the cashless
2 PwC
Message from PwC
Cyber security—the protection of valuable intellectual property, business
information and nancial transactions in digital form against theft and
misuse—is an increasingly critical issue. Given the increasing pace and
complexity of threats and the clear focus on realising a more cashless economy,
we must adopt approaches to cyber security that will require much more
engagement from the industry, academia, governments, security establishments
and civil society to protect critical business information without constraining
innovation and growth.
Until now, cyber security has been treated primarily as a technology issue. This
has to change. With technology traversing industries, organisations and indeed
governments, it can no longer be just be a technology issue.
Innovation, disruption and technological advancement are constantly changing
our lives. More sophisticated threats and attacks are being unleashed, with
the same technology being exploited to bring individuals, organisations,
governments—and indeed nations—to their knees. The need of the hour is a
comprehensive, progressive and forward-looking cyber security strategy at the
national level which bridges people, processes and technology, and requires us
to deal with questions of technology, law and privacy.
As the nation stands at the cusp of a digital revolution, our work as
technologists, strategists and captains of industry is clearly cut out. We need to
focus on the basics that will help keep the growth story on course and ensure
that India adopts the right cyber security stance.
As more value migrates online and corporations adopt more innovative ways
of interacting with customers and other partners, the cyber security challenge
will only become more complex. Through this knowledge paper, we have tried
to highlight areas that needs to be re-examined. When addressed properly,
these areas shall help us protect interconnected systems and assist organisations
in India in building strong defences against cyberthreats, thus fostering
organisational growth in this digital age.
Sivarama Krishnan
Leader, Cyber Security
PwC India
3Securing the cashless economy
I am pleased to announce that ASSOCHAM is organising a workshop on
‘Securing the cashless economy’ with participation from the Government,
leading industry experts and other key stakeholders.
Post-demonetization, all forms of digital payments have achieved record
numbers of transactions. This is certainly a positive signal if we intend to move
towards a cashless economy. But the speed of technological development and its
integration into our economy far supersedes the speed of defence mechanisms
that can mitigate cyberattacks. Today, cyber security is reactive in nature, which
brings in the fundamental question of safety on the new payment platforms.
Cyber security is an evolving challenge. Companies, customers, and the
government must collectively participate to mitigate cyberattacks and minimise
their damage.
Globally, most countries are facing a shortage of professionals with the
expertise, training and motivation needed to deal with cybercriminals, and
India is no exception. What we urgently need is serious effort in capacity
building and setting up high-end cyber labs that are capable of critically
inspecting every IT component before these are deployed in critical
infrastructure across industry sectors.
Our prime minister recently asked people to embrace the digital cashless world,
reiterating that digitisation of economic activities is here to stay. We all share a
collective responsibility of building a safe and secure digital infrastructure.
I hope the workshop is a great success.
Message from ASSOCHAM
Babu Lal Jain
Co-Chairman ASSOCHAM
National Council on Cyber Security
4 PwC
Message from ASSOCHAM
The demonetisation initiative of the Government of India is likely to increase
the speed of development and deployment of digital services, thus enabling
the transition towards a cashless economy. With Digital India, the foundation
for transforming India into a digitally empowered and knowledge economy has
been laid.
There is an ever-growing threat to the economy, nancial sector, key
government departments and infrastructure set-up, which in turn leaves
internal security at risk. Therefore, ASSOCHAM believes that our Hon’ble Prime
Minister’s vision of a cashless economy can only be truly fullled with adequate
measures for cyber security.
We at ASSOCHAM have been discussing and deliberating with the concerned
authorities and stakeholders on the need for security compliance and a legal
system for effectively dealing with internal and external cyber security threats.
ASSOCHAM is privileged to be a member of the Joint Working Group on
Cyber Security set up by the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS),
Government of India, a member of the Cyber Regulation Advisory Committee
and of the Joint Working Group on Digital India—both of which were set up by
the Ministry of Communications and IT, Government of India.
ASSOCHAM is committed to creating more awareness about cyber-related
issues and this background paper, jointly prepared by PwC and ASSOCHAM, is a
step in that direction. We congratulate the team on their efforts.
Finally, we convey our best wishes for the success of the ASSOCHAM Workshop
on ‘Securing the cashless economy’ and hope that it provides more insight into
the emerging cyber-related challenges and appropriate solutions for further
securing cyberspace.
D. S. Rawat
Secretary General
5Securing the cashless economy
Securing the cashless economy
The recent demonetisation move
has had a huge impact on various
sectors of the Indian economy and has
signicantly impacted the way people
transact in daily life. From midnight of
8 November 2016, 500 INR and 1,000
INR notes ceased to be considered as
legal tender. While the government’s
aim was to prevent the counterfeiting
of currency, black money, tax
evasion and terrorism funding,
demonetisation also had an impact on
the way people bank in India.
Clearly, the step involved a lot of
planning and entailed measures that
were taken under utmost secrecy.
However, with the announcement
coming into effect, 86% of the total
currency (amounting to 14 trillion INR)
in circulation was abruptly revoked from
the economy.
In addition, restrictions
were imposed on the amount which
customers could withdraw and deposit
through platforms such as bank
branches and ATMs.
After the announcement of
demonetisation, multiple guidelines
were issued by RBI. Banks had to
implement changes such as setting
withdrawal limits, changes to cash
management applications, core banking
applications, coupled with the ability to
report additional data to the regulators.
Banks also had to push system
integrators to incorporate these changes
in the various systems such as core
banking systems, ATM switches and
cash inventory management overnight.
The ATM has been the key enabling
technology for dispensing funds. Due
to the change to note dimensions,
recalibrating the machines and making
them operational became the need of
the hour. Because this was a covert
operation, the ATM supporting industry
was unable to recalibrate machines
overnight. Further, more than two
lakh ATMs across the country had to
be recalibrated with the help of just
a few thousand technicians. The fact
that only a few machines were up
and running, together with low cash
availability, led to a domino effect.
The entire population faced a severe
cash crunch, which led to banks and
ATMs being thronged by customers.
The replacement of old notes took
longer than expected, and hence,
routine low-value transactions were
severely affected.
Simultaneously, replacing a large
amount of cash over a 50-day period put
humongous pressure on the banking
system. This led to the adoption of
alternative technology platforms. As a
result, both the number and value of
transactions through these platforms
saw a huge surge. For example,
the value of transactions through
e-wallets witnessed 301% growth
during the period from 8 November
to 27 December 2016. The number
of transactions through POS saw a
massive 95% increase during the
same period. Further, the number of
transactions through RuPay cards shot
up by 425%.
The government also
announced some incentives for going
cashless. For example, it was announced
that no service tax will be charged on
digital transactions up to 2,000 INR.
Digital payments made for buying
petrol and diesel were given a discount
of 0.75%. The suburban railway
network also announced a discount of
up to 0.5% to customers for monthly
or seasonal tickets booked through
digital transactions. In addition, life and
general insurance policies and renewal
premiums on public sector undertaking
(PSU) insurers’ websites provided an
8% and 10% discount, respectively.
For payments at toll plazas on national
highways using RFID card/Fast Tags, a
discount of 10% was made available to
users in the year 2016-17.
We carried out a secret operation [demonetisation];
it was 10 months of work involving printing new
notes and announced it on November 8.
PM Narendra Modi at the foundation stone laying
ceremony of the greeneld airport at Mopa plateau in
Goa (November 2016).
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
6 PwC
By 30 December 2016, old 1,000 INR
and 500 INR notes worth around 13
lakh crore INR were deposited back in
the banking system. However, the rate
at which new notes were infused into
the economy was much lower. Clearly,
the shortage of notes has led to people
considering cashless avenues for
transactions. Although the journey to
creating a cashless economy remains
an ongoing one, there have been
several milestones along the way,
led by RBI and supported by banks
and the other players in the nancial
infrastructure system.
The government has been consistently
investing in various reforms for greater
nancial inclusion. Therefore, after the
demonetisation move, the economy
was ready with the infrastructure
required to take the leap towards a
cashless society. During the last few
years, initiatives such as Jan Dhan
accounts, Aadhaar-enabled payment
system, e-wallets and National
Financial Switch (NFS) have cemented
the government’s resolve to go cashless.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Growth in % (Value of the Transactions) Growth in % (Number of Transactions)
% Growth inDigital Transactions
On its part, RBI along with National
Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)
leveraged technology and introduced
newer avenues for banking with
the overall objective of improving
customer experience, security and
ease of transactions. The evolution of
India’s nancial infrastructure can be
divided into three phases:
1984: Introduction of Magnetic
Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
1987: First ATM installed in Kolkata
1988: Computerised settlement
operations at clearing houses of RBI
1998–2000: Core banking software
Second phase of
technology initiatives
2001: Internet banking
2004: National Financial Switch
2004–2005: Real Time Gross
Settlement (RTGS), National
Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
2007 : Mobile banking
2008: Cheque truncation systems
Third phase of
technology initiatives
2010: Immediate Payment Service
2012: Adoption of ISO 20022
messaging standard in the Next
Generation RTGS (NG-RTGS) system
2014: Jan Dhan Yojana, National
Unied USSD Platform, RuPay Card,
Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
2016: Unied Payment Interface
(UPI), payment banks, mobile wallets,
2017: Bharat Interface for Money
(BHIM) app
First phase of
technology initiatives
Comparative analysis of digital payments during the demonetisation phase
(8 November 2016 to 27 December 2016)
Number of transactions per day Value of transactions per day (in INR)
Platform 08 Nov 16 27-Dec-16 08-Nov-16 27-Dec-16
RuPay cards 3.8 lakhs 20lakhs 39.17 crore 274 crore
E-wallets 22 lakhs 79 lakhs 88 crore 353 crore
UPI 3,721 85,283 1.93 crore 38 crore
USSD 97 4001 1 lakh 49 lakhs
POS 50.2 lakhs 98.1 lakhs 1,221 crore 1751 crore
Source: Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
7Securing the cashless economy
With the evolution of the nancial
infrastructure ecosystem, the digital
platforms available for payments have
been transformed. Financial inclusion
has gained prominence as the banking
system ourished and various
platforms were adopted in India.
With the rise of technology in the
nancial infrastructure ecosystem came
a greater ow of funds. Today, nancial
inclusion is seen as a realistic dream
because of mobile and smartphone
penetration across the country.
According to TRAI, as on 30
September 2016, 82 out of 100 citizens
in India owned a mobile phone. The
evolution of the telecom ecosystem
has occurred at an opportune time,
given that call and data rates are
decreasing signicantly, along with
the prices of smartphones, further
propelling the shift to a cashless
society. Also, initiatives like USSD and
the *99# service have ensured that
non-smartphone users are also on
board the cashless wave.
Demonetisation has given an impetus
to e-wallet services. Mobile wallets
have witnessed a massive rise in app
downloads. With programmes for
nancial inclusion, digitisation of
the economy and increased use of
smartphones, online transactions are
already quite popular among the urban
Indian population. The result has
been that leading mobile wallets have
witnessed growth of upwards of 100%
in app download numbers and have
similarly seen an increase of upwards
of 400% increase in wallet recharges.
This smartphone revolution has led
to the emergence of e-commerce,
m-commerce and other services,
including app-based cab aggregators,
who encourage digital payments for
use of various services. The value-
added services such as cashback,
bill payment facilities, loyalty
points, rewards and ease of use have
promoted increased usage of such
digital platforms.
‘Scrapping these notes has opened other
avenues to make payments. Download apps of
banks and e-payment options. Shopkeepers can
keep card swiping facilities and everyone can
ensure they pay safe using their credit and debit
cards. If not a 100% cashless society, I request
you to make India “less-cash society”.’
– PM Narendra Modi during his address to the
nation on 27 November 2016
Three generations of digital payments
m- commerce
Point of sale/
mobile wallet
Credit cards/
debit cards
First generation Second generation Third generation
8 PwC
3X increase in the download
of a leading mobile wallet app
within 2 days of the demonetisation
1 million: Number of
newly saved credit and debit cards
within two days of demonetisation
100%: Day-on-day growth
in customer enrolment with leading
mobile wallets after demonetisation
30%: Increase in app usage
and 50% increase in the download of
wallets backed by leading banks
Given the changes initiated by the
government, the steps taken by RBI
and the digital channels that have
opened up, the entire nancial
ecosystem in India has changed. While
traditional brick and mortar banks
and banking operations will still be
relevant, it is important to note that
a shift of value to digital platforms
is already occurring and is set to
increase. These developments have
given rise to a modern payment model.
Number of transactions (in millions)
Data: Reserve Bank of India
Credit Cards Debit Cards M- wallets
2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
Growth of different payment methods between 2014-2016(%)
Number of transactions Value of transactions
Data: Reserve Bank of India
Credit Cards Debit Cards M- wallets
Transactions carried out through mobile wallets (Rs, billion)
2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
Data: Reserve Bank of India
9Securing the cashless economy
Payment processing,
settlement and operations
Payment gateways
and aggregators
Outsourcing and
managed services
Regulator Industry bodies
Support entities
International and Indian card networks
Banks and
non-bank entities
Banks and
non-bank entities
Modern payments model
Modern payment model
The nancial infrastructure ecosystem
is no longer closed due to the inclusion
of more players like payment networks
and digital platforms. The issuers
will be banks and other nancial
institutions providing wallet services
and acquirers will be service providers
who will receive payments on behalf
of the issuers.
Flexibility of transacting will be
a critical success factor for all the
digital platform service providers
in order to ensure and enhance
customer experience. With the
emergence of e-KYC, it is no longer
During this speech at the Global Citizen Festival
(19 November 2016), Prime Minister Modi
referred to the classic song by Bob Dylan: ‘We
better get out of the way as indeed the times they
are a changing.’ Thus, it is quite clear that the
cashless economy is very much a thing of the near
future in the Indian economy.
necessary to know your customer/
payer physically as the payments
model has evolved to beat limitations
related to physical presence. Due to
the emergence of new players, the
payments ecosystem has become
less of a ‘physical presence required’
banking and more of a ‘faceless’
payments ecosystem. Ecosystem
players will continue to emerge
in the modern payments model.
The payer and payee can perform
transactions through endpoints like
smartphones and tablets. That being
said, interoperability has become
realistic due to payment gateways
and aggregators.
10 PwC
Security in Cashless Economy
With more platforms being included in the banking ecosystem, the sources of
transaction origination will see a signicant increase, which means cyberthreats
will continue to evolve. Moreover, cyberthreats will only rise as India is seeing
a shift towards a cashless economy. With more time to detect and time to
respond to these attacks, the return on investments for cyberattacks is greater in
emerging markets like India as compared to developed markets like the US.
types of cyber security incidents such as phishing, scanning, website intrusions
and defacements, virus code and denial of service attacks will continue to grow.
As the country is experiencing a digital revolution, the impact of this
transformation makes it imperative for nancial service players to revisit their
cyber security resilience. The number of incidents occurring in banking systems
has increased in the last ve years. In the month of October 2016, an ATM card
hack hit Indian banks, affecting around 3.2 million debit cards.
Hence, efforts
are needed to enhance cyber security as businesses and citizens embrace this
new digital wave.
Undoubtedly, for the players in the nancial services ecosystem, it’s not business
as usual. A collective effort is needed to ensure preparedness for the new
cashless economy. We believe that the areas below will have to be re-examined
to ensure adaptive and real-time cyber defence. While data will be at the core,
the network perimeter will extend to end devices. Faster development will
demand agile security. More intelligent transaction monitoring will have to be
carried out as part of continuous surveillance. Crisis response and recovery
strategies will have to step up along with the increased digital footprint.
Security awareness of all the stakeholders will be a vital pillar of a secure
cashless society.
As per data collected by CERT-In, cyber security incidents are seeing a steady rise, with a total of 39,730 incidents reported in the rst 10 months of 2016, as
against 44,679 and 49,455 observed during the years 2014 and 2015 respectively.
Agile security
Next generation
ecosystem control
context-rich PII
Securing the
High velocity
containment and
Security of the
new perimeter—
11Securing the cashless economy
1. Agile security practices: For
nancial services players, faster
development and roll-out of the
services will be a critical success
factor. Accordingly, all technology
development and refresh will
be delivered using an agile
development framework. Security
in this context can no longer be
a standalone post-facto toll gate.
Security assessment and testing
will need to be embedded into the
agile development life cycle. Agile
security testing methods based
on automation will have to be
adopted. In many ways driving, a
paradigm shift is needed in the way
security testing is undertaken today.
2. Securing the hyper-interfaced
environment: The new era will
call for hyper-interoperability across
different value chain players. In
order to enable this, each ecosystem
player will need to create multiple
application programing interfaces
(APIs). While this will deliver a
seamless experience to customer,
there is also a risk of malware
injection through such APIs. With
faster proliferation of interfaces,
protecting APIs will become
critical to ensure malware
and persistent threats do not
propagate through such untrusted/
untested APIs.
3. Next generation authentication:
In the new cashless world,
frauds will be driven mainly by
impersonation and will become a
daily affair. Accordingly, the need
for stronger authentication of
transactions will gain signicance.
The current techniques of
authentication based on location
and timing will no longer be
adequate. Adaptive authentication
will need to be embedded into the
heart of transaction processing.
Next generation authentication will
use triangulation techniques while
considering larger data sets including
the nature of transaction, merchant
type and transaction channel.
4. Protecting context-rich personally
identiable information (PII):
The new generation data marts
will not be limited to traditional
transactions and account-related
information but will have enriched
data insights such as spending
patterns, patterns of digital
platform usage, preferences and
other person-specic information
sets. In an integrated ecosystem,
such data sets may be stored,
transferred or shared with third
parties for revenue generation
opportunities. Both regulators and
organisations will be obligated
to invest in strong processes and
technology to prevent the misuse
of context-driven rich PII. While
traditional controls such as data
masking and encryption will need
to be enhanced, capabilities to
hunt down any misuse of PII will
have to be built by organisations.
5. Security of the new perimeter—
mobility: In the new digital/
cashless economy, mobility-based
solutions will continue to gain
prominence and, hence, security
concerns will no longer be limited
to the organisation architecture
boundaries. Mobility will form a
new perimeter of the organisation.
In order to ensure endpoint
security containerised apps with
built-in advanced persistent
threat (APT) capabilities will
have to be developed. Controls for
in memory data and additional
controls like device certication will
be considered. To ensure security
of data in endpoints, there may
be a requirement for guidelines to
dene the kind of sensitive data that
end devices retain. Hence, the next
generation nancial infrastructure
may involve the adoption of
advanced end-user device
management solutions.
6. High velocity identication,
containment and eradication:
Each consumer today is using
multiple platforms and using
services across the ecosystem. Any
threat that impacts such a user can
potentially proliferate and bring the
entire nancial services ecosystem
to a standstill. As the ecosystem
continues to be interconnected and
overlapping, cybercriminals will
try to exploit possible lapses and,
hence, strategies need to be built to
deal with such eventualities. Given
this interdependence on the all the
players of the nancial ecosystem,
it becomes crucial to identify
any anomaly at a pace which
mirrors real time or near real
time. Once an anomaly is identied,
containing it is of paramount
importance before it spreads and
crosses a point where the damages
have transcended organisational
boundaries and services. Response
strategies will have to be quick and
customised to meet various incident
scenarios based on situational
awareness. Further, these strategies
will have to be orchestrated across
own infrastructure and encompass
various digital partners and other
7. Augmented ecosystem control:
The new age enterprises will adopt
the cloud for faster roll-out and
to address non-linear growth.
Technology partners could include
start-ups, garage shops and large
conglomerates, who come together
to deliver end products. The
security boundaries of the various
players will be extended to end
users, third parties and other
ecosystem partners. Security
controls will no longer be dened
in contracts limited to uptime and
resolution of vulnerabilities, but
will actually be embedded in the
partner ecosystem. The process
for monitoring of parameters will
also have to be integrated with
the company’s incident response
8. Ubiquitous awareness: TThe
cashless economy means that
the stakeholder community will
now not just be limited to internal
stakeholders but will also include
external as well as peripheral
stakeholders (like merchants).
With the inux of rst-time users,
users from various linguistic ethnic
groups and users of different
channels, the soft targets will
be multifold. The awareness
theme for tomorrow will thus
be multichannel, multilingual
and multicultural, and hence go
beyond the scope of traditional
programmes. Regulators may have
to start thinking across industries
and develop awareness programmes
that addresses this need. Social
media can be a key enabler to
propagate awareness.
12 PwC
In conclusion, cyber security will continue to be a type of asymmetric warfare:
Each organisation will face a multitude of cyber adversaries, and their ranks
will grow and become more sophisticated. The new reality is that cyberattackers
are sufciently capable and motivated to break through the defences. Hence,
organisations will have to develop novel preventive control mechanisms and
signicantly invest in reactive capabilities. We believe mastering the areas
highlighted above will help nancial services companies reach the forefront of
the industry. This is because incorporating a more agile cyber risk management
approach may enable them to more effectively harness the ongoing digital
revolution to their advantage.
13Securing the cashless economy
14 PwC
The Knowledge Architect of Corporate India
Evolution of Value Creator
ASSOCHAM initiated its endeavour of value creation for Indian industry in 1920. Having in its fold more than 400 Chambers and Trade Associations,
and serving more than 4,50,000 members from all over India. It has witnessed upswings as well as upheavals of Indian Economy, and contributed
signicantly by playing a catalytic role in shaping up the Trade, Commerce and Industrial environment of the country.
Today, ASSOCHAM has emerged as the fountainhead of Knowledge for Indian industry, which is all set to redene the dynamics of growth and
development in the technology driven cyber age of ‘Knowledge Based Economy’.
ASSOCHAM is seen as a forceful, proactive, forward looking institution equipping itself to meet the aspirations of corporate India in the new world of
business. ASSOCHAM is working towards creating a conducive environment of India business to compete globally.
ASSOCHAM derives its strength from its Promoter Chambers and other Industry/Regional Chambers/Associations spread all over the country.
Empower Indian enterprise by inculcating knowledge that will be the catalyst of growth in the barrierless technology driven global market and help
them upscale, align and emerge as formidable player in respective business segments.
As a representative organ of Corporate India, ASSOCHAM articulates the genuine, legitimate needs and interests of its members. Its mission is to impact
the policy and legislative environment so as to foster balanced economic, industrial and social development. We believe education, IT, BT, Health,
Corporate Social responsibility and environment to be the critical success factors.
Members – Our Strength
ASSOCHAM represents the interests of more than 4,50,000 direct and indirect members across the country. Through its heterogeneous membership,
ASSOCHAM combines the entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen of owners with management skills and expertise of professionals to set itself apart
as a Chamber with a difference.
Currently, ASSOCHAM has more than 100 National Councils covering the entire gamut of economic activities in India. It has been especially
acknowledged as a signicant voice of Indian industry in the eld of Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment & Safety, HR & Labour Affairs,
Corporate Governance, Information Technology, Biotechnology, Telecom, Banking & Finance, Company Law, Corporate Finance, Economic and
International Affairs, Mergers & Acquisitions, Tourism, Civil Aviation, Infrastructure, Energy & Power, Education, Legal Reforms, Real Estate and Rural
Development, Competency Building & Skill Development to mention a few.
Insight into ‘New Business Models’
ASSOCHAM has been a signicant contributory factor in the emergence of new-age Indian Corporates, characterized by a new mindset and global
ambition for dominating the international business. The Chamber has addressed itself to the key areas like India as Investment Destination, Achieving
International Competitiveness, Promoting International Trade, Corporate Strategies for Enhancing Stakeholders Value, Government Policies in
sustaining India’s Development, Infrastructure Development for enhancing India’s Competitiveness, Building Indian MNCs, Role of Financial Sector the
Catalyst for India’s Transformation.
ASSOCHAM derives its strengths from the following Promoter Chambers: Bombay Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mumbai; Cochin Chambers of
Commerce & Industry, Cochin: Indian Merchant’s Chamber, Mumbai; The Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chennai; PHD Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, New Delhi and has over 4 Lakh Direct / Indirect members.
Together, we can make a signicant difference to the burden that our nation carries and bring in a bright, new tomorrow for our nation.
D. S. Rawat
Secretary General
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ASSOCHAM Corporate Ofce:
5, Sardar Patel Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110 021
Tel: 011-46550555 (Hunting Line) • Fax: 011-23017008, 23017009
15Securing the cashless economy
About PwC
About the authors
Sivarama Krishnan
Leader, Cyber Security
Siddharth Vishwanath
Partner, Cyber Security
Murali Talasila
Partner, Cyber Security
Manu Dwivedi
Partner, Cyber Security
Sundareshwar Krishnamurthy
Partner, Cyber Security
sundareshwar.krishnamur[email protected]
PVS Murthy
Executive Director, Cyber Security
Hemant Arora
Executive Director, Cyber Security
At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in
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PwC refers to the PwC International
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member rms, each of which is a separate,
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separate lines of service. Please see www. for further details.
©2017 PwC. All rights reserved
This knowledge paper has been co-authored by Siddharth Vishwanath, Amol Bhat, Priya
Sawkare and Somaskandan Vinit. Siddharth Vishwanath is a Partner and leads the
Financial Services focus for the Cyber Security practice. Amol Bhat is a Director with the
Cyber Security practice and works with several banks.
Data Classification: DC0
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