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1.0 General
This document standardizes the technical requirements for interconnection of
Distributed Generation (DG) equipment to the Vineland Municipal Electric Utility
(VMEU) Distribution facilities in all sizes to a maximum of 4,000 kW, and up to 2,000 kW for net
metered. After VMEU reaches 50 MW of distributed generation connected to its electric
system, additional distributed generation or net metering will no longer be accepted. VMEU
will establish a secondary queue for customers who wish to install DG after a feeder or the
system has reached its allotment. Refer to Section 4.2 for more information on net metering
availability. In addition, this document also contains a standardized application process and a
standardized interconnection agreement for facilities with distributed generation. (All
references to kW or MW are in AC.
Generation not operating in parallel, i.e. isolated from VMEU grid, does not qualify for
interconnection under these terms.
2.0 Scope
This set of interconnection requirements defines the application process, technical
interconnection requirements and agreement elements for interconnecting new distributed
generation facilities to Sub-transmission Circuits, Primary Distribution Circuits and to
Customer Secondary Services.
This document addresses only those points in which the
customer, developer, operator, equipment manufacturer and the utilities have a mutual
interest and is primarily directed toward the safety aspects of the interconnected distributed
generator. This document also provides for an expedited streamlined approval process for
small Distributed Resources (less than 50 kW) that utilize Solar Photovoltaic or Wind
Technology and qualify for Net Metering under VMEU rules.
If the Applicant is proposing the interconnection of equipment that would normally qualify
under the Net Metering program but the tariffed service is not RS or GLP, VMEU will permit
the filing of the expedited application form (Appendix B) and will waive the Insurance
Requirements described in Section 5.0.
The Distributed Generator may also need to get approval from other entities, including but not
limited to the PJM Interconnection, Atlantic City Electric (ACE), NJ Department of
Environmental Protection (NJDEP), and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
depending on size and power export plan. This document does not address the policies and
procedures of any organization outside of VMEU.
1 See Glossary for definition.
3.0 Application Process
Key Steps in the Application Process for the Interconnection of New
Distributed Generation Connected to Primary Distribution Circuits and to
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Customer Secondary Services Operating in Parallel with the VMEU Grid (General Guidelines)
This section outlines a framework for processing interconnection applications and ensuring that
applicants are aware of the VMEU’s Standardized Interconnection Requirements (SIR), as
described in Section 5. This section Provides applicants with an understanding of the process
and information required to permit VMEU to review and accept the applicants’ equipment for
interconnection in a reasonable and expeditious manner.
The time required to complete the process will reflect the complexity of the proposed project.
Projects using previously submitted designs that have been satisfactorily Type tested
will move
through the process more quickly, and several steps may be satisfied with an initial application
depending on the detail, completeness of the application, and supporting documentation
submitted by the applicant. Applicants submitting Type tested systems, however, are not
exempt from providing VMEU with a complete design package necessary to verify the electrical
characteristics of the generator system, the interconnecting device, and the impacts of the
applicants’ equipment on the utilities’ systems. The application process and associated services
are offered by VMEU on a non-discriminatory basis. The applicant is responsible for those costs
that VMEU would not have incurred but for the applicants’ interconnections.
3.1 Application Process for Qualified Net Metering Installations 50 kW or Less (Commercial or
Applications for small residential, commercial or industrial distributed generation systems less
than 50 kW shall strictly adhere to the requirements outlined in the National Electrical Code
NFPA-70-2017, list all proposed equipment.
1) Prior to fully filing an interconnection application, with appropriate fees, you must
request an Interconnection Verification Study. This verification document will:
a. Provide the applicant with the maximum allowable interconnection size based
on circuit capacity (based on forecasted and historical information) in kWAC. The
circuit will be labeled as one of the following:
i Open VMEU allows 90% of the average of either the last one or three
years, whichever is lower for residential applicants, and 90% of the last
12 months peak demand for commercial customers.
ii Limited Circuit is reliably at its injection capacity. VMEU will allow an
interconnection of 5kw or less.
iii Closed Circuit interconnection is not available.
b. Provide the applicant with a queue position for 4 weeks from date of
Verification. Should an applicant proceed to step 2, this position will transfer to
See Glossary for definition
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the Application process and be held for 6 months from date of application. After
4 weeks, the queue position will be lost.
To request an Interconnection verification, completely fill out and have signed,
Appendix E. This process takes approximately 10 business days to complete.
2) Prior to installation of a qualified net metered system (50 kW or less), applicants must
submit a fully completed Net Metering Application (see Appendix B) to VMEU, as well as
the Customer Service Agreement (Appendix F) and Application Fee.
3) After VMEU receives the completed application and applicable fees, it will conduct the
appropriate review and inform the applicant if it can proceed with the interconnection,
or if a more detailed interconnection study is required (see Step 4 below). This process
can take up to 30 days and may require additional information outside of what is
requested initially in Appendix B. VMEU performs an in depth system performance and
reliability study to determine an applicant’s maximum installation value. If an applicant
is located on a closed feeder, no interconnection will be permitted.
4) After the applicant has received permission to interconnect from VMEU, has completed
the installation and has received the appropriate municipal inspection, the applicant
must submit a fully completed and signed application (all pages) to VMEU. This
application must include the signature of the local inspection official, or a copy of the
approved municipal inspection certificate.
5) The following sections apply to Net Metering 50 kW or less installations:
a. 4.2 Metering
b. 4.2.1 Net Metering
c. 4.3 Grounding
d. 4.6 Disconnect switch or device
e. 4.7 Power Quality
f. 4.10.1 A Compliance with IEEE 929-2000
g. 4.10.2 Verification Testing
h. 4.12 Connections to Network Systems
3.2 Application Process for Qualified Non-Net Metering Installations 50 kW or Less
(Commercial or Residential), and greater than 50kW
STEP 1 - Initial Communication from the Applicant
Communication will range from a general inquiry to a completed application. The applicant
should supply as much technical information as possible. At this point in the application process
VMEU shall make the determination on whether the proposed installation is an application that
qualifies for VMEU net metering (See Section 4.2.1 and Section 3.1) or is an application for a
conventional form of Distributed Generation. If the Applicants proposed unit is not a qualified
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net metering unit of 50 kW or less and it is the intention of the applicant to export power or to
sell power to VMEU, then the VMEU shall also review the application and determine what type
of interconnection, if any is appropriate.
For Non Net Metering Qualified Systems Applications for small residential, commercial or
industrial distributed generation systems less than 50 kW, applicants shall strictly adhere to the
requirements outlined in the National Electrical Code NFPA-70-2017, list all proposed
equipment and also include an interconnection diagram signed and sealed by a licensed New
Jersey Electrical Contractor.
Applications for all commercial or industrial distributed generation systems greater than 50 kW
shall strictly adhere to the requirements outlined in the National Electrical Code NFPA-70-2017,
where applicable, the National Electrical Safety Code IEEE C2-2017, include a listing of all
proposed equipment and include a one line control /interconnection diagram signed and sealed
by a licensed New Jersey Professional Engineer.
STEP 2 - The Inquiry is reviewed by VMEU to Determine the Nature of the Project.
A VMEU representative shall discuss the scope of the project with the potential applicant
(either by phone or in person) to determine what specific information and documents (such as
an application, agreement, technical requirements, specifications, listing of qualified Type
tested equipment/systems, application fee information, applicable rate schedules and metering
requirements) will be required by the applicant. The preliminary technical feasibility of the
project at the proposed location may also be discussed at this time. All such information, and a
copy of this application, will be sent to the applicant in no more than twenty (20) business days
following the initial communication from the applicant. A VMEU representative will serve as the
single point of contact for the applicant in coordinating the project.
STEP 3 - Filing an Application
Applicants for wind or solar photovoltaic net metering installations of 50 kW and less must file
an application in the form of Appendix B as described in Step 1A. Applicants for wind or solar
photovoltaic installations greater than 50 kW, and all other proposed installations, shall file an
application in the form of Appendix C. The filing must include a completed application form, a
Customer Service Agreement (Appendix G) and/or other information as indicated in STEP 2.
Within thirty (30) business days of receiving the application, VMEU will notify the applicant of
receipt and whether the application has been completed adequately. Several exchanges of
information between VMEU and applicant might occur until the application has been
completed according to VMEU's technical requirements for interconnection. VMEU will review
all applications over 50 kW and may restrict systems sized over 50 kW due to available
distribution feeder capacity. VMEU feeder sizing prohibits installations above 4,000 kW or
those installations that represent, along with all distributed generation on the circuit where the
applicant proposes to install the distributed generation that have a capacity rating of greater
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than 1/3 of the circuit load. Maximum size for net metering is 2,000 kW. The amount of
distributed generation VMEU will accept is 50 MW. Applicant’s application & payment of
application fees will hold the applicant’s position in the approval queue for one year. If the
project has not been completed during that period the applicant will lose the queue position.
After the 50 MW allotment of distributed generation is filled no further applications will be
approved unless approved applicants drop out. In addition, VMEU will establish a secondary
queue for customers who wish to install DG after a feeder or the system has reached its
allotment. Residential and small commercial applications of 5 kW or less are exempt from the
STEP 4 Preliminary Coordinated Interconnection Review and Cost
Estimate Development
Upon completion of the application, VMEU will conduct a preliminary Coordinated
Interconnection Review
and will inform the applicant of any necessary VMEU system
additions/modifications, and of any agreement requirements which VMEU may require for
interconnection. Applicant will be provided with an assessment of the technical feasibility of
the proposed interconnection, a preliminary schedule, and a good faith, detailed estimate of
the interconnection costs, if applicable agreement elements might include a parallel
interconnection agreement, coverage of interconnection costs, agreement to tariff conditions,
requirements for design, and O&M specifications.
Depending on unit size, export capability, and or circuit characteristics, a full Coordinated
Interconnection Review may need to be performed by VMEU to determine if the new
generation on the circuit results in any relay coordination, fault current, and/or voltage
regulation problems.
A full Coordinated Interconnection Review may not be needed if:
The aggregate generation is less than 50 kW on a single-phase branch of a distribution
circuit; or
The proposed installation is not interconnected to a Network System; or
The proposed generator has no power export capability.
For Net Metering qualified units 50 kW or less whose total output is less than the 90% of
maximum demand of the customer and meets the criteria listed above, the study fee may be
Note: Units without export capability must either be sized for 50% or less of peak facility
demand or be equipped with Reverse Power Relays to prevent power export into the VMEU
See Glossary for definition
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Framework for Standardized Interconnection Study Costs for Net Metered Qualified Systems
that do not meet the criteria outlined above: The following are "standardized" study costs for
customers seeking to interconnect net metering qualified systems to VMEU's Electric
Distribution System, when such Distributed Generation systems (individually or in aggregate)
meet the criteria specified below. These charges would be in addition to any application fee.
1) For requests to interconnect (i) single phase systems on single phase branches where
the total aggregate generation is greater than 50 kW but less than or equal to 100 kW, or (ii)
single phase and 3 phase systems on 3 phase feeders where the total aggregate generation is
greater than 150 kW but less than or equal to 300 kW, the study cost may be up to, but not
exceed, the cost of 3 man-days of study labor at the current VMEU loaded labor rate.
As an example, for VMEU this cost would not exceed $2,880 (based on the current loaded labor
rate). These charges will be based on actual time incurred up to the maximum cost.
2) Requests to interconnect any generation up to 100 kW for network service installations
may incur a maximum study cost based on 5 man-days of study labor at the current VMEU
loaded labor rate. As an example, for VMEU this cost would not exceed $4800 (based on the
current loaded labor rate). These charges will be based on actual time incurred up to the
maximum cost. (Note: depending on the proposed size of the unit and the data available for
the network, this cost to the customer may be significantly less than this maximum amount).
Study costs for proposed installations that fall outside of the "standards" will be estimated for
the facility owner before any work is performed and billed at VMEU's loaded labor rate.
3) Requests for network interconnection larger than 100 kW by commercial/industrial
generators designed for export of power service (merchant plant) installations shall be subject
to all study costs and charges based on utilization of the VMEU distribution and sub-
transmission system. Additionally, they may be required to enter contracts with other parties.
The following charges shall apply to generators larger than 100 kW designed for export of
power to PJM:
Application fee of $500 for initial project review.
VMEU interconnection study costs based on current loaded labor rates.
System upgrade charges for all costs required to build distribution/transmission facilities
to meet the anticipated needs of the merchant plant.
Applicable VMEU tariffs designed for net metering and/or merchant plant operation.
These tariffs may include decoupling of existing tariffs and may include uplift tariffs
based on existing VMEU system capacity and investment.
Atlantic City Electric Company contracts or agreements and associated
interconnection study and facilities fees.
PJM contracts or agreements and associated queue position and interconnection fees.
STEP 5 - Applicant Commits to VMEU’s Coordinated Interconnection Review of the Project
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If discussions with the applicant, review of the application or review of the proposed design
indicate a major impact on the interconnected VMEU facilities. The applicant will be required
Provide VMEU with a cost-based advance payment for the VMEU review of the
proposed generator.
Submit a detailed design package.
Confirm with VMEU a mutually agreeable schedule for the project based on the
applicant’s work plans and the discussions held in STEP 4.
Additional exchanges of information between VMEU and the applicant may be required to
complete the design package according to VMEU’s technical requirements for interconnection.
STEP 6 VMEU Review of Applicant's Design Package VMEU will:
Conduct a review of the design package to ensure that the plans / design satisfy the
technical requirements for interconnection.
Upon completion of the review, notify the applicant of its final acceptance of the applicant’s
design or an explanation of the technical requirements the design fails to meet. In addition, this
notice will include any site-specific test requirements applicable to STEP 9.
For Type tested systems, VMEU will complete its review in ninety (90) days.
STEP 7 - Applicant Commits to VMEU Construction of VMEU’s System
The applicant will:
Execute a standardized interconnection agreement or commit in writing to the
applicable tariff requirements; and
Provide VMEU with an advance payment for VMEU’s estimated costs associated with
system modifications, metering, and on site verification. (Estimated costs will be
reconciled with actual costs in Step 11.)
STEP 8 - Project Construction
The Applicant’s facility will be constructed in accordance with VMEU accepted design. VMEU
will commence construction/installation of system modifications and metering requirements.
VMEU system modifications will vary in construction time depending on the extent of work and
equipment required. The schedule for this work is to be discussed with the applicant in STEP 5.
STEP 9 - The Testing of the Applicant’s Facility in Accordance With VMEU’s Technical
The applicant will develop a written testing plan to be submitted to VMEU for review and
acceptance. This testing plan will be designed to verify compliance of the facility with the
applicant’s VMEU accepted drawings and details of the interconnection. The final testing will
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include testing in accordance with the SIR and the site-specific requirements identified by
VMEU in STEP 6. The final testing will be conducted at a mutually agreeable time, and VMEU
shall be given the opportunity to witness the tests.
STEP 10 - Interconnection
The applicant’s facility will be allowed to commence parallel operation upon satisfactory
completion of the tests in STEP 9. In addition, the applicant must have complied with VMEU’s
contractual, tariff, and/or technical requirements.
STEP 11 - Final Acceptance and VMEU Cost Reconciliation
Within 30 days after interconnection, VMEU will review the results of its on-site verification and
issue to the applicant a formal letter of acceptance for interconnection. VMEU will also
reconcile its actual costs related to the applicant’s project against the application fee and
advance payments made by the applicant. The applicant will receive either a bill for any balance
due or a reimbursement for overpayment as determined by VMEU’s reconciliation.
Commercial operation of the customer’s generator will begin after balance due is paid to VMEU
or overpayment is refunded to applicant. Failure of the customer to begin construction within
one (1) year of receiving VMEU letter of acceptance will cause interconnection approval to be
revoked and queue position to be forfeited.
4.0 Standardized Interconnection Requirements (SIR)
4.1.1 Common
The generator-owner shall provide appropriate protection and control equipment, including an
interrupting device, that will disconnect
the generator in the event that the portion of VMEU
system that serves the generator is de-energized for any reason or for a fault in the generator-
owner’s system. The generatorowner’s protection and control equipment shall be capable of
disconnecting the generation upon detection of an Islanding
condition and upon detection of a
VMEU system fault.
Note: For certain generators without export capability Reverse Power Relays must be used to
prevent export. These Reverse Power Relays will also effectively prevent any possibility of
The generator-owner’s protection and control scheme shall be designed to allow the
generation, at steady state, to operate only within the limits specified in this proposal for
frequency and voltage. Upon request from VMEU, the generator owner shall provide
documentation detailing compliance with the requirements set forth in this proposal.
See Glossary for definition
See Glossary for definition
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The specific design of the protection, control and grounding schemes will depend on the size
and characteristics of the generator. In addition the facility load level and the characteristics of
the particular portion of VMEU’s system where the generator-owner is interconnected must
also be considered.
Note: Additional Islanding protection or Interrupting devices are NOT required for Net Metering
Qualified <10 kW units that are compliant to IEEE 929-2000.
4.1.2 Single Phase and Three Phase Generators and Inverters with an aggregate capacity of
100 kW and Less
The generator-owner shall have, as a minimum, an interrupting device(s) sized to meet all
applicable local, state and federal codes and operated by over and under voltage protection
(installed in each phase and wired phase to ground),as well as additional loss of phase
protection. The interrupting device(s) shall also be operated by over and under frequency
The interrupting device shall automatically initiate a disconnect sequence from VMEU
system within six (6) cycles if the voltage falls below 60 V RMS phase to ground (nominal
120 V RMS base) on any phase.
The interrupting device shall automatically initiate a disconnect sequence from VMEU
system within two (2) seconds if the voltage rises above 132 V RMS phase to ground or
falls below 104 V RMS phase to ground (nominal 120 V RMS base) on any phase.
The interrupting device shall automatically initiate a disconnect sequence from VMEU
system within two (2) cycles if the voltage rises above 165 V RMS phase to ground
(nominal 120V RMS base) on any phase.
The interrupting device shall automatically initiate a disconnect sequence from VMEU
system within six (6) cycles if the frequency rises above 60.3 Hz or falls below 59.3 Hz.
4.1.3 Three-Phase Inverters and Generators with an Aggregate Capacity of 100 kW and
Distributed Generators with an aggregate capacity greater than 100 kW shall utilize special
voltage and frequency settings to adhere to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland (PJM)
interconnection requirements and VMEU system requirements. The use of Multi-Function
Micro-processor based protective relays will require utilization of a second unit for back-up.
Further, these distributed generators shall limit operation to 98.5% leading or lagging power
factor (pf) or better.
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Voltage sensing shall be three phase line to line with a protective relay or internal element on
each line to line voltage. The secondary line to line voltage maybe either 120 Volts or 208 Volts,
the Distributed Generator shall utilize appropriate relays whose range shall match that of the
secondary line to line voltage.
Undervoltage - 3 phase line to line. Pick-up at 90% nominal with a 5second trip at 0%
Overvoltage - 3 phase line to line. Pick-up at 110% nominal with a 10cycle trip at 120%
Under Frequency * 5 second delayed trip if frequency is less than 57.5Hz. (PJM
requirement) It may be necessary to use an external time delay relay to achieve the
desired 5 second delay.
Over Frequency 10 cycle delayed trip if frequency exceeds 60.5 Hz.13
Directional Power * If the Applicants installation will not export power into the VMEU
system, it shall be equipped with a Directional power relay. In order to avoid
unnecessary operations during faults on the Distribution system the Directional power
relay should be equipped with a 5 second time delay relay.
* Note: VMEU operational and maintenance procedures may require the ability to by-pass and
physically block the time delays associated with Under Frequency and Directional Power during
"Live Line" maintenance. VMEU personnel shall have reasonable access to the DG facility to by-
pass and block the time delays and temporarily place these devices on instantaneous
The need for additional protection equipment shall be determined by VMEU on a case-by-case
basis. VMEU shall specify and provide settings for those relays that VMEU designates as being
required to satisfy protection practices. Any protective equipment or setting specified by VMEU
shall not be changed or modified at any time by the generator-owner without written consent
from VMEU.
To avoid out-of-phase reclosing, the design of the generator-owner’s protection and control
scheme shall take into account the VMEU practice of automatically reclosing the feeder without
synchronism check after being tripped. Before the distributed Generation device is re-
connected to the system after a Trip, the control system shall wait five (5) minutes after normal
system conditions are reestablished.
The generator-owner shall be responsible for ongoing compliance with all applicable local, state
and federal codes and VMEU system design and operating changes as they pertain to the
interconnection of the generating equipment.
Protection circuitry, potential and current sensing shall not be connected with VMEU revenue
A failure of the generator-owner’s interconnection protection equipment, including loss of
control power, shall open the interrupting device, thus disconnecting the generation from
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VMEU system. A generator-owner’s protection equipment shall utilize a non-volatile memory
design such that a loss of internal or external control power, including batteries, will not cause
a loss of interconnection protection functions including all pickup set points.
All interface protection and control equipment shall operate as specified independent of the
calendar date.
4.1.4 Synchronous Generators
Synchronous generators shall require synchronizing facilities. These shall include automatic
synchronizing equipment or manual synchronizing with relay supervision, voltage regulator and
power factor control. Synchronous generators shall normally require the below listed minimum
protective equipment:
1) Directional Power Relay ANSI device # 32, Single phase sensing .Activation of this
relay causes immediate tripping of the generator breaker and immediate shutdown of the
engine / prime mover. Note: The directional power relay is used in those systems without
export capability.
2) Reverse VAR Relay ANSI device # 40, Acts as a loss of excitation relay, single phase
sensing. Activation of this relay causes immediate tripping of the generator breaker and
immediate shutdown of the engine / prime mover. 3) Current Balance Relay ANSI device #
46, three phase sensing. Activation of this relay causes immediate tripping of the generator
breaker and immediate shutdown of the engine / prime mover.
4) Over Voltage Relay ANSI device # 59, single phase sensing. Activation of this relay
causes immediate tripping of the generator breaker and immediate shutdown of the engine /
prime mover.
5) Phase Sequence / Under Voltage Relay ANSI device # 47 / 27, three phase sensing.
This relay protects both the Distributed Generator and the VMEU circuit from either loss of
VMEU power and or fault during parallel operation. Activation of this relay causes immediate
tripping of the generator breaker and immediate shutdown of the engine / prime mover.
6) Over / Under Frequency Relay ANSI device # 81 O/U, single phase sensing, with
settings for over and under frequency the time delays adjustable in cycles. This relay protects
both the Distributed Generator and the VMEU circuit from either loss of VMEU power and or
fault during parallel operation. Activation of this relay causes immediate tripping of the
generator breaker and immediate shutdown of the engine / prime mover.
7) Generator Overcurrent, time and instantaneous ANSI device # 50 / 51, 3 phase
sensing. This relay protects both the Distributed Generator and the VMEU circuit from either
loss of VMEU power and or fault during parallel operation. Activation of this relay causes
immediate tripping of the generator breaker and immediate shutdown of the engine / prime
8) Ground Overcurrent - ANSI device 51G, includes a grounding and current sensing
system mounted in the generator neutral / ground lead. Activation of this relay causes
immediate tripping of the generator breaker and immediate shutdown of the engine / prime
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9) Automatic Lock Out Relay w/ manual reset ANSI device # 86, all generator electrical
protective devices shall actuate an electrically operated / manual reset lock out relay. This
lockout relay shall be a high speed tripping grade device that trips and blocks closing of the
generator circuit breaker. Manual reset can be accomplished only after all protective trips have
been cleared.
10) Auxiliary Trip Input The Distributed Generator shall be equipped with an auxiliary trip
input to be used by VMEU, if required, to initiate a Direct Transfer Trip (DTT)
(See last
paragraph of Section 4.2).
11) Surge Arrestors All three phases of the load side of the Distributed Generator circuit
breaker shall be equipped with metal oxide type surge arrestors. These arrestors shall be sized
in accordance with accepted standards to the appropriate maximum VMEU interconnection
circuit voltage.
Note: Protective functions 1 through 8 may be accomplished with either discrete devices or
with a multifunction device. Depending on the size of the Distributed Generator and / or types
of protective devices used, the Applicant may be required to provide a level of redundancy for
safety. Also the Applicant should be aware that the listed minimum protective functions are
designed to primarily protect VMEU personnel and circuits, and that total protection of the
applicants equipment may require additional protective functionality.
4.1.5 Induction Generators
Induction Generation may be connected and brought up to synchronous speed (as an induction
motor) if it can be demonstrated that the initial voltage drop measured at the point of common
coupling is acceptable based on current inrush limits. Generally, Induction Generators greater
than 100 kW shall not be allowed to be brought up to speed as an Induction Motor, without
specific VMEU review and approval. The same requirements also apply to Induction Generation
connected at or near synchronous speed because a similar voltage dip is present due to an
inrush magnetizing current. The generator-owner shall submit number of starts per specific
time period and maximum starting KVA draw data for VMEU
to verify that the voltage dip due to starting is within the visible flicker limits as defined by IEEE
519-2014, “Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power
Systems (IEEE519)”.
Starting or rapid load fluctuations on Induction Generators can adversely impact
VMEU’s system voltage. Corrective step-switched capacitors or other techniques may be
necessary. These measures can, in turn, cause ferro-resonance. If these measures (additional
capacitors) are installed on the customer’s side of the Point of Common Coupling
, VMEU will
review these measures and may require the customer to install additional switching
See Glossary for definition
7See Glossary for definition.
4.2.1 Net Metering
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equipment. In all cases where Induction Generators are deployed it shall be the owners'
responsibility to supply the necessary VAR requirements of the Induction Generator so that the
total Power Factor as seen by VMEU at the Point of Common Coupling is better than .85 lagging
with the customer importing power from VMEU. If a "Purchased Electric Power" agreement
(See the VMEU Tariff for Electric Service) is in effect, during those periods that the customer is
exporting excess power into the VMEU system, the Power Factor as seen by VMEU at the Point
of Common Coupling shall be Unity or up to .9 Leading. Also see Section 4.8
4.1.6 DC to AC Inversion Systems
Direct current generation (Fuel Cells, Photovoltaics and even high frequency Permanent
Magnet Generators) can only be installed in parallel with VMEU’s distribution system using a
synchronous inverter for power conversion and conditioning. The design of the inverter shall be
such as to disconnect this synchronous inverter from the VMEU distribution system upon a
VMEU system interruption. Line-commutated inverters do not require synchronizing equipment
if the voltage drop is determined to be acceptable, as defined in Section 4.5, Power Quality, of
this document. Self-commutated inverters with external frequency sensing can be used to
synchronize to VMEU. Stand-alone, self-commutated inverters with internal frequency
references shall not be used for parallel operation with the VMEU system.
4.2 Metering
The need for additional metering or modifications to existing metering will be reviewed on a
case-by-case basis and shall be consistent with VMEU metering requirements.
Net Metering will be available to all residential and small commercial customers at a premise
with qualifying facilities installed capacity of 5 kW or less or to those that represent, along with
all distributed generation on the circuit where the applicant proposes to install the distributed
generation, less than 1/3 of the total load of the circuit. Net metering treatment is granted to a
premise and not available on the same account to adjacent properties or in any form of
“virtual” net metering or aggregated net metering. After VMEU reaches 50 MW of distributed
generation connected to its electric system, additional distributed generation or net metering
will no longer be accepted. VMEU will establish a secondary queue for customers who wish to
install DG after a feeder or the system has reached its allotment.
VMEU recognizes that distributed generation must be integrated into its distribution system
without impacting the quality of service to all customers, therefore, VMEU will not accept
distributed generation systems sized larger than 90% of the applicant’s maximum demand or
those that may produce more than
90% of the applicant’s annual kWh energy needs as determined by VMEU. Consumption must
be maintained to remain as a Net Metering customer.
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Residential or Commercial Customers may request permission to “bank” energy credits by
allowing the billing meter to subtract registration (spin backwards) during periods of excess
generation. Under this option, the Commercial Customer must agree to receive electrical
service under VMEU’s Demand Metered rates. The Customer will be subject to the applicable
monthly minimum customer service charge, facilities charges and demand charges in effect at
the time of billing, regardless of accrued energy credits.
There shall be no net payment(s) from VMEU to Customer for excess energy or capacity
delivered to VMEU’s system. However, energy credits may accumulate but cannot be carried
over from year to year. Energy credits shall not be sold, transferred, or assigned to any other
individual, account, customer or service location. Energy credits have no monetary value and
cannot be traded. Energy credits cannot be used to offset the monthly minimum customer
service charge, facilities charges, connection fees or demand charges in effect at the time of
billing. In the event a meter must be changed, credits will be transferred to the new meter by
adjusting the start reading accordingly.
VMEU will implement decoupled electric tariffs to more accurately reflect the cost of building
and maintaining the electric system in comparison to the cost of generation and distribution of
electric energy. As decoupled rates are phased in, VMEU will continue to advise all customers.
VMEU reserves the right to modify or eliminate existing tariffs as needed. Net metered
customers must sign a Service Agreement as a part of the application process. Other
documents may be required for interconnection of non-net metered DG equipment. Customer
agrees to waive all rights to recover monies due to metering inaccuracies caused by allowing a
conventional meter to spin in the “wrong” (reverse) direction.
VMEU will charge the Customer a one-time fee based on the cost of special electronic bi-
directional meters, testing and installation at the site. Minimum charges for net metering
installations made after 9/15/18:
Residential: self-contained: $295; transformer-rated: $395
Commercial: single-phase: $345; single-phase transformer-rated: $445; polyphase self-
contained: $726; Polyphase transformer-rated: $1,276 100 kW and larger: Additional
fees may be required based on costs. Uplift charges and other costs related to system capacity
and stability may also be the responsibility of the customer.
4.3 Grounding, Neutrals, & Service Compatibility
All Distributed Generation connected to the VMEU Distribution and SubTransmission System
shall meet the grounding requirements and the physical electrical characteristics of the system
to which the DG is connected. Direct Physical connections of shall meet the criteria listed
below. Net Metering qualified units 5 kW or less do not need to meet the physical
interconnection criteria outlined below. In many cases especially at the Primary and
SubTransmission level, due to either limitations in generator single phase to ground short
circuit duty (impedance grounding) and or generator terminal voltage, a two winding interface
Version XIII Page No. 18
transformer will be required. Before proceeding with equipment purchase the DG applicant
must have the proposed system reviewed by VMEU for physical interconnection suitability.
Also see Section 4.5 - Dedicated Transformer.
Secondary Service Interconnections Single phase 120 VAC devices
shall have one leg solidly connected to the system neutral which is solidly grounded.
Secondary Service Interconnections Single Phase 240 VAC devices shall have center
point Neutral solidly ground referenced. If the device generates at 240 VAC and does
not have a ground referenced center point neutral, the device will be connected to the
grounded system through a 2 winding transformer whose Primary (generator side) is 2
wire 240 VAC and whose Secondary ( VMEU System side) is 240 VAC 3 wire with a
grounded center point Neutral. Exception will be made for Net Metering Qualified units
5 kW or less that generate at 240 VAC 2 wire and do not have a grounded neutral
Secondary Service Interconnections 3 Phase 120 / 208 VAC & 277
/480 VAC, WYE connected, neutral solidly connected to ground with balanced electrical
output. DELTA connected induction generators directly interconnected to 4 wire WYE
services shall require a DELTA /WYE transformer. DELTA connected induction
generators directly connected to 240 VAC open or closed DELTA services may be
connected without the use of an interface transformer. One or more Net Meter
qualified single phase inverters producing a total output of 5 kW or less may be
interconnected as a single phase device to a 3 phase system or in a 3 phase open DELTA
configuration. If the total output of any Net Meter qualified system interconnected to a
4 wire, 3 phase service exceeds 5 kW, that system shall be connected as a 4 wire, 3
phase balanced system.
Primary Service Interconnections 3 Phase - 2,400 / 4,160 VAC & 7,620/13,200 VAC,
WYE connected, neutral solidly connected to ground. This application may require a
dedicated interface transformer. Impedance grounded generators cannot be directly
connected to these systems without an interface transformer.
All interconnections at 69,000 VAC and above, are complex applications that will require
a full VMEU interconnection / PJM coordination study.
4.4 Operating Requirements (Does not apply to Qualified Net Metering units that are 50 kW
or less)
The generator-owner shall provide a 24-hour telephone contact(s). This contact will be used by
VMEU to arrange access for repairs, inspection or emergencies. VMEU will make such
arrangements (except for emergencies) during normal business hours. The generator-owner
shall not be connected or export power to the VMEU system during any outages of the feed
that serves the Point of Common Coupling. The applicant's generation may be operated during
such outages only with an open tie to VMEU. Islanding will not be permitted under any
Version XIII Page No. 19
The generator must be equipped with an automatic, electrically operated interrupting device
that will disconnect the generator from the VMEU system if system voltage parameters fall out
of the ranges described in Section 4.1.1. That interrupting device may be the Disconnect Switch
described in Section 4.4, if it is capable of both automatic and manual operation, or other
VMEU approved device. This generator disconnect shall utilize potential monitoring of the
incoming VMEU feed and interlock the generator circuitry to prevent the generator from being
connected to the VMEU feeder if the system parameters are out of the ranges described in
Section 4.1.1.
Certain protective functions that are equipped with time delays may be required to have a
provision to allow instantaneous operation when VMEU Line Crews are performing "Live Line"
maintenance. In these cases VMEU shall be provided reasonable access to the DG facility to by-
pass and physically block time delays during "Live Line" maintenance.
A Generator that cannot operate in parallel with the VMEU’s system is not subject to these
requirements but requires a site specific interconnection agreement.
The generator-owner shall not energize a de-energized VMEU’s circuit for any reason.
The Disconnect Switch
specified in Section 4.4 of this document may be opened by VMEU at
any time for any of the following reasons:
To eliminate conditions that constitutes a potential hazard to VMEU personnel or the
general public.
Pre-emergency or emergency conditions on the VMEU system.
A hazardous condition is revealed by a VMEU inspection.
Protective device tampering.
The Disconnect Switch may be opened by VMEU for the following reasons, after notice to the
responsible party has been delivered and a reasonable time to correct (consistent with the
conditions) has elapsed:
A generator-owner has failed to make available records of Verification tests and
maintenance of its protective devices.
A generator-owner’s system interferes with VMEU equipment or equipment belonging
to other VMEU customers.
A generator owner's system is found to affect quality of service of adjoining customers.
The customer shall be allowed to disconnect from VMEU without prior notice in order to self-
Following a generation facility disconnect as a result of a voltage or frequency excursion
(parameters are described in Section 4.1.1), the generation facility shall remain disconnected
until the service voltage and frequency has recovered to VMEU’s acceptable voltage and
frequency limits for a minimum of five (5) minutes.
Version XIII Page No. 20
VMEU may require Direct Transfer Trip (DTT)
1. the minimum load to generation ratio on a circuit is such that a ferro-resonance
condition could occur;
2. it is determined that the customer’s protective relaying may not operate for
certain conditions or faults and/or
3. .the installation could increase the length of outages on a distribution circuit or
jeopardize the reliability of the circuit. The Distributed Generator shall be
responsible for all costs required to deploy a DTT protective scheme
See Glossary for definition
See Glossary for definition.
4.5 Dedicated Transformer
VMEU reserves the right to require a generation facility to connect to VMEU system through a
dedicated transformer. The transformer shall either be provided by VMEU at the generator-
owner’s expense, purchased from VMEU, or conforms to VMEU’s specifications. The
transformer may be necessary to ensure conformance with VMEU safe work practices, to
enhance service restoration operations or to prevent detrimental effects to other VMEU
customers. The dedicated transformer that is part of the normal electrical service connection of
a generator-owner’s facility may meet this requirement if there are no other customers
supplied from it. A dedicated transformer is not required if the installation is sized, designed
and coordinated with VMEU to protect VMEU system and its customers adequately from
potential detrimental net effects caused by the operation of the generator. Also see Section 4.3
Grounding. If VMEU determines a need for a dedicated transformer, it shall notify the
generator-owner in writing of the requirements.
4.6 Disconnect Switch or Device
All generating equipment shall be capable of being isolated from VMEU system by means of an
external, manual, visible, gang-operated, load break disconnecting switch or circuit breaker.
The disconnect device shall be installed, owned and maintained by the generator-owner and
located between the power producing equipment and its interconnection point with VMEU
system. The Disconnect Switch or Device must be rated for the voltage and current
requirements of the installation. The Basic Insulation Level (BIL) of the disconnect device shall
be such that it will coordinate with that of VMEU’s equipment. Disconnect devices shall meet
applicable UL, ANSI and IEEE standards, and shall be installed to meet all applicable local, state
and federal codes. The Disconnect Switch or Device shall be clearly marked, "Generator
Disconnect", with permanent 1 inch letters or larger. Whenever possible, the disconnect device
shall be located within 10 feet of VMEU’s external electric service meter, or the location and
nature of the distributed power disconnection switches shall be indicated in the
proximity of the electric service entrance.
Version XIII Page No. 21
The Disconnect Switch shall be readily accessible for operation / locking and or disabling by
VMEU personnel in accordance with Section 4.2 of this proposal.
The Disconnect Switch or device shall be lockable in the open position with a standard VMEU
padlock with a 3/8-inch shank. If the disconnect device cannot be physically locked in the open
position, it must be able to made in operative and the operating mechanism locked, blocked or
drawn out. VMEU shall review and assist the generator owner design an acceptable disconnect
See Glossary for definition.
4.7 Power Quality The maximum harmonic limits for electrical equipment shall be in
accordance with IEEE 519 - 2014. The objective of IEEE 519 - 2014 is to limit the maximum
individual frequency voltage harmonic to 3% of the fundamental frequency and the voltage
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) to 5% on VMEU side of the point of common coupling. In
addition, any voltage flicker resulting from the connection of the customer's energy producing
equipment to VMEU system must not exceed the limits defined by the maximum permissible
voltage fluctuations border line of visibility curve, Figure 10.3 identified in IEEE 519 -2014. This
requirement is necessary to minimize the adverse voltage effect upon other customers on
VMEU system.
4.8 Power Factor Correction (Does not apply to Qualified Net Metering units that are 50 kW
or less)
No Distributed Generation Installation shall degrade the Reactive performance of the VMEU
system. All facilities, utilizing Distributed Generation resources providing 90% or less of the
required electrical load of a given facility, shall have a Power Factor at the Point of Common
Coupling of 98.5% lagging or 98.5% leading or better. If the Distributed Generation Resource
can at times provide more than 90% of the facilities electrical power or is designed for export,
the Power Factor shall range from unity to .9 leading.
In all cases where Induction Generators are deployed, it shall be the owners' responsibility to
supply the necessary VAR requirements of the Induction Generator so that the total Power
Factor as seen by VMEU at the Point of Common Coupling is in accordance with the criteria
described above. The method of power factor correction necessitated by the installation of the
generator will be negotiated with VMEU as a commercial item.
Induction power generators may be provided VAR capacity from VMEU system at the
generator-owner’s expense. The VMEU Tariff for Electric Service, Standard Terms and
Conditions, makes provision for Special Facilities Charges. If it is necessary for VMEU to provide
the necessary reactive compensation to correct the generator-owner’s facility's Power Factor at
the PCC to unity, the generator-owner shall be charged on an ongoing monthly basis, 1.66% per
month of the capital costs of a capacitor bank, switching devices and controls to supply the
required reactive correction. Capitals costs are dependent on the amount of reactive power
required; VMEU shall give the generator-owner an estimated cost before installing said reactive
Version XIII Page No. 22
compensation. The installation of VAR correction equipment by the generator-owner on the
generator-owner’s side of the point of common coupling must be reviewed and approved by
VMEU prior to installation.
4.9 Stand Alone Islanding
Interconnected Distributed Generation systems must be designed and operated so that stand
alone islanding is not sustained on any distribution circuit. The requirements listed in this
document are designed and intended to prevent islanding. See the first paragraph of Section
4.1.1 for more information.
4.10 Required Testing of Distributed Generation Systems
This section is divided into Type testing and Verification testing. Type testing is performed once
by an independent testing laboratory for a specific equipment /protection package. Once a
package meets the basic type-test criteria defined by UL-1741-2010 the design is accepted by
VMEU. If any changes are made to
the hardware, software, firmware, or verification test procedures, the manufacturer must
notify the independent testing laboratory to determine what, if any, parts of the type testing
must be repeated. Failure of the manufacturer to notify the independent test laboratory of
changes may result in withdrawal of approval and disconnection of units installed since the
change was made. The equipment in the field must have a nameplate that clearly shows the
model number, firmware version (if applicable) and that it meets the requirements of UL1741-
2010. The manufacturer shall certify in their literature and technical brochures that a unit
meets the requirements of UL1741-2010.
This certification applies only to devices and packages associated with protection of the
interface between the generating system and VMEU. Interface protection is usually limited to
voltage relays, frequency relays, synchronizing relays, reverse current or power relays, and anti-
islanding schemes. Testing of relays or devices associated specifically with protection or control
of generating equipment is recommended, but not required unless they impact the interface
protection. At the time of production, all interconnecting equipment including inverters and
discrete relays must meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI/IEEE Standards C37.90.1-1989,
IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays and Relay Systems,
or the most current version or one year after the issuance of the revised standard, but not
earlier than one year after the commercial availability of test equipment required to
demonstrate conformance.
Verification testing is site-specific, periodic testing to assure continued safe acceptable
4.10.1 Type Testing
All interface protective equipment must meet the Utility Compatibility criteria as defined in 5
Section 46. Type testing shall be utilized by the manufacturer to determine if the protection
system and settings meet these requirements. Underwriters Laboratory or other qualified
Version XIII Page No. 23
independent testing laboratory shall conduct the tests prescribed by UL 1741-2010 to
determine and certify performance consistent with UL 1741-2010.
Prior to testing, all batteries shall be disconnected or removed for a minimum of ten (10)
minutes. This test is to verify the system has a non-volatile memory and that protection settings
are not lost. A test shall also be performed to determine that failure of any battery not used to
supply trip power will result in an automatic shutdown.
Single-Phase Generators and Inverters equal to or less than 10 kW and Three-Phase Inverters
50 kW or Less
All generators and inverters shall be designed as non-islanding systems as defined by IEEE 929 -
2000. Small generators and inverters 10 kW and below shall at the time of production meet or
exceed the requirements of IEEE 929 2000 and UL 1741- 2010. Specifically, the generator or
inverter shall automatically disconnect for an islanding condition with a Load Quality Factor of
2.5 or worse within two (2) seconds. All inverters and equipment protected by voltage /
frequency relay systems shall initiate a Trip from the Utility system for Voltage and Frequency
variations as shown in UL 1741-2010.
4.10.2 Verification Testing
Upon initial parallel operation of a generating system, or any time interface hardware or
software is changed, a verification test must be performed. A New Jersey Licensed Professional
Engineer or qualified individual working under the direction of a New Jersey Licensed
Professional Engineer must perform verification testing in accordance with the manufacturer’s
published test procedure. Qualified individuals include factory trained and certified technicians,
and licensed electricians with experience in testing protective equipment. VMEU reserves the
right to witness verification testing or require written certification that the testing was
Verification testing shall be performed every four years. All verification tests prescribed by the
manufacturer shall be performed. If wires must be removed to perform certain tests, each wire
and each terminal must be clearly and permanently marked. The generator-owner shall
maintain verification test reports for inspection by the connecting VMEU.
Single-phase inverters rated 10 kW and below may be verified once per year as follows: once
per year, the owner or his agent shall operate the load break Disconnect Switch and verify the
power producing facility automatically shuts down and does not restart for five minutes after
the switch is closed. Any system that depends upon a battery for trip power shall be checked
and logged once per month for proper voltage. Once every four (4) years the battery must be
either replaced or a discharge test performed.
4.11 VMEU Back-up or Stand-by Power and Capacity
The VMEU Tariff for Electric Service makes provision for the costs associated with VMEU
providing Back-up and Stand-by service for Distributed Generators under certain rate
Version XIII Page No. 24
schedules. Stand-by Service agreements are contractual vehicles committing both the Applicant
and VMEU for a minimum 12-month period.
4.12 Interconnections to Primary and Secondary Network Distribution
Distributed Generators including Photovoltaic or wind systems that can export power beyond
the common network bus will not be permitted to be
interconnect to VMEU’s distribution system in primary and secondary Network areas. Further,
all such systems, even those proposed as non-export, must be reviewed and approved by
VMEU prior to installation to ensure that network system safety and integrity will not be
affected by the installation. For those systems proposed to be installed in a network area, the
maximum size of the units must be 100 kW or less, or represent 33 % of the minimum load on
the network bus to which the Distributed Generator is connected, whichever is less. Net
metering billing and/or credits will not apply to any load which may inadvertently be supplied
to the utility system (beyond the Network Bus) in this type of installation in a network area.
5.0 Insurance Requirements
5.1 Qualified Net Metering Units 100 kW and Less:
For units that meet the requirements as specified in the Board Order In the
Matter of the Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act of 1999 Net Metering
Standards, Docket No. EX99030182, dated June 11, 2001, no additional insurance is
5.2 Non-Qualified Net Metering Installations 100 kW and Less Utilizing Net Metering Qualified
For installations that do not meet the requirements as specified above only because the
installation is not tariffed service RS or GLP, but otherwise use Net Metering Qualified
equipment and meet all the other criteria outlined in this document, no additional insurance is
5.3 Non-Net Metering Units of 20 kW or Less:
If the Distributed Generator has a nameplate rating of 20 kW or less, the owner shall
demonstrate prior to the date on which the Unit is first placed into operation, and continuing
all the while the generator is interconnected with the VMEU system, the under writing of at
least $100,000 in liability coverage through a homeowner’s or commercial policy issued by an
insurer licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey and naming VMEU as an additional
See Glossary for Definition
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5.4 Non-Net Metering Units Greater Than 20 kW:
If the Distributed Generator has a nameplate rating greater than 20 kW, the owner shall
demonstrate prior to the date on which the Unit is first placed into operation, and continuing
all the while the generator is interconnected with the VMEU system, at its cost and expense,
shall maintain and keep in full force and effect, for the term of this Agreement the following
insurance coverage by an insurer licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey.
A. Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with statutory requirements and
Employers' Liability Insurance with a minimum limit of $500,000 each occurrence.
B. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (occurrence form) including premises,
contractual liability, products liability, completed operations, independent contractors, broad
form property damage and coverage for explosion, with the following minimum limits of
liability: bodily injury $2,000,000 each occurrence; property damage - $2,000,000 each
C. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance including coverage for all owned, non-
owned and hired automobiles used by owner during the time the Distributed Generator is
interconnected with the VMEU system with the following minimum limits of liability: bodily
injury $1,000,000 each occurrence; property damage $1,000,000 each occurrence.
D. All risk Property Insurance to cover the replacement cost of owners facilities where the
Distributed Generator is installed. This coverage shall contain a waiver of subrogation against
E. All Liability coverage shall name VMEU as an additional insured to support the
obligations assumed by the owner as described in this Section 5 and provide that this coverage
is primary and without right of contribution from insurance carried by VMEU.
F. The completed operations coverage shall be provided and remain in effect for a period
of at least two (2) years after the owner disconnects and removes the Distributed Generator.
G. Prior to the start of interconnected Distributed Generation under this agreement, the
owner will deliver Certificates of Insurance to VMEU evidencing this coverage is in effect and
providing at least thirty (30) days notice to VMEU of any cancellation, termination or material
alteration of required insurance. The owner shall be obligated to furnish these Certificates on
an annual basis as long as the Distributed Generator is interconnected with the VMEU system,
to show evidence of continuing insurance protection
Version XIII Page No. 26
H. The owner shall notify the VMEU Claims Department immediately by telephoning 856-
794-4000 Ext 4602 and in writing within twenty-four(24) hours via FAX at 856-205-9541 after
the occurrence of any accident as a result of the owner’s Distributed Generation activities.
I. The insurance requirements as described are to protect VMEU from claims by third
parties including, but not limited to, employees of the owner or its agents, subcontractors and
invitees. Required insurance is not to relieve or release the owner, its agents, subcontractors
and invitees from, or to limit their liability as to any and all obligations that result from
Distributed Generator operation. The owner shall carry insurance naming VMEU as an
additional insured so that this coverage is primary and without right of contribution from
insurance carried by VMEU.
Version XIII Page No. 27
Glossary of Terms
Automatic Disconnect Device An electronic, electro-mechanical or mechanical switch used to
isolate a circuit or piece of equipment from a source of power without the need for human
Alternating current (AC) the movement of electric charge periodically reverses direction. It is
the usable form of energy which may be produced by an inverter and necessary to interconnect
with VMEU.
Coordinated Interconnection Review - Any studies performed by VMEU to ensure that the
safety and reliability of the Electric Distribution System with respect to the interconnection of
Distributed Generation as discussed in this document.
Dedicated Service Transformer or Dedicated Transformer A transformer with a secondary
winding that serves only the Applicant/generator owner. Direct current (DC) is the
unidirectional flow of electric charge which may converted to AC by an inverter
Direct Transfer Trip (DTT) - Remote operation of the Distributed Generator
Automatic Disconnect Device by means of a communication channel by VMEU.
Disconnect (verb) - To isolate a circuit or equipment from a source of power. Disconnect
Switch A mechanical device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from a source of power.
In some applications the Automatic Disconnect Device and the Disconnect Switch maybe the
same device. Energy Conversion Device A machine or solid state circuit for changing direct
current to alternating current or a machine that changes shaft horsepower to electrical power.
Islanding A condition in which a portion of VMEU system that contains both load and
distributed generation is isolated from the remainder of VMEU system.
[Adopted from IEEE 929 - 2000].
Point of Common Coupling (PCC) The point at which the VMEU and the Grantee electric
interface occurs. Typically, this is the Grantee side of VMEU revenue meter. [Adopted from IEEE
929 2000].
Primary Distribution Circuit Refers to the circuit that originates from a VMEU substation and
distributes 3 phase power at a primary level voltage of 4 kV or 13 kV.
Grantee Secondary Services - Refers to the Grantee service connection at voltage levels of: 120
V / 240 V single phase, 120V/208V 3 phase, or 277V/480V3 phase.
Sub-transmission Circuit Refers to a circuit supplying 3 phase power at a primary level voltage
of 69 kV.
Type tested - A protection device or system that has been certified by a qualified independent
testing laboratory as to meeting the requirements listed in the testing section of this proposal is
considered “Type tested”. It is expected by VMEU, that equipment manufacturers will sponsor
Type testing. Network Distribution System means an electric delivery system characterized
by multiple uni-directional sub-transmission or primary level voltage feeders that are
transformed and converge to a secondary voltage level, where secondary conductors are
commonly interconnected via automated secondary switches.
VMEU Vineland Municipal Electric Utility a department of City of Vineland
Version XIII Page No. 28
A. Applicant Information
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________State: ______ Zip Code: _______________
Street Address (if different from above): __________________________________________
City: ________________________________________State: _______ Zip Code : __________
Daytime Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ Email:__________________
Electric Utility Name (from utility Bill):________________________________________________
Electric Utility Account Number: Customer ID______________; Location ID:________________
Electric Energy Third Party Supplier_____________________________________________
Electric Energy Third Party Supplier Account No.: ___________________________________
B. System Information
Manufacturer Name Plate AC Power Rating (for the entire installation) : _______ kW
System Type: Solar Wind Other (circle one)
System Location: ____________________________________________________________
Inverter Manufacturer: ____________________________________________________
Inverter Model No: ____________________ Inverter Serial No:__________________________
Inverter Location: (Indoor) (Outdoor) (Self Contained) Location: ___________________________
Outdoor Manual AC Disconnect Switch -Location: ____________________________________
C. Installation Contractor Information/Hardware and Installation Compliance Installation
Contractor (Company Name) ______________________________________________________
Contractor's License No.: ___________________ Proposed Installation Date: ____________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________ City:_________________
State: _________ Zip Code: ________________Daytime Phone: __________________
Fax: __________________Email: __________________________________________________
If PV, the proposed System hardware is in compliance with Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1741, Standard for
Static Inverters and Charge Controllers for Use in Photovoltaic Systems; UL 1703,
Standard for Safety: Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels; and IEEE 1262-1995, IEEE Recommended Practice
for Qualification of Photovoltaic (PV) Modules. If PV, System must be installed in compliance with IEEE Standard
929-2000, Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic Systems. All System types must be installed
in compliance with applicable requirements of local electrical codes, the Electric Utility and the National Electrical
Code® (NEC) and must use a non-islanding inverter as defined under IEEE Standard 929-2000 (section 3.2 to
3.4).The System must have a lockable, visible disconnect device, accessible at all times to Electric Distribution
Company personnel. If the System is designed to provide uninterruptible power to critical loads, either through
energy storage, back-up generator, or the generation source, the System will include a parallel blocking scheme for
this backup source. This function may be integral to the inverter manufacturer’s packaged system.
Signed ___________________________________________ Date: ________________
Contractor Name (Print): ______________________________________
D. Additional Terms and Conditions
Version XIII Page No. 29
a) Operation/Disconnection If it appears to the Electric Distribution Company, at any time, in the reasonable
exercise of its judgment, that operation of the System is adversely affecting or may adversely affect the Electric
Distribution Company’s electrical system, the Electric Distribution Company may immediately take any and all
steps it reasonably believes necessary to mitigate or cure the conditions including, without limitation,
disconnecting the System from the Electric
Distribution Company’s electrical system. Applicant/Owner shall at all times permit Electric Distribution Company
employees and inspectors reasonable access to inspect, test, or examine the System or metering equipment after
notice by the Electric Distribution Company. Applicant/Owner may be liable for the costs and expenses incurred by
the Electric Distribution Company related to disconnection and reconnection of the System by the Electric
Distribution Company when disconnection is permitted under this paragraph D.
b) Liability/Indemnity Applicant/Owner hereby covenants and agrees to assume all risk of and liability for
personal injuries (including death) and damage to property arising out of or caused by the operation of the
System. Applicant/owner hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify, protect, defend and save harmless the
Electric Distribution Company, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any and all
claims and demands for damages to property and injury or death to persons which may arise out of, or be related
to, or caused by, the operation of the System or its interconnection to the Electric Distribution Company’s
electrical system, except if caused solely by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Electric Distribution
Company as determined by New Jersey court of law.
E. Electrical Code Inspection
The System referenced above satisfies applicable electrical code requirements.
Inspector Name (Print): ___________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________ Date: _____________
(In lieu of the signature of the Inspector, a copy of the final Inspection
Certificate may be attached)
Date: ________________________
Municipality: ______________________________________________
F. Customer Acknowledgment
The System has been installed to my satisfaction and I have been given System warranty information, and an
operation manual. Also, I have been informed as to whether my PV or Wind System is eligible for net metering,
and been provided with a copy of the applicable Electric Distribution Company’s net metering tariff and
interconnection requirements. I have also been instructed in the operation of the System by the manufacturer
and/or the installer of the System. I agree to abide by the terms of this Application /Agreement and I agree to
operate and maintain the System in accordance with manufacturer’s recommended practices as well as the
Electric Distribution Company’s interconnection standards. Further, I agree to notify the Electric
Distribution Company 30 days prior to modification or replacement of the System’s components or design. Any
such modification or replacement may require submission of a new Application to the Electric Distribution
Company. I agree not to operate the System in parallel with the Electric Distribution Company until the final
inspection has been completed and accepted per VMEU Interconnection Requirements Version XIII.I also agree to
install a warning label provided by the Electric Distribution Company on or near my service meter location.
Signed (Owner): ____________________________________ Date: ______________
Name (Print): _______________________________________
Version XIII Page No. 30
G. Utility Application Acceptance
The Vineland Municipal Electric Utility does not, by acceptance of this Application/Agreement, assume any
responsibility or liability for damage to property or physical injury to persons. Further, this Application/Agreement
does not constitute a dedication of the customer’s System to VMEU’s electrical system equipment or facilities. This
Application is accepted by VMEU on this
_________ day of_________________, 20__
Vineland Municipal Electric Utility Signed VMEU Representative):
______________________________________________ Date: ________________
Name (Print): ________________________________________
Please note: Applications will ONLY be processed when they are fully completed, without
exception, and in the order in which they are received.
Please send completed applications to:
Vineland Municipal Electric Utility
415 N West Ave
P.O.Box 1508
Vineland, NJ 08360
Attn: Renewable Energy
Phone: 856-794-4000 Ext 4298
Fax: 856-408-4623
Version XIII Page No. 31
Appendix C
Application for Connection of Distributed Generation to the VMEU Distribution System Wind or
Photovoltaic Greater than 50 kW and all other Proposed Installations
Applicant Information
Company: _______________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________, State: _____ Zip: ________
Tel: ____________ Fax: ____________ E-mail___________________________
Existing VMEU Account Number: Customer ID: ________ Location ID: _______
Location of proposed Distributed Generation Equipment: __________________
Estimated Service Date: ________________________ Size in KW: _______
Application Fee: All units up to and including 50 kW - $100
All units greater than 50 kW - $500
Size of unit as % of facility normal load: __________________
Size of unit as % of facility peak load: __________________
If unit size is greater than 100% of facility peak load, state intended use of excess capacity:
If the Applicant does not plan to export excess power, explain the mechanism to be used to
prevent export: ________________________________________
If the Applicant intends to export excess power out side of the Local Distribution
Circuit, explain intended Grantees and location: _________________________
Note: If the Applicant intends to export and sell excess Distributed Generation capacity outside
of the Local Distribution Circuit utilizing the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM)
Interconnection High Voltage Transmission System and the Atlantic City Electric (ACE)
Transmission System, it will be necessary to file an application and secure permission from PJM
and ACE before any such exports are made.
PJM can be reached on the Internet at
Version XIII Page No. 32
Will VMEU be expected to supply Backup power to support the facility in case the Distributed
Generator is unavailable? Yes No (circle one)
Terminal Voltage: _____________________________
Generator or Inverter: _________________________
Single or 3 Phase: ____________________________
Inverter Type: Line commutated or Line Synchronized
Generator type: Induction or Synchronous
Method of Neutral Point Grounding: ______________________________
If Induction, list full load VAR requirement: _________________
Source of Capacitive VARs: _____________________________
Proposed point of connection: __________________________
Prime Mover: Reciprocating Engine, Combustion Turbine, Fuel Cell,
Photo-Voltaic or other (circle one or describe other)
Other: _____________________________________________
Fuel Type _________________________________
If Natural Gas __________________________ SCFM and Pressure @ Full load
Utility Application Acceptance The Electric Distribution Company does not, by acceptance of
this Application/Agreement, assume any responsibility or liability for damage to property or
physical injury to persons. Further, this
Application/Agreement does not constitute a dedication of the owner's System to the Electric
Distribution Company’s electrical system equipment or facilities. This Application is accepted by
the Electric Distribution Company on this _________ day of_________________, 20__
Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ____________
(Electric Distribution Company Representative)
Name (Print): ___________________________________________
Please send completed applications to:
Vineland Municipal Electric Utility
415 N West Ave
P.O. Box 1508
Vineland, NJ 08360
Attn: Renewable Energy
Phone: 856-794-4000 Ext 4294
Fax: 856-405-4623
Version XIII Page No. 33
Appendix D
Example of Safety Disconnect Tag
The Tag should be either glued with Silicone adhesive or mechanically attached. Size of the Tag
should be as large as practical to fit on or near the disconnect switch. In any case it should not
be less than 4 inches by 6 inches. The Tag shall be made of yellow laminated engraving stock
with at least 5/16 inch high black letters.
Customer Owned Parallel Generation
VMEU Safety Disconnect
If the disconnect switch is not located at the meter, than another Tag must be made that will be
placed at the meter and direct VMEU personnel to the Disconnect location. The following tag
shall be placed at the meter, on the meter pan or on the CT cabinet.
Customer Owned Parallel
Generation Safety Disconnect Switch
is located at rear of building
If the Disconnect Switch is located at the side of the building it should say so. It should be
specific enough so that VMEU personnel can easily find the disconnect switch.
Version XIII Page No. 34
Appendix E
Interconnection Verification Request Form
A. Applicant Information
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________State: ______ Zip Code: _______________
Street Address (if different from above): __________________________________________
City: ________________________________________State: _______ Zip Code : __________
Daytime Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ Email:__________________
Electric Utility Name (from utility Bill):________________________________________________
Electric Utility Account Number: Customer ID______________; Location ID:________________
Electric Energy Third Party Supplier_____________________________________________
Electric Energy Third Party Supplier Account No.: ___________________________________
B. System Information
Manufacturer Name Plate AC Power Rating (for the entire installation) : _______ kW
System Type: Solar Wind Other (circle one)
System Location: ____________________________________________________________
C. Authorization of Release of Account Information
Because of customer concerns regarding confidentiality of electric history, a release letter signed by the
customer is required before we can release information regarding their electric account. The release MUST
1. The customer name and address as appears on the bill,
2. account number
3. a statement that the customer of record requests VMEU release their electric account information to
the specified third party
4. signature and printed name of the owner of the account
5. the date when the document was signed
6. Customer contact information
This request will not be considered until both this form, completed in full, and the
Interconnection Request fee of $50 is received.
Please send completed verification requests to:
Vineland Municipal Electric Utility
415 N West Ave
P.O.Box 1508
Vineland, NJ 08360
Attn: Renewable Energy
Fax: 856-405-4623
Subject: Interconnection Verification Request [Street Address of applicant]
Example Subject:
Interconnection Verification request 123 Power Dr.
Version XIII Page No. 35
Appendix F
VMEU Service Agreement for Renewable Energy Installations of Less than or equal to
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Service Agreement Number:
Customer File:
Street Address: __________________________________acct #_________-__________
Property Owner/Developer: ______________________________________
This agreement shall apply to residential, commercial and industrial customers that install “clean energy”
generating devices meeting the requirements of the New Jersey Board of Public Utility’s Clean Energy
This agreement is between the City of Vineland, is hereinafter referred to as “VMEU”, and
_________________________________________ is hereinafter referred to as “Owner” and/or “Customer”.
The work described herein shall provide Owner with the availability to install a solar photovoltaic system as
outlined in the New Jersey Clean Energy Program Technical Worksheet and Appendix B NJ Interconnection
Allocation for Net Metering System 50 KW or smaller which was provided to Customer by VMEU.
Owner agrees to the following:
1. Installation Requirements
Equipment installation shall meet the requirements of the New Jersey Clean Energy Program. Customer
shall provide VMEU with a copy of completed New Jersey Clean Energy Program Technical Worksheet
with Application Number assigned by NJBPU. Owner must maintain the system including the disconnect
switch at VMEU’s meter and as outlined in the Technical Worksheet according to manufacturer’s
2. Generating Capacity
The generator shall not be sized in excess of the Customer’s load. While VMEU recognizes there may be
periods of excess generation, such excess generation shall only be used to generate credits in order to offset
current or future “positive” billing. The current approved size for Customer’s location is _____ KW (AC).
3. Fees
Customer will remit to VMEU a one-time fee as noted below for interconnection service.
VMEU will charge the Customer a one-time fee based on the cost of special electronic bi-directional meters,
testing and installation at the site. Charges for net metering installation is $____________.
Uplift charges and other costs related to system capacity and stability may be the responsibility of the
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4. Net Metering
Residential or Commercial Customers will “bank” energy credits by allowing the billing meter to subtract
registration (spin backwards) during periods of excess generation. Under this option, the Commercial
Customers only must agree to receive electrical service under VMEU’s Rate 20 (Commercial Rate Service
with Demand Meter). The Customer will be subject to the applicable monthly minimum customer service
charge under this rate, regardless of accrued energy credits.
There shall be no net payment(s) from VMEU to Owner for excess energy or capacity delivered to VMEU’s
system. However, energy credits may accumulate but cannot be carried over from year to year.
Energy credits shall not be transferable to any other account or service location. Energy credits cannot be
used to offset the monthly minimum customer service charge, facilities charges and demand charges in effect
at the time. In the event a meter must be changed, credits will be transferred to the new meter by adjusting
the start reading accordingly.
VMEU will implement decoupled electric tariffs to more accurately reflect the cost of building and
maintaining the electric system in comparison to the cost of generation and distribution of electric energy.
As decoupled rates are phased in, VMEU will continue to advise all customers. There will be distribution
charges for each kW/kWh generated by the customer owned generation. We anticipate these charges to be
approximately $0.03 per kWh. As we begin to phase in these new rates, we will continue to advise all
customers. VMEU retains the right to modify or eliminate existing agreements and tariffs as needed. This
Agreement does not guarantee or imply continuation of any existing tariff.
Customer agrees to waive all rights to recover or claim monies and/or energy credits caused by metering
inaccuracies as a result of allowing a utility-owned meter to spin in the “wrong” (reverse) direction.
I __________________________________________________, residing/operating at
_________________________________________________, agree to the terms and
conditions as described herein.
Customer Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________
Approved by: __________________________________________ Date: ______________
Version XIII Page No. 36
Appendix G
VMEU Service Agreement for Renewable Energy Installations of greater than 50kW
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Service Agreement Number: ____-____
Customer File: ________
Street Address: _________________, Vineland, NJ acct # ________-________
Property Owner: _____________________________________
This agreement shall apply to residential, commercial and industrial customers that install “clean energy”
generating devices meeting the requirements of the New Jersey Board of Public Utility’s Clean Energy Program.
This agreement is between the City of Vineland, is hereinafter referred to as “VMEU”, and _____________ is
hereinafter referred to as “Owner” and/or “Customer”.
The work described herein shall provide Owner with the availability to install a solar photovoltaic system as
outlined in the New Jersey Clean Energy Program Technical Worksheet and the current revision of Appendix C
of the VMEU Interconnection Requirements for Net Metering Systems larger than 50 KW (AC) which was
provided to Customer by VMEU.
Owner agrees to the following:
1. Installation Requirements
Equipment installation shall meet the requirements of the New Jersey Clean Energy Program. Customer shall
provide VMEU with a copy of completed New Jersey Clean Energy Program Technical Worksheet with
Application Number assigned by NJBPU. Owner must maintain the system including the disconnect switch at
VMEU’s meter as outlined in the Technical Worksheet according to manufacturer’s specifications.
Additionally, as a requirement of acceptance, the customer will provide a one-line diagram of the entire project
including all technical information on solar cells, inverters, transformers and any other equipment which is a
part of the system. Transformation information must include capacity, operating voltages, ratios and taps as
installed. VMEU must be notified prior to changing tap settings to adjust for system voltage.
2. Generating Capacity
The generator shall not be sized in excess of the Customer’s load. While VMEU recognizes there may be
periods of excess generation, such excess generation shall only be used to generate credits in order to offset
current or future “positive” billing.
The current approved size for Customer’s location is ________ KW(AC).
3. Fees
Customer will remit to VMEU a one-time fee as noted below for interconnection service.
VMEU will charge the Customer a one-time fee based on the cost of special electronic bi-directional meters,
testing and installation at the site. Charges for net metering installations are $1,276.
Uplift charges and other costs related to system capacity and stability may be the responsibility of the customer
as VMEU decouples rates.
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4. Net Metering
Residential or Commercial Customers will “bank” energy credits by allowing the billing meter to subtract
registration (spin backwards) during periods of excess generation. Under this option, the Commercial
Customers only must agree to receive electrical service under VMEU’s Rate 31 (Industrial Rate Service with
Demand Meter). The Customer will be subject to the applicable monthly minimum customer service charge
under this rate, regardless of accrued energy credits.
There shall be no net payment(s) from VMEU to Owner for excess energy or capacity delivered to VMEU’s
system. However, energy credits may accumulate but cannot be carried over from year to year.
Energy credits shall not be transferable to any other account or service location. Energy credits cannot be used
to offset the monthly minimum customer service charge, facilities charges and demand charges in effect at the
time. In the event a meter must be changed, credits will be transferred to the new meter by adjusting the start
reading accordingly.
VMEU will implement decoupled electric tariffs to more accurately reflect the cost of building and maintaining
the electric system in comparison to the cost of generation and distribution of electric energy. As decoupled
rates are phased in, VMEU will continue to advise all customers. There will be distribution charges for each
kW/kWh generated by the customer owned generation. We anticipate these charges to be approximately $0.03
per kWh. As we begin to phase in these new rates, we will continue to advise all customers. VMEU retains the
right to modify or eliminate existing agreements and tariffs as needed. This Agreement does not guarantee or
imply continuation of any existing tariff.
5. Real Time Generation Information
Customer agrees to provide real time generation information on a dedicated website 24/7 for use by VMEU in
monitoring loads on the feeder(s) in a form usable to VMEU. Information will include power (kW), reactive
power (kVAr), and voltage (V) for the life of the project.
6. Additional Requirements
If additional requirements or regulations are promulgated by PJM, FERC, the State of New Jersey or other
regulatory agencies affecting VMEU or the Customer because of the solar voltaic project, the customer agrees to
abide by any such legal regulations or requirements and to perform such work or make such payments as
necessary to satisfy said regulations or requirements and to hold VMEU harmless.
Customer agrees to waive all rights to recover or claim monies and/or energy credits caused by metering
inaccuracies as a result of allowing a utility-owned meter to spin in the “wrong” (reverse) direction.
I __________________________________________________, residing/operating at
____________________________________, agree to the terms and conditions as described herein.
Customer Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________
Approved by: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________