F-16CM, T/N 91-0366
Conducted IAW Air Force Instruction 51-503
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
Under 10 U.S.C. § 2254(d) the opinion of the accident investigator as to the cause of, or the factors
contributing to, the accident set forth in the accident investigation report, if any, may not be considered as
evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding arising from the accident, nor may such information be
considered an admission of liability of the United States or by any person referred to in those conclusions
or statements.
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366
11 AUGUST 2015
On 11 August 2015, an F-16CM tail number 91-0366, assigned to the 52nd Fighter Wing,
Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany experienced an unrecoverable engine malfunction while on a
local training mission near Grafenwoehr, Germany resulting in pilot ejection and a total loss of the
aircraft. After approximately 29 minutes of flight, the mishap pilot experienced a loss of thrust.
Five attempts were made by the mishap pilot to restart the failed engine. Prior to ejection the
mishap pilot maneuvered the aircraft away from populated areas; ejecting at 156 knots calibrated
air speed and approximately 400 feet above ground level. The mishap pilot sustained minor
injuries. Search and Recovery efforts were facilitated by local German nationals, the German
Bundeswehr, and the US Army. The mishap aircraft was destroyed upon impact; the loss was
valued at $39,796,422.00. Damage to non-US government property consisted of damage to trees,
shrubbery, soil, and crops.
The Accident Investigation Board President determined, by a preponderance of evidence, that the
cause of the mishap was a structural failure of the bearing cage within the lower governor ballhead
bearing. This structural failure caused the main engine control to malfunction, which prohibited
fuel flow to the engine. The lack of fuel flow prevented engine restart and resulted in a complete
loss of thrust, requiring the mishap pilot to eject from the mishap aircraft.
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366
11 AUGUST 2015
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... iii
PSEUDONYMS ............................................................................................................................ vi
SUMMARY OF FACTS ................................................................................................................ 2
1. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE .................................................................................................2
a. Authority .........................................................................................................................2
b. Purpose ............................................................................................................................2
2. ACCIDENT SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................2
3. BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................3
a. United States Air Forces in Europe-United States Air Forces Africa (USAFE-
AFAFRICA) ..............................................................................................................3
b. Third Air Force (3 AF) ..................................................................................................3
c. 52nd Fighter Wing (52 FW) ..........................................................................................4
d. 52nd Operations Group (52 OG) ...................................................................................4
e. 480th Fighter Squadron (480 FS) ..................................................................................4
f. F-16 Fighting Falcon......................................................................................................4
4. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS .........................................................................................................4
a. Mission ............................................................................................................................4
b. Planning ..........................................................................................................................5
c. Preflight ...........................................................................................................................5
d. Summary of Accident .....................................................................................................5
e. Impact ..............................................................................................................................7
f. Egress and Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) .................................................................7
g. Search and Rescue (SAR) ...............................................................................................8
h. Recovery of Remains ......................................................................................................8
5. MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................8
a. Forms Documentation .....................................................................................................8
b. Inspections ......................................................................................................................8
c. Maintenance Procedures .................................................................................................9
d. Maintenance Personnel and Supervision ......................................................................10
e. Fuel, Hydraulic, and Oil Inspection Analyses ..............................................................10
f. Unscheduled Maintenance .............................................................................................11
6. AIRFRAME, MISSILE, OR SPACE VEHICLE SYSTEMS ..................................................11
a. Structures and Systems .................................................................................................11
b. Evaluation and Analysis ..............................................................................................12
(1) Recorded Data ....................................................................................................... 12
(2) Flight Control Surfaces ......................................................................................... 13
(3) Landing Gear ........................................................................................................ 13
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
(4) Fuel System ........................................................................................................... 13
(5) Hydraulic System .................................................................................................. 13
(6) Electrical Systems ................................................................................................. 13
(7) Emergency Power System (EPU) ......................................................................... 13
(8) Propulsion Interface .............................................................................................. 13
(9) Engine ................................................................................................................... 14
(10) Escape System ..................................................................................................... 16
7. WEATHER ...............................................................................................................................16
a. Forecast Weather ...........................................................................................................16
b. Observed Weather .........................................................................................................17
c. Space Environment .......................................................................................................17
d. Operations ......................................................................................................................17
8. CREW QUALIFICATIONS .....................................................................................................17
9. MEDICAL ................................................................................................................................18
a. Qualifications ................................................................................................................18
b. Health ............................................................................................................................18
c. Pathology.......................................................................................................................18
d. Lifestyle ........................................................................................................................19
e. Crew Rest and Crew Duty Time ...................................................................................19
10. OPERATIONS AND SUPERVISION ...................................................................................19
a. Operations .....................................................................................................................19
b. Supervision ...................................................................................................................19
11. HUMAN FACTORS ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................19
12. GOVERNING DIRECTIVES AND PUBLICATIONS .........................................................20
a. Publically Available Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap ...................20
b. Other Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap ..........................................20
c. Known or Suspected Deviations from Directives or Publications ................................20
STATEMENT OF OPINION ....................................................................................................... 21
1. OPINION SUMMARY .............................................................................................................21
2. CAUSE .....................................................................................................................................21
3. CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................................22
INDEX OF TABS ......................................................................................................................... 24
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
-1Cl Dash 1 checklist
3 AF 3rd Air Force
52 FW 52nd Fighter Wing
52 OG 52nd Operations Group
480 FS 480th
Fighter Squadron
480 OSS 480th Operations Support
AAR After Action Report
AB Air Base or Afterburner
AC Alternating Current
ACBT Air Combat Training
ACES II Advanced Concept
Ejection Seat II
AETC Air Education and Training
AF Air Force
AFB Air Force Base
AFC Augmentor Fuel Control
AFE Aircrew Flight Equipment
AFI Air Force Instruction
AFIP Air Force Institute of Pathology
AFLCMC/LPSEBB Air Force Life Cycle
Management Center/F-110
Engineering Section
AFPAM Air Force Pamphlet
AFAFRICA Air Forces in Africa
AFRICOM Africa Command
AFSAS Air Force Safety Automated
AFSEC Air Force Safety
AFTO Air Force Technical Order
Ag Silver
AGL Above Ground Level
AHLTA Armed Forces Health
Longitudinal Technology Application
AIB Accident Investigation Board
ALO Air Liaison Officer
AMDS Aerospace Medicine
ARMS Aviation Resource Management
ATV All-Terrain Vehicle
BSA Basic Surface Attack
CADC Central Air Data Computer
CAF Combat Air Force
CAPS Critical Action Procedures
CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure
Capt Captain
CAT Critical Action Team
CAUT Caution
CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure
CEMS Comprehensive Engine
Management System
CIP Core Integrated Processor
Col Colonel
CSEL Combat Survivor/Evader Locator
CSFDR Crash Survivable Flight
Data Recorder
CSMU Crash Survivable Memory Unit
CT Currency Training
Cu Copper
DC Direct Current
DFLCC Digital Flight Control Computer
DFLCS Digital Flight Control System
DFR Digital Flight Recorder
DOB Date of Birth
DOC Demonstrative Operational
DoD Department of Defense
DTC Data Transfer Cartridge
DTS Defense Travel System
EGI Embedded Global Positioning
System/Inertial Navigation System
ELT Emergency Location Transmitter
EDNA Enhanced Diagnostics Air Software
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal
EOF End of Flight
EOR End of Runway
EPE Emergency Procedures Evaluation
EPLA Engine Power Lever Angle
EPU Emergency Power Unit
ER Exceptional Release
ETAD ICAO code for Spangdahlem
ETAR ICAO code for Ramstein
ETIC ICAO code for Grafenwoehr
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
EUCOM European Command
FBP Fuel Boost Pump
FCIF Flight Crew Information File
FDP Flight Duty Period
FDT Fan Discharge Temperature
FL Flight Lead
FLCS Flight Control System
FO(D) Foreign Object Debris or Damage
FP Flight Profile
FS Fighter Squadron
ft Feet
FTIT Fan Turbine Inlet Temperature
FTU Formal Training Unit
FW Fighter Wing
g/G Gravitational Force
GCU Generator Control Unit
G-Ex G-Awareness Exercise
GPS Global Positioning System
GTA Grafenwoehr Training Area
HFACS Human Factors Analysis and
Classification Systems
Hg Mercury
HPT High Pressure Turbine
HUD Heads-Up Display
IAW In Accordance With
ICAO International Civil Aviation
IFF Introduction to Fighter
IFOC In Flight Operations Check
IFR In Flight Rules
IMDS Integrated Maintenance Data System
IMIS Integrated Maintenance
Information System
in. Inches
IP Instructor Pilot
IPI In-Processing Inspection
IQ Instrument Qualification
ISA Integrated Servoactuator
ISB Interim Safety Board
ITADS Intelligent Trending and
Diagnostics System
ITL Individual Task List
ITP Individual Task Plan
IUID Item Unique Identification
JA(G) Judge Advocate
JEIM Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance
JFS Jet Fuel Starter
JHMCS Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing
JMTC Joint Multinational Training
JOAP Joint Oil Analysis Program
JPRC Joint Personnel Recovery Center
JTAC Joint Terminal Attack
K Thousand
KCAS Knots Calibrated Airspeed
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
KIO Knock-It-Off
KTAS Knots True Airspeed
Kts Knots
L Local Time
LEF Leading Edge Flap
LM-Aero Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LPU Life Preserver Unit
Lt Col Lieutenant Colonel
LWD Left Wing Down
M Mach
MA Mishap Aircraft
Maj Major
MAJCOM Major Command
MDEC Modernized Digital Electronic
MEC Main Engine Control
MEMSC Modernized Engine Monitoring
System Computer
MF Mishap Flight
MFL Maintenance Fault Listing
MFSOV Main Fuel Shutoff Valve
MICT Management Internal
Control Toolset
MIL Military
MILSEC Military Security
MMC Modular Mission Computer
MOA Military Operating Area
MS Mishap Sortie
MSL Mean Sea Level
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
MXG Maintenance Group
NATO North Atlantic Treaty
ND Nose Down
NHBB New Hampshire Ball Bearings
NM Nautical Miles
NOTAMs Notices to Airmen
OG Operations Group
OH Overhaul
OJT On the Job Training
OPR Officer Performance Report
Ops Tempo Operations Tempo
ORM Operational Risk Management
OSC On Scene Commander
OSS Operation Support Squadron
PA Public Affairs
PACS Production Acceptance Certification
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PDG Programmable Display Generator
PE Personnel Evaluations
PEX Patriot Excalibur
PHA Periodic Health Assessment
PLF Parachute Landing Fall
PMEL Precision Measurement Equipment
PMP Packaged Maintenance Plan
PR Pre Flight
PSI Pounds Per Square Inch
QA Quality Assurance
QIMSS Quality Information Management
Standard System
QVI Quality Verification Inspections
RCO Range Control Officer
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RTB Return-To-Base
RWD Right Wing Down
SA Situational Awareness
SAR Search and Rescue
SAT Surface Attack Tactics
SAU Signal Acquisition Unit
SDR Seat Data Recorder
SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air
SEFE Standardization Evaluation Flight
SEPT Simulator Emergency Procedures
SIB Safety Investigation Board
SII Special Interest Item
SME Subject Matter Expert
SOF Supervisor of Flying
SS System Status
TCTO Time Compliance Technical Order
TER Triple Ejector Rack
TDY Temporary Duty Assignment
TGP Targeting Pod
T/N Tail Number
TO (T.O.) Technical Order
TOD Technical Order Data
TOP-3 Operations Supervisor
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UPT Undergraduate Pilot Training
USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe
USAFRICOM United States Africa
USEUCOM United State European
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
VSV Variable Stator Vane
VVI Vertical Velocity Indication
WCD Work Control Document
Z Zulu
The above list was compiled from the Summary of Facts, Statement of Opinion, Index of Tabs,
and attached tabs.
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
ADCC1 Assistant Dedicated
Crew Chief 1
ADCC2 Assistant Dedicated
Crew Chief 2
ADCC3 Assistant Dedicated
Crew Chief 3
ADCC4 Assistant Dedicated
Crew Chief 4
ADCC5 Assistant Dedicated
Crew Chief 5
AFE MBR Aircrew Flight Equipment
AMDS/CC Aerospace Medicine
Squadron Commander
AMXS/CC Aircraft Maintenance
Squadron Commander
Army General Engineer
Assistant Superintendent
AT1 Avionics Technician 1
AT2 Avionics Technician 2
AT3 Avionics Technician 3
AT4 Avionics Technician 4
Bioenvironmental Engineer
Command and Control
DCC1 Dedicated Crew Chief 1
DCC2 Dedicated Crew Chief 2
DCC3 Dedicated Crew Chief 3
DCC4 Dedicated Crew Chief 4
DCC5 Dedicated Crew Chief 5
DCC6 Dedicated Crew Chief 6
DW1 Depot Worker 1
DW2 Depot Worker 2
DW3 Depot Worker 3
DW4 Depot Worker 4
DW5 Depot Worker 5
DW6 Depot Worker 6
DW7 Depot Worker 7
DW8 Depot Worker 8
DW9 Depot Worker 9
DW10 Depot Worker 10
DW11 Depot Worker 11
DW12 Depot Worker 12
DW13 Depot Worker 13
DW14 Depot Worker 14
DW15 Depot Worker 15
DW16 Depot Worker 16
DW17 Depot Worker 17
DW-Unknown 1 Depot Worker-Unknown 1
DW-Unknown 2 Depot Worker-Unknown 2
E&E1 Electrical &
Environmental Technician 1
E&E2 Electrical &
Environmental Technician 2
EM1 Engine Mechanic 1
EM2 Engine Mechanic 2
EM3 Engine Mechanic 3
FO Fuel Operator
FSRT Fuel Systems Repair
GE AE General Electric
Aviation Engineer
Intel Briefer
ISB IO1 ISB Investigating Officer 1
ISB IO2 ISB Investigating Officer 2
ISB PM1 ISB Pilot Member 1
ISB PM2 ISB Pilot Member 2
LA Legal Advisor
MC Mishap Commander
MDO Mishap Director of Operations
Mechanic 1
Mechanic 2
MED MBR Medical Member
MFP1 Mishap Flight Pilot 1
MFP3 Mishap Flight Pilot 3
MFP4 Mishap Flight Pilot 4
MOSC1 Mishap On Scene
Commander 1
MOSC2 Mishap On Scene
Commander 2
MP Mishap Pilot
MSOF Mishap Supervisor
of Flying
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
MX MBR Maintenance Member
MXG QA Maintenance Group
Quality Assurance
NHBB Manager
Notifier 1
Notifier 2
OGD Operations Group Deputy
PM Pilot Member
Pro Sup Production Superintendent
RC Range Controller
REC Recorder
SIB AFE SIB Aircrew Flight
Equipment Member
SIB AFRL/RXSA Advisor SIB Air Force
Research Laboratory Materials
Integrity Branch Advisor
SIB AFSEC Advisor SIB Air Force
Safety Center Advisor
Center Mishap Analysis &
Animation Facility Advisor 1
Center Mishap Analysis &
Animation Facility Advisor 2
Safety Center Representative 1
Safety Center Representative 2
SIB BP SIB Board President
SIB GE Advisor SIB General
Electric Advisor
SIB GL SIB German Liaison
SIB HF SIB Human Factors Member
SIB IO SIB Investigating Officer
SIB LM Advisor 1 SIB Lockheed
Martin Advisor 1
SIB LM Advisor 2 SIB Lockheed
Martin Advisor 2
SIB MEDO SIB Medical Officer
SIB MO SIB Maintenance Officer
SIB PM SIB Pilot Member
SIB REC1 SIB Recorder 1
SIB REC2 SIB Recorder 2
SME1 Subject Matter Expert 1
SME2 Subject Matter Expert 2
W&B Weight and Balance
WG REP Woodward Governor
Wingman 1
Wingman 2
Wingman 3
Witness 1
Witness 2
Witness 3
Witness 4
Witness 5
Witness 6
Witness 7
Witness 8
Witness 9
Witness 10
Witness Verifier
WS1 Weapons Specialist 1
WS2 Weapons Specialist 2
WS3 Weapons Specialist 3
WS4 Weapons Specialist 4
WS5 Weapons Specialist 5
WS6 Weapons Specialist 6
WS7 Weapons Specialist 7
WS8 Weapons Specialist 8
WS9 Weapons Specialist 9
WS10 Weapons Specialist 10
WS11 Weapons Specialist 11
WS12 Weapons Specialist 12
WS13 Weapons Specialist 13
WS14 Weapons Specialist 14
WS15 Weapons Specialist 15
WS REP Wing Safety Representative
The above list was compiled from the Summary of Facts, Statement of Opinion, Index of Tabs,
and attached tabs.
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
a. Authority
On 4 December 2015, Major General Timothy M. Zadalis, Vice Commander, United States Air
Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA), appointed Colonel Jill A. Long to
conduct an aircraft accident investigation of the F-16CM aircraft mishap, tail number 91-0366,
which occurred on 11 August 2015 near Grafenwoehr, Germany (Tab Y-3 to Y-5). The aircraft
accident investigation was conducted in accordance with Air Force Instruction (AFI) 51-503,
Aerospace and Ground Accident Investigations, and was convened at Spangdahlem Air Base
(AB), Germany from 5 January 2016 through 18 February 2016 (Tab Y-3 and Y-8). The following
board members were also appointed: Lieutenant Colonel Medical Member, Captain Pilot Member,
Captain Legal Advisor, Senior Master Sergeant Maintenance Member, Master Sergeant Aircrew
Flight Equipment (AFE) Member, and a Staff Sergeant Recorder (Tab Y-3). The USAFE-
AFAFRICA Staff Judge Advocate appointed an F-16 Engine Propulsion Subject Matter Expert
(SME) and a Main Engine Control SME on 13 January 2016 (Tab Y-6).
b. Purpose
In accordance with AFI 51-503, Aerospace and Ground Accident Investigations, this accident
investigation board conducted a legal investigation to inquire into all the facts and circumstances
surrounding this Air Force aerospace accident, prepare a publicly releasable report, and obtain and
preserve all available evidence for use in litigation, claims, disciplinary action, and adverse
administrative action.
On 11 August 2015, at approximately 0731 Zulu (Z), the mishap aircraft, a Block 50 F-16CM, tail
number 91-0366, assigned to the 480th Fighter Squadron (480 FS), 52nd Operations Group (52
OG), 52nd Fighter Wing (52 FW), Spangdahlem AB, Germany, crashed on a training mission in
a wooded area near Grafenwoehr, Germany (Tabs J-2, J-8, N-3, S-2 to S-4, and V-5.4). The
mishap flight included: the flight lead - mishap flight pilot 1 (MFP1), mishap pilot (MP), mishap
flight pilot 3 (MFP3), and mishap flight pilot 4 (MFP4) (Tabs K-2 to K-3, V-1.1, V-1.3, V-3.1, V-
3.3, V-4.1, V-5.1, and V-5.4). The pilots, referred to by the pseudonyms of MFP1, MP, MFP3,
and MFP4, are also designated by the following mission callsigns, respectively: ROCKY 01,
ROCKY 02, ROCKY 03, and ROCKY 04. The flight took off as a four-ship at 0659Z to conduct
a Basic Surface Attack mission in the airspace designated as EDR-136 near Grafenwoehr,
Germany (Tabs R-10, V-3.3, and V-5.5). Upon entering the airspace, ROCKY 01 initiated a
standard G-Exercise (G-Ex) maneuver (Tab V-3.3). During the first 90 degree turn of the
maneuver, MP/ROCKY 02 noticed a loss of thrust and engine indications commensurate with an
engine malfunction (Tab V-1.3). MP/ROCKY 02 immediately initiated a “Knock-It-Off” radio
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
call at 0729:13Z (Tabs N-2 and V-1.3). ROCKY 01 initiated the required response procedures
ending with MP/ROCKY 02 stating “2’s got a major engine malfunction, I’m losing RPM now
(Tabs N-2 and V-1.3). MP/ROCKY 02 immediately sought a divert airfield while accomplishing
the critical action procedures for the emergency (Tab V-1.4). The other mishap flight members
assisted MP/ROCKY 02 by providing general direction to the nearest airfield and maintaining
situational awareness for the flight (Tab V-4.3 and V-5.9). After realizing the mishap aircraft’s
engine would not restart, MP/ROCKY 02 turned the mishap aircraft in a direction to avoid damage
to personnel and property on the ground (Tab V-1.4 and V-4.4). MP/ROCKY 02 ejected,
sustaining only minor injuries (Tabs V-1.14 and X-4). The mishap aircraft was destroyed upon
impact; the loss was valued at $39,796,422.00 (Tab P-4). Damage to non-US government property
consisted of damage to trees, shrubbery, soil, and crops (Tabs S-4 to S-6, S-9 to S-10, V-38.4 to
V-38.7, V-39.5 to V-39.7, and V-40.4 to V-40.6).
a. United States Air Forces in Europe-United States Air Forces Africa (USAFE-
With headquarters at Ramstein AB, Germany, USAFE-AFAFRICA is a
major command of the United States Air Force and is the air component for
two Department of Defense unified combatant commands: the US European
Command (USEUCOM), which is responsible for US military relations with
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and 51 countries on two
continents; and the US Africa Command (USAFRICOM), which is
responsible for building defense capabilities, responding to crises, and
deterring and defeating transnational threats in order to advance US interests
and promote security, stability, and prosperity in Africa (Tab CC-3 to CC-4 and CC-7). USAFE-
AFAFRICA executes the Air Force, USEUCOM, and USAFRICOM missions with forward-based
infrastructure and airpower to conduct and enable both global and theater operations. Combined
USEUCOM and USAFRICOM cover more than 15 million square miles, encompass 104
independent states, and possess more than one-fifth of the world’s population (Tab CC-3).
b. Third Air Force (3 AF)
Third AF is USAFE-AFAFRICA’s component numbered air force, which
provides airpower to USEUCOM and USAFRICOM. Based at Ramstein AB,
Germany, 3 AF directs all USAFE-AFAFRICA forces engaged in
contingency and wartime operations in the USEUCOM and USAFRICOM
areas of responsibility. Along with its headquarters operations directorate,
3 AF is comprised of 10 wings, two groups, and an Air Operations Center
(Tab CC-8).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
c. 52nd Fighter Wing (52 FW)
The 52 FW maintains, deploys, and employs F-16 aircraft and TPS-75 radar
systems in support of NATO and national defense directives. The wing
supports the Supreme Allied Commander Europe with mission-ready
personnel and systems providing expeditionary air power for suppression of
enemy air defenses, close air support, air interdiction, counter-air, air strike
control, strategic attack, combat search and rescue, and theater airspace
control. The wing also supports contingencies and operations other than war
when required (Tab CC-10).
d. 52nd Operations Group (52 OG)
The 52 OG consists of the 480th Fighter Squadron (480 FS), the 606th Air
Control Squadron, and the 480th Operations Support Squadron (480 OSS).
The 480 FS operates both C and D model F-16 (C/D) Fighting Falcon aircraft
(Tab CC-12).
e. 480th Fighter Squadron (480 FS)
The 480 FS operates the Block 50, F-16CM Fighting Falcon, which is
informally referred to as the Viper. As USAFE's only F-16 Block 50 squadron,
the 480 FS provides the Supreme Headquarters Allied Forces Europe and
USAFE commanders with dedicated suppression of enemy air defense, air
interdiction, counter-air, and close air support capability (Tab CC-14).
f. F-16 Fighting Falcon
The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a highly maneuverable, multi-role fighter
aircraft. It has proven itself in the air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack
roles and provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon
system for the US and allied nations (Tab CC-15 to CC-17).
a. Mission
ROCKY flight, a flight of four F-16s assigned to the 480 FS, was scheduled to fly a Basic Surface
Attack mission on 11 August 2015 to the Grafenwoehr Training Area (GTA) range, EDR-136 (Tabs
K-2 and V-5.5). Each F-16 aircraft in ROCKY flight was configured for the air-to-surface mission
with six lightweight practice bombs, BDU-33s, loaded on Triple Ejector Racks (TERs) (Tab K-4 and
K-7). While on the range the mission is observed by a range control officer (Tab V-8.1). The range
control officer on-duty the day of the mishap is referred to by the pseudonym “Range Controller”
(Tab V-8.1).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
b. Planning
On the morning of 11 August 2015, ROCKY flight attended a mass brief at 0500Z with GURU 01
flight, a flight of two F-16s scheduled for the same range complex twenty minutes after ROCKY
flight (Tabs R-20, R-29, and V-6.1). The mass brief included information pertaining to weather,
aircraft status, airspace, range issues, Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS), and divert airfield
information (Tab V-6.1 and V-17.1). The weather forecast indicated visual flight rules (VFR)
conditions at both Spangdahlem AB and GTA range (Tab F-12). The on-duty Operations
Supervisor, or TOP-3, conducted the mass brief and did not note anything unusual the day of the
mishap (Tab V-17.1 to V-17.2).
At approximately 0520Z, the mass brief concluded and ROCKY 01 began briefing the roles and
responsibilities for their four-ship mission (Tab R-20). ROCKY 01 briefed all the required items
to safely conduct the mission (Tab R-20). At 0540Z, ROCKY flight finished their brief and donned
their flight equipment (Tab R-20). ROCKY flight submitted an Operational Risk Management
(ORM) sheet identifying potential risks associated with flying operations (Tabs V- 17.1, V-18.3,
and AA-5). The Operations Supervisor reviewed the ORM sheet and did not note anything which
required higher authority approval or that precluded safe flying operations (Tabs V-17.1 and AA-
c. Preflight
MP/ROCKY 02 did not notice anything abnormal during his preflight inspection of the mishap
aircraft and engine start was uneventful (Tab V-1.3 and V-1.10). During ground operations the
pilot originally designated in the number two position of the formation, MFP4, found a
maintenance issue with his assigned aircraft and moved to a spare becoming ROCKY 04 (Tab V-
1.3, V-5.4, and V-5.5). MP/ROCKY 02, who was originally designated ROCKY 04, was
renumbered and assigned the ROCKY 02 position (Tabs R-6, V-1.3, V-5.4, and V-5.5). Three F-
16s in ROCKY flight taxied to the End of Runway (EOR) for final checks: ROCKY 01, ROCKY
02, and ROCKY 03 (Tabs R-6, V-1.3, and V- 5.5). ROCKY 04 joined the formation at the EOR,
enabling ROCKY flight to depart as a four-ship of F-16s (Tabs R-6, V-1.3, and V- 5.5).
d. Summary of Accident
ROCKY flight took off from Spangdahlem AB at 0659Z on 11 August 2015 (Tab R-10). The
airfield status was designated by the on-duty mishap supervisor of flying, as VFR with Ramstein
as the divert airfield (Tab V-31.1). The observed weather included calm winds with unrestricted
visibility (Tab F-12). Takeoff, departure, and navigation to the airspace were uneventful (Tab V-
1.3 and V-4.3). The GTA range is approximately 200 miles from Spangdahlem AB (Tab V-1.3).
In order to enter the range airspace and get below a few scattered clouds, ROCKY flight descended
from cruise altitude to approximately 5,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) (Tabs F-12 and R-6).
Upon entering the range airspace, ROCKY flight members switched from München Center
frequency to the Range Controller’s frequency, and began check-in procedures (Tab V-1.10). The
Range Controller reported environmental conditions for the GTA range as: light and variable
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winds, unrestricted visibility, altimeter 29.99 [inches mercury, in. Hg], and no hazards associated
with the airspace (Tab V-8.1).
ROCKY 01 directed his flight members to change their avionics from navigation mode to
employment mode and to increase airspeed to 400 knots for the G-Ex (Tabs N-2, R-3, and V-5.5).
The G-Ex is a required maneuver anytime five G’s or more are anticipated during the mission, to
test equipment under G-loading and prepare the pilot for higher G-loading later in the mission
(Tabs V-5.5 and BB-9). The G-Ex consists of one 90 degree turn using four to five Gs, then a
subsequent 90 degree turn up to the maximum allowable G-loading per the aircraft configuration
(Tabs V-5.5 and BB-9).
ROCKY flight was flying in an offset container formation in order to conduct the G-Ex;
MP/ROCKY 02 was in a line abreast position on the left side of ROCKY 01 (Tab V-4.6). At
0729:00Z ROCKY 01 called over the radio “For G warm up, 90 Left,” which commanded ROCKY
flight to begin the maneuver (Tab N-2). MP/ROCKY 02 advanced the throttle to Military (MIL)
power, rolled his wings to an 80 degree bank angle, and then immediately noticed a loss of thrust
as he was slung forward in the seat (Tab V-1.3 and V-1.8). MP/ROCKY 02 looked at the engine
instruments and confirmed that the engine was operating below normal limits and was not
responding to throttle position (Tab V-1.3). MP/ROCKY 02 initiated a Knock-It-Off” call at
0729:13Z (Tab N-2). The Knock-It-Off procedure was executed by all flight members (Tab V-
1.3 to V-1.4 and V-4.3 to V-4.4). ROCKY 01 acknowledged responsibility for deconfliction with
the radio call Rocky 2, Press” at 0729:26Z (Tabs N-2, V-3.3, and V-3.8). MP/ROCKY 02 radioed
to flight members that his aircraft was experiencing “a major engine malfunction” and was losing
Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) at 0729:30Z (Tab N-2).
ROCKY flight members promptly provided MP/ROCKY 02 with the heading to the nearest
emergency divert airfield and notified the Range Controller of the emergency, specifically an
engine malfunction with intentions of departing the airspace to the northwest (Tabs N-2, V-1.4,
V-4.3, and V-5.9). ROCKY 01 collapsed to an emergency chase formation on the mishap aircraft
in order to relay any visual anomalies (Tab V-3.3 and V-4.3). At that time, ROCKY 01 did not
see anything abnormal with the mishap aircraft (Tab V-3.6 to V-3.7).
MP/ROCKY 02 immediately accomplished the critical action procedures for low thrust at low
altitude; initiating two airstart attempts, with no signs of engine recovery (Tabs J-7, V-1.3, and V-
1.4). MP/ROCKY 02 jettisoned fuel tanks at 0729:50Z (Tab J-7). ROCKY 03 notified the Range
Controller of the jettisoned fuel tanks and directed ROCKY 04 to obtain coordinates for the
jettisoned fuel tanks impact point (Tabs R-21, V-4.4, and V-5.9). MP/ROCKY 02 actuated the Jet
Fuel Starter (JFS) at 0730:01Z and reported a significant increase in thrust at 0730:23Z (Tabs J-
7 and V-1.4). MP/ROCKY 02 thought the mishap aircraft engine had recovered to normal
operation (Tab V-1.4). Another loss of thrust occurred a few seconds later, which was confirmed
by data displayed on the engine instruments (Tabs J-7 and V-1.3 to V-1.4). ROCKY flight
members assisted MP/ROCKY 02 by confirming he had accomplished the restart procedures (Tab
V-1.4). MP/ROCKY 02 initiated two more airstart attempts experiencing one more occurrence of
a potential engine restart followed immediately by another engine malfunction (Tab J-7). At
0731:21Z MP/ROCKY 02 attempted a fifth, and final, unsuccessful airstart procedure (Tab J-7).
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MP/ROCKY 02 determined an ejection was necessary but recognized that the mishap aircraft’s
flight path would place populated areas at risk (Tab V-1.4 and V-4.4). MP/ROCKY 02
maneuvered his aircraft to ensure the impact would avoid all populated areas (Tab V-1.4). Once
the aircraft’s flight path was satisfactory, MP/ROCKY 02 began to climb and slow for ejection
(Tab V-1.4 and V-1.15). Once the ejection posture was obtained, the ejection sequence was
initiated at 0731:40Z with an airspeed of 156 knots and approximately 400 feet above ground level
(AGL) (Tabs J-7 and V-1.4). ROCKY 03 witnessed the ejection and notified the Range Controller
that MP/ROCKY 02 had a good parachute and there was a downed aircraft (Tabs N-3 and V-4.4).
ROCKY flight passed coordinates to the Range Controller, N 49-48.12 E011-38.30, to initiate
Search and Recovery procedures (Tabs R-18, R-35, V-8.1, and V-8.3). The remaining ROCKY
flight members requested that the Range Controller notify emergency crews while they orbited
over the crash site and established communication with MP/ROCKY 02 on the ground, confirming
he had no serious injuries (Tab V-4.4).
e. Impact
The mishap aircraft crash site was approximately 190 nautical miles east of Spangdahlem AB in a
wooded area (Tab H-21). According the Range Controller, the crash site was located at
coordinates N 49-48.12 E011-38.30 Elevation 1392 feet (Tab R-35). The mishap aircraft initially
impacted trees at an attitude of 8 degrees nose low, approximately wings level, with a descending
22 degree flight path, and heading approximately 266 degrees true (Tab H-21). The debris
stretched approximately 400 feet long and 200 feet wide along the mishap aircraft flight path (Tab
J-3). The wings had separated from the mishap aircraft but were intact (Tab H-21). The aft
fuselage, vertical tail, right horizontal tail, and engine were intact (Tab H-21). The mishap aircraft
forward of the engine was broken into small pieces (Tab J-2). The canopy was located
approximately 1,200 feet east of the crash site and the parachute was located approximately 1,590
feet east of the crash site (Tabs H-21 and J-3).
f. Egress and Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE)
The ejection parameters were 156 knots calibrated airspeed (KCAS) and 2,200 barometric altitude
(approximately 400 feet AGL) (Tab J-2). Based on these parameters, MP/ROCKY 02’s Advanced
Concept Ejection Seat II (ACES II) functioned properly using Mode 1 operation with no anomalies
noted (Tab H-2 to H-8). MP/ROCKY 02 followed ejection procedures in accordance with training
instructions (Tabs V-1.13 and BB-19 to BB-39). Upon checking for successful parachute
operation, MP/ROCKY 02 identified and successfully corrected crossed risers (Tab V-1.13).
Subsequently, MP/ROCKY 02 was able to verify a fully inflated canopy, the seat kit had deployed,
and the life raft had inflated (Tab V-1.13). MP/ROCKY 02 lifted his visor, removed his mask,
and prepared for a parachute landing fall position (Tab V-1.13). A German citizen assisted
MP/ROCKY 02 with successfully securing all aircrew flight equipment (Tab V-1.14 to V-1.15).
The equipment worn by MP/ROCKY 02 was recovered from the crash site (Tab H-19). All
inspections were current and performed by qualified AFE technicians (Tab H-19). Minor
documentation errors were noted on the drogue parachute and the ACES II Survival Kit which did
not affect proper operations or deployment (Tab H-19 to H-20).
A post-crash analysis was performed on all equipment (Tab H-19). The Joint Helmet Mounted
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Cueing System (JHMCS) helmet was cracked on the left side (Tab H-19). The ACES II Survival
Kit internal components were unused and found to be serviceable (Tab H-19). The attached life
raft was found deflated but showed the bottle had operated properly (Tabs H-19 and V-1.13). The
Air Ace Survival Vest was fitted with the Combat Survival/Evader Locater (CSEL) radio, which
MP/ROCKY 02 confirmed operated properly by transmitting on frequency 282.8 (Tabs H-19 and
g. Search and Rescue (SAR)
The crash occurred at approximately 0731Z (Tabs J-8 and N-3). Approximately two to three
minutes after ejection, MP/ROCKY 02 was able to establish communications with ROCKY 03 on
the guard frequency using his CSEL radio (Tab V-1.13 to V-1.14). MP/ROCKY 02 informed
ROCKY 03 that no serious injuries were sustained during the ejection (Tab V-1.13 to V-1.14).
The crash site coordinates were relayed by the mishap flight to the Range Controller, who then
informed the 52 FW Commander that he would coordinate with fire, police, environmental, and
both the US Army and German Bundeswehr [military] (Tab R-35). First responders arrived on
scene within minutes of initial notification (Tab V-1.14 and V-4.4). MP/ROCKY 02 was
transported by German ground ambulance to Bayreuth Hospital (Tab R-35).
h. Recovery of Remains
Not applicable.
a. Forms Documentation
A thorough review was conducted of the mishap aircraft’s active Air Force Technical Order
(AFTO) 781 series forms; no discrepancies were noted (Tab D-3 to D-17). There were seven open
Time Compliance Technical Orders (TCTOs) in the active forms, none of which restricted the
mishap aircraft from flying operations (Tab D-15 to D-17). Additionally, there was no overdue
hourly or calendar scheduled maintenance (Tab D-13 to D-14). Integrated Maintenance Data
System (IMDS) historical records for the 90 days prior to the mishap were also reviewed and
revealed no previous maintenance discrepancies that could be correlated to the mishap (Tab U-
16). The work package cover sheets, checklists, daily maintenance summaries, and IMDS
documentation during the time the engine was in the Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance (JEIM)
shop showed all appropriate maintenance had been accomplished (Tab U-4 to U-5 and U-16).
b. Inspections
The total airframe operating time prior to the mishap was 6,469.2 hours (Tab D-11). The mishap
engine was a F110-GE-129 engine, serial number GE0E538149, and was installed into the mishap
aircraft on 5 September 2014 (Tab J-38 to J-39). The mishap engine had 3,456.6 hours total engine
operating time and 271.6 flight hours remaining before its next scheduled 400 hour engine phase
inspection (Tab D-11 and D-13). Phase inspections are regularly scheduled maintenance
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inspections performed at a 400 flight-hour interval on this mission design series aircraft (Tab BB-
Prior to being placed in the mishap aircraft on 5 September 2014, the mishap engine had 11 TCTOs
completed, one time change component was replaced, and four additional scheduled inspections
accomplished (Tab U-4 to U-5). After overhaul, a thorough test of the engine was conducted and
revealed no abnormalities (Tab U-6).
On 20 April 2015, the following maintenance actions were accomplished: an 800-hour engine
exhaust nozzle inspection, a 100-hour engine borescope inspection, a 25-hour joint oil analysis
program (JOAP) sample test, and two engine TCTOs, with no abnormalities noted in the
documentation (Tab U-14 to U-16).
On 10 August 2015, maintenance personnel performed a combined preflight/basic postflight
inspection on the mishap aircraft (Tab D-3). This type of inspection is valid for 72 hours and was
valid at the time of the mishap mission (Tab BB-41). The on-duty Production Superintendent
signed the Exceptional Release to release the aircraft from maintenance to the pilot (Tabs D-3 and
V-16.1). This release certifies that the active maintenance forms were reviewed and the aircraft
was safe for flight (Tab BB-18).
The last maintenance technicians to inspect the aircraft prior to takeoff were the end of runway
(EOR) crew (Tab BB-42). The EOR crew is responsible for removing the safety pins from any
munitions loaded on the aircraft and checking for any obvious discrepancies, such as open doors
and panels or incorrect hydraulic systems pressure; the EOR crewmembers stated they did not note
anything abnormal about the mishap aircraft (Tab V-13.1 and V-15.1).
c. Maintenance Procedures
Summaries of the Main Engine Control’s (MEC) work control documents, dating 29 August 2013
to 17 December 2013, and the MEC Test to Overhaul to Test Notes, dating 27 June 2013 to
10 December 2013, were reviewed (Tab J-80 to J-84). During that time, an overhaul of the
component was accomplished along with TCTOs 6J3-4-120-504 and 6J3-4-120-505 by personnel
assigned to the 552nd Commodities Maintenance Squadron, 76th Commodities Maintenance
Group, 76th Maintenance Wing at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Complex at Tinker AFB,
Oklahoma (Tab J-80 to J-96). During the overhaul process, there were five instances where the
MEC failed test/calibration procedures and was returned for further maintenance (Tab J-80 to J-
84). It was noted by maintenance and test personnel at the facility at Tinker AFB that test failures
are not uncommon; however, multiple failures for the same fault are rare (Tabs V-24.2, V-26.1,
V-33.2, and GG-11). Additionally, when the necessary maintenance corrections have been
completed, the MEC will go through all test/calibration procedures and only be placed in service
once it has successfully passed re-testing (Tab V-26.1 to V-26.2).
According to the AFLCMC/LPSEBB MEC Overhaul and Test Shop Visit Report, the MEC failed
test/calibration on 27 June 2013 for compressor discharge pressure (CDP), on 24 July 2013 for
CDP, on 15 August 2013 for CDP, on 10 September 2013 for tachometer calibration, and on
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19 October 2013 for CDP (Tab J-84). Each time corrective actions were taken and subsequent
testing/calibration was conducted, with the final testing and validation taking place on
17 December 2013 (Tab J-80 to J-84). After passing the final testing, the MEC was re-stamped
with a new part number per TCTO 6J3-4-120-505, marked as serviceable, and returned to service
(Tabs J-93 to J-96 and U-3).
The mishap engine was inducted into the JEIM facility on 29 January 2014 (Tab U-4). On 11 July
2014, the overhauled MEC was installed on the mishap engine (Tab J-76).
Starting on 30 July 2014, the mishap engine went through post-maintenance engine run and
operational checks; all appropriate inspections and checks were completed with no anomalies
noted (Tab U-6 and U-16). Following operational testing the engine was preserved for storage
and sent to the spare engine line on 1 August 2014 (Tab U-16). On 8 August 2014, a non-serially
tracked line was replaced and the engine was sent to the test cell section to accomplish a follow up
leak check (Tab U-16). All necessary leak checks were accomplished and no defects were noted.
The engine was preserved and returned to the spare engine line on 8 August 2014 (Tab U-16).
On 5 September 2014, the engine was installed on the mishap aircraft (Tab J-39). The engine was
later removed in order to facilitate other maintenance [not associated with the engine] on
29 January 2015 and again on 30 April 2015; after each subsequent reinstallation no engine defects
were noted (Tab U-16).
d. Maintenance Personnel and Supervision
Interviews conducted with maintenance personnel indicated all preflight activities were normal
and no anomalies with personnel or aircraft were noted (Tab V-9.1, V-11.1, V-12.1, V-13.1, V-
14.1, V-15.1, and V-16.1). Training records were reviewed for all maintenance personnel who
serviced and maintained the mishap aircraft, as well as the JEIM members who installed the mishap
MEC, and all were fully qualified (Tab T-3 to T-23 and T-130 to T-190).
Training records for the MEC depot maintenance facility workers and test members at Tinker AFB,
Oklahoma who overhauled the mishap MEC were reviewed and all personnel were qualified (Tabs
G-56 to G-59 and T-191 to T-208). Training procedures at the maintenance facility were reported
as conducted “on-the-job” (Tab V-27.1 and V-33.1). The maintenance facility’s quality assurance
program at Tinker AFB includes documented bi-annual personnel evaluations and random quality
assurance verification inspections (Tab V-26.2 and V-30.1). Some personnel from the
maintenance facility interviewed reported appropriate resources and training were available to
perform their assigned duties (Tab V-24.1, V-27.1, V-28.1, V-32.1, V-33.1, and V-34.1).
However, one worker interviewed reported several problems with available resources, including
old test stands that would frequently break and consistently leak, old and bent tools, and inaccurate
gauges used to calibrate the tachometer and speed (Tab V-26.1).
e. Fuel, Hydraulic, and Oil Inspection Analyses
Fuel samples were taken and tested post-mishap from all equipment used to refuel the mishap
aircraft including the fuel truck, the upper hydrant system fill stand, and the aircraft (Tab U-7 to
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U-13). All samples were within technical data limits and free from contamination (Tab U-7 to U-
The post-impact fire prevented analysis of aircraft oil samples; however, all oil servicing
equipment was sampled and within technical limits (Tab U-14). A review was conducted of the
mishap aircraft’s records to include: the AFTO 781, the Non Destructive Inspection Records, and
the associated records on teardown and inspection of the engine; there was no evidence of
excessive contaminants, oil consumption, or other negative trends associated with the mishap
engine (Tabs J-38 to J-71 and U-14).
f. Unscheduled Maintenance
A review of all maintenance actions performed on the mishap engine that were not the result of a
scheduled inspection revealed two instances of such unscheduled maintenance accomplished on
the mishap engine (Tab J-41). The first took place on 22 October 2014, when the augmentor fuel
control (AFC) was replaced due to an aircraft maintenance fault listing (MFL) 082 “Sig AFC” and
MFL 018 “Aug Inhib” (Tab J-41, J-73, and J-75). The second instance took place on 8 December
2014, when the engine T4B pyrometer was replaced due to a MFL 013 “Trend Fault” (Tab J-41
and J-73). Neither maintenance action was associated with the main engine control.
a. Structures and Systems
According to post-flight analysis, the mishap aircraft was destroyed upon impacting the ground
(Tab J-2). The aircraft crashed into a heavily wooded area on a slight uphill slope, resulting in a
small debris field approximately 400 feet by 200 feet at its widest points (Tab J-2 to J-3). The
aircraft forward of the engine was severely broken apart, with pieces ranging in size from a few
inches to a few feet (Tab J-2). The aft portion of the fuselage, vertical tail (with the rudder still
attached), right horizontal tail, and engine were in one piece, although the lower portion was
severely damaged by the impact and post-impact fire (Tab J-2 and J-19). Both aircraft wings
separated from the aircraft (Tab J-2). The left wing of the aircraft hit several trees during the
descent (Tab J-2). The left wing was found with the left leading edge flaps still attached;
however, the left flaperon was detached from the left wing (Tab J-2 and J-19). The right wing was
found with the right leading edge flaps and right flaperon still attached (Tab J-2 and J-19). The
left horizontal tail separated from the rest of the aircraft’s empennage but was found lying next to
the aircraft (Tab J-19). The Digital Flight Control System Accumulator was found intact in the
tail section and was not removed (Tab J-24). The MPs main parachute was located approximately
1,590 feet from the site of aircraft impact (Tabs H-21 and J-3). The canopy was found generally
intact with two longitudinal cracks in the transparency and several smaller cracks in the canopy
frame, approximately 1,200 feet from the aircraft (Tab J-3).
The recovered wreckage was returned to Spangdahlem Air Base (Tab J-48 and Q-2). The Crash
Survivable Flight Data Recorder (CSFDR) and the Digital Flight Control Computer (DFLCC),
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commonly referred to as the Seat Data Recorder (SDR), were recovered and sent for analysis (Tab
J-6, J-12, and J-13).
The Digital Flight Recorder (DFR), Modular Mission Computer (MMC), and Programmable
Display Generator (PDG) were recovered but the extent of the damage prevented recovery of data
from these systems. Therefore, the stored information on these devices was not available for
analysis (Tab J-19).
The Signal Acquisition Unit (SAU), Data Transfer Cartridge (DTC), Generator Control Unit
(GCU), and Emergency Power Unit (EPU) were not recovered (Tab J-12, J-19, and J-25).
The Main Engine Control (MEC), Modernized Digital Engine Control (MDEC), and Modernized
Engine Monitoring System Computer (MEMSC) were recovered and sent to the original
equipment manufacturers for analysis (Tab J-68). The Jet Fuel Starter (JFS) was recovered and
examined by Lockheed Martin (Tab J-21). Two fuel samples were taken from the aircraft
wreckage and sent to the Air Force Petroleum Agency for analysis (Tab U-7 to U-10).
b. Evaluation and Analysis
(1) Recorded Data
Based on analysis of the data retrieved from the CSFDR and the SDR, the mishap aircraft was
operating normally from takeoff to a flight time of approximately 29 minutes (Tab J-17). Various
fault indications and stale source data from the Embedded Global Positioning System/Inertial
Navigation System (EGI), indicated a loss of 115-volt Alternating Current (AC) Bus No. 1 power
to the Central Air Data Computer (CADC), 28-volt Direct Current (DC) Emergency DC Bus No.
1 power to the EGI and Emergency DC Bus No. 2 power to the Store Enhancement Relay 2756K2
(Tab J-17). As stated in Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Company Report of F-16C 91-0366
Mishap Investigation, Summary of SDR Data:
Indications of a loss of electrical power without Integrated Servoactuator (ISA) faults
indicated the engine was operating in a sub-idle range. Electrical power was restored to the
CADC and EGI within approximately 2.5 seconds, which is the typical delay for starting the
emergency power unit and for the emergency generator to come on line. Pilot ejection
occurred between the last recording of the mishap flight (MF) at 0:31:30 and the next
scheduled recording at 0:31:45. The flight control system was functioning through the time
of pilot-initiated ejection (Tab J-17).
A recording anomaly in the CSFDR data was observed in the throttle signal. The recorded values
were consistently low by between 15-18 degrees (Tab J-11 to J-12). This anomaly was consistent
with previous occasions where this was noted and it was determined that the throttle potentiometer
had been mis-rigged (Tab J-11). This signal; however, only goes to the CSFDR and it does not
affect engine performance” (Tab J-11).
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(2) Flight Control Surfaces
According to Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, all flight control surfaces were found at
the crash site (Tab J-19). An examination of the flight control surfaces included: the leading
edge flaps; speedbrakes; and the ISAs for the right and left flaperons, the right and left horizontal
tail, and the rudder (Tab J-19 to J-20). Lockheed Martin concluded that all flight controls were
functioning properly at the time of the mishap and the speedbrakes were closed at the time of
ground impact (Tab J-19 to J-20 and J-25 to J-26).
(3) Landing Gear
The CSFDR and DFLCC indicated that the landing gear handle was in the up position (Tab J-25).
The landing gear actuators were in the up position and landing gear door actuators were in the
closed position, indicating the landing gear was in the up position (Tab J-25).
(4) Fuel System
The CSFDR recorded a fuel quantity of 8,192 pounds at 0729:12.63Z, shortly after the engine roll
back (Tab J-22). Fuel flow just prior to engine roll back was 10,688 pounds per hour (Tab J-
22). After roll back, fuel flow was in the idle to sub-idle range with the exception of the two
engine restarts (Tab J-22). The Master Fuel Switch was “on” and the Main Fuel Shutoff Valve
(MFSOV) was in the “fully open” position (Tab J-22 to J-23). Analysis determined fuel flow
system to the main engine control was normal until the time of impact (Tabs J-25 and GG-5).
(5) Hydraulic System
The System A hydraulic reservoir was filled to approximately 44% of volume and the System B
hydraulic reservoir was filled to approximately 61% of volume, which is considered to be a normal
fill level (Tab J-24). Both the CSFDR and the SDR data indicated that both hydraulic systems
were operating properly (Tab J-24 and J-26).
(6) Electrical Systems
The CSFDR and DFLCC data showed that the electrical system was operating properly at the time
of impact (Tab J-24).
(7) Emergency Power System (EPU)
The EPU was not recovered; however, the CSFDR data was intact and indicated that the EPU was
operating normally (Tab J-25).
(8) Propulsion Interface
The engine was returned to Spangdahlem Air Base and disassembled for inspection (Tabs J-48
and Q-2). It was determined that both system A and B hydraulic pumps maintained approximately
1700 psi (Tab J-20). The CSFDR recorded an “Engine Flameout” MFL at 0729:11.62Z and
approximately 38 seconds later, the “HYD A/Eng Oil LOW discrete was set due to low oil
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pressure (Tab J-20). The JFS compressor and JFS brake accumulators were examined. The
examination determined that there was no evidence of pre-impact damage (Tab J-21 to J-22 and
(9) Engine
The following items were inspected by the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center/F-110
Engineering Section (AFLCMC/LPSEBB) and were found to have no pre-impact damage: fan,
compressor, combustor, high pressure turbine (HPT), low pressure turbine (LPT),
augmentor/exhaust nozzle, main engine bearings, accessory gear box, fuel tubes and manifolds,
air tubes and manifolds, oil tubes and manifolds, as well as various engine accessories specifically
listed in Tab J-70 (Tab J-49 to J-71).
The following engine accessories were either not found or were unidentifiable: the fuel boost
pump (FBP), the fuel/oil cooler, and the oil level/temperature sensor (Tab J-70). The electrical
cables associated with the engine were severely damaged; therefore, no determination as to pre-
impact condition could be assessed (Tab J-70).
(a) Modernized Digital Engine Control (MDEC)
According to AFLCMC/LPSEBB, The MDEC was “distorted and fused with slag from other
engine accessories and airframe components due to the post-impact fire” (Tab J-68). The MDEC
housing burned through in multiple places, exposing the internal circuit cards (Tab J-68). The
MDEC was sent to the original equipment manufacturer, Honeywell International, Inc., in order
to attempt recovery of the data; however, due to extensive fire damage no data was recovered (Tab
(b) Modernized Engine Monitoring System Computer (MEMSC)
According AFLCMC/LPSEBB, the MEMSC was “distorted, burned through and the circuit cards
were damaged due to impact and the post-impact fire” (Tab J-69). The MEMSC was sent to the
original equipment manufacturer, Hamilton Sundstrand, to attempt recovery of the data; however,
due to extensive fire damage no data was recovered (Tab J-69).
(c) Main Engine Control (MEC)
Due to post-impact fire, the MEC was distorted and fused with slag from other engine accessories
and airframe components (Tab J-67 to J-68). The MEC was also burned through, exposing internal
MEC components (Tab J-68). The MEC was sent to the original equipment manufacturer,
Woodward Governor, Inc., for teardown and analysis (Tab J-68).
General Electric Aviation and Woodward Governor, Inc. conducted analysis and teardown of the
MEC, using standard disassembly techniques whenever possible (Tab J-132). Due to the degree
of post-impact fire damage, the majority of the teardown involved non-standard techniques
including cutoff wheels and pry bars (Tab J-132). The hydroclone filter assembly was found to be
heavily damaged by the impact and post-impact fire (Tab J-132 to J-133). The hydroclone filter
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assembly and overspeed trip set screw showed either no-abnormalities/damage or the
abnormalities/damage were determined to be unrelated to component failure (Tab J-68 and J-133).
The overspeed trip set screw was “still engaged” and CFSDR data shows the overspeed trip
mechanism was functioning per design before impact (Tabs J-43 to J-47, J-68, and GG-9).
The MEC is a sophisticated hydro-mechanical computer (Tab GG-6). The MEC is bolted to the
engine gearbox and is rotated by an input shaft from the gearbox (Tab GG-6). The MEC senses
core speed in the tachometer system, using the rotating input shaft connected to the gearbox. When
the sensed speed from this input shaft exceeds 113%, the overspeed mechanism will activate,
shutting off fuel flow to the engine combustor (Tab GG-6). The overspeed trip mechanism is
designed to initiate at 113% RPM and reset when the core speed drops below 55% RPM (Tab GG-
5 and GG-9). However, according to the CSFDR data the MEC was sending the 113% RPM signal
to the overspeed trip mechanism when the actual RPM reached 102% causing the engine to roll
back to approximately 35% RPM (Tabs J-43 to J-46 and GG-9). These erroneous signals were
caused by contamination found on the flyweight within the tachometer assembly of the tachometer
ballhead (Tab GG-9). These flyweights rotate from the input shaft, providing centrifugal force,
which moves the pilot valves ultimately leading to a three-dimensional fuel cam, which the main
engine control computer uses to set fuel flow and to trigger the overspeed trip (Tab GG-6). The
flyweights in the tachometer system operate within a precisely calculated system based on
centrifugal force; any material changes in the mass of the flyweights will upset this system (Tab
GG-9). The additional mass on the flyweight caused the MEC to sense an RPM higher than actual,
which triggered early activation of the overspeed trip mechanism (Tab GG-9).
Activation of the overspeed trip mechanism ceases all fuel flow to the engine combustor (Tab GG-
12). The energy released from the combustion of the fuel with air produces high energy
combustion gases, which can then be accelerated in the exhaust nozzle to produce engine thrust
(Tab GG-12). This complete cessation of fuel flow made airstart attempts impossible, as the
engine requires fuel to start and operate (Tab GG-12). Once the core speed dropped below 55%,
the overspeed mechanism would reset, allowing fuel flow to the engine once again (Tab GG-12).
However, selecting an EPLA setting above idle would cause the engine to accelerate to the point
where the overspeed trip would once again prematurely activate, shutting off the fuel to the engine
again (Tab GG-12). This sequence of events would make airstarts ultimately unsuccessful, as the
engine would repeatedly shut off unless left at an idle setting (Tab GG-12). The engine, at idle,
only produces minimal thrust by design, and keeping the engine at idle would not produce enough
thrust to sustain flight (Tab GG-12).
The governor ballhead assembly was removed and inspected (Tab J-133). The governor ballhead
assembly contains a matched set of duplex bearings which allow the governor ballhead to rotate,
and are referred to as an "upper," or inboard, and "lower," or outboard, bearing (Tab GG-8). The
outboard-side (lower) governor ballhead bearing cage was found to be fractured and liberated from
the bearing (Tab J-133 to J-134). Personnel at the Woodward Metallurgical Lab visually inspected
a one-inch sector of the lower governor ballhead bearing cage and did not find any evidence of
fatigue (Tab J-134). The fracture surface was so heavily smeared that the exact nature of the
fracture could not be determined (Tab GG-8).
During inspection of the governor ballhead
bearings, the ‘V’ markings were found to indicate the bearings were installed in the correct
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
orientation (Tab J-135). The governor ballhead bearing cages are a two-piece design (Tab GG-8).
The governor ballhead inboard (upper) side of the lower governor bearing cage was found to be
loose between the two bearings, resulting in wear marks on the cage (Tab J-135 to J-136). The
tachometer assembly was removed and inspected, along with the flyweight location, and contact
damage to the snap ring and laminate shims of the unit were found (Tab J-137). The tachometer
ballhead was sent to Woodward Metallurgical Lab for further evaluation, where a light metal spray
of copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) was found on the inside diameter of the flyweight (Tab J-137). The
tachometer ballhead bearing and flyweights were disassembled for further evaluation (Tab J-138).
During this evaluation, a witness mark and a metal particle were found on the underside of the
tachometer ballhead flyweight (Tab J-138 to J-139). This metal particle was consistent with the
governor ballhead bearing cage material or shim lamination material (Tabs J-139). The tachometer
ballhead bearing was inspected under further magnification and a small piece of material was
found loose in the bearing (Tab J-139). This small piece of material was removed for analysis by
the Woodward Metallurgical Lab and was found to match the recovered piece of the bearing cage
from the failed lower governor ballhead bearing (Tab J-139).
The MEC uses internal fuel pressures to perform internal functions (Tab GG-9). These internal
fuel pressures are used through the MEC (Tab GG-9). This requires internal passages within the
MEC to port these fuel pressures to the various areas of the MEC that utilize the internal fuel
pressures for proper MEC function, in addition to a lubrication function (Tab GG-9). The governor
system and tachometer system interact directly with each other via these MEC internal fuel
pressures (Tab GG-9).
According to the Air Force Research Laboratory’s F-16 Main Engine Control (MEC) Bearing
Failure (Failure Analysis) Report, they concluded that “failure of the lower [governor ballhead]
bearing retainer (cage) [within the lower ballhead bearing cage] occurred before ground impact
(Tabs J-105 and GG-8) and that migration of the retainer cage fragment through a gear to a
different location would not occur during an impact event (Tab J-105).
AFLCMC/LPSEBB’s Engine Investigation Report concluded the engine RPM was at sub-idle at
the time of impact; the engine was not responding to commanded throttle setting at time of impact;
no pre-impact turbomachinery distress was observed during engine teardown; and the abnormal
engine response observed is consistent with failure of the MEC overspeed trip system (Tab J-71).
(10) Escape System
The CSFDR recorded the beginning of the pilot-initiated ejection sequence at 0731:40.13Z (Tab
J-25). See section 4.f. above for details.
a. Forecast Weather
Forecast weather conditions for takeoff and landing at Spangdahlem AB on 11 August 2015 met
visual meteorological conditions (VMC) (Tab F-12). Based on this forecast the, mishap supervisor
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
of flying declared the status at Spangdahlem AB as VFR with Ramstein AB designated as the
alternate (Tabs R-27 and V-31.1). Winds at Spangdahlem AB were expected to be calm, less than
10 knots, out of the northwest with no significant weather and unrestricted visibility (Tab F-12).
The forecast weather from 1,000 feet up to 40,000 feet in the EDR-136 airspace was expected to
have a few clouds from 7,000 feet to 9,000 feet with light winds out of the west trending to the
southeast (Tab F-6 and F-12). All applicable divert bases were forecasted to be VMC (Tab F-8).
No turbulence, icing, thunderstorms, or any other hazards were forecasted (Tab F-12).
b. Observed Weather
Checking into the airspace on 11 August 2015, MP observed unrestricted visibility with “scattered
to light clouds” above his flight level (Tab V-1.5). Surface winds were light and variable in EDR-
136 with clear visibility and an altimeter setting of 29.99 in. Hg (Tab V-8.1). Before and after the
mishap, observed conditions were calm to light winds out of the northwest with unrestricted
visibility, clear skies, and no significant weather (Tab F-12). Additionally, no rapid changes in
pressure or any other hazards were observed (Tab F-12).
c. Space Environment
Not applicable.
d. Operations
The mishap flight conducted the mission within the prescribed operational weather limitations in
accordance with paragraph 5.3.1 of AFI 11-214, Air Operations Rules and Procedures (Tab BB-
All members of ROCKY flight were current and qualified four-ship flight leads (Tabs G-2 and V-
17.1). MP, MFP3, and MFP4 were experienced per requirements found in paragraph 6.2, AFI 11-
2F-16, Volume 1, Flying Operations, F-16-Pilot Training (Tabs G-2 and BB-4). Additionally,
MFP3 and MFP4 were current and qualified instructor pilots, with MFP3 being a graduate of the
Weapons Instructor Course (Tabs G-2, V-4.2 to V-4.3, and V-5.2). MFP4 was Chief of Standards
and Evaluations and a current and qualified flight examiner (Tabs G-2 and V-5.2 to V-5.3). The
Operations Supervisor considered the overall experience level of members in ROCKY flight to be
“high” (Tab V-17.1 to V-17.2).
MP had a total of 675.0 flight hours, was an experienced four-ship flight lead, and was qualified
as a Supervisor of Flying (Tab G-2 and G-5). On the day of the mishap, MP had completed all
required training, pilot read files, monthly critical action procedures, and was up-to-date in all
currencies for the type of mission assigned (Tab G-48 to G-54). MP completed an instrument
qualification evaluation on 26 November 2014, a no-notice mission evaluation on 12 June 2014,
and was certified as a qualified combat-mission pilot with no discrepancies noted during either
evaluation (Tab G-23 to G-26).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
In the 90 days preceding the mishap, MP’s flying history in the F-16 was summarized as:
(Tab G-6)
a. Qualifications
Based on a review of the MP’s medical record, MP was medically qualified for flying duty at the
time of the mishap as annotated on AF Form 1042 Medical Recommendation for Flying or Special
Operational Duty dated 2 March 2015 (Tab X-3 and X-5). The most recent Periodic Health
Assessment (PHA) was accomplished 2 March 2015, at which time he was medically cleared (Tab
X-3). MP’s last dental exam was accomplished on 29 June 2015, with a Dental Classification of
1; indicating no unresolved dental health problems (Tab X-3). MP possesses one waiver for
medical conditions inconsistent with flying duty (Tab X-3). This waiver was initiated as a Flying
Class One waiver and granted by Air Education and Training Command (AETC) on 14 July 2009
(Tab X-3). Upon graduation from Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT), the waiver was changed
to a Flying Class Two waiver and was renewed on 29 March 2012 by AETC and again on
16 March 2015 by USAFE with a current expiration date of 31 March 2018 (Tab X-3).
b. Health
A medical record review and an interview of MP indicate he was in excellent health prior to the
mishap (Tabs V-2.1 and X-4). According to the PHA on 2 March 2015, he exercised regularly
and ate a healthy diet (Tabs V-2.1 and X-4). As previously stated in section 9.a. above,
MP was
determined to be medically qualified for flight duty at the time of the accident
(Tab X-3). A review
of the post-accident medical examination record revealed only minor post-accident injuries
cervicalgia (pain in the neck); no pre-accident injuries were noted (Tab X-4). MP was treated at a local
national facility, observed overnight, and released the following day
(Tab X-4). The 480 FS flight
surgeon returned MP to flight status on 18 August 2015
(Tab X-4).
c. Pathology
All mishap flight members and maintainers associated with the mishap aircraft provided samples
for toxicology testing. All samples were negative (Tab X-3 to X-4).
Last 30 Days
Last 60 Days
Last 90 Days
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
d. Lifestyle
During MP’s interview, no evidence was presented to suggest MP’s habits, behaviors, stress-level,
or lifestyle were factors the day of the mishap (Tabs V-2.1 and X-4).
e. Crew Rest and Crew Duty Time
During MP’s interview, MP stated he obtained 8 to 9 hours of sleep and 13 to 14 hours of crew
rest prior to reporting for duty on the day of the accident (Tab V-2.1). The amount of sleep the
MP obtained and his subsequent crew rest met the requirements of paragraph 2.1, AFI 11-202,
Volume 3, General Flight Rules (Tab BB-7).
a. Operations
The 480 FS Director of Operations considered the operations tempo of the unit to be moderately-
high to high at the time of the mishap (Tab V-17.1). MP had been assigned temporary duty, away
from home station, a total of 119 days of the preceding 365 days (Tab G-55). MP’s most recent
temporary duty was 30 days in duration, ending on 5 August 2015, to a large force exercise where
MP performed flight duties (Tabs G-55 and V-2.1). At the time of the mishap, the 480 FS had 45
pilots (27 assigned and 18 attached), of which 34 were experienced and 19 of the experienced
pilots were also instructor pilots (Tab G-2).
b. Supervision
The 480 FS Operations Supervisor validated all aircrew were qualified to execute assigned flight
duties in accordance with paragraph 4.4.5 of AFI 11-418, Flying OperationsOperations
Supervision (Tabs G-48 and BB-45). Furthermore, a review of Certification of Aircrew
Qualifications, aircrew currencies, Go/No-Go Summary, and training records confirmed all
members of the mishap flight were trained and qualified to accomplish the assigned mission (Tab
G-48 to G-54).
Human Factors were evaluated using the Department of Defense Human Factors Analysis and
Classification System: acts, preconditions, supervision, and organizational influences (Tab BB-
14 to BB-16). The AIB Medical Member reviewed the following evidence: toxicology reports
and medical and dental records for all mishap flight members, including MP, and maintainers
associated with the mishap aircraft; 17 72-hour and 14-day histories; and the Aeromedical
Information and Medical Waiver Tracking System of MP. Additionally, the AIB Medical Member
was present for MP’s 72-hour and 14-day history interview before the AIB. Based on the evidence
reviewed, the AIB Medical Member did not note any anomalies or evidence of adverse human
factors (Tab X-3 to X-5).
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
a. Publically Available Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap
AFI 11-2F-16, Volume 1, Flying Operations, F-16-Pilot Training, 20 April 2015
AFI 11-202, Volume 3, General Flight Rules, 7 November 2014
AFI 11-214, Air Operations Rules and Procedures, 14 August 2012
AFI 11-418, Flying OperationsOperations Supervision, 14 October 2015
AFI 51-503, Aerospace and Ground Accident Investigations, 14 April 2015
AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, 12 February 2014, Corrective Actions Applied on
10 April 2014
NOTICE: All directives and publications listed above are available digitally on the Air Force
Departmental Publishing Office website at: http://www.e-publishing.af.mil.
b. Other Directives and Publications Relevant to the Mishap
DoD HFACS, Version 7.0, 12 February 2014
T.O 00-20-1, Aerospace Equipment Maintenance Inspection, Documentation, Policies, and
Procedures, 15 October 2015
T.O. 1F-16CJ-6-11, Scheduled Inspection and Maintenance Requirements USAF Series F-16C
and F-16D Using F110-GE-129/129B Engine Block 50, 1 November 2013, with Change 5, dated
1 November 2015 (partially redacted)
USAFE Code of Conduct Continuation Training Instructor Guide, Operations Support,
Emergency Parachute Training, 1 March 2011
c. Known or Suspected Deviations from Directives or Publications
4 August 2016 JILL A. LONG, Colonel, USAF
President, Accident Investigation Board
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366
11 AUGUST 2015
Under 10 U.S.C. § 2254(d) the opinion of the accident investigator as to the cause of, or the factors
contributing to, the accident set forth in the accident investigation report, if any, may not be considered as
evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding arising from the accident, nor may such information be
considered an admission of liability of the United States or by any person referred to in those conclusions
or statements.
On 11 August 2015, an F-16CM tail number 91-0366, assigned to the 52nd Fighter Wing,
Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany experienced an unrecoverable engine malfunction while on a
local training mission near Grafenwoehr, Germany. The mishap resulted in pilot ejection and a
total loss of the aircraft. After approximately 29 minutes of flight, the mishap pilot experienced a
loss of thrust. Five attempts were made by the mishap pilot to restart the failed engine. Prior to
ejection the mishap pilot maneuvered the aircraft away from populated areas; ejecting at 156 knots
calibrated air speed and approximately 400 feet above ground level. The mishap pilot sustained
minor injuries. Search and Recovery efforts were facilitated by local German nationals, the
German Bundeswehr, and the US Army. The mishap aircraft was destroyed upon impact; the loss
was valued at $39,796,422.00. Damage to non-US government property consisted of damage to
trees, shrubbery, soil, and crops.
After analyzing technical reports, engineering evaluations, parametric data, physical evidence, Air
Force Instructions, Air Force Technical Orders, maintenance reports, maintenance records, aircrew
training and qualifications, statements about operations and supervision, medical reports, human
factors, visual media, witness testimony, and weather reports I find by a preponderance of
evidence that the cause of the mishap was a structural failure of the bearing cage within the lower
governor ballhead bearing. This structural failure caused the main engine control to malfunction,
which prohibited fuel flow to the engine. The lack of fuel flow prevented engine restart and
resulted in a complete loss of thrust, requiring the mishap pilot to eject from the mishap aircraft.
Data extracted from the Crash Survivable Flight Data Recorder (CSFDR) indicated that the mishap
aircraft’s engine was operating in a sub-idle condition at the time of ground impact. [Note: A sub-
idle condition indicates the engine components are free to rotate but the engine is not producing
sustainable thrust.] This sub-idle condition was caused by early activation of the overspeed trip
mechanism in the main engine control unit.
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
Early activation was recorded by the CSFDR, which showed engine core speed “roll back(the
term roll back is used here as a steady deceleration or reduction in RPM) consistent with overspeed
trip mechanism activation. The overspeed trip mechanism is designed to initiate at 113% RPM
and reset when the core speed drops below 55% RPM. However, according to the CSFDR data
the MEC was sending the 113% RPM signal to the overspeed trip mechanism when the actual
RPM reached 102% causing the engine to roll back to approximately 35% RPM.
In accordance with the design, the main engine control senses core speed via the tachometer system
which receives data via the rotating input shaft connected to the engine gearbox. Flyweights rotate
from the input shaft, providing centrifugal force which moves the pilot valves ultimately leading
to a three-dimensional fuel cam which the main engine control computer uses to set fuel flow and
to trigger the overspeed trip.
The flyweights in the tachometer system operate within a precisely calculated system based on
centrifugal force; any material changes in the mass of the flyweights will upset this system. During
metallurgical lab analysis a witness mark and a metal particle were discovered on the tachometer
ballhead flyweight denoting contact with a foreign object. The lab also identified a particle of
foreign material loose in the tachometer ballhead bearing. The witness mark, along with material
particles, affected the flyweights’ mass causing the Main Engine Control to record a higher RPM
than actual; thus, commanding early activation of the overspeed trip mechanism.
Technical and engineering analysis shows that one of the duplex bearings in the main engine
control governor system failed. Specifically, the governor cage located in the lower governor
bearing fractured. In the analysis, it is postulated that pieces of the cage were liberated and
migrated into the tachometer system. The tachometer system and the governor system interact
with one another via the fuel within the main engine control system which flows from one system
to the other freely for lubrication purposes as well as its primary function of providing metered
fuel to the engine.
The material found in the tachometer system was analyzed by personnel at Woodward
Metallurgical Lab and found to be consistent with the alloys characteristic of the lower governor
ballhead bearing’s fractured bearing cage. While a direct correlation could not be assigned due to
the destructive nature of the bearing cage fracture, I infer that the witness mark on the tachometer
ballhead flyweight and the material found on the flyweight and ballhead bearing in the tachometer
system were a result of liberated particles in the lower governor ballhead bearing.
It is my opinion that the reason for failure of the bearing cage within the lower governor ballhead
bearing cannot be determined due to the destructive nature of the cage fracture. There simply is
not enough material evidence remaining to permit further analysis
I find, by a preponderance of evidence, that the cause of the mishap was a structural failure of the
bearing cage in the lower governor ballhead bearing within the main engine control. This structural
failure caused the main engine control to malfunction, which prohibited fuel flow to the engine.
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
The lack of fuel flow prevented engine restart and resulted in a complete loss of thrust, requiring
the mishap pilot to eject from the mishap aircraft.
4 August 2016 JILL A. LONG, Colonel, USAF
President, Accident Investigation Board
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
Safety Investigator Information ..................................................................................................... A
Not Used ......................................................................................................................................... B
Not Used ........................................................................................................................................ C
Maintenance Report, Records, and Data ........................................................................................ D
Not Used ......................................................................................................................................... E
Weather and Environmental Records and Data .............................................................................. F
Personnel Records .......................................................................................................................... G
Egress, Aircrew Flight Equipment, Impact, and Crashworthiness Analysis ................................. H
Deficiency Reports........................................................................................................................... I
Releasable Technical Reports and Engineering Evaluations ........................................................... J
Mission Records and Data ............................................................................................................. K
Factual Parametric, Audio, and Video Data From On-Board Recorders ....................................... L
Data From Ground Radar and Other Sources ................................................................................ M
Transcripts of Voice Communications .......................................................................................... N
Any Additional Substantiating Data and Reports .......................................................................... O
Damage Summaries ........................................................................................................................ P
AIB Transfer Documents ............................................................................................................... Q
Releasable Witness Testimony ....................................................................................................... R
Releasable Photographs, Videos, Diagrams, and Animations ........................................................ S
Personnel Records Not Included in Tab G ..................................................................................... T
Maintenance Report, Records, and Data Not Included in Tab D .................................................. U
United States Air Force Accident Investigation Board Report
Class A, F-16CM, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany
F-16CM, T/N 91-0366, 11 August 2015
Witness Testimony and Statements ............................................................................................... V
Weather and Environmental Records and Data Not Included in Tab F ........................................ W
Statements of Injury or Death ........................................................................................................ X
Legal Board Appointment Documents .......................................................................................... Y
Photographs, Videos, Diagrams, and Animations Not Included in Tab S ...................................... Z
Flight Documents ......................................................................................................................... AA
Applicable Regulations, Directives, and Other Government Documents ................................... BB
Background Information and Fact Sheets .................................................................................... CC
Non-Privileged Safety Investigation Board Witness Statements and Transcripts Not Included in
Tab R ............................................................................................................................................ DD
Non-Privileged Safety Investigation Board 72 Hour 14 Day Histories Not Included in
Tab R ........................................................................................................................................... EE
Tab L Attachments (DVD) ........................................................................................................... FF
Main Engine Control Subject Matter Expert 1 Data Analysis ..................................................... GG
Tab S Attachment Animation (DVD) ....................................................................................... HH