The Praxis®
Study Companion
Gifted Education
The Praxis® Study Companion 2
Welcome to the Praxis® Study Companion
Welcome to The Praxis®Study Companion
Prepare to Show What You Know
You have been working to acquire the knowledge and skills you need for your teaching career. Now you are
ready to demonstrate your abilities by taking a Praxis® test.
Using the Praxis® Study Companion is a smart way to prepare for the test so you can do your best on test day.
This guide can help keep you on track and make the most efficient use of your study time.
The Study Companion contains practical information and helpful tools, including:
An overview of the Praxis tests
Specific information on the Praxis test you are taking
A template study plan
Study topics
Practice questions and explanations of correct answers
Test-taking tips and strategies
Frequently asked questions
Links to more detailed information
So where should you start? Begin by reviewing this guide in its entirety and note those sections that you need
to revisit. Then you can create your own personalized study plan and schedule based on your individual needs
and how much time you have before test day.
Keep in mind that study habits are individual. There are many different ways to successfully prepare for your
test. Some people study better on their own, while others prefer a group dynamic. You may have more energy
early in the day, but another test taker may concentrate better in the evening. So use this guide to develop the
approach that works best for you.
Your teaching career begins with preparation. Good luck!
Know What to Expect
Which tests should I take?
Each state or agency that uses the Praxis tests sets its own requirements for which test or tests you must take for
the teaching area you wish to pursue.
Before you register for a test, confirm your state or agencys testing requirements at
How are the Praxis tests given?
Praxis tests are given on computer. Other formats are available for test takers approved for accommodations (see
page 34).
The Praxis® Study Companion 3
Welcome to the Praxis® Study Companion
What should I expect when taking the test on computer?
When taking the test on computer, you can expect to be asked to provide proper identification at the test
center. Once admitted, you will be given the opportunity to learn how the computer interface works (how to
answer questions, how to skip questions, how to go back to questions you skipped, etc.) before the testing time
begins. Watch the What to Expect on Test Day video to see what the experience is like.
Where and when are the Praxis tests oered?
You can select the test center that is most convenient for you. The Praxis tests are administered through an
international network of test centers, which includes Prometric® testing centers, some universities, and other
locations throughout the world.
Testing schedules may differ, so see the Praxis web site for more detailed test registration information at www.
The Praxis® Study Companion 4
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
The Praxis
Study Companion guides you through the steps to success
Welcome to The Praxis®Study Companion ........................................................................2
The Praxis
Study Companion guides you through the steps to success
1. Learn About Your Test ....................................................................................................5
Learn about the specic test you will be taking
2. Understanding Question Types .................................................................................. 13
Become comfortable with the types of questions you’ll nd on the Praxis tests
3. Practice with Sample Test Questions ......................................................................... 15
Answer practice questions and nd explanations for correct answers
4. Determine Your Strategy for Success ......................................................................... 25
Set clear goals and deadlines so your test preparation is focused and ecient
5. Develop Your Study Plan ............................................................................................. 28
Develop a personalized study plan and schedule
6. Review Smart Tips for Success .................................................................................... 32
Follow test-taking tips developed by experts
7. Check on Testing Accommodations ........................................................................... 34
Find out if you qualify to make it easier to take the Praxis test
8. Do Your Best on Test Day ............................................................................................. 35
Get ready for test day so you will be calm and condent
9. Understand Your Scores .............................................................................................. 37
Understand how tests are scored and how to interpret your test scores
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have ................................................................... 39
The Praxis® Study Companion 5
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
1. Learn About Your Test
Learn about the specic test you will be taking
Gifted Education (5358)
Test at a Glance
Test Name Gifted Education
Test Code 5358
Time 2 hours
Number of Questions 120
Format Selected-response questions
Test Delivery Computer delivered
Content Categories
Number of
of Test
I. Development and Characteristics of
Gifted Students
25 21%
II. Learning Environment for Gifted
23 19%
III. Instruction of Gifted Students
33 28%
IV. Identification and Assessment of Gifted
22 18%
V. Professionalism
17 14%
About This Test
The Praxis Gifted Education test is designed for candidates who are preparing to enter the field of gifted
education. The test measures the knowledge, skills, and abilities judged by a national advisory committee and a
survey of experts in the field to be necessary for safe and effective practice.
Test takers are typically completing a graduate program in the education of gifted students or have an
undergraduate degree and extensive experience planning and providing gifted services in their school districts.
Test questions assess knowledge of the essential components of effective practice: development and
characteristics of gifted students, identification and assessment of gifted students, planning and managing the
learning environment for gifted students, curriculum and instruction of gifted students, and professionalism
expected of a teacher of gifted and talented students.
Test takers are asked to show their knowledge of the topics covered on the test in multiple ways: conceptual
understanding, procedural awareness, interpretation, integration, and application. The content assessed is
aligned with the NAGC-CEC teacher preparation standards in gifted and talented education.
This test may contain some questions that will not count toward your score.
The Praxis® Study Companion 6
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
Content Topics
This list details the topics that may be included on the test. All test questions cover one or more of these topics.
Discussion Questions
In this section, discussion questions are open-ended
questions or statements intended to help test your
knowledge of fundamental concepts and your
ability to apply those concepts to classroom or real-
world situations. We do not provide answers for the
discussion questions but thinking about the answers
will help improve your understanding of fundamental
concepts and may help you answer a broad range
of questions on the test. Most of the questions
require you to combine several pieces of knowledge
to formulate an integrated understanding and
response. They are written to help you gain increased
understanding and facility with the tests subject
matter. You may want to discuss these questions with
a teacher or mentor.
I. Development and Characteristics of Gifted
A. Development
1. Knows the advanced developmental
milestones of gifted students in all domains,
from early childhood through adolescence
a. physical
b. social/emotional
c. cognitive
d. communicative
e. adaptive
2. Knows how asynchronous development
relates to giftedness
3. Knows the early indicators of giftedness
a. advanced verbal ability
b. curiosity and imagination
c. early achievement of milestones
d. ability to focus attention intensely
e. accelerated rate of learning
4. Knows the indicators of giftedness in all stages
of development
5. Knows the role of stakeholders in supporting
the development of giftedness
B. Characteristics
1. Understands the similarities and differences
between gifted students and the general
student population
2. Knows the similarities and differences among
gifted students
3. Knows the characteristics associated with
different types of giftedness
a. intellectual
b. academic
c. creative
d. leadership
e. visual and performing arts
4. Knows the cognitive characteristics of gifted
a. memory, focus, capacity for learning,
b. originality, creativity and innovation, insight
c. rate of learning, breadth and depth of
d. analogical thinking and reasoning,
communication skills
e. abstract and conceptual learning
5. Knows the range of social and emotional
characteristics of gifted students
a. perfectionism, persistence
b. emotional intensity, idealism, empathy
c. intrinsic motivation, self-awareness
d. sense of humor
e. preference for intellectual peers
6. Knows a variety of factors that may affect the
development of gifted students
a. socioeconomic status, culture, English-
language proficiency
b. race, gender, ethnicity, peer relationships
c. availability of services and quality of
d. age of identification, home support and
e. coexisting conditions and exceptionalities
7. Knows common stereotypes associated with
gifted students
a. socially shy and inept
b. excel in all academic areas
c. lack of interest in nonacademic pursuits
The Praxis® Study Companion 7
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
d. capable of learning on their own
e. easily identified
8. Knows a variety of causes for
underachievement in gifted students
a. cultural influences
b. pressure to conform
c. fear of failure, low self-esteem, boredom
d. lack of supportive academic environment
e. unsupportive family environment
f. transience (frequent moves)
9. Knows the coexisting conditions and
exceptionalities that may affect gifted students
a. giftedness and ADHD
b. giftedness and literacy disabilities
c. giftedness and learning disabilities
Discussion Questions: Development
What are the advanced developmental
milestones of gifted students in all domains
from early childhood through adolescence?
How is asynchronous development related to
What are the early indicators of giftedness?
How do stakeholders support the
development of giftedness?
Discussion Questions: Characteristics
What are the similarities between gifted
students and the general student population?
What are the differences between gifted
students and the general student population?
What are the characteristics associated with
different types of giftedness such as
intellectualism, creativity, and leadership?
What are the cognitive characteristics of
gifted students?
What are the social and emotional
characteristics of gifted students?
Identify the variety of factors that may affect
the development of gifted students.
What are the common stereotypes associated
with gifted students?
How do coexisting conditions and
exceptionalities affect gifted students?
II. Learning Environment for Gifted Students
A. Physical and Social Environment
1. Understands the impact of a safe, equitable,
positive, and supportive environment on
2. Knows the continuum of placement and
delivery of service options for gifted students
a. general education classes with
b. cluster grouping
c. pull-out and self-contained classes
d. special, alternative, and virtual schools
e. dual enrollment
3. Knows the influence of social and emotional
development on the learning of gifted
students and that gifted students may have
idiosyncratic learning patterns
4. Knows strategies for developing the
nonacademic skills of gifted students
a. social competence
b. leadership
c. resilience
d. self-efficacy
e. risk taking
5. Is familiar with how identification and delivery
models are related
B. Teaching and Learning Environment
1. Knows how to create a learning environment
that addresses the characteristics and needs of
gifted students
a. adapting the curriculum, content, process
and product
b. aligning instruction with standards and
c. selecting resources to meet the interests of
gifted students
d. adapting resources to meet the needs of
individual students
e. addressing the strengths and limitations of
individual students
f. offering a broad array of resources for
2. Uses instructional activities specific to the
development of complex cognitive processes
a. comparing and contrasting
b. analyzing, inferring, predicting
c. evaluating, categorizing, synthesizing
d. decision making, creating
e. generalizing
The Praxis® Study Companion 8
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
3. Knows methods for promoting higher levels of
a. reflecting, supporting positions
b. challenging assumptions, drawing
c. finding relationships, designing alternate
d. determining relevancy and validity of
e. transferring knowledge
4. Knows strategies for addressing
underachievement in gifted students
a. offering choice-based learning
b. supporting incremental goal setting
c. establishing supportive partnerships
d. recognizing success
5. Knows how to establish and maintain rapport
with gifted students
a. communicating expectations for student
b. communicating expectations for student
behavior in a variety of settings
6. Knows the tools for adapting a learning
environment based on input from students
and other stakeholders
a. preassessment
b. learning inventories
c. interpretation of test results and
performance evaluations
d. consultation and collaboration with other
Discussion Questions: Learning
How does a safe, equitable, positive, and
supportive environment impact learning?
How can a teacher of the gifted and talented
adapt curriculum and resources to meet the
needs of gifted and talented students?
What are the continuum of placement
options for gifted students?
What are the continuum of delivery options
for gifted students?
How does social and emotional development
influence learning?
How does a teacher of gifted and talented
students create a learning environment that
addresses the characteristics and needs of
gifted students?
What instructional activities best develop
complex processes such as evaluating and
What methods can be used to promote
higher levels of thinking?
What strategies can be used to address
underachievement in gifted students?
How does a teacher of gifted and talented
students establish and maintain a positive
rapport with gifted students?
How does a teacher of gifted students adapt
the learning environment based on input
from students and other stakeholders?
III. Instruction of Gifted Students
A. Planning
1. Understands the basic concepts of curriculum
development for gifted students
a. differentiating goals
b. developing scope and sequence
c. aligning with standards and benchmarks
d. increasing depth and rigor
e. modifying existing curriculums
2. Knows the major models for developing
curriculum for gifted students
a. content mastery model (subject based)
b. process-product model (skill based)
c. concept-based model (theme based)
3. Knows how to differentiate the general
education curriculum to meet the needs of
gifted students
a. increasing complexity and depth of content
b. modifying the pace of learning
c. creating opportunities for creativity and
d. allowing opportunities for independent
4. Knows how to select instructional content,
resources, and strategies appropriate for gifted
5. Knows how to adapt content, strategies, and
resources appropriate to the needs of
individual students
6. Knows how to design instruction that provides
opportunities for students to investigate and
extend areas of interest or talent
The Praxis® Study Companion 9
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
7. Knows how to plan instruction for enhancing
the communication skills of gifted students,
including advanced oral and written
communication tools
8. Knows how to plan opportunities for gifted
students to access and use technology in
innovative ways
9. Knows the academic and career guidance that
must be integrated into instruction
a. academic and vocational assessment
b. shadowing and internships
c. mentors and role models
10. Knows the importance of involving students in
planning, implementing, and evaluating their
11. Knows the types of assessment data that are
used to inform instruction
a. formal and informal
b. summative and formative
c. pre- and postassessment
d. performance-based
B. Instruction
1. Knows that a number of variables may affect
how individual students learn and perform
a. culture, socioeconomic status, gender
b. prior knowledge and experience
c. self-confidence, self-esteem
d. developmental readiness, asynchrony
e. coexisting conditions and exceptionalities
2. Knows how to develop observable and
measurable instructional objectives
3. Knows how to develop and implement lesson
4. Knows a variety of strategies for instructing
gifted students
a. higher-level questioning
b. problem-based learning
c. inquiry-based learning
d. differentiated learning
5. Knows how to pace instruction to meet the
needs of individual students and that different
strategies may be required for teaching gifted
students with diverse cultural and linguistic
6. Knows strategies for developing metacognitive
thinking in gifted students
a. modeling thought processes in content
b. developing self-regulation
c. encouraging and supporting reflection
d. asking complex questions
7. Knows methods of facilitating the transfer of
knowledge and skills in specific areas of
student development
a. generalizations
b. synthesis within and across disciplines
c. integration of conceptual understanding
8. Knows strategies for teaching students self-
advocacy and self-regulatory skills
9. Knows how to use student responses and
performance for guiding instruction and
providing feedback
10. Is familiar with strategies for addressing the
needs of the profoundly gifted
a. adjusting age restrictions
b. increasing access to appropriate learning
c. adapting peer settings to meet academic
and social needs
d. employing radical acceleration
e. locating content experts
Discussion Questions: Instruction of Gifted
What are the basic concepts of curriculum
development for gifted students?
What are the major models for developing
curriculum for gifted students?
How does a teacher of gifted students
differentiate the general education
curriculum to meet the needs of gifted
How does a teacher of gifted and talented
students plan instruction to enhance the
communication skills of gifted and talented
students, including advanced oral and written
communication skills?
How does a teacher of the gifted and
talented students design instruction to
provide opportunities for students to
investigate and extend areas of interest or
Discussion Questions: Instruction of Gifted
Students—Instruction Strategies
Give examples of variables that may affect
how individual students learn and perform.
The Praxis® Study Companion 10
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
How can a teacher of the gifted and talented
develop observable and measurable
instructional objectives?
How can a teacher of the gifted and talented
develop and implement lesson plans using a
variety of strategies for instructing gifted and
talented students?
What instructional strategies further develop
metacognitive thinking in gifted students?
What methods facilitate the transfer of
knowledge and skills?
What strategies promote self-advocacy and
self-regulatory skills?
What strategies promote student responses
and performances?
IV. Identication and Assessment of Gifted
A. Assessment
1. Knows the basic terminology used in
a. validity, reliability, mean, median, mode
b. raw score, scaled score, stanine, percentile
c. normal distribution, standard deviation,
standard error of measurement
d. grade-equivalent scores, age-equivalent
e. norm-referenced and criterion-referenced
f. ceiling effect, out-of-level testing
2. Is familiar with assessment instruments and
their uses, strengths, and limitations
a. observations
b. checklists
c. parent or teacher recommendations
d. portfolios, work samples
3. Knows the various purposes of assessment
a. planning and instruction
b. documenting growth
c. identification
d. placement
4. Knows the legal and ethical practices related
to the identification, assessment, and
placement of gifted students
a. confidentiality of educational records
b. nondiscriminatory assessment
c. state and district regulations
d. national and local norms
5. Knows how to develop assessments to
measure student learning and progress
6. Knows how to report assessment data to
7. Knows how to interpret assessment data for
making placement and program decisions
B. Identication
1. Knows the processes and procedures for
nominating and identifying gifted students
2. Knows commonly used qualitative
assessments associated with identifying
a. observations
b. checklists
c. parent or teacher recommendations
d. portfolios, work samples
3. Knows commonly used quantitative
assessments associated with identifying
a. creativity tests
b. achievement tests
c. aptitude tests
d. IQ tests
4. Is familiar with the use of alternative
assessments for identifying giftedness in
special populations
5. Knows the importance of using multiple
criteria for identifying giftedness
6. Knows factors that can lead to the over-,
under-, or misidentification of gifted students
a. gender, race, ethnicity, stigma
b. cultural factors, social status, economic
c. parental pressure
d. behavioral issues, coexisting exceptionalities
e. English language proficiency, testing bias
f. teacher expectations and misconceptions
Discussion Questions: Identication and
Assessment of Gifted Students
Identify and describe basic assessment
terminology used to assess gifted and
talented students.
What are the processes and procedures for
nominating and identifying gifted students?
What are the uses, strengths, and limitations
for various assessment instruments used to
identify gifted students?
The Praxis® Study Companion 11
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
What are the commonly used qualitative and
quantitative measures of assessment for
identifying gifted students?
What is the importance of using multiple
criteria for identifying giftedness?
How are assessment data interpreted and
used for making placement decisions for
gifted and talented students?
How are assessment data reported to
What are the various purposes of assessment?
What factors can lead to over-, under-, or
misidentification of gifted students?
What are the legal and ethical practices
related to the identification, assessment, and
placement of gifted students?
V. Professionalism
A. Foundations
1. Knows the major foundations, theories, and
philosophies of gifted education
a. historical foundations
b. major contributors
c. varying conceptions of giftedness
2. Is familiar with the major legislation regarding
the education of gifted students
a. Javits Act
b. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
c. state laws
3. Knows the legal and ethical implications of
laws, regulations, and court cases related to
the rights of students and teachers
a. equal access
b. privacy and confidentiality
c. intellectual freedom
d. licensing/certification
4. Knows the rationales, principles, and goals of
gifted education
a. existence of individual differences
b. benefit to society of the development of
c. diverse perspectives on the conceptions of
d. entitlement of gifted students to an
education that supports the attainment of
their full potential
B. Collaboration, Leadership, and Professional
1. Knows the publications and professional
organizations relevant to the field of gifted
a. Journal for the Education of the Gifted
b. Parenting for High Potential
c. Gifted Child Quarterly, Gifted Child Today
d. National Association for Gifted Children
e. Council for Exceptional Children
f. The Association for the Gifted
2. Knows how to locate and evaluate information
on issues, trends, and research in the field of
gifted education
3. Knows how to apply theory and research in
gifted education to instructional practice
4. Knows how to collaborate with colleagues and
school personnel to address the academic,
emotional, and social needs of gifted students
5. Knows how to use reflective practice to
improve instructional practice
6. Knows how to collaborate with stakeholders to
advocate for services for gifted students
7. Knows how to serve as a resource for
supplementary opportunities for gifted
students outside of school
a. summer and weekend programs
b. conventions and competitions
c. special interest organizations
8. Is familiar with the impact of giftedness on
individuals, families, and society across the life
a. knows the common emotional reactions to
gifted individuals
b. knows the stressors and challenges
associated with gifted individuals and family
c. knows ways that gifted individuals can affect
the school and greater communities, and
society as a whole
9. Knows strategies to help families understand
the implications of a students giftedness and
provides strategies for supporting the
students development and learning
a. initiating and maintaining relationships with
family members
b. providing information about resources that
support families
The Praxis® Study Companion 12
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
10. Knows a variety of strategies for
communicating with parents and caregivers
about students’ progress and needs
11. Knows the role of an advocate for gifted
education and is a resource for parents and
caregivers, school personnel, and members of
the community for information relating to
gifted students and their educational
Discussion Questions: Professionalism
What are the major foundations, theories, and
philosophies of gifted education?
How has major legislation affected the
education of gifted students?
What are the rationales, principles, and goals
of gifted education?
How do diverse perspectives affect the
concept of giftedness?
Discussion Questions: Professionalism
Collaboration, Leadership, and Professional
What publications and professional
organizations are relevant to the field of
gifted education?
How do teachers of gifted and talented
students locate information on the issues,
trends, and research in the field of gifted
How does the application of theory and
practice affect instructional practice in gifted
How does reflective practice improve
instructional practice in gifted education?
What are the strategies for communicating
with stakeholders about students’ progress
and needs?
How does a gifted and talented teacher
advocate for gifted education with various
The Praxis® Study Companion 13
Step 2: Understanding Question Types
2. Understanding Question Types
Become comfortable with the types of questions you’ll nd on the Praxis tests
The Praxis® assessments include a variety of question types: constructed response (for which you write a
response of your own); selected response, for which you select one or more answers from a list of choices or
make another kind of selection (e.g., by selecting a sentence in a text or by selecting part of a graphic); and
numeric entry, for which you enter a numeric value in an answer field. You may be familiar with these question
formats from taking other standardized tests. If not, familiarize yourself with them so you don’t spend time
during the test figuring out how to answer them.
Understanding Selected-Response and Numeric-Entry Questions
For most questions, you respond by selecting an oval to select a single answer from a list of answer choices.
However, interactive question types may also ask you to respond by:
Selecting more than one choice from a list of choices.
Typing in a numeric-entry box. When the answer is a number, you may be asked to enter a numerical answer. Some
questions may have more than one entry box to enter a response. Numeric-entry questions typically appear on
mathematics-related tests.
Selecting parts of a graphic. In some questions, you will select your answers by selecting a location (or locations) on
a graphic such as a map or chart, as opposed to choosing your answer from a list.
Selecting sentences. In questions with reading passages, you may be asked to choose your answers by selecting a
sentence (or sentences) within the reading passage.
Dragging and dropping answer choices into targets on the screen. You may be asked to select answers from a list
of choices and to drag your answers to the appropriate location in a table, paragraph of text or graphic.
Selecting answer choices from a drop-down menu. You may be asked to choose answers by selecting choices from
a drop-down menu (e.g., to complete a sentence).
Remember that with every question you will get clear instructions.
Understanding Constructed-Response Questions
Some tests include constructed-response questions, which require you to demonstrate your knowledge
in a subject area by writing your own response to topics. Essays and short-answer questions are types of
constructed-response questions.
For example, an essay question might present you with a topic and ask you to discuss the extent to which you
agree or disagree with the opinion stated. You must support your position with specific reasons and examples
from your own experience, observations, or reading.
The Praxis® Study Companion 14
Step 2: Understanding Question Types
Review a few sample essay topics:
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
We come then to the question presented: Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the
basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors may be equal, deprive the
children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does.
A. What legal doctrine or principle, established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), did the Supreme Court
reverse when it issued the 1954 ruling quoted above?
B. What was the rationale given by the justices for their 1954 ruling?
In his self-analysis, Mr. Payton says that the better-performing students say small-group work is boring and that
they learn more working alone or only with students like themselves. Assume that Mr. Payton wants to continue
using cooperative learning groups because he believes they have value for all students.
o Describe TWO strategies he could use to address the concerns of the students who have
o Explain how each strategy suggested could provide an opportunity to improve the functioning
of cooperative learning groups. Base your response on principles of effective instructional
“Minimum-wage jobs are a ticket to nowhere. They are boring and repetitive and teach employees little or nothing
of value. Minimum-wage employers take advantage of people because they need a job.
o Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this opinion. Support your views with
specific reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Keep these things in mind when you respond to a constructed-response question:
1. Answer the question accurately. Analyze what each part of the question is asking you to do. If the question
asks you to describe or discuss, you should provide more than just a list.
2. Answer the question completely. If a question asks you to do three distinct things in your response, you
should cover all three things for the best score. Otherwise, no matter how well you write, you will not be
awarded full credit.
3. Answer the question that is asked. Do not change the question or challenge the basis of the question. You
will receive no credit or a low score if you answer another question or if you state, for example, that there is
no possible answer.
4. Give a thorough and detailed response. You must demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of
the subject matter. However, your response should be straightforward and not filled with unnecessary
5. Take notes on scratch paper so that you don’t miss any details. Then you’ll be sure to have all the information
you need to answer the question.
6. Reread your response. Check that you have written what you thought you wrote. Be sure not to leave
sentences unfinished or omit clarifying information.
The Praxis® Study Companion 15
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
3. Practice with Sample Test Questions
Answer practice questions and nd explanations for correct answers
Computer Delivery
This test is available via computer delivery. The following sample question provides a preview of an actual
screen used in a computer-delivered test. For the purposes of this Study Companion, the sample questions are
shown as they would appear in a paper-delivered test.
The Praxis® Study Companion 16
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
Sample Test Questions
The sample questions that follow illustrate the kinds of
questions on the test. They are not, however, representative
of the entire scope of the test in either content or difficulty.
Answers with explanations follow the questions.
Directions: Each of the questions or statements below
is followed by four suggested answers or completions.
Select the one that is best in each case.
1. Eight-year-old Sarah is working on advanced
algebra, reading at an eighth-grade level, and
in her spare time experiments with a
chemistry set at home. Her parents meet with
her teacher and request testing for the
program for gifted and talented students.
Although the teacher does agree that Sarah is
reading well above grade level, the teacher is
hesitant to refer Sarah for the program
because she is often off task, rarely nishes
class assignments, and has a tendency to cry
when frustrated.
The teacher would benet from training to
better recognize
(A) emotional dysfunction
(B) self-efcacy
(C) cognitive processes
(D) asynchronous development
2. Which of the following activities would
encourage divergent thinking in a young,
intellectually gifted elementary student?
(A) Classifying pictures of rocks using a
teacher-prepared guide
(B) Reading an encyclopedia article on rocks
and minerals
(C) Collecting rocks and deciding on multiple
ways to organize them
(D) Drawing pictures of rocks found in the
3. According to the National Council for the
Social Studies (NCSS), which of the following
is an essential component when teaching
history to support the development of critical
(A) Integrating more difcult activities into
each lesson
(B) Grouping students according to ability
(C) Including diversity and multiple
(D) Creating presentations with input from
local historians
4. A teacher of gifted students wants to provide
students with an engaging format and a highly
responsive learning community where
reection is commonplace. Which of the
following approaches taken by the teacher will
best help achieve the goal?
(A) Assigning a group research project and
adapting the depth of the task
(B) Including the use of online discussion
forums and other media in tasks
(C) Requiring that students present their
products to their general education peers
for feedback
(D) Integrating the students into a highly
competitive learning group
5. Which of the following teaching approaches is
most likely to enhance the creativity of gifted
(A) Emphasizing concrete, real-life
applications of topics rather than
abstract concepts
(B) Structuring assignments in ways that
encourage divergent thinking
(C) Accelerating coverage of required
content to allow time for creative
(D) Encouraging students to choose their
own educational goals and to seek out
their own resources
The Praxis® Study Companion 17
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
6. Which of the following is most likely to be a
primary consideration in the selection of a
curriculum model for gifted students?
(A) The model should be focused primarily
on content that is appropriate for gifted
students, leaving process-related
decisions up to the individual teacher.
(B) The model should be a feasible adjunct
to the regular curriculum.
(C) The model should maximize
opportunities for the integration of gifted
and regular students in instructional
(D) The model should provide multiple paths
to reach specied goals.
7. When a gifted student is involved in
independent study, what is the major
responsibility of the student’s teacher or
(A) Identifying appropriate resources to
support the student’s learning
(B) Analyzing data and drawing conclusions
from the student’s projects
(C) Determining an appropriate format for
the presentation of results
(D) Helping the student focus on appropriate
topics for study
8. Which of the following principles is most
appropriate for guiding the development of a
gifted education program?
(A) Gifted students should be given multiple
educational opportunities to realize their
potential to the fullest extent possible.
(B) The primary aim of instruction for gifted
students should be to provide students
with learning experiences that help
translate the affective domain into
thoughts and actions.
(C) Gifted students should be instructed in
homogeneous groupings to the
maximum extent possible.
(D) Education for the gifted should be
administered as a separate program from
the regular education program to
maximize available funding and other
9. Educational researcher Joseph S. Renzulli
distinguishes between schoolhouse
giftedness and creative-productive giftedness.
The distinction primarily inuences gifted
program development in which of the
following ways?
(A) By offering additional homework to
address the gifted students’ needs
(B) By altering coursework to reduce
scheduling conicts for gifted students
(C) By expecting gifted students to excel in
all academic areas with distinction
(D) By providing gifted students with
multiple opportunities to maximize their
10. A middle school teacher of the gifted is having
students read stories about Sherlock Holmes
and observe how, as a detective, Holmes is
particularly skilled at drawing conclusions
from observations.
Which of the following might best explain the
teacher’s purpose in using the character of
Sherlock Holmes as a model?
(A) To help students understand the
limitations of logical reasoning
(B) To encourage students to develop
intellectual and emotional regulation
(C) To sensitize students to contradictions
and paradoxes in the world
(D) To teach students that examining detail
may help them in ascertaining meaning
11. Which of the following best characterizes the
overexcitabilities of gifted students as
observed by Kazimierz Dabrowski?
(A) Antisocial behavior when frustrated
(B) Supersensitivity to their environments
(C) Obsessive-compulsive behavior
(D) Intense interest in a complex topic
The Praxis® Study Companion 18
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
12. A teacher assigns gifted students a group
research project. Which of the following
examples shows how the teacher can best
communicate expectations for student
performance that are appropriately geared
toward their abilities?
(A) Showing students projects that were
completed in previous years
(B) Providing a checklist of project tasks to
(C) Establishing clear deadlines for
components of the project
(D) Working with students to create a rubric
to assess the project
13. The primary benet of using alternative
assessments for special populations of
underrepresented gifted students is that the
assessments can
(A) consider the denition of giftedness
(B) demonstrate the necessity for absolute
attributes of giftedness
(C) use authentic evaluation tools and
learning opportunities
(D) focus on the link between giftedness and
academic achievement
14. Which of the following is a model curriculum
for gifted education that focuses on high
levels of engagement and the use of
challenging learning experiences based on
students’ interests?
(A) Race to the Top
(B) Schoolwide Enrichment Model
(C) Mentoring Mathematical Minds
(D) Depth and Complexity Model
15. A gifted sixth grader has a propensity for
blurting out answers during classroom
discussions. Which of the following is the best
way for the teacher to help the student control
this impulse and thereby ensure that all
students in the class have an equal
opportunity to participate?
(A) Providing self-help strategies such as
using internal self-control messages to
prevent impulsive behavior
(B) Asking only open-ended questions and
giving students ten to fteen seconds of
wait time to think about their answers
before calling on one to respond
(C) Ignoring all attention-getting behaviors
such as hand-waving in favor of
selecting a name at random from a
prepared set of name cards
(D) Preassigning questions to groups of
three to ve students and having them
make notes before presenting their
response to the class
The Praxis® Study Companion 19
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
16. Which of the following best characterizes the
study guide approach to compacting and
differentiating instruction for a gifted fth-
grade student?
(A) The student will work independently in
the classroom to develop a deeper level
of understanding about a particular
(B) The student will work in the library on a
self-selected topic and present a weekly
progress log to the classroom teacher.
(C) The student will sign a contract to learn
independently and will be excused from
whole-class activities and classroom
(D) The student will work independently on a
teacher-assigned topic and will learn to
synthesize information from many
different sources.
17. Which of the following statements most
accurately reects current research regarding
acceleration of gifted students?
(A) Acceleration of gifted students is best
accomplished at all ages through early
entrance into school programs.
(B) High-ability students who have been
accelerated often report dissatisfaction
with the acceleration experience.
(C) Underage gifted students are often
identied as being immature and look to
same-aged peers for interactions.
(D) Underage students in gifted programs
are as socially and emotionally well-
adjusted as their older classmates.
18. A gifted student who is feeling frustrated and
overwhelmed wants to stop working on an
independent project. Which of the following is
the best rst step a teacher can take to
enable the student to maintain interest in the
(A) Agreeing with the student that
challenging projects are frequently
(B) Reminding the student that he or she has
the skills and motivation needed to do
well on the project
(C) Helping the student break the project
into manageable short-term goals that
can be met one at a time
(D) Asking the student’s parents to assist
with the project by locating sources of
information the student can use
19. What is one of the primary goals of a
professional organization?
(A) Mandating a national curriculum
(B) Controlling publication of articles related
to the profession
(C) Enforcing standards for the practice of
the profession
(D) Providing leadership for the improvement
of the profession
20. A gifted and talented class teacher creates an
assessment after completion of a novel study
that allows students to select from a menu of
assignments. Which of the following best
describes the type of differentiation that
occurs during the assessment?
(A) Content
(B) Process
(C) Product
(D) Environment
The Praxis® Study Companion 20
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
21. A teacher of gifted and talented students
regularly meets with colleagues to share
information about the special characteristics
and educational needs of gifted students. By
doing this, the teacher of the gifted and
talented students is primarily assuming which
of the following roles?
(A) Facilitator
(B) Advocate
(C) Researcher
(D) Collaborator
22. Which of the following assessments is
primarily used to collect data for curriculum
adjustment during the course of a unit?
(A) Summative
(B) Benchmark
(C) Diagnostic
(D) Formative
23. Which of the following actions is most
effective for a district to take to address the
issue of equity in the identication of gifted
and talented students?
(A) Adhering rigidly to cutoff scores when
assessing students for the gifted and
talented program
(B) Utilizing the same assessments for all
students during the identication process
(C) Using the same criteria guidelines for all
campuses to identify gifted and talented
(D) Considering the background of each
student during the identication process
24. An elementary student performs signicantly
above grade level in math and reading,
displays excellent work habits, has good
attendance, and frequently seeks
opportunities to work with older students.
Which of the following is the best tool for
determining the child’s grade placement?
(A) Iowa Acceleration Scale
(B) Torrance
Tests of Creative Thinking
(C) Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
(D) Iowa Tests of Basic Skills
25. A teacher can best promote self-reection
among high school students by asking them
(A) discuss a recent play the class watched
(B) analyze the two sides of a court case
(C) use a rubric to self-assess performance
on a presentation
(D) ask and answer open-ended questions in
a group discussion
26. Which of the following is the most efcient
assessment to use to determine whether
gifted students in a science class have
mastered the basic terms and concepts and
are ready to move on to more complex
problem solving?
(A) Two narrative essay questions
(B) A collaborative performance task
(C) An observation checklist
(D) A multiple-choice test
27. Because of the diverse characteristics of
gifted learners, identication must primarily be
based on
(A) multiple modes of assessment
(B) students’ social-emotional maturity
(C) students’ task commitment
(D) parent interviews
28. Which of the following resources should a
teacher of gifted students consult initially
when planning instruction for the classroom?
(A) Guidelines from the Acceleration Institute
(B) Classroom textbooks and teacher’s
guides for each subject
(C) Position papers by the National
Association for Gifted Children
(D) National standards for gifted
The Praxis® Study Companion 21
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
29. A general education teacher assigns fth
graders an occupation to research and
species how they will present their ndings.
Which of the following changes in the
assignment is most likely to support the
learning of the gifted students in the class?
(A) Allowing students to select the careers
they will research and their method of
(B) Pairing each gifted student with a
struggling student to create the
(C) Asking students to choose from a list of
ne arts occupations to research
(D) Letting students choose any topic to
research and present based on their
30. Roberta, an academically and artistically
talented tenth-grade student, is interested in
designing protective clothing for public safety
professionals. Roberta’s art teacher guides
her through an independent study project to
use her strong design skills to improve the
safety uniform for reghters in her town.
Which of the following is the best next step to
take to have the project evaluated on a
professional level?
(A) Displaying the uniform design in the
school library
(B) Taking a college course in textile design
(C) Interning with the local re department
(D) Entering the uniform design in a
The Praxis® Study Companion 22
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
Answers to Sample Questions
1. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of asynchronous development. Like
Sarah, many gifted students tend to exhibit wide
discrepancies in their development of intellectual,
social, emotional, and physical areas. It is important
for teachers working with gifted students to be
able to recognize this development pattern for
appropriate identification of gifted students.
2. Option (C) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of research on the thinking and
learning styles of gifted students. Research
indicates that gifted students tend both to need
and to derive considerable satisfaction from
activities that involve organizing ideas and objects
in a meaningful way, preferably according to
principles that they themselves have generated.
Gifted children also tend to prefer active
exploration over more passive modes of learning.
3. Option (C) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of using multiple perspectives when
teaching history. Educational research stresses the
importance of teaching multiple perspectives
when teaching history to help students become
critical thinkers when engaged in the learning
4. Option (B) is correct. This questions tests your
knowledge of how the Internet provides students
with immediate information, an engaging format,
and a highly responsive learning community
where reflection is commonplace.
5. Option (B) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the concept of intellectual creativity,
which refers to the ability to generate new,
unanticipated ideas and connections between
ideas. This type of thinking is referred to as
divergent thinking and is best promoted when
teachers present students with open-ended
questions, with problems that require new
perspectives for their solutions, and with issues
that invite a wide range of responses.
6. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the principles that should guide
educators when selecting a curriculum model.
One of these principles involves flexibility in
reaching specified goals. The flexibility factor is
important in allowing teachers to be responsive to
the diverse needs, interests, and talents of their
students, as well as to the particular constellation
of resources that may be available in a given
7. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of independent study for gifted
students. An important aspect of independent
study for gifted students is ensuring that the
students select appropriate topics to serve as a
focus for their project. However, gifted students
often have difficulty determining the appropriate
level of specificity for a study topic. The teacher has
a major responsibility to help students focus their
study topics in such a way that a productive project
is possible, given limitations of time, resources, and
the students’ intellectual maturity.
8. Option (A) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the fundamental principle that guide
the development of educational programs,
including those designed for gifted students. One
of the principles is that ample opportunities should
be provided to students to realize their full
potential. With respect to this principle, gifted
programs should differ from other educational
programs because gifted students learning styles
and learning potential differ in many ways from
those of general education students; gifted
students, therefore, may require different
educational provisions.
9. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of educational researcher Joseph S.
Renzulli, who believes that the purpose of gifted
education programs is to provide students with
maximum opportunities for self-fulfillment through
the development of performance areas where
superior potential may be present. Such areas
include lesson-learning giftedness as well as
creative-productive giftedness.
10. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of an instructional strategy to teach
students how to draw conclusions. Having Sherlock
Holmes model the importance of examining what
is often not noticed will aid students in analyzing
not only literature but life situations in general.
11. Option (B) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the research contributions of the
Polish psychologist Kazimierz Dabrowski (1902-
1980). In his research, Dabrowski defined
overexcitabilities as extreme intensities or
sensitivities that affect the ways in which an
individual experiences the world. He also noted
that “although most of us may have extra energy at
times or have strong reactions to various stimuli on
occasion, those with overexcitabilities experience
these distinguishing behaviors regularly.
The Praxis® Study Companion 23
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
12. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of how students and teachers work
together to set high expectations and establish
ownership of these expectations through clear
communication of standards.
13. Option (C) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of using authentic assessment tools
and providing varied opportunities for observation
of students over time and in action rather than in a
static testing environment alone.
14. Option (B) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the major goal of the Schoolwide
Enrichment Model (SEM) to provide enrichment
for all students through high levels of engagement
and the use of challenging learning experiences
based on students’ interest and learning styles.
15. Option (A) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge that the best way for the teacher to
help the student stop blurting out answers is to
provide the student with self-help strategies that
teach the student to use internal self-control
messages to prevent impulsive behavior. One
suggestion is to have students write down the
answer on a sticky note every time they feel the
urge to blurt out the answer.
16. Option (A) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the study guide approach to
compacting and differentiating instruction under
the guidance of a teacher. The student is given
alternate work in varying formats and can work at
a relatively fast pace.
17. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of research on acceleration. Research
has shown that gifted students who have been
accelerated thrive in a challenging atmosphere
and are well-adjusted socially and emotionally.
18. Option (C) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of breaking projects into manageable
chunks, which will more easily allow a student to
complete a whole project; breaking projects into
chunks and setting short-term goals will help fulfill
the overall goals and objectives. Allowing students
to do a project that matches their strengths and
interests and working together to divide the task,
the student and teacher will develop plans, rubrics,
and timelines.
19. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of how a professional organization
provides guidance and leadership for its members.
20. Option (C) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of how differentiation of the final
product allows students to demonstrate their
strengths, complete the assignment to the depth
and level of individual ability, and to be creative,
which is necessary for advancing students who are
21. Option (B) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of advocacy that involves the sharing
of information for the betterment of an
educational program. The teacher who shares
information about gifted students will help others
understand and better meet their needs.
22. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of using formative assessment to
observe how well students are learning new
material and make adjustments to their instruction
to ensure student mastery.
23. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge that the population of a gifted
program in a district should reflect the racial and
economic makeup of the community. To do this
successfully, school districts need to focus on
individual groups in order to make sure they are
adequately represented. This may include using
identification instruments that are sensitive to
students from low socioeconomic backgrounds as
well as instruments sensitive to different racial
24. Option (A) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the Iowa Acceleration Scale, which is
recognized as a standardized tool to determine
whether a student is an excellent candidate for
whole-grade acceleration.
25. Option (C) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of how students’ use of rubrics to self-
assess performance reflects on their own work and
its quality.
26. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the benefits of tests containing
multiple-choice questions. Multiple-choice tests
are efficient, can be administered quickly and
easily, can be graded in a short time, and contain a
sizable number of questions.
The Praxis® Study Companion 24
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
27. Option (A) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the artistically gifted and talented
students that require additional modes of
assessment beyond the standardized testing for
gifted identification.
28. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of the National Association for Gifted
Children and their development of Pre-K–Grade 12
Gifted Programming Standards—the national
standards in programming and services and
teacher preparation to guide high-quality
education for the nations estimated 3 to 5 million
gifted and talented students. A teacher of gifted
students should initially review the national
standards for gifted programming when planning
instruction for the classroom. Consultation of the
national standards for specialized programs and
services, for gifted education teacher preparation,
knowledge and skills for all teachers, and advanced
standards in teacher preparation will help guide
and improve teaching and deepen student
29. Option (A) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of how allowing gifted students choice
in how to present their learning gives them
freedom to go above and beyond the curriculum
by using their creativity to add content to their
30. Option (D) is correct. This question tests your
knowledge of providing the student with an
opportunity for the design to be evaluated by
experts in the field who can assess the students
work on a professional level. A project should be
produced and presented to an appropriate
The Praxis® Study Companion 25
Step 4: Determine Your Strategy for Success
4. Determine Your Strategy for Success
Set clear goals and deadlines so your test preparation is focused and ecient
Effective Praxis test preparation doesn’t just happen. You’ll want to set clear goals and deadlines for yourself
along the way. Otherwise, you may not feel ready and confident on test day.
1) Learn what the test covers.
You may have heard that there are several different versions of the same test. Its true. You may take one
version of the test and your friend may take a different version a few months later. Each test has different
questions covering the same subject area, but both versions of the test measure the same skills and
content knowledge.
You’ll find specific information on the test you’re taking on page 5, which outlines the content categories
that the test measures and what percentage of the test covers each topic. Visit
testprep for information on other Praxis tests.
2) Assess how well you know the content.
Research shows that test takers tend to overestimate their preparedness—this is why some test takers
assume they did well and then find out they did not pass.
The Praxis tests are demanding enough to require serious review of likely content, and the longer you’ve
been away from the content, the more preparation you will most likely need. If it has been longer than a few
months since you’ve studied your content area, make a concerted effort to prepare.
3) Collect study materials.
Gathering and organizing your materials for review are critical steps in preparing for the Praxis tests. Consider
the following reference sources as you plan your study:
Did you take a course in which the content area was covered? If yes, do you still have your books or your
Does your local library have a high school-level textbook in this area? Does your college library have a
good introductory college-level textbook in this area?
Practice materials are available for purchase for many Praxis tests at Test
preparation materials include sample questions and answers with explanations.
4) Plan and organize your time.
You can begin to plan and organize your time while you are still collecting materials. Allow yourself plenty of
review time to avoid cramming new material at the end. Here are a few tips:
Choose a test date far enough in the future to leave you plenty of preparation time. Test dates can be
found at
Work backward from that date to figure out how much time you will need for review.
Set a realistic schedule—and stick to it.
The Praxis® Study Companion 26
Step 4: Determine Your Strategy for Success
5) Practice explaining the key concepts.
Praxis tests with constructed-response questions assess your ability to explain material effectively. As a
teacher, you’ll need to be able to explain concepts and processes to students in a clear, understandable
way. What are the major concepts you will be required to teach? Can you explain them in your own words
accurately, completely, and clearly? Practice explaining these concepts to test your ability to effectively
explain what you know.
6) Understand how questions will be scored.
Scoring information can be found on page 37.
7) Develop a study plan.
A study plan provides a road map to prepare for the Praxis tests. It can help you understand what skills and
knowledge are covered on the test and where to focus your attention. Use the study plan template on page
30 to organize your efforts.
And most important—get started!
Would a Study Group Work for You?
Using this guide as part of a study group
People who have a lot of studying to do sometimes find it helpful to form a study group with others who are
working toward the same goal. Study groups give members opportunities to ask questions and get detailed
answers. In a group, some members usually have a better understanding of certain topics, while others in the
group may be better at other topics. As members take turns explaining concepts to one another, everyone
builds self-confidence.
If the group encounters a question that none of the members can answer well, the group can go to a teacher or
other expert and get answers efficiently. Because study groups schedule regular meetings, members study in a
more disciplined fashion. They also gain emotional support. The group should be large enough so that multiple
people can contribute different kinds of knowledge, but small enough so that it stays focused. Often, three to
six members is a good size.
Here are some ways to use this guide as part of a study group:
Plan the groups study program. Parts of the study plan template, beginning on page 30, can help
to structure your groups study program. By filling out the first five columns and sharing the worksheets,
everyone will learn more about your groups mix of abilities and about the resources, such as textbooks,
that members can share with the group. In the sixth column (“Dates I will study the content”), you can
create an overall schedule for your group’s study program.
Plan individual group sessions. At the end of each session, the group should decide what specific
topics will be covered at the next meeting and who will present each topic. Use the topic headings and
subheadings in the Test at a Glance table on page 5 to select topics, and then select practice
questions, beginning on page 15.
Prepare your presentation for the group. When it’s your turn to present, prepare something that is
more than a lecture. Write two or three original questions to pose to the group. Practicing writing actual
questions can help you better understand the topics covered on the test as well as the types of
questions you will encounter on the test. It will also give other members of the group extra practice at
answering questions.
The Praxis® Study Companion 27
Step 4: Determine Your Strategy for Success
Take a practice test together. The idea of a practice test is to simulate an actual administration of the
test, so scheduling a test session with the group will add to the realism and may also help boost
everyones confidence. Remember, complete the practice test using only the time that will be allotted
for that test on your administration day.
Learn from the results of the practice test. Review the results of the practice test, including the
number of questions answered correctly in each content category. For tests that contain constructed-
response questions, look at the Sample Test Questions section, which also contains sample responses to
those questions and shows how they were scored. Then try to follow the same guidelines that the test
scorers use.
Be as critical as you can. You’re not doing your study partner(s) any favors by letting them get away
with an answer that does not cover all parts of the question adequately.
Be specic. Write comments that are as detailed as the comments about the sample responses.
Indicate where and how your study partner(s) are doing an inadequate job of answering the question.
Writing notes in the margins of the answer sheet may also help.
Be supportive. Include comments that point out what your study partner(s) got right.
Then plan one or more study sessions based on aspects of the questions on which group members performed
poorly. For example, each group member might be responsible for rewriting one paragraph of a response in
which someone else did an inadequate job.
Whether you decide to study alone or with a group, remember that the best way to prepare is to have an
organized plan. The plan should set goals based on specific topics and skills that you need to learn, and it
should commit you to a realistic set of deadlines for meeting those goals. Then you need to discipline yourself
to stick with your plan and accomplish your goals on schedule.
The Praxis® Study Companion 28
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
5. Develop Your Study Plan
Develop a personalized study plan and schedule
Planning your study time is important because it will help ensure that you review all content areas covered on the
test. Use the sample study plan below as a guide. It shows a plan for the Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading
test. Following that is a study plan template that you can fill out to create your own plan. Use the About This Test and
Content Topics information beginning on page 5 to help complete it.
Use this worksheet to:
1. Dene Content Areas: List the most important content areas for your test as defined in chapter 1.
2. Determine Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each content area.
3. Identify Resources: Identify the books, courses, and other resources you plan to use for each content area.
4. Study: Create and commit to a schedule that provides for regular study periods.
Praxis Test Name (Test Code): Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (5713)
Test Date: 9/15/22
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
the content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
Dates I will
study the
Key Ideas and Details
Close reading
Draw inferences and
implications from the
directly stated content
of a reading selection
Middle school
College library,
middle school
7/15/22 7/15/22
Determining ideas
Identify summaries or
paraphrases of the main
idea or primary purpose
of a reading selection
Middle school
College library,
middle school
7/17/22 7/17/22
Determining ideas
Identify summaries
or paraphrases of the
supporting ideas and
specific details in a
reading selection
Middle and
high school
College library,
middle and
high school
7/20/22 7/21/22
Craft, Structure, and Language Skills
Interpreting tone
Determine the authors
attitude toward material
discussed in a reading
Middle and
high school
College library,
middle and
high school
7/25/22 7/26/22
Analysis of
Identify key transition
words and phrases in a
reading selection and
how they are used
Middle and
high school
College library,
middle and
high school
7/25/22 7/27/22
Analysis of
Identify how a reading
selection is organized
in terms of cause/effect,
problem/solution, etc.
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/22 8/1/22
Authors purpose
Determine the role that
an idea, reference, or
piece of information
plays in an authors
discussion or argument
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/22 8/1/22
(continued on next page)
The Praxis® Study Companion 29
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
the content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
I will
study the
Language in
different contexts
Determine whether
information presented
in a reading selection
is presented as fact or
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/22 8/1/22
Identify the meanings of
words as they are used in
the context of a reading
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/22 8/1/22
Understand figurative
language and nuances in
word meanings
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/8/22 8/8/22
Vocabulary range
Understand a range
of words and phrases
sufficient for reading at
the college and career
readiness level
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/15/22 8/17/22
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Diverse media and
Analyze content
presented in diverse
media and formats,
including visually and
quantitatively, as well as
in words
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/22/22 8/24/22
Evaluation of
Identify the relationship
among ideas presented
in a reading selection
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/24/22 8/24/22
Evaluation of
Determine whether
evidence strengthens,
weakens, or is relevant
to the arguments in a
reading selection
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/27/22 8/27/22
Evaluation of
Determine the logical
assumptions upon
which an argument or
conclusion is based
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/28/22 8/30/22
Evaluation of
Draw conclusions from
material presented in a
reading selection
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/30/22 8/31/22
Comparison of
Recognize or predict
ideas or situations that
are extensions of or
similar to what has been
presented in a reading
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
9/3/22 9/4/22
Comparison of
Apply ideas presented
in a reading selection to
other situations
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
9/5/22 9/6/22
The Praxis® Study Companion 30
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
My Study Plan
Use this worksheet to:
1. Dene Content Areas: List the most important content areas for your test as defined in chapter 1.
2. Determine Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each content area.
3. Identify Resources: Identify the books, courses, and other resources you plan to use for each content area.
4. Study: Create and commit to a schedule that provides for regular study periods.
Praxis Test Name (Test Code): ____________________________________________________________
Test Date: _____________
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
this content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
Dates I will
study this
(continued on next page)
The Praxis® Study Companion 31
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
the content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
Dates I will
study the
The Praxis® Study Companion 32
Step 6: Review Smart Tips for Success
6. Review Smart Tips for Success
Follow test-taking tips developed by experts
Learn from the experts. Take advantage of the following answers to questions you may have and practical tips
to help you navigate the Praxis test and make the best use of your time.
Should I guess?
Yes. Your score is based on the number of questions you answer correctly, with no penalty or subtraction for an
incorrect answer. When you don’t know the answer to a question, try to eliminate any obviously wrong answers
and then guess at the correct one. Try to pace yourself so that you have enough time to carefully consider
every question.
Can I answer the questions in any order?
You can answer the questions in order or skip questions and come back to them later. If you skip a question,
you can also mark it so that you can remember to return and answer it later. Remember that questions left
unanswered are treated the same as questions answered incorrectly, so it is to your advantage to answer every
Are there trick questions on the test?
No. There are no hidden meanings or trick questions. All of the questions on the test ask about subject matter
knowledge in a straightforward manner.
Are there answer patterns on the test?
No. You might have heard this myth: the answers on tests follow patterns. Another myth is that there will never
be more than two questions in a row with the correct answer in the same position among the choices. Neither
myth is true. Select the answer you think is correct based on your knowledge of the subject.
Can I write on the scratch paper I am given?
Yes. You can work out problems on the scratch paper, make notes to yourself, or write anything at all. Your
scratch paper will be destroyed after you are finished with it, so use it in any way that is helpful to you. But make
sure to select or enter your answers on the computer.
Smart Tips for Taking the Test
1. Skip the questions you nd extremely dicult. Rather than trying to answer these on your first pass
through the test, you may want to leave them blank and mark them so that you can return to them later.
Pay attention to the time as you answer the rest of the questions on the test, and try to finish with 10 or 15
minutes remaining so that you can go back over the questions you left blank. Even if you don’t know the
answers the second time you read the questions, see if you can narrow down the possible answers, and
then guess. Your score is based on the number of right answers, so it is to your advantage to answer every
The Praxis® Study Companion 33
Step 6: Review Smart Tips for Success
2. Keep track of the time. The on-screen clock will tell you how much time you have left. You will probably
have plenty of time to answer all of the questions, but if you find yourself becoming bogged down, you
might decide to move on and come back to any unanswered questions later.
3. Read all of the possible answers before selecting one. For questions that require you to select more
than one answer, or to make another kind of selection, consider the most likely answers given what the
question is asking. Then reread the question to be sure the answer(s) you have given really answer the
question. Remember, a question that contains a phrase such as Which of the following does NOT … is
asking for the one answer that is NOT a correct statement or conclusion.
Check your answers. If you have extra time left over at the end of the test, look over each question and
make sure that you have answered it as you intended. Many test takers make careless mistakes that they
could have corrected if they had checked their answers.
5. Don’t worry about your score when you are taking the test. No one is expected to answer all of the
questions correctly. Your score on this test is not analogous to your score on the GRE® or other tests. It doesn’t
matter on the Praxis tests whether you score very high or barely pass. If you meet the minimum passing
scores for your state and you meet the states other requirements for obtaining a teaching license, you will
receive a license. In other words, what matters is meeting the minimum passing score. You can find passing
scores for all states that use the Praxis tests at or
on the web site of the state for which you are seeking certification/licensure.
6. Use your energy to take the test, not to get frustrated by it. Getting frustrated only increases stress
and decreases the likelihood that you will do your best. Highly qualified educators and test development
professionals, all with backgrounds in teaching, worked diligently to make the test a fair and valid measure
of your knowledge and skills. Your state painstakingly reviewed the test before adopting it as a licensure
requirement. The best thing to do is concentrate on answering the questions.
The Praxis® Study Companion 34
Step 7: Check on Testing Accommodations
7. Check on Testing Accommodations
Find out if you qualify to make it easier to take the Praxis test
What if English is not my primary language?
Praxis tests are given only in English. If your primary language is not English (PLNE), you may be eligible for
extended testing time. For more details, visit
What if I have a disability or other health-related need?
The following accommodations are available for Praxis test takers who meet the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) Amendments Act disability requirements:
Extended testing time
Additional rest breaks
Separate testing room
Writer/recorder of answers
Test reader
Sign language interpreter for spoken directions only
Perkins Brailler
Braille slate and stylus
Printed copy of spoken directions
Oral interpreter
Audio test
Braille test
Large print test book
Large print answer sheet
Listening section omitted
For more information on these accommodations, visit
Note: Test takers who have health-related needs requiring them to bring equipment, beverages, or snacks
into the testing room or to take extra or extended breaks must request these accommodations by following
the procedures described in the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-Related Needs
(PDF), which can be found at
You can find additional information on available resources for test takers with disabilities or health-related needs
The Praxis® Study Companion 35
Step 8: Do Your Best on Test Day
8. Do Your Best on Test Day
Get ready for test day so you will be calm and condent
You followed your study plan. You prepared for the test. Now its time to prepare for test day.
Plan to end your review a day or two before the actual test date so you avoid cramming. Take a dry run to the
test center so youre sure of the route, traffic conditions, and parking. Most of all, you want to eliminate any
unexpected factors that could distract you from your ultimate goal—passing the Praxis test!
On the day of the test, you should:
be well rested
wear comfortable clothes and dress in layers
eat before you take the test
bring an acceptable and valid photo identification with you
bring an approved calculator only if one is specifically permitted for the test you are taking (see
Calculator Use at
be prepared to stand in line to check in or to wait while other test takers check in
You can’t control the testing situation, but you can control yourself. Stay calm. The supervisors are well trained
and make every effort to provide uniform testing conditions, but don’t let it bother you if the test doesn’t start
exactly on time. You will have the allotted amount of time once it does start.
You can think of preparing for this test as training for an athletic event. Once you’ve trained, prepared, and
rested, give it everything you’ve got.
What items am I restricted from bringing into the test center?
You cannot bring into the test center personal items such as:
handbags, knapsacks, or briefcases
water bottles or canned or bottled beverages
study materials, books, or notes
pens, pencils, scrap paper, or calculators, unless specifically permitted for the test you are taking (see
Calculator Use at
any electronic, photographic, recording, or listening devices
Personal items are not allowed in the testing room and will not be available to you during the test or during
breaks. You may also be asked to empty your pockets. At some centers, you will be assigned a space to store
your belongings, such as handbags and study materials. Some centers do not have secure storage space
available, so please plan accordingly.
Test centers assume no responsibility for your personal items.
The Praxis® Study Companion 36
Step 8: Do Your Best on Test Day
If you have health-related needs requiring you to bring equipment, beverages, or snacks into the testing
room or to take extra or extended breaks, you need to request accommodations in advance. Procedures for
requesting accommodations are described in the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or
Health-related Needs (PDF).
Note: All cell phones, smartphones (e.g., Android® devices, iPhones®, etc.), and other electronic, photographic,
recording, or listening devices are strictly prohibited from the test center. If you are seen with such a device, you
will be dismissed from the test, your test scores will be canceled, and you will forfeit your test fees. If you are
seen using such a device, the device will be confiscated and inspected. For more information on what you can
bring to the test center, visit
Are You Ready?
Complete this checklist to determine whether you are ready to take your test.
Do you know the testing requirements for the license or certification you are seeking in the state(s) where
you plan to teach?
Have you followed all of the test registration procedures?
Do you know the topics that will be covered in each test you plan to take?
Have you reviewed any textbooks, class notes, and course readings that relate to the topics covered?
Do you know how long the test will take and the number of questions it contains?
Have you considered how you will pace your work?
Are you familiar with the types of questions for your test?
Are you familiar with the recommended test-taking strategies?
Have you practiced by working through the practice questions in this study companion or in a study
guide or practice test?
If constructed-response questions are part of your test, do you understand the scoring criteria for
these questions?
If you are repeating a Praxis test, have you analyzed your previous score report to determine areas where
additional study and test preparation could be useful?
If you answered yes to the questions above, your preparation has paid off. Now take the Praxis test, do your best,
pass it—and begin your teaching career!
The Praxis® Study Companion 37
Step 9: Understand Your Scores
9. Understand Your Scores
Understand how tests are scored and how to interpret your test scores
Of course, passing the Praxis test is important to you so you need to understand what your scores mean and
what your state requirements are.
What are the score requirements for my state?
States, institutions, and associations that require the tests set their own passing scores. Visit for the most up-to-date information.
If I move to another state, will my new state accept my scores?
The Praxis tests are part of a national testing program, meaning that they are required in many states for
licensure. The advantage of a national program is that if you move to another state that also requires Praxis tests,
you can transfer your scores. Each state has specific test requirements and passing scores, which you can find at
How do I know whether I passed the test?
Your score report will include information on passing scores for the states you identified as recipients of your
test results. If you test in a state with automatic score reporting, you will also receive passing score information
for that state.
A list of states and their passing scores for each test is available online at
What your Praxis scores mean
You received your score report. Now what does it mean? Its important to interpret your score report correctly
and to know what to do if you have questions about your scores.
Visit to see a sample score report.
To access Understanding Your Praxis Scores, a document that provides additional information on how to read
your score report, visit
Put your scores in perspective
Your score report indicates:
Your score and whether you passed
The range of possible scores
The raw points available in each content category
The range of the middle 50 percent of scores on the test
If you have taken the same Praxis test or other Praxis tests in the last 10 years, your score report also lists the
highest score you earned on each test taken.
The Praxis® Study Companion 38
Step 9: Understand Your Scores
Content category scores and score interpretation
Questions on the Praxis tests are categorized by content. To help you in future study or in preparing to retake
the test, your score report shows how many raw points you earned in each content category. Compare your
“raw points earned with the maximum points you could have earned (“raw points available”). The greater the
difference, the greater the opportunity to improve your score by further study.
Score scale changes
E T S updates Praxis tests on a regular basis to ensure they accurately measure the knowledge and skills that are
required for licensure. When tests are updated, the meaning of the score scale may change, so requirements
may vary between the new and previous versions. All scores for previous, discontinued tests are valid and
reportable for 10 years, provided that your state or licensing agency still accepts them.
These resources may also help you interpret your scores:
Understanding Your Praxis Scores (PDF), found at
Praxis Passing Scores, found at
State requirements, found at
The Praxis® Study Companion 39
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have
Here is some supplemental information that can give you a better understanding of the Praxis tests.
What do the Praxis tests measure?
The Praxis tests measure the specific knowledge and skills that beginning teachers need. The tests do not
measure an individual’s disposition toward teaching or potential for success, nor do they measure your actual
teaching ability. The assessments are designed to be comprehensive and inclusive but are limited to what can
be covered in a finite number of questions and question types. Teaching requires many complex skills that are
typically measured in other ways, including classroom observation, video recordings, and portfolios.
Ranging from Agriculture to World Languages, there are more than 80 Praxis tests, which contain selected-
response questions or constructed-response questions, or a combination of both.
Who takes the tests and why?
Some colleges and universities use the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests (Reading, Writing, and
Mathematics) to evaluate individuals for entry into teacher education programs. The assessments are generally
taken early in your college career. Many states also require Core Academic Skills test scores as part of their
teacher licensing process.
Individuals entering the teaching profession take the Praxis content and pedagogy tests as part of the teacher
licensing and certification process required by many states. In addition, some professional associations and
organizations require the Praxis Subject Assessments for professional licensing.
Do all states require these tests?
The Praxis tests are currently required for teacher licensure in approximately 40 states and United States
territories. These tests are also used by several professional licensing agencies and by several hundred colleges
and universities. Teacher candidates can test in one state and submit their scores in any other state that requires
Praxis testing for licensure. You can find details at
What is licensure/certication?
Licensure in any area—medicine, law, architecture, accounting, cosmetology—is an assurance to the public that
the person holding the license possesses sufficient knowledge and skills to perform important occupational
activities safely and effectively. In the case of teacher licensing, a license tells the public that the individual has
met predefined competency standards for beginning teaching practice.
Because a license makes such a serious claim about its holder, licensure tests are usually quite demanding. In
some fields, licensure tests have more than one part and last for more than one day. Candidates for licensure
in all fields plan intensive study as part of their professional preparation. Some join study groups; others study
alone. But preparing to take a licensure test is, in all cases, a professional activity. Because a licensure exam
surveys a broad body of knowledge, preparing for a licensure exam takes planning, discipline, and sustained
Why does my state require the Praxis tests?
Your state chose the Praxis tests because they assess the breadth and depth of content—called the domain—
that your state wants its teachers to possess before they begin to teach. The level of content knowledge,
reflected in the passing score, is based on recommendations of panels of teachers and teacher educators in
each subject area. The state licensing agency and, in some states, the state legislature ratify the passing scores
that have been recommended by panels of teachers.
The Praxis® Study Companion 40
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have
How were the tests developed?
E T S consulted with practicing teachers and teacher educators around the country during every step of
the Praxis test development process. First, E T S asked them what knowledge and skills a beginning teacher
needs to be effective. Their responses were then ranked in order of importance and reviewed by hundreds of
After the results were analyzed and consensus was reached, guidelines, or specifications, for the selected-
response and constructed-response tests were developed by teachers and teacher educators. Following these
guidelines, teachers and professional test developers created test questions that met content requirements and
E T S Standards for Quality and Fairness.*
When your state adopted the research-based Praxis tests, local panels of teachers and teacher educators
evaluated each question for its relevance to beginning teachers in your state. During this validity study, the
panel also provided a passing-score recommendation based on how many of the test questions a beginning
teacher in your state would be able to answer correctly. Your state’s licensing agency determined the final
passing-score requirement.
E T S follows well-established industry procedures and standards designed to ensure that the tests measure what
they are intended to measure. When you pass the Praxis tests your state requires, you are proving that you have
the knowledge and skills you need to begin your teaching career.
How are the tests updated to ensure the content remains current?
Praxis tests are reviewed regularly. During the first phase of review, E T S conducts an analysis of relevant state
and association standards and of the current test content. State licensure titles and the results of relevant
job analyses are also considered. Revised test questions are then produced following the standard test
development methodology. National advisory committees may also be convened to review and revise existing
test specifications and to evaluate test forms for alignment with the specifications.
How long will it take to receive my scores?
Scores for tests that do not include constructed-response questions are available on screen immediately after
the test. Scores for tests that contain constructed-response questions or essays aren’t available immediately after
the test because of the scoring process involved. Official score reports are available to you and your designated
score recipients approximately two to three weeks after the test date for tests delivered continuously, or two to
three weeks after the testing window closes for other tests. See the test dates and deadlines calendar at www. for exact score reporting dates.
Can I access my scores on the web?
All test takers can access their test scores via My Praxis Account free of charge for one year from the posting
date. This online access replaces the mailing of a paper score report.
The process is easy—simply log on to My Praxis Account at and click on your score report.
If you do not already have a Praxis account, you must create one to view your scores.
Note: You must create a Praxis account to access your scores, even if you registered by mail or phone.
* E T S Standards for Quality and Fairness (2014, Princeton, N.J.) are consistent with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, industry
standards issued jointly by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on
Measurement in Education (2014, Washington, D.C.).
To search for the Praxis test prep resources
that meet your specific needs, visit:
To purchase official test prep made by the creators
of the Praxis tests, visit the ETS Store:
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