United States
Environmental Protection
EPA 560-K-16-004
August 2016
Ofce of Brownelds and Land Revitalization
Ofce of Land and Emergency Management
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
User Guide Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
Before Beginning the Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide ................................................... 3
Overview.................................................................................................................................. 4
Organization and Management ................................................................................................ 6
Marketing Strategy ................................................................................................................... 7
Operating Strategy .................................................................................................................. 12
Financial Strategy .................................................................................................................... 19
List of Provided Worksheets ................................................................................................... 22
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide i
User Guide Introduction
In 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) released the
Urban Farm Business Plan
Handbook (Handbook) to provide guidance for
developing a business plan for the startup and
operation of an urban farm. While the Handbook
acknowledged aquaponics as a method of producing
food in an urban environment, the Handbook generally
focused on food and non-food related cultivated
agriculture. Since development of the Handbook,
communities have expressed a growing interest in
urban aquaponic farms as a sustainable method to
provide a source of healthy, fresh, and cost effective
protein and vegetables to the local community, while
providing job and educational opportunities for
citizens. Increased interest in urban aquaponic farms
can be attributed, in part, to the ability to utilize
brownfields and other underutilized properties and
buildings in or near large population centers for
aquaponics operations. This positioning is crucial to
overcoming food insecurity and in providing new work
opportunities for underserved populations, particularly
among urban food insecure areas.
Because of the differences in production systems
between cultivated agriculture and aquaponics, the
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
(User Guide)
has been developed to provide guidance for
developing an operating strategy specific to an
aquaponic farm. This User Guide is modeled after the
original Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook and
provides an outline and guidance for the development of a business plan for an aquaponic farm. Some
sections of the original Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook were modified to address aquaponic
differences, while other sections keep the original text of the Handbook.
This User Guide emerged from a dynamic project partnership between EPA Region 3, Delaware State
University, Kent Economic Partnership, Kent Community Gardens Collaborative and Delaware Division of
Public Health.
This User Guide has been prepared for informational purposes only. EPA and the contractor team that prepared this report relied on outside
sources for information and data. Although all best efforts were used to confirm the information and data used to complete this report, no
representation or warranties are made as to the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein or that the actual
results will conform to any projections or recommendations contained herein. All areas are approximate. Any reliance upon this material shall
be without any liability or obligation on the part of EPA or its contractors, Vita Nuova LLC and SRA International, a CSRA company.
As with a cultivated agriculture urban farm, an
urban aquaponic farm can be established as
non-profit, community or neighborhood-based
urban farm or for profit urban farm business. In
either case it is important for those establishing
an urban aquaponic farm to develop a plan for
the start-up and operation of the farm
regardless of whether it is intended to be for-
profit or non-profit.
A business plan serves as an internal
planning tool that maps out the strategies
for the startup and operation of a business,
tracks progress of the business against its
goals, and provides information to external
stakeholders important to the successful
startup and operation of the business (e.g.,
investors and funding sources).
Figure 1: Aquaponic operations in the District of Columbia
Photo Source: East Capitol Urban Farm
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide 1
How Should the User Guide and Worksheets Be Used?
The Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide (this document) provides guidance for developing a business
plan for the startup and operation of an urban aquaponic farm. The information provided is applicable
regardless of whether the farm is to be operated as a non-profit or for-profit business. The following
outline the five sections of the User Guide and which ones are updated for aquaponics:
Overviewprovides statements of the vision, mission and goals for the farm. The worksheets
were updated for aquaponic farm planning.
Organization and Managementdescribes the ownership structure of the business and how
the business will be organized and managed. Worksheets and text are original to the Urban
Farm Business Plan Handbook.
Marketing Strategyidentifies the products to be produced, provides an analysis of the market
for the products and the potential competition for the products, and describes the approach for
packaging, distributing, and promoting the product. Worksheets and text are original to the
Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook.
Operating Strategydescribes the approach for product management, farm size and capacity,
physical and human resources, regulatory requirements. The worksheets were updated to
recognize the differences in production systems between cultivated agriculture and aquaponics.
Financial StrategyProvides estimates of income and expense, anticipated profit and loss, fixed
asset requirements, potential sources of funds, and potential risks to the success of the
business. Worksheets and text are original to the Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook.
This User Guide describes what information should be collected, evaluated, and presented in each
section of the business plan. The User Guide is designed to be used side-by-side with the accompanying
Aquaponic Business Plan Worksheets. As the User Guide describes each section of the business plan,
there are references to worksheets that should be filled out in order to fully develop that section of the
business plan. A list of all of the provided worksheets is listed at the end of the User Guide. The
Farm Business Plan Handbook and Worksheets Appendix B helps users understand how to fill in the
worksheets and demonstrates hypothetical information to serve as a useful example of the level of
detail and background research required to develop a business plan. The Aquaponics Business Plan
Worksheets provide a framework in which to compile and organize the information needed to draft a
business plan. There are two files that comprise the Worksheets:
1. Aquaponic Business Plan Worksheet.doc (Microsoft (MS) Word®). This file contains blank
worksheets that when completed will provide the information needed to write a business
plan. Worksheets 1-16, 18-22, and 28-29 are contained in this file. A list of all worksheets is
provided in that file.
2. Aquaponic Business Plan Worksheet.xls (Microsoft (MS) Excel®). This file contains
spreadsheets with formulas to help calculate expenditures and revenue. Worksheets 17 and
23-27 are contained in this file.
The information presented in the following sections of this User Guide is intended to be representative
of the information needed for the development of a business plan; however, the specific goals and plans
for any individual farm may require more or less information be provided for their particular plan.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide 2
Before Beginning the Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Before beginning the development of your business plan, think about the primary reasons for starting an
urban farm. Documenting your reasons for starting the farm will help you focus the business plan and
identify the issues, the resources and the expertise that will be needed to develop the business plan.
Finally, think about the values that you bring to the business and the values that are important to the
success of the business.
Consider the following questions:
Do you have crop growing or farm experience that will assist in your farm operations or will you
need to secure that expertise elsewhere?
Do you intend to produce food, animal husbandry, aquaculture, aquaponics, or non-food
products or some combination of products?
Do you have a property or are you in the process of selecting a location?
Are you developing the farm as a community-based, non-profit business that will involve
community members in the operation?
Are you developing the farm as a for-profit business and income source?
Are you developing the farm as a family-run business and source of income?
Is there a particular expertise or product that you want to commercialize?
Are you creating the farm to provide produce for another business, such as an institution or
Who will be part of your planning team?
Do you have the expertise to develop marketing, operating, human resource, and financial
strategies necessary for the business plan or to help in the start up of the business?
Are you going to need expertise to address environmental and cleanup issues that may be
associated with an urban property you intend to farm?
Do you need to hire expertise to develop the strategies, conduct surveys, or plan the
Do you need financial resources to obtain this expertise?
Is there an economic motivation for this farm?
Are you hoping to generate a profit, break-even, or will the farm require a source of charitable
Is the farm to be community-focused?
To what extent are environmental issues related to the operation of the farm a consideration,
such as organic fertilizers and resource use?
Use Worksheet # 1 (Before You Begin) to document your reasons, expertise and resource needs.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
The overview introduces the reader to the business
plan, provides your vision and mission for the farm, and
summarizes your goals for the farm. The overview is
divided into four sections:
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
The introduction describes the purpose of the business plan and the key issues addressed by the plan. It
provides the reader with an understanding of what information is contained in the business plan and a
general description of the plan development process.
Consider the following questions:
Is the business plan an internal organizing tool, a tool for communicating outside the proposed
business, or a combination of both?
Is there information that is missing or unable to be identified at this stage of the planning
Who are the members of your business planning team?
Who was involved in the planning process?
What is the planned size of the company and is future growth anticipated?
What is the time frame considered in the business plan (at minimum the plan should consider a
5-year time frame)?
Is it to be a for-profit or non-profit business?
Are there potential risks for the start up of this business?
Use Worksheet # 2 (Introduction) to document the information to include in the introduction.
Figure 2: Example Urban Farm
Data source: Image via Flickr, courtesy of David Barrie
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Vision Statement
The vision statement is an inspirational statement that describes your vision for the future of the farm
and how your values will be incorporated into the farm. It focuses on the future and provides a direction
for the farm and the community in which it operates. It provides clear decision-making criteria.
Consider the following questions:
What economic, environmental, or community values are important to the success of the farm?
In a general sense, what products or services do you expect to provide?
How will the community benefit from these products or services?
How will operating practices enhance the environment?
Use Worksheet # 3 (Vision) to document the information to include in the vision statement.
Mission Statement
The mission statement is a simple statement that communicates the fundamental purpose and
expectations for the farm to its customers and others outside of the business. It is a set of guiding
principles that describes the overall goals of the business and serves as a benchmark. It incorporates
meaningful and measurable criteria addressing concepts such as values of the business, public image,
the target market, products or services, the geographic extent of the business, and expectations of
growth and profitability. It provides an understanding of what the business aspires to be and what the
business will be known for in the future.
Use Worksheet # 4 (Mission) to document the information to include in the mission statement.
The goals describe what is to be achieved by the business in the future. Goals can be expressed in terms
of time, such as short-term and long-term goals. For a start-up business, short-term goals may be
focused on the startup of the business and achieving a certain level of production income. Long-term
goals can reflect plans for growth. Goals address potential products, what the farm will look like, who
will be involved in operations, and your expectations from the business. The goals reflect what you
would like to achieve and when you would like to achieve them. They do not identify how this will be
accomplished. Clearly identified goals can motivate, help to mitigate conflict, and direct limited
Use Worksheet # 5 (Goals) to document the information to include in the goal discussion.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Organization and Management
*The Organization and Management is pulled directly from the Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook and
Worksheets and was not specifically updated to target aquaponic farm development. However, all
information and worksheets will be valuable to those seeking to develop an aquaponic farm.
Describe the ownership structure of the business and how the business will be organized and managed.
If you decide to create a corporation, a non-profit, a limited liability company, or a partnership, you will
need to register your business with the state. Check with your state’s requirements for organizing a
business and registering your business name. In addition, you will need to register your business with
the IRS and state and local revenue agencies and receive a tax identification number or permit.
Consider the following questions:
What will be the legal structure of your organization (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership,
limited liability company, corporation, non-profit, cooperative)?
How will the business management be organized?
Will there be a single farm manager to oversee all business operations or multiple managers to
oversee various business segments (e.g., marketing, operations, finance, human resources)?
Where a multiple manager structure is anticipated, a simple organization chart may be useful to
explain the organization.
Who will be the principal or key managers who will run the business?
What unique skills do they bring to the business and what will be their duties and
Will there be an overseeing board or board of directors?
What will be the composition of such a board and what, if any, role will members of the board
take in the business?
How will the principals, key managers, or board members be compensated?
Are there any administrative expenses associated with the management or oversight of this
Use Worksheet # 6 (Organization and Management) to document information about the organization
and management of your business.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Marketing Strategy
*The Marketing Strategy is pulled directly from the Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook and Worksheets
and was not specifically updated to target aquaponic farm development. However, all information and
worksheets will be valuable to those seeking to develop an aquaponic farm.
Defining a strategy for marketing and sales is the most
important part of your business plan. If a market does
not exist or if a workable approach for getting your
product to the market has not been identified, you
will not meet your goals or expectations. The
development of your marketing strategy will require
an understanding of the market, including the
demand for your product, the potential customers,
and the potential competitors. In developing a
marketing strategy, you need to convince yourself, as
well as the reader of the business plan, that there is a
viable market for your product. The marketing
strategy is divided into seven sections:
The introduction to the marketing section summarizes for the reader:
the potential customers for the farm (Market),
the products that will be produced and sold (Products),
where and how the products will be made available to the customers (Distribution),
the competitors (Competition), and
how the customers will be made aware of the farm and its products (Promotion).
It should also describe the approach that was taken in developing the marketing strategy.
The market section provides an analysis of the market to identify your potential customers or target
market. To identify your potential customers, you will first need to have a general understanding of the
environment in which your business will operate. Describe the economic factors, such as inflation,
unemployment, interest rates, and income that affect a potential customer’s purchasing power and
spending patterns. Income, for example, will affect a consumer’s ability to purchase and the price you
will be able to charge for your product. Discuss the demographic factors that describe your potential
Figure 3: Example Urban Farm Marketing
Data source: Image via Flickr, courtesy of David Boyle
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
customers. Demographics provide information on the size, location, age, income, and other statistics
about potential consumers. Discuss the social and cultural factors that will influence or impact your
business. Social and cultural factors refer to the basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors of
your potential customers. They could include preferences on the types of crops to be grown, the ease of
purchase of the product, perceptions of organic versus chemical-based production, and impact on the
immediate neighborhood. Finally, discuss any voids in the market that your farm will fill.
Consider the following questions:
What are the significant regulatory requirements that need to be addressed or that will impact
your business?
Who are your potential customers (e.g., households, commercial businesses)?
Where are your customers located (i.e., within easy transportation or long distances)?
How likely are they to buy your product (is the project unique or of superior quality)?
Is there a particular crop that you will grow that is not easily accessible to the consumer?
Is fresh, organically grown produce easily accessible to the consumer?
Use Worksheet # 7 (Market Analysis) to document information to include in the market section.
Considering the market analysis, describe the customers that your farm will target and how your
offerings will meet their needs. Where appropriate, divide the larger target market into submarkets
(market segments), such as direct marketing to individual households or business-to-business
marketing. Identify the market segments to be targeted. Describe the size and geographic location of
each market segment. For example, distance from the business, number of households, commercial
establishments or institutional establishments, and likely purchase volume. Discuss the specific
characteristics or demographics that define the target customers in each segment, such as age, gender,
and income. Discuss the attributes of the market segment related to personality, values, attitudes,
interests, or lifestyles. Describe the specific needs and preferences of the market segment that the farm
will target.
Consider the following questions:
Are there trends and/or market conditions that were considered for each market segment?
Is there a specific product that will appeal to the market segment?
What motivates buying decisions in each market segment?
What evidence is there that potential customers in each market segment want the product?
Use Worksheet # 8 (Market Segments) to document information about the customers and market
segments. Complete a worksheet for each market segment.
Using information developed in the market analysis about the customer values, needs, and preferences,
describe the products to be offered and how they will compete in the target market. This could be a list
of specific products (collard greens) or a list of general classes of products (greens). Product offerings
should also include the seasonal availability of the products. Describe the specific characteristics of the
product that meet the needs of the target market. For example, the market segment desires fresh,
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
organically grown produce from local suppliers or the specific product is not available in the current
market. Discuss why the products offered to each market segment are unique. Attributes such as locally
grown, organically produced, and price serve to differentiate a product and make it unique. Finally,
describe why the business is different from its competitors. Attributes such as being a local employer,
accessibility to customers, and partnerships with local businesses help to describe the uniqueness of
your business.
Consider the following questions:
What products will be offered?
What is the product availability (seasonal offerings)?
Why would a customer prefer your product to a competitor’s?
What differentiates your product in the target market?
How does your product differ from that of your competitor’s?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the product?
Use Worksheet # 9 (Product) to document information about your product. Complete a worksheet for
each market segment.
Getting your product to the market will be a critical component of your marketing strategy. Perishable
products will need to be delivered or sold to customers within a short period of time after harvest or
stored. The quality of crops and customer perception will depend on the quality and freshness of your
product. Describe how your product will get to each market segment. Discuss the handling of the
product from harvest to sale to the customers in each market segment including any options for storage
of the product prior to sale.
Consider the following questions:
Are products to be packaged for distribution (salad mixes), secondary products (salsa or
preserves), or distributed in bulk crates or bushels?
Are products going to be stored for later distribution?
Will product be distributed direct from the harvest to the customer?
How will your product be sold?
Will the distribution be through direct marketing, such as community supported agriculture,
farmers’ markets, home delivery services, Internet sales, pick-your-own, or will the products be
marketed through an intermediary distributor (e.g., retailers, wholesalers, brokers, or
How will product quality be maintained during storage and distribution?
Why was a particular method of distribution selected for a market segment?
Are there seasonal issues that will affect the supply of product to a market segment or the
distribution of the product to a market segment?
What will you do with product that is not sold or delivered?
Use Worksheet # 10 (Distribution) to document information about your approach to storage and
distribution. Complete a worksheet for each market segment.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Using information developed in the market analysis about the average product consumption,
geographic location, and customer attributes, needs, and preferences, develop simple sales projections
for each market segment. Since various crops may be seasonal, describe when and how long product
will be available for each market segment. For example, products may be available for a market segment
all year or only on a seasonal basis.
To develop you sales projections, consider the prevailing prices for
the products to be sold and your strategy for pricing these products.
Describe the pricing strategy for each market segment and how your
strategy compares with the competition. Finally, discuss why the
selected pricing strategy will be effective in the market segment.
Consider the following questions:
What are the prevailing market prices for similar products?
What is the sensitivity of demand to price?
Will customers be willing to pay higher prices for your
How will the product be priced for each market segment?
Will pricing be based on what your competitors are charging,
on the cost of producing the crop plus a percentage for
profit, on a price determined by a market study, or some
other form of pricing strategy?
Is there evidence that the target market segment will accept
the price?
Use Worksheet # 11 (Pricing) to document information about your approach to pricing. Complete a
worksheet for each market segment.
Sales Volume
Estimate the potential volume of sales for each market segment. This discussion will require an estimate
for each market segment of the number of potential customers in your planned market area and the
number (or percentage) of these potential customers that will be needed to sustain the anticipated
volume of product. The potential sales volume will be the product of the potential number of customers
times the potential volume for each customer. Describe any assumptions that were made about the
market segment and volume estimates. Identify any research that was conducted or used to develop
information about each market segment.
Use Worksheet # 12 (Sales Volume) to document information about potential sales volumes. Complete
a worksheet for each market segment.
Figure 4: marketing for Aquaponic Farm
in the District of Columbia
Photo Source: East Capitol Urban Farm
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Describe the competition for each market segment and how the business will be positioned to compete
in each market segment. Summarize the products they provide, the characteristics of their products,
and pricing for their products. Discuss the advantages your business will have over your competitors in
each market segment. Discuss the disadvantages your business will have to the competitors in each
market segment. Discuss how your business will distinguish itself from competitors. Finally, discuss
whether competitors are expected to respond to your entry into the market and how quickly and
effectively the competitors may be able to respond.
Consider the following questions:
Who are the competitors for each product segment?
Is your product of a higher quality, better meeting the needs of the consumer, more accessible?
Are your competitors established in the market?
Do they offer a greater variety of products?
Will your pricing be competitive with your competitors?
Will product distribution be an issue?
Why will customers switch to or select this business over a competitor?
Will your business provide higher quality product, greater variety, better service, lower prices?
Use Worksheet # 13 (Competition) to document information about competitors. Complete a worksheet
for each market segment.
Discuss how you will gain access to the market segments and distribution channels. Describe how you
will communicate your message about the product or business. Discuss what you want to communicate
to your customers. Discuss how much you expect to spend on advertising and communication.
Consider the following questions:
How will potential customers find out about your product?
What approaches will be used to promote your farm and its products?
Will you advertise the product, the business or company image, or both?
Will you contact potential customers directly or use display ads in magazines or newspapers,
mailings, flyers, catalogues, Internet, social media, programs promoting locally grown products,
or some combination?
Do you want to communicate your business values, the product you are supplying, product quality,
production practices (organic, local), price, availability, or some combination?
How often will customers be contacted through advertising and communications?
Why do you believe that the selected approach will be effective in reaching the target
Use Worksheet # 14 (Promotion) to document information about your approach to promotion.
Complete a worksheet for each market segment.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Operating Strategy
*The Operating Strategy is updated to address
aquaponic operations and information. This section is
customized for the Aquaponics Business Plan User
Guide and developed in July 2016.
The operating strategy is divided into five sections:
Fish and Plant Crop Management
Size and Capacity
Physical Resource Needs
Human Resource Needs
Regulation and Policy
Aquaponics is a system of farming that combines hydroponics (growing plants without soil using
nutrients in water) with aquaculture (growing and harvesting fish and aquatic plants). A simple
aquaponic system circulates nutrient-rich water from the fish tank through settling basins and filters to
remove solids and convert fish by-products in the water to nutrients for the plants, then into the plant
production system where the nutrients in the water are consumed by the plants before the water is
returned to the fish tank. A successful aquaponics system requires the management of the plants, fish,
and nutrients to provide a balanced and interdependent relationship.
Prior to developing the operating strategy, it is important to have completed the market analysis and
have identified the type and volume of plant crops and fish to be raised.
The Operating Strategy summarizes for the reader the:
approach for cultivating and harvesting the plant crops and fish (Crop Management)
estimated production capacity of the farm (Size and Capacity),
physical resources needed to operate the farm (Physical Resources),
human resources needed to operate the farm (Human Resources), and
regulatory issues and requirements that need to be addressed in order to start-up and operate
the farm (Regulatory and Policy Issues).
It also should describe the approach that was taken in developing the operating strategy.
Figure 5: Aquaponic operations in the District of Columbia
Photo Source: East Capitol Urban Farm
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Fish and Plant Crop Management
Fish and plant crop management involves managing the
relationship between the volume of fish and plant crops
needed to meet the objectives of the marketing
strategy, in terms of the type, amount, and quality of
crops and fish that are needed to meet market
demands. This involves an understanding of both the
approach that will be used to raise the fish and produce
the crops and the schedule for planting and harvesting
the plant crops and stocking and harvesting the fish.
Discuss your approach to plant crop and fish production
including the specific method to be used such as raft
based, media based, hybrid, or other systems of
hydroponic growing systems.
Consider the following questions:
What type of hydroponic system will be used for
the plant crops?
What is the primary product? Since there is an
interdependent relationship between the fish
and the plant crops, will the volume of plant
crops required to meet anticipated market
demand drive the volume of fish needed to
provide appropriate nutrients to the plants or
will the volume of fish needed to meet market
demand drive the volume of plants needed to
remove the by-products from the water to
support the fish population?
Will fish be raised to be marketed as a product of the farm or managed solely to support the
plant crop production?
Do you intend to be certified as an organic producer?
Will plant crops be started from seeds on the farm or seedlings purchased from an out-side
Will fish be breed on the farm or purchased from an outside supplier?
How will water conditions such as pH, temperature, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, oxygen, total
dissolved solids, and hardness, electrical conductivity (EC) be managed?
What production management alternatives are going to be implemented for issues such as pest,
and disease control, water supply, seed and plant selection, waste handling and disposal, and
crop quality control?
How will plantings be made to achieve the required crop harvest to meet the marketing strategy
(e.g., overplanting)?
Will you be planting and harvesting year round?
How will your planting and harvesting schedules change over the first five years of production?
Types of Hydroponic Growing Systems
Raft-based consisting of Styrofoam rafts
floating in a relatively deep aquaculture
basin in troughs.
Media based recirculating aquaponics:
solid media such as gravel or clay beads,
held in a container that is flooded with
water from the aquaculture. This type of
aquaponics is also known as closed-loop
Media based reciprocating aquaponics:
solid media in a container that is
alternately flooded and drained utilizing
different types of siphon drains. This type
of aquaponics is also known as flood-and-
drain aquaponics or ebb-and-flow
Hybrid - Combination of raft-based and
media-based where media-based acts as
filter prior to raft-based
Other systems include towers that are
trickle-fed from the top, nutrient film
technique channels, horizontal PVC pipes
with holes for the pots, plastic barrels cut
in half with gravel or rafts in them. Each
approach has its own benefits.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Issues to consider when developing a crop management plan include:
Seedlings can be started from seed on the farm or purchased from a third party. Seedlings
started on the farm are generally started outside the hydroponic tank then transplanted into the
tank after two or three inches of growth. This process typically needs to be done in a relatively
controlled area.
It is more common to bring fish in from a third party rather than setting up a full scale hatchery
on the farm.
Might want to consider relocating fish ready for sale to a separate fresh water tank with
separate filter to clean the fish prior to sale.
Usage of more than one species of fish is typically not recommended in an aquaponics operation
since it complicates the management of the fish to plant ratio as well as the fish management.
Water supplied from a domestic water supply such as a municipal water system may need to be
treated prior to use in the fish or hydroponic tanks. This would include the initial water supply
and make-up water.
The relationship between plant crops and fish is a critical criterion. This relationship requires an
understanding of the appropriate volume of water per pound of fish, fish feeding ratio per
square foot of growing area, and volume of fish per square foot of growing area. The actual ratio
will be dependent on the growing system used, the type of plants grown and the type of fish
raised. For example, some literature suggests that for a media growing system, a ratio of 1.5 to 2
pounds of fish in 6 gallons of water per 1 square foot of grow bed surface for 12-inch-deep beds.
Nutrient requirements for plants are dependent upon the type of plants grown and governed by
the maturity and density of the fish. For example, cabbage, lettuce, basil, spinach, chives, and
herbs typically require a low to medium level of nutrients, whereas tomatoes, cucumbers and
peppers typically demand a higher nutrient requirement.
Plant crops will typically reach harvestable size sooner than fish, allowing for multiple plantings
in the same year.
The most commonly raised fish by percent include tilapia (69%), ornamental fish (43%), catfish
(25%), other fish (18%), perch (16%), bluegill (15%), trout (10%), and bass (7%) respectively
(Love et al., 2015).
Water temperature control will be an important consideration based on the type of fish raised.
For example, fish such as tilapia, perch, and cod can thrive in changing water conditions while,
bluegill, catfish, and trout typically require limited variation in water temperature.
In determining the size of the fish tank for your aquaculture component, it’s important to
consider the fish to plant ratio and the constraints of your space. The size of the tank is a
function of the type of fish and desired yield. The fish tank may be integrated with the
hydroponics tank or a separate tank. Determination of the size of the tank will include both
depth as well as surface area.
Use Worksheet # 15 (Crop Management) to document information about your approach to production
management. Use Worksheet # 16 (Planting and Harvesting Schedules) to evaluate your approach to
planting and harvesting. Worksheet #17 (Farm Planning) is not included for the aquaponics farm due to
the variability in design related to the fish/crop interdependence. It is recommended that an individual
experienced in the design of aquaponics system be engaged to develop the design criteria for the
equipment based on the initial and five-year market assumptions.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Discuss the estimate for the amount of plant crops and
fish that can be repeatedly produced (e.g., pounds of
produce or fish per month for each market segment and
crop or fish type) given the crop management approach,
operating area size, and available resources. The output
should be estimated for the first five years of operation.
You may also want to estimate a high and low case
output for purposes of evaluating the range of potential
output against the objectives of the marketing strategy.
These output projections should be consistent with your
plans for the growth of the business. Describe your
growth plans.
Use Worksheet # 18 (Yield) to document information
about the farm capacity and size. Worksheet #17 (Farm
Planning) is not included for the aquaponics farm due to
the variability in design related to the fish/crop
interdependence. It is recommended that an individual
experienced in the design of aquaponics system be
engaged to develop the design criteria for the equipment
based on the initial and five-year market assumptions.
Physical Resource Needs
Physical resources include land, buildings, and
equipment necessary to produce and market your plant
crops or fish to meet the objectives of your marketing
strategy. Discuss your physical resource needs and how
they will be acquired. Describe the environmental factors
related to the resources that will be needed to run the
farm, such as water, electricity, and the impacts the farm
may have on the environment (e.g., waste generation
and disposal).
Consider the following questions:
Will all or part of the aquaponics farm be located within a building?
What types of buildings and other structures are required initially and within five years?
How much building area and/or land area is required initially? Within five years?
Will you acquire the building/land or lease?
Are there known or potential environmental issues on the property that will require assessment
or cleanup on the property or require specific actions to address prior to setting up the farm
Has an environmental assessment and/or remedial action been conducted on the property?
Some of the most frequently raised fish and
plants crops among commercial producers
include (Love et al., 2014):
Plant Crops
Salad greens 76%
Non-basil herbs 73%
Head Lettuce
Bok Choi
Cucumbers 45%
tilapia 69%
Ornamental fish
Other aquatic animals
Trout 10%
Bass 7%
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Are there physical conditions that present
challenges to the use of the property (e.g.,
concrete foundations or floor slabs remaining,
environmental restrains (e.g., land use
What resources will be needed for the farm,
such as water, electricity, and waste disposal.
What equipment, such as vehicles, refrigerators, monitoring equipment, lighting, tanks, are
needed initially and within five years?
What tools are needed initially and within five years?
What supplies, such as feed for fish, water additives (e.g., nutrients), seeds, crates, or labels, are
How will resources be acquired?
Issues to consider when identifying physical resource needs include:
When determining spatial needs for the development of an aquaponics operation, consider that
commercial aquaponics operations today typically exist in controlled environments, such as
greenhouses, buildings, or outdoor locations with agreeable climates, using methods and
equipment that pull from both the hydroponics and aquaculture industries (Love et al., 2015).
Determining the square footage needs should consider not only the area needed for the fish and
hydroponics tanks, but should include sufficient space to access and work around the fish and
hydroponic tanks, space for offices, packaging and shipping, growing seedlings, cold storage,
equipment and material storage, as well as for future growth.
Proper cold storage will be important to the success of any aquaponics operation, as cooling
produce is important for crop preservation to reduce spoilage and reduce/prevent wilting (Love
et al., 2015). Consider having sufficient storage available for 24-48 hours.
The need for systems to monitor pump operation, water temperature, air temperature,
humidity, light levels, power, and other parameters critical to the success of the plant and fish.
Consideration should also be given to remote monitoring systems or systems with capabilities to
notify an operator of a system failure.
Light requirements for plants as well as workers.
Heating requirements for air and water temperature.
Communication requirements for telephone, internet, remote monitoring.
Availability and capacity of utilities: Electric, natural gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer,
telephone, internet
The need for backup power (e.g., generator) if there is an extended power outage.
Use Worksheet # 19 (Physical Resources) to document information about your physical resource needs.
An aquaponics system will typically include a
fish tank, a settling basin to remove solids, a
bio-filter to breakdown fish byproducts, a
hydroponics growing system which may
include a tank or other water contact system,
and a recirculating system.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Human Resource Needs
Describe the manpower needed to operate the farm. This should include management as well as farm
labor. Estimates of the number and types of workers needed can be made by identifying the specific
tasks that will be required on a daily basis at the farm, including administrative and management
responsibilities, and estimating the number of hours per month for each task. These tasks can be
grouped by skill or experience and the total number of hours for each group estimated. As an example,
tasks can be grouped into marketing, operating, administrative, and finance.
Consider the following questions:
What are the workforce needs for the first three to five years?
What types of positions will be created for the farm?
How many workers will be required for each position?
What skills or experience will be required for each position?
Will training be required or provided?
Considering the number and types of workers needed, will the workforce consist of volunteers,
part-time workers, full-time workers, third party services, or some combination?
How will workers be compensated?
What are the typical ranges for salaries for each position (e.g., $/hour, $/year)?
Will benefits, such as vacation or medical coverage, be provided?
Issues to consider when identifying human resource needs include:
Findings from an international survey of commercial aquaponics production and profitability
indicate that the average aquaponics facility employs one or two full-time workers and one part-
time worker. The study also noted that the average commercial production site in the US was
0.03 acres in size and 2700 US gallons in volume (Love et al., 2015)
Depending on the scale of the operation, there is typically no need for 24 hours per day
There are tasks that need to be completed every day, such as water checks which require
someone to be present daily at the farm.
During harvest days there may be a need for additional manpower.
Monitoring systems with remote notification capabilities are ideal to reduce labor and provide
notification of systems problems when the aquaponics operation is unattended. These systems
can monitor equipment function and other parameters such a water temperature, pH, dissolved
oxygen, humidity, air temperatures, water flow (pump function), and power.
Use Worksheet # 20 (Manpower Needs) and Worksheet # 21 (Workforce Needs) to document
information about workforce needs.
Love, David C., Fry, Jillian P., Li, Ximin, Hill, Elizabeth S., Genello, Laura, Semmens, Ken, and Thompson, Richard E. Commercial
aquaponics production and profitability: Findings from an international survey. Aquaculture 435 (2015) 6774.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Regulation and Policy
Operating a farm business will require a number of state or local zoning, permitting, licensing, and other
regulatory issues be addressed. These regulatory requirements could have a significant impact on your
production and operating plans, as well as on start-up costs. To minimize the impacts and properly plan
production activities, identify the types of permits, licenses, or regulations and associated fees required
to start up and conduct the business. Describe the political or legal factors that will influence or limit
your activities. Your business must operate within governmental and regulatory requirements, such as
zoning, planning and building requirements, waste management requirements, and sales and other tax
Consider the following questions:
Are there political or legal factors that will influence or limit your activities?
What regulatory requirements exist, such as conditional use permits, waste handling and
disposal requirements or permits, health and safety plans and permits, building permits and
inspection requirements, environmental permits, business licenses, and food handlers’ licenses?
Are there regulatory requirements or industry standards for handling, storing, packaging, and
distributing the products?
What conditions or issues are associated with each regulatory requirement?
Can you meet each regulatory requirement?
What fees are associated with the identified permits, licenses, or regulations?
Use Worksheet # 22 (Regulation and Policy) to document information about your approach to
regulations and policies.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Financial Strategy
*The Financial Strategy is pulled directly from the
Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook and Worksheets
and was not specifically updated to target aquaponic
farm development. However, all information and
worksheets will be valuable to those seeking to
develop an aquaponic farm.
The financial strategy is divided into seven sections:
Profit and Loss
Fixed Assets
Funding Requirements
Risk Management
The introduction to the Financial Strategy summarizes for the reader the:
estimated expenses for start-up and operation of the farm (Expenses),
projected income for the farm (Income),
projected profitability of the farm (Profitability),
anticipated fixed assets (Fixed Assets),
potential source of funding (Funding), and
potential risks to the successful operation of the farm (Risk Management).
It should also describe the approach that was taken in developing the financial strategy.
Develop a five-year projection for the annual expenses for the farm including adjustments for inflation
using information such as the consumer price index (
). The expenses should
include the marketing expenses, operating expenses, and human resource expenses discussed in the
marketing, operating, and human resource strategy sections of this business plan handbook. Expenses
should also include administrative expenses related to the administration and management of the farm
and one-time or initial start-up expenses, such as initial operating expenses, site preparation,
environmental investigations, and remedial actions not treated or included as part of fixed asset costs.
Discuss any assumptions used to develop the estimated expenses.
Use Worksheet # 23 (Expenses) to calculate and document the annual expenses.
Figure 6: Urban Farm Employee
Data source: Image via Flickr, courtesy of Michigan
Municipal League (MML)
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Develop a five-year projection for the annual income for the farm. The income should include receipts
from the sales of produce and other products from the farm, less any loss associated with spoilage or
product which cannot be sold. It should also include income from grants, donations, rent, or other sources
which are anticipated on an annual basis to cover operating expenses. It is helpful to break down projected
sales income by market segment to identify the contribution to income and evaluate the performance of
each market segment. Identify any assumptions that were used to estimate the income.
Consider the following questions:
For sources of income other than sales receipts, what are the sources of funding?
What is the anticipated amount of funding that will be obtained from each source?
What, if any, are the limitations on the use of the funding?
Use Worksheet # 24 (Income) to calculate and document the annual income.
Profit and Loss
Develop a five-year projection for the annual profit or loss for the farm. The annual profit or loss is the
difference between the estimated annual expense and the estimated annual income.
Use Worksheet # 25 (Profit and Loss) to calculate and document the annual profit or loss.
Fixed Assets
Develop a five-year projection for the fixed assets that will require initial purchase or construction costs.
Fixed assets normally include items such as land and buildings, motor vehicles, furniture, office
equipment, computers, fixtures and fittings, and plant and machinery. These are items that are normally
depreciated over time for tax purposes. Discuss any assumptions that were used to estimate the fixed
asset costs.
Use Worksheet # 26 (Fixed Assets) to calculate and document the fixed assets and estimated costs to
purchase and install.
Funding Requirements
Describe the sources and amount of funding (capital) required to purchase and install the fixed assets
needed to start up the farm and achieve the five-year goals of the business plan. Discuss the plans for
obtaining the needed funding for the farm. Donations of equipment, such as vertical gardens or hoop
houses, should be discussed along with the value associated with the donation. Any associated expenses
should be included in the projected expenses for the farm (See Worksheet # 23).
Consider the following questions:
What are the sources or potential sources of the funding?
How much is needed?
Will some or all of the capital requirements be financed?
Are there specific limitations on the funding?
What are the critical assumptions concerning the funding?
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
What is the timing of the funding and how will it impact the achievement of the business plan?
Are there any expenses associated with obtaining financing or funding, such as consulting
expenses, filing fees, insurance?
Is some of the funding going to be achieved through donations of equipment, buildings, or other
fixed assets?
Use Worksheet # 27 (Funding) to calculate and document the sources of funding, the anticipated
amount of funding that will be obtained from each source, and what, if any, are the limitations on the
use of the funding. Use Worksheet # 28 (Funding Information) to document information concerning the
funding needs and sources.
Risk Management
Identify and evaluate potential risks that can impact the financial strategy and the success of the
business plan.
Consider the following questions:
What are the potential risks that may need to be managed, such as production risks related to
failure of a crop or unexpected low yield or environmental risks such as restrictions on land use?
What are the marketing risks related to unexpected competitive actions, such as lower than
expected competitor pricing?
What are the financial risks related to loss of funding sources or low sales volume, or labor
issues related to labor injuries or loss of the farm manager?
How likely are the risks to occur?
What can be done or what is planned to minimize these potential risks if they occur?
What are the potential impacts on the financial strategy if there were changes in the
assumptions for sales or production?
Use Worksheet # 29 (Risk Management) to document information on the potential risks that can
impact the financial strategy.
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
List of Provided Worksheets
Worksheet Purpose
1 Before You Begin Document your reasons, expertise and resource needs
2 Introduction Document the information to include in the Business Plan
3 Vision Document the information to include in the Business Plan vision
4 Mission Document the information to include in the Business Plan
mission statement
5 Goals Document the information to include in the Business Plan goal
6 Organization & Management Document the information about the organization &
management of your business
7 Market Analysis Document the information to include in the market section
8 Market Segments Document the information about customers and market
segments (complete one worksheet for each market segment)
9 Product Document the information about your product (complete one
worksheet for each market segment)
10 Distribution Document the information about your approach to storage and
distribution (complete one worksheet for each market
11 Pricing Document the information about your approach to pricing
(complete one worksheet for each market segment)
12 Sales Volume Document the information about potential sales volumes
13 Competition Document the information about competitors (complete one
worksheet for each market segment)
14 Promotion Document the information about your approach to promotion
(complete one worksheet for each market segment)
15 Fish & Crop Management Document the information about your approach to production
16 Aquaponics Harvesting
Evaluate approach to planting and harvesting
17 Aquaponics Operations
Planning (N/A)
Assist in estimating the operating expense for the farm and size
and capacity of the farm
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide
Worksheet Purpose
18 Yield Document the information about farm capacity and size
19 Physical Resources Document the information about the physical resource needs
20 Manpower Needs Document the information about workforce needs
21 Workforce Needs Document the information about workforce needs
22 Regulation & Policy Document the information about your approach to regulations
and policies
23 Expenses (MS Excel) Calculate and document annual expenses
24 Income (MS Excel) Calculate and document the annual income
25 Profit & Loss (MS Excel) Calculate and document the annual profit or loss
26 Fixed Assets (MS Excel) Calculate and document the fixed assets and estimated costs to
purchase and install
27 Funding (MS Excel) Calculate and document the sources of funding, the anticipated
amount of funding that will be obtained from each source, and
what, if any, are the limitations on the use of the funding
28 Funding Information Document the information concerning the funding needs and
29 Risk Management Document the information about the potential risks that can
impact the financial strategy
Aquaponics Business Plan User Guide