(Updated on 14.10.2022)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training Establishment
Estt (Reservation) Division
Establishment (Reservation) Division of the Department of Personnel and
Training has issued various instructions, from time to time, regarding
reservation in appointments to posts and services under the Central
Government, and concessions/relaxations extended to the persons belonging to
Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Other Backward Classes
(OBCs), Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs)
and Ex-servicemen. With a view to facilitating easy accessibility and clear
understanding of these rules on reservation/concessions/relaxations, the
relevant instructions on the subject (except Ex-servicemen) have been
consolidated, as under:
1. Reservation in Direct Recruitment (in open competition
and otherwise than by open competition)
Reservation is provided to the members of the Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes @ 15%, 7.5% and 27%,
respectively, in the matter of appointment by direct recruitment to civil posts
and civil services on all India basis by open competition.
In the matter of appointment by direct recruitment to civil posts and civil
services on all India basis otherwise than by open competition, reservation is
provided to the members of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes @ 16.66%, 7.5% and 25.84% , respectively.
No. 36011/33/1981-Estt.(SCT) dated 5/10/1981
No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8/09/1993
No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 22/10/1993
No. 36012/2/1996 Estt (Res) dated 2/07/1997
2. Reservation in Direct Recruitment in Group C&D
attracting local candidates
Reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in case of
direct recruitment to Group C and Group D posts, normally attracting
candidates from a locality or a region, was fixed on the basis of proportion of
their population in the respective States/UTs, vide OMs, dated 5.7.2005,
4.7.2007, as under:
Name of the State/UT
Percentage of Reservation
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Daman & Diu
OM.No. 36017/1/2004-Estt(Res) dated 5/07/2005)
(OM No. 36017/1/2007-Estt(Res) dated 4/07/2007)
Note : The expression 'by open competition' means all recruitments by Union
Public Service Commission (UPSC), whether through written examination or by
interview or by both; and recruitments made by other authorities, including
Staff Selection Commission, or any other appointing authority through written
competitive examination or tests (but not by interview alone). Any recruitment
not made by the UPSC or not made through written competitive test held by any
other authority would mean direct recruitment otherwise than by open
OM No. 36034/2/2013-Estt(Res) dated 8/04/2013)
3. Exclusion of Creamy Layer from amongst OBCs:
Members of the Other Backward Classes, who fall in creamy layer, shall
not get the benefit of reservation. Criterion for determining creamy layer status
amongst Other Backward Classes is, as under:
[O.M.No.36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated 08/09/1993 as amended from time
to time]
Description of Category
Who will fall in Creamy Layer
Son(s) and daughter(s) of
a. President of India;
b. Vice President of India;
c. Judges of the Supreme Court and of
the High Courts;
d. Chairman & Members of UPSC and of
the State Public Service Commission;
Chief Election Commissioner;
Comptroller & Auditor General of
e. Persons holding Constitutional
positions of like nature.
A. Group A / Class I officers of
the All India Central and State
Services (Direct Recruits)
Sons(s) and daughter(s) of
a. parents, both of whom are Class I
b. parents, either of whom is a Class I
c. parents, both of whom are Class I
officers, but one of them dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation.
d. Parents, either of whom is a Class I
officers and such parent dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation
and before such death or such
incapacitation has had the benefit
of employment in any International
Organisation like UN, IMF, World
Bank, etc. for a period of not less
than 5 years.
e. Parents, both of whom are Class I
officers die or suffer permanent
incapacitation and before such
death or such incapacitation of the
both, either of them has had the
benefit of employment in any
International Organisation like UN,
IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period
of not less than 5 years.
Provided that the rule of exclusion
shall not apply in the following
a. Sons and daughters of parents
either of whom or both of whom are
Class I officers and such parent(s)
dies / die or suffer permanent
b. A lady belonging to OBC category
has got married to a Class I officer,
and may herself like to apply for a
B. Group B/Class II officers of
the Central & State Services
(Direct Recruitment)
Son(s) and daughter(s) of
a. Parents both of whom are Class II
b. parents of whom only the husband is
a Class II officers and he gets into
Class I at the age of 40 or earlier.
c. Parents, both of whom are Class II
officers and one of them dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation and
either one of them has had the
benefit of employment in any
International Organisation like UN,
IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of
not less than 5 years before such
death or permanent incapacitation;
d. Parents of whom the husband is a
Class I officer (direct recruit or pre-
forty promoted) and the wife is a
Class II officers and the wife dies; or
suffers permanent incapacitation;
e. Parents, of whom the wife is a Class I
officer ( Direct Recruit or pre-forty
promoted) and the husband is a
Class II officer and the husband dies
or suffers permanent incapacitation
Provided that the rule of exclusion shall
not apply in the following cases:
Sons and daughters of
a. Parents both of whom are Class II
officers and one of them dies or
suffers permanent incapacitation.
b. Parents, both of whom are Class II
officers and both of them die or suffer
permanent incapacitation, even
though either of them has had the
benefit of employment in any
International Organisation like UN,
IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of
not less than 5 years before their
death or permanent incapacitation.
C. Employees in Public Sector
Undertakings etc.
The criteria enumerated in A&B above in
this Category will apply mutatis mutandis to
officers holding equivalent or comparable
posts in PSUs, Banks, Insurance
Organisations, Universities, etc. and also to
equivalent or comparable posts and
positions under private employment,
pending the evaluation of the posts on
equivalent or comparable basis in these
institutions, the criteria specified in Category
VI below will apply to the officers in these
(Persons holding civil posts are not
Son(s) and daughter(s) of parents either or
both of whom is or are in the rank of Colonel
and above in the Army and to equivalent
posts in the Navy and the Air Force and the
Para Military Forces;
Provided that :-
i. If the wife of an Armed Forces
Officers is herself in the Armed
Forces (i.e., the category under
consideration) the rule of exclusion
will apply only when she herself has
reached the rank of Colonel;
ii. The service ranks below Colonel of
husband and wife shall not be
clubbed together;
(iii) If the wife of an officer in the
Armed Forces is in civil employment,
this will not be taken into account for
applying the rule of exclusion unless
she falls in the service category
under item No.II in which case the
criteria and conditions enumerated
therein will apply to her
I. Persons, engaged in
profession as a ‘doctor,
lawyer, chartered accountant,
Income Tax consultant,
financial or management
consultant, dental surgeon,
engineer, architect, computer
specialist, film artists and
other film professional,
author, playwright, sports
person, sports professional,
media professional or any
other vocations of like status.
II. Persons engaged in trade,
business and industry.
Criteria specified against Category VI will
Criteria specified against Category VI will
Where the husband is in some
profession and the wife is in Class II or
lower grade employment, the income /
wealth test will apply only on the basis
of the husband’s income.
If the wife is in any profession and the
husband is in employment in a Class II
or lower rank post, then the income /
wealth criterion will apply only on the
basis of the wife’s income and the
husband’s income will not be clubbed
with it.
A. Agricultural holdings
Son(s) and daughter(s) of persons belonging
to a family (father, mother and minor
children) which owns
a. Only irrigated land which is equal to
or more than 85% of the statutory
area, or
b. Both irrigated and unirrigated land,
as follows:-
i. The rule of exclusion will apply where
the pre-condition exists that the
irrigated area (having been brought
to a single type under a common
denominator) 40% or more of the
statutory ceiling limit for irrigated
land (this being calculated by
excluding the unirrigated portion). If
this pre condition of not less than
40% exists, then only the area of
unirrigated land will be taken into
account. This will be done by
converting the unirrigated land on
the basis of the conversion formula
existing, into the irrigated type. The
irrigated area so computed from
unirrigated land shall be added to the
actual area of irrigated land and if
after such clubbing together the total
area in terms of irrigated land is 85%
or more of the statutory ceiling limit
for irrigated land, then the rule of
exclusion will apply and
disentitlement will occur.
ii. The rule of exclusion will not apply if
the land holding of a family is
exclusively unirrigated.
B. Plantations
i. Coffee, tea, rubber, etc.
ii. Mango, citrus, apply
plantations etc.
Criteria of income / wealth specified in
Category VI below will apply.
Deemed as agricultural holding and hence
criteria at A above under this Category will
C. Vacant land and / or
buildings in urban areas or
urban agglomerations
Criteria specified in Category VI below will
Explanation: Building may be used for
residential, industrial or commercial
purpose and the like two or more such
Son(s) and daughter(s) of
a. Persons having gross annual
income of Rs. 8 lakh or above or
possessing wealth above the
exemption limit as prescribed in the
Wealth Tax Act for a period of three
consecutive years
b. Persons in Categories I, II, III and V
A who are not disentitled to the
benefit of reservation but have
income from other sources of wealth
which will bring them within the
income / wealth criteria mentioned
in (a) above.
i. Income from salaries or agricultural
land shall not be clubbed;
ii. The income criteria in terms of
rupee will be modified taking into
account the change in its value
every three years. If the situation,
however, so demands, the
interregnum may be less.
Further, a clarificatory letter dated 14.10.2004 addressed to the Secretaries of
all States/UTs with regard to the aforesaid OM dated 8.9.1993 was also issued.
No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8.9.1993
Letter No. 36033/5/2004-Estt (Res.) dated 14/10/2004
No. 36033/1/2013-Estt (Res.) dated 13/09/2017
4 Establishment of equivalence of posts in respect of
employees of PSUs, Banks, PSICs and PFIs
Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) and Department of Financial
Services (DFS) vide OM dated 25.10.2017 and 06.12.2017 respectively have
issued guidelines establishing equivalence of the posts in Central Public Sector
Enterprises (CPSEs), Public Sector Banks (PSBs), Public Sector Insurance
Companies (PSICs) and Public Financial Institutions (PFIs) vis-à-vis posts in
Central Government, which have been have been circulated by DoPTto the Chief
Secretaries of all States/ Union Territories vide OM No. 36033/2/2018-
Estt.(Res.) dated 08.06.2018.
No. 36033/2/2018-Estt.(Res.) dated 08/06/2018
5. Reservation in Promotion
Reservation is provided at 15% and 7.5% to Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes, respectively, (i) in promotions through Limited Departmental
Competitive Examination in Group B, C & D (ii) in promotion by selection in
Group B, C & D and from Group B to the lowest rung of Group A and (iii) in
promotion on the basis of Seniority subject to fitness in all Groups i.e. Group A,
B, C & D (in all these cases). Reservation in posts by promotion, as indicated
above, should be made applicable to all grades or services, in which the element
of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75%.
No. 36012/17/88-Estt.(SCT) dated 25/04/1989
6. Spirit of O.M., dated 12.04.2022, regarding Reservation in
In pursuance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement, dated 28.1.2022, in
Jarnail Singh batch of cases, an OM, dated 12.4.2022, has been issued, as per
the opinion of Ld. Attorney General, which mandates the
Ministries/Departments to satisfy certain condition before implementing the
policy of reservation in promotions. These conditions, inter alia, are as follows:
(i) Collection of quantifiable data regarding inadequacy of representation of SCs
and STs; (ii) Application of this data to each cadre separately;(iii) Maintenance
of reservation roster, as per DoPT OM, dated 2.7.1997;(iv) DPC to carefully
assess the suitability of officers being considered for promotion to ensure
administrative efficiency; (v) The Appointing Authority to ensure that all the
conditions laid down in the OM, dated 12.4.2022, are complied with before
issuing any promotion order. Since the Jarnail Singh batch of cases is pending
in the Supreme Court of India, any promotion order issued shall be subject to
further orders that may be passed by the Supreme Court in the said batch of
OM No.36012/16/2019-Estt. (Res.) dated 12.4.2022)
1. Reservation in Scientific and Technical Posts
Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
Classes apply to appointments made to "scientific and technical" posts up to
and including the lowest grade of Group A in the respective services.
Such ‘scientific and technical’ posts as satisfy all the following conditions,
can be exempted from the purview of the reservation orders by the
(i) The posts should be in grades above the lowest grade in Group A of the
service concerned.
(ii) They should be classified as 'scientific or technical' in terms of Cabinet
Secretariat (Department of Cabinet Affairs) [
O.M. No. 85/11/CF-61(1)
dated 28-12-1961] according to which scientific and technical posts
for which qualification in the natural sciences or exact sciences or
applied sciences or in technology are prescribed and the incumbents of
which have to use that knowledge in the discharge of their duties.
(iii) The posts should be 'for conducting research' or 'for organizing,
guiding and directing research’.
Orders of the Minister concerned should be obtained before exempting
any posts satisfying the above conditions from the purview of the scheme of
Reservation, however, is not applicable to the posts available in the
Department of Space & Department of Electronics and with regard to
recruitment of trainees to the training school of the Department of Atomic
Energy. In respect of them, the orders prior to 1975 will continue to apply.
In the case of scientific and technical posts required for research up to
and inclusive of lowest grade of Group A of a service which are not exempt from
the purview of reservation orders, reservation should be provided for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes as per the scheme of
reservations, except that:
i. reserved vacancies in such posts need be advertised only once and not
ii. In the event of non-availability of candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes, vacancies in such
posts may be de-reserved by the administrative Ministry/Department
concerned. However, the National Commission for Scheduled Castes or
the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes or the National
Commission for Backward Classes, as the case may be, and the
Department of Personnel and Training should be informed about the de-
reservation together with the details and reasons necessitating de-
O.M.No.9/2/73-Estt(SCT) dated 23/06/1975]
[O.M.No.36012/27/1994-Estt(SCT) dated 13/05/1994]
2. Reservation in Posts of Industrial Workers
The industrial establishments of the Government of India and the posts
and grades in such establishments, whether these have been classified as group
A, B, C and D or not, are covered by the scheme of reservation for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes.
O.M.No.8/7/1974-Estt.(SCT) dated 22/08/1975]
3. Reservation in Work-Charged Posts
The principle of reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Other Backward Classes should generally be suitably applied to the extent
possible, to work-charged posts also except those required for emergencies like
flood relief work, accident restoration and relief etc. The percentages of
reservation in such appointments may correspond to what is applicable to
Group C and Group D posts.
O.M.No.36021/9/1976-Estt.(SCT) dated 10/02/1977]
4. Reservation in Appointments of Daily Rated Staff
While it may not be practical to apply the reservation orders in toto in
respect of daily rated staff, it should be ensured that persons belonging to the
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes are recruited
in such manner as their overall representation does not go below the prescribed
percentage of reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes respectively.
O.M.No.36011/18/81-Estt.(SCT) dated 16/07/1981]
5. Reservation in Ad-hoc Promotions
As a matter of basic approach, ad-hoc promotions should be avoided.
However, if ad-hoc promotions are to be made in exceptional circumstances,
such as during pendency of court cases, protracted seniority disputes, non-
framing of recruitment rules, unforeseen delay in direct recruitment or
convening of DPCs for reasons beyond the control of the appointing authority
etc., following guidelines may be followed on every occasion when ad-hoc
promotions are resorted to so as to ensure that the claims of eligible officers
belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are also duly considered:
i. In cases where reservation orders for SCs and STs are applicable,
the number of vacancies falling to the share of SCs and STs would
be the same if the vacancies were to be filled on regular basis.
ii. Since ad-hoc promotions are made on the basis of non-selection, all
the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates covered in the
relevant seniority list within the total number of such vacancies
against which ad-hoc promotions are to be made, should be
considered in the order of their general seniority as per the
gradation list, on the principle of seniority-cum-fitness and if they
are not adjudged unfit, they should all be promoted on ad-hoc
iii. If the number of SC/ST candidates found fit within the range of
actual vacancies is less than the number of vacancies identified as
falling to their share if the vacancies were filled on a regular basis,
additional SC/ST candidates to the extent required should be
located by going down the seniority list, provided they are eligible
and found fit for such ad-hoc appointment.
iv. All ad-hoc appointees have to be replaced by regular incumbents at
the earliest opportunity. When regular promotions are made
subsequently, reversion of the ad-hoc appointees should take place
strictly in the reverse order of seniority, the junior-most candidate
being reverted first. No special concessions are to be given to
SC/ST candidates at the time of such reversion.
v. There is no need for maintaining any separate formal register or
roster register for ad-hoc promotions. The concept of de-
reservation, carrying forward of reservation etc. will also not be
applicable in the case of ad-hoc appointments. However, a simple
register called Ad-hoc Promotions Register may be maintained for
different categories of posts for which ad-hoc appointments are
made to facilitate a record being kept of the ad-hoc appointments
and for ensuring reversion in the proper order on regular
promotions being made to the posts in question.
No. 36011/14/83-Estt.(SCT) dated 30/04/1983]
[O.M.No.36012/27/2000-Estt.(Res) 15/03/2002]
6. Reservation in case of a Single Vacancy
The concept of reservation in single vacancy has been clarified vide OM
No. 1/9/74-Estt. SCT dated 29.4.1975. The OM dated 29.4.1975 provides that
in cases where only one vacancy occurs in the initial recruitment year and the
corresponding roster point happens to be for a Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribes, it should be treated as unreserved and filled accordingly and the
reservation carried forward to subsequent three recruitment years. In the
subsequent year(s), even if there is only one vacancy, it should be treated as
“Reserved” against the carried-forward reservation form the initial recruitment
year and a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidate, if available, should be
appointed against that vacancy, although it may happen to be the only vacancy
in that recruitment year(s). For instance, if a single vacancy arises in the initial
recruitment year 1975, and it falls at a reserved point in the roster, it will be
treated as ‘unreserved’ and filled accordingly in that year but the reservation
would be carried-forward to subsequent recruitment year(s). In the first
subsequent year, i.e. 1976, if, again a single vacancy occurs, then it should be
treated as reserved against the reservation carried-forward from 1975, and a
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidate, as the case may be, should be
appointed against that vacancy, in spite of the fact that the vacancy happens to
be the only vacancy in that recruitment year. In the event of a Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribes candidate not being available to fill the reserved
vacancy in 1976, the reservation would be further carried-forward to 1977 and
1978, when also a single vacancy, if any, arising in those years should be
treated as “reserved against the carried-forward reservation, whereafter, the
reservation will lapse. The year in which no vacancy arises will be ignored for
counting the effective years towards the period of carry-forward.
If a single vacancy falls at a reserved point for SC/ST and is filled by
SC/ST candidate on the basis of own merit or seniority, it need not be treated as
unreserved and reservation should not be carried forward. Further, if a single
vacancy falls at a reserved point for SC/ST and is filled by a candidate of the
other reserved community on the basis of his own merit or seniority, as the case
may be, the vacancies will be treated as unreserved and treated as if it is filled
by a general category candidate and the vacancy shall also be carried forward.
1/9/74Estt.(SCT) dated 29/04/1975]
[36011/39/81-Estt.(SCT) dated 30/11/1981]
NOTE: For dereservation of vacancy, instructions issued vide
OM No.
3602012/2007-Estt(Res) dated 7/12/2009 may be referred, which was
issued after 2.7.1997 when the instructions for introduction of post based
reservation roster was issued vide OM No. 36012/2/96-Estt (Res.) dated
7. Reservation in PSUs, Autonomous Bodies etc
Instructions contained in this Compendium relate to reservation for
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in
posts/services under the Government of India. The Public Sector Undertakings,
Statutory and Semi-Government Bodies, Autonomous Bodies/Institutions,
including Municipal Corporations, Cooperative Institutions, Universities etc.
under the control of the Government, may make reservation for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in their services on the
lines of the reservations in services under Government. The Department of
Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises may
arrange for issue of suitable directives to the various public sector undertakings,
through the administrative Ministries concerned for making reservations for
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in their
services. The Ministries/Departments should take suitable action to provide for
reservations for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
Classes in the services of the autonomous bodies/institutions which are
receiving grants-in-aid from the Government of India by making suitable
provision in the relevant statutes or in the Articles of Association of the
respective bodies.
O.M.No.39/40/74(SCT)(I) dated 30/09/1974 ]
8. Reservation in Voluntary Agencies
The Ministries/Departments should insist as a pre-condition to the sanction of
grants-in-aid from Central Government to a non-Government organizations/
voluntary agency etc. that it shall provide reservation to the extent of 15% to
SCs, 7.5% to STs and 27% to OBCs in case of direct recruitment on all India
basis and as shown in the table under in case of direct recruitment to posts
normally attracting candidates from a locality or region where:
a. The recipient body employs more than 20 persons on a regular
basis and at least 50 percent of its recurring expenditure is met
from grants-in-aid from the Central Government; and
b. The body is a registered society or a cooperative institution and is in
receipt of a general purpose annual grants-in-aid of Rs.2lakh and
above from the Consolidated Fund of India.
A clause providing for reservations in the services under the voluntary
agencies should be included in the terms and conditions under which such
voluntary agencies /organizations etc. are given grants-in-aid by Government,
somewhat on the following lines:
“………..(Name of Organization/ Agency etc.) agrees to make
reservations for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes in the posts/services under its control on the
lines indicated by the Government of India.”
While sanctioning grants-in-aid to various voluntary agencies the progress
made by such agencies in employing Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and
Other Backward Class candidates in their services should be kept in view by the
administrative Ministries/Departments. The voluntary agencies etc. should be
informed that the progress in respect to the employment by them of Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and OBCs in the services under them would be taken
into account by Government while sanctioning future grants-in-aid to them.
[O.M.No.27/12/73-Estt.SCT) dated 7/10/1974]
9. Reservation in temporary appointments lasting for 45 days
or more
There shall be reservation for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Other
Backward Class candidates in temporary appointments which are to last for 45
days or more.
27/4/67(II)-Estt.(SCT) dated 24/09/1968]
[36036/3/2018-Estt.(Res.) dated 15/05/2018]
1. Concession in Promotions within Group A
There is no reservation in case of promotion by ‘selection’ from a Group A
post to another Group A post. But when promotion by ‘selection’ is made from a
Group A post to a Group A post carrying Grade pay of Rs.8700/- or less, the
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Officers, who are senior enough in the
zone of consideration for promotion so as to be within the number of vacancies
for which the select list has to be drawn up, would be included in that list,
provided they are not considered unfit for promotion. Their position in the select
list would, however, be same as assigned to them by the Departmental
Promotion Committee on the basis of their record of service.
O.M No. 36028/8/2009-Estt(Res) dt.7/06/2013]
2. Consideration for Appointment by Deputation and
Reservations do not apply to posts filled by deputation or absorption, but
whenever a Ministry/Department/Attached Office/Subordinate Office etc.
proposes to depute, in public interest, officers serving under them, to a post in
or under another Ministry/Department etc., the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe employees serving under them, who are eligible to be sent on deputation
should also be considered, along with other eligible employees for such
deputation. The Ministries/Departments, under whose control the posts to be
filled by deputation or absorption arise, should also, while selecting persons for
such post(s), duly consider the cases of eligible Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribe employees whose names have been forwarded, for appointment on
deputation or absorption to those posts. Where the number of posts to be filled
on deputation or absorption by any employing Ministry or Office is fairly
substantial, the employing Ministry/Head of Office concerned should endeavor
to see that a fair proportion of such posts is filled by employees belonging to
Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, subject of course, to availability, from the
feeder categories, of qualified persons belonging to these communities.
DP&AR OM No. 36021/6/75-Estt(SCT), dt. 9/10/1975]
[DP&AR O.M No36012/7/77-Estt (SCT) dt. 21/01/1978]
3. Age Relaxation in Direct Recruitment
The maximum age-limit prescribed for direct recruitment to a service or
post shall be increased by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and by 3 years in the case of
candidates belonging to OBCs.
MHA No.15/1/55-SCT dt.30/04/1955]
[OM No. 43013/2/95-Estt(SCT), dt. 25/01/1995]
4. Age Relaxation in Promotion
Where an upper age-limit not exceeding 50 years is prescribed for
promotion to a service/post, it shall be relaxed by 5 years in the case of
candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. This, however,
would not apply to posts which have arduous field duties or are meant for
operational safety and to posts in para-Military Organizations.
O.M No. 21/9/70-Estt(SCT), dt.8/12/1971]
5. Concession in Fee
The candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will not be
required to pay any fees for admission to any recruitment
O.M No. 36011/3/84-Estt(SCT) dt. 1/07/1985]
6. Relaxation of Experience Qualification for SCs and STs in
Direct Recruitment
Where some period of experience is prescribed as an essential
qualification for direct recruitment to a post, and where, in the opinion of the
Ministry/Department concerned, the relaxation of the experience qualification
will not be inconsistent with efficiency, a provision should be inserted under the
‘Essential Qualification’ in the relevant Recruitment Rules as at (a) or (b) below
to enable the Union Public Service Commission/competent authority to relax
the ‘experience' qualification in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe
candidates in the circumstances mentioned in the provisions:-
a. Where the post is filled by direct recruitment through the Union Public
Service Commission, the provision to be inserted will be:
“The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the
discretion of the Union Public Service Commission in the case of
candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes, if at any stage of selection, the Union Public Service
Commission is of the opinion that sufficient number of
candidates from these communities possessing the requisite
experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies
reserved for them. The appointing authority shall record the
reasons for relaxing the qualifications regarding experience in
writing while doing so."
b. Where the post is filled by direct recruitment otherwise than
through the Union Public Service Commission, the provision to be
inserted will be:
“The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the
discretion of the competent authority in the case of candidates
belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, if at any
stage of selection the competent authority is of the opinion that
sufficient number of candidates from these communities
possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available
to fill up the vacancies reserved for them. The appointing
authority shall record the reasons for relaxing the qualifications
regarding experience in writing while doing so."
When any vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
are advertised or intimated to the Employment Exchange, it should be
specifically mentioned in the advertisement/requisition that the period of
experience prescribed is relaxable, at the discretion of the Union Public Service
Commission or the competent authority, as the case may be, in the case of
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates as provided in the Recruitment
Rules. This is intended to ensure that the aspirants who may fall slightly short
of the requisite experience may know about the possibility of relaxation in their
DP&AR O.M No.27/10/71-Estt (SCT) dt. 5/09/1975]
7. Relaxation of Standard of Suitability in Direct Recruitment
In direct recruitment whether by examination or otherwise, if sufficient
number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class candidates
are not available on the basis of the general standard to fill all the vacancies
reserved for them, candidates belonging to these communities should be
selected to fill up the remaining vacancies reserved for them, provided they are
not found unfit for such post or posts. Thus, to the extent the number of
vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
Classes cannot be filled on the basis of general standard, candidates belonging
to these communities will be taken by relaxed standard to make up the
deficiency in the reserved quota, subject to the fitness of these candidates for
appointment to the post/posts in question.
MHA O.M No. 1/1/70-Estt (SCT), 25/07/1970]
In addition to the concession referred to above, in cases where the
requisite number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class
candidates fulfilling even the relaxed standards admissible in their cases are not
available to fill the vacancies reserved for them in non-technical and quasi-
technical Group C and D services/posts required to be filled by direct
recruitment otherwise than by written examination, the selecting authorities
should, to the extent of the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled
Tribe/Other Backward Class, select for appointment the best among the
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Class candidates who fulfill
the minimum educational qualifications laid down in the notice for recruitment
of advertisement. In order to bring such candidates to the minimum standard
necessary for the posts and for the maintenance of efficiency of administration,
they should be given in-service training. The in-service training will be provided
by the appointing authorities within their own offices. Such candidates will, on
their appointment, be placed on probation and the rules/orders regarding
probation will apply to them.
Ministries /Departments should instruct all authorities under them to
prepare a list of non-technical and quasi-technical posts in Group C and D to
which the provisions given above apply. While notifying vacancies in such posts
or advertising them, it should be indicated that the posts are non-technical in
Group C and D.
O.M.No 24/7/67(I)-Estt.(SCT) dated 24/09/1968)
8. No Relaxation in Educational Qualification
Where an educational qualification has been prescribed in the recruitment
rules, all candidates including the SC, ST and OBC candidates shall satisfy the
said qualification. Sometimes, a minimum number of marks or a minimum
grade is prescribed as part of the educational qualification in the recruitment
rules. In such cases, the minimum marks/grade so prescribed shall uniformly
apply to all candidates including SC, ST and OBC candidates.
OM No. 36011/8/84-Estt(SCT) dt. 29/05/1985]
9. Relaxation of Standards in Departmental Competitive /
Qualifying Examinations
If in case of promotions made through departmental competitive
examinations, sufficient number of Schedule Caste / Scheduled Tribe
candidates are not available on the basis of general standard to fill all the
vacancies reserved for them, Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates who
have not acquired the general qualifying standard can also be considered for
promotion to fill up the remaining vacancies reserved for them provided they are
not found unfit for such promotions. In other words, the qualifying standard in
such examinations can be relaxed in favor of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribe candidates if sufficient number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe
candidates is not available on the basis of general standard to fill all the
vacancies reserved for them.
In promotions made on the basis of seniority subject to fitness in which
there is reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and where a
qualifying examination is held to determine the fitness of candidates for such
promotion, suitable relaxation in the qualifying standard in such examination
should be made in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates.
Similar relaxation of standard should be made in favor of Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates in such departmental qualifying
examinations for promotions also, where promotion is made by selection and
merit is determined by qualifying examination out of the qualified candidates.
The extent of relaxation in above cases should be decided on each occasion
whenever such an examination is held taking into account all relevant factors
including (i) the number of vacancies reserved, (ii) the performance of Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates as well as general candidates in that
examination, (iii) the minimum standard of fitness for appointment to the post,
and also (iv) the overall strength of the cadre and that of the Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes in that cadre.
DP&AR O.M No. 36021/10/76-Estt(SCT), 21/01/1977]
1. Post based reservation roster
In R. K. Sabharwal And Ors vs State Of Punjab And Ors’, Hon’ble Supreme
Court, considered the legal/constitutional validity of the reservation policy,
applicable in the matter of promotion of the officers of Engineering cadre in the
Irrigation Department of the State of Punjab. Vide its judgement dated
10.2.1995, Hon’ble Supreme Court held, When a percentage of reservation is
fixed in respect of a particular cadre and the roster indicates the reserve points, it
has to be taken that the posts shown at the reserve points are to be filled from
amongst the members of reserve categories and the candidates belonging to the
general category are not entitled to be considered for the reserve posts. On the
other hand the reserve category candidates can compete for the non-reserve posts
and in the event of their appointment to the said posts their number cannot be
added and taken into consideration for working out the percentage of
reservation.” The Hon’ble Court further held, When all the roster-points in a
cadre are filled the required percentage of reservation is achieved. Once the total
cadre has full representation of the Scheduled Casts/Tribes and Backward
Classes in accordance with the reservation policy then the vacancies arising
thereafter in the cadre are to be filled from amongst the category of persons to
whom the respective vacancies belong”. In pursuance of the aforesaid judgement,
DoPT, vide its OM, dated 2.7.1997, has laid down detailed guidelines for
maintenance and operation of the post-based reservation roster and also
prescribed model reservation rosters. The broad principles to be followed for
operation of the rosters are as under:
i. The vacancy-based rosters can operate only till such time as the
representation of persons belonging to the reserved categories, in a cadre,
reaches the prescribed percentage of reservation. Thereafter, the vacancy
based rosters cannot operate and vacancies released by retirement,
resignation, promotion etc. of the persons belonging to the general and
the reserved categories are to be filled by appointment of persons from the
respective category (i.e. post based reservation roster) so that the
prescribed percentage of reservation is maintained.
ii. Rosters are only an aid to determine the entitlement of different categories
with regard to the quota reserved for them. They are not to determine
iii. There should be separate rosters for direct recruitment and promotion
where reservation in promotion applies.
iv. While cadre is generally to be construed as the number of posts in a
particular grade, for the purpose of preparation of roster, it shall comprise
posts required to be filled by a particular mode of recruitment in terms of
the applicable recruitment rules.
v. Whenever there is any increase or decrease in the cadre strength, the
roster shall be correspondingly expanded or contracted. The same will
also apply whenever there is a change in recruitment rules which affects
the proportion of posts to be filled by a particular mode of recruitment
vi. While operating the roster, persons belonging to communities for whom
reservation has been made, but who are appointed on merit and not
owing to reservation should not be shown against reserved points. They
will occupy the unreserved points.
vii. In the case of small cadres (up to 13 posts) all the posts shall be
earmarked on the same pattern as in the model post-based rosters. Initial
recruitment against these posts shall be by the category for which the
post is earmarked. Replacement of incumbents of posts shall be by
rotation as shown horizontally against the cadre strength as applicable.
While operating the relevant roster, care will have to be taken to ensure
that on no occasion the percentage of reserved category candidates exceed
50%. If such a situation occurs at any time, the relevant reserved point
occurring as a result of rotation will be skipped.
However, for detailed instructions,
O.M.No.36012/2/96-Estt.(Res.) dated
2/07/1997, may be referred.
2. Manner of filling up of the reserved vacancies
While filling up of vacancies in a year, efforts shall be made to make up
the shortfall of reservation for all the three categories, namely, SCs, STs and
OBCs subject, however, to the condition that total number of vacancies
reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs is not more than 50% of the vacancies of the
The ceiling of 50% reservation on filling of reserved vacancies would apply only
to the vacancies which arise in the current year and the backlog reserved
vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs in case of direct recruitment and backlog
reserved vacancies of SCs and STs in case of promotion of earlier years, would
be treated as a separate and distinct group, and would not be considered
together with the reserved vacancies of the year in which they are filled for
determining the ceiling of 50% reservation on total number of vacancies of that
However, backlog and/or carried forward reservation will automatically
lapse in a cadre as soon as combined representation of a reserved category in
direct recruitment as well as promotion is either equal to or more than the
prescribed number of reserved posts in the relevant post-based rosters (
OM No.
36012/5/97-Estt (Res.) (Vol.II) dated 20.7.2000).
Note 1: Shortfall of reservation of a particular reserved category in a cadre
means the difference between the 'total number of reserved posts for that
category in the cadre’ and ‘the number of persons of that category appointed by
reservation and holding the posts in the cadre’.
Note 2: Backlog reserved vacancies of a category are those vacancies which
were earmarked reserved for that category in an earlier recruitment year(s) but
remained unfilled in the previous recruitment attempt(s) on account of non
availability of suitable candidates belonging to that category and are still lying
Given below is an illustration which would clarify the method of
earmarking reservation for SCs, STs, and OBCs. Since backlog does not apply to
EWS, the EWS category is not finding mention in this example.
i. There is a cadre having a total number of 1000 posts which are filled by
direct recruitment on all India basis by open competition. The number of
SC, ST and OBC employees appointed by reservation in the cadre should
ideally be 150, 75 and 270 respectively when all the posts are filled.
ii. Suppose all the 1000 posts stood filled in the year 2006 but the number
of SC, ST and OBC employees appointed by reservation was 130, 75 and
100 respectively. There was, thus, a shortfall of 20 SCs and 170 OBCs in
the cadre in that year.
iii. Suppose 200 vacancies occurred in the cadre in the recruitment year
2007, of which 20 were vacated by SCs, 10 by STs and rest by unreserved
category candidates. After vacation of these posts, shortfall of SCs, STs
and OBCs in the cadre became 40, 10 and 170 respectively. Though there
was a big shortfall of SCs, STs and OBCs in the cadre, only 100 of these
vacancies could be earmarked reserved because all the 200 vacancies
were current vacancies and limit of 50% on reservation in a year would
apply on these vacancies.
iv. Shortfall of SCs and OBCs was more than 15% and 27% respectively of
the current vacancies. Therefore, 15% of the current vacancies were
straightway earmarked reserved for SCs and 27% for OBCs i.e. 30
vacancies were earmarked reserved for SCs and 54 for the OBCs.
Shortfall of STs was 10 which is less than 7.5% of total vacancies.
Therefore, only 10 vacancies were earmarked reserved for STs. Applying
the above principle, 94 vacancies were earmarked reserved. This left room
for 6 {100-(30+54+10)} more vacancies to be earmarked reserved to make
up the shortfall. These 6 vacancies were apportioned between SCs and
OBCs in the ratio of percentage of reservation prescribed for these
categories viz. 15: 27, i.e. 2 for SCs and 4 for OBCs (fractions rounded off
to the nearest whole number). However, while making such distribution, it
has to be kept in view that the number of vacancies earmarked reserved
for any category is not more than the shortfall of that category. Thus,
final earmarking of reservation in respect of the vacancies for the year
2007 was 32 for SCs, 10 for STs and 58 for OBCs.
v. Suppose only 20 SC candidates, 5 ST candidates and 50 OBC candidates
could be appointed in the recruitment year 2007 against the vacancies
reserved for them. Thus, 12 vacancies of SCs, 5 vacancies of STs and 8
vacancies of OBCs which were earmarked reserved could not be filled and
remained vacant. These 12 vacancies of SCs, 5 vacancies of STs and 8
vacancies of OBCs which were earmarked reserved but remained vacant
in the recruitment attempt will be treated as backlog reserved vacancies
for the subsequent recruitment year. After the recruitment process for the
year 2007 was over, total number of posts filled was 975, of which 130, 70
and 150 were held respectively by SCs, STs and OBCs. It may be noted
that shortfall of reservation of SCs, STs and OBCs at this stage was 20, 5
and 120 respectively. However, number of backlog reserved vacancies of
SCs, STs and OBCs was 12, 5 and 8 respectively.
vi. Suppose 200 vacancies occurred in the recruitment year 2008 of which 20
were vacated by SCs, 10 by STs and 20 by OBCs. At this stage shortfall of
SCs, STs and OBCs was 40, 15 and 140 respectively. Total vacancies in
the year were 200+12+5+8=225, of which 200 were current vacancies and
25 backlog vacancies. While earmarking reservation, 25 backlog reserved
vacancies of SCs, STs and OBCs will be treated as a separate and distinct
group and will be kept reserved-12 for SCs, 5 for STs and 8 for OBCs. Of
the 200 current vacancies, not more than 100 can be earmarked reserved.
By applying the same principles as in the year 2007, out of 200 current
vacancies, 28 were earmarked reserved for SCs,10 for STs and 62 for
OBCs. Thus the number of vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and OBCs in
the recruitment year 2008, including the backlog reserved vacancies, were
40, 15 and 70 respectively. If only 35 SCs, 12 STs and 50 OBCs become
available to fill up the reserved vacancies, 5 vacancies of SCs, 3 vacancies
of STs and 20 vacancies of OBCs will be kept vacant and will be treated as
backlog reserved vacancies for the subsequent recruitment year.
O.M.No.36033/1/2008-Estt.(Res.) dated 15/07/2008)
(OM No. 36012/5/97-Estt (Res.) (Vol.II) dated 20/07/2000)
3. Non- permissibility of exchange of reservation between SCs
and STs
After the introduction of post-based reservation, various
ministries/departments have been seeking clarification whether it is possible to
fill up a post reserved for Scheduled Tribes by a Scheduled Caste candidate or
vice versa by applying the principle of exchange of reservation between
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as was possible when vacancy-based
rosters were in vogue.
2. Basic principle of post-based reservation is that the number of posts filled
by reservation by any category in a cadre should be equal to the quota
prescribed for that category. If exchange of reservation between SCs and STs is
permitted, number of employees of one reserved category of employees
appointed by reservation will go beyond reservation prescribed for that category.
It would be against the spirit of post-based reservation. Therefore, after
introduction of post-based reservation, it is not permissible to fill up a post
reserved for Scheduled Tribes by a Scheduled Caste candidate or vice-versa by
exchange of reservation between SCs and STs.
OM No.36012/17/2002-Estt.(Res) dated 6/11/2003)
4. Grouping of Posts
In the case of posts filled by direct recruitment, isolated posts and small
cadres may be grouped with posts in the same class for the purpose of
reservation orders taking into account the status, salary and qualifications
prescribed for the posts in question.
For the purposes of determining the reservation, the vacancies occurring
in various constituents of the Group may be plotted on the roster strictly in a
chronological order i.e. sequence of date of occurrence.
While reservations would be made according to the groups as provided
above, the total reservation in any of the posts/services so grouped should not
exceed 50 per cent of the vacancies to be filled in it i.e. in the particular
post/service, in a recruitment year. The total reservation for SCs, STs and
OBCs in any post or service should also not exceed 50 percent of the total
number of posts in the particular post/service.
OM No. 1/4/1970-Estt (SCT) dated 11/11/1971)
(OM No. 8/1/1974-Estt (SCT) dated 12/12/1974)
(OM No. 36011/17/85-Estt.(SCT), dated the 23/07/1985)
5. Appointment of SC/ST/OBC on Own Merit
i. Own Merit in direct recruitment: In case of direct recruitment,
SC/ST/OBC candidates, who are selected on the same standard as
applied to general candidates i.e. without relaxation in age limit,
experience qualification, permitted number of chances in written
examination, extended zone of consideration larger than what is provided
to the general category candidates etc., shall not be adjusted against
reserved vacancies.
(OM No. 36011/1/98-Estt (Res) dated 1/07/1998)
ii. Own Merit in promotion: In case of promotion, the instructions relating
to own merit are as under:
The SC/ST candidates appointed by promotion on their own merit and
not owing to reservation or relaxation of qualifications will not be adjusted
against the reserved points of the reservation roster. They will be adjusted
against unreserved points.
If an unreserved vacancy arises in a cadre and there is any SC/ST
candidate within the normal zone of consideration in the feeder grade,
such SC/ST candidate cannot be denied promotion on the plea that the
post is not reserved. Such a candidate will be considered for promotion
along with other candidates treating him as if he belongs to general
category. In case he is selected ,he will be appointed to the post and will
be adjusted against the unreserved point.
SC/ST candidates appointed on their own merit (by direct recruitment or
promotion )and adjusted against unreserved points will retain their status
of SC/ST and will be eligible to get benefit of reservation in future/further
promotions, if , any.
50% limit on reservation will be computed by excluding such reserved
category candidates, who are appointed/promoted on their own merit.
The principle of Own Merit will apply whether the promotion is made by
selection method or non-selection method.
OM No.36028/17/2001 Estt (Res.) dated 11/07/2002)
(OM No.36028/17/2001 Estt (Res.) dated 31/01/2005)
(OM No. 36012/45/2005-Estt. (Res.) dated 10/08/2010)
Note: DoPT OM dated 10.8.2010 regarding promotion of SC/ST on Own Merit is
presently sub judice before the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the SLP No.
30621/2011 titled ‘Jarnail Singh &Ors Vs. LachhmiNarain Gupta &Ors.’.
6. Adjustment of Compassionate Appointees
A person selected for appointment on compassionate grounds should be
adjusted in the reservation register/ reservation roster register against the
appropriate category viz. SC/ST/OBC/UR category, depending upon the
category to which he belongs. For example, if he belongs to SC, he shall be
adjusted against a vacancy reserved for SCs. Similarly if he is an ST or OBC
candidate, he shall be adjusted against vacancy reserved for STs or OBCs, as
the case may be. An unreserved category candidate shall be adjusted against
an unreserved vacancy.
O.M.No.14014/6/1995-Estt(D) dated 26/09/1995)
A vacancy reserved for SCs or STs or OBCs cannot be filled by a candidate
other than an SC or ST or OBC candidate, as the case may be. However, a
reserved vacancy may be declared unreserved in exceptional cases, by following
the procedure of de-reservation, as given below where-after it can be filled as an
unreserved vacancy.
De-reservation in case of Direct Recruitment
There is a general ban on de-reservation of reserved vacancies in case of
direct recruitment. However, in rare and exceptional cases when a vacancy in a
Group ‘A’ service cannot be allowed to remain vacant in public interest, the
administrative Ministry/Department may prepare a proposal for de-reservation
of the vacancy giving following information:
i. Designation of the post;
ii. Pay scale of the post;
iii. Name of the service to which the post belongs;
iv. Duties and responsibilities attached to the post;
v. Educational and other qualifications prescribed for the post;
vi. Efforts made to fill up the post;
vii. Reasons why it cannot be allowed to remain vacant;
viii. Justification for de-reservation; and
ix. Any other relevant information.
The administrative Ministry shall consult the National Commission for
Scheduled Castes in respect of vacancy reserved for SCs, the National
Commission for Scheduled Tribes in respect of vacancy reserved for STs and the
National Commission for Backward Classes in respect of vacancy reserved for
OBCs. After obtaining the comments of the concerned Commission, the
administrative Ministry/Department shall place the proposal alongwith the
Commission’s comments before a Committee comprising of the Secretaries in
the Department of Personnel and Training, the Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment, and the Ministry/Department under which the recruitment is to
be made for consideration and recommendation. The recommendations of the
Committee shall be placed before the Minister in charge of the Department of
Personnel and Training for taking a final decision. If de-reservation of the
vacancy is approved, it can be filled as an unreserved vacancy.
De-reservation in case of Promotion
In case of promotion, if sufficient number of SC/ST candidates fit for
promotion against reserved vacancies are not available, such vacancies may be
de-reserved and filled by the candidates of other communities. The power to
accord approval to de-reservation of the reserved vacancies in such cases is
delegated to the administrative Ministries and Departments subject to the
following conditions:
i. no candidate belonging to the category for which the vacancy is
reserved is available within the zone of consideration or extended
zone of consideration or eligible for promotion in the feeder cadre(s)
specified in the relevant service / recruitment rules / orders;
ii. the proposal for de-reservation has been seen and concurred in by
the Liaison Officer of the Ministry / Department;
iii. the proposal for de-reservation is agreed to at a level not lower than
that of Joint Secretary to the Government of India, in the
administrative Ministry / Department (proper)concerned; and
iv. in the event of disagreement between the appointing authority and
the Liaison Officer, the advice of the Department of Personnel &
Training is obtained.
Before taking a decision to de-reserve a vacancy under the delegated
powers, the administrative Ministry / Department shall prepare a proposal in
the proforma given in the Annexure and send one copy thereof each to the
Department of Personnel & Training and the National Commission for
Scheduled Castes in respect of vacancies reserved for SCs and to the National
Commission for Scheduled Tribes in respect of vacancies reserved for STs.
After sending the proposal, the Ministry / Department shall wait for a period of
at least two weeks for the comments of the Department of Personnel & Training
and the concerned National Commission. If no comments are received from the
Department of Personnel & Training or the concerned Commission within two
weeks, the administrative Ministry / Department may presume that the DOPT
or the concerned National Commission, as the case may be, do not have any
comments to offer and may take a decision regarding de-reservation of the
vacancy. In case the Ministry / Department receives comments from the DOPT
or the concerned Commission within two weeks, the comments so received shall
be considered while taking a decision in the matter.
While sending the copy of the proposal to the Commissions / Department
of Personnel & Training, it should be ensured that the proposal / proforma duly
filled in is signed by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary or above in the
administrative Ministry / Department.
The Attached / Subordinate Offices etc. should not send the proposal
direct to the Department of Personnel and Training or to the concerned National
Commission. They should send the proposal to the administrative Ministry/
Department who will examine the proposal and send it to the Department of
Personnel and Training and to the concerned National Commission.
1. Name of the
Office/Organisation to which the
post (s) relate
2. Particulars of the post in
which vacancies are proposed to
be de-reserved
(a) Name of the post
(b) Group (Class)
(c) Scale of Pay
3. Information about posts in the
promotion quota
(a) Mode of promotion viz by
Selection or Non-Selection or
by Departmental
Examination etc.
(b) No. of posts already filled
by the given mode of
(c) Number of backlog reserved
vacancies in respect of the
given mode of promotion
(d)Number of current
vacancies to be filled by the
given mode of promotion
(e) Total number of vacancies
to be filled (current vacancies
+ backlog vacancies) by the
given mode of promotion
(f) Total number of posts in the
given mode of promotion (b+e)
SCs………….. STs…………Total…….
4. No. of posts already held by
the candidates appointed by
reservation in the cadre
SCs…………….. STs……………….
5. If cadre strength is less than
14 and reservation is given by
rotation, cycle no. and point no.
of the roster on which the
vacancy falls
Cycle No……….Point No………….
6. Number of vacancies
earmarked reserved
(a)Out of the current vacancies
(b) Backlog reserved vacancies
(c)Total reserved vacancies (a+b)
SCs…………….. STs……………….
SCs…………….. STs……………….
SCs…………….. STs……………….
7. Number of vacancies proposed
to be de-reserved
SCs…………….. STs……………
8. If promotion is by non-
(a) Whether the SC/ST candidates
who are eligible for promotion
including those holding lower
positions in the general seniority
list were considered for promotion
(b) Total number of SC/ST
candidates in the feeder grade
(c) No. of eligible SC/ST
candidates in the feeder grade
(d) Number of SC/ST candidates
considered fit for promotion
(e) Number of SC/ST candidates
considered not fit for promotion
(f) If sufficient number of SC/ST
candidates are not eligible for
promotion on the crucial date, the
date on which the senior most
SC/ST candidate in the grade will
become eligible for promotion
9. If promotion is by
(a) Size of the normal zone of
(b) Size of the extended zone of
consideration for SCs/STs (5
times the total number of
(c) Number of eligible SC/ST
candidates in the extended
zone of consideration
(d) Number of SC/ST
candidates found fit for
(e) Number of SC/ST
candidates considered not fit
for promotion
(f) If sufficient number of
SC/ST candidates are not
eligible for promotion on the
crucial date, the date on which
the seniormost SC/ST
candidate will become eligible
for promotion and his place in
the seniority list
10. If promotion is through
Departmental Qualifying or
Departmental Competitive
Examination, the number of
SC/ST candidates who qualified
the examination
11. Whether other category
candidates are available in the
Select List for appointment to
the vacancies sought to be de-
12(a)Whether SC/ST
candidates considered unfit
had any adverse entries in
their C.R.s considered by the
(b) If yes, whether such
adverse entries were
communicated in time to the
SC/ST officer (s) concerned
(c) Whether the cases of the
eligible SC/ST candidates not
found fit for promotion were
submitted / reported to the
Minister / Minister of State /
Deputy Minister / Secretary /
Head of the Department, as
the case may be
13. Where interviews are
(OM No. 3602012/2007-Estt(Res) dated 7/12/2009)
NOTE: DoPT does not encourage dereservation of reserved vacancies. On
receiving the proposal from the Ministries/Departments, they are advised
by DoPT to explore the possibility of filling up the reserved vacancy by
other mode of recruitment as per provision of the Recruitment Rules.
prescribed, whether SC/ST
candidates were interviewed on
a day or sitting of theSelection
Committee other than the day
/ sitting on / in which general
candidates were interviewed
14(a) If ex-post-facto approval
is sought to the de-reservation
of vacancies, the reasons why
proposal for prior de-
reservation was not made, and
what steps have been taken to
prevent its recurrence
(b)The level at which it was
decided to fill the reserved
vacancies by other category
candidate (s) without prior de-
It is certified
(1) that the proposal for de-reservation is agreed to at the level of Joint Secretary
to the Government of India in the administrative Ministry / Department.
(2) that the proposal has been seen and concurred in by the Liaison Officer of the
Ministry / Department.
(3) that copies of this proposal are simultaneously being sent to the
National Commission for Scheduled Castes / National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes and the Department of Personnel &
Name of the Signing Officer…………..
Tele. No………….
1. Department of Personnel & Training, New Delhi.
2. National Commission for Scheduled Castes / National Commission for
Scheduled Tribes.
1. Responsibility for issue and verification of
caste/community/tribe certificate lies with the concerned
State/UT Government
The responsibility for issue and verification of caste/community lies with
the concerned State/UT Government. Hon’ble Supreme Court, vide its
judgement, dated 2.9.1994, in the matter of Kumari Madhuri Patil vs Addl.
Commissioner’, has held that the admission wrongly gained or appointment
wrongly obtained on the basis of false social status certificate necessarily has
the effect of depriving the genuine Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or
OBC candidates, as enjoined in the Constitution, of the benefits conferred on
them by the Constitution. Accordingly, in order to streamline the procedure for
the issuance of social status certificates, their scrutiny and their approval, the
Hon’ble Supreme Court, vide its aforesaid judgement, has laid down detailed
guidelines to be followed by the State Governments, which inter alia, include
constitution of a Committee headed by the Additional or Joint Secretary and
constitution of a vigilance cell headed by Senior Deputy Superintendent of Police
to investigate into the social status claims.
2. Authorities competent to issue caste/tribe/community
As per the instruction issued from time to time, caste/tribe/communities
certificates issued by the following authorities are accepted:
1. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/ Deputy
Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/1
Class Stipendary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Taluka
Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner.
2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency
Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
3. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar: and
4. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate not/or his family
normally resides.
The format of caste/tribe certificate in respect of Scheduled Castes/Tribes
is at Annexure I and the format of community certificate in respect of Other
Backward Classes is at Annexure II.
DoPT O.M No. 36012/6/88-Estt.(SCT) dated the 24/04/1990)
(DoPT O.M No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated the 22/10/1993)
(DoPT O.M No. 36036/2/2013-Estt.(Res) dated the 30/05/2014)
Annexure I
This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati*/Kumar*____________________
son/daughter* of ____________________of village* /town*____________________in
district/Division* __________________ belongs to the ______________Caste/Tribe*
which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* under:
@The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950.
@ The Constitution (Scheduled Tribe) Order, 1950.
@ The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951.
@ The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951.[as
amended by the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order,
1956, the Bombay Reorganisation Act, 1960, the Punjab Reorganisation Act,
1966, the State Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970, the North Eastern Areas
(Reorganisation) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976].
@ The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956.
@ The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order,
@ The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962.
@ The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962.
@ The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964.
@ The Constitution Scheduled Tribes (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967.
@ The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968.
@ The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968.
@ The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970.
@ The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978.
@ The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978.
%2. Application in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes persons who
have migrated from one State/Union Territory Administration:
This Certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribes certificate issued to Shri/Shrimati*____________________ father/mother of
Shri/Shrimati/Kumari*_______________________ of
village/town*____________________in district/Division____________ of the
State/Union Territory* _______________who belongs to the_______________
Caste/Tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes in the
State/Union Territory* ___________________ issued by the _____________(name of
prescribed authority) vide their No.__________________ dated_______________
%3. Shri/Shrimati*/Kumari*____________________and/or his/her* Family
ordinarily reside(s) in village/town*____________________ of _____________________
District/Division of the State/Union Territory of__________________.
Signature ___________________
**Designation _______________
(With Seal of Office)
Place _______________________
State/Union Territory
Date _______________________
* Please delete the words which are not applicable
@Please quote specific Presidential Order
%Delete the paragraph which is not applicable.
Note: The term “Ordinarily resides(s)” used here will have the same meaning as
in Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
** List of authorities empowered to issue Scheduled Tribes Certificates:
1. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy
Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/ 1
Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ City Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/
Taluk Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate Extra Assistant Commissioner.
(not below the rank of 1
Class Stipendiary Magistrate)
2. Chief Presidency Magistrate /Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/
Presidency Magistrate.
3. Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family
normally resides.
4. Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officers
(Lakshadweep Island).
MHA letter No. BC-16014/1/82-SC & BCD-I dated 6/08/1984)
This to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari ____________________________
son/daughter of _______________ of village/town ____________________ in
District/Division ____________________ in the State/Union Territory ____________
belongs to the ___________________________ community which is recognised as a
backward class under the Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment’s Resolution No.________________ dated _______________.
Shri/Smt./Kumari ___________________________ and/or his/her family
ordinarily reside(s) in the __________________________________District/Division of
the ____________________________________State/Union Territory. This is also to
certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer)
mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department
of Personnel & Training OM No.36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated 8.9.1993**.
District Magistrate,
Deputy Commissioner etc.
* The authority issuing the certificate may have to mention the details of
Resolution of Government of India, in which the cast of candidate is mentioned
as OBC.
** As amended from time to time.
OM No. 36036/2/2013-Estt.(Res) dated 30/05/2014)
3. Provisional appointment in case of false certificate
produced by the candidates
Where a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste(SC) Scheduled
Tribe(ST) and Other Backward Classes(OBC) is unable to produce a certificate
from any of the prescribed authorities, he/she may be appointed provisionally
on the basis of whatever prima-facie proof he/she is able to produce in support
of his/her claim subject to his/her furnishing the prescribed certificate within a
reasonable time and if there is genuine difficulty in his/her obtaining a
certificate, the appointing authority should itself verify his/her claim through
the District Magistrate concerned.
DoPT OM No. 36019/7/1975-Estt (SCT) dated 31/10/1975)
(DoPT OM No. 36011/1/2012-Estt (Res.) dated 08/10/2015)
(DoPT letter No. 41034/4/2020-Estt (Res.) dated 19/03/2021)
In case of OBC certificate, it consists of two parts. The first part indicates
that the concerned person belongs to a community listed as OBC and the
second part indicates that the candidate does not fall in the creamy layer. While
the OBC status of a candidate may change only when the community of the
concerned candidate is removed from the OBC list, his/her creamy layer status
may change any time.
Every candidate, seeking reservation as OBC, is required to submit a
certificate regarding his/her ‘OBC status and non-creamy layer status’ issued
by the prescribed authority. The ‘OBC status’ and /or ‘non-creamy layer status’
of the candidate, as pointed out above, may change after issue of the certificate
making him/her ineligible for reservation. In order to ensure that candidates not
eligible to get reservation do not seek reservation, a declaration, in addition to
certificate issued by the competent authority, may be obtained from the
candidates seeking reservation as OBCs in the following format:
"I,___________________son/daughter of Shri _________________________resident
of village/town/city_________________district ______________ State
_________________ hereby declare that I belong to the
_____________________community which is recognized as a backward class by
the Government of India for purpose of reservation in services as per orders
contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum
No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8.9.1993. It is also declared that I do not
belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the
Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 8.9.1993."
The appointing authority before appointing a person seeking appointment
on the basis of reservation to OBCs should verify the veracity of the community
certificate submitted by the candidate and also the fact that he/she does not fall
in creamy layer on the crucial date. The crucial date for this purpose may be
treated as the closing date for receipt of applications for the post except in cases
where crucial date is fixed otherwise.
(DoPT OM No. 36033/4/97-Estt (Res.) dated 25/07/2003)
In view of the above, the appointing authorities should, in the offer of
appointment to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC, insert the following
clause in the offer of appointment:
(a) The clause to be inserted in the offer of appointment in case of
SC/ST candidates:
“The appointment is provisional and is subject to the castes/tribe certificates
being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that
the claim to belong to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, as the case
may be is false, the services will be terminated forthwith without assigning
any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be
taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of false
(DoPT OM No. 36012/6/88-Estt.(SCT) dated the 24/04/1990)
(DoPT OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt (Res.) dated 9/09/2005)
(b) The clause to be inserted in the offer of appointment in case of OBC
“The appointment is provisional and is subject to the community certificate
being verified through the proper channels. If the verification reveals that the
claim of the candidate to belong to Other Backward Classes or not to belong
to creamy layer is false, his/her services will be terminated forthwith without
assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action
as may be taken under the provisions of Indian Panel Code for production of
false certificate.”
DoPT OM No. 36033/4/97-Estt (Res.) dated 25/07/2003)
4. Timely verification of caste certificate
DoPT has issued various guidelines from time to time for streamlining the
process of verification of Caste Certificate of the employees, and has requested
the State/UT Governments for timely verification of the same. However, as
mentioned above, instances have come to notice that the appointing authority
has taken an unduly long time in getting the caste status of an employee
verified through the concerned State authorities which is totally in
contravention of the existing instructions. DoPT has issued communications to
the State/UT Governments from time to time requesting them to issue
instructions to the District Magistrates/District Collectors/Deputy
Commissioners of the districts to the effect that they should ensure at their own
level that veracity of the Caste/Community certificate referred to the district
authorities is verified and reported to the appointing authority within one month
of receipt of request from such authority. The State/UT Governments have also
been requested to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the officers who
default in timely verification of Caste Status. Hence, the appointing authorities
are required to take urgent necessary action for timely verification of the caste
verification of the employees so that unscrupulous non SC/ST/OBC persons are
prevented from securing jobs meant for SCs/STs/OBCs by producing false caste
certificates and benefit of reservation and other scheme of concessions etc. go
only to the rightful claimants.
DoPT letter No. 36022/1/2007 Estt (Res) dated 20.3.2007)
(DoPT letter No. 41034/3/2012 Estt (Res) dated 11.4.2012)
(DoPT OM No. 36011/1/2012-Estt (Res.) dated 08.10.2015)
(DoPT letter No. 36011/1/2012-Estt (SCT) dated 14.3.2016)
(DoPT letter No. 41034/4/2020-Estt (Res-I) dated 19.3.2021)
5. Verification of caste status is necessary at every important
upturn of employee's career
A candidate who entered into service as a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled
Tribe candidate may discontinue to be so if the caste/community to which he
belongs is de-scheduled subsequently. A Scheduled Caste candidate also loses
his status of Scheduled Caste if he embraces a religion other than Hinduism,
Sikhism or Buddhism. Though such officers who lose the status of SC or ST
after entering into service are required to inform the Government about it, many
of them do not do so. In the absence of necessary vigil, there are possibilities of
non-SC/ST candidates getting benefit of reservation and various concessions in
the matter of promotion. Therefore, verification of caste status at every
important upturn of employee's career is necessary so that the benefit of
reservation and other schemes of concessions, etc. meant for SCs/STs go
only to the rightful claimants and not those who become disentitled to
them. With a view to facilitating such verification, the caste/community to
which the SC/ST person belongs, his place of residence and the name of the
State should be pasted on the top of the Service Book, personal file and other
relevant documents relating to the employee. Further, caste/community status
and creamy layer status of OBC candidates should be verified at the time of
initial appointment as well.
DoPT O.M. No.36033/16/80-Estt.(SCT) dated 27.2.1981)
(DoPT OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt (Res) dated 9.9.2005)
(DoPT letter No. 41034/4/2020-Estt (Res-I) dated 19.3.2021)
6. Termination/dismissal/removal of candidates who have
secured appointment on the basis of false caste certificate
Wherever it is found that a Government servant, who was not qualified or
eligible in terms of the recruitment rules etc., for initial recruitment in service or
had furnished false information or produced a false certificate in order to secure
appointment, he should not be retained in service. If, he is probationer or a
temporary Government servant, he should be discharged or his services should
be terminated. If he has become a permanent Government servant, an inquiry
as prescribed in Rule 14 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 may be held and if the
charges are proved, the Government servant should be removed or dismissed
from service. In no circumstances should any other penalty be imposed.
The cases other than those protected by the specific order of the Apex
Court should be dealt with in accordance with the instructions contained above.
However, it has been observed that disciplinary proceedings in the cases
involving appointments on the basis of false/fake caste certificates take
considerable time and the persons who have secured employment on the basis
of false caste certificates enjoy the benefits of Government service whereas such
Government servants should be removed/ dismissed from the service at the
earliest. Hence, disciplinary enquiries involving the matter of securing jobs on
the basis of false/fake certificates should be completed in a time bound manner
and unscrupulous persons who have got appointment on the basis of fake/ false
caste certificates should not be retained in service and should be dismissed/
removed thenceforth.
DoPT OM No. 36011/1/2012-Estt (Res) dated 10.1.2013)
1. Liaison Officer
In each Ministry/Department the Deputy Secretary in charge of
administration or any other officer at least of the rank of Deputy Secretary shall
act as a Liaison Officer in respect of matters relating to the representation of
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Persons with Disabilities in all
establishments and services under the administrative control of the
Ministry/Department. A separate Liaison Officer should be appointed for Other
Backward Classes.
It is the duty of the Liaison Officer to ensure due compliance by the
subordinate appointing authorities of the orders and instructions pertaining to
the reservation of vacancies in favour of SCs/STs/PwDs/OBCs and other
benefits admissible to them. The Liaison Officer is required to conduct annual
inspection of the reservation registers/roster registers maintained in the
Ministry/Department/ Offices under the control of the Ministry/ Department
with a view to ensuring proper implementation of the reservation orders. Cases
of negligence or lapse in the matter of following the reservation and other orders
relating to the SCs/STs/PwDs/OBCs, coming to the light through the
inspections carried out by the Liaison Officer, is required to be reported/
submitted by him to the Secretary/Additional Secretary to the Government of
India in the respective Ministry/ Department or to the Head of the Department
in respect of offices under the Heads of Department, as the case may be. The
concerned Secretary/Additional Secretary/Head of the Department is required
to pass necessary orders on such reports to ensure strict compliance of the
reservation orders by the appointing authority concerned. These instructions
also provide that each Ministry/Department is required to set up a Special
Reservation Cell within the Ministry/Department under the direct control of the
Liaison Officer to assist the Liaison Officer in discharging of his duties
effectively. Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Institutions etc.
under the Central Government are required to appoint Liaison Officer in the
same manner as existing in the Ministries/Departments.
No.43011/153/2010-Estt.(Res.) dated 04/01/2013)
2. Representation of SC, ST, OBC, Minorities and the Women
on Selection Board/Committees
Wherever a Selection Committee/Board exists or has to be constituted for
making recruitment to 10 or more vacancies in any level of posts or services, it
shall be mandatory to have one Member belonging to SC/ST, one Member
belonging to OBC category and one Member belonging to Minority Community
in such Committees/Boards. Further, one of the members of the Selection
Committee/Board, whether from the general category or from the minority
community or from the SC/ST/OBC community should be a lady failing which a
lady member should be co-opted on the Committee/Board. It may also be
ensured that where the number of vacancies against which selection is to be
made is less than ten, no effort should be spared in finding the SC/ST, OBC
officer and the Minority Committee Officer and a lady officer, for inclusion in
such Committees/Boards.
OM No.42011/2/2014-Estt.(Res.) dated 13.2.2014)
1. Arrangements for Training
The following steps should be taken for training of Group A Officers
belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes:
i. More intensive training should be arranged for directly recruited Group A
officers belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by the Heads
of the Training Institutions, wherever necessary, along with other officers.
DoPT’s OM No.1/9/69-Estt. (SCT) dated 15.11.1971].
ii. In drawing up such training programmes, adequate margin should be
provided to take in, as many Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
officers as are sponsored by the Ministries. It would be useful to earmark
25 per cent of the seats for officers of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes, wherever possible. In case this becomes difficult in any particular
programme, then such officers could be covered in the next course or a
special programme may be arranged for them. It would also be useful if
officers of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes were included in the
various training programmes abroad. It would enable them to broaden
their outlook and also build up specialized knowledge. It is also likely to
boost up the morale of the officers of these communities. [
No.1/1/73-Estt.(Res.) dated 10.12.73 and DP&AR’s OM
No.36022/13/76-Estt.(SCT) dated 14.9.1976 and DP&AR’s OM
No.36013/18/77-Est.(SCT) dated 4.9.78].
iii. Superiors of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Officers should be
asked to take special care regarding on the job training of these officers,
identify areas where special training is considered necessary and take
appropriate steps for such training in consultation with the Training
Division of the Department of Personnel & Training. [
M/o Home Affairs
OM No.27/2/70-Estt.(SCT) dated 21.4.70].
iv. Cases of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Officers should be
considered sympathetically and they should be given preference while
nominating officers for training or deputing them for attending
seminars/conferences, symposia etc. While nominating officers for
training programmes run by the various Departments and Training
Institution or for training programmes abroad or for training, seminars
and conferences, it should be indicated as to which of the officers
nominated belong to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, so that
their cases may be duly considered by the appropriate authorities at the
time of selection. [
DP&AR’s OM No. 1/1/73-Estt (SCT) dated
10.12.1973 and DP&AR’s OM No.16/4/74-Estt.(SCT) dated
2. Selection of Persons for Posting Abroad
While it will not be possible to provide for any specific norm of relaxation
in favour of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe employees in the matter of
posting in foreign countries, when a Ministry/Department etc. makes
selection of persons for posting in its units etc. located in a foreign
country, it should see that eligible employees belonging to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes are also considered along with others for such
DP&AR’s OM No. 16/32/74-Estt (SCT) dated 3.4.1976)
3. Forwarding of Application for Employment
Application for employment elsewhere of temporary or permanent Central
Government servants belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Other Backward Classes should be readily forwarded except in very rare
cases where there may be compelling grounds of public interest for
withholding such applications. Cases where applications of employees
belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes /Other Backward Classes
could not be forwarded due to compelling grounds of public interest, should be
reported within a month to the officer nominated as Liaison Officer in the
administrative Ministry/ Department or in offices under the Head of
M/o Home Affairs’ OM No.1/6/64-SCT(I) dated 19.3.1964 and DoPT’s OM
No.27/4(iv)/70-Estt.(SCT) dated 2.9.70].
4. Prevention of Discrimination
It has been pointed out on many occasions that the Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribe Officers, after appointment, are subjected to harassment and
discrimination on grounds of their social origin. It has been pointed out that
SC/ST officers are some times transferred to far-off places and also placed at
insignificant positions. It has also been stated that these officers are not
accepted at their places of postings by the concerned superior officers in some
cases. In this connection, it is emphasized that Government servants should
desist from any act of discrimination against members of SC/ST communities
on grounds of their social origin. Senior officers, including the Liaison Officers of
the Ministry/Department, should keep a close watch to ensure that such
incidents do not occur at all. However, if any such incident comes to the notice
of the authorities, action should be taken against the erring officials promptly.
OM No.36026/3/85-Estt.(SCT) dated 24
June, 1985].
5. Provisions in Recruitment Rules/Regulations For
The recruitment rules in respect of all services/posts within the purview
of the reservation orders should contain a separate rule on the following lines:-
“Savings: Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age-
limit and other concessions required to be provided for Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Persons with Disabilities and
other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by
the Central Government from time to time in this regard.”
DoPT’s OM No. 8/12/71-Estt. (SCT) dated 21
September, 1971].
6. Clarifications about SC/ST/OBC Status
As per the Government of India Allocation of Business Rules, Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment is the nodal Ministry for the overall policy,
planning and coordination of programmes relating to SCs, OBCs, EWS etc. and
Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the nodal Ministry for policy matters related to STs.
Amendment in ‘The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order’ for
inclusion/exclusion of a caste and amendment of Central list of OBCs for
inclusion/exclusion of a community pertains to Ministry of Social Justice. ‘The
Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order’ for inclusion/exclusion of a tribe
pertains to Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Further, the subject matter relating to
‘Creamy Layer in OBC pertains to Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
DoPT issues instructions related to reservation in posts and services under the
Central Government based on the policy decision taken by the above concerned
nodal Ministries.
Cases in which a doubt arises whether a person belongs to a Scheduled
Caste or Other Backward Class or whether a caste or community is a Scheduled
Caste or included in Other Backward Classes may be referred to the Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. If such a doubt
arises about Scheduled Tribe status of a person or community, reference may be
made to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
However, a set of points which should be taken into account by the
certificate issuing authorities are given below.
[M/o Home Affairs’ Circular
letter No. 35/1/72-RU(SCTV) dated 2.5.75]
(a) General (Applicable to all cases):
Where a person claims to belong to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or
a Backward community by birth, it should be verified :
(i) That the person and his parents actually belong to the community
(ii) That this community is included in the Presidential Orders
specifying the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes or included
in the Central list of OBCs notified by the Ministry of Social Justice
and Empowerment, Government of India in relation to the
concerned State;
(iii) That the person belongs to that State and to the area within that
State in respect of which the community has been
(vi) If the person claims to be a Scheduled Caste, he should profess
either the Hindu or the Sikh or the Budhist religion.
(b) Cases of Migration
(i) Where a person migrates from the portion of the state in respect of
which his community is scheduled/notified to another part of the same
State in respect of which his community is not scheduled/notified, he
will continue to be deemed to be a member of the Scheduled Caste or
the Scheduled Tribe or the Other Backward Class, as the case may be
in relation to that State;
(ii) Where a person migrates from one state to another, he can claim to
belong to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward
Class only in relation to the State to which he originally belonged and
not in respect of the State in which he has migrated.
(iii) Further, when a person belonging to OBC migrates from one State to
another for the purpose of employment, education, etc. the prescribed
authority of a State/U.T. Administration may issue the OBC Certificate
to a person who has migrated from another State on the production of
a genuine certificate issued to his father by the prescribed authority of
the State of his father's origin except where the prescribed authority
feels that a detailed enquiry is necessary through the State of origin
before the issue of the Certificate. The Certificate will be issued
irrespective of whether the OBC candidate in question is included in
the list of OBC pertaining to the State/U.T. to which the person has
migrated. The facility does not alter the OBC status of the person in
relation to the one or the other State/U.T. The OBC person on
migration from the State/U.T. of his origin to another State/U.T. where
his caste is not in the OBC list is entitled to the concessions/benefits
admissible to the OBCs from the State of his origin and Union
Government but not from the State where he has migrated. The
competent authorities are required to issue the OBC Certificate after
satisfying themselves of the correctness of the Certificate.
(c) Claims through Marriage
No person who was not a member of Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or
Other Backward Class by birth will be deemed to be a member of Scheduled
Caste or Scheduled Tribe or Other Backward Class merely because he or she
had married a person belonging to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe or
Other Backward Class. On the other hand a person who is a member of a
Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or an OBC would continue to be a
member of that Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe or OBC, as the case may be,
even after his or her marriage with a person who does not belong to a Scheduled
Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or an Other Backward Class.
(d) Cases of Conversion and Reconversion
(i) Where a Scheduled Caste person gets converted to a religion other
than Hinduism or Sikhism or Buddhism and then reconverts himself
back to Hinduism or Sikhism or Buddhism, he will be deemed to have
reverted to his original Scheduled Caste, if he is accepted by the
members of that particular caste as one among them.
(ii) In the case of a descendant of a Scheduled Caste convert, the mere fact
of conversion to Hinduism or Sikhism or Buddhism will not be
sufficient to entitle him to be regarded as a member of the Scheduled
Caste to which his forefathers belonged. It will have to be established
that such a convert has been accepted by the members of the caste
claimed as one among themselves and has thus become a member of
that caste.
(e) Cases of Adoption
Great care has to be exercised in dealing with cases where a person
claims to be a member of Scheduled Caste or Other Backward Class on the
ground that he has been adopted by a Scheduled Caste/OBC person. The
validity of the adoption has to be clearly established before any caste certificate
can be given. It is for the party to prove his claim by cogent and reliable
(i) The requirements of valid adoption are given in sections 6 to 11 of
the Hindu Adoption Maintenance Act, 1956. The actual giving and
taking of the child in adoption is a mandatory requirement and
thereafter the adopted child is deemed to be the child of his or her
adoptive father or mother for all purposes and the child severs all
ties with the family of his or her birth. Ordinarily, no child who has
attained the age of 15 years or who is married can be given in
adoption unless there is a custom or usage applicable to the parties.
(ii) In deciding whether an adoption is valid, the certificate issuing
authority should satisfy himself that all the requirements of law
have been complied with. He should also take into account the
behaviour of the child after adoption whether he physically lives
with and is supported by his adoptive parents and receives no
financial help from his original parents. In case these conditions
are not satisfied, the certificate should be refused.
(iii) Where the case relates to an adoption of a married person or of a
person of the age of 15 years and above, the certificate shall be
required to be given by the District Magistrate who shall after
making due enquiries as to the validity of the adoption as to
whether such adoption is permitted by a custom or usage applicable
to the parties, make an endorsement to that effect on the certificate.
Such custom or usage should have been continuously and
uniformly observed for a long time and obtained the force of law
among the Hindus of that particular area, or that community, group
of family provided that the custom or usage is certain and not
unreasonable or opposed to public policy and in the case of custom
or usage in respect of a particular family that the custom or usage
has not been discontinued. In addition, it should be verified that all
other conditions for a valid adoption, including the physical transfer
of the adopted person to the family of the adoptive parents and that
he has severed all ties with the original parents are fulfilled.
M/o Home Affairs’ Circular letter No. 35/1/72-RU(SCTV) dated 2.5.75)
(Ministry of Welfare’s letter No.12011/11/94-BCC(C), dated 8.4.1994)
The following instructions are issued in consultation 'with' Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment and Department of Legal Affairs regarding
reservation for EWSs not covered under the reservation scheme for
SCs/STs/OBCs in respect of direct recruitment in civil posts and services in' the
Government of India.
The persons belonging to EWSs who, are not covered under the scheme of
reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs shall get 10% reservation in direct
recruitment in civil posts and services in the Government of India.
3.1 "Scientific and Technical" posts which satisfy all the following conditions
can be exempted from the purview of the reservation orders by the Ministries/
(i) The posts should be in grades above the lowest grade in Group A of the
service concerned.
(ii) They should be classified as "scientific or technical" in terms of Cabinet
Secretariat [
OM No. 85/11/CF-61(1) dated 28.12.1961], according to
which scientific and technical posts for which qualifications in the natural
sciences or exact sciences or applied sciences or in technology are
prescribed and, the incumbents of which have to use that knowledge in
the discharge of their duties.
(iii) The posts should be 'for conducting research' or 'for organizing, guiding
and directing research'.
3.2 Orders of the Minister concerned should be obtained before exempting
anyposts satisfying the above condition from the purview of the scheme of
4.1 Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs,
STs and OBCs and whose family has gross annual income below Rs 8.00 lakh
(Rupees eight lakh only) are to be identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation.
Income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture,
business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application.
Also persons whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets
shall be excluded from being identified as EWS, irrespective of the family
i. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
ii. Residential at of 1000 sq ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified
iv. Residential, plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other thanthe
notified municipalities.
4.2. The property held by a "Family" in different locations or different
places/cities would be clubbed while applying the land. or property holding
test to determine EWS status.
4.3 The term "Family" for this purpose willinclude the person who seeks
benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as
also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
5.1 The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of
an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income
and Asset Certificate issued 'by any one of the following authorities in the
prescribed format as given in Annexure-I shall only be accepted as proof of
candidate's claim as 'belonging to EWS: -
(i) District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy
Commissioner/Additional' Deputy Commissioner/ 1st Class
Stipendary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka
Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner
(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/
Presidency Magistrate
(iii)Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and
(iv) Sub-Divisional Officer or the area where the candidate and/or his
family normally resides.
5.2 The Officer who issues the certificate would do the same after carefully
verifying all relevant documents following due process as prescribed by the
respective State/UT.
5.3 The crucial date for submitting income and asset certificate by the
candidate may be treated as the closing date for receipt of application for the
post, except in cases where crucial date is fixed otherwise.
5.4 The appointing authorities should, in the offer of appointment to the
candidates claiming to be belonging to EWS, include the following clause :-
"The appointment is provisional and is subject to the Income and asset
certificate being verified through the proper channels and if the verification
reveals that the claim to belong to EWS is fake/false the services will be
terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without
prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the
Indian Penal Code for production of fake/false certificate." The appointing
authority should verify the veracity of the Income and asset certificate
submitted by the candidate through the certificate issuing authority
5.5 Instructions referred to above should be strictly followed so that it may
not be possible for an unscrupulous person to secure employment on the basis
of a false claim and if any person gets an appointment on the basis of such
false claim, her/his services shall be terminated invoking the conditions
contained in the offer of appointment
6.1 Department of Personnel and Training had circulated
Memorandum No.36012/2/96-Estt(Res) dated July 2, 1997 regarding
implementation of post based reservation roster. The general principles for
making and operating postbased reservation roster would be as per the
principles laid down in the said Office Memorandum.
6.2 Every Government establishment shall now recast group-wise post-
based reservation roster register for direct recruitment in accordance with
format given in Annexure II, III, IV and V, as the case may be, for effecting 10%
reservation for EWSs interpolating them with the SCs, STs and OBCs. While
fixing roster point, if the EWS roster point coincides with the roster points of
SCs/STs/OBCs the next available UR roster point has been allotted to the
EWSs and also the principle of "squeezing" has been kept in view. While
drawing up the rosters, the cadre controlling authorities may similarly
"squeeze" the last points of the roster so as to meet prescribed 10% reservation.
6.3 Where in any recruitment year any vacancy earmarked for EWS cannot
be filled up due to non availability of a suitable candidate belonging to EWS,
such vacancies for that particular recruitment year shall not be carried forward
to the next recruitment year as backlog.
6.4 Persons belonging to EWS selected against the quota for persons with
benchmark disabilities/ex-servicemen shall be placed against the roster points
earmarked for EWS.
A person belonging to EWS cannot be denied the right to compete for
appointment against an unreserved vacancy. Persons belonging to EWS who
are selected on the basis of merit and not on account of reservation are not to
be counted towards the quota meant for reservation.
The Ministries/Departments shall send single consolidated fortnightly
report including their attached/subordinate offices beginning from 15.2.2019
as per format at Annexure-VL
From 01.01.2020, the Ministries/Departments shall upload data on
representation of EWSs in respect of posts/services under the Central
Government on the URL i.e. www.rrcps.nic.inas on 1st January of every year.
All Ministries/Departments have already been provided respective user code
and password with guidelines for operating the URL.
9.1 Every Government establishment shall appoint a senior officer of the
Department as the Grievance Redressal Officer.
9.2 Any person aggrieved with any matter relating to discrimination in
employment against any EWS may file a complaint with the Grievance
Redressal Officer of the respective Government establishment. The name,
designation and contact details of the Grievance Redressal Officer may be
displayed prominently on the website and in the office of the concerned
Ministries/Departments/Attached and Subordinate Offices shall
appoint Liaison Officer to monitor the implementation of reservation for EWSs.
11. The above scheme of reservation will be effective in respect of all direct
recruitment vacancies to be notified on or after 01.02.2019.
OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res), dated 31.1.2019.
FAQs on Property
Question-1. If the land/property (more than threshold limit) is in the
name of parents and there are more than one child and the property has
not been distributed, then in that situation, can one of the children apply
for EWS certificate?
Answer: No. Para 4.2 and 4.3 of said O.M. dated 31.01.2019 provides that the
property held by a "Family" in different locations or different places/cities would
be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS
status and the term 'Family' for this purpose will include the person who seeks
benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as
also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years. Property beyond
threshold limit tantamount to disqualification for applying to Income and Asset
Certificate in respect of any of the children.
Question-2. In case agricultural land/residential flat/plot of parents is
located in more than one State/District or within the same State/District,
all such land/properties will be clubbed or not?
Answer: Yes. Para 4.2 of said O.M. dated 31.01.2019 provides that, the property
held by a "Family" in different locations or different places/cities would be
clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS
status. Person can apply for Income and Asset Certificate in the district of his
permanent address.
Question-3. Does the residential flat/plot as classified under Para 4.1 of
DoPT OM, dated 31.1.2019, includes both commercial and residential
Answer: Para 4.1 of the OM, dated 31.1.2019, speaks of residential property.
However, exclusion of commercial property will result in injustice. Hence, the
definition of residential flat/plot in the OM also includes the commercial
Question-4. Will the property of grandparents not distributed among the
parents of the applicants be counted towards calculating the assets held by
the parents of applicants for the purpose of Income and Asset Certificate?
Answer: No. Grandparent is not a part of a family under para 4.3 of OM dated
Question-5. If half of the residential plot, i.e. 90 square yards is in urban
area (notified municipalities) and rest 90 square yards is in rural areas
(other than the notified municipalities), how will the residential plot be
Answer:It will be 90 square yards in urban area and remaining 90 square yards
in rural area. Hence, as laid down in Para 4.1 of OM dated 31.1.2019, it is
neither 100 square yards in notified municipalities nor 200 square yards in
other than notified municipalities. As such, eligibility will remain for EWS
Question-6. If the construction of a residential flat/plot is on barren land,
does that property come under residential flat or agricultural land?
Answer: If it is a flat, the criteria of Income & Assets applicable for residential
flat of 1000 square feet and above as provided in para 4.1(ii) of the O.M. dated
31.1.2019, will apply. If it is a plot, again, the criteria of notified municipality or
the area other than the notified municipality will apply as provided in Para 4.1
(iii) and (iv) of the O.M., dated 31.1.2019.
Question-7. What does residential plot mean? How is residential plot
measured ?
Answer: Residential plot means a plot for the purpose of construction of
residential house irrespective of the fact whether the house has been
constructed or not. The entire area of the plot will be taken into account while
assessing the eligibility of a candidate to get an Income & Asset Certificate. In
this regard, rules/regulations framed by the respective Municipality/Panchayat
shall be taken into account.
Question-8. What is the difference between residential flat and residential
plot ?
Answer: For the purpose of reservation in the category of EWS, the term 'Plot'
connotes an independent identity, whereas the term 'flat' connotes a number of
residential units/dwelling units built on the same plot.
Question-9: If a person has residential flat/plot on agricultural land will
that be treated as agricultural land or residential flat/plot ?
Answer: Built up area of the flat and the covered area plus the area left
uncovered of the plot (as per rules of Municipality/Panchayats) will be treated as
residential area and additional land beyond residential flat / plot, being used for
agricultural purpose, may be treated as agricultural land. This will be
specifically for the purpose of determination of EWS status and not for any other
Question-10. In case of residential flat, whether super area (including
common area viz, stair case, gardens, roads within the society, as
distributed among the flats) or total area of the flat (including brick/pillar
area) or carpet area (excluding brick and pillar area) is to be taken into
account for computation of the measurement of the flat ?
Answer: Total built up area of the residential unit/flat, including brick/pillar
area (excluding staircase area and common area), is to be taken into account for
computation of measurement of the flat.
FAQs on Category of Applicant
Question-11. Migrants belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled
Tribe(STs), Other Backward Castes(OBCs) in other State where they do not
belong to SC, ST and OBC, then in that case, can they apply for EWS
Answer: As per Para 2 of DoPT O.M. No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res.), dated
31.01.2019, the persons belonging to EWSs who, are not covered under the
scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs shall get 10% reservation in direct
recruitment in civil posts and services in the Government of India. Applicants
belonging to SC, ST or OBC included in the Central List residing in any of the
States/UTs are not eligible for EWS reservation in respect of posts/services of
the Government of India.
Question-12. If a person belongs to Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in a
State list but not in Central List, can he apply for Income and Asset
Answer: Para 2 of annexure-I to O.M., dated 31.01.2019, regarding Income &
Asset Certificate reads as under:
"Shri/Smt./Kumari _______ belongs to the ________ caste which is not recognized
as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (Central
List) .....".
Therefore, if a person belongs to OBC in a State list but not in Central List,
he/she can apply for Income and Asset Certificate for applying to posts and
services of the Government of India to avail of EWS reservation subject to
fulfilling other conditions, as mentioned in said OM, dated 31.1.2019.
FAQs on vacancies
Question-13. How can the unfilled vacancies of EWS be filled in a
recruitment year in case of non-availability of suitable candidates
belonging to EWS ?
Answer: As per Pare 6.3 of DoPT OM No. 36039/112019-Estt.(Res.), dated
31.3.2019, where in any recruitment year any vacancy earmarked for EWS
cannot be filled up due to non availability of a suitable candidate belonging to
EWS, such vacancies for that particular recruitment year shall not be carried
forward to the next recruitment year as backlog. A further attempt in the same
recruitment year to fill the EWS vacancy is desirable. Thereafter, the unfilled
vacancies may be filled up, treating them as unreserved provided it does not
result in excess representation in general category beyond the number added on
account of non-availability of EWS candidate. If it results in excess
representations, it may be diverted to the category in which shortfall exists.
Question-14. Whether EWS reservation is to be calculated on total number
of vacancies of cadre strength or current year vacancies.
Answer: EWS reservation should be calculated in accordance with reservation
roster as provided in Annexure - II to V of DoPT OM, dated 31.1.2019. EWS
reservation is effective in respect of all direct recruitment vacancies to be
notified on or after 01.02.2019. Every Government establishment shall recast
group-wise post-based reservation roster register for direct recruitment, in
accordance with format given in Annexure II, Ill, IV and V of DoPT OM, dated
31.1.2019, as the case may be, for effecting 10% reservation for EWSs
interpolating them with the SCs, STs and OBCs. Thereafter, they can see the
point which was vacated in the Post Based Roster. The vacancies will,
accordingly, go to respective categories. Current vacancies are to be taken into
account to distribute vacancies amongst different categories.. .
FAQs on Income
Question-15. Whether money earned through Provided Fund, Gratuity or
other pensionary benefits in a particular financial year at the time of
retirement will be counted as family income ?
Answer: As per Para 4.1 of DoPT O.M. No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res.), dated
31.01.2019, apart from asset holding test, persons whose family has gross
annual income below Rs 8.00 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are to be identified
as EWSs for benefit of reservation. Income for the purpose shall include income
from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the
financial year prior to the year of application. The income for this purpose will
be gross income taken into account for the purpose of Income Tax.
Question-16. Will monthly pension/family pension be counted for family
Answer: Yes.
Question-17. Gross salary is Rs.10 Lakh but as per income tax return total
income comes out to Rs.6 Lakh. In that case, can a candidate apply for
Income and Asset certificate?
Answer: It is always gross salary/gross income.
FAQs on Competent Authorities for issuance of Income & Asset Certificate
Question-18. Can Competent Authorities of different States and Union
Territories issue Income and Asset Certificate in different formats?
Answer: No. Prescribed format for Income & Asset Certificate for applying to
posts and services under the Government of India has been prescribed vide
Annexure-I of DoPT O.M. No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res.-II),dated 31.01.2019.
Hence, it cannot be different for different States/UTs for the purpose of
employment under the Central Government.
Question-19. Whether Anchal Adhikari or Naib-Tehsildar is a competent
Authority to issue a EWS certificate?
Answer: AnchalAdhikari of any State/UT can issue Income and Asset
Certificate, if he/she is not below the rank of Tehsildar or any other equivalent
officer(s) as mentioned in Para 5.1 of DoPT OM, dated 31.1.2019, and as notified
by the respective State/UT. If the Anchal Adhikari/Naib Tehsildar is below the
rank of Tehsildar, they shall not issue Income & Asset Certificate.
FAQs regarding Income & Asset Certificate
Question-20. In case Income and Asset certificate comes out to be a
fake/false at a later stage, what will be the next course of action to be
followed by the Appointing Authority ?
Answer: Para 5.4 DoPT OM, dated 31.01.2019 provides that the appointing
authorities should, in the offer of appointment to the candidates, claiming to be
belonging to EWS, include the following clause :-
"The appointment is provisional and is subject to the Income and asset certificate
being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the
claim to belong to EWS is fake/false the services will be terminated forthwith
without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further
action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for
production of fake/false certificate.
The appointing authority should verify the veracity of the Income and asset
certificate submitted by the candidate through the certificate issuing authority."
If the Income & Asset Certificate is found to be fake, the services of the
temporarily appointed person shall be done away with.
Question-21. Crucial date for Income & Asset certificate?
Answer: Para 5.3 DoPT OM, dated 31.01.2019, provides that the crucial date
for submitting income and asset certificate by the candidate may be treated as
the closing date for receipt of application for the post, except in cases where
crucial date is fixed otherwise. The crucial date for submission of Income &
Asset Certificate (Cutoff date) shall be clearly mentioned in the advertisement
published by the recruiting agencies. Income & Asset Certificates issued
subsequent to the crucial date and for the later Financial Year shall be treated
as major discrepancies. In this regard, the order, dated 18.05.2020 passed by
the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP(C) No. 426/2021 titled UPSC vs Gaurav
Singh &Ors, may be referred to.
Question-22.Requirement of seal/stamp of name and designation of
Income & Asset certificate issuing authority of State/UT.
Answer: The authorized certificate issuing authorities in the States/UTs should
invariably affix the seal/stamp properly displaying their name and designation
on the space earmarked for the purpose in the Income and Asset Certificate
(Annexure-I of DoPT OM, dated 31.01.2019).
Question-23.What if the earmarked space of “Valid for the year______”
below the certificate no. and date is left blank?
Answer: As per Para 4.1 of DoPT OM No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res.), dated
31.01.2019, Family Gross Annual Income shall be computed for the financial
year prior to the year of application. Therefore, if the closing date for receipt of
application for a post is 1st August, 2022, the financial year for computing gross
annual income of the family shall be 2021-2022 and the certificate shall be valid
for 2022-2023. If it is left blank but the income and assets have been calculated
for the correct financial year and also indicated in the body of the Income &
Asset Certificate, it may be referred back to the certificate issuing authority for
confirmation and filling up the validity year in the space earmarked for it.
However, neither financial year nor validity year is mentioned in the certificate,
it will be treated as a major discrepancies and may invite rejection.
Miscellaneous FAQs
Question-24. What arenotified municipalities'' and areas falling in 'other
than the notified municipalities'?
Answer: Notified Municipalities means the area under the respective
Municipalities, as notified by the respective States/UTs. If any area has not
been notified, it will come under the category of the area ‘other than the notified
Question-25. Whether in case of applicants(s) not living with parents or
separated by parents, property or income of parents shall be taken into
account for computation of family income ?
Answer: As per Para 4.3 of DoPT O.M. No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res.), dated
31.01.2019, The term "Family" for this purpose will include the person who
seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18
years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years. Therefore,
no other definition of Family will be allowed. To make it clear, it is stated that
whether the children are not living with parents or separated from parents,
property/income of parents shall be taken into account for computation of
family income.
Question-26. Whether siblings/children of 18 years or above will be
counted under the definition of family for EWS reservation?
Answer: No. As per the Para 4.3 of O.M. of DoPT, dated 31.01.2019, the term
"Family" will include the person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her
parents and siblings below the age of 18 years, as also his/her spouse and
children below the age of 18 years. Therefore, siblings/children of 18 years and
above will not be counted under the definition of "Family" for applying to Income
and Asset Certificate.
Question-27. What is the maximum time limit to issue the Asset and
Income Certificate for EWS after submitting the application?
Answer: The Officer who issues the certificate would do the same after carefully
verifying all relevant documents following due process, as prescribed by the
respective State/UT and, accordingly, time limit for issuing Income and Asset
Certificate is to be decided by the respective State/UT. However, the time limit
should be fixed in such a way that it does not harm the interest of the
Question-28.Whether the benefit of age relaxation and relaxation in
number of attempts available to EWS candidates?
Answer: No. The conditions prescribed for General category candidates in
matters of Age and Number of attempts, would also apply to EWS candidates.
2. In case any reply, as contained in this FAQ, contradicts any of the
provisions made in DoPT OM, dated 31.1.2019, the provisions made in DoPT
OM, dated 31.1.2019, shall prevail. The clarification contained in this FAQs
shall be effective from the date of issue of this OM and it will not be applicable
to the cases settled before the date of issue of this O.M. Further the
clarifications are subject to outcome of different cases pending before various
Courts on the subject.
3. This FAQs is being issued after having consultation with the Department
of Social Justice and Empowerment and the Department of Legal Affairs.
2016' from 19thApril, 2017 and notification of THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH
June, 2017, the following instructions have
been issued in line with the provisions made therein regarding reservation for
Previous OMs on the
OM.No. 36035/16
/91-Estt.(SCT), dated 18.02.
36035/3/ 2004- Estt.(Res),
dated 29.12.
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, as defined under Section 2(r) of the Act
against the posts and services of the Central Government.
2.1 In case of direct recruitment, four percent of the total number of vacancies
to be filled up by direct recruitment, in the cadre strength in each group of posts
i.e. Groups A, B and C shall be reserved for persons with benchmark
2.2 Against the posts identified for each disabilities, of which, one per cent
each shall be reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses
(a), (b) and (c) and one per cent, under clauses (d) and (e), unless otherwise
excluded under the provisions of Para3 herein under:-
Blindness and low vision;
Deaf and hard of hearing;
Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured,
dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy;
autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental
multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d)
including deaf-blindness
If any Ministry/Department in the Central Government considers it
necessary to exempt any establishment or any cadre or cadres fully or partly
from the provisions of reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities, it
shall make a reference to the Department of Empowerment of Persons with
Disabilities giving full justification for the proposal, who having regard to the
type of work carried out in any Government establishment by notification and
subject to such condition, if any, as may be specified in the notification, in
consultation with the Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD)
may exempt any Establishment or any cadre(s) fully or partly from the
provisions of reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities.
4.1 In the category of posts which are identified suitable for persons with
benchmark disabilities, a person with benchmark disability cannot be denied
the right to compete for appointment by direct recruitment against an
unreserved vacancy. Thus a person with benchmark disability can be appointed
by direct recruitment against vacancy not specifically reserved for the persons
with benchmark disability, provided the post is identified suitable for persons
with benchmark disability of the relevant category.
4.2 Persons with benchmark disabilities selected without relaxed standards
along with other candidates, will not be adjusted against the reserved share of
vacancies. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the
eligible candidates with benchmark disabilities which will thus comprise of
candidates with benchmark disabilities who are lower in merit than the last
candidate in merit list but otherwise found suitable for appointment, if
necessary, by relaxed standards.
A person who wants to avail the benefit of reservation will have to submit
a certificate of disability issued by a Competent Authority. Such certificate in
the event of selection of such person for any post, will be subject to such
verification/re-verification as may be decided by the competent authority.
6.1 The number of posts to be reserved for persons with benchmark
disabilities in case of Group C posts shall be computed on the basis of total
number of vacancies in the cadre strength of Group C posts, in the
establishment, although the recruitment of the persons with benchmark
disabilities would only be against the category of posts identified suitable for
them. The number of vacancies to be reserved for the persons with benchmark
disabilities in case of direct recruitment to Group 'C' posts in an establishment
shall be computed by taking into account the total number of vacancies arising
in Group 'C' posts for being filled by direct recruitment in a recruitment year
both in the identified and non-identified category of posts under the
establishment. Since reservation, wherever applicable, for Persons with
Benchmark Disabilities is provided computing total number of vacancies in the
cadre strength in identified category of posts as well as unidentified category of
posts, it may be possible that number of persons appointed by reservation in
an identified category of post may exceed four per cent.
6.2 Reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities in Group 'A' or
Group 'B' posts shall be computed on the basis of total number of vacancies
occurring in direct recruitment quota in the cadre in all the Group 'A' posts or
Group 'B' posts respectively, and the computation of total vacancies shall
include vacancies arising in the identified and non-identified category of posts.
7.1 Every Government establishment shall maintain group-wise a separate
vacancy based 100 point vacancy based reservation roster register in the
format given in Annexure for determining/effecting reservation for the Persons
with Benchmark Disabilities - one each for Group 'A' posts filled by direct
recruitment, Group 'B' posts filled by direct recruitment and Group 'C' posts
filled by direct recruitment.
7.2 Each register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100
points shall be divided into four blocks, comprising the following points:
1st Block - point No. 01 to point No. 25
2nd Block - point No. 26 to point No. 50
3rd Block - point No. 51 to point No. 75
Block point No. 76 to point No.100
7.3 Points 1, 26, 51 and 76 of the roster shall be earmarked for persons with
benchmark disabilities - one point each for four respective categories of
disabilities. The Head of the establishment shall ensure that vacancies identified
at SI. No.1, 26, 51 and 76 are earmarked for the respective categories of the
persons with benchmark disabilities. However, the Head of the establishment
shall decide the placement of the selected candidate in the roster register.
7.4 All the vacancies arising irrespective of vacancies reserved for Persons
with Benchmark Disabilities shall be entered in the relevant roster. If the
vacancy falling at point no. 1 is not identified for the Person with Benchmark
Disability or the Head of the establishment considers it desirable not to fill it up
by Persons with Benchmark Disabilities or it is not possible to fill up that post
by the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities for any other reason, one of the
vacancies falling at any of the points from 2 to 25 shall be treated as reserved
for the person with benchmark disability and filled as such.
7.5 Likewise, a vacancy falling at any of the points from 26 to 50 or from 51 to
75 or from 76 to 100 shall have to be filled by the Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities. The purpose of keeping points 1, 26, 51 and 76 as reserved is to fill
up the first available suitable vacancy.
7.6 There is a possibility that none of the vacancies from 1 to 25 is suitable
for any category of the person with benchmark disability. In that case two
vacancies from 26 to 50 shall be filled as reserved for persons with benchmark
disabilities. If the vacancies from 26 to 50 are also not suitable for any category,
three vacancies shall be filled as reserved from the third block containing points
from 51 to 75. This means that if no vacancy can be reserved in a particular
block, it shall be carried over into the next block
7.7 After all the 100 points of the roster are covered, a fresh cycle of 100
points shall start.
7.8 If the number of vacancies in a year is such as to cover only one block
(say 25 vacancies) or two (say 50 vacancies), the category of the persons with
benchmark disabilities should be accommodated as per the roster points.
However, in case, the said vacancy is not identified for the respective category,
the Head of the establishment shall decide the category on the basis of the
nature of the post, the level of representation of the specific disabled category in
the concerned grade/post etc.
8.1 Where in any recruitment year any vacancy cannot be filled up due to non
availability of a suitable person with benchmark disability or for any other
sufficient reason, such vacancy shall be carried forward in the succeeding
recruitment year and if in the succeeding recruitment year also suitable person
with benchmark disability is not available, it may first be filled by interchange
among the following four categories of disabilities, at one percent each to each
(a) blindness and low vision;
(b) deaf and hard of hearing;
(c)locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid
attack victims and muscular dystrophy;
(d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness;
(e)multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including
8.2 Only when there is no person with benchmark disability available for the
post in that year, the employer shall fill up the vacancy by appointment of a
person, other than a person with benchmark disability.
8.3 If the nature of vacancies in an establishment is such that a given category
of person cannot be employed, the vacancies may be interchanged with the prior
approval of Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, among
the above mentioned four categories.
8.4 If any vacancy reserved for any category of benchmark disability cannot be
filled due to non-availability of a suitable person with that benchmark disability
or, for any other sufficient reason, such vacancy shall be carried forward as a
'backlog reserved vacancy' to the subsequent recruitment year.
8.5 In the subsequent recruitment year the 'backlog reserved vacancy' shall be
treated as reserved for the category of disability for which it was kept reserved in
the initial year of recruitment. However, if a suitable person with that
benchmark disability is not available, it may be filled by interchange among the
categories of benchmark disabilities identified for reservation. In case no
suitable person with benchmark disability is available for filling up the vacancy
in the succeeding year also, the employer may fill up the vacancy by a person
other than a person with benchmark disability. If the vacancy is filled by a
person with benchmark disability of the category for which it was reserved or by
a person of other category of benchmark disability by inter se exchange in the
subsequent recruitment year, it will be treated to have been filled by reservation.
But if the vacancy is filled by a person other than a person with benchmark
disability in the subsequent recruitment year, reservation shall be carried
forward for a further period upto two recruitment years whereafter the
reservation shall lapse. In these two subsequent years, if situation so arises, the
procedure for filling up the reserved vacancy shall be the same as followed in
the first subsequent recruitment year.
8.6 The Government establishment shall interchange vacancies only if due
process of recruitment viz. proper advertisement of vacancy to fill up the
vacancies reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities has been complied
8.7 In order to ensure that cases of lapse of reservation are kept to the
minimum, any recruitment of the persons with benchmark disabilities
candidates shall first be counted against the additional quota brought forward
from previous years, if any, in their chronological order. If candidates are not
available for all the vacancies, the older carried forward reservation would be
filled first and the current vacancies would be carried forward if not filled up
provided that in every recruitment, the number of vacancies reserved for
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities including carried forward vacancies will be
announced beforehand, for the information of all aspirants
9.1 Reservation for backward classes of citizens (SCs, STs and OBCs) is called
vertical reservation and the reservation for categories such as persons with
benchmark disabilities and ex-servicemen is called horizontal reservation.
Horizontal reservation cuts across vertical reservation (in what is called
interlocking reservation) and persons selected against the quota for persons
with benchmark disabilities have to be placed in the appropriate category viz.
SC/ST/OBC/Unreserved depending upon the category to which they belong in
the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs. To illustrate, if in a given
year there are two vacancies reserved for the persons with benchmark
disabilities and out of two persons with benchmark disabilities appointed, one
belongs to Scheduled Caste and the other belongs to Unreserved category, then
the SC candidate with benchmark disability shall be adjusted against the SC
point in the reservation roster and the Unreserved candidate with benchmark
disability against unreserved point in the relevant reservation roster. In case
none of the vacancies falls on point reserved for the SCs, the candidate under
benchmark disability belonging to SC shall be adjusted in future against the
next available vacancy reserved for SCs.
9.2 Since the persons with benchmark disabilities have to be placed in the
appropriate category viz. SC/ST/OBC/Unreserved in the roster meant for
reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs, the application form for the post should require
the candidates applying under the quota reserved for persons with benchmark
disabilities to indicate whether they belong to SC/S T/OBC or Unreserved.
Thus, reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities is horizontal.
10.1 In order to ensure proper implementation of the provisions of reservation
for persons with benchmark disabilities, the requisitioning authority while
sending the requisition to the recruiting agency or authority as the case may be
for filling up of posts shall furnish the following certificate to the recruiting
"It is certified that the requirements of the THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH
DISABILITIES ACT, 2016' which has become effective from 19 thday of April,
2017 and the policy relating to reservation for persons with benchmark
disabilities has been taken care of while sending this requisition. The vacancies
reported in this requisition fall at points no ………of cycle no ……….. of 100
point reservation roster out of ………. which number of vacancies are reserved
for persons with benchmark disabilities."
10.2 At the time of initial appointment against a vacancy reserved for persons
with benchmark disabilities, the appointing authority shall ensure that the
candidate is eligible to get the benefit of reservation.
11.1 If sufficient number of candidates with benchmark disabilities candidates
are not available on the basis of the general standard to fill all the vacancies
reserved for them, candidates belonging to this category may be selected on
relaxed standard to fill up the remaining vacancies reserved for them provided
they are not found unfit for such post or posts. However, this provision shall not
be used to allow any relaxation in the eligibility criteria laid down for the
issuance of certificate of disability.
11.2 Same relaxed standard should be applied for all the candidates with
Benchmark Disabilities whether they belong to Unreserved/SC/ST/OBC. No
further relaxation of standards will be considered or admissible in favour of any
candidate from any category whatsoever.
As per Rule 10 of the Fundamental Rules, every new entrant to
Government Service on initial appointment is required to produce a medical
certificate of fitness issued by a competent authority. In case of medical
examination of a person with benchmark disabilities for appointment to a post
identified as suitable to be held by a person suffering from a particular kind of
disability, the concerned Medical Officer or Board shall be informed beforehand
that the post is identified suitable to be held by persons with benchmark
disabilities of the relevant category and the candidate shall then be examined
medically keeping this fact in view.
The Ministries/Departments shall continue to upload data on
representation of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities along with data on SCs,
STs, OBCs in respect of posts/services under the Central Government on the
URL i.e. www.rrcps.nic.in as on 1 st January of every year. All
Ministries/Departments have been provided respective usercode and password
with guidelines for operating the URL.
14.1 Every Government establishment shall appoint a senior officer of the
Department as the Grievance Redressal Officer.
14.2 The Grievance Redressal Officer shall maintain a register of complaints of
persons with disabilities with the following particulars, namely:-
(a) date of complaint;
(b) name of complainant;
(c) the name of the establishment or person against whom the complaint is
(d) gist of the complaint;
(e) date of disposal by the Grievance Redressal Officer; and
(f) any other information.
14.3 Any person aggrieved with any matter relating to discrimination in
employment against any person with disability may file a complaint with the
Grievance Redressal Officer of the respective Government establishment.
14.4 Every complaint filed as per Para 14.3 above, shall be inquired into within
two months of its registration and outcome thereof or action taken thereon shall
be communicated to the complainant / Person with Benchmark Disability.
DoPT O.M. No. 36035/02/2017-Estt.(Res.), dated 15.01.2018)
DoPT O.M. No. 36035/02/2017-Estt.(Res.), dated 15.01.2018)
The matter regarding reservation in promotion for Persons with
Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) had been under litigation before various courts
of law for quite some time, and the Honble Supreme Court, in its order, dated
28.9.2021, delivered in the 'Application for Clarification' in the matter of
'Siddaraju vs. State of Karnataka', Civil Appeal No. 1567/2017, directed the
Government to issue instructions on 'Reservation in Promotion', as provided in
Section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. Accordingly, the
following instructions have been issued for grant of reservation in promotion to
PwBDs, in the posts and services of the Central Government, as defined under
Section 2(r) of the said Act, notified by the Department of Empowerment of
Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD).
2.1 In case of promotion, four per cent of the total number of vacancies in the
cadre strength within Group 'C, from Group 'C to Group 'B', within Group 'B'
and from Group 'B' to the lowest rung of Group 'A' shall be reserved for PwBDs.
Reservation in promotion shall be applicable in the cadres in which the element
of direct recruitment, if any, does not exceed 75%.
2.2 Against the posts identified for each disability, one per cent each shall be
reserved for PwBDs under clauses (a), (b) and (c), respectively, and one per cent
combined, under clauses (d) and (e) below, unless otherwise excluded under the
provisions of Para 3 hereinunder; -
(a) blindness and low vision;
(b) deaf and hard of hearing;
(c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism,
acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy;
(d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental
(e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d)
including deaf-blindness.
2.3 The authenticity of any certificate, issued by the competent medical
authority, may be got verified/re-verified by the appointing authority at the time
of appointment.
3.1 Proviso to Section 20(1) of the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016,
states that the appropriate Government may, having regard to the type of work
carried on in any establishment, by notification and subject to such conditions,
if any, exempt any establishment from the provisions of this Section.
3.2 Accordingly, if any Ministry/Department in the Central Government
considers it necessary to exempt any establishment or any cadre or cadres fully
or partly from the provisions of reservation in promotion for PwBDs, it shall
make a reference to the DEPwD, giving full justification for the proposal. The
DEPwD, having regard to the type of work carried out in any Government
establishment, by notification, and subject to such condition, if any, as may be
specified in the notification, in consultation with the Chief Commissioner for
Persons with Disabilities (CCPD), may exempt any Establishment or any
cadre(s), fully or partly, from the provisions of reservation for PwBDs. While
doing so, Notes 1 to 9 under the Notification No.38-16/2020-DD.II, dated the 4
January, 2021, issued and as modified from time to time by the DEPwD, may
kindly be kept in view
4.1 In terms of Section 20(3) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,
2016, no promotion shall be denied to a person merely on the ground of
disability. Further, in terms of Section 20(4) of the Act, no Government
establishment shall dispense with or reduce in rank an employee who acquires
a disability during his/her service. As per the proviso to this sub-section, if an
employee, after acquiring disability is not suitable for the post he was holding,
shall be shifted to some other post with the same pay scale and service benefits.
This section further provides that if it is not possible to adjust the employee
against any post, he may be kept on a supernumerary post until a suitable post
is available or he attains the age of superannuation, whichever is earlier.
However, in case the PwBDs for whom the supernumerary post was created is
eligible for next promotion to higher pay level, and it is not possible to adjust the
employee against any post, a fresh creation of supernumerary post in next
higher level will be required by surrendering the previously created
supernumerary post at the lower level, and the proposal for the same may be
submitted to the Department of Expenditure.
4.2 An employee who acquires disability, after entering into service, will be
entitled to get the benefit of reservation in promotion as a PwBD. However, his
seniority among PwBDs will be counted from the date of certification of his/her
disability, i.e., disability of 40% or more in the categories covered under Section
34(1) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
4.3 No benefit of reservation shall be given on the basis of temporary
certificate of disability
5.1 The DEPwD has already identified posts suitable for being held by PwBDs
and the physical requirement for all such posts, have been notified, vide their
Notification No. 38-16/2020-DD-III, dated the 4
January, 2021. The posts
mentioned in AnnexureC of the said notification (to be read in conjunction with
Notes 1 to 9 mentioned under the main Notification, dated 4th January, 2021)
shall be used by the Cadre Controlling Authorities to give effect to reservation in
promotion to the PwBDs.
6.1 If in a Ministry/Department/Organization, a post is identified suitable
only for one category of disability, reservation in promotion in that post shall be
given to persons with that category of benchmark disability only. However,
reservation of 4% for PwBDs shall not be reduced in such cases and total
reservation in the cadre will be given to PwBDs for which it has been identified.
Likewise, in case the post is identified suitable for two categories of disabilities,
reservation shall be distributed between persons with those categories of
disabilities equally, as far as possible. It shall, however, be ensured that
reservation in different posts in the establishment is distributed in such a way
that the PwBDs, as far as possible, get equal/fair representation. The points
used in the 100-point Roster after a gap of 25 points shall be used to give
reservation. In other words, it will be given only at the points reserved for
PwBDs, and not in a bunched manner.
7.1 In case of promotions by seniority-cum-fitness, if a PwBD is otherwise
eligible and is in the list of candidates finally approved for promotion, he/she
may be promoted against the vacancy not specifically reserved for PwBD. In
other words, a PwBD cannot be denied promotion on the ground that the
vacancy is not earmarked for his category
7.2 In the case of promotion by selection, PwBDs selected without relaxed
standards, along with other candidates, will not be adjusted against the
reserved share of vacancies. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately
from amongst the eligible candidates with benchmark disabilities who are lower
in merit than the last candidate in merit list but, otherwise found suitable for
appointment, if necessary, by relaxed standards.
8.1 If sufficient number of PwBD candidates with benchmark disabilities are
not available on the basis of prescribed standard to fill all the vacancies (in case
of promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive
Examination/Departmental Examination, etc.) reserved for them, candidates
belonging to this category may be selected on relaxed standard to fill up the
remaining vacancies reserved for them, provided they are not found unfit for
such post or posts. However, this provision shall not be used to allow any
relaxation in the eligibility criteria laid down for the issuance of certificate of
benchmark disability.
8.2 The same relaxed standard should be applied for all the PwBD candidates
with benchmark disabilities, irrespective of whether they belong to the
Unreserved/SO/ ST/ OBC category. No further relaxation of standards will be
considered or admissible in favour of any candidate from any category
9.1 Number of vacancies in a recruitment year to be reserved for PwBDs in
Group 'C, Group 'B' and Group 'A', wherever reservation in promotion for PwBD
is applicable, shall be computed as 4% of the total number of vacancies in the
cadre strength, although the PwBDs would be posted against the category of
posts identified as suitable for them
10.1 Every Government establishment shall maintain, cadre wise and group-
wise, a separate 100-point vacancy-based reservation roster/register, as in the
case of direct recruitment, for determining/effecting reservation for the PwBDs
in promotion. There will be separate roster / register, in each cadre in Group 'C',
Group 'B' and Group 'A', wherever reservation in promotion for PwBD is
applicable. There shall be separate roster/register for promotion and direct
10.2 Each register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100 points
shall be divided into four blocks, comprising the following points:
1st Block - Point No. 01 to point No. 25
2nd Block - Point No. 26 to point No. 50
3rd Block - Point No. 51 to point No. 75
4th Block Point No. 76 to point No. 100
10.3 Points 1, 26, 51 and 76 of the roster shall be earmarked for PwBDs - one
point each for category under (a), (b), (c) of Para 2.2 above, respectively, and one
point for category (d) and (e) conjointly. The Head of the establishment shall
ensure that vacancies identified at SI. No.1, 26, 51 and 76 are earmarked for the
respective categories of the PwBD. However, the Head of the Department shall
decide the placement of the selected candidate in the roster/ register. In other
words, the category to be appointed first will be decided by the Head of the
Department based on the functional requirement.
10.4 All the vacancies in each recruitment year in a grade, arising irrespective
of vacancies reserved for PwBDs, shall be entered in the relevant roster. If the
vacancy falling at point no. 1 is not identified for the PwBD, or if the Head of the
Department feels that it is not possible to fill up that post by the PwBDs for any
other reason to be recorded in writing, one of the vacanciesfalling at any of the
points from 2 to 25 shall be treated as reserved for the PwBD and filled, as
10.5 Likewise, one vacancy out of the total vacancies falling at points from 26
to 50 or from 51 to 75 or from 76 to 100 shall have to be filled by the PwBDs.
The purpose of keeping points 1, 26, 51 and 76 as reserved is to fill up the first
available suitable vacancy by the PwBD candidate of the category for which the
post is earmarked.
10.6 There is a possibility that none of the vacancies from 1 to 25 is found
suitable for any category of the PwBD. In that ease, two vacancies from 26 to 50
shall be filled from amongst the PwBDs. If the vacancies from 26 to 50 are also
not suitable for any category, three vacancies in the third block 51 to 75 shall be
filled as reserved. This means that if no vacancy can be reserved in a particular
block, it shall be carried over to the next block.
10.7 After all the 100 points of the roster are covered, a fresh cycle of 100
points shall start.
10.8 If the number of vacancies in a year is such as to cover only one block
(say 25 vacancies, including PwBD quota, if any) or two (say 50 vacancies,
including the quota, if any), the category of the PwBDs should be accommodated
as per the roster points. However, in case, the said vacancy is not identified for
the respective category of disability, the Head of the Department shall decide the
category on the basis of the nature of the post, the level of representation of the
specific category in the grade/post concerned, etc.
11.1 In order to ensure proper implementation of the provisions of reservation
for PwBDs, the requisitioning/cadrecontrolling authority, while sending the
requisition/proposal to the recruiting agency/DPC, as the case may be, for
filling up of vacancies through promotion by selection/Departmental
Examination/Limited Competitive Departmental Examination, shall furnish the
following certificate to the recruiting agency/DPC:
"It is certified that the requirements of the THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH
DISABILITIES ACT, 2016 which has become effective from 19
day of April, 2017
and Rules made thereupon, vide Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017,
and the policy relating to reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities has
been taken care of while sending this requisition/proposal. The vacancies
reported in this requisition/proposal fall at points no………. of cycle no …………of
100-point reservation roster out of which………… number of vacancies are
reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities."
12.1 In order to ensure that PwBDs get a fair opportunity in consideration for
appointment against an identified post, the following points shall be kept in view
while sending the requisition notice/proposal to the recruiting agencies (SSC,
UPSC etc.) and DPCs-
(i) Number of vacancies reserved for SCs, STs and each category of
PwBDs should be indicated clearly.
(j) In respect of vacancies in posts identified suitable for being held by
PwBD, it shall be indicated that the post is identified for that respective
category of PwBDs from amongst the categories, as mentioned in (a) to
(e) of Para 2.2 above, as the case may be. Functional classification for
performing the duties attached to such post(s), shall also be indicated
(k) The PwBDs belonging to the category/categories for which the post is
identified shall be allowed to apply for the post advertised for being
filled up by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, even if no
vacancy is reserved for them. However, they will not be allowed any
relaxed standard. Such PwBD candidates will be considered for
selection for appointment to the post by general standards of merit.
(l) lt shall also be indicated that persons with valid certificate of
benchmark disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of
reservation. However, no benefit of reservation shall be given on the
basis of temporary certificate of disability.
13.1 While filling up the reserved vacancies by promotion by selection, those
PwBD candidates who are within the normal zone of consideration shall be
considered for promotion. However, if adequate number of PwBD candidates of
the respective category are not available within the normal zone, the zone of
consideration may be extended to five times the number of vacancies and the
PwBD candidate falling within the extended zone may be considered for
promotion. In the event of non availability of candidates even in the extended
zone, the vacancy shall not be filled and be carried forward to the subsequent
year. In the subsequent year, if a PwBD of the required category is not available,
the reservation can be exchanged with the other categories, so that post can be
filled by a person with other category of disability, if possible. If a PwBD
candidate of other category is within the zone of consideration and within the
number of vacemcies available, he cannot be denied promotion on the grounds
of disability. If it is not possible to fill up the post by reservation even in the 2nd
year, the post may be filled by a person other than a PwBD, and the reservation
shall be carried forward for two subsequent recruitment years, whereafter it
shall lapse.
13.2 While filling up vacancies by promotion by non-selection, the eligible
candidates with benchmark disabilities within the normal zone of consideration
shall be considered for promotionagainst the reserved vacancies. In case no
eligible candidate of the respective category of disability is available in the
normal zone of consideration, additional PwBD candidates of respective category
to the extent required shall be considered by going down the seniority list,
provided they are eligible, and that the post is identified for them. In the event of
non-availability of PwBD candidates for promotion even in the extended zone,
the vacancy shall not be filled and shall be carried forward. In the subsequent
year; if PwBD of respective category is not available, the same can be exchanged
with other categories of disabilities identified for it. If it is not possible to fill up
the vacancy by reservation even by exchange, the reservation shall be carried
forward for two subsequent recruitment years, where-after it shall lapse.
13.3 In order to ensure that cases of lapse of reservation are kept to the
minimum, any recruitment of the PwBD candidates shall first be counted
against the vacant posts brought forward from previous years, if any, in the
chronological order. If candidates are not available for all the vacancies, the
older carried-forward posts shall be filled first, and the current vacancies shall
be carried forward, if not filled up, provided that in every recruitment, the
number of vacancies reserved for PwBD, including the carried forward
vacancies, shall be announced beforehand, for the information of all aspirants.
14.1 Reservation for backward classes of citizens (SCs, STs and OBCs) is called
'vertical' reservation and the reservation for categories such as PwBDs and ex-
servicemen is called 'horizontal' reservation. Horizontal reservation cuts across
vertical reservation (in what is called interlocking reservation) and persons
selected/promoted against the quota for PwBDs have to be placed in the
appropriate category viz. SC/ST/OBC/Unreserved, depending upon the category
to which they belong in the foster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs. To
illustrate, if in a given year, there are two vacancies reserved for the PwBDs, and
out of two PwBDs promoted, one belongs to Scheduled Caste and the other
belongs to Unreserved, the SC candidate with benchmark disability shall be
adjusted against the SC point in the reservation roster and the Unreserved
candidate with benchmark disability against the unreserved point in the
relevant roster. In ease none of the vacancies falls on point reserved for the SCs,
the candidate under benchmark disability belonging to SC shall be adjusted in
future against the next available vacancy reserved for SC.
14.2 Since the PwBDs have to be placed in the appropriate category, viz.
SC/ST/OBC/Unreserved in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/STs/OBCs,
the application form (in respect of Departmental examination for promotion) for
the post should require the candidates applying under the quota reserved for
PwBDs to indicate whether they belong to SC/ST/OBC or unreserved.
15.1 The Ministries/Departments shall continue to upload data on promotion
of PwBDs, along with data on representation/ direct recruitment of PwBDs in
respect of posts/services under the Central Government on the URL i.e.
www.rrcps.nic.in, as on 1st January of every year. All Ministries/Departments
have been provided respective user code and password with guidelines for
operating the URL.
16.1 Liaison Officers appointed to look after reservation matters for SCs/STs
shall also work as Liaison Officers for reservation matters relating to PwBDs and
shall ensure compliance of instructions, as contained in
No.43011/153/2010-Estt (Res), dated 4.1.2013.
17.1 Every Government establishment shall appoint a senior officer of the
Department as the Grievance Redressal Officer.
17.2 The Grievance Redressal Officer shall maintain a register of complaints of
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities with the following particulars, namely: -
(a) date of complaint;
(b) name of complainant;
(c) the name of the establishment or person against whom the complaint
is made;
(d) gist of the complaint;
(e) date of disposal by the Grievance Redressal Officer; and any other
17.3 Any person aggrieved with any matter relating to discrimination in
promotion, may file a complaint with the Grievance Redressal Officer of the
respective Government establishment.
17.4 Every complaint filed, shall be inquired into within two months of its
registration, and outcome thereof or action taken thereon, shall be
communicated to the complainant / PwBD.
O.M. No. 36012/1/2020-Estt.(Res.-II), dated 17.05.2022)
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities shall continue to be exempted from
payment of application fee and examination fee, prescribed in respect of
competitive examinations held by the Staff Selection Commission, the Union
Public Service Commission, etc, for recruitment to various posts. This
exemption shall be available only to such persons who would otherwise be
eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of standards of medical fitness
prescribed for that post (including any concession specifically extended to the
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities) and who enclose with the application
form, necessary certificate from a competent authority in support of their claim
of disability.
For detailed instructions
OM No. 36035/2/2017-Estt.(Res), dated
23.8.2019, may be referred.
With the enactment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 on
April 17, 2017, instructions have been issued in supersession of the OMs dated
June 6, 2014, November17, 2014 and January 5, 2016 with regard to the
eligibility for seeking exemption from routine exercise of transfer/rotational
transfer in respect of care-giver of PwBDs:-
(i) A Government employee who is a care-giver of dependent
daughter/son/parents/spouse/brother/sister with Specified Disability, as
certified by the certifying authority as a PwBD as defined under Section 2(r) of
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 may be exempted from the
routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer subject to the administrative
(ii) The term "Specified Disability" as defined in the Schedule to the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, covers (I) Locomotor disability including
leprosy cured person, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, muscular dystrophy and Acid
attack victims (ii) Blindness (iii) Low-vision (iv) Deaf (v) Hard of hearing (vi)
Speech and language disabilities (vii) Intellectual disability including specific
learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder (viii) Mental illness (ix)
Disability caused due to: (a) Neurological conditions such as Multiple sclerosis
and Parkinson's disease (b) Blood disorder- Haemophilia, Thalassemia and
Sickle cell disease and (x) Multiple disabilities (more than one of the above
specified disabilities) including deaf blindness and any other category of
disabilities as may be notified by the Central Government.
(iii) The term 'Specified Disability' as defined herein is applicable as grounds
only for the purpose of seeking exemption from routine transfer! rotational
transfer by a Government employee, who is a care-giver of dependent
OM No.F. No. 42011/3/2014-Estt.(Res) dated 8.10.2018
As regards certain facilities in respect of Persons with Disabilities who are
already employed in the Government for efficient performance of their duties like
identification of jobs, post recruitment and pre-promotion training, providing
aids/assistive devices, accessibility and barrier free environment at work place,
preference in Government accommodation, Grievance redressal, Special Casual
Leave and Preference in transfer/posting, detailed guidelines have been issued
to all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to bring the
instructions to the notice of all appointing authorities under their control, for
information and compliance. The Department of Public Enterprises has also
been requested to give effect the above guidelines in the all the Central Public
Sector Enterprises.
For detailed instructions
OM No. 36035/3/2013-Estt.(Res), dated
31.3.2014, may be referred.
Para 4.2 of the OM of even number, dated 15.1.2018 and Para 7.2 of OM
No. 36012/1/2020-Estt(Res.-II), dated 17.5.2022, inter alia, state that the
Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) selected without relaxed standard,
along with other unreserved candidates, will not be adjusted against the
vacancies reserved for them and that the vacancies reserved for PwBDs will be
filled up separately from amongst the eligible PwBD candidates who are lower in
merit than the last unreserved candidate in merit list but otherwise found
suitable for appointment, if necessary, by relaxed standard.
2. Queries have been received in this Department, from time to time, on the
following three aspects: -
(i) whether PwBD candidates who have qualified on their own merit without
any relaxed standard should be appointed against the vacancies not
reserved for PwBDs, i.e., against the unreserved vacancies which will be in
addition to the vacancies earmarked for PwBD category candidates;
(ii) whether the facility of a scribe availed by a PwBD candidate, along with
the compensatory time, shall be treated as relaxed standard; and
(iii)whether the disability a PwBD candidate is suffering from, shall be treated
as relaxation in medical standard, which will disable him from being
treated as own merit category.
3. In this connection, it is also pertinent to mention that this Department
had constituted a Committee which deliberated upon the above three aspects,
particularly in respect of Civil Services Examination (CSE), and recommended,
inter-alia, the following: -
(i) The 'own merit' concept for PwBD category candidates should be
implemented in CSE, in accordance with Establishment (Reservation)
Division's OM No.36035/2/2017-Estt(Res), dated 15.01.2018.
(ii) The facility of scribe, extra-time and relaxation in medical standards
available to PwBD category candidates should not be treated as 'relaxed
4. Accordingly, the following clarifications are issued: -
(i) In line with the spirit of the O.M. No.36035/2/2017- Estt(Res.), dated
15.1.2018, and O.M. No.36012/1/2020- Estt(Res-II), dated 17.5.2022 on
the subject, the concept of own merit for PwBD shall be implemented in
all direct recruitment examinations, including the CSE and promotions,
wherever applicable. In other words, PwBD category candidates selected
without relaxed standard, along with other unreserved candidates, will
not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. The reserved
vacancies will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible candidates
with benchmark disabilities, who are lower in merit than the last
unreserved candidate in general merit list, but otherwise found suitable
for appointment, if necessary, by relaxed standards.
(ii) In accordance with Para 3 of the OM No.29-6/2019-DDIII, dated
10.8.2022, issued by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with
Disabilities, the facility of scribe, along with compensatory time shall not
be treated as relaxed standard. DoPT, in agreement with this provision,
reiterates that the facility of scribe taken by a PwBD candidate, along with
compensatory time, shall not be treated as relaxed standard.
(iii)In terms of Corrigendum No. 34-02/2015/DD-III(Pt.), dated 08.02.2019,
the phrase 'extra time or additional time' is required to be replaced by the
phrase 'compensatory time'.
(iv) The spirit of the term 'own merit' will get defeated if the disability, a
person is suffering from, is treated as relaxed medical standard, as no
PwBD will get the benefit of the term 'own merit' as stipulated in the OMs,
dated 15.1.2018 and 17.5.2022 in such a scenario. Accordingly, it is
clarified that disability of a person, which he is suffering from, shall not
be treated as relaxed standard in medical fitness test for the purpose of
'own merit'.
OM No. 36035/02/20 17-Estt(Res) dated 27.9.2022)