Biography of Andrea Politte
Prepared by: Sarah White
Andrea Politte is a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend; but also a
dedicated hard-working business woman and United States patriot.
With 30+ years of experience
managing, owning, and operating
businesses, her character and
achievements are witnessed from a
range of activities and awards
received throughout her life, from
winning Homecoming Queen in high
school to becoming President and
Owner of an important non-profit
foundation giving back to her
community. She is a role model with
strong patriotic qualities believing in
Honor, Respect, Healing, & Wellness
most especially for Military,
Veterans, & First Responders.
Andrea Politte is a patriotic mother of a three-times combat-war-wounded U.S. Marine Corps son
with extreme PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), Parkinson’s Disease,
and other injuries affecting the rest of his life. Her son's dedicated time in service inspired Andrea to
create a special place FORE HONOR, RESPECT, HEALING, & WELLNESS that promotes both individual
and community health and well- being every day, especially
for those who serve and live with PTSD and TBI, and to raise
awareness to the community of PTSD and its damaging effects
when left untreated. Andrea Politte founded The Fore Honor
Foundation in 2014. She aims to remind us to be grateful and
remember ALL who are willing to put their life on the line every
day to protect and defend each one of us and our freedoms.
She is the proud mother of two amazing sons. Andrea’s eldest,
Zachary Politte, is the combat-disabled veteran, now medically
retired with his PTSD & TBI chronic extreme. His life is forever-
altered from his injuries sustained during his service. He is the
owner of Elite Lawn Scapes.
Andrea's youngest son, Elliott Politte, is a talented graphics IT lead, audio engineer & web designer of
Elite Web Scapes. He is very proud of his brother and all who serve. He helped to design and build the
Fore Honor logo and website, and maintains the website.
Her oldest son never completely left Iraq. He brought it
home. His lungs are diminished from inhaling helicopter
exhaust. He has hearing loss, brain trauma and early signs
of Parkinson’s
from the many
assignments and
hard landings.
Like so many
veterans, he
deals with the demons that his experience planted, the
sight of unspeakable things, and the words of dying young
men. But duty and honor are a way of life in his family.
Andrea is the daughter of a very patriotic father, Donald Green,
known as “Daddeo” who raised her to respect and honor the flag
and what it stands for, and to be grateful every day for the
people who sacrifice. Donald Green, worked on B-52 bombers
during the 1950s. He worked at seven diff SAC bases all over the
country, with high security clearance. He is Andrea’s hero, and
his passion is her inspiration.
She is also encouraged by
many additional family and
friends who have served
during both war and non-
war times. She is especially
proud of her sister, Gabriel
Crocker, who worked on
guided missiles and also is a
disabled Army Sgt Veteran.
Holding onto fond memories of her Norwegian Grandma Green,
Andrea is still inspired by her to this day. Her grandmother lived to the great age of 102. She was a
world traveler and very active. She rode camels in the
Middle East and rode the Space Mountain in her 80's until
diagnosed with breast cancer at 85. After a mastectomy
she was out of the hospital in only four days (Doctors did a
journal on her because they couldnt believe it!) Her
grandma was a cancer survivor, finishing post cancer meds
at 95 years old. Andrea had the pleasure of driving
Grandma Green & her dad to Minnesota, North Dakota,
and Nebraska for some of her grandmother’s last travels.
After the events of Sept. 11, 2001, Andrea helped raise money for the New York and New Jersey Port
Authority and police departments. She has witnessed
the sights of ground zero, first-hand. To Andrea, this
important life-changing day in history will and should
be recognized each year as a day that Americans
should never forget.
When Hurricane Irene hit in 2011, she volunteered for
the Red Cross, helping victims in New Jersey get food
and shelter. She was nominated by her peers as the
Best Feeding Person in Jersey.
She also has worked with Michael Reagan’s Fallen Heroes Project. In 2005, she became an official
national spokesperson and board member for the Fallen Heroes Project, with a mission to honor
American Fallen
Heroes for their
ultimate sacrifice
during the war
against terrorism by
providing custom
sketched portraits
to the families of
fallen heroes.
Army Sgt. Jason McLeod & Daughter Jocelyn, KIA 11/23/09
Portrait drawn & provided to Jason's surviving Gold Star
Family, free of charge by Artist Michael Reagan
Out of Love and Respect - over 2400 Custom Hand Drawn/Sketched Portraits Provided
Free to the Fallen Heroes Families of those Killed in Iraq & Afghanistan
Andrea volunteered with an organization called Camp Hope since it was first established from 2007
until 2013. Located 70 miles south of St. Louis in the plush land of Farmington, MO, one hundred and
seventy acres of beautiful rolling hills and
hardwood ridges have been made available to
veterans for their year round enjoyment,
recovery, and well being. Andrea is proud to
have been a part of bringing Camp Hope to life.
Welcome Home Veterans Parade in STL
Andrea Politte wants to make honoring fallen
heroes, military veterans and emergency
responders an everyday occurrence, a
recreational exercise. To this day, she is
building her dream at Fore Honor Golf & Event Center, formerly Deer Creek USA, into a therapeutic
place for those who serve, a place of pride and awareness, a place of honor; and a place to serve those
who serve others.
When she first saw the golf course she now currently operates, a seed planted in the back of her mind
and blossomed into a vision to make history. She asked the owners to let her purchase the property to
create the first all-honors course in history where you honor all those who are or have served,
protected, and sacrificed. They can feel at home
surrounded by like minds and like hearts where they
are safe to heal. People in the community can come
enjoy the property, play golf and show support to
those heroes.
As Andrea puts it, “What better connection than to
be playing golf on a course that honors those who
make it possible, to remind you the reason you’re
here is because somebody’s got your back?”
Fun day of golf! Chipping between the
trees onto the green
She took ownership on Dec. 30, 2013, with big plans
that call for big efforts. She wants each tee box to
pay tribute to a different branch of the military and
emergency responders. She wants to put
commemorative statuary and patriotic presentations throughout the property. She wants to dedicate
space in the expansive clubhouse to therapeutic and wellness services for those who have served.
Andrea Politte all 5-feet-1½, 105 pounds of her has not given up on her honors course, either. But
she needs help. She needs support from the community, sponsorships, capital, investors. She needs
others to embrace the spirit of her endeavor. She has started the Fore Honors Foundation, not only to
support her concept, but to support other organizations providing discounted services, activities and
programs for those affected by post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.
Her foundation was granted not-for-profit status, so donations can be tax exempt. For the last 7 years,
Andrea has never charged veterans or first-responders greens fees. Currently, she has to charge a cart
fee because she is leasing the carts. She has awarded over $100,000 throughout the last 7 years in free
green fees to Honor Members, all who are Military, Veterans, or First Responders.
Andrea receives support from family and friends, people who have donated time and skills to make
improvements, and to help with services. She can
only afford a limited staff and heavily relies on
volunteer help to keep this mission and vision
alive. The needs still easily exceed the haves.
She exhausted her savings in equipment and
materials. All she has left is her car, her irrepressible
energy and her unshakeable faith. She’s not about to
stand down. “If those who have served can put their
lives on the line, I can put my savings on the line,”
Andrea said. “I’m dedicated to the mission, just like
they are. I have to work in faith. I have to do what I
feel I’m supposed to be doing. This is supposed to
be.” It’s about duty. It’s about honor.
Since founding the Non-Profit Fore Honor Foundation in 2014, Andrea has successfully built
reputations with and collaborated with the following like-minded persons and organizations with
fundraising efforts and both on-site/off-site fairs or events to benefit Military, Veterans & First
Emergency Responders: AMVETS Post 42 Weekly League, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association
Events, Camp Hope Fundraising Tournaments with Image Realty, MOVE-UP, St. Louis Veterans Center
Access Point Office Fundraising Events and Donated Office Space, VFW District 8 - H.O.P.E. Helping Our
Patriots Engage Veterans Fair, POW MIA National Recognition Day Event, High Ridge Fire Department
Annual Backstoppers Tournament, Byrnes Mill Police Department Annual Shop with a Cop Program,
High Ridge VFW Post 6516 Annual Fundraising Tournaments, High Ridge Fire Department Annual
Events, and the Joe Bone Annual Fore Honor Benefit Tournament.
Prior to her current endeavor, Andrea Politte
graduated from Herculaneum High School in
1982. During high school she tried to
participate in as many sports and extra-
curricular activities as she could, including
but not limited to: volleyball 1 year,
basketball 3 years, track and field, and cross
country for 3 years. Her cross country team
was the start of the first girls team for her
school. She was nominated and won
Homecoming Queen in 1981 for the ’81-’82
school year. She was a participant of the
Thespian Club, as well FBLA (Future Business
Leaders of America).
On September 7th, 2019, Andrea Politte, President and Owner of the Fore Honor Golf & Event Center
and Founder of the Fore Honor Foundation, was inducted into the Herculaneum Blackcat Hall of Fame.
"I am Humbled and Honored to be inducted into the 2019 Blackcat Hall of Fame... with 2 incredible
people... Mr. Jarvis and Ryun Kasten, both have been tremendous
leaders in our community and in life. To be in the company of these 2
tremendous fellow Inductees and their wonderful families, friends, peers
& former students ...again... it was & is a true Honor. Paula Longley Cox
was so kind to have nominated me and I was humbled and floored when
she gave her heartfelt introduction for me last night.....I was so touched.
...Words do not seem enough of my gratefulness. I just kept looking at all
in the room who were there giving their time and support to us. Tears
welling and an apple in my throat... I just kept thinking how lucky we all
were to be connected as Black Cat community, family, friends and
neighbors and have so much love and support in the room... An
enormous Thank you to all," said the proud 2019 Black Cat Hall of Famer
Andrea Marie Green Politte, aka Annie Green. Class of `82
Andrea was very honored to be one of the selected Herculaneum High School 2019 Blackcat Hall
of Fame Award inductees.
Harry S. Truman Award Presented by the Elks
Andrea Politte, as President, Owner, & Founder of the Fore Honor
Foundation, was nominated and then selected by nine participating
Elks Lodges to receive the
Missouri Elks East Central
District Harry S. Truman award on
Saturday, June 16th, 2018 at the
Elk's Annual Flag Day Ceremony
for all of Andrea's tireless work
and sacrifice for our local
veterans, first responders, their
families, and the community.
The Harry S. Truman award is one
of the highest awards given by
the Elks.
Proclamation Announcement on the same day!
The Proclamation recognition for the “Fore Honor Foundation” received
from the state of Missouri, was read by High Ridge Fire Department
Chief Tom Lakin on June 16th, 2018 and presented to Andrea Politte.
That same year, on December 29th, 2018, the local Byrnes Mill Police
Department presented Andrea with a plaque of appreciation for her
dedicated hard work with their Annual “Shop with a Cop” event which
helps to give local families a beautiful Christmas banquet dinner and
gifts for the local children. She donates the
Fore Honor venue space each year, decorated
beautifully in Christmas theme. In addition
to the plaque of appreciation, the Byrnes Mill
Police Department has also awarded Andrea
with an Outstanding Community Member
Award” for all of her continuous efforts for
the community through her Fore Honor
Foundation Mission & Vision.
Throughout her dedication to the golf course
and foundation’s mission, Andrea has been
recognized and her story is being told. Many
news avenues have taken an interest in her
inspiring story:
PGA Online Highlights Andrea and Fore Honor
Mom vows to keep service mission on course
Her vision turned a golf course into a place of honor
KSDK: Area Golf Course Honors Veterans All Year
The USGA Golf
Journal released an
issue featuring
Andrea and her
vision. The Winter
2020 Edition titled
“Golf to the Rescue”
shares her story and
mission, as well as
how she had to
handle COVID-19
with creativity to get
through the golf
Beyond high school and prior to her
inspiring current endeavors with the golf
course and foundation, Andrea had
continued her education obtaining
extensive hair and make-up training
through various institutions. Andrea
became a well-known professional
makeup artist, hair stylist, massage artist,
business owner and consultant. She had
the opportunity to work in many facets of the industry. The majority of
her work involved specialty events, media, and the entertainment and
music industry.
Her extensive education and training beyond high school included:
Consultive selling both National and International learning superlative on-going education
Training by Leland Hirsch and Jamie Mazzie for MSS and Bio Elements in Illinois to learn
advance skin care and make-up techniques
Tressalure hair extension training in Chicago, IL
Exsalonce Business Bootcamp by Michael Cole in St. Louis, MO learning specialized training of
business operations, marketing and success strategy implementation and communication
Rusk National by Irving Rusk in St. Louis, MO learning specialty hair/image care, core business
and client relationship development
Xenon’s Advanced Academy in Colorado training for
communication, business and marketing, and specialty
image techniques
Redken Business in Maui, HI by Hedi Marie Rathke
training for Redken skilled specialty performance and
PK knowledge
Farouk Global in Las Vegas, NV by Karouk Shami
teaching business excellence, product performance
and creating trends
Redken World Symposium in Las Vegas, NV by many
world class educators teaching all facets of image,
fashion and salon / spa industry business
MSS in Beverly Jills, CA training for Alterna Hair Care
specialized product knowledge and trend looks
Martin Parsons in Iowa specializing in hair
Temptu in Chicago, IL specializing in air brush make-up
P.A.T.S. Certification Course in Des Moines, IA by Kenny
Chaplin for Production Assistant Training
Billy Blanks Professional Make-up Course in Chicago, IL by Billy Blanks for Professional Make-up
SP FX Training by Shelly Banks teaching special effects make-up
Andrea worked very hard through-out her artistry profession building a successful business as a hair
and makeup specialist of over 30 years and learned that achievement in ones career do not happen
without the love and support of her family, friends, fellow colleagues and clients. She worked
Features, Film, Television, HD & RED, Print, Media, Music, Celebrity, High profile and Political & a
multitude of events in between needing Hair, Make-up and or energy artistry services for Local clients
and events, to National and International Major Networks and Businesses, from Billboards to Red
Carpets, and T.V. to the Big Screen. She earned 30+ years of Professional Experience, Licensed,
Awards, Covers, Key Credits, Specialized Certifications in Creative Artistry, Hair Color, Air brushing, SP
FX, Glamour and Natural Beauty, Lace, Tattoos, Prosthetics, as well as Superlative Communications,
Energy Work, Entrepreneurial Business Operations, and Motivational Marketing. She worked on movie
and television sets, commercial shoots, and political campaigns. She worked with Leonardo DiCaprio,
Blake Shelton and politicians like a young Illinois senator named Barack Obama.
Before walking away from her professional music and film industry career for the golf
course, the last client that Andrea chose to work on was Donald Trump.
Her work has been published locally, nationally, as well as viewed internationally. You have likely seen
some of her past work in motion pictures, on television, music videos, commercials, live events, on
websites, in department stores, in magazines or as a featured cover, gracing the red or orange carpets,
on billboards, on concert and award stages, taped and satellite interviews, or even on the sides of city
buses, and much more.
During those years of training, working with many talented mentors from all around the globe, Andrea
adapted important skills that enabled her to stand out above the competition. Among the most
valuable of those skills was effectively communicating with her clients to best understand them
Andrea founded her reputation by being innovative, open minded, productive and dependable. She
not only worked in a variety of formats, but also worked in front of the camera, acting as principal
talent for commercials, as well as extra talent in movies, music videos and reality shows. She has also
modeled for print, catalogs, media and advertising. Today, she continues to apply those skills as the
owner-operator of the Fore Honor Golf & Event Center.
Andrea has originally designed, owned and operated successful 2-13 chair salon businesses, owned
and operated multiple locations in the Salon distribution industry complete with storefront
showrooms, education, warehousing and shipping centers, traveled throughout the US and Canada
educating for multiple make-up
and hair manufacturers teaching
creative application, as well as
communication and business
development coaching, sales and
marketing consultant, event co-
coordinating and directing. After
selling salons and companies she
worked primarily with VIP celebrity
in the film, television, commercial,
media, print, music and
entertainment industry events and
enjoyed it immensely.
Andrea has been blessed with
many years of enjoyed opportunities and knows many more are yet to be. Andrea has had years filled
with the amazing, to the not-so amazing, and had to learn to earn. Still does and will continue to, just
as we all do, to grow forward. From the beginning basic days assisting, evolving to Key titles,
Department Lead, and business management. Andrea is grateful for it all, and everyone who’s been a
part, no one advances without the help of others.
Her extensive business history prior to the golf course includes:
Owner and Master Design Specialist of Reflections Hair Studio from 1983 to 1992
Owner and Master Design Specialist of Jaze Hair Effects Studio from 1992 to 1999
President of Sales and Marketing of Jaze, Inc. from 1991 to 2004
Administration Director of Showroom and Shipping Center from 1995 to 2004
Owner and Operator of Beauty Supply Distributorship from 1995 to 2004
Vice President of ZEP, Inc. SBS CR/IC, IA Professional Salon Product, Education and Equipment
Distribution Co. from 1997 to 2004
Licensed Iowa Athletic Coach from 2000 to 2005
Event Co-Coordinator, Education Director, Host and Speaker from 1980 to Present
Business Marketing and Sales Consulting Director from 1983 to Present
Professional Talent for Film and Television and Modeling from 1983 to Present
Massage Artist with a unique variety of techniques from 1982 to Present
Professional Make-Up Artist of Traditional and Air Brus hing and HD / Film Hair Stylist and
Image Consultant from 1982 to Present.
From 2004 to present day, Andrea operates as President of her self-established company All
About You, Inc.
Andrea has earned a variety of Hair and Make Up Awards including:
Addy Awards 08 For Top winning projects in Print, Commercials, and Internet.,
2008, Key Makeup and Hair on multiple Commercials winning Silver and Gold Addy Awards
Addy Awards 07 For Top winning projects in Print, Commercials, and Internet.,
2007, Key Makeup and Hair on multiple Commercials winning Silver and Gold Addy Awards
Addy Awards 06 For Top winning projects in Print, Commercials, and Internet.,
2006, Key Makeup and Hair on multiple Commercials winning Silver and Gold Addy Awards.
When you meet and work with Andrea, you can't help but notice her passion, talent and bright energy.
She enjoys people and has a gift in communication. She takes pride in her work, and has trained and
continues to study with mentors and global masters when possible in life, her artistry and marketing
industries to consistently exceed expectations every time.
Andrea is no stranger to hard work,
long hours and the importance of being
timely, responsible, respectful and
resourceful. Working as a team
member or independently, she has a
can-do attitude and ability. She loves to
travel as she has extensively in the past
and knows that she will again when she
hits the road to share her Fore Honor
Mission and Vision across the globe to
raise awareness for PTSD & TBI, and to
always recognize our nation’s heroes
with Honor, Respect, Healing, and
During previous years of experience, Andrea created an exclusive massage, semi-precious gem stone
therapy, and color-chroma therapy energy experience. She also studied all over the country for EFT
Emotional Freedom Tapping Techniques for PTSD Healing & Wellness. She understands the blend of
energy, unique manipulation techniques, music, and aromatherapy for proper healing with massage
artistry techniques being specific to clients needs. For many clients, Andrea's Massage Artistry had the
ability to create relaxation, increase energy flow, stress reduction, breathing and balancing, vocal
chords relaxation, sinus pressure and headache relief, athletic overexertion pain relief, or reflexology.
Andrea’s Massage Artistry VIP clients have included:
2ft Fred
AEG Live
AEG Live Tours
Alan Jackson Camp
Big and Rich Camp
Blake Shelton Camp
Blue Man Group Tour
Bowling for Soup Camp
Brad Paisley Camp
Buddy Jewell Camp
Carrie Underwood Camp
Carrot Top
Chicago the Band
Chris Cagle Camp
Cirque Du Solei Tour
Eric Church Camp
Gary Alan Camp
Jason Aldean Camp
Jason Bittner - Shadows Fall Camp
Jason Scheff Chicago
Josh Freese
Journey Camp
Julia Roberts Camp
Kelly Clarkson and Camp
Lacuna Coil Camp
Little Big Town
Lone Star Camp
Miranda Lambert Camp
Montgomery Gentry Camp
Nine Inch Nails
Rascal Flatts Camp
Reba McEntire Camp
Robin Finck, Roy Mayorga - and Stone Sour Camp
Sevendust, Sevendust Camp
Smashmouth Camp
Staind/Aaron Lewis
String Cheese Incident Camp
Styx Camp
Trace Adkins, Trace Adkins Camp
Train Camp
From 2009 until her endeavors began at the golf course in 2013, Andrea worked on many more clients
not yet listed. Andrea’s complete hair and make-up experience in 2009 includes:
Co-Head Hair/Make-Up for Motion Picture “Collapse” with Mike Saunders and Jason Bolinger
Key Hair Person for Motion Picture “The Experiment” working with Paul Scheuring
Make-Up / Hair Dept Head for Motion Picture “Splatter” working with Lonnie Schuyler
Additional Hair Person for Motion Picture “The Crazies” working with Breck Eisner
Dept. Head - Hair and Make-Up for Motion Picture “The Offering” working with Bruce Heppner-
1st Assistant for Key/Dept Head - Hair and Wigs for Motion Picture Ticket Out” working with
Doug Lodato
Andrea’s complete hair and make-up experience in 2008 includes:
Key Make-Up/Hair for Television filming of Presidential
Candidate Barack Obama with Freebird Communications Live
Satellite Message
Key Make-Up/Hair for Television filming of Multiple
Commercials with Envision Communications Inc.
Key Make-Up/Hair for Television filming of Congressman
Loebsack in Multiple Commercials with McMahon-Squire-
Lapp and Associates
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of Miss “You
Can Do It” Pageant working with Miss Iowa USA, Abby Curran
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Various Commercial Mediums
of Commercials/Print/Web working with HON Furniture
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Web Photo Shoot working with BVS Performance Systems
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of TN Presidential Debate Coverage and Follow-
Ups working with Access Hollywood NBC Universal
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of Multiple Commercials with Motive Films
Key Make-Up/Hair for television filming of Multiple Hospital Commercials working with ME & V
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of the Senator Lindsey Graham Interview
working with ABC “The Week”
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of George Foreman and Co-Host Mindy
McCortney working with Hawthorne Direct
Hair Person for Television filming of Historical Election Coverage Barack Obama Rally, Grant
Park, Chicago, IL Coverage and Interview with Oprah Winfrey working with Access Hollywood
NBC Universal's Maria Menounos
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Various Mediums working with Nashville 9 Experiment 9 Stories
Documented 9 New songs and Music Videos In 9 Days with A Short Film Created
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of Red Carpet Interviews with Access
Hollywood NBC Universal's Maureen McCormick working with CMT Awards
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of John Edwards Presidential Campaign Rallies
working with 25+ Interviews with Major Networks
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Magazine Exclusive Shoot of Miss Iowa USA - Abby Curran
working with People Magazine
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of Brown Medical Commercial Shoot working
with ME and V
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Printing of Rockwell Collins National Event Advertising Print Shoot
working with Rockwell Collins
Key Make-Up/Hair for Multiple Commercials and Print Shoots working with FUZE BOX Studios
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Commercials and Print Shoots working with Dubuque Grey Hound
Park and Casino
Hair Dept for Motion Picture filming of “Peacock” working with Michael Lander
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of Commercial Shoot working with Silver Oaks
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of Commercial Shoot working with Von Maur
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television filming of Medical Commercial Shoot working with ME
& V
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television and Magazine Interview / Shoot working with NBC
Skycastle / Telemundo
Andrea’s complete hair and make-up experience in 2007 includes:
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Magazine Bridal Shoot working with Henry Russell Bruce Agency
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Kitchens and Decks Magazine Shoot working with Henry Russell
Bruce Agency
Key Make-Up/Hair for Television Filming for Qwest Television Commercials working with Boxer
Key Make-Up/Hair for Billboard Advertising and Product Advertisement Printing working with
JW Morton Agency
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Print and Web Advertising with Charleston Orwig Trinity
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television Commercial with Applied Art
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Corporate Print Shoot with CME
Key Make-Up Person for Runway Models Fashion Event for Martin Parsons Fashion Event
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Television Commercial for Corner Booth Productions
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Newsweek Magazine Cover - Presidential Candidate John
Edwards with Newsweek Dec 24, 2007
Key Make-Up/Hair for 14 Television Commercials with Cineworks
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Lance Armstrong - Live Strong National Television Debates with
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for (10) Political Mediums 2008 Presidential Candidates including
John Edwards (D), Senator Joe Biden (D), Governor Bill
Richardson (D), Senator
Chris Dodd (D),
Representative Dennis
Kucinich (D), Former
Governer Tom Vilsack
(D), Former Governor
Mike Huckabee (R),
Senator Sam
Brownback (R),
Representative Tom
Tancredo (R), and Former Senator Fred Thompson (R)
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Nationally Televised Interviews
with Elizabeth Edwards; Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Nationally Televised Interviews with Jeri
Key Make-Up/Hair Person for Major Networks Televised Interviews with MSNBC, Chris
Matthews/Lance Armstrong Live Strong Debates, Morning Joe, Fox News, Hannity and Holmes,
ABC News, Good Morning America, CBS News, Face the Nation, Early Show, NBC News, Today
Show, CNN, Anderson Cooper 360, Wolf Blitzer Situation Room, American Morning
Make-Up/Hair Person for Nashville Host Tim Vincent Television Interview with Sara Evans and
MSNBC Access Hollywood
Make-Up/Hair Person for Nationally Televised Interviews - US Presidential Candidate Senators
Make-Up/Hair Person for Joint 2 - Trinity Television Commercial with HDTV
Make-Up/Hair Person for Radar Studio Productions Television Commercial with HDTV
Make-Up/Hair Person for CineTheater Television Commercial Advertising with Metro Studios
Make-Up/Hair for Musician/Artist CD Cover Shoot Printing with Fish Eye Studios
Make-Up/Hair Person for Presidential Television Interviews with MSNBC
Make-Up/Hair for Commercial Television Filming and Web Shooting with Radar Studios of
Make-Up/Hair Person for Television and Web Catalog Shooting with
Make-Up/Hair Person for Commercial and Print Shoot Billboard Advertising with JW Morton
Make-Up/Hair Person for Television Commercial with Twisted Pair Post
Make-Up/Hair Person for Seventh Heaven - Lucy (Beverly Mitchell) Television Show with ACM
Make-Up/Hair Person for ACM Awards Television Award Show; and Make-Up/Hair Person for
Corporate National Satellite Cast with Prudential.
Andrea’s complete hair and make-up experience in 2006 includes:
Make-Up/Hair Person for CMA Television
Awards - Shaun Robinson with MSNBC Access
Make-Up/Hair Person for Nashville CMA
Television Awards and Events - Thom C./Greg
Travis/Access Hollywood with GAC TV
Make-Up/Hair Person for NBC Biggest Loser
Season 3 - Bob Harper and Matt Hoover Television
Show with NBC Biggest Loser Season 3
Make-Up/Hair Person for Midwest Fashion
Event with
Published Artist Martin Parsons and Models
Make-Up/Hair Person for KHAK 98.1 Radio and
Children's Miracle Television Network with KGAN
Make-Up/Hair Person for Model Print Shoot with Casino
Make-Up/Hair Person for Principle Talent Television
Actress with Casino Advertisements
Key Make-Up Person for The Final Season Motion
Picture with David M. Evans
Make-Up/Hair Person (Make-Up Artist *Award
Winner*) for ACM Awards Show in Vegas with Jason
Aldean, Jessica Aldean, Lawrence Mathis Mgmt. (Make-
Up and Hair for Televised Events, Carpet Appearance,
Interviews, Pictures)
Make-Up/Hair Person for Jason Aldean's Performance -
Televised CMA Special with ABC - Deaton Flannigan
Make-Up/Hair Person for Commercial Shoot Advertising with Maytag/Whirlpool
Make-Up/Hair Person for Television Commercial - Surgery Center with JW Morton
Make-Up/Hair Person for Television Commercial - Cancer Survivors with Trinity Productions.
Andrea’s complete hair and make-up experience from 2005 and prior includes:
National Medical DVD Educational
Series with Creative Street
CMA's NYC - Jason Aldean with
Lawrence Mathis Management
CMA's NYC - CMT Star Canada with
Elissa Lansdell - Trick Pony, 2 ft
Fred, Williams and Reed, and Davis
Make-Up for Live Televised
Satellite Production with Mobile
Express Productions
Make-Up & hair: various live
national satellite shows with
Aristkraft Masterbrand: SMT with
Verne Yip
Celebrity Interviews for the 2005 ACMA's with ACMA's CMT Canada - "CMT Star"
Make-Up and Hair / Picture published in Country Weekly Magazine for Orange Carpet 2005
ACMA's Katt Shelton (Blake Shelton's wife)
Educator and Consultant for Bodyography Professional Cosmetics in Oakland, Dallas, Newark,
Chicago, Winnepeg (Canada), and Edmonton (Canada)
Front Cover for Editors and Publisher Magazine for Saverio Truglia Photography
Front Cover - Award Winning Chairman, President and CEO Mary E. Junck of Lee Enterprises for
National Editors and Publisher Magazine
Ongoing projects - Commercial, Film, Satellite and Television with Metro Studios
True Fill Educational Film featuring nationally renowned surgeons using new Johnson and
Johnson product with Johnson and Johnson's - The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Prepared Elizabeth Edward's Make-Up for an interview for Larry King Live CNN
President Bush's Sister and daughters speaking event for The Insider with Victoria Recano
2004 Presidential Candidate - Senator John Kerry interview during US Presidential Election
Campaign for ABC News with Peter Jennings
2004 Vice Presidential Candidate Senator John Edwards - Interview US Presidential Election
Campaign. Also prepared Par O'Brien for The Insider with Pat O'Brien
Prepared 2004 Vice Presidential Candidate Senator John Edwards for Interviews for CBS
Morning Show
Harpo Productions exclusive Karen Fox interview for Oprah Winfrey Show
Role as Talent extra for several days of filming for Spike TV/William Shatner's Invasion Iowa
Buddy Jewell and Gary Allan interviews for CMT - Country Music Television - 40 Greatest Road
MCS: Marketing and Communications Strategies in Cedar Rapids, IA
Corporate Brochures, Website and Marketing Materials for Access Direct
Bauer Creative Services/First Magazine in New Jersey
Billboards, Brochures, Banners and Marketing Materials with JW Morton/Bankers Trust
Media Process Group - HDTV Comm ercial Shoot in Chicago, IL
Spot Film works Multiple Series in Madison, WI; University of Iowa Health Care Commercial
Series Campaign for HDTV/Filming
Zenobia Agency, Inc. in Los Angeles, CA
Fuze Box Photography for Brian Dobbler; Hair and Make-Up for: RKB Images, Fisheye Studios,
Carrot Top Comedian/Entertainer, Sevendust Band Members and Crew, Element 80 Band
Members and Crew, Ilnino Band Members and Crew, and The String Cheese Incident Band
Members and Crew
Theme Make-Up for State Dance Competition for Monticello High School, Monticello, IA
Theme Make-Up for State Dance Competition for Anamosa High School, Anamosa, IA
National Profile Newsletter for Mary Kay Print Model
Nick Viccarro Photography, NYC for Mary Kay Corporate
Photo-shoot with Jon Van Allen
Copperfield Catalog and 100th Anniversary Harley Davidson Model Shoot
Prepared Santa Claus for Copperfield's 100th Aniversary Harley Shoot
World Championships of Performing Arts in Burbank, CA
“The Best Damn Sports Show Period” with Fox Sports - Tom Arnold; Detailed and Prepared
2004 Presidential Candidates: Governor Dean, Senator Edwards, Representitive Gephardt,
Senator Graham, Senator Kerry, and Representitive Kucinich
Awarded plaques to Styx and their managers for support of Rock to the Rescue Event for Iowa
State Police Officers Association Appreciation Ceremony
Fundraising benefit events for JRBA and KCRR Radio Stations of Cumulus Media
Organized local fundraising benefit events to raise money for the New York/New Jersey Port
Port Authority Police Department's Surviving Families of 9-11-01 for Rock to the Rescue
2003 Anamosa High School Multiple Championships and State Division Winners
Created Hair and Make-Up for overall show work for Sadie Street Performers;
WorldCom CEO Michael Capellas for Paramount Theater - Cedar Rapids, IA
Personal Live 1 hour interview as a featured guest for KRNA 94.1 FM Radio
Co-Interviewed Tommy Shaw of Styx for radio broadcast for KRNA 94.1 FM Radio
Prepared selected participants for licensed photographs for KZIA Z102.9 FM Radio
Hair and Make-Up for Crew Connection of Colorado
Hair and Make-Up for French Studios Professional Photography
Hair and Make-Up for Maytag National Advertising
Modeled for commercial advertising
Model Preparation for advertising campaigns for Henry Bruce Agency
Commercial studio work - ADDY AWARD for Fisheye Professional Photography
Prepared catalog models for Younkers
Prepared models for billboards, banners and brocures - ADDY AWARD for JW Morton/First
Trust Banks
Guest Speaker and panel advisor for showcase event with TMP Talent and Model Agency
Extensive 2 day modeling agency photoshoot preparing models for their portfolio work and
composition cards
Upper body relaxation and symmetry massage for Sevendust Tour - Cedar Rapids, IA
Prepared for political campaign television commercial - Iowa City, IA with Senator Tom Harkin
and Congresswoman Candidate Julie Thomas
Live 1 hour interview as featured guest for KRNA 94.7 FM Radio
Guest Speaker for Iowa State Police Association State Convention
Fund raising organizer for Iowa. Raised $5,000 in 2.5 weeks for the PAPD World Trade Disaster
Survivors Fund and the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Educational Fund for Rock to the Rescue Events
Prepared for political TV campaign commercial for Congresswoman Candidate Julie Thomas - TV
Hair and Make-Up for Governer Vilsack Televised Debate
REO Speedwagon Tour Wisconsin Dells Performance
Prepared models for TV and media advertisements for KZIA Z102.9 FM Radio
Hair and Make-Up stylist for opening production wigs for Paul McCartney Tour - Chicago
Hair and Make-Up - REO Speedwagon for REO Speedwagon/Styx "Arch Allies" 2002 National
Hair and Make-Up for Maytag National Adverising Campaign
Hair and Make-Up for portfolio shots for Playboy submissions and website for Sassy Dina of Website
Hair and Make-Up assisting with Madonna's opening act production for Grammy Awards
Hair and Make-Up assisting with Britney Spears and Aerosmith productions for American Music
Awards - Los Angeles, CA
Hair and Make-Up for "After Hours" Pilot
Core Educator for Bodyography Company; Hair and Make-Up for Amana Corporation
Adveritising Campaign
Hair and Make-Up assisting with Ricky Martin production for Grammy Awards
Hair and Make-Up stylist for N'SYNC production for FOX Billboard Awards - Las Vegas, NV
Hair and Make-Up for REO Speedwagon for "Arch Allies" DVD with REO Speedwagon and Styx
Hair and Make-Up for two "Special Edition" publications for People Magazine
Hair and Make-Up assisting with Ricky Martin's opening production for 1999 Grammy Awards
Acted as an extra for Hick Finn and King of Hearts - HBO Family Movie
Hair and Make-Up and Occasion Televised Talent spot host for "St Louis Country" - Mike Ousley
Hair and Make-Up for Sony Records - Ricochet's "Daddy Money" Video
Created Looks for Alexia Alexander/Mastey Runway Fashion Show with Nikko of Beverly Hills
Prepared Music artists for WIL FM 92 St. Louis Concert Venues: Ricochet, Steve Wariner, Joe
Diffee, Colin Ray and Band, Ty England, Daryle Singletary, The Randall Brothers, Confederate
Railroad, The Armadillo's, Lori Morgan's Band and Featured Radio Personalities including Bo
Matthews, Lynn Stewart, and Debbie Connors.
As a successful business woman, Andrea knows the importance of professionalism and commitment.
She takes pride in her work, working tirelessly, multitasking to ensure that her clients, golfers, or
guests are always satisfied. She has learned to be resourceful and unfazed by pressure situations. She
knows that a pleasant attitude, good listening ears, and continuously striving to learn and grow in a
positive direction is very important.
Andrea’s high energy, positive attitude, passion, and unflinching ability has allowed her to move
forward in her endeavors. She is happy, has a good sense of humor, and is easy to get along with. She
is no stranger to fast-paced schedules, hard work, long hours, making decisions, delegating, and
traveling. She relishes her past and all who are a part of it, and always eagerly looks forward to the