason, 1995, p.221)
Mason (1995) concluded that we are currently at Stage 7, in which highly
knowledgeable critics (e.g. DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995a, 1995b; Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b,
1995a, 1996; Rogosa and Saner, 1995a, 1995b) have begun to point out problems
with multilevel modelling and situations in which OLS regression analyses and other
more traditional techniques may be as, or even more, appropriate in analysing school
effects data.
For instance, Tymms, in a review of Willms (1992) book on school indicators,
pointed out three problems with the use of multilevel models:
The first is that…if monitoring is to have an impact it must be acceptable and
that, in fact means that it must be comprehensible. Multilevel models, with
their ‘level two variables’, subscripted equations and varying slopes, turn 99
per cent, of those who hear about it, off. The second is that, school effects
calculated by the readily understandable Ordinary Least Squares regression
analysis are often very little different from those developed from multilevel
modelling! Added to this is the unmentioned bias introduced into the data by
the ‘shrinkage’ process, which is a valuable property for the researcher, but a
millstone around the neck of a small deprived school doing well and wanting to
prove it to the outside world.
(Tymms, 1994, p.395)
In following sections, we will summarize some of the emerging criticisms regarding
the use of multilevel modelling in SER:
less complicated techniques may be preferred in those cases in which multilevel
models and more traditional techniques generate the same results, since the
traditional techniques involve less intense computation and do not entail a variety
of other analytical and interpretation complexities associated with multilevel models
(e.g. DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995a, 1995b);
the fact that residual values are ‘shrunk towards the mean’ in multilevel models,
which can result in the underestimation of the effectiveness status of schools with
small numbers of students;
practical and political issues related to the comprehensibility of multilevel modelling
to the majority of practitioners in the field (i.e. the pragmatists and humanists
referred to in Chapter 2); and
comments on the excessive ‘scientism’, that has characterized some of the writing
associated with multilevel modelling, and how that can be detrimental to the field
of SER as a whole.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
It is accurate to say that a major historical division in the study of school effects could
be called pre-multilevel modelling (1966–85) and post-multilevel modelling (1986-
now). In addition to the fact that the new statistical techniques more accurately model
school effects, many statisticians and researchers predicted that the properties of school
effects, including the estimation of the size of those effects, would be quite different
using multilevel models, rather than regression analyses. There is now significant
evidence that there is not much difference in the basic statistical results (e.g. estimates
of proportion of variance accounted for, beta weights for specific predictors) associated
with multilevel models and OLS regression analyses, especially in the results associated
with the level of the school.
There is both empirical and conceptual evidence in support of this point, including
the following studies and research articles.
1 Daly’s (1991) study
Daly’s (1991) study of school effects in secondary schools in Northern Ireland
compared the magnitude of school effects using both OLS regression and HLM
analyses. Daly concluded that results from four HLM and four OLS regression
analyses were ‘remarkably similar’ (p.315) in terms of variance accounted for by
school factors and in terms of beta weights associated with the predictors. The only
marked difference between the analyses was due to the shrinkage effect in which
the ‘HLM programme shrinks the OLS measures towards the centre of the
distribution’ (p.315).
2 Fitz-Gibbon (1991b, 1995a, 1996)
Fitz-Gibbon (1991b, 1995, 1996) has discussed the similarity of OLS regression and
multilevel model results in several research articles and summaries. These comparisons
come from her studies of data from the A-level Information System (ALIS), one of
which was described in detail earlier in this section (Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b). Fitz-Gibbon
did these comparative analyses because she was interested in the accuracy and
comprehensibility of results from her indicator system, which are read and used by
practitioners within the educational community.
Fitz-Gibbon and her colleagues (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon, 1995a; Trower and Vincent,
1995) compared several OLS regression and multilevel models in their analyses. One
method, which she called the ‘simple Residual Gain Analysis’, is the average of all the
students’ residuals from an OLS regression analysis. Fitz-Gibbon concluded:
On the datasets examined here, and in all others of which we are aware, the
Value Added indicators produced by the simple method correlate at least as well
as 0.94, and usually more strongly, with the Value Added indicators derived from
multi-level modelling.
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1995a, p.l7)
Trower and Vincent (1995) further concluded:
The techniques of Hierarchical Linear modelling and OLS produced estimates of
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
the school residuals which were very similar although the standard errors of these
parameters will be greater under OLS. The choice of technique must be made by
consideration of other factors—for example comprehensibility and computing
(Trower and Vincent, 1995)
Furthermore, Fitz-Gibbon (1996) concluded that as the size of a unit (e.g. department,
school) approaches 30 ‘the difference between a multilevel residual and the simple
regression one will be negligible’ (p. 131).
3 Kennedy et al. (1991, 1993)
Kennedy and his colleagues used HLM to reanalyse results from the Louisiana School
Effectiveness Study Phase II (LSES-II) database (Kennedy et al., 1991, 1993), which
had initially been analysed using OLS regression, since computerized multilevel
programmes were not available at the time the data were gathered (Teddlie et al.,
1984). Analysis of the LSES-II data using HLM resulted in very similar estimates to
those obtained using OLS regression. For instance, the HLM analyses yielded essentially
the same results in terms of the importance of certain school climate variables and in
terms of the amount of the variance that was explicable at the school level (Kennedy
et al., 1993).
4 Rogosa and Saner (1995a, 1995b)
In a special issue of the Journal of Educational and Behavioural Statistics entitled
Hierarchical Linear Models: Problems and Prospects, authors compared the results of
traditional regression and more advanced multilevel models both empirically (e.g.
Rogosa and Saner, 1995a, 1995b) and conceptually (e.g. DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995a,
1995b). Rogosa and Saner (1995a, 1995b) analysed three sets of longitudinal panel
data using both HLM and simpler approaches, such as OLS regression. One database
followed the achievement of a cohort of students from graces one through eight.
Rogosa and Saner (1995a, p.149) stated that a major purpose of these comparisons
was ‘to demystify these analyses by showing equivalences with simpler approaches’.
These authors reported results that were virtually identical using the different
techniques, thus demonstrating that under certain circumstances you can get the same
results using either multilevel analyses or simpler approaches, such as OLS regression.
5 DeLeeuw and Kreft (1995a, 1995b)
DeLeeuw and Kreft (1995a, 1995b) conceptually compared the properties of multilevel
models and simpler techniques, such as weighted and unweighted OLS regression
techniques. They concluded that ‘while HLMs are an elegant conceptualization, they
are not always necessary’ (DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995a, p.171).
In a response to comments made by Raudenbush (1995a), DeLeeuw and Kreft
(1995b) further noted that:
The first paragraph of Raudenbush’s reply sounds like a sales pitch…Strong
characterisations such as ‘mismatch between reality and statistical power’,
‘misestimated precision’ and ‘weak power’ are enough to make us deeply ashamed
for ever using traditional statistical methods. We think that these strong
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
characterisations are misleading. We already know that from the point of view of
the practitioner, the differences between ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ methods are
small, often tiny.
(De Leeuw and Kreft, 1995b, p.240)
6 Mason (1995)
Mason (1995) summarized these criticisms of both Rogosa and Saner and of DeLeeuw
and Kreft as follows:
Rogosa and Saner demonstrate that under certain circumstances…you can get the
same answers using the HLM software package and using other kinds of software…It
would be incorrect to assert that fixed-effect and random effect (covariance
component) modelling always yield the same end result, and I do not read Rogosa
and Saner to be making that claim. DeLeeuw and Kreft argue that for many purposes,
it suffices not to estimate a covariance component model: A fixed effects model will
do…. They argue against routine acceptance of shrinkage estimates obtained by
multilevel programs that employ empirical Bayes computations.
(Mason, 1995, p.222)
7 Gray et al. (1995) and Freeman and Teddlie (1997)
Two recent studies of the stability of school effects yielded very similar estimates
despite the fact that one (Gray, Jesson, Goldstein, Hedger and Rasbash, 1995) used
multilevel models analysing secondary data from England, while the other (Freeman
and Teddlie, 1997) used traditional OLS regression analysis of a primary school
database from the USA. Details regarding the results from these two studies are
given later.
The fact that similarities have been demonstrated in the results from multilevel
analyses and traditional OLS regression analyses in some studies does not mean that
we should return to the use of the more traditional models, which do not model
school effects as well as the new techniques. These similarities do, however, seem to
indicate the following:
If researchers or policy makers are interested in simple statistics associated with
the effect of the school (e.g. per cent of variance accounted for, beta weights
associated with predictor variables), the traditional OLS analyses appear to often
yield estimates similar to the more complicated multilevel models.
Multilevel analyses offer a variety of more advanced statistical results that simpler
traditional techniques do not (e.g. within school slopes, cross level analysis). If
researchers or policy makers want these more advanced statistics, then they must
use multilevel analyses.
The results from studies conducted before the advent of multilevel models (i.e.
before 1986) have been described as relying on ‘unsound statistical procedures’
(Bosker and Witziers, 1996, p.6) and therefore not included in meta-analyses or
excluded from recent literature reviews. The similarity in results between OLS
regression and multilevel analyses with regard to basic statistics indicates that to
ignore the results from the first twenty years of SER is akin to ‘throwing out the
baby with the bath wash’.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
A practical issue associated with the use of multilevel models in SER concerns the
shrinkage of residual values associated with individual schools (e.g. Daly, 1991;
DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995a; Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b; Tymms, 1994; Willms, 1992).
Willms (1992) describes this shrinkage process as follows:
Even with complete sample coverage, however, estimates of school effects include
measurement error. These errors will also be greater for smaller schools. Estimates
based on…(HLM) make adjustments for this error by borrowing strength from
the data set as a whole. The estimates of school effects are differentially ‘shrunk’
towards the mean outcome score for the entire sample…The shrinkage of estimates
for small schools is greater than the shrinkage for large schools.
(Willms, 1992, p.46)
Willms explains that while OLS regression estimates are unbiased, they contain error
due to sampling and measurement. On the other hand, HLM (multilevel) estimates
are biased (i.e. they include a systematic error due to ‘shrinkage’), but they also include
an adjustment for sampling and measurement error, therefore presenting ‘a more
accurate picture of the variation between schools’ (Willms, 1992, p.46).
DeLeeuw and Kreft (1995a) discuss the ‘frustration of the principal of an excellent
school who sees the predictions of success of her students shrunken towards the mean’
(p.184). Fitz-Gibbon (1996) describes the ‘shrinkage’ problem for smaller schools, or
classrooms, as follows:
A final and important reason for caution in using multilevel modelling is that
it will take the residuals of the kind we provide (ordinary least squares residuals
based on the whole sample) and make adjustments to the data to ‘shrink’ the
estimates towards the average…. An inner-city school obtaining a good result
will find it shrunk towards zero on the statistical basis that such a result is
unreliable…. Whilst this shrinkage seems justifiable in statistical terms, for
samples, if a teacher had obtained a very good result with a small group of
students, he or she would certainly not want the results to be adjusted
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1996, p. 130)
Indeed, this shrinkage issue is a good example of the contrast between what is best
from a statistical point of view, and what is more important from the point of view of
an educational practitioner. The practitioner would prefer the OLS residuals, if they
demonstrate that her school or class is performing well. The statistician would question
the reliability of the estimate and make adjustments downward. Fitz-Gibbon (1996)
argues that this statistical adjustment is less justifiable if entire school and class samples
are used, as is the case in many educational indicator systems.
The shrinkage issue is but one example of potential conflicts between the views of
scientists, on the one hand, and humanists or pragmatists (as defined in Chapter 2),
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
on the other hand, with regard to the use of multilevel models in SER. Probably the
most important issue concerns the comprehensibility of multilevel modelling procedures
to educational practitioners, who are the primary consumers of the results from
educational indicator systems, or from educational research that purports to have
practical implications.
As noted above in the quote from Tymms (1994, p.395), statistics associated with
multilevel modelling ‘turn off the majority of practitioners, especially when research
reports are written with dozens of mathematical formulas interspersed throughout.
While ‘slopes as outcomes’ may more accurately portray the effects of schools than
simple residual values, most practitioners have great difficulty interpreting graphs
with scores of overlapping slopes.
Fitz-Gibbon (1996) referred to the importance of the ‘transparency of the
procedures’ in indicator systems, or for that matter in any educational research with
practical implications.
Another good reason for not using multilevel modelling, and a very important
one, is that it removes the procedures from the understanding of most of the
participants in the information system…it is very important that the profession
can see exactly how the indicators are calculated and be able to make adjustments
if justified.
There is an ongoing real life ‘experiment’ that illustrates difficulties in the practical
application of multilevel modelling to indicator systems: the Tennessee Value Added
Assessment System (TVAAS). TVAAS was developed by researchers at the University
of Tennessee (e.g. Sanders and Horn, 1994) and uses multilevel models (two and
three stage) to analyse growth in student achievement. The system attempts to measure
district, school, and teacher effects on student achievement on the Tennessee
Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), a state-wide testing system for all grades.
Bock and Wolfe (1996, p.69) point out that TCAP is ‘virtually unique among the
states’ in that it allows researchers to maintain a continuing record of students’
achievement test scores as they move across grades, schools, and counties.
One of the primary criticisms of TVAAS concerns the fact that it is not easily
explicable to those who are most affected by it, according to Baker et al. (1995):
Teachers, principals, and superintendents have all raised questions about the value-
added assessment model because they have a great deal of difficulty understanding
the process. This is understandable, given the complexity of the statistical
techniques, but it makes it difficult to convince those most affected by the
evaluation that it is actually an appropriate and reliable means of measuring the
impact educators have on student learning.
(Baker et al., 1995, p.19)
While Sanders (1995) agreed that model was not easily explainable, he went on to
assert the following:
Among schools and systems that do not score well on portions of the assessment,
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
there are two distinct reactions…. In the first group, a sincere desire exists to
identify areas of weakness, determine the cause, and develop a plan to correct
them…. In contrast, the second group spends much of its energy in denial….
Not surprisingly, they make little effort either to understand the TVAAS process
or benefit from the information it provides. To this group, no apology is
(Sanders, 1995, p.56)
While no apology may be warranted to this second group, they have apparently
managed to have a serious impact on the political viability of TVAAS, according to
several authors (e.g. Bock and Wolfe, 1996).
Actions by Tennessee legislators include the following:
a freeze on holding school teachers responsible for test scores at least temporarily
and possibly forever;
a block on sanctions against local officials for poor academic gains;
a technical review of the value-added system by an independent panel of experts;
the development of a technique to address the continued confusion over the
assessment method by parents and teachers, who are supposed to use the evaluation
to guide reform.
Willms and Kerckhoff (1995) addressed this issue of the comprehensibility of statistical
techniques in a recent article calling for more complex estimates of school performance
(e.g. indicators of the extent of inequality across a school district, indicators of the
extent of inequality among subgroups, provision of means for explaining diversity
among schools in terms of process variables). These authors concluded that:
The function of statistical techniques is to uncover complexity and help explain it
…. We cannot presume that parents, teachers, or school administrators are
incapable of understanding indicators…. If we do, then we must also presume
that we are unable to inform them in ways that will improve the schooling system.
(Willms and Kerckhoff, 1995, pp.126–7)
To this end of providing indicator systems with greater comprehensibility, FitzGibbon
(1995a) suggested a two stage approach for analysing and reporting data:
A two-stage system, in which a simple, rapid analysis is made available to schools,
followed by a second stage of careful investigations of the data and the development
of sophisticated modelling, should prove adaptable.
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1995a, p.11)
In this two stage model, results based on simpler procedures (e.g. OLS regression)
would first be presented to schools, together with graphs explaining their development
and usage. Then, in stage two, multilevel analyses would be used to examine additional,
more complex effects that require sophisticated statistical modelling. The fact that
OLS regression and multilevel procedures have often been demonstrated to produce
similar basic statistics allowed Fitz-Gibbon to propose this two stage process.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
As the more sophisticated statistics associated with multilevel modelling (e.g. crosslevel
effects, slope analysis) have become the standard method for reporting the results of
school effects, basic concerns about the statistical conclusion validity of SER have
diminished. Nevertheless, some statisticians/researchers are still concerned with the
remaining statistical conclusion validity issues associated with these multilevel models.
(See Chapter 6 for more details regarding these remaining issues.)
In commenting on an article by Goldstein (1995b), DeLeeuw and Kreft made the
following point regarding the increasingly complicated statistical models in SER and
the computer applications required to run them:
Goldstein seems to feel that the route towards solving some of the problems with
simple multilevel models is to introduce more complicated ones…. For some reason,
he refuses to acknowledge that we think that this growing of the model will lead
to disaster eventually, and is not necessarily wise if the estimation problems for
the simplest possible model are still problematic. The new version of Goldstein’s
program is called MLn and handles up to 15 levels. We are still not sure if he is
really serious, or if this is some kind of Monty Python-type exaggeration.
(DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995b, p.239)
At a certain point, such complex statistical (and related computer) applications appear
quite unrelated to substantive issues regarding school effects. Obsession with these
increasingly esoteric considerations leads to the production of ‘elite’ knowledge, that
is simply not accessible to the vast majority of individuals interested in the results
from SER. One would hope that we are past the point of needing 25 or more
mathematical formulas in order to understand the results from a SER research study,
yet DeLeeuw and Kreft (1995a) included 37 such formulas in their recent article on
issues regarding the use of multilevel models in educational research. This quite lucid
and valuable article was contained in a special issue of an educational statistics journal
and was appropriate for that particular context. Nevertheless, when the only people
who can understand the nuances of a SER research article are those with a PhD in
statistics, then of what practical value are these studies to the pragmatists and humanists
in the field?
As noted in Chapter 2 and earlier in this chapter, having individuals with the
‘scientific’ orientation involved in SER is essential to its long term success, because
they are interested in solving the methodological problems that have always plagued
the field and that certainly led to its demise in the USA over the past decade.
Nevertheless, the answer to methodological problems associated with the accurate
estimation of the size of school effects, and of other properties of school effects, cannot
be totally statistical in nature.
There has been a tendency to associate all methodological problems in SER with
statistical issues associated with the multilevel nature of school effects. While advances
in multilevel models have gone a long way toward solving statistical conclusion validity
issues, purely statistical solutions cannot, by themselves, solve the other methodological
issues defined in Table 3.1: internal validity issues associated with study design and
operational definitions of school effects; various types of external validity issues
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
(ecological validity, generalizability across time, generalizability across settings); and
various psychometric issues (construct validity, concurrent validity, predictive validity,
reliability). A continuing obsession with increasingly esoteric statistical problems
detracts from the overall progress that we could, and should, be making toward
resolving these other important methodological issues.
Over the past few years, some alternatives to the use of the random coefficient (RC)
multilevel models in SER have appeared, including:
OLS regression under certain circumstances, as described throughout the previous
section (e.g. DeLeeuw and Kreft, 1995a; Rogosa and Saner, 1995a);
both OLS regression and RC multilevel models, as proposed in the two-stage
process of Fitz-Gibbon (1995a);
rapid-fire graphical bootstrapping (RGB), a descriptive technique advocated by
Fitz-Gibbon (1991b); and
path analysis, or structural equation modelling (SEM), which was recently proposed
by Hallinger and Heck (1996) as a statistical method for analysing the effect of
principal leadership in SER.
Comments from the last section indicate that we do not believe that esoteric statistical
discussions will advance the field at this point, but the use of structural equation
modelling in future SER may be fruitful, simply because these methods may better
model school effects than those currently employed. Hallinger and Heck (1996)
presented three general models of principal effects on school effectiveness (direct-
effects model, mediated-effects model, reciprocal-effects model) and concluded that
SEM is the best way to statistically analyse results from studies employing the
reciprocal-effects model. (See Chapter 4 for a further discussion of Hallinger and
Heck, 1996).
Several authors (e.g. Creemers and Reezigt, 1996; Hallinger and Heck, 1996) have
concluded that school level factors have their largest effects on achievement indirectly
through the classroom although the full evidence for such a claim may be lacking.
Nevertheless, the relationship between school level factors and student achievement
is probably not restricted to indirect effects through intervening classroom factors
solely. It is possible that school level factors can also impact student achievement in
direct and in reciprocal ways, which is best described using the reciprocal-effects
model of Hallinger and Heck. In this model, school factors are linked to student
achievement with a causal arrow in both directions, as well as through intervening
These types of relationships are probably best modelled using SEM. Recent statistical
advances in this area have resulted in multilevel applications of path models, as
described by Kreft (1995):
Extensions of multilevel modelling to structural equation models can be found in
Muthén (1994) and McDonald (1994). These last models are not comparable to
RC models, because they allow predictors to be random instead of fixed, and
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
regression coefficients to be fixed instead of random. Whereas RC models are
generalisations of regression models with one dependent variable, these models
are generalisations of path models, with or without latent variables, allowing
more than one dependent variable.
(Kreft, 1995, p.110)
The Context Specificity of School Effects
The context specificity of school effects will be only briefly described here, since Chapter
5 includes detailed discussion of this issue. In Table 3.1, context effects were associated
with the general educational research issue of external validity, particularly ecological
validity, which concerns generalizability of results across different environments. It
should be reiterated that this generalizability issue is between schools, whereas
differential effects (to be discussed later) concern the generalizability of school effects
within schools.
Context differences refer to between school differences such as: the SES composition
of the student body, the grade phase of schooling, the community type of schools, the
governance structure of schools, the country in which schools reside, the size of schools,
etc. Several of these between school differences have been shown to have an influence
upon the magnitude (and variance) of school effects. Therefore, while the magnitude
of between-school effect sizes may be generally estimated at around 8–15 per cent of
the individual variance in achievement, they are consistently larger for certain types
of schools, and smaller for others. For instance, it may be concluded that effect sizes
are larger for elementary (or junior) schools than they are for secondary schools based
on studies conducted in both the UK and the USA.
Part of this difference in effect sizes concerns the variance in the context
variable under study. For instance, Shavit and Williams (1985) concluded that
there needs to be a wide range of variation in the SES contexts of the schools
under study in order to detect effects of this contextual factor. Thus, studies
that are conducted in settings with little variance in SES of students will be less
likely to detect context effects.
The country in which SER occurs certainly has an effect upon the magnitude of
school effects as was described earlier. This difference may be due to the methodological
orientations of the researchers within those different countries, as well as to actual
differences in the influence that schools have on achievement.
A related point concerns the differences in the ways in which researchers from
various countries have conceptualized and studied ‘context’ variables. Chapter 5
contains an extended comparison of the differences in the manner in which researchers
in three countries (the UK, the USA, the Netherlands) have studied context effects
and the effect that this may have had on their results.
The following context effects are discussed throughout this volume:
socio economic status of student body;
grade phase of schooling;
community type in which school resides;
governance structure of school; and
country in which school resides.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The Consistency of School Effects
The next two sections of this chapter concern the issues of the consistency of school
effects across multiple indicators at one point in time and the stability of school effects
across time. Distinctions between these two issues have been drawn since the mid
1980s (e.g. Crone et al, 1994a, 1994b, 1995; Mandeville, 1988; Mandeville and
Anderson, 1987). Despite these distinctions, the two issues are interrelated, since
inconsistency in initial classification will later lead to greater instability in school
effectiveness indices (SEIs). Results regarding consistency/stability have varied
depending upon the country context and the methodology employed. These differences
will be explored further in this chapter and in Chapter 5.
General Considerations Regarding the Consistency of School Effects
and Concurrent Validity
The consistency of school effects can be defined as the congruence of SEIs at one
point in time when different dependent measures of those effects are utilized (Crone
et al., 1994a, 1994b). Researchers in the US have usually confined these dependent
measures to academic achievement with some exceptions (e.g. Kochan, Tashakkori,
and Teddlie, 1996; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993), while researchers in the UK have
been more likely to consider other types of outcomes.
For instance, Sammons et al. (1993a, 1996a) in a review of literature primarily from
the UK referred to several different types of outcomes: academic attainment, Boards of
the same examination, measures of attendance, measures of attitudes, measures of
behaviour, and measures of self-concept. This emphasis on different outcomes is consistent
with the conclusion from numerous reviewers that school effects should be measured
by outcomes other than academic achievement (e.g. Good and Brophy, 1986; Levine
and Lezotte, 1990; Purkey and Smith, 1983; Rowan et al., 1983).
The psychometric issues of concurrent validity refers to the degree to which results
from a newly developed instrument correlates with results obtained with a previously
validated instrument (Anastasi, 1982). This psychometric concept is expanded in the
current discussion of the consistency of school effects to include correlations between
any measures of effectiveness, whether they are validated or not, whether they are
achievement oriented or not.
In some respects, this concept of the consistency of school effects is akin to the
triangulation techniques described in the qualitative research and mixed methods
literature (e.g. Denzin, 1978; Patron, 1990). With triangulation techniques, a researcher
validates the results from one source of data with that from another source of data.
As noted by several authors (e.g. Cook and Campbell, 1979; Willms, 1992), the
measurement of any construct should be improved if one collects multiple measures
of that construct. For instance, it is more likely that schools will be accurately classified
if both quantitative and qualitative data are utilized in making the determination of
effectiveness status, as Stringfield and Teddlie (1990) did in their longitudinal case
studies of differentially effective schools in Louisiana.
If the results from different measures of school effectiveness are consistent, then
the researcher may conclude that the school is effective (or ineffective) with some
confidence. On the other hand, if the school appears to be effective with regard to its
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
students’ scores on a science test, but not effective with regard to its students’ scores
on a language arts test, then the researcher faces a dilemma in interpretation of the
overall effectiveness status of the school.
In this section, we will review research aimed at determining how consistent SEIs
are in general terms. First, we will review studies examining the consistency of school
effects across different achievement measures; then we will examine the consistency
of school effects among different indicators that measure outcomes other than
achievement scores.
Evidence Regarding the Consistency of School Effects across
Different Achievement Measures
There are three types of consistency issues regarding SEI classification based on
achievement scores at one point in time (Levine and Lezotte, 1990; Lang et al., 1992):
consistency across subject areas, consistency across grade levels, and consistency of
alternative test modes (e.g. norm-referenced tests or NRTs versus criterion tests or
CRTs). Most studies have focused on consistency across subject areas, although some
researchers have studied consistency across grade level (e.g. Mandeville and Anderson,
1987) or alternative test modes (e.g. Lang et al., 1992).
Consistency across Measures of Achievement from Different Subject Areas
Evidence from the US, the UK and the Netherlands indicate a moderate level of
consistency of school effects across measures of achievement from different subject
areas, which typically involve assessment of basic skills (e.g. mathematics, reading,
writing). Most of the studies utilize correlations between schools’ effects
(operationalized as residuals) on different subjects or grade levels, while some use
split samples of students taking the same examinations. Some researchers also
generate kappa coefficients, which control for chance agreement among the indices
(e.g. Crone et al, 1994, 1995b; Lang, 1991, Lang et al., 1992; Mandeville and
Anderson, 1987).
Mandeville and Anderson (1987) and Mandeville (1988) reported moderately
strong, positive correlations between same grade mathematics and reading SEIs (r’s
in the 0.60 to 0.70 range), using an elementary schools database generated by the
South Carolina Department of Education. On the other hand, kappa coefficients
generated in this study were lower (0.33 to 0.52), as were the correlations reported
across grade levels, which were quite low (0.02 to 0.17). This study followed up on a
line of research in the US concerning the consistency/stability of school effects that
had started in the 1960s (e.g. Dyer et al., 1969; Hilton and Patrick, 1970; Marco,
1974; O’Connor, E., 1972; Rowan et al., 1983). Recently, Yelton et al. (1994)
conducted a study of consistency in school effects for a small sample of elementary
schools in the US and reported a moderate level of consistency across reading and
maths achievement.
Evidence from the Netherlands confirms the general results found in the Mandeville
studies. Bosker and Scheerens (1989) summarized research (Bosker, 1989) conducted
at the elementary level in the Netherlands that indicated moderately strong, positive
correlations (r=0.72).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Mandeville and Anderson (1987) were pessimistic in their conclusions regarding
the consistency of school effects across grade levels, where the correlations averaged
around 0.10. This is an area that has not been adequately researched. Other evidence
from the Netherlands (Bosker, 1989; Bosker et al., 1988; Bosker and Scheerens, 1989)
indicated much higher correlations: rank correlations between grades of 0.40–0.80
(Bosker, 1989) and intra-school correlations between grades of 0.47–0.50 (Bosker et
al., 1988). Bosker and Scheerens urged caution in interpreting these results, however,
since they may be inflated due to the dependency in observations (p.748).
In the UK, Mortimore et al. (1988) reported modest positive correlations between
schools’ effects on mathematics and writing (r=0.28) and mathematics and reading
(r=0.41) in their study of primary schools in London. Later re-analyses of the data set
using a more complex mathematical model yielded somewhat higher correlations
between schools’ effects on mathematics and reading (r=0.61) (Sammons et al., 1993b).
Thomas and Nuttall (1993) generated correlations between schools’ effects at Key
Stage 1 (age 7 years) that ranged from 0.42 for English and technology to 0.68 for
mathematics and English. These primary school results from the UK are in basic
agreement with those reported in the US by Mandeville and Anderson (1987) and in
the Netherlands by Bosker and Scheerens (1989): correlations across different subject
areas are moderately strong and positive.
Sammons et al. (1993a, 1996a) summarized results from several studies of the
consistency of school effects across different subject areas at the secondary level from
databases generated in the UK (e.g. Cuttance, 1987; Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b; Nuttall et
al., 1992; Smith and Tomlinson, 1989; Thomas and Nuttall, 1993; Thomas et al.,
1993; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989). These studies yielded positive correlations for
school effects across different subject areas, but these results were somewhat smaller
(r’s in the 0.40 to 0.50 range as summarized by Sammons et al., 1993a, 1996a).
Similarly recent analysis of Key Stage 3 (age 14) data in the UK indicated that
there was an r=0.49 between school residuals for mathematics and English (Trower
and Vincent, 1995). Correlations between total score and specific tests were higher:
total and mathematics (r=0.66) and total and English (r=0.73). On the basis of these
and other data, Fitz-Gibbon concluded that:
In both the secondary and primary datasets Value Added results from different
subjects were only moderately correlated, thus suggesting a need to provide data
separately, subject by subject.
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1995a, p.3)
Luyten (1994c) came to similar conclusions after analysing data conducted at the
secondary level in the Netherlands. While he found evidence for the existence of
school effects, a larger percentage of the school-level variance in student achievement
at the secondary level was due to subject (e.g. mathematics, history) differences.
Sammons et al. (1996a) summarized these results as follows:
Given the differences between secondary and primary schools (the greater use of
subject specialist teachers and departmental organisation) it might be anticipated
that the concept of overall effectiveness would be less applicable than of
departmental effectiveness and Luyten’s (1994c) analysis supports this view.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
However, many studies of the process side of school effectiveness have pointed to
the importance of particular school-level factors (e.g. headteacher’s leadership)
at the secondary level in particular. The extent of consistency in departmental/
secondary school effects on different academic outcomes is an area that requires
further investigation.
(Sammons, Mortimore and Thomas, 1996, p.8)
Consistency across Measures of Achievement from the Same Subject
Areas and from Composite Scores
While there is evidence of inconsistencies in SEIs derived from different subject areas,
researchers have reported that SEIs derived from the same subject area yield more
consistent SEIs (e.g. Mandeville and Anderson, 1987; Crone et al., 1994a, 1994b,
1995). These studies utilize split samples and compare residuals from the same subject
area. There is evidence for greater consistency across split samples of mathematics
SEIs: Mandeville and Anderson (1987) reported r=0.86 for mathematics as compared
to r=0.78 for reading; Crone et al., 1994b reported r=0.80 (kappa coefficient=0.55)
for mathematics as compared to r=0.65 (kappa coefficient=0.35) for language arts;
and Crone et al., 1995 reported r=0.87 (kappa coefficient=0.54) for mathematics as
compared to r=0.76 (kappa coefficient=0.41) for reading. Mandeville and Anderson
(1987) have noted that mathematics is an area in which students acquire most of their
knowledge at school, as opposed to reading or language arts, which can be influenced
more by home and other factors external to the school. Therefore, the effects of
school on mathematics will tend to be more consistent than that for reading or language
arts, since there are fewer external influences affecting mathematics outcomes. (More
information on the differences in the magnitude of school effects on mathematics and
other subject areas will be discussed in a later section of this chapter on differential
school effects.)
Crone et al. (1994b, 1995) have presented strong evidence that composite scores
generate more consistent SEIs than sub-composite, subject area, or grade level scores.
She and her colleagues generated these composite scores in order to address the concerns
of reviewers (e.g. Purkey and Smith, 1983) who felt that using only one subject area
or one grade level as an SEI gave a very limited view of a school’s effectiveness. Witte
and Walsh (1990) demonstrated that different predictor variables were required to
explain the variance in different subject areas such as mathematics and reading. Also,
the literature reviewed in the previous section indicates that SEIs based on tests from
different subject areas may not be very consistent. Crone and her colleagues hoped
that composite SEI scores would combine these different indicators into a more
consistent measure. The composite scores in these secondary level studies conducted
in the US were combinations of CRTs and NRTs, generated by converting individual
test scores to standardised scores, and then combining the standardised scores. Both
NRTs and CRTs were included because previous research (Lang, 1991; Lang et al.,
1992) indicated that each yields somewhat different information on the effectiveness
levels of schools.
The Crone et al. studies presented evidence that composite SEIs generated greater
consistency across split samples of schools than any of the other subcomposite, CRT,
NRT, subject area, or grade level scores. In the Crone et al. 1994 study, the composite
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
SEI generated a r=0.82 across subsamples, with a kappa coefficient of 0.59; in the
Crone et al., 1995 study, the composite SEI generated a r=0.84 across subsamples,
with a kappa coefficient of 0.53.
Also, the Crone et al. 1994b study demonstrated that the overall composite SEI
scores correlated more highly with the other SEI scores than they did with
themselves. For instance, the correlation between the composite SEI and the
language arts SEI was 0.81, while the correlation between the composite SEI and
maths SEI was 0.74. On the other hand, the correlation between the maths and
language SEIs was only 0.62, and correlations among other components were
even lower (e.g. between science and language arts SEIs (r=0.50); between social
studies and maths SEIs (r=0.50)).
The significance of these results can be best understood by recalling the correlations
among SEIs reported in the previous section. These correlations ranged from 0.60–
0.70 for elementary school SEIs and from 0.40–0.50 for secondary school SEIs. The
Crone et al. (1994a, 1994b) study generated correlations between the composite SEI
and component scores (maths and language arts) of 0.74–0.81. If such composite
scores are available, then they may suffice as a consistent, overall measure of school
effectiveness status. It should be noted that these composite scores consisted of both
NRTs and CRTs, and were available in a variety of subject areas (e.g. language arts,
mathematics, science, social studies, and writing).
Conclusions Regarding Consistency of SEIs across Multiple Measures of
The following conclusions may be made based on evidence presented throughout this
1 School effectiveness indices across different subject areas are more consistent for
elementary than for secondary schools.
2 There is little consistency in SEIs across grade levels, although the empirical work
in this area is very limited.
3 Several authors conclude that the degree of inconsistency reported in SEIs for
secondary schools makes it necessary to report SEIs for different departments
within those schools (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon, 1996).
4 Composite SEIs generate much more consistent SEIs at the secondary level than
do component SEIs (e.g. for mathematics, reading, language arts, etc.).
5 An extensive testing programme, including NRTs and CRTs, is required to yield
the type of school composite SEIs reported in the literature (e.g. Crone et al.,
1994a, 1994b, 1995).
6 As achievement measures become increasingly dissimilar, they yield SEIs with lower
inter-correlations, or consistencies. Lower consistency ratings will be generated if
some of the achievement measures are highly specialized, or include authentic
assessments (e.g. Shavelson et al., 1991), or if academic departments or sub-units
function autonomously.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
Evidence Regarding the Consistency of School Effects across
Different Indicators
A considerable body of evidence that schools can vary in their effectiveness in promoting
students’ academic achievement has accumulated. Much less evidence exists concerning
schools’ effects on other important aspects of student development (e.g. behaviour,
attendance, attitudes, self-concept). The majority of studies have focused on only one
or two measures of academic attainment, most commonly basic skills (reading/
mathematics) at primary and total examination scores at secondary level. Only a
minority of researchers have attempted to examine consistency in schools’ effects on
a range of different educational outcomes including social/affective and academic
outcomes (examples of studies which have paid some attention to this issue include
Brandsma and Knuver, 1989; Cuttance, 1987; Gray et al., 1983; Knuver and Brandsma,
1993; Mandeville and Anderson, 1986; Mortimore et al., 1988; Reynolds, 1976;
Rutter et al., 1979).
Early influential British secondary school studies by Reynolds (1976) and Rutter et
al. (1979) found fairly strong inter-correlations between schools’ academic effectiveness
and their social effectiveness (using attendance and delinquency rates). The Rutter et
al. (1979) study concluded ‘On the whole, schools which have high levels of attendance
and good behaviour also tend to have high levels of exam success’ (p.92). Substantial
rank correlations were reported for delinquency and attendance (0.77); for delinquency
and academic outcome (0.68); for delinquency and behaviour (0.72). However, later
work by Gray et al. (1983) suggested that outcomes such as liking school and
attendance were partially independent of schools’ academic outcomes.
Fitz-Gibbon (1991b) reported significant but modest positive correlations (ranging
between r=0.26 and r=0.53) between attitude to school, attitudes to subject and
aspirations and effects on A-level subject performance for chemistry and mathematics.
For primary schools, although Mortimore et al. (1988) found some significant
positive associations (and no negative ones) between particular cognitive and affective
outcomes (e.g. attitude to mathematics and self-concept with effects on mathematics
progress), it was concluded that the two dimensions of school effects upon cognitive
and upon non-cognitive areas were independent. Nonetheless, it was also noted that
a number of schools had positive effects upon outcomes in both areas (14 out of 47
schools) whereas very few recorded positive effects for cognitive outcomes but were
ineffective in non-cognitive outcomes (3) and six were broadly effective in promoting
non-cognitive outcomes but were unsuccessful in most cognitive areas.
In the Netherlands, Knuver and Brandsma (1993) studied the relationships between
schools’ effects on a variety of affective measures (attitudes to language and arithmetic,
achievement motivation, academic self-concept and school well being) and on language
and arithmetic attainment. The correlations were very small but never negative. This
study also found that ‘the strongest relationship between cognitive and affective
outcomes can be found when subject specific affective measures are under study’
(Knuver and Brandsma, p.201). In line with Mortimore et al.’s (1988) work, it was
concluded that the two domains are relatively independent at the school level, but
‘not in any way contradictory to one another’ (Knuver and Brandsma, 1993, p.201).
Evidence on the extent of consistency of schools’ effects on different kinds of educational
outcomes appears to be mixed. At both secondary and primary level significant and positive,
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
though far from perfect, correlations between schools’ effects on different kinds of academic
outcomes have been reported. However, few studies have examined both cognitive and
academic/social outcomes. Of those that have, primary studies suggest that schools’ effects
on the two domains are weakly positively related and may be independent. At the secondary
level results suggest that effects on academic and certain affective/social outcomes may be
more closely linked, particularly for examination results and attendance and behaviour
(e.g. Kochan, et al. 1996). Further research is needed to investigate the issue of consistency
in schools’ effects on different kinds of outcomes in greater depth and in a wider range of
contexts before any firm conclusions can be drawn.
Stability of SEIs across Time (School as Unit of Analysis)
General Considerations Regarding the Stability of School Effects,
Reliability, and Generalizability across Time (with School as Unit of
Good and Brophy (1986) stated that it would be disturbing if effective schools did not
have stable influences on schools over consecutive years, yet there has been considerable
debate regarding the stability of school effects. In general, it can be concluded that
early estimates of the stability of school effects were relatively low, while more recent
studies, with more advanced methodologies, have yielded higher estimates. This
evolution in these research results, and in the methodological study of stability, will
be discussed in this section of the chapter.
The stability of school effects relates to two different psychometric and design
issues in educational research:
1 the psychometric issue of the reliability of SEIs across time, which is analogous to
test-retest reliability; and
2 the generalizability of school effects across time, which is a type of external validity
issue (Cook and Campbell, 1979).
The first issue relates primarily to the technology of the assessment of school effects;
that is, do we have appropriate methods, including instrumentation, to properly assess
the stability of school effects? As will be elaborated upon below, we are developing an
increasingly sophisticated methodology to assess the stability of school effects.
Advances in this area have included:
1 The development of composite SEIs, synthesized from several component indices,
that have yielded higher consistency and stability ratings than single component
indices alone (e.g. Crone et al., 1995; Kochan et al., 1996).
2 The utilization of multilevel models that more adequately model the longitudinal
effects of schools (e.g. Hill and Rowe, 1996; Raudenbush, 1989; Raudenbush and
Bryk, 1988a, 1988b).
3 The use of mixed methods to determine more accurately the effectiveness status of
schools at a single point in time and longitudinally (e.g. Stringfield and Teddlie,
1990; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993). Improving the accuracy of SEIs through
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
triangulation techniques, including both qualitative and quantitative techniques,
should enhance the accuracy of stability estimates. The second issue concerns the
substantive nature of the generalizability of school effects across time. The issue
of whether or not school effects actually persist is empirical, rather than
methodological. Once we are sure that our methodologies produce reliable SEIs,
then we must empirically determine if schools do indeed stay more effective (or
less effective) over a period of years using longitudinal research designs. The
following section summarizes our current knowledge regarding that question.
The Longitudinal Nature of Studies Regarding the Stability of School
The issue of the generalizability of school effects across time necessarily involves the
longitudinal study of schools. Longitudinal research designs allow for the study of the
stability of school effects, since SEIs can be calculated at each data collection point.
The most sophisticated school effectiveness research is longitudinal in nature, and the
field has an increasing number of such studies for two reasons:
1 Researchers are beginning to understand that the impact of school may be
underestimated in cross-sectional design, where it may be unobserved, under-
estimated, or partialled out (e.g. Hill and Rowe, 1996; Stringfield, 1994a).
2 Researchers are beginning to understand that school effectiveness and improvement
processes cannot be studied properly in cross-sectional designs, because these processes
are constantly changing (e.g. Rosenholtz, 1989; Slater and Teddlie, 1992; Stoll, 1996).
Historical Evidence Regarding the Stability of School Effects
Bosker and Scheerens (1989) reviewed evidence concerning two aspects of stability
over time. They make the assumption that ‘since we might expect that organizational
characteristics of schools are more or less stable over time, we must know if the rank
order of schools on output remains the same no matter when we measure the effect’
(Bosker and Scheerens, p.747). The extent to which schools’ organizational
characteristics do remain stable over time is, of course, debatable. Evidence from
Mortimore et al. (1988) has demonstrated that many inner city primary schools were
subject to substantial change during a three year period. In the UK the implementation
of the 1988 Education Reform Act has led to many far-reaching changes in curriculum,
funding and organization. Rather similar market driven reforms are now affecting
schools in countries such as Australia and New Zealand.
The evidence on whether the effects of schools vary over time is mixed. Early
British secondary studies (Reynolds, 1976; Rutter et al., 1979) examined students’
examination outcomes for different years and found in general consistency over time
(rank correlations of 0.69 to 0.82 for the Rutter study). Work by Willms (1987) and
Goldstein (1987a) in the UK reveals correlations ranging from 0.60 to 0.80. In the
Netherlands figures ranging from 0.75 to 0.96 (Bosker and Scheerens, 1989) have
been reported.
However, Nuttall et al.’s (1989) research in inner London pointed to the existence
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
of lack of stability in secondary schools’ effects on student total examination scores
over a three year period, although no indication was given of the correlation between
years in the estimates of individual schools’ effects. They concluded ‘This analysis
nevertheless gives rise to a note of caution about any study of school effectiveness
that relies on measures of outcome in just a single year, or of just a single cohort of
students’ (Nuttall et al., 1989, p.775). In her A-level work, Fitz-Gibbon (1991b) also
drew attention to the need to examine departmental residuals over several years.
Like Nuttall et al. (1989), Raudenbush (1989) also drew attention to the importance
of longitudinal models for estimating the stability of school effects. Summarizing
results from a study of school effects over two time points covering four years (1980,
1984) in Scotland, it was concluded that the estimated true score correlation was
0.87. In the original analyses Willms and Raudenbush (1989) also looked at English
and arithmetic results separately in addition to overall examination results and found
that school effects on examination results in specific subjects were less stable than
those on an overall attainment measure.
Research on stability in examination results for secondary schools by Sime and
Gray (1991) also found considerable stability in schools’ effects on students’ mean
examination results over a period of three years in one LEA and over two years in
another (correlations ranging from 0.86 to 0.94).
In the Netherlands (Luyten, 1994c) examined the stability of school effects in
secondary education over a period of five years for 17 subjects, and the interaction
effect of instability, across years and subjects. Unfortunately, because no measures of
prior attainment were available it is possible that, with more adequate control for
intake, the results might differ. Nonetheless, it was concluded that ‘schools produce
fairly stable results per subject across years’ (Luyten, 1994c, p.20). It was further
noted that ‘the interaction effect of subject by year is substantial’ and ‘the general
year effect turns out to be very modest’ (Luyten, 1994c, p.21).
The results of a study of departmental differences in effectiveness in inner London
utilized three level models to examine the percentage of total variance in student
scores attributable to fluctuations in results over time using an overall measure of
examination attainment and results in individual subjects over a three year period
(1990–2). Table 3.2 (after Thomas, Sammons and Mortimore, 1995) shows that the
percentage of variance due to school was higher than that due to year for all subjects
and that the year effect is smallest for total GCSE performance score.
In addition to the three level models, two level models were used to calculate a
separate intercept for each year at the school level and estimate the ‘true’ correlations
between the school effects across the three years for each outcome measure (see Table
The correlations over two years are all significant and positive and, as would be
expected, are higher than those over three years. It is notable that the correlations for
the overall measure of performance (T-score) are higher than those for separate subjects,
particularly over three years. This indicates that departmental effects are less stable
over time and is in line with Smith and Tomlinson’s (1989) analysis of English,
mathematics and overall examination performance score. Gray et al. (1995) and
Freeman and Teddlie (1996) also recently concluded that school effects in terms of an
overall measure of academic outcomes are fairly stable.
In addition to calculating correlations between schools’ effects on a range of out-
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
comes across years, the extent to which results were significantly better or worse
than predicted on the basis of intake measures across three years was examined.
Thomas et al. (1995) found that, out of a sample of 69 schools for which data were
available for each year, only three were consistently classified as broadly more
effective in each year and three as less effective. Four schools consistently
demonstrated mixed effects (significant positive effects in some subjects and
significant negative effects in others). By analysing schools’ effects for both
consistency and stability over time simultaneously it was possible to identify a small
group of ten outlier schools which could be clearly differentiated (as either positive,
negative or mixed) in terms of stringent effectiveness criteria.
Less attention has been paid to the stability of school effects at the primary than
the secondary level, although Mandeville (1988) reports correlations in the USA ranging
from 0.34 to 0.66. However, Bosker and Scheerens (1989) point out that these figures
may be ‘deflated’ because of the inadequacy of the statistical model used.
Table 3.2 Percentage of variance in students’ total GCSE performance and subject performance
due to school and year
Table 3.3 Correlations between estimates of secondary schools’ effects on different outcomes
at GCSE over three years
3-level model using 1990–92 data (1:candidate, 2:year, 3:school)
N schools=94; N students=17,850.
Source: After Thomas, Sammons and Mortimore, 1995a.
Note: N Students 17,850; N Schools=94; N Years=3.
Source: After Thomas, Sammons and Mortimore, 1995a.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Although no correlations were reported, another example of USA research (the
Louisiana School Effectiveness Study) examined selected schools which were consistent
outliers (either negative or positive terms) on the state basic skills test (which focused
on reading). Stringfield et al. (1992) concluded in their study of 16 outliers ‘most
schools appear to have remained stable outliers, either positive or negative, for at
least 7 years’ (Stringfield et al., 1992, p.394).
Two recent studies of elementary schools in the USA have also pointed to the existence
of substantial stability in school effects over time. Crone, Lang and Franklin (1994)
investigated the issues of stability and consistency in classifications of schools as effective/
ineffective at one point in time. They report correlations of residuals over the two years
ranging between 0.49 and 0.78. It was concluded that stability was greater for composite
measures of achievement and for mathematics than for reading or language.
Unfortunately, the study utilized aggregate school level data in regression analyses, no
prior-attainment measures were available and the intake data available for control was
limited. This is likely to have had a substantial impact upon the estimate of schools
residuals obtained and thus the results should be treated with caution.
Research by Yelton et al. (1994) likewise investigated the stability of school
effectiveness for 55 elementary schools. Like the Crone et al. (1994a, 1994b) study,
the research used aggregated data, no prior attainment data were included and the
control for other intake characteristics was limited. It was found that of the 14 reading
achievement outliers (defined as plus or minus 1 sd) identified for each year, nine
were outliers in both years. For maths achievement 15 outliers were identified over
two years with eight being outliers in both years. However, only three schools were
identified as outliers in both cognitive areas and in each of the two years.
This review of the issue of stability in school effectiveness research suggests that
there is a fair degree of stability in secondary schools’ effects on overall measures of
academic achievement (e.g. total examination performance scores) over time
(correlations are fairly strong and all positive). The same trend is evident for basic
skill areas in the primary sector, though correlations are lower. There is rather less
evidence concerning stability for specific subjects at the secondary level, or concerning
social/ affective (non-cognitive) outcomes of education for any age groups.
On the basis of existing research it is apparent that estimates of schools’ effectiveness
based on one or two measures of students’ educational outcomes in a single year are
of limited value. Ideally, data for several years (three being the minimum to identify
any trends over time) and several outcomes are needed. Further research which
examines both stability and consistency simultaneously is required for a wider range
of outcomes and in different sectors.
Differential Effects (Within Schools)
General Considerations Regarding Differential Effects and the
Generalizability of Effects Within Schools
Reynolds et al. (1995) noted two types of differential school effects: (1) upon students
with different characteristics and (2) upon different academic units within schools.
Differential school effects upon students with different characteristics is considered
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
to be an equity issue in the USA (Levine and Lezotte, 1990) and is tied in with the
decisions regarding aggregation of data at the school level; that is, the decision about
whether data should be reported for the school as a whole, or broken down by student
subgroups. This issue is sometimes referred to as mean masking in the USA (e.g.
Teddlie et al., 1995).
Differential school effects upon different academic units within a school could
be considered a consistency issue, but it will be discussed in this section since it
concerns the relative magnitude of SEIs, rather than correlations among SEIs. This
issue concerns the research findings that the magnitude of school effects varies by
type of curriculum that is assessed (e.g. mathematics versus reading). Differential
school effects will be discussed for both the elementary and secondary levels in this
section; of course, the academic unit at the elementary level is not as well defined as
it is at the secondary level.
The research design issue associated with differential school effects concerns the
generalizability of school effects within schools. Are schools differentially effective
for groups of students within schools? Is there a school effect, or multiple school
effects? This issue concerns external validity, specifically population validity (Cook
and Campbell, 1979).
Evidence Regarding Differential Effects across Students with
Different Characteristics
To what extent are schools differentially effective for different groups of students? As
noted in the first part of the chapter, the importance of controlling for prior attainment
in studies of school effectiveness so that the value-added by the school can be estimated
is now widely recognized as standard practice. Nonetheless, there is evidence that a
number of pupil-level characteristics remain of statistical and theoretical importance
(see Nuttall et al., 1989; Sammons et al., 1993a, 1993b, 1994a, 1994b). Willms (1992)
argues that, of such factors, measures of socioeconomic status are particularly
In considering whether schools perform consistently across differing school
memberships it is important to distinguish contextual or compositional effects as they
are sometimes labelled, from differential effects. Contextual effects are related to the
overall composition of the student body (e.g. the percentage of high ability or of high
SES students in a given year group or in the school’s intake as a whole) and can be
identified by between school analyses across a sample of schools. Such research has
been a feature of UK studies of secondary schools in the main and has suggested that
contextual effects related to concentrations of low SES, low ability and ethnic minority
pupils can be important (e.g. Nuttall, 1990; Sammons et al., 1994a, 1994b; Willms,
1986; Willms and Raudenbush, 1989).
Differential school effects are different and concern the existence of systematic
differences in attainment between schools for different pupil groups (those with
different levels of prior attainment or different background characteristics), once the
average differences between these groups have been accounted for.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Prior Attainment
Although the study by Rutter et al. (1979) did not utilize multilevel techniques it did
examine schools’ examination results for the most and least able children and compared
the results for children of different levels of prior ability (using a three category measure
at intake—VR band). It was found that ‘the pattern of results for each school was
broadly similar in all three bands’ (Rutter et al., 1979, p.86). However, this study was
based on a very small sample of 12 schools.
Smith and Tomlinson’s (1989) study of multi-racial comprehensives produced
some evidence of differential effectiveness for students with different levels of
prior attainment (measured by second year reading test). In particular, differences
in English exam results between schools were found to be greater for students
with above-average than for students with below-average second year reading
schools. The authors conclude that this is ‘largely because the exams are such that
even the best school cannot achieve a result with a pupil having a below-average
reading score’ (p.273). However, Smith and Tomlinson found little evidence that
the slopes of schools’ individual effects on examination results cross over. The
same schools are most successful with more and less able students, ‘but a more
able pupil gains a greater advantage than a less able one from going to a good
school’ (Smith and Tomlinson, 1989, p.273). The findings for mathematics were
similar to those for English.
Nuttall et al.’s (1989) and Nuttall’s (1990) secondary school analyses report evidence
that schools’ performance varies differentially, with some schools narrowing the gap
between students of high and low attainment on entry. The results suggest that
variability in high ability students between schools is much larger than that of low
ability students. These studies were limited, however, by inadequate statistical
adjustment because the only prior attainment data available was the crude
categorization of three VR bands.
In the Scottish context, Willms and Raudenbush (1989) also report some evidence
of differential school effectiveness for students of different prior attainment (VRQ)
levels. However, in an earlier study of Scottish Secondary Schools Willms (1986)
concluded ‘the within school relationships between outcomes and pupil characteristics
did not vary much across schools’ (Willms, 1986, p.239).
Jesson and Gray (1991) investigated the issue of differential school effectiveness
for students with different levels of prior achievement at the secondary level. These
authors suggested that there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of differential
slopes, ‘Pupils of different prior attainment levels did slightly better in some schools
than in others…schools which were more effective for one group of pupils were
generally speaking more effective for other groups as well’ (Jesson and Gray, 1991,
p.246). This conclusion is broadly in line with that of Smith and Tomlinson (1989).
Jesson and Gray (1991) suggested a number of possible reasons for the difference
between Nuttall et al.’s (1989) and their own results. They drew particular attention
to the high degree of social differentiation in inner city areas and to the crude measure
of prior attainment in Nuttall et al.’s (1989) research. They concluded that the use of
a crude grouped measure rather than a finely differentiated measure of prior attainment
may affect findings about the nature and extent of differential school effectiveness.
Most of the evidence concerning differential school effectiveness and prior
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
attainment has been conducted at the secondary level. The original analyses for the
School Matters (Mortimore et al., 1988) study did not re-examine differential
effectiveness for students with different levels of prior attainment. The subsequent re-
analysis by Sammons et al. (1993) found some evidence of differential school
effectiveness for students with different levels of prior attainment, although this was
less notable for reading than for mathematics. Nonetheless, the general conclusion
was that although significant, differential effects were fairly modest and that schools
which were effective for low attaining students also tended to be effective for those
with high prior attainment.
Research in the Netherlands by Brandsma and Knuver (1989) at the primary level
also investigated the extent of differential effectiveness in language and arithmetic
progress. No evidence of equity differences, as these authors entitle such effects, were
found in relation to pre-test scores for mathematics. However, for language ‘the effect
of language pre-test on post-test differs slightly between schools’ but ‘these differences
are very small’ (Brandsma and Knuver, 1989, p.787).
A few studies have pointed to the existence of differential school effects related to
pupil gender (after taking account of the impact of gender at the individual level).
For example, Nuttall et al.’s (1989) study of examination results over three years
in inner London points to the existence of such differential effects in terms of
total examination scores, ‘some schools narrowing the gap between boys and
girls…and some widening the gap, relatively speaking’ (p.774). However, in the
Scottish context Willms and Raudenbush (1989) who noted differential effects
for prior attainment did not identify any differential effects for other background
characteristics, including gender.
At the primary level the study by Mortimore et al. (1988) produced no evidence
of differential school effectiveness related to gender for reading or mathematics
progress and the more detailed reanalysis supports the earlier conclusions (Sammons
et al., 1993b).
In the Netherlands, Brandsma and Knuver (1989) found no evidence of differential
school effects related to gender for mathematics and only very small equity differences
for the Dutch language. The influence of gender, (overall positive for girls), does
differ somewhat between schools’ (Brandsma and Knuver, 1989, p.787) but the authors
note that these differences are very small and cannot be explained by the school or
classroom factors investigated in their study.
Several studies at the secondary level point to the existence of differential school
effects for students of different ethnic backgrounds. Nuttall et al. (1989) reported
within school Caribbean, English, Scottish, Welsh (ESW) differences in effectiveness
and comment that other ethnic differences vary across schools even more than the
Caribbean-ESW differences: ‘the Pakistani-ESW differences has a standard deviation
of some 3 score points across schools’ (Nuttall et al., 1989, p.775). However, the
authors draw attention to the lack of individual-level data about the socio-economic
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
level of students’ families which could confound ethnic differences with socio-economic
Elsewhere in the UK, Smith and Tomlinson’s (1989) study also produced evidence
of differential school effectiveness for children of different ethnic groups although
these differences were found to be ‘small compared with differences in overall
performance between schools’ (p.268). The authors make a general conclusion about
schools in their sample: ‘the ones that are good for White people tend to be about
equally good for Black people’ (Smith and Tomlinson, 1989, p.305).
At the primary level neither the original Mortimore et al. (1988) analyses nor the
reanalysis by Sammons et al. (1993b) found evidence of significant differential school
effectiveness for specific ethnic groups. Brandsma and Knuver (1989) likewise found
no indications of the existence of differential school effectiveness according to ethnic
groups in their study of Dutch primary schools.
Socio-economic Indicators
The importance of taking into account relevant socio-economic factors in studies of
school effectiveness has been noted earlier. In addition to effects at the level of the
individual pupil, compositional or contextual effects related to the proportion of
students from particular social class groups or of low family income have been identified
in some studies (see the discussion of contextual effects in Chapter 5). Few studies
have examined the extent of within-school differential effects related to socioeconomic
factors. Willms and Raudenbush (1989) report compositional effects related to SES,
but no within-school differences related to such characteristics.
At the primary level Mortimore et al.’s (1988) study found no evidence of differential
effectiveness related to non-manual versus manual social class background. Sammons
et al.’s (1993b) re-analysis confirmed this earlier conclusion. These authors also tested
for differential effects related to low family income (using the eligibility for free school
meals indicator) but found no evidence to support their existence. Interestingly, the
Mortimore et al. (1988) research found no case in their sample of schools where
students from manual backgrounds performed markedly better on average than those
from non-manual groups. Schools were unable to overcome the powerful effects of
social class. However, it was found that students from manual groups in the most
effective schools on average outperformed those from non-manual groups in the least
effective schools. The school was the unit of change rather than the social class group
within it. The Mortimore et al. (1988) sample was fairly small (just over 1100 students
and 49 schools) and it would be of interest to establish whether, with a larger sample,
the negative findings concerning differential effects at primary level would be
The need to examine evidence for differential effectiveness using more complex
models which focus on data for more than one year has been noted by Thomas,
Sammons, Mortimore, and Smees (1995). In a simultaneous analysis of differential
effects as part of the study of departmental differences in secondary school effectiveness
reported earlier, Thomas et al. (1995) examined schools’ effectiveness for different
groups of students in different subject areas and in terms of total GCSE score over a
three-year period. This work illustrated the complex nature of differential effectiveness
at the secondary level. Evidence of significant differential effects was identified both
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
for total GCSE score and separate subjects. It was most notable for students of different
levels of prior attainment at intake, and those of different ethnic backgrounds. Some
evidence of differential effects was also found for socio-economic disadvantage and
gender (see Thomas et al., 1995). Nonetheless overall all students in more effective
schools and departments were likely to perform relatively well at GCSE, but some
groups (those not socio-economically disadvantaged) performed especially well. In
contrast, all students in ineffective schools tended to perform badly at GCSE but
disadvantaged groups were relatively less adversely affected. Their results provided
no evidence that more effective schools closed the gap in achievement between different
student groups—they did not compensate for society. However, whilst disadvantaged
groups did better in more effective than in less effective schools, the gap in achievement
increased within the more effective schools. Sammons et al. (1996b) highlight ‘the
complex nature of the equity implications of our findings’.
Overall, it appears that, at the secondary level, there is some evidence of important
contextual effects related to schools’ pupil composition in terms of SES, ethnicity and
ability or prior attainment in UK and Scottish studies, but less evidence for such
effects in studies of younger age groups. For differential school effects (within school
differences) again, secondary studies suggest that gender, ethnicity and prior attainment
may all be relevant. However, for prior attainment, it is important that the control
measure adopted is adequate (finely differentiated). Less evidence for differential effects
exists at the primary stage. These inconclusive results point to the need for further
research into differential school effectiveness using large data sets which contain
adequate individual-level socio-economic as well as ethnic data. Exploration of the
possible reasons for the apparent primary-secondary school differences in differential
effectiveness are also called for.
Continuity of School Effects
In contrast to the attention increasingly paid to the issues of stability and consistency
in schools’ effectiveness and the question of differential effects in multilevel school
effectiveness studies, scant attention has been given to the continuity of school effects
measured at different stages of a student’s school career. In other words, what long
term effects (if any) does previous institutional membership (e.g. primary school
attended) have on later performance at secondary school?
Typically, models of secondary school effects utilize measures of students’ prior
attainment and background characteristics at intake (commonly at secondary transfer
at age 11 in UK studies) in analyses of performance at a later date (e.g. in GCSE
examinations taken at age 16, the end of compulsory schooling in the UK). Recent
developments in UK school effectiveness research suggest that such models may be
seriously mis-specified.
Sammons et al. (1995b) provided an example of the first attempt to address the
issue of continuity in school effects using multilevel approaches. Their results suggested
that primary schools exert a long term effect upon student performance, even after
controlling for student attainment at secondary transfer. Their study was based on a
nine year follow-up of the School Matters (Mortimore et al., 1988) junior school
cohort at secondary school. However, it was limited because it did not model junior
and secondary school effects simultaneously by considering the full cross classification
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
of individual students in terms of their secondary by junior school attendance using
recently available techniques (Goldstein, 1995a). A recent re-analysis of this data set
by Goldstein and Sammons (1995) using such techniques provided a more detailed
investigation estimating the joint contributions of primary and secondary schools.
The total school (level 2) variance is the sum of a between-junior and a between-
secondary variance. Table 3.4 provides details of the results of fitting three different
multilevel models with total GCSE performance score as the explanatory variable.
The figures in Table 3.4 demonstrate that the variance in total GCSE performance
scores attributable to junior school is much larger for Model C (no control for
attainment measures at the end of junior education) than in Model A (control for
attainment at secondary transfer and random variation at level 1). However, the junior
school variance is larger in all cases. Further analyses were conducted controlling for
English and mathematics attainment at entry to junior school (age 7 plus) but these
made little difference to the results (and were not significant at the 0.05 level).
Goldstein and Sammons (1995) argued that the standard secondary school
effectiveness model (where only secondary school attended is fitted at level 2)
considerably over-estimates the secondary school effect. They concluded ‘the usual
quantitative procedures for estimating school effectiveness need to be augmented with
careful measurements of all relevant prior performances, including institutional
membership. This applies to studies of value added at A level (age 18 plus) where, in
principle we can study the variation from primary, secondary and tertiary institution
simultaneously’ (Goldstein and Sammons, 1995, p.10).
The data set analysed by Goldstein and Sammons (1995) was relatively small (due
to loss of sample over time), being based on only 758 students with 48 junior and 116
Table 3.4 Variance components cross-classified model for total GCSE examination performance
score as response
Note: N Junior Schools=48; N Secondary Schools=116; N Students=785.
Source: After Goldstein and Sammons, 1995.
The Methodology and Scientific Properties
secondary schools included. Given the small sample size, caution should be exercised
in interpreting the findings. Nonetheless, Goldstein (1995a) has produced results
broadly in line with those identified here in a larger study (but with less detailed
background data) of Scottish schools.
Given the development of cross-classified techniques, there is a clear need for further
investigations of the long term effects of schools using detailed longitudinal samples
incorporating prior institutional membership and involving larger samples of schools
drawn from a range of different socio-economic and geographical contexts. The need
for collaborative research concerning the generalizability of multilevel educational
effectiveness models across countries is becoming increasingly recognized (Scheerens
and Bosker, 1997).
We have ranged extensively across the knowledge bases of school effectiveness from
a number of countries in this chapter. Whilst there are some differences between the
findings of the individual studies, and some differences in such areas as the amount
of variance explained by the school level in different countries, what is most
noticeable about our findings is the presence of a considerable degree of agreement
across studies and across countries as to their results. In areas as diverse as the
consistency of school effects across different outcomes (only moderate), their stability
over time (moderate), and the extent of differential effectiveness in school effects
upon different kinds of children (limited) we have replicable findings across studies
and countries. We now move on in Chapter 4 to the next logical area where we
search for any agreement across studies, namely the processes within schools that
are responsible for their effects.
4 The Processes of School
David Reynolds and Charles Teddlie
The establishment of those factors within schools that are associated with their
effectiveness status has been virtually the ‘Holy Grail’ of SER in many countries of
the world since the inception of the discipline in the 1970s. In the USA, Edmonds
(1979a, 1979b) and others explicitly hoped to discover what it was that some schools
possessed—the ‘validity’—to routinely spread into the schools of black and
disadvantaged children—the ‘reliability’. In the United Kingdom, part of the reason
for the ready acceptance of the SER paradigm across the contemporary political
spectrum has been its promise that ‘good practice’ could be discerned, within a
system that continues to exhibit considerable variability in school and teacher quality
(see Reynolds and Farrell, 1996 for a review of this evidence and Creemers et al.
(1996) for empirical data on the United Kingdom).
What we aim to do in this chapter is to establish what are the confirmed findings
as to effective schools ‘processes’, and also which areas have exhibited more mixed
patterns of results, with the issues of the context specificity of findings being dealt
with in greater depth in Chapters 5 and 8.
To give a flavour of the intellectual attempt of the SER paradigm, we begin this
chapter by outlining the findings on effective processes of six major studies
conducted in the field over the last twenty years, two from the United States,
three from the United Kingdom and one from Australia. We can call these ‘classic
Two Classic Studies from the United States
The Brookover et al. (1978, 1979) study of Michigan elementary schools has
already been mentioned in Chapter 1, with regard to its methodological
contributions, and in Chapter 3, with regard to its evidence concerning the
magnitude of school effects.
The authors complemented their statistical analysis of 68 elementary schools with
case studies of four low-SES schools: one high achieving primarily white school, one
high achieving primarily black school, one low achieving primarily white school, and
one low achieving primarily black school. The researchers used classroom observations
and interviews with participants as their primary data sources, but details regarding
the specific methodology employed were sketchy, making it ‘very difficult to assess
these data and their implications’ (Good and Brophy, 1986, p.575). The researchers
spent between three weeks and three months in each school.
The Processes of School Effectiveness
The cases were selected using the following criteria: all schools had similar SES
levels that were considerably below the average level for the study sample; schools
within each matched pair had similar racial compositions; one school in each matched
pair had achievement scores above the sample mean, while the other had achievement
scores below the sample mean; and all schools were located within urban areas. The
researchers summarized their findings in eight different areas, as indicated below
(Brookover et al., 1979; Good and Brophy, 1986):
1 Time—More time was allocated and spent on instruction in the high achieving
schools than in the low achieving schools. Time in the high achieving schools
more often involved active learning with teachers involved in direct instruction,
while the students in low achieving schools more often worked on their own, as
teachers attended to administrative duties. Academic interactions between teachers
and students occurred more frequently in the high achieving white school than in
the high achieving black school.
2 Write-off (per cent of students not expected to master curriculum)—Large
differences existed between the high and low achieving schools, with the former
having few cases of students who appeared to be destined to fail, while the latter
had many such cases. In the low achieving black school, in particular, teachers
appeared to write off large numbers of students.
3 Teacher expectations—At the high achieving white school, all students were
expected to work at grade level, while at the high achieving black school, at least
75 per cent of the students were expected to master assigned work. Expectations
were very low in the low achieving schools, especially for slow reading students.
4 Reinforcement practices—Reinforcement practices were appropriate at the high
achieving schools. At the low achieving white school, they were inconsistent, with
some teachers using appropriate practices and others using confusing and
inappropriate practices. Many teachers at the low achieving black school used
inappropriate techniques, often positively reinforcing students when they had not
done well.
5 Grouping procedures—There was considerable range on this variable, with
no homogeneous grouping after third grade in the high achieving white school,
compared to extensive grouping and regrouping of students at the low achieving
black school. The grouping at the low achieving black school appeared to be
primarily a management tool and was disruptive to the learning process. At
the high achieving black school, there was grouping on the basis of pre-test
reading and maths tests, with the teachers appearing to advance students to
higher groups as soon as possible. At the low achieving white school, there
were two reading groups per grade and there appeared to be little mobility
between the groups.
6 Teaching games—Higher achieving schools were more likely to use academic games
that emphasized team, rather than individual, learning.
7 Principal’s role—The principal at the high achieving white school was heavily
involved in academic matters and visited often in the classrooms. The principal at
the high achieving black school emphasized administrative duties, although he
did observe classrooms periodically; the previous principal at this school had been
a more active instructional leader. At the low achieving schools, the principals
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
appeared to be primarily administrators and disciplinarians, who very seldom
visited classrooms.
8 Commitment of teaching and administrative staff—There was high commitment
at the high achieving schools, as demonstrated by affirmative statements and
warmth toward students. Commitment was not discussed at the low achieving
white school, and teachers at the low achieving black school seemed resigned to
the belief that there was little that they could do about student achievement.
The Louisiana School Effectiveness Studies of Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) and
colleagues (1984, 1989a, 1989b) were originally conceived in 1980, continued through
final data collection in the spring of 1996, and are ongoing in terms of the analysis
and reporting of data from LSES-V. During that time, the study has progressed through
five phases of data collection, interspersed with periods of analysis and report writing.
The study was designed to explore school effectiveness using methodologies different
from those employed in the extant SER literature, including:
studying ‘context differences’ in schools varying by SES of student body (LSES-II)
or in terms of community type (LSES-III through V) (see Chapter 5 for these
embedding a teacher effectiveness study, with considerable classroom observation,
within a SER design (LSES-III through V);
employing socio metric measures to better understand the interpersonal relations
among faculty in differentially effective schools (LSES-IV and V) (see Chapters 11
and 12);
studying schools in an extended case study longitudinal design (LSES-III
through V);
using a variety of indicators to determine the effectiveness of a school (LSES-IV);
studying the processes of ineffective schooling, as well as effective schooling (LSES
II through V) (see Chapter 12).
In LSES-II, 76 schools were divided along two dimensions: school effectiveness status
(effective, typical, ineffective) and student body SES (middle, low SES). Researchers
were able to compare among the six ‘types’ of schools generated by the design. This
section details process differences among four of the school types generated by this
design, eliminating average or typical schools. These results were based primarily
on survey responses from students, teachers, and principals (Teddlie and Stringfield,
1985, 1993).
Middle SES, Effective School
Teachers were in frequent contact with parents and perceived them to be highly
concerned with quality education. Teachers reported having high present and future
academic expectations for students. They accepted responsibility for students’ outcomes
and actively worked with students to realize high expectations. This attitude was
reflected in students’ reports noting that teachers cared about them and pushed them
to achieve academically.
The Processes of School Effectiveness
Students apparently internalized the high expectations expressed by teachers and
parents. They had higher expectations for themselves than did their peers in equally
affluent schools with lower achievement. The general climate from the effective, middle
SES school was one of concern for excellence from all the major participants-principals,
faculty, students and parents.
Middle SES, Ineffective Schools
Teachers had unrealistically high perceptions of their students’ current level of
achievement, expecting them to have high achievement when it was only average.
Teachers appeared to base their perceptions on intrinsic student characteristics such
as student SES. Students’ future academic expectations were not as high as those of
other middle SES students. The principals’ academic expectations were lower than
those of the teachers.
The principals stated that several aspects of student development (enhancing social
skills, personal growth and development, education/occupational aspirations) were
as important at their school as teaching of academic skills. The principals may have
been expending too much of the school’s resources in non-academic endeavours in
these schools. Principals’ actions did not appear to result in changes in these schools.
Low SES, Effective Schools
While principals and teachers had modest long-term expectations for their students’
achievement, they held firm academic expectations for their students while at their
school. Teachers reported spending more time on reading and maths, and assigning
more homework than either of the other two low SES groups. Students perceived
teachers as pushing them academically. They also reported receiving more help from
their teachers than did students in less successful, low SES schools.
Teachers reported that principals visited their classrooms frequently. The
teachers in this group were the youngest, least experienced of the low SES groups.
The teachers in this group were the most likely of all the teachers to have teacher’s
aides. Principals were the most likely to say that they had the major input in
hiring their teachers: 23 per cent of the principals said that they hired their own
teachers. No other group of schools had higher than 9 per cent of its principals
report this power.
These less affluent, successful schools had principals who motivated teachers who,
in turn, motivated students. The ability to instil in students a belief that they could
learn was critical to the success of these low SES, effective schools.
Low SES, Ineffective Schools
These schools had an overall negative academic climate that contributed to low
achievement. Of all the groups, teachers had the lowest expectations for students and
rated them the lowest academically; the teachers accepted little responsibility for and
perceived having little influence on outcomes; they also appeared less satisfied with
teaching and perceived themselves as largely unsuccessful. Principals, teachers, and
pupils all perceived the lack of achievement within the schools. It should be remembered
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
that students in this group were at the same SES level as those in effective, low SES
When compared with students in other low SES groups, these students perceived
their teachers as less praising, less caring, less helpful, and more critical. Of all the
groups, these students reported that their teachers felt learning was the least important.
A higher percentage (21 per cent) of teachers in these schools would rather teach
elsewhere than any other group. In contrast, only 12 per cent of teachers in effective,
low SES schools wanted to teach elsewhere. Teachers in low SES ineffective schools
were absent an average of 3.5 days in the fall semester of LSES-II, while teachers in
low SES, effective schools were absent an average of only 2 days.
These contrasts between ‘types’ of schools are shown in summary form in Table
4.1, in which the effective low SES ‘John F.Kennedy’ school is compared with the
ineffective low SES ‘Calvin Coolidge’ school on a wide range of dimensions. At principal
Table 4.1 Contrasts between Kennedy and Coolidge elementary schools
Source: Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; p.132, based on data from LSES-III and IV.
The Processes of School Effectiveness
level (combining pressure and support), at staff level (stable staffing and consistent
practice) and at student level (pro-social and committed to achievement), the effective
school is clearly orientated towards high outcomes. The ineffective school has by
contrast a principal (exhibiting inappropriate leadership and presiding over poor
relationships), a staff group (fractured by cliques and exhibiting inconsistency across
members) and a student group (uninvolved and unaware of school rules) who are
clearly predisposed towards poor levels of school ‘value added’.
These LSES-II results built upon the results reported by Brookover et al. (1979).
This study again demonstrated that schools with very similar inputs or resources can
generate very different school climates, but did so with two design improvements: the
context variable used was student body SES, which is a more generalizable and powerful
context variable than ethnicity; and a typical school level was included, as well as the
effective and ineffective levels, as suggested by several critics (e.g. Klitgaard and Hall,
1974; Purkey and Smith, 1983; Stringfield, 1994a).
Three Classic Studies from the United Kingdom
The early Reynolds et al. (1976a, 1976b, 1979) studies used detailed descriptions of
schools and school-pupil interaction to attempt to paint rich, sociologically inspired
portraits of schools with differing levels of effectiveness, with effectiveness status
being based upon simple analysis of a range of pupil intake data related to achievement
and family background, and outcome data being on academic achievement, attendance
and delinquency.
The studies revealed a number of factors within schools associated with effectiveness
high levels of pupil involvement in authority positions;
low levels of institutional control of pupils by the school management;
positive expectations of what students should be able to achieve;
high levels of involvement of teachers in the running of the school;
‘truces’ on the imposition of rules regarding ‘dress, manners and morals’;
high level of student involvement in clubs, societies and the like.
The Rutter et al. (1979) study in London also revealed a wealth of data on effective
school processes, which were argued to be:
the system of rewards and punishments, with ample use of rewards, praise and
the school environment, with good working conditions and good care and
decoration of buildings;
high levels of pupils in responsibility positions;
academic press, involving use of homework, setting clear academic goals and having
high expectations;
good models of behaviour provided by teachers;
effective classroom management, involving preparing of lessons, unobtrusive
discipline, the rewarding of good behaviour and minimizing of disruption;
a combination of firm leadership and teacher involvement.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Moving to the first study, Mortimore’s research was based upon fifty randomly
selected London primary schools. Over a period of four years, the academic and
social progress of 2000 children were traced. Mortimore and his colleagues identified
a number of schools which were effective in both academic and social areas. These
schools possessed the following characteristics (Mortimore et al., 1988):
Purposeful leadership of the staff by the head teacher—This occurred where the
head understood the school’s needs, was actively involved in the school, but was
also good at sharing power with the staff. He or she did not exert total control
over teachers but consulted them, especially in decision-making such as spending
plans and curriculum guidelines.
The involvement of the deputy head—Where the deputy was usually involved in
policy decisions, pupil progress increased.
The involvement of teachers—In successful schools, the teachers were involved in
curriculum planning and played a major role in developing their own curriculum
guidelines. As with the deputy head, teacher involvement in decisions concerning
which classes they were to teach was important. Similarly, consultation with
teachers about decisions on spending was important.
Consistency among teachers—Continuity of staffing had positive effects, but pupils
also performed better when the approach to teaching was consistent.
Structured sessions—Children performed better when their school day was
structured in some way. In effective schools, students’ work was organized by the
teacher, who ensured there was plenty for them to do yet allowed them some
freedom within the structure. Negative effects were noted when children were
given unlimited responsibility for a long list of tasks.
Intellectually challenging teaching—Not surprisingly, student progress was greater
where teachers were stimulating and enthusiastic. The incidence of higher order
questions and statements, and teachers frequently making children use powers of
problem-solving, was seen to be vital.
Work-centred environment—This was characterized by a high level of student
industry, with children enjoying their work and being eager to start new tasks.
The noise level was low, and movement around the class was usually work-related
and not excessive.
Limited focus within sessions—Children progressed when teachers devoted their
energies to one particular subject area and sometimes two. Student progress was
marred when three or more subjects were running concurrently in the classroom.
Maximum communication between teachers and students—Children performed
better the more communication they had with their teacher about the content of
their work. Most teachers devoted most of their time to individuals, so each child
could expect only a small number of contacts a day. Teachers who used
opportunities to talk to the whole class, for example by reading a story or asking
a question, were more effective.
Record-keeping—The value of monitoring student progress was important in the
head’s role, but it was also an important aspect of teachers’ planning and assessment.
Parental involvement—Schools with an informal open-door policy, which
encouraged parents to get involved in reading at home, helping in the classroom
and on educational visits, tended to be more effective.
The Processes of School Effectiveness
Positive climate—An effective school had a positive ethos. Overall, the atmosphere
was more pleasant in the effective schools.
The Processes of Effective Schooling
Recent years have seen a number of reviews that attempt to codify what we have
learnt from the studies above and from others as to the processes within effective
schools (e.g. Purkey and Smith, 1983; Rutter, 1983a, 1983b; Scheerens, 1992; Reynolds
and Cuttance, 1992; Reynolds et al., 1994a; Reid et al., 1987; Hopkins, 1994;
Mortimore, 1991b, 1993; Scheerens and Bosker, 1997). Two recent reviews have
been particularly comprehensive and up to date in their focus, that of Levine and
Lezotte (1990) conducted on behalf of the National Center for Effective Schools and
that of Sammons, Hillman and Mortimore (1995) conducted on behalf of the British
schools inspectorate OFSTED.
These two reviews each refer to several hundred studies of effective schools
characteristics, and each concentrate upon rather different knowledge bases, upon the
American almost exclusively in the case of Levine and Lezotte, and upon the British
(heavily) and the American and the Dutch (less heavily) in the case of Sammons and
colleagues. Indeed, only approximately 4 per cent of references out of the total cited by
both reviews are the same, indicating the considerable difference in source material.
Nevertheless, if one puts the findings concerning processes together, as in Table
4.2, it is clear that there is a considerable overlap of findings (we have italicized
common emphases). Table 4.3 shows our distillation of the Levine and Lezotte
‘correlates’ and the Sammons ‘factors’ into ten process areas, which we will now
spend the rest of this chapter exploring.
Effective Leadership
We do not know of a study that has not shown that leadership is important within
effective schools, with that leadership nearly always being provided by the headteacher.
Indeed, ‘leadership’ is now centrally synonymous with school effectiveness for many,
including many operating within the school improvement paradigm also (US
Department of Education, 1994; Hopkins et al., 1994).
‘Firm and purposeful’ leadership has been frequently cited as the first requirement
of effective leadership, noted in the Rutter et al. (1979) study, the Mortimore et al.
(1988) study, the Louisiana studies (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) and the recent
work of Sammons et al. (1997). Within the school improvement literature, the role of
the Headteacher in being strong and firm enough to buffer and broker external and
rapidly occurring change to the staff (Hopkins et al. 1994; Stoll and Fink, 1992,
1994) is stressed, as is the utility sometimes of a ‘maverick’ orientation (Levine and
Lezotte, 1990).
Case studies of improved schools, in both Britain and the United States, show the
importance of individual leaders with ‘mission’ (Louis and Miles, 1992; National
Commission on Education, 1995) and there is now a considerable literature concerning
those persons who can be regarded as transformational leaders who build school
organizations characterized by simultaneous ‘top down-ness’ and ‘bottom up-ness’
(Murphy and Louis, 1994).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Table 4.2 Effective schools’ characteristics iden itified in two recent reviews
The Processes of School Effectiveness
A second characteristic of effective leadership has been noted as ensuring that
others are related in the process, or a participative approach. Mortimore et al. (1988)
noted the importance of involving the deputy headteacher in the life of the school and
in the taking of decisions. Rutter et al. (1979) noted the importance of ensuring that
all teachers felt represented and that their views had been taken into account. Of
particular importance is likely to be the headteacher’s motivation and use of a senior
management team, and work with departmental heads, whose role as middle managers
is of crucial importance in determining school outcomes (Sammons et al., 1997).
Sharing of academic leadership with faculty in a school was also the characteristic of
the effective principals in the Louisiana studies (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
A third characteristic of effective leadership is the exhibiting of instructional
leadership. In part, this is related to the belief of the headteacher that instruction is
the purpose of the school (Levine and Lezotte, 1990).
Murphy’s (1990a) review gives detail on four major areas of this instructional
Table 4.2 Continued
Note: The order and assigned numbers of characteristics and factors in this table have been changed from
the original to facilitate comparisons.
* HOTs refers to Higher Order Thinking Skills. Levine and Lezotte (1990) noted that their ‘other’
characteristics were found in a smaller proportion of the studies that they reviewed.
Sources: Levine and Lezotte, 1990; Sammons et al., 1995b.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
developing a limited number of well-defined goals and communicating them to all
school constituencies;
managing the educational production function through supervising instruction,
allocating and protecting instructional time, coordinating the curriculum and
monitoring student progress;
promoting an academic learning climate involving positive expectations for
students, maintaining high personal visibility, providing incentives for teachers
and students, and of promoting professional development of teachers;
developing a supportive work environment, involving the creation of a safe and
orderly environment, providing opportunities for meaningful student involvement,
developing staff collaboration, securing outside resources to support the school
and the forging of links between the home and the school.
The fourth and fifth components of effective leadership consist of two direct
involvements in school life—the frequent, personal monitoring of staff performance
Table 4.3 The processes of effective schools
The Processes of School Effectiveness
and the proactive selection and replacement of staff. The personal monitoring has, as
Levine and Lezotte (1990) note, ‘emerged in virtually every study where it has been
included as a variable’ (e.g. Armor et al., 1976; Brookover et al., 1979; Mortimore et
al., 1988; Teddlie et al., 1989a; Austin and Holowenzak, 1985). It is usually
characterized by popping in and out of classrooms, conversing informally with staff
in routine ‘sense making’ operations, being on the spot to give advice or help in
decision taking, and more generally ‘management by Wandering Around’ (Peters and
Waterman, 1982). Deal and Peterson (1990) note that this is the way in which principals
can actually shape school culture.
The selection and replacement of teachers has also been picked out in many studies
(Austin and Holowenzak, 1985; Wimpelberg, 1987; Stringfield and Teddlie, 1987,
1988; Teddlie et al., 1987), involving the head hunting of good recruits, and the
pressuring of less competent staff to either improve or move on to another school.
Bridges (1988) provided detailed information on how to manage, and then dismiss if
necessary, incompetent teachers.
Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) provide an interesting case study of how effective
schools can be created by manipulation of some of the factors described above. Their
study of Herbert Hoover Elementary shows the new principal, Mr Jameson, generating
leadership in four areas:
1 The method for selection and replacement of teachers—Mr Jameson had personally
recruited nine new faculty members in his short four year tenure at Hoover. He
took great pains to recruit the best teachers possible, especially since his school
had a negative reputation in the community. He recruited largely by word-of-
mouth and carefully perused the files of all respective teachers at the central office.
2 The type of classroom monitoring and feedback provided by the administration—
Mr Jameson intuitively followed the procedure advocated by Deal and Peterson
(1990):frequent and short visits to the classrooms on an unscheduled basis.
Consequently, he could describe in detail the strengths and weaknesses of his
teachers, something his predecessor was incapable of doing.
3 The type of support for individual teacher improvement provided by the
administration—Knowledge of each teacher’s weaknesses enabled Mr Jameson to
focus personal assistance and professional inservice to redressing those specific
problems. For instance, he had identified questioning skills as an area of weakness
for the entire faculty. As a result of this, he had read extensively about strategies
for enhancing questioning skills and had designed workshops for the teachers
around those strategies.
4 The overall instructional leadership provided by the administration, including
allocating and protecting academic time—Mr Jameson exhibited overall
instructional leadership by actively managing the educational production function.
He had recaptured valuable academic time by rigorously enforcing the stated
academic schedule and by personally monitoring lunch and recess breaks. As a
result of this, the overall time on task at Hoover had dramatically increased from
52 per cent in LSES-III to 85 per cent in LSES-IV, with an increase from 32 per
cent to 62 per cent in interactive time on task.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Teacher and Teaching Effectiveness
The generation of effective classroom learning environments is a particular feature of
effective schools, particularly since it is clear that the learning level or classroom level
is more important in determining the quality of school outcomes than the level of the
school itself (Creemers, 1994). Those factors that are most ‘proximal’ to the student,
such as the teacher, are likely to be more important than those that are more distant
from him or her such as the school or the District (Stringfield, 1994a, 1994b).
Crucial in determining the effectiveness of teaching is firstly the management of
time. Ensuring that lessons start and finish on time is crucial (Rutter et al., 1979), as
is minimizing the amount of time that is lost in routine administrative matters,
disciplinary interventions or lesson transitions from one topic/subject/activity to another
(Brookover et al., 1984; Mortimore et al., 1988; Alexander, 1992; Slavin, 1996).
Maximizing the proportion of time that is spent interacting with pupils may be
particularly important (Rutter et al., 1979; Alexander, R., 1992).
Secondly, effective teaching is characterized by effective classroom organization.
Of particular importance here is the importance of preparing lessons in advance (Rutter
et al., 1979) and of clarity both in explaining the purpose of the lesson and in the
actual curricular and content material that is used. The structuring of lessons is also
important, which Scheerens (1992) interprets as making clear to students what has to
be done, splitting curricular material into manageable units to aid learning, and ensuring
a firm structure together with basic skill acquisition.
Thirdly, effective learning at classroom level involves the use of effective teaching
practices. There is not space here to cover these extensively (see review in Brophy and
Good, 1986 for further evidence) but it is clear that teacher behaviours are particularly
important in the following areas:
questioning both in terms of the frequency of questions and their appropriateness
for diverse children;
having a limited focus in lessons since work on several different curriculum areas
is likely to lower levels of work related teacher-child interaction and maximize
routine administrative time wasting;
maintaining task orientation in the classroom;
rapid lesson pace;
ensuring that classroom routines and rules are well understood, thus reducing the
need for students to seek out their teachers for guidance;
having a warm and accepting classroom climate in which students feel able to ask
for help, particularly important in some formulations for students from lower SES
Interesting ideas have been also in discussion about the potential potency of forms of
‘whole class interactive’ teaching as practised within the elementary schools of Pacific
Rim societies (Reynolds and Farrell, 1996; Alexander, 1996b), although the extent to
which this is effective only within certain cultural contexts is unclear. This has led to
a recent attempt both with Pacific Rim societies and the United Kingdom to create a
‘balance’ or ‘blend’ of methods involving whole class interactive teaching, groupwork
and individual work (Reynolds, 1997).
The Processes of School Effectiveness
Fourthly, adaptation of practice to the particular characteristics of the learners is
the final component of effective teaching. Sizemore et al. (1983) noted that effective
teachers were active in adapting their core texts, and Armor and associates (1976)
noted that it was effective to allow teachers to adapt or modify reading programmes.
Effective schools clearly possess teachers whose driving force is student needs, rather
than who exhibit a control by the mechanics of the school management system.
Focusing on Learning
Focusing upon the importance of academic goals and processes and an academic
emphasis have been shown to be core correlates of effective schools. This can be seen
in such factors as:
high entry rate for public examinations in the United Kingdom (Reynolds, 1976;
Reynolds and Sullivan, 1979; Smith and Tomlinson, 1989; Sammons et al., 1994);
use of homework with regular checks by senior management to see that this has
occurred (Rutter et al., 1979; Sammons et al., 1995b);
the possession of a student culture or school ethos in which ‘academic emulation’
is encouraged (McDill and Rigsby, 1973);
a commitment to the mastery of central learning skills, in some cases involving a
formal mastery learning approach utilizing a sequence of teaching, testing and
reteaching as necessary (Levine and Lezotte, 1990);
high curriculum coverage or opportunity to learn, since both Bennett (1992) and
Tizard et al. (1988) show wide variations in children’s exposure to curriculum
areas within and between subject areas.
Also, maximizing available learning time at school level (as well as at classroom
level that was noted above) is important, particularly since the school level practices
will set an example to teachers of what is considered to be appropriate. Protecting
learning time from leakage has been the characteristic of effective schools in many
studies (Anderson, C., 1982; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Teddlie, Kirby and
Stringfield, 1989).
Generating a Positive School Culture
Research shows effective schools as possessing a vision or ‘mission’ that is shared by
staff. Hopkins et al. (1994) note the importance of a sense of community that is
related to cooperation between colleagues, good communication between staff and
widely agreed upon goals. Numerous other studies suggest that agreement upon school
goals is associated with ‘effectiveness’ status (e.g. Rutter et al., 1979; Lightfoot, 1983;
Stoll and Fink, 1994; Edmonds, 1979a, 1979b).
Consistency in practice is also important, and Mortimore et al. (1988) noted that
where teachers adopt a consistent approach to school curriculum this was associated
with a positive impact upon pupil progress. Rutter et al. (1979) noted that consistency
in the applications of rules and in disciplinary sanctions was present in more effective
Collegiality and collaboration between staff is also important and we have noted
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
above the evidence on the positive effects of involvement of teachers in the school
decision making process. Indeed, the importance of ‘ownership’ of staff of the school
is mentioned within many school improvement literature reviews (e.g. Fullan, 1991;
Hopkins et al., 1994). The generation of a learning community amongst staff in which
all members share good practice, act as critical friends and engage in a process of
mutual education and re-education is clearly essential in the continuation of a positive
school culture over time, as well as in its creation.
Order within the school is also important in the creation of a positive climate.
Indeed, some of the earliest ‘five factor’ theories of how to generate effective schools
concentrated upon creating order as one of the key factors, since without order,
discipline and social control at school level it would be very difficult for staff to attain
high levels of student attention and engagement within classrooms (Edmonds, 1979a;
Lezotte, 1989). A large number of the so called ‘safe school’ studies also identify pupil
control as a pre-requisite for learning.
Within the school also, a positive climate for pupils is essential. We noted above
the Reynolds and Sullivan (1979) studies and their notions of the generation of a
hostile pupil culture through use of harsh punishments, overly strict control and a
resulting tense and negative pupil attitude towards their teachers. Such findings have
been extensively replicated (Mortimore et al., 1988; Rutter et al., 1979).
The rewarding of good behaviour, achievement, effort and attributes is by contrast
highly likely to be more productive, and of course can be through instrumental routines
(finishing class early or an extra school trip) or expressive ones (a verbal statement of
‘well done’ or a smile). Reviews of teacher effectiveness noted above suggest that
effective rewards policies should be:
quick in time after the behaviour or achievement they are design to reinforce;
fairly applied in terms of eliminating variation between individuals in their
High Expectations of Achievement and Behaviour
High expectations of students has been one of the most consistent of findings in the
literature, together with the communication of such expectations so that students
know them, being shown in the original effective schools literature (Weber, 1971;
Brookover et al., 1979; Edmonds, 1979a, 1979b, 1981; Venezky and Winfield, 1979)
as well as in more recent American research (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Stringfield
and Teddlie, 1991b) and in the major British empirical studies (e.g. Rutter et al.,
1979; Mortimore et al., 1988; Reynolds and Sullivan, 1979; Tizard et al., 1988).
Virtually every review on the topic mentions the importance of this factor, whether
British (e.g. Reynolds and Cuttance, 1992; Reynolds et al., 1994a; Sammons et al.,
1995b), Dutch (Scheerens, 1992; Creemers, 1992) or American (Levine and Lezotte,
1990; US Department of Education, 1987).
It is highly likely that high expectations need to be communicated to students by
the behaviours and the verbal reinforcement of teachers, rather than remaining as
within teacher states, to have positive effects. Additionally, it is likely that high
The Processes of School Effectiveness
expectations are closely related to a number of the other correlates mentioned in this
chapter—to time management, to principal leadership and to a positive school climate
for example. It may also be that high expectations is a surrogate for other teacher
variables such as activism, a sense of internal locus of control and a belief that schools
can outweigh the effects of coming from disadvantaged family backgrounds.
It is also highly likely that high expectations for students are associated with a staff
group who have themselves high expectations of what it is possible for them to achieve
from the principal or headteacher.
The latter’s expectations of staff are likely to show in such areas as:
expecting staff to work at understanding the school before they arrive and in
specially designed induction procedures;
expecting high levels of involvement in staff development activity;
expecting considerable attention to detail in the areas of monitoring, homework
expecting staff to prioritize academic achievement as a goal;
expecting staff to manage their time well, without ‘leaking’ time.
Teddlie et al. (1989a) note that effective principals ‘guard the integrity of the classroom’.
Ensuring that all staff expect the very highest levels of attainment and behaviour
from pupils is clearly part of that guarding, in effective schools.
Emphasizing Student Responsibilities and Rights
There are suggestions in some studies (Reynolds, 1976a 1976b; Reynolds and
Murgatroyd, 1977; Rutter et al., 1979) that the involvement of pupils in school clubs,
societies and representative or leadership systems is present in more effective schools.
Such positions involve students having a stake in the school and participating in the
formal school organization, which should increase the chance of them acquiring school
values and a commitment to school goals. The exercise of responsibility may also
make students more ‘pro-social’.
There are also hints that giving pupils responsibility for their own work and more
control over their learning situation may be associated with positive outcomes, as in
the junior school study of Mortimore et al. (1988) where pupils in more effective
schools were encouraged to manage their work independently of the teacher over
short periods of time.
Monitoring Progress at All Levels
The monitoring of student progress is a factor found in some school effectiveness
studies—indeed, frequent monitoring of student progress was one of the original five
correlates within the Edmonds (1979a and b) five factor model. The positive effects
may be due to:
the availability of data to assess programme impact and programme quality;
positive effects on students’ sense of self worth and motivation, because it shows
the students that teachers are interested in their progress;
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
it helps focus schools upon the ‘core’ goals that are being evaluated;
it can be used to identify those who need remedial instruction and re-teaching;
it can be used to analyse students’ progress, as in the study of Mortimore et al.
(1988), where more effective schools kept and used records to analyse progress
and as shown in the study of van der Werf (1995), where evaluation of progress
was associated with student gain in language (but not in mathematics
There are some hints, however, that monitoring needs to be central, and ongoing,
but that some manifestations of over frequent monitoring may be
counterproductive, as with the negative effect of frequent testing found in the
Mortimore et al. (1988) study.
Using monitoring and evaluation systems at the school level to manage school
institutions better is also a characteristic of effective schools, and is now more often
mentioned within the school improvement literature as necessary for school
development (Hopkins et al., 1994). The innovative High Reliability School programme
(Stringfield, 1995; Reynolds and Stringfield, 1996) also makes use of ‘data richness’
of its schools to encourage reflection and adoption of good practice (see this and
other studies in Chapter 8).
Murphy’s (1990a) review of literature on effective instructional leadership concluded
aptly that such persons practise a wide variety of monitoring behaviour, including:
testing programmes;
feeding back data on pupil performance to staff, departments and the whole
evaluation of the school’s success in achieving its goals.
Staff Development
Descriptions of effective schools often mention school site based staff development of
quality as one of their important characteristics (e.g. Austin and Holowenzak, 1985;
Hallinger and Murphy, 1985; Mortimore et al., 1988).
It seems to be important that such development is practical, an integral part of
school activities rather than an ‘add on’ and that it is school site based, with Mortimore
et al. (1988) noting that staff attending inservice courses indiscriminately and unrelated
to the core mission of the school is associated with ineffectiveness. One-off presentations
by outside experts or consultants used as ‘hired guns’ are likely to be counterproductive
(Levine and Lezotte, 1990). Clearly a close synchronization of school developmental
priorities with the site based developmental activities, and the generation of a staff
culture which involves mutual learning, monitoring and commitment to collaboration
are all likely to be important.
Parental Involvement
Research generally supports the belief that parental involvement is productive of
effective schools (Armor et al., 1976; Levine and Lezotte, 1990), but some studies
have failed to find such a relationship, with effective schools in some specific contexts
The Processes of School Effectiveness
having less parental involvement (Brookover and Lezotte, 1979; Hallinger and Murphy,
1985, 1986, 1987; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
Clearly the precise type of involvement is important in explaining this pattern,
with Mortimore et al. (1988) noting that there were positive benefits to parents helping
in the classroom, or with school trips or being allowed into the school as an ‘open
door’ policy, but with negative effects being shown by the presence of Parent Teacher
Associations, possibly because of the likelihood that such organizations could develop
‘cliques’ with destructive effects. Literature from North America indicates that parents’
direct involvement in school work has particularly beneficial effects, while involvement
in extracurricular activities had little effect (see review in Sammons et al., 1995b).
The potential utility of parental involvement is likely to lie in such areas as:
synchronizing school and home demands on students;
reducing class size as taught by acting as unpaid teacher assistants;
raising resources for the school;
assisting with homework for school students;
feeding back information on pupil progress and problems to the school;
liaising with their children’s individual teachers.
It is clear that parental involvement in such areas as criticism of the school or visits to
the school to complain are likely to generate ineffectiveness at school level (which is
why ‘buffering’ the school from parents may be important in low SES communities).
On the other hand, there is too much evidence of the positive effects of parental
involvement, particularly from some of the recent intervention studies in the field of
literacy development and basic skills acquisition (Slavin, 1996), for its importance to
be denied. It is also worth noting that many accounts of rapid school improvement
show principals ‘pulling the lever’ of enhanced parental involvement to generate
momentum and change (National Commission on Education, 1995), which might of
course be particularly potent in those low SES communities that have not exhibited
much of this factor, rather than in those middle class communities where such
involvements are routine.
Future Research on School Effectiveness Processes
The body of knowledge reviewed above is a remarkably robust one, given the
contextual differences between the various societies that have generated it. However,
there have been in recent years numerous calls for a reconceptualization and re-
orientation of work at the school level (Reynolds and Packer, 1992; Mortimore, 1991b)
to further develop the study of school level processes. The situation for research at the
school level is currently as follows:
The school variables that do explain variation do not seem to travel as well as the
instructional variables, in terms of explanatory power cross-culturally. It may even
be that different school organizational arrangements are necessary in different
national cultures to generate effective classroom learning environments which
have the same characteristics cross-culturally (see speculations in Reynolds and
Teddlie, 1995).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The rapid changes in the organization of schools internationally (for example, the
decentralization of power to school level and the increased volume and importance
of routine assessment of student progress) have generated a need for new measures
of school organizational functioning appropriate to the changed nature of the
organization’s role.
The widespread use of development planning, now virtually universal within all
cultures, is not matched by use of variables related to these activities as school
level variables, perhaps because of the historical separation of school improvement
(and its insights) from school effectiveness (see Chapter 7).
The use of multilevel methodologies and analyses of various kinds has been rightly
regarded as revolutionizing the study of educational effects, but researchers have
been unwilling or unable to appreciate the revolution in data gathering needs at
school level that is now necessary. The exposure of within school variation in
effectiveness by class, by pupil ability group, by social class, by ethnicity and by
subject department that is revealed for the first time in multiple level studies needs
to be matched by the introduction of ‘interface’ level variables concerned with
how this variation is maximized or minimized within different types of ‘effective’
or ‘ineffective’ schools.
The link between the school level and the other levels outside the school, such as
the local educational advisory structure, has not been adequately explored to date,
even though there are hints that these other levels are important in generating
differential educational outcomes. Researchers, with the exception of some in
Canada and the Netherlands, have been notably unwilling to relate schools to
their educational local contexts.
Understanding has also been hindered by the almost universal practice of measuring
different factors at classroom and at school level, thus hindering our explanatory
power because we do not know whether the low proportion of variance explained
by the school level variables used might be improved by the adoption at school
level of some of the variables used at classroom level (e.g. ‘expectations’ of student
Aside from the point above, the absence of any ‘running through’ of the same
variables at classroom, school and school/educational community levels reduces
our explanatory power. The variables measured at the two levels tend to be very
different, and although there is no reason why certain school level variables may
have effects upon other different class variables, in the present state of our
knowledge the ‘opening up’ of the interface between the school and the classroom
is more likely to take place if the same variables are studied at school and within
school level, with the difference or lack of difference between the two levels on
the same variables being used to open up the management of the school/class
Where studies have utilized multiple measures of outcome by the adoption of
‘social’ or ‘affective’ outcomes, it is noticeable that the numbers of school
level variables that are associated with variation in outcomes are notably less
for the social outcomes as compared to the academic outcomes, suggesting
that we are not at the moment tapping the school variables (climate? emotional
tone? relationships?) necessary (see speculations about relational patterns in
Chapter 12).
The Processes of School Effectiveness
The power of the instructional level as a determinant of outcomes has not been
matched by the necessary reconceptualization of the nature of the school level.
Rather than having strong direct influences upon development, the school is now
more usefully seen as facilitating or hindering the classroom level to potentiate
student learning. Adoption of this reconceptualization would lead to a different
focus on somewhat different variables at school level (and probably to a focus
upon the interface and the interaction between school organizational arrangements
and the classroom level) (see Scheerens and Bosker, 1997).
The conceptualizations and measurement of variables at school level has been
inadequately sensitive to the range of possible factors that may have effects. Most
studies have used formal organizational factors but few of these, and few in total,
have used the ‘culture’ of schooling in terms of teachers’ attitudes, perceptions,
goals etc. The third dimension of school life is that of the psychological or
psychosocial which is concerned with the relationships between individuals, and
the ‘psycho-history’ of the patterns of relationships found. The use of sociometric
techniques to explore this third dimension of schooling, and the adoption of a
‘micropolitical’ perspective, have been much neglected within school effectiveness
research (we turn to this in more detail in Chapter 12).
Changes within the educational systems of many societies make the adoption of
new school factors vitally important. The role of the headteacher in British
schools, for example, has changed considerably in the last decade, with this
person now being responsible for a range of new responsibilities (organizing
school finances, determining school inservice budgets etc.). It would be utterly
inadequate to proceed to measure the role of the headteacher in British schools,
for example, without developing new instruments to measure what the new role
features are.
The changed nature of schools, and the changed relationship between schools and
other socializing agencies, also makes new approaches to the study of the school
important. In the United States, the large number of ‘add on’ programmes is a
noticeable educational feature: the consistency, cohesion and ‘coordination’ of
the educational enterprise may now be even more important concepts to
operationalize and measure. Also, the increased value of heterogeneity within
societies, and the increased absence of power within the socializing agencies of the
family and the community, combine to potentially elevate the consistency of the
school’s socialization process to an importance it would not formerly have had.
We return to these issues of ‘range’ and its possible importance in Chapter 12.
The Interaction of School and Teacher Processes
We have so far reviewed material mostly on the school level determinants of effective
student outcomes. However, it is clear that school factors have a complex relationship
with outcomes in which the following possibilities exist:
school factors can have direct effects upon outcomes (as in the case of principals’
behaviours to individual students);
school factors can have indirect effects upon outcomes, through setting a context
for the development of classroom level factors.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Whilst we are unable to go into detail on the literature that exists upon teacher
effectiveness (see references in Chapter 11), it is clear that there are important
differences between effective and ineffective schools in the nature of their classroom
practices and teacher behaviours.
The Louisiana School Effectiveness studies, already noted earlier in this chapter,
were perhaps the most ambitious attempt to ‘nest’ classrooms in schools and to chart
the nature of the instructional processes in effective and ineffective schools.
As part of LSES-III, a comparison was made between schools designated as effective
and ineffective during the 1984–5 school years. The report on these two case studies
(Stringfield, Teddlie and Suarez, 1985) preceded a later report on the complete set of
16 schools from LSES-III. The district in which this pair of schools resided had a
highly centralized elementary curriculum with four tracks: advanced work for gifted
students, a curriculum for students scoring in the top 23 per cent on standardized
tests, the ‘regular’ curriculum for students scoring between the 23rd and 77th
percentiles, and a slower, remedial track for students scoring in the bottom 23
In spite of this standard curriculum, classroom observations confirm that better
teaching was occurring at the effective school (Adams Elementary) than at the
ineffective school (Fillmore Elementary). No interactive teaching pattern by a Fillmore
third grade teacher reached the lowest percentage of interactive teaching time achieved
by an Adams third grade teacher. Moreover, the mean percent of interactive third
grade teaching at Adams (45 per cent) nearly doubled the 24 per cent mean from
Fillmore. Adams teachers were also rated higher than Fillmore teachers on presentation
of new content, teacher expectations, and discipline.
In comparing these two schools, the researchers first noted their similarity: both
were public and served middle SES children; both had highly stable staffs and relatively
strong parental involvement; and discipline was not a major problem at either school.
Both schools had focused major staff development efforts on attending meetings and
implementing strategies from Madeline Hunter seminars. The two schools appeared
to receive equal district support. Beneath the superficial similarity, however, there
were at least four major schoolwide differences in processes that could have had an
impact on classroom teaching.
First, the expectation level for student performance was clearly higher at Adams.
While Fillmore had by design no students in the highest academic track, Adams had a
sizeable portion of its students in that track. Additionally, Adams’ students were not
allowed in the lowest academic track, while some at Fillmore were placed in this
track. The Adams’ teachers knew that the school administration expected the highest
performance from all students, and this message was apparently translated into higher
expectations by teachers in the classrooms.
A second schoolwide difference had to do with a clearer focus on present academic
expectations at Adams than at Fillmore. At Fillmore, these expectations tended to
take the form of a belief that the students will go to college; on the other hand, at
Adams it was expressed as a conviction that all students can, and will, learn their
third grade materials this year, starting now. The emphasis on the here-and-now
apparently had been translated into superior current classroom teaching.
A third difference involved an active programme at Adams for removing teachers
who were not performing up to a certain standard. This had resulted in the removal
The Processes of School Effectiveness
of at least two teachers at Adams, while no such dismissals had occurred at Fillmore.
The Adams’ administration apparently would not tolerate the low interactive time on
task recorded by some teachers at Fillmore.
A fourth difference at the two schools was related to the third one. The Adams’
administration had more active, direct monitoring and inservicing of their teachers
than did the Fillmore administration. The Adams’ principal indicated that ‘there are
many things we can teach teachers’, while the Fillmore principal emphasized the
friendly, family atmosphere at her school. At Adams the administration was more
aware of deficiencies in particular teachers’ techniques and were more willing to try
to personally remedy those weaknesses than was the Fillmore administration.
The Teddlie et al. (1989a) study built on the two case studies just described by
presenting data from all eight pairs of schools in the LSES-III sample. Results from
the study indicated that teachers in effective schools consistently outscored those from
ineffective schools on all indices of effective teaching. They were consistently more
successful in keeping students on task, spent more time presenting new material,
provided more independent practice, demonstrated higher expectations for student
success, provided more positive reinforcement, and so forth than did their peers in
matched ineffective schools.
Some interesting differences in patterns of variation among teachers were also
found. For instance, the standard deviations reported for teaching behaviours were
consistently smaller in effective as opposed to ineffective schools. These results imply
that some formal or informal socialization process was ongoing at the effective schools
resulting in more uniform teaching behaviour. The effective school in one pair
(Roosevelt Elementary) was a good example of an appropriate socialization experience
for teachers, while the ineffective school of that pair (Coolidge Elementary) provided
a good illustration of poor school socialization.
It was concluded that the effective school principals in this study were the central
figures ‘who guarded the integrity of the classroom’ (Teddlie et al., 1989a, p.234).
This guarding of academic integrity resulted in a truncation of the lower end of the
range of teaching behaviours through a more organized class day and a greater
emphasis on interactive teaching. This emphasis resulted in less variance in time on
task, classroom instruction and classroom climate scores, since the lower end of the
range of teacher behaviours was not tolerated by the principal.
At least five major differences between Roosevelt and Coolidge elementary schools
were directly related to the interaction between school and teacher effects:
1 shared academic leadership versus non-shared academic leadership;
2 strong faculty cohesiveness versus lack of faculty cohesiveness;
3 cooperative efforts to enhance teaching versus top-down efforts to enhance
4 fairly uniform teaching behaviours across classes versus large variances in teaching
behaviours across classes; and
5 assistance freely given new faculty members versus little assistance given new faculty
The study by Virgilio et al. (1991) sought to replicate the LSES-III findings related to
teachers’ behaviour, while involving more types of schools. This study examined teacher
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
behaviours in typical as well as effective and ineffective schools and included junior
high schools as well as elementary schools.
Results indicated that teachers from the different levels of school effectiveness behaved
quite distinctively. Teachers from effective schools demonstrated better teaching skills
than those from typical schools, who performed better than those from ineffective schools.
This school effect was more pronounced at the elementary school level, but still persisted
at the junior high level on high inference indicators of teacher behaviour measuring
classroom management, classroom instruction, and classroom climate. These results
constituted a strong replication of those reported from LSES-III, with the addition of
consistent results on a third level of effectiveness (the typical school).
This study also replicated and extended the findings regarding different patterns of
variance that were reported from LSES-III. There was less variance in teaching
behaviour at the effective school level than at the typical school level, which in turn
had less variance in teaching behaviour than that at the ineffective school level. For
instance, the range for time on task across teachers in effective elementary schools
was only 19 per cent, while for teachers in ineffective elementary schools it was 71
per cent. The lowest time on task for any teacher in a more effective elementary
school was a very respectable 81 per cent. The lower end of the range of effective
teaching behaviour in more effective elementary schools was truncated on both the
teaching effectiveness indicators.
Virgilio et al. (1991) speculated on the relative importance of selection and
socialization factors at work in the truncation of the range of teacher behaviours in
effective schools. Stringfield and Teddlie (1989) had contended that an emphasis on
the selection and removal of teachers probably has its greatest impact as a school is
headed toward effectiveness. During that time, the principal can radically change the
school’s overall scores on time on task, classroom climate, etc., by encouraging the
removal of poor teachers and carefully selecting teachers to replace them. Once weaker
teachers have been replaced by stronger ones, the faculty will become more stable
and the internal socialization process becomes more important.
Virgilio et al. then discussed three areas in which different school level socialization
experiences could have an impact on teacher behaviour once the faculty has been
1 the type of classroom monitoring and feedback provided by the administration;
2 the type of support for individual teacher improvement provided by the
3 the overall instructional leadership provided by the administration.
Results from LSES-IV (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) with regard to teaching
behaviours in historically effective/ineffective schools further expanded understanding
of teaching effects within school effects. The eight pairs of schools studied in LSES-IV
were the same schools that had been described in the Teddlie et al. (1989a, 1989b)
LSES-III study. It was more appropriate to refer to these schools as historically effective/
ineffective in the 1993 report since the criteria for their initial selection were 6–7
years old when LSES-IV occurred.
There was evidence for the persistence of more positive teaching behaviours within
historically effective schools (HESs), as opposed to historically ineffective schools
The Processes of School Effectiveness
(HISs), on the high-inference teaching indices. Overall, teachers in HESs outperformed
those from HISs on classroom management, presentation and questioning skills,
instructional strategies skills and classroom social psychological climate. Furthermore,
looking at individual pairs of schools, there was evidence for the persistence of
differential teaching effects in five of the seven pairs, excluding one pair that did not
have an appropriately selected positive outlier.
In fact, there was greater evidence for the persistence of teacher effects than for
school effects. In two of the pairs of schools, the schools’ effectiveness status changed
while their teachers’ effectiveness status did not change. In one pair, the HES became
less effective on indices of student achievement, but its teachers continued to out-
perform those from its matched school. In another pair, even though the HIS improved
dramatically on student achievement, its teachers were still outperformed by those
from its matched school. The greater instability of school effects may be attributable
to the high turnover rate among principals. Fifty per cent of the principalships changed
from LSES-III to IV.
Future Research on the Interaction between School Effects and Teacher Effects
As noted above, and elsewhere in this volume (e.g. Chapters 1, 3 and 5), theorists
are now calling for the inclusive study of teacher and school effectiveness variables
under the name of educational effectiveness research. The clearest statement of this
position is the article by Creemers and Reezigt (1996), which calls for three-level
studies (school, class, student) to test a theoretical model in which school factors
have an impact on student achievement indirectly through classroom level factors.
These authors state:
When quality of instruction, time for learning and opportunity to learn are
defined as the essential classroom level factors for student achievement, school
level factors should be defined according to the same criteria. This implies that
school factors are only supposed to enhance student achievement when it is
possible to relate them conceptually to quality, time and opportunity. The
selection of school factors along these lines does not result in a totally new set
of correlates, but in a conceptual re-ordering of factors. It is expected that the
school factors, selected and re-ordered in this way, will better be able to explain
differences in student achievement, because of their clear relationship with
classroom level factors.
(Creemers and Reezigt, 1996, p.222–3)
Creemers and Reezigt cite some examples of this three-level approach:
theoretical work by Scheerens (1992), Stringfield and Slavin (1992), and Slater
and Teddlie (1992);
a handful of empirical studies (Bosker, Kremers and Lugthart, 1990; Bosker, 1991;
Bosker and Scheerens, 1994; Luyten, 1994a; Scheerens, Vermeulen and Pelgrum,
1989; Stringfield and Teddlie, 1989; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Van der Tuin,
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The recent work of Hill and Rowe (1996) on school and teacher effectiveness in
Victoria, Australia should also be added to this list of three-level studies, as well as
the ILEA Junior School Project (Mortimore et al., 1988), ISERP (e.g. Creemers,
Reynolds, Stringfield and Teddlie, 1996) and dissertation research done in the USA
(e.g. Arceneaux, 1993; Crone, 1992). Tymms (1993) also conducted a three-level
study, with student, class, and subject department as the levels.
Thus, there is a growing momentum to more thoroughly integrate research that
was previously artificially divided into SER and TER. While we applaud these efforts
and see them as the wave of the future for SER, there are some cautions that should
be taken into consideration:
Studies and research reviews comparing the effects of school and classroom
variables indicate that classroom factors predict more variance than school factors
(e.g. Hill and Rowe, 1996; Luyten, 1994a, 1994b, 1994c; Scheerens et al., 1989;
Wang, Haertel and Walberg, 1993). As noted by Hill and Rowe (1996, pp.27–8),
however, school effects are cumulative and may be ‘unobserved, underestimated,
or partialled out’ in cross-sectional studies, or longitudinal studies that are short
term in nature, a point that was also made by Stringfield (1994a). Unless educational
effectiveness studies are done longitudinally, school effects are likely to be
The issue of whether schools can have direct and reciprocal, as well as indirect,
effects on student achievement is not yet resolved, even though the Creemers and
Reezigt (1996) model specifies only an indirect effect through classroom factors.
Hallinger and Heck (1996) have recently compared three models (adapted from
Pitner, 1988) for assessing the impact of principal leadership (a school level factor)
on student achievement: the direct-effects model (with and without antecedent
variables), the mediated-effects model (with and without antecedent variables), and
the reciprocal-effects model. Hallinger and Heck agree with Creemers and Reezigt
that the direct-effects model is not adequate for assessing the impact of principal
leadership on student achievement. The mediated-effects model is better, they argue,
because it more realistically describes the manner in which principal leadership most
often affects student achievement (i.e. through intervening variables).
Nevertheless, the relationship between school level factors and student achievement
is probably not restricted to indirect effects through intervening classroom factors
solely. It is possible that school level factors can also impact student achievement in
direct and in reciprocal ways, which is best described using the reciprocal-effects
model of Hallinger and Heck. In this model, school factors are linked to student
achievement with a causal arrow in both directions, as well as through intervening
An example of the direct effect that a school factor can have on student achievement
might involve the establishment of a set of rules intended to lead to an orderly
environment (i.e. a school free of disruption, violence, drugs) throughout the school’s
common areas (e.g. the hallways, the playground, the cafeteria, the auditorium, the
bus stops). If such an orderly environment were accomplished, then students should
come to classes more willing and able to achieve, independent of anything that then
happens in the classrooms.
The Processes of School Effectiveness
Also, the intervening variables between school factors and student achievement do
not always have to be classroom factors. For instance, another intervening variable
could be parental involvement, in cases where school policy directly affects parents,
such as mandated parental participation in homework.
It is clear that the interrelation between school factors, classroom factors, student
achievement, and other variables is very complex, and we currently do not know how
to model it precisely. Specifying only an indirect link between school factors and
student achievement through classroom factors will probably underestimate school
effects yet again.
The classroom variables specified by Creemers and Reezigt (1996) must be properly
measured in order to adequately estimate the influence of the class on student
achievement. While time for learning and opportunity to learn may be assessed through
survey methods, quality of instruction must be observed directly. Using surveys, or
other proxy measures, to assess quality of instruction is likely to result in socially
desirable responses, or responses with little meaningful variance. Even direct
observation is problematic if the instruments are not specifically designed for the
country in which they are administered, or if observers are not properly trained in this
use. SER has been chronically plagued with underspecification of causal models due
to inadequate operationalization of variables; the study of educational effectiveness
will have similar problems if adequate measures of quality of instruction are not
Nevertheless, the emerging educational (school plus teacher) effectiveness paradigm
has great promise in elucidating relationships between variables at different levels,
and in enhancing our understanding of the relationship between processes and student
outcomes. Children learn in classrooms that are situated in buildings that are called
schools—research design needs to in future appreciate that simple fact.
5 Context Issues within School
Effectiveness Research
Charles Teddlie, Sam Stringfield and
David Reynolds
For much of the history of SER, the varied contexts within which schooling occurs
have been ignored. In fact, the lack of studies concerning the context of school effects
was an area that Good and Brophy listed as a major limitation of extant SER in the
mid-1980s (Good and Brophy, 1986). This limitation has been addressed to a significant
degree over the past decade, with the publication of a number of both research and
theoretical articles on context issues within SER. (Table 5.1 shows some of the
significant studies in this area, together with details on their methodology and analytic
The study of context in SER has had a profound impact on many areas within the
Contextually sensitive studies have yielded differential results depending on the
‘levels’ of the context variable that is being studied (e.g. elementary versus secondary
phases of schooling; rural versus suburban versus urban community types; primarily
low SES versus primarily middle SES student bodies).
The consideration of context in SER has led to an increased sophistication in
theory development which has been greatly needed (see Chapter 10).
Contextually ‘sensitive’ models for school improvement have begun to emerge as
studies have demonstrated that appropriate improvement processes can vary to a
large degree according to context factors (see Chapter 7).
In this chapter, we will first present five definitions of context as it applies to SER. We
will then briefly discuss differences that exist between countries in the ways in which
SER researchers have studied context. Results from studies including context variables
in their design will then be summarized in four areas:
the socio economic status (SES) of students attending schools;
the community type of school;
the grade phases of schooling;
the governance structure of schools.
Finally, there will be a brief summary of some of the major conclusions drawn from the
literature review, plus a few comments concerning useful directions for future research.
Table 5.1 Comparison of methodologies used in seven school effects studies with context variables
1 AFDC refers to Aid to Families with Dependent Children, a government assistance programme in the
2 MANOVA refers to Multivariate Analysis of Variance.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Five Definitions of Context
The following section presents five different definitions of context, as related to SER,
that have been used over the past decade. These definitions have come from authors
working in three countries (the Netherlands, the UK, the USA): Willms (1985a, 1985b,
1985c, 1986, 1992); Wimpelberg et al. (1989); Scheerens (1992, 1993); Slater and
Teddlie (1992). This section concludes with the definition that we will use throughout
this volume.
Willms (1985a, 1985b, 1985c, 1986) was among the first researchers to study the
impact of student body SES in his research conducted in the UK in the early to mid
1980s. Within that country, the impact of student body SES has been known as the
‘compositional’ effect, or the ‘balance’ effect. Willms (1992) defined this ‘compositional’
effect as follows:
The composition of a school’s intake can have a substantial effect on pupils’
outcomes over and beyond the effects associated with pupils’ individual ability
and social class. Schools with high social class or high ability intakes have some
advantages associated with their context.
(Willms, 1992, p.41)
Willms’ definition of context (and that of others working within the UK throughout
the 1980s) was, therefore, confined to one variable: the SES of the school’s student
body. Also, the impact of that variable was measured solely in terms of student
Wimpelberg, Teddlie and Stringfield (1989) expanded the definition considerably
in a theoretical article in which they contended that ‘the introduction of context
variables into the critique and revision of effective schools research designs’ altered
the history of that research in the USA.
Wimpelberg et al. (1989) stated that:
‘Context’ can include such socio-political facets as the socio-economic background
of the students, governance structures that determine the fiscal and operational
decision making, grade levels (age of students and curricular program) of the
school, and more.
(Wimpelberg et al., 1989, p.82)
Wimpelberg, and others (e.g. Hallinger and Murphy, 1986; Teddlie and Stringfield,
1985; Teddlie et al., 1989b) working within the USA in the mid to late 1980s, not
only expanded the definition of context to other variables, but also included the study
of process as well as product in their ‘contextually sensitive’ SER studies.
In his integrated model of school effectiveness, Scheerens (1990, 1992) listed the
following variables as being contextual in nature:
‘covariables’, such as school size, student-body composition, school category, urban/
achievement stimulants from higher administrative levels;
development of educational consumerism.
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
Scheerens and other European scholars (e.g. Creemers and Scheerens, 1994; Hofman,
1995; Olthof and Lugthart, 1992; Scheerens, 1992, 1993; Scheerens and Creemers,
1990; Scheerens and Bosker, 1997) have utilized contingency theory (e.g. Fiedler,
1967; Hoy and Miskel, 1991; Mintzberg, 1979) as a framework in which to interpret
results from contextually sensitive SER. As Scheerens (1993) noted:
The central thesis of contingency theory is that in contrast to the assumptions of
classic organisational theories, there is no one best way to organise. The effectiveness
of organisational structures depends upon situational or contingency factors.
(Scheerens, 1993, p.29)
In the terminology of SER, these situational or contingency factors are school context
factors (e.g. student body composition, community type of school, grade phase,
governance structure of school, school size, etc.).
Slater and Teddlie (1992) developed a different theoretical position (the Theory of
School Effectiveness and Leadership or TSEL) that explicitly incorporated both
contextual and process considerations. (In the TSEL, ‘process’ indicated that schools
are continually going through stages in which they are either improving or declining.)
The TSEL consisted of three elements or ‘levels’: management and leadership (at
the school level), faculty preparedness (at the classroom level), and student learning
readiness (at the individual school level). For these authors, ‘context’ meant the
interaction between any two or more of these three elements.
Within the current volume, we will present our own definition of context, which
follows from the discussion of methodological issues found in Chapter 3. In that
chapter, context effects were related to the methodological issue of the generalizability
of school effects across different settings or ‘contexts’.
The definition of context that we will use throughout this chapter is as follows:
The study of context in SER refers to the differential effects associated with
certain variables (specifically SES of student body, community type, grade phase
of schooling, and governance structure) upon the scientific properties of school
effects, the characteristics of effective schools, and the school improvement
This definition consists of three parts:
1 The term ‘differential’ indicates that the generalizability of the effect of certain
variables depends upon the particular value (s) for that variable employed in the
study. For instance, the effect of student body SES on achievement depends upon
the particular mixture of middle and low SES students in the schools under study
(e.g. predominantly middle or predominantly low SES). Or, the effect of community
type upon student retention depends upon whether or not we are studying rural,
suburban, or urban schools.
2 The restriction of the definition of context variables to the four noted above is an
attempt to avoid further ‘Balkanization’ of the field, which might lead to the
study of a proliferation of context variables, many of which are highly
intercorrelated and theoretically entangled with one another. Such a ‘Balkanization’
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
of SER would make it increasingly difficult to discuss the generalizability of results
beyond the immediate context of the study being conducted. This point will be
discussed more thoroughly later in this chapter.
3 The effect of context variables will be examined within all three strands of SER
discussed in Chapter 1: school effects studies (involving the study of the scientific
properties of these effects), effective schools research, and school improvement
Different Country Traditions in the Study of Context
It is important to note that different countries have distinct traditions with regard to
the study of context variables in SER. Specifically, the study of context has been
distinct among the three countries with the longest and richest traditions of studying
SER: the USA, the UK and the Netherlands.
It was argued in Chapter 1 that the explicit study of context, beginning in the early
to mid 1980s, has been the major catalyst for many of recent advances that have been
made in all three strands of SER in the USA (Wimpelberg et al., 1989). Within that
country, however, the primary emphasis in contextually sensitive SER has been on the
study of the differential processes of effective schooling that are found in schools
from varied contexts (e.g. Hallinger and Murphy, 1986; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1985,
1993). This emphasis on process differences has led the field to advance beyond static
correlate driven models of school improvement (e.g. Levine and Lezotte, 1990) and
also led to more dynamic formulations of SER theory (e.g. Slater and Teddlie, 1992;
Wimpelberg, 1993).
Within the UK, studies of what we now call context also began appearing in the
mid 1980s, but they were called ‘compositional’ or ‘balance’ studies in that country
(e.g. Cuttance, 1992; Rutter et al., 1979; Willms, 1985b, 1986). Emphasis was placed
on the impact of different contexts on the scientific properties of school effects,
especially differential effect sizes. Early work in both the UK and the USA concentrated
on SES of student body as the context factor of interest.
It is interesting that the study of context had a parallel development in both the
USA and the UK, with little or no interaction between the two literatures until the
1990s, when scholars from both countries became aware of one another’s work. This
is a classic case of the unfortunate situation described in Chapter 2 concerning
researchers from different SER orientations not communicating regarding their work,
mainly because the UK studies were firmly within the school effects tradition, and the
USA studies were more within the effective schools arena.
The Dutch spin on context research is different from that of either the UK or the
USA. As noted above, studies of the effect of school context have led scholars there
(e.g. Creemers and Scheerens, 1994; Scheerens, 1990, 1992, 1993) to adapt tenets
from a broad social science framework, known as contingency theory (e.g. Mintzberg,
1979, 1983), to explain previously obtained results and to predict further findings.
Empirical work on context from the Netherlands is just now surfacing (e.g. Hofman,
1995), and the early emphasis in the Dutch literature is on governance issues (e.g. on
school boards).
As other countries produce contextually sensitive SER, it is likely that the variables
of interest will differ. For example within developing countries, community type may
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
be the most important context variable, because differences between lesser developed
rural areas and more modern urban areas are so great. More discussion of these
country differences is found in Chapter 8.
Introduction to the Review of the Research Findings from SER
The next four sections will discuss results from SER studies that have included context
variables in their design. Studies using SES as a context variable will be discussed
first, followed by those using community type and grade phase. These three types of
context studies resulted partially from the criticism that many of the initial ‘effective
schools’ studies were conducted in poor (SES), urban (community type), elementary
(grade phase) schools. Studies examining the effects of one other context variable
(governance structure) will then be discussed.
As indicated above, discussion in this chapter limits consideration of context to the
four variables just noted. Obviously, we could have included other context variables
(e.g. size of school, phase of development of school, experience level of principal,
experience level of faculty), but elected not to do so. The reason for this is that we want
to avoid further ‘Balkanization’ of the field beyond the major context variables that
have been demonstrated to have differential effects upon school processes and outcomes.
At the present time, the four context variables noted above (SES of student body,
community type, grade phase of schooling, governance structure), plus size and country,
have been studied the most and have yielded the clearest differential results. As noted
throughout this chapter, country context effects will be discussed in Chapter 8. Size of
school is often confounded either with community type or with grade phase of schooling
or with country, and we have chosen to examine these other context variables rather
than size.
The Study of Socio Economic Status (SES) of Students as a Context
The inclusion of SES indicators as context variables has occurred within all three
strands of SER, illustrating the importance that social scientists have traditionally
given to the impact of social class (e.g. Blumberg, 1972; Curtis and Jackson, 1977). In
the following section, results from school effects (input-output) studies will be discussed
first, followed by research from the ‘effective schools’ (process-product) studies and
school improvement traditions. The study of context variables in the USA has been
especially emphasized within the ‘effective schools’ research strand, where the term
‘contextually sensitive’ studies of school effectiveness emerged. On the other hand,
within the UK, the research has centred around the impact of student body SES on the
scientific properties of school effects.
Results from School Effects Studies
The results from studies of the impact of the SES of student bodies on school effects
was briefly discussed in Chapter 3, and they will be expanded upon here. There will
also be speculation in this section regarding possible reasons for why these differences
in achievement exist for schools with students from different SES backgrounds.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Sammons et al. (1996a) referred to these differences due to the SES of student
body as inconsistency of effect size ‘across different school memberships’. In the UK,
these SES context effects have been referred to as ‘compositional’ effects (since they
take into account the SES composition of the student body) or ‘balance’ effects (since
they concern the balance of students from a particular SES class in a school).
Several studies have demonstrated that the composition of a school’s ‘intake’
(i.e. the SES backgrounds of all the students attending a school) can have an effect
on students’ achievement beyond the effects associated with students’ individual
social class and/or ability (e.g. Brookover et al., 1978, 1979; Henderson, Mieszkowski
and Sauvageau, 1978; McDill et al., 1969; Rutter et al., 1979; Shavit and Williams,
1985; Summers and Wolfe, 1977; Willms, 1985b, 1986; Willms and Raudenbush,
1989). For instance, Blakey and Heath (1992) concluded that when explaining a
student’s performance, ‘we need to take account both of his or her own social class
background and the background of the other children in the school’ (p.127). Willms
and Raudenbush (1989) demonstrated that these compositional effects can change
over time.
In a study using Scottish secondary level data, Willms (1986) demonstrated that
such contextual effects were more strongly related to the proportion of higher SES
students in a school than to the proportion of lower SES students, a phenomenon that
he labelled the ‘balance’ effect. Willms also concluded that these school SES context
effects were ‘equally strong for pupils of high and low ability alike’ (p.224). This
implies that students from all ability levels tend to benefit in terms of academic
achievement from attending higher SES schools.
In an earlier review of the USA literature on this issue, Murnane (1981) similarly
concluded that the higher the average SES or academic ability of the student body, the
more positive was the effect on individual students, although the effect seemed to be
more pronounced for lower SES students. The USA research into this issue through
the mid-1980s was labelled ‘peer group research’ (e.g. Hanushek, 1972; Henderson,
Mieszkowski and Sauvageau, 1978; Murnane, 1975; Summers and Wolfe, 1977;
Winkler, 1975). Murnane (1981) concluded from this research that:
Thus, it appears that children disadvantaged by low initial achievement or low
SES benefited from attending schools with more fortunate students, while the
cost to the more fortunate students in these schools in terms of decreased
achievement was small.
(Murnane, 1981, p.23)
Some authors have contended that this SES contextual effect may be the result of peer
group influences (e.g. Blakey and Heath, 1992; Clifford and Heath, 1984; Erbing and
Young, 1979), but other factors may also be at work (Willms, 1986). Willms (1992)
has suggested several other advantages that schools with higher SES student bodies
may have over those with lower SES students:
they have greater support from parents;
they have fewer disciplinary problems;
they have atmospheres that are more conducive to learning; and
they are more likely to attract and retain excellent teachers.
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
(This final point is related to the ‘Additive Effect’, which is discussed in more detail in
Chapter 12.)
While these speculations seem well founded, the precise social psychological
processes through which they work are as yet unspecified. Willms and Raudenbush
(1989) addressed this issue as follows:
Researchers have not specified precisely the mechanisms through which contextual
effects arise…but to some extent they are associated with factors that lie outside
teachers’ control, such as peer influence or the effects of local community
(Willms and Raudenbush, 1989, p.213)
Willms and Raudenbush (1989) calculated the impact of SES as a context variable in
a study of Scottish secondary schools. They concluded that an increase of one standard
deviation in school mean SES is associated with a gain of 29 per cent of a standard
deviation in overall attainment.
Other studies have failed to find evidence of such SES contextual effects (e.g.
Alexander, K. and Eckland, 1975; Alwin and Otto, 1976; Bondi, 1991; Hauser, 1970,
1971; Hauser et al., 1976; Mortimore et al., 1988; Trower and Vincent, 1995). For
example, Mortimore et al. (1988) found no evidence of the contextual effect in their
study of junior schools, a result that was supported by later reanalyses. Hauser (1970,
1971) contended that some contextual effects may, in fact, be a statistical artefact;
that is, they may be the result of underspecified mathematical models.
Despite these contradictory results, the overall pattern of data from the UK, the
USA, and other countries (e.g. the Shavit and Williams, 1985 results from Israel)
indicate that there is, in fact, a compositional effect. It is probable that there are
circumstances that make the detection of the compositional effect more or less likely.
Willms (1986) concluded that there were two essential ingredients for the detection
of these SES contextual effects in input-output studies: a well specified mathematical
model and outcome measures that are sensitive to the effects of the school curriculum.
Shavit and Williams (1985) suggested a third characteristic required for the detection
of such contextual effects: diversity in school contexts. In other words, there needs to
be a wide range of variation in the SES contexts of the schools under study to detect
effects of this contextual factor.
Thus, if studies are conducted in settings with little variance in SES of students
(e.g. as is the situation for many of the schools in the Netherlands or Norway), it is
less likely that a compositional effect will be found. Also, if researchers elect to study
schools from one particular SES context (e.g. as USA researchers from the Effective
Schools tradition did in the 1970s), then it is unlikely that a compositional effect will
be found.
Results from Effective Schools Studies of SES as a Context Variable
In the mid-1980s, a number of researchers in the USA began to explore the processes
at work in the relationship between the social context of schools and their effectiveness
status (e.g. Andrews, R., et al., 1986; Chubb and Moe, 1985; Hallinger and Murphy,
1986; Rowan and Denk, 1984; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1985). In these studies, as in
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
those in the previous section, social context was typically operationalized as the socio
economic status (SES) of the student body of the schools that were being studied. In
most of these studies, the samples consisted of middle and low SES schools, but some
of these studies also included a sample of affluent schools (Hallinger and Murphy,
1986; Miller and Sayre, 1986).
According to Levine and Lezotte (1990) and Scheerens (1992), there have been
two comprehensive process-product studies using SES as a context variable conducted
in the USA: one by Hallinger and Murphy (1986) in California and one by Teddlie
and Stringfield (1985, 1993) and their colleagues in Louisiana. The most interesting
aspect of these two studies was that many of their results were congruent, despite
significant differences in methodologies and study populations.
The California study involved case studies of eight elementary schools selected
from a population of schools that had scored above prediction for three consecutive
years on a standardized achievement test. Two of these schools were low in SES, two
were classified as lower-middle, two were in middle income communities and two
were upper-middle (Hallinger and Murphy, 1986). The Louisiana study included 76
schools that were divided along two dimensions: effectiveness status (more effective,
typical, less effective); and SES of student body (middle-, low-SES). Hallinger and
Murphy were able to identify four distinct levels of SES communities for their study
in the relatively affluent state of California, while Teddlie and Stringfield used only
two levels, because Louisiana has fewer affluent communities.
Results from both studies confirmed that there were some characteristics that
distinguished effective from ineffective schools, regardless of the SES of the schools:
clear academic mission and focus, orderly environment, high academic engaged time-
on-task and frequent monitoring of student progress. These characteristics have been
frequently mentioned in SER.
While there were definite similarities between effective middle—and low-SES
schools, there were a number of very interesting differences between the two groups
of schools. The Teddlie and Stringfield (1985, 1993) research indicated that effective
schools had implemented somewhat different strategies, depending on the SES context
of the particular school under examination. These differences in characteristics
associated with effectiveness in middle—and low-SES schools revolve around six areas:
1 Promotion of educational expectations—Middle-SES schools promoted both high
present and future educational expectations, while low-SES schools emphasized
present educational expectations only.
2 Principal leadership style—Effective middle-SES principals tended to be good
managers, while effective low-SES principals tended to be initiators who wanted
to make changes in the schools.
3 The use of external reward structures—Visible external academic rewards were
emphasized in low-SES schools, while they were downplayed in middle-SES schools.
4 Emphasis in the school curriculum—Curricular offerings were focused on the basic
skills in effective low-SES schools, while effective middle-SES schools had an
expanded curriculum.
5 Parental contact with the school—Parental involvement was encouraged in middle-
SES schools, while principals and staff in many low-SES schools created boundaries
to buffer the school from negative community influences.
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
6 Experience level of teachers—Effective middle-SES schools had more
experienced teachers, while effective low-SES schools had less experienced
The study conducted in California (Hallinger and Murphy, 1986) confirmed the
differences between schools with students from different SES backgrounds, especially
with regard to:
1 Differences in curriculum—Curriculum in low-SES schools was narrow, focusing
on basic skills; curriculum in high-SES schools was broad, focusing on a variety of
academic skills.
2 Differential student expectations—The source of expectations in low-SES schools
was the school itself and tended to be moderate; in high-SES schools, the sources
were the home and school and tended to be very high.
3 Differences in principal leadership style—Principal leadership style in effective
low-SES schools was high with regard to control of instruction and task orientation;
in effective high-SES schools it was low to moderate with regard to control of
instruction and moderate with regard to task orientation.
4 Differential parental involvement—Home linkages were weak in effective low-
SES schools and strong in effective high-SES schools.
Follow-up studies to the Hallinger and Murphy and the Teddlie and Stringfield studies
were conducted by Evans and Teddlie (1988, 1993, 1995) and Hebert (1994). These
studies specifically examined leadership behaviour in differentially effective schools
serving students from different SES backgrounds.
Based on the previous studies, hypotheses were generated by Evans and Teddlie
(1993, 1995) using the terminology of Hall et al. (1984) concerning principals’ change
facilitator styles: initiators (make it happen); managers (help it happen); and responders
(let it happen). Evans and Teddlie predicted:
1 an overall difference in the frequencies of teachers’ perceptions of their principals’
change facilitator styles across school effectiveness (effective, ineffective) and SES
categories (low, middle);
2 that a higher percentage of teachers would perceive their principals as initiators in
low-SES, effective schools than in low-SES, ineffective schools; and
3 that a higher percentage of teachers would perceive their principals as managers
in middle-SES, effective schools than in middle-SES, ineffective schools.
The study produced strong evidence in support of the first two hypotheses, thus
confirming that the SES characteristics of schools are related to the type of change
facilitator styles that would be most successful at those schools.
Additionally, Evans and Teddlie concluded that teachers perceived their principals
as exhibiting mixed styles (e.g. manager-initiator as primary-secondary styles), rather
than one predominant style (e.g. manager). Hebert (1994) followed up on this study,
predicting differences in teachers’ perceptions of predominant and mixed styles in
schools varying by both effectiveness ratings and SES contexts. Her study yielded a
few differential results using its entire sample of schools; for instance, teachers perceived
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
their principals as responder-managers more often in ineffective low-SES schools than
in effective low-SES schools.
Since some of her hypothesized relationships were not demonstrated using the
entire sample, Hebert separated the data into schools which had principals with greater
than or less than twelve years of experience. Most of the hypothesized relationships
were supported in the schools with the more experienced principals, while none were
demonstrated in schools with less experienced principals. It appeared that experience
level of principal (another potential school context variable) was interacting with the
SES context variable in this sample, such that predicted differences in teachers’
perceptions of principal leadership styles occurred only after principals had been at
their schools for an extended period of time. Hebert (1994) was also interested in
determining if teachers’ sense of autonomy (Forsyth and Dansiewicz, 1985) differed
across SES contexts. She hypothesized and found that teachers in middle-SES schools
perceived themselves as having significantly more autonomy than teachers in low-
SES schools. This difference in perceived teacher autonomy is apparently related to
the differences in principal leadership style found in earlier studies (e.g. Hallinger and
Murphy, 1986; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1985). For instance, it may be that effective
middle-SES principals are perceived by their relatively autonomous faculty as managers
(i.e. they help improvement occur), while effective low-SES principals are perceived
by their less autonomous faculty as initiators (i.e. they make improvement occur).
Results from School Improvement Studies
Chrispeels (1992) studied the creation of cultures for improvement in eight schools
undergoing restructuring programmes in southern California. This study allowed for
multiple (eclectic) approaches to school change, depending on the particular context
of the school, and one of the major considerations of the Chrispeels’ case studies
concerned the impact of the social context of the school community on the form and
the success of the restructuring efforts.
The two least successful school restructuring programmes in the Chrispeels’ study
were at Sierra and Tahoe Elementary Schools (all names are pseudonyms), both of
which were located in low-SES communities that appeared to exert great influence on
their schools’ improvement programmes. In both of these schools, parents were blamed
for the failures of the improvement efforts. At Tahoe Elementary, for instance, the
principal lamented that if his school were a magnet school, it could be labelled ‘the
School for Dysfunctional Families’ (Chrispeels, 1992, pp.82–3). Similarly, the staff at
Sierra Elementary saw parents and their lack of concern as one of the major barriers
to improvement. At two other relatively more affluent schools (Yosemite Elementary
and Whitney Elementary), the principals and staff did not scapegoat the parents for
any difficulties that might have been occurring in the restructuring efforts at their
These results from Chrispeels are similar to those reported by Lightfoot (1983) in
her more impressionistic ‘portraits’ of urban, suburban and elite schools. Her portrait
of George Washington Carver School (pseudonym for a low-SES, urban school in
Atlanta) describes an improved, tightly administered school, but one that did not
appear to have a vision for instructional excellence. Similarly, Teddlie and Stringfield’s
(1993) description of Theodore Roosevelt Elementary (pseudonym for a low-SES,
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
rural school in Louisiana) presented the image of an improving school that was being
driven by a new principal intent on correcting disciplinary problems and creating a
very public reward structure for academic achievement in his school, yet who did not
have a clear idea of the long-term academic goals for the school.
A common thread runs through the results from all these studies of low-SES schools
on the road to improvement: the staffs at low-SES schools typically have to spend
more time creating certain components of school success (e.g. high expectation levels,
reward structures for academic success, safe and orderly climates) than do middle-
SES schools, where the community has often already generated these components, at
least in nascent form. Thus, fundamental elements in school improvement programmes
often differ between schools located in middle—and low-SES communities, with schools
in the low-SES communities making considerable efforts to create certain baseline
conditions that may already exist in more affluent communities. The effort required
to create these baseline components of successful schooling in low-SES communities
necessarily detracts (at least in the short term) from other aspects of school
improvement, such as the generation of an excellent instructional system and of long
term academic goals.
This analysis of the differences between schools in low-SES and middle-SES contexts
implies that the creation of effective schools in the former environments often calls
for an initial compensatory model in which deficit community resources are made up
at the school, sometimes working in conjunction with the home in what Chrispeels
(1992) calls HSR (home-school relations). Wimpelberg et al. (1989) used an economic
term ‘cumulative resource effects’ to account for, among other factors, the effects of
student body SES upon the ability of schools to accumulate resources, which then
often ‘pay off in achievement gain. In low-SES communities, more time and effort has
to be expended by the school staff, perhaps in conjunction with concerned parents
and community leaders, in generating these cumulative resources than is the case in
more affluent communities.
In low-SES schools, then, it appears that change occurs in two phases, often blended
together: a compensatory phase, where certain baseline conditions are met (e.g. safe,
orderly environment; high expectations from students, parents, staff members; tangible
reward structures for the reinforcement of academic success; the creation of academic
‘press’ at the school); and a long term phase, emphasizsing systemic process change at
both the school and teacher levels. In middle-SES schools, where these baseline
conditions are often already met, resources can be marshalled with regard to the long
term process change phase almost from the beginning.
If this analysis is correct, then different types of principals are needed to improve a
school (as opposed to maintaining improvement), as suggested by Good and Brophy
(1986). This may especially be the case at low-SES schools, which need an initiator
(or initiator-manager in terms of mixed styles) to make improvement happen and a
manager (or manager-initiator) to maintain it. Thus, principal tenure at school probably
interacts with SES context in predicting what type of leadership style is most successful
in creating or maintaining effectiveness, as suggested by the Hebert (1994) study.
In some circumstances, the same principal may play different leadership roles within
the same school over time. Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) described such a principal
at Kennedy Elementary School (pseudonym for an effective low-SES school in a
Louisiana suburban area). This school remained effective over a seven-year period of
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
time, despite the fact that the SES level of the student body was declining due to the
loss of middle class industrial jobs in the catchment area. Wimpelberg (1993)
summarized the ‘stable adaptability’ exemplified by the principal at Kennedy
Elementary over the period of time that her school was studied:
…between 1984 and 1989, nearly one-third of the middle class students in the
school was lost due to economic deterioration in the neighbourhood. The new
student body seemed to alter the conditions of her work, as the principal defined
it, but not its purpose.
(Wimpelberg, 1993, p.183, my italics)
‘Special strategies’ for school improvement in the USA (Stringfield et al., 1994a,
1997) have begun using ‘context analysis’ in their programmes. For instance,
Hopfenberg, Levin et al. (1993) described ‘Taking Stock’ of the strengths and
weaknesses of a school site as a major step in the Accelerated School process (e.g.
Accelerated Schools Project, 1991). (See Chapter 7 for more details.)
The Study of Community Type as a Context Variable
There have been fewer studies that have explicitly examined community type as a
context factor in SER. Three research studies summarized here have closely examined
the effect of multiple levels of community type: Cuttance’s (1988) study of the impact
of community type (and other geographical factors) on variation in achievement among
Scottish secondary schools; Witte and Walsh’s (1990) comparison of Milwaukee city
and suburban schools; and the Hannaway and Talbert (1993) study of the High School
and Beyond (HS&B) database. All three of these studies found significant community
influences on the effectiveness of schools.
Cuttance (1988) studied variation in achievement among Scottish schools that was
associated with three typologies: type of school (seven types of comprehensive and
selective); type of community (city, large burgh, small burgh, rural, new town); and
educational authority (17 local educational agencies or LEAs). Cuttance employed
multilevel modelling in this study, looking specifically at sector effects for the three
typologies noted above. While there were complex interactions across the three
typologies, Cuttance concluded that community type had some discernible effects:
…in comparison with the less urbanised sectors, there was considerably greater
variation in adjusted attainment among city schools. Overall there is evidence
that the range of variation in effectiveness within community types decreases as
they become less urban. The city and urban sectors had lower median levels of
adjusted attainment among their schools than the burgh and new town sectors.
(Cuttance, 1988, p.212)
These differential community type effects are particularly interesting considering the
fact that there was great similarity in the SES of the students attending the various
types of schools. According to Cuttance, between 67–77 per cent of the students in all
five community types have fathers who are employed in a manual occupation.
Why, then, do students in burgh and new town schools appear on the average
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
to do better than those from rural and urban areas in Scotland? Also, why is there
more variance in effectiveness within more urban schools than within less urban
schools? Cuttance speculated that differences in student achievement between
schools from different community types (and different LEAs) may be partially
due to other factors such as denominational status of school or the period in
which the school was established. These context factors have been examined in
other Scottish studies (Cuttance, 1988; McPherson and Willms, 1986) and will be
discussed later in this chapter.
A recent study by Freeman and Teddlie (1997) partially replicated the Cuttance
results in the USA. These authors found a greater incidence of ‘naturally occurring’
school improvement in elementary schools located in small city/suburban areas than
was found in either urban areas or in rural/town areas. ‘Naturally occurring’ school
improvement happens when schools score higher on achievement tests over a period
of time, without any externally mandated school improvement programme being put
into place at the school site (Stringfield and Teddlie, 1990). Freeman and Teddlie
(1997) speculated that small city/suburban areas have greater community resources,
both human and fiscal, than is found in many urban and rural areas in the USA.
Employing regression analyses, Witte and Walsh conducted what they called ‘a
systematic test of the effective schools model’ using data from elementary, middle and
high schools. After examining the data broken down by community type, the authors
concluded that:
The Milwaukee metropolitan setting, which we suspect is very similar to a number
of other cities, by itself is difficult to understand because there are two very separate
educational worlds—one in the city and one in the suburbs. In statistical terms,
the variables describing the different components of the educational system and
educational achievement form two distinct clusters….
(Witte and Walsh, 1990, pp. 192–3)
The authors used various statistical adjustments to control for the high intercorrelations
among many of their indices, such as community type and the SES of student bodies.
The authors described these two distinct ‘educational worlds’ as follows: in the
city schools, students came from poor, often African-American or Hispanic families;
in the suburbs, the students were almost all white and most came from middle-class
or higher SES backgrounds. On all achievement indices, the suburban schools
performed higher than the city schools. Furthermore, the city schools were larger and
had fewer teachers with Master’s degrees than the suburban schools. The teachers in
the two community types described their schools quite differently, with the city teachers
perceiving a much more negative school environment.
Witte and Walsh concluded that student characteristics were very important in
determining a school’s effectiveness in their study, and that the effect of these
characteristics were compounded by the class and racial segregation that exists between
Milwaukee city and suburban schools. The community type context differences that
they described in their study mirror the SES context differences described in the previous
section of this chapter. It is likely that the differences in school processes and routes
toward school improvement that were described for low—and middle-SES schools
are relevant to the city and suburban schools described by Witte and Walsh.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Two studies from the USA (Hannaway and Talbert, 1993; Purkey and Rutter,
1987) examined schools from different community types using the HS&B database.
This type of database, composed of archived data with community type encoded,
may be convenient for those researchers lacking the resources to gather their own site
based process data (i.e. observations and interviews) across a wide range of community
type levels. Results from these two studies tend to support the Witte and Walsh
For instance, Hannaway and Talbert (1993) examined the relationship between
three levels of community type (urban, suburban, rural) and two dimensions of what
they called ‘effective school process’ (strong principal leadership, teacher community)
using HS&B survey datasets. They reported several differences due to community
type, including the following:
1 school size had a positive effect on teacher community and principal leadership in
suburban schools and a negative effect on those two variables in urban suburban
2 principals in urban high schools had far less autonomy in matters of school policy,
personnel decisions, and resource allocation than did principals from other
community types;
3 the reported influence of teacher unions was greater in urban high schools than in
other community types;
4 the clientele of suburban schools were more wealthy and better educated than the
clientele for urban schools; and
5 there was a lack of school size effects for rural schools.
In an earlier study that also employed the extant HS&B database, Purkey and Rutter
(1987) compared teachers in urban and suburban high schools. They concluded that
the teachers perceived that both they and their students had more difficult tasks and
less positive environments in urban than in suburban schools.
In addition to the community type context effects reported in their study, the
Hannaway and Talbert (1993) data point out an interesting interaction between size
and community type of school: size of school is directly related to school effectiveness
indicators in suburban schools and inversely related to those variables in urban schools.
This interaction between context variables (in this case community type and size) is
repeated in several of the studies reported in this chapter. Such interactions make it
difficult to ‘tease out’ the independent effects of context variables.
In a study involving the comparison of rural and urban schools, Rowan, Raudenbush
and Kang (1991) concluded that urban schools were more advantaged, and rural
schools more disadvantaged, with regard to the organizational design features
associated with teacher morale and commitment. This direct comparison of urban
and rural high schools is unusual in studies from the USA.
As noted by DeYoung (1987), the history of American education has been primarily
an urban history. Certainly, the study of SER in the USA has been primarily a study of
urban schools. The handful of American studies that have looked at rural school
effectiveness (e.g. Buttram and Carlson, 1983; Conklin and Olson, 1988; Hord et al.,
1992; Lomotey and Swanson, 1990; Stringfield and Teddlie, 1991b) have identified
two interesting areas of differentiation between effective rural and urban schools:
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
resource allocation and cohesiveness. Rural schools are, in general, characterized by
scarcer resources than urban schools (Buttram and Carlson, 1983; Stringfield and
Teddlie, 1991b). Similarly, rural schools typically have smaller faculties and student
bodies that are more culturally homogeneous and, therefore, more likely to be cohesive
(Conklin and Olson, 1988; Lomotey and Swanson, 1990).
These differences have obvious implications for producing effective schools in rural
as opposed to urban areas. For example, Stringfield and Teddlie (1991b) described
how the principal of an effective rural school developed innovative strategies to cope
with scarce resources. This principal had set up a programme in which his students
regularly visited the library in the local small community. His students had access to
a greater number of books through this programme, and the community library, which
had been threatened with closure, was better able to justify its existence.
With regard to the smaller size and greater homogeneity of rural schools, Conklin
and Olson (1988) have argued that this may have beneficial results. It should be
easier, for example, to develop consensual faculty goals in such settings. Also, it may
be easier for the principal and faculty members in such schools to work with community
members and to solicit greater parental involvement.
Hord, Jolly and Mendez-Morse (1992) examined superintendents’ leadership
behaviour in five rural school districts in which school improvement efforts were
ongoing. These authors concluded that there was aspects of the rural district context
that influenced these superintendents’ abilities to provide school improvement
leadership. Given the small sizes of these districts’ central office staffs and their
often long distances from other districts, these rural superintendents often spoke of
isolation. There was not many ‘peer level opportunities’ for professional growth
and development (Hord et al., 1992). These superintendents suffered from a lack of
exposure to leadership ideas, a lack of implementation assistance and a lack of
varying role models.
Teddlie (1994b) presented information on contextual differences suggested from
the Louisiana School Effectiveness case studies (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) of two
rural, two suburban, and two urban schools. Each pair of these schools had initially
consisted of an effective and an ineffective school, and the pairs were examined in
1984–5 and again in 1989–90. Teddlie presented four major areas of contextual
differences (community and district office, leadership, faculty and instructional
organization, curriculum and professional development), each of which in turn involved
four characteristics that could distinguish among rural, suburban and urban schools
(see Table 5.2). These proposed distinctions could be explored in greater detail in
future studies crossing effectiveness status by community type.
There is an interesting interaction that also appears to be occurring between country
and community type across some of the studies from the USA and the UK studies.
Community type appears to not play as significant a role in the UK as it does in the
USA, primarily because there is less variance in the UK on this variable. Studying
rural schools separately in the UK is probably not as important an issue as it is in the
USA, because rural schools in the UK are generally closer geographically and culturally
to urban areas and are, therefore, not as isolated as their counterparts in the USA.
The importance of certain context variables often depends on other salient context
variables in the environment, and country often plays an important role in mediating
the effect of other variables.
Table 5.2 Contextual differences in elementary s schools due to urbanicity
Faculty and Instructional Organization
Source: Adapted from Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The Study of Grade Phase of School as a Context Variable
Differential Effect Sizes across Grade Phase of School
As noted in Chapter 3, the impact of school may be felt more at the elementary (or
junior) level than at the secondary level. This general result may be complicated by
the fact that studies of school effects have not been equally divided across phases of
schooling across different countries.
For instance, the preponderance of school effects studies in the USA have involved
elementary schools, while the majority of these studies in the UK have explored
secondary schools. There have been very few studies that have examined school effects
at both the elementary and secondary levels simultaneously, and part of the reason
for this is researchers’ focus on particular phases of schooling in particular countries.
Within the USA, the two major studies of school effectiveness both involved
elementary schools: Brookover et al. (1979) explored school effects in a sample of
Michigan schools focusing on the fourth grade; Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) studied
a sample of Louisiana schools focusing on the third grade. Both of these studies found
strong evidence for school effects (using Definition 3 of school effects found in Chapter
3). There have been no secondary studies of the scale of these studies conducted to
date in the USA.
Sammons (1996) reviewed studies from the UK that examined school effects from
different phases of schooling. Their review studied the consistency of the size of school
effects across studies that had examined:
infant schools (e.g. Tizard et al., 1988; Thomas and Nuttall, 1993);
junior schools (e.g. Mortimore et al., 1988);
secondary schools (e.g. Cuttance, 1987; Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b; Jesson and Gray,
1991; Nuttall et al., 1989; Reynolds et al., 1987; Rutter et al., 1979; Willms and
Raudenbush, 1989);
post-secondary schools (e.g. Thomas, Nuttall and Goldstein, 1992, 1993).
While all of these studies revealed some school effects, the size of the effects was
larger for junior schools than for secondary schools. Studies of school effects conducted
at the infant level (ages 5–7) in the UK (e.g. Thomas and Nuttall, 1993; Tymms et al.,
1997) indicate that the size of the school effect may be even larger there than at the
junior (elementary) level.
Tymms (1992) further explored the relative effectiveness of post-16 institutions in
the UK (i.e. comprehensive schools, Catholic schools, sixth form schools, further
examination colleges, and Assisted Places Scheme schools) on pre-university exams.
Some significant effects were found between the different institutions attended, but
the effect sizes were small and varied across outcome and curriculum areas.
It makes sense that schooling should have a greater effect on younger students
since there are fewer competing factors (or inputs) that could have affected achievement
for those students. Sammons et al. summarized this difference as follows:
Overall there is considerable evidence that significant school effects can be
identified for all phases of schooling. There is some indication that they may be
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
larger for younger than for older age groups. Further exploration of differences
in the relative importance of school effects for different phases of schooling is
required to examine this issue.
(Sammons et al., 1996a, p.25)
Further speculation regarding this difference in the magnitude of school effects across
grade phases of schooling is found in Chapter 3.
Differences in Processes across Grade Phase of School
We also need studies that examine differences in the processes ongoing in elementary
(junior) and secondary schools simultaneously. Most of the extensive studies of process
in schooling come from the USA, with the notable exceptions of the UK studies
conducted by Reynolds (1976), Rutter et al. (1979) and Mortimore et al. (1988).
These UK studies were reviewed extensively in Chapter 4.
Most school process studies in the USA have examined elementary schools
exclusively, but there are some that have examined secondary levels (e.g. Firestone
and Herriott, 1982a; Firestone and Wilson, 1989; Hallinger and Murphy, 1987; Heck,
1992; Levine and Eubanks, 1989a, 1989b; Levine et al., 1984; Rutter et al., 1979;
Virgilio et al., 1991). Most of these studies have investigated secondary levels
exclusively and have made comparisons with previously reported research from
elementary levels. Other studies, such as Heck (1992) and Virgilio et al. (1991), have
included samples of both elementary and secondary schools.
Secondary schools differ from elementary schools on a number of important
dimensions (Virgilio et al., 1991) such as:
1 there is a shift in emphasis from child-centred to knowledge-centred curriculum;
2 the content of course materials is more sophisticated;
3 teachers can be different from one another in terms of their teacher preparation
programmes and certificates;
4 students are adolescents, making the clientele quite different from elementary school
students; and
5 there are multiple academic leaders (principals, assistant principals, department
chairs) at the secondary level, as opposed to a single academic leader at the
elementary level.
Inasmuch as secondary schools are more complex and perhaps more difficult to improve
than elementary schools, it has been speculated that secondary SER studies would
yield somewhat different findings than did elementary school studies. As was the case
with SES studies, however, many results concerning the basic characteristics of effective
schools have been replicated in secondary schools. On the other hand, there are also
important differences in the secondary school studies revolving around the curriculum,
special types of learning arrangements and school goals.
The curriculum at especially effective secondary schools has been described as
enriched and highly relevant to student needs by researchers (Firestone and Wilson,
1989; Hallinger and Murphy, 1987). Firestone and Herriott (1982a) concluded that
effective secondary schools differed from effective elementary schools in that they
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
had a broader mission of excelling in all subjects, while effective elementary schools
emphasized basic skills. Hallinger and Murphy indicated that effective secondary
schools have a ‘core of standards,’ similar to those found in elementary schools, but
that the curriculum is very broad, including courses relevant to a variety of students.
Firestone and Wilson (1989) reiterated this theme of relevance, indicating that
specialized career programmes and quality counselling were major components of
secondary schools nominated for inclusion in their study.
Levine and Eubanks (1989a, 1989b) described the provision of ‘alternative types of
learning arrangements and experiences’ as a characteristic of effective secondary schools.
These arrangements can be either within or distinct from the regular secondary
curriculum, providing educational opportunities for marginal (low achieving or
disaffected) students (e.g. Wehlage, 1983; Wehlage et al., 1987). While the goals of
effective elementary schools are primarily academic (Brookover et al., 1979; Teddlie
and Stringfield, 1985), effective secondary schools stress students’ personal as well as
educational goals (Levine et al., 1984). Since secondary students will soon be entering
the work force or going to post-secondary institutions, there is a greater need for schools
to be sensitive to individual students’ goals and provide opportunities for their realization.
From a methodological perspective, concurrent studies of both elementary and
secondary schools pose some interesting, but thorny problems. For example, the Virgilio
et al. (1991) study indicated that low-inference measures of teacher effectiveness (i.e.
time-on-task) could successfully differentiate among levels of school effectiveness at
the elementary level, but not at the secondary level. Such measures may be inappropriate
at the secondary level, where cooperative learning arrangements and classroom
situations emphasizing higher order thinking skills may yield low time-on-task scores.
Researchers must be careful that the methods employed in cross-grade level studies
are sensitive to the peculiarities of each of these settings.
A major area in need of more research is the study of leadership in secondary
schools, as opposed to elementary schools (Virgilio et al., 1991). While the large
majority of elementary school effectiveness studies in the USA currently identify the
principal as the most important leader in determining school effectiveness, the situation
may be quite different at secondary levels. For example, two of the attributes noted
by Levine and Lezotte (1990) as being characteristic of effective schools principals
are frequent monitoring of school activities and superior instructional leadership. It
may be difficult for secondary school principals to personally monitor all school
activities, inasmuch as these activities are so much more diverse than those at
elementary schools.
Similarly, it is probably impossible for a secondary principal to be an expert in all
instructional areas covered by a secondary curriculum; thus, this instructional
leadership role will be shared with the department chairs. Future research needs to
specify how this leadership is shared and to derive implications for school effectiveness,
based on greater participation by the faculty. Of particular importance here is the
study of consensual goal development at effective secondary schools.
Fitz-Gibbon (1991a, 1991b) contends that at the secondary school level, the effect
of department (e.g. mathematics, English, science) is more important than the effect
of schools. To further complicate the matter, she reports that almost all schools contain
both effective and ineffective departments and that departments often change in
effectiveness status from year to year (Fitz-Gibbon, 1996).
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
Rowan et al. (1991) found differences in perceived school climate from teachers in
a sample of 358 schools from the HS&B database. These authors found that:
…the set of teachers teaching mainly math, science, and English exhibited
significantly more negative perceptions of climate than did other teachers
(nonacademic and social studies teachers). In the cases of principal leadership
and teacher control, more than 60 percent of the variation among the five
specialisations was accounted for by this single contrast.
(Rowan et al., 1991, p.259)
Furthermore, Rowan et al. (1991) concluded that:
The important point here is that hypotheses about the development of school
organisation and climate posed at a single level of analysis are inadequate,
especially in the study of secondary schools…. Specifically, different academic
departments or tracks within schools may be characterised by different working
conditions, with the result that individuals within these departments might have
differential opportunities and predispositions to engage in co-operative interaction
or to receive support from administrators.
(Rowan et al., 1991, p.243)
A study by Heck (1992) specifically examined differences in instructional leadership
in effective and ineffective elementary and secondary schools. His study concluded
that principals in effective elementary schools devoted substantially more time to the
implementation of instructional leadership activities than principals from three other
school groups (effective secondary, ineffective secondary, ineffective elementary)
Secondary school principals, regardless of their schools’ effectiveness status, did not
allocate the same amount of time to instructional leadership tasks as did effective
elementary school principals. These results are consistent with those reported by Virgilio
and her colleagues (1991), who indicated that secondary school principals had neither
the expertise nor the time to be a strong instructional leader in the manner described
by Edmonds (1979a, 1979b).
Many authors (e.g. Pink, 1987; Virgilio et al., 1991) have pointed out the large
differences between elementary and secondary schools in terms of size, complexity,
populations served, leadership, etc. Since it is hard to match elementary and secondary
schools across these variables, almost all studies of elementary or secondary schools
have been done within only one level. For instance, the two major SER studies from
Great Britain are the Rutter et al. (1979) study of secondary schools and the Mortimore
et al. (1988) study of primary schools sponsored by the now defunct Inner London
Educational Authority. These studies were conceptualized as two independent projects
from their outstart, and probably neither set of researchers would have wanted to
tackle the simultaneous study of both levels of schooling in the UK.
Hopefully, the completion of more multiple level studies of community type
and of grade level (e.g. Heck, 1992; Virgilio et al., 1991) will encourage other
researchers to simultaneously study two or more levels of the same context variable.
Without such studies, only speculative comparisons across single level context
studies can be made.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The Study of Governance Structure of School as a Context Variable
In general, school effect sizes tend to be larger in school systems that have governance
structures that allow individual schools more control of their academic operations.
This result from ‘contextually sensitive’ SER is an excellent rationale for reform
initiatives which call for greater faculty voice in the governance of schools, such as
the ongoing restructuring movement in the USA.
Governance of school is a context issue that has been studied by both North
American and European scholars. As a context variable, there can be little doubt that
there are differences in the ways in which private or public schools are governed, or in
the ways in which different school boards administer their schools. The issue at question
in these context studies concerns whether or not these different governance structures
have any effect on their students while in the schools or in their later lives. The following
section will divide governance structure issues into three general areas: public versus
private schools; the effect of different types of church schools; and the effect of different
LEAs and school boards.
Private versus Public Schools
Studies by Coleman and his colleagues (Coleman, J. et al., 1981, 1982a, 1982b;
Coleman and Hoffer, 1987) examined the differential effects that public and private
high schools in the USA had on their students. Using data from the HS&B Study, they
concluded that private school students had a significantly larger sophomore-senior
gain than public school students. Coleman and his colleagues attributed these results
to factors related to the disciplinary climate and the instructional quality of private
schools. For instance, they contended that Catholic schools in the USA do better
because they maintain better discipline, demand more homework, and require more
advanced courses.
Coleman and Hoffer (1987) further concluded that students from private schools
were more successful than those from public schools in college. They attribute this
differential success to stronger parental-school ties in Catholic schools and to the
‘intergenerational community’ that surrounds the Catholic school. They concluded
that students from Catholic schools leave their schools with more ‘social capital’ than
do students from public schools.
These results have been questioned by critics who claim that private schools attract
students with greater academic potential than public schools, either through-the
schools’ selection procedures or self-selection. Coleman and Hoffer (1987)
acknowledged that even though they had controlled for parental background of the
students in their study, there might have been other unmeasured factors in the self
selection into private schools that are associated with higher achievement. It is
important in this regard that the Coleman series of studies do not use any pupil
achievements measure as an intake control.
As Rowan, Raudenbush, and Kang (1991) note, Catholic schools may be more
likely to have supportive administrative leadership, participative school decision
making, and high levels of staff cooperation, because of the things in common that
religiosity variable generates, but more research is needed to understand exactly why
Catholic schools show a greater tendency toward organic patterns of management.
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
One further possibility is that Catholic schools are more able to develop a unified
sense of mission than public schools, in part because they are less subject than public
schools to diverse regulations and multiple goals (see Fuller and Izu, 1986). Willms
(1985a) also utilized the extant HS&B database in a longitudinal design and found
no evidence for the pervasive private schooling effects that Coleman and his colleagues
had reported. His study included data on student ability prior to entering high school,
information that had not been available for use by Coleman et al. (1982a). Another
study conducted by McPherson and Willms (1986), utilizing secondary school data
from Scotland, indicated that Catholic schools produced somewhat better achievement
scores than non-denominational schools after controlling for student intake variables.
The Effect of Different Types of Church Schools
Van Cuyck-Remijssen and Dronkers (1990) conducted a study in the Netherlands
examining the influence that sector of secondary education (Catholic, Protestant,
public) had on the success of their pupils in higher education and on the labour market.
This study was designed to replicate portions of the Coleman and Hoffer (1987)
study of private and public schools that had been conducted in the United States.
Some differences were found between the success of students who had attended private
(Catholic, Protestant) and public schools: students from public secondary schools
entered universities more often than private school students; Catholic students entered
vocational education institutions more often than Protestant or public school students;
and Protestant school students had different job orientations concerning ‘attractive
jobs’ than did students from Catholic or public schools.
In general, however, Van Cuyck-Remijssen and Dronkers concluded that, unlike
the Coleman and Hoffer study, differences in success in higher education and the
labour market in the Netherlands were not systematically in favour of the private
school students. They found little evidence of the role of churches as ‘intergenerational
communities’ in their country. Differences in these studies from the Netherlands and
the USA can probably be attributed, at least partially, to differences in the ways in
which private and public high schools operate in the two countries. More details
about these international context differences will be forthcoming in this chapter and
in Chapter 9.
Francis and Lankshear (1991) examined the effect that Church of England schools
had on ‘urban church life’ in England and Wales. After controlling for several important
variables, this study concluded that the presence of church schools increases the urban
church’s contact with students and increases the number of confirmations. While this
study does not examine students’ academic or career success, it provides further evidence
that the different governance structures of different types of church schools can have
differential reverberating effects throughout the communities that the schools serve.
The Effect of Different LEAs and School Boards
Evidence from Scotland (Cuttance, 1988; Willms, 1987) indicates that there are
significant, but rather small, differences in the adjusted achievement of students from
different local educational authorities. These Scottish studies were primarily
quantitative in nature, emphasizing the impact of LEAs on the attainment of schools
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
and students. The Willms (1987) study demonstrated that the compositional effect
varied by Scottish school district.
Such studies of LEAs in the USA have been more qualitative in nature, examining
what superintendents in effective districts do to provide leadership and guidance
for school improvement in their districts (e.g. Chrispeels and Pollack, 1989;
Coleman and Laroque, 1988; Hord, 1990; Murphy et al., 1985; Pollack et al.,
1988). Some of these studies (e.g. Hord et al., 1992) have documented instances
of central offices supporting school improvement. It should be noted that other
researchers in the USA (e.g. Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) have failed to find
much evidence of district effects.
A recent study conducted in the Netherlands (Hofman, 1995) asks a related context
question: do characteristics of school boards and their administrative control have
differential effects on the schools that are within their domains? Hofman concluded
that characteristics of school boards in the Netherlands do explain a small percentage
of the variance in cognitive achievement, and he explained this in terms of school
boards differentially involving school teams and parents in their decision making
process. Hofman (1995) concluded that only a few extant studies have examined the
influence of the amount and quality of this level of administrative control on the
effectiveness of schools. He further concluded that qualitative case studies of school
boards could bring more understanding of the processes whereby school community
members influence their boards’ decision making process.
The preceding review has synthesized results from SER studies that examined four
major context variables and how they have affected schooling. A number of conclusions
can be drawn from this review:
Context variables have been demonstrated to have an effect upon research results
from all three strands of SER: school effects studies (involving the study of the
scientific properties of these effects), effective schools research, and school
improvement studies.
The context variable that has been studied the most is the socioeconomic status of
the student bodies that attend schools. Labelled the compositional variable in the
UK, the SES makeup of a school has a substantial effect upon student outcomes
beyond the effects associated with students’ individual ability and social class.
Contextually sensitive effective schools research has demonstrated that effective
schools have implemented somewhat different strategies for success, depending
on the SES context of the particular school under examination.
The context variables of community type, grade phase, and governance structure
have also been demonstrated to have an effect upon the scientific properties of
school effects and upon the characteristics of effective schools.
The community type variable demonstrates somewhat the same context differences
that were found for low—and middle-SES schools, with urban schools having
characteristics similar to low-SES schools and suburban schools having
characteristics similar to middle-SES schools. The study of rural schools has yielded
a more mixed picture. It is apparent that the impact of community type is mediated
Context Issues within School Effectiveness Research
by other context variables, such as SES status of student body, size of school, and
country in which the study occurred.
There have been few comparative studies across grade phases of schooling. The
impact of school appears to be more pronounced in the early grades (elementary
or junior levels) than at the secondary level. SER at the secondary level must take
into account multiple leaders (i.e. departmental chairs) and a more complex
curriculum, among other context differences.
Several governance structures have been studied as context variables: public versus
private schools; different types of church schools; and different LEAs and school
boards. One generalization from this literature is that school effect sizes tend to be
larger in schools that have governance structures that allow more control of their
academic operations. This conclusion is complicated by the fact that other context
factors (e.g. SES of student body) are inextricably related to governance structures,
making simple conclusions regarding the effect of these structures difficult.
Clearly there needs to be more comparative studies of schools from different grade
phases and from different community types. While such comparative studies present
researchers with difficult methodological issues, comparisons across the levels of these
context variables will only be speculative until the levels are studied simultaneously.
There also need to be more qualitative case studies of schools from different contexts.
This is especially the case for grade phase and governance structure research. Several
of the context variables are associated with one another, and it is often difficult to
disentangle the effects of these variables. Future research should be especially sensitive
to the interaction of context variables, illustrated by the Hannaway and Talbert (1993)
study that reported an interaction between the effects of size of school and community
type. Due to these interactions among context variables, it is probably better to limit
the study of context in SER to a small number of factors and to consider other correlated
variables to be mediators of these primary context effects.
It is likely that contingency theory, which takes into account context or situational
factors when predicting school effects and the effectiveness of school structures and
processes, appears to be the heuristic theory that can enable SER theorists and
researchers to analyse empirical results in ways that enable us to explain processes
and causal paths. Chapter 10 tackles these issues of theoretical modelling further.
Section 3
The Cutting Edge Issues of
School Effectiveness Research
6 Some Methodological Issues in
School Effectiveness Research
Eugene Kennedy and Garrett
Cronbach et al. wrote:
The majority of studies of educational effects—whether classroom experiments,
or evaluations of programs, or surveys—have collected and analysed data in ways
that conceal more than they reveal.
(Cronbach et al., 1976, p.l)
This conclusion was based on the fact that studies of school effects, for the most part,
had not adequately addressed the hierarchical or multilevel nature of schooling data
(see also Burstein, 1980a, 1980b). In a large part this has been due to the fact that
statistical methods for handling multilevel data typical of school effects studies have
only recently become available. According to Raudenbush and Bryk (1986),
Research on school effects has been plagued by both methodological and
conceptual problems. In our view the two are closely related…there is a natural
hesitancy to form a judgement when it remains unclear how to test the fruits of
that conceptualisation.
(Raudenbush and Bryk, 1986, p.15)
In this chapter we review various statistical models that have been proposed to deal
with the multilevel nature of school effects. We begin with a review of analysis strategies
which ignore the multilevel nature of schooling data (see Aitkin and Longford, 1986).
This is followed by a discussion of the basic multilevel model (MM) and estimation of
its parameters. The discussion then turns to applications and extensions of the basic
MM. Finally, we review computer software currently available for conducting
multilevel analyses.
Statistical Models That Ignore Multilevel Data
Statistical models capable of addressing cross-level inference problems (i.e. how factors
at one level of schooling impact outcomes and processes at lower levels) and other
issues in quantitative analyses of multilevel data are recent in origin (for a historical
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
perspective, see Raudenbush, 1988). Early techniques either required investigators to
ignore the multilevel nature of school data or to incorporate multiple levels in ways
that were technically questionable. For example, the so-called single-level regression
technique required the investigator to either use student level data and thus ignore
school and classroom variables, or to suppress within-school variation by aggregating
student data to the building level. Either strategy is fraught with problems. First,
neither provides any means of investigating cross-level inferences. Second, the student-
level analysis will imply a level of precision in parameter estimates that is misleading,
while the school level analysis will generally produce problems of multicollinearity
and unstable indices of school effects. And finally, both strategies force unproductive
choices of a ‘unit of analysis’ and both experience problems associated with aggregation
bias (see Aitkin and Longford, 1986).
Another solution to dealing with the multilevel aspects of school effects research
has been the approach called contextual analysis (see Burstein, 1980a, 1980b).
Essentially, these models include a macro or group level variable as a predictor in a
model which has student or individual level factors as outputs. While this approach
has much greater appeal from a conceptual stance, the methodological problems which
are entailed are substantial. For example, typically multiple regression has been used
with a group level characteristic included in a model of student outcomes. One of the
central problems with this strategy is that standard ordinary least squares (OLS)
regression requires the assumption of fixed predictors. To include predictors from the
school level requires that all variation in parameters at the lower levels be explained
by school level factors. When this is not the case, misestimated precision occurs,
meaning that the estimated standard errors are likely to be too small (Raudenbush
and Bryk, 1986, 1989).
A number of alternatives to OLS regression have been proposed which have had varying
levels of success. One obvious strategy involves two stage estimation. In this approach,
the researcher estimates the model for the units within the grouping factor (the within
model) and the model with the group level only factors (the between model) separately or
in sequence—using one set of parameter estimates to adjust for the other. An example of
this approach is presented by Keesling and Wiley (1974). In their formulation the authors
propose first predicting a group mean from the regression of the criterion on the within
group variables. This mean is then entered as a term in a regression of group means on
group level variables. Unfortunately, this procedure requires the assumption of
homogeneous regression slopes, a condition which is rarely met in practice.
Because of the limitations of single-level and contextual strategies, a number of
researchers have adopted a two-step approach to the estimation of school effects. In
the first step, separate regression equations based on student level data are obtained
for each school in a data set. In the second step, the slopes from these analyses serve
as the dependent variables in the model using school level predictors. Proponents of
this strategy have argued that within school slopes are useful indicators of within
school processes. Whereas school means might reflect average trends, slopes reflect
relationships and treating heterogeneity of slopes as an outcome is a way of attempting
to explain relationships within schools by school level characteristics (see Burstein,
1980a, 1980b; Jesson and Gray, 1991).
Slopes as outcomes, despite the theoretical appeal, has a number of statistical
limitations. First, within unit sample sizes are typically small. This will generally lead
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
to significant sampling error for within unit slope estimates. Second, estimated
regression slopes consist of real differences and differences due to sampling error. If
slopes are to be treated as outcomes then this difference should be addressed. Finally,
meaningful within unit models usually involve more than one slope of interest.
Adequate modelling requires that the covariance structure of the within-unit slopes
be considered at the between group level. These and other limitations have, for some
time, limited the use of slopes as outcomes in school effects research (Raudenbush
and Bryk, 1986).
The Multilevel Model
In contrast to the within-unit and between-unit single level models described above,
the multilevel model attempts to more realistically reflect the nested or hierarchical
nature of data encountered in school effects studies. Following the notation of
Raudenbush and Bryk (1986), let Y
be the outcome (e.g. achievement score) of student
i (i=1, …,n
) in school j (j=1, …, J). The within school regression model for predicting
Y from, say, social class (X), is given by,
is the intercept of the regression,
is the slope and e
is an error term. The
model in Equation 1 allows for the possibility that the regression parameters
vary across schools. If this variability is manifest, it could be due to differences in
school policies, practices, or organization. A second model, the between-model, might
attempt to predict this variability (parenthetically, if it exists) on the basis of these or
other school level attributes. If P represents an attribute of interest, then,
where k=0, 1 for the model in Equation 2. If Equation 2 is substituted into Equation
1 the result is,
) (3)
This is a general model for multilevel data with one within and one between level
variable. Its generality is such that a number of more familiar models are obtained by
restricting certain parameters. For example, one approach to multilevel data has been
to include school level indicators in OLS regression models with student level data.
As noted above, this strategy is appropriate only if all of the variability in within-
school regression parameters is attributable to school level or macro indicators included
in the model. This implies that the error terms in Equations 3, a
and a
are both
zero. In this event the problem becomes a standard fixed-effects regression problem
with an interaction term for the variables P and X.
Alternatively, if all the coefficients of P and X were set to zero we obtain the
familiar random effects ANOVA model,
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
is the overall mean on the outcome Y, a
is the random effect associated
with school j, and e
is the random error associated with subjects. Of course, this
model does not include any predictors at the student or school level.
Mason, Wong and Entwistle (1984) describe how the general model in Equation 3
relates to a number of more restrictive models that could be used to study school
effects. Any of the possibilities they discuss may be appropriate in a given situation,
but because of its flexibility the general case has been the focus of much recent study
in school effects literature (see Hox and Kreft, 1994).
Hierarchical Linear Models
A statistical foundation for the model presented in Equation 3, which we shall
hereafter refer to as the multilevel model (MM), was described more than 20 years
ago in a paper by Lindley and Smith (1972). Using a Bayesian framework, Lindley
and Smith describe a model in which the parameters
in Equation 1
themselves have a prior distribution as is reflected in Equation 2 above. Following
the Bayesian argument and with appropriate assumptions, they show that a
conditional posterior distribution of
provides the estimates needed for
study of the general model in Equation 4.
Raudenbush and Bryk (1986) presented a simplified version of Lindley and Smith’s
result for the case where the Level-1 data have been centred so that the intercept term,
, is zero, and further, there is no between unit predictor in the Level-2 model.
Equation 2 then becomes
Following their discussion, we first assume that the subject level errors, e
, are
normally distributed with mean zero and a known and constant variance across
schools (while we focus our discussion on schools, the results apply to any aggregates
of interest). The error a
is also assumed to have a normal distribution with zero
mean and a known variance, . Finally, the errors e
and a
are assumed to be
The model in Equation 5 is termed the unconditional model because it specifies
that a school’s slope is only a function of the overall slope among the population of
schools and a component unique to each, (i.e. the slope is not ‘conditioned’ for other
factors). The variance of a
, represents true slope variability among the population
of schools. Of course, only estimates of unit slopes are available. If OLS is used to
form the within-school estimates, each school’s estimate will have an element of
sampling error which depends largely on the amount of data available within each
setting. This familiar error estimate is given by,
The total variance of the observed within school slopes then has a component due to
true parameter variability and a component due to sampling error. If these two
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
components, V
and , are assumed known, then empirical Bayes yields minimum
mean squared error point estimates for
) and
). These estimates are,
) (8)
) (9)
and OLS (
) is the ordinary least squares estimator of
The C
weighting factor is considered a reliability coefficient. If there is little error
variance, the empirical Bayes estimate will be close to the OLS estimate. Alternatively,
if the variability associated with a given slope is largely error variability, then the
empirical Bayes estimate moves toward the overall or macro slope estimate.
While Lindley and Smith’s results have been known for some time, the assumption that
V and 0 were known has limited applicability. Only recently have developments in
statistical theory and computation made these results practical for researchers. The
basic problem has been the absence of techniques for dealing with fixed and random
coefficients in unbalanced nested designs (Raudenbush, 1988). Recently, however, the
EM algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977, 1981; Laird, Lange and Stram, 1987) has been
shown to yield satisfactory results for estimating these parameters. As noted by
Raudenbush and Bryk (1986), the EM algorithm yields maximum likelihood estimates
which are asymptotically unbiased, consistent, efficient, and normally distributed. Other
procedures recently used to estimate these parameters include iterative generalized least
squares (Goldstein, 1986; 1987), Fisher scoring (Longford, 1987; 1988; 1992), and
Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods (Seltzer, 1993; Smith and Roberts, 1993).
The results presented above extend easily to the multivariate case where there are multiple
within-school and multiple between-school variables. Any given problem may include both
random and fixed predictors and the between-unit predictors need not be the same for each
within-unit parameter. Also, in theory, any number of levels of aggregation (e.g. student
within class, class within school, school within district, etc.) can be studied and the assumption
of homogeneity associated with the variance components can be relaxed.
Applications in School Effects Research
The MM, as described above, has several desirable features:
1 It is possible to decompose relationships into within—and between-group
2 Multivariate between-group formulations can be studied.
3 Multiple within-group slopes can be handled in a single analysis.
4 Slope estimates are relatively robust with respect to data quality.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
These characteristics have motivated researchers to extend and employ the MM
methodology in a variety of education related contexts (see Rubin, 1989; Burstein et
al., 1989; Raudenbush and Willms, 1991; Bryk and Frank, 1991). We focus on two
common objectives in school effects research: the identification of unusual schools,
and the identification of school characteristics that lead to differential student outcomes.
Admittedly, there is considerable overlap in the issues related to these two research
With respect to the identification of unusually effective or ineffective schools, the
typical strategy has involved the analysis of residuals from a student-level or school-
level regression wherein current achievement was regressed onto previous
achievement and some index of social class (Dyer et al., 1969). The limitations of
this strategy have led many investigators to consider the usefulness of MM for this
problem (e.g. Raudenbush and Willms, 1995; Sanders and Horn, 1994; Tate, 1988).
Referring to Equation 2, the error terms aj
and a
represent, respectively, the
deviation of school j from the overall intercept and the overall slope of schools in
the population. Once substituted into the student level model as in Equation 3, the
sum of a
and a
, which will be referred to as p
, represents the difference between
an actual student outcome in school j and the prediction of that outcome based on
the school level variable P. The variable p
can then be interpreted as an index of
school effectiveness for student i which, given the presence of X
, may vary among
students within a given school.
Many recent studies employing the MM methodology have focused on the
identification of school level attributes which are correlated with student outcomes
(Lee, V. and Bryk, 1989; Rowe et al., 1994a; 1995). MM is particularly well suited
to this task because it allows for the partition of total variation of within-unit
parameter estimates (intercept and slopes) into parameter and sampling error
components. Typically, an investigator will first estimate an unconditional model as
in Equation 5. From this the proportion of total variation that is parameter variation
can be estimated. The investigator can then formulate conditional models, that is,
add macro variables, and determine the degree to which they account for true
parameter variability.
Several investigators have applied the above strategy to the Catholic school/
public school data of Coleman and colleagues (see Coleman, J., et al., 1982a;
Willms, 1984; 1985a). Raudenbush and Bryk (1988), for example, reported several
significant findings. First, school social class was strongly related to school level
achievement. They reported that a one unit increase in social class predicts a 0.82
unit increase in math achievement. After controlling for this factor they found
that the Catholic school effect on math achievement seemed to disappear. Second,
they reported that the relationship of social class to achievement was stronger in
high SES schools than in low SES schools. Third, the Catholic school effect on the
student social class/achievement relationship remained after considering school
social class and homework. Employing this same methodology, V.Lee (1986)
attempted to determine those factors which produce the Catholic school effect.
She reported that a positive disciplinary climate, a positive academic climate, and
course offerings could account for much of the sector effects on achievement (see
Bryk and Raudenbush, 1988). (See Chapter 5 for a further discussion of the
substantive findings from this research.)
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
Issues and Recent Developments in School Effects Applications
of MM
In this section of the chapter we consider a number of issues that confront the analyst
interested in applying the MM methodology to problems of estimating school effects.
We consider first the problems associated with the identification of unusual schools.
We then consider issues associated with model development. Finally, we review a
number of recent extensions of MM.
Identification of Unusual Schools
Raudenbush and Willms (1995) discussed school effects in terms of a structural model
of student achievement:
(Student Achievement)
=Grand Mean+(Student Background)
+(School Context)
+(School Process)
+(Random Error)
According to this model, the achievement of student i in school j (SA
) is a function of
student background (SB
), school process (SP
), school context (SC
), and random error
). Student background might include academic ability, the socioeconomic status of
a student’s family, etc. School processes refer to the organizational, management, and
climate aspects of schools such as pupil/teacher ratios, academic press from teachers,
etc. School context refers to those aspects of schools that are exogenous or beyond the
influence of school officials, but impact within-school processes. These include average
SES of the student body, average academic achievement, etc.
Based on this formulation, unusual schools are conceptualized in terms of their unique
impact on students beyond the influence of student background factors. Willms and
Raudenbush (1989), Willms (1992), and Raudenbush and Willms (1995) distinguish two
types of school effects. Type A effects reflect the overall impact, both context and process
influences, of attendance at a given school whereas Type B effects reflect the impact of a
school on student performance that is solely attributable to school process variables. Type
A effects are likely of interest to parents who simply want the greatest boost to their
child’s performance irrespective of whether the increase stems from school context or
process. Type B effects are of most interest to administrators and persons interested in
such issues as staff effectiveness, etc. These two types of effects pose different problems
for researchers. (See Chapter 3 for a further discussion of Type A and Type B effects.)
Selection Bias
Ideally, for purposes of drawing causal inferences about school effects, students would
be randomly assigned to schools and schools would be randomly assigned to context
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
and process conditions. In this instance, estimation of Type A and Type B effects
could proceed without difficulty. Unfortunately, the study of school effects is best
characterized as a quasi-experiment in which the assignment of subjects to treatment
conditions is decidedly non-random. The allocation of students to schools is based on
variables that are also related to student outcomes. Thus, students from high SES
backgrounds attend schools with other students from high SES backgrounds. School
segregation by race, student ability and a host of other factors is common. These
complexities pose problems for estimation of Type A effects. Estimation of Type B
effects are further complicated in that the allocation of instructional opportunities
within schools tends to be related to extraneous variables, and further, there is generally
a correlation between school context and school processes.
In the absence of randomization, unbiased estimation of school effects can occur if
school assignment is at least ‘strongly ignorable’, that is, school outcomes and school
of attendance are conditionally independent (Rosenbaum and Rubin, 1983). For Type
A effects this implies that the researcher identify and include in the model student
level covariates that are related to both enrolment in a given school and school
outcomes. For Type B effects, the researcher faces the requirement that school
assignment to process be also ‘strongly ignorable.’ The difficulties of specifying process
make this unlikely in practice.
Model Specification and Measurement: Type A Effects
According to Raudenbush and Willms (1995), analysts interested in estimating Type
A effects have, relatively speaking, few challenges. As noted, what is required is that
student background be specified with such a degree of accuracy that treatment or
school assignment is ‘strongly ignorable.’ This requires that variables that are related
to school attendance and school success be specified in the model. These include
measures of SES background, academic aptitude, race, gender, community, etc. While
the list of factors is perhaps endless, research has shown that measures of aptitude or
prior achievement and SES background will capture the bulk of the variation in
assignment (Willms, 1992).
Model Specification and Measurement: Type B Effects
Type B effects present significant measurement difficulties for the analyst (Raudenbush
and Willms, 1995). Assuming that school context and process are correlated, the
analyst must specify each in the model. The greatest difficulties occur with the
specification of school process. That is, the analyst must identify those management,
climate, instructional and other attributes that lead to differential effectiveness of
schools. Issues of construct validity, reliability and levels of measurement complicate
this process. For example, while research has shown that within-school organization
impacts student outcomes, specification of this component of school process requires
that the analyst know which variables to include in the model (e.g. classroom,
department, etc.) and be able to obtain reliable and valid indicators. When either of
these conditions is not met, problems associated with misspecification may occur.
In addition to substantive considerations, several researchers have questioned the
utility of p for estimating school effects (e.g. Goldstein, 1991a). Focusing on the
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
empirical Bayes (EB) estimates associated with multilevel modelling, they have
questioned the utility of these procedures for identifying unusual schools. Many of
these concerns are based on the shrinkage phenomenon associated with the EB estimates
wherein within-unit parameters are shrunken toward a conditional mean in proportion
to their sampling error. Because sampling error tends to be a function of the number
of observations within units, as Seltzer (1987) notes, if unusual schools tend also to
be small, it is unlikely that EB procedures would ever recognize them as unusual, (i.e.
their effects would be shrunken toward the conditional mean). Also, Goldstein (199la)
argues that the p residuals have relatively large sampling errors and should not be
used as exact estimates of a school’s unique impact. Further, he points out that the
residuals depend on the model fitted and the schools or aggregate units that happen
to be in the study (see also Goldstein and Thomas, 1996). (This issue is also discussed
in Chapter 3.)
Model Development
Including appropriate process and context variables in a MM, as noted above, is
essential if the analyst seeks to isolate Type B effects. It is also true that failure to
adequately specify a MM can lead to significantly distorted results for the analyst
interested in predicting or explaining variation within and across schools. This is true
because the researcher must not only specify the within-school or level-1 model, but
also must specify a level-2 model for each parameter of the level-1 model considered
random. These estimates are interrelated and poor specification in one instance can
affect the results in another (for a complete discussion, see Bryk and Raudenbush,
1992, Chapter 9).
In addition to model specification, several other issues warrant special consideration
in the development and use of MMs. These include number of levels, centring and
sample size.
Number of Levels
How many levels should be included in studies of school effects? In theory, any number
of levels could be included in an analysis. However, it is likely that as the number of
levels increases, the stability of the results will decrease (Morris, 1995). Conversely, if
important levels of a hierarchy are omitted, the results of the analyses may be
misleading. For example, in a study of Australian schools, Hill and Rowe (1996)
report that the proportion of variance in students’ ‘intake-adjusted’ achievement scores
due to schools shrinks from around 8 to 10 per cent to a modest 0 to 3.4 per cent
when classroom is taken into account. In contrast, the proportion of variation due to
classes ranged from 28 to 46 per cent. They go on to add that both two-level (students
nested within schools) and three-level (students nested within classes within schools)
analyses are important. One gives an estimate of the overall impact of schools, and
the other helps identify the unique effect of classes, once schools have been taken into
account. Finally, Hill and Rowe (1996) argue that school effectiveness research requires
at least four level MMs: multiple observations nested within students; students nested
within classes; classes nested within programmes or departments and classes nested
within schools.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
While a number of other studies have addressed the question of number of levels in
a multilevel analysis (e.g. Tymms, 1993), Hill and Rowe (1996) point out that this
literature is often contradictory and open to multiple interpretations. They identify
several design related issues that researchers should address: samples should be
sufficiently large to permit simultaneous estimation at each level of the hierarchy
studied; a variety of achievement measures (e.g. multiple choice, performance
assessments, etc.) should be used and analysts should give careful consideration to the
consistency between the student outcome measures used and the focus of instruction
provided in various settings; and analysts should use a variety of statistical adjustments
(e.g. social background, prior achievement, etc.) that address selection bias problems.
Because parameter estimates at one level of a MM may be considered outcome variables
for a higher level of the study, it is important that these estimates be substantively
interpretable. The intercept, for example, is traditionally interpreted as the value of
the dependent variable when the predictor in a regression model is zero. In a MM, in
which the intercept may become an outcome variable, such an interpretation may be
inappropriate. To address this issue, the predictors in the level-1 model can be centred
around their respective school means. In this so called group mean centring, the
intercept can be interpreted as the school mean on the dependent variable. For
researchers interested in predicting variation in group averages on some criterion of
interest, for example, mean achievement, group mean centring is a reasonable analytic
approach (see Bryk and Raudenbush, 1992).
Another centring possibility is grand mean centring. In this instance, the predictor
is centred around the mean for the entire sample. The intercept can then be interpreted
as an adjusted mean as is the case in ANCOVA. Also, if the predictor is a dummy
variable, say with values of 0 and 1, grand mean centring yields a group mean adjusted
for the proportion of 1s in each group.
In addition to substantive implications, centring predictors has several other
advantages. These include the following: the inflated correlation among the slope and
intercept in the raw metric is eliminated; the level-1 model is not impacted by poor
specification problems at the higher levels; centring is needed when predictors have
widely different scales; and it is recommended when sample sizes are small (see Kreft
et al., 1995).
Sample Size
One of the advantages of the MM methodology is that it can provide estimates of
parameters when data are sparse. This is often a problem in school effects studies
wherein some aggregate units will have few if any observations at some levels of a
studied hierarchy. The consequences of this depend on the degree to which the data
are balanced (equal number of observations at various levels, etc.), the estimation
procedure used, the magnitude of the variance and covariance parameters in the
model, and the types of inferences drawn (Bryk and Raudenbush, 1992; Snijders
and Bosker, 1993).
When interest is in the level-1 parameters, several problems emerge from having a
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
small number of observations. First, point estimates of within-unit slopes for aggregates
will be shrunken more if sample sizes are small. If interest is in estimating the distance
of these slopes from the relevant sample average, this presents a problem (Kreft and
de Leeuw, 1991). Second, estimates of Vj depend on the number of observations in
unit j. If Vj is considered constant, then the total number of observations in a data set
is used in forming an estimate. If it is considered to vary across aggregates, then the
number of units in each aggregate is used. In this latter instance, the number of units
within each aggregate should be large. Third, the accuracy of inferences about empirical
Bayes point estimates of the within-unit slopes will not reflect uncertainty in estimates
of the variance components, and will be affected by the estimation procedure used
and the number of aggregate units in the study.
If interest is in drawing inferences about level-2 parameters, several problems emerge
(Seltzer, 1993). First, when data are sparse, the 0 parameter cannot be estimated with
any degree of accuracy using traditional procedures. Second, the regression parameters
at level-2, while unbiased, are a type of least squares estimate and as such they are
susceptible to outlying or unusual observations, particularly if the sample sizes are
small. Third, in the conventional MM analysis, point estimates of the level-2 fixed
effects depend on the quality of the estimates of the variance components, and vice
versa. Fourth, the standard errors of the level-2 regression estimates will be negatively
biased or too small. As noted by Seltzer (1987), they will not reflect uncertainty in the
estimates of the variance components.
Since limiting MMs to balanced designs and/or large samples is extremely restrictive,
several researchers have investigated procedures for addressing the problem of sample
size. In particular, Seltzer and others (Seltzer, 1993; Seltzer, Wong and Bryk, 1996)
have described a fully Bayesian procedure that permits inferences about the level-2
fixed effects independent of the variance components and provides relatively robust
estimates of other model parameters.
Extensions of the Multilevel Model
Longitudinal Models
It has been observed that cross-sectional studies of school effects are largely responsible
for pointing to aspects of the schooling experience which produce important differences
in student achievement. However, Willms and Raudenbush (1989) argue that cross-
sectional designs are open to a number of criticisms. First, it can be argued that
differences in school effects based on cross-sectional designs are a product of differences
in student inputs and not other school related variables. Second, these designs have
limited utility because they do not reflect the fact that schools are constantly changing.
That is, not only are different cohorts of students moving through schools, but personnel
and programmatic changes act to alter the instructional setting. And finally, cross-
sectional studies, by nature are not sensitive to trends or time related changes in
school effects. This is especially significant in that the effects of schools are widely
believed to be cumulative and thus the most significant questions address issues of
change over time (see also Chapter 3). As noted by Raudenbush:
If Dewey was correct, that education is change, educative activities influence
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
children by changing their developmental paths. A new model for reading
instruction is not intended just to add an increment to a child’s reading achievement
at a single point in time…. Rather, the set of activities which constitute the program
are implemented over a period of time for the purpose of modifying the growth
trajectory of each child. In this view, the essential dependent variable for studies
of educational effects on children is a multivariate representation of the individual
growth curve.
(Raudenbush, 1989a, p.721)
It follows that it is not only essential for school effects studies to reflect the multilevel
nature of schools, but that they should also address questions of changes over time.
Raudenbush (1989) notes that in previous research, the dynamic and multilevel
nature of schooling have been studied separately because of an absence of appropriate
statistical techniques. The recent emergence of MMs, however, has provided
researchers with a set of statistical tools that permit more realistic modelling of the
dynamic nature of schooling. In this section we review some of these models, their
applications to date, and some of the complexities they pose for the potential
Bryk and Raudenbush (1987) proposed that observations of an individual over
time were essentially nested within the individual and could be treated as multilevel
nested data. In particular, they propose an MM formulation of the problem of growth
curve analysis. At stage 1 of their two-stage formulation, the individual is observed or
measured on T different occasions. These observations are considered a function of
an individual growth trajectory plus random error. In essence, this becomes the within-
subject model. In the second stage the parameters of the individual growth trajectories
are seen as functions of individual characteristics or attributes. This becomes the
between-subject model. This development allows for:
…examining the reliability of instruments for measuring status and change,
investigating correlates of status and change, and testing hypotheses about the
effects of background variables and experimental interventions on individual
(Bryk and Raudenbush, 1987, p.148)
Mandeville and Kennedy (1991), arguing that effective school correlates were based
on cross-sectional comparisons rather than considerations of differential student
growth, proposed an adaptation of this model to the study of growth in the social
class/achievement link as a cohort of students moved from grades 1 through 3.
However, their formulation was a two-level model and could not adequately model
student growth as a function of student characteristics and school characteristics
Raudenbush and Bryk (1989) proposed a three level model which incorporated
student changes over time as the first level, student characteristics as the second level,
and school characteristics as the third level. This model, which incorporates both
dynamic and multilevel aspects of schools, makes it possible to address questions of
school effects on students over time, as well as school effects on successive cohorts of
students as they pass through schools (see Willms and Raudenbush, 1989). In an
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
application of this model to a sample of students from the Sustaining Effects Study,
Raudenbush reported that initial differences among schools in mathematics
achievement were around 14 per cent, typical of other efforts. However, with respect
to learning rates, he reported that:
…over 80 per cent of the variance in mathematics learning is between schools!
These results constitute powerful evidence of school effects that have gone
undetected in past research.
(Raudenbush, 1989b, p.732)
Similarly, Gray et al. (1995) report considerable stability in school effectiveness indices
using MM. Finally, Goldstein et al. (1994) describe an extension of the basic
longitudinal MM to the case where there is an autocorrelation structure at level-1,
which can also be embedded within higher crossed and nested structures.
Multivariate Models
Many of the MM models currently under discussion assume that only a single
dependent variable is of interest. This is rarely the case in school effects research. In
research on school climate, for example, Raudenbush, Rowan and Kang (1991) note
that climate measures usually consist of a number of conceptually distinct scales. The
typical MM analysis treats these sub-scales separately. Similarly, in research on
achievement, the analyst must repeat analyses in separate areas, failing to address
relationships among outcomes of interest. This limitation has both statistical as well
as substantive implications.
Single level statistical techniques for multivariate analyses (i.e. those that do not
attend to multilevel data structures) are available for a variety of problems. These
include comparisons between vectors of means, correlational analysis with multiple
indicators, and regression analyses with multiple outcomes. Only recently, however,
have multilevel multivariate models become available. Raudenbush, Rowan, and Kang
(1991) describe a multivariate model wherein the first level involves multiple outcomes
for each subject seen as a function of subject level predictors and measurement error.
The parameters from this model are seen as random variables to be predicted by
measures at higher levels in the hierarchy. Goldstein (1987a, 1991b) showed how the
general multivariate linear (and non-linear) model could be formulated as a multilevel
model with an extra lowest level which specified the multivariate structure (e.g.
Schmidt, 1969; Goldstein and McDonald, 1988; McDonald and Goldstein, 1989;
Thum, 1997).
Random Cross-classified Multilevel Models
Until recently, multilevel models assumed a ‘pure nesting’ of units. For example, if a
researcher were interested in a model that involved student, school, and neighbourhood
variables, it was assumed that each neighbourhood sent students to only one school.
In this event, a three-level model wherein students (level-1) were nested within schools
(level-2), and schools were nested within neighbourhoods (level-3) is appropriate.
However, court ordered bussing, school choice, and a number of other factors make
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
such ‘pure nesting’ rare. In the more typical case, children from multiple
neighbourhoods will attend the same school. In this case, neighbourhoods are crossed
with schools in the sense of a 2 x 2 design and students are nested within cells of the
design. Raudenbush (1993) introduced a two-level two-way additive model that could
address this data structure. This model is also appropriate for studying student growth
over time as students move from one unit (e.g. classroom) to another. The three-level
model for studying growth described earlier assumes that there is no movement across
group boundaries.
Raudenbush’s model was extended by Kang (1993) to include interaction terms.
Goldstein and associates (Rasbash and Goldstein, 1994; Goldstein, 1994) extend
Raudenbush’s model and Kang’s extension to p-way classifications at any number of
levels. This latter development is the most general development to date which can
also accommodate multivariate outcomes at level-1.
Non-linear Models
One common assumption of many multilevel models is that errors are normally
distributed. Many important issues in schools effects research, however, involve
variables that are decidedly not normal in distributional form. These include studies
of grade retention (retained-not retained), dropout (dropout-not dropout), curriculum
(academic-non academic) and many more. In addition to non-normality, studies that
involve dichotomous dependent variables, present problems of heteroscedasticity, non-
linearity, etc.
For single level analyses, these difficulties can be accommodated with the generalized
linear model (McCullagh and Nelder, 1983). Extensions of the generalized linear
model for multilevel problems are described by Goldstein (1991b; 1995a) and Wong
and Mason (1985). The Wong and Mason (1985) model differs from Equation 1 in
that the logistic regression model is fitted in each aggregate. The parameters of this
model, which are considered to vary from group to group, are then modelled as a
function of group characteristics. Goldstein’s formulation describes an iterative
generalized least squares estimation procedure.
Structural Equation Models
Structural equation modelling (SEM) has gained widespread popularity among
educational researchers. Recent applications in school effects research have addressed
differences in effects of public and Catholic schools on student achievement using a
multigroup approach to testing for differences in means of latent constructs (Marsh
and Grayson, 1990). The advantages of this approach include
explicit tests of factor structures and their invariance over groups;
explicit incorporation of unique and correlated measurement errors in analyses;
comparisons of means of latent constructs, not observed variables contaminated
by measurement error, and
provisions for a systematic approach to hypothesis testing.
Despite the advantages SEM offers over traditional study of causal structures, most
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
applications make the assumption that there is no hierarchical ordering of observations
in the populations studied. While this may not be problematic in many instances, it is
questionable for school effects research. For example, the Marsh and Grayson (1990)
study cited above ignored the possibility of correlated errors among students within
specific schools; that is, the students may share a common source of error variance.
This is a significant omission with implications for the accuracy of inferences drawn
from the results.
Recent developments in structural equation modelling have begun to address the
multilevel nature of school effects research (McDonald and Goldstein, 1989; Longford
and Muthen, 1992; McDonald, 1994). Muthen (1991) describes a multilevel factor
model and demonstrates its application to a study of mathematics achievement. The
conventional factor model specifies a decomposition of a variance-covariance matrix
into common and unique factors. Muthén’s model decomposes this matrix into within
and between common factors and within and between unique factors. The within
factor is interpreted in terms of underlying traits of individuals. The between factor is
concerned with correlations among group-level variables and may reflect differences
in policies, composition, etc. With this model, it is possible to study the within-reliability
and the between-reliability, as well as intra-class correlations of various measures.
The multilevel factor analysis model, while more appropriate for naturally nested
observations as are found in schools, is concerned with intercepts and variances, but
certainly not with slopes. However, extensions of the multilevel factor analysis model
to a multilevel structural equation model permits study of the influence of group
membership on structural relations among latent variables, random variation of latent
means and variances, and random variation in measurement properties of observed
variables. This latter consequence is especially important in that traditional MM
procedures assume that predictors at all levels are measured without error (e.g. Muthen,
1989; Muthén and Satorra, 1989; Lee, S.-Y., 1990; Lee, S.-Y. and Poon, 1992; Muthen,
1994; Raudenbush, 1995a, 1995b).
Computer Software
A significant aspect to the recent popularity of MM is that a variety of computer
programs have become commercially available. Included among those most widely
used are VARCL (Longford, 1990), MLn (Rasbash et al., 1995; Woodhouse, B., 1996),
and HLM 4 (Bryk et al., 1986a). These programs differ in their computational
algorithms, their versatility with respect to the types of models that can be fitted, the
types of diagnostic and summary statistics produced and the statistical sophistication
required of the user.
Comparisons of earlier versions of these three and other less well known MM
programs have been reported by Kreft and others (see Kreft et al., 1990, 1994). In
general, the results of these studies indicate that the various programs, despite their
differences, yield similar results when data sets are relatively large and conform
reasonably well to the assumptions of the models tested. The most recent editions of
the most widely known programs, HLM 4 and MLn, have not been systematically
compared as of this writing. However, both programs have substantially increased
flexibility in terms of the types of models that can be fitted, and, reportedly, improved
computational algorithms.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Schools are indeed complex organizations that present a challenge for potential
researchers. In this chapter we have emphasized the formal and informal structural
hierarchies that characterize contemporary schooling. We have considered how this
structure and other issues complicate the study of school effects. We concluded that
statistical models ought, to the extent possible, mirror the instructional and social
experiences of students as they exist in schools (e.g. students nested within classrooms,
ability groups, cliques, etc.); that studies ought to be longitudinal, examining cohorts
of students over extended periods of time, prior to, and following, entrance into a
given setting; and that studies ought to utilize valid and reliable measures that are
responsive to school-based experiences.
As noted above, multilevel models hold significant promise for researchers interested
in school effects: questions can be addressed that could not be asked before; estimates
have better sampling properties; and models are becoming ever more responsive to
the schooling experiences of students. However, there are many issues that deserve
further exploration:
1 De Leeuw and Kreft (1995b), in ‘questioning’ MMs, argue that they are elegant
but not always necessary; that traditional techniques work well when samples
are large, intra-class correlations are small, and interest is primarily in level-2
fixed effects. The question of when to use multilevel modelling techniques is an
important one and as the models and the available software grow in
sophistication, it is likely that practitioners will seek more familiar and simpler
2 A variety of computational algorithms are currently available. These procedures,
as noted by several authors (e.g. Draper, 1995) have yet to be fully explored with
respect to their performance under conditions frequently found in practice.
3 As multilevel modelling techniques grow in their complexity, there should be a
simultaneous growth in diagnostic procedures and procedures for checking the
adequacy and appropriateness of fitted models. Without these developments,
theoretical advances may fail to yield fruitful advances for addressing practical
4 Hierarchies exist not only with respect to formal organizational arrangements or
research sampling plans, but informally as well. Practitioners must have ways to
detect important hierarchies when they exist in a given dataset (see Draper, 1995).
Related to this, there is a need for additional work on the implications of
misspecification for multilevel models. This is particularly true of more complicated
5 Bidwell and Kasarda (1980) argue that schools have much of their impact on
children indirectly through teachers. Multilevel structural equation modelling
techniques allow for explicit study of this and other hypotheses related to direct
and indirect effects. However, few large scale studies which utilize this methodology
can be found in the literature. This is an area that warrants attention.
6 An issue not often addressed is that the majority of the current literature on school
effects has not involved actual observations of processes occurring in schools.
Typically, surveys, archival and test data are utilized. Future studies ought to
Some Methodological Issues in School Effectiveness Research
incorporate more of a qualitative component that reflects the experiences of
students, teachers, etc.
7 Despite several books geared to applications and the proliferation of software
programs, published research utilizing multilevel modelling is relatively rare in
leading journals. Most published research is largely theoretical and largely beyond
the reach of most practitioners. Additional work must focus on making these
tools available to a broader audience of users.
Finally, as noted by several authors, (e.g. Draper, 1995; Morris, 1995) multilevel
models do not relieve researchers of the responsibility of carefully studying the quality
of their data and the appropriateness of the models they specify.
7 Linking School Effectiveness and
School Improvement
David Reynolds and Charles Teddlie
with David Hopkins and Sam
So far in this handbook we have outlined in considerable detail the literature on
school effectiveness from across the world, and attempted to relate that literature to
various themes or topics within the field. It would be logical to expect a close
relationship between this research base in school effectiveness and the programmes of
school improvement and school development that are now in existence in virtually
every industrialized country across the world, for a number of reasons:
1 The ‘founding fathers’ of effective schools research in the United States, Edmonds
(1979a, 1979b) and Brookover et al. (1979b), had an explicit commitment to the
work being utilized to improve schools. The United States has shown, then, a
considerable volume of ‘school effectiveness’ projects where the research knowledge
is explicitly used to improve practice. The Rutter et al. (1979) study in the United
Kingdom has also been utilized to provide findings for the improvement of schools,
although the eventual results were somewhat disappointing. (Ouston et al., 1991;
Maughan et al., 1990.)
2 There are clear interests involved in maximizing the relationships between
effectiveness and improvement, since effectiveness research can provide the
knowledge base concerning what to do, and the improvement community the
vehicle within which the knowledge base sits.
3 In many societies there are links made between school effectiveness knowledge
and educational policy as a matter of mandate. In the United States the Hawkins/
Stafford amendment has led to up to half of school districts to directly utilize
school effectiveness knowledge and concepts. In the United Kingdom, central
government funding is made available from the Standards Fund for schools to
receive training in schools and effectiveness activities.
The much needed relationship between school effectiveness and school improvement
that one might expect is, however, not what one would find in most countries of the
world. This chapter outlines the reasons for this state of affairs, traces its origins and
goes on to outline contemporary developments which suggest the emergence of the
much needed relationship.
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
The Field Surveyed
In North America, particularly within the United States, there exists perhaps the closest
of the international relationships between school effectiveness and school improvement.
Over half of all American school districts have run improvement programmes based
upon, or linked to, the effective schools knowledge base (General Accounting Office,
1989; Taylor, B., 1990). It must be noted however that the knowledge base within the
improvement programme is likely to be of the earlier simplistic variety of ‘five factor’
theories developed by Edmonds (1979a, 1979b) and popularized by Lezotte (1989),
rather than that more recently developed from a considerably more advanced research
base by researchers like Stringfield and Teddlie (Wimpelberg et al., 1989). In addition,
there are in the United States the well known demonstration projects which have
involved the direct, controlled transfer of research knowledge into school improvement
programmes with built in evaluation of outcomes, which have demonstrated enhanced
school effectiveness (e.g. McCormack-Larkin, 1985). In Canada likewise there are
programmes which involve the utilization of school effectiveness knowledge within
school improvement programmes (Stoll and Fink, 1989, 1992), and the school
effectiveness knowledge base has also penetrated many other ongoing improvement
projects (see reviews in Sackney, 1985, 1989).
In spite of this evident relationship between the two bodies of knowledge at the
level of practice, at the intellectual level there is much less of a relationship or
communality of perspective between the scholars who contribute to their respective
knowledge bases. In part this may be because school improvement scholars have
reacted against the simplistic nature of past North American school effectiveness
literature. Whatever the precise reasons, school improvement scholars such as Fullan,
Hall and Miles rarely base their school improvement strategies upon the work of
school effectiveness researchers. Fullan (1991) for example refers to only half a dozen
school effectiveness studies from the United States, only two from United Kingdom
and to none from any of the other societies like Australia, the Netherlands or New
Zealand in which major school effectiveness projects have been carried out. Were we
to take Fullan and the other improvement writers noted above, a survey of their
bibliographies suggests that only about 2 or 3 per cent of their total references are
from writers commonly regarded as writing within the school effectiveness research
paradigm. Were we also to take the American school effectiveness research community
and look at the nature of their references, probably only about 1 per cent of total
references would relate to writers conventionally located within the paradigm of school
The situation of two separate, discrete bodies of knowledge and two separate research
communities that exists in North America has been in evidence in most other parts of
the world; indeed in certain parts of the world the separation is even more in evidence.
In the United Kingdom, there has, until the last two or three years, been little collaboration
between those working within the school effectiveness and school improvement
paradigms, little practitioner take up of the knowledge base of school effectiveness
(Mortimore, 1998; Reynolds, 1991a), little use of the research in school improvement
or school development programmes (Reid et al., 1987), and little appreciation or
referencing of school effectiveness material in the works of ‘school improvers’ (and vice
versa). Indeed, the British Economic and Social Research Council funded from 1993–4
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
a programme of symposia and seminars for leading persons in the two fields of
effectiveness and improvement explicitly to make links (Gray et al., 1996b).
In other parts of the world the situation is similar to that in Britain. New Zealand,
for example, was the site of pioneering school effectiveness research (Ramsay et al.,
1982), but there are no current signs of engagement of this knowledge base by those
working within the ‘school improvement through decentralization’ paradigm that
has existed since the Picot Report in the late 1980s. The Netherlands now has perhaps
the world’s most extensive research base within the field of school effectiveness (see
Scheerens and Bosker, 1997), but there is little evidence of school effectiveness based
school improvement programmes, nor of any penetration of school effectiveness
research knowledge into schools through the development planning which is now
mandatory within Dutch schools. Australia too has a small school effectiveness research
base (see Chapter 1), and indeed some of this knowledge has been linked to school
improvement through the school self management approach of Caldwell and Spinks
(1988). But again, more developmentally orientated material from Australia shows
only limited take up of, or reliance on, school effectiveness literature. Indeed, the
Australian school improvement tradition relates primarily to the literature on
educational management and administration, itself notable for the absence of linkages
with the school effectiveness research base. Israel by contrast has seen systematic
application of school effectiveness findings in school improvement programmes (Bashi
and Sass, 1990).
It is clear from any reading of the international literature on school improvement
and school effectiveness that the two areas have historically been very different in
their core conceptualizations, beliefs and proposed strategies of furthering school
change. We now turn to examine the values, and practices of the ‘school improvement
paradigm’ and the ‘school effectiveness paradigm’ in turn, before turning to further
examine the new, ‘merged’ or ‘blended’ paradigm that is gaining intellectual and
practical ground.
School Improvement
The disciplinary area of school improvement has gone through a number of phases.
The first phase, which dates from the mid 1960s, was the emphasis on the adoption
of curriculum materials. On both sides of the Atlantic, the curriculum reform movement
was intended to have a major impact on student achievement through the production
and dissemination of exemplary curriculum materials. Although the materials were
often of high quality, being produced by teams of academics and psychologists, in the
main they failed to have an impact on teaching. The reason in hindsight is obvious;
teachers were not included in the production process and the inservice that accompanied
the new curricula was often perfunctory and rudimentary. Teachers simply took what
they thought was of use from the new materials and integrated it into their own
teaching. The curriculum innovation, however, was consequently subverted.
The second phase—covering most of the 1970s—was essentially one of documenting
failure, the failure of the curriculum reform movement to affect practice. It became
increasingly apparent from this work that ‘top down’ models of change did not work,
that teachers required inservice training to acquire new knowledge and skills, and
that implementation did not occur spontaneously as a result of legislative fiat. It was
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
clear that implementation is an extremely complex and lengthy process that required
a sensitive combination of strategic planning and individual learning and commitment
to succeed. Much was learned about implementation during this period that was to
lay the basis for future work.
The third phase, roughly from the late 1970s to mid 1980s, was a period of success.
It was during this time that the first studies of school effectiveness were published in
Britain (Rutter et al., 1979; Reynolds, 1976), and that a consensus was established in
the United States as to the characteristics of effective schools (Purkey and Smith,
1983; Wilson and Corcoran, 1988). This is not meant to imply however that this line
of enquiry has been unproblematic; there is still much more work to be done, as this
handbook constantly argues. It was also during this period that some major large
scale studies of school improvement projects were conducted (Crandall, D. et al.,
1982, 1986; Huberman and Miles, 1984; Hargreaves, 1984; Rosenholtz, 1989; Louis
and Miles, 1990). Much was consequently learned about the dynamics of the change
process. As can be seen later, the OECD International School Improvement Study
(ISIP) was also at work at this time, producing case studies of, and developing strategies
for, school improvement (for an overview see van Velzen et al., 1985; Hopkins, 1987).
A number of syntheses of the work during this period also appeared, of which the
contributions of Fullan (1985) and Joyce and his colleagues (1983) are very important.
Although this creative period produced knowledge of increasing specificity about
the change process and the factors influencing effective schooling, this was a necessary
but not sufficient condition to improve the quality of education. As Fullan (1991)
points out, clear descriptions of success are not tantamount to solving the problem of
the management of change towards that success.
Managing Change, the fourth phase which has been recently entered, will prove to
be the most difficult and hopefully productive of all, as researchers and practitioners
struggle to relate their strategies and their research knowledge to the realities of schools
in a pragmatic, systematic and sensitive way. There is indeed now a move away from
the study of change as a phenomenon to actually participating in school development
and the best of the current work on educational change is coming from people who
are actually studying change as they are engaged in bringing it about (e.g. Hopkins,
1995). Research knowledge and ‘change theory’ is being refined through action (Fullan,
Across these four historical phases there have been numerous studies of importance.
The ‘Rand’ study of McLaughlin was originally undertaken in the USA in the mid to
late 1970s and concluded that:
A general finding of the Change Agent study that has become almost a truism is
that it is exceedingly difficult for policy to change practice, especially across levels
of government. Contrary to the one-to-one relationship assumed to exist between
policy and practice, the Change Agent study demonstrated that the nature, amount,
and pace of change at the local level was a product of local factors that were
largely beyond the control of higher-level policymakers.
(McLaughlin, 1990, p.12)
According to McLaughlin (1990) this general observation has four specific
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
policy cannot mandate what matters;
implementation dominates outcomes;
local variability is the rule;
uniformity is the exception.
The ‘Rand’ study also looked at the strategies that promoted educational improvement
(McLaughlin, 1990). Strategies that were generally effective, especially when used
together, were:
concrete, teacher-specific and extended training;
classroom assistance from local staff;
teacher observation of similar projects in other classrooms, schools, or districts;
regular project meetings that focused on practical issues;
teacher participation in project decisions;
local development of project materials;
principals’ participation in training.
According to this analysis, the relationship between ‘macro-level policies and microlevel
behaviour’ is paramount. Although policies set directions and provide a framework,
they do not and cannot determine outcomes. It is implementation, rather than the
decision to adopt a new policy, that determines student achievement. What is needed
is an ‘implementation friendly’ strategy for educational change. A definition of such a
strategy, school improvement, is the focus of the following section.
Defining School Improvement
School improvement approaches to educational change embody the long term goal of
moving towards the ideal type of the self renewing school. This obviously implies a
very different way of thinking about change than the ubiquitous ‘top-down’ approach
discussed earlier. When the school is regarded as the ‘centre’ of change, then strategies
for change need to take this new perspective into account. This approach that centres
on the school is exemplified in the work of the OECD sponsored International School
Improvement Project (ISIP) and in the knowledge that emanated from it (van Velzen
et al., 1985; Hopkins, 1987,1990). School Improvement was defined in the ISIP as:
a systematic, sustained effort aimed at change in learning conditions and other
related internal conditions in one or more schools, with the ultimate aim of
accomplishing educational goals more effectively.
(van Velzen et al., 1985)
School improvement as an approach to educational change therefore rests on a number
of assumptions (van Velzen et al., 1985; Hopkins, 1987, 1990):
The school is the centre of change—This means that external reforms need to be
sensitive to the situation in individual schools, rather than assuming that all schools
are the same. It also implies that school improvement efforts need to adopt a
‘classroom-exceeding’ perspective, without ignoring the classroom.
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
A systematic approach to change—School improvement is a carefully planned
and managed process that takes place over a period of several years.
A key focus for change are the ‘internal conditions’ of schools—These include not
only the teaching-learning activities in the school, but also the schools’ procedures,
role allocations and resource uses that support the teaching and learning process.
Accomplishing educational goals more effectively—Educational goals reflect the
particular mission of a school, and represent what the school itself regards as
desirable. This suggests a broader definition of outcomes than student scores on
achievement tests, even though for some schools these may be pre-eminent. Schools
also serve the more general developmental needs of students, the professional
development needs of teachers and the needs of its community.
A multi-level perspective—Although the school is the centre of change it does not
act alone. The school is embedded in an educational system that has to work
collaboratively if the highest degrees of quality are to be achieved. This means
that the roles of teachers, headteachers, governors, parents, support staff (advisers,
higher education consultants), and local authorities should be defined, harnessed
and committed to the process of school improvement.
Integrated implementation strategies—This implies a linkage between ‘top down’
and ‘bottom up’, remembering of course that both approaches can apply at a
number of different levels in the system. Ideally ‘top down’ policy provides policy
aims, an overall strategy, and operational plans; this is complemented by a ‘bottom
up’ response involving diagnosis, priority goal setting, and implementation. The
former provides the framework, resources, and a menu of alternatives; the latter,
the energy and the school based implementation.
The drive towards institutionalization—Change is only successful when it has
become part of the natural behaviour of teachers in the school. Implementation
by itself is not enough.
It is this philosophy and these approaches that underpinned the International School
Improvement Project and laid the basis for further thinking and action.
A more recent and succinct definition of school improvement is an ‘approach to
educational change that enhances student outcomes as well as strengthening the
school’s capacity for managing change’ (Hopkins et al., 1994, p.3). Unfortunately,
the history of educational innovation is littered with the skeletons of innovations
and changes whose implementers failed to recognize this key idea. School
improvement in this idea is concerned not so much about school improvement, but
about the process of improving, and indeed part of the problem of centralized
educational reform is the preoccupation with outcomes at the expense of the process
that leads to such outcomes.
Although the term ‘school improvement’ is now in common usage, the complexities
of the approach as an alternative means of educational change have not necessarily
been fully explored. The more rigorous recent definition above implies a broader and
more sophisticated view of the concept, in which school improvement can be regarded
(Hopkins et al., 1994):
as a vehicle for planned educational change (but also realizing that educational
change is necessary for school improvement);
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
as particularly appropriate during times of centralized initiatives and innovation
overload when there are competing reforms to implement;
as usually necessitating some form of external support;
as having an emphasis on strategies for strengthening the school’s capacity for
managing change;
as concerned with raising student achievement (broadly defined).
The Process of Change and School Improvement
The literature on planned school change is crucial to the way in which contemporary
school improvement strategies have been formulated. There is now solid, research
based evidence about how the change process unfolds over time. As Miles (1986) and
Fullan (1991) have demonstrated, the change process is not linear, but consists of a
series of three stages that can merge into each other. Although these phases often
coexist in practice, there are some advantages in describing them separately; particularly
in terms of what happens during them, and in terms of what behaviours within each
phase make for success. The process is generally considered to consist of three
overlapping phases—initiation, implementation, and institutionalization.
Although implementation has received the most attention historically, this has
most probably been disadvantageous to the understanding of the process as a whole.
Emphasizing initiation and implementation at the expense of institutionalization
leads to a very short term view of innovation. Consequently, it is probably more
helpful to think of the three phases as a series of overlapping phases, rather than as
a straight line.
The initiation phase is about deciding to embark on innovation, and about
developing commitment towards the process. The key activities in the initiation
phase are the decision to start the innovation, and a review of the school’s current
state as regards the particular innovation. There are however a number of factors
associated with initiation that will influence whether the change gets started in the
first place. These are issues such as the existence of, and access to, innovations,
pressures from within and without the school, the availability of resources and
consultancy support, and the quality of the school’s internal conditions and
organization. Fullan (1991) describes them in detail and emphasizes that it is not
simply the existence of these factors but their combination that is important. He
concluded that the following factors are of importance in determining the quality
of the initiation phase:
1 the existence and quality of innovations;
2 access to innovations;
3 advocacy from central administration;
4 teacher advocacy;
5 presence of external change agents;
6 community factors (pressure, support, apathy);
7 new policy-funds (federal/state/local);
8 problem-solving capacities within the school.
Miles (1986) also made an analysis of the factors that make for successful initiation:
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
the innovation should be tied to a local agenda and high profile local need;
a clear, well-structured approach to change should be present;
there should be an active champion who understands the innovation and
supports it;
there should be active initiation to start the innovation (‘top down’ initiation can
be acceptable under certain conditions);
the innovation should be of good quality.
Implementation is the phase of the process which has received the most attention.
This is the phase of the attempted use of the innovation. Factors influencing
implementation are the characteristics of the change, the internal conditions of the
school and the pressure and support from the outside. It is during this phase that skills
and understanding are being acquired, some success may be being achieved, and in
which responsibility is delegated to working groups of teachers. It is often helpful to
regard implementation as being of two types: pre-implementation and implementation.
Many innovations founder at the pre-implementation stage because not enough initial
support has been generated.
The key activities occurring during implementation are the carrying out of action
plans, the development and sustaining of commitment, the checking of progress and
the overcoming of problems.
Institutionalization is the phase when innovation and change stop being regarded
as something new and become part of the school’s ‘usual’ way of doing things, yet
until recently it was assumed to happen automatically, despite the evidence that
innovations associated with many centralized initiatives tend to fade away after the
initial wave of enthusiasm, or after a key actor leaves, or when the funding ceases.
The move from implementation to institutionalization, however, often involves the
transformation of a pilot project to a school wide initiative, often without the advantage
of the previously available funding. It is change of a new order and in these cases
there tends to be widespread use of the change by staff, its impact is seen on classroom
practice, and the whole process is no longer regarded as being unusual. As the
researchers who worked on the DESSI study remarked (Huberman and Crandall quoted
in Miles, 1983):
In the chronicle of research on dissemination and use of educational practices, we
first put our chips on adoption, then on implementation. It turns out that these
investments are lost without deliberate attention to the institutional steps that lock
an innovation into the local setting. New practices that get built into the training,
regulatory, staffing and budgetary cycle survive; others don’t. Innovations are highly
perishable goods. Taking institutionalisation for granted—assuming somewhat
magically that it will happen by itself, or will necessarily result from a technically
mastered, demonstrably effective project—is naive and usually self-defeating.
(Miles, 1983, p.14)
Key activities to ensure success at this stage according to Miles (1986) are:
an emphasis on ‘embedding’ the change within the school’s structures, its
organization and resources;
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
the elimination of competing or contradictory practices;
strong and purposeful links to other change efforts, to the curriculum and to
classroom teaching;
widespread take-up in the school and in the local area;
an adequate ‘bank’ of local facilitators and/or advisory teachers for skills
The School Improvement Paradigm
Approaches to school improvement have, over the past 30 years, been characterized
by the following sets of assumptions, as seen in Table 7.1.
In the 1960s and 1970s school improvement in the United States, the United
Kingdom and internationally displayed a number of paradigmatic characteristics
associated with the empirical-analytic tradition. It was linked as an enterprise to a
technological view of school improvement, in which innovations were brought to
schools from outside of them and then introduced ‘top down’. The innovations were
based upon knowledge produced by persons outside the school, the focus was on the
school’s formal organization and curriculum, the outcomes were taken as given, and
the innovation was targeted at the school more than the individual practitioner. The
whole improvement edifice was based upon a positivistic, quantitative evaluation of
effects. The worldwide failures of this model of school improvement to generate more
than very partial take up by schools of the curricula or organizational innovations
became an established finding within the educational discourse of the 1970s, explained
widely as due to a lack of teacher ‘ownership’.
Out of the recognition of this failure came the new improvement paradigm of the
1980s, which is still reflected in some of the writing on school improvement that is
current and in evidence today. This new movement celebrated a ‘bottom up’ approach
to school improvement, in which the improvement attempts are ‘owned’ by those at
the school level, although outside school consultants or experts can put their knowledge
forward for possible utilization. This new approach tended to celebrate the ‘folk-lore’
Table 7.1 Characteristics of two school improvement paradigms
Source: Reynolds et al., 1993.
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
or practical knowledge of practitioners rather than the knowledge base of researchers,
and focused on changes to educational processes rather than to school management,
or organizational features, which were regarded as reified constructs. It wanted the
outcomes or goals of school improvement programmes to be debated and discussed,
rather than accepted as given. Those working within this paradigm also tended to
operate at the level of the practitioner rather than at the level of the school, with a
qualitative and naturalistically orientated evaluation of the enterprise being preferred
to quantitative measurement. The improvement attempt was ‘whole school’ orientated
and school based, rather than outside school or course based (see Reynolds, 1988).
The School Effectiveness Paradigm
The school effectiveness research paradigm has, of course, a very different intellectual
history and has exhibited a very different set of core beliefs concerning
operationalization, conceptualization and measurement by comparison with the
changing approaches of the school improvers, as will have been clear from Chapters
1, 2 and 3. It has been strongly committed to the use of quantitative methods, since
many researchers were concerned to refute the ‘schools make no difference’ hypothesis
advanced by Coleman et al. (1966) and Jencks et al. (1971) by utilizing the same
conventional methods of empirical research as their perceived opponents had utilized.
Many researchers have also believed that teachers, especially North American ones,
would pay more attention to work conducted within the quantitative paradigm.
School effectiveness researchers have also been primarily concerned with pupil
academic and social outcomes, which is not surprising given the political history of
effective schools research in the United States, where it has grown and built on the
beliefs of Ron Edmonds and his associates that ‘all children can learn’. Processes
within schools only have an importance within the school effectiveness paradigm to
the extent that they affect outcomes—indeed, one ‘back maps’ with the paradigm
from outcomes to process. The school effectiveness paradigm furthermore regards
pupil and school outcomes as fundamentally unproblematic and as given. School
effectiveness researchers indeed often talk of a ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ school as if that
were unproblematic.
The school effectiveness paradigm is also organizationally rather than process based
in terms of its analytic and descriptive orientation, preferring to restrict itself to the
more easily quantifiable or measurable. As an example, Fullan’s (1985) process factors
such as ‘a feel for the process of leadership’ or ‘a guiding value system’, or ‘intense
interaction and communication’ are largely eschewed in favour of organizationally
and behaviourally orientated process variables such as ‘clear goals and high
expectations’ and/or ‘parental involvement and support’. Additionally, the focus within
the school improvement paradigm on the attitudinal, and on personal and group
‘inner states’, is replaced within school effectiveness research by a focus on the more
easily measured behaviour of persons.
A last couple of differences are also clear. School effectiveness research has
customarily celebrated the importance of a very limited range of outcomes, mostly
academic and mostly concerned with the acquisition of basic skills. Indeed, virtually
all the early American work focused upon academic achievement virtually exclusively
(see review in Reynolds et al., 1994b).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
School improvement research by contrast has often conceptualized outcomes more
broadly. Often indeed in the British tradition the improvement attempt or project was
to debate the ‘possible’ goals of education, as against the limited ‘official’ goals, as
part of the process of securing improvement. In most accounts of their processes (e.g.
Hopkins, 1987), it seems that multiple goals form the intellectual base of school
Lastly, school effectiveness differs from school improvement in that it is concerned
to celebrate the ‘end state’ of describing what it is that schools which are effective are
actually ‘like’, whereas school improvement has been more concerned to discover
what it is that has been done to bring schools to that state. The orientation of school
effectiveness has been a ‘static’ one concerned with the ‘steady state’ of effectiveness;
the orientation of school improvement has been a ‘dynamic’ one, focusing upon ‘change
over time’.
New Wave Projects and New Wave Thinking
In the last few years, as we noted in Chapter 2, the voices calling for links between
school effectiveness and school improvement have reached something of a chorus.
Stoll (1996) argues that ‘if practitioners can see and make links between school
effectiveness and school improvement, surely it is time for researchers studying the
two areas to do the same and to work with schools to develop a deeper and more
meaningful understanding of the research and its implications for practice’. Hopkins
(1996) argues that ‘one of the most encouraging recent developments in the area of
school effectiveness and school improvement is the seriousness with which the
confluence of these two streams of enquiry is being taken’.
In these years, there have emerged in a number of countries intervention projects
which are not either effectiveness based or school improvement orientated, as defined
by the limits of the old disciplines. Much of this ‘convergence’ or ‘synergy’ between
the two paradigms has in fact resulted from practitioners and local authority/district
policy makers borrowing from both traditions because they do not share the
ideological commitment to the ways of working of researchers in the fields, whilst
some has arisen through the efforts of the International Congress for School
Effectiveness and Improvement in breaking down disciplinary as well as geographical
Sometimes the adoption of ideas from research has been somewhat uncritical; for
example, the numerous attempts to apply findings from one specific context to another
entirely different context when research has increasingly demonstrated significant
contextual differences (Hallinger and Murphy, 1985; Teddlie et al., 1989b). Sometimes
it is clear that projects are partial in their adoption of material from both paradigms—
some projects have an understanding of what makes schools effective but an absence
of any ‘action plan’ about how to get to the ‘effectiveness’ destination, whilst other
projects have celebrated the ‘core’ school improvement cultural ideas of ownership,
collegiality and laterality without acknowledgment of the key importance of school
process and organization.
Nevertheless, there are a number of projects in action that represent no less than a
‘new wave’ of thinking about how we improve school quality. A number will now be
outlined, but before outlining them in detail it is important to note their general
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
characteristics by comparison with the traditional type of school improvement
programmes that we described earlier. In these novel programmes:
Pupil outcomes in academic (and often social) areas are regarded as the key ‘success
criteria’, rather than the measures to do with teacher perception of the innovations
which were used historically.
These outcomes are increasingly assessed by use of ‘hard’ quantitative data, that
is regarded as necessary to build commitment and confidence amongst those taking
part and to measure the success or failure of the project initiative.
Bodies of knowledge from school effectiveness, school improvement and school
development are all used to resource programmes, with a problem centred
orientation being used in which philosophical judgments about the nature of
appropriate strategies are suspended in favour of a ‘what works’ approach that is
distinctly non-denominational.
The learning level, the instructional behaviour of teachers and the classroom level
are increasingly being targeted for explicit programme attention as well as the
school level, a marked contrast again with work from the 1980s where ‘the school’
was often the sole focus.
It is easy to understand why the ‘lever’ of the school level had been historically pulled
so frequently, since of course school improvement persons and school effectiveness
persons have had close relationships with senior school level personnel. Senior school
level personnel have gone on the courses run by school effectiveness and school
improvement persons. The policy discourse in most societies has concerned the school
level, not the classroom level. In some societies such as the United Kingdom, there is
indeed no recent knowledge base or literature about teacher effectiveness or on practices
at classroom level which can potentiate student achievement which would lead to a
balance with the past obsession with the school level.
It is clear though that the historic neglect of coherent focus upon classrooms has
been very costly indeed. Firstly, it is clear that the greatest variation is within schools
by individual department, rather than between schools. Put simply, the classroom
learning level has maybe two or three times the influence on student achievement
than the school level does (Creemers, 1994).
Additionally, the reluctance to focus upon classrooms directly or turn round
interventions at school level ‘downwards’ in schools until they impact on classrooms
has hindered the development of programmes, because teacher focal concerns within
all schools are much more related to those variables that are located at the classroom
level, such as teaching, pedagogy and curriculum, than they are related to activities at
the school level, like management and organization. This is probably particularly the
case in ineffective schools, where there may exist a majority of staff who define the
role of the teacher very narrowly as being related to curriculum and instruction, rather
than being more broadly related to school level management and organizational factors.
It is clear that the neglect of the classroom level and the celebration of the school level
may have historically cost us valuable teacher commitment.
Multiple ‘levers’ are pulled to encourage school and teacher development, with
the focus upon only the school ‘owning’ the process of change from the 1980s
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
being replaced by a concern to utilize all reinforcers and initiators of change from
outside the school (the local education authority or district) and indeed the national
policy agenda to stimulate and provoke change.
It has been clear that improvement programmes historically have not been
necessarily organizationally ‘tight’. Because of the fact that most of the programmes
have been voluntaristic since they are linked to existing ongoing school level and
individual level continuing professional development, it is clear that there may
have been a huge differential within schools in the extent to which the programmes
have been taken up. Reading between the lines, it is clear that there has been a
likely tendency for programmes to impact most on the competent ‘leading edge’
of teachers, whilst it is also clear that a more or less significant ‘trailing edge’ may
not have participated in the programmes, or at least may not have participated
very fully. It is highly likely that there has been within schools participating in the
programmes, therefore, a substantial variation in the extent to which they have
permeated within schools and the extent to which organizational innovations have
moved through to implementation from the initiation phase, and ultimately to the
institutionalization phase. Given there is increasing evidence within school
effectiveness of the importance of organizational cohesion, consistency and
constancy, a situation in which there is greater variation between members of
staff in a school because of differential take-up of improvement activities could
have been adversely affecting the quality of student outcomes. The new range of
programmes below share commitments to enhanced ‘fidelity’ of implementation,
and to enhanced organizational reliability in the take up of the various programme
We proceed now to look at some of the new ‘second wave’ projects of the 1990s
Halton’s Effective Schools Project in Canada
The Effective Schools Project in the Halton Board of Education in Ontario (Stoll
and Fink, 1992, 1994) started, in 1986, as an attempt to bring the results of
school effectiveness research carried out within Britain (Mortimore et al., 1988)
into the schooling practices of Canada, but it soon became clear that potential
difficulties involved in the project’s implementation could only be resolved by the
adoption at school and system level of organizational and planning arrangements
from the school improvement literature. Essentially, ‘top down’ mandates to schools
did not address the issues of ownership and commitment, nor did they pay attention
to the process and impact of the changes upon those who worked to implement
the policy mandates.
At the beginning of the project, a search of the international effectiveness literature
was carried out by members of a taskforce, and a model of the characteristics of
effectiveness produced. Visits were undertaken to school districts where change was
known to have occurred successfully, and meetings with the school improvement
specialist Michael Fullan convinced taskforce members that improvement was more
likely to occur if the school was seen as the focal point of change. A school growth
planning process was developed, largely based on British models (McMahon et al.,
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
1984; ILEA, 1986) and similar to the school development plan that is now a feature
of many countries, states and territories.
Where do the effective schools characteristics fit in? Within the assessment, or
audit, phase, when the school is trying to get a picture of its current successes and
areas for improvement, the staff examines Halton’s model of characteristics as it
relates to its own context. Questionnaires for teachers, students and parents focus on
where respondents think the school is in relation to a set of indicators, and how
important each indicator is in order to create a more effective school. Through analysing
the gap between where the school is and where it should be, the school can identify
areas of need. Furthermore, the information from the three sources provides
triangulation. Clearly, this is not the only information schools examine during the
assessment phase; they also look at current curricula and instructional practices, at
initiatives coming out of the school board and the Ontario Ministry of Education,
and also at a variety of information related to their students’ progress and development.
In line with the emphasis on equity in school effectiveness research, schools are
encouraged to disaggregate student data, that is to look for any differences in
achievement, progress or development between sub-sets of the population.
Further understandings about school improvement have been gained during the
project. The school growth planning process that has been adopted is very different
from traditional forms of educational planning in Halton. Increased staff development
in decision-making has necessitated greater understanding on the part of principals of
the processes involved in working with groups. In the more successful schools, attention
has been paid early on to the development of clear decision-making structures and
organizational processes that will reduce later problems. In short, in these schools a
climate has been built within which a more dynamic and ongoing planning process
can occur. More importantly, time has been spent building a collaborative culture
within the schools, in which teachers continue to learn and feel valued, and risk-
taking is encouraged. Finally, teachers are encouraged to articulate their values and
beliefs such that a shared vision for the school’s future can be developed. In essence,
the school growth planning process has shown that the creation of an effective school
depends on more than the knowledge of what has been successful and effective
elsewhere, although that can be a useful starting point.
Further important characteristics of this project have been the importance of the
school district’s role in the process. Halton created a strategic plan that emphasized
three key directions. One of these was the growth planning process itself. The second,
through a link with The Learning Consortium (Fullan et al., 1990), was a focus on
instruction, in recognition of the central role in the determination of school outcomes
of what actually goes on in the classroom, the teaching and learning process.
Improving the Quality of Education for All
The project, which began with only nine schools in 1991, has grown each year, and
currently involves 40 schools in several areas of the country. A contract is agreed
between school staff, the Local Education Authority and the project team. All staff of
a school have to agree that the school will participate, and at least 40 per cent receive
release time to engage in specific project-related activities in their own and each other’s
classrooms, although all staff participate in certain IQEA-focused staff development
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
events. At least two staff members are designated as coordinators and attend 10 days
of training and support meetings, for which accreditation is offered. The school selects
its own priorities for development and its own methods to achieve these priorities. It
also participates in the evaluation of the project and has to commit itself to share
findings with other participants in the project.
The original conceptualization of the project was based on the experience that
effective changes strategies focus not only on the implementation of centralized policies
or chosen initiatives, but also on creating the conditions within schools that can sustain
the teaching-learning process. From their work on the IQEA project, there were
identified a series of conditions that underpinned the work of these successful schools
(Ainscow et al., 1994). Broadly stated the conditions are:
staff development;
enquiry and reflection;
collaborative planning.
As work continued with IQEA schools on the building of ‘capacity’ in these areas, the
project personnel began to observe a number of factors influencing how particular
conditions can best contribute to a ‘moving school’ ethos (Rosenholtz, 1989). As a
consequence they began to develop a series of propositions about the relationship
between the way a school approaches a particular condition and the impact of that
condition on the school’s capacity to hold the key to the establishing of a school
culture which can meaningfully empower all teachers within the school community
(Hopkins and West, 1994). The propositions are summarized in Table 7.2.
These six conditions and the related propositions were the focus of early work
with the IQEA project schools. Subsequently the project began to focus some of its
research energies onto what was originally thought to be a parallel set of conditions
which related to the notion of capacity at the classroom level. These conditions were
connected to teacher development, much in the same way as the original set of
conditions were to school development. As such they were supposed to be transferable
across classrooms and between teachers and related to a variety of teaching/learning
initiatives designed to enhance the achievement of students. At this stage the project
team adapted a ‘Framework for School Improvement’ (Hopkins et al., 1994) to express
the relationship as the team then saw it, between school and classroom conditions,
and the process of development in schools.
The resulting conceptualization looked something like the illustration in
Figure 7.1.
The first ‘cut’ of the classroom conditions was developed through discussion amongst
the IQEA team at Cambridge and a series of day conferences with project schools.
About 25 schools and 100 teachers had an input into these initial discussions. This is
the initial list of classroom conditions which emerged from the deliberations:
authentic relationships—being the quality, openness and congruence of relationships
existing in the classroom;
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
Figure 7.1 The relationship between school and classroom conditions
Source: Hopkins and Ainscow, 1993.
Table 7.2 A framework for school improvement: some propositions
Source: Hopkins and Ainscow, 1993.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
rules and boundaries—being the pattern of expectations set by the teacher and
school of student performance and behaviour within the classroom;
teacher’s repertoire—being the range of teaching styles and models internalized
and available to a teacher dependent on student, context, curriculum and desired
reflection on teaching—being the capacity of the individual teachers to reflect on
their own practice and to put to the test of practice specifications of teaching from
other sources;
resources and preparation—being the access of teachers to a range of pertinent
teaching materials and the ability to plan and differentiate these materials for a
range of students;
pedagogic partnerships—being the ability of teachers to form professional
relationships within the classroom that focus on the study and improvement of
The IQEA project personnel believe that these conditions are the key to facilitating
effective teaching and high quality outcomes at the classroom or learning levels, in
just the same way that the other conditions potentiate high quality outcomes at the
school level.
The Barclay-Calvert Project in the United States
Our discussion here about this project, and especially about the relationship between
school effectiveness and school improvement, is based on a four-year evaluation
(Stringfield et al., 1995). In this project the curricular and instructional package of
Calvert school, a private school in Baltimore (USA), is being implemented in an inner
city public school (Barclay) in the same city. The Calvert school offers a Kindergarten
to Grade Six day school programme to a predominantly highly affluent clientele in
Baltimore. Since early this century, the school has also offered a highly structured,
certified home study curriculum. Procedures for the teachers’ provision of lessons,
parent/school contact, and evaluation standards for each unit of the curriculum are
all unusually specific. Each grade’s curriculum and instructional programme is provided
in a level of detail that often approximates to scripting. Moreover, the entire programme
places an unusually high emphasis on student-generated products. Students generate
‘folders’ of work that are regularly reviewed by their teacher, their parents, and the
school’s administrators. According to the evaluation team, the curriculum itself is not
revolutionary but reflects decades of high and academically traditional demands,
blended with an emphasis on the importance of classwork and homework and an
intensive writing programme. All the work undertaken by students reflects the
characteristics of effective teaching linked together with a high achievement level of
the intakes. It is thus easy to understand why the results on norm-referenced
achievement tests are very good. Virtually every grade of the select population of
Calvert students score above the 90th percentile when compared to public, elite
suburban and private school norms.
By contrast Barclay school is a kindergarten through eighth grade public school in
Baltimore. The population served by Barclay is 94 per cent minority. Nearly 80 per
cent of the students attending Barclay school receive free or reduced price lunch. The
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
neighbourhood is one of old factories and terraced houses. The school serves some
families led by drug dealers, prostitutes, or impoverished graduate students at Johns
Hopkins University; however, the great majority of students are the children of working
class or unemployed African-Americans, often single-parent families. In the late 1980s
it became clear that the school’s achievement scores were poor, as well as the attendance
rate and levels of student discipline in the classrooms and school halls. So, Barclay
could be seen as having the typical problems of an inner-city American school.
The principal at Barclay became interested in the Calvert school programme and
the two schools developed a proposal to implement the entire Calvert programme at
Barclay school. The programme was to be implemented by the Barclay staff. The staff
would receive training in the Calvert philosophy, materials, and instructional system.
Ongoing staff development would be provided by a facilitator who had both public
school and Calvert teaching experience.
Implementation began in the fall of 1990 in kindergarten at first grade. Each year
one additional grade has been added. For two weeks each summer the Barclay/Calvert
facilitator trains the next grade’s Barclay teachers in the Calvert philosophy, curriculum
and methods. The facilitator spends the school year working with each succeeding
group of teachers in an effort to maximize the chance of full programme
The key factors making for the project’s success are argued to be:
1 Having funding
The funding of the programme by a private foundation made it possible to appoint a
full-time coordinator who acted as the project facilitator. It should be noted, however,
that the entire four-year grant has supplied less money than is the annual difference in
total funding between a disadvantaged Baltimore City and a suburban Baltimore
County school. One of the benefits of this was that everything needed for instruction
was there on time in a sufficient quantity (one of the major disadvantages of Barclay
school in the past).
2 Having non-fiscal support
The funding foundation was involved in the programme, not only in fiscal decisions,
but also in regular staff meetings and in efforts to anticipate and solve problems. The
principal was highly talented and very determined to make the programme a success.
She visited classes, attended meetings and was very active in involving parents.
Furthermore, the Calvert coordinator at Barclay was very supportive with respect to
the implementation and brought high levels of knowledge, competence and enthusiasm
to the programme implementation. Another source of support was Calvert school
itself. The headteacher remained a supporter of the project; he assisted Barclay school,
visited classrooms and repeatedly made himself available for consultations. Finally,
the parents of Barclay were very actively involved at every stage of the project.
3 Having an achievable plan
The Barclay/Calvert project was very methodical. Barclay did not attempt to implement
the whole Calvert curriculum and instructional programme all at once, but gradually,
grade level by grade level. In this way it was possible to prepare teachers for the next
grade level utilizing a cascade model.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
4 Having a high quality curriculum
The curriculum itself involves five processes that are extremely important for its
Students read a lot (that means increasing opportunity to learn).
All students produce a lot of work.
Teachers check students’ work and also correct all their own work.
Student folders are read by the coordinator, the principal or the Calvert
administrator every month. Therefore, student monitoring is very strong.
The student folders are sent home every month, which increases parent involvement
in what students do and also in checking homework.
5 Having positive teacher attitudes
It is striking in Calvert school that teachers are highly confident that Calvert students
can excel academically. It was one of the major changes of the implementation of the
Calvert programme in Barclay that the teacher attitudes changed also at Barclay.
They were convinced that the Calvert programme was helping them to teach more,
teach better, and to help more children perform at higher levels. These are not of
course unrealistic expectations, since the teachers have good grounds for their optimistic
beliefs, because they have received meaningful, ongoing support and because they
were observing enhanced results.
6 Emphasizing classroom instruction
Little changes in students’ academic achievement unless something changes between
the student, the curriculum and instruction. The Calvert programme is reaching towards
the student, for which there are several reasons.
First, the curriculum has been put in place. The curriculum demands high fidelity
implementation. Second, a high quality instructional system is also in place. Almost
all the teachers have made significant changes in their teaching and have become
more effective. In classroom observation it turned out that the student ‘on-task’ rates
in the Calvert/Barclay classes were often very high and that teachers reported that
given high quality instruction and instructional support, the Barclay students were
responding well to the raised demands. In summary, the Calvert programme has enjoyed
a far better chance of achieving full implementation than most novel programmes in
school systems.
In the evaluation of the programme, student testing was also included. The data
from norm-referenced achievement testing programmes indicate that students in the
programme are achieving academically at a rate significantly above their preprogramme
Barclay school peers. This finding is consistent across reading, writing, and
mathematics, and is particularly striking in writing. The Barclay students are also
making progress not only in specific areas of academic content, but also in the ability
to integrate new material and absorb new knowledge. Additional data indicate that
the Barclay/Calvert project has reduced student absences, reduced student transfers
from the school, greatly reduced the number of students requiring Chapter 1 services,
reduced referrals to and diagnosis of ‘learning disablement’, eliminated disciplinary
removals and increased the number of students found eligible for the Gifted and
Talented Education (GATE) programme. Taken collectively, the diverse measures
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
indicate a very successful school improvement project, which above all has been reliably
The Dutch National School Improvement Project
The National School Improvement Project (NSIP) was carried out in the Netherlands,
started in 1991–2 and went on for three years. Preliminary results have been reported
in 1995 (Houtveen and Osinga, 1995).
A major goal of the National School Improvement Project was to prevent and
reduce educational disadvantage, especially in reading. The background of the study
was that there are clear differences between schools in effectiveness, especially with
respect to student performance in the basic skills of language and reading. The school
improvement project makes use of the knowledge base of school effectiveness research,
especially the insights given by school effectiveness research into the factors that
correlate with student performance. Special attention has also been given to
instructional and management factors at the classroom level and to the conditional
and contingent factors of management and organization at the school level.
The project also made use of the knowledge base developed in other Dutch school
improvement projects, of which some were based on effectiveness research. This is
especially important, because these type of projects in the Netherlands have been
shown to be less effective in the past. Maybe the goals of these past projects have been
too ambitious. Another reason for their failure could be the lack of attention to the
quality of instruction and management at the classroom level. The Dutch National
Improvement Project aimed to learn from these past projects and particularly to ensure
that support given by external agencies should be directed to the factors at the classroom
and school levels that contribute to student outcomes.
An external evaluation of the project was necessary, but these researchers have
also provided information that is useful for focusing and monitoring of the project
itself. The goals of the project can be divided into the classroom or teacher level and
the school level. At the classroom level the following objectives were included:
1 improving teachers’ skills in the field of direct instruction;
2 improving teachers’ skills in the field of group management, generating an efficient
use of time by the pupils;
3 promotion of teachers’ expertise concerning rigorous and methodical working;
4 using effective principles of instruction, with regard to technical reading.
At the school level the following targets were aimed at:
1 to realize a ‘results-oriented’ school management in which concrete targets
concerning basic skills at school and group levels are determined in advance;
2 increasing the evaluation capacity of the school, in connection with point 1, by:
regular and reliable evaluation of individual pupils’ achievements with the
help of a pupil ‘tracking’ system;
making a valid analysis of the teaching activities and the organizational
characteristics of the school with the help of a school diagnosis instrument.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
The key features of the project were obviously closely related to the goals of the
1 The main focus of the project was on the improvement of education at the classroom
level to increase the level of effective instruction. But effective instruction at the
classroom level depends on management at the classroom level and upon the
different factors and characteristics at the school and the above school levels. So,
the first concern of the project was ensuring that the school policy at the different
levels is achievement-oriented. This holds for the classroom, school and board or
governor level that includes parents.
2 The project reflected the belief that the prevention of reading failure can be achieved
by improving the instructional behaviour of teachers.
3 The project believed that support, internal and external, should be directed
towards enhancing the practice-oriented professionalism of teachers and school
management. This meant that it was not only aimed at knowledge-transfer
but also at coaching and putting improvement into practice, which was also
given attention in the project. This meant that the project goals are clear, that
it had a pre-determined time-span and that it also had a pre-determined set of
The programme itself had specific features that are based on the findings of educational
1 Methodical working, which means that all pupils were regularly tested. In this
way a database on groups of students, and individual students in the classroom, is
available, on which decisions with respect to the entire group, or to individual
students, could be made. Also the monitoring of students’ progress was rigorous
in this programme. The management of the school played an initiating, coordinating
and supervising role.
2 Direct instruction as a basic principle of teaching (with the following important
phases: evaluation on a daily basis, a clear presentation of the new content or
skills, supervised exercise and individual application of knowledge).
3 Structured courses inculcating methods for initial reading.
4 Increasing instructional and effective learning time (connected with the emphasis
upon direct instruction).
5 Teaching climate, which was to be made positive for students and included the
generation of experiences of success, of positive expectations of teachers towards
learning and students’ possibilities, and of teachers’ confidence in their own
possibilities of influence on student results.
The support strategy in the project consisted of a combination of multiple elements,
like informing the school board, consultation with principals, guidance at the level of
the team of teachers, and coaching of teachers in the classroom.
In the project evaluation, two main questions with respect to the National School
Improvement Project were answered:
1 Does the guidance programme result in an increase in effective teaching, more
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
direct instruction, an increase in the use of the effective methods for teaching
reading and an increase in methodical working?
2 Do their teaching behaviours result in an improvement of pupil results in technical
In the evaluation study 29 schools were included, 16 belonging to the ‘experimental’
group and 13 to the ‘control’ group. With respect to task-oriented learning and
instruction time, direct instruction, methodical working and teaching reading according
to effective methods, it can be concluded that the strategy used in this project has
been successful, since there is a considerable growth in the experimental group over a
period of two and a half years.
In the student achievement study, in the experimental group 319 students were
involved and 137 in the control group. These groups were tested in March 1993,
(some months before the school year 1993–4) and in June 1994. There was a correction
for intake for individual pupil characteristics like initial ability, socio economic
background and attitudes towards reading. After correction for the pre-test and student
characteristics, there was a significant effect in favour of the experimental group
upon student achievement in reading.
It can be concluded that the improvement strategy used in the National School
Improvement Project, which was based on a knowledge base with respect to school
effectiveness and successful school improvement projects, and the programme content
itself, based on a knowledge base with respect to educational effectiveness and
instructional effectiveness (especially in the area of initial reading), turns out to be
effective. The planned change strategy leads to changes in teaching behaviour, and
the students in the experimental group outperformed students in the control group.
Towards Third Wave Programmes
We noted earlier that ‘second wave’ projects of the 1990s we have outlined above had
several differences by comparison with ‘first wave’ projects of the 1980s. They have:
focused more closely on classrooms and have been more prepared to utilize teacher
effectiveness literature;
borrowed both from school effectiveness and from school improvement literature
and insights;
been concerned to ‘pull all relevant levers’ by operating with the outside school,
school and classroom levels simultaneously;
been concerned to address ‘reliability’ issues as well as validity ones by ensuring
that innovations are reliably spread throughout project schools, to ensure cohesion
and consistency;
been concerned to relate programmes very closely to the findings of the existing
research base, both in being conceptually rigorous in use of that material and in
being sure that there is ‘fidelity’ in the implementation of the programmes and the
research literature;
focused more closely upon outcomes in academic (and often social) areas as ‘success
criteria’, rather than process factors which were the historic focus;
attempted to evaluate the success of the innovations using quantitative data, or in
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
many cases multiple methods of a quantitative and qualitative kind (the Sammons,
Taggart and Thomas (1998) evaluation of the Making Belfast Work Study is an
example of this).
New issues of ‘context specificity’ of the improvement attempt are now beginning to
characterize ‘third wave’ efforts.
Drawing largely from the results of a longitudinal study of schools with
different SES contexts, Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) recently concluded that
results from contextually sensitive SER should lead school improvers to perform
two major tasks:
perform a thorough context analysis of the school before attempting to change it;
develop a school improvement plan unique to the school itself, drawing from
generic procedures but also emphasizing information gleaned from contextually
sensitive studies.
Similarly, the Halton model (Stoll and Fink, 1989) for school improvement called
for examining extensively the particular context of the school during the assessment
phase of an improvement project. Also, the Accelerated Schools Project (1991)
explicitly calls for ‘taking stock’ of every facet of the school under study, including
all strengths and weaknesses, before planning the school improvement process. This
‘taking stock’ involves an ‘intensive self examination of the school’ by the school
This approach to school improvement is also similar to Owens’ (1987) approach
to studying school organizations. Owens proposed three underlying assumptions when
using the contingency approach in studying school organizations:
1 There is no one best way to organize and administer school districts and/or
2 Not all ways of organizing and administering are equally effective in a given
situation; effectiveness is contingent upon appropriateness of the design or the
style to the situation;
3 The selection of organizational design and administrative style should be based
upon careful analysis of significant contingencies in the situation (1987, p.82).
Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) further indicate that the context analysis, undertaken
long before a school improvement model has been developed, should include answers
to the following questions:
What are the SES backgrounds of parents of the children? Are these backgrounds
mixed or homogenous?
Is the school equally effective for all students, or are some students adequately
served while others are not? If inequities exist, how can they be rectified?
What is the school’s geographic context and how might it affect the improvement
Is the district poor relative to others in the state, and, if so, what can be done to
creatively merge community and school resources? Is the school located in a
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
neighbourhood with many negative influences, and, if so, what kind of buffers
can be created to shield the students?
What is the grade configuration of the school? Does departmentalization exist?
Are there different academic tracks? Is the institution maximally organized for
learning at the school, class, and student levels? If not, what changes can be made
to maximize learning?
What are the major sociological and historical factors that have led to less than
optimal performance at the school? Are these factors still at work and, if so, how
can they be eradicated? On the other hand, what positive sociological and historical
factors exists, and how can variations in these factors be exploited? (Teddlie and
Stringfield, 1993, p.224).
Answers to these, and other, school context questions should have a large influence
on the particular school improvement plan adopted by either internal or external
school change agents. Reynolds and Packer (1992) concluded that school
improvement in the 1990s ‘must take into account the interaction between the body
of improvement knowledge and the collective psyche of the school (p.80)’. For
instance, the SES characteristics of a school’s student body should be taken into
consideration if a new principal, or secondary change agent, is introduced into the
school. As several studies have confirmed (e.g. Evans, R., 1988; Hallinger and
Murphy, 1986; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1985), an initiator should be much more
successful at improving an ineffective, low-SES elementary school than a manager
or responder (Hall et al., 1984). Such a leader, on the other hand, may be
inappropriate for a middle-SES school that is not succeeding; in fact, the initiator
style may lead to further problems at such a school.
The recognition that change agents, be they internal or external or both, need to
develop a unique plan for each school derives from context-sensitive SER. As long as
school improvers were interested only in low-SES, urban, elementary schools, then a
generic model was not inappropriate. When the contexts of schools changed in SER,
so did the models to improve schools. Simply crossing SES level (low, middle) by
urbanicity level (rural, suburban, urban) by grade level configuration (elementary,
secondary) results in 12 separate plans for school improvement. These plans would
obviously have some overlapping goals (e.g. clear academic mission and focus, orderly
environment, high academic engaged time-on-task, frequent monitoring of student
progress, etc.), but the methods to obtain those common goals, and the methods to
obtain goals specific to that particular school context, might be quite different across
different contexts.
Thus each school requires an improvement plan (based on ‘top down’ change, or
‘bottom up’ change, or preferably a combination thereof) with three types of inputs:
1 Components and procedures taken from generic SER and school improvement
literature emphasizing common features that are known to ‘work’ across
2 Components and procedures taken from contextually sensitive SER and school
improvement research emphasizing the attainment of specific goals which may be
of crucial importance in certain settings (i.e. within certain SES contexts, urbanicity
contexts, grade level contexts).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
3 Components and procedures that seem appropriate to counteract the disturbed
interpersonal relations and negative school climate based on the unique
psychohistory of the school under study.
These ‘ghosts’ or ‘shadows’ have rarely been considered by school improvers (Reynolds
et al., 1993), yet they have a profound effect on the success of the change model
within that particular school. Uncovering these weaknesses, and also the accompanying
strengths of a particular school, is a necessary step in accomplishing ‘the internal
transformation of culture’ that Fullan (1991) and other reformers believe is necessary
for school improvement to occur.
From all this we can conclude that what is needed to develop schools are
combinations of improvement and effectiveness practices and strategies appropriate
to the nature of individual schools. Hopkins (1996) has distinguished between
three possible different ‘types’ of strategies, for schools to focus upon in different
1 Type 1 strategies are those that assist failing schools become moderately effective.
They need to involve a high level of external support, since failing schools cannot
improve themselves. These strategies have to involve a clear and direct focus on a
limited number of basic curriculum and organizational issues in order to build the
confidence and competence to continue. Two examples of this directive, externally
initiated, approach to school improvement would be the IBIS scheme developed
by Hargreaves in the then ILEA (Hargreaves, 1990), or the Schenley High School
experiment in school improvement in Pittsburgh (Hopkins et al., 1994).
2 Type 11 strategies are those that assist moderately effective schools become effective.
These schools need to refine their developmental priorities to focus on specific
teaching and learning issues and to build the capacity within the school to support
this work. These strategies usually involve a certain level of external support, but
it is theoretically possible for schools in this category to ‘improve’ by themselves.
It may therefore be more helpful to differentiate between ‘Type 11a’ and ‘Type
11b’ strategies. Type lla strategies are characterized by a strategic focus on
innovations in teaching and learning that are informed and supported by external
knowledge and support. Examples of such school improvement strategies would
be Joyce’s Models of Teaching approach (Joyce et al., 1992, 1993). Type lib
strategies rely less on external support and tend to be more school initiated. Strategic
school improvement programmes such as the ‘Improving the Quality of Education
for All’ (IQEA) project outlined earlier (Hopkins et al., 1994), and the ‘improvement
through planning’ approach described by the school inspectors in England and
Wales (OFSTED, 1994), are pertinent examples.
3 Type 111 strategies are those that assist effective schools to remain so. In these
instances external support, although often welcomed, is not necessary as the school
searches out and creates its own support networks. Exposure to new ideas and
practices, collaboration through consortia or ‘pairing’ type arrangements seem to
be common in these situations. Examples of these types of school improvement
strategies would be those described by Myers and Stoll (1993) in England, and
school improvement projects such as the League of Professional Schools (Glickman,
1990) or the Coalition of Essential Schools (Sizer, 1992) in the USA. Of particular
Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
use to this group of schools might be the performance indicator systems outlined
by Fitz-Gibbon (1996) and noted in Chapter 9 of this handbook.
It is worth noting, then, that ‘third wave’ contextually specific improvement
programmes that blend together aspects of SER and of school improvement research
in ways appropriate to the context, effectiveness level, culture, capacity for
improvement and personal characteristics of the staff employed at each school are
likely to provide the way forward both for the generation of programmes which are
‘potent’ in affecting student outcomes, and for blends in practice of the two
‘effectiveness’ and ‘improvement’ paradigms that have formerly been separate but
which will in future potentiate our understanding of both school effects and school
change. Further speculations on ‘context specific improvement’ are in Hopkins and
Harris (1997).
From a situation of considerable difference in paradigms, school effectiveness and
school improvement have recently converged in their interests. The second wave
of practice drew from both traditions and in turn moved beyond them, in its
emphasis upon the need for reliability in implementation, its use of teacher
effectiveness material and a learning level orientation, its concern to pragmatically
pull all relevant levers and its concern with ‘hard’ outcomes data. More recently,
the desire for school improvement to be context specific, with specific tailoring of
interventions to the specific characteristics of the context, background and ecology
of individual schools has further developed the ‘second wave’ of strategies into a
‘third wave’.
One further possible development in the field is also beginning to impact upon
the ‘third wave’ paradigm, which is the potential utility for improvement of ‘off the
shelf models of improvement which do not require school invention or elaboration.
The United States shows numbers of these such as those featured in the Special
Strategies evaluation of Stringfield and colleagues (Stringfield et al., 1994a), including
Slavin’s Success for All initiative, the Coalition of Essential Schools, the Comer
Programme and the Paidea Programme. Interestingly, there is evidence from the
evaluation of the programmes that there is a more marked change in student
outcomes from those programmes that have a strong pre-ordained ‘technology’ of
programme ‘levers’ and interventions, than from those that expect schools to supply
the content of the change (the Slavin programme would be an example of the former
and the Coalition of Essential Schools would be an example of the latter). Whilst it
is clear that the provision of strong technologies of intervention needs to respect the
context specificity of individual schools that is a strong feature of ‘third wave
thinking’ in this field, the potential re-conceptualizing of staff professional
development activities towards the provision of foundational material may well be
likely to replace the more ‘do it yourself ’ discovery orientation that has characterized
school improvement even in its second phase. It seems highly likely, then, that there
is even more creative work in prospect with the arrival of ‘third phase’ school
8 School Effectiveness: The
International Dimension
David Reynolds
In these early stages of its development, school effectiveness research has shown heavily
ethnocentric tendencies. Literatures referred to within books and articles have been
usually almost exclusively based upon scholars and researchers within the country of
origin of the writer (see Good and Brophy, 1986 for an American example, and
Mortimore et al., 1988 for one from Great Britain). Although there has often been
acknowledgment of the seminal American studies of Edmonds (1979a, 1979b),
Brookover et al. (1979) and Coleman (1966) and of the British studies of Rutter et al.
(1979) and Mortimore et al. (1988) in virtually all school effectiveness publications
from all countries, there has clearly been no science of school effectiveness across
countries as there has customarily been an international reach in the case of medicine,
in most branches of psychology and in all of the ‘applied’ and ‘pure’ sciences.
The situation within which school effectiveness has been located is even more surprising,
given that the sister discipline of school improvement/school development that we reviewed
in Chapter 7 shows considerable evidence of a historic internationally established
community. The review of the literature by Fullan (1991) for example shows awareness
of developments in school improvement practice and theory in probably a dozen societies
outside North America, and the review of improvement literature from Great Britain by
Hopkins and colleagues shows considerable awareness of American, Canadian, Dutch,
Norwegian, Australian and Swedish developments (Hopkins et al., 1994).
Part of the explanation for this ‘ethnocentric’ state of affairs within school
effectiveness has probably been the absence of the specific institutional networks and
professional associations/organizations that have made it possible for other disciplines
to link internationally and to create context free normal science, with the agreed set
of orientations, procedures and methodologies that exist across context. In the case
of school improvement, the existence in the early to mid 1980s of the International
School Effectiveness Research Project (ISIP) of Bollen and Hopkins (1987) probably
explains the more international character of the field, in comparison with the absence
of any such enterprises in the sister discipline of school effectiveness. Indeed, school
effectiveness did not have until the early 1990s any professional association,
professional journal or cross-national networks to integrate research and researchers
from different countries. Only now do the International Congress for School
Effectiveness and Improvement, the journal School Effectiveness and School
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
Improvement and such networks as the Special Interest Group on School Effectiveness
of the American Educational Research Association provide the institutional
mechanisms to permit international normal science.
One of the features of the historic absence of cross-national communication within
the field is the absence of recognition of what the existing internationally based
educational effectiveness studies can contribute to our understanding (for speculations
on this theme see Reynolds et al., 1994b). The cross national studies of the International
Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and of the
International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) all have fascinating
descriptions of cross national variation on achievement scores, together with limited
though useful descriptions of classroom and school level processes that appear
associated with the national differences (IEA examples are Anderson, L., et al., 1989;
Postlethwaite and Wiley, 1992; Robitaille and Garden, 1989; IAEP examples are Keys
and Foxman, 1989 and Lapointe et al., 1989).
However, these studies are rarely referenced or their insights used within the
national research enterprises of the dozen or so countries where significant school
effectiveness research is now in progress. Indeed, whilst there is synergy between
school effectiveness research and such areas as educational policy, educational
assessment and instructional concerns within most countries, there is no evidence
within any country of engagement between school effectiveness and the comparative
educational discipline or even with its concerns. Comparative education itself of
course has a number of features that may make it less useful than it might be to the
wider educational research community, including the presence of theories drawn up
without apparent empirical reference, the absence of ‘hard’ outcome measures and
the very widespread assumption that policy interventions on the educational policies
of societies have corresponding effects on the nature of educational process and
educational outcomes, a kind of ‘for outcomes see policies’ approach that is of very
dubious intellectual validity (Altbach, 1991).
The Benefits of a Cross National Perspective
The absence of cross national perspectives and relationships between school
effectiveness researchers, the neglect of internationally based research on educational
achievement and the lack of interaction within societies with the comparative education
discipline are all features of the present state of the school effectiveness discipline that
must be seen as increasingly proving intellectually costly.
Firstly, the educational debates that are currently in evidence in many societies
concerning the appropriate means of improving educational standards (in the United
Kingdom, United States, Germany and Sweden to name but a few of the locations)
are often based upon simplistic ‘transplants’ of knowledge from one culture to
another, without any detailed acknowledgment in the political or educational policy
debate as to the possible context specificity of the apparently ‘effective’ policies in
the original societies utilizing them. Examples of this have been the proposed
transplant into the United Kingdom of German schools’ links with industry and
their organizational commitment to vocational education, which are assumed to be
effective and functional within the British context even though Britain has
progressively eradicated the apprenticeship system and has historically given very
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
low status to ‘applied’ knowledge to industrial employment (see Smithers and
Robinson, 1991; Prais and Wagner, 1965).
A further example would be the proposed lengthening of the school day and
the proposed shortening of school holidays discussed in some American states,
because of the popularity of explanations of Japan’s educational effectiveness
that point to high ‘time to learn’ as the explanation (e.g. Business Week, 14
September 1992).
A final example of simple translation of findings from one culture to another is the
current British enthusiasm for whole class direct instruction at Key Stage Two (ages
7–11) in British primary schools, clearly based upon an enthusiasm for the educational
practices of the Pacific Rim and the making of an association between their high
levels of achievement and their classroom practices (Lynn, 1988). The same enthusiasm
has also been clear in the United States (Stevenson and Stigler, 1992).
Simply, in an era when educational policy prescriptions are travelling internationally
with increasing frequency, it is unfortunate that school effectiveness researchers still
seem locked into a mind set that can handle only the patterns of intakes, processes
and outcomes of their own cultures.
The second reason for the importance of internationally based perspectives in school
effectiveness is that we need to understand much more about why some utilized
variables ‘travel’ in explaining effectiveness across countries, whilst others do not.
Assertive principal instructional leadership is perhaps one of the most well supported
of all the American ‘correlates’ that lie within the range of the ‘five factor’ theory
originally formulated by Edmonds (1979a, 1979b) and subsequently developed into
the ‘seven factor’ theory by Lezotte (1989), yet in spite of the massive empirical support
for the importance of this factor in the United States (e.g. Levine and Lezotte, 1990),
Dutch researchers have been generally unable to validate its importance within the
differing Dutch educational and social climate (apparently Dutch principals are often
promoted out of the existing school staff and have a much more facilitative, group
based and perhaps ‘democratic’ attitude to their colleagues). (For a review of Dutch
findings see Table 8.1 and the confirmatory empirical study of van de Grift, 1990,
which was conducted after the review was published in Creemers and Scheerens,
1989, p.695.)
Other examples are numerous. From the area of research upon developing societies,
Lockheed and Komenar (1989) report on the relationship between various instructional
variables and student achievement outcomes in the two societies of Swaziland and
Nigeria. The two countries exhibit very similar test scores for their samples of students,
generated by very similar exposure to schooling (188 and 193 days respectively).
However, the precise instructional factors associated with the two countries similar
scores are very different, with the Nigerian classes exhibiting a greater concentration
upon routine administration/keeping order, direct instruction in both previously covered
and new material, testing and grading, and lesser concentration upon student seatwork
or blackboard based time.
What explains how similar test scores can be generated by different instructional
factors in different contexts? Only an appreciation of different contexts and the
interaction between instructional (and school) factors and varying contexts is likely
to tell us (see Table 8.2 for further details).
A re-analysis of the lEA’s Second International Mathematics study by Scheerens et
Table 8.1 An overview of recent Dutch school effectiveness studies
Note: * Secondary schools: unmarked: Primary schools, +means significant positive relationship with
effectiveness indicator.
Source: Scheerens et al., 1989c.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Table 8.2 Variable names, descriptions, means and standard deviations for Nigeria and Swaziland
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
al. (1989) also suggests interestingly different problems of relationships between school
process variables and mathematics achievement within different societies. Table 8.3 shows,
for example that the giving of homework is negatively associated with achievement within
the Netherlands but not in most other countries. Similarly, class size is positively associated
with achievement in the French speaking part of Belgium but negatively associated within
the Flemish speaking portion of the country. Scotland has only three significant associations
of process variables with achievement—Sweden has nine.
Indeed, it is a review of ‘what travels’ and ‘what does not travel’, in terms of types
of school and types of instructional factors has generated what is one of the most
interesting and provocative new ideas within school effectiveness, since it is apparently
the instructional variables such as time on task, opportunity to learn, structured
teaching and high expectations that apply in explaining variance across countries
much more than do the standard school factors customarily used (see Scheerens et al.,
1989 for further information on this). The fascinating possibility that one needs
different types of school regimes within different countries to generate the same effective
classroom processes is a potentially devastatingly important insight. Again, one does
not get advanced thinking of this kind from the restricted variation of one’s own
national research base.
A further example of the potential of these international studies to further our
educational speculations in interesting ways is the Meuret and Scheerens (1995)
classification of educational systems according to the proportion of decisions in which
the school was involved, which generated New Zealand (>70 per cent) and Switzerland
(20 per cent) as the two ‘extreme’ countries, yet both countries generated the very
highest reading test scores in the OECD/CERI Education at a Glance publication
It is clear that these interesting patterns of differing relationships between processes
and outcomes within different countries can add considerably to our stock of
knowledge if they are used to generate a search for their explanation. This variation
in ‘what works’ is likely to in its turn generate a need for more sensitive theoretical
explanations than those at present on offer, since the variation by national context
that clearly exists in the nature of the ‘causal’ effectiveness factors literally forces the
development of more sensitive, context specific explanations than the present
‘streampress’ associations that are generated within countries by their nationally based
research groups.
The third reason for the importance of an internationally based perspective is that
only international studies can tap the full range of variation in school and classroom
quality, and therefore in potential school and classroom effects. Within any country
Table 8.2 Continued
Source: Lockheed and Komenan 1989.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
the range in school factors in terms of ‘quantity’ variables (such as size, financial
resources, quality of buildings etc.) and in terms of ‘quality’ factors (such as teacher
experience, school press for achievement etc.) is likely to be much smaller than when
the between country variation is added by means of either analysing countries together
by aggregating existing national studies in forms of meta-analysis (with re-coding
maybe) or if countries are surveyed using identical measures in unique studies, as is
the case with the IEA studies.
Put simply, it is likely that the existing estimates we have concerning the size of
educational influences (schools and classrooms together) upon students (which have
settled into a range of from 8 per cent to 14 per cent of variance explained in virtually
all of the recent empirical studies, see Chapter 3) are potentially merely artefacts of
the studies’ lack of school and classroom variation. The true power of school and
classroom variables are, if this reasoning is correct, only likely to be shown by cross
cultural and comparative work on international samples (see Chapter 12 for further
The fourth reason why educational researchers could gain considerable benefits if
there was an internationalization of the field is that international study is likely to
generate more sensitive theoretical explanations than those at present on offer. The
present day situation within school effectiveness displays an absence of theoretical
Table 8.3 Factors associated with effectiveness in different countries
* Predictor Variables with significant Positive (p) or Negative (n) Associations with Mathematics
Note: School and classroom variables are corrected for father’s occupation or father’s education—when a
predictor variable was not measured in a country this is indicated by the letter m.
Source: Scheerens et al., 1989c.
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
explanations of even a middle range variety and the reason why an international
perspective may generate both intellectually interesting and practical middle range
theories is connected with the ways in which school and classroom factors travel
cross culturally to a very varied degree, as noted in the previous point. Why is it that
‘assertive principal instructional leadership’ does not predict effective school status in
the Netherlands—what is it in the local, regional or national ecology that might explain
this finding? Answering this question inevitably involves the generation of more
complex theoretical explanations that operate on a number of ‘levels’ of the educational
system/society interaction and is likely to be generative of more complex, sensitive
and multilayered explanations than those generated by the simple within country
research findings.
The Contribution from Developing Society Studies
To the potentially useful insights into the conceptualization, operationalization and
measurement problems of our discipline in Britain come also the contributions of the
large number of studies done on Third World, or developing, societies. Reviews of
this literature are available in Fuller (1987), Avalos (1980), Fuller and Heynemann
(1989), Walberg (1991) and Lockheed and Verspoor (1990), and the empirical database
now consists of over 60 studies (those of importance include Lockheed and Longford,
1989 and Riddell, 1989).
It must be admitted that the validity and utility of the knowledge is severely limited
by a number of faults in the design of the studies:
Only two of the total number utilize multilevel methodologies (those of Riddell,
1989, in Zimbabwe and by Lockheed and Longford, 1989, in Thailand).
Very few of the studies have prior controls for student achievement (or even basic
student ability) to add to the parental SES measures that are usually employed,
which magnifies the potential unsuitability of the data.
The issue of constrained variance is important, particularly in studies undertaken
at secondary school level, since in many developing societies only a small fraction
of the student cohort enters these schools at all, with the high selectivity generating
highly restricted variance in the background of the pupil samples, restricting the
power of the home background.
The body of knowledge is almost exclusively derived from cross-sectional studies,
rather than from cohort studies in which the same pupils are studied over time.
Fuller (1987) summarizes the findings of these studies, flawed as they are, in
Table 8.4.
However, in spite of their methodological problems, the developing country findings
are interesting in two respects for the British school effectiveness community. Firstly,
the effects of educational processes upon student achievement are very much larger in
these studies than in other studies. Heynemann and Loxley (1983) looked at 16
‘developing’ and 13 ‘developed’ societies, in terms of the relative influence of family
background and school/classroom factors on science achievement. In developing
societies, the block of school factor variables (covering such factors as textbook
availability, teachers’ own educational achievement and the length of the instructional
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
programme) explained 27 per cent of the variance in achievement in east India and 25
per cent in Thailand (compared to the family background variables’ contribution of 3
per cent and 6 per cent respectively). For the 29 countries analysed together, the
correlation between GNP per capita and the proportion of student variance explained
by school factors was 0.66.
Table 8.4 Factors affecting achievement in developing societies
Source: Fuller, 1987.
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
Secondly, the factors themselves that are associated with student achievement in
developing societies are interestingly different to those which have been conventionally
used within the western research paradigm. Walberg (1991) concludes that the factors
promoting science achievement are: (the percentage is of the number of total studies
Length of Instructional Programmes 86%
Pupil Feeding 83%
School Library Activity 83 %
Years of Teacher Training 71 %
Textbook and Instructional Materials 67%
Low effectiveness generating factors are:
Science Laboratories 36%
Teacher Salaries 36%
Reduced Class Size 24%
Pupil Grade Repetition 20%
What are the implications of this research base for the school effectiveness com–
munity? Firstly, the developing society studies suggest a need to measure more resource
based variables such as financial resources, availability of textbooks, equipment and
the like, particularly since Britain now may evidence as much variation in the quantity
and quality of these resources as some developing societies (the variation in per capita
expenditure per head in the United States is also now estimated to be across States up
to a factor of 9). Also, for many resource variables it is possible that provision in
some advanced industrial societies like that in developing societies is now below the
threshold above which resource variables did not formerly have effects (because of
the relative abundance of resources in all schools).
Secondly, the importance of teacher quality variables in developing society settings
where there are huge variations in training, competencies and initial ability levels of
teachers in the different strands of training may be interesting in those societies, like
the United Kingdom, in which governments are introducing differentiated ‘routes’
into teaching.
The Contribution of Cross National Studies
The third and final set of international school effectiveness studies that we consider in
this paper are the cross national studies conducted by the International Association
for the Education of Evaluation Achievement (IEA), and those conducted by the
Educational Testing Services and entitled the International Assessment of Educational
Progress (IAEP). The studies themselves are of course numerous, as are commentaries,
critiques and reviews of them—indeed, one of the more surprising strands running
through the assessments of their studies made by members of the IEA teams is their
evident pleasure at the impact that their studies have had as measured by media
interest, articles on the work in popular magazines and the like (see for example
Noah, 1987). Briefly, the IEA has conducted the First and Second Science Studies
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
(Comber and Keeves (1973); Rosier and Keeves (1991); Postlethwaite and Wiley
(1992); Keeves (1992), the First and Second Mathematics Studies (Husen 1967; Travers
and Westbury, (1989); Robitaille and Garden (1989), the Study of Written Composition
(Purves, 1992) and the Classroom Environment Study mentioned earlier (Anderson,
L., et al., 1989). Recent projects include the major TIMSS study (the Third International
Mathematics and Science Study). The IAEP has conducted a first study of science and
mathematics achievement cross culturally (Lapointe et al., 1989; Keys and Foxman,
1989), and the IE A has published the findings of the First Literacy Study (Elley,
1992; Postlethwaite and Ross, 1992).
From this vast number of studies, what general conclusions can we make about the
utility and usefulness of the findings for use in the school effectiveness community?
Firstly, the general picture shown by the studies is of large variations between
countries on their mathematics and science achievement, as shown in the Tables 8.5
and 8.6 from the IAEP studies of mathematics and science.
A full outline of all IEA and IAEP studies is available in Table 8.7.
We will consider the usefulness of the studies in furthering our knowledge, though,
after we have assessed the numerous technical and methodological problems that are
evident from the structure, design and analyses of the studies themselves.
All studies in this field have two basic problems—societies must be compared in
their performance on the same skills, bodies of knowledge or tests, and attempts must
be made to ensure that the educational causes of any differences must be isolated
from any other possible causes of country differences.
The majority of the studies referred to in this chapter have attempted to solve the
first of the above two problems by using achievement tests of bodies of school
knowledge, mathematics and science tests, where there are the same definitions of
what is the ‘right’ answer cross culturally.
Turning to the other problem, one way to ‘control out’ non-educational influences
has been to use a ‘cohort’ design. Cross-sectional studies of the kind that generated
Tables 8.5 and 8.6 below obtain measurements at a point in time, and then have to
disentangle the various educational, social, economic and cultural influences that were
responsible over historic time. By contrast, cohort studies that look at children over
time can study the relative gains children make, after allowing for the various different
starting points in different countries. The ‘true’ effect of education can then be calculated
by ‘controlling out’ the background factors that are non-educational, leaving the ‘true’
educational effectiveness of different systems compared. The expense and complicated
nature of these ‘cohort’ studies means, though, that they have been rarely used. The
Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) had planned such a design
as well as a cross-sectional methodology, without English participation, in the attempt
to discern the true ‘added value’ generated by our educational provision. Given the
problems involved in the longitudinal element of the Second International Mathematics
study (SIMS) (Garden, 1987), including limited participation, limited objectives and
use of a very short time period, one can see why this did not occur.
That educational systems and their operation are implicated in the patterns of results
shown by the various studies is highly likely however. On the patterns of results obtained
from one of the IEA studies of Science (Postlethwaite and Wiley, 1992), England performs
quite poorly by comparison with other countries at ages 10 and 14, but then performs
very well comparatively with students in their final year of schooling. No family ‘sleeper’
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
effect could be responsible for an overall rank of seventeenth out of 19 countries at
age 14, but fourth out of 12 countries at age 18. No cultural factors have yet been
determined that could amount for this pattern. What it is likely to reflect is an English
system of education which is highly selective and with a low retention rate.
Although the two problems noted above place limitations on the capacity of existing
international surveys of achievement to definitively address the issue, ‘Which countries
are more effective educationally and what is the educational contribution?’ it is
important to note that there are further limitations upon the IEA and IAEP achievement
studies of the last 20 years (see for further discussion Goldstein, 1989, 1993; and
Reynolds et al., 1994b).
There are of course the problems in these surveys that are present in all cross-
national research—of accurate translation of material, of ensuring reliability in the
Table 8.5 Percentage correct items for various countries IAEP Maths
Source: Foxman, 1992.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
‘meaning’ of questionnaire items (such as social class or status indicators for example),
of problems caused by southern hemisphere countries having their school years begin
in January and of problems caused because of retrospective information being required
from teachers and principals.
In certain curriculum areas, the cross national validity of the tests themselves gives
cause for grave concern, especially since the IEA study of written composition failed
in its attempt to compare the rated performance of groups of students in different
national systems that used different languages. The latter study concluded that ‘The
construct that we call written composition must be seen in a cultural context and not
considered a general cognitive capacity or activity’ (Purves, 1992, p.199). Even the
basic administration of an achievement test in the varying cultural contexts of different
countries may pose problems, particularly in the case of England where the ‘test mode’
in which closed questions are asked in an examination style format under time pressure
may not approximate to students’ experience of school. By contrast, the use of this
Table 8.6 Overall average percentage correct of all participants
IAEP Science
Source: Foxman, 1992.
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
Table 8.7 The IEA and IAEP international studies of educational achievement
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Table 8.7 Continued
Note: Final school year (FY) generally assumes pre-university year—in the case of England this would be
the second year of an A-Level course. Obviously the age of this sample varies between countries.
Source: Reynolds and Farrell, 1996.
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
test mode within a society such as Taiwan, where these assessment methods are
frequently experienced, may inflate Taiwanese scores, just as it may depress English
achievement levels below their ‘real’ levels.
In addition to these basic problems that affect all large scale international
comparative research, there are specific problems concerning the IEA and IAEP studies:
Research Design
The basic design of the IEA studies, which are concerned to explain country against
country variation, may itself have been responsible for problems. Generally a small
number of schools each possessing a large number of students are selected, which
makes it difficult to make valid comparisons between schools once factors such as
school type, socio economic status of students and catchment areas are taken into
account. Statistics may also be unstable because of small numbers.
Curriculum subjects are studied separately, making an integrated picture of schools
in different countries difficult.
There is considerable difficulty in designing tests which sample the curricula in all
countries acceptably.
There are very large variations in the response rates that make interpretation of
scores difficult. In the IAEP, for example, school participation rates of those schools
originally approached varied from 70 per cent to 100 per cent across countries,
and student participation rates varied similarly from 73 per cent to 98 per cent. In
the IEA Second Science Study, the student response rate varied from 99.05 per
cent (in Japan) to 61.97 per cent (in England). Although all IEA and IAEP studies
have been weighted to take account of differential response between strata, and
although a comparison of responding and non-responding schools on public
examinations showed little difference, the potential biases caused by variation in
response rates are a matter of considerable concern.
Sometimes samples of pupils used are not representative of the country as a whole
(e.g. one area of Italy was used as a surrogate for the whole country in one of the
IAEP studies).
Sometimes also there are variations as to when during the school year tests are
administered, resulting in pupils of different mean ages in different countries.
Choice of certain ‘grades’ or ages for sampling, may not generate similar populations
for study from different countries. In the IEA Second Science Study, the mean ages
of the country samples for the ‘14 year old’ students ranged from 13.9 to 15.1
years. Given the known relationships between age, length of time in school and
achievement, this variation may have been responsible for some of the country
Policies in different countries concerning ‘keeping children down’ or ‘putting
children up a year’ may generate difficulties of comparison.
Variations between countries in the proportion of their children who took part in
the studies makes assessment of country differences difficult. Mislevy (1995) notes
that whilst 98 per cent of American children were in the sampling frame and
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
eligible to take part in one study, the restriction of an Israeli sample to Hebrew
speaking public schools generated only 71 per cent of total children being in eligible
Sampling of students is usually restricted to so called ‘normal’ schools, yet there
are considerable variations between societies in the proportion of an age cohort
that are not within ‘normal’ schooling. Some societies such as the Netherlands
have perhaps 4 or 5 per cent of children at ‘special schools’ of various kinds—
other societies like Sweden or Norway do not even have the ‘special schools’.
There remains doubt, therefore, as to whether ‘like is being compared with like’.
An Absence of Needed Data
In many studies there is a lack of information upon the non-school areas of
children’s lives (family and home environment) that might have explained
achievement scores. Surrogates for social class utilized such as ‘number of books
in the home’ are not adequate.
Outcome data has been collected exclusively on the academic outcomes of schooling
yet social outcomes may be equally interesting. It is clear from the Stevenson
(1992) studies that the ‘superiority’ of Japanese students over other societies may
extend to areas such as children’s perception of their control over their lives (locus
of control), yet these ‘affective’ outcomes have been neglected. The explanation
for this is clear (the problems of cross-cultural validity and reliability) but it is not
clear why routinely available non-cognitive data (such as that on student attendance
for example) has not been used as surrogate measures.
The factors used to describe schools have often been overly resource-based, (because
of the greater perceived chance of obtaining reliability between observers across
countries no doubt), in spite of the clearly limited explanatory power of such
variables. At classroom level only some studies (including TIMMS) have used
student attitude measures.
Some of the most important educational effects are likely to lie in the areas of the
‘moral messages’ that the humanities subjects, like history, geography and civics,
possess and which are integrated with their curriculum content. These differences,
which formed the basis of the fascinating analysis by Bronfenbrenner (1972) of
variations between the United States and the former Soviet Union in the propensity
of their students to be pro-social or anti-social, would probably repay study, but
have not been studied because of the clear difficulties of any investigation.
Variation within societies at the regional, district, Länder or local education
authority level is inadequately explored, a consequence of sampling procedure
and of the ‘nation versus nation’ orientation.
An Absence of Needed Analyses
Only limited attempts have been made to analyse student groups differentially, by
achievement say or by social class, with the exception of a limited amount of
analysis by gender.
Neither IEA nor IAEP studies have made much attempt to explain their findings.
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
The Benefits of International Effectiveness Research
From all these points above, it will be clear that the large scale surveys of achievement
of the IAEP and the IE A need to be subject to some caution as to the validity of their
findings. Not all studies possess the same design, analysis and methodological problems:
no studies possess all the design, analysis and methodological problems in total. Enough
studies possess enough of the problems, though, to make one cautious about
Given these weighty sets of limitations, it may be seen to be overly optimistic to
conclude that the international comparative school effectiveness literature has any
use for us at all. Nonetheless, their importance is in alerting us to the possibility of
having to confront issues of context specificity, and of having to attend to issues that
relate to that.
Take, for example the lEA’s Second International Mathematics Study. Re-analysis
by Scheerens et al. (1989) leads to the following estimates of the variance explained
by schools and classes within different countries (see Table 8.8).
In some countries (as for example Sweden) the simultaneous estimation of effects
shows that school effects are non-existent when the classroom effect is accounted for.
What can explain this—the Swedish system’s historically strong control over the
organization of schooling or the possible absence of student balance effects because
of homogeneous school intakes from administratively defined balanced catchment
areas? Whatever the precise explanation, the re-analysis confronts us with findings of
differences to explain, and forces us to generate theoretical explanations for those
differences which link the schools, the meso level local context and the national macro
level of educational policy.
Table 8.8 Variance explained within countries
Note: Estimates of the variance explained by schools and classes.
Source: Scheerens et al., 1989c.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
A further example of potentially fruitful data to relate to is that derived from the
Classroom Environment Study (Anderson, L. et al., 1989). In this study, observed
classroom activities and teacher behaviours tend to exert virtually no influence upon
student achievement, since successful teaching is affected by a variety of cultural and
contextual factors. When the variables of class size, years of teaching experience,
teachers’ expectations of students’ abilities, direct teaching, questioning policy and
classroom management were added to student variables, the percentage of variance
explained in various countries increased from 0 per cent to 2 per cent (in a range of
from 34 to 56 per cent already explained). Again, the analysis of the patterns whereby
variables influence scores differently within each country, and why, would make for
fascinating study.
A further use of international comparative studies of educational achievement is to
give descriptions of ‘good practice’ that might usefully illuminate directions for the
nationally based communities to conduct research. One must beware, of course, that
one does not violate the complex interactions between the cultures, societies and
educational systems of different countries by proposing transplants from one society
of practices that are present in the more ‘highly achieving’ one.
However, the experience of the still small number of studies that have attempted to
do this is that attempted descriptions of the nature of educational processes, the societal
cultures and the interactions or transactions between these levels that can be conducted
within contextually sensitive international theorizing can be potentially rewarding in
enhancing our understanding.
Exemplary Countries
A classic case of this is the presence in international surveys of ‘outlier’ regions or
countries which appear to score highly on the achievement surveys used. These societies
appear to be particularly in the Pacific Rim, with Korea, Japan and Taiwan often
used as examples, and appear also to exist within Europe, with Germany, Hungary
and particularly Switzerland used as examples. What factors appear to be associated
with these ‘successful’ societies?
It is widely agreed that a variety of factors are implicated in the high achievement
scores. To take cultural factors first, these have been argued to be (Stevenson and
Stigler, 1992; Her Majesty’s Inspectorate, 1992; Thomas, R. and Postlethwaite, 1983):
The high status of teachers within societies that because of religious and cultural
traditions place a high value upon learning and education, together with salary
levels that are more favourable relative to other professional and non-professional
salaries than in Europe and North America.
The cultural stress reflecting Confucian beliefs about the role of effort, the
importance of an individual’s striving and working hard, and the use of the
educational system as a planned and stably resourced instrument of nation building.
The high aspirations of parents for their children (Stevenson (1992) reports
Taiwanese parents as more dissatisfied with school than Americans!).
The recruitment of able students to become teachers, with intakes into training
that are the equal of other students in terms of average achievement levels.
Particularly important is argued to be the route to upward social mobility that
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
teaching is said to offer clever rural born children, clever girls and boys from low
socio economic status homes.
High levels of commitment from children to doing well at school.
Systemic factors are argued to be as follows:
High quantities of time, with Korea and Taiwan for example having 222 days in
school per year, compared to the English 192 and with school days in the Pacific
Rim being longer. Time available is also enhanced by the high proportion of students
attending ‘cramming’ institutions in the evenings and by the use of homework
from as young as age 6.
The prevalent belief that all children are able to acquire certain core skills in core
subjects, and that there is no need for a trailing edge of low performing pupils.
This is argued to contrast with the belief in western societies in the normal
distribution, a belief reflecting the considerable influence of the psychometric
paradigm, with its elongated tail and ‘built in’ failure of 50 per cent of the
distribution to acquire more than the average level of skill.
Concentration upon a small number of attainable goals, mostly of an academic
variety or concerned with the individual’s relationship to society, rather than
spreading effort widely across many academic, social, affective and moral goals.
School factors are argued to be:
mixed ability classes in the early years of school, where all children receive basic
skills in an egalitarian setting, and where children learn to value the importance of
the group and of cooperation;
the use of specialist teachers;
the possibility of teachers working collaboratively with each other, facilitated by
teachers having approximately one third of their time out of the classroom;
frequent testing of pupils’ skills in core subjects, which is likely to enhance student
attainment on achievement tests obviously, but is also beneficial in that it creates
high quality information upon student, teacher and school functioning. In
particular, frequent monitoring makes possible short term operation of feedback
loops, with corrective action at the level of the child or teacher being possible
much more quickly than in the English system, where monitoring of this kind is
much rarer;
direct quality monitoring by the principal of the work of teachers, by means of
random sampling once or twice a term of the homework books of all children in
the school in Taiwanese elementary schools for example.
Classroom factors are argued to be:
mechanisms to ensure that things are taught properly first time around, and that
there is no ‘trailing edge’ of children who have to be returned to (an example from
Taiwan is that children have to repeat in their homework books, at the beginning
of their next piece of homework, any exercises that they have got wrong in their
previous homework);
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
high quantities of whole class instruction, in which the teacher attempts to ensure
the entire class have grasped the knowledge intended;
children all use the same textbooks, which permits teachers to channel their energy
into classroom instruction and the marking of homework, rather than into the
production of worksheets and the like that has been so much a feature of English
mechanisms to ensure that the range of achievement is kept small, such as the
practice of children finishing work if they have fallen behind in lesson breaks, at
break times and potentially after school that is evident in Taiwanese classrooms
for example;
a well ordered rhythm to the school day, involving in elementary school the use of
40 minute lessons that permit children frequent breaks to ‘let off steam’, combined
with well managed lesson transitions that do not ‘leak’ time.
Discussion has also centred on the possible systemic features responsible for the high
achievement levels of certain European societies. In Germany and Holland (Smithers
and Robinson, 1991; Prais and Wagner, 1965; Bierhoff, 1996), these are argued to be:
1 There are close links between school leaving awards and future job opportunities,
with particularly the apprenticeships that are the gateway to skilled working class
employment being dependent upon good performance in school.
2 Final marks in leaving certificates are averaged across subjects, so students cannot
give up on a subject (e.g. mathematics) if they do not like it.
3 Teaching groups are more homogeneous, partly related to the fact that the school
system is selective (for most German states), thus ‘reducing the range’ and making
teaching less difficult.
4 Students can be ‘kept down’ in a grade, until they have acquired the levels of
achievement necessary for the next grade up (this affected 10 per cent of the age
cohort in the Burghes and Blum (1995) study for example).
5 The use of textbooks as a resource prevents teachers from ‘re-inventing the wheel’
and diverting their energies into work sheet preparation.
In Switzerland high mean scores of pupils, and the low range of scores in mathematics
and science, are argued to be produced by (Bierhoff, 1996; Bierhoff and Prais, 1995):
1 High proportions of lesson time (50–70 per cent) being utilized for whole class
teaching, not simply of the ‘lecture to the class’ variety but high quality
interactive teaching in which the teacher starts with a problem and develops
solutions and concepts through a series of graded questions addressed to the
whole class. Pupils working on their own in groups are correspondingly much
rarer than in England.
2 The use of textbooks which are drafted by groups of experienced teachers to
cover the prescribed curriculum of their Canton. There is a textbook for each level
of schooling and they are notable in that they contain little self instruction material
(the content of English textbooks) but mostly exercises. The textbooks come with
substantial teachers manuals, which provide suggestions for teaching each page
and master copies for OHP transparencies and the like.
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
3 Associated with 2 above, work is coherently planned, with clarity of purpose on
the part of teachers who know how much material should have been covered at
various different time points.
4 The primary school experience of Swiss children is of concentration upon basic
number work, use of textbooks with clear goals which provide exercises
appropriate for each learning step, use of teacher suggested methods of calculation
in number work and the introduction of calculators at a later age than in England
for fear of damaging students’ capacity to do ‘mental arithmetic’ and calculation
(Bierhoff, 1996).
In Hungary, systemic factors are argued to be (Burghes, 1995):
1 Classroom teaching is, like many European societies, more ‘formal’, with more
teacher direction, more whole class interactive instruction and more open discussion
of students’ mistakes.
2 Students entering teacher training for primary teaching have high qualifications,
the equivalent of ‘A’ level mathematics.
3 Expectations of what children can achieve are very high, with high lesson ‘pace’
(itself aided by teacher control) and national guidelines that expect teachers to
move to advanced topics quickly.
4 Selective systems of education at secondary age reduce the range of achievement
teachers have in school, and enable clear, distinct and different sets of goals to be
drawn for children of different achievement levels.
A final example of the use of international comparative research for the school
effectiveness community comes from the findings of the International School
Effectiveness Research Project (ISERP) (Reynolds et al., 1994a; Reynolds and Teddlie,
1995). The focus of the study has been the extent to which what are ‘effective’ practices
at school or at classroom level are the same or are different in different countries,
using a cohort of children passing through schools at ages 7 to 9 in the countries of
the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Canada, Ireland,
Norway and the United Kingdom. Using mathematics achievement tests to furnish
data upon the effectiveness levels of schools and national systems, it is clear that the
same superiority of Pacific Rim societies in educational achievement is shown in ISERP
as in the other studies mentioned earlier.
To explore the reasons for these differences ISERP researchers completed
questionnaires concerning the importance of 12 case study dimensions that were utilized
in the study. These twelve dimensions were as follows:
1 School Characteristics
2 Child’s Experience of Instruction
3 Instructional Style of Teachers
4 Curriculum
5 Parental Influence
6 Principal
7 Expectations of Children
8 School Goals
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
9 Inter-staff Relations
10 Resources
11 Relationships with Local Authorities/Districts
12 School Image
A questionnaire asked them to rank order the 12 case study dimensions from 1 (the
most important) to 12 (the least important) in differentiating between the schools.
Tables 8.9 and 8.10 contain ratings of the case study dimensions broken down by
two types of countries: those where English is the first language (Ireland, UK, USA) and
those where another language other than English is the first language (Hong Kong, the
Netherlands, Norway). Perusal of the data had indicated that this might be a fruitful
comparison due to different emerging patterns of results from the written case studies.
Table 8.9 Average Likert ratings of case study dimensions by country type
Table 8.10 Average rank orders of case study dimensions by country type
Note: The scales have 5 points, with 5 indicating extremely important. The ‘*’ means the higher average
score on that dimension.
Note: The rank orders are from 1 to 12 with 1 indicating the most important dimension of contrast. The
‘*’ means the higher average rank on that dimension.
School Effectiveness: The International Dimension
The dimensions of contrast that were most important in the non-English countries
(in comparison to the English speaking countries) were instructional style, the child’s
experience, curriculum and parental influence. Thus researchers in non-English
speaking countries found it easier to differentiate among their schools in the traditional
instructional areas and in the influence of parents.
Researchers in English speaking countries, on the other hand, found it easier to
differentiate among schools on issues such as the principal, expectations, school goals,
inter-staff relations and school image.
A plausible interpretation of these data is that in English speaking countries it is
characteristics of the person that explain which institutions are effective, whereas in
non-English speaking societies the system itself is so ordered, strong and well
engineered/understood that individual characteristics of the principal and the
relationships between the staff do not affect, and indeed are not allowed to affect, the
quality of the education provided. In these non-English speaking societies, one might
argue that the attention to curriculum, to instruction and to pedagogy means that
there will be less of the range of educational quality amongst principals and staff that
is a characteristic of English speaking countries. For these latter, the system and the
technology of schooling is so weak that it requires unusually effective individual
principals or unusually good inter-staff relations to generate effective schools.
One might even want to go further and argue finally that, therefore, English speaking
societies will have effective schools in proportion to the proportion of their individual
principals and staff who can be effective—in proportion therefore to the presumably
finite personal characteristics of their personnel. For non-English speaking societies,
the limit will be imposed by the presumably more infinite number of persons who can
acquire the technology of teaching and of schooling.
Interesting speculations about the ‘strength’ and ‘variability’ of the educational
systems of the different countries are also generated by the ISERP study. Table 8.11
shows the percentage of variance locatable at the school level in the various societies
in the study. Note that Taiwan, with a technology of schooling that is well understood
and firmly taught in teacher training, has very little variance located at the level of
the school.
Table 8.11 Variance components computation test of ISERP country level data
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Our excursion into the area of international effectiveness research in this chapter
suggests an area so far relatively undeveloped, for obvious reasons. Doing
internationally orientated work is difficult and the tendency has been for the difficulty
of such studies to have made them an easy target for criticism. However, the benefits
of international studies are potentially very great—in the chance to examine a greater
range of educational factors and in the chance to generate middle range theory based
upon the analyses generated by seeing which effectiveness factors are important in
which country cultural contexts. Furthermore, one could quite legitimately argue that
only by looking at a wider range of educational factors can one test out the full
explanatory power of the ‘school variable’. The difficulties are formidable but one
could hypothesize that the systematic variation of content that international research
entails can do considerable good to the school effectiveness research community.
9 School Effectiveness and
Education Indicators
Carol Fitz-Gibbon and Susan Koch an
Though public education has been generally available for centuries through much of the
developed world, little empirical information on education was collected prior to the end
of World War II. In the United States, for instance, what education statistics were utilized
tended to be narrow measures of education production such as the number of students
enrolled or the number of diplomas awarded (Murnane, 1987). The shape of education
data collection changed, however, in the decades following World War II. With the world
once again ‘at peace,’ government officials became increasingly preoccupied with preserving
and advancing their nations’ economic competitiveness, and with redressing social inequities
at home. Education reform was considered crucial to both agendas, but there was
insufficient statistical information to inform policy development.
Research in areas crucial to economic development was made a high priority in the
1950s, as evidenced by the creation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), a multinational research and policy organization. The real
watershed in social sciences (including education) research came in the 1960s, however,
when the advent of high-speed computers gave researchers the tools they needed to
expand the depth and breadth of data collection and analysis (Shapiro, 1986). These
new resources were put to immediate use. In the United States, for example, two
Congressionally mandated data collection efforts were initiated that were unprecedented
in scope: the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Equality of
Educational Opportunity Survey (EEOS), whose final report is perhaps best known as
the Coleman Report (Coleman et al., 1966). In the UK the Assessment of Performance
Unit (APU) was created to study national standards and supplement the already extensive
and long-standing system of Examination Boards that tested secondary pupils at ages
16 and 18 years with externally set and marked examinations.
In the United States, ambitious as undertakings such as the NAEP and EEOS were,
it was immediately obvious that the data collected were inadequate to their intended
task: measuring the adequacy and equity of American public education. In retrospect,
as we noted in Chapter 3, data limitations contributed greatly to the Coleman team’s
finding that schools make a relatively small contribution to student achievement
(Coleman et al., 1966). The standardized tests unrelated to any defined curriculum
for which schools were accountable were not ideal measures for elucidating the effects
of schools on pupils. In fact, the Coleman Report’s greatest legacy may be that it
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
whetted policy makers’ appetites for more detailed and precise information on
education, and spurred the development of two research disciplines dedicated to
meeting the perceived research need: school effectiveness and school indicator research.
Not surprisingly, some of the earliest challenges to the conclusions of the Coleman
report used data from countries such as Ireland with curriculum-embedded examination
systems, i.e. tests of what was actually taught, rather than of pupils’ generalized
academic skills (e.g. Kellaghan and Madaus, 1979).
Over the course of the past 30 years, the disciplines of school effectiveness and
school indicator research have emerged. From time to time, researchers in both fields
have been distracted from their academic task (describing and explaining the education
process) by forays into applied research or action research. For school effectiveness
researchers, the distraction has been school improvement; for school indicator research,
it has been school accountability.
Despite their common origins and similar aims, the two fields remain largely
independent today. As evidence, a bibliographic review of several current and
comprehensive books in the two fields revealed little overlap in publications cited
(Reynolds et al., 1994a; Willms, 1992 and Fitz-Gibbon, 1996).
This chapter represents an attempt to narrow the gap between these two disciplines.
Our aim is to provide a brief introduction to the discipline, its methodological strengths
and challenges and its wide adoption in many countries. It also charts future trends in
the field of education indicator research, as we move into an era characterized by the
pervasive use of performance indicators.
What Is an ‘Indicator’?
We live with indices and data every day—unemployment rates, cost of living indices,
per cent of dietary fat per gram—but what is meant by the term ‘indicator?’ There
have been several definitions offered. For example, ‘an indicator is an item of
information collected at regular intervals to track the performance of a system’
(Fitz-Gibbon, 1990b, p.l). Ergo, an ‘education indicator’ is a statistic collected at
regular intervals to track the performance of an education system. Shavelson et al.
described an education indicator as an ‘individual or composite statistic that relates
to a basic construct in education and is useful in a policy context’ (1989, p.5). To
discourage researchers from labelling every bit of archival data collected ‘an
indicator,’ the US Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) went
so far as to caution that:
statistics qualify as indicators only if they serve as gauges; that is, if they tell a
great deal about the entire system by reporting the condition of a few particularly
significant features. For example, the number of students enrolled in schools is
an important fact about the size of the educational system, but it tells little
about how well the system is functioning. On the other hand, a statistic that
reports the proportion of secondary students who completed advanced study in
mathematics provides useful information about the level that students are
participating and achieving in that subject…and can appropriately be considered
an indicator.
(OERI, 1988, p.5)
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
A number of factors must be taken into consideration if education performance
indicators are to provide feedback which can be used to assure and develop quality
(see Table 9.1). First, the indicators must provide valid information relevant to
accepted goals. Second, if the performance indicators are to be relevant to actions
that can be taken or avoided, it follows that the indicators must contain information
about features of the system which can be influenced by staff and decision makers.
Additionally, we know from our knowledge of the change process that practitioners
must accept the indicators as credible if they are to be used in guiding change.
Furthermore, for acceptance to be likely, the indicators must be informative, fair
and sufficiently useful to warrant the effort and cost expended in their collection.
Finally, if change does occur, the indicator must be sufficiently sensitive to reflect
that change.
Though many approaches can be taken to indicator research, two are widely
accepted and will be pursued here. In the ‘system modelling’ approach, indicators are
selected with the express purpose of describing the performance of the system. Given
the complexity of the education process, this can be an ambitious venture, involving
the collection and analysis of data on a myriad of variables. An attractive alternative
is the ‘problem-finding’ approach, whose aim is to find indicators which will give
early warnings of developing problems. The use of a ‘problem finding’ rather than a
‘system modelling’ focus is consistent with many informed views of systems
If systems have to be constantly improved by problem-solving, this requires problem-
location. If indicators of a negative kind (e.g. unrest in a school, increasing truancy,
heavy staff absences) can signal a developing problem, then they can greatly assist
management as long as they meet certain criteria such as those listed in Table 9.1.
These criteria are designed to ensure that indicators produce beneficial outcomes and
avoid becoming expensive distracters with negative impact.
The system modelling and problem finding approaches will often lead to many
of the same indicators in that developing a model of the system will involve the
specification of desired outcomes; failure to obtain the desired outcomes locates
a problem. However, the problem-finding approach to monitoring might lead to
an economical set of indicators when we know enough to choose the vital ones.
Unfortunately, much educational research is still exploratory; we have much to
learn before we can identify the vital indicators with confidence. In the meantime,
we will continue with an emphasis on the system modelling approach in this
If school systems around the world consist of similar elements, and if there are to
be comparisons from one system to another, some coherence in terminology will become
essential. In a review considering indicators in simply one aspect of schooling—the
curriculum—Pelgrum et al. (1995) found more than 170 indicators in use, many with
overlapping or coincident meanings despite different names.
Forewarned by this experience, we feel it wise to start our discussion of indicator
system design by developing a logical framework to be used in the description of all
indicator systems rather than simply to describe the variables which have, by
happenstance, emerged in existing systems. This information may assist in developing
further generations of indicator systems.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Table 9.1 Indicator selection criteria
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
Categories of Indicators
In order to describe the wealth of available indicators and their varying function, a
useful initial classification is determined by a time sequence: intake, process and
outcome variables (see Table 9.2).
Since the choice of indicators will be driven primarily by what is valued, we start,
however, not with intakes, but with outcomes. Cooley pointed out many years ago
that indicators are measured because we care about them (Cooley, 1983). Indeed, yet
another definition of indicators, particularly outcome indicators, is simply ‘things we
care about enough to measure,’ chosen to highlight the value-laden decisions inherent
in the choice of what to measure. The pre-eminent outcome indicator in education is
generally student achievement.
Outcome indicators are the central focus of most accountability initiatives and
hence indicator systems. As a result, the collection of outcome data typically precedes
the collection of other indicators. For example, outcome data on the number of students
enrolled and the number of students earning diplomas have been reported in the
United States (US) since the mid-nineteenth century (Murnane, 1987). Such data met
the information needs of US policy makers so long as they were content simply to
know how many children were becoming educated and to what extent. The collection
of intake and process indicator data became necessary only when policy makers
attempted to improve the efficiency and equity of the schooling process, and therefore
began to ask why students were being educated at a certain number, and whether
those numbers were appropriate.
In the UK an external examination system was developed by universities to meet the
needs of highly competitive selection procedures for university entrance. To meet the
needs for political accountability inspectors were sent to examine schools (Hogg, 1990).
The examination system served well and is retained to this day not only in the UK but
also by many former colonies in the Pacific Rim and Africa. Externally set and marked
Table 9.1 Continued
Source: Summarized with permission from Monitoring Education: Indicators, Quality and Effectiveness,
Fitz-Gibbon, 1996.
Table 9.2 A classification of types of indicator
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
examinations, based on published syllabi, provided what has come to be seen as
needed in the USA: authentic, curriculum-embedded, high stakes tests.
But how do we move beyond the cognitive to a comprehensive list of important
and valued outcomes? In attempting to produce a list of education outcomes, we can
take the approach of considering the desired sequence of events in the education of a
child, then identify the logical outcomes related to each step in the sequence. The
pupil should:
enrol at the school and then attend;
develop desirable attitudes;
develop desirable skills;
have a good quality of life while in the school; and
then progress appropriately onwards.
The resultant outcome indicators for this series of events emerge in the following
flow (i.e. the child enrols in school and then attends);
cognitive outcomes (as measured by student achievement data);
affective outcomes (student attitudes);
skills outcomes (the vocational skills that students acquire in preparation for
entering the workforce);
quality of life; and
long-term outcomes/progression to the next stage.
All are outcomes, yet all measure different ends to be derived from the schooling
experience. A distinction can even be made between immediate ends (outputs) and
longer-term results (outcomes).
If all of the above features can be measured, we can monitor the major outcomes
of schooling for pupils. All of these indicators are currently used in many systems,
with one exception: skills, which are rarely identified as a separate outcome domain.
We make this a separate area with the idea that the acquisition of skills in music,
plumbing, computing or team work cannot be simply subsumed under achievement
without being under-valued.
The consideration of value is an important one in that one of the aims of indicator
systems is to attach value to that which is measured. By measuring skills, we attach
value to them. If, as a value judgment, it is felt that vocational skills ‘training’ is sometimes
less highly regarded than academic ‘education’ and that this is unfortunate, then it
might be a beneficial use of indicators to start to measure skills. In the United States,
researchers charged with monitoring progress toward a series of National Education
Goals are grappling with the development of indicators that will measure progress
toward Goal 6, which includes preparing graduates to succeed in the workplace.
It might be thought that one of the outcome indicators (quality of life) would be
better seen as a process variable since it refers to the student’s experience whilst in
school. However, if ‘quality of life’ is a valued outcome in its own right, not a means
to an end, then it is an outcome. This choice rests on a value judgment that life in the
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
here-and-now should be at least tolerable and its quality should not always be sacrificed
to the attainment of distant goals. If that value judgment is rejected, then quality of
life indicators should be dropped.
The same argument applies to student attitudes. It is often thought that students
perform better in the subjects they like. However, if there is such an effect, it is usually
found to be weak. If attitudes are to be measured, it should probably be with an eye
to an intrinsic preference that students should like their work rather than hate it.
Attitudes are not simply a means to obtain achievement outcomes: they are intrinsically
valued outcomes, in and of themselves.
Intake Variables
Co-variates and the Value Added Concept
Many indicator systems are now adopting the concept of ‘value added’: a measure of
the relative gain in achievement made by pupils. The rationale is that a school is not
responsible for the absolute level of student achievement so much as for the progress
made by pupils in its care. This is reasonable, but further caution is still required. The
term ‘value added’ implies that the progress is entirely attributable to the school—
that it is the value added by the school. In reality, only part of the progress can be so
attributed, and that only tentatively in the absence of evidence from controlled
interventions. This important point about indicators and causality will be a recurrent
In order to assess value added, we need to know what a reasonable level of
achievement is for each pupil, and compare that reasonable prediction with the actual
level of achievement attained. The value added is the difference between the actual
achievement and the predicted achievement. The prediction of achievement is generally
made from the best single predictor, namely prior achievement. Lacking a measure of
prior achievement, almost any cognitive measure will predict achievement in most
subject areas in the school curriculum. The measures of prior achievement, or the
alternative cognitive measures, are ‘predictors’ or ‘co-variates.’ (See Chapter 3 for a
discussion of the differences between adjusted scores, which consider characteristics
of students attending schools—e.g. social class, ethnicity—and value-added scores,
which consider prior achievement.)
It would be desirable to have predictors or covariates for the socialization variables
such as student attitudes toward school and teachers, commitment to lessons, social
relations, self-esteem or self-concept as a learner. Ideally, most outcomes should be
measured in terms of the changes brought about during the period of schooling rather
than in terms of absolute levels. This will require that indicator systems be modular:
designed with input and output measures for each phase or stage of education. As we
shall see in our discussion of indicator systems that are currently in place, in the US
state of Tennessee, each academic year is a module within which value added is
computed. In England, a national curriculum with tests for pupils at ages 7, 11, 14
and 16 suggests modules from two to four years in length. Four-year modules are
probably too long since there will have been a considerable turnover of students in
this time.
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
Contextual or Moderator Indicators (Inputs)
Contextual or moderator variables (or ‘inputs,’ as they are known in the US) are
givens: features of the conditions under which education is delivered which are beyond
the power of the school to alter, but which may affect the outcomes.
Student and School Characteristics
Outcomes may vary according to the students’ socio demographic characteristics:
their age, gender, ethnicity, linguistic status, socio economic status (SES) or religion.
They also may vary due to characteristics of the school itself: the level of instruction
offered (pre-school, reception or kindergarten, primary, secondary, etc.); the school’s
location in an urban, suburban or rural setting; its geographic location; and/or religious
Assessment Characteristics
Because achievement is probably the single most agreed-upon outcome expected from
schools, one of the most important contextual variables is the nature of the assessment
system itself (e.g. standardized testing, portfolio or authentic assessment). This may
be particularly important when comparisons are made from country to country or
between academic and vocational qualifications, where the systems of assessment
may vary considerably.
Four main issues are important regarding the system of assessment:
1 The potential for bias and/or irregularities in data collection—To what extent is
the assessment made by teachers of their own pupils and to what extent is it
externally made? To what extent is the achievement subjectively rather than
objectively scored? Even when assessment is external, if it is subjective, we need to
know whether names are routinely left on papers when they are assessed, since
names can indicate gender, ethnicity, and even religion.
2 Whether the assessment is based on work that is likely to have been taught (i.e. is
it ‘curriculum-embedded’)—This is often referred to as the question of ‘delivery
standards’ in the US; emphasis is placed on measuring the ‘enacted curriculum’
because there is no point assessing outcomes if there has been no delivery. In the
UK, this problem is largely avoided by the fact that there are national curricula:
there are published syllabi for examinations. Teachers, students, parents and school
governors all know the content that is to be covered.
3 The extent to which assessments are ‘high stakes’ and are therefore taken seriously—
The higher the stakes the more likely will be attempts to distort the data by fair
means or foul. Yet without consequences, the data may be of indifferent quality
due to lack of effort and attention. These are difficult areas in the design of indicator
systems. One certainly often-repeated mistake in the UK has been to report the
percentage of students reaching a certain achievement level rather than the average
level reached. When such information is published as indicators (in the ‘School
Performance Tables’ now published annually in the UK) schools react by
concentrating resources and attention on students at the borderline. If the indicator
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
is the percentage of students obtaining a C grade or better, then D students are
targeted at the expense of other students whose performance is unlikely to be
alterable enough to affect the indicator. This distortion of behaviour arises purely
from the arbitrary choice of the high-stakes, published indicator. When indicators
are recorded as ‘high-stakes’ this signals a need to know a great deal about the
security and impact of the system.
4 The extent to which the assessment is authentic—There is increasing concern these
days about the authenticity of assessments. Indeed, it would seem to be desirable
to describe quite elaborately the methods of assessment used if comparisons are to
be made from one state to another, from one country to another or indeed from
one school to another. As argued elsewhere (Fitz-Gibbon, 1996), transcripts (records
of students’ grades) should indicate the methods of assessment used to arrive at
each grade.
Important as these features seem to be at the moment, there is insufficient evidence
that they are all of practical importance. This situation will frequently plague
indicator systems: the knowledge base on which they need to rest is often inadequate.
However, by establishing the indicator systems, the knowledge base can be
strengthened. The database of indicators can be used to provide evidence of problems.
For example, if the proportion of variance in outcomes apparently ‘attributable’ to
teachers or schools (i.e. rho, or the intra-class correlation) is unusually high, this
may signal a problem in the assessment system such as the use of teacher-given
Financial and Resource Indicators: Context or Process?
As far as the school is concerned, there is another set of contextual variables: those
concerned with the financial status and resources available to the school. The total
sum a school is given is a contextual variable for a school, assuming that the school
has no control over the level at which it is funded. However, it may be a process
variable for a local education authority (LEA) if the LEA has some discretion as to
how funding is to be divided among schools. The designation of an indicator as a
given contextual indicator or as a decision-relevant process indicator will depend
upon the locus of decision-making.
Compositional Variables
There is a particular kind of contextual variable which can be created from pupillevel
data: the average level of various student characteristics. In addition to the average,
other distributional statistics might be important, such as the standard deviation or
skewness. Thus, in addition to each student’s prior achievement, we might consider
the effect of the average prior achievement of the class in which the student is
taught and the spread of prior achievement in the class. These indicators of the
composition of the teaching groups are not only expected to have an effect, but they
do frequently contribute significantly to the prediction of subsequent achievement.
The finding that a high average achievement boosts subsequent achievement is fairly
widespread. The complexity of the issue is, however, illustrated by Slavin’s detailed
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
work on grouping practices, suggesting that homogeneous teaching groups are only
exceptionally effective if the work is differentiated in ways appropriate to the groups
(Gutierrez and Slavin, 1992). (See Chapter 5 for a further discussion of compositional
Compliance Indicators
There is another kind of contextual variable which is to some extent a ‘given’ in that
compliance is required by law. Thus, schools in England and Wales must include
religion in the syllabus, must employ adequate supervision of students and follow
health and safety regulations. In the USA, the designers of Louisiana’s education
indicator system created an indicator based on the percentage of teachers who are not
certified for the subject or level at which they are teaching. Such variables constitute
‘givens’ and can be called, following Richards (1988), ‘compliance indicators.’ They
are not process variables because they are not options for schools, but obligations.
However, for the country as a whole, they are important process variables: they are
what the country chooses to require of schools.
Thus it is clear that whether or not a variable is a contextual variable, a compliance
indicator, or a process variable depends upon the unit of analysis (student, school,
LEA, nation) and the locus of decision-making. These distinctions are needed to track
the performance of a system with some hope of attaining a reasonable model
represented by the variables.
Process Variables: Actions/Options
Given outcome variables with appropriate covariates, and given input variables, then
we have the essentials of an indicator system. To know whether valued outcomes are
being achieved and to have fair comparisons between schools are vital pieces of
information. The rest could be left to professional judgment as to how to improve,
how to change and how to run the school (though empirical evidence should carry
greater weight.) However, the question will always arise as to why one school is
doing better than another on a particular outcome. Hence, there is pressure for
indicators which might cast light on such questions. Process indicators can provide
clues as to which schooling processes appear to predict good progress, and can serve
to generate grounded hypotheses (i.e. hypotheses grounded in data). (The need for
process indicators in school indicator work is similar to the need for process studies in
school effectiveness research. See Chapter 4 for a parallel discussion.)
Two dangers are to be avoided in the selection and consideration of process
indicators. First, in the absence of experimental conditions, the relationship between
process and outcome indicators is invariably correlational rather than causal. Secondly,
the process indicators may sometimes be seen as ends in themselves. If processes are
ends in themselves and, like health and safety, are required, then they should be subject
to compliance monitoring. Checking compliance with such indicators may require
unannounced visits by inspectors rather than self-reported data.
If we knew exactly what constituted ‘best practice’ in teaching, then this so-called
‘best practice’ could be legally required and made the subject of compliance monitoring
rather than performance monitoring. It is precisely because the link between process
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
and outcomes is so loosely coupled in the dynamic and ever changing situations of
schooling that process indicators should generally be seen only as generating
hypotheses. In the absence of well-established causal relationships, they should not be
used in judgments on schools.
Now that we have established what process indicators should and should not be, it
would be instructive to divide process indicators among two categories: those relating
to the school curriculum, and those relating to the school organization.
Process Indicators: Curriculum Time and Content
‘Who is taught what, for how long and how’ must be central foci in tracking an
education system. Indeed, Preece (1983) questioned whether ‘effectiveness’ was
anywhere near as important as what was taught. The school curriculum needs to be
seen in the context pertaining to the assessment system, as already discussed. Within
that context, it would be helpful to have measures of content inclusion and emphasis
(Walker and Shaffarzik, 1974). This could be obtained by knowing the time and
resources devoted to each subject and each topic in each subject: a mammoth task of
data collection.
Various techniques have been used to try to get at this concept of curricular delivery.
Porter (1991) favours teacher diaries, though self-report information gathered via
survey or interview is more prevalent. The question must always be asked, however,
as to whether the benefits of this information justify the costs of its collection. The
reliability of the collected data also is a matter of concern (Porter, 1991).
Pelgrum et al. (1995) gave a clear account of the difficulties of creating curriculum
indicators for use in international comparisons, citing terminology such as ‘curriculum
intensity,’ which probably means much the same as ‘time spent on teaching and
learning.’ ‘Implemented content’ might be found under such labels as ‘coverage,’
‘opportunity to learn’ or ‘test-curriculum overlap.’ The list of indicators and sources
provided by Pelgrum, Voogt and Plomp (1995) shows clearly the danger of having a
proliferation of overlapping indicators with different names for the same measurements.
Furthermore, the number of process indicators which could be developed are probably
not countable.
Those considerations constitute a clear warning to policy makers and researchers
to focus on student outcome indicators and then on the effects of alterations in policy:
the alterable process variables. In trying to track the performance of an education
system, we have first to recognize that the system is far too complex to be exhaustively
monitored. What is needed are hypotheses about possible changes in process variables:
indicators which may be altered in such a way that the impact of the alterations can
be established. Ideally, the effects of changes must be established by controlled
experimentation, but just possibly, some clues can arise from time series designs which
arise naturally within the framework of a monitoring system.
Process Indicators: Curriculum Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning processes have been the subject of fashion and opinion as well
as research. Child-centred, activity-based, problem-solving approaches (dubbed trendy)
have competed with direct teaching and objectives-based education (dubbed rote-
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
learning). If indicators are to intrude into the classroom how are the classroom processes
to be measured? Direct observations of classrooms are time-consuming, complicated
and expensive. Teacher diaries are demanding and could be subject to distortion if
high stakes were involved or social-desirability influences were strong. Could indicator
systems rely on questionnaires to students? Such an approach has proved useful in a
monitoring project called the A-Level Information System (ALIS), and there is growing
evidence of the validity of students’ reports of the frequency of use of a number of
defined teaching and learning activities, such as the use of ‘dictated notes’ or
‘researching a topic’ or ‘class discussion led by the teacher.’ In Edwards et al. (1997)
the ALIS data have been used to distinguish between the delivery styles on academic
and vocational courses. Hardman also was able to show that, contrary to teachers’
reports, the teaching styles adopted for teaching English Language were very similar
to those adopted for English Literature, a finding borne out by video-records of the
lessons. However, these teaching and learning questions were completed by pre-
university students, aged 17 and 18 years. Whether the frequency of use of various
classroom processes could be as reliably assessed by younger students needs
Processes: School Organization
Turning to school organization, we must again be concerned with whether decisions
are or are not within the purview of the school. Is there, for example, local financial
management for the school, or is the school financially controlled through the LEA?
A major impact on what happens in the school is the selection and retention of teachers.
Does the school have control over the hiring of teacher? The firing of teachers? The
differences here are often very strong from one state to another or one country to
In England, for example, teachers typically apply for a particular job in a particular
school. In the USA, they generally apply to be taken onto the teaching force of a
school district and are then assigned to a school by the school district. These differences
allow for different amounts of control by the school management of the school staff.
Pupils, too, may be selected in some schools and this is a matter which might be
recorded as an indicator, or simply reflected in the measures of prior attainment used
to interpret the achievement outcomes.
Expenditures and resources exist to promote the desired outcomes and are limited
‘givens.’ Their deployment, however, is not simply a given, and therefore not a
contextual variable. Finances can be deployed in different ways. Whether or not the
total quantity of money or the allocation impacts on the outcomes of school is a
contentious area (Hanushek, 1989, 1996; Hedges et al., 1994). Whether or not financial
allocation variables are seen as fixed or alterable will affect whether or not they are
seen as contextual variables (givens) or process variables (alterable).
A major feature of both school organizations and the curriculum is the extent of
accountability, evaluation requirements and feedback. These concepts are inherent in
indicator systems and apply at every organizational level. Do students get feedback
on their performance and progress? Do staff get feedback on their performance and
progress? Does the school get feedback on its performance and progress? Do the
LEAs get feedback on their performance and progress, as Willms and Kerckhoff (1995)
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
argued they should? Accountability demands such feedback, and indicator systems
are a method of providing such feedback.
Examples of Official Indicator
We have outlined the kinds of variables that might well be included in an indicator or
monitoring system. We turn now to examples of official and unofficial indicator systems
that are in place in a number of countries. In the context of an ever-changing scene,
the set of examples provided here is not exhaustive, but is reasonably representative
of the work in progress and illustrates the application of the framework developed so
far. We shall start with an official system that uses the largest unit of analysis (the
We start with an international effort to provide indicators across 25 countries.
This ‘official’ system has been developed among countries through cooperation among
their governmental organizations. The likely audiences are policy makers and those
studying economic and educational systems, rather than school staff or even LEA
staff. The unit of analysis is the country.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which
was formed in 1961, has aims that are explicitly economic. Its development of the
‘INES’ project on international indicators is therefore a clear signal of the widespread
belief that economic prosperity and success depend to a significant degree upon effective
educational systems. The third edition of Education at a Glance (OECD, 1995) is a
collection of indicators from 25 countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States) and continues the focus adopted
in the first two editions (1992 and 1993) on various ‘issues’ in education, such as the
relationship between education and the labour market. As shown in Table 9.3, four
networks, each with a lead country, were set up to work on indicators of various
kinds (OECD, 1995).
Moving on to look at individual countries, in Canada, as in the USA, education is
the responsibility of each province (state), not the central government. There is,
Table 9.3 The four OECD networks for indicators
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
however, increasing cooperation among the provinces. The Council of Ministers of
Education (CMEC) made a first attempt to obtain agreement on elements of a
national assessment in 1989 with the School Achievement Indicators Programme
(SAIP), which measured achievement in reading, writing, mathematics, and science
at ages 13 and 16. Reports on this system were released in 1993 and 1994. The
Canadian Education Statistics Council (CESC) is a partnership between CMEC and
StatsCan (Statistics Canada), a government department which produces five-year
censuses with integrated social and economics statistics. Together they produced a
‘Portrait’ of elementary and secondary education in Canada in 1990 and they are
developing long-term plans for monitoring.
Eleven of the 12 Canadian provinces are participating in the development of official
monitoring systems run by CMEC and StatsCan. The provinces are cooperating to
develop student outcome indicators, and have recruited teachers from across Canada
to help develop test items that are then reviewed for freedom from cultural and gender
bias. The teachers also score open-ended response items on SAIP assessments, and
StatsCan conducts the data analysis. In creating data reporting procedures, the
provinces balance the provisions of Canada’s freedom of information legislation against
the need to preserve the confidentiality of individual students. In short, Canada is
moving toward a national examination system similar to the kind long established in
the UK.
Eleven of the 12 participating provinces measure ‘flow’ using three indicators
(participation, graduation rates and drop-out rates). Eleven also measure affective
outcomes (satisfaction and attitudes), and the provinces draw on international studies
wherever available.
The developments in Canada are centrally driven. At least one province has engaged
‘external consultants’ to collect and analyse questionnaire data, feeling that this ‘third
party’ involvement enhances the credibility of what is essentially a public opinion
survey, (i.e. ‘stakeholder’ views about schools).
In contrast to the ‘top down’ approach to indicator development that is favoured in
Canada, Portugal has adopted an explicit ‘bottom up’ approach (Climaco, 1995).
Climaco noted the need for schools to become aware of data and to learn from it:
Schools are not used to mobilizing for their own benefit all the information which
they usually collect and send to the central services to produce National Statistics.
The only thing derived from the numbers they collect is the boredom and
bureaucracy of the task. When asked about specific information to characterize
their schools, teachers either do not know, or only have a ‘global image.’
(Climaco, 1995, p.149)
Portugal’s approach to indicator system development was focused on developing
indicators which would be used in schools. This involved school-based development,
working closely with 12 schools and involving teachers at every stage. An initial set of
50 indicators were derived from the literature; this list was then reduced to 32 in the
light of their feasibility and usefulness within schools. Attention was paid to
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
presentation of the data (e.g. Jones, B., and Mitchell, 1990). After the first round of
feedback to schools, the perspective shifted from a managerial one to self-evaluation
in the school and in the school’s reports to its community. Data were specially collected
by questionnaires from students, parents, and teachers.
Unfortunately, the cognitive outcomes were assessed only by failure rates and
dropout rates. ‘Failure’ was indicated by retention in earlier grades, a practice which
appears to be widespread since only 27 per cent of students were found to have
completed nine years of basic education in nine years. Thirty-five per cent of students
were found to be one or two grades behind, 14 per cent were still further behind
and 24 per cent were found to have dropped out of school. According to Climaco,
‘teachers considered this way of viewing the quality of the education system as
rather brutal’ (p. 161). The use of indicators for both improvement efforts and
accountability was stressed, with accountability being seen as ‘the other face of the
granting of autonomy.’
For 12,000 secondary institutions in France, the French Ministry of Education has
been introducing a set of performance indicators designed primarily as ‘an instrument
for use by the head of the school and his or her team to diagnose the situation and
operation of the school, to assess its policy, and the results thereof ’ (Emin, 1995,
p.201). Indicators have become a legal necessity since the 1989 Education Act in
France, and are related to considerable school autonomy, linked to a need for public
Indicators were tested during the 1993–4 school year in 600 schools and made
available to all colleges (secondary schools) in 1995. Special tests were developed for
assessing pupils at the beginning of the third year of primary school, at entry to the
high school (lycée) and at entry to college. Teachers, meanwhile, have been provided
banks of items referenced to the curriculum.
France already had the advantage of a common exit examination, the Baccalaureate.
However, the Baccalaureate results are reported not in terms of grades achieved but
in terms of the proportion of students passing. Exactly how standards of marking are
maintained throughout France is not clear.
Given the new tests which are coming ‘on stream,’ it will soon be possible for
French schools to have measures of value added calculated against prior attainment.
Previously, they have relied on proxy methods of measuring entry levels by measuring
SES and the proportions of pupils who have had to repeat years (i.e. have been held
back for lack of attainment).
School indicators are published on the basis of tests administered at the beginning
of the school year so that teachers have the remainder of the school year to respond to
the strengths and weaknesses identified by the indicators. There is a clear and constant
insistence that the data are for the school’s use in management and to support a
dialogue between schools, children and parents. A number of indicators reflect the
resources available to students; these include measures of support services in terms of
advisors, medical and paramedical staff, welfare assistants and of ‘quality of life’ (e.g.
student participation in clubs and other extracurricular activities). Other indicators
monitor the use of time, including time lost due to teacher absences for either training,
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
school building closures or personal reasons. These time indicators are aimed at
calculating the ‘proportion of teaching hours actually guaranteed a pupil.’ During
school year 1993–4, time lost from teaching was reported as 8 per cent for colleges,
12 per cent for lycees and 15 per cent for vocational lycées.
The indicators have been received positively, with some reservations. One weakness
is identified as a lack of data analysis expertise in the schools. This problem was
estimated by inspectors to be widespread, with only 15 per cent of schools integrating
evaluative data into their planning. There was a general appreciation by headteachers
of ready analysed data provided by the central system.
France has a rapidly expanding school indicator system. Though not particularly
standardized on the achievement indicators, it has produced superbly presented
graphical output in books such as Géographic de L’Ecole (3rd edition, 1995). Published
by the Ministry, the book contains comparative aggregated indicators regarding input,
resources, and results for 22 regions of the country.
The United Kingdom: DFEE School Performance Tables
The UK has long had externally set and marked ‘public examinations’ for students
aged 16 and 18. The results were available, but formerly were not published in a
standard format, school by school, and LEA by LEA. Data for the School Performance
Tables are now processed by a private firm at a cost of approximately £1 million per
year and are reprinted in both local and national newspapers, usually as rank-ordered
lists of schools.
The tables, which have come to be known informally as the ‘League Tables,’ provide
percentage pass rates for 16-year-olds and a points system for providing the
examination results of 18-year-olds. Externally marked tests have been extended to
three additional cohorts:7, 11 and 14-year-olds. These tests, which are based on the
recently developed National Curriculum in five subject areas (mathematics, English,
science, design and technology and a foreign language), were the subject of a massive
boycott by teachers. Though the quality of the English tests in particular has been
severely attacked, there are now plans to publish results school by school.
The only non-cognitive outcome regularly reported in the School Performance Tables
is a flow variable: truancy. Again, as with percentages of pupils obtaining C grades
rather than D grades, the glare of publicity presents problems with this particular
indicator. The requirement that truancy figures had to be published led immediately
to considerable drops in recorded truancy, since there is a fine line between excused
and unexcused absences and the reputation of schools was at stake. Consequently,
rather than leading to better information on truancy, the publication has resulted in
less reliable information. Plans call for value added scores to be included in the School
Performance Tables if these are found to be sufficiently reliable and valid (Department
for Education and Employment, 1995).
As in the USA and Canada, different provinces have different educational systems,
but there is a general and vigorous movement, largely led by state administration
units, towards providing schools with a data-rich environment within which school
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
self-evaluation can be rigorous and informative. For example, the state of Victoria
produces the publication Guidelines for School Self-assessment (Department of
Education, Victoria, 1996), which advises on an accountability framework consisting
of three key elements:
each school’s ‘Charter’ (consisting of the school’s chosen goals);
the school’s ‘annual report’ (consisting of indicators related to the Charter); and
a triennial school review.
Computer-based information systems are being developed to manage many of the
indicators, and extensive advice is provided on the analysis and presentation of the
data. The range of indicators suggested may be among the broadest we have
encountered in official systems. Within each school, indicators are collected on time
allocation, accident rates, enrolment, exit and destination data, as well as student
achievement. In addition, there are annual surveys of parents and, bravely, surveys of
school staff to assess morale and their satisfaction with the leadership and management
in the school. Financial accounts also form part of annual reports. The achievement
data is supported by a ‘Board of Studies’ (seemingly equivalent to a mixture of
examination boards and national assessment organizations). In a forward to
Curriculum and Standards Framework (Board of Studies, Victoria, 1995) Kelly and
Ball reported extensive consultation with teachers and an Australia-wide initiative on
‘National Statements and Profiles,’ these being attempts to create largely criterion-
referenced curricula: efforts that have had an unhappy history elsewhere (Sanders
and Horn, 1995a; Black, 1994). The New South Wales Department of School
Education has similarly ambitious indicator systems under development. A notable
feature of the Australian developments seems to be the commitment to careful
measurement evidenced by the skills of the personnel working on school accountability
in the state offices. Those developing the systems are using Item Response Theory,
Causal Modelling and Effect Sizes to bring a sense of proportion and magnitude to
statistics, going beyond the arbitrary and overworked tests of statistical significance.
The United States
National Education Indicators
The US Constitution guarantees every American the right to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness, but not a free public education. The authors of the US Constitution
reserved that authority and responsibility for education to the states, creating a tradition
of local control over education that persists today. That tradition has in fact remained
so strong that the federal government did not develop its first national indicators of
education performance until the 1960s, and has yet to implement a comprehensive
national system.
Though the US Department of Education (USDE) has collected education production
statistics since the end of the Civil War, the first national indicators of what American
school children learn were the Equality of Educational Opportunity Survey (EEOS)
and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), both of which date to
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
the Vietnam era (Murnane, 1987). The EEOS, whose final report is more widely
known as the Coleman Report (Coleman et al., 1966), was mandated by Section 402
of the US Civil Rights Act of 1964. Its purpose: to document the availability of equal
educational opportunities (EEO) for all Americans, regardless of race, colour, religion
or national origin (Coleman et al., 1966). Though its specific EEO findings are seldom
cited today, the Coleman study is recognized as a landmark in the history of American
educational research, for two reasons. As noted by then-Commissioner of Education
Harold Howe II, it was the first ‘comprehensive collection of data gathered on
consistent specifications throughout the whole nation’ (Coleman et al., 1966, p.1)
and therefore can be considered as America’s first national indicator of education
performance. Perhaps more importantly, its resounding conclusion that schools have
comparatively little effect on student learning triggered the establishment of two parallel
disciplines within education research, the fields of school effectiveness and education
performance indicators.
Though the EEOS was impressive in scope for the time, the resultant study was
hampered by data limitations. The Report’s release in 1966 and subsequent reanalyses
of its data therefore lent momentum to the development of a second indicator project
already underway: the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
The purpose of NAEP (which was established by the USA Office of Education,
with support from the Carnegie and Ford Foundations) was to ‘report on the condition
and progress of American education.’ Unlike the Coleman Report, which focused on
the schooling outcomes of American children, the NAEP was originally intended to
assess knowledge and skills acquired both within and outside of school. Toward that
end, the study sample consisted of USA residents aged 9, 13 and 17. ‘Young adults’ in
the 25–35 age range also were sampled. Public, private, and out-of-school populations
were all represented.
The test design, as initially conceived, was state-of-the-art. The testing programme
covered 10 subject areas ranging from reading, writing, and math to art, citizenship
and career/occupational development. One or more subjects were covered each test
cycle, and each test included equal numbers of ‘easy,’ ‘moderate’ and ‘difficult’ items.
In a deliberate departure from more traditional standardized testing, NAEP emphasized
short-answer questions and performance tasks completed by individuals or groups.
Finally, special accommodations were built into test administration procedures to
ensure that even poor readers could demonstrate their subject area knowledge (Jones,
L., 1996).
The NAEP was first administered in 1969–70, with follow-up tests scheduled at
four-year intervals thereafter. Over time, budgetary constraints have forced
compromises to reduce the programme’s high sampling and administration costs; for
example, young adults and out-of-school 17-year-olds were dropped from the sampling
scheme in the mid-1970s. Substantial modifications also have been made to the test
design itself, so that the later assessments more closely resemble traditional standardized
achievement tests. Despite the compromises made in the overall programme, there
has been a concerted effort over the years to maintain special ‘bridge samples’ whose
testing conditions are comparable to the earlier assessments. As a result, NAEP has
been able—compromises notwithstanding—to issue valid long-term trend reports.
For example, sub-group analysis of bridge sample data has demonstrated that, despite
a general increase in the percentage of minority and low-income children tested, USA
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
achievement in math and reading was as high (or higher) in the early 1990s as it was
20 years before (Mullis et al., 1994).
Though NAEP is now in its third decade, the USA has yet to develop a full-blown
national indicator system that combines outcome data with information on schooling
inputs and processes. Several models for such a system have been recommended
(National Study Panel on Education Indicators, 1991; Oakes, 1989; Porter, 1991);
however, there are many problems inherent in the implementation of these models,
not the least of which is the cost and effort required to collect process data that
accurately reflect the condition of education. Much of the research conducted to date
in the development of process indicators of instruction has been funded by the National
Science Foundation (NSF); hence, research into instructional delivery in those subjects
far outstrips work in measuring curriculum and instruction in other valued subject
Frequently, researchers and policy makers find themselves at odds over the utilization
of education indicator data. Many leading researchers argue that using indicator data
for accountability purposes can have unintended and undesirable consequences (Oakes,
1989). For example, school staff may feel compelled to ‘teach to the test,’ or focus
their efforts on selected sub-groups of students, all in the interest of maximizing mean
test scores. Unlike researchers, policy makers tend to favour increasing school
accountability by offering financial incentives for improving and/or effective schools,
but sanctions for declining or stable ineffective schools. Even the USDE has warned
that ‘when high stakes consequences such as large cash awards or district consolidations
are linked to performance, incentives exist for deception or manipulation of data in
order for a school to look good’. This constitutes explicit recognition from the USDE
that indicators can be ‘corrupting.’ Designers of indicator systems have to take into
account Deming’s warning that ‘whenever there is fear we get the wrong figures’
(Deming, 1982, p.266).
Such warnings apparently have had little impression upon some policy makers.
Measuring Up: Questions and Answers About State Roles in Educational
Accountability (USDE, 1988), reported that in 25 states performance triggered rewards,
sanctions or other consequences; 22 states reported no such contingencies; and four
states gave no response. As far as public reports were concerned, 25 reported that the
level of reporting was the school, 37 the school district and 43 at the level of the state.
An updated discussion of accountability reports and indicator systems (CCSSO cited
in Fitz-Gibbon 1996) reveals that 45 states have at least one annual accountability
indicator report, 41 publish at least one report providing statistics at the district level,
and 35 report statistics at the school level. In 37 states, there was a state law or
mandate requiring a public education report.
State Indicators
Both the EEOS and NAEP were designed to assess the performance of American
education, utilizing samples designed in such a way as to provide national statistics
for a national audience. The Coleman Report presented regional comparison data
(e.g. north, south, midwest, west), but did not have state-representative samples. In
fact, the publication of state-by-state comparison data on education was long opposed
by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), a highly influential professional
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
organization made up of the senior education administrator in each USA state and
territory. Admittedly, the CCSSO’s opposition to state comparison data was not
frivolous. In a nation as large and diverse as the United States, there are tremendous
regional differences in the populations served by schools, the resources available for
education and the data collection methods used by the various states.
The very socio demographic differences that make education performance so
variable across US states nonetheless argue for the development of individualized
educational reforms and for the collection of statistics appropriate to monitoring
their impact. Pressure for state comparison data on education mounted throughout
the decade of the 1980s, bolstered by the publication of A Nation at Risk (National
Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983). Shortly thereafter, the USDE initiated
the annual Condition of Education and began publishing its now (in) famous ‘Wall
Chart,’ a collection of state-by-state comparison statistics most notable for the
incomparability of the data.
In 1985, the CCSSO dropped its opposition to state comparison statistics and lent
its full support to the development of a comprehensive system of education indicators
that would report valid and reliable comparison statistics at both the state and national
levels. Two years later, Congress enacted the 1987 Hawkins-Stafford Amendments,
which mandated the creation of a national education indicator study panel and also
authorized NAEP Trial State Assessments (TSAs) to begin in 1990. To date, four
waves of state-level assessments have been conducted (1990, 1992, 1994, and 1996)
involving 33 of 50 states.
As mentioned previously, the majority of states have education indicators that
predate the NAEP Trial State Assessments and many have full-blown systems that
combine outcome indicators of student achievement with input and process measures.
Virginia has adopted a ‘stakeholder approach’ in the development of indicator systems.
The stakeholders were seen as teachers, school superintendents, school board members,
and education group representatives. The authors of a report on this activity (Henry,
Dickey and Areson, 1991) reported ‘teachers, who might be expected to resist a
performance monitoring system, were the most positive about the efficacy of the
process and the most committed to the system.’
In 1992, the Tennessee General Assembly mandated the creation of the Tennessee
Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS), which is based on a series of nationally
normed tests administered annually to students in grades 2–8 inclusive (ages 7
through 13 years). Students are tested in five subjects (mathematics, science, reading,
language and social studies), using ‘freshly developed’ items that are trialed and
tested each year using Item Response Theory. The general fashion for
criterionreferencing and ‘performance assessment’ is robustly questioned by Sanders
and Horn (1995a).
The entire TVAAS system combines the value added approach with hierarchical
linear modelling (HLM) to analyse the effects of districts, schools, and teachers on
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
student learning. Thus, performance data on districts, schools, and teachers are based
on the improvement students make, rather than on ‘absolute levels of achievement’
(Baker et al., 1995). By state law, the TVAAS data are used in combination with other
performance indicators (attendance, drop-out, and promotion rates) to determine
whether schools and districts will receive rewards or sanctions. Individual schools
must earn a cumulative value-added score equal to or greater than 100 per cent of the
national norm gain in each of the five subject areas and are rewarded if they meet or
exceed their specified goals. Districts must achieve at least a 95 per cent cumulative
gain average over all five subjects, with a minimum cumulative gain of 90 per cent in
each subject. Districts that fall short must demonstrate that they are making statistically
significant progress toward reaching their target performance or become subject to
TVAAS data may not be used for individual teacher evaluations until three years
of data are available. To date, the teacher effects (which Dr William Sanders, the
TVAAS developer identifies as a large source of variation)—have been reported only
to the teacher, school administrators, and school board members. The system also has
been plagued by unexplained variability in national norm gains across grade levels,
some of which may be attributable to problems with the test instrument itself (Baker
et al., 1995).
Generally speaking, the TVAAS is a highly sophisticated statistical system of large
proportion with a potential of generating pupil-level records in the millions. (Every
child is tracked as long as he or she remains in or returns to schools in Tennessee.)
Sanders has developed highly efficient storage, retrieval and analysis procedures. It is
a remarkable system, the results from which are awaited with interest.
Like many other indicator programmes created in the 1980s, Louisiana’s ‘Progress
Profiles Programme’ was the result of a gubernatorial promise to increase educational
quality through greater school accountability (Children First Act, 1988). From the
programme’s inception, the Louisiana Department of Education (LDE) has been
required to provide all public school parents an individualized ‘School Report Card’
on the school (s) their children attend. In addition to distributing roughly 800,000
parent reports each year, the LDE Bureau of School Accountability produces annual
District Composite Reports containing six years of longitudinal data aggregated to
the school, LEA and state levels, and an annual Progress Profiles State Report, offering
LEA and state summary statistics.
Roughly a dozen indicators are reported each year, including school input measures
(e.g. the percentage of faculty with advanced degrees and the percentage of classes
taught within specified class size ranges), student achievement measures (criterion-
and norm-referenced test results, average scores on the American College Test and
Scholastic Assessment Test) and selected student behavioural outcomes (i.e. data on
student attendance, suspensions/expulsions and drop-outs). Statistics are also presented
on the percentage of high school graduates who require remediation in college as
first-time freshmen.
The Profiles were initially beset by the same data comparability problems that
plagued the USDE’s ‘Wall Chart,’ triggering a long and hard-fought campaign to
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
standardize data definitions and collection procedures statewide. In 1996, the Profiles
Programme made the transition to a new statewide, student-level database (the Student
Information System, or ‘SIS’) which tracks student behavioural performance from
kindergarten through high school completion. The improvements in data accuracy
and comparability have been accompanied by sweeping changes in the format and
content of the Profiles’ reports, particularly those produced for parent consumption.
With parent, teacher and school district feedback to guide them, the LDE staff have
streamlined and clarified the Profiles so that the information they contain is accessible
to even poorly educated readers. In fact, one of the more startling findings from the
programme’s ongoing evaluation has been the large number of parents and school
staff who are intimidated by data presented in either tabular or graphic form (Kochan
et al., 1994).
The 1988 legislation which established the Profiles Programme also created a
statewide School Incentive Programme (SIP), designed to recognize schools with higher
than expected mean achievement. School performance was measured, using a school-
level composite indicator of student achievement (SIPscore) that was created by
standardizing, combining and then averaging student scores on state-administered
criterion-and norm-referenced tests (Crone et al., 1994b). Though Incentive Awards
were offered only one year, school effectiveness researchers have used the SIPscore
methodology to calculate composite indicators of elementary school effectiveness
(Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
More recently, Louisiana researchers have used Profiles data to construct a
composite behavioural indicator of secondary school effectiveness, based on school-
level measures of student attendance, retention and discipline (Kochan et al., 1996).
The researchers are using the behavioural indicator in tandem with a traditional
achievement-based index in order to determine the extent to which high schools
strike a balance between promoting academic achievement and keeping all of their
students actively engaged in schooling. The team recently calculated effectiveness
indices for 310 secondary schools over a three-year period, and found a moderate
correlation (r=.65) between the achievement and behavioural indicators. Though
most schools were consistently classified on the two effectiveness indices, some were
‘effective’ on one indicator, but ‘ineffective’ on the other. Site-based qualitative
research is underway in four representative cases (one consistently effective, one
consistently ineffective, and two differentially effective) in order to verify and
document the conditions in the schools.
Examples of Unofficial Indicator Systems
Early innovation often takes place, very appropriately, in universities. Such work
might then be followed by the adoption of safe indicators into a national official
system. We draw attention to one informal system which may have led to the
development of the first valued added system on a national scale: The Value Added
National Project (VANP) in the UK. Due to the existence of the examination system
in the UK, there was a framework available in which many school effectiveness studies
could be undertaken with data from authentic, curriculum embedded tests that were
‘high-stakes’ for students since examination passes meant university places (fully funded
until recently) and jobs. Policy initiatives such as the Technical and Vocational
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Education Initiative were evaluated by methods that would come to be called ‘value
added’ (Fitz-Gibbon et al., 1988; Tymms et al., 1990; Fitz-Gibbon, 1990a). Substantial
studies of the effects of schools benefited from credible outcome data from examinations
and became classics (Rutter et al., 1979; Smith and Tomlinson, 1989; Gray et al.,
1983 and Mortimore, Sammons, Stoll, Lewis and Ecob, 1988). Work related to the
analysis of examination data was supported by LEAs, notably the Inner London
Education Authority (Nuttall et al., 1989) and also by the Scottish Office Educational
Department and Scottish LEAs (McPherson and Willms, 1986). Impressive work on
multilevel modelling (e.g. Rasbash et al., 1989) was taken up enthusiastically by many
researchers (Gray et al., 1986; Fitz-Gibbon, 1991b; Tymms and Fitz-Gibbon, 1991,
1992, 1995; Donoghue et al., 1996; Sammons, 1995; Daly, 1991, 1995a, 1995b). It
may have diverted the efforts of a few educational researchers into statistical details
that were attended to at the expense of getting the underlying systems working.
Multilevel analyses of small samples of data were conducted with no feedback to
school departments, no disaggregation by school subject and so elaborately modelled
as to remove the information from the appreciation of most teachers. Such research,
though academically interesting, was of no major practical import, and was sometimes
over interpreted (Preece, 1989).
A system that has worked with schools is the A-Level Information System (ALIS)
started in 1983 (Fitz-Gibbon, 1985). The extraordinary result of this research is that
a value-added system will be adopted nationally after years of development paid for
not by central government but largely by schools and teachers’ organizations with
some support from LEAs. In other words, the English value-added system will have
been largely a ‘bottom up’ rather than ‘top down’ development.
Sampling in the ALIS project is 100 per cent population data, and each school
subject is considered separately to provide departmental rather than school
effectiveness. Datasets from questionnaires to students regarding their attitudes,
aspirations and the teaching and learning processes they have experienced have been
added to examination data for ages 16 and 18 years. After six years as a single-
researcher project, the central government’s Department of Education and Science
(DES) lent a small amount of financial support (about £14,000 over two years, or
about half a very modest one year salary). When invited to conduct a controlled trial
to see if the impact of monitoring on schools was beneficial, the DES declined to do
so. Sustaining support has come from some LEAs followed by individual schools and
colleges and all the professional associations of headteachers. Smaller projects providing
feedback largely on examination results in context were developed by the National
Foundation for Educational Research and the London Institute of Education. By 1995
the projects from the Curriculum Evaluation and Management Centre (CEM), home
of the ALIS project, were providing value-added measures and other indicators
throughout primary and secondary schooling, working with between a quarter and a
third of secondary schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. By the time the
government became seriously interested in value added, it was largely up and running,
funded by the profession.
In 1995 the CEM Centre was successful in responding to a tender for a ‘Value
Added National Project’ from the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority. The
interim reports in December 1995 used statistical mailing with actual data with the
following results:
School Effectiveness and Education Indicators
Against many expectations, the national curriculum tests showed the kind of
predictive validity found throughout school effectiveness studies (correlations of
about 0.7, explaining about 50 per cent of the variance in outcomes).
Simple residual gain analyses yielded school effectiveness indicators that were for
all practical purposes almost identical with those from multilevel modelling
(correlations generally higher than 0.98, with the lowest being 0.94). Thus the
simple analyses were quite adequate.
It is likely that value added will become a routine feature of UK secondary schools by
about 1998, and of primary schools shortly thereafter.
Although schools are often portrayed as antagonistic to accountability, such a view
is not consistent with the willingness of schools not only to look at their own
effectiveness but also to commit the funds necessary to do so, a point made forcefully
by Slavin (1996) and certainly illustrated in the UK. Whilst the influence of external
pressures, such as the publication of raw results (the League tables) cannot be entirely
discounted, the ALIS project nevertheless started before accountability pressures were
strong, before the School Performance Tables were introduced, before a fairly benign
inspection system mutated to malignant (Fitz-Gibbon, 1995a, 1995b) and before school
governors were given strong powers.
In summary, an informal, research-based, voluntary and school-funded project
laid a foundation for a national system. In this ‘bottom up’ development schools led
the way not only with participation but also funds. However, this could only happen
in a framework of information provided by adequate testing.
The commitment of schools to improvement efforts in which they have confidence
suggests the importance of
1 entrusting schools with financial power (UK schools have benefited from ‘Local
Financial Management’ initiatives, devolving about 85 per cent of school district
budgets to schools); and
2 involving schools in research that has credibility and meets their needs.
One of these needs is probably for indicators of some richness and detail. This
chapter has shown that such efforts are now in place in many countries. Another
need is to create evidence-based policies, validated by adequate experimentation
and evaluation.
Monitoring education is not like monitoring a power station or landing an aeroplane
(Stringfield, 1995). In power stations and aeroplanes, a finite number of definable
and measurable variables are in operation, each governed by laws of physics that are
quite well measured. In education, countless numbers of ill-defined variables, both
contextual and procedural, are interacting in an ever-changing, dynamic system with
feedback loops which almost certainly make the system fundamentally unpredictable
(Waldrop, 1993; Glass, 1979; Tymms, 1996a; Fitz-Gibbon, 1996). Monitoring may
be able to do little more than alert us to the occasional outbreak of a problem: ‘fire-
fighting,’ as Glass (1979) argued years ago with great prescience.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
If indicators are presumed to track the ‘performance’ of a system, the implication
is that the system is in some way responsible for the particular process or outcome
reflected by the indicator. One of the most important types of information that will
eventually arise from indicator systems will be a sense of the extent to which schools
have an impact on various outcomes. Such information, however, will not be simple
to acquire. Value-added indicators show considerable instability from year to year, as
would be expected since the errors on gain scores have long been known to be greater
than those on single scores (Harris, C., 1967). Without randomized controlled trials
it is extremely difficult to derive strong causal inferences.
For example, researchers should have taken heed of the unfortunate events following
Wiley and Harnischfeger’s (1974) insistence that allocated time was a powerful variable
for policy. Based on analyses which failed to differentiate between inner city schools
and suburban schools, they hypothesized that longer school days would increase student
learning. Though Karweit (1985) pointed out inadequacies in their analyses very
promptly, it was too late to prevent policy makers from seizing on a clearly alterable
variable: the length of the school day. (Not only had Wiley and Harnischfeger
interpreted correlation as causation, they had failed to take account of the fact that
their data contained urban schools with short school days and suburban schools with
long school days. In datasets without this confound, Karweit showed that the
relationship of allocated time-in-school and achievement was not present.) Throughout
the USA, teachers were presented with lengthened teaching days. The expected increase
in reading achievement did not follow, and Wiley can hardly defend the policy now.
The cost to teachers in terms of extended teaching time was, it seems, never considered.
There is an important lesson to be learned from this. It is highly important, both
scientifically and ethically, to ensure that policy recommendations for costly actions
be based on controlled, well-evaluated interventions, not on correlational data that
can so easily be misinterpreted.
Research methods courses often consist of ‘measurement, design and statistics’.
Now that researchers have brought politicians to the point of collecting good
measurements in indicator systems, perhaps they can move on to educate policy makers
about design. As for the application of statistics, that is the least of the problems.
10 Theory Development in School
Effectiveness Research
Bert Creemers, Jaap Scheerens and
David Reynolds
There are several reasons to produce a model. First, a model serves to explain previous
research parsimoniously. It maps a series of avenues for future research which may
serve to alert policymakers that investment in the field would be rewarding, and thus
potentially stimulates the funding of further research. A model may provide a useful
‘road map’ for practitioners, and indeed there are hints that it has been partially an
absence of school effectiveness theory that has hindered the take up of effectiveness
knowledge by practitioners in schools. Arguments from Scheerens and Creemers
(1989b) also concern the need for a model to generate both a more theoretical
orientation, a secure foundation for research and a guide to the field to prevent new
entrants from re-inventing the wheel by conducting already existing research.
With respect to educational effectiveness, a model can therefore explain differences
in student learning results by specifying the relationships between the components in
the model and student outcomes. Based upon earlier research, it can be understood
that such a model should include several levels, such as the student level, the classroom
level, the school level and the contextual (above school) level. Higher levels should be
seen as providing conditions for what takes place at lower levels.
The Carroll Model
In the immediate past, various different models for educational effectiveness were
designed, for example the model of elementary school effects by Stringfield and Slavin
(1992) which was based on Slavin’s earlier QAIT model, and the models of Scheerens
(1992) and Creemers (1991). These models all have in common that they take as their
point of departure the learning of students, and all models are based upon Carroll’s
earlier model of student learning (Carroll, J., 1963) in which learning rate is considered
as a function of five elements: aptitude, ability to understand instruction, perseverance,
opportunity, and the quality of instruction.
Virtually all multilevel school effectiveness models refer to the model of Carroll
(1963), which offers a set of relevant factors at the student and the classroom level
(Creemers, 1991; Scheerens, 1992; Stringfield and Slavin, 1992; Walberg, 1984). This
model was originally developed to predict the success of foreign language training.
Carroll (1963) defines student achievement, the degree of learning, as a function
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
of the time actually spent divided by the time actually needed by a student. The
time needed is influenced by factors at the student level: aptitude (task-specific
skills) and ability to understand instruction (general intelligence) and by a factor at
the classroom level: quality of instruction, defined as telling students what they
have to do and the way they have to do it. The time spent is also influenced by a
factor at the student level: the time the student is willing to spend on learning
(perseverance or motivation) and a factor at the classroom level: the time allowed
for learning by the teacher. Essentially, the degree of learning is predicted by the
main constructs described above.
The Carroll model is not the first model for learning and it will not be the last one.
Probably the model was so influential in the further development of instruction and
research, because it was directed very precisely to what happens in schools. Other
learning theories and models are much more concerned with the learner and internal
processes of learning than with the relationship with what goes on in schools. For
example, although the model of Gage (1963) is also directed to learning in schools, it
mainly explains how intellectual skills can be acquired and stages can be discerned. It
does not provide guidelines nor is it connected with what is happening in ordinary
The different components of the Carroll model were developed further by other
authors. The concept of time, one of the basic constructs of the Carroll model, was
developed by Harnischfeger and Wiley (1976). The concept of perseverance or
motivation was developed by Keller (1983), who was criticizing the attention to
effectiveness and efficiency of instruction in the instructional design. The ARCS-model
(Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) can be considered as a further
elaboration of motivation and perseverance in the Carroll model.
The Carroll model generated several research traditions of which the research on
mastery learning, time spent (learning time and time allowed) and opportunity to
learn were most influential. Mastery learning (Bloom, 1976) aims at equalizing time
allowed by teachers and time needed by students. To reach this aim teachers should
set goals, check students for mastery of these goals, and offer corrective measures
when mastery is not attained. These activities constitute high quality of instruction.
Eventually, differences in time needed might even disappear according to Bloom and
his associates. The effectiveness of mastery learning is supported by some authors
(Block and Burns, 1976; Guskey and Pigott, 1988; Kulik et al., 1990), but questioned
by others (Weeda, 1982; Arlin, 1984; Slavin, 1987). On the whole, it seems justified
to conclude that mastery learning when implemented accurately can have positive
effects. However, there is not much evidence on the disappearance of differences in
time needed.
Carroll (1985, 1989) states that mastery learning research paid too little attention
to differences in aptitude and ability to understand instruction as relatively stable
predictors of time needed along with quality of instruction. Research on time spent
and student achievement rather consistently yielded positive relations (Karweit, 1985)
and this also holds for the related concept of time allowed (often defined as classroom
management) to time spent. Carroll factors at the student level influencing time spent
were seldom incorporated in research (Karweit, 1985) although their relative impact
may be large (Karweit and Slavin, 1989) and account for a major proportion of
variance in achievement (Creemers, 1991). The time allowed by teachers, often
Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
described as allocated time (Creemers, 1994) started to encompass the concept of
opportunity to learn, defined as the curriculum content a teacher covers in his lessons.
Research on opportunity to learn in general focuses on a direct relationship with
achievement and does not incorporate time spent as an intermediate factor (Pelgrum,
1989) nor quality of instruction as another determining factor of achievement. Carroll
has defined opportunity to learn as time allowed by the teacher. Husen (1967) has
shown that it is not only time that counts but also the way the time is used. Therefore
Husen and later on the IEA studies defined opportunity to learn as content covered.
In many studies opportunity to learn seems to be one of the most powerful predictors
of achievement as measured in terms of content covered or, more specifically, the
pages of the curriculum covered or the percentage of test items taught (Brophy and
Good, 1986).
Although the Carroll model has been very important for educational research and
theories, it has some drawbacks too. The narrow definition of a learning task is one
of them. A learning task is defined as going from incapability of performing an act to
mastering it. So learning tasks are activities to be undertaken in order to acquire
predetermined knowledge and skills. The model applies only to one learning task at a
time. The task should be unequivocally described and there should be means for
making a valid judgment as to when the learner has accomplished the task, i.e. has
achieved the learning goal that has been set for him (Carroll, J., 1963). The Carroll
model also does not pay much attention to the definition of factors at the classroom
level. Bloom (1976) elaborated some notions on quality of instruction in his theory
on mastery learning. Also, the concept of content covered can be seen as a useful
elaboration of time allowed.
Further Models
At the second level, the classroom level, factors that can be related to the learning of
students are discerned. Stringfield and Slavin (1992) summarize these factors as QAIT:
Quality, Appropriateness, use of Incentives, and Time for instruction at the classroom
level. At the school level, they distinguish five important factors: meaningful and
universally understood goals, attention to daily academic functioning, coordination
among programmes and between schools and parents over time, development of all
staff and the removal of unsuccessful teachers from the school, and the organization
of the school to support universal student learning. These five school level factors are
abbreviated as MACRO. The level above that of the school includes the community,
the school district, and the state and federal government, but the model does not
specify the interaction with these further factors at these levels in detail.
In their recent development of the basic model developed earlier (Scheerens
and Creemers, 1995), Scheerens has put special emphasis on the school level and
Creemers has emphasized the importance of the classroom level (Scheerens, 1992;
Creemers, 1994).
The educational effectiveness model of Creemers (1994) distinguishes between
school curriculum variables and ‘other’ variables. Connected with this idea of a formal
relationship between what goes on in classrooms, between classrooms and between
the class and the school level, are the concepts of consistency, cohesion, constancy
and control. Basic variables at the student level in addition to students’ aptitude and
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
motivation are the time spent on learning and the opportunity they need to attain
their goals. Education at classroom level provides time and the opportunity for learning.
The quality of instruction contributes to the effectiveness of education, but is mediated
by time and opportunity. At the school level and the contextual level, above the
classroom level, variables related to time, opportunity and the quality of teaching are
conditions for instructional effectiveness. In this way, all levels are synchronized and
it is hoped that this may clarify the way they influence each other and ultimately
contribute to student achievement. There is empirical evidence, either strong or
moderate, for the influence of most of the factors mentioned at the classroom level in
the model on student achievement (Creemers, 1994). At the school level, the empirical
evidence for the selected factors (a selection of correlates provided by empirical, mostly
correlational studies) is also sufficient (Scheerens, 1992; Levine and Lezotte, 1990).
The formal characteristics have been under study (Creemers and Reezigt, 1996; Weide,
1995), although it is accepted that all factors need more empirical support through
experimental studies. The importance of the factors at the contextual level as yet have
little empirical support from educational effectiveness studies, and to study these factors
properly, internationally comparative research is needed. Their significance is plausible,
however, based on case study data from the International School Effectiveness Research
Study (Reynolds et al., 1994).
Student Level
The students’ background, their motivation and their aptitudes strongly determine
their achievement. Time on task is the time students are willing to spend on school
learning and on educational tasks. Time on task is not only determined by the
motivation of students, but also by factors at the school and the classroom level. Time
on task is the time students are actually involved in learning, but this time has to be
filled by opportunities to learn. These opportunities concern the supply of learning
materials, experiences and exercises by which students can acquire knowledge and
skills. In fact, learning opportunities are the instructional operationalization of the
objectives of education, whereas tests are the evaluative operationalization of the
same objectives. In this respect one can speak about the content coverage of the
curriculum. A distinction is made between opportunities offered in the instructional
process and students’ actual use of the offered experiences. It is expected that the
latter can explain learning outcomes better than the learning opportunities provided
by the curriculum of the teacher.
Classroom Level
In addition to the variables of time and opportunity, the quality of instruction
determines the outcomes of education. Based on theoretical notions and empirical
research, it is possible to select characteristics of the three components of quality of
classroom instruction, curriculum, grouping procedures and teacher behaviours.
The curriculum refers to the documents like textbooks and the other material
used by the teacher, which means that the effects of material are influenced by the
way teachers use them. The characteristics that contribute to the quality of
instruction are:
Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
explicitness and ordering of goals and content;
structure and clarity of content;
use of advance organizers;
use of material for evaluation of student outcomes, feedback and corrective
The research into grouping procedures is mostly comparative, trying to prove that a
specific procedure is better than others. The results show that the success of grouping
is highly determined by the availability of proper instructional material and by teacher
behaviours. The following procedures turn out to be effective:
mastery learning;
ability grouping;
cooperative learning.
but the results are highly dependent on use of:
differentiated material;
material for evaluation, feedback and corrective instruction.
Teacher behaviour is not only a determinant of the success and failure of the curriculum
and grouping procedures, but also has an independent contribution to effectiveness.
Teachers set the time framework (for lessons as well as for homework), organize the
instructional environment and provide, initiate, and continue the instructional process.
The effective characteristics are the following:
effective class management/an orderly and quiet atmosphere;
use of homework;
high expectations;
clear goal setting;
a restricted set of goals
an emphasis on basic skills
an emphasis on cognitive learning and transfer
structuring the curriculum content;
ordering of goals and content
use of advance organizers
use of prior knowledge of students
clarity of presentation;
frequent questioning;
use of an immediate exercise after presentation of new content;
use of evaluation, feedback and corrective instruction.
It is obvious in the model that teachers are the central component in the instruction at
the classroom level. They make use of curricular materials and they actually set out
grouping procedures in their classrooms.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
In addition to these characteristics, the more formal characteristic of consistency
can also be noted at the classroom level. Consistency points to the need for the
characteristics of the components to be synchronized with each other.
School Level
Looking at the lists of effective school factors (Levine and Lezotte, 1990;
Scheerens, 1992), it becomes clear that most of these factors, such as ‘an orderly
climate in the school’ and ‘the evaluation of student achievement’, are in fact
reflections of the indicators of quality of instruction, time and opportunity to
learn that operate at the classroom level. Because of a lack of research studies
that analyse school and classroom levels simultaneously in one design, it is hard
to say what the separate contribution of these factors might be in accounting
for student level variance when controlling for their effects as classroom level
factors. In any case, many school level factors are rather meaningless when they
are not clearly linked to classroom factors. Even if they do have an independent
effect on pupil achievement, it is still not clear how these effects come about
and therefore how they should be interpreted in policy terms. In the current
model, therefore, all school level factors are defined as conditions for classroom
level factors. This definition restricts the selection of school level factors only to
those factors conditional for, and directly related to, quality of instruction, time
or opportunity to learn.
We distinguish conditions for the quality of instruction with respect to the
educational aspects:
rules and agreements about all aspects of classroom instruction, especially curricular
materials, grouping procedures and teacher behaviour, and the consistency between
an evaluation policy and a system at the school level to check student achievement,
to present learning problems or to correct problems at an early stage. This includes
regular testing, remedial teaching, student counselling, and homework assistance.
With respect to the organizational aspects at the school level, important conditions
for the quality of instruction are:
a school policy on coordination and supervision of teachers, departmental heads
and school principals (educational leadership), and a school policy to correct and
further professionalize teachers who do not live up to the school standards;
a school culture inducing and supporting effectiveness.
Conditions for time at the school level are:
the development and provision of a time schedule for subjects and topics;
rules and agreements about time use, including the school policy on homework,
pupil absenteeism and cancellation of lessons;
the maintenance of an orderly and quiet atmosphere in the school.
Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
Conditions for opportunity to learn at the school level are:
the development and availability of a curriculum plan or school working plan;
a consensus about the mission of the school;
rules and agreements about how to proceed and how to follow the curriculum,
especially with respect to transition from one class to another or from one grade
to another.
At the school level, consistency between the components, which are synchronized with
each other, is an important condition for instruction. All members of the school team
should take care of this, thereby creating cohesion. Schools should not change rules and
policies frequently, generating the constancy principle. The control principle not only
refers to the fact that student achievement should be evaluated, but also to a quiet
atmosphere in the school. Control also refers to teachers holding themselves and others
responsible for effectiveness. In these factors, like consistency, constancy and cohesion,
one can see the importance of some of the concerns of persons in school improvement
to generate ‘ownership’ (Fullan, 1991) or ‘collegiality’ (Rosenholtz, 1989).
Context Level
The same components as were mentioned before (quality, time and opportunity to
learn) can also be distinguished at the context level.
Quality at this level concerns the following conditions:
a national policy that focuses on the effectiveness of education;
the availability of an indicator system and/or a national policy on evaluation/a
national testing system;
training and support which promotes effective schools and instruction;
the funding of schools based on outcomes.
Time refers to:
national guidelines with respect to the time schedules of schools;
supervision of the maintenance of schedules.
Opportunity to learn refers to:
national guidelines and rules with respect to the development of the curriculum,
the school working plan and the activity plan at the school level, for example
through a national curriculum.
It is clear that, at the different levels, and especially at the context level, resources are
also important, but resources should be operationalized as such things as the availability
of materials, teachers and other components supporting education in schools and
classrooms (Hanushek, 1989; Gray, 1990; Hedges et al., 1994), rather than as a more
general, global level of financial resources.
At the context level, consistency, constancy and control are again important formal
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
characteristics which can be utilized, emphasizing the importance of the same
characteristics over time and of mechanisms to ensure synchronicity at a point in
Relating School Effectiveness to Meta Theories
Public choice theory provides the diagnosis of instances of organizational
ineffectiveness, such as goal displacement, over-production of services, purposefully
counterproductive behaviour, ‘make work’ (i.e. officials creating work for each other),
hidden agendas and time and energy consuming schisms between sub-units. When
discretional leeway of subordinate units goes together with unclear technology this
too adds to the overall nourishing ground for inefficient organizational functioning;
see Cohen, March and Olsen’s famous garbage can model of organizational decision-
making (Cohen, M., et al., 1972). Not only government departments but also
universities are usually mentioned as examples of types of organizations where these
phenomena are likely to occur.
Theoretically the remedy against these sources of organizational malfunctioning
would be a close alignment, and ideally even a complete union, of individual, sub-
unit and organizational goals. The practical approach to go about this offered by
public choice theory is to create external conditions that will force, at least part, of
the inefficient divergency of individual level and organizational rationality out of the
system. The level that is recommended to be used is the creation of market-mechanisms
replacing administrative control. The competition resulting from these market-
conditions will be an important incentive to make public sector organizations more
efficient. The essence of choice as an alternative to the bureaucratic controls that
result from the way representative democracy works is that a completely different,
more ‘local’ type of democracy is called for in which most authority is vested directly
in the schools, parents and students (Chubb and Moe, 1990, p.218). In their ‘proposal
for reform’ these authors draw a picture of an educational system where there is a lot
of liberty to found schools, a funding system that is largely dependent on the success
of schools in free competition for students, freedom of choice for parents and freedom
for schools to have their own admission policies.
It should be noted that the leverage-point of ‘choice’ differs from that of synoptic
planning and bureaucracy as an alternative mechanism that might explain educational
effectiveness phenomena. Whereas the former applies to the design of the primary
process and supportive managerial conditions in the areas of supervision and
coordination, the latter (choice) points at external, school environmental conditions.
This means that, perhaps surprisingly, both mechanisms could theoretically be
employed simultaneously. Although internal bureaucratic functioning (in the sense
described in the previous section) will most likely be seen as being embedded in the
larger central or state bureaucracy there is no necessity that this is indeed the case.
Notes of criticism that have been made with respect to the propagation of choice are
that parents’ choices of schools are based on other than performance criteria (Scheerens,
1997), that ‘choice’ might stimulate inequalities in education (Scheerens and Bosker,
1997) and that completely autonomous primary and secondary schools create problems
in offering a common educational level for further education (Leune, 1994).
Scheerens (1992, pp. 17–18) mentions the following three instances in which
Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
deductions from public choice theory are in line with the results of empirical school
effectiveness research:
1 To the extent that public choice theory draws attention to overemphasizing general
managerial and maintenance functions at the cost of investment in the
organization’s primary process, the results of USA and British studies showing
that instructional leadership is associated with relatively high performance are in
line with this observation.
2 Second, the construct of ‘opportunity costs’, which draws attention to the
phenomenon that functionaries in public sector organizations have opportunities
to be active in non-task related activities, can be seen as indicative of the general
finding that more ‘time on task’ and thus ‘less foregone teaching and learning’,
leads to better educational achievement (examples of foregone teaching and learning
are lessons not taught, truancy and time required to maintain discipline).
3 Third, public choice theory offers a general explanation for the results of
comparisons between private and public schools. Generally in developed countries,
private schools appear to be more effective, even in countries where both private
and public schools are financed by the state, as is the case in the Netherlands
(Creemers and Osinga, 1995).
Explanations for the alleged superiority of private schools are that
parents who send their children to these schools are more active educational
consumers and make specific demands on the educational philosophy of schools;
a greater internal democracy of private schools (the latter conclusion was drawn
on the basis of an empirical study of Hofman (1995)).
The evidence that schools that are more autonomous are more effective (regardless of
religious denomination or private/public status) is not very strong, however. Although
Chubb and Moe (1990) claim to have shown the superiority of autonomous schools
their results have been criticized on methodological grounds (Witte and Walsh, 1990).
At the macro level, there is no evidence whatsoever that national educational systems
where there is more autonomy for schools perform better in the area of basic
competencies (Meuret and Scheerens, 1995).
The political image of organizational functioning and public choice theory rightly
challenge the assumption of synoptic rationality and bureaucracy that all units and
individuals jointly pursue the organization’s goal. The arguments and evidence
concerning the diagnosis (inefficiency caused by a failing alignment between individual
level and organizational level rationality) are more convincing than the cure
(privatization, choice) as far as the effectiveness of schools is concerned. The critical
factor appears to be that market forces (e.g. parents’ choice of a school) may not be
guided by considerations concerning school performance, so that schools may be
‘rewarded’ for other than efficient goal-oriented performance.
It should be emphasized again that our perspective is the internal or instrumental
interpretation of school effectiveness (see the introduction) and that the evaluation of
the merits of choice may be quite different when the responsiveness of schools is seen
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
as the central issue, particularly for higher educational levels (e.g. vocational schools,
higher education) as compared to primary and general secondary schools.
Although in many industrialized countries there are tendencies towards
decentralization and increased autonomy of schools, for primary and secondary
education these tendencies are stronger in the domains of finance and school
management than in the domain of the curriculum (Meuret and Scheerens, 1995).
The United Kingdom is a case in point, where local management of schools is combined
with a national curriculum and a national assessment programme. Also in case studies
of ‘restructuring’ programmes in the USA and Canada (Leithwood, 1995) increased
school autonomy is concentrated in (school-based) management and ‘teacher
empowerment’ whilst curriculum requirements and standards are maintained or even
further articulated at an above-school level.
Stringfield (1995, p.70) notes that several states in the USA have created new
curriculum standards, and new, more demanding and more performance-based tests.
What remains then as a possible fruitful direction for future school effectiveness
research as a result of this analysis of the ‘political’ image of organizational functioning?
The market-metaphor appears to be only useful in a limited sense for primary and
secondary education, because governments will generally see the need for a certain
standardization in key-areas of the curriculum to provide a common base for further
education. At the same time ‘choice’-behaviour of the consumers of education may
diverge from stimulating schools to raise their performance, and undesired side-effects
(more inequalities) cannot be ruled out. The critical factor appears to be that schools
experience external pressures and incentives to enhance performance in key-areas of
the curriculum. Consumers of education, if properly informed, may well be one source
for creating these conditions, but not the only source. From this perspective, contrary
to the strong adherents of ‘choice’, consumerism could well be seen as compatible
with accountability requirements from higher educational levels. These different
external conditions that may stimulate school performance have not been the object
of many empirical studies (exceptions are, Kyle, 1985; Coleman and Laroque, 1991;
Hofman, 1995) and deserve to be further investigated, also in an international
comparative context. As a second area for further research the statements about ‘bad’
internal organizational functioning of public sector organizational deducted from
public choice theory might be used as guidelines in studying unusually ineffective
Contingency Theory
‘Contingency’ is described as a ‘thing dependent on an uncertain event’ and ‘contingent’
as ‘true only under certain conditions’ (Concise Oxford Dictionary). In organizational
science ‘contingency theory’, also referred to as the ‘situational approach’ or
contingency approach, is taken as the perspective in which the optimal structure of an
organization is seen as dependent on a number of ‘other’ factors or conditions. These
other factors are mostly referred to as ‘contingency factors’ (Mintzberg, 1979).
Contingency factors are a rather heterogeneous set of conditions, both internal and
external to the organization: age and size of the organization, the complexity of the
organization’s environment and the technology of the organization’s primary process
(see Scheerens (1997), from which the next sections are drawn).
Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
Some well-known general hypotheses about effective combinations of contingency
factors and structural configurations are:
the older the organization, the more formalized its behaviour;
the larger the organization, the more elaborate its structure, that is, the more
specialized its tasks, the more differentiated its units, and the more developed its
administrative components;
the more sophisticated the technical system, the more elaborated the administrative
structure, specifically the larger and more professional the support staff, the greater
the selective decentralization (to that staff), and the greater the use of liaison
devices (to coordinate the work of that staff);
the more dynamic the environment, the more organic the structure (Mintzberg,
1979, ch.12).
The terms in which organizational structure is described are organizational dimensions
like the division of work (‘specialization’) and authority or vertical ‘decentralization’,
the use of prestructured arrangements (‘standardization’) and the use of written
regulations or formalization, the level of skills to carry out tasks or ‘professionalization’
and the interdependence of units (‘coordination requirements’). Frequently a distinction
is made between mechanistic and organic structure. A mechanistic structure is
characterized by high levels of standardization and supervisory discretion and low
levels of specialization, intra-unit interdependence, and external communication. An
organic design, in its turn, is characterized by low levels of standardization and
supervisory discretion and high levels of specialization, interdependence and external
communication and is less prone to information saturation (Gresov, 1989, p.432).
Mechanistic structure is likely to be efficient when tasks are simple and repetitive and
environmental uncertainty is low. When tasks are uncertain and interdependence is
high and the environment is dynamic the organic structure would be more ‘fitting’.
The central and global thesis from contingency theory which says that organizational
effectiveness results from a fit between situation and structure has been interpreted in
various ways.
The ‘congruence thesis’ states that effective structure requires a close fit between
the contingency factors and the design parameters (Mintzberg, 1979, p.217). Drazin
and Van de Ven (1985) specify congruence as theories that just hypothesized fit between
contingency factors and structure, without examining whether this context-structure
relationship actually affected performance. They preserve the term ‘contingency
hypothesis’ for analyses that look into the joint influence of context and structure on
The ‘contingency thesis’ is focused at the internal consistency of structural
characteristics, whereas the ‘extended configuration hypothesis’ states that effective
structure requires a consistency among the structural characteristics and the
contingency factors. These four different hypotheses call for four different research
designs that are progressively more complicated.
1 Configuration is technically the least demanding since it could just look at structural
parameters and their supposed harmonious fit, for instance by computing simple
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
At the same time interpretation would be quite circumscribed since no claims
about context-structure fit nor of organizational effectiveness in terms of
performance are involved.
2 Congruence (in Drazin and Van de Yen’s more limited sense) would likewise call
for simple correlations, this time between structural characteristics and contingency-
factors. In fact much of the early empirical literature on contingency theory in
organizational science went no further than testing congruence relationships (see
for example Kieser and Kubicek, 1977).
3 Testing ‘real’ contingency hypotheses would involve some kind of configuration
of three types of variables: contingency factors, organizational structure-variables
and an operational effectiveness criterion, (e.g. profit, goal achievement,
performance). Kickert (1979) has shown that at least three different interpretations
of this configuration are possible.
4 ‘The extended configuration hypothesis’ in its simplest form would investigate
configurations of at least one contingency factor, a pattern of structural variables
and performance. More realistically there would also be more than one contingency
factor involved. The problem of multiple contingencies could be that one
contingency factor would ‘pull’ structure in one direction, whereas another
contingency factor could exercise influence in the opposite direction. For example
in a situation where the task environment would become simplified as less
interdependent whereas, at the same time, the external environment would become
less predictable and dynamic, there would be opposing forces towards mechanistic
and organic structure respectively. Gresov (1989) offers three ways for acting
managers or organizational advisors to resolve problems of multiple and opposing
contingencies. Two of these imply changing or redesigning the organization or the
organizational context.
For researchers only the third approach appears to be realistic, namely to
presuppose a dominance ordering of contingency factors, e.g. if technology and
environment exercise opposing demands on structure then the influence of
technology is the most important. There is, however, no common understanding
about a universal importance ranking of contingency factors. If a solution would
be sought in statements like: the predominance of one contingency factor over the
other depends on certain situational characteristics one would presuppose a ‘second
degree’ contingency theory, which looks like ending up with an infinite regress.
There are still more problematic aspects of contingency theory, at least from a
researcher’s perspective. The concept of ‘equifinality’ recognizes the possibility that
different patterns of context-structure relationship may be equally effective. In a
situation like that effectiveness researchers might come up with outcomes like the
identification of ranges of effective and ineffective context-structure interrelationships.
Probing deeper would inevitably lead up again to hypothetical ‘second order’
contingency factors, namely those background factors that would interact with different
context-structure patterns to produce equal performance.
Next, contingency theory is sometimes criticized for its static nature, while at the
same time it is recognized that organizations (i.e. management) may not only adapt
structural characteristics of the organization but may also actively shape their
environment (for instance through co-optation and marketing).
Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
A third questionable area is the specificity of application of contingency theory. In
organizational science it has frequently been used to compare broad categories of
organizations, like when industries using craft, batch, mass, or continuous process
production are compared. The question could be raised how useful contingency theory
could be in comparing the effectiveness of context-structure relationship for a particular
type of organization, in our case educational organizations. Here one should be more
demanding than applying contingency hypotheses to explain differences between
primary, secondary and tertiary (i.e. universities) educational organizations. For this
example a general hypothesis could be that, given an average position of educational
organization on the dimension mechanistic-organic, lower education levels would
tend to the mechanistic and higher education levels to the organic pole.
For our purposes, theory development on educational effectiveness, contingency
theory should be able to predict results of what has been termed as ‘contextual
effectiveness’, the idea that different performance-enhancing conditions of
educational organizations work in different contexts. Drawing on Teddlie’s review
on ‘context in school effects research’ (Teddlie, 1994b), it becomes clear that
contextual effectiveness is indeed a viable part of educational effectiveness research.
The most frequently studied context variables are: average socio economic status of
students, urbanicity and educational level (i.e. primary versus secondary schools).
A relatively new type of contextual analysis is the comparison of performance
enhancing educational conditions across nations (Scheerens et al., 1989; Postlethwaite
and Ross, 1992; Creemers et al., 1996).
Some illustrative results from contextual effectiveness studies are the following:
a more short term orientation towards educational expectations in effective low
SES schools as compared to middle SES schools (Teddlie et al., 1989b);
more pronounced external reward structure in effective low SES schools as
compared to high SES schools (ibid.);
invitational versus a more careful (sometimes even ‘buffering) attitude of middle
SES schools as compared to effective low SES schools (ibid.);
controlling educational leadership with respect to instruction and task orientation
in effective low SES schools as compared to low or moderate controlling leadership
in these areas in effective high SES schools (Hallinger and Murphy, 1986);
primarily academic goals in effective elementary schools as compared to both
personal as well as educational goals in secondary schools (various authors, cited
by Teddlie, 1994b);
strong instructional leadership required for success in urban elementary schools,
whereas a managerial leadership style proved often successful in suburban
elementary schools and an ‘intermediate’ between manager and initiator worked
best in rural elementary schools (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
It appears that the research results on contextual effectiveness, as is almost always the
case with educational effectiveness research, have mostly been induced from
exploratory correlational analysis, rather than being the result of the testing of
hypothesis deduced from theory. Making a lot of sense as they do, the outcomes of
contextual effectiveness studies are only vaguely related to contingency hypotheses
from the general organization science literature. Perhaps the more controlling leadership
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
in effective urban, low SES schools as compared to suburban, middle SES elementary
and secondary schools, could be connected to the general contingency hypothesis
that relatively simple, rather unconnected tasks in a generally stable environment call
for a more mechanistic type of organization structure.
The question should be raised as to what can be expected of contingency theory
when it comes to giving a more theoretical turn to educational effectiveness research.
Can we deduce substantive hypotheses from contingency theory that could further
research into contextual effectiveness? It is my impression that a careful study of the
general organization literature on contingency, particularly the empirical research
literature, can indeed yield interesting hypotheses.
In this sense the promising areas appear to be:
hypotheses concerning changes in the technology of the primary process of learning
and instruction;
hypotheses concerning increased environmental uncertainty for educational
There is sufficient variety in the technology of learning and instruction to expect
concrete implications for the structuring of educational organizations. If one compares,
for instance, very structured approaches as the Calvert-Barclay programme, described
by Stringfield (1995), with educational practice inspired by constructivism this variation
is evident, even within a certain educational level (elementary education in this case).
In the first instance, structural patterns would be expected to be in line with a
mechanistic type of organization (little interdependence between units, standardization
and direct control) whereas in the second instance a more organic type of organizing
would be expected (horizontal decentralization, much interdependence between units,
less standardization).
These overall patterns are more or less confirmed in publications describing the
organizational context of the two polar types of educational technology, see Stringfield’s
description of ‘high reliability organizations’ and Murphy’s analysis of the managerial
context of constructivist teaching (Murphy, 1992) (also see Scheerens, (1994)). Barley’s
reference to role theory, already referred to in an earlier section (Barley, 1990), could
be used as a guideline to study the more minute ways in which these task characteristics
have an impact on organizational structures.
The second type of hypothesis could be applied to the variation in patterns of
school autonomy versus dependency that arises from the current restructuring of
educational governance in many countries. Policies of functional and territorial
decentralization (see Meuret and Scheerens, 1995) as well as deregulation, paired to
ideas about ‘school-based management’ and ‘teacher empowerment’ as well as the
stimulation of market mechanisms, all make for a less stable and predictable school
environment and would therefore be expected to force educational organizations to
more organic structure, in order to remain effective. Since these configurations of
centralization/ decentralization differ strongly between countries, international
comparative educational effectiveness studies could be used to test this type of
Finally, it should be noted that the logic of the contingency approach is very close
to substantive and formal methodological interpretations of multilevel school
Theory Development in School Effectiveness Research
effectiveness models, which were referred to in the introduction. The general idea of
higher level facilitation of lower level conditions can be seen as an instance of the
configuration thesis. Moreover, some of the intricacies of formalizing across level
relationships (e.g. interactive, additive, non-recursive) in multilevel school effectiveness
models are also present in the alternative formal specifications of contingency-
In making up the balance, in spite of all methodological problems, contingency
theory appears to have more ‘in it’ than has currently been used in educational
effectiveness research. In this way it offers certain possibilities to improve the theoretical
basis of educational effectiveness in that research could become driven by specific
hypotheses deduced from theory:
a heightened attention to endogenous developments within the organizations, an
active attitude towards influencing environmental conditions;
a focus on feedback and learning functions;
a increased tolerance for intuition, political vision and ethos in management style.
To the extent that schools’ environments can be seen as turbulent, these three
managerial factors could, likewise, be seen as relevant to enhancing school effectiveness
and thus as relevant ‘process features’ or effectiveness enhancing conditions. However,
here the same reservations are in place as were made in the section on the learning
organization: schools’ environments generally may not be turbulent, after all.
Conclusions and Implications for School Effectiveness Research
In their analysis of alternative models of school effectiveness Bosker and Scheerens
(1994) conclude that ‘the actual problem might in fact be that the most likely model
might be indirect, non-recursive, contextual, synergetic, and interactive at the same
time’. All of these characteristics imply increased complexity as opposed to simpler
(direct, recursive, additive) versions. This means that state-of-the-art multilevel and
structural modelling techniques based upon the general linear model could fall short
of dealing with the complexity inherent in conceptual school effectiveness models.
Another basis for concern about the current state of the art of school effectiveness
research are doubts about the progress that is being made in building a wellestablished
knowledge-base and even—to a lesser degree—whether school effectiveness can be
studied as a relatively stable phenomenon.
Doubts about the solidity of the current knowledge-base on school effectiveness
are expressed by Tymms (1996a) who in fact presents a first attempt to apply
chaostheoretical reasoning to school effectiveness by means of a simulation study,
and by Scheerens (1993). As progress is being made in properly adjusting outcome
data for prior achievement and other relevant background variables at the student
level the proportion of the total student variation that can be attributed by attending
a particular school appears to drop to values of 5–7 per cent (see Bosker and Witziers,
1996; Hill et al., 1995). If roughly half of this proportion of variance can be accounted
for by a set of effectiveness enhancing process conditions of schooling, it is clear that
it is extremely difficult to accumulate evidence on a stable set of malleable correlates
of ‘net’-achievement. Scheerens and Creemers (1995) demonstrate this lack of
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
consistency among relevant process characteristics in a quantitative review of about
40 Dutch educational effectiveness studies (see Chapter 2).
In the area of stability of school effects the authors of recent studies conclude that
‘there is a substantial amount of instability across years’ (Luyten, 1994a, p.56) and
‘that there is a significant degree of change over time’ (Thomas, S., et al., 1995, p.15).
Correlations of effects across years vary according to subjects roughly from 0.40–
0.90. These authors found that only at the extremes (either effective or non-effective)
consistent (across subjects) and stable (across years) positioning patterns were found.
Considering these areas of unexplained variation (both with respect to process
correlates of net school effects and (in) stability over time) two approaches can be
continue using the current linear analysis techniques, but preferably with larger
samples, more reliable measures and controlled (quasi-experimental) research
employ the more complex systems dynamics modelling techniques that are
associated with the general label of chaos theory.
Preferably both approaches should be followed. There appears to be insufficient ground
(in terms of lack of consistency and stability) to abandon the more traditional methods.
On the other hand it seems worthwhile to further explore the possibilities of dynamic
systems theory approaches to try and discover patterns in the so far ‘unexplained
regions’ in our knowledge on what causes schools to be effective. In a more practical
sense this approach could have the following implications for school effectiveness
efforts in examining the long term effects of differences in entrance-conditions
(achievement of students, contextual effects of grouping of students, matching of
teachers and groups of pupils);
efforts in creating longitudinal data-files on outcomes, student background and
process characteristics per school;
perhaps a new source of inspiration to carry out qualitative studies of school-
specific measures that might explain the improvement or deterioration of a school’s
functioning and increased effort to try and reach some type of accumulation and
synthesis from numbers of qualitative studies.
Section 4
The Future of School
Effectiveness Research
11 School Effectiveness Research
and the Social and Behavioural
Charles Teddlie and David Reynolds
The academic specialization known as School Effectiveness Research (SER) has
occasionally been treated as a sub-field within larger, longer established fields of study
such as Educational Administration (e.g. Bossert, 1988; Hoy and Miskel, 1991), or as
a complementary ‘adjunct’ to areas such as teacher effectiveness or teacher research
(e.g. Wittrock, 1986). In this handbook, we have treated SER as an independent field
of study, which is within the general discipline of education, and which has now
generated its own sub-fields of inquiry (see Chapter 2).
While SER resides in general within the discipline of education, it has ‘roots’ and
evolving ‘branches’ throughout the entirety of the social sciences. In this chapter, we
will first discuss the ‘roots’ of the area within disciplines such as economics, psychology,
sociology, and criminology; then, we will discuss its future in terms of new extensions
into areas as diverse as social network analysis and psychiatry.
Specific Contributions from the Historical ‘Roots’ of SER
The Economics of Education
The economists’ educational production function (EPF) has been used extensively in
education to investigate school productivity and efficiency (e.g. Benson, Medrich, and
Buckley, 1980; Bowles, 1970; Coleman et al., 1966; Geske and Teddlie, 1990; Glasman
and Binianimov, 1981; Hanushek, 1971, 1972, 1979, 1981, 1986, 1987; Henderson et
al., 1978; Katzman, 1971; Lau, 1979; Monk, 1989, 1992; Murnane, 1975, 1981;
Murnane and Nelson, 19 84; Summers and Wolfe, 1977). The assumption in these EPF
studies is that inequities in easily measurable, financially related inputs (e.g. teacher
salaries, student teacher ratio, number of volumes in the library, size of science labs, age
of buildings, years of faculty experience) were related to student achievement.
The economists’ orientation is highly rational, perhaps even mechanistic, and is
based on the traditional hypothetico-deductive model:
For purposes of school productivity research, efficiency is typically defined as the
potential for achieving increases in outputs of schooling without incurring increases
in the physical qualities or quantities of the resources used…. The economist’s
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
production function is typically used in education to examine the effects of different
factors on students’ school performance. The educational production function is
based on the assumption that there is some systematic relationship between school
inputs and educational outputs that influence student achievement.
(Geske and Teddlie, 1990, pp.192–3)
Coleman’s 1966 Report was based on the assumption that financially defined inputs
could predict student achievement, and his failure to find the expected relationships
not only served as a catalyst for the development of SER, but also presaged the
frustrating search for consistent relationships between those variables. Hanushek
(1986) conducted an extensive review of the field and concluded:
The results are startlingly consistent in finding no strong evidence that
teacherstudent ratios, teacher education, or teacher experience have an expected
positive effect on student achievement. According to the available evidence one
cannot be confident that hiring more educated teachers or having smaller classes
will improve student performance. Teacher experience appears only marginally
stronger…. There appears to be no strong or systematic relationship between
school expenditures and student performance.
(Hanushek, 1986, p.1162)
Despite these overall negative findings, some studies have demonstrated that school
resources affect different students in different ways, but few school resources
consistently benefit all students (Geske and Teddlie, 1990). Two of the most outstanding
studies in this tradition are Summers and Wolfe (1977) and Murnane (1975), both of
which painstakingly tied specific school resource data to individual student achievement
(see Chapters 1 and 3 for more details).
The most discerning criticisms aimed at the Coleman Report and later EPF studies
concerned the underspecification of the economists’ models; specifically, this criticism
charged that important input variables were not included. Many economists did not
consider attitudinal variables, such as school climate, or measures of classroom
behaviour appropriate for their models. These economists (e.g. Murnane and Nelson,
1984) stressed an orthodox position that assumed that:
…production inputs and techniques are well articulated and fully detailed and
that the manufacturing process becomes highly standardised, with little tolerance
for variation.
(Geske and Teddlie, 1990, p.199)
Within this orthodox, economic orientation, variables such as teaching skills were
too varied and idiosyncratic to be included in the EPF. As Murnane and Nelson (1984)
Variation in educational practice is unavoidable and in fact is crucial to effective
teaching…. In other words, effective teaching requires intensive problem solving
activity, and creative and personalised response to frequent unpredicted
circumstances…. Many details have to be worked out by the individual teacher,
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
and what one teacher does in applying a particular broadly defined method will
diverge, often considerably, from what another teacher does.
(Murnane and Nelson, 1984, pp.362–3)
It could be argued that the exclusion of behavioural variables (e.g. teacher classroom
performance) and attitudinal variables (e.g. school climate) from traditional EPF studies
doomed that area from making further advances in explaining variance in student
performance. Indeed, it will be argued in this chapter that advances coming from
social psychology, in terms of the measurement of attitudes, and from teacher
effectiveness research, in terms of the measurement of classroom behaviour, led to
great improvement in the proper specification of mathematical models predicting
student achievement in SER.
Despite this, the EPF, in greatly modified and expanded form, is still an essential part
of SER today. The multilevel models described in Chapter 6 are the successors to the
regression driven EPF models of the 1960s and 1970s. Researchers using these modern
multilevel models incorporate attitudinal and behavioural predictors that orthodox EPF
theorists would eschew, but the basic hypothetico-deductive mathematical model (student
performance=a function of controllable and uncontrollable predictors) is the same as
that employed by Coleman and his colleagues in the mid-1960s.
The Sociology of Education
Another strong influence on the development of SER came from the American and
British branches of the sociology of education. Numerous early studies were conducted
within the USA in the structural-functional paradigm, specifically within the status
attainment literature, that sought to relate adolescent educational achievement and,
in some cases, adult occupational status/income to a variety of ‘background’ variables
including those relating to school attended (e.g. Alexander, K. and McDill, 1976;
Alexander, K. et al., 1978, 1981, 1985; Bidwell and Kasarda, 1975; Brookover and
Erickson, 1975; Erbing and Young, 1979; Enthwistle and Hayduk, 1988; Hannan et
al., 1976; Hauser, 1971; Hauser et al., 1976; Heynemann and Loxley, 1983; Heyns,
1974; Hoffer et al., 1985; Lee, V., and Bryk, 1989; McDill et al., 1967, 1969;
Raudenbush and Bryk, 1986; Sewell et al., 1969; Shavit and Williams, 1985). Chapters
1 and 3 contain brief reviews of this literature.
In the United Kingdom, developments in the sociology of education from a concern
with the influence of family background (e.g. Davie et al., 1972; Douglas, 1964,
1968) towards an acknowledgment of the importance of the school had an important
influence on the development of school effectiveness. Hargreaves (1967) and Lacey
(1970) published interesting material that looked at the impact of school academic
differentiation upon student outcomes, arguing for the importance of ‘streaming by
ability’ in generating low academic achievement and delinquency outside the school.
Byrne and Williamson (1971) also argued for the importance of resource factors in
different geographical areas being associated with differing regional levels of academic
achievement. Other useful contributions were made from the field of classroom studies
which, although they were not undertaken with the same observational vigour as
those in the USA noted later in this chapter, generated an enhanced interest in the
factors within the educational system that were worthy of future study.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Social Psychology
The contributions of social psychology to SER are primarily within the area of
instrument development related to the input side of the EPF. The inability of the
economic and sociological input variables to adequately capture school and classroom
process factors led educational researchers to borrow conceptual variables from social
psychology including the following:
student internal-external locus of control scales;
expectation levels for student performance;
academic self-esteem scales; and
school educational ‘climate’ scales.
The remainder of this section will trace the development of these social psychological
scales and their deployment in SER. This development was briefly described in Chapter
1 in the section on the history of SER in the USA.
Internal/External Locus of Control (Student Sense of Academic Futility)
The social psychological concept of internal/external locus of control was popularized
by Rotter (1966). If individuals have an internal locus of control, then they believe
that their own actions can have an efficacious impact upon their environment;
conversely, if individuals have an external locus of control, then they believe that
their own actions do not have much of an impact upon their environment.
This construct was entered into the SER literature by Coleman et al. (1966), who
asked students to agree or disagree with statements such as:
People like me don’t have much of a chance to be successful. Good luck is more
important than hard work for success. Every time I try to get ahead, something
or somebody stops me.
Results from the Coleman Report indicated that student ‘sense of control of the
environment’ was the most important student attitudinal variable measured in terms of
its relationship to student achievement. Coleman and his colleagues concluded that:
It may well be, then, that one of the keys toward success for minorities which
have experienced disadvantage and a particularly unresponsive environment—
either in the home or the larger society—is a change in that conception.
(Coleman et al., 1966, p.321)
Brookover et al. (1978, 1979) adapted this ‘student sense of control over the
environment’ into a scale measuring what they called ‘student sense of academic
futility’. This scale was the most important predictor of student achievement in the
Brookover study, explaining over one-half of the variance in student achievement.
Brookover’s adaptation of the sense of control variable made it into a construct that
could be directly affected by the particular school environment in which students
exist: the school should be able to affect their students’ sense of the degree to which
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
they can be successful in that particular environment, if not in the society as a whole.
Teddlie and Stringfield (1993) replicated the results of the Brookover study using
both the student ‘sense of futility scale’ and scales measuring both students’ and faculty’s
sense of external and internal locus of control in an academic environment (Crandall,
V. et al., 1965; Taylor, R. et al., 1981).
Teacher and Student Expectation Levels
The evolution of the concepts of teacher and student expectation levels started in
animal studies in psychology in the 1960s and has extended through contextually
sensitive SER in the 1990s.
Rosenthal’s work on experimenter bias effects (Rosenthal, 1968, 1976) first
documented the effect on laboratory animals. Rosenthal and Fode (1963) discovered
that albino rats trained by experimenters who thought that their rats were ‘maze
bright’ earned significantly higher scores than rats trained by experimenters who
thought that their rats were ‘maze dull’. Actually, the albino rats were assigned to
experimental condition (bright or dull) randomly.
Rosenthal and Jacobsen (1968) extended the experimenter bias effect results to the
classroom in their famous formulation of the self fulfilling prophecy described in
Pygmalion in the Classroom. In this research, randomly chosen students were classified
as ‘bloomers’ to the faculty in a school. Later retesting showed that the IQ of these
‘bloomers’ went up significantly more than the remainder of the class. This research
has been controversial, with replications of the self fulfilling prophecy occurring in
some studies, but not in others.
The self fulfilling prophecy research in turn led Brookover and others (e.g. Brophy
and Good, 1974; Cooper and Good, 1982; Crano and Mellon, 1978; Persell, 1977)
to study how teacher expectancies account for between school variations in student
achievement. Brookover and his colleagues (1978, 1979) expanded the scales to include
student and principal expectations (as well as those of teachers) and further
differentiated between current and future expectations. The results from SER using
these scales led to the inclusion of ‘high expectations for student achievement’ as one
of the original correlates of effective schooling (e.g. Brookover and Lezotte, 1979;
Edmonds, 1979a, 1979b, 1981; Lezotte, 1990; Lezotte and Bancroft, 1985).
Context differences in expectations associated with the SES of students attending
the schools were reported by both Hallinger and Murphy (1986) and Teddlie and
Stringfield (1985, 1993). Hallinger and Murphy concluded that the source of
expectations in low-SES schools was the school itself and tended to be moderate; in
high-SES schools, the sources were the home and school and tended to be very high.
Teddlie and Stringfield concluded that middle-SES schools promoted both high present
and future educational expectations, while low-SES schools emphasized present
educational expectations only. (See Chapter 5 for more details regarding these context
Academic Self Concept or Self Esteem
The pioneering and popularizing work in the area of self concept or self esteem came
from Rosenberg (1963, 1965) and Coopersmith (1967). Put simply, self concept is a
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
person’s personal beliefs about himself or herself, and is the product of multiple
interactions with significant others, such as people in the family and school (Stoll and
Fink, 1996). Rosenberg’s early work involved the influence of parents on the self concepts
of their children. Work over the past thirty years has determined that self concept, or
self esteem, is a multidimensional construct and that it varies greatly by factors such as
culture, ethnicity, and sex (e.g. Stoll and Fink, 1996; Tashakkori and Kennedy, 1993).
Scales specifically measuring academic self concept, which is a particular type of
self esteem related solely to academic matters, have been developed (e.g. Brookover et
al., 1978; Michael and Smith, 1976). Brookover and his colleagues did much of the
early work with regard to conceptualizing and measuring academic self esteem (e.g.
Brookover et al., 1962; Brookover and Schneider, 1975). Miller (1983) summarized
Brookover’s work in this area:
In sum, self concept of ability functions as an intervening variable between
significant other expectations and evaluations of students on one side and student
achievement on the other. The construct also functions as a threshold variable,
i.e. a necessary but not sufficient factor in high achievement.
(Miller, 1983, p.26)
While academic sense of futility, teacher expectations, and school climate have generally
been used as predictors of achievement in SER, academic self concept has been
conceptualized several ways:
as an intervening variable between expectations/evaluations and achievement (e.g.
Brookover and Schneider, 1975; Miller, 1983);
as a criterion variable; that is, as a product of the schooling experience (e.g.
Brookover et al., 1978; Mortimore et al., 1988);
as a predictor variable related to student achievement (e.g. Teddlie and
Stringfield, 1993).
Criminological research in general, and particularly that on juvenile delinquency, has
made a significant contribution to SER in both the USA and the United Kingdom (for
a review see Reynolds and Jones, 1978). In the USA, the emergence of theories
concerning the generation of delinquency that gave a central position to the role of
the school was notable in the early 1960s, with one version proposing that the school
encouraged delinquency because of its blocks upon goal attainment in academic spheres
by low social class male youth (Cloward and Ohlin, 1964) and the other version
arguing that the school generated delinquency through a ‘reaction formation’ generated
by its alien, middle class values impacting upon lower class youth who possessed a
different value system (Cohen, 1965). By the late 1960s, the education/ delinquency
interaction was very well established with a paradigm that related low educational
achievement and high levels of ‘officially recorded’ or ‘self reported’ delinquency (see
Reynolds and Jones, 1978).
The Report of the President’s Commission on Youth Crime (1967) indeed gave an
official seal of approval to the thesis of ‘school effects’, and summarized a great deal
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
of the knowledge then available on the ‘school factors’ responsible for generating ‘at
risk’ youth, amongst them:
negative labelling by teachers, particularly of youths from low SES homes;
a non-relevant curriculum, unrelated to the world that lower SES youth inhabited
or to their occupational destinations;
streaming or ‘tracking’ that acted to depress expectations;
a ‘youth culture’ within many schools that celebrated different ways of obtaining
status to those of the official school procedures.
Further interesting development of the ‘school effect’ thesis came from Hirschi (1969)
with his notion of the importance of the ‘social bond’ that linked young people to the
wider society.
Within the United Kingdom, the very first findings of substantial school differences
came from delinquency research in the seminal work of Power and associates (1967,
1972) that showed twenty-fold differences in delinquency rates of outwardly similar
schools in a homogenous working class community. British research explicitly
maintained this link with criminology by keeping individual and school delinquency
rates as a dependent variable, as in such studies as Reynolds et al. (1976); Rutter et al.
(1979); Clegg and Megson (1968) who discovered an interesting link between schools’
propensity for corporal punishment and their delinquency rates.
The United Kingdom interface and interaction between school effectiveness and
criminology has been maintained by the continued focus within British sociology of
education upon ‘problem’ or antisocial or marginal youth (e.g. Willis, 1976) and by a
continued view of the school child as a victim of poor schooling (Hammersley and
Woods, 1976). Reviews of this literature (e.g. Hargreaves, 1982), have often ended
up ‘adopting’ a ‘control’ orientation to the school/student relationship in a similar
vein to that of Hirschi (1969) in the United States described above. Some of the
classic British studies of the school as a social organization have also been explicitly
concerned with the role of the school in the generation of delinquent careers, as in the
classic study of ‘Lumley’ secondary modern school by Hargreaves (1967) in which
school streaming or tracking systems, the reaction of the organization to student rule
breaking and the consequent counter reaction of the student sub-culture all interacted
to generate a ‘delinquescent’ sub-culture of low achieving students.
Educational Administration
The field of educational administration has also contributed significantly to SER,
especially in terms of research and theory exploring the relationship between the
leadership of principals and superintendents on the one hand and school effectiveness
and improvement on the other. Examples include the following:
Within mainstream academic educational administration, a number of articles
have appeared on SER in journals such as Educational Administration Quarterly
over the past 10–15 years (e.g. Clark, D., et al., 1984; Firestone and Wilson,
1985; Hallinger and Heck, 1996; Hannaway and Talbert, 1993; Sirotnik, 1985;
Wimpelberg et al., 1989).
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Within practitioner oriented educational administration, articles concerning
effective schools and school improvement were especially numerous from the late
1970s through the mid-to late 1980s. For example, there were several articles on
effective schools and school improvement published in the journal Educational
Leadership during this period (e.g. Andrews, R. and Soder, 1987; Brandt, 1989;
Deal and Kennedy, 1983; Dwyer, 1984; Edmonds, 1979a; Firestone and Herriott,
1982a; Hall et al., 1984; Levine and Eubanks, 1989a, 1989b; Lezotte and Bancroft,
1985; McCormack-Larkin, 1985; McCormack-Larkin and Kritek, 1982;
Mortimore and Sammons, 1987; Murphy et al., 1985; Purkey and Smith, 1982;
Stringfield and Teddlie, 1988; Sweeney, 1982).
Within the mainstream SER literature, leadership and administrative processes
are often the topics of journal articles. (See Chapter 4 for a discussion of the
processes of effective leadership.) For instance, numerous articles have appeared
in School Effectiveness and School Improvement on various aspects of principal
and superintendent leadership over the past seven years (e.g. Anderson, S., 1991;
Bamburg and Andrews, 1991; Cheng, 1994, 1996; Corbett and Wilson, 1992;
Crowson and Morris, 1992; Dimmock and Hattie, 1996; Dimmock and Wildy,
1992; Goldring and Pasternack, 1994; Hallinger and Edwards, 1992; Hallinger
and Leithwood, 1994; Heck et al., 1991; Hord et al., 1992; Leithwood, 1992a,
1992b; Leithwood and Jantzi, 1990; Leitner, 1994; Silins, 1994; van de Grift,
1990; van de Grift and Houtveen, 1991; VanderStoep et al., 1994).
The following section of this chapter will discuss the contribution of the field of
educational administration to SER in three general areas:
1 leadership theory and research;
2 other educational administration constructs, such as organizational effectiveness,
organizational culture or climate, and loose and tight coupling; and
3 contributions to instrument development.
Leadership Theory and Research
Theory and research on leadership occurs within many disciplines (e.g. business
administration, education, social psychology), so SER has a rich literature from which
to draw. Over the past 60 years, the study of leadership particularly relevant to
educational settings in the USA has gradually shifted from social psychology to
educational administration, although both fields continue to make contributions. Many
of the classic studies from social psychology (e.g. Cartwright and Zander, 1968; Fiedler,
1967, 1973; French and Raven, 1968; Lewin et al., 1939; Lippitt and White, 1952)
have been incorporated into mainstream educational administration literature (e.g.
Hoy and Miskel, 1991).
Lewin, Lippitt and White (1939) conducted a classic study to determine which
leadership style (i.e. authoritarian, democratic, laissez-faire) worked best in after-
school clubs. While the democratic style generated more positive affective responses
and independent behaviour, the authoritarian style led to higher production of masks,
which was the goal of the clubs (Lippitt and White, 1952). This early work on
leadership styles has had a continuing influence on the study of leadership in SER.
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
For instance, Hall et al. (1984) described three different ‘change facilitator styles’
(i.e. initiators, managers, responders) that principals exhibit in school improvement
situations. Later SER has interpreted research results on the leadership styles of
these three types of change facilitators (e.g. Evans, L., and Teddlie, 1995, Teddlie
and Stringfield, 1993).
Fiedler (1967, 1973) conducted extensive research related to the contingency theory
of leadership, which asserts that there is not one best style of leadership, but rather
the effectiveness of leadership depends upon situational or contingency factors (e.g.
Mintzberg, 1979, 1983; Scheerens, 1993). Contingency theory remains one of the
major theoretical frameworks in both educational administration and SER.
Contextually sensitive SER (e.g. Hallinger and Murphy, 1986; Teddlie and Stringfield,
1985, 1993) has confirmed predictions from contingency theory: for instance, effective
schools with students from different SES contexts (i.e. lower or middle SES) have
principals that differ according to their leadership styles (i.e. initiators or managers).
(This research is discussed further in Chapter 5.)
Hoy and Miskel (1991), in a standard text on educational administration, discussed
several frameworks that could be used in studying leadership in schools, including the
typologies of different power bases (e.g. referent, expert, legitimate, reward,
coercive) that educational administrators can use (e.g. Etzioni, 1975; French and
Raven, 1968; Mintzberg, 1983; Yukl, 1981);
trait theory, or the great man theory (e.g. Immegart, 1988; Stogdill, 1981; Yukl,
situational theory (Hersey and Blanchard, 1982); and
three types of contingency theories: the path-goal theory (House, 1971; House
and Baetz, 1979); Fiedler’s (1967) contingency theory; and Fiedler and Garcia’s
(1987) cognitive resource theory.
Comprehensive, integrated reviews of leadership in schools (e.g. Hallinger and Heck,
1996; Murphy, 1990a) from the field of educational administration offer researchers
studying school effectiveness a variety of theories, together with research literatures,
with which to study educational leadership in schools varying in terms of effectiveness.
These theoretical perspectives are often useful in planning studies or interpreting results
from SER.
For instance, Wimpelberg (1987, 1993) utilized both Bolman and Deal’s (1984,
1991) ‘managerial frames’ and Mitchell’s (1990) cultural theory of the principalship
to explain the leadership behaviour of principals in differentially effective schools
(i.e. stable effective, improving, declining, stable ineffective) from the Louisiana School
Effectiveness Study.
Other Educational Administration Constructs
Other educational administration constructs of interest to researchers in SER are: the
organizational effectiveness of schools, organizational culture or climate, school
climate, the climate continuum, open and closed climates, and loose and tight coupling.
The definition of the organizational effectiveness of schools is a controversial topic in
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
educational administration, with no widely accepted formulation available. Hoy and
Miskel (1991, pp.382–3), using a framework provided by Parsons (1960), referred to
four organizational effectiveness dimensions, together with multiple indicators:
1 adaptation—adaptability, innovation, growth, development;
2 goal attainment—achievement, quality, resource acquisition, efficiency;
3 integration—satisfaction, climate, communication, conflict;
4 latency—loyalty, central life interests, motivation, identity.
Of course, school effectiveness is typically defined in terms of achievement alone,
although many critics have stated that multiple criteria should be used in defining it.
(See Chapter 3 for more discussion of the definition of school effectiveness.) SER
theorists and researchers could benefit from considering the other indicators noted by
Hoy and Miskel (1991), such as:
1 innovation and growth as indicators of school improvement;
2 quality and efficiency as complementary components of effectiveness;
3 climate as an outcome of schooling, rather than an input into the prediction of
4 satisfaction and identity as alternative definitions of school effectiveness, in addition
to achievement.
Organizational culture in contemporary educational administration has an
anthropological basis that emphasizes ‘shared orientations that hold the unit together
and give it a distinct identity’ (Hoy and Miskel, 1991, p.212). Much of the
contemporary focus on organizational culture in education derives from popular
theories of distinct corporate cultures from the field of business (e.g. Deal and Kennedy,
1982; Ouchi, 1981; Peters and Waterman, 1982).
Organizational climate, on the other hand, has roots in psychology, as described in
a previous section of this chapter. It may be defined as the enduring characteristics of
the organization that sets it apart from other organizations (e.g. Gilmer, 1966; Hoy
and Miskel, 1991; Litwin and Stringer, 1968; Tagiuri and Litwin, 1968). Furthermore,
school climate is defined in the educational administration field as:
…a relatively enduring quality of the school environment that is experienced by
participants, affects their behaviour, and is based on their collective perceptions
of behaviour in the schools.
(Hoy and Miskel, 1991, p.221)
A distinguishing characteristic of the school climate construct is that it has been tied
to specific measurement instruments since its initial formulation. In a previous part of
this chapter, school climate was discussed primarily in terms of the social psychological
literature, which greatly influenced the development of the Brookover et al., school
climate (1978, 1979) scales.
Within the field of educational administration, Halpin and Croft (1962, 1963)
developed the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire (OCDQ) in the early
1960s and used it to develop profiles of elementary schools. The concepts of open and
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
closed school climates emerged from this research. Later research indicated that school
climate existed on a continuum, rather than in discrete categories (e.g. Andrews, J.,
1965; Brown, R., 1965; Watkins, 1968). (Information on the further development of
the OCDQ is found in the next section of this chapter.)
The constructs of loose and tight coupling have also been usefully applied to schools
within the fields of educational administration and SER. Weick (1976) and Orton
and Weick (1990) describe loose coupling as a situation in which elements of a system
are responsive, but retain elements of separateness and identity.
Weick (1976) and Bidwell (1974) analysed structural looseness in schools and
concluded that schools are loosely coupled systems. For instance, there is loose control
in schools over how well the work (e.g. classroom teaching) is done, partially due to
professional norms of autonomy (e.g. Forsyth and Dansiewicz, 1985). Some research
(e.g. Abramowitz and Tenenbaum, 1978; Deal and Celotti, 1980; Firestone, 1985;
Meyer, 1978) has confirmed Weick’s concept of schools as loosely coupled. On the
other hand, Hoy and his colleagues (Hoy, Blazovsky, and Newland, 1980, 1983; Hoy
et al., 1977) described schools from their research as highly centralized and formalized
(i.e. tightly coupled).
Work by Firestone and his colleagues indicate that different types of schools may
be loosely or tightly coupled (e.g. Firestone and Herriott, 1981, 1982b; Firestone and
Wilson, 1985; Herriott and Firestone, 1984). For instance, their work indicates that
secondary schools are more likely to be loosely coupled, while elementary schools are
more likely to be tightly coupled.
These concepts of loose and tight coupling have been applied within SER. Hallinger
and Murphy (1986) described effective, low-SES schools as having a tightly coupled,
narrow curriculum emphasizing basic skills and having a high degree of control of
instruction by strong instructional leaders. Control of instruction at effective, high-
SES schools, on the other hand, was low to moderate. Teddlie and Stringfield (1985,
1993) reported essentially the same results, indicating that effective, low-SES schools
may be characterized as tightly coupled, while effective, middle—and high-SES schools
have characteristics of both tight and loose coupling.
Murphy (1992) summarized differential linkages in effective and ineffective schools
as follows:
One of the most powerful and enduring lessons from all the research on effective
schools is that the better schools are more tightly linked—structurally,
symbolically, and culturally—than the less effective ones. They operate more as
an organic whole and less as a loose collection of disparate subsystems. There is
a great deal of consistency within and across the major components of the
organization, especially those of the production function—the teaching-learning
(Murphy, 1992, p.96)
Creemers and Reezigt (1996), summarizing the work of several scholars (e.g. Creemers,
1994; Reynolds and Creemers, 1992; Reynolds, 1993; Stringfield, 1994b; Stringfield
and Slavin, 1992), referred to four ‘formal criteria’ for effectiveness at the school
level: consistency, cohesion, constancy, and control. All of these criteria of effective
schools reflect tightly coupled organizations.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Contributions to Instrument Development
Several of the instruments developed in the field of educational administration, and
their various adaptations, have been used in SER. These instruments have the
characteristics of being conceptually based within a particular theoretical orientation
and of having well defined psychometric properties. As with all previously developed
instruments, they are not appropriate for use in SER projects in which the theoretical
constructs do not match those that are assessed by the instruments.
Instruments from educational administration that have been used in original or
modified form in SER include the following.
OCDQ (Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire), OCDQ-RE (OCDQ
revised for elementary schools), OCDQ-RS (OCDQ revised for secondary schools).
As noted above, this measure of climate was originally developed by Halpin and
Croft (1962, 1963). Due to numerous criticisms that evolved over the first 20
years of its use, the instrument was revised extensively, resulting in an elementary
education version (Hoy and Clover, 1986) and a secondary education version
(Kottkamp et al., 1987) toward students.
LBDQ (Leadership Behaviour Description Questionnaire). This questionnaire was
developed at Ohio State University in the 1940s. It measures two dimensions of
leadership: initiating structure and consideration (e.g. Halpin, 1966; Hoy and
Miskel, 1991). Several theoretically interesting constructs, such as professional
zone of acceptance (e.g. Kunz and Hoy, 1976) have been examined in research
using the LBDQ.
IPOE (Index of Perceived Organizational Effectiveness). This instrument was
developed to assess several dimensions of organizational effectiveness (Miskel et
al., 1979, 1980; Mott, 1972). Research by Hoy and Ferguson (1985) indicate that
the instrument is a valid measure of organizational effectiveness.
OHI (Organizational Health Inventory), OHI-E (OHI for elementary schools).
This instrument measures seven specific interaction patterns in schools (e.g. Hoy
and Feldman, 1987; Hoy et al., 1990). A form was also developed specifically for
elementary schools (Hoy et al., 1991).
PCI (Pupil Control Ideology form). This instrument measures the degree to which
a school has a custodial (traditional) orientation or a humanistic orientation
(Willower et al., 1967).
Other instruments developed within the area of educational administration may be of
interest to SER researchers including the Central Life Interests Questionnaire (Miskel
et al., 1975) and questionnaires measuring educators’ job satisfaction (e.g. Miskel
and Gerhardt, 1974).
The Ongoing Linking of SER with Other Disciplines
Teacher Effectiveness Research
Creemers and his colleagues (e.g. Creemers and Reezigt, 1996; Creemers and Scheerens,
1994) have recently called for the study of ‘educational effectiveness’ to replace the
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
separate fields of school effectiveness and teacher effectiveness (or teacher effects)
(e.g. Brophy and Good, 1986). They have proposed an integrated model that combines
variables that have been traditionally associated with either school or teacher
effectiveness. Their call echoes an earlier sentiment expressed by Good (1989):
Now that researchers have clarified that schools and teachers make a difference,
it is important to explain more completely how processes at both levels operate
and how they can be combined. Researchers should not only examine school
practices (e.g. school rules) or classroom assignments (e.g. the extent to which
instruction emphasises rote learning or meaningful learning) but should also study
how the effects of one teacher can be combined with the effects of other teachers
in ways that do not threaten teacher autonomy yet make schooling more
coordinated and effective for all concerned.
(Good, 1989, p.36)
In this section, we will:
describe how this sentiment for merging the two fields of school and teacher
effectiveness evolved from the situation a decade ago when the two literatures
were essentially non-overlapping;
briefly review some of the results from the field of teacher effectiveness research
(TER) that are particularly relevant to SER;
describe constructs and instruments from TER that are already being used in SER;
briefly speculate on how SER and TER can be effectively integrated with regard
to programmes for school improvement and other issues.
The Separate Emergence of SER and TER and the Initial Integration of the
Two Approaches in SER
Teddlie (1994a) described the separate evolution of SER and TER as follows:
Simply put, most teacher effectiveness studies have been concerned only with
processes that occur within the classrooms to the exclusion of anything going on
schoolwide. Similarly, most school effectiveness studies have involved phenomena
that occur throughout the school, with little emphasis on particular teaching
behaviours within individual classrooms. This segregation of the two literatures
has occurred in spite of the logical link between the two fields.
(Teddlie, 1994a, p.111)
There were a number of reasons for this separate development of the two fields,
including the following:
The researchers in the two fields came from different academic and intellectual
backgrounds, with those in SER more likely coming from educational
administration and sociology of education, while those in TER were more likely
to have come from educational psychology.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Researchers from SER were interested in molar behaviour that consistently varied
across schools, while researchers from SER were interested in molecular behaviour
that varied across classrooms.
There were differences in the designs used by the two groups, with researchers in
TER conducting experimental and survey studies, while those in SER typically
utilized survey and archival research.
There were differences in the instruments used by the two groups, with researchers
in TER more often using behavioural measures, while those in SER more often
used attitudinal measures.
The two groups of researchers had different agendas regarding educational
improvement, with those in SER emphasizing school improvement and those in
TER emphasizing teacher improvement.
The segregation of the two literatures was maintained through the mid-1980s. Two
review pieces written at that time concerning SER (Good and Brophy, 1986) and
TER (Brophy and Good, 1986) listed a combined total of 328 references. Of these
references, only nine overlapped between the two articles, representing less than 3
per cent of the total.
Researchers conducting more sophisticated SER (e.g. Brookover et al., 1979;
Mortimore et al., 1988; Rutter et al., 1979; Teddlie et al., 1984) began exploring the
processes of schooling more closely in the late 1970s and 1980s, due to their
dissatisfaction with the explanatory power of the economic and sociological models
described in previous sections of this chapter. Survey data that included proxies for
classroom observations (e.g. survey items regarding the social psychological climates
of classes and schools) gradually became a part of SER, as did informal observation
of classroom and schoolwide behaviour. For example, the four case studies presented
by Brookover et al. (1978, 1979) included extensive information on the proportion of
classtime spent on instruction, the use of competitive groups as opposed to individual
learning in classrooms and the use of positive reinforcement in classrooms based on
survey data and informal classroom observations.
Researchers using these variables were rewarded as they were able to explain aspects
of the schooling process that had not been explored in SER heretofore. Starting in the
mid-1980s, researchers working within the SER paradigm began explicitly including
classroom observations (and consequently teacher effectiveness variables) in their
research (e.g. Creemers et al., 1996; Crone and Teddlie, 1995; Stringfield, Teddlie
and Suarez, 1985; Teddlie et al., 1989a; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993; Virgilio et al.,
1991). The commonality for these investigations was their study of teacher effects
data within the context of school effectiveness research studies. These studies revealed
consistent mean and standard deviation differences between schools classified as
effective or ineffective. (See Chapter 4 for a review of these studies.)
Relevant Research from the Teacher Effectiveness Literature
Some researchers working within the EPF tradition in the 1970s and 1980s concluded
that classroom variables (or constructs) should not be added to their models because
teaching was characterized by techniques that are basically tacit and idiosyncratic
(e.g. Murnane and Nelson, 1984). As noted above, these researchers doubted that
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
consistent relationships could be demonstrated between teacher classroom behaviours
and student achievement.
Teacher Effectiveness Research demonstrated this point of view was ill informed,
as significant relationships were reported between measurable teacher classroom
behaviours and student achievement (e.g. Brophy and Good, 1986; Gage, 1978,
1983). The teacher effectiveness field progressed from a series of correlational studies
(e.g. Brophy and Evertson, 1974; Evertson et al., 1980; Fisher et al., 1980:Stallings
and Kaskowitz, 1974) through a series of quasi-experiments in which the alteration
of classroom processes produced mean gains in student achievement (e.g. Anderson,
L. et al., 1979; Good and Grouws, 1979; Stallings, 1980; Tobin, 1980; Tobin and
Capie, 1982).
The area of TER was very active from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s,
when a substantial body of literature concerning the characteristics of effective
teaching was fully developed (e.g. Brophy, 1979; Fraser et al., 1987; Good, 1979;
Good and Brophy, 1986; Good and Grouws, 1979; Rosenshine, 1983; Rosenshine
and Stevens, 1986; Walberg, 1984). Reviews of effective teaching characteristics,
based on this extensive body of research, include the following topics (e.g. Brophy
and Good, 1986):quantity and pacing of instruction, opportunity to learn, time
allocation, classroom management, active teaching, whole-class versus small group
versus individualized instruction, redundancy/sequencing, clarity, proper use of
praise, pacing/ wait-time; questioning skills, social-psychological climate of the
classroom, etc. These classroom behaviour variables are now as much a part of SER
as the attitudinal variables and financial input variables described in previous sections
of this report.
These TER studies also yielded a plethora of classroom observational systems;
Brophy and Good reported that there were more than 100 of these systems by 1970,
and many more have been added over the past 25 years. Some of these observational
systems have already been used in SER, as summarized by Schaffer, Nesselrodt, and
Stringfield (1994). Among the classroom observational systems are:
Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC)—one of the earliest classroom
observation systems developed by Flanders (1970) to measure indirect and direct
teacher behaviour.
Stallings’ (1980) Classroom Snapshot (CS)—a low-inference measure of time-on-
task and interactive teaching, that has been used in evaluation studies, studies of
early childhood education, studies of student learning and SER (Stallings and
Freiberg, 1991).
Classroom Activity Record (CAR) (Evertson and Burry, 1989)—the CAR
systematically collects data on classroom behaviour related to instruction,
management and context.
The IEA Classroom Environment Study instruments (Anderson, L. et al., 1989)—
low-inference, quantitative observation instruments used in the IEA studies.
The Virgilio Teacher Behaviour Inventory (VTBI)—a closed-ended 38 item
instrument used in the Louisiana School Effectiveness Study (LSES), other SER
studies (e.g. Virgilio, Teddlie and Oescher, 1991), and the International School
Effectiveness Research Programme (ISERP) (Creemers et al., 1996); this instrument
was validated in a study conducted in the USA schools and measures classroom
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
management, instruction presentation skills, questioning skills, and social-
psychological climate of classroom (Teddlie, Virgilio and Oescher, 1990).
The Classroom Observation Instrument (COI)—an instrument designed for the
LSES (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) to provide high-inference classroom data in
the form of field notes regarding 15 general indicators of teacher effectiveness
gleaned from the TER reviews of Rosenshine (1983) and Rosenshine and Stevens
(1986); these field note data were later converted to numeric data through the
quantitizing methodology described by Miles and Huberman (1994).
Special Strategies Observation System (SSOS) (Schaffer and Nesselrodt, 1992)—
adapted from the CAR by researchers in a study of special school improvement
strategies conducted in the USA.
International Classroom Observation Survey (ICOS) (Schaffer, Nesselrodt, and
Stringfield, 1994)—researchers created an instrument by adapting the SSOS and
adding rating scales related to Quality of Instruction, Appropriateness of
Instruction, Incentives for Students, and Time Usage (QAIT) (Slavin, 1987); this
instrument was also used in ISERP.
Future Links Between SER and TER
There are at least three areas in which SER and TER may be linked in the immediate
international studies embedding teacher effects variables within the context of
SER; such studies require instruments that are valid cross-culturally;
national studies (outside the USA) studying teacher effects within the context of
SER; such studies require instruments that are valid for the country that is being
studied, and few countries have such instruments at this time;
school improvement efforts that utilize teacher effectiveness indicators, as well as
school effectiveness indicators.
Schaffer et al. (1994) discussed the issues involved in developing classroom observation
instruments that could be used in international studies:
The challenges of developing and/or choosing classroom observation instruments
designed for international studies begin with insuring that the researchers involved
can gather accurate and complete data in diverse settings. The instrument must
yield data that permit international…comparisons. If instruments are designed to
be used by researchers from various countries, attention must be paid to the
development of appropriate methods of data analysis consistent with each
country’s research questions and policy interests.
(Schaffer et al., 1994, p.137)
Lessons learned from ISERP are particularly relevant to this issue (e.g. Creemers,
Reynolds, Stringfield and Teddlie, 1996). Some of the items on the VTBI, which was
validated for use in the USA, did not make sense or were irrelevant to researchers
from other countries in the study. There were two empirical results related to this: a
factor analysis of the ISERP data yielded only one dimension (Creemers et al., 1996),
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
while earlier factor analytic work done from the USA sample alone had yielded five
interpretable factors (Teddlie et al., 1990); and there was no variance on certain items
in certain countries.
Schaffer et al., (1994, pp.140–1) concluded that instruments used for classroom
observation in future international studies must have three characteristics:
1 include variables from TER that are ‘basic, generic, and replicable’ in a variety of
settings that can serve as the basis for cross-country comparisons;
2 include variables from instruments that represent the questions of interest of all
researchers in the study ‘regardless of their own specialization or cultural
3 allow for the emergence of other variables that become evident from the gathering
of qualitative data in the classrooms during the study.
As of the mid-1990s, the USA was the only country to have extensively utilized
classroom observations to generate teacher effects data within the context of SER.
ISERP demonstrated that countries such as the Netherlands, the UK and Taiwan did
not have valid classroom observation systems for conducting this type of intra-country
research. Countries wishing to conduct TER and SER simultaneously must develop
classroom instruments valid for their own particular context, and the development of
such instruments will be a major contribution to the future development of SER cross-
In the future, there should be an increased emphasis on the utilization of classroom
observation data in the development of school improvement plans. Brookover et al.
(1984) were prescient in their inclusion of three modules on classroom teaching
(effective instruction, academic engaged time, classroom management) as part of their
school improvement inservice programme Creating Effective Schools, which was
developed in the early 1980s.
Slavin’s school change model (e.g. Slavin et al., 1996), Success for All, emphasizes
that change has to occur at the intersection of the student, the teacher, and the
curriculum. His strategy for classroom improvement emphasizes active learning and
cooperative learning (Slavin et al., 1996; Stringfield et al., 1994a). (See Chapters 4
and 8 for more information on the processes of teacher effectiveness and school
Recently, Teddlie and Meza (1996) have examined two schools that had been
involved in the Accelerated Schools improvement process (e.g. Hopfenberg et al.,
1993; Levin, 1996) for five years with regard to the teaching effectiveness of their
respective faculties. Using baseline data from a number of studies of TER/SER
conducted over the past 10 years, Teddlie and Meza (1996, 1999) discovered that one
school had effective teaching ongoing in its classrooms, while the other school’s
classrooms were characterized as having ineffective teaching. Furthermore, the
classroom behaviours in these schools varied considerably by grade level. The authors
made specific recommendations for staff development aimed at particular grade level
teaching weaknesses at the school in which poor teaching was occurring. This study
is an example of the use of TER in developing school improvement programmes for
schools with particular teaching weaknesses.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Social Network Analysis
Two recent studies (Durland, 1996; Durland and Teddlie, 1996; Teddlie and Kochan,
1991) have utilized Social Network Analysis to analyse communication patterns found
in elementary and secondary schools. These studies found interesting differences in
the communication networks of differentially effective schools and utilized sociograms
to illustrate these differences. Before describing the results from these studies in more
detail, a brief review of the evolution of the field of Social Network Analysis will be
Social Network Analysis evolved from work done by the sociologist Moreno (1934),
the developer of sociometry, which concerns ‘the measurement of interpersonal
relationships in small groups’ (Wasserman and Faust, 1994, p.11). Moreno’s
sociometric questions and resultant matrices and sociograms allow ‘the study of positive
and negative affective relations…among a set of people’ (Wasserman and Faust, 1994,
p.77). Sociometric questions are typically very simple; for example, they may ask
students to indicate all the individuals that they talked to in their classroom over the
past week, or they may ask faculty members to indicate the three individual teachers
with whom they talked the most in the past month.
From these simple questions Moreno and his contemporaries (e.g. Festinger, 1949;
Forsyth and Katz, 1946; Katz, 1947; Luce and Perry, 1949; Moreno, 1946; Moreno
and Jennings, 1938; Northway, 1940) developed both sociomatrices (numeric indices)
and sociograms (two dimensional drawings of relationships among social units).
Moreno preferred sociograms to sociomatrices, placing a greater emphasis on the
visual displays that one could generate from sociometric data.
Sociomatrices were preferred by methodologists more interested in the power of
mathematics to explain the differences in social networks. Sociomatrices are relational
data presented in two-way matrices, with the rows representing the sending actors
and the columns representing the receiving matrices. Katz and others (e.g. Festinger,
1949; Forsyth and Katz, 1946; Katz, 1947; Harary et al., 1965; Luce and Perry,
1949) preferred the application of mathematics to sociomatrices, as described by
Wasserman and Faust (1994):
Even with the growing interest in figures such as sociograms, researchers were
unhappy that different investigators using the same data could produce as many
different sociograms (in appearance) as there were investigators…Consequently,
the use of the sociomatrix to denote social network data increased…. Sociograms
waned in importance as sociomatrices became more popular and as more
mathematical and statistical indices were invented that used sociomatrices, much
to the dismay of Moreno….
(Wasserman and Faust, 1994, pp.78–9)
By the mid-1950s, many of the basic sociometric concepts of cliques, centrality, density,
and isolates had been identified (e.g. Lindzey and Borgatta, 1954). A 20-year
‘incubation’ period (Durland, 1996) ensued, during which researchers working in
different fields made further methodological contributions, often in isolation from
researchers in other fields. By the mid-1970s, the advent of computer based analysis
techniques (e.g. Breiger, 1976; Burt, 1978; Freeman, L., 1977, 1979) led to advances
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
in sociomatrix analysis, while further innovations in computing led to renewed interest
in graphical representations (e.g. Klovdahl, 1986). The journal Social Networks,
devoted primarily to Social Network Analysis, was established in 1978.
Social Network Analysis has involved researchers from a wide variety of the social
and behavioural sciences, as well as mathematics, computer technology, and statistics.
As Wasserman and Faust (1994) noted:
Social network analysis is inherently an interdisciplinary endeavor. The concepts
of social network analysis developed out of a propitious meeting of social theory
and application, with formal mathematical, statistical, and computing
methodology…. Further, and more importantly, the central concepts of relation,
network, and structure arose almost independently in several social and behavioral
(Wasserman and Faust, 1994, p.10)
While sociometry evolved primarily from the fields of sociology, psychology and
education, recent work in Social Network Analysis has been concentrated more on
applications in business, political science and urban studies. The current study in SER
of relationship patterns within differentially effective schools began with an evaluation
of a highly ineffective high school (Teddlie and Kochan, 1991).
In analysing this school, the evaluators used sociometric techniques to study the
interaction patterns that existed among staff members. The results indicated that
there were four distinct cliques in this faculty of 20 individuals, two primarily composed
of white members and two consisting primarily of African-American members. Over
80 per cent of the interactions in the school were within racial groups; only 18 per
cent of the interactions involved Whites and African-Americans. The African-American
principal appeared to be an isolate in the group, interacting with only a couple of
African-American teachers.
The sociometric results from this evaluation study of a single ineffective school led
Durland and Teddlie (1996) to attempt to apply Social Network Analysis methodology
to the study of leadership and communication in a set of differentially effective schools.
Durland (1996) developed a model, the Centrality-Cohesiveness Model of School
Effectiveness, that predicted the types of sociogram patterns she expected from schools
varying in terms of school effectiveness index (SEI, effective or ineffective) and SES of
student body (middle or low). These predictions were based on SER theory and research
regarding the types of leaders and communication patterns that one might expect to
find in such schools. This study (Durland, 1996; Durland and Teddlie, 1996) utilized
the most advanced computer programs to calculate the sociomatrices and the
sociograms: UCINET IV (Borgatti et al., 1992) to produce the numeric indices and
KrackPlot (Krackhardt et al., 1993) to generate the sociograms.
Results indicated that there were differences between effective and ineffective schools
in terms of the centrality of the principals in the schools and the cohesiveness of the
faculties. In terms of numeric data, the results indicated that effective schools had
principals with higher ‘centrality’ scores than ineffective schools, and that effective
schools had higher network density, a measure of connectedness or cohesiveness,
than did ineffective schools. While these results were found in general, there was
considerable variance within the effective and the ineffective schools on the numeric
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
indices. Sociogram analysis indicated that effective schools were more likely to be
‘well webbed’, while ineffective schools were more ‘stringy’ in appearance.
Conclusions: Further Potentially Fruitful Interactions
The above list of areas where there have been useful interactions between SER and
other cognate disciplines is not, of course an exhaustive one and other potentially
useful areas suggest themselves such as ‘Political theory’, ‘Psychiatric theory’,
‘Organizational theory’ and Chaos theory’.
One area to consider is political theory, since the accounts of school improvement
that appear in the literature often stress the need to ‘coalition build’, get the micropolitics
of school organizations right, and ‘horse trade’ and/or ‘cut deals’ to generate school
improvement (see examples in National Commission on Education, 1995).
A second area is psychiatric theory and practice, since there are hints that ineffective
schools particularly may have numerous characteristics that at an organizational level
parallel those of individuals. Suggestions about these (Reynolds, 1996; Stoll, Myers
and Myers, 1996; Stoll and Myers, 1997) include:
projections of teachers’ own personal failing onto their pupils and catchment areas;
fear of failure generating a reluctance to risk;
poor inter-personal relationships, with cliques etc., restricting the opportunity for
interaction and professional communication;
strong defences, in which apparent certainty hides considerable professional and
personal insecurity.
A third area is organizational theory, since there appears to be similarities between
schools and other organizations involved in people processing, particularly those in
service industries that form the focus of the Peters and Waterman (1982) theses. Of
particular interest is the applicability to schools of notions such as:
simultaneous loose/tight organizational properties;
laterality combined with vertical pressure in the generation of mission;
‘sticking with the knitting’, in terms of focusing on the organizations’ core mission
or goals;
short term feedback loops that ensure organizations have information on their
outcomes and/or consumer reactions very quickly.
Of particular interest is the possibility of modelling schools upon the particular
organizational characteristics of High Reliability Organizations (Stringfield, 1995;
Reynolds and Stringfield, 1996), such as air traffic control, nuclear power plants,
chemical processing etc. These ‘failure free’ organizations have developed distinctive
organizational patterns because of the widespread agreement that any failure would
be a calamity, and evidence the following organizational characteristics:
a focus upon a small number of goals or ‘sense of primary mission’;
the use of a strong technology of education, involving standard operating
procedures (SOPs) that prescribe organizational patterns;
School Effectiveness Research and the Social and Behavioural Sciences
‘data richness’ involving use of indicator systems, performance assessment and
serialization to understand and improve organizational functioning;
a concern to benchmark against organizational ‘best practice’;
pro-active recruitment and high quality training;
a combination of hierarchical, vertical organization with an ability to ‘go lateral’
at moments of peak load, stress or crisis;
a concern with legislating for organizational detail and fine print, since the
organizations are concerned with avoiding of ‘cascading errors’ that occur when
minor malfunctioning leads to progressively more serious organizational failure.
A fourth area is chaos theory (Tymms, 1996a; Bosker and Scheerens, 1997) in which
systems such as schools are viewed as an inherently unstable state within educational
systems and societies that are similarly in states of ‘dynamic disequilibrium’. Attempts
to understand and generate ‘good practice’ in education are seen from this perspective
as misplaced, since the school is subject to so many constantly changing pressures
that ‘what works’ at one stage may not ‘work’ at another.
Chaos perspectives lead to a desire to give schools information above all, to improve
their powers for organizational decision making, and for speedy analysis and re-
analysis within a constantly shifting set of parameters.
12 The Future Agenda for School
Effectiveness Research
David Reynolds and Charles Teddlie
Several authors have speculated upon the future of school effectiveness research (e.g.
Good and Brophy, 1986; Mortimore, 1991b; Reynolds, 1992a, 1992b; Scheerens and
Bosker, 1997; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) over the past decade. However due to
rapid developments in the field, both in terms of methodology and substantive findings,
the areas identified in need of further research 10 years ago or even five years ago are
either no longer relevant, or have been significantly reconceptualized.
The following Chapter contains a summary of 11 issues that we have identified as
being on the ‘cutting edge’ of school effectiveness research as we approach the twenty-
first century. These issues emerged as we reviewed the substantial body of the world’s
research findings presented in the previous eleven chapters of this handbook. Some of
these issues are simply embodiments of repetitive themes in the literature (e.g. the
need for multiple outcome measures to judge school effects and the importance of
context issues), while others have only emerged in the past one or two years (e.g. the
study of the relational aspects of schooling and the study of the possibly additive
effects of school and family).
Before examining each of these issues, we will briefly review some of criticisms of
SER and speculate on the general health of the field.
The Current Criticisms of SER
It has been somewhat fashionable in certain educational circles to criticize SER, with
assaults being launched on the earliest work (e.g. Acton, 1980; Cuttance, 1982; Goldstein,
1980; Musgrove, 1981; Ralph and Fennessey, 1983; Rowan, 1984; Rowan, Bossert
and Dwyer, 1983) and through to the present (e.g. Elliott, 1996). Part of the reasons for
these criticisms have been political, part methodological and part theoretical.
SER will always be politically controversial, since it concerns ‘the nature and
purposes of schooling’ (e.g. Elliott, 1996), but it is interesting that SER has been
criticized politically on contradictory grounds. For instance, much of the scathing
early criticism of effective schools research in the USA (e.g. Ralph and Fennessey,
1983; Rowan, 1984) concerned the researchers’ embrace of well defined political
goals (i.e. equity in schooling outcomes for the disadvantaged and ethnic minorities),
which critics believed blocked the researchers’ use of appropriate scientific research
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
methods. Critics believed that these effective schools’ researchers were liberal reformers
more interested in improving the lot of the children of the poor than in conducting
good science.
In the UK, on the other hand, much recent criticism (e.g. Elliott, 1996) of SER
has come from ‘progressive’ educators. These critics portray SER as being
underpinned by an ideology of social control and SER researchers as having an
overly ‘mechanistic’ view of the organization of educational processes. Critics from
the UK perceive SER as giving credence and legitimization to a conservative ideology.
As Elliott stated:
The findings of school effectiveness research have indeed been music in the ears
of politicians and government officials. Currently, for example, they are being
used to politically justify a refusal to respond to teachers’ anxieties about the
increasing size of the classes that they teach, the use of traditional teaching methods,
such as whole class instruction, and a tendency to blame headteachers for ‘failing
schools’ on the grounds that they lack a capacity for strong leadership.
(Elliot, 1996, p.199)
Political criticism is probably always going to be a part of the literature associated
with SER. It seems safe to conclude that as long as the researchers in the field are
accused at the same time of supporting both conservative and liberal causes, these
criticisms can be accepted as simply an unwarranted part of the territory in which
we work.
Methodological criticisms have been a part of SER since the original Coleman
and Plowden Reports. Much of the history of SER, as outlined in Chapter 1, has
been a reaction to these methodological criticisms. With the advent of the
methodological advances described in Chapter 3, many of these criticisms have
now become muted. In fact, a sign of the health of the field is that we now have a
set of generally agreed prescriptions for conducting methodologically correct studies,
including the following:
School effects studies should be designed to tap sufficient ‘natural variance’ in
school and classroom characteristics.
School effects studies should have units of analysis (child, class, school) that allow
for data analysis with sufficient discriminative power.
School effects studies should use adequate operationalization and measures of the
school and classroom process variables, preferably including direct observations
of process variables, and a mixture of quantitative and qualitative approaches.
School effects studies should use adequate techniques for data analysis, which
involves multilevel models in most cases.
School effects studies should use longitudinal cohort based data, collected on
individual children.
School effects studies should adequately adjust outcome measures for any intake
differences between schools.
Not only do we now know how to design methodologically correct studies, we also
know how to conduct the kind of studies that will be more likely to demonstrate
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
relatively larger school effects. Based on our review of the literature from Chapters 3,
4 and 5, we can conclude, in general, that school effects will be larger in SER studies:
that involve a variety of SES contexts, rather than a sample of schools with
homogeneous student SES backgrounds;
that examine the elementary (or junior) school level;
that examine schools from a wide variety of community types and in which types
of community truly vary among themselves;
that examine schools that have more control of their academic operations;
from a country that has more variance in its educational system processes;
that use mathematics as the dependent variable; and
that involve the gathering of process variables that relate to measures of teachers’
behaviour rather than their other attributes.
Similarly we can conclude that school effects will be smaller in studies of schools:
that have similar SES contexts;
that examine the secondary level;
that examine community types that are homogeneous in terms of economics,
economic structure and culture;
that have less control of their academic operations;
from a country that has less variance in its educational system factors;
that use reading as the dependent variable, and
that do not involve the gathering of process variables such as in-class measures of
teacher behaviour.
SER has also been criticized as having little or no theoretical basis. This criticism still
has some validity, but evidence presented in Chapter 10 indicates that researchers and
theoreticians are busily working to address this perennial problem and appear to be
making some headway, at least in terms of the development of heuristic midrange
theories, and in the illumination of some of the possible theoretical explanations
between various school and classroom factors by interrogating existing studies with
the predictions of ‘meta’ or ‘grand’ theories such as contingency theory or public
choice theory (e.g. Scheerens and Bosker, 1997).
We now move beyond issues of criticism, and responses to our 11 ‘cutting edge’
areas where the future of the discipline lies:
the need for multiple outcome measures in SER;
the need for the study of the third relational dimension of schooling (relationship
the need to expand the study of context variables;
the need to analyse range within schools and classrooms;
the need to study the possibly additive nature of school and family;
the need to explore the interface between levels in schooling;
the need to study naturally occurring experiments;
the need to expand variation at the school level;
the need to study school failure/dysfunctionality;
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
the need to gain the benefits of multilevel path structural equation modelling;
the need to recognize the salience of issues to do with curriculum and assessment.
The Need for Multiple Outcomes Measures in SER
This issue has been discussed by many since the 1970s (e.g. Good and Brophy, 1986;
Levine and Lezotte, 1990; Rutter, 1983a, 1983b; Rutter et al., 1979; Sammons et al.,
1996a), with most commenting that multiple criteria for school effectiveness are needed.
Critics have noted that schools may not have consistent effects across different criteria,
and that to use one criterion (typically academic achievement) is not adequate for
ascertaining the true effectiveness status of a school. This issue was discussed in Chapter
3 under the scientific properties of consistency and differential effectiveness. It is also
now widely recognized that multiple outcomes force the development of more sensitive
explorations than are likely with restricted measures, since the pattern of why school
and teacher factors are associated with some outcomes but not others (as in Mortimore
et al., 1988 for example) is exactly the kind of scientific dissonance that is needed for
creative theorizing.
Within the past decade, researchers have been making progress in this area as
1 More sophisticated studies of consistency across different achievement scores have
emerged, especially from the USA (e.g. Crone et al., 1994a, 1994b, 1995; Lang,
1991; Lang et al., 1992; Teddlie et al., 1995). These studies have utilized more
statistically appropriate measures of consistency across achievement scores (e.g.
kappa coefficients), have compared consistency ratings generated by composite
and by component scores and have compared consistency ratings across very
different types of academic achievement tests (e.g. criterion-referenced tests versus
norm-referenced tests, or different public examination boards in the United
2 Studies from the UK have continued to compare different criteria for school
effectiveness beyond academic achievement scores. These comparisons have
included academic versus affective/social, different measures of attitudes, different
measures of behaviour and different measures of self-concept (Sammons et al.,
3 Recent research utilizing composite academic achievement scores have yielded
higher estimates of consistency, thus indicating the value of constructing such
scores (e.g. Crone et al., 1994a, 1994b, 1995). Additionally, Kochan et al. (1996)
have explored the use of composite scores measuring student participation rates
(including student attendance, dropout and suspension data) at the high school
level in the USA. Results from a comparison of two composite school effectiveness
indices from this study (one based on academic achievement scores and the other
on student participation rates) indicated moderate agreement between them
(Kochan et al., 1996).
4 Teddlie and Stringfield (1993, pp.84–5) utilized a matrix approach to classifying
schools in a longitudinal study of school effects. In this study, seven different
indicators of school effectiveness (two concerning academic achievement, four
behavioural and one attitudinal) were compared to determine the current
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
effectiveness status of matched pairs of schools that were being studied
longitudinally. The resulting classification of school effectiveness status was
multidimensional, involving achievement, behavioural and attitudinal SEIs.
These results studies point the way toward designing SER that utilizes multiple criteria
in the determination of school effectiveness status. Guidelines as to ‘good practice’
include the following:
1 Use varied measures of the effectiveness of schooling, including academic
achievement, attitudes (toward self, and toward others), and behaviour.
2 Use measures that are sensitive to the mission of schools in the twenty-first century.
For instance, measures of perceived racism may be important indicators of the
effectiveness of schooling in some contexts (e.g. Fitz-Gibbon, 1996). Equal
opportunities concerns are important in schools in many countries, yet equal
opportunities orientated behaviours and attitudes are rarely used to assess school
effectiveness. ‘Learning to learn’ or ‘knowledge acquisition’ skills are widely argued
to be essential in the information age, yet achievement tests utilized continue to
emphasize student ability to recapitulate existing knowledge.
3 Use composite variables where possible, since they present a better overall picture
of a school’s effectiveness.
4 Use where possible multidimensional matrices to assess the effectiveness of schools.
5 Use measures of student behaviour wherever possible, since it is behaviours that
are likely to be crucial in determining the nature of the future society that young
people inhabit.
The Need for Study of the Third Dimension of Schooling (Relationship
A new area of study has emerged in SER over the past few years: the study of the
relationship patterns that exist within staff and within student groups. This relational
component constitutes the third dimension of schooling, joining the more frequently
studied organizational and cultural components (Reynolds, 1992b). There are three
reasons why the relational component of schooling has not been featured much in
SER until now:
1 The relational patterns of faculties and teachers of students is difficult to measure,
since questionnaires and interviews regarding school relationships may constitute
‘reactive’ instruments susceptible to socially desirable responses (e.g. Webb et al.,
1981). By contrast, sociograms are relatively non-reactive instruments designed
to measure the social structure of a group and to assess the social status of each
individual in the group (e.g. Borg and Gall, 1989; Moreno, 1953). The study of
Teddlie and Kochan (1991) was the first within SER to use sociograms to assess
the types of relationships that exist among faculty members, although of course,
many researchers have used sociograms to measure student peer relationships in
classes and schools (e.g. Asher and Dodge, 1986; Tyne and Geary, 1980), including
individuals working within the SER paradigm (e.g. Reynolds, 1976; Reynolds et
al., 1976b, 1987). It is also important to note that in many cultures (such as
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
probably the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the countries of the Pacific Rim) it
would be regarded as an unwarranted intrusion into aspects of teachers’ lives to
even ask them the sorts of questions that are needed to evoke analysable data (e.g.
‘Which three of your colleagues would you approach for help if you had a
professional problem?’).
2 The interpersonal relations of teachers and of students has been difficult to
conceptualize and analyse due to the complexity of interactions within such social
groups. The analytic technique that has been used in the handful of studies in the
area is network analysis, utilizing data gleaned from the administration of
sociograms to staff members. Social network analysis is a relatively new field,
begun in the late 1970s and early 1980s (e.g. Rogers and Kincaid, 1980; the first
issue of Social Networks appeared in 1979), that appears to provide the requisite
analytical and modelling tools for analysing school generated sociograms. The
recent work of Durland (e.g. Durland, 1996; Durland and Teddlie, 1996) is the
first in SER to utilize network analysis to model and analyse data from sociograms
administered to faculty members in schools.
3 There is a common perception that interpersonal relations within a school, especially
among staff members, are very difficult to change, so researchers in the school
improvement area have not been particularly interested in studying these patterns
of relationships until recently.
The recent realization of the importance of the relational dimension,
especially in the case of interpersonal relations among staff members (Reynolds,
1991b; Reynolds and Packer, 1992; Reynolds, 1996), has been due to three
Empirical work in the USA noted above (e.g. Durland, 1996; Durland and
Teddlie, 1996; Teddlie and Kochan, 1991) that has successfully linked the
effectiveness levels of schools with their different patterns of interpersonal
relations among staff members.
More speculative work done both in the school effectiveness and school
improvement traditions in the UK and the USA that has linked ineffective
schools with the presence of dysfunctional relations among staff members (e.g.
Reynolds and Packer, 1992; Myers, 1995; Stoll, 1995; Stoll et al., 1996; Stoll
and Fink, 1996; Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993). Reynolds (1996) has
characterized these ‘grossly dysfunctional relationships’ in such schools as
The presence of numerous personality clashes, feuds, personal agendas and
fractured interpersonal relationships within the staff group, which
operate…to make rational decision-making a very difficult process.
(Reynolds, 1996, p.154)
These dysfunctional relationships arise through the unique socialpsychological
history of the school (Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993) and have a tendency to
continue unless drastic changes (planned or not) occur. Often these relationships
manifest themselves in the generation of sharply delineated sub-cultures (Stoll
and Fink, 1996) or cliques within the school.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
Some of those in the school improvement tradition have found that the existence of
relational ‘shadows’ or ‘ghosts’ of the past have had a considerable influence in affecting
the progress of attempts at staff professional development (Hopkins et al., 1994).
Recent interesting work in this field has been done by Durland and Teddlie (1996),
who posit the Centrality-Cohesiveness Model of Differentially Effective Schools, which
was briefly described in Chapter 11. This model postulates that differentially effective
schools can be distinguished by how cohesive the faculty is (measured in network
analysis as network density) and how central the principal (or surrogate) is within the
organization (measured by group centralization, or betweenness centralization in
network analysis terminology).
Sociograms generated by network analysis can be utilized to detect the presence of
cliques, such as those that occur in dysfunctional schools. Durland and Teddlie (1996)
have presented some suggestive preliminary results utilizing network analysis to analyse
the differences between effective (described as ‘well webbed’) and ineffective
(characterized by cliques and/or ‘stringy’ structures) schools, but this area of research
is obviously still in its infancy (see Figure 12.1 for an effective school).
If relational patterns do relate to effectiveness levels, then clearly they require
more intensive study, particularly since school improvement is likely to have to
Figure 12.1 Sociometric analysis of an effective school
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
influence these factors as well as school organization and culture if schools are to
be changed.
Further research in this area could develop in several ways:
1 More work needs to be done on more refined descriptions of effective and ineffective
schools in terms of sociometric indices and sociograms. Hopefully, this work will
lead us to sets of prototypical sociometric indices and sociograms for differentially
effective schools.
2 Longitudinal studies of sociometric indices and sociograms should prove useful in
describing how social relations change over time (e.g. setting the sociograms in
‘motion’ over time) and whether or not those changes are associated with changes
in effectiveness status.
3 Sociometric indices and sociograms should also be developed for students within
classrooms. These data may be considered as additional school effectiveness
indicators, if one assumes that effective schools should be fostering positive
relationships among students. It may also be that there are different student
relational patterns in more effective classes and schools than in less effective.
The Need to Expand the Study of Context Variables
The introduction of context variables into SER has had a large impact on all three
strands within the field (school effects, effective schools, school improvement), as
described earlier in Chapter 5. The consideration of contextual variation in SER has
also led to increased sophistication in theory development (e.g. Creemers and Scheerens,
1994; Scheerens, 1992, 1993; Scheerens and Creemers, 1989a, 1989b; Slater and
Teddlie, 1992; Wimpelberg et al., 1989) as theorists have explicitly taken into account
the impact that different levels of a context variable can have on school effects and
processes associated with them. These contextually ‘sensitive’ theories of school
effectiveness have incorporated tenets of contingency theory (e.g. Mintzberg, 1979;
Owens, 1987) as a framework from which to interpret results from SER.
Contingency theory purports to explain why certain school effectiveness variables
‘travel’ across levels of context, while others do not. For instance, the failure of the well
known principal leadership effect on student achievement in the Netherlands (e.g. van
de Grift, 1989, 1990) is a good illustration of a school effectiveness variable that did
not ‘travel’ from one country to another due to the differences in country contexts.
The study of context in SER is also beginning to have an impact on theories of
school improvement, because school improvers realize now that there aren’t ‘silver
bullets’ that always lead to school improvement. Instead, as we noted in Chapter 7,
contextually sensitive models for school improvement with ‘multiple levers’ have
emerged as studies have demonstrated that what works to change processes can vary
to a large degree by context factors such as SES of catchment area, school effectiveness
level or schools improvement ‘trend line’.
Our review in Chapter 5 indicates that several context variables (i.e. SES of student
body, community type, grade phase, and governance structure) have a ‘main effect’
upon school effects and the processes that accompany them. Perhaps even more
interesting, however, are the ‘interactions’ between context variables that have emerged
periodically in the literature, including the following:
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
1 Community type by school size—Hannaway and Talbert (1993) reported that
school size had a positive effect on teacher community in suburban schools and a
negative effect on teacher community in urban schools: as the size of school
increased in suburban schools, so did indicators of a positive teacher community,
whereas when size of school increased in urban schools indicators of a positive
teacher community decreased.
2 Community type by country—An interaction also appears to be occurring
between country and community type across some of the USA and UK studies.
Community type does not play as significant a contextual role in the UK as it
does in the USA, primarily because there is less variance in the UK on this variable.
Rural schools in the UK are generally closer geographically and culturally to
urban areas than they are in the USA, and this mitigates the effect of the
community type variable in the UK.
While the impact of context variables in SER is now well established, there are several
research areas where additional work would be useful:
1 The variation in context should be expanded by the enhanced use of ‘nation’ as a
context variable. However, the enhanced range of educational factors and cultural
contexts that this produces may be potentially damaging if study leads to the
simplistic, direct import of ‘what works’ without analysis of cultural differences.
The study of the interaction between context variables is clearly of considerable
2 Researchers should enhance the variation in context factors where possible.
Considering international studies, it would be very beneficial to have more
developing societies in comparative studies of SER. It would be interesting to
determine the magnitude of school effects for these countries compared to first
world countries using a common methodology, and it would be also interesting to
expand further our knowledge of the ‘context specificity’ of effectiveness factors
that was mentioned in Chapter 1.
3 Other, new context variables should be added to SER designs. For instance, the
region of a country could have a large impact in some countries. In the USA, for
instance, it could be argued that school effects and the processes associated with
them may be quite different in the Northeast, the Midwest, the South, and the
West. In the UK, there are considerable historical differences and cultural differences
between regions (Reynolds, 1998), such as the tradition of sons following their
fathers into mining or industrial employment in the Northeast, compared with
the Welsh tradition of encouraging the ‘escape’ of children from the prospects of
such employment, both of which differential contextual responses to disadvantage
could be argued to have considerable implications for ‘what works’ within schools.
Another example concerns grade level: pre-school and college could be added as
additional levels of this context variable.
4 In general, as the study of context in SER matures, there should be more levels of
the context variables and more range across the variables.
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
The Need to Analyse Range within Schools and Classrooms
There are some interesting hints in the recent literature that the range or variation in
school and teacher factors may be important determinants of outcomes and effectiveness
additionally to the average levels scored on the factors themselves. The Louisiana School
Effectiveness Studies mentioned earlier in this handbook noted the reduced range evident
in effective schools and in their teachers within lesson behaviours (Teddlie and Stringfield,
1993), as did the study of Crone and Teddlie (1995) (see Table 12.1).
The International School Effectiveness Research Project (ISERP) of Creemers et al.
(1996) also found both that successful and educationally effective countries possessed
a more homogeneous set of teachers and schools, and that effective schools in all of
the nine countries participating evidenced predictability and consistency in their
organizational processes both over time and between organizational members at a
point in time. Interesting speculations about consistency, constancy and cohesion,
and the power of these factors to socially control young people, have been offered by
Creemers (1994) and Reynolds (1996). In a similar way, Murphy (1992) has talked
about the symbolic, cultural and organizational ‘tightness’ of effective school
organizations and, by implication, the looseness and range of ineffective organizations.
Table 12.1 Comparison of variance in scores on teacher behaviour for effective versus
ineffective schools
Note: The coefficient of variation is computed by dividing the standard deviation by the mean and
multiplying by 100.
Source: Crone and Teddlie, 1995.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
And from school improvement, as we noted in Chapter 7, has come a recognition
that reliability or fidelity of implementation (i.e. lack of range) is necessary to ensure
improved educational outcomes from school improvement programmes. Indeed, the
growing recognition that school improvement can generate enhanced range (and lower
its potential effectiveness) because the educational ceiling of competent persons/ schools
improves much faster than the floor of less competent persons/schools, seems to be a
powerful face valid exploration for the consistently disappointing effects of school
improvement that has been unconcerned with ‘range’, viewing it as a necessary part
of teacher professional development.
Such ideas are not surprising—the literature upon family socialization has always
indicated parental consistency in rule enforcement as of crucial importance to healthy
child development, and erratic and inconsistent discipline, role enforcement and goal
setting has long been seen as a cause of disturbed and dysfunctional individual
It is arguable, though, that the influence of the range of school and teacher factors
may have become more important of late, since many of the more historically consistent
influences upon child development such as the family, the community, the mass media
and the wider society have all become more heterogeneous and varied. The past
possibility that inconsistent schooling, with a wide range in goals and means, might—
have been outweighed in any possible negative influences by consistency emanating
from non-educational sources seems to have been reduced by social changes of the
last 30 years.
All this suggests that we need further research to establish the importance of ‘range’,
‘variance’ and variation in such areas as:
teacher behaviours in lessons, looking at differences between teachers at a point
in time, and at individual teacher consistency over time;
the goals of education as perceived and practised by school members;
consistency in the relationship between classroom factors, school factors, district
level factors and societal factors.
Ensuring that SER always presents the standard deviations for all variables (and other
measures of variation), as well as the more conventionally used means, would seem to
be axiomatic if these speculations are to be further developed.
The Need to Study the Possibly Additive Nature of School
and Family
There are now a number of datasets across a variety of national contexts which suggest
that family background and school quality may be related, with consequent
considerable importance both for children affected and for educational policy in
general. Work in London by Mortimore and Byford (1981), in Sweden by Grosin
(1993) and in the United States by Teddlie (1996) shows that even after one has
controlled out the effects of individual pupil background factors and/or achievement
levels, there is a tendency for schools in low SES areas to do worse than one would
have predicted and for schools in middle class areas to do better. Particularly marked
is the existence of a group of schools ‘below the regression line’ in disadvantaged
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
communities, even though such schools have often been the source of additional
financial resources to help them improve and even though they have often attracted
considerable attention from educational reformers. Figures 12.2 and 12.3 show this
situation for the schools of an English local education authority, and Figures 12.4 and
12.5 for a group of American high schools.
What may be happening, then, is that school and home have additive effects, a
possibility also suggested by an intriguing study of male delinquency by Farrington
(1980), in which schools acted to increase the levels of delinquency when the prediction
was already for a high rate, and to lower it below prediction when that prediction
was for a low rate. From within recent writing on dysfunctional schools noted earlier
(Reynolds, 1991b, 1996; Stoll et al., 1996) has also come an appreciation of the
depth of problems that schools in this category can face, an appreciation now
increasingly shared by those school improvers who are attempting to unravel the
complexities of such schools (Hopkins, 1996).
The ‘additive’ idea is an important one, since it might explain that most persistent
finding of all post-war educational reform attempts—that social class inequality in
access to educational qualifications has been largely unchanged by educational
‘improvement’ on both quantity and quality dimensions. It also integrates the two
literatures which have appeared to be at cross purposes, much to the detriment of the
mutual understanding of the scholars working in the two fields—that from the
sociology of education which stresses the influence of social structure, and that from
school effectiveness which stresses the independent effects of schools. Schools do make
a difference in this formulation, but that difference acts to reinforce pre-existing
differences in the structure of society.
We still need to know, of course, why there is this tendency for the more effective
schools to be in more advantaged areas. Differential quality in schools’ teacher supply
may be a factor, given the likelihood of a greater number of applications for jobs
going to schools in advantaged areas. The ‘drift’ of good people to more socially
advantaged settings, offering expanding job prospects because of population growth
and a less stressful environment, may also be a factor, as may the tendency for high
stress situations such as the education of the disadvantaged to find ‘flaws’ and
‘weaknesses’ in organizational arrangements and personnel that would not occur in
the absence of the ‘stressors’ that are associated with disadvantage.
The Need to Explore the Interface between Levels in Schooling
The recent popularity of multilevel methodology has clearly created a need for
reconceptualization of the process data that has historically been collected, since
the use of the individual, class, school and potentially outside school factors (such
as district or even possibly country) has clearly created multiple levels where
formerly in the early years of SER there was only one (a group of pupils generating
a school mean).
At present, we have very little understanding of the ‘interactions’ or ‘transactions’
between levels, either at the more commonly used focus of classrooms nested in schools
(class/school) or the more rarely used schools nested in districts (school/district),
although Scheerens and Bosker (1997) have begun to explore this issue. The growing
recognition of the importance of ‘range’ or variation noted above propels us urgently
Figure 12.2 GCSE average points score versus per cent of pupils entitled to FSM (1992)
Figure 12.3 GCSE average points score versus per cent of pupils entitled to FSM (1993)
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
in this direction also, given that the management interface between school and
classroom generates enormous variation in classroom effectiveness in some settings,
but not in others (e.g. Teddlie and Stringfield, 1993).
What might the focus of investigation be for, example, of the classroom/school
interface? Possible areas of interest might include:
the selection of teachers;
monitoring of the teachers’ performance by the principal (at the school level);
the schools’ use of mechanisms to ensure homogeneity of teachers’ goal orientation;
the use made of performance data to detect ‘unusual’ or ‘outlier’ teacher
the constancy of personnel at the two levels, and the relational patterns between
Other interactions take place at other levels, with perhaps the interaction between the
school and the district level being of considerable importance. Areas of interest here
school variation in what is evoked from district level advisers, inspectors and
district differential allocation of staff to different schools (in the case of schools in
the USA where this is a possibility).
Figure 12.4 High school achievement: Spring 1993
Source: Based on 1993 GEE scores.
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
The pupil/class interface would also be an interesting one to explore further, with
interesting areas here including:
the extent to which there are well managed transitions between teachers across
the coordination of various distinctive pupil level programmes for children with
special needs perhaps, or for children of high ability.
The Need to Study Naturally Occurring Experiments
All societies, and perhaps especially Anglo-Saxon ones, currently show considerable
experimentation with their educational systems, involving both national macro level
policy changes and more micro level classroom and school changes in organization,
curriculum, governance, assessment and much else.
Experimental studies have, of course, considerable advantages for the study of
school effectiveness, with the methodological ‘gold standard’ (Fitz-Gibbon, 1996)
being the random allocation of some educational factor to a ‘treatment’ group of
children and the use of other children as an untouched ‘control’. However, various
considerations have greatly held back the utilization of experiments, namely:
ethical problems concerning the difficulty of denying any control group the factors
that were being given to some children in the ‘treatment’ group;
contamination between the experimental and the control groups if the random
Figure 12.5 High school achievement: Spring 1994
Source: Based on 1994 GEE scores.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
allocation is within a school, or if the schools being used are geographically close
together in a district.
The use then of experiments of nature could be of considerable potential use within
the field since this involves the utilization of already existing experiments to generate
knowledge, with schools or classes or children that are being given educational factors
being studied by contrast with those similar schools or classes or children that are not
being given the educational novelties. If the groups compared are similar in the
background factors that may affect educational outcomes, then any differences in
educational outcomes can be attributed to the effects of educational factors.
This method has the benefit of avoiding (by the separating out of home and school
effects) the problems of multicollinearity that we noted in Chapter 3 have bedevilled
the field since its inception, given the well researched tendency for more able children
to be educated in more highly performing schools. Inevitably the study of experiments
of nature is likely to involve a long term and often cohort based design, given the
tendency of the experiments to be long term themselves.
However, the problems involved in utilization of this methodology of educational
research cannot be overlooked either—experiments of nature are sometimes themselves
changed over time, and are sometimes taking place where multiple factors are changing,
as is the case currently with educational reform in Britain that involves teacher training,
school organization, school curriculum and teaching methods. Attempting to unravel
the effects of some of the component parts of the ‘experiment’ from the general effects
of the experiments may be difficult, and in the long term the problem of
multicollinearity may return, given that the already advantaged students from already
advantaged homes often seem able to find the schools that are showing the most
promise in their utilization of new programmes.
However, the considerable advantages offered by experiments of nature to generate
a more rigorous and robust knowledge base in SER seem to heavily outweigh any
disadvantages. We would hope that SER researchers would be increasingly drawn to
the ‘quasi experiment’, particularly since virtually all countries are conducting multiple
experiments of nature at the present time and are thereby providing multiple
opportunities for study (e.g. Cook and Campbell, 1979).
The Need to Expand Variation at the School Level
Everything that we have read in our field is strongly suggestive of the view that the
‘class’ level or ‘learning level’ is a more powerful influence over children’s levels of
development and their rate of development than the ‘school’ level, which is in turn a
more powerful level than that of the district or local education authority (see Chapter
3). Until the development of various forms of multilevel methodology, variance at the
classroom level was ‘hidden’, by the exclusive use of school level ‘averages’. Now the
classroom variance within schools is clearly exposed. As Stringfield (1994b) rather
nicely puts it, ‘Children don’t learn at the Principal’s knee—they learn in classrooms’,
although if one examined SER historically one would see much greater concentration
upon the principal’s knee than the classroom context. The teacher and classroom are
the ‘proximal variables’.
We have been insistent throughout this handbook, however, on the need to continue
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
and develop the study of the school. The school and its processes is the unit of policy
analysis and of policy intervention, as discussed in Chapter 4. Schools have their own
effects separate from those of classrooms or departments. School influence at the
level of ‘culture’ or ‘ethos’ is more than the influence of the summation of their
component parts, as Rutter et al. (1979) originally noted.
Part of the reason for the inability of researchers to show much ‘strength’ or ‘power’
at school level has been that they have been operating with highly constricted variance
in the ‘school’ factor itself, since samples have been taken from within countries and
cultures that already possess schools that are quite similar because of the influence of
national traditions. As an example, British schools for the primary age range vary
from the smallest of perhaps 15 pupils to the largest of perhaps 750 pupils, so within
Britain sampling will generate a range. However, in Taiwan the smallest schools (in
the rural areas) are of restricted size perhaps 60, whilst the largest is perhaps of 8000
pupils. Sampling cross culturally and across national boundaries would therefore be
likely to generate much greater variation than sampling within country.
Classroom variation is unlikely to increase as much as school variation if sampling
were to be cross national. To take size as a factor, class sizes within the United Kingdom
perhaps range from 17/18 up to a maximum 40. Sampling across the globe would
only increase the variation probably to 12/13 at the lower end and perhaps 60/70 in
some developing societies at the top end.
The hugely enhanced range, and likely enhanced explanatory power of the school,
if one deliberately seeks to maximize its range rather than minimize it by within
nation sampling, is also likely to be found in terms of school quality factors, not just
quantity factors. As an example, within Britain there would be a degree of variation
in the leadership styles of headteachers, ranging from the moderately lateral or
involving/ participatory, to the moderately centralized and dominating. Looking outside
the United Kingdom context, one could see apparently totally autocratic, non-
participatory leadership in Pacific Rim societies such as Taiwan, and also apparently
virtually totally ‘lateral’ decision making within the primary schools of Denmark,
where school policy is generated by teachers.
We would argue, then, that our existing estimates as to the size of school effects
noted in Chapter 3 and reflected throughout this handbook are an artefact of
researchers’ unwillingness to explore the full range of variation on the ‘school variable’.
Cross national research would expand variation on the school level by much more
than on the classroom level—since classrooms are more alike internationally than are
schools—and is essential if a more valid picture of school/classroom influence is to be
The Need to Study School Failure/Dysfunctionality
SER has historically taken a very different disciplinary route to that of many other
‘applied’ disciplines such as medicine and dentistry, in that it has studied schools that
are ‘well’ or effective, rather than those that are ‘sick’ or ineffective. Indeed, with
notable exceptions in SER (Reynolds, 1996; Stoll and Myers, 1997) and in school
improvement (Sarason, 1981), the dominant paradigm has been to study those already
effective or well and to simply propose the adoption of the characteristics of the
former organizations as the goal for the less effective.
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
In medicine by contrast, research and study focuses upon the sick person and on
their symptoms, the causes of their sickness and on the needed interventions that may
be appropriate to generate health. The study of medicine does not attempt to combat
illness through the study of good health, as does school effectiveness: it studies illness
to combat illness.
It is, of course, easy to see why school effectiveness has studied the already ‘well’
or effective schools. The failure of the experiments of social engineering in the 1970s
(Reynolds et al., 1987), combined with the research and advocacy that suggested that
schools make no difference (Coleman et al., 1966; Jencks et al., 1971; Bernstein,
1968), led to a defensiveness within the field of school effectiveness and to an
unwillingness to explore the ‘trailing edge’ of ‘sick’ schools for fear of giving the
educational system an even poorer public image. Access to sick schools additionally
has always been more difficult than to well or effective schools, given the well known
tendency of such ineffective schools to want to isolate themselves from potential sources
of criticism from the world outside. The routine involvements of professional life in
education have also tended to be between the good schools and the researchers who
tend to prefer to involve themselves in the successful schools, rather than to put up
with the toxicity, problems and organizational trauma that is the day to day life of the
ineffective school.
The problems for SER because it has concentrated upon the effective rather than
the ineffective schools are numerous. Because the effective schools have already become
effective, we do not know what factors made them effective over time. There may be
whole areas of schooling which are central to educational life in non-effective schools
that simply cannot be seen in effective schools, such as staff groups that possess ‘cliques’
or interpersonal conflict between staff members for example. Dropping into the context
of the ineffective school these factors that exist in the effective school may be to
generate simply unreachable goals for the ineffective school, since the distance between
the practice of one setting from the practice of the other may be too great to be easily
If SER were to re-orientate itself towards the study of the sick, then a number of
likely events would follow. Given that these schools are likely to increasingly be the
site for numerous interventions to improve them, then there will be naturally occurring
experiments going on that are much more rare in the ‘steady state’ effective schools.
The study of sickness usually necessitates a clinical audit to see which aspects of the
patient are abnormal—an educational audit can perform the same function, which of
course is not necessary in an effective school because there is no concern about
organizational functioning.
We believe that SER has been fundamentally misguided in its belief that the way to
understand and combat sickness is through the study of the already well. The sooner
that the discipline re-orientates itself to the study of sickness, ineffectiveness,
dysfunctionality and failure the better.
Curriculum and Assessment
It will be obvious that the study of curricular variation within and between schools
has not been a focus at all over the last three decades of SER. The explanations for
this are simple:
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
The orientation of researchers has been towards a behavioural, technicist approach
in which the vessel of the school is studied rather than the contents.
SER has often possessed a conservative political orientation in which schooling
was seen as a ‘good’ which SER was to encourage more children to take up. In
such a formulation any evaluation of the ‘most effective curriculum’ in terms of
desired knowledge produced was superfluous, and less important than cascading
existing knowledge at more children.
SER was in many ways a reaction against those educationalists who generated a
discourse within educational research that concentrated upon discussion of value
judgments about what ought to be, and what ought to be the goals of education.
SER therefore accepted existing goals, accepted the pattern of existing curricular
knowledge that existed to orientate children towards those goals and concentrated
upon discussion as to the most appropriate school organizational means that were
appropriate to achieving them.
SER has been well aware of the immense difficulties involved in measuring the
variable ‘curriculum’. Time allocated to curricular knowledge in general has not
been difficult to measure, likewise the time allocation to different subject groups
(see for example the results of international surveys reported in Reynolds and
Farrell, 1996). However, attempts to move further and develop typologies of
curriculum content and organization, along continua such as ‘open-closed’,
‘traditional-new’, or ‘culturally relevant-culturally elitist’ have resulted in the
expenditure of considerable effort for very little reward! Indeed, perhaps the best
known attempt to organize and analyse curriculum as knowledge, that of Bernstein
(1968), was systematically destroyed by the work of King (1983) who noted that
there were in practice only perhaps a tenth of relationships between curricular
variables that were in the direction predicted by Bernstein’s theory of classification
and framing.
Whilst the neglect of curricular issues is not surprising, there is now the possibility
that such neglect may be damaging the field. Partly this is because the reluctance to
think about curricular issues cuts the field off from the very widespread discussions
now in progress about the most appropriate bodies of knowledge that should be in
the schools of a ‘post modern age’ or an ‘information economy and society’. (Also,
the reluctance to discuss curriculum matters and participate in the debates about
whether ‘new’ bodies of knowledge may be more effective than the ‘old’ ones
encourages the discipline to continue with what can only be labelled as a strikingly
traditional range of outcomes, rather than diversify towards new and more broadly
conceptualized ones.)
As an example, meta-cognitive skills are currently receiving a considerable amount
of attention, in which learning is seen as an active process in which students construct
knowledge and skills by working with the content (Resnick et al., 1992). The new
meta-cognitive theories differ considerably from the traditional views that are on
offer historically within SER, in which teacher instruction generates the possibility of
a student mastering the task, with the knowledge being mainly declarative (how it
works) and procedural (how to do it). With meta-cognitive theorizing the focus is
more upon conditional knowledge (how to decide what to do and when to do it). The
old model of instruction that SER represents aims mainly at the direct transfer and
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research
the reproduction of the existing knowledge as it is defined by schools and teachers in
curricula, while the new model of instruction takes the learning of strategies by students
as the centre of attention. These new models see a consequent need to change the role
of the teacher, since the students being responsible for their own learning means that
the teacher is no longer the person who instructs but who now teaches the techniques
and strategies that students need to use to construct their own knowledge.
SER and its conservative curricular and outcome orientation is, therefore, not
engaging with, and learning from, the new paradigms in the field of learning and
instruction. Additionally, it is not learning from or debating with those who argue for
a new range of social or affective outcomes to be introduced relevant to the highly
stressed, fast moving world of the 1990s, except through some of the interesting
speculations of Stoll and Fink (1996).
The SER of the present may, because of its reluctance to debate issues of values
that are incorporated in discussions of the curriculum, and because of its reluctance
to countenance new outcomes measures that are appropriate to the future rather than
to the past, be in danger of being left behind by those who are actively exploring these
issues. Will the new outcomes that an information age requires such as ‘students’
capacity to handle and access and construct information’ be generated by the schools
that are ‘effective’ that we have characterized in this book? Will the schools successful
in generating conventional academic, and occasionally social, excellence through their
predictability, cohesion, consistency and structure be the schools to generate the new
social outcomes of ‘coping’ and ‘psychosocial resilience’ that are needed for today’s
We fear the answers to both these questions are ‘no’.
Multilevel Structural Equation Modelling
The great success of multilevel modelling has been largely due to the fact that such
models more adequately depict the process of schooling, as we currently envision it,
than does regression analysis. It is possible that multilevel structural equation modelling
(SEM) will eclipse multilevel modelling in the future for the same reason.
Several authors (e.g. Hallinger and Heck, 1996; Scheerens and Bosker, 1997) have
speculated that the effect of the school on the student is indirect, largely through the
mediating level of the class. Recent advances in multilevel SEM, discussed in Chapter
6 make it possible to model statistically the indirect effects of school variables on
student achievement using the multilevel approach. Given the tremendous enthusiasm
that has been associated with multilevel modelling among the ‘scientists’ studying
SER, the emergence of multilevel SEM is likely to generate much high quality theoretical
and statistical work over the next few years.
Conclusions: Understanding the Research Base
Over the twelve chapters of this handbook we have ranged broadly over the field of
SER, and into the related fields of school improvement, indicator research and
comparative education. We have found a remarkable degree of consistency across
cultures in our findings in such areas as the processes associated with school
effectiveness, the size of school effects and their scientific properties. We have also
The Future Agenda for School Effectiveness Research
found evidence of the importance of national and local context in determining the
knowledge base, as we have made clear in numerous areas above.
It is clear that some of these differences between contexts reflect differences in the
methodological structure of the research enterprise in different countries, such as the
tendency of research in the USA to not use prior achievement measures as input
variables, and the commonplace use of these measures in European research. Likewise,
the choice of elementary schools for the research sites of SER in the USA by comparison
with the customary choice of secondary schools in the United Kingdom (reflecting the
availability of routine assessment data in the case of the USA and secondary school
examinations in the case of the UK) may also have influenced the pattern of results. In
our opinion, after having undertaken this compendious review, it is absolutely essential
that researchers make themselves far more aware than hitherto as to the methodological
strategies employed in different national contexts to avoid the possibility of
methodological variation passing itself off as substantive variation in knowledge.
Notes on Contributors
Bert Creemers Professor of Education, GION, University of Groningen, The
Carol Fitz-Gibbon Professor of Education, University of Durham, UK.
David Hopkins Professor of Education, University of Nottingham, UK.
Eugene Kennedy Associate Professor of Education, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, USA.
Susan Kochan Office of State Education, Baton Rouge, USA.
Garrett Mandeville Professor of Education, University of South Carolina, USA.
Sharon Pol Educational Consultant, Louisiana, USA.
David Reynolds Professor of Education, University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Pam Sammons Reader in Education, Institute of Education, London, UK.
Jaap Scheerens Professor of Education, University of Twente, Twente, The Netherlands.
Sam Stringfield Principal Research Scientist, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Charles Teddlie Professor of Education, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Tony Townsend Associate Professor of Education, Monash University, Victoria,
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A Level Information System 15–16, 88, 107,
269, 280, 281
ability 127, 162, 166, 183, 196, 227
Abramowitz, S. 311
academic futility 82, 93
academic self concept or self esteem 9, 305–6
achievement 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 24,
261; actual 264; Australia 24, 44;
contextual issues 162, 166, 168, 173, 182,
183; future agenda 326, 329, 336–7;
international dimension 234, 239, 240,
241, 244, 248, 249, 250; methodological
issues 195, 199, 202; methodology and
scientific properties 60, 65–7, 76, 78–83,
85, 87, 89–94, 103, 111, 114, 116–21,
126; multiple measures 120; predicted
264; processes of school effectiveness 139,
148–9, 156, 158, 159; school
improvement 223, 227; social and
behavioural sciences 302, 303, 305, 306,
315; theory development 286, 288
Acton, T.A. 58, 322
Africa 261
aggregation 61–2, 190
Ainscow, M. 220, 221
Ainsworth, M. 79
Aitkin, M. 15, 61, 62, 67, 74, 75, 76, 83,
105, 189–90
Alexander, K.L. 7, 12, 65, 74, 167, 303
Alexander, R. 16, 146
Altbach, P. 233
Alwin, D.F. 167
analysis unit (s) 61–3
Anastasi, A. 56–7, 116
Anderson, C.S. 4, 147
Anderson, L. 27, 56, 116, 117, 118, 119,
121, 233, 242, 250, 315
Anderson, S. 308
Andrews, J.H.M. 311
Andrews, R. 167, 308
Angus, L.B. 21
Arceneaux, L.S. 158
Arlin, M. 284
Armor, D. 7, 8, 145, 147, 150
Ashenden, D. 21
Asher, S.R. 326
Aspin, D. 22
assessment characteristics 265–6
attendance 14, 15, 116, 121, 122, 196, 223
attitudinal variables 7, 15, 22, 224, 227, 248,
264, 303, 304, 325, 326; methodology and
scientific properties 78, 94, 116, 121
Austin, G. 4, 145, 150
Australia 3, 16, 21–3, 24, 197, 270; current
trends and approaches 40, 48; education
indicators 273–4; international dimension
232, 245, 246, 253; methodology and
scientific properties 62, 64, 90, 123;
processes of school effectiveness 134, 158;
school improvement 207, 208
Austria 245, 246, 270
autonomy 170, 174, 291, 296
Avalos, B. 239
Averch, H.A. 4, 6
background variables 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 239, 303,
332–3; methodological issues 195, 196;
methodology and scientific properties 67,
72, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 94, 103, 131;
processes of school effectiveness 139, 149
Baetz, M.L. 309
Baker, A.P. 111, 278
balance effects 15, 162, 164, 166
Balkanization 163, 165
Bamburg, J. 308
Bancroft, B. 10, 305, 308
Note: differing levels of schooling i.e. primary, secondary, elementary, etc. have been omitted
due to lack of space and because they also appear throughout.
Banks, D. 21, 22
Barber, M. 16, 17, 76
Barley, S.R. 296
Bashi, J. 208
Batten, E. 79
Bayesian framework 109, 192, 193, 197,
Beaton, A.E. 81
behavioural indicators 7, 12, 14, 15, 148–9,
156, 325, 326; methodology and scientific
properties 60, 116, 121, 122; social and
behavioural sciences 302, 303, 315
behavioural sciences see social and
behavioural sciences
Belgium 237, 238, 245, 246, 249, 270
Bennett, N. 147
Benson, C.S. 301
Bernstein, B. 340, 341
between class variables 81
between school model 76, 78, 87, 90, 190–1,
193, 203
Bidwell, C.E. 47, 61, 204, 303, 311
Bierhoff, H. 252
Biniaminov, I. 4, 61–2, 66, 98, 301
Black, P.J. 274
Blackman, B. 28
Blakey, L.S. 166
Blanchard, K.H. 309
Blazovsky, R. 311
Bliss, J.R. 312
Block, J.H. 284
Bloom, B.S. 284, 285
Blum, W. 252
Blumberg, P. 165
Bock, R.D. 111
Bollen, R. 232
Bolman, L.G. 309
Bondi, L. 167
Borg, M. 32, 326
Borgatta, E.F. 318
Borgatti, S.P. 319
Borger, J.B. 4
Bosker, R. 13, 17, 20, 24, 163, 198, 208,
290, 297, 321; future agenda 322, 324,
333, 342; methodology and scientific
properties 57, 65, 67–8, 75–9, 90, 92,
97–8, 101, 103–4, 109, 117–18, 123, 125,
133; processes of school effectiveness 141,
153, 157
Bossert, S.T. 4, 13, 55, 58, 174, 301, 322
Botswana 246
‘bottom up’ 211, 214, 229, 271, 280, 281
Bowles, S. 14, 301
Brandsma, H.P. 17, 19, 20, 60, 86–7, 121,
129, 130
Brandt, R.S. 308
Brazil 243, 244, 246
Breiger,R.L. 318
Brewer, J. 60–1
Bridge, R.G. 4
Bridges, E. 245
Brimer, A. 10, 67, 71, 76, 79, 81, 94
Bronfenbrenner, U. 248
Brookover, W.B. 6, 8, 9, 13, 27, 206, 232;
contextual issues 166, 178, 180;
methodology and scientific properties 64,
67, 70–2, 76, 78–9, 82, 92, 93, 101, 103;
processes of school effectiveness 134, 135,
139, 145, 146, 148, 151; social and
behavioural sciences 303, 304, 305, 306,
310, 314, 317
Brophy, J.E. 4, 8, 11, 28, 232, 285;
contextual issues 160, 171; future agenda
322, 325; methodology and scientific
properties 55, 57, 58, 60, 65, 66, 73, 116,
122; processes of school effectiveness
134–5, 146; social and behavioural
sciences 305, 313–14, 315
Brown 65
Brown, R.J. 311
Brown, S. 16, 17
Bryk, A.S. 12, 61, 62, 69, 77, 84–6, 122, 303;
methodological issues 189–94, 197–200,
Buckley, S. 301
Bulgaria 246
Burghes, D. 252, 253
Burns, R.B. 284
Burry, J. 315
Burstein, L. 12, 61, 62, 74, 189, 190, 194
Burt, R.S. 318
Bush, G. 13
Buttram, J.L. 161, 174, 175
Byford, D. 332
Byrne, D. 303
Cain, G.C. 86
Caldwell, B.J. 21, 22, 23, 208
Calvert-Barclay 296
Campbell, D.T. 56–7, 59, 70, 71, 73, 116,
122, 127, 338
Canada 16, 40, 43, 152, 207, 219, 270, 270–1,
291; Halton’s Effective Schools Project
218–19; international dimension 232, 238,
243, 244, 245, 246, 249, 253, 255
Capie, W. 315
Carlson, R.V. 161, 174, 175
Carroll, J.B. 283–5
Carter, L.F. 84
Cartwright, D. 308
Carver, R.P. 10
Catholic schools 85, 86, 182–3, 194, 202
Caust, M. 22
Celotti, L.D. 311
change facilitator styles 309
change theory 209
chaos theory 320, 321
Chapman, J. 21, 22
chemistry 88
Cheng, Y.C. 308
child experience 254, 255
child guidance referral 14
Children First Act 99, 278
Chile 245
China 243, 244, 245, 246
Chrispeels, J.H. 12, 170, 171, 184
Chubb, J.E. 167, 290, 291
church schools 173, 183, 185; see also
Catholic schools
Civil Rights Act 1964 275
Clark, D.L. 4, 307
Clark, T.A. 10
classroom level 7, 18, 83, 94, 152, 159,
251–2, 284, 285, 286–8
Clegg, A. 307
Clifford, P. 58, 166
Climaco, C. 271, 272
Clover, S.I.R. 9, 312
Cloward, D. 306
co-variates 264
Cohen, J. 79, 104, 306
Cohen, M. 4, 290
cohort studies 24, 242
Cole, M. 65
Coleman, J.S. 3–4, 6–10, 182, 183, 194, 215,
232; current trends and approaches 26, 27;
education indicators 257–8, 275, 276–7;
future agenda 323, 340; methodology
and scientific properties 58, 61, 65, 67,
70, 75–6, 78–9, 85, 90, 105; social and
behavioural sciences 301, 302, 303, 304
Coleman, P. 46, 184, 292
Comber, L.C. 241–2
community and district office 176
community type 164–5, 172–7, 181, 184–5,
compensatory model 171
compliance indicators 267
components and procedures 229–30
composite scores 119–20
compositional effect 83, 130, 162, 164, 166,
167, 184, 266–7
computer programs 12, 203
conceptual variables 189, 304
concurrent validity 116–17
configuration thesis 297
congruence thesis 293–4
Conklin, N.F. 174, 175
consistency issues 15, 30–1, 33–8, 43, 56–7,
116–22, 127, 325
construct validity of school effects 69–70
context issues 160–85, 190, 195, 229, 230,
250, 295, 329–30; analysis 190;
community type 172–7; current trends and
approaches 26, 30, 33–8, 42–3, 49–51;
definitions 162–4; differences 136;
different country traditions 164–5; effects
15, 127, 130, 131; grade phase of school
178–81; level 18, 286, 289–90;
methodology and scientific properties
56–7, 67, 83; socio-economic status
165–72; specific 24; specificity 16, 115;
United States 11–13
context-input-process-output approach 61
contextual/moderate indicators (inputs)
contextually sensitive studies 9, 12, 13, 24–5,
228, 305, 309, 329
contingency theory 163, 164, 185, 292–7,
309, 324, 329
continuity 15, 56, 57, 131–3
Cook, T.D. 56–7, 59, 70, 71, 73, 116, 122,
127, 338
Cooley, W.W. 261
Cooper, H. 9, 305
Coopersmith, S. 9, 305
Corbett, H. 308
Corcoran, T.B. 209
correlational analysis 30, 38, 201
Crandall, V.C. 305
Crandall, D. 209, 213
Crano, W.D. 305
Creemers, B.P.M. 3–25, 44, 48, 217, 234,
329, 331; contextual issues 162, 163, 164;
methodology and scientific properties 57,
63, 76, 77, 86–7, 114; processes of school
effectiveness 134, 146, 147, 148, 157, 158,
159; social and behavioural sciences 311,
312, 314, 315, 316; theory development
283, 286, 291
Creswell, J.W. 60
Crevola, A.M. 22
criminology 306–7
criterion variable 306
Croft, D.B. 9, 310, 312
Cronbach, L.J. 12, 35, 61, 62, 74, 189
Crone, L.J. 12, 158, 279, 314, 325, 331;
methodology and scientific properties 93,
116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 126
cross-sectional studies 91, 100, 123, 158,
199, 239, 242
Crowson, R. 308
Cuban, L. 4, 10, 13, 43, 60
cultural factors 250–1, 306
cumulative resource effects 171
curriculum 7, 17, 18, 21, 39, 147, 154, 202,
341, 342; and assessment 340–2;
contextual issues 168, 175, 179, 180, 185;
education indicators 257, 259, 273;
international dimension 244, 247, 254,
255; issues 31, 33–8; methodology and
scientific properties 79, 81, 85, 94, 127;
and professional development 177; school
improvement 208, 217, 222, 224; teaching
and learning 268–9; theory development
285, 286–7, 291; time and content 268
Curtis, R. 165
Cuttance, P. 15, 17, 23, 141, 148, 322;
contextual issues 164, 172, 173, 178, 183;
methodology and scientific properties
58–9, 69, 71, 73–4, 76, 84, 95, 118, 121
Cyprus 246
Czech Republic 246, 270
Daly, P. 6, 15, 76, 78, 84, 88, 107, 110, 280
Dansiewicz, T.J. 170, 311
Darling-Hammond, L. 94
Davie, R. 303
Davis, E. 22
de Haan, D.M. 17
de Leeuw, J. 74, 105, 106, 108–9, 110, 113,
114, 199, 204
Deal, T.E. 145, 308, 309, 310, 311
definitions of school effectiveness 29, 30,
38, 58
delinquency 14, 121, 139, 306, 307, 333
Deming, W.E. 276
democratic style 308
Dempster, A.P. 193
Denk, C. 167
Denmark 246, 270, 339
Denzin, N.K. 116
departmental effects 15–16, 17, 87, 88, 89,
124, 152, 180
developing countries 164, 234, 240
Dewey, J. 199
De Young, A. 174
differential effects 15, 18, 56, 57, 87, 126– 31,
Dimmock, C. 308
direct-effects model 114, 158
discipline 15, 22, 85, 93, 154, 182, 208, 223
dismissal 93, 145, 154–5, 156
district effects 30, 31, 33–8, 39, 51, 111
documenting failure 208–9
Dodge, K.A. 326
Donoghue, M. 280
Doolaard, S. 17
Douglas, J.W.B. 303
Draper, D. 204, 205
Drazin, R. 293–4
Dreeban, R. 9
Dronkers, J. 183
dropout 202
Durland, M.M. 318, 327, 328, 391
Dwyer, D.C. 13, 55, 58, 174, 182, 308, 322
Dyer, H.S. 117, 194
Eckland, B.K. 167
Ecob, R. 280
economics of education 301–3
Edmonds, R.R. 10, 11, 21, 59, 181, 232,
234, 305, 308; processes of school
effectiveness 134, 147, 148, 149; school
improvement 206, 207, 215
Education Act 1989 272
education indicators 257–82; categories
261–4; definition 258–9; intake variables
264–7; official indicator systems 270–9;
process variables 267–70; unofficial
indicator systems 279–81
Education Reform Act 1988 123
educational administration 307–12
Edwards, A.D. 269
Edwards, M. 308
Ellett, C.D. 99
Elley, W.B. 242
Elliott, J. 17, 49, 322–3
Emin, J.C. 272
Enthwistle, D.R. 303
Entwistle, B. 192
equity issue 10–11, 127
Erbing, L. 166, 303
Erickson, E. 82, 303
estimation of school effects 58
ethnicity 9, 78, 87, 127–31, 152, 173, 265,
Etzioni, A. 309
Eubanks, E.E. 179, 180, 308
Europe 10, 23, 27, 62, 182, 250
Evans, R.L. 161, 169, 229, 309
Evertson, C. 76, 315
examination results 15, 18, 147, 247, 261–3,
334–5; methodology and scientific
properties 81, 83, 94, 103, 116, 121–5,
128–9, 131–2
existence of school effects 30, 33–8, 43,
56, 57
expectations 82, 136–7, 149, 154, 168–9,
171, 254–5, 305
expert opinion survey 28–9
Farrell, S. 16, 134, 146, 246, 341
Farrington, D. 333
Faust, K. 318, 319
Feldman, J.A. 312
Fennessey, J. 4, 11, 27, 55, 58, 60, 322
Ferguson, J. 312
Festinger, L. 318
Fiedler, F. 163, 308, 309
financial/resource indicators 266
Fink, D. 12, 141, 147, 306, 327, 342; current
trends and approaches 44, 46, 49; school
improvement 207, 218, 228
Finland 238, 245, 246, 249, 270
Firestone, W.A. 10–11, 179, 180, 307, 308,
Fisher, C. 193, 315
Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. 13, 15, 16, 20, 178, 180,
231, 257–82; future agenda 326, 337;
methodology and scientific properties 58,
60, 62, 65–7, 72, 74, 88–9, 95, 99–100,
106–8, 110–14, 118, 120–1, 124
five factor theory 207, 234
Flanders, N. 315
Fode, K.L. 9, 305
former Soviet Union 243, 244, 246, 248, 270
Forsyth, E. 318
Forsyth, P.B. 170, 311
four-level 90, 197
Foxman, D. 233, 242, 243, 244
France 238, 243, 244, 245, 246, 249, 270,
Francis, L. 183
Frank, K. 194
Franklin, B.J. 126
Fraser, B.J. 315
Freeman, J. 109, 173
Freeman, L.C. 318
Freibel, A.J.J.M. 18
Freiberg, H. 315
French, J.R.P. 308, 309
Fullan, M.G. 148, 207, 209, 212, 215, 218,
219, 230, 232, 289
Fuller, B. 183, 239, 240
Furby, L. 62
future agenda 322–43; context variables
329–30; current criticisms 322–5;
curriculum and assessment 340–2; family
background and school quality 332–3;
levels in schooling 333–7; multilevel
structural equation modelling 342;
multiple outcomes measures 325–6;
naturally occurring experiments 337–8;
range analysis within schools and
classrooms 331–2; school failure/
dysfunctionality 339–40; school level
variation 338–9; third dimension of
schooling (relationship patterns) 326–9
Gage, N.L. 8, 284, 315
Gall, W. 32, 326
Galloway, D. 15
Garcia, J.E. 309
Garden, R.A. 233, 242
Gath, D. 14
Geary, W. 326
gender 129, 131, 248, 265, 306
generalized linear model 202
geographical contexts 88, 133
Gerhardt, E. 312
Germany 233, 245, 246, 250, 252, 270
Geske, T.G. 4, 13, 301, 302
Ghana 245
Gifford, B.R. 94
Gilmer, B. von Haller 310
Gintis, H. 14
Glasman, N.S. 4, 61–2, 66, 98, 301
Glass, G.V. 281
Glickman, C. 230
Goldring, E. 308
Goldstein, H. 14, 15, 24, 178, 243, 322;
methodological issues 193, 196, 197, 201,
202, 203; methodology and scientific
properties 58, 61, 62, 74, 109, 113, 118,
123, 132–3
Good, T.L. 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 28, 160, 171,
232, 285, 322, 325; methodology and
scientific properties 55, 57, 58, 60, 65,
66, 73, 116, 122; processes of school
effectiveness 134–5, 146; social and
behavioural sciences 305, 313–14,
governance issues 164, 165, 184, 185
grade phase of school 165, 178–81, 184,
185, 202, 229
Gray, J. 14–17, 178, 190, 201, 208, 280,
289; current trends and approaches 27–8,
45, 48–9; methodology and scientific
properties 62, 67–8, 76, 83–4, 101, 109,
121, 124, 128
Grayson, D. 202–3
Greece 246, 270
Greeley, A.M. 85
Green, R.L. 66
Gresov, C. 293, 294
Grosin, L. 332
grouping procedures 135
Grouws, D. 315
Guba, E. 28, 31, 61
Guskey, T.R. 284
Gutierrez, R. 266–7
Haertel, G.D. 158
Hall, G.E. 169, 207, 229, 308, 309
Hall, G.R. 59, 101, 104, 139
Hallinger, P. 114, 229, 295, 305, 307, 308,
309, 342; contextual issues 161, 162, 167,
168, 169, 170, 179, 180; processes of
school effectiveness 150, 151, 158
Halpin, A.W. 9, 310, 312
Halton model 228
Hamilton, D. 17, 49
Hammersley, M. 307
Hannan, M.T. 12, 61, 74, 303
Hannaway, J. 60, 172, 174, 185, 307, 330
Hanushek, E.A. 4, 8, 13, 61, 166, 269, 289,
301, 302
Harary, F. 318
Hardman 269
Hargreaves, D.H. 14, 44, 209, 230, 303, 307
Harnischfeger, A. 282, 284
Harris, A. 16, 231
Harris, C.W. 282
Harris, R.J. 33
Hattie, J. 308
Hauser, R.M. 6, 176, 303
Hawkins-Stafford Amendments 277
Hawthorne effect 70
Hayduk, L.A. 303
Hayward, D.K. 23
Heath, A. 58, 166
Hebert, C. 167–70, 171
Heck, R.H. 114, 158, 161, 179, 181, 307–9,
Hedger, K. 109
Hedges, L.V. 269, 289
Henderson, B. 89–90
Henderson, V. 8, 166, 301
Herman, R. 4, 76
Herriott, R. 10–11, 179, 308, 311
Hersey, P. 309
Heynemann, S.P. 65, 239, 303
Heyns, B. 7, 303
hierarchical linear modelling 90, 107–10,
192–3, 278
Hill, P.W. 22, 23, 48, 158, 197, 198, 297;
methodology and scientific properties
62–3, 65, 67–8, 94, 97, 99, 100, 122–3
Hillman, J. 76, 141, 142–3
Hilton, T.L. 117
Hind, I.W. 22
Hirschi, T. 307
historical evidence 123–6
history 118, 125
Hoeben, W.Th.J.G. 76
Hoffer, T. 85, 182, 183, 303
Hofman, R.H. 18, 76, 163, 164, 184, 291,
Hogg, G.W. 261
Holmes-Smith, P. 22
Holowenzak, S.P. 145, 150
home environment variables 79
home-school relations 171
homework 147, 194, 237, 251
Hong Kong 16, 40, 238, 245, 246, 249, 253,
254, 255
Hopfenberg, W.S. 172, 317
Hopkins, D. 43–4, 46, 48–9, 141, 147–8,
150, 206–31, 232, 328, 333
Hord, S.M. 174, 175, 184, 308
Horn, S.P. 72, 111–12, 194, 274, 278
House, R.J. 309
Houtveen, A.A.M. 225
Houtveen, T. 308
Howe, H. II 275
Howe, K.R. 37, 44, 61
Hox, J.J. 192
Hoy, W.K. 163, 301, 308, 309, 310, 311,
Huberman, M. 43, 44, 209, 213, 316
humanists 35–45 passim, 48, 49, 51, 105,
106, 110
Hungary 238, 243, 244, 245, 246, 249, 250,
253, 270
Hunter, A. 60–1
Husen, T. 242, 285
Hyde, N. 21
hypothetico-deductive model 301, 303
Iceland 246
image 254, 255
Immegart, G.L. 309
improvement issues 49, 50, 51; see also
school improvement
Improving Quality of Education for All
India 240, 245, 246
Indonesia 245, 246
initiators 169, 171, 229
initiation phase 212–13
input variables 7, 8, 26, 58, 81, 92–3, 267
input-output variables 11, 13, 24, 165, 167,
265; methodology and scientific properties
66–7, 70, 80, 91, 99
input-process-output studies 60, 61
inservicing 155
institutionalization 213
instructional style 254, 255
instrument development 312
intake variables 139, 261, 264–7
inter-staff relations 254, 255
internal validity issues 71–2
internal/external locus of control 9, 304–5
international dimension of school
effectiveness 16, 23–4, 31, 32, 33–8, 39,
232–56; analyses, absence of 248; benefits
249–50; cross national perspective benefits
233–9; cross national studies contribution
241–7; data, absence of 248;
international dimension of school
effectiveness (continued); developing
society studies, contribution from 239–41;
exemplary countries 250–5; research
design 247; sampling 247–8
intervening variable 306
Iran 245
Ireland, Republic of 16, 243, 244, 245, 253,
254, 270
Israel 167, 238, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249
Italy 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 270
Izu, J. 183
Jackson, E. 165
Jacobsen, L. 9, 305
Jantzi, D. 308
Japan 234, 238, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250,
Jencks, C. 3, 4, 6, 7, 67, 79, 103, 215, 340
Jennings, H.H. 318
Jesson, D. 14, 15, 68, 76, 84, 109, 128,
178, 190
Jolly, D.V. 175
Jones, L.V. 275
Jones, B. 76, 272
Jones, D. 306
Jordan 243, 244, 246
Joyce, B. 44, 209, 230
Kang, S.J. 13, 174, 182, 201, 202
Karweit, N. 282, 284
Kasarda, J.D. 47, 61, 204, 303
Kaskowitz, D. 315
Katz, L. 318
Katzman, M.T. 61, 301
Keesling, J.W. 190
Keeves, P. 241–2
Kellaghan, T. 258
Keller, I.M. 284
Kennedy, A.A. 308, 310
Kennedy, E. 83, 87, 108, 189–205, 306
Kennedy, G. 99
Kenya 246
Kerckhoff, A.C. 112, 269
Keys, W. 233, 242
Kickert, W.J.M. 294
Kincaid, D.L. 327
King, R. 341
Kirby, P.C. 147
Klitgaard, R.E. 59, 101, 104, 139
Klovdahl, A.S. 319
Knapp, T. 12, 61
knowledge base 206, 207, 209, 225, 226,
227, 341–2
Knuver, A.W.M. 17, 20, 60, 86–7, 121, 129,
Kochan, S. 60, 95, 116, 122, 257–82, 318,
319, 325–7
Komenar, A. 234
Korea 243, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251
Kottkamp, R.B. 312
Krackhardt, D. 319
Kreft, I.G.G. 192, 198, 199, 203, 204;
methodology and scientific properties 74,
105, 106, 108–9, 110, 113, 114–15
Kremers, E. 76, 157
Kritek, W.J. 10, 308
Kulik, C.L.C. 284
Kunz, D. 312
Kyle, M.J. 292
Lacey, C. 14, 303
Laird, N. 193
Lam, J.F. 18
Lang, M. 117, 119, 126, 325
Lange, N. 193
language 19, 181, 225, 247; methodology
and scientific properties 86–8, 117–20,
125–6, 128–9, 132
Lankshear, D. 183
Lapointe, A.E. 233, 242
LaRoque, L. 46, 184, 292
Lau, L.J. 12, 74, 301
Lave, C. 65
leadership role 33–8, 51, 93, 141–5, 163,
175, 176–7, 221, 308–9, 312; see also
league tables; see performance indicators
learning focus 147
Lee, S.Y. 203
Lee, V. 12, 85–6, 194, 303
Leithwood, K. 292, 308
Leitner, D. 308
Leune, J.M.G. 290
Levin, H.M. 172, 317
Levine, D.U. 4, 116, 117, 127, 234, 286,
288, 308, 325; contextual issues 164, 168,
179, 180; processes of school effectiveness
141, 142–3, 145, 147, 148, 150
Lewin, K. 308
Lewis, D. 280
Lezotte, L.W. 4, 10, 207, 234, 286, 288, 305,
308, 325; contextual issues 164, 168, 180;
methodology and scientific properties 116,
117, 127; processes of school effectiveness
141, 142–3, 145, 147, 148, 150, 151
Lightfoot, S. 147, 170
Lincoln, Y. 28, 31, 61
Lindley, D.V. 192, 193
Lindzey, G. 318
Link, C.R. 8
Lippitt, R. 308
Litwin, G.H. 310
local education authorities 138–4, 219, 254,
266, 269, 273, 278, 280
Lockheed, M.E. 234, 237, 239
Logan, L. 22
Lomotey, K. 174, 175
Longford, N. 12, 15, 189–90, 193, 203, 237;
methodology and scientific properties 61,
62, 67, 74, 75, 76, 83, 105
longitudinal studies 136, 158, 183, 228, 242,
325–6, 329; methodological issues
199–201, 204; methodology and scientific
properties 62–4, 67–8, 72, 77, 79–81,
84–6, 90–1, 100–1, 103, 108, 116, 122–
3, 133
Louis, K.S. 45, 141, 209
Louisiana School Effectiveness Study 13,
267, 278–9, 309, 315, 331; contextual
issues 171–2, 175, 178; current trends and
approaches 39, 45, 48; methodology and
scientific properties 62, 66, 82–3, 99, 108,
116, 126; processes of school effectiveness
136, 138, 139, 141, 145, 154, 155, 156
Loxley, W.A. 65, 239, 303
Luce, R.D. 318
Lugthart, E. 76, 157, 163
Luxembourg 238, 245, 246, 249
Luyten, H. 76, 158
Luyten, J.S. 76, 157, 158, 298
Luyten, J.W. 17, 76, 118, 124, 158
Lynn, R. 237
Macao 40
McCarthy, D.P. 10
McCormack-Larkin, M. 10, 207, 308
McCullagh, P. 202
McDill, E.L. 7, 9, 147, 166, 303
McDonald, R.P. 114, 201, 203
McGaw, B. 21–2
Mclntosh, R.G. 6
McLaughlin, M. 209–10
McLean, A. 15
McMahon, A. 218
McManus, M. 15
McPherson, A. 76, 95, 173, 183, 280
Madaus, G.F. 4, 10, 258; methodology and
scientific properties 67, 71, 76, 78, 79, 81,
88, 94
magnitude of school effects 134, 179; current
trends and approaches 27, 30, 33–8, 43;
methodology and scientific properties 56,
57, 83, 86, 96–7, 101, 102–4, 115, 127
management 163, 169, 170, 171, 217, 226
Mandeville, G.K. 27, 189–205; methodology
and scientific properties 56, 87, 116, 117,
118, 119, 121, 125
March, J.G. 290
Marco, G. 117
Marsh, H.W. 202–3
Mason, W.M. 61, 74, 105–6, 109, 192, 202
material inputs 240
mathematics 9, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 137,
181; education indicators 271, 276;
international dimension 237, 252–3;
methodological issues 194, 201, 203;
methodology and scientific properties 69,
84–9, 103, 117–21, 124–9, 132
Maughan, B. 71, 206
Maxcy, D.O. 99
Maxcy, S.J. 99
Maxwell, W.S. 15
Mayeske, G.W. 6, 61, 78
mechanistic structure 293, 295, 296, 301,
mediated-effects model 114, 158
Medrich, E.A. 301
Megson, B. 307
Mellon, P.M. 305
Mellor, W. 21
Mendez-Morse, S.E. 175
Merrill, C. 89–90
meta theories 290–2
meta-analysis 75, 77, 90
meta-cognition 341
methodological issues 134, 189–205, 258,
323–4; computer software 203; contextual
issues 161, 163, 180, 185; current trends
and approaches 30, 33–8, 42, 43, 49, 50,
51; international dimension 239, 242, 249;
multilevel modelling 191–4; multilevel
modelling: issues and recent developments
195–9; multilevel modelling extensions
199–203; statistical models ignoring
multilevel data 189–91; theory
development 291, 296, 297; United States
11–13; see also methodology and scientific
methodology and scientific properties
55–133; analysis unit (s) 61–3; construct
validity of school effects 69–70; context
specificity 115; continuity 131–3;
definitions of school effects 65–9;
differential effects 126–31; inputs
under specification 92–3; internal validity
issues 71–2; longitudinal studies 63,
100–1; magnitude of school effects 75–91,
102–4; multilevel modelling 105–15;
outcome variables 60, 94–5; prior
achievement 95–6; process variables 60;
quantitative methods and data 60–1;
sampling decisions and size of school effect
101–2; sampling inadequacy 58–60;
school, importance of as level of analysis
96–100; stability 116–22; stability across
time 122–6; ‘state of the art’ school effects
study 63–4; statistical conclusion validity
Meuret, D. 237, 291–2, 296
Mexico 245
Meyer, M.W. 311
Meza, J.Jr. 317
Michael, W.B. 306
Mieszkowski, P. 166
Miles, M. 45, 141, 207, 209, 212–14, 316
Miller, S.K. 6, 9, 65, 77, 168, 306
Mintzberg, H. 163, 164, 292–3, 309, 329
Miskel, C.G. 163, 301, 308, 309, 310, 312
Misko, J. 21
Mislevy, R.J. 247–8
Mitchell, D. 309
Mitchell, N. 272
Moe, T.M. 167, 290, 291
monitoring 144–5, 149–50, 155, 156, 168,
180, 226
Monk, D.H. 301
Moreno, J.L. 318, 326
Morris, C.N. 197, 205
Morris, V. 308
Mortimore, P. 15, 17, 44, 48, 207, 218, 232,
280; contextual issues 167, 178, 179, 181;
future agenda 322, 325, 332; methodology
and scientific properties 60, 63–4, 69–70,
76, 84, 86, 100–1, 103, 118–19, 121,
123–5, 129–31; processes of school
effectiveness 140–3, 145–51, 158; social
and behavioural sciences 306, 308, 314
Mosteller, E. 6
Mott, P.E. 312
Moyle, C. 21
Moynihan, D.P. 6
Mozambique 246
Mulhern, J.A. 312
Mullis, I.V.S. 276
multicollinearity 9, 13, 79, 81, 82, 83, 100,
190, 338
multilevel modelling 14, 18, 24, 152, 172,
239, 280, 296–7, 303, 333, 342;
alternative data analysis strategies 114–15;
comprehensibility 110–12; computer
programs 12; current trends and
approaches 30, 49, 50, 51; excessive
scientism 113–14; extensions 199–203;
issues and recent developments 195–9;
mathematics 12, 67–9; methodological
issues 191–4, 197, 204, 205; methodology
and scientific properties 60, 62–4, 77, 80,
82–9, 91–2, 96–7, 99–100, 105–15, 122,
131–3; and OLS regression 107–9
multilevel modelling (continued); overview
105–6; shrinkage issue 110
multiple intake measures 24
multiple outcomes measures 325–6
multivariate models 12, 201
Murgatroyd, S. 149
Murnane, R.J. 7, 8, 166; education indicators
257, 261, 275; methodology and scientific
properties 61, 67, 77, 79, 80; social and
behavioural sciences 301, 302–3, 314
Murphy, J. 229, 295, 296, 305, 308, 309,
331; contextual issues 161, 162, 167, 168,
169, 170, 179, 180, 184; processes of
school effectiveness 141, 143–4, 150, 151
Musgrove, F. 322
Muthén, B.O. 114, 203
Myers, K. 16, 48, 230, 320, 327, 339
naturally occurring improvement 30, 31
Needels, M.C. 8
Nelder, J.A. 202
Nelson, R.R. 301, 302–3, 314
Nesselrodt, P.S. 315, 316
Netherlands 3, 13, 16, 17–20, 23–4, 48,
207–8, 270, 317; contextual issues 162,
164, 167, 183, 184; future agenda 327,
329; international dimension 232, 234–5,
237, 239, 245, 246, 248–9, 252–5;
methodology and scientific properties 57,
64, 76–7, 86, 90, 104, 115, 117, 118, 121,
123–4, 129–30; National School
Improvement Project (NSIP) 225–7;
processes of school effectiveness 141, 148,
152; theory development 291, 298
New Zealand 21, 123, 207–8, 237, 245, 246,
249, 270
Newland, W. 311
Nigeria 234, 236–7, 245, 246
Noah, H.J. 241
non-fiscal support 223
non-linear models 202
North America 39, 46, 62, 77, 151, 207,
215, 232; see also Canada; United States
Northern Ireland 88, 107
Northway, M.L. 318
Norway 16, 40, 167, 232, 246, 248, 253–5,
Nuttall, D. 15, 27, 46, 47, 178, 280;
methodology and scientific properties 84,
118, 123–4, 127, 128, 129
Oakes, J. 276
O’Connor, E.F. 117
O’Connor, M.C. 94
Oescher, J. 315, 316
Ohlin, B. 306
OLS regression 67, 88, 89, 105–10, 112,
114, 190–3
Olsen, J.P. 290
Olson, T.A. 174, 175
Olthof, A.J. 163
operational definition 69–70
organic design 293, 295, 296
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development 21, 209, 210, 237, 257, 270
organizational theory 320
original input-output paradigm 4–6
Orton, J.D. 311
Osinga, N. 19, 57, 76, 225, 291
Otto, L.B. 167
Ouchi, W. 310
Ouston, J. 206
outcome variables 7–10, 18, 139, 217, 248,
261, 263–4, 267–8; methodology and
scientific properties 60, 72, 94–6, 116,
outlier studies 101–2, 104, 126
output variables 7, 83, 94, 98, 104
Owens, R.G. 228, 329
Pacific Rim countries 23, 77, 146, 234, 250,
251, 253, 261, 327, 339
Packer, A. 151, 229, 327
Pallas, A. 13
Papua New Guinea 245
paradigm for school effectiveness 215–16
parental involvement 22, 29–30, 150–1, 154,
159, 168–9, 182, 254–5
Parsons, T. 310
Pasternack, R. 308
path models 114, 115
Patrick, C. 117
Patton, M.O. 28, 61, 116
peer group relationship 8, 166, 326
Pelgrum, W.J. 17, 157, 259, 268, 285
performance indicators 72, 99, 258–61, 281
Perry, A.D. 318
Persell, C.H. 305
Peters, T. 145, 147, 148, 310, 320
Peterson, K.D. 145
Philippines 245, 246
Picot Report 208
Pigott, T.J. 284
Pink, W. 181
Pitner, N. 158
Plomp, T. 268
Plowden Committee 26, 67, 79, 323
Pol, S. 26–51
Poland 245, 246
political theory 320
Pollack, S. 184
Poon, W.Y. 203
Porter, A. 268, 276
Portugal 243, 244, 246, 270, 271–2
Postlethwaite, T.N. 233, 242, 250
Power, M.J. 14, 307
pragmatists 35–8, 39, 42–5, 48–9, 51, 105,
106, 110
Prais, S.J. 234, 252
predictor variables 96, 264, 306
Preece, P.F.W. 95, 268, 280
principal 22, 153, 254, 255; leadership style
21, 149, 158, 168–72, 174, 180–1, 329;
role 30, 135–6
Pring, R. 17
prior achievement 72, 79–80, 87, 95–6,
128–9, 131, 196, 264, 266
private schools 182–3, 185, 291
problem-location 259
problem-solving 259
process of school effectiveness 7–10, 49–50,
60, 64, 134–59, 163, 195, 261, 267–70;
achievement and behaviour 148–9; future
research 151–3; leadership 141–5; learning
focus 147; parental involvement 150–1;
progress monitoring 149–50; school
culture, positive 147–8; school and teacher
processes 153–7; staff development 150;
teacher effects and school effects: future
research 157–9; teacher and teaching
effectiveness 146–7
process of school effectiveness (continued);
United Kingdom 139–41; United States
process-product studies 165, 168
Protestant schools 183
psychiatric theory 320
psychological perspectives 14
psychometric issues 55, 57, 114, 116, 122
public choice theory 291, 324
public schools 85, 182–3, 185, 194, 202, 291
Purkey, S.C. 4, 11, 139, 141, 174, 209, 308;
methodology and scientific properties 58,
59, 60, 101, 103, 104, 116, 119
Purves, A.C. 242, 244
qualitative data 116, 123, 184, 185, 227
quantitative methods and data 60–1, 116,
123, 189, 217, 227
race see ethnicity
Raffe, D. 76
Rallis, S.F. 61
Ralph, J.H. 4, 11, 27, 55, 58, 60, 322
Ramsay, P.D.K. 208
Rand study 209–10
random coefficient 114–15
random cross-classifed models 201–2
random effects ANOVA model 191–2
range analysis within schools and classrooms
rapid-fire graphical bootstrapping 114
Rasbash, J. 62, 109, 202, 203, 280
Ratledge, E.G. 8
Raudenbush, S.W. 12, 13, 303; contextual
issues 166, 167, 174, 178, 182;
methodological issues 189–203 passim;
methodology and scientific properties
61–2, 65, 67–9, 74, 76–7, 84–6, 100, 108,
118, 122, 124, 127–30
Raven, B.H. 308, 309
reading 9, 15, 20, 22, 137, 225, 226, 227,
271, 276; methodology and scientific
properties 82, 84–5, 89, 103, 117–19, 121,
Reagan, R. 13
reciprocal-effects model 114, 158
Reezigt, G.J. 18, 48, 114, 286, 311, 312;
processes of school effectiveness 157,
158, 159
regression analysis 5, 66, 78, 81–3, 86–7, 99,
126, 194, 201; see also OLS regression
Reichardt, C.S. 61
Reid, K. 141, 207
reinforcement practices 135
replacement of staff 145
Resnick, D.P. 94
Resnick, L.B. 94, 341
resource variables 4, 5, 254
responders 169, 170
reward structures 168
Richards, C.E. 267
Riddell, A.R. 239
Rigsby, L.C. 9, 147
Roberts, G.O. 193
Roberts, S. 26, 40
Robinson, P. 234, 252
Robitaille, D.F. 233, 242
Rogers, E.M. 327
Rogosa, D. 74, 106, 108, 109, 114
role theory 296
Romania 245, 246
Ros, A.A. 18
Rosenbaum, P.R. 196
Rosenberg, M. 9, 305, 306
Rosenholtz, S. 4, 12, 45, 46, 123, 209, 220,
Rosenshine, B. 8, 315, 316
Rosenthal, R. 9, 104, 305
Rosier, M.J. 242
Rotter, J.B. 9, 304
Rowan, B. 4, 11, 13, 27, 167, 174, 181–2,
201, 322; methodology and scientific
properties 55, 58, 60, 98, 116, 117
Rowe, K.J. 22, 158, 194, 197, 198;
methodology and scientific properties 62,
63, 65, 67, 68, 94, 97, 99, 100, 122, 123
Rowe, K.S. 22
Rubin, D.B. 104, 194, 196
Rutter, M. 14, 17, 206, 209, 280, 307, 314,
325, 339; contextual issues 164, 166, 178,
179, 181; methodology and scientific
properties 57–60, 63–5, 67, 71, 73, 76, 79,
81–2, 94, 96–7, 101, 103, 121, 123, 128;
processes of school effectiveness 139, 143,
146, 147, 148, 149
Rutter, R.A. 174
Sackney, L. 207
same subject areas 119–20
Sammons, P. 15, 16, 17, 55–133, 143, 166,
178–9, 228, 280, 308, 325; current trends
and approaches 46, 49; processes of school
effectiveness 141, 142–3, 147, 148, 151
sampling 58–60, 73, 101–2, 197, 198–9,
247–8, 339
Sanders, W.L. 72, 111–12, 194, 274, 277–8
Saner, D. 74, 106, 108, 109, 114
Sarason, S. 339
Sass, Z. 208
Satorra, A. 203
Sauvageau, Y. 166
Sayre, K.A. 168
Scandinavia 327
Schaffarzick, J. 268
Schaffer, E.C. 315, 316, 317
Scheerens, J. 3–25, 208; contextual issues
162, 163, 164, 168; future agenda 322,
324, 329, 333, 342; international
dimension 234, 235, 237, 238, 249;
methodology and scientific properties 55,
57, 59, 61, 63–4, 67, 69, 73, 75–8, 84,
86–7, 95, 97–8, 101–4, 117–18, 123, 125,
133; processes of school effectiveness 141,
146, 148, 153, 157, 158; social and
behavioural sciences 309, 312, 321; theory
development 283, 290, 291–2, 296
Schmidt, W.H. 201
Schneider, J.M. 9, 306
school boards 18, 138–40, 185
school change 33–8, 42
school characteristics 251, 254, 265
school climate measures 9, 13, 18, 149, 171,
181, 201, 226, 288; methodology and
scientific properties 60, 64, 71, 78, 82–3,
92; social and behavioural sciences 302,
school culture, positive 147–8
school expenditures 240
school failure/dysfunctionality 339–40
school goals 254, 255
school improvement 13, 55, 99, 164, 170–3,
206–31, 232, 258, 332; Canada 218–19;
current trends and approaches 24–5, 27,
30–1, 45, 47–9; definition 210–12; field
surveyed 207–8; Improving Quality of
Education for All 219–22; Netherlands
225–7; new wave projects and new wave
thinking 216–18; paradigm 214–15;
process of change 212–14; research 3;
third wave programmes 227–31; United
States 10–11, 222–5
school level factors 5, 7–9, 152, 159, 190–1,
194, 285–6, 288–9, 333–7, 338–9;
methodology and scientific properties 77,
79, 83, 94, 114
school management 240
school organization 269–70
school quality 332–3
Schweitzer, J.H. 67, 76, 79
science 117, 120, 125, 181, 239, 241,
252–3, 271
scientists 35–40, 42–5, 48, 51, 105–6, 110,
Scotland 166–7, 172–3, 183–4, 237, 243–5,
249; methodology and scientific properties
95, 124, 128–9, 131, 133
selection 93, 145, 156, 182, 195–6
self-concept 116, 325
self-esteem 9
self-selection 182
Seltzer, M.H. 193, 197, 199
seven factor theory 234
Sewell, W.H. 303
Sharp, D. 65
Shavelson, R.J. 94, 120, 258
Shavit, Y. 115, 166, 167, 303
Showers, B. 44
shrinkage effect 60, 106, 107, 109, 110,
Silins, H. 308
Silver, P. 21
Sime, N. 76, 84, 124
Singapore 245, 246
single-level 202
Sirotnik, K.A. 4, 61, 307
size of school effects 15, 164, 174–5, 182,
185; methodology and scientific properties
64, 67, 75–6, 79, 81, 84, 86, 88, 96–8,
102–4, 113
Sizemore, B.A. 147
Sizer, T. 230
skills 263
Slater, R.O. 63, 123, 157, 162, 163, 164, 329
Slavin, R. 48, 146, 151, 157, 231, 266–7, 281,
283–5, 311, 316–17
Slee, R. 17
Slovakia 246
Slovenia 243, 244, 246
Smees, R. 130
Smith, A.F.M. 192, 193
Smith, D.J. 15, 76, 87–9, 102–3, 118, 124,
128, 130, 147, 280
Smith, M.S. 4, 11, 58–60, 101, 103–4, 116,
119, 139, 141, 209, 308
Smith, R.A. 306
Smithers, A. 234, 252
Smyth, J. 22
Snijders, T.A.B. 198
social and behavioural sciences 301–21;
criminology 306–7; economics of
education 301–3; educational
administration 307–12; social network
analysis 318–20; social psychology 304–6;
sociology of education 303; teacher
effectiveness research 312–17
social class 79, 85, 130, 152, 162, 165, 166,
194, 248
social growth 60
social network analysis 318–20
social psychology 7, 8, 9, 12, 82, 304–6
socialization process 155, 156, 264
socio-economic status 154, 165–72, 184–5,
227–9, 239, 247, 265, 272, 295–6;
methodology and scientific properties 75,
95, 127, 130–1, 133
sociograms 318, 319, 320, 326, 327, 328,
sociology of education 303
sociometric indices 153, 318, 319, 328–9
Soder, R. 308
Sougherty, K. 4
Spade, J.Z. 76
Spain 243, 244, 245, 246, 270
special schools 248
Spinks, J.M. 21, 22, 208
stability 26–7, 30, 31, 33–8, 43, 56, 57, 109,
116–22; across time 15, 17, 122–6;
consistency and achievement 117–20;
consistency and concurrent validity
116–17; consistency and different
indicators 121–2
staff development 150, 221
Stallings, J. 315
Stanley, J. 71
‘state of the art’ school effects study 63–4
state effects 31, 33–8, 39, 51
statistical procedures 58, 73–5, 113
Steedman, J. 14
Stevens, R. 315, 316
Stevenson, H. 65, 234, 248, 250
Stigler, J.W. 234, 250
Stogdill, R.M. 309
Stoll, L. 12, 16, 34, 76, 123, 141, 147, 233,
280, 306, 320; current trends and
approaches 43–4, 46, 48–9; future agenda
327, 339, 342; school improvement 207,
216, 218, 228, 230
Stram, D. 193
Stringer, R.A. Jr. 310
Stringfield, S. 4, 12–13, 160, 206–31, 279,
281; current trends and approaches 26, 39,
45, 48; future agenda 322, 325, 327, 331,
336, 338; methodology and scientific
properties 55, 59–64, 68–70, 72, 76–7, 79,
82–3, 93–4, 100–2, 104, 116, 122–3, 126;
processes of school effectiveness 136,
138–9, 141, 143, 145–8, 150–1, 154,
156–8; social and behavioural sciences
305–6, 308–9, 311, 314, 315, 316, 317,
320; theory development 283, 285, 292,
structural equation models 114, 202–3, 204
student characteristics 127–31, 265
student expectations 305
student level analysis 10, 77, 83, 94, 190,
191, 194, 284, 286
student sense of academic futility 9, 304–5
Suarez, S. 154, 317
subject areas, differing 117–19
Sullivan, M. 147, 148
Summers, A.A. 7, 8, 61, 67, 80–1, 166, 301,
Swanson, A. 174, 175
Swaziland 234, 236–7, 245
Sweden 232, 233, 237, 245, 246, 248, 249,
270, 332
Sweeney, J. 4, 308
Switzerland 40, 41, 237, 243, 244, 246,
250, 252–3, 270
system modelling 259
systemic factors 251, 252, 253
Szaday, C. 40
Taggart, B. 228
Tagiuri, R. 310
Taiwan 16, 243, 244, 246, 247, 250, 251–2,
253, 255, 317, 339
Talbert, J.E. 60, 172, 174, 185, 307, 330
Tanzania 245
Tarter, C.J. 312
Tashakkori, A. 44, 61, 95, 116, 306
Tate, R.L. 194
Taylor, B.O. 10, 207
Taylor, R.C. 305
teacher; attitudes 8; behaviour 8, 250, 287–8;
effectiveness research 51, 146–7, 312–17;
effects 25, 111, 157–9; expectations 9,
135, 305; induction/socialization 30,
38–9; level 8; morale and commitment
174; quality 240, 241; socialization 93;
teacher-school interaction 29, 30, 33–8,
42, 43; unions 174; variables 8
technology 118
Tenenbaum, E. 311
Tesser, P. 76
Thailand 239, 240, 245, 246, 249
theoretical issues 30, 33–8, 42, 49, 50,
69–70; see also theory development
theory development 283–98; classroom level
286–8; context level 289–90; contingency
theory 292–7; meta theories 290–2; school
level 288–9; student level 286
third dimension of schooling (relationship
patterns) 326–9
Third World 77
Thomas, F. 131
Thomas, R. 250
Thomas, S. 15, 22, 69, 76, 118–19, 124–5,
130, 178, 197, 228, 298
three-level studies 90, 124, 157, 158, 197,
200, 202
Thum, Y.M. 201
Tickell, G. 22
time concept 135, 149, 261, 284, 285, 286,
288, 289
Tizard, B. 15, 147, 148, 178
Tobin, K. 315
Tomlinson, S. 15, 76, 87–9, 102–3, 118, 124,
128, 130, 147, 280
‘top down’ approach 211, 214, 218, 229,
topics and approaches 26–51; delineation,
lack of 26–7; expert opinion survey 28–9;
factor analysis 33–5; first survey results
29–32; humanists, scientists and
pragmatists 35–8, 42–5; merger, necessity
for 45–8; pragmatism 48–9; second survey
results 32–5, 40–2; survey findings,
importance of 38–9; topic list revision
Torwer, P. 107–8, 118, 167
Townsend, T. 3–25
Travers, K.J. 242
triangulation techniques 116, 123
Trinidad/Tobago 246
Turkey 270
two-level models 90, 124, 197, 200, 202
two-stage estimation 190
Tymms, P. 16, 89–90, 94, 97, 106, 110, 158,
178, 198, 280, 281, 297, 321
Tyne, T.F. 326
Type I error 73
Type II error 73
Type A effects 67, 86, 195, 196
Type B effects 67, 74, 86, 195, 196–7
United Kingdom 3, 10, 12–18, 21, 23–5,
291; Cambridge 220; contextual issues
162, 164–7, 175, 178–9, 181, 183–4;
current trends and approaches 28–9, 40–1,
43–5, 48–9; education indicators 257,
261–3, 264, 265, 267, 269, 270, 279, 281;
future agenda 323, 325, 327, 330, 333,
338, 339, 343; international dimension
232–4, 239, 241–5, 251, 253–5; league
tables 66, 72, 273; London 139–40, 332;
methodology and scientific properties
56–7, 62, 67, 75–7, 81, 83–4, 86–8, 94,
103, 109, 115–18, 121, 123–4, 127,
130–1; Plowden report 79; processes of
school effectiveness 134, 139–41, 146–8,
152–3; school improvement 206, 209,
214, 216, 217, 218, 230; social and
behavioural sciences 303, 306, 307, 317
United States 3, 4–14, 16, 18, 20, 23–5, 291;
Atlanta 170; Barclay-Calvert Project
222–5; California 168, 169, 170;
Coleman report 78; context factors and
methodological advances 11–13;
contextual issues 162, 164–8, 172–4,
179–80, 182, 184; current trends and
approaches 27, 40–1, 45; education
indicators 257, 258, 261, 263, 269,
270, 282; equity emphasis and school
improvement studies 10–11; future agenda
322, 325, 327, 330, 332–3, 336, 343;
international dimension 232–4, 241, 243,
244, 245, 246, 247–8, 249, 253, 254, 255;
methodology and scientific properties 57,
72, 76, 80, 82–3, 87, 93, 98, 100, 105,
109, 112–13, 115–19, 125, 127; Michigan
178; Milwaukee 173; national education
indicators 274–6; original input-output
paradigm 4–6; Prince Edward County
(Virginia) 65–6; process variables and
additional outcome variables 7–10;
processes of school effectiveness 134–9,
148, 153, 158; school improvement
206–7, 209, 214–15, 230, 231; social and
behavioural sciences 303, 306–8, 315–17;
state indicators 276–7; Tennessee 264,
277–8; Virginia 277; see also Louisiana
School Effectiveness Study
unusual schools 195
validity issues 113–14, 115
value added concept 14, 16, 72, 88, 107,
111, 118, 242, 264, 279–82
value judgment 263–4
van Cuyck-Remijssen, A. 183
van de Grift, W. 18, 234, 308, 329
van de Ven, A.H. 293–4
van der Tuin, A.C. 157
van der Werf, M.P.C. 76, 150
van Velzen, W. 209, 210
VanderStoep, S. 308
variance issues 19, 30, 33–8
Venezky, R.L. 148
Venezuela 246
Vermeulen, C.J. 157
Verspoor, A.M. 239
Vincent, L. 107–8, 118, 167
Virgilio, I. 12, 155–6, 161, 179, 180, 181,
314, 315, 316
Voogt, J. 268
Wagner, K. 234, 252
Walberg, H.J. 158, 239, 241, 283, 315
Waldrop, M.M. 281
Walker, D.F. 268
Walker, I. 22
Walsh, D.J. 72, 87, 93, 98–9, 119, 172, 173,
174, 291
Wang, M.C. 158
Wasserman, S. 318, 319
Waterman, R.H. Jr. 145, 310, 320
Watkins, J.F. 311
Watts, H.W. 86
Webb, E.J. 326
Weber, G. 7, 10, 59, 148
Weeda, W.C. 284
Wehlage, G. 180
Weick, K.E. 311
Weide, M.G. 286
Weinstein, R. 4
Werner, T. 21
West, M. 48, 220
Westbury, I. 242
White, J. 17
White, R.K. 308
Wilcox, B. 17, 49
Wildy, H. 308
Wiley, D.E. 190, 233, 242, 282
Wiley, D.T. 284
Willett, J.B. 62, 63
Williams, R.A. 115, 166, 167, 303
Williamson, B. 303
Willis, P. 307
Willms, J.D. 12, 13, 15, 258, 269, 280;
contextual issues 162, 164, 166, 167, 173,
178, 183, 184; methodological issues 194,
195, 196, 199–200; methodology and
scientific properties 58–9, 61–3, 65–8, 70,
72, 74, 76, 83–4, 86, 95, 103–4, 106,
110–12, 116, 118, 123–4, 127–30
Willower, D.J. 312
Wilnfield, L.F. 148
Wilson, B. 179, 180, 209, 307, 308, 311
Wimpelberg, R.K. 11, 26, 46, 145, 162, 164,
171, 172, 207, 307, 309, 329
Winkler, D.R. 7, 8, 61, 166
Wisler, C.E. 81
within school model 92, 190, 191, 193,
197, 203
Witte, J.F. 72, 87, 93, 98–9, 119, 172, 173,
174, 291
Wittrock, M. 301
Witziers, B. 13, 18, 297; methodology and
scientific properties 65, 67–8, 75–9, 90,
92, 98, 101, 103–4, 109
Wolf, R.G. 61, 76, 79
Wolfe, B.L. 7, 8, 61, 67, 80–1, 166, 301, 302
Wolfe, R. 111
Wong, G.M. 192
Wong, G.Y. 202
Wong, W.H. 199
Woodhouse, B. 203
Woodhouse, G. 14
Woods, P. 307
writing 15, 84, 117, 118, 271
Yelton, B.T. 117, 126
Young, A.A. 166, 303
Yugoslavia 246
Yukl, G.A. 309
Zander, A. 308
Zimbabwe 239, 245, 246