Prevent Blindness Ohio
1500 W Third Ave, Ste 200
Columbus, Ohio 43212
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Most people require some kind of eye care throughout their lifetime,
but how do they pay for it? Insurance can be a confusing topic in any
circumstance but this is especially true when it comes to our eye health.
Insurance for eye health care can come from various sources. It may be
employer-sponsored medical or vision insurance, individually purchased
medical or vision insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, state childrens health
insurance programs, or other public or private programs. This general
overview of some key topics related to your vision insurance will help
you navigate an increasingly complex arena and allow you to better care
for your vision and eye health.
There are many distinctions between insurance plans, so check your
plan documents carefully to determine what is covered, how often, and
what your associated out-of-pocket costs may be.
Medical Insurance vs. Vision Insurance
Vision insurance and medical insurance cover different services, but the
distinction can be confusing.
Medical insurance (also commonly called “health insurance”)
offers coverage for most services related to the health of the eye
itself when provided by an eye care professional – an optometrist
or ophthalmologist. For example, exams and tests associated with
diagnosed cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, and other
conditions that require specific counseling, documentation, follow-
up care, regular monitoring and/or referral to a surgeon, would be
covered by your medical insurance. While many plans do not cover
routine exams to determine if there is an eye problem in the general
population, some may include regular dilated eye exams to check
for signs of disease in individuals at high risk. However, there is a
growing trend among medical insurance plans to cover a routine eye
exam, so be sure to check with your insurance carrier about your
plans benefits.
Medical insurance does not cover routine eye care related to
refractive error to determine your eyeglass or contact lens
prescription. It also does not generally cover the costs of eyeglasses
or contact lenses.
Vision insurance is often sold as a supplemental insurance product
to cover the cost of routine eye care. This generally includes a
comprehensive eye exam, any associated refraction fee to determine
your eyeglass prescription, and some allowance for glasses or
contact lenses. A contact lens exam may be covered.
Insuring Your Eye Health in Ohio
Insuring Your Eye Health in Ohio—Continued
Which Insurance Will Cover My Eye Care?
Both vision and medical insurance can be used in your optometrist or
ophthalmologist’s office, but which insurance plan pays for your eye care
generally depends on the reason for your visit. If your diagnosis for the
visit relates to refractive error, such as astigmatism, nearsightedness,
or farsightedness, it will be covered by your vision insurance. If the
diagnosis for the visit relates to glaucoma, cataract, conjunctivitis, or
other conditions that require medical care, it will be paid for by your
medical insurance. “Medical care” in this case can be offered by any
provider licensed to provide that care in Ohio; this usually includes both
optometrists and ophthalmologists.
What If I Don’t Have Health Insurance?
There are many options for health insurance for your family. If you are
unemployed, or if your employer does not offer health insurance, you
may be eligible for subsidies to help you pay for insurance offered
through the health insurance marketplace. Based on your household
income, your child may be eligible for Medicaid. Go to
to learn if you qualify for Medicaid or call 800.324.8680. Individuals up to
138% of the federal poverty level (annual income of about $16,000/year)
may be eligible for Medicaid.
If you dont qualify for Medicaid and need health insurance, visit the
Health Insurance Marketplace at Depending on your
income, you may qualify for subsidies. Insurance offered through
Marketplace is not required to include vision care for individuals aged
21+, however some plans may offer it as part of the plan and/or as a
supplemental plan.
Vision Services for Children: The Affordable Care Act
and Your Child’s Eyes
Recent changes in federal law may impact the kinds of vision and eye
health services your child has access to through health insurance.
Starting January 1, 2014, all individual health insurance plans, small
group insurance plans, or plans sold in the new state-based health
insurance marketplaces (exchanges) will have to include a set of
essential health benefits” (large group plans are currently excluded
from this requirement). Included in this list of essential” services is
coverage for childrens vision.
In Ohio, this means that new insurance plans will cover one
comprehensive eye exam and one pair of glasses each year for
children up to age 21. Co-pays and deductibles may apply. Children,
ages 0-20, living in families with annual income up to 200% of the
federal poverty level (annual income of about $47,000/year for a
Insuring Your Eye Health in Ohio—Continued
family of four) may be eligible for Medicaid. A comprehensive eye exam, eyeglasses and other vision
services are provided annually at no cost to the recipient.
Also starting January 1, 2014, insurance plans must cover certain preventive services without a copay
or coinsurance; this includes vision screening for kids. This screening would likely be offered in your
pediatricians office as part of a well-child visit.
To find out more, visit or call 800.318.2596.
Vision Services for Older Adults – Medicare and Your Eyes
Medicare beneficiaries, especially those at risk for or diagnosed with a variety of diseases, are entitled to a
number of vision-related services. It is especially important for people with diabetes, a family history of
glaucoma, or those who have suffered an eye disease or injury to be aware of and utilize these benefits.
Below are details about medical benefits that may be available to you.
“Welcome to Medicare” Preventive Visit
The “Welcome to Medicare” visit is an excellent way for you to get up-to-date on important screenings and
vaccinations, as well as to talk with your health care provider about how to stay healthy. You can get this
introductory visit only within the first 12 months you have Medicare Part B (medical). This visit is covered one
time. Your doctor will:
Record and evaluate your medical and family history, current health conditions, and prescriptions.
Check your blood pressure, vision, weight, and height to get a baseline for your care. Keep in mind
the vision check is a screening for vision loss risk factors, not an eye exam through dilated pupil.
Make sure you’re up-to-date with preventive screenings and services, such as cancer screenings
and shots.
Order further tests, depending on your general health and medical history.
Following the visit, your doctor will give you a plan or checklist with screenings and preventive services that
you need. Ask about eye exams!
Routine Eye Exams
Medicare does not generally cover the costs of routine eye exams, with some exceptions. Medicare does
help cover the exam if you have diabetes, or are at risk for glaucoma. Keep in mind that Medicare does not
cover refractions for eyeglasses or contacts even as a part of some otherwise covered exams. Check with
your eye care professional for more information. Medicare does not cover eyeglasses or contact lenses,
except immediately following cataract surgery. Medicare does cover an eye exam for medical reasons, such
as in the case of injury or disease. Medicare Advantage plans, which are administered by private companies,
often choose to offer vision coverage and traditional Medicare beneficiaries also have the option to purchase
supplemental coverage (Medigap) in addition to their Medicare coverage that may cover routine eye care or
help to cover the cost of deductibles and other fees.
Glaucoma is called “the sneak thief of sight” because often there are no warning signs, but there is
treatment for glaucoma if detected early. A leading cause of blindness, glaucoma affects close to 2.7
Insuring Your Eye Health in Ohio—Continued
million Americans age 40 and older. Medicare provides annual coverage for glaucoma screenings if you are
considered to be at high risk for glaucoma. High risk is defined as:
Individuals with a family history of glaucoma – family defined as a blood parent or sibling;
Individuals with diabetes - either diet-controlled, oral-agent controlled, or insulin-dependent;
African Americans age 50; and
Hispanic individuals age 65 or older.
The covered exam for glaucoma includes a visual acuity screening; a dilated eye examination; intraocular
pressure measurement; and direct ophthalmoscopy.
Medicare will cover 80 percent of the doctors exam fee. You or your secondary insurance must pick up the
deductible and the remaining 20 percent balance. A minimum of 366 days is required between glaucoma
screening visits.
Find out more about glaucoma:
If you have diabetes, you are at risk for developing diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Diabetic
eye disease can affect anyone with diabetes. Often there are no symptoms, so it is important to see your
eye care professional regularly for a comprehensive eye exam.
Medicare beneficiaries with diabetes qualify for the annual glaucoma screening benefit. This benefit includes
a comprehensive eye exam. Because people with diabetes need to have an eye exam at least once a year,
Medicare beneficiaries should be sure to make full use of the yearly glaucoma screening benefit (discussed
above) to receive an eye exam that can check for both glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
Find out more about diabetes and your eyes:
Cataract Surgery
Cataract affects millions of Americans and is a leading cause of blindness worldwide. In the U.S., cataract
surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in those 65 and older.
Medicare beneficiaries have two choices for cataract surgery in addition to the cataract removal: receiving
basic lens replacement (IOL), paid in full by Medicare up to $2,000, or applying the credit to new
replacement lenses that can correct both near and farsightedness (multifocal IOLs). Patients are then
responsible for paying the difference.
Medicare also covers corrective eyeglasses or contacts following cataract surgery with an implanted
intraocular lens. Medicare pays 80 percent of the Medicare-approved amount for one pair of eyeglasses or
contact lenses after each cataract surgery. The beneficiary pays any additional charges for upgraded frames
and the Part B deductible.
Find out more about cataract:
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
AMD diminishes central vision that currently affects the vision of more than 2 million Americans age 50 and
older and is a leading cause of blindness. AMD is a progressive disease that, if left untreated, can result in
severe vision loss and even blindness.
Insuring Your Eye Health in Ohio—Continued
Medicare Part B covers treatment for beneficiaries with age-related
macular degeneration, including Avastin, Eylea, Lucentis, pegaptanib,
and ocular photodynamic therapy with verteporfin (Visudyne). The
beneficiary pays 20 percent of the Medicare-approved amount for
the drug and the doctors services or a co-payment if the treatment
is offered in a hospital outpatient setting.
Find out more about AMD:
Prescription Drug Benefits
All Medicare beneficiaries, no matter how they get their health care
today or whether they have existing drug coverage, are eligible for drug
coverage under a Medicare prescription drug plan (also known as a
Part D plan). This includes eye medications.
There are penalties for people who miss the below enrollment deadlines:
October 15 – annual open enrollment period begins
December 7 – annual open enrollment period ends
January 10 – new choices take effect
Medicare prescription drug plans will vary depending on where you live,
and each plan is different. Contact the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (800.633.4227 or to better understand
your choices.
Financial assistance is available for those who meet certain income
and resource limits. Contact the Social Security Administration
(800.772.1213 or to learn more.
Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage plans are Medicare plans administered by
private insurance companies. They are available to all Medicare
eligible individuals and must cover all the services covered by
traditional Medicare. However, these plans have the option to
structure themselves in unique ways and most offer additional
services, such as coverage for vision or dental care. Many of
these plans cover routine eye exams and offer a glasses or
contact lens benefit.
Help with Medicare
The Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP)
funded by Medicare provides objective information about Medicare
related issues. One-on-one counseling and assistance is available to
people with Medicare and their families.Contact them at 800.686.1578
512,000 Ohio adults on Medicaid before
Medicaid Expansion began on 1.1.14
275,000 additional adults eligible on 1.1.14
Total adults expected to be covered by
Medicaid in 2014 = 787,000
1.15 million children on Medicaid prior
to 1.1.14
1.15 million children expected to be covered
by Medicaid in 2014
Total adults and children expected to be
covered by Medicaid in 2014=1.9 million
502,902 uninsured adults btw 139–400%
FPL may qualify for subsidies if they
purchase health insurance on the Exchange
(assuming they did not turn down affordable
and adequate coverage offered by their
1.622 million in Ohio
Uninsured up to 200% of poverty ($47,100 for
a family of 4)
Uninsured between 200–400% of federal
poverty level may qualify for a subsidy.
Some children qualifying for SSDI with
permanent/severe disabilities may be
eligible for Medicare
Uninsured up to 138% of poverty ($15,856
for single individual) who are not 65 and
older, pregnant, eligible for Medicare
Part A, enrolled in Medicare Part B, SSI
beneficiaries, or unauthorized immigrants
Uninsured between 139%–400% of federal
poverty level may qualify for a subsidy.
Age 65+, citizen, eligible for SS, or under
age 65 with certain permanent/severe
(AGES 0–20)
Vision screening as part of periodic well-
child primary care exams
Comprehensive vision examination–annual
Frame and lenses–annual
Vision screening as part of periodic well-
child primary care exams, no co-pay or
deductible applied
Comprehensive vision examination–annual,
co-pays and deductibles apply
Frame and lenses–annual, co-pays and
deductibles apply
Vision screening as part of periodic well-
child primary care exams
Comprehensive vision examination–annual
Frame and lenses–annual
(AGES 21–59)
Vision screening as part of well-patient exam
with primary care provider
Comprehensive vision examination–every
2 years
Frames and lenses–every 2 years
No requirements for vision care coverage 80% of eye exam if glaucoma risk
80% of eye exam if diabetic or at risk
$2000 toward cataract surgery
80% of cost of glasses after cataract surgery
80% of drugs for AMD treatment
Part D medication coverage
No glasses covered
(AGE 60+)
Vision screening as part of well-patient exam
with primary care provider
Comprehensive vision examination–annual
Frame and lenses–annual
No requirements for vision care coverage 80% of eye exam if glaucoma risk
80% of eye exam if diabetic or at risk
$2000 toward cataract surgery
80% of cost of glasses after cataract surgery
80% of drugs for AMD treatment
Part D medication coverage
No glasses covered
(AGE 65+)
Same as 60+ if dual-eligible with Medicare Not applicable
Welcome to Medicare Vision Screening
80% of eye exam if glaucoma risk
80% of eye exam if diabetic or at risk
$2000 toward cataract surgery
80% of cost of glasses after cataract surgery
80% of drugs for AMD treatment
Part D medication coverage
No glasses covered