Gary Stanley
Copyright 1983
Dear New Staff,
As Howard Hendricks notes in Living by the Book, “The Study of the Bible is ....
More than a duty, it provides protection for the daily battle, comfort for the dashed hopes,
and continuing education for a life that is worth living.”
It is with those thoughts in mind that you hold in your hands another tool, one
more block for the foundation of you ministry for a lifetime. As we have had an
opportunity to preview several New Testament Survey courses, we have not found that
one that communicates a passion for the Word and its application to life and ministry the
way this course by Dr. Gary Stanley does.
Though it has been several years since Gary recorded these lectures – his words,
humor, drama, and skill are timeless. It is our desire that you be staff who are full of
character, firm in conviction, innovative and effective in ministry and resourceful
thinkers. No doubt you study and knowledge of the New Testament is an essential to that
end. Please use this course and His Word as a tool to dig up the soils of your heart, life
and ministry, as you grow in the Lord and make Him known to others.
Sincerely in Christ,
Marc Rutter
National Director of Leadership Development
Keith Johnson, Ph.D.
Director of Theological Education
P.S. We pray these timeless words for you. “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful
things from thy law” (Psalm 119:18)
June 2007
The New Testament Survey course you hold in your hands began in 1979 at Arrowhead
Springs. For eleven years I had the privilege of teaching this class every winter and
summer to nearly 8,000 students through the Institute of Biblical Studies.
With each new class the content was revised and adapted to the needs of a very special
audience-the New Staff of Campus Crusade for Christ. The material soon outgrew the
twenty hours of lecture and The Garimus File (1983) was published to make room for
this "work in process."
In 1990 this version of the New Testament Survey was laid to rest. I did not have the
heart to merely say good-bye to this "old friend" so I edited the taped lectures from years
gone by, and filed them along with the class notes in the International School of
Theology library.
I hadn't given much thought to the possibility of this class becoming a correspondence
course, but I'm very grateful someone else did. My only regret is that I won't be there in
person to introduce you to the old friends and eternal truths that live within the pages of
the New Testament. However, I've asked the Real Teacher of this course to do just that.
Gary Stanley
P.S. I am now the Academic Dean of Rivendell College in Boulder, Colorado
( These days I’m more likely to teach something in spiritual
formation, but I occasionally find myself drawn back to New Testament Survey—now
days with PowerPoint, movie clips and new monologues from the characters that
populate this most amazing book. It is a high honor to walk this road with you.
P.S.S. Feel free to drop me a note and tell me how goes the class [email protected]
New Testament Survey
Instructor: Gary Stanley
Class Syllabus
I. Class Objectives
As a result of this class you should be able to:
1. Outline and discuss the general background history of the Inter-testamental
period including its institutions and literature.
2. Define and address the general questions faced in the discipline know as New
Testament Criticism.
3. Outline the major events that shaped the character of the Apostle Paul.
4. Give the general background and content of each New Testament book.
5. Demonstrate an “ear” for the distinctives of each New Testament book based
on the approach of this class.
6. Trace the movements of Paul in the New Testament world.
7. See an increased appreciation for the New Testament in your personal
devotions and witness.
II. Textbooks
An Outline of New Testament Survey by Walter Dunnett (Chicago: Moody,
1960) [see course packet]
The Garimus File by Gary Stanley (San Bernardino: Here’s Life, 1983) [see
course packet]
The New Testament Manual by Gary Stanley (Ft. Collins: IBS 1983 &1995) [this
follows this syllabus]
Note: New Testament Survey by Merrill Tenney (Grand Rapids,
Eerdmans, 1985) is frequently referred to in the manual by the authors
name alone.
III. Class Outline
NOTE: The lectures are available on-line:
“What’s It All About
[Note: Reading Assignments are due
at the beginning of the session for
which they are assigned.]
[Note: Assignments and quizzes
are before the session which
they are assigned.]
“Silence is Golden”
Dunnett 7 – 13
“You Take the High Road
and I’ll take the Low Road”
(New Testament Critcism)
Dunnett 14 – 21
Quiz #1
Assignment # 1
“Royal Ledgers and
Delinquent Accounts”
Dunnett 22 – 35;
any 5 chapters of Matthew
and 3 chapters of Mark
“A Case of Corpus Delicti”
Dunnett 46 – 53; and
Any 7 chapters of John
“A Diagnosis of Theophilus”
Dunnett 36 – 45;
all of Luke
Quiz # 2
“Breaking Away”
Dunnett 54 – 68;
Garimus 18 – 25;
all of Acts
Assignment # 2
“The Apprenticeship of a
Dunnett 69 – 73;
Garimus 8 – 16
“Uptight and Out of Sight”
Dunnett 73 – 80,
93 – 98;
Garimus 26 – 42;
Galatians, I & II Thess.
Quiz # 3
“A Product of Environment”
Dunnett 81 – 92;
I & II Corinthians
Dunnett 98 – 103; Romans
Quiz # 4
Dunnett 104 – 115;
Garimus 44 – 51;
Ephesians & Colossians
Dunnett 115 – 121;
Garimus 52 – 70;
Philippians & Philemon
Dunnett 122 – 133;
Garimus 72 – 87;
I & II Tim. and Titus
Assignment # 3
Dunnett 147 – 153;
Garimus 88 – 101;
I & II Peter
Quiz # 5
Dunnett 134 – 141;
Quiz # 6
Dunnett 141 – 146, 159 – 162;
Garimus 1 – 7;
James, Jude
Assignment # 4
Dunnett 153 – 159;
Garimus 102 – 111;
I, II, & III John
Dunnett 163 – 172;
Quiz # 7
Garimus 112 – 113
Assignment # 5
Study for final: Study
Guide can be found at the
end of the Syllabus
Sample Schedule
This schedule shows a sample timeline of how you might complete the course. Begin by filling in the
starting date and completion date (see below). You may find it helpful to fill in dates for each of the
weeks. Here are the deadlines:
January training: deadline = June 1 (same year)
May Mid-Career training: deadline = December 1 (same year)
Summer training: deadline = December 1 (same year)
September training (Stint to staff) = January 1 (following year)
September training (Mid-Career) = March 1 (following year)
Assignments to be Completed
Write your starting date here:
Week 1
Session 1
Session 2
Week 2
Session 3
Session 4
Week 3
Session 5
Session 6
Week 4
Session 7
Session 8
Week 5
Session 9
Session 10
Week 6
Session 11
Session 12
Week 7
Session 13
Session 14
Week 8
Session 15
Session 16
Week 9
Session 17
Session 18
Week 10
Session 19
Session 20
Week 11
Study and take Final
Write your projected completion date here:
Email Grade Sheet postmarked by this date.
IV. Written Assignments
A. Weekly Journal and Bible Readings
The Scriptural readings are meant to be interactive – i.e. ponder, listen, and replay
as you read. The journal is to help you integrate the readings with your life while taking
this course.
Journaling is one of the best ways to commune with God. Putting your thoughts and
insights on paper does several things: it focuses your thoughts and slows your mind down
to a navigable speed; it preserves some of the heart lessons God teaches those who spend
time in His Word, and serves as a reminder of His activity in your life.
Instructions: This is to be a weekly journal, not an “all-nighter” journal done at the
end of the course. Write in your journal every week (obviously, a “daily” journal would
be even better). Do your journal in some kind of notebook, i.e. no loose or stapled pages
(or on the computer if that’s easier for you).
Follow the format given below:
1. Read the assigned Scriptural text during the week.
2. Select a verse(s), or phrase, or from your readings; write it out along
with the reference.
3. Write out your thoughts, feelings, and insights on your selected passage
(be sure to think about how your verse relates to the broader context). You
may find it helpful to address those thoughts to your heavenly father).
4. In light of your reading and reflection, consider how God is leading you to
respond to Him. You might consider whether there are any recurring themes in
your journaling. The following questions may also be helpful: How does this
passage challenge you to think differently about God? What false beliefs does it
expose? What aspects of God’s character does it invite you to embrace? How
does it lead you to worship Christ? How does it challenge you to think differently
about yourself? Is there some specific action you believe God is asking you take?
Note: You may find that the Garimus File gives you some direction or topics for your
journaling. No one will read your journal. The journaling begins with session #4 and
ends with session #19. You are to do one journal entry per week (not per book). You
will have 16 entries in all (if you listen to one tape each week).
Grading: The journal and Biblical readings are worth 75 points and will be graded
by each student using the following criteria:
- 50 Points for reading 100% on the Scriptural readings
- 25 points for doing the journal every week
Each student will estimate the percentage of each criterion s/he has accomplished and
submit that grade.
See the example on the following page.
Example of the journal format:
3. I will write a letter home expressing my commitment to my parents
and God’s calling. *
Note: This journal entry was written by Rory Jordan two days before his death.
* (My addition to show the assignment’s format)
B. Getting the Lay of the Land
One of the most rewarding (and most neglected) tools in the study of the New
Testament is understanding the “lay of the land.” As you read Acts, follow Paul’s
movements on the map in the back of your bible and trace them on the map
supplied in the manual.
Note: If you go through the trouble of including at least 50 locations (cities,
regions, countries, bodies of water, etc.), you will receive full credit. However, the
goal of this exercise is to begin the process of moving the maps in the back of your
Bible into your understanding of the New Testament.
Grading: 25 points possible determined by identifying 50 locations.
C. Special Assignments
At the end of some sessions you will find a “special assignment.” These assignments
will be enjoyable and encouraging. They will help integrate what you are learning from
the New Testament with your time in ministry. The assignments are listed here but are
detailed throughout your manual.
The Assignments are:
1. Chose three people that you would like to encourage and write them postcards.
You might share something God is teaching you.
2. Lessons on Spiritual Leadership: an Interview with a Pastor. Note that this
assignment may take some forethought and planning. Make sure you plan this
assignment into your MPD schedule at time that you are in the town where you
would feel comfortable meeting with a pastor. You can do this assignment before
you reach this place in your class if you need to, just flip to the page and get all
the details for the assignment.
3. Portraits of Prayer: Call or write your ministry director and ask for specific
information so that you can pray for the ministry.
4. Reflections on Faith and the master.
5. What you read is not what you hear. Listen to one of the listed books of the bible
on audio or watch one of the listed movies about the Bible.
Grading: Each Special Assignment is worth 20 points. Total points = 100.
D. Quizzes on Readings from Dunnett
There are quizzes taken from the assigned readings from Dunnett inserted at the
beginning of several sessions. Take the quiz before listening to that session’s
lecture and grade yourself using the answer key found in the back of the manual.
Grading: The quizzes are worth a total of 50 points.
E. Final
The final exam covers only the manual and the class lectures (Dunnett is covered
by the quizzes). The final is made up of 131 questions consisting of matching,
true/false, and multiple guess. The questions draw equally from all sessions.
Note: This final is for real. It is designed to evaluate you as a New Testament
student – it rewards those who study.
V. Grading Procedures
Points Possible
Weekly Journal and Bible Readings
Lay of the Land
Special Assignments
Quizzes from Dunnett
Final Exam
Total Points:
VI. Recommended Readings
An Introduction to the New Testament by D.A. Carson, Douglass J. Moo, and Leon
Morris, Zondervan.
New Testament Introduction by Donald Guthrie, Inter-Varsity Press.
Introduction to the New Testament by Everett Harrison, Eerdmans.
An Introduction to the Pauline Epistles by D. Edmond Hiebert, Moody Press.
A Self-Study Guide by Irving Jensen, Moody Press.
Letters to Street Christians by Two Brothers from Berkeley, Zondervan.
The Origin and Transmission of the New Testament by L.D. Twilley, Eerdmans.
The Christ Commission by Og Mandino
Talk Thru the New Testament by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa (Nashville:
Thomas Nelson Pub., 1983)
Final Exam Study Guide
Note: This study guide is not meant to be exhaustive and there may be questions on the
final exam that are not addressed in this study guide. It is meant to be a guide to help you
know how much detail you need to know on some topics.
Review for Final
Canonicity, general timeline, principles
Intertestamental periods (and their
Intertestamental literature
The “Q” source
Ancient manuscripts
Textual criticism
Form criticism
Redaction criticism
Higher and Lower criticism
For each book know:
o characteristics
o outline
o major themes
o author(s)
o where they were written from
o time frame when written
o purpose
o audience
Timeline of Paul’s life
events God used to shape Paul
order books were written
Names of Jesus’ disciples
Who founded the church at Rome
Interpretations Hebrews 6
schools of interpretation
views on millennium
Difficulties commonly encountered in
understanding the epistles
New Testament writers and their
Instructions for Taking the Final
1. Take the final exam online (
2. Complete the grade sheet (available for download at same link above).
3. Email your grade sheet to [email protected].
J. Sidlow Baxter once observed of his own scholarship, “I
draw my milk from many cows but the cheese is mine.”
Most (if not all) of what you have before you is an
extension of someone else’s labor. I’ve noted most of the
sources for this manual but there is little doubt that a poor
memory (and an equally poor filing system) has left
unsung some author who has left his fingerprints on this
work. Please accept my apologies.