Gopi Shah Goda
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Citizenship: USA
Gender: Female
9/2016 Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Stanford University
(on leave 7/2021 7/2022)
9/2012 9/2016 Sr. Research Scholar, SIEPR, Stanford University
9/2009 8/2012 Research Scholar, SIEPR, Stanford University
8/2007 8/2009 Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research, Harvard University
9/2000 7/2002 Actuarial Associate, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI
Other Appointments
4/2024 Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
2/2024 Member, Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, State of California
2/2024 Member, Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of Commerce
1/2024 Associate Professor (by courtesy), Department of Health Policy, Stanford University
9/2023 Faculty Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
6/2023 Professor (by courtesy), Department of Economics, Stanford University
9/2022 Editorial Board Member, Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing
9/2020 Editor, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
12/2015 Fellow, TIAA Institute
9/2012 Affiliate and Faculty Advisor, Stanford Center for Longevity, Stanford University
7/2021 7/2022 Senior Economist, Council of Economic Advisers
9/2016 7/2021 Deputy Director, SIEPR, Stanford University
4/2010 4/2024 Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research
9/2009 9/2016 Director of Young Scholars Program, SIEPR, Stanford University
9/2002 6/2007 Ph.D., Economics, Stanford University
8/1996 5/2000 B.S., Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Highest Distinction, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Publications in Journals
“Are Retirement Planning Tools Substitutes or Complements to Financial Capability?” (with Matthew Levy, Colleen
Manchester, Aaron Sojourner, Joshua Tasoff and Jiusi Xiao), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
214, pp. 561-573, October 2023. Previous version: NBER Working Paper 30723.
“Family Spillovers of Long-Term Care Insurance” (with Norma Coe and Courtney Van Houtven), Journal of Health
Economics, 90, July 2023. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w21483.
“The Impact of Covid-19 Absences on Workers” (with Evan Soltas), Journal of Public Economics, 222, June 2023.
Previous version: NBER Working Paper w30435.
“Older Workers’ Employment and Social Security Spillovers through the Second Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic”
(with Emilie Jackson, Lauren Nicholas and Sarah Stith), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, April 2023.
Previous version: NBER Working Paper w30567.
“The Prevalence and Nature of COLA Adjustments in Public Sector Retirement Plans” (with Maria Fitzpatrick),
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, April 2023.
“Temporary and Permanent Effects of Withdrawal Penalties on Retirement Savings Accounts” (with Damon Jones
and Shanthi Ramnath), Journal of Public Economics, 215, November 2022.
Research (continued)
Publications in Journals (cont.)
“The Impact of Covid-19 on Older Workers’ Employment and Social Security Spillovers” (with Emilie Jackson, Lauren
Nicholas and Sarah Stith), Journal of Population Economics, July 2022. Previous version: NBER Working Paper
“Who is a Passive Saver under Opt-In and Auto-Enrollment?” (with Matthew Levy, Colleen Manchester, Aaron
Sojourner and Joshua Tasoff), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 173, pp. 301-321, May 2020.
Previous version: NBER Working Paper w26078.
“Predicting Retirement Savings Using Survey Measures of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias” (with Matthew
Levy, Colleen Manchester, Aaron Sojourner and Joshua Tasoff), Economic Inquiry, 57 (3), pp. 1636-1658, July
2019. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w21482.
“The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Health Insurance Coverage and Labor Market Outcomes” (with Mark
Duggan and Emilie Jackson), National Tax Journal, 72 (2), pp. 261-322, June 2019. Previous version: NBER
Working Paper w23607.
“Work Incentives in the Social Security Disability Benefit Formula” (with John Shoven and Sita Nataraj Slavov),
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 18 (2), pp. 165-189, April 2019. Previous version: NBER Working
Paper w21708.
“The Financial Feasibility of Deferring Social Security: Evidence from Administrative Tax Data” (with Shanthi
Ramnath, John Shoven and Sita Nataraj Slavov). Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 17 (4), pp.
419-436, October 2018. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w21544.
“Retirement Plan Type and Employee Mobility: The Role of Selection and Incentive Effects” (with Damon Jones and
Colleen Manchester). Journal of Human Resources, 52 (3), pp. 654-679, Summer 2017. Previous version: NBER
Working Paper w18902.
“Heterogeneity in State-Dependent Utility: Evidence from Strategic Surveys” (with Jeffrey Brown and Kathleen
McGarry), Economic Inquiry, 54 (2), pp. 847-861, April 2016.
“What Will My Account Really Be Worth? Experimental Evidence on How Retirement Income Projections Affect
Saving” (with Colleen Manchester and Aaron Sojourner), Journal of Public Economics, 119, pp. 80-92, November
2014. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w17927.
“Does Widowhood Explain Gender Differences in Out-of-Pocket Medical Spending Among the Elderly?” (with John
Shoven and Sita Slavov), Journal of Health Economics, 32 (3), pp. 647-658, May 2013. Previous version: NBER
Working Paper w17440.
“Incorporating Employee Heterogeneity into Default Options for Retirement Plan Selection” (with Colleen
Manchester), Journal of Human Resources, 48 (1), pp. 200-237, Winter 2013. Previous version: NBER Working
Paper w16099.
“Does Stock Market Performance Influence Retirement Intentions?” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov), Journal of
Human Resources, 47 (4), pp. 1056-1082, Fall 2012. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w16211.
“Long-Term Care Insurance Demand Limited by Beliefs About Needs, Concerns About Insurers, and Care Available
from Family” (with Jeffrey Brown and Kathleen McGarry), Health Affairs, 31 (6), pp. 1294-1302, June 2012.
“The Impact of State Tax Subsidies for Private Long-Term Care Insurance on Coverage and Medicaid Expenditures,”
Journal of Public Economics, 95 (7), pp. 744-757, August 2011. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w16406.
“Income and the Utilization of Long-Term Care Services: Evidence from the Social Security Benefit Notch” (with David
Grabowski and Ezra Golberstein), Journal of Health Economics, 30 (4), pp. 719-729, July 2011. Previous version:
NBER Working Paper w16076.
“How Well Are Social Security Recipients Protected from Inflation?” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov), National
Tax Journal, 64 (2), pp. 429-450, June 2011. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w16212.
“Fertility and the Personal Exemption: Comment” (with Kevin Mumford and Richard Crump), American Economic
Review, 101 (4), pp. 1616-1628, June 2011. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w15984.
“What Explains Changes in Retirement Plans during the Great Recession?” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov),
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 101 (3), pp. 29-34, May 2011.
“Do Consumers Respond to Quality Information? The Case of Fertility Clinics” (with M. Kate Bundorf, Natalie
Chun, and Daniel Kessler), Journal of Health Economics, 28 (3), pp. 718-727, May 2009. Previous version:
NBER Working Paper w13888.
“Determining the Optimum Guarantee Period for a One-Life Retirement Annuity” (with Colin Ramsay), North
American Actuarial Journal, 11 (3), pp. 100-112, July 2007.
Research (continued)
Publications in Edited Volumes
“The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on the Near-Elderly: Evidence for Health Insurance Coverage and Labor
Market Outcomes” (with Mark Duggan and Gina Li), in Tax Policy and the Economy, 35, pp. 179-223, ed.
Robert Moffitt, University of Chicago Press.
Discussion of John Beshears, James J. Choi, David Laibson, and Brigitte Madrian, “The Availability and Utilization
of 401(k) Loans,” in Investigations in the Economics of Aging, ed. David A. Wise, University of Chicago Press,
“Implicit Taxes on Work from Social Security and Medicare” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov), in Tax Policy and
the Economy, 25, pp. 69-88, ed. Jeffrey Brown, University of Chicago Press, 2011.
“Differential Mortality by Income and Social Security Progressivity” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov), in
Explorations in the Economics of Aging, ed. David A. Wise, University of Chicago Press, 2011.
“Adjusting Government Policies for Age Inflation” (with John Shoven), in Demography and the Economy, ed. John
Shoven, University of Chicago Press, 2010. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w14231.
Discussion of Samuel Preston and Caroline Sten Hartnett, “The Future of American Fertility,” in Demography and
the Economy, ed. John Shoven, University of Chicago Press, 2010.
“Removing the Disincentives in Social Security for Long Careers” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov), in Social
Security Policy in a Changing Environment, ed. Jeffrey Brown, Jeffrey Liebman, and David A. Wise, University
of Chicago Press, 2009. Previous version: NBER Working Paper w13110.
Putting Our House in Order: A Guide to Social Security and Health Care Reform, by George Shultz and John Shoven
(with Matthew Gunn and Gopi Shah Goda), W.W. Norton & Company, 2008.
Working Papers
“Subsidizing Medical Spending through the Tax Code: Targeting and Take-Up.”
Work in Progress
“The Distributional Implications of Itemized Medical Deductions,” with Ithai Lurie, Priyanka Parikh and Chelsea
“Health Insurance and Mortality at Older Adulthood in the 21st Century,” with Hannes Schwandt.
“Alzheimer’s Disease Progression and the Trajectory of Long-Term Care Use in the United States and Around the
World,” with Kathleen McGarry and Brian McGarry.
Resting Papers
“Wealth Trajectories Across Key Milestones: Longitudinal Evidence from Life-Course Transitions” (with Jialu
Streeter), NBER Working Paper w28329.
“The Minimum Wage and Social Security Disability Insurance” (with Mark Duggan and Benjamin Wittenbrink).
“Do Defaults have Spillover Effects? The Effect of the Default Asset on Retirement Plan Contributions” (with Matthew
Levy, Colleen Manchester, Aaron Sojourner and Joshua Tasoff).
“The Incidence of Mandated Health Insurance: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act Dependent Care Mandate”
(with Jay Bhattacharya and Monica Farid), NBER Working Paper w21846.
“How Much Does Access to Health Insurance Influence the Timing of Retirement?” (with Norma Coe).
“Closed for Business: Counterparty Risk and Insurance Purchase Decisions” (with Jeffrey Brown and Kathleen
“Social Security and the Timing of Divorce” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov), NBER Working Paper w13382.
“A Tax on Work for the Elderly: Medicare as a Secondary Payer” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov), NBER Working
Paper w13383.
Stanford University, Department of Economics The Demographics and Economics of Aging in the U.S. (Spring
2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2016,
Winter 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Winter
Teaching (continued)
Stanford University, Public Policy Program Senior Seminar (Fall 2009), Empirical Methods in Public Policy
(Spring 2021)
Honors and Fellowships
2021 Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
2019 Financial Literacy Research Award, Cherry Blossom Financial Education Institute
2015 Finalist, TIAA Institute Paul A. Samuelson Award
2007 Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research, Harvard University
2006 Karasz Graduate Student Fellowship, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
2006 Hawley-Shoven Graduate Student Fellowship, SIEPR
2005 George P. Shultz Graduate Student Fellowship in Economic Policy, SIEPR
2004 Completed actuarial exams and achieved professional designation of Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
2003 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Stanford Economics Department
2002 First Year Economics Department Fellowship, Stanford Economics Department
2002 National Science Foundation, Honorable Mention
2000 University Honors Program Graduate, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2000 Phi Beta Kappa
1997 National Merit Scholar
Research Grants
2024 “Financing Health Care Spending in Retirement through the Tax Code”
TIAA Institute
2023-24 “Health Insurance and Mortality at Older Adulthood in the 21st Century” (with Hannes
National Institute on Aging Pilot Award (through NBER Center for Aging and Health Research)
“Alzheimer’s Disease Progression and the Trajectory of Long-Term Care Use in the United States
and Around the World” (with Kathleen McGarry and Brian McGarry)
National Institute on Aging Pilot Award (through NBER Center for Aging and Health Research)
2022-23 “The Impacts of COVID-19 Illnesses on U.S. Workers” (with Evan Soltas)
National Institute on Aging Pilot Award (through NBER Center for Aging and Health Research)
2020-21, 2021-22 “Economic Disruption and Social Security Spillovers: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic”
(with Emilie Jackson, Lauren Nicholas and Sarah Stith)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement and Disability Research Center)
2019-20 “Impact of Key Life Events on Financial Wellness” (with Jialu Streeter)
Prudential Insurance Company
“The Minimum Wage and Social Security Disability Insurance” (with Mark Duggan)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement and Disability Research Center)
“Effects of Public Sector Retirement and Health Care Changes on Social Security and Labor
Supply” (with Maria Fitzpatrick)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement and Disability Research Center)
2017-18 “The Effect of the Default Asset on Retirement Plan Contributions” (with Matthew Levy,
Colleen Manchester, Aaron Sojourner, and Joshua Tasoff)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
2016-17 “How Do Retirement Income Tools Affect Saving Decisions? Evidence from a Field Experiment”
(with Matthew Levy, Colleen Manchester, Aaron Sojourner, and Joshua Tasoff)
Research Grants (continued)
TIAA Institute; Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research
2016-18 “The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Older Workers’ Labor Market Outcomes” (with
Mark Duggan)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Working Longer Program
2015-16 “The Responsiveness of Retirement Distributions to Early Withdrawal Penalties” (with Damon
TIAA Institute/Pension Research Council; Social Security Administration (through the NBER
Retirement Research Center)
2013-15 “Interactions Between Exponential Growth Bias and Procrastination: Evidence from Retirement
Savings” (with Matthew Levy, Colleen Manchester, Aaron Sojourner, and Joshua Tasoff)
TIAA Institute/Pension Research Council; Social Security Administration (through the NBER
Retirement Research Center)
2011-14 “Family Structure, Informal Care, and Long-Term Care Insurance” (with Courtney Van Houtven
and Norma Coe)
National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institutes of Health
2013-14 “How Much Does Access to Health Insurance Influence the Timing of Retirement?”(with Norma
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
2012-13 “State-Dependent Utility and Insurance Purchase Decisions” (with Jeffrey Brown and Kathleen
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Disability Research Center and the NBER
Retirement Research Center)
“Closed for Business: Counter-party Risk and Insurance Purchase Decisions” (with Jeffrey
Brown and Kathleen McGarry)
National Institute on Aging Pilot Award (through NBER Program on Economics of Aging)
2011-12 “Employee Mobility and Employer-Provided Retirement Plans” (with Damon Jones and Colleen
Social Security Administration (through the Sandell Grant Program, Center for Retirement
Research, Boston College)
2010-11 “What Will My Account Really Be Worth? An Experiement on Exponential Growth Bias and
Retirement Saving” (with Colleen Manchester and Aaron Sojourner)
TIAA Institute, Social Security Administration (through the Financial Literacy Center)
“Why Don’t Retirees Insure Against Long-Term Care Expenses? Evidence from Survey
Responses” (with Jeffrey Brown and Kathleen McGarry)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
“Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses Amongst Elderly Social Security Recipients: Gender and
Living Arrangements” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
2009-10 “Incorporating Employee Heterogeneity into Default Options for Retirement Plan Selection”
(with Colleen Manchester)
Social Security Administration (through the Sandell Grant Program, Center for Retirement
Research, Boston College)
Research Grants (continued)
“Does Stock Market Performance Influence Retirement Intentions?” (with John Shoven and Sita
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
2008-09 “How Well Are Social Security Recipients Protected from Inflation?” (with John Shoven and
Sita Slavov)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
2007-08 “Differential Mortality by Income and Social Security Progressivity”(with John Shoven and Sita
National Institute on Aging Pilot Award (through NBER Program on Economics of Aging)
2006-07 “Social Security and the Timing of Divorce” (with John Shoven and Sita Slavov)
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
“A Tax on Work for the Elderly: Medicare as a Secondary Payer” (with John Shoven and Sita
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
2005-06 “Removing the Disincentives in Social Security for Long Careers” (with John Shoven and Sita
Social Security Administration (through the NBER Retirement Research Center)
Professional Activities
Affiliations American Economic Association, National Bureau of Economic Research, Association of
Public Policy and Management, Society of Labor Economists, National Tax Association,
American Society of Health Economists, Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
Service to Profession Judge for Paul A. Samuelson Award for Outstanding Scholarly Writing on Lifelong
Financial Security, 2017, 2018; Member of Organizing Committee for CSWEP sessions at
2018 AEA Annual Meeting; Member of Program Committee, National Tax Association
Annual Conference, 2019; Member of Scientific Committee, Actuarial Research Conference,
2020; Member of Scientific Advisory Committee, CenHRS, 2020; Scholars Advisory
Group, Retirement Income Institute, 2019-20, 2020-21; Member, Biden Policy Committees
(21st Century Government Committee, Talent Subcommittee; Economic Committee, Care
Subcommittee), 2020; Urban Institute/Tax Policy Center Synthetic Administrative Tax
Data Advisory Board, 2022; Understanding America Study Data Monitoring Committee,
2023; Committee on Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) CeMENT
Workshop Mentor, 2023; CSWEP and ASHEcon Mentoring Workshop for women and non-
binary PhD students in health economics, 2023; Conference Organizer, NBER Longer-Term
Health and Economic Effects of COVID-19, 2024
University Service Stanford Newcomer Guide, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20; Stanford-in-Government Faculty
Advisor, 2017-18, 2018-19; Faculty Senate, 2019-20, 2020-21; Marsh O’Neill Award
Committee, 2021; Stanford Impact Labs Investment Committee Member, 2023; Stanford
Women in Politics Faculty Mentor, 2023
Professional Activities (continued)
Reviewer American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic
Policy, American Economic Review, American Economic Review: Insights, American
Journal of Health Economics, Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Behavioral
Science and Policy, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economic Letters, Economica,
Health Affairs, Health Economics, International Journal of Health Care Finance and
Economics, International Journal of Health Economics and Management, International Tax
and Public Finance, Journal of Aging and Social Policy, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Finance, Journal
of Health Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of
Labor Policy, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Political Economy,
Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Journal of
Risk and Insurance, National Science Foundation, National Tax Journal, Public Finance
Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics of the Household, Review of
Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Financial Studies, Science,
Southern Economic Journal
Presentations 2024: [includes scheduled] Brown University; Stanford Health Policy Forum; University
of New Mexico; Public Pensions: Past, Present, and Future (discussant); NBER Aging
Program Meeting (discussant); Annual Health Economics Conference (discussant); Public
Policy Institute of California; Brookings Institution, Penn Leonard Davis Institute of Health
Economics, International Pension Research Association Conference, International Long-
Term Care Conference, NBER Summer Institute, NBER Tax Policy and the Economy
2023: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; NBER Aging Program Meeting; University of
Nebraska-Lincoln; ASHEcon; WHY Symposium; Syracuse University CAPS; Long-Term
Care and Policy Gateway to Global Aging Conference (discussant)
2022: NBER Changing Labor Market for Older Workers Conference; NBER Summer
Institute; Congressional Budget Office; SIEPR Working Longer Conference
2021: Social Security Administration; Federal Reserve Applied Micro Seminar; International
Long-Term Care Conference; NBER Summer Institute
2020: AEA Annual Meetings (discussant); Social Security Administration; NBER Aging
Program Meeting (canceled); Annual Summer Economic Institute for Teachers; Retirement
and Disability Research Consortium Annual Conference; Actuarial Research Conference;
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; NBER Tax Policy and the Economy; Sloan-SIEPR
Working Longer Conference; NBER Conference on Employer Challenges in Financing and
Managing Pension Plans; RAND-AARP Behavioral Finance Forum
2019: AEA Annual Meetings (discussant); RAND; Cherry Blossom Financial Education
Institute; NBER Conference on Incentives and Limitations of Employment Policies on
Retirement Transitions (discussant); Sloan-SIEPR Working Longer Conference
2018: University of British Columbia; NBER-SSA Conference on State Retirement Systems;
NBER Summer Institute; Retirement Research Consortium Annual Conference; Sloan-
SIEPR Working Longer Conference
2017: AEA Annual Meetings (presenter and discussant); University of Iowa; TIAA
Institute Research Symposium; Sloan-SIEPR Working Longer Conference (discussant);
SIEPR Postdoctoral Fellows Conference
2016: AEA Annual Meetings (discussant); NBER Summer Institute; University of
Wisconsin; Sloan-SIEPR Working Longer Conference
Professional Activities (continued)
2015: AEA Annual Meetings (discussant); DCIIA Roundtable; HelloWallet Forum;
White House Conference on Aging (Regional Forum); TIAA Institute Fellows Conference;
Institutional Investors Forum
2014: SCL Building Best Practices in Retirement Income Conference; American Society of
Health Economists Biannual Meeting; TIAA Institute Fellows Symposium; SCL Financial
Wellness Conference; Sloan-SIEPR Working Longer Conference
2013: Bay Area Colloquium in Population; NBER Summer Institute; Annual Summer
Economic Institute for Teachers; Retirement Research Consortium Annual Conference;
Sloan-SIEPR Working Longer Conference; DCIIA Academic Forum
2012: AEA Annual Meetings; University of Chicago Population Research Center;
ShovenFest; Institutional Investors Forum
2011: AEA Annual Meetings; Boston University, School of Management; University
of California-Berkeley; Financial Literacy Center Workshop; NBER Conference on
Aging (discussant); NBER Summer Institute; Retirement Research Consortium Annual
Conference; American Risk and Insurance Annual Conference ; University of Illinois-Urbana;
APPAM Fall Conference; National Tax Association Annual Conference
2010: AEA Annual Meetings; University of Minnesota; Stanford University; American
Society of Health Economists Biannual Meeting; NBER Summer Institute; Retirement
Research Consortium Annual Conference; National Tax Association Annual Conference
2009: Urban Institute; RAND; Boston College; Society of Labor Economists Annual
Meeting; Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Research Annual Meeting;
University of Michigan School of Public Health; APPAM Fall Conference; National Tax
Association Annual Conference
2008: Temple University, Department of Risk, Insurance, and Healthcare Management; U.S.
Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis; APPAM Fall Conference; National Tax Association Annual
Conference; Harvard University; Stanford University; Northwestern Mutual; Robert Wood
Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Research Annual Meeting; NBER Demography and the
Economy Conference (discussant)
2007: Federal Reserve Board of Governors; George Mason University, School of Public
Policy; Government Accountability Office; Urban Institute; Congressional Budget Office;
Mathematica Policy Research; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Public Policy
Institute of California
2006: Stanford University; NBER Retirement Research Center; Annual Summer Economic
Institute for Teachers; Society of Actuaries Re-envisioning Work and Retirement Symposium
2005: Society of Actuaries Fertility Projections for Social Insurance Symposium
Last modified: April 2024