A Financial Psychology Intervention for Increasing
Employee Participation in and Contribution to Retirement
Plans: Results of Three Trials
Edward J. Horwitz,
Bradley T. Klontz,
and Faith Zabek
Despite decades of retirement plan enrollment meetings, many employees fail to fully engage in their
employer-sponsored retirement plans. Under the framework of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Behavior
Change, this study examines the effectiveness of a financial psychology intervention designed to increase
engagement in employer-sponsored retirement plans across three employee groups: 107 employees of a regional
bank, 43 employees of a custom manufacturing company, and 48 employees of a construction company.
Following the intervention, significant changes in plan participation, contribution rates, and one-on-one
follow-up meetings with financial advisors were observed. Thirty-eight percent of previously unengaged
employees became plan participants, 68% requested and held meetings with financial advisors, and contribution
rates increased by 39%, resulting in a total $199,445 increase in first-year annualized contributions and
employer matching funds across the three groups.
Keywords: behavioral finance, employee engagement, financial psychology, money scripts, retirement plan
meeting, Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
or many Americans, the thought of planning for
retirement is a source of anxiety, confusion, and
frustration. Accurate calculations of needed retire-
ment saving levels are among the most financially com-
plex Americans will encounter (Bayer, Bernheim, & Scholz,
2008). There is a widely held perception among finan-
cial service companies that people behave in ways that are
counter-productive to achieving financial success primar-
ily due to a lack of financial literacy (e.g., knowledge of
finances and savings). There is some evidence that financial
education programs that provide information about finan-
cial basics (e.g., budgeting, the importance of saving, vari-
ous savings vehicles) can have a positive impact on financial
literacy and financial behaviors (Horwitz, 2015; Huston,
2010; Walstad et al., 2017; Xiao & O’Neill, 2016). How-
ever, the field of behavioral finance has shown that this is
not always the case (Fernandes, Lynch, & Netemeyer, 2014;
Martin, 2007; Miller, Reichelstein, Salas, & Zia, 2015).
For example, the primary financial behavioral problems in
America are overspending and a lack of savings, behaviors
that are well known to be problematic, and are not solely the
result of a lack of financial literacy (Klontz & Klontz, 2009).
Behavioral finance offers a variation from foundational
standard finance theories by introducing the recognition
that investors are affected by emotions and cognitive biases
that override rational decision-making processes (Statman,
2008). A variety of cognitive and emotional considera-
tions distract from pure market forces, which other the-
ories propose are the principal concern of the rational
investor (Shefrin & Statman, 1984). These distractions,
for example, can come from beliefs and desires for sta-
tus or social responsibility over wealth and can result in
maladaptive financial beliefs and self-destructive financial
Mutual of Omaha Executive Director in Risk Management, Director of Programs in Financial Psychology and Behavioral Finance, Associate Professor of
Practice, Department of Economics and Finance, Creighton University, Heider College of Business, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178.
E-mail: EdwardHorwitz@Creighton.edu
Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Economics and Finance, Creighton University, Heider College of Business, 2500 California Plaza,
Omaha, NE 68178. E-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D. Candidate, Georgia State University, 3841 Haulani Place, Princeville, HI 96722. E-mail: [email protected]
262 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019, 262-276
© 2019 Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education®
behaviors (Klontz & Klontz, 2009). Thus, many financial
decisions are made based on individuals’ underlying beliefs
about money, which may or may not be correct. Klontz
and Klontz (2009) described these beliefs as money scripts,
which are the subconscious beliefs individuals hold about
money, learned in childhood, that drive financial behaviors.
It is hypothesized that many of these beliefs are so deeply
held that many people go through life without ever examin-
ing them (Klontz & Klontz, 2009). Confirmation bias then
leads individuals to search for and interpret information that
reinforces these beliefs (Nickerson, 1998). The combina-
tion of cognitive biases and inaccurate beliefs about money
can limit the effectiveness of traditional financial education
efforts in changing financial behaviors. The present study
explores the effectiveness of a financial psychology inter-
vention designed to motivate employees to save more in
their employer sponsored retirement plan.
Traditional Approaches for Increasing Savings
Workplace Financial Education
Early workplace financial education began in earnest in the
1980s when employers began offering educational programs
designed to increase financial literacy and employee contri-
butions (Bernheim & Garrett, 2003). Traditional workplace
financial education programs aim to increase knowledge of
financial planning basics by providing information on the
financial planning process, the importance of saving, and
various savings vehicles. The United States has spent over
$670 million in financial education training programs for
consumers (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2013).
Employer financial education is regarded among employees
as a primary source of information, authority, and advice on
retirement planning (Bernheim & Garrett, 1996).
Yet, despite decades of education-based employer retire-
ment plan enrollment meetings, many employees fail to
fully engage in their employer-sponsored retirement plan,
which includes minimal improvement in the voluntary sav-
ings rates of employees. This is true even after account-
ing for the effects of the Pension Protection Act (PPA) of
2006, which introduced multiple safe harbors to automat-
ically enroll employees, increase an employee’s deferral
rate, and place the employee’s assets into a predetermined
Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA) (Munnell,
2012). The use of traditional workplace financial education
programs to improve outcomes such as financial behaviors,
plan participation, and contribution rates has not been con-
sistently supported by research and has often led to disap-
pointing results (Benartzi & Thaler, 2007; Fernandes et al.,
2014; Martin, 2007; Miller et al., 2015).
Automatic Enrollment in Retirement Plans
Automatic enrollment provisions attempt to address the
problem of lack of employee engagement by taking an
opt-out approach to retirement plan participation. Auto-
matic enrollment is based on the concept of status quo bias,
which assumes that when people are faced with a variety
of choices, they are inclined to extend the current condi-
tion versus changing (Samuelson & Zeckhauswer, 1988). In
other words, individuals are likely to take the path of cogni-
tive least resistance.
Initially, 401(k) automatic enrollment systems were show-
ing signs of success (Gale, Iwry, & Orszag, 2005; Van-
Derhei, 2010); however, these trends were later reversed in
light of the 2008 financial crisis and recession. Despite the
greater number of enrollments resulting from the PPA of
2006, contributions decreased, cash-out hardship plan with-
drawals increased, and the resulting median 401(k)/IRA bal-
ances have changed little since 2007 (Munnell, 2012). Even
when automatic enrollment plans are in place, default con-
tribution rates fail to take advantage of the full employer
match (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). Contribut-
ing at the level needed to receive the full employer match
is considered to be one of the most basically recommended
retirement behaviors for everyone except the most impatient
or financially constrained households (Benartzi & Thaler,
Perhaps even more concerning is the lack of evidence sup-
porting a connection between the money that employees
save in their retirement plan through automatic enrollment,
their retirement goals, and their subsequent financial behav-
iors. For example, without a conscious commitment to
retirement planning, when automatically enrolled employ-
ees realize they have amassed a meaningful balance in their
plan, they may take a loan out against it or take a full or
partial distribution to meet current spending desires. While
longitudinal studies are needed to confirm the increased
loans from auto-enrolled employees, anecdotal evidence
from pension plan providers show clear indication of this
financial behavior occurring.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019 263
Financial Psychology
Given the limitations of traditional workplace financial edu-
cation programs and automatic enrollment in retirement
plans, there is a need for a more encompassing, effec-
tive framework for efforts to improve financial behaviors.
To increase the success of financial behavior interven-
tions, it is critical that such efforts consider what motivates
individuals to follow through on recommendations for
financial action or change. Financial psychology draws on
psychological theories related to the process of change
in order to tailor interventional approaches that success-
fully motivate financial action. The Transtheoretical Model
(TTM) of Behavior Change (Prochaska, DiClements, &
Norcross, 1992; Prochaska, Norcross, & DiClemente, 1994)
has been found to be applicable to such efforts (Gutter, Hay-
hoe, & Wang, 2007; Kerkmann, 1998; Shockey & Seiling,
2004; Xiao, Newman, et al., 2004; Xiao, O’Neill, et al.,
2004) and may provide an effective theoretical foundation
for a framework to improve retirement savings behaviors.
The TTM of Behavior Change may be utilized as an
approach to motivate changes in savings behavior. This
model categorizes behavior change into five stages (i.e.,
Precontemplation: unaware of problem and not intending
behavior change; Contemplation: recognize problem and
considering behavior change; Preparation: preparing for
behavior change; Action: implementing behavior change;
and Maintenance: maintaining behavior change) through
which individuals “spiral” as they implement lasting behav-
ior changes. Each stage requires different intervention tech-
niques to successfully motivate change (Prochaska et al.,
1992, 1994). For example, those in the Precontemplation
stage may be more motivated by an emphasis on better
understanding the benefits of participating in a retirement
plan, while those in the contemplation stage may be more
motivated by an emphasis on decreasing the negatives of
participating in a retirement plan. It is important that inter-
ventions aimed at improving financial behavior recognize
that participants may be in various stages of change and
include a variety of techniques that may be most effective at
moving individuals into the action stage and motivating pos-
itive financial change (Klontz, Horwitz, & Klontz, 2015).
Stages of Change and Employee Engagement in
Retirement Plans
Employees have different levels of engagement in their
employer-sponsored retirement plans. Engagement can vary
from no participation at all to full participation. The TTM
(Prochaska et al., 1994) can assist intervention efforts in
motivating participant behavior change, thus moving them
toward higher levels of engagement. The authors opera-
tionalized these levels of engagement into a hierarchy to
assist in the development of effective, individualized finan-
cial psychology interventions. What follows are three levels
of employee engagement in employer-sponsored retirement
plans, which include: (a) actively engaged (AE) employees,
(b) partially engaged (PE) employees, and (c) unengaged
(UE) employees. While it is important to note that these
classifications are inevitably not mutually exclusive, for the
sake of clarity, each is summarized in the Horwitz Klontz
Employee Retirement Engagement Hierarchy (Figure 1).
Actively Engaged
A subset of employees participate in meetings, hold follow-
up one-on-one meetings with financial advisors, set proper
savings levels, and actively review their statements and
investment allocations. These individuals are referred to
as AE employees. AE employees are motivated to partic-
ipate in retirement plans and may be considered within
the action or maintenance stages of change. AE employee
behaviors are represented at the top level of the employee
retirement engagement hierarchy. What distinguishes AE
employees from other employees is their proactive partici-
pation in their employer-sponsored retirement plan toward
the achievement of their retirement goals. As they relate to
the study hypotheses, AE employees would be contributing
to their employee sponsored retirement plan, would be ben-
efiting from the full employer match, and would be actively
engaged in financial planning.
Partially Engaged
Another segment of employees may attend mandatory meet-
ings but do not fully engage at these meetings and may not
be concerned about or understand what is being presented.
As such, they miss out on opportunities to actively engage in
their retirement planning. These employees may contribute
minimally to the retirement plan and may receive some
of the employer matching contributions. These employees
are referred to as PE, and are represented in the middle of
the employee retirement engagement hierarchy. PE employ-
ees are somewhat motivated to participate in retirement
plans but may be considered within the preparation stage
of change. PE employees lack the connection to individual
retirement goals to label them as AE’s and may struggle to
264 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019
Figure 1. The Horwitz Klontz employee retirement engagement hierarchy.
manage, adjust,
retirement assets
Self-enroll, investments
and contribution levels based
on retirement planning calculations
Establish needed systematic
savings levels and investment allocations
Calculate needed retirement
Income and savings for desired lifestyle
Meet 1:1 with retirement advisor
Participate to receive full ER matching contributions
Participate below full ER matching contributions, but above
auto-enrollment or plan m
inimum participation levels
Attend optional retirement plan meeting
Participate at retirement plan minimum levels, or
do not opt out of auto-enrollment if offered
Does not attend (or engage at) retirement plan enrollment meeting
Does not participate in the employer-sponsored retirement plan
conceptualize their retirement and avoid thoughts of retire-
ment planning. Both AE and PE employees are conceptu-
alized to be in the Action or Maintenance stage of change
with regard to plan engagement, but they may be spiraling
through the Precontemplation, Contemplation, or Prepara-
tion stages with regard to contributing more to their retire-
ment plans. Thus, intervention efforts should focus both on
maintaining engagement and on motivating action to engage
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015),
approximately 23% of employees who have access to
employer sponsored retirement plans do not participate
at all. This third group of employees was referred to as
“UE”, and represents the bottom of the employee retire-
ment engagement hierarchy. UE employees require further
motivation to participate in retirement plans and may be
considered within the Precontemplation or contemplation
stages of change. Employees may not attend enrollment
meetings, unless mandatory, and do not actively or even par-
tially engage in the retirement meetings or contribute to the
retirement plan. UE employees are conceptualized to be in
the Precontemplation, Contemplation, or Preparation stage
with regard to contributing to their retirement plans. Thus,
intervention efforts should focus on motivating employees
to start actively engaging in retirement planning.
This study seeks to better understand how financial psychol-
ogy theory and techniques may motivate employees across
various stages of change to increase their engagement in
an employee-sponsored retirement plan. Instead of using
the typical retirement planning meeting tools of financial
education—an introduction to online resources, recom-
mendations to meet with advisors, and information on
investments—this intervention was designed to address the
employee’s unique money scripts, values, goals, and moti-
vation toward change. The researchers hypothesized that
those employees who have traditionally failed to engage in
retirement planning can be motivated to take recommended
financial action through a financial psychology informed
Research Hypotheses
The purpose of the present study was to examine the
effectiveness of a financial psychology intervention at a
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019 265
retirement plan meeting for increasing employee engage-
ment in employer-sponsored retirement plans. The fol-
lowing research hypotheses were examined. Following a
financial psychology intervention
H1: There will be a statistically significant increase
in the number of employees who contribute to their
company-sponsored retirement plan (i.e., Those
who are classified as AE or PE versus UE).
H2: There will be a statistically significant increase
in the overall contribution employees make to their
company sponsored retirement plan
H2a: There will be a statistically significant
increase in the contribution engaged
employees (AE and PE) make to their
company sponsored retirement plan.
H2b: There will be a statistically significant
increase in the contribution UE employees
make to their company sponsored retirement
H3: There will be a statistically significant increase
in the number of employees who are contributing
at least the minimum required to receive full
employer match when available.
H4: There will be a statistically significant increase
in the number of employees who request and
attend follow-up one-on-one meetings with an
The present study utilized convenience sampling to deter-
mine the three participant groups. The samples available for
the study were chosen because they were the plan sponsors
next three groups, which the plan sponsor had taken over
from a previous provider. The three employee groups were
comprised of 107 regional bank employees, 43 employees
of a manufacturing business, and 48 employees of a con-
struction company, all of whom had the option to participate
in a traditional 401(k) plan without an auto-enrollment pro-
vision. The bank employees’ plan included 6% dollar-for-
dollar employer matching contributions for participants; the
construction company offered 5% dollar-for-dollar match-
ing employer contributions; while the manufacturing busi-
ness offered no matching employer contributions.
The retirement plan intervention meetings were conducted
for the employees of these companies, and the data received
from those meetings served as the basis for these stud-
ies. The impetus for the company meeting was the chang-
ing of the employers retirement Plan Sponsor. All eligible
employees were required to attend an informational meet-
ing regarding a new plan and provider and to receive enroll-
ment instructions for signing up or making changes in one’s
current participation. This required meeting provided a real-
world laboratory to study the effectiveness of a financial
psychology intervention on the behaviors of employees fol-
lowing the enrollment meeting.
The Klontz Money Script Inventory-Revised (KMSI-R).
The KMSI-R was used to assess money beliefs (Klontz,
Seay, Sullivan, & Canale, 2014; Taylor, Klontz, & Britt,
2015). The KMSI-R consists of four distinct categories
of money beliefs, including money avoidance, money sta-
tus, money worship, and money vigilance. Prior research
has found significant associations between these scales
and financial health indicators such as income, net worth,
revolving credit, money disorders, and tendency to engage
in risk planning (Britt, Klontz, Tibbetts, & Letiz, 2015;
Klontz, Britt, Mentzer, & Klontz, 2011). These distinct
money script profiles have also been found to predict
self-destructive financial behaviors including overspending,
financial enabling, financial dependence, and gambling dis-
order (Klontz & Britt, 2012).
Plan Participation. An indication of employee engagement
is whether or not they enroll in the plan and participate.
Employee engagement was measured by plan participation,
defined as the percentage of eligible employees who are par-
ticipating in the retirement plan with any level of voluntary
contributions from salary. Plan participation was recorded
based on evidence of enrollment and salary deferral elec-
tion. Participants were coded on a dichotomous scale where
0 = no participation and 1 = employee participation in the
retirement plan.
Contribution Rates. Salary deferral rates, also known as
contribution rates, are an important indicator of employee
266 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019
engagement in employer-sponsored retirement plans. In
order to receive the full employer match, bank employees
in the first sample would need to contribute at least 6% of
their salary to the company’s retirement plan. This would
represent an immediate 100% return on their investment and
is recommended by most financial professionals. Regard-
less of whether or not this benchmark is reached for an
employee, an increase in employee contribution rates also
suggest that an employee has greater motivation to save for
retirement, as this comes at a direct cost to funds available
for immediate spending.
Contribution rates were tracked in four ways: (a) as percent-
ages of salary before and after the intervention for already
participating employees, (b) as percentages of salary before
and after the intervention for previously eligible but non-
participating employees, (c) as the percentages of salary
before and after the intervention for the eligible employees
in the group, and (d) as participation sufficient to receive the
full employer match. Percentage of salary contributed was
treated as a continuous variable, and eligibility for employer
match (when available) was coded on a dichotomous scale
where 0 = full employer match not received and 1 = full
employer match was received. Researchers measured each
participant’s plan payroll contributions the month before the
Plan Sponsor took over the plan, and then at the next pay-
roll which was approximately 30 days after the plan was
switched over to the new provider.
Follow-up Meetings. One of the goals of a retirement
plan meeting is to encourage interested employees to sign-
up for a follow-up one-on-one meeting with a finan-
cial advisor. In this meeting, the financial advisor will
typically measure the client’s risk tolerance, discuss retire-
ment goals, and recommend savings percentages, appro-
priate investments, and asset allocations. An important
measure of employee engagement is the number of employ-
ees who request and attend a one-on-one meeting with an
advisor after an employer retirement plan meeting. The plan
sponsor estimates that in their typical retirement plan meet-
ing, no more than 25% of employees will voluntarily request
a follow-up one-on-one meeting with a financial advisor.
This estimate is consistent with the research on change,
which has shown that around any given issue approximately
20% of individuals are ready to take action toward change
(Prochaska et al., 1994). Some employees may not need
a one-on-one meeting with an advisor affiliated with an
employer-sponsored plan. For example, an employee may
be engaging in financial planning with an independent advi-
sor or may be otherwise fully engaged in their retirement
plan. As such, this measure may underestimate the number
of engaged employees. However, a change in the typical
requests for a one-on-one follow-up meeting with an advisor
is thought to be a valid indicator of a change in engagement
at the group level and was included in this analysis. Follow-
up meeting participant requests were coded on a dichoto-
mous scale where 0 = no meeting requested and 1 = meeting
requested. In the same manner, attendance at the scheduled
meeting was recorded as 1 and cancellation or no show was
recorded as 0.
A group of 107 regional bank employees participated in
Sample 1’s financial psychology retirement plan meeting.
The sample was skewed toward males (74%), and married
individuals (81%), with an average age of 47. The group
had an average annual salary of $45,892 (median $28,700),
and an average 401(k) account balance of $107,403 among
active participants. In Sample 2, a group of 43 employees
(83.7% male, 62.8% married, average age = 44) of the cus-
tom auto manufacturing business participated in the finan-
cial psychology retirement plan meeting. The group had an
average salary of $42,495 (median $40,000), and an aver-
age 401(k) account balance of $35,291 among active partic-
ipants. A group of 48 employees (94% male, 53% married,
average age = 38) of a construction business participated
in Sample 3’s financial psychology retirement plan meet-
ing. The group had an average salary of $56,420 (median
$44,200) and an average 401(k) account balance of $30,851
among active participants. Many of the eligible employees
represented in Sample 3 had been hired within the past 3
to 4 years and as a group were younger than the other two
groups. As a result, their average 401(k) balance was lower
than the other groups, as they had less time to accumulate
contributions and growth. Tests of mean differences showed
that the groups differed significantly with regard to age, gen-
der, marital status, and preintervention average 401(k) bal-
ances. An overview of the demographic characteristics of
participants from each sample can be found in Table 1.
Preintervention Procedures. Working with the Plan
Sponsors Retirement Services division, the researchers
formed a team to tailor and evaluate a financial psychology
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019 267
TABLE 1. Demographics
Variable Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Statistics
Age (mean) 47 44 38 F(2,197) = 6.214, p = .002
Gender X
(2, N = 198) = 82.777, p = .000
  Male 79 (73.8%) 36 (83.7%) 46 (95.8%)
  Female 28 (26.2%) 7 (16.3%) 2 (4.2%)
Marital Status X
(2, N = 198) = 12.322, p = .002
  Married 86 (80.4%) 27 (62.8%) 26 (54.2%)
  Single/Widow 21 (19.6%) 16 (37.2%) 22 (45.8%)
Salary (mean/median) $45,893/$28,700 $42,496/$40,000 $56,420/$44,200 F(2,197) = 2.379, p = .095
401(k) Balance (avg) $107,403 $35,219 $30,851 F(2,197) = 3.269, p = .033
retirement plan meeting intervention, which consisted of
four managers and five staff members. The team was repre-
sented by a cross-section of disciplines and skills within the
insurance organization. The lead author directed the team
and facilitated the development of the company-specific
intervention within the context of the plan sponsors clien-
tele and outcome goals. The team was educated on financial
psychology and change theory, money scripts, and building
intrinsic motivation for change using a variety of applied
exercises. The training program consisted of approximately
8 hours of reading materials and 6 hours of didactic instruc-
tion and group discussion. Group discussion was used as an
informal measure of knowledge acquisition.
Using the KMSI-R, the team created hypothesized seg-
mented employee groups, using financial psychology
profiles, based on the plan sponsors typical client employ-
ees. Based on specific items from the KMSI-R, the
team grouped several questions together to form a col-
lection of money belief statements. This collection of
statements was then used to create several straw cus-
tomers, which represented groups of employees with sim-
ilar financial beliefs and behaviors. These groups were
identified and named by the representative straw cus-
tomer profiles based on the team’s knowledge of their cus-
tomers and included information such as sample names,
gender, ages, and financial beliefs. Five team members
then conducted independent, one-on-one, face-to-face inter-
views with a total of 75 market representative employ-
ees and listened for specifically identifying KMSI-R
statements. Based on these interviews, the team fur-
ther refined these straw customer profiles and associated
them into AE, PE, and UE employee groups according
to the Horwitz Klontz Employee Retirement Engagement
Hierarchy. Because the predata for the groups were not
provided from the employer and previous plan sponsor,
the information needed to distinguish between PE and AE
was unavailable. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, participa-
tion was used to separate the engaged (AE and PE) from
the UE, and results were reported as such. Additionally,
since personally identifiable data was not available, it was
not possible to determine if the AE behaviors within the
group represented a change within the individual or not. In
future research, having the ability to ask questions of plan
participants to determine their specific level of engagement
(AE or PE) pre and post intervention, would facilitate a
richer level of analysis. These profiles were then used to
develop targeted messaging intended to resonate and moti-
vate each group of employees, under the specific direction
of the researchers. Special attention was given to the optimal
financial psychology interventions for PE and UE employ-
ees to enhance their receptivity to thinking about and plan-
ning for retirement.
The financial psychology retirement plan meeting interven-
tion was uniquely designed to match the needs and goals of
the plan sponsor’s retirement services division. The inter-
vention was designed to motivate employees to identify,
challenge, and change their beliefs about money and retire-
ment, and also motivate them to take positive financial
action in their employer-sponsored retirement plan.
The intervention drew techniques from experiential finan-
cial therapy (Klontz, Bivens, Klontz, Wada & Kahler, 2008;
Klontz, Klontz, & Tharp, 2016), cognitive behavioral finan-
cial therapy (Nabeshima & Klontz, 2015), motivational
268 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019
interviewing (Horwitz & Klontz, 2013; Klontz, Horwitz,
& Klontz, 2015; Klontz, Kahler, & Klontz, 2016; Miller
& Rollnick, 2002), and solution-focused financial therapy
(Archuleta, Grable, & Burr, 2015; de Shazer et al., 2007;
Nichols & Schwartz, 2001). Furthermore, the intervention
was designed to target the financial psychological needs
of these unique segmented employee groups. A guided
imagery exercise was utilized for employees to create an
ideal vision for retirement. Participants were provided with
the opportunity to create a visual representation of their
desired retirement lifestyle. The financial psychology retire-
ment meeting intervention was designed to replace a stan-
dard 60-minute employee benefits presentation.
The intervention was delivered to all three groups in a sim-
ilar fashion. For all samples, information on the actual rates
of plan participation and preintervention contribution rates
were obtained from the previous pension administrator. The
participant information was captured prior to the retirement
plan sponsor take over, and in the month following the finan-
cial psychology intervention meeting when the payroll con-
tribution figures were provided to the new plan sponsor.
Changes in participation rate, contribution rates, and num-
ber of employees requesting and holding follow-up meet-
ings were provided by the employer. Employees who were
participating prior to the intervention were labeled AE and
PE and those not participating were labeled UE.
Sample 1 Procedures. The first employer group consisted
of 107 employees eligible to participate in the plan. The
employer offered matching contributions for plan partici-
pants, with a dollar-for-dollar match up to 6%. This inter-
vention was conducted like a typical enrollment meeting and
was delivered by the company presenter who was a member
of the development team. The same company presenter was
used for each sample. Data was collected on the employee
group and all attendees prior to the meeting, and resulting
financial behaviors were captured after the intervention as
well. Employees who were participating prior to the inter-
vention were labeled AE and PE and those not participating
were labeled UE. A summary of eligible employees, pre-
and post-intervention, from all three studies can be seen in
Table 2.
Sample 2 Procedures. A second employer group was tested
using the same intervention meeting materials and facilita-
tion personnel. This group was comprised of 43 employees
in the custom auto manufacturing business. The manufac-
turing employer did not offer matching contributions for
plan participants. The employer had recently established an
Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) for employees and
had ceased making matching contributions to their exist-
ing 401(k) plan. For this reason, the intervention for this
group was primarily focused on increasing plan participa-
tion among currently UE employees as the primary measure
for engagement. This study also differed by not measuring
the number of employees who contributed enough to receive
the employer match, given there was no employer match in
the retirement program.
Sample 3 Procedures. The third employer group was tested
using the same intervention meeting materials and facilita-
tion personnel. This group was comprised of 48 employ-
ees in a construction business. Similar to Sample 1, the
construction employer offered matching contributions for
plan participants, with a dollar-for-dollar match up to 5%.
The intervention for this group was focused on increas-
ing plan participation among currently UE employees,
increasing contribution rates, and increasing requests for
one-on-one meetings with an advisor.
Approach to Data Analysis
Data analysis of the outcome measures consisted of either:
(a) repeated measures ANOVA examining the effect from
pre- to post-intervention with continuous data, (b) related-
samples exact McNemar Tests for examining the effects
from pre- to post-intervention with binary data, and (c)
binomial tests of significance for single-sample binary data
with hypothesized values. A .05 level of significance was
adopted for all tests. Effect sizes were computed as partial
eta squared values for ANOVAs. Table 3 shows the results
of samples 1, 2, and 3.
Sample 1: Regional Bank
Plan Participation. Prior to the plan sponsor taking over
the retirement plan, there were 75 employees participating
in the 401(k) plan (70%) out of the 107 eligible employees.
Following the intervention, 17 of the 32 nonparticipants
enrolled in the plan, while only 1 of the 75 participants
ceased contributions. Thus, total participation in the plan
increased from 70% to 85%, a 21% overall increase in
plan participation, and a 50% decrease in nonparticipation.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019 269
TABLE 2. Employee Engagement
Sample 1 (N = 107) Sample 2 (N = 43) Sample 3 (N = 48) Total (N = 198)
  AE/PE 75 (70%) 16 (37%) 21 (44%) 112 (57%)
  UE 32 (30%) 27 (63%) 27 (56%) 86 (43%)
  AE/PE 91 (85%) 26 (60%) 28 (58%) 148 (75%)
  UE 16 (15%) 17 (40%) 20 (42%) 53 (27%)
  UE to AE/PE 16 (15%) 10 (23%) 7 (15%) 33 (17%)
Note. AE = actively engaged; PE = partially engaged; UE = unengaged.
TABLE 3. Results for the Within Group Comparisons
Variable Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
  Pre (n) 75 (70%) 16 (37%) 21 (44%)
  Post (n) 91 (85%)
26 (60%)
28 (58%)
Contribution % (preintervention participants)
  Pre (M/SD) 7.48% (5.17%) 6.75% (5.40%) 6.14% (2.33%)
  Post (M/SD) 9.13% (5.91%)
6.93% (5.31%) 6.86% (2.63%)
  Effect Size 0.349 0.157 0.879
Contribution % (preintervention nonparticipants)
  Pre (M/SD) 0% 0% 0%
  Post (M/SD) 2.97% (3.25%)
1.52% (2.34%)
1.30% (2.38%)
  Effect Size 0.463 0.304 0.235
Contribution % (combined)
  Pre (M/SD) 5.24% (5.52%) 2.51% (4.62%) 2.69% (3.43%)
  Post (M/SD) 7.29% (5.96%)
3.53% (4.52%)
3.73% (3.72%)
  Effect Size 0.374 0.215 0.200
Full Employer Match
  Pre (n) 50 N/A N/A
  Post (n) 69
One-on-one Meetings 71%
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .001.
A related-samples exact McNemar Test indicated that this
result was statistically significant at p < .001.
Contribution Rates. Prior to the intervention, the average
employee retirement plan contribution for the 75 employ-
ees, as a percentage of salary, was 7.48%. Following
the intervention, the average amount of retirement plan
contribution for those same 75 employees increased to
9.13%, representing an increase of 22%. A repeated mea-
sure ANOVA indicated that these changes were statisti-
cally significant F(1,74) = 39.612, p < .001, partial eta
squared = .349.
Following the intervention, the UE group as a whole
increased their contribution percentage from 0% to 2.97%
(F(1,31) = 26.739, p < .001, partial eta squared = .463). The
270 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019
17 new participants from the prior group of 32 UE employ-
ees decided to contribute an annual average of 5.59%.
The average contribution rate for all previously eligible
employees increased from 5.24% to 7.29% (39%) after
the intervention (F(1,106) = 63.455, p < .001, partial eta
squared = .374).
Prior to the intervention 50 of the 75 participating employ-
ees (66.7%) contributed at the 6% level or above and
received the full benefit of the employer match. After the
intervention, this number increased to 69 of these 75 par-
ticipating employees (92%) contributing at the 6% level or
above and receiving the full employer match. This repre-
sented a 25.3% increase, and a related-samples exact McNe-
mar Test determined that these changes were a statistically
significant at p < .001.
Follow-up Meetings. After the intervention, 76 of 107
employees requested a follow-up one-on-one meeting with
a financial advisor to discuss retirement planning, an overall
rate of 71%. A binomial test showed a statistically signifi-
cant difference (p < .001) between the proportion of employ-
ees who requested a one-on-one meeting (71%) and the
previous rate reported by the company (25%). Table 1 shows
the results of the trials from the perspective of the Horwitz
Klontz Hierarchy of Employee Engagement.
Sample 2: Manufacturing Group
Plan Participation. Prior to the intervention meetings, 16
of the 43 (37.2%) employees were participating in the
employer retirement plan. Following the intervention meet-
ings, there were 26 of the 43 employees who were enrolled
in the plan (60.5%). The change of 10 new engaged employ-
ees who enrolled following the intervention meetings rep-
resents a 62.5% increase in employee plan participants
(p < .002).
Contribution Rate. Prior to the intervention, the average
employee retirement plan contribution for the 16 employees,
as a percentage of salary, was 6.75%. Following the inter-
vention, the average amount of retirement plan contribution
for those same 16 employees increased to 6.93%. A repeated
measure ANOVA indicated that these changes were not sta-
tistically significant.
Following the intervention, the UE group as a whole
increased their contribution percentage from 0% to 1.52%
(F(1,26) = 11.340, p < .002, partial eta squared = .304). The
10 new participants from the prior group of 27 UE employ-
ees decided to contribute an average annual contribution
of 4.1%. The average contribution rate for all previously
eligible employees increased from 2.51% to 3.53% (41%)
after the intervention (F(1,42) = 11.494, p < .002, partial eta
squared = .215).
Follow-up Meetings. Following the intervention, 23 of the
43 employees requested a one-on-one meeting with a finan-
cial representative to discuss their retirement planning and
enrollment. All of the 23 employees who met with the
financial advisor subsequently enrolled in the retirement
plan, and two employees who attended the intervention but
did not meet with an advisor, also enrolled in the plan.
A binomial test showed a statistically significant difference
(p < .001) between the proportion of employees who
requested a one-on-one meeting following the intervention
(53%) and the previous rate reported by the company (25%).
Sample 3: Construction Company
Plan Participation. Prior to the plan sponsor taking over
the retirement plan, there were 21 of 48 (43.7%) eligible
employees participating in the 401(k) plan. Following the
intervention, 7 of the 27 nonparticipants enrolled in the plan,
and all 21 prior participants persisted with the new plan.
Thus, total participation in the plan increased from 21 to 28
participants (58.3%), a 33% overall increase in plan partic-
ipation, and a 26% decrease in nonparticipation (p < .016).
Contribution Rates. Prior to the intervention, the average
employee retirement plan contribution for the 21 previ-
ously participating employees, as a percentage of salary,
was 6.14%. Following the intervention, the average amount
of retirement plan contribution for those same 21 employ-
ees increased to 6.86%, representing an increase of 11.7%
(F(1,20) = 145.268, p < .001, partial eta squared = .879).
Following the intervention, the UE group as a whole
increased their contribution percentage from 0% to 1.3%
(F(1,26) = 7.99, p < .009, partial eta squared = .235). The 7
new participants from the prior group of 27 UE employees
decided to contribute an annual average of 5%. The aver-
age contribution rate for all previously eligible employees
increased from 2.69% to 3.73% (39%) after the intervention
(F(1,47) = 11.774, p < .001, partial eta squared = .200).
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019 271
Prior to the intervention all 21 of the participating employ-
ees (100%) contributed at the 5% level or above and
received the full benefit of the employer match. Following
the intervention, all 21 continued to contribute at or above
this level.
Follow-up Meetings. After the intervention, 35 of the 48
attendees requested a follow-up one-on-one meeting with a
financial advisor to discuss retirement planning, an overall
rate of 73%. A binomial test showed a statistically signifi-
cant difference (p < .001) between the proportion of employ-
ees who requested a one-on-one meeting (73%) and the
previous rate reported by the company (25%).
The results of this study show support for the effectiveness
of financial psychology retirement meeting interventions
for increasing engagement in employer-sponsored retire-
ment plans. Following the interventions, significant changes
were observed in the hypothesized direction for all vari-
ables under study in the three employer groups. Specifi-
cally, Hypothesis 1 was supported in all three groups, which
showed statistically significant increases in the number
of employees who contribute to their company-sponsored
retirement plan. Hypothesis 2 was also supported across
all three groups, which showed a statistically significant
increase in the overall contribution employees make to their
company sponsored retirement plan. Hypotheses 2a and 2b
were also supported across all three groups, which showed
statistically significant increases in the contribution engaged
employees (AE and PE) made to their company sponsored
retirement plan and in the contributions UE employees
(UE) made to their company sponsored retirement plan.
Hypotheses 3 was supported in Sample 1, which showed a
statistically significant increase in the number of preinter-
vention participating employees who were contributing at
least the minimum required to receive full employer match.
The company in Sample 2 did not offer an employer
match. Sample 3 had no change, as 100% of preintervention
participating employees were contributing at least the min-
imum required to receive full employer match and con-
tinued to do so at post-intervention. Lastly, Hypotheses 4
was supported in all three samples, which showed statisti-
cally significant increases in the number of employees who
requested and attended follow-up one-on-one meetings with
an advisor.
These findings suggest that employees increased their
levels of engagement in the employer sponsored retire-
ment plan following the financial psychology interven-
tion, indicating an overall upward movement on the
HorwitzKlontz Employee Retirement Engagement Hier-
archy. Overall, the number of UE employees was reduced
by 38%, and 68% of the 198 eligible employees held one-
on-one meetings with financial advisors to discuss retire-
ment planning following the intervention meeting. This
is a significant increase from previous rates reported by
the companies. The overall weighted averages of volun-
tary employee contributions for the 198 employees were
increased from 4.03% to 5.61%, representing a 39.2%
Another measure of the effectiveness of the interven-
tion is in terms of the actual dollar value impact result-
ing from increased employee participation. For the 198
eligible employees within these three employer groups,
the 1-hour financial psychology intervention increased
the total 401(k) retirement savings contributions by
$199,445 in annual contributions and employer matching
funds. These results relate to the current year, and do not
take into account subsequent pay increases, future vol-
untary increases in contribution amounts, return on the
invested assets, and the compounding of these ongoing
contributions over time. Assuming 10 years of contin-
uing contributions and 3% annual compensation raises,
the results of this intervention are projected to gener-
ate over $2,495,000 before investment gains/losses and
Strengths, Limitations, and Future Directions
This study has noteworthy limitations. While there was
strong evidence in support of behavioral changes follow-
ing the intervention in a real-world financial planning set-
ting, this study lacked a control group, random selection of
participants, and random assignment to conditions, which
would be consistent with a randomized control trial. Future
research would benefit from the inclusion of a compar-
ison group that participated in a typical retirement plan
meeting. Additionally, the intervention was tested using
medium to small sized employer groups. As such, it would
be difficult to generalize these findings to larger employee
groups. Future testing of larger employer groups would be
272 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019
The intervention was delivered by the same presenter across
all three groups using the same delivery method. The
presenter was trained in the financial psychology interven-
tion by the researchers. However, different financial advi-
sors were present for the follow-up meetings with the three
employer groups, none of whom were trained in the finan-
cial psychology intervention. While the results of the three
groups showed significant increases across all measures
tested, it is likely that the results were impacted by the skill
level and motivations of the follow-up financial advisor. It
is possible that had the advisors been aware of the details
of the financial psychology intervention, they could have
helped reinforce the message and further enhance motiva-
tion. Future research would benefit from financial advisors
who were trained in the financial psychology intervention
under study.
The study also has noteworthy strengths. The intervention
was designed for and delivered to an actual employee group
in its natural setting. While generalizability is limited by
the lack of the experimental controls discussed earlier, it
is enhanced by the inclusion of the actual target group for
which the intervention was designed, and not relegated to a
laboratory outside of a work setting with more significant
subject selection limitations. The researchers also examined
the effectiveness of the intervention across three employee
groups, with diverse job descriptions, compensation, demo-
graphics, and plan types. The findings were similar for all
three groups of employees in both white-collar and blue-
collar occupations, different ages, gender splits, and levels
of income. A notable difference between plan types was also
included, with one employer offering a 6% match, another
having no match, and one with a 5% match, offering addi-
tional support for the generalizability of results.
The results of this study revealed several findings of inter-
est for future research. The bank employees represented
a traditional white-collar occupation group and had the
highest average 401(k) account balances, while the other
two groups studied represented traditional blue-collar occu-
pations. The overall employee post participation rate and
average post contribution rate were the highest for the
bank group; however, the bank group had the highest
preintervention average contribution rate. These findings
lead us to question if the occupation, and possibly higher
levels of education and financial literacy, were driving the
greater levels of employee engagement. Since the bank
group was in the financial services industry, one might
expect greater awareness of the need to save, as well as
employees who are more likely to have higher levels of edu-
cation and financial literacy. Therefore, the connection, if
any, between occupation type, education levels, financial lit-
eracy, and employee engagement behaviors is uncertain.
Overall, these results represent an important step in exam-
ining the effectiveness of financial psychology methods and
theory on changing consumer financial behaviors. When
the volume of potential PE and UE employees across all
retirement plans in the United States are considered, this
application of financial psychology could hold tremendous
potential to positively impact the retirement readiness for
millions of Americans. Considering most retirement plans
providers hold annual meetings for employees, the abil-
ity to engage a significant number of PE and UE employ-
ees using financial psychology interventions can occur
relatively quickly. Additionally, financial psychology meth-
ods can be utilized by financial service companies, indi-
vidual financial representatives, and financial planners, to
help address the lack of retirement planning engagement by
their clients across a variety of financial topics and product
Financial Planning Implications
The findings of this study suggest several implications for
financial planners. First, many clients and potential clients
can be classified as unengaged in some aspect of their finan-
cial lives. For these individuals, the availability of financial
tools, financial education, robo-advisors, and general finan-
cial advice, do not appear to be sufficient to move them into
action. Engagement for these individuals could be enhanced
if planners integrate financial psychology concepts and tools
into their client engagement efforts. For example, planners
could utilize assessments to better understand the individ-
ual’s money scripts, and craft communication and dialogue
to more effectively connect with them. Also, planners could
use motivational interviewing techniques to assess where
the individual currently resides in the behavioral change
process, and thus adjust their approach to effectively moti-
vate and facilitate change (Klontz, Kahler, & Klontz, 2016).
If the planner recognized UE types of behavior, the appli-
cation of a more qualitative approach versus the traditional
education and information quantitative approach, may be
more effective in motivating the client to engage the plan-
ning process.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019 273
Secondly, the results of this study suggest that for clients
who are already engaged in their retirement planning, finan-
cial psychology efforts may be helpful in deepening their
level of engagement. Specifically, rather than focusing
on educating clients regarding the benefits of saving for
retirement and details on the various investment vehicles
available, planners could benefit from the use of financial
psychology concepts and tools (e.g., Horwitz & Klontz,
2013; Klontz, Britt, & Archuleta, 2015; Klontz, Kahler,
et al., 2016) to help motivate clients toward action.
The results and implications of this research bring to light
a troubling fact about how financial service products and
financial services are marketed to the American population.
Most financial services are designed and targeted specifi-
cally for the AE’s within our population, while the unique
psychological barriers to participating in the PE and UE
groups are largely ignored. This begs the question, is the
root cause of the poor state of retirement readiness in
America driven more by the lack of financial literacy and
education, or by the lack of understanding or ability of the
financial services industry to reach UE and PE individuals?
It is of course easier to speak to the motivated AE employees
who follow the path of the informed and educated investor.
This study offers support for the potential of financial psy-
chology interventions to unlock the retirement readiness
motivation for UE and PE working Americans who are
in desperate need of proper retirement planning, guidance,
and help.
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or affiliations with any commercial interests related to the
subjects discussed within this article.
276 Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 30, Number 2, 2019