Söhnke M. Bartram, Jürgen Branke,
and Mehrshad Motahari
Literature Review
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Helpful comments and suggestions by Florian Bardong (SysAMI Advisors),
Gurvinder Brar (Macquarie), Marie Brière (Amundi), Charles Cara
(Absolute Strategy), Carmine De Franco (Ossiam), Giuliano De Rossi
(Goldman Sachs), Marco Dion (Qube Research and Technologies), Kevin
Endler (ACATIS), Daniel Giamouridis (Bank of America Merrill Lynch),
Alex Gracian (Resolute Investments), Farouk Jivraj (Barclays), Bryan Kelly
(AQR), Petter Kolm, Alexei Kondratyev (Standard Chartered), Christos
Koutsoyannis (Atlas Ridge Capital), Jörg Ladwein (Allianz Investment
Management), Ke Lu, Jon Lukomnik (Sinclair Capital), Spyros Mesomeris
(UBS), Matt Monach (Aberdeen Standard Investments), Andreas Neuhierl,
Raghavendra Rau, Berkan Sesen, Maximilian Stroh (Invesco), Scott Taylor
(AIG), Simon Taylor, Argyris Tsiaras, Nir Vulkan (Oxford Man Institute),
Markos Zachariadis, Riccardo Zecchinelli (UK Cabinet Oce), and seminar
participants at 13th Financial Risks International Forum, 2020 CERF in the
City Conference, 2020 WBS Investment Challenge, Barclays Quantitative
Investment Strategies (QIS) group, Cambridge Judge Business School,
the 13th Financial Risks International Forum, and the 2020 Paris Conference
on FinTech and Cryptonance are gratefully acknowledged. Söhnke Bartram
gratefully acknowledges the warm hospitality of Cambridge University,
Fudan University, and Oxford University.
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1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 2
2. Trends in Artificial Intelligence ............................................................ 4
3. Portfolio Management ....................................................................... 8
3.1. Alpha and Sigma .......................................................................... 8
3.2. Portfolio Optimization ................................................................. 12
4. Trading ................................................................................................ 14
4.1. Algorithmic Trading ..................................................................... 15
4.2. Transaction Cost Analysis ............................................................ 17
4.3. Trade Execution ........................................................................... 18
5. Portfolio Risk Management ................................................................ 20
5.1. Market Risk ................................................................................... 20
5.2. Credit Risk .................................................................................... 22
6. Robo-Advisors .................................................................................... 24
7. Artificial Intelligence Risks and Challenges: What Can Go Wrong? ..... 26
8. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 29
Appendix A. Basic Artificial Intelligence Concepts and Techniques ....... 30
A.1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ............................... 30
A.1.1. Origin and Definition ............................................................ 30
A.1.2. Supervised Learning ............................................................. 31
A.1.3. Unsupervised Learning ......................................................... 32
A.1.4. Reinforcement Learning ....................................................... 32
A.2. Overview of Common Artificial Intelligence Techniques ............ 32
A.2.1. Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
Regression ................................................................................. 32
A.2.2. Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning .................... 34
A.2.3. Decision Trees and Random Forests .................................... 35
A.2.4. Support Vector Machines ..................................................... 36
A.2.5. Cluster Analysis .................................................................... 37
A.2.6. Evolutionary (Genetic) Algorithms ....................................... 37
A.2.7. Natural Language Processing ............................................... 38
A.2.8. Comparisons of AI Techniques ............................................. 39
Appendix B. Trends and Patterns in Finance Research Using AI ............. 41
References .............................................................................................. 45
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lines of the CFA Institute Professional Learning Program.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 1
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
Söhnke M. Bartram
Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Professor of Finance,
University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, Department of Finance
Jürgen Branke
Professor of Operational Research and Systems, University of Warwick,
Warwick Business School
Mehrshad Motahari
Research Associate, Cambridge Centre for Finance and Cambridge Endowment
for Research in Finance, University of Cambridge, Cambridge Judge Business School
2 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Articial intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics of current times because
it has disrupted most industries in recent years, and the nancial services sec-
tor is no exception. With the advent of ntech, which has a particular empha-
sis on AI, the sector has experienced a revolution in some of its core practices.
Probably the most aected area is asset management, which is expected to
suer the largest number of job cuts in the near future (Buchanan 2019).
A sizable proportion of asset management companies are now using AI and
statistical models to run trading and investment platforms. e increased use
of AI across a range of tasks in asset management calls for a more systematic
examination of the various techniques and applications involved, as well as
the concomitant opportunities and challenges they bring to the sector.
is study provides a comprehensive overview of a wide range of existing
and emerging applications of AI in asset management, highlighting the key
topics of debate. We focus on three major areas: portfolio management, trad-
ing, and portfolio risk management. Portfolio management entails making
asset allocation decisions to construct a portfolio with specic risk and return
characteristics. AI techniques can contribute to this process by facilitating
fundamental analysis through quantitative or textual data analysis and gen-
erating novel investment strategies. AI techniques can also help improve the
shortcomings of classical portfolio construction techniques. In particular, AI
can produce better asset return and risk estimates and solve portfolio opti-
mization problems with complex constraints, yielding portfolios with better
out-of-sample performance compared with traditional approaches.
Trading is another popular area for AI applications. Considering the
growing speed and complexity of trades, AI techniques are becoming an
essential part of trading practice. A particularly attractive feature of AI is
its ability to process large amounts of data to generate trading signals.
Algorithms can be trained to automatically execute trades based on these sig-
nals, which has given rise to the industry of algorithmic (or algo) trading. In
addition, AI techniques can reduce transaction costs by automatically analyz-
ing the market and subsequently identifying the best time, size, and venue
for trades.
AI also has vast implications for portfolio risk management. Since the
2008 global nancial crisis, risk management and compliance have been at
the forefront of asset management practices. With nancial assets and global
markets becoming increasingly complex, traditional risk models may no lon-
ger be sucient for risk analysis. At the same time, AI techniques that learn
1. Introduction
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 3
and evolve by using data can provide additional tools for monitoring risk.
Specically, AI assists risk managers in validating and backtesting risk mod-
els. AI approaches can also extract information more eciently from various
sources of structured or unstructured data and generate more accurate fore-
casts of bankruptcy and credit risk, market volatility, macroeconomic trends,
nancial crises, and so on than traditional techniques.
Furthermore, robo-advising has gained signicant public interest in
recent years. Robo-advisors are computer programs that provide digital nan-
cial investment advice based on mathematical rules or algorithms tailored to
investors’ needs and preferences. e popularity of robo-advisors stems from
their success in democratizing investment advisory services by making them
cheaper and more accessible to unsophisticated individual investors. Robo-
advisors are particularly attractive to young and tech-savvy investors, such
as Generation Y (millennials). AI is the backbone of typical robo-advising
algorithms, which rely heavily on the application of AI across all dimensions
of asset management.
We also discuss a number of possible disadvantages of using AI in asset
management. AI models are often opaque and complex, making them dif-
cult for managers to monitor and scrutinize. e models’ reliance on and
sensitivity to data can introduce a considerable source of risk. AI models can
be improperly trained as a result of using poor-quality or insucient data.
Ineective human supervision might lead to systematic crashes, an inability
to identify inference errors, and a lack of understanding of investment prac-
tices and performance attribution by investors. Lastly, whether the benets
associated with AI can justify its considerable development and implementa-
tion cost is unclear.
e remainder of the piece is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
an overview of trends in AI and of the most common AI techniques used
in asset management. AI applications in portfolio management, trading, and
portfolio risk management are discussed in Sections 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
Section 6 covers the use of AI in robo-advising, and Section 7 discusses some
of the risks and concerns associated with AI. Section 8 concludes with a sum-
mary of the main takeaways.
4 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
2. Trends in Articial Intelligence
In recent years, the popularity of AI in general—and of machine learning
(ML) specically—has surged in both practice and academia. Consequently,
the number of research papers published with the keywords “articial intel-
ligence” and “machine learning” has increased dramatically in the past ve
years (Figure 1). AI is a broader concept than ML, because it refers to the
general use of computers to imitate human cognitive functions. ML is eec-
tively a subset of AI, in which machines are able to decide and perform
actions based on past experiences. To date, AI applications in nance mostly
make use of ML techniques, such as statistical learning, and thus the AI label
applies only in a very broad sense (e.g., Gu, Kelly, and Xiu 2020). Moreover,
a large part of what is branded as AI (or ML) in nance is not new but has
existed in the form of statistical or econometric modeling techniques for a
long time.
e recent hype about AI can be attributed to three developments that
are not necessarily related to the science of AI itself (Giamouridis 2017).
First, computer processing and storage capacity have improved remarkably in
the past decade, making the use of some longstanding AI techniques feasible.
Figure 1. Number of Published Research Papers by Topic over Time, 1996–2018
Number of Papers
96 18020098 04 06 10 12 1608 14
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Notes: e gure presents the number of published papers with specic keywords by year, as
reported by the Scopus database. e sample starts in 1996, ends in 2018, and includes papers hav-
ing either “articial intelligence” or “machine learning” in their abstract, title, or keyword section.
2. Trends in Articial Intelligence
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 5
Second, the volume and breadth of data that can be used to train AI models
have increased substantially. Lastly, AI algorithms have been improved and
become widely accessible, allowing for their use in many cases without the
need for expert computer science knowledge. All these factors have contrib-
uted to the popularity of AI and ML as research topics in social sciences.
Although AI is a broad eld that entails a range of approaches devel-
oped over time, the recent interest in AI is almost entirely centered on ML,
which is by far the most popular AI approach to date. ML is concerned with
using data progressively to adapt the parameters of statistical, probabilistic,
and other computing models. It essentially automates one or several stages of
information processing. Although an extensive list of techniques can accom-
plish this automation, most ML applications in asset management, and even
in nance more generally, rely on a number of major (classes of) techniques
(Figure 2). ese include articial neural networks (ANNs), cluster analy-
sis, decision trees and random forests, evolutionary (genetic) algorithms, least
absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), support vector machines
(SVMs), and natural language processing (NLP). Appendix A provides a
detailed, more technical description of each of these techniques.
e interest of academic research in specic AI techniques has steadily
increased in the past two decades, as illustrated by the number of published
papers on the subject (Figure 3). Some of these techniques, such as evolu-
tionary algorithms or neural networks, were established research topics long
before ML gained popularity. On the other hand, SVMs and NLP have
gained interest more recently. Neural network, random forest, and NLP tech-
niques have experienced the sharpest increase in their mention in published
papers during the past ve years. Appendix B provides a more detailed view
of the use of AI techniques in nance research based on analyzing all work-
ing papers posted on SSRN. e following sections discuss these techniques
and their applications in the context of asset management.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
6 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Figure 2. Summary of Key AI/ML Techniques
• Ordinary regression model with an additional penalty term that ensures
choosing the smallest necessary subset of explanatory variables
• Reduces spurious coefficient estimates to zero, which significantly
enhances the out-of-sample performance of the model
• Typical application: Forecasting
• Clusters data into groups so that the units in each group have similar
• The number of clusters can be defined by the user or determined
automatically by the algorithm
• Typical application: Asset classification
• Optimization technique capable of searching through large, complex,
nonlinear sets of solutions, identifying those that are preferred
• Process inspired by natural evolution
• Typical application: Variants of portfolio optimization that cannot be
solved with classical optimization algorithms
• Nonlinear regression model
• Network of connected nodes that loosely model neurons in a brain
• Receives a training set of input and desired output data pairs and is able
to learn the relationship between them
• Can then be used to predict the output of previously unseen inputs
• Typical application: Forecasting
A decision tree classifies units based on their features
• Classification is done by traversing a logical tree from root to leaves, at
each branch moving left or right depending on the unit's features; such
trees can be interpreted by humans
• Constructed automatically based on training set of input and desired
output pairs
• Random forests simply average the outputs of several decision tree
models in order to produce more reliable forecasts
• Typical application: Classification and forecasting
Trees and
• Can be used for classification or regression
• Can handle nonlinear relationships by mapping the inputs to a
higher-dimensional space
• Faster to train than artificial neural networks
• Typical application: Forecasting
• Range of techniques used to process natural language data (e.g., textual, audio)
• Particularly useful for extracting information from textual media
(e.g., social media, websites, news articles)
• Typical application: Automatic analysis of corporate annual reports
and news articles
Note: e gure lists and describes major AI techniques commonly used in asset management.
2. Trends in Articial Intelligence
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 7
Figure 3. Number of Published Papers by AI Technique over Time, 1996–2018
Neural Network or Deep Learning
Support Vector Machine
Cluster Analysis Random Forest or Decision Tree
Genetic (or Evolutionary) Algorithm LASSO
Natural Language Processing
Number of Papers
020098 04 06 10 12 1608 14
Notes: e gure presents the number of published papers with specic keywords by year. It is
based on the number of published papers listed on Scopus starting in 1996 and ending in 2018.
e papers have “nance” and/or “asset management” keywords together with at least one of the
following keywords: “cluster analysis,” “genetic algorithm” or “evolutionary algorithm,” “lasso,”
“natural language processing,” “neural network” or “deep learning,” “random forest” or “decision
tree,” and “support vector machine.”
8 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
3. Portfolio Management
AI techniques can be used to perform sophisticated fundamental analysis,
including the use of text analysis, and to optimize asset allocations in nan-
cial portfolios. Amid various challenges of conventional portfolio optimiza-
tion approaches, AI techniques often provide better estimates of returns and
covariances than more conventional methods do. ese estimates can then be
used within traditional portfolio optimization frameworks. Moreover, AI can
be used directly for asset allocation decisions to construct portfolios that meet
performance targets more closely than portfolios created using traditional
methods (Figure 4).
3.1. Alpha and Sigma
Fundamental analysis can be considered the cornerstone of portfolio man-
agement and can be facilitated signicantly by AI (Table 1). Arguably the
most signicant application of AI in fundamental analysis is textual analy-
sis (Das 2014; Kearney and Liu 2014; Fisher, Garnsey, and Hughes 2016).
Figure 4. AI in Portfolio Management
Portfolio Optimization
- Genetic algorithms can solve
optimization problems under
complex constraints (e.g.,
cardinality, additional objectives)
- Neural networks can be used
to produce optimal portfolios
directly or portfolios that mimic
an index with a small set of assets
Expected Returns
- AI approaches can produce
more accurate estimates of
expected returns (e.g., LASSO,
neural networks, support
vector machines)
- AI can provide better
estimates of variances and
covariances (e.g., neural
networks, support vector
- The covariance matrix
structure can be replaced
with a tree structure using
hierarchical clustering
Notes: e gure presents a summary of how AI can be incorporated into portfolio construction.
AI approaches can provide the inputs (i.e., expected returns, variance/covariance, and asset views)
and use them in asset allocation to meet portfolio managers’ targets.
3. Portfolio Management
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 9
Table 1. AI and Fundamental Analysis
Techn ique Study Sample/Data
ANNs Atsalakis and Valavanis
No empirical work; surveys other studies
Lam (2004) Financial data for 364 S&P 500 Index companies
from 1985 to 1995
Ballings, Van den Poel,
Hespeels, and Gryp (2015)
Financial data for 5,767 listed European rms from
2009 to 2010
Ballings et al. (2015) Financial data for 5,767 listed European rms from
2009 to 2010
Ballings et al. (2015) Financial data for 5,767 listed European rms from
2009 to 2010
Bryzgalova, Pelger, and
Zhu (2019)
Financial data for all US rms available on CRSP
from 1964 to 2016
Hu, K. Liu, Zhang, Su,
Ngai, and M. Liu (2015)
No empirical work; surveys other studies
Li, Huang, Deng, and Zhu
Stock data for all HKEX-listed rms in year 2001
Huang (2012) Financial data for 200 stocks listed on the Taiwan
Stock Exchange from 1996 to 2010
LASSO Feng et al. (2017) NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stock data from
1976 to 2017
NLP Leung and Ton (2015) Stock data for 2,000 rms listed on the Australian
Securities Exchange (ASX) from 2003 to 2008
Sprenger et al. (2014) 400,000 stock-related Twitter messages and S&P
500 stock prices for 2010
Schumaker and Chen
9,211 nancial news articles and 10,259,042 stock
quotes for a ve-week period in 2005
SVMs Han and Chen (2007) Financial statement data for 251 stocks listed on
the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock
Fan and Palaniswami
Financial data for stocks listed on the ASX from
1992 to 2000
Ballings et al. (2015) Financial data for 5,767 listed European rms from
2009 to 2010
Note: e table presents a list of frequently cited studies that use one or several major AI techniques
(hybrid or ensemble approaches) for fundamental analysis.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
10 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
NLP approaches are capable of extracting economically meaningful informa-
tion from various sources of text, such as corporate annual reports (Azimi and
Agrawal 2019), news articles (Schumaker and Chen 2006; Ke, Kelly, and Xiu
2019), and Twitter posts (Sprenger, Sandner, Tumasjan, and Welpe 2014).
Unlike more traditional textual analysis techniques, such as dictionary-based
approaches that extract information only from individual words in the text,
AI approaches can also interpret context and sentence structure.
LASSO regression can automatically select the factors with the highest
explanatory power for future returns from a large set of return-predictive sig-
nals documented in the literature (Feng, Giglio, and Xiu 2017; Freyberger,
Neuhierl, and Weber 2018). e LASSO framework can also be used to nd
lead–lag relationships between asset groups or markets. For example, one can
investigate which domestic industry or market returns are the most signicant
predictors of returns among all other markets or industries (Rapach, Strauss,
and Zhou 2013; Rapach, Strauss, Tu, and Zhou 2019). More-generalized ver-
sions of LASSO regression, known as “elastic nets,” complement LASSO’s
variable selection feature by also ensuring that estimated coecients are not
disproportionately large (e.g., Gu et al. 2020). In addition, AI models can be
used to identify stocks expected to outperform or underperform, using a range
of economic or rm-level variables. e results of these analyses can then be
incorporated into the portfolio optimization process by allocating more (less)
weight to assets with high (low) alpha. Beyond using historical data, training
AI using actual experts’ stock buy or sell recommendations (Bew, Harvey,
Ledford, Radnor, and Sinclair 2019; Papaioannou and Giamouridis, forth-
coming) has also been successful.
Across AI techniques available for return prediction, ANNs have been
found to perform best compared with ordinary least squares regression, elas-
tic nets, LASSO regressions, random forests, and gradient boosted regression
trees (Gu et al. 2020). In fact, the out-of-sample predictions of an ANN with
three hidden layers were almost 30% more accurate than those generated by a
gradient boosted regression tree, which was the second best-performing tech-
nique among the six. Note that these results might be highly task- and data-
specic. Nevertheless, the success of neural networks in this case is largely
attributed to their ability to capture complex nonlinear relationships. In addi-
tion, these models stand apart because they are highly versatile and because
a large number of functional forms and structures are available that allow
neural networks to learn from data more eectively than other techniques.
Recent studies have also introduced methods of interpreting neural networks
statistically using condence intervals and by ranking the importance of input
variables and interaction eects (Dixon and Polson 2019).
3. Portfolio Management
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 11
Not surprisingly, neural networks are therefore one of the most popular
AI techniques for predicting stock returns (Vui, Sim, Soon, On, Alfred, and
Anthony 2013; Abe and Nakayama 2018), company fundamentals (Alberg
and Lipton 2017), and returns of other asset classes such as bonds (Bianchi,
Büchner, and Tamoni 2019). However, evidence is also available that indi-
cates vector machines can be better at predicting the rst two moments of
asset returns than ANNs can, provided they are tuned appropriately (Huang,
Nakamori, and Wang 2005; Chen, Shih, and Wu 2006; Arrieta-ibarra and
Lobato 2015). Consequently, a popular implementation consists of using the
average prediction across various AI techniques. is “ensemble” approach has
been shown to produce better predictions than any individual AI technique
(Rasekhschae, Christian, and Jones 2019; Borghi and De Rossi, forthcom-
ing). Recent ndings indicate that AI signals generate signicant prots in
both short and long positions (0.78% abnormal returns per month for a long-
only, value-weighted portfolio) and that these prots remain statistically and
economically signicant even in the post-2001 period, during which a global
decay is seen in abnormal returns (Avramov, Cheng, and Metzker 2019).
Modeling and predicting asset prices becomes a particularly challenging
exercise when derivatives are involved. As a result, constructing optimal port-
folios that include derivatives is dicult, because their prices and payos are
not well dened and are contingent on other assets. Most conventional deriv-
ative pricing approaches rely heavily on theoretical models, such as Black–
Scholes, that are based on somewhat restrictive assumptions. is is, again, a
realm where AI can play a role. For example, ANNs can be used for pricing
and hedging using nonparametric option pricing frameworks that perform
better than the Black–Scholes model in terms of delta hedging (Hutchinson,
Lo, and Poggio 1994) and forecasting future option prices (Yao, Li, and
Tan 2000). Recent studies also extend the deep learning framework to price
exotic (Becker, Cheridito, and Jentzen 2019a) and American-style (Becker,
Cheridito, and Jentzen 2019b) options.
Lastly, AI can be used for improving estimates of variance–covariance
matrices in the Markowitz framework. To illustrate, hierarchical cluster anal-
ysis can replace the covariance structure of asset returns with a tree structure
(de Prado 2016). is approach uses all the information contained in the covari-
ance matrix but requires fewer estimates and thus leads to more stable and robust
portfolio weights. Empirical evidence using simulated return observations sug-
gests that a minimum variance portfolio under this approach has a 31.3% higher
Sharpe ratio than that under the classical Markowitz (1952) framework.
Ultimately, the jury is still out as to whether AI implementations are gen-
erally superior to more traditional implementations in stock selection, factor
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
12 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
investing, or asset allocation. More evidence would be desirable to conrm
that the benets of AI models, including their ability to capture nonlineari-
ties, outweigh the costs and potential data issues, such as collinear variables.
e additional evidence will only grow more important because many asset
managers have recently started using AI, potentially leading to the superior
performance of AI-based investment strategies being arbitraged away in the
near future. Moreover, other reasons to be cautious also exist. For example,
some research advocating the use of AI in portfolio management has exam-
ined only small samples of assets or emerging markets that lack liquidity
and eciency. Another challenging aspect of using AI is selecting relevant
variables from the raw data and transforming them into appropriate for-
mats for AI models to function properly, also known as “feature engineer-
ing.” is constitutes an essential and time-consuming part of alpha research
(Rasekhschae et al. 2019).
3.2. Portfolio Optimization
A portfolio manager’s decision entails allocating funds among a (large) set of
assets such that the target portfolio satises an objective (e.g., mimicking an
index, maximizing the Sharpe ratio), given certain constraints. e mean–
variance framework of Markowitz typically oers the theoretical founda-
tion. However, two main challenges arise in practice (Michaud and Michaud
2008; Kolm, Tütüncü, and Fabozzi 2014). First, the optimal asset weights
are highly sensitive to estimates of expected returns. Considering that esti-
mates of future expected returns are often uncertain, the optimization exer-
cise can yield unstable weights that perform poorly out of sample. In fact, the
noise in return estimates can erode any diversication benets. For example,
DeMiguel, Garlappi, and Uppal (2009) show that an equally weighted port-
folio has a higher out-of-sample Sharpe ratio than the optimal Markowitz
portfolio and a range of other optimal portfolios.
Second, estimating the variance–covariance matrix, which is at the heart
of Markowitz’s theory, requires a large time series of data and the assumption
of stable correlations between asset returns. Moreover, the matrix becomes
unstable when asset correlations increase, which happens at times when diver-
sication is most important and yet more dicult to achieve (de Prado 2016).
AI addresses these challenges in two ways. First, it can produce return
and risk estimates that are more accurate than those produced by other meth-
ods and that can be used within traditional portfolio construction frame-
works. Second, AI techniques can provide alternative portfolio construction
approaches to generate more accurate portfolio weights and produce opti-
mized portfolios with better out-of-sample performance than those generated
3. Portfolio Management
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 13
by traditional linear techniques. Although empirical evidence is limited,
interest seems to be growing among both academics and practitioners.
In particular, ANNs can be trained to make asset allocation decisions
subject to complex constraints that are often not straightforward to integrate
into the mean–variance framework. For example, a neural network can select
portfolios according to a learning criterion that maximizes returns subject
to value-at-risk constraints (Chapados and Bengio 2001). ANNs can also
solve complex multi-objective optimization problems. To illustrate, a neu-
ral network–based methodology can construct a mean–variance-skewness
optimal portfolio in a fast and ecient manner (Yu, Wang, and Lai 2008).
Furthermore, ANNs can incorporate views about the future asset perfor-
mance into the portfolio optimization using a Black and Litterman (1992)
framework, generating higher out-of-sample Sharpe ratios than the market
portfolio (Zimmermann, Neuneier, and Grothmann 2002).
Another popular AI technique in portfolio construction is evolution-
ary algorithms that have the exibility to accommodate more complex asset
allocation problems. For example, evolutionary algorithms solve optimiza-
tion problems under cardinality constraints (restricting the number of assets
in the portfolio) and maximum or minimum holding thresholds (Branke,
Scheckenbach, Stein, Deb, and Schmeck 2009). Evolutionary algorithms are
also able to incorporate additional objectives. For example, one can incor-
porate model risk (i.e., the risk of failing to produce accurate estimates of
asset returns and volatilities as a result of model mis-specications) into the
optimization problem to reduce forecasting error (Skolpadungket, Dahal, and
Harnpornchai 2016). Optimal portfolios using this approach have better-
realized Sharpe ratios by approximately 10% than those that consider only
return and volatility in their objective functions.
e ability of ANNs to capture nonlinear relationships between assets
without any prior knowledge about the underlying structure of the data can
be useful in synthetic replication—that is, replicating a benchmark portfolio
such as an index by holding a fraction of the constituents while minimizing
tracking error by matching some of the benchmarks risk factors. For exam-
ple, ANNs can approximate the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE)
100 Index with only seven stocks (Lowe 1994), resulting in lower transaction
costs from portfolio rebalancing as well as reduced portfolio management and
monitoring costs. is framework has promising out-of-sample performance
and is exible enough to generate target portfolios with other specied char-
acteristics. For example, one can nd the best strategy (i.e., the strategy with
the lowest risk or cost) to construct a portfolio that outperforms a specic
index by 1% on an annual basis (Heaton, Polson, and Witte 2017).
14 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
4. Trading
Algorithms can play a role in all stages of the trading process (Nuti,
Mirghaemi, Treleaven, and Yingsaeree 2011). e trading process can be
broken down into pre-trade analysis, trade execution, and post-trade analy-
sis (Figure 5). Pre-trade analysis entails using data to analyze properties of
nancial assets with the objective of forecasting not only their future perfor-
mance but also the risks and costs involved in trading them. Insights from
this analysis ultimately lead to the execution of trades. Pre-trade analysis
Figure 5. Algorithmic Trading with AI
- AI uses data to generate a
provisional trading list
- Risks and costs involved
in trading are estimated to
select feasible trades
- Strategies generated in the
previous stage are executed
- AI uses data to determine
optimal execution strategies,
minimizing transaction costs
- Realized trade and market
outcome data are analyzed
- Risk in trading positions is
monitored continuously
Note: e gure presents the three stages of algorithmic trading and summarizes the applications
of AI in each stage.
4. Trading
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 15
can be a manual stage, meaning it involves some form of human supervision,
given that asset managers might want to consider results from pre-trade anal-
yses together with risk assessments and client preferences. In high-frequency
or fully automated systems, however, pre-trade analysis does not involve any
human intervention. Trade execution implements trades while ensuring low
transaction costs. Actual trading outcomes are evaluated during post-trade
analysis to monitor performance and improve the trading system. Post-trade
analysis often involves some form of human supervision or overlay. In con-
trast, pre-trade analysis and trade execution are handled mostly by algorithms
because they require timely and complex analyses.
4.1. Algorithmic Trading
AI plays a role in trading by facilitating algorithmic trading—dened as algo-
rithms that automate one or more stages of the trading process. Algorithmic
trading has experienced a growing presence in asset management thanks to
three recent phenomena (Kirilenko and Lo 2013). First, developments in
computing power, data science, and telecommunication have led to structural
changes in the way nancial markets operate. Computers are now capable
of collecting and analyzing large amounts of data and of executing trades
in milliseconds without any human intervention. Second, breakthroughs in
quantitative nance and ML have provided the necessary tools for comput-
ers to conduct insightful nancial analysis faster and more eciently than
human beings. ird, the increasing speed, complexity, and scale of nancial
markets, together with the breadth of new structural products, have made
keeping track of markets and making real-time trading decisions dicult if
not impossible for humans, whereas complex AI techniques such as ANNs
can now be implemented in close to real time (Leshik and Cralle 2011).
Strategies used in algorithmic trading are often based on technical analy-
sis, which uses past stock and market data to predict future asset returns.
Although performing fundamental analysis is also possible, algorithmic
trades are often of a high frequency, so that analyzing lower-frequency data
such as rm fundamentals is typically less eective. In addition, evidence
is available that indicates that technical indicators dominate fundamental
ones in generating protable trading signals using AI (Borghi and De Rossi,
forthcoming). erefore, AI-based approaches have established a more active
presence in technical analysis (Table 2).
e main inputs to traditional forms of technical analysis are past price
and trading volume data. Strategies based on prices often model trends, such
as momentum or reversal, and cycles using historical data to forecast future
returns. On the other hand, volume-based strategies predict future returns
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
16 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Table 2. AI and Technical Trading Rules
Techn ique Study Sample/Data
ANNs Dixon, Klabjan, and Bang
Five-minute mid-prices for 43 CME-listed
commodity and foreign exchange futures from
1991 to 2014
Choudhry, McGroarty,
Peng, and Wang (2012)
JPY/USD, DM/USD, and USD/EUR exchange
rates from 1998 and 1999
Gradojevic and Yang (2006) CAD/USD exchange rates from 1990 to 2000
Atsalakis and Valavanis
No empirical work; surveys other studies
Dunis, Laws, and
Sermpinis (2010)
Daily EUR/USD exchange rates from 1999 to 2007
Fischer and Krauss (2018) Daily stock data for the constituents of the S&P 500
from 1992 until 2015
Liao and Chou (2013) 30 industrial indices from TAIEX, Shanghai Stock
Exchange/Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the Hang
Seng Index from 2008 to 2011
Booth, Gerding, and
McGroarty (2014)
Stock data for 30 rms from the DAX stock index
from 2000 to 2013
Coqueret and Guida (2018) Financial data for a sample of between 305 and 599
large US rms from 2002 to 2016
Hu et al. (2015) No empirical work; surveys other studies
Allen and Karjalainen
S&P 500 Index daily prices from 1928 to 1995
Manahov, Hudson, and
Gebka (2014)
One-minute quote data for six major currency pairs
from 2012 to 2013
Berutich, López, Luna,
and Quintana (2016)
Stock data for 21 rms listed on the Spanish market
from 2000 to 2013
Cheng, Chen, and Wei
TAIEX stock index data from 2000 to 2005
Tan, Quek, and Cheng
Stock data for more than 20 rms from the US
market from 1994 to 2006
Tsai, Lin, Yen, and Chen
Stock data for a subset of the Taiwan stock market
companies from 2002 to 2006
Nuij, Milea, Hogenboom,
Frasincar, and Kaymak
Stock data for all FTSE 350 stocks from January to
April 2007
Geva and Zahavi (2014) Stock data for 72 S&P 500 rms from 2006 to 2007
4. Trading
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 17
based on recent investor trading activity. Modern technical analysis also
incorporates information from other sources, including fund ows, investor
trades, and textual data from news articles or online sources. AI techniques
using NLP can be particularly useful with respect to these new, unstructured
sources of data.
4.2. Transaction Cost Analysis
Analyzing transaction costs is an essential part of pre-trade analysis that
indicates whether the costs of trading are small enough for a trading signal
to generate prots net of implementation costs. Transaction costs have three
main components: bid–ask spreads, market impact costs, and trading com-
missions. Among these three, market impact costs—dened as the adverse
eect of a trade on market prices—are the only costs that are not observ-
able before the trade is initiated. Nevertheless, having an estimate of market
impact costs is crucial because they represent a signicant portion of trans-
action costs: Market impact absorbs as much as two-thirds of trading gains
made by systematic funds (Financial Stability Board 2017).
AI approaches complement traditional market impact models by pro-
viding additional insights. e nonparametric structure of AI techniques,
together with their ability to capture nonlinear dynamics, are particularly use-
ful for predicting market impact, and various AI techniques have been tested
for this purpose. Performance-weighted random forests are found to outper-
form linear regression, ANNs, and SVMs in predicting the market impact
of a market order by 20% out of sample (Booth, Gerding, and McGroarty
2015). On the other hand, SVMs do not seem to perform particularly well
when forecasting market impact, whereas ANNs do well if they are properly
dened and estimated (Park, Lee, and Son 2016).
Techn ique Study Sample/Data
LASSO Chinco, Clark-Joseph,
and Ye (2019)
One-minute returns of NYSE stocks from 2005
to 2012
NLP Renault (2017) Dataset of stocks with messages published on
StockTwits from 2012 to 2016
Hagenau, Liebmann, and
Neumann (2013)
Stock data for a subset of German and British rms
from 1997 to 2011
Note: e table presents a list of frequently cited studies that use one or several major AI techniques
(hybrid or ensemble approaches) to devise technical trading rules used in algorithmic trading.
Table 2. AI and Technical Trading Rules (continued)
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
18 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Although these nonparametric techniques perform well in estimating
market impact, they have two major shortcomings. First, the majority of
approaches have no economic intuition for the drivers of price impact. As
a result, they are prone to capturing noise rather than relevant information.
Second, these techniques cannot distinguish between permanent and tempo-
rary market impact, which would require additional variables, including trade
direction and liquidity (Farmer, Gerig, Lillo, and Mike 2006). To address
these two issues, a parametric approach such as LASSO regression can be
used alongside nonparametric techniques. With LASSO regression, the most
informative variables capturing information related to the order book and
other sources are selected to predict price impact. Empirical evidence indi-
cates that trade sign, market order size, and liquidity based on best limit order
prices are the most important variables for forecasting market impact (Zheng,
Moulines, and Abergel 2013). A Bayesian network model is another approach
for estimating market impact while providing intuition on the main drivers.
Unlike most other ML techniques, this approach can also account for vari-
ables with data availability issues and model them as latent variables using
Bayesian inference. anks to this feature, other important variables can be
identied (e.g., net order ow imbalance) and added to the model to improve
the forecast (Briere, Lehalle, Nefedova, and Raboun 2019).
Another useful application of AI consists of estimating the market impact
of trades in assets that lack sucient (or any) historical trading data, given that
using traditional approaches to estimate the market impact costs is almost
impossible in this case. A cluster analysis approach can tackle this problem by
identifying comparable assets with similar behavior and using their histori-
cal data instead. For example, cluster analysis can allocate bonds into clusters
based on their duration, maturity, or value outstanding and measure their
similarity according to these variables. Within each cluster, the information
of other bonds is used for bonds without sucient data. Bloomberg’s liquidity
assessment tool notably uses this technique to provide liquidity information
for various assets.
4.3. Trade Execution
Executing large trades often involves signicant market impact costs.
erefore, such trades are typically broken up into a sequence of smaller
orders, which are easier and cheaper to execute. is approach is known as the
execution strategy that requires determining the timing and size of smaller
orders using some form of execution model. e objective of such models is to
minimize transaction costs while completing the transaction within a speci-
ed period. Classical modeling approaches for this problem use stochastic
4. Trading
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 19
control techniques to determine optimal execution strategies (a methodology
that goes back to Bertsimas and Lo 1998). Classical models, however, often
rely on restrictive assumptions regarding asset price dynamics and the func-
tional form of market impact (Kearns and Nevmyvaka 2013).
In contrast, AI approaches facilitate trade execution modeling by actively
learning from real market microstructure data when determining optimal
execution strategies. Recent studies advocate reinforcement learning tech-
niques (i.e., algorithms that receive vectors of microstructure and order book
variables, such as bid–ask spread, volume imbalances between the buy and
sell sides of limit order book, and signed transaction volume) as input and
return optimal execution strategies as output (e.g., Nevmyvaka, Feng, and
Kearns 2006; Kearns and Nevmyvaka 2013; Hendricks and Wilcox 2014;
Kolm and Ritter, forthcoming). e algorithms essentially learn to map each
combination of input variables, known as a “state,” to trading actions such
that transaction costs are minimized (Kearns and Nevmyvaka 2013).
e advantage of AI-based approaches is that they rely on data rather
than normative assumptions to determine market impact costs, price move-
ments, and liquidity. ey therefore have the exibility to adapt as market
conditions change and new data become available. ese models are often
dicult to train and understand, however, especially for large portfolios that
benet the most from a reduction in transaction costs. In addition, systematic
execution strategies run the risk of cascading into a systemic event aecting
the whole market. A famous precedent for this phenomenon is the so-called
ash crash of 2010 (Kirilenko, Kyle, Samadi, and Tuzun 2017).
20 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
5. Portfolio Risk Management
AI also has applications in risk management, with regard to both market risk
and credit risk (Financial Stability Board 2017; Aziz and Dowling 2019).
Market risk refers to the likelihood of loss resulting from aggregate market
uctuation, and credit (or counterparty) risk is the risk of a counterparty not
fullling its contractual obligations, which results in a loss in value (Figure 6).
Although AI has broader uses in risk management, these two categories are
the most important in asset management.
5.1. Market Risk
Market risk analysis involves modeling, assessing, and forecasting risk factors
that aect the investment portfolio. AI can play a role in this area in three
ways: (1) making use of qualitative data for risk modeling, (2) validating and
Figure 6. AI Applications in Risk Management
Artificial Intelligence in
Risk Management
Incorporating qualitative data
in risk modeling (e.g., news
articles, annual reports,
social media)
Validating and backtesting
risk models
Producing forecasts of financial
or economic variables used in
risk management (e.g.,
bankruptcy probability, value at
risk, interest rates,
exchange rates)
Note: e gure presents a summary of three areas in which AI can play a role in risk management.
5. Portfolio Risk Management
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 21
backtesting risk models, and (3) producing more accurate forecasts of aggre-
gate nancial or economic variables (Figure 6).
One area of application for AI in market risk management relates to
extracting information from textual or image data sources. Textual data
sources, including news articles, online posts, nancial contracts, central
bank minutes and statements, and social media, can contain valuable infor-
mation for managing market risk (Groth and Muntermann 2011). Satellite
images are analyzed to predict sales at supermarkets or future crop harvests
(Katona, Painter, Patatoukas, and Zeng 2018). e information provided by
these sources is, in many cases, not captured by other quantitative variables.
For example, AI approaches that use textual information have been shown
to generate better predictions of market crashes (Manela and Moreira 2017),
interest rates (Hong and Han 2002), and other major macroeconomic out-
comes (Cong, Liang, and Zhang 2019) than those using information cap-
tured by other data sources. ese approaches can also extract information
from corporate disclosures with the aim of determining rms’ systematic risk
proles (e.g., Groth and Muntermann 2011; Bao and Datta 2014; Cong et al.
2019). All these applications have triggered an interest among central banks
in incorporating methods of AI-based text mining in macroprudential analy-
ses (Bholat, Hansen, Santos, and Schonhardt-Bailey 2015). To date, empiri-
cal implementations and evidence in this area are scarce.
AI can also help risk managers validate and backtest risk models
(Financial Stability Board 2017). Regulators and nancial supervisory insti-
tutions emphasize this important part of model risk management (Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System 2011). Unsupervised AI approaches
can detect anomalies in risk model output by evaluating all projections gener-
ated by the model and automatically identifying any irregularities. Risk man-
agers can also use supervised AI techniques to generate benchmark forecasts
as part of model validation practice. Comparing model results and bench-
mark forecasts will indicate whether the risk model is producing predictions
that dier signicantly from those generated by AI. A signicant disagree-
ment between AI forecasts and standard risk model outputs can highlight
potential problems and trigger a more thorough investigation.
Depending on the exposure of the assets in a portfolio to the underlying
risk factors, various nancial or economic variables can aect its performance.
erefore, modeling future trends in these factors, especially macroeconomic
variables, is important (Elliott and Timmermann 2008; Ahmed, Atiya, El
Gayar, and El-Shishiny 2010), and ANNs are particularly popular in this
context. For example, empirical evidence suggests that variants of ANNs per-
form signicantly better than linear autoregressive approaches in forecasting
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
22 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
47 monthly macroeconomic variables of the G7 economies (Teräsvirta, van
Dijk, and Medeiros 2005). Using ANNs entails the risk of producing implau-
sible forecasts at long horizons, however. Nonetheless, ANNs have been par-
ticularly successful in forecasting interest rates (e.g., Kim and Noh 1997; Oh
and Han 2000) and exchange rates (e.g., Kaashoek and van Dijk 2002; Majhi,
Panda, and Sahoo 2009).
ANNs can also be used to devise systematic risk factors. ese models
can capture nonlinearities and interactions of covariates, including rm char-
acteristics and macroeconomic variables (e.g., Bryzgalova et al. 2019, Chen,
Pelger, and Zhu 2020; Gu, Kelly, and Xiu 2019; Feng, Polson, and Xu 2020).
Such factors can better account for risk premia and distinguish between non-
diversiable and diversiable (idiosyncratic) risk than conventional linear fac-
tors can. LASSO regressions can also be useful in determining systematic
factor structures. ese models are able to select the most relevant system-
atic risk factors from a subset of factors or market indices (Giamouridis and
Paterlini 2010).
AI techniques can also predict market volatility and nancial crises, espe-
cially ANNs and SVMs, whose ability to capture nonlinear dynamics gives
them an advantage over traditional generalized autoregressive conditional
heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. ANNs can predict market volatility
either directly (Hamid and Iqbal 2004) or in combination with a variant of
GARCH (Donaldson and Kamstra 1997; Fernandes, Medeiros, and Scharth
2014). Some researchers, however, found SVMs to be superior to ANNs in
this context (Chen, Hardle, and Jeong 2009). In addition to volatility model-
ing, ANNs and SVMs are used to predict nancial crises. Models performing
this forecasting task are often referred to as early warning systems. Almost all
major nancial institutions use a form of early warning system to monitor
systemic risk. ANNs and SVMs have been shown to predict currency crises
(e.g., Lin, Khan, Chang, and Wang 2008; Sevim, Oztekin, Bali, Gumus, and
Guresen 2014), banking crises (e.g., Celik and Karatepe 2007; Ristolainen
2018), and recessions generally (e.g., Yu, Wang, Lai, and Wen 2010; Ahn,
Oh, T.Y. Kim, and D.H. Kim 2011; Gogas, Papadimitriou, Matthaiou, and
Chrysanthidou 2015) with reasonable accuracy. Nevertheless, crises are rare
nancial events, so in the absence of a sucient number of such events in
the sample, one could question the ability of AI models to accurately predict
future crises.
5.2. Credit Risk
e objective of credit risk management is to ensure that the failure of any
counterparty to meet its obligations does not have a negative eect on the
5. Portfolio Risk Management
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 23
portfolio beyond specic limits. Asset managers need to monitor the credit
risk of the entire portfolio as well as of individual positions and transactions.
is practice involves modeling the solvency risk associated with institutions
issuing nancial products, including equities, bonds, swaps, and options.
An extensive range of approaches exists for modeling solvency or bankruptcy
risk. Multivariate discriminant analysis, logit, and probit models are among
the most common traditional methods used (Bellovary, Giacomino, and
Akers 2007).
Credit risk modeling is one of the rst areas of nance to consider the
application of AI techniques. e two most widely used techniques are ANNs
and SVMs. In fact, ANNs have become mainstream bankruptcy modeling
techniques since the early 1990s (Tam 1991). e popularity of ANNs stems
largely from their higher success in forecasting bankruptcy and determin-
ing credit ratings compared with traditional techniques (e.g., Zhang, Hu,
Patuwo, and Indro 1999; Tsai and Wu 2008). More-recent studies, however,
advocate the use of SVMs (e.g., Auria and Moro 2008; Ribeiro, Silva, Chen,
Vieira, and das Neves 2012) because they yield slightly more accurate bank-
ruptcy forecasts than ANNs do (Huang, H. Chen, Hsu, W.-H. Chen, and
Wu 2004). Moreover, SVMs are less likely to face some of the issues common
with ANNs, such as overtting. ANNs and SVMs also perform particularly
well when estimating loss given default (dened as the economic loss when
default occurs), which the Basel II Accord requires nancial institutions to
model in addition to the default probability for regulatory capital monitoring
purposes (Loterman, Brown, Martens, Mues, and Baesens 2012).
Beyond SVMs and ANNs, a wide range of other AI approaches
including genetic algorithms (Varetto 1998)can be used for credit risk
modeling (Kumar and Ravi 2007; Peña, Martinez, and Abudu 2011). Because
each of the modeling techniques has its own specic advantages and disad-
vantages, an ensemble technique that uses various approaches separately and
then combines the resulting predictions should be considered for achieving
the best performance (Verikas, Kalsyte, Bacauskiene, and Gelzinis 2010).
24 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
6. Robo-Advisors
Robo-advisors are computer programs that provide customized advice to
assist individual investors in investment activities. ese programs have
gained signicant attention recently because of their success in reducing bar-
riers to entry for retail investors. Academic interest in researching how to
enhance robo-advisors using AI is growing (Figure 7). e primary focus is
on devising algorithms known as recommender systems that produce optimal
portfolios catered to investors’ risk appetites (e.g., Xue, Q. Liu, Li, X. Liu, Ye,
Wang, and Yin 2018). However, robo-advising can integrate all types of AI
Figure 7. Robo-Advising with AI
Investor Information
- Attitude toward risk
- Behavioral questionnaire
- Financial goals
Artificial Intelligence
- Wide range of ML
techniques to analyze
market data
- NLP to incorporate textual
data and provide chatbots
Big Data
- Access to large volumes of
financial and nonfinancial
data sources
Financial and
Investment Advice
- Financial advice (e.g., banking
products, insurance policies)
- Investment advice (e.g., portfolio
of assets calibrated to investor
goals and risk tolerance)
- Efficient delivery of financial advice and
investment recommendations
- Supports less educated or affluent investors
- Ability to perform complex analyses on
large datasets
- Not prone to human biases and mistakes
- Limited view of risk tolerance
- Ignores taxes and inflation
- Ineffective advice during crises
- Shifting responsibility from institutions
to retail investors
Note: e gure illustrates the structure of robo-advisor systems that incorporate AI and summa-
rizes the advantages and disadvantages of these systems.
6. Robo-Advisors
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 25
applications into portfolio management, trading, and portfolio risk manage-
ment. By building on the success of AI in these elds, robo-advisors can not
only produce portfolios with better out-of-sample performance for investors
but also rebalance portfolios, automatically managing the portfolio’s risks and
minimizing transaction costs. Because robo-advising is less expensive than
working with a human advisor and can be performed through a simplied
interface, investing via a robo-advisor is ultimately both more benecial and
more accessible for retail investors.
Robo-advisors are also less prone to behavioral biases, mistakes, and ille-
gal practices. In fact, robo-advising has been shown to appeal most to inves-
tors who fear being victims of investment fraud (Brenner and Meyll 2019).
More sophisticated institutional investors can benet from robo-advisors’
ability to eciently process a wide range of nancial data. Although reducing
behavioral biases when making investment decisions is benecial to all types
of investors (D’Acunto, Prabhala, and Rossi 2017), less sophisticated inves-
tors particularly benet from robo-advice in terms of enhancing portfolio
performance, increasing diversication, and reducing volatility. At the same
time, because robo-advisors have trade execution services integrated into
them, they often encourage investors to trade more. is increased trading
can be both a benet, in terms of encouraging investors to rebalance positions
more often, and a pitfall, because it can lead to excessive trading that benets
robo-advising systems through commissions at the expense of investors. To
be able to use robo-advisors and benet from their advantages, an investor
needs a certain minimum level of technological understanding and nancial
Not all robo-advisors necessarily use new, sophisticated methods. An
analysis of 219 international robo-advisors shows that Markowitz’s portfolio
theory is the most prevalent approach, although some systems do not disclose
their techniques (Beketov, Lehmann, and Wittke 2018). More-sophisticated
robo-advisors rely on proprietary algorithms and do not divulge the details
of their approach to analyzing portfolios and making recommendations.
Nevertheless, an examination of the industry indicates that the most success-
ful robo-advisors rely heavily on AI to conduct investment and trading analy-
ses (Sabharwal 2018). After all, robo-advising and ntech in general derive
most of their success from collecting and analyzing data, and AI is an integral
part of this process (Dhar and Stein 2017).
26 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
7. Articial Intelligence Risks and
Challenges: What Can Go Wrong?
Although many studies of AI in nance highlight the technology’s advan-
tages and benets for various applications, AI users should also be aware
of some of its actual or perceived risks and downsides with respect to asset
management. ese potential negative issues are often related to complexity,
opacity, and dependence on data integrity (Figure 8).
Understanding and explaining the inferences made by most AI models
is dicult, if not impossible. As the complexity of the task or the algorithm
grows, opacity can render human supervision ineective, thereby becom-
ing an even more signicant problem. is issue might have repercussions
for asset managers in three ways. First, the diculty in predicting how AI
models will respond to major surprises or “black swan” events could lead to
systematic crashes. Even in the absence of major events, AI algorithms may
make the same errors at the same time, introducing the risk of cascading mar-
ket crashes. Indeed, the considerable cost of producing AI algorithms has led
to most asset management companies using the same tools and algorithms.
As a result, AI-driven crashes could be much more likely than other cascad-
ing algorithmic crashes we have experienced. Cascading algorithmic crashes
are not specic to AI systems and may arise from even simple widespread
quantitative approaches, such as value investing. What makes AI dierent,
however, is that its opacity may prevent such risks from being properly mod-
eled and monitored.
Second, AI can make wrong decisions based on incorrect inferences
that have captured spurious or irrelevant patterns in the data. For example,
ANNs that are trained to pick stocks with high expected returns might select
illiquid, distressed stocks (Avramov et al. 2019). ird, attributing invest-
ment performance can become more challenging when using AI models. For
example, the widely used Barra Risk Factor Analysis, based on linear factor
models, might not suit AI-based strategies that capture nonlinear relation-
ships between characteristics and returns. Consequently, in cases of poor
fund performance, explaining to investors how and why the investment
strategy failed can be dicult, which could undermine investors’ trust in the
fund or even in the industry. To better understand the behavior of AI models,
some people approximate an AI models prediction behavior by construct-
ing an additional, simpler, and interpretable “surrogate model.” Shapley val-
ues from game theory can be used to understand how much dierent feature
7. Articial Intelligence Risks and Challenges
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 27
values contribute to a prediction. A good overview on these and many other
approaches to explaining AI models can be found in Molnar (2020).
Moreover, the black box character of many AI systems raises the issue of
responsibility and makes regulation challenging (Zetzsche, Arner, Buckley,
and Tang 2020).
Figure 8. AI Areas of Concern
Opacity & Complexity
- Systematic crashes
- Incorrect inference
- Performance attribution
Data Integrity & Sufficiency
- Heavy reliance on data quality
- Requirement for large
amounts of data
- Past data not fully
representing the future
Note: e gure summarizes major potential sources of risk introduced by adopting AI in asset
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
28 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Data quality and suciency can be other major sources of concern. Like
other empirical models, AI models rely on the integrity and availability
of data. Poor data quality can easily trigger what is famously described as
garbage in, garbage out.” Data quality and suciency become particularly
important because AI outputs are often taken at face value. erefore, iden-
tifying data-related issues by evaluating the model outcomes might not be
a straightforward exercise. Furthermore, AI models require large amounts
of data during the learning phase, often more than are available. is lack
of data might lead to improper calibration caused by the input datas poor
signal-to-noise ratio, especially in the case of low-frequency nancial data
with numerous missing observations. Imputation, a preprocessing step in
which statistical values are used as substitutes for missing observations (e.g.,
Kofman and Sharpe 2003), may help, but obviously only to a certain extent.
Some argue that past data in general might not fully represent the future.
is shortcoming can become particularly prominent when the short time
series of available nancial data misses certain important extreme events in
the past, increasing the likelihood that AI models will fail during a crash
or crisis (Patel and Lincoln 2019). As a side eect, AI’s growing presence
in the investment industry and asset managers’ reliance on it for day-to-day
tasks might further increase the asset managers’ cybersecurity risk (Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System 2011).
Overall, whether the benets of AI outweigh the considerable costs of
investing in the required software, hardware, human resources, and data sys-
tems is not yet clear. After all, limited resources are available for asset man-
agers to develop and test new strategies, so that investment in AI must be
considered alongside mutually exclusive, competing research projects. Once
the current AI hype has dissipated, investors may become less keen to invest
in AI-driven funds, which would make breaking even on investments in AI
infrastructure even harder. us, asset managers will need to carefully con-
sider both the benets and costs of AI (Patel and Lincoln 2019; Buchanan
2019), if only not to get cold feet when the next AI winter comes.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 29
8. Conclusion
e use of AI in asset management is an emerging eld of interest among
both academics and practitioners. AI has vast applications for portfolio man-
agement, trading, and portfolio risk management that enable the industry to
be more ecient and compliant. It also serves at the heart of new practices
and activities, such as algorithmic trading and robo-advising. Nevertheless,
AI is still far from replacing humans completely. Indeed, most of its opera-
tions within asset management are conned and controlled by some form of
human supervision. Consequently, a better way to describe AI is as a collec-
tion of techniques that automate or facilitate (often small) parts of the practice
of asset management, from the capacity to solve portfolio optimization prob-
lems with specic conditions to fully automated algorithmic trading systems.
e success of AI in asset management is linked to its three key, inher-
ent capabilities. First, AI models are objective, highly ecient in conducting
repetitive tasks, and able to identify patterns in high dimensional data that
may not be perceptible by humans. AI can also analyze data with minimal
knowledge of the data’s structure or the relation between input and output,
including nonlinear relations. is feature is especially useful for forecast-
ing, yielding more accurate estimates because AI does not rely on restrictive
assumptions inherent in more traditional methods. Second, AI can extract
information from unstructured data sources, such as news articles, online
posts, reports, and images. As a result, a tremendous amount of informa-
tion can be incorporated into nancial analysis without manual processing
and intervention. ird, AI algorithms, unlike other statistical techniques,
are often designed to improve themselves by readjusting in accordance with
the data. is ability means that the manual reconguration or parameter
re-estimation that is essential for traditional models is unnecessary with AI.
Finally, AI’s greatest strength—its ability to process data with minimal
theoretical knowledge or supervision—can also be its greatest weakness.
Indeed, a popular saying asserts that AI will always generate a result, even
when one should not exist. is tendency causes problems when data quality
is poor, when the task being performed is too complex for humans to monitor
or understand, and when cascading systemic failures could occur as a result of
several AI algorithms reacting to each other. Asset managers must bear such
issues in mind as the role of AI becomes more pervasive and signicant.
30 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Appendix A. Basic Articial Intelligence
Concepts and Techniques
A.1. Articial Intelligence and Machine Learning
A.1.1. Origin and Denition. AI is widely believed to have started at the
Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Articial Intelligence, a workshop
organized by John McCarthy in the summer of 1956 at Dartmouth College.
Many prominent mathematicians and scientists, including Marvin Minsky
and Claude Shannon, attended this six-week brainstorming workshop. e
workshop proposal introduced the term “articial intelligence” and stated the
following objectives:
e study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of
learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely
described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be
made to nd how to make machines use language, form abstractions and
concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve
themselves. (McCarthy, Minsky, Rochester, and Shannon 2006, p. 12)
In recent years, the original denition of AI and what it should encom-
pass has evolved. Russell and Norvig (2010) distinguish the following four
dierent dimensions, or schools of thought, that determine the objective
of AI.
1. Acting Humanly: From this point of view, AI refers to the challenge of
creating computers capable of performing tasks in ways that are similar
to how humans perform them. An example of this is the Turing Test,
proposed by Alan Turing. e test poses a challenge in which a human
interrogator presents questions and receives responses from either another
human or a machine. e machine passes the test if the interrogator is
unable to distinguish the human’s answers from the machine’s.
2. Acting Rationally:is dimension aims to build agents that act ratio-
nally, (i.e., that aim to achieve the best outcome or, when uncertainty
exists, the best expected outcome).
3. inking Humanly: is perspective refers to the replication of human
thinking processes. e eld of cognitive science is a major manifesta-
tion of this approach to AI. It uses computer programs and insights from
experimental psychology to emulate the human mind.
Appendix A. Basic Articial Intelligence Concepts and Techniques
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 31
4. inking Rationally:inking rationally refers to using rules for reach-
ing logical conclusions based on premises assumed to be true.
Until a few decades ago, most research in AI fell into the category of
thinking rationally, represented by expert systems. Such systems have large
knowledge bases and an inference mechanism that allows the deduction of
new knowledge by logically deriving it through rules. For example, knowing
that all men are mortal and that Socrates was a man, an expert system could
infer that Socrates was mortal. Expert systems were highly popular in the
1970s and 1980s, but the need for building large, complex knowledge bases
and the systems’ deterministic nature have led to them falling out of favor.
e idea to have the machine learn through observations (i.e., ML) eventually
turned out to be more applicable in practice, and it is the predominant AI
technique behind most modern applications.
Problems studied under ML are of three main types—supervised learn-
ing, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning (Alpaydin 2010;
Murphy 2012)—each of which have common applications. Although many
of these techniques have existed for decades, the sudden surge in their popu-
larity and application has resulted from performance improvements thanks to
technological progress that has enabled computers to train ML models on a
scale that was not possible even a few years ago.
A.1.2. Supervised Learning. Consider the problem of determining the
sales price of a house based on a set of attributes, such as interior square footage,
geographic location, and number of oors. In supervised learning, an algorithm
establishes a mathematical relation between the feature data (square footage,
location, and number of oors) and the response data (sales price). Rather than
explicitly programming the model, a supervised learning algorithm is given a
set of training data. It then adjusts its model so as to minimize the prediction
error on the training data. Once the model has been established, it can be used
to infer a response from features that have not been observed before. Often the
training is iterative (i.e., a relation is rst guessed randomly) and subsequently
adjusted based on how erroneous the guess was. Over time, increasingly accu-
rate relations are produced until, ideally, a “best” relation is found. Eectively,
a machine learns how to relate the feature data to the response data. Because
a training set of correctly classied response data is used to guide the learning
process, the learning is deemed supervised. Supervised learning is currently
the most common learning approach in practice.
Supervised learning has two main applications: classication and regres-
sion. Predicting the sales prices of houses is an example of regression, because
the response data are quantitative and continuous. In classication, one
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
32 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
is interested in determining a response that falls into one of a few catego-
ries, such as whether or not a credit card transaction is fraudulent, based on
observed features such as the distance of the transaction from the cardholder’s
residence, the amount of the transaction, and the object purchased.
A.1.3. Unsupervised Learning. Unsupervised learning is used to iden-
tify structures in data without access to labels. e most popular example is
clustering (i.e., the categorization of data into dierent groups wherein the
elements of each group have similar characteristics). is approach is useful,
for example, in marketing, where customers can be separated into dierent
groups, and dierent marketing strategies can be developed for each group.
Other applications are the detection of regularities (e.g., people who buy X
also tend to buy Y) and the compression of data.
A.1.4. Reinforcement Learning. e premise of reinforcement learn-
ing is that an agent (e.g., a program, a robot, a control system) learns how
to act appropriately in an environment based on reward signals it receives in
response to its actions. In each iteration, the agent observes the state of the
environment, decides how to act, and then receives a reward and information
about the next state of the environment. Reinforcement learning is the core
technology behind Google’s AlphaZero, an algorithm that learned to beat
the best human players in the board game Go simply by playing against itself
many times. ese algorithms can also be used in nance to solve dynamic
optimization problems, including portfolio optimization and trading in the
presence of transaction costs (Kolm and Ritter, forthcoming).
A.2. Overview of Common Articial Intelligence Techniques
Several AI techniques are widely used in asset management. ese include
ANNs, cluster analysis, decision trees, evolutionary (genetic) algorithms,
LASSO regression, SVMs, and NLP. is section briey characterizes these
techniques, discusses their strengths and weaknesses, and notes their areas of
application (Table A.1).
A.2.1. Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
Regression. Linear regression is a common and relatively simple way to t
a model to data to make predictions or to estimate missing values. It seeks
to nd the coecients of explanatory (or predictor) variables that contrib-
ute to the value of the dependent (or predicted) variable. To nd the best
model, the most common approach is to minimize the sum of squared errors,
which are the dierence between observed values and the values predicted
by the model. As model complexity increases with the number of regressors,
Appendix A. Basic Articial Intelligence Concepts and Techniques
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 33
Table A.1. Summary of AI Techniques
Techn ique Strengths Weaknesses Areas of Application
ANNs Complex and nonlin-
ear relationships
Data and computa-
tionally intensive
Image processing
and recognition
Incremental and
transfer learning
Predictions not
Speech recognition
and synthesis
Can generalize well Possible overtting Forecasting
Labels unnecessary Clusters may be
Data analysis
Helps to understand
May require cluster
Anomaly detection
Choosing attributes
can be dicult
Classications are
Possible overtting Decision making
Complex and nonlin-
ear relationships
Complex trees possible Classication
Poor at predicting
continuous variables
Ability to handle high-
dimensional spaces
Varies on initial
Finds novel solutions Computationally
Identify most relevant
Model can be unstable
and hard to interpret
Forecasting and
robust regression
Flexible and fairly
Perform poorly when
independent variables
are correlated
Sparse solutions
NLP Analyzes and gener-
ates text and speech
Currently primitive
and unable to fully
understand text
Search engines and
news ltering
Finds information in
large textual datasets
Text classication
and summarization
SVMs Structure of data can
be unknown
Dicult to interpret Classication
Can generalize with
less overtting risk
Kernel dicult to
choose for nonlinear
Notes: e table summarizes the key characteristics of major AI techniques and the branch of tex-
tual analysis approaches known as NLP. For each technique, the table details the key strengths,
weaknesses, and areas of application.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
34 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
however, the variability of predictions can also increase. Furthermore, with
too many parameters, the model can overt to the data, modeling noise
rather than the underlying trend and leading to poor generalization to unseen
data. e LASSO method (Tibshirani 1996; James, Witten, Hastie, and
Tibshirani 2017) improves over standard linear or nonlinear models by addi-
tionally penalizing model complexity. By aiming to set some of the models
parameters to zero, LASSO regression automatically identies the most rel-
evant data features.
A.2.2. Articial Neural Networks and Deep Learning. ANNs are
inspired by biological brains (Aggarwal 2018; Haykin 2009). Similar to
what occurs in biological neurons, in each node of an ANN, input signals
are aggregated and processed, and the result is forwarded to other nodes.
ANNs are often arranged in feedforward layers (Figure A.1), with input data
applied to an input layer and further processed by a number of hidden layers
before arriving at an output layer. ANNs with many hidden layers are called
deep neural networks.” ANNs are trained by altering the weights of the con-
nections so that the errors between the predicted and desired data labels are
minimized. Once trained, the ANN can be used to predict the output of
previously unseen input data.
Figure A.1. Feedforward ANN
Note: e gure illustrates a fully connected feedforward neural network. Output and input vari-
ables are linked through several layers of interconnected nodes.
Appendix A. Basic Articial Intelligence Concepts and Techniques
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 35
A fundamental concern among AI practitioners and researchers is the
interpretability of trained ANNs. Presently, determining how a given neural
network settles on its predictions is not easy. For some elds, this is not an
issue. In others, however, such as medical data analysis, doctors are reluctant
to use a neural network without a complete understanding of the mecha-
nisms by which the network arrives at a prediction. ANNs also require fairly
large datasets to train properly, which may not be available for all assets or
A.2.3. Decision Trees and Random Forests. A decision tree sequen-
tially splits a dataset into increasingly small subsets typically based on
a single feature value. For the leaf nodes, the predicted class is determined
(Figure A.2). Besides classication, decision trees can also be used for piece-
wise linear regression. Decision trees are a form of supervised learning, and the
tree is constructed to replicate the labels in the training data as best as possible.
A random forest (Breiman 2001) is an ensemble of classication and
regression methods that consists of many decision trees. Each decision tree
makes predictions and contributes to the random forest’s predictions via an
averaging procedure. e assumption is that many decision tree models, each
with a slightly dierent perspective, make better predictions than a single
Figure A.2. Decision Tree Classier
<=25 >25 <=600 >600
High School University
High Risk Low Risk
Low Risk High Risk Education Low Risk
Credit Score
Note: Shown is a decision tree to classify credit applications into low and high risk. Starting from
the top, applications move down the tree based on their characteristics. For example, an applica-
tion of someone with an income less than or equal to $30,000 annually and who is more than
25 years old would be classied as high risk.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
36 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
decision tree. Individual trees are generated from a distinct sampling of the
training set while using a random subset of the attributes for nodes. Consensus
voting on tree classications determines the prediction (Figure A.3). A key
advantage decision trees have over other AI techniques, such as ANNs, is
that the rules they use to classify data are human readable, and thus the rea-
sons that lead to a particular classication can be easily traced.
A.2.4. Support Vector Machines. SVMs are supervised algorithms
that are typically used for classication (Vapnik 2000; James et al. 2017).
ese algorithms learn boundaries that partition the feature space into two or
more classes. Once dened, the boundaries can be used to classify new data.
SVMs are powerful, accurate tools for both classication and regression, and
they are resistant to overtting their training data. ey are computationally
intensive, however, and thus do not scale well to large datasets.
Figure A.4, Panel A, presents an example of linearly separable training
data. e separation of the data into two classes is dened by the solid line,
which has been chosen to maximize its distance from the nearest data point
in each class (indicated by the dashed lines). In this example, the SVM has
learned the linear boundary that most eectively separates the data. In prac-
tice, training data are not always distributed in a way that permits separa-
tion by a linear boundary. In such instances, kernel methods are used to nd
more complex separation boundaries (Cortes and Vapnik 1995). Figure A.4,
Figure A.3. Random Forest Voting Scheme for Classication
Random Forest
Majority Voting
Final Class
Note: e gure illustrates a random forest voting scheme that makes a prediction. e random
forest combines the output of n decision trees and yields a nal output that the majority of trees
agree on.
Appendix A. Basic Articial Intelligence Concepts and Techniques
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 37
Panel B, shows a nonlinear boundary learned by an SVM with the radial
basis function kernel.
A.2.5. Cluster Analysis. Cluster analysis is an unsupervised learn-
ing technique that seeks to partition a dataset into groups or clusters (Tan,
Steinbach, Karpatne, and Kumar 2018; Aggarwal and Reddy 2014). Once the
clusters are identied and labeled, the model can be used to classify new data.
e same data may yield many dierent possible sets of clusters, depending
on the number of clusters desired, how the data are distributed, and the clus-
tering algorithm. Applications in asset management include cluster analysis
of markets, companies, nancial instruments, time series, and documents.
e most popular clustering algorithm is K-means clustering, which
requires the user to specify the desired number of clusters, K. e method
starts by randomly choosing some cluster centroids and allocating each data
point to the closest centroid. It subsequently alternates between moving each
centroid to the center of its data cluster and reassigning the data points.
A.2.6. Evolutionary (Genetic) Algorithms. An evolutionary algorithm
(often also called a genetic algorithm) is an optimization algorithm based on
Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection (Eiben and Smith 2015;
Simon 2013). Its basic operations are depicted in Figure A.5. e evolution-
ary algorithm starts with an initial population of candidate solutions, usually
Figure A.4. SVM Examples
A. SVM with Linear Kernel
B. SVM with Nonlinear Kernel
Notes: e gure illustrates an example of using an SVM to separate data into two groups. e
dashed lines are the support vectors. SVMs often transform data by adding an additional dimen-
sion, making the classication of the data points easier. ese transformations are called kernels.
Panel A uses a linear kernel, and Panel B uses a nonlinear one.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
38 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
generated randomly. In each iteration, new candidate solutions are created by
selecting a pair of better performing solutions in the population, merging the
information from these two solutions into one (recombination), and intro-
ducing small random perturbations (mutation). e new solutions replace
older, worse-performing solutions in the population. Via an iterative process
of varying previously found well-performing solutions and selectively keeping
better ones, increasingly better solutions are found over time.
Because evolutionary algorithms do not require a mathematical formula-
tion of the problem and do not make assumptions such as convexity or linear-
ity about the objective function, they can also be applied to complex problems
in which other optimization algorithms fail. For example, evolutionary algo-
rithms have been used to solve mean–variance portfolio selection problems
under cardinality constraints (restricting the number of assets in the portfolio).
A.2.7. Natural Language Processing. NLP is a group of computa-
tional methods that can process or generate human natural language such as
text or speech (Manning and Schütze 1999; Mitkov 2014). ese methods
include voice recognition, which converts spoken language to text; speech
generation, which converts text to speech; natural language understanding,
which extracts meaning from spoken or written text; and natural language
generation, which produces natural language data from other data sources.
Owing to the ubiquity of social media and the countless natural language
samples it provides, the amount of literature on NLP has increased exponen-
tially in recent years (Xing, Cambria, and Welsch 2018). Various SVMs and
neural network architectures, such as deep learning or recurrent networks,
are frequently used in NLP.
Figure A.5. Iteration of an Evolutionary Algorithm
Note: Illustrated is one iteration of an evolutionary algorithm: Better-performing solutions are
selected as parents, then used to create new solutions (ospring) by means of recombination and
mutation, and nally, the ospring replaces solutions in the population.
Appendix A. Basic Articial Intelligence Concepts and Techniques
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 39
In nance, much attention is focused on natural language nancial fore-
casting, which extracts information such as sentiment from nancial news or
social media data and incorporates it into models that predict the movement of
nancial data. Most of the literature applies NLP to stock and foreign exchange
rate prediction because of the accessibility of information for these markets.
A.2.8. Comparisons of AI Techniques. AI algorithms and techniques
dier by the types of data on which they best operate; the kinds of predictions
they can make; the means by which they learn to t their data; the computa-
tional power required for training, testing, and deployment; and the ease with
which they can be scaled.
Data may be low dimensional, as in the case of housing price data that
depend on fewer than a dozen features, or high dimensional, as in the case of
an image consisting of millions of pixels that have values independent from
all others. Data that reside in just a few dimensions allow using simpler tech-
niques (e.g., LASSO, K-means clustering, K-nearest neighbors) for classica-
tion or regression. On the other hand, data that live in higher dimensions
suer from the curse of dimensionality: e more dimensions the machine
learning problem has, the more samples are required to make meaningful
predictions, and the more computationally intensive analyzing and modeling
the data become. Autoencoder neural networks are an example of an algo-
rithm that can project high-dimensional data into low dimensions, so that the
data can be modeled and predicted more eectively.
If the data are labeled, a wide variety of supervised learning algorithms
can be used to learn a good mapping from input to predicted output. If data
are unlabeled, unsupervised learning techniques, such as cluster analysis, can
be used to identify patterns in the data.
Some algorithms are versatile, whereas others are relatively restricted. For
instance, K-means clustering is an algorithm designed to partition data into
K subsets in an unsupervised fashion only. Neural networks, on the other
hand, are more broadly applicable. ey can be used for unsupervised and
supervised learning, classication, and regression, and they can be applied to
images, text, and time series.
e interpretability of a mathematical model varies widely. Linear regres-
sion models, logistic regression models, decision trees, and K-nearest neigh-
bor classiers are examples of algorithms with readily understood learned
behavior. In contrast, a precise statistical description of the learning and pre-
diction decisions of neural networks is still an unresolved problem.
Some algorithms are dicult to deploy on large datasets as a result of
their computational complexity. Specialized hardware or graphic cards may
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
40 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
speed up computations, such as for neural networks. Note that although
training is sometimes very time consuming, deploying a trained model for
predictions on unseen data is usually fast.
e business logic of asset management determines the structure of data-
sets and the type of predictions to be obtained. Consequently, the business
needs ultimately determine the choice of AI algorithm.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 41
Appendix B. Trends and Patterns
in Finance Research Using AI
Developments in academic research related to AI can be analyzed by study-
ing trends and patterns in working papers in nance that use AI techniques.
To capture the most recent trends and those related to the area of nance,
we downloaded all working papers that have AI-related keywords in their
title, abstract, or listed keywords and that have been posted in the Financial
Economics Network (FEN) on the Social Sciences Research Network
(SSRN) between 1996 and 2018. e primary keywords are “articial intel-
ligence,” “machine learning,” “cluster analysis,” “genetic algorithm” or “evolu-
tionary algorithm,” “lasso,” “natural language processing,” “neural network
or “deep learning,” “random forest” or “decision tree,” and “support vector
On SSRN, 1,814 working papers include at least one of our keywords.
By far the most popular AI-related keyword, “machine learning” appears in
29% of all papers in our sample. Among AI techniques, “neural network” (or
deep learning”), with 38% of the papers, and “cluster analysis,” with 16%, are
the two most popular keywords (Panel A of Figure B.1). Download numbers
magnify the relative popularity of neural networks even further, consider-
ing that papers with “neural network/deep learning” keywords account for
almost half of the total downloads of all papers related to the AI techniques
(Panel B of Figure B.1). “Random forest” (or “decision tree”), with only 16%,
has the second highest proportion of downloads. Finally, “natural language
processing” is associated with only 4% of the papers and 3% of downloads,
the lowest among all techniques.
Interestingly, no working papers with a “machine learning” keyword
appear until 2003. Because the terms “machine learning” and “articial intel-
ligence” have gained popularity more recently, we sum the number of papers
for all AI-related keywords. In 1996, no working paper with any AI-related
keyword was uploaded to SSRN. Signicant growth has occurred since,
however, with 410 papers posted in 2018. e total number of papers on FEN
also increased during the same period, but to a much smaller degree: Papers
with AI-related keywords accounted for 3% of all papers in 2018.
Among the AI techniques, the popularity of “neural network” is consis-
tent over the years. “Lasso” and “support vector machine” techniques seem to
have gained popularity more recently, however. e same applies to “natural
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
42 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Figure B.1. Number and Downloads of Finance Papers Using AI, 1996–2018
169, 16%
101, 9%
133, 12%
46, 4%
415, 38%
155, 14%
72, 7%
22,602, 7%
26,070, 8%
32,309, 9%
11,804, 3%
171,517, 49%
55,545, 16%
27,208, 8%
A. Number of Papers
B. Number of Downloads
Cluster Analysis
Genetic (or Evolutionary) Algorithm
Natural Language Processing
Support Vector Machine
Random Forest or Decision Tree
Neural Network or Deep Learning
Notes: e gure shows the number of papers (Panel A) and downloads (Panel B) associated with
various AI techniques for the sample of SSRN FEN working papers. e sample includes papers
having one of the following keywords in their abstract, title, or keyword section: “articial intel-
ligence,” “machine learning,” “cluster analysis,” “genetic algorithm” or “evolutionary algorithm,”
lasso,” “natural language processing,” “neural network” or “deep learning,” “random forest” or
decision tree,” and “support vector machine.”
Appendix B. Trends and Patterns in Finance Research Using AI
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 43
language processing”: No papers with this keyword appear on SSRN until
2008, but 13 working papers with this keyword were uploaded in 2018.
Among countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany
are the top three producers of papers with AI-related keywords (Figure B.2).
ese three countries account for more than half of all AI papers, followed
by Switzerland, India, France, China, and Italy. Not surprisingly, these coun-
tries also show high productivity in terms of nance papers generally.
Among institutions, Cornell University, Humboldt University of Berlin,
the University of Chicago, Stevens Institute of Technology, and ETH Zurich
are the top ve contributors to AI research papers (Table B.1). A large num-
ber of nonacademic institutions are also in the full list, illustrating the inter-
est in conducting research related to this topic in the nance industry and
central banks.
Figure B.2. Number of Papers Using AI by Country, 1996–2018
Notes: e gure shows a heat map based on the number of papers with AI-related keywords
for each country. A paper belongs to a specic country if at least one of its authors is aliated
with institutions located in that country. e sample includes papers having one of the following
keywords in their abstract, title, or keyword section: “articial intelligence,” “machine learning,”
“cluster analysis,” “genetic algorithm” or “evolutionary algorithm,” “lasso,” “natural language pro-
cessing,” “neural network” or “deep learning,” “random forest” or “decision tree,” and “support
vector machine.”
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
44 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Table B.1. Number of Papers by Institution, 1996–2018
Institution/University Sum of AI Papers
Independent 75
Aliation not provided to SSRN 67
Cornell University 64
Humboldt University of Berlin 47
University of Chicago 42
Stevens Institute of Technology 41
ETH Zurich 39
New York University 30
Imperial College London 26
Harvard University 22
University of St. omas 21
London School of Economics and Political Science 19
Other Institutions 2,937
Notes: e table presents the number of SSRN FEN working papers by institution. A paper belongs
to an institution if at least one of its authors has an aliation with that institution. e sample
includes papers having one of the following keywords in their abstract, title, or keyword section:
“articial intelligence,” “machine learning,” “cluster analysis,” “genetic algorithm” or “evolutionary
algorithm,” “lasso,” “natural language processing,” “neural network” or “deep learning,” “random
forest” or “decision tree,” and “support vector machine.” Institutions with fewer than 15 papers are
combined and reported as “Other Institutions.”
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 45
Abe, Masaya, and Hideki Nakayama. 2018. “Deep Learning for Forecasting
Stock Returns in the Cross-Section.” In Advances in Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining, Part 1, edited by Dinh Phung, Vincent S. Tseng, Georey
I. Webb, Bao Ho, Mohadeseh Ganji, and Lida Rashidi, 273–84. Cham,
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
e authors examine the performance of deep learning for one-month-
ahead forecasting of stock returns in the cross-section in the Japanese stock
market. Deep neural networks (DNNs) are found to perform better than
shallow neural networks and other ML techniques, such as support vector
regression (SVR) and random forests. An ensemble of SVR, random for-
ests, and DNN can provide a further small gain in performance.
Aggarwal, Charu C. 2018. Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Cham,
Switzerland: Springer.
is textbook, aimed at graduate students, researchers, and practitioners,
is devoted to studying neural networks, or deep learning,” as it became
known in ML literature. It starts with background material on neural net-
work design and its relationship to traditional ML algorithms. e rest
of the textbook provides a more detailed discussion of the fundamentals
of neural networks (common neural architectures, shallow neural net-
works and DNNs, radial basis function networks, restricted Boltzmann
machines) and the recent advances in the eld (recurrent and convolutional
neural networks, deep reinforcement learning, neural Turing machines,
generative adversarial networks).
Aggarwal, Charu C., and Chandan K. Reddy, eds. 2014. Data Clustering:
Algorithms and Applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Data clustering is partitioning data into multiple groups where each obser-
vation shares some characteristics with other data points within its group.
Data clustering issues have been studied in dierent elds, and this book
attempts to bridge the gap by uniting the knowledge gained in ML and
data mining literature. e rst part of the book discusses data clustering
methods (probabilistic, distance based, density based, grid based, and spec-
tral clustering, which clusters high-dimensional and big data). e second
part is devoted to the application of data clustering in dierent elds and
situations (clustering categorical, text, multimedia, time-series, biological,
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
46 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
network, and uncertain data). Finally, the book focuses on the appropri-
ateness of a particular clustering method through evaluation techniques
available from dierent variations of cluster analysis (visual, supervised,
ensemble, and validation-based solutions).
Ahmed, Nesreen K., Amir F. Atiya, Neamat El Gayar, and Hisham
El-Shishiny. 2010. “An Empirical Comparison of Machine Learning Models
for Time Series Forecasting.Econometric Reviews 29 (56): 594621. https://
e authors conduct a comparative analysis of the forecasting performance
of several ML methods (multilayer perceptron, Bayesian neural networks,
radial basis functions, generalized regression neural networks, K-nearest
neighbor regression, classication and regression trees, SVR, and Gaussian
process) for time-series data. Using a monthly time-series data sample, the
results show that multilayer perceptron and the Gaussian process regres-
sion outperform the other ML methods considered, indicating that the
rarely used Gaussian process method may oer performance improvement
in forecasting problems.
Ahn, Jae Joon, Kyong Joo Oh, Tae Yoon Kim, and Dong Ha Kim. 2011.
Usefulness of Support Vector Machine to Develop an Early Warning System
for Financial Crisis.Expert Systems with Applications 38 (4): 296673. https://
Existing studies on early warning systems for nancial crises are based on
a belief system that considers nancial crises to be self-fullling as a result
of investor herding behavior. In this article, the authors take the alterna-
tive view that banking crises result from deteriorating long-term economic
fundamentals. With this new hypothesis, the authors nd that SVM is an
eective technique for this classication problem.
Alberg, John, and Zachary C. Lipton. 2017. “Improving Factor-Based
Quantitative Investing by Forecasting Company Fundamentals,” version 2.
Fundamental nancial data of publicly traded companies, such as oper-
ating income, revenue, assets, dividends, and debt, provide a picture of
those companies’ nancial performance. If the future fundamentals can be
forecasted, then an investment strategy can build portfolios based on the
predicted fundamentals that can outperform a standard factor approach.
Using data on stocks for publicly traded US companies, the authors
develop and forecast features from the fundamentals and evaluate the
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 47
out-of-sample forecasting performance using two classes of DNNs (mul-
tilayer perceptrons and recurrent neural networks). is lookahead factor
model with DNNs signicantly outperforms the naive prediction (i.e.,
fundamentals remain unchanged). In addition, a simulated hypothetical
stock portfolio using an industry-grade stock portfolio simulator shows a
performance improvement over traditional factor models in terms of com-
pounded annual returns.
Allen, Franklin, and Risto Karjalainen. 1999. “Using Genetic Algorithms to
Find Technical Trading Rules.Journal of Financial Economics 51 (2): 245–71.
In this article, the authors examine the S&P 500 composite index from
1928 to 1995 to generate trading rules using genetic algorithms. Similar
to what past ndings have revealed, trading rules created by genetic algo-
rithms do not make money after controlling for transaction costs. Genetic
algorithm-based trading rules can correctly identify periods of high return
and low volatility and periods with opposite conditions.
Alpaydin, Ethem. 2010. Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd ed. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
is introductory textbook on ML covers relevant algorithms and meth-
ods from computer science, neural computation, and statistics. e top-
ics include, but are not limited to, supervised learning, Bayesian decision
theory and Bayesian estimation, parametric and nonparametric methods,
multivariate methods, dimensionality reduction, decision trees, linear dis-
crimination, kernel machines, hidden Markov models, graphical models,
combining multiple learners, reinforcement learning (RL), and the design
and analysis of ML experiments.
Arrieta-ibarra, Imanol, and Ignacio N. Lobato. 2015. “Testing for
Predictability in Financial Returns Using Statistical Learning Procedures.
Journal of Time Series Analysis 36 (5): 672–86.
e authors examine and compare the out-of-sample forecasting perfor-
mance of three ML techniques (regression trees, neural networks, and
SVMs) with that of a traditional GARCH(1,1) model in predicting daily
stock market returns. ey conclude that in terms of predictive accuracy,
the three ML techniques do not outperform naive historical sample aver-
age returns when only past values of the series are considered. Adding other
variables (interest rates, commodity prices, or exchange rates) to the model
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
48 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
may lead to model overtting and insignicant results. However, SVMs
and neural networks oer potential improvements over a GARCH(1,1)
model only for forecasting squared returns.
Atsalakis, George S., and Kimon P. Valavanis. 2009. “Surveying Stock
Market Forecasting Techniques – Part II: Soft Computing Methods.
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3): 5932–41.
e authors provide a survey of the literature on stock return forecasting in
dierent markets, revealing that recently, soft computing techniques have
increasingly been used for predicting stock market behavior. Neural net-
works, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithm are some examples of soft com-
puting techniques. In the prior literature on stock return forecasting, soft
computing techniques generally outperform traditional models in terms of
forecast accuracy.
Auria, Laura, and Rouslan A. Moro. 2008. “Support Vector Machines
(SVM) as a Technique for Solvency Analysis.” DIW Berlin Discussion Paper
No. 811 (August).
e authors propose the use of SVMs in predicting company solvency.
Using data on German companies, the SVM technique outperforms alter-
native approaches, such as logistic regression and discriminant analysis, in
out-of-sample accuracy.
Avramov, Doron, Si Cheng, and Lior Metzker. 2019. “Machine Learning
versus Economic Restrictions: Evidence from Stock Return Predictability.
e researchers argue that ML methods, such as deep learning, often
do not clear economic restrictions the way that value-weighting returns,
excluding microcaps or distressed rms, do. When economic restrictions
are imposed, value-weighted portfolio returns decline relative to equal-
weighted portfolio returns. Upon further economic restrictions, the value-
weighted portfolio returns attenuate further once microcaps, non-rated
rms, and distressed rms are excluded. In the presence of transaction
costs, performance may further deteriorate. Nevertheless, ML methods are
useful, especially in long positions and because of their low downside risk.
Azimi, Mehran, and Anup Agrawal. 2019. “Is Positive Sentiment in
Corporate Annual Reports Informative? Evidence from Deep Learning.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 49
e authors use deep learning for text classication of qualitative informa-
tion found in corporate annual reports. e research ndings indicate that,
unlike ndings in prior literature, both positive and negative sentiments
are important in predicting abnormal returns and abnormal trading vol-
ume around 10-K ling dates. For instance, positive (negative) sentiment
is associated with higher (lower) abnormal returns and with lower (higher)
abnormal trading volume around 10-K ling dates.
Aziz, Saqib, and Michael Dowling. 2019. “Machine Learning and AI for
Risk Management.” In Disrupting Finance: FinTech and Strategy in the 21st
Century, edited by eo Lynn, John G. Mooney, Pierangelo Rosati, and
Mark Cummins, 3350. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Pivot. https://doi.
e authors provide an overview of the application of ML and AI tech-
niques in the risk management domain. ey review the relevant literature
and discuss the particular techniques used in the areas of credit risk, mar-
ket risk, operational risk, and compliance.
Ballings, Michel, Dirk Van den Poel, Nathalie Hespeels, and Ruben Gryp.
2015. “Evaluating Multiple Classiers for Stock Price Direction Prediction.
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (20): 7046–56.
In this study, the authors compare ensemble ML methods (Random Forest,
AdaBoost, Kernel Factory) with single classiers (Neural Networks,
Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, K-Nearest Neighbor) with
respect to their ability to predict the direction of stock price movements.
Based on AUC (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve)
as a performance measure, the algorithms are ranked as follows: Random
Forests, Support Vector Machines, Kernel Factory, AdaBoost, Neural
Networks, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Logistic Regression. e study con-
cludes that ensemble models should not be neglected in predicting stock
price direction.
Bao, Yang, and Anindya Datta. 2014. “Simultaneously Discovering and
Quantifying Risk Types from Textual Risk Disclosures.Management Science
60 (6): 1371–91.
e authors use a latent Dirichlet allocation topic model to simultaneously
identify and measure the risk types from risk disclosure information in
10-K forms. Empirical results indicate that the presented textual analy-
sis method outperforms all competing methods. Further, the proposed
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
50 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
technique identies that only one-third of risk types are informative.
Among the risk types that are found to be informative, only systematic
and liquidity-related risks will increase investors’ risk perceptions, whereas
nonsystematic risk types will actually decrease them.
Becker, Sebastian, Patrick Cheridito, and Arnulf Jentzen. 2019a. “Deep
Optimal Stopping.Journal of Machine Learning Research 20: 1–25.
In this article, the authors develop an optimal stopping strategy using deep
learning. ey construct lower and upper bounds, point estimates, and
condence intervals for the price. e authors then test the approach in
three dierent examples: the pricing of a Bermudan max-call option, the
pricing of a callable multi-barrier reverse convertible, and the problem of
optimally stopping a fractional Brownian motion. e results show that in
all three exercises, the proposed method produces highly accurate results
with short computing times.
Becker, Sebastian, Patrick Cheridito, and Arnulf Jentzen. 2019b. “Pricing
and Hedging American-Style Options with Deep Learning.https://arxiv.
In this article, the authors consider American-style options and develop
a DNN for optimal exercise behavior, pricing, and hedging. In the rst
stage, the neural network method is used to nd the optimal stopping
rule and derive a lower bound estimate of the price. In the next stage, it
estimates an upper bound and condence intervals for the price. Finally,
the deep learning method constructs a dynamic hedging strategy.
Exercises based on Bermudan max-call options show that the proposed
method can achieve accurate price predictions and provide dynamic
hedging strategies.
Beketov, Mikhail, Kevin Lehmann, and Manuel Wittke. 2018. “Robo
Advisors: Quantitative Methods Inside the Robots.Journal of Asset
Management 19: 36370.
e authors explore the methods of robo-advisors around the world and
nd modern portfolio theory to be the predominant method used in robo-
advisory systems. Further, the volume of assets managed by robo-advisors
is likely to be higher when more sophisticated systems are used.
Bellovary, Jodi L., Don E. Giacomino, and Michael D. Akers. 2007. “A
Review of Bankruptcy Prediction Studies: 1930 to Present.Journal of
Financial Education 33: 1–42.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 51
For this study, the authors review bankruptcy prediction literature pub-
lished since the 1930s. Bankruptcy prediction studies in earlier years pri-
marily used simple ratio analysis, whereas discriminant analysis became
more prevalent in the 1960s and 1970s. In the 1980s and 1990s, logit and
neural networks methods gained more popularity in bankruptcy analysis.
Comparisons of dierent methods reveal that multivariate discriminant
analysis and neural networks deliver better bankruptcy prediction mod-
els. In addition, the authors note that a models accuracy may not always
increase with the number of factors used in the model.
Bertsimas, Dimitris, and Andrew W. Lo. 1998. “Optimal Control of
Execution Costs.Journal of Financial Markets 1 (1): 1–50. https://doi.
e performance of investments is aected by the presence of trading or
execution costs, which include commissions, bid–ask spreads, and oppor-
tunity costs. In this article, the authors present a dynamic trading strategy
that seeks to minimize expected trading costs. e cost-minimizing strat-
egy is a function of time and several state variables, so it can optimally
adapt to changing market conditions and price movements. Compared
with a naive trading strategy, the best-execution strategy reduces execution
costs by 25% to 40%.
Berutich, José Manuel, Francisco López, Francisco Luna, and David
Quintana. 2016. “Robust Technical Trading Strategies Using GP for
Algorithmic Portfolio Selection.Expert Systems with Applications 46 (15):
e authors of this study examine a genetic algorithm approach for gen-
erating protable trading rules in the Spanish market. e article’s main
contribution is the introduction of a new random sampling method that
improves the out-of-sample results of the genetic algorithm compared with
traditional approaches. is method can also be generalized to cope with
dierent types of markets. Empirical tests of the strategies generated using
this approach conrm the superiority of the approach over a range of tra-
ditional alternatives.
Bew, David, Campbell R. Harvey, Anthony Ledford, Sam Radnor, and
Andrew Sinclair. 2019. “Modeling Analysts’ Recommendations via Bayesian
Machine Learning.Journal of Financial Data Science 1 (1): 75–98.
Individual analysts focus on only a small number of thousands of compa-
nies in making recommendations on stock performance. In this study, the
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
52 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
authors propose a novel approach for combining individual analyst recom-
mendations using an independent Bayesian classier combination (IBCC)
model that dynamically adjusts based on the length and quality of an ana-
lysts track record. e forecasts are obtained from the probabilistic IBCC
model using data from the pan-European region from 2004 to 2013. e
results indicate that the best outcome is achieved when the analyst/broker
recommendation is consistent with forecasts from the IBCC model.
Bholat, David M., Stephen Hansen, Pedro Santos, and Cheryl Schonhardt-
Bailey. 2015. “Text Mining for Central Banks.”
Text mining can be used to extract meaning from texts. is handbook
illustrates the value of text mining methods to central banks. e rst
part of the handbook reviews the text mining literature, examining how
it could be applied to central bank policymaking. e second part explains
the implementation of popular text mining techniques, such as Boolean
and dictionary text mining, latent semantic analysis, latent Dirichlet allo-
cation, and descending hierarchical classication.
Bianchi, Daniele, Matthias Büchner, and Andrea Tamoni. 2019. “Bond Risk
Premia with Machine Learning.
e authors compare the performance of ML methods in predicting bond
returns. Compared with classical approaches, such as dense and sparse lin-
ear regression frameworks, DNNs perform signicantly better in forecast-
ing excess bond returns. Empirical exercises using both one-year-ahead
and one-month-ahead forecasts show that neural networks outperform
other classical approaches largely because of their ability to capture nonlin-
earities in the data.
Black, Fischer, and Robert Litterman. 1992. “Global Portfolio Optimization.
Financial Analysts Journal 48 (5): 2843.
In this article, the authors discuss the limitations of modern portfolio
management theory in global portfolio management. e main limitation
of classic portfolio management theory is the diculty of its implemen-
tation and its unexpected poor behavior when used for global portfolios.
e authors suggest combining Markowitz’s mean–variance portfolio opti-
mization model with the CAPM of Sharpe and Lintner to improve the
portfolio allocation behavior.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2011. “Supervisory
Guidance on Model Risk Management.” Oce of the Comptroller of the
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 53
Currency (April 4).
Financial institutions have been using models in many aspects of banking,
but models also carry risks and costs. is paper presents an overview of
model risk management, robust model development, model validation, and
good practices in model development, implementation, and application.
Booth, Ash, Enrico Gerding, and Frank McGroarty. 2014. “Automated
Trading with Performance Weighted Random Forests and Seasonality.”
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (8): 365161.
e authors of this study present an automated trading system based on
performance-weighted ensembles of random forests. e proposed method
uses seasonal trends to improve the predictability of stock returns. Using
data on the German stock index DAX, the proposed new technique shows
promising results for out-of-sample forecasts. Specically, it achieves better
prediction accuracy and higher protability than other ensemble methods.
Booth, Ash, Enrico Gerding, and Frank McGroarty. 2015. “Performance-
Weighted Ensembles of Random Forests for Predicting Price Impact.
Quantitative Finance 15 (11): 182335.
In this study, the researchers present a forecasting model based on an
ensemble of random forests. e empirical results show that the proposed
model outperforms other popular competing models—linear regression,
neural networks, and SVR—in out-of-sample forecasts. e ensemble of
random forests improves forecast accuracy by at least 15% compared with
the competing models.
Borghi, Riccardo, and Giuliano De Rossi. Forthcoming. “e Articial
Intelligence Approach to Picking Stocks.” In Machine Learning and Asset
Management. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
e chapter’s authors explore ML techniques to select from a large set of
rm characteristics to predict one-month-ahead stock returns using data
for US and European stocks. ey use a proprietary alpha model, a global
stock selection model from Macquarie, as a benchmark for comparing the
results from traditional ML techniques (ordinary least squares, general-
ized linear model, LASSO, ridge, elastic net, neural networks, boosted
trees and random forest, and regression trees). e results indicate that
an ensemble of ML methods could outperform even a proprietary model
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
54 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
with a successful track record, such as Macquarie’s Alpha Quant model, in
terms of generating attractive risk–return ratios. However, ML tend to be
less exposed to price momentum than alpha models are.
Branke, Juergen, Benedikt Scheckenbach, Michael Stein, Kalyanmoy
Deb, and Hartmut Schmeck. 2009. “Portfolio Optimization with an
Envelope-Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm.European
Journal of Operational Research 199 (3): 684–93.
e mean–variance-based portfolio optimization problem with linear
constraints can be solved eciently using parametric quadratic program-
ming. Many real-world constraints tend to be more complex and discrete,
however, such as when the number of stocks in a portfolio is limited. In
this study, the authors combine parametric quadratic programming with
a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to nd the best solution to the
nonconvex portfolio selection. As the results demonstrate, the proposed
multi-objective evolutionary algorithm model signicantly outperforms
other existing evolutionary algorithms.
Breiman, Leo. 2001. “Random Forests.Machine Learning 45 (1): 5–32.
In this seminal work, the author introduces random forests, which are col-
lections of tree predictors used in a classication problem. As the number
of trees increase and given the law of large numbers, random forests do not
suer from overtting problems and are an eective forecasting tool used
in ML.
Brenner, Lukas, and Tobias Meyll. 2019. “Robo-Advisors: A Substitute for
Human Financial Advice?”
With recent technological advances in the nancial services industry, the
use of automated nancial advisors (i.e., robo-advisors) has been increas-
ing. e authors investigate the determinants of investor decisions to opt
for robo-advisory services. Using representative investor survey data, the
authors show that a signicant substitution is taking place because inves-
tors are worried about potential conicts of interest with human nancial
Briere, Marie, Charles-Albert Lehalle, Tamara Nefedova, and Amine
Raboun. 2019. “Modelling Transaction Costs When Trades May Be Crowded:
A Bayesian Network Using Partially Observable Orders Imbalance.https://
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 55
e authors use a Bayesian network model to forecast transaction costs
measured as implementation shortfall. e Bayesian network approach can
account for missing data by using the most probable values instead. is
feature is particularly useful for integrating important latent variables, such
as the net order ow imbalance of investors to improve the transaction cost
forecasts. e ndings suggest that implementation shortfall forecasts are
more accurate when investors’ order size is larger or when stock volatility
is lower.
Bryzgalova, Svetlana, Markus Pelger, and Jason Zhu. 2019. “Forest rough
the Trees: Building Cross-Sections of Stock Returns.
e authors describe a new method of building basis assets that capture
the underlying information in the cross-sections of asset returns. e novel
approach allows us to capture the complex information of cross-sectional
stock characteristics. e proposed method applies asset-pricing trees to
build portfolios that capture all relevant information, allow for nonlineari-
ties and interactions, act as building blocks for a stochastic discount fac-
tor, and provide test assets for asset pricing. e empirical results using
monthly equity returns for all CRSP securities show that, unlike the pro-
posed approach, conventional cross-sectional sorting methods fail to fully
capture the relevant information on stock characteristics.
Buchanan, Bonnie G. 2019. “Articial Intelligence in Finance.http://doi.
In this literature review, the author overviews AI, ML, and deep learning
(DL) and their applications in the nancial services sector. She rst dis-
cusses how rapidly growing AI is changing the nancial services industry by
using ML algorithms to analyze millions of data points to detect fraudulent
activity, by using “robo-advising” that avoids human interaction and conict
of interest, and by using algorithmic trading to make fast trading decisions.
e author then discusses the dierences between ML and econometrics
and the applications of each. Specically, ML and DL methods focus on
predictive accuracy, whereas econometric methods are mainly concerned
with inferential questions. ML and DL techniques have become powerful
tools for out-of-sample forecasts and for identifying the most useful predic-
tors. Further, the author briey reviews quantum computing and how it can
process data at speeds impossible for traditional computers. Finally, as AI
and ML are increasingly applied in the nancial services industry, regula-
tors are having diculty keeping pace with the new technology.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
56 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Celik, Arzum Erken, and Yalcin Karatepe. 2007. “Evaluating and Forecasting
Banking Crises rough Neural Network Models: An Application for
Turkish Banking Sector.Expert Systems with Applications 33 (4): 809–15.
e authors of this study forecast the ratios of nonperforming loans to total
loans, capital to assets, prots to assets, and equity to assets for the Turkish
banking sector. e results indicate that ANNs that use the Taguchi
approach to determine the optimal values of ANN parameters are an eec-
tive tool in forecasting banking crises.
Chapados, Nicolas, and Yoshua Bengio. 2001. “Cost Functions and Model
Combination for VaR-Based Asset Allocation Using Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12 (4): 890–906. https://doi.
e authors consider value at risk (VaR), typically used in quantifying the
risk associated with a portfolio, and extend it to the mean–VaR framework,
similar in spirit to Markowitz’s famous mean–variance model. Mean
VaR seeks to nd the best portfolio allocation for a given VaR level. e
authors build neural networks to optimize the portfolio of assets given the
VaR constraint and transaction costs and show that the portfolio’s perfor-
mance is comparable to that of a forecasting model based on the classical
mean–variance portfolio management but better than that of the bench-
mark market index. However, the proposed method relies on fewer model
assumptions and takes transaction costs into account. Finally, both the
proposed and the classical forecasting models can signicantly outperform
the benchmark market index when a forecast combination technique is
Chen, Luyang, Markus Pelger, and Jason Zhu. 2020. “Deep Learning in
Asset Pricing.”
e article’s authors use DNNs and a no-arbitrage constraint to estimate
individual stock returns. Specically, they combine three dierent neural
networks (feedforward network, long–short-term-memory network, gen-
erative adversarial network) with a no-arbitrage condition to estimate the
stochastic discount factor that explains stock returns. e stochastic dis-
count factor portfolio uses time-varying weights for traded assets, which
are functions of rm-specic and macroeconomic variables. e proposed
stochastic discount factor asset pricing model outperforms other bench-
mark models out of sample.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 57
Chen, Shiyi, Wolfgang K. Hardle, and Kiho Jeong. 2009. “Forecasting
Volatility with Support Vector Machine-Based GARCH Model.Journal of
Forecasting 29 (4): 40633.
e study authors compare the volatility forecasts generated from the
traditional volatility forecasting methods (moving average, GARCH,
exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
[EGARCH], ANN-GARCH) with the forecasts obtained using an SVM
or ANN. Using a recursive forecasting framework, one-step-ahead fore-
casts of the volatilities of the British exchange rate and NYSE index are
evaluated based on the Diebold–Mariano forecast evaluation method. Of
all the models considered, SVM-GARCH models perform well in many
cases, whereas a standard GARCH model performs well when the sample
size is large and normally distributed. On the other hand, an EGARCH
model better predicts the one-step ahead volatility when the data are
highly skewed.
Chen, Wun-Hua, Jen-Ying Shih, and Soushan Wu. 2006. “Comparison
of Support-Vector Machines and Back Propagation Neural Networks in
Forecasting the Six Major Asian Stock Markets.International Journal of
Electronic Finance 1 (1): 49–67.
Most of the existing research in the application of data mining techniques
to nancial time series forecasting focuses on the US or European mar-
kets. e authors of this study examine the performance of SVM and
back propagation neural networks in forecasting six Asian stock markets.
Compared with naive autoregressive (1) time-series models, both proposed
models perform well.
Cheng, Ching-Hsue, Tai-Liang Chen, and Liang-Ying Wei. 2010. “A Hybrid
Model Based on Rough Sets eory and Genetic Algorithms for Stock Price
Forecasting.” Information Sciences 180 (9): 161029.
Professional fund managers do not easily understand time-series fore-
casting methods and AI techniques used in forecasting stock returns.
erefore, they often rely on subjective judgments in predicting stock
prices based on some technical indicators. e authors develop a hybrid
forecasting framework that uses the tools of rough set theory and genetic
algorithms. Empirical results show that the proposed hybrid techniques
outperform the rough set theory and genetic algorithms in terms of fore-
cast accuracy and prots.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
58 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Chinco, Alexander M., Adam D. Clark-Joseph, and Mao Ye. 2019. “Sparse
Signals in the Cross-Section of Returns.Journal of Finance 74 (1): 449–92.
Using LASSO, a penalized regression technique, the authors study the
out-of-sample t of one-minute-ahead return forecasts. Evidence sug-
gests that this improved performance mainly results from the identica-
tion of predictors that are unexpected, short lived, and sparse. Further, the
LASSO method is found to increase the forecast-implied Sharpe ratio.
Choudhry, Tauq, Frank McGroarty, Ke Peng, and Shiyun Wang. 2012.
“High-Frequency Exchange-Rate Prediction with an Articial Neural
Network.” Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management 19 (3):
e authors study the eectiveness of ANN for forecasting high-frequency
exchange rates, ranging from one minute to a few minutes. ey nd that
bid and ask prices are signicant variables for exchange rate forecasting.
e study concludes that high-frequency trading strategies using ANNs
can generate positive prot beyond transaction costs.
Cong, Lin, Tengyuan Liang, and Xiao Zhang. 2019. “Textual Factors:
A Scalable, Interpretable, and Data-Driven Approach to Analyzing
Unstructured Information.”
Increased access to unstructured data in the form of texts can be used to
complement information obtained from the traditional structured data.
Extracting insight from textual data is more complex, however, because
of the data’s intricate language structure and high dimensionality, and
because of the lack of data-driven approaches to analyzing textual data.
e authors develop an alternative method of analyzing textual data that is
more eective than the existing methods. ey use neural network models
for NLP to generate textual factors and show the procedure’s application in
analyzing nancial and macroeconomic data.
Coqueret, Guillaume, and Tony Guida. 2018. “Stock Returns and the
Cross-Section of Characteristics: A Tree-Based Approach.
e authors use regression trees that iteratively split the sample into clus-
ters so they can investigate the eects of 30 classical rm characteristics
on future returns. Unlike linear regression models, tree-based regression
models take into account the conditional impact of rm attributes given
the value of other attributes. e ndings indicate that both technical
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 59
indicators (e.g., the Relative Strength Index) and past performance indica-
tors are important in stock pricing. e authors estimate that a portfolio
built using a short-term Relative Strength Index characteristic leads to an
annual gain of 2.4% relative to a naive, equally weighted portfolio.
Cortes, Corinna, and Vladimir Vapnik. 1995. “Support-Vector Networks.
Machine Learning 20 (3): 273–97.
e support-vector network is an ML algorithm used in classication
problems with two groups. e authors generalize the support-vector net-
works for separable training data and extend the algorithm to nonseparable
training data.
D’Acunto, Francesco, Nagpurnanand Prabhala, and Alberto Rossi. 2017. “e
Promises and Pitfalls of Robo-Advising.”
e authors investigate the use of robo-advising in portfolio manage-
ment. Investors who use robo-advising tend to have more assets, trade
more often, and have better risk-adjusted performance. e results show
that among investors who adopt robo-advising, diversication and stock
volatility decrease when the number of stocks held is less than ve. e
same is not true, however, when the number of stocks initially held is more
than 10. us, the study illustrates the possible heterogeneous impacts of
robo-advising on investors’ portfolio performance.
Das, Sanjiv Ranjan. 2014. “Text and Context: Language Analytics in
Finance. Foundations and Trends in Finance 8 (3): 145–261. https://doi.
In this monograph, the author provides a comprehensive survey of tech-
niques and applications of text analytics in the eld of nance. Specically,
he discusses text extraction steps using the statistical package R, how to
analyze the extracted text, the classication of texts and words, and the
application of text data in empirical studies.
DeMiguel, Victor, Lorenzo Garlappi, and Raman Uppal. 2009. “Optimal
versus Naive Diversication: How Inecient Is the 1/N Portfolio Strategy?
Review of Financial Studies 22 (5): 1915–53.
e authors conduct an empirical exercise to evaluate the out-of-sample
performance of optimal asset allocation models. In terms of Sharpe ratio,
certainty equivalent return, and turnover, none of these models fared better
than the naive 1/N portfolio. e authors attribute this nding to model
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
60 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
estimation error that more than osets the gains from optimal portfolio
Dhar, Vasant, and Roger Stein. 2017. “FinTech Platforms and Strategy.” MIT
Sloan Research Paper No. 5183-16.
Briey, ntech is described as nancial sector innovations that have revo-
lutionized most aspects of nancial services. e article’s authors discuss
the current status of ntech in the internet era, future directions of change,
and possible strategies to pursue. e ntech market has yet to achieve its
highest potential, because developing countries continue to enter the digi-
tal era and new platforms for nancial services are still developing.
Dixon, Matthew, Diego Klabjan, and Jin Hoon Bang. 2017. “Classication-
Based Financial Markets Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks.
Algorithmic Finance 6 (34): 67–77.
DNNs have been successfully applied to speech transcription and image
detection. In this study, the authors describe the application of DNNs to
the classication of direction of movement in nancial data.
Dixon, Matthew, and Nicholas G. Polson. 2019. “Deep Fundamental Factor
e authors extend fundamental factor models using neural networks to
allow for nonlinearity, interaction eects, and nonparametric shocks. e
proposed technique can be used under heteroskedastic errors, provides
interpretability, and ranks the importance of factors (e.g., current enterprise
value, price-to-book ratio, price-to-sales ratio, price-to-earnings ratio, log
market cap) and interaction eects. e neural network factor model pre-
dicts S&P 500 stock returns with smaller out-of-sample mean-squared
errors than generalized linear regressions do. In addition, neural network
factor models are found to produce information ratios that are three times
higher than those seen with linear models.
Donaldson, R. Glen, and Mark Kamstra. 1997. “An Articial Neural
Network-GARCH Model for International Stock Return Volatility.Journal
of Empirical Finance 4 (1): 1746.
e authors examine the performance of stock return volatility forecast-
ing models using daily returns data from London, New York, Tokyo, and
Toronto. An ANN-GARCH model is found to generally outperform its
traditional competing models—GARCH, EGARCH, and Sign-GARCH
models—in both in-sample and out-of-sample periods.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 61
Dunis, Christian L., Jason Laws, and Georgios Sermpinis. 2010. “Modelling
and Trading the EUR/USD Exchange Rate at the ECB Fixing.European
Journal of Finance 16 (6): 54160.
e authors explore the application of neural networks to the exchange
rate forecasting problem. Unlike previous studies on neural networks that
select the networks inputs on an ad hoc basis, the neural network tech-
niques in this study use autoregressive terms as inputs. e performance
of several such neural network techniques (including a higher-order neu-
ral network, a Psi Sigma network, and a neural network with multilayer
perceptron) on the daily EUR/USD exchange rate are compared with
the performance of traditional methods. In simple simulated exercises,
the multilayer perceptron technique signicantly outperforms the other
models considered. For sophisticated trading strategies, the higher-order
neural network technique achieves higher annualized returns than other
neural network techniques.
Eiben, Agoston E., and Jim E. Smith. 2015. Introduction to Evolutionary
Computing, 2nd ed. New York: Springer.
e authors of this textbook provide a comprehensive introduction to evo-
lutionary algorithms, from history to major design decisions to parameter
tuning and control. Advanced topics include multi-objective optimization,
the optimization of dynamic and noisy functions, constraint handling, and
hybridization with other techniques.
Elliott, Graham, and Allan Timmermann. 2008. “Economic Forecasting.
Journal of Economic Literature 46 (1): 3–56.
is studys authors present economic forecasting problems in a unied
framework, including forecasters’ loss functions and types of economic
forecasting methods. e authors then explore the various forecasting
methodologies available to researchers, such as optimal point forecasts, a
classical approach to forecasting, a Bayesian approach to forecasting, den-
sity forecasts, and forecast combination techniques.
Fan, Alan, and Marimuthu Palaniswami. 2001. “Stock Selection Using
Support Vector Machines.” In International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks. Proceedings (Cat. No. 01CH37222), vol. 3, 1793–98. Washington,
e authors choose stocks trading on the Australian Securities Exchange
using SVM. Compared with the 71% return for the benchmark portfolio,
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
62 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
an equally weighted portfolio of stocks selected by SVM produced a 208%
return over a ve-year period.
Farmer, J. Doyne, Austin Gerig, Fabrizio Lillo, and Szabolcs Mike. 2006.
“Market Eciency and the Long-Memory of Supply and Demand: Is Price
Impact Variable and Permanent or Fixed and Temporary?Quantitative
Finance 6 (2): 10712.
e long-memory of demand and supply means that future buying and
selling behavior, and therefore price movements, should be predictable. In
reality, however, price movements are essentially uncorrelated. e authors
aim to explain market eciency given these two apparently contradictory
facts. ey revisit earlier studies on the topic to demonstrate that market
eciency is maintained by liquidity imbalances rather than mean-reverting
price changes. To show this dynamic, they introduce transaction time into
the model and demonstrate that liquidity covaries in time with the long-
memory of supply and demand.
Feng, Guanhao, Stefano Giglio, and Dacheng Xiu. 2017. “Taming the Factor
Zoo: A Test of New Factors.” Fama-Miller Working Paper; Chicago Booth
Research Paper No. 17-04.
e authors present a variant of the LASSO method to identify the most
relevant factors among many potential candidates to explain asset returns.
e results indicate that only a few recently introduced factors, including
protability, have signicant incremental explanatory power.
Feng, Guanhao, Nick Polson, and Jianeng Xu. 2020. “Deep Learning in
Characteristics-Sorted Factor Models.”
Unlike the researchers of previous literature, who related rm character-
istics (inputs) to security returns (outputs), the authors of this paper intro-
duce an intermediate channel involving risk factors (intermediate features).
With the goal of reducing pricing errors, this bottom-up approach trains
a neural network that generates risk factors using rm characteristics to
explain security returns. e authors provide an alternative dimension
reduction framework on security sorting and factor generation.
Fernandes, Marcelo, Marcelo C. Medeiros, and Marcel Scharth. 2014.
“Modeling and Predicting the CBOE Market Volatility Index.Journal of
Banking & Finance 40: 110.
e Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) reports the volatil-
ity index (VIX) based on the 30-calendar day S&P 500 index option.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 63
is implied volatility, a key indicator of overall market condition, is used
in many trading strategies. e authors study the time series properties of
the VIX series, showing that the VIX is negatively correlated with S&P
500 returns but has a positive relationship with S&P 500 volume. Further,
these two series do not appear to have a nonlinear relationship.
Financial Stability Board. 2017. “Articial Intelligence and Machine Learning
in Financial Services.”cial-intelligence-and-
is report by the Financial Stability Board examines the implications
arising from the application of AI and ML methods in nancial services.
It presents some background on the recent rise in the use of AI and ML in
various nance applications and services, discusses possible eects on the
nancial system, and assesses risks to its stability. e authors conclude
that in the absence of “audibility” and interpretability, AI and ML tech-
niques may pose macro-level risks and should therefore be monitored by
microprudential supervisors.
Fischer, omas, and Christopher Krauss. 2018. “Deep Learning with Long
Short-Term Memory Networks for Financial Market Predictions.European
Journal of Operational Research 270 (2): 654–69.
In this study, the authors use long short-term memory (LSTM) networks
in predicting out-of-sample movements for S&P 500 stocks. LSTM is
a type of sequence learning method specically designed to learn long-
term dependencies. LSTM clearly outperforms memory-free classication
methods, such as deep neural nets and a logistic regression, in terms of
predictive accuracy. It also beats random forests, except during the global
nancial crisis.
Fisher, Ingrid E., Margaret R. Garnsey, and Mark E. Hughes. 2016. “Natural
Language Processing in Accounting, Auditing and Finance: A Synthesis of
the Literature with a Roadmap for Future Research.Intelligent Systems in
Accounting, Finance & Management 23 (3): 157–214.
In this article, the authors synthesize the literature that applies NLP in
accounting, auditing, and nance. NLP is used to analyze textual data
(e.g., corporate nancial performance, management’s assessment of rm
performance, regulations), detect fraud, make inferences, and predict stock
prices. e review of large literature in the three elds reveals that of all
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
64 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
the ML techniques applied in NLP, SVMs are the most popular tool,
followed by Naive Bayes, hierarchical clustering, statistical methods, and
term-frequency-inverse document frequency weighting.
Fletcher, Tristan, and John Shawe-Taylor. 2013. “Multiple Kernel Learning
with Fisher Kernels for High Frequency Currency Prediction.Computational
Economics 42: 21740.
e authors construct kernels based on EUR/USD exchange rate data
from limited order book volumes, technical analysis, and market micro-
structure models. With these multiple kernels, SVMs are used to predict
the direction of price movements. SVMs based on multiple kernels signi-
cantly outperform individual SVMs and achieve 55% forecast accuracy, on
Freyberger, Joachim, Andreas Neuhierl, and Michael Weber. 2018.
“Dissecting Characteristics Nonparametrically.” University of Chicago,
Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper No. 2018-50.
e authors propose a nonparametric method for choosing rm charac-
teristics that have incremental predictive power for the cross-section of
stock returns. Using an adaptive LASSO nonparametric method for model
selection and stock return forecast, they nd that of 62 rm characteristics,
only 916 have incremental predictive power. Compared with linear model
selection methods, LASSO performs relatively well in both model selec-
tion and expected return predictors.
Geva, Tomer, and Jacob Zahavi. 2014. “Empirical Evaluation of an
Automated Intraday Stock Recommendation System Incorporating Both
Market Data and Textual News.Decision Support Systems 57: 212–23. https://
e authors examine the eectiveness of incorporating textual news data
for stock return forecasting. To this end, various textual data types are
added sequentially to numerical market data to study the incremental gain
in forecasting performance. Overall, integrating textual data with market
data and using neural networks signicantly improve forecast accuracy.
Giamouridis, Daniel. 2017. “Systematic Investment Strategies.Financial
Analysts Journal 73 (4): 1014.
e author oers some thoughts on the latest research on systematic invest-
ment from both academic and practical perspectives, also highlighting
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 65
areas where further research can improve the practice more considerably.
e article’s topics include data science and ML, factor investing, market
timing, and coordinated investing and holding.
Giamouridis, Daniel, and Sandra Paterlini. 2010. “Regular(ized) Hedge
Fund Clones.Journal of Financial Research 33 (3): 223–47.
e authors show the attractiveness of using constrained portfolio optimi-
zation methods for constructing ecient hedge fund clones. e ndings
indicate that the proposed hedge fund portfolio is competitive relative to
hedge fund clones obtained by commercially available proprietary con-
struction techniques as well as by benchmark hedge fund indices. e
replicated hedge fund portfolio exhibits a very high correlation with the
benchmark indices.
Gogas, Periklis, eophilos Papadimitriou, Maria Matthaiou, and Efthymia
Chrysanthidou. 2015. “Yield Curve and Recession Forecasting in a Machine
Learning Framework.Computational Economics 45: 635–45. https://doi.
e authors demonstrate the superior forecasting performance of SVMs
in forecasting economic recessions in the United States. Compared with
logit and probit models, the SVM technique improves forecast accuracy by
Gradojevic, Nikola, and Jing Yang. 2006. “Non-Linear, Non-Parametric,
Non-Fundamental Exchange Rate Forecasting.Journal of Forecasting 25 (4):
e authors examine the exchange rate forecasting performance of ANNs.
Compared with naive random walk models and linear time series models,
ANNs perform well in forecasting the CAD/USD exchange rate based on
the root mean squared error criterion.
Groth, Sven S., and Jan Muntermann. 2011. “An Intraday Market Risk
Management Approach Based on Textual Analysis.Decision Support Systems
50 (4): 680–91.
e authors study the potential gains from using newly obtained qualita-
tive text data to explain intraday market risk. Using Naive Bayes, K-nearest
neighbor, neural network, and SVMs for textual analysis, the authors
conclude that these techniques are helpful in discovering intraday market
exposure, with the latter model (SVM) being the best in terms of compu-
tational eciency and classication accuracy.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
66 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Gu, Shihao, Bryan T. Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. 2020. “Empirical Asset
Pricing via Machine Learning.Review of Financial Studies 33 (5): 2223–73.
e authors show that ML techniques (trees and neural nets) may outper-
form traditional cross-section and time-series models in predicting asset
risk premia. e gain in predictive performance comes from the ability of
ML methods to allow nonlinear predictive interactions that may be infea-
sible with traditional statistical methods.
Gu, Shihao, Bryan T. Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. 2019. “Autoencoder Asset
Pricing Models.” Yale ICF Working Paper No. 2019-04; Chicago Booth
Research Paper No. 19-24.
e study’s authors propose an autoencoder neural network latent factor
modeling for asset pricing. Although other studies incorporate a linear-
ity assumption, the authors’ approach allows for nonlinear relationships
between factor exposures and asset characteristics. Incorporating the no-
arbitrage condition into the ML framework, the new latent factor asset
pricing model produces far smaller out-of-sample errors relative to other
leading asset pricing modeling techniques, such as Fama–French, principal
component analysis, and linear conditioning methods.
Hagenau, Michael, Michael Liebmann, and Dirk Neumann. 2013.
Automated News Reading: Stock Price Prediction Based on Financial News
Using Context-Capturing Features.” Decision Support Systems 55 (3): 685–97.
In this article, the authors describe the application of textual nancial
information to stock price prediction. Unlike other, similar approaches, the
one in this study uses a feature selection that allows market feedback. By
selecting the feedback-based relevant features, the approach reduces over-
tting problems and signicantly improves classication accuracy. As a
result, stock return prediction accuracy increased by as much as 76%.
Hamid, Shaikh A., and Zahid Iqbal. 2004. “Using Neural Networks for
Forecasting Volatility of S&P 500 Index Futures Prices.Journal of Business
Research 57 (10): 111625.
e authors of this study examine the performance of the popular neural
networks technique in forecasting the volatility of S&P 500 Index futures
prices. e results show that volatility forecasts from neural networks out-
perform implied volatility forecasts obtained from the Barone–Adesi and
Whaley American futures options pricing model.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 67
Han, Shuo, and Rung-Ching Chen. 2007. “Using SVM with Financial
Statement Analysis for Prediction of Stocks.Communications of the IIMA 7 (4):
article 8.
e authors propose applying SVMs to nancial statement analysis for
stock market prediction. Using nancial indices improves forecast accuracy
and is more reliable than using technical indices.
Haykin, Simon. 2009. Neural Networks and Learning Machines, 3rd ed.
New York: Pearson.
In this comprehensive textbook, the author presents an up-to-date treat-
ment of neural networks. e book consists of six main parts that focus on
supervised learning, kernel methods based on radial-basis function net-
works, regularization methods, unsupervised learning, RL, and nonlinear
feedback systems.
Heaton, James B., Nick G. Polson, and Jan H. Witte. 2017. “Deep Learning
for Finance: Deep Portfolios.Applied Stochastic Models in Business and
Industry 33 (1): 312.
Traditional prediction and classication methods from nancial economics
might be impractical or dicult to apply to nancial problems, given the
large and complex nature of data. e authors describe DL hierarchical
models that can improve performance in nancial prediction problems and
Hendricks, Dieter, and Diane Wilcox. 2014. “A Reinforcement Learning
Extension to the Almgren–Chriss Framework for Optimal Trade Execution.
In 2014 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial
Engineering & Economics (CIFEr), 457–64. London: IEEE.
e authors present an RL technique to optimize the liquidation volume tra-
jectory. e model is based on a standard Almgren–Chriss model, a popular
trade execution strategy that assumes risk aversion to trade execution. e
proposed technique is able to change the volume of trade using information
on market spread and volume dynamics. Empirical tests show promising
results. Specically, on average, the new technique can improve post-trade
implementation shortfall by up to 10.3% relative to the base model.
Hong, Taeho, and Ingoo Han. 2002. “Knowledge-Based Data Mining
of News Information on the Internet Using Cognitive Maps and Neural
Networks.” Expert Systems with Applications 23 (1): 1–8. https://doi.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
68 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
e authors of this study create the Knowledge-Based News Miner
(KBNMiner), which integrates cognitive maps with neural networks.
Unlike the time-series models used in interest rate forecasting, the tech-
nique uses prior news on interest rates in predicting interest rates. Relative
to neural network and random walk models, KBNMiner leads to improved
interest rate predictions.
Hu, Yong, Kang Liu, Xiangzhou Zhang, Lijun Su, E.W.T. Ngai, and Mei
Liu. 2015. “Application of Evolutionary Computation for Rule Discovery in
Stock Algorithmic Trading: A Literature Review.Applied Soft Computing 36:
e authors explore the literature on the application of evolutionary com-
putation in stock algorithmic trading. ey observe that most of the trad-
ing techniques considered in the surveyed studies do well in the downtrend
but poorly in the uptrend, which is likely because of the problems associ-
ated with the selection of factors and the transaction costs.
Huang, Chien-Feng. 2012. “A Hybrid Stock Selection Model Using Genetic
Algorithms and Support Vector Regression.Applied Soft Computing 12 (2):
Stock selection problems are particularly challenging in the area of invest-
ment research. is author examines a hybrid approach for stock selection
using SVR and genetic algorithms. In the rst stage, SVR chooses the top-
ranked stocks. In the second stage, genetic algorithms are used to optimize
the portfolio parameters and feature selection. e results indicate that this
hybrid approach signicantly outperforms the benchmark model.
Huang, Wei, Yoshiteru Nakamori, and Shou-Yang Wang. 2005. “Forecasting
Stock Market Movement Direction with Support Vector Machine.
Computers & Operations Research 32 (10): 2513–22.
e authors examine the performance of SVMs, a popular learning algo-
rithm, in predicting the direction of the Nikkei 225 Index. Relative to
forecasts obtained via linear discriminant analysis, quadratic discriminant
analysis, and Elman backpropagation neural networks, forecasts reached
via SVM are more accurate in predicting the direction of the stock index.
e forecasting performance can be further improved by combining SVM
with other classication techniques.
Huang, Zan, Hsinchun Chen, Chia-Jung Hsu, Wun-Hwa Chen, and
Soushan Wu. 2004. “Credit Rating Analysis with Support Vector Machines
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 69
and Neural Networks: A Market Comparative Study.Decision Support
Systems 37 (4): 54358.
e authors of this study apply SVMs to corporate credit rating analysis.
Both the SVM and benchmark neural network techniques yield approxi-
mately 80% prediction accuracy for US and Taiwan market data. In addi-
tion, the authors implement input nancial variable contribution analysis
to help interpret the neural network results.
Hutchinson, James M., Andrew W. Lo, and Tomaso Poggio. 1994. “A
Nonparametric Approach to Pricing and Hedging Derivative Securities
via Learning Networks.Journal of Finance 49 (3): 851–89. https://doi.
In this article, the authors present a nonparametric pricing approach for
estimating pricing and hedging derivative securities. Unlike a parametric
approach for estimating the arbitrage-based pricing formula, a nonpara-
metric approach does not require that the dynamics of asset prices be
known in advance. Using data on pricing and delta hedging of S&P 500
futures options, the authors nd that in the majority of cases, a network-
pricing formula outperforms the naive traditional Black–Scholes model.
In addition, compared with other popular models—such as ordinary least
squares, radial basis function networks, multilayer perceptron network,
and projection pursuit—the neural network pricing formula is computa-
tionally more ecient and accurate when the price dynamics of the under-
lying asset are unknown.
James, Gareth, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani.
2017. An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R. New York:
In this book, the authors provide a fundamental understanding of statisti-
cal learning, including LASSO, classication and regression trees, boost-
ing, and SVMs. Unlike other textbooks in this new area, this one treats
these topics in a less technical manner and focuses on their application
using statistical software R.
Kaashoek, Johan F., and Herman K. van Dijk. 2002. “Neural Network
Pruning Applied to Real Exchange Rate Analysis.Journal of Forecasting
21 (8): 55977.
e authors apply neural network pruning to exchange rate forecasting.
Because neural networks consist of many cells, the number of cells is pruned
or reduced using basic descriptive procedures, such as multiple correlation
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
70 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
coecients, principal component analysis of residuals, and graphical analy-
sis. Compared with standard autoregressive integrated moving average mod-
els, the proposed method performs better in terms of its predictive accuracy
and its ability to capture the long-term dynamics of exchange rates.
Katona, Zsolt, Marcus Painter, Panos N. Patatoukas, and Jean Zeng. 2018.
“On the Capital Market Consequences of Alternative Data: Evidence from
Outer Space.” 9th Miami Behavioral Finance Conference 2018. https://ssrn.
e authors examine the use of satellite images of parking lot trac to
predict the earnings of major US retailers before public disclosure.
Ke, Zheng Tracy, Bryan T. Kelly, and Dacheng Xiu. 2019. “Predicting
Returns with Text Data.”
e authors propose a text mining methodology that extracts sentiment
information from textual sources. is approach is simple, requires mini-
mal computing power, and can be adapted to the dataset being used. A
simple trading strategy that buys assets with positive recent news senti-
ment and sells assets with negative sentiment using this method generates
higher out-of-sample abnormal returns than similar strategies based on
sentiment scores from commercial vendors such as RavenPack.
Kearney, Colm, and Sha Liu. 2014. “Textual Sentiment in Finance: A Survey
of Methods and Models.International Review of Financial Analysis 33:
is article’s authors provide a comprehensive review of the text-based sen-
timent literature and qualitative information sources used in prior research,
as well as the most frequently used textual data analysis methods and their
empirical applications. Further, they identify possible opportunities and
directions for future research using text-based qualitative data.
Kearns, Michael, and Yuriy Nevmyvaka. 2013. “Machine Learning for Market
Microstructure and High Frequency Trading.” In High Frequency Trading:
New Realities for Traders, Markets, and Regulators, edited by Maureen O’Hara,
Marcos Lopez de Prado, and David Easley, 91124. London: Risk Books.
e authors explore the application of ML approaches to high-frequency
trading and microstructure data. ey consider a few case studies used in
solving dierent trading problems. Specically, they review the applica-
tion of ML methods in optimal trade execution problems and in predicting
equity limit order book price movements.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 71
Kercheval, Alec N., and Yuan Zhang. 2015. “Modelling High-Frequency
Limit Order Book Dynamics with Support Vector Machines.Quantitative
Finance 15 (8): 1315–29.
e authors develop an SVM-based learning model to examine the
dynamics of information contained in a limit order book. A limit order
book records high-frequency trading activity grouped by asks and bids,
including time and type of transaction, order price, and volume. e
authors show the usefulness of features selected by the proposed method
for forecasting short-term price dynamics.
Kim, Steven H., and Hyun Ju Noh. 1997. “Predictability of Interest Rates
Using Data Mining Tools: A Comparative Analysis of Korea and the US.
Expert Systems with Applications 13 (2): 85–95.
Forecasting techniques used in predicting interest rates have generally
failed to improve over the simple random walk model. In this article, the
authors consider neural networks, case-based reasoning, and the combina-
tion of the two to forecast interest rates in the United States and Korea.
Case-based reasoning uses accumulated past experiences in making deci-
sions. Interestingly, these techniques are superior to the random walk
model for the US market but cannot outperform the random walk model
for the Korean market.
Kirilenko, Andrei, Albert S. Kyle, Mehrdad Samadi, and Tugkan Tuzun.
2017. “e Flash Crash: High-Frequency Trading in an Electronic Market.
Journal of Finance 72 (3): 967–98.
e authors investigate intraday market intermediation in an electronic
market around the time of large and temporary selling pressure that
occurred on 6 May 2010. Known as the “ash crash,” decline in prices and
increase in trading volume was triggered by a trader who initiated a large
sell program to sell E-mini S&P 500 stock index futures. is kind of
large selling pressure may potentially lead to a market crash. Using empiri-
cal data from 6 May 2010 and the three days leading up to that date, the
study nds evidence that most intraday intermediaries did not change their
trading behavior despite large and temporary selling pressure.
Kirilenko, Andrei A., and Andrew W. Lo. 2013. “Moore’s Law versus
Murphys Law: Algorithmic Trading and Its Discontents.Journal of Economic
Perspectives 27 (2): 5172.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
72 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
In this article, the authors survey algorithmic trading and its history, its
major drivers, challenges, and the resulting unintended consequences for
the nancial system. ey argue that although technological advances have
reduced nancial transaction costs drastically, current nancial regulations
need to be aligned with the requirements of the digital age.
Kofman, Paul, and Ian G. Sharpe. 2003. “Using Multiple Imputation in
the Analysis of Incomplete Observations in Finance.Journal of Financial
Econometrics 1 (2): 21649.nec/nbg013.
e authors examine the application of multiple imputation methods.
When applied to two nancial datasets involving severe data incomplete-
ness, the imputation methods outperform the ad hoc approaches com-
monly used in the nance literature.
Kolm, Petter N., and Gordon Ritter. Forthcoming. “Modern Perspectives on
Reinforcement Learning in Finance.Journal of Machine Learning in Finance
1 (1).
e authors provide an overview of RL applications in nance. RL allows
for solving dynamic optimization problems such as the pricing and hedg-
ing of contingent claims, investment and portfolio allocation, buying and
selling a portfolio of securities subject to transaction costs, market mak-
ing, asset–liability management, and optimization of tax consequences in
a model-free way. e authors also highlight some of the challenges with
using RL.
Kolm, Petter N., Reha Tütün, and Frank J. Fabozzi. 2014. “60 Years of
Portfolio Optimization: Practical Challenges and Current Trends.European
Journal of Operational Research 234 (2): 35671.
e authors review approaches that aim at addressing some of the practical
challenges of portfolio optimization, including accounting for transaction
costs, portfolio management constraints, and sensitivity to estimates of
expected returns and covariances. ey also illustrate several developments
in portfolio optimization, including diversication methods, risk-parity
portfolios, the mixing of dierent sources of alpha, and practical multi-
period portfolio optimization.
Kumar, P. Ravi, and Vadlamani Ravi. 2007. “Bankruptcy Prediction in Banks
and Firms via Statistical and Intelligent Techniques – A Review.European
Journal of Operational Research 180 (1): 1–28.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 73
In this comprehensive review, the authors consider the application of sta-
tistical and intelligent techniques for bankruptcy prediction between 1985
and 2005. Historically, researchers have used many dierent techniques to
forecast bank and rm bankruptcy, including traditional statistical meth-
ods, neural networks, case-based reasoning, decision trees, evolutionary
approaches, rough set–based techniques, fuzzy logic, SVMs, and various
hybrid models.
Lam, Monica. 2004. “Neural Network Techniques for Financial Performance
Prediction: Integrating Fundamental and Technical Analysis.Decision Support
Systems 37 (4): 567–81.
e author examines the eect of integrating technical and fundamental
analysis to forecast the rate of return on common shareholders’ equity.
Empirical results show that a neural network incorporating nancial state-
ment and macroeconomic variables performs signicantly better than
the market return. It fails, however, to outperform the maximum bench-
mark—the average return of the top one-third of companies with the
highest returns.
Leshik, Edward, and Jane Cralle. 2011. An Introduction to Algorithmic Trading:
Basic to Advanced Strategies. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons.
e authors of this book provide a background on algorithmic trading and
describe current algorithmic trading strategies. e book contains two
broadly dened parts. e rst part is an introduction to trading algo-
rithms, current popular algorithms, and how to use and optimize these
trading algorithms. e second part provides readers with tools and exam-
ples to help them learn the trading strategies the authors have developed.
Leung, Henry, and ai Ton. 2015. “e Impact of Internet Stock Message
Boards on Cross-Sectional Returns of Small-Capitalization Stocks.Journal of
Banking & Finance 55: 37–55.
In this article, the authors study the stock return eects of stock messages
posted on the Australian online stock message board HotCopper of the
Australian Securities Exchange. e empirical evidence suggests that both
the number of messages and their sentiment have a positive impact on the
current return of underperforming small stocks and their trading volume.
Large stocks, however, do not appear to be inuenced by online message
Li, Xiaodong, Xiaodi Huang, Xiaotie Deng, and Shanfeng Zhu. 2014.
“Enhancing Quantitative Intra-Day Stock Return Prediction by Integrating
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
74 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Both Market News and Stock Prices Information.Neurocomputing 142:
Previous studies on stock prices and market news consider either market
news or past stock prices a predictor of future stock returns. In this article,
the authors integrate these two sources of information using a kernel learn-
ing technique. e empirical evidence suggests that the proposed method
outperforms three baseline models (market news, past stock prices, and
both market news and past stock prices).
Liao, Shu-Hsien, and Shan-Yuan Chou. 2013. “Data Mining Investigation
of Co-Movements on the Taiwan and China Stock Markets for Future
Investment Portfolio.Expert Systems with Applications 40 (5): 154254.
Taiwan and China signed an Economic Cooperation Framework
Agreement in 2010. In this article, the authors investigate the co-move-
ments in the two countries’ stock markets after this agreement. To do so,
they identify 30 categories of stock indices and analyze their behavior using
patterns, rules, and cluster analysis. e empirical results show that for the
Taiwan stock market, electronics, nancial and insurance, and semicon-
ductor stock indices strongly move together with the TAIEX Index. For
the Hong Kong stock market, real estate, telecommunications, and nan-
cial services stock indices move with the HSI Index, and for the Shenzhen
stock market, manufacturing, machinery, and electronics stock indices
move with the SZSE Index. e authors also discuss the co-movement
across these three stock markets.
Lin, Chin-Shien, Haider A. Khan, Ruei-Yuan Chang, and Ying-Chieh
Wang. 2008. “A New Approach to Modeling Early Warning Systems for
Currency Crises: Can a Machine-Learning Fuzzy Expert System Predict
Currency Crises Eectively?” Journal of International Money and Finance
27 (7): 1098–121.
In this study, the authors develop a hybrid causal model to predict currency
crises. is hybrid model, constructed by integrating neural networks with
a fuzzy logic model, can predict currency crises better than other popular
methods, such as neural networks and logistic regression.
Lopez de Prado, Marcos. 2016. “Building Diversied Portfolios that
Outperform Out of Sample.Journal of Portfolio Management 42 (4): 59–69.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 75
Markowitz’s critical line algorithm (CLA) is based on quadratic optimiza-
tion. e CLA procedure is unstable mainly because the algorithm requires
the inversion of a covariance matrix. e authors introduce a hierarchical
risk parity (HRP) method, an alternative algorithm that applies graph the-
ory and ML, which uses the information in the covariance matrix without
requiring a matrix inversion. By replacing the covariance matrix with a tree
structure, the HRP method allows for solution of the portfolio optimiza-
tion problem even when the covariance matrix is singular. Monte Carlo
experiments show that HRP produces lower out-of-sample variance than
does the CLA procedure, whereas CLA delivers minimum-variance port-
folios only in sample.
Loterman, Gert, Iain Brown, David Martens, Christophe Mues, and Bart
Baesens. 2012. “Benchmarking Regression Algorithms for Loss Given
Default Modeling.” International Journal of Forecasting 28 (1): 16170. https://
e existing literature on credit risk models focuses mainly on the prob-
ability of default, while loss given default (LGD) remains an inadequately
studied area. e authors of this study consider numerous regression meth-
ods to model the LGD problem. Using data on losses from several major
international banks, the considered models can explain 4% to 43% of the
variation in LGD. Out of 24 models in the study, SVMs and neural net-
works perform signicantly better than traditional statistical techniques.
Lowe, David. 1994. “Novel Exploitation of Neural Network Methods in
Financial Markets.” In Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on
Neural Networks, vol. 6, 362328. Orlando, FL: IEEE.
e author introduces feedforward networks for portfolio management,
demonstrating that neural network methods have the advantage of being
able to approximate nonlinearities in the data and to optimize the portfolio
under constraints.
Majhi, Ritanjali, Ganapati Panda, and Gadhadhar Sahoo. 2009. “Ecient
Prediction of Exchange Rates with Low Complexity Articial Neural
Network Models.Expert Systems with Applications 36 (1): 181–89. https://doi.
In this article, the authors propose two ANN models—functional link
ANN (FLANN) and cascaded functional link ANN (CFLANN)—to
forecast currency exchange rates. ey nd that compared with Widrows
popular least-mean-square algorithm, both the CFLANN and FLANN
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
76 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
models are superior in exchange rate forecasting, with the CFLANN
model performing the best among the three models considered.
Manahov, Viktor, Robert Hudson, and Bartosz Gebka. 2014. “Does High
Frequency Trading Aect Technical Analysis and Market Eciency? And If
So, How?” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
28: 131–57.n.2013.11.002.
Approximately 40% of foreign exchange traders use technical analy-
sis for their trading rules, and others may implicitly rely on the ecient
market hypothesis. In this article, the authors examine the relationship
between technical analysis and high-frequency trading in foreign exchange
markets. ey develop a special adaptive form of strongly typed genetic
programming to forecast most frequently traded currency pairs using high-
frequency data. e results show that strongly typed genetic programming
signicantly outperforms traditional econometric forecasting models.
Importantly, excess returns are found to be both statistically and economi-
cally signicant, even when transaction costs are considered.
Manela, Asaf, and Alan Moreira. 2017. “News Implied Volatility and
Disaster Concerns.Journal of Financial Economics 123 (1): 13762. https://neco.2016.01.032.
In this article, the authors propose a text-based measure of uncertainty—
a news implied volatility (NVIX) measure—to study the relationship
between uncertainty and expected returns. Using front-page articles from
the Wall Street Journal starting in 1890, the constructed NVIX measure
captures the time variation in risk premia. Specically, a high NVIX mea-
sure indicates high future returns in normal times and rises just before
rare disaster events (e.g., wars, concerns about government policy, natural
Manning, Christopher D., and Hinrich Schütze. 1999. Foundations of
Statistical Natural Language Processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Statistical NLP applies probabilistic and information theory as well as
linear algebra to characterize linguistic observations. is graduate-level
textbook consists of four broad parts. Part 1 presents the essential math-
ematical and linguistic concepts. Part 2 focuses on word-based statistics
and inference. Part 3 is devoted to studying grammar-based statistical
techniques. Finally, Part 4 covers the applications of statistical techniques
to NLP.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 77
Markowitz, Harry. 1952. “Portfolio Selection.Journal of Finance 7 (1): 77–91.
In this seminal theory article, Markowitz describes the portfolio selection
problem using expected returns and their variances. Also known as the
mean–variance model, it chooses an ecient portfolio with the maximum
expected return for a given level of risk.
McCarthy, John, Marvin L. Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude E.
Shannon. 2006. “A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on
Articial Intelligence, August 31, 1955.AI Magazine 27 (4): 12–14.
is article involves a republication of the seminal 1955 Dartmouth
Summer Research Proposal on AI by four mathematicians. e authors
of this research proposal are believed to have been the rst to use the term
“articial intelligence.” e authors suggested conducting a 10-man study
on AI during the summer of 1956.
Michaud, Richard O., and Robert O. Michaud. 2008. Ecient Asset
Management: A Practical Guide to Stock Portfolio Optimization and Asset
Allocation, 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
e authors discuss mean–variance portfolio optimization and its limita-
tions, then review alternative portfolio management approaches from a
statistical point of view. e topics covered include Markowitz eciency,
classic mean–variance optimization, traditional criticisms and alternatives,
unbounded mean–variance portfolio eciency, mean–variance eciency
with linear constraints, the resampled eciency frontier and its properties,
portfolio rebalancing and monitoring, input estimation, Bayes estimation
and caveats, and avoiding optimization errors.
Mitkov, Ruslan, ed. 2014. e Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics,
2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
is book is devoted to describing major concepts, methods, and appli-
cations in computational linguistics. It provides an overview of the eld,
describing a broad range of current techniques used in NLP and providing
a comprehensive survey of current applications of NLP.
Molnar, Christoph. 2020. Interpretable Machine Learning: A Guide for
Making Black Box Models Explainable.
e author presents a free and comprehensive book on various ways of
facilitating the interpretation and understanding of ML predictions.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
78 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Murphy, Kevin P. 2012. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
e author of this advanced textbook on ML focuses on probability theory
and distributions. e rst part of the book is devoted to ML concepts and
methods, probability theory and distributions, and Bayesian and frequen-
tist statistics. e second part presents linear and logistic regression and
generalized linear, mixture, and latent linear models. e third part dis-
cusses kernels, adaptive models (classication and regression trees, boost-
ing, neural networks, ensemble learning), Markov and hidden Markov
models, state space models, graphical models, variational inference, Monte
Carlo inference, and DL.
Nevmyvaka, Yuriy, Yi Feng, and Michael Kearns. 2006. “Reinforcement
Learning for Optimized Trade Execution.” In Proceedings of the 23rd
International Conference on Machine Learning, 67380.
Optimized trade execution is an important problem in the eld of nance.
In this study, the authors apply RL to optimal trade execution using
NASDAQ market data. When market state variables are chosen carefully,
RL can improve trade optimization relative to other baseline execution
Nuij, Wijnand, Viorel Milea, Frederik Hogenboom, Flavius Frasincar, and
Uzay Kaymak. 2014. “An Automated Framework for Incorporating News
into Stock Trading Strategies.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering 26 (4): 823–35.
e authors introduce a framework that automatically incorporates news
into stock trading strategies. Using genetic programming to nd optimal
trading strategies, the authors achieve results that indicate that optimal
trading strategies include technical trading rules and, in many cases, news
variables as additional input.
Nuti, Giuseppe, Mahnoosh Mirghaemi, Philip Treleaven, and Chaiyakorn
Yingsaeree. 2011. “Algorithmic Trading.Computer 44 (11): 6169. https://
Trading in the nancial sector uses automated systems that are fast and
complex. In this article, the authors provide an overview of trading algo-
rithms and how such systems work. In particular, the authors explain the
trading objective, trading process, electronic trading execution, and trad-
ing analysis, and they provide some examples.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 79
Oh, Kyong Jo, and Ingoo Han. 2000. “Using Change-Point Detection
to Support Articial Neural Networks for Interest Rates Forecasting.
Expert Systems with Applications 19 (2): 10515.
Interest rates change according to the monetary policy of governments,
and the authors of this study propose to identify intervals between these
change points and use this information in predicting interest rates. ey
use a backpropagation neural network (BPN) to detect the change-point
groups of interest rates and apply the BPN technique again to interest rate
forecasting. e proposed BPN technique with change-point detection
outperforms the simple BPN technique at a statistically signicant level.
Papaioannou, Georgios V., and Daniel Giamouridis. Forthcoming. Enhancing
Alpha Signals from Trade Ideas Data Using Supervised Learning, in Machine
Learning and Asset Management. Springer.
In this chapter, the researchers use trade investment ideas along with
supervised ML. Trade ideas are market experts’ recommendations that
institutional investors often use. Investment trade ideas are classied into
two classes (success or failure) using supervised ML methods, specically
random forests and gradient boosting trees. In addition to stock character-
istics, the authors use characteristics of the contributor to the investment
trade idea. e overall results demonstrate a performance improvement of
more than 1% for long ideas and of more than 2% for short ideas.
Park, Saerom, Jaewook Lee, and Youngdoo Son. 2016. “Predicting Market
Impact Costs Using Nonparametric Machine Learning Models.PLoS One
11 (2): 113.
Transaction costs aect the prots of investment strategies. e authors
seek to more accurately predict market impact cost, which is the result of
the dierence between the initial stock price and the actual price after the
transaction. Using data on the US stock market, the authors apply non-
parametric ML techniques (neural networks, Bayesian neural network,
Gaussian process, SVR) to predict market impact cost. e empirical
results suggest that nonparametric ML models generally outperform their
parametric counterparts.
Patel, Keyur, and Marshall Lincoln. 2019. Its Not Magic: Weighing the
Risks of AI in Financial Services. London: Centre for the Study of Financial
Innovation. http://www.cs.org/s/Magic_10-19_v12_Proof.pdf.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
80 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
e authors oer a detailed review of the potential benets and risks of
applying AI in the nancial services industry. e report is divided into
three sections. Section 1 introduces AI in the nancial services industry.
Section 2 discusses AI’s potential benets in nancial services, such as
improvements in security, compliance, and risk management. e report
devotes much attention to Section 3, which presents the potential risks of
applying AI and ML in nancial services. It identies 12 key risks, includ-
ing those related to ethical challenges.
Peña, Tonatiuh, Seran Martinez, and Bolanle Abudu. 2011. “Bankruptcy
Prediction: A Comparison of Some Statistical and Machine Learning
Techniques.” In Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics, Dynamic
Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, Vol. 13, edited by
Herbert Dawid and Willi Semmler, 109–31. London: Springer. https://doi.
e authors examine the accuracy of statistical and ML methods in pre-
dicting bank failures. ey introduce Gaussian processes for classication
and evaluate the processes’ performance relative to other statistical and
ML techniques (logistic regression, discriminant analysis, least-squares
SVMs). e study nds that forecasts generated from dierent instances
of Gaussian process classiers can compete with the results from popular
Rasekhschae, Keywan Christian, and Robert C. Jones. 2019. “Machine
Learning for Stock Selection.Financial Analysts Journal 75 (3): 70–88.
ML methods are gaining in popularity among nancial practitioners
because they can better capture dynamic relationships between predictors
and expected returns. Given the noisy historical nancial data, however,
the risk of overtting poses a real challenge. e authors discuss two main
ways of overcoming the overtting problem when using ML for predicting
the cross-section of stock returns. Combining dierent forecasts reduces
noise. e authors recommend forecast combination along dierent
dimensions, such as from dierent forecasting techniques, based on dier-
ent training sets, and for dierent horizons. Similarly, feature engineering
can help mitigate the overtting problem by increasing the signal-to-noise
Rapach, David E., Jack K. Strauss, Jun Tu, and Guofu Zhou. 2019. “Industry
Return Predictability: A Machine Learning Approach.Journal of Financial
Data Science 1 (3): 9–28.
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 81
e authors apply ML to predict industry returns. Specically, they use
LASSO regression to t sparse models that include lagged industry returns
for 30 industries. e LASSO-selected variables are then estimated using
an ordinary least-squares model to lessen the eect of downward bias in
estimated coecients from the LASSO model. In-sample and out-of-
sample predictions of industry returns provide evidence for the relevance of
information in lagged industry returns.
Rapach, David E., Jack K. Strauss, and Guofu Zhou. 2013. “International
Stock Return Predictability: What Is the Role of the United States?” Journal
of Finance 68 (4): 163362.
Stock return predictability has received signicant attention in the litera-
ture. In this study, the authors introduce a new powerful predictor of stock
returns in industrialized countries. ey nd that lagged US market returns
can dramatically improve stock return predictability in other industrial-
ized countries, whereas lagged non-US returns are not good predictors of
stock returns in the United States. e contribution of lagged US returns to
stock return predictability in non-US industrialized countries is explained
through a news-diusion model, in which shocks to US stock returns are
reected in equity prices in other industrialized countries with a lag.
Renault, omas. 2017. “Intraday Online Investor Sentiment and Return
Patterns in the U.S. Stock Market.Journal of Banking & Finance 84: 2540.
Using investor opinions and ideas about stock market returns posted on
the Stocktwits blog, the authors construct investor sentiment data to study
its relationship with US stock returns. ey provide evidence that inves-
tor sentiment is an important variable for forecasting intraday stock index
Ribeiro, Bernardete, Catarina Silva, Ning Chen, Armando Vieira, and João
Carvalho das Neves. 2012. “Enhanced Default Risk Models with SVM+.
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (11): 10140–52.
Recent advances in bankruptcy prediction consider adding additional
information, such as marketing reports, competitors landscape, economic
environment, customers screening, and industry trends. is additional
information can be incorporated into an SVM. Using data on French com-
panies, the authors demonstrate that their adaptation produces a better
bankruptcy prediction than does a baseline SVM.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
82 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Ristolainen, Kim. 2018. “Predicting Banking Crises with Articial Neural
Networks: e Role of Nonlinearity and Heterogeneity.Scandinavian
Journal of Economics 120 (1): 31–62.
Early warning systems help predict coming banking crises. Rather than
using traditional linear models, such as logistic regression, the author in
this study builds early warning systems using an ANN model. For regional
as well as international data, the proposed ANN model outperforms logis-
tic regression in predicting all banking crises two years in advance, given
the information about earlier crises.
Russell, Stuart, and Peter Norvig. 2010. Articial Intelligence: A Modern
Approach, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
e authors of this textbook provide an in-depth review of AI and cover
introductory concepts as well as recent advances in the eld. Topics include
intelligent agents, problem-solving agents, search algorithms, logic agents,
rst-order logic and inference, planning, uncertainty in knowledge and
reasoning, learning (e.g., learning from examples and learning probabilistic
models), NLP and communication, and robotics.
Sabharwal, Chaman L. 2018. “e Rise of Machine Learning and Robo-
Advisors in Banking.Journal of Banking Technology 2: 28–43. https://www.
e author discusses the current use of ML and its future role in the nan-
cial sector. Robo-advisors used by the largest banks in the United States are
examples that the nancial sector has embraced ML for banking services.
Still, ML has yet to achieve its biggest impact in the nance industry.
Schumaker, Robert P., and Hsinchun Chen. 2006. “Textual Analysis of Stock
Market Prediction Using Financial News Articles.AMCIS 2006 Proceedings,
185: 1431–40.
e authors consider the impact of nancial news on stock prices.
Specically, three textual document representations—bag of words, noun
phrases, and named entities—obtained from news articles are considered.
Using SVMs, the authors analyze the impact of news articles on stock
prices 20 minutes after a news article is published. e study yields two
interesting results. First, compared with linear models, the SVM nds that
nancial news has a statistically signicant impact on stock prices. Second,
various textual analysis approaches yield dierent stock return prediction
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 83
performance. Compared with the popular bag of words, noun phrase tex-
tual representation results in better prediction performance.
Sevim, Cuneyt, Asil Oztekin, Ozkan Bali, Serkan Gumus, and Erkam
Guresen. 2014. “Developing an Early Warning System to Predict Currency
Crises.” European Journal of Operational Research 237 (3): 1095–104. https://
To predict currency crises in the Turkish economy, the authors use a nan-
cial pressure index—which measures drastic deviations in the exchange
rate and drastic decreases in foreign exchange reserves—as the dependent
variable and 32 macroeconomic variables as independent variables. e
three models considered in this articleANNs, logistic regression, and
decision trees—are able to predict the 1994 and 2001 crises 12 months in
advance and with 95% accuracy.
Simon, Dan. 2013. Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms. Hoboken, NJ: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
is applied textbook, divided into ve parts, is devoted to studying evolu-
tionary algorithms for optimization. Part 1 discusses types of optimization
problems and algorithms. Part 2 reviews natural genetics and their history
and describes the use of articial genetic algorithms for solving optimiza-
tion problems. In Part 3, the discussion centers on related techniques, such
as ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, and dierential
evolution. Part 4 is devoted to special types of optimization problems
(discrete, constrained, and multi-objective optimization problems) and
problems associated with reducing the computational costs of evolutionary
algorithms. Finally, Part 5 provides a practical guide on how to address
problems (checking for bugs and problems in the code and software) and
how to measure the performance of an algorithm against standard bench-
mark optimization problems.
Skolpadungket, Prisadarng, Keshav Dahal, and Napat Harnpornchai.
2016. “Handling Model Risk in Portfolio Selection Using Multi-Objective
Genetic Algorithm.” In Articial Intelligence in Financial Markets: New
Developments in Quantitative Trading and Investment, edited by Christian
Dunice, Peter Middleton, Andreas Karathanasopolous, and Konstantinos
eolatos, 285–310. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
e classical Markowitz (mean–variance) portfolio optimization model
assumes that asset returns are normally distributed. In reality, means and
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
84 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
volatilities of asset returns tend to vary, which requires forecasting these vari-
ables to construct an optimal portfolio. e authors present a solution to the
portfolio optimization problem using a multi-objective genetic algorithm to
account for the inaccuracy inherent in forecasting models. is model risk can
be reduced when an approximation of the Sharpe ratio error of the portfolio
of assets is added as an additional objective to the portfolio optimization task.
Sprenger, Timm O., Philipp G. Sandner, Andranik Tumasjan, and Isabell
M. Welpe. 2014. “News or Noise? Using Twitter to Identify and Understand
Company-Specic News Flow.Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 41
(78): 791–830.
Using 400,000 S&P 500 stock-related messages from Twitter, the authors
compare company returns just before positive and negative news. Good
news tends to have a larger information leakage and a greater impact on
stock returns than bad news.
Tam, Kar Yan. 1991. “Neural Network Models and the Prediction
of Bank Bankruptcy.Omega 19 (5): 42945.
Bank bankruptcy rst increased signicantly in the 1980s. e author uses
a neural network technique to predict bank failure, showing that the pro-
posed method performs better than traditional statistical methods in terms
of robustness, forecast accuracy, adaptability, and explanatory capability.
Tan, Pang-Ning, Michael Steinbach, Anuj Karpatne, and Vipin Kumar.
2018. “Data Mining Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms.” In
Introduction to Data Mining, 2nd ed., 525603. New York: Pearson.
e authors provide an overview of cluster analysis and illustrate its appli-
cation in dierent elds. In cluster analysis, data are partitioned into mul-
tiple groups or clusters that share some traits common within their group.
e authors present dierent clustering techniques (e.g., K-means, hier-
archical clustering) and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of various
clustering methods.
Tan, Zhiyong, Chai Quek, and Philip Y.K. Cheng. 2011. “Stock Trading with
Cycles: A Financial Application of ANFIS and Reinforcement Learning.
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (5): 4741–55.
e authors develop a new non-arbitrage algorithmic trading algorithm
based on an adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and RL
techniques. e proposed method predicts the changes in the long-term
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 85
movement of prices and is able to outperform trading algorithms such
as DENFIS and RSPOP. Experimental trading outcomes using ve US
stocks indicate that on average, total returns using the new framework are
higher by approximately 50 percentage points.
Teräsvirta, Timo, Dick van Dijk, and Marcelo C. Medeiros. 2005. “Linear Models,
Smooth Transition Autoregressions, and Neural Networks for Forecasting
Macroeconomic Time Series: A Re-Examination.International Journal of
Forecasting 21 (4): 755–74.
e authors consider three techniques—linear autoregressive, smooth tran-
sition autoregressive (STAR), and neural network time-series models—to
forecast macroeconomic variables. Using a dynamic model specication,
the authors produce results indicating that the dynamic STAR model per-
forms better than the linear autoregressive and several xed STAR models
in terms of forecast accuracy. Neural network models can produce more
accurate forecasts when the forecast horizon is long and when the Bayesian
regularization is applied to the model.
Tibshirani, Robert. 1996. “Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the
Lasso.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Methodological 58 (1):
e author introduces the LASSO method in linear regression models. By
adding a penalty term to the mean squared error minimization problem,
LASSO shrinks some coecients to zero and produces models that are
interpretable. Compared with other variable selection techniques, such as
subset selection and ridge regression, LASSO is better suited for small- to
moderate-sized numbers of moderate-sized eects.
Tsai, Chih-Fong, Yuah-Chiao Lin, David C. Yen, and Yan-Min Chen. 2011.
“Predicting Stock Returns by Classier Ensembles.Applied Soft Computing
11 (2): 2452–59.
In this article, the authors compare the prediction performance of ensemble
models of classication for stock returns. ey nd that relative to single
classiers, classier ensembles perform well in terms of return on invest-
ment and prediction accuracy.
Tsai, Chih-Fong, and Jhen-Wei Wu. 2008. “Using Neural Network
Ensembles for Bankruptcy Prediction and Credit Scoring.Expert Systems
with Applications 34 (4): 263949.
e authors compare the forecast accuracy of multiple neural network clas-
siers with that of a single best neural network classier for bankruptcy
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
86 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
prediction and credit scoring problems. e empirical results show that
multiple classiers tend to perform worse than a single best neural net-
work classier. If type I or type II errors are considered, however, neither
method outperforms the other in terms of prediction accuracy.
Vapnik, Vladimir N. 2000. e Nature of Statistical Learning eory, 2nd ed.
New York: Springer.
e author reviews statistical learning for small data samples that do not
rely on a priori information. e book, which is appropriate to be used as
a graduate-level textbook on learning theory, is divided into three parts:
the general theory of learning, support vector estimation, and statistical
foundations of learning theory.
Varetto, Franco. 1998. “Genetic Algorithms Applications in the Analysis of
Insolvency Risk.Journal of Banking & Finance 22 (1011): 1421–39. https://
e author studies insolvency risk and compares results obtained from tra-
ditional linear discriminant analysis and genetic algorithms. Using data on
Italian companies from 1982 to 1995, the author nds that linear discrimi-
nant analysis better predicts insolvency. e genetic algorithms produce
results faster and with less contribution from the nancial analyst, how-
ever, and can therefore serve as an eective tool in bankruptcy risk analysis.
Verikas, Antanas, Zivile Kalsyte, Marija Bacauskiene, and Adas Gelzinis.
2010. “Hybrid and Ensemble-Based Soft Computing Techniques in
Bankruptcy Prediction: A Survey.Soft Computing 14: 995–1010. https://doi.
e authors review literature on hybrid and ensemble-based soft computing
techniques used in bankruptcy prediction studies. Because the literature
on bankruptcy prediction rarely reports condence intervals of prediction
results, and studies use vastly dierent data, comparisons of the obtained
results are not feasible. Instead, the authors focus on specic techniques
and their ensembles used in bankruptcy prediction.
Vui, Chang Sim, Gan Kim Soon, Chin Kim On, Rayner Alfred, and Patricia
Anthony. 2013. “A Review of Stock Market Prediction with Articial
Neural Network.” In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System,
Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE), 477–82.
ANN can be a useful technique for stock market prediction, given the non-
linear and volatile nature of stock market dynamics. e authors provide a
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 87
brief review of the literature on the application of various ANN approaches
in predicting stock market returns.
Xing, Frank Z., Erik Cambria, and Roy E. Welsch. 2018. “Natural Language
Based Financial Forecasting: A Survey.Articial Intelligence Review 50:
In recent years, the number of papers using textual sentiment data for nancial
forecasting has been increasing. e authors review the natural language based
nancial forecasting literature, discussing the history of NLP techniques, cur-
rent text processing techniques, and algorithms for predictive models.
Xue, Jingming, Qiang Liu, Miaomiao Li, Xinwang Liu, Yongkai Ye, Siqi
Wang, and Jianping Yin. 2018. “Incremental Multiple Kernel Extreme
Learning Machine and Its Application in Robo-Advisors.Soft Computing
22: 350717.
Robo-advisors currently used in the nance industry provide investors
with nancial advice previously provided by nance sector employees. e
authors suggest that the ML algorithm robo-advisors use may be less suit-
able when information is heterogeneous. ey introduce an incremental
multiple kernel extreme learning machine model, which can initialize and
simultaneously update the training dataset and combine information from
dierent data sources. e proposed method is able to eciently solve clas-
sication problems and can thus be used as an algorithm for robo-advisors.
Yao, Jingtao, Yili Li, and Chew Lim Tan. 2000. “Option Price Forecasting
Using Neural Networks.Omega 28 (4): 45566.
e authors of this study use a neural network option pricing model and
show that the proposed approach achieves dierent performance results
depending on how data are partitioned into groups based on moneyness.
Using Japanese Nikkei 225 Futures data, the authors nd that a neural
network pricing model outperforms the Black–Scholes model when mar-
kets are volatile, whereas the latter performs better when its theoretical
assumption of constant volatility holds. e traditional Black–Scholes
model performs better for at-the-money options. For in-the-money and
out-of-the-money options, a neural network pricing model may be more
appropriate when the preferred strategy is high risk and high return.
Yu, Lean, Shouyang Wang, and Kin Keung Lai. 2008. “Neural Network-
Based Mean–Variance-Skewness Model for Portfolio Selection.Computers &
Operations Research 35 (1): 3446.
Articial Intelligence in Asset Management
88 © 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved.
Researchers have been studying extensions of Markowitz’s mean–variance
model of portfolio optimization. Recent work in this area recommends
incorporating higher-order moments, such as skewness, especially when
asset returns are not normally distributed. e authors of this study present
a neural network–based mean–variance-skewness model of portfolio opti-
mization. ey integrate this model with investors’ risk preferences, dier-
ent forecasts, and trading strategies and show that the proposed algorithm
is computationally fast and ecient in solving the triple trade-os in the
mean–variance-skewness portfolio optimization problem.
Yu, Lean, Shouyang Wang, Kin Keung Lai, and Fenghua Wen. 2010.
A Multiscale Neural Network Learning Paradigm for Financial Crisis
Forecasting.” Neurocomputing 73 (46): 716–25.
e authors propose a novel approach to predicting exchange rates. ey
develop a multiscale neural network learning algorithm for the exchange
rates, which are decomposed into multiple independent intrinsic mode
components using the Hilbert EMD (empirical mode decomposition)
algorithm. e ndings show that the new EMD-based multiscale neural
network learning approach performs well in forecasting bank crises and is
superior to other classication methods.
Zetzsche, Dirk A., Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley, and Brian W.
Tang. 2020. “Articial Intelligence in Finance: Putting the Human in the
Loop.” CFTE Academic Paper Series: Centre for Finance, Technology and
Entrepreneurship, no. 1; University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research
Paper No. 2020/006.
e authors develop a regulatory roadmap for the use of AI in nance,
focusing in particular on human responsibility and highlighting the neces-
sity of human involvement. After describing various cases of AI’s use in
nance, the authors discuss a range of potential issues, then consider the
regulatory challenges and tools available. e key issues identied are
increased information asymmetries, data dependencies, and system inter-
dependencies leading to unexpected consequences.
Zhang, Gioqinang, and Michael Y. Hu. 1998. “Neural Network Forecasting
of the British Pound/US Dollar Exchange Rate.Omega 26 (4): 495506.
Numerous studies successfully apply neural networks to exchange rate
forecasting. In this study, the authors look at the impact of the number
© 2020 CFA Institute Research Foundation. All rights reserved. 89
of parameters to be estimated on exchange rate forecasting because neural
networks require the estimation of many parameters. Using the GBP/USD
exchange rate forecasting problem as an empirical exercise, the authors
nd that the number of input nodes and hidden nodes aects the forecast-
ing performance of neural networks.
Zhang, Guoqiang, Michael Y. Hu, B. Eddy Patuwo, and Daniel C. Indro.
1999. “Articial Neural Networks in Bankruptcy Prediction: General
Framework and Cross-Validation Analysis.European Journal of Operational
Research 116 (1): 16–32.
e authors provide a comprehensive review of neural network methods
used in bankruptcy prediction studies and nd that these methods are
superior to logistic regression models in bankruptcy forecasting and clas-
sication. e authors explain that the superior performance of neural net-
works results from their link to Bayesian posterior probabilities.
Zheng, Ban, Eric Moulines, and Frederic Abergel. 2013. “Price Jump
Prediction in a Limit Order Book.Journal of Mathematical Finance 3 (2):
e authors study the empirical relationship between bid–ask limit order
liquidity balance and trade direction and the usefulness of information
contained in limit order books. e results show that bid–ask liquidity bal-
ance helps to predict the direction of the next trade. Further, the authors
examine the intertrade price jump using logistic regression, where the most
informative features in limit order books are selected by the LASSO vari-
able selection technique. Empirical results using data on French stocks
show that trade sign, market order sign, and liquidity on the best bid–ask
are all important factors for price jump prediction.
Zimmermann, Hans Georg, Ralph Neuneier, and Ralph Grothmann. 2002.
Active Portfolio-Management Based on Error Correction Neural Networks.”
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14, edited by omas G.
Dietterich, Suzanna Becker, and Zoubin Ghahramani, 1465–72. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
In this study, the authors combine the Black–Litterman portfolio optimi-
zation model with neural networks to forecast excess returns. e fore-
casts of the expected return are based on error correction neural networks
that use the previous models error. Using data from 21 nancial markets
in G7 countries, the proposed portfolio optimization model is shown to
outperform a benchmark portfolio.
Robert D. Arnott
Theodore R. Aronson, CFA
Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Company
Batterymarch Financial
Boston Company
Boston Partners Asset Management,
Gary P. Brinson, CFA
Brinson Partners, Inc.
Capital Group International, Inc.
Concord Capital Management
Dai-Ichi Life Insurance Company
Daiwa Securities
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Diermeier
Gifford Fong Associates
Investment Counsel Association
of America, Inc.
Jacobs Levy Equity Management
John A. Gunn, CFA
John B. Neff, CFA
Jon L. Hagler Foundation
Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Lynch, Jones & Ryan, LLC
Meiji Mutual Life Insurance
Miller Anderson & Sherrerd, LLP
Nikko Securities Co., Ltd.
Nippon Life Insurance Company of
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Payden & Rygel
Provident National Bank
Frank K. Reilly, CFA
Salomon Brothers
Sassoon Holdings Pte. Ltd.
Scudder Stevens & Clark
Security Analysts Association
of Japan
Shaw Data Securities, Inc.
Sit Investment Associates, Inc.
Standish, Ayer & Wood, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Company
Sumitomo Life America, Inc.
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
Templeton Investment Counsel Inc.
Frank Trainer, CFA
Travelers Insurance Co.
USF&G Companies
Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd.
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