T-38C, T/N 68-8206
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
Conducted IAW Air Force Instruction 51-503
T-38C, T/N 68-8206
17 AUGUST 2018
On 17 August 2018, at approximately 1341 hours local time a T-38C, tail number 68-8206,
assigned to the 71st Flying Training Wing (FTW), Vance Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma
crashed in a field approximately 62 miles West of Vance AFB. The mishap aircraft (MA) was
flown by a single pilot and was the lead aircraft in a two aircraft formation performing low-level
training as part of a series of cross-country flights from Vance AFB to Minneapolis-St Paul,
Minnesota. The mishap pilot (MP) was assigned to the 25th Flying Training Squadron within the
71 FTW. While flying at approximately 1,000-1,500 feet above the ground and looking over his
left wing at his wingman, the MP heard a loud noise on the right side of the aircraft. The MP noted
hearing an audible fire warning, seeing the right engine fire light, and seeing indications of right-
hand flight control hydraulic and right generator failures. While initiating a climb away from the
low-level route, the MP experienced a degradation in aircraft controllability and his wingman
reported seeing a visible fire coming from the MA. The MP successfully ejected from the aircraft,
sustaining minor injuries. The crash resulted in an impact crater and post-impact ground fire. The
aircraft was valued at $11,015,639 and damaged beyond repair.
The Accident Investigation Board President found by a preponderance of the evidence that the
cause of the mishap was ingestion of a Swainson’s Hawk into the right, or number two, engine
during flight. This bird strike caused the catastrophic loss of the engine and a fire in the forward
engine bay. The fire melted through the aircraft skin, exposing the Flight Control and Utility
Hydraulic Systems flexible hydraulic pressure and return lines to extreme heat, causing the
degradation, and ultimate loss, of aircraft controllability. The MP applied all appropriate
emergency procedures. However, the fire and loss of flight control authority necessitated ejection
from the MA.
Under 10 U.S.C. § 2254(d) the opinion of the accident investigator as to the cause of, or the factors
contributing to, the accident set forth in the accident investigation report, if any, may not be considered as
evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding arising from the accident, nor may such information be
considered an admission of liability of the United States or by any person referred to in those conclusions
or statements.
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
T-38C, T/N 68-8206
17 August 2018
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... iii
SUMMARY OF FACTS ................................................................................................................ 1
1. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE .......................................................................................... 1
a. Authority .......................................................................................................................... 1
b. Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. ACCIDENT SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 1
3. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 2
a. Air Education and Training Command ............................................................................ 2
b. 19th Air Force .................................................................................................................. 2
c. 71st Flying Training Wing ............................................................................................... 3
d. Vertex Aerospace LLC..................................................................................................... 3
e. 71st Operations Group ..................................................................................................... 3
f. 25th Flying Training Squadron ........................................................................................ 3
g. T-38C – Talon .................................................................................................................. 4
4. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS .................................................................................................. 4
a. Mission ............................................................................................................................. 4
b. Planning ............................................................................................................................ 4
c. Preflight ............................................................................................................................ 5
d. Summary of Accident....................................................................................................... 5
e. Impact ............................................................................................................................... 6
f. Egress and Aircrew Flight Equipment ............................................................................. 6
g. Search and Rescue ............................................................................................................ 7
h. Recovery of Wreckage ..................................................................................................... 8
5. MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................ 8
a. Forms Documentation ...................................................................................................... 8
b. Inspections ........................................................................................................................ 8
c. Maintenance Procedures .................................................................................................. 8
d. Maintenance Personnel and Supervision.......................................................................... 8
e. Fuel, Hydraulic and Oil Inspection Analyses................................................................... 9
f. Unscheduled Maintenance ............................................................................................... 9
6. AIRFRAME, MISSILE, OR SPACE VEHICLE SYSTEMS ............................................. 9
a. Aircraft Flight Data Records .......................................................................................... 10
b. Right-Hand (number two) Engine Components............................................................. 10
c. Right Power Take-Off (PTO) Shaft ............................................................................... 10
d. PTO Input Drive Coupling Shaft ................................................................................... 10
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
e. Fire Damage ................................................................................................................... 11
f. Hydraulic Components ................................................................................................... 12
g. Fire Source ..................................................................................................................... 13
h. Fuel System .................................................................................................................... 13
7. WEATHER ........................................................................................................................ 13
a. Forecast Weather ............................................................................................................ 13
b. Observed Weather .......................................................................................................... 13
c. Space Environment ........................................................................................................ 13
d. Operations ...................................................................................................................... 14
8. PILOT QUALIFICATIONS .............................................................................................. 14
9. MEDICAL ......................................................................................................................... 15
a. Qualifications ................................................................................................................. 15
b. Health ............................................................................................................................. 15
c. Pathology ........................................................................................................................ 15
d. Lifestyle .......................................................................................................................... 15
e. Crew Rest and Crew Duty Time .................................................................................... 15
10. OPERATIONS AND SUPERVISION .......................................................................... 16
a. Operations ...................................................................................................................... 16
b. Supervision ..................................................................................................................... 16
11. HUMAN FACTOR ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 16
12. GOVERNING DIRECTIVES AND PULICATIONS ................................................... 16
a. Publically Available Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap .................... 16
b. Other Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap............................................ 17
c. Known Deviations from Directives or Publications ...................................................... 18
STATEMENT OF OPINION ....................................................................................................... 19
INDEX OF TABS ......................................................................................................................... 21
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
ACMI Air Combat Maneuvering
ADO Assistant Director of Operations
AETC Air Education and
Training Command
AF Air Force
AFB Air Force Base
AFE Aircrew Flight Equipment
AFH Air Force Handbook
AFI Air Force Instruction
AFLCMC Air Force Life Cycle
Management Center
AFMES Armed Forces Medical
Examiner System
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
AFTO Air Force Technical Order
AGL Above Ground Level
AHAS Avian Hazard Advisory System
AIB Accident Investigation Board
AIMWTS Aeromedical Information
Management Waiver Tracking System
AOA Angle of Attack
AP1B Area Planning 1 Bravo
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
ATC Air Traffic Control
BIP Buddy Instructor Pilot
BPO Basic Post Flight
C Degrees Celsius
CAMS Computer Assisted Maintenance
Capt Captain
DE Delaware
DNIF Duties Not Including Flying
DTC Data Transfer Cartridge
DLI Defense Language Institute
EFB Electronic Flight Book
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
EOR End of Runway
F Degrees Fahrenheit
FCF Functional Check Flight
FCP Front Cockpit
FOD Foreign Object Debris
FPM Feet per Minute
FTS Flying Training Squadron
FTW Flying Training Wing
G Gravity
GPS Global Positioning System
HSC Home Station Check
HUD Head-Up Display
IAW In accordance with
IFF Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals
IFG In-Flight Guide
IMDS Integrated Maintenance Data System
IP Instructor Pilot
IR Instrument Route
ISB Interim Safety Board
ISO Isochronical
L Local Time
LOX Liquid Oxygen
MA Mishap Aircraft
MAAF Mishap Analysis
Animation Facility
Maj Major
MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation
MFD Multifunction Display
MOA Military Operations Area
MOC Maintenance Operations Center
MOR Manual Override
MP Mishap Pilot
MS Mishap Sortie
MSL Mean Sea Level
MW Mishap Wingman
MWP Mission Weather Product
NEXRAD Next Generation Weather Radar
NM Nautical Miles
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
OG Operations Group
OK Oklahoma
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
ORM Operational Risk Management
OSC On-Scene Commander
OSS Operations Support Squadron
OST Operation Support Training
PE Phase Inspections
PHA Preventive Health Assessment
PTO Power Take Off
RALT Radar Altimeter
RAPCON Radar Approach Control
RH Right Hand
RPM Revolutions per Minute
RTB Return to Base
SARCAP Search & Rescue/Combat
Air Patrol
SDS Safety Data Sheet
SIB Safety Investigation Board
SM Statute Miles
SOF Supervisor of Flying
SPO System Program Office
Sup Supplement
SUPT Specialized Undergraduate
Pilot Training
SSK Seat Survival Kit
TDY Temporary Duty
TI Theater Indoctrination
T.O. Technical Order
TSgt Technical Sergeant
TX Texas
URT Universal Receiver Transmitter
USAF United States Air Force
VR Visual Route
WSO Weapon Systems Officer
Z Zulu Time
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
a. Authority
On 11 October 2018, Major General Mark E. Weatherington, Deputy Commander, Air Education
and Training Command (AETC), appointed an Accident Investigation Board (AIB) to investigate
a T-38C aircraft mishap that occurred on 17 August 2018 near Vance Air Force Base (AFB),
Oklahoma (Tab Y-3 to Y-6). Colonel William B. Mickley was appointed as the Board President
(Tab Y-3). Board members included a Major Legal Advisor, a Major Medical Member, a Civilian
Maintenance Member, a Major Pilot Member, and a Technical Sergeant Recorder (Tab Y-3 to Y-
6). The aircraft accident investigation was conducted at Vance AFB (Tab Y-4 and Y-6). This
report pertains to the immediate causes of the 17 August 2018 mishap (Tab Y-3 and Y-5).
b. Purpose
In accordance with Air Force Instruction (AFI) 51-503, Aerospace and Ground Accident
Investigations, this accident investigation board conducted a legal investigation to inquire into all
facts and circumstances surrounding this Air Force aerospace accident, prepare a publicly
releasable report, and obtain and preserve all available evidence for use in litigation, claims,
disciplinary action, and adverse administrative action.
On 17 August 2018, at approximately 1341 hours local time (L) a T-38C, tail number 68-8206,
assigned to the 71st Flying Training Wing (FTW), Vance AFB, OK crashed in a field
approximately 62 miles west of Vance AFB (Tabs D-2, J-5, N-3, S-3 and U-18). The mishap
aircraft (MA) was flown by a single pilot and was the lead aircraft in a two aircraft formation
performing low-level training as part of a series of cross-country flights from Vance AFB, to
Minneapolis-St Paul, Minnesota (Tabs K-2, R-5 and R-25). The Mishap Pilot (MP) and Mishap
Wingman (MW) were assigned to the 25th Flying Training Squadron (FTS), located at Vance
AFB, OK (Tabs G-2 and R-25). While flying at approximately 1,000-1,500 feet above ground
level (AGL), the MP heard a loud noise on the right side of the aircraft, followed by an audible
fire warning, the right-hand (RH) engine fire light, and indications of the loss of RH flight control
hydraulics and electrical generator (Tabs V-1.4, Z-4, and AA-3). While initiating a climb away
from the low-level route, the MP experienced a degradation in aircraft controllability and the
Mishap Wingman (MW) reported a visible fire coming from the MA (Tabs N-2 and V-1.3). The
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
MP successfully ejected from the aircraft, sustaining minor injuries (Tabs N-5 and V-1.7). The
aircraft was valued at $11,015,639 and was damaged beyond repair (Tab CC-15).
The MA was assigned to the 71 FTW, 19th Air Force (AF), AETC, and located at Vance AFB,
OK (Tabs K-2 and U-18). It was maintained by Vertex Aerospace LLC, the aircraft maintenance
contractor for the 71 FTW (Tabs V-5.2 and CC-26). The MP was assigned to the 25 FTS, which
reports to the 71st Operations Group (OG) also assigned to the 71st FTW (Tabs G-4 and CC-10).
a. Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
AETC’s primary mission is to recruit, train and educate Airmen to deliver
airpower for America (Tab CC-29). It was established and activated in
January 1942, making it the second oldest major command in the AF and its
training mission makes it the first command to touch the lives of nearly every
AF member (Tab CC-29). The Command’s vision is to forge innovative
Airmen to power the world’s greatest Air Force (Tab CC-29). The
Command’s organization includes the Air Force Recruiting Service, two
numbered air forces, 6,000 Air National Guard and AF Reserve personnel, and
15,000 civilian personnel (Tab CC-29). The Command also has more than
11,000 assigned contractors (Tab CC-29). AETC flies approximately 1,300
aircraft (Tab CC-29).
b. 19th Air Force
19 AF is responsible for the training of more than 30,000 U.S. and allied
students annually in numerous specialties ranging from aircrews, remotely
piloted aircraft crews, air battle managers, weapons directors, Air Force
Academy Airmanship programs, and survival, escape, resistance, and
evasion specialists (Tab CC-6). They execute operational-level command and
control of all formal aircrew flying training missions within AETC and provide
Airmen with a 5th generation, cross-domain warrior mindset to the Combat Air
Forces, Mobility Air Forces, and Special Operations Air Forces to sustain the
combat capability of the USAF (Tab CC-6).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
c. 71st Flying Training Wing
The mission of the 71 FTW is to develop professional Airmen, deliver world-
class U.S. and allied pilots and deploy combat-ready warriors (Tab CC-4).
Vance is responsible for training Air Force and allied student pilots for
worldwide deployment and Aerospace Expeditionary Force support (Tab
CC-4). Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) is divided into three
phases that cover 52 weeks (Tab CC-4). The wing reports to AETC through 19
AF (Tab CC-6).
d. Vertex Aerospace LLC (71 FTW Maintenance Operation)
Vertex Aerospace is the prime contractor for Vance AFB aircraft maintenance
operations (Tab CC-26). Vertex Aerospace, based in Madison, Mississippi,
is a worldwide provider of aerospace sustainment and support as well as
aviation and aerospace technical services for the U.S. Department of Defense,
government agencies and foreign governments (Tab CC-19). Its workforce of
7,300 professionals at 136 locations offers integrated logistics support,
contractor logistics support, component repair and overhaul, in-house
component repair, supply chain management, repair station support, pilot
services and contract field services (Tab CC-19).
e. 71st Operations Group
The 71 OG, located at Vance AFB, OK, is aligned under the 71 FTW, and
conducts Joint SUPT for over 400 U.S. Air Force and allied student pilots
each year (Tab CC-11). The group conducts training in the T-6, T-1, and T-
38 aircraft (Tab CC-11). Additionally, the unit flies more than 55,000 sorties
annually, and logs over 81,000 flying hours each year (Tab CC-11).
f. 25th Flying Training Squadron
The 25th Flying Training Squadron (FTS) is part of the 71 OG and trains
pilots for U.S. and allied air forces through comprehensive advanced flying
training using the T-38C aircraft (Tab CC-12).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
g. T-38C – Talon
The T-38 Talon is a twin-engine, high-altitude, supersonic jet trainer used in
a variety of roles because of its design, economy of operations, ease of
maintenance, high performance, and exceptional safety record (Tab CC-7).
AETC is the primary user of the T-38 for Joint SUPT using it to prepare pilots
for front-line fighter and bomber aircraft such as the F-15E Strike Eagle, F-15C
Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, B-1B Lancer, A-10 Thunderbolt II, and F-22
Raptor (Tab CC-8).
The Talon first flew in 1959 (Tab CC-8). More than 1,100 were delivered to the Air Force between
1961 and 1972 when production ended (Tab CC-8). As the T-38 fleet has aged, specific airframe,
engine and system components have been modified or replaced (Tab CC-8). AETC began
receiving T-38C models in 2001 as part of the Avionics Upgrade Program (Tab CC-8). T-38C
models have also undergone a propulsion modernization program (Tab CC-8).
a. Mission
The Mishap Sortie (MS) was a two-ship cross-country training and upgrade mission for the MW
(Tab R-25). The MS was the first of four planned for the three day cross-country mission (Tabs
K-2 and R-25). Objectives included regaining the MWs low-level currency, accomplishment of
instrument procedures, and completion of MWs T-38C instructor certification cross-country
flying requirements (Tab R-27 to R-30). The MP was the designated instructor for
accomplishment of the MWs training requirements (Tab R-5). The 25 FTS scheduled and
authorized the MS and subsequent sorties for the cross-country mission (Tab K-5 and K-7).
b. Planning
Mission planning was accomplished in the days preceding the MS (Tab R-30). On 17 Aug, the
MP and MW collected all required items to accomplish the mission to include a weather briefing,
all relevant Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs), flight publications, and the Avian Hazard Advisory
System (AHAS) status (Tab R-30). Their scheduled Military Training Route, Instrument Route
(IR)-145, was predicted to be bird status moderatefor all but the last leg of the route, which was
estimated to be “severe” (Tab R-5). A later review of the AHAS system updated the bird status
with Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) information and displayed bird activity as
moderate(Tab O-13). An operational risk management (ORM) assessment was accomplished
and determined to be low (Tabs R-5 and AA-5). The MP, as the designated lead pilot, conducted
a mission brief covering all required topics (Tab R-30). The briefing emphasized low-level
procedures to include bird mitigation (Tab R-30).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
c. Preflight
The MP and MW reported to the 25 FTS operations desk at approximately 1235L for their step
brief (Tabs R-5 and V-10.3). The Operations Supervisor briefed them on the current field
conditions, advised them of applicable NOTAMs, reviewed their ORM assessment, and confirmed
their formation and individual aircraft call-signs (Tabs V-10.3 and BB-8 to 9). The MP and MW
were given call-signs SHOOT 11 and SHOOT 12 respectively (Tabs K-5 and R-26). The
formation carried the MP’s call-sign, SHOOT 11, as he was the designated lead for the sortie (K-
5). They proceeded to the Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) shop and accomplished preflight
checks of their AFE gear, and stepped to their respective aircraft (Tab V-14.6).
The MA was configured for the cross-country flight with a full fuel load and a travel pod (Tab R-
25). The MP reviewed the aircraft maintenance forms and performed an exterior inspection of the
aircraft (Tab R-5 and R-6). No aircraft issues were encountered during preflight, engine start, taxi,
take-off, or enroute to the low-level (Tab R-5 and R-30).
d. Summary of Accident
At 1305L, SHOOT11 flight departed Vance AFB and entered IR-145 (Tabs R-6 and Z-4). The
formation completed the first five legs of the low-level without incident (Tabs R-6, R-31, and N-
2). The route was flown at 1,000 feet AGL, with the exception of one leg flown at 500 feet AGL
to meet training objectives (Tab R-5 and R-31). The MP reported seeing one bird on the route that
was not a factor to the formation (Tab R-6). Once training objectives were complete, the formation
returned to approximately 1,000 feet AGL (Tabs R-25, V-1.2, V-1.5 and Z-4).
While flying the sixth segment of the low-level route, the MA ingested a Swainson’s Hawk, having
an average weight of approximately 32 ounces, into the RH (number 2) engine (Tabs R-6 and CC-
16). While looking over his left wing at the MW, the MP felt a thump on the right side of the
aircraft accompanied by a fire warning light, associated audible “Engine Firewarning, RIGHT
GENERATOR and FLIGHT HYDRAULIC Master Caution lights, and a spike in the right engine
exhaust gas temperature (EGT) (Tab R-6 and R-7).
At 1338:22L, the MP directed, “Knock it off” to the MW and attempted to climb out of the low
altitude environment to reach the Technical Order (T.O.) prescribed minimum ejection altitude
and gain a margin of safety for the formation (Tabs R-6, N-2, and V-1.2). The MP experienced
sluggish flight controls and needing nose up trim in addition to full aft stick deflection to get the
aircraft to climb (Tabs N-2, R-6, and V-1.3). Once climbing, and above a broken cloud layer, the
MP applied the first two steps of the FIRE WARNING DURING FLIGHT checklist, moving the
right throttle to IDLE and then OFF (Tab V-1.3).
At 1338:52L the MW stated, “Two’s going to chase,” a position 30 to 60 degrees behind the lead
aircraft at approximately 1,000 feet (Tabs N-2, V-14.3, and BB-16).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
At 1339:01L the MP told the MW, “This is going to be bad…request chase” (Tab N-2).
At 1339:13L, while maneuvering to the chase position, the MW observed yellow to orange flames
coming out of the back of the MA and reported to the MP, “SHOOT 1 from 2, you have a…looks
like an engine fire” (Tabs N-2, R-26, and R-28).
At 1339:23L the MW made a MAYDAY call and declared an emergency with Kansas City Air
Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) (Tab N-2 and N-3).
At 1339:38L, the MW again reported to the MP that “you…have an engine fire” (Tab N-3). The
MP continued to experience degradation of flight controls, stating full deflection of the flight
controls was providing no response from the aircraft (Tabs R-9 and V-1.7).
At 1339:50L, the MP told the MW, “One’s punching out” (Tab N-3). The MP confirmed the
ejection seat pins were removed, established a good body position in accordance with (IAW)
emergency procedure guidance, and ejected at 1340:14 (Tabs N-3, R-6 to R-7, and BB-24). The
aircraft was approximately 3,000 feet AGL, 195 knots, 10 degrees nose low, and with a descent
rate of 3,500 feet per minute (fpm) (Tab Z-3). The MP stated the aircraft was in approximately 60
degrees of right bank at the time of ejection (Tab V-1.8). This combination of parameters is within
the prescribed ejection limits (Tab BB-24).
e. Impact
The MP successfully ejected from the MA and sustained only minor injuries (Tabs J-57 and X-7).
The MA impacted the ground approximately 62 miles west of Vance AFB at approximately 1341L
(Tabs J-5, N-3, and S-3). At the time of impact, the aircraft was at least 40 degrees nose low in 30
to 40 degrees of right bank in excess of 300 knots (Tabs J-5 and Z-3).
The impact crater was approximately 20 by 25 feet and 3 to 4 feet deep, and the overall debris field
covered an area 150 yards long and 75 yards wide (Tab J-5). The front half of the aircraft was
significantly damaged as a result of ground impact (Tabs J-5 and S-2). The majority of the forward
part of the aircraft was broken into small pieces and thrown northeast from the impact crater (Tabs
J-5 and S-6). The wings, aft fuselage, horizontal and vertical stabilizers and engines were found
within feet of the impact crater (Tab J-6). All control surfaces, engines, and major aircraft
components were found within the main crash site (Tabs J-6 to J-11, and S-5). Evidence of a post-
impact ground fire extended in an approximately 65 degree arc from the crash site, extending up
to 100 yards (Tab J-19 and J-32).
f. Egress and Aircrew Flight Equipment
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
All MP and MA AFE inspections were current and no discrepancies were discovered with the
MP’s ejection sequence (Tabs D-13, J-69, V-1.11). The front cockpit (FCP) ejection seat, FCP
seat headbox, and the MP’s parachute were recovered southeast of the main crash site (Tab S-5).
All portions of the FCP egress system functioned as specified with the exception of the Manual
Override Handle (MOR), the ejection seat left leg restraint, and the emergency locator beacon (Tab
J-63 to J-69). The MOR Handle was found unseated from its housing, which was attributed to the
seat impacting the ground (Tab J-63). The left-hand leg restraint did not separate at the shear ring
as designed but instead was torn 18 inches from the tapered plug at the end of the restraint (Tab J-
66 and J-67). The URT-33D emergency locater beacon did not activate automatically upon
ejection (Tab J-70). The static line connecting the beacon activation plug to the seat survival kit
(SSK) was broken (Tab J-70). None of these malfunctions affected the MP’s ejection sequence or
the recovery of the MP (Tabs V-1.11 and Z-18).
g. Search and Rescue
Following the ejection, the MW immediately established a search and rescue combat air patrol
(SARCAP) in the vicinity of the ejection site, made a second MAYDAY call, and assumed on-
scene commander (OSC) duties (Tabs N-3, N-4 and V-14.5).
At 1341:32L Kansas City ARTCC notified Vance Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) that
SHOOT11 had declared an emergency and may have ejected (Tab DD-3, N-3).
At 1344:08L, the MW passed coordinates of the mishap to Vance RAPCON (Tab N-4). Vance
ATC coordinated for local medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) support (Tab DD-8 to 10, and V-
At 1347:24L, the MP made radio contact with the MW on his emergency radio (Tab N-5).
At 1349:18L, the MW was forced to return to Vance AFB because of low fuel (Tab N-6).
At 1351:00L, a T-38C from Sheppard AFB, TX, call-sign TRICKY01, coordinated to fly north
from the Washita Military Operating Area (MOA) to assist with the search and rescue operations
and takeover OSC duties (Tabs Z-10, V-2.4 to V-2.5). While coordinating with ATC and flying
north to the MP’s location, TRICKY01 also coordinated efforts with IGLOO53, an MC-12, and
ELVIS69, a C-17 (Tab Z-11 to Z-12).
At 1400:10L, TRICKY01 made contact with the MP and at 1404:15L established SARCAP over
the crash site (Tab Z-13 to Z-14). TRICKY01 confirmed the MP was the only downed pilot,
attempted to make visual contact through the broken cloud layer, relayed the MPs coordinates to
the Vance Supervisor of Flying (SOF), and continued to coordinate tasks and altitude deconfliction
with IGLOO53 (Tab Z-13 to Z-14 and Z-16).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
At 1410:16L, the MP reported seeing a civilian vehicle on a nearby road (Tabs R-7 and Z-17).
At 1413:02L, the MP reported being picked up by a local farmer and later met up with Oklahoma
Highway Patrol and a local emergency medical team (Tabs R-7 and Z-18). The MP did not require
immediate medical attention or MEDEVAC (Tabs R-7 and V-12.3).
h. Recovery of Wreckage
The crash site was initially secured by Oklahoma Highway Patrol (Tab R-7). The crash scene was
handed over to the Interim Safety Board (ISB) who coordinated recovery and transportation of the
wreckage to Vance AFB (Tabs J-33 and Q-2).
a. Forms Documentation
The MA hard copy Air Force Technical Order (AFTO) Form 781, Aerospace Equipment Forms,
were destroyed in the MA and therefore unavailable for review (Tab V-16.6). The Integrated
Maintenance Data System (IMDS) showed all required maintenance for 17 August 2018 was
complied with before the MS (Tab U-3 to U-5). Aircraft AFTO 781A forms show maintenance
and inspection reviews prior to 17 August 2018 were properly documented (Tab D-2 to D-11).
b. Inspections
Upon review of the AFTO Form 781H, the Basic Post Flight inspection was accomplished as
required on the MA (Tab D-3). According to IMDS, there were no major discrepancies noted
during this inspection (Tab U-5 to U-11). Though documentation of required inspections were
destroyed in the accident, entries into IMDS indicate all inspections were performed on 17 August
2018 with no major discrepancies (Tab U-3 to U-5).
c. Maintenance Procedures
Maintenance procedures accomplished immediately prior to the MS were reviewed and deemed
not to be a factor in the mishap (Tab D-5 to D-11).
d. Maintenance Personnel and Supervision
71 FTW aircraft maintenance at Vance AFB, OK is performed by a contractor, Vertex Aerospace
LLC (Tab CC-26). A thorough review of maintenance personnel, supervision, and training was
conducted during the investigation and maintenance and supervision personnel do not appear to
have been a factor in this accident (Tabs U-3 to U-5 and U-19 to U-39).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
e. Fuel, Hydraulic and Oil Inspection Analyses
Available fluid samples were taken and tested with no discrepancies noted (Tab D-20 to D-23).
All fuel, hydraulic, and oil fluids used to service the MA met required specifications (Tab D-20 to
D-23). The MA hydraulic reservoirs were serviced with MIL-PRF-5606H hydraulic fluid (Tab U-
40). The Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides the flash point of this hydraulic fluid is 82°C or 179.6°
Fahrenheit (F) (Tab U-10).
f. Unscheduled Maintenance
The following unscheduled maintenance was accomplished after the last inspection of the MA:
Discrepancy Corrective Action
17 Aug 18
Left tire worn for cross-country
Repaired/replaced tire & wheel assembly
17 Aug 18
Right tire worn for cross-country
Repaired/replaced tire & wheel assembly
17 Aug 18
Travel pod to be installed
Travel pod installed
Table 1 – Unscheduled Maintenance on MA (Tab U-3 to U-5)
After a review of all maintenance events that occurred on the day of the MS, no discrepancies were
noted and unscheduled maintenance does not appear to have been a factor in the mishap (Tab U-3
to U-5).
The aircraft impacted a generally level and wooded area in an east-northeast direction (Tab J-5).
The wings, aft fuselage, engines, and horizontal and vertical stabilizers remained within feet of the
initial crater (Tab J-6). Post-impact ground fire melted and destroyed portions of the wreckage
near the impact site (Tab J-6). The leading edges of the right wing and right horizontal stabilizer
were damaged at ground impact while the left wing leading edge was relatively undamaged (Tab
J-6). The remaining portions of the fuselage sustained compression damage similar to a
compressed accordion, consistent with a low Angle Of Attack, nose-low ground impact (Tab J-6).
The aircraft and associated life support equipment is valued at $11,015,639 and was damaged
beyond repair (Tab CC-15).
The MA wreckage was transferred to a hangar on Vance AFB for limited reconstruction and
analysis (Tabs J-33 and Q-2). The T-38C Systems Program Office (SPO) analyzed aircraft
systems, structures, and relative ground impact attitude (Tab J-5 to J-30). The Air Force Life
Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) analyzed aircraft engines, and related components, as well
as maintenance records (Tab J-32 to J-53). The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) analyzed
the right power take-off input drive coupling shaft for cause of failure (Tab J-111 to J-129).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
a. Aircraft Flight Data Records
The data transfer cartridge (DTC) was not recovered at the crash site (Tab J-32).
b. Right-Hand (number two) Engine Components
The section of the aircraft from the engine bays aft was found in large segments (Tab J-32). The
RH engine was still in one assembly (Tab J-32). There was extensive impact damage to the bottom
of the engine and evidence of a fire in and around the gearbox (Tab J-32). The engine was still
contained in the boat tail, which was upside down (Tab J-32).
The throttle gauge on the main fuel control read at between shutdown and idle power at the crash
site, consistent with the other evidence regarding the sequence of events (Tabs N-3, V-1.3, Tab J-
40, and BB-24). The compressor case stator vanes were missing in every stage and the fracture
surfaces were obscured by post-fracture impacts, consistent with a significant foreign object debris
(FOD) or bird strike event (Tab J-44). No obvious foreign debris was present but parts of the
compressor case and rotor fluoresced under a black light (Tab J-44). Significant debris was found
in the combustor liner (Tab J-43). This debris fluoresced under a black light, and samples were
taken for analysis (Tab J-43). This debris was analyzed at the Smithsonian Institute and
determined to be the remains of a Swainson’s Hawk which has an average weight of approximately
32 ounces (Tab CC-16). The turbine case also showed evidence of debris that fluoresced under a
black light (Tab J-41 and J-42).
c. Right Power Take-Off (PTO) Input Drive Coupling Shaft
Examination of the fractured PTO input drive coupling shaft showed macroscopic features
indicative of torsional overload (Tab J-127). No evidence of pre-existing defects, such as
corrosion or fatigue cracking, were identified and the coupler sheared at the designed point (Tab
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
Figure 1: Right PTO Input Drive Coupling Shaft (Tab J-127)
d. Fire Damage
Fire damage was found on the right half of the bottom of the boat tail skin (Tab J-18). The melting
point of this aluminum specification is between 935° to 1,180° Fahrenheit (F) (Tab CC-17).
Melted aluminum streaks were found on the bottom right half of the engine exhaust ejector
assembly (Tab J-18). These streaks were found from the ejector assembly forward to fuselage
station 516 (Tab J-18).
Figure 2: Aluminum Splattering on the Ejector Assembly (Tab J-19)
The wreckage was inspected to determine where the fire exited the aircraft (Tab J-20). The right
annulus door had fire damage which indicated the fire originated inside the door and exited through
the door to the aft of the aircraft (Tab J-20).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
Figure 3: Fire Exit Point on the Right Annulus Door (Tab J-21)
e. Hydraulic Components
The right horizontal stabilizer actuator flexible Flight Control and Utility System hydraulic hoses
were located in the area of the in-flight fire (Tab J-22). These lines are rated for temperatures from
-65°F to +400°F (Tab J-22). The in-flight fire melted through the aircraft skin and exposed the
four hoses to extreme heat (Tab J-22). The lines were inspected and found to have all the internal
rubber material and external rub strips melted away (Tab J-22).
Figure 4: Right Stab Flexible Hydraulic Lines (Tab J-23)
Evidence indicates the fire damage to the boat tail skins, underlying structure, and hydraulic lines
occurred in-flight prior to ground impact (Tab J-19).
Flexible Hydraulic hose removed
from the left stab actuator
Flexible Hydraulic hose removed
from the right stab actuator
rub strip
Internal rubber
Internal rubber and external rub
strip missing due to in-flight fire
burned off
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
f. Fire Source
The aircraft fuel and hydraulic systems were analyzed to determine the source of a fire that would
produce a flame that could exit the annulus door and burn the bottom boat tail skin (Tab J-21).
The fuel system is the only source capable of producing a sustained flame sufficient to melt
aluminum skin (Tab J-21).
g. Fuel System
The flexible fuel lines located in the forward engine bay were recovered from the crash site and
inspected for pre-impact damage (Tab J-21). The fuel lines were significantly damaged during the
ground impact and no pre-impact failures could be determined (Tab J-21). The solid fuel lines in
the forward engine bay were not recovered (Tab J-21).
a. Forecast Weather
On 17 Aug 18, the forecast for Vance AFB, IR-145, and the western MOAs was winds out of the
northeast at 12 knots, 7 statute miles (SM) of visibility, few clouds at 3,000 feet AGL, and few to
scattered clouds at 25,000 feet AGL (Tab F-3 and F-4).
b. Observed Weather
At 1256L, the observed weather at Vance AFB was broken clouds at 2,600 feet AGL, 10 SM
visibility, winds from 010 degrees at 11 knots, with a temperature of 29°C (Tab F-5). At 1328L,
the weather observation was updated to scattered clouds at 2,500 feet AGL and winds from 030
degrees (Tab F-5). The MP stated the weather enroute to and on IR-145 was similar to Vance
AFB reports (Tab R-8).
At the time of the bird strike, the formation was flying below a broken cloud layer (Tab R-8 and
R-25). During the mishap, the MP climbed to reach his minimum ejection altitude and, after
climbing an estimated 500 feet, was above the clouds (Tabs R-6 and V-1.3).
Following the ejection, TRICKY01 reported a cloud layer over the crash site but was able to
reference landmarks in the vicinity of the crash (Tab V-2.4 to V-2.5). However, he was not able
to see the crash site or the MP (Tabs V-2.4).
c. Space Environment
Not applicable.
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
d. Operations
No evidence was found to suggest the mishap aircraft was operating outside its prescribed
operational weather limits (Tab BB-23).
The MP completed the T-38C Pilot Instructor Training Course on 18 Aug 15, and all requisite
Vance AFB T-38C Instructor Pilot training on 3 Mar 16 (Tabs G-13 and T-6). The MP was a
Functional Check Flight (FCF) pilot and completed required training and certification on 24 Aug
17 (Tab T-8 to T-9). His last instrument qualification and mission evaluations were performed on
1 Feb 18 and 17 Apr 18 respectively (Tab G-13). The MP was current in all egress and flying
training events (Tab T-3 to T-5). No deficiencies were noted in the MPs training records or flight
evaluation record (Tab G-13 to G-15).
As of the MS, the MP had a total of 2,263.3 hours of flight time as a pilot and another 829.5 hours
as a navigator (Tab G-10). Of these, 1,096.5 were in the T-38C over 989 sorties with 811.0 hours
as an instructor and 15.0 hours as an evaluator (Tab G-9).
The MP’s flight time in the 90 days preceding the mishap was as follows:
Total Time
Total Sorties
30 Days
60 Days
90 Days
(time denoted in hours)
Table 2MP Recent Flight Time (Tab G-4)
At the time of the MS, the MP’s total military flying experience was as follows:
F-15E Pilot
F-15E WSO*
Total Time - Pilot
(time denoted in hours)
*IFF Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals; *WSO Weapon Systems Officer
Table 3 – MP Flying Totals (Tab G-9 and G-10)
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
a. Qualifications
The MP was medically qualified for flying duties at the time of the mishap (Tab X-3). The MP’s
most recent annual military Periodic Health Assessment was finalized on 9 Jun 18 (Tab X-4). The
MP was cleared for flight duty by a current AF Form 2992, Medical Recommendation for Flying
or Special Operational Duty, dated 8 Jun 18 (Tab X-3). The MP’s annual dental examination was
performed on 30 Apr 18 (Tab X-4). Review of the Aeromedical Information Management Waiver
Tracking System (AIMWTS) database showed the MP had an approved waiver, dated 5 Jan 16
with an expiration date of 30 Jun 19 (Tab X-4).
b. Health
The MP’s records reflected good health and no recent performance-limiting illness prior to the
mishap (Tab X-7). The MP successfully egressed from the MA (Tab N-3 to N-6). The injuries
associated with egress included abrasions, contusion of the lower extremities, and a left shoulder
injury (Tab X-7).
c. Pathology
Immediately following the mishap, and IAW safety investigation protocols, blood and urine
samples were collected from the MP and submitted to the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System
(AFMES), Dover AFB, DE, for toxicological analysis (Tab X-5). All the MP’s blood samples
tested negative for ethanol and were within acceptable limits for carbon monoxide and all urine
drug tests were negative (Tab X-5). Select contract maintenance members were tested and the
results were reported as negative (Tab X-8).
d. Lifestyle
The MP’s testimony, 72-hour/7-day histories, and the medical chart revealed no lifestyle factors
relevant to the mishap (Tabs X-6 and R-11 to R-20). 72-hour/7-day histories were not immediately
taken on any contract maintenance members, however, 72-hour/7-day histories administered by
the AIB revealed no lifestyle factors relevant to the mishap (Tab X-9).
e. Crew Rest and Crew Duty Time
Based upon witness testimony and supplemental history, crew rest and duty time were within
required parameters and deemed not to be a factor in this mishap (Tabs R-11 to R-20 and BB-11
to BB-14).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
a. Operations
A review of 25 FTS operations was conducted and no discrepancies, anomalies, or deviations from
normal operations tempo were noted (Tabs G-4, V-15.2 to V15.4, V-10.2 to V-10.3). Published
guidance on flying military training routes with elevated bird-watch conditions were reviewed
(Tab BB-57). Operations guidance specifies, when flying along segments reported in AHAS as
SEVERE, crews will fly no lower than 1000 ft AGL until such time that a lower threat of bird
activity can be determined and reported (Tab BB-57).
b. Supervision
The supervision for daily flight operations are the Director of Operations (DO) and Operations
Supervisor (OpSup) (Tab BB-8). The DO monitors processes to document training and
qualification of aircrew, scheduling of aircrew flying, verification of aircrew status, and approval
of the daily flying schedule (Tab BB-4 to BB-5). The OpSup ensures prerequisites have been
completed and briefs all pilots before flight on the current status of the airfield and training airspace
as well as any updates to the weather (Tab BB-9). Additionally, the OpSup is available to assist
aircrew in the event of a malfunction (Tab BB-8). A review of 25 FTS mission oversight of the
MS was conducted, no discrepancies or anomalies were noted, and it was deemed not to be a factor
in the mishap (Tabs R-47, V-15.2 to V15-4, V-10.3 to V-10.4).
The AIB evaluated human factors relevant to the mishap using the analysis and classification
system model established by the Department of Defense Human Factors Analysis and
Classification System guide and no defined human factors were found to be contributory in this
mishap (Tabs BB-25 to BB-53, R-5 to R-22).
a. Publically Available Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap
i. AETCMAN 11-251, T-38C Flying Fundamentals, 4 April 2017
ii. AFH 11-203v1, Weather for Aircrews, 12 January 2012
iii. AFI 11-202v3, 71 OG Supplement, General Flight Rules, 1 September 2017
iv. AFI 11-202v3 AETC Supplement, General Flight Rules, 30 January 2017
v. AFI 11-202v3, General Flight Rules, 10 Aug 2016
vi. AFI 11-2T-38v1 AETC Supplement, T-38 Aircrew Training, 30 January 2018
vii. AFI 11-2T-38v1, T-38 Aircrew Training, 1 September 2017
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
viii. AFI 11-2T-38v3 AETC Supplement, T-38 Operations Procedures, 6 October
ix. AFI 11-2T-38v3, T-38 Operations Procedures, 2 October 2015
x. AFI 11-301v1, AETC Supplement, Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) Program,
18 August 2009, Certified Current on 9 May 2014
xi. AFI 11-301v1, Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) Program, 10 October 2017
xii. AFI 11-401 AETC Supplement, Aviation Management, 29 February 2016
xiii. AFI 11-401, Aviation Management, 10 December 2010, Certified Current 9
January 2013
xiv. AFI 11-418 AETC Supplement, Operations Supervision, 16 February 2016
xv. AFI 11-418, Operations Supervision, 14 October 2015
xvi. AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management, 21 May 2015
xvii. AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards, 5 November 2013
xviii. AFI 51-503, Aerospace and Ground Accident Investigations, 14 April 2015
xix. AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, 27 April 2018
xx. AFI 38-101, Air Force Organization, 31 January 2017
NOTICE: All directives and publications listed above are available digitally on the Air Force
Department Publishing Office website: http://www.e-publishing.af.mil or the Official Department
of Defense website: http://www.dtic.mil/directives/index.html.
b. Other Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap
i. T.O. 1T-38C-1, Flight Manual USAF Series T-38C Aircraft, 8 March 16,
Change 3, 5 October 2017, 1T-38C-1SS-20, 20 February 2018
ii. T.O. 1T-38C-1CL-1, Flight Crew Checklist Pilot’s Abbreviated, 8 March 16,
Change 3, 5 October 17, 1T-38C-1SS-20, 20 February 2018
iii. T.O. 1T-38C-2-4, Pneudraulic Systems USAF Series T-38C Aircraft
iv. 25 Flying Training Squadron Standards, 16 February 2018
v. 25 Flying Training Squadron Briefing Guide, 1 July 2017
vi. AP/1B, Area Planning-Military Training Routes, North and South America,
19 July 2018
vii. 71 FTW T-38C In-Flight Guide, 12 June 2017
viii. Vance AFB Airfield Operations Flight Operating Instruction 91-1, 27 June
ix. Supervisor of Flying (SOF) – Quick Reaction Checklist (QRC), August 2018
x. Department of Defense Human Factors Analysis and Classification System
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
c. Known Deviations from Directives or Publications
21 February 2019 WILLIAM B. MICKLEY, Colonel, USAF
President, Accident Investigation Board
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
T-38C, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
T-38C, T/N 68-8206
17 AUGUST 2018
Under 10 U.S.C. § 2254(d) the opinion of the accident investigator as to the cause of, or the factors
contributing to, the accident set forth in the accident investigation report, if any, may not be considered as
evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding arising from the accident, nor may such information be
considered an admission of liability of the United States or by any person referred to in those conclusions
or statements.
On 17 August 2018, at approximately 1341 hours local time a T-38C, tail number 68-8206,
assigned to the 71st Flying Training Wing (FTW), Vance Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma
crashed in a field approximately 62 miles west of Vance AFB. The mishap aircraft (MA) was
flown by a single pilot and was the lead aircraft in a two aircraft formation performing low-level
training as part of a series of cross-country flights from Vance AFB to Minneapolis-St Paul,
Minnesota. The mishap pilot (MP) was assigned to the 25th Flying Training Squadron within the
71 FTW. While flying at approximately 1,000-1,500 feet above the ground and looking over his
left wing at his wingman, the MP heard a loud noise on the right side of the aircraft. The MP noted
hearing an audible fire warning, seeing the right engine fire light, and seeing indications of flight
control hydraulic and right generator failures. While initiating a climb away from the low-level
route, the MP experienced a degradation in aircraft controllability and his wingman reported seeing
a visible fire coming from the MA. The MP successfully ejected from the aircraft, sustaining
minor injuries. The aircraft was valued at $11,015,639 and damaged beyond repair.
I find, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the cause of the mishap was ingestion of a
Swainson’s Hawk into the right, or number two, engine during flight. This bird strike caused the
catastrophic loss of the engine and a fire in the forward engine bay. The fire melted through the
aircraft skin, exposing the Flight Control and Utility Hydraulic Systems flexible hydraulic pressure
and return lines to extreme heat, causing a degradation, and ultimate loss, of aircraft controllability.
The MP applied all appropriate emergency procedures. However, the fire and loss of flight control
authority necessitated ejection from the MA.
Upon investigation and analysis of aircraft systems, organic remains were found in the number
two engine. The remains were confirmed by DNA experts at the Smithsonian Institute to have
been from a Swainson’s Hawk weighing approximately 32 ounces, on average. The loud noise
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
reported by the MP was the hawk striking the MA and being ingested into the engine. At the time
of the bird strike, the engine was set to approximately 90% power and spinning at 15,500
revolutions per minute (RPM). When the bird entered the engine, it caused catastrophic damage
to the compressor stage and an immediate deceleration of the engine. The rapid deceleration
caused excessive torque to the engine-driven accessory gear box input drive coupling shaft. The
drive coupling shaft sheared as designed, resulting in the loss of the aircraft’s right electrical
system generator and hydraulic system pump. Additionally, when the engine decelerated rapidly,
fuel continued to be supplied to the ignition chamber at the commanded 90% power setting. The
slowing of the engine RPM combined with constant fuel supply resulted in a rapid rise in exhaust
gas temperature (EGT).
More significantly, the catastrophic damage to the engine compressor stage resulted in a fuel leak
and fire in the forward engine bay. The fire, burning in excess of 935° F, exited the aircraft at the
annulus door and melted the aircraft skin below the right horizontal stabilizer hydraulic actuator.
This actuator is connected to the aircraft Flight Control and Utility hydraulic systems by four
flexible, steel mesh covered, rubber hydraulic hoses rated to 400° F. The heat from the fire melted
the internal rubber of these lines, resulting in the loss of hydraulic fluid and pressure in both
systems. Further, the hydraulic fluid used in the mishap aircraft has an ignition flash point of
179.6° F. Once the rubber lining of the flexible hoses melted, hydraulic fluid seeped from the
lines, ignited, and further fueled the aircraft fire.
I found no substantially contributing factors in the investigation of this mishap.
By preponderance of the evidence, I find the cause of the mishap to be ingestion of a Swainson’s
Hawk into the number two engine during flight. This bird strike resulted in catastrophic damage
to the engine, an uncontrollable fire, and the loss of aircraft flight controls. The MP took all
appropriate procedural actions in a timely manner but they were ineffective in rendering the aircraft
safe to fly. The MP was forced to eject, which resulted in the destruction of a T-38C valued at
21 February 2019 WILLIAM B. MICKLEY, Colonel, USAF
President, Accident Investigation Board
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
Safety Investigator Information ..................................................................................................... A
Not Used ......................................................................................................................................... B
Not Used ........................................................................................................................................ C
Maintenance Report, Records, and Data ........................................................................................ D
Not Used ......................................................................................................................................... E
Weather And Environmental Records and Data ............................................................................. F
Personnel Records .......................................................................................................................... G
Not Used ....................................................................................................................................... H
Deficiency Reports........................................................................................................................... I
Releasable Technical Reports and Engineering Evaluations ........................................................... J
Mission Records and Data ............................................................................................................. K
Not Used ........................................................................................................................................ L
Data From Ground Radar And Other Sources ............................................................................... M
Transcripts Of Voice Communications ......................................................................................... N
Any Additional Substantiating Data and Reports .......................................................................... O
Not Used ........................................................................................................................................ P
AIB Transfer Documents ............................................................................................................... Q
Releasable Witness Testimony ....................................................................................................... R
Releasable Photographs, Videos, Diagrams, and Animations ........................................................ S
Personnel Flight Records Not Included In Tab G ........................................................................... T
Maintenance Report, Records, And Data Not Included In Tab D ................................................. U
Witness Testimony And Statements .............................................................................................. V
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Aircraft Accident, Vance AFB
, T/N 68-8602, 17 August 2018
Weather And Environmental Records, and Data Not Included In Tab F ...................................... W
Statement of Injury ........................................................................................................................ X
Legal Board Appointment Documents .......................................................................................... Y
Photographs, Videos, Diagrams, and Animations Not Included In Tab S ..................................... Z
Flight Documents ......................................................................................................................... AA
Applicable Regulations, Directives, and Other Government Documents ................................... BB
Additional Data and Reports ........................................................................................................ CC
Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................. DD