SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2019
One Hundred and Fifty-Sixth
A most cordial welcome is
extended to relatives, friends,
faculty members, alumni,
administrators, and sta who
gather here to celebrate
the 156th Commencement
of Bryant University.
Bryant University Army ROTC Color Guard
Bryant University gratefully acknowledges the late George J. Kelley ’39, ’69H, Honorary Trustee
Emeritus, for his generosity in providing ongoing nancial support for the purchase and display of
graduating class ags.
This year’s ag was designed by seniors John Francis Bradley III, Nicola Silvestro DiFusco,
Nicholas Edward Leitkowski, Elizabeth Reardon Magee, Julia Vladimirovna Pavlichenko, Paige A. Reid,
and Tyler Mark Talbot. These students are all leaders of the Student Alumni Association.
“The Class of 2019 ag represents the experiences and opportunities our classmates have had abroad. Bryant has
allowed our class to expand our world and develop our global perspective through the Sophomore International
Experience, study abroad programs, and limitless opportunities. The quote ‘Education is the key to unlocking the
world, a passport to freedom,’ embodies the ideals that Bryant instills among its students. We hope to see this
trend of becoming worldly scholars continue.”
Chief Marshal, Professor Janet J. Prichard, Ph.D.
Faculty Marshal, Professor Judy Barrett Lito, Ph.D.
Faculty Marshal, Professor Stephanie F. L. Mott, M.Sc.
Graduate Marshal, Professor Kathryn Ostermeier, Ph.D.
Graduate Marshal, Professor Kristin T. Kennedy, Ph.D.
Graduate Marshal, Professor Kenneth J. Sousa, Ph.D.
Platform Marshal, Professor Abhijit Chaudhury, Ph.D.
Platform Marshal, Professor Angelyn Phillips, Ph.D.
Professor Michael J. Gravier, Ph.D.
Keerthana Balakrishnan ’20, Soloist
The audience is requested to remain standing through the Invocation.
Rabbi Steven Jablow
Bryant University Jewish Chaplain and Hillel Director
Ronald K. Machtley
President of Bryant University
William J. Conaty ’67
Chair of the Board of Trustees, Bryant University
Ronald K. Machtley
Keith Murray, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing
Laura K. Ipsen Patricia O’Brien P’15
Chief Judge William E. Smith Margaret M. Van Bree DrPH
Nicole Alexander-Scott, M.D. Edwin J. Santos ’81, P’18
Glenn M. Sulmasy, JD, LL.M
Provost and Chief Academic Ocer
Laura K. Ipsen
Ronald K. Machtley Captain Daniel Girouard ’08
A commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army is presented to each graduate who
has met the high physical, mental, and moral standards of the Reserve Ocers’ Training Corps and is
prepared to accept the challenge of leadership while serving our nation.
Zachary Scott Ellis
Tyler Michael Gargano
Aaron Davide Gattinoni
John Bishoy Ibrahim
James Aurand Kitt
Shawn P. McElligott
Thaddeus Fitzgerald McKeon
Ryan Warneke
Joseph Antinore Rinaldi
Ronald K. Machtley
Glenn M. Sulmasy
John Saddlemire, Ed.D.
Vice President for Student Aairs/Dean of Students
Candidates are introduced by faculty members from their respective departments.
Jay Weinberg ’85
President, National Alumni Council
Bryant University Alumni Association
Pastor Kevin White
Bryant University Protestant Chaplain
William J. Conaty
We ask that you kindly remain in place until the platform members and faculty have left the
Commencement area.
Please join your fellow graduates, families, faculty members, and sta for refreshments
following the ceremony in the Heidi and Walter Stepan Grand Hall of the George E. Bello
Center for Information and Technology.
To welcome new alumni from other cultures, international graduates are invited to exchange their native
ags with President Machtley.
This award is presented to a graduating senior who has achieved excellence in creative expression,
as demonstrated in the written, performance, lm, ne, or applied arts.
Nicola Silvestro DiFusco
These awards are presented to two graduating seniors in accounting who have demonstrated a high level
of achievement, are in the top 10 percent of their class, are residents of an urban area, and will enter a
career in public accounting.
Alyssa Tovah Jacobs • Kyle Anthony Presti
This award is presented to the female senior student-athlete with the highest overall grade point
Cayla Marie D’Amico • Colby Elizabeth Norris
This award is presented to the male senior student-athlete with the highest overall grade point average.
Shane Douglas Vyskocil
This award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated the qualities of sincerity and
vigorous industry in the interest of good citizenship and who has, by example, furthered
better government both on and o campus.
Harrison Edward Garrett
This award is presented to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement and exceptional
competency in all of the contemporary communication arts.
Amy Doryanna Solov
This award is presented to the graduating senior with the highest cumulative academic average toward
a degree in business administration or economics.
Alyssa Ann Barringer
This award is presented to an outstanding graduating senior in environmental science who has excelled
in the classroom and laboratory, exhibited leadership in initiatives for improving sustainability at the
University, and shown potential for valuable contributions to the environmental eld.
Emma Katherin Ahlrichs
This award is presented to a graduating senior in biology who has exhibited excellence in the classroom
and research laboratory, shown care and concern about world health problems, and demonstrated a
potential for outstanding contributions in the eld of biological science.
Colby Elizabeth Norris
This award is presented to a graduating senior with a major in data science who has excelled academi-
cally, enriched his or her data science education through meaningful work experience, and demonstrated
an unselsh attitude toward others through active involvement in organizations, clubs, or events.
Cayla Marie D’Amico
This award is presented to a graduating senior with the highest grade point average in the major.
Soala Ekine
This award is presented annually to a graduating senior with a concentration in information systems
who has excelled academically, enriched his or her information systems education through meaningful
work experience, and demonstrated an unselsh attitude toward others through active involvement in
organizations, clubs, or events.
Hongsuk Ryu
This award is given to a student graduating with a concentration in marketing who has demonstrated
outstanding scholarship and leadership in marketing, and made signicant contributions to the Bryant
community and the marketing program.
Garrett Douglas Downs
This award is presented to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement in the study of
Caroline Rose Forest
This award is presented to the graduating senior or seniors who has/have completed at least 102 credits
at Bryant and is/are recognized and honored for having the highest cumulative grade point average at
the end of the fall semester.
Shane Douglas Vyskocil
This award is presented to a graduating senior whose recognized leadership qualities have signicantly
enhanced the reputation of the University.
Savanah Marie Miles
These awards are presented to graduating seniors for their outstanding achievement in the study of
global studies, legal studies, political science, and sociology.
Global Studies: Krystal A. Feliciano Vazquez Political Science: Shane Douglas Vyskocil
Legal Studies: Vanessa Marie MacMillan Sociology: Brian P. Salit
This award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding performance in
academics, service to the nance department, and enthusiasm and leadership in extracurricular
activities related to nance.
Bailey Nicole Medeiros
This award is presented to a graduating senior who has demonstrated outstanding performance in
academics, service to the nance department, and enthusiasm and leadership in extracurricular
activities related to nancial services.
Savanah Marie Miles
This award is presented to the graduating senior who has shown the most consistent academic
improvement resulting in Dean’s List recognition.
Edward Joseph Dillon III
This award is presented to two graduating seniors who have demonstrated superior achievement in the
study of actuarial mathematics.
Ryan M. Fryer • Jacob Elias Mingola
This award is presented to a graduating senior who has achieved scholastic excellence in accounting. It
was inaugurated by the family of Leander Francis Emin, Bryant alumnus of the Class of 1907, to honor
his memory and his birthplace and home – the 1708 House and the entire Emin homestead, farm, and
airport – which became the campus of his alma mater.
Aaron Shane Culhane
This award is presented to a graduating senior for outstanding achievement in, and a strong
commitment to, the study of literature and cultural studies.
Danielle Elizabeth Veith
This award is presented to a graduate with exceptional competency in the study of a language other
than English.
Rachel Grace Lagasse
This award recognizes three graduating seniors with a concentration in Human Resources Management
(HRM). These individuals have demonstrated academic excellence in HRM, active engagement with
human resources practitioners, and a passion for a career in the profession.
Johanna Lynn Craig • Rachel Marie Giuliani • Yuliandra Esther Henriquez
This sash is worn by the graduating senior or seniors who has/have achieved President’s list distinction
(4.0 grade point average) every semester while at Bryant.
Shane Douglas Vyskocil
This award is presented to a graduating senior who has excelled in military science studies and other
courses, and who has shown superior leadership potential in the military science program and in
extracurricular activities.
John Bishoy Ibrahim
This award is presented to a graduating senior who, in the opinion of the accounting faculty,
has demonstrated excellence in accounting studies and intends to pursue a career in public
Alyssa Ann Barringer
This award is presented to a graduating senior who is distinguished within the University community
for his or her character, orderly mind, sound judgment, and systematic business habits.
William Charles Tondo
This award is presented to two bachelor’s degree candidates who have demonstrated superior
achievement in the study of applied mathematics and statistics and have successfully completed
coursework involving the application of SAS statistical software in their data analysis.
Matthew Joseph-Daniel Bonas • Shannon Rose Downey
This award is presented to six deserving graduating seniors in recognition of their outstanding service
to the student body of Bryant University. The recipients are selected by the Student Senate Service
Awards Committee.
Nicholas Joseph Anketell • Isabel Fernandes Barbosa • Dennis Michael Cosmo
Cassidy Rae Riendeau • Joseph Antinore Rinaldi • Amy Doryanna Solov
The Student Charge will be delivered to the Class of 2019 by
Joseph Antinore Rinaldi
Emma Katherin
Alyssa Ann
Aaron Shane
Nicola Silvestro
Cayla Marie
Dillon III
Rose Downey
Johanna Lynn
Soala Ekine
Krystal A.
Caroline Rose
Ryan M.
Edward Garrett
Rachel Marie
Garrett Douglas
John Bishoy
Alyssa Tovah
Rachel Grace
Vanessa Marie
Bailey Nicole
Marie Miles
Jacob Elias
Colby Elizabeth
Kyle Anthony
Cassidy Rae
Hongsuk Ryu Brian P. Salit Amy
Elizabeth Veith
Shane Douglas
Charles Tondo
Laura K. Ipsen
The Commencement keynote speaker will be Laura K. Ipsen, President and
Chief Executive Ocer of Ellucian Company, L.P., a developer of software,
cloud applications, and analytics for higher education institutions. Founded
in 1968, Ellucian is considered a market leader in higher education
technology, collaborating with more than 2,500 institutions in nearly 50
countries to enhance and enrich the experience of more than 20 million
Ms. Ipsen joined the company in 2017, building on more than 25 years of
success as a technology leader in Silicon Valley, where she worked to drive
transformation in the public and private sectors and spurred adoption of
comprehensive solutions in high-growth industries. Joining Ellucian, she
has said, was something of a homecoming for her as her parents devoted their entire careers to higher
education. Her experiences at the crux of reinvention in the cloud have given her unique insights into
what matters most in providing the next generation of innovation for college faculty, students, and
From 2014 until 2017, Ms. Ipsen was Senior Vice President of Oracle’s Global Industry Solutions Group
and was promoted to General Manager and Senior Vice President of Oracle Corporation’s Marketing
Cloud business.
She served as Corporate Vice President of Microsoft’s worldwide public sector organization from 2012
to 2014. In that capacity, she led a team of more than 2,000 sales, marketing, and technology solutions
employees covering government, defense, education, and non-privatized healthcare customers in more
than 100 countries.
Prior to her time at Microsoft, Ms. Ipsen spent nearly 17 years at Cisco Systems, where she established
the company’s global policy and government aairs division and helped to build Cisco’s Connected
Energy Business Unit. She also held leadership roles at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Acer America, and
Hitachi Data Systems.
Ms. Ipsen is a member of Ellucian’s board of directors. She previously served as a member of the board
of directors of Monsanto from 2010 until 2018, when it was acquired by Bayer. Among many accolades
for her work in information and communications technology, sustainability, and gender diversity, she is
most proud of having received a Women Making History Award from U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.
A Senior Fellow of the American Leadership Forum, Silicon Valley Chapter, Ms. Ipsen holds a bachelor’s
degree from the University of Virginia and studied Arabic at Yarmouk University in Jordan.
Chief Judge William E. Smith
Known for innovative ideas about the work of judging and for his focus on
fundamental fairness, William E. Smith became the youngest person ever
to serve as Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of
Rhode Island in 2013. He was appointed to the federal court by President
George W. Bush in 2002.
As Chief Judge, he created a highly successful Litigation Academy to teach
young lawyers practical skills for trying cases in federal court; the HOPE
Court, a re-entry program oering an alternative post-conviction supervision
model focusing on education, treatment, and job skills training and overseen
by a team made up of a judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, and probation
ocer; and a Deferred Sentencing Program featuring intensive judicial
supervision and a creative blend of treatment, supervision, and services to help young oenders stay
out of prison and become productive members of society.
In 2014, Judge Smith received the Citizen of the Year Award from the Rhode Island Association for
Justice. In June 2019, he will receive the Chief Justice Joseph R. Weisberger Judicial Excellence Award for
“exemplifying and encouraging the highest level of competence, integrity, judicial temperament, ethical
conduct, and professionalism.”
Beginning his legal career at Edwards & Angell, LLP, he was elected Partner in 1994. In 2000, he
became Sta Director of the Rhode Island Oce of U.S. Senator Lincoln D. Chafee. He returned to
Edwards & Angell in 2001 before taking the bench in 2002. Prior to that appointment, he concentrated
his practice in labor and employment law, representing clients in the private and public sectors, and
in higher education law.
He has published hundreds of opinions and handled many cases of substantial public interest. He sat
by designation on the First Circuit Court of Appeals and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for many
years. Active in judicial administration at both the local and national levels, Judge Smith was appointed
by the Chief Justice of the United States to the United States Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial
Resources (2018-present), the Committee on Information Technology (2008-14), and the Committee on
Financial Disclosure (2005-08). He was appointed by the Chief Justice to the Federal Judicial Center’s
District Judges Education Committee in 2013, and became Chair of the Committee in 2017.
Judge Smith is Chair of the Board of Directors of Roger Williams University Law School, is a member of
the Roger Williams University Board of Trustees, and is an adjunct faculty member of the Law School.
He serves on the boards of Family Service of Rhode Island, the YMCA of Greater Providence, the Frank
Church Institute of Boise State University, and the Rhode Island Burn Foundation. He spent many years
on the board and as board chair of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank and is an emeritus member.
Judge Smith earned a Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., where he was a
George F. Baker Scholar. He was awarded a Juris Doctor, cum laude, from Georgetown Law Center, where
he was a sta member of the American Criminal Law Review.
Nicole Alexander-Scott, M.D.
Admired as a true inspiration to those working in public health, Nicole
Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, brings tremendous experience as a specialist
in infectious diseases and in public health practice and policy to her role
as Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH). She is the
rst African-American to serve as Rhode Island’s top health ocial.
Since her appointment as director in 2016, Dr. Alexander-Scott made
RIDOH's principal focus to give every state resident equal opportunity to be
as healthy as possible. To accomplish this, she has established three major
priorities: addressing the socioeconomic and environmental determinants of
health; eliminating disparities of health and promoting health equity; and
ensuring access to quality health services for all Rhode Islanders, including
vulnerable populations.
In 2018, Dr. Alexander-Scott was elected by her peers to serve as President of the Association of State
and Territorial Health Ocials (ASTHO), the national organization for state health directors. She has
also been recognized by numerous local and national organizations, including Grow Smart Rhode
Island, the Rhode Island Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and The Kresge Foundation.
Her distinguished record includes extensive experience as a specialist in infectious diseases for children
and adults, and as an Associate Professor of pediatrics, medicine, and public health—with a focus on
health services, policy, and practice—at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. She
is board certied in pediatrics, internal medicine, pediatric infectious diseases, and adult infectious
Dr. Alexander-Scott earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies at
Cornell University. She graduated from the State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical
University at Syracuse and completed a combined internal medicine-pediatrics residency at SUNY
Stony Brook University Hospital. She completed a four-year combined fellowship in adult and pediatric
infectious diseases at the Warren Alpert School of Brown University and earned a Master’s Degree in
Public Health from Brown in 2011.
BA Bachelor of Arts
BS Bachelor of Science
BSBA Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration
BSIB Bachelor of Science in
International Business
(listed in ALL CAPS)
AAC Applied Analytics
ACG Accounting
AECO Applied Economics
AMC Applied Mathematics
AMS Applied Mathematics & Statistics
APSY Applied Psychology
ASC Applied Statistics
BAIS Information Systems
CHNC Chinese
COM Communication
ECOC Economics
ENT Entrepreneurship
FIN Finance
FORC Forensic Science
FRNC French
GSC Global Supply Chain Management
HRMC Human Resource Management
IBAC Accounting
IBCS Computer Information Systems
IBGS Global Supply Chain Management
IBIS Information Systems
ICHC Chinese
IFRC French
ISPC Spanish
LCC Literary and Cultural Studies
MBIO Biology: General
MBPH Biology: Pre Health
MCSC Media and Cultural Studies
MECI Economics: Intl Political Economy Track
MECP Economics: Public Policy Track
MENH Environmental Science: Env. Health
and Toxiology Track
MGT Management
MKT Marketing
MLCS Literary & Cultural Studies
MSPN Spanish Major
PLSC Political Science
PLW Politics and Law Major
PSYC Psychology
SOEC Social Entrepreneurship
SOSL Sociology: Service Learning Track
SORS Sociology: Social Research Track
SPNC Spanish
SPTC Sport Studies
TPM Team & Project Management
WGSC Women, Gender & Sexuality
(listed in lower case)
(afbs) africana/black studies
(apst) applied statistics
(bilm) biology
(biot) biotechnology
(bmds) business administration
(busm) business administration
(chn) Chinese
(cism) computer information systems
(comm) communication
(ecom) economics
(entm) entrepreneurship
(envs) environmental science
(nm) nance
(fren) French
(fstm) lm studies
(glbm) global studies
(gscm) global supply chain management
(hism) history
(hrmm) human resource management
(ichm) Chinese
(ifrm) French
(iitm) Italian
(inb) international business
(infm) international aairs
(ism) information systems
(ispm) Spanish
(itam) Italian
(lcsm) literary and cultural studies
(lgls) legal studies
(math) mathematics
(mcsm) media and cultural studies
(mgmm) management
(mgtm) management
(mkam) marketing analytics
(mktm) marketing
(pcwm) professional and creative writing
(pols) political science
(psy) psychology
(salm) sales
(soc) sociology
(span) Spanish
(sslm) sociology and service learning
(wgsm) women, gender and sexuality
Students at Bryant University who have distinguished themselves through academic performance wear
gold honor cords with their academic robes.
Special recognition is accorded those who show distinction in academic achievement. Honors may be
awarded on the basis of cumulative averages, as follows: Cum Laude (with honors – GPA of 3.45), Magna
Cum Laude (with high honors – GPA of 3.65), and Summa Cum Laude (with highest honors – GPA of
3.85). Students must have completed sixty (60) semester hours of coursework at Bryant University to
be eligible for honors.
The Bryant University Honors Program provides highly qualied and motivated students with special
opportunities to challenge themselves while developing their intellectual abilities and talents through
an interdisciplinary curriculum. In order to be considered Honors Program graduates, students must
successfully complete a rigorous curriculum of eight honors-level courses, including an Honors Senior
Capstone Project. In addition, each student needs to earn a minimum overall GPA of 3.4 and a minimum
Honors GPA of 3.2 in his or her coursework.
Δ Alpha Kappa Delta – The International Sociology Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, students must have at least junior-year standing, an overall GPA and a
sociology GPA of at least 3.0, be in the top 35 percent of their class, and have completed a minimum of
four courses in sociology.
ß Beta Gamma Sigma – International Honor Society
This is the highest national recognition a student can receive in an undergraduate program in
a business or management program accredited by AACSB International – The Association to Advance
Collegiate Schools of Business. Members must have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and rank in the
upper 10 percent of the second-semester junior class, upper 10 percent of the senior class, or top 20
percent of the graduating master’s class.
Alexandra Aubron
Emilio Jose Avalos
Ekta Chugh
Peter C. Corbett
Johanna Lynn Craig
Victoria Eastman
Soala Ekine
Kate Elizabeth Fallon
Ryan M. Fryer
Mary Catherine Gallagher
Gregory Scott Goodinson
Kafui Elizabeth Gozey
Kelly Therese Jacobsen
Jasnoor Kaur
Rachel Grace Lagasse
Brianna Marlene LaGuardia
Emilie Lynn Laliberte
Amber Nicole Marin
Samantha Josephine Mazza
Savanah Marie Miles
Kieu Anh Ngo Nguyen
Colby Elizabeth Norris
Kerri Jane O’Connell
Marlee Rae O’Keefe
Linh Thuy Phan
Sarina Nicole Resnick
Taylor Nicole Rizzo
Blake Harrison Schneider
Amy Doryanna Solov
Danielle Genevieve Sturgeon
Brianna Nicole Sutherland
Ashley Marie Tivnan
δ Delta Alpha Pi – International Honor Society for students with disabilities
To be eligible for membership students must have completed a minimum of 24 credits with an earned
cumulative GPA of 3.1 or higher, demonstrated an interest in disability issues, and worked with faculty
and/or sta in Access Services, Health Services, or Counseling Services.
ε Kappa Mu Epsilon – Mathematics Specialized Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, students must have completed at least three college semesters and rank
in the upper 35 percent of their class. In addition, they must have completed at least three courses in
mathematics, including at least one semester of calculus, and attained an average of “B” or better in all
mathematics courses.
Λ Lambda Pi Eta – Communication Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, a student must have completed at least 12 hours of communication
courses, have a GPA of at least 3.25, and be in the upper 35 percent of the graduating class.
Τ Mu Kappa Tau – National Marketing Honor Society
In order to qualify for membership, a student must be a junior or a senior marketing major or business
concentrator with a marketing minor, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher.
µ Mu Sigma Rho – National Statistics Honorary Society
To be eligible for induction, a student must be a junior or senior, have completed eight semester hours of
statistics courses (of which at least ve semester hours must be at the junior level or higher), have a 3.25
GPA in all statistics courses, and be in the top third of the class in all coursework.
O Omicron Delta Epsilon – National Economics Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, a student must have chosen economics for his or her major eld of con-
centration, have attained a cumulative average of 3.0 or higher in a minimum of four economics courses,
and have received the recommendation of the economics department.
K Omicron Delta Kappa – National Leadership Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, a student must be a junior or senior recognized for excellence in
academics (top 35 percent of the class), athletics, community service, mass media, or the performing
arts. All members are nominated by current members of the society.
Φ Phi Alpha Theta – The National History Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, a student must earn a minimum GPA of 3.1 in at least 12 semester hours
in history and an overall GPA of 3.0, and must also be in the top 35 percent of his or her class.
π Pi Sigma Alpha – The National Political Science Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, students must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours of politi-
cal science courses with a minimum GPA of 3.3, as well as an overall minimum GPA of 3.3.
The 2019 Bryant University Commencement honors certied graduates and degree candidates who
are scheduled to complete coursework by August 2, 2019. Honors are tentatively calculated as of the
completion of the 2018 fall semester.
Δ Alpha Kappa Delta graduates wear teal, double-twined cords with their academic robes.
ß Beta Gamma Sigma graduates wear blue and gold cords with their academic robes.
δ Delta Alpha Pi graduates wear blue and gold cords with their academic robes.
hp Honors Program graduates wear gold sashes with their academic robes.
ε Kappa Mu Epsilon graduates wear rose pink and silver cords with their academic robes.
Λ Lambda Pi Eta graduates wear red and white cords with their academic robes.
Τ Mu Kappa Tau graduates wear navy blue cords with their academic robes.
µ Mu Sigma Rho graduates wear royal blue double honor cords with their academic robes.
O Omicron Delta Epsilon graduates wear green and white cords with their academic robes.
K Omicron Delta Kappa graduates wear blue and white cords with their academic robes.
Φ Phi Alpha Theta The graduates wear red satin sashes with a light blue insignia with their
academic robes
π Pi Sigma Alpha graduates wear a medallion with their academic robes.
Ι Phi Sigma Iota graduates wear purple and white cords with their academic robes.
Ψ Psi Chi graduates wear blue and gold honor cords with their academic robes.
Σ Sigma Tau Delta graduates wear cardinal red and black cords with their academic robes.
* ROTC Program Commissioned Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army
Ι Phi Sigma Iota – International Foreign Language Honor Society
To be eligible for membership, a student must be pursuing a major, minor, or concentration in one of
the languages oered at Bryant (Chinese, French, Italian or Spanish), have completed at least one course
at the 300 level (305 or above) and 45 semester hours, have a minimum grade point average of 3.0
overall and a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in his or her language courses, and rank in the top 35
percent of his or her class.
Ψ Psi Chi – The International Honor Society in Psychology
To be eligible for membership, students must have an overall GPA that is in the top 35 percent of their
class, an overall grade point average of at least 3.0, and a cumulative average that is at least 3.0 in their
psychology courses. Membership is limited to Applied Psychology majors who are at least juniors and
have taken a minimum of nine hours of psychology.
Σ Sigma Tau Delta – International English Honor Society
To be eligible for membership in the Alpha Tau Rho Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, a student must
have completed a minimum of two college courses in English language or literature beyond the usual
requirements in freshman English. The candidate must have a minimum of a “B” or equivalent average
in English and in general scholarship, must rank at least in the top 35 percent of her/his class, and must
have completed at least three semesters or ve quarters of college coursework.
Bachelor of Arts
Naomi Teisha Ashley, BS, MBIO,
Gina Marie Baldassare, LCC,
Dana Rose Blasi, (mktm), (comm)
Ann Elizabeth Burdick, SOEC,
(busm), Cum Laude Ψ
Jenna Patricia Cali, SORS,
Derek Anthony Carvalho, (hrmm),
Vienna Corello-Soares, (wgsm),
(mgmm), (comm), Cum Laude
Prerna Dayal, (hrmm), (comm)
Caroline Rose Forest, (busm),
Magna Cum Laude Ψ
Jessica Crystal Gradillas, (comm),
Jordan Arcangela Kenney,
(busm), (bilm)
Kayla Tatiana Navarro, BSIB,
IBAC, (ispm) Ι Ψ
Colby Elizabeth Norris, BS,
MBPH, (mgmm),
Summa Cum Laude hp Ψ
Jillian M. Rice, (hrmm), (comm),
Cum Laude Ψ
Juliann Joni Schrow, (hrmm),
Cum Laude Ψ
Shristi Sureka, (mktm)
Haley Nicole Wood, (comm),
(mktm), Magna Cum Laude
Caitlyn Marie Bashara, SPNC,
(gscm), Cum Laude Λ Ι
Holly Michelle Blackstead,
(mkam), (psy),
Magna Cum Laude Λ
Tynan Peter Collins, (mktm)
Isabella Maria Corcoran, (mktm)
Nicola Silvestro DiFusco,
(mktm), (lcsm) Σ
Connor K. Evans, LCC, (busm),
Cum Laude Λ Σ
Lu ke Fi nn er an , ( mk tm )
Alexandra Marie Fusari, (mktm),
Magna Cum Laude Λ
Courtney Rose Gale, (busm),
Kaleigh Rae Goulart, (hrmm)
Matthew Kyle Heldberg Jr.,
Conor Kempton Joyce, PLW,
(busm), Magna Cum Laude π
Angelique Theresa Landry,
(mgmm), Magna Cum Laude
Patrick Stephen Long, (busm),
Hannah Hanh Clark Madore,
(mktm), (pcwm) Λ
Kierra Loren Palmer, (mgmm)
Sarah Joan Palmer, PSYC,
(hrmm), Summa Cum Laude
Tyler Joseph Panno, (busm)
Jasmine Nicole Perkins, (mktm)
Hannah Rose Ratclie, (mgmm),
Dante Stephan Ricciardi, (busm)
Micayla Marie Rothberg, (mktm),
(psy), Cum Laude Λ
Meghan Elizabeth Roy, (busm),
(entm) Λ
Logan James Scanlon, (hrmm)
Amy Doryanna Solov, (pcwm),
(mktm), Magna Cum Laude
hp Λ
Malik J. Streater, (psy), (mgmm)
Steven Michael Theetge, (psy),
Alexandra Monet Torcia, FRNC,
(mktm) Λ
Devyn Leigh Vinson, (mktm),
Victoria Louise Whitham,
(mktm), (psy)
Industrial Economics and
Market Regulations
Morgan Haden Edwards, (busm),
Magna Cum Laude
Zachary W. Lincoln, (busm)
Amber Nicole Marin, APSY,
(nm), Magna Cum Laude hp
Brian Edward Murray, (busm)
Political Economy
Asha Atkinson, (mgmm),
(comm), Cum Laude
John Joseph Esher, (mktm), (psy)
Public Policy
James Shea Baxter, (busm),
Magna Cum Laude O
Quinton Carl Law, (lgls), (mktm)
* Important Note: Students receiving a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics will be presented with their diplomas at this
time. (See listing under Bachelor of Science degree.)
Global Cultural Interaction
Sydnee Clarice Martinez, (busm)
Global Economics
Krystal A. Feliciano Vazquez,
(mktm), (fren)
Eliza Eva Hodge, BSBA, MKT,
PLSC, Magna Cum Laude ß Σ
Colleen Grace O'Connor, (mktm),
Grace Ann Rizzuto, BSBA, MKT,
(psy), (pcwm),
Magna Cum Laude Σ
Danielle Elizabeth Veith, (busm),
(lgls), Summa Cum Laude Σ
Elana Raven Williams-Leonard,
(psy), (afbs), (busm) Σ
Rachel Grace Lagasse, BSBA, FIN,
AMC, Summa Cum Laude hp
Nicole Megan White, BSBA, ACG
Fatima Aida Bamba Ouattara,
Jesse Alexander Calder, (busm)
Jacob R. Costa, (busm),
Cum Laude π
Christopher Robert Groneng,
Stephanie Marie Jennings,
(comm), (mktm), (lcsm)
Allison Marea MacIsaac, (hrmm),
(comm), Magna Cum Laude π
Vanessa Marie MacMillan,
(busm), Cum Laude π
Matthew Joseph Maher, (busm)
Amanda Marie Montano, (busm),
Lucas Peter Oltmanns, (busm)
Rebecca Cole Rahaim, (wgsm),
David John Schmidt, (mgmm)
Alexandra Rae Valle, LCC, (ism)
Shane Douglas Vyskocil, MECP,
(nm), Summa Cum Laude
O π
Bachelor of Science
Cassidy Paige Anthony, ASC, (nm),
Magna Cum Laude ε µ
Tyler Garrand Burk, ASC, (ism) ε
Danica Rose Butler, ASC, (busm),
Cum Laude ε µ
Francesca DeSantis, ASC, (nm) ε µ
Anthony Salvatore Distefano, ASC,
(busm), Magna Cum Laude ε µ
Marissa Jane Falcetti, ASC, (nm),
Summa Cum Laude ε µ
Ryan M. Fryer, ASC, (nm), Summa
Cum Laude hp ε µ
Elijah Marek Gonillo, ASC, (nm),
Summa Cum Laude ε µ
Ryan S. Goyette, ASC, (nm),
Summa Cum Laude ε
Josephine M. Heng, ASC, (busm),
(chn), Magna Cum Laude ε µ I
Dylan James Holm, (busm), (hism),
Cum Laude
Michael James Jarosz, (busm)
Sean Michael Joly, ASC, (nm),
Summa Cum Laude ε µ
Anthony Joseph Kulowski, ASC,
(nm), Magna Cum Laude ε µ
Michael James Lawrence, (nm)
Nicholas James Lecours, ASC,
(busm), Cum Laude ε µ
Jessica Morgan Lee, ASC, (nm),
Magna Cum Laude ε µ
Ahmad Mahmood, AAC, (ism),
Cum Laude
Jacob Elias Mingola, ASC, ECOC,
(nm), Summa Cum Laude ε µ
Alexander Patrick Morin, (nm),
Magna Cum Laude
Thobani Lehlogonolo Nxumalo,
ASC, (ecom), (nm),
Cum Laude
Seijal Parajuli , (nm)
Adam S. Piche, AAC, (nm),
Magna Cum Laude ε
Benjamin J. Piche, AAC, (nm),
(ecom), Summa Cum Laude ε
A n t h o n y M . P l a s s e , ( n m )
Erika L. Rutherford, ASC, (nm),
Cum Laude µ
Tyler Mark Talbot, ASC, (busm),
Cum Laude ε µ
Jake Tyler Wiener, ASC, (nm),
Magna Cum Laude ε µ
Michael Gerard Wing, AAC, ASC,
(nm), Magna Cum Laude
Justin R. Wood, ASC, (nm),
Summa Cum Laude ε
John Richard Wrenn, ASC, (nm)
ε µ
Nathan Patrick Wrighter, (nm),
Tianyao Yu, ASC, (ism),
Magna Cum Laude ε µ
Rodrigue Beleho Balemaken,
ASC, (busm), (comm),
Magna Cum Laude O
Andrew Charles Berghahn,
(mgmm), (psy),
Magna Cum Laude O
C a s e y D o y l e , A A C , ( n m )
Soala Ekine, PLSC, (busm),
Summa Cum Laude hp O
Harrison Edward Garrett, (nm),
(pols), Summa Cum Laude O
Jordan William Laube, (comm),
Michelle Lee Quinn, (nm),
(busm), Magna Cum Laude
Taylor Nicole Rizzo, (busm),
(math), Magna Cum Laude hp
Lisa Radley Russo, (nm),
(comm), Summa Cum Laude
Amanda Claire Bernier, (soc),
(busm), (lcsm),
Summa Cum Laude Δ ε µ Σ
R a v e n B l a n c h e t t e , ( b u s m )
Matthew Joseph-Daniel Bonas,
(busm), Summa Cum Laude
ε µ
Tavish Patrick Boyle, (nm),
(ecom), Magna Cum Laude
Benjamin Anthony Contrino,
(nm), Cum Laude
Christopher Charles Defreitas,
(ism), Summa Cum Laude ε µ
Stephen Timothy Deyo, AAC,
(mktm), Cum Laude
Shannon Rose Downey, (ism),
Summa Cum Laude ε
Matthew David Jesser, (ism)
Shawn P. McElligott, (ism),
Cum Laude *
Devon Marcus Murray, SPTC,
Josephine Kate Shaggy, (cism),
Cum Laude ε µ
Yuchen Tian, (busm), (psy)
E m m a M a r i e W a s h o , ( n m )
Kayla Wesoly, (busm)
Weston E. Young, AAC, (mktm),
Magna Cum Laude ε µ
General Biology
Naomi Teisha Ashley, BA, APSY,
Anthony Philip DiMatteo, (envs),
(hrmm), Cum Laude
Bryanna Nicole Haskel, (hrmm),
Rachel Marie Iudiciani, (mgmm),
(psy), Cum Laude
Carlos Manuel Mustelier López,
Kodinakachukwu C. Ojukwu,
Antonio E. Reisopoulos, (hrmm)
Carissa Kae Stemen, (mgmm)
Jacqueline Taylor Adams, (hrmm)
Kristina Anne Chambers, (mgmm)
Ekta Chugh, BSBA, ACG,
Cum Laude hp
Noelle Legrande Daley, PSYC,
(mgmm), Cum Laude Ψ
Alyssa Renee Gall, FORC, (busm)
Mary Catherine Gallagher,
(mgmm), Magna Cum Laude hp
John Bishoy Ibrahim, BSBA, TPM,
Magna Cum Laude ß K *
Artur Piotr Jakubowski, (mgmm),
(span), Summa Cum Laude
John Nathaniel Nollet, (hrmm),
(psy), Cum Laude
Colby Elizabeth Norris, BA, APSY,
(mgmm), Summa Cum Laude hp
Emily Paige Perryman, (busm),
(psy), Magna Cum Laude
Autumn Nicole Prete, (hrmm),
(psy), Magna Cum Laude
Lauren V. Rochefort, PSYC, (busm)
Brianna Nicole Sutherland,
(hrmm), (biot), (psy),
Summa Cum Laude hp K
Tiany Wallace, (psy), (mgmm)
Environmental Management
and Sustainability
Emma Katherin Ahlrichs, PSYC,
(mgmm), Magna Cum Laude
* Important Note: Students receiving a Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics will be presented with their diplomas at the
same time as students receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Economics (See listing under Bachelor of Arts degree.)
Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration
Yaw Koranteng Aboagye-Atta,
Anuj Rajesh Ahuja, CHNC,
Cum Laude
Megan Clare Alakel, (comm)
Isabel Soa Angleró Corretjer,
(comm), (entm), Cum Laude
Gabrielle Celeste Arellano, (psy)
Stephen D. Asch, (pols),
Magna Cum Laude ß
Aatman Nachiket Bajaria, ECOC,
Cum Laude
Alexa L. Baker, AAC
Rachel L. Balcom, (lgls),
Summa Cum Laude
Alyssa Ann Barringer, (span),
Summa Cum Laude Ι
Nicole Lavone Bates, (comm)
T h o m a s V i n c e n t B e e c h e r , A A C
Kevin Edward Beimfohr, (ecom)
Joseph Michael Bourque, AAC,
Cum Laude
Stephanie Christina Broderick,
Michael Timothy Bryant, (ecom)
Fiona Carol Jean Buckley, AAC
Monica Joanne Cable, (comm)
Luke Kenneth Calabrese, (psy),
Magna Cum Laude ß
Susan X. Calderon Suarez, (psy)
Annie Michelle Campbell,
E ri c J a m e s C a r e y , ( f s t m )
Yun Chen, (ecom), Cum Laude
Ekta Chugh, BS, MBPH,
Cum Laude hp
Nicholas Bousquet Collotta, (lgls)
Jaclyn Elizabeth Conley, SPNC
Lucileida Denise Costa, (span)
David Marcel Cournoyer, (psy)
Kenneth Richard Croke, (comm)
Aaron Shane Culhane, AAC,
Summa Cum Laude ß
Mariola A. Czerwonka, (comm),
Summa Cum Laude
Wenzhi Deng, (ecom)
Eric Michael Diaz, (pols)
Adrienne Marie DiMauro, (comm)
Adriana R. DiNobile, (psy)
C a m e r o n T h o m a s D o n n e l l y , A A C
Danielle Victoria Dunn, (pols) π
Alison Loring Duplisea, (comm)
Manuela Duque, (itam), (soc),
Summa Cum Laude Ι
Caitlin Marie Dye, ( ps y)
Brianna Elizabeth Elias, (glbm)
Richard Robert Femia III, (comm)
Bridget G. Feng, (chn),
Cum Laude Ι
Jiemin Feng, (ecom), Cum Laude
Yuhao Feng, PSYC
Emily Lyn Fisette, (psy),
Magna Cum Laude
Jenn i fer A. Forte, AAC
Christopher J. Freitas, AAC,
Cum Laude
Sarah Elisabeth Gallace, (psy)
Sebastian Luis Garcia, (ecom)
Brittany A. Gaulin, (psy),
Magna Cum Laude
Kelly Elizabeth Glatt, (psy),
Magna Cum Laude
Jonathan E. Gomes, (comm)
Z a c h a r y G r a h a m , ( c o m m )
Sabrina Norma Heber, (comm)
T h o m a s G e r a l d H e l l e r , A A C
Gisele Lisa Iafrate, (psy)
Michael Anthony Ilacqua, (lgls)
Kyle Francis Ivanov, (span),
Cum Laude
Alyssa Tovah Jacobs, (math),
Summa Cum Laude
Matthew Ryan Jaques, (comm)
C a m e r o n P a t r i c k J e s s o n , A A C
J a m e s F r a n c i s J u l i o , A A C
Mohamed Foday Kebbay, (soc)
Briain Alan Keenan, (pols)
Christopher J. Kenney, (pols),
Summa Cum Laude ß
Rachael Flora Klei, AAC,
Cum Laude
Rebecca Ann Klei, AAC,
Cum Laude
Connor Reginald LaBrosse,
(nm), (pols),
Magna Cum Laude
Nicholas Edward Leitkowski,
(psy), Summa Cum Laude
Yuchen Li, (ecom)
Weili Lin, (ecom)
Jacky J. Liu, (psy)
Zhe Liu, (ecom)
Ruobing Lu, (ecom)
Rachel Emily Luce, (psy),
M a t h e w R . M a c D o n a l d , A A C
Elizabeth Reardon Magee, AAC,
Magna Cum Laude K
E l e n a L e i g h M a g g i a c o m o , P S Y C
Lindsay A. Mahoney, (soc)
Katie Elizabeth Malo, (fren),
Magna Cum Laude Ι
Vishal Vijay Manwani, (ecom),
Magna Cum Laude
Samantha Josephine Mazza,
(comm), Magna Cum Laude hp
J e n n i f e r L e i g h M c N a l l , A A C
Alex Goncalves Melo, (comm)
Cameron James Moniz, AAC,
Summa Cum Laude
R i c h a r d B e a r n M y d l a n d , M E C I
Mitchell Todd Neddermann,
Collin Francis Nenger,
(comm), Cum Laude
Victoria Ruth Newbill, (chn),
Magna Cum Laude
Katie Elizabeth Nugent, (span),
Cum Laude
Alexander Scott Nyman, AAC,
Jennifer Anne Oldaker, AAC,
Cum Laude
R y a n J e r e y O N e i l , ( c o m m )
Amanda M. Ouellette, (comm),
Magna Cum Laude K
Zhiqi Ouyang, (ecom)
A n d r e a P a c h e c o S o t o , E C O C
Nicholas K. Paparazzo, (comm)
Victoria Lynn Pasquariello, (psy)
Keeley Marie Pedro, (psy),
Magna Cum Laude ß
Nicholas Joseph Perates, AAC,
Magna Cum Laude ß
Andrew Nguyen Pham, AAC,
Cum Laude
James Dylan Picchi, (psy)
John Joseph Pinson, (lgls)
Spencer D. Polsgrove, (math)
Mark Danesbury Raper Porter,
B o n n i e L e e P o w e r s , ( p s y )
Kyle Anthony Presti, (lgls),
Magna Cum Laude
Michael Issac Pulgar-Cabrera,
Alexandra Marie Ralph, (psy),
Cum Laude
Richard A. Ramirez, (psy)
Paige A. Reid, (mktm), (psy),
Cum Laude
E v a n M a r k R i e s b e c k , A A C
Caitlin Joan Riley, PSYC,
Cum Laude
Joseph Antinore Rinaldi, FIN,
(pols), Cum Laude π δ
D a v i d G r e g o r y R o b i n s o n , A A C
N a t h a n S o l o m o n R o s e m o n d , A A C
Madison Mary Ru, AAC,
Cum Laude
Chelsey Sarion Sabilla, (comm)
Cameron SanClemente, (comm),
Cum Laude
Emily Rose Sheehan, (lgls)
Joseph Siuta, (envs), Cum Laude
Eric M. Soter, AAC,
Magna Cum Laude ß
Kyle Patrick Spaulding, AAC, FIN
Jennifer Nicole Stempel, PLW,
Magna Cum Laude π
Maria Catherine Stolarczyk,
(comm), Cum Laude ß
Jakub Sudol, AAC
Yinglu Sun, (ecom)
Jacob Scott Theroux, (psy),
Magna Cum Laude ß
Matthew Roy Twerago, (comm)
Julianna H. Vadnais, (comm),
Cum Laude
Brendan S. Walker, (psy),
Summa Cum Laude
Frederick Lovis Wallack Jr., (psy)
Ying Wang, ECOC,
Magna Cum Laude
N i c o l e M e g a n W h i t e , B A , M S P N
Jillian N. Wieczorek, (comm),
Cum Laude
Benjamin Thomas Williams,
Cindy Y. Wu, PSYC
Xinyi Xie, (ecom)
Junning Xu, AAC
Suiyi Xu, AAC
Yuelan Zhai, (ecom)
Mingrui Zhang, (lgls)
Yiyu Zhang, (psy)
Shuwen Zheng, (ecom),
Cum Laude
Xiaotong Zheng, (ecom)
Ilker Numan Akdemir, (pols)
Emir Biter, (comm)
Braulio Castillo Jr., MKT, (comm)
Dennis Michael Cosmo,
(comm) K
Andrew Todd Foreman-Kaye,
Aaron Davide Gattinoni, (glbm) *
Alison Nicole Guilmette, MKT,
(span), Cum Laude Ι
A m a a n J a i k i s h a n , ( c o m m )
Vincent Joseph Mordini, (lgls)
Omar Sayed Said Naga, (glbm)
Marlee Rae O’Keefe, (nm),
(lcsm), Cum Laude hp
Leighlin C. Peters, (span)
Jake Paul Ratti, (psy)
Mateo Riveros, (psy)
Aaron Joseph Swiergosz, (comm)
Kevin William White, (ecom)
Ceili McInnis Ahern, (ecom)
Charles Paul Ameen, (ecom)
Brooke K. Amendola, (ecom)
Nicholas Robert Angelini, (span)
Ryan R. Aravind, (comm),
(mktm), Cum Laude
Joseph Paul Areano, (comm),
Magna Cum Laude ß
Emilio Jose Avalos, ECOC,
Summa Cum Laude hp
Phillip Paul Barnett, (math)
Ric ard o Be cer ra, (bi lm)
Aimee Louise Bielot, (glbm)
Alec William Binette, (ecom)
Derek Michael Blanchette, (span)
Jirath N. Boonsoong, (ecom),
Cum Laude
Markus Thomas Börjestedt,
(soc), (mktm)
Matthew Michael Bowker,
(ecom), (pols)
Wyatt Andrew Bridgham, (glbm)
Charles Hollis Broe Jr., (psy)
Ryan Quinlan Brown, (comm)
Charles Kennison Buress, AAC,
(psy), Cum Laude
Karen Y. Smith-Calzada, (soc)
Joseph James Cappadona,
Max A. Carchidi, ECOC, Cum Laude
Ryan Thomas Cerino, (ecom),
(comm), Magna Cum Laude
Kevin Jian Wei Chen, AAC, (ecom),
Cum Laude
Derek Child, (ecom), (salm)
Stavros Edward Chironis, (comm)
Michael Jozef Chodziutko, AECO,
Magna Cum Laude
Joseph John Cincotta, (ecom),
M i c h a e l A n t h o n y C i r o n e , A A C
Zachary Stephen Cook, (ecom)
D a n i e l S c o t t C o v e n e y , A A C
Bradley William Davis, (ecom)
Adriana Leah Deacon, (comm),
Magna Cum Laude ß
Ryan Joseph DeBlasio, ECOC,
Cum Laude
Brendan DeMartine, (pols)
Jake Ryan D’Ercole, (comm)
James William DiBenedetto Jr.,
(comm), (ism)
Chad P. A. DiLisio, (ecom)
Leyna Ann DiMarco, (comm)
Boyang Ding, AAC
Joseph John Drost, (ecom)
Courtney Pauline Dunnells,
(comm), (psy),
Summa Cum Laude
C a m e r o n N . E k h o lm , ( s o c)
Ryan P. Ennis, (comm), (lgls)
Etnie Antonio Espinal, (lgls)
Michael James Fairchild, (pols)
R e i d M u r p h y F a r l e y , S P T C
Daniel James Feldman, (comm)
Breno Desa Fiamma, PLSC, (psy)
Nicholas Joseph Fiore, AAC, ECOC
Edward Mitchell Fish, (ecom)
Jacob William Fiske, AAC,
Summa Cum Laude
Oliver E. French, (pols), (ism)
Jordan Brian Friedman, (span)
Anthony Renzo Frigo, AAC,
Sarah Kendra Gander, (comm)
J e r e y E r i c G i l b e r t , A A C
Maria Isabel Gonzalez Corripio,
Mark Alexander Gravina, (ecom)
William Tyler Gray, (ecom)
S e a m u s M . H a r d i n g , A A C
Miranda Harper Montes, MGT,
Connor T. Hayes, (apst),
Magna Cum Laude
John Hengge, ECOC
Nicholas Raymond Hock, (hism)
Lian Elizabeth Homan, (comm),
Magna Cum Laude
Jack Christopher Horan, (ecom),
Cum Laude
Dav id How ar t h, ECO C
Cameron Joseph Iarrobino,
(ecom), Cum Laude
Mateo Antonio Ibarcena, (comm)
Meredith Clare James, (soc),
Christopher Michael Jenkins,
A n d r e w R o b e r t J o n e s , E C O C
Kevin Michael Jones, (apst)
Matthew Mark Kapetanakis,
Shivam Gian Kapoor, (comm),
Al e x a nd e r J . K i ng , ( p sy )
Craig Peter Lacey, (comm),
Rachel Grace Lagasse, BA, MSPN,
AMC, Summa Cum Laude hp
Matthew Anthony Langone, AAC,
Sergio Javier Larios, (psy)
Carl Robert LaRosa, AAC, PSYC,
Cum Laude
Juliette Margo LaVoye, (comm),
Zachary Robert Ledo, (comm)
Garrett Thomas Lehan, PSYC,
Cum Laude
Brian James Lenehan, AAC,
Mick Yu-Hsiang Liu, (ecom)
Alexandra Lee Loparto, (ecom)
Tyler McKay Lord, AAC, (ecom),
Magna Cum Laude K
N i c h o l a s L o t r e c c h i a n o , A A C
Cameron James Lovell, (comm),
Michael William Macrides,
Julia Ann Malet, ECOC,
Cum Laude O
Brandon Manchester, (pols)
Daniel James Murphy Marcotte,
C o l b y A . M a r q u e s , ( a p s t )
Alexander Steven Martins,
Samantha Lynn Mauro, AAC,
Andrew Barrett McAvoy, (ecom)
Taylor Enrique McHugh, (soc),
Madeline Jane McLaughlin, ASC,
Cum Laude ß µ K
Bailey Nicole Medeiros, (lgls),
(comm), Summa Cum Laude ß
Christopher Robert Medeiros,
(mgtm), (comm)
Michael John Meegan, (inb),
N i c h o l a s R i l e y M e n d o z a , A A C
Zachary Keith Morris, (span)
Sophie Gabriel Mulcahy, (comm),
Magna Cum Laude
Kevin Charles Murray, (pols),
Hang Fai Ngai, (lgls)
S a u r a b h O b e r o i , ( c o m m )
Liam James O’Brien, (lgls)
Matthew Joseph O’Connor,
Kyle Tadeu Oliveira, AAC, (ecom)
Michael James Oppedisano,
Mehmet Yaman Otay, BAIS,
Max Jinyu Pai, (ecom)
Austin L. Paolino, (pols), (entm)
Michael A. Pascuccio, MKT,
(comm), Cum Laude
Justin Charles Paskell, (psy)
Nicholas R. Pellegrino, AAC,
(comm), Magna Cum Laude
Reymy Antonio Pena Vasquez,
AAC, (chn), Cum Laude
Mara Lian Petre, (mktm), (psy)
Linh Thuy Phan, BAIS, (ecom),
Magna Cum Laude hp
Dean Phillip Pierce, (math)
Nicholas Anthony Pietrantozzi,
(ecom), Summa Cum Laude
Mitchell Thomas Pimento,
Michael Joseph Pirotta, (lgls)
M a t t h e w E d w a r d P l a z i a k , A A C
Anish Puri, (glbm)
K e v i n P a t r i c k Q u i g l e y , A A C
Rachel Elizabeth Rametta,
(comm), Cum Laude
Corey James Ray, (apst),
Cum Laude
M a t t h e w R o b e r t R e a d , A M C
B r e n d a n W a r n e r R o b i n s o n , A A C
Jerey J. Russell, (ecom)
Kushagra Sachdeva, (ecom)
Brian P. Salit, SOSL,
Magna Cum Laude ß
Stephanie Lynn Sarza, AMC,
Cum Laude
Blake Harrison Schneider, ASC,
Summa Cum Laude hp
Christopher Scott Sherman,
(comm), Magna Cum Laude K
W i l l i a m C . S h i v e r s , E C O C
Zorawar Singh, (soc)
Kirstyn Lee Sperry, ACG,
(comm), Magna Cum Laude ß
Zachary Donald Spetta, MKT,
Matthew Gray Steeves, AMS,
Summa Cum Laude ε µ K
Robert Curtis Storrs III, (psy)
P io t r S z e wc z y k , ( c o m m )
Ja m es D . U p to n , ( e co m )
Estefany Valentina Vasquez,
Jake Edward Vaughey, (ecom),
Magna Cum Laude
Vedant H. Vyas, AAC
N i s h c h a y W a d h w a , ( c o m m )
Yuwei Wang, (comm)
Alexandra Claire Watts, (span)
J a m e s T h o m a s W h i t e , ( s p a n )
Bradley Hunter Williams, SPNC
Cynthia Shenya Xu, BAIS, (chn)
Syeda Khanum Zaidi, (lgls),
Nelson M. Zompetti, (ecom)
Nicholas Joseph Anketell, AAC,
(pols) π
Andre Colleoni-Pimenta, AAC,
Cum Laude
Danielle Marie Couture, (apst),
Magna Cum Laude
K i m b e r l y J o h n s o n F l y n n , S P N C
Arianna Christina Lemonias,
(math), Cum Laude
Eric Mauricio, (comm),
Cum Laude
Savanah Marie Miles, ECOC,
Summa Cum Laude hp O
Connor William Nolan, (comm)
Tyler Matthew Poland, (comm)
Logan Paul Ribeiro, PSYC,
Magna Cum Laude
Evan Mark Soraci, AAC,
Magna Cum Laude ß
Alexander Joseph Wrona, (ecom)
Matthew John Zichelli, (soc),
Cum Laude Δ
Alexandra Nicole Arpander,
(biot), (mkam)
T h o m a s E . B a r t k u s , ( e c o m )
Alec D. Bliss, (glbm)
Jesandy Bolanos Baez, (lcsm),
Cum Laude
Vivianne Veiga Brandao, (comm)
Lauren Elizabeth Britton, (soc),
(mktm), Magna Cum Laude
Kacper Chrabaszcz, (span)
Lianna Nicole Colarusso, (span)
Katherine Marie Connelly,
(comm), (mktm)
John Henry Cook IV, (fren)
Peter Michael Delepine, (ecom),
Brendan Patrick Donnelly, (ism),
Charles Patrick Faughnan, FIN,
J o h n J o s e p h G r a y d o n , E C O C
Corey Alexander Haskell, (ecom)
Melissa Lyn Hurwitz, LCC Σ
Cory Hyde, (apst)
M a t t h e w R o b e r t J u d g e , A A C
Kristin Elizabeth Kingi, (comm)
James Aurand Kitt, (envs),
(nm), Cum Laude *
Brianna Marlene LaGuardia,
SOEC, (span), Cum Laude hp Ι
Gabrielle Kristine Lippin, ECOC,
Cum Laude
Zhiyan Mai, (soc), (comm)
Ro be rt Ma zu r ek , ( ap st )
Evan Zanus Mei, AAC, (soc)
Marissa Colby Micgiel, (ecom),
Magna Cum Laude
Emily Christine Minkkinen,
(lgls), Magna Cum Laude
Derek Eli Murray, (ecom),
(nm), Magna Cum Laude
Samantha Marie Nisbet, AAC,
Cum Laude
Kerri Jane O’Connell, SPNC,
(lcsm), Magna Cum Laude hp
Matthew Donald Oliver, (nm),
Christina Marie Palazzo, (comm),
M a t t h e w M a r i o P a l u m b o , A A C
Kristen Marie Perry, (ecom),
Summa Cum Laude O
Grant Phillip Poster, AMC,
Carolina Velasquez Sepulveda,
Stephen Karekin Shamgochian,
AAC, (soc), Cum Laude
Conor Leonard Talleur, FIN,
Price Robert Wilson, (bilm)
Ryan Steven Witt, (ecom),
R y a n D a v i s W y n n s , ( a p s t )
John A. Young, ECOC, AAC,
Cum Laude
Peiqi Zhang, (psy)
Michael H. Ziebka, AAC
Alexander W. Bessette, (math),
A l e c M i c h a e l B o r k o w s k i , A A C
Mark John Boullie Jr., (comm)
Jake Richard Citrano, (comm)
Francis Fromageot, (comm)
Cameron Michael Giles, AAC,
(comm), Cum Laude
William John Hamernick, (ecom),
(nm), Cum Laude
H a r r y B r a n d t K i n g I V , A A C
J u s t i n T y l e r M a r s h , ( c o m m )
Z a c h a r y T u x b u r y , A M S
Matthew P. Yuen, AAC,
Magna Cum Laude
Human Resource
Karina Berroa, (fren)
Mia Thompson Broderick, MSPN,
Magna Cum Laude ß Ι
Jillian Eileen Buckley, COM,
Magna Cum Laude Λ
Mckenna Ann Cassford, (soc),
Jessica Catherine DeMeo,
(comm), (soc)
Emilie Anne Despres, (comm)
Jacklyn Kristina Florio, (psy),
Stephanie K. Gagnon, MKT,
(comm), Cum Laude
Brittany Lynn Galko, (sslm),
(comm), Cum Laude K
Rachel Marie Giuliani, (psy),
Cum Laude
Samuel Thomas Godin, (soc),
(comm), Magna Cum Laude Δ
Valentina Godoy Puentes,
M a x w e l l C h r i s t i a n H a r z , P S Y C
Erika Sue LaRose, (psy), (lcsm),
Cum Laude Σ
Meaghan K. Mahoney, (lgls)
Cameron William Manning,
Christian Mensah Martey,
(comm), (psy)
M a t t h e w M c G o v e r n , S P T C
Danielle A. Mierzejewski, AAC
Jacqueline Marie Mills, (comm),
Cum Laude
Carly Marie Orticerio, (sslm),
Justin R. Rattie, (comm),
Summa Cum Laude
Brendan Patrick Reynolds, PSYC
Br ia n Al an So uz a, (ps y)
Emma Megan Stewart, AAC,
Cum Laude
Mackenzie Ryan Terminello,
Luty C. Vicente, (comm), (lcsm)
Leadership and Innovation
K e l s e y L e e H u n t o o n , ( p s y )
Mark Daniel Iwicki, (pols)
Michael James Liparini, (pcwm)
C a t h e r i n e P . M a g u t , P S Y C
Thaddeus Fitzgerald McKeon,
Matthew Anthony Merolla, AMC,
Cum Laude
Lindsey Anne Mucci, (comm),
Magna Cum Laude
Jack Thomas Owens, (comm),
(hrmm), Summa Cum Laude
Andrew James Parent, (comm)
Nathan C. Parks, (comm),
Cum Laude
Vibha Naresh Shoor, (psy)
Alexandra Lauren Spangler,
(psy), (bilm)
Nicholas A. Wilkinson, (comm),
(mcsm) Σ
A d a m M i c h a e l W i n i a r z , S P T C
Jacob Gerald Zimmer, (soc)
Austin James Beaupre, (comm)
Jared D. Benharris, (psy)
Charles Rene Booth, (psy)
John Francis Bradley III, (comm),
(nm), Cum Laude
Lindsay Marie Brodeur, (comm),
Ryan Martin Burdick, (comm),
Peter John Calise, (pols), (comm)
Kasheka Chitkara, (soc), (ism)
K r i s t e n V i c t o r i a C o u t o , A P S Y
Ryan Thomas Curran, (comm),
(salm), Magna Cum Laude
Edward Joseph Dillon III, PSYC
Michaelanthony Ferreira, (psy)
Jerey Borlido Flaherty, (comm)
Nicholas James Gacinski, (lgls)
Tyler Michael Gargano, (lgls),
Magna Cum Laude ß *
James Gravier, (lgls)
Jennifer F. Houde, (comm)
Victoria Jon Japhet, FRNC,
Magna Cum Laude
J o s h u a T h o m a s J e  e r s o n , M B I O
Corin Gavalas Klein, (comm)
Joshua P. Lake, ASC,
Summa Cum Laude µ
Aalay Rajul Limbachiya, (lgls),
J o s e C a r l o s M a i t a - C e r n a , A A C
Sanjiv Mayani, (psy)
Michael D. McCarthy, (pols),
Magna Cum Laude ß
Colton C. McGrath, SPTC,
Cum Laude δ
Steven Tyler Medeiros, (ecom),
(mktm), Cum Laude
Nivedhitha Mohanraj, COM Λ
Zac k A. M u rph y , (p o ls)
Jordi Ngale, (pols)
Vincent Nisivoccia, (psy), (lgls),
Cum Laude
Kevin M. O’Callaghan, (psy),
Jorge Emanuel Ortiz-Garcia,
Corey Michael Page, (comm)
Mason M. Palmieri, PSYC,
Osgood Endecott Perry II,
Cassandra Frances Priante, PSYC,
Magna Cum Laude
Yi Ren, AAC
Zachary Bennett Rezin, (psy),
Cassidy Rae Riendeau, AAC,
(psy), (entm)
Michael Joseph Rosenthal, PSYC
Brian Christopher Rota, (comm),
Nicole Marin Skelly, (comm),
B r e n d a n J o s e p h S m y t h , C O M
J u s t i n D a k o t a S n y d e r , A P S Y
Danielle Genevieve Sturgeon,
(glbm), (pols),
Magna Cum Laude ß hp
Richard O. Ukelegharanya, (psy),
Christopher A. Vixama, SPTC,
Ryan Warneke, (soc) *
Nolan Scot Jessup Wilson,
(comm) δ
Team and Project
Alex Naseer Aruri, (comm),
Anisa Branch, (comm)
Ber kca n C i ng iz, (ec om)
Chadd William Doyle, (ecom)
Danielle Kathryn Gorman,
John Bishoy Ibrahim, BS, MBPH,
Magna Cum Laude ß K *
Shea D. Ireland, (pols), (nm)
Michael J. Jennette, (comm)
W i l l o w A n n K a n e , ( c o m m )
Samuel Morgan Ruzzi, (comm)
Meghan Ann Stoltz, (soc),
Magna Cum Laude Δ
Erica Briasco Treese, AAC,
(wgsm) Σ
Catherine Elizabeth Ward,
Kelci Rose Abernethy, (envs),
Cum Laude
Michael James Alfano, (lcsm)
Riley Alkins, (span), (mgtm),
Magna Cum Laude Τ Ι
Brett Michael Andrews, PSYC,
Magna Cum Laude
Kielsey Avalo, (mcsm), (mgtm)
Sam ya k A. Bad er, (ps y)
Nicholas Pasquale Balasco, PSYC
Cameron James Ballard, (pols)
Madison May Ballou, PLSC,
Magna Cum Laude
Isabel Fernandes Barbosa, PSYC,
Cum Laude
Matthew Jerey Barnett, AAC,
R a c h y l B a z o n s k i , M E N H
Erin Kathleen Benoit, (comm),
Summa Cum Laude
Molly Penney Benson, (comm)
Rachel Lee Benz, AAC, (salm),
Summa Cum Laude
Brent J . Beste r cy, (so c)
Deirdre Black, (mgtm), (comm)
Hunter Ty Blouch, (comm),
Magna Cum Laude ß Τ
Avery Alexsei Bonina, (comm)
Cody Joseph Boudrow, (ecom)
Nathaniel Luke Tanny Brown,
Evan David Butler, (lgls)
Angelina Beth Canesi, AAC,
(comm), Cum Laude Τ
Taylor Renée Carey, (psy),
(pcwm), Cum Laude
Luke Robert Anthony Chadwick,
Siara Christine Clemmey,
H a l e y R o s e C o n n o r s , S P T C
Jean R. Consta n t, (soc )
Magen Sharon Cook, AAC,
(mgtm), Cum Laude
T h o m a s G e r a r d C o s t i g a n , A A C
Michael Angelo Criscuolo III,
Cole Parker Cronin, (comm)
Connor Seamus Daly, (comm),
Allison Haylee Daneault, PSYC,
Elorpheton N. Deneus, (comm),
Anthony Michael DeSimone,
Matthew Dale Diefenderfer,
(lgls), (salm)
Joseph Francis DiModica Jr., AAC,
ENT, Summa Cum Laude
Erin P. Downing, AAC, (gscm)
Garrett Douglas Downs, TPM,
(glbm), Summa Cum Laude Τ
Thomas James Durkin, (comm)
Jerey Charles Ellis, (fstm),
(salm) Σ
T h e r e s a M a r i e F a i r l e s s , W G S C
Kyana Anna Farhat, (comm),
Cum Laude
Ry a n C . F e r r a n t i, ( it a m)
Maura Rose Foley, (comm), (psy)
Carly Catherine Freitas, (comm)
Kelli Lyn Gagnon, AAC, (comm)
Nicholas Thomas Garrigan, FIN,
Sabrina Nicole Giannotti, AAC,
Madison Leigh Giord, (comm),
Cum Laude
Thomas David Graham, (psy)
Ann Marie Sullivan Greaney,
(comm), Cum Laude Τ
R a j a t G u p t a , G S C , ( c o m m )
Dillon Patrick Guthro, (comm)
Hollis Hanna, (comm)
Samantha S. Herald, (mgtm),
Eliza Eva Hodge, BA, MLCS,
PLSC, Magna Cum Laude ß Σ
Ryan P. Hodina, (pols), (mgtm)
Daniel P. Hughes, AAC, (comm)
Ivan Hung, (chn)
Elizabeth Laura Husted, (pols)
Alana Rae Hutchings, (comm),
Abd allah O. Issa, (pols)
Kenneth Jin, ENT, AAC,
Magna Cum Laude
Garrett Spiegal Kaplan, (hism)
Collin Harry Katz, (envs)
Quanqi Ke, (psy)
Paulina Kayla Klinger, (comm),
(psy), Cum Laude
Kayla Ann Knox, (comm),
Cum Laude Τ
Erika Lucille Koury, (comm),
Cum Laude
Emilie Lynn Laliberte, HRMC,
(comm), Cum Laude hp
Kathryn Elizabeth Laquidara,
(comm), (psy),
Magna Cum Laude Τ K
Christopher A. Lauro, (psy)
Kelsey Rose Leland, PSYC,
Cum Laude
Kristine M. Leland, (comm),
Cum Laude Τ
Andrew J. Lobao, (lgls), (ecom)
Tyler Lorenzen, PLSC, (comm)
Robert Joseph Mailey, (comm)
Melissa Margaret Mallahan, PSYC
Casey Marie Marak, (psy),
Cum Laude Τ
Taylor Catherine Masi, (psy)
Z a c h a r y W a l t e r M a s t r i a n n i , C O M
Vasil Matsur, (comm)
Courtney Elizabeth McGuinness,
AAC, (comm), Cum Laude Τ
Adam Carl Mendelsohn, (comm)
C a r l y J . M e r c e d e , ( c o m m )
Zachary Nicholas Moitoso, (chn),
(psy), Cum Laude Ι
Kameron Stephen Murphy,
Lauren Deanna Myerson, ENT,
Ikenna Ndugba, (soc)
Kieu Anh Ngo Nguyen, AAC,
(psy), Summa Cum Laude
ß hp Τ
Michelle Laurianne Olsen,
Michelle Lee Ouellette, (lgls),
Y o u n g - J i n P a r k , ( c o m m )
Chelsea A. Parkes, MGT, (comm)
Julia Vladimirovna Pavlichenko,
MCSC, Cum Laude Σ
Scott C. Plutt, (psy)
Anthony Joseph Quagliata,
Elizabeth Ann Ramsey, (soc),
Cum Laude Δ
Maria Alejandra Rangel Leon,
(comm), Cum Laude
R as e s h R . R a n k a , P S Y C
Samuel Max Raphel, (lgls),
(nm), Magna Cum Laude
Madison Elizabeth Reid, (pols),
Christopher Lyle Reimels, PSYC,
(mcsm) Σ
Sarina Nicole Resnick, BAIS,
(ecom) hp
Grace Ann Richmeyer, (psy),
Cum Laude
Nathaniel Seth Rippin, AAC,
Grace Ann Rizzuto, BA, MLCS,
(psy), (pcwm),
Magna Cum Laude Σ
Alec E. Ruden, SPTC
H a y d e n W i n t h r o p S a n d s , A A C
Raghubir Saraf, (psy) Φ
D’Marco Morris Saunders,
Jennifer Nicole Schaad, (psy) Τ
Carolyn Grace Scharl, AAC, (psy),
Magna Cum Laude Τ
Tayla Lyn Schipilliti, (comm),
Cum Laude
A s a R o b e r t S c r a n t o n V I , P S Y C
Evan P. Smith, (psy)
Scott Michael Smith, AAC,
(comm), Magna Cum Laude
Caroline Hannah Spellman,
(apst) µ
Jillian Leigh Spolidoro, AAC,
Richard H. Stephan Jr., (psy),
Cum Laude
Maxwell William Stone, (soc),
(comm) Δ
Amy Elizabeth Sullivan, (fren),
Cum Laude Ι
Justin Swarthout, AAC, (comm)
Alaina Leal Swift, (mgtm),
(comm) Τ
Maddison Tassinari, (comm)
Danielle Christine Tierney,
Ashley Marie Tivnan, MGT,
(comm), Cum Laude hp
William Charles Tondo, (comm)
Samantha Jane Turner, (envs),
M i c h a e l H a r p e r W a d s w o r t h , A P S Y
Yiz i Wa ng, PSY C, B AIS
C a d e P a t r i c k W e b s t e r , F R N C
Holly Kay Welch, AAC, (ecom),
Magna Cum Laude Τ
Timothy J. Whittredge, (chn)
Daniel Norman Wilson, (comm)
Lauren Ashley Wray, (comm),
Matthew Joseph Wujciak,
Jacob Ellis Zuchowski, PLSC
Bachelor of Science in
Data Science
Jason Daniel Bartolini, (bmds),
Cum Laude
Cayla Marie D’Amico, (bmds),
Summa Cum Laude
Jillian Nancy Donlon, (bmds),
(pols), Magna Cum Laude
Kate Elizabeth Fallon, (bmds),
(pols), Cum Laude hp
Reed T. Heim, (bmds)
C o l e E d w a r d H u g h e s , ( b m d s )
Amy Frances Hurd, (bmds),
Cum Laude
Trevor Dylan Kaplan, (bmds)
Justin Kunkel, (bmds)
Seth Joseph Lundstrom, (bmds)
Joseph Michael O’Donnell,
Robert Shea, (bmds)
Kevin Patrick Sullivan Jr.,
(bmds), Summa Cum Laude
Liam Theis, (bmds)
Bachelor of Science in
International Business
Megan Diane Case Barry,
(ispm), Cum Laude Ι
Karolain De Los Santos, (ispm),
Cum Laude
José M. González Santos, (iitm)
Gregory Scott Goodinson,
(ifrm), Magna Cum Laude
hp Ι
Kafui Elizabeth Gozey, ISPC,
Cum Laude hp Ι
Haley Isabelle Grygiel, (ifrm),
(psy), Cum Laude
Justine Elizabeth Hawkins,
Margaret A. Mellitt, ISPC,
Summa Cum Laude Ι
Kayla Tatiana Navarro, BA,
APSY, (ispm) Ι Ψ
Michael Jay Plutt, ISPC,
Cum Laude
Daniella Marie Rivera Collazo,
Norah Ann Sandland, (ichm),
Cum Laude Ι
Olivia Margaret Sprague, ISPC,
Magna Cum Laude ß
T a n a y A g a r w a l , ( c o m m )
Andrew Xavier Chin, (ichm)
Alexander Francis Dobrowolski,
V o u l a L a n t z a k i s , ( i s p m )
Hongsuk Ryu, IBIS, (lgls),
Magna Cum Laude ß
G i a n M a r c o C a p u t i I c a z a , A A C
Liam G. Carey, (ichm)
Alexander Gregory Cassells,
Thomas Anthony Chasolen,
(iitm), Cum Laude
M a t t h e w D a n i e l C h a s s e , I F R C
Devon Alexander Chofay, (ispm)
Peter C. Corbett, (ichm),
Cum Laude hp
Connor Patrick Donahue, (ifrm)
Zachary Scott Ellis, (ispm) *
J e n n i f e r L y n n F o s t e r , I F R C
Kayla Dawn Fournier, IFRC,
Magna Cum Laude Ι
Meng Hu, IBGS, (sslm), (psy)
Benjamin Clarke Ives, (ifrm)
Elena Kakaulina, IBCS, (apst),
Magna Cum Laude, µ K
Jasnoor Kaur, AAC, ISPC,
Cum Laude hp Ι
Hashita D. Khatnani, (ispm)
Brian R. Kraft, ISPC,
Cum Laude
Anna Alyssa McRobbie, AMC,
Guilherme A. Moreira, (soc)
Catherine Hannah Morgan,
Gabriela Marcelle Peña, (psy),
Cum Laude
A l e x a n d r a L i l l i a n R e e d , I S P C
Scott Reels Jr., (ichm)
Christopher P. Rollins, (pols)
Nolan Wallace Ryan, (ifrm)
T a y l o r B e n j a m i n S a e r , I S P C
Bikram Singh Sandhu, ISPC,
B u r k e W e s S p i l l a n e , I S P C
Kyle Richard Svenson, ISPC,
(ecom) Ι
Constance Thiery, (infm)
Yuchen Yu, (math)
John Patrick Alencewicz, (ichm)
Alexandra Aubron, AAC,
Magna Cum Laude hp
Emily Christine Bullock, (ispm)
Michelle Shan Chen, ICHC,
(mktm), Cum Laude Ι
Anthony Edward DeLuca, (ispm),
(ichm), Summa Cum Laude Ι
E m i l y L e o n a D o w d , ( i s p m )
Ethan James Hickey, (ichm)
Lauren Marie Landino, (ichm)
Zedekiah Shayne Maldonado,
(comm), Cum Laude
Nikolas David Marks, (ichm)
Malcolm John Paul Mongeau,
ISPC, (pols)
B e n j a m i n M u r p h y , I C H C
D a n i e l P a t r i c k R y d e r , M S P N
A l l i s o n M i c h e l l e T a r d i f , I S P C
O l i v i a T h u y T a y l o r , I C H C
Loren Torres Cruz, (lgls)
Maina Lin Zou, ICHC
Ian M. Corey, (ispm)
Jacqueline Taylor Jordan, (ifrm),
Cum Laude
Human Resource
Johanna Lynn Craig, IFRC, (pols),
Magna Cum Laude hp Ι
Yuliandra Esther Henriquez,
ISPC, Cum Laude
Bobbie Christina DiScuillo,
(iitm) Ι
A l e x a n d e r J o s e p h E b n e r , I S P C
Allegra Ann Maloney, ISPC,
Eugenia Potagas, (glbm),
Cum Laude
Amanda Marie Wendland, (iitm)
Team and ProJect
Samuel Louis Esserman, (ichm)
Katherine Marie Castillo, (iitm)
Claudia Carolyn Dionne, ISPC,
Cum Laude K Ι
Victoria Eastman, (comm),
(ifrm), Cum Laude hp Τ
Tayla Joan Giurida, (ispm)
Anita Huang, ICHC, (mgtm),
Cum Laude
Kelly Therese Jacobsen, ISPC,
Summa Cum Laude hp Ι Τ
G ö z d e K o n u k o ğ l u , ( e c o m )
I s h i k a M u k h e r j e e , A P S Y
C h r i s t o p h e r J o h n P o l i s , I S P C
Alejandro Luis Quintana Casero,
Jessy Roberto Rodriguez, (ichm)
B e n j a m i n W a l l a c e S t o n e , I S P C
Nicholas James Walker, MSPN,
Cum Laude
Danielle Xia Whitaker, (ispm)
The University Mace is carried at Commencement exercises and at other University celebrations.
Crowned in gold, the mace has two dominant emblems: the seal of the State of Rhode Island and the seal
of Bryant University.
The President’s Chair, a gift to the University from Priscilla Angelo and her husband, John Eng-Wong,
is used on ceremonial occasions. It is a Victorian-style gent’s chair rendered in walnut and copied from
an original French design from the period of the University’s founding in 1863. The carved crest top
includes the Bryant University bronze seal.
The Bryant Medallion is worn by the president during academic ceremonies such as Commencement,
Convocation, and the bestowing of honorary degrees. One side of the medallion bears a likeness of the
University seal, the other, the names of all Bryant University presidents. The formal installation of a
president is marked by the presentation of the medallion to the president by the chair of the Board of
The Bryant Seal represents the educational mission of the University and its worldwide implications.
The central symbol is an ellipsoid globe with quills on each side to signify the traditional emblem of
communication in business. In the center, behind the globe, is a torch symbolizing liberty, the spirit of
free inquiry, academic freedom, and learning. The Archway, forming the background for the globe, torch,
and quills, is a University landmark aectionately remembered by thousands of alumni. The Latin motto
expresses the purpose of the University: “Cognitio. Virtus. Successus.” – Knowledge. Character. Success.
Today, as you celebrate your graduation from Bryant University, you nd yourself saying goodbye
to the classmates, faculty, and sta with whom you have formed close friendships over these last few
years. Graduation, however, is not so much an ending as a transition. It’s true that you’re about to begin
a new stage of life, but as a Bryant University alumnus or alumna, you are never far from the community
you’ve come to know as a home away from home.
In fact, one of the reasons you chose Bryant was for its close-knit community. Through the Bryant
University Alumni Association, you can always stay in touch with classmates by attending class and
anity reunions, networking at regional events, and by engaging with us through social media
channels. Just as Bryant provided you with a solid foundation for a successful career, our worldwide
alumni network is there to support your professional goals.
As a Bryant student, you participated in academic, athletic, and civic events that not only helped you
develop many skills but also gave you a sense of satisfaction as well. As a Bryant graduate, you can stay
involved by serving on University committees, advisory councils, and even the Board of Trustees. You
can advance Bryant’s reputation by getting involved with admission, career services, educational, and
fundraising initiatives. And, throughout the year, Bryant alumni gather together to reach out to their
communities through a number of volunteer programs.
Just as the Bryant community shared in the celebration of your accomplishments as a student, we will
always be interested to hear of your successes. Let us know when you’ve moved and what milestones
you’ve reached so we can share your good news with your Bryant classmates and friends.
Congratulations on your graduation, and welcome to the Bryant University Alumni Association!
The history of academic dress worn today dates back to the universities of the Middle Ages. A statute in
1321 required the wearing of gowns by all scholars and clerics. Probably, the warm gown and hood were
practical in the unheated buildings.
Students at most American universities wore caps and gowns daily while in residence until after the Civil
War. These varied in design until they were standardized by the American Intercollegiate Commission
in 1895. While the academic costume code has been modied over the years, the general characteristics
of the initial requirements still prevail. The uniform system of academic heraldry serves to indicate the
level of degree, the eld of study in which it was earned, and the institution by which it was granted.
The gown for the bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gown
for the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve and can be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctoral
degree has bell-shaped sleeves with black velvet facing down the front and three bars of the same across
the sleeves. However, these facings and crossbars may be in the color distinctive to the subject to which
the degree pertains.
The academic hoods are lined with the color of the university granting the degree. The length of the
hood varies slightly for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. It is often traditional for the candi-
dates for degrees to wear the mortarboard tassel on the right front side before the degree is conferred
and to shift it to the left when the degree is awarded.
At Bryant University, the president, trustees, and honorary degree recipients wear specially-designed
gold robes trimmed with black, representative of the University’s colors.
William J. Conaty ’67, Senior Vice President (Retired), Corporate Human Resources,
General Electric Company, North Palm Beach, FL
Robert P. Mead ’73, President (Retired), Tyco Engineered Products & Services, Jamestown, RI
M. Anne Szostak ’02H, President, Szostak Partners, Providence, RI
David C. Weinstein, Executive Vice President (Retired), Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA
Cheryl Merchant ’12H, President, Taco Family of Companies, N.A., Cranston, RI
Tim Barton ’85, Managing Partner, Barton Executive Search, Inc., Atlanta, GA
David M. Beirne ’85, General Partner, X10 Capital, San Francisco, CA
George E. Bello, ’58, ’96H, Executive Vice President and Controller (Retired), Reliance Group
Holdings, Inc., New York, NY
James P. Bergeron ’92, Managing Partner, 108 Partners, LLC, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Robert P. Brown ’86, P ’19, Head of Institutional Fixed Income (Retired), Fidelity Investments,
Naples, FL
Robert J. Calabro ’88, Partner, PwC, Boston, MA
Todd G. Carey ’00 MBA, Senior Vice President, UBS Financial Services, Private Wealth Management,
Boston, MA
Lisa G. Churchville ’09H, Director of College and Retirement Savings Plans, State of Rhode Island Oce
of General Treasurer Seth Magaziner, Providence, RI
Nancy DeViney ’75, Vice President, Strategy and Solutions, Sales & Distribution (Retired),
IBM Corporation, Wilton, CT
Scott C. Donnelly ’14H, Chairman and CEO, Textron, Inc., Providence, RI
C. Correll Durling ’75, P ’08, Dairy Tech, LLC, Lebanon, NJ
Jerey W. Gardner ’87, Co-Founder and CEO, Carousel Industries, Exeter, RI
Shruti Kansara ’18 (Recent Alumni Trustee), Business Consulting Analyst, Slalom Consulting, Chicago, IL
Diane A. Kazarian ’83, Managing Partner, GTA & National Banking Leader, PwC, Toronto, ON
Morgan LaBarbera ’16 (Recent Alumni Trustee), Account Development Representative,
MuleSoft, New York, NY
F. Kurt Last ’77 BSBA, ’78 BSLE, Executive Vice President, Working Buildings, LLC, Kapa’a, HI
Ronald K. Machtley, President, Bryant University, Smitheld, RI
Kristian P. Moor ’81, P ’17, President and CEO (Retired), Chartis Insurance Company,
Faireld, CT
Patricia O’Brien P ’15, Associate Provost for Budget & Planning, Boston University -
Oce of the Provost, Boston, MA
Louis Page ’89, P ’17, Founder and President, Window to Wall Street Inc., Hillsboro, NH
Joseph Paparelli ’17 (Recent Alumni Trustee), Actuarial Analyst, VA Hedging and Forecasting, Talcott
Resolution, Windsor, CT
Joseph F. Puishys ’80, President and CEO, Apogee Enterprises, Inc., Minneapolis, MN
Gordon P. Riblet P ’97, President, Microwave Development Labs, Needham Heights, MA
James V. Rosati ’72, President and CEO (Retired), Beacon Mutual Insurance Co., Narragansett, RI
Edwin J. Santos ’81, P ’18, Chairman, Prospect CharterCARE LLC, Providence, RI
Daniel F. Schmitt ’73, Partner (Retired), KPMG, Scottsdale, AZ
Margaret M. Van Bree, MHA, DrPH, President, Rhode Island Hospital and Hasbro Children’s
Hospital, Providence, RI
Rita Williams-Bogar ’76, Founder, President and CEO, Personal Development Solutions, LLC,
and the PDS Institute, LLC, Montclair, NJ
Sheila Guay, Director of Conferences and Special Events
Abhijit Chaudhury, Ph.D., Professor of Information Systems and Analytics, College of Business
Sandra Enos, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
Roger Acosta, Media Services Manager
Victoria Atkins, Scheduling Assistant to the President
Stephen Bannon, Director of Public Safety
Nicole Beauregard, Associate Director of Conferences and Special Events
Bjorn Carlsson, Director of Graduate Programs
Carol Coronado, Associate Director of Donor Relations
Christopher DaCosta, Director of Undergraduate Advising
Rebecca Eriksen, Director of Campus Visit Experience, Undergraduate Admission
Donna Harris, Senior Associate Director of Alumni and Parent Engagement
Monica Houde, Senior Assistant Registrar
Mailee Kue, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President of Student Engagement and Executive Director,
PwC Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Lisa Laliberte, Senior Project Manager, Campus Management
Susan McLacken, Registrar
Keith Murray, Ph.D., Professor of Marketing, College of Business
Elizabeth O’Neil, Associate Vice President of University Relations
John Rainone, Assistant Director of Public Safety
Judi Rix, Administrative Assistant to the Provost
Diane Ruotolo, Manager of Graduate Programs Administrative and Student Services
Stan Stowik, Director, Bryant University Bookstore
James Vecchione, Executive Director of Facilities Management
Restrooms are located in Barrington House and in the Fisher Student Center.
Concessions are available in the tent behind the Fisher Student Center. Food and beverages are also
available for purchase in the Fisher Student Center.
Lost and Found is located in the Public Safety Oce in the Unistructure.
Bryant memorabilia can be purchased at the Bookstore.
A limited number of listener-assisted headsets are available at the sound control booth at the back
of the tent.
Please ask an usher if you need assistance in locating any of these services.