978-1-5090-6135-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
Title of the paper: Narrowband IoT for Healthcare
Name of the author(s): Dr Sudhir K. Routray and Sharath Anand
Name of the college & University: CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Complete postal address with email id and telephone numbers:
Department of Telecommunication Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore
#132 AECS Layout, ITPL Main Road, Kundalahalli
Bangalore - 560037
Email: sudhirkuma[email protected] /
Phone: +91 8028524466
978-1-5090-6135-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
Narrowband IoT for Healthcare
Sudhir K. Routray
Associate Professor, Telecommunication Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Sharath Anand
Telecommunication Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore
AbstractThe Internet of Things (IoT) is going to have its
presence in all the essential sectors of human lives. It has the
ability to provide both mainstream as well as the value added
services in almost all the sectors. Healthcare is an important
service sector for overall development. It has far reaching
implications in the quality of living. In the modern world where
the quality of living has been degraded significantly IoT can
certainly play a constructive role in providing better services. In
healthcare, there are several occasions such as patient health
monitoring, remote observation and emergency proceedings
outside the hospital where sensors can play essential roles. The
coordinated sensor networks can provide even better services.
IoT has the ability to provide all these coordinated services.
Narrowband IoT (NBIoT) is an economical and simpler version
of IoT which can handle these tasks effectively. Due to the
widespread requirement of healthcare, NBIoT is a preferred
solution as it needs fewer amounts of resources. In this article, we
provide the main issues and difficulties of NBIoT in healthcare.
KeywordsIoT;NBIoT; IoT for healthcare; modernisation of
healthcare;NBIoT for healthcare
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a sensor based technology
that can connect several objects to the Internet. This
connectivity can provide us several services which are
essential for the day to day activities. Healthcare sector is very
much important and several sensor based applications are
required in its proper decision making and pre-treatment
proceedings. In addition to that, there are several other
instances where the remote monitoring of patients is essential
for successful treatment. The resources required for wide
spread healthcare services is large. Thus a resource efficient
IoT is required for these applications. Narrowband IoT
(NBIoT) is certainly one of the resource efficient forms of
currently available IoTs. We propose, NBIoT as a potential
solution for the healthcare related applications.
IoT based solutions for healthcare have been proposed in
several works. In [1], a comprehensive survey of healthcare
IoT has been presented. It provides all the main aspects of
current initiatives for IoT based healthcare. It also provides
several potential architectures of IoT for effective healthcare
service provisioning. In [2], an energy efficient and
trustworthy healthcare IoT system is proposed which can be
remotely monitored. In this work, the authors have
emphasized on the security and energy consumption aspects of
IoT based healthcare system. In [3], a body sensor network
has been proposed for monitoring several health parameters.
Security aspects have also been considered in this work which
proposes robust security measures for healthcare IoT. A
similar approach has been proposed in [4] which take care of
the health monitoring using a group of connected sensors. It
also uses body sensor networks for this purpose. In [5], an IoT
aware healthcare system has been proposed for smart
healthcare systems. In this case, the IoT sensors take
measurement of various health related parameters and send
them to a central hub where the information is processed and
decisions are taken for further course of action. In [6], a low
power sensor design methodology has been proposed for
mobile based healthcare applications. Wide area coverage
with low power is the main aim of this IoT based work. Radio
frequency identification (RFID) based personal healthcare in
the smart homes and other smart spaces has been proposed in
[7]. It uses IoT based connected architecture for personal
health motoring. NBIoT is very popular in the low power
applications. In [8], the main standards issues of NBIoT and
its potential applications have been presented. Main attraction
of NBIoT is that it has already been standardized in LTE
Release 13. In [9], the main points of LTE Release 13 for
NBIoT are documented. It provides the physical details and
deployment options for NBIoT. In [10], the main applications
of NBIoT are presented in which healthcare is one such
potential areas. Modern healthcare systems have several
different complexities and NBIoT is found to be suitable for
this complex scenarios.
In this article, we present the suitability of NBIoT for
healthcare applications. We provide the details of NBIoT, its
physical parameters, the basic standardization issues as
presented in Release 13, and the matching characteristics with
the healthcare needs. We also analyze the potential demerits of
this technology and suggest the alternatives to overcome them.
The remaining parts of this paper are organized in five
different sections. In Section II, we present the basic features
of NBIoT and its potential applications. In Section III, we
present the utilities of IoT for healthcare. In Section IV, we
present the justification and practical utilities of NBIoT for
978-1-5090-6135-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
healthcare. In Section V, we present the potential difficulties
and demerits of NBIoT for this sector. In Section VI, we
conclude this article with the main points.
NBIoT is a leaner and thinner version of IoT. It takes a
narroband of frequency for its operation. In Release 13, 180
kHz is allocated for NBIoT [8]. It can be deployed in both
cellular and noncellular forms. Noncellular forms are needed
in some ad hoc applications. Cellular forms are popular as
they are very organised and can use the cellular infrastructure
for their operations.
In Realease 13, cellular IoT for GSM and LTE networks
are standardised in terms of the operating parameters. Three
different types of depolyment has been proposed for NBIoT
[9]. The first one is the standalone deployment in which a new
band of microwave frequencies have been proposed. Right
now, the microwave frequencies in the 700 MHz and 800
MHz are popular for NBIoT standalone deployments. In the
second option the guard bands of LTE and GSM are proposed
for NBIoT operations. These guard bands are notused by LTE
and GSM operators. So, these bands can be used for NBIoT
for value added services in the cellular networks. The third
option is the in-band deployment of NBIoT. In this case, some
of the opeational bands of LTE and GSM is provided for
NBIoT operations. For this to happen in a systematic way,
appropriate frequency hopping algorithms are provided.
NBIoT will take several legacy propoerties form GSM and
LTE. Therefore, the layerwise architecture of NBIoT will have
several similar features of GSM and LTE.
NBIoT is the main attraction in several applications
because it is a low power wide area (LPWA) coverage
capabilities. For the widespread application sectors such as the
healthcare LPWA technologies are essential. NBIoT has two
different input power specifications: 20 dBm and 23dBm. It
has twotier power saving mechanisms in place [9]. It uses half
duplex communication for its operations. Binary phase shift
keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) are
the two main modulation schemes used in NBIoT at the
moment. Therefore, the peak downlink and uplink dat rates
possible right now is around 250 kbps. It can cover a power
strength as low as -164 dBm. This is what shows NBIoT is a
real LPWA technology.
Main motivations for IoT in healthcare come from two
obvious reasons. The first is the pre-treatment procedures
required for an emergency when the patient is being brought
to the hospital. The availability of direct contact with the
patient and remote monitoring by the healthcare experts along
the way to the hospital can save many lives. The support staff
can take appropriate decisions and provide essential services
when they are advised by the experts. The second reason is
that several ailments need constant monitoring. It is not
possible to keep these people in the hospital as they do not
need the medical services all the time. Rather only during the
onset of the problems they need to see the doctors. In such
cases, IoT is very much desirable. It sends the health
information to the healthcare service provider regularly and
when there is an urgent need of intervention of the experts. On
the other end, the healthcare provider keeps monitoring the
information received from the IoT and takes the appropriate
steps as they are required.
In addition to the above, IoT has several advantages of
providing remote monitoring is several applications including
healthcare [1]. Remote monitoring of health is required in
several occasions in which the real-time information tracking
is advisable. As the IoT is going to be an intelligent service
provider and body area sensors are readily available IoT for
healthcare is certainly an attractive technology [3]. Of course
providing healthcare from a remote location has several
challenges. The information being transmitted in a wireless
channel has several potential threats [2]. These issues have to
be handled appropriately for safe and secure healthcare.
As we have seen in Section II, NBIoT is the attraction in
sectors which are widespread as it is a LPWA technology.
Certainly, healthcare is one such sector and it needs this
technology [10]. Connectivity among sensors paved the way
for gathering important information that has not been possible
in the past. Advancements have been made in the sensor
networks and communication with the evolved technologies,
and thereby paving way for it to be adapted to various real
time fields. Healthcare is one such field where we can use
NBIoT as an alternative and as an easy technology for
diagnosing the variations in the functioning of human body.
Blood pressure, heart rate, vital capacity and many other
parameters along with their functions can be recorded and
analyzed by installing the appropriate sensor. This allows us to
collect the patient data at regular intervals and preventive
measures can be taken. In addition to the above, NBIoT has
the compatibility with the existing cellular systems which is an
extra advantage for ubiquitous healthcare monitoring.
There are two main scenarios that have to be taken into
account, namely clinical care and remote monitoring. In
clinical care, the patients are admitted in hospital and their
physiological status has to be dealt with vital care. This can be
established with NBIoT noninvasive monitoring. This
technique employs the collection of physiological data with
the help of sensors and the data is stored in local gateways and
clouds. The stored data can then be retrieved and passed over
to the care takers. This will help to reduce the necessity of
periodic health checking of the patient by the health
professional. Proper medication can be provided on
diagnosing the vital signs and hence proper care can be
provided to the patient. This technology helps to reduce the
cost and at the same time improves the quality of services
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Fig. 2. The basic structure of the server side NBIoT for healthcare service
Fig. 1. The basic structure of the device or client side NBIoT for
healthcare service provisioning.
In remote monitoring, the patient is not necessarily admitted
in the hospital, but he or she is constantly under the
surveillance of the medical device which records the vital
signs. The NBIoT device is attached to the human body and it
continuously records the different parameters. The recorded
information is then transmitted using the transmit antenna
present in the device to that of the server present in the
caretakers place, where the data will be continuously
monitored on a monitor. Hence they can keep a constant eye
on the patient and in case of variations, preventive measures
can be provided. The client side architecture for NBIoT has
been shown in Fig. 1.
The small NBIoT device is attached to that of the patient‟s
body so that wherever the patient may be, the doctors can have
complete idea about the patient‟s health cycle. The
implementation of the entire process had two sections: the
device structure, and the server structure. The main function
invokes the interface function. The interface then creates the
server program. Through the keyboard, several physical and
medium access control (MAC) layer functions are invoked.
Inputs for the configuration is provided through the keyboard,
and the configuration messages are directly sent to the device
server. An application (App) is used to perform the specific
healthcare related actions (for instance, periodic monitoring of
the vital signs of the patient). These queues are initiated by the
interfaces and after initiating the sub-processes along with the
main it goes to sleep mode. The trans-received messages are
sent through the internet from the respective ends.
Server in comparison with the device structure has main and
interfaces which normally go to sleep mode after the initiation
of the sub-process by the interface through the queues which
are present. Interface is also responsible for creating the
NBIoT server which also has got keyboard through which the
configuration messages can be sent. The information present
here is routed through the MAC layer and then it is sent to the
trans-receiver antenna. The messages then travel through the
socket and enter the communication medium and become a
part of the „Internet‟. In addition, we have database which can
be accessed by processes to store the information. The
database can be used for devices as well as users. Users can be
nurses, doctors, paramedics and other authorized healthcare
officials. The information stored after diagnosing the patient
can be viewed from the available visual platform by one or
more authorized personnel. The server side architecture for
NBIoT has been shown in Fig. 2.
Smart sensors consist of sensors and microcontrollers which
are capable of measuring the vital sign of human body
accurately. Using these sensors, we can assure that quality
service is being provided. This device can also be upgraded
according to varying specifications. The microcontrollers can
also be reprogrammed so that it is adaptable to the evolving
environment. These are also user friendly and cost effective.
With the help of these sensors, it is also possible to ensure the
amount of intake of medicine and the time of intake. In
addition to this, the doctors can ensure that regular medication
is in process through the sensor mounted on the medicine
bottle. NBIoT sensors require very small amount of power for
their operation and the battery lifetime is estimated to be
around 13-15 years.
In previous sections, we have already seen the main
features and advantages of using NBIoT for healthcare. It has
a few demerits as well. The present services provided over the
NBIoT platforms are not suitable for real-time applications.
The main reason behind this is the lack of control over the
delay. The delay tolerant methodologies have not been
incorporated in the NBIoT framework as of now. In contrast
to this, there are several applications in healthcare that
demands real-time communication and information exchange.
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In such cases, certainly, we cannot rely on NBIoT. In addition
to this, some of the healthcare applications need higher
bandwidth for better communication and sensing. In such
cases, the bandwidth required is more than what has been
allocated to the NBIoT now. With 180 kHz these services will
not be achieved as desired with high definition images and
better quality of information being exchanged between the
clients and the server. The quality of service and quality of
experience are two important parameters in IoT related
services. At both these fronts NBIoT is not yet at par with the
best ICT services available today. Of course, the NBIoT
standards will be changed gradually to be compatible with
these new demands across several application areas.
Several other possible demerits are also there. Most of the
proposed NBIoT solutions for healthcare come as wearable
electronics. These wearable devices are not always safe and
there are also senses of uncomfortable aspects to these
devices. Different manufacturers are having different
standards as there is no unison yet for unified methods for
manufacturing of IoT devices. It complicates the scenario as
the devices used by the hospital and the patients may not
match perfectly. Doctors have to be trained according to the
IoT practices as they are not aware of these technologies. It
would cost a lot to train all the medical staff. Though NBIoT
is an economical option for the widespread deployment in the
healthcare sector several challenges are still there.
NBIoT is one of the leaner, thinner and greener versions of
IoT, and it has great potentials in several sectors. It can
provide cost effective services which are essential for both
rural and urban areas. Healthcare is a primary service sector
and it needs smart technologies for better services. In this
article, we have shown the main utilities of NBIoT for
healthcare. We have gone through the specific functions where
it can play important roles in effective service provisioning.
We have also indicated the potential demerits due to the
current deficiencies in the technology standards. However,
these short comings will be overcome in the newer versions of
NBIoT. It is expected that NBIoT will be an integral part of
modern healthcare system.
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