Engaged Student Learning: Essays on Best Practices in the University System of Georgia Volume 1, 2019
Analogy-Enhanced Pedagogy:
Class Activities to Engage Students in Learning
Joseph A. Mayo
Gordon State College, [email protected]
Author Biography
Joseph A. Mayo, Ed.D., is a Professor of Psychology at Gordon State College in Barnesville, Georgia, who has been
teaching and conducting classroom-centered research in higher education for over three decades. His primary research
interest is effective undergraduate teaching strategies with an emphasis on constructivist classroom applications. He is
the recipient of both statewide and national awards for his teaching innovations and ongoing contributions to the
scholarship of teaching and learning.
Theoretical and Empirical Background
Analogies provide an interpretive bridge in comparing features of familiar and unfamiliar concepts. As such,
they serve a conduit function in allowing us to arrive at hybrid conceptualizations that invoke shared
similarities between old and new understandings.
Classroom research on successes of analogical reasoning has focused heavily on analogies created by
teachers and textbook authors for introducing new concepts. To counterbalance that, I have spent the past
two decades systematically investigating the impact that student-generated analogies have on learning within
my own undergraduate psychology classes (Mayo, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2019). Overall, I have found students’
learning gains most striking when they create their own analogies through classroom activities affording
opportunities for facilitating student-to-student and instructor-to-student interactions.
Analogy-Enhanced Learning Activities
My findings in favor of what I call analogy co-construction form the basis for the following whole-class activities
that I have arranged in ascending order of task complexity. Accompanying a brief description of each
activity, I have either included an example from my own teaching or an illustration of how that activity
might be used to aid learning in other academic disciplines. As springboards for student engagement, the
first activity uses a simple physical prop, whereas the remaining activities proceed in absence of tangible
Object association
Hold up an object in class and ask students to think of ways that the object is both similar and dissimilar to
a given concept.
Example. The undergirding role of analogies is to structurally align similar components of familiar and
unfamiliar conceptions. However, allowing students to actively explore dissimilarities makes them aware
that even well-conceived analogies break down somewhere. To demonstrate, in teaching the concept of
tabula rasa (“blank slate”) to my life-span development students, I manipulate an etch-a-sketch screen in front
of the class in anticipation that students will come to view my actions as symbolic of the way that life
experiences “compose” a person’s developmental history. Unlike the etch-a-sketch that can be shaken clean
at will, however, students typically reason that both affirming and detrimental effects of life experiences are
cumulative in determining the course of development.
Fill in the blank
Offer a partial analogy to the class. Afterward, permit students the chance to complete the blank.
Engaged Student Learning: Essays on Best Practices in the University System of Georgia Volume 1, 2019
Example. Identifying when one concept is like another epitomizes analogical reasoning. For example, in
teaching a cell’s organizational boundaries in an introductory science class, a teacher might tender the
partial analogy: A cell membrane is like ________. If a student responds “an Oreo cookie,” the instructor
might then ask, “Why?” A viable answer might be that a cell membrane is like the phospholipid bilayer of
an Oreo cookie with cholesterol as the cream filling (Glynn, 1991). Again, be sure to encourage students to
uncover where the analog (Oreo cookie) evidences dissimilarities from the target (cell membrane).
Word association
Present the class with a term. Next, ask students to generate and justify other words that they associate with
this term.
Example. In this approach, students rely on concepts that they already understand (familiar) to clarify those
that they do not yet comprehend (unfamiliar). To exemplify, stream of consciousness is a term with teaching
implications across disciplines, including psychology, speech communication, and journalism. As originally
conceived (James, 1890/1950), this metaphorical expression highlights that human consciousness occurs
around the clock, even in altered states such as daydreaming, sleeping, and dreaming. In the framework of
a word-association task, students might submit stream-related words (e.g., flow, unending, unbroken) in
capturing the essence of this conception.
Contextualizing learning
Using the name of a well-known person relevant to course content, ask students to imagine that they actually
are that person in the conduct of his or her work. Probe students on how they might feel being that person
relative to this work.
Example. Consistent with bridging capabilities of analogical thinking, contextualizing learning occurs when
students process new information by making personalized sense of it in a particular context (e.g., from
another’s perspective or experiences). One way to accomplish this goal is for teachers in any academic
discipline to ask students to “put themselves in the shoes” of famous contributors whose work they plan to
cover. Before discussing a groundbreaking theory in a physics class, for instance, a teacher might pose the
following question to the class: “If you were Albert Einstein, how would you feel about working on the
theory of relativity?” Careful consideration in answering might help students to contextualize their
understanding of Einstein’s work, based on personal and sociohistorical overtones occurring during the time
that he proposed this theory. I have found that preceding this activity with a mini-biographical sketch of the
contributor’s life and times increases likelihood of success.
Student Feedback
At the conclusion of class in which I have used one of these activities, I assess students’ perceptions of
completing that activity with an anonymous 5-item questionnaire with rating anchors at 1 (not effective) and
5 (highly effective): (1) stimulating engagement in learning; (2) facilitating understanding of course content; (3)
increasing motivation to learn; (4) promoting intellectual challenge; and (5) fostering interest in the subject
matter. Students’ numerical ratings have been routinely positive in the 4-5 range on all surveyed items.
The questionnaire also includes an open-ended section marked Comments where students are invited to
respond narratively, as in this actual student excerpt: “Even though I already had a basic idea of what tabula
rasa was before today’s class, using the etch-a-sketch to discuss it was a great way to bring it to life.”
Despite the global success of these activities, one criticism voiced periodically by students is that even though
analogies can be helpful, they can also be confusing and misleading if pushed to an unsubstantiated extreme.
As a proactive measure to address this legitimate concern, it is important that teachers urge students to
discover where analogies fall short in terms of dissimilarities between familiar and unfamiliar conceptions
(Glynn, Law, & Doster, 1998).
Engaged Student Learning: Essays on Best Practices in the University System of Georgia Volume 1, 2019
Glynn, S. M. (1991). Explaining science concepts: A Teaching-with-Analogies Model. In S. M. Glynn, R.
H. Yeany, & B. K. Britton (Eds.), The psychology of learning science (pp. 219-240). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Glynn, S. M., Law, M., & Doster, E. C. (1998). Making text meaningful: The role of analogies. In C. R.
Hynd (Ed.), Learning from text across conceptual domains (pp. 193-208). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
James, W. (1950). The principles of psychology. New York: Dover. (Original work published 1890).
Mayo, J. A. (2001). Using analogies to teach conceptual applications of developmental theories. Journal of
Constructivist Psychology, 14, 187-213.
Mayo, J. A. (2006). Reflective pedagogy through analogy construction. Southeastern Journal of Psychology, 1, 1-
Mayo, J. A. (2010). Constructing undergraduate psychology curricula: Promoting authentic learning and assessment in the
teaching of psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Mayo, J. A. (2019). Analogy co-construction as a pedagogical strategy in life-span developmental
psychology. Journal of Teaching Action Research.